/HU-i ■OC>J. /^'^ 1. / :^^^--- ' /6'y(j ef^Z^iuJdL W5^o5.Aj^ jocu. %''^ !fb^^ unita Tcrrtian j^S^ESS^ wrj^: ^phorijmi %)rbtgeram^ Or Certain R U L E s, Clearly demonftrating the Three In- fallible Ways of Preparing the GRAND ELIXIR O R ^ Circulatum majm OF THE ^lltlofopliers, Difcovering The Secret of Secrets, AND Detecting the Errors of Vulgar Cbymifis in their OPERATIONS: Contain'd in One Hundred and One Afhorifms : To which arc ndded, the Three Ways of Preparing the Vegetable Elixir or Circulatum minus : All dcauc d from Ne/cr-Erring EXPERIENCE By BARO URBIGERUS, A Servant of God in ^he Kingdom of Nature. Experto Crede. hO N D O N, Printed for Henry ^j^rne^ at the Rcfe in St. Pm"% Church-yard. FS <» o. Licenfed, fan. I 5. i6^o- Kob. Midgley. T O O U R. DEAR DISCIPLES, Honor'd COADEPTS, AND ALL- WELL WISHEPvS T O O U R rmetit ^tu Finding you, dear Sons^ who have thro our yneans attain d to the true knowledg of our fir ft Mat- ter, worthy to receive ourfartkr Inftru- Eiions in the remainder of the ^rocefs^ to extirpate all J uch Ambiguities, as you may have conceivd in our Jbfence^ tofa- A 3 cilitate cilitateyour Labors^ and to precaution you in the hringingyour Work to its high- efl ^erfeclion , We here^ according to your dejtre^'expofe to yoUy and for your fakes^ to the Tublic, all the mojl infaUi- hie ^Jes^ necejfary for preventing of Errors in this great Undertaking. And tho yoUy ever 'bono/ d Coadepts, could never yet fo far prevail on your f elves ^ as to come to a ^S^olution of prefenting the World with the full TraEJia of this our Jrtyjotrid to the Theory ^ we are ne- verthelefs moft certain^ that we fhall not receive any ^pri?nand fom you for bringing to light thefe our ^les, which we have fo penndj that even thofe^ who know not our Terfon^ will not only foon perceive j that all^ we have written^ is the real Truth ^ clearly ex- hibtting both the TI?eory and PraBice of tJ?e whole Hermetic Jrt^ but alfo conclude, that theft Operations mufl of necejj:ty neceffity have very often pafsd thro our 'own hands ^ from our giving fuch poji- the ^lesj and infallible InfiruBions^ elucidating all the ynojl obfcure and intri- €.ateEnig7ns of the ^hilofophers^and war- ning them of all the Accidents^ that may happen in the working of our SuhjeEi : We are J we fay^ confident^ you neither will J nor can hlayne us for this : fince you will eajtly difcern^ that our T>e- fign is purely to infiruEi our Dilci- . ples^ and prevent all the Well-wifliers to this moft nohle Art from being im- poidupon-j and cheatedfy any falfe pre- tended Adept ; to the end that thofe^ who p?all from the Divine 'Benignity ^ by the help of thefe our Aphorilms, or othenvife, have receivd the blejfed knowledg of our firfl Matter , which is the very jame in all our three ways of producing the grand Elixir, may thro theje our certain ^dts obtain A 4 the the accomplijhnent of their De fires. Having in our Travels fortund to meet with fome Terfons of true principles in ^hilojophy and ^ligi- on J we could not hut emhrace them^ and inJlruEl them^ towards its farther ^erfeBion^ which cannot he attai d without the true knowledg of our Ce- lefttal Art , by which comprehending all the Myjierj of MyJierieSy we learn alfo how to ferve God in Faith and Truth. And fince we have no Oh- ligation to any Uving Soul for the know- ledgy we pojfefsy having attain d it all by the only Blejjing of Almighty God on our Industry and Expences : be- ing therefore at more liberty than thofcy tpl?o receive fuch a Favor from 10 , or fome other Adept , \is our Deter- minalion^ whenever we ?neet tpith Tcr- fqns fo qualified , always to do the Jame, fame. Wherefore heing at prefent in England , thb we are no Native of this i\ingdom , ive think it neceffary to fet jorth thefe our Aphorifnns in the Englifli Tongue^ not in the leaji doubting^ hut that the IQiowing^ mind- ing only the Senfe^ mill eaftly pardon any Impropriety^ they may find in our Expressions : and when Providence jl^all carry us into any other Country^ we^ having attain d to fome competent knowledg of