-,.&o.4 ^--^ ^ i of an i/wlrcuttc^J SciJc -SZc SczonrU "k §cbcmc\ <3^ full Qrvbc/iy^iM^ :^xt hhfrj have inlarged MvLahrs^ * * purpofcly TROLEGOMEN A. pnrpofely to puzzle or weary thcmoft rcfolvcd undertakings. 'Tis true, the manner of delivery uted by the Ancients upon this Suh]ea, is very far removed from the common path o^DifcoHrfe; yetlbeleeve they were conftrained (for the weight and majei^y of the Secret ) to invent thofe occult kindeof exprefli- ens in z^nigmaes^ Metaphors^ Para- hols, 2in^ Figures. Now amongft the Catalogue of Au- thors that have treated of this f^cred Learnings I have chiefly obfervcd four Thefirftarefuch whofe wel-mindcd- nefs and honefty , have caufed them to lay down the whole Myftery faithfully 2ind plainly ; giving you a Clew.zsyidl as (hewing you ^ Labyrinth-, and they onely are to^be ftudied. r \ The fecond are thofe whofe Magifle- rial handling a part or branch thereof, did it rather todifcover themfelves Ma- ftersy then with intent to i nflrnB others : Thefe may be read, but they are too fub- lime for thofe, who ftand in need of an Introdufiion* Others there are, who out of Ignth ranee 01 Mifiah/, have delivered blinde and VROLEGOMEN A. and unbotcomed FiEiions.^ which have too much deluded and abufed the credu- lous iVorld : fo that of this fort I may fay (not blemiOiing the honor , which Mt. lome of them have jiiftly acquired in other parts of learning.) their Works are hke Vigmaleons Image, [full of exquifite frofortioyijeature^ delicacie, and bean- ^ ty^ but not animated with the life and foHl of Truth '^'^ and whileft a man confults with fuch , he fliall always doubt, whether what he reads be to the matter^ or dot ; However the fudiciom may fmell their levity by the r^ink^efs of their imprtinancks. Butthelaftandwbrftfortof all, arc thofe, who through Envy have fcattered abroad their unfaithful recipes and falfe glomes ; (taking for prefident the Devil that can fow f 4r^/,and transform himfelf into an Angel of light ) with intent td choak^ and obfnfcate the more evident light of the plain dealing Philof6phers : And to difcern thefc Imj)ofiHres^ requires a Judgment able to divide a Hair. Froni this variety o^ Writers it is- that many, otherwife Rtdy Mindes arc toll up and down, as from Racket td Racket ^ being forced to change thel^ ** % ' Thoughts^ PROLEGOMENA. Thoughts , as oft as they change their - Authors, and conceiving they havefet- led right upon a Point, (juft like ticklifh fVeather-cocksy) are neceffitated tofhift with the next j>ujf^ (although but of an empty windy conceit \) New difcoveries begetting new opmions, which raife more untoward and turbulent Doubts , then their greateft ftrength of Judgment can conjure down. Thus {unhappy men !) thinking thcmfelves ready to Anchor^ a crofs guft blows them off the fl^ore ; per- haps into a rougher fea of Debate and Perplexity then before, and with greater hazard and danger of fplitting. I know that the tmth of the proper Argent^ its Preparation^ and the Fire, (the three moft important fteps to this hleffed fVork^ with the whole procefs, is by fome Philofophers fo (inccrely laid down and unfolded, that to a knowing Artifi it is a caufe of much wonder, why he that reads (though but fmatter- ingly acquainted with Nature ) fhould not meet with cleer fatista^ftion : But here^s the realbn. Many are called, hut few are chofen : "Tis a Haven towards l^'hich many skilful Pilots have bent their courfe, yet few have reacht it. For as amongi'l; PROLEGOMENA. amongft the people of the pnvj,there was * but one that might enter into the Holj of Holies, ("and that but onceayecr,) fo there is feldom more in a Nation^ whom Godltts into this SanBum SanEiorum of Philofofhy ; yet fome there are. But though the number of thole Elecl are not many, and generally the fathom of moft mens Fancies , that attempt the fearchof this vafl; and (\^xAMyfleryy too narrow to comprehend it, and their ftrongcft Reafen too weak to pierce the depth it lies obfcured in • being indeed fo unlearchable and ambiguous, it rather cxa£ls the facred and courteous Illumi^ nation oi\CherHh^ then the weak ajftfl- ance of a Pen to reveal it. Yet let no Man defpair : Forfurely there is ajpirit in man^ and the inspiration of the Al- mighty giveth Hnderftanding ; and though all things before us lecm hud- led up in a deformed Chaos ^ yet can he place them in comltnefs and order. For many Philofo^hers clofely fhut up, or concealed divers things, which they left the ingenious Incjmrer to (ift into, or finde out ; prefuming to whom God intended the difcovery of the Wonder^ he would a&rd Eyes that (hould pierce * * 2 through PROLEGOMENA. tbrouoh the m\i\ of iVords , and o them a ray of light which fhould lead them through this darknefs : To finde out that Path which nO Fowl k^oweth, and which the VttltHres eje hath not feen : For, if ferioufly perulcd^ you fhall finde their Books are much like Drawers, that lead tp fomechoife and fecrct ^o^' in a Cabinet^ [[one opening the way to the rert ] which if heedful ly revolved , the latisfailion you mifs of in one Author^ will be met with in another, and all per- haps may at length difcover fwch preg- nant and fublipie Secrets ; as ftiall mani- feft thee to be one of thofe chofen veffe/s, ordained to be informed of this Know- ledg , which fornetimes Gqd hath hid from the wife and prudent, hut revealed unto Babes. Wholbcver therefore undertakes the fearch of this abftrufc zndfecret Learn- ing, muftknowit vcquives heedful and fiercing Judgments^ apt and deer Pan- cies^ faithful and diflinEi Conceptions : For the Philofophers writings are not pnely interwoven with moft exquifitc cunning and ingenious artifice, but the Golden Thred of the Matter is fo warily fliipofed, covertly concealed , and (o broken PROLEGOMENA. broken off and difperli ; ( they being ever fearful to afford too early light o^ fatlsf action to the Readers, ) that unlefs the Father of Iliuminations prompt, or lend an Angels hand to guide , the bcft principled Student may be loft in tracing itsfeveral Meanders^ and fall fhort.of^ finding out its fcattered ends. Be wary then in the applicatien of words ( for therein the Imaginatian is fubjedt to many mifcarriages , being apt to twifi and how each Sentence to the various frame of its prefeuc Conceptions , and the unwary difcoveries it firft makes:) Efpecially thofe words which appear to lie moR naked; for where the /'/:?^7(?/c>- phers feem to fpeak p/^jv/t^? , there they have written nothing at all; or clfcia fuch ordinary expreffions^ have wrapt up fome ienle, highly myfteriom : Generally fitting their difcourfe with Words ^ that like the Delphian Sword will cut both ways, or reach to a larger extenfion or latitude , then fome Conceptions can ftretch them too ; intending aixl ayming at things beyond^ (and fometimes beloiv) what wefuppofc thofe bare cxpreflions difcover. Jji fine, they havefet before us a task. * * 4 for TROLECOMEN u4. for Explanation , other then isufed in our ordinary beaten track of Difcourfe : which he that vsill well underhand, muft frftbemafter of the language of Na- ture^ having run through the difcourage- pfients of the tedious progrefs, and la- borious difficulty ofjoyning her Letters^ dndjpelling her Syllables. Tis true, the dignity of this infallible Mjftery lies open to many hard C^n- ftires, and profane Scandals , lb well lcnown,Ineed not mention them; but that thereby I fhall endevour to remove, and purge this pure and heroick Science (al- moft generally contemptible) from the drofs, and corruption of an Impoftfire, Commonly we fhall finde them mofl traduce it as falfe and deceitful , who (having the repute of Schollers ) pre- tend to have fpcnt much time and in- duftry in the fearch thereof; and becaufe it is dreft in fuch variety of fiourijh and figurative Speeches, that their fhallow underrtandings cannot eafily pierce into it ; (their wilde unhappy Fancies like {o many Tailors Jhopsful of various yZ^rf^x of Conceits , making up out of fuch * changeable colours at beft but a Fools Coat:) Theyprofcls alhhc difcoverics thereoj prolegomena: thereof to be mecr Chimeraes^ and it felf 2i p-udied Fahle, But the Egyptians might as well deny light in the Land of Gojhen^ bccaufe thcmfelvcs lived in dark- ncfs, or wc, if either of the Luminaries ^^ fuffer defeEl to our view , conclude that the Eclipfe is Vniverfal, If thefe (otherwile well accomplifht) Men , would but confider how many occult, fpecifick, incomprehenfible, and inexplicable qualities there lies dormant and obicured inNatfire , of which no abfolute or true account can be ren- dered by themlelvcs : ^s the concate- nation of Spirits, their working with- out the Body , rhe Weapon Salve , the Sjmpathetical Powder, the Vcrtues of the Loadftone , the wonderful and never to be enough admired Secrets q£ MagnetickPhiUfophyy and Natural Magick^ : As alfo wha t Art it felf is able to perform , by the power of Mathematical conclu(ions,in Geometry, Numbers^ both myfterious and vulgar, PerJpeEiive Opticks, &c. What famous and accurate Works, induftrious Artifls have furnifhed thefe latter Ages with, and by Weights , wheels. Springs or Strings^ have imitated Uvely Metfen, as TROLEGOMENA, as Regiomantantis his Eagle^ and Flj^ Drehler's perpetttal Motion^ the Spring in a JVatch^ and fuch like S elf -Af over s^ (Things that feem to carry with thcm- lelvcs (like living Creatures) the princi- ples of their own Motions^ and unaltied to any outward ObjeEt^ except onely to fct them g9ing :) The Arts of Navi^ gation. Printing, and making of Gfin- powder ( which for the honor ef our Countryman Roger Bacon^ I the rather mention, who lived above a hundred yeers before we heard of its original from the German MonJ^, and certainly knew its whole Compofttion ; but that his pious Thoughts (finding it might prove fb fwift and dcvilifli a deftruilion to Afen^Cities^ Caflles^O'c) would not fuffer him to reveal the way of making it, though he plainly difcovered its Na- ttirCy force, and horrible execution ; (as appears in i\\tfixt Chapter of his learned Epiftles De Secretin operibta Artis & Uaturdt.) In a word, what marvellous conclufions,^/^ (making ufc of Nature for an Inftrument) can perform,without the help of folow and inferior affiftants as CharaEierSy Charms, or Spells, (and yet thcfe have their feveral powers , if judicioufly FRO LEGOMEN A. judicioufly and warily difpofed and handled;) infomuch, that no man that underflands the fafe and honefi power of Art and Nature, can juflly afperfe their Legitimate Children, as though they were the ofF-lpring for indeed had any relation) to Diabolical Arts, From which few particulars , I might infer many other wonders poflible to be vvTGUght , which yet to appearance or probability , are beyond the power of accomplifhmcnt : and where the vari- cm fredu^ions of Nature , Art, or both,have given the levity and infidelity of many mens judgments , the lie ; whofe prejudicate thoughts would never beleeve a thing could be done, till they found (beyond evafion or denial) it was done^y I fay, if fuch men would but ferioufly confider thefe and the like miraculous efe^s , they might be of force fufficient to perfwade the moft doubtful amongft them , that Art with the help of Nature , may arrive at fuch perfeilion, to work iVonders^ as far beyond thefe , as thefe would be beyond their apprehenfions , had " they never heard of them before ; nay to belecve , there is nothing incredible either V ROLEGOMEN A. either in divine 6r humane things : and yet they never become Co happy Fa- vorites as to be made privy to the mjfie- ties of this Cunning* Another Error the(e curious Brains run into^ is. That they look hejond Na- J, turcy and often defpife the Path for the Plainnefs thereof/uppofing it too vulgar to condu6l them to fuch rare and intri- cate Wonders '^ whereas they confidcr not, that Nature in all her produEiions^ • Vfovks plainly^ eajily, and without in^ f9rcement» Briefly, liich ought to fufpe6l zsfalfe^ all things that appear notfea- fable, without it excel in/^^W/f7, or be rackt upon the Tenter : And this is the Rock^y againft which divers (uffer ^^ fiifwrack^y apprehending they ought to place the materials of this glorious and magnificent buildings in more remote ztidfirange things, then really it is. Some again calumniate zndfcanda- liz£ this ferious and divine wor^ as a fiSiitioui thing, and they are fuch, whofc cafie confidence (forgetting the cautiona- ry Items of the Philofophers) belcevc all true they once finde Written : And when after tedious and chargeable Chy- mical operations , (the cxpreflions of the TROLBGOMENA. the PhlUfophers (ceming to look that way ) they findc no reality in the Ex" periments anlwerable to their expeBati- ens ; but all prove as defedive in their production, as the birch of EriEibonitti was impcrfeifl ; then in a difcontented humor (perhaps having been cheated to boot) ruine (with their good opinion of the thing ) all they have before under- taken. But it is no wonder if they be at much expence, that make \xk.oi many things : What need is there of fo vain a ufe of many Giajfes^ fo much i? I owing of the Coals ^ fuch confumption of Fire^ and other imperdnent and expenfivc preparations : When the Phihfophers tell us, One Glafs^ one Furnace^ one Fire^ (and that an immaterial out ^ not to be found in the Furnace of the Chymifis^) isfufficient to perfeSi the TvorJ^ ; which whofoever attempts, and cannot firrt fancy the Complement thereof to be gone through without charge^ (at leaft very little or inconfiderable ) let them leave off, and defift ; left the confumption of x\it\r wealth leave their hearts as cold^ as the drudging in ?ifalfe Fire hath made iCitix fAces palu Others there arc that clamor, and cry out PROLEGOMENA. out againft this guiltleis Learning;^\\o(z eovetom dejires have made them rufli upon the pra6^ife fo far > that they arc forced to rccreat by weeping crofs. It is the common Fate of the Covetons to meet with a Cheat^ and the fmooth ftorics of a ^^ack^Ao oftentimes (et fo delightful and eager cdg upon their griping de fires , ( which doubcleis a Knavijh genim may cunningly carry on ) that the confiding Mifer fhall never difkuft him, till he be fet to rake among the Afies for his wealthy return And as unskilful men cannot ufe too much warinefsy if they be to deal wit! any that pretends to teach the proccis of this Mjfterj • fo they cannot take too much good advife to a void their illuji- ons^ Byway of C4;^//(?« therefore, be- ware of thofe mercenary pretenders^ that (boafling much of their abilities) offer to difcover you any of thoft Secrets^ upon condition you give them fuch or fuch a fum of money ; for by this tinkling/bund you fhall judg them counterfeit nietaL Never Was this Hoi) My fiery communicated to fo wicked a man^ as ever would or durft vmkt fait ©f it J or indeed do fuch men ftand in need PROLEGOME need. They wane not Money ^ or are neceflitated to condition for a Trip^ that poflefs fo great and unexhauftiblc a treafptreifor length ofdajfs is in her right hand^and in her left hand^ riches and ho" nor. Therefore who hath this, hath all : ic incircling withb it felf, aH temporal feli^ city, health of hody^ and aH good fortune* Next, truft not thofe xhzt profiitute their skill ; thefe are the pra[ps that creep into the Hive o£ Hermes : fuch Vagrants ^owhiltCszxQ empty znd mfraught, and have more nfe of what they m^Ly skrew out of you, then you can make benefit of what may be gained from them. It is a fewel of that price and eftimation, that they who finde themfelves once bleft with lis pojfej/i on, entertain itasZer did his Angels ; who would rather deliver up his onely daughters^ [[his dear and neareft comforts] dien expofe fuch choifc Gnej^s into the hands of Tvicked men j not daring to make the Secret common, left they become breakers of the Cele- ftial Seals ; much more to betray it into untrufiy hands , for any gain or benefit. But bcfides thefe, the generality of the World are nurft up in a belief, there, k n9 PROLEGOMEN A. nefuch thing : Firft^ bccaufe they never heard of any that fMikelj profefi it, or by vifible operations manifefted its truth in any age Secondly, in regard tliey as fddom found any Man, chat (by his Condition or Converfation ) made evident fhcvv to the World, that he was poffcfTor of fuch a wealthy Science: Many of the Profeffors commonly living miferably poor^ who though they boaft what vatt Treafures they can com- mand, yet fcarcc are feen to have a penny in their purfe^ or a whole Rag to their backs. To rkcfirfi^ T anfwer, That there arc divers things which pccuHarly grow Vvithin the bowels of the Earthy and leem as bttried to us, becaufe they neither bad forth or grow up ; and withal, there be- ing fo few Adepted Priefls in the World, it is no wonder, the Ceremonies of (o di- vine a Miracle^ (hould be both feldom and privately celebrated. To the fecondj That there U^ thM maketh himfelf rich^ and hath nothing j and that maketh himfelf poor^ having great riches. For on whomfoever God out of his efpecial grace, is pleafcd to beftow this Blejfing^ he firft fits them for a mod PROLEGOMEN A. a nioft vertHoHi life, to make theni the more capable and worthy of it ; and being fo qualified, they ttraighrvvay lay afide amhitlom thou^htSy and take up a retired:-iefs-yl\\ty dwell within their Root^ ^ and never care (oi fioHrifhing upon the Stage of the World : The confideration of this Magiftery being theirs , does liiore fill their Mindes ^t\\Qn all the 7Vf^- fares of the Indies^ were they entailed upon them, (it being not to be valued, bccaufe k'\s i\\t fummitj znd perfeflio» of all Terrefirial Sciences ;) nor indeed need fuch regard the airy and empty glory of Magnify ing'F ame , that catt command an fibfolute Content in all things. Nfay, fome lofe their t/^/^^/or^r ^o far,as none (hall fcarcc ever hear them mention it ; counting nothing more ad- vantageous, then to ffl«ff<2/ what they tnpy. For, as it is a Secret^ of the high- eft nature and concernment ; fo God will not fuffer it to be revealed to any, butthofe that can tell how to conceal a Secret 'y and if we rightly weigh thisj that the poffeffion of the thing takes fiirom the pofTeffors , the root of all evil^ \Coveto^tfnefs 5] how then can any cor- rupt or finifter thoughts gxoyj up in them? A It FRO LEGOMENA. It is alfo worthy confideration, how many eminent dafigers^ tronhles, fears^ and inconveniences , the very fufpition of having the Stone^ hath intitled Tome Men to ; and how many feveral ways their lives have been attempted j by powerful and wicked men ; becaufc they concealed the My fiery from them. But lee the reward of thofe who would forcibly ftrip t\\\s Secret from any brefl, be like that of the Sodomites , which would have Lot deliver them his An- gels, [^ Blindnefs in the eyes of their i4nder(tandings^ to wafte out their time in feeking the Door that lets in to this knowledg, but never findc it. Furthermore, this Learning is not re iftaled by any Mafier , but under the nioft weighty Ties and Obligations of an Oath ; and that by long tryal and ex ferience of a mans jiiif//>j', vertue^judg ment^ difcretion^faithfulnefs^ fecrefie^de fires ^ inclinations , . and converfation -. to (ift and try whether he be callable anc deferving ; for the neereft Relation (unlefs exadlly qualified with merit ] cannot obtain this k»owledg from them Every Childe cannot be an Heir^ mr e very bofinn Friend an Executor, Am thi ?ROLEGOMENA. this ftrift care is taken, left the Learner fliould milapply his Talent, by ferving the Ambition of evil men , or lupporting wicked znd unjufi Interefis; todomi- fiecr with violence and offreffiony per- haps to the trampling under foot the general Peace : For doubtlefs a feverc account will beexa61ed by God at the Teachers hand/if the Learner fliould mil- govern or abufe this fo great a Grace. It is iaid, IVifdom yvhich findes out Knowledg and Counfel , dwells with Prudence, A Confcientious breftmuft keep it moft religioufly inviolable, if pnce obtained : Stability and Conftancy uuft be refolved on by the undertaker, overflying thatinconftant humor y which bmetimes leads men on, with too greedy m appetite, and a while after withdraws ind cools. Such fickle and wavering Oifpojitions fliould leave off betimes, eft they meet with thofe frefli conceipts, hat fliall winde and turn their Fancies p many feveral ways, that at length like ^enthetfs (diftra6led with, irrefolution) hey can fetle no where; and how ape ftch inconfiant Seekers are for this JVorkj^ beir impcrfcft froduUions will beax* %^m witnefs. A 2 -Another PROLEGOMENA. Another needful Caution may be given, and that proverbially : Haftc wakes wafle. This mifchicvous Evil is commonly forwarded by an over-cove- tons deftre ; and this is that grand enemy to the pvork^y which often proves the mine of ail. He muft therefore perfc-i vere in his undertakings , and patiently; contemplate on Natures flow and Ici- furely progrefs in the bringing forth of her beft things. It is not a Matter that is throughly apprehended at firtt, upon a flight or fuperficial view : The Philof^o- fhers that raifcd this Fabrick^y did it by many degrees , and it is by their/fpi we muft make our Afcenfion to thofe high Wonders, Do not thenprefumc^ (though your underftanding be able tc build a Stm6lure) that it is ftrongly oi cxadly compiled ; unlefs you jinde it raifed from a ground that is (inccrelj fUi?i and «^/-«r^/,managed and fquarcc by the ftri(fl Rules of Art, And con-' fidering that your Errors may prove fundamental, (for whofoever miffes hi way at the entrance, fliall build upon f( unfound a Foundation^ as allows of n( emendations, but a new beginning: You can never u(e too much Caution \\ you PROLEGOMENA. your Courfcy or be over fedulom iii the guidance of your underfianding. It is wifdom to anatomize and diffedl every apprchenfion clearly, and examine what the operations of the Minde have effedl- ed ; and in what manner the Senfes con- vey them unto you : And as yon walk along, heedfully to obferve, where the principal Thred is broken off, and then fearch about where it is likely to be met with again ; for doubtlels the ends there- of are poffible to be found out, if heed- fully traced. However, if yet what you apprehend does not fo exa6lly hit the marhj, return to the fiudy of Nature^ rhere dwell, and look round to dilcover ,:he bcft Way ; caft about again for a new Scent , and leave no path unfearched, ;ior no bufli unbeaten ; for though you :readiJy ^ndt not the real Truth ^ yet ^ ipcrad venture you may meet with fuch Yatufa^ion^ as will quiet your Reafon^ rind make you take pleafure in the fearch. And he that once begins to love fVlfdom for its own fake , fhall fooncr be ac- quainted with her, then he that courts her for any finifter or by rcfpedt : where- fore in this fcnfe may be taken that of our Saviour , He that hath mmh^Jhall \ ' A3 nctivc TRO LEGOMENA. receive more-, bat he that hath UttUy^ Jhall be taken areay^ even that -which he hath, Eli (ha obtained the fight of the. Uorfes and Chariots of Fire^ that car- ried £//^ up into Heaven I but it was? not till he had defircd, that a double por-* ti&n of his Jpirit might refl upon him* And Elijha'% fervant faw the Mountains full of Horfes and Chariots of Fire ; buc not till his Mafter had prayed to the Lord to open his eyes : Jf thy Thoughts are devout ^ honefl^and pure, perhaps God may at one time or other, lay open to thy Underrtanding, fomewhat that will truly and faithfully lead thee to the Knowledg of this Mj fiery, Solomons flothful man that fears the Lyon in the way^ muft not venture into thefe Streets of Wonders * where are Remoraes that will puzzle or abate the mod forward and fevere Inquiries , and quench the thirfl: and defire o^ farthefi fearch.ln our progrels.the higher wego,the more fhall we better our projpeB ; it is not a level ox z flat ^^zx. can aflford us the benefit of difcovery to a Knowledg, and Learning ^o remote. Aftrologers well know the fecret Chambers of the\S9Uth^ and that there arc PROLEGOMENA. Site Stars t\\2iX.hdLyt influence under the depreflioii of the South Pole^ though not vifibic in our Hemijphere. A s there- fore in Filtration , we muft lay the drawing fide of the Filter^ as low or lower , then the fuperficies of Water ^ from whence it draws, elfc it hath not power to bring up any thing ; fowe muft fearch as deep. as the ancients Fountain , ere we {hall be able to draw any water out of their ^(?