GIFT OF MICHAEL REESE THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM AN ESSAY IN COMPARATIVE ESTHETICS SHOWING THE IDENTITY OF E SOURCES, METHODS, AND EFFECTS OF COMPOSITION IN MUSIC, POETRY, PAINTING, SCULPTURE AND ARCHITECTURE GEORGE LANSING RAYMOND, L.H.D. PROFESSOR OF ORATORY AND AESTHETIC CRITICISM IN THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY AT PRINCETON ; AUTHOR OF '* POETRY AS A REPRESENTATIVE ART," ETC. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK LONDON 27 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET 24 BEDFORD STREET, STRAND m ftfie fimcherbockcr |)ress 1893 COPYRIGHT, 1893 BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Electrotyped, Printed, and Bound by Ube Tknicftcrbocftcr press, IRew G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS PREFACE. THIS book is the result of an endeavor to trace to their sources in mind or matter the methods employed in the composition of the art-forms. As an incidental, yet, as it seemed, necessary step to the accomplishment of this en- deavor, the action of the mind in these methods has been identified with its action in scientific classification ; the methods have been arranged according to the logical order of their development ; they have had added to them, so as to render the whole presentation complete, a number hitherto recognized, if at all, only indirectly ; and their character and effects have been shown to be exemplified not alone in painting, sculpture, or architecture, to which it has been customary to confine consideration in essays of this kind, but equally in all the arts. The theoretical, too, has been so connected throughout with the practical each principle unfolded has been so amply illustrated that it is hoped that the work will meet the requirements of that large number of readers who, while interested in the one or the other of these phases of the subject, are not interested in both. Such a partial interest with reference to that which it is important to understand in full, all must recognize to be unfortunate ; so much so that any attempts, as in these pages, tending, however slightly, to remedy it ought to be welcomed. It is equally unfortunate too for critic and producer. In iv PREFACE. every age, of course, men of genius are prompted instinc- tively, entirely aside from any knowledge that they may have of aesthetic laws, to recognize and embody aesthetic effects. But where are such men who fail to find them- selves surrounded by the products of their inferiors? and who is able wholly to resist the influence of these ? If it be true that art, like religion, is fountained in inspiration, it is true also that different sources of this differ in quality ; and that the stream which flows from the high region of the masters has a purity not characterizing that which rises in the low plane of their imitators. Poetry, painting, sculpture, and architecture were none of them of the same rank in the first century before Christ as in the fourth, or in the eighteenth after Him as in the sixteenth. Nor is the taste of any age, however it may stimulate ability or aspiration to produce, above the sway of fashions, good and bad, that, in proportion as they keep truth fettered, render excellence impossible. In order to attain this, the leader in art, as in religion, must break away from them, in fact from all the shackles of conventional traditionalism one might almost say of historic criticism, broadly beneficial as this has been in many a direction, and, searching back of them, must find within himself and in the world about him, those first principles that underlie the nature of both thought and things. Such are the conceptions in which this book has had its origin ; and in the degree in which the conclusions reached in it are accurate, and appeal as such to the reader's judgment, it will make evident that the effects for which the artist seeks are due to laws that operate far more inflexibly than sometimes is supposed ; it will sug- gest that originality, while wider in its scope than those imagine who confound the methods of the master-artists PREFACE. V with their manner, has too its limits ; and it will reveal beyond a doubt why many works of so-called art produced to-day, because devoid of almost every element of art, can never be of permanent interest, as well as why, for reasons just the opposite, so many of those that are now the classics of the past have charms that never can be lost. PRINCETON, N. J., November, 1892. CONTENTS. I. PAGE CLASSIFICATION AS THE BASIS OF METHOD IN SCIENCE AND ART ....... 1-12 Spirit, Matter, and their Combination as Sources of Phenomena in Religion, Science, and Art Limitations of the Present Book Why Thought must be Expressed in Terms of Matter How In- audible and Invisible Mental Conceptions Come to be Represented in Language, Intonation, Writing. Carving, and Building These Pass into " The Arts " when they Begin to be Developed for the Sake of the Form The Arts Represent Thought and Feeling through Elaborating Natural Forms Appealing to the Ear and Eye Illustrations The Artist Uses for this Purpose the Same Forms that All Men Do, who, before they can Understand and Use them Effectively must, through Comparison, "Classify and Conquer " them This the Basis of Knowledge in all Depart- ments Science and Philosophy Classify Effects Conditioned upon Laws Operating underneath Natural and Mental Phenomena: Art Classifies Effects Conditioned upon Laws Operating underneath ./Esthetic Appearances or Forms An Embodied Finite Mind Requires Body and Definiteness to Appeal to its Intelligence The Artist Groups Phenomena Mentally to Gain a General Conception, then, in a Way Analogous to Classification, Groups them Materi- ally to Impart it Connection between these Processes, and Representing in Art both the Human Mind and Nature How the Artist, by Classifying the Forms of Nature, Represents his own Mind And how, the Forms of Nature. vii viii CONTENTS. II. PAGE UNITY AND COMPARISON, VARIETY AND CONTRAST, COMPLEXITY AND COMPLEMENT IN CLASSIFI- CATION AND COMPOSITION .... 13-33 Introduction Mental and Material Considerations Connected with Each of the Methods Yet Divisible in a General Way into those Manifesting Effects of Mind, of Nature, and of both Combined How Mental Considerations Lead to Unity This Attained by Putting the Like with the Like by Way of Comparison Exempli- fied in the Art-Forms : in Poetry In Music In Paintings In Statues In Buildings of all Styles In Natural Forms This Method Necessary to Imaginative or any ./Esthetic Expression How the Consideration of Natural Forms Leads to Variety This Involves Putting the Like with the Unlike by Way of Contrast ; its Effects Illustrated in Classification Variety in Poetry In Music In Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture Direct Antithesis as Related to Comparison Its Effect in Literature In Poetry In Music In Outline In Color How Considerations of. Mind and Nature, or Unity and Variety, Lead to Complexity How Comparison and Contrast Leads to Complement. III. ORDER, CONFUSION, COUNTERACTION, PRINCIPALITY, SUBORDINATION, AND BALANCE IN CLASSI- FICATION AND COMPOSITION . . . 34-51 Order Follows Variety and Complexity, Owing to a Reassertion of the Mind's Requirements Confusion, in Poetry, in Music, in the Arts of Sight Counteraction Its Influence in Classification In Art In Poetry In Music In the Arts of Sight Principality Connection between the Mental Conception' and the Object Form- ing the Nucleus of the Class Balance Its Relations to Comple- ment, Counteraction, and Symmetry To Twin Products in Nature. IV. PRINCIPALITY, SUBORDINATION, AND COMPLEMENT OR BALANCE IN POETRY AND Music . . 52-68 Principality in the Arts of Sound Involves Something Kept Con- stantly before the Mind Principality of Theme in an Epic In a CONTENTS. IX PAGE Drama Of Form in the Blank Verse of Long Poems Of Short Poems, as in the Chorus In the French Forms, Rondel, Triolet, Kyrielle In the General Movement as Representing the General Thought Illustrations Principality as Illustrated by Musical Variations And in Other Longer and Shorter Compositions Subordination and Complement or Balance in Poetic Themes In Poetic Form In Pairs of Lines in Verse Correspondence be- tween Poetry and Music in this Regard Balance in Poetic Feet and Pairs of Words The Same Method in Musical Themes and Phrases Illustrations of its Application ; of its Non-application Complement between the Different Phrases and Chords and Measures. V. PRINCIPALITY, SUBORDINATION, AND COMPLEMENT OR BALANCE IN PAINTING, SCULPTURE, AND ARCHITECTURE 69-96 General Illustrations of the Effects of the Three Methods Princi- pality by Size, Position, Direction of Lines, Color, and Shading Illustrations In Sculpture In Architecture, through a Porch, Door, Window, Dome, Spire, etc. Vertical and Horizontal Balance Complement between Principal and Subordinate Features Between the Subordinate, with the Principal Separating them Groupings of Odd and of Even Numbers Complement and Balance in Painting In Sculpture In Architecture Approach- ing Symmetry in Large Public Buildings which Demand Effects of Dignity Principality and Complement in Modern Public Buildings Criticisms Suggestions Even and Odd Numbers in the Horizontal and Vertical Arrangements of Architecture. VI. GROUPING AND ORGANIC FORM IN POETRY AND Music 97-1 13 The Principle of Grouping, Resulting from the Requirements of the Product The Method, Conditioned by this Principle, Organ- izes the Group Organism in Nature and in Classification In Art- Composition Organism in the Art-Product : the Feet, Trunk, and Head of Plato ; the Beginning, Middle, and End of Aristotle Applied to Poetic Form To the Sentence To the Poem X CONTENTS. PAGE Effects of Form Due to the Organic Order in which the Be- ginning, Middle, and End of Movement are Presented : Stedman Where Thought is Didactic : Longfellow Pope Montgomery In a Simile : Howitt Waller Hugo Same Effects as Pro- duced by Form Irrespective of the Thought Sherman Wad- dington Miller Gosse Scollard A Like Principle Illustrated in Plots of Long Poems In Music A Periodic Form Explanations of the Effect in Short and Long Compositions In Reiterated Chords at their Beginning and Close Same Principle in Oratory. VII. GROUPING AND ORGANIC FORM IN PAINTING, SCULPTURE, AND ARCHITECTURE . . 114-124 Places 'Corresponding to Head, Trunk, and Feet in a Picture Necessity for Considering them Different Kinds of Contour Arches Semicircles Pyramids Circles Ovals Wedge-Shapes Same Effects Produced by Light and Shade and Color, Differing on Differing Sides, Above and Below, at the Centre and at the Circumference Same Effects in Sculpture The Pedestal or Foot, the Canopy or Head, on Out-Door Statuary Architecture The Foot in the Foundation The Trunk in the Wall The Head in the Roof Architectual Grouping as a Whole. VIII. OTHER METHODS OF CLASSIFICATION AND COM- POSITION, AS DEDUCED FROM THOSE ALREADY CONSIDERED . . ... 125-132 Recapitulation of the Principles and Methods Conditioned upon the Requirements of the Mind And upon those of Matter Other Methods Conditioned by the Product are now to be Considered The Product a Combination of Effects Produced Mainly upon the Mind ; or upon the Senses ; or Partly upon the Mind and Partly upon the Senses Leading, respectively, to Likeness by Way of Congruity Of Repetition And of Consonance Illustrations of the Three All the Methods of Composition Result from Combin- ing these Three with the Seven General Methods Mentioned above Chart of the Art-Methods Additional Statements Correspond- ence between these Methods and their Arrangements and those Given by Others. CONTENTS. xi IX. PAGE CONGRUITY, INCONGRUITY, AND COMPREHENSIVENESS J 33-i49 The Order of the Arrangement of the Methods in the Last Chapter Corresponds to that of the Use of them by the Artist Who in Each Art must Start with a Mental Conception, and the Condition of Mind Underlying Comparison Based upon Congruity General Effect of this Incongruity in Nature and Art Comprehensiveness Congruity in Poetry At the Basis of the Law of the Unities Why \ the Latter is not Applicable to the Drama Congruity, Incongruity, and Comprehensiveness in "Hamlet" In "Lear" In "Pa- tience" The Same in the Development of Musical Themes As in the Overture and Opera of " Tannhauser" Congruity Uniting by Association Different Appearances in the Arts of Sight Mainly this that Keeps Artists from Using together Forms of Gothic and Greek Architecture Incongruity and Comprehensiveness in the Arts of Sight Raphael's "Transfiguration" Same Methods in Architecture. X. CENTRAL-POINT, SETTING, PARALLELISM, AND SYM- METRY ....... 150-161 Especial Importance of Arrangement in the Composition of Features alike by Way of Congruity Connection between this Fact and the Methods now to be Considered Difficulty of Determining the Term Central Point, and Objections to other Terms Appropriateness of this Same Difficulties and Objections to Terms for the Second Method Appropriateness of the Term Setting Connections between Central -Point and Principality, and Setting and Subordination Parallelism Symmetry and its Con- nection with the Methods Preceding it Recapitulation How Nature Suggests these Methods : the Vanishing Point and Radia- tion or Central-Point Laws of Linear Perspective Radiation Allied to Principality and Unity Setting in Nature Parallelism in Lines of Horizon, Rivers, Hills, Trees, etc. Manifestation in Individual Forms of Nature, of Central-Point, Setting, Parallelism, and Symmetry. Xii CONTENTS. XL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS OF CENTRAL-POINT, SETTING, PAR- ALLELISM, AND SYMMETRY .... 162-187 Introduction Poetic Central-Point in the Climax Setting in the Digression Illustrations Parallelism in Metaphors and Similes In what is Termed Parallelism And in Lines of Verse Poetic Symmetry, with Illustrations All three Methods in Poetic Form How Manifested Central-point and Setting in Music Paral- lelism and Musical Harmony : Illustrations Symmetry Con- nection between Lines Radiating from a Central Point and the Appearance of Unity and Principality in Visible Objects Illustra- tions from Paintings Curved Lines of Radiation Lines of Direction in Architecture The Nature of Setting in the Arts that are Seen Parallelism and its Connection with Order Illustrations from Painting and Sculpture How it Gives Unity to Forms Asso- ciated by Way of Congruity Symmetry : Its Present Different from its Former Meaning Symmetrical Paintings Symmetry, an Application^ the Principle of Complement to all the Features of the Two Sides of a Composition Connection between Symmetry and Organic Form Some Variety not Inconsistent with Symmetry. XII. REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION . 188-208 Importance and Order of Development of Repetition as Contrast- ed with Congruity Repetition, a Necessary and Elementary Factor in All Forms Alteration How Differing from Variety Alterna- tion and Other Allied Methods The Influence of Repetition, Alteration, and Alternation upon Thought How they are Exem- plified in Nature In Art ; Poetic Repetition with Alteration in Lines, Feet, Alliteration, Assonance, Rhymes In Recurring Re- frains, Choruses : Explanation of the French Forms of Verse In Epithets and Phrases Alternation in Accent and Lack of Accent and in Rhyming Lines The Three Methods in Music The Three in Primitive Forms of Ornamentation Appealing to Sight In Painting : How Imitated from Nature and how Produced by Artistic Arrangements of Forms Even of Landscapes The Same in Color In Sculpture In Architecture The Fundamental Reason why Styles should not be Mixed Necessity of Unity of Effect. CONTENTS. xiii XIII. PAGE MASSING OR BREADTH 209-219 Connection between the Methods next on our List and those already Considered Massing Its Object is to Produce Cumula- tive or General Effects In Poetry, by an Accumulation of the Effects of Sense and Sound Of Sound alone Connection between Massing and Central-Point as Illustrated in the Climax Massing in Music In Painting : the Meaning of Breadth in this Art as Restricted to Effects of Light and Shade Means Used by the Artist in Producing these Not necessarily One Mass of Light in One Composition : Three Masses Breadth and Massing Analo- gous The Same Principles Applied to Colors and Outlines Massing in Sculpture In Architecture : By Outlines and by Light and Shade. XIV. INTERSPERSION, COMPLICATION, AND CONTINUITY, 220-242 Interspersion in Nature and Art Complication in Nature and Art Its Relation to Order Continuity Should not Disregard the Requirements of Variety Illustrations Interspersion and Complication in Poetry In the Sense Interspersion in the Form Variety without Interspersion Complication in the Form Continuity and Drift Interspersion, Complication, and Continuity in Music The Two Former in Painting, Sculpture, and Architec- ture Continuity in these Latter Arts Present in Connection with Interspersion and Complication. m XV. CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE . 243-265 The Musical Meaning of the Term Shows it Allied to the Con- gruous Also to the Repetitious- How the Same Meaning Attaches to the Word as Used in Other Arts Three Ways in which Features Seemingly Alike may Differ : in Size, in Combination, in Material Consonance and the Law of Help Dissonance Why Involved in Passing from One Key to Another Why it Has Artistic Value Interchange Why Necessary to Harmony in Music In Color and Outline Poetic Consonance Dissonance Harmonizing of the Two Musical Consonance Dissonance Consonance in Color in Connection with Difference in Texture Value Tone Con- sonance not Harmony Nor is Dissonance Contrast The Same xiv CONTENTS. PACK Methods in Outline In Painting and Architecture Neglect of them in Architecture Illustrations Results Importance of Harmony thus Produced Which is not Inconsistent with Some Dissonance. XVI. GRADATION, ABRUPTNESS, TRANSITION, AND PROGRESS IN POETRY AND Music . . 266-277 Gradation and its Relation to Principality, Central-Point, and Massing Abruptness, Transition, and Progress Connection be- tween these Methods and those already Considered Gradation in the Sounds and Colors of Nature In its Outlines Abruptness in Nature And Transition Difference between Continuity and Prog- ress Gradation in the Thought and Form of Poetry Abruptness Transition Gradation in Music Abruptness Transition Con- tinuity in Poetry without Progress With Progress Continuity and Progress in Music. XVII. GRADATION, ABRUPTNESS, TRANSITION, AND PROGRESS IN PAINTING, SCULPTURE, AND ARCHITECTURE 278-300 Gradation in Light and Shade In Color Abruptness Transition -^-Connection between these Methods and Curved, Angular, and Mixed Effects of Lines Reasons for the Extensive Presence of Curves in Nature and Art Why the Curve is the Line of Beauty The most Common Curve of Nature is a Literal Fulfilment of the Method of Gradation As well as of All the Methods of Artistic Com- position Curvature as Applied to the General Contour of Groups in Painting and Sculpture, especially to theLimbs of the Human Form In Architecture Why Curves are less Used in this Art Gradation in Combinations of Lines or Contours Abruptness in the Same Gradation in the Outlines of Architecture : Spires, Towers. Foundations Over Openings In Italian Towers Lines of Lower and Upper Window-Caps. Gables, and Roofs ; Rounded Arches Below and Pointed Above The more Pointed Arches Below Abruptness less Appropriate in Architecture than in Paint- ing and Sculpture Progress in Painting and Sculpture : False Methods of Obtaining the Effect Right Methods In Architec- ture Conclusion. INDEX . . . 301-311 PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. ACROPOLIS. RESTORATION OF THE WEST END OF THE 15 From White's " Plutarch." Mentioned on pages 16, 75, 89, 123, 207, 261. 2. COLOGNE CATHEDRAL F AC. A DE 17 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages iS, 87, 90, 190, 207, 291. 3. TAJ-MAHAL FAC.ADE AGRA, INDIA 19 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 18, 75. 77, 87, 96, 124, 1 80, 1 86, 190, 207, 261. 4. EDISON BUILDING, NEW YORK : . . . 21 From the Architectural Record. Mentioned on pages 22, 189,208. 5. CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, PROVIDENCE, R. 1 23 From the Architectural Record. Mentioned on pages 22, 189, 208. 6. ROMANS BESIEGING A GERMAN FORTRESS 27 From Baring-Gould's " Germany." Mentioned on pages 16, 26, 174, 182. 7. EROS, STATUE OF, IN BRITISH MUSEUM 30 From Muller's " Denkmaler der Alien Kunst." Mentioned on pages 31, iS6, 289. 8. TOWER WITH RING 31 From Raskin's " Elements of Drawing." Mentioned on page 31. 9. ANCIENT KORAN CASE 38 From Lane-Poole's " Moors in Spain." Mentioned on pages 37. 224. 10. SCHOOL OF ATHENS, BY RAPHAEL 41 From photograph of an engraving. Mentioned on pages 39, 82, 242. xv xvi PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE 11. GATE OF SERRANO, VALENCIA, SPAIN 47 From Lane-Poole's " Moors in Spain." Mentioned on pages 48, 79. 8 7, 9 6 - 12. SACRED HEART, CHURCH OF, PARIS, INTERIOR 49 From the Architectural Record. Mentioned on pages 18, 50, 190, 264. 13. LEAVES ILLUSTRATING PRINCIPALITY, SUBORDINATION, AND COMPLEMENT 69 From Ruskin's " Elements of Drawing." Mentioned on page 69. 14. PIANKLI RECEIVING THE SUBMISSION OF NAMRUT AND OTHERS. . 70 From Rawlinson's "Ancient Egypt." Mentioned on pages 70, 189. 15. HENRY II. RECEIVING FROM GOD THE CROWN, ETC 71 From Baring-Gould's " Germany." Mentioned on pages 72, 189. 16. THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS, BY RUBENS 73 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 16, 72, 80, 144, 190, 214, 235, 257. 17. LEDA, STATUE AT FLORENCE 74 From Muller's " Denkmaler der Alien Kunst." Mentioned on pages 74, 85, 179, 289. 18. TITUS, STATUE FROM THE LOUVRE 74 From Muller's " Denkmaler der Alten Kunst." Mentioned on pages 75, 85, 120, 180, 289. 19. DIANA, STATUE FROM THE LOUVRE 75 From Muller's " Denkmaler der Alten Kunst." Mentioned on pages 75, 85, 120, 186. 20. MERCURY, BRONZE STATUE OF, FROM HERCULANEUM 76 From Muller's " Denkmaler der Alten Kunst." Mentioned on pages 75, 85, 120. 21. THE WRESTLERS, SCULPTURE OF 77 From Abbott's " Pericles." Mentioned on page 75, 85. 22. HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT, FROM OLD PALACE YARD 78 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 76. 23. ST. PETER'S, ROME FAQADE. 78 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 18, 77, 87, 96, 124, 186, 207, 265. PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. xvii PAGE 24. TWIN VILLA 79 From Palliser, Palliser, & Co., Architects, New York. Men- tioned on pages 77-79, 123, 124, 187. 25. INVESTITURE OF A BISHOP BY A KING 80 From Baring-Gould's " Germany." Mentioned on pages 48, 79- 26. POLLICE VERSO, BY GEROME -. 81 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 16, 30, 72, 80, 82, 144, 172, 179, 182, 186, 217, 239, 257. 27. DISCOBOLUS, STATUE OF 83 From Turner's " Short History of Art." Mentioned on page 85. 28. SMALL HOUSE 84 From Palliser, Palliser, & Go., Architects, New York. Men- tioned on pages 85, 96, 124, 187. 29. PALACE OF JUSTICE, .LYONS 85 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 87, 96, 261. 30. SULEYMANIYA MOSQUE 86 From Lane-Poole's " Turkey." Mentioned on page 90. 31. ST. MARK'S, VENICE WITH CAMPANILE 88 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 18, 77, 87, 90, 96, 124, 180, 186, 190, 207, 261, 262. 32. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL FROM SOUTHWEST 89 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 18, 77, 90, 124, 207, 261. 33. IFFLEY CHURCH, ENGLAND 90 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 92, 124. 34. SHADYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 91 From the Architectural Record. Mentioned on pages 92, 96, 124, 1 86, 190. 35. PLAN FOR A CHURCH, EXTERIOR 93 From G. H. Edbrooke, Architect, New York. Mentioned on page 92. 36. INTERIOR GROUND PLAN OF SAME CHURCH 94 From G. H. Edbrooke, Architect, New York. Mentioned on page 92. XVlii PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE 37. CATHEDRAL, GROUND PLAN FOR 95 From G. H. Edbrooke, Architect, New York. Mentioned on page 95. 38. LA BELLE JARDINIERE, BY RAPHAEI 116 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 116. 39. MADONNA DELLA SEDIA, BY RAPHAEL 117 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 117. 40. EVENING, BY CLAUDE LORRAINE 119 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 31, 118, 146, 156, 172. 41. MARKET OF ATHENS RESTORED 121 From Harrison's " Greece." Mentioned on pages 79, 120, 122, 123, 289. 42. ST. SOPHIA, CONSTANTINOPLE 123 From Lane-Poole's " Turkey." Mentioned on pages 18, 76, 77, 96, 124, 180, 187, 190, 207, 261, 262. 43. VILLAGE DANCE, BY D. TENIERS 143 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 16, 82, 144, 190. 44. A STORM, BY J. F. MILLET 145 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 144. 45. GROUP OF NIOBE, SCULPTURE FROM 146 From Miiller's " Denkmaler der Alten Kunst." Mentioned on pages 16, 144, 204, 257, 298. 46. TRANSFIGURATION, BY RAPHAEL 147 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 72, 82, 116, 118, 148, 257. 47. CANAL, BY COROT 157 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 115, 118, 156, 158, 159, 172, 238. 48. RADIATION IN NATURAL FORMS 160 From Ruskin's " Elements of Drawing." Mentioned on page I 60. 49. JAPANESE COMPOSITIONS 161 From Kotsugaro Yenouye's " Fine Art Pictures." Mentioned on pages 46, 156, 161. 50. CATTLE, BY TROYON 173 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 16, 158, 172. PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. XI X PAGE 51. DECLINE OF CARTHAGE, BY J. W. M. TURNER 175 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 16, 31, 82, 118, 156, 159, 172, 238. 52. THE SOLDIER'S RETURN, RELIEF ON NATIONAL MONUMENT NEAR BlNGEN ON THE RHINE . 176 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 16, 26, 174, 182, 257- 53. GERMAN CAPTIVE, STATUE OF, VATICAN. 177 From Baring-Gould's " Germany." Mentioned on pages 176, 182, 257. 54. MITHRAS STABBING THE BULL SCULPTURED RELIEF FROM THE LOUVRE 179 From M tiller's " Denkmaler der Alten Kunst." Mentioned on pages 74, 120, 180, 2 1 8. 55. OTHELLO-, BY CARL BECKER 181 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 72, 174, 181, 239. 56. THE DANCER, FRAGMENTARY SCULPTURE OF 183 From Abbott's "Pericles." Mentioned on pages 16, 144, 182, 257. 57. NEBO, BUST INSCRIBED WITH NAME OF, BRITISH MUSEUM 184 From Ragozin's " Chaldea." Mentioned on page 183. 58. LUCCA MADONNA, BY FRA BARTOLOMMEO 185 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 72, 185. 59. THE OLD LOUVRE 187 From Masson's "Mediaeval France." Mentioned on page 186. 60. THEATRE AND TON-HALLE, PART OF DESIGN FOR 191 From the Architectural Record. Mentioned on pages 22, 190, 208, 261. 61. PUBLIC LIBRARY, NEW LONDON, CONN 193 From the Architectural Record. Mentioned on pages 123, 190. 62. THE VITRUVIAN SCROLL 200 From photograph of an engraving. Mentioned on page 200. 63. THE GREEK FRET 200 From photograph of an engraving. Mentioned on page 200. 64. SECTION OF ORNAMENTAL DOORWAY, KHORSBAD, CHALDEA. ... 201 From Ragozin's " Chaldea." Mentioned on page 201. XX PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE 65. TRIGLYPHS AND METOPES, FROM A GREEK TEMPLE 201 From photograph of an engraving. Mentioned on page 201. 66. OLD BRIDGE AT COBLENTZ, BY TURNER 203 From Ruskin's " Elements of Drawing." Mentioned on pages 48, 159, 174, 203. 67. ST. NIZIER, CHURCH OF, LYONS 205 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 22, 189, 206, 208, 261. 68. SALISBURY CATHEDRAL FROM THE NORTHWEST 207 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 18, 76, 186, 190, 206, 261. 69. POUTOU TEMPLE, NEAR NINGPO, CHINA 208 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 18, 124, 207, 240. 70. THE HOLY NIGHT, BY CORREGGIO 215 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 16, 72, 80, 120, 190, 214, 257. 71. GATE OF THE PALACE, NANCY 218 From Masson's " Mediaeval France." Mentioned on pages 76, 219. 72. CHATEAU AT MONTIGNY 221 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 31, 37, 77, 78, 124, 222, 235, 251. 73. LANDSCAPE WITH WATER, BY COROT 223 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 118, 156, 172, 174, 222, 234. 74. WINDOW IN THE ALHAMBRA 225 From Lane-Poole's " Moors in Spain." Mentioned on pages 37, 222, 236. 75. THE LAOCOON, SCULPTURED GROUP OF 226 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 120, 182, 204, 235, 238. 76. WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL, ENGLAND, SOUTH AISLE OF 227 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 240. 77. ST. Loo CATHEDRAL, FRANCE, INTERIOR OF 234 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 240. 78. BEVERLEY MINSTER, ENGLAND, INTERIOR OF 235 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 238, 241, 264. 79. EXETER CATHEDRAL, INTERIOR OF 236 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 238, 241, 264. PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. xxi PACK 80. ST. HILAIRE, CHURCH OF, ROUEN 237 From a drawing. Mentioned on pages 124, 241, 251. 81. FRONT ELEVATION 238 From G. H. Edbrooke, Architect, New York. Mentioned on pages 241, 251. 82. SIDE ELEVATION 238 From G. H. Edbrooke, Architect, New York. Mentioned on pages 241, 251. 83. TOWER OF BORIS, KREMLIN, Moscow 239 From a drawing. Mentioned on pages 124, 241. 84. DOME OF CHIAVAVALLE, ITALY 240 From a drawing. Mentioned on page 241. 85. CHATEAU BE RANDAU, VICHY, FRANCE 258 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages, 124, 1 80, 262. 86. CHAPEL IN CATACOMBS OF ST. AGNES, ROME 259 From Turner's " Short History of Art." Mentioned on page 262. 87. ST. BOTOLPH'S CHURCH, BOSTON, ENGLAND, INTERIOR OF 260 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 262. 88. ST. MARTYN'S CHURCH, CANTERBURY, ENGLAND, INTERIOR OF. 261 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 262. 89. LITCHFIELD CATHEDRAL, ENGLAND, INTERIOR OF 262 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 262. 90. FARNESE PALACE, ROME FACADE 263 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 265. 91. CURVE EXEMPLIFYING GRADATION 282 From Ruskin's " Modern Painters." Mentioned on pages 282-284. 92. CURVE EXEMPLIFYING GRADATION 283 From Ruskin's " Modern Painters." Mentioned on pages 282-284. 93. THESEUS, SCULPTURE OF 285 From Abbott's " Pericles." Mentioned on page 284. 94. THE DEATH OF ANANIAS, BY RAPHAEL 288 From a photograph. Mentioned on pages 72, 144, 257, 287, 297. xxii PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE 95. DOORWAY OF CHURCH IN JAK, HUNGARY 289 From Liibke's " History of Art." Mentioned on pages 180, 291. 96. ARCH IN THE ALJAFERIA OF ZARAGOZA 290 From Lane-Poole's " Moors in Spain." Mentioned on pages 37, 180, 291. 97. SIENNA CATHEDRAL, ITALY FAC.ADE 292 From Turner's " Short History of Art." Mentioned on pages 18, 87, 207, 261, 291. 98. RATH-HOUSE, BRUNSWICK, GERMANY 294 From Zimmern's " Hansa-Towns." Mentioned on page 295. 99. SAN PEDRO DE CARDENA, INTERIOR OF 296 From Lane-Poole's " Moors in Spain." Mentioned on page 295 100. ST. MACLOU, ROUEN, FRANCE 298 From a photograph. Mentioned on page 295. The author wishes to express his sense of obligation to the various artists, publishers, and authors to whom he is indebted for kind permission to insert in this book such illustrations and poems as are owned by them, or protected by their copyrights. ise OF THE UNIVERSITY THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM, CHAPTER I. CLASSIFICATION AS THE BASIS OF METHOD IN SCIENCE AND ART. Spirit, Matter, and their Combination as Sources of Phenomena in Religion, Science, and Art Limitations of the Present Book Why Thought must be Expressed in Terms of Matter How Inaudible and Invisible Mental Conceptions Come to be Represented in Language, Intonation, Writing, Carving, and Building These Pass into "The Arts" when they Begin to be Developed for the Sake of the Form The Arts Repre- sent Thought and Feeling through Elaborating Natural Forms Appealing to the Ear and Eye Illustrations The Artist Uses for this Purpose the same Forms that all Men Do Who, before they can Understand and Use them Effectively must, through Comparison, "Classify and Conquer" them This the Basis of Knowledge in all Departments Science and Philosophy Classify Effects Conditioned upon Laws Operating under- neath Natural and Mental Phenomena : Art Classifies Effects Con- ditioned upon Laws Operating underneath ^Esthetic Appearances or Forms An Embodied Finite Mind Requires Body and Definiteness to Appeal to its Intelligence The Artist Groups Phenomena Mentally to Gain a General Conception, then, in a Way Analogous to Classifica- tion, Groups them Materially to Impart it Connection between these Processes, and Representing in Art both the Human Mind and Nature How the Artist, by Classifying the Forms of Nature, Represents his own Mind And how the Forms of Nature. A LL the phenomena of life are traceable to two sources spirit and matter. The respective results of the two, however, are not clearly distinguishable, so that, 5 THE GENESIS OF AR T-FORM. practically, we must always consider, as a third source, a combination of both. Subjects of thought of any impor- tance involve relations to all of the three ; but the chief place is assigned to the first source in religion, to the second in science, and to the third in art, the phenomena of which, corresponding to those of life in general, are all traceable to man as the possessor of mind, which is the embodiment of spirit ; to nature, which is the embodi- ment of matter ; and to a combination of the effects of mind and nature in a product. Of these, however, it is the latter which, in every case, determines the peculiar character of art as art. For this reason writers upon the subject usually start with a consideration of the product. Inasmuch, too, as, according to the conditions, this is a combination of ef- fects coming from both man and nature, they are obliged, to some extent, to consider in what ways it has been in- fluenced by both. But the emphasis given to either the one or the other source may cause a wide deviation in the lines of discussion. In the one case the relations of art to the representation of the thoughts and feelings experi- enced by the man engage the attention ; in the other its relations to the appearances and arrangements observed in nature. It is with the latter of these topics, but with it always as necessarily connected somewhat with the former, that this book has to deal. Nor will the whole even of this topic be treated. What is to be discussed is believed to be fundamental in character and comprehen- sive in results ; but nothing more will be undertaken than to show how, the conditions of mind and matter being what they are, those complex products which we ascribe to art have come to be in their material conditions what they are. By a psychologic process, in a case where the CLASSIFICATION AS THE BASIS OF METHOD. 3 prevailing and popular historic method will not suffice, an endeavor will be made to trace the sources of the laws of composition, to indicate how they are developed, what they are, why they operate as they do, and how, in all the arts, they operate in the same way. Let us begin by recalling why it is necessary for the purposes of art, or for any human . purposes, that the things that have their source in mind should be connected or combined with the things that have their source in matter. The reason is obvious. Man is a social being, and likes to communicate the results of his mental pro- cesses. But others can learn of these only through their material organs of sight and hearing, and his thoughts and feelings in themselves are invisible and inaudible. He must, therefore, connect them in some way with things that are not so, with things that are sufficiently material to produce the desired material effects. These things he can find only in what is termed external nature. The process that he pursues is like this. He hears sounds coming from waters, forests, beasts, birds, and, instinctively, from himself and other men ; and, being endowed with powers of imitation and reflection, he be- gins, in concurrence with his fellows, to use certain of these sounds for words, embodying conceptions which each sound, in its own way, has suggested to him. Later on he observes certain relations existing between objects signified by the words, and, according to some principle of association or comparison, he compounds them, form- ing terms like ex-press, up-right-ness, under -standing, and he learns, at the same time, to connect these and all his words grammatically. Finally, through such processes, continued through many years, he comes to be able to convey his conceptions fully in intonations and language. 4 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Again, he sees forms in nature, and by themselves, or in connection with other forms, they, too, necessarily sug- gest conceptions to him ; and he recognizes soon that these visible forms also, in fulfilment of the same princi- ples of association or comparison, can be made, by being imitated in whole or in part, to represent to his neighbor the conceptions that they have already suggested to him- self ; and beginning by rude sketches and constructions, leading, by-and-by, to the inventing of ideographic and hieroglyphic writing, and of ornamental designing, he finally comes to use, in order to convey his conceptions, the various methods now in vogue of drawing, carving, and building. It takes many centuries for such methods to develop into arts like music, poetry, painting, sculpture, and archi- tecture. But, after a while, these all appear. It is im- portant to notice, too, that the way in which they differ from ordinary and merely natural modes of expression is in the fact that they are not used, or, if so used at first, have ceased to be used for expression's sake alone. A man hums and talks, fulfilling an instinctive prompting of his nature, in order to give vent to certain inward moods. It is when something about the form in which he hums 1 the movement, the tune attracts his atten- tion, and he begins to experiment or play with it for its 1 Compare with this what is said by Herbert Spencer in his ' ' Principles of Psychology," ii., chapter ix. : " Play is . . . an artificial exercise of powers which, in default of their natural exercise, become so ready to discharge that they relieve themselves by simulated actions in place of real actions. For dogs and other predatory creatures show us. unmistakably that their play consists of mimic chase and mimic fighting. It is the same with human beings. The plays of children nursing dolls, giving tea parties, and so on, are dramatizings of adult activities. The sports of boys, chasing one another, wrestling, making prisoners, obviously gratify in a partial way the CLASSIFICATION AS THE BASIS OF METHOD. 5 own sake, that he begins to develop the possibilities of the musician. In the same way, it is when something about the forms in which a man talks the metaphors, similes, sounds of the words attracts his attention and he begins to experiment with them, that he begins to develop the possibilities of the poet. So with drawing, carving, and building. A man does more or less of all of these, owing to an instinctive prompting within him ; but when some- thing about the outlines, colors, and materials that represent the conditions or relationships of nature attracts his attention, so that he begins to experiment with them it is then that he begins to develop the possibilities of the painter, the sculptor, or the architect. While, therefore, the art-product is traceable to an expression of mental thoughts or feelings, the elements of which it is constructed are forms borrowed from nature, and the method of construction, or composition, as it is ordinarily called, is a process of elaboration. 