V PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY XIII. FINE THREAD, LACE AND HOSIERY IN IPSWICH BY JESSE FEWKES AND IPSWICH MILLS AND FACTORIES BY T. FRANK WATERS PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING December 7, 1903. Salem tPress: Tdu Salsm FR£es Oo., Salem, Mabb, 1904. J Mi l 1 1 " ,-L PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ' XIII. FINE THREAD, LACE AND HOSIERY IN IPSWICH BY JESSE FEWKES AND IPSWICH MILLS AND FACTORIES BY T. FRANK WATERS PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING December 7. 1903. Salem tPreee : The Salbh Press Co., Salem, Mass. 1904. ^ FIXE THREAD, LACE AND HOSIERY. . UU. f This old saw mill fell into ruin, but a new building for reener sawing was built by Mr. Benjamin C. Hoyt, about 1S43. This was removed by Mr. -James M. Wellington about the year 1S5S, to its present location on Count}- Street. IPSWICH MILLS AND FACTORIES. 31 factory, now known as '' Hayes Tavern." It was efiuipped with machinery invented by Jame.s, and began at once a prosperous business in the {production of underwear. Mr. Geo. W. Heard was the warm friend of the enteq)rise and advanced money for the new manufactory. But the business had been established only a few years, when Mr. Heard was obliged to go into bankruptcy and the Peat- fields were hopelessly involved. Mr. Heard began the knitting business in the building at the Lower Mills about 1845, with Mr. Jabez Mann as Superintendent. He se- cured the help of Mr. James Glover, who came from England with a long warp machine. Mr. John liirch and other skilled workmen were engaged as well. Th<; Pcattield brothers lont their building and business for a time, but recovered in a few years. Sanford Peat- field sold his share of building and land, but James Peat- field began the manufacture of the nets then in vogue for women's wear, and continued it profitably for years. In a building in the rear of the brick one, which was re- moved from the County House land, a ncAv corporation, known as the Lincoln Manufacturing Co., cariied on a business first of weaving flannel, and later of hosiery' making. At Willowdale, within the bounds of Hamilton, Dr. Thomas Manning had built a dam in 1829 and a wooden saw mill. The mill was soon burned and another was erected, which was used in part for the sawing of ve- neers and for turning. The more permanent -tone build- ings, the factory and the boarding-house on the hill slope, were in process of erection, and about the year 1834, the looms were installed and the weaving of woolen goods be- gan. The factory was ow^ned by Dr. Manning and it was called "Manning's Mills." During the War of the Re- bellion hosiery machiner}' was in operation and in 1864, there were manufactured 55,000 pairs of army socks and woolen goods to the value of $135,000. The hosiery makinjr gave way to the manufacture of blankets, by the Willowdale Manufacturing Co., and many houses had been erect^id for the operatives. The Mill was destroyed by fire, January 12, 1884, and was not rebuilt. The stone house has been taken down and except a tem- 32 IPSWICH MILLS AND FACTORIES. porary use of a wooden building l)uilt on the ruins of the old mill, no use has since been made of the water power at this spot. The decade 1860 to LSTO was the period of another great advance in the textile industry of the Town. In 1863, Henry L. Ordway and Sylvanus F. Canney bought a piece of land on County St., intending to establish a saw mill. It was proposed that a yarn mill should be erected instead. A capital stock of $40,000 was secured, about half in our Town, and the Company was organized with N. W. Pierce and George G. Colman of Boston, Joseph Ross, Capt. Thomas Dodge and Henry L. Ord- way of Ipswich as Directors, and the firm of Pierce, Hardy & Co., as selling agents. After about five years, the Corporation decided to use its yarn. The capital was increased to $50',000, knitting machinery was introduced and the manufacture of hosiery was begun. A few years of great prosperity followed. The capital was increased to $75,000, and the building was enlarged and equipped with the most improved ma- chines. The work produced was of the finest quality, and the most skilful operatives earned ten and twelve dollars a week. Employment was also furnished to three shops, where skilled English hosiery makers worked on hand frames. Burrows & Hunt, Chas. Bamford cS; Son, employing eight men, and John Birch, with twelve men in his employ, were constantly engaged on work for this Mill. The stockholders rejoiced in ten per cent, divi- dends, and ninety percent, of the original investment had been paid to investors, when sudden calamity befell this prosperous and promising business. The great fire in Boston in the fall of 1873 consumed a large amount of finished goods. The insurance companies were bank- rupt and only 38 cents on a dollar were realized b}^ the Company. From this time the business was conducted in the face of great difficulties, but with less and less suc- cess, until the doors were closed in January, 1885. The manufacture of cotton cloth was continued in the Stone Mill until 1868 or thereabout. In that year, Mr. Amos A. Lawrence of Boston having purchased for $70,000 the mills and other property owned by that cor- IPSWICH MILLS AND FACTORIES. 83 poration, transferred the property to the Ipswich Mills Co. The cotton loom^ were removed and hosiery ma- chinery was introduced. For a time, business was con- ducted at a loss. The Company was unfortunate in its superintendents, and the secret of profitable man- ufacture was not attained. The loss Avas so great, that Mr. Lawrence was on the verge of abandoning the enter- prise, when a young Nottingham manufacturer, Mr, Ev- erard H. Martin, was chosen superintendent. With his coming, an era of prosperity dawned, and for many years, this Corporation has been the chief industrial enterprise of the town. When reverse overtook the Woolen Mills, that property was purchased and has since been operated by the Ipswich Mills. The plant has been enlarged from time to time, and all branches of the business, even to the making of the paper boxes, and the wooden shipping cases, are now carried on, and a branch Mill is operated in South Boston. At present, the superintendent is Mr. Harry B. Brown. About 800 operatives are employed. The annual product is estimated at a million dollars, and the pay roll is from eight to ten thousand dollars a week. The hand frame business prospered for many years. James Glover manufactured nets, the Hallams produced fine knit goods, and single frames were operated here and there by a few expert workmen. But this line of manu- facture has become unprofitable, and at the present time it is said that the hand frame weavino; which beijan with the operation of the pjiiglish loom, in 1822, has ceased and the whole textile production of the Town is the output of the Ipswich Mills. The saw mills, once numerous, have suffered similar decline. The Island, granted to Jonathan Wade, became a busy centre of industry. A fulling mill, two saw mills and a grist mill flourished in the 18"' century. A manu- factory of knit goods was added in the 19"* century. This building was used as a saw mill by the Damon heirs and was burned some years ago. A single building, used for a grist mill, originally, now stands unused. One small saw mill and one grist mill, are the only represen- tatives today of these ancient and important industries. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Ipswich Historical Society was held December 7, 1903, at the House of the Society. The following officers Avere elected. President. — T. Frank Waters. Vice Presidents. — John B. Brown, Francis R. Appleton, Dh'ectors. — Charles A. Sayward, John H. Cogswell, John W. Nourse. Clerk. — John W. Goodhue. Correspond'g Sec. and Jreasurer. — T. Frank Waters. Librarian. — John J. Sullivan. Social Committee. Mrs. J. J. Sullivan, Mrs. Chas. A. Sayward, Mrs. Edward F. Brown, Mrs. Cordelia Damon, Miss Susan C. Whipple, Miss Lucy Slade Lord, Miss C. Bertha Dobson. The Committee was authorized to add three members of their own choosing. (34) PRESIDENT'S REPORT, DEC. 7, 11)03. The year just closed has been devoid of any striking features, yet it has been full of interest. Our House continues to attract large numbers of visi- tors, who are always enthusiastic in their admiration of the ancient mansion. By a singular coincidence, the number of names recorded is very uniform. In 1901, there were 1,008 names, in 1902, 1,052, and in 190o, 1,097. The gain, though slight, is gratifying. Of these, only 173 were names of Ipswich citizens. 483 were resi- dents of other cities and towns in Massachusetts, and 402 were from other States, including representatives from nearly every State, and a few from foreign lands- The most noteworthy of our foreign visitors was Ali Kuli Khan of Teheran, Persia, who appended, to his well writ- ten English autograph, the indecipherable signs and sym- bols of his native language. The small number of Ipswich visitors is hardly a fair test of the interest of our town's folk. Many come to the house on social occasions, when names are not registered, and it is encourao-inof to note that the names of our mem- bers and town's people are invariably recorded with the names of strangers. This indicates that visiting friends are brought to the House, and reveals a real appreciation of its interest and value. The Woman's Club utilized the House on March 6th, for their Reception to Visitors. The Old South Chapter of the D. A. R. came on May 26, and the South Boston Chapter of the D. R. on June 13th. The large Art Class of jNIr. Dow came for an evening lecture by the President on July 31st. The most significant gathering, however, was the Annual Meeting of .the Daniel Hovey Association on Aug. 6th. By permission of the Society, (35) 36 president's report. a fine bronze tablet had been placed on the wall of the Cabinet Room, bearing this inscription : In loving and reverent memory of Daniel Hovey born in England 1618 died in Ipswicli, 1692 This tablet is erected by his descendants at the beginning of the twentieth century. He was a patriotic citizen a righteous man and a sincere and consistent Christian. Services of dedication were held on that day. We wel- come this as a forerunner of other memorials, which will come in due time, we hope, and which will enhance the interest and value of our rooms in marked degree. By the kindness of Mr. Alvin Langdon Coburn of Bos- ton, a photographic artist of rare skill, an exhibition of his photographs of old houses in this vicinity, and other specimens of his art, was held in September, The usual suppers were spread, and in addition, a Mid- summer Tea was devised, to afford opportunity^ for a gathering of the summer contingent, many of whom are members of the Society. This was largely attended, and resulted in a handsome addition to our Treasury. On nearly all these occasions, as well as the suppers, our Social Committee served most appetizing lunches, and our Society is greatly indebted to the ladies of this Committee for their enthusiasm and zeal. It is a source of especial gratification to them that the receipts from these spreads have amounted to a total of $142. A por- president's report. 37 tion of this has been spent wisely in purchasing an abun- dant supply of plated ware of good quality for table ser- vice and some necessarj' kitchen ware. The financial record of the year has been encouraging. The total receipts were $747.33 against $648.64 in 1902 and $649.04 in 1901. Membership fees contributed $408.50 to this sum. Door fees amounted to $143.98, the sale of photographs brought $9,26 and the revenue from publications amounted to $19.82. A venture has been made also with a line of stationery which has been fairly remunerative. The expenses of the year have been unusually large. The necessity of providing an acting curator last winter, and the high price of fuel enlarged the house expenses materially. A substantial fence, strong though not beau- tiful, has been built around our grounds to prevent the constant travel across our land. An old-fashioned well- sweep has been erected, and the chimneys have been topped out to help the draught. These are all permanent improvements, and we need not anticipate any further expense in this direction. Not- withstanding these expenditures, the year has closed with $142.25 in hand, and only one small account is outstand- ing. By the kindness of the late Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown, ahvays a sincere friend of the Society, a legacy of $500 will be paid by her executors within a few months. The balance already in hand, added to this legacy will enable the Society to make a considerable reduction in the debt before another year has passed. By the death of Daniel Fuller Appleton, Esq., the So- ciety has lost a generous and enthusiastic friend. He has always encouraged new measures and contributed liberally to the funds needed to accomplish them. His gifts to the Library have been of exceptional value. The ancient manuscripts and rare books, intrinsically valuable, and of especial interest to Ipswich, which he has bestowed, will be a lasting memorial of his regard. We regret to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Burnham have ceased to be our curators. Mr. Burnham's 38 president's report. collection of rare china and beautiful old furniture has added greatly to the attractiveness of the House. He has always proved an atfable host, and he has done especially good service for the Society during the last year by a carefully written description of the House with excellent illustrations, which was published in the Sep- tember number of "The House Beautiful." Mrs. Burn- ham has been an official of ideal excellence, painstaking in her care of the rooms, gracious in her welcome of visi- tors, and ready at all times to sacrifice her own conven- ience, if the Society could gain any advantage. The Society was singularly fortunate in securing their services at the time when Miss Gray removed her furnishings, and we have reason to regret their departure sincerely. Mr. Burnham's furniture will remain until spring and in the meantime, a vigorous effort should be made to secure the permanent furnishing of the Parlor. Our Town is rich in fine antiques, and it would seem that some gener- ous, public spirited people might contribute pieces of furniture that would restore again the glor}^ to Israel. Mr. and Mrs. Washington Pickard were installed in the House by Mr. Burnham, as substitute care-takers be- fore his business affairs led him to decide on removal. They will continue in charge through the winter. The Bay State League of Historical Societies of Essex and Middlesex, has been organized during the past year, and this Society has become a member. Conference with the representatives of other Societies at the meetings of this body has made it plain that few Societies have ac- complished as much as ours in securing permanent homes for themselves and rousing a stronger historic spirit in their communities. I have had the pleasure of a careful inspec- tion of the great collections of the Concord Historical So- ciety, and the unrivalled Museum of the Deerfield Society, the life-work of Hon. George Sheldon, the venerable President. Our Society may never attain such wealth of historic treasures as these, but our House is of unique and unapproachable value. As the burden of our mortgage is lightened, we may soon have larger funds for the work of publication, and when our Memorial Hall is president's report. 39 erected on our land near by, we shall have room for a col- lection, which will be worthy of our ancient and honored Town. The gradual increase of our membership will furnish us an increasing working fund, and some rich and generous friends, proud of their Ipswich blood, will soon rise up, we trust, to bestow on us a building for memorial, and for use, which will enable us to make our Society all that we desire. Already our Home has come to wide recog- nition. The finest tribute to its value has recently been paid by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. This Society wished to establish an historical museum in the tine building erected for its use and a colonial kitchen was a principal item of their plan. The Secretary, Mr. Reuben G. Thwaites, formerly of Dorchester, arranged for the construction of such a room within the long east hall of the Museum. The "Madison Democrat" of February 4, 1904, reports the results of his efforts. "After a visit of inspection early in November, to the several ancient houses in the neighborhood of Boston, which are now maintained as museums, he decided to take as a model the kitchen of the Whipple homestead in the quaint and beautiful old town of Ipswich, this carefully- restored building being now the property of the Ipswich Historical society. Ideas were also obtained at other old houses particularly the famous Hancock-Clark house at Lexington, and the much visited Antiquarian house at Concord ; and numerous photographs were obtained of all of these." " The attempt to produce in our museum the general ef- fect of the Ipswich kitchen has been eminently successful. Prof. Joseph Jastrow, president of the Madison Art asso- ciation, early became interested in the project and from beginning to end devoted to it much time and thought. To him is due a large share of the credit attaching to the artistic result. The old oak beams of the original, now blackened with age (for the Whipple house was built " in part at least before 1642") , have been carefully reproduced ; the spacious fireplace, constructed of blackened brick ob- tained from Indiana, looks as though it had seen centuries 40 president's report. of service ; and the walls and shelves are hung with just such articles of the olden time as would have been daily needed in a kitchen of our forefathers in colonial days. Interesting, indeed, are the tAvo fagades, front and rear — the former being fitted with a two-seated porch ; while opening through the latter is the sort of battened door used in ancient days, and fastened by a wooden latch with the latch-string hanging without." Photographs of this kitchen have been received, which show a remarkably fine reproduction. We anticipate an increase of interest in our venerable House from this source . REPORT OF CURATOR. Dec. 1 : U)()2-1)ec. 1; 11)03. Total names registered, - - - _ _ 1097 Ipswich residents, ---____ 173 Other towns and cities in Massachusetts, 483 From other states, ----___ 402 Total registration, - - - _ 1899 1,134 ----- 1900 1,513 ----- 1901 1,008 ------ 1902 1,052 ----- 1903 1,097 (41) REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 1, 1903. T. Frank Waters in account with Ipswich Historical Society. Dr. Membership fees, $408 50 House account : Fees at door, f 143 98 Sale of Photos, - - 9 26 Sale of publications, 19 82 Sale of stationery, - G70 Suppers and Teas (Feb. supper $39.34 ; Old South T>. A. R., $15.06; South Boston D. R. $10.80; Midsummer Tea, $42.65 ; Tea and Pho. exhibition $9.50; Dec. supper, $26.20) - - - - 143 65 323 31 323 31 Gustavus Kinsman, one half fence, ... 15 52 747 33 Balance, Jane 1902, 215 02 $962 35 Cr. Running expense of house, including fuel, care of grounds, and repairs, $152 53 Work on chimneys, - 17 25 Plated ware, etc., 39 00 Fence and well sweep, . . - - . 84 53 140 78 140 78 Printing account, 131 63 Interest account, Ill 08 Stationery, postage, etc., 32 77 Incidentals, -- 36 04 Cash in hand, 142 50 747 33 Cash, June 1902, 215 02 $962 35 (42) DONATIONS TO THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 1, 1903. John Alhree, Jr. The Traditions of the Old Weaver's Clock. Amer-ican Antk^uarian Society. Proceedings, 1903. Damel Fuller a ri'LETON. Magnalia Christi Americana, by Cotton Mather, A.M. London, 1702. A Di- rectory for the Publi(|ue Worship of God throughout the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ire- land, with an Ordinance of Parliament taking away the Book of Common Prayer. London, 1644. A View of the new Directory and a Vindication of the ancient Liturgy of the Church of England. Second Edition. Oxford, 1646. Brookline (The) Magazine. RuFUS Choate- Bible — carried at the battle of Bunker Hill by Francis Merritield (Loan). Philip E. Clarke. First Principles of Astronomy and Geography. Isaac Watts, D.D. London, 1736. Benjamin H. Conant. Wenham Town Report, 1902-3. Dudley (Gov. Thomas) Family Association. Pam- phlet No. 1. Governor Thomas Dudley. Mrs. Ellis. Old Flag of William Chapman, with 18 Stars. Essex Institute. Historical Collections, 1903. Friend. Cane owned and carried by Daniel Webster. John S. Glover. Cane made from a piece of the Kearsarge, with a head, turned from a fragment of the old Constitution. Mrs. John S. Glover. Veil from the brig Falconer, wrecked on Ipswich Beach. Taken from the wreck by David Spiller. Given by him to Mrs. William Rust, mother of Mrs. Glover. Luther S. Herrick. Beverly Annual Reports. Augustine Jones. Life of Governor Thomas Dudley. George Fox in New England in 1672. William Rotch of Nantucket. Kimball Family News. Mrs. Edward P. Kimball. Woven Rug. Howard Lane. Paper Weight, Ellery House. (43) 44 DONATIONS TO THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Manchester Historic Association, Manchester, N. H. The Historic Quarterly. Medford Historical Society. Historical Register, Vol. VI : No. 2. Oneida Historical Society. Transactions, 1903. Peabody Historical Society. Exercises attending the unveiling of the tablet at the Birthplace of George Peabody. Mrs. Richards. Part of old Lamp. Nathan P. Sanborn. Capt. John Glover and his Ma r- blehead Regiment. Charles A. Sayward. Deed of John Rogers, 1693. George Sheldon. Publications of Poquumtuck Valley Association. Vols, i and ii. Charles C. Smith. Memoir of William Sumner Ap- pleton. Mrs. Ellen M. Smith. Works of Rev. John Flavel- Vol. I. London, 1701. J. G. R. Smith. MS. Sermons by Rev. Nathaniel Rogers. Commission of Capt. Samuel Rogers, 1 739. Deeds — Norton to Wise, 1723. Continental money. Essex Gazette — 1771 — with an account of the Boston Massacre. Topsfield Historical Society. Publications. Vols, viii and IX. ' Bayard Tuckerman. Palfrey's History of New Eng- land. Calefs Wonders of the Invisible World. William P. Upham. John Cotton's, "Moses His Ju- dicialls." Daniel Wade. Supplement to the Year Book of 1899, of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York, 1903. Watertown Historical Society. Memorial discourse on the Life and Character of its late President, Rev. Edward A. Rand. Mrs. Joseph Willcomb. Indian Implements collected by the late Capt. Joseph Willcomb. Oliver C. Willcomb. Willcomb Family, Sketch of History of Ipswich. Wisconsin State Historical Society. Memorial Volume 1901. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Dr. Charles E. Ames, Mrs. Susan A. R. Appleton, Francis R. Appleton, Mrs. Frances L. Appleton, James W. Appleton, Randolph M. Appleton, Mrs. Helen Appleton, Miss S. Isabel Arthur, Dr. G. Guy Bailey, Mrs. Grace F. Bailey, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Baker, Mrs. Ellen B. Baker, John H. Baker, Miss Katharine C. Baker, Charles W. Bamford, Miss Mary D. Bates, John A. Blake, Mrs. Caroline E. Bomer, James W. Bond, Warren Boynton, Miss Annie Gertrude Brown, Charles W. Brown, Edward F. Brown, Henry Brown* Mrs. Carrie R. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Miss Isabelle G. Brown, Mrs. Lavinia A. Brown, Robert Brown, Miss Alice G. Burnham, Ralph W. Burnham, Mrs. Nellie Mae Burnham, Fred F. Byron, Miss Joanna Caldwell, Miss Lydia A. Caldwell, Miss Sarah P. Caldwell, Charles A. Campbell, Mrs. Lavinia Campbell, Edward W. Choate, Philip E. Clarke, Mrs. Mary E. Clarke, Miss Lucy C. Coburn, Sturgis Coffin, 2d, John H. Cogswell, Theodore F. Cogswell, Arthur W. Conant, Miss Harriet D. Condon, Rev. Edward Constant, Miss Roxie C Cowles, Rev. Temple Cutler, Arthur C. Damon, Mrs. Carrie Damon, Mrs. Cordelia Damon, Everett G. Damon, Harry K. Damon, Mrs. Abby Danforth, Miss Edith L. Daniels, Mrs. Grace F. Davis, Mrs. Howard Dawson, George G. Dexter, Miss C. Bertha Dobson, Harry K. Dodge, Rev. John M. Donovan, Mrs. Sarah B. Dudley, Mrs. Charles G. Dyer, George Fall, Miss Emeline C. Farley, Mrs. Emma Farley, Miss Lucy K. Farley. Miss Abbie M. Fellows, Benjamin Fewkes, James E. Gallagher, John S. Glover, Frank T. Goodhue, John W. Goodhue, William Goodhue, John J. Gould, Miss Harriet F. Gove, David A. Grady, James Graffum, Mrs. Eliza H. Green, Mrs. Lois H. Hardy, George Harris, Mrs. Kate L. Haskell, George H. W. Hayes, Mrs. Alice L. Heard, Miss Alice Heard, John Heard, Mrs. Louise S. Hodgkins, Miss S. Louise Holmes, Charles G. Hull, Miss Lucy S. Jewett, (45) 46 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. John A. Johnson, Miss Ellen M. Jordan, Albert Joyce, Charles M. Kelly, Fred A. Kimball, Robert S. Kimball, Miss Bethiah D. Kinsman, Miss Mary E. Kinsman, Mrs. Susan K. Kinsman, Dr. Frank W. Kyes, Mrs. Georgie C. Kyes, Curtis E. Lakeman, J. Howard Lakeman, G. Frank Langdon, Mrs. G. F. Langdon, Austin L. Lord, George A. Lord, Miss Lucy Slade Lord, Thomas H. Lord, Mrs. Lucretia S. Lord, Walter E. Lord, James F. Mann, Everard H. Martin, Mrs. Marietta K. Martin, Miss Abby L. Newman, Mrs. Amanda K. Nichols, William J. Norwood, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Norwood, John W. Nourse, Charles H. Noyes, Mrs. Harriet E. Noyes, Rev. Reginald Pearce, I. E. B. Perkins, Miss Carrie S. Perley, Augustine H. Plouff, James H. Proctor, James S. Robinson, .Jr. Mrs. Anna C. C. Robinson, Rev. William H. Rogers, Miss Anna W. Ross, Fred. G. ^Ross, Mrs. Mary F. Ross, Joseph F. Ross, Mrs. llelene Ross, Dr. William H. Russell, William S. Russell, William W. Russell, Daniel Saftbrd, Emma Saftbrd, Angus Savory, Charles A. SayAvard, Mrs. Henrietta W. Say ward, George A. Scho field, Amos E. Scotton, Dexter M. Smith, Mrs. Olive P. Smith. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Spauldlng, George W. Starkey, Dr. Frank H. Stockwell, Mrs. Sadie B. Stockwell, Miss Lucy Belle Story, Edward M. Sullivan, John J. Sullivan, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Sullivan, Arthur L. Sweetser, Andrew S. Thomson, Samuel H. Thurston, George W. Tozer, Miss Ellen R. Trask, Francis H. Wade, Jesse H. Wade, Miss Nellie F. Wade, Miss Emma E. Wait, Luther Wait, Rev. T. Frank Waters, Mrs. Adeline M. Waters, Miss Susan C. Whipple, Fred G. Whittier, Mrs. Marianna Whittier, Miss Eva Adams Willcoinb, Chester P. Woodbury . NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Frederick J. Alley Mrs. Mary G. Alley John B. Brown* Mrs. Lucy T. Brown* Frank T. Burnham Rev. Augustine Caldwell Eben Caldwell Miss Florence F. Caldwell Mrs. Luther Caldwell Miss Mira E. Caldwell Hamilton, Mass. . Chicago, 111. So. Framingham, Mass. Kliot, Me. Elizabeth, N. J. . Philadelphia, Pa. Lynn, Mass. 'Summer home in Ipswich. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 47 Rufus Choate Alexander B. Clark Mrs. Edward Cordis Dr. Richard H. Derby Joseph D. Dodge Mrs. Edith S. Dole . Arthur W. Dow* Joseph K. Farley Sylvanus C. Farley . Edward B. George Dr. E. S. Goodhue . Samuel V. Goodhue Miss Mary A. Hodgdon Key. Horace C. Hovey Miss Kuth A. Hovey Gerald L. Hoyt* Mrs. May Hoyt* Miss Julia Hoyt* Lydig Hoyt* Albert P. Jordan Edward Kavanagh . Arthur S. Kimball . Rev. John C. Kimball Rev. Frederic J. Kinsman Mrs. Mary B. Main Mrs. Frances E. Markoe Miss Heloise Meyer Mrs. Anna Osgood* Rev. Robert B. Parker* Moritz B. Philipp* Bowing W. Pierson Fred. H. Plouflf, A. Davidson Remick James E. Richardson Mrs. Lucy C. Roberts Mrs. E. M. H. Slade Edward A. Smith Miss Elizabeth P. Smith Mrs. Harriette A. Smith* Henry P. Smith Rev. R. Cotton Smith* Mrs. Alice L. Story Rev. William H. Thayer* Miss Ann H. Treadwell Bayard Tuckerman* Charles S. Tuckerman* Charles H. Tweed Miss Laura B. Underbill* Miss Martha E. Wade Mrs. Caroline L. Warner Henry C. Warner Wallace P. Willett Mrs. Elizabeth Willett Robert D. Winthrop Chalmers Wood* Essex, Mass. Peabody, Mass Jamaica Plain, Mass. . New York, N. Y. Lynn, Mass. Newbury, Mass. . Brooklyn, N. Y. Lihue, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands. Alton, 111. Rowley, Mass. Wailuku, Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Salem, Mass. Forest Grove, Ore. Newburyport, Mass. Lake Mohonk, N. Y. . New York, N. Y. Fresno, California. Essex, Mass. Oberliu, O. Sharon, Mass. Middlebury, Conn. Middletown, Conn. Philadelphia, Penn. Hamilton, Mass. Orange, N. J. . Providence, R. I. . New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass Salem, Mass . Cambridge, Mass . New York ,N. Y Salem, Mass . New York N. Y Salem, Mass Washington D. C Essex, Mass . Southboro, Mass amaica Plain, Mass . New York N. Y iBoston, Mass . New York N, Y . Somerville, Mass Swampscott, Mass East Orange, N. J. '. New York, N. Y. Summer home in Ipswich. 48 HONORARY MEMBERS. LIFE MEMBER. Mrs. Alice C. Bemis Colorado Springs, Col. HONORARY MEMBERS. John Albree, Jr. Miss Lucy Hamniatt Brown Charles W. Darling Miss Caroline Farley Frank C. Farley Mrs. Kathcrine S. Farley Mrs. Eunice W. Felton Jesse Fewkes . Reginald Foster Augustus P. Gardner Charles L. Goodhue Miss Emily R. Gray Arthur W. Hale Albert Farley Heard, 2d Otis Kimball Mrs. Otis Kimball Miss Sarah S. Kimball Frederick J. Kingsbury Miss Caroline T. Leeds Miss Katherine P. Loring Mrs. Susan M. Loring Mrs. Elizabeth R. Lyman Josiah H. Mann Miss Adeline E. Manning Henry S. Manning Mrs. Mary W. Manning George von L. Meyer Miss Esther Parmenter Mrs. Mary S. C. Peabody Frederic H. Ringe Richard M. Saltonstall Denison R. Slade Joseph Spiller Miss Ellen A. Stone Harry W. Tyler Albert Wade Edward P. Wade George Willcomb Robert C. Winthrop, Jr. Swampscott, Mass. Boston, Mass. Utica N. Y Cambridge Mass So. Manchester Conn Cambridge Mass Newton, Mass. Boston, Mass. Hamilton Mass. Springfield Mass Sauquoit N. Y. Winchester Mass. Boston, Mass. Salem, Mass. Waterbury, Conn. Boston, Mass. . Brookline, Mass. Ipswich, Mass. Boston, Mass. . New York , N. Y. Rome, Italy. Rowley, Mass. Ipswich, Mass. Los Angeles, Cal. Boston, Mass. Center Harbor, N. H. Boston, Mass. East Lexington, Mass. Boston, Mass. Alton, HI. Boston, Mass. ... PUBLICATIONS .. OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I. The OratioQ by Rev. Washington Choate and the Poem by Rev. Edgar F. Davis, on the 200th Anniversary of the Resistance to the Andros Tax, 1887. Price 25 cents. II. The President's Address and other Proctedings at the Dedica- tion of their new room, Feb. 3, 1896. Price 10 cents, ( III. Unveiling of the Memorial Tablets at tlie South Common and I IV. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 7, 1896. Price 25 cents. V. The Early Homes of the Puritans and Some Old Ipswich Houses with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1897. Price 60 cents. (Out of print.) VI. Exercises at the Dedication of the Ancient House with a History of the House, and Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1898. Out of print, but the History of the House is reprinted in Num- ber X. VII. A Sketch of the Life of John Winthrop the Younger, with portrait and valuable reproductions of ancient documents and autographs, by T. Frank Waters. Price $2.50. Postage 13 cents. VIII. "The Development of our Town Government" and " Com- mon Lands and Commonage," with the Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1899. Price 25 cents. IX. A History of the Old Argilla Road in Ipswich, Massachusetts, by T. Frank Waters. Price 25 cents. X. " The Hotel Cluny of a New England Village," by Sylvester Bax- ter, and the History of the Ancient House, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1900. Price 25 cents. XI. The Meeting House Green and a Study of Houses and Lands in that vicinity, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 2, 1901. Price, 25 cents. XII. Thomas Dudley and Simon and Ann Bradstreet. A Study of House-Lots to Determine the Location of Their Homes, and, the Exercises at the Dedication of Tablets, July 31, 1902, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 1, 1902. XIII. "Fine Thread, Lace and Hosiery in Ipswich" by Jesse Fewkes, and" Ipswich Mills and Factories," by T. Frank Waters, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting. Price 25 cents. -%■ b 60CIJ: : SIMP! E GOBLf: ■ATHA^: <«t£isr J.. THE SIMPLE COBLE OF Aggavvamm in America. WILLING To help *mcnd his Native Country, la- mciKably tattered^both in the upper-Leather and folcwitb all the honcft ft itches he can take. And as willing never to bee paid forhiswork^ by Old Englifh wonted pay. It is his Trade to patch all they ear hng^ gratis. Therefore I pray Gentlemen keep yourpurfes. By Theodore de U Guard. Tht Tetirth Edition^ withfomeAtTtettdinents, Iff rebus Arduis ac tenai fpe, fortifsima quiquscoHflixtuttfsima funt, Cic. In EngliUi, When bootcs an<4 fhocs arc torne up to the kftj, Coblers muft thraft their awles up to the hefts. This iino time to feare ApeRes grAmm i NeSuter ^nldemuhrM cre^Uam. . LONDON, Printed by 7' 2>. & t. L for Stefitn Ss'^'teS, at the fignc of the Bible In Popes i4ad- Alley, 1647. F - 1 TO THE READER Gentlemen, ^ray make a little room for a Cohltry his work was done in time, but a Jhip Jetting j^yle one day too foon makes it appear e Jbme weeks too late ^ Seeing hee is fo reafonahleas to demand no other pay for his labour and leather^ but leayi to pay us ipeUfor our faults^ let it be well accepted , a^ Conn* fell in dur occajtons to come^and as Tejlimony to what ispafi, By a Friend. SUTOR ULTRA CREPIDAM. '^£^S2^^ ITHER I am in an Appoplexie, or "" that man is in a Lethargie, who doth not now fenfibly feele God fhaking the heavens over his head, and the earth under his feet: The Heavens fo, as the Sun begins to ~jrp^i^^^9r/n turne into darknef fe, the Moon in- '^0.,2.wiJc>^^i^J ^Q blood, the Starres to fall down to the ground; So that little Light of Comfort or Counfell is left to the fonnes of men: The Earth fo, as the foundations are failing, the righteous fcarce know where to finde reft, the inhabitants ftagger like drunken men : it is in a manner diffolved both in Re- ligions and Relations: And no marvell; for, they have defiled it by tranfgreffing the Lawes, changing the Ordinances, and breaking the Everlafting Cove- nant. The Truths of God are the Pillars of the world, whereon States and Churches may ftand quiet if they will; if they will not, Hee can eafily fhake them off into delufions, and diftractions e- nough. Sathan Tl^e Simple Cohler o^ Here is lately brought us an Extract of a Magria Charta, fo called, compiled between the Sub-planters of a Weft-Indian Ifland; whereof the firft Article of conftipulation, firmly provides free ftable-room and litter for all kinde of confciences, be they never fo dirty or jadifh; making it actionable, yea, treafon- able, to difturbe any man in his Religion, or to dif- commend it, whatever it be. Wee are very forry to fee fuch profeffed prophaneneffe in Englifh Profef- fors, as induftrioufly to lay tlieir Religious foundati- ons on the ruine of true Religion; which ftrictly binds every confcience to contend earneftly for the Truth: to preferve U7iity of fpirit, Faith arid Ordinances, to be all like minded, of one accord; every man to take his bro- ther into his Chriftian care: to ftand fa ft with one fpi- rit, with one mind, ftriving together for the faith of the Gofpel. and by no meanes to permit Herefies or er- ronious opinions: But God abhorring fuch loath- fome beverages, hath in his righteous judgement blafted that enterprize, which might otherwife have profpered well, for ought I know; I pre fume their cafe is generally knowne ere this. If the devill might have his free option, I beleeve he would ask nothing else, but liberty to enfranchize all falfe Religions, and to embondage the true; nor fhould hee need: It is much to be feared, that laxe Tolerations upon State-pretences and planting necef- fities, will be the next fubtle Stratagem he will fpread to diftate the Truth of God and fupplant the peace of the Churches. Tolerations in things tolerable, ex- quifitely drawn out by the lines of the Scripture, and penfill of the Spirit, are the facred favours of Truth, the Aggavvam ia dmerica. the due latitudes of Love, the faire Compartiments of Chriftian fraternity: but irregular difpenfations, dealt forth by the facilities of men, are the frontiers of er- ror, the redoubts of Schifme, the perillous irritaments of carnall and fpirituall enmity. My heart hath naturally detefted f oure things : The itanding of the Apocrypha in the Bible; Forrainers dwelling in my Countrey, to crowd out native Sub- jects into the corners of the Earth; Alchymized coines; Tolerations of divers Religions, or of one Religion in fegregant fhapes: He that willingly af- fents to the laft, if he examines his heart by day-light, his confcience will tell him, he is either an Atheift, or an Heretique, or an Hypocrite, or at beft a captive to fome Luft: Poly-piety is the greateft impiety in the world. True Religion is Ignis probationis, which doth congregare homogeriea & fegregare heterogenea. Not to tolerate things meerly indifferent to weak confciences, argues a confcience too ftrong: preffed uniformity in thefe, caufes much difunity: To tole- rate more then indifferents, is not to deale indifferent- ly with God : He that doth it, takes his Scepter out of his hand, and bids him ftand by. Who hath to doe to inftitute Religion but God. The power of all Religion and Ordinances, lies in their purity: their purity in their fimplicity: then are mixtures pernicious. J lived in a City, where a Papift preached in one Church, a Lutheran in another, a Calvinift in a third ; a Luthe- ran one part of the day, a Calvinift the other, in the fame Pulpit: the Religion of that place was but mot- ly and meagre, their affections Leopard-like. If the whole Creature fhould confpire to doe the B 2 Crea- The Simple Cobler of Creator a mifchiefe, or offer him an infolency, it would be in nothing more, than in erecting untruths againft his Truth, or by fophifticating his Truths with humane medleyes: the removing of fome one jota in Scripture, may draw out all the life, and tra- verfe all the Truth of the whole Bible: but to autho- rife an untruh, by a Toleration of State, is to build a Sconce againft the walls of heaven, to batter God out of his Chaire: To tell a practicall lye, is a great fin, but yet tranfient; but to fet up a Theoricall untruth, is to warrant every lye that lyes from its root to the top of every branch it hath, which are not a few. I would willingly hope that no Member of the Parliament hath skilfully ingratiated himfelfe into the