^■ix.vX Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924026674253 API2TOTEAOT2 A0HNAIX1N nOAITEIA 0;cfcr6 PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY AOHNAIXiN nOAITEIA ARISTOTLE ON THE CONSTITUTION OF ATHENS V EDITED BY F?^G. KENYON, M.A. FELLOW OF MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS, BRITISH MUSEUM SECOND EDITION PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM SOLD AT THE MUSEUM AND BY Longmans and Co., 39 Paternoster Row B. QuARiTCH, 15 Piccadilly; Asher and Co., 13 Bedford Street, Covent Garden Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 57 Ludgate Hill, London ALSO BY Henry Frowde, Clarendon Press Depot, Oxford 1891 TREFACE. The 'AdrjvaCcDv HoXiTeCa, now for the first time given to the world from the unique text in the British Museum Papyrus CXXXI., has been transcribed and edited by Mr. F. G. Kenyon, Assistant in this De- partment. Mr. Kenyon's transcript has been again collated with the original by Mr. G. F. Warner, Assistant-Keeper of MSS. ; and the sheets have also been read by Mr. E. Maunde Thompson, the Principal Librarian, by Mr. Warner, and by myself. An Autotype Facsimile of the whole of the text of the IIoXtTeia, together with a specimen-plate of the writing on the redo of the papyrus, is published in a separate volume. - EDWARD SCOTT, Keeper of MSS. British Museum,- ^isi December, 1890. INTRODUCTION. When Neumann in 1837 edited the Fragments of the IToXtreiai of Aristotle he lamented, not unnaturally, ' eheu amissum est in sempiternum praeclarum opus, nisi e palimpsestis quibusdam fortasse eruatur.' The field which now shows the greatest promise of restoring to us some of the lost works of antiquity had then hardly been opened up at all, and there was little sign that Egypt might still return to the modern world some of the treasures which were committed to her by the ancient. Since that date discoveries of no little value have been made among the papyri which have from time to time been brought to Europe and are now preserved in the great libraries of England and the Continent. Several papyrus MSS. of parts of the Iliad, dating from the first century before the Christian era to the fourth or fifth after it, are now known to the world, which, though they have not affected the text of Homer in any appreciable degree, are yet of interest as carrying back the tradition of it for many centuries before the earliest MS. that was previously known. Fragments of Thucydides, Plato, Euripides, Isocrates, Demosthenes, and other classical authors have been discovered, which, while not of any great importance in themselves, were hopeful signs of the discoveries which might be expected in the future. More than this, there have been one or two finds of works hitherto completely lost, and these are of viii INTRODUCTION. course the great treasures of the papyrus literature. They include a mutilated fragment of Alcman, now at Paris (quoted in Mahafify's Greek Literature, vol. I. p. 172), and several orations of Hyperides, all of which (with the exception of one lately reported by M. Revillout to be in the Biblioth^que Nationale of Paris) are preserved in the British Museum \ The British Museum has now the satisfaction of publishing the latest and most important addition to the extant stock of classical Greek literature, the often-quoted but hitherto lost 'AOrjvaiaiv UoXireCa of Aristotle. None of the lost works of Aristotle is so much quoted by the writers of the early centuries of the Christian era as the DoXtTeiat, which, containing as it did a summary of the political constitutions of a hundred and fifty-eight states of all kinds, was a storehouse of historical information for subsequent ages. The portion relating to Athens, together with those relating to Corinth and Pellene, may possibly (though this is doubtful) have been in the library of Cicero {ad Att. II. 2) ; it is quoted by Plutarch in the first century of the Christian era ; it was largely used by Pollux in the second ; its name occurs in a catalogue of a library in the third (Ziindel in Rhein. Mus. 1866, p. 432); in the fourth it is repeatedly cited by Harpocration ; in the sixth we know, on the evidence of Photius, that it was used by the ' To the discoveries here mentioned should now be added the very interesting fragments of Plato and Euripides which have been found by Professors Sayce and Mahaffy among the papyri brought from Egypt by Mr. Flinders Petrie. Apart from the fact that they include a portion of the lost Antiope of Euripides, they are considerably the earliest classical MSS. at present known to ns, dating (according to the Professors' letters in the Academy of Oct. nth, and the Athenaeum of Oct. 26th and Dec. 6th, 1890) from the third century B.C. Further, the British Museum has recently acquired several classical papyri, among which, in addition to some interesting early fragments of Homer, Demosthenes, and Isocrates, is the conclusion of a speech which may perhaps be ascribed to Hyperides, and also several of the lost poems of the iambo- grapher Herodas. These will be published shortly. INTRODUCTION. ix rhetorician Sopater ^. On the other hand Photius himself, three centuries afterwards, does not seem to have known the work otherwise than in quotations by earlier writers; and any references to it in grammarians and compilers of later date are probably made at second hand. Between the sixth and the ninth century it disappeared and was seen no more until in this nineteenth century it has once more been brought to light. The treatise on Athens was naturally the part which was of most interest to the scholars of the Greek world after the date of Aristotle, which was most frequently quoted in their works, and which was no doubt most frequently copied ; and it is therefore not surprising that this, rather than any other portion of the work, should have been preserved from the library of an Egyptian scholar of one of the early centuries of the Christian era. Tastes will differ as to whether we could have wished some other lost work of Greek literature to have been returned to us rather than this. Some might have preferred an addition to our stock of poetry, in a new tragedy of Aeschylus or of Euripides, to have recovered another play of Aristophanes or to have broken fresh ground with a specimen of the New Comedy of Menander. Others might wish that, if the discovery were to be histor- ical, it might be an Ephorus by which we might check the accuracy of Plutarch, or a Theopompus to throw light on the obscure details of the period of Alexander. But if it were to be an additional authority on the period which we already know comparatively well, but in which much still remains in obscurity and open to conjecture, no work could be named of equal value and authority with Aristotle's Constitutional History of Athens. ' Heitz and Rose believe all these quotations from Aristotle to be taken at second hand from the compilations of Didymus or other early writers, and that the work of Aristotle was lost at a very early date. As we now know that the latter was not the case, their arguments for the most part fall to the ground. X INTRODUCTION. A short description of the MS. is necessary, in order to understand the state in which the text has come down to us. It is imperfect at the beginning; but this appears to be due to the first chapters never having been written (probably because the MS. from which this was copied was imperfect or illegible in that part), and not to the subsequent loss of any part of the papyrus ; for a blank space has been left before the first column of writing, which was no doubt intended to receive the beginning of the work. The latter portion of the MS. has, however, suffered severely ; but the fortunate fact that another document (of which more is said below) is written on the other side of the papyrus enables us to estimate with tolerable accuracy the extent of the mutilation. There are four separate lengths of papyrus, which probably were originally distinct rolls. The first of these is complete, or nearly so (the only doubt being as to whether a larger space was left blank to receive the commencement of the work than now remains), and measured, when acquired by the Museum, 7 ft. 2^ in. in length. It has since been divided, for convenience of mounting, into two pieces measuring 4 ft. ai in. and 3 ft. respectively. This roll contains eleven broad columns of writing ; the later ones are in good condition, but the earlier ones are badly rubbed and often very difificult to decipher. The second roll measures 5 ft. 5^ in., and contains thirteen much narrower columns, in fairly good condition throughout. The third measures 3 ft., and contains six broad columns, which have been put together from a .large number of fragments ; but one of these is very imperfect, and there are several other small lacunas in this part of the papyrus. The fourth roll is purely fragmentary ; its original length may be estimated, partly by the help of the writing on the other side of the papyrus, at 3 ft., but no column except the last remains perfect, and the writing is miserably defaced and in many places quite INTRODUCTION. xi illegible 1. It is possible that the third and fourth lengths were formerly united in a single roll, which would have been of about the same size as the other two ; but it is certain that they were originally written on separate pieces of papyrus, which must, on this supposition, have been artificially joined together. The height of the papyrus is throughout about ii inches, except in the fourth roll, which is at present rather less than lo in. ; and this is another reason against supposing that it was ever attached to the third. The text is written in four hands. The first is a small semi-cursive hand, employing a large number of ab- breviations of common syllables, such as ttjv, rrjs, -nepi, km (see list at end of Introduction). The writing is not that of a professional scribe, but is on the whole very correct and easy to read wherever the papyrus has not been badly rubbed. This hand includes the first twelve columns^, which vary in width from 4% to 11 inches, and contain from forty-three to forty-eight lines of close writing. The second hand is uncial of fair size, written in a plain but not very graceful style, and with habitual mis-spellings and mistakes which show that the writer was not a scholar nor a well-educated person. Many of the mistakes are corrected in the first hand, which suggests that the writer of that hand was a scholar who desired a copy of Aristotle's work for his own library, while the writer of the second was a ' It should perhaps be added that, since the photographs of these fragments were taken (Plates 19 to 21 of the volume of facsimiles), it has been foimd possible to arrange them more accurately in order, owing to the fact that the writing on the other side of the papyrus is in better preservation ; and one fragment (that in the top left-hand corner of Plate 19) has since found a place in another part of the papyrus. ^ The sequence of these columns is broken after the middle of the tenth, by a column and a half of writing in the reverse direction, which had evidently been inscribed on the papyrus before the Aristotle, but was struck out when the sheet was required for the latter. The hand is not the same as that of the Aristotle, but is apparently of the same date. For a description of its contents see note on ch. 25. xii INTRODUCTION. slave or professional scribe employed by him to complete the transcript. Columns thirteen to twenty are written in this hand ; they are much narrower than the preceding columns, measuring only 3 to 4^ inches in breadth and containing forty-four to iifty-one lines. In the third hand are written half the twentieth column and columns twenty- one to twenty-four, together with the much damaged fragments of the concluding part of the MS. This hand is semi-cursive, but much larger and more straggling than the