OF mctr^^ '!^mi stwv^ Division I^) S Z 3S 5 Section . . C' SICIAN TORY OF RELIGION [* APR 8 19 Division „ J C Section 5ICIAN ^ORY OF RELIGION ^^ ^E/« Division ^ Section . ; LUKE THE PHYSICIAN AND OTHER STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF RELIGION WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. The Church in the Roman Empire, before A.D. 170. With Maps and Illustrations. 8vo, 12s. St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen. 8vo, los. 6d. The Cities of St. Paul. Illustrated. 8vo, 12s. Pauline and other Studies. Svo, 125. A Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. With Maps. Svo, 12s. Letters to the Seven Churches and their Place in the Plan of the Apocalypse. Illustrated. Svo, 12s. Was Christ Born at Bethlehem? A Study in the Credibility of St. Luke. Crown Svo, 5s. The Education of Christ: Hill-side Reveries. Crown Svo, 25. 6d. Impressions of Turkey. Crown Svo, 6s. Studies in the History and Art of the Eastern Pro- vinces of the Roman Empire. Written for the Quatercentenary of the University of Aberdeen, by Seven of its Graduates. Edited by Sir W. M. Ramsay, D.C.L. 205. net. WORKS BY LADY RAMSAY. Everyday Life in Turkey. Crown Svo, 5s. The Romance of Elisavet. Crown Svo, 5s. London: HODDER & STOUGHTON. PLATE XXII. Old Turkish Art : the Door of the SirtchaU Mosque in Konia. Frontispiece. See'p. 185. LUKE THE PHYSICIAN AND OTHER STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF RELIGION I* Arn o 1909 '^;^r, — r**T , W. M. RAMSAY, Kt., Hon. D.C.L., etc. W/TH THIRTY-EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS I NEW YORK A. C. ARMSTRONG AND SON 3 & 5 WEST EIGHTEENTH ST 1908 THE ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS LIMITED PREFACE The papers republished in this volume have appeared in various Magazines, Contemporary Review, Exposi- tor, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Geographical Journal, to the editors of which my thanks are ten- dered. Most of them have been profoundly modified and much enlarged ; but only in the last, which is made up of six older articles, is there any essential change in the original opinions. Elsewhere, the alterations which have been introduced are intended to render more precise and emphatic the views formerly stated. Even the first article, which has been little changed in expression, has been greatly enlarged. Only in the sixth article (first published in 1882) have the additions been indicated. The last article stands in much need of help and criticism from more experienced scholars. In writing it I felt the depths of my ignorance ; but the first steps had to be taken in the subject. The most striking result was reached at the last stage, and is stated only in a footnote and the Table of Contents and Index. The pagan temple-grave became the Christian church-grave or memorion ; and the pagan vi Preface dvpa appears as the church doorway on gravestones in Isauria. The great Anatolian writers of the fourth century are full of information, which yet remains to be collected and valued. Professor Roll's Amphi- lochius von Iconium is the one great modern study in its department. The humble essays which conclude this volume and my former series of Pauline and other Studies tread in his footsteps ; but I am mindful of the poet's advice, longe sequere et vestigia semper adora. I am indebted for the very interesting series of photographs, not merely to my wife, but also to Miss Gertrude Lowthian Bell, Mr. J. G. C. Anderson, Senior Censor of Christ Church, Oxford, and Pro- fessor T. Callander, Queen's University, Canada ; and I am grateful to them for permitting me to adorn my preface with the names of such experienced and suc- cessful explorers, and my book with views so skil- fully taken in spite of the ink-black shadows cast by that pitiless sun. The Index is largely the work of my wife. W. M. RAMSAY. Aberdeen, 315^ October, 1908. CONTENTS I PAGE Luke the Physician i II The Oldest Written Gospel 69 III Asia Minor : the Country and its Religion , .103 IV The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire . 141 V The Peasant God : the Creation, Destruction and Restoration of Agriculture in Asia Minor . 169 VI The Religion of the Hittite Sculptures at Boghaz- Keui . . . 199 VII The Morning Star and the Chronology of the Life OF Christ 217 vii vlii Contents VIII PAGE A Criticism of Recent Research regarding the New Testament ........ 247 IX The Historical Geography of the Holy Land . .267 X St. Paul's Use of Metaphors drawn from Greek and . Roman Life 283 XI The Date and Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews . . ^ 299 XII The Church of Lycaonia in the Fourth Century 329-410 Introduction : The District and its Ecclesiastical Organisation. • . • • • -33^ I. Chronological Arrangement of the Documents . 334 II. A Bishop of the Church Reorganisation after Diocletian . . . . . -339 III. The Presbyters : their Relation to Bishops and Deacons 351 IV. Crosses and Christian Monograms as the Origin of Ornament (also No. 42) . . .368 V. The Church Manager or Oikonomos . . 