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The colours u-^ed in those experiments were pijj- ment colours, and the surfaces were the same in sha]K" and of e()ual size. In view of the importance of the relative propor- tions of the surfaces, it was thouj.;ht desirable to conduct a second series of experinunts, in which it nii^ht be possible to vary the size of the surface. This phase of the problem was in- vestigated during the years 1899-1900 and 1900-01, in room 16 of the Psychologic.d Laborator\'-. Till, apparatus .lud method employed were entirely difTerent from those used in the former experinivnts. The api)aratns was that described by I)r. \V. H. Lane, in an article entitled " Space Threshold of Colours and its Dependence upon Contrast," pub- lished in No. I of the Psychological Series of Universitv of Toronto Studies. .\s Dr. Lane's article contained an illustra- tion and a detailed explanatitm of the apparatus, we shall con- fine ourselves here to a short description of it, particularizing the changes which our experiments necessitated, and illustrated by a schematic representation (Plate A) which gives a view of the apparatus from above. In the ])late, A is the central table ; upon the front edge is erected the upright with the micrometer diaphragm /?, of which Figure 2 in Dr. Lane's article gives an illu.stration. .At the other end of this table, in a somewhat slanting position, there is another upright //, through which is visible one of the coloured pigments arranged on a movable disc i behind it. The pigment is illuminated by the electric light ■'/ adjustable to various dis- tances in box H. The rays of this light have to through one of the combinations of gelatines which are ar;anged in the form of a revolving wheel hnu,^ h^'ht ju^t a,, pure ,. if a certain region of the spectrum itself had heen 't,ken but u,.t limited in intensity and space extensu.n. This liu'ht is then seen thro'i^di the observation tube 1, ,„d thn.UKh the aperture of the diaphra^nn -7, whilst the opaque pirts of the latter are covere.l with another pi-nient paper ilUnninated in an analo^rous manner bv means <;f /-' ni box L. .\t the end ..f box C is inserted a ^^elatine preparation as re- ..nired bv the -roumi colour. Siace the ground colour remains constant'durin.r , whole series of exiK-rinients taere is no need f„r the ^-elatiue preparations to be arranged m the form of a cMsc Thev are identicallv the same as those for the other box h„t tliev have the form of squares of the same sr/e as the open. i„.. of the box. The observation tube T is .ittached to the niov- i„r. part uf the diaphragm . by a lever arran^^-ineut .in suc i a ,„;;nuer that Its end moves with half speed. Tins keeps the part of the diaphraujm aUvavs in the centre of ^l^'-' '"-^ «'■ •M the ocular end of this tube . a lar«e screen .shuts off the eve ..f the observer from all other parts nf the appar.atus. 1 he eve-piece