mofi European Langua- gesj p?all again take care to publip? them in the Speech of the 'Vlcce^ where ive fJiall he , that we may the fooner obtain the ejfetl of our Vefres^ which aim at nothings but the undeceiving of the World by fetting down certain and evident Marks , diftinguijinng the Worthy from the Unworthy^ and at the bringing of Men to leave their unne- unnecejfary Formsy by inJlruBing them in the true way of Serving God^ be- ing the only means to render them happy both in this JVorUy and the next. Apho^ ( 1 ) Aphorifmi Urbigerani, Or Certain ^les^ clearly demonftrating the "Three Infallible Ways of , preparing the Grand Elixir of the Philofophers. THE Hermetic Science con- fifts only in the right know- ledg of the firft Matter of the Philofophers , which is in the Mineral Kingdom, not yet deter- min'd by Nature. 11. An undetermin'd Matter being the begirjning of all Metals and Mineral?, it ( r ) it follows, that,aflbon as any one fhall be fo happy, as to know and conceive it, he iliall eafily comprehend alfo their Na- tures, Qualities, and Properties. III. Altho fome Perfons, poffefs'd with foolifli Notions, dream, that the firft Matter is to be found only in fome par- ticular places, at fachand fuch times of theyearaand by the Virtue of a Magical Magnet 5 yet we are raofl: certain* (ac- cording to our Divine Mafter // all the States and Colors of Nature, by which vvc are to judg its Being and Temperament. xcv. The conftant and eflential Colors, that appear in the Digeftionof the Mat- ter, and before it comes to a Perfeftion, are three, vi%,. Black, which fignifies the Putrefaftion and Conjunftion of the Elements 5 White, which denmnftrates its Purification 5 and Red, which de- notes its Maturation. The reft of the Colors, that appear and difappear in the Progrefsof the Work, are only ac- cidental, and unconftanc. XCVI. By every Cibation of its own Flefh and Blood, Regeneration of its Colors, and Digeftion, the Infant will grow ftronger and ftronger, that at laft being fully ( 48 ) fully faturated and digcfted, it is calPd the Great Elixir of the Philofophers, with which you will be able to perform. Wonders in all the Regions, as well Animal, as Mineral, and Vegetable. XCVII, When your Elixir is brought to a Fluxibility, and a perfeft Fixednefs, if you defire to make a Medicine up- on Metals, you mud determinate or ferment it with common Gold in Fi- lings, in which Determination it will vitrify, and then you will have an in- comparable Medicine, c ipable to trand mute all imperfeft Metals into the pu- reft Gold, according to the Do^'^rine of all the Philofophers, tho our felf never defign'd any thing, but an uni- j verfal Remedy for the Cure of all i curable Difeafes, incident to Human Bodies, a« is well known to our Friends. who have enjoy *d the Benefit of thefe our Labors. xcviir. ( 49 ) XCVIII. It is to be obferv'd in the Fermenta* tion, that the Elixir exceed not the Fer- ment in Quantity, otherwife the Spon- fal Ligament of it cannot be adlually perform'd, and when the Ferment is pre- dominant over the Elixir, ail will be prefently turned into duft. X C I X. The beft Method of Fermentation is to take one part of the Elixir, and put it into the midft of ten parts of Gold in Filings, cad thro Antimony, to free it from all its Impurities, and to keep it in a circulary Fire for the fpace of fix Hours, to increafing the Fire by De- grees, that the two lafl hours it be in a good Fufion, and when cold, you will find all your Matter exceeding frangi- ble, and of the Color of the Granate- Stone, C. ( 50 ) c. Common Mercnrj, amalgamated with Lead^ is counted the moft proper Sub- jed for making Projeftion, which be- ing in Fiifion, your fermented Matter being divided into three parts, one part of it roird,in Wax, is to be flung upon the Amalgam : then prefently cover the Crucible, and continue the Fire, until you hear the Noife of the Separa* tion and Uaion : then the fecond and third parr, as before, and being kept for two hours in a continual Fire of Fu- fion, let it cool by it felf. CI. Whoever