first hand. The fourth hand, in which are written the six columns of which the third roll consists, closely resembles the first, and employs many of the same abbreviations', but the strokes are somewhat finer and more upright and some of the letters are differently formed. The condition of the writing varies considerably in different places. The earlier columns are badly rubbed, especially at the places where the roll was folded, and the writing is often either absolutely illegible or discernible only with great difficulty. In some cases, however, where the letters are not in themselves legible there are yet sufficient traces to verify or to condemn a conjectural restoration of the text. This is the case with many passages which have been restored in the printed text, and in some which still await conjectural emendation. Except in these earlier columns the writing is generally in fair condition. In the greater part of the MS. holes in the papyrus are rare; but the six columns of the third roll have been put together, as has been already said, out of many different fragments, and large gaps still remain, in one place amounting to a considerable part of a column, in which case restoration is naturally for the most part impossible. The text, apart from difficulties of decipher- ment, is in good condition and requires little emendation, beyond the correction of the somewhat uncultured spelling of the second and third hands. INTRODUCTION. xiii It remains to estimate the date of the MS. The palaeo- graphy of the first centuries of the Christian era is still so uncertain, owing to the want of dated materials, that it would be difficult to fix it with any accuracy by the writing alone. Fortunately there are other means at hand. The text of Aristotle is written on the reverse side^ of the papyrus, and on the recto are accounts of receipts and ex- penditure which are dated in the eleventh year of Vespasian, of which a specimen is given with the facsimile of the IToAtT-eia (Plate aa)^. The dating of this document pre- sents some points of interest. The heading at the beginning of it (which is to be found on the, second of the pieces into which the first roll of papyrus is now divided, its text running in the contrary direction to that of the Aristotle) is as follows : Erous cDSexarou avTOKparopos Kaia-apos Ovecnraaiavov 2e/3aoToi; apyvpiKos \oyos Ewtju.a)(ou UoXvbevKovs \y]lJ.p.aTu>v Kai avrjXconaTMV tu)v bi fp-ov Aibvixov Aanatriov X^ipi- ^ofxevwv, a>v eivai krjp.pL' rot) /xjjyoy Se^acrrov. The names of the months for which the accounts are given succeed one another in the following order, 2e/3aoTou, ^aa>cf>i, Neou ^fjSacTTOV, Xotax, Tu^t, Mexeip, ^afMevaiO, apiJ.ov6i, Uaxoov. The remarkable feature here is the occurrence of the names 2e/3aoTos and Ne'oj 2ej8acrro'y in the place of Thouth and Athur respectively. The former does not seem to have been observed elsewhere in Egyptian documents ; but one of the Archduke Rainer's Papyri is dated jxrivos ^e^aoTov AOvp T7fp.TrTr] (Pap. No. 1717, cf. Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, pt. II. p. 16, 1887). The name Se/Saoroy is of course equivalent to August ; but it is noticeable that it was given in Egypt 1 /. e. that side on which the fibres of the papyras are laid perpendicularly {cf. Wilcken's article Recto oder Verso, in Hermes, Vol. XXII). ' The text of these accounts, which are those of the bailiff of a private estate, will be printed in the Catalogue of Greek Papyri in the British Museum, which is now passing through the press. xiv INTRODUCTION. to the month Thouth, which began on Aug. 29th, rather than to Mesore, which occupied the greater part of the Roman month of August. Athur was no doubt re-named in honour of Vespasian, who was born in that month. As to the year named, Vespasian was proclaimed emperor at Alexandria in July, 69 A.D. The Egyptian year began with Thouth, and according to the usual mode of dating in that country his second year would be reckoned to begin with the Thouth next following his proclamation, i.e. at the end of August in the same year 69 A.D. His eleventh year would therefore be that which began in August of 78 A.D. ; and in the following June he died. The entries of the present document extend to the preceding month, Pachon in the Egyptian calendar beginning on April a6th. The writing on the recto of the papyrus consequently belongs to 78-79 A. D.^ We cannot tell how soon afterwards the verso was used for receiving the text of Aristotle, but on the one hand it is not likely to have been so used while the accounts on the recto were still valuable, and on the other the papyrus is not likely to have continued unused and undestroyed for very many years after the accounts had ceased to be of interest. Moreover some of the most remarkable forms of letters and abbreviations which occur in the Aristotle are also found in the accounts. The date of the Aristotle may therefore be fixed with some certainty at the end of the first century of our era or, at latest, the beginning of the second. To pass on to the contents of the MS. The first thing necessary is to prove that this work is actually the lost ■ It may be noted that writing of a very similar character is found in other papyri of which the date has hitherto been a matter of pure conjecture {e. g. Papyri XCIX, CIX, and CXIX in the British Museum), but which may now be safely assigned to some part of the second century. Another British Museum papyrus (CXXV recto), which cannot be earlier than the middle of the fourth century, shows how far this style of writing had degenerated by that time. INTRODUCTION. xv 'A6rivaL0}v TJo^LTeia of Aristotle. This is of course done by means of the extant fragments of that work. Quota- tions from it are frequent in the grammarians, especially in Harpocration, to whom most of the fragments in which the work is specifically named are due. The last edition of Rose's collection {Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum Fragmenta, Lipsiae, i8S6) contains ninety-one fragments which are ascribed, with more or less certainty, to the 'A^tj- vaiuiv YloXiTila, in fifty-eight of which the work is referred to by name. Of these fifty-eight, fifty-five occur in the MS. now before us ; one (No. 347-') belongs to the beginning of the book, which is wanting in the MS. ; one (No. 423) belongs to the latter portion of it, which is imperfect ; while one alone (No. 407) differs distinctly from a passage on the same subject occurring in the text. Of the thirty-three fragments in which the work is not named, though in most of them Aristotle is referred to as the author, twenty-three occur in our MS. ; four (Nos. 343, 344, 346, 348) come from the lost beginning, though as to at least one of them (No. 344) it may be doubted whether it belongs to this work at all ; four (Nos. 354, 361, 364, 376) probably do not belong to this work, being merely incidental references which might occur by way of illustration in any other writing as well as in a professedly historical one; one (No. 416) belongs to the mutilated section on the law-courts, if it is from this work at all ; while one (No. 358) is either a mis- quotation of a passage in the MS. or a reference to some other writing of Aristotle's. Thus of the total number of ^ The references for the fragments are to the numbers given in Rose's collection in the fifth vol. of the Berlin Academy edition of Aristotle, published in 1870, as it is to these numbers that reference is generally made in the lexicons and elsewhere. But for the benefit of those who use the last edition of Rose (in the Bibliotheca Teubneriana, 1886) it may be mentioned that Nos. 381-412 in the 1886 ed. correspond to 343-374 in the 1870 ed. ; 414-428 to 375-389; and 430-471 to 390-431 ; while Nos. 413 and 429 of the 1886 ed. are jiot given in the 1870 edition. xvi INTRODUCTION. ninety-one fragments (of which eighty-five or eighty-six are probably genuine references to this work), seventy- eight are found in the MS. in its present condition, and all the rest, with two possible exceptions, are satisfactorily accounted for. It may be added that the passages dis- covered on some papyrus fragments at Berlin by Blass and identified as portions of the 'AOrjvaiajv rioAireia by Bergk (see Hermes, XV. 366, Rhein. Mus. XXXVI. 87, Berl. Akad. Abhandl. 1885) are found in this MS., though Rose disputed the accuracy of Bergk's identification [Aristotelis Fragmenta, ed. 1886, pp. 260, 270). References are given in the notes to the fragments as they occur in the MS., and those which do not so occur are added in an Appendix. It may therefore be taken for certain that we have here the work which was known and cited in antiquity as y\ t&v 'Adrjpaiuiv UoXiTda. Whether it is a genuine work of Aristotle's is another question. The subject of the Aris- totelian canon is a difficult one, and must be left to those who are specialists in it ; but the following facts are clear in relation to the present treatise. The noAireiai, of which this was the most important section, is included in the lists of Aristotle's works given by Diogenes Laertius, Hesychius, and Ptolemy (the latter being known only in an Arabic version). It is true that Valentine Rose, whose thorough study of the remains of Aristotle is indisputable, considers the works named in those lists to be composed not by Aristotle but by obscurer members of the Peripatetic school {Aristoteles Pseudepigraphus, 1 863) ; but this ex- treme view, which is in itself improbable, is rejected by Heitz [Die verlorenen Schriften des Aristoteles, 1 865), Grote, and most other competent critics. No doubt several spurious treatises may be included in the lists, but there is no sufficient ground for rejecting them in the main ; and the position of the TloXireiai is stronger than that of most of the doubtful works. From internal evidence it is INTRODUCTION. xvii certain that it must have been composed before 307 B.C., for the author in describing the constitution of Athens in his own day speaks always of ten tribes, which number was increased to twelve in the year just mentioned. On the other hand the date 329 B.C. is incidentally referred to in ch. 54, and in speaking of the two sacred triremes in ch. 61 the name Ammonias is used in place of the Salaminia. This change of name (see note ad loc.) must have been made during the reign of Alexander, who claimed to be the son of Ammon, and out of respect for whom offerings were no doubt sent to the temple of Ammon in Egypt. This work was therefore written, or at least revised, at the earliest in the last seven years of Aristotle's life, and at the latest in the fifteen years after his death. We know further from a quotation in Polybius that Timaeus, who flourished about the middle of the third century B.C., or only two generations after Aristotle him- self, referred to the noAtTeiot, and referred to it as Aristotle's (cf. Rose, Frag. 504). It is perhaps dangerous to use any argument from style, owing to the doubts which exist as to the manner of composition of the works of Aristotle as they have come down to us ; but the style of this treatise is in sufficient accordance with that of Aristotle as we know him elsewhere, and supports the belief that it is a genuine work of his. Whether the mention of Tmv (Tvvr]yiJ.iva>v Ttoknei&v at the end of the Ethics is an explicit reference to the UoXiTeiai, and whether the latter was then in process of compilation, it would take too much space to discuss here; but one would naturally suppose that it is such a reference, and that the work in question was then either completed or in course of being completed. In any case it may be taken as established that the present work is that which is freely quoted and referred to in ancient times as Aristotle's ; that it certainly was composed either in his life-time or a very few years afterwards ; and that b xviii INTRODUCTION. the evidence, internal and external, tends strongly to show that Aristotle