A the ^-raduated .sIit,^ and the .creeii /^ render it pn>- .ihle to compare the li«ht .seen throuj,di the tube with real spectral li^ht generated by a lantern and spectral apparatus m ;;„ „ijoinin,^ room (the first annex nf Room ibV '1 hrou.di the oh..ri,n. tube can now be seen the two surfaces the .round colour on the .liaphrasm, illnmlnate.l by/., and throng i >- openin- -^f the diaphra>.nn the colour to be combined with the erotmd^-nlour. illuminated bv //. There were twelve colours ■;,, all which could be chau^^ed by a revolution of discs r and Set- also Iir. Line's article, pp. 23-24. 29 ■was con-^tant throuj^h a series uf trials, was j^ivfii, by ilie i)o>.i- ti(>n of /.'. tile intrii i!^ whii^h tlie saiiif colour had as seen throu^'h tiic uiaplir.i^iu. li i> i.-a.>il\ j)i)S.-,ibl^- by adjustiujc the lnin;i^ to arraiij,;e the intensities in such a niannur that the j^^roiinil colour an(l tlie tran>iiiitte a distance of about two feet between the two surfaces, the olisfr\er at the end of tlu' tilbt.- could not possibh' 'kli-ct the sliirliu-.t deviation from a uuifcjrmh' coloured surface, no m.ittL-r wli it was the aperture of the diaphra^'m revealini;^ the transmitted colour. .\nd, indeed, before each series of tri.ds this impossi- bil'.t)- of distiuL^uishiu:; the surfaces madi- the criterion for the correctness of the intensity cjf the ^^round colour. \\V next come to the method of procedure. The room was d.irkiiied and tlu- obserwr placeil himself .it the end of tube T where he s.iw the Lrround cokair on!\-, illuminated as described. Then by turnin.i( the micrometer handle there wa.s made to ajipe-r in the centre one of the other tuche colours. This colour ajipeared first a.s a little s])ot. As it increased and ro>v abo\-L- the characteristic sjjace thresh<.ild- the o}iscr\-er stated whetlur the cond)ination was jdeasant. and whether it became more or less ple.i.sant with the chan<:;-e in th,- couijiarative proportions of the two components; for as the transmitted colour iucre.isi.-(l the ;^round colour decreased nV ' ilnalh- only a small border of it was kft. The obser\-er, who had now seen nil the possibU- r(dati(.ins in size of the two conii)onents, was asked to decide if the combination on the whole was \'erv [ileasant. pleasant, indifTerent, or unpleasant. This was not • Miss Baker l^IU -.Ik- iiu.ilitics otitained hv the alime 'luscribca tnetiioil •' sj«.ctr,illy pvire," ineatr.iis thereby that a Hiiiitucl reKi,'alion was undertaken, n.inielv of tile inlhience of the relati\e size; the jn(l;,„Mnent was taken to ^ee if under entirelv different conditions the results of our former exjieriments would be corroborated. \'>y a conipari- son of (.■ur\es i-i.? with curves I-XXI\' of our former article to which .itt'.r.tiun will be more fully c.iUed fiirtluT on, it will be seen th.e results of t'-e two series of experiments do ncjt esseiui.ill- liiiTer. .