PRACTICALL A VIEW OF SOME. X CE P T 10 N s GTOTHE 1 n atechifme : }+ PROM The Cenfures affixt on them by the zflfinijlflerx of London, in a Book ENTITHILED, C14 Te/limony to the truth 0f§‘eft»3 C/art/i, &c.j ~ BY . H.171/I MMo5\@ 13.13. .---up cfivcifiwfiv -—.._.7._ A. %% ‘LQNDoN,i vv f Printed for .RVicl2.~ Ray/‘ifoza at _thcAngcl jg Igi;-_lgnc. A A A View of fome Exceptions tothe Trafiicall Cntecbffme, &c.i Being it again appearsto me by a 6ook,ith'at came to ~*«-" this town on Saterclay1aPt,(entituled, A Teflimanj to the term/9 of jefm C/mff, 8cc. pretending to be {ub- ; fcribed by 52 Minéflcrs ofC/WM within t'l9elPrazzi>zcc F of London) that it is Gods ‘good pleafureto deliver me up to be evil fpoken of, and nccufed, and to bear a yet deeper part of his bitter cup, then many others of my Brethren have done,.I defire to bleffe and ptaife his name for this his goodneffe and mercy to me, and to embrace all thofe, who have joyn"dthe,'uf hands to be inflruments in this, as thofe whom by Clyrifl: comf- mand (particularly belonging to me on this occafion) I am bound to love, to éleflb, to pm] for, and not to think of any other way of return toward them. This, I thank God, I can moi’: cheerfully . doe,and would fatisfie my felf to have done it in private, between God and my own foul, were there not another occafion, which tnakes it a 1itt1e~neceITaryfor meto fay fonnewhat ublitkly; and that islthe vindication ofthe rm:/9 of Clmfl j’e/£5, which they- who are willing to give teflimoz} to it, will, I hope, take from me in good part. 4 X e V Thefe men n png. 4. in the beginning of the fecond branch oftheit teflimony, (whichlit feems by M. 37.tl1’ewho1e‘ number oficlieg 52 ‘Miniflers have fubfcribed) make mention of mtflnmd o})in£pn:,5 ef}2iacinel1}<4éuminnaélei arrow, alamiméle laerefiex, and horrid Wafjzhe-J . - A 2 with “ ,4ruie;n affome Exception: u l i mz'ee,-wloiob are broached and maintained /oere in England among an, under the notion ofNew lightgnnd new trntlar 3 mnnjofnvhielo t/Jcjy [mug rmfon era jndge rtdeflirnéfiezze. to t/oeje2e.r)' fnndnmentnll trnt.l7rs,.of' C 197%,; _[H;;niey58ctc. .(1ll—oft/oem nttery. repnngnantw-to tbefezcreodfisjrl-g ptmwlae oconfion of mnelo grief of/oenrtroezll the friend: ofitrntlo Md piety at /oome,l=tloefonndnl and ofienee ofnll the Reformed C lonr— eke: nbroezdg‘/oe ‘nnpozrn/leld reproach of;t/ole C/enrol) Nnte'on3ro- N mllj inconfiflent Twitlolt/ae Covenant,‘ omdtlae covennnzfed Reforenn— tiny, and in oz word, else, very dreg: inndefinwn of tbofe old nt'e;rrfi=d leerefies which have éeen already condemned, &c. l After this preface and exprellion of their zeale to Gods truth, they conclude the period with a profeflion, thatthey more per- tienlnrl} néominnte t/oefe ‘ ‘infamous nnd’”pernz'ez'ozoo err-onrr of late pnéli/bed among wsoznd berenfternrecited in tt/02$: eofioing C nmlogne, viz. Erronrs, 86C. " l _ Inthis Catalogue, three particulars there are recited Fmrn the PrnélicnlCnteclaz_'fmeiof Hammered,’ 2. Edit. London, I (546. in For v\'hich%prer.nil'es, Ifuppofe, any Reader Will concludeythat thofe three particulars are by theft: Miniliers thought guilty of all thofe Charoes which theyhad aflixt to A ll the Lxnlbund opinions, we-e~c‘;. .ln,c>tedl>y them,;w'-'c.l that they are lnfterl} -‘repugnant to tloe firered%%Soriprnre.r,$z c. and in the mndefiefi of their expreliioxisétliat l theyare infamous and pernicious erronrr. V a . Upon this fuppofition‘, I holdoit my duty by letting down the-Fe three particulars pnnifinally, ton referre tot“ all impartiall Chrifiians to ridge Whether it be or Te_/lemon] to I/oerrflt/9 of_}’e_/n.r C/arrfz‘ -to pail: fuch cenfures on them. % A “ A l h ‘I The firfl. is rrecitecl by them, p.9. and it is this,That; Clarifl mo: given to nndergoed/fibnmefnll death rvolxmjmrilj upon the Crajfe, to fnti.