fhall prefume to prepare the Great Elixir according to our mod Secret Ways without following and ob- ftrving all thefe our infallible Rules, will certainly find hirafelf mightily mi- ftaken ( 5» ) ftaken at laft, having after a great deal of Trouble, Charges, and Pains, reap'd nothing but Difcontent 3 and on the contrary they , that (hall walk in our true and infallible Paths, (hall with ve- ry little Trouble and Expeiices attain to their defired End^which we cordially wifh to all thofe, who are fincere well- wifhers to the Hermetic Philofophy. F I J^I S. Circulatum minus Urhi^eramniy O R T H E Philosophical Elixir OF VEGETABLES. WITH The Three certain Ways of Pre- J>aring it, fully and clearly et forth in One and Thirty ^T HO'Rl S MS By T^aro aJtbisftus A Servant of God in the Kingdom of Nature. Experto Crede. LONDON, I Printed for Henry Fatthorm, at the Rofb m St. ?aul\ Church-yard, 1690. T O A L L TRUE LOVERS O F T H E HERMETIC PHILOSOPHY. HJying tn our Trece* dent Aphorifms clearly deliver d fuch infallible Utiles and Jnflrmli- ons, as are necejfary for fro- ductng our (jrand Elixir, or Circulatum majus, the only real Secret of the true Adepts, commanding tn all the Ktng- £ % domi (loms of SJ\(ature^ nphich mll^ n^e quejlion not^ he no lejs plea^ (ing to all other lovers of Scu ences^ than to our T>ifciples ; and being farther indind fully to inform them^ honip to preferye themfehes and others inperfeB Health hj ohViattng any T)i^ femper^ that may othermfe o- yercome them^ before they can attain to the Accomplifhrnentof their T)efires : We ha^e thought it convenient to impart Itk^mfe to them our three federal ways of making our Vegetable Elixir, or Circulatum minus, vphich may be prrpard^ and brought to Its its Htmoft TerfeBion in thefpace of a Thilofophical Month by any skilful hole JVorl^ isfo eyidently demonjlratedy that none, raho is ever fo little yers'd in Chymiftry, can be liable to mijlake. U^r do 'ive any ypoy doubt, but all thofe, ivho /JjaU Vi>ith afncere and upright Intention peru/e thefe our plain- Ij-iiaritten Aphorifms, mil find themfehes obliged to blefs iJl- mightj (jodfor his infinite Mer- E 3 cy cy in haying infpir'd us to open their Ejes, that they may fie, vphat is requifite for their pre- fent Healthy and future Happi- nefs, both vehich vee heartily m/h to eyery one, i^ho, as be- comes a true Thilofopher, un- feignedly loyes God and his S\(eighbpr. Circii- ( 6i ) Circulatum minui Urh'igeranum, OR THE PHILOSOPHICAL ELIXIR O F VEGETABLES, WITH The Three certain Ways of Preparing it. I. OU R CinuUtum minm is on- ly a Ipccificated Elixir Jbc- longing to the Vegetable Kingdom, by which without any Fire, or farther Preparation of the E 4 Vcgc« ( 6r ) Vegetables, we can in a Mo- ment cxtrad: their true Eflencc, con- taining their Virtue, Quality, and Property : which is a great Chymical Curiofity, performing Wonders in the Practice of Phyfick, and in de- monftrating (bme Works of Nature. IL We call it GrcuUtum^ becaufe, tho never fo often us'd in any Extradi- pn, or Chymical Experiment what- ever, it lofes nothing of its Quality, or Property : which is a Prerogative, pertaining to the Univerlal Elixir^ caird alio the Circulatum majii^^ be- caufe it commands in all the three Kingdoms of Nature i whilft this, being reftrain'd to one only King- dom; is for that realbn ftil'd Minus. III. ( 6; ) HI. Out of X>i^ias undetermined Tears, when JpoHo has appeared, af- ter the Separation of the three Ele- mcnts^Decermination^Digeftionjand glorious Refurredtion, we can, with- out the Addition of any other created thing, prepare this our deter- min'd Elixir : Which is the firft, no- bleft, and fccreceft way of the Philo- fophers. IV. The Deternaination of our Dianas Tears confifts only in their perfect and indiffoluble Union with the fixe Vegetable Earth^philofophically pre- pared, purify 'd, and fpiritualizd : for the love of which they are fore d to leave their firft univerfal unde- termin'd ( 6^ ) min'd Property, and be cloath'd with a decermind particular one, which is required