//j" ; which if once obtained, the time for operation is beft known by a fit EleBioHiVihcrcin the. Rules of Aflrology are to be confulted with ; in which Science y the Prad^ifers of this Art ought to be well read for the feveral ufes, that continually and neccf- farily muft be made thereof. Iprofefs, for my lelf,itis zfatisfymg Contentment^ that I can findc fome pro- bable grounds for the pojfifibility of fuch zn Enter prife '^ it is no more incredible to me, that from plab and fimple prin-^ ciples ^ it may be exalted to fuchati height, even beyond perfeEiion, then to (qc the firings of Jnfiruments, (framed and compofed of fo bafe, and neglefted things, as the Guts of Cats) ftiouldbe able (through degrees of refining,) to A 4 afford FROLEGOMEN A, afford fuchrvsTeti mellow, and admira- ble Mfiftck^ Nor is it a mean degree of happinel's, I conceive my felf feared in, that in fo great a depth of Mj fiery ^ I am inabled to difcover fomc little Eighty though but glimmering and iraperfe6^ : If I enjoy no more but onely to live in the fVemh of fuch Know/edg , or if with a dim reflex (from this Rocl^of Elejh) I fee no more then the backjparts of this Divine Science^ though i\\t glory hath paffed by to the Ancients before ; it will contribute much to the quieting of my folicitous , and waking Inqtit- ries, Wc are not a little beholding to the ihduftry of our Anceftors, for colleft- ing into Books this Elemented TVater falling from Heaven^ as into fo many (everal Vejfeb or Cifiems ; and there leferving it for our times zndufe ; which elfe would have foaked away, and in- Icnfibly loft it felf in the Earth of Ohli^ vion* But as to the freeing us from the toyl and difcouragcment of a tedious and irregular/e^rr/?, (many Philofopbers pointing but at one part of the Myftery, in the whole bundle of their Treatifes ;) WC arc eternally obliged to our Amhor^ T ROLEGO ME N j4, for To highly befriending us with thcfe learned ColkEiions , of the oncly ferv and pertinent Things , from the reli of l\\tK large and unnece^ary DifcourfeSi (and that from cheir vprit'wgs who wcrq unqueftionably blelt with the knowlcdg of this Divine Mj fiery,) even as a skil- ful Chymift, who by Spagyrical opera- tions, leparaces the grofs and earthy trom the more fine and pure , and out of a large Afaf/ , cxtra6bs onely the Spirit. And though ic is not to be denied, that the Philojophers left many Lights be- hinde them , yet is it as true they left tiiem indoied in darh^UnthornS', and us to fearch them out in corners : But here our Author harh brought them out of that obfcurity^ and placed them before us in a branc hed Ca ndle fl:icky whereby we may view them aU at once , and where like a full Co nfort of Inf irtnnents each founds his part to make the har- mony compleat ; fo that it will evident- ly appe;ar to the fudicions and Learned^ that thefc ColleEhions were not rafhly, or with flight choice , fnatcht or ftript from the whole bulk of Authors-^ but with a wary and heedful Judgment, Ciilkd out and fekc^Iy chofen ^ and what the PROLEGOMENA. the Ancients delivered fcattercd.and con- fufcd, is by his elaborate pains dilpofed in fo advantageous a Method , that wc are much the necrer to finde out the right path by the order wherein he liath ranked their fay ings : yet not fo, that the whole Procefs lies )uft in that Methodical Chain ^ as (cems linked together by each Paragraph; but that the fame is here and there intermixt, and irregularly pur- liied ; fometimes the beginning being difjpofed in the middle, the middle m the end, &c. And befides, part of the Phi- /ofophers fentences may (and muft) as well be referred to otlier Chapters^ and under other Heads ; and left for the in- duftrious and painful Contemplator to fct and joyn together. His Expojitions in the Corollaries are very remarkable, rendering him a man of a moft piercing Jntellefi and lingular Judgment ^ and letting in much light lothtdaxkphrafes oi the Philofophers ; Co that indeed they fliew rather the effe^is oC Experience, rfien Contemplation. In a word. The ypork^ i6 like the Sun , yohich though it feems little ^yet it is all light* For the Author himfelf, I mufl: not be filcnt in what I have learned, though this PROLEGOMENA. lis ^«r j^render Hm fufficicntly famous, fpecially being reported to me, to be a jcntlcman, Nohle^ ingeniotiSy and de^ erving* He was Son to that excellent ^byfitian, Do6lor fohn Dee^ (whofe *aiiie furvives by his many learned and precious jVorks , but chiefly celebrated imongft us , for that his incomparable Mathematical Preface to Euclids Eh- T^ents ) and chief Pbyfitian to the Emperor of Ru0a, , bekig made choice of, and recommended by King fames, to the (zid Emperor i upon his requeft, to fend him over one of his Phjfitians, In this imployment, he continued four- teen yeers , being all that time Munifi- cently entertained, as his merits and abilities well deferved. Upon his return into England^ he brought moft ample Teftimonies of his own wonh , and Emperial Commendations to his late Aiajefty ; and fince retired to Norwich^ where he now Xvits^And may he yet live the full fo^e (for of that honor due to his Eminent parts. Touching thz Tranjlation, I have as faithfully performed it , and given it as plain a Verfion , as the dignity of the SHb}eB will allow ; the better to fit it to their T ROLEGOMEN j4. their Underftandings , who have wanted the afliftance of being bred Scholars , arid yet perhaps are defigned to be in- formed of this wonderful i'^f-rff. Ne- verthclefs , I thought fit to retain the Subtilty of the Myflery^ though the words fpeak Englijh ; whereto the con- ftaiit Students may but with labor reach, and that to whet their appetite f , not that the lazy Vulgar fhould pluck with eafe^ left thty dejpife or abu/e. It is no defparagement to the SubjeEi that it ap- pears in an Englifh drefs , no more then it was when habited mGreek^^ Latin^ jirabick^^ &c, among the ancient Grc^ cians^ RmanSy and Arabians^ for to each of them it was their vulgar Tongue : And had not thofe Nations^ to whom Learning ( in her progrefs through the world ) came, taken the pains of Tranflation, and fo communis catcd to their own Countries the benefit of fcveral Faculties ; we had yet lived in much ignorance of Divinity , Philc- fophy^ Phyfick^, Hifiory, and all other ^rts ; for it was by the help of Tranf- lation they all role to their feveral heights. I prcfume to hope you will pardon the want of that Elegancy and Richnefs, PROLEGOMENji, Rkhnefs^ which will ftay behinde with Originals, as their proper and peculiar Ornaments and Graces ; and accept of that homelj Hahit a Tranflation muft be concent to wear ; For faying the pains whereof to future times, if fome gene- ral F arms znd Characters were inyeated (agreeing as neer to the natural quality^ and conception of the Thing they arc to fignifie, as might be ;) that (to men of all Languages) ftiould univ erf ally eX" prefs , whatfocvcr we are to deliver by writiog ; it would be a welcome benefit to Mankinde , and much fweeten the C^r/f of^^W/Confufion^ favcagreat cxpence of Time taken up in Tranfla- tion^ and the Vndertak^rs merit extra-- ordinary encouragement* Nor will this unity in CharaEler feem impoflible, if we confiderthereis in all men one fir ft- principle of Reafon^ one common interior Intelligence , and that originally there was but one Lan^ guage. Nay, it will appear leis difficult, if we look back upon thofe fleps already laid to our hands ; for we may draw fome helps from the Egyptian HierO" glyphick^ Symbols , Mufical Notes ^ Stenography^ Algebra^ O'c. Befides, wc PROLEGOMENA. wc fee there are certain C^^r^^^r^ for the Planets^ Signes^ A^eBs, Metals^ Minerals y Weights , &c, all which have the power of Letters^ and run cur- rant in the Vnderftanding of every Lftngnage ^ and continue as Reliques and Remains of the more Sacred and Secret Learning of the A nciejcts, whofc intentions znd words, were notexprefled by the Compojttion of Syllables or Let ters ; but by Forms , Figures , and Characters. To pre(ent this invention as more fcifablc, we may confider that the ufe- ful radical words, if numbred, would not fwell beyond our Memories fathom, fpccially if well ordered and digcfted by the judicious dircdiori of an able and general Linguijl ; and fuch a one that rightly underftands the firft and true im- preffions, vAiich Nature hathftamped upon the things they would have figni- fied by the Form* Our mifcry now is, we fpcnd a great part of our beift and moft precious time in learning one Lan- gffage^ to underftand a little Matter^ (and in how many Tovgues is it ncceffa- ry to be perfeft, before a man can be generally knowing f) whereas, it this in- vention TROLEGOMENA. ir /ention were but compleated , Arts I, Arould arrive at a high perfe^^ion in a ci little fpace, and we might reckon upon jp more time^m the (hort account and mea- ;„ fure of our dajs^ to be imployed in a ^^ ""uhftantUl fttidj of Matter, ^ But I muft retire ; and confels I have jjj sxtrcamly tranfgreft the limits of a Prf- Q face ; which (if it bore exadl proporti- j on to tlie Matter enfuing) flfiould be r^ more brief and compendious : And yet [ intended to deliver herewith fome (hort account of the firfl and true Matter^ with the proceis of the whole fVork^; but I fhall leave you to the C(j//f^/o»/ mfuing, for preient fatisfadion, and if encouraged by your acceptance of this, nay one day beftow my own Medita- tions upon a pardcular Difcourfe : In * the mean time, / charge all thofe that J ihall reap any benefit by this Tranflation , under the fecret and fevere Curfe of jod^That they befl-ow upon it the Augufl I reverence due tofuch a Secret^ by con- cealing it to themfelves^ and making ufe of it onely to the Glory of our Great _ Creator, That being the principal aym of this Work, and of all others ftampeS with the Signature of [ t. March. i6f|. fames Hafolle. POSTSCRIPT* ' A P^^^ ^'^^^'>^^^f ?/?/> Preface, anc^ x\^committed it to thePrefs, I happ. Ij met with the following Arcanum, atta -perceivinz it tofuit fo punBpt^tlly with thefe Chymical Col lections, /or thefoli^ ditj, Ukenefs^ and bravery of the Matter and^Qvm^ and to confirm feme of thoft Dire^ions , Cautions^ and Admoniti- ons I had laid dawn in the ProlegOiTiena And withal^ finding it a piece of very Eminent Learning and Regard^ / ai-\ ventured to tranfiate it Ukewife , an'A ferfwaded the Printer to joyn them into one Book, which I hope will not difli^s the Reader, nor overcharge the Buyer jind thoHgh in the Tranflation thereof ^ I have ufed the fame folemnity and re fervationy as in the former ^ and finch as hefits fo venerable and tranfcendent a^f- Secret: Tet I hope^ that thofie who (/^t|| vored with a propitious Birth) fearcfi into the Sacred Remains of Ancient] Learning, admire the rare and di/guife effeH^s of ^zzuxQ^and through their Piet and Hone%, become worthy of it, ma finde Ariadnes thred to conduB them through the delufive windings of this a intricate ijihynmh. I* April. 165Q. I^^^ James Hafolle. g? ^ fe# ^€? w W ^ ^ ^i' TO THE lis TU DENTS IN 14 Chymiftry. Lthough(accord- ing to Arijlotle) Mufick be rank- ed in the num- ber of Sciences: yet we read how K. Philip taunt- ^id his Son Alexander ^ when he bund him Harmonioufly finging, To the Students in Chjmiftry. in thefc words 5 Alexander^ Art \ net thou ajhamed to (ing ($ finely ? By which words he accounts it diflionorablc foraKobie Man to ufe that Art puWikely 5 but rather when he is at leifure : Privately either to refre(h his Spirits, ori there be any difpute concerning |i^ Phyfick, that it fhouid be temper cd with all Harmonical fweetnefs, and proportion. In like manneri it is (to our grief be it fpoken) with the Art of Chyrpiftry-j whileft it is fo much d€faincd,difj paraged , and brought into dif-i grace, by the fraudulent dealingJlx^ of Impoftors, as that whofoevc|(i( profeifes it vfliallftill be ftigmatize with Publike Reproach. pj^ Neverthelefs very many, yap too many there are to be foun« g( at this day vXprpfeffing I know no j, what ihadow of this Divine Art ^ who ingrofs unto then^felves, a xcti it were the whole Worlds to it ^^^, Dcfl:ru(aior Ta the Students tn Chjmiftrj, J Dcftruaiofl, [Brafsjron, or other .^ Metal,] not to convert the fame ^t nto Goldj but are found at length ■^ o cheat with it for Gold, to the ^^ jrcat grief of niany : Orphans \ nourn, by reafon of fuch Knaves, '" /Vidows weep, Husbands lament, "[ Vives bewail their mifery. This '] Azw defireth his Lands, that his ^\ loiife , another his Rents taken J^ X)m him. And amongft thefe al- '" l> (which is the more to be won- I red at ) we have known very ;j| lany intruded in every Acade- :^l lical Science 5 becaufe of whom "8 Xing flruck no fefs with Admi- v( ition then Fear,) I begun to be z«<'^mething difcouraged, and by K example of their vam Expence^ )fi ive over any frniher fcrutiny rn iH> lis Golden Science. ^^ But the remembrance of my \ri ifancy in this Study, wherein for J ven yceirs together I had becn^ ati )« ;^e witnefe of the Truth thereof; 'i^ a 2 Ifpenc To the Students in Chjmtjirf. I fpent'many laborious days, and tedious nights, until that accord- ing to the advice of Count Ber^ nard^ I had for fome yeers read and more accurately perufed the moft feleft and approved Aa thors 5 the which ( although at firft I fuppofed they had differec amongft themfelvcs , as if whai this faycSj another denyes, wha here is raifed, there is ruined, yet at length I found (by Gods affift ance,) that they agreed Hermeti cally and Harmonically^ in on( Way, and one Truth •, by whicl means I difcovered the one for true PhilofopherS3 the other falf Chymifts, and at length, called to minde the memorable fayinj of I)a\Un the Philofopher : JIoa it fuffictth not to be Learned ^ unlej in the very thing from whence fh £lueftionarifeth. So I found men (otherwife Learned) unlearned ii this Art 5 amongft which I knev To the Students in Chjmi(iry. '"' 1 Bifhop^ (whofe fame in Chymi- ^^ ftry was celebrated of many , ^^' whom I vifited, after I had feen a ^J little Chymical Trad, writ with f'^ lis own hand ; ) And when I took ^^ !iim laboring in our Common Gold, whence he ftudied toEx- [paft Fitriol^ ( which he held his onely Secret) I left him ^ for that ^ I faw he had neither before him !^ the proper Matter, nor the manner of Working , according to the ^IDodrine of Philofophers 5 and that I knew he had many Coal- rakers, and Brokers of Receipts, J as well in England^ as in Germany^ ^ and Bohemia : But truly I found ^ 'not one Man for Thirty yeers to- gether, that wrought upon the proper Matter , and confequentlf^ not any who defcrved the name of a Fhilofofher. And for my own part , if more may not be granted me, then a far off to be- hold the Holy Land , I fhali ad- a 3 mire T^ the Students in Chjmiftrj. mire whatfoei'cr the Great and Omnipotent God, is plcaftd cue of his infinite Mercy , to grant me 5 yet in the interim , whilft (for delight fake) I was conver- fant (by the favor of Hortulanus) inthc phihfophical Rofarj^ Ipickti out fome no lefs pleafant thcni wholibme Flowers , which I have i made up into a Fafdculm ^fov the ! Eafe and Benefit of Young Stu-ii dents, in this Art (whilft in read- 1 ing and perufing, they v/erc wont i to confume fome yeers , before I that they learned rightly how to ij handle? or in handling to com -I pound :) The which (u not too i boldly) I dedicate to you the Lo- 1: vers of this Truth , and have ac- ) counted it worthy of publikc view. Deign therefore ( ye inge- nious Men 5) that this my FafacU'^ /^, howfoever coUeded by my Labor, yet by your Authority and Favor; to be prcfentcd a more lUuftrious Tc the Students in Chjmifiry* ^ ^ Illuftrious Work : whence ( by oin Gods Favor and Permiflion) they int may be able to pick out what is ilHidailyfomuchdcfired, and fought ^' for, by multitudes. *) What in obfervance. Faith, and It all Duty, and in memory of your fn Merits , may in any wife be per- w formed by mej to your praife and t^ honor : the fame I moft freely, II' and dutifully promife , and vow i fliall be performed. Farewel moft nl ' Famous Men, and may ye not dif- K dain to cherifh me with your Pa- tronage. Yours moft devoted Arthur Dee. CM ArcUatfos Anglu6. a 4 TO TO THE ^ Candid Reader. | P^en a$ Reafon dnd Experience^ arejufi- ly called the Hands ^/Phyfitians •, mth- cut which ^ neither Health [the Treafure of Life 3 can be freferved ^ nor Sicknef [ the Heranld of Death'] exfelUd: And that Phjfick it fdf remaineth Lame cndDifeBive : So, in this ihilo- fopkical Work^Natute and Art ought [q lovingly to endrace each oth^r, as that Art may net require r^hat iV^-. ttire denies ^ ncr Nature deny what fnay be ■perfc&ed tj Art. For Na- Hire afjr^ning^ jhe demeans her felf 0bedie7Jtl'i to every Artiji^ whilefi by i heir Indu;hy fhe is helped^ net hin - dred. of wfjofe Steps , Prcgrejf^ Motion J and Cmdition^ whofoever is To the Reader. •s ignorant , let him mi frefume to tttempt this Work^ {of it felf Ab' hufe\ and otherwife wonderfully ladotved over by philofophers^ rvith n finite Clouds ;) For nothing An- \wers his Exfetidticn^ who either zKOws not^ or Jl rives to compel Na- ure. Tor thai fhe ( as learnedly ilaymund) mil not be enforced^ or' ' Iraitned. But he that covets after Vame^ by the Honor of th^ Art^ or reach the Stimmifj thereof ^^ let limfirji obferve , and ohfcquioufly oHorv Nature Nataraliz.ing^ Propa- [Ating^ Multiplying^ and being the Miftref? and Guid'^ znujl re[ernble 4rt in rvhatjle is able : which al- hough in divers things it be a Cor- -ecirix^ ^nd help of Nature, whilji tcleanfethhsr from all Errors and Defilements^ and being hindred in Motion^ is holpen by it •, yet is it im- wfthU jhe jhould be imitated in all hings, F$r^ as in this Divine Work {not un- To the Reader. mdefervedlj fo CM/Iedy imfmuch oi it is affirmed of all Philofofhers^thai never any Man ef htmftlf^ mihon\ ;. Divine Injpiratifin^ could comfre^ htnd , or underftand it , though other wife he af feared a meji Lear nee FhJofopkr :) So^ in all other Com^ found Bodies^ w the firji Mixture i or Compofition of Elements ( that J may conceal the occult caufe of Mo-^ tion and Conjunction ) the migk and proportion of every Element are utterly unknown. That Secret ^ Secrets J beflorved hj God upon Ni ^ture in the Beginning 3 fhejlill re- tains in her own Power ^ andfhallfe\ until the end of the World r Per haps 5 lefl Mortal Men ( if it hoi been made known to them) elated b the infolence and pride of Devil: Jhould prefume to Create , which i k f roper to God onely • who by the un » fpeakable Power of his Wotd^ hat\ ^ endued Nature {as hii Minijier k with the Generation, Propagation an To the Reader. dnd Mnltiflicatim cf all things. Ter when he inf^ired in things Cnated^the Generation of the World (f^ing^ Encrcafe and Multiply •) he gave alfo a certain Springing or Budding 5 t that is^ Greennef^ or Strength j^ whereby all things mul- t -iply themfelves {whence fome more jj profoundly contetnflating/aid^That i/j tS things were green ; whereas to \e green^ may he f aid to encreafe^ ^ md grow up together, ) and that ;ii ^reennej^thej called Nature. There- ^1 ^<^e it is not without caufe^ that the [,i mme PhUofophers do fo feek after^ ^ indfacrifice to Nature : when with^ pj m her helf^ Art (in this knowkdg) f^ )er forms nothing. Nor any wonder^ jjl / the mofl Learned Englijh Monk^ ^11 "Roger Bacon J writ of the won- :(jf ferful Power of Nature , and the iji marvellous Secrets in Art. Nor j^ kth Parmcnides lef? admire the P ^^wer of Nature^ [^ in thefe words^ ^ that Heavenly Nature 5 over- 1,1 ruling To the Reader. tuling, and excelling the Natures of Truth, and caufing them to • rejoycc. This is that fpecial and Spiritual Nature, to whom God ! ^ gave a Power, above the violence of Fire ^ and therefore let us mag- nifie it/eeing that nothing is more Pretious ! ] Therefore (Friendly Reader) i ncf^mmend to thee , and the Sons of Art^ this Lady of Honor ^ tvithout rphich we attain not, (or perfect any thing in) this Art • that fo it may be your work, and chief fiudj to eb» tain her Friendjbip^ fo, as when an occasion ferves , je may he found fudges, not jugglers of Nature and Art. For which caufe I have writ this little Tra6i ^ [ viz. My Fafciculus Chemicus •,] wherein I have given youthemore abjlrufe Secrets of Na^ ture, chofen, culled^ compa^ed^ and digefled in no ordinary manner^ as\ being a renowned Speculum, whofA refulgintX To the Reader. refulgent^ and refle^fing Beams make knownythe tmkmrvn Secrets ef Nature 5 taking original from the ^ Chaos, proceeding to the Separati- en of Light from Darknef 'j andhy the Degree of Perfc£iion {Art hand- ling it) the Foot-path is manifefted^ and chdked out 5 whereby Nature is at lajl brought to more VerfeBion. Which Book indeed^ although per- hap it maj he looked upon ^ by manj^ AS a thing of no value ^ becaufe it confifis ( for the mojl part) of the fayings of Philofophers, digejied cnely in order ^ {yet is it n>e eafie buji- \nef?^ when as David Lagncus wit- nefjes of himfelf^ in his Epijlle to /'//Harmonious ChymiOLvy ^whiljl he was Counfellor and Phyfitian to the mojt Chrtflian King , That he fweat with continual Labor, for twenty two yeers , until he had compofed {tt may be) fuch another little Tra(fi.) As touching the Me- thod of this Work it contains ten To the Reader. fmall chapter Sy and every Chapter^ follows the Order of the Work r rvhence alfo a Mjfiery is revealed, which for matter of di([embling^ or concealing things ^ was never before 't fet forth in this manner : Other men having ever put the Beginning at the End^ and the End at the Begin- ing^ in fuch fort {as witneffes Dy- nyfius) that it was impofTiblc (the Divine Counfel fo difpoftng tt) to findc all things orderly writ. Some Chapters a I jo are noted^ not onelj mth Titles Ifcarce hitherto heard of) but rare Things^ [] even the Secrets tf the Art laid open^ ] which {as very many affirm ) ought net to he published. But in the end of every Chapter^ I have briefly comprized^ and expounded the extraffed Mar^ row thereof, otherwife {as Senior (aith) If I did not expound fome thing out of them, my Book fhould be the fame, with tnc Book of thofe Wife men^and my word j theirs j To the Reader. heirs •, and, as if I had taken their irords, and ufcd them for ray own. ^hich were both unworthy , and difgrace to him that fliould !a fo. But the Authors i have fro- laced, rvhefoevtr hath r?ad therr;^ nil not dtny^ but that they are the Mceft, the mo^ Acute^ and Af- ffdved ; arfd that the things fcleSf- d and culled from their Writings^ m (ach onelj , as wujl nece(jarily H known ^ That fo Art may he made mown in things requifite^ and the rivolou4 omitted^ by rvhtch many 'uve been Reduced from the way of truth^ whilefl onely it behooves the intelligent Reader^ to difiinguifh Truth from Falfhood. For the Truth 's not ctherwife hid in their Wri- tings, thenWheat among fi the Chaf^ \ht which with Labor and Tcil I have found out y and here prefented, Vnmasked and Naked) to theStu- iiom Readers, for the Publtke good -^ Hoping, To the Reader. Bofingj that this my Labor will not \ cnely be ufeful to the younger Profici- , ents-^bttt even grateful to the Learn- » edthemfelves j J?jd which I defirt \ you may all of you^ f^i^h-> ^^^ f^^^ly > accepof. FareweL From my Study at Mufco ^ the Q^Xcnisoi March. 1629. Arthur Dee Dodor of Phyfick, His Chymicall CoUeBions. C H A p. L Nat ar a/I Matter^ what it is, and from whence. N truth the matter of p^^^^ i which the Stone is «ww* made, is onely one 5 nor can this neigh- bouring Faculty bee )und in any other thing. And it that which is mod like to Gold, is alfo that of which it is begot- * :n 5 and it is Argent P'ivCy alone^ are, without the commixtion of* ly other thing, and it is obfcured ith infinite names, andtheman- :r of operating is onely one, but B it 2; Chymtcdii Couettions. it is diverfly varied by the Philofo - phers, therefore no wonder if the Art be difficult, and the Artifts greatly erre. Nevertheleflc Art begets Medicine from the fame^ or altogether the like principles, as Nature begets metalls. Petrus Bo- nns^-page 120. toldm. The Vive Argent is compoun- ded with Citrine Sulphur, fo that they are changed and become the fame in one mafle Lucide Red, weighty, of which two kindcs are fufficient for the compofition of the Elixir. He therefore that de- fires to fearch into the fecrets of this Art, it is fit he know the firft matter of Metalls, left he lofc his labour. Armldus Itb.de Alchimiay I. Art willing to follow Nature inquires out her end, and findes thefe principles congealed by Na- ture into this middle Nature, and not impure 5 andendevourstodi- gcfl Ckymicall ColUBions. 3 »cft and piiriiie fuch aMatter with :he heat of Fire, that from thence Tic might draw the form of Gold, with which all imperfe(5l merals are turned into Gold, in as much IS they arc ordained by nature to this end , Fetrus Bonus p,io^. We fay that the whole is but LuUms. >ne thing, which is varied into the lumber of thrce^by its operations, md in varying by one decodion is )ne thing of one fingle power^and ifter this palling by degrees to in- brmation, by another digeftion it vill be another thing, which wc :all Argent Vive, Earth, Water, md Ferment, Gumm and our fe- iond Salfature, bitter and fbarp, vhich by its Compound virtue and ,>ropriety got by the fecond dige- ? ^ion,» doth loole the whole body^ J; ind after by another digeftion ^^ lath a greater force. And fo thou ^ -naifl: underftand that in our Ma- ^ jifteriall there are three proper 8 B % EarthSj liUiW* Chjmicall ColU&ions. Earths, three Waters, and three proper Ferments ^ three proper Gumms, three Salfatures, three Argent Vives Congealing, as in our Pradifc is manifeft.Z,////// The- orica p. lo^. Such a Matter muft be chofen in which is Argent Vive, pure, clean, clear, vvhite,and rcdjand not brought to perfeftion, but equally and proportionably mixt by a due meane.withfuch a fulphur, and i congealed into a folid Maffe, that by our difcretion and prudence,and , our artificiall Fire, we may attain its inmoft purity 3 that after the perfeftion of the work it may be 2 Thoufand Thoufand times ftron- ger then fimple bodies digefted by 1 naturall heat. Tauladams pag.^i^, If we had Sulphur and Mercury from that mattef upon the Earth, of whichGold and Silver arc made under the Earth, from them w( could eafily make Gold and Sil vcr ChjmtCAu CoueSttom, 5 ver, with the propriety of their * own nature. Therefore there is no- thing farther requifite^ but that wc finde what is neareft to it, of its own nature. Mercury in all Ele- mented fubftanccs is one and the fame ^ which Mercury is indeed / naturall heat, which produceth as ^ well Vegetables as Minerals, al- though diverfly according to the / command of Nature. And fo our Mercury never is vifiblc, but intel- ligible only, and fo it is manifcft,' that it is in every thing and every // place^hence common to all things. /> LuUti Codtcillus pag. 131. In our StonCjthere arc the Sun, Fiatntim, and the Moon vive> and they can ..generate other Suns and other ": Moons •, other Gold and Silver, 1 to thefe, are dead. FUmelHAnnO" I Ution€s^pngA^%. jj; ' The Philofophers Stone is found f^of.phUof. I created by nature and our Mercu- ry, viz, the matter in which the B 3 Phi- ^ 6 Chymicall CelUClionf. Philofoph^rs Mercury is contai- ned,is that whjch nature hath a lit- tle wrought and framed in a Mc-s- tallick form, but yet left imperfed, Rof. Philof. pag.i^i. jd^iem, I faw a red Toad drinking the j juycc of Grapes even till his Bow- els were burft. niflei Sifmnium. H''i' Art following Nature will not ufe Argent viye alone^nor Sulphur alone, nor Argent viveand Sul- phur together j but the fame Mat- ; tcrmixt and compounded ofthciij fame Principles, which Nature hath prepared for Art, like a care- full Mother for herDaughter. And hath conjoyned them from the be- ginning of the generation of Me- tals not othcrwife, as in MilkjBut- ter, Cheefe,and Whay.But after- TOrds Art fepavates arid fequefters it, and again joyns and digcfts it. being purified by the addition ol i piitward heat only : Nature opera- • ting from within^ untill that out- wardi ChjwicdUCoUeEihns. ^ I ward Sulphur be divided from the I Argent vive. Fogtliusfag.io^. Think with thy felf whereto ^afuhn hou would ft labour to bring our ^'*^* Stone, then flialt thou know , it lows trom no other then a certain VIetallick Radix •, from whence al- b Metalls themfelves are ordained ^y the Creator. Bajilms Vdemi- ms page 15. When I fpeak of Mercuriall wa- cUugsr ler, doe not underftand Crude buc. MIercury, but the Philofophers Mercury of a Red fubftance^drawn iom Mineralls, having tke matter n thcmfdves, from Sulphur and viercury, and that Argent vive ad Sulphur are one thing, and Proceed from one thing, therefore vhiten the Lcton, viz. Braffe with ^ 'Mercury, becaufe Leton is of rhe iun and Moon, a compound Ci- rine imperfeft body, which when houhaft whitened &c. CUnger luccind /'/t^. 