-rfiefor the ofAdam, dndfor all at/aie’_/ins of all mnnkjnde. This is thus. plainly let down in:;tehei.‘r" catalogue of infdmom and pernieiom errors, but without the leaf’: note to direét what part of i this P1‘0p0fitlOn. is liable to that charge, any farther then may be colleéted from the title “of the Error: under which ’Eis.pla ced, viz: it Error; tone/oinge%nni7Jerfozll or genernll redemption. From whence I prefutne_ tel difcern their meaning to be, that to: affirm Chrifi to have flztisfied for, or redeemed all man/ginole, is this pornioian: ‘error by them noeminnted. And Iconfelle I lfhould tacknoyvledge A r i it to thePme’z‘:'m[! C ezteehzjhze, eh'c. it to be, if it had any right’ to be. joyn’d with that other by theft men‘ fer. under the fame head [there the ddmrzedfhe/1 hefewed ] but I hope that errour hath received no‘ patronage from ythalt Carte- ichzfmgnor hire from that aflertion ofC'hrzfi.r redeeming all mdizkéfido Ttliief'e tW0 ptopofitions being very reconc~ilcable,that Chrifl redee- med 4/! men, and yet’ that the whole number of the iinpenitent, um» beleiving, reprobate world {hall never be heed by him. If there were any need ofit , I {let ould eafily fhew the way of reconciling ithelle t”vio,byyadding that the great Benefits of C hrzfl: cleelt/9,V\’l1lCl1 I affirin to he generall, are given upon rendition, not llablhlutely (as God: love to the world, and, the efleéi of it , given hair Son, is not defigned, that all ezhfczletteljgbut that all coe2dz'tz'oha/1» , i.€..whq/hever heleitzeth in him /Zaoezld not perifhfim hdoeleverldfhihg life) 8: that theywhich doe not perform that condition (as Godlknows a great multitude doe not) {hall nevetbefatzed by his death : To which purpofe is that of Profiaer,‘ one farre enough froin all kindnelé to the Peldgidnr, Redemptor emmdzi dedit pro mmzdofdngdiezemfzeum, ed memdm redimfi nolz/zit, 86¢. the Redeemer of the warldgeztze hi: hlood for the world, and the world iaaauld not he redeemed. zed Gal: cnp.9. But, to confine mytdifcourfe (without confide-ration of the ecmfle-~ qmmres) to the affertion it (elf; I‘ defire it may be obfervd, that this was not crudely let down in thatflzreehifm, but with this immedi- ate addition [to raj} deazthfar ever} mm, H eh.2.9.] by that plain re Ptimony of Scripture confirming the truth of what‘ was aflerted, aspunéhually alscould be imagined. For litre [ever] mam] fignifies all mankind, as that notes fihgulo: gfiflefifhflmflfli, in the yylargelt notion of the word,’, and tez_/ring death for them is fatisfying for ' their fins. If this tefiimony fo clear, that it alone hath, ~ to my knowledge, convinc’d one as learned a man as doth in this Church of ours maintainthe doéirines contrary to the Remonffmntr)*be not thouaht fiiflicient tofupport this yallerti-only It lliallirthen ex ahundhznti adde thefe other plain teflirnonies ; Not onely that of God!’ giving hit one!) flmne, mentioned by Chrz:/2? as an effefic or exprellion of his love to the world, (which it would not be, if he