1 It is this process which, in the present book, we are to con- sider ; in other words, the methods in the different arts, of elaborating natural forms of expression so as to make them, in a broad sense of the term, artistic. The natural forms of expression which are thus elabo- rated include all things that can be heard or seen ; for there are none of these which, at certain times, the mind cannot use for the purpose of representing outwardly its predatory instincts. . . The higher but less essential powers, as well as the lower but more essential powers, thus come to have activities tha-t are carried on for the sake of the immediate gratifications derived, without reference to ulterior benefits ; and to such higher powers, aesthetic products yield those substantial activities, as games yield them to various lower powers. " 1 See the author's "Poetry as a Representative Art," chapters i., ii., xv., xvi. 6 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. inward processes. Because it can seldom, if ever, use for the same purpose agencies that appeal to the lower and more physical senses of touch, taste, and smell ; from them no arts of the highest class are ever developed. With what we have, however the sounds and sights of nature, the range from which the elements of expression can be selected is practically infinite. What a chaos do they suggest in their natural condition, and what a mastery of chaos in the condition in which art, when it has done its work, leaves them ! In the realm of sound, nature fur- nishes effects like the rustling of trees, the rushing of waters, the chirping of birds, the growling of beasts, and the whistling, humming, crying, groaning, scolding, laugh- ing, and talking of human beings. From these, in some way, after centuries of experiments, art produces a Beethoven's " Seventh Symphony " and a Shakespeare's " Hamlet." In the realm of sight, nature furnishes shapes like those of clouds, mountains, valleys, streams, trees, flowers, animals, and men. And from these, by and by, in some way, art produces a " Madonna " of Raphael, a " Moses " of Angelo, a " Cathedral of Cologne." By what method does art accomplish these results? This is the question before us. In answer, it is important to notice, first, that the appearances of nature with which the artist has to do are the same as those with which every man has to do. They confront the child the moment that his ears and eyes are opened to apprehend the world about him. As soon as he begins to observe and think and act, these furnish him with his materials with facts to know, with subjects to understand, with implements to use. It is important to notice again that men generally and possibly we may find the same true of artists before they CLASSIFICATION AS THE BASIS OF METHOD. / can master the materials about them, must do what is ex- pressed in the old saying, " Classify and conquer." When the child first observes the world, everything is a maze; but, anon, out of this maze, objects emerge which he. con- trasts with other objects and distinguishes from them. After a little, he sees that two or three of these objects, thus distinguished, are alike ; and pursuing a process of compari- son he is able, by himself or with the help of others, to unite and to classify them, and to give to each class a name. As soon as, in this way, he has learned to separate certain animals, horses, say, from sheep, and to unite and classify and name them, he begins to know something of zoology ; and all his future knowledge of that branch will be acquired by further employment of the same method. So all his knowledge, and not only this, but his understand- ing and application of the laws of botany, mineralogy, psychology, or theology will depend on the degree in which he learns to separate from others, and thus to unite and classify and name certain plants, rocks, mental activities, or religious dogmas. Without classification to begin with, there can be no knowledge, no understand- ing, no efficient use of the materials which nature fur- nishes. The physicist is able to recognize, relate, and reproduce effects only in the degree in which he is able to classify the appearances and laws, the facts and forces of material nature. The metaphysician is able to know, and prove, and guide to right action only in the degree in which he is able to classify feelings, conceptions, and volitions with their motives and tendencies as they arise in mental consciousness and manifest themselves in action. Why should not the same principle apply in the arts ? It undoubtedly does. Just as the physicist classifies effects conditioned upon laws operating underneath phe- 8 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. nomena of a physical nature, and the psychologist classi- fies effects conditioned upon laws operating underneath phenomena of a psychical nature, so the artist classifies effects conditioned upon laws operating underneath phe- nomena of an artistic nature. This fact necessitates his considering appearances both as produced in the world without him, and as influencing the mind within him. But not even the double nature of these effects removes the artist from the essential conditions of the comparison just made. As most men use language, they mean by the term scientist not a mere physicist, but one who is also something of a psychologist ; and by a philosopher not a mere psychologist, but one who is also something of a physicist. The artist does not differ from others who form classifications, in being influenced from the direction both of mind and matter but, mainly, in the aim which he has in view. The factors classified and the results attained in science, philosophy and art are differ- ent; but in essential regards, the method is the same. It is so because it is the same human mind that applies it. This mind is an embodied mind, belonging to a realm not infinite, but finite ; and things that appear to be infinite in number or variety are beyond its grasp. A man must analyze, and group, and marshal intp order, and define in other words, " classify and conquer "the elements of the chaos about him, before they can afford him any satisfaction, before they can appeal with any force to his intelligence, or be used by him so as to appeal to the intelligence of others. It is true that what has been called classification does not in art result merely in mental conceptions of classes, as of horses or oaks in science, or as of materialists or idealists in philosophy. The first result is a mental con- CLASSIFICATION AS THE BASIS OF METHOD. 9 ception ; but afterwards, through a further application of precisely the same method, there comes to be an objec- tive external product. In other words, the artist begins by gaining a general conception of a class in the same way as the scientist and philosopher ; but he ends by producing a special specimen of a class. Even the latter, however, results, as we shall find, from his grouping to- gether for this purpose, according to the methods of classification, like or allied factors. Before going on to confirm this statement, it seems im- portant to point out that the principle involved in it is not inconsistent with the statement made at the opening of this chapter, namely, that the product of art is due not only to the requirements of the mind, but also to the con- ditions that are furnished by nature. To render it clear that what was said there, is in harmony with what has just been said here, it is necessary to show, first, that obtain- ing a general conception as a result of classification, and embodying this in art, is not inconsistent with the artist's representing himself or his own mind ; and, second, that constructing a product as a result of a further application of the methods of classification, is not inconsistent with his representing the forms of nature. To show the first of these one need only direct atten- tion to the intimate connection that always exists between giving expression to general conceptions, and represent- ing the whole range of the results of observation and thought that together constitute mental character. Imagine a gardener classifying his roses as he must do instinctively the moment that he has to deal with any large number of them and obtaining thus a general concep- tion of the flower. Then imagine him trying in some artificial way to produce a single rose embodying this IO THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. conception. This rose will very likely resemble some one rose particularly present to his mind while forming it ; yet, probably, because, before starting with his work, he has obtained a conception of roses in general, his product will manifest some rose-like qualities not possessed by the specimen before him, but suggested by others. That is to say, because of his general conception derived from classifying, he does more than imitate he represents in that which is a copy of one rose ideas derived from many roses. The same principle applies to all works of art. Let a man write a story or paint a picture. In nine cases out of ten in the exact degree in which he has observed and classified many like events or scenes, he will add to his product the results of his own thinking or generalizing. In fact, it is a question whether the chief charm of such works is not imparted by the in- troduction into them, in legitimate ways, of these kinds of generalizations having their sources not in the par- ticular things described, but in the brains of the describ- ers, who have already been made familiar with many other things somewhat similar. Shakespeare certainly did not get the most attractive features of his historical plays from history, nor Turner those of his pictures from nature. So, as a rule, even in the most imitative of works, the really great artist, consciously or uncon- sciously, gives form to conceptions that he has derived from an acquaintance with many other objects of the same class as those imitated. , There is no need of saying more to show what is meant by affirming that the mind of the artist that would represent itself in art must start by classifying in order to conquer the forms of nature with which it has to deal. Now, for the second fact, needing to be shown, namely, CLASSIFICATION AS THE BASIS OF METHOD. II that a product can be constructed as a result of an ap- plication of the methods of classification, and yet repre- sent the forms of nature. At first thought, classification, and anything resembling imitation appear to necessitate different processes. But, possibly, they do not. Suppose that the forms of nature themselves were found to mani- fest effects like those of classification ? In that case, to imitate them would involve imitating this ; and to add to them, as is usually done in art, and to add to them in such a way as to make the added features seem analogous to the imitated ones, and thus to cause the forms as wholes to continue to seem natural, would involve continuing the process of classification. Now, if, with this thought in mind, we recall the appearances of nature, we shall recog- nize that the condition, which has been supposed to exist there, really does exist. A man, when classifying rocks, puts together mentally those that are alike. So does na- ture, grouping them in the same mountain ranges, or at the bottoms of the same streams. He puts together leaves, and feathers, and hairs that are alike. So does nature, making them grow on the same trees, or birds, or animals. He puts together human beings that are alike. So does nature, giving birth to them in the same families, races, climates, countries. In fact, a man's mind is a part of nature ; and when it works naturally, it works as nature does. He combines elements as a result of classi- fication, in accordance with methods analogous to those in which nature, or, " the mind in nature," combines them. Indeed, he would never have thought of classification at all, unless in nature itself he had first perceived the begin- ning of it. He would never have conceived of forming a group of animals and calling them horses, nor have been able to conceive of this unless nature had first made horses 12 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. alike. To put together the factors of an art-product, there- fore, in accordance with the methods of classification, does not involve any process inconsistent with representing ac- curately the forms that appear in the world. These forms themselves are made up of factors apparently put together in the same way, though not to the same extent. CHAPTER II. UNITY AND COMPARISON, VARIETY AND CONTRAST, COMPLEXITY AND COMPLEMENT IN CLASSIFICATION AND COMPOSITION. Introduction Mental and Material Considerations Connected with each of the Methods Yet Divisible in a General Way into those Manifesting Effects of Mind, of Nature, and of both Combined How Mental Con- siderations Lead to Unity This Attained by Putting the Like with the Like by Way of Comparison Exemplified in the Art-Forms : in Poetry In Music In Paintings In Statues In Buildings of all Styles In Natural Forms This Method Necessary to Imaginative or any ^Esthetic Expression How the Consideration of Natural Forms Leads to Variety This Involves Putting the Like with the Unlike by Way of Contrast ; its Effects Illustrated in Classification Variety in Poetry In Music In Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture Direct Antithesis as Related to Comparison Its Effect in Literature In Poetry In Music In Outline In Color How Considerations of Mind and Nature, or Unity and Variety, Lead to Complexity How Comparison and Contrast Lead to Complement. E are now prepared to consider in a general way, which only is necessary for our purpose, certain facts with reference to the methods pursued by men when forming the groups brought together in classification. For the reasons given in the last chapter, we may expect, as a result, to obtain important suggestions with reference to the right methods of bringing together factors in art- forms. Let us start here, recognizing again the intimate con- nection always existing in art between expression and 13 14 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. form, by stating anew the fact already brought out in the last chapter, namely, that the artist in his work is influ- enced by both mental and material considerations. He begins with a conception which in his mind is associated with certain forms or series of forms, and to these he adds others, expressive of a similar conception. These latter, it is evident, are attributable, some of them to the char- acter of the conception that he wishes to express, and some of them to the character of the natural forms through which he must express it ; some of them, in other words, to mental, and some of them to material considerations. But while this is true in such a sense as to justify a general division of his methods upon the ground that they are traceable in part to the character of mind and in part to that of nature, there is also a sense in which every one of them is traceable to both. For this reason a discussion of any method whatever must in- clude, to be complete, some reference both to its mental and to its material bearings. With this explanation, which will show that it is not intended to make too exclusive a statement in any case, we may divide the methods of classification and also of art-composition into those that manifest chiefly the effects of mind, of nature, and of the combined influences of both. So far as classification results from the conditions of mind, its function is to simplify the work of forming con- cepts, and its end is attained in the degree in which it en- ables one to conceive of many different things birds or beasts, larks or geese, dogs or sheep, as the case may be as one. Classification is, therefore, an effort in the direc- tion of unity. It is hardly necessary to add that the same is true of art-composition. Its object is to unite many different features in a single form, an effect invariably pro- UNITY AND COMPARISON. 15 duced, too, by all except the most elementary products of nature. Unity being the aim of classification, it is evident that the most natural way of attaining this aim, is that which was mentioned in the first chapter, namely, putting like with like ; and that doing this necessitates a process of compari- son. It is because all fish are seen in some way to com- FIQ. 1. RESTORATION OF THE WEST END OF THE ACROPOLIS. See pages 16, 75, 89, 123, 207, 261. pare, that the mind classes them in one group, and is enabled ever after to conceive of this group as a unity. Turning now to the aesthetic arts, and considering how what we term form in them has been developed, we shall have no difficulty in recognizing it to be the result of an application of a similar method. To show this, were we to follow the order most naturally suggested by that of their historic and psychologic development, we should begin with music ; but as poetry is more susceptible of 1 6 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. exemplification in book form, it will be better for our pur- poses in the present discussion to begin all our illustra- tions with it. Looking first at poetry, then, we find the chief characteristic of its form to be lines of like lengths, divided into like numbers of feet, each uttered in like time, to which are sometimes added alliteration, assonance, and rhyme, produced by the recurrence of like sounds in either consonants, vowels, or both. So with music. The chief characteristic of its form is a series of phrases of like lengths, divided into like num- bers of measures, all sounded in like time, through the use of notes that move upward or downward in the scale at like intervals, with like recurrences of melody and har- mony. In painting, sculpture, and architecture, no matter of what "style," the same is true. The most superficial inspection of any product of these arts, if it be of established reputa- tion, will convince one that it is composed in the main by putting together forms that are alike in such things as color, shape, size, posture, and proportion. In confirma- tion of this, observe, of paintings, Rubens' " Descent from the Cross," Fig. 16, page 73 ; Gerome's " Pollice Verso," Fig. 26, page 81 ; Tenier's " Village Dance," Fig. 43, page 143 ; Troyon's "Cattle," Fig. 50, page 173 ; Turner's " Decline of Carthage," Fig. 51, page 175 ; and Correggio's " Holy Night," Fig. 70, page 215. Read also pages 255-6. Of statues, observe a part of the " Group of the Niobe," Fig. 45, page 146; "The Soldier's Return," from the Neiderwald National Monument, Fig. 52, page 176 ; " The Dancer," Fig. 56, page 183; and the "Romans Besieging a German Fortress," Fig. 6, page 27. Finally, of buildings, observe, in the Greek style, the "Temples on the Acropolis," Fig. i, page 15; in the FIG. 2. COLOGNE CATHEDRAL FACADE. See pages 18, 87, 90, 190, 207, 291. 1 8 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Greco-Roman style, " St. Peter's, Rome," Fig. 23, page 78 ; in the Gothic style, the " Cathedral of Cologne," Fig. 2, page 17, of " Salisbury," Fig. 68, page 207, and of " Canterbury," Fig. 32, page 89 ; in the Romanesque or Norman style, the " Cathedral of Sienna," Fig. 97, page 292, and the " Interior of the Church of the Sacred Heart, Paris," Fig. 12, page 49; and, in the Byzantine and Ori- ental styles, "St. Mark's, Venice," Fig. 31, page 88, the "Mosque of St. Sophia," Fig. 42, page 123, the Chinese Temple, Fig. 69, page 208, and that great memorial struc- ture of India, by many considered the most beautiful building in the world, the " Taj Mahal," Fig. 3, page 19. Notice now, as was intimated in the last chapter, that art, in pursuing this method, does no more than to carry farther a process that nature itself has already begun. The utterance of every bird or beast is made up of notes sufficiently similar to be termed, in a broad sense, alike. Every tree is covered with like limbs and leaves, every animal with like hair or scales or feathers, and every pair of feet or hands is ended with like claws or toes or fingers. Notice, again, that the method involves no more than is necessary in order to make the products of art what they are. Every one knows that comparison is the very first result of any exercise of the imagination. And he knows also that imagination is the source of all art-pro- duction. When a man begins to find in one feature the image of another, and, because the two are alike, to put them together by way of comparison, then, and then only, does he begin to construct an art-product. And not only so, but only then does he continue his work in a way to make it continue to be a medium of expression. The forms which he elaborates are naturally representative of certain phases of thought or feeling, and the significance 20 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. of the completed product depends upon its continuing to represent these phases. But it can continue to do this only when that which is added in the process of elaboration is essentially like that with which the process starts. It is a striking illustration of the rationality which character- izes the action of the mind when working naturally and instinctively though without knowledge of reasons, that the forms of all the arts, as developed in primitive ages, should fulfil this rational requirement. It is an equally striking illustration of the irrationality and departure from nature into which too much self-conscious ratiocination may plunge the same mind, that, in our own more en- lightened age, art-forms should not only be tolerated but praised in poems and buildings for instance in which the principle of putting like with like has been utterly disregarded. Observe the style of the following : Who learns my lesson complete ? Boss, journeyman, apprentice churchman and atheist, The stupid and the wise thinker parent and offspring, merchant, clerk, porter and customer, Editor, author, artist and schoolboy Draw nigh and commence ; It is no lesson it lets down the bars to a good lesson, And then to another, and every one to another still. Leaves of Grass : Whitman. O I believe there is nothing real but America and freedom ! O to sternly reject all except democracy ! O imperator ! O who dare confront you and me ! O to promulgate our own ! O to build for that which builds for mankind. O feuillage ! O North ! O the slope drained by the Mexican sea I O all, all inseparable ages, ages, ages ! Idem. Observe also the utter absence of any attempt to fulfil this first requirement of art, in the buildings represented FIG. 4. THE EDISON BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY. See pages 22, 1.89, 208. 22 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. in Fig. 4, page 21, Fig. 5, page 23 ; also in Fig. 60, page 191, and Fig. 67, page 205. But classification, is traceable not only to the conditions of mind but also of nature. It is in the latter that the mind is confronted with that which classification is in- tended to overcome, with that which is the opposite of unity namely, variety. If there were none of this in nature, all things would appear to be alike, and classifica- tion would be unnecessary. As a fact, however, no two things are alike in all regards ; and the mind must content itself with putting together those that are alike in some regards. This is the same as to say that classification involves, secondarily, the principle Q{ putting the like with the un- like ; and necessitates contrast as well as comparison. The objects brought together in the same group, while similar in certain general and salient features, are dissimilar in particular and less prominent ones. From a distance, or upon first observation, all the voices of men and all the trees of a forest may seem like repetitions of each other. Were it not so, we should fail to understand what is meant by the terms " human voice " and " oak-tree." We use these terms as a result of unconscious classifi- cation obtained by regarding certain general features that first attract attention. But when we approach near the object or examine it carefully, we find that each voice and tree differs from its neighbors ; not only so, but each note of the same voice and each leaf of the same tree. A similar fact is observable in products of art. They, too, while developed from the tendency to group together forms that are alike, are composed of factors not alike in all regards. Take poetry. Who does not perceive the 24 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. additional charm imparted to verses in which more or less unlikeness is blended with that likeness, which, a moment ago, was said to constitute the chief element of their forms ? What is it that imparts freedom and naturalness to the sounds of the following lines, except the introduction, here and there, of changes which, nevertheless, do not in- terfere with the general similarity of effect characterizing the whole ? That orbed maiden with white fire laden Whom mortals call the moon, Glides glimmering o'er my fleece-like floor By the midnight breezes strewn ; And wherever the beat of her unseen feet, Which only the angels hear, May have broken the woof of my tent's thin roof, The stars peep behind her and peer ; And I laugh to see them whirl and flee, Like a swarm of golden bees, While I widen the rent of my wind-built tent, Till the calm rivers, lakes, and seas, Like strips of the sky fallen through on high, Are each paved with the moon and these. The Cloud : Shelley. They passed the hall that echoes still, Pass as lightly as you will. The brands are flat, the brands are dying, Amid their own white ashes lying ; But when the lady passed there came A tongue of light, a flit of flame, And Cristabel saw the lady's eye, And nothing else saw she thereby, Save the boss on the shield of Sir Leoline tall, Which hung in a murky old niche in the wall. " O softly tread," said Cristabel, 34 My father seldom sleepeth well." Cristabel : Coleridge. VARIETY AND CONTRAST. 2$ As contrasted with these, any one can recognize that the following, on account among other things of its lack of variety, is less satisfactory. Think, Daphnis, think, what tender things you said ; Think what confusion all my soul betrayed. You called my graceful presence Cynthia's air, And when I sung, the syrens charmed your ear ; My flame, blown up by flattery, stronger grew, A gale of love in every whisper flew. Ah ! faithless youth, two well you saw my pain, For eyes the language of the soul explain. Araminta : Gay. Take music too. Compare the subtle modifications characterizing successive phrases in even a simple melody of Mozart, like the first of the following examples, with the monotonous cadences of an ordinary street song, such as is represented in the second. Wer un - ter ei - nes Madchens Hand sich als ein Scla-ve schmiegt, und von der Lie-be fest ge-bannt in schnoden Fes-seln liegt : well dem ! der ist ein ar - mer Wicht, er kennt die gold-ne Frei-heit nicht, er kennt die gold-ne Frei-heit nicht, er kennt die gold- ne Freit - heit nicht. Lied der Fret he it ; Mozart, 26 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. When we first came on this cam-pus, Freshmen we, as green as grass ; Now, as grave and rev - er - end Sen - iors, Smile we o- ver the ver - dant past. Co - ca -che-lunk-che- lunk-che-la - ly, Co-ca-che-lunk-che-lunk-che-lay, Co- ca-che- N- lunk-che-lunk-che-la - ly, Hi ! O chick-a- che-lunk-che-lay. Co-ca-che-lunk : College Song. A similar truth is illustrated in painting and sculpture. As will be shown by and by, the most important essential of excellence in the forms of these arts is caused by effects resulting from innumerable repetitions and corresponden- ces ; yet, perhaps, the most invariable characteristic of inartistic pictures and statues is a lack of sufficient diver- sity, colors too similar, outlines too uniform. See Fig. 6, page 27 ; and contrast it with the more artistic manage- ment of similar effects in " The Soldier's Return," Fig. 52, page 176. So, too, with architecture. Notice the con- ventional fronts of the buildings on many of the streets of our cities. Their accumulations of doors and windows and cornices, all of like sizes and shapes, are certainly not in the highest sense interesting. For this their outlines are too little varied. 1 When we have seen a few of them, we have seen all of them. But, in order to continue to 1 Yet often too greatly, as by ten stories next door to only two. 5^ | I M 1* ,f Ul - ?. O M i* : m ^> II CO = ^ 5 O 4) < o ^n L ^J =^z^=rpz^q=iq=::=3-{:q= -e) -+ - -9- >S ' -&-J God, to Thee, Near-er, my God, to Thee, Near Bethany : L. Mason. A corresponding fact is exemplified in products of the arts of sight. We can scarcely copy or originate a form in any of these without having it exemplify all the oppos- ing possibilities of outline and hue. Think of the innumerable deviations from straight lines to angles and curves in the contour of a single animal, and of the end- 44 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. less variety of the play of sunshine upon the colors of a single landscape. This counteraction, moreover, is not only actual, but necessary. It would be impossible for any visible object to have a definite shape unless there were at least two opposing tendencies of line giving it a contour and two of color giving it light and shade ; and the same, as in poetry and music, is true of every part of the whole. This is so much more apparent here, than in the arts of sound, that there is no necessity of illustrat- ing it. In making a practical application of the requirements of order and of the methods associated with it, some member of a class is always considered first, after which are arranged in order second, third, fourth, and other members. But of all these, the first is evidently the most important. It is the nucleus about which the others are grouped ; and, theoretically considered, we should judge that it would be typical of them all. Practically, too, it is so. Classification is invariably begun by observing a few details characterizing some one form say a palm-tree or a wolf to which is given what is sometimes termed principality. About this form are then grouped other forms, all of which are said to belong as the case may be to the palm family or the wolf family. As preparatory to recognizing the exact analogy between this method and what is done in art-composition, it is important to recognize that, in connection with the observation of the object which forms the nucleus of the grouping, there inevitably arises in the mind a mental, conception which becomes the ideal criterion to be applied to every member admitted to the class. At first, how- ever, this conception and the object are apprehended together in such a way that the mind cannot dissociate PRINCIPALITY AND SUBORDINATION. 45 the two. In the case just mentioned, for instance, the conception of the palm or wolf is merely that which is represented in the form of this particular tree or animal, and vice versa. So, as we shall find by and by, the con- ception of a theme in poetry, music, painting, sculpture, or architecture is virtually identical with a particular form apprehended by the mind. When this form or, if it be only such, this feature is given principality, it follows, as an axiom, that all other forms or features associated with it must be given subordination. This is so evident, and so evidently necessitated as a condition accompany- ing principality of any kind, that the statement needs no illustration. Once more, wherever there is a principal factor and also a subordinate or many subordinate factors, the en- deavor to arrange them together leads to a consideration of what is termed balance. Balance is an effect of equi- librium obtained by arranging like features on both sides of a real or ideal centre. It makes no difference whether they are alike in quantity, which is the first suggestion given by the word, or* in quality, in actuality or in mere appearance. All that is necessary is that in some way they should be or seem alike. In this regard balance differs from either complement or counteraction ; for in both of these the essential consideration is unlikeness. At the same time, all three have much in common. One arm, for instance, thrust forward from a bending body and one leg thrust backward from it, may contrast strongly both in appearance and position ; and in this regard may resemble complement. Undoubtedly too they counteract each other. But because they present an appearance of equilibrium in that like quantities seem to be on each side of the centre, our first thought is 46 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. not that they complement or counteract but that they bal- ance. Notice this too in the groupings in Fig. 49, page 161. The close connection between these three, complement, counteraction, and balance, accounts for the fact that in ordinary language and conception they are not clearly distinguished. Nor is it often important that they should be. In one regard, at least, they are all alike. They are all developments of the same principle. Complement produces unity in a natural way from things different. Counteraction applies the principle underlying complement to things that are not complementary by nature, and produces, as we have seen, effects that are essential to the very existence of form. Balance, going still farther, applies the same principle to things that are neither com- plementary nor counteractive, in such a way as to give a more satisfactory appearance to the form by adding to it the effect of. equilibrium. A still later development of the same principle, preceding which, however, there need to be some intervening stages, results in symmetry. In this regard these four, complement, counteraction, bal- ance, and symmetry, are related, as we shall find hereafter, in much the same way as are comparison, congruity, repeti- tion, and consonance, as well as many other of the art- methods arranged in the same columns in the list on page 131. Complement and balance are especially related because they are practically inseparable. Between com- plements, as between red and blue-green, there is often great apparent difference, but at the same time, there must be a ground of resemblance. Between balancing factors, as between red on one side of a picture and red also on its other side, there is usually great apparent like- ness, but at the same time there is often a ground of differ- ence. These being the conditions, the factors to which COMPLEMENT AND BALANCE. 47 the one or the other term can apply, according as they are less or more alike, fluctuate all the way between two extremes, at one of which there is only complement, and at the other only balance. But where the two separate FIQ. 11. GATE OF SERRANO, VALENCIA, SPAIN. See pages 48, 79, 87, 96. it is impossible to determine. All that we can know definitely is that somewhere between the extremes, we are furnished with all the data necessary to explain any and all of the arrangements based upon the principle from which both spring. For this reason, in giving illustrations .- / .".v_-/.V /.- .,-.- - ." " . "1 .. "'- -"/... ."7 > ; _. ~> :~~. .". Jl L .". i7:f t.~ dearly those that * nmfKy complement from those that exemplify balance. The two terms wffl be used rccogaitiom of Ac foci that which the one represents,, and some- tint which the other represents,, is most p*"** 11 - uBflft DOCB, 9BPC rC3LLl\~ HQQCSSSLf \* Bl Or^uT ijO for all the conditioits. For instance, a desire to percciye effects of faharr afcme, as the word is ordinarily does not fofly explain why both in the exter- d as represented in art, man derives satisfac- : : : . . - : . ' - . - . - . - ~ ^ . . "-, - : :v. .;;."-: aaimals; asm Fig. II, page 47; as well as m the ** Invest- me^ of a Bishop by a Ria^* F^. 25, page &x Read, too, what is said of a paxBting by Tomer when fllustra- tmg ^|M ! in ooonection with Fig. 66. page 203. But almost ail degrees possible- They maybe as miKlM* as heads and feet, or as the top and the bottom of a tree; as two eyes, ears* arms, and wings, of them we should 5O THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. ordinate ; and sometimes both those conditions exist. This general fact can scarcely fail to reveal itself to the most superficial glance at any art-product. A few notes only the suggestion, perhaps, of a melody furnish a form and with it a principal theme expressive of some musical idea. Other subordinate series of notes, supposed for some reason to be more or less like the first, or, if not, at least complementing, counteracting, or balancing it or each other, are arranged in order about it, and through the use of them is developed a work like a symphony. A few phrases containing certain accented and unaccented sylla- bles, perhaps only one word like the '* Nevermore " of Poe's " Raven," furnish a form and with it a principal theme expressive of some poetic idea ; and by a similar process there is developed a whole epic or lyric. A few lines or colors constituting a face or feature, sometimes merely a flush, smile, or gesture full of grace and meaning, furnish a form and with it a principal theme suggestive of picto- rial treatment ; a few angles or arches constituting part of a door, a window, a gable, a tower, furnish the same, sug- gestive of architectural treatment, and from them in a similar way are developed a painting, a statue, a palace, a cathedral. Notice how all the forms used in the interior of the " Church of the Sacred Heart," of Paris (Fig. 12, page 49), are built upon the primitive conception in the Norman arch. As with the other art-methods, these methods, too, are suggested by conditions found in nature. In hearing the song of a bird or a man, we may observe chiefly the time filled by the different tones or their movements up and down the scale ; in looking at a tree we may observe chiefly the outlines formed by its leaves, branches, or general contour, or by its color ; but whatever we may COMPLEMENT AND BALANCE. 51 observe, it seems to be a law of the mind that usually only one of the many features perceived attracts special attention. The fact that this is so, has much to do with causing the song or tree notwithstanding the different effects of its component parts to appear to be one thing and not many. That which attracts special atten- tion in these cases whatever it may be is that which seems to the observer to have principality. Everything else, of course, appears subordinate, while the degree in which all the factors together whether principal or sub- ordinate blend so as to suggest the completeness or equilibrium of the whole gives the measure of the complement or balance. CHAPTER IV. PRINCIPALITY, SUBORDINATION, AND COMPLEMENT OR BALANCE IN POETRY AND MUSIC. Principality in the Arts of Sound Involves Something Kept Constantly before the Mind Principality of Theme in an Epic -In a Drama Of Form in the Blank Verse of Long Poems Of Short Poems as in the Chorus In the French Forms, Rondel, Triolet, Kyrielle In the General Movement as Representing the General Thought Illustrations Principality as Illustrated by Musical Variations And in Other Longer and Shorter Compositions Subordination and Complement or Balance in Poetic Themes In Poetic Form In Pairs of Lines in Verse Correspondence between Poetry and Music in this Regard Balance in Poetic Feet and Pairs of Words The Same Method in Musical Themes and Phrases Illustrations of its Application Of its Non-application Complement between the Different Phrases and Chords and Measures. T^HE facts stated in the last chapter can be brought out more clearly as we go on to apply what was said there to the separate arts. Poetry and music are made up of sounds moving along, one after another. These sounds may be varied almost infinitely in their details, yet if a composition is to be in the highest sense artistic, convey- ing to us that impression of unity which is essential to the manifestation of form, it must not be equally plain- tive and gay, hostile and sympathetic, funereal and festive. One of these tendencies must have principality. At the same time it is evident that, amid sounds constantly mov- ing, any effect of such a nature as to cause the whole to 52 PRINCIPALITY IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 53 produce a single dominant impression must be connected with something kept constantly before the mind. In other words, the principal feature, so far as it pertains to the thought, must be suggested by constant references to the thought ; so far as to the form, by constant recurrences of it. In an epic the principal thought may be some grand event of historic or religious importance, to which all the other events that are mentioned are subordinate, mainly serving, by way of comparison or contrast, to give it greater prominence. Notice how the keynote of the whole of Homer's " Odyssey " is struck and foreshadowed in its opening sentence : Tell me, O muse, of that sagacious man Who, having overthrown the sacred town Of Ilium, wandered far and visited The capitals of many nations, learned The customs of their dwellers, and endured Great sufferings on the deep ; his life was oft In peril, as he labored to bring back His comrades to their homes. Bryant's Trans. The same method, as exemplified in the beginnings of both Homer's " Iliad " and Virgil's " ^Enead," will recur to most of us. Here too is Milton's first sentence in the " Paradise Lost " : Of man's first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste Brought death into the world and all our woe, With loss of Eden, till one greater man 1 Restore us and regain the blissful seat, Sing, Heavenly Muse. Equally effective, for a similar reason, is the opening of the " Sigurd the Volsung " of William Morris : 5-1 THE GEXESIS OF ART-FORM. There was a dwelling of kings ere the world was waxen old ; Dukes were the door-wards there, and the roofs were thatched with gold ; Earls were the wrights that wrought it, and silver nailed its doors ; Earls' wives were the weaving raaca. queen- daughters strewed its floors. And the masters of its song-craft were the mightiest men that cast The souls of the storm of battle adown the bickering blast. In a drama, principality may be given to some character like Hamlet or Lear, to whom all the other characters and all their actions are in some way subordinated. Let it be borne in mind, however, that in all such cases the effect is enhanced by the degree in which whatever has principality in thought is embodied in a principal form. In poetry this latter may be a certain number of words constituting a line of verse : and in music a certain number of notes constituting a phrase. Long poems, in which the thought can be brought out only by describing a series of very different events or quoting words of very different characters, necessitate a form capable of being varied to the greatest possible extent without losing its distinguishing characteristics. Such a form we have in blank verse, either regular or broken : and, as much because it fulfils the requirements of principality as for any other reason, it is generally recognized, in the poems in which it is used, as something which imparts to them, however long or complicated they may be, an effect of unity. For this reason, as well as for others, those who imagine that a " Paradise Lost " or " Idyls of the King " would fre as valuable contributions to art as they are, were they composed without metre or verse, like some of the works of Whitman, are either des- titute by nature of aesthetic sensibility or have not had their natural endowment sufficiently cultivated. Before they can become entitled to leadership in the fields of criticism, they need either to be born again or bred again. PRINCIPALITY IX POETRY AXD MUSIC. :: It is mainly, however, from shorter poems in which all effects are less complex that we may get the clearest illus- trations of the method under consideration. The ordinary chorus or refrain at the end of successive gr^nra^ as a rule, illustrates principality. It epitomizes in a form con- stantly recurring all that the whole poem to which it is attached is intended to express : e. g. : Farm*. The Scar-Spoked O'er the land of tl* free : ftj. A similar effect is still more emphasized in some of the different French forms of verse, which of late years many of our younger poets with a somewhat overweening inter- est in mere mechanism have been imitating. As will be shown by and by, and as will be recognized by a single glance at the following poems, especially at their rhymes, repetition is their main characteristic. But they also illus- trate very clearly the influence of principality. so hnble, there 's mo place fike The spell that draws *s wgh. How is it yo and I Are always ulinj^ so ? Stffl thoughts to thoughts TCplT. And whispers ebb I say it with a sigh. 5 6 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. How is it you and I Are always meeting so ? Rondel : John Cameron Grant. Lo, my heart, so sound asleep, Lady, will you wake it ? For lost love I used to weep, Now my heart is sound asleep, If it once were yours to keep, I fear you 'd break it. Lo, my heart, so sound asleep, Lady, will you wake it ? Triolet : Justin Huntly McCarthy. In spring, Love came, a welcome guest, And tarried long at my behest ; Now autumn wanes, the skies are gray, But loyal Love flees not away. I charmed him with melodious lays, Through long, rose-scented summer days ; My songs no more are clear and gay, But loyal Love flees not away. We plucked and twined the myrtle flowers, Made joyance in the sylvan bowers ; The blooms have died, wild winds hold sway, But loyal Love flees not away. Gone are the firing crickets, gone The feathered harbingers of dawn, And gone the woodland's bright display, But loyal Love flees not away. With intermingled light and shade The shifting seasons come and fade : Our fond hopes fail, false friends betray, But loyal Love flees not away. Kyrielle : Clinton Scollard. Notice illustrations of the same method in the French forms quoted on pages 63, 107, and 196. PRINCIPALITY IN POETRY AND MUSIC. tf But many poems have no chorus nor refrain. In these the effect of principality is dependent mainly, sometimes exclusively, upon the method of movement, i. e., upon the metre. In the following a ride on horseback is the principal conception. Observe how it is embodied in the move- ment of the opening sentence : I sprang to the stirrup, and Joris, and he ; I galloped, Dirck galloped, we galloped all three. How They Brought the Good News from Ghent : Browning. And how the gait of the horses is echoed in the rhythm of the whole : So we were left galloping, Joris and I, Past Loos and past Tangres, no cloud in the sky ; The broad sun above laughed a pitiless laugh ; 'Neath our feet broke the brittle bright stubble like chaff ; Till over by Dalhem a dome spire sprang white, And " Gallop," gasped Joris, " for Aix is in sight." Idem. Here the principal conception has reference to death. Notice how the slow and solemn movement of the rhythm everywhere represents this : The storm that wrecks the winter sky No more disturbs their deep repose Than summer evening's latest sigh That shuts the rose. I long to lay this painful head And aching heart beneath the soil, To slumber in that dreamless bed From all my toil. The Grave : Montgomery. And what could better give principality to a half doubt- ing, half confiding mood than the arrangement of rhythm and rhymes in this? 58 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. With weary steps I loiter on, Tho' always under altered skies. The purple from the distance dies, My prospect and horizon gone. No joy the blowing season gives The herald melodies of spring, But in the songs I loved to sing A doubtful gleam of solace lives. If any care for what is here Survive in spirits rendered free, Then are these songs I sing of thee Not all ungrateful to thine ear. In Memoriam, xxxviii. : Tennyson, Here the idea of rocking a babe to sleep is upper- most : Sleep and rest, sleep and rest, Father will come to thee soon ; Rest, rest on mother's breast, Father will come to thee soon ; Father will come to his babe in the nest, Silver sails all out of the west Under the silver moon : Sleep, my little one, sleep, my pretty one, sleep. Lullaby from The Princess : Tennyson. Here is a movement to accompany a triumphant march : Hail to the chief who in triumph advances. Honored and blest be the evergreen pine. Long may the tree in his banner that glances Flourish, the shelter and grace of our line. Song of Clan Alpine : Scott. Here is an exhortation to strike successive blows at tyrants : PRINCIPALITY IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 59 Lay the proud usurpers low. Tyrants fall in every foe, Liberty 's in every blow. Forward, let us do or die. Bannockburn : Burns. And this represents riding on a railway : Singing through the forests, Rattling over ridges ; Shooting under arches, Rumbling over bridges ; Whizzing through the mountains, Buzzing o'er the vale, Bless me, this is pleasant, Riding on the rail. Railroad Rhyme : Saxe. Most of us will probably obtain the best conception of principality and subordination in music, by recalling the difference between a melody, as it is either sung or played upon an instrument, and that which is called its accompaniment. In this case, the former, of course, is the principal thing, and the latter, the subordinate. A more complete illustration of the same difference, because necessitating more elaboration in the subordinate features, is furnished by one of those compositions which are popularly called variations. In these, as we hear the repeated strains of a familiar melody, we have no difficulty in detecting the principal theme, notwithstanding great differences in the effects of duration, force, pitch, or quality. The following from the " Paraphrase de Con- cert," by Charles Gimbel, of Foster's popular " Old Black Joe," will illustrate this fact to the eye almost as clearly as to the ear. The lower, bass notes contain the melody, which is the principal thing ; and the upper notes the accompanying variations, which, like features in the back- ground of a painting, are subordinate to the melody. 