OUTLINES OF LOGIC : AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF TRENDELENBURG'S ELEMENTA LOGICES AEISTOTELEiE. Second Edition. WITH ENGLISH NOTES, BY R BBOUGHTON, M.A., , HERTFORD COLLEGE. ^rranptJ for Bitterleatiing; tottb t&e QLttL xfortr: A. THOS. SHRIMPTOX & SON, 23 & 24, BROAD STREET. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT, & Co., Ltd. 1898. II* *^u 9-0^^ OUTLINES OF LOGIC. So4-Ro \ *0 LIBR/(^p. r fJ^ OF TH I UNIVERSITY ^^ CALIF' OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 1. Wherever we have truth or falsehood we must first have concepts compounded as if they were one ; for it is with the compounding and dividing of concepts that truth and falsehood are concerned. Now simple names and verbs resemble the concept where no process of compound- ing or dividing has taken place, e.g., the concepts man or white, where nothing is added to them. As yet we have neither truth nor falsehood, as we see by the fact that the concept Goat-stag has indeed a meaning, but as yet we cannot call the meaning either true or false, unless there be added the conception of Being or Not-being with or without a notion of time. He, therefore, judges rightly who thinks of that which is divided as divided, and of that which is in composition as compounded ; and he falsely, who holds an opposite opinion to that which the facts of the case warrant. 2. Every sentence is significant, but only that of which truth or falsehood carf be predicated is declaratory. These cannot be predicated of all sentences, as, for instance, prayer takes the form of a sentence, but is neither true nor false. Dismissing, then, all other kinds as fitter sub- jects for investigation by Poetry or Ehetoric, our present study concerns itself with the Sentence declaratory. 3. 1 Of terms when not used in combination, each sig- nifies either Substance, Quantity, Quality, Relation, Place, Time, Position, State, Action, or Passion. As examples 2 OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 5 of Substance we may take man, horse ; of Quantity, of two cubits, of three cubits ; of Quality, white, literary ; of Rela- tion, double, half, greater ; of Place, in the Lyceum, in the market ; of Time, yesterday, last year ; of Position, is reclin- ing, is sitting ; of State, is shod, is armed ; of Action, cuts, burns ; of Passion, is being cut, is being burnt. 4. A declaratory sentence is (1) affirmative, (2) nega- tive. Affirmation is declaration of a relation between this and that; Negation is a declaration of non-relation. The statements are true according as they agree with the facts of the case. 5. The phrase Not-man is not a name ; nor is there any existing name by which we can call it, for it is neither a sentence nor a negation. Let it pass as an Indefinite name, for it can be ranked equally well under either Being or Not-being. Every affirmation or negation will be made up of a name and a verb, or of an indefinite name and a verb : for without a verb there can be neither affirmation nor negation. 6. Of terms, some are General, others Singular. By the former I mean such as can be predicated of many sub- jects ; by the latter, such as cannot; e.g., we place man among general terms, Kallias among singular. A Proposition is a sentence affirming or denying one thing of another. It may be either Universal, Particular, or 2 Indefinite. 3 By Universal, I mean a proposition which asserts something of all or none of its subject; by Par- ticular, one which asserts or denies something of some or not all of the subject; by Indefinite, one which makes an assertion without specifying whether it is universal or particular, as were one to say that the same science deals with opposites, or that pleasure is not a good. 6 OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 3 It is very evident that the universal proposition is supe- rior to the particular; for of the two propositions, when we know the former, we are acquainted with the latter also, and know it virtually, or in potentiality. As, for instance, if a man knows that every triangle contains angles equal to two right-angles, he may be said to know that the angles of an isosceles triangle are equal to two right-angles, even if he does not know the isosceles as a form of triangle. On the other hand, a man acquainted with the particular pro- position has no knowledge whatever of the universal, either virtually or actually. Again, the universal proposition is cognised by the reason, the particular by the senses. 4 7. Every proposition is of predicability, either unquali- fied, necessary, or contingent. 8. Of the whole number of existing terms, some are such as not to be truly predicable universally of any other terms; as, for instance, the terms Kleon, Kallias, and all other individual things and objects of sense-perception. On the other hand, these may have other things predicated of them; Kallias and Kleon, for instance, may be called men and animals. 5 Another class of terms are predicable of others, but cannot first have others predicated of them. A third class can be both predicated and "predicated of, as, for instance, we may use man as a predicate of Kallias, and animal as a predicate of man. It is plain, then, that of existing terms some are naturally unfit for being used as predicates ; for every object of sense-perception is of such a nature as to be predicable of nothing. Genera can be predicated of their species, but species cannot conversely be predicated of their genera. 9. It is impossible for the same thing to be at once predicable and not-predicable of the same thing, and in the same respect. This is the most certain of all principles, for it is impossible for any one to conceive the same thing both as being and as not-being. Accordingly, in all demon- strations this is appealed to as an ultimate principle. 