503 .470. B4 The The Philofophcrs Gold and Silver, arc two principall Tin- durcs, red and \yhite5buried in one & the fame body, which Tinftures can never naturally come to their perfcdl complement, yet they arc fepar^ble from accidcntall droffe, and earthly lutofity, and after- wards by their proper qualities in their pure Earths the tindures red and white ^rc found commixtable, and the moft fit Ferments for them, fo that they may in a man- lier be faid to want no other thing. Of this very Body the matter of the Stone, three things are chiefly fpokcn, viz. The green Lion^ Affa fa^tidaydndvfhite Fume-^ but this is inferred by the Philofophers fron^ the Compound, that they might anfwer the fooliih according to their own folly, and deceive them by the , divers multiplicity of frames. But doe thou always un- derftand one thing to be really in- tended, Chjmkdll CoUi^lions. tended , although accidentally three things may & fo called. For the green Lyon, Affa foetida, and iwhite Fume, are altogether attri- buted to one and the fame fubjeft, :>nd are always coucht in one and the fame fubjeft, untill by Art made manifeft. By the green Ly- on, all Philofophers wnatfoever underftood, green Gold, multipli- cable, fperraatick, and not yet per- fefted by Nature-,having|)tQwcr to reduce Bodies into their firft mat- ter, and to fix volatile and fpiritu- all things^and therefore not unfitly called a Lyon.By Ada foetida, we underftand a certain unfavory O- dor, exhaled from the unclean bo- dy in the firft operation, which may in all things be likened to ftinking Affa foetida. The reafon why it is called white Fume is this: In the firft diftillation, before the RedTindureafcends, there arifcs 9 fmoak truly whircj whereby the *re- lo Chjmicdl CoSeifimf. receiver is darkncd or filled with a certain milky fhadow, whence it receives the name of Virgins milk. Therefore where ever thou findcft a fubftance endowed with theft three propertieSjknow that it is the matter of the Philofophers Stohe* jj^^y Therefore let us take a matter :ciK^> which will be Gold, and which by the mediation of our skill is brought into a true ferment. CIm^ gor.pag^^ 10. arm The matter of Metalls is acer- ^^^' tain fmoaky fubftance, artd it is the firft matter of Metalls, containing in it felf an unduous or oyly moi- fture, from which fubftance the Artift feparates the Philofophi- call humidity, which is fit for the work, which will be as clear as a water drop, in which is coucht the metallick Quinteflence, and that is • placable Metall^and therefore hath ' in it a meane of Joyning Tin^fiures toge- Chjmcdl ColUviions. II ogcthcr, bccanfe it hath the na- :ure of Sulphur, and Argent vive. The thing whofe head is Red, jya^in, rcet White, and eyes Black, is the Arhole Myftery, Bafi:in. njtfio.f.i. Know that our Leton is Red, -Wo/ioi. 3Ut not for our ufe, untill it bee de White. Morunus p. 3^. When thou wouldft haveMinc- LnH'm. pall Elements, take not of the firft, lor iaft, becaufe the fi: ft arc too much fimple , but the laft, too strode. When thou art hungry , take Bread, not Meal •, when thou wouldft make Bread, take Meal, not the Ear, Lullius ThcorLf,^^, There is a pure Matter, which Exlmedcs, bthe Matter of Gold, containing in it felf, the heat which gives in- creafe,and hath a power to incrcafe and multiply in its kinde,as all o- ther things, Eximedes^^p.^'^, In our imperfed: Metall, are the Ameid. Sun and Moon, in virtue and necr pow- i^ Chjmlcall Colledions. power, bccaufe if they were not; in the Compound^neither the Sun nor Moon could thence be made. Arnold. Ffifl.pag.^gi. tuUius. Mercury is in all Elemented Subftances, one and the fame 5 which Mercury is indeed the na- turall heat which produces as well Minerals as Vegetables, although diverfly according to the preceptj of Nature ? and fo our Mercury is not vifibk but intelligible •, and it is manifeftjthat it is in every thing: and place^and common to all. Lul* lii CodtcfoLii^. RefeUt,6. THE CO^pLLA^r. I Vogclius,Trevefanus, r^ith di- 'vers other Philojofhers advife^ fir/li Jeriouflj to confider in what pom Authors mofi agree 5 for in it thej Affirm^ the onelj and Jingle truth til involved : To me therefore^ medita- ting this from the mofi [eleci Au- thorsl Chjmicall ColUHiorfs. i3 hers, recited with their Harmonj^ wth in the Sub(ldnce^ Form^ and :9lour^ and in all neceffarj Circum- Unces and Accidents y xxfos difcove* •ed {bj Divine afsiftance) the Sfth- e^ ofaU winder {a6 Cornelius A- »rippa rightly cals it) in ef en and uked rvords. It is therefore genr- 'ally agreed^ and of all confeffed^ That there is one vive or volatile Argent y retaining a certain Fegeta- Mttj^whileit isyetin motion^ not brought to maturity^ or the determi- nate term of natnrall digefiion in \he Mines, And the fame is immatu- rate Argent vive {not that Mature ^fthe vulgar)which is next to Me- tall in fofsihility ^ and therefore of fome is called Immature MetalL Ac- cording to Arnold, Riplie , Dun- ftan, Moricn, and Clangor Bucci- nae -, it is c loathed tvith a Red co- lour^ offered or brought to us by Na- ture 5 but if it be not by the Jlrtift fakenfromits Badix in a due time^ viz. 14 ChymicallColte^iom. viz. hi fore it comete fuch maturity ^ 05 to contain 5ne grain of MalleabU Met all ^ it mil be unfit f&r our pur- foje. Seek therefore the Phtlofofhick Emhrjoninits due place, and ma- ture immaturity^ and youfhafl knorP (as Rofarius [atthyurStsne is found created of Nature • which truly is to he under flood of the matter $f the Stone compounded by Nature^ and formed into a Metallick formJ>»t gi- ^en to Art imperfeCly that by de- grees it might he brought beyond the degree of ferfei3ion. Chap. II. fhe Preparation : or the fir ft wofk^ or work of the Winter. Seniff,'. 'TpHis is the Prcparation,bccaufd A there arc blindc merij and they have erred a long time, while they were ignorant that this Stone vva^ pre • Chjmicall Collections, 25 * j)reparcd with this preparation. Se- I If the firft work proceed not, ^''^'^' ipow is the fecond attained to ir jkcaufe, if no divifion be made, ..{here is no conjunff5arth, and pat upon it the fourth ^|)art of the faid imperfedMenftru-. it'im^wherein isfuch aMercury,and l^et it in a / alneo for the fpace of fix ^' • C days. i8 ChymicdU CoUtBions. days,anddiftiUit,andfo continue untill the Earth be difpofcd to imbrace a Soul •, which will not be ^ done at the firft or fecond time \ j therefore put it again and again in, the Bdm9 for the fpace of fiXj days, in a Glafle very well fealed 5^ after that open the veflell, and fetting the Alembick on again^ with a moil gentle fire diftill the humidity- and again pour on more of its Menftruum, which hath \Xi feed in it, and digeft it as aforefaid and fo continue untill the Earth b difpofed to entertain its foul. Son it is to be obferved, when it flial drink up and retain four parts mor< of its weight, that if thou put a lit tic upon a heated plate of Gold Silvcr^it will all flie up into fmok then is theEarth pregnant and prcj pared, which ought to be fubl med. Lul.Te/l.pag.i^. ^ r ., • Firft.all the fuperfluous and co: hfopb, rupt humidity in the eflencc < the Ch'jmlcAll CoUcBlons. 1 9 (hofe things, and alfo the fabtill Ind burning fupcrfluity muft be dcvated with a proportionable •Ireland that by Calcining. Then : he totall fubftancc remaining cor- rapt in the Calxof thefe Bodies of i'jhe burning fuperfluous humidity jbd blacknefle, is to be corroded liththe aforefaid Corrofives, a- jiite or acerb, untill the Calx bee •lade white or red. Rofar, Philof, Our Mercury is made of perfed scaU, bdies, andnotimperfed^thatis, *ith the fccond Water, after they ave been duly calcin'd by the It behoveth thee toextradone i^^'^^i^f^* ving or vive incombuftible Wa- rr, and then congeal it with the erfed body of the Sun, which e- tn there is diffolved into nature^ id a white congealed fubftance^as it were Cream, and would come i white, Neverthcleflcjfirftthis te C % Sun 20 Chymicall CoHe^iom. Sun in his putrefaftion and rcfolu- j tion in this Water in the beginning ' lofes his lights is obfcured and' waxeth black ^ at length he will e-| levate himfelf above the Water, &| by little and little, a white coloucl will fwim above him, andfo thoj perfcft body of the Sun receives! life, and in fuch a Water is inlivcJ ned^ infpired, increafcd and multi-| plied in his fpccic, as other things j Therefore our Water is a Fountain fair, pleafantand clear, preparecj onely for the King and Queen whom it very well knows^and thci it, for it attra(5ts them to it felf, ant they remain two or three days t wafli themfelves in that Fountair *viz>. fome moneths ^ and thefe i makes to grow young^and rend^ them very beautifuU. Thefe three things mutual! follow, 'viz. Humidity, Putridin and Blackneffc -, from whence t( glafliehoufcmay be pofited, an fubti ChjmicallCoUe^iiom. 21 ibtilly fited^untill the moift Mat- ^r included, by little and little ccame putrid and black, for the utrefaftion begins together with icfolution, but the putrefaftion not yet compleat, untill the /hole Matter be diflblved into zater, Artefhm pag.p. Oneof the contraries exceeding Daflin. eftroies the reft, whence the larth is made Water, when the ^atry qualities overcome it, and >n the contrary, this Water muft iraw forth three things, "viz. a fpirit,a Body>and a Soule, whence fiis Water is threefold in Na- ure, which hathin itfelf Water, ire, and Earth. We divide the iflTolved Stone in the Elements, nd wafh it particularly, that it t might be more fubtilized, and he better purified, and that at )leafurc the Complexion might )e more firmly compofed,butwe iiftill it very often, as the Water C 3 and z 3 Chymicall ColUaions. and Air are clean without dregs and light without filth, pure with out contraries, for then they wa( more eafily, touch more plentifu ly, and work more nobly. For Ai (as Ariftotle faithj in like mannt throws off all fuperfluities from i; work, as Nature doth. For Fii cxtrafts that which exifts in t\ interiours of things, and feeds c the fulphurity of them, fubtilizin ' and rarifying at pleafure. An therefore we diftill them, rh; we might fweetly draw out the filth. But we doe it fweetly ar with inhumation, left the exceffi^ Fircconfume the fought for ful tilties. Whence in every diftillati on obferve this fign, that unive fally there be candour and purit in it, and whatfoever drops fort unmixt, put apart, bccaufe tl work is corrupt if thou doe othe wife. Therefore we fo much difti; it, untillit fcndforthnodreggc: unlefl E ChymtCAll Couecitons. 2 j dunleffe happily white ones, and this 4 wc iterate fcvcn times, that in their ?3JGmple purity they might tranfcend fithc orders of the feven Planets. Wor it is meet they be moft pure iKtand clean, which by their purity nnftiould cleanfe and perfed other Fcthings. And according to the tlfquantity of diftillation they will jc DC dear, and according to the plu- :iiiirality of clearnefs,they will cleanfe Ifiiind touch other things. Whence ;kt ought to be diftilled feven timesj bvhat is more is evil, becaufe as di- ir.minution hinders/o augmentation rcorrupts. i. In the fourth diftillation fol- atiows the Lavement, that its every ,c Element might be rcdiificd feve- iirally, whence we diftill the Water in and Aire feven times by them- tlfelvcs. But thou (halt diftill all h ii;.:hings with moifture, becaufe dri- Uneffc corrupts the work with com- ibuftion: And the Philofophers i C 4 advife 24 Chym'icall ColU^ions, advife that every diftillation be al- ways made fcvcn days with inhu- mation, meaning that inhuraatior be made (even days between ever} diftillation. Dafitm (pec. pag.96. Rsfar. j^ behoveth thee to exercife the,^ Arnold. _ . , . __, reparation or the hlements as much as thou art able, towailiofll the Water and Airby diftillationsv and to burn up the Earth by Call cination, untill there remain not any thing of the Soul in the Body. unlefiTe what may not be perceived in the operation, the fign of which will be, when nothing (hall be evaporated from the Body, if a little of it be put upon a heated plate. Rofar. ArrJold,pag,^2^. MaffaSdUs' ^^ ^"^ Infant exhaufts all airy &Lun.'e. vapours in nine moneths, and the menftraum turned into a milkyi form: fo in nine moneths the firft work is performed, 'viz,. the fe-i cond whitencflc^becaufe the whole: is coagulated : Ncvcrthclefte the work Chjmicall ColkBions* 2 J Work is finillied about fix moneths iccording to the Experience of the \uthor, but according to Balgus in lurha in an hundred and ninety *Yagx^. lays. Mafjd Soils c^ Lm^. fag. ^75. . ^ , i Let not the vvat^ be fuftered to bnd when it is fit for operation, fccaufe it receives its Curd into he bottome, crudled or coagula- ed by the cold of the Aire, and ongealing drieth • which hapned D one of my Companions, who or the fpace of a year found it fo, iut it was not diftilled. Ma^^ So- 1 No folution ought to be made Rofar. lathout Blood, proper or appro- ^^^^^w^ i; riate, 'zv^. the Water of Mercu- liiy, which is called the Water of li Ihe Dragon.and that Water ought [lb be made by an Alembick with- fffut the addition of any other ihing. Bof^r.Phtlof.-p.iii. Vi The whole courfe of the work fj;,^^^^«^ III t endures i6 Chjmicdl CoUeElions. j endures for the fpace of two ycarsj whence the Stone is of one year' and the EUxir of another, to^ever; new Artift who never made it, bu to every good and expert Artii ^y who is fubtile, one year and thre monethsare accounted fufficient For by what it is corrupted^ in lik\ majfiner it is generated. LuL Thee VcntHrn. Accommodate well the Fire in the furnace, and fee that the whol Matter be diflblved into Water then rule it with a gentle Fire, uni till the greater part be turned int.i34, Gehcr. Imbibe Calx or Body often- times, that thence it may be fub- limed, and yet more purified then . before, becaufc the Calx afcends upwards very difficultly or not at all^ unleffe holpen by the Spirit. Ceber. lib, fumm^ ferfeClioms fag.^ 573- ma. ^ The VefTell being fitly placed in the Furnace, the Fire underneath muft be continued, then the Va- pour of the Matter will afcend up- , wards into the Alembick moft fubtilly , and the fame will be tur- ned into ferene bright and cleare Water. having the form of a water drop, and the Nature of all the fpecies of which it is generated , and it defcends again by the Crows beak, that is, the Neck of the veffell of the Alembick ; and this Water, becaufeit isfubtile^ doth Chymicall Collisions. jj doth enter the Body, and extrad firft the Soule, afterwards it dif- • folvesall that is IcfCj and turns ic into Water. Moreover know that all things which are fublimed are fublimed two ways , fome by themfelves^and fome with others; but our Mercury fince it is a Spi- rit, is fublimed by it felf, but our Earth, fince it is the Calx of the Body, is not fublimed, unleffe ve- ry well incorporated wkhjMerai-_ r^rrherefore beat or pound them together, and imbibe till they be- come one Body, becaufe the Body afcends not unleffe incorporated with Mercury. Femurap.i^i. Diffolve the Gold and Silver in VogeL Water of their kinde if thou know it. P^0geliusp,jS. And this is the laft Preparation, ualfaSoih 'Viz.. of Spirits often reiterated by ^ ^'^'^''^• Contrition and Aflation with their Body, untill thou fee thefe things which thou defireft in it. MAlJa, D % Soils 36 Chymicall CoUeclions. Soils & Luna fag. 240. j^fp^es. Sons of Learning, know ye that the whole Work^and^the Govern- ment thereof is not done but by Water, with which mingle ye th< body of the Magnefia, and put iv in its Veflel, and clofe the moutJ carefully, and boil it with a gentl« fire, till it be made liquid, for b] the heat of the Water, the whoL will eafily be made Water. A/Jli clesin Turba.f.^i. THE CO(I(OLLA\r.. • From a certain Miner all Maffk coagulated, lucid, red^ fondcrom being prfeEi Metall, in the neare^ power^ containing in it [elfe *vi% fpermatick Sulphur^ and vive in mature Mercury^ multiplicable in ; felf^ with the mofi gentle fire ef Balneum^ or Bath^ is drawn forth certain injipid , phlegmatick Wi ter^ which if it be again repoun ChjmicAU CoUeBlonu jy n^ tvith its due f report ion of Earthy ndindae [eafendigejled, and ab- ^raffed by diffolving daily by little nd. little {but yet more and more) he Body^ it dijfolves likewife the \her Elements^ and by including lire in it felf^ carries it up by di- iUing through an Akmhicky the later and Aire iught again to befo fien pouredon^ digefled andabftra^ \ed till the Body be altogether re- ived b^ repeated difiillations and ihummons . Then after the fourth 'filiation, the Aire is tobefepara- dfrom the Water ^ and to be rt^ii- rdbj it fe Iff even times ^mth which Her wards abjlraoi the Fire from }e bldckEarth.,LajHy,(eparate the ire from the Aire. And at length ^pregnate the dry Earth ( de- rived of its humidity by imbibing) A often with Aire^ untiU light ^^t^ife fromdarknejfe, and our Infant fjfjpear before our eies^ expe&ed by 'jffire then many lucubrations ^which 38 chjmicallCellcciio^s. at length is crowned with a Diadem^ King of KmgSywbofe rife the Philo- fotfhers adore ^ under the ^'Eni7ma. o the rifing Sun in the encreafm^ Moon, But in the very point of Co- agulation, which is fer formed h*^ Infrigidation , all Philofopher: with one confent affirm that ih work of the Wintcr^andof hiddci Frefiratfon^ is fini\ht^ then begim the fccond work truly Phildjofhicah as in thefe words our Count re jma, Norton the excellent Philofopher hath cx^reft : Our Philofophicai work ifmh hi) takes not its begin ning before all be dean within an without. And according to AttJ man , The fecond work is nc made but from a clean and purif ed body. Jindthis Prep^rAtion^y fir ft work he calleth a Sordid labon and adjUdges it not worthy a learn mdn^ therefore not ur/fitly faid to the work of Women, But he d ferves not Sweets, that will Chjmicall CoHe^iions. jp taft of Bitters: And thejvpho ei- ther know not, or negleci this hidden laborious Preparation^ mil neither attain the benefit^ mr de fired end of this Art. But he that doth not clearly underftand^ from thefe^ the , fnanner of Pra6iije^ let him feek further a(?tfiance from Raymund Lulliej Ripley, Rofary, whence it plentifully may be fetched, ejpeci- ally whilfi out of their Writings, 'n this little Chapter^ where^ here and there, they have obfcurelj deli- vered themfehes^ the Path it felf U evidently cleared. Chap. III. The Weight in Preparation. rF thou knoweft not the quan- p/i^k Itity of the very Weight, thou A^ilt altogether want the dodlrinc >f this Science. Forget not therc- D 4 fore. 40 chymicaB Colle&ions. fore, that whatfoever ought to diffolve, ought to exceed in the; quantity the thing to be diffolveA But the firft part of the Water (according to Philorophers)ought:i to difTolve the Earth, and turn it to its felf. Whence they fay the Water is to be divided, that with the firft part in forty days, it ought to be diflfolved, putrefied^ and coagulated,till it be turned in- to a Stone, therefore it is meet that Water fhpuld exceed the; Earth. DaJl.fpecp.ioS. When thou diffolveft, it fhali be fit the Spirit exceed the Body, and when thou fixeft, the Body onght to exceed the Spirit 5 for therefore is the Spirit that it mi^ht dilTolve the Body, and therefon is the Body that it might fix the Spirit. Therefore thou muft im- pofe three thirds of Moift, and one of Dry 'j for in the beginning of thy operation, help the work in Diflb- Chjmicdll C oik 5i ions. 4 1 Diflblution, by the Moon, and in Coagulation by the Sun. Idem "fag. 9 6 ^9?.. There is another Weight fingu- MjijfaSst arorplurall, and it is twofold vcJ^ju»w. :hc firft is of the firft operation, md that is in the Compofition ^f the Air, and it is divers accor- ding to divers men. Now there s another Weight Spiritually of :he feccnd work, and that is alfo divers according to divers men. M4ffa SoUs ^ Lun£p,ijj, I fay that the firft Water is to be Daflin, divided into three thirds, whereof he firft is to impregnate, termi- latc, and whiten the Earth, but the two other thirds are referved to rubific the white Earth, that is to be incerated, and laftly to be whitened : But yet no third (as Democritm upon the Magnefia "aith) is ingredicnced all at once, >ut every of the thirds is divided into another third, that fo the Nine 4-2 Chymicall CoUe^ions. Nine thirds returning to ofti Earth, might complcat a perfc£ o Decinary. But the three firr thirds, are the three firft Salfa tures to perform the firft Dealba tion^butthe fix other re^fnainin^ thirds arefix parts of Divine Wa terto confume the fecond Deal bation. But none of thofe thirdi ^ doth altogether ingredience th(^ whole^and atonce, but every part of them one after another is feve- rally impofed in their own fcafon. i work and order. Daftin. (pec, pa, 177. A fmall Error in the principles : doth caufe great Error in things t principiated 5 therefore that thou ^ maiftnot erre in the firft and fe- c<>nd workjwe have taught always to impofe Equals, for fo equality fliall flourifli in both, that the Earth might ceafe, as the Wa- ter moiftens 5 as the Earth ceafcs. Idemf.22z, I It Chjmcall ColUClions. mt^ It is fit to attend what belongs Ki^/^y, Proportion, for in this many re deceived, therefore that thou ciaift not fpoil the work, let thy Jodics be both fubtilly limated nxh Mercury, and fubtilized with quail proportion, one of the Sun, mother of the Moon, till all thefe hings be reduced into Duft, then ^ake thy Mercury, of which join four parts to the Sun, two to the Moon, as it is meet, and in this pnanncr it behoveth thee thou bc- j^in thy work in ,the figure of the trinity. Three parts of the Body md as many of the Spirit, and for* thcUnity of the Spirit, one part more of Spirit then of corporeall Subflance. /According to Ray- fnunds Repertory^ this is the true [proportion. This very thing my Doftor {hewed me, but R. Bichon took three parts of the Spirit for one of the Body, for which I have wateht many nights before I per- ceived ; ™ Chjmicall CoHeoiions, celved it, both is the right, take which thou wilt. If alfo thy Wa- ter be equall in proportion with the Earth and.meafured Heat,therc (i will at once come forth a new] Buddeboth White and Red. Ri-\ Mimdiis. ^^^^ of ^hc whiteft Gumme one part, and of the Urine of a white Calf another part, and part of a Fiflies Gall, and of the Body; of Gumme one part, without which it cannot be correded ^ and decod it forty days, afterwards dry it in the warm Sun till it be congealed- Mundtts p^.88. AnM^' Take thy deareft Son and joyn him equally to his white Sifter, drink to them 'a Love-cup, be- caufc the confent of goodwill joins one thing to another. Pour onthemfweet Wine, till they be inebriated, and divided into fmal- left parts. But remember that all clean things agree moft aptly with clean Chymicall CoUe^ions. 45 lean things, otherwife they will cncrate Sons unhke themfelves. irifljn Tra5iatul0pag,^62. Obferve the firft preparation, MaHaSdiis nd cogitate this, which is the ex- ^ ^^'^'^* raftion of all Spirits from the Jody, and the cleanfing of them ito their Water. Maffa Solis ^ undp^.2^0. Thou muft impofc three thirds '^^^^"' f moifture, and one of dry 5 for ithe beginning of thy operation lelp the work in the Solution by he Moon^and the Congelation by he Sun. Dajlw/pec. p4.pS. THE CO(^OLLJ(llZ Count Bernard Trevifane vvrv- d to God^ that he rvould never in ^aked words ^ or vulgar Jpeech dif- \l9fe the Weighty Matter^ or Tires ^ wut onelj in true Parables^ without i mh&r diminution cr fuferfluiti^ in tl imitation of the Wife men^ as in this Chap- 46 Chymicall CoUeUiom. Chapter, Amongft others our En^ glijh Ripley hath delivered things fufficientlj ohfcured '^ But they oufJg- ling Artifi ought to ruminate ana^ confider that what ever are mmina ted in the compofttion of the Weight,' mujl always be underflocd of tm^ things only^ viz. of Water andr Earthy which are fometimes under^' Spirit and Body, fometime undeA^ Mercury ^ the Sun and Uoon^ fcme^ times under Air andPoifen, nay un^ der as many infinite other namei conceded, as the very fir ft Matter |' But that thofe thatfeek might be dl '^ rented into the right Path^ and Rt '' pleys cloud difperjl with the beam " oft he Sun^ let us attend the proporti ^ ens which he hath difpofed in thej his own words jLct the Bodksifaip he) be correded or limated wit an equall proportion of Mercury whence under (land that the propot tion of Earth and Water muft b equall, then he proceeds further at» teaches Chjmicall Celkcthns. 47 iches^ that one Body of the Sun • joyned with two of the Moon, tvhtch words are underfiood two Yts of Water to one of Earth. He iceeds dfo farther^ and joyns four rts of Mercury to the Sun. and fO to the Moon •, whence obferve I it four and two make fix parts of ^rcury^ Water ^ or Fire^which parts uobemi,xt with one part of the p^ and another of the Moon^which ce they cenfiitute two parts of }rth^ there fh^U be a like proporti^ to the aforefaidfix pms^ viz. of iter J as one part of Earth to ee parts of Water. As appears m his following words : viz. af- this manner begin thy worke figure of a Trinity : afid with s Key his other !L/£mgmaes of the ightinthis chapter are unlcckt. ^J>ince alfo the Parables of other ^Mtlefophers are difclofed^ while k opens Boek^ and the truth is m them fcarce dijciphered with- out ^8 Chjmtcall ColU^lima. , cut a Fail. For they a/ways delivt things that he like^ and conceal ti truth ^ that they might defen both to be faid^ and be Fhiloj fhers. Butfince in Number, Weight, ar Meafure^ all element at ed Bodies Animals^ Vegetables^ and Miner ai are naturally united^ bound, cone tenated and compounded, and by t Harmony of thefe all frincipiat Principles attain the perfeEiion t dained by God^ and compleated his handmaid Nature : Not unfi, may this Trinity^ viz. of Numb Weighty and Meafure^ be called t Golden chain ^ by which as in aE . nimals to every Member is gram their fpeciallFerm^ fo by this Ch every Member is joined ^ united, a performs his Office. Likervife alfo in Vegetables (//, Nature operates after one and i fame manner) we may pre fume |^^ every Vegetable^ its own pro^ weig\ ChjmicaU Collections. ^p r&eight may be particularly obferved^ aljothe pre fix t number of Flowers , Leaves, and alfo a due meafure of Longitude^ Latitude^ and Profun- ditude, £ ven as Minerals and Me- \tds are alfo perfected in a fit pro- portion of the Weight of Elements pure or impure ^ in a due meafure of Jime^ and certain Numbers : By which bounds rightly dijpofed all [i things feurifh^ but being inordinate [Andconfufed^ there is made a Chaos, Imperfection^ and a Diffolution of hhe Compound, For in their Con- \i catenation and Connexion, is rehuiU 1 an admirable power af Art and Na- i ture^ neither can Nature her felf %\conftft without thefe^ nor Art per-^ ]• form any thing. Not envioujlj there- i fore did the Fhilo fop hers wonderful- ly conceale the Proportion of the il^, Elements^ and the mixture of them I in their operation^ as if this being ( known they h^dunvailed all things ^ I But as much as belongs to cur pur* w JO Chjmkall CcUeffhns, fofe^ viz. the tveight ef the Philo- fophick fVorky theje things onelj art frincifAllj oiferved^ to wit. Equals^ two to one, three to one^ nine to one 5 . t^hich when and how they are to be diftinguifht^ our Daftin (4 famoui Ihilofofher) hath in thefe words clearly opened : When thou diffol- vcft, the Spirit ought to exceed the Body, and when thoudoft fix, the Body to exceed the Sfitit.Who . therefore knows the due time of Pu- trefaCiion to (olmion^the time oflm- bibitiony Beficcation , Fermentation^ andlnceration^fhall with eafie pains and [mall endevonr from the fore- }2 tiumbred Proportions ^ make choice of what is convenient for every time or feafon of the Work, And he that hath known the Weighty {as Petrus Bonus faith) hath known the whole My fiery ^ and he that is ignorant of it^ let him leave digging in ottr Boeks^ C H A P » !« Chymkall CtlUci'ttnsi 5 1 Chap. IV. The Philofofbcrs Fire^ tPhat ? TAke Water Proportionated iiMin^. in quality according to the iody which thou wouldft dil- Tolvc, in fuch a manner, as the tinnaturall may not exceed the laturall heat •, for every complexi- )natcd thing is deftroyed, unleffe he Fire of Nature govern in There are thr<:e Humidities, the irftis Water, the chief of refol- able things •, the fecond is Air, nd it is the mean between Water nd Oil •, the third is Oil it felf^the erative of all Elements, and our- nall Secret. Lull, fra^ka fch 75. Our Fire is Minerall, and vx- '^onknim:. ours not, unleffe it be too much irred up, whofe proportion mufl ) known, that it may only (fir up li€ Matter, and in alliort time, E 2 that 5 2 Chymicall Colle^ions. that Ere without the Impofition of hands, will compleat the whole work. Pont a. pa. /^o. Sam. The Fire which we fliew thee is Water, and our Fire is Fire, and not Fire. Sem0r.pag.2g. mrdams. Argent vivc is a Fire, burning, mortifying, and breaking Bodies, more then Fire. Dardarius in Tut- baw^. Void. I fay with LuUius that this Wa- ter, or Vive Argent is called Fire of the Philofophers, notbccaufe inwardly it is of its own Nature, hotter then Oil,or the forcmenti oned radicall moifture^but becauC in its a(5tions it is more powerful then Elementary Fire, diffolvins Gold without violence, whici Fire cannot doe. Fogel.pa.i/^^, LMis. Let the Artift well confider wha arc the powers of Fire natural! unnaturall, and againft nature and what may be the friend, enemy of each, LuU. Codicp.yj It is fit the heat be (o much, as yentura, that thou maift by fweating fend forth the Water, and let it be no way hardened or congealed ^ be- caufe Gumme, contrary to the Nature of other things, fweats, and is coagulated with gentle de- coftion. Ventura fa. 117. Philofophers have four diffe- ^'i'^^- rent Fires, i//^. Naturall, Unna- turally againft Nature, and Artifi- , ciall, whofe divers operations the Artifts ought to confider. Ri- pleuspa.