to this our CircuU- turn minus. ^^ Our iecond way of preparing this our Vegetable Elixir is by a right Manipulation of a Plant of the nobleft Degree, flanding by it felf, or fupported by others : after the Preparation of which, and its Pu- trcfadion, Redu6tion into an Oil, Separation of the three Principles, with their Purification, Union, and Spiritualization, the wliole is to be turn'd into a fpiritual ever-living Fountain, renewing every Plant, that {hall be plung'd in it. VI ( ^5 ) VI. The third and common way is only a Conjundion of a fixt Vege- table Salt with its own volatil luU phureous Spirit, both to be found ready prepar'd by any vulgar Chy- mijiy and fince in their Preparation the pureft Sulphur, containing the Soul, has fuffer d Ibme Detriment by their not being philofophically manipulated, they cannot be infepa- rably join'd without a fulphureous Medium J by which the Soul being ftrengthned, the Body and Spirit are alfo thro it made capable of a perfect Union. VII. The proper Medium ^ requifite for the indifloluble Union of thefe two ( 66 ) two Subjedls, is only a fulphureous and bituminous Matter, iffuing out of a Plant, living or dead, which is to be found in feveral parts of the World, and is known to all manner of Men, ( the Copavian we find to be the bcft, and after that the Itali- an^ ) by which, after it has been fe- parated from its feculent parts thro our,Univerfal Menjlruum^ all the Pores and Atoms of the fixt Vege- table Salt, which is extremely forti- fied by it, being dilated, it is made capable of receiving its own Spirit, and uniting it felf with it. VIIL To fortify the Sulphur, and open the Pores of the Salt, no other Me- thod is to be us'd, but to imbibe the fame with the bituminous Matter in (67 ) a nfodeutc digeftivc Heat, as if one would hatch Chickens, and as the Salt grows dry, the Imbibitions are to be repeated, until you find it fo fully laturatcd, that it refuies to im- bibe any more of the Matter. IX- In the Courft of Imbibitions the whole Mafs is at Icaft nine or ten times a day to be ftirr'd with a Spa- tula, or fomc other Inflrument of dry Wood, by which reiterated Motion, the bituminous Matter re- ceives a better ingrels into the Body, and perfects its Operation the loonen X. Great Care is to be taken, that in the performance of the Imbibiti- ons, ( 6i ) ons, no kind of Soil or Duft.fall into your Matter, for the preventi- on of which your Veflel may be kept cover'd with a Paper, prickt full of holes, or any other fuitablc Covering, and that nothing come near it,which has its own internal Sul- phur: for the Pores of the Salt being very much dilated and open'd,it may eafily determine it felf to any other Subje(^,and fo Ipoil your Undertak- ing. XI. If in three, or four Weeks time at fartheft, your fixt Vegetable 5alt does not manifcft its full Saturation, 'twill certainly be in vain for you to go any farther with it : for you may alTure your felf, that you cither err in the Notion of the Salt or of the real fulpluueous Medium, or in the Management of the Imbibitions, XIL C 69 ) XII. When your Imbibitions are ful- ly perform'd, your Salt will then be in a convenient readinefs to receive its own Spirit, by which it is made volatil, ipiritual, tranfparent, and wonderfully penetrating, entring of a fudden into the Pores and Parti- cles of every Vegetable, and fepara- ting in a moment their true Enence ©r Elements. XIII. Altho the Salt is fully prepared for the Reception of its own Spirit, yet unlefs you well obferve the right Proportion of them (which is, that the volatil always predominate over the fixt) you will neverJ^e able to make ( 70 ) make any peifea Union between thefe two Subjefts, contrary in Qiiality, tho not in Nature. XIV. Before you begin your Deftillati- ons and Cohobations, after the Ad- dition of the Vegetable Spirit to its own Salt, a Putrefaction of eight or ten days is to precede, during which time, the fulphureous Spiritjftrength- ned by the bituminous Matter, and finding its Salt fit for Conjunction with it, has the power to enter