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Les diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m6thode. errata to ! pelure, 3n i n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY; OR, THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS, AND CHRUSA EPE OF PYTHAGORAS, TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH PEOSE AND TEBSE, WITH LABOE AND COPIOUS 2T0TBS, EXPLANATORY OF THE BTF' FBRENT BTBTBMS OF THE QRBGIAN PHILOSOPHY; AND SGRIPTnilAL REFERENCES IN ILLUSTRATION OF . THE MORAL PRECEPTS INCULCATED BY IHESE PHILOSOPHEi«a. 3T THE HON. THOMAS TALBOT. tlllNTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS Sf. 1872. b«jD4^ j|dl(ali NoroovetanJ ""'^'^«»'^«». ^»f- C::r^''''^''«'-«^•■-.• A°<^guard•glttt T'"""'''''"''' _ S^-nst those alone thou canst avoid. («) Seek not fJio *!,• -^^-onrions. ^.ITZ^^TZ^ZT' TEE ENCEIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. 17 Disease, Death, Famine fall to man's estate ;— Fear not those ill's the human race await. From helpless fears the deepest sorrov/ flows, And blind illusions heighten all our woes. 1 1? I- !i! !l ^ f 'I iif \ 18 TBS JSNCBIRJDION OF EPICTETU8. SECTION 3, OONTAININO THE SEVENTH, EIGHTH AND NINTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. It is a folly to be over solicitous even about those things which are placed within our power, since all things terrestrial contain within them the essence of decay. We should be always prepared for reverses. VII. (a) Then pant not for, nor view with restless soul Those accidents that mock at man's control ; Nor be o'er anxious still, nor strive amain. To grasp e en things within thy own domain. f Restrain Desire, this moment call thine own, — He meets defeat who takes his aim too soon. Or near, or distant, should the object lie Which wings thy thought and strains thy longing eye ; Be prudent still, guard well thy balanced mind, — From Passion free, to Reason e'er inclined. (a) Therefore I say to you, be not solicitous for your life what you shall eat, nor for your body what you shall put on. Is not the life more than the meat ; and the body more than the raiment ? Matthew, 6 chap., 26 ver, t See note A. '■ ■I ii ,j.j ir . i u l' ,iU ! t. . .ijtn,ii^ TJS£ ENCHXRIDION OF EPICTETUS. VIII. Some things there be which yield thee true delight, Of beauteous shape and witching to the sight ; Some bring thee joy ; from some advantage flows ; And love of some to highest rapture grows ; Yet give not thou to these thy yielding soul, But bow thy will to Reason's wise control ; Mark well their nature, view in them decay — Vain, frail, light, glittering bubbles of a day. The painted vase, the children we admire, The faithful wife whose charms may never tire, (a) Are fading all ; and all shall pass away ; Since all were made to wither and decay. So let not sorrow wring thy acliing heart When things once valued founder and depart. 19 IX. When to some task thou dost thy mind apply, First cast o'er all its part&a searching eye ; Thus — ^to the Bath should thou, perchance, repair, Now pause and think what ills may meet thee there ; — Malicious duckings, thefts, and high-toned strife, Upbraidings vile, and stale abuse are rife Where flows the Bath ; mark, then ; thy mind prepare The lights and shades with soul resigned to share. (a) All things have their season, and in their [times [all thingB pass onder heaven. Ecclesiastious, 3 chap., 1 ver. f\ f ) !, 20 TlIE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. ** I seek the Bath," — thus be thy thoughts inclined ; (a) For haps prepared with an unshrinking mind, And hence, whate'er the work thou dost begin, Unruffled peace shall crown thy heart within. Let haps befall thee, growing ills betide. Yet from thy fixed resolve ne'er turn aside ; f To Nature's voice unerring still adhere, — Firm be thy mind, and peaceful thy career. (a) Be steadfast in the way of the Lord, and in the truth of thy judgment, and in knowledge, and let the word of peace and justice keep with thee. Ecclesiasticus, 5 chap., 12 ver. t See note B. ■ssssss^^^ ,«<^ « THE ENCniRIDION OF EPICTETU8, 21 SECTION 4, CONTAININO THE TENTH AND ELEVENTH CITAPTERfl. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. The ills of human life are ofttimes more imaginary than real ; and men, while they call up those fantasies of a dis- ordered mind, are ever more prone to place them, as real evils, at the door of others, than to acknowledge them as the eflfect of their own vicious conduct, or the offspring of their infatu- ated minds. True greatness consists in virtue alone. Heal merit, and not the mere glitter of outward show, must form the basis of dignity and of honour. X. (o) Whence springs this fear? — why grows thy visage pale? Say, why doth grief thy inward peace assail ? What I things like these to vex thy heaving breast. To rob thy soul of happiness and rest ! Ah, sure in these no cause of trouble lies, 'Tis human doctrine paints it to our eyes. t Death has no sting ; so Socrates has taught ; — By man's false dogmas is the phantom wrought. ___ • («) The patient man is better than the valiant ; and he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh cities. Lots are cast into the lap, but they are disposed of by the Lord. Prov., 16 chap., 32-33 ver. t See note C. THE ENCBIRIDION OF EPI0TETU8, \ w jl Thus all our woes spring from ourselves alone ; Affliction, Slav'ry, Grief, — ^they are all our own ; And he whose acts bring sorrow on his head Should not another with his woes upbraid. The wise man never doth his acts disown ; His faults are all acknowledged as his own. His deeds not even Wisdom^s student tries To fix on others : — this alone th* unwise And vicious ever do ; let come what will Each crime they lay on others* shoulders still. Not so the man in Wisdom's precepts schooVd Whose deeds of candour sterling worth unfold. XI. How now ! — why all this pomp and vain parade ? — False, false those plumes wherewith thou art array'd I f 'Tis not the extrinsic splendour of thy state, Thy superb charger's proud majestic gait, Should cause thy breast with swelling pride to heave ; (a) Nor deem true worth can in such bubbles live. ** Behold my shining steed," thou wilt exclaim, And build thereon to digr.ity thy claim. (a) Blessed is the man that findeth wisdc.n and is rich in prudence : the purchasing thereof is better than the merchan- dise of silver, and her fruit than the chiefest and purest gold. She is more precious than all riches ; and all the things that are desired, are not to be compared with her. Prov., 3 chap., 13-15 ver. f See note D. THE RifCamtDlON OF EPICTETUS. 23 On shadows then, thy spurious honours rest ; On baseless vapours stands thy claim confest. Fling, fling aside such vain delusive toys ; Within one's self alone true honour lies. On merit must all dignity be plac'd ; On genuine worth is Honour's structure bas'd. I. IL n !tf 24 Tim ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUa. SECTION 5, CO^fTAININQ THE TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. We should be always ready to respond to the calls o£ duty, whatever these might be. We should, therefore, never wan- der beyond the province of our duties, but be always ready to respond to them with promptitude and alacrity. It is proper to restrain our desires, since it is a folly to at- tempt the attainment of every wish : yet, the mind may walk abroad in boundless space ; for the impediments of the body can never affect her chainless freedom. ^ «. XIT. Securely moor'd thy bark at anchor rides. And rests from labours of the briny tides. And eager thou, fatigued from lengthen'd toil. Bound's t on the shore to ease thy limbs awhile ; To taste the waters sparkling o'er the land. And gather shell-fish from the half -dried strand. Attentive still, and prest with anxious care, Where rides the restless bark is turned thine ear To catch the captain's voice. — Hark, hark, he calls : Like thunder on thine ear the accent falls : 'Tis meet thou fly ; pain follows from delay : — Fling down thy sea- weed, cast the sheila away. . \ THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETVS. f And thus thro' life the doctrine holds the sfime ; Thou need'st but change the business and the name ; For shells and weeds write children, or write wife ; And so it is thro' all the scenes of life. The acts of duty ne'er should be delay'd, And her wise call should promptly be obeyed. But when old age arrests thy nimble gait, Then form thy measures to thy changing state ; Nor at long distance let thy footstep stray, Lest thy slow pace be follow'd by delay. A certain duty to thy province falls ; Be therefore present when that duty calls. 25 V X XIIT. When fond desires arise within thy breast. And all thy thoughts on some bright vision rest, Be not o'er anxious every wish to gain, — To will is right ; i;o calculate is vain. (a) Let sweet contentment in thy bosom dwell, How e'er the lot may fall, and thou dodt well. t Note E. («) Better is a little with justice, than great revenues with iniquity. Prov., 16 chap., 8 ver. Trust in the Lord, and do good, and dwell in the land, and thou Bhalt be fed with its riches. Delight in the Lord, and he will give thee the requests o* thy heart. Psalm 36, 3-4. ver. i it H I 26 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. The mind is free, and nought can e'er impede The chainless freedom by itself decreed. Disease obstructs the body, not the will, For free may float all its volitions still. So 'tis with lameness ; nay, what e'er may fall To man's estate, can ne'er the mind enthral. And tho' in passing things obstruction lies. The will unchecked on Freedom's pinion flies. TEE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8, 27 SECTION 6, CONTAINING THE FOURTEENTH AND FIFTEENTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. When difficulties stand in onr path, and human passions beset our way, we should lose no time in calling into- action the virtues which are necessary to support us in the one case, and to defend and protect us in the other. 'Tis natural to feel the sensations of sorrow when we en- counter disappointment, or lose that which we had held dear ; but it argues a weak and foolish mind to indulge immoder- ately in such grief or sorrow ; knowing, as we should, that it is the nature of all earthly things to pass away ; and that we possess only the privilege of using them for awhile. XIV. In Life's rude path whatever may oppose Thy peaceful progress, let the mind disclose The means best suited to the pressing hour ; Call forth its strength, and wield its innate power, f If woman, in Love's soft allurements drest, (o) Excite an amorous conflict in thy breast ; {a) My son, attend to my wisdom, and incline thy ear to my prudence. That thou mayst keep thoughts, and thy lips may preserve instruction. Mind not the deceit of a woman ; &c. Prov., 5 chap., 1-2 ver., &o. Vide etiam, Prov., 31 chap., 3 ver, t See note F. m ! ii ii y \\ \ 28 TJIE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. Tis Continence o'erpowers her syren song, And the black gall that trickles from her tongue. Should Labour press thee thro' the circling day, Be Fortitude companion of thy way. Doth wry-faced Censure thy retreat invade, (a) Oh, then, call meek-eyed Patience to thy aid. Bo such thy rule thro' every changing scene ; Thus flows life's current tranquil and serene. No airy phantom thro' thy brain shall roll ; But calm and peace shall settle on thy soul. XV. My goods are lost : — What sad reverse ! — alack ! " What," thou exclaim'st, " you have but giv'n them back." — My land is gone, my darling child's no more ; — " Pooh," thou still criest, " you merely did restore Them back :" — ha 1 yes, but stern is that decree Which takes the land, and tears that child from me. — (5) 'Tis folly all ; what matters how they've flown, Since 'tis the Giver who has taken his own. (rt) Ho that is patient, is governed with much wisdom ; but he that is impatient exalteth his folly. Prov., 14 chap., 29 ver. Again, — The learning of a man is known by patience ; and his glory is to pass over wrongs, Prov., 19 chap., 11 ver. (&) And when I turned myself to all the works which my hands had wrought, and to the labours wherein I had laboured in vain, I saw in all things vanity, and vexation of mind, and that nothing was lasting under the sun. EccleBiasticus, 2 chap., 11 ver. Vide etiam, Prov., 3 chap., 11-14 ver. THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. 29 Enjoy all blessings while the power is thine, And when once gone, nor grumble nor repine. So travellers use, on cold autumnal days. The tavern's smiling board, and fireside blaze, But use them, ne'er orice deeming them their own,- Pleased with the passing privilege alone. 'M •I ^irl ' i ' 80 THE ENCniRIDION OF EPICTETU8. SECTION 7, CONTAINING THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. We should never create anxieties in our own breasts by bringing before our minds probable calamities : as the actual presence of any supposed evil were better than the continual and uninterrupted apprehension of it. / It is well to accustom ourselves to the patient endurance of petty annoyances, for we thereby fit and prepare ourselves for the easy and tranquil reception of what might otherwise appear to be great and BeriouB evils. XVI. Is thine the wish to make thy state improve ? Far from thy mind all thoughts like these remove — " I must delve on ; if not, I must be poor, And want shall enter trembling at my door : My children, too, from duty's path shall fly, Unless Correction's rod I timely ply." Ah, better far to starve with soul resigned Than live in plenty with a troubled mind ; Far better, too, a pert unmannered child Than be of Life's tranquillity beguiled. XVII. Begin at once ; come now ; thy patience try ; And let small things thy first attempts employ. The oil is spill'd j some villain stole the wine ; i.Ue task to bear it calmly now is thiae. TUB ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. (a) Remember well such is the price that's laid On heavenly patience ; and it must be paid. Thou call'st thy son ; thy voice he cannot hear ; But headlong still pursues his wild career : Or heard, he heeds not, being determined still To have his way, and disappoint thy will : Yet this should not o'erturn thy mental peace, — False, false the bliss bas'd on thy son's caprice ! 31 ; \ : m (a) Better is the patient man than the presumptuous. Be not quickly angry ; for anger resteth in the bosom of a fool. Ecclesiasticus, 7 chap., 9-10 ver. Vide etiam, Prov., 13 chap., 11-12 ver. Lege etiam, Hebrews, 12 chap., et Apocalypse, 3 chap., 19 ver. Will I 82 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. !i-: 'M SECTION 8, I lii 41 CONTAINING TItE EIGUTEK NINETEENTU AND TWENTIETH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. We should never presume upon a show of wisdom for the purpose of winning the plaudits of men : we should rather conceal our possession of it. Seldom do the truly wise make any attempt, or feel any desire to obtain public applause ; and rarely does it happen that nature's gifts and the world's favours meet together. Our wishes ought to be circumscribed withi^ rational bounds ; and we should be particularly careful that none of our desires be incompatible with the laws of nature. A desire which cannot be gratified by possession must be attended with pain ; and to give an unlimited scope to our wishes is tc impose upon ourselves a voluntary slavery. XVIII. ; (a) Thou would'st improve ? — ^the plebeian's garb assume, And on a show of wisdom ne'er presume : Yet, should'st thou learned seem, and win the gaze Of 'plauding men, distrust the dangerous praise. Know, Nature's gifts and worldly favours stand Far, far apart, nor e'er go hand in hand ; (a) A cautious man concealeth knowledge; and the heart of fools publisheth folly. Prov., 12 chap., 23 ver. Yide ^\MMt Prov., S pJutpv 7 y^hf ^t Romans, 12 chap., 16 v^y, THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS, *|* And thro' life's various scenes we rarely see Two f x'd affections in one breast agree ; When one takes root, the other must withdraw ; This seems a fixed and never-varying law. 33 i I XIX. (a) Ah, sad ! — doth sorrow at thy bosom lie, Because thy children, wife, and friends must die ? Thou fool I to wish that they should ever live ; That is a power the gods alone can give. And thou dost wish thy child from vice be free ; Vain, idle thought ! since that can never be : (6) Such is thy wish, that vice be vice no more ; That Nature's laws lie withered at the core. Existing order thus would'st thou suspend ; — Convulse fair nature to her utmost end. Desire nought, then, by Nature not decreed ; And be thy wishes such as may succeed. . f See note G. («) Whatsoever shall befall the just man, it shall not make him sad : but the wicked shall be filled with mischief, Prov. 12 chap., 21 ver. Heaven and earth shall pass, but my words shall not pass away. Matthew, 24 chap., 35 ver. Vide etiam, Mark, 13 chap., 31 ver., et Ecclesiastes 3 chap. (J) If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all iniquity. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. I John, 1 chap., 8-10 ver, 84 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8, i^ A I I'! ill XX. (o) Whose will controls thee — he who may oppose Thy fond desires, and send thee many woes ; Whose choice alone may pain or joy aflford ; Ah, him confess thy Master and thy Lord. (Jb) Then, seek not that which thou can'st not procure ; Nor be displeased with what thou must endure : So shalt thou be unfettered, noble, brave ; But, otherwise, a self -created slave. («) Good things and evil, life and deatl', poverty and riches, are from God. Wisdom and discipline, and the knowledge of the law, are with God. Love and the ways of good things are with him. Ecclesiasticus, 11 chap., 14, 16 ver. Again. — And he said to her : Thou hast spoken like one of the foolish women ; if we have received good things at the hand of God, why should we not receive evil 1 In all these things Job did not sin with his lips. Job, 2 chap., 10 ver. (ft) Better it is to see what thou mayst desire, than to desire that which thou canst not know. But this also is vanity and presumption of spirit. Ecclesiastes, 6 chap., 9 ver. 