himself was its author. Under these circum- stances the burden of proof lies on those who would dispute its genuineness. One word should be said as to certain divisions which appear in the MS. At the head of the first and twelfth columns respectively the letters a and ^ have been written, while above the twenty-fifth column are the words y tojxos. At first sight it might appear that these letters indicate sections into which the treatise was originally divided. This, however, is not the case. In the first place the letters in question are not in the original hand of the MS. Further, they correspond to no rational divisions in the subject. The first stands over the first column of the MS., but that column does not contain the beginning of the work, which is wanting. The second and third both occur in the middle of a subject, in the one case the constitution of the Four Hundred, in the other the duties of the jBovXri. Again, in no citation of the treatise in any ancient author is there any indication of its having been divided into sections. One manuscript of Harpocration does indeed read iv rjj a' 'AOrivaiwv TroAireta {Frag. 378), but even if the reading is correct it is only on a level with kv rfj 'I6aKr]a-l(ov voXireia /x/3' in Photius {Frag. 466), implying that the Athenian constitution stood first in Aristotle's list of states, while that of Ithaca was forty-second. The purpose of the letters in the MS. is quite different. In each case they stand at the beginning of one of the rolls of papyrus of which the whole MS. is composed, and there is no doubt that they are simply intended to indicate the order in which these rolls follow one another. Probably the person who added them (or rather the first two of them, since the third is in a different hand) did not observe that the beginning of the work is wanting, when he wrote the first of them above the first column of the MS., taking no notice INTRODUCTION", xix of the blank space that precedes it, which was no doubt intended to receive the missing portion of the work ; but this might easily be the case, as this same blank space naturally gives the column which follows it the appearance of being the beginning of a work. As there is no trace of writing on this blank space, it may be taken for certain that the beginning was, for some reason or another, never written, and the MS. consequently begins with an in- complete sentence. The subject of the treatise is the Constitutional History of Athens, and it falls into two sections. The first, which is the most interesting, contains a historical account of the development of the constitution from the earliest times to the re-establishment of the democracy after the expulsion of the Thirty Tyrants. This section is complete, with the exception of the beginning. The second is a detailed description of the various official bodies and persons in the state in the writer's own day. Much of this is lost, including the greater part of the account of the procedure in the law-courts ; but the loss is not so much to be regretted, as the whole of this section of Aristotle's work has been very freely used by the later grammarians, especially Pollux, in the eighth book of his Onomasticon and Harpocration in his Lexicon of the Ten Orators. The historical section, on the other hand, throws fresh light upon many parts of the history of Athens, in regard to both the early legislation before the Persian wars and the period between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars which is only briefly touched on by Thucydides. So many assumptions which have been confidently made on the strength of the previously existing evidence are now shown to be un- founded, that it is impossible to be dogmatic as to the conclusions to be drawn from the fresh material now submitted to the historian, and if phrases like 'it is probable,' 'perhaps,' 'it seems likely,' do not occur in b % XX INTRODUCTION. every line of this Introduction, it is not from any want of perception of the uncertain character of some of the con- clusions which are arrived at ; but it is necessary to make the attempt to show in what respects our conception of the course of Athenian history is changed by the re-appearance of the testimony of Aristotle. In the notes the separate points are dealt with as they arise, the object being to bring the narrative of Aristotle into relation with those of Herodotus, Thucydides, and Plutarch ; but a short sketch of the history 'of^ Athens from the new standpoint may serve to show how far the traditional views of the chief crises in that history have been modified. The main out- lines remain the same, but the details are in some cases altered and in others made more definite. The beginning of the work, as has been said before, is lost. The MS. opens with the conclusion of the narrative of the conspiracy of Cylon and of its consequences in the way of the expulsion of the Alcmaeonidae and the puri- fication of the city by Epimenides of Crete. The direct narrative of the period of the kings is therefore wanting ; but a summary of the constitution as it existed before the reforms of Draco throws some light on the earlier history of Athens. This is especially the case with the period known as the rule of the Medontidae. On the death of Codrus, as has been universally agreed, some modification took place in the position of the kingship. The house of Codrus remained upon the throne, and its representatives governed for life, and the title of king (contrary to the popular tradition) continued to be given to them; but their power was modified in various ways. In the first place it is probable that the king was elective. The choice was indeed confined to the kingly house of the Medontidae; but the Eupatrid aristocracy, through its organ the Areopagus, selected the member of it who should represent the rest during his life. Further, with INTRODUCTION. xxi the king two other officers of considerable importance were associated, the Polemarch and the Archon. Of these the Polemarch was the successor of the commander-in-chief who, from the time of the legendary Ion, had been associated with the more unwarlike kings ; but the Archon was a new creation at the accession of either Medon or Acastus. The duties of the Archon are undefined, but it is clear that these two magistrates formed some check on the autocratic government of the kings. Meanwhile the Areopagus, which had at first no doubt been a body of advisers nominated by the king from the families of the aristocracy, was growing to be the chief power in the state. This became still more the case when, in 753 B. c, the life- magistracy was abolished, and the Archon was elevated to the titular headship of the state, with a limit of ten years to his government, the king being relegated to the second place in rank. The first four decennial archons were elected from the house of the Medontidae, and then the office was thrown open to all members of the Eupatrid aristocracy. The final fall of government by a single ruler took place thirty years later, in 683 B.C., when the archonship was made annual, and six additional archons, with the name of Thesmothetae, were associated with the - three already existing magistrates. . With this change the power of the Areopagus reached its height. It was now the one permanent body in the state. It elected the archons and other magistrates, and all who had served the former office became members of it after their year of government, — a method of recruiting its numbers which was no doubt adopted when there ceased to be a single ruler with sufficient authority and position to nominate new members as vacancies occurred. It thus represented the whole official experience and the official traditions of the state, and it is not surprising that it assumed a supreme control over the whole administration xxii INTRODUCTION. and the general welfare of the country, imposing fines, amending and enforcing laws, directing finance, and no doubt guiding foreign policy. The Ecclesia, if it existed at all at this time, had certainly no power nor practical influence on affairs. The position of the Areopagus was analogous to that of the Roman senate during the greater part of the duration of the republic, and it owed its strength to the same causes. Meanwhile, as at Rome, so at Athens, economical phe- nomena were tending to an upheaval of the whole fabric of state. The cultivators of the land, unable to stand the pressure of bad seasons, had fallen into the hands of the more moneyed class, and were crushed under a load of debts and mortgages. Like other peoples in similar con- ditions they sought for a political remedy to their economical distress by calling for a share in the government of the country. At the same time they complained that there was no certainty nor uniformity about the administration of justice. The Thesmothetae had indeed been appointed partly with the intention of securing written and recorded decisions of cases ; but there was no general code to guide them, and it would be long before a system of purely judge-made law could attain the desired precision and certainty of codified law. The agitation on both these grounds grew hot and led to violent civil dissension, and matters were not improved by the factions which prevailed among the governing aristocracy, of which the most powerful fahiily was that of the Alcmaeonidae. The first outcome of the perturbed state of the country was an attempt to establish a tyranny. Cylon, an Olympic victor of the year 640 B. C, about eight years later seized the Acropolis with a band of friends and followers, and called on the populace to rise in his support. The attempt was unfortunate. The government had a sufficient force in hand to check a rising, if the people had been disposed INTRODUCTION, xxiii to attempt it ; the Acropolis was blockaded, and the well- known results followed. Cylon escaped, but his followers were forced to surrender and were treacherously put to death by the archon Megacles the Alcmaeonid. These events did not tend to allay the discord in the state. The enemies of the Alcmaeonidae had an effective handle given to them by the commission of this sacrilege, and attacked them more bitterly than before. The poor still complained of their want of representation in the govern- ment, of the uncertainty of the administration of the law, and of the generally hopeless condition of their prospects in life. This agitation at last had its effect, and about the year 631 B.C. the aristocracy consented to the appoint- ment of Draco to deal with the trouble as seemed to him best. The work by which Draco was best, and indeed almost solely, known in later times was his codification of the laws, by which penalties, severe indeed but at least definite, were assigned to the various crimes known to them. But he was not merely a legal reformer. His more important work was a re-adjustment of the constitution which in many respects anticipated the subsequent legislation of Solon, in which the reforms of the earlier statesman were swallowed up and lost to the memory of posterity. A share in the government was given to all persons capable of furnishing a military equip- ment, — precisely the qualification which, two hundred years later, was revived on the overthrow of the administration of the Four Hundred. With this step the Ecclesia must have come into practical existence, and to it was apparently transferred the election of officers of state ; and along with it Draco created a Council consisting of 401 members, with duties analogous to those which its successor fulfilled under the constitution of Solon. For the selection of this body, as well as for the appointment of some of the less im- portant magistrates, the principle of the lot was called into xxiv INTRODUCTION. existence, probably mitigated by an initial selection of a limited number of candidates by the tribes. Property- qualiiications of varying amount were instituted for the several offices of state ; and fines were imposed for non- performance of public duties. Meanwhile the Areopagus, whose powers were diminished only in respect of the elections, remained as before the centre of political power. Draco attempted to provide a political solution for an economical problem, and with the natural result. The aristocracy were displeased with the infringement of their Eupatrid monopoly. The poor, with the land question unsettled, were just as much at the mercy of their creditors, who were practically their landlords, as they were before. There is an almost cynical tone in the brief sentence with which Aristotle closes his account of the reforms of Draco ; eirl be rois trw^atrti' ^crav bebf^voi, Kal 7] xa>pa hi oXiyuiv ^v. The natural results followed, avrearrr] rois yvv Td(f)a)V e^e^X'qdrjaav, to 8e yevos avrav e(f)vy€i> aeK^vyiav. ['ETTij/LieviSi;? 