hearts of the Houfe, that he might watch a time to midwife out fome ungracious Toleration for his own turne, and for the fake of that, fome other, I would alfo hope that a word of generall caution fhould not be particularly mifapplied. I am the freer to fuggeft it, becaufe I know not one man of that mind, my aime is generall, and I defire may be fo accepted. Yet good Gentlemen, look well about you, and remember how Tiberius play'd the Fox with the Senate of Rome, and how Fabius Maximus cropt his ears for his cunning. That State is wife, that will improve all paines and patience rather to compofe, then tolerate differences in Religion. There is no divine Truth, but hath much Coeleftiall fire in it from the Spirit of Truth: nor no irreligious untruth, without its proportion of Antifire from the fpirit of Error to contradict it: the zeale of the one, the virulency of the other, muft neceffarily kindle Combuftions. Fiery difeafes feated in the fpirit. Aggavvam in Jmerica. fpirit, imbroile the whole frame of the body: others more externall and coole, are leffe dangerous. They which divide in ReUgion, divide in God; they who divide in him, divide beyond Genus Generalifjimum, where there is no reconeihation, without atonement; that is, without uniting in him, who is One, and in his Truth, which is alfo one. Wife are thofe men who will be perfwaded rather to live within the pale of Truth where they may bee quiet, than in the purlieves, where they are fure to be hunted ever & anon, do Authority what it can. Every fingular Opinion, hath 'a fingular opinion'of it felf ; and he that holds it a fingular opinion of himfelf , & a fim- ple opinion of all contra-fentients : he that confutes them, muft confute al three at once, or elfe he does no- thing; which will not be done without more ftir than the peace of the State or Church can indure. And prudent are thofe Chriftians, that will rather give what may be given, then hazard all by yeelding nothing. To fell all peace of Country, to buy fome peace of confcience unfeafonably, is more avarice than thrift, imprudence than patience : they deal not equal- ly, that fet any Truth of God at fuch a rate; but they deal wifely that will ftay till the Market is fallen. My prognofticks deceive me not a little, if once within three feaven years, peace prove not fuch a pen- ny-worth at moft Marts in Chriftendome, that 'hee that would not lay down his money, his luft, his opi- nion, his will, I had almoft faid the beft flower of his Crowne for it, while he might have had it; will tell his own heart, he plaid the very ill husband. Concerning Tolerations I may further affert. B3 That The Simple Cobler of That Perfecution of true Religion, and Toleration of falfe, are the Jannes and Jambres to the Kingdome of Chrift, whereof the laft is farre the worft. Augu- Jtines tongue had not owed his mouth one penny-rent though he had never ipake word more in it, but this, Nullum malum pejus libertate err audi. Frederick Duke of Saxon, fpake not one foote be- yond the mark when he faid. He had rather the Earth fhould fwallow him up quick, then he fhould give a toleration to any opinion againft any truth of God. He that is willing to tolerate any Religion, or dif- crepant way of Religion, befides his own, unleffe it be in matters meerly indifferent, either doubts of his own, or is not fincere in it. He that is willing to tolerate any unfound Opinion, that his own may alfo be tolerated, though never fo found, will for a need hang Gods Bible at the Devills girdle. Every Toleration of falfe Religions, or Opinions hath as many Errours and fins in it, as all the falfe Religions and Opinions it tolerats, and one found one more. That State that will give I>iberty of Confcience in matters of Religion, muft give Liberty of Confcience and Converfation in their Morall Laws, or elfe the Fiddle will be out of tune, and fome of the ftrings crack. He that will rather make an irreligious quarell with other Religions then try the Truth of his own by va- luable Arguments, and peaceable Sufferings; either his Religion, or himfelfe is irreligous. Experience will teach Churches and Chriftians, that Aggavvam ia America. that it is farre better to live in a State united, though a Httle Corrupt, then in a State, whereof tome Part is incorrupt, and all the reft divided. I am not altogether ignorant of the eight Rules gi- ven by Orthodox divines about giving Tolerations, yet with their favour I dare affirme, That there is no Rule given by God for any State to give an aflSrmative Toleration to any falfe Religi- on, or Opinion whatfoever; they muft connive in fome Cafes, but may not concede in any. That the State of England (fo farre as my Intelli- gence ferves) might in time have prevented with eafe and may yet without any great difficultie deny both Toleration, and irregular connivences /a/7;a Republica. That if the State of England fhall either willingly Tolerate, or weakly connive at fuch Courfes, the Church of that Kingdome will fooner become the Devils dancing-Schoole, then Gods Temple: The Civill State a Beare-garden, then an Exchange: The whole Realme a Pais bale then an England. And what pity it is, that that Country which hath been the Staple of Truth to all Chriftendome, fhould now be- come the Aviary of Errors to the whole world, let every fearing heart judge. I take Liberty of Confcience to be nothing but a ireedome from fmne, and error. Confcientia ifi tantum libera, in quantum ah errore liberata. And Liberty of Errour nothing but a Prifon for Confcience. Then fmall will be the kindneffe of a State to build fuch Pri- fons for their Subjects. The Scripture faith, there is nothing makes free but Truth, and Truth faith, there is no Truth but one: If 10 The Simple Xohler of If the States of the World would make it their fumm- operous Care to preferve this One Truth in its purity and Authority it would eafe you of all other Politi- call cares. I am fure Sathan makes it his grand, if not only taske, to adulterate Truth; Falfhood is his fole Scepter, whereby he firft ruffled, and ever fince ruined the World. If Truth be but One, me thinks all the Opinionifts in England fhould not be all in that One Truth, fome of them I doubt are out. He that can extract an unity out of fuch a difparity, or contract fuch a difparity in- to an unity; had need be a better Artift, then ever was Drebell. If two Centers (as we may fuppofe) be in one Cir- cle, and lines drawn from both to all the points of the Compaffe, they will certainly croffe one another, and probably cut through the Centers themfelves. There is talk of an univerfall Toleration, I would talke as loud as I could againft it, did I know what more apt and reafonable Sacrifice England could offer to God for his late performing all his heavenly Truths then an univerfall Toleration of all hellifh Errors, or how they fhall make an univerfall Reformation, but by making Chrifts Academy the Divills Univerfity, where any man may commence Heretique per faltum; where he that is fllius Diabolicus, or fimpliciter pef- fimus, may have his grace to goe to Hell cum Publico Privilegio; and carry as many after him, as he can. Religio docenda eft, non coercenda is a prety piece of album Latinum for fome kinde of throats that are wil- lingly fore, but Hwrejis dedocenda eft non permittendaf will be found a farre better Diamoron for the Gar- garifmes Aggavvam ia America. 11 garifmes this Age wants, if timely and throughly apply ed. If there be roome in England for Religious Men but ^amitifis JLihettints Erdfiidns AntitrinitdrtAm Anahaptifts Antifmptunjfs Arminians MdnifefiAridns Millinaries Aminovnans Socinians Arrians Perfefiifls Brorvnifls * MortAlians Seekers the rotn for pernicious Enthufiafts^ Heretiques i'c. GoodSpi- rits.but vc ry Devils. ' M.incs Lemur ts DK^Acfes Homddrfddcs Potamides Ndiddes Hinnides Pierides Nereides Pales Aaonides ParcAdes Caftalides Monides Charites Helicomdes Pega fides. In a word room for Hell above ground. It is faid, Though a man have light enough himfelfe to fee the Truth, yet if he hath not enough to enligh- ten others, he is bound to tolerate them, Ijwill engage my felf , that all the Devills in Britanie fhall fell them- felves to their fhirts, to purehafe a Leafe of this Pofi- C tion * By Brownifts I mean not In- dependents, be- dew-clawd Se- peratifts: far be it from me to wrong godly Independents I truely ac- knowledge that I judge my felf neither able nor wor- thy to honour fome of them as thev deferve 12 The Simple Cobler of tion for three of their Lives, under the Seale of the Parhament. It is faid, That Men ought to have Liberty of their Con faience, and that it is perfecution to debarre them of it: I can rather ftand amazed then reply to this: it is an aftonifhment to think that the braines of men fhould be parboyl'd in fuch impious ignorance; Let all the wits under the Heavens lay their heads toge- ther and finde an Affertion worfe then this (one ex- cepted) I will petition to be chofen the univerfall I- deot of the world. It is faid, That Civill Magiftrates ought not to meddle with Ecclefiafticall matters. I would anfwer to this fo well as I could, did I not know that fome papers lately brought out of New-England, are going to the Preffe, wherein the Opinions of the Elders there in a late Synod, concer- ning this point are manifefted, which I fuppofe will give clearer fatisf action then I can. The true Englifh of all this their falfe Latine, is no- thing but a generall Toleration of all Opinions; which motion if it be like to take, it were very requi- fite, that the City would repaire Pauls with all the fpeed they can, for an Englifh Pantheon, and beftow it upon the Sectaries, freely to affemble in, then there may be fome hope that London will be quiet in time. :| But why dwell I fo intolerable long about Tolera- tions, I hope my fears are but panick, againft which I have a double cordiall. First, that the Parliament will not though they could: Secondly, that they can- not though they would grant fuch Tolerations. God who hath fo honoured them with eminent wifdome in i^liliimiin I \ft I Aggavvam in dmirica, 13 in all other things, will not fiiffer them to caft both his, and their Honour in the duft of perpetuall Infa- my, doe what they can; nor fhall thofe who have fpent fo great a part of their fiibftance in redeeming their Civill Liberties from Ufurpation, lofe all that remaines in enthralling their fpirituall Liberty by To- leration. It is faid Opinionifts are many, and ftrong, that de funt Vires, that it is turbata rcspublica, I am very for- ry for it, but more forry, if defpondency of minde fhall caufe the leaft tergiverfation in Gods Worthies, who have receiv'd fuch pledges of his prefence in their late Counfels, and Conflicts. It is not thoufands of O- pinionifts that can pinion his Everlafting armes, I can hardly beleeve there is a greater unbeleever then my Selfe, yet I can verily beleeve that the God of Truth will in a fhort time fcatter them all like fmoake be- fore the wind. I confeffe I am troubled to fee Men fo over-troubled about them; I am rather glad to heare the Devill is breaking up houfe in England, and removing fomewhither elfe, give him leave to fell all his rags, and odde-ends by the out-cry; and let his petty Chapmen make their Market while they may, upon my poore credit it will not laft long. Hee that hath done fo much for England will go on to perfect his owne praife, and his Peoples Peace: Let good men ftand ftill, and behold his further Salvation. He that fitteth in the Heavens laughs at them, the moft High hath them in Derifion, and their folly fhall cer- tainly be manifefted to all men. Yet I dare not but adde, and in the Name of God will adde, that if any Publique members of Church or C 2 State, 14 The Simple Cobler of State, have been either open fautors, or private abet- ters of any blafphemoiis, contagious Opinions, It will be their wifdome to proportion their repentance to their Sin, before God makes them PubHque monu- ments of Ignominie, and Apoftafie. Thirdly, That all Chriftian States, ought to dif- avow and decry all fuch Errors, by fome peremp- tory Statutary Act, and that in time, that Subjects knowing fully the minde of the State, might not de- lude themfelves with vaine hopes of unfufferable Liberties. It is leffe to fay, Statuatur Veritas, mat Regnuvi, than Fiat fuftitia,ruat Ocp/wm/but there is no fuch danger in either of them. Feare nothing Gentle- men, Rubiconevitranfiiftis, jacta eft alea, ye have turned the Devill out of doores; fling all his old parrell after him out at the w indows, left he makes another errand for it againe. Qucf relinquuntur in morbis poft indica- tionem, recidivas facere confuevere. Chrift would have his Church without fpot or wrinckle; They that help make it fo, fhall lofe neither honour nor labour: If yee be wife, fuffer no more thorns in his fides or your owne. When God kindles fuch fires as thefe, hee doth not ufually quench them, till the very fcum on the pot fides be boyled cleane away, Ezek. 24. 10, 11. Yee were better to doe it your felves, than leave it to him : the Arme of the Lord is mighty, his hand very heavy; who can dwell with his devouring fire, and long lafting burnings ? Fourthly, to make fpeedy provifion againft Ob- ftinates and Diffeminaries : where under favour, two things will be found requifite. First, variety of pe- naltyes, I meane certaine, not indefinite: I am a Crabbat Aggavvam ia Jmerica. 15 Crabbat againft Arbitrary Government. Experi- ence hath taught us here, that poUticall, domefticall, and perfonall refpects, will not admit one and the fame remedy for all, without fad inconveniences. Se- condly, juft feverity: perfecution hath ever fpread Truth, profecution fcattered Errour: Ten of the moft Chriftian Emperors, found that way beft; SchoUars know whom I meane: Five of the ancient Fathers perfwaded to it, of whom Angujtine was one, who for a time argued hard for indulgency : but upon con- ference with other prudent Bifhops, altered his judge- ment, as appears in three of his Epiftles, to Marcelli- nus, Donatus, and Boniface. I would be underftood, not onely an Allower, but an humble Petitioner, that ignorant and tender confcienced Anabaptifts may have due time and means of conviction. Fifthly, That every Prophet, to whom God hath given the tongue of the learned, fhould teach, and e- very Angel who hath a pen and inkehorne by his fide write againft thefe grieving extravagancies: writing of many books, I grant is irkefome, reading endleffe. A reafonable man would thinke Divines had declaimed fufficiently upon thefe Themes. I have ever thought the Rule given, Titus 3. 10. which cuts the work fhort and fharpe to be more properly pre- valent, then wearifome waiting upon unweariable Spirits. It is a most toylfome taske to run the wild- goofe chafe after a well-breath 'd Opinionift: they delight in vitihtigation : it is an itch that loves alife to be fcrub'd: they defire not fatisfaction, but fatif- diction, whereof themfelves muft be judges: yet in new eruptions of Error with new objections, filence is finfull. C 3 As i() The Simple Cohler of As for my felf, I am none of the difputers of this world: all I can doe, is to gueffe when men fpeak true or f alfe Divinity : if I can but finde the parentall root, or formall reafon of a Truth, I am quiet; if I cannot, I fhore up my f lender judgement as long as I can, with two or three the handfomeft ])rops I can get: I fhall therefore leave Arguments to acuter heads, and onely fpeak a word of Love, with all Chriftian refpect to our deare Brethren in England^ which are againft Baptizing of Infants: I intreate them to confider thefe few things ferioufly and meek- ly. Firft, what a high pitch of boldneffe it is for man to cut a piincipall Ordinance out of the Kingdome of God; If it be but to make a diflocation, which fo far difgoods the Ordinance, I feare it altogether un- hallows it, to tranf place or tranftime a ftated Inftitu- tion of Chrift, without his direction, I thinke, is to deftroy it. Secondly, what a Cruelty it is to de- veft Children of that onely externall priviledge which their heavenly Father hath bequeathed them to intereft them vifibly in Himfelfe, His Son, His Spirit, His Covenant of Grace, and the tender bo- fome of their carefull Mother the Church. Thirdly, what an Inhumanity it is, to deprive Parents of that comfort they may take from the baptifme of their In- fants dying in their Childeliood. Fourthly, How unfeafonable and unkindly it is, to interturbe the State and Church with thefe Amalekitifh on-fets, when they are in their extreame pains of travell with their lives. Fifthly, to take a through view of thofe who have preambled this by path. Being fometimes in the Crowds of foraigne Wederdopers, that is. Ana- Aggavvam ia dmcrica. 17 Anabaptifts; and prying into their inward frames with the beft eyes I had ; I could not but obferve thefe di^uifed guifes in the generahty of them. Firft, a flat formahty of Spirit without fait or fa- vour in the fpiritualties of Chrift, as if their Religion began and ended in their Opinion. Secondly, a f hal- low flighting of fuch as difcent from them, appearing too often in their faces, fpeeches and carriages. Third- ly, a feeble, yet peremptory obftinacy; feldome are any of them reclaimed. Fourthly, a fhamefuU fliding into other fuch tarpauling tenets, to keep themfelves dry from the fhowers of luftice, as a rationall minde would never entertain, if it were not Errour-blafted from Heaven and Hell. I fhould as fhrewdly fufpect that Opinion, that will cordially corrive with two or three fottifh errours, as that faith that can profeffedly live with two or three fordid fins. I dare not feare our godly Brethren in England to be yet comming to this paffe; how foon they may, themfelves know not, the times are flippery: They will undoubtedly finde God as jealous of his Ordinances, as themfelves are zealous of their Opinions. Sixthly, that Authority ought to fee their Subjects children baptized, though their Parents judgements be againft it, if there be no other Evangelicall barre in the way. Seventhly, that prudent men, efpecially young, fhould doe well not to ingage themfelves in confe- rence with Errorifts, without a good calling and great caution; their breath is contagious, their leprey fprea- ding: receive not him that is weak, faith the Apoftle to doubtfull difputations ; much leffe may they run, them- 18 The Simple Cobler of themfelves into dangerous Sophiftications. He ufually hears beft in their meetings, that ftops his ears clo- feft; he opens his mouth to beft purpofe, that keeps it fhut, and he doth beft of all, that declines their com- pany as wifely as he may. Brethren, have an extraordinaiy care alfo of the late Theofophers, that teach men to climbe to heaven upon a ladder of lying figments. Rather then the de- vill will lofe his game, he will out-fhoot Chrift in his owne bow; he will out-law the Law% quite out of the word and world: over-Gofpell the Gofpell, and qui- danye Chrift, with Sugar and Rats-bane. Hee was Profeffour not long fince at Schleftat in Alfatia, where he learned, that no poyfon is fo deadly as the poyfon of Grace. The wifeft way, when all is faid, is with all humi- lity and feare, to take Chrift as himfelfe hath revealed himfelfe in his Gofpel, and not as the Devill prefents him to preftigiated fanfies. I have ever hated the way of the Rofie-Crucians, who reject things as Gods wifedome hath tempered them, and will have nothing but their Spirits. If I were to give phyfick to Spryts, I would do fo too: but when I want Phyfick for my body, I would not have my foule tartared: nor my Animall Spirits purged any way, but by my Naturall, and thofe by my bodily humours, and thofe by fuch Ordinaries, as have the neareft vicinage to them, and not by Metaphyficall Limbeckings. I can- not thinke that materia prima or jecunda, fhould bee good for me, that am at leaft. Materia millefsima fex- centejima quadragefima quinta. Here I hold my felfe bound to fet up a Beacon, to give Aggavvam in America. 19 give warning of a new-fprung Sect of phrantalticks, which would perfwade themfelves and others, that they have difcovered the Nor-weft paffage to Hea- ven. Thefe wits of the game, cry up and downe in corners fuch bold ignotions of a new Gofpell, new Chrift, new Faith, and new gay-nothings, as trouble unfetled heads, querulous hearts, and not a little grieve the Spirit of God. I defire all good men may be fa- ved from their Lunatick Creed, by Infidelity; and ra- ther beleeve thefe torrid overtures will prove in time, nothing but horrid raptures downe to the loweft hell, from which he that would be delivered, let him avoid thefe blafphemers, a late fry of croaking Frogs, not to be indured in a Religious State, no, if it were pof- fible, not an houre. As fome are playing young Spaniels, quefting at every bird that rifes; fo others, held very good men, are at a dead ftand, not knowing what to doe or fay; and are therefore called Seekers, looking for new Nuntio's from Chrift, to affoile thefe benighted que- ftions, and to give new Orders for new Churches. I crave leave with all refpect to tell them, that if they looke into Act 20. 20. 25. Gal 1. 8. 9. 1 Tim. 6. 13.16. and finde them not there; they may happily feek as the young Prophets did for Eliah's corps, where it ne- ver was, nor ever will be found. I cannot imagine why the Holy Ghoft fhould give Timothie the folemneft charge, was ever given mor- tall man, to obferve the Rules he had given, till the comming of Chrift, if new things muft be expected. Woe be to them, who ever they be, that fo trouble the wayes of God that they who have found the way D to 20 The Simple Cobler of to heaven cannot find the way to Church: And woe be to them, that fo gaze at the glorious Hght, they fay, will breake forth in the thoufand yeares to come, that they make little of the gratious Truth that hath been revealed thefe fixteen hundred years paft. And woe be to them that fo under-value the firft Ma- fter Builders, I mean the Apoftles of Chrift, that un- leffe he fends wifer than they. He muft be accounted leffe faithfull in his houfe than Mofes was. I have caufe enough to be as charitable to others as any man living; yet I cannot but feare, that thofe men never Moored their Anchors well in the firme foile of Heaven; that are weather-waft up and down with every eddy-wind of every new doctrine. The good Spirit of God doth not ufually tie up the Helme, and fuffer paffengers to heaven to ride a drift, hither and thither, as every wave and current carries them: that is a fitter courfe for fuch as the Apoftle calls wandring Starrs and Meteors, without any cer- taine motion, hurried about with tempefts, bred of the Exhalations of their owne pride and felfe-witted- neffe: whofe damnation fleepeth not, and to whom the mift of darkneffe is referved for ever, that they may fuffer irreparable fhipwrack upon the Sands and Rocks of their owne Errors, being of old ordained to condemnation. Eightly, let all confiderate men beware of un- grounded opinions in Religion : Since I knew what to feare, my heart hath dreaded three things: a bla- zing ftarre appearing in the aire: a State Comet, I meane a favourite rifing in a Kingdome, a new Opi- nion fpreading in Religion: thefe are Exorbitancies : which Aggavvam in America. 21 which is a formidable word; a vacuum and an exor- bitancy, are mundicidious evils, Concerning Novel- ties of opinions ; I f hall expreffe my thoughts in thefe briefe paffages. Firft, that Truth is the beft boone God ever gave the world: there is nothing in the world, world, any further then Truth makes it fo, it is better then any creat' E71S or Bonum, which are but Truths twins. Secondly, the leaft Truth of Gods Kingdome, doth in its place, uphold the whole King- dome of his Truths; Take away the leaft vericulum out of the world, and it un worlds all, potentially, and may unravell the whole texture actually, if it be not conferved by an Arme of fuperiordinary power. Thirdly, the leaft Evangelicall Truth is more worth than all the Civill Truths in the world, that are meer- ly fo. Fourthly, that Truth is the Parent of all li- berty whether politicall or perfonall; fo much un- truth, fo much thraldome, loh. 8. 32. Hence it is, that God is fo jealous of his Truths, that he hath taken order in his due juftice: Firft, that no practicall fin is fo finfull as fome errour in judgement; no man fo accurfed with indelible infamy and dedo- lent impenitency, as Authors of Herefie. Second- ly, that the leaft Error, if grown fturdy and preffed, fhall let open the Spittle-doore of all the fquint-eyd', wry-necked, and brafen-faced Errors that are or ever were of that htter; if they be not enough to ferve its turne, it will beget more, though it hath not one cruft of reafon to maintain them. Thridly, that that State which will permit Errors in Religion, fhall admit Er- rors in Policy unavoidably. Fourthly, that that Po- licy which will fuffer irrehgious errors, fhall fuffer the D 2 loffe 22 The Simple Cobler of loffe of fo much Liberty in one kind or other, I will not exempt Venice, Rhagufe, the Cantons, the Nether- lands, or any. P^An eafie head may foon demonftrate, that the pre- mentioned Planters, by Tolerating all Religions, had immazed themfelves in the moft intolerable confufi- ons and inextricable thraldomes the world ever heard of. I am perfwaded the Devill himfelfe was never willing with their proceedings, for feare it would breake his wind and wits to attend fuch a Province. I fpeak it ferioufly, according to my meaning. How all Religions fhould enjoy their liberty, Juftice its due regularity, Civill cohabitation morall honefty, in one and the fame Jurifdiction, is beyond the Attique of my comprehenfion. If the whole conclave of Hell can fo compromife, exadverfe, and diametricall con- tradictions, as to compolitize fuch a multimonftrous maufrey of heteroclytes and quicquidlibets quietly; I truft I may fay with all humble reverence, they can do more then the Senate of Heaven. My modus loquendi rmrdoned; I intirely wifh much welfare and more w ifdom to that Plantation. It is greatly to be lamented, to obferve the wanton fearleffeneffe of this Age, efpecially of younger pro- feffors, to greet new opinions and Opinionifts: as if former truths were growne fuperannuate, and fap- leffe, if not altogether antiquate. Non fenefcet Veritas. No man ever faw a gray haire on the head or beard of any Truth, wrinckle, or morphew on its face: The bed of Truth is green all the yeare long. Hee that cannot folace himfelfe with any faving truth, as affectionately as at the firft acquaintance with it, hath Aggavvam ia America. 23 hath not only a faftidious, but an adulterous heart. If all be true we heare, Never was any people un- der the Sun, fo fick of new opinions as Englifh-men; nor of new fafhions as Englijh-women: If God helpe not the one, and the devill leave not helping the other, a blind man may eafily forefee what will become of both. I have fpoken what I intend for the prefent to men ; I fhall fpeak a word to the women anon : in the mean time I intreat them to prepare patience. Ninthly, that godly humble Chriftians ought not to wonder impatiently at the wonderfull workes of God in thefe times : it is full Seafon for him to worke Soveraign worke, to vindicate his Soveraignty, that men may feare before him. States are unftated. Ru- lers growne Over-rulers, Subjects worfe then men. Churches-decayed. Tofts, Profeffors, empty casks filled with unholy humours; I fpeake not of all, but too many; I condemne not the generation of the juft God hath his remnant, whom he will carefully pre- ferve. If it bee time for men to take up Defenfive Arms against fuch as are called Gods, upon the point of Salus populi, it is high time for him that is God in- deed, to draw his Sword againft wormes and no men, upon the point of Majeftas imperii: The pier- cing of his Sword fhall difcover the thoughts of many hearts. Laftly, I dare averre, that it ill becomes Chriftians any thing well-fhod with the preparation of the Gofpel, to meditate flight from their deare Countrey upon thefe difturbances. Stand your grounds ye Ele- dzars and Shammahs, ftir not a foot fo long as you have halfe a foot of ground to ftand upon : after one or D 3 two 24 7h Simple Cobler of two fucli Worthies, a great Victory may be regained, and flying I/rael may returne to a rich fpoile. Englifh- men, be advifed to love England, with your hearts and to preferve it by your Prayers. I am bold to fay that fince the pure Primitive time, the Gofpel never thri- ved fo well in any foile on earth, as in the Brittifh, nor is the like goodneffe of nature, or Cornucopian plenty elfe- where to be found: if ye lofe that Country and finde a better before ye come to Heaven, my Cofmo- graphy failes me. I am farre from difcouraging any, whom neceffity of Confcience or condition thrufts out by head and fhoulders: if God calls any into a Wilderneffe, Hee will be noe wilderneffe to them, Jer. 2. 31. witneffe his large beneficence to us here beyond expectation. Ye fay, why come not we over to helpe the Lord againft the Mighty, in thefe Sacred battailes: I anfwer, many here are diligently obferving the counfell of the fame Prophet, 22. 10. Weepe not for him that is dead, neither bemoa7i him; but weep for him that is gone away and f hall returne no more to fee his Na- tive Country. Divers make it an Article of our Ameri- can Creed, which a celebrate Divine of England hath obferved upon Heb. 11.9. That no man ought to for- fake his owne countrey, but upon extraordinary caufe, and when that caufe ceafeth, he is bound in confcience to returne if he can : We are looking to him who hath our hopes and feafons in his only wife hand. In the mean time we defire to bow our knees before the Throne of Grace day and night, that the Lord would be pleafed in his tender mercy to ftill the fad unquietneffe and per-peracute contentions, of that moft Aggavvam in dmmca. 25 moft comfortable and renowned Ifland, that at length He may have praife in his Churches, and his Chur- ches peace in him, through Jefus Chrift. SHould I not keepe promife in f peaking a little to Womens fafhions, they would take it unkindly: I was loath to pefter better matter with fuch ftuffe; I rather thought it meet to let them ftand by them- felves, like the Quce Genus in the Grammer, being Deficients, or Redundants, not to be brought under any Rule: I fhall therefore make bold for this once, to borrow a little of their loofe tongued Liberty, and mifpend a word or two upon their long-wafted, but fhort-skirted patience: a little ufe of my ftirrup will doe no harme. Ridentem dicere verum, quid prohibet? Gray Gravity it felfe can well beteam. That Language be adapted to the Theme. He that to Parrots /peaks, muft parrotife: He that inftructs a foole, may act th'unwife. It is known more then enough, that I am neither Nigard, nor Cinick, to the due bravery of the true Gentry: if any man mif likes a buUymong droffock more then I, let him take her for his labour : I honour the woman that can honour her felfe with her attire : a good Text alwayes deferves a fair Margent; I am not much offended, if I fee a trimme, far trimmer than fhe that weares it: in a word, whatever Chriftianity or Civility will allow, I can afford with London mea- fure: 26 The Simple Cohler of fure: but when 1 heare a nugiperous Gentledame in- quire what dreffe the Queen is in this week: what the nudiuftertian fafhion of the Court; with egge to be in it in all liafte, whatever it be; I look at her as the very gizzard of a trifle, the product of a quarter of a cypher, the epitome of Nothing, fitter to be kickt, if fhee were of a kickable fubftance, than either honour 'd or hu- mour 'd. To fpeak moderately, I truly confeffe it is beyond the ken of my underftanding to conceive, how thofe women fhould have any true grace, or valuable ver- tue, that have fo little wit, as to diffigure themfelves with fuch exotick garbes, as not only difmantles their native lovely luftre, but tranfclouts them into gant- bar-geefe, ill-fhapen-fhotten-fhell-fifh, Egyptian Hye- roglyphicks, or at the beft into French flurts of the paftery, which a proper Englifh woman fhould fcorne with her heels : it is no marvell they weare drailes on the hinder part of their heads, having nothing as it feems in the fore-part, but a few Squirrils brains to help them frisk from one ill-favour 'd fafhion to another. The/e whimm^Crown^d/hees, theje fafhion-fan/ying wits. Are empty thin brain'' d /hells, and fidling Kits. The very troublers and impoverifhers of mankind, I can hardly forbeare to commend to the world a fay- ing of a Lady living fometime with the Queen of Bo- hemia, I know not where fhee found it, but it is pitty it fhould be loft. The world is full of care, much like unto a bubble; women Aggavvam in dmertca. 27 Women and care, and care and women, and women and {care and trouble. The Verfes are even enough for fuch odde peg- ma's I can make my felfe ficke at any time, with com- paring the dazHng fplender wherewith our Gentle- women were imbelHfhed in fome former habits, with the gut-foundred goofdom, wherewith they are now furcingled and debauched. Wee have about five or fix of them in our Colony : if I fee any of them acci- dentally, I cannot cleanfe my phanfie of them for a moneth after. I have been a folitary widdower almoft twelve yeares, purpofed lately to make a ftep over to my Native Country for a yoke-fellow: but when I confider how women there have tripe-wifed them- felves with their cladments, I have no heart to the voyage, leaft their naufeous fhapes and the Sea,fhould work too forely upon my ftomach. I fpeak fadly ; me thinkes it fhould breake the hearts of Englifh-men, to fee fo many goodly Englifh-women imprifoned in French Cages, peering out of their hood-holes for fome men of mercy to help them with a little wit, and no body relieves them. It is a more common then convenient faying, that nine Taylors make a man: it were well if nineteene could make a woman to her minde : if Taylors were men indeed, well f urnifhed but with meer morall prin- ciples, they would difdain to be led about like Apes, by fuch mymick Marmofets. It is a moft unworthy thing, for men that have bones in them, to fpend their lives in making fidle-cafes for futulous womens phan- fies; which are the very pettitoes of Infirmity, the E giblets 28 The Simple Cohler of giblets of perquifquilian toyes. I am fo charitable to think, that moft of that myftery would worke the cheerfuller while they live, if they might bee well difcharged of the tyring flavery of mif-tyring women: it is no little labour to be continually put- ting up Englif h-women into Out-landifh caskes ; who if they be not fhifted anew, once in a few months, grow too fowre for their Husbands. What this Trade will anfwer for themfeives when God fhall take mea- fure of Taylors confciences is beyond my skill to i- magine. There was a time when The joyning of the Red-Ro/e with the White, Did fet our State into a Damask plight. But now our Rofes are turned to Flore de lices, our Carnations to Tuhps, our Gilliflowers to Dayzes, our City-Dames, to an indenominable Quaemalry of o- verturcaf 'd things. Hee that makes Coates for the Moone, had need to take meafure every noone : and he that makes for women, as often, to keepe them from Lunacy. I have often heard divers Ladies vent loud femi- nine complaints of the wearifome varieties and charg- Aii the Coun- ^^^^ changes of f af hions : I marvell themfeives pre- ties and fhires ferrc not a Bill of rcdreffc. ff would Efjex Ladies hav^haTwars would lead the Chore, for the honour of their Coun- in them fince ty and pcrfous ; or rather the thrice honorable La- bu^EffeTwiiich^i^s of the Court, whom it beft beefemes: who may is oneiy free, wcl prcfume of a Le Roii le veult from our fober Kins:, thankfuU ^ -^^^ Seigueurs ont affentus from our prudent Peers, and the like Af/entus, from our confiderate, I dare not fay Aggavvam ia Jmerica. 29 fay wife-worne Commons: who I beleeve had much rather paffe one fuch Bill, than pay fo many Taylors Bills as they are forced to doe. Moft deare and unparallel'd Ladies, be pleafed to attempt it : as you have the precellency of the women of the world for beauty and feature; fo affume the ho- nour to give, and not take Law from any, in matter of attire: if ye can tranfact fo faire a motion among your felves unanimouf ly, I dare fay, they that moft re- nite, will leaft repent. What greater honour can your Honors defire, then to build a Promontory prefident to all foraigne Ladies, to deferve fo eminently at the hands of all the Englifh Gentry prefent and to come: and to confute the opinion of all the wife men in the world; who never thought it poffible for women to doe fo good a work ? If any man think I have fpoken rather merrily than ferioufly he is much miftaken, I have written what I write with all the indignation I can, and no more then I ought. I confeffe I veer'd my tongue to this kinde of Language de indu/tria though unwillingly, fuppo- fing thofe I fpeak to are uncapable of grave and rati- onall arguments. I defire all Ladies and Gentlewomen to underftand that all this while I intend not fuch as through necef- fary modefty to avoyd morofe fingularity, follow fa- fhions flowly, a flight fhot or two off, fhewing by their moderation, that they rather draw countermont with their hearts, then put on by their examples. I point my pen only againft the light-heel'd beagles that lead the chafe fo f aft, that they run all civility out of breath, againft thefe Ape-headed pullets, which E 2 invent 30 The Simple Cohler of invent Antique foole-fangles, meerly for fafhion and novelty fake. In a word, if I begin once to declaime againft fafhi- ons, let men and women look well about them, there is fomewhat in the bufineffe; I confeffe to the world, I never had grace enough to be ftrict in that kinde; and of late years, I have found fyrrope of pride very wholefome in a due Dos, which makes mee keep I'uch ftore of that drugge by me, that if any body comes to me for a queftion-full or two about fafhions, they never complain of me for giving them hard meafure, or under-weight. But I addreffe my felf to thofe who can both hear and mend all if they pleafe : I feriouf ly fear, if the pi- ous Parliament doe not find a time to ftate fafhions, as ancient Parliaments have done in part, God will hardly finde a time to ftate Religion or Peace : They are the furquedryes of pride, the wantonneffe of idle- neffe, provoking fins, the certain prodromies of affu- red judgement, Zcph. 1. 