in- to its Pores, to facilitate its Volati- lization, and Union. XV. If after fix or {even Dcftillations and Cohobations of the deftilld upon ( 71 ) upon the Remainder, you do not find your Spirit to be extremely fliarp, and the Remainder in the bottom altogether infipid , it will be an evident 5ign, that you fail in the true knowledge of the Vegeta- ble Spiritp which, being exceeding volatil, has in its Nature power to volatilize its own Body, and unite it felf infeparably with it, finding it capable of its Reception. XVI. It is to be oblervdj that in the Progrefs of your Deftillations the fulphureous Medium do not in the lead afcend : for as it is a real Mediurriy concurring to unite the Body with the Spirit, before the Spiritualization of the Body, and without the Con- currence of which noperfcd: Union F of ( 7^ ) of thefc two Subjcds is to be expe- cted j fo on the contrary in the Pro- grels of the Work its Concurrence would be highly d/fidvantageous to to them both, and totally (ubvcrt your Operation. XVII. Theafcending of the fulphureous Medimfty when the Spirit begins to carry over its own Body, to unite it felf infeparably with it, . evidently and certainly fignifies, that you do not regulate your Fire^as you llhould, and that, inftead of giving a gentle vaporous Heat to facilitate the Uni- on, you give a violent one to de- ftroy it. XVIIL ( 71 ) XVIIL When your Sale is brought to its pcrfed Spiritualization 5 and real Union with its own volatil Spirit, then you will have in your power your Circulatum minus y or Vegetable Elixir^ and Menjlruum^ with which you will be able to perform wonders in the Vegetable Kingdom, feparat- ing in a moment not only their Prin- ciples or Elements, but alfo at one and the fame Operation the Pure from the Impure. XIX. If into this your Vegetable Eltx'tr you put any green Vegetable, fhred in pieces, it will in lefs than half a quarter of an hour without any ex- ternal Heat putrify, and precipitate F z ic ( 74 ) it felf into the bottom quite dead, { which is nothing but the curfed Excremental Earth) and on the Top will fwim a yellow Oil, con- taining the Salt and Sulphur, and the Elixir will be of the Color of the Plant, comprehending its Ve- getable Spirit : which if it does not, 'tis a fign, that your Operations have not been Philofophical. XX. One only drop of this yellowifli Oil, given in Diftempers according to the Virtue and Quality, attribu- ted to the Plant, every Morning and Evening in a Glals of Wine, or any other convenient Vehicle, will in- fallibly and infenfibly cure thole Diftempers, and corroborate the vi- tal Spirirs, if conftantly taken to purify ( 75 ) purify the Blood in fickly and infc- d;ious Times. XXI. If you put Coral into this Men- ftruuniy you will ftc an admirable Experiment : for altho its Pores are compafter^ than in any other Vege- table y yet it will on a fudden tranf^ mit its internal Spirit into the Men- Jiruuniy and lending its Soul and Body, like a blood-red Oil to the Top, will at laft fall to the Bottom like a grayifh Excrement. X XI I. If Myrrh J Aloes, and Saffron, of each an equal Quantity, are puc into this Menftruuniy the trueft Elixir Troprietatis ( as Taracelfus terms it ) which is a nwft excellent Cordialjand F 3 almoft (76) almoft of as great Efficacy and Vir- tue, as the Univerfal Elixir it felf, in curing all curable Diftempers, will prefently fvvim on the Top, and its Caput Mortuum will feparate it f^lf into the Bottom. XXIU. This Vegetable Menjlruum dif- folves not only all forts of Gums, .or any other kind of Subftance in the Vegetable Kingdom, but alio all forts of Oils and Balfams, com- ing out of Trees, feparating their true Eflence, by which you may perform wonderful things both up- on living Bodies, and dead ones, the -laft of which it prefervcs for ever without opening or any farther Pre- paration of them. XXIV, ( 77 ) XXIV- Tho this Menjlruum is only Ipe- cificated upon Vegetables, it will nevertheiefs in a moment draw the Tindure out of Metals and Mine- rals j but it will not fcparare all their