^^. The Fires meeting themfelves, ^°^"^' devour one another. Kofi».pa.26^. The Spirit is a fecond Water of ^^«/^. which all the things forementio- ned are nouriflied, every plant re- frefht and quickned, every light kindled, and it makes and caufes all Fruit. The firft Water being the Sun is Philofophically calci- ned, that the Body might be ope- ned, and made fpongious, that E 3 the the fecond Water might the bet- ter enter, to operate its work, which fecond Water is the fire againft Nature by whofe pow^r the complement of this Magifte- ry is performed. ScaU pa.iz^. ppicm, ' We calcine perfeft Bodies with the firft Fire naturally, but no unclean Body doth ingredience our work except one, which of the Philofophers is called the Green l^ion, which is the medium of un:V ting and joining Tin(ftui;ps. Rtfl. Tbcvc is a certain Soul exifting between Heaven and Earth^arifing from the Earth, as Aire with pure Water, the caufe of the life of all living things, continually running down upon our fourfold Nature producing her \\ith all its power to a better condition, which airy Soul is the fecret Fire of our Phi- lofophy, otherwife called our Oil, and myftically our Water, idem ChjmcAll ColUSihm. j j Our Mercury is made of per-^rf/^r. ftil then Water. Fogel.p. 134. If any know to make choice ofpiamims, bch Matter as Nature delights, nd to inclofe it rightly prepared 1 his VefTel and Furnace 5 He and (faith Nature) will forthwith doc he Work : fo he provide the re- uifite Fire, Naturally againft Na^ ure, not Naturall, and without irdour. FlameLpa.n^. E4 We 5 6 ChjmtcaU CoUeaions. tuuim. We therefore call it Innaturall or not Naturall, becaufe it is nottn naturated of it felf, nor takes away 4 any thing from naturated Nature,; nay it rather helps her, by the Me- diation of a moderate Exercife,, according to what Nature requires in her Reformations. Lullius Co die. fa, 2^, /irtephetis.^ Our Fire is Mineral!, is equaIl,is|on continual!, it vapours not unlefleifi it be too much ftirred up, it parti- cipates of Sulphur, it is taken elfe where then of Matter , it dc- ftroys, difiblves, congeals, andi§ calcines all things , and it is Ar' tificiall to findeour,a compendi- um, and without coft, or at leaft very little^ it is alfo moift, vapo- rous, digefting, altering, penetraJ ting, fubtill, airy, not violent, noi t fuming, encompa(rmg,containingi oncly one, and it is the fountain of Life,or which incircles the Wa^ ;er of Life, and it contains the King rai Chjmicdll CoIh5iions. yy ing and Queens bathing place: the whole Work that humidFirc all fufficc thee, both in the bc- ;inning5 middle, and end, becaufc ti it the whole Art confifts, and it 5 a Fire Naturally againft Nature^ nd Unnaturall, and without Ad- iftion 5 And to conclude, it is a Fire hot, dry, moift, cold ; think m thefe things and doe rightly, without any thing of a ftrange na- ure. The third is that Naturall Fire if our Water, which is alfo called gainft Nature, becaufe it is Wa- er, and nevertheleflc of Gold it inakes mcer Spirit , which thing rommon Fire cannot doe : this is VIinerall,Equall3& participates of Sulphur, itdeftroys, congeals, dif- blves, and calcines all things,this s penetrating,fubtilc, not burning, imd it is the fountain of living Wa- cr, in which the King and Queen ^afli thcmfelves, which we (land in Jo ChjmtcaU CctkcUgns. in need of, in the whole Work, i the beginning, middle, and enc but not of the other two, cxcq fometimes onely. Join thcrctoi in reading the Philosophers Bool thefe three Fires, and withoi doubt thou wilt not be ignorant c their fenfe and meaning concei ning Fires. Artephius pa.^i, D»fm. • Weigh the Fire, meafure th Air, mortifie the Water, raife u the heavy Earth. Da^in (pec.pi 202. Ltdim. ^y ^^nieft coafideration c ' things Naturall, Innaturall, an, againft Nature,it behoveth thee t attain the Materiall and EflTential knowledge of the temper,throug all his parts Eflcntiall, and alf« Accidentally that thou maift kno\ how to behave thy felf in our fail Magiftery , having fo comprehen ded the faid principles. LuU.Thm There arc four principall Fircj tc be obfcrved, in rcfped: |of the ibftance and Propriety of the ur Elements. Idtmfa.i'ji^. Altliough in our Books we have LuUm. ndled a threefold Fire,Naturall, natiirall, and againft Nature, d other different Manners of ir Fire; ncvertheleffe we would ;nifie one Fire, from more com- und things, and it is the greateft ^Tet to come to the knowledge this. Since it is no Humane, t Angelick and heavenly gift to zeal, LuU.Teftamem pa.jS. Son, our Argent vivCjOr part ofiuUm, is Water diftilled from its rth, and the Earth in like man- r is our Argent vive, animated, d the Soul is Naturall heat, lich ftands bound together in I firft EfTence of the Elements Argent vivc. idem. In the Strudure of the Fire rrcvifm. ne differd from others^although ;yali aimed at the fame fcope, name- ^o Chjmicall ColkCiions. namely, that it (hould be made a tcr this manner, left the fugieii , fhould firft fly away, before tl Fire could any way bring forth t perfequent thing. Bernard. Com Scaia. , ThePire which we fliew to thee Water-, and our Fire, isFirc5ai not Fire. Scala. p^.148. suia. R^imond fpeaking of Fires in \\ Compendium of the Soul, fai It is to be noted that here lie c trary operations, becaufc as c tranaturall Fire diffolves the Sp ofafixt Body, into the Water a Cloud,and conftringeth the ~ dy of a volatile Spirit into c gealed Earth: So contrariwife Fire of Nature, congeals the folved Spirit of a fixt Body i glorious Earth 5 and refolves Body of a Volatile Spirit, fixt | J Fire againft Nature, not into Water of a Cloud, but the Wal of the Philofophers. Sca'.a.fa.im^i {J Chjmicall ColU^iions. 6l JQ The Water of which the BaxhsafiL t F the Bridegroom ought to be ^^^^^^ 1 1' lade is of two C hampions ^ that ^« . to be underftood, confcded of vo contrary Matters wifely and £{'ith great care, left that one ad- i erfary may vanquiih the otherl 1 1 Whatever anions they nomi- xo/s- :it atejknow that thcfe things arc al- o^ays done by the a(5lion of the oicat of certain Fire, which caufes pot Sublimation becaufe it is fo r jentle, nor may it elevate any Ei'moke naturally, by reafon of its (debility, whence if it be fuch as ;may in a manner elevate and not ( devate, it is good. Rofin.ad Sdrrd- The co%pLLA\r. b // anj would rightly x^eigh the Apngs of Philojophers in this Chdfter^ the mamcr of their Eqni- *V0CA- 62 ChjmicallCoBe^ms. 'VQcathns would appear clearer the ^ the Sun^fer as they have decifhen \^ the fecond Work fomewhere^ m fi name of the fir ft Work^ fo in th chapter they nominate the fecon, Water thefirft Watery and the thir Water the fecond^ tu it appears i Scala. pa. 1 2 3 . rvhere it is faid tk the fir ^ Water the Sun calcines ^thi the fecond might the better enter And again^ the fecond Water is Fi> dgainjt Nature. And Ripley m ters like things alfo in his Prefaa But let every Artift knpfv that th frft Water is Phlegm only, orunna turaU Fire^ becaufe it is not naturei of it [elf ^ nor takes any thing fron natured Nature^ and that it is unfi to calcine or prepare any perfel Body^ hut this Work belongs to Natu raU Fire^ to mt, that the per fe^ Bo dy be calcined and prepared in thai fecondWater^or Naturall Fire, thai after it might be dtfjolved in th third Water or Fire again ft Naturifi Bui Chymicdll CoOeotions. tf ♦ Has they call their fecond Work^ efrfly becaufe nothing enters intd atlVork^ which hath not been pu^ Hedy cleanfedy and purged in the f Work : So alfo they mil not re recite thefrfi Water for their ater^ ftnce it is onelj Phlegme.not tring the Philofofhick Work : But H the fecond the firjl, and the third t fecond^ which indujlrioufly they e that they might deceive andfe^ ce the Ignorant. \ of the fame fort til Artcphcus alfo^ while he ende- ared promifcffouflj to confound e name of Natnrall Fire^ with the me of Tire againfi Nature^ in i^/iijrW/^ The third {faith he) is iat NaturallFireof our Water, hich is alfo called againft Na- '^^re, becaufe it is Water, nevcr-^ elcfl'c of Gold it makes meer pirit, which common Fire can- )tdoe. But withthefe Equivo- tions whofo is unexpert is eajtlj df^ed into the greater Error. But as g^ ChjmicAllColleatQjis. as the whole Theorick of Phyftck i comprehended in the Explanation c three things-^ vii.Naturall^lSton'm turall^ and ContranaturalL So tht. whole Hermetick and Divine JVer is performed with Fire^ Natural ^m Natural^and againfi Nature ^whic Fires are of the Philofophers^ vaiU inthe name oj Fire ^ although to i thej appear inform of Water ^ clea> jure^ crjjlallinejvhich tortures ^c a, cinesy exanimates^ and inanimati the PhyficaS Body^and at length rej ders it more then perfeCi^ which ne ther b'j the violence &f common Fir nor virulence of corrofive Water nor by the Spirits of any Anima^ Fegetahle, or Mintrallcan perform ^ And he that knows not from ^j onely Subject to draw oat^ feparat reffifie^ and compound thefe met jlruous Matters, thefc Fires^ the Waters y thefe Mercuries^ is ignora\ of the Key of the whole Work, The$ fore in thefe mufl be the toil. Cka ChjmtCMlXiouecftons. ^y Chap. V. The Rife 0r Birth $f the Stone. T^H E birth of the Earth is made LuUm. A by the way of invented Sub. imation : That the Earth hath :onceived and drunk of the Wa- er of Mercury as much as fuffices, ^ou may difccrn and know it by lS volatility^ & privation of feces nd dreggcs from the moft pure iubftance, while it afcends after he manner of moft pure and moft ;hite duft, or of the leaves of the 'Ioon,orof fplendid Talk. But hen thou feeft the Nature of the iioft pure Earth elevated up- wards, and as a dead thing even dherc to the fides of the fubliming /effell, then reiterate the fublima- ion upon her, without the dregs miaining below,becaufe that part xc with the dregs adheres, and F then es ChymicallCoHe^hns, ' then no man, by any meanorindu-j ftry, can fcparate it from thcm.f Lu/I, Codic .fa. 193. Ij Lniiius. Son, you may know that this^ is thegenerall head to all Subli-J mation of Mercuries. Then takel the pregnant Earth, and put it intoj a Sublimatory veffell luted andj well (luit up, place it in Fire of the third degree for the fpace of twen- ty four hours^and fublime the pure from the impure, and fo (halt thou have the Vegetable Mercury fublimated, clear, refplendent, in admirable Salt^ which we properlj j call Vegetable Sulphur, Sal almo- niack, our Sulphur, the Sulphuii of Nature, and many other namci we impofe on it. LuU. Tejl.p,^. The Water approaching, thai is Argent vive in the Earth, en creafeth , and is augmented be caufe the Earth is whitened, anc then it is called impregnation,thef the Ferment is coagulated, vtz, joiner Semka Scmitte, Chymicall CaUtEiloni. 6j oincd with the impcrfcft Body, rcpare it^ as hach been faid, till it •ccomc one in colour and afpeft, nd then it is called the Birth, be- aufe then is born ourS tone, which f the Philofophers is called a •^ing. Stmita Semt/e, f.441. Son, it is a fign when it hath im- luIHus. ibed^ and retained four parts lore of its Weight, that if thou ut a little on a heated plate of lold or Silver, it will all as it ere flyaway into fmoke^which if doe not fo ^reiterate it untili fuch Sign appear. LnlLTeft.pa,i6. But to know this day of the Vetm :rifis, and the Birch or Rife o^^'^^^^'- ic Stone, which is the term of le whole confummation of the Vork; it is meet to foreknow the 'idicating day, finceitis the very gn it felf, and things indicated c as it were things figniSed,for lereis the perfection, or annihi- tion of the Work,becaufe in that 1 F 2 very 6t Chymicall CoUt6iions, very day^nay hour^the fimple Elc ments arife^purificd from all filths, which prefently ftand in need oi Compofition, before they fl}'' from the Fire, and are turned intc Earth, that is in their fixation, anc not fooner nor later. Petrus Bonu ^^^^^■- And when thou flialt fee tha thing excelling in its whitened thewhiteft fnow, and as it wer dead, adhere to the fides of th fubliming vefl'ell, then reiterate iv Sublimation without dregs. Cel in lib. Summa ferfe^iiemsfd.iC^ VmuYcu When this Mercury arifts, th Sun and Moon arifeth togethc with it in its Belly. Fent.j?a,ijo. scaia, r. The Heaven is to be reiterate fo often upon the Earth till tlii( Earth become Heavenly and Sp rituall, and the Heaven be mac ki earthly, and be joined with tf Earth. ^^4/^.^4.121. yogei. Reftore the vivc Argent to tl Eari tn tai ChjmicallColk6iiom. 5p [arth and deco(fi \t^ and as be^ we fublime, and that reiterate mt or twelve times, always aug- lenting the Fire in the end, untill lie Earth with often fublimation ad force of the Calcining Fire ecomc White and more Spiritu- U, part of it being made more ibtill, begin fomething to afcend ^om the bottome of the VeffcU^ nd to adhere to its fides. But this urging of the Earth, which is 'crformed by Sublimation, is al- ogether neceflary before the Phy- icall Work begin. KogeLpa.iii. The Argent vive. exuberated, clangor, ihat is the Body of the Earth, pafr ^'''^' ing together with the raenftruous i/Iatter through the Alembick,and he Sulphur of Nature, is the Spi- iit of Metals, fublimated and tut- iicd into. foliated Earth, which.is I he firft and neereft matter of Me- als. C/'4;;^. 5'«^r./^.48o. i Therefore burn it. with dry Fire, ^n^otu. F 3 that 4 70 chjmicaS C(^/leciiam^ that it may bring forth a Son, a keep him warily left he fly away] into fmoke : and this is that which,||] the Philofopher faith in his Tttrb^i Whiten the Earth, and Suhlimtimi it quickly with Fire, untill th(!|o Spirit which thou fhalt findc in % goe forthrof it, and it is caUeciu Hermes Bird^ for that which ajf fccnds higher is efficacious purity^ but that which fals to the botjM tome, fs drofTe and corruptio% This therefore is Duft drawn froi% Duft, and the begotten of thfi Philofophers, the white foliateqf^ Earth, in which GoJd is to b fawn. Arifi.pa.^ji. itiUius. Gather carefully what thou fin 4cft in the middle fublimatcd, lef it fly away into Smoke, becau( that is the approved fought fo Good, the better Beft, the whit foliated Eirth coagulating as th' Rennet of a lamb, the Allies, o Afhes, the Sail of Nature, thebe gottei tChjmica/l ColleUions. 7 1 itten Infant, the firft and neareft ^tter of Metals^the firft Subjed \ which are its proper Elements, ^ wit of Natur'd Nature -, the loift and temperate Matter ought >be reduced and fixt, till it flow 'kh its Ferment, like Wax with- ixt Smoke, and endure all Fire. Therefore labour with it to Silver, W thou maift quickly begin the f agiftery-, nor let it wax old with- li)t commix^tion, becaufc thou ^ft not take it, unleflc new made fter the Birth with its Blood. Ltd. I If from Subliming little fliall du^. ome forth and clean^the Fire will tt be little. Therefore let it bee ^creaft. But if much and unclean, be Fire is fuperfluous, therefore ^ it be withdrawn. But if much iid clean, then the proportion is bund, DaJi.fpec.p./\S. ■ The Duft afcending higher from Ksfar. he Dregs, is Aflies, Honoured, F 4 Sub- 7 1 ChjmicaU Couecitom. Sublimed, Extraded from the A-^ id flies, but that which remains ht^ im low is Aflies of Aflies, inferiour^j t vilified, condemned A(hes,a drcg^i na and like drofle. Therefore make ante difference between its clear andp; limpid , becaufe when it fliall a-jt) fcend moft white as Snow, it will W be complcat, therefore gather it carefully, left it fly away into] Smoke, becaufe that is the very|(i[ fought for good, the white folia-^bli ted Earth, congealing what is tok be congealed. RofAnm Armldiyifii p^.427. jiil Qekr. The Calx or Body muft be of-jll ten imbibed, that thence it might u be fublimed, and more yet purge^tii then before, becaufe the Calx dothK not at all, or very difficultly climb upward, aflifted by the Spirit. Ge hjSrJib, fummdi perfeffionis,p,ij2, jfmphcus. O Nature how doft thou burn Bodies into Spirit, which could apt be done, if the Spirit were not firft Chjmicall Colk6tions» 73 irft incorporated with the Bodies, nd the Bodies with the Spirit cmde volatile, and afterwards per- pianenr. Therefore the compound eceives its clcanfing by our Fire ; Fi;&.by difTolving the humid, and y Tubliming what is pure and /hire, the dregs being caft forth, s a naturali Vomit. For in fuch a Oiffolution and naturali Sublima- liMi, there is made a dcligation of he Elements, a cleanfing and fe- ^aration of the pure from impure, 6 that the pure and white afcends ^pwards^ and the impure and ear- hy remains fixt in the bottome of he VelTel, which is to be caft brth and removed (becaufe it is l)f no value) by receiving onely a iijniddle white fubftance.. And in (his is accompliflu our Philofor* ^hicall and Naturali Sublimation, lot in the Vulgar unfit Mercury, vhichhathno qualities likethefe, iyith which our Mercury drawa from 74 Chymicall CoSeffiins. I from the red fervant is adorned.l The firft part abides not^unleffelf^ it be bound to the fecond in thcf kmc hour. Idem, i] It is fit that the end be reftorcdl^ upon its beginning, and the bcgin*P ning upon the end. /<«/^/». F When the Artift fees the whitep Soul rifen, let him join her imme-i^' diately to her Body. When t\\4^ clean and candid Water (hall bep generated, it is nneet we join theP Earth to it in the fame Hour. f Plato. And according toPUt^^x he Fierij nefle is contraried in the hour ow coagulation. te And according to Dajlin^ by!W the accede of Cold, the Waterlpi may well be turned into dry Earth. Idtm. There is one and the fame thing in the Subjecft having all thcfe pro^ ^^ perries, and operations 5 for whik^^i it remains in liqucfaftion, by rea-'^i fon i Chjmcall CoUel^ions, of Subtilty it is called Spirit^ ►ut which Spirit there can ithcr be made Generation, noc ;onjunvc the {bfength of the Soul, by equality of Spirit it is tur- ned 75 7^ Chjmicall Collections. njcd from A(5l into Habit, then the Body retains the Soul altogether, nor ever hath the power to fly from the Fire^ and the Workman hath hi$ purpofe, which the Aim- cients had, and then the Spirit re- mains always with them, fome times in pjty and fomecimes in Habit. But a quick and double in- fight is altogether neceflary, fpcci- ally both in the end of Decoftion and Subhmation, that all the fu perfliiities being whitened, the Ar i tift may fee the wonderful! ancj terrible Candor, and may prefent ly obtain his joyfulland quiet reft after this Confummation of La hour, for then by infrigidating xh Moon, the Sun is hidden in hcj Bowels, and the Eaft is joined t( the Weft, Heaven to Earth and Spirituall to Corporall whence is faid in TurbAf Knowy that yefhall not Die the purpl Colour^but in Cold. And Hermes Whof Chjmkall Collellions. 77 iVhofc Nature hath been hot, if Cold find him^it (hal nothurt him* ^nd Avicen^ Know that he which liath evaporated all , hath wrought ivcU, therefore make it Cold,, for :hcn is manifeft the hidden, and the Manifeft by infrigidating is hid- And this Infrigidation or cooling s done with reft, in which there is 10 operation of the hands, fince it iS the end of operation* Mar gar it a f>reti0fa, fa.zo^. That Earth fo mingled with uMks, Menftruous Matter^ is called Ar- gent vive. Exuberated, which ga- ther fpeedily, and while it is new ; after its Birth put it in Water of Metals, in digeftion in a tripodc of the Athanor. Lu/I,*Teji.f. 21. This is our Mercury fublimed, ^^^ and made fixt from the white al- t-cKd Earth of Bodies , arifing firft wonderfully by the power and help of the Water. This is that Mer- cury, in ftead of which the Fools and Bucatne. 78 ChymcdlCoUe^iions, and Idiots affiime thatcompoun'' ded of common Vitriol!, and Sub' limared with Salt, in which tha are grofly deceived. Bunflai^.f.ii: clangor Sublime the Body as much x thoucanft, and boil it with clear Mercury ^and when the Body hatf'' drunken fome part of the Mercu ry, fubtilize it with a Fire quid and ftronger^as thou art able^unti it afccnd in likeneflTc of moft whit('' Duft, adhering to the fides of thi Veffell in manner of Snow 5 Bu' the Afties remaining in the bot-' tome are dregs, and the vilifiec droffe of Bodies, and to be caii away, in which there is no life, be caufe it is moft light Duft, whicl with a little blaft vaniiheth, be* caufe it is nothing but bad Sulphui excluded by Nature. Then the dregs being caft away iterate the Sublimation of the mot white Duft by it felf without it dregs, till it be fixt, and till it fern oui Chymicdll Colle(iii6ns. j^ ^ no dregs, but afccnd moft ►urely,likc Snow^the which is our mc Quinteflcnce •, And then thou lalt have the Soul Tinfting, Co- gulating,and Clcanfing^boththc mlphur, and the not burning Arf' ick, which the Alchimifts may fc, that with it they might make lilver. Clangor Fucc.pa.^ig. When the Water ihall necefla- p^i^ ily be generated clean and white, ****'• ; is meet we join the Earth to it, vcn in the fame hour, and thofe eing joined in their feafon,all four /ill be joined5and then the Work ; pcrfeft ; and if they are not joi- cd, then the Water is refolvcd ito Smoke, with the Earth, and y confequencc the other Ele- ments by the force and perfevc- ance of the Fire, and fo the Woiic i annihilated ^ wherefore it is fit ^ 1 Artift know the fimple Elc- ., icnts throughly, before he begin \^ [itir Compofition, that he may 01 I 1^"^^ 8o Chjmlcall Colle£iiom. know rightly how to compoum them to the conftitution of thj Compound. Vet. Bonus pa.221. \ Vogei, If any of the purer parts remai; in the Earth( which thou maift ob. ferve from a certain whiteneflTc promifcuoufly fliining) think no much to mingle it again with th fame Mercury ^then Decoft^and length, as hath been faid, Sublim till nothing of the purer effenc be left in it. Fogeliusp.iog. Bafii, In the laft day, the World fha. ^'^''^* be judged by Fire, that what be, fore was by its Mafter made of nc thing, might again by Fire be n duced into Afhcs, from which A flies the PhoAix might at lengt produce her young ones, for i iuchAflies lies hid the true an genuine Tartar, which ought t be di(Iblved5 and aher his diffoli tion, the ftrongeft Lock of tf: Kings Clofet may be opened. Bi fil.Falem.fa.2j. W ChjmkaS ColUBions. 8| We have fhewn thee our Water LidiiHt. after its congelation with its Fer- nent, which is then indeed called 3ur Magnefia, and if thou under- land our Waters, thou wilt alfo mderftand Arecnt vive. Lul/.Tefi. ■V.I 08. ! THE CO(I{OLLA\r. In this chapter is 9penlj expiat- ed the Fable ^/"Phaeton, tn O vids /letamorphofis. As alfo of Dcdd,- Lis mth his Son Icarus 5 rvho when hey had made themfelves mn^s of 'eathers^ and had fa fined them mth 7aXy andvohenwiththefe they had own throagh the Aire beyond the fAbjrinth^ it is reported Iczvusflj- '^ \tg too high ^ fell into the Sea^ in J^, mch he was drowned^ becaufe the J' m melted the Wapc. By his Father icdalus is underftoodthe Sulphur ^ Nature [ublimated and Fhilofo- Vtcallj coagulated, ^jf Icarus the G fame 82 Chjmcall CoUeSms* fame Sulphur fubliwAted^ but mth undue governance of the Art'tfi^ and ' continued 'violence of the Firey meU ' ted into Water ^ and buried in the\ dead Sea. In thefe alfo is explained^, the Fable of our EngliJhKogaB^A con the Monk, of xvhom it is rela-^ ted^ ihat he cotnpofed a Braz.en\ Head^ whofe cu(lody {after manj\ lucubrations) he committed to hii fervant, thAt while he refrefht hin tjredfpiritmthfleep, he would care^ fully obfcrve the time, that as fo9r a^everit (pake^ intheverfmomen he fhould xvake him • bat thefervan being ajleep, the Brazen Head uttef red thefe words ^ Time is, and agah^ an hour after ^ Time is paft, wheif by their negligence the Work was di\ frived of life and annihiUtedf which alfo appears in the inffertiffl ef that excellent Philojopher Petrif Bonus in thefe words ; f If in the time of Generation tl:r Soul fhall ftand in the Fire, w! I ; ChymkallCofle^lms. 8| lei fttcngth prevail by the force If Spirit 5 then flic flies away, and raws with her the Body to flight, id the Workman remains fru rate of his purpofe ^ aiid expefts lat which hath been ahcady j^me.and gone, and iliall never fime again hereafter^ bccaufcit is. iingled with that condemned ^rth, whence it is impoffibleit pwld again be feparated. , But as the Condemned or rejected ^rth is not found eut^ unlcffe the re be feparated from the imfure ; ir ix that {aid to he purCy which in felf contains feculency^ of confe- rence it mtifl he prepared xvith the eatefi Indujlrj^ nor with lejfe vi-n 'ancj is our Phyfica/I fuhjef^ com- '*nded frft bj Nature for m^ and fwmedinto a Metallic k Form Jo that may he reduced into the fir ft Mat^ and by our skilly vlz.bj the Se* ration^ Putrefacfiony Imbibition^ hlimationy Conji*n5lion of the E- G z Umcnts 84 Cfjymicall CoH cations, Iments^ there might Arije at length Anew Forrr)^ which is the Ba/is of the Phihfophjck Work as is WAvi- fejl in the Chapter, Whence the [ay ing ^/Artepheus is apparent, viz. That the firft part itmains nor ex- cept it be bound to the fccond, c- vcn in the fame Hour. But thai allegation is done bj Coagulation the Coagulation bj Infrigidation t njen in that Hour in which the Ar tijl [hall fee J and in his ^udgemen perceive^ the whole mofl pure fab fiance [uhlimated frc?n its reje^e Earth, Which fecret of fecrets d /cured of all Philofophcrs in thet fundrjty^nignjacsyConccaled and d^ - njerflj difperjl in their Books^l ha'^i in brief f$ clearly opened^ a^ofnom^r the like hitherto. And this is tfL^^ Preparation in which {as ScniJjij^ faith) men are blinded fince thJ^^^ know not that the Stone is prepi;^. red with this Preparation. | ChaI Chap. VI. ^ The Weights ofthefecond Work. ? f' JN the operation of our Magi- K^/^y. ^) ■■ftcry, we (hall need one oneiy ii' Veffcll, or Furnace, one Difpofi- 'X tion, which is meant after the Prc- |C paration of the Stone. Rejar. Phi- J< Ufoph.fa.z^o. ^« The fecond Work is to turn vSm. '^ Water and Fire into Earth, and ^^ Aire into one fimple Subftancc compounded of Simples. Daftin ipecul,pa.io6. . If thou impofc the Medicines Daflln. equally, thou wilt perceive no Er- '« 'ror, but if thou adde or diminifh, ^ make hafte to corred: it: whence if ^' 'a Deluge proceed it drowns the "'Region, but if too muchSiccity ' fhould bcjit burns up the Roots of Hearbs. Who therefore putrifies theBodyinthecquall part, till it 'be cxficcatedjmakes thewhole,one G 3 white S^ Chjmcau CoHtcftons. " white Body, for they are at once InfpifTated, Incinerated, and Ex- ficcated-, and this is the Head ol the World. Of the Work thero-, fore (as Democrms faith) let pai anfwer part equally, Idempt^ 122. nipicHi. ' In the beginning take our Stoiiei and bury them every one in tMl Sepulchre of another , and ]o^ them together in equallMariage^ that they may lie together, theri let them chcrifli their feed fixcl weeks, nourifli their naturall Con- ceprion,and preferve it. Hot arifin^! all the while from the bottome o( their Sepulchre. Which f^cret de- ceives m^ffy, Rfp^pa.