7, 8. It is beyond all account, how many Gentlemens and Citizens eftates are deplumed by their feather- headed wifes, what ufefuU fupplies the pannage of England would afford other Countries, what rich re- turnes to it felfe, if it were not flic 'd out into male and female fripperies: and what a multitude of mif-im- ploy'd hands, might be better improv'd in fome more manly Manufactures for the publique weale : it is not eafily credible, what may be faid of the preterplura- lities of Taylors in London: I have heard an honeft man fay, that not long fince there were numbered be- tween Temple-barre and C having -Croffe, eight thou- fand Aggavvam ia Amtrica. 3i fand of that Trade : let it be conjectured by that pro- portion how many there are in and about London, and in all England, they will appeare to be very nume- rous. If the ParUament would pleafe to mend wo- men, which their Husbands dare not doe, there need not fo many men to make and mend as there are. I hope the prefent dolefull eftate of the Realme, will perfwade more ftrongly to fome confiderate courfe herein, than I now can. Knew I how to bring it in, I would fpeake a word to long haire, whereof I will fay no more but this: if God proves not fuch a Barbor to it as he threatens, unleffe it be amended, Efa. 7. 20. before the Peace of the State and Church be well fetled, then let my pro- phefie be fcorned, as a found minde icornes the ryot of that fin, and more it needs not. If thofe who are tearmed Rattle-heads and Impuritans would take up a Refolution to begin in moderation of haire, to the juft reproach of thofe that are called Puritans and Kound-heads, I would honour their manlineffe, as much as the others godlineffe, fo long as I knew what man or honour meant : if neither can finde a Barbours fhop, let them turne in, to Pjal 68.21. Jer. 7.29.1 Cor. 11.14. if it be thought no wifdome in men to diftin- guifh themfelves in the field by the Sciffers, let it bee thought no Injustice in God, not to diftinguifh them by the Sword. I had rather God fhould know me by my fobriety, than mine enemy not know me by my vanity. He is ill kept, that is kept by his owne fin. A f hort promife, is a f arre faf er guard than a long lock : itlis an ill diftinction which God is loth to looke at, and his Angels cannot know his Saints by. Though E 3 it 32 The Simple Cobler of it be not the mark of the Beaft, yet it may be the mark of a beaft prepared to flaughter. I am fure men ufe not to weare fuch manes; I am alfo fure Souldiers ufe to weare other marklets or notadoes in time of battell. HAving done with the upper part of my work, I would now with all humble willingneffe fet on the beft peece of Soule-leather I have, did I not fear I fhould break my All, which though it may be a right old Englifh blade, yet it is but little and weake. I fhould efteem it the beft piece of workmanfhip my Cobling hand ever wrought, if it would pleafe Him whofe worke it is, to direct me to fpeake fuch a word over the Sea, as the good old woman of Abel did o- ver the wall, in the like exigent: but alas, I am but fimple. What if I be? When States dishelv'd are, and Lawes untwijt. Wife men keep their tongues, fools /peak what they lift. I would not be fo unwife as to grieve the wife, if I were wife enough to forefee it: I would fpeake no- thing to the Caufe or Continuance of thefe weari- fome Warres hitherto; the one is enough debated, the other more than enough peracted. Nor would I de- claime of the uncomlineffe, unbrotherlineffe, unfea- fonableneffe and unreafonableneffe of thefe direfull digladiations : every ftroak ftruck founds too loud upon this harfh ftring. I would much rather fpeake perfwafives to a comely brotherly feafonable and reafonable ceffation of Armes on both fides, by a drawn Aggavvam in dmerica. 33 drawn battaile: Wherein if I fhall adventure a few over-bold words, I intreat my ignorance, impartiality, and Loyalty may plead pardon for me. Foure meanes there are, and no more, within the compaffe of my confideration, conducing to what is defired. Either to get the Standard fixed in heaven by the Lord of Hofts taken downe, I meane by Re- formation : Or to let up white colours inftead of red, on one fide or other, I meane by Compofition: Or by furling up all the Enfignes on both fides, I meane by mutuall and generall Ceffation: Or by ftill dif- playing all the Colours and Cornets of every batalli- on, I mean by profecution : without Reformation there will hardly be any Compofition; without Compofi- tion little hope of Ceffation; without Ceffation there muft and will be Profecution; which God forbid. Reformatio7i. WHen the Roman Standard was defixed with fuch difficulty at the battaile between Hanni- ball and Flaminius at Thrafimene, it proved an ill O- men. When God gives quietneffe, who can make trouble; when he hideth his face, who can behold him? Whether it be againft a Nation or a man onely. That the Hypo- crite r eigne not, left the people be infnared. Job 34. 29, 30. How can the fword of the Lord put it felfe up into its fcabbard and be quiet, when himfelf hath given it a charge to the contrary ? Jer. 47. 6, 7. It was a Cardinall Truth which Cardinall Poole fpake to H. 8. Penes Reges eft inferre bellum, penes aidem Deum terminare. If Kings will make their beginnings, God will make his ends: much more when him felfe be- gins 34 TJf Simple Cobler of gins: When I begin, I will alfo make an end, 1 Sam. 3. 12. Farre better were it, for men to make an end with him in time, than put him to make fuch an end with them as he there intends. Pohticall Reformation he feemes to call for now indigitanter. When he beholds Chriftian Kingdomes and States nnfoimd in their foundations, illiueal in their fuperftructures, unjuft in their adminiftrations; he kicks them in peeces with the foot of his Indigna- tion: But when Religious Statefmen frame and build by the levell and plummet of his wifdome, then {)eo- ple may fay as his fervants of old, Looke upon Zion the City of our Solemnities; Your eyes fhall fee it a qui- et habitation, a Tabernaele that fhall not be taken down ; not (me of the flakes thereof fhall be removed, neither fhall any of the eoards thereof bee broken, Ifa. 33.20. neither by civill Commotions nor foraign Invafions, When the eoards of a State are exquifitely tight, ami the ftakes firmely pitched; fuch a Tent though but a Tent fhall not eafily flutter or fall: But // the Tarklings be fo loofe, that the maine Maft cannot ftand fteady, nor the Saile be vjellfpread; then may the lame take and deride a great prey, ver. 23. If Heligiou, Laws, lyiberties, and foraigne Federacies be flight: the ftrength of ftrong men fhall beweakneffe, and the weaknene of the weak victorious. Pura polite ja ne unum admiittitfolcreifm ulum, n eq ueva- let,pra'frripfio in politieis out moralibus. \\ lujiy main- tain a bright coiijecliire, agaiiift a rufly 'I'ruth : a legi- ble poffeffion, againft an obhlerate (^laime: an in- convenience, agaiiift a coiivciiieiice; wIkmt no cleare remedy may be had: but never aiiythiiig Ihat is for- mally Aggavvam ia Jjmrica. 35 mally I'infiill, or materially miichiovoiis. When rot- ten States are iouiuUy meiuled from head to foot, pro- portions duly admeafured. Juftice jultly difpeueed; then fhall Riders and Subjects have peace with Ciod and themielves: but till then, the gayeft Kingdomes fhall be but rutHiniX fcutHing, removiui:: and comino- ving hovells. For l^mjland, however the upper Sto- ries are f broadly fJiattered; yet the foundations and frame being good or mendable by the Architectors now at worKC, there is good hope, when peace is tet- led, people fhall dwell more wind-tight and water- tight than formerly, I earneftly wifh our Mr. Builders to remember, that punctuality in Divinity and Tolitie, is but regularity; that what is'amifte in the mould, will misfafhion the profult : and that if this market be flipt. things may grow as deare as ever they were. Mott expert (icntlemen, bee intreated at length to let our Head right on our Shoulders, that we nuiy once look- upwards and goe forwards like {>roper Kugliriimen. God will alio have Eeclefiafticall Uefornuition now, or nothing: And here he ftands not upon Kings, Parliaments ov Airend)lies, but upon his t>wn 'IVrmes. 1 feare lice will have all droffe and bale mettalls throughly melted away bv thei'e combuftions, before llee (|uenches them; all Ins Ordinances and vcl tells caft into his own faf'hion, in his tnvn nu>uld, to his own aniufsifn, before he reltiuvs [)cacc. If this (irlt worke bee thn)ughiy and throughoutly ditnatched as 1 hope it is, the great Ixtniora is removed. It the Parli- ament and AlTiMubly be pleated to be as curious and induftrious as 1 have (vvu a great Popilh Hifhop in F execra- 36 The Simple Cobler of execrating a Proteftant Par. Church one day, and con- fecrating it the next; they may adjourn a while with leave enough, Some ten or twelve years before thefe Wars there came to my view thefe two Predictions. 1 . When God fhall purge this Land with foap and nitre , Woe he to the Crowne, woe be to the Mitre. The Accent of the blow fhall fall there. He that pities not the Crowne, pities not his own foule. Hee that pities not thofe that wore the Mitre, more than they pitied themfelves, or the Churches over which they infulted, or the State then corrupted and now Corruined by their pride and negligence, is to blame. 2. There is a fet of Bifhops comming next behind^ Will ride the Devill off his legs, and break his wind. Poore men ! they might have kept his back till this time for ought I know, had they not put him beyond his pace: but Schollers muft gallop, though they tumble for it. Yet I commend them for this, they gave him fuch ftraynes as made him blow fhort ever fince. I doubt the Affembly troubles him; and I doubt he troubles them. Well, the Bifhops are gone: If they have carried away with them all that was in the poc- kets of their Holliday hofe, farre them well; let them come againe when I give them a new Conge d* /tier, or fend a purfuivant for them; which if I doe, I fhall never truft my felfe more, though they have often done Aggavvam in Jmerica. 37 done it for me, who never deferved^that honour. Some of them I confeffe were very-^honeft men, and would have been honefter if they dared for their fellows. The fad worke now is to inftitute better things in their Roome, and to induct better men in their roome; rather where and how to'finde thofe things, they ha- ving cunningly laid them fo farre out of the way; I doubt some good men cannot fee them, when they look full upon them: it is like, the Bifhops carryed away their eyes with them, but I fear they left their Spectacles behind them. I ufe no fpectacles, yet my eyes are not fine enough, nor my hand fteady enough to cut by fuch fine threads as are now fpun, I am I know not what; I cannot tell what to make of my felfe, nor I think no body elfe : My Trade is to finde more faults than others will mend; and I am very diligent at it; yet it fcarfe findes me a living, though the Country finds me more worke than I can turne my hand to. For Church worke, I am neither Presbyterian, nor plebsbyterian, but an Interpendent : My task is to fit and ftudy how fhapeable the Independent way will be to the body of England, then my head akes on one fide; and how fuitable the Presbyterian way, as we heare it propounded, will be to the minde of Chrift, then my head akes on the other fide : but when I con- fider how the Parliament will commoderate a way out of both, then my head leaves aking. I am not, without fome contrivalls in my patching braines; but I had rather fuppofe them to powder, than expofe themtopreregular,much leffe to preter- regular Judge- ments : I fhall therefore rejoyce that the worke is fain F 2 into 38 The Simple Cobler of into fo good hands, heads, and hearts, who will weigh Rules by Troyweight, and not by the old Haber-du- pois: and rather then meddle where I have fo little skill, I will fit by and tell my feares to them that have the patience to heare them, and leave the red-hot'que- ftion to them that dare handle it. r I fear many holy men have not fo deeply ^humbled themfelves for their former mif-worfhippings of God as hee will have them before he reveales his fecrets to them: as they accounted things indifferent, fo they account indifferent repentance will ferve turne. Sonne of man, if my people be ajhamed of all that they have done, then [hew them the forme of the houje, and the fa- fhion thereof, elfe not, Ezek. 43. 1 1. A fin in Gods wor- fhip, that feemes fmall in the common beame of the world, may be very great in the fcoales of his Sanctu- ary. Where God is very jealous, his fervants fhould be very cautelous. I feare the furnace wherein our new forms are caft- ing, is over-heat, and cafts fmoake in the eyes of our founders, that they cannot well fee what they doe, or ought to doe; omne perit judicium cum res tranfit in affectum. Truth and Peace are the Castor and Pollux of the Gofpell : they that feeke the one without the o- ther, are like to finde neither: Anger will hinder do- meftick Prayers, much more Ecclefiaftique Counfels. What is produced by tumult, is either difficient or re- dundant. When the judgements of good men con- curre with an harmonious Diapafon, the refult is me- lodious and commodious. Warring and jarring men are no builders of houses for God, though other- wife very good. Inftruments may be well made and well Aggavvam in America. 39 well ftrung, but if they be not well fretted, the Mu- fique is marred. The great Turke hearing Mufitians fo long a tuning, he though it ftood not with his ftate to wait for what would follow. When Chrift whips Market-makers out of his Temple, he raifes duft: but when he enters in with Truth and Holineffe, he calls for deep filence, Hah. %. 20. There muft not a toole be heard when the Tabernacle is reared : Nor is that amiable or ferviceable to men that paffeth through fo many ill animadverfions of Auditors and Spectators, If the Affembly can hardly agree what to determine, people will not eafily agree what to accept. I fear, thefe differences and delayes have occafion- ed men to make more new difcoveries then otherwife they would. If pubUque Affemblies of Divines can- not agree upon a right way, private Conventicles of illiterate men; will foone finde a wrong. Bivious de- murres breed devious refolutions. Paffengers to hea- ven are in hafte, and will walk one way or other. He that doubts of his way, thinks hee lofes his day: and when men are gone a while, they will be loth to turn back. If God hide his path, Satan is at hand to turne Convoy: if any have a minde to ride pofte, he will help them with a frefh fpavin'd Opinion at every Stage. Where clocks will ftand, and Dials have no light , There men muft go by gueffe, heH wrong or right. I feare, if the Affembly of all Divines, do not con- fent, and concenter the fooner, God will breath a fpi- rit of wifedome and meekneffe, into the Parliament of F 3 no 40 The Simple Cohler of no Divines, to whom the Imperative and Coactive power fupremely belongs, to confult fuch a contem- perate way, as fhall beft pleafe him, and profit his Churches, fo that it fhall be written upon|the doore of the Affembly; The Lord was not there. I feare the importunity of fome impatient, and fub- tlety of fome malevolent mindes, will put both Par- liament and Affembly upon fome preproperations, that will not be fafe in Ecelefiafticall Conftitutions. To procraftinate in matters cleare, as I faid even now, may be dangerous; fo, not to delibrate in dubious cafes, will be as perilous. We here, though I think under favour, wee have fome as able Steerfmen as E^igland affords, have been driven to tack about again to fome other points of Chrifts Compaffe, and to make better observations before we hoyfe up fayles. It will be found great wifdom in difputable cafes, not to walk on by twylight, but very cauteoufly; rather by probationers for a time, then peremptory pofitives. Reelings and wheelings in Church acts, are both dif- ficult and dif advantageous. It is rather Chriftian mo- desty than fhame, in the dawning of Reformation, to be very perpenfive. Chrifts minde is, that Evange- licall policies, fhould be frained by Angelicall mea- fures; not by a line of flaxe, but by a golded Reed, Rev. 21. 15. 4 I feare, he that fayes the Presbyterian and Inde- pendent way, if rightly carryed doe not meet in one, he doth not handle his Compaffes fo confiderately as he fhould. I feare if Authority doth not eftablifh a futable and peaceable Government of Churches the fooner, the Aggavvam in Jmcnca.^^^--^^ 41 the bells in all the fteeples will ring awke fo long, that they will hardly be brought into tune any more. |§My laft, but not leaft feare, is, That God will hardly replant] hislGofpel in any part of Chriftendome, in fo faire an Edition as is expected, till the whole field hath been fo ploughed and harrowed, that the foile be throughly eleanfed and fitted for new feed: Or whether he will not tranfplant it into fome other Re- gions, I know not: This feare I have feared thefe 20 years, but upon what grounds I had rather bury than broach. p^T dare not but adde to what preceded about Church-reformation, a moft humble petition, that the Authority of the Miniftery be kept in its due altitude : if it be dropp'd in the duft, it will foon bee ftifled: Encroachments on both fides, have bred detriments enough to the whole. The Separatifts are content their teaching Elders fliould fit higheft on the Bench, fo they may fit in the Chaire over-againft them; and that their Ruling Elders fhall ride on the faddle, fo they may hold the bridle. That they may likewife havefeafonable and honourable maintenance, and that certainly ftated : which generally we find and practife here as the beft way. When Elders live upon peo- ples good wills, people care little for their ill wills, be they never fo juft. Voluntary Contributions or non tributions of Members, put Minifters upon many temptations in adminiftrations of their Offices, two houres care does more dif fpirit an ingenuous man than two dayes ftudy : nor can an Elder be gi- ven to hofpitality, when he knowes not what will be given him to defray it: it is pity men of gifts fhould live 42 The Simple Cohler of live upon mens gifts. I have feen moft of the Refor- med Churches in Europ, and feene more mifery in thefe two refpects, then it is meet others fhould hear: the complaints of painfull Parens, David Pareus, to my felfe, with tears, concerning the Germane Chur- ches are not to be related. There is yet a personall Reformation, as requifite as the politicall. When States are fo reformed, that they conforme fuch as are profligate, into good civility: civill men, into religious morality: When Churches are fo conftituted, that Faith is ordained Paftour, Truth Teacher, Holineffe and Righteoufneffe ruling Elders: Wifedome and Charity Deacons: Know- ledge, love, hope, zeale, heavenly-mindedneffe, meek- neffe, patience, watchfulneffe, humility, diligence, fo- briety, modefty, chaftity, conftancy, prudence, con- tentation, innocency, f incerity, &c. admitted members, and all their oppofites excluded: then there will bee peace of Country and Confcience. Did the fervants of Chrift know what it is to live in Reformed Churches with unreformed fpirits, under ftrict order with loofe hearts, how formes of Religi- on breed but formes of Godlineffe, how men by Church-difcipline, learne their Church-poftures, and there reft; they would pray as hard for purity of heart, as purity of Ordinances. If wee mocke God in thefe. He will mocke us; either with defeat of our hopes ; or which is worfe : when wee have what we fo much defire, wee fhall be fo much the worfe for it. It was a well falted fpeech, uttered by an Englifh Chri- ftian of a Reformed Church in the Netherlands, Wee have the good Orders here, but you have the good Chrifti- Agqavvam in Jmerica. 43 Chriftians in England. Hee that prizes not Old Eng- land Graces, as much as New Englafid Ordinances, had need goe to fome other market before hee comes hither. In a word, hee that is not Paftour, Teacher, Ruler, Deacon and Brother to himfelfe, and lookes not at Chrift above all, it matters not a farthing whe- ther he be Presbyteran or Independent: he may be a zelot in bearing witneffe to which he likes beft, and yet an Ifcariot to both, in the witneffe of his owne Confcience. I have upon ftrict obfervation, feen fo much power of Godlineffe, and fpirituall mindedneffe in Englifh Chriftians, living meerly upon Sermons and private duties, hardly come by, when the Gofpell was little more than fymptomaticall to the State; fuch Epi- demicall and lethall formality in other difciplinated Churches, that I profeffe in the hearing of God, my heart hath mourned, and mine eyes wept in fecret, to confider what will become of multitudes of my dear Country-men when they fhall enjoy what they now covet: Not that good Ordinances breed ill Confci- ences, but ill Confciences grow ftarke nought under good Ordinances; infomuch that might I wifh an hy- pocrite the moft perilous place but Hell, I fhould wifh him a Memberfhip in a ftrict Reformed Church : and might I wifh a fincere Servant of God, the greateft greife earth can afford, I fhould wifh him to live with a pure heart, in a Church impurely Reformed; yet through the improvement of Gods Spirit, that greife may fanctifie him for Gods fervice and presence, as much as the means he would have, but cannot. I fpeak this the rather to prevent, what in me lyes, G the 44 The Simple Cobler of the imprudent romaging that is hke to be in England, from Villages to Townes, from Townes to Cities, for Churches fake, to the undoing of Societies, Friend- fhips, Kindreds, Famihes, Heritages, Callings, yea, the wife Providence of God in difpofing mens habi- tations, now in the very Infancy of Reformation : by forgetting that a little leaven may feafon a large lump : and it is much better to doe good than receive. It were a moft uncharitable and unferviceable part, for good men to defert their own Congregations, where many may glorifie God in the day of his Vifitation, for their pre fence and affiftance. If a Christian would picke out a way to thrive in grace, let him ftudy to adminifter grace to them that want; or to make fure a blelTing upon his Family, let him labour to mul- tiply the Family of Chrift, and beleeve, that he which foweth liberally, fhall reape abundantly; and he that fpareth more than is need, from them that have more need, fhall furely come to poverty: yea, let me fay, that hee who f orfakes the meanes of grace for Chrift and his Churches fake', fhall meet with a better bar- gaine, namely, grace it felfe. It is a time now, when full flockes fhould rather fcatter to leane Churches than gather from other places to make themfelves fat ; when able Chriftians fhould rather turne Jefuites and Seminaries, than run into Covents and Frieries: had this been the courfe in the Primitive time, the Gofpel had been pinfolded up in a few Cities, and not fpread as it is. What more ungodly facriledge or man-ftealing can there be, then to purloin from godly Minifters the firft born of their fervent prayers and faithfull preachings, the Aggavvam in dmerica. 45 the leven of their flocks, the incouragenient of their foules, the Crowne of their labours, their Epiftle to Heaven? I am glad to hear our New-England Elders generally deteft it difpneriter, and look at it as a kil- ling CordoliuTn: If men will needs gather Churches out of the world (as they fay) let them firft plough the world, fow it, and reap it with their own hands, and the Lord give them a liberal 1 Harveft. He is a ve- ry hard man that will reap where he hath not fowed, and gathered where he hath not ftrowed, i/a^. 24.25. He that faith, it is or was our cafe, doth not rightly underftand himfelf or us, and he that takes his warrant out of J oh. 4. 37.38. is little acquainted with Expofi- tors. Wifemen are amazed to hear that confcientious Minifters dare fpoile many Congregations to make one for themfelves. In matter of Reformation, this would be remem- bred, that in premonitory judgements, God will take good words, and fincere intents; but in peremptory, nothing but reall performances. Compofition IF Reformation were come thus neer, I fhould hope Compofition were not farre off: When hearts meet in God, they will foon meet in Gods wayes, and up- on Gods termes. But to avoid prolixity, which fteales upon me; For Compofition, I fhall compofe halfe a dozen diftichs concerning thefe kind of Wars; wifh- ing I could fing afleep thefe odious ftirs, at leaft on fome part, with a dull Ode. He is no Cobler that can- not fing, nor no good Cobler that can fing well : G 2 Si 46 The Simple Cobler of Si natura negat, facit indignatio verfum \ They are Qualemcunque pote/t Juvenal. J thefe. 1. THey feldome lofe the field, hut often win, That end their warrs, before their warrs begin. 2. Their Caufe is oft the tvorft, that firft begin. And they may lofe the field, the field that win: 3. In Civill warrs Hwixt Subjects and their King, There is no conqueft got, by conquering. 4. Warre ill begun, the onely way to mend. Is fend the warre before the warre doe end. 5. They that well end ill warrs, must have the skill. To make an end by Rule, and not by Will. 6. In ending ivarrs Hween Subjects and their Kings, Great thhigs are fav'd, by lofing little things. Wee heare that Majeftas Imperii hath challenged Salus Populi into the field; the one fighting for Pre- rogatives, the other defending Liberties: Were I a Coni'table bigge enough, I would fet one of them by the heeles to keep both their hands quiet; I mean one- ly in a paire of ftocks, made of found reafon, hand- fomely fitted for the legges of their Underftanding. If Salus Populi began, furely it was not that Salus Populi Heft in England: ihRi Salus Populi was as man- nerly a Salus Populi as need bee : if I be not much de- ceived, that Salus Populi fuffer'd its noie to be held to the Grindftone, till it was almoft ground to the grifles and Aggavvam ia dmtrica. 47 and yet grew never the fharper for ought I could di- feerne; What was, before the world was 'made, I leave to better Antiquaries then my felfe; but I think, fince the world began, it was never ftoried that Sa- lus Populi began with Majejtas Imperii, unleffe Ma- jeftas imperii firft unharbour'd it, and hunted it to a ftand, and then it muft either turne head and live, or turn taile and die : but more have been ftoryed on the other hand than Majejtas Imperii is willing to heare : I doubt not but Majejtas Imperii knows, that Com- mon-wealths colt as much the making as Crownes; and if they be well made, would yet outfell an ill-fa- fhioned Crown, in any Market overt, if they could be well vouched. But Preces & Lachrymw, are the peoples weapons : fo are Swords and Piftoles, when God and Parlia- ments bid them Arme. Prayers and Tears are good weapons for them that have nothing but knees and eyes; but moft men are made with teeth and nailes; onely they muft neither fcratch for Liberties, nor bite Prerogatives, till they have wept and prayed as God would have them. If Subjects muft fight for their Kings again ft other Kingdomes, when their Kings will; I know no reafon, but they may fight a- gainft their Kings for their own Xingdomes, when Parliaments fay they may and muft : but Parliaments muft not fay they muft, till God fayes they may. I can never beleeve that Majejtas Imperii, was ever fo fimple as to think, that if it extends it felf beyond its due Artique at one end, but Salus Populi muft An- tartique it as farre at the other end, or elfe the world will be Excentrick, and then it will whirle; and if it once 48 The Simple Cobler of once fall a'^whirling, ten to one, it will whirle them off firft, that fit in higheft Chaires on ciifhions fill'd with Peacocks feathers; and they are like to ftand their ground fafteft, that owne not one foot of ground to ftand upon. When Kings rife higher than they fhould, they exhale Subjects higher than they would: if the Primum Mobile fhould afcend one foote higher than it is, it would hurry all the nether wheeles, and the whole world on fire in 24 houres. No Prince ex- ceeds in Soveraignty, but his Subjects will exceed as f arre in fome vitious Liberty, to albate their griefe ; or fome pernicious mutiny, to abate their Prince. I The crazy world will crack, in all the middle joynts. If all the ends it hath, have not their parapoynts. Nor can I beleeve that Crownes trouble Kings heads, fo much as Kings heads trouble Crowns: nor that they are flowers of Crowns that trouble Crowns, but rather fome Nettles or Thiftles miftaken for flowers. To fpeak plainer Englifh, I have wondred thefe thirty years what Kings aile : I have seen in my time, the beft part of twenty Chriftian Kings and Princes ; Yet as Chriftian as they were, fome or other were ftill fcuffiing for Prerogatives. It muft be granted at all hands, that Prwrogativce Regis are neceffary Suppor- ters of State : and ftately things to ftately Kings : but if withall, they be Derogativce Reg7io, they are but lit- tle things to wife Kings. P'quity is as due to People, as Eminency to Princes : Liberty to Subjects, as Roy- alty to Kings: If they cannot walk together lovingly hand Aggavvam ia America. 49 hand in hand, paripaffu, they muft cut girdles and part as good friends as they may: Nor muft it be taken offenfively, that when ^ings are haihng up their top- gallants, Subjects lay hold on their slablines; the head and body muft move alike : it is nothing meet for me to fay with Horace, Ut tu fortunam, fie nos te Car'le jeremus. y But I hope I may fafely fay, The body beares the head, the head the Crown; If both beare not alike, then one will down. Diftracting Nature, calls for diftracting Remedies; perturbing policies for difturbing cures: if one Ex- treame fhould not conftitute its Anti-Extreame, all things would foon be in extremo: if ambitious windes get into Rulers Crownes, rebellious vapours will in- to Subjects Caps, be they ftopt never fo clofe: Yet the tongues of Times tell us of ten Preter royall U- furpations, to one contra-civill Rebellion. Civill Liberties and proprieties admeafured, to every man to his true fuum, are the prima pura prin- cipia, propria quarto modo, the fine quibus of humane States, without which, men are but women. Peoples proftrations of thefe things when they may lawfully helpe it, are prophane proftitutions ; ignorant Ideo- tifmes, under-naturall noddaries; and juft it is that fuch as underfell them, fhould not re-inherit them in hafte, though they feek it carefully with teares. And fuch ufurpations by Rulers, are the unnaturalizings of nature, 50 The Simple Cohler of nature, disfranchifements of Freedome, the Neronian nullifyings of Kingdomes: yea, I beleeve the Devill himfelfe would turn Round-head, rather then fuffer thefe Columnes of Common-wealths to be flighted : as he is a creature, he fears decreation; as an Angell, dehominations; as a Prince, dif-common-wealthings; as finite, thefe pen-infinite infolencies, which are the moft finite Infinites of mifery to men on this fide the worlds diffolution; therefore it is, that with Gods leave, he hath founded an alarm to all the fu/que deques pell-mels, one and alls, now harrafing fundry parts of Chriftendome. It is enough for God to be Infinite, too much for man to be Indefinite. He that will flye too high a quarry for Abfoluteneffe, fhall ftoope as much too low before he remounts his proper pitch: If Jacob will over top his Brother out of Gods time and way, we will fo hamftring him that he fhall make legs whether he will or no, at his brothers approach : and fuch as over-run all humane meafure, fhall feldom return to humane mercy: There are fins befides the fin against the Holy Ghoft, which fhall not be expia- ted by facrifice for temporall revenge: I mean when they are boyled up to a full confiftence of contumacy and impenitency. Let abfolute Demands or Com- mands be put into one fcale, and indefinite refufalls into the other: All the Goldfmiths in Cheapefide, can- not tell which weighs heavieft. Intolerable griefes to Subjects, breed the Iliaca pa/sio in a body politick which inforces that upwards which fhould not. I fpeak thefe things to excufe,what I may, my Countrymen in the hearts of all that look upon their proceedings. There is a quadrobulary faying, which paffes cur- rent Aggavvam ia dmerica. 5i rent in the Wefterne World, That the Emperour is Zing of Kings, the Spaniard, Xing of Men, the French King of Affes, the Ki7ig of England, Kifig of Devils. By his leave that firft brayed the fpeech, they are pret- ty wife Devils and pretty honeft; the worfe they doe, is to keep their /vings from devillizing, & them felves from Affing: Were I a /ving (a fimple fuppofall) I would not part with one good Englifh Devil, for fome two of the Emperours Kings, nor three of the Spani- ards Men, nor foure French Affes; If I did, I fhould think my felfe an Affe for my labour. I know nothing that Englifhmen want, but true Grace, and honeft pride; let them be well furnifht with thofe two, I feare they would make more Affes, then Spaine can make men, or the Emperour Kings. You will fay I am now beyond mylatchet; but you would not fay fo, if you knew how high my latchet will ftretch; when I heare a lye with a latchet, that reaches up to his throat that firft forged it. He is a good King that undoes not his Subjects by any one of his unlimited Prerogatives: and they are a good people, that undoe not their Prince, by any one of their unbounded Liberties, be they the very leaft. I am fure either may, and I am fure neither would be trusted, how good foever. Stories tell us in effect, though not in termes, that over-rifen Kings, have been the next evills to the world, unto fallen An- gels; and that over-franchifed people, are devills with fmooth fnaffles in their mouthes. A King that lives by Law, lives by love; and he that lives above Law, fhall live under hatred doe what he can. Sla- very and knavery goe as feldome afunder, as Tyran- ny and Cruelty. H I 52 The Simple Cobler of I have a long while thought it very poffible, in a time of Peace, and in fome Kings Reigne, for difert State fmen, to cut an exquifite thred between Kings Prerogatives, and Subjects Liberties of all forts, fo as Cosfar might have his due, and People their fhare, without fuch fharp difputes. Good Cafuifts would cafe it, and cafe it, part it, and part it; now it, and then it, punctually. Aquinas, Suarez or Valentia, would have done it long ere this, had they not beene Popifh, I might have faid Knaviijh; for if they be fo any where, it is in their Tractates of Priviledges. Our Common Law doth well, but it muft doe better before things do as they fhould. There are fomeiV/a.T- imes in Law, that would be taught to fpeake a little more mannerly, or elfe well Anti-Maxim'd: wee fay, the King can doe a Subject no wrong; why may wee not fay the Parliament can doe the King no wrong ? We fay. Nullum tempus occurrit Regi in taking wrong ; why may wee not fay. Nullum, tempus fuccurrit Regi in doing wrong ? which I doubt will prove as good a Canon if well examined. ' Authority muft have power to make and keep peo- ple honeft; People, honeftly to obey Authority; both, a joynt-Councell to keep both fafe. Morall Lawes, Royall Prerogatives, Popular Liberties, are not of Mans making or giving, but Gods: Man is but to meafure them out by Gods Rule: which if mans wif- dome cannot reach. Mans experience muft mend: And thefe Effentialls, muft not be Ephorized or Tri- buned by one or a few mens difcretion, but lineally fanctioned by Supreme Councels. In pro-re-najcent occurrences, which cannot be forefeen; Diets, Parli- aments Aggavvam ia America. 53 aments, Senates, or accountable Commiffions, must have power to confult and execute againft interfilient dangers and flagitious crimes prohibited by the Hght ofJNature: Yet it were good if States would let Peo- ple know fo much before hand, by forne fafe woven manifefto, that groffe Delinquents may tell no tales of Anchors and Buoyes, nor palliate their prefumptions with pretence of ignorance. I know no difference in thefe Effentialls, between Monarchies, Aristocracies, or Democracies; the rule will be found, par-rationall fay Schoolemen and Pretorians what they will. And in all, the beft ftandard to meafure Prerogatives, is the Plough ftaffe, to meafure Liberties, the Scepter: if the tearms were a little altered into Loyall Prero- gatives and Royall Liberties, then we fhould be lure to have Royall Kings and Loyall Subjects. Subjects their King, the King his Subjects greets, Whilome the Scepter a7id the Plough-ftaffe meets. But Progenitors have had them for four and twen- ty predeceff ions : that would be fpoken in the Nor- man tongue or Cimbrian, not in the Englifh or Scot- tifh : When a Conquerour turnes Chriftian, Chriftia- nity turns Conquerour: if they had had them time out of minde of man, before ^4rfam was made, it is not a pin to the point in foru rectos rationis: Juftice and Equity were before time, and will be after it: Time hath nei- ther Politicks nor Ethicks, good nor evill in it; it is an empty thing, as empty as a New-Englifh purfe, and emptier it cannot bee: a man may break his neck in time, and in a leffe time then he can heale it. H 2 But 54 Tl?e Simple Cobler of But here is the deadly pang, it muft now be taken by force and dint of fword : I confeffe it is a deadly pang to a Spirit made all of flefh, but not to a morti- fied heart: it is good to let God have his will as hee pleafe, when we have not reafon to let him have it as we fhould; remembring, that hitherto he hath taken order that ill Prerogatives gotten by the Sword, fhould in time be fetcht home by the Dagger, if no- thing elfe will doe it : Yet I truft there is botli day and means to intervent this bargaine. But if they fhould, if God will make both King and Xingdome the bet- ter by it, what fhould either lofe ? I am fure there is no great caufe for either to make great brags. Pax quo carior, eo charior. A peace well made, is likelieft then to hold, Whefi 'tis both dearly bought and dearly fold. I confeffe, he that parts with fuch pearles to be paid in old iron, had need to be pityed more by his faithfull friends, than he is like to be by his falfe flatterers. My heart is furcharged, I can no longer forbear. MY Deare/t Lord, and my more than dearest King ; I moft humbly befeech you upon mine aged knees, that you would pleafe to arme your minde with pati- ence of proofe, and to intrench your felfe as deepe as you can, in your wonted Royall meekneffe; for I am refolved to difplay my unfurled foule in your face, and to ftorme you with volyes of Love and Loy- alty. You owe the meaneft true Subject you have, Aggavvam in Jmerica. 