'S^ TEE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. 85 SECTION 9, CONTAINING THE TWENTY-FIRST AND TWENTY-SECOND CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. Prudence and a graceful bearing should be the distinguish- ing features of all our acts. , A calm and modest serenity in our demeanour, under all the phases of circumstances, is the characteristic mark of a high and noble mind: and the farther on we go in the subjugation of our feelings of pride and vanity, the nearer approach we make to the excellence and perfection of the celestial inhabitants. Many of the woes of this life are merely fictitious : and we regard certain changes or events as evils, only because public opinion says they are so. We ought, nevertheless, to administer comfort to sufferers under such false imaginary evils, as well as to those who may be afflicted with real woes ; without, however, permitting our feelings to be affected by the fancied distress. XXI. (a) Thine acts thro' life should be with prudence gracM. Such as a guest at his host's table plac'd : (6) When aught is offered, take it with a grace : And ne'er display a pale distorted face ; («) Get wisdom, because it is better than gold : and purchase prudence, for it is more precious than silver. Frov., 16 chap., 16-21 ver. (&) The wisdom of the humble shall exalt his head, and shall make him sit in the midst of great men, £)cclesiasticuB, 11 chap., Xver, Ii I f I f ^1 11 II 36 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. Tho* the wish'd dish should pass unoffered by : 'Twill shew thy sense, and graceful dignity. Such be thy bearing thro' life's chequered way ; From self-control aind prudence never stray : Whate'er it be, wife, children, wealth, or pow'r, Which claims thy care, and rules the passing hour. Thy noble course a virtuous soul betrays ; And God shall look with favour on thy ways. Ah, when in order ranged before thine eyes The tempting feast displays its luxuries ; Dost thou forbear to touch th' inviting hoard ? Look'st thou indifference on the shining board ? Then thou d6st stand far raised above the sphere Of guest : — ^the gods' companion and confrere. f Diogenes, and Heraclitus shone Thus she rers of the gods' empyreal throne : The godlike course these brilliant worthies steer'd Made them, as gods, be honoured and revered. XXII. (a) This man with ceafeeless wail distracted raves, For that his son hath cross'd the briny waves ; t See note H. (a) Give not up thy soul to sadnass, and afflict not thyself in thy own counsel. The joyfulness of the heart is the life of a man, and a never-failing treasure of holiness : and the joy of a man is length of life. Have pity on thy own soul, pleasing God ; and contain thyself : gather up thy heart in his holiness : and drive away sadness far from thee. Ecclesiasticus, 30 chap., 22-24 ver. Vide etiam, Prov., 15 ch., 13 ver., et 17 chap., 22 ver., etiam, 2 Corinthians, 7 chap., 10 ver. TOE ENOniRIDWN OF EPICTETVB. n Or weeps his ruinM patrimonial seat. Take heed ; let not th* imposing phantom cheat Thy softened heart : — a vast distinction, know, Lies 'twixt mere seml^lance, and real pressing woe. But reason thus ; thus let thy thoughts disclose The cause whence spring these vast pretended woes. " Not the eve..*t that saddens all his breast (How could it ruflfle his accustom'd rest ?) Opinions only take a wild control, Swell at his breast, and rankle in his soul. 'Tis these opinions give the li'^ighten'd sting ; On these is bas'd the wretch's suffering ?" Still, still let sympathy employ thy care : But from indulgence in his grief forbear (a) In words alone that sympathy impart ; Nor let his senseless sorrow touch thy heart. (a) Grief in the heart of a man shall bring him low, but with a good word he shall be made glad. He that neglecteth a loss for the sake of a friend, is just : but the way of the wicked shall deceive them. Prov., 12 chap., 25, 26 ver. H in J' 38 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. SECTION 10, CONTAINING THE TWENTY-THIRD, TWENTY-FOURTH AND TWENTY- FIFTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. Every man has his sphere of action assigned to him on the stage of life : it is, therefore, vain to repine at our condition ; but it becomes our duty, as well as our interest, to be satisfied with what state soever we may be placed in. The sunshine of hope frequently illumines the desolation around us ; and peace and contentment often flow from the ruin of our fortunes. In every undertaking we should calculate the chances which may be opposed to us, and always proceed with a clear and comprehensive view of the matter in hand. XXIII. Behold ! within this world what various strife I— We all are actors on the stage of life : Each hath his part assigned ; and 'tis in vain He feels displeased ; that part he must sustain. The poor, the rich, the lame, the high and low, Each must fulfil his character below. Yet, 'tis not ours to choose the part we play : (o) The gods that give it ; — them we must obey. {a) Good things and evil, life and death, poverty and riches, are from God. Wisdom and discipline, and the knowledge of the law are with God. Love and the ways of good things are with him. Error and darkness are created with sinners : and they that glory in evil things, grow old in evil. Ecole- BiastiouB, 11 chap., 14-16 ver. TitE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8. 89 XXIV. The raven's croak ! — but, why dost thou grow pale, Thy spirits sink, and all thy courage fail? The shadowy omen bodes no ill to thee : Rest thou unmoved, be fearless still and free. (a) Thy land, thy goods, thy reputation, — say Thy wife, thy children, may be swept away ; Nay more, thy body may sustain great ill ; Yet thou art safe ; thy peace is untouched still. Wliate er befall thee, ne'er should'st thou repine ; Still peace and sweet contentment may be thine. Tho' o'er thy prospects desolation sweep ; (h) Still from the ruin thou may'st profit reap, XXV. Would'st thou successful in each contest prove, To take due caution it doth thee behove, Attempt no field where victory doth not shine Clear to thy view ; — so, triumph shall be thine. Deep let the subject thy whole mind imbue ; And truth's bright ^oal be ever in thy view. (a) For whom the Lord loveth 1ig cbastiseti ; and as a father in the son he pleaseth himself. Prov., 3 chap., 12 ver. Lege etiam, Ecclesiastes, 8 chap., et Heb., 12 chap., 5 ver., et Apocalyp., 3 chap., 19 ver. (6) The just is delivered out of distress ; and the wicked shall be given up for him. The diKHcmbler with his mouth deceiveth his friend : but the just whidl bo delivered by know- ledge. Prov., 11 chap., 8,9 ver. i 40 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8, SECTION 11, CONTAINING THE TWENl'Y-SIXTH, TWENTY-SEVENTfl AND TWENTY- EIGHTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATIO.V. It is the part of a wise man to put a high value upon that alone which is placed within his possession ; and not to sigh after those things which lie beyond his reach. Freedom is the noblest inheritance of man ; and to be free he must discard from his desire*? whatsoever lies without his sphere. The insults of the vicious and worthless leave no injury behind ; and patience supports us against calumny. We should renew daily to our minds the vicissitudes of human life, that we may be the better fitted and prepared for their reception whenever it may please Providence to visit us with any of them. XXVI. (a) Lo I here thy f ellowmen to honours rise ; And power and wealth exalt them to the skies : Give not to these th' exulting words of joy ; Nor blessings call a shadow and a toy. Know thou the freeman's right consists alone In what with safety he may call his own : Hence jealous thoughts of power can ne'er find rest Within the precincts of the wise man's breast. .s (a) Lege Eoclesiastee, 2 chap., et Ecclesiasticus, 2 chap. THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8. Tis tiot thy aim with Consul's power to sway, Or lead vast armies to the bloody fray ; Nor dost thou seek the Magisterial state : — 'Tis Freedom's breath that makes thy pulse elate. Then, to be free, — this, this the course to steer, — Scout from thy mind what lies beyond thy sphere. 41 XXVII. Mark well this truth, and bear it in thy mind, An insult ne'er leaves injury behind : 'Tis fitful fancy bids the vision rise ; And paints the seeming evil to thine eyes. What I tho' some worthless wretch of vicious fame Should cast aspersions on thy spotless name ; Pour out his bile in language of disgrace ; Or even fling the puddle in thy face : He hurts thee not. By patience and delay The visionary wrong shall pass away. • • • • • ' • • XXVIII. Take iieed each day before thine eyes to place The various ills that wait the human race, — Deoih, Slavery, Exile ; — chief of all, renew Death's awful image to thy mental view. Thus, trifles never shall thy peace confound ; And sweet repose shall in thy breast abound : Nor shall thy mind with anxious cares be bent (a) On wordly goods, — with what is thine content. * ) (a) Lege Prov., 22 chap., ct Ecolesiastes, 1 chap. 42 t is ^^^ ^^cmsTj^roir o^ MPicr^rtrs. SECTION 12 P«-it« b, the senseless r::,:':'""'^' -"''' ^^ "« ^^> say, do wisdom ^ .-pni,, „i um tfty purpose turn not thou •— h„f >.. J^e thy whole carriage such th«f mn j;-^et™esphej.e;,;rs;:,r: All ^alllTe Crevet:"' ™"^"" ""''^' And deep reg„, ""'"^ -eryts om gW And shame and scorn a„/ "'*"'•""' ' — ""™' *"^ ^""--"^ I'em thee round. (<"; Speak not In the ear. nf « , . P>« the instruction of thy"' ^h p' ' ^"^ ^"^ ^ ^^ etiam, Prov., is chap. "^^^ ^"^•' ^^ ohap., » ^er. Ug^ THE ENCHIRIDION OP EPICTETUS. 43 SECTION 13, CONTAINTNG THE THIRTIETH AND THIRTY-FIRST CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. No one should attempt to please the world : for he who does so only displays his folly, and loses his labour. To walk in the path which reason indicates, and to bend in all things to the voice of wisdom, is the part of e^ery man who desires to secure his own happiness, and to follow out the end of his being. To be conscious of the importance and excellence of wisdom is to be wise in reality. We should never feel uneasiness from the absence of riches, honours, or fame ; their possession not being within our province. — Merit is no precedent consideration to the posses- sion of these./Every condition, no matter how humble, may be attended with honour, which, to be real, must be based upon wise conduct. / XXX. Say, do thy thoughts with eager flight pursue Some darling object placed in distant view ? Or strays without its province, unconfined By Reason's laws, thy unrestricted mind ?— Say, dost thou aim to please mankind ? beware ; (a) Thy footing's lost ; that lies beyond thy sphere. (a) If wisdom shall enter into thy heart, and knowledge please thy soul : oounsel shall keep thee, and prudence shall preserve thee. That thou mayest be delivered from the evil way, and from the man that speaketh perverse thing» : who leave the rightway and walk by dark ways, &;c. Prov., 2 chap., 10, 11, 12, 13, &o., ver. 44 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. Begin ; be wise in time ; give trifles o'er ; Be Wisdom all thy aim, and seek no more. But would'st thou seem as being wise ? then know, Who's conscious of It must be really so. • • • • • • • XXXI. (a) Calm be thy soul : all thoughts like these disown : — "What! must I live unhonoured and unknown?" To grasp at fame the fool alone essays : Nor is it thine the glittering pile to raise : No blame to thee (so wisdom bids us believe) Should'st thou obscure and undistinguished live ; Since Honour's po^t 'tib others must bestow ; Thro' other hands wealth's shining gifts must flow. Tho' not devoid of honour is that state Where honest feeling makes each action great. And thou, first in thy sphere, we see thee win A mark'd distinction fi*om thy fellow men. " But, ah ;" thou criest, " my friends are low and poor." Say, can'st thou riches for thy friends procure ? Place them in rank of Citizens of Home ? — These gifts from others, not from thee must come. " Yes, true," thy friends exclaim, " but, do thou rise To riches, first ; then, we shall share the prize." Well ; answer thus, — " To me the path descry That leads to riches, and where honours lie ; (a) Vide Prov. et Wis. et Ecclesiastes passim. THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS, 45 I'll search them out, unless too dear the price, Save Virtue be, and Truth, the sacrifice : Point out the tangled path of Wealth end Gain Where Honour, Virtue, Honesty sustain Their noble course ; and that shall I pursue : — Hard is the task ; and vain thy lal)0ur, too. Yet, how unwise, (being rich) to give to you My goods, from which no profit would accrue ; To you no real advantage could arise. While I should shew me senseless and unwise. Say, which dost thou prefer ? — a faithful friend Who ne'er to acts of meanness can descend. Or the dull heap of trashy glittering ore ?" The friend sincere : — " Then urge me on no more To trace that path where Honour must decay, (a) Where Truth's appalled, and Virtue scar'd away." " But, ah, thy Country's good I" — another cries, — " Thou should'st bid Baths and Porticoes arise Throughout the land." " What," thus be thy reply, " Would'st thou the smith at various arts should ply ? To shaping shoes of brass himself betake ; And lastmen swords of leathern texture make ; (a) Blessed is the man that findeth wisdom and is rich in pru- dence : the purchasing thereof is better than the merchandise of silver, and her fruit than the cheapest and purest gold. She is more precions than all riches : and all the things that are desired, are not to be compared with her. Prov., 3 chap.,13-15 ver. And he said to them : Take heed and beware of all covetous- ness : for a man's life doth not consist in the abundance of things which he posseBsetlu Lake, 12 chap., 16 ver. % 46 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS, Thus that all craftsmen change their crafts apace ? — Enough that each supplieb his proper place. When I well -skilled and faithful men provide To serve the state, do I owe aught beside ? — Say do I not discharge my duty well ?" " But in the state what office dost thou fill ?" " What office I — in the state that place is mine Where faith, integrity, and honour shine ; But, let me cast these peerless gifts aside, — Let Truth, Faith, Justice, Honour be defied, (a) What service then avails, these things instead ? — When Honour, Shame, and Sterling Worth are fled." : ; («) Vide Pro v., 3 chap. j V ~^-939 ^-r ~^. ■':*T«P'»JfBf3*W9BPJa THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS, 47 SECTION 14, CONTAINING THE THIRTY-SECOND CHAPTER. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. We should not repine at tbo attentions paid to others at feastp and public places ; because these attentions are often obtained at the expense of true honour, dignity, and virtue. He, therefore, who is desirous of maintaining his dignity and self-respect, and who is unwilling to sacrifice these noble and exalted possessions at the shrine of vain ephemeral distinction, should not fancy himself the object of injury or wrong if, in the public place, he do not meet with that bow of recognition from the vain and great, and that marked attention, which are purchased by servility and self-degradation. Flattery and obsequiousness are often the inevitable price which must be paid for these false distinctions : and, as no person can expect to become possessed of any article of merchandise without having first paid the price which had been set upon it, so should no one hope to receive attention and distinction in the crowd, at the public feast, or amid the conference, without having first paid the price laid upon them, namely, servile flattery, the abandonment of self -dignity, and the proGi< trfttion of every high and noble sentiment. I 48 TEE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS, { \ XXXII. (a) When Bome obtain at public feasts the place Which shews a proud and high distinguished grace ; When recognition's flattering bow they gain, While thou unknown, unheeded dost remain : Far from thy breast drive all vain grief away, — What ! — these distinctions have not fallen to thee ! — If good they be, 'tis meet thou shouldst rejoice That they have happened to thy brother's choice ; If bad, what folly, madness to regret That thou hadst not the vile distinctions met. Still, if thou would those tinselled nothings gain, Know, then, 'tis thine to exert thy strength amain, To seek the path wherein these bubbles lie. — None, save who pay, can lawfully enjoy. Thy tap be ceaseless at thy patron's door, With kind enquiries ever sent before ; Pour flattery's boundless torrent o'er his head ; — Such is the price that ever must be paid. Without such fee presume not thou to gain Those glittering things, which none may e'er attain Save by these sole conditions. — ^Then decline To wish that they unpurchased should be thine. (a) And all their works they do for to be seen of men. For they make their phylacteries broad and enlarge their fringes. And they love the first places at feasts, and the first chairs in the synagogues, and salutations in the market place, and to be called by men Rabbi, &g. Matthew, 23 chap., 6-7 ver. Vide etiam, Mark, 12 chap., 38 ver., et Luke, 11 chap., 43 ver. TBS MIfCMIBlDIOIf Of EPICTETUS. 