4 OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 7 6 Truth must always, and in all points, be consistent with itself ; for with truth all the facts of the case agree, but with falsehood they quickly disagree. 10. Inasmuch as it is possible to deny predicability where it exists, and to affirm it where it does not exist, to deny it where it does not exist, and to affirm it where it does, and in the same way with respect to 7 other times than the present it will be possible to deny every affirmation and to affirm every negation. Plainly, therefore, to every affirm- ation a negation stands opposed, and to every negation an affirmation. Let this, then, be called Contradiction, affirmation and negation being the opposites. By Oppo- sition I mean the affirmation and negation of the pre- dicability of the same predicate, of the same subject, but 8 not in the same sense. 9 Contradiction is an opposition admitting of no interme- diate. One part of a Contradiction is the affirmation of predicability, the other part is the negation of it. In every case of affirmation and negation, whether the subject exist or no, one assertion will be false, and the other true. For in the case of the assertions, Socrates is ill, Socrates is not ill, if Socrates exist it is plain that one of them must be true or false. In like manner if he do not exist; for to say that he is ill when he does not exist is false, and to say that he is not ill true. So that of these propositions alone, which are opposed to each other as affirmative and negative, will it be a property that one must be either true or false (and the other the reverse). 11. Of members of the same genus, those which stand most widely apart from one another we define as con- traries. Contradiction admits of no intermediate, contraries do admit of an intermediate. 8 OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 5 12. An affirmation and negation are opposed as con- tradictories, when the one enunciates a universal propo- sition, and the other maintains that the predicate cannot be universally affirmed of the given subject. E.g. (i.) All men are white. Contradict. Some men are not white. (ii.) No man is white. Contradict. Such and such a man is white. Contrary opposition, on the other hand, consists in the affirmation and negation of the same universal proposition. E.g. (i.) All men are white. (ii.) All men are just. - Contraries. No men are white. No men are just. Such affirmation and negation, therefore, cannot both be true at the same time. 13. Verbally, propositions may be opposed in four ways, thus : (i.) Universal affirmative to universal negative, (ii.) Universal affirmative to particular negative, (iii.) Particular affirmative to universal negative, (iv.) Particular affirmative to particular negative ; but in reality in only three, 10 for the particular affirmative is only verbally opposed to the particular negative. Of these Opposites, the universals, the affirmative to the nega- tive, are contraries (e.g. the proposition, All science is good, to the proposition, No science is good), while the other two are contradictories. 1 4. n As we have seen, every proposition asserts predica- bility, either unqualified, necessary, or contingent; and of propositions in each mode, some are affirmative and some negative ; and again, of affirmative and negative propo- sitions, some are universal, others particular, others in- definite. The universal negative necessarily has its terms convertible : if no pleasure is a good, it follows that no good is a pleasure. The universal affirmative also is necessarily convertible, but only by becoming particular instead of universal : if all pleasure is a good, some good is a pleasure. Of the particular propositions the affirmative is necessarily convertible : if some pleasure is a good, then also some good will be a pleasure ; but this is not the case with the negative, for it does not follow that if some animals are not men, therefore some men are not animals. 6 OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 9 15. The range of enquiry is co-extensive with the range of knowledge ; we enquire as to four points : 12 the Fact, the Keason, the Existence, the Essence. When, after enumerat- ing every possible case, we enquire as to whether this or that is true e.g., as to whether the sun is or is not in eclipse we are investigating a question of fact. Herein lies the proof : as soon as we have ascertained the fact of the eclipse we stop ; and if we start from the assumption that the sun is in eclipse, we do not investigate whether it is so or not. When we are assured of the fact, we proceed to enquire into the reason (or the How and the Why) of it ; as, for instance, when we know that the sun is in eclipse, or that there is an earthquake, we investigate the causes of these occurrences. So much for this class of questions. There is another class which we investigate differently from these ; such, for instance, is the question, Does or does not a Centaur or a God exist? (Here I am speaking simply of the fact of existence, and not, for instance, as to whether it is white or not.) Finally, when we have ascertained the fact of existence, we enquire as to its nature or essence ; as, for instance, What is the nature of a God, or of a man % 16. It is not the same thing to know the fact and the reason of it : the knowledge of the latter is referred to the first cause. The perfection of knowledge is the contempla- tion of the reason of things. 13 17. We believe that we possess an absolute knowledge f of anything when we believe ourselves to know the cause through which the thing is as its cause, and not only that, but as its invariable cause. 