55 a clofe account of thefe open Warres: they are no Arcana imperii. Then give me leave to inquire of your Majefty, what you make in fields of blood, when you fhould be amidft your Parliament of peace: What you doe fculking in the fuburbs of Hell, when your Royall Pallaces ftand defolate, through your abfence ? What moves you to take up Armes againft your faithfull Subjects, when your Armes fhould bee embracing your mournfull Queen ? What incenfes your heart to make fo many widdowes and Orphans, and among the reft your owne ? Doth it become you, the King of the ftatelieft If land the world hath, to f or- fake your Throne, and take up the Manufacture of cutting your Subjects throats, for no other finne, but for Deifying you fo over-much, that you cannot be quiet in your Spirit, till they have pluckt you downe as over-low ? Doe your three Kingdomes fo trouble you, that they muft all three be fet on fire at once, that when you have done, you may probably runne away by their light into utter darkneffe ? Doe your three Crownes fit to heavy on your head, that you will break the backs of the three bodies that fet them on, and helpt you beare them fo honourably ? Have your three Lamb-like flocks fo molefted you, that you muft deliver them up to the ravening teeth of evening Wolves ? Are you fo angry with thofe that never gave you juft caufe to be angry, but by their to much feare to anger you at all, when you gave them caufe enough ? Are you fo weary of Peace, that you will never bee weary of Warre ? Are you fo willing to warre at home, who were fo unwilling to warre a- broad, where and when you fhould ? Are you fo wea- 56 The Simple Cohler of ly of being a good King, that you will leave your felfe never a good Subject ? Have you peace of Con- fcience, in inforcing many of your Subjects to fight for you againft their Conicience ? Are you provided with Anfwers at the great Tribunall, for the deftructi- on of fo many thoufands, whereof every man was as good a man as your Selfe, qua man ? Is it not a moft unworthy part for you to bee run- ning away from your Subjects in a day of battell, up- on whofe Pikes you may come fafe with your naked breaft and welcome ? Is it honourable for you to bee flying on horfes, from thofe that would efteeme it their greatest honour, to beare you on their humble fhoulders to your Chaire of Eftate, and fet you down upon a Cufhion ftuffed with their hearts ? Is it your prudence to be inraged with your beft friends, for ad- venturing their lives to refcue you from your worft enemies ? Were I a King, pardon the fupposall, I would hang that Subject by the head, that would not take me by the heels, and dragge mee to my Court, when hee fees me fhifting for life in the ruined Coun- trey, if nothing elfe would doe it; And I would ho- nour their very heels, that would take me by the very head, and teach me, by all juft meanes, to i^ing it bet- ter, when they faw me un-Kinging my felfe, and Kingdome: Doe you not know Sir, that, as when your people are ficke of the Kings-evill, God hath given you a gift to heale them ? fo when your felfe are ficke of it, God hath given the Parliament a gift to heale you: Hath your Subjects love been fo great to you, that you will fpend it all, and leave your chil- dren little or none ? Are you fo exafperated againft wife Aggavvam in dmerica. 57 wife Scotland, that you will make E7igland your foole or foot-ftoole ? Is your fathers fonne growne more Orthodox, then his moft Orthodox father, when he told his fonne, that a King was for a kingdome, and not a kingdome for a King ? parallell to that of the Apoftle; the husband is but by the wife, but the wife of the husband. Is Majestas Imperij growne fo kickifh, that it can- not ftand quiet with Salus Populi, unleffe it be fette- red ? Are you well advifed, in trampling your Sub- jects fo under your feet, that they can finde no place to be fafe in, but over your head : Are you so inexo- rably offended with your Parliament, for fuffering you to returne as you did, when you came into their houfe as you did, that you will jbe avenged on all whom they reprefent? Will you follow your very worft Councell fo far, as to provoke your very beft, to take better counfell than ever they did ? If your Majefty be not Popifh as you profeffe, and I am very willing to beleeve, why doe you put the Parliament to refume the facrament of the Alter in faying, the King and Parhament, the King and Parhament? breaking your fimple Subjects braines to underftand fuch myfticall Parlee-ment ? I queftion much, whe- ther they were not better fpeake plainer Englifh, then fuch Latine as the Angels can hardly conftrue, and God happily loves not to perfe; I can as well admit an ubiquitary Xing as another, if a King be abroad in any good affaire ; but if a King be at home, and will circumfcribe himfelfe at Oxford, and profcribe or dif- fcribe his Parliament at Weftminfter, if that Parliament will prefcribe what they ought, without fuch para- doxing, 58 The Simple ColUr of doxing, I fhould think God would fiiblcribe a Le Dieu le veult readily enough. Is your Advifera fuch a Suavamen to you, that hath been fuch a Gravamen to Religion and Peace ? Shall the cheife bearing wombe of your i^ingdome, be ever fo conftituted, that it cannot be delivered of its owne deliverance, in what pangs foever it be, without the will of one man-midwife, and fuch a man as will come and not come, but as he lift: nor bring a Par- liament to bed of a well-begotten Liberty without an entire Subfidy ? Doe not your Majefty being a Schollar, know that it was a truth long before it was fpoken, that Mundus eft unus aut nullus, that there is Principium puruvi unum, which unites the world and all that is in it; where that is broken, things fall afunder, that whatfoever is duable or triable, is fry able. Is the Militia of your Kingdome, fuch an orient flower of your Crowne, which all good Herbalifts judge but a meere nettle, while it is in any one mans hand living ? May not you as well challenge the ab- folute difpofall of all the wealth of the Kingdome as of all the ftrength of your Kingdome ? Can you put any difference ? unleffe it bee this, that mens hearts and bones are within their skins, more proper and intrinfecall, their lands and cattell more externall: dare you not concredit the Militia, with thofe to whom you may betruft your heart, better then your owne breaft ? Will they ever harme you with the Militia, that have no manner of Malitia againft you, but for mif-imploying the Militia againft them by the malitia of your ill Counfellours ? What good will the Aggavvam ia dmcrica. 59 the Militia doe you when you have wafted the Realm of all the beft Milites it hath ? May not your Majefty fee through a paire of Spectacles, glazed with inch- board, that while you have your Advi/era in one hand, and the Militia in the other, you have the necks of your Subjects under your feet, but not your heart in your owne hand ? doe you not knowe that malum eft, po/fe malum? Hath Epifcopacy beene fuch a religious Jewell in your State; that you will fell all or moft of your Co- ronets, Caps of honour, and blue Garters, for fix and twenty cloth Caps? and your Barons Cloakes, for fo many Rockets, whereof ufually twenty have had fcarce good manners enough to keepe the other fix fweet? Is no Bifhop no King, fuch an oraculous Truth, that you will pawne your Crowne and life up- on it ? if you will, God may make it true indeed on your part: Had you rather part with all, then lofe a few fuperfluous tumours, to pare off your monftrouf- neffe ? Will you be fo covetous, as to get more then you ought, by loofing more then you need ? Have you px)t driven good Subjects enough abroad, but you wil alfo flaughter them that ftay at home ? Will you take fuch an ill courfe, that no prayers can faften that good upon you we defier ? Is there not fome worf root than all thefe growing in your Spirit, bringing forth al this bitter fruit ? Againft which you fhould take up Arms, rather then againft your harmeleffe Subjects? Doe you not forefee, into" what importable head-tearings and heart-fearchings you will be ingulfed, when the ParHament fhall give you a mate, though but a Stale ? I Methinkes 60 The Simple Cobler of Methinkes it fhould breake your heart, to fee fuch a one as I, prefume fo much upon your clemency & too much upon your Majefty, which your felfe have fo echpfed by the interpofall of your Selfe between your Selfe and your Selfe, that it hath not ray's enough left, to dazle downe the height of my affections to the awe of my Judgement. Tref-Royall Sir, I once againe befeech you, with teares dropping from my hoary head, to cover your Selfe as clofe as you may, with the beft fhield of goodnelTe you have: I have fomewhat more to fay, which may happily trouble not your Selfe, but your followers, more than what is already faid. There li- ved in your Realme and Reigne two whom I may well tearme Prophets, both now in a better Xing- dome; whereof one foretold two things concerning your Majefty, of thefe very proceedings, long before they began; which being done and paft fhall bee bu- ried in filence: the other made this prediction about the fame time. ^King Charles will joyne himself e to hitter Grief e^ 4 l^q^Then joyne to God, and prove a Godly Chiefe. ?f^] His words were in profe thefe, Xing Charles will come into fetters, meaning ftrong afflictions, and then prove as good a Xing, as fuch a good Xing of I/rael, whom he then named, but I need not : he was as inwardly ac- quainted with the minde of God, as fervent and fre- quent a Beadfman for your welfare, and had as reli- gious Opticks of State, as any man I know: foure other Predictions he made, full as improbable as this, whereof Aggavvam m dmerica, 6i whereof three are punctually performed, A good Chriftian being fometime in conflicts of Confcience, hurried with long tentations, ufed this fpeech to my felfe, I am now refolved to be quiet, for I plainly fee, God will fave me whether I will or no: If your Ma- jefty would be pleafed to thinke fo in your heart, and fay fo with your mouth, all the good Subjects you have, would fay, Amen, till the heavens rang, and I hope you have few fo bad, but would fay. So he it. Much lamented Sir, if you will pleafe to retire your Selfe to your Clofet, whither you may moft fafely come, and make your peace with God, for the vaft he- ritage of finne your Intombed father left upon your fcore, the dreadfull Imprecation he poured upon the heads of his tender pofterity in Suvimerfets and Over- huryes Cafe, publifhed in Starchamber by his Royall command ; your own finful manage, the fophiftication of Religion and Policie in your time, the luxury of your Court and Country, your connivence with the Irifh butcheries, your forgetfull breaches upon the Parliament, your compliance with Popifh Doegs, with what elfe your Confcience fhall fuggeft: and give us, your guilty Subjects example to doe the like, who have held pace and proportion with you in our evill wayes: we will helpe you by Gods affiftance, to poure out rivers of tears, to w^afh away the ftreams of blood, which have beene fhed for thefe heavy ac- counts; wee will alfo helpe you, God helping us, to beleeve, that there is hope in Ifrael for thefe things; and Balme enough in his Gilead to heale all the bro- ken bones of your three kingdomes, and to redouble your honour and our peace: His Arme is infinite; to 12 an 62 The Simple Cohler of an infinite power all things are equally faifible, to an infinite mercy all finnes equally pardonable. The Lord worke thefe things in us and for us, for his com- paffions fake in Jefus Chirft. Sir, you may now pleafe to difcover your Selfe where you think meet; I truft I have not indangered you: I prefume your Ear-guard will keepfarre enough from you, what ever I have faid: be it fo, I have dif- charged my duty, let them looke to theirs. If my tongue fhould reach your eares, which I little hope for; let it be once faid; the great King of great Bri- taine, took advife of a fimple Cobler, yet fuch a Cob- ler, as will not exchange either his blood or his pride, with any Shoo-maker or Tanner in your Realme, nor with any of your late Bifhops which have flattered you thus in peeces : I would not fpeak thus in the eares of the world, through the mouth of the Preffe for all the plunder your plunderers have pillaged; were it not fomewhat to abate your Royall indignation to- ward a loyall Subject; a Subject whofe heart hath been long carbonado 'd, des veniam verbo, in flames of affection towards you. Your Majefty knowes or may know, time was, when I did, or would have done you a better peece of fervice, then all your Troopes and Regiments are now doing. Should I heare any Gentleman that followes you, of my yeares, fay he'e loves you better than I, if it were lawfull, I would fweare by my Sword, he faid more then his fword would make good. Gracious Sir, Vouch fafe to pardon me my no other fins, but my long Idolatry towards you, and my lo- ving you too hard in this fpeech, and I will pardon you Aggavvam ia Jmerica. 63 you your Treafon againft me, even me, by commit- J H^eakein^^ ting Treafon againft your Selfe my Lord and King; vinitynotof and your murther, in murtherino; me, even me, byi-awandam murthering my deare fellow Subjects, bone of my vedthatiam bone, and flefh of my flefli, and of yours alfo. If you [I'J'^^JjJ*^ ^JJ^'^^ will not pardon me, I will pardon my felfe, dwell inboldneffe. my owne clothes as long as I can, and happily make as good a fhift for my proportion, as he that hath a lighter paire of heeles: And when you have done what you pleafe, I am refolved to be As loyall a Subject to your Maje/ty when I have never a head on my fhoulders, as you a Royall King to me, when you have your three Crownes on your head, Theod: de la Guard: Sir, I Cannot give you over thus; I moft earneftly im- plore you, that you would not deferre to confider your felfe throughly, you are now returned to the brinke of your Honour and our Peace, ftand not too long there, your State is full of diftractions, your people of expectations, the importune Affaires of your Kingdome perplexedly fufpended, your good Subjects are now rifing into a refolution to pray you on to your Throne, or into your Tombe, into Grace with your Parliament and people, or into Glory with the Saints in Heaven; but how you will get into the one, without paffing firft through th 'other, is the rid- dle they cannot untye. If they fhall ply the Throne of 64 Th^ Simple Cohler of of Grace hard, God will certainely lieare, and in a fhort time mould you to his minde, and convince you, that it had and will bee farre eafier to fit downe meekely upon the Rectum, than to wander refolutely in obliquities, which with Kings, feldome faile to diffembogue into bottomleffe Seas of forrowes. Deareft Sir, be intreated to doe what you doe fin- cere ly; the King of Heaven and Earth can fearch and difcover the hiddeneft corner of your heart, your Par- liament underftands you farre better then you may conceive, they have many cares and eyes, and good ones, I beleeve they are Religioufly determined to re-cement you to your Body fo exquifitely, that the Errors of State and Church, routed by thefe late ftirs, may not re-allee hereafter, nor Themfelves be made a curfe to the iffue of their own bodies, nor a Scoffe, to all^Politique Bodies in Europe. The Eord give your Majefty and all your Royall Branches the fpirit of wifedome and under/tan dirig, the Spirit of knowledge and his feare, for His mercy and Chrift his fake. I would my skill would ferve me alfo, as well as my heart, to tranflate Prince Rupert, for his Queen- mothers fake, Eliz. a fecond. Mifmeane me not. I have had him in my armes when he was younger, I wifh I had him there now: if I miftake not, he pro- mifed then to be a good Prince, but I doubt he hath forgot it: if I thought he would not be angry with me, I would pray hard to his Maker, to make him a right Roundhead, a wife hearted Palatine, a thank- full man to the Englifh; to forgive all his finnes, and at length to fave his foule, notwithftanding all his God-damne mee's: yet I may doe him wrong; I am not Aggavvam in dmertca. 65 not certaine hee ufeth that oath; I wifh no man elfe would; I dare fay the Devills dare not. I thank God I have Hved in a Colony of many thoufand Englifh thefe twelve years, am held a very fociable man; yet I may confiderately fay, I never heard but one Oath fworne, nor never faw one man drunk, nor e- ver heard of three women Adultereffes, in all this time, that I can call to minde : If thefe finnes bee a- mongft us privily, the Lord heale us. I would not bee underftood to boaft of our innocency; there is no cause I fhould,our hearts maybe bad enough, and our lives much better. But to follow my bufineffe. Profecutions of Warres between a King and his Parliament, are the direfull dilacerations of the world, the cruell Cataftrophes of States, dreadfull to fpeak oi\ihey are nefanda &n 'agenda: I know no grounds can be given of them but two: Either upon Reafon founded upon fome furmifall of Treafon, which my reafon cannot reach: I could never conceive why a rationall King fhould commit Treafon againft a rea- fonable Parliament; or how a faithfull Parliament a- gainft their lawfull King: the moft I can imagine, is a mifprifion of Treafon, upon a mifprifion of Reafon. He that knows not the fpirit of his King, is an Atheift. Our King is not Charles le fimple fometime of France: he underftands not our King that underftands him not to bee underftanding. The Parhament is fuppofed Omnifcient, becaufe under God they are Omnipo- tent : if a Parliament have not as much knowledge and all other Vertues, as all the kingdome befide, they are no good Abridgement of the Common-wealth. I be- leeve Remonftrances have demonftrated enough con- cer- 66 The Simple Cohler of cerning this point of Reafon, to give fatisf action to fuch as fatisf action will fatisfie. Or upon Will. The Will of a King is very numinous; it hath a kinde of vaft univerfality in it, it is many times grea- ter then the will of his whole kingdome, ftiffened with ill Counfell and ill Prefidents : if it be not a foot and half leffer than the Will of his Councell, and three foot leffer than the Will of his Parliament, it is too big. I think it were well for a King if hee had no will at all, but were all Reafon. What if he commit- ted his morall will to Divines, that were no Bifhops ? his Politicall, to his Parliament, and a Councell cho- fen by Parliament ? that if ever it mifcarry, they may blame themfelves moft, and him leaft. I fcarce know- any Xing'^that hath fuch advantage as ours; his three kingdomes lye fo diftinct and entire, that if he pleafe, he might keep them like three gardens without a weed, if he would let God keep his will, without wilfulneffe and rafhneffe. I have obferved men to have two kindes of Wills, a Free-hold will, fuch as men hold in Capite of them- felves; or a Copy-hold will, held at the will of other Lords or Ladies. I have read almoft all the Com- mon Law of England, and fome Statutes; yet I ne- ver read, that the Parliament held their will in fuch a Capite: their Tenure is Knight-fervice, and good Knig fit- fer vice too, or elfe they are to blame. And I am fure, a King cannot hold by Copy, at the will of other Lords; the Law calls that hafe tenure, incon- fiftent with Royalty; much more bafe is it, to hold at Aggavvam ia Jmerica. 67 at the will of Ladies: Apron-ftring te7iure is very weak, tyed but of a flipping knot, which a childe may undoe, much more a i^^ing. It ftands not with our Queens honour to weare an Apron, much leffe her Husband, in the ftrings; that were to infnare both him and her felf in many unfafeties. I never heard our Xing was effeminate: to be a little Uxorious per- fonally, is a vertuous vice in Oeconomicks; but Roy- ally, a vitious vertue in Politicks. To fpeak Englifh, Books & Tongues tell us, I wifh they tell us true, that the Error of thefe Wars on our Kings part, proceeds only from ill Counfellours. Ill Counfellours, are very ill Gamefters; if they fee their own ftake a lofing, they will play away Xing, Queen, Bifhops, Xnights, Rooks, Pawnes, and all, be- fore they will turn up the board; they that play for lufts, will play away themfelves, and not leave them- felves fo much as a heart to repent; and then there is no Market left but Hell; if the cafe be thus, it is to no end to look for any end, till one fide make an end of the other. They that at ftake their Croumes and Honours Jet, Play la/ting games, if Lujt or Guilt doe bet. Ceffation. IF God would vouchfafe to give his Majefties Re- ligion and Reafon, power to fling his Wills head o- ver the Wall, in matter of Compofition, and his Sub- jects ftrength to throw^ their lufts after it. Arms would be foon laid down, and Peace foon taken up. They that are not at peace with God, are not at peace with K them- 68 The Simple Cobler of themfelves, whatever they think; and they that are not at peace with themfelves, cannot be at peace with o- thers, if occafion provokes, be their nature never fo good. So farre as I can conjecture, the chiefe impediment to a generall and mutuall Ceffation of Armes, is, a de- fpaire of mutuall and generall forgiveneffe. If ever England had need of a generall Jubile in Heaven and Earth, it is now. Our King and Parliament have been at great ftrife, who fhould obtaine moft Juftice: if they would now ftrive, who fhould fhew moft Mer- cy, it would heare well throughout the world. Here alfo my fpeech muft be twofold and blind-fold. It is now nine Moneths and more fince the laft credible New^s was acted: it is poffible by this, the Parlia- ment may be at the Kings mercy: Did I fay a /iTings mercy ? what can I fay more ? no man on earth, can fhew more mercy then a King, nor fhall need more, when he comes to give an Account of his Kingdome: Nor did ever any Parliament merit more mercy than this, for they never finned, that I know, I mean againft the Common and Statute Law of England: it is pity they who have given fo many general pardons, fhould want one now. If our King hath loft his way, and therby learned to looke to his path better hereafter, and taught many Succeffors to King it right for many Ages; Methinks it fhould impetrate a Royall Redintegration, upon a Royall acknowledgement and ingagement. But how fhould an erring King truft a provoked Parliament ? Surely he may truft God fafe enough ; who will never truft that State more with a good King, that will doe ill to a Xing that is turned fo good. Me thinkes thofe paffages Aggavvam ia Jmerica. 69 paffages of Scripture, Efa. 43. 24, 25. chap. 57. 17, 18. The ftrange illation, if o/. 2. 13,14. fhould melt a heart of fteele into floods of mercy. For others, were my head, one of the heads which firft gave the King Counfell to take up thefe Armes, or to perfift in them, when at any time he would have disbanded, I would give that head to the Kingdome, whether they would or no; if they would not cut it off, I would cut it off my felfe, and tender it at the Par- liament doore, upon condition that all other heads might ftand, which ftand upon penitent hearts, and will doe better on than off; then I would carry it to London-Bridge, and charge my tongue to teach all tongues, to pronounce Parliament right hereafter. When a kingdom is broken juft in the neck joynt, in my poore policy, ropes and hatchets are not the kind- lieft inftruments to fet it: Next to the fpilling of the blood of Chrift for fin, the fparing of the blood of Tin- ners, where it may be as well fpared as fpilt, is the beft way of expiation. It is no rare thing for Subjects to follow a leading King; if he will take his truncheon in his hand, it is to be expected many will put their f words in their Belts. Sins that rife out of miftake of judgement, are not fo finfull as thofe of malice ordi- narily: and when multitudes fin, multitudes of mercy are the beft Anodines. --gratia gratis data, grati/sima. Grace will diffolve, but rigour hardens guilt: Break not with Steely blows, what oyle fhould melt. K ^ In 70 The Simple Cobkr of InWreaches integrant, 'tween Principalis of States, Due Juftice may fuppreffe, but Love redintegrates. Whofoever be pardoned, I pray let not Britanicus fcape, I mean a pardon. I take him to bee a very fer- viceable Gentleman; Out of my intire refpect to him, I fliall prefume to give him half a dozen ftitches of advife: I intreat him to confider that our King is not onely a man, but a King in affliction; Kings afflictions are beyond Subjects apprehenf ions ; a Crown may hap- pily ake as much as a whole Common- wealth. I defire him alfo to conceale himfelf as deeply as he can, if he cannot get a fpeciall pardon, to weare a La- titat, about his neck, or let him lie clofe under the Phi- lofophers ftone, and I'le warrant him for ever being found. If he be dif cove red, I counfell him to get his head fet on f after than our New-England Taylors ufe to fet on Buttons; Kings, and Kings Childrens memories are as keen as their Subjects wits. If he fears any fuch thing, that he would come over to us, to helpe recruite our bewildered brains : we will promife to maintain him fo long as he lives, if he will promife to live no longer then we maintain him. If he fhould bee difcovered and his head chance to be cut off againft his will, I earneftly befeech him to bequeath his wits to me and mine in Fee-fimple, for we want them, and cannot live by our hands in this Country. Ivaftly, I intreat him to keep his purfe, I give him my Aggavvam ia America. 71 my counfell gratis, conf effing him to be more then my match, and that I am very loath to fall into his hands. Pro/ecution. IF Reformation, Compofition, Ceffation, can finde no admittance, there muft and will be Profecution : to which I would alfo fpeake briefly and indifferently ftill to both fides ; and firft to that, which I had rather call Royalifts then malignants; who if I miftake not, fight againft the Truth. Foolifh Cowardly man (I pray patience, for I fpeak nothing but the pulfe of my owne heart) dreads and hates, nothing in Heaven or Earth, fo much as Truth: it is not God, nor Law, nor finne, nor death, nor hell, that he feares, but only becaufe hee feares there is Truth in them: Could he de-truth them all, he would defie them all: Let Perdition it felfe come upon him with deadly threats, fiery fwords, difplay- ed vengeance, he cares not; Let Salvation come cap in hand, with naked Reafon, harmleffe Religion, lawny imbracements, he will rather flye or dye, than entertaine it: come Truth in what fhape it will, hee will reject it: and when hee can beat it off with moft fteely proweffe, he thinkes himfeffe the braveft man when in truth it is nothing but exfanguine feeble exili- ty of Spirit. Thy heart, faith the Prophet Ezek. 16. 30. is weake, like the heart of an imperious whorifh woman: a man would thinke, the heart of an impe- rious whore, were the very pummell of Scanderbergs; fword; alas, fhee is hen-hearted, fhee dares not looke Truth in the face ; if fhe dared, fhee would neither bee K 3 who- 72 71>f Simple Cohler of whorifh, nor imperious, nor weake. He fhewes more true fortitude, that prayes quarter of the leaft Truth, at a miles diftance, than hee that breakes through and hewes downe the moft Theban Phalanx that ever field bore. Paul expreffed more true valour, in faying, I'^can doe nothing againft the Truth,|than Goliah, in defying the whole hofte of Ijrael. Couragious Gentlemen, Yee that will ftab him that gives you the lye; take heed yee fpend not your bloods, limbes and foules, in fighting for fome un- truth: and yee that will fling out the gantlet to him that calls you Coward, difhonour not your felves with fuch Cowardife, as to fight againft Truth, meer- ly for feare of it. A thoufand pities it is fuch gallant Spirits fhould fpend their lives, honours, heritages, and fweet relations in any Warres, where, for ought many of them know, fome falfe miftake commands in Cheife. Honoured Country men, bee intreated to love Truth : if it loves not you againe, and repaires not all your loffes, then inftall fome Untruth in its room for your Generall. If you will needs warre, be perfwa- ded to contend lawfully, wifely and ftedfaftly againft all errours in Divinity and Policy: they are the cur- fed Counter-mures, dropt Portcullifes, fcouring Angi-ports, fulphurious Granado's, laden murthe- rers, peevifh Galthropes, and rafcall defparadoes, which the Prince of lyes imployes with all his skill and malice, to maintaine the walls and gates of his kingdome, when Truth would enter in with grace and peace to fave forlorne finners, and diftreffed common- wealthes; witneffe the prefent deplorable eftate of fundry States in Europe. Give Aggavvam m Jmerica. 73 Give me leave to fpeake a word more: it is but this; Yee will finde it a farre eafier field, to wage warre againft all the Armies that ever were or will be on Earth, and all the Angels of Heaven, than to take up Armes againft any truth of God: It hath more Counfell and ftrength than all the world befides; and will certainly either gaine or ruine, convert or fubvert every man that oppofes it. I hope ingenuous men will rather take advice, then offence at what I have faid: I had rather pleafe ten, than grieve one intelli- gent man. If this fide be refolute, I turne me to the other. Goe on brave Englifhmen, in the name of God, go on profperoufly, becaufe of Truth and Righteoufnes : Yee that have the caufe of Religion, the life of your Kingdome and of all the good that is in it in your hands : Goe on undauntedly : As you are Called and Chofen, fo be faithfull: Yee fight the battells of the Lord, bee neither defidious nor perfidious: You ferve the King of Kings, who ftiles you his heavenly Re- giments, Confider well, what impregnable fighting it is in heaven, where the Lord of Hofts is your Ge- nerall, his Angels your Colonels, the Stars your fel- low-fouldiers, his Saints your Oratours, his Promifes your victuallers, his Truth your Trenches; where Drums are Harps, Trumpets joyfull founds; your Enfignes Chrifts Banners; where your weapons and armour are fpirituall, therefore irrefiftable, therefore impierceable ; where Sun and wind cannot difadvan- tage you, you are above them ; where hell it felfe can- not 74 Th^ Simple Cobler of not hurt you, where your fwords are furbufhed and i happened by him that made their metall, where your wounds are bound up with the oyle of a good Caufe, where your blood runs into the veynes of Chrift, where fudden death is prefent martyrdome and hfe; your funerals refurrections your honour glory; where your widows and babes are received into perpetuall penfions; your names lifted among Davids Worthies; where your greatest loffes are greateft gaines; and where you leave the troubles of war, to lye down in downy beds of eternall reft. What good will it doe you, deare Countrymen, to live without hves, to enjoy England without the God of England, your Kingdome without a Parhament, your Parliament without power, your Liberties with- out ftability, your I.awes without Juftice, your ho- nours without vertue, your beings without wel-being, your wives without honefty, your children without morality, your fervants without civility, your lands without propriety, your goods without immunity, the Gofpel without falvation, your Churches without Miniftery, your Minifters without pietv, and all you have or can have, with more teares and bitterneffe of heart, than all you have and fhall have will fweeten or wipe away ? Goe on therefore Renowned Gentlemen, fall on refolvedly, till your hands cleave to your fwords, your fwords to your enemies hearts, your hearts to victory, your victories to triumph, your triumphs to the ever- lafting praife of him that hath given you Spirits to offer your felves willingly, and to jeopard your lives in high perils, for his Name and fervice fake. And Aggavvam in Jmsrica. 75 And Wee your Brethren, though we neceffarily a- bide beyond Jordan, and remaine on the American Sea-coafts, will fend up Armies of prayers to the Throne of Grace, that the God of power and good- neffe, would incourage your hearts, cover your heads, ftrengthen your arms, pardon your finnes, fave your foules, and bleffe your families, in the day of Battell. Wee will alfo pray, that the fame Lord of Hofts, would difcover the Counfels, defeat the Enterprizes, deride the hopes, difdaine the infolencies, and wound the hairy fcalpes of your obftinate Enemies, and yet pardon all that are unwillingly mifled. Wee will likewife helpe you beleeve that God will be feen on the Mount, that it is all one with him to fave by ma- ny or few, and that he doth but humble and try you for the prefent, that he may doe you good at the lat- ter end. All which hee bring to paffe who is able to doe exceeding abundantly, above all we can aske or thinke, for his Truth and mercy fake in Jefus Chrift. Amen. Amen. A Word of IRELAND: Not of the Nation univerfally, nor of any man in it, that hath fo much as mie haire of Chri/tianity or Humanity growing on his head or beard, but onely of the truculent Cut-throats, and fuch as /hall take up Armes in their Defence. THefe Irifh anciently called Antropophagi, man- eaters: Have a Tradition among them. That L when 76 TT^e Simple Cobler of when the Devill fhewed our Saviour all the /^ing- domes of the Earth and their glory, that he would not f hew him Ireland, but referved it for himfelfe : it is probably true, for he hath kept it ever finee for his own peculiar; the old Fox forefaw it would ec- clipfe the glory of all the reft : he thought it wifdome to keep the land for a Boggards for his unclean fpirits imployed in this Hemifphere, and the people, to doe his Son and Heire, I mean the Pope, that fervice for which Lewis the eleventh kept his Barbor Oliver, which makes them fo blood-thirfty. They are the ve- ry Offall of men, Dregges of Mankind, Reproach of Chriftendom, the Bots that crawle on the Beafts taile I wonder Rome it felf is not afhamed of them. I begge upon my, hands and knees, that the Ex- pedition againft them may be undertaken while the hearts and hands of our Souldiery are hot, to whom I will be bold to fay briefly: Happy is he that fhall reward them as they have ferved us, and Curfed be he that fhall do that work of the Lord negligently, Cur- led be he that holdeth back his Sword from blood: yea, Curfed be he that maketh not his Sword ftarke drunk with Irifh blood, that doth not recompence them double for their hellifh treachery to the Engli/h, that maketh them not heaps upon heaps, and their Country a dwelling place for Dragons, an Aftonifh- ment to Nations : Let not that eye look for pity, nor that hand to be fpared, that pities or fpares them, and let him be accurfed, that curfeth not them bitterly. Aggavvam in America. 77 A word of Love to the Common people of England, IT is, your, now or never, to mufter up puiffant Ar- mies of prayer to the mercy Seate; your Body Re- prefentative, is now to take in hand, as intricate a peice of worke, as ever fell into the hands of any Par- liament in the world, to tye an indiffoluble knot upon that webb which hath been woven with fo much coft and bloud, wherein if they happen to make one falfe maske, it may re-imbarque themfelves and you all into a deadly relapfe of fcorne and calamity. It is the worke of God not of man, pray fpeedily therefore, and fpeedingly, give him no reft till your reft be throughly re-eftablifhed. Your God is a God whofe name is All-fufficient, abundant in Goodneffe and Truth, on whom the Sonnes of lacob never did, nor fhall call in vaine, you have a Throne of Grace wlier- to you may goe boldly; a Chrift to give you a leading by the hand and liberty of fpeech, an Interceffor in Heaven to offer up your prayers wrapp'd in his own; a large Charter aske and have, a Spirit to helpe all your infirmities in that duty, a lure Covenant that you fhalbe heard, and fuch late incouragement as may ftrengthen your feeble hands for ever. If you who may command God concerning the work of his hand, fhall faile to demand the workemanfhip of his hand in this worke, your children will proclaime you un- L 2 thrifts 78 The Simple Cobler of thrifts with bitter teares to the worlds end. If you fee no caufe to pray, read Jer. 18. 1. -—10. Be alfo intreated to have a continuall and con- fcientious care not to impeach the Parhament in the hearts one of another by whifpering com- plaints, eafilier told then tryed or trued. Great bodyes move but flowely, efpecially when they move on three leggs and are over-loden with weighty occafions. They have now fate full fix years without intermiffion to continue your being, many of their heads are growne gray with your cares, they are the High Councell of the Xingdome, the great Gilead of your Balme, the Phifitians of all your fickneffe; if a- ny of them doe amiffe, blame your felves, you chofe them, be wifer hereafter; you cannot doe the State, your felves, your pofterity a more ungratefull office then to impaire them with difparagements and difco- ragements who are fo ftudious to repaire your al- moft irreparable ruines. Be likewife be feeched, not to flight good minift- ers, whom you were wont to reverence much, they are Gods Embaffadours, your Ephods, your Starres, your Horfe-men & Chariots, your Watchmen, & un- der Chrift your Salvation, I know no deadlier Sym- ptome of a dying people than to undervalue godly Minifters, whofoever defpifeth them fhall certainly be defpifed of God and men at one time or other. Aggavvam in America. 79 ftf#ftftfffffft#ftt A mod humble heel-piece. TO THE Moft Honourable Head-piece THE Parliament of England. I Might excufe my felfe in Part, with a fpeech Lycurgus ufed in the Hke exigent of State, jene- ctute fio audacior, publica neceffitate loquacior, but it much better becomes mee with all lowlinelTe and uprightneffe, wherein I have failed to pray pardon on both my knees, which I moft humbly and wil- lingly doe; only, before I rife, I crave leave to pre- fent this fix-fold Petition. That you would be pleafed To preferve the Sacred reputation of Parliaments, or, wee fhall have no Common-wealth. To uphold the due eftimation of good Minifters, elfe, wee fhall have no Church. To heale the fad dif location of our Head, through- ly, prefectly, or, wee fhall have no King. To 80 The Simple Cohler of To oppugne the bold violation of divine Truths, elfe wee fhall have no God. To proceed with what zeale you began, or what you began can come to little end. To expedite worke with what fpeede you fafely may, elfe ignorant people will feare they fhall have no end at all. Hee that is great in Counfell, and Wonderfull in Working, guide and lielpe you in All things, that doing All things in Him, by Him, and for Him, you may doe All things like Him. So be it. Agcawam in America 8j^ Arefpe41 deed'* to y"" Grand- father in 1646." NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. 