49 Lo I salad here for sale, say, wilt thou buy ? "The price?" an obolus ; — "oh, pooh I too high." Another comes, and pays the value down ; — What I wilt thou call that salad now thine own ? It were unjust : yet, thou dost not fare ill — He has the herb, but thou its value still. And thus thro' life, since every man must pay For the enjoyments of each fleeting day : Who gives to thee of bounty's gifts the least,— The sparkling pleasures of the genial feast,— Must get the price upon the banquet laid. Be that in silver or in flattery paid. Who, then, would take the meal and keep the due, Must be insatiable, and silly too. " But, ah, from me," thou criest, " all is fled, The feast is gone, and I have nought instead." What ! is it nought to hold thy dignity Untouch'd, thy honour pure, thy spirit free ? A Patron's praise doth not engage thy tongue, That praise which from the unwilling mind is wrung ; Thou dost not hie like lackey to his door, Nor his proud look and haughty mien endure. I f I a t 1 H Ml I • ! '' I l! 50 TSJS ENCBIRIDWN OF EPtCTETUS* SECTION 16, CONTAINING THE THIRTY-THIRD CHAPTER. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. The Laws of Nature and of Reason are in daily operation before our eyes, and suggest themselves to us on every occa- sion in which the interests of our neighbours are concerned ; though we often shew ourselves blind to them in matters relating to our personal concerns. It were well, therefore, if we our- selves acted, in all emergencies, in the manner in which we would point out to others to conduct themselves in similar positions, under the guidance of the dictates of Reason and of Nature. XXXIIL (a) ITie Laws of Reason, Nature's firm decree, We learn from things in which all men agree. In simple things we trace out Reason's laws : Lo 1 when thy neighbour's child hath broken a vase, Or cut the shining board, or scratch'd the plate. We all exclaim, " Pooh, 'tis a common fate ;" j- We call him " fool," should he to anger rise. For what occurs each day before our eyes. When, then, to thee like accidents accrue, Just act as thou would'st^have thy neighbour do. (a) A fool immediately sheweth his anger : but he that dis- sembleth injuries is wise, f rov., 12 chap., 16 ver. t Note J. ^ "T.-iWillllTiii THJS EKCHJRIDlOIf OP £PICT£Tt/S, And ever thus, whate'er may tliee befall Be that of great importance, or of small. Thy neighbour's child, or wife, or brother dies ; (a) " What folly thus to mourn," then each one cries. But, thine the loss ? — indiflfereiif now no more. Thy griefs are loud, who called'st griefs vain before Forth bursts the plaint, " Alas, ah, woe is me. Thus early robbed, ray darling child, of thee." Now, this one truth bear ever in thy mind. Thine is the common lot of all mankind. 61 ■J (a) Lege Frov.^ 3 and 4 chaps., et Rom., 12 chap. »« TBE ENCHIRIDION OF MPlCTJSTpS. SECTION 16, VJ CONTilTNIKQ THB THIETT-f OUBTH CHAPTER. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. THe Great Creator of the Universe never wills evil to maa ; for, whatever miseries we encounter in this life are of our own creation ; and it is within our piovince to evade them. Those things which we call ills, are only ills when we doom them BO. It is our duty, as it is the part of wisdom, to spurn the vile reproaches of those who would annoy and interrupt us in our path of duty ; and to move onward in the fearless dis^ charge of those offices which are assigned to us, and which wisdom and justice point out to us ao fit to he pursued. In every undertaking, we should consider the means which we possess in designing to bring it to completion ; if our means are inadequate to the design, we should not proceed with it ; but, if sufficient, nothing should deter us from the task. XXXIV. (a) Who wings the flying dart, with fix'd intent To miss the mark to which the bow is bent ? — Not one ; so ill was ne'er by God designed To bloom on earth, and govern human kind ; Ah, no, real evils live not here below, — Man makes his ilia, man bids his sorrows flow. (fl) Lego Rom., 8 chap.j et 2 Tim., 1 chap. TBE ENCBIBIDION OF EPICTETUS, 53 If some wretch seized thee on the public way, And bade the mob thy naked body flay, Thy breast at once heaves high with vengeful fire ; — Full on the villain flow& thy boiling ire. (a) And yet, how oft Wo make our sufferings grow, Invite our pains, and train up all our woe ; "When we grow faint, and let our spirits droop (5) ^0 the reproach of some vile nincompoop. (c) Hark I one advice ; — now, Wisdom^s counsel heed, - Whatever the task to which thy mind may lead. Consider well what means thou must devise, And what results are likely to arise ; Be all the train of circumstances weigh'd :— The task begin, thy wishes mupt eucceod. But, should'st thou not this wise precaution take, Thou shalt no progress in thy labours make ; Like those who idly court high deeds of fame, Thy lot shall be discomfiture and shame. H • I I (a) Vide Prov. passim ; etiam Nov. Tes. omnibus locis. (h) He that walketh in the right w&y, and feareth God, is despised by hiiii. that goeth by an infamous way. In the mouth of a fool is the rod of pride : but the lips of the wise preserve them. Prov. 14 chap., 1, 2 ver. (o) Doth not wisdom cry aloud, and prudence put forth her voice ? Standing in the top of the highest places by the way, in the midst of the paths, beside the gates of the city, in the very doors she speaketh, saying, &o. Prov, 8 chap., 1 , 3, &c., ver, rt 64 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EFICTITU8. SECTION 17, CONTAINING THR THIBTY-FIFTH CHAPTER. ANALrTIOAL ILLUSTRATION. It is, no doubt, a delightful thing to come oflf triumphant in whatever contest we engage ; and a thrilling pleasure circles through every vein from the contemplation of successful enter- prise : but we should recollect the difficulties, the labours, the self-denials, and the disappointments which interpose < .m- eelves between us and tho attainment of these pleasing triumphs. We should also remember that, notwithstanding all the privations, toils, and suflFerings to which we might thus be subjected in our pursuit of Glory, the possession of it might never be ours ; and we should have not only to endure the loss of our labours, but likewise the negation of those pleasures and enjoyments which our exorbitant thirst after fame had led us to forego. Wanting, therefore, the necessary means for the accomplishment of any particular object, and unable to encounter the difficulties and privations which in- tercept the path to its attainment, it is the province of Wisdom to turn away the mind from too severe a contemplation of it. Under such circumstances, to direct our attention, in turns, to different objects, and not to suffer the mind to dwell too long upon or enter too deeply into any one pursuit, is the wisest plan of life, and the most conducive to human happiness. As children change their toys, so should we our delectations, leaving to those whose especial province it would seem to be, to indulge their tastes in the continuous pursuit of objects, to the attainment of which we might never be ablQ to succeed. -i ' THE ENOHIftlDION OF EPICTETUS, 55 XXXV. A love of Conquest thy whole breast inflames ; Thou would'st be victor in th' Olympian games ; — And I, by Jove I — a lovely thing ! — but, hear ; — Consider first the labours thou must bear ; What toils, privations thou must undergo, And what results thence likely are to flow. Thee it behoves from pleasures to abstain ; From Bacchus' gifts and luxuries to refrain : A master tells thy food, — how much, and when. As Doctors do their patients' regimen ; Apportioned exercise thou too must take. Thy ease, desires, and appetites forsake. The day arrives ; with body oil'd and sleek. And nerves prepared, thou dost th' arena seek. Lo ! the disasters likely to ensue ; — May not thy leg be broken, and arm, too ? Antagonist strength thy yielding back may strain, And dash thee headlong on the reeking plain ; Or dex'trous give the nicely-measured thrust. That makes thee prostrate bite the blood-stain'd dust ; Thus bruised and maimed the fight thou dost forego. And Victory's chaplet withers from thy brow. With truths like these apparent to thy mind For the fierce combat thou art still inclined : — « Go on ; enjoy thy whim, indulge thy taste, ^nd to rough labours of the Circus hastQ^ %.. i 56 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8. I f (a) But, if in thee far diflferent thoughts arise, Thine aim then change as children change their toys. Now, they, bold champions, strive in mimic fight ; And now in wrestling bouts they take delight ; Then turn tragedians, feign the actor's ire ; And minstrels now, they strike the sounding lyre. Thus act thro' life, nor let thy whole mind stray On one vain toy, thro* each revolving day : Let feats of strength, and games one day engage Thy ardov^ : next, the single combat wage. To-day let Rhetoric all thy ardor claim ; To-morrow swagger in a Sophist's name. Thus ever pleased with each quick changing state,. Learn, like the ape, all tricks to imitate. (6) Enough for thee, for thou had'st ne'er design'd To fix on aught a deep abstracted mind, To search the depth of things, with firm resolve, To know each secret^ and each doubt to solve : No ; careless, slow, indifferent, and cool, Twas whim and fancy bade thee to the goal. (a) I have seen all things that are done under the sun, and behold all is vanity and vexation of spirit. EoclesiasteS) 1 chap., 14 ver. Again : — And I have given my heart to know prudence, and learning, and errors, and folly ; and I have per- ceived that in these also there was labour, and vexation of spirit. Because in much wisdom there is much indigfnation ; and he that addeth knowledge addeth alp-o labor /. Ecclesias- tes, 1 chap., 17, 18 ver. (ft) The sluggard willeth, and willeth not ; but the soul ot ^Qm Uukt work shall be made fat. ?rov., 13 chap., 4 yor^ THE ENGUIRJDWN OF BPICTETU8. 57 Thus some who hear great Socrates admired On sudden grow philosophers inspired ; Each nerve to win philos'phy^s goal they strain, And fancy wisdom swelling in each vein. ■: t* •.. I If 58 TM£ ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8, SECTION 18, CONTAINING THE THIRTY-SIXTH CHAPTER, ANALYTICiL ILLUSTRATION. Different pursuitp iequire different faculties in order to effect a successful issue ; and he who may possess the requisite powers for some particular employment may be entirely deficient of those which are essential to the duties and require- ments of another. In every undertaking, therefore, we should first consider the exact nature of the offices which are requir- ed to be performed, and whether we are in a condition, with reference to the qualities and faculties which we possess, to proceed in our design with a reasonable expectation of final success. And not only are we to regard the innate powers which we may possess for the accomplishment of the object in view, but we must likewise reflect whether the extrinsic cir- cumstances which surround the attainment of that object be such as we are prepared to encounter and overcome. He who lov3S to win the admiration of the gazing throng by exhibiting his person in the public arena, where deeds of strength, and feats of dexterity and skill display their empire, and promise wreathes of enduring laurels to the manly victor ; he must weigh well his bodily powers, and be prepared, ere he ven- tures upon his darling enterprise, to undergo the innumerable trials, toils, and privations which are inseparable from suc- cess. The aspirant to the sage's name must pIso reflect upon the difficulties and personal self -negations which lie between )))IQ aiicl the pleasing object of his heart's desire. So it is wit)) TBS ENCHIRIDIOlf OF EPICTETUS. M land lise ^UBt in- Ible ^on all men, in all the pursuits of life ; to arrive at success in any department of human action, the means must be measured to the end; and the chances which encircle each enterprise must be calculated before such enterprise is commenced. But having once prepared ourselves by previous reflection and calculation to pursue some favourite object, we should not hesitate one moment from its pursuit, but apply ourselves with vigour and determination to its acquisition ; we should not halt upon the way, or turn aside from the path upon which we have entered, or permit ourselves to be for one instant diverted from it to the consideration of any other subject. XXXVI. (a) Would'st thou thy strength to some pursuit apply ? — Learn, first, frail man, its nature to descry ; The likely labours with thy force compare ; See if thy back the pressing weight may bear. The wish deep-cherished may, perchance, be thine In feats of skill and deeds of strength to shine ; To pitch the quoit, the well -poised dart to throw ; Thy matchless art in boxing rings to shew. How are thine arms ? say, are the muscles strong ? And to thy loins does strength and power belong ? (o) Strive not in a matter which doth not concern thee, and sit not in judgment with sinners. My son, meddle not with many matters ; and if thou be rich thou shalt not be free from sin : for, if thou pursue after, thou shalt not overtake : and if • thou run before thou shalt not escape, &c. Ecclesiasticus, U chap., 9, 10 ver. 60 TSS BNCSIBIBIOS OF SFICfETUS. i'? Thy joints well-knit, and such as may not tire? Know, various arts do various powers require. Turn now and mark the path where Wisdom lies : Lo, there, what vast privations meet thiHe eyes-^ Incessant toil, attendant of the Sage, And midnight ponderings o'er the learned page ; The sacrifice of sweet domestic joys ; The secret titter of the serving boys ; (a) To fill no place in Honour's bright array ; In Power's proud ranks to hold no signal sway ; To lose what cause to Court you chance to bring ; In short, to hold the worot of everything ; Yes, such the tax on Wisdom's votaries laid, — For learned ease, for peace, and Freedom paid. Then, ponder well, and if thou would'st pursue Thy course, act not as changeful children do^; Who represent in play's revolving part6 Men's various callings, stratagems., and arts. They now as Tax-collectors strutting go ; And sputtering Wisdom's rules now Sages grow ; Then Rhetoricians ; then great Caesar's steward ; Thus changing ever, with new scenes allur'd. Be thou one man, one course of action take, (ft) And walk in Wisdontfl, or in Folly's wake ; (a) Where pride is there also shall be reproach : but where humility is there also is wisdom. Prov., 11 chap., 2 ver. Again : The fear of the Lord is the lesson of wisdom : and humility goeth before glory. Prov., 15 chap., 33 ver, (Jb) Who is not wise must necessarily be foolish, Yicle Prov* passim. TM£ ENCaiRlVION OF JSPWTETm Let all thy vigour in one channel flow On this or tJiat thy ardour all bestow ; External things let all thy mind engage, Or the internal treasures of the Sage ; Between these two exists no middle rule,— > Thou must be either,— wiseman, or a fool. 61 Ire ^ ! ! i « li 1 I f 62 i'JBi! SNCBIRIDIOif OF EPJCfETVS, SECTION 19, CONTAINING THE THIRTY-SEVENTH CHAPTER. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. We should be always obedient to the dictates of Reason } and our entire conduct should be such as squared with the laws of society. When annoyance comes to us from sources whence we least expect it, we should not, under the assump- tion that such w;.s not to be borne because contrary conduct appeared to us to be that which was naturally to be expected; — ^we should not manifest ill-will or impatience under such annoyance ; but, on the contrary, bear it with submission and deference to the Divine Will. We ought, under all circumstances, to obey the dictates of duty ; and by such obedience no malice or injury can affect us. If the injury which we receive be from the hands of a father, brother, or any other person conr-oted with us by the ties of Nature, equal patience and submission should characterise our demeanour, because it is our duty to know that Nature never bound herself to give us relatives who should never do us any evil. To discharge faithfully the duties which we owe to every individual and to society in general, is the true way to obtain the respect and admiration of men. XXXVII. By Reason's laws be thy whole conduct steer'd j Be all thy acts to decent custom squared :•— |r jvery >tain TJI£! MnCHIRIDTON of JBPICTETta. ^ (a) Hast thou a father ? — be his will obey'd ; And shew thy patience, should he e'er upbraid, Or even beat thee ; — 'tis thy duty still To pay a due submission to his will. " Ah, he's unkind and bad," thou dost exclaim ; And, what of that ? — thy duty's still the same : Nature to thee herself did never bind ' That thou should'st have a father good and kind. Then doth thy brother hurt or injure thee ? — Drive all ill-will far from thy breast away ; Forgive th' offence, and let thy bearing shew That all thy acts from Duty's fountain flow : For, know, thou canSt all injury forfend. If thy own mind to rightful actions tend. (J) First learn the various social laws to know, And all the duties we to others owe ; Then these observe, and all men shall agree To pay esteem and reverence to thee. (a) A wise son heareth the doctrine of his father : biit he that is a scorner heareth not when he is reproved. Prov., 13 chap., 1 ver. Again : — Honor thy father and thy mother, that thou mayst be long-lived upon the land which the Lord thy Gk)d will give thee. Exod., 20 chap., 12 ver. Vide etiam, Matthew, 16 chap., 4 ver., et al lo. (ft) My son, forget not my law, and let thy heart keep my commandments. For they shall add to thee length of days, and years of life and peace. Let not mercy and truth leave thee, pat them around thy neck, and write them in the tables of thy heart : And thou .shalt find grace and good understanding before God and men. Prov., 3 chap., 1-4 ver. Lege etiam, Rom,, 12 and 13 chap. m ■■I THE BNCBIRIDION OF EPICTETVS, SECTION 20, COMTAININO THE TBIBT7-EI0HTH OHAFTEB. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. f To believe that all things are designed for our good, is the foundation of all piety. All our actions should be such as to -^ ;Bhew that we place our chief reliance on the heavenly powers, t and that we are imprest with the sincere belief that all the ( events of life proceed from their hands. And in order to cherish and cultivate this just and felicitous docnne, we should never rush beyond the limits of our sphere, or aspire to things beyond our power to attain ; for the anguish of disap- pointment may rise within our breasta, and we may be tempted to inveigh against Heaven. Nature hath implanted in every breast the desire to fly from evil, and to cling to those things which give profit and delight. Wherefore, we find that none can receive wrong with indifference, or regard with satisfaction the cause from which it springs. From all these considerations, it is evidently the interest of all, as it is most assuredly our duty, to abstain from all exor^''• tant desires, and be content with those things whicl attainable within our own proper sphere ; to worship id obey the Divine Will in all things ; and to steer clear of everything calculated to rufBe the fair surface of our peace, or destroy the sweetness of equanimity. k\ '. TBE ENCHIRIDION OF JSPICTETUS. « of .i )f XXXVIII. f What gives true piety its worth and grace, Thus thro' the feelings of the mind we trace ;— (a) To deem the gods impartial and all-wise ; That all things ordered from their hands arise ; And so imprest, to yield to their decrees, Obey their will, and follow where they please ; Convinced thou movest 'neath the chief control — That highest spirits lead thee to the goal. So at the gods" thy tongue shall never rail, Nor as unjust their wise decrees assail. Yet, from thee drive — (ah, to this rule adhere)— What things belong not to thy proper sphere ; Those 'neath thy power thy subjects only deem, And such alone as good or bad esteem ; Lest seeking that beyond thy power to gain. Thy search prove fruitless, and thy wish be vain ; (h) And torturing anguish in thy breast arise, — Thy rising wrath be levelled at the skies. Such is the anger, such the vengeful ire. That follows from unsatisfied desire. t See note J. (a) Glory not in apparel at any time, and be not exalted in the day of thy honour : for the works of the Highest only are wonderful, and his works are glorious, and secret, and hidden, Ecclesiasticus, 11 ch., 4 ver. (6) A caution against the indulgence of inordinate desiresi Lege Prov., 7 ch. B 66 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS^ \^. 'I For Nature to the human breast supplies The wish that from impending evil flies ; Which bids us seize at first approaching sight Those things which promise profit and delight : Hence none, — for, such are Nature's changeless laws,— Can favour wrong, or love its moving cause. Thus, oft the sen, by rising fury led. Pours forth reproaches on his father's head. Because he had the youth's deeires v/ithstood, Nor gave him that he deem'd the greatest good. Thus, ruled by love of arbitrary sway. The Theban brothers met in bloody fray. And thus, the farmer, merchant, sailor, all Assa'l the gods, if aught of ill befall (a) Their darling schemes : — And when fond hope expires, 'Tis gain alone their piety inspires. Cease thy desires as useless, weak, and vain ; Adore the gods, and urge thy task amain : Be pure libations poured, and offerings brought, Of the first fruits, e'en as our fathers taught ; And let these rites in graceful manner be Both from excess and parsimony free. {a) llie desire of the ju&t is all good : the expectation of the "Vricked is indignation. Prov., 11 ch., 23 ver. »l ! TBE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8, 67 i SECTION 21, CONTAINING THE THIBTF-NINTH CHAPTER. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. In all our supplications to Heaven we should be governed by a sense of that which appertains to our particular state t nor, in seeking the light and aid of the Divine Will, should we allow our thoughts to wander beyond those limits which form, the boundaries of our individual province here below. A becoming modesty should accompany all our wishes ; while, at the same time, wo should not display a fearful anxiety in preferring them to the Celestial Throne. And whatever the Powers above may deem proper to decree for us, we should accept it with deep reverence and submission, ever resolved to walk in the path which Heaven points out to us, without repining at our lot, or displaying an ovei weening desire for other positions. In our enquiries as to those points which constitute the line of duty which it is for us to pursue, we should remember that there are some of them so wound up with our nature, and so inseparable from our very being ; which form a component part of our feelings ; and are so entwined with every impulse of the human heart, as to be rendered clear and intelligible to every mind, as forming important portions of our duties. Such are these — to redress the wrongs and sufferings of our country ; and to afford aid to our friends in distress. 5 1' \if ^g TBE ENCHIRIDION' OF EPICTETm. No consideration of injury or evil consequence to ourselves^ should for a moment deter us from the performance of these duties : and the wretch who would turn from the discharge of those primary and all-important offices would be a fit object for the detestation of God and of man. XXXIX. Dost thou the gods' prophetic temples seek, Where soothsayers bid the deep response awake ? — What motive leads thee to the sacred place ? 'Tis this — some future dark event to trace. If thou be wise, how easy 'tis to see Of what importance that may turn to thee : And if it lie beyoid thy proper sphere, It should to thee nor good nor bad appear. Approach not then the gods with anxious dread, Nor ask th' event with trembling fear o'erspread ; Resolved to bear with equal mind and free What thing soe'er the heavenly powers decree : Let thy approach becoming gi'ace display, And nothing shall obstruct thy even way. So, when the grave response to thee is giv'n, Bow deep submission to the will of Heav'n ; Hear the gods' counsel and their will await ; (a) Nor lightly view the stern decrees of fate. (a) The great man, and the judge, and the mighiy, is in honour : and there is none greater than he that feared Gk)d. Ecclesiasticus, 10 ch., 27 ver. Wlty therefore hast thou despised THE ENcmnimoN of efictetus. 09 5S, ise of jct I in led Learn, like great Socrates, to seek the shrine And sacred altars of the Powers divine : When dark and mystic yisions filled his brain, And reason sought t' unravel them in vain ; Things that could not by other means be known Save the omniscience of the gods alone ; He Heaven implored to grant its kindly aid To pierce the close and deep encumbering shade ; To cast the dark event in open light, And yield it splendent to his longing sight. f But, when thy friend to danger is betray'd, And when thy country's wrongs demand thy aid, Pause not to learn the gods' all-wise decree, — What accidents may hence accrue to thee : For, tho' the sacred omens might declare That slavery or death should be thy share, (a) Still let not this, tho' dire, with thee prevail 'Gainst friend and country in the counter scale. the word of the Lord, to do evil in my sight ? &o. 2 Kings, 12 ch., 9 ver. I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercy of €k>d, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service. Bom., 12 ch., 1 ver. Vide sac. scrip, passim. f See note K. {a) By the blessing of the just the city shall be exalted : and by the mouth of the wicked it shall be overthrown. He that despiseth his friend is mean of heart : but the wise man will hold his peace, Pxov,, 11 ch., 12 ver. Vide etiam, Pro v., 12 ch.| 26 ver. 1 .^r In . P TTffiTC 70 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8. Be Pythias' conduct in thy breast inscrib'd, And follow thou the path that God prescrib'd, Who from his temple scourg'd the wretch away — Pursuing him ever with his parching ray — The heartless wretch who had refused to lend A succouring arm to his dying friend, / TBE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. n SECTION 22, u CONTAINING THE FORTIETH AND FORTY-FIRST CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. Our conduct through life ought to be guided by some fixed principles, which should be always present to the mind, and exemplified in all our relations with men. We should always keep a restraint upon our tongues, and forbear to give utterance to vain and idle thoughts. When the occasion demands our conversation, our words should be few and well considered ; our demeanour should be modest and unassuming ; and our whole carriage graceful. All the circumstances of time, place, and subject should be duly weighed, so that our language might be such as should conform to each of these, and leave no invidious impression behind it. We should be careful to avoid the discussion of public topics : such as, — who came off with the greatest honour in the Ictte contest ; who manifested the highest address in the last ring ; who was the best man in such and such a debate. But, above all things, we should refrain from offering strictures upon men's conduct, and from expatiating on their vices and their virtues. it. XL. To sone fixed rule at once thy mind incline ; A firm unwavering course of life be thine : I et this appear to thine own mind within ; Preserve it thro' thy various walks with men. 5M6B 72 TEE ENCHIRIDION OF EFICTETOS, XLI. f First learn thy tongue's full freedom to restrain ; Nor lot thy language ever flow in vain : But, when th' occasion urges thee to speak, (a) Thy words be few, and all thy bearing meek. The time, place, matter, must be duly weigh'd ; And public topics should be ne'er essay'd, — As, who in hard-fought fields have won the prize ;' Who in the race before his fellows flies ; Who in the ring the greatest prowess shows. And in the dust his prostrate rival throws ; And meat and drink — ^those things which evermore The common herd discourse and ponder o'er. But, chief, from strictures on men's acts forbear. Nor for their faults and virtues shew thy care, Blame I — Praise I — oh, never let the task be thine To draw the hateful demarcating line. ' t See note L. (a) He that keepeth hi^g mouth and his tongue, keepeth his Boul from distress. Prov., 21 ch., 23 ver. He that setteth bounds to his words, is knowing and wise : and the man of under- standing is of a precious spirit. Even a fool, if he will hold his peace, shall be counted wise : and if he close his lips, a man of understanding. Prov., i? ch., 27-28 ver. But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of Judgment. Matt., 12 ch., 36 ver, \\ TM^ ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS, T3 i his ids er- kold lan l^ou, ler rer, SECTION 23, CONTAINING THE FORTY-SECOND, FOBTT-THIRD, FORTY-FOURTH AND FORTY-FIFTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION Whenever we feel disposed to indulge in a free conver- sation, it behoves us to gratify our inclination in this respect only among friends ; and the object of our discourse should ever be to point to salutary truths, and to enforce useful doc- trines. In all such free intercourse with our friends we should never lose sight of the light of reason, the Polar Star of all our thoughts ; while, to improve the understanding and to lead the judgment of our hearers, should be the never- failing aim of all our conversation. It is the part of prudence to observe a strict silence in the presence of strangers. -^ A low tittering strain of conversation should ever be avoided ; and loud laughter ought never to be indulged in. We should always guard against oaths and unnecessary appeals to Heaven : they should never pass from our lips, except when Truth, Justice, and Right demand them. We should always, if possible, avoid contact with the low and vulgar herd : and whenever we chance to fall amongst them, it becomes imperative upon us to call to our side the safeguards of prudence and of wisdom, lest we become cor- rupted by the dangerous proximity. For how often are the purest hearts and most spotless minds, iu the absence of the % ■IN 74 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. salutary counsels of Prudence, stained and sullied by acci- dental contact with the low and vicious • and, how often are the most refined and polished manners, the most exquisite taste, and thoughts the most beautifully chaste and elegant, defiled, corrupted, and destroyed by low, untutored, and vicious association. A foul touch will leave a stain upon the purest surface. XLII. (a) Yet if thy mind incline to converse free ; — To point to useful truths thy aim then be ; Use;^valid proofs by Reason's will decreed, The understanding of thy friends to lead. — 'Mong friends alone thy converse should abound, But, silent be while strangers stand around. XLIII, XLIV. (6) Indulge not in a low, mean, tittering strain ; And from loud laughter learn thee to refrain. (a) Let thy thoughts be upon the precepts of God, and medi- tate continually on His commandments : and He will give thee a heart and the desire of wisdom shall be given thee. Eoclesi- asticuB, 6 ch., 37 ver. (J) The tongue of the wise adorneth knowledge ; but the mouth of fools bubbleth out folly. A peaceable tongue is a tree of life: but that which is immoderate, shall crush the spirit, Prov., 16 ch,, 2-4 ver, mur 1 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8, (a) Forbear all oaths, those dread appeals to Heaven, Nor let the solemn plight be lightly given ; The awful sounds ne'er from thy lips should steal, Save when Truth, Justice, Right demand th' appeal. XLV. Far from thy board bo all the vulgar train, Lest their foul contact all thy morals stain. But, should'st thou be, perchance, amongst them thrown, (h) Be then thy Prudence and thy Wisdom shown. A want of Prudence oftentimes betrays Pure, Spotless minds to low-bred, vicious ways : (c) And who does not from vile associates flee, In speech and manners must corrupted be ; It matters not how chastely fair the mind. The contact foul must leave a stain behind. 75 ii'i i^ .•'11 (a) Let not thy mouth be accustomed to indiscreet speech : for therein is the word of sin. EccleaiasticuB, 23 oh., 17 ver. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain : for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shalt take the name of the Lord his God in vain, Exod., 20 ch., 7 ver. Vide etiam. Matt., 6 ch., 33 ver., et al. loc. (6) Lege Prov. passim. (o) All flesh shall consort with the like to itself, and every man shall associate himself to his i like. If the wolf shall at any time have fellowship with the lamb, so the sinner with the just. What fellowship hath a holy man with a dog? Ecclesiasticus, 13 ch., 20-22 ver. Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice ? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness ? 