6o THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Pad. v l.h. PRINCIPALITY IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 6 1 The same general method is pursued in almost every composition. In many of the more important of them, however, as in Beethoven's Symphony No. 5, in C minor, the theme is more simple, consisting of only a few notes ; and, at the same time, the developments are more complex, involving a greater departure from it. Both facts cause it to be more difficult to keep in mind and to recognize when it reappears. But unless one conversant with the methods of music can do this, the result is more or less inartistic. In shorter compositions, like ballads and hymns, the effect may be perceived by all. Notice, in the music printed on page 43, how the same movements, varied but slightly, are constantly recurring in successive lines, or pairs, or series of lines, like those marked by the same letters namely A B, or A B-{-. Now, let us consider complement and balance in these arts. As has been said, the complementary or balancing factors are sometimes the principal and a subordinate one, and sometimes are both subordinate. In the play of " Hamlet," the cool-headed, well-poised, consistent char- acter of the intellectual Horatio complements that of the hot-headed, ill-poised, irresolute, but intellectual hero. At the time time, certain of the other characters, as Laertes and Ophelia, and the King and Queen, com- plement each other. In a sense, too, as if to show the connection of the parts with the whole as well as with other parts, they also complement certain characteristics of Hamlet. Applying the same methods to form, we could say that in the following poem the principal metre consisted of a 62 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. line of four feet, or eight syllables ; and if printed thus as it might be all the lines would contain exactly the same rhythmic quantities, and therefore would exactly balance. From gold to gray our mild sweet day Of Indian summer fades too soon. But printed as it ordinarily is, the first two lines, while together balancing the third, still more effectually balance each other. From gold to gray Our mild sweet day Of Indian summer fades too soon ; But tenderly Above the sea Hangs, white and calm, the hunter's moon. Indian Summer : Whittier. The very common arrangement represented in this stanza, in accordance with which couplets, or two lines and not three, rhyme, while the rhyming lines, however widely separated, are of equal lengths, is clearly traceable to the prevalence in this art of this quantitative kind of balance. Here again, too, the French forms of verse will prove serviceable by way of illustration. Any one who will compare the following poetry with the music on page 64 will have no difficulty in detecting in both the same method of securing complementary or balancing effects as are there explained. Just as in this, the phrase used in the first line is repeated in the fourth and seventh lines, while the first two lines are the same as the last two ; so in the music the phrase set to the words in the first line is repeated in that set to the third and seventh lines, while the first two lines are very nearly the same as BALANCE IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 63 the last two, Forms so evidently alike in principle may have arisen in poetry through attempts to imitate methods with which music first made the poets familiar. But it is more likely that these forms in both music and poetry sprang from a common source, the source to which are attributable all the methods of art-composition. This supposition is all the more likely inasmuch as the same characteristics, as will presently be shown, appear in the arts of sight, but so differently manifested that by no stretch of imagination is it conceivable that their appear- ance in the latter should have resulted from conscious imitation. Here is the poetry : Oh, Love 's but a dance. Where Time plays the fiddle : See the couples advance, Oh, Love 's but a dance : A whisper, a glance, ' ' Shall we twirl down the middle ? " Oh, Love 's but a dance, Where Time plays the fiddle. Triolet : A us fin Dobson. Once more, it is evident that the forms of verse as manifested in the arrangement, not only of its lines, but of its feet, constructed as these are out of regularly counteracting and alternating accented and unaccented syllables, owe their origin in part to the principle of balance. And what but a recognition of the artistic possibilities of a fulfilment of the same principle leads poets, and prose-writers too, to use so many pairs of words having the same sense or sound ? With Swinburne this arrangement is so common as *to have become a mannerism : Naked, shamed, cast out of consecration, Corpse and coffin, yea the very graves, 64 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Scoffed at, scattered, shaken from their station, Spurned and scourged of wind and sea like slaves, Desolate beyond man's desolation, Shrink and sink into the waste of waves. By the North Sea : Swinburne. The same methods are equally manifest in musical effects. To go back to the compositions termed Vari- ations that were mentioned a moment ago, if the melody in them that furnishes the theme be the principal thing, it is evident that all the different forms of variation, while subordinate to this, are also complementary. It is equally evident that they are all complementary of each other. Indeed, the frequency with which a high or fast movement is placed in immediate juxtaposition to a low or slow movement cannot be explained except by supposing an intention to produce this effect. In the following typically arranged melody, the prin- cipal theme may be said to be contained in the first five bars. Notice how this is at once repeated so as to emphasize its principality ; but with one complementary change in the ninth and tenth bars. Then follow five more bars wholly complementary of the theme ; then five more in which the theme is repeated again with a slight change in the last two measures. A precisely similar arrangement, too, except that the principal theme occu- pies four instead of five bars, will be found in the music on page 43. Principal. Subordinate and Complementary From Greenland's i - cy mountains, From In-dia's co- ral strand, E3 ^^^=^=^ : =^=^ tT=F <-=*=+= J ' t^ff 2 -^ H COMPLEMENT JN POETRY AND MUSIC. Principal. Subordinate and Complementary. 1-, J- Where Af - ric's sun- ny fountains Roll down their gold-en sand ; Complementary. t U_J |_ Complementary. From many an an-cient riv - er,Frommanya palm- y plain, /*; incipal. Subordinate and Complementary. They call us to de - liv - er Their land from er - ror's chain. Missionary Hymn : Lowell Mason. Not only are the movements set to the fifth and sixth lines of this stanza complementary of the principal theme, but, as will be noticed, those set to the second and fourth, as well as to the sixth and eighth lines, are mutually complementary. So important is complement of this sort to the effect of music, that it is hardly possible for a phrase to be introduced into a composition without an accompanying complement and not produce an effect of incompleteness that will be felt, even though, as is very likely, it cannot be explained. However we may admire the following, who can ever hear its eighth line without wishing that it had been omitted, or that another line had been added somewhere? The 66 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. reason for this is that there is nothing to balance or complement it. n - r tr* - - * Our God stands firm, a rock and tow'r, A shield when danger press -. es ; A read-y help in ev - 'ry hour When ^ 5 ^3= . JfT T doubt or pain dis - tress - es ; For our ma-lig- nant foe Un-swerv-ing aims his blow ; His fear - ful arms the while I * i f * * ._ * i & u r i r *r ~r~ tt< rP Dark pow'r and darker guile ; His hid-den craft is match -less. E Bin 1 Feste Burg .- Luther. COMPLEMENT IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 6 7 In addition to what has been said, notice also how uni- formly in almost all compositions of this kind every two or three measures in which the notes move upward are fol- lowed by two or three in which they move downward. Komm,lie-ber Mai, und ma - che die Bau-me wie-der griin, und lass mir an dem Ba - che die klei-nen Veil-chen bliih'n! Wie mocht'ichdoch so ger - ne ein Veil-chen wie-der seh'n, =g=3!SEf*=^ .-* *-r- ach! lie-ber Mai, wie ger - ne ein - mal spa- zie- ren geh'n! Sehnsucht nach dem Friihlinge : Mozart. Very often, too, one part is complemented or balanced by another. In the following, when the soprano ascends the scale, the bass usually descends it, and vice versa : My on thy guard, Ten thousand foes a- rise ; The hosts of sin are press -ing hard To draw thee from the skies. r* \ *- M. \M. .,&.. -m- -*- i I Laban : Lowell Mason, 68 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. As for the individual measures, all that was said of those of poetry applies also to these. In fact, throughout all their manifestations, the arts possessing forms that move-, show scarcely less tendency to balance regularly from one extreme to another than does a man when he moves in walking. CHAPTER V. PRINCIPALITY, SUBORDINATION, AND COMPLEMENT OR BALANCE IN PAINTING, SCULPTURE, AND ARCHITECTURE. General Illustrations of the Effects of the Three Methods Principality by Size, Position, Direction of Lines, Color, and Shading Illustrations In Sculpture In Architecture, through a Porch, Door, Window, Dome, Spire, etc. Vertical and Horizontal Balance Complement between Principal and Subordinate Features Between the Subordinate, with the Principal Separating them Groupings of Odd and of Even Num- bers Complement and Balance in Painting In Sculpture In Archi- tecture Approaching Symmetry in Large Public Buildings which Demand Effects of Dignity Principality and Complement in Modern Public Buildings Criticisms Suggestions Even and Odd Numbers in the Horizontal and Vertical Arrangements of Architecture. j^HE importance and relationship of principality, sub- ordination, and balance or complement are much more apparent in the arts of sight than in those of sound. Ruskin, in his " Elements of Drawing," Letter III., il- lustrates these effects, although he applies what he says only to principality, by drawing certain groups of leaves. b c d FIG. 13. "#," he says, " is unsatisfactory, because it has no lead- ing leaf ; b is prettier, because it has a head- or master- 69 7 DURATION "1 IN TIME. EXTENSION IN SPACE. r ACCENT IN STRESS AND 3NIT I 1 QUALITY \\ ~> O 5 < LI 2 ^ i COMPOSITION. 1 i 3 z; -H \ J i Requirements of Matter. 1 ORGANIC Pi O h 1 . 1 > ft E- & 2 > V 4 1 h ^ C L C ( \ \ ( C t & 3 * 5 LI A^. H * _ ^_^. 3 . two and two, singing refrain of) Twenty lovesick maidens we, And we die for love of thee ! Twenty lovesick maidens we, Lovesick all against our will, Twenty years hence we shall be Twenty lovesick maidens still ! (Enter officers of Dragoon Guards from behind rock^ led by MAJOR. 7^hey march round stage.) Chorus of Dragoons. The soldiers of our Queen Are linked in friendly tether ; Upon the battle-scene They fight the foe together. There every mother's son Prepared to fight and fall is ; The enemy of one The enemy of all is : Chorus of Ladies. In a doleful train Two and two we walk all day : For we love in vain ; None so sorrowful as they Who can only sigh and say, Woe is me, alackaday ! Col. This is all very well, but you seem to forget that you are engaged to us ! Saph. It can never be. You are not Empyrean. You are not Delia Cruscan. You are not even Early English. Oh, be Early English ere it is too late ! (Officers look at each other in astonishment.) INCONGRUITY. 141 Jane {Looking at unifornt). Red and yellow \ Primary colors ! Oh, South Kensington ! Duke. We did n't design our uniforms, but we don't see how they could be improved. Jane. No, you would n't. Still, there is a cobwebby gray velvet, with a tender bloom like cold gravy, which, made Florentine fourteenth century, trimmed with Venetian leather and Spanish altar-lace, and surmounted with something Japanese it matters not what would at least be Early English ! Come, maidens ! {Exeunt ladies, singing refrain of " In a melancholy train.") Duke. Gentlemen, this is an insult to the British uniform Col. A uniform that has been as successful in the courts of Venus as on the field of Mars ! Song Colonel. When I first put this uniform on, I said as I looked in the glass : " It 's one to a million That any civilian My figure and form will surpass. Gold lace has a charm for the fair, And I 've plenty of that and to spare, While a lover's professions, When uttered in Hessians, Are eloquent everywhere." A fact that I counted upon When I first put this uniform on ! Chorus of Dragoons. By a simple coincidence few Could ever have reckoned upon, The same thing occurred to me too When I first put this uniform on ! P alienee ) \. : Gilbert. The necessity of the methods which we are considering is equally apparent in music too. Every one feels that there is an essential difference, which should be manifest throughout all the parts of a composition, between the effects produced upon thought by a wedding-march, a THE GEXES1S OF ART-FORM. funeral dirge, a waltz, and a sonata. But if this fact show the influence of the congruous^ a very frequent employ- ment of contrasting themes shows, as well, the influence of the immmgtmams. Who that has heard the earlier composed overture of Wagner's "* Tannhauser "" and the same question would apply to the whole opera which this overture repre- sented and epitomized can fail to recognize either how themes thus contrasted may add to the interest, or how, by the way in which they complement each other, they may augment the comprekensirfness of the result ? In this overture, a slow choral, representative of the religious element, is at first entirely interrupted by wild contrasting movements, representing the surgings of the passions; then, after a little, it reappears again, gains strength, and finally by main force seems to crush the others down, and in the final strain entirely to dominate them. Here, in the blending of the most intensely spiritual and material of motives, is incongruity* and with it a comprehensiveness including the widest extremes. Yet how artistically the like features are grouped with like, and each phase of expression made to complement the other ; and when the two dash, \uyv principality gets the better of what would else be insubordinate , and reduces all to order! Incongru- ity in such cases really adds to the general effect of con- gruity, because it suggests as nothing else could, the overwhelming power of that tendency to produce a single effect upon thought, which finally blends the whole into a unity? Turning now to effects produced in the arts that are it is probable that few of us have not noticed in our- 144 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. selves a tendency to expect to find in them certain forms invariably associated forms, too, with outlines and colors not at all similar, which in fact may belong to objects as dissimilar as human beings, buildings, trees, plains, hills, and clouds. A little thought will reveal that we expect to find these forms associated because we have become accustomed to think of them as associated in nature. We know that in the world they go together, therefore in art they seem congruous. Thus Oriental scenery and Moorish architecture, Italian scenery and Renaissance, Northern French and Gothic, are congruous. So are the costumes or attitudes of certain figures and certain places or periods. (See Gerome's " Pollice Verso," Fig. 26, page 81. So are certain outlines or colors, and delineations of war, of peace, of fright (" Death of Ananias," Fig. 94, page 288), of sor- row (Rubens' " Descent from the Cross," Fig. 16, page 73), and of merriment (Tenier's" Village Dance," Fig. 43, page 143). Sometimes the requirements of congruity, while evi- dently uppermost in the mind of the artist, are very closely allied to those of repetition and consonance, objects though different in themselves being made alike by being given like outlines or colors. See the fragment of the marble relief from the theatre of Dionysius, called " The Dancer," Fig. 56, page 183 ; also "The Storm" by Millet, Fig. 44, page 145. In many compositions like this latter, as in some of Ruysdael's landscapes, or in the sculptured group of Niobe and her children in the Museum degl' Uffizi at Florence, Fig. 45, page 146 every cloud, wave, leaf, limb, or shred of clothing on human forms may indicate the in- fluence of the pervading fury of a tempest. In another, as in some of Claude Lorraine's landscapes, the light reflected from every tree, rock, stream, and countenance, as well as the character or attitude of the forms which 146 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. it illumines, may augment the suggested glow of the sun- shine that pours from the sky. Notice the " Evening " of Claude, (Fig. 40, page 119) with the man and maid and attendant Cupid in the foreground. The results of congruity are evident in architecture too. It is 'this mainly that causes most builders to associate Doric or Ionic pillars or pilasters with entablatures and FIG. 45. FROM GROUP OF NIOBE AT FLORENCE. See pages 16, 144, 204, 257, 298. horizontal openings, or, at times, with the round Roman arch ; while the slender shafts and buttresses, gargoyles and other ornaments of the Gothic style are used with sharp or pointed arches. But so far as the appearance of forms alone is concerned, there js no reason why certain features of the Greek style should not accompany certain of the Gothic. To use them together would not violate in the least the fundamental principle of art, that like forms FIQ. 46. TRANSFIGURATION. -RAPHAEL. See pages 72, 82, 116, 118, 148, 257. 148 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. should be put with like. At the same time, to do so would cause art to associate features that have come to be clearly dissociated in the mind. For this reason, it is possible that, as long as the world lasts, no artist can mix them extensively without suggesting to some an amount of incongruity wholly inconsistent with those effects of unity invariably present in arts of the highest character. The reference just made to Wagner's overture to " Tann- hauser " suggests mentioning a painting in which the effects of incongruity and comprehensiveness noticed as char- acterizing the overture, are almost exactly paralleled. It is Raphael's " Transfiguration," Fig. 46, page 147. At the top of this picture, supposed to represent the summit of the mount, are the glorified forms of Christ, Moses, and Elias, on both sides of whom are the apostles present at the scene, bowing reverently before them. As suits the thought, in accordance with a principle that need not be now explained, almost everything in this half of the com- position is delineated through a use of curves. At the bottom of the picture are others of the apostles, supposed to be at the foot of the mount, endeavoring in vain, amid the distress and consternation of the spectators, to cast out an evil spirit from a boy whom he is tormenting ; and here, as suits the thought too, there is a more extensive use of straight lines and angles. The composition as a whole has been justly criticised because the distance between these two groups is too slight, the mount not being represented as sufficiently high. But this fault is not essential to the effect that we are now considering, of which it furnishes an excellent example. Few can fail to recognize the antithetic incongruity both of thought and form between the two parts of the picture, and, together with this, the grouping of like with like, so as to cause the INCONGRUITY. 149 one to complement the other. Besides this, and because of it, the picture is comprehensive, as would not otherwise be possible, of the entire range of spiritual power on earth, all the way from the rapture of the Christ transfigured by the power of the Deity* to the terror of the boy transfixed by that of the Devil. In architecture also it is possible to have a departure from the requirements of congruity that shall enhance the general effect by increasing that of comprehensiveness. This is true, too, as applied not only to that kind of con- gruity just mentioned, which consists in an adherence throughout a building to the traditional forms of one his- toric style ; but also to that kind which is founded on first principles. Especially is this so with reference to incon- gruity introduced in the ways that will be explained in Chapter XVII. in connection with gradation. As there in- dicated, a building may be made to be comprehensive of almost every possible style, say Greek in the first story, Norman in the second, and Byzantine in the third ; and yet the effect can be thoroughly artistic, manifesting almost everything demanded by the requirements of order and for this reason of unity. CHAPTER X. CENTRAL-POINT, SETTING, PARALLELISM, AND SYMMETRY. Especial Importance of Arrangement in the Composition of Features alike by Way of Congruity Connection between this Fact and the Methods now to be Considered Difficulty of Determining the Term Central- Point, and Objections to other Terms Appropriateness of this Same Difficulties and Objections to Terms for the Second Method Appro- priateness of the Term Setting Connections between Central-Point and Principality, and Setting and Subordination Parallelism Symmetry and its Connection with the Methods Preceding it Recapitulation How Nature Suggests these Methods : the Vanishing Point and Radia- tion or Central-Point Laws of Linear Perspective Radiation Allied to Principality and Unity Setting in Nature Parallelism in Lines of Horizon, Rivers, Hills, Trees, etc. Manifestation in Individual Forms of Nature, of Central-Point, Setting, Parallelism, and Symmetry. \\ rE have found that the object of congruity is to produce like effects upon thought ; and that it is attained, largely, by means of objects in themselves unlike. It is in these circumstances, particularly, that they need to be made to seem alike by methods of composition. If, for instance, there is no relationship in appearance between a man, a horse, a dog, a sheep, a tree, and a bush, all of which, nevertheless have to be brought together, it is more important than when they are alike by way of repeti- tion or consonance that a relationship should be created between them by the way in which they are arranged. In accordance with this conception, the methods of securing order, to be next considered here, as those most 150 CEN TRA L-POINT. 1 5 1 nearly connected with congruity, are such as have to do with dividing up the time and space occupied by congru- ous or incongruous features in ways intended to produce effects of likeness, in spite of opposing suggestions in the forms. It will be found, for instance, that by distributing objects of sound or sight on lines, real or ideal, meeting at a central-point, or, in some regular way, upon lines which furnish a setting for this, all the features of a composition can be made to become, in almost equal degrees, factors of the same general effect. So, by adjustments of a com- position, a relationship by means of parallelism may be created, say, between the sound of a -trumpet or a flute and the rattle of a drum, or between the body of a horse and the road over which he moves ; or between the forms of bushes and of the robes of men, although, at the same time, none of these things, when compared, are sufficiently alike in themselves to be grouped distinctively by way of repetition or consonance. The same thing is true, too, of the representation of the balancing of the outlines or accents of many different features, some of them essen- tially different in essence, which we find in symmetry. Artistic arrangements of a composition, therefore, in- tended to secure effects according to the methods that we are now to consider, are especially important when like is put with like by way of congruity. Before we go on, an explanation is needed of the terms to be employed here. It has been difficult to decide upon the first two of these. Radiation, ordinarily used for a part, at least, of what is here meant by central-point is, for the purpose, in one sense, too narrow, and in another too broad. It signifies the concentration of lines at one cen- tre, or of light at one focus ; but it fails to apply, except very metaphorically, to the concentration of words or 152 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. tones. Besides this, it signifies rather dispersion, or move- ment from a centre, than concentration, or movement to it. We might, therefore, use the term concentration ; but this is already in use, and often, too, in order to designate some- thing entirely different that which is meant by massing. Convergence, again, is a term that might be used. But this and the same might be said of all the other terms suggested emphasizes less than seems desirable the pro- duction in a composition of not many effects of this kind, but of a single effect. For such reasons a term less likely to be misunderstood, and at the same time inclusive of all that is intended, seems to be afforded in central-point. Point is a word that is used when referring both to sights and sounds ; and central-point includes all that can be signified by either radiation, concentration, or convergence, with much more besides. Moreover, the method to which it is to be applied, as may be seen by glancing at the scheme on page 131, is that which gives principality to effects of congruity ; in other words, to effects produced upon thought. What term could better indicate these? When we speak of the point of a story or picture, to what do we refer but to the effect upon our thoughts produced by the way in which the ideas that are illustrated in each are brought to a centre or focus? Let us use this term, then, for the method through which this end is attained. With all due acknowledgment, too, of the subordinate import- ance in general of mere terminology, here seems to be an exception to the rule. It would be not a slight but a great gain for art, were it universally recognized, as it should be, that an essential condition of successful arrangement in a composition, is to bring not only all its factors, but also, through them, all the thought behind its factors to ^.point, and this, too, a central-point. CRN TRA L-POINT. 1 5 3 The second method is, in itself, easy enough to under- stand. We are all familiar with its effects. The difficulty is to find a term, appropriate for it, which has not already so many other uses as to deprive it of definite applicability here. As central-point implies bringing things to a centre, we might suppose that the antithetic condition could be expressed by circumference, contour, or outline. But these words are too limited in meaning ; and although terms like relief, surrounding, environment, digressiveness, excur- siveness, embellishment, circumstances might answer the purpose, they already have meanings which make them suggest something a little different from that for which we are now in search. On the whole, the word setting seems to meet the re- quirements better than any other. Meaning that which encases or surrounds an object of chief interest, like a gem, it suggests an appropriate antithesis to central-point ; and while it may refer to outlines constituting a contour, it may refer also to many other and very different things between the contour and the centre. It has, therefore, the breadth of meaning that is desirable in a word to be used in this connection. Besides this, like point, it is already employed in the arts both of sound and of sight, and in both is ap- plied to relations of thought as well as of form. We speak of the setting of a story or of a melody, meaning its ac- companiment, almost as frequently as of that of a play or a picture ; and this setting of the story and the same analogy holds good in the other cases may mean either the thoughts and feelings that it is made to suggest, the spiritual atmosphere, as we sometimes call it, surrounding the whole ; or the form in which it is presented, if this be of verse, the form of verse employed. Setting, moreover, is allied to subordination, just as 154 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. central-point is to principality? As a rule, it is a principal consideration that appearances should have a centre ; and at this, too, is usually their principal feature. The setting is a subordinate consideration. Many objects in nature, like smoke, clouds, and distant hills and mountains, melt into surrounding objects by such imperceptible degrees that, at a little distance from what, as related to our point of view, is their centre, they become indistinguishable ; but we should not recognize that they existed at all, could we not perceive the latter. A line, as long as it continues equidistant from another line having the same direction as itself, is parallel to it. We apply the term chiefly to straight lines ; but it need not be restricted to these. Series of circles, too, described about a common centre are parallel. Nor need the term be confined even to lines. As will be shown presently, it has been used for centuries to signify any effects, whether of sight or sound, that are analogous to those of lines thus related. The same relation that central-point sustains to princi- pality and setting to subordination, parallelism evidently sustains to complement, and, in case the parallelism be be- tween features on either side of a common middle or centre, to balance? The latter, as thus produced, needs only to be developed, and it becomes symmetry? This results when either curved or straight outlines describing a figure are so disposed that if, by a straight line passing perpendic- ularly through its middle, it be divided into two parts,these parts, when one is folded over the other, will everywhere coincide. Symmetry, therefore, is an effect produced by a figure when all its parts on one side of a line drawn per- 1 Compare what is said here with the arrangement of methods on page 131. SYMMETRY. 155 pendicularly through its central-point balance those on the other side of this line. In other words, as stated in Chapter III., the method involves the principle of complement or bal- ance made applicable not to a few but to all the factors of a composition. For this reason, it involves also the con- templation of figures as wholes ; and, in connection with this, as follows naturally, it is universally acknowledged to be realized in perfection in the degree in which objects in nature or art possess, like living creatures, perfectly organized forms. Like central-point, setting, and parallel- ism, the term symmetry, too, is applied metaphorically to effects of thought as well as of form. A conception viewed only as such, in which the ideas presented are perfectly organized 2^^. balanced-^ every point, for this reason alone is said to have symmetry. Notice, however, that, when considered as an effect either of form or of thought, this kind of balance of all the factors cannot be completely manifested except in connection, by way of suggestion, if no more, with central-point, setting, and parallelism, from a combination of all of which, therefore, it is developed. In fact, as the necessity for these arises in a comprehensive combination of the congruous and incongruous, symmetry, as a method of organizing form, may be said to be con- nected logically with them also, and therefore with all the six methods preceding it in the list on page 131. To recapitulate, central-point, setting, parallelism, and symmetry may, all of them, as primarily used with refer- ence to lines, be said to have to do with direction. Lines extending through space may converge at a common point or centre, and thus radiate ; or they may be de- scribed in such ways as to form a setting for the centre ; or, whether doing this or not, they may coincide in their directions and be parallel ; or several lines may do all 156 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. these things in a similar way as related to the same centre or central line, and so cause a figure to have symmetry. Now let us consider, for a little, certain correspondences between these methods, as used in art, and the methods in which different objects are seen to be arranged in na- ture, which, in this as in every regard, is the teacher of art. Central-point, setting, parallelism, and symmetry are all illustrated, almost without exception, in every view of the world about us that the eye can see. It is scarcely just, then, to term them " tricks " of composition, as is some- times done by those who have never come to recognize the connection between them and the conditions of nature. Even Corot, who, on account of selecting for representation certain effects of color not unnatural but not previously studied, is supposed to have been especially free from slavery to established methods of composition, did not disregard those that we are now considering. No effects of radiation and parallelism as produced by Claude (see Fig. 40, page 119), or Turner (see Fig. 51, page 175), could be more marked than the same as produced by Corot in Fig. 47, page 157, or even in Fig. 73, page 223. But to be more specific, central-point, as used in art, is merely a development sometimes, as is the case with many effects in art, an excessive development of the nat- ural fact that an object in the extreme distance is always related to an object nearer us in such a way that, if there were parallel lines drawn between the two, and extended far enough into space, such lines would meet in the dis- tance and form a point. For instance, to one looking down a long street, or the tracks of a railway, the lines formed by the sidewalks and foundations and roofs of the houses, if they be of equal height, or of the two or more tracks of the railway, all converge in the distance, and, 1 58 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. though not actually meeting, suggest that they would meet, could a man see far enough. The point where, if extended, they would meet, is what the painter calls the vanishing point, and if he wishes to be mathemat- ically exact in determining the sizes of his figures as rep- resented at a certain distance, he will do so by drawing converging lines from the top, bottom, and sides of a like figure in the foreground, and making these, where they cross the place in which the figure is to be represented, measure the height and breadth. (See the trees in Fig. 47, page 157.) This principle, as applied to art, is the basis of the laws of linear perspective. When carried out in a painting it makes all the objects represented appear to sustain the same relations to each other as in nature. Besides this, moreover and here is the connection of the principle with our present subject it can make all these objects sus- tain subordinate relations to one object of interest which, being in front of the vanishing point from which all the lines ideally radiate, necessarily suggests that everything is pointing toward it ; and that it therefore was the principal object of consideration in the mind of him who produced the picture the object at which, when painting, he was directly looking (see Fig. 50, page 173.) Thus we see how central-point, as indicated by radiation, augments the effect of principality. But besides having a point which is a centre of radia- tion, and therefore of principal importance, all views in nature have that which augments the effect of subordi- nation. It is found in the outlines which form the setting of this centre, outlines often dim and vague be- cause of their distance in the background, but by which it is made clear, at least, that the range of vision, as well RADIATION AND OUTLINE IN NATURE. 159 as the lines of radiation, are brought to an end. It is in- teresting to notice, too, that the extreme limits of these outlines, as in those of the horizon and zenith not only, but also in the contour of any field of vision that can be comprehended in a single glance of the eye, are necessa- rily circular. This furnishes an additional reason for the use of the arched, or semi-arched, or oval contour, no- ticed on page 115, as so frequently suggested by the arrangements of figures in groups. Once more, in addition to having a vanishing point which is a centre of radiation, and outlines that give this a setting, every view of nature has a horizon line, and with this usually a large number of \mzsparallelto it, described, if in a sea view, by the caps of the waves ; if in a land view, by the bank-lines of rivers, by the tops of forests, by the ridges of hills, or by the snow-lines of mountains. Besides this, moreover, the view necessarily includes par- allel upright directions taken by the trunks of trees and plants, not to speak of the necessary parallelism wherever stand human beings, or their buildings. See Figs. 47, page 157, 51, page 175, and 66, page 203. Besides being exemplified in the arrangements, as related to each other, of all the forms made visible in a whole field of vision, the same methods, augmented usually, in this case, by those of symmetry, are exempli- fied in the arrangements by which the features of every single form are related. Whether we study the veinings of a leaf, or the branches of a tree, the adjustment of the nerves, veins, or muscles of any living creature, or of the hands, feet, and limbs of a man, we find in all a tendency toward radiation. Sometimes the limbs on each side of a tree diverge from a point in its trunk ; sometimes, apparently, from a point on the opposite side of the tree i6o THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. from that on which they are situated. As Ruskin says in his " Elements of Drawing," Letter III., from which this Fig. 48 is taken, there are any number of places where ideally the centres of radiation may be ; but that they are somewhere, the slightest examination will usually reveal. To such an extent at least is this true, that no one can question the statement that the limbs of almost all plants and animals, each in a way peculiar to itself, have a tendency to radiate from the body to which they belong. This is a fact of nature to which we have become accustomed. Notice now that, as a result of this fact, FIQ. 48. RADIATION IN NATURAL FORMS. the mind, whenever it perceives any features, and not only so, but any objects whatever, arranged on lines radiating thus, is prompted to infer, in fulfilment of the law of association, that they are organically connected both with each other and with that in which the lines of radiation converge. Accordingly the use of these lines enhances the effect not only of principality, as already indicated, but also of organic form and unity. The same general principle applies to setting, parallel- ism, and symmetry. We use them to secure unity in an art-product, because we have become familiar with them in connection with the same effect in a product of nature. RADIATION AND OUTLINE IN NATURE. 