5' 6 K.pr]s eiri TOVTOis eKadrjpe rrjv ttoXlv. 2. Mera 5e ravra crvvefirj aTaaiaaaL tovs T€ yvco- pifiovs Kol TO ttXtjOos TToXiiv \p6vov *Tov Sfjpov*. rjv yap . . .7] TToXiTeia t[ois pev\ aXXois oXiyapx^Krj Traan, Kol 8ri Koi iSovXevov ot Trevr]Te[g tols] irXovaioLS kol attempt of Cylon should be placed about the year 632 B. c, or 628 B. c. at the latest. Whether the date of the visit of Epimenides, which is assigned to about 596 B. c, should be altered is another matter. Aris- totle in the present passage may very probably be merely carrying on the narrative of the rising of Cylon to its conclusion, and the words fiera be toCto which follow may easily refer to the attempt itself and not to the visit of Epimenides. Plutarch, with Aristotle before him, is not likely to have made so gross a mistake as to assign to the life- time of Solon (with whom he states Epimenides to have associated freely) an event which occurred before the legislation of Draco. The feud arising out of the Kvkaveiov ayas (the memories of which were still active in Greece at the period of the outbreak of the Peloponnesian war) had evidently lasted for a considerable time before the expulsion of the Alcmaeonidae ; and it was not till some years after this that the visit of Epimenides took place. Miipaivos : Myron is mentioned by Plutarch as the accuser of the Alcmaeonidae at the trial to which Solon persuaded them to submit. The word apia-rivSrjv occurs in the same passage (KpidTJvm rpiaKoaimv dpia-TivSt]v biKaiovrav), referring to the selection of the judges on that occasion. KaTayvaxrBtirros : this has been corrected in the MS. to KaBapQivros, but the tense and the context seem to make the original word preferable. i< rSnv raipav i^e^XrjQrjcrav : both Thucydides (I. 126) and Plutarch (/. c.) mention the disinterment of the bones of the members of the Alcmaeonid clan who had died since the affair of Cylon. dei eVt TOty acop.aaLV rjaav p-^XP'- ^oXcovos' ovtos 5e irpwTos kyi- v\eTO Tov 8r]fjLovj TrpoaTOLTTjs. )(aX€7ra)TaTov pev odu Kai TTiKporaTOv rjv roty ttoXXols tSsv Kara rijs TToXiTeias [apxi^v p.rj p.€T\ex^LV- ov prjv dXXa /cat eTTt roty aXXois iSvax^patvov ovdevos yap, wy fhreiv, irvyxavov /xereT^oirey. 3. 'Hj/ 5' t} ra^ty r^y apx^l-OiS iroXtTetas T-qs irpo ApaKo[vTos TOiavTT}]. ray p.ev dpxas [tjcrrao-ai' apicTTLvSrjv Ka\ irXovTivBrjV VPX^^ ^^ [™] M^^ TteXdrai Koi eVrTj/idpot : Photius quotes Aristotle as his authority for the word TreXdrai, which he explains as 01 jxicrQa SovXevovres, cnel to TTe'Xat eyyis, mov eyyiara bia irfviav npoaiovrfs, and again as oi irapa rois jr\rj(riov ipya^ofievoi' Ka\ B^res oi airoi Kai eKrr//idpoi, fweiSfi (Ktco fiipn rS>v Kapn&v elpya^ovro tijv yrjv. Cf. also Pollux III. 82, ■nekdrai Se Koi drJTcs iXfvBipav iariv ovojxaTa dia nfviav in apyvplat hovkevovrav and IV. 165, cKrrjp.6poi,oi neXdrai napa tois 'AttikoXs. exTij/idpot, not fKTrjuopioi, seems to be the proper form. neXdrai is also used to represent the Latin dientes in Plut. Rom. 13 etc. Plutarch has drawn from this passage of Aristotle in his description of the state of things immediately before the legislation of Solon (Sol. 13). See Rose's Fragmenta, frag. 351. fieSefieVot Totf Savei(ra(nv : the reading is largely conjectural, and the whole expression is rather unusual ; but it will bear the sense required and is in accordance with the traces remaining- visible in the MS. SeSepiivoi is moreover confirmed by the parallel expression at the end of ch. 4. For the phrase eVt rois cra>fia[roi'] d^ei'], fiera 8e ravra [Se/cajertaf. fieyia-Tai 8e KoX irpmraL tS>v dp^mv rjcrav ^aayXevs re k(u point is the combination of the mention of election i^itrraxrav dpio-nvSriv Kai nXovTtvSnv) with the retention of office for life. This must refer to the period of the Medontidae, a period at present involved in great obscurity. It has been generally agreed that the stories told of the alterations in the constitution after the death of Codrus imply some limitation of the kingly power ; and the present passage does some- thing to elucidate the point. It is probably not the case (see the fol- lowing note) that the title of king was abolished ; but it seems certain that the powers of the king were considerably altered, and that for a hereditary and nearly autocratic monarchy was substituted an elective life-magistracy confined to the members of the kingly house, with whom were joined, in varying degrees of subordination, a Polemarch and an Archon. How this is to be reconciled with the tradition of the grati- tude of the Athenians to Codrus is another matter; but we may perhaps connect with it the story of the dispute which arose as to the succession of the lame Medon and the consequent secession of a large body of emigrants who led the Ionian colonisation of Asia Minor. In them we may see the malcontents who were unwilling to accept the new regime ; and even the ' lameness ' of Medon may be only the traditional repre- sentation of the mutilated character of the monarchy enjoyed by him. irpwTai Twv dpxav : this account of the origin of the archon's office differs from that which has hitherto been generally accepted. In the absence of other evidence the legendary account has naturally been adopted, to the effect that the rule of the kings was followed first by that of the Medontidae, who held office for life but without the title of king, and perhaps with some limitation of authority, and then by decennial archons possessing the same powers but subject to the limit of time ; and that this was again followed by the creation of a board of nine archons, who shared among them the powers of the single ruler. From the account of Aristotle it appears that the office of Polemarch dates back to the period of the kings, at which time, however, it would amount to no more than the position of a commander- in-chief under an unwarlike sovereign. The office of tlpxav came into existence in the time either of Medon or of Acastus, z. e. at the beginning of the rule of the Medontidae. At this time, however, says Aristotle, the office was of comparatively little importance, and was inferior to both the ^aa-iXiis and the iroXipapxos, and it was only at a later period that the npxwv took precedence of these magistrates. This throws some light on the constitutional change which took place after the death of Codrus. It would appear that in effect the rule of a board of three was substituted for that of a monarch, or at least that two other magistrates were elevated to positions which detracted considerably from the autocratic authority of the titular governor. It seems, howr AGHNAIiiN nOAITEIA. 5 TroXYfiapyps kol ap^covy tovtcov 8e ttp^cotJt} p.€v y Tov ^aertAecoy, avrrj yap eV [apx^ iyeuero, Sevjrepa 8' iiTLKaTia-TT} [7roXe])U.a^xta Blol tov yl^v^ea-Oai rivas rau ^aaikecov to, iroXefiia fiaX^aKovs, o6ev /call TOV 'Icova /iere[7re/x]\^ai'ro ^etafy KlaTaXa^ovcrrjs. ever, that the old tradition that the name of king gave place to that of archon is inaccurate. There is other evidence tending to show that the title of ^aoiKevs Still continued in use {c/. Abbott's History of Greece, I. 286, quoting Pausanias, I. iii. 3), and this passage of Aristotle makes it practically certain. The /SaaiXt us still continued to rule for life, but associated with him were the Polemarch and the Archon. There is no evidence to show how long the term of ofiSce was in their case, but it may be conjectured that they were magistrates elected for a term of years by and from the Eupatrid aristocracy. The term aipeo-is used below may, no doubt, refer only to a later period ; but if, as has been shown in the preceding note, the king himself was at this time elective, it is very probable that the inferior oflScers would be so also. Later, when the kingly rule was entirely abolished, the apx'^" (who no doubt did not previously bear the title of fVmi/u/nos) took the first place in dignity ; and hence, when Aristotle is dealing with the magistrates of his own day, the Archon takes precedence of the fiaaiKevs and the Polemarch (ch. 55). The abolition of the title of king as that of the chief magistrate of the state probably took place when the decennial system was established. The name was then retained only for sacrificial and similar reasons, and, to mark the fact that the kingly rule was actually at an end, the magistrate bearing the title was degraded to the second position, while the Archon, whose name naturally suggested itself as the best substitute for that of king, was promoted to the titular headship of the state. Dates would then be indicated by the year of the archon, as previously by the year of the reigning king ; and when the office was made annual the Archon became in the full sense of the term ewawfios, the magistrate from whose name the year was called. The Thesmothetae, as Aristotle proceeds to state, only came into existence at this last-named period, after the abolition of the decennial system (682 B.C.). "lava: according to the legend Ion, who was ruling over the Aegialeis, came to the assistance of his grandfather Erechtheus in his war with Eumolpus of Eleusis, and was made commander-in-chief of the Athenians. Herodotus alludes to it, and gives him the title of inpaTapxni (VIII. 44) ; and a scholiast on Aristophanes {Birds 1527) actually calls him Polemarch, vaTpaou Sc np.Sxni' 'AnoWcova 'A.6r)valoi, fVei "lajv o iroXepapxos 'ABrjvaiav e'i 'AnoWavos Koi Kpeovaijs rrjs Sou^ou [yv^/aiKos] iyivero. 6 AP1ST0TEA0T2 reXevraia 8' rj \tov ap\ovTos' ot] p.€v yap irX^iovs [eVi] MeSofTOf, hiOL 5' eVt 'Kkolo-tov (paal yevicrOai \Tr\V apyj]v' (TT^/u.eioi'] 5' i7n(f)€povcrt.v [oTi] ol iuvea ap)(OVTesf ojxvvovcn [KaOaTrep] eVi 'AKacrrov [rrjf iroXecos ap)(\€LV, eof €7rt Trjs i\K€ivov\ fiaa-tXeias irapa^cop-qcravTcov tS)v Ko5[/Ot5dji'] . . . rm ap^ovTL *8a)peav*. tovto p.€v odv OTTOTepoos TTOV €)(ei p-LKpov, [/Cttt kyiv€TO 8rj iv tov]tois Tols )(p6vois' OTI \8e\ TeXevraia tovt(ov lyev€TO Twv dp^au, [crrj^elov kol picov Tov dp^ovra 8iotK€tv axnrep 6 fiaaiXevs Kai o TroXe- p,ap\os, dXXa 8lo kuI vecoo-rl yiyovev rj dp-xjj peydXrj, tols e7r[i]^eVoiy av^r}0[€?aa. 0€a\p.o0€TaL 8e 7roAAo[r]? varepov ereaiv ypedrjaav, rj8y} /car iuiavTov alp\e6evTes eVt] rds dpyas, oiroas dvaypa<^avTes ra Oeapiia (pvXaTTCoai Trpos ttjv tS)v [7rapavop,ov]vTcov KpiaiV 8lo kol p,6vr] rau dp^wv ovk eyevero irXeicov [rj'\ iviava-Los. \ovToi\ pev odv [is] toctovtov irpoe^ov' (TLV dXXcov. wKrjcrav 8' ov^ oipa Travres ol iuvea aWa . . . : at the end of the hiatus the letters t ra or eya are visible. avaypa-^avT€s : hitherto, apparently, judicial decisions had not been recorded, and consequently there was no stability in the administration of justice. The Thesmothetae therefore received their name not merely from the fact that they made law by administering it (Thirlwall, II. 17 : Did. Ant. art. Archon), but from being the first to lay it down in written decisions. There was therefore some written basis of law before the time of Draco ; but his legislation was no doubt required in order to give the archons fixed principles to work on and to secure uniformity of administration. Judges' law requires a substratum of fixed and codified law on which to work. hXXcoi' (c.t.X. : the MS. reading here is aXXjjwj'ijo-uj', a corruption of which the reading given in the text seems the most probable correction. (aKi\aav k.t.