2 Cor., 6 ch,, 14 yer, r^ THE ENOniRlDlON QF EFICTETUa, v\^. \ I i l! I '4 SECTION 24, CONTAININQ THE FOBTY-SIXTH AND FORTY-SEVENTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. In all the concerns of our temporal existence a due regard should be had to the necessities of the mind. To spread tran- quillity over the mental feelings should be the object of every human exertion ; and in providing those things which are essential to the safety and comfort of the body, such as food, shelter, and clothing, the sufficiency indicated by the mind should bound the extent of our corporal necessities. In all our walks thro' life we should never depart from the rules of Temperance ; — the mind demands this ; and it is the firmest support of the body. We should forsake the ways of Luxury, and suppress within our bosoms all turbulent aspirations after Fame. We should be ever cautious to keep down the lustful propen- sities of the flesh, and always vigilant in guarding the purity of the mind. Truly, it requires our greatest efforts, and it should be our never-ceasing care, to keep the soul free from impurities ; to oppose and counteract the lustful desires of the body ; and to [move forward pure and unsullied in the paths of Moral Law. And while we thus keep ourselves free from the contaminations of the flesh, and the indulgence of inordi- nate desires, we ought to regard with an eye of compassion the vices of our fellow-men, and not comment with undue severity on their &ailties. tBE ENCBIRIDION OP EPICTETUS, rt XLVI. Those things which are for corporal health design'd Use them with due relation to the mind. (a) Our various comforts — houses, clothing, food, Should measured be with views to mental good : In all we use be Temperance still our aim ; The mind requires it, Reason's counsels claim. Heed then ; nor Lux'ry's sickly train approve ; (6) And love of fame far from thy breast remove. XLVII. (c) Prom am'rous joys 'tis just thou should'st refrain. Pure be thy conscience, — free from guilty stain ; Let not the soul in Lust.'s foul path be led ; Confine love's pleasures to the marriage bed ; (a) ifse as a frugal man the things that are set before thee : lest if thou eatest much thou be hated. How sufficient Ib a little wine for a man well-taught, and in sleeping thou shalt not be uneasy with it, and thou shalt feel no pain. Watching, and choler, and gripes are with an intemperate man : sound and wholesome sleep with a moderate man : he shall sleep till morning, and his soul shall be delighted with him. Ecclesias- ticus, 31 ch., 19, 22, 23, 24 ver. Lege etiam, Prov., 21-23 ch. (J) And all their works they do for to be seen of men. For they make their phylacteries broad and enlarge their fringes. And they love the first places at feasts, and the first chairs in the synagogues, and salutations in the market-place, and to be called by men. Rabbi. But be not you called Rabbi, &o. Matt., 23 ch., 5-8 ver. Vide etiam, Mark, 12 ch., Luke, 11 and 12 ch. (c) Lege Prov., 5, 6, 7 ch.. Matt., 19 ch., Mark, 10 ch., et al. loc. sac. scrip. m '4 m •i 1 if r T8 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETV8. Nor from the line of pure enjoyment stray ; — But foul desires drive from thy breast away. (a) Yet be not prompt to censure those who err, And wander from the moral goal afar ; Unkind remarks on their career forego, Nor prone be thou thy fairer deeds to show. Do not betray severity undue, Nor thine own acts display to public view : From thy whole soul th' ignoble part disclaim ; — Be purity and moral law thine aim. {a) He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Then Jesus lifting up himself, said to her : Woman, where are they that accused thee ? Hath no man condemned thee ? Who said : No man, Lord. And Jesus said : Neither will I con- demn thee. Go, and now sin no more. St. John, 8 ch., 7, 10 ▼er. t!TU8. rr, him first cast & Womapii, where ondemned thee? either will I con- ohn, 8 ch., 7, 10 TM£ ENCBIRIDION OP EPICTETC8, W SECTION 25, CONTAINING THE FORTY-EIOHTH AND FORTY-NINTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. Should any man censure your acts, and hold them up as unjustifiable and unworthy ; take care that your internal tran- quillity be not thereby disturbed ; and enter not into an expo- sition of your motives ; remain calm and unmoved ; and hold- ing converse with your own mind, deduce from the apparent evil some real and substantial comfort, from the soothing reflection that your other faults, and perhaps real defects, were concealed from the view of this vile and malicious censor. For, had he known these, his vicious temper would have gladly seized the opportunity of holding them forth, in like manner, and exhibiting them before the world. Be happy, therefore, that you have so far escaped his censorious eye, and malicious tongue. You should avoid appearing too often at theatrical exhibitions ; but, when you chance to be present at any one of these, take heed that you suffer not your mind and feelings to become engaged in, and carried away with, the mimic scene : be pleased with what is represented before you, but, take not an interest in the piece, nor express approbation of it by external gestic- ulations, and loudly ringing plaudits. And when you return from these scenic trifles, do not again renew them by expa- tiating upon their merits or demerits : think of them no more. 1 1 1 '( ^ ^*L if l"1 •i^; wMM^Jha^^'— --'•' 60 THE ENCniRIDION OF EPICTETUS. for they are but vain and useless baubles that give a passing pleasure to the mind, but leave no substantial or real good behind them. XLVIII. (a) Hath some ungenerous man thine acts malign'd ?— Ah, let not that disturb thy tranquil mind : Nor let vile censure rouse thee to explain Thy motives ; — still unmoved and calm remain ; But thus commune with thine own soul within, And soothing ease from seeming evil win : — " My other faults to him must be unknown. Else he would not have published these alone^ Since having thus display'd his malice here From greater censure he would not forbear ; More had he known, 'twere given to the light, — Thrice happy then to 'scape his noxious sight." XLIX. (V) Let not the tragic muse too oft invite Thy foott?tep8 — pass not each succeeding night fp (a) The learning of a man is known by patience : and hie glory is to pass over wrongs. Pro v., 19 oh., 11 ver. Let all bitterness and anger, and indignation and clainour, and blas- phemy be put away from you, with all malice, And be ye kind to one another, merciful, forgiving one another, even as God hath forgiven you in Christ. Ephes., 4 ch., .31, 32 ver. Lege etiam, Rom., 12 ch., et 1 Pet,, 2 ch. (J)) Lege Ecclesiastes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ch, THE ENCmniDION OF EPICTETUS. In viewing intent the vain dramatic show. Yet, thither if at intervals thou go, Take heed thou dost not too much zeal display ; Nor glide thy heart into the mimic fray. Be simply pleased, whatever may arise ; Let not thy plaudits rend the echoing skies ; Nor speak of this as faulty, that as true, Thus bringing forth the worthless sceiies to view, And shewing thereby a weak, unseemly zeal For scenic trilles, faithless and unreal ; Which for a moment pleuse the yielding mind, But leave no vestige of real good behind. 81 1 1 st and his Let all Qd blaS" ye kiD.d as God '. Lege ■t f->>,^ 82 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. o SECTION 26, CONTAINING TIIL FIFTIFTH AND FIFTY-FIRST CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. -I 'it .1 I It behoves us to "be always cautious in the selection of our associates : for there are some persons whose company we should be ever careful to avoic^ and whom we should never cease to regard with a jealous eye. But, should accident lead us into the society of even such persons, it would be our duty, as prescribed by the dictates of wisdcm, to demean ourselves with a modest complacency, and to exhibit a courteous beren.P • avoid^g every symptom of dissatisfaction, and Buppressing evefy feeling of hostility and disapprobation. When we discourse on matters of high import with men who are high in power and in fame, we should be careful to adopt a suitable train of thought and of expression ; our sen- timents should be well ordered, and adapted to the strictest rules of reason ; and our whole carriage should be such as the wis^et philosophy might approve. In such cases, our obser- vations should be governed by the precepts of the best phil- 080j)hers ; Socrates and Zeno, the wisest and best men whom the world has ever seen, should be present in our minds ; and the conduct of these great ornaments of the human race, sup- posing them i)lacedin the same circumstances with us, should be called up before our vision, and be the object of our imi- tf'itlon. 4 of our ny we never nt lead 11 duty, irselves )urteou8 m, and ion. th men ireful to )ur sen- itrictest 1 as the obser- st pUil- n wliom LS ; and |ce, sup- ,, should (ur imi- THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. 83 (a) Some are whoso presence thou should'st ever fly, Who must be view'd with keen suspicious eye : Be watchful, then ; yet, should'st thou ever stray Within their sphere, a wise resolve display — (h) Thy bearing modest ; placid be thy mien ; Thy manners mild, calm, gentle, and serene : Let nought in thee uncourteousness betray ; Nor hostile feeling launch in open day. LI. Whene'er thy converse runs on tliemes of State With men from power and high renown elate, \c) Be all thy soul to wisdom's voice awake ; — Attend, mark well, this useful counsel take, — •)• Think thou what Socrates, what Zeno too. If here engaged, would be most like to do ; (rt) My son, if sinners shall entice thee, consen;; not tu them. If they shall say : Come with us, let us lie in wtit for blood, let us hide snares for the innocent without cause : Let ua swallow him up alive like hell, and whole as one that goeth down into the pit. We shall find all precious substance. We shall fill our houses with spoil. Cast in thy lot with us ; let us all have one purse. My son, walk not thou with them, restrain thy foot from their paths. Prov., 1 ch , 10-15 ver. (h) Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the land. Matt., 5 ch., 4 ver. But the meek shall inherit the land, and shall delight in abundance cf peace. Psal. JJO, 11 ver, (c) Lege Pi v., 8 ch. •\ See note M, m fj ill; m ! ( »'1«1 m "■iilirii I Hji aBwWP«M»»eB«wBi^'iiBr-ni i \i I 84 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS, Thus act thyself, and ever bear in mind Those lights transcendant of the human kind ; So shalt thou sldne in all thy walks with men, And Truth and Honour fill thy breast within. ^ 11 Idi THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8. 85 SECTION 27, CONTAINING THE FIFTY-SECOND AND FIFT /-THIRD CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. In approaching the presence of greatmen, our first consider- ation should be, how far we were likely to succeed in the object of our visit : and we should prepare ourselves tor disappointment and annoyance, arising from varicr.s circum- stances ; such as, — the parties whom we seek being absent, or engaged in some important business, or not in f» mood to see us ; the insolence of menials ; the violence of enemies ; the jealousy of rivals, etc. It is always well that considerations like these should cccupy our minds on such occasions ; because, then, our hearts not being sanguine of success, would be in a condition to receive without pain any disappointment, annoy- ance, or vexation which might arise. And if the object of our desires be withheld from us, we should, nevertheless, return to our homes with equanimity and a cheerful countenance ; reflecting that none save a fool will allow any circumstance of disappointment or miscan-iage to interfere with the peace of his mind, or to affect his internal serenity. The disciple of wisdom will not allow himself to be either elevated or cast down in consequence of av.j change which external things may assume, knowing that his equanimity depends not upon them, and that the fitful positions they may take, and the various alterations they may undergo, cannot affect his happiness. We should always forbear, in social circles, to recoant our own exploits. The deeds which we performed, the valour 4', 'V \ "A' 511 ■MaBOMBBBWBM * f. > 86 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. which we exhibited, the dangers which we cnfoiiiitered and escaped, and the power and ad(h'CRs wliich we displayed, may be subjects fraught with higliest pleasure to our own minds, but tliey are dull and unentertainiug, heavy and insipid, dark and cheerless to all others. LH. When to a great man's house tliou dost repair, Reflect what may obstruct thy footsteps there : Thus to thyself — "he may not be at home ; Or to my presence may refuse to come." Perchance, on some domestic cares intent. Retired ho sits deep in his closet pent. May not his servants, bustling evermore. And vex'd, slap in thy face the sounding door. Still, knowing this, thou may'st be yet inclined To visit there ; — prepared then be thy mind ; Whate'er befalls thee, be thou still content, Nor on success let thy whole soul be bent ; Return not grumbling at thy ill success, Nor wish thy disappointment had been less : 'Tis fools alone who take disasters so, Who ne'er have learned external things to know ; (a) Nought makes the wise or downcast or elate, Knowing how to fix on things their proper rate. {a) Whatsoever shall befall the just man, it shall not make him sad : but the wicked shall be filled with mischief. Pro v., 12 oh., 21 ver. THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. LIII. (rt) Forbear in social circles to narrate Thy various deeds, though noble, brilliant, great ; The dangerous part thy dauntless valour bore ; Tliy perils past ; — recount these things no more : Tho' these may give tliy raptur'd soul delight, Self-mirrored things at distance peering bright ; Yet, others ne'er can gather joy from these ; — For them they own not tlie least power to please. 8? (a) Where pride is, there also shall be reproach : but where humility is, there also is wisdom. Prov., 11 ch., 2 ver. make I Prov,, ii %>m ■'if i . n V KJ 1 t ;,1 ! i MHMMP 88 TEE ENCHIRIDION OF'EPICTETUS. SECTION 28, CONTAINING THE FIFTY-FOURTH, FIFTY-FIFTH, AND FIFTY-SIXTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. To indulge in jokes betraj^s a low and vulgar mind ; and those who addict themselves to this rude and ill-bred practice can never be entitled to esteem or respect. Tlie language of obscenity should be scouted hy every man who regards the decencies and proprieties of social life ; and the man who indulges in lewd and licentious conversation ought to be made to feel the full force of indignant rebuke. The society of such a man should be always avoided ; while disapprobation of his filthy discourse should be the leading principle of every manly breast : the impurity dribbling from the putrid lips of such a wretch should be regarded with instantaneous abhorrence ; and condemnation of his foul expressions should appear in every face. When a vision of attractive but forbidden aspect presents itself suddenly to the mind, and the heart begins to grow interested in the flattering image thus evolved ; — oh, how necessary then to be guarded against the vain and gaudy allurement ; how proper then to place a faithful sentinel upon every avenue of the heart ; to summon reason to our aid, and to hearken to the salutary admonitions of her melodious voice. Having thus, on trying occasions of temptation like this, given a respite to our agitated feelings ; and being restored to THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. 89 comparative composure and ease ; we ought to reflect upon the image before us, phacing it in various points of view, with the design of adopting such a courso of action as may be most conducive to our liappincss. LIV. (rt) Be ne'er tliy aim loud kiughter to provo\o By sending round the never-ceasing joke ; For such bespeaks a man ill-bred and rude, And makes thee glide into the vulgar mood ; Thy noble l)earing thus must soon decay, Aud true regard for thee be swept away. ''f. M\ ,'i*-! ri LV. From words obscene great danger doth arise ; For converse foul the passions' flame supplies. Mark, then, the man whose language is impure. Whose tongue to scenes licentious would allure ; Check thou the current of his lewd discourse, And bid him feel thy stern rebuke's full force ; Or, merged in gloomy silence, bid him trace Disapprobation in thy reddening face ; Put on a scowl, and let thy brow display The sour regard that spurns the wretch away. I .JP: (a) Hast thou seen a man hasty to speak ? folly is rather to be looked for than his amendmert. Prov., 29 ch., 20 ver. r. \A\ mmmmm *< 90 TITE ENCniRIDION OF EPICTETUS. LVI. {a) Should visioMH of for])i(lden jdcasure float Before thee, and thy bosom fondly dote Upon Koine flattering image ; then beware Of gliding softly into Pleasure's snare : Keep thou a faithf id watch upon thy heart, And to thyself a short respite impart. To W(>igh the matter: and, meantime, contrast The various feelings springing in thy breast ;— The passing sweets, which from enjoyment springs. And the deep anguish which repentance brings. To this vex'd view the happy state oppose Where purest bliss from self- obstruction flows, Where Virtue doth the Passions' force subdue :— (J)) What transports of true happiness ensue! (c) But glittering looks the image to thine eye ; — How canst thou pass the proffered pleasure by ! — Such sweet attraction in the object lies ! — Ah, mark the false, the dangerous disguise. {a) But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not so much as be named among you, as becometh saints : or obscenity, or foolish talking, or scurrility, which is to no pur- pose : but rather giving- of thanks. Eph., 5 oh., 4 ver. Lege etiam, Colos., 3 ch., 5-8 ver. (V) The desire that is accomplished, delighteththe soul : fools hate them that flee from evil things. Pro v., 13 ch., 19 ver. (c) Lege Prov., 7 ch. THE ENCniRIDION OF EPICTETUS, How sweet the applauding accents conscience yields, How pure the joy the tranquil bosom feels, AVhen conquest crowns the clforts of the soul, (ff) And Passion bends to Virtue's wise control. 91 («) Then Jesus said to his disciples : If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. Matt., 10 ch., 24 ver. '■•) 1^1 ' Ml' t III 3, m Ik: ^, .^^v^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 11.25 |50 "^^ 1^ Uii 125 ■ 2.2 :^ 1^ 12.0 i U IIIIII.6 V] 7# '■z Photographic Sdaices Corporation 13 V>;;ST MAIN STRUT WMSTIR.AJ.Y. 14SI0 (716) •73-4503 V iV 4 ^^ o ;\ .^l"*^ «^7 ■ --.es;u.c;:;~::Lr^^. And au our efforts to one end oolvdl' '"'■ ""P"^"' -^^ enlarge the mind. ■ 101 («) Therefore I gav f^ ^« v. what you shall eat, nor forC' t^* ^^"*«« ^«' ^o^r life, IB not the life mor; than tLTeai" ^"^^ T^* ^'" '"^^^^ P«* «° raiment. Matt., 6 ch., 25 ver Wk *^*^^-ore than the 4 ch., et al. loo. ' ""' ^""^^ ^*^»°»» I^^ke, 12 ch., Philip, (*) To attend to the ^fm^^i • x inculcated throngk„„, tl^X'et/r^' *"' ^°"' '» "»' «->y even their whole end andX ""'■*'' '^"*'"°^^' "»» '» 102 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. LXIV. (a) When Slander's poisonM tongue aHsailH thj' name- (Oh Slander, prone to injure honest fame I) When envious man, by grovelling passion rack'd, Brings wrong to thee in language or in act ; ^ Remember then, (nor tremble for the right,) He speaks, he acts as seems to him aright : His is the fault, not thine, if truth appears Resounding falsehood in his faithless ears ; And failing thus Truth's spotless form to see. He wrongs himself instead of wronging thee : While that proud form, however misconceived Unhurt remains by him who was deceived. Encouraged thus, be all thy bearing mild, Thy converse bland, tho' e'er so much revil'd ; Truth-shadowing errors Wisdom's votary rues. — Blame not the man, but his mistaken views. LXV. From every object, mark ! two handles rise Man gladly touches one, from one he flies. To every thing this double stem belongs. — Who does not tremble at l. brother's wrongs ? (a) For this is thanks- worthy, if for conscience towards God, a man endure sorrows, sufEering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if committing sin and being buffeted for it you endure ? But if doing well you suffer patiently ; this is thanks- worthy before God. I Pet., 2 ch., 19, 20 ver. Lege etiam, Matt., 6 ch. "tDE ENCntRlDION OF MPICTETU8. 