95 London edition, presented to the Ipswich Historical Society by the late Daniel Fuller Appleton, Esq. The title page and the two following pages have been reproduced. The page divisions and the general appearance of the book have been preserved as far as possible throughout the work. The original punctuation, capital letters, and spellmg have been adhered to faithfully. The title page is ingeniously worded. The author's name appears thinly disguised under the pseudonym, Theodore de la Guard, Theodore bemg the exact Greek equivalent of the Hebrew, Nathaniel, and de la Guard an easy French rendering of Ward. The mingling of classical quotations with acute and amusmg English paraphrases is an admirable prelude to the method of the whole essay. The fiction of the 'Cobler' is maintained in the prefatory note, To the Reader, and in the title repeated on page 1, but it is abandoned instantly with the discussion of his theme, reappearing only in his setting on of " the best peece of Soule-leather I have" on page 32, in the snatch of song he puts in the mouth of the 'Cobler' on pages 45 and 46, the ' ' humble heel-piece' ' on pages 79 and 80, and the num- erous finishing touches of the Errata, with which the book ends. A few vigorous sentences portray the confused and criti- cal condition of public affairs. "vSathan is now in his passions, he feeles his passion approaching : hee loves to fish in royled waters." ''The finer Religion grows, the finer hee spins his Cobwebs" (p. 2). The healing of "these comfortlesse exulcerations," is a difficult task, but he endeavors to make some contribution to this end. Resenting the charge that the New England colonists are ' ' a Colluvies of wild Opinionists, swarmed into a remote wildernes to find elbow-roome for our phanatick Doctrmes and practises:" he proclaims in the name of the Colony "that all Familists, An tinomians. Anabaptists and other Enthusiasts shall have free Liberty to keepe away from us, and such as will come to be gone as fast as they can, the sooner the better, ' ' and he avers, ' ' that God doth no where in his word tolerate Christian States, to give Tolerations to such adversaries of his Truth, if they have power in their hands to suppresse them" (p. 3). This is the keynote of his teaching. Intolerance of every false opin- ion or practise is the duty of the Puritans of England, 96 NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. in their conflict with error. He has heard of a compact made by some planters in the West Indies, which ' ' firmly provides free stable-room and litter for all kinde of con- sciences, be they never so dirty or jadish; makmg it action- able, yea, treasonable, to disturbe any man in his Religion, or to discommend it, whatever it be," but he rejoices that "God al:)horrmg such loathsome beverages, hath in his righteous judgement blasted that enterprize" (p. 4). Four things he detests: "The standing of the Apocrypha in the Bible; Forrainers dwelling in my Countrey, to crowd out native Subjects into the corners of the Earth; Alchymized coines; Tolerations of divers Religions, or of one Religion in segregant shapes " (p. 5). "To authorise an untruth,'' he affirms, " is to build a Sconce against the walls of heaven, to batter God out of his chaire" (p. 6). He brings all his arguments to establish the truth of his position. ' ' Aii- gustines tongue had not owed his mouth one ]ienny-rent though he had never spake word more in it, but this, Nullum malum, pejus Hhertate enandi" (p. 8). (No evil is worse than liberty to teach falsely.) The Scriptures teach, he affirms, that "nothing makes free but Truth, and Truth saith, there is no Truth but one" (p. 9). If there is room in England for the Errorists whom he catalogues on page 1 1 , then there is room for the mythical and unclean sprites he mentions over agamst them, "In a word room for Hell above ground." Lest any one may misunderstand his position he reaf- firms it. "It is said, That Men ought to have Liberty of their Conscience and that it is persecution to debarre them of it: I can rather stand amazed then reply to this: it is an astonishment to think that the braines of men should be parboyl'd in such impious ignorance; Let all the wits under the Heavens lay their heads together and finde an Assertion worse then this (one excepted) I will petition to be chosen the universall Ideot of the world" (p. 12). Hence Parliament should enact "some peremptory Statu- tory Act ' ' agamst Error, and every prophet should preach against it. All uifants should be baptized, ' ' though their Parents judgements be against it" (p. 17). He gives warning of a "new sprung Sect of phrantasticks, which would perswade themselves and others, that they have dis- covered^ the Nor-west passage to Heaven. These wits of the game, cry up and downe in corners such bold ignotions of a NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. 97 new Gospell, new Christ, new Faith, and new gay-nothings, as trouble unsetled heads, querulous hearts, and not a little grieve the Spirit of God. " ' ' Blasphemers, ' ' he calls them, "a late fry of croakmg frogs." "I cannot imagme why the Holy Ghost should give Timothie the solemnest charge, was ever given mortal man, to observe the Rules he had given, till the conmimg of Christ, if new things must be expected" (p. 19). There is so much power in false doctrine, "that the least Error, if grown sturdy and pressed, shall set open the Spittle-doore of all the squint-ey 'd, wry-necked, and brasen- faced Errors that are or ever were of that litter" (p. 21). It is impossible, he maintains, to allow all religions their liberty, and secure regular justice and moral honesty in one and the same jurisdiction, and he expresses this in another extraordinary declaration : * ' If the whole conclave of Hell can so compromise, exadverse, and diametricall con- tradictions, as to compolitize such multimonstrous maufrey of heteroclytes and quicquidlibets quietly; I trust I may say with all humble reverence, they can do more than the Senate of Heaven" (p. 22). This is the climax of his argument for Intolerance, and he makes at this pomt a whimsical digression from the development of his theme to make an attack upon the undue regard of women for the latest fashion and men's wearmg of long hair. Quoting a line from Horace, ' ' What is to hinder one from telling the Truth laughingly?" he proceeds with bitter sarcasm to deride the "nugiperous" [light-minded] Gentledame, who inquires ' ' what dresse the Queen is in this week: what the nudius tertian [day before yesterday] fashion of the Court; ... I look at her as the very gizzard of a trifle, the product of a quarter of a cypher, the epitome of Nothing, fitter to be kickt, if she were of a kickable substance, than either honoured or humour 'd." The ordinary resource of language fails him utterly and he betakes himself to a vocabulary of extraordinary vio- lence. Their fashionable garb "transclouts them into gant-bar-geese, ill-shapen-shotten-shell-fish, Egyptian Hye- roglyphicks" (p. 26). He is sick of seemg the "gut- foundred goosdom, wherewith they are now surcingled and debauched. " ' He derides tailors for spending their lives ''in making fidle-cases for futulous womens phansies: which are the very pettitoes of Infirmity, the giblets of 98 NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. perquisquilian toyes" (p. 27). With a parting gibe at these '' light-heel' d beagles that lead the chase so fast, that they run all civility out of breath, against these Ape- headed pullets, which mvent Antique foole-fangles, meerly for fashion and novelty sake" (p. 29), he devotes a few sentences to the enormous sm of men in wearing long hair, and then returns to the further discussion of the great questions of the time. Four possible schemes of securing peace and harmony between King and people are discussed under the heads of Reformation, Composition, Cessation, Prosecution, and for the most part with dignity and moderation. He de- clares that he agrees neither with Presbyterian nor Inde- pendent nor Separatist, but advocates some middle course, that shall secure pure and undefiled religion. He calls for personal purity and sincerity in Christian living. His discussion of the scheme of Composition, by which both Majestas Imperii and Salus Populi may be secured, leads him to some strong speech. ' ' No Prince exceeds m Soveraignty, but his Subjects will exceed as farre in some vitious Liberty, to abate their greife; or some pernicious mutiny, to abate their Prince" (p. 48). His personal ad- dress to the King, with which this section closes, is respect- ful and even humble m its tone, but pointed and plain. Though he means ' ' to storme you with volyes of Love and Loyalty " (p. 54), he asks leave ' ' to inquire of your Majesty, what you make in fields of blood, when you should be amidst your Parliament of peace : What you doe sculking in the suburbs of Hell, when your Royall Pallaces stand desolate, through your absence?" (p. 55). He feels the critical condition of affairs, and implores the King to be- ware of pressing his subjects too hard. There is an uncon- scious prophecy of the end, we feel, in his warning words, "your good Subjects are now rising into a resolution to pray you on to your Throne, or into your Tombe, iiito Grace with your Parliament and people, or into Glory with the Saints in Heaven ' ' (p. 63). Events had moved rapidly since those words were penned, and when The Simple Cobler appeared in prmt, the King was already a prisoner. "It is now nine months and more since the last credible News was acted: it is possible by this the Parliament may be at the King's mercy. " Two personal reminiscences afford an interesting digres- NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. 99 sion. Prince Rupert, nephew of King CharlesjFirst, was in the field, the roystering leader of the cavalry. Some- where on the Continent, Mr. Ward had met his mother, Elizabeth, daughter of James First and wife of the Elector of the Palatinate, and the little Rupert. ' ' I have had him in my armes when he was younger, I wish I had him there now: if I mistake not, he promised then to be a good Prince, ^ut I doubt he hath forgot it: if I thought he would not be angry with me, I would pray hard to his Maker, to make him a right Roundhead, a wise hearted Palatine, a thank- full man to the English; to forgive all his sinnes, and at length to save his soule, notwithstanding all his God-damne mee's: yet I may doe hun wrong: I am not certaine hee useth that oath; I wish no man else would: I dare say the Devills dare not. I thank God I have lived m a Colony of many thousand English these twelve years, am held a very sociable man; yet I may considerately say, I never heard but one Oath sworne, nor ever saw one man drunk, nor ever heard of three women Adulteresses, in all this time, that I can call to minde" (pp. 64, 65). Under the final division, Prosecution, he appeals to his countrymen to love Truth, and pursue it at any cost. Drop- ping his puns, he exhorts with stirring and sonorous words, "Goe on brave Englishmen, in the name of God, go on prosperously, because of Truth and Righteousness" (p. 73). The thrilling eloquence of this prolonged appeal, the grandeur of its imagery, the loftiness of its tone, reveal the power of the author. The final passage, beginning "And Wee your Brethren, though we necessarily abide beyond Jordan, and remaine on the American Sea-coasts, will send up Armies of prayers to the Throne of Grace, " is a noble climax and end (p. 75). Several appendices of different sorts follow. In " A Word of Ireland" (p. 75) the author lapses into brutal ferocity of speech and purpose against ' ' the truculent cut-throats. ' ' He heaps upon them the foulest epithets and prays that the expedition then being fitted out to avenge their murder of the English in 1641, may be undertaken "while the hearts and hands of our Souldiery are hot.' ' ' ' Cursed be he that holdeth back his Sword from blood," he cries. ' ' Cursed be he that maketh not his Sword starke drunk with Irish blood, that doth not recompence them double for their hellish treachery to the English, that maketh them 100 NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. not heaps upon heaps, and their country a dwelling place for Dragons, an Astonishment to Nations; Let not that eye look for pity, nor that hand to be spared, that pities or spares them, and let him be accursed that curseth not them bitterly" (p. 76). A few more addresses, ' ' half a dozen plaine honest Coim- try Hobnailes, ' ' as he styles some verses which follow, and the "Errata at non Corrigenda, "a burlesque upon the Errata with which books commonly ended, in his characteristic style, complete the work. Judged by twentieth century standards. The Simple Cobler maybe called a sad example of bigotry and pedantry, a senseless jargon of meaningless words, better forgotten than brought once more to remembrance. Yet to the thoughtful student of the Past, The Cobler is still a work of increasing value. It was the product of the Puritan age, of which Carlyle wrote: "The Age of the Puritans is not extmct only and gone away from us but it is as if fallen beyond the capabili- ties of Memory herself; it is grown miintelligible, what we may call incredible. Its earnest Purport awakens now no resonance in our frivolous hearts. We understand not even in imagination, one of a thousand of us, what it ever could have meant. It seems delirious, delusive, the soimd of it has become tedious as a tale of past stupidities. "^ The age of the Puritans was one of great significance in the history of humanity, and The Simple Cobler opens to us an impressive picture of that time. Its literary style is illustrative of the period. The Puritan scholar had only his Bible and the classics. The drama was an abomination to hmi. Though Shakespeare had anticipated Mr. Ward more than twenty years, with his cobbler in the first act of Julius Ccesar, our Ipswich sage probably knew nothmg of it. But Puritan learning was profound and exact, withm its limit. The extraordinary fluency in apt and striking quotations from many classic authors reveals a thorough and loving acquaintance with the ancient masters of style. Indeed, our author is not content to quote his Bible and his classics. His vocabulary abounds m words that are Latin and Greek, under slight disguise. A Latin lexicon affords a better clew to his meaning than Webster 's Unabridged. In Mercurius Anti-Mechanicus, a book often * Oliver Cromwell 's Letters and Speeches, 1:15. NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. 101 attributed to Mr. Ward, the writer observes, ' ' The truth is T have been so much habituated and half natured into these Latins and Greeks, ere I was aware, that I neither can expell them, nor spell my own mother-tongue after my old fashion.'" It was not intentional pedantry, we may well believe. Many words, also, have grown obsolete in the lapse of two centuries and a half, and obscurity has appeared where there was none. Yet, in his own time, Mr. Ward's style was peculiar to himself in large degree. His love for eccentric and ' ' new quodled words" makes his meaning often uncertain. His wearisome antitheses lead hun to strange liberties with his mother tongue. His wit becomes forced, his pmis are sometimes coarse and even vulgar. His metaphors defy all rules. In the same sentence the State is a tabernacle and a ship. ''We hoyse up sails" is followed by "to walk on by twylight. ' ' Nevertheless there is such piquancy and freshness, such fine sentiment, such tones of thunder, that many readers have found much to admire. Carlyle might have sat at his feet. Robert Southey, the Poet- Laureate, owned a copy of The Simple Cobler, marked throughout with marginal pencillings of the passages that appealed to him.- "The least Truth of Gods Kingdome, doth in its place, uphold the whole Kmgdome of his Truths; take away the least vericiilum out of the world, and it unworlds all, potentially, and may unravell the whole tex- ture actually, if it be not conserved by an Arm of superi- ordmary power," is one passage thus designated (p. 21). Another was the noble sentence, worthy of Milton, it has been said, "Non senescet Veritas, No man ever saw a gray haire on the head or beard of any Truth, wrinckle or mor- phew on its face: The bed of Truth is green all the yeare long" (p. 22). The migallant criticism by The Cobler of women's dress was only the echo of the common thought of the time. In 1634, and again in 1639, the Great and General Court con- demned the wearmg of laces and ribbons, ruffs and cuffs, and in 1651 it was enacted that no one whose estate did not exceed £200 should wear silk or tiffany hoods or scarfs. The wearmg of long hair by men was likewise a matter of common grief to the godly minded. 1 John Ward Dean, Rev. Nathaniel Ward, p. 105. 2 Duyckinck, Cyclopaedia of American Literature, vol. 1 : p. 24. 102 NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. The sharp arraignment of tolerance was the common sentiment of New and Old England. Nathaniel Ward and his friends and neighbors, Gov. Dudley and Jolm Norton, agreed well in this. Dudley wrote: "Let men of Crod in courts and churches watch O'er such as do a toleration hatch," and Norton declared that for the putting down of error 'Hhe holy tactics of the civil sword should be employed."^ His fierceroutburst against the Irish was m Ime with the preaching to which every Puritan congregation listened with delight. Thomas Hooker proclamied to smners: P|'' Judge the torments of hell by some little beginning of it,fand the dregs of the Lord's vengeance^ by someMittle sips of it; and judge how unable thou art to Ijear the whole, by thy mability to bear a little of it. . . . When God lays the flashes of hell-fire upon thy soul, thou canst not en- dure it. . . . If the drops be so heavy, what will the whole sea of God's vengeance be?"^ Thomas Shepard of Cambridge described the condition of the simier : ' ' Thy mind is a nest of all the foul opin- ions, heresies, that ever were vented by any man ; thy heart is a foul sink of all atheism, sodomy, blasphemy, murder, whoredom, adultery, witchcraft, buggery ; so that if thou hast any good thing in thee, it is but as a drop of rose-water in a bowl of poison. ... It is true thou feelest not all these things stirring in thee at one time . . .but they are in thee like a nest of snakes in a hedge. "^ They exulted in the imprecatory Psalms, in the Mosaic Law, in the lake of everlasting torment. Their pulpits were begirt with thunderings and lightnings. John Milton closed his second ' ' Defence of the People of England" with the prayer: "look upon this thy poor and almost spent and expiring church ; leave her not thus a prey to these importunate wolves, that wait and think it long, till they devour thy tender flock; those wild boars that have broken into thy vineyard, and left the print of their pollut- ing hoofs, on the souls of thy servants. 0, let them not bring about their damnmg designs, that stand now at the entrance of the bottomless pit, expecting the watch-word > M. C. Tyler, Hist, of Amer. Literature, 1 : 108. ' M. C. Tyler, Hist, of Amer. Literature, 1 : 200. 3 M. C. Tyler, Hist, of Amer. Literature, 1 : 208. NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. 103 to open and let out those dreadful locusts and scorpions, to reinvolve us in that pitchy cloud of infernal darkness, where we shall never more see the sun of thy truth again ; never hope for the cheerful dawn ; never more hear the bird of morning sing. ' ' Oliver Cromwell wrote his friend Col. Walton of the death of his oldest son on the battlefield: "There is your precious child full of glory, never to know sin or sorrow any more. . . . Before his death he was so full of comfort ... he could not express it, ' It was so great above his pain. ' A little after he said, One thing lay upon his spirit. I asked hmi, W^at that was? he told me it was, That God had not suffered him to be any more the executioner of His enemies."^ In his letter from Dublin, Sept. 16, 1649, Cromwell wrote : * ' It hath pleased God to bless our endeavors at Drogheda. He wrote more particularly the next day : " Divers of the Enemy retreated into the Mill Mount, a place very strong and of difficult access; being exceedingly high, having a good graft, and strongly pallisadoed." "The Governor, Sir Arthur Ashton, and divers considerable Officers being there, our men getting up to them, were ordered by me to put them all to the sword. And indeed, being in the heat of action, I forbade them to spare any that were in armes in the Town, and I think, that night, they put to the sword about 2000 men:— divers of the offi- cers and soldiers being fled over the Bridge into the other part of the Town, where about a hundred of them possessed St Peter's Church-steeple, some the West Gate and others a strong Round Tower next the Gate called St. Sunday's. These being sunmioned to yield to mercy, refused. Where- upon I ordered the steeple of St. Peter's Church to be fired, when one of them was heard to say in the midst of the flames ' God damn me, God confound me ; I burn, I burn. "From one of the said Towers, notwithstanding their condition, they killed and woimded some of our men. When they submitted, their officers were knocked on the head : and every tenth man of the soldiers killed ; and the rest shipped for the Barbadoes." "I am persuaded that this is a righteous judgment of God upon these barbarous wretches, who have imbrued their hands in so much innocent blood. ' Carlyle, Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, 1 : 196. 104 NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER. And he concludes this letter: "And now give me leave to say how it comes to pass that this work is wrought. It was set upon some of our hearts, That a great thing should be done, not by power or might, but by the spirit of God. And is it not so clearly? That which caused your men to storm so courageously, it was the Spirit of God, who gave your men courage and took it away again; and gave the Enemy courage, and took it away again; and gave your men courage again, and therewith this happy success. And therefore it is good that God alone have all the glory. ' '^ Such was the spirit and temper of the Puritanism of the seventeenth century, in New England and Old England, in the study of the scholar, in the pulpit of the preacher, on the battlefield, where Oliver and his Psalm singers, rising from their knees in prayer, slew their enemy without pity. The intolerance, the violence, the savageness of The Simple Cobler is made intelligible, in a degree, by such an agreement of men of godly mind in such speech and action. ' Carlyle, Letters and Speeches of 01i^ er CromwelJ, 1 : 462, 463, i PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY XIV. THE SIMPLE COBLER OF AGGAWAM BY REV. NATHANIEL WARD A REPRINT OF THE 4TH EDITION, PUBLISHED IN 1647,W1TH FAC-SIMILES OF TITLE PAGE, PREFACE, AND HEAD-LINES, AND THE EXACT TEXT AND AN ESSAY NATHANIEL WARD AND THE SIMPLE COBLER BY THOMAS Franklin Waters PRESIDENT OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING December 5, 1904. Salem VceBs: The Salsu Pkbss Co., Salem, Mass. 1905 ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Ipswich Historical Society was held December 5, 1904, at the House of the Society. The following officers were elected. President. — T. Frank Waters. Vice Presidents. — John B. Brown, Francis R. Appleton. Directors. — Charles A. Sajovard, John H. Cogswell, John W. Nourse. Clerk. — John W. Goodhue. Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. — T. Frank Waters. Librarian. — John J, Sullivan. Social Committee. Mrs. John J. Sullivan, Miss Lucy Slade Lord, Mrs. Chas. A. Sayward, Miss C. Bertha Dobson, Mrs. Edward F. Brown, Mrs. Frank H. Stockwell, Mrs. Cordelia Damon, Mrs. Joseph F. Ross, Miss Susan C. Whipple, Mrs. Frank W. Kyes. It was voted that the Social Committee be authorized to fill vacancies in its membership. (107) PRESIDENT'S REPORT, DECEMBER 5, 1904. Our Society was organized on April 14, 1890, and as its fifteenth year is well advanced, a summary of the year may have especial interest. The Reports already read indicate a healthy and vigorous life. The Register of our House bears the names of 854 visitors, recorded during the year ending December 1st, 1904. It may occasion surprise that this is the smallest registration smce the Society entered its present home, the lowest number recorded previously being 1008 in 1901. This decrease is not to be taken seriously, however. It is simply the result in part of that inevitable fluctuation in the tide of summer visitors, which is always to be reckoned on, and in part, as well, of certain easily discovered causes. The total number of our Ipswich citizens registered is 41, while the number registered last year was 173. This dis- crepancy is due largely to the fact that m 1903, and for several years before, the Woman's Club gave a social, which was largely attended by its local members, whose names were duly recorded. This custom was not observed in 1904. A Midsummer Tea and other social functions found place in 1903, which were not attempted this year. There is evident, moreover, an increased disregard of the slight trouble of recording their names on the part of members who come to the House with friends. Naturally, too, the House has ceased to be a novelty, and the fee of twenty- five cents may debar our townsfolk, who are not members, from frequent visits. We trust, however, there may be no diminution in the number of Ipswich visitors. We hope that members will exercise to the uttermost their privilege of bringing friends to the House, and that none will be sen- sitive in the matter of repeated visits. As no registration ig made on social occasions, which our citizens generally attend, many who are not members have an opportunity to see the House and taste its good cheer. We may well consider the desirability of increasing the number and variety of these special gatherings, which (io8) president's report. 109 appeal to many who are not interested especially in his- torical pursuits. Our Society is doing good service to the community when a supper is served, and the ancient rooms are filled by young and old from the representative families of our old town. The Woman's Club affords a common rallying ground for the women of the town. It remains for the Historical Society to do like service for the men and the families of the whole community. In this way, interest m the House and the Society will naturally be increased, a new pride m the rare and beautiful old building will be kindled and gradually our townsfolk will come to feel that the Historical Society is a Town institution, where- in there are no lines of distinction, nor grades of privilege, and that its membership should include one representative at least of every Ipswich family. Our ideal of the Ipswich Historical Society will not be attained until this broad and comprehensive membership shall be reached, and our House shall be thronged with goodly numbers of Ipswich people, who will come, with their children and friends, to these ancient hearthstones, agam and again. It is gratifying in this connection to note that while the number of visitors from other states fell from 402 m 1903 to 306 in 1904, the number of residents of our own Common- wealth, outside of our town, mcreased from 403 to 502. The courtesies of the House have been extended to the Convention of the Epworth League, April 19th; the Meth- uen Historical Society on July 13th; the Daughters of Re- becca on July 27th; the Art Class on August 8th; and the Hovey Family on August 24th. The Class in Architecture in the Institute of Technology with their instructor, Mr. Ross Turner, the emment water-color artist, spent a whole day in the study of the House on October 15th. The financial condition of the Society is very satisfactory. The receipts from the House, though less than last year for reasons already noted, have been sufficient to pay all the running expense, the msurance on the property, and a small balance toward the interest account. By the purchase of the remamder of the lot m which the House stands, the mortgage indebtedness was raised to $3500, and the interest on the mortgage amounted to $111.08, in 1903. Through the payment of the legacy bequeathed by Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown and the use of a small surplus, the mortgage has been reduced this year to $2800, but the interest has made 110 president's report. large demands. One hundred and thirty-five dollars were required to meet this account. Fortunately another con- siderable reduction of the debt can be made on January 1st, and a corresponding reduction in the expense for interest in the coming year. The assured income from the con- stantly enlarging membership and the steady current of visitors will soon reduce our indebtedness to a compara- tively small sum. The hearty thanks of the Society are due Mr. and Mrs. Washington P. Pickard for their efficient and enthusiastic services as Curators. They have had a fine regard for the interests of the Society in admitting visitors at almost any hour, and have shown a commendable desire to make their visits interesting. The high reputation of the House as a clean and mviting dwelling has been well sustained. Mr. Pickard has had full charge of the grounds, and has kept them in excellent fashion. The modest charge he has made for these extra services has been well earned. Our Publications have attained now to Number XIII. The title of the last issue was " Fme Thread, Lace and Hosiery in Ipswich by Jesse Fewkes, and Ipswich Mills and Facto- ries by T. Frank Waters. ' ' It has been well received and a considerable number has been sold. Frequent requests for these pamphlets come from large libraries, notably from the Free Public Library of Birmingham, England, and from individuals who are interested in the Town of their forbears. Number X, ' ' The Hotel Cluny of a New England Village," has been an exceptionally popular issue, and many copies are sold every year. By the loan of our half-tone plate of the monument which stands before the Meeting House of the South Church, the Society has contributed aid to the publication by Miss Elizabeth Porter Gould, of Boston, of her admirable book ' ' Ezekiel Cheever, Schoolmaster. ' ' Mr. Cheever gained high renown by his ten years' work as Master of the Ipswich Grammar School. We may hope that a new era in the history of our Society has be^n marked by the election of two of our citizens to life membership, upon payment of fifty dohars each, and the payment of the first legacy the Society has received from the estate of a deceased member. This new form of membership, hitherto held only by a lady of an old Ipswich family, by which all the privileges president's report. Ill and benefits of active membership are secured perpetuall}'^ without further assessment, may thus be brought to the favorable notice of other friends of the Society. Such gifts are opportune and valuable. They increase our finan- cial strength, rouse fresh confidence and encourage us to look forward to such a regular increase of resources that a larger work may be possible and wise. The payment of the legacy may suggest to philanthropic friends of our Town, and of the Historical Society, a wise testamentary gift. Already generous provision has been made for our Public Library and for the Manning School. The Historical Society comes now to public notice as an in- stitution, already beyond the stage when its permanence and usefulness may seriously be questioned. It is already in its fifteenth year, with a large and growing member- ship, a unique and valuable property, a sound financial condition, and a record of service to the community of which none need be ashamed. It is in a condition to re- ceive and use a large endowment. A Memorial building, of which frequent mention has already been made, would be a worthy monument to the men and women whose names are honored and loved, and would afford the opportunity for an enlargement of our collections and for a broadening of our scope of usefulness. Such a building would be a grand supplement to our ancient House. Upon its walls, without and within, might be carved the names of the wise and good of many genera- tions. It would provide room for a large and well ar- ranged historic museum, for the library, which is yet in embryo, of a special, historic character, and for a hall of moderate size, which would be of great value to the Town as well as to the Society. Through such a building, the noble history of our Town would make inspiring appeal to the present generation, and other generations that are to be. The erection of such a buildmg and its endowment would require less than the cost of a single beautiful residence of the kind which are now being reared in our midst. May not some generous lover of a noble ancestor, by a munifi- cent gift, or a group of large-minded and far-sighted men and women by their bequests make this vision a thing of brick and stone, for beauty and for use, for education and inspiration? REPORT OF THE CURATOR for the year ending December 1, 1904. Total number of visitors registered, ----- §54 Ipswich residents, ----------- 41 From other towns and cities in Massachusetts, - 502 From outside the State, --------- 311 Total registration, ------- 1899 1,134 " --_.--.-- 1900 1,513 " " --_-.._-- 1901 1,008 " " - . - - 1902 1,052 " - - 1903 1,097 (112) REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE ENDING DECEMBER 1, 1904. T. Frank Waters in account with Ipsivich Historical Dr. Membership Fees, _._--- Legacy, Mrs. Elizabeth j\I. BroAvii, - _ - Receipts from the House, Door Fees, ------- Sale of publications, . - - - - " " pictures, . _ - - - " " stationery, . - - - - Entertainment of Methuen Historical Society, Supper, Nov. 30, 1904, . - - - Balance in treasury, Dec. 1, 1903, Cr. Paid on Mortgage, - - - - " for Interest, - - - - " " Printing, _ . - - " " Insurance, - - _ _ " " Stationery and postage, - " " Incidentals, - - - - " " House account, running expenses, Fuel, ------ Furniture, - - - - Repairs and care, Water, _ - - - Pliotographs, two years, $130.38 26.50 24.85 1.46 26.50 32.40 242.09 Cash in treasury, ------ The mortgage upon the property is now $2800. 50.66 51.09 59.33 14.64 25.74 201.46 (113) YEAR Society. $345.50 500.00 242.09 1087.59 357.52 $1445.11 $700.00 135.00 127.62 24.00 16.09 45.16 201.46 195.78 $1445.11 DONATIONS TO THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 1, 1904. American Antiquarian Society. Annual Report. Ser- mon on the Utility of a Permanent Ministry by David T. Kimball. Ipswich, 1839. Benj. H. Conant. Wenham Town Report. Miss Roxana C. Cow^les. Circular Leather Valise, owned and carried by her father, Prof. John P. Cowles, on his horseback journeys in Ohio, and his Leather Sermon Case. Two reels, one with clock attachment. Spin- ning wheel. Celestial globe, 1818, and terrestrial globe, owned and used by Miss Zilpah P. Grant, purchased by Prof. Cowles. Pencil Drawings of County House and Kimball Manse. Two guns, one with flint lock. Cartridge-box. Tin kitchen. Toaster. Gridiron. Dummer Academy. Catalogue. Essex Institute, Salem. Publications. Mrs. Jonathan E. Goodhue, Newark, N. Y. The Good- hue Family. James Griffin. Wasps ' nest. D. R. Jack, St. John, N. B. Publications of the New Brunswick Historical Society. No. 5. Acadiensis. iv, 2, 3, 4. Medford Historical Society. Publications. Miss Esther Parmenter. Epaulet, worn by an ances- tor in the war of 1812. Three chairs and a footstool made by her step-father's grandfather. B. F. Southwick, Peabody. Set of Province Laws. Julia Noyes Stickney, West Newbury. Poem on Lake Winnipisaukee. Towle Manufacturing Co. Outline of Life and Works of Col. Paul Revere. Francis H. Wade. Morse's Universal Geography. (114) Membership in the Ipswich Historical Society involves the payment of an annual due of $2, or a single payment of $50, which secures Life Membership. Members are entitled to a copy of the regular publications of the Society, in pam- phlet form, without expense, free admission to the House with friends, and the privilege of voting in the business meetings. There are no restrictions as to place of residence. Any person, who is interested in the Society and desires to pro- mote its welfare, is eligible to membership. We desire to enlarge the non-resident membership list until it shall include as many as possible of those, who trace their descent to our Town. Names may be sent at any time to the President, but the election of members usually occurs only at the annual meet- ing in December. (115) ANNUAL MEETING. The Annnal meeting of the Ipswich Historical Society was held on Monday, December 4, 1905, at Whipple Hou&e. The following officers were elected. President. — T. Frank Waters. Vice Presidents. — John B. Brown, Francis R. Appleton. Directors. — Charles A. Say ward, John H. Cogswell, John W. Nourse. Clerk. — John W. Goodhue. Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. — T. Frank Waters. Librarian. — John J. Sullivan. Social Committee, Mrs, John J. Sullivan, Miss Lucy Slade Lord, Mrs. Chas. A. Sayward, Miss C. Bertha Dobson, Mrs. Edward F. Browii, Mrs. Frank H. Stockwell, Mrs. Cordelia Damon, Mrs. Joseph F. Ross, Miss Susan C. Whipple, Mrs. Frank W. Kyes. The Committee was authorized to fill any vacancies that may occur in its membership, and enlarge it, if occasion requires. (116) REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 1, 1905. Our survey of the past year reveals stable and gratifying prosperity, as the good fortune of our Society. The list of members shows a steady gain, and every year more of our townsfolk, of the summer residents, and of non-residents, who have an ancestral connection with our town, are en- rolled. Thus our Society serves as a bond of union between the friends of Ipswich, wherever they are found. The Report of the Curator shows that the registered number of visitors at Whipple House has again passed the thousand mark. As was remarked in the last Annual Report a surprisingly small number of our townspeople, though they are members of the Society, seem willing to record their names. Only seventy-three were registered last year, but our Curator reports that many more have called. Though it is a matter of regret, that we may not know how many of our citizens show their interest in the House by coming with their friends, it is gratifying that so large a number of visitors, who inspected these rooms during the year were from other towns and cities of the Commonwealth and nearly four hundred from other States. Thus the good name of the Society and its House is spread abroad, and it frequently happens, in my own experience and no doubt in yours, that in the most unexpected places chance acquaintances are met, who dilate with enthusiasm upon their visit to this ancient dwelling. As in other years, societies of various kinds seeking the most inviting locality possible for a summer holiday have bethought themselves of Ipswich. The Boston Tea Party Chapter and the Old Newbury Chapter of the D. A. R. raUied here on June 9, and the State Chapter on June 28. The Hovey Family held its annual reunion, and the Ai't Class of Mr. Dow gathered en masse for an evening lecture, by the President by can- dleUght in the quaint old rooms. A goodly number of the members of the Gloucester Scientific and Historical So- ciety came on a bright August day, and in September some (117) 118 president's report. good women of Marblehead, of Unity Rebekah Lodge, and the Holmes Outing Club of Haverhill drifted hither. The newly organized society for lace-working met during the early summer months in the airy bed-chamber, and an elaborate and beautiful display of laces was made in the exhibition and sale arranged by them in these rooms. Financially we stand well with the world. The single item of membership fees netted $480, and the receipts from the House from door fees, sales of publications and the entertainment of visiting societies amounted to $205.75. Early last spring the Ipswich Mills Corporation bought the Peatfield estate adjoining our property and established a lumber yard. The Superintendent very courteously au- thorized me to proceed with any scheme of shrubbery or ornamental gardening that might seem advisable to take off the rawness of the lumber piles. A spruce hedge seemed the best screen, and the trees were purchased and set out. When they were delivered, their appearance was not prepossessing and though carefully planted, all but six died. This account has not been settled, and the sum paid by the Mills remains in the treasury, exc( pt that which was paid for the tree setting. The expenditures included a payment of $300 on the mortgage, reducing it to $2500, and $106.33 for interest. The receipts from the House furnished a surplus of nearly $40, after all expenses incident to the House and grounds were met. A balance of $290.60 remains in the treasury. It will be noticed that no expense for printing has been incurred this year. The demands upon my time by the book, Ipswich in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which was issued in September, were so great in the early months of the year, that no attention could be given to the usual publication. At a later time, the manuscript was pre- pared and sent to the printer, with the expectation of distributing it in November. Unavoidable delays arose, however, and now it seems best to issue the pamphlet at once, with the proceedings of this meeting appended. It may be a fortunate way of meeting the expense of a rather costly publication by dividing it thus between two years. This work which is nearly complete is a reprint of "The Simple Cobler of Aggawam" by our famous min- ister, Nathaniel Ward. The late D. F. Appleton Esq. president's report. 119 gave the Society a copy of the 4"' edition, printed in London in 1647. Facsimiles have been made of the title- page, preface, head-lines and ornamental initials, the an- tique form of the letter s has been used, the exact spelling, punctuation and page division has been followed, and a very near approach has been made to a reproduction. An Essay on Nathaniel Ward and The Simple Cobler has been appended. A portion of the edition will be issued in the usual form but a considerable number of copies will be bound in book form, in the hope that book-lovers may es- teem it a volume worth purchasing. Though the recently issued, Ipswich in the Massachu- setts Bay Colony bears the imprint of the Ipswich Histor- ical Society, the Society has been involved in no expense in its publication, and has gained prestige as a publisher of historical works. The principal addition to our furnishings is an ancient desk, which was put in perfect condition, and presented by Mr. Francis R. Appleton. The Secretary of the Common- wealth, with the co-operation of Mr. Tillinghast, the State Librarian, has very kindly presented the Society a full set of the Vital Statistics so far as published, and ihe new issues are sent as they appear. The very valuable Record of the Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, which is given by the State, is approaching completion. Very recently, the Librarian of the State Library of Con- necticut, Mr. George S. Godard, made a request for a file of our publications, and in return, has sent nineteen volumes of the State Manual, from 1887 to 1905, with the very kindly remark that "Ipswich has a tender place in the hearts of Connecticut people," because of its gift of John Winthrop Jr. The thanks of the Society are due Mr. and Mrs. Pickard for their regard for the interests of the Society and the good name of the House. Visitors always find a cordial welcome. House and grounds are always well kept and inviting. REPORT OF THE CURATOR During the year, December 1, 1904 to December 1, 1905, 1041 names of visitors have been registered. 73 were residents of Ipswich. 594 were residents of other towns and cities in Massa- chusetts. 376 were residents of other States. June 9, The Boston Tea Party Chapter, and The Old Newbury Chapter, D. A. R. visited the house. June 28, The State Chapter of D. A. R. August 1, The Hovey Family held its reunion at the house. August 2, The Gloucester Historical Society. August 7, The Art Class of Prof. A. W. Dow. Sept. 13, Unity Rebekah Lodge, I. 0. .F. of Marblehead. Sept. 18, The Holmes Outing Club of Haverhill. Washington P. Pickard, Curator. (120) REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 1, 1905. T. F. Waters in account with the Ipswich Historical Society. Dr. To Membership fees, $480.00 " Contribution from Ipswich Mills, for shrubbery, . . 31.50 " Receipts from Whipple House, Door Fees, $134.20 Sale of Publications, .... 31.85 " " Pictures, 16.50 " " Stationery, 1.20 Entertainment of the Boston Tea Party Chapter, D. A. R., . . . . 12.00 Entertainment of the Gloucester Historical Society, 10.00 205.75 205.75 717.25 Balance in treasury, Dec. 1, 1904, 208.59 $925.84 Or. Paid on Mortgage, $300.00 " for Interest, ...... 106.33 " " Stationery and expressage. 13.35 " " Books, ...... 7.00 " " Incidentals, ..... 41.31 " " House account. Fuel, 26.82 Table ware 16.00 Water biUs, 14.55 Furniture, 9.30 Hardware, ..... 7.77 Supper notices, etc.. 5.50 Pictures, 17.45 Setting shrubbery, .... 9.00 Repairs and care of house and grounds, 60.86 167.25 167.25 635.24 Balance in treasury, Dec. 1, 1905, 290.60 $925.84 The mortgage is now $2500. (121) MEMBERS. LIFE MEMBERS. Mrs. Alice C. Bemis James H. Proctor Charles G. Rice Colorado Springs, Col. Ipswich, Mass. RESIDENT MEMBERS. Dr. Charles E. Ames, Mrs. Susan A. R. Appleton, Francis R. Appleton, Mrs. Frances L. Appleton, James W. Appleton, Randolph M. Appleton, Miss S. Isabel Arthur, Dr. G. Guy Bailej', Mrs. Elizabeth H. Baker, Mrs. Ellen B. Baker, John H. Baker, Miss Katharine C. Baker, Charles W. Bam lord, George E. Barnard, Miss Mary D. Bates, John A. Blake, James W. Bond, Warren Boynton, Albert S. Brown, Albert S. Brown, Jr., Miss Annie Gertrude Brown, Charles W. Brown, Edward F. Brown, Mrs. Carrie R. Brown, Henry Brown, Mrs. Lavinia A. Brown, Robert Brown, Ralph W. Burnham, Mrs. Nellie Mae Burnham, Fred F. Byron, Miss Joanna Caldwell, Miss Lydia A. Caldwell, Miss Sarah P. Caldwell, Charles A. Campbell, Mrs. Lavinia Campbell, Edward W. Choate, Philip E. Clarke, Mrs. Mary E. Clarke, Miss Lucy C. Coburn, Sturgis Coffin, 2d, John H. Cogswell, (122) Theodore F. Cogswell, Miss Harriet D. Condon, Braiuerd J. Conley, Rev. Edward Constant, Miss Roxana C. Cowles, Rev. Temple Cutler, Arthur C. Damon, Mrs. Carrie Damon, Mrs. Cordelia Damon, Everett G. Damon, Harry K. Damon, Mrs. Abby Danforth, Miss Edith L. Daniels, Mrs. Howard Dawson, George G. Dexter, Miss C. Bertha Dobson, Harry K. Dodge, Rev. John M. Donovan, Mrs. Sarah B. Dudley, Mrs. Charles G. Dyer, Miss Emeline C. Farley, Mrs. Emma Farley, Miss Lucy R. Farley, Miss Abbie M. Fellows, Benjamin Fewkes, James E. Gallagher, John S. Glover, Charles E. Goodhue, Frank T. Goodhue, John W. Goodhue, William Goodhue, John J. Gould, David A. Grady, James GraflXim, Mrs. Eliza H. Green, Mrs. Lois H. Hardy, George Harris, Mrs. Kate L. Haskell, George H. W. Hayes, Mrs. Alice L. Heard, Miss Alice Heard, NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 123 Johu Heard, Miss Mary A. Hodgclou, Mrs. Louise S. Hodgkius, Miss S. Louise Holmes, Charles G. Hull, Miss Lucy S. Jewett, Miss Amy M. Johnson, Miss Ida B. Johnson, John A. Johnson, Miss Ellen M. Jordan, Albert Joyce, Charles M. Kelly, Mrs. Caroline Kenyou, Fred A. Kimball, Robert S. Kimball, Mrs. Isabelle G. Kimball, Miss Bethiah D. Kinsman, Miss Mary E. Kinsman, Mrs. Susan K. Kinsman, Dr. Frank W. Kyes, Mrs. Georgie C. Kyes, Curtis E. Lakemaii, J. Howard Lakeman, Mrs. G F. Langdon, Austin L. Lord, George A. Lord, Dr. Sidney A. Lord, Miss Lucy Slade Lord, Thomas H. Lord, Mrs. Lucretia S. Lord, Walter E. Lord, Mrs. Mary B. Main, James F. Mann, Joseph Marshall, Everard H. Martin, Mrs. Marietta K. Martin, Miss Abby L. Newman, Mrs. Amanda K. Nichols, William J. Norwood, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Norwood, John W. Nourse, Charles H. Noyes, Mrs. Harriet E. Noyes, Rev. Reginald Pearce, I. E. B. Perkins, Miss Carrie S. Perley, Augustine H. Plouff, Mrs. Frances Richardson, James S. Robinson, Jr., Mrs. Anna C. C. Robinson, Miss Anna W. Ross, Frederick G. Ross, Mrs. Mary F. Ross, Joseph F. Ross, Mrs. Helene Ross, Dr. William H. Russell, William S. Russell, William W. Russell, Daniel Saflford, Angus Savory, Charles A. Say ward, Mrs. Henrietta W. Say ward, George A. Schofleld, Amos E. Scotton, Nathaniel Shatswell, Mrs. Harriet G. Shaw, Dexter M. Smith, Mrs. Olive P. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Spaulding, George W. Starkey, Dr. Frank H. Stockwell, Mrs. Sadie B. Stockwell, Miss Lucy Belle Story, Edward M. Sullivan, John J. Sullivan, Mrs. Elizabeth ^i. Sullivan, Arthur L. Sweetser, Samuel H. Thurston, George W. Tozer, Miss Ellen R. Trask, Jesse H. Wade, Miss Nellie F. Wade, Miss Emma E. Wait, Luther Wait, Rev. T. Frank Waters, Mrs. Adeline M. Waters, Miss Susan C Whipple, Frederick G. Whittier, Mrs. Marianna Whittier, Miss Eva Adams Willcomb, Chester P. AVoodbury. NON-RESIDENT ME^^BEBS. Frederick J. Alley . Mrs. Mary G. Alley William F. J. Boardman Albert D. Bosson* . Mrs. Alice C. Bosson* Mrs. Mary P. Bosworth John B. Brown* Mrs. Lucy T. Brown* Hamilton, Mass. Hartford, Conn. Chelsea, Mass. New York, N. Y. . Chicago, III. ■Summer home In Ipswich. 124 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Frank T. Burnham . Rev. Augustine Caldwell Eben Caldwell Miss Florence F. Caldwell Mrs. Luther Caldwell Miss Mir a E. Caldwell Rufus Choate Alexander B. Clark Mrs. Edward Cordis Dr. Richard H. Derby Joseph D. Dodge Mrs. Edith S. Dole . Arthur W. Dow* Joseph K. Farley Sylvanus C. Farley . Edward B. George . Dr. J. L. Goodale* . Dr. E. S. Goodhue . Samuel V. Goodhue Dr. F. B. Harrington* Rev. Horace C. Hovey Miss Ruth A. Hovey Gerald L. Hoyt* Mrs. May Hoyt* Miss Julia Hoyt* Lydig Hoyt* Albert P. Jordan Arthur S. Kimball Rev. John C. Kimball Rev. Frederic J. Kinsman Mrs. Mary A. Lord* Mrs. Frances E. Markoe Mrs. Anna Osgood* Rev. Robert B. Parker* Moritz B. Philipp* Bowen W. Pierson Frederick H. Plouff Mrs. Jessie W. P. Purdy A. Davidson Remick James E. Richardson Dr. Mark W. Richardson* Mrs. Lucy C. Roberts John B. Shearer Mrs. E. M. H. Slade Edward A. Smith Miss Elizabeth P. Smith Henry P. Smith Mrs. Caroline P. Smith Rev. R. Cotton Smith* Dr. E. W. Taylor* . Rev. William G. Thayer* Andrew S. Thomson, Dr. Harvey P. Towle* Dr. Chas. W. Townsend* Miss Ann H. Treadwell . Bayard Tuckerman* Mrs. Ruth A. Tuckerman* Charles H. Tweed . So. Framingham, Mass. Eliot, Me. Elizabeth, N. J. . Philadelphia, Pa. Lynn, Mass. " " Essex, Mass. Peabody, Mass. Jamaica Plain, Mass. . New York, N. Y. Lynn, Mass. Newbury, Mass. . Brooklyn, N. Y. Lihue, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands. Alton, 111. Rowley, Mass. Boston, Mass. Wailuku, Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Salem, Mass. Boston, Mass. Newburyport, Mass. Lake Mohonk, N. Y. New York. N. Y. Fresno, Cal. Oberlin, Ohio. Greenfield, Mass. NewYork, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Orange, N. J. Providence, R. I. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Reading, Penn. Salem, Mass. Boston, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Byflelil, Mass. New York,N. Y. Salem, Mass. Brookline, Mass. Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. . Southboro, Mass. Wenham, Mass. Boston, Mass. Jamaica Plain, Mass. . New York, N. Y. Summer home In Ipswich. HONORARY MEMBERS. 125 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Miss Laura B. Underbill* New York, N. Y. Mrs. Margaret Wade Newton, Mass. Wallace P. Willett* East Orange, N. J. Mrs. Elizabeth Willett* " .," ,, " Frederic Winthrop Hamilton, Mass. Robert D. Winthrop New York, N. Y. Chalmers Wood* HONORARY MEMBERS. John Albree, Jr. Miss Caroline Farley Frank C. Farley Mrs. Katherine S. Farley Mrs. Eunice W. Felton Jesse Fewkes . Reginald Foster Augustus P. Gardner Charles L. Goodhue Miss Alice A. Gray Miss Emily R. Gray Arthur W. Hale Albert Farley Heard, 2d Otis Kimball Mrs. Otis Kimball . Miss Sarah S. Kimball Frederick J. Kingsbury Miss Caroline T. Leeds Miss Katherine P. Loring Mrs. Susan M. Loring Mrs. Elizabeth R. Lyman Josiah H. Mann Miss Adeline E. Manning Henry S. Manning Mrs. Mary W. Manning George von L. Meyer Miss Esther Parmenter Mrs. Mary S. C. Peabody Richard M. Salton stall Denison R. Slade Joseph Spiller Miss Ellen A. Stone Harry W. Tyler Albert Wade Edward P. Wade W. F. Warner George Willcomb Swampscott, Mass- Cambridge, Mass- So. Manchester, Conn- Cambridge, Mass. Newton, Mass. Boston, Mass. Hamilton, Mass. Springfield, Mass. Sauquoit, N.Y. Winchester, Mass. Boston, Mass. Salem, Mass. Waterbury, Conn. Boston, Mass. Brookline, Mass. Ipswich, Mass. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. St. Petersburg, Russia. Chicopee, Mass. Ipswich, Mass. Boston, Mass. Center Harbor, N. H. Boston, Mass. East Lexington, Mass. Boston, Mass. Alton, 111. St. Louis, Mo. Boston, Mass. •Summer home In Ipewich. 1 V IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY 1633-1700 By Thomas Franklin Waters President of the Ipswich Historical Society ONE VOLUME IN TWO PARTS T II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII PART ONE Primeval Agawam, a study of the Indian life Tlie Coming of the English Homes and Dress ....... Some notable Settlers. John Winthrop, Jr., Thomas Dudley, Richard Saltonstall, Simon and Ann Brad- street, Rev. Nathaniel Ward, John Norton The Development of our Town Government Common Lands and Commonage Trades and Employments The Body Politic .... The Sabbath and the Meeting House . The Early Military Annals The Charter in Peril. Samuel Symonds, Daniel Deni- son, John Appleton . . . . . . The Grammar School and Harvard College. Ezekiel Cheever and his successors, and many famous pupils of the Grammar School ...... King Philip's War: contains Major Samuel Appleton 's military letters and a complete list of the soldiers in that war ......... Ipswich and the Andros Government. A careful study of the attitude of Ipswich men in this critical period, with many documents, warrants for arrest, deposi- tions, records, etc. Rev. John Wise, Major Samuel Appleton, John Appleton, Jr., Thomas French, Wil- liam Goodhue, John Andrews, Robert Kinsman . Laws and Courts ....... Witchcraft War of William and Mary and other Indian troubles, with a list of soldiers so far as known .... (127) pp. 1-6 7-20 21-44 45-55 56-67 68-74 75-86 87-106 107-118 119-127 128-145 146-158 159-224 225-273 274-286 287-300 301-313 128 IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. The material for this work has been derived, by original research, chiefly from the Town Records, the Records of the old Ipswich Quarter Sessions Court and other Court Records, the Massachusetts Bay Records, the Massachusetts Archives, and contemporaneous published works, so far as possible. It is illustrated with facsimiles of ancient documents and photographs. PART TWO is a study of the original land grants for house lots on all the ancient streets and lanes, and the successive owners to the present generation, with diagrams, maps, and photographs of many ancient dwellings. The dates of the erection of houses are noted in many instances, and all transfers are accompanied with citations of the Book and Leaf of the ancient Ipswich Deeds (5 volumes), and the Records of the Essex County Registry of Deeds and Registry of Probate. Some eighteen hundred citations are made from the original sources, and these constitute the sole authority for this record of locations, ownerships, and the probable age and identity of dwellings. Besides this, there are seven appendices to the volume, giving important historical material under the following heads : A summary of the names of the first settlers from 1633 to 1649; Some Early Inventories; The Letters of Rev. Nathan- iel Ward; The Letters of Giles Firmin; The Letters of Sam- uel Symonds; The Valedictory and Monitory Writing left by Sarah Goodhue; The Diary of Rev. John Wise, Chaplain in the Expedition to Quebec. There is also a copious Index. The book will be of particular interest and importance to those who are of Ipswich ancestry, but all who dwell in Ips- wich, or make their summer homes there, will find it a read- able and attractive record of many events, places, and persons. IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. 129 EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS AND LETTERS. {By Bayard Tuckerman, Lecturer in English at Princeton University). Ipswich is one of the oldest and in some respects one of the most inter- esting and typical of the English settlements in America. The difficulties to be encountered by the early colonists in subduing the wilderness, in wringing a livelihood from an unfruitful soil, in building up a civilization in which comfort and education were sought together, were nowhere greater and nowhere surmounted with more courageous energy. The institution of town government and the intelligent practice of the principles of political liberty are well exemplified in the history of Ipswich, while the bold resist- ance of her citizens to the tyranny of the English government in the time of Governor Andros has given her a claim to the title of the "Cradle of American Liberty" Mr. Waters has told this story with historical insight and literary skill, and has given us besides a mass of information regarding local customs, transfers of land and resident families, which make his work of personal interest to everyone whose ancestors have lived in the township. As we turn the leaves of this scholarly work, the chapter headings indicate a variety of interesting subjects. Political history is studied under "The Development of our Town Government" ' 'The Body Politic" "The Charter in Peril" "Ipswich and the Andros Government." Under the heads of "The Coming of the English" "Homes and Dress" "Some Notable Settlers" "Trades and Employments," we find a rich fund of information regarding the early inhabitants and the lives they led. In the chapter dealing with "The Sabbath and the Meeting House" with the melancholy accompaniment of "Witchcraft," the austere religious life of the early times is depicted. The relations of the settlers to the Indians are described under "Primeval Agawam" "King Philip's War" and the "War of William and Mary." The determination of the colonists to provide education for their children is shown in the article on "The Gram- mar School and Harvard College. ' ' Other interesting chapters deal with the "Laws and Courts" and with the curiousjnstitution of the "Common Lands and Commonage. ' ' Tlie second portion of the work contains an account of the ownership and transfer of lands and houses which is the fruit of research, of remarkable industry and accuracy. No one whose family has owned property within the bounds of Ipswich can fail to find facts of interest to him here. The names of early settlers are given in full and there are a number of inven- tories illustrative of the character of personal property held and transmitted. The letters of Rev. Nathaniel Ward, of Dr. Giles Firmin, and of Samuel Symonds, the writings of Sarah Goodhue, and the narrative of tlie Rev. John Wise, aU of great antiquarian interest, are given in the Appendix. Thirty-five excellent illustrations, and an Index which forms a com- plete guide to all the names and subjects mentioned, add greatly to the value of the work. 130 IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. This history of Ipswich is the result of such painstaking and intelligent research, and is written in so attractive a style, that it cannot fail to appeal to all persons who have any connection with the town. Whoever lives in Ipswich or whose ancestors lived here, should have a copy among his books. He will find pleasure in reading it, and profit in possessing it for reference. Bayard Tuckerman. (From the Boston Transcript.) A most important addition to the literature of New England history is made by Mr. Thomas Franklin Waters in this volume. Ipswich — the Agawam of 270 years ago — is one of the most picturesque towns in the Commonwealth, and aside from its attractions of location and scenery, is particularly rich in historical associations. No town in its early conditions more accurately typifies early New England life, and in the narrative of its struggles and development may be read that of a score of other settle- ments of the same period. ' ' I have tried, ' ' says Mr. Waters in his preface, "to tell accurately, but in readable fashion, the story of the builders of our town, their homes and home life, their employments, their Sabbath- keeping, their love of learning, their administration of town affairs, their stern delusions, their heroism in war and in resistance to tyranny. ' ' To anyone familiar with the beautiful old town the book will have all the fascination of a romance. (From a Review by the New York Daily Tribune.) The president of the Ipswich Historical Society has prepared in this volume a model of its kind. He tells in thoroughly entertaining fashion the history of this early Colonial town — the Agawam of Indians — and he adds in Part II such a detailed account of its houses and lands as must ever be of value to all connected by ties of blood or property with Ipswich. Photographs of the many ancient houses which survive, together with maps, diagrams and facsimiles illustrate and elucidate the text. The story of the town holds so much of the struggle, the tragedy and the quaintness of seventeenth century life in the colony that it would have been difficult to make it other than interesting. The services of Ipswich men in King Philip's War and their sturdy protest against the usurpation of the Andros government are chronicled here, and are not to be forgotten by Americans. In the resistance to what she considered an unjust tax, Ipswich may claim a high place among the earliest supporters of the right of self government. {From a letter, written by C. B. Tillinghast, State Librarian of Massachusetts). "The story of the founders of Ipswich which you have told with so much detaU and skill in the first half of the volume, is of course in large IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. 131 degree the story of the early life of the settlers in other parts of the Colony and this study, which you have founded with such pains-taking accuracy largely upon original and documentary sources of information makes the volume of the widest general interest to all, who have an interest in the early settlers and their mode of life. This feature of the book it seems to me, is unequalled by any other available publication and should commend it to the favorable attention of all libraries. The topographical study which forms the latter portion of the book, is a model of what such a study should be, and in this respect, Ipswich territory is of special interest. "You have made in thisvolume a contribution to the local, the funda- mental history of the Commonwealth, which few, if any volumes equal and none excel." {From George H. Martin, Secretary of the State Board of Education of Massachusetts.) I have examined with care the whole of your new book on Ipswich, and I have read with increasing interest as much as time would allow. It is a great book and will prove of immense service to all students of early colonial history. I do not think I have found anywhere so vivid a picture presented of Puritan town life in all its phases as you have given. The thorough way in which you have handled the matter of land grants is a model for all local historians. I congratulate you heartily upon having made an addition to the local history of New England, which" is unsurpassed in the choice of matter, and in the felicity of its presentation. {From The Nation, New York.) In one feature, at least, this ample and handsomely printed work surpasses any other town history that we have ever encountered. We refer to that portion of the second half which deals with "Houses and Lands," and which, with the aid of a diagram, traces the for- tunes of each dwelling and lot of the original settler nominatim not only to 1700, but to the present day. This enormous labor is for- tified by the citation of wills and deeds, and the result is a firm base for all future researches. It is supplemented by a summary of the names of the settlers from 1633 to 1649, with the year in which each name first occurs in the town records, and by some sample inventories of personal effects. Other remarkable lists of the early inliabitants have been constructed for the chapter entitled "The Body Politic;" and show that out of an enrolled male population in 1678 totalling 508, there were 220 commoners and 125 freemen (17 of these not being commoners). The freemen alone were entitled to vote for the officers and magistrates of J/,M 22 i®e^ 132 IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. the Colony and to speak and vote in town meeting ; the commoners might vote on all questions relating to the common lands ; the residue, so-called Resident, were eligible for jury duty and to vote for selectmen. Mr. Waters 's historical treatment is episodical and is very pleasingly manifested in the opening chapters on the aborigines as described by the first Englishmen and on home and dress. These themes are in- vested with a really fresh interest, and set forth with noticeable literary skill. Much remains to be said or sayable, but we must stay our hand. Mr. Waters 's work, which we hope he will follow up for later times, as he half promises, takes its place in the front rank of its class, and can hardly be praised too highly for diligent research, candor, taste, style and construction. It will be found to be of particular value to the New England fami- lies bearing the APPLETON BAKER BROWN BURNHAM CALDWELL CHOATE CLARK COGSWELL DENISON DODGE DUTCH names of FARLEY FOSTER GOODHUE HARRIS HEARD HODGKINS HOVEY HUBBARD JEWITT KIMBALL KINSMAN KNOWLTON LAKEMAN LORD MANNING NEWMAN NORTON PAINE PERKINS POTTER PULCIFER RINGE ROGERS ROSS RUST SALTONSTALL SMITH I SYMONDS TREADWELL WADE WAINWRIGHT WHIPPLE WILLCOMB WINTHROP and many others. Price. Five dollars, net. Postage, Thirty-six cents. ^^i^ ^:-S ■;?-->o PUBLik^iA I iijNS ... IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY u by Rev, VVii.-iii'Jifton , , Df)vis,-'>ri the i"''Ot'i A Aiidros 'I The D--v^1nn:iicnt ■v of tlxe Old Argil cce.diugs at ihi. Massachi :2;, 1900. Piice 25 cents ■r of Atfij^vvfliT!, ]t^ lanirl W;, PUBLICATIONS OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY XV. THE OLD BAY ROAD FROM SALTONSTALL'S BROOK AND SAMUEL APPLETON'S FARM A GENEALOGY OF THE IPSWICH DESCENDANTS OF I SAMUEL APPLETON BY T. FRANK WATERS PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING ' December 3, 1906. Salem IPcese: Thb Sal£U Press Co., Sai,£M, Mass. 1907 GRANTS ON A PART OF THE BAY PATH MTH. PUBLICATION!^ OF THE IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY XV. THE OLD BAY ROAD FROM SALTONSTALL'S BROOK AND SAMUEL APPLETON'S FARM A GENEALOGY OF THE IPSWICH DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL APPLETON T. FRANK WATERS PROCEEDINGS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING December 3, 1906. Salem IPcessi The Salem Press Co., Salem, Mass. 1907 f-' A- T^^; JAN ^, ii. / THE OLD BAY ROAD FROM SALTONSTALL'S BROOK AND SAMUEL APPLETON'S FARM. In the year 1639, the General Court considered the unsatisfactory con- dition of the public highways. Sometimes they were "toostraite" and "in other places travellers are forced to go farr about." It was ordered, there- fore, on the 5'^ of November, "that all high ways shall be laid out before the next General Court." "Every town shall choose two or three men who shall joyne with two or three of the next town nnmes, their publishment being announced on Feb. 16, 1760, and a daughter, Sarah, was baptized Dec. 28, 1760. She lived to be 89 years old, and in her old age used to tell very interesting stories of her childhood, which are remembered by her grand- nephew Wallace P. Willett. The house in which she was born was not on the same spot as the present dwelling, but occupied the site of the original house. In her childhood, a heavy growth of oaks and hickories yet re- mained near the river, and from the swamp the cries of wolves and other wild animals were plainly heard at night. Her mother in turn had told her of her own childhood in the ancient 'garrison house,' on the same spot built of logs and surrounded by a stockade or wall of logs, some ten feet high, with loopholes for musket fire in case of Indian attack. The Indians were friendly 'and came frequently to the house for food and tobacco. Grad- ually their attitude became less friendly and the dwellers in the lonely house began to plan for their safety in case of an Indian assault. The cellar was AND SAMUEL APPLETON'S FARM. 11 built up with logs, and by removing .some of these a little closet or cave was dug and cleverly concealed. One day, when the men were at work in the fields, and the mother of the household was busy with her dinner, the little girl discovered Indians landing from their canoes in war-paint and fullyarmed. The mother sawthat it was impossible to give the alarm. Hurrying the children into the cellar, she threw open the gate of the stockade, and dropped her hood and shawl as though they had been lost in the flight of the family, then, rushing back, she opened the log shelter and hid with her children. The cunning ruse deceived the Indians. They entered, helped them- selves to the dinner, and smoked at their leisure, doing no damage, how- ever, to the house or furniture. Finally two or three sought the pork barrel in the cellar, and the poor children nearly died from fright, lest the slightest noise should betray their presence. But the Indians had no suspicion, and having helped themselves from the friendly barrel, they withdrew, and the whole band returned to their canoes. This ancient tradition of the early days is a true picture, no doubt, of the anxiety and fear which beset every family on the outskirts of the vil- lages for many years. The statement that it was a garrison house is very interesting. The committee for Essex Coxmty reported in March 1675-6 that Ipswich was well defended with its fort about the meeting house and the garrison houses.' Tlie location of the latter is not given, but it is very probable that the scattered families dwelling in this neighborliood would have had at least one well defended house for a common refuge. Richard Potter bequeathed his estate to his son Jonathan (proved Oct. 5, 1789. Pro. Rec. 360:290). James, the son of Jonathan, acquired the interest of Julia Ann, who became the wife of Levi Willett (Aug. 28, 1832) and Symmes, Oct. 30, 1837 (303:160). His widow, Mrs. Rhoda B. Potter, sold the farm, now including the whole tract except the Norton lot, 30 acres in all, to Capt. Symmes Potter, May 4, 1846 (368: 6). Asa Wade bought of Capt. Potter, Feb. 12, 1857 (547:96) and the Walter Brown lot in 1863. He sold to Charles A. Campbell, March, 20, 1894 (1406: 500), and he, in turn, to George E. Barnard, Oct. 20, 1899 (1 591 : 475). Under the hand of the last two owners, the ancient farm has become a beautiful estate, to which the name Riverbend is happily given. The thirteen acre lot, sold to Thomas Norton in 1733, was sold by Daniel Potter to Moses Willett, Nov. 20, 1810(192:75). The administrator of Willett sold "the Potter lot," ten and a quarter acres, to William Man- ning, March 8, 1820 (270: 36). Mr. Manning built the house and barn and lived here until his death. His heirs sold to George Fellows, Sept. 7, 1860 (612: 246), the Fellows heirs to Willard B. and William H. Kinsman, April 13, 1883 (1105: 201). Mr. Albert W. Smith bought of the Kinsman heirs. May 24, 1894 (1412:499) and sold to Asa Bumham, Dec. 14, 1895 (1465: 274), Bumham to Mrs.La\ania A. Brown, April 15, 1902 (1670:312) who conveyed to Mrs. Lavinia Campbell, wife of Chas. A. Campbell, Oct. 27, 1 Maes. Archives Book 68 leaf 184. Ipswich in Mass. Bay Colouy, pp. 207, 208. 12 THE OLD BAY ROAD FROM SALTONSTALL 's BROOK 1904 (1758:111). George E. Barnard bought the house and ten acres, but the 23 acre "Smith lot" on the east side of the highway was retained by Mr. Campbell, and is included in liis estate. The remainder of the ancient Potter farm was in the possession of Samuel Potter, as we have noted, in 1714. He bequeathed his estate to his son Samuel, (proved Feb. 29, 1747 Pro. Rec. 327:508-9), but Richard sold Samuel a 14 acre lot, fronting on the road, and bounded by Oliver and Nathaniel Appleton's land on the south, April 3, 1775 (134:125). Moses Willett acquired possession and the widow Martha sold at auction to her sons George and Levi, and conveyed her dower as well, April 1, 1830 (257: 36). The Ipswich Bank foreclosed and took the property, and sold the "Willett Farm" about 80 acres, to Daniel Whipple, April 7, 1840 (321:3). Calvin Whipple sold to Harriet C. Smith, April 3, 1868 (744: 70), and her heirs still own. Rev. Nathaniel Rogers's Gravel Pit Pasture. Returning now to the east side of the old liighway, the " Gravel Pit Pasture" as it was called, including all the land from Saltonstall's brook to "Parting Paths," was granted probably to Rev. Nathaniel Rogers. It was sold by Daniel Rogers, his grandson, and son of Pres. John, to Jonathan Wade, who bequeathed " the pasture I purchased of Mr. Daniel Rogers, commonly called Gravel Pit Pasture," to his tliree granddaugliters. The inventory gives its area as 20 acres but it was divided into three lots of 10 acres each. Tlie northern lot was assigned to Ehzabeth (Cogswell) Farley, wife of Capt. Jolm Farley, the middle one to Abigail Cogswell, who mar- ried Thomas Pickard of Rowley, the southern lot to Susanna Cogswell, who became the wife of Moses Treadwell, in 1749 (Pro. Rec. 329:133). Mr. Pickard sold the ten acres settled on his wife to Nathaniel Farley, April 7, 1766(125:237), who conveyed to Abraham Choate, April 18,1769 (125:231). Samuel Kinsman was the next owner, and he sold to Asa Baker, March 26, 1789 (149:264). Baker acquired the interest of Capt. John Farley, the northern di\ision. In the distribution of his estate, ten acre lots were set off to Dorcas Brown and Polly, the wife of Michael Brown, April 6, 1814. After Michael's death, Polly sold the whole twenty acres with the new dwelling and bam to Ira Worcester, reserving to the Town right to dig gravel, April 23, 1841 (324 : 95). This pit was sold to Worcester by the Town, Aug. 9, 1854 (509: 293). A brick powder house of the familiar conical shape was built on the estate by the Town in 1792. Mr. Worcester sold Jane Rowell the half acre lot on which she built a dweUing now owned by Mr. Henry P. Homans, Aug. 31, 1865 (697: 274) and the remainder to Ellen M. Burnham, wife of Frank H. Burnham, reserving right to the Town to keep the powder house, April 18, 1871 (821: 150). The Town attached no interest unfortunately to the picturesque structure, and it fell into ruin and disappeared. Albert S. Brown purchased the estate from Mrs. Burnham's heirs, Feb. 27, 1889 (1243: 514) and occupies it. The third di\'ision was sold by Moses Treadwell and Susanna (Cogs- 6- K re t ° > AND SAMUEL APPLETON 'S FARM. 13 well) to their brother-in-law Capt. John Farley, May 13, 1773 (138:151). Executions against Farley were granted to John Adams, Benj. Merrill, Aaron Perley andi Sarah Willet, July 10, 1820. (Exec. No. 3: 211, 212, 213a, 213b, 221). A six acre lot was assigned to Aaron Perley and sold by him to Ira Worcester and was included in his transfer to Mrs. Burnham. Sarah Willet was assigned an interest in one acre and Adams and Merrill received the balance. Merrill sold his interest to Jeremiah Kimball, Jr., Jan. 24, 1824 (692:47). Adams sold to the same, March 24, 1824 (692: 46) and Sarah Willet had already sold him her interest Novem. 24, 1823 (256:28). Jeremiah gave the four acre lot thus acquired to his son, Charles Kimball, Dec. 11, 1839 (692:47) who sold to Maynard Whittier, Dec. 26, 1873 (900: 105). Mr. Whittier built the house, and still makes his home here. The Inner Common of the South Eighth. Lots Nob. 14 to 19. The great tract of pasture, meadow and swamp, bounded by County Road, Essex Road, the Candlewood Road, Fellows Lane and Lakeman's Lane, was a part of the common land of the Town, and when the great area of common lands was divided into Eighths in 1709,' it became part of the division known as the South Eighth. The South Eighth was divided again into several sections, Gould's Pasture, Ringe's Pasture, Walker's Island, etc. and this tract, bounded as above, which was known as The Inner Com- mon or Pasture of the South Eighth. The Town voted in 1709, "That any conunoner who has one or more rights and has built one or more new houses in the place of old ones shall have only the right for a new house which belonged to the old one." The list of old and new commoners as they were styled was settled and the right of pasturage in these commons was restricted to these commoners, who were invariably residents of the section of the Town nearest to these several Eigliths. A few years later, we find the proprietors of these Eighths had become incorporated and each had its own organization, transacted business and kept its own record. So far as known to me, the ancient records of the "Thick Woods and Pigeon Hill Eighth," now in the posses- sion of the heirs of D. F. Appleton, and the Jeffries Neck Eighth are the only ones that have been preserved. About 1726, the proprietors of the Inner Common began to apportion individual shares and gradually division lines were run and individual titles were established. Francis Crompton's Lot. No. 14 on Diagram. Beginning with the lot on the south corner of County Road and Essex Road which is alluded to as the "Parting of the way leading to Chebacco," in 1732 (61:115) and "y" parting of y* paths" in 1738 (77.23) Francis 1 See Ipswich in Mass. Bay Colony, p. 73, and Chap, on Common Lands. 