Principles , not being the appro- priated Menjlruum for fuch Opera- tions 3 and tho fuch Sulphurs are highly balfamic for the Lungs and Spleen, yet fince our £//x/> Tro^rie- tatis far exceeds thofe pra^ternatural Preparations, we only give this as a curious Chymical Experiment. XXV. Since this Vegetable Menjlruum is eternal, you mull pbferve, that you loie nothing of its Quaniity or Qua- F 4 ii^^. ( 78 ) lity in feparating of it from the Oil, and Spine of the Vegetable, which is done by a gentle Deftillation in ^alneo vaporofo^ the Veflel being ve- ry well luted and dry*d before. The Menjiruunij coming over w^ith the Flegm of the Vegetable^from which it IS by a Deftillation in ^alneo to be feparated for farther ufcs, leaves the Oil at the Bottom, united with its ovyn Spirit, which will eafily go over in any common Heat^ not leav- ing any thing behind it : which is a Mark of its Spiritualization, Pu- rification, and Regeneraiion, that it has received from the Menjlruum. XXVL Out of this Oil or Effencc of your Vegetable lb prepar'd, or by any other Philofophical way, (as we ( 79 ) we have mention'd in our fccond Manner of making this our Elixir ) if you know how to putrify it natu- rally without any Fire, and to ic- parate all our Principles out of it, purifying and uniting them infepa- rably together, being all made Ipi- ritual and tranfparent, you will then have out of this fecond Regenerati- on the greateft Arcanum in theWorld, as upon Vegetables, fo alfo upon Minerals and Metals, except Gold and Silver. XXVIL if this regenerated Eflence be de- rermin'd with our firft Matter, it will then be in a Capacity radically to diflblve all forts of Metak or Minerals, and principally Gold, which is imperceptibly diffolv'd in it. ( 8o ) it, like Ice in common Water, and cin never be (eparated common Gold again, neither by Deftillati- on, nor Digeftion : out of which, after a-Philolbphical DigefHon, Se- paration of the three Principles , with their Purification, Union, Di- geftion, and third Regeneration, you may prepare the great Medicin of Medicins, of equal Virtue and Quality with the Grand Elixir upon Human Bodies, and with our Mer- cury JimpleXy upon Metals or Mine- rals. XXVIII. The determinating this regene- rated Mmflruum with our firft Mat- ter is to be performed by its Amal- gamation with it, in which the Ve- getable Men/iruum^ drawing out of !t all "its Qualities 'and' Properties, and ( 8i ) and uniting them with its own, is made capable of the fame Virtue and Property, as our Mercury Jimplex, in difiblving and volatilizing eve- ry created thing, that fliall come near it. XXIX. Some are of Opinion, that both the Elixirs may be produc'd out of feveral determined things, as Human Excrements, Mt)/- dew, (which they call alfo t\-\ciYMenJiruu7?i from above, or Water from the Clouds ) (i^c. as alfo that the Grand Elixir may be prepar'd out of this, or any other Ve- getable regenerated Menjlruumy but nnce we know, that luch Menjiru- umsy which they call their Philofo- phical Mercury^ altho they may dit iblve and volatilize Mer^ls, yet can- not meliorate any of them, this Dif ( 82 ) Diflblutlon and Volatilization being neither natural nor Philofophical, we therefore with good Reafon judge all thole Opinions to be only falfe Suppofitions and ill-grounded and imaginary Notions. XXX. We with our Divine Mafter /ir^w^^abiblutely affirm, that, Al- mighty God having, after he had created all things, commanded eve- ry one of them to procreate out of its own kind, our Elixirs are not to be produced by any of thofe fo- phiftical ways, as we have fully made appear in thele and our prece- dent Afhorifms^ in which we have given ample Inftruftions for the preparing the Univerfal Elixir out of our undetermin d Matter, and the ( 8; ) the rpecificated one out of the Root of Vegetables. XXXL Out of the true Affedion and Charity, we have for all Lovers of Arts, we advife every one, who fhall defire to prepare either of thcfe our Elixirs J only to follow 9ur In- fallible Rules, being the Compmdium of the whole Practice and Theory