^t!^. t'ficHs. Alfo thus undei'ftand, that i^ but Conjimdion, the Male, out Sun, ought to have three parts d; his Water, and his Wife nine-,, which ought to be three to him.. ^ , Rip.pa.rg. 0' Li^. We cantiot with our own pra-; per Chjmcau Couemons. Sj xr hands work on Mercury, but ivith ten fpecics, which we^all our lands in this Work, that is, nine jarts of Water, and the tenth of iarth. Maffa Solis dr Lu»£. fag. But fince there are three parts R&far. yf his red Water with him, let it ^^«^^^- >e fublimed on this manner time f ter time, till it be fixt downward. lofar, Arnold, fa.^a^g* Put clean Bodies in this clean Vlercury. poifed in an equal bal- ance. I^mfa,6^A^j:h 'i Boil him at the warm Sun, un- d#>/^ ill he hath dried hisWater,which »eing exficcated, pound him a- ;ain with water to his -Weight^and ♦oil him at the Sun, till he bedri- d into a Stone 5 doe this often- imes till he hath drunk of his Vater t^ntimes his own quantity, nd become f the Sun , fo that they may be IS nothing. Therefore that the Jefired Work might be obtained, I certain meafure in the commix, ion of the Philofophick liquorous Subftance muft be obferved, left :hc greater overcome and opprefle the ^ Chfmtcau Couecitem. the leffer Proportion , by whicf Generation might be hindred, anc left the leflerj in rcfpcdl of th( greater, fhould be too weak to ex crcife equall Dominion , for grea ihowers of rain hurt the Fruit and too much drought produce: no true Perfedion. Therefore i Neptune have fitly prepared hi* Bath, weigh well the permanen? Water,'and confiderwithdiligen care, that thou doe not any thinj toorauch or too little to him. ^a 'Amid. Take of the red Water anc White, as much of the one as o the, other, according to weight and put them together in aCu ibvrbit^, made of Glaffe, ftron| and thick^ having a Mouth like ar Urinall, afterward the whole Wa tcr will be Citrine, even foon c nough, and fo will the true Elixe: be perfefted in refpe^S of both, \viz, perfe(5t Impregnation, and true I ChjwiCAllCoIlevUdns. 9^ 3 rue Coition. Arnold, in Comment, {iortulani p-^^. ] Let the Queen born by nine Daf'm, /irgins, decently attend the Bed- :hambcr of Co great a King, and in progrefTe of time thou fhalt ctermine unity from the denary umber. Daftini Efift.fo,2. In this Magiftery, the Govern- ^^f^j' pent of the Fire ought to be ob- ^^^^' irvcd, left the humid Liquor be 00 foon exficcatedjand the Wife- lens Earth too quickly liquified nd diffolved. Otherwifc of whol- 3me Fiflies, thou wilt generate Scorpions in thy Waters, BAftlita ^alentin.pa.io. What ever aftions they norai- Rojfn, ate, underftand always^that thefe lings are done by the adlion of be heat of certain Fire, which lakes not Sublimation, becaufe it ■^ :> fo gentle, nor ought it naturally D elevate any Smoke, PoffiZj^^ THE ChjmtcAU Couemons. TBE CO%OLLA(!(r. Le(i perhaps Kiflcy andDMi 9ur Ceuntrimeriy and mo(i cxceHen t Fbihfophers^fbouldin thisChaptt feem to fome , to differ amon^ '| thcmfeives : ftnce Ripley takes i quail farts ^ arid joins them in equai Wedlock 'y hnt Daftin affirms th^ Water ought nine times to exceed th ^J' Earthy that fo in a Decinary, whic f^ is aperfeS Number^ the whole Wor f^' might be con fummate : I thought: worth mj labour to reconcile this ay fearing contradiBion. As therefo. be that well diftinguifhes^ teach well'yfo he that knows this diftin6t »n of time^ jhall forthwith have ti Solution of this doubt. For Ripley yfr/? (peaks of the fir Compoption in the fecond or Phil fophick Work, where the Earth at fure Water frepared exactly befo PfuJI be equally joined in equallPr portio k k h Jk Hi IITl m y Chjmicall CoUeHionsl $j • ' ortm. But Daftin utters that his j[j )pinien ef Imbibitions , after the i|j, etfeiiien oj the fecond Work -^ and m Q while they are difiinguifht^ they ,,„ re underftood^ andthateafilj. But ^^ ^hat weans Ripley inthefe words^ nz. That they fhould lie together ix Weeks, not rifing all the while irorn the bottome oftheir Sepul- :hre < this mufi be enquired and "ear ched into ^ fince he affirms it a Iscret which hath deceived many* That Conjunffion is done, that even fs a Chicken is made of an Bgge af- \er Vutrefaviion^ fo after this C07U unCtion and due Putrefaffion, we may attain the Complement of the Work. Therefore we wuji know^ if any thing may be born by PutrefaBicn^ it is necefjarj it happen after thts ^anner. The Earth by a certain hid- den and included humidity^ is redu- ced into a certain corruption or de* firuifigni which is the beginning ^4 Chjmicall CoUe^ions. of Putrefaction^ which ought to In nouriflnwith [ucha, tempered heat as that nothing exhale from tht Compomdf or be fuhlimed to thi top ofthej^efjel ; but that the Ma fculine and Feminine, the Mattel and the For my Agent and Patient remain together. The Water in tk Earthy and the Earth unfeparatec from the Water ^ are contained toge^ ther^ as the yolk of an Egge^includec inthe inner thin skin^ till the timi $f Putrefaction loofe the reins ^rv hie i will not be done fooner then in tk jpace of forty days 5 for as Natun hates fudden mutations or alterati^ ons^ fo no Putrefaction is made bm in a long time^ and appointed^ Oi Daftin elegantly faid^ viz. The ca lidityofthc Aire, fubtility of the Matter, gentlencfle of the Fire {la- bility of Reft, equality of Com- pounds, gravity of Patience, anc the maturity oi Time, doe pro-, mote and induce PutrcfaftioHjanc there- Chjmicall CgDeotions^, jj j hercforc then alfo the Air is to be \ emperedjthe Thick fubtilizedjthc i rire reftrained. Reft prefcrved, /proportion adequated. Patience Strengthened, and the Time expe- \ iled, till Nature proceeding natu- ^' ally fhal compleat her own Work. , But that I way return to the pMr- 'Ofe^and adde C^rollarj to Corotlarj^ H TnHJl ohferve that in Preforatim, i^hree parts of the Spirit are affumcd ^ one part of the imperfe^ Bodj^aMd .,)t Ufi about the time of the Birth '!' hree parts of imperfeB Body are of- ^'umedto one of Spirit^ and this mt ^^%ce^but often. But in the fecomi IVork^pphich of Philofophers is called he firjl'yfirjl^part is joined mthfdrt^ fterward three parts of Body to $k€ tf Spirit ^and that the oftnerfor Im- %bitions^and at length three of Sp- nt tv one part ofperfe£i Bcdjfcrin^ eraiion or fermentation ^bj tvhkbit tt formed our My flic al^ Divine ^fini yfor^ then perfeti Warknumberteff excU' 96 Chjmtcall CoUeftiom. exceeding the very degree of Per fe- Hhn. iicca Chap. VlL of Imbibimn. J^ %^ ji Tirmmdes'T Aftly, nourifli fuch an anima i In Twbm.jLji^^ thing with i|:s^wn^ilk ; that is, with its own Water, ^on - which is concreated the Work, the thing begun from the begin ning. Exerdt.mTurbamp.i6^, 'Xtpiei' Give him the fourth part o r new Water, and yet he ought t( j' have many more Imbibitions^ giv ^q' him the fecond , and afterward vl the third alfo, not forgetting th ^y h\ ill anlal faid Proportion : And when tho haft made feven Imbibitions, thcl T thoumuft turn the Wheel abou /' again, and putrefie all that Matt^ without addition. Riflej ^4. 5 1 . cimgoT. If t{jou wouldftVolatife or Im bibCj thy prepared Elixer, [the fi cone Bhcq, Chymicall CoUt6iions. ^'j :ond, third, or fourth nme, this nuft be done with the fourth part l^f the Elixir of Mercury^ but doc ;his oft times, untill the part of jWatcr periili that is^waflc or con- bnie, fo that it afccnd no further, ut yet I command ye, pour not Jdh the Water at once, left the Ixir 5C drownedjbut by little and little, ^hatis, pour it in at feven times, ind powder it, and laft of all cx- iccate. Clangor. Bucc.fa.^o'^. Moiften and beat it together Hc/i^fj. nany days, and this nine times, yhich are afligned by the nine Ea- gles, and in every DifTolution and Toagulation, the effc<5l thereof hall be augmented. Hermss dc \ Beat the Earth oftentimes, and ^^'^'^'^^ [J ')y little and little imbibe it from r ;ight days to eight days, Decod ^ md after moderately Calcine it in ^' ?ire, and let it not weary thee to ^\ citerate the Work oftentimes , H fo^ w p8 Chjmi€dllCoUeBi6ns, \ for the Earth bears not fruit with-* , ^ out often watering, whence if k- jj be dry, itthirftingly drinks up its ,(, humidity and wet. Avicen^f,£^io. | v4'in. . If yc make it without weight,; f,j Death will befall it, therefore put f upon it all the reft of its Humor^ temper it neither too much, noB too httle-, becaufe if there be much, a Sea of perturbation will be made, but if little, it will be burnt to a brand. For the heat of the Fire (as Avicen faith) if it may not finde Humidity which it dries up, it burns, but if thou pour in much moifture at once, thou wilt notdeficcate but diflolve. There- fore the Weight is 'every way to be confidered, left too much ficci> ^^ ty or fuperfluous Humour cori '1 rupt, that through thy vvhoi(g,| Work thou diffolve fo much bj •., Inhumation, as fals fhort by Affa^ ^q, tion, and diminifli fo much by AC r! fation,as the Inhumation diifolvcs f,ii Anc ■ ll\3 k art op. ChymicAltCplkUions, 9<^ \nd tvtvy diflToIutiorv fliall always )e made by Inhumation, and Con- icxion. The Humour gotten by [iflTolution , naturall heat onely emaining, fliall always be dcficca- ed. Da^m. Epifi.f0, by in- crcaliiig paflcs from one thing to ano- ChjmlcAll Colli Wons* 105 inother better thing, and fromin- • fj'ompleat Eflcncc, with its own Milk is carried forth to his com- :tj>lement of the Elixir. Andthcre- ^ibre all its Compound is of the brmofthe Elements. Wherefore Morier.tts faith, the difpofition of hat work is like the creation of a ^an, when as he is nourifhed of limfelfbyincreafingfromday to lay, andfrommonethtomoncth, ill he hath attained his Youthful! ge, and in a certain time be com- )leated. Dsjl, Ipec.pa. 1 50. The near caufe of this fixation luUIhs. s a very little mixtion of both by heir leaft parts,fo that the height >f the Volatile, may not excel! he height of the fixt Body, but ct the vertuc of the fixt Spirit,cx- :ell the height of the urrnxt, ac- •ordingto the intent of fixation. Jon if thou underftand thjs, thou naift have the Trcafure of Heaven [0 iod Earth. It is required when ) the IC6 Cffjmkall CoSeSiens, the Body is fo naturally augfftien ted, and nouriiht by conveniens moifture, that then near the mca fure, thou imbibe it with the mor' Water of its nutrition or augmen tation, according to the Weight revealed by Art, to the conformi"^ ty of principles, and the quality of the Body given to be augmenpti ted, and let it be deC0(Sed with :fc gentle Hre, exficcating thenatuj ijall heat, and nof exceeding until it attain its perfe(ft whitenefle. L\ lit Codic^a. 1 5 y. jj^Uf^: ' And note that after ImbibitiojWif they ought to be buried feavcilt days/Thcrcfore iterate the Worlfs many times, though it be tedious u and the Weight in this muft b !oa every way obferved, left the to( ijt much ficcity or fuperfluous Hu if. mour fpoilc it in the operation, aj namely decod fo much by Aflatt on, as the DifTolution hath added and by Imbibition diflblve ai mud Chjmcall CoUtCiions, 107 puch.as hath been wafted by Af- ation, wherefore thou (hall fwcet- Y and not haftily irrigate the iarth from eight days to eight lays. Idem. If one Imbibition, one Deco-D^/2i». lion, one Contrition doth fufficej hey would not fo much have ite- atcd their fayings, but therefore hey did this, that alwaies they night infift on the Work, with- out divorce and tedioiifneffe. A^hercfore alfo they fay, Hope, nd fo ihalt thou obtain. But i^hen it is cxficcatcd,then by anor her Courfe, let it be delivered to ifatiable Comeftion, that being y degrees between every Incera- ion, burnt into Afbcs, it might ry the power thereof. Vaftin £- 1 THE lo8 Chjmlcall CoHedions. THE CO(I^OLLJ(I(^Y. ' r Avidotk affrms in the fir fi i^" hisPhjficks, that the tohok is m'^'' known mthdut the farts in whic^ it cgnfijls ; But the rvhole as it rrf*' [tnts the nature ej all its parts^ jl^^ the whole and the perfeH are altog^j^ ther the fame. Whence it follovff) that tt is not fufjjcient for a iJ/4p to know the Subje6f of fome f ^r fcfy that thence a Houfe might ir hmlt^ unkffe he knew the partia ^ larparts^and their Conjiruffion at ^ Compofttion. So likewife it worn ^f little conduce to the perfection oftt Stone y to have known onely the Su jeff and its Preparation^ unleffe aft it hee prepared the Artijl km "'' how to bring it to Maturity^ tht to nourifh it^ and lafilj to feed i even untill it attain a Degree abo^i perfection. Then the parts teftifie the whole ^ and the whole of t part Chjmkall CoUtSlions. lop wts^tht beginning ef the end^ 4nd te end of the beginning • for what tj were i$ an Hetre from the 'inglj Stock fhould be born , and one found that knew horv to nou^ ft) it ? thetifore to nourifb this w Infant we advife with Phyfici- ns^ that (fince he it of the Roy all iock, and themoji ft$re conftitmi- ff) he might not he deijvercd ta ^y ft range I^urfe^ but might fuck he Brejls of his Mot her y who as he had before nourifht him in the Yombwith her own Bloody fo being low come to Maturity ^ he is to be tourijht y and in a due propcrtiom. fed with the exuberated Bloody cir-'. \ulated and rectified through the M Ami liar y veins, Andthemedici- ftallmeafure of that Milk, let it be weekly the fourth part of the weight of the Infant • But let him keep this Diet for feaven Weeks^ till he be fo Medicinally fed that while in aglaf- fen Lodge {ordained and firmly oh- ferated I lo Chymicdl C&UeSiiom. ferattd by Phjficians and PhihftH fhers) he he placed and repofedim a Bath, and being Idled ajleep^ hh limbs diffolve and melt mthfmaf^ vfihicb bj the help %f Art and \ Nature^ and due governance , fhall refume their former Jhape, renued3^ and their ftrength fo multipltedM that now he de/ires Kingly foed^mthV which nourifhment in a fhort fpace¥ he will become a King^ Jirongerf^ then A King^ and fo Jl^ut in Bat-f^' ttll^ that he alone being a mofipow-k erfuU Conqueror , will obtain th0^ vaiory againftten thof^fund Ene-^ mieu Therefore feek this King^f whom who fo hath for his D^- |J fence^fhall fommand all Sublunoj^f things. C H A Ft If Chjmicall CQlleCiions. 1 1 1 Chap. VllL ^ of Fermentation. ^HC^^' > Y the Teftimony of all Philo- ^^;^^^- ^fophers there are three parts of ^*' ^ cBltxiry viz. Soul, Body, and ^rit •, The Soul is onely the Fer- HJnt or Form of the Elixir, the pdy is the Pafte or Matter^which ^ parts are to be drawn from !€tals only^to wit,thc Form from ic Sun and Moon^ the Matter pm Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and [ars, asalfo Lulltus affirms. 'But iC third part of the Stone is Spi- :, which fince it is the Seat and hariotofthe Soul, it doth pout le Soul into the Body, and com- >unds and joins thefe two ex* ernes with an indiflblublc Dnd of agreement, which Media- )r being removed, the Soul can :ver enter league with the Body. or two extremes agree not well, . •' ^ not Hi Chymicall Colk^lions^ nor tarry in one place, unlefle they arc reconciled and confederated by the help of a mean.RrHis Spirit 1 itriotKngelfc then that liquor atn tenuatingthe Form and Matter olfa the Stone, and reducing it to a fpi-)jii( rituall Nature, which Spirit \m fometimes called of the Philofo-fci pherSjHcaven, fometimes folutive lo Mercury, fometimes menftruouji Maccer, fometimes Quinreffence I and infinite other nzm^s,TaHladm \f f^.338. ( Kifiey. Unto thy Compound adde th( oa fourth part the Ferment, whicli Ferment is onelyof the Sun ancm: Moon, • And know that there ar< inc three Ferments 5 two of Bodies ii S pure Nature which ought to b \\\ altered, as we have told thee , th i third moft fccret^ which we nov fe meditate, is that firft Earth wit) \i\ its proper green Warer^ wherefo^ k\ while the Lion thirfts,make hin ] drink, untill his body be broken itm ' RipitjfA.^6. Tak Chjmicall CoUeBions^ 113 Take the fourth part of the ^^^'^'^ ^ermcnt, and let that Ferment be ^^^^^'^^ [iffolved, and made Earth like an Tipcrfeft Body, and prepared af- -r the fame manner and order ; lorcover joine and imbibe it with le aforefaid bleifed Water 5 for erment prepares the imperfcft ody, and converts it to its own Mature, and it is not Ferment un- (Te Sun and Moon. ^amitA Semi^ J 7^.444. Give it fermented Ferment, e- ^^chadl^^ aally elementated with every E- '^^' ment, which is Gold 5 give it the jurth part, but which is firft cai- ned and diflblved into Water. i^rmentTrtwofold, white and red, 1^ which the Ferment of the Sun, the Sun, and of the Moon, the [oon.i But let the Ferment be the »uf th part of our Copper. Ra" — — Thou wilt have no perfedFer- vun(li^ ■ti icnt till it be altered, with our 11^ I Mer- X I ^ Chjmicall CglleBions , Mercury, from its firft qualities^ into a new whitcnefle, between Putrcfaftion and Alteration. r^^^-* iHliius. They who knew not Natures indigency, thought this Ferment ought lo be prepared with new menftrous Matter, in which is Fire againft Nature, not percei- ving the perdition of the Tempe raturc from which the Body de parts, by reafon of the burning " Fire, vfz.zg^inG: Nature. Fer- ment, to wit, a Body, as much a; it is undcrftood for Ferment, i not prepared but with natura Fire and Water of Mercury. Lui Rfifar. Take one part of Ferment, an three of imperfedl Body, diflolV'[ the Ferment in Water of Mercur -^ cquall to it, boil it together wit f a moft gentle Fire, and coagulai ^ that Ferment, that it may be as a ^ imperfcift Body. JRofAr.Phihfept] ?.}i7. Tal ^^ E: . tc; i' ChymiCdll CeHe6iions. 1 1 5 Take red Earth, and form it Amid. into thin Plates, orfliaved Daft, and put it in Water, as hath been taught, and it fliall nor be diflbl- yed in it, but onely calcined into red Dtift-, which done^remove the Water wanly, and put it into ano- ther VcHell, like that in which it s, fo that the calcined Dufl: of red Earth may remain in its Veflell ivithout Water, and in the remo- /cd Water put white Earth, and hat fhall be diflblved, and fo Wa- erfhall profit thee, and ihall not )efpoiled. Armld^n CamemM$r^ In the preparation of the Fer- LuUius. nent. before its laft Fermentation ve ufe vulgar Mercury, not pnely blemnly prepared, viz, into Vir- gins Milk, but as it exifts in its "Mature, by the alone Sublimation othis, that it might reduce the 5ody of Ferment to its fimplicity, inditmay be the mean of conjoi- I 2 *ning 1 1 6 chjmicall Collect ions. ning Tindures. Lull. Codic. pa» 215. Dafiin. Lct it begivcntoan infatiable Dcvourer, afterwards it muft be nourifht with grofler meat, that coHipleat Digeftion being recei- vedjit may pafle from the Mothers into the Fathers Kingdome. Dafi. Epift,pa.6. Tauladarms As the Ferment of Gold is Gold 5 of Silver, is Silver •, fo the Ferment of Ironjis Iron, of Cop- per, is Copper, and of Lead, is Lead. Therefore every Agent afts according to its form. To fome, what we have fpoken may feem new 5 as if the Elixir could be made of all ignoble things which fhall turn all other thing* as well noble as ignoble, either in to Mars, or Jupiter, or Saturn , o Venus. Which although it nov feem new and incredible to man; learned men, and chiefly to Petru Bonus ^ a man of Angular learning ye ChjmicallColleBiom. nj yet there is no neceflary reafon , which forbids it may be done. Nay if it were not done^Alchymy had been loft^and the Art of Chy- miftry might have been worthily called a Figment and a Fable. For Nature hath eftablifhed this Law, 'Viz,. That as often as Acftives are rightly joined with Paffivcs, Adi- on and Paffion doe immediately follow, and the alteration doth always refent and favour of the nature of the Agent. And as often as that which before had the ftrengrhand qualities of the Pati- ent, be fo difpofcd that it can ftoutly aft, it is neceffary that the alteration be anfwerable and con- formable to the Nature of the A- gent from which it differed. Wherefore if ignoble Metals dif- pofed to fuffer or change by the aftion of Gold or Silver, rightly I difpofed to Aftion, it is neceflary that noble Metals difpofed to fut- I 3 fer 1 1 8 Chjmicall ColUolions. fer fliould be changed by ignoble J(] Metals, skilfully difpofcd to k(k TatiUdanai pa.igj. L wgoY Let the Ferment be prepared, , ^ '^* that the powder may be white and ^ fubtill, if thy intention proceed to ;„! whiter but it to red, then let thy j( powder be of Gold prepared moft j. Citrine; and there ftiall not be other Ferment : the reafon is, be- J^ caufc thofc two Bodies are (hi ning, in which are tingcnt fplcndid Raies, excelling other Bodies na-? j rurally in whitenefle and rednefle, And if thou vvouldft fermentlf white Earth, divide that EarthJQ into two parts, one part thou fliak augment to a white Elixir,with its^, conferved Watcr,(andfo it never ceafes to be of it) and the other part put into its Glafle, that Is, the Furnace of its Digeftion, and increafe the Fire to it, untill by the force of the Fire, it be turned into moft red Duft, even as dryjij combuft ChjmicAll CoBcSiions* 1 1 q t:ombuft Saffron. And if thou > vouldft that the moft white Eli- dr have the Tindurc of RednclTe, transforming and tinding Mer- cury, the Moon and every Body mto the moft true Sun, or Soli- icous Body-, then ferment its hree parts with another part and half of moft pure^preparedGoId, nd let the powder be moft fub- ile with two parts of Solificous Abater artificially reducing by Jtiion by the leaft parts into one >haos even unto the inraoft part f the Body, and place it in its jlaffe in his Fire, and deco£t it, hat the moft true bloody red itonc might fliine forth. Clang. There is no other Ferment but LuUius, )f the Sun or Moon. And it is not ?erment untill the (Iiid Bodies be urned into their firft Matter, be- :aufe it is expedient, that Ferment be compounded of the Sun, and I 4 the 120 ChymicaO CoUeliions. the moft fubtile Earth. Where- fore it thou knovveft not how to reduce two perfeft Bodies into their firft Matter, thou canft have no Ferment. Lull, Theor.p^i. ^ l4^*^^ For this is Minerall, that wheni '^^ thou putft Water on the Earth^i the White overcomes the Ci- trine and Red ^ and whitens themi into whitenefle of Silver. Then the Citrine overcomes the White and Red, fo that it makes them Citrine, above the Citrinity oij Gold , and then the Red over-l comes the Citrine and White,and reddens them into a Tyrianred- neffe, and when thou feeft thefc rejoice. Maffa Soils ^ Lun^. fA. 211. TBI Chymlcdl ColUffions. 12I THE CO<^OLLA%r. As in this Chapter is clearly and plainly taught the excellent manner p/ Fermentation , (o to the unexpe- rienced Reader^ this contradi6iion may appear^ hettveen Raimund and Ripley in thefe xvords^ viz. whilfi Raimund affirms two Ferments, vnely^ one of the Sun^ another of the Moon 5 but Ripley addes a third^ iphichis called the Green Lion^ and the unclean Body^ which is alfo cal^ ledLaton, tvhich Latenftnce indeed is m other thing then an imper- fed compound £ody of Gold and Silver according to Morienus •, that third of Ripley is clearly demon- flratedtobenoother thing then im- wature Gold and Silver-^ and fo they doe not diff^er but agree in matter of Ferment^ though for immaturities fake it he figmfied by another name. To this our Vwn^zn Archbifhop of Can- 1i 3 22 Ch^mkall CoUei^iens, Canterbury [eems u a^cnt. It is certain the Earth may he the Fer- ment of Water ^ fo it he fixt^ ani the Water the Ferment of the Earthy if ccmrarimfe it be prft[i and pure, and this altogether tvtthotit all help of Vulgar G&ld and Silver, Which Tvords doe (eem indeed t» bring a new controverfie amonq;^ their opinions, while [ome affirm the Eltxir cannot be made withem Vulgar Gold and Silver, Again:^ ethers affirm that Vulgar Gold ana^ Silver ts nothing ufefull in our Work : Let therefore Dunftans opi- nion intercede. We muft note ( faith he) that ancient Philofo phers did not ufe Vulgar Gold and Silver in this Work, and therefore thev faid their labour needed no great Coft, but might equally be performed as well of the Poor as of the Rich, the Countriman as Citizen 5 which would altogether differ from truth, if it might not be ) ■ Chywicall Collections. i*3 \c performed without Vulgar |jold and Silver, He thus taught herefore that tve f})$uld take heed : 'cr although Gold and Stiver maf t fubtiliz,ed and mingled with 'incturesy and he reduced to leffer ■lixirs^ jet the tray according to he Do^rineefthe Phtloj$fhers^is ot in thrn ^ Tor their Gold and ilver are two chief Tin^ures^ Red nd White buried in one and the tme Body^ which by Nature never named their f erf eB Complement^ tt thtj are feparable from their ■arthly Lutojity ^ and accident aH ^roffe^ and then by their f roper qua- ties fo ccmmixtible with Earths ure Red and White^and are found fo t Ferments for them^ that they may way be f-id to need any other hing. In which words is defcrihed \9 Other thing then Ripleys green Aon^ or their Gold^ not Gold, un- ^ffe in pofsibility while as yet imn$a* fire. Which always and onelj is fet apart f 24 Chjmicall ColleCiions. apArt andchofenofaU Fhilofophersk and thcfethat under fland^ for their e firft Milter. Whmce it is cUM'k mdniftft that neither Vulgar Gohti mr Silver ought to be taken for thm firji Matter, but 'jet it ts donbt/m If^why^andwhm they are necefjarfi for U4^ totheComfofition of the e)^ lixir. 7$ which I anfwer from thm authority of the Phtlofophers^ Thm they are fo necefjarj^ /(s without, them the Elixir cannot beperfeffedh But yet not as they are Vulgar Goh ii( and Silver^ hut being fo altered a ti that they may be reduced to thei iui jirfl Matter, and while they are fix ix by N'ature^ may be made Volatile bk Art^ and then at length while the nij are in fuch a Condition ^ it fhaU b Jk imfof?ible for any Artifl to redut jIi them again to Vulgar Gold and Sii w ver^after the manner ofGoldfmith m becAufe then according to the Turb m the Body becomes incorporate y as ai \h fo Rofariiis witneffeth. He ths 4 know ChjmicM ColleSions. 125 iiovvs fo to deftroy Gold, that it 'z no more Gold, has attained the leateft fccret. And when it is fo repared,then it Ihall be the firft roper Di(h, of which our Infant nouriftitj and by Philofophers lall have the name of Ferment. Vhich, after the Stone be come b its perfed RednclTc, and hath ieen nouriltt with the Mothers i4ilk, it ought to, be joined with fs red Earth for the accomplifti- nent of the Elixir, that it might ender a more then perfeft T in- jure, and might communicate its ixt Nature, to the prepared Me- licine^ which being fpecificated it night at length become perfect. Therejore hence it appears ^ ihAt vhj^and when Vulgar Gold and Sil- ver are not nesifjarj to the cemplC" merit of the Work. That therefore I maj briefly reduce to one Harmony ihis appearing Controverfie (which ^hc Philofophers mderflanding ouZ anO' 126 ChjmicallCollefHons. another mutualljy deliver purpofelj in intricate terms) inthefe words of GuldoMontanus, viz. Although the Philofophcrs Stone may be . made even to WhitenefTc and^ Rednefle without Vulgar Gold or Silver, yet the Elixir cannot be*!' made without Vulgar Gold orf Silver, altered and prepared as be- J^ fore. But that I may conclude this^^ Corollary, almjs ohferve^ that aftef ^^ the Work of Winter is ferforfned,anA^^ ihoufbalt fee the Sun exalted in A riesj and that then the Philofophick Work be begun y that inthatvery^ houre we ought to prepare Ferments, becaufe they need long Preparation^ and it would be the greateft incon venience^that when the KingfhoulS^ hunger y food fhould be wanting, ot' that there fhould not he a Vijh o^ Dainties prepared. Therefore L every Artifl be provident. Chap Chjmicdl CeBeCiiens. 