103 iBut who, remembering Nature's kindred flow, Feels not his heart with Nature's impulse glow ? («) Forgives not wrongs upon his pathway thrown, Reflecting these had from a brother flown ? t! 104 TMB ENCBIRIDION OF EPICTETVS. SECTION 32, Containing the sixty-sixth, sixty-seventh, and sixty-eighth chapters. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. He who says that he is better than his fellow -man, merely because he is richer or more eloquent, gives expression to two dissonant ideas. Between Wealth and Worth, Eloquence and Merit there exists no necessary accord. — ^Worth is not wealth, nor is it eloquence. Our expressions should square exactly with the ideas which are intended to be conveyed. Thus, it would be wrong to say of a man who was gm'cA;/y washed, that he was hadly washed : or, of a man who drank a good deal of wine, that he drank excessively. Throughout all the various circumstances of life, we should be precise in the use of expressions : and before coming to any conclusion as to what is or what is not the fact, we ought to receive the rational opinions of other men, and approve them in our own minds. We should never assume the name and character of wise men ; nor speak to plain, uninstructed people about rules and precepts of philosophy : for instance, when at a feast, we should not talk as to how it behoveth people to eat and drink ; enough [that we do as it seems best to ourselves in these matters. The celebrated Grecian philosopher, Socrates, was remarkable for his modesty and unpretending deportment fBE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8. 105 in this respect. He always condemned even the slightest appeari^nce of display. On one occasion, when some persons came to him for the purpose of placing themselves in the rank of philosophers under him, he refused complying with their desire, and sent them away, alleging that he was not qualified to instruct them. So great was his modesty. LXVI. (a) From words like these what concord can arise ? Being richer, then I'm better and more wise Than is my fellow-man ; and better still. Because ray words swell tuneful at my will. Ah, thoughts inapt ; my wealth apace may gi'Ow, And words symphonious from my lips may flow ; But eloquence and worth are not the same ; Nor wealth and worth pass for a mutual name. Tho' power of words or riches' store be mine. Still greater worth and virtue may be thine. While mundane gifts may shine in mortal eyes, 'Tis innate worth that lifts us to the skies. ■s tl Iwise and we Ink; ese kas ient LXVII. In use of words we must due care observe, Nor let one term for another serve : This quickly laves his limbs ; — apt adjunct try : — Qukk is the term, not had thou must apply, (a) A good name is better than great riches : and good favour is above silver and gold. Prov., 22 oh., 1 ver. Vide Prov., et Eccles. passimc I! 106 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. Tho' quick the act, an inference from hence That quick is had, reproaches common sense. Lo ! this drinks freely of the vintage juice, Yet, may not be excessive in its use. MtJbch and recessive various ideas claim, Two words distinct, and meaning not the same. Unweigh'd remarks, ah, be it thine to shun. Nor lightly into vague conclusions run ; To Reason's voice attentive turn the ear, Her righteous words and -calm deductions hear ; Ah, let her words of grace tliy thoughts control, And all her accents harbour in thy soul. LXVIII. (a) Boast not thy wisdom ; make no vain displays To win esteem, or gain untutor'd praise ; Be mild of speech, with caution e'er refrain From precepts of Philosophy's domain : Shew not at festive boards (a cheerless treat) The rules by which 'tis wise to drink, to eat : Be thine own feasting to these rules confin'd. Else let thy precepts slumber in thy mind. (a) A cautious man concealeth knowledge : and the heart of fools publisheth folly. Prov., 12 oh., 23 ver. The lips of the un- wise will be telling foolish things : but the words of the wise shall be weighed in a balance. The heart of fools is in their mouth : and the mouth of wise m^n is in their heart. Eoclesi- asticus, 21 ch., 28, 29 ver. I* ^ TBE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. 107 {a) Let modest mien illume thy learning's page :— Ah, mark this virtue in th' Athenian sage ; Who sent these men away (for so 'tis sung) Who came to gather wisdom from his tongue.— t His humble gai^. his modest self-control, Bespoke the virtue reigning in his soul. {a) The wisdom of the humble shall exalt his head, and shall make him sit in the midst of great men. Ecclesiasticus, 11 ch., 1 ver. t Note P. ; ■■III 1 1S| ll; \M I i If* 108 THE EKCniRIDWN OF EPICTETUS. SECTION 33, CONTAINING THE SIXTY-NINTH AND SEVENTIETH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. When we happen to be present at the conversations of men, we should not offer any opinions upon the subject under dis- cussion ; our study should be to observe strict silence. It is always unsafe to express opinions upon any subject with- out previous and mature consideration. And should we on account of such silence, be deemed ignorant, and thereupon be openly insulted, our patient endurance and disregard of the insult thus offered would be the best evidence of our triumph. In our works must be seen the soundness and wisdom of our principles. We should never make a public display of our virtues. Whether we bound our desires by our corporeal necessities ; whether we labour and toil ; or whether we impose upon our- selves the practice of self-denial : no matter what course of action, dictated by wisdom and virtue, we may deem it proper to pursue, we should always proceed from a sense of the jus- tice and propriety of such a mode of action ; and not with a view of holding ourselves forth to public admiration. LXIX. (a) When grovelling minds discourse some topic o'er. Speak loud their views, and urge them more and more ; (a) He that keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his Boul from distress. Prov., 21 ch., 23 ver. TUE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. 109 Be silent thou ; let not thy tongue engage To pour out thoughts upon the theme they wage : Unweigh'd opinions in the mind may rise ; Express them not, for there the danger lies. And should they say thou hast a clouded brain, (rt) That dullness caus'd thy taciturn vein ; Be calm, unmoved, nor at this taunt repine. And Wisdom shall pronounce the triumph thine. When bleating herds, by careful shepherds led, At eve forsake the plains on which they fed ; Their milk- distended teats and fleecy store Shew how they brows'd : so 'tis with human lore ; The mind's slow process we but search in vain, — How the small parts commingle on the brain ; When, — how, — arranged, and planned, the ideal throng ; What springs are worked to make them move along : 'Tis from external signs alone we win A knowledge of the work that glows within. Weigh while sheep browse, their food ; — ah, 'twould defy The keenest glance of searching pastoral eye. (6) Well -cultured minds, like herds of pastoral care, Are known alone by the rich fruits they bear. (fl) The just shall never be moved ; but the wicked shall not dwell on the eaith. Prov., 10 ch., 30 ver. (h) A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits 70U shall know them. Matt., 7 ch., 18-20 ver. ?!' w ;.ll r.i y. 110 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS, Hence seek not thou with learning's pomp to blaze In mood attractive to the plebeian's gaze ; But let the wealth wherewith thy mind's inlaid In goodly works of Wisdom be displayed. LXX. If fiugal care thy mode of life inspire, And corporal need should limit each desire ; Let no vain phantoms on thy vision roll ; — (a) Boast not the plan \vith swelling pride of soul. Thy beverage may be water from the spring, But wish not this in wondering ears should ring, f In Labour's empire range thy feelings free ? Ask not that gazing crowds thy toil should see ; Let no vain passion rule within thy breast ; — Let not the public statues be caressed. Dispel vain-glorious, base, ignoble cares. The low ambition bred in public squares. If self-denial be thy plan of life, Be not thy words with self -laudation rife. To thy parch'd lips the cooling draught refuse. But blaze it not abroad as public news. (a) And all their works they do for to be seen of men, &c, Matt., 23 oh., 50 ver. f See note 2, THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. Ill &c, SECTION 34, CONTAINING THE SEVENTY-FIRST AND SEVENTY-SECOND CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. The fool looks abroad for happiness ; but, the wise man seeks it at home. The former reposes all his trust in external things ; while the latter has no hope but in himself. Mark the character of a wise man : — he is never ready to offer praise or blame ; he does not exhibit himself as a being superior to his fellows : if praise be bestowed upon him, he laughs secretly at his panegyrist, and he never defends himself against the censures of those who revile him. He moves on thro' life with the utmost caution, guarding himself from those ills which lie in his path, and which it is in his power to avoid, but never concerning himself with any of those things, whether good or evil, which it is not within his pro- vince either to have or to avoid. He restrains all his desires, and imposes upon himself the strictest self-denial, repressing hi3 excitement with regard to all things, and viewing all the events of life with a calm indifference. In short, he looks upon himself as his greatest enemy, and most perfidious traitor. LXXI. (a) How great the space that parts the sage and fool, — - The Sphere of Folly and fair Wisdom's school | (a) Vide Prov. passim, IK 1^ ' r Ifk. '1 'ill ti 112 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8. A moment pause their characters to rate, And mark their nature, and opposing state : The one (behold thou Folly's ways in this) In extern aid reposes all her bliss, And, senseless ! — deems the happiness or woe That waits her here, from other hands must flow ; While Wisdom sees, with bright translucent eye, Man's joys or griefs in his own bosom lie ; Nor wakes a smile, nor flows a burning tear, Evok'd by power of things beyond her sphere. LXXII. (a) Who walks in Wisdom's salutary ways. Of sapient worth unerring proofs displays ; — His course unchang'd, his manners e'er the same ; His lips refuse tu utter praise or blame ; He censures none ; on none bestows applause ; »Nor to himself admiring wonder draws ; He lifts him not above his fellow -man ; Unblamed, unblaming, follows Nature's plan. He spurns alike the praises men bestow, And gall's black streams from envious hearts that flow. (a) But the fruit of the spirit, charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, longanimity, mildness, faith, modesty continency, chastity : against such there is no law. And they, that are Christ's have crucified their flesh, with the vices and concupiscences. If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit. Let us not be made desirous of vain-glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Gal., 6 oh., 22-26 ver. THE ENCHIRIDION OF EP1CTETU8. As cautious men a circling route will seek, Whose tottering limbs, from late contusion weak, "With pain may move ; they pause the steps between, And turn aside from bars that intervene ; They view the ground along the left and right, And stay each movement in the will's despite. Tho' Joy's bright train are blazing in the view. And shifting scenes of pleasure ever new, Invite the headlong pace to urge along, ^ They move slow still, nor heed the siren's song. With devious route they keep the safest line. Till the lux'd joints in healthy state combine. (a) Thus Wisdom's son the voice of censure views ; Guards every step, and all his strength renews ; On Life's rude path meets each opposing trial (6) With mild submission bas'd on self-denial ; Checks every wish, restrains each fond desire, And glows and burns with Wisdom's sacred fire, (c) He spurns those things, as foreign to him here, Which stand beyond the limits of his sphere. 113 > If ' ill (a) Where pride is there also shall be reproach : but where humility is, there also is wisdom. The simplicity of the just shall guide them: and the deceitfulness of the wicked shall destroy them. Prov., 11 eh., 2, 3 ver. (&) Then Jesus said to his disciples : If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and fol- low me. Matt., 16 eh., 24 ver. (c) Strive not in a matter which doth not concern thee, and sit not in judgment with sinners. Ecclesiasticus, 11 ch., 9 ver. 114 TBS ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETVS. Call him uncouth, untrained in Learning's school, A moping idiot, or a drivelling fool ; He heeds you not ; deep-fix'd within his soul, And true to virtue, reigns his self-control. f Himself, in fine, he views with keenest eye ) (a) In self he doth the chief est knave descry ; Here is the traitor, and the knave accurst ; A foe, the darkest, fiercest, d eadliest, worst. (fl) The just is first accuser of himself : his friend comethj and shall search him. Prov., 18 ch., 17 ver. But I chastise my body, and bring it into subjection : lest perhaps, when I have preached to others, I myself should become a castaway. 1 Corin., 9 ch., 27 ver. f See note R. ir^^ JSNCniRIDtON OP SnCTETUS. 116 SECTION 35, CONTAINING THE SEVENTY-THIRD AND SEVENTY -FOURTH CHAPTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. It is idle for men to boast of their knowledge and learning . since, whatever may be the extent of the one, or the depth of the other, they can acquire no advantage therefi'om, unless they understand and practice the precepts of wisdom. What doth it avail a man, to say that he can inteipret and explain the writings of Divines and Philosophers, if, at the same time, the practices of his life be opposed to the doctrines which they promulgate, and the duties tliey enjoin ? To become acquainted with the virtues in practice, is the first duty of men ; to shew them in fact is their greatest and highest honour. We should abide in the precepts of wisdom which we have received ; observing them as sacred laws, and cherishing them with a pure and religious devotion. LXXIII. Lo I this weak man, with vanity elate, Applauds himself, and deems his learning great ; (a) Vaunts his deep knowledge, and extols his wit. Since he can read the works Chrysippus writ ; (a) Beoanse that, when they knew God, they have not glori- fied him as God, or given thanks : but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was darkened. For profess- ing themselves to be wise they became fools. Rom., 1 ch., 21, 22 ver. iu 116 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETV8, Expound the meaning of each page he reads : — Ah, he in use of words alone succeeds. Hod dark Chrysippus penned a simpler strain, And his stem page displayed a clearer vein ; What then, vain man I of thy insensate boast ? — Thou mere expositor of words at most. Ah, whither bends my soul in life's short span? — (a) To learn fair Nature, and abide her plan : For this I sigh, 'tis all I wish to know, Since this alone can serve us here below. I seek her then ; and only turn aside, To ask some safe, some truth-instructed guide To point the way. — Lo ! comes the learned sage : But, ah, too dark for me his lettered page. Some word -versed man must now his aid afford ; Expound each page, and con o'er every word : Unfold the riches of the Truth divine That lie concealed beneath the abstruse So far no praise of learning can be mine. But, when from use I once have learned to trace Thro' all the work Truth's lineaments of grace. •J " — • ise line ; — ? line. } (a) What needeth a man to seek things that are above him, whereas he knoweth not what is profitable lor him in his life, in all the days of his pilgrimage, and the time that passeth like a shadow 1 Or who can tell him what shall be after him under the sun 1 Ecclesiasticus, 7 ch., 1 ver. For we brought nothing into this world : and certainly we can carry nothing out. I Tim., 6 ch., 7 ver. Vide etiam Job, 1 ch., 21 ver., et Ecclesiasticus, 6 ch., 14 ver. THE ENCniRlDlON OF EPICTETUS. 117 him, life, 3seth him ught hing r., et Some Merit's mine ; but, ah, to boast were vain ;^ A mere grammarian still I must remain. E'en in that sphere my light but feebly shines ; Nor can it reach the depth of Homer's lines. Ungained is still the sanctuary divine. And breathing raptures of the sacred shrine. And mark again, what blushing shame is mine, When, as I read the Truth-entwining line. While I unfold the lofty strains with ease, (a) My life flows not in consonance with these. * • • • • • t LXXIV. Those precepts which to thee are offered here, With care observe, and reverential fear : — 'Tis Nature's voice impels thee to her cause, And bids thee hold by Wisdom's sacred laws. And tho' the voice of Envy should defame Thy peaceful life, and reprobate thy name ; Whence comes the sound bend not a flashing eye, (6) But rapt to Wisdom, pass unheeding by. (a) And this I pray, that your charity may more and more abound in knowledge and in all understanding : that you may approve the better things, that you may be sincere and with- out oflEence unto the day of Christy filled with the fruit of jus- tice through JcRns Christ, unto the glory and praise of God. Philip., I ch., 9-11 ver. Wherefore thou art inexcusable, man, whosoever thou art that judgest. For wherein thou judgest another, thou con- demnest thyself. For thou dost the same things which thou judgest. Rom., 2 ch., 1 ver. {h) Vide Prov. passim. I' ! .