\> We ri\er>eil the i)roceedin'^', the tr.iusuiitted colour becomini; '.^rf.idn.dlv le^s and icss, the observer -tated NcluTe the conibinatii'U w.;s most fV, if, where it w. is coiiipar.iti\ el\ m'>-t ] I''..Kh full turn i if the microinelL r hiudle ch ill'.^cs tile inutu.ll s, ..^e relati'iiis lutweell tile di.iUleter.-. of the two e'lidur- bv tin.- twelltittll of ,1.. illcli. liidoubltul to sicure ,i definite decision the jimcedure w.i> npe.ited if nfce.s.sarv, sevir.i! tiim \r. tlii-- w.i\- all i1k elevm (.uhmrs were treated successively ■- i the same ,i;roiind colour. .\ whole Series of tri.ils t.ikeii .it one sittin;;. The --.ime ])r;!iieiils of \er\ pleasant,, indifferent or uniiK.isant. Of these twetltv-tive obsi r\ .it lou^, ele\eli weie m.ide bv reL' observers who tonk the whole series, and in sesei.d c.ises rciieated the exi>erinietits. M.niy took about h.df the .series, and in e.ich ind.ividual series there were a few casual observers. It is ouh litliii'.^ lure tu .ickii' 'W ii-d^c our obli^.itions to all these 1. idles .md j,'eiit!eiiHii, wlm. ,.fteu .it .1 ;.;reat incon- venience to themselves, were so f.iitlifui in tlw ir .ippoiiitnients and m.inifested such .in iiiUte-l in tin pi.^blein l-or the pli.i.>e of the problem which refers i,, tlie size of the CMinpuiunts there were ^;i»>) complete Ir.msitiuiis from tile 31 Si'KiTRosci')PiCAi. Analysis mi- tiii: C'M.oius I'si-.n. Wilh N.irtuw silt. N;iTTirof Colour. Visiblr part of Krfciun of great-' \ *i»il>le icirt of K CK'iiri ijf (Wral SjtfcTrum e»t intensity SiH'ttrmn ot tiil^iiMly in ^fi '"H-h ^7 '•' Mi" 2.51'' - 5^" >n Red 635—610 ^"=•7 5 >iiS oranve-Kiil ''JJ.5— ,';''•'. s 612.5—592.5 635— 5>w 62^,5-59^.5 1 lr;ui>;<'. '''■■S— .SSJ-S 5S5-562.5 6J2.5-547 5 6i>7-5 -.562.5 1 ir.iiiKf-YclliAV. 5^7-5— 5-t7.5 5'>2 5-557.5 '"75-537 5 6"2.5-S55 Vfll.i'.v. ,VS— 462.5 497 5-43" 475— 45S Vidltt-rtirple. 1 6.^7..s— 6hs ( 4\5— 4411 462.5—455 I 7.»j — 665 4H75-4,V' :7" 452.5 I'urplp 1 ;""' -4<'-i ( 6K.J— A35 497-5— 4V> 17 s )'« 32 l--.,r each '-1 tlic^c transition.- which the smallest to the lar,. ^t. ^^^^. ^^^ ^^.^ ^^.^ ^,^^ ^^'"''■"^^^■^^■';i:r";;;vcrTa,.,c. I. n. niandw were cnli values in our represent the tabulated rcMilts nf.dl the^e expe tahk riiueiil- from the lie coii-trucU-d in an ■' , r • ,.. Tlu-^i- t,i 1 e^ are con-Li ni.^v: ,„.er point '■f;-;^^,, ,„„„,expernn.nt>. Tables -'''«':;■-'■'•'"'""';:, L nit ■■ and III and •'"'^ " "''"7"' ';■ in -tnnibe „r,,.tten that we deal V ihr ■■ ven 1> It nin-i n ,-. . , ; .,,■ ^ L ur-t 'rticle with iH^-luv >atniate.l co,o,l-. ler.- a~ m -nr lir-t ..rt.. ,,„.,„,,,u -s almost without ' 1 „r ,,t hi'di saturation are m theni>cl\.s ai a ^"^"'": '' "^ .... 1 h,.n- ..„ubinatu,ns.if n^t .Associated former point < a I I h ,1, ,mf de.'ree as combinations m wlian 'K r, so? lesser s,aur,>tion. The pvescnt iiunurv ,s tuere- '"'"', „ iM the .iesiled duectioU. Th,-- ■,uvest„.