161 In a leaf or limb, for instance, whatever lines radiating from a centre it contains are usually ended by a setting of other lines described about this, and necessarily so by the lines of contour, which alone, as a rule, enable us to recognize that the object described by them is a single object. Scarcely less common than either of these methods, and often very closely related to both, is par- allelism. In some trees, branches that begin by radiating become parallel soon, and continue so to their ends. In others, as in pines, parallelism seems to take the place of radi- ation altogether ; and al- though radiation has been said to be exemplified in the arrangements of the nerves and muscles in the bodies of men and animals, nevertheless the arms, legs, fingers, toes, claws, as well as the two limiting sides of these separate members, and of the body as a whole, furnish examples of parallelism. As a rule, too, the way in which all the features on either side of a common middle, whether in the trunk of an animate or inanimate object, balance each other, illustrates symmetry. No people, perhaps, apply the methods treated in this chapter more artistically than the Japanese, though often represented as ignoring them. Notice proofs of this in all four compositions in Fig. 49, reduced from " Fine Art Pictures," a Tokyo publication, by Katsugaro Yenouge. FIG. 49. JAPANESE COMPOSITIONS. See pages 46, 161, 186. CHAPTER XL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CENTRAL-POINT, SETTING, PARAL- LELISM, AND SYMMETRY. Introduction Poetic Central-Point in the Climax Setting in the Digres- sion Illustrations Parallelism in Metaphors and Similes In what is Termed Parallelism And in Lines of Verse Poetic Symmetry with Illustrations All three Methods in Poetic Form How Mani- fested Central-Point and Setting in Music Parallelism and Mu- sical Harmony : Illustrations Symmetry Connection between Lines Radiating from a Central Point and the Appearance of Unity and Principality in Visible Objects Illustrations from Paintings Curved Lines of Radiation Lines of Direction in Architecture The Nature of Setting in the Arts that are Seen Parallelism and its Connection with Order Illustrations from Painting and Sculpture How it Gives Unity to Forms Associated by Way of Congruity Sym- metry : its Present Different from its Former Meaning Symmetrical Paintings Symmetry, an Application of the Principle of Complement to all the Features of the Two Sides of a Composition Connection between Symmetry and Organic Form Some Variety not Inconsistent with Symmetry. '"PHE methods considered in the last chapter cannot be fully understood except as we perceive how composition in each art is influenced by them. Thus far they have been treated as if they had to do only, or, at least, mainly, with effects that are visible. This was unavoidable. Primarily, such is the case ; and in a gen- eral explanation of the methods it was necessary to begin where they begin. But just as consonance and dissonance, which have a primary applicability to the relations of ii 162 ILLUSTRATIONS OF CENTRAL-POINT, 163 sound, are used for those of sight, so these, in which the conditions are reversed, are used for those of sound. Turning first to poetry, the reader will recall how almost every great drama or epic contains passages in which the different incidents illustrating the general plot are made to converge and form what is called the climax ; as, for instance, in the fifth acts of " Othello " or " Ham- let " ; or in " Macbeth," where, just after the announce- ment of the death of Lady Macbeth, the revelation comes to her husband that the prophecies in which he has trusted, such as All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Glamis. Macbeth , iii. : Shakespeare. All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Cawdor. Idem. All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter. Idem. Be bloody, bold, and resolute ; laugh to scorn The power of man. Idem, iv., I. and Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill Shall come against him. Idem, iv., I. can all be fulfilled, and yet he can die by the hand of him concerning who'm he has also heard the warning, Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth, beware Macduff. Idem. It is impossible for him to draw any other inference after hearing the words of the frightened messenger who 1 64 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. has seen Macduff's army approaching Dunsinane Castle, hidden behind boughs which they carry, taken from the woods of Birnam : Messenger. Gracious, my lord, I should report that which I saw, But know not how to do it. Macbeth. Well, say, sir. Mess. As I did stand my watch upon the hill, I looked toward Birnam, and, anon, methought The woods began to move. Macb. Liar and slave. Mess. Let me endure your wrath, if 't be not so ; Within this three mile you may see it coming ; I say a moving grove. Idem^ v., 5. In nothing is the skill of a great literary artist made so manifest as through the effects he produces by causing all the materials at his disposal to converge thus at a central point. Notice, too, that, in every such case, long before the separate threads of the story are finally brought together, all through the composition, these effects are presented in such a way as to prepare the mind for that to which, for this reason, they may be said to point. It is hardly necessary to add now that these details together constitute what every one recognizes to be a part of the setting, another word for what is familiarly known as elaboration, forming, if it be extended to a connected series of events, a digression. In a well arranged compo- sition, passages containing material of this kind are always kept subordinate to the principal conception, being made, as it were, to circle around this in such a way as to reveal clearly the relationship between them and it. The open- ing lines of each of the following sonnets, for instance, ILLUSTRATIONS OF SETTING. 165 have to do with the setting ; and yet they all have a direct bearing in unfolding that which, in the closing line of each, or, at most, two lines, gives point to the whole : A rose as fair as ever saw the North, Grew in a little garden all alone : A sweeter flower did nature ne'er put forth, Nor fairer garden yet was ever known. The maidens danced about it morn and noon, And learned bards of it their ditties made ; The nimble fairies by the pale-faced moon Watered the root and kissed her pretty shade. But, well-a-day ! the gardener careless grew, The maids and fairies both were kept away, And in a drought the caterpillars threw Themselves upon the bud and every spray. God shield the stock ! If heaven send no supplies, The fairest blossom in the garden dies. Sonnet : William Browne. Could I but grasp the vision, make it mine In one full masterly embrace possess The splendor of my dream, its joy enshrine, And hold it as some trophy-crown, to bless With perfect calm and peace the conquest won ; Or could I clear the mist, and fairly face The high beatitudes of radiant morn, That reach through infinite degrees of space ; What then ah, what ? The heart would sigh for more ; The longings of a great unrest would send Swift-winged messengers far on before ; Such glory undefined could only lend A depth to height, a sadness to desire, A voice forever calling : " Come up higher." Infinite : Stephen H. Thayer. When I consider how my light is spent Ere half my day in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide, Lodged with me useless though my soul more bent 1 66 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. To serve therewith my Maker, and present My true account, lest he, returning, chide ; " Doth God exact day-labor, light denied ?" I fondly ask. But Patience to prevent That murmur soon replies : " God doth not need Either man's work or his own gifts. Who best Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state Is kingly. Thousands at his bidding, speed And post o'er land and ocean without rest ; They also serve who only stand and wait. Sonnet on his Blindness : Milton. Parallelism means the arrangement of objects on lines equally distant from each other throughout their whole extent, or what is the same thing moving in the same direction or on the same plane. What is this in principle but the expressing of the same tendency of thought in different forms, such as we always find in the poetic metaphor or simile? When we compare human life to a river, or the growth of a man to that of a tree, what do we do but illustrate one set of ideas by referring to a second set that move along on a plane parallel to the first? But the correspondence in poetry to visible parallelism does not pertain entirely to the thought. Certain forms of verse, and these the earliest in existence, those of the Hebrews, have long been designated by this very term. The reason of this is that the verse to which it is applied is made up of a series of statements, two of which, at least, and sometimes more, are parallel, and this both in thought and in style. Here is what is usually considered the most ancient extant verse illustrating this kind of parallelism. I have slain a man to my wounding, And a young man to my hurt. Genesis iv., 23. ILLUSTRATIONS OF SYMMETRY. 167 And the whole book of the Psalms is characterized by it. Thy fierce wrath goeth over me ; Thy terrors have cut me off. They came round about me daily like water ; They compassed me about together. Lover and friend hast thou put far from me, And mine acquaintance into darkness. Psalm Ixxxviii., 16, 17, 18. It was this method of expressing the same thought in two or three different forms, all of similar length, that eventually led to versification, the sounds of the lines of which, as we hear them read, one after the other, produce an effect of parallelism upon the ear no less marked than the arrangement of them in printed lines does upon the eye. Symmetry in poetry is an effect of organism in the form almost inseparable from a combination of central-point, setting, and parallelism; and always attendant upon them where all the factors to which they are applied are arranged with due regard for balance. The following two short poems will sufficiently illustrate this effect, and at the same time show, in concrete form, the influence of the other methods. In both poems, as in the sonnets just quoted, the thought centres in the last line, all the setting pointing to that, and attaining full significance only in connection with it ; the lines of similar length, often, too, containing expressions of similar import, give us parallel- ism ; and the balanced combination, manifested through- out the whole, results in symmetry. Here is one leaf reserved for me From all thy sweet memorials free ; And here my single song might tell The feelings thou must guess so well. But could I thus within thy mind 1 08 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. One little vacant corner find Where no impression yet is seen, Where no memorial yet has been, Oh, it should be my sweetest care To write my name for ever there ! Verses Written in an Album : 77i. Moore. Because I breathe not love to every one, Nor do not use set colors for to wear, Nor nourish special locks of vowed hair, Nor give each speech a full point of a groan, The courtly nymphs, acquainted with the moan Of those who on their lips Love's standard bear, < " What ! he?" say they of me ; " now I dare swear He cannot love No, no ! let him alone." And think so still if Stella know my mind. Profess, indeed, I do not Cupid's art ; JUit you, fair maids, at length this true shall find That his right badge is but worn in the heart. Dumb swains, not clattering pies, do lovers prove, They love indeed who quake to say they love. Loves Silence : Sir Ph. Sydney. Hitherto, central-point, setting, parallelism, and symmetry, as illustrated in poetry, have been very closely assimilated to methods of thought. There is a sense in which, in every art, this treatment of them is inevitable. As indicated a moment ago, to secure unity in connection with an effect upon thought, or congruity, is always their most important function. Moreover, there is a peculiar sense in which this treatment is necessitated in poetry. The factors of its forms are words, and words and thoughts are virtually inseparable. At the same time, they are not entirely so. Words are also forms of sound ; and before we pass on, it ought to be shown how the arrangements of them, consid- ered as expressions of thought, are represented, and their effects enhanced, by means of corresponding arrangements ILLUSTRATIONS OF SYMMETRY. 169 of them considered as sounds. To do this, moreover, will merely carry out the analogy of what has been done already when treating of these methods as applied to vis- ible appearances. It was then shown that central-point, setting, parallelism, and symmetry are illustrated not only in the arrangements of a general view of nature, but of the features of each specific object constituting a part of this view. We have so far considered the application of the methods to a composition considered as a whole. We have now to consider them as applied to separate objects in this whole. In what sense, then, can it be said that each of the methods under discussion can be fulfilled in forms of sound as they are heard constituting the separate parts of a composition? Let us answer this question, first, as regards central-point. Is there anything in a series of sounds that may be said to point ? Certainly the accents. These have the same influence upon an order of effects heard in succession, as do concentrating lines upon an order of effects seen simultaneously. The accents are like so many radiating lines that, one after another, keep directing attention to the movement in other words, pointing to it. The unaccented sounds, again, that connect the accented, determining as they do, and as the accents do not, the particular rhythm or metre, whether double or triple, may be said to furnish \\\z form-setting ; while the series of lines of verse, called by the same name in this case, correspond exactly, as was said a moment ago, to the series of lines that produce parallelism in the arts of sight. The resulting organic-form of the movement, as secured in the general balance throughout of foot and line, measures the degree of symmetry. These analogies are so evident that they need only to be stated. 170 THE GENESIS OF ART- FORM. Let us pass on now to music. As all will recognize, there is a sense in which every musical composition has its central-point of interest or climax ; and there is a sense, too, in which this is accompanied by a setting, consisting of movements elaborated, as it were, independently. In longer compositions (see the theme of Beethoven's " Sym- phony No. 5, in C Minor," printed on page 61), everything is centred in the fundamental melody, from which the whole is developed. Shorter works often have their centre in the key-note or the tonic chord of the principal key. At every critical change of the composition, and almost invariably at its close, the ear requires a suggestion of this theme or key, and, in the return to it, in connection with the vari- ous digressions, or, as we may term them, excursions from it, we have conditions analogous, as nearly as anything that is heard can be, to effects produced by central-point and setting as used in the arts that are seen. Often, indeed, in music, both results are attained as in these latter arts, at one and the same time, and thus too, like them, are capable of being represented visibly. Notice once more upon page 60, the music taken from the varia- tions upon " Old Black Joe." Parallelism in music is shown not only in successions of phrases of similar movement, corresponding to succes- sions in poetry of lines of similar metre and length, but also and mainly in the whole constitution of harmony. As every one acquainted with the history of music knows, harmony began with an endeavor to sing, at the same time, two or more different melodies, the tunes of which were found, or made, to be parallel. In modern harmo- nies, as a rule, there is a distinct melody in only one of the parts, but there is still a sense in which the other tones making up the chords accompanying this, move along on THESE METHODS IN MUSIC. I /I planes parallel to the melody. The following, in a small way, illustrates all these statements ; and, like the music on page 60, it also does this to the eye almost as effec- tively as to the ear. The section marked A illustrates unison, characterized by an absence of harmony ; that marked B illustrates parallelism ; at C counteracting phrases give a setting to the movements ; and at D they are drawn together and made to centre in the chord of the keynote. A B JL^ L J I_ '_ ^_ _ ft ft ^_ C Joy to the slave; the slave is free ; It is the year of J. (J (J ^*-r* * ^- I -- N Egjr^F r^ 1 =[H- i I Symmetry in music, as in poetry, is a result of the gen- eral effect of all these other methods when arranged with due regard for balance. This is true, whether applied to a composition as a whole, or to parts of it. Accent, lack of accent, complement, and balance of phrase and period, these respectively give unity of character to each specific movement, however long or short, in a way exactly analogous to that which is exemplified in the general movement. The explanation of these methods as applied in the arts of sight was necessarily involved in what was said of them 172 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. in Chapter X. We noticed there their origin in nature. It needs to be said now that the artist uses them not slav- ishly, merely imitating arrangements which he actually sees in the world about him but intelligently, applying the principles illustrated in one place to the arrangement of factors which, as observed in another place, do not manifest them. Such a course is frequently the only one enabling him to form an organized whole out of material which, as found in nature, is disorganized. He has noticed the effects of radiation, for instance ; so, instead of grouping objects at hap-hazard, or just as he sees them, he rearranges them in such ways that their outlines point toward a prin- cipal feature and also to a common centre, thus securing at the same time the effects of principality and of unity. To illustrate this, the adaptation of the methods of radi- ation in strict accordance with appearances in the external world, may be noticed in the way in which in Troyon's " Cattle" (Fig. 50, page 173), the ruts, faintly indicating a road in the foreground, are made to carry the eye back- ward and concentrate attention upon the centre of the pic- ture occupied by the approaching herd. More artistically, but in just as strict accordance with natural appearances, in Turner's "Decline of Carthage" (Fig. 51, page 175), Corot's " Canal " (Fig. 47, page 157), and " Landscape with Water" (Fig. 73, page 223), and in Claude's " Evening" (Fig. 40, page 1 19), the chief lines, both of contour and of light, are made to converge in the extreme background, and cross and continue themselves in the radiating lines of each picture's opposite side. A different adaptation of the same method, may be seen in Gerome's " Pollice Verso " (Fig. 26, page 81). In the centre of this, a glad- iator stands with his heel on the neck of a prostrate an- tagonist, and looks up for a signal to save the life which THESE METHODS IN PAINTING. 173 is at his mercy. With scarcely an exception, the crowd of spectators, who fill an amphitheatre above, answer this appeal by stretching a hand towards the gladiator, with the thumb downward, indicating thus their desire to have him show no mercy to his fallen antagonist. Of course, all the extended arms, by pointing as they do, direct attention to the gladiator as the principal object of FIG. 50. CATTLE. C. TROYON. See pages 16, 158, 172. interest, and also make of the whole picture a unity both in thought and form. But, in addition to this, the hori- zontal outlines in the front walls of the amphitheatre, which concentrate according to the laws of the perspective, also the outlines of a pillar of the amphitheatre and of one prominent division between its benches, as well, too, as the outlines of a form and the shadow of a gladiator 174 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. already slain and lying on the ground, all these are given such directions that they too point toward the principal figure. The same method is exemplified again in Becker's ''Othello" (Fig. 55, page 181), where the lines formed by a rug on the floor, by the railing of a porch, by a wall, and by the general directions indicated in the tops of buildings seen at a distance, all point toward the object of Othello's love, Desdemona. A peculiar phase of this effect is mentioned by Ruskin in his " Winkleman's Ancient Art." He draws, amid the outlines of Turner's painting of the " Old Bridge over the Rhine at Coblentz " (see Fig. 66, page 203) five lines not straight but curved. These he continues on from the curved outlines of three boats and of one raft in the river, and of the back of a woman sitting on a ledge, and he shows how all the curves lead the eye toward a large tower from which they radiate, and which is the principal figure of the picture. The use of curves for this purpose is illustrated almost equally well in the " Landscape with Water " by Cfrot, Fig. 73, page 223. Notice in this, how the principal lines bend toward the distant bridge at the right. When works of sculpture, as in the bas-relief, are com- posed of many figures, there is no reason why, so far as concerns outline, these effects should not be produced in the same way as in painting. In the " Romans Besieging a German Fortress " (Fig. 6, page 27), but especially in " The Soldier's Return," a relief on one side of the famous National Monument on the Rhinenear Bingen, familiarly called " The Watch on the Rhine " (Fig. 52, page 176), notice how the lines described by the limbs of the figures on each side of the centre, are made to point, not exactly to the chief figures, but with equal effectiveness toward 176 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. them, and as if to an ideal central-point that is above them. A similar effect, but having a more direct bearing upon symmetry in that it directs attention to a central-line rather than point, yet evidently suggested by the way in which limbs radiate from a tree-trunk, may be observed in the Vatican statue of a German Captive (Fig. 53, page 177). In architecture, this method is not used as extensively, perhaps, as it should be. At the same time, there is FIG. 52. THE SOLDIER'S RETURN. (FROM THE NATIONAL MONUMENT NEAR BINGEN, GERMANY.) See pages 16, 26, 174, 182, 257. more of it than, at first, might be supposed. Even the laws of the perspective on which it is based were applied by the Greeks to produce effects in buildings in much the same way as we now use them to produce effects in pictures. This fact explains the slight upward curves which have been found toward the middles of the pave- ments of the porches on which the columns rested, also the corresponding curves in the entablatures, as well as FIG. 53. GERMAN CAPTIVE ROMAN PERIOD. (FROM STATUE IN THE VATICAN MUSEUM.) See pages 176, 182, 257. 1/8 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. the narrower spaces left between the columns at the ex- treme sides, as contrasted with the middles, of the porches, and other variations from exact measurements in other distant, as contrasted with near, features. Every thing in these buildings was planned so as to produce a desired effect from some supposable view-point. This subject can be treated properly only in connection with proportion. At present, it is sufficient to notice the evidences in archi- tecture of the same sort of artistic developments from the laws of the perspective that have been noticed in the other arts of sight. Every one must have observed oc- casionally in connection with mouldings and buttresses, with divisions and cappings of windows and porches, with external and internal arches and ridge-poles of roofs, gables, and ceilings, but especially in connection with the sides of towers and spires, and with innumerable orna- mental details, outlines that seem to suggest, at least, a desire to point the thought away to another feature of principal interest with which they are organically con- nected. Illustrations of these effects, sufficient for the purpose, may be found in the figures given in treating of continuity in Chapter XIV., which see. Undoubtedly it would add to the effects of buildings if more were made of this possibility, as might easily be done by bestowing a little more care upon the arrangements of the necessary lines and arches. Certain it is that, in any art, the mind, in glancing along in the direction to which an outline thus related points, takes pleasure in finding other lines continuing it or converging somewhere with it, and, even without consciousness of the reason, derives from this arrangement impressions both of principality and unity in connection with the whole, which nothing else could give. SETTING IN PAINTING AND SCULPTURE. 179 The nature of that which in these arts may be called setting will suggest itself almost without illustration. As a rule, the principal features occupy the centre and fore- ground of a painting, and the subordinate features are delegated to its sides and back-ground. This is true, whether applied to groups of figures described about others, or to fringe, robes, trappings, or other ornaments described about single figures. It is the object FIQ. 54. MITHRAS STABBING THE BULL. (RELIEF IN THE LOUVRE.) See pages 74, 120, 180, 218. of chief interest that occupies the centre; the other ob- jects surround it. Notice Ge"rome's " Pollice Verso," Fig. 26, page 8 1. Just as the central-point, too, usually has reference to both thought and form, so has the setting. The fringe, robes, trappings, and other ornaments about a king, for instance, are given to him for the purpose both of interpreting and of ornamenting him. Observe the Swan with the " Leda," Fig. 17, page 74, the armor on the l8o THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM, "Titus," Fig. 1 8, page 74, as well as that which fills the background in the " Mithras and the Bull," Fig. 54, page 179. Setting, when thus properly subordinated, introduces variety and contrast not for its own sake, but for the purpose of adding by way of explanation and offset to that which is of central interest. In painting, either outline or color may be employed in the setting ; in sculpture, usually only the former ; but the possibilities con- nected with the adjustments of bands, girdles, drapery, canopies, niches, and, especially in bas-reliefs, of other figures surrounding the principal ones, obviate all prac- tical difficulties in attaining any results that are desirable. In architecture, the method is manifested by the way in which doors, windows, and other individual features are ornamented, usually in connection with their surround- ings ; and whole buildings also in connection with their foundations, gables, roofs, and towers. A moment's thought will convince us that there is a true sense in which these are all parts of the setting. Notice the doorways in Figs. 95 and 96, pages 289 and 290 ; also the "Taj Mahal," Fig. 3, page 19, " St. Mark's," Fig. 31, page 88, " St. Sophia," Fig. 42, page 123, and the " Cha- teau de Rondeau," Fig. 85, page 258. Parallelism is a development of methods of setting, in conformity with the requirements of order, especially of these as manifested in the direction of complement and balance. We all must have observed that while a single line, described by being drawn or worked along the edge of any material, forms a border for it, two or more lines, made parallel to the first, cause the border to appear more satisfactory. A similar effect results from the parallelisms that are seen in the flutings of columns, in the mouldings of picture frames, in the string-courses and cornices of PARALLELISM IN PAINTING. l8l buildings, as also in the caps and sills of their windows and doors. In the forms of pictures and statues, necessitating, too, in the main a use of widely differing curves, we frequently find the arms and lower limbs, indeed the whole figures and FIQ. 55.-OTHELLO.- CARL BECKER. Seepages 72, 174, 181, 239. the folds of the drapery about them, as well as the surround- ing architectural arrangements of pillars, pilasters, arches, and furniture, all grouped in such a way that their prom- inent outlines are parallel, or very nearly so. In the origi- nal of Becker's " Othello," Fig. 55, above, one can count 1 82 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. at the top of the picture forty-two distinctly parallel per- pendicular lines, used in the delineations of two distant churches and their domes, the mast of a ship, three pillars of a porch, a swinging lamp, the figure of the Moor, etc. At the right, there are also twenty-two horizontal lines of this kind, found in a rug, a platform, a bench, a mantel- piece, a niche, etc. At the left, are fifteen on the floor extending diagonally, and twenty others formed by a rug and the railing of a porch ; while, in at least three cases, three sets of these lines can be detected amid the direc- tions suggested by the limbs and drapery in the group composed of Desdemona and her father. In Gerome's " Pollice Verso," Fig. 26, page 81, one can count fifteen parallel horizontal lines, nine of them formed by the archi- tectural work with rugs hung over it, which is in front of the spectators, and six by the bodies of three dead gladi- ators lying in the arena, apparently without any regard to the requirements of order, just where they have been slain. Besides this, in the same picture, we can count, including all that can be seen in pilasters, pillars, doors, etc., almost sixty of these lines that are perpendicular. Among the figures of the spectators, at least six extended arms are exactly parallel ; so is the dirk, the shield, and one leg of the principal figure ; and his arm that holds the dirk is exactly parallel to the extended arm of his antagonist who is at his feet. Parallelism is just as evident a characteristic, too, as is central-point, of the sculpture represented in Figs. 52 and 53, pages 176 and 177, and in Fig. 6 of page 27. Notice the same characteristic in the "Dancer" also, Fig. 56, page 183, as well as in the " Laocoon," Fig. 75, page 226. It may be of interest also to recognize the antiquity of this method, as may be done by a glance at the Chaldean bust now in the British PARALLELISM. 183 Museum, inscribed with the name of " Nebo," Fig. 57, page 184. The effect of all this parallelism, as was indicated on page 151, is to make objects that frequently are only as- sociated by way of congruity, and therefore only ideally alike, seem, nevertheless, to have like directions or tendencies. Moreover, in connection with the other effects of outline; it di- vides the spaces covered by a composition so that all things put into them appear to be grouped in an orderly way. It may be well to notice, too, that in this it corresponds exactly to the effects of verse and phrase, which in poetry and music, in a similar way, divide up the time. Symmetry, as has been said, is a general balance of all the parts of a com- position. There can be See pages 16, 144, 182, 257. no such balance when the effects just considered are entirely absent ; and when they are present they almost necessarily involve it. But besides this, as applied to visible forms, symmetry seems to suggest especially the idea of an effect produced by balancing pairs of many numbers in an organized body, like that of a man or a horse. This idea is probably FIG. 56. DANCER. (FROM THE MARBLE RELIEF DISCOVERED IN THE THEATRE OF DIONYSUS.) 1 84 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. derived by way of association from the former significance of the term, which now it has lost. By symmetry, from GVV and jjsrpor, the Greeks meant what we now call pro- portion, or, as they defined this, a form, all the members of which have a common measure among themselves. Their FIQ. 57.-A BUST INSCRIBED WITH THE NAME OF NEBO. BRITISH MUSEUM.) See page 183. conception of proportion they derived, primarily, from the measurements of the human figure. But, according to our use of the terms, while a well proportioned form would al- ways be symmetrical, a form like that of a very slim man SYMMETRY. i8 5 might be symmetrical, as far as it went, and yet would not be well proportioned. Of proportion we cannot speak further here. The term symmetry, as has been said, necessarily involves that of many pairs of balancing features. In this sense, the word symmetrical is ap- plied by way of designation to cer- tain paintings, es- pecially those of the early Italians, in which there are precisely as many figures on one side of the principal figure as on the other side. Seethe " Lucca Madon- na," by Fra Barto- lommeo, Fig. 58, on this page. Symmetry is a term that may be applied, of course, to any develop- ments of comple- ment or balance as FIQ - 58. LUCCA MADONNA. FRA BARTOLOMMEO. already considered See P a s es 72 ' l85 ' on pages 46 and 84, in the degree in which the principle underlying their effects, whether in the arrangements of equal numbers or like outlines, is applicable to all the features on one side of the middle perpendicular line of a product as compared with all those upon its other side. 1 86 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. The intimate connection, too, already indicated by the arrangement of the methods on page 131, will be ob- served here between symmetry and organic form. In fact, all the various methods of grouping the factors of paint- ings or statues, so as to have the contours of the wholes suggest a circle, an oval, an arch, a pyramid, or a wedge, such as were mentioned on pages 115-118 are almost as much necessitated by the requirements of symmetry as of the method Avhich they are there used to illustrate. The principle of variety, however, which we find every- where illustrated in nature and in art, must not be sup- posed to be entirely inoperative in connection with sym- metry. The two sides of even a very symmetrical tree do not exactly correspond, and a tree depicted in art is most apt to have the appearance of life, if the same be true of it. 1 The two sides of a man's body are -more near- ly alike than those of a tree ; but in the degree in which he possesses life and consequent grace, they will, while suggesting likeness, be made unlike by the positions which he assumes. Notice Fig. 7, page 30 ; Fig. 19, page 75 ; and the " Gladiator " in Fig. 26, page 81. The same must be true to some extent of a building. The slight deviation from exact regularity, owing to the position of the central tower in the " Old Louvre," Fig. 59, opposite, does not interfere with the artistic impressiveness of the castle as a whole. The same is true of the slight lack of exact balance in " Salisbury Cathedral,*' Fig. 68, page 207, as well as in " Shadyside Church/' Fig. 34, page 91. As was said on page 87, the dignity of effect demanded in public edifices may sometimes necessitate absolute ^imilarity on both sides of the centre, as in the "Taj Mahal," Fig. 3, page 19, " St. Peter's, Rome," Fig. 23, page 78, "St. Marks, Venice," Fig. 31, page 88, and u St. 1 Notice floral arrangements in Fig. 49, page 161. SYMMETRY. I8 7 Sophia," Constantinople, Fig. 42, page 123. Graceful effects, on the contrary, such as are desirable in household architecture, may sometimes be best secured by differ- ence, as in the villas in Figs. 24, page 79, and 28, page FIG. 59.- THE OLD LOUVRE. See page 186. 84. Hut how about a combination of dignity and grace? This is as difficult to attain in art as in life. Hut when it is attained in either, is there any denying that we have the ideal ? CHAPTER XII. REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION. Importance and Order of Development of Repetition as Contrasted with Congruity Repetition, a Necessary and Elementary Factor in all Forms Alteration How Differing from Variety Alternation and other Allied Methods The Influence of Repetition, Alteration, and Alternation upon Thought How they are Exemplified in Nature In Art ; Poetic Repetition with Alteration in Lines, Feet, Alliteration, Assonance, Rhymes In Recurring Refrains, Choruses : Explanation of the French Forms of Verse In Epithets and Phrases Alternation in Accent and Lack of Accent and in Rhyming Lines The Three Methods in Music The Three in Primitive Forms of Ornamentation Appealing to Sight In Painting : How Imitated from Nature and how Produced by Artistic Arrangements of Forms Even of Landscapes The same in Color In Sculpture In Architecture The Fundamental Reason why Styles should not be Mixed Necessity of Unity of Effect. the three methods of bringing together forms that compare by congruity, by repetition, and by conso- nance, repetition has been assigned the second place, not because historically it was the second to be manifested in the development of art, nor because it is to-day the second in importance. On the contrary, reasons might be adduced to show that it was the first to be developed and is to-day the first in importance. One might claim, in fact, that both congruity and consonance are modifications of it, and allowable merely as any variety is allowable. But while conceding all that could be proved in this direction, it seems to be true, nevertheless, that, in the composition of 1 88 REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION. 189 the higher arts, the artist starts with a form that embodies a general conception, a thought, and strives first to con- nect this with other forms embodying the same thought, or like it by way of congrnity ; and only later comes to repetition, which has to do with arranging such details as foot and rhyme, and line and limb, so that all the minutiae of form as form shall manifest the ever prevail- ing domination of comparison. However, if thought can never become art until it be given a form, and if a form be, as has been said, an appearance; and if an artistic form be an appearance in which like is put with like, it is evident that the effect produced by the repetition of the same appear- ance is something which no artist, whatever the qual- ity of his thought, can afford to neglect. Indeed, when we inquire into the causes of rhythm, proportion, and harmony of tone and color, as well as of all the subtler qualities that make the arts exactly what they are, we are forced to acknowledge that there is no one of them, as we now know them, the form of which is not based on repetition as an elementary method. The contrasting form of repetition is alteration a better term than change, because indicating a difference not so radical, and yet sufficient for that which is in- tended. It is comparatively easy to produce effects of variety by introducing forms that involve entire change, as in the different rhythms and movements in the quota- tions in Chapter II., page 20, and in the different sizes, positions, and attitudes given to the forms in Figs. 14, page 70, and 15, page 71, as well as to the different shapes given to the coverings of openings and to roofs and domes in Fig. 4, page 21 ; Fig. 5, page 23 ; Fig. 67, page 205, and to those of the " Design for a 190 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Theatre and Ton-Halle," more than one half of which is presented in Fig. 60, page 191, the other side being a counterpart of this. But it is not so easy to produce such effects by introducing alteration into forms that, throughout a composition, remain the same in principle ; as in the different and yet similar metres in the quota- tions in Chapter II., on page 24 ; in the different and yet similar positions given to the forms in Fig. 16, page 73 ; Fig. 43, page 143 ; and Fig. 70, page 215; and in the differ- ent and yet similar shapes given to the coverings of openings and to roofs and domes in Figs. 2, page i /; 3, page 19 ; 12, page 49 ; 31, page 88 ; 42, page 123 ; and Fig. 68, page 207. The latter course alone perfectly fulfils the require- ment of art that variety should be kept subordinate to unity and comparison. At the same time, alteration thus interpreted evidently requires and manifests brain-work ; and it is by the brain-work involved as much as by conformity to aesthetic laws, that the world in gen- eral measures artistic achievement. For instance in the "Public Library," Fig. 61, page 193, can any one fail to recognize how much more thought it would have required to produce an equally effective entrance by having the same general shapes there as in the window- caps at its side, yet altered ; or to produce an equally successful side for the practical needs of a library, by having the same general shapes there as over the open- ings at the entrance ? It is proper to say, therefore, that the Shadyside Presbyterian Church, by the same archi- tects, Fig. 34, page 91, is superior, artistically, to this Library, for one reason, because it manifests more brain- work. Alteration and repetition used conjointly in such ways FIQ. 60. PART OF DESIGN FOR THEATRE AND TON-HALLE, ZURICH, SWITZERLAND. See pages 22, 190, 208, 261. I9 2 THE GENESIS OF ART- FORM. as to fulfil the principles underlying complement, counter- action, and balance? lead to what we all know as alternation. The bringing together of repeated effects so that those that are alike in one regard are in one place, and those that are alike in another regard are in another place ; as, for instance, when all the light in a painting is near the central-point, and all the shade at the sides, described about the light, is called massing or breadth. When like features are not massed but scattered and mixed, indis- criminately, with unlike ones, we have that development of confusion which may be termed interspersion? Repeti- tion and massing, introduced notwithstanding apparent interspersion, give us an outgrowth of complement or bal- ance, called complication. 