14 THE OLD BAY ROAD FROM SALTONSTALL's BROOK Crompton, the inn-keeper, whose famous hostelry was nearly opposit-e the present Heard mansion, owned about 19 acres. By his will, (proved March 16, 1730, Pro. Rec. 319:209-212.) 9i acres on the corner of the Windmill Hill Pastiu"e was assigned to his daughter Hannah Perkins. A 5^ acre lot adjoining and fronting on the way to Chebacco was assigned to Ann Cromp- ton and 4 acres, the eastern lot, was settled on the widow Hannah. The daughters sold their interest to Thomas Manning, the blacksmith, Dec. 1, 1732 (61:115). He bequeathed to his sons, Joseph and Richard (will proved May 23, 1737 Pro. Rec. 322: 49-53). Dr. Joseph's half in- cluded the land on the comer, Richard's half faced the County Road, south of Joseph's. The widow Crompton's third was sold to Philemon Dane prior to 1742 (104: 77 "Dane's other land") whose heirs conveyed to Dr. Manning in 1758, 1762 and 1764 (116:121, 122). The deed of Paul Little of Fal- mouth describes it as "the house and garden I purchased of James Dean," but no other allusion to the dwelling occurs and it must have disappeared about this time. Dr. Joseph Manning purchased a six acre lot of his brother, Richard, June 1, 1768 (123:169) and an orchard lot of one acre, Nov. 6, 1770 (123:194). By this purchase he became the owner of the en- tire Crompton lot. He sold it in three lots to his son Jacob, March 1, 1779 (138:93) Feb. 1, 1781, and July 8, 1782 (141:7). Jacob conveyed to Dr. John Manning, Nov. 16, 1804 (175:119), Manning sold to Thomas Beckford, Jan. 4, 1805 (175:249), Beckford to John Heard, Feb. 25, 1814 (209:105), Heard to Richard Potter, Nov. 2, 1832 (276:195). Potter sold the lot containing 16 acres or more with buildings' to Henry Wilson, Jr., April 30, 1846 (374: 105). Other transfers followed, to S. S. Skinner, March 31, 1847 (485:128), to Daniel C. Manning of Salem, May 21, 1862 (637:235), to Jolm C. Carlisle, April 1, 1865 (682:55). Ira B. Carlisle, bro. of John, conveyed it to Wm. G. Brown and Abram D. Wait, April 4, 1871 (822:269). The lot was divided by tliem. Land on the corner and the buildings were sold to William Kimball, Sept. 14, 1877 (984:7). His widow and daughters sold their interest in 8 acres to William Kimball, Jr., son of the deceased, March 15, 1887 (1193:113). Mr. Lewis H. Pingree purchased the interest of William in the house and a part of the land, March 13, 1906 (1817:246). Mr. Kimball sold the remainder of the lot to George E. Barnard, Oct. 19, 1906 (1846:105). A small lot, 200 ft. front, 100 ft. deep, on County Road, was sold to Alfred Norman, Sept. 11, 1875 (936: 165) who conveyed to Margaret Buzzell wife of Isaac, Feb. 3, 1877 (970:214). A house was built which is still owned by the Buzzell heirs. A larger lot, south of the Buzzell lot, was sold to Wallace P. Willett, Aug. 30, 1875 (936:246) and was included in his sale to Frances E. Richard- son, May 17, 1902, which will be noted more particularly in the sketch of the adjoining lot. The remains of the ancient stone wall, which formed the original boundary of the Crompton lot, are still in place. ' The liouse had been nuived from the Sturgis lot to this site. AND SAMUEL APPLETON'S FARM. 15 Rev. John Rogers's Lot. No. 15 on Diagram. Ten acres adjoining tlie Crompton lot were "laid out," as the phrase was, in the division of the Common to Rev. John Rogers, Pastor of the Ips- wich Church, and sold by him to Thomas Norton, Jun., Oct. 16, 1741 (82: 277). In t!ie division of his estate, the Rogers Pasture, so called; on Wind- mill Hill, v/as assigned to the widow, Mary. (Pro. Rec. 330:426.) It was acquired by Thomas, the eldest son, who sold it to Joseph Apple ton, measur- ing eight and a quarter acres. March 10, 1767 (123:107). Norton owned the next lot, as well, and he may have changea the original lines, or what is more likely, as Mr. Norton was a Harvard graduate and a school master, he may have surveyed the lot and determined its actual size. The traces of an old stone wall probably mark the original southern line of the Rogers Pasture. Thomas Appleton, son and heir of Joseph, sold the Rogers Pasture to John Crocker, April 7, 1787 (146:270), who sold to Aaron Smith, Feb. 12, 1788 (147:133). Smith sold to Amos Jones 3 acres on May 23, 1817 (217: 203) and the remaining 5 acres, Dec. 9, 1818 (233:10). The heirs of Jones sold to Patrick Riley, May 18, 1870 (798:79), who conveyed to Wallace P. Willett, Sept. 20, 1880 (1045:211), who already owned a part of the Man- ning lot as has been mentioned. He sold 5 acres, which included the latter and part of the Rogers Pasture, to Frances E., wife of Francis H. Richard- eon, May 17. 1902 (1676:384). The Richardson house stands on the Rogers land. Thomas Norton Senior's Lot. No. 16 on Diagram. The third lot in the old South Eighth Pasture was laid out to Thomas Norton, Sr. and was owned by Thos. Norton, Jr. in 1741. Joseph Appleton acquired possession and it fell to his heirs, as well as the lot already con- sidered. Thomas Appleton, son of Joseph, sold to John Crocker, Jr. a five acre lot, April 9, 1787 (146:270) and a smaller one of an acre and three quarters, Dec. 13, 1787 (146:107) which may have been part of the third original division and Crocker sold both to Daniel Ross, Feb. 10, 1789. Ross was a Revolutionary soldier and a cabinet maker by trade. His residence, known later as the Parsons house, still stands on the corner of Elm and County Sts. He clung tenaciously to the old order and wore his cue and small clothes as long as he lived. His tools are in the possession of the His- torical Society. As he acquired the adjoining land, the history of this lot is included in that of its neighbors. Joseph Appleton sold 6 acres to Alexander Troop, who lived on the Essex Road, on the lot now known as the " Hobson lot," Jan. 20, 1791 (152: 180). Troop also owned the lot, fronting on the Essex Road, and reaching back of several of the lots which had their frontage on the County Road. His heirs sold the whole lot, including 15 acres, to John Farley, Junior, and Thomas Farley, the tanners, who lived near the site of the Parsonage. 16 THE OLD BAY ROAD FROM SALTOXSTALL S BROOK Their barn and tan house and other buildings used by Josiah Stackpole as a soap factory, were torn down in 1906, and the Giles Firmin garden laid out on the site' The Parleys sold to Amos Jones, Feb. 17. 1820 (223:160). Thomas Wade acquired it, and by an exchange of adjoining land, conveyed the title to Daniel Ross, May 22, 1824 (235:184) who owned already the land on the north and south. Robert Calef s Lot. No. IT on Diagram. The next original lot, assigned apparently to Robert Calef, owned by his heirs in 1742, was sold by John Calef to John Appleton, 4J acres, Nov. 6, 1752 (98:36). His son "William, heir of his estate, sold to Stephen Brown, March 16, 1807 (180:122), who sold to Daniel Ross, March 29, 1817 (213: 28). The old soldier, ha\'ing acquired a goodly 19 acre tract by his suc- cessive purchases, sold the whole to Capt. Symmes Potter, Sept. 18, 1838 (308:91), who bequeathed it with his other lands to his sister, Mrs. Julia P. Willett. Her son, Wallace P. inherited at her death. Thomas Manning's Lot. No. 18 on Diagram. Thomas Manning, the blacksmith, who bought the 20 acre lot on "Part- ing Paths" from Mr. Crompton, was assigned a lot of equal size, which is included in Charles A. Campbell's estate. In his will (proved May 23, 1737 Pro. Rec. 322: 49-53), he bequeathed to his son Richard, his shop, bam and all his blacksmith tools, his negro man, Daniel, and a full third of the tract laid out to him in the Inner Common. He gave a third to his son John, and another to Joseph. The sons agreed to a division, Richard taking the lot adjoining the Calef land, Joseph the next, and John the third, on the corner of Lakeman's Lane, May 24, 1738 (77:23). | The Richard Manning lot was owned later by Robert and John Potter. The administrator of Robert sold his interest to Stephen Brown, 3"^, April 8, 1778 (149:262). Joseph Boardman sold a quarter interest in this lot to Walter Brown, son of Stephen, April 2, 1824 (235:69), and he acquired a complete title. His administrator sold the lot, 6 acres, to Asa Wade, June 9, 1863 (652:179) who sold to Chas. A. Campbell, Mar. 20, 1894 (1406:500). Dr. Joseph Manning acquired his brother's third and his son, Dr. John "for love and affection paid me by my daughter and one dollar," conveyed 12 acres to Lucretia Smith, the wife of Asa, May 14, 1806 (179:169). Asa and Lucretia Smith sold to Richard Manning, May 22, 1817 (213:154). In the inventory of Richard (Pro. Rec. 397:548, Jime 7, 1821) it is entered as "about eleven acres of land called the common lot," but in the con- veyance by Richard Manning's heirs to William Manning, it is called the Smith lot, Jan. 24, 1833 (270:37). Mr. Manning enlarged the lot by the purchase of the Birch Pasture, BO called, 9 acres, from George FeUows, of Salem, one of the heirs of Eph- raim Fellows, Jan. 8, 1833 (270:38). His heirs sold the homestead on the AND SAMUEL APPLP:TOx'.S FARM, 17 opposite side of County Road and the 23 acres to George Fellows, who removed from Salem and spent his last years near the place of his birth, Sept. 7, 1860 (612:2-16). His heirs sold to Willard B. and WiUiam H. Kins- man, April 13, 18S3 (1105:201) and the 23 acre lot was included in the successive conveyances to Albert W. Smitli, May 24, 1S94 (1412:499), to Asa Burnham, Dec. 14, 1895 (1465:274) to Mre. Lavinia A. Brown, April 15, 1902 (1070:312) and to Mrs. Lavinia Campbell, wife of Charles A., Oct. 27, 1904 (1758:111). Mr. Campbell also purchased of W. P. Willett three and a third acres, part of the original Calef lot, Oct. 12, 1900 (1621:444). The beautiful mansion on this estate, which bears the appropriate name of Fairview, was built in 1900. Thomas Firman's Lot. No. 19 on Diagram. The natural boundary of the Inner Common of the South Eighth, of which we have been speaking, on the south side, would seem to have been the water course, variously known as Mile Brook or River, or The Mile Brook or "the river that runneth, out of the great Pond," or Annable's Brook occasionally, or Saw Mill Brook. As there were other brooks called Two Mile Brook and Three Mile Brook, the length of the stream seems to have suggested the name. But for some reason which can not be guessed even, a generous tract of land bordering on the brook, reaching from the present County Road to the Candlewood road, was granted at a very early date to three men. Thomas Firman was the earliest known owner of a tract which was sold for twenty acres, in 1647, but a little later for forty acres. Richard Saltonstall, Esq. owned a forty acre tract on the east side of Firman's, which was sold by his heirs as fifty acres a century later and John Andrews owned from Saltonstall's line to the Candlewood road. Each of these will be considered in due time, but at present we are concerned only with the Firman lot. Firman sold twenty acres upland and meadow, bounded by the Mile brook southwest, the Saltonstall pasture southeast and " the rest on common ground," to Thomas Low and Edward Bragg, Oct. 27, 1647 (Ips. Deeds 1: 35). Bragg eventually disposed of his interest and Low sold or bequeathed the whole lot to his son John. Of these transfers no record remains. John Low, Senior, and Dorcas, sold 10 acres to Joseph Fellows, Jan. 1, 1689 (10:8) and 30 acres to his son John, Junior, reserving to his own use 2 acres next the brook, Oct. 10, 1692 (10:148). John Jr. sold 4 acres to Ruth Fellows, widow of Joseph, Dec. 7, 1693 (10:5). The small two acre lot bounded by the Bay Road west, and Mile brook south, came into the possession of Thorndike Low, son of John. The remainder of the farm was sold by John Low, Junior, measuring forty acres, with all the buildings, "y« easterly side upon y^ common land of the Town of Ipswich and northwesterly upon sd. common," to Abraham Tilton, Jun., Novem. 19, 1699 (15:296) who sold to Thomas Manning, the locksmith, who owned the two large lots which have been considered, February 1706-7 (19:153). 18 THE OLD HAT ROAD FROM SALTONSTALL'S BROOK In his will (proved May 23, 1737 Pro. Rec. 322:49-53) he directed, "I give to my son, John Manning, all that my farm I bought of Abraham Tilton, containing 50 acres, be it more or less, with all tlie buildings standing upon it." Tliorndike Low's two acres and buildings had come into the possession of Eliezer Foster, who sold or mortgaged his modest estate to Capt. Daniel Ringe, March 27, 1722 (39:245) but acquired it again, Oct. 5, 1727 (49:254). On March 3, 1741 (84:1 ) he sold to John Manning his neighbor, " my dwell- ing and land containing about four acres being the same I purchased of Capt. Daniel Ringe, and the land I purchased of Simon Wood, Thomas Wade and Jonathan Fellows, Committee to the Proprietors in the South Eighth." John Manning's will (proved Sept. 11, 1775 Pro. Rec. 351:335) be- queathed half the farm, now estimated as about 60 acres, to his son John, and a quarter to each of the other sons, Thomas and Richard. John Man- ning, Jr. bequeathed to liis sons Richard and William in equal parts "one undivided half of about sixty acres, lying in common with John Manning, 3d." His inventory includes "one dwelling house and other buildings, with 81 rods vuider and adjoining, as well as the undivided half of the farm," April, 1814 (Pro. Rec. 385:168, 232). Richard acquired his brother's in- terest and at his death, Judith, his widow, and the sons, Daniel C. and George, then residents of Salem, sold their interest to William, son of Rich- ard, including the "Smith lot," the purchase of which by Richard has been already noted, Jan. 24, 1833 (270:37). William Manning, bought tlie lot on the west side of County Road and built a new home and sold his house and 29 acres to Alfred Manning, April 26, 1858 (569:235), who conveyed to J. Frank Smith, May 9, 1873 (881:174). Smith sold the farm "40 acres tillage and meadow with buildings" to William L. Sturgis, the present owner, April 20, 1877 (974:256). The eastern half of the John Manning farm, bequeathed to Richard and Thomas, was owned eventually by Richard. His son Richard, Jr., of Salem, conveyed to John Manning, 3*^, his right to the farm, one half and one acre more, undivided with his brother John, May 8, 1795 (160:23). Mr. Ebenezer Fall married Abigail the daughter of John Manning. At the decease of Mr. Manning, John W. Dodge and his wife Sarah (Manning) sold their interest to Mr. Fall, March 13, 1845 (882:266) and a small lot, ad- joining. May 7, 1859 (882: 267). He sold the farm to Mrs. Lavinia A. Brown June 10, 1905 (1783:278). The present dwelling was built by John Man- ning, S<^. The Bay Road, it has been said, was laid out in 1640 by a Committee acting under the direction of the General Court in the precise location County Road occupies to-day. The road was defiiied "by marked trees over Mr. Appletons meadow, called Parlye Meadow & from thence by Mr. Hubbards farm house." The low, swampy ground, over which a broad causeway has since been built in Ipswich and Hamilton, was an embarras- sing obstacle to travel. But the task of constructing a proper highway was begun about the AND SAMUEL APPLETON'S FARM. 19 time when the road was formally laid out. The Town Record, under the date, The 4''* of the 2 mo. 1643 contains the item, "Granted to Mr. William Hubbard the p'cell of land viewed by Mr. Appleton and George Giddings containing about 50 acres 25 whereof is in consideration of the highway that leadeth through his farme and the other 25 acres are for work to l)e done towards making the great swamp sufficient. Mr. Saltonstall Mr. Appleton Robert Andrews and George Giddings are to pportion the work." Presumably the work was done and the Long Bridge or corduroy, which gave the name Long Bridge Swamp to the locality, may have been built at that time. It has been a matter of current tradition that in order to avoid this swamp, the original highway left the present County Road near the bridge over Mile River and followed Lakeman's Lane and Fellows Lane, and a way over land now owned by James H. Proctor to Mile River, where a bridge was built with long causeways on either side at a very early dat«, and then on the liigh groimd on the south side of Mile River to the main road again. A grant of 40 acres had been made to Richard Jacob "on the north- west syde the River that runneth out of the great pond" before 1638 and this substantial bridge and causeway gave easy access to his house, which was erected on the lot, near the bridge. More detailed study of this ancient bridge and the highways which led to it will be made when the lands adjacent are considered. At present it may be noted that the first trace of a public highway in this locality oc- curs in the vote of the Town on Dec. 6, 1658. "Ordered, that George Gid- dings and Edward Brag are apoynted to lay out a highway through Mr. Saltingstall's 40 acres and a pt. of Jo. Andrews his farm to the Bridge over the River to Rich. Jacobs House, a rod and a half wide." A road already existed, no doubt, before this date, as the bridge was already built. Mr. Saltonstall's forty acres is now included in James H. Proctor's large estate. The John Andrews farm was owned afterwards by William Fellows and his heirs and is now included in the farm of Benjamin R. Horton. The way thus laid out is evidently the present Fellows Lane, from the Candlewood road to the old cart path leading toward Mile River that is still in use, across the land of the Daniel Appleton heirs. No mention is made of laying out a way from the Bay Road to this old causeway and bridge. But a way existed and was in common use, as appears from the complaint made by some inhabitants of Ipswich and Wenham in July, 1727, "that there hath been an highway used for 60 or 70 years from Mr. Appleton's mill' in that part of Ipswich towards Che- bacco," now closed by the proprietors of the commons, etc.* This old way, then, was undoubtedly in use in 1657, but the broad high way over Mile River and through the Appleton Farm was laid out in * Major Appleton's saw mill was on the South side of the Mile River, near the bridge. 2 Records Gen. Sessions Court, pp. 53 and 59, 1727. 20 THE OLD BAY ROAD FROM SALTONSTALL *S BROOK 1640, and a substantial thoroughfare, no doubt, had been constructed many years before the other road was established. It may be possible, to be sure, that for a few years the travelled path avoided the swamp by cross- ing the river at the Jacobs farm, but no evidence exists to substantiate the suggestion. The complaint just mentioned was made to the Selectmen. Failing of any relief, the complainants carried their case to the General Session Court, affirming that this road was "of Great use to that part of the Town to go to their market and about their occasions and for them and many others to go to their farms and lands in that part of the Town,' wliich way the proprie- tors of Ipswich have stopped up by fencing in their Divisions of Common for the opening of which the Petitioners made their application." The Court appointed a Committee of three to make inspection and proper in- quiries. This was done forthwith, and a report was made " that the way used and petitioned for is of more benefit to the petitioners and others than damage to the Proprietors." The Town or the Proprietors failed to take any action, and the Court proceeded' to appoint a Committee " to open the old way above mentioned by laying out the same two rods wide." The Committee reported, July 17, 1728.^ "We have laid out said way as foUoweth, beginning near said mill where the old way leadeth toward Chebacco & so staked said way Two rods wide till it cometh to the Road leading from the Country Road to Chebacco," i. e., for the most part the present Fellows Lane. But now Thomas Manning, whose land was cut by the road, became an aggrieved party and he complained to the Court in 1735 that "he is de- barred from improving a quantity of land next Elder Foster's land," and asked that the highway might be relocated. This was referred to a Com- mittee and report was made, July 8, 1735.^ A new location was made, beginning at Eliezer Foster's fence, crossing his land about 3 rods from the northerly corner of his barn by Manning's fence to the road, which was atlopted. But once again the good offices of the Court were sought in 1741. On August 11, "Upon reading the petition of Symonds Epes, Jonathan Wade, Esqrs & sundry others, that the way leading from the Saw Mill Bridge to Chebacco Road now going up the Hill before Mr. Eleazer Foster's House hath by long experience been found very inconvenient by reason of the length and heigth of the Hill praying that it may go in upon Mr. John Man- ning's land where it will be very convenient to the Improvers etc.," a Committee was again appointed. It reported that John Manning lay out the highway through his own land. John Maiming reported on Jan. 19, 1741-2 that he had laid out a way 2 rods wide all along by the southwest- erly side of Dr. Joseph Manning's land, being about 36 rods on the land from the Country road to the former way leading towards Chebacco.* Here it remains, now bearing the name Lakeman's Lane. » P. 74, Court Records. * P. 81, Court Records. ' P. 390, Court Records. ♦ P. 747, Court Records. AND SAMUKL APPLETOX'S FARM. 21 The ancient road evidently ascended the hill on the Sturgis property near the bridge. Faint traces of it are still visible and on the slope of the hill, a little way from the main road, the site of a house is easily seen, and the well near by. This may have been the ancient Thorndike Lowe dwell- ing afterwards owned by Eleazer Foster or perhaps the original John Lowe dwelling on the Manning farm. 22 THE OLD BAY ROAD FROM SALTONSTALL's BROOK Samuel Appleton's Farm. No. 20 on Diagraui. "Granted Mr. Samuel Appleton by the company of freemen . . . a farnie containing foure hundred and sixty acres more or less medow and upland as it lyeth bounded by the River commonly called the Mile brook on the Northeast and by the great River on the Northwest on the West in part by the Land of William Warener and by a swamp on the Southeast and partly also at the same end by the Land of Hugh Sherrat to enjoy all the sayd Landes to him his heirs and assigns forever. Entered into the Town booke folio 16 the 20*'' of December 1638." "The farme further bounded from the Land of William Warener by markt trees and a water course and then [ ] markt trees to the gate standing upon the high [ ] leading to Salem from thence as the fence runs [ ] the aspes and soe with a strayt line to the brook." It will be noted that Dec. 20"^ 1638 is the date of the entry of the grant, not of the grant itself. This is unknown. Under the date Feb. 13"^, 1636, the entry in the Town Record occurs. "Granted to John Severance, a six acre planting lott on the farr side the Brooke, and on this side Appletons farme." It is also recorded that certain lands were granted to Thomas Wells in the year 1635, but the entry was made on June 1, 1638. The fre- quent allusions to Folios of various numbers in the earliest records and to old books, which had been copied, show that the contemporaneous record of Town votes does not exist. In fact, the first volume of our present Town Records is a composite work, compiled by the late Nathaniel R. Farley from two ancient books of record, identical in considerable degree, yet with marked differences, the character and critical historic value of which are yet to be determined. The date of the grant of this great farm cannot be decided, therefore, and may be coincident with the arrival of Mr. Appleton. It is recorded, under the date 2°'* day of March, 1637. "All those that have planting ground by the River side beyond Mr. Appleton 's are to take the lott layers and lay out a highway as may be most convenient as themselves can best agree and return it to the eleven men." This alludes undoubtedly to the road now called Waldingfield Road which led to the river lots of William Warner, Mark Quilter and others and the great 1200 acre farm of Richard Saltonstall, Esq. It was not much of a highway in the modern sense of the term as the east end of Quilters 20 acres came "up to a path leading to I^Ir. Saltonstalls farm."' In 1648, Mr. Appleton received the grant of "a little p'cell of land lying by the Highway leading to his farm by the Pequid lotts,"^ and in » Town Record, 1638. * Granted to the men who marched against the Pequode. They have not been located. AND SAMUIOL APPLETON's FARM. 23 1650, there was ''gran teil to Mr. Aplcton a p 'cell of ground (in full satis- faction for the Country highway going through his farm) beyonti the swamp to make his fence straieton,' son of OUver,* was baptized June 15, 1760. He bought the interest of the other heirs in the homestead in 1803, and sold to his sons Tristram and .Vatlianiel, March 31, 1823. He married Martha, daughter of John Patch, March 12, 1789. He died in Hamilton, Dec. 18, 1852, his widow, Aug. 31, 1861. 175 Martha, born Oct. 3, 1789; marr?ed Charles Baker, Aug. 19, 1813. 176 Oliver, born Mar. 15, 1791; married Anstice, da ighter of Eben- ezer Cogswell, July 2, 1816, and removed to Hamilton. An infant, 7mos. old, died Feb. 21, 1823. He died in Hamilton. 177 Lucy, born Nov. 26, 1792; died .4.oril29, 18'8. 178 Hannah, bom Sept. 27, 1794; married 1st, William M. Smith of Ipswich, Oct. 2, 1814, who died at sea, 1816; married 2d, Temple Cutler of Hamilton, April 5, 1823; died January 16, 1889. 179 George, born Julv 29, 1796, lived in Hamilton. 180 Tristram, born June 23, 1798, Uved in Hamilton. 181 Nathaniel, born April 3, 1800, lived in Hamilton. 182 Abigail, bom Mav 2. 1802; died Nov. 9, 1818. 183 Sarah, bora April 21, 1804; mairied Tristram Brown, Jr., May 13, 1830; died April, 1891. 184 Joshua, born March 21, iSOo; died Dec. 9, 1806. 185 Mehitable, born July 16, 1808; mamed John Foster of Hamilton. 129. Joseph Appleton, Jr.,* son of Deacon Joseph,^ was baptized Jvme 29, 1740. He married Hannah Bacheller of Haverhill, June 17, 1762. 186 Joseph, born , 1766; died Jan. 26. 1786. 187 Hannah, baptized Oct. 8, 1769; married Daniel Wallie, Oct. 13, 1791. 188 Hephzibah, baptized Oct. 8, 1769. 189 Lois, born Feb. 8, 1774; married John Williamson, Oct. 25, 1793. He married again, Eunice Perkins, Jan. 19, 1776. 190 Eunice, baptized June 1. 1777. 191 Salome, baptized June 1, 1777; married David Tucker, Jr., Oct. 6, 1812. 192 Aaron, bom May 10, 1779; married Lucy Sweet, Oct. 7, 1800; died in the West Indies, Sept., 1802. He died Dec. 10, 1812, his widow, May 1, 1821. OF SAMUEL APPLETON 39 133. Thomas Appleton,' son of Deacon Joseph,^ was baptized Jan. 18, 1747. He became the owner of the house, known later as the Merrifield house, on the County Road, on the South side, recently torn down. He sold the northeast half to John Wade, April 19, 1794, but re- tained the other half, and in his will, devised the lower floor to his daugh- ter, Mehitable, the wife of Thomas Merrifield, and the upper to Abigail, the widow of his son, Daniel, and her daughter, Abigail G. Appleton, March 12, 1842. He married Mehitable, daughter of John Crocker, published Nov. 26, 1768. She died May 20, 1804, aged 54. He died May 21, 1810, aged 64. 193 Thomas, bom Oct., 1772, removed to Marblehead ; at the age of 75 ^ ears, he marr'e i for his third wife, Mehitable Lancaster of Ipswich, aged 60, May 6, 1851. 194 Mehitable, bo- n Mar. 21, 1775; marriel Thomas Menineld, Nov. 25, 1798; die 1 Oct. 24, 1859. 195 Daniel, born Jime 8, 1786. See No. 195. 196 An Infant, died July 1, 1791. 137. WiLLiAM Appleton," son of John 3d*, was baptized Jan. 8, 1738. He married Sarah Kinsman, published April 21, 1764, and bought a house lot of Sarah Rust on whicli he built his dwelling. Mar. 25, 1766. In the division of his estate, in 1808, the dwelling was assigned to his daughter Sarah Choate, and is still known as the Sally Choate house. He died August 9, 1807, his widow, June 10, 1809. 197 William, baptized June 30, 1765, removed to Salem, where he married 1st, Aima Bowditch, Dec. 22, 1793. Married 2d, Taraesin Abbott of Andover, July 23, 1807. He died at Salem, Sept., 1822. 198 Sarah, baptized Jan. 4, 1767; married David Choate of Glouces- ter, Julv 18, 1789. 199 Lucy, baptized Nov. 13, 1768; married John Baker, Jr., June 1, 1800. 200 PIannah, born Aug. 16, 1770; married Moses Wallis, May 25, 1800. 201 Mary, baptized July 5, 1772; married libenezer Bowditch of Salem, 1797. 202 Elizabeth, baptized, Aug. 21, 1774. SIXTH GENERATION. 166. Gen. James Appleton," son of Samuel,^ was born Feb. 14, 1785. A brief sketch of his life has been given in the history of the farm. He married Sarah, daughter of Rev. Daniel Fuller of Gloucester, Nov. 15, 1807. Gen. James died at Ipswich, Aug. 25, 1882. His widow, Jan. 7, 1872. 203 Samuel Gilman, born at Gloucester, Nov. 5, 1808; married Sarah, daughter of Sylvester Gardner of Manlius, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1839; an Episcopal clergyman; died at Morrisania, Nov. 29, 1873. 40 A GENEALOGY OF THE IPSWICH DESCENDANTS 204 Sarah Fuller, bom at Gloucester, Jan. 20, 1811; married at Marblehead, Rev. Stejihen C. Millett of Salem, May 6, 1833; died June 7, 1884. 205 James, born at Gloucester, Mar. 11, 1813; married Sarah Bristol, daughter of Samuel L. Edwards of Manlius, N. Y., June 21, 1842;diedi\Iarch, 1884. 206 Marv White, born at Gloucester. Nov. 15, 1815; died Jan. 14, 1905. 207 Elizabeth Putnam, born at Gloucester, Dec. 3, 1818; married Shelton L. Hall of Kacine, Wis., Sept. 2, 1845; died Mar. 29, 1897 at Racine. 208 Joanna JIooge, born at Marblehead, Feb. 23, 1821 ; married Pey- ton R. Morgan, Nov. 9, 1843; died at Racine, April 25, 1870. 209 Hannah Fuller, born at Marblehead, April 21, 1823; married Robert H. Thayer, April 27, 1854; died at Orange, N. J., Nov. 10, 1903. 210 Daniel Fuller, born at Marblehead, Jan. 31, 1826. See No. 210. 211 Harkiette Hooper, born at Marblehead, Mar. 24, 1828; married Rev. John Cotton Smith, D. D., Fee. 9, 1849, then Rector of St. John's Church, Bangor. He was Rector of the Church of the Ascension, New York, from 1S59 until his death, Jan. 9, 1882. His wife d"ed Aug 26, 1905. ': 212 Anna Whittemohe, born at Marblehead, Jan. 31, 1831; married Dr. Chas. H. Osgood, June 21, 1852. 172. Daniel Appleton,* son of Thomas^, was born in Hamilton, Nov. 5, 1774. He married, Martha Woodbury of Beverly, Nov. 26, 1801, and made his home in that town. 213 Daniel, born in Beverly, July 4, 1802. A large family of chil- dren was born, by this marriage, and a second, with Mary Baker Allen, daughter of William Allen of Manchester. Daniel returned to Ipswich and is the only one, who comes within the scope of this sketch. See No. 213. 195. Daniel Appleton,' son of Thomas,* was born June 8, 1786. He married Abigail, daughter of Richard Lakeman, Nov. 15, 1812. He died in Dartmoor prison, Jan. 4, 1815. His widow occupied a tenement on the second floor of the old Merrifie'd house, which was bequeathed her by Thomas Appleton, father of her husband. She died April 15, 1857, at the age of 64 years 6 months. 214 Abigail G., born 1814; died June 9, 1886. SEVENTH GENERATION. 210. Daniel Fuller Appleton,^ son of Gen. James," was born in Marblehead, Jan. 31, 1826. He learned the trade of watch maker and jeweller in Portland, with his brother James, but went to New York, in 1846. He entered the employment of Koyal Robl ins, nnd later became Ids partner, luider the firm name of Rob! ins and Appleton. In 1S57, the firm became owners of the new and small watch factory at Waltham, which has grown to be the great manufactory of the American Waltham Watch OF SAMUEL APPLETON. 41 Co. Mr. Appleton retained liis interest in the business until his death, and his sons have succeeded him. He was a meml er of the first National Convention of the Republican party, which nominated John C. Fremont for President, and was invited to sit on the platform at tl,e Conv( ntion, which nominated Mr. McKinley for the first time. Wliile his business interests wtre in New York, his summer home was at the farm, to which he was greatly attached. He married 1st, Julia, daughter of Nicholas P.Randall of Manlius, N. Y., June 9, 1853, who died Aug. .10, 1886, at the age of 59 years, 4 months, 11 days. 215 Francis Randall, born Aug. 5, 1854. See No. 215. 216 Ruth, born May 30. 1857; married Charles Sanders Tuckerni an, A. B. Harvard, 1874, on April 15, 1880, who died Aug. 27, 1904. 1 Muriel, bom in Brookline, March 6, 1881. 2 John Appleton, lorn in Boston, Nov. 26, 1884. A. B. Har- vard. 1905. 3 Julia Appleton, born in Ipswich, May 17, 1888. 4 Leverett Saltonstall, born in Salem, Dec. 3, 1892. Their summer home, Applefield, is within the bounds of the original Appleton Farm. For the remainder of the year, their home is in Bo.ston. 217 Mary Eliza, born April 21, 1860; married Gerald Livingstone Hoyt.of Staatsburgh, N. Y., A. B. Yale, 1872, on Nov. 22, 1881. 1 Juha Marion, born in New York, Mar. 3, 1883. 2 Lydig, born in New York, Dec. 21, 1883. A. B. Yale, 1906. Their summer home, "The Cottage," is on the Farm. Their winter residence is in New York. 218 Randolph Morgan, boin Jan. 4, 1862. See No. 218. 219 James Waldingfield, born June 4, 1867. A. B. Harvard, 1888. Mr. Appleton married 2d, Susan A., daughter of Prof. John P. Cowles, of Ipswich, Dec. 17, 1889. He died Feb. 5, 1904. 213. Daniel Appleton,^ son of Daniel,* was born July 4, 1802, in Beverly. He bought a port on of the Joseph Fellows farm, with half the house, Jan. 16, 1832, and married Mehi table K. Qeaves of Beverly, .April 10, 1832. They set up their home on the farm, where he died Oct. 20, 1859, His widow lived until Nov. 22, 1888, dying at the age of 83 years, 11 months. 220 Daniel Woodbury, born May 21, 1833. See No. 220. 221 Marietta Dane, born April 4, 1836; died Sept. 18, 1869. 222 John William Eliot, born May 22, 1850; died April 2, 1855. EIGHTH GENERATION. 215. Francis Randall Appleton,* son of Daniel Fuller,' was born in New York, Aug. 5, 1854. He was graduated from Harvard College, 1875, and took the degree of L. E. B. at Columbia, 1877. His summer 42 A GENEALOGY OP THE IPSWICH DESCENDANTS, ETC. home, New House, was built on a lot, originally included in the Appleton Farm. EOis business interests are in New York, where he resides during the winter months. 'i^ He married Fanny Lanier, daughter of Charles Lanier, Esq. at Lenox, Mass., Oct. 7, 1884. 223 Francis Randall, Jr., bom in Lenox, July 9, 1885. A. B. Har- vard, 1907. 224 Charles Lanier, born in New York, Sept. 25, 1886. 225 Ruth, born in New York, Jan. 10, 1891. 226 Alice, bom in New York, Dec. 8, 1894. 227 James, bom in New York, Mar. 6, 1899. 218. Randolph Morgan Appleton,* son of Daniel Fuller,' was bom at New York, Jan. 4, 1862, and was graduated Irom Harvard College, 1884. He married Helen Kortright,of Boston, June 2, 1888. His estate bears the ancestral name, Waldingfield. 228 Madeline, born in Ipswich, July 8, 1893 . 229 Julia born in Ipswich, June 5, 1804. 230 Sybil, born in Boston, Dec. 28, 1899. 220. Daniel Woodbury Applbton,' son of Daniel,' was born May 21, 1833. He married Lucy Abby, dausihter of Jarvis Lamaon of Hamil- ton, April 28, 1870, who died Dec. 6, 1883, aged 34 years, 5 months. He died Oct. 27, 1903, in the house, in which he was born. 231 Daniel How.uid, born Nov. 30, 1874. See No. 231. 232 Marietta Dane, bom Nov. 13, 1876; married Amos E. L. Scotton, Aug. 24, 1896. 1 Gladys Appleton, born Nov. 29, 1896. 2 Edward Lawrence, born July 13, 1899. 3 Lucie Abbie, bora Jan. 10, 1901. 4 Harold Everett, bom July 29, 1902. 233 Eliot Lamson', born April 9, 1831. NINTH GENERATION. 231. Daniel Howard Appleton,' son of Daniel W.,* was born Nov. 30, 1874; married Cora M. Manthom, Aug. 3, 1895; died June 14, 1899. 234 Daniel Howard, Jr., bom, 1895. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annnal meeting of the Ipswich Historical Society was held on Monday, December 3, 1908, at Whipple House. The following officers were elected. President. — T. Frank Waters. Vice Presidents. — John B. Brown, Francis R. Appleton. Directors. — Charles A, Sayward, John H. Cogswell, Jolm W. Nourse. Clerk. — John W. Goodhue. Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. — ^T. Frank Waters. Librarian. — John J. Sullivan. Social Committee. Mrs. Edward Damon, Miss Lucy Slade Lord, Mrs. Howard B. Dawson, Miss C. Bertha Dobson, Mrs. Francis H. Richardson. Mrs. Frank H. Stockwell, Mrs. Henry R. Kenyon, Mrs. Joseph F. Ross, Miss Sarah E. Lakeman, Mrs. Frank W. Kyes. The Committee was authorized to fill any vacancies that may occur in its membership, and enlarge it, if occasion requires. (43) REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT— DEC. 3. 