>tloU ::cLz:^z^^^>^-- , other. o„,biuat.ou,,ne. :lturatcdonou:s,whK.h.illbe.irmuchnioieon aepr,.c.Ka „,,„ ,loes the subject of this discussion, is .o to.losv, ,„T.d,le!tlKinh,.d leuers at tlK. top ,n liori..nit.U ordvr ,^.,„.,..„,Uie .round colours, red, or,.n,e-rcd.e,.-. ^ -^ - :'T:':^r;:::;;:;:oi:;.nw,.:c, u three t,mes w,th vuih oran-e as ,, com. 'P.ib'ie III is .imiotjon^ led the ul ,„,,„.e-re3 TaIU.K I. — i'l.i:A> \\ !■ C' 'MIUN \i'I( iNS K, OK, (I. () Y. \-. \- c, C, c. 1!. n. \-. vr. P. ^ i^ H I -^ -'i JS "< .■ . . ; ; ;S2 t). R II V. U) s 1 !■' I" I. \ I'. !\ 16 1 i 'i ■- !(> -■; .'4 -'' i'* I*-. M 1" ifi-, ; '. :. ." -■; Ji 1^ M f ; 146 17 I' '^ iv :i 21 114 170 " ^ • 17 Ml • '. II 1! V iv 12 I'l 1*1 !■, I~ 23 r- I'- 17 ^,. itj :^ 17 16 I^ n 1 ' ■ t i : I ■; M 1 : SI I 7 ' \ I ^ U 7 M i\S ' I '45 ■ l-ii I'' li IV i» ,20 i3 j i.i I an j ij . 19 , ,. ,91 i6.; H2 if,2 I tS 1-^ 175 1169 '151 :i37 157 ,i 14 iHhj 'I'AIi!.!-; II. — I'l.i \-\\r C' iMi;i\ \Ti. /N>. R. O.K. O. O.Y. Y. Y.G. (, (V;; H v \ p v 34S ^ .■=; J,i js _i-> 17 ti 14 37 ,v, 21 ;J05 17 13 26 ,-,y 44 1.. ;; .2 ;, .>2 -<08 :; ,., 27 y, 41 j„ ,j ., ,, '^^^ '- -" V> 3.^ 37 3: 2S ;. ;M8 js .i^ "t 39 1" V» 317 li 1^ I : 323 'J 7 •!'^ •^^ 37 R. R ( 1 I) V V ;7 4- v.<; <;. 298 -, I', .4 3-^ '-..H. 272 M ri 29 H 302 I V 294 1 - V !■ 335 I' 3728 2 1864. 35 Ai;i.!-; III.— V i'U\ 'I KASANT Ci)MniNATroN> II R R. lO.R. O. O.Y.I Y. Y.G. O I6 IG.B. ' V. V.P. P. 6 J 7 94 6 6 4 82 II V V G. n.n. V !■ o 1 3 1 I 2 1 5 ; ' 5 1 « i 4 8 .S 1 9 10 r.s '2 1 13 SI 88 ; 6a _Zi I 68 I* I (2 54 n» 44 3^ 73 50 48 38 39 47 40 88 H- 41 ' 48 - 679 3^' WAS. !V.— Vi.K'. IM.KASANT CoMr.iN.vnoNS. , ,,v. V, \r.. r.. c.v. v.. v v.P. P. 6 IS K. OK < 139 , - „ ,. ,~ 2S » 15 " - 123 1^ A 14 17 -•^ '4 '^ '* '' 94 , ., -- 1-' i; I" '■» 8T '\ 161 - 1-' '7 1'* 2.' •■! ;^ 112 -, ) ) '' - iS 121 J , - i6 108 2-679. enlniir at tl'.c lu k! <>i the cciluniii and .A>o at the riL,'ht-haiiil t.-nii (if the horizontal ; for exaniplt-, _:?45 in Tabic II indicates the >iini total fur all the jud^nneiits for the colour red. In order that these re.-nlt- may he eoinpared with those of the former experiments, the\- liave likewise been expressed in L!'.r\ I.S With the series of colonrs in spectral order as the abscissa line and the freijnencv of their ^election a> ordinate^. These curves are desit^Miated b\ Arabic numerals, and the letters ii h ,, in addition to the name of the res])ecti\e colours to who-.f com- binations ihe onr\es respecti\eh- refer. The lower curve in e.icli ca-e represents the " \ er\ plea-ant " combination ; the upper, the "jileasant " inclndins;- the " \er\ ]i!e.isant." Cnr\e I ,?, '■', and ; i represents the resuhs i.f j'.] the com- binations in vUiich the colour red t^ok jiart. Cnr\e _'. those in which the colour oran.!.;e-red took i>,irt. Curve ;. oran-e, etc.; i in each case represents the results whci! the colour indicated helow was the ^ri>und colour, lud corresipouiis thus ;,, tin- vertical columui in Tables I .uid III, '> .,n the other h.ind st.inds foi the results when the colour indicated below, as trans- mitted color.r. cond)in(.d with .dl tht. othii-, thus corres- ]«i!idiu<,' to the hori/ont.d clunu's of T.ddes 1 ,;n.l III, The hei;.:ht of the ..rdinates is taken from Tables 1 .iiid ill. Thus iu Curve i om. where red ihe -roimd colour, it w.ischosin three times with or.iiiLre-red, seven times witil i)ran;..;e as .1 pleasant comlnnatioii , when red w.,- the tr.iusniitted colour ( /o it was chosen live times with orar.^^e-ieii .ind ei'^hteen times with oran^a- as a jilea.s.iiu combin.itiou, I';n,ill\ , is the cmbin.i- lion of th.- rw,,, ti,,,^ oorrcspondin^ to the results in Tiblts II .niid I\. In these fxpeiinicnts, as iti our former ones, eacli colour .i|>- peared twice ; in tills case once as the ;.iround colotir and once as the transmitted colour. When the surf.ices were of .sliaiw ami weri' pl.iced side by in the former e\peri. nieiits the rt'sults could unhesU,itinj,dy be combined ; but in our prf.sentf.vpcritiK-nts, as can e.isily he seen, this could not be done, for when the colour apfK-ars as the L;rouiid colour it forms a bol- der, whereas when it .ippears ,is the tr.iusmittecrie. -t rnrvL-^ %vii; ~h-%v Uii^ ,lit7.Tcnr. . C-ii^.-iu.-.ulv the .-L-urvc^ arc ni re-l.ttivclv much 1- - si-niticmcc. Curve 1 :; :> I cnTuhiniliuu ..f all the curves. .1 reitre^ that each ..f the clcur^ IkImnv ... >;r„uu,ime -ener.d ch,>racteri-tic> in -.jiite ot the .^roit dilTerence in the cond.itious. It nnist be uotice.l, however. That these ch.iracteristics cannot here be exiKCted t^ • be .is marked, as in the former ci-e, since we now li.Ae oniv h.di the „,„„ber of colours. In ,,11 th.o.e curves ♦'or^e and. vellow we tiud the same bro.,,1, pl.iteaudike shape. We tllld. too, like those with which we ne Colup.iriu.Lt tllelll, tlus,- c-rves do notre.icht.. so .^r^Al ,. lurjht as those cxpressin- the other .inalilie-.. In maiiv ..f the other curves we can .i strikm- simil.mtN with the curves..! the f.,rmer series, but it must not be for^.-lteii It would never be p.-ssiblc L ■ trace all the J.r..- mmences in these, on .icc-MUt of the s„,,dler number .4 quali- ties, nor the chan-ed .s]Mce conditions w..u;.l prevent a coiniilete .lualo.^v. It IS intere-tiiii; to notice the dilTerence in the m.i.xiiunm when the colour is the i,'round col.,nr on and when it is the transmute.! i 'o. In the curves f..r the - pb.Ms.iut ■' ;n no rase ,1.. these cMiicide e\cei>l in . .f j^Meeli, wliere the m.ixi- muin m both c.ises is .is red. In the ••" however, there is ,1 comci.lence in the cases of led, -reeii, blue, .md vio- Ut-i>nrple. In this series of evperniuuts ,is m the f..rnie' it w,is not kn..wn until .ifter the experiments were completed which ..f the cuhmrs used. U .nn. wete complemeiil.irv . It will be retncm- bere.i, in i'Kler to h.ive e.ich colour as free as possible from -^ s YC I'l. \ ri. r. r S I 39 nrliiiixture with other cnl,,.,irtMne-.t!K-c..I..!ir.;;-;,-.l \vtiVnl.;.ii,K.l liv ilhiiiiiiialiii^r pi^nnent jvipci. with !i-ht whirli lii.l uiuicr-Miic a str-.nj,' sel<.'cti\<_- absorption. Tlii> iii.iJ.e it imp. ,>m1)U- t.