369 Contents Ix PAGE VI. The Church in the Decoration of Tombs: the Christian Grave in Isauria was a Miniature Church . . . . . . -370 VII. Distinction of Clergy and Laity: its Early Stage 387 VIII. Deaconesses ....... 393 IX. Martyrs 395 X. Curses on Christian Graves . . . -395 XI. Virgins or Parthenoi in the Lycaonian Church . 397 XII. Heretic Sects ...... 400 XIII. High-Priest of God 403 XIV. Christian Physicians ..... 403 XV. Quotations from the New Testament 366 and 406 XVI. Slaves of God 407 Index 411 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES TO FACE PAGE I. On the Byzantine Military Road : the Pass leading to Dorylaion . . . . . . .106 II. On the Central Trade Route: the Source of the Maeander ....... 106 III. On the Central Trade Route : the Falls at Hiera- polis ........ 108 IV. The City, Rock and Castle of Kara- Hissar . .112 V. The City, Rock and Castle of Sivri-Hissar . . 116 VI. Roman Milestone on the Syrian Route . . .116 VII. Archaic Sepulchral Monument in Phrygia : Novem- ber weather . . . . . . .120 VIII. The Tomb of King Midas : a Phrygian Holy Place 124 IX. The Grave of an Ancient Phrygian Chief . . 128 X. The Broken Grave of an Ancient Phrygian Chief . 132 XI. Phrygian Rock-tomb of the Roman Time . .136 XII. The Site of Pisidian Antioch and the Sultan-Dagh 140 xii Illustrations TO FACE PAGE XIII. The Monasteries and Churches at Deghile, on the Mountain above Barata . . . . .140 XIV. Church and Memorial Chapel on the Summit of the Kara-Dagh : from the west . . . .158 XV. Church on the Summit of the Kara-Dagh : from the south-east . . . . . • iS^ XVI. The Throne of the Anatolian God, near Barata . 160 XVII. Ruins of Double-arched West Door of Church at at Bin-Bir-Kilisse (Barata) . . . .160 XVIII. Monastery at Deghile on the Mountain above Barata, showing brickwork used as ornament in a stone building . . . . .124 XIX. Church at Deghile on the Mountain above Barata : North Arcades of the Nave . . . .164 XX. Church at Barata : South Arcades of the Nave and Apse 164 XXI. The God and the King at Ibriz . . . -174 XXII. Early Turkish Art : Door of the Sirtchali Mosque in Konia ..... Frontispiece XXIII. Early Turkish Art : Zazadin-Khan near Konia . 192 XXIV. The Gate of the Virgin- Goddess : looking over the Limnai . . . . . . .192 Illustrations xiii FIGURES IN THE TEXT PAGE 1. Plan of the Entrance to the Hittite Palace at Euyuk 207 2. Relief at Euyuk. Procession of Worshippers, headed by the Chief Priest and Priestess, approaching the Goddess ........ 208 3. The Warrior Goddess of the Hittites with her Favourite and Priest . . . . . . . .210 4. The Chief Priest of the Gk»ddess of Ephesus . .213 5. Apollo the Pastoral God of Lystra on a Third-century Votive Relief . . . . . . .216 6. The Christian Star as a Decorative Dove and Leaf on the Grave of a Third-century Christian Virgin at Nova Isaura . . . . . . .328 7. The Symbol of the Cross as a Decorative Element on a Lycaonian Grave . . . . . . -33° 8. Christian Architectural Decoration on the Grave of a Physician at Nova Isaura ..... 330 9. The Monogram of Christ as a Decorative Element on a Lycaonian Grave . . . . . .368 10. Architectural Decoration (the entrance of the church) on the Grave of a Third-century Bishop at Nova Isaura . . . . . . . -371 11. Christian Architectural Decoration and Church Screen on the Grave of a Bishop at Nova Isaura, a.d. 300 379 xiv Illustrations 12. Christian Architectural Decoration on the Grave of a Fourth-century Deacon at Nova Isaura . . . 383 13. Christian Architectural Decoration on the Grave of a Fourth-century Bishop at Nova Isaura . . -384 14. Anthropomorphic Lycaonian Christian Grave-stone, showing Cross and Rosette (Monogram) as corres- ponding Decorative Elements . . . .410 ERRATA AND ADDENDA. P. 109, 1. 6, /or " the Frontispiece" read " Plate III ". P. 203, note, for " Hermann " read " Humann ". P. 273, note I, read " Quarterly Statement for 1895 ". P. 281, note 2, for 200 read 250-5. P. 328, fig. 6, for " symbol of the Cross " read " Christian Star ". Pp. 340, 1. 17, 341, 1. I. This reading and interpretation will be defended in Expositor, December, 1908. LUKE THE PHYSICIAN. I. LUKE THE PHYSICIAN. It has for some time been evident to all New Testament scholars who were not hidebound in old prejudice that there must be a new departure in Lukan criticism. The method of dissection had failed. When a real piece of living litera- ture has to be examined, it is false method to treat it as a corpse, and cut it in pieces : only a mess can result. The work is alive, and must be handled accordingly. Criticism for a time examined the work attributed to Luke like a corpse, and the laborious autopsy was fruitless. Nothing in the whole history of literary criticism has been so waste and dreary as great part of the modern critical study of Luke. As Professor Harnack says on p. 87 of his new book,^ " All faults that have been made in New Testament criticism are gathered as it were to a focus in the criticism of the Acts of the Apostles ". The question " Shall we hear evidence or not ? " presents itself at the threshold of every investigation into the New Testament.