1 Finally, when, under such con- ditions, order has had its perfect work, the outlining of the group that results manifests continuity? When we pass from congruity to the methods now to be considered, we leave the region where thought and effects upon thought are uppermost in the mind of the artist. Repetition and everything associated with it, have their origin in the exigencies of form. At the same time, we cannot be reminded too frequently that all forms, as used in art, are methods of representing thoughts or feel- ings by rendering them more concrete and emphatic. Recalling this, we have but to apply the principle to the methods before us, and we shall recognize that there are no ways of embodying thought in forms that are more certain than these to influence both sense and soul to- gether. The slightest perceptible rubbing or scratching against any part of our body, if repeated a sufficient number of times, will cause inflammation. The slightest perceptible vibration that can affect the organs of hearing 1 Compare what is said here with the arrangement of methods on page 131. 13 REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION. 1 93 or sight, if repeated with sufficient rapidity and persist- ency, will produce a sound or a color, and nothing except repetition will do this. The same is true of its use when appealing more directly to the mind. " What a wonder- fully complete system of police signalling these Germans have ! " said an English gentleman to me in Stuttgart. FIG. 61. PUBLIC LIBRARY, NEW LONDON, CONN. See pages 123, 190. " They are at it now, as they have been for nights past." We stepped out upon a balcony which stood high on a hillside, and looked down upon the moon-lit city. " Listen," he said ; " first you hear a whistle off there at the railway station ; then one at the palace ; then one farther up here on the hill." I listened ; and what I heard, 194 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. and what he had heard, came from tree-toads in the gar- den under us. A single note would not have attracted his attention. It was the repetition of the notes that had filled his imagination with visions of socialists, and the ef- ficiency of police supervision under a military government. So with objects in the field of sight. An ordinary, fence made of continuous boards has little to cause us to notice it. Make it a picket fence, and the repetitions of the pales with the alternating spaces between them will at once give it interest. Introduce still more both of repetition and alternation, by placing here and there a post of a differ- ent pattern and capping, and the fence will become an important feature in the landscape, which no one can pass without observing. As in the cases of the other methods that we have con- sidered, repetition, alteration, and alternation are abun- dantly exemplified in nature : repetition with alteration, in the cry, chirp, hair, feathers, teeth, claws of every beast or bird ; in the limbs, leaves, flowers, fruit of every tree or shrub ; in the cliffs, stones, shells of every lake or river ; and alternation in the rise and fall of the sounds of the wind, of the notes of the bird, of the accented and unaccented syllables of speech ; in the limbs of trees outlined against the intervening sky behind them ; in the veinings and plain surfaces of leaves ; in the stripes of different colors upon shells or coats of animals ; in the very fingers and the spaces between them on which the eyes must gaze when doing anything artistic. No wonder that art, in representing natural forms, should reproduce these effects, and, in elaborating its reproductions, develop them still further. Let us notice now how this is done ; and, first, in poetry. What is it that causes form in this art ? The most REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION, 1 95 superficial thought reveals what more thorough study confirms that poetic form is made up almost entirely of a series of repetitions, of lines of like numbers of feet, of feet of like numbers of accented and unaccented syllables, and of alliterations, assonances, and rhymes of like sounds, all following one another in close succession. Yet few of these repeated elements are exactly the same. The rhymes and lines and feet and rhyming words in almost all poems that we admire, include sufficient altera- tions to relieve the repetitions of even a suggestion of same- ness. Notice again the quotations in Chapter II., page 24. The principle of repetition explains the use, too, of choruses and refrains with which we are all familiar. Notice the French forms of verse illustrating what is said on pages 55 and 107. Any one who will examine those se- lections, or the following, cannot fail to remark the amount of repetition in them, either in whole lines, phrases, or rhymes. Elaborate essays have been written in attempts to give the reasons that have led to the construction of these forms. It is one proof of the importance, if a man would understand a single art, of making a comparative study of all the arts, that, as this book shows, there are no reasons whatever underlying these French forms other than those underlying all art-forms. In fact, the roundel, rondeau, ballade, villanelle, triolet, and their like, are pre- cisely what one ought to expect that a people, possessing so keen a sense of form as the French, would naturally and almost necessarily develop. Observe the repetitions in the following : My day and night are in my lady's hand ; I have no other sunrise than her sight ; For me her favor glorifies the land ; Her anger darkens all the cheerful light, 196 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Her face is fairer than the hawthorne white, When all a-flower in May the hedge-rows stand ; While she is kind, I know of no affright ; My day and night are in my lady's hand. All heaven in her glorious eyes is spanned ; Her smile is softer than the summer's night, Gladder than daybreak on the Faery strand ; I have no other sunrise than her sight. Her silver speech is like the singing flight Of runnels rippling o'er the jewelled sand ; Her kiss a dream of delicate delight ; For me her favor glorifies the land. What if the Winter chase the Summer bland ; The gold sun in her hair burns ever bright. If she be sad, straightway all joy is banned ; Her anger darkens all the cheerful light. Come weal or woe, I am my lady's knight, And in her service every ill withstand ; Love is my lord in all the world's despite, And holdeth in the hollow of his hand My day and night. Rondeau Redouble : John Payne Where are the creatures of the deep, That made the sea- world wondrous fair ? The dolphins that with royal sweep Sped Venus of the golden hair Through leagues of summer sea and air? Are they all gone where past things be ? The merman in his weedy lair ? O sweet wild creatures of the sea ! O singing syrens, do ye weep That now ye hear not anywhere The swift oars of the seamen leap, See their wild, eager eyes astare ? O syrens, that no more ensnare The souls of men that once were free, REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION, 1 97 Are ye not filled with cold despair O sweet wild creatures of the sea ! O Triton, on some coral steep, In green-gloom depths, dost thou forbear With wreathed horn to call thy sheep, The wandering sea-waves to thy care ? O mermaids, once so debonnair, Sport ye no more with mirthful glee ? The ways of lover-folk forswear ? O sweet wild creatures of the sea ! Envoy. Deep down 'mid coral waves, beware ! They wait a day that yet must be, When ocean shall be earth's sole heir O sweet wild creatures of the sea ! Ballade of the Sea-Folk : William Sharp. A similar principle explains also the recurring epithets and phrases used in longer poems, in which the absence of rhyme and its allied elements renders the employment of the more common methods of repetition impracticable. There is a subtle effect of unity imparted by repetitions, such as we find in Homer, of phrases like swift-footed, large-eyed, and winged words. The same is true of the repetitions of longer phrases and whole lines, as in the effects, also Homeric in origin, which are so admirably imitated by Tennyson in his " Passing of Arthur." Take Excalibur And fling him far into the middle mere ; Watch what thou seest and lightly bring me word. Yet I thy hest will all perform at full, Watch what I see and lightly bring thee word. As thou art lief and dear, and do the thing I bade thee, watch and lightly bring me word. 198 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. And again : And caught him by the hilt and brandished him Three times, and drew him under in the mere ; But ere he dipt the surface, rose an arm, Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful, And caught him by the hilt and brandished him Three times, and drew him under in the mere. And lightly went the other to the king. Of which the knight Sir Bedivere tells as follows : Then with both hands I flung him, wheeling him. But when I looked again, behold an arm Clothed in white samite, mystic, wonderful, That caught him by the hilt and brandished him Three times, and drew him under in the mere. Alternation is almost equally characteristic of poetic form. Rhythm, with the feet and measures that enter as an essential factor into it, is dependent on the regularly alternating recurrence of accented and unaccented sylla- bles. The effect of many of our rhyming verses, too, is dependent on the same method, the metre, length, and rhyme of one line corresponding to those of the second line following, and not to those of the first, e.g. : The merry brown hares came leaping Over the crest of the hill, Where the clover and corn lay sleeping Under the moon-light still. A Rough Rhyme on a Rough Matter : Kingsley. Repetition, alteration, and alternation are equally char- acteristic of the forms of music. In every shortest melody, like notes, phrases, refrains and cadences recur and alter- nate over and over again ; yet always, in a composition that is successful, with sufficient alteration to prevent monotony. Notice illustrations of this in the music on REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION. 199 pages 25, 43 and 67, also in the following typical melody. Like strains in it are indicated by like capital letters, A, B, or C. Mine eyes have seen the glo - ry of the corn-ing - of the V rt?- Lord; He is tramp-ing out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fate - ful light - ning of His J I- ter-ri- ble quick sword: His truth is march-ing on. j_ r - A Chorus. > P> S_JS_ Glo- ry, glo-ry, hal- le - lu - jah! Glo- ry, glo-ry, hal-le - lu - jah! ,_ 1_- (__ L__ , L_ C| , _L.l_. "- 1^ 1^ .." 1C Ll 1 1 -t? t? ? t?- 1 r 20O THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. c Glo - ry, glo-ry, hal-le - lu - jah! His truth is marching on. 1 6? k tP t? t?- b =i=i=f Bz: Battle Hymn of the Republic : Words by J. W. Howe. The same methods are exemplified also in forms of art appealing to sight. The earliest kinds of ornamentation, as we can see it to-day in the rude lines scratched on ancient pottery, are merely series of repetitions ; and in our own times the recurrence of similar outlines, however insignificant, when they are marked or worked near the edge of a piece of wood or cloth, gives it a border, and we admire it the more on account of the border. Or, if we ornament with more elaborate figures, it is mainly the repetition of them that causes them to be attractive. Take the Vitruvian scroll, as it is called, so frequently found in FIG. 62 VITRUVIAN SCROLL. pottery, goldsmith's work, and architecture, Fig. 62, or the Greek fret, Fig. 63. FIQ. 63. GREEK FRET. The charm of these lies in the repetition. In connec- tion with such ornamentation we often find alternation REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION. 2OI too. See this section of an ornamented doorway from Khorsbad, Chaldea, Fig. 64. In the older Greek temples, the Doric frieze was made up of a series of FIG. 64. SECTION OF ORNAMENTED DOORWAY, FROM KHORSBAD, CHALDEA. triglyphs alternating with metopes, either containing plane surfaces or else chaplets, or paterae, as in Fig. 65. So in the pavements, walls, and ceilings, both of ancient FIQ. 65. TRIGLYPHS AND METOPES. and modern architecture, we often come upon repetitions and alternations of color, usually of white and red, or blue and red. The different ways, in fact, in which these 202 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. methods of ornamentation may be used in decorative art, are almost infinite. In order to apply the same methods to painting, it is not necessary for the artist to discover and imitate things . actually repeated in the external world, any more than it is necessary for the poet to hear rhythmical language in order to arrange in rhythm his representations of what he hears. We might indeed, derive some pleasure from a picture, as we should from a view in nature, of a row of trees lining an avenue, or of a company of soldiers march- ing in procession. But a scene like this, unless it in- cluded other things, introducing variety into it, would seem artificial ; inasmuch as it would be a copy less of anything natural than of something already put into artificial conditions by man. A more successful kind of repetition to be copied in a picture, would be like that found where images of trees and shrubs are reflected from the surfaces of rivers, showing the same things repeated indeed, but with some alteration and alternation. Or, instead of being mirrored, the trees might be re- peated with effects equally satisfactory if, in their shapes, sizes, and positions, there were just sufficient alteration to give them the individuality that is found in nature. But the effects of repetition, for reasons already men- tioned on page 150, are often secured merely by artis- tic composition ; i. e., by arranging objects, not alike in every regard, in such ways that certain of their features are seen to be alike in some regards, or at least to suggest this likeness. The repetition thus introduced differs little, if at all, as will be noticed, from parallelism. But, as has been said before, all these art-methods are very closely connected, being all developed from similar principles. It is easy enough to perceive how, in an ideal work, com- REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION. 2O$ posed like Gerome's " Pollice Verso," repetitions could be introduced at will. But it is difficult to understand how the same can be done in painting a landscape, especially if copied from some definite scene. The problem, according to Ruskin (" Elements of Drawing," Letter III.), was solved by Turner in a painting of the "Old Bridge on the Rhine at Coblentz," in this way. Three boats and one raft were placed in the river, each holding two persons. Besides this, the distant single spires of the city were so FIQ. 66.-OLD BRIDGE AT COBLENTZ. TURNER. See pages 48, 159, 174, 203. grouped that, in three cases, two of these spires taken together (in each instance a large one and a small one, introducing thus, as will be noticed, the principle of alter- nation] looked like repetitions of each other and of two others on the bridge, the larger of which latter was the principal object in the foreground. Although there is really no one place from which the spires of the city can be seen in positions to produce these effects, Ruskin praises the painter for having the ingenuity to arrange his picture as if he had seen them thus. See Fig. 66. 204 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Color, too, may be applied so as to exemplify these methods. The effects of tone so much admired in a paint- ing, effects produced where the whole of a scene pre- sented seems to be dominated or pervaded by a similar hue, are largely due to constant repetitions, and, in some cases, under the influence of light and shade, of altera- tions and even alternations of the tints and shades. In sculpture these methods are necessarily included in almost every faithful copy of that which is seen in nature ; yet, in this art, too, there are opportunities for a purely original use of them, especially in the arrange- ments of folds of drapery and of different figures in groups. How impossible it would be to give attractive- ness to the ideas embodied in the groups of the " Laocoon," Fig- 75> P a g e 22 6, and of " Niobe and her Children," Fig. 45, page 146, were it not for innumerable repetitions in the expressions of the countenances and in the adjustments of limbs and drapery ! " When we survey the ancient monu- ments of Egypt," says Chas. Blanc in the introduction to his " Art in Ornament and Dress," " abounding as they do in colored reliefs or surface paintings, we are often arrested by a group of figures in simultaneous and rhythmic action, all executing the same movement, the same gesture, and the same sign. When this action is not purely material, such as leading animals, thrashing out corn, or carrying bricks ; when this action, I say, is in harmony with the sentiment ; when it expresses, for example, worship or prayer, or the humility of a band of weeping captives pros- trating themselves at the feet of the conqueror, their heads raised to him in supplication, this rhythmic movement partakes of a religious character, and the repetition of the gesture seems to bring it within the pale of sacred rites. The spectacle becomes solemn, nay, almost sublime." REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION. 2O$ Architecture, too, in all its most successful products, is full of illustrations of these methods. When applied to forms, they constitute the main element determining FIQ. 67.-CHURCH OF ST. NIZIER, LYONS. Seepages 22, 189, 206, 208, 261. what is called a style of architecture; when applied .to spaces, the main element determining what is called pro- 2C>6 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. portion. They manifest their presence, too, in a majority of the appearances of buildings with which we are most familiar ; e. g., in rows of like columns with like flutings, in like mouldings and carvings of entablatures, some of which have just been noticed ; in walls strength- ened by like buttresses and pierced at like intervals by windows of like shapes and sizes, as well as in cappings of openings and in pediments of gables and roofs, wherever any large numbers of these describe like angles. The requirements of these methods, in fact, even more than those of congruity mentioned on page 146, underlie the principle that different styles should not be mixed ; as they are, for instance, in this " Church of St. Nizier, Lyons," Fig. 67, page 205. They base the principle, more- over, upon rational grounds, which is not done when it is said or implied that to observe it, is to do as the Greek or Gothic builders did. We are under no obligations to do as these did. The world may improve in art as in other things. Yet, as every thinker knows, all improvements are in the nature of developments that are made in strict accordance with fixed laws. We have found that scientific classification, as well as artistic construction, demands that like be put with like. This demand is beyond the reach of any human power that may seek to change it. It exists in the constitution of the mind. No architect can dis- regard it, and produce a building satisfactory to men in general. No building has ever obtained and preserved a reputation as a work of art, in which this requirement has been neglected. As a proof of this statement, as well as an evidence of the universality with which a principle can be applied when giving expression to a truth that is really fundamental, notice not only " Salisbury " (Fig. 68, page 207), which is usually considered the most nearly perfect REPETITION, ALTERATION, AND ALTERNATION. 2O/ of the English cathedrals, but the classic buildings in all styles represented in Figs. 69, page 208; I, page 15; 2, page 17; 3, page 19; 23, page 78; 31, page 88; 32, page 89; 42, page 123, and 97, page 292. The true reason, therefore, for not introducing the forms of Greek, Roman- FIQ. 68.-SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, FROM THE NORTHWEST. See pages 18, 76, 186, 190, 206, 261. esque, and Gothic architecture into the same building, is that, as a rule, such a course is fatal to unity of effect. These principal styles and some of the subordinate styles developed from them differ so essentially that to blend them is to cause confusion in the form where the mind 208 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. demands intelligibility, which, so far as our present line of thought is applicable, means something in which many repetitions of similar appearances reveal that all are parts of the same whole. Buildings in which there are very few, if any, forms alike, such as we find exemplified in FIQ. 69. POUTOU TEMPLE, NINGPO, CHINA. See pages 18, 124, 207, 264. Fig. 67 in this chapter, Figs. 4, page 21, and 5, page 23, and 60, page 191, as well as in too many of those so popular in our own day, said to be erected in the style of Queen Anne, are not, whatever else they may be, works of art. CHAPTER XIII. MASSING OR BREADTH. Connection tetween the Methods next on our List and those already Con- sidered Massing Its Object is to Produce Cumulative or General Effects In Poetry, by an Accumulation of the Effects of Sense and Sound of Sound alone Connection between Massing and Central- Point as Illustrated in the Climax Massing in Music In Painting: the Meaning of Breadth in this Art as Restricted to Effects of Light and Shade Means Used by the Artist in Producing these Not necessarily One Mass of Light in One Composition : Three Masses Breadth and Massing Analogous The same Principles Applied to Colors and Out- lines Massing in Sculpture In Architecture : By Outlines and by Light and Shade. A S was indicated in the list of the methods on page 131, ^T massing is a further development in form of the same tendency that leads to comparison, principality, con- gruity, central-point, and repetition, and is usually con- nected with them ; interspersion is similarly related to con- trast, subordination, incongruity, setting, and alteration; complication is related to counteraction, complement, com- prehensiveness, parallelism, and alternation ; and continuity is related to grouping, organic-form, and symmetry. Inasmuch as massing is the most important of the methods now to be considered, as well as because it must be treated at some length, what is to be said in this chapter will be confined to it. By the word itself, as also by consist- ency, which is used synonymously with it, artists mean the bringing together of repeated effects, so that in any given 4 209 210 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. composition those that are alike in one regard are in one place, and those that are alike in another regard are in another place. Thus defined, it is evident that, while an aid both to principality and central-point, massing is dis- tinctly different from either. It may involve, and usually necessitates, a number of exactly similar features, which is not the case either when one of these has principality or when many are grouped in such a way as to be brought to a central-point. It is evident, too, that, as it has been defined, massing is a method that may be applied in art to the arrangements of other factors besides those of light and shade, to which it is sometimes limited. Whenever, for any reason, a large number of factors alike in one regard if of sounds, in time, pitch, loudness, or quality ; if of sights, in size, outline, color or light, are separated from other factors, and crowded together by themselves, there we have massing. Of course, its object, as thus explained, whether applied to a part or to a whole of the like factors of a composition, is to produce a cumulative or general effect an effect which could not be produced by any or all of the factors if not used conjointly. All the methods, too, of which we have been treating have more or less influence in securing this result. But all of them together would fail of efficiency without massing. In fact, we might define this by saying that it is such a method of presenting details as to cause others to judge of them en masse. In the main, however, it emphasizes the features and the con- cepts represented in them in the same way and for the same reason as repetition, of which it is an intensified phase. Poetic massing involves characteristics with which we are all familiar. Notice, in the following, how both sense MASSING OR BREADTH. 211 and sound contribute in a cumulative way to the general impression. A plague upon them ! wherefore should I curse them ? Would curses kill as doth the mandrake's groan, I would invent as bitter-searching terms, As curst, as harsh, and horrible to hear, Delivered strongly through my fixed teeth, With full as many signs of deadly hate, As lean faced envy in her loathsome cave ; My tongue should stumble in mine earnest words ; Mine eyes should sparkle like the beaten flint ; My hair be fixed on end, as one distract ; Ay, every joint should seem to curse and ban ; And even now my burdened heart would break, Should I not curse them. Poison be thy drink ! Gall, worse than gall the daintiest that they taste ! Their sweetest shade, a grove of cypress trees ! Their chiefest prospects, murdering basilisks ! Their softest touch, as smart as lizards' stings ! Their music frightful as the serpent's hiss ! And boding screech-owls make the concert full ! H. IV., Ft. II., iii., 2: Shakespeare. In the following comical enumeration by Southey of the troubles assailing Napoleon on his return from Moscow, the same effect is produced almost exclusively by sounds. The Russians they stuck close to him All on the road from Moscow. There was Tormazow and Jemalow, And all the others that end in ow ; Milarodovitch and Jaladovitch, And Karatschkowitch, And all the others that end in itch ; Schamscheff, Souchosaneff, And Schepaleff, And all the others that end in eff ; Wasiltschikoff, Kostomaroff, And Tchoglokoff, And all the others that end in off : 212 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Rajeffsky, and Novereffsky, And Rieffsky, And all the others that end in effsky : Oscharoffsky and Rostoffsky, And all the others that end in offsky ; And Platoff he played them off, And Shouvaloff he shovelled them off, And Markoff he marked them off, And Krossnoff he crossed them off, And Tuchkoff he touched them off, And Boraskoff he bored them off, And Kutousoff he cut them off, And Parenzoff he pared them off, And'Worronzoff he worried them off, And Doctoroff he doctored them off And Roclionoff he flogged them off ; And last, of all, an admiral came, A terrible man with a terrible name, A name which you all know by sight very well, But which no one can speak, and no one can spell. They stuck close to Nap with all their might ; They were on the left and on the right, Behind and before, and by day and by night ; He would rather parlez vous than fight ; But he looked white, and he looked blue, Morbleu ! Parbleu ! When parlez vous no more would do, For they remembered Moscow. The March to Moscow : Southey. Sometimes, in fact usually, where there is massing, there is also a climax, in which as indicated on page 163, everything is brought to a central-point, e. g. : What a piece of work is man ! How noble in reason ! How infinite in faculties ! In form and moving how express and admirable ! In action how like an angel ! In apprehension how like a god ! Hamlet, ii., 2 : Shakespeare. In such cases, the analogy is complete between the effect of the central expression about which other expres- MASSING OR BREADTH. 213 sions are massed in poetry, and of the centre of interest about which color or light is massed in painting. In music, massing fulfils functions equally important. It is this, as exemplified in the accumulations of the same notes, chords, or instruments, that enables us to recognize the peculiarities distinguishing passages that are loud or soft, forcible or light, gay or pathetic ; while without it and its reiterated repetitions, the musical cadence or climax, as heard at the ends of compositions or of prominent move- ments, would produce little impression. The terms massing and also breadtli, which latter seems to indicate that which is the result of the former, are applied more commonly to effects in the arts that are seen than in those that are heard. But, as we said a moment ago, it sometimes seems to be supposed that both terms should be used to refer only to those effects of light and shade whereby bright features are put with bright, and dark with dark. As a result of such arrange- ments, a breadth of distance seems to separate the objects in light from those in shade, and a corresponding breadth of view seems to be afforded him who sees them ; hence the term breadth sometimes applied to these effects. Light and shade cannot be discussed fully except in con- nection with color. But so far as their use illustrates massing, something needs to be said of them here ; and that they do illustrate this, and are, therefore, in analogy with it as produced by other elements both of sight and sound, no better proof needs to be furnished than the statements that follow. In securing the effects of breadth, the artist does not arbitrarily make objects bright or dim in order to have them correspond to the bright or dim parts of the pic- ture in which he wishes to place them. He exercises in- 214 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. genuity in arranging his materials so as to bring into the right relations objects that in nature are bright or dim, or that can be made so in nature by the presence. or absence of an illuminating agent. Besides this, too, he arranges the light so as to fall where it will prove most effective. In Titian's " Entombment," it is made to illumine a figure in the foreground, notwithstanding the fact that the sun is represented as setting in the background. The painter produces the effect by supposing the sun's rays .to be re- flected from a cloud in advance of the field of vision. Notice also what was said on page 72 of the way in which the light is massed by Rubens and Correggio, the one in the " Descent from the Cross " (Fig. 16, page 73, and the other in the " Holy Night," Fig. 70, page 215. It is not to be supposed, however, that in any given picture, there may not be more than one place where there is light and one place where there are shadows, although in the paintings of Correggio and Rembrandt, who develop- ed most fully the possibilities of light and shade, or of chi- aroscuro^ as it is called, this plan was usually followed. According to Reynolds (Note xxxix on " The Art of Paint- ing"), there may be three masses of light, one of which, however, he would make more prominent than the other two, thus causing all three together to fulfil the methods both of principality and balance. 'Titian, in order to im- press the fact that every picture representing the effects of the atmosphere must indicate not only the general influence of the light and shade on all the objects depicted considered together, but on each specific object consid- ered by itself, is said to have pointed to a bunch of grapes ; and shown how the bunch considered as a whole has a light and a dark side, and also how each grape considered by itself has a light and a dark side. The effects resulting from FIQ. 70. THE HOLY NIGHT.-CORREGGIO. See pages 16, 72, 80, 120, 190, 214, 257. 2l6 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. each of these conditions render the representation of both difficult. Nor can they be represented at all except in the degree in which the general effect, which is the one con- nected with massing, is treated as the more important of the two. From what has been said, it is evident that the effect of breadth, as thus produced, is identical with that of the ac- cumulation of repeated characteristics which results from massing in poetry and music. The artistic end in view, too, is the same. By it, the unity, comparison, principality, congruity, central-point, as well as repetitions of the product are all brought out more clearly. " Pictures," says S. P. Long in his " Art, Its Laws, and the Reasons for Them," Essay VI., " Pictures possessing breadth of the general light and dark or shade are not only very effective, but they likewise give great repose to the eye ; whereas, where the lights and darks are in small portions, and much divided, the eye is disturbed and the mind rendered un- easy, especially if one is anxious to understand every object in a composition, as it is painful to the ear, if we are anxious to hear what is said in company, where many are talking at the same time. Hence . . . the reason why portraits make a more pleasing picture when but few ob- jects are introduced into the composition than when the person is covered with frills and ruffles, and the back- ground stuffed like a * curiosity shop.' Such an arrange- ment cuts up the lights and darks and destroys the breadth " a statement applicable, as will be noticed, not only to massing but also to interspersion, its opposite, which is to be considered in the next chapter. Concern- ing the same subject Ruskin says in his " Elements of Drawing," Letter III. : " Such compositions possess higher sublimity than those which are more mingled in MASSING OR BREADTH. their elements. They tell a special tale and summon a definite state of feeling. We have not in each gray color set against sombre, and sharp forms against sharp, and low passages against low ; but we have the bright picture with its single ray of relief ; the stern picture with only one tender group of lines ; the soft and calm picture with only one rock angle at its flank, and so on." So much for the effects of massing as produced by ar- rangements of light and shade. Now in what do we find an analogy for this method as produced by colors or out- lines ? As applied to colors, the question hardly needs an answer. In any picture not delineated in white and black, light and shade are themselves represented by colors, and the light colors necessarily go with the one and the dark with the other. But how is it with outlines ? Suppose that a picture is composed of human figures. If certain of these be grouped together, though only through the use of outlines, so as to emphasize their sizes, attitudes, and, because in the foreground, their relative influence as compared with the rest of the composition, will they not, irrespective of any effects of light or color, attract atten- tion and, very likely, absorb it ? And in recalling the pic- ture, shall we not necessarily think chiefly of these figures and of the thoughts that they represent, rather than of anything else connected with it ? But is not this effect produced by the massing of outlines identical with that produced by the massing of light in breadth ? See the figures of the gladiator and his antagonist, in Gerome's " Pollice Verso," Fig. 26, page 81. With such a conception of massing, as produced by means of outline, we can see how it may be used in sculpture ; and how, when so used, it may concentrate attention upon, say; the human figures or parts of them that 218 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. are represented, rather than upon the drapery or pedestal, or any architectural forms surrounding them. Certain kinds of sculpture, too, especially the bas-relief, afford the same possibilities for effects of light and shade, and thereforeof breadth, as produced by these, that painting does. See an illus- tration of massing produced in both ways in the " Mith- ras Stabbing the Bull," Fig. 54, page 179. I n architecture, we have an exact analogy to the ef- fects of massing in some of the older castles and even churches of Europe, where all the decora- tion connected with the forms is con- centrated about a FIG. 71 .-GATE OF THE PALACE, NANCY. tOWCr, Of gateway, See pages 76, 219. or door, or all of these together, on each side of which is merely a wall entirely blank or pierced with non-ornamental openings. MASSING OR BREADTH. 2 19 See the " Gateway of the Palace at Nancy," Fig. 71, page 218. What could more closely resemble the im- pression produced by some of Rembrandt's pictures with their blaze of light in the centre and their gloom of shadow surrounding it ? Besides this, in architecture as in sculpture, there is an opportunity for massing as pro- duced by light and shade. " I do not believe," says Ruskin, in his " Seven Lamps of Architecture," chap, iii., " that ever any building was truly great unless it had mighty masses, vigorous and deep, of shadow mingled with its surface. And among the first habits that a young architect should learn is that of thinking in shadow, not looking at a design in its miserable liney skeleton, but conceiving it as it will be when dawn lights on it, and the dusk leaves it. ... All that he has to do must be done by spaces of light and darkness ; and his business is to see that the one is broad and bold enough not to be swallowed up by twilight, and the other deep enough not to be dried like a shallow pool by a noon-day sun." CHAPTER XIV. INTERSPERSION, COMPLICATION, AND CONTINUITY. Interspersion in Nature and Art Complication in Nature and Art Its Re- lation to Order Continuity Should not Disregard the Requirements of Variety Illustrations Interspersion, and Complication in Poetry In the Sense Interspersion in the Form Variety without In- terspersion Complication in the Form Continuity and Drift Inter- spersion, Complication, and Continuity in Music The Two Former in Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture Continuity in these Latter Arts Present in Connection with Interspersion and Complication. what has been said, the close connection be- tween massing and both principality and central- point is at once apparent. It is apparent also that, if there be no massing at all in an art-work ; in other words, if like features be not grouped together but scattered, so that the like are interspersed with the unlike in almost equal quantities, then the main object of composition, which is to reduce factors to unity and order, so as to render them aesthetically intelligible, is not accomplished. At the same time, inter spersion, like variety and confusion and their kindred methods, is one of the characteristics of nature ; and because of this, and because it clearly con- trasts with such effects as are most distinctively artistic, it always gives some suggestion of naturalness to a prod- uct in which it appears. Loosely constructed sentences and whole compositions, like Emerson's " Essays," say, as contrasted with Everett's " Orations " ; or like Crabb's 220 INTERSPERSION, COMPLICATION, CONTINUITY. 221 " Parish Register " as contrasted with Milton's " Paradise Lost " ; or like Sullivan's " Patience " as contrasted with Wagner's " Tannhauser " ; or like almost any Nocturne as contrasted with a March, or Variation as contrasted with a Symphony all the former of these, owing to the way in which, in the absence of cumulative or massing methods, unforetokened and unexpected effects are interspersed FIG. 72. CHATEAU AT MONTIQNY. See pages 31, 37, 77, 78, 124, 222, 235, 251. throughout, have a peculiar charm of their own. So in the arts of sight, the blending of all sorts of forms, natural and human, in hill and valley, foliage and rock, land and water, or shade and sunshine, robed, as in some paintings, in all possible colors, and mixed, as in some architecture, like that characterizing the street fronts of certain American cities, or the diversified roofs and tur- 222 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. rets of certain villas these too, presenting what we term a picturesque effect, owe their main attractiveness to inter- spersion. Always in connection with this effect, however, there needs to be, as in the " Landscape with Water/' by Corot, Fig. 73, page 223, a liberal application of certain of the other methods of composition ; elsewise the result is not aesthetically satisfactory. For instance, in the " Chateau at Montigny," Fig. 72, page 221, we have inter spersion, but it is modified so little by other counteracting effects that, as a whole, the building has no unity. It is picturesque, but this is all that can be said in its favor. When a certain degree of massing is joined with interspersion so as to cause the interspersed quantities or qualities to reappear at approximately regular intervals, in ways according with complement, counteraction, balance, parallelism, and alternation, we have what is understood by the term com- plication. This word, like parallelism, continuity, and many others used in art, is borrowed from one indicating relationships of lines. It means a folding or blending to- gether primarily of these, but, secondarily, of any forms. Evidently, too, it involves, like massing, the presence in large quantities of the features to which it is applied. In fact, the greater the number of themes or phrases, say, in a symphony, the more complicated, as a rule, are its move- ments ; and the greater the number of trees or rocks in a landscape, the more complicated, as a rule, are the factors composing it. But while this is true, these factors, if complicated in an artistic manner, may always be presented in a certain order. We shall recognize this by recalling many of the patterns of our carpets and wall-papers, imitated or modelled after those of the Orientals. (See Fig. 74, page 224 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. 