>",^at the coiiiplc'iuntarv relation of these clonr^ in the o,,lin,,rN uCiv. /.'., l)v niakiiii; colonr ecpi ition- ,1^ wa> ,lone m t!ie former ex- periments. We have totliank Mr. .\. 11. .\l,l„,tt, fn^t ,i.-,:.t- ant in the I' L,ihorator\ , fertile sn.i^'-e-tion of t'n. folIo\vin>,r method whieh was adopted. The iip;i-!it M.iekened hoard, to which was attadied the niet.d. di;iphr,,-m, w i- replaced \n another in which an openin- ,,f tw.. and a inches wa- in. ide, and witl! which all other sjjace rel.itinn. were Xow, l,v l<,okin); thron-h the ohservin- tnhe the tr.niMnitted colonr can he seen as t>ef.>re. To the luck of thi> npri-ht ho.ird w.r- attached a small electric motor i., ..prr.ite ,i rotati.,n app.n- atnsin fr..nt of the tward. Thi> l.itter make- it p:..-il,l,'. to rot.ite, a- a kind of e])i.scoti>tei, .sector. ,,f ,,nv colonr \\l„,-,e .in- sular v.dne could he v.iried hetween tlie !ini:t ..f lo,,,,,] ,r„, dei^'rees, llic measurement t.. he oht.nned from a i^nad, ition .it the i'eripherN. When rot.atin- we see the mixtnre of tile colonr of the rotatin- .-ectors ;„,d that tran>niitted ihron^h the .apertnre. iluth col.,nr> are in tli , illnmin.ition .i- in oi:r tri.d> ; .md if'-..v,,oi onr col.mrs we actn.illv comj.lenient.irv we shouM, h varvii',- the .sectors of Jie rotatin- jMrt (;;;onnd coI,,„ri till we reach colonrless li-hl :,> :, resnlt, be able to c~t,il,lisii ., e-mplete Colonr e.|nati,.n. ( 'nfortnnatel v it wa- found tliere was n,,t a .sin.:^!e p.iir of c.miplen -itarie- anion.^r ,,nr twelve cohnir.s, and -ince with .,nr method i- w,,- n..t po,sil,K. t,, mix more tw,, colour-, we conld onlv ni.ike out tliat the coniplement,.rv of ,, cert.iin colour was between two otlu',-' .n„i ne.irer to one than the other. Tlie com]dementarv rel.iti,= M. " = s = • •:- — "" ^ - ? 3i i'r -'■■.^ 41 .\!:l.]'. \'I. — Maximal I'uints ok 1,1 \> ANT, ' 'r.iii:;f-re.l. ' ''aiigf, ' iraii)4e-ye!iinv VelLnv-^rccM (jree'i. (''reen-I'lue. Klue. \'i'.;et, \!i)lt-t-purple. Purple . Number ijf Jiuljjiticnls. iH. '■.,-R. V.-P. C. K. R, I). O. V. V.i:Y.-G. Y. J I ' I ". 21 O.- IV li -'4 V. 2', R. 22 R. 21 R. 21 (). IV V I'.^iR (". ,v.(; NMrnLei of N inil.rr of JU'lKiiiftus. i^ ' 1" '.klinnits :V(-. 47 2-i''. 44 2-, c.-n 41 2' C. ,\I1 .'^'^ -■1 V IV 4" 2 1 K 45 22 R. 47 22 () 42 J.VO. 40 '9 Y. 39 21 Y. 40 ' 2.^ Y-O. 40 TAHLH \-II.-Ma\imai. I>. I iIN'i'S I 'V M I ',M 1 1.I-; \s.\N T. ■ .f Ri-i. ' 'raiij»c-re.i. <)raiixe-vcl!o« YeU.)w,' Vrllo»-j;re.-li, (Vreeii. Creen-blue Hhic Violet. Violet-purr,;,;, Piirple. JuilnuivrHs. V.oli>ijr . I .VK. -K.\Y. &Y. -i:. Niimli*rof JU'Jgiiitnl-,1 Colour ■SO .S(", 10 vr, ,(; ■ .