1 27 Chap. IX. of Projection. \ Dry earthy Body tinds not, Artephm, ^unleflc it be tinded, and be- ^aufe it enters not, therefore it al- ers not. Therefore it tinds not Jold, becaufc the hidden Spirit hereof ought firft tobcextradcd ,rom its Belly by our white Wa- cr, that it might become altoge- (hcr fpirituall. Arteph.fo. 13, Many through ignorance have Rlpiej. (eftroied their Work, when they lavc made Projcdion upon im- pure Metall 'j for their Tindures ^y rcafon of Corruption doe not , ;emain, but vanifh, becaufe they (Cmovcd not from the Bodies ,hofe things which after Projcdti- m are brittle, dark, and black. See :herefore thou firft Projeft thy VIedicine on Ferment, then that Ferment will be brittle as Glaffe^ then Ia8 Chjmicall CoUcElions, then caft that brittle Subftancc upon Bodies clean and very pure, and prefently thou flialt fee them curioufly coloured with Tindure which will abide all Trials. So make three, four, or five Projccfti- ons , till the Tindure of thy Medi- , cine begin to decreafe^then is there . an end of making further Proje<5li- ' on. Rlfleypa,62. cma. But the manner of Projecfliort is, that thou Pro jeft one part of fc the forefaid Medicine upon a hun- pi dred pans of fufed or powred p^ Gold, and it makes it frangible, 1 and the whole will be a Medicine U of which one part Projefted upon a hundred of any fufed Metall turns it into the beft Gold. And likewife if thou work with the Moon 5 But if the Medicine or E- kc lixir ihould not have ingrcffe, take m of the Stone extradedm the firftp operation, and of the forefaid l4 Mercury a like quantity , and min- gle Ki m U ChjmcaU ColkEtiom. I2ff gle them together, and incorpo- rate them by grinding upon a Stonc^and then diftilling in a Bath, that they might the better be jot- i ned together^thendry them. Avu Son, compound the Minerals, tniiiHi. which pertain to the Minerall Ma- giftery, by multiplying their ver- tue thus : Take one part of the Powder or Duft, vtz,, an ounce or pound, and Projed it upon ten .©arts of Amalgama, made of one •,)art of the Moon or Sun, and five f Mercury, and the whole fhall turned into Powder or Duft ccording to the condition of Duft 5 and Projcd one of thofc en parts, upon other ten of A- nalgama or fimple Mercury^ fo roceedby Computing and Pro- dding untill thou fee the Matter iirned neither into Duft nor Me- all^ but into a hard frangible ' ilallc, and make triallof it,^^. ; IC hdvv j JO Chjmlcd CotteEihns. how many parts,onc part can turn intoMetall", and by this manner thou {halt neceffarily findcthc end of Projedion, otherwifc thou {halt never findc it, unleffc it be firft converted into a hard fran- gible Maffc, as we told thee be- fore. Lull.reft.pa.6^. ymm^ But this is the greateft Secret, that the vertue of the Medicine fhall be alfo augmented in the Projedion, notonelyinextenhvc Quantity, but alfo in the vertue of Pcrfeiftion and Goodnelic, viz. If the Medicine be Projected in a due Proportion upon a Body, and the whole be put into Fire,and augmented by its degrees, and be _, oftnerdiflolved, and oftner coa- j sulated, till it be more fluxiUthen „, Wax. Wherefore if in Projection the Medicinebe fo much wcakned that it cannot have ingrcffe anv longer, ingrelTe is given to it it , part of the firft Medicine be joi-j' Chjmicall CoUcBians. 1 5 1 ned to it, and it be decocted by difToIving and coagulating till it flow. But by how much lefiTe the vcrtueof the Medicine is, it is ne- cefTarily convenient to adminifter the Fire from the beginning, and according to the degrees of Time, by fo much the more temperature. But if there ihall nothing remain ofthcfirft and moft perfcd: Me- dicine which might be added, (which left it happen to him, the iegenious Artift muft chiefly be- ivare) thence it will be fit to doc Otherwife. The third manner is ('.according to /? mf44 Things CO be obfervecJ. I I.^TpHE MaterUll Tart bein^ \ A known , and had^ it eugk 1 mt to be kept in a Hot^ and Mstft j but in a Cold or Dry place • nor bt i kept long : but thou beginnefi u t Work with it whilftit isfrefh^ am ( but newly Extracted from its Mine 2. Begin not to Werk^ anlefj^ ji thou hafi fo much of the Profe. // Materi all weighed out ^ as willferv^ C for two years ; that in cafe thet k failefi the firjt time, thou rnaiji u corre^it thefecond, Becaufe thot D €anft not examine Truth wtthom C Faljhood^ nor that which is Streigk ^ mthout confideration had of tha^ Pfhich is Crooked. So that if thot Jhouldji want Matter to work upon. thdu Uavefi the Work unfimfhed an (145) atfdgettefl nothing ittt thj Labour f$r thj Bains/ / 5. The Elements are i» he fep^- rated in afoft Bathj that the Alem* tick he mt perceived f$ be hot^ but that the vafour {being Elevated dnd Congealed in the Colder Aire) may he turned into Waur^ having the form of all the Species's 19 her e^ of it is Generated^ 4. After the WkHr [hall be Di- fliUedy let it not fiandlor^g whenit is jit for Operation:, Becaufetif^ Coagulum thereof falleth into the bottome^ congealing the Coagula^ ted (Body) by the Coldne(fe and Drineffe efthsAire: which (f^^^^ Senior) happened to one of ray AflTociates, who found it fo foiuk whole.yearj but not Diftilled. y. li is neceffary the Artifl have 4 grcAt ^mtitj ofWater^ becauf^ L th^t (140 ihA$ in the Beginning^ Middle^ and Bnd^ there mU always be a, mcefitj thereof^ as wellin Futrefying^afh^ ingy Calcining, Subliming^ Imbi* bing^ as that the Elixir may be of- ten Refolved. Wherefore Avicctt in his Efiftle to his Son^ My Son it bchovcth thee to have a great Quantity of our Sun and Moon, that thou maift extraft their Moi- ftures, fixty Pounds at the leaft. e 6. thett maift with on Pound weight f Water ^ refolve the Matter into Water, even to an Infinite £luantity. But he that defires tc gather this firji Pound let him bi Fatient, and proceed foftly aru< fweetlj, not hafiily : For that Wori is termed ofPhihfcphers, An Ex- traftion of his own Sweat. 7. But above all^ thoumujl be ware^ that at no time thou futtefl * cold Clajje into the hot Water lej (M7) lejl it fhould bebreke^andthou lo* Jeft thy Labour. 8. It U to be noud^ When tho» takefiup A Ve^ei^ thoufnjferefi it to cook with Watery for the jp.Ace of three hours, at the leafi^ g. Take heed irtDiftilUtionjthat \he Water bubble not at the fame ■ime, lo. In every Digeflion^ the lla([emuft be Sealed with the Seal ^f Hermes. \i.To Fix Inceration^ a Necef- tty is obferved amongfi clacks ^ hat A Fire be made thereon^ where- y the Matter ma) the better be Fix- Vd^ which notwithftanding is n^ itf befleighted. 12. He that under (lands what I meant by /A^PhilofophersMa- ■nefia, underflands the Preparation ^1» L z and (148) 4nd Ptrfeliion cfihefirfi Work^ and what is meant hj Sal naturae, Sal Armoniacus, Mercurius Ex- uberatus, and Sulphur naturae, pfhich being undtrftood Dimidium fadi^ qui bene coe- pitj habct. 13. shortly after the fecend Work, or the Philofophick Work U begun ^ forget not even at the fame houre^ to begin the Preparation of thy Ferments^ hecaufe they require a long time of Preparation 5 Let the Sun make his own Ferment : the Moon hersf 14. Jo the Building of a Kings Palace^ thefe following Artificers are neceffarily required, A Mafon^ a Smith^a Glafter^ a Potter^ {or ma- ker ef Earthen Images) a Carpenter: mthout x9hiLh^ neither the palaa can rightly be built -^ mrtheKin^ there (I4P) therein preferved from Cold^ and the Injuries of Winds. 15. Many men through Igno- rance have deflroied their Work^ t^hen at the fir [I they made Project- $n of the Medicine^ upon ImpcrfeS Metals, For^ on vohatfoever Body thou firjt oj all FrojecJeJi the Me- dicine^that (ame is converted into a J^rangible Maffe^ andjhallbe an Eli- xir according to the nature of the Body upon which it is fo Proje^ ded. So^ at that if the ProjeSion be made upon Ju^itcVy ^r Venus, it fhaU be a Medicine^ which notonely converteth other Imperfe5i Bodies into Jupiter, or Venus, but alfo re^ duceth perfeii Bodies (jomt^ the Sun and Moon) into Imperfeit Bo- dies • according fo the nature of the Body uf on which the Medicine JhaS frft bi proje^ed: fVhich caufed the moji Learned Rairaund (firuck with Admiration) to cry out in thefe Z 3 wordf^ (150) mrdsy What ! is Nature Re- trograde f i6. He that would under [I and the f^jings of philofophers^ mufi not give credit fo much to their Words ^ as to the things they treat of : For^ the kmwledge of Words ^ is not to he taken from the manner of (peaking^ becaufe that the Matter is net (ttb- ]e6i to the Speech^ hut the Speech to the Matter. 1 7. Note^ that a fhort and hro.td *vefje/i is requiftte for dtfiilling a Heavy Body^ or at leafl Water with its Saltneffe. Becaufe that by hew much the Water is more Ponderous then the Body, by fo much Bught the Feffellto be the broader and dee- fer^ through which the heat pafjtth more temperate and profitable to the Work. 18. Great care is always to be had^ lejl at any time from the fir ft Coth (150 \ Con]un^ion to the Whitemffe^ the I Matter jhould rvax cold^ or be 4f ; arty time moved hy reafonof immi- ^ nent Danger. ig. Let not a greater ^antity cf the Matter be put into the philo- fophers Eggey then may fill two Thirds thereof y at the utmo^. 20. It is to be noted, that in Ah- Itttion^ or Calcination of the Earthy although the Waters Imbibition^ or Exficcation^ be made in preparation hj the temperate heat of the Bath 5 fet its Sublimation or Rifing is per- fected by aftviftfireof Afhes. 21. The philofophicall Work may ^t \, p'V^ he begun mth an ec^uati proportion ^i"^'^- of Earth prepared, and pure Water ^>!'l{Xf] [even times reBifed-j which are 2^'''^'^''\ joined and put up in an Ovall^^J.^"^^ Glafje Hermetically Sealed. ^/^^^--^tH'/'f /J^ wards let them be placed in the p^/-^.«^rV«.ah-* L^ lofophi-y''^'^'' (152) li^ofhic/iH FurnACCf or Athamrt^ and cherifhed with amsjl [oft Ftrc^ fvhiljl the Earth drinks up her W4- ter, and {according to Ripley) the Streams are dried up. Then laftljy let the dry Matter he comforted with Jevcn Imbibitions^ and every Im-^ hibltionkeep thefolkmng Properti- en, that fo the Water m.iy by a jajl\ Meafure exceed the Earth nine times according to the Voclrine of ihilofophers 5 which cannot other^ wife he done, then by obferving the fe Numbers. But this (ecret was\ never 06 yet Revealed by any Body. For Example : Jf in the firjl Conjun^ion the Earth weigh ^%o Grains, then let fo many be added to it oftts Water, which together make ftp 960 Grains^ and for the time ap" pointed to the firjl Imbibition 240 Grains of new Water are required ^ 300 to the [econdy ^']')to the thirds 468 to the fourth^ 5^5^^ the fifth, 73^ (153) 7?2 totheftxth,^^o tothefeventh^ wherebj the Iwbtbition isfcrfeBed^ mdthtntrocctdto FermentAtion. THE END. fit adciparvum e(l, tlhiquinfotat'iapyaftet. Sapeque PunCium unum^gfande Uvamen habit. h OR, S f The grand Secret | OF % hermetick| T HI LOSO^HY. f jvH E R E I N, ^ The Secrets of Nature and ^ Art, concerning the Matter ^ and Manner of making the *> Philofophcrs Compofition, are or- 4* derly and methodically mamfcfted. The TVork^ of a concealed Author, ^ . #• Penes nos unda Tagi, 't^ The third Edition amended and ;|* enlarged. #> I 157) To the Students in, and well affcdcd unto Hermetick Philofophy, health and frofferitj. Mongft the heights of hid* den Philofophy, the pro- du(^ion of the Hcrmctick Stofie hath ofa long time beenftrongly believed to e the chiefcft, and neareft a Miracle, oth for the Labyrinths and multitudes f operations, out of which the mindc f man, unlefle it be illuminated by a earn of Divine light, is not able to un- ;inde her felf; as alfo becaufe of its loft noble end which promifeth a con- tant plenty of health and fortunes, the wo main pillars of an happie life. Be- ides, the chief Promoters of this Science lave m?de it mo ft remote from the cnowlcdgc of the vulgar fort by theic Tropes and dark expreflions, and have )laced it on high, as r. Tower impregna- )lc for Flocks and Situation, whereunto ;hcre on be no acceffe, unlelfe Goddi* rea (I5S) re6l the way. The ftudy of hiding thi; ^ Art hath drawn a reproach 11 pen the At f^ it felf and its ProfefTors : for when thof ^ unfortunate Plunderers of the Goldci ^^[ Fleece by reafon of their unskilfulnefTi f felt thcmrelves,beat down from their vait J' attempt, and far unequall unto fuch emi nent perfons *, they in a furious raptur f ofdefperation^hke mad-men, waxed ho ■ againtt their fame and the renown of th' ^| Science, utterly denying any thing to bi ]' above their cognizance and the iphear ', of their wit, but what w^as foolifh am J' frothy : And becaufe they fet upon j . bufincffe of damage to themlclves, the; ' ^ have not ceafed to accule the chief Ma ' j ftcrsof hidden Philofophy of falOiood ' Nature of impotency,and Art of cheat! . not for any other reafon, then that the] ^) raflily condemnc what they know not } nor is this condemnation a fiifficient re '' venge, without the addition of madnel ? to fiiarl and bite the innocent with infa mous flaunders. I grieve (in truth) fo ": their hard fortune, wh6 whileft they re prove others, give occafion of their owi conviclion,although they jurtly fuffer ai helliiCh fury within them, Tbey moil anc ^ fwca ('159) ^cat to batter the obfcurc principles of c moft hidden Philoljbphy with troops 'arguments, and to pull upthefecret undatioiis thereof widi their devifed gines : which yet are onely manifeft theskilfull, and thofe that are much irfed in To fublime Philofophy, but hid pm ftrangers : Nor doe thefe quick- ;hted Cenfors obferve, that whilft ey malign anothcrs credit, they wil- igly betray their own. Let them confi- :r with themfelveSjwhether they under- and thole things which they carp at ; /hat Author of eminency hath divulged e fecret elements of this Science, the ibyrinths and windings of operations, id laftly, the whole proceedings therc- ? What Oedipta hath fincerely and uly explained unto him the figures and tangled dark fpeeches of Authors > Ach what Oracle, what Sibyll, have cy been led into the Sandluary of this ply Science? Jn fine, how were all lings in it made fo manifeft,that no pare mains yet unveiled ? I fuppole they ill no otherwifc anfwer my queftion, len thus, that they have pierced all ingsbythe fubtilty of their wits ; or con- . (t6o) confefle that they were taught (or rat feduced) by Tome wandring Quack' Mountebank , who hath aept ititO] good efteem with than, by his feignoijj countenance of a Philofopher. O wi< ' ednefTe / who can (ilently fufFer tl: Palmer- worms to gnaw upon the fame tj labour, and glory of the wife ? who cti m wicbpatience hear blinde men, as out ^ k a Tripode judging of the Sun ? Bi is greater glory to contemne the hi lefle darts of bablers, then to repdl Let I hem onely difdain the trcafi of Nature and Art, who cannot obt it. Nor is it my purpofe to plead doubtfuU caufe of an unfortunate Scit^l cnce, and being condemned, to takej ^^ into tuition : Our guiklefTc Philofoph \^^^ is no whit criminous ; and llandin ^^,^ firm by the aid of eminentcfl Authoi^ ,j„ and fortified with the manifold exper ence of divers agcs,it remains fafe enoi^ from the fopperies of prarlers, and dc fnariings of envy. However Charit liath incited me, and the mulcitudc ( wanderers induced me, taking pity c them, to prefent my light, that fo the may cfcape the hazard of the night : t he ^Ihelp whereof they may not onely live put, but alfo j)rocure an enlargement )oth to their Life and fading Fortunes. This fmall Treatife penn'd for your ufc ye Students of Hermetick Philofophy) I prefcnt unto you, that it may be dedi- :ated to thofe, for whofe lake it was vrit. If any {>erhaps (hall complain of be, and (iimmon me to appear as guilty ^f breach of filence for divulging lecrecs. b an itching ftyle, ye have one guilty of bo much refpedlfulnefle towards you, bnfefling his fault, fentence him if you ileafe ; fo that .my crime may (upply he place of a reward to you : The of* ?nce will not tjee difpleafing unto you,' ndthepunifliment (I doubt not) plea- Igt unto mee, if I fhall finde my felf to bive erred in this onely, whereby you by put an end to erring for the future. M Qamn I It 10] 163 Hermetick Secrets: Canon i . O D S fear is the en- ^^^q. trance into this Sci- „ition, encc. Its end is good will towards our Neighbour, the fatisfying Crop is the rearing endowing religious entcrtain- itj with certainty •, that what- /er the Almighty freely be- vcth on us, we may fubmiilive- Dffer again to him. As alfo Lintreys grievoufly oppreflcd, r be relieved ^ prifoners mifc- y captivated, releafed; and s almoft ftarved, comforted. The light of this knowledge ic gift of God, which by his lefle he bcftoweth upon )m he pleafeth : Let none cfoEC fet himfelf to the ftudy M a hereof;^ 1 64 Hermetick Secret si hereof, untill having cleared an purified his heart, he devote hin ! lelf wholly unto God, and be en ptied of all affedion unto thinj impure. " 3. The Science ofproducii'^ Natures grand Secret^ is a perfe ^' . knowledge of Nature univerfal^; and of Art, concerning the Rea' of Metals, the praftife whereo' converfant in finding the prin pies of Metals by Analyfis^and ter they are made much m perfed, to conjoyn them oth wife then before they have bo that from thence may refult a iF\ tholick Medicine, moft pow"^J full to perfeft imperfedl Metj '^ ^ and for reftoring fick and deca ^^. Bodies, of what fort foever. \k 4. Thofe that are in publj;^^' Honours and Offices, or be ways bufied with private and ceflary occupations, let them 1 ftrive to attain unto the top oft f^^^ Phi ofl Hermetick Secrets. \ 55 ^hilofophy, for it requireth the vhole man, and being found, pof- eflcth him, and being pofTelTed, hallengeth him from all long and erious imploiments, efteeming all ^ther things as ftrange unto him, nd of no value. 5. Let him that is dcfirous of his Knowledge, clear his minde Tom all evil motions, efpecially )ride5 which is abomination to '-Ieaven,and the gate of Hell : let lim be frequent in prayers, and rharitable ^ have little to do with ;he world 5 abftain from company ceeping-, enjoy conftant tranquil- ity 5 that the Minde may be able :o reafon more freely in private, md be higher lifted up •, for un- .cffe it be kindled with a beam of Divine Light, it will not be able to penetrate the hidden myfteries of Truth. 6. The Alchymifts^ who have siven their minds to their wel- M 3 nigh pt i66 Hermetick Secrets, nigh innumerable Sublimations, I Diftillations, Solutions, Congea- lations ^ to manifold Extraction j of Spirits and Tin<5lures,and other Operations more fubtill then pro- fitable, and fo have diftraded them by variety of errors, as fo many tormentors ^ will never bci bent again by their own Genius to the plain way of Nature and light of Truth, from whence their in- duftrious fubtilty hath declined them, and by twinings and tur- ^. nings, as by the Lybian CJuick- ' fands, hath drowned their intan- gled Wits : the onely hope oii j fafety for them remaineth in fin- ding out a faithful! Guide anc Teacher, that may make the cleai Sun conspicuous unto them, anc vindicate their eies from dark- nefle. 7. A ftudious Tjro of i quick wit, conftant minde, infla- med with the ftudy of Philofo- phy Hermetick Secrets, i6y phy, very skilfull in naturall Phi- lofophy, of a pure heart, com- pleat in manners, mightily devo- ted to God, though ignorant of pradicall Chymiftry, may with confidence enter into the high- way of Nature, pcrufe the Books of beft PhiIofophers-5 let him feek out an ingenious and fedu- lous Companion for himfelf,and not defpair of obtaining his defirc. 8> Let a Student of this fecret, carefully beware of reading or keeping company with falfePhi- lofophers 5 for nothing is more dangerous to a learner of any Sci- ence, then the company of an un- skilfuU or deceitfuU wit, by which falfe principles are ftamped for true, whereby an honeft and too credulous a minde is fcafoned with bad Dodrine. 9. Let a Lover of truth make ufe of a few Authors, but of beft note and experienced truth 5 let M 4 him iW Hermetick Secrets. him fufpeft things that arc quick- ly underllood, efpecially in my- ftical Names and fccrct Operati- ons s for truth lies hid in obfcu- rity % nor doe Phibfophers ever write more deceitfully, then when plainly, nor ever more truly then when obfcurely, 10. As for the Authors of chiefcft note, which have difcour fed both acutely and truly of thefecrets of Nature, and hid- den Philofophy, Hermes^ and Morienus Remanus^ amongft the Ancients, in my judgement are of the higheft efteem ; amongft the Modern, C^«;^/ Trevifams^Sz. Rai- mundus Lullins^ is in greateft re- verence with me : for what that moft acute Doftour hath omitted, none almoft hath fpokcn : let him therefore perufe him,yea let a Stu- dent often reade over his former Teftament, and Codicil, and ac* ccpt them as t Legacy of very ' ^ great Herwetick Secrets. 169 great worth. To thefe two Vo- lumes let him adde both his Pra- aicks, oat of which Works all things defirable may be coUefted, cfpecially the truth of Matter, the degrees of Fire, and the ordering of the Whole, wherein the whole Work is finiihed, and thoft tilings which our Anceftors too care- fully laboured to keep fccret. The occult caufes of things, and the fecret motions of nature, arc demonftrated more clearly and faithfully. Concerning the firft and myfticall Water of Philofo- phers he hath fet down few things, yet very pithy. II. As for that clear Water fought for by many, found out by few, yet obvious and profi- table unto all, which is the Bafe of the Philofophers Work, a noble Poloma^ not more famous for his learning then fubtilty of wit (not named; v^ihofe name not- with- t7o Bermetick Secrets] Withftanding a double Anagram hath betraied) In his Novum lumen Ckymicum ^Parabola and t^nigma^ as alfo in his- Trad of Sulphur^ he hath fpoken largely and freely enough 5 yea he hath exprefled aU things concerning it fo plainly, that nothing can be fatisfaftory ta him that dcfircth more. 12. Philofophers do ufually ex- preflTe themfelves more pithily in types and senigmaticall figures (as by a mute kind of fpeechj then byj^ woprs-jforexample, ^^^/^y's Tabk; the allegoricalPidures oiRof^rius the Schemes of AbrAham fudaui in Flame llus : of the later fort^the rare Emblemes of the moft lear ned Michael Mai'ems^ wherein the! myfteries of the Ancients are fo fully opened, that as new Perfpe- dives they can prefent antiquated truth, and remote from our ag( as near unto our eies^and perfedlj to be fcen by us. 13. Who j Uermeuck Secrets. i y i i?p Whofoever affirmcth that the Philofophers grand Secret is above the ftrength of Nature and Artjhc is blinde^becaufe he knows not the Sun and Moon, 14. As for the Matter of their o//i[,^j^^. hidden Stone, Philofophers have^^^o/tfce writ diverfly ^ fo that very many ^^^^^* difagreeing in Words, do never- thelefle very well confent in the Thing 5 nor doth their different fpeech, argue the fcicnce ambi- guous or falfe.fince the fame thing may be exprelTed with many tongues, divers expreffions,and a different charader, and alfaonc and many things may be fpokcn after a divers manner. 15. Let the ftudious Reader have a care of the manifold figni- fications of words, for by deceit- full windings, and doubtfuU, yea contrary fpeeches, (as it fhould fccmj Philofophers vent their xnyfteries, with a defire of keep- ing I jy2 Bermetick Secrets. inginand hiding, not of fophifti- cating or deftroying the truth : And though their writings abound with ambiguous and equivocall words 5 yet about none doe they more contend,then in hiding their golden branch : *^em tegit omnis *^^-^' Lucus 5 & ob[curis cUudmt con- VAllihm umbra. Which all the Groves withfhad- dows overcaft. And gloomy Valleys hide. Nor yeeldeth it to any Force, but readily and willingly will follow him, who MAternas agnofcit aves (^ geminA cui forte ColumhA Jffd fub or A viri coelo 'uenere njo^ Untes, I ii Knows Dame Ver^tu Birds ► q| And him to whom of Doves a | lucky paire ^^ Sent from above (hall hover 'bout ly hisEarc. i6.Who- ^ w Hcrmetlck Secrets. 173 i6. Whofoevcr feeketh the Art of perfeding and multiply- ing imperfcdl Metals, beyond the nature of Metals, goes in errour, for from Metals the Me- tals is to be derived, even as from Man, Mankinde; and from an Oxe, that fpecies is to be fetcht. 17. Metals (we muft confefle) cannot be multiplied by the in- ftinftand labour of Nature onely ; yet we may affirm that the mul- tiplying virtue is hid in their pro- fundity, and manifefteth it felf by the help of Art : In this Work, Nature ftandeth in need of the aid of Art ; and both doth pcr- fc<5i the whole. 18. Perfeft Bodies are endued with a more perfect feed : and therefore under the hard bark of perfeiS Metals the perfed feed lies hid, which he that knows to take out by the Philofophers fo- lution, hathcntrcd into the high way,for in 1 74 Hermetkk secrets. — JnaurQ Semwa funt auri, quamvis ab" firufa ncedant Longius^ Irt Gold the feeds of Gold do lie, Though buried in Obfcurity. ip. Moft Philofophcrs have affirmed that their Kingly Work is wholly compofed of the Sun and Moon •, others have thought good to adde Mercury to the Sun : fome have chofen Sulphur and Mercury •, others have attri- buted no fmall part in fo great a Work to fait mingled with the other two. The very fame men have profeffed that this clear Stone is made of one thing onely, fomctimesof tvvoi, otherwhiles or three, at other times of four, and of five 5 and thus though writing fo varioufly upon the fame fub- jed, doe nevertheleffe agree in f:nfe and meaning. 20. Now that (abandoning all Cheats) ' Hermetkk Secrets^ 17 5 )Ohcats)we may deal candidly and •ruly, we hold that this entire Vork is pcrfeded by two Bodijss nely^to wit, the Sun and Moon lightly prepared, for this is mecr generation which is by nature, : /ith the help of Art, wherein the copulation of male and female loth intercede, from whence an »flF fpring far more noble then the >arents,is brought forth* 21, Now thofe Bodies muft »c taken, which are of an unfpot- cdand incorrupt virginity ^ fuch s have life and fpirits in them 5 lotextindas thofe that are hand- ed of the vulgar, for who can ex- >ed life from dead things 5 and hofe arc called corrupt which lave fuffered copulation 5 thofe lead and extindl which (by the enforcements of the chief Tyrant )f the world) have poured out heir foul with their bloud by ^ajrtyrdomc, fly a fratricide from b 176 Hermetick Secrets. from whom the grcateft imminent danger in the whole Work is thrcatned. 