■ruji V- >tl 1X8 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETVS. SECTION 36, CONTAININQ THE SEVENTr-FIFTH CHAPTER. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. It is high time that we apply ourselves to the practice of those lessons and rules of wisdom which have been laid down for our instruction and improvement. We should not defer for one moment the enjoyment of that perfection, and of the accompanying blessings which the practice of the precepts of wisdom produces. We cannot be wise too soon : and having already had the acquaintance and knowledge of those omnipotent truths which the Spirit of Reason and Philsophy hath unfolded to our view, we ought not to procrastinate the improvement and perfection induced by the faithful exercise of the duties involved in such truths. Our chief desire should be the attainment of the highest point of human perfection : and, no matter how great the labour, how disagreeable the obstructions, and how painful the struggle, we should still press on, until we arrive at the summit of improvement. Thus had Socrates attained the first place in the ranks of Philosophy : — he persevered in>-his course in despite of every obstacle, steering by no other light than that of Reason, till, arriving at the uppermost point in the walk of Wisdom, he was crowned with perfection. LXXV. Say. why defer to periods undefined The work that strengthens, elevates the mind ? THE ENCHIRIDION OF EFICTETVS, 119 Ah, why put ofiF to shadowy future time ^ The practice of ennobling truths sublime : Those glorious precepts, heavenward-moving band ! To which advancing Wisdom waves the hand. Long are those truths familiar to thine ear ; Long hast thou learnt how safe by them to steer : 'Tis folly then improvement's work to stay, To sink the mind by indolent delay ; To wrap the soul in deep encumbering night, Uncheer'd, unblest by Wisdom's genial light. Oh, say, thou dost a rayless path pursue But for a time ; that soon upon thy view Shall burst a guiding light ; and then the soul Moves on resplendent to the trophied goal ; Ah, vain, one instant to retard the boon ; The life-fraught breath can't be inhaled too soon. Nor is too green thy youth to hail the rays That genial flow from Wisdom's solar blaze. Indulge not then this indolent repose Thro' liie's fast-ebbing tide, till life's sad close ; Let not delay rule each succeeding hour. — Procrastination blasts fair Virtue's flower. Why tarry still with ever-changing plan, (a) Nor make thyself at once a perfect man ? (h) The mind where blooms not Virtue's plant deep-sown Must lie concealed, unhonoured, and unknown ; (a) Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father i« perfect. Matt., 5 ch., 48 ver. (h) Vide Sac. Scrip. pafesJm. 1H HI n m 'f| .#§ (hJ 1 V.' ^ ■ in Sm 120 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. Shall, living, pass thro' one unbroken night, Uncheered, unblest by Wisdom's grateful light ; And, dying, sink forgotten to the grave, Unknown to Virtue, Sloth's unpitied slave. Awake, arise, and urge the task amain ; Let virtuous zeal within thy bosom reign : Be all thy aim to pass each barrier thro' ; And gain, with ardour burning ever new, The highest point that meets th' enraptur'd view ; Where Wisdom crowned in all her glory shines. Beyond opposing toil's remotest lines. 'Tis now the field in desperate conflict burns ; What thought from glorious triumph backwards turns Shall be a coward, since Victory's wreath may fade By one defection in the onset made. Thus firm had stood the great Athenian sage, The pattern, pride, and glory of his age : With Reason's light, his sole directing star. He gained the top of Wisdom's mount afar ; The goddess smiled, and fondly stooping low, Arranged her fairest chaplet on his brow. True, thou art not a Socrates, yet, still, With thee should reign the ever urgent will To pace the pathway travel'd by the sage, — Thy hope in youth, and solace in old age. THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. 121 SECTION 37, CONTAINING THE SEVENTY-SIXTH CHAPTER, ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. The science of philosophy is divided into three parts : — tlie utility and importance of the principles established ; the proofs or demonstrations by which these are sustained ; and the organization or arrangement of the various parts which constitute such proofs and demonstrations. The most essen- tial part of this division, and that to which our attention should be especially directed, is the utility and importance of the principles ; because it is on the knowledge and practice of these our present and future felicity depends. But, yet, what perversity marks our career I We devote almost all our attention to the last-mentioned part, that is, the technical arrangement of the constituent points of proofs and argu- ments ; while with a reckless indifference we pass the others by. Thus it happens that, while we are ever ready with technical arguments to prove the impropriety of speaking falsehoodp, our tongues never cease to usher forth misre- presentations and lies. The first thing we should learn, is not to lie : to prove that it behoveth us not to lie, is a mere auxiliary branch of knowledge. LXXVI. Three leading points to Wisdom appertain. And lie within Philosophy's domain : The first and best of these for us to know, Js that from which her healthful precepts flow, :l J ;i: 122 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. Those principles or first-established facts, Which rule, prescribe, and govern all our acts. And such is this which teaches us in sooth (a) Ne'er from the lips to usher forth untruth. The second point instructs the reason why We do amiss whene'er we shape a lie : Proofs, demonstrations fill this second place, And crown each principle with reasoning grace. The third is that within whose circling span Repose the parts embrac'd in Reason's plan ; Which tells what is by various terms meant ; — What means a Series, what an Argument: By this the meaning of each phrase we find ; How these words — Truth, and Falsehood, are defin'd. Thus, when in search of Wisdom we engage, Our labours all lie on the triple stage. The first-named point our greatest care demands ; To this the second next in order stands ; The other then. Ah, senseless man and blind ! To change the order Reason hath assigned, And give the last an undivided mind. («) Wherefore putting away lying, speak ye the truth every man with his neighbour : for we are members one of another. Ephes., 4 ch., 25 ver. These then are the things, which you shall do : speak ye truth every one to his neighbour : judge ye truth and judg- ment of peace in your gates. And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his friend : and love not a false oath : for all these are the things t}iat I hate, saith the Lord, Zach^.* rias, 8 ch., 16, 17 ver, THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. (a) Thus, whUe we pass life-breathing precepts o'er, We boast our knowledge in polemick lore ; With learned skill, and reasoning art profound, Prove all the ills that circle falsehood round : Yet all our acts, in reasoning powers despite, Shrink from the touch, and blush before the liglit : Fly Reasons's path, the ways of Truth defy (h) And point at life as one emblazoned lie. !1 ! (a) Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven : but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matt., 7 ch., 21 ver. For not the hearers of the law are just before God : but the doers of the law shall be justified. Rom., 2 ch., 13 ver.1 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. James, 1 ch., 22 ver. (h) They mock the doctrines which their pride advocates. Read St. Paul to the Romans, 2nd chapter. M i J 124 THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETU8, SECTION 38, CONTAINING THE SEV-ENTY-SEVENTH, SEVENTY-EIGHTH, AND SEVENTY-NINTH CHArTERS. ANALYTICAL ILLUSTRATION. The only conclusion at which we can arrive, upon a due consideration of the various circumstances, the lights and shadows, the joys and hopes, the pleasures and woes, the object and end of life, is that whatever positions we may be placed in, and whatever allotments Heaven may assign us, are the best and safest for us ; wherefore, we ought always cheerfully to submit to its decrees. He' who yields willing and decorous obedience to the will of Providence, is wise amongst us ; and the sense and knowledge of Divine things exists within him. Even as Socrates had felt, so should we feel ; — at the moment he was condemned to death by his false accusers, he gave utterance to the ever-memorable exclama- tion : — " True, my enemies may deprive me of life ; but it is not within their power to injure me." LXXVII. (a) Oh, be it mine with gladsome pace to stray Along the path where Fate shall mark the way. {a) Have confidence in the Lord with all thy heart, and lean J jtt apon thy own prudence. In all thy ways think on him, IS THE ENCHIRIDION OF EPICTETUS. 125 t)o thou, Jove ! my fearless steps invite, — When gods direct, who shall not move aright ; And tho' my ardour should expiring be. Still but command and I shall follow thee. LXXVIII. Who walks unmoved thro' life's e'er-changing state, And cheerful yields to the decrees of Fate, May scorn those ills which human kind betide. And lean on Wisdom smiling at his side ; May cherish here peace, happiness and love, And sweet regards from tliose in Heaven above. LXXIX. Thus dear wert thou, Sage, divinely wise ! To gods eternal reigning in the skies. At that dread moment, breath -destroying hour I When thou wert doonied by base tyrannic power. Within thy breast Heaven's inspiration woke ; — Thus from thy lips the godlike accents broke, — and he will direct thy steps. Be not wise in thy own conceit : fear God, and depart from evil. Prov., 3 ch., 5-7 ver. I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God, &c. Rom., 12 ch., 1, 2 ver. f if!! m \ I ii w %\ Iff I 126 TItE ENCHIRIDION OF EFICTI^TM ** 'Tis true, these men may deal the fatal blow ; That strikes this tottering human fabric low ; (a) But, ah, weak man, the spirit soars away To realms that shine in never-£ "ag day ; The heaven-born spark resumes its home on high, And lives unfading in its native sky ; f Kapt to its maker, mighty Jove alone, It blazes round the gods' eternal Throne." («) And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul : but rather fear him that ca^ destroy both body and soul into hell. Matt., 10 ch., 28 ver. And I say to you, my friends : be not afraid of them who kill the body, and after that have no more thi.t they can do. But I will shew you whom you shall fear : fear ye him, who after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell. Yea, I say to you, fear him. Luke, 12 ch., 4, 5 ver. * See note S. t See note T. ;vMrv '^'^^^r ^i^^fe^^ 'Pi-CJ ^^ffWCii ^v>>= L VVVVV m ■! NOTES TO EPICTETUS. •i' ^ Note A, page 18. Restrain desire ; this moment call thine own, — He meets defeat who takes his aim too soon. The words of the text are, " tov J' £0' ^filVj 6<7ov bpeyhdai Ka7\,bv hf^ ovSev ovdiiruaoi ndpeany Eeen with respect to tliose things which lie within our grasp, the time has not yet arrived wJien it world be proper to seize them." Here, although the ideas in the original and the translation would at first sight appear to be distinct, yet, they are essentially the same. I adduce the expression in this line as a specimen of the man- ner in which I have dealt with several passages throughout the text ; availing myself of every opportunity to give a poetic turn to the expressions, but maintaining, at the same time, a strict adherence to the sentiments contained in the original. , > Note B, page 20. To Nature's voice unerring still adhere ; Firm be thy mind, and peaceful thy career. aTCka KoX Trjv e/xavrov irpoacpeciv Kara ^aiv ex^<^o.vTtfp^aai" But it behoves me also to maintain the firmness implanted in me by nature.^* The great leading principle of the Stoic Philosophy was that the limits of our natural wants should never be over- stepped J and that nature should be consulted in all things. It! « 4 1 ^ 1 I 128 NOTES TO EPICTETtrB. Indeed, such was the severity of the manners adopted by this sect of philosophers, and so closely allied were they to those of the cynics, — whom the followers of Zeno were said to have pur- posely imitated, in order to attract admiration, — that they were often accused of pride and hypocrisy. Note C, page 21. Death has no sting, so Socrates has taught ; — By man's false dogmas is the phantom wrought. As frequent mention is made of the philosopher Socrates throughout this work, it may be desirable to inform the classical student, as well as the general reader, of some particulars relating to a person who held so flistinguished a place among the wise and learned of ancient clays. This philosopher was the first amongst the pagans of antiquity who directed his whole attention to the improvement of mankind, by teaching such doctrines as were calculated to ensure peace and harmony amongst men, and by directing them to such a course of life as was suitable to the promotion of their real welfare. He was born in a small village called Alopeces, near Athens, and was the son of a statuary. He had learned the trade of his father, and though he never evinced any fondness for it, yet he became a very skilful workman. The love of knowledge, however, was his greatest passion ; and whenever he had earned a small sum by his trade, he devoted himself ardently to his studies, until it was expended, when he again resumed his former occupa- tion. At length, a rich citizen of Athens, of the name of Creto, attracted by the abilities, studious propensity, and amiable dis- position of Socrates, took him from the workshop, and appoint- ed him tutor over his children. Here, he applied himself with NOTES TO EPICTETUS. 129 the utmost zeal to the acquisition of knowledge. Scarcely was there a science, or polite art, with which he did not make him- self acquainted, placing himself under the best and most cele- brated masters in the various departments wherein he studied. Having acquired all the doctrines of the best philosophers of his day, he applied himself to the study of eloquence, of poetry, and of music, and became one of the most accomplished as well as most learned men of his age. He served his country both in a military and civil capacity ; but, did not accept office until he had been far advanced in life. He represented his native village in the senate of Five Hundred, and, in due time, became president of the people. The school of philosophy founded by Socrates was called, after its founder's name, the Socratic School, being a branch of the Ionic School founded by Thales. He disapproved of the continual and endless disquisitions about the nature and origin of things, which had occupied the whole attention of the philosophers of the day, while the actual duties cf life were neglected ; and, feeling that it would be more con- ducive to the happiness of mankind to point out the virtues which might be cultivated with advantage, and the vices which ought to be extirpated, he, at once, resolved upon devoting his life to the teaching and inculcation of moral precepts ; and, accordingly, he founded his school of moral philosophy. In his dress and food Socrates was governed by the requirements of nature : he once remarked, — " whilst others live to eat, I eat to live." He was a man of extraordinary gentleness, and suav- ity of temper, and was scarcely ever seen angry, notwithstand- ing the domestic misery to which he was subjected by a bad and unruly wife. Being once asked how he could live with such a woman, and why he did not leave her, he said, — " I have I II ! %\ :1 ill 130 NOTES TO EPICTETOS. so accuBtomed myself to this clatter, that it annoj-s mo no more than the water carts which rattle along the streets." He was especially distinguished in his day for the superiority of hit* reasoning powers ; by the exercise of these he was able to exceed in everything. — '■ I have subdued my faults," said he, on one occasion, " by reason and philosophy." In consequence of the wonderful development of this faculty, he was supposed by his friends to be always accompanied by a Demon ; which he himself used to call his " genius," or " spirit of God." Socrates was condemned to death on the accusation of Melitus, that ho had broken the law by not believing in the Gods of the State, and by introducing a new system of worship ; and like- wise by corrupting the youth. His sentence was executed by administering to him a draught of the juice of hemlock ; which event happened in his sixtieth year. Such was the end of the greatest philosopher and best man of antiquity. It is supposed that Socrates believed in the existence of one God ; this is deduced from his own sayings : although when he was about to die he is reported to have said to Crito, his early friend and patron, — *' Crito, I vowed to offer a cock to iEscu- lapius ; do not neglect to pay it." Many were the noble and sublime truths inculcated by Socrates. Plato and Xenophon, two of his most eminent dis- ciples, collected most of his sayin g » : w iiich we find scattered through the works of the ancient {;r.jek and Roman writers. He taught that the cultivation of amiable manners is attended with pleasure as well as profit ; — that virtue and interest are inseparable. " Itaque accepimus, Socratem exsecrari solitum eos, qui primum hsec, natura cohserentia," (utilitatem honesta- temque) " opinioue distraxissent." Cic. De Off. Lib. Ter. ifOTES TO EPICTETUS. 