■i V ,v\- -I 12 (_i,V ISR. I4<>,.K,VV 10 Y. 12 Y, 12 Y r V. li.VV ifikv. QlV. '-. !V 12 \ ,V1' - I'.VK 1 1; - K 4(J.-R.i 1'. Y. u y I- \' Numt*r of Judgments 28 »3 14 22 IS aS 20 14 |8>Y. 21 .'2 42 In Ti'i'a- \"I !ii1 VII tlv.' rv.uU-r will tunl the iiiaxim.i Uhu- latL-d. I>\ oin-ulf.-.i- T.ibk- V llw oiiiiplciiu'iit irv rci;iti()n> cm \)v (.-.i^ily ;i>ci.TtaiiK(l. [v. ci'ii^iik'iiii.L,' thv rvl.itioii ir. wiiirh .uir rcsult< slaiul to the thfiir\- the iiio-t a.!:, coinliinalinns are f.jund with cuin]i!emeiitar\- colours, we shall clas-.if\- them into j^roup-. as we dill with the re-'alts,,f ijir lurnRr uxpcri-.nent-. I-":r-t, we ("iiiil iinUaverv few cases wiiere we n.ijl.l -ay that the niaxi- nnnn ini;.,dit jMissihlv coincide with tlu- e.inii)lenientar>- colour. Tims, t'.ir iii.-tancc, fur urai!:j.L-red wIm-l' cmplL-nK-itarx is he- tweeii t^reeii-hlne and .tureen. b\it nearer tt> j,'reen-l)lne, we find the maxinnmi for Curve fi. " pleasant," at j,-reeii-l)l\ie, while for the same curve, " ni"-l p^.asant," it is divided between ^reen- bliie and bine ; whereas for the rest of the curves, the niaxiniuin is at j^recn. The >anie is \alid f"r the oranjje, where also several of the curves have their inaxiniinn at the }j;reen-bluc, which is the nearest to the eouipleuKntary. • »ran;;e-yell()w and yellow have also one iii.ixiinuni each, nearest to the coin]>iementary, but the latter (vellow I nil in undisputed niaxiinuin, .ind the former onlv in the combinatiiin Curve c for tile " ple.isant." I'or the rest of the cur\is, one can say decidedly that a colour somewhat approachiuii; the complementary has the pre- ference, but it is never the one which an\otii; our twelve qualities would Ix.- the nriinsf to the complementary. Thus for ^'recn we thid throu^jhont all the curves red in the maximum, while the complemeut.nv to jrreen is beyond the ]mrp!e towards violet-purple. In ^^reiii-blue we find red and oraujje diicfly the ma.ximum, whilst the complementary is at oranj^e-yellow. ( )nc innsl not be;reeii-b!ne of the pure colours by no means identical with the >^reen- bhie of th«. pijjmeiit colours of tjur former cxj^erinieiits 115), as the «Hfference in the comi>leinentaries shows. For bine we find in two of the six cirves aj;iiti an inclination towards a prefer- ence f< r thf complementary, but there .ire always other maxima as w'H, ati(' the colour in question, yellow, has no better claim than the next colour, yellow-yreen. For violet, violet-purple and pnrjile, yellow seeir •' •• ■• -'v ' — ■(■'• .- ' ,-<• 43 docs tlic in.ixiiniiiu c-incidc witli tliat msc ,,f ,„„ t,vcl\c .iu.ili- tio whit'h !•- iRMr(. the trills •.vith >;[,cctr,.Iiv piiix- cnl^urs .-s^cii- tially snhstantialL- ilic UMilts .,I,t,iiiu alwavs.-ne sonirxehat related to the conipleinuiiarv, hut scarcely ever' the latter it>eif. Tims //trrr n :rry little jusHficatw,, I r t/„ ol,l dulum , e 8 o in o J5 >"*» o A i r. V 1 ' o CD u u ** •4 CI O 1 i 3 o o y. y. 'w"