according to all true Philofophers, and not to mind any other : for fome having delivered things by Hearfay, others from Reading, and very few from their own Pradice, they may eafily be impos'd upon and deluded by any Tfeudochy??jiJl or pretended Adept. . Experto Cred&. ( 84 ) A POSTSCRIPT, CONTAINING An Explanation of the Figure^ prefixt to the Aphorifmi Urbigerani. HAving in our One Hundred and One Jphorifms (o perfpicuoLidy laid open all the Difficulcies, and fo amply caught the con> pleac Theory and Practice of the whole Her- petic Myfteiy, that any ingenious Lover of Chymiltry will not only be enabled to undcr- ftand the iiioil: abftrufe writings of the Philofo- phers, but alio to etFedany real Experiment, which IS to be expedled in the Progreis of our Celeflial Art; and yet being apt to believe, £ihar luch, as are not our Djfciples, may per- haps meet with (bme of the Phtlo(oph:cal Fi- gareSj the meaning of which they may not fo eaiily comprehend, we have judg'd it highly expedient, in the Front of this our little Book CO place this our Figure, by which^ being a perfcd Compendtum of all the Philofbphieal Emblems, the reft may be without any great difEcuky underftood. Now fince this our Fi- gure, myilically reprefenting all our Subjects and Operation^^cannot but admit of many and vaii- various Interpretations, all which if wq Hiould here fet down, our Aphorifms (where they are already dehvcr'd, and of which this would then be a Repetition, ) would be altogether ufelefs and inlignificant : we therefore at firft efteem'd it very (uperfluous to give any farther Illuftration of it. But our defire being to do all the good, we can, to the Public, we have on fecond Thoughts rcfolv'd with our wonted Brevity to dehver the following Explanation for the better Comprehenfion both of it and our Aphorifms. The Tree is a Supporter of the Motto, Fir- tus unit a fort tor : which , being to be read from the (ide of the Serpent, reprelenting by the Half Moon on its Head the Planet, under whole Influence it is born, is to be referrd to it according to its particular Motto, which fig- nifies, that, if you take it alone, it can do lit- tle or nothing in our Art, as wanting the Af^ iiftance of others. By the Green Dragon is to be undcijftood ourfirft undetermined Matter^ comprehending all our Principles, (as is de- monltrated by the Half Moon on its Head, the Sun in its Body, and the Ciols on its Tail, ) and denoting by its Motto^ that it can perform the whole work without being join'd with any other created or artificially prepared thing: which is our firit way. But thi^ our Dragon, when copulating with our Serpent, is forced to comply with her, degrading it (elf from its unde« ( 86 ) undeterminy Being for the produdion of our (econd way. Apollo with the San on his head, and Diana with the H^ilf Moon, embracing each othspj fhew our third way, and the Con- tinuation of our firft and (econd. The River, into which they dcfcend, fignifies the State, they muft be reduc'd into, before they can be in a Capacic^^ ot being born again, and bsfore in any of our three ways they can be brought- to a perfed Spintualization and Union. Afiollo and Diana J coming out of the Rr/cr- in one wonderful Body, Diana having obtain'd ail, reprcfent our Herculean works, ready finifh'd> and the beginningof their Con jandion, and by their going tofet their foot on firm ground, where ihe is to fow the noble Fruits for the Procreation, is to be underflood the Conti- nuation of their Conjunction,, till they are ful- ly united and perfected, in this Scheme alfo, as well as in our Aphorifms, are myfticaily exhibited all the principal Points of Faith and Religion, cOmpris'd in the Volumes of the Old and New Tefiament : whence it mani- feftly appears, that the Contemplation of Na- ture truly leads to the Comprehenlion ofthofe heavenly Verities, by which alone we can ex- pe(5l to arrive ac the Enjoyment of that blef- fed Immortality, to which, as to rhe true and ultimate End of our Creation, all our Endea- vors arc 80 be direded. FINIS, 3?3'97f