18. All teaching and all learning, by the operation of the intellect, proceed from pre-existing knowledge. On a comprehensive examination this will be plain : it is thus {for example) that the mathematical sciences are attained, and similarly also all the arts. 1 9. Things are prior and better known in two ways. For the same thing is not naturally prior and prior in relation to us, nor naturally better known and better known in relation to us. By "prior and better known in relation to us," I mean things which are more accessible to sense-perception ; a 2 / 10 OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 7 by "absolutely prior and better known," those that are less accessible : of the latter class are universals, of the former particulars. 20. All belief comes either from syllogistic reasoning, or from induction. Knowledge is acquired either by induc- tion or by demonstration : demonstration starting from universals, induction from particulars. 21. A syllogism is a form of reasoning in which, certain premisses being granted, a conclusion differing from these necessarily results by virtue of their existence. By this phrase I mean that the result is produced by means of the premisses ; and when I say " by their means," I assert that there is no need of any fresh term for the conclusion to be a necessity. 22. By Terms I mean the parts into which the propo- sition may be analysed, i.e., the predicate, and the subject which is predicated of. 23. 14 Whatever is asserted of the predicate will be equally asserted of the subject also. 24. Whenever three terms are so related to one another,, that the last (or minor) term is included in the middle as a whole, and the middle is or is not included in the first (or major)' term as a whole, there must necessarily be a perfect conclusion of the extreme terms. By the Middle Term I mean one which is itself included in another, and has another included in it. In position also it holds the middle place. The extreme terms are such that the same thing may be ranked under one, and have the other ranked under it. Example. A is a predicate of all B (all B is A). B is a predicate of all C (all C is B). Necessarily A is a predicate of all C (all C is A). A figure like this I call the First. 8 OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 11 25. Whenever the same thing is predicated of all of one subject and none of another, or of all or none of either of them, such a figure as this I call the Second, and in it I call that the middle term which is predicate in both pre- misses. In this figure the middle is placed outside the extreme terms, and comes 15 first. There will be a valid syllogism, whether the terms are universal or not.* If they are universal, we shall have a conclusion when- ever the middle can be predicated of all the major and none of the minor, or vice versa; it making no difference which of the terms is 2nd Fig. 1st Fig. negative. For let M be the predi- No N is M No M is N cate of no X and of all X, since All X is M All X is M a negative proposition is converti- ' ble, X will be predicable of no M No X is N but M was given as the predicate of all X, so that X is the predicate of no X. For this was proved before (in the first figure). Again, if M is a predicate 2nd Fig. 1st Fig. of all X but of no X, then X is a pre- ^11 N is M Y No M is X dicate of no X. For if M is a pre- No X is M A All N is M dicate of no X, X is a predicate of . *. No X is N .-. No N is X no M. But M was given as a pre- .\ NoXisN dicate of all X : .'.X will be a predicate of no X ; for again we have got to the first figure. And since negative propo- sitions are convertible, X will be a predicate of no X, so that there will be the same conclusion. Xo affirmative conclusion can be reached by this figure \ but both the universals and the particulars are all negative. 26. The case in which one predicate may be asserted and another denied universally of the same subject, or in which both may be either asserted or denied universally of it, I call the Third Figure ; and in it I call that term the middle which is subject of both predicates, while the major and minor terms are the predicates. The middle term is placed outside the major and minor, and comes 16 after them. There will be a valid conclusion, whether the terms are applied universally to the middle or not.f * N.B. Of course, at least one of them must be, or there would be an undistributed middle. f i.e., whether both are or only one, one must be. 12 OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 9 If they are both applied universally, whenever both P and E can be predicated of all S, P will necessarily be predicable of some E. For since ^rd Yig. 1st Fig. an affirmative proposition is con- ^11 S is P All S is P vertible, S will be predicable of All S is R Some R is S some E ; and P is predicable of all S: therefore P is necessarily pre- Some R is P dicable of some E ; for we have arrived at our conclusion by the first figure. It will not be possible to obtain a uni- versal conclusion, either negative or affirmative, by means of this figure. 27. It is clear that in all demonstration there will be three terms, and no more. This being plain, it is clear also that it must proceed from two premisses, and no more. For the three terms make up two premisses. 28. In all the figures the middle term must necessarily occur in both the premisses. Where the middle term is both predicated and predicated of, or where the same term is predicated and has another term denied of it, we shall have the first figure ; where it is both predicated of one thing and denied of another, the second figure ; where other terms are predicated of it, or one is denied and the other predicated, the third. 