did not give him for the "nmrldi whom he is laid toilwve) but toprevent all diftinétions concerning the ntotionof the World, {as if it fi—gnified,' onely the Eleoiz) more particularly thefe two ; Firfl that of 2; the Lord, i.e. Chriji‘, i A 3 ‘ is . *3’ V is plainly fiiiihifitifoiwhave bbeugloit the iprice, t/aemg I who den} bring apart tkemfilvesfwift deflm&ian:t0 ‘Which téoreesiithat of . I C or. 8. I I . Where the we.4z/gérat/aar, ofwhom ’tis fgfid, that by anothermans {caudal he féaz/I perz] defcrihcd to be onefor whéah 'Chrifldied.,A Thcother tefiiimony which I flialladde, ‘(is that of S.P,,m!, 2iCor.§i.14. which I defire“ the intelligent Rea.- ~ der to.ohfer§e : Where fpeeaeking of°theca;zj}rein-hag ohliging lover ‘ i of Clm:flf,hefaith, wait/am judie, "t/mt om?’ died for all, then were at’! ‘dead, that is,fure1y,All in "E e full latitudemot on1ythe»eilc&‘ but All at/am-; and this conclufioni the Apaffle infers by th'1s'madiz::m, ‘ becaufe me, i.e.C'19r% diedfar ;zl1,wh ich being a probfofithe other, mufi certainly be as true, and as acknowledged (if notmore) as that which -":33 bgjoughgto prove : and pa.rt‘icuIiar1yi thefl.-21!] for Wihornrhe died, he aé unlimited ash the [All that were pr,0v’d from thence to be dead, or elfe the Apoflle could no:..jz¢dge (as he .fai;-h he doth) or conclude the dearly of allein Adam by that medizz; i From this arguingoftiheiiflpoflle I filall make no quefiion to infer, 1:ha: in S.I’..«,m[.c glivini:y,Cl9rz]f died ,a:,'>fi£[Zd.‘¥$37Vk9 are dead in Adam ; eandiion that occafion I {hall adde, yrhe way, that the co:n’cra'ry 1 ehdoflringe. [bf C /9rz:[f:AnoteiCiy;iIJg For all} was bythe zfimtiezztsie a_fHxt<@f1 Pelagiw upczn Athatig1:oe1md,heof his affirming thati ai1’(i..h e.'ithat In-i» ihntsjiwere hocefaln in fld¢m,Aanid foimaeded not to be'redeetn’d bye Chrifi. Thizs isaappeiars by S:.f1«z4g: com‘. 2.Epi/Z‘. Pelag: 1.2, c.:2.. Pelggiani décant «D.W"7?”53&?3:. ejfe omzziflmh eemtfim in /aomixiém nz¢1:2a£;z:arem,flaz1wztm%m, Ziééemrorem, éif. and when the fldafliu _ ..hlim¢.r, to vindieate th eztnthlves from that ch arcre OFS. Axgnflinex, D heqxifeffe that C/9;-rift‘ died for a/Zimzwkgrzde, as it iappeares by Pra-- M i fmr: Epzflle) Profjzer expreffes; no manner ofdiflike ofthati.confe{1‘- fion,beut;~fo¥m€si0thercharges.iaigainfl Jthem"a' And*:the:truth is,therc is fcarceeanyi antientVVriteigihe€o1:ei:Piel;zgim',i but hath idireétly ail fertedr C }'am‘jZri;r dying For all; The itePcii1nonies.QfIre:2os;¢J, ¢Clemem, Qrigen, 2,1/.fecvzr:£z::,C}ri!l afj’emfaa~Zem, Ex4fle*é£m:,At/aamzfizsx, and he miaggxy hothexts might readily be produced, eifithat were ineedfullg And the;1hi\i1et;.itigue£’c alfo, which ofthe twci pofitionsi,i.the~affirma. tive; O_;'€«1’1§gatiV€, heflhdefervesflhe charge rfibeing the pmm of Vii/10./"5’ 04¢.-WI£7'flrdb£1r€/ieiawlvicb iv/a»z¢'ve éizmi ailreaabr cérzdammd, @"cf..‘ Thfi fame I» C0u'1d;' iaddé ffom .m3'f1Y't1'1@iilfiaifflfifiififPi’0££flZi2?¢tLi’,\Nhi‘Chi never were thoiaght to~be.,ta:»in£edi, VV3.'thga.ny" autism: or modernii ‘ hcrefie to 2:66 Pmréficnll Ctateclaifme, érg. A .........._.._. herefie (thonghlothers I know have elxprefi themfelves otlxerwiniéj but I need not fimh n.mci*Ii2xr'ic..