225, also Fig. 9, page 38). " When," says Charles Blanc, in his " Art in Ornament and Dress," " the surface orna- mented according to Arabian taste has no dominant subject indicated by its isolation or by its color, the spectator has only before him an assemblage regularly confused of triangles, lozenges, wheels, half-rnoons, trefoils, imperfect pentagons, and unfinished meanders, which penetrate, in- tersect, balance, and correspond to each other, approach to retreat, and touch one moment to depart the next, and dissolve themselves in a labyrinth without outlet and without end. The Arabs have thus realized the strange phenomenon which consists in producing an apparent dis- order by means of the most rigid order." If we allow any single feature entering into complication one of its lines, say to be interrupted, as it must be wherever an application of the method of interspersion causes another line to cross it, or another feature to take its place ; that which conveys to us an impression of unity notwithstanding interspersion is the reappearance of the line or feature that has disappeared. This necessi- tates continuity, a term that, primarily, signifies a line, whether straight or curved, which is continuous. But, secondarily, it signifies any kind of sound, color, or figure that is continuous. It means, therefore, any kind of con- tinuous repetition or massing. Continuity is that which makes a composition which begins in one way, either in time or space, keep on in the same way to its end. Just as symmetry tends to cause all parts of an outlined form to be equally balanced about a common centre, continuity tends to cause them all to be equally connected with a common mass or materiality. As both symmetry and continuity, however, must, like all the other art-methods, exist in connection with some 226 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. variety, neither should be absolutely perfect. Continuity of repetition and massing would, indeed, give unity, and this is the most important element of art-form ; but unity follows more clearly the laws of nature, and therefore of art, in cases where it is slightly opposed by the tendencies underlying interspersion and complication. For this reason, without doubt, artists have a rule that, in the use of lines involving, in the ways just in- dicated, an applica- tion of the method of continuity, care should be taken to have them not absolutely con- tinuous, but inter- rupted at intervals, and then, if necessary, caught up and ex- tended further on. If absolutely continu- ous, they suggest de- grees of mathematical FIG. 75. SCULPTURED GROUP OF THE LAOCOON. exactness and of mo- See pages 120, 182 204, 235, 238. notony inconsistent with a reproduction of the effects of nature. A landscape in which paths or trees or bridges are arranged in uninterrupted rows as geometri- cally regular as the threads of a spider's web, seems to be in the highest degree unnatural. Even though a literal copy of some park in actual existence, we feel like blam- ing the artist for not choosing to copy a scene giving INTERSPERSION-, COMPLICATION, COtfl^INUITY. 227 more evidences of nature as God left it. In this, we should usually find places where lawns, bushes, forests, rivers, hills, or other paths, trees, or hedges crossed or stopped the straight lines, or made them bend away in other directions. So with painters' lines in figures or in buildings they are seldom unbroken. Even in places FIQ. 76. SOUTH AISLE OF WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL, ENGLAND. See page 240. where they are expected to be so, the interruption occa- sioned by folds of drapery about the human body, or by the trailing of a vine about the pillars of a porch or edges of a tower, usually suggests a touch of nature that re- deems the effect from artificiality. 228 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Now let us notice the applications of these principles; and, first, to poetry. All literary works that have occult and intricately developed plots manifest, of course, more or less of complication and a tendency to inter spersion. The important matter, in such cases, is to have one aim so running through and pervading the parts that all can be recognised to have continuity. The following passage will serve to illustrate how this can be done. Every thought expressed in it, as well as every expression, continues the general idea ; yet it does this, as will be observed, in connection with many different thoughts and expressions that are not massed, but interspersed and complicated. Like this, too, in these regards is the quotation from " King Lear" on page 138. Lodovico. Is there division 'twixt my lord and Cassio ? Desdemona. A most unhappy one : I would do much T' atone them for the love I bear to Cassio. Othello. Fire and brimstone ! Desdemona. My lord ? Othello. Are you wise ? Desdemona. What, is he angry ? Lodovico. May be the letter moved him, For I think they do command him home, Deputing Cassio in his government. Desdemona. Trust me, I am glad of it. Othello. Indeed? Desdemona. My lord ? Othello. I am glad to see you mad ! Desdemona. How, sweet Othello ? Othello. Devil ! (Striking her., Desdemona. I have not deserved this. Lodovico. My lord, this would not be believed in Venice, Though I should swear I saw it. 'T is very much. Make her amends ; she weeps. Othello. O devil ! devil ! If that the earth could teem with woman's tears, INTERSPERSION, COMPLICATION, CONTINUITY. 22Q Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile. Out of my sight ! Desdemona. I will not stay to offend you. Lodo-vico. Truly an obedient lady. I do beseech your lordship call her back. Othello. Mistress ! Desdemona. My lord ? Othello. What would you have with her, sir ? Lodovico. Who, I, my lord ? Othello. Ay ; you did wish that I would make her turn. Sir, she can turn, and turn, and yet go on, And turn again ; and she can weep, sir, weep ; And she 's obedient as you say obedient Very obedient. Proceed you in your tears. Concerning this, sir O well painted passion ! Othello, iv., i : Shakespeare. In this next example, we have interspersion and compli- cation in the thought ; by which is meant a confused effect owing to the blending, and in the same sentence too, of plain and figurative language, as well as of different figures. Then with a skip as it were from heel to head, Leaving yourselves fill up the middle bulk O' the trial, reconstruct its shape august, From such exordium clap we to the close ; Give you, if we dare wing to such a height, The absolute glory in some full-grown speech On the other side, some finished butterfly, Some breathing diamond-flake with leaf-gold fans, That takes the air, no trace of worm it was, Or cabbage-bed it had production from. Ring and Book : R. Browning. And here we have interspersion in the form, because in it the requirements of no one order of sequence of sylla- bles or of rhythm are fulfilled : But Italy, my Italy, Can it last, this gleam ? Can she live and be strong, 230 THE GE NESTS Of ART-FORM. Or is it another dream Like the rest we have dreamed so long ? And shall it be, must it be, That after the battle cloud has broken She will die off again Like the rain, Or like a poet's song Sung of her sad at the end Because her name is Italy Die and count no friend ? Napoleon III. , in Italy : E. B. Browning. There is equal variety in the following, but no intersper- sion. All is in the same rhythm. All 's done, All 's won, Never under the sun Was shirt so late finished, so early begun. The work would defy The most critical eye. It was bleached it was washed it was hung out to dry It was marked on the tail with a T and an I. On the back of a chair it Was placed just to air it, In front of the fire. Tom to-morrow shall wear it. Occcca mens hominum. Fanny, good soul, Left her charge for one moment but one ; a vile coal Bounced out from the grate and set fire to the whole. A Legend of a Shirt : R. H. Barham. It would not be altogether unjustifiable to take this last quotation for an example of complication in poetic form ; but the following will serve our purpose better. Would it be possible to represent more effectively in a form appealing to the ear that blending and twisting of lines which is the first suggestion given by the word com- plication ? Notice how in these one line disappears, while other lines cross it, and then reappears : 2NTERSPERSION, COMPLICATION, CONTINUITY. 23! Here we are riding the rail, Gliding from out of the station ; Man though I am, I am pale, Certain of heat and vexation. Gliding from out of the station, Out from the city we thrust ; Certain of heat and vexation, . Sure to be covered with dust. Out from the city we thrust : Rattling we run o'er the bridges ; Sure to be covered with dust, Stung by a thousand of midges. Rattling we dash o'er the bridges, Rushing we dash o'er the plain ; Stung by a thousand of midges, Certain precursors of rain. Rushing we dash o'er the plain, Watching the clouds darkly lowering, Certain precursors of rain, Fields about here need a showering. From En Route, A Pantoum : Brander Matthews. Beautiful, distracting Hetty, This was how it came to be As we strolled upon the jetty. I had danced three times with Netty, She had flirted with Dobree, Beautiful, distracting Hetty. I was humming Donizetti, Hurt was I and angry she, As we strolled upon the jetty. As she levelled her Negretti With provoking nicety, Beautiful, distracting Hetty, 232 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Suddenly she flashed a pretty, Half-defiant glance at me, As we strolled upon the jetty. And our quarrel seemed so petty By the grandeur of the sea : Beautiful, distracting Hetty, As we strolled upon the jetty. Villanelle : Cosmo Monkhouse. Considered in itself, continuity, as used in any of the arts of sound, is the same as that which in oratory is termed drift. This is a result produced partly by the consecutive character of the thought, and partly by the gliding regularity of an even, unhesitating flow of words in a rhythm constantly exciting and satisfying expecta- tion, and suggesting no possible interruption of the process. For examples of this kind of poetic continuity, as well as for the distinction that needs to be made between it and progress, see page 276. In music the gradual as well as the sudden interruption of movements by contrasting strains, testifies that inter- spersion is a legitimate effect. Of the comic opera, in fact, it is one of the chief effects. Nor can any one who has ever listened for the methods underlying the changes in the melody and harmony of a symphony, or of any com- position of a high order, fail to recognize in it the almost constant presence of complication. As a historic fact, the whole system of harmony now in vogue in Europe sprang from an effort to sing at one and the same time several different melodies, as in the following " Round " or " Can- non." As most of us know, this is so composed that when one voice, which has sung through the first line, begins the second line, a second voice begins the first ; and when the first voice begins the third line, a third begins the first ; INTERSPERSION, COMPLICATION, CONTINUITY. 233 and all three voices continue for some time repeating the three lines in succession. 1 Whith-er shall I fol - low, fol - low, fol - low, E^ To the green-wood, to the greenwood, -J 1 ,- m=i fcl - - low, fol - low, fol - low me. whither shall I fol - low, fol - low thee? to.... the... green-wood, green- wood tree. The Music Teacher : C. Everest. A glance at this will reveal that the melodies move above, below, and about each other with effects corresponding exactly to those of lines twisting and intersecting in com- 234 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. plication. At the same time, as the laws of harmony are understood to-day, unless, in the greater number of the parts of a compo- sition, some theme is developed with such a consistent and con- secutive flow of notes and chords that they fulfil the requirements of what has here been termed continuity, the product is not an artistic success. Like an oration devoid of drift, it fails to en- chain the attention. All these methods have a place in the arts appealing to the eye. Reference has been made already to effects of interspersion, popularly called the picturesque, produced in painting by a scat- tering of hills and vales, trees and plains, rocks and flowers, land and water, light and shade, and colors of a 1 1 possible hues. Corot's " Landscape with Water," Fig. 73, page 223, illustrates this effect as applied to the use of outlines. FIQ. 77.- INTERIOR OF ST. LOO CATHEDRAL, FRANCE. See page 240. INTERSPERSION, COMPLICATION, CONTINUITY. 235 As applied to that of color, it cannot well be illustrated, of course, in pages where there is no color; but it can be represented suffi- ciently to imagination by recalling the fa- miliar effect termed checkered, whether produced by different dyes in fabrics, or by sunshine and shadow in external nature. Both interspersion and complication, but mainly the latter, are apparent in the out- lines of arms and limbs in the " Descent from the Cross," Fig. 16, page 73, and in the " Laocoon," Fig. 75, page 226. As mani- fested in a building as a whole, inter- spersion was suffici- ently exemplified in Fig. 72, page 221, already noticed. But in architecture, and FIQ. 78. INTERIOR OF BEVERLEY MINSTER, in sculpture as a ENGLAND. means of ornament- See pages 238, 241, 264. THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. ing architecture, a special form of it, usually connected with complication, too, and to the phase of this to which we apply the term most distinctively and technically, may FIQ. 79.-INTERIOR OF EXETER CATHEDRAL, ENGLAND. See pages 238, 241, 264. be noticed in the " Window of the Alhambra," Fig. 74, page 225. Complication, as thus illustrated, is a method as old as the time when Daedalus planned his labyrinth, FIQ. 80. CHURCH OF ST. HILAIRE, ROUEN, FRANCE. See pages 124, 241, 251. 238 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Solomon his mysterious seal, and the Moors and builders of Christian cathedrals their interlaced ornaments, mosaics, and intersections of ribs and arches. See Figs. 69, page 208, 79, page 236, and 96, page 290. The idea to be held in mind in connection with con- tinuity is that it is an element of unity. So if in a fore- ground, for instance, there be a row or group of trees stretching backward interrupted by a plain, it is well if, farther back, the same line of direction be carried on, if FIG. 81. FRONT ELEVATION. See pages 124, 241, 251. FIG. 82. SIDE ELEVATION. See page 241. not by trees, then, say, by a river, and still farther in the extreme distance, by the side of a hill or by a path upon this hill. See the way in which such lines are continued across the entire canvas in Turner's " Decline of Carthage," Fig. 5i, page 175, and in Corot's "Canal," Fig. 47, page 157. Similar arrangements can characterize figures as represented in either painting or sculpture. Notice this in the directions taken by the different limbs of the figures in the " Laocoon," Fig. 75, page 226. Also in the lines INTERSPERSION, COMPLICATION, CONTINUITY. 239 entering into both human figures and their surroundings in Figs. 26, page 81, and 55, page 181. In this way, also, as will be observed by glancing again at these illustra- tions, continuity con- tributes to the effects of central-point and parallelism considered in Chapters X. and XL, all the methods of art, as has been said be- fore, being necessarily connected. But to turn to archi- tecture. Every one must have observed that, as a rule, we de- rive more satisfaction from a building in which the window- caps in the same story and the window-sides in all the stories, form together one, often in- terrupted, but yet con- tinuous line. And so too with the lines in groined ceilings. Ob- serve how inartistic FIG. 83. TOWER OF BORIS, KREMLIN, MOSCOW. See page 241. 240 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. is the effect of the ceiling of the south aisle of " Win- chester Cathedral," Fig. 76, page 227. This is so because the arches, having been constructed at different times and FIG. 84. DOME OF CHIAVAVALLE, IN ITALY. See page 241. in different styles, meet in different ways and at different places, with the result of suggesting an entire lack of continuity. The ceiling of " St. Loo Cathedral," Fig. 77, INTERSPERSION, COMPLICATION, CONTINUITY. 24! page 234, is better, in that, while it lacks continuity, it does not render it an impossibility. But notice how much more satisfactory is the ceiling of " Beverley Minster," Fig. 78, page 235, in which, carrying the eye backward to the altar, continuity is distinctly suggested ; and also that in " Exeter Cathedral," Fig. 79, page 236, in which the central line of the ceiling is itself continuous. A similar truth may be observed in the lines forming the general contours of gables, roofs, and towers. Observe how many lines connected with how many different architectural features lines horizontal, perpendicular, diagonal give continuity to the front of the church in Rouen, Fig. 80, page 237. So too with the diagonal side-lines on the roof and the towers in the " Elevations," the work of G. H. Edbrooke, Figs. 81 and 82, page 238. Notice also the continuity of the lines forming the general contour of the sides of Fig. 69, page 208, and Fig. 83, page 239, and compare with the effects of these, the lack of continuity, and consequently of grace and beauty, in the lines form- ing the general contour of the sides of the " Dome of Chiavavalle, Italy," Fig. 84, page 240. If it be asked why, in such cases, we prefer to see one line, or series of lines, point to another or others, and thus continue the first's effects, the answer is because such arrangements, with their suggestions of order and unity, convey an impression of design, and design is the chief element of art, and, in a presumably artistic product, that which conveys this im- pression is necessarily the most aesthetically satisfactory. It is not strange then, that, in whatever art either inter- spersion or complication exists, it seems to be an established principle that neither should be used, as a rule, except in connection with something sufficiently suggestive of continuity to convey the impression that like has been 16 242 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. put with like. A consciousness of this fact undoubtedly influenced Raphael and Kaulbach, the former in the " School of Athens," Fig. 10, p. 41, and the latter in the " Reformation," to frame the otherwise confused groups of figures within the strongly symmetrical architectural outlines in the one case of a porch, and in the other of a church. Thus these artists by suggesting continuity, through arrangements of walls and pillars and ceilings, counteracted confusion and produced effects of unity and order. The same is also done through the influence of the general outlines indicated by the windows and entrances, but- tresses and towers and arches and groinings used in con- nection with the complicated forms not only of Gothic, as has been mainly indicated here, but of all architecture. CHAPTER XV. CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. The Musical Meaning of the Term Shows it Allied to the Congruous Also to the Repetitious How the same Meaning Attaches to the Word as Used in other Arts Three Ways in which Features Seemingly alike may Differ : in Size In Combination In Material Consonance and the Law of Help Dissonance Why Involved in Passing from one Key to Another Why it has Artistic Value Interchange Why Necessary to Harmony in Music In Color and Outline Poetic Con- sonance Dissonance Harmonizing of the two Musical Consonance Dissonance Consonance in Color in Connection with Difference in Texture Value Tone Consonance not Harmony Nor is Disso- nance Contrast The Same Methods in Outline In Painting and Archi- tecture Neglect of them in Architecture Illustrations Results Importance of Harmony thus Produced Which is not Inconsistent with some Dissonance. TT was said in Chapter VIII. that consonant effects seem alike not merely because, as in congruity, they are associated in thought, nor merely because, as in repetition, they are alike in actual form. They seem alike, in part, because of one of these reasons, and, in part, because of the other. In music, from which the term consonance is taken, those tones are said to manifest this, which, when produced by unaided nature or by man experimenting with the results of nature, appear to be what we term in harmony. One reason, therefore, why men use the tones together in art is because they go together in nature, and so are recognized to be congruous. 243 244 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. But this is not the only reason. When we study the question more closely and ask why they are harmonious, we find the answer to be because, in a sense, they are also repetitious. This is not the place in which to detail the various experiments through which this fact has been ascertained. Among other methods, through the use of resonators, so constructed as to enable one to detect the presence in a tone of any particular pitch, it has been fully proved that notes which are consonant are such as contain the same elements of pitch, or what is the same thing are notes in which sounds of the same pitch are repeated. For instance, when a string like that of a bass viol is struck, its note, if musical, is not single or simple : it is compounded. Suppose that it pro- duce the tone of the bass C representing a sound- wave caused by the whole length of the string. This C is the main, or, as it is termed, the prime tone that we hear. But, at the same time, this same string usually divides at the middle, producing what is called a partial tone of the C above the bass, representing a sound- wave caused by one half the string's length. It often produces, too, partial tones of the G above this, of the C above this, and of the E above the last C representing sound-waves,caused, respectively, by one third, one fourth, and one fifth of the string's length. All the possible partial tones are not, in every instrument, invariably compounded with every prime tone, but whatever partial tones are present, the musical law is that the pitch of these, as a rule, is the same as the pitch of notes that are consonant with their prime tone. In other words, these notes, as in the cases of the C, C, G, C, and E in the music below, are consonant with each other, because they repeat in part sounds that already enter into each other's composition. CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. 245 If now, bearing in mind that it is with the relations of form that art always has to deal, we apply the principle involved in consonance to other arts than those of sound, we shall have little difficulty in detecting what is meant by it. It is an effect of likeness, in part, of that which forms suggest to thought, and, in part, of that which they appear to be ; or, as we might say, of likeness in the one because of likeness in the other. The latter, the likeness in appearance, however, is never complete. If it were, we should call it, not consonance, but repetition. Three principal ways will reveal themselves, when we think of it, in which features that appear to be alike may nevertheless differ : namely, in size, in combination and in material. The lower do of a soprano voice may be said to differ in size from the consonant lower do of a tenor, an octave below it, in the same key. One unacquainted with music might not suppose that the two differed at all ; yet the sound-waves causing the one are proportionally smaller, and move twice as rapidly as those causing the other. In the same way, various tints or shades, if alike in hue, may be consonant, though, as influenced by sunshine or shadow, they may differ greatly in the degree or amount which, in this case, corresponds to size of the coloring which they manifest. So, too, the arches of a gable or doorway and of a window may be consonant because the same in form, though in size they may differ greatly. Again, the do of a scale (C in the music above) may be said to differ in combination from the consonant mi or sol (E or G in the music above) of the same scale, that which 246 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. is a partial tone in the one, being a prime tone in the other. Precisely similar conditions characterize the consonance of effects produced by color, where in two or more places exactly the same hues are used, but in different propor- tions and quantities. The same conditions are equally manifested in the accumulations of narrow and wide and long and round windows, all, nevertheless, partly repetitious, that we find in a single consistent style of architecture. Once more, the consonant notes may be sounded on various instruments flutes, violins, or trumpets, as the case may be and here there may be said to be a differ- ence in material. As manifested in color, this evidently leads to that method of painting all objects in a picture or a part of it, no matter of what material they may be supposed to be composed rocks, lakes, skies, or human clothing or flesh in the same general hue, producing the effect of tone as it is called, illustrations of which will be mentioned on pages 255 and 256. As manifested in outlines, consonance, in connection with difference in material, operates in the same way as that which Ruskin in the fifth book of his " Modern Paint- ers " terms " The Law of Help." This he illustrates by referring to Turner's picture called " The Loire Side." " The flatness of the stone," he says, " prepares the eye to understand the flatness of the river. Further, hide with your finger the little ring on that stone, and you will find the river has stopped flowing. That ring is to repeat the curved lines of the river-bank which express its line of current, and to bring the feeling of them down to us. On the other side of the road, the horizontal lines are taken up again by the dark pieces of wood." Such effects as these may evidently be included under the term conso- CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. 247 nance. What does this word mean but sounding together ? telling the same story ? conveying the same impression ? The artistic feature in this picture causing objects as dif- ferent essentially as stone, water, roads, and woods to help each other by way of suggestion, is the fact that while not alike in material they are, nevertheless, made to have like effects both upon thought and in the form. Enough has been said to enable the reader to under- stand in a general way what is meant by consonance, and in what sense it can characterize products in all the arts. In order to indicate the connections between- it and dis- sonance and interchange, let us go back for a moment to the use of the term in music. It has been said that cer- tain notes are consonant because they are compounded of the same tones. Therefore, we strike a low C and a high C, G, and E, and call all, when sounded together, a chord. But notes and chords, too, may be consonant with others that also precede and follow them. A chord composed of C, G, and E may thus be consonant with one composed of G, D, and B, because G after the octave C, is the nearest partial of C*; and it may be consonant, too, with one composed of F, C, and A, because after the octave F, C is the nearest partial of F. The two latter chords, therefore, are the ones most nearly related to the chord of C. But, besides this, notice that all these chords together contain all the notes of that musical scale which begins, or has its key-note in C natural, namely, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C. Another fact, too, it is important to 248 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. notice here. This is, that there are some musical instru- ments in which when a C is sounded, not only another C or G or E is heard, but also above them other partial tones. The tones of this character which, in different instruments, have been detected as entering into the composition of C, F, and G, are as follows, those nearest the bass being heard, of course, much the more prominently and com- monly : .// a" b" C Partial Tones of C. A slight examination of these possible partial tones will furnish us with another reason why all the notes of a single scale and the chords that harmonize them are consonant. These notes all enter into the composition of the major chords most nearly related to the chord of their key-note, and they also enter, either directly or in- directly, into the composition of their key-note itself. This being so, it is evident that if we pass from the scale of one key-note, or, as is said, from one key to another ; for instance, from that of C natural to that of D flat, which is the half-note next above C natural (notice music on page 275), all these conditions are changed. Not one of the chords of the key of C natural is consonant with D flat itself, and, accordingly, it is evident that before we can proceed far in the new key all the relations of note to note and chord to chord must be changed. This change cannot take place without the ears detecting that the strain which follows is not consonant with that which CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. precedes ; in other words, without their detecting the presence of dissonance. See the music on page 275. Dissonance, however, is not a wholly disagreeable feature. In fact, as everyone acquainted with music knows, there is a distinct pleasure attaching to the occa- sional use of it, as, for instance, in the chord of the sev- enth, an illustration of which may be noticed in the chord next to the last in the music on page 247. One reason for the pleasure is that consonance has a tendency to become monotonous. Dissonance counteracts it by in- troducing into the composition an element of variety. Another reason, closely connected with this, is that by means of dissonance chords pass, as has been said, from one key to another, thus rendering progress possible, which of itself enhances the listener's interest. The same principle is true as applied to outline and color. The variety imparted by dissonance, as long as it is kept subordinate, so as not to interfere with the general effect of unity, always has artistic value. In the external world, the blending of some dissonant characteristics with a decided preponderance of conso- nance, constitutes what is termed the harmony of nature. The same is true of that of art. Tones, colors, and outlines that are consonant do not need to be harmonized. They harmonize naturally. The laws of harmony have to do mainly, therefore, with the methods of bringing together factors that are not consonant. The way in which this is done involves gradation, abruptness, and transition, all to be considered in the next chapter. At present we have to deal with cases in which the effects of dissonance are not removed, but are allowed to be present, and yet are overcome, as by counteraction where there is existing confusion. That which overcomes dissonance is an application in music of a 250 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. method identical with what in the arts of sight is termed interchange. The application is a very natural one to be made. It is merely a modification of a common. musical principle, in accordance with which, in passing from one chord to another, one of the notes in both chords is made to be the same. Notice how this method is exemplified in all but one chord of the following, copied from Theo- dore Baker's translation of Ludwig Bussler's " Elemen- tary Harmony." Compare with these the chords also used in succession on page 247. In consequence of this ^_ ^ _. l- c I arrangement, made in exact conformity to the principles unfolded in this book, like is put with like in, at least, one regard, and the ear, recognizing this fact, feels that, not- withstanding their differences, and sometimes, as in the following, a passage to an entirely new key, the chords rightly go with each other. Key of CtoG. C to F. 4 Now it is often the case that, by a special application of this principle, the musician, without using all the chords necessary to connect keys according to the methods of complete harmonic gradation or transition, can establish a connection sufficient for the purpose by interchange. To do this, he introduces into a chord of the key in which the music is moving a note that belongs only to a chord in another key. In this way he prepares the ear CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. 2$ I for this other key. Notice the E natural introduced thus into the second chord of the following : In a corresponding way, of course, a note that really belongs only to a chord in a first key may be used in a chord belonging only to a second, which is thus connected with the one that precedes it. This effect, which is very common in music, is exactly paralleled by interchange of color and outline in the arts that are seen. Thus in Titian's " Bacchus and Ariadne," a red scarf is given to Ariadne whose form stands out against the blue of the sky, while blue drapery clothes a nymph depicted amid red-brown colors underneath ; and the painter has been much praised for this method of pro- ducing harmony. A similar effect is sometimes seen in buildings, in which, notwithstanding variety in the pitch of the window-caps of different stones, the feeling of unity is preserved by an occasional suggestion, in the subordinate features of the lower stories, of a sharper pitch in the upper, or vice versa. See Figs. 72, 80, 81, pp. 221, 237, 238. Now for illustrations of these methods in the products of the different arts. In poetry it is difficult for some to separate elements of form from those of thought. But, as will be shown in another volume, there is a scientific appropriateness in applying the terms just used to verse. Here it will be sufficient to indicate their superficial appropriateness. The following lines are harmonious in a high degree, and this on account of the consonance produced by the likeness between associated sounds, not only in rhythms and rhymes but in the alliteration or 252 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. assonance of consecutive consonants or vowels. It is hardly necessary to point out that in the alliterative repetition of the 1 in the first three accented words, as well as in other analogous cases, we have what exactly corresponds to interchange, as exemplified above in the use of the same notes in consecutive musical chords. Blessed of all men living that he found Her weak limbs bared and bound, And in his arms and in his bosom bore, And as a garment wore Her weight of want and as a royal dress Put on her weariness, As in faith's hoariest histories men read The strong man bore at need, Thro' roaring rapids, when all heaven was wild, The likeness of a child. A Song of Italy : Swinburne. The following, as befits the thought expressed, is highly inharmonious, containing too little of rhythm, alliteration, or assonance to produce, so far as concerns the form, any effect of unity. All is dissonance. May you a better feat never behold You knot of mouth-friends ! Smoke and lukewarm water Is your perfection. This is Timon's, Who struck and spangled you in your faces Your reeking villainy. Live loathed and long, Most smiling, smooth, detested parasites. Courteous destroyers, affable wolves, meek bears. You fools of fortune, trencher-friends, time's flies, Cap-and-knee slaves, vapors and minute-jacks ! Of man and heart the infinite malady Crust you quite o'er. Timon of Athens, ii., 6 : Shakespeare. CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. 2$$ In the following we have some decided dissonance, as in the second, sixth, fourteenth, and sixteenth lines, but, on the whole, everything is welded together so as to pro- duce a general effect of harmony. Thither winged with speed A numerous brigade hastened ; as when bands Of pioneers, with spade and pickaxe armed Forerun the royal camp to trench a field Or cast a rampart. Mammon led them on, Mammon, the least erected spirit that fell From heaven ; for e'en in heaven his looks and thoughts Were always downward bent, admiring more The riches of heaven's pavement, trodden gold, Than aught divine or holy else enjoyed In vision beatific. By him first Men also and by his suggestion taught Ransacked the centre, and with impious hands Rifled the bowels of their mother earth For treasures better hid. Soon had his crew Opened into the hill a spacious wound And digged out ribs of goldo Paradise Lost, i. : Milton. Consonance in music is most nearly perfect in the de- gree in which all the notes that are sounded together in a chord are most nearly what are termed perfect harmon- ics, and also in the degree in which the successive notes of melodies and chords are all based upon the harmony of one key, or, if of many keys, in which all follow each other according to the simplest principles of harmonic progress. For examples of this, see the music on page 250. But there is no art in which subordinated dissonance plays a more important part. Not to speak of that which is necessarily involved in ever^t3j^jTge*to a new key, 254 TffE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. mentioned a moment ago, even the chords of the domi- nant, subdominant, and tonic, which are used in complet- ing the simplest harmony, are suggestive of dissonance. Especially is this the case with the dominant, which often includes the only remotely harmonic seventh note. Sub-dominant. Dominant. Tonic. And when we pass to a composition at all intricate, there is apparently no end to the number or variety of these subordinate dissonances. They are not an injury to music, but of the greatest benefit. By adding to the perfectly harmonic notes of a chord an occasional partly inharmonic note, as in the chord of the seventh or ninth, the musician is enabled, through using one or a series of such chords, to connect any possible combinations of notes however different. Notice the illustrations of the methods of making transitions from one key to another that are given on pages 250 and 275* In this place, however, we cannot discuss fully any of these methods, but merely, in a general way, indicate what they are, and their general importance. We pass on to consonance in colors and outlines. Like that in sound, it differs from repetition, although it partly involves it. As was said on page 245, the difference is mainly in amount or size, in combination, and in material. Difference in amount, so far as it applies to color, involves no principle not sufficiently treated in connection with balance, sym- metry, and interchange. Differences in combination and material, however, need more mention. As all recognize, there may be, without any real repetition, a consonance of CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. 2$$ color between a plaided woollen shawl of two hues, a brocaded silk of two shades, and a satin of one shade. Take the painting in the New York Metropolitan Museum, by Carl Marr, entitled " Gossip." Almost every promi- nent object in this the window-curtain, the table-cloth, the apron of one of the principal figures, the bodice of another, the floor, etc. is depicted in white. On the con- trary, in Fortuny's " Spanish Lady," hanging near it, almost every article of clothing is depicted in black. In each picture, however, the prevailing tone is applied to each different object, with a slightly different admixture. Otherwise there would be no way furnished of distinguish- ing one thing from another. As it is, each is represented as having a texture peculiar to itself, a condition con- sistent with consonance, but not with exact repetition. Again, we often see instances of a combination of an illuminating color and of a color natural to the objects illumined. Sunlight, moonlight, twilight, candlelight, all produce different atmospheric effects both of light and of shade, and, according to the nearness and remoteness of our viewpoint, these work changes in the foliage of the same tree or the folds of the same fabric. Such changes as these, too, and in all that is termed the value of colors, are not consistent with exact repetition, but they are with consonance. Once more, the same kind of light, as, for instance, in a sunset or a storm, often produces a similar color, as of a pervading gold or gray, in objects as different in material and even in hue as rocks, water, trees, and clouds. Notice in the New York Metropolitan Museum, the "Ville d'Avray " by Corot, " Le Soir " by C. H. Davis, " The Bashful Suitor " by Joseph Israels, " Spring " by Bolton Jones, " Woodland and Cattle " by Auguste Bonheur, and " Un Quatuor" by W. T. Dannat. 256 THE GENESIS Of ART-FORM. In other cases, the same effect, which is termed tone, can be produced independently of the illumi- nating light, merely by placing in juxtaposition objects of different materials that nevertheless have, or may be supposed to have, similar hues. In the painting in the New York Metropolitan Museum, entitled " Monks in an Oratory," by F. M. Garnet, the color of the monk's robes is the same as that of all the woodwork of the chapel. It is hardly necessary to point out that such effects, while resembling repetition, are due not to it so much as to that development of it, inspired by a desire to have objects that are associated in thought associated also in appearance, which we find in consonance. Some confound consonance with harmony. Of course, everything consonant is harmonious, but the latter includes much more than the former. It includes dissonance, which has been joined with consonance and subordinated to it so as to form with it a unity. Dissonance in color corresponds to noise in music, and for this reason must be clearly dis- tinguished from what is termed contrast* in color. This is produced by the complementary colors, and in dissonance the colors are not complementary. They have no con- nection whatever. It is owing to this that, when placed side by side, they can be made to seem parts of the same general whole only by the methods of interchange as illus- trated on page 251, or of gradation and transition which weld them into a closer unity. These latter will be con- sidered in the next chapter. It will be understood that 1 As stated on page 28, contrast or antithesis is an effect produced when two objects differ diametrically in, at least, one particular, and yet agree in others. Where there is dissonance, there is not, necessarily, any agreement whatever. The similar tones entering into the major chords of C natural and F natural produce contrast ; the dissimilar ones entering into those of C natural and C sharp produce dissonance. CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. 