\. : cf. Suid. S. V, tipxav : npo fiiv tS>v SoXoivos vofimv ovk e'^^v avTois a/ia ^ixd^fiv, dXX' 6 fiiv /SacriXevc Kadrjaro napa tu 'Apfoirayeniov ^ovXrj : this passage is important, as bearing on the origin and early existence of the Areopagus, Plutarch (So/. 19) mentions that most persons believed Solon to have been the founder of that council, but in disproof of this statement quotes the fact that the Areopagus is referred to in one of Solon's own laws as already existing. The reference to it in the Politics as the oligarchical element in Solon's mixed constitution {Pol. ii. 12) is no argument against its preexistence ; Solon made the constitution a mixed one by adding a democratical element to the oligarchical and aristocratical ones already existing. The present passage makes it clear that, in Aristotle's opinion, the Areopagus not only existed before Solon and before Draco, but that it was even at that time composed of those who had held the office of archon, and that it was in reality the central force in the administration. Its position appears, indeed, to be analogous to that of the senate in the best period of the Roman republic. It represented a governing aristocratical council, electing (as appears from an almost certain conjecture in ch. 8) the archons, who entered its body after serving their year of office ; and its weight, as containing all the official experience of the state, must have given it at least as much influence over the annual magistrates who expected shortly to become members of it as the Roman senate held over the consuls. It seems entirely unnecessary to suppose that there was any other council in existence before the time of Draco. The court of 300 which tried the Alcmaeonidae in the case of Cylon was clearly a special court for a special purpose ; and the council of the same number which Cleomenes and Isagoras attempted to set up in 508 B.C. was only a revolutionary substitute for the existing council of 400 (or of 500, if the reform of Cleisthenes had already been actually carried out, which seems improbable). At what time the method of recruiting the Areopagus from the ex-archons was adopted, or what was its character before that date, it is impossible to say with certainty ; but common sense and analogy make it probable that originally it was a council of elders summoned by the king. It is not impossible that all heads of yivr\ may have had a traditional right to a summons, which would fix the total number at 360 ; but it is highly improbable that they had any absolute right, as such councils in early times almost always rested on the will of the sovereign. But when the monarchy was abolished there was no individual to whom the duty of nominating the governing council could fitly be entrusted, and the automatic process of forming it from all ex-archons was therefore probably put into operation from the date of the establishment of the annual A©HNAmN nOAITEIA. 9 Tovs vojxovs, SicoKei Se to. irXela-Ta kol to, fieyicTTa Twv iu TYJ TToXei, Kol KoXd^ovaa Koi ^rjfji^Lojvara iravras tovs aKoa-fiovvTas Kvpicos. rj yap atpecns Tmv apypvToav apKTTivBrjv kcu TrXovTivSrjv -qv, e^ wv OL ApeoTrayelrai KaOiaTavTO. Sto kol /xovrj twv ap^wv avT-q p.€p.evrjKe Sia ^lov kol vvv. 4. 'H p.€v odv irpcoTT] TroXiTeia ravr-qv ^\}\x'^ '''W i)7ro^ypaj(f)r]v. fiera 8e ravra, ^(^povov tlvos ov ttoXXov SieXdovTO^, en ' ApiaTai^fiov ap)(ovT09 Apd^^Kcojv rovt Oea-fiovs edrjKev rj 8e tcc^ls avrr] rouSe top rpoirov ei^e. aTreSeSoTO [^] TroXiTeia toIs oTrAa Trape-)(OfxtvoLS' archonships, though it would of course be many years before the council came to be composed solely of those who had served this office. 4. iit" hpiaraixiiov apxovTos : the name is not otherwise known. It is to be observed that Draco was not archon eponymus at the time of his legislative reforms, as has been commonly supposed. The phrase of Pausanias (IX. 36, 8) ApaxovTos 'Adrjvniois 6e(Tfio6eTiiijavT05 may possibly indicate that he was one of the junior archons, though it is not necessary so to interpret the word. aiTf&iboTo f) TToXiTfi'a Tols oTrKa jrape^onevots : this passage throws a completely new light on the legislation of Draco, and shows that he was not merely a jurist but also a political reformer. It is, moreover, absolutely opposed to the statement in Pol. II. 12, that Draco made no change in the constitution (no^iTcla S' innp^ovtrr) roiis vojiovs fdr/Kf), and makes it additionally certain that that chapter is not Aristotle's. The readings of the present passage are doubtful in several cases, but the general drift is clear. A certain share in the government was given to all persons capable of providing themselves with a military equipment, a definition which would probably include the first three of the so-called ' Solonian ' classes (see below, where all three are mentioned as liable to fines for failure in public duties). It is probable, however, that this share was at first considerably limited. There was a property quali- fication for the various offices, differing in amount according to their importance ; and this would secure the predominance of the wealthy classes in the higher posts. Moreover the poorest class, which was probably also the largest, had not even the avayKaioTarrj Sivafus which was afterwards assigned to it by Solon. On the other hand both the property classification (though not necessarily its employment for constitutional purposes, c/. note on TifujuaTa, ch. 7), and the creation lo API2T0TEA0TS rfpovvTO Be tovs fiev kvvia apypvra^ [xai t\ovs [rjayiitay ovaiav KCKTrjfievovs ovk eXaTTCo SeKU fiuav iXevdepav, of the Council of Four Hundred, which have hitherto been assigned to Solon on the direct evidence of Plutarch and others, are here declared to belong to the time of Draco ; and the latter, if not the former, was evidently his own creation. Moreover if the word KKrjpova-Bai is to be used in its strict sense (and it is unlikely that Aristotle would use a technical word otherwise), the institution of the lot must also be assigned to Draco, though its employment was probably limited to the election of the new Council, and perhaps some other inferior offices. Aristotle does not say what the duties of the ^ovXi] were. As the Ecclesia is mentioned below, the Council may already have had something of its later probouleutic functions ; but it is not likely that the Ecclesia had much important business entrusted to it yet. Perhaps the less important details of government and the manage- ment of elections were delegated to it, but it cannot have been intended to exercise any very important powers. The Areopagus, on the other hand, retained all its former authority, with powers of control over all the magistrates and a general right of revision of legal decisions on appeal. In short it still remained the central force in the state, and in this fact the gist of the Draconian constitution lies. With the intro- duction of several distinct steps in the direction of popularising the constitution, the balance of power is nevertheless unaltered. This explains the otherwise strange fact, that no other extant author has mentioned the legislation of Draco from any other point of view than the legal one, and that his position as a constitutional reformer was evidently forgotten in later times. The first definite shifting of the balance of power occurred under Solon, and consequently all the details which were worked into his system were ascribed to him, though some of them had actually come into existence twenty or thirty years before. Nevertheless it is strange that Plutarch, who certainly was acquainted with Aristotle's work, should have attributed the property qualification and the institution of the /SouX^ to Solon ; but perhaps in writing the biography of the latter he preferred to adopt the traditional account of his legislation. It is furthemoticeable that Aristotle says nothing of the legal code which is the best-known work of Draco. No doubt the present treatise is primarily constitutional, not legal, and therefore reforms in judicial procedure and criminal law have no direct place in it ; but at the same time it is so far historical that one would have expected some allusion to facts so well known, and which have, moreover, some bearing on the transition from the autocratic to the popular method of government at Athens. Tols on\a napexofiivois : the same qualification was revived at the deposition of the Four Hundred in 411 B.C., and under this constitution A©HNAmN nOAITEIA. ii raf 5' aXXas ap^as eXdrrovs e/c tmv oTrXa 7rapex[ofie- [Col. 2.] va)v\, arpaTTjyovs fie kol iTTTra/j^ouf ovcriav airocpaivov- Tas ovK iXuTTOv r) eKarov pvav eXeuOepcov kol TuaiSas e[/c] yap.€TrJ9 yvvaiKos yvqaiovs virep ScKa ett] yeyovo- ras' TOVTOvs 5e 8€l\y etj/at] tovs irpvraveis kol tov9 (TTpar-qyovs kol tov9 Imrap^ovs tov yevovs p-^XP'- €v6vvS>v .... Tas 8' eK tov avrov reXous 8e)(opivovs ovirep OL (TTpaTTjyol kol ol hrirap-^^oL. iSovXeveiu 8e T€TpaKO(TLOVS KOL iva TQVS Xa^OVTaS 4k TTjS TToXLTiiaS' KXrjpova-dat 8e kol TavTrjv kol [ra]p aA[Aay] ap)(as Thucydides affirms (VIII. 97) Athens to have enjoyed the best govern- ment within his memory ; a favourable judgment which is repeated by Aristotle {infra, ch. 33). apxovTas: MS. apxovres, obviously a mere slip. i\ev6ipav : i. e. free of all encumbrances. The writing of the MS. in this and the following lines is very faint, but the readings are tolerably certain. kKaTov pxav : it seems extraordinary that the property qualification for a strategus should be 100 minae, while that for the archons was only 10 minae. It is possible that in these early times strategi were only elected when they were required, i. e. in case of war, and then no doubt it would be desirable to secure men of special competence. Moreover it might have been difficult to find enough persons possessing a qualification so high to provide nine archons a year ; while the strategi, even if appointed yearly, would not have been more than four in number at the outside, one for each tribe. The number ten of course belongs only to the time after the reforms of Cleisthenes. hew : the first three letters of this word, which alone are visible, are a correction, the word originally written beginning with fit. TeTpaKoa[vovTL Trap' ov a8iKeiTat vopLOv. evL 8e rots aa)\}jia\(riv rjaav 8e8ep.evoi, KaOairep e'lprjTai, kcu t] xdipa. 81 oXiycov rfv. 5. ToiayrT/y 8e ttjs ra^ecos ovarjs ev ry TroXiTeia Kai Twv [7r]oXXav 8ovXev6vTcov rots oXiyois, dvTea-rrj Tois yvatpLfxois 6 8rjp.o9. l(r\vpds 8e tt]9 arda-ecos ovarjs /cat 7roA[i'i'] ■)(p6vov dvTiKa6r}p.evcov dXXrjXois eiXovTo Koivfj 8iaXXaKT7]v kcu dp^ovra ^oXcova, kcu of the people before military service known as an ecclesia, which will account for the omission to notice the creation of such a body by Draco ; but it was Draco who took the first step towards making it an important part of the constitution. He made all persons capable of furnishing a military equipment members of it, and to them was apparently committed the election of the officers of state ; and though it is not likely that any other business of real importance was delegated to it, and the Areopagus still retained the general direction of affairs, yet the Ecclesia was henceforth an integral portion of the state and capable of the development which was effected by Solon and subse- quent statesmen. dweripov k.t.X. . fines for non-attendance at official duties are charac- teristic of the earlier part of Athenian history alone, as they naturally cease with the establishment of payment for attendance. As Boeckh {Public Economy of the Athenians, bk. III. ch. 12) shows, in the time of Solon the fines were usually very small ; thus a person convicted of using abusive language in public was fined only five drachmas under the laws of Solon, whereas in later times the fine was 500 drachmas. In comparison with this scale a fine of one to three drachmas for missing a meeting of the Council or Assembly appears high. em 8e rots (ro>iJiacnv rjcrav SeSf/tieVoi : in this fact lies the explanation of the failure of Draco's legislation to remove the distress existing in Attica. Though a large class of persons who had hitherto had no part in the state were now admitted to a share in elections and a chance of service in certain posts, yet the labouring class were in no way touched by this reform, and their economical condition was in no way improved. 