- Modern criticism for a time entered on its task with a decided negative. Its mind was made up, and it ^Lukas der Artzt der Verfasser des dritten Evangeliums ttnd der Apostel- geschichte, Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1906. In order to avoid frequent reiteration of the personal name, we shall speak, as a general rule, of " the Author " simply. '^The bearing of this question is discussed in the opening paper of the writer's Pauline Studies, 1906. (3) 4 I. Luke would not listen to evidence on a matter that was already decided. But the results of recent exploration made this attitude untenable. So long as the vivid accuracy of Acts xxvii., which no critic except the most incompetent failed to perceive and admit, was supposed to be confined to that one chapter, it was possible to explain this passage as an isolated and solitary fragment in the patchwork book. But when it was demonstrated that the same lifelike accuracy characterised the whole of the travels, the theory became impossible. Evidence must be admitted. All minds that are sensitive to new impressions, all minds that are able to learn, have become aware of this. The result is visible in the book which we have now before us. Professor Harnack is willing to hear evidence. The class of evidence that chiefly appeals to him is not geographical, not external, not even historical in the widest sense, but literary and linguistic ; and this he finds clear enough to make him alter his former views, and come to the decided conclusion that the Third Gospel and the Acts are a historical work in two books,^ written, as the tradition says, by Luke, a physician, Paul's companion in travel and associate in evangelistic work. This conclusion he regards as a demonstrated fact {sicker nach- gewiesene Tatsache, p. 87). It does not, however, lead him to consider that Luke's history is true. He argues very ingeniously against attaching any high degree of trust- worthiness to the work, and hardly even concedes that the early date which he assigns to it entails the admission that it is much more trustworthy than the champions of its later date would or could allow. That is the only impression which I can gather (see below, p. 32) from the Author's ^ He hints at the possibility that a third book may have been intended by Luke, but never written. See below, p. 27. the Physician language in this book. On the other hand, in a notice of his own book {Selbstanzeige)} he speaks far more favourably about the trustworthiness and credibility of Luke, as being generally in a position to acquire and transmit reliable infor- mation, and as having proved himself able to take advantage of his position. I cannot but feel that there is a certain want of harmony here, due to the fact that the Author was gradually working his way to a new plane of thought. His later opinion is more favourable. Some years ago I reviewed Professor McGiffert's argu- ments on the Acts." The American professor also had felt compelled by the geographical and historical evidence to abandon in part the older criticism. He also admitted that the Acts is more trustworthy than previous critics allowed ; he also was of opinion that it was not thoroughly trustworthy, but was a mixture of truth and error ; he also saw that it is a living piece of literature written by one author. But from the fact that Acts was not thoroughly trustworthy, he inferred that it could not be the work of a companion and friend of the Apostle Paul ; and he has no pity for the erroneous idea that the Acts could fail to be trustworthy if it had been written by the friend of Paul. I concluded with the words : " Dr. McGiffert has destroyed that error, if an error can be destroyed ". But what is to Professor McGiffert inadmissible is the view that Professor Harnack champions. The careful and methodical studies of the language of Luke by Mr. Hobart^ and Mr. Hawkins"* have been thor- oughly used by the Author. He mentions that Mr. Haw- ^ In the Theologische Literaturzeitung (edited by himself and Professor Schiirer), 7th July, 1906, p. 404. 2 The review is republished in Pauline Studies, 1906, p. 321. ^Medical Language of St, Luke, Dublin, 1882. *Horae Synopticae, 1899. 