257 all the methods of which we are now speaking enter into the constitution of harmony, but harmony itself involves a great deal more, of which it is aside from the purpose of the present volume to speak. Let us pass on to some exemplifications of these methods in outline. Two arms in the human figure may be alike by way of repetition ; but an arm and a leg differ- ing in size, a bare arm and a clothed one differing in com- bination, or a limb just suggested as underneath drapery and the drapery itself differing in material all these, though often involving some parallelism and repetition are often alike also by way of consonance. (See " Group of the Niobe," Fig. 45, page 146, " The Dancer," Fig. 56, page 183, " The Soldier's Return," Fig. 52, page 176, and " The German Captive," Fig. 53, page 177.) In the tapestry of Raphael's " Ascension," the posi- tions of the disciples kneeling on either side of the Christ, the very bend of their knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, while sufficiently varied to prevent monotony, are nevertheless so much alike that we at once recognize them as consonant. Examples of this sufficient for our purpose may be observed in Figs. 16, page 73 ; 26, page 8 1 ; 46, page 147; 70, page 215; and 94, page 288. In the same way, many, perhaps the most, of the different features connected with a building said to be erected in some one style are alike. The use of color enters largely into effects in painting, and much imitation of natural forms characterizes both painting and sculpture. Neither fact is true of architecture. Its effects are often confined to those of forms alone. This makes them of supreme im- portance. Its forms, moreover, are originated by the artist. This makes it easy to have them such as inter- fere with what may be called the natural requirements 2 5 8 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. of art. For both reasons, the architect needs to be ex- ceedingly careful in his work. A painter has but to copy a tree as he sees it in nature, and every part of it will be consonant. The leaves or branches will differ in size and shape and, in the autumn, at least, differ suffi- ciently in color to suggest differences in combination and material. But, comparing leaf with leaf and branch with branch, the same principle of formation will so manifest FIG. 85. CHATEAU DE RANDAU, VICHY, FRANCE. See pages 124, 180, 262. itself in every part of the tree that no one who sees it can doubt that each belongs to the same organism. A build- ing should appear to be as much a unity in this sense as a tree. Exact repetition of the same forms, as already explained, would always make it seem thus. But, in architecture, exact repetition is not always possible ; nor even, if we wish to produce thoroughly natural effects, CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. 259 desirable. The method that is both possible and desir- able is consonance. A moment's reflection will reveal, too, that there are certain very simple devices of arrange- ment which necessarily secure this effect. It ought to reveal, also, that the effect is important enough to make even a child notice the defects in cases in which it is neglected. FIQ. 86. CHAPEL IN CATACOMBS OF ST. AQNES, ROME. See page 262. Notwithstanding this, how many architects fail to recog- nize the fact, architects too of the highest reputation ? To such an extent is this the case, that one is tempted by it toward the easy task of a destructive critic in general, and to the easier task of destroying their repu- tations in particular. But a man who becomes a destructive 260 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. critic, except when intellectual slaughter is justified in order to prevent the slaughter of the truth which he represents, is one who has turned from the discussion of princi- ples and is willing to imperil the accept- ance of them for the empty, often merely malicious satisfaction of doing personal harm to those whom he should wish to help. In the long run, to live and to let live is the wisest way of serving the truth, whether of mind or heart. Ac- cordingly, most of these illustrations are taken from foreign and remote sources. But each represents some effect that is staring every Ameri- can in the face, almost every day. Of those connected FIQ. 87. INTERIOR OF ST. BOTOLPH, BOSTON, ENQ. with CXteHorS, notice See page 262. the discords mani- fested in the radically different shapes given to the windows and openings and gables in the Church of St. CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. 261 Nigier, Lyons, Fig. 67, page 205, in the Palace of Justice of the same place, Fig. 29, page 85, and in the " Plan for a Theatre and Ton-Halle," Fig. 60, page 191. Compare with these, the consonance of corresponding forms in really great buildings like the Greek Temples, Fig. I, page 15, the Taj Mahal, Fig. 3, page 19, the Cathedrals FIG. 88. INTERIOR OF ST. MARTYN'S CHURCH, CANTERBURY, ENG. See page 262. of Salisbury, Fig. 68, page 207, St. Mark, Fig. 31, page 88, Canterbury, Fig. 32, page 89, St. Sophia, Fig. 42, page 123, and Sienna, Fig. 97, page 292. Notice, too, a violation of consonance closely allied, because the forms are composed of lines, to that of parallelism, in the differences in pitch given to the different parts of the 262 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. roof in the " Plan for a Theatre and Ton-Halle," Fig. 60, page 191, and also in the " Chateau de Randau, Vichy," Fig. 85, page 258. Compare these with the consonant effects in u St. Mark's, Venice," Fig. 31, page 88, and the " Mosque of St. Sophia," Fig. 42, page 123. Look now at some equally discordant interior effects, which also are connected with a violation of parallelism. Observe first the discord and con- fusion of lines in the end view of a " Chapel in the Catacombs," Fig. 86, page 259. Observe, too, the dis- cord between the ceiling of the church and of the chancel, and also between the chancel ceiling and its window in " St. Botolph, Boston, England," Fig. 87, page 260. The same feat- ures are discordant in the old church of " St. Mar- tyn's, Canterbury," Fig. 88, page 261. So are the front arch of the tower and that of the chancel just beyond it in the " Litchfield Ca- thedral," Fig. 89. How thoroughly at home an American ought to feel in these churches? Do they not furnish specimens of what we find exemplified almost everywhere in our coun- try? Yet harmony of effect that results from consonance, to which dissonance is kept subordinate, is almost as FIQ. 89. INTERIOR OF LITCHFIELD CATHEDRAL, ENQ. [3 . 1 8 < ^ 264 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. important in architecture as in music. Only in the sense in which Chinese music, mainly struck from gongs and drums, is worthy of being classed as a product of the latter art, are structures in which ^confusion is made so prominent, worthy of being classed as products of the former. Compare these effects now with the consonant ones in Fig. 12, page 49, and Figs. 78 and 79, pages 235 and 236. It is difficult to conceive how a man who has never studied the subject at all can fail to detect the blunders in some of the discords above. Certainly few children playing with building blocks would make mistakes analo- gous to them. The outlines of the toy houses that they construct are usually consonant at least. Why is this not the case with those planned by architects? For the same reason, probably, that many in other arts musicians, elocutionists, painters owing to false methods of study- ing or of applying rules, seem to be unable to sing, speak, or color in a natural way. Certain methods of studying or applying the laws of architecture seem to have a cor- responding effect. Those who should be conversant with them neglect to exemplify requirements that are the most instinctive of which we know. It must be borne in mind, however, that one reason, the chief one perhaps, why architectural discords such as have been illustrated displease, is because it is felt that they are meant to be, or at least should be meant to be, concords. If dissonant forms are not so many and prom- inent as to make them seem other than subordinate, they may add greatly, as has been said before, to the attrac- tiveness of that in which they appear. Thus, as we all recognize, a few round or arched windows introduced into walls, gables, or towers characterized by horizontal CONSONANCE, DISSONANCE, AND INTERCHANGE. 26$ lines afford relief to what might otherwise appear monoto- nous, a fact well illustrated by the alternation of straight and round forms in the Doric frieze (see page 201). It may be well, too, in order to prevent misapprehension, to add that there is a sense, which cannot, however, be explained here, in which curves, angles, and squares, though differing in shape, may be perfectly harmonious, inasmuch as they may be in proportion to each other. In the fagade of the Farnese Palace (Fig. 90, page 263), also in that of St. Peter's, Rome, we have (Fig. 23, page 78) illustrations of this, as well as of a way in which disso- nance can be used, so as not to lessen, but very materially to heighten, the general effect of consonance. Many of the window-caps in these facades are alternately circular and angular ; yet as the height and width of all the caps are the same, all of them, though not repetitious, are nevertheless sufficiently alike to be in every regard har- monious. This is so because in them, whatever conso- nance and dissonance they contain, blend. They fit into the same general form in such a way that there is no sug- gestion of anything but unity. CHAPTER XVI. GRADATION, ABRUPTNESS, TRANSITION, AND PROGRESS IN POETRY AND MUSIC. Gradation and its Relation to Principality, Central-Point, and Massing Abruptness, Transition, and Progress Connection between these Methods and those already Considered Gradation in the Sounds and Colors of Nature In its Outlines Abruptness in Nature And Tran- sition Difference between this and Progress Gradation in the Thought and Form of Poetry Abruptness Transition Gradation in Music Abruptness Transition Continuity in Poetry without Progress With Progress Continuity and Progress in Music. A REFERENCE to the list of methods on page 131 will show us that the next ones claiming our atten- tion are gradation, abruptness, transition, and progress. By the first of these is meant an arrangement causing one form to differ from a second according to the same method, and sometimes degree, in which this second differs from a third, between which and the first the second is situated. In consonance, as we have found, forms are never exactly alike ; and if, in order to secure the effect of unity, we try to arrange them so as to seem alike, we are neces- sarily led into gradation, a method sustaining, for this reason, the same relation to consonance as principality to comparison, central-point to congruity, and massing to repe- tition. Each of the latter of these pairs has its origin in an attempt to bring together into one organic form many factors characterized, respectively, by each of the former. 266 GRADATION IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 26? As will also be observed, gradation is necessary to the completeness of the arrangements begun in principality, central-point, and massing. The first two of these could exist without gradation, but in the degree in which a form is a distinct unity, subordinate features and radiating lights and lines diminish gradually in prominence and intensity as they move outward from the principal feature, or the centre. The same is true of massing. Things that are brought together by way of repetition are more alike and less alike ; and the way in which they are graded, accord- ing to the degrees in which they manifest differences, measures the unity of the general results. In other words, without gradation, the principal, central, and massed factors might seem to belong to one product, and everything else to another product. As is the case with all the methods to which it corre- sponds, gradation in art does not exist without its antithe- sis, which may be termed abruptness. By this is meant a sudden, unforetokened change from one theme, key, shape, shade or color to another. Of course, a composi- tion in which there are many of these changes can have but little unity. Yet, even in connection with them, through the method of gradation, a nexus can often be formed between what precedes and what follows, of such a nature that, in spite of the abruptness, everyone can perceive a connection of the one part with the other. This nexus is called a transition. Finally, consonance, dis- sonance, interchange, gradation, abruptness, and transition, all together and in different ways, when, on the whole, there is a continued forward movement, result in artistic progress. Corresponding to what has been said of gradation, it may be as well to add, but without explanations where none are needed that as methods of arrangement, abrupt- 268 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. ness is related to the general conception of dissonance just as is subordination to contrast, setting to incongruity, and interspersion to alteration ; and that transition is related to interchange as balance to complement, parallelism to comprehensiveness, and complication to alternation. Prog- ress, again, which may be said to influence primarily the outlining of movements in time, is related to continuity very much as symmetry, which has a corresponding effect upon outlining in space, is related to that which has been termed organic form. Like the characteristics hitherto considered, all these to be treated now are exemplified in nature. In listening to a bird singing, to a wind whistling, or to a surf break- ing, we usually notice a gradual increase and decrease in the blended sounds. It is the same when observing color. Any ordinary lawn reveals an almost infinite number of shades of green, and the most of these coalesce, but show scarcely a trace of when and where they do it. A clear sky at dawn or sunset exhibits between the horizon and the zenith every color of the spectrum from red to purple, yet no boundary line between any two colors. Among the maple trees in spring, when just beginning to show their leaves, one can clearly see hues as different as red, yellow, and green, yet it is wellnigh impossible to find in any given cluster just where one color stops and another starts. It is the same with a majority of the hues of nature, whether seen in the flowers beneath us or in the clouds above us. In fact, it is one of the most common laws of sight, that when different colors or different shades of the same color come together, the line of demarkation between them is indistinct. The same fact of gradation is observable also in out- lines. The very laws of perspective often necessitate this. GRADATION IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 269 As we look at the successive arches of a bridge, or of an aqueduct, we see them gradually becoming smaller and smaller. If we look at a row of trees that is sufficiently long, we see it pass gradually into a narrow stretch of green. Two parallel outlines, if we continue to trace them when carried up toward the zenith, or toward the horizon, appear gradually to converge. Sometimes, if they ascend a hill, though themselves perfectly straight, they seem gradually to pass into curves. A similar fact is still more evident in the outlines of forms not so influenced by the laws of perspective. Think of the innu- merable curves and angles and straight lines that make up the contour of every mountain, tree, bush, fruit, flower, bird, beast, and man ; yet often, not even with a micro- scope, can one tell just where one form of line ceases and another begins. Abruptness also is a characteristic of nature. We are familiar with it as illustrated in the sudden cry of fright, call of command, crash of thunder, or flash of lightning ; in the blue or gray of the sky against the green of the trees or the brown of the cliffs ; in the dark of shadows when they fall against an object made bright by the sun- shine ; and in the angles that connect the limbs and bodies of every plant and animal. At the same time, there are more instances in nature of transition than of abruptness. In the notes of the same bird, the conversation of the same man, the colors of the same flower, the outlines of the same hill, abruptness here and there usually introduces merely more sudden steps in transitions, which, on the whole, are in harmony with the requirements of gradation. As a rule, even the green of the sea turns chalky in the shallows, and is churned to foam before it breaks upon the white cliffs, and the blue 270 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. of the zenith clouds into gray before it reaches the gray hills on the horizon. The arrangement of the methods on page 1 3 1 shows that progress is related to consonance and the methods asso- cited with it just as continuity is to repetition. Consonance, as we have found, is repetition with an increment. Just so, progress is continuity with an increment. The former necessitates change ; the latter does not. At the same time, there can be no progress without some continuity. A song or speech that did not appear to be the development of some continuous melody or story, might have move- ment, but it could have no progress. So with an object of sight. When, after an interval of time, a tree or a man, once seen, is seen again, we can know that either has pro- gressed only so far as we can recognize that the one is the same tree or the other the same man. That is to say, progress is the movement of something, or, possibly, merely some one form of a movement that is clearly revealed to be a unity. Gradation is a help to this con- ception, but occasional, especially intermittent, abruptness is not inconsistent with it. The thunder and lightning of an approaching storm, or the cries and footsteps of an ap- proaching mob, are abrupt enough, yet they make prog- ress. They do this, however, only when that which is abrupt is clearly recognized to be a part of a transition from one phase of the same movement to another. Now to illustrate these characteristics : In poetry, gradation, like the other methods considered, is exempli- fied both in the sense and in the sound. Of the former, we can all recall instances in the gradual unfolding of the plot which characterizes even ordinary novels and dramas. Of the latter, we have illustrations in all the elements that enter into sound, namely : time, force, pitch, and quality. GRADATION IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 2*J I We notice it wherever we find great regularity of time or rhythm, with the gradual swelling and sinking and rising and falling of the accent and pitch which necessarily ac- company such a rhythm. Of the same nature is an effect in quality, not hitherto recognized as an essential element of poetic form, but to which the. ears of our foremost poets in almost all of their most popular passages made popular often solely because of it seem to have been unconsciously guided. It may be termed phonetic grada- tion, and is produced by an arrangement of vowels and consonants such as to cause their sounds to follow one another in the order in which articulation necessitates the opening of the vocal passages of the mouth more and more from the lips and tip of the tongue backward, or else more and more from the back of the mouth and tongue forward ; more and more, that is, as in the series of vowels in the words meet, met, it, ate, at, care, but, kite, are, got, aught, out, foot, lute, boot, bucher, ooze ; and as in the series of consonants represented by b, (p), m, n, w, v, (f), d, (t), th, z, 1, r, j, (ch), g, (k), h ; or else as in series of vowels or consonants the reverse of these. In the fol- lowing lines the gradation of vowels on the emphatic syl- lables is from what we may term, as thus explained, the front tones to the back tones: Here where never came, alive, another. By the North Sea : Swinburne. 'T is better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. In Memoriam : Tennyson. Kind hearts are more than coronets And simple faith than Norman blood. Clara Vere de Vere : Idem. -72 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. And in these, both in vowels and consonants, from the back to the front tones. Ghostless all its gulfs and creeks and reaches. By the North Sea : Swinburne. Tho' lost to sight, to memory dear. Anon. To shoot at crows is powder flung away. Epistle to Hon. Paul Methuen : Gay. The empathic sounds are graded from the back to the front tones in the first of these lines, and from the front to the back tones in the second : Odors of orange flowers and spice Reached them from time to time. The Quadroon Girl : Longfellow. As distinguished from gradation, the following may illustrate abruptness with transition both in the sense and sound : I marched to the villa, and my men with me That evening, and we reach the door and stand, I say no it shoots through me lightning-like While I pause, breathe, my hand upon the latch. The Ring and the Book : Browning. And the following shows abruptness in the sound, but without transition : Just writes to make his barrenness appear, And strains from hard-bound brains eight lines a year. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot : Pope. Poetic expression, when most in accord with gradation, involves merely the use of those ordinary connecting ABRUPTNESS IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 2?$ words and phrases with which we are all familiar. Here is a transition, with some abruptness too, in the thought : ' ' Such Is wisdom to the children of this world ; But we 've no mind, we children of the light, To miss the advantage of the golden mean, And push things to the steal-point." Thus the courts. Is it settled so far ? Settled or disturbed, Console yourselves : 't is like . . an instance, now. You Ve seen the puppets, of Place Navona, play, Punch and his mate, how threats pass, blows are dealt, And a crisis comes. The Ring and the Book ; Tertium Quid : Browning. And here in the sound or rhythm : The cataracts blow their trumpets from the steep, No more shall grief of mine the season wrong : I hear the echoes through the mountains throng, The winds come to me from the fields of sleep, And all the earth is gay ; Land and sea Give themselves up to jollity, And with the heart of May Doth every beast keep holiday ; Thou child of joy Shout round me, let me hear thy shouts, thou happy shepherd boy. Ode on Imitations of Immortality ; Wordsworth. Gradation, as a musical term, is most commonly asso- ciated with a regular increase or decrease of force. But as in poetry, the essentials of the method may be exem- plified either in theme or development, and, in the latter, either in time, force, pitch, or quality. Besides this, they may characterize either the melody or harmony. What their effects are, however, seem to need to be illustrated, 18 2/4 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. only so far as they relate to harmony, or to melody as connected with this. It was said in connection with interchange that, in passing from one cord to another, especially if to a different key, it is customary to have one of the notes in both chords the same, so that the ear, recognizing it in both, can feel, notwithstanding other differences between them, that like has been put with like. Wherever we find series of cords, or a melody that can be harmonized by series of chords, that follow each other in this way, there we find illustrations of gradation. Notice the successions of chords in the examples of tran- sition given on page 275. Abruptness results, of course, wherever there are sudden interruptions and changes in either theme or form, and these in either time, force, pitch, or quality, and in either melody or harmony. Here is an example of harmonic abruptness taken from Marx's " Musical Com- position," chap. vi. -i^- SP- ! ^ In this, as will be noticed, the passage is immediate, i.e., without any form of transition from the key of C natural to that of E flat. In explanation, Marx says that " this continuation is a phrase by itself, as it were ; a new piece which takes up the thread of the previous phrase at a different place, and perhaps in a different sense. And it is exactly because the continuation in the third meas- ure is considered as a new phrase that we consider the new chord E^-g-bj^ at once as a tonic chord, though the key of Ejj is only indicated by the dominant chord which occurs three notes later." TRANSITION IN POETRY AND MUSIC. 2?$ Transition is a passage from one key to another. It sometimes necessitates using a series of chords in which there are effects like those of interchange illustrated on page 250; and it always necessitates some application of the principle of gradation. But besides this it necessi- tates using certain chords in the new key, and these too, in a certain order, either that of the dominant seventh (see music on page 254) followed by the tonic, or, if the transition needs to be unmistakably emphasized, that of the subdominant followed by the other two. The reason of this is that the ear has become so accustomed to the order of the notes in the musical scale and of the chords that harmonize them, that it is only when one hears these latter in succession that he can recognize in what key the music is, or, if there has been a transition, to what key this has been made. The following illustrate common methods of making transitions from the major key of C natural to all the other keys. It will be noticed that every chord in the transition carries out the principle of putting like with like by containing at least one note which is the same as one in the preceding chord. In order to fulfil this condition, it is necessary, as a rule, to strike some chord between that of C major and the new key's domi- nant seventh. But when this latter is reached, the tonic of this key is suggested at once, and it would be a disap- pointment to the ear did it not follow. THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. GO Ab C -1- i |_ n 1 1 1 n 1 1 Now let us glance at the influence, upon these arts, of progress. As already intimated, this needs to be distin- guished chiefly from continuity. The latter in poetry may be manifested in the onward flow or sweep of any details, however connected with the story or the style ; but progress is manifested in the fact that these details are all directly connected with the development of the main plot. Here is continuity without /rqfrgs? .* On his bold visage middle age Had slightly pressed its signet sage, Yet had not quenched the open truth And fiery vehemence of youth ; Froward and frolic glee was there, The will to do, the soul to dare, The sparkling glance, soon blown to fire, Of hasty love or headlong ire. His limbs were cast in manly mould For hardy sport or contest bold ; And tho' in peaceful garb arrayed And weaponless except his blade, His stately mean as well implied A high-born heart, a martial pride. The Lady of the Lake : Scott. And here is continuity with progress : " A stranger I," the huntsman said, Advancing from the hazel shade. The maid, alarmed, with hasty oar, Pushed her light shallop from the shore, PROGRESS IN POETRY AND MUSIC. And when a space was gained between, Closer she drew her bosom's screen, Then safe, tho' fluttered and amazed, She paused and on the stranger gazed. Idem . Continuity in music is manifested wherever, with or without variation, there is an apparent continuance of the theme or themes from which a composition as a whole is developed ; but progress, whenever in connection with continuity, there is also an apparent advance in the un- folding of the musical idea. In a symphony continuity is manifested in the separate movements considered merely by themselves rather than in all the movements taken together considered as parts of one whole. Exactly the opposite is true of progress. CHAPTER XVII. GRADATION, ABRUPTNESS, TRANSITION AND PROGRESS IN PAINTING, SCULPTURE, AND ARCHITECTURE. Gradation in Light and Shade In Color Abruptness Transition Con- nection between these Methods and Curved, Angular, and Mixed Effects of Lines Reasons for the Extensive Presence of Curves in Nature and Art Why the Curve is the Line of Beauty The most Common Curve of Nature is a Literal Fulfilment of the Method of Gradation As well as of all the Methods of Artistic Composition Curvature as Applied to the General Contour of Groups in Painting and Sculpture, especially to the Limbs of the Human Form In Architecture Why Curves are less Used in this Art Gradation in Combinations of Lines or Contours Abruptness in the Same Gradation in the Outlines of Architecture : Spires, Towers, Foundations Over Openings In Italian Towers Lines of Lower and Upper Window-Caps, Gables, and Roofs ; Rounded Arches Below and Pointed Above The more Pointed Arches Below Abruptness less Appropriate in Architecture than in Painting and Sculpture Progress in Painting and Sculpture : False Methods of Obtaining the Effect Right Methods In Architecture Conclusion. TT still remains for us to examine the influence of grada- tion, abruptness, transition, and progress upon the arts of sight. Here, as in all cases, gradation is one of the means of carrying out the requirements of principality, central-point, and massing. In the treatment of light and shade, it causes the brilliancy of the coloring, from the point where there is the greatest degree of illumination, to become less and less intense till it passes into shadow. " Music," says Ruskin, " must rise to its utmost loudness and fall from it ; color must be graduated to its extreme 278 GRADATION IN PAINTING. 279 brightness, and descend from it ; and I believe that abso- lutely perfect treatment would in either case permit the intensest sound and purest color only for a point or for a moment." But gradation in color is not confined to the use of light and shade. It is employed in connecting hues essentially different, the outlines of which, except when greatly illu- mined, are seldom perfectly distinct. At most places, especially where the shade rests, the color of one object, by imperceptible degrees, is merged into that of other objects. Effects are thus made to accord with those per- ceived in the external world, as already noticed on page 268. But it is important to bear in mind, too, aside from this, that, in looking at any collection of objects, our eyes are generally attracted to the place where the chief light falls, and while they are fixed upon this place, we see very indistinctly objects that are not in it. The endeavor of the artist to represent the appearance of things when the eyes are fixed thus upon one of them, is that which justifies his making this more bright and prominent as contrasted with its surroundings than seems to be the case in nature. But this seems so in nature, because, when observing it, our eyes look not at one thing, but glance restlessly from it to other things. It is hardly necessary to add that the requirements of gradation are not so universally applicable as to exclude an occasional use of abruptness manifested by sharp con- trasts of colors. As a rule, the brighter the light illumin- ing an object, the more distinctly are its peculiar colors revealed and the darker are the shadows cast by it upon surrounding colors. In such conditions, the lines that separate one shade from another are very clear, and the representation of these necessitates placing one color 280 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. directly against the other, with no suggestion of gradation. As a rule, however, colors that are placed together even in this abrupt way must be such as naturally harmonize. But sometimes, of course, they cannot harmonize, nor be made to do it, and then it is important to consider the method of transition. When this cannot be effected, as in gradation, by changing the colors themselves, and causing them to approach each other by regular degrees, either the course must be adopted which was described on page 251, under the name of interchange, or else a color harmonic with both, must be placed between them. Here is the way in which this latter method is described by Charles Blanc, in his " Grammar of Painting and Engrav- ing," chapter xiii., as translated by K. N. Doggett. In speaking of the use of color, he says : " In one of the pen- dentives that so magnificently decorate the Library of the Corps Legislatif, the executioner who has cut off the head of John the Baptist is dressed in red and blue, two colors whose juxtaposition is softened by a little white, which unites them without sacrificing the energy suitable to the figure of an executioner. Thus we realize a rare harmony^ that of the tricolor flag. Zeigler has observed that this flag, spread out horizontally, represents a discordant whole, but through the effects of the folds the quantities become unequal, and, one color dominating another, har- mony is produced. The wind that agitates the stuff in varied undulations makes the three colors pass through all the attempts at proportion that an intelligent artist can make." As applied to the use of lines, gradation, abruptness, and transition respectively are the principles, the developments of which lead to curved, angular, and mixed effects. A line in art indicates a certain direction. Gradation'^ that GRADATION IN PAINTING. 28 1 which produces a change by regular degrees. When the character of a line is changed by regular degrees we have a curve. If it be changed without regard to these de- grees we have an angle ; and if it be changed both with and without regard to them we have a mixed effect. Gradation is so common in nature and art, that we should expect the same to be true of the curve which represents it in outline. Such is the case. All the con- ditions of sight tend toward this result. The retina, on which every image of the external world is impressed, has a rounded surface. So has the outer eye. In con- sequence of this, the field of vision, lying before any one glance of sight, can be inscribed in curves. So, if suf- ficiently remote, can all objects even though their out- lines are not curved, objects like the hills that circle the horizon, or the tail of the comet in the sky. If we examine a small object near at hand, we see all its outlines distinctly in the degree in which these conform to the rounded shape of the organs of vision. If we look at the centre of a wheel, every part of its tire is equally visible. If we look at the centre of a square, its four angles, in the degree in which it is large, are indistinct. Hence, for a psychological reason, because, in such cases, the mind can more readily perceive and understand what the contour is, curved forms afford the most satisfaction. It is not strange, therefore, that the same Power that formed the eye has conformed to its requirements most of the out- lines of the natural world. When, in addition to this, we consider the unending possibilities of variety afforded by the curve, and the infinite suggestions of direction pointed out as by fingers of light wherever it deviates from a straight line, we know enough to account for the fact universally conceded that 282 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. the curve is the line of beauty. This is true whether applied to separate parts of objects or to their wholes, to a single leaf or to a cluster of leaves, to a branch or to a cluster of branches, to a tree or to a grove, to a particular object that may be examined near at hand, or to general outlines described by trees and rivers in the distance. The same is true, too, of every member and limb, as well as of the whole body, of every bird or animal. All these natural objects are beautiful, largely because of the infinite number and variety of their curves. FIG. 91. CURVE EXEMPLIFYING GRADATION. See pages 282 and 284. It is well to notice, too, that, as a rule, the lines of curvature in natural objects are not perfectly circular, any more than the lines of radiation or parallelism are per- fectly straight. On the contrary, the most common out- line in nature is said, by Ruskin, " Modern Painters," vol. iv., p. 5, chap. 17, to be a curve so described as to have a constant tendency to become straight, although it may never become so. Figs. 91, above, and 92, page opposite, according to him, represent curves of this description. GRADA TION IN PAINTING. 283 In Figure 91, the angles at a, b, c, d, and e are in each case the same, the line a b, be- comes regularly shorter than b c, and so on. In the direction of g, the curve # g evidently inclines more and more to differ from the requirements of a circle, and any small portion of it, to conform more and more to the direction of a straight line. In Fig. 92, the distance between the lines A a and B b and Cc, etc., is the same, but the curved line a b becomes regularly shorter than b c, and so on. It is evident that in this figure the curve a g, while constantly approaching the form of a straight line can never become one. Why curves of this kind are seen so frequently in nature, and why, when they are seen, they are considered especially satisfactory, has been often asked. Can the question not be answered in this connection by saying that the " con- stant tendency " to become straight which they manifest causes them to fulfil, perfectly, the requirements of gradation. Notice, too, that in doing this, they necessarily fulfil the requirements of most of the other methods developed from comparison. In the first figure, the angles at #, b, c, etc., are the same, and in the second figure the distances between the lines A a, B b, C Cj etc., are the FIG. 92. A CURVE EXEMPLIFYING GRADATION. 284 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. same. The principle of repetition, therefore, enters into these curves, notwithstanding the constant tendency that they show to move in the opposite direction. Each of the curves, too, is so constructed that any given part of it can be magnified so as to represent exactly f g. There is therefore a sense in which these curves are in accordance with the method also of consonance. It is not necessary to show that if they involve repetition and consonance, they involve, as well, almost all, if not all the other methods that on page 131 are associated with these. From what was said in Chapter X. in connection with central-point as related to the laws of perspective, as well as of symmetry in Chapter XL, we must infer that the principle of curvature must be fulfilled in successful art, not only in such a way as to cause the separate objects represented to seem to have the same rounded appear- ances as in nature, but in the arrangements of objects as related to each other ; in other words, not only in imitat- ing particular forms but also in composition, where many different forms not actually curved in nature are put together. It would not be pleasing, for instance, to see a group of human figures so arranged that a straight line drawn across the top or bottom of it would touch the crown of every head or the toe of every foot. The eye seems to require an arrangement whereby the more central heads shall be a little higher than those on either side of them ; in short, whereby the general contour of the group as a whole shall be curved, and similar in this regard to the contour of flowers, trees, groves, mountains, living creatures, and, in fact, of almost all natural objects, whether animate or inanimate. In painting, as also in sculpture, as can be shown from such works as the "Theseus," Fig. 93, page 285, most GRADATION IN PAINTING. 285 marvellous effects are owing to the way in which the infinite curves that make up the contour of the human form are rounded and blended, exemplifying thus not only gradation in the curves, but transition in the mixed lines. Besides this, the nose, elbow, knee, and heel all sufficiently illustrate abruptness. There are those who, in view of the apparent fulfilment of law in all such cases, think that FI3. 93. STATUE OF THESEUS. See page 284. the whole form and its separate parts can be drawn accord- ing to mathematical principles underlying the laws chiefly of curvature. D. R. Hay, in his works on the " First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty," and on " The Human Figure and the Human Head," has given an ingenious and exceedingly interesting series of drawings intended to prove that this is so. He tries to show, too, that 286 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Greek sculpture was developed from principles similar to those that he unfolds. For reasons that it would be irrele- vant to give here, he is probably mistaken in this latter opinion. The proportions of Greek sculpture were by no means the same in different products and periods ; show- ing that although, like our own, the Greek artists may have had their theories with reference to the subject, these were not universally accepted. A large part of their success in practice, too, must have been owing, in strict analogy with what would be true in our own time, to rare perceptive powers and to exceptional opportunities for observing the unclothed human form afforded by the baths, festivals, and sports of the period. But there is much in what Mr. Hay says that is sugges- tive and instructive. In architecture, the methods of curvature are applied to only a limited extent, and mainly to the decoration of interiors, where the processes employed, as when laying out parks and gardens, are more allied to drawing and painting than to building. The Greeks, indeed, in order to carry out the laws of perspective, made many of the apparently horizontal lines of their buildings slightly curved, but in doing this they can scarcely be said to have applied the methods of curvature to exteriors, their object being not to make any lines appear curved, but to prevent them from appearing so. 1 Of course, there are curves used in architecture, as in rounded arches and domes ; but these are not so frequently, as in the other arts, curves that have a constant tendency to become straight. They are usually larger or smaller arches of regularly constructed circles. The purely artistic reason J See page 176. GRADA TION IN PAINTING. 