14 APISTOTEAOTS T[r]v 7roXi]Tet,[a]v eTrerpe'^au avT^ Troi'^cravTi Trjv iXeyeiav ^s ia-riv apxV Tlv(o[v p-eacov, a>s ck re It was not until Solon had relieved them of their pecuniary burdens, and had admitted them to at least a slight control over the admini- stration, till Cleisthenes and the reformers of the first half of the fifth century had made that control effective, till pay was given for public service, and the large increase of the slave class had relieved them of the greater part of the manual labour necessary in the country, that the democracy could become fully established. In the time of Draco, however, most of these changes would have been premature and impracticable ; but one evil did call emphatically for remedy, namely the economical condition of the labouring class, and it was this which made the legislation of Solon necessary within a few years of the reforms of Draco. S-TroDjo-ai/Ti Tqv eXeyeiav: in this part of his work Aristotle has preserved considerable fragments of the poetry of Solon. Many of them are already known through having been transferred by Plutarch to his life of Solon and through quotations in other authors. The couplet given here is, however, an addition to the remains previously extant. It appears to belong to the poem on the state of Athens of which a considerable portion is quoted by Demosthenes, de Fals. Leg. c. 255, PP- 421-3 (Bergk, Frag. 3). As there quoted, the beginning is clearly wanting. It may be noticed that the manner in which Aristotle tells the story seems to indicate that this political poem of Solon was the direct cause of his nomination as SiaWnKrij?, which may be so far true that the publication of it may have called attention to his patriotism and political moderation at the critical moment ; but he was of course already a well-known citizen {cf. infra, rg fio'f ij tSiv trpwrcov). Koi yap iirfiKavvev ital : the reading is very doubtful, with the ex- ception of the first koi. r}a\ TTjv re (f)[LXapyvp]iav Trjv Te vireprjijiavlav, as Sia TUvTa Trjs e\6pas eVeo-raj[o-]?7y. 6. Y%.vpLOS 8e yevo/xeuos tS>v 7rpayix[aT]cov ^oXcov Tov re Srjfiov rjXevdepaxre kol ii/ tS irapovTL kcCl els TO fjLeXXov, KcoXvcras 8[av€L]^eiv eVt toIs a-copiacnv, Kcu v6p.ovs edr]K€ kol ^eav a[7ro]K07ras' i7r[o]i7](re /cat Tmv ISlcov kol Tav SrjfioaLcou, as a-eia-a^deiav KaXov- (TLV, d>s aTroc^Kra/JLevot to fiapos' iv ols TreiprnvTai ti 6. as (Tfi(rdx6fiav Ka\ov(nv : MS. crei(raf(6ia ; and the 9 of as has been inserted above the line. Aristotle does not say much about this measure, which was not constitutional but economical in its character. If, however, any doubt remained as to whether it amounted to a clean sweep of all debts, Aristotle's express definition of it as xP^'^" anoKOTral should remove it. It would even appear that it extended beyond debts secured on the land, since no limitation is expressed and public debts as well as private were included. It is hardly likely that debts to the state were secured by mortgage, since payment of such liabilities can seldom be deferred or allowed to fall into arrears. Probably, in dealing with the large number of obligations secured on the person or land of the debtor, Solon found it impossible to avoid touching the remaining class of debts, and was unable to annul the one without also annulling the other. As the usual security was evidently real property, it is probable that the amount of debts otherwise secured was com- paratively small, so that the extension of the xpeav diroKOTrr} to all debts alike effected a great simplification of the measure without any con- siderable increase of hardship. In short, Solon's economical reform was a complete measure of novae tabulae, dnoiTficrdfievoi : MS. airoaia-aiievoi. i6 APISTOTEAOTS [/cat] Sia^dXXeip avTov. (rvuefirj yap r^ SoAooi/t /xeX- XovTi iroielv ttjv cr€i(ra^[d]etav Trpoenreiu Tiart tS>v \yvoii]piiuo\y\, eireiff , toy jxev ol Stj/xotikoI Xeyovai, TrapaaTpaTrjyrjdrjuai Sia rav (f)LXcov, as 8' ol [/ce/CTT^j- pevoi, fiXacr(l)rjp,elv Koi avTou KOLVcovelv. 8aveiaap,euoL yap ovTOL (TVveirplavTO rroXXrjv ■)^copau, [jxera 5e] ov TToXi) Trjs T&v •)(p€S)V airoKOTrrjs yLvop^ivqs iirXovTOW odeu (pacri yevea-dat tovs vcrTepov 8o[Ko]vvTas eivat iraXaioirXovTovs . ov /xrjv aAAa 7n0[avco]T€pos [o] rmv 8r]fioTiKm[v X]6yos' ov yap [el/coy e]v fieu toIs aXXois ovTco perpiov yevecrOai, /cat kolvov, \a.p,(i\ t i^ou avTc^ \t\ovs \y6p\ovs vTroTroirjcrafieuou Tvpavuelu rrjs TToAecoy dfjiCJiOTepoLS dire^dv\€aQai koX irepX irXeiovos \Troi\r]aaa6aL t\o ko^Xov kolI ttjv ttjs iroXews (rooTrj- piav 7] TTfv avTOv irXeove^iav, iv [ovt\co 8e piKpols [/cat] ai'[a^to]ty /cara/)/)U7raii'[e]ti' iavTov. otl 8e ravTTjv icr^e TTjv i^ovcrtav rd re irpdyp-ara voaovvra pere- Kpovcraro, /cat ip rols TroLrjpMcriu avros iroXXa^ov pepvrjKe koX ol aXXoi (rvuopoXoyovcri 7raj'['rey]. rav- TTjv pev odv XPV vopl^eLV ^ev8y] ttjv alriav elval. 7. IIoAtrftai' 8e KareaT-qcre kou vopovs cdrjKev aXXov9, TOLS 8e ApaKovTOS deapols iirava-avTO xpco- (Tvvi^rf yap k.t.X. : this story of the profit made by the friends of Solon out of the a-eia-dxdna is also given by Plutarch, c. 15. Aristotle does not mention the circumstance which Plutarch adduces as having proved Solon's innocence of complicity in the transaction, viz. that he vi^as himself a creditor to the extent of five talents, which he lost by his own measure. He rests his justification of Solon on his general character as proved by his whole career, especially his consistent refusal of the chance of making himself tyrant ; this is a fact beyond question, while the story of the five talents may be apocryphal. baveurafievoi : MS. Savtcraiievoi. liiTCKpoxKTUTo x n Very doubtful reading. AQHNAmN nOAlTEIA. 17 lievoi ttXtju twv (ftoviKcou. avaypa^avres 5e tovs vofiovf ety tovs Kvp^eis icrTrjaav 4u rrj (rrod rrj fiaa-iXela /cat mfioaau ^ xprjcrecrOaL iravres' ol 8' ivuea ap^ovres ofivvvrey irpof tS XiOcp KareipaTi^ou avadrja-eiv avSpiavra •)(jpv(rovv idu riua irapafiaxri tcov vofiav o0ev en Koi vvv ovtcos 6p.vvovai. KareKvpaxre 8e TOVS vojxovs ds Ikoltov [e]r77 kcu SieTU^e ttjv ttoXl- reiav TovSe Tpoirov. TifiT^fj.a[Ta SiJctAev els TeTTupa 7. avaypdyffavTfs fie . . . rrj /3n(riXfim : this is the first passage (out of very many) which directly proves the present treatise to be Aristotle's 'Afliji/atmj/ IIoXiTfia, these words being given by Harpocration (s. v. KiipSfts) as a quotation from that work. Plutarch also (Sol. 25) and the scholiast on Aristophanes' Birds 1354 refer to Aristotle for the word KvpBns {cf. Rose, Frag. 352). opvivm K.rX. : Plutarch (/. c.) paraphrases this passage, a/iwcv . . . eKatTTOS Tav Bea-fioBerSiV iv dyopa irpos ra \l6(0, KaTav onXa Trapcp^o/ieWi', in the Solonian constitution it was that he was a member of one or other of the four classes. There is nothing to show that the division into property classes had any connection with the political franchise or eligibility to office before the time of Solon. The mention of it above in the constitution of Draco speaks of it as used for differentiating the amounts of the fines due for neglect of public duties, and it may jeasonablybe supposed to have been employed for purposes of taxation as well ; but Solon was probably the first to employ this classification as a basis for the political organisation of the state. Before his time none but the members of the old Eupatrid aristocracy had any important share in the government ; and hence Solon was rightly regarded in after times as the reformer who substituted the qualification of property for the qualification of birth, while the fact that the property classification had existed previously for other purposes was forgotten. The only real difficulty arises from the direct citation of Aristotle by Harpocration, and this may be due either to careless quotation or to a disbelief of Aristotle's authority with reference to the pre-existence of these classes. It is also possible that the words Kaddnep 8t.7pi?ro koI TrpoTcpov may be an interpolation due to some one who noticed the mention of the property classes in the description of the Draconian constitution, so that while the fact of the pre-existence remains the same, the mention of it in this particular sentence would disappear. AOHNAIiiN nOAITEIA. ig ti[€u ov]v ap^as OLTreveifiev apx^iv e/c irevTaKoa-LO/xe- [Col. 3.J oifivcov /cat iTrrrecov kcu ^evyirmu, tovs evvia apyov- Tas Koi Toiis rafilas /cat tovs TrcoXrjlTas] kcu tovs evSe/ca kcu tovs KcoXaKperas, Ikolcttols avdXoyov rm peyedei tov Tip[r]]p.[aTo]s uTroSiSovs T[riv dp]xriv. Tols 8e TO OrjTiKov TekovcTLv eKKXyjo-ias /cat Slkuct- T-qpuov ficTcScoKe povov. eSei 8e TeXeiv TrevTaKoa-iope- 8ip,vov peu OS av e/c ttjs oiKeias Troifj TrevTaKocna p€Tpa Ta (rvvdp(f)co ^Tqpd kol vypd, hrirdba be tovs TpiaKoaia iroLovvTas, toy 5' eVtoi ^aau tovs ittttot/Oo- ^€iv Svvapevovs. crrjpelop de (f)epovcrL to re ouopa To[v\ TeXovs, ms av diro tov irpdy\}Ji\aTos Kcipevou, This would relieve Harpocration from the charge of inaccurate or garbled quotation ; but in view of the fact that the MS. is certainly much earlier than the date of Harpocration this does not seem to be a very safe explanation. aniviifiev apx^iv : the latter part of this sentence explains the first. It does not mean that members of the first three classes were eligible to all the offices named, as is clear from the statement a little lower down that the raniai were elected from the first class alone, which it is practically certain was also the case with the archons (c/- Plutarch, Arist. i). The offices mentioned were filled from the first three classes, but some of them were filled from one class and others from another, cKaoTois dvaKoyov tw fieyeOei tov TifirifjiaTos diroSiBovs Tr]v dp^rjv. The highest offices were open to the first class alone, the lower to the others as well. Tols 8e TO driTiKov TeXovtriv cKK\t]l\ov 'hvOijiiav mirov t6v8' aveBrjKs ffenls, excepting one which agrees with the present text with merely the substitution of rdvS' for rrjvS'. The editors and commentators have either taken the name Aiv (f)vXaw. irpovKpivev qualification can never have been entirely abolished by law. The date of the final extension of eligibility to the archonship belongs to the period between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars, the Zevyirai being made eligible in 457 B.C. (see ch. 26 and note there). Whether there was any partial extension previously to this there is no evidence to show; but the final extension can only have taken the form of throwing open the office to all possessed of the lowest qualification, that of a Zevyirqi, while by a legal fiction even a person who did not come up to that standard was allowed to represent himself as possess- ing the required qualification. A partial parallel may be found in the notorious invasion of the law of property qualification for a member of the English parliament previous to 1858. 