6 I. Luke kins seems to be almost unknown in Germany (p. 19), and expresses the opinion (p. 10) that Mr. Hobart's book would have produced more effect, if he had confined himself to the essential and had not overloaded his book with collec- tions and comparisons that often prove nothing. I doubt if that is the reason that Mr. Hobart's admirable and con- clusive demonstration has produced so little effect in Ger- many. The real reason is that the German scholars, with a few exceptions, have not read it. That many of his ex- aminations of words prove nothing, Mr. Hobart was quite aware; but he intentionally, and, as I venture to think, rightly, gave a full statement of his comparison of Luke's language with that of the medical Greek writers. It is the completeness with which he has performed his task that produces such effect on those who read his book. He has pursued to the end almost every line of investigation, and shown what words do not afford any evidence as well as what words may be relied upon for evidence. The Author says that those who merely glance through the pages of Mr. Hobart's book are almost driven over to the opposite opinion (as they find so many investigations that prove nothing). This description of the common German " critical " way of glancing at or entirely neglecting works which are the most progressive and conclusive investigations of modern times suggests much. These so-called " critics " do not read a book whose results they disapprove. The method of studying facts is not to their taste, when they see that it leads to a conclusion which they have definitely rejected beforehand. The importance of this book lies in its convincing demon- stration of the perfect unity of authorship throughout the whole of the Third Gospel and the Acts. These are a history the Physician in two books. All difference between parts like Luke i. 5- ii. 52 on the one hand, and the " We "-sections of Acts on the other hand — to take the most divergent parts — is a mere trifle in comparison with the complete identity in language, vocabulary, intentions, interests and method of narration. The writer is the same throughout. He was, of course, dependent on information gained from others : the Author is disposed to allow considerable scope to oral information in addition to the various certain or probable written sources ; but Luke treated his written authorities with considerable freedom as regards style and even choice of details, and impressed his own personality distinctly even on those parts in which he most closely follows a written source. This alone carries Lukan criticism a long step forwards, and sets it on a new and higher plane. Never has the unity and character of the book been demonstrated so convincingly and conclusively. The step is made and the plane is reached by the method which is practised in other departments of literary criticism, viz., by dispassionate investigation of the work, and by discarding fashionable a priori theories. Especially weighty, in the Author's judgment, is the evi- dence afforded by the medical interest and knowledge, which mark almost every part of the work alike. The writer of this history was a physician, and that fact is apparent through- out. The investigations of Mr. Hobart supply all the evi- dence — I think the word "all," without "almost," may be used in this case — on which the Author relies. Never was a case in which one book so completely exhausts the subject and presents itself as final, to be used and not to be supple- mented even by Professor Harnack. It is doubtless only by a slip, but certainly a regrettable slip, that the Author, in his notice of his own book published in the Theologische Litera- 8 I. Luke turzeitung, makes no reference to Mr. Hobart, though he mentions other scholars from whose work he has profited. The Author has up to a certain point employed the plain, simple method of straightforward unprejudiced investigation into the historical work which forms the subject of his study, a method which has not been favoured much by the so- called critical scholars of recent time. So far as he follows this simple method, which we who study principally other departments of literature are in the habit of employing, his study is most instructive and complete. But he does not follow it all through ; multa tamen suberunt priscae vestigia fraudis. If we read his book, we shall find several examples of the fashionable critical method of a priori rules and pre- possessions as to what must be or must not be permitted. These examples are almost all of the one kind. Wherever anything occurs that savours of the marvellous in the estima- tion of the polished and courteous scholar, sitting in his well- ordered library and contemplating the world through its windows, it must be forthwith set aside as unworthy of attention and as mere delusion. That method of studying the first century was the method of the later nineteenth century. I venture to think that it will not be the method of the twentieth century. If you have ever lived in Asia you know that a great religion does not establish itself without some unusual accompaniments. The marvellous result is not achieved without some marvellous preliminaries. Professor Harnack stands on the border between the nine- teenth and the twentieth century. His book shows that he is to a certain degree sensitive of and obedient to the new spirit ; but he is only partially