28 / for this absence of curves is that too much variety of this kind is less desirable here than in the other arts. Painting and sculpture imitate the forms of nature, and if an artist find irregularity in these, this fact is an excuse for his copying it. But the forms of architecture are not imitated. They are originated by .man, as a result of that faculty of the mind by which he reduces to systematic unity and order appearances that do not manifest these in nature. In such circumstances, if architectural forms do not show unity and order, and show it in a marked degree, they simply do not accomplish the end for which they were designed ; and nothing that does not do this can be called a success. Gradation is manifested not only in the use of single lines but of combined ones as, for instance, in series of curves and angles, the different sides of which depart in regular degrees from exact parallelism. In his cartoon depicting " The Death of Ananias," Raphael, (Fig. 94 page 288) causes the terror of the principal figure to be manifested in similar attitudes of the figures on both sides of him, but as they gradually recede into the background, their expressions and attitudes become less and less indicative of the feeling at the centre of interest. In fulfilment of the same method, both in painting and sculpture, the hundreds of curves that together constitute the contour of the human body are made to pass into each other, causing its members gradually to expand or taper. Yet there are places, as at the heel, where the transitions are very abrupt. The number of these is often increased with great effect by the introduction, in connection with both living figures and foliage, of scarfs, bands, girdles, and folds in the drapery, or of rectangular lines of archi- GRADATION IN ARCHITECTURE. 289 tecture which in pillars, entablatures, niches, and pedestals surround or support the figures. See those on pp. 30, 74, 121. Both these methods have a place too in architecture. All must have noticed that perpendicular lines when car- FIQ. 95. DOORWAY OF A CHURCH IN JAK, HUNGARY. See pages 180, 291. ried into the air, as in the case of two sides of a square tower, seem to approach each other ; also that when two sides of a roof actually touch, they support each other. Evidently artists are only carrying out hints from these facts when they widen the sides of a tower's base and '9 FIG. 96. ARCH IN THE ALJAFERIA OF ZARAGOZA, SPAIN. See pages, 37, 180, 291. GRADATION IN ARCHITECTURE. 2QI make them narrower at 'the top, thus increasing its appa- rent height ; or when they cause the sides actually to meet in the spire or steep gable at its top, thus increasing also the ease of construction. Many great buildings, like the cathedrals and palaces of Europe, are designed according to the first of these methods. The basements are made visibly broader than the superstructures, and the lines of enclosure, as they are carried up at both sides, are gradu- ally brought nearer together. See Fig. 2, page 17. The method of gradation is illustrated also, though probably not often intentionally, in those cases so fre- quent in Gothic architecture, in which, over the same opening, a rounded arch is used immediately below a pointed one. An admirable adaptation of this method, revealing many successive stages of change, may be noticed in the " Doorway of a Church in Jak, Hungary," Fig. 95, page 289. Gradation of an opposite kind, in that the sharper form is at the bottom, may be seen in " The Arch from the Aljaferia of Zaragoza, in Spain/' Fig. 96, page 290. A recognition of the effectiveness of gradation as a method, undoubtedly explains the regular increase in the number of windows in each successively higher story that is common in Italian towers. Evidently their builders first recognized that the lower stories needed to be con- structed more solidly in order to sustain a greater weight ; afterwards, their artistic sense led them to the method of form which they adopted, and which, as all will perceive, gives to the whole, a peculiarly logical and therefore orderly and unifying effect. Notice the tower of the " Cathedral of Sienna," Fig. 97, page 292, also the front facade of the same cathedral, in which an application of this method is suggested in the difference between the FIG. 97.-CATHEDRAL OF SIENNA, ITALY. See pages 18, 87, 207, 261, 291. GRADATION IN ARCHITECTURE. 293 angles over the doors and those in the roof, the latter being the sharper. Why is it, by the way, that this method of gradation has not been applied to facades more extensively ? Why, especially in our own times, when so many are busying themselves in trying to discover a " new style " of archi- tecture, has no one thought of developing the possibilities of this ? Here is an opportunity for doing something that has never been done before. It would differ too from most things of the kind, in that it could be done in strict fulfilment of every law of the sphere in which it would be attempted. Experience has revealed that in buildings constructed of stone and brick, the low, flat arch is capa- ble of sustaining more weight than the high, pointed one. For this reason, the former is appropriately used in crypts, basements, and lower stories. It has been found also that roofs with steep gables are the best adapted for shedding the snow that accumulates upon them in the winter of a cold climate. Besides this, it is known that when height is an object, the pointed gable or spire, all things considered, is the most beautiful as well as the most easy to construct. Between the flat arches of the first story and the pointed arches of the roof and spire there is often great difference. In order to connect the two in a manner satisfactory to artistic demands, it is strange that the artistic propriety of increasing the pitch of the window- caps in successive stories by regular gradations has not been formally recognized. For instance, the arches over the openings of the first story could be made nearly horizontal, those of the second story more rounded, those of the third more rounded still, and those of the upper story pointed. No buildings exist, probably, that, as wholes, illustrate this method ; but, if we exclude from consideration the GRADATION IN ARCHITECTURE. 2q$ lower story of the " Rath House of Brunswick, Germany," (Fig. 98, page 294), the upper stories will reveal some- thing of the effect that is here suggested. The same may be seen, too, as applied to interiors, in the successive arches of the Church of San Pedro de Cardefta (Fig. 99, page 296). An effect, the reverse of these, in which the order of gradation is from a sharper arch upward to a flatter one, may be seen in the front of the Church of St. Maclou at Rouen, where, of three angles, the one over the lower front door is the most acute, one over a large window above somewhat less acute, and one higher up over the roof the least acute of the three (Fig. IOO, page 298). It is to be said, however, that the effect of gradations in this direction from a higher arch upward to a lower arch is less artistic than of those in the opposite direction. As has been said, the flat arch is the one that is fitted to sustain the greater weight, and the sharp arch in the roof is the one that affords the better watershed. Besides this, too, as a rule, the outlines of hills, trees, and living creatures taper toward their highest points. The effects of works of arts, even where they involve no direct imita- tion, should correspond as far as possible to both the principles and appearances of nature. It seems desirable, therefore, that the order of gradation from the lower to the higher stories should be the one that was first described. What was said, a few pages back, of the use of curva- ture in architecture, is equally applicable to abruptness in the introduction of forms of different styles. Though appropriate occasionally, as was shown when treating of antithesis, page 31, it is much less appropriate than in painting and' sculpture. In the latter arts, one is often tt: 1111; FIQ. 99. INTERIOR OF SAN PEDRO DE CARDENA, SPAIN. See page 295. PROGRESS IN PAINTING. at liberty to imitate abruptness or any other condition, if only it be found in nature ; but in an art in which men do not take forms ready-made, and the object of which is to reduce things to systematic and intelligible order, artists must be especially careful to have it appear that this has been done. Turning now to progress, it is comparatively easy to understand how this may be secured in poetry and music, the forms of which consist of words and sounds necessi- tating movement. But in painting, sculpture, and archi- tecture, there is no literal movement. If they represent with fidelity things as they appear in nature, they can only reproduce that which takes place in a single moment of time. There are, indeed, paintings in which more than this is attempted. A fresco in the Sistine Chapel in Rome, by Boticelli, entitled "The History of Moses," represents the prophet in six or seven different situations at different periods of his life ; and one in the Campo Santo at Pisa, by Benozzo Gozzoli, entitled " Noah and his Family," gives us at least three different events in the life of that patriarch. But such paintings have never ranked high in art. It seems to be recognized that they are not faithful reproductions of nature, and are therefore artificial. In contrast to these, Raphael's " Death of Ananias," Fig. 94, page 288, will show us how there can be progress and yet no literal movement. That which is represented in the cartoon could take place at one moment of time. Yet at this moment the idea, forcibly impressing those nearest the principal figure, has not taken possession of those remote from him. The picture represents, therefore, dif- ferent stages of progress in the development of the idea, or of the influence exerted by it ; and it is almost impos- THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. sible to conceive of any painting or statue, however small, in which the progress of the idea in its advance to take possession of the whole body of the subject or subjects, might not be repre- sented in an analo- gous way. In a human figure, the expression o f the face may be in ad- vance of that of the arms or hands, the expressions of these in advance of that of the lower limbs, while at the same time the adjustments of the clothing may give scarcely any indica- tions of that which has begun to in- fluence the body un- derneath it. (Fig. 45.) Nor is it less possi- ble to represent the effects of progress in buildings. In many of the English cathe- FIQ. 100.-ST. MACLOU, ROUEN, FRANCE. drals the whole de- See page 295 ' velopment of Gothic architecture from the Norman, through the pointed, decorated, and perpendicular, can be traced literally in PROGRESS IN ARCHITECTURE. the different forms used in different parts. But progress in such a literal sense is not essential, nor is it always consistent with unity. When, according to the method of gradation described a moment ago, one form of arch is used above the lower openings, and another sharper development of the same over higher openings, and another still sharper over the highest, we have a repre- sentation of progress of a more desirable kind. So, too, we have the same in the interior of a cathedral, when the arches above seem to grow like limbs of trees out of the shafts below them, and when the chancel beyond the nave, to which so many lines of the walls and ceiling point, seems, with its finer elaboration of the resources of outline and its grander wealth of color in window and altar, to burst upon the vision like a flower, for which all the rest has furnished only a splendid prep- aration for unfoldment. In these and other ways, there are buildings so constructed, that they seem to be almost as much the results of growth and, in this sense, of progress as do products of nature with which we are accustomed to associate the two. At the opening of this volume, in Chapter II., it was shown that the first efforts of the mind in the direction of art-composition are made for the purpose of securing effects of unity, in order to accommodate the result to the requirements of human conception. It was shown also that the occasion for these efforts arises from the variety everywhere characterizing the natural forms of which the artist is obliged to construct his products. Everything that has been unfolded between that chapter and this, has been a description of different methods of arrangement through which factors of a form, while exhibiting variety, can, nevertheless, be made to exhibit 300 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. unity. But in none of these methods has there been necessitated such an absolute blending of the appearances of the two as in progress. In this the variety which in most of the arrangements is accepted as a necessary and accidental evil, becomes essential. As just stated on page 270 there can be no progress except of something that is clearly recognized to be a unity. But it is equally true that there can be none except as that which is a unity is perceived to be characterized by variety also. In pro- gress therefore all the methods of art-composition that we have been considering seem to culminate. We could con- tinue our subject from this point only, as was intimated in Chapter VIII., by taking up rhythm, proportion, and harmony. But each of these differs in character from the methods hitherto considered. It is a complex result in- volving invariably an application of all of them in com- bination, yet springing from them only so far as the mind is necessarily and often unconsciously moved to its action by the principles underlying them. For these reasons a satisfactory discussion of any phase of our subject beyond what has already been considered, seems to demand a different mode of treatment. It is fitting, therefore, that the course of thought pursued in the present volume should here be brought to a close. INDEX. Abruptness, 131, 249, 266, 295, 297 ; color, 279 ; lines, 280 ; nature, 269. Accent, 42, 50, 130, 131, 169, 171, 194, 195, 198, 251, 271. Adams, S. F., 43. Address of Dying Christian to his Soul, 104. ^Enead, The, 53. Aldrich, T. B., 107. Alhambra, Window in, 37, 222, 225, 236. Aljaferia, Zaragoza, Arch in, 37, 188, 290, 291. Allegri, Gregorio, 30. Alliteration, 16, 195, 251. Alteration, 131, 189-206. Alternation, 131, 192-206, 222, 268. American, church, 90, 92 ; cathe- dral, 92-95. Ananias, Death of, 72, 144, 257, 287, 297. Ancient Koran case, 37, 381, 224, 236. Angelo, M., 6. Angles, 281. See Arches and Cur- vature. Antithesis, 28, 31, 139. See Contrast. Arabian complication, 224. Araminta, 25. Arbuthnot, Epistle to, 272. Arches, 124, 245, 286 ; consonance, 258-265 ; contour, 115, 159 ; flat, sharp, gradation, 291-295. See Curvature. Architecture, Art of : abruptness, 295, 297 ; alteration, 26, 189, 258 ; alternation, 201, 205, 265 ; bal- ance, complement, 48, 77, 78. 85- 90, 1 86 ; cathedral, 95 ; central- point, 176, 1 86 ; church, 92, 95 ; comparison, 16, 18, 26, 134, 148, 206, 258 ; complication, 222, 224, 2 35 2 36, 238 ; confusion, 37, 207, 264 ; congruity, 144, 146, 149 ; consonance, 257-264 ; continuity, 178, 239-241 ; contour, 122-124; contrast, 26, 28, 31, 189, 190, 264, 265 ; contrasted with painting, 258, 287 ; curvature, 176, 286, 291-295 ; design, 241, 257, 258, 287, 297 ; dignity, 87, 186, 187 ; discord, 261, 262, 264 ; dome, 76, 77 ; Gothic, 17, 89, 144, 146, 206, 242, 291, 298 ; gradation, 291- 295 ; Greek, 16, 87, 89, 96, 176, 206, 261, 286 ; interspersion, 78, 221, 222, 224, 241 ; like with like, 9, 16, 18, 26, 134, 148, 206, 210, 257 ; massing, 218-219 ! Moorish, 144, 236 ; order, 241, 257, 287, 2 97 ! organic form, 44, 122-124 I organism, 258 ; oriental, 18 ; ori- gin of, 4, 5 ; parallelism, 180, 181, 261 ; perspective, 176, 178, 286 ; principality, 45, 50, 75-78, 178, 258 ; progress, 298 ; repetition, 26, 201, 206, 258 ; setting, 180 ; stories, 96, 291 ; style, 205, 257 ; mixed styles, 146, 148, 149, 205- 208, 295 ; new styles, 206, 293 ; symmetry, 87, 89, 96, 186, 187 ; themes, development of, 4-6, 44, 45, 50, 76, 77, 122-124, 133, 146, 149, 176, 178, 185, 210, 218, 298- 300 ; towers, 76, 77, 87, 89-92 ; uneven numbers in, 96 ; unity, 15, 16, 77, 148, 241, 265, 287 ; variety, 26, 1 86, 189. See Contrast. Architecture, Lectures on, 123 ; Seven Lamps of, 219. 301 302 THE GENESIS OF ART- FORM. Arch, Roman, 146. Arden, Enoch, 137. Arrangement, 34, 48, 50, 115, 284. See Grouping and Organic Form. Art in Ornament and Dress, 39, 132, 204, 224. Art of Poetry, 214. Artist, representation of self, 9. Ascension, The, 257. Association, 3, 4, 37, 127, 144, 148, 183, 244. Assonance, 16, 195. As through the land at eve we went, 107. Athens, Market of, 79, 120-122, 289. Baker, T., 250. Balance, 33, 39, 45, 46, 97, 99, 126, 130, 131, 134, 154, 155, 171, 180, 185, 192, 209, 214, 222, 268 ; ar- chitecture, 77, 78, 85-90, 1 86 ; music, 66, 68 ; painting, 48 ; poetry, 61, 63, 79 ; sculpture, 84. Balanced confusion, 132. Ballade of Sea Folk, 195. Bannockburn, 59. Barateau, 107. Barham, R. H., 230. Bars, musical, 64. Bartolommeo, Fra, 72, 185. Bashful Suitor, The, 255. Bas-relief, 218. Battle Hymn of Republic, no, 199. Becker, C., 72, 174, 181. Beecher, H. W., 113. Beethoven, 6, 61, 170. Beginning, in form 99, 101 ; music, in ; oratory, 112. Bethany, 43. Beverley Minster, 235, 238, 241, 264. Blanc, Charles, 39, 132, 204, 224, 280. Blindness, Sonnet on, 166. Bonheur, A., 255. Boris, Tower of, 124, 239, 241. Boticelli, 297. Breadth, 132, 136, 192, 213, 216 ; architecture, 218 ; sculpture, 218. Breton, Jules, 30, 83. Brittany Washerwomen, 83. Brown, W., 165. Browning, R., 36, 55, 229, 272, 283 ; E. B., 230. Brunswick, 294, 295. Bryant, W. C., 53, 107. Burns, 59 Bussler, L., 250. By the North Sea, 64, 271, 272. Cadences, 25, 198, 213. Campanile, 89. Campbell, 137. Campo Santo, Pisa, 297. Canal, 115, 118, 156, 157, 158, 159, 172, 238. Cana, Marriage at, 83. Cannon, 232. Canopy over statue, 122. Canova, 120. Canterbury, 261, 262 ; Cathedral, 18, 77, 89, 90, 124, 207, 261. j Capitol, 1 20. Cardena, San Pedro de, 295, 296. Carthage, Decline of, 16, 31, 82, 118, 156, 159, 172, 175, 238. Casa d'Alba, 117. Catacombs, Chapel in, 259, 262. Cathedral, 238 ; English, 298 ; American, 92-95 ; ground plan of, 95. See St. and Church. Cattle, 16, 138, 172, 173. Cavalry song, 102. Central Congregational Church, 22, 23, 189, 208. Central-point, 131, 151-187, 192, 209, 212, 216, 220, 239, 266, 267, 278, 284. Chaldea, 201. Change. See Variety, Alteration. Chapel, in catacombs, 259, 262 ; Sistine, 30. Chart of methods of art composi- tion, 131. Chateau, at Montigny, 31, 37, 77, 78, 121, 221, 222, 235, 251 ; de Randau, 124, 180, 258, 262. Chatham, Lord, 29. Chiaroscuro, 214. See Light and Shade. Chiavavalle, Tower of, 240, 241. Chinese, 264. Chord, 30, in, 170, 234, 245, 247, INDEX. 303 248, 251, 253, 274, 275 ; like with like, 250, 274. Chorus, 55, 195. Christ, Scourging of, 72. Church, 90, 92 ; suggested plan of, Q2-95- Circle, or Circularity, 159. See Curvature. Clan Alpin, Song of, 58. Classification, artistic, 8, 10, 15, 22, 125-131 ; basis of knowledge, 6, 7 ; scientific, 7, 15, 22, 39, 44, 98, 125-130. Claude Lorraine, 31, 119, 146, 156, 172. Climax, 112, 212, 213. Cloud, The, 24. Coblentz, Old Bridge at, 48, 159, 174, 203. Co-ca-che-lunk, 25. Coleridge, 24. Cologne Cathedral, 6, 17, 18, 87, 90, 190, 207, 291. Color, 5, 16, 26, 32, 43, 72, 83, 118, 120-144, 156, 189, 204, 213-217, 219, 221, 245, 246, 249, 251, 254- 256, 268, 278, 279 ; balance, 83 ; form, 118 ; principality, 72. Come when I sleep, 106. Comparison, 3, 4, 15, 16, 18, 24, 26, 33. 46, 53, 99. I20 128-134, 136, 148, 166, 189, 190, 200-204, 206, 216, 242-245, 254-258, 266. Complement, 33, 45, 46, 50, 61, 64, 65, 69, 79-84, 85, 90, 101, 127- 131, 134, 136, 142, 154, 155, 185- 209, 222, 256, 268. Complexity, 30, 97, 125-131, 134,209. Complication, 131, 132, 192, 209, 222-242, 268. Composition, Table of methods of art-, 131. Comprehensiveness, 131, 136-149, 153-209, 268. Conception, representation of, gen- eral, 10, 14, 44, 45, 125, 133, 134, 164, 297 ; symmetry of, 155. See Themes. Concord. See Consonance. Confusion, 36-39, 97, 125-132, 134, 192, 220, 242, 249, 264. Congruity, 46, 128, 131, 134-149, 150, 152, 155, 168, 183, 188, 192, 206, 209, 216, 243, 266. Consistency, 132. See Massing. Consonance, 46, 128-131, 134, 137, 144, 150, 162, 188, 209, 243-265, 266, 284. Continuity, 130, 172, 178, 192, 209, 222-242, 270, 276, 277. Contour, 43, 44, 50, no, 115-118, 120-124, 153, 154, 159, 161, 172, 1 86, 269, 284, 285. Contrast, 22-37, 138-142, 148, 180, 189, 190, 209, 256, 268. Convergence, 152. Conversion of St. Paul, The, 72, Corps, Legislatif, Paris, 280. Corot, 118, 156, 159, 172, 174, 222, 223, 234, 238, 255. Correggio, 16, 72, 120, 214, 215. Counteraction, 33, 37, 39, 40, 42,45, 46, 50, 97, 125-131, 134, 136, 192, 209, 222, 242, 249. Crabb, 220. Cristabel, 24. Critic, Destructive, 259 Criticism, Essay in, 136. Cross, Descent from, 16, 72, 73, 80, 144, 190, 214, 235, 257. Cupid and Psyche, 120. Curvature, curves, no, 115-118, 120, 124, 148, 154, 159, 174, 176, 186, 265, 280-287. Daedalus, 236. Dancer, The, 16, 144, 182, 183, 257. Dannat, W. T., 255. Davis, C. H., 255. Death of Ananias, 72, 144, 257, 287, 297. Decline of Carthage, 16, 31, 82, 118, 156, 159, 172, 175, 238. Delia Sedia, Madonna, 117. Del Passegio, Madonna, 116. Departure of swallow, 103. Descent from Cross, 16, 72, 73, 80, 144, 190, 214, 235, 257. Desdemona, 29, 72, 174. Deserted, House, The, 107 ; Village, 137- Design, 241, 258, 287. See Themes. Development of arts, 4, 5 ; of idea, 10, 18, 297. 304 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Diana, 75, 85, 120. Dignity in Architecture, 77, 87, 187. Digression, 164. Discobolus, 83, 85. Discord. See Dissonance. Dissonance, 131, 162, 209, 247-268. Dobson, 62. Doggett, K. N., 280. Dome, 76, 77, 87, 90. Dominant, 254, 275. Domenichino, 116. Door, 75. Doorway of church in Jak, 180, 289, 291 ; in Khorsbad, 201. Doric, 146. Drama, 29, 54. Drawing, Elements of, 69, 130, 160, 203, 216. Drift, 232, 234, 267, 274. Duration, 130, 131. Dutt, T., 106. Edbrooke, G. H., 92, 241. Edgar, 138. Edison Building, 21, 22, 189, 208. Edwards, Miss, 70. Effects, The, considered in science and art, 7, 8. Egypt, Egyptian, 18, 66, 70, 204. Em Feste Burg, 66. Elaboration, 5, 20, 164. Elevation, front and side, 238, 241, 251. Ellipsis, 36. Emerson, R. W., 220. End, Beginning, middle, and, 99, IOI, III, 112. Enoch Arden, 137. En Route, 231. Entombment, The, 214. Epic, 50, 53. Epistle, 272. Eros, 30, 31, 186. Essay on Criticism, 136. Evening, 31, 118, 119, 146, 156, 172. Everett, 113, 220. Even numbers, 79. 96. Exeter Cathedral, 236, 238, 241, 264. Extension, 130, 131. Expression of artist's thought, 9 ; for expression's sake, 4. See Themes. Ezekiel, 116. Fairy Queen, 137. Fanny, To, 107. Farewell, 107. Farnese Palace, 263, 265 ; Tauro, 120. Faun, Reposing, 120. Faust, 109. Feeling, representation of, 2, 3, 5, 19. Feet in metre, 16, 63, 189, 195. First principles of symmetrical beauty, 284. Fishermen, The, 107. Florence, 45, 74, 144. Foot. See Feet. Form in art, 40, 63 ; color, 44, 118 ; developed from theme, 10, 50, 63, 134, 189 ; expression, 45, 134 ; for form's sake, 4, 5 ; French, of verse, 55-62, 107, 195 ; in music, periodic, no; in nature, 5, n, 12, 45 ; in poetry, 100-109, J 95 230 ; through sound, 169. See Organic. Fortress, Romans Besieging a Ger- man, 16, 26, 27, 174, 182. Fortuna, 120. Fortuny, 255. Foster, 59. Foundation in architecture, 122. French, Forms of, verse, 55-62, 107, 195. Fret, Greek, 200. Ganymede, 120. Gardener's Daughter, 137. Garnet, F. M., 256. Gate of Palace, Nancy, 76, 218, 219 ; Serrano, 47, 48, 79, 87, 92. Gay, 25, 272. German Captive, 176, 177, 182, 257. Gerome, 16, 30, 72, 80-82, 144, 172, 179, 182, 217. Gertrude of Wyoming, 137. Gilbert, 139, 141, 221. Gimbel, C., 59. Go, lovely rose ! 105. Gossip, 265. Gothic, 17, 89, 144, 146, 206, 207, 242, 298. Gozzoli, B., 297. INDEX. 305 Grace in architecture, 187. Gradation, 131, 149, 235, 249, 250, 256, 266-289 ' i n nature, 266, 268 ; phonetic, 271. Graeco-Roman, 18. Grammar of painting and engrav- ing, 280. Grant, J. C., 56. Grave, The, 57. Greek, Greeks, 137, 176 ; in archi- tecture, 16, 87, 89, 96, 146, 176, 206, 207, 261, 286; in sculpture, 286. Group-form, 35. Grouping, u, 35, 44, 69-96, 98- 124, 131. See Organic Form and Massing. Goethe, 137. Goldsmith, 137. Gough, J. B., 113. Guido, 116. Hamlet, 6, 29, 36, 54, 109, 138, 163, 212. Harmony, 29, 33, 129, 130, 131, 170, 189, 204, 232, 234, 243, 244, 249, 252, 253, 256, 257, 265, 268, 273-275, 300. Harmony, Elements of, 250. Hay, D. R., 285. Help, Law of, 132, 246. Henry II. Receiving Crown, 15, 72, 189 ; V., 29; IV., 211. Henry's missal, 72. Herculaneum, 75. Hermann und Dorothea, 137. History of Moses, The, 297. Holy Family, The, 120. Holy Night, The, 16, 72, 80, 120, 190, 214, 215, 257. Homer, 53, 197. Home, Sweet Home ! 55. Home they brought, etc., 107. House, Plan of small, 84, 85, 96, 124, 187. How they brought the good news, etc., 57. Howe, J. W., 200. Howitt, W., 105. Hugo, V., 106. Human figure, The, and human head, 285. Idea, progress of, represented in space, 297, 298. See Themes. Idyls of the King, 54, 137. Iffly Church, 90, 92, 124. Iliad, 53, 109. Imagination the source of art, 18 Imitation, 3, 4, 10. Impannata, Madonna del, 117. Improvement possible in art, 206. Incongruity, 135-149, 209, 268. See Congruity. Incongruous, 155. Indian summer, The, 62. Infinite, 165. In Memoriam, 58, 271. Interchange, 131, 243, 247, 250, 268, 274, 275, 280. Interspersion, 131, 192, 209, 216, 220-242, 268. Intonation, 3. Investiture of a bishop by a king, 48, 79, 80. Ionic, 146. Israels, J., 235. Italian Scenery, 144 ; towers, 291. Italians, 185. Jak, Doorway in church at, 180, 289, 291. Japanese compositions, 46, 156, 161. Jones, Bolton, 255. Kaulbach, 116, 242. Keats, 137. Key, 29, 55, 170, 245, 250, 253, 254, 274, 275. Keynote, 170, 171, 247, 248. Khorsbad, Ornamental doorway at, 201. Kingsley, C., 107, 198. Kitty of Colraine, 107. Koran case, Ancient, 37, 38, 224,236. Kremlin, Tower in, 239. Kynelle, 56. Laban, 67. La Belle Jardiniere, 116. Lady Clara Vere de Vere, 271. Laertes, 138. Landscape, 221, 222, 226, 227 ; with water, 118, 156, 172, 174, 222, 223, 234. THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Language, 3 ; plain and figurative, 239- Laocoon, The, 120, 182, 204, 226, 235, 238. La Soir, 255. Lear, King, 29, 54, 139, 228. Leaves illustrating principality, sub- ordination, complement, 69. Leaves of Grass, 21. Leda, 74, 75, 85, 179, 235, 257. Legend of a Shirt, 230. Lerolle, H., 118. Lied der Freiheit, 25. Light and shade, 32, 33, 72, 118, 120, 144, 151, 156, 172, 210, 213, 214-217, 221, 255, 256, 268, 269, ,278, 279. Like with like, 7, 9, 10, n, 15, 16, 18, 20, 26, 28, 53, 59, 64, 126, 134, 137, 140, 144, 148, 151, 166, 170, 183, 189, 190, 195-200, 204, 206, 210, 242, 244, 245, 246, 250, 251, 254-256, 274, 275. Like with unlike, 20, 22, 45, 127, 190, 208. See Like with Like. Lines, in metre, 16, 24, 54, 61, 62, 65, 107, 167, 169, 170, 189, 195, 198, 230, 232, 233, 251, 253 ; in shape, 32, 42-44, 50, 82, 115- 117, 151, 154-161, 169, 172, 180- 182, 185, 189, 194, 196, 224, 226, 227, 230, 233, 238, 239, 261, 262, 269, 279-285, 287, 289, 291, 299. Lohengrin, Overture, in. Longfellow, 103, 272. Lorraine, Claude, 31, 119, 144, 146, 156, 172. Louvre, The, 74, 75, 179 ; The Old, 1 86, 187. Love's Silence, 168. Lucca Madonna, 72, 185. Luther, 66. Lyons, 87 ; Palace of Justice at, 85. See St. Nizier. Lyric, 50. Macbeth, 163, 164. Madonnas, 72, 116, 117. March, A, 221 ; to Moscow, 212. Market of Athens, 79, 120-123, 289. Marr, C., 255. Marx, 274. Mason, L., 43, 65, 67. Massing, 74, 120, 209-222, 226, 266, 267, 278. Material considerations in art, 40, 133- Matter, relation to art, I, 6, 9, 14, 125, 127. Matthews, B., 231. Measures. See Metre. Melody, 16, 25, 33, 50, 59, 64, 170, 198, 232, 233, 253, 273, 274. Memphis, 70. Merchant of Venice, 29. Mercury, 75, 76, 85, 120. Metaphors, 5 ; mixed, 36 ; parallel- ism, 166. Methods of art, 6 ; Table of those of composition, 131. Methuen, Epistle to, 272. Metopes, 210. Metre, 16, 42, 54, 55, 61, 64, 67, 68, 169, 170, 198. Metropolitan Museum, N. Y., 30, 33, 83, 118, 255, 256. McCarthy, J. H., 56. Middle, The beginning and, in form, 99, no, 112'. Miller, M. M., 108. Millet, 144, 145. Milton, J., 53, 166, 221, 253. Mind, Representation of, in art, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 22, 125, 127, 233- Missionary Hymn, 65. Mithras Stabbing the Bull, 74, 120, 179, 180, 218. Modern painters, 282. Modulation, 29. See Transition. Monkhouse, C., 232. Monks in oratory, 256. Monotony, 30, 198, 249. Montgomery, 57, 104. Montigny, Chateau, 31, 37, 77, 78, 124, 221, 222, 235, 251. Moore, T., 168. Moor, Moorish, 144, 238. Morris, W., 53. Mors et Vita, 108. Moscow, Kremlin, 239 ; Retreat from, 212. Mosques, 77, 86, 90. INDEX. 307 Mozart, 25, 67. Murillo, 1 20. Museum, British, 29-31, 182-184 I New York Metropolitan, 30, 33, 83, 118, 255, 256 ; Uffizi, 144. Music, art of : abruptness, 274 ; al- teration, 25, 198 ; alternation, 198, 199 ; balance, complement, 33, 50, 64-68, 171 ; central point, 170; comparison, 15, 16, 134, 189, 242-245 ; complication, 233 ; con- fusion, 37, 39 ; congruity, 135, 141, 142 ; consonance, 244-251, 253, 254, 256 ; continuity, 234, 277 ; contrast, 29, 30, 33, 141, 142 ; counteraction, 33, 40, 42, 64-68 ; dissonance, 249, 250, 253, 254, 256 ; gradation, 273-275 ; interchange, 250, 274 ; inter- spersion, 221, 232 ; like with like, 9, 10, 15, 16, 59, 64, 134, 141, 170, 189, 198-200, 244, 245, 250, 274, 275 ; massing, 213 ; organic form, 40, no, in ; origin of, 3- 5 ; parallelism, 170, 171 ; princi- pality, 50, 59-61 ; progress, 234, 276, 277 ; repetition, 199, 200, 244, 245, 250 ; setting, 153, 170 ; symmetry, 171 ; theme, develop- ment of, 3, 4, 6, 44, 50, 59, 109- iii, 133, 141, 170, 171, 189, 198, 199, 210, 213, 232, 233 ; transi- tion, 250, 274, 275 ; unity, 52, no, in, 142, 171 ; variety, see Contrast. Musical composition, 274. Nancy, Gate of palace, 76, 218, 219. Napoleon III. in Italy, 230. Nature conditioning art, 2, 5, 10, n, 14, 22, 36, 50, 98, 99, in, 115, 120, 122, 127, 129, 135, 137, 142, 144, 148, 154, 156, 159-161, 172, 176, 178, 186, 192-194, 214, 219, 221, 226, 238, 258, 264, 268, 269, 279, 28.1, 286, 287 ; represen- tation of. in art, 3-6, 12, 14, 18, 20, 144 ; true to itself, 202, 203, 226, 227. Nebo, Bust of, 183, 184. New London, 193. Night, 104. Nile, Thousand miles up the, 70. Niobe, Sculptured group of, 16, 144, 146, 204, 257, 298. Nocturne, 107, 221. Norman, 50, 144, 298. Notes, Musical, 194, 198, 213, 244- 246, 253, 254. Odd numbers in art, 79, 96. Odyssey, 53. Old Black Joe, 59, 170. Old bridge at Coblentz, 48, 159, 174, 203. O Mary, go and call the cattle home, 107. Ophelia, 29, 138. Oratory, Organic form of, in. Order, 34-37, 97, 131, 133, 134, 142, 149, 150, 180, 183, 192, 220, 222, 241, 242, 287, 297. Organic form, 98-124, 130, 131, 134, 155, 160, 167, 169, 186, 266, 268. Organism. See Organic Form. Organ recital, 118. Oriental, 77. Ornament in art and dress, 39, 132, 204, 224. Ornament, earliest, 200. Othello, picture, 72, 174, 181, 239 ; play, 29, 162, 229. Outlines, 5, 26, 43, 50, 72, 115-120, 154, 158, 159, 172, 178, 180-183, 217, 224-242, 246, 262, 264, 268, 269, 281, 284, 295, 299. Oval, 117, 159. See Contour, Curv- ature. Painting, abruptness, 269, 279 ; alteration, 26, 202, 204, 255 ; alternation, 194, 202-204 ! bal- ance, complement, counteraction, 33, 43~48, 79-84, 256 ; central- point and radiation, 151-154, 156-161, 172-174, 284 ; compari- son, 15, 16, 18, 26, 134, 144, 189, 200-204, 254-257 ; complication, 222, 224, 234, 235 ; confusion, 34, 37-39, 242 ; congruity, 134, 144149, 183 ; consonance, 246, 249, 251, 254-257; continuity, 172, 224-227, 234, 235, 238, 242 ; 308 THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. contour, 44, 50, 115-118, 154, 159, 161, 172; contrast, 22, 26, 28, 32, 33, 148, 180; curvature, 43, 115, 117, 159, 174, 280-286; gradation, 235, 256, 269, 278-287 ; interchange, 251 ; interspersion, 221, 222, 234, 235 ; like with like, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 26, 134, 144, 151, 183, 189, 204, 210, 242, 246, 254- 256; massing, 72, 74, 210, 213-217 ; order, 26, 34, 114, 115, 202, 204, 242 ; organic form, 44, 115-120 ; origin of, 4-6 ; parallelism, 151, 159-161, 180-183, 222, 287 ; pic- turesque, 222, 234 ; principality, 45, 48, 50, 70, 72, 172, 179, 210, 214 ; progress, 297, 298 ; repeti- tion, 16, 134, 144, 189, 200, 202, 203, 246, 254-256 ; setting, 153, 179, 1 80 ; symmetry, 115, 131, 154, 156, 183, 185, 186 ; theme, development of, 4, 5, 6, 10, 44, 50, 72, 115-120, 133, 142, 144, 148, 153, 172, 173, 187, 189, 194, 2O2, 2IO, 213-217, 221, 238, 246, 297 ; tone, 204, 250, 254-256 ; transition, 256, 269, 285 ; unity, 39, 117, 144, 172, 226, 246, 255, 256 ; variety, see Contrast. Pantoum, 231. Palace of Justice, Lyons, 85, 87, 96, 261. Paradise, 82. Paradise Lost, 53, 54, 109, 221. Parallelism, 131, 151-187, 202, 222, 239, 257, 261, 262, 268. Paris, 50. Parish register, 221. Parliament, Houses of, 76, 78. Patience, 139, 221. Payne, H., 55 ; J., 196. Perspective, Laws of, 158, 176, 286 ; in nature, 159, 25. Philosophy, relation to classification, 7- Phonetic gradation, 271. Phrase, 16, 50, 54, 61, 65, 70, 71, 107, 183, 195, 197, 274. Piankli Receiving Submission, etc., 70, 189. Picturesque, 222, 234. Pisa, 297. Pitch, 40, 130, 131, 209, 244, 245, 261, 270, 273, 274. Poe, 50. Poetry, Art of : abruptness, 272, 273 ; accent, 42, 130, 131, 169, 171, 194, 195, 198, 251, 271 ; alliteration, 16, 195, 251 ; alteration, 24, 139, 198 ; alternation, 63, 195, 198 ; assonance, 16, 195 ; balance, complement, 33, 50, 61-63, 68, 169, 101 ; central-point, 152, 153, 163-166,169; comparison, 15, 16, 18, 24, 53, 134, 166, 189 ; compli- cation, 228232 ; confusion, 36, 37, 39 ; congruity, 136-141 ; con- sonance, 244, 251-253; continuity, 238, 276 ; contrast, 22, 24, 25, 29, 33. 138-141 ; counteraction, 33, 40, 42, 61-63, 68 ; dissonance, 252 ; form, 40, 100109 formlessness, 20 ; gradation, 270-272 ; inter- spersion, 220, 228-232 ; like with like, 9, 15, 16, 53, 134, 137, 166, 189, 195-198, 210, 251 ; massing, 210-212 ; organic form, 100-109; origin of, 3-5 ; parallelism, 166- 169 ; phonetic gradation, 271 ; principality, 45, 50, 52-59 ; prog- ress, 276, 277 ; repetition, 195- 198 ; rhyme, 16, 55, 61, 189, 195, 197, 198, 251 ; rhythm, 37, 54, 130, 131, 169, 189, 198, 204, 230, 239, 251, 271 ; setting, 153, 163, 166, 169 ; theme, development of, 3, 4, 6, 10, 44, 50, 53, 59, 100- 109, 125-130, 133, 136-141, 151, 152, 153, 163-168, 189, 194-199, 210-212, 221, 228 ; transition, 272, 273 ; unity, 52, 54, 100-109, 137, 141, 168 ; variety, see Con- trast. Poetry, picture, 116. Point, 152 ; vanishing, 158. See Central-point. Pope, 104, 136, 272. Porch, 75. Poutou Temple, 18, 124, 207, 208. Presentiment, 107. Princess, The, 58. Principality, in form, 44, 45, 48, 50, 55-59. 6 9> 72, 76, 78, 9. 97, 99, 101, 126, 130, 131, 134, 142, 152, INDEX. 309 154, 158, 160, 172, 209, 214, 220, 266, 267, 278 ; in theme, 50, 53, 54, 59, 61, 64, 72, 75, 76, 164. Product, The, of art, 2, 5, 9 ; how developed from theme, 50. See Themes. Progress, 131, 266, 268, 270, 276,297. Proportion, 84, 130, 131, 178, 184, 185, 189, 205, 265, 286, 300. Propriety, 135. Psalms, 167. Public Library, New London, 123, 190, 193. Quadroon Girl, 272. Quality, 273, 274. Radiation, in art, 72, 115, 152, 159, 1 60, 156, 172-176 ; in nature, 160. See Central-point. Railroad rhyme, 59. Randau, Chateau of, 124, 180, 258, 262. Raphael, 6, 41, 72, 82, 116, 117, 147, 148, 242, 257, 287, 297. Rathhouse, Brunswick, 294, 295. Raven, The, 50. Reformation, The, 242. Refrain, 55, 195, 198. Religion, relation to art, 2. Rembrandt, 120, 214, 219. Renaissance, 144. Repetition, 46, 62, 64, in, 128- 132, 134, 144, 150, 189-208, 216, 226, 243, 245, 256, 257, 266, 267, 270, 284. Representation, of nature, 2, 6, 9, n, 12, 14, 2O2, 203, 226, 227 ; of thought, 3, 9, 10. See Themes. Return, Soldier's, 16, 26, 174, 176, 182, 257- Reynolds, Sir J., 214. Rhyme, 16, 55, 61, 189, 195, 197, 198, 251. Rhythm, 37, 54, 57, 130, 131, 169, 189, 198, 202, 204, 230, 239, 251, 271. Ring and the Book, 229, 272, 273. Romanesque, 207. Romans Besieging German Fortress, 16, 26, 27, 174, 182. Rome, 77, 78, 263, 297. Rondeau, 108, 195, 196. Rondel, 56, 109, 195. Roof, 123, 124. Rose, Go, lovely, 105. Rouen, 12, 37, 241, 295, 298. Rubens, 16, 72, 73, 144, 214. Ruskin, 31, 32, 69, 122, 123, 131, 160, 174, 203, 216, 219, 246, 282. Ruysdael, 144. Sacred Heart, Church of, 18, 49, 50, 190, 264. Salisbury Cathedral, 18, 76, 186, 190, 206, 207, 261. San Pedro de Cardena, 295, 296. Saxe, 190. School of Athens, 41, 82, 242. Science, relation to art, 2, 7. Scollard, C., 56, 109. Scott, Sir W., 58. Scourging of Christ, 72. Sculpture, Art of: abruptness, 269, 285, 287 ; alteration, 26, 202 ; alternation, 194, 201 ; balance, complement, counteraction, 33, 43-48, 79, 84, 85 ; central-point, 151, 158, 174-176 ; comparison, 15, 16, 18, 26, 134, 144, 189, 200- 204, 257 ; complication, 222, 224, 2 34. 2 35 ; confusion, 37-39 ; con- gruity, 134, 144-146, 183 ; conso- nance, 246, 249, 257 ; continuity, 224, 227, 234, 235 ; contrast, 22, 26, 30, 33, 180 ; contour, 44, 120- 122, 159 ; curvature, 43, 159, 280- 286 ; gradation, 280, 282-286 ; Greek, 286 ; interspersion, 227, 235 ; like with like, 9, 15, 16, 18, 26, 134, 144, 151, 183, 189, 204, 210, 257 ; massing, 210, 217, 218 ; order, 26, 115, 204 ; organic form, 44, 1 20 ; origin of, 4, 5 ; parallel- ism, 151-159, 161, 180-183, 222, 287 ; proportion, 286 ; principality, 45. 50, 70, 74, 75, J 79, 210; progress, 298 ; repetition, 16, 134, 144, 189, 204, 257 ; setting, 180 ; symmetry, 176, 183, 185, 186 ; theme, development of, 4-6, 44, 50, 74, 75, 120, 122, 133, 144, 174, 183, 189, 210, 221, 297; transition, 285. 3 io THE GENESIS OF ART-FORM. Sehnsucht nach dem Fruhling, 67, no. Senses, lower, 6 ; higher, 126, 127. Sentence, Organic form of, 100. Serrano, Gate of, 47, 48, 79, 87, 96. Setting, 131, 161-187, 209, 268. Seventh, chord of, 254, 275. Shade. See Light and Shade. Shady Side Presbyterian Church, 91, 92, 96, 124, 186, 190. Shakespeare, 6, 10, 29, 36, 37, 139, 163, 211, 212, 229, 252. Shanley, 107. Sharp, W., 195. Shelley, 24. Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge, 91. Sherman, F. D., 107. Sidney, Sir P., 168. Sienna, Cathedral of, 18, 87, 207, 261, 291, 292. Sight, expression in, 6, 43. Sigurd the Volsung, 53. Simile, 5, 166. Sistine Chapel, 30, 297 ; Madonna, 116, 117. Smith, H., 107. Snowflake in May, 109. Soldier's Return, 16, 26, 174, 176, 182, 257. Soloman, 238. Song, of Clan Alpine, 58 ; of Italy, 252. Sonnet on his Blindness, 165. Sordello, 36. Sound, causing verse-form, 169 ; ex- pression in, 6, 40, 52, 168 ; grada- tion in, 269, 270 ; waves of, 244, 245. Southey, 212. Sower, The, 106. Spanish Lady, 255. Spencer, H., 4. Spirit, Expression of, i, 40. St. Agnes Eve, 137. Star-Spangled Banner, 55. St. Botolph Church, 260, 262. Stedman, E. C., 102. St. Hilaire Church, 237, 241, 251. St. John, picture, 116. St. Loo Cathedral, 234, 240. St. Maclou Church, 295, 298. St. Mark's Church, 18, 77, 87, 88, 90, 96, 124, 180, 186, 190, 207, 261, 262. St. Martyn's Church, 261, 262. St. Michael, picture, 116. St. Nizier Church, 22, 189, 205, 206, 208, 261. Storm, A, 144, 145. St. Paul, Conversion of. 72. St. Peter's Cathedral, 18, 77, 78, 87, 96, 124, 186, 207, 265. St. Sophia Mosque, 16, 76, 77, 96, 123, 124, 180, 187, 190, 207, 261, 262. Styles in architecture, 146, 205 ; mixed, 146, 148, 149, 205-208, 295 ; new, 206, 293, Subdominant, 254, 275. Subordination, 45, 48, 50, 59, 64, 69, 90, 97, 99, 101, 126, 130, 131, 134, 153, 158, 164, 179, 190, 209, 249, 250, 262. Suleymaniya Mosque, 82, 90. Sullivan, 139, 221. Swallow, Departure of, 103. Swinburne, 63, 251, 271, 272. Symmetrical, 184, 185. Symmetry, 46, 82, 89, 115, 154,155, 209, 224, 268, 284. Symphony, 221, 232 ; C Minor No. 5, 61, in, 170. Table of methods of art composi- tion, 131. Taj Mahal, 18, 19, 75, 77, 87, 96, 124, 180, 186, 190, 207, 261. Take them, O Death, 103. Tannhauser, 142, 148, 221. Tauro Farnese, 120. Teniers, 16, 82, 144. Tennyson, 58, 107, 137, 197, 271. Texture by color, 255. Thayer, S. H., 165. Theatre, designs for, 22, 190, 191, 208, 261. Themes, how developed into form, 3, 12, 14, 18, 20, 45, 50, 59, 61, 76, 100, 101, 109, 126-130, 133, 134, 137, 138, 142, 144, 154, 163, 164, 167, 189, 2O2, 2O4, 2O6, 2IO, 214, 217, 221, 228, 229, 232, 258, 264. Theseus, 284, 285. INDEX. Thought, representation of, 2, 3, 5, 9, 14, 19, 52, 126, 189 ; in archi- tecture, 76, 77. Thousand miles up the Nile, 70. Tides, The, 107. Time, 16, 183, 273, 274, 297. Timon of Athens, 37. Tintoretto, 82. Titian, 72, 214. Titus, 74, 75, 85, 120, 180, 186, 289. Tomlinson, W. W., 106. Tone, color, 204, 250 ; sound, 189, 204, 246, 255, 256 ; prime and partial, 244-248. Ton-Halle, Design for, 22, 190, 191, 208, 261. Tonic, 170, 254, 275. Tower, 76, 87, 89, 90, 92 ; of Boris, 239, 241 ; of Chiavavalle, 240, 241 ; with ring, 31. Towers, Italian, 291 ; gradation in, 289-291. Traditionalism in art, 137, 146, 149, 206, 293. Transfiguration, The, 72, 82, 116, 118, 147, 148, 257. Transition, 29, 131, 249, 250, 256, 266, 269, 278-280. Triglyphs, 2OI. Triolet, 56, 63, 109, 195. Troyon, C., 16, 172, 173. Turner, 6, 10, 31, 48, 82, 156, 172, 174, 203, 238, 246. Twenty years, 107. Twin effects, 33, 40, 48, 78, 90. Twin Villa, 77, 78, 123, 124, 187. Unities, Law of the, 137. Unity, 15-18, 33-35, 37, 4&, 5*. 97, 99, 117, 125, 131, 134, 142, 168, 172, 190, 197, 216, 220, 226, 238, 241, 242, 249, 256, 265-267, 270, 287, 299, 300 Un Quatuor, 255. Valentine, 107. Value of color, 255. Variations in music, 59, 64, 232. Variety, 22-37, 64, 97, 125, 131, 134, 180, 186, 189, 190, 226, 249, 281, 299. Vatican,. 120, 176. Venice, 88 ; Stones of, 122. Vere de Vere, Lady Clara, 271. Veronese, Paul, 82, 83. Verse, 183; blank, 54, French, Forms of, 55, 62, 107, 195. Verses writ in an album, 168. Vichy, 258. Village Dance, 16, 82, 143, 144, 190. Villanelle, 195, 232. Ville d'Avray, 255. Virgil, 53. Vitruvian scroll, 200. Waddington, S., 108. Wagner, in, 142, 148, 221. Waller, E., 105. Walls, 122, 124. Washerwomen, Brittany, 83. Wedge-shaped contour, 117. Whitman, 21, 54. Whittier, 62. Winchester Cathedral, 227, 240. Wind and Stream, The, 107. Window in the Alhambra, 37, 222, 225, 236. Wings, 40, 48, 77, 82, 87. Winkleman's ancient art, 174. Woodland and Cattle, 255. Wordsworth, 273. Wrestlers, The, 75, 77, 85. Writing, 4. Zaragoza, 290. Ziegler, 280. THIS BOOK IS DTJE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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