<;‘. To concludethis point_.s,tI fuhppofe in ' afhrrxixng or vlndicating this pofition, I have born zeflimanj to the trm./9 of Clmfl, frbm whom, and Whole A pofiles I profefie to have Iearn’d this truth, and to conceive it ‘(for the fenfe oflitjns fully ‘ ccfhfied‘ by plain Scsriptums, as many Articles of the Creed 5 and for thebexVptefl}on ufed in the Pmfl: Czzteclaflme of[nll 4_m‘¢Z7?'k§71{IlJ A A Imuifi acknowledge to%have1eam’d it from the Church of Eng- land (of which Idoe yet with joy profeffemy {elf an obedient {on and member) in thofe words ofhersCm*eclJifme, eflabliflat by A65 0 sPx27".llfl7?¢6‘flt3 and infertcd in the Book ofL}tmgz'e, where I was t taught, [to lveleitz/2 in G ad the Father, who created me and all the world, I 7‘! Goal the San, who redeemed me and all mankjnde, mm! in God tn/ae holy G laafi‘,wlao fiznfiifled me mad all the elefi‘ people afG0d;. be where manlqjnde as it is ofa;"smzrram2r'extent on one fide then all the world ofcreatures, fo is it tostbse underflood of a larger, then zzlltloe elm‘? people afG’o:2l_.; and To much for the firft charge. The fecond is fet down 1mg.I 5 . and it is this. That neither Paul nor James exclude nrfepamte faithful! aftiom or mil: offaitbfrom fizitla, or the condition 0fj#fl'lfi6'dti'0n,5t¢t azlafolately require t/aem,cw the only things by 'l37l.7l:C‘l:Ittl7£’ mam £:jz¢fiified.What is thus far down I I acknowledge to be in termini}: in the Pm Eliml Catecki/3%, but cannot eafily gueffe wherein the errour orpernicioufnetfc is con- ceived to lie, unIefl'e it {hould poifiblv be thorow 3. xnifiake ofthes ph raf: 1' tlymmly thing: la} which the mm is jflfflfied ] as if by that fpeech fhould be undcrfin0d,either that thefaitlafnllaffiomtor ably A g-‘f';f(:¢Z'1‘l9_ witlaazsttfmit/é it félf; W’ex'e‘thc only tiling: lfw/a’z‘:'cla” we mm ju" ifimsl, or elf: that -all the things there lfpokcn of, Faith, and- fnitkfull nfiiom, oraéh of faith are the only Cause, and 130 faxm-.% CA l~.1S E be of our jxtflzIfication_..or by Which,as by a C A u s B, Wehret jufiified; ‘:either~of;thefe I eonfeffe might paffe for an :«erraur,: but} A both theft: doétrinest I~htwe~ fuHieient»lIy»di1«Z:1aim’ld ; and’ indeed" in n rhisdvery prcipofiticbh ’ti% dffi-rm3dsfi}iat the faitlafiwlleztflioéz: or zzflxaf A: Fmirhareee mt excluded 'nrfi'pamted_ from tFdz»£th(Which theybmufl be a if they iuflifie without Faith‘) or‘ the comlitilan tsofjrtflifimtibn (£.e.. A from that faitthswhich is cof1fide‘redas,.and a£fitm’d to the‘cM-A difian A juflifiealcion) but 5) thbfi two Jfilpq/l?le: az5fi*lz¢retj- ma q>nilred,t4§’ thtlafnflb,-tar tIw:‘qmliM'an“;afni1rjuflfficaiiom. ~ ’ \ A Mtbeb n A -view offlmte Exoeptiotis .......~- .o--..p._—.————-a... A‘ i do the only things together with it by which as by a condition, and only fo (as ’tis clearly fet down all over that part ofthe Coteohifmo, which handles Faith or jhftificdtioh) the man jztflifiod; This I fuppofe may give theft: men fome light of their mifiake, if it were fueh: but if they underftand the fpeech as then and now I doe, and ‘yet think it error,and pernicious, I rnufl then only prove that what was {aid from Sjtzme: and S. Paul, was not by me falflyimpofed upon them, and then they mufl either rnaiiitain my fpeech, or Fall A-vvith me in the fameicondemnationffhaii 5- fame: doth not exclude or fiypdmtefoithfial dc57£iom,or dfi: of F otith, from Fdith, or the 607;’- ditiozo of fhflificdtioh, h1it_7‘eqf»ii?’6.’ them, (i.e. Faith, and faithfull a§tions,ot aéis 0f1c3it‘h)‘m t_i:Iy£‘t0}1l)’.t/7i7z‘g'.r h} which, M h] 4 mmciiz‘-i... 1 oh, the mom itjiiftified willvbe ‘clear by the definition of a condition in Logic-lg, and the plain words of S fozmox; Aicfonditioniiis a quali- fication of the fubjeét required to make him cagable, or a otmflo fine qtoii notz;and fo a condition ofjuflzficdtioh is no more,then that without which a man cannot be jL;fiified;and that is the diYC& affir- mation of S.j'tzmer,c.2e.24i.t..Tefeei that h} wor@(i.e.faithfu1a6’tions, or aéts ioffa1:_h)o mom is jflflifiedadfld not hjfdith ohbi .- and again, I’ dith if it ham toot works‘, v.17. and Fdith without worlg, v.20. is dead; and fo fureanot fuch as by wch we are juPtified..From whence I fbytm this fjliogifme‘,Thdt._, without which, in S. t]ames’s opinion, we are not jt/£flL1fi£f.£i,, omd hy which joyzfd ‘withfoith we dro jaflified, hot hj faith M21)", is not h} 5'. James exclttded or fltpdrdtedfrom Fotithmr theicotziditioti of omtjttfizficdtiomhtttirequired together with F.oith,d: the only thing: h} which (as i by a condition) thamom is jnjiified. But without at}: offtzith orfozithfttli dftiom, in S.]ames’s i opinioniweiairo not jroffified, and hy the»; weadre jtoji‘_ified,dndnothy faith only, rThere_f:>tefdithfIo.lldéiiom, i0'7‘a6i‘J'io_f,Fi4iiti7_ are not h] .S‘.]ames excluded or feptzratod ram Faith; or the condition ofottr j2Vfl'.tfi6‘éZti0‘fi, hut required roger» erttvithftzitth, (1/5 the any thing: hy which (as by a condition) the with it juflifiod. i _t y The «fitii propofition is clear from the nature of a C ohditiott; the fecondi frornith€i.words cited out of S . flames’, and then‘ I hope thegjonelufion will neither be arrow nor pernitiom. . I t Then for S.I_’otil fEiS.I1'l_3.dC evident in th_e'I,’mEi_.~ C dtechi/hi that i thefttith by which aeccordingto his doétrine Ahmhdm ‘was jozjiiw fiedi (and not by works‘) Row. 4- was not only adepending on God i i V at . A y for to the P7457254/Z C .«z%t'ec/yzfizze, én". t for the performance of his»pro~mife ( which yet was 3 fair/afzllzzéti- on, or afiaffaitlat but 311}: a refigning hitn.1E:1f up “wholly to him to obeyhis precepts; or more clcatly, was 2l*.F31.t‘/9,, Which,h0\2vfE)— ever it was tried by ptomifes or commands, did anfiwver God in ,«xZI5}.$"0ffoZit_£7-, or fdit/Off!/I .ozEZ'iam ; and fowas accepted by God (without abfolute unfinnfng obedience, much more V‘ri,th0ut.,.“ obs» thence to the Mag/dicall Zmv, i c.'Wit11out worhr) all which is clear in the Gory of Aémlmm, and Iihppofi: need not farther be widen. 1 (red. And then concerning 3. Paul: part in the bttfineffe, my fylw logifiue {hall be this , He that njfirms Abraham to bej.nflz:_fied 5] that Fair/9, tar/sic/9, Imp/Ezetier ’rmt4' triedt, did dzfiaw God in 4&1 affditb orfzzir/9_ful¢Z dfixhxrx, dot}: not mclzade or /épmtzzte faithful! mfliam‘ or gzfiwt offzgit/afrom fdfitk, or the cmdirioxz of our cdticm, [mt d!2falm*el} require: them, (five. But S.Pml aflirms» fllamlmm to ée jitflififld 5] t/ydtwfaitla, 229/oi:/9 /crcmvfloerver ’tmu tried, déd dnfiver God in _fm'r/afztll déhionx, tar 462% affzzit/9,. Therefore S .Pm:[ doth not emlzwde erfipdrdtafditlofnvll az&ia22;r,&: c. The firfi ptopofition I ctmcttive wants little proving, after that whichthath been already ptexnifed in this matter. And for the fecondltfhall dcfite that Aém/mmxfdit/9, as it hath j-ufiificationatttibuted to it by S. Pam! , may be viewed both in the 4}“ to the Ram. and the 1 N‘ to the Hair. In the former hisfditlo was tried by the promifc ofa. numerous” feed, 8641:. and he anfwered that with one 