131 are He also taught that there y*^ ^o nearer road to glory than to try to be as good as we would wish to itppear. " Quamquain praeclare Socrates, hanc viam ad gloriam proximain, et quasi compendiariam, dicebat esse, si quis id ageret, ut, qualis haberi vellet, talis esset." Cic. De Off. Lib. Sec. In a beautiful poem, written by a Mr. Bushe, Fellow of the Royal Society, entitled •• Socrates," the doctrines of this illus- trious heathen are pleasingly set forth. In answer to the objection of his friend, Aristodemus, that the invisibility of the Deity was a proof of his non-existence, the philosopher is made to speak thus elegantly : — " Can you, Aristodemus, see the soul Which animates man ? Is not tne spring ^ That moves and actuates the whole machine, Conceal'd from view ? and yet, you seem to act With counsel and design. Thus, he who schem'd This world immense, presides and rules By secret laws ; himself invisible To mortal ken, whom yet we fairly trace In his material works, which all declare A power divine. Say, when you gaze direct. Full on the sun, is not the radiant orb Lost in the blaze of light ? and yet the sun Paints heaven and earth to view. WTien thunder peals Thro' the aerial vault, is not the bolt Hurl'd on unseen, tho' visible the signs It leaves behind ? or, when fierce warning winds Spread desolation rouT>^, can you discern The wings with which they fly, tho' nature speak Their rapid force 1 And if there's aught in man 4^k ! I 132 NOTES TO EPICTETUS, '' That does resemble God ; it is the soul Which guides all parts, yet cannot be discem'd By sharpest eye. Cease then to doubt of things Latent from sight, and to deny a God Because you cannot see him with an eye To mortals given." Note D, page 22. Tis not th' extrinsic splendour of thy state, Thy superb charger's proud majestic gait. , Some of the moral doctrines of the Stoic philosophers are very beautiful. Zeno, the founder of this sect, taught that honesty constituted the sum total of all the virtues ; and that to practise it was the end and aim of our being. Cicero thus alludes to this doctrine of the Stoics, — " Itemque si ad honest- atem nati sumus, eaque aut sola expetenda est (ut Zenoni visum est) aut certe omni pondere gravior habenda; quam reliqua omnia ;"' &c. Note E, page 25. And thus thro' life the doctrine holdw the same, Thou need'st but change the business and the name. The text reads thus, — " ovtu Kal ev t(1 /?) A good man is better than great riches : and good favour is above silver and gold. Prov., 22 ch., 1 ver. And, — " Set not thy heart upon unjust possessions, and say not : I have enough to live on : for it shall be of no service in the time of vengeance and darkness. Be steadfast in the way of the Lord, and in the truth of thy judgment, and in knowledge, and let the word of peace and justice keep with thae." Eocle«iasticus, 5 ch., 1 and 12 ver. And, again, — Riches shall not profit in the day of revenge ; but justice shall deliver from death, Prov., 11 ch., 4 ver. ♦ See note C, page 173. THE GOLDEN VERSES OF PYTHAGORAS. 165 What various thoughts men's converse here unfolds, — Some good, some bad, and cast in divers raoulds ; — Unmov'd in justice let thy soul abide, (a) Nor turn one moment from tliy path aside ; Though falsehood's voice shouts thunder at thine ear, • The vicious sounds with tranquil bosom bear. And, hark, meantime let no false tongue invite, In word or deed, thy footsteps from the right And open path. Let thougl)t each act precede, Tiiat truth may reign, and justice may succeed. (h) In rash designs th' unwise alone engage. While deeds of worth display the cautious sage. Be not the arts with unskill'd hands essay'd ; — Let use direct, and reason be obey'd : Thus Life's pure stream in blissful mood shall glide, While Wisdom walks sweet smiling at thy side. Thy corporal health, meantime, attend with care ; Be wholesome bounds set to thy daily fare : — (c) In meat, in drink, in exercise, define The needful space, and keep the middle line. 1 (a) If wisdom shall enter into thy heart, and knowledge please thy soul : counsel shall keep thee, and prudence shall preserve thee. That thou mayst be delivered from the evil way, nnd from the man that spcaketh perverse things : who leave the right way, and walk by dark ways: who are glad when they have done f,vil, and rejoice in most wicked things : &c. Prov. 2 ch., 10-14 ver. {h) A fool worketh mischief ab it were for sport : but wisdom is prudence to a man. Prov., 10 ch., 23 ver. ( j) Challenge not them that love wine : for wine has destroyed 166 THE GOLDEN VERSES OF PYTHAGORAS. Pure be thy food, — with guarded step refiain From the foul depths of Luxury's domain. To virtuous aims fire on the swelling soul, Where Envy pale sits fretting at the goal. To thy expense be decent limits made ; Nor to the Spendthrift's manners be betray'd ; Nor in the Miser's steps thy course pursue ; — But the just medium ever keep in view. ** To honest aims let all thy actions tend, — (a) Truth, justice, peace, their purpose and their end. Let not thine eyes to balmy sleep be woo'd Ere thou hast thrice thy daily acts review'd. Thus search thy heart, — how have I spent this sun ? "What rules transgress'd ? what duties left undone? — Each we£?k, bad act reprove with fearless mind ; And in the good enjoy a bliss refin'd. (6) Such be thy practice, such thy labor here, very many. Fire trieth hard iron : so wine drank to excess shall rebuke the hearts of the proud. Ecclesiasticus, 31 oh., 30-31 ver. (a) Treasures of wickedness shall profit notbing : but justice shall deliver from death. Prov», 10 ch., 2 ver. Vide etiam, Prov., 11 ch., 4 ver. St. Paul speaks beautifully on this subject, — *' And put on the new man, who according to God, is created in justice, and holiness of truth. Wherefore putting away lying, speak ye the truth every man with his neighbour : for we are members one of another." Ephes., 4 ch., 24, 25 ver. (&) Be not delighted in the paths of the wicked, neither let * See note D, page 174. THE GOLDEN VERSES OP PYTHAGORAS. 167 In Virtue's path, with soul resolved, sincere ; And grace divine within thy soul shall grow. Wrought by the hand of him who bids to flow A fount perennial of essential joy, Of fourfold bliss unraingled with alloy : But, be thy works approach'd with heav'niy love, With pure devotion to the Gods above. From acN like these pursued with dauntless soul Shall peer those laws which every change control ; The Gods immortal with pure light shall shine, And manifest their nature all divine ; And every change whicli falls to mortal man Shall then appear to square with Nature's plan : Thou, too, shalt learn of heavenly laws the force, — Why Nature keeps a never changing course ; That all exist as justice hath ordained ; That one unbroken order is maintained. Hence hope and fear shall wisely rule thy soul. While Truth directs, and Reason holds control : Hence nought can hap mysterious to the view, And nought be hop d which Virtue deems untrue. j|1 the way of evil men please thee. Flee from it, pass not by it : go aside and forsake it. For they sleep not except they have done evil : and their sleep is taken away unless they have made some to fall. Prov., 4 ch., 14-16 ver. See also the third chapter of Proverbs, on the practice of Virtue. " 168 THE GOLDEN VERSES OF PYTHAGORAS. Then, this good truth it shall be thine to know, — (a) That ofttimes men Lid their own sorrows flow ; — Unhappy wretches, whose slow faltering sight Refuse to see the blessings of the light ; And whose weak ears unconscious of a sound, List not the cheering voices waving round. (Jj) How few are they who judge where evils end, And to what sad o'erthrow of mind they tend ; Who ignorant of riglit, unpracticed in the good Roll reckless on in ways not understood : Unnumber'd ills, a fierce and dread array, In ambush hid, beset their rugged way. Oh, melancholy strifes, attendants of their fate. Approach unseen, and on their footsteps wait ; (c) Ills which the good, who Wisdom's voice obey. Bid stand aloof, or turn their steps away. (a) Do no evils, and no evils shall lay hold of thee. Depart from the unjust, and evils shall depart from thee. My son, sow not evils in the furrows of injustice, and thou shalt not reap them sevenfold. Ecclesiasticus, 7 ch., 1-3 ver. (Jj) A deceitful balance is an abomination before the Lord : and a just weight is his will. Where pride is, there also shall be reproach : but where humility is, there also is wisdom. The simplicity of the just shall guide them : and the deceitfulness of the wicked shall destroy them. Riches shall not profit in the day of revenge : but justice shall deliver from death. The justice of the upright shall make his way prosperous : and the wicked man shall fall by his own wickedness. The justice of the righteous shall deliver them : and the unjust shall be caught in their own snares. Prov,, 11 ch., 1-6 ver. (c) For a description of wisdom, her praises, her excellence^ THE GOLDEN VERSES OF PYTnAGORAS. 169 Oil, mighty Jove ! whose all-seeing vision knows The length, and breadth, and depth of human woes, Why not vouchsafe in love to feeble man. To keep him safe from ills, or shew the plan Whereby to shun them ? or infonn his fate, And teach what spirit he should cultivate ? («) But grieve not thou, nor at thy fate repine ; Since all men own an origin divine ; And sacred nature, to her instincts true. Exhibits all things to thy willing view. Observe tlie precepts I have given thee here ; Apply the cure, and learn no more to fear. The soul then free shall onward move apace, (h) And Wisdom's ways in fearless movement trace. jl .•t p t and the fruits which she produces, read the seventh and eightb chapters of the Book of " Wisdom ;" also^the first and second chapters of " Proverbs." («) " Therefore I say to you, be not solicitous for your life, what you shall eat, nor for your body whatjyou shall put on. Is not the life more than the meat : and the body more than the raiment ? Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns : and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they ?" And, — " If the grass of the field, which is to-day, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, God doth so clothe : how much, more you, O ye of little faitli ? Matt., 6 ch., 25, 26 and 30 ver. (V) 1 wisdom dwell in counsel, and am present in learned thoughts. The fear of the Lord hateth evil : I hate arrogance, and pride, and every wicked way, and a mouth with a double tongue. Counsel and equity is mine, prudence is mine, strength is mine. By [me kings reign, and lawgivers decree just 170 THE GOLDEN VERSES OF PYTHAGORAS. Each passion curb, refrain from foul excess ; The swelling fury of the blood repress. On righteous basis let each action rest, — Be moral worth the guide, the sign, and test : By this fair touch-stone let each thought be tried ; And heavenly truth shall in thy breast abide. * Thus shall the soul, when left this mortal home, Thro' regions pure of sublime raptures roam. „ things. By me-princes rule, and the mighty decree justice. I love them that love me : and they that in the morning early watch for me, shall find me. With me are riches and glory, glorious riches and justice. For my fruit is better than gold and the precious stone, and my blossoms than choice silver. I walk in the way of justice, in the midst of the paths of judg- ment. That I may enrich them that love me, and may fill their treasures. Pro v., 8 ch., 12-21 ver. * See note E, page 175. ■" NOTES TO PYTHAGORAS. Note A, Page 162. Be this thy first, thy best, and fondest care, The immortal Gods to worship and revere. Throughout all the writings of the ancient philosophers, the doctrine of a plurality of Gods continually occ urs, notwithstand- ing that many of the most eminent of them really believed in the existence of one only Supreme Being, Creator of the; Uni- verse, and of man. In my notes to Epictetus I have already remarked on this peculiarity in the Grecian Sophists, or Philo- sophers. Among the most distinguished of those who believed in the existence of one Supreme Being, were Socrates and Plato ; yet, in the writings of even these we find interspersed frequent allusions to the Gods (Bedi), with an apparent be- lief in the polytheistic doctrine. In the case of Socrates, it is maintained by his biographers, that this frequent recurrence to the system of Godheads, to be found in his discourses even to the latest moment of his existence, was chiefly owing to his respect for the established opinions of his times, and his un- willingness to risk any danger to the peace of society by the introduction of novel doctrines into the religion of the State. 172 NOTES TO PVTJlA(JORAS. Thif; certainly may have been the case ; but. yet, I must confess that it HcemH Hom(!\vhat Btrange that ho many of the philoHophcra should appear to have followed in the wamo track, without per- hapH, feeling any great impulne from the motive so kindly attributed to Socrates. That Pythagoras was a believer in the existence of one God, the Sovereign Lord and Creator of the Universe, there can be no doubt, since in his Theological system he maintained, that the world was created from a chaotic mass of matter by God, who was himself the living principle of its existence — its mover, its supporter, its soul ; and that this same all-powerful and sole Creator and supporter of the Universe infused into his work symmetry, beauty, order, and harmony, which no chance or power but himself could produce, and which was the most infallible proof of his incomparable skill, wisdom, and greatness. But, notwithstanding this correct and sublime view of the Deity, we yet find him using the phraseo- logy of polytheism, and thus forcing a conviction on our minds that he held some vague notion of the existence and power of various Divinities. Note B, page 1G.3. Let foul debauch a stern subjection own, And Sleep's domain, with Sloth's rank weeds o'ergrown ; Lust's foul desires should stoop to stern control, And Anger's breath that shakes the troubled soul. Nothing could exceed in rigor and severity of discipline the system which Pythagoras adopted with his scholars. While they were under what was called their probation, he never i NOTES TO PYTHAGORAS. 173 ,,; < I' allowed them any drink but water ; and their food was of the plainest description. And such was the importance which ho attached to self-denial in those youths who wore entrusted to his care, that he frequently exorcised them in this f^raud virtue by placing them at a table loaded with all sorts of luxury, and compelling them to go away without having tasted a morsel. Note C, page 104. And while wealth fails one lasting joy to give, The gifts of virtue shall forever live, The Pythagorean disciples were obliged, at their initiation* to put all their wealth into one common fund, and to live together without distinction. Their clothing, food, and attend- ance were alike. They sat at one table together, fared in the same manner, underwent the same privations, and were sub- jected, in all respects, to a similarity of discipline. The object which the philosopher aimed at by this regulation, was obvi- ously the suppression of avaricious feeling, as well as the prevention of pride and vanity, in his pupils. We are told that he compelled them to rise before the sun, to whose glorious presence they first paid homage ; they then .prepared and arranged the day's business ; af uer which they repeated and sang some verses from Homer and other poets. They next betook themselves to the study of science ; and after that they took a walk for the purposes of contemplation and peaceful relaxation. Conversation and athletic exercises followed next, which were succeeded by a spare dinner, composed chiefly of bread, honey, and water. After dinner they devoted some time 174 NOTES TO PYTHAGORAS. to the a^rrangement of their household affairs ; after which they spent the remaining time before retiring to bed in conver- sation, bathing, and devotional exercises. Note D, page 166. To honest aims let all thy actions tend, — Truth, Justice, Peace, their purpose and their end. Of all the ancient philosophers there was, perhaps, none who more earnestly inculcated the moral and social virtues than Pythagoras. His method of training pupils to virtuous practices was in itself peculiar; — he stopped short at no difficulty in carrying out his views with respect to the acquisition by his pupils of any good quality. He placed great value on silence ; and in order to accustom his scholars to the observance of it, he compelled such of them as displayed a loquacious disposition, to remain silent, at all times, except when spoken to ; and this both in and out of school. This discipline he would continue for one, two, or even five years, according as the nature of the case required it. He was also very particular in the admission of pupils to his school ; he would inquire into their previous mode of life, especially with regard to the manner in which they had been accustomed to behave towards their parents ; he would then closely examine their features, and the particu- lar expression of the countenance ; he would en^teavour tc ascertain what their predilections were, what aflEorded them the greatest degree of pleasure, and what caused them the greatest amount of uneasiness or pain. In short, he would give admission to no boy who wa^5 not gentle and docile, and who did not possess what might be called the germs of good- jieflB and virtue. NOTES TO PYTHAGORAS. 175 Note E, page 170. ^U8 shall the soul, when left this mortal home Thro' regions pure of sublime raptures roam. bermmortal, an ^ncorruptible 6.d, no longer .nortal Pythagoras, like Prorates, and others of the ancient philoso- phers, was a firm beHever in the immortality of the soul