22. The Sun is Mafculine, for- afmuch as it fendeth forth acSivc f and inforcing feed, the Moon is Feminine, called the matrix and ^^ veffel of Nature, becaufe fhe re-* J ceiveth the feed of the male in her' ^^ womb, and foftereth it by her '^' monthly provifion yet doth it not altogether want its aftivc vir- tue 5 for,iirft of all (being ravifhed with love) ihe climbs up unto the male, untill fhe hath wreftedfrom him the utmoft delights diVcnu4^ and fruitfuU feed : nor doth (he' defift from her embraces, till that being great with childe, fhe flip' gently away. 23. BythenameoftheMooil|«i Philofophcrs underftand not the' vulgarMoon, which alfo is mi-f^< fculine in its operation, and in cO^- '^ pulatioo a(3s the part of a rttil^. i Let k V f\ Hermetick Secrets* : jm-j Let none therefore prcfumc to try che wicked and unnaturall con- jundion of two males, neither !et him conceive any hope of if- ue from fuch copulation, but he [hall join Gabemus to Beiay and )fFer the fifter to her own brother n firm Matrimony, that from hence he may receive Sol's loble Son. 24. They that hold Sulphur nd Mercury to be the Matter of he Stone, by the name of Sul- hur, they underftand the Suit nd common Moon 5 by Mercu- ■^ the Philofophers Moon : fo Mthout diflimulation) holy X«/- ^^^^^f- ius advifeth his friend, that he at- rZw. jmpt not to work without Mer- ary and Luna for Silver, and lercury and Sol for Gold. 25. Let none therefore be de- rived by adding a third to two : >r Love admitteth not a third \ id wedlock is terminated in the N num- • ci 178 Hermctick Secrets. number of two-, love further cxr 1 tended is adultery, not matrix mony. z6. Ncvcrtheleffe , Spiritual! love polluteth not a virgin , BeU might therefore without crime (before her promife made to G4>? bfitius) have contracted fpirituall love, to the end that ihe might thereby be made more cheerfull, more pure, and fitter for the bu- ' fincffe of matrimony. \ 27. Procreation of children is l'' the end of lawfuU Wedlock Nov^ . |; that the Infant may bee borne ;'^^ more vigorous and gallant , \t& both the combatants be clertfei ^^ from every fcab and fpot 5 befor«|^ they both go up to their marriage "^'^ bed, and let nothing unnecefla?^!?, cleave unto them 5 becaufe froij ^^\ pure feed comes a purifyed gene J? ration, and fo the chaft wedldcl^l i^Sol and Luna, fliall be finiihci, ^ -when they ihall enter into Lov? P bed* Herwetick Secrets. 17^ ibed -chamber , and be conjoyncd, and fhe fhall receive a foul from herhusband by imbracing him 5 from this copulatidn a moft po- rent King {hall arife, whofe father tvill bee Sol ^ and his mother tuna. 28. He that fecks for a pHyfi- :all tinfture without Sol and Lu- u^ lofeth both his coft and )ains;for the Sun affordeth a tnoft rfentifulltindureofredneffe, arid he Moon of whitenelfe , for the(e wo are onely called perfed ; be- paufc they are filled with the fub- ance of pui:eft Sulphur , perfe<5t- *^' clarified by the skill ol" nature : et thy Mtrcurf therefore have s tinfture from both of thefc jghts; for things muft of necef-, 'ty receive a tinSiure before they Ingiveone. ; . -r 29. Perfeftmetafs (tofttain^iir [hem two things, which thcy^ ztt lie to communicate to the im- N z pcrfcift I go Hermetick Secrets". perfcft^Tindurc and Fixation-jfor i« thofe 5 becaufe the are dyed and fixed with pure Sulphur, to wit ^ both white and red , they doe therefore perfcdly tind and fix, , if they be fitly prepared with their |ai proper Sulphur and Arfenick , o- therwife they have not ftcength')Vi of multiplying their tindure. 30. Mercury is for imperfed'ifor metals, fit only to receive the tin dureofthe5«» and Moon'm the lis work of the Philofophers Stone, c that being full of tindiurc, it may ^n give forth other things in aboun dance : yetoughtit( before that ) to be full of invifible Suphur, that it may be the more coloured with the vifible tinfture of perfe(5lfc bodies^ and fo repay it with fuffir *cient Ufury. 31. Now the whole tribe offt Philofophers fwcat much , and' arc mightily troubled to cxtrad ; tin(fturc out of gold : for they be- leevc ofl H' If pi oni lioi lur m )3ra J 1 01 Hermetick Secrets. ig ccve that tinfture can be fepara- ed from the Sun , and being fe- )arated cncreafe in virtue 5 but y^fes tandem AgricoUs vanis eludh L driflis* ^aine hope, at laft the hungry Plough-man cheats Vith empty Husks, injteadef luftj meats. :oritis impoflible that the Suns nfture can at all be fevered from isnaturallbody, fince there can ; no elementary body made up nature more perfed then gold, te perfedion whereof proceedeth |Dm the ftrong and infeparablc iion of pure colouring Sul- !ur with Mercury ^ both of them ing admirably pre-difpofed ^reunto by Nature 5 whofe true^^ fi»aration nature denieth untow )ltt : But if any liquor remaining iextrafted (by the violence of or waters) by the Sun, it is to reputed a part of the body N 3 made igj Bertnetick Secrets. made liquid or diflblvcd by forcti For th^ tindure folio wet h its bo- dy , and is never fcparate J from it. That is the deluding of Art , tinknowne to Artificers thcm-t!' felves. 32. NevertheleflTe it may be granted, that tindurc is feparable|Ji from its body, yet ( we muft con-'^ JFefle) it cannot befeparated with out the corruption of the tindure? when as Artifts offer violencei to the gold, or Aqua fortis nt-^2 dier corroding then diffolving. The body therefore fpoiled of its'^^^ tinfture and golden fleece , mufl needs grow bafe, and as an unpro- '^^ Stable heap turncto the damage jiw of its Artificer, and the tindtufi'vei -Jthus corrupted to have a weak€l^9 Operation. in 33. Let them in the next plad Jf caft their tindure into Mercurj^ 01 rt i into any other imperfeiSl body s^c and as ftrongly conjoync both dors^ then ' Bermetick Secrets. I gj i hem as their Art will permit^ yet jhall they foil of their hopes two ^ayes ; Fij ft,becaufc the tindurc r'ill neither penetrate nor colour •eyond Natures ftrength; and herefore no gainc will accrue fom thence to recompence the xpence and countervaile the loflc f the body fpoiled and of no va- jae, fo [um Ubor indAmm eftj:re[chjnorr tdlis egefias^iyiir.ri^rr, : .|Vant is poor mortals wages, when his toylc ,roducesonly loifeof paines and i . Oyle^ . : .•^..:;- V laftly thacbaniftied Tin<5terc ap. |,ied to another body will not I ve a perfect fixation andpcfma* imcy to endure a ftrong tryall, jid refift fearching Saturne. % 34. Let them therefore that [C. dcfirous of Chjmifirj , and ivc hitherto followed Impo- ors and Mountebanks, found a N4 retrait. 184 Hermettck Secrets. 1 retrait, fparetime and coft, and Jai give their minde to a work truly cf Philofophicall, left the FhrygUm % be wife too late , and at length k pA'.r. be compelled to cry out with the ;er Prophet , Sir Angers have eaten uf^ k tnfflrength. I nc 35. In the Philofophers work iiii more toyle and time then coft is k expended • for he that hath con-^ lai venient matter, need be at little tt' expence : befides, thofe that hunt k after great ftore of mony , and ^f Sulphur 5 but are at a ftand in he entrance of the Philofophers ;rf/r(r«r^. for Writers have twlfted : with fo many windings and Me- nders, involved it with fo many ?quivocallnamcs, that it maybe aoner met with by the force of lie Seekers intelle6l, then be oundbyreafonor toyle. 37^ That Philofophers might he deeper drown their Mercury in i^rkncffe, they have made itma- lifold 5 and placed their Mercury yet diverfly ) in every part and brcfront of' their worke, nor i26 Hermeticfc secrets. will he attainc unto a perfcd knowledge thereof, who (hall be ignorant of any part of the work^ 38. Philofophcrshaveacknow-f ledged a threefold Mercury efpe- cially, to wit, after abfolute pre- ^ paration of the firft degree , and Philofophicall fublimation-, for then they call it their Mercurj^iixA Mercury fublimatcd. 39. Againc, in the fccond prepon ration , that whichby Authors is ftilcd the Firft (bec;a,ufe they omit the Firft ) Sol being now made crude again , and refolvcd into his firft matter is Mercury , properly called of fuch like bodies , or the \ Philofophers Mercury ^then the matter is called Rehis , ChaQi\ ^ the whole world , wherein arc all things neceffgry to thq work, becaufc that onrfy is fuffi-^ cient to perfect the Stone. .» 40. Laftly the Philofopher^ do fometimes call perfeft Elixir and colouring medicine, their idcr^ fcJIermeUck Seer eft. 1 87 cur J ^xkowgh improperly; for name of Mercury doth onely iropcrly agree with that \vhich is x)latile5 bcfides that which is ublimatcd in every region of the vork, they call Mercury : but E- ixir becaufe it is moft fixed , can- tot have the fimple name of Mer- rury, and therefore they have ftir ed it their own Mercury, to diffc- cncc it from that volatile* A traight way is onely laid downc or them to find out and difcernc b many Mercuries of the Philo- bphers, for then onely ^ms dquus amivh fufiter^ aut ardexis evcxit ad athe- o£ntiii,S, ra virtus. ^ Whom juft and mighty Jove Advancer h by the ftrength of love 5 Or fuch whom brave heroick fire, Evfakes from dull Eanh to Hcav'n afplre. -i{i^ Elixiiis called the Philo- -v^' fophers 1 8 8 Hermetick Secrets. fophers Mercury for the likeneflTc and great conformity it hath with Heavenly Mercury •, for this , be- ing void of elementary qualities is beleeved moft propenfe to receive influence from them , and that changeable Froteus puts on and cncreafeth the genius and nature of other Planets, by reafon of op- pofition , conjundion and afpedl. The like this uncertaine Elixir worketh, for that being tyed to no proper quality , it imbraceth the quality and difpofition of the thing wherewith it is mixed , and wonderfully multiplyeth the yir-* tues and qualities hereof. J\kd'' ^^' '^"^^^ Philofophicallfub- mmathn limation or firft preparation of ofMmury, Mcrcury, Herculean labour muft be undergone by the work-man ; for ^Af^n had in vaine attempted his expedition to Colchis mih,- out A Icides, Alterinauratam not4.de vertictftl- lem Prin- ^Hermetick Secrets. 1 8p rincipium velut GJlendit^ quod Aug. oy. fumerefofsis*, ^'^''' Alter cms quantum jubeas — One from an high a Golden Fleece difplayes Which ihewes the Entrance, ano- ther fayes blow hard a taske you'l find. For the entrance is warded by lorne-pufhing beafts 5 which irivc away thofe that approach ?a(hly thereunto to their great lurt ; onely the enfignes of Diana nd the doves of Venus are able to flwage their fierceneffe, if the ates fevour. 43. The naturall quality of ^hilofophicall Earth and the til- age thereof, feems to be touched iy the Poet in this Verfe, Hngrn folum frimis extemflo k ^^^ ^ menfibasanni "^ortes invertant Tauri Tunc Zephjro futris fe gleba efolvit* Let :art I JO Htrmetick Secrets. Let fturdy Oxen when the ycarc begins Plough up the fertile foyle—- f? For Zeph'rus then diflblves the rotten clods. 44. He that calkth the Phtlo-f fophcrsLuna or their Mcrcury^the J?^ common Mcrcury^^doth wittingly ^^' dcceive^or is deceived •, fo the wri- *chap'^' tings of "^Geher teach us.that the r/,^r Philofophers Mercury is Argent ^^ jaagilicrii' vive, yet not of the common forfi''^ ' but extradcd out of it by the Phi- lofophers skill 45* That the Philofophers Mercury is not Afgenr vive in it^ proper nature , nor in its whole fubftance, but the midle and puit fubftancc thereof , which thence hath taken its originall and madt by it,the grand Philofophers opt nions being founded in experience 45. The Philofophers Merc*. [5 ry hath divers names , fometime^ it is call'd Earth/ometimes Water P iiva divers refpect, bccaufc it natu- h oc in m Hermeticke Scretu ip i ,ally arifcth from them both.Thc arth is fubtlc, white,fulphurous , ti which the elements arc fixed & tc philofophicall goldisfowne: he water is water of life, burnings permanent, moft clear, call'dthc yarer of gold and filvcr; but this j/Icrcury, becaufe it hath in it Sul- hur of itsown, which is multi- AycA by art,it deferves to be cald he Sulphur of Argent vivc. Laft if all the moft precious fubftancc ^r;^«j the ancients Hermaphro- iite5glorious in each fex. -^j. This Argent vive, is partly ^aturall, partly unnatural! , itbc- ig intrinfecall and occult hath its jOot in nature , which cannot be jlrawne forth unlefleit be by ibmc decedent clenfing, &indofl:rious ublimation , it being extrinfccall ; pr^ternaturall and accidental! : tparate therefore the clean from he unclean , the fubftance from be accidcnt$,and make that which is i^z Hermetkk Secrets. ishid,mamfeft, by the courfc of nature, otherwife make no furtheri\ progreffc, for this is the foundati- on of the whole worke , and na*|i ture. 48. That dry and mod prect bus liquor doth conftitutc the ra- dicall moifturc of metals, wherd * foreoffomcof the ancients it is called Glaffe-, for glafl'e is extraft* ed out of the radicall raoifture,| clofely lurking in afhcs which will not give place, unleffe it be to the hotteft flame 5 notwithftanding our inmoft or centfall Mercuryjitri difcoversit fclfc by the moft gen- tle and kindly ( though a little more tedious) fire of nature. 49. Some have fought for the latent Philofophicall earth by Calcination, others by fublimati-U on 5 many among the glafingvef- ^ fels,and fome few between vitriol and falt^even as among their natu- ml rallvefTcls : others enjoyne tofub- Jivii limdft f Hermetick Secretsl r^j imeitoutoflimeandglaffe. But iv^c have learned of the Prophet, hat in the beginning God created ieHeAven and the Earthy and the larthwAs without form and void ^ nd darknefe was upon the face of he Deep 5 and the fpirit of Godmo* ed upon the Waters ^ and God ud, Let there be Light^ and there t to a wife man (Deut 33.) Blef" i of the Lord be hts Land^ for the \ipples of Heaven ^f or the dew, and ^^S^ ^ the Deep that lyeth beneath-^ for ^ '^-^ e Apples of fruit both of fun Wj^^^^. wn 5 for the top of the ancient um & prx- mntainsJorthe apples ef the e-i^^' ^ I a- r It J '^ • t. Sweetnefs, r la jttng hills ^ &c. pray thcoidtranfla. )rd from the ground of thy Previous art(myfon) that he would be- '^^^'J^^'^anA )w upon thee a portion of this "l^dianc!. O 50. Ai:- IM Hermetick Secrets. 50. Argent vivc is fo defile by originall fin , that it flowcth with a double infcdiion 5 the firfti it hath contraded from the poUu-ji \ hfc ted Earth, which hath mixed it( fclfe therewith in its generation and by congelation hath cleave thereunto ; the fecond borders up on the dropfie, and is the corrup tion of intcrcutal Water^proceed-ja ing from thick and impure water, mixed with the clear, which n ture is not able to fqueeze out an( feparateby conftridion^ and be caufe it is extrinfecall^it goes awajjif 1 with a gentle heat. The Mercu ties leprofie infefting the body, i; not of its root and fubftancc , buijlc accidentally and therfore feparabll from it ; the earthy part is wipecfef offbyamoift Bathand the lavoinl of nature : the watery part is takq rff away by a dry bath with the plea \{\^ fant fire of generation. And thu ^i by a threefold wafliing and clcn y finj ... 10 Hermetkk Secrets. ip j ing the Dragon putting off his )Id fcalcs & ugly skm is renewed. 51. The Philofophicall fubli- nation of Mercury is compleated 1 two things 5 namely by rcma- ing things fuperfluous from it, nd by introducing things want- ig : the fuperfluities are the ex- :rnall accidents , which in the ark fphearc of Saturntdoc make toudy ruddy Jupiter. Separate icrefore the blcwneflfe of S^aturn lining up 5 untill lupiters purple arfmde upon thee. Add hereunto ^c fulphur of nature, whofe grain id leaven it hath in it felfe , (o luchasfuficethit; but fee that Ibe fufficient for other things al- '. Multiply therefore that invi- Wc Sulphurof thephilofophers the Virgins milk come forth: fo the firft gate is opened un.. thee. J 2. The entrance of the PM? >hers garden is kept by the O2 He- Ij5 Hermetici Secretsl \ Hefpcrian Dragon , which bcingj'^ laid opcn^a fountainc of the clear f eft water proceeding from a fea-P^ vcn fold fpring floweth forth o# every fide the threlhold , whcreicf^f make the Dragon drink thrice thet'^ magicall number of Seven^ umilp being drunk he put off his hideduf f^' garment: may the divine powers "^ of light-bringing Venus and horn-^i cd i>/4»4,be propitious unto theei '■ 53. Three kinds of moft beauti full flowers are to be fought , arirf^ may be found in the garden of th r f jj8 jJetmetick Secrets 4 56. Whofoc\^cr IS minded t(» obtainc the Philoibphers Stone let him refolveto rake a long pe- regrination, for it is necefiary that;[i he go to fee both the Indies, that:^ from thence he may bring the.r moft precious gems and thepu- reft gold. 57. Philofophers extrad thisr|, their Stone out of feven ftones ,5, the two chiefe whereof are of a.;' divers nature and efficacy, the onCp infufcth invifible Sulphur, thc^.^ other fpirituall Mercury • that.f,^ bringeth heat and drinefTc, anc^^f this cold and moifturc : thus by^^, their help^ the ftrength of theelei mentsis muItiplyedintheStonef^, the former is found in the Eaftern iicceflivc digeftions, as bydc-%f/Jl grccs , and at length attaineth to •erfe^on. Kow foure Digeftlons L ^ " agrcea- 2o8 Hermetick Secrets^ agreeable to the fourc abovefaid Operations or Governments do compleat the whole worke , the author whereof is the fire, which makes their difference. ^'^^- 68. The firftdigeftion operas teth the folution of the Body , whereby comes the firft conjun- ction of male and female , the commixtion of both feeds, putrc. fadiion, the refolution of the ele- jtli: ments into homogeneall water ^p the eclipfe of the Sun and Moon in the head of the Dragon , and laftly it bringeth back the whole World into its ancient Chaos^and dark abyflc. This firft digeftion im is made as in the ftomack, of a me- pi ion colour and weak, more fit for corruption then generation. >(cond. ^9* In the fecond digeftion thcAiiai fpirit of the Lord walketh uponfl^ the waters ^ the light begins td appear, and a feparation of waters from the waters 5 the Sun andte Moon* h hi lines Hermetick Secrets. 20^ Moon are rene\ted ^ the elements : are extradled out of the chaos.that being perfedly mixt in Spirit 1 they may conftitutc a new world 5 a new Heaven and new Earth are made 5 and laftly , all bodies arc become fpiricuall. The Crowes Eoung ones changing their fethers cgirx to paflTe into Doves , the Eagle and Lion embrace one ano- ther with an eternall League. And ;his generation of the World is ade by the fiery Spirit defcend- g in the forme of Water , and iping away Originall fin •, for the hilofophers Water is Fire, which moved by the exciting heat of a th. But fee that the feparation aters be done in Weight and fure, left thofe things that ainc under Heaven be drown- iindcr the Earth > or thofe :ings tliatarc fnatched up above i:avcn be too much deftitutc of dity. P Hie 2 1 o Hermctick Secrets. ^r^. I . Hic^ fiiriUm txiguus ne defer at hu- W0r arer^Am. Here, left final 1 moifturCj leave a. barren Soyle. 1.^1 70. The third digeft ion of the newly generated Earth drinketh; jj up the dewy Milk, and all the fpi- j^ rituall virtues of the quinteffence,^ ^ and fafteneth the quickning Soul | to the Body by the Spirits medi:i|]^ ation. Then the Earth layeth up ^^ agreatTreafuri^init fclfc, and is ^^ madc^like the corufcant Moon, af- ^f cerwards to ruddy Sun-,the former ^ is called the Earth of the Moon, ^ the latter the Earth of the Sun-,for - both of them is begot of the copu- r lation of them both*, neither of jj^ them any longer fcareth the pain of the Fire , bccaulcboth want fpots ^ for they have been ofte clenfed from fin by fire , and havovemeafure/or it being impati- it of Tyranny it becomes aliigi- tive 2i8 Hermetick Secretsl tivc, no hope ofrcturne being left |( unto thee 5 call it back therefore \ by courteous flattery, and keep it prudently. 81. The firft mover of Nature is Extcrnall Fire , tjie Moderatoi! of Internall Fire, and of the wholcii, work 5 Let the Philofopher there 7^ fore very well underftand the go| jj vcrnment thereof, and obferve itsi d^rees and points-, for frora thence the welfare or ruine of tb worke dependeth. Thus Art hcl peth Nature, and the Philofophei gj is the Minifter of both. jn^ 82. Bythcfe two Inftrumeotj j^ of Art and Nature, the Stone lif j^^ teth it felfc up from Earth tc {^ Heaven with great ingenuity, anc i,^ flideth from Heaven to Earth, be- \^^ caufe the Earth is its N urfe , anc 1^, being carried in the wombeof th(lci" wind, itreceivcththe force of thi Superiours and Inferiours. ^ 83. The Circulation of the E Icment: .^^ Hermetic^ Secrets. 2 ip Icmcnts is exercifed with a double ^^^f^^o- Wheel, by the greater or extend- {^f^^^^^^' cd, and the lefle or conix^AcA: md the lefs. The Wheel extended fixeth all the Elements of the Earth , xnd its circle is not finiflicd unleffc the work of Sulphur be perfeded.Thc revolution of the minor Wheel is terminated by the extraction and preparation of every Element-, INow in this Wheel there are three 3 chcks. Circles placed^which alwayes and tvarioufly move the Matter, by an Erratick and Intricate Motion, and do often (fcvcn times at leaft) drive about every Element, in or der fucceeding one another , and 'fo agreeable, that if one lliall be wanting the labour of the ^cft is made void* Thefe are aturcs Inftruments, wherby the lements arc prepared. Let the hilofopher therfore confider the rogrefle of Nature in the Phy^ kail Trad more fully, defcribed " r this very end, 84, Eve- 2 iQ fiermetick Secrets* 84, Every Circle hath its pro- per Motion 5 for all the motions c of the Circles are converfant a- ( bout the Subjefl: of Humidum and .y Siccum J and arc fo concatenated, i that they produce the onely ope- ration , and one only concent of Naturertwo of them are oppofitCj both in refped: of the caufes & the effeds 5 for one moveth upwards, drying by heat 5 another down- wards, moiftning by cold-^a third carrying the form of reft and fleep by digefting, induceth the ccflati- on of both in greateft moderation. Fi'4 Clyde 85. Of the three Circles, thq Firft is Evacuation, the labour oi which is in fubftra6ling the fuper- fluous Humidum^ and alfo in fepa- rating the pure, cleancjand fubtilc, from the groffc and terreftriall drcggs* Now the greateft danger is found in the motion of this Cirr clc , becaufe it hath to doe with things Spirituall, and makes Na- ture plcntifull. 86.Two ?« a m( lirii anc cor Eat By iwi rif,i atii noi toil Hermetick Stcrets. 221 85. Two things are chiefly to taken heed of in moving this ircle5 Firft, that it be not mo- d too intenfly 5 the other , that be not moved longer then is cet. Motion accelerated rai- th confufion in the matter , fo t the grofle , impure and indi- ;cfted part may fly out together ith the pure and fubtile, and the Body undilfolved mixed with the Spirit, together with that which is diflblvcd. with this precipitated motion the Heavenly and Terre- flriali Nature are confounded ^ and the Spirit of the Quinteffence corrupted by the admixtion of t he Earth, is made dull and invalid. By too long a motion the Earth is too much evacuated of its Spi- rit5& is madefo languifliing.dry, and dcftitute of Spirit, that itcan- iK)t cafily be rcftored and recalled to its Temperament. Either er- tour burncth up the Tin<5i:urcs,or ^urns ic into flight. . B^.Thc 221 Uermettck Secrets^ mdch' 87. The Second Circle \s Rc- ftauration •, whofe office is, to re- ftorc ftrcngth to the gafping and debilitated body by Potion. The former Circk was the Organ of Sweat and labour, but this of Re- freflimentand Confolation. The adion of this is imploycd in the grinding & mollifying the Earth, ( Potter like ) that it may be the better mixed. Ik ^ 8. The motion of this Cir- cle muft be lighter then that of the former, cfpecially in the be- ginning of its Revolution, left the, Crow's young ones be drowned' in their neft by a large fioud , andi the growing world be overflownfl by a deluge. This is the Weighs er and Affayer of Meafures^ for it diftriburcth Water by' Gcomctricall Precepts- There is ufually no greater Secret found in the whole prafticc of theWorkCj then the firme and juftly Hermeticke Secrets. 225 uftly weighed Motion of this Circle-, for it informeth the Philo- bphers Infant and infpircth Soul and Life into him. 8p. The Lawesof this Circles Motions are , that it run about gently-, and by little and little, md fparingly let forth it felfc, left that by making haft it fall from its mcafurc, and the Fire in- herent overwhelmed with the Waters, the Archited of the Work grow dull , or alfo be ex- dnguilhed : that meat and drink |3C adminiftred by turnes , to the ind there may be a better Dige- ftion made, and thebcft tempera- ment of Humidnm and Siccum^ For the indiffbluble colligation of them both is the End and Scope of the Worke. Furthermore fcCr that you add fo much by Wa- tering , asihali be wanting in affa- tion 5 that Reftauration may re- ftorefomuchofthe loft ftren^th 224 Hermetic k Secrets. corroborating , as Evacuatioi feath taken away by debilitating. Third cir- po. Digtftion the laft Circli ^^^' adeth with filerit and infehfibk morion 5 and therctore it is faic by PhilofopherSj that it is made & a fecret furnace ^ it decodcth the I Nutriment received , and conver- tethitintothe Homogeneal partS of the body Moreover, it is cal led Putrefadion ^ becaufe as meat is corrupted in the Stomack be- fore it paflc into Bloud and Simi- lar parts ; fo this operation break- cth the Aliment with a concocft- ing and Stomack heat , and in a manner makes it to putrefie, that it may be the better Fixed , and changed from a Mcrcuriall into t Sulphurous Nature. Again , it is called Inhumation , becaufe by it the Spirit is inhumated , and as a dead man buried in the ground.^ But becaufe it goes moft flowly, it therefore necdcth a longer time. M The ^ k eli W( h St Ci ore fho (on will lun ^ Htrmetick S ecrets^ 22 5 I The two former Circles cjo la- \ hour cfpecially in diffolving , this in congealing, although all of them work both. 91. ThcLawes of this Circle are, that it be moved by the Fea- verifli and mod gentle heat of Dung, left that the things volatile fly our, and the Spirit be troubkd atthctimeofitsftrideft Conjun- ^ion with the Body , for then the bufinefle is perfected in the great- eft tranquillity and eafe 5 therefore we muft efpecially beware left the Earth be moved by any Winds or Shewers ; Laftly, as this third Circle may alwayes fucceed the fecond ftraight-waycs and in its order , as the fecon^i^the firft ; fo h>y interrupted works & by courfc thofe three erratick Circlesidoc pom pleat one intire circular on, which often reiterated j at length curnes all things into Earth, and jiakes peace between enemies. 2i6 Hermettck secrets. The Fire of 92. Nature ufcth Firc , foalfo ifatm and joth Art after its example , as an '^'^^' Inftrument and Mallet in cutting out its works. In both operati- ons therefore Fire is Matter and Perfeft Wherefore the know- ledge of Fires is moft neceflaryfor a Philofopher, without which as another Ixion (condemned to la- bour in vaine) he fhall turne about Wheel of Nature to no purpofe. g^. The name Fire is Equivo- call amongft Philofophers •, for fometimes it is ufed Metonymi- cally for heat 5 and fo , as many fires as heats. In the Generation of Metals and Vegetables ^ Na- ture acknowledgeth a three-fold Fire t, to wif^'xileleftiallj Terreftri- all , and Innate. The Firft flowes from Solas its Fountaine, into the Bofome of the Earth- it ftirreth up Fumes or Mercuriall and Sul- phurous vapours, of which Me- tals arc created , and mixcth it fclfc Hermetick Secrets. 