29. In every figure also there must be one term affirm- ative and one universal predication. For unless there be one universal predication, either there will be no conclusion at all, or it will have nothing to do with the question ; or, again, the original question will be begged. For let the question be, that pleasure derived from "Music" is good. If, then, one should lay down that "Pleasure is good," without prefixing the "all," there will be no conclusion. If we say, " Some pleasure is good " ; if the pleasure meant is other than that derived from music, it is beside the question ; if it has to do with music the original question is begged. 30. It is only through the first figure that we can search for the knowledge of a thing's essence. In the second figure we can obtain no affirmative conclusion, 10 OUTLINES OF LOGIC. 13 while the knowledge of a thing's essence belongs to affirm- ation. In the last figure we can, indeed, obtain an affirm- ative conclusion, only not a universal one ; but the essence belongs to universals. 31. It is clear that whoever tries to reason from pre- misses less sure than the conclusion, reasons badly. 32. It is impossible to obtain a false conclusion from true premisses, but a true conclusion may be obtained from false ones ; 17 only, however, concerning the fact, not the reason of it. It is plain, then, that if the conclusion be false, either some or all of the premisses must be false ; but when the conclusion is true the premisses are not necessarily true, neither all nor any of them. It is quite possible, with no true premiss in the Syllogism, for the conclusion all the same to be true j only not necessarily so. The reason of this is, that when two things are so related that the existence of the first necessitates the existence of the second ; if the second does not exist, neither does the first either ; but if the second exist, the first does not of neces- sity exist also. 33. A demonstrative syllogism is called a ^tXocroc^rjfxa ; an argumentative syllogism an E7rt^etp^/xa ; a captious syllo- gism a 26 and (I. 4. 7), &PXV l^P T T i. 14 To take an instance of this, if "gold is a metal," and we predicate "ductility" of "metal," we are able to predicate it of " gold " also. The " dictum de omni et nullo " is the general assertion of this principle. Whatever is predicated, i.e. asserted or denied, of the whole of a class may be predicated of each particular member of that class. 15 TideTdi de to pLecrov . . . irpCoTov de ttj Oe'crei.'] i.e. the middle term is predicated of both extremes in the premisses, and so stands first in the Greek ; but in English it is the predicate of both premisses, and stands last. 16 TideTdi de to pL^crov . . . ?ax aT0V ^ r V #&>"] In English, in the third figure, the middle term stands first in both premisses. It will be observed that in Aristotle there is no fourth figure. The latter was added by later logicians, but is not much used. The moods of the fourth figure may be regarded as indirect moods of the first. Those of the first may be reduced to the fourth by transposing the premises. 17 ttXtjv ov 5l6ti dXX' 8tl.] i.e. the conclusion is truly stated, but its necessity is not proved, because one or both of the premisses are false. As an instance of the former Aristotle gives, "No white is an animal, All snow is white . \ No snow is an animal " ; as an instance of the latter, " No man is an animal, Every stone is a man . '. No stone is an animal." 18 dec de voelv t6 T, etc.] To compare the inductive syllogism with the demonstrative let us take an example of the former, as follows: Gold, silver, and iron, etc., are ductile; Gold, silver, and iron, etc., are all metals . '. All metals are ductile. Here, from the ductility (a) of gold, silver, and iron, etc. (c), and the fact that these are all metals (b), we conclude that all metals are ductile. This 30 NOTES. is in form a syllogism in the third figure with a universal conclusion, which arises from the fact that in the minor premiss the predicate (b) is distributed. The corresponding syllogism in Barbara will be: All metals are ductile, Gold is a metal .*. it is ductile, where the conclusion is part of the major premiss of the inductive syllogism. 19 (TTjixeiov de j3oi5Xerai efocu, etc.] As an instance of a necessary demonstrative proposition {reKfi^piov) Aristotle gives, " He is sick, for he is feverish," where fever is a necessary sign of sickness, i.e. feverishness is always a sign of sickness. As an instance of the weaker kind (ZvdoZos), founded on opinion, he gives, "Wise men are just, for Socrates was wise and just." This latter, which may be stated as a syllogism in the third figure with a universal conclusion, is invalid. 20 Just as the Enthymeme, including etibs and arjjuLetov, is a rhetorical syllogism Example is like Induction. But the former differs from the latter in that it assumes a universal proposition, and proceeds to infer from one example of it, that has been known, another effect of a similar nature. In the instance given it is assumed that all wars with neighbours are dangerous; and because the war with the Phocians was unprofitable to the Thebans, it is inferred that the war with the Thebans will be unprofitable to the Athenians. Aristotle gives another instance of Example in the Rhetoric. ' Dionysius, when he asked for a body-guard, was proved to be forming a design of becoming tyrant of Syracuse, for Pisistratus at Athens and Theagenes at Megara proceeded in a similar manner. 21 els aireipov yhp hv padifri.] Cf. Aris. Eth. Nic. I. 2. 1 and I. 7. 7, where this principle is applied (1) in determining the summum bonum, (2) in limiting the circle within which avrapKeia is to radiate. 22 Otaiv fiev \iyoj, etc.] On the passage (Eth. Nic. I. 5. 6) where Aristotle says that no one would deem a man happy merely because he is virtuous, el fir) 64