1906. We may congratulate ourselves on the abundant and increas- ing prosperity of our Society. In some respects, the record of the year, which has now ended, has been phenomenal. Our House, always our most valuable and most interesting asset, is coming into wider and wider renown. The Report of our Curator, to be sure, indicates only the average number of visitors, whose names have been recorded, a round thousand, including the 89 names of our townspeople. But it is acquiring distinction as a notable old mansion and winning its way into the hearts of our townsfolk. When friends are being entertained they are invariably brought here, and when the annual supper is spread and the old rooms are lighted and warmed in the olden style, and the long tables are heavy with the ancient good cheer, a multitude comes to enjoy the grand occasion. But friends from afar have come pressing in this year as never before. The Bay State League, a federation of the historical societies of eastern Massachusetts, met here on June 2nd. Their headquarters were established in our House, and their lunch was eaten in our garden, their boxes being supplemented with hot coffee and cold water by our Social Committee. The annual meeting with addresses was held in the South Church and a tour of sight-seeing to view the historic spots of our Town was plan- ned for the final feature of the day's doings. A severe thunder- shower made this impossible. A week later, under sunnier skys, the Governor Thomas Dud- ley Family gathered in the ancient dwelling, where Dudley and Bradstreet, no doubt, had often hob-nobbed with Elder Whipple. Their visit to the ancient house-sites on High Street was the occa- sion of brief but admirable services of commemoration. The graduating class of the Grammar School came one afternoon, with their teacher, Miss Isabel G. Arthur, and saw the rooms and their furnishings. It was a happy thought on her part and (44) REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 45 we are led to inquire why other teachers do not come with their classes? Xo better illustration of the early life of our Town and no finer inspiration to historical study can be imagined. The last of the June pilgrimages was the great visitation of the Old South Historical Society on the 24th. Nearly three hun- dred tickets had been sold and the ladies had undertaken the formidable task of providing lunch for this hungry multitude. The work was entered upon with enthusiasm and extraordinary interest in the success of the undertaking was shown by our citi- zens generally. Generous gifts of money and food revealed lovalty to our Society as universal. Unfortunately the day proved wet and cold, but a visit was paid to our House and to some of the nearer historic localities before lunch was served. The broad steps and ample corridors and lower rooms of the South Church afforded a timely shelter, and a convenient place for the mid-day rest and refreshment. Then the auditorium was thrown open and inspiring addresses were delivered by Mr. Edwin D. Mead, Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead and others. The river trip was abandoned of necessity, but a line of trolley cars bore our guests away to Xewburyport and the Merrimac. The Hovey family made its annual visit and the Saturday Evening Club of Bradford came down in the late Fall to have a quiet supper in our great kitchen. The sum total, financially, from these pilgrimages and gastronomic enterprizes was S1S7.92, to which is to be added a large prospective asset from the vivid remembrances of many pilgrims, who will come again to see the House at their leisure. The door fees paid by visitors amounted to $156.75. Publications were sold to the amount of §27.55 and notwithstanding the superabundance of cheap pictures in the store windows, the sale of photographs of the House, without and within, doubled that of the previous year (amounting to $30.45). A small percentage of profit remains, but the interest of visitors is enhanced. The total receipts, which may be credited to our House ac- count, as it is always the foremost thing in the minds of those who come, were §402.67. The expense of maintenance, includ- ing fuel for the curator, sundry repairs, cost of photographs, the care of the house and grounds, and re-setting a line of spruce trees, was S179.23. The cost of the last item was met, however, 46 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. by the balance of the contribution of the Ipswich Mill, carried over from the previous year. No small credit for this gratifying exhibit is due to our excellent curator, Mr. Washington P. Pick- ard, for his constant endeavors for the advantage of the Society and his fidelity to all the details of his responsible office. The receipts from membership fees were $378.36, and from book sales by mail, S29.94, making the total income $810.97. Adding $290.60, the balance from 1905, the credit account is $1101.57. The expenditures include as the principal items, $100 for interest on the mortgage, $200 paid on the face of the mortgage, reducing it to $2300, $179.23 on the House account, and $334.26 for printing. This large item is due to the rather ambitious character of our last issue. "The Simple Cobbler of Aggawam," by the eminent Nathaniel Ward, the 4th edition, 1647, was included in the list of valuable books, given by the late Daniel Fuller Appleton. This unique work has been repro- duced with facsimile title page, preface, initial letters, head lines, etc. and an antique type, which resembles the original. The paging has also been preserved. Part of the edition was pub- lished in pamphlet form and the remainder, on heavier paper, has been bound in boards. It has met with a very compliment- ary reception from Mr. Mead and other historical students and will have a steady sale, we may reasonably believe. As no pub- lication was issued in 1905, the average expenditure for the two years has not been exceeded very materially. The work of pub- lication is the most enduring and perhaps the most valuable ser- vice to the great public, that an Historical Society can perform. Our Society has attained an honorable distinction for its work both for quality and quantity and the sale is steady. The aggre- gate receipt of about $60 from this .source is a very satisfactory interest on the original cost. Some of the contributions which have come to us this year are of especial interest. Miss R. B. Manning of Salem gave the "Publishment Box" used by Eben- ezer Burnham, the Town Clerk of Ipswich, for the displaying of marriage intentions. Mr. William E. Gould of Brookline pre- sented an original musical composition, entitled Mannering, written by Gen. Henry K. Oliver of Salem on his 75th birthday and given to the donor. Mrs. Josiah Dudley has deposited with us the portrait of Rev. Daniel Fitz, D.D., painted by a native REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. 47 artist in Canton and a painting of the ship Malay, which was commanded by Capt. Dudley and by Captain Joseph Willcomb. The valuable collection of sea-charts, owned by the late Capt. Richard T. Dodge, is likely to come into our possession. We hope that this will prove to be a nucleus of a marine collection, which would be of rare interest. The old sailors are passing away, and the sailing ships, which opened a career for many Ipswich boys are fast disappearing. A collectionof oldlog-books, pictures and full rigged models of the sailing craft of various builds with lists of the vessels, built in our own ship yards, and of the men, who sailed in them, if it is to be made at all, must be made now, and any contributions of this kind will be particu- larly welcome. But where would such a collection be displayed? Not in this House, for the rooms would afford no opportunity for its proper arrangement. For this, and for other collections, which are now waiting, and for our growing library a new building, designed for museum purposes, and for the various needs of the society, will soon be needed. We suggest to our wealthy and public- spirited friends, if the funds for such a building are not forth- coming, that provision be made for legacies, which will be avail- able for this end. The Nantucket Historical Association has recently received a legacy of $10,000. The Beverly Historical Society fell heir to the fine old mansion, which answers its pur- poses so admirably. The Methuen Society has been richly endowed by Mr. Searles. A Memorial building, designed to commemorate the fame of Ipswich men and women and per- petuate their remembrance, which would provide room for an Art collection, for a lecture hall, as well as for a large museum, would be of great value to our Society and to the Town. When will the first gift be announced ? That the pride of ancestry is strong, has been illustrated very effectively. The Giles Firmin Garden, named in honor of the first Ipswich physician, whose home lot included the newly made garden, was the beneficiary of a summer fete on the grounds of Mr. Henry Brown, in August, 1906. The guests were invited to enroll their names and also that of any citizen of ancient Ipswich, to whom they trace their ancestry. Great enthusiasm 48 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. was aroused and it was were represented by the Samuel Appleton John Baker Thos. Boreman Thos. Burnham John Caldwell John Cogswell John Dane Gen. Daniel Denison Sarah Dillingham Gov. Thos. Dudley Michael Farley Philip Fowler Edward French Dea. William Goodhue Thomas Harris Luke Heard Daniel Hovey Richard Kimball Robert Kinsman found that the following early settlers appended number of guests. 19 Thomas Knowlton 1 3 Mistress Hannah Lake 1 4 Archelaus Lakeman 1 3 Robert Lord 4 3 John Perkins 2 2 Anthony Potter 3 1 John Proctor 1 1 Rev. Nath. Rogers 3 2 Kilicross Ross 1 1 Henry Russell 1 1 The Worshipful Mr. Richard 3 Saltonstall 1 1 Richard Sutton 1 2 Edward Treadwell 1 4 Thomas Treadwell 1 2 Jonathan Wade 2 1 Matthew Whipple 1 2 John Winthrop, Jr. 2 8 Rev. John Wise 1 Surely, this just pride in such eminent ancestry may bring forth fruit in due time, in the enduring and honorable Memorial which we desire. REPORT OF THE CURATOR FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 3, 1906. Names recorded in the Register. .... 984 Names of Ipswich residents, 89 Names of residents of Massachusetts not including Ipswich, 534 Names of residents of other States, .... 311 On June 2, the Bay State League of Historical Societies visited the House. June 9, the Governor Thomas Dudley Family Association. June , The ninth Grade, Manning Grammar School. June 24, The Old South Historical Society. About 230 came, but only a small number recorded their names. Aug. 7, The Hovey Family, Nov. , The Saturday Evening Club from Bradford. The actual number of visitors to the House was probably about 1200. Washington P. Pickard. Curator. (49) REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR ENDING, DECEMBER 3, 1906. T. F. Waters in account with the Ipsv/ich Historical Society. Dr. To Membership fees, . " Sales of books, by mail . " Receipts from Whipple House, Door fees, .... Sales of books, " " photographs, . From entertainment of the Gov Dudley Family Asso., Hovey Family, Bay State League, . Old South Historical See, Saturday Evening Club, Annual Supper, Balance in treasury, Dec. 1, 1905, Cr. Thomas Paid on Mortgage, " " Interest, " " Printing, " Stationary, Postage, etc., . " Incidentals, House account. Paid for Fuel, " Table furnishings and partial ment for stove, Water Tax, . . . . Photographs, . . . . Trees and setting, Repairs, Care of house and grounds. Cash in treasury, Dec. 3, 1906, (50) Pay- $156.75 27.55 30.46 15.00 5.00 14.32 100.45 6.50 46.65 402.67 45.86 $378.36 29.94 402.67 810.97 290.60 $1101.57 $200.00 100.00 334.26 25.68 4.80 18.50 11.00 31.35 20.00 5.77 46.75 179.23 179.23 843.97 257.60 [101.57 MEMBERS. Mrs. Alice C. Bemis James H. Proctor Charles G. Rice LIFE MEMBERS. Colorado Springs, Col. Ipswich, Mass. RE8IDBNT MEMBERS. Dr. Charles E. Ames, Mrs. Susan A. R. Appleton, Francis K. Appleton, Mrs. Frances L. Appleton, Francis R. Appleton, Jr., James W. Appleton, Randolph M Appleton, Miss S. Isabel Arthur, Dr. G. Guy Bailey, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Baker, Mrs. Ellen B. Baker, John H. Baker, Miss Katharine C. Baker, Charles W. Bamford, George K. Barnard, Miss Mary I). Bates, John A. Blake, James W. Bond, Warren Boynton, Albert S. Brown, Albert S. Brown, Jr., Charles W. Brown, Edward F. Brown, Mrs. Cnrrie R. Brown, Henry Brown, Mrs. Lavinia A. Brown, Robert Brown, Ralph W. Bnrnhara, Mrs. Nellie Mae Burnham, Fred F. Byron, Miss Joanna Caldwell, Miss Lydia A. Caldwell, Miss Sarah P. Caldwell, Charles A. Campbell, Mrs. Lavinia Campbell, Edward W. Choate, Philip E. Clarke, Mrs. Mary E. Clarke, Sturgis Coffin, 2d, John H. Cogswell, Miss Harriet D. Condon, Brainerd J. Conley, Rev. Edward Constant, Miss Roxana C. Cowlea, Rev. Temple Cutler, Arthur C. Damon, Mrs. Carrie Damon, Mrs. Cordelia Damon, Everett G. Damon, Harry K. Damon, Mrs. Abhy Danforth, Miss Edith L. Daniels, Mrs. Howard DaAvson, George G. Dexter, Miss C. Bertha Dobson, Harry K. Dodge, Rev. John M. Donovan, Arthur W. Dow, Dana F. Dow, Mrs. Sarah B. Dudley, Mrs. Charles G. Dyer, Mrs. Emma F'arley, Miss Lucy U. Farley, Miss Abbie M. Fellows, Benjamin Fewkes, James E. Gallagher, John S. Glover, Charles E. Goodhue, Frank T. Goodhue, John W. Goodhue, William Goodhue, John J. Gould, James Graffum, Mrs. Eliza H. Green, Mrs. Lois H. Hardy, George Harris, Mrs. Kate L. Haskell, George H. W. Hayes, Mrs. Alice L. Heard, Miss Alice Heard, John Heard, Miss Mary A. Hodgdon, Miss S. Louise Holmes, Charles G. Hull, Miss Lucy S. Jewett, Miss Amy M. Johnson, Miss Ida B. Johnson, John A. Johnson, (51) 52 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Miss Ellen M. Jordan, Albert Jovce. Charles M. Kelly, Mrs. Caroline Kenyon, Fred A. Kimball, Robert S. Kimball, Mrs. Isabelle G. Kimball, Miss Bethiah 1). Kinsman, Mrs. Susan K. Kinsman, Willard F. Kinsman, Mrs. Mary Q. Kinsman, Dr. Frank W. Kyes, Mrs. Geoigie C. Kyes, Elizabeth E. Lakeman, J. Howard Lakeman, Mrs. G. F. Langdon, Austin L. Lord, George A. Lord, Miss Lucy Slade Lord, Thomas H. Lord, Mrs. Lncretia S. Lord, Walter E- Lord, Mrs. Mary B. Main, James F. Mann. Joseph Marshall, Everard H. Martin, Mrs. Marietta K. Martin, Miss Abby L. Newman, William .). Norwood, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Norwood, John W. Nourse, Charles H. Noyes, Mrs. Harriet E Noyes, Rev. Reginald Pearce, I. E. B. Perkins. Miss Carrie S. Perley, Augustine H. Plouff, Mrs. Frances E. Richardson, James S. Robinson, Jr., Mrs. Anna C. C. Robinson, Miss Anna W. Koss, Frederick G. Ho.ss, Mrs. Mary F. Ross, Joseph F. Ross, Mrs. Helena Ross, William S Knssell, William W Russell, Daniel Safford, Angus Savory, Charles A. Sayward, Mrs. Henrietta \V. Suyward, George A. Schotield, Amos E. Scottou, Mrs. Harriet G. Shaw, Dexter M. Smith. Mrs. Olive P. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Spanlding George W. Starkey, Dr. Frank H. Stockwell, Mrs. Sadie B. Stockwell, Edward M. Sullivan, John J. Sullivan, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Sullivan, Arthur L. Sweetser, Samuel H. Thurston, George W. Tozer, Miss Ellen R. Trask, Miss Laura B. Underbill, Jesse H. Wade, Miss Nellie F. Wade, Miss Emma E. Wait, Luther Wait, Rev. T. Frank Waters, Mrs. Adeline M. Waters. Miss Susan C. Whipple, Mrs. Marianna Whittier, Miss Eva Adams Willcomb. Chester P. Woodbury, NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Frederick J. Alley Mrs Mary G. Alley William F. J. Boardman Albert D. Bosson* Mrs. Alice C. Bosson* Mrs. Mary P. Bosworth John B. Brown* Mrs. Lucy T. Brown* Frank T. Burnham . Rev. Augustine Caldwell Eben Caldwell . Miss Florence F. Caldwell John A. Caldwell Mrs. Luther Caldwell Miss Mira E. Caldwell Hamilton, Mass. Hartford, Conn. Chelsea, Mass. .' New York, N. Y. Chicago, 111. So. Framingham, Mass. Eliot, Me. Elizab^'th, N. J. . Philadelphia, Pa. Winchester, Mass. Lynn, Mass. * Snmmer home in Ipswich. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 53 Winthrop Chanler Rufus Choate Alexander B. Clark Mrs. Edward Cordis Mrs. Lin;i C. Cushing Charles Davis . Fellowes Davis . Horatio Davis . Joseph D. Dodge Mrs. Edith S. Dole Joseph K. Farley Sylvanns C. Farley Amos Tuck French Edward B. George Dr. J. L. Goodale* Dr. E. S. Goodhue Samuel V. Goodhue William E. Gould Dr. F. B. Harrington* Miss Louiso M. Hodgkins Kev. Horace C. Hovey Miss Euth A. Hovev Gerald L. Hoyt* Mrs. May Hoyt* Miss Julia Hoyt* Lydig Hoyt* Albert P. Jordan Arthur S. Kimball Rev. John C. Kimball Rev. Frederic J. Kinsman Curtis E. Lakeman . Mrs. Mary A. Lord* Dr. Sidney A. Lord . Mrs. Frances E. iMarkoe Mrs. Anna Osgood* . Rev. Robert B. Barker* Mrs. Mary A. Parsons Asahel H. Patch Mrs Anna P. Peabody* Moritz B. Philipp* Bo wen W. Pier son Frederick H. Plouft' . Mrs. Jesse W. P. Purdy A. Davidson Remick James E. Richardson Dr. Mark W. Richardson* Mrs. Lucy C. Roberts Derby Rogers Albert Rnssell . Mrs. E. M. H. Slade Edward H. Smith Miss Elizabetli P. Smith Henry P. Smith Mrs. Caroline P. Smith Rev. R. Cotton Smith* Dr. E. W. Taylor* . Rev. William G. Thayer" Wailuku Lihue, Kauai Maui Lynn Genesee, N. Y. Essex, Mass. Peabody, Mass. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Washington, 1). C. East Milton, New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Lynn, Mass. Newbury, Mass. Hawaiian Islands. Alton, lU. New York, N. Y. Ivowley, Mass. Boston, Mass. Ha^viiiian L^lands. Salem, Mhss. Brookline, Mass. Boston, Mass. Wilbraham, Mass. Newburvport, Mass. Lake Mohonk, N. Y. New York, N. Y. London, Eng. Fresno. Cal. Oberliu, Ohio. Greenfield, Mass. New York, N. Y. Albany. N. Y. Boston, Mass. Cromwol!. Conn. Philadelphia, Pa. Orange, N. J. Providence, R. I. field Center, Mass. Clarksville, Tenu. Boston, Mass. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Reading, Peun. Boston. Mass. Salem, ?vlass. Bo.ston, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. New Canaan, Conn. Portland, Me. New York, N. Y. Salem, Mass. Brookline, Mass. c( (( Washinuton, D. C. Boston, Mass. Sonthboro, Mass. * Summer home in Ipswich. 54 HONORARY MEMBERS. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. Andrew S. Thomson Dr. Harvey P. Towle* Dr. (^has. W. Townsend* Miss Ann U. Tread well Bayai'd Tuckerman* Mrs. Ruth A. Tuckerman* Charles H. Tweed Mrs. Margaret Wade Major Chas. VV. Whipple Wallace P. Willett* Mrs. Elizabeth Willett* Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr. Frederic Winthrop Robert D. Winthrop Chalmers Wood* HONORARY MEMBERS John Albree, Jr. Miss Caroline Farley Frank C. Farley Mrs. Katherine S. Farley Mrs. Eunice W. F'elton Jesse Fewkes . Reginald Foster Augustus P. Gardner Charles I>. Goodhue Miss Alice A. Gray Miss Emily R. Gray Arthur VV. Hale Albert Farley Heard, 2d Otis Kimball Mrs. Otis Kimball Miss Sarah S. Kimball Frederick J. Kingsbury Miss Caroline T. Leeds Miss Katherine P. Loring Mrs. Susan M. Loring Mrs. Elizabeth R. Lyman Josiah H. Mann Henry S. Manning Mrs. Mary W. Manning George von L. Meyer Miss Esther Parmenter Mrs. Mary S. C. Peabody Richard M. S alto n stall Denisou R. Slade Joseph Spiller Miss Ellen A. Stone Harry W. Tyler Albert Wade Edward P. Wade W. F. Warner George Willcomb Wenhain, Mass. Boston, Mass. Jamaica Plain, Mass. . New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass. . New York, N. Y. Newton, Mass. . New York, N. Y. East Orange, N.J. '. New York, N, Y. . Hamilton, Mass. . New York, N. Y. Swampscott, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. So. Manchester, Conn. Cambridge, Mass. Newton, Mass Boston, Mass. Hamilton, Mass. Springfield, Mass. Sanquoit, N.Y. Winchester, Mass Boston, Mass. Salem, Mass. Waterbury, Conn. Boston, Mass. . Brookline, Mass. Ipswieh, Mass. . New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Chicopee, Mass. Ipswich, Mass. Boston, Mass. Center Harbor, N. H. Boston, Mass. East Lexington, Mass. Boston, Mass. Alton, 111. St. Louis, Mo. Boston, Mass. •Summer home in Ipswich. Membership in the Ipswich Historical Society involves the payment of an annual due of $2, or a single payment of $50, which secures Life Membership. Members are entitled to a copy of the regular pubh cations of the Society, in pam- phlet form, without expense, free admission to the House with friends, and the privilege of voting in the business meetings. There are no restrictions as to place of residence. Any person, who is interested in the Society and desires to pro- mote its welfare, is eligible to membership. We desire to enlarge the non-resident membership list until it shall include as many as possible of those, who trace their descent to our Town. Names may be sent at any time to the President, but the election of members usually occurs only at the annual meet- ing in December. LOFC. (55) IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY 1 633-1 700 By Thomaa Franklin Waters, President of the Ipswich Historical Society ONE VOLUME IN TWO PARTS I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII PART ONE Primeval Agav/am, study of the Indian life The Coming of the English Homes and Dress . Some notable Settlers. John Winthrop, Jr., Thomas Dudley, Richard Saltonstall, Simon and Ann Brad- street, Rev. Nathaniel Ward, John Norton The Development of our Town Government Common Lands and Commonage Trades and Employments The Body Politic The Sabbath and the Meeting House . The Early Military Annals The Charter in Peril. Samuel Symonds, Daniel Deni- son, John Appleton . . .... The Grammar School and Harvard College. Ezekiel Cheeverand his successors, and many famous pupils of the Grammar School ...... King Philip's War; contains Major Samuel Appleton 's military letters and a complete list of the soldiers in that war ......... Ipswich and the Andres Government. A careful study of the attitude of Ipswich men in this critical period, with many documents, warrants for arrest, deposi- tions, records, etc. Rev. John Wise, Major Samuel Appleton, John Appleton, Jr., Thomas French, Wil- liam Goodhue, John Andrews, Robert Kinsman . Laws and Courts ....... Witchcraft ... .... War of William and Mary and other Indian troubles, witli a list of soldiers so far as known .... pp. 1-6 7-20 21-44 45-55 56-67 68-74 75-86 87-106 107-118 119-127 128-145 146-158 159-224 225-273 274-286 287-300 301-313 The material for this work has been derived, by original research, chiefly from the Town Records, the Records of the old Ipswich Quarter Sessions Court and other Court Records, the Massachusetts Bay Records, the Massachusetts Archives, and contemporaneous published works, 8o far as possible. (56) IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY, 57 It is illustrated with facsimiles of ancient documents and photographs. PART TWO is a study of the original land grants for house lots on all the ancient streets and lanes, and the successive owners to the present generation, with diagrams, maps, and photographs of many ancient dwellings. The dates of the erection of houses are noted in many instances, and all transfers are accompanied with citations of the Book and Leaf of the ancient Ipswich Deeds (5 volumes), and the Records of the Essex County Registry of Deeds and Registry of Probate. Some eighteen hundred citations are made from the original sources, and these constitute the sole authority for this record of locations, ownerships, and the probable age and identity of dwellings. Besides this, there are seven appendices to the volume, giving important historical material under the following heads: A summary of the names of the first settlers from 1633 to 1649; Some Early Inventories; The Letters of Rev. Nathan- iel Ward; The Letters of Giles Firmin; The Letters of Sam- uel Symonds; The Valedictory and Monitory Writing left by Sarah Goodhue; The Diary of Rev. John Wise, Chaplain in the Expedition to Quebec. There Ls also a copious Index. The book will be of particular interest and importance to those who are of Ipswich ancestry, and especially, those re- lated to the Ipswich families of APPLETON FARLEY KNOWLTON ROGERS BAKER FOSTER LAKEMAN ROSS BROWN GOODHUE LORD RUST BURNHAM HARRIS MANNING SALTONSTALL CALDWELL HEARD NEWMAN SMITH CHOATE HODGKINS NORTON SYMONDS CLARK HOVEY PAINE TREADWELL COGSWELL HUBBARD PERKINS WADE DENISON JEWITT POTTER WAINWRIGHT DODGE KIMBALL PULCIFER WHIPPLE DUTCH KINSMAN RINGE WILLCOMB WINTHROP and many others. Price. Five dollars, net. Postage, thirty-six cents. 58 IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS AND LETTERS. {From The Nation, New York.) In one feature, at least, this ample and handsomely printed work surpasses any other town history that we have ever encountered. We refer to that portion of the second half which deals with "Houses and Lands," and which, with the aid of a diagram, traces the for- tunes of each dwelling and lot of the original settler nominatim not only to 1700, but to the present day. This enormous labor is for- tified by the citation of wills and deeds, and the result is a firm base for all future researches. It is supplemented by a summary of the names of the settlers from 1633 to 1649, with the year in which each name first occurs in the town records, and by some sample inventories of personal effects. Other remarkable lists of the early inhabitants have been constructed for the chapter entitled "The Body Politic; " and show that out of an enrolled male population in 1678 totalling 508, there were 220 commoners and 125 freemen (17 of these not being commoners). The freemen alone were entitled to vote for the officers and magistrates of the Colony and to speak and vote in town meeting ; the commoners might vote on all questions relating to the common lands; the residue, so-called Resident, were eligible for jury duty and to vote for selectmen. Mr. Waters 's historical treatment is episodical and is very pleasingly manifested in the opening chapters on the aborigines as described by the first Englishmen and on home and dress. These themes are in- vested with a really fresh interest, and set forth with noticeable literary skiU. Much remains to be said or sayable, but we must stay our hand. Mr. Waters 's work, which we hope he will follow up for later times, as he half promises, takes its place in the front rank of its class, and can hardly be praised too highly for diligent research, candor, taste, style and construction. (From a letter, written by C. B. Tillinghast, State Librarian of Massachusetts.) "The story of the founders of Ipswich which you have told with so much detail and skill in the first half of the volume, is of course in large degree the story of the early life of the settlers in other parts of the Colony and this study, which you have founded with such pains-taking accuracy largely upon original and documentary sources of information makes the volume of the widest general interest to all, who have an interest in the early settlers and their mode of life. This feature of the book it seems to me, is unequalled by any other available publication and should commend it to the favorable attention of all libraries. The topographical study which forms the latter portion of the book, is a model of what such a study should be, and in this respect, Ipswich territory is of special interest. IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. 59 ' ' You have made in this volume a contribution to the local, tlie funda- mental history of the Commonwealth, whicli few, if any volumes equal and none excel. ' ' (From a Review by the New York Daily Tribune.) The president of the Ipswich Historical Society lias prepared in this volume a model of its kind. He tells in thoroughly entertaining fashion the history of this early Colonial town — the Agawam of Indians — and he adds in Part II such a detailed account of its houses and lands as must ever be of value to all connected by ties of blood or property with Ipswich. Photographs of the many ancient houses which survive, together with maps, diagrams and facsimiles illustrate and elucidate the text. The story of the town holds so much of the struggle, the tragedy and the quaintness of seventeenth century life in tlie colony that it would have been difficult to make it other than interesting. The services of Ipswich men in King Philip 's War and their sturdy protest against the usurpation of tlie Andros government are chronicled here, and are not to be forgotten by Americans. In the resistance to what she considered an unjust tax, Ipswicli may claim a high place among the earliest supporters of the right of self government. {From George H. Martin, Secretary of the State Board of Education of Massachusetts.) I have examined with care tlie whole of your new book on Ipsv.'ich and I have read with increasing interest as much as time would allow. It is a great book and will prove of immense service to all students of early colonial history. I do not think I have found anywhere so vivid a picture presented of Puritan town life in all its phases as you have given. The thorough way in wliich you have handled the matter of land grants is a model for all local historians. I congratulate you heartily upon having made an addition to the local history of New England, which is unsurpassed in tlie choice of matter, and in the felicity of its presentation. (From the Boston Transcript.) A most important addition to the literature of New England history is made by Mr. Thomas Franklin Waters in this volume. Ipswicli — the Agawam of 270 years ago — is one of the most picturesque towns in the Commonwealth, and aside from its attractions of location and scenery, is particularly rich in historical associations. No town in its early conditions more accurately typifies early New England life, and in the narrative of its struggles and development may be read that of a score of other settle- ments of the same period. "I have tried, ' ' says Mr. Waters in his preface, "to teU accurately, but in readable fashion, the story of the builders of 60 IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. our town, their homes and home life, their employments, their Sabbath- keeping, their love of learning, their administration of town affairs, their stern delusions, their heroism in war and in resistance to tyranny." To anyone familiar with the beautiful old town the book will have all the fascination of a romance. {By Rev. Edward Eivrell Hale, in The Lend a Hand Record.) Here is a model town history. It covers the history of the old town of Ipswich in Massachusetts from the year 16.33, when it was what we may call almost the model settlement of Winthrop's party, and extending to the year 1700. That is to say, it is the history of the first two genera- tions of the Bay colonists. The settlement was lead by John Winthrop, the son of the Governor, and from the first it had tlie cordial cooperation of the General Court of Massachusetts. Rev. Thomas Franklin Waters, the Minister of the South Church in Ipswich, has given the careful work of 3'ears to this history and has now presented it to us in a form worthy of such a history. It has enough fac-similes of the very earliest paper.*, not only to give us a breeze of the atmosphere of the town, but to show us how carefully they have been worked over and digested, and indeed, to make it unnec- essary for us to search for hours in the original documents. It is not everybody who has at hand the old map of New England, from Hub- bard's History, — "The best which could be got," that is the pathetic inscription on the oiiginal, — with its gigantic enlargement of Lake Win- nepesaukee, its convenient north and south straight line of the Connecti- cut, its frequent mountains and its infrequent trees, its spire crowned vil- lages and its little arniv of red folks, with the ships in the Bay. These are all tokens of the simplicity of the geography of ancient time, such as make it real to us as no description can. The volume is divided into part first, which is distinctly historical, and part second, "Houses and Lands," which meets the local necessity as to the original division of land and the changes which followed in the first century of the history. The chapters in the historical part are all interest- ing. The study of home and dress, of common laws, of commonage, of the boards of charity, of the perils of the charter, of the grammar school and the college, and of witchcraft, will demand the attention of all care- ful students of the foundation of New England. The work of Nathaniel Ward as one of the real founders of our infant state is so important that it deserved the most careful study and this it has r< ceived here. Massachusetts has few such "men in its history. Ward graduated at Emmanuel College as early as 1603. He is acquainted with Lord Bacon, with Archbishop Uslier, and with David Pareus, the famous theologian of Heidelberg; he studied law afterwards, entered the ministry of the church when he was forty-six yea's of age; he is excommunicated in 1633; and in the sixty-fourth year of his age, landed in Massachusetts Bay. There is something pathetic in thinking of this accomplished old IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY. 61 man in the wilderness life of Ipswich, and something truly magnificent in the work assigned to him and by him so well performed. He was ap- pointed by the General Court in 1638 to draw up its first code of laws. His legal training fittted him for this task. He spent three years in it and the result is "The Body of Liberties." Of this Francis Gray .said that while it retains some strong traces of the time, it is in the main far in ad- vance of the common law of England at this time. Ward is better known perhaps as the author of the "Simple Cobbler of Agawam." But the humour and wit of that book ought not eclipse in men 's minds the fact that the corner stone of New England legislation was laid by him . He ranks first among our law givers of that great century. The name of William Hubbard, the historian of New England, is another Ipswich name of the seventeenth century, very important in our New England history. These two names alone would make Ipswich one of the most distinguished towns in Massachusetts. But whoever will carefully study Mr. Waters's valuable book will see what were not only the beginnings but the successful prosecution of many of the enterprises and successes which look back to the seventeenth century. All persons interested in New England life and history owe a great debt to the author. E. E. H. {From Appleton Morgan, President of the New York Shakespeare Society.) The Complete Book of the Town of Ipswich, Massachusetts, in that Essex County, where Rufus Choate said there was more History to the square inch than in any other spot under the skies, deserved to be written, and the Rev. Thomas Franklin Waters, President of the Ipswich Historical Society has written it in a splendid imperial octavo volume of 586 compact pages. It is illuminated with valuable pictures, and nothing has been omitted of the muniments of the quaint old precinct. Ipswich has its legends as well as its history, but Mr. Waters has been a ver\' Draco here! His unswerving and uncompromising fidelity to facts will admit no plea of ben trovato, and he tumbles into obhvion many a cherished ro- mance and tradition, but he packs their places with invaluable records and rescued chronicles! The history of New England cannot be written — and henceforth no- body will attempt to write it — without Mr. Waters's volume. It is a work of enormous patience and ability, and is in all ways a model of what a Town History should be. (By Bayard Tuckerman, Lecturer in English at Princeton University). Ipswich is one of the oldest and in some respects one of the most inter- esting and typical of the English settlements in America. The difiicultiea to be encountered by the early colonists in subduing the wilderness, in wringing a livelihood from an unfruitful soU, in building up a civilization 62 IPSWICH IN THE MASSACHUSETTS BAV COLONY. in which comfort and education were soiis-hf f^o-^fK and „owhe.3u™„u„w with J:i;tg?„r;;C""°"^-^-''' wlule the bold resistance of her ctoen" to the t "7 °' '"="''">■ government in the time of Governorrdrn, ''""?" °^ "" ■="««* title of the "Cradle of AmenZ"Iert " Mr wft"" ""■ f Ti"™ '" ""^ with historical insight and literarv skufand ha, dv n" Te!°d "'" "'"'' information regardins local ei„tnm= , ,"*' S'\™ "= MS'des a mass of ilies, which maL his wo f "rsZl'i'Z H """ '""' "^'"'™' '^■"- have lived in the township ^' "^ "'"^™' """^o ■'"'"'O'^ indiir: retrof'T^ti^^Tntr ^o-rr, r'^' ^-'- the heads of "The SllmingT E^l v^" Hl^^'^H'n"'" ^"<'- Notable Settles" "Tradfs and EmpC,e„ts " ^fiW ""," r' '1°™ "Tttcrr'n^ !'■= '°^'-^ '""^'i-- ""^d t,ri v: hi; ir' °' withi^-^c;:,;-^-^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^nI':^:;^lrr:Lt:d^^";'■■'"^r-'-^""'-" and .he"Warr ^JirmldMlT" '"™'"" "^'"^ "'"'"''' "'"" -.ou„dsof:psw^Tca:fr:oirfr:. nTe^zTi Of in^ t:ri;:«LTthe'h 'T 'V" ^-^ «•--" n;,mber transmitted. tr;:roVR::^;ra;re Tcnrrc''; "f '-' «™ oi r;;t^rhrr :;:;'- r ^^'^:^^^:=: the Appendix. ' '^ ^''^* ant.quanan interest, are given in Thirty-five excellent illustrations, and an Index w>,;nK f :r ^ort:„:r" "™- -^ -5eots mL^nTdr^r^:^.— researc,::lrdt7-run L'lJtLr'' "'-*r°''"'""^ "°'' '"'^'"^™' to all pe^ons who hai anTcon^rnll' t^f "™^'J;"'°'''''"^^ in Ipswich or whose ancestors lived her" " ould I a "■ ^''°=™' '"'^' books. He will find „1„.=„™ .'"" '""^O: "fi^W I'ave a copy among his reference ' ""= '" '""'''"^ "■ """i P""' i" PO^^sessing il for Bayard Tuckerman. LBJL'OS PUBLICATIONS IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY I The Oration by Rev. Washington Choate and the Poem by Rev. Edgar F. Davis, on the 200th Anniversary of the Resistance to the Andros Tax, 1887. Price 25 cents. II to VI inclusive. Out of print. VII. A Slcetch of the Life of John Winthrop the Younger, -with portrait and valuable reproductions of ancient documents and autographs, by T. Frank Waters. Price $1.50. Postage 14 cents. VIII. "The Development of our Town Government" and "Com- mon Lands and Commonage," with the Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1899. Price 25 cents. IX. A Hist6ry of the Old Argilla Road in Ipswich, Massachusetts, by T. Frank Waters. Price 25 cents. X. " The Hotel Cluny of a New England Village," by Sylvester Bax- ter, and the History of the Ancient House, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, 1900. Price 25 cents. XL The Meeting House Green and a Study of Houses and Lands in that vicinity, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 2, 1901. Price, 25 cents. XII. Thomas Dudley and Simon and Ann Bradstreet. A Study of House-Lots to Determine the Location of Their Homes, and the Exercises at the Dedication of Tablets, July 31, 1902, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 1, 1902. Price 25 cents. XIII. "Fine Thread, Lace and Hosiery in Ipswich" by Jesse Fewkes, and "Ipswich Mills and Factories," by T. Frank Waters, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting. Price 25 cents. XIV. The Simple Cobler of Aggawam, by Rev. Nathaniel Ward. A reprint of the 4th edition, published in 1647, with facsimile of title page, preface, and head lines and the exact text, and an Essay, Nathaniel Ward and The Simple Cobler, by T. Frank Waters. 116 pp. 25 cents. Postage 10 cents. A limited edition, printed on heavy paper, bound in boards . One dollar, postage prepaid. XV. "The Old Bay Road from Saltonstall's Brook and Samuel Ap- pleton's Farm" and "A Genealogy of the Ipswich Descendants of Samuel Appleton," by T. Frank Waters, with Proceedings at the Annual Meeting. Price, 25 cents. >^. r>C. ^^~ry^ a k^ \S3^- ^^ a- :X h^4 B LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 078 907 H