so. The nineteenth century critical method was false, and is already antiquated. A fine old crusty, musty, dusty specimen of it is appended to the the Physician Author's Selbstanzeige by Professor Schiirer, who fills more than three columns of the Theologische Literaturzeitung, 7th July, 1906, with a protest against the results of new methods and a declaration of his firm resolution to see nothing, and allow no other to see anything, that he has not been ac- customed to see : " These be thy gods, O Israel ". The first century could find nothing real and true that was not accompanied by the marvellous and the " supernatural ". The nineteenth century could find nothing real and true that was. Which view was right, and which wrong ? Was either complete? Of these two questions, the second alone is pro- fitable at the present. Both views were right — in a certain way of contemplating ; both views were wrong — in a certain way. Neither was complete. At present, as we are strug- gling to throw off the fetters which impeded thought in the nineteenth century, it is most important to free ourselves from its prejudices and narrowness. The age and the people, of whatever nationality they be, whose most perfect expression and greatest hero was Bismarck, are a dangerous guide for the twentieth century. In no age has brute force and mere power to kill been so exclusively regarded as the one great aim of a nation, and the one justification to a place in the Parliament of Man, as in Europe during the latter part of the nineteenth century ; and in no age and country has the out- look upon the world been so narrow and so rigid among the students of history and ancient letters. Those who study religion owe it to the progress of science that they can begin now to understand how hard and lifeless their old outlook was. But we who were brought up in the nineteenth century can hardly shake off our prejudices or go out into the light. We can only get a distant view of the new hope. The Author is one of the first to force his way out into the light of day ; lo I. Luke but his eyes are still dazzled, and his vision not quite perfect. He sees that Luke always found the marvellous quite as much in his own immediate surroundings, where he was a witness and an actor, as in the earliest period of his history ; but he only infers, to put it in coarse language, " how blind Luke was ". What was the truth? How far was Luke right? I cannot say. Consult the men of the twentieth century, I was trained in the nineteenth, and cannot see clearly. But of one thing I am certain : in so far as Professor Harnack condemns Luke's point of view and rules it out in this unheeding way, he is wrong. In so far as he is willing to hear evidence, he comes near being right. Practically all the argument, in the sense of facts affording evidence, stated by the Author has long been familiar to us in England and Scotland. What is new and interesting and valuable is the ratiocination, the theorising, and the personal point of view in the book under review. We study it to understand Professor Harnack quite as much as to understand Luke : and the study is well worth the time and work. Personally, I feel specially interested in the question of Luke's nationality. On this the Author has some admirable and suggestive pages. That Luke was a Hellene is quite clear to the Author. He repeats this often ; and if once or twice his expression is a little uncertain, as if he were leaving another possibility open, that is only from the scientific desire to keep well within the limits of what the evidence permits. He has no real doubt. The reasons on which he lays stress are utterly different from those which have been mentioned by myself in support of the same conclusion, but certainly quite as strong if not stronger ; it is a mere difference of idiosyncrasy the Physician ii which makes him lay stress on those that spring from the thought and the inner temperament of Luke, while I have spoken most of those which indicate Luke's outlook on the world and his attitude towards external nature. But just as I was quite conscious of the other class and merely emphasised those which seemed to have been omitted from previous discussions of the subject/ so the Author's silence about the class which I have mentioned need not be taken as proof that he is insensible to such reasons. But those reasons appeal most to the mind of one who has lived long in the country and has felt the sense impressions from whose sphere they are taken. Perhaps they are apt to seem fanciful to the scholar who has spent his life in the library and the study. The sentimental tone and the frequent allusion to weeping, which is characteristic of Luke, is characteristic also of the Hellene: dort und hier sind die Trdnen hellenische (p. 25). Mark and Matthew have hardly any weeping : there is more in John ; but Luke far surpasses John. Such ideas and words as "injury" (an inadequate translation of the Greek v^pL