1%J fclfc amongft them 5 it ftirrethup fire, placed and fnorting in the feeds of the Vegetables , and ad- deth fparkles unto it ( as Spurres) for vegetation. The Second lur- keth in the bowels of the Earthj by the Impulfe and aftion where- of the Subterraneous vapours afc driven upwards through Pores and Pipes, and thruft outwards from the Centre tovVards the Su- perficies of the Earth ^ both for the compofition of Metals, where the Earth fwelleth up , as alfo for ; the production of Vegetables, by putrefying their feeds, by foftning i and preparing them for generati^ on. The third of the former , viiti Solar, is generated of a vappid fmoak of Metals, and alfo infafed with the monthly provifion groy(^ I together with the humid matter,& fe retained as in a Prifon withiji the ftrength of it 5 or more ttv^^ ly, as forme is conjoyncd with the '' Qjt, mixt 228 Uermetick Secrets. mixt body : It firmcly inhercth in the feeds of Vegetables, untill be- ing folicited by the point of its Fa- thers rayes it be called out , then Motion intrinfecally moveth and informeth the raatter, and be- conies the Plaftes and Difpenfa- tor of the whole Mixture. In the generation of Animals, Celeftiall Fire doth infenfibly cooperate with the Animall 5 for it is the firft Agent in Nature : but the heat of the FemeUa anfwereth Terreftriall heat, untill it putrefie the Seed, and prepare it : The Fire implanted in the Seed , Sol's fon, difpofeth the matter,and being di- fpofed in formeth ir^ 94. Philofophers have obfer- vcd a three-fold Fire in the mat- ter of their work, Naturall, not Naturall , againft Nature. The Naturall they call the Fiery Ce- leftiall Spirit Innate, kept in the profundity of matter , and moft ftri(aiy Hermetlck Secrets. 229 ftridly bound unto it , which by the fluggiih ftrength of metall growes dull , untill being ftirred ap and freed by the Philofophers jdifcretion and externall heat, it iTiall have obtained a faculty of noving its body diflblved , and fo it informeth its humid matter , by irxplication^Penetration^Dilatati- )n and congelation. In every nixt body Naturall Fire is the ^^(^riraiL i Principle of Heat and Motion. 'iJnnaturall Fire they name that vmaturaii vhich being called and coming 'xtrinfecally 3 is introduced into he matter wonderful! artificially- hat it may incrcafe and multiply he ftrength of naturall heat. The ^ire contrary to Nature they call ^^^'^^/^ hat, which putrefies the Compo^ ^"^"'^^^ itum, & corrupteth the tempera- ment of Nature 5 It is imperfed, f »ecaufc being too weak for genc- ation, it is not carried beyond the rounds of corruption : fuch is the (^3 Fire 53Q Hermetkk Secrets. Pirc or heat of the menftruum : yet it hath the name improperly of Fire againft Nature, becaufeina manner it is according to Nature, for falving the fpecifical form, it fo corrupteth the matter 5 that it difpofeth it for generation. 95. It is more credible never* thelefle , that the corrupting Fire, called Fire againft Nature , is not different from the Innate, but the fir ft degree of it, for the order of nature requireth, that corruption precede generation : the fire therefore that is innate agree-, able to the Law of Nature per- formeth both, by exciting both fucceflively in the matter : the firft of corruption more gentle ftirred up by feeble heat , for to mollifie and prepare the body : the other of generation more for- cible, moved by a more vehement heat , for to animate and fully informc the Elementary body dif- pofcd ' Hermetick Secrets. 23 1 pofcd by the former. A donble Mo- tion doth therefore proceed from a double degree of heat of the fame fire 5 neither is it to be ac- counted a double Fire. But far better may the Name of Fire con- trary to Nature be given to vio- lent and deftru(5live Fire^ 96. Unnatural! fire is convert- ed into Naturall or Innate Fire by fucceflive degrees of Digeftion , and increafeth and multiplyeth it : Now the whole fecret confifteth in the multiplication of Naturall Fire, which of it felfe is not able to Work above its proper ftrength, nor communicate a perfed: Tin- (flure to imperfeifl Bodies 5 for it is fufficient to it felfe 5 nor hath it any further power 5^ but being multiply ed by the unnaturally which moft aboundeth with the virtue of multiplying, doth aft far more powerfully, and reacheth it felfe beyond the bounds of z^z Hermtick Secret si Nature colouring ftrange and im-> perfect bodies, and perfecting-: them, becaufc of its plen- tiful! Tinfture , and the abftrufe Treafure of multiplycd Fire, 't rhewatct 97. Philofophers call their ojthe stone Water Fire becaufe it is moft hot, '^ ^'^^' and indued with a Fiery Spirit; againe , Water is called Fire by them, becaufe itburneth the bo- dies of perfect Metals more than common fire doth •, for it perfeft- lydiffolveththem, whereas they refiftourFire, and will not fuffcr themfelves to be diffolved by it 5 for this caufe it is alfo called Bur- ning Water : Now that Fire of Tindurc is hid in the belly of the Water, and manifeftsit felfe by a double effedl, viz. of the bodies Solution and Multiplication. 98. Nature ufeth a double Fire in the Work of generation, Intrinfc- call^&extrinfecall : the former be- ing placed in the feeds & mixtures - of Hermtick Secrets, :)f things, is hid in their Centre-, & IS a principle of Motion and Life, ioth move and quicken the body: Bat the latter, Extrinfecall, whe- :her it be poured down from Hea- ;^enor Earth^raifeth the former, as kowned with fleep , and compels t to aftion ^ for the vitall fparks mplantcd in the feeds ftand in lecd of an externall mover , that they may be moved and aduate. 99. It is even fo in the Philofo- )hers worke 5 for the matter of :he Stone poflefTeth his Inter!- )ur Fire, which partly Innate, )artly alfo is added by the Philo- bphers Art , for thofe two arc mitedand come inward together, )ecaufc they are homogeneous; :he internall ftandeth in need of :he externall , which the Philofo- 3her adminiftrcth according to ; he Precepts of Art and Nature 5 ;his compelleth the former to naove. TheTe Fires are as two Wheeles 233 • 234 Hermetick Secrets^. Wheels, whereof the hidden one being fmitten of the fenfiblc one, it is moved fooner or later : Ani thus Art helpeth Nature. ICO, The InternallFireis the middle between the mover and) the matter, whence itis, that as it is moved by that , it moveth thus ; if fo be it (hall be driven in tenfly or remifly, it will work af- ter die fame manner in the matter, 'The Information of the whole worke dependeth of the meafure ofexternallFire. loi . He that is ignorant of the degree^ and points of externall Fire, let him not fct upon the Philofophicall Worke 5 for he will never pull light out of dark, neffe, unlefle the heats pafTq through their mediums , like the Elements, whofc extreams are not converted but onely by medi- ums. 102. Becaufethe whole work con* Hermetlck Secrets. 235 confifteth in Separation and pcr- Fedl Preparation of the foure Ele- ments, therefore fo many degrees dF Fire arc neceflary thereunto- for every Element is extraded by the degree of Fire proper to it. 103. The foure degrees of Fire ire called the Fire of the Bath, of Afties, of Coales , and of Flame, which is alfo called Optetick : e- very degree hath its points,two at leaft 5 fometimcs three 5 for the Fire is to be moved flowly and by points, whether it be incrcafedor iecreafed, that Matter (after Na- tures example may goc on by de- grees and willingly unto Informa- tion and completion 5 for notliing is fo ftrange to Nature as that which is violent; Let the Philo- fopher propound to his confide- ration the gentle acccfle & reccflTe of the Sun, whofc Light & Lamp indulgeth its heat to the things of the world, according to the times and 2^6 Hermetkk Secrets, and Lawes of the Univerfe, and fo beftoweth a temperament upon them, rbe point of 104. The firft point of the ; ^^^^' Bath of heat is called the heat of a Feaver or of Dung-, the feeond, ofboth fimply.i The firft point ^ of the fecond degree is the fimple I heat of Afhes , the fecond^fs the ( heat of Sand : Now the points of r Fire, of Coales and Flame, want i a proper Name, but they are dif- i tinguifhcd by the operation of the » Intelleil , according to intention ) andremiflion. J 10 J. Three degrees onely of i Fire are fometimes found amongft i Philofophers, viz. of the Bath of ^ Afhes and the hot Bath , which n comprehendeth the Fire of Coals i and Flame : the Fire of Dung is G fometimes diftinguifhed from the J^ Fire of the Bath, in degree. I Thus P for the moft part Authors doe in- volve the light in daricnefle , by the HtrmetickSecfitsl 237 >thc various exprcffions of the Phi- I lofophers Fire ; for the know- :kdgc therof is accounted amongft their chief fecrets. 106. In the White Work, be- ^^^M'^ :aufe three Elements onely arc ^^nc, 5xtra(5ted,three degrees of Fire al- fo do fuffice 5 the laft , to wit the Opretick , is referved for the Fourrh Element, which finilheth_ AcRed Wqrk.i By the firft de- cree the eclipfe of Sd and Lu- na is made, by the fecond the light -JiLunA begins to be reftored : by :hc third LunA attaineth unto the Fulneffeof her fplendour: and by the fourth Sc/ is exalted into the higheft apex of his glory :! Now n every part the Fire is admini- ftred acccording to the rules of Geometry, fo as the Agent may anfwer to the difpofition of the Patient , and their ftrength be c- qually poifed betwixt themfelves. 107* Philofophers have very much 238 Hermeticl Secrets'. much let upon their Fire with a ^ defire of Secrecy, fo as they fcarct ^ have been bold to touch it, butj^ ihe w it rather by a defcription of ^ its quahties and proprieties, them by its name : as that it is airie Fire, vaporous , humid and dry , clear, ftar-like, bccaufeitmay eafilybyl degrees be intended or remitted as>*^ the Artificer pleafeth. ' Hee that ^^ defireth more of the knowledge of '^^ Fire 5 may be fatisfied by thcjf Works of Lullius ^who hath open- ^^ ed the Secrets of Pra(5iice to can- ^^ did minds candidly. ^' Wroporm* 108. Of the conflid of the Ea- «^ gle and the Lion they write di-J^ verfly, becaufe the Lion is thc^^ ftrongcft animall of all othersj^f and therefore it is neceflary that more Eagles concur, (three at^f leaft, or clfe more, even to ten) to j' conquer him : the fewer they arc ^} the greater the contention, and the -^ flower the Viftory 5 but the more Q eagles Bermeticke Secrets, 2 39 Eagles, the fhorter the Battaile, ind the dircption of the Lyoni^ vill more readily follow/ "The lappyer number of fcven Eagles nay be taken out of Lallius^ or of \inc out of Senior, I op. The VcffcU wherein Phi- rhe r^a ofophers decod their worke, is'JJ^ wofold 5 the one of Nature , the )therof Art; the VeffcU ofNa- ,ure which is alfo called the Veffel ,)f Philofophy^ is the Earth of the iJtone, orthc Pew^/Z/i or Matrix^ /herein to the Seed of the Male is cceivcd, it putrefies^and is prepa- ed for generation , the VefTell of i^atureisof three forts : for the scrct is decoded in a threefold /eflTcU. 1 10. The Firft Veffell is made a tranfparent Stone^ or of ftony lafle, the forme thereof -fomc lofophers have hid by a certain nigmaticall defcription 5 fomc- cs affirming that it is com - poun- t^o Hermetick Secrets. pounded of two peeccs, to wit, an Akmbick, and a Bolts head, fometlmes of three, other timc^ of the two former with the additi- on of a Cover. III. Many have feigned thel^ muhiplying of fuch like VcflTels' to be necclfary to the Philofophi- n call Work, calling them by divers i^ names, with a defire of hiding the ti fecret by a diverfity of operationsjjf^ for they called it Solutoryof folu-lo tion 5 Putrefa6tory for patrefadi* cu on 5 Diftillatory for diit illation S Sublimatory for fublimation-,Cal^^vi cinatory for calcination, &c. tti 112. But that all deceit being", removed we may fpeak finccrely, one onely Vcffell of Art fufficeth to terminate the Worke of cither [>fc Sulphur, and another for thefc Work of the Elixir-, for thedi^ verfity of digeftions requireth not the change of Veffels; yea we muft have acare left the Veffcli be cban- cd na Hermetick Secrets.- ged or opened before the Firft work be ended. : ; 1 1 J. You fliall make choife of a forme of the glafly VefTell round in the bottom or cucurbit, or at lead ovall, the neck an hand breadth long or more, large c- lough, with a ftraight mouth, nade like a Pitcher or Jugg,con-. anued & uncutt and thick in every parr, that it may refift a long , and, bmctimes an acute Fire : The :ucurbit or Bolts head is called )lind , becaufe its eye is blinded vith the Hermetick feal , left any hing from without fhould enter ,:i5 or the Spirit fteal out. 1 14. The fecond Veffell of Art ijiaybc of Wood, of the trunk ifanOake, cutinto two hollow Silcmifphears, wherein the Philo- pphers Egge may be cheriflied 11 it be hatched-, of which fee ihe Fountaine oiTrevifanus. 4 15.. The third Veffell Pradi- R tioners 241 2 At BtftntUck secrets » tiontrs have eallcd their Fumace j* * which keeps the other Vefleld vvith the matter and the whole woik : this alfo Philofophers hav6 endeavoured to hide amorigft theif ftGfets. e F^^. 1 1 6. The Furnace which is the ■C' Keeper of Secrdts, is called AthA-* xrlKy fr^rfi theimmoffall Fire,' ^)^hi'Gh it alwayes preferveth; fot although it aflford unto the Wotk Gbntiniiall Firie, yet fomctihics un- equally, which reafon rcquirethto be adminiftred more or leflc ac- cording to the quantity of matter, and the capacity of the Furnace, ■ 117. The matter of the Fur- nace is made of Brick , or of fatt Earth J or of Potters clay well beaten , a-hd prepared with horfc dung, mixed with hairc , that it may ftick the fafter, and may not bc<:hincked by long heat-, let the walls-be thick;, of three or foure fingers, tothcend thatitmaybc the Hermitick Secrm. 5f 4 J the better able to keep ia the heat and withftand it. / ^^i^jil i; 'i ://7n: 1 1 8. Lee the form bf the Fur- nace be ronnd , the inward alti- tude of two feet or thereabouts, in the midft whereof an Iron or Brazen plate muft be fet , of a round Figure, about the thiGkncffe of a Penknife's back , in a mannor poffeffing the interiour latitude of the Furnace , but a little nar- rower then it , left it touch the walls, which muft leane uporl thre^ or foure props of Iron fixed to the walls , and let it be full of hole$\> that the heat may be the more ca- ifily carried upwards by them, and between the fides of the Furnace _ and the Plate. Below the Plate let there be a little door left ^ and another above in the walls of the Furnace , that by the lower the Fire may be put in , and by the higher the temperament of the y ti^c bleij^ aad:al^(l; (^nce x>F^he holy Trwity, r 121, Tiiey th^r thitike i]^ havebrapght their jvvjpxke tc^ pf end by p^^rlofl Suiphu^Tjnot loi^o^ mg Nature or Art^^nd to.Jiave fulfilled thjc Preccptsoif.thc fecijct^ ;are much "deceived 5/ ^nd willitry their Projeel in vaii^^: for irfie Praxi^ of the Sxopi^j is .pjqiffeifl j<^ by ad(>ub).e Worke v^rtbeJFirftf^^ in creatii^ .the Sulpjiu/^.^ th^ptlj^f in making' tKe Elixir., '. . - -^ ,u 122/ The Philofophei;s l^f^- R 4 phur 248 Hermetick Secrets. Khur is moft fubtile Earth-, moft ot and dry , in the belly whereof the Fire of Nature abundantly multiplyed is hidden*. Moreover, Fire deierveth the name of the Stone 5 for it hath in itfelfe the virtue of opening and penetrating the bodies of Metals , and of tur- ning them into their own tempe- rament and producing fomething like it fclfe, wherefore it is called a Father and Mafculine feed. 123. That we may leave nothing untouched, let the Students in Philofophy know that from that firft Sulphur 3 afecond is genera- ted which may be multiplyed in infnitum : let the wife man, after he hath got the everlafting mine- ral! of that Heavenly Fire, keep it_ dHigently.-^Nowof what matter^ Sulphur is generated, of the fame it is multiplyed, a fmall ponion of the firft being added , yet as in the Balance, j^ The "fcft may a frcIE- ' man Hermetick Secret/. 2 49 man fee in Lullius^this may fufficc onelytopointatic. I24» The Elixir is compound- ed of a threefold matter , namely of Metallick Water or Mercury fublimated as before 5 of Leaven '^ White or Red, according to the intention of the Operator , and of the Second Sulphur ^ all in Weight. 125^ There are Five V^^?^^o^7iht and neceffary qualities in the ^tv-^^ftju feft Elixir, thatitbefufile. perma- nent 5 penetrating, colouring and multiplying •, it borroweth its tint dure and fixation from the Lea- ven, its penetration from the Sul- phur, its fufion from Argent vive which is the medium dfcon- joyning Tincfiures , to wit of the Ferment and Sulphur , and its multiplicativevirtue from the Spi--- lit infufcd into the QuintefTence. 126.. Two perfeft Metalls give a perfe(5t Tindure , becaufc they J 5 o Her met ki Secret si: they arc dyed with the pure Sul- phur of Nature^ and therefore nq Pcrment of Metals niay be fought befides thefe two bodies v dye thy Elixir White and Red with SqI and Luna^ Mm»rj firft of sll re- ceives their Tin<3ure , and Baviag received it, doth commwf^ xt toothers. > If, 127. In compounding thi ^i%K take heedyou^hange not of Jraixc any thing with" rfie FernKi^ts'j,' for fither EliKirinuft have its' proper Ferment, and defiieth it^propef Elements 5 for k is provided by Nature, that the two Luminaries Jiave their different Su]|)^^* ^ diftind tindurcs. - ,; \.^ . izS. The Se^ojad wort ^CPfl^- cocled as the Firil , in ,-the 0mp or like Veffell , the fame Ffit^acc, and by the .feme degrees ;pf fire^ but is perfeded ina ihorjter time. i2p. There are three hi^nours in the Stone, which are to be ex- traded JiertnetickSesretSm 25 1 Itra^Sed fucccftively; namely, [Watery, Airy, and Radicall 5 and cfecrfore all the labour and care of [t-hc Workman is employed about tbe humour , neither is any other "Element ifi the. Worke of the Stone, circulatedj befides^ the. .hu^- . mid one* HFor it is neceflary in the Erftplace, that the Earth be re- folvedand melted into humouc^^ Now the Rwidicall humour of all things, accounted Fire , is moft te- nacious , becatifc k is tyed to the C cntreof Nature, from which it is not ^eafily Separated 5 extraft thejiefor^ thofe three humours flowly , fuccefsiVely , difiblving and congealing them by their Whdeh; for by the multiply ed alternc reiteration of Sdlation and congelation the Wheel is ex- tended, and the. whole .work fi- nifhcd. ; i::.^'^#^ v> 130. The EltKir^s perfection confifteth in thc?ftri(5k Union .and in- a J I Hermetick Secrets. indiflbluble Matrimony ofSiccun) and Humidum , fo that they maj! notbe Yeparatcd, but the Siccnm may flow with moderate heat' into the Humidum abiding every' prelfurc of Fire. The figne of perfcftion is 5 if a very little of it( caft in above the Iron or Brazen Plate being very hot^it flow forth- with without fmoakc. 131. 9^. Let three weights of Red Earth, or Red Ferment , and a double weight of Water and Aire, well beaten, be mixt toge ther : let an Amalgama be made like Butter, or Metalline Pafte, fo as the Earth being mollify ed may be infenfible to the touch; / Add one weight and an halfe of ^ Fire : Let thefe be ordered in their Veflcll the Fire of the firft degree being moft clofely fealed -, after- wards ipt the Elements be extra- fted out of their degrees of Fire in their order, which being turned down- Hermmci]Secrets. z y j (ownwards with a gentle motion ihey may be fixed in their Earth, as nothing Volatile may be aifcdupfrom thence^ the matter t length fliall be terminated in a lock. Illuminated , Red and Di- phanous^ a part whereof take at >leafure , and having caft it into a [Crucible with a little Fire by [ropsgive it to drink with its Red ^yky andincereit, untill it be [uite poured out, and goe away «'ithout fmoake Nor mayft thou bare its flight, for the Earth be - ig mollifyed with the fweetneflc f the Potion will ftay it , having eceived it , within its bowels : hen take the Elixir thus perfefted nto thine owne power , and keep c carefully* In God rejoyce^and icfilent. 132. The order and method of lompofine & perfecting the white " lixir is^thc fame, fo that thou ifcft the white Elements oncly in the 2 j4 Hermetick Sicms^ the compofition thereof v but the body of it brought to the tercac of decoftion, will end in the places white , fplcndid , and cryftall- like, which inceratcd with its White Oyle will obtainc, the help of Fufion.' Caft one weight of "cither Elixir , upon ten weights of Argent vive well waflicd , and thou wilt admire its cffeft with a- ftonifliment. Muittfii- I v3* Becaufe in the Elixir the utionof strength of Naturall Fire is mod ^^^^^^^'^•aboundantly multipiyed by the / Spirit infufed into the Quin tcffence, and the naughty acci- dents of bodies, which befet their purity and the true light of Na ture with darkneffe, arc taken away by long and manifold fublimatlons and digeftions^ therefore Fiery Nature freed from its Fetters, and fortifyed with the aid of Heavcn-f ly ftrcngth , workes moft power- fully being included in this our fift I Hermeticke Secrets. 255 l^t Element : Let it not there- 'fore be a wonder , if it obtainc ftrength not onely to pcrfeft im- perfeeauty in it. But you will obje6l that Hermes him-^ felf the Prince of Vitall Philofophy was aft Heathen alfo , yea and lived before other Authors many ages, by whofe de- crees Philofophy in every place entertai- ned^with greateli applaufc of almoft all men.nowflourifheth. But granting that, what followeth? This Hermes Trifme^ gififis indeed was borne in an Heathen Country , yet by a peculiar priviledgc from God he was one , who worfliipped the true God in bis life, manners and Re- ^ ligion efpccially ; who freely confefTed God the Father , and that he was the Creator of Man, and made no other partaker of Divinity with him : He ac- knowledged the Son of God the Father , by whom all things which are exiftent, were made ; who^ name becaufe it was wooder- Hermetick Secrets. %gi wonderfull and iiieflfabIe;Was unknowne to Men, and even to Angels themfelvcs, who adniire with aftonifhment his gene- ration. What more ? He was our Her- mes whoby the(ingular indulgence and revelation of the moft great and gracious Godjforeknew that the fame Son (hould come in the Flefli , and that in the laft ages, to the end he might bleffe the God- ly for ever. He it was who fo clearely caught,that the myttery of the moil Holy Trinity ought to be adored , as well in the Plurality of Perfons, as in theU- nity of Divine ElTcnce, in three Hy- poftafes, (asanyquick-fightedaiid in- telligent man may gatbet_ from that which followes; ) as that it can fcarcely be found anywhere more clearly and plainly : for thus he : There was an In- telligent Light before the Intelligent Light , AviA there was alwajes a clear e Mind of the Mind ; and the Truth eof ^ and the Spirit containing all things^was no other thing : Befides this od is not^ nor Angell , nor any other E^ence-fir he is Lord of alljjoth father^ andGod^all things are under him^ and in hinff I befeech thee Heaven , and the S3 wifi 262 Hermctick Secrets. "ivife tvorke ef the great God ; / hefeech thee thou voice of the Father , which he frfifpakSt '^'hcn he formed the whole world : I hefeech thee by the onelj begot - ten Word^ and father containiyiq- alV things^ be 'propitious unto me. Now yee Tons of Hermes^ turne over and over againe, both night and day the Volumes of Heathen Philofophers , and inquire with what diligence you polTibly can , whether you arc able to find fuch Holy, I'uch Godly and Catholick things in them. Our Hermes was an Heathen, I con- feffe, yet luch an Heathen as knew the } power and greatnefTe of God , by other creatures and aUo by himfelfe, and glori- fied God, as God: I fhalnot fpare toad, that he far excelled in godlinefl'e moft Chriftians now a dayes in name onely ; and gave immortall thanks unto him as the Fountaine of all good things, with a deep fubmiftion of mind for his bene- fits received* Hear I pray, yee Tonnes of Learning, whether God was as much converfant, and wrought as equally in tlie Heathen Nation, as amongf]: his own people, when he faith : From the rijing of I Hermetick Secrets. 20J fth/ Shh unto the going downe thereof oi^'name is great amongfi the Gentiles ^^ md in every -place a pure chlation tsfa- :rificedand ofered unto my name ^ be- :aufe my name is great among ft the Na- ions^ faith the Lord of Hofis hy h^s Pro- het. Rub up your memory, lintrcat you, md fpeakc plainly ; were not the Magi dieathens, which came from the Eafi by ;hc guidance of a Star , that they might Worflihip Chrift , whom nevcrthelefle he unbeleeving people hanged upon a Tree. Laftl/ confider well I bcleech u , yee faithfull favourers of true VVifedome onely ; from what Founuaine Dther Heathens befides Hermes have ta- ken the Principles of their Learning. Weare and better weare out their Vo- iimes with diligence , that yee may dil- ernc them to refer their wifdome not 'anto God , but to attribute it, as gotten Dy their owne Induftry. On the contra- ry caft your eyes upon the beginninc^ of the admirable Tra6^ate having (tv^n Cliaptcrs of your Father Hermes con- cerning the Secret of the Phyfical Stone^ and obftrve how holily he thinketh of S4 God 2 &\ Hermettck S ecrets. Godthebeflower ofchls Secret Sciences for Hermes faith : Jn fo great an Age 1 have net ceafed to try ^experiments^ mr have I feared my Soul from Uhour i I had this Art and Science by the Infpi-' ration of the Living God onlj^ who hath voHchfafed to open it to me his fervant* Tis truey he hathgiven power of judging to rational creatures^ hut hath not left unto any an occajion of finning. But /, unlejfe If eared the day of Doom , or the fouls damnation for the concealing of this Science-^ I would make k»own nothing sf this Science ^nor prophetiz^e to any. But I have been willing to render to the Taith^ full their due , as the Author of Faith hath been pleafed to befiow upon me* Thus Hermes: then which nothing could have ever bin faid more wile, or more a- greable to Chriftian Religion. And hence itis^that fo many as are or have been of a more fublime wic and manly judgement, have imbraced the Living,Holy, and Di- vine Philofophy of Hermes , with all their Soul and Strength (rejecting thai dead , prophane, and humane Philofo- phie of the Ethnic ks) and have com- mended and illuftrated it in divers of their Writings and Watchings, Of all which Hermcticke Secrets. 26% which , that I may confeffe ingenuoufly, feeing that I could never read unto this day any Writer more true , neat, and clear, then the Author of this Tra(^atc, Anonjmus indeed, yet one that truly de- ferves the name of an Adepted Philofo- pher; I have thought it worth my pains, and have deemed hereby to confer not ^ thcleaft favour upon the fons of Her- mes^ if I ftiall againe publifh the hidden Work of Hermetick^ Philofofhy , with iht P hiiofophers Sigmfer^ according to die intention of ihismoft wife Author. FareweU. JZ The Signifer of Philofofhers with the Houfes of the PUmts. JVORTHEPNE SIG^^S . Sn^nt/ Sov 1=H E RNF SiGNES, MHru tr THE TIMES OF THE 267 STOTSiE. The Figure defcribed is the Theism % ^hilojfophcrs 5/^^r.\ to every /^^^5 Planet a double Houfe is affigned fophcrs >y the Ancients, Solznd Luna ex- schmc. :epted-, whereof every one bor- roweth one Houfe pnely, bpth of '^ chem adjoyning.\ In the faid Fi- gure every Planet poffeffeth its proper Houfes. Philofophcrs in handling their Philofophical work, begin their yeare in Winter , to wit, the Sun being in Capricorne, whicia is the former Houfe of ^^- turne , and fo come towards the right hand. \In the Second place theof her Houfe oiSamu is found in ^qumus^ at which time Saturne M.the Blacknefle of the Domina- ry work begins after the 45 or 50, day. ;'^rcoming into F/pe^ the Notice is black, blacker thenblack, j^^m^ and the head of the Crow begins/^p.49. to appear. V^e third month be- ^^ • ing ended, a:nis^/ entring into ^- ^ rics 268 mmttick Stents. ries^ the fublimatioiTor fcparati on of the Elements begins. Thofc which follow unto Cancer make the Worke White. . Ca/icer addeth the greateft whitenefTc and fplen dour, and doth perfcdly fill up al the dayes of the Stone or white Sulphur, or the Lunar worke of Sulphur, Lti9fd fitting and reigning glorioufly in her Houfe. In Lep the Regal Manfion of the Sun^thc Solar work begins, which in £h br4 is tcrniinated into a Rubic Stone^ or pcrfe