8. Tar 8' apxis : MS. tijs S a^i^iys. KXripcoTCLs cK TTpoKp'iTwv i this passagc is at variance with the ordinary belief as to the manner of election to the archonship in the sixth century. It has been supposed, as common sense suggested in the absence of direct evidence, that until the lot was introduced about the time of the Persian wars the archons were directly elected, whether by the people or in whatever manner prevailed in earlier times. It is now certain (c/. infra) that in early times (presumably until the constitution of Draco, by whom the election was apparently given to the ecclesia) the archons were directly elected to their offices by the Areopagus ; but that when Solon introduced the people to political power a com- bined process of selection and sortition was devised. The four tribes elected ten candidates each, and from the forty persons thus designated the nine required officers were chosen by lot. With this passage may be compared the statement of Demosthenes (Contr. Neaer. p. 1370J, TOV ficv ^aaiKia ... 6 8^/ios ^peiro ck npoKpiToiv Kar' avdpayadiav )(ei,poTov5iv. Demosthenes refers this system to the time of Theseus, which is plainly impossible ; but it may be a recollection of the state of things under the Solonian constitution. The only discrepancy with the passage of Aristotle lies in the word x«P<""o''Si' : for whereas Aristotle represents the second stage of the election as conducted by the lot, Demosthenes regards both processes as selective. On a priori grounds the version of Demosthenes would be preferable, and it accords with the general view that the lot was not introduced for any purpose before the time of Cleisthenes at the earliest. On the other hand the orators, who are notoriously inaccurate in their history, are not to be compared with Aristotle as an authority, especially as the latter quotes a proof %% AP1ST0TEA0T2 5' ety Tovs kvvia apypvras eKoia-Tr] SeKa, kcu tov\tovs eK\rf\povv' o9ev ere Siafieuec rais ^vXals to Se/ca KXrjpovv eKaarTTju, eir' eK tovtcov Kvafi€ve\^iv^ . o"r]fieiov S" OTL KXrjpcoras iiroirjaav e'/c twv TLfirjp.aT(ov 6 irepl rav rafiimv vopos a> ■^(pcop.evoi [SiareAojOcrif ert koL vvv KeXevei yap KXrjpovu tow Tajxlas e/c 7revTaKO eKatrrov tS)v epyav wpoKpivovres, but he makes no clear distinction between the constitutions of Solon and of Cleisthenes, and is too vague to be of much use in an argument. In any case the Solonian system was not of long duration ; for even in the years which intervened between its establishment and its abrogation by the tyranny of Pisistratus we find that there were several disturbances to the normal process of election. On the changes subsequently introduced, see below, ch. 22, and note. It must be observed that the present passage, in ascribing this system of election to Solon, is not consistent with the statement in the Politics (II. 12) that Solon made no change in the election of magis- trates. This however is not the first contradiction that we have found between that chapter and this treatise, and it has already been noticed that the chapter in the Politics is of doubtful authenticity {cf. note on ch. 4, aniiihoTo (c.t.\.). KKrjpovv . . . Kvafiiveiv : there is no difference in meaning between these words, both being regularly used of election by lot, as opposed to x"po'''"'f '" or alpkiadai. The difference between the earlier and the later practice was that at first the tribes elected their ten candidates apiece by deliberate choice, and the lot was only put into operation between the forty individuals thus nominated ; whereas afterwards the lot was employed in both stages of the election. i] fV 'Apeia Trdya ^ovXr) : cf. note on ch. 3, ad fin. This direct state- ment by Aristotle is of great value, as confirming what might have been independently conjectured from the preceding account of the early importance of the Areopagus, though historians have hitherto been shy of making any definite assertion as to the election of magistrates in the times preceding Solon. At first sight it appears to contradict the statement in ch. 4, that oi oTrXa iTapexdp.fvoi {i. e. the ecclesia) elected the archons and other magistrates under the constitution of Draco. Aristotle's phrase to apxalon, however, does not necessarily imply that AGHNAIliN nOAITEIA. 23 fiovX]ri dvaKaXearafieuT] Koi Kpiuaaa Kaff avTrjv tov eTTiTTjSeiou €0' eKaarrj t5>v ap^wv [eV eviavrov 8i.a- Ta^ajaa aTrda-TeXXeu. ^vXal S" rjcrav 8 KaOairep TrpoTepov Koi 0uAo/8ao-tAeiy reacrapef. €K 8e [ttJs (f)vXrjs iK]d(rT7jS' rjuav v€V€ixT]p.evai rpiTTves p-eu rpeis, uavKpapiai Se 8a)8eKa Kad* eKacTTrju. [^u 8e Tav] vavKpapiaiv dp^-q KadecTTTjKvia vavKpapoi, rerayp-evT] the election of officers by the Areopagus lasted up to the time of Solon. It probably occurred to him that he had not mentioned the primitive method of election in the previous part of his work, and he therefore inserted it here. Draco's reforms took the election from the Areopagus and gave it to the persons qualified to sit in his ecclesia. Solon threw open the ecclesia to a much wider circle, and thereupon introduced the double process of election by vote and lot described in this chapter. eV eviavTov 8iaTa|atra: the writing of the MS. is almost entirely ob- literated, but the remains which are visible are in accordance with the reading here proposed. 0uXai 8' rja-av . , . Kaff inaa-Tr^v : quoted by Photius, j. v. vavKpapia, who prefaces his quotation with the words, ix rijs 'Apio-ToreXous noXiTelas, ov rponov Siera^e Trjv woKiv 6 SdAmi' (Rose, Frag. 349). vavKpaplai : MS. vavKpaipai, Kaff iKCUTTTjV '. SC. <^v\ijV. vavKpapoi : MS. vavKpaipot. This passage does not do much to clear up the obscurity which surrounds the question of the vavKpapoi. Photius (/. c.) ascribes the invention of the name to Solon (SdXwj/os ovtius ovopatravTos , i>s Kai 'ApioroTeXi/r (jir/irlv), but the reference to Aristotle, if correct, must be to some other passage than the present. Probably, however, he does refer to this passage, assuming from the mention of the Naucraries here that Aristotle intended to ascribe their origin, and therefore their name, to Solon. It is not clear that this was Aristotle's intention. It appears rather that he expressly avoids doing so ; for having stated that the four tribes existed previously, he pro- ceeds to say that those tribes were subdivided into Trittyes and Naucraries, whereas in speaking elsewhere of the institutions of Solon he always attributes them to him directly (ray dpxas cn-oii^o-e KKriptoTas . . . ovTtos ivoiioBcTtia-ev . . . 0ov\rjv 8' inoirfiTe). It is moreover certain from Herodotus (V. 71) that these subdivisions of the tribes existed from much earlier days. The Naucraries were evidently the units of local administration, as the demes became subsequently; and we learn from the present passage that their principal duty was financial. Thus Hesychius describes them {s. v. vavKKapoi) as oLnves aopas tiaikeyov, and Pollux (VIII. I08), ras 8' eiVi^opns to 9 Kara. 24 API2T0TEA0TS TTpos re TOLS €\la\<^opas kcu ras 8aiT\avas\ ras yivo- fjLeuas' 8io Koi iv tols vofxoLs Tol\s 2]oAcoi/oy oly ovkcti ^prnvrai {oiov \^Ikos) ye^ypairraL tovs vavKpapovs elcnrpaTTeiv kol avaXiaKeiv e'/c tov vavKpapiKOv apyv- p[iov. fiov}C\r]v 5' iiroirjae T€TpaKoaio\ys\, eKarov i^ eKciaTrjs 0yA^y, Tr)v Se tcov ' ApeoTrayeirmv era^ev e[7-t] vop.o(l>v\aK€iv, axrirep virrip-)(€v kol irporepov iTTia-KOTTOs o[S](ra rrjs TroXire/ay ey ra re aXXa, kol TO, TrXelara Koi ra fieyiara rmv ttoXitcov Sierrjpei kol Toiis ap,apT0LV0VTas ijvdvvev Kvpi[a] odlara tov C'?]/^'" [ovv] Koi KoXd^eiv, koL ray eKTiaeLS du€' rjs laas a>v6iuuTT0 (Rose, Frag. 349). The quotation which Aristotle proceeds to make from the law of Solon shows that the vavKpapot, who were the governors of each division, had the duty of collecting and administering certain funds within their own districts. Aristotle does not mention the npvrdveis tS>v vavxpapav whom Herodotus (/. c.) states to have been the magistrates at the head of affairs in Athens at the time of the con- spiracy of Cylon ; but it is probable that they were a central committee, whose number we do not know, on which the forty-eight vavKpapoi served in turn, and who had the general administration of the finances, subject no doubt to the supervision of the Areopagus. As to the statement that they at any time managed affairs in Athens, it is clear that (in the absence of the first part of the present treatise, which might have thrown some light upon the subject) the counter-statement of Thucydides (I. 126), who must be deliberately correcting his predecessor, deserves greater credence ; and the way in which the office is here spoken of seems to imply that Aristotle has not mentioned it already in the now missing part of his work. ^ovXrjv : this is the same assembly as that established by Draco, with the exception that the one additional member is omitted (c/. note on ch. 4). Its origin has hitherto been universally ascribed to Solon, by Plutarch among others {c. 19, Sfvrepav irpoo-KaTc'i'ci/ic fiovKfiv) ; but c/. note on ch. 7, Tip-rnmra k.t.X. e's TO. , . . n-XeicTTa : the writing of the MS. is very faint, and the readings consequently doubtful. Cf. ch. 3, di^Kci fi« to irXeitrTo icai tu p-tyiara rav iv rg TrdXfi, Kal KoXa^ovo'a Koi ^ij/uiofa'a itdvras tovs aitoa- fioivras Kvplas, AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 25 ttoXlv ovk iwiypacpovcra ttjv 7rp6(j)a(n[i> tov koXo,^- eaOaL, kcu tovs eVt KaraXva-ei tov 8-^fxov avv[i]crTa- lx€vovs €Kpivev, ^oXcovos 0ev[TOs], 6 fi€v [oSv ravT era^e] Trepl avrmv. bpmv 8e ttjv fiev ttoXlv ttoXXolkls aracTLaQova-av, rmv 8e ttoXitojv iviovs 5[ta] ttjv padvi^ioi^v [aTrofrraji'T-ay to avTofiaTov v6p.ov edrjKC TTpos avTOvs "lBlov, OS OLV aTaa-La^ova-qs Trjs TroX^eoo^s fx^T) alp^TjTai TO. OTrXa fijjSe fied' iTepmv, arip-ov elvai Kol Tjjs TToXeas p.r) fMere^etv. 9. Ta p.ev odv [irepl to^s ap^as t\ovt^ov [eix]^ "^ov TpoTTOu. doK€L 8e ttJs ^oXcovos TToXiTeias Tpia TaVT eivat Ta SyjfiOTiKcoTaTa, Trpwrov fiev /cat fieyicTTOv to noWaKis : MS. noWaKi. It is not likely that a poetical form was used by Aristotle, and the omission of the s is easily explained by the next word beginning with the same letter. voiiov fOrjKe : this passage is quoted and amplified by Aulus Gellius (II. 12) : ' In legibus Solonis . . . legem esse Aristoteles refert scriptam ad hanc sententiam, "si ob discordiam dissensionemque seditio atque discessio populi in duas partes fiet et ob earn causam irritatis animis utrimque arma capientur pugnabiturque, turn qui in eo tempore in eoque casu civilis discordiae non alterutra parte sese adiunxerit, sed solitarius separatusque a communi malo civitatis secesserit, is domo patria fortunisque omnibus careto, exul extorrisque esto.'" This laborious amplification, which adds nothing to the direct simplicity of Solon's original law, must be the work of a scientific jurist of a late period, perhaps GeUius himself. Plutarch also [c. 20) refers to this law, which he calls Ibios fioKicrTa Kai irapabo^os. Cf. Rose, Frag. 353. 