4&1‘ qf ‘faith, orfdithfwlldffion, lvelaizred in hope, écyond laape, V. 18'. was A flrong in fair}: anti ghwe glory z‘~'oGod,_, v.20. wasfu/1} perfrmdcd, that what God had prormfid,lae was £1515’ to p:rform,v.2’:t.a1I which what are they but aft: affair/0, or faithful! mffionx; alhwhich‘ ( when the objcfis ofthe faith is Gods abfolute ptonxife) the matter‘ ismpablc of, and for this it wad counted to laimfar righteoufnqflétdt or he ‘was tiufiificd, mm. and thence fure I may conclude, that rhcfe were: fo xcquired, as the condition by which he was,mnd wichhut which he fl1ou1dtnot.bcjt1{7tified.: :Inthc.t»1‘*»'iothe Hal». many othct tdfiif. hf his _fdit/9‘0Iffl5t’/0_fflfl aéfionk are tmentioned, v,8. fly faith be obeyed roger.’ out 0 lat}: at-am caum;-;:y,. not Qtawinft Wlgighgr I75 mvm-5 :andtv.9. 5] fair fbjoum’d in 4 ffhzngézldn 1,: v;I:0.~6_y fairly L be dexpeficd 4 05951 that lmtbtfo.nnddtiont, 17?. fm’t}1~/aé ofi'eredhz?tSan,. tandv..t19.~ tcoxmthedtt/o.:zt God'ivd&_j'_4H£*"tI#4 mfe may from tlae dmd.,f tv. :2. 9;.éjgflitk/96”.5/£_flft't1.Ifa43Qa‘€b74£‘e??~+i wing _ -———Q. A view offlmze Exceptions _ ning thing: to come. V7Vl—1at are all thefe but aéts offaith, or faith-4:‘ full aétions in all kinds of tryals? And therefore I fuppofe allthis being outof S; Paul, as the former out of S. fizmes, A ’twill be not Edit. II”. but p.136. Edit. I/3‘. A7a.1649. . 4 But then iecondly, etrour or pernicious from their very words to have affitnfd this doétrine, and affixt it on them. I fuppofe all?) this may fer ve for the fecond propofition. V A e l A A A t The third is let down p. 18. from Pmfl: Catecb: p. 120.’ and ’tis this, That [T/you f/Bait not take time name of the Lord #9] God in tmiaflis undoubtedly no more than [tlmt fbalt not forfwmr t/9} f:=1f.] To this Charge I anfwet firlh that it is a little flrange, that abate explication of a phrale of Scripture, a part of the third Comw mandement in Exod. though it were acknowledged falfca or»fot<:’d, fhould yet be 170, farm imprtwable by any, as to come undetthe title ofan iwfizmom perniciam erroxr, a fimwn the old acmrfiwl laerefies, five. and be capable of all thofe other aggtavations at firfi mentiqned, which being aflixt to all the ertoutsini the Cafta-~ logue, imufil all-o be affix: tothis which is let down for one of them; “ ‘A i ' ‘J it i- fot the truth, mofi undoubted certain truth) lot’ this iexplication, .01.’ interpretation, thus cenfured, I have for» merit of Ggdfigni he to fwmir, and no lmo*.te.,i1andt eheHél6rew‘which Vite tender in ivain,l figaifies fmlflj] and is fotcndted in the ninth Ciommandment, and agreeable to that, ”Pfig1. 15. to lift‘ up the fimlto wznitj, is to fizvear bythe lbulot life fzl/Z)’, as it there fol- Iowcs, atozrg/iavorn to deceive /mix xzeigkéour, and ‘belide myiown judg--» ment in this »matter, back’d4 with the confent of as 1e~amed as this agelhath,AvorAtthetAritientfChurch iliatd any, I.conceivedl thattill had a molt autlieutick ‘Warrant from Clmfz‘ himlblfi Wh0'ren¥d1€f5fi.i£7§it.7 3/7i‘J':lt1.‘S}tt.HJlit:I'!l!$~l;':\tbIl!£1I'_flflll“J1l'.?1') fiovjfwrar rig filf: Fm‘ lb we tead—»lMnt;;. CK: haver¥aearidtt12atllil‘it*wiaxi_fl;;id tout/agzm qldgt/30;: flgitllmvt and again~it1"'th*ee fame mannet,1ttlJn#fialt‘m_al£ gamma: ‘m’z'ulm7,l' th3t.:iS,;;:"th3t e-of the ten Ctiiiiffn andtriehts delivered -inV'.S:irm£,“ ‘and’ hm%wghtt}dtoxarne lfictiptures "to iithlermhis ~p>1'€{entl;at1(ll