9. rpla Ta SrnionKaTara : in Poi. II. 12 the summary of the Solonian constitution is that it gave to the lower classes the necessary minimum of political power, viz. the election of magistrates and the power of calling them to account. In the present passage the first of these points (which was not due primarily to Solon, as appears from. ch. 4) is passed over, but much stress is laid upon the other, which was in fact the hinge of the Athenian constitution. The constitutions of different countries have each had their one decisive fact, which may not have been the one possessing most legal prominence, but which nevertheless has guided the course of the political development of the country. In England this decisive fact has been the control of the Commons over financial supplies, which has always been the lever 26 API2T0TEA0TS /Lij) 8av€L^eLV eVi Tois (rmfiacnv, ejreira to i^elvai Tw ^ovXofJLeua [SiKa^ec^at] inrep rau d8iKOVfievcov, rpiTOV 8e ((17) fiaXLCTTa (pacriv la^vKevai to ttXtjOos) rj els TO 8iK\a(rT-^piovj e0[ecrt]y Kvpios yap wv 6 Srjpos TT]9 "^rjcpov KvpLos yiv€Tai, TTjs TToXtTeias, €TL 8e KcCi 5ia TO prj yeyp\a\(l)6\aL Toji/s vopovs airXm fJLr]8e (ra(l)a)S, dXX' mcnrep 6 irepl Ta>v KXrjpcov kou eTriKXrjpmu, dv^ay^K^T] 171'] ray dp(j)i(rfiT]Trj(rets yivecrdai kol iravTa ^pafieveiv kol to, koivo, kou to. tSia to, 5t/ca[o"r]^/)[ia]. otovTai peu odv Tives i7riTT]8e9 daa^eis clvtov TroLrjaai by which the popular House has at first checked and finally brought into subordination the power of the Crown. In Rome it was the initiative of the magistrate, which in earlier days threw all the power into the hands of the body from which the chief magistrates came and to which they returned, while from the time of the Gracchi onward it was the weapon with which the democratic magistrates attacked and overthrew the government of the aristocracy. In Athens it was the immediate control which the people exercised over the magistrates, summarily directing their proceedings in office by means of the ecclesia, and sharply punishing any neglect of its wishes by means of the courts of law. Solon deserved the reputation which he won as the founder of the Athenian constitution by being the first to introduce into it this special feature. The reforms of Cleisthenes, Ephialtes, Pericles, and others only developed the constitution on the lines which Solon had laid down ; and though these modifications were doubtless far enough from his original intention, they yet followed naturally firom the growing strength of the lower classes whom he had introduced into public life. e(f>es Ka\ Trepi fKelvcov els to SiKaiTTrjpiov e(p4p KKrjpmv Ka\ imKKr)pav ; cf. Plutarch, c. 20. oXovTai fiev olv k.t.X. : Plutarch mentions the same story {c. 18). In itself it is of course absurd, but it is useful as showing that Aristotle placed the origin of the fijKaorijpta at least as early as the time of Solon, which Grote doubts. In some form they must have existed for the AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 37 Tovs vofiovs OTTtoy Ti TTJs Kpla-ea>s[e]xV [^ SvH'O^ K\vpio9. ov fiiju CLKos, aXXa 8ia to [it] Bvvaa-Oai KadoXov TrepiXafieLU to ^eXTia-Tov ov yap [5]t/c[aioj/] 6/c Tav vvv yivop.€vcov uXX' e/c ttjs aXXrjs TToXiTelas Oewpeiv TTjv eKeivov ^ovXrjaiv. 10. El/ [/xev o^v rjotf v6p,0LS tuvtu 8ok€i delvat 8r]fi0TiKa, irpo 5e Trjs vofiodeaias iroirja-a^crOai ttjv Xjo]ev kou ttjv tov vop.Lcrp.aTos av^rjtnv. eTT €Keiuov yap iyeveTO /cat Ta peTpa p.e[^co rav ^eiScoveicov, /cat ^ p.va irpoTepov \p.ev e~)(o\vaa irapa- \TrXrjcr\i.ov e^Bop.rjKOVTa dpa^pas dveTrXrjpaiOrj tols eKaTOV. rjv8* bap-)((uosxapaKTr]p 8i8pa-)Qiov. eVotiyo-e [Col. 4] fie KOU (TTaOpov Trpos T^oj v6p.L(rp.a *r[/)]ety /cat* c^^- purpose of the eUBwa ; and it is not necessary to suppose, nor is it probable, that they had a much more extended existence at this time. Solon gave the lower classes a potential rather than an immediately actual share in the government, and the great development of the law- courts undoubtedly belongs to the fifth century, when pay was intro- duced for service in them. 10. fierpav Kai araBiiSiv : this confirms Boeckh's opinion as against Grote's, that Solon introduced some reform into the system of weights and measures, but details are not given except as to the monetary standard. It seems clear, however, that the reform of the monetary standard had nothing to do with the afia-axSei-a. As all debts were abolished by the latter, there would be no call for an enactment that the new and smaller drachmas were to be taken as equivalent to the old drachmas for the purpose of discharging debts. The measure appears to have been purely commercial, with the view of developing the Athenian trade with the great commercial cities of Euboea, as well as with the Ionian cities in Asia Minor, which likewise used the Euboic standard of currency. riv 8' 6 apxaios xop'^i'Trip hlhpaxiiov : SO Pollux (IX. 60) says of the bibpaxp,ov, TO 8e iraKaiov toCto ^v 'Adijvaiois voiuap-a, Kai iKaKeiro ^ovc. Tpels Kai i^^Kovra /ivas to ToKavTov dyovaas : this appears to be the reading of the MS., though the letters of the first word are rather faint. The words Tpeis nal must, however, be corrupt. There is no indication that the number of minae in a talent was ever other than sixty. a8 API2TOTEAOT2 Kovra fxvas to raXavTOV ayovcras, kou i7n8Lev€fn]dr](rav [ai] fival TOO (TTaTrjpi kou toIs aXKois (TTaOjxols. 1 1 . Aiara^ag 8e rrjv iroXLTeiav ovirep elprjTai rpoirov, eVetS^ TrpocnovTes TrdvTes Trepl tcov uo/juov evcoxXovv, TO. p-ev eTriTipMUTes ra 8e avaKpLvovres, fiovX6p.€vos p.y}T€ ravra Kivelv p-rjT aire^aveaQai wapoou aTro8r}p.Lav iXoyiaaro Kar ep-Tropi^avj d/xa kol Oecopiav els AHyvTTTOv \Trep\ KaJz/toTrou [TroAjei Se/ca irav ov yap oieadai Slkuiov eivai [rojuy v6p.ovs e^rjyeladai Trapcov aAA' eKaarov ra y€ypap.p,€va TTOirjaai. dp.a 8e koI avvi^aLv\ev\ avrS twv t€ yvcopipMV 8ia(f)6povs yeyevrjcrdaL ttoXXovs 5ta ras Tcou yjpemv mroKOTrd\s, k\cu ray a-racreis dp.(poT€pas p^eraOiadai 8ia to irapd 86^av avTols yevicrdai Trjv \ov\crav \KaTa\(TTa(TLV. 6 p.ev yap 8rjp,os w€to TrauT dvd8a(rTa TroLrjaeiv avTov, ol 8e yvapipLOi [TraJAti/ els TTjv avTTjv Ta^LV dTro8a)(reiV rjs [jJLevToi\ irapaX- Aa^fay So^rjs a\p(f>OTepois rjvavTLCoOr), KcCi i^ov avTm p-eff OTTOTepcov rjfiovXeTO (rv(rTd\vTij TVpavvelv etXeTO Tj-pos dp,(j)OTepovs dir€-)(6e(rdrivai crcoaas ttjv TraTplSa Ka\ TO. |Qe[Ar£](rra vop-odeTrjaas . 12. TavTa S" OTL tovtov {tov") Tpoirov ea-\€U ot T dXXoL avp,(f)a)vov(rL iravT^s, kou avTos eV Trj Troirjaei p.e\^p.v\r}TaL Trepl avTcov iv TOiaSe' Ai7ju,&) jjikv yap eSw/ca Tocrov yipa<; ocrcrov dnapl^Ket], 11. Kivfiv: MS. Keiwiv. KaTaa-Taatv : the word originally written was Ta^tv, but KardirTacnv has been written above it as a correction. 12. A^/io) /lev yap K.T.X. : quoted in Plutarch (c. i8), Bergk, Frag: 4. £^/ia) : MS. Srifioi. yipas : the MSS. of Plutarch have Kparos. airapKei : the reading of the MSS. of Plutarch is iwapKei, but mrapKii AGHNAIfiN nOAITEIA. 29 TifiTJ'S ovT atjjeKoiv ovt enope^dfxevo'i. Kai Tois e^/Dacra/ATjv [jbrjSev a[ei]/ces ex^'^- carrjv o afi(j>L/3akQ}v Kparepov cra.KO fiadv(j)pav. Plutarch, in quoting one of these fragments, states that the poem from which it comes was addressed to Phocus. 30 APISTOTEAOTS KoZoKovv eKacTTOs avTCJv oK^ov evpyjcreLV noXvv, Kai jx€ KoniWovTa \eia»s Tpa)(yv cKcfiaveLV voov. ^aSi/a i^kv TOT i(f)pdaavTO, vvv hi jjlol -^oXovfJievot, \of[^ov 6]^^aX|ju.or]s opSicn Traj/re? wcTTe hrjioi. ov ■^(pemv' a fie.v yap eiTra crvv deolcriv 7]vv[cr(i], [aXXa S' a\v p^ajryjv £€p2{o]v, ovSe [lot, TvpavvCSo^ avBdvci fiia, tl [piQeiv, ovSe 7rte[i/)a]s xdovos TTttT/aiSos OaKOLcriv icrdXov? laopjOipiav e)(eLv. [7rdXiv\ 8e kcu Trepl Trjf a7ro[/0i]ay Trjg t5)v [Trei'^rjcov KoX tS>v SovXevovTcop fi€v TrpoTcpou iXevdepcodevTcov [5e 5ta] TT/v (ret(ra;(^ei[ai']. 'Eyci) 8e Tcav p,kv ovveK d^ovqXaTov Brjfiov Tt TO'VT0)v irpXv tv)(S>v eiravcrdp,riv, Srjioil MS. Sijiov. a fih yap ewra : the MSS. of Aristides read dfia yap aeXnTO or & fih yap aeXffra. Gaisford conjectured A p-ev aekirra, and is followed by Bergk, and these words have hitherto been taken as the beginning of a line. aWa 8' : following Gaisford's emendation of apn 6', which is read by the MSS. of Aristides. dubavei. k.tX. : the readings in this line are rather doubtful, and the exact meaning of the final couplet is not clear. There is no reason why he should not hke honest men (cVfiXoi) to have an equal share in the enjoyment of the country, and it may be suggested that oKKa should be substituted for ovbe, as the latter may be simply a mistake due to the occurrence of the same word in the same place in the preceding line. hovKivovTav : this is the first word legible on the first of the two frag- ments of the IloXtTfia discovered by Blass in the Berlin Museum (cf. Hermes, XV. 366), and identified as Aristotle's by Bergk. The front side of the first fragment contains twenty-three fines, all imperfect, ending with a portion of the line ttoXXSc hv avhpav 178' fxiP">^1 foXiy. *Eym 8e tS>v pev k.t.X. : the first two lines are new ; the rest is the well-known fragment quoted by Aristides (i.e.), and partly also by Plutarch (c. 15). o^ovrfXaTov : the word is a strange one, but it does not seem possible to make anything else out of the MS. It is only known elsewhere in Aesch. Suppl. 181, where it is an epithet of a-vpiyyes, and is used in its simple sense of ' whirling on the axle.' Here it is metaphorical and indicates a torture such as that of Ixion. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 31 a-Vfifxaprvf^oi^q tcivt av iv SUr} )(p6vov it-rirrip [leyCa-Trj Sai/Jiova^v 'OXvjfnrLcov apicrra, Trj fj^iXaiva, tijs ey5 av TToXXa)(rj TrXai{cop.ivov?^, Toil's S' ivdaS" avTov S[ovXC]7jv detfcea [e]-)(ovTaov9 edrjKa. Taura ju,ev Kparei vofjLov, jSiav re fcal BCktjv (rvvapfjioa-as, [epe^a], Koi SirjXdov ois VTrea~)(6fi'rjv. dea-p.ov's ff ofio LCD'S tS /ca/coJ re KayaOw, evdelav cis c/cacrTov apfiocra's Z'iKiqv, iypa^a. Kevrpov 8' dXXos ct»s eyai Xa^utv, \KaKp^paorivy6pTas : this is certainly a better reading than the fantastic Xpr](rfi6v \eyovTas, which is given by the MSS. of Aristides, to the confusion of commentators. KpoTfi vofiov : MS. Kparefi. Kparei Sfiov is the reading of most of the MSS. of Aristides, and Plutarch also gives o/jlov : in accordance with which the editors read (tparij, which is found in one of the MSS. of Aristides. The present text seems preferable : ' by the strength of law I did it, fitting might and right together.' el yap ijBeKov k.tX. : the quotation in Aristides ends with the words OVK. hv KaTipacraLaTo, from which one may perhaps extract the reading (ppdaai in place of Spaa-ai, which is found in Aristides. Sm : the MSS. of Aristides have tS>v. dKKrjv : the MSS. of Aristides have apxriv, which Bergk emends 6pyi]v. The present reading seems preferable. trotoiiievos : the MSS. of Aristides have KVKeipevos, evSoires c'Sok : it is evident that the quotation was broken off here, in the middle of the description of the indebtedness of the lower orders to Solon, and it is resumed where he passes on to show what he had done for the upper classes. irvap : MSS. of Plutarch n'lap. The following line and a half were not hitherto known. A0HNAI12N nOAITEIA. 33 Tag' aiTLas. ^oXcovos S" am-oBTjfirjcravTos, en r^y TToAeojy rerapayfiiviqs, iin fieu err] Terrapa Sirjyov [e]v ijcrv^La' rm Se Tre/iTrro) /jLera tt]v 1.6X(avos ocp^rjv ovk eirea-Trj&av ap^ovra dia rrjv a-T\aa\Lv, kol irdXiu €Tei Trep-TTTcp *t7]v avTrjv alrlav apxaMU* €Troir}a-av. fiera 8e ravra Slol rav avrav xpoucou A^ap^a^aias 13. TM 8e wefiiTTia /icto t^k SoXovos apxqv : the legislation of Solonbeing in 594 B.C., the date here referred to will be 590 B.C., according to the usual Greek method of reckoning time. In the lists of archons the name of Simon is given for that year ; but Clinton shows some reason for believing that the Parian Chronicle is right in this case, instead of (as usual) giving the date a year too high, and he accordingly places Simon's archonship in 591 B.C., which leaves 590 B.C. clear for the year of anarchy described by Aristotle. ineiTTt]CTav : MS. apparently airecrTrja-av. iraKiv cr€( TrefOTTcf : Clinton, on the strength of the scholiasts on Pindar {Prolog. Py^/%.), places the archonship of Damasias in 586 B.C., but unless we are to suppose that there were two archons of the name within five years of one another there must be a mistake here. It is quite possible that this very passage of Aristotle was the authority of the scholiasts (or rather of the source from which both evidently drew) for the date of Damasias, and that the mistake arose through there being two periods of five years mentioned. The words which follow are doubtful. The MS. reading is corrupt, and the simplest and most probable correction seems to be to read 8ia ti)!/ amfiv ahlav ap^fjv OVK iiroirjirav. Aa/ioo-iar : until the discovery of the Berlin fragments of the HoXirda nothing was known of this person beyond his name, nor was there any sign of a constitutional crisis being associated with his rule. The reverse of the first Berlin fragment (Blass, Hermes, XV. 372 ; Diels, Berl. Acad. 1885) contains a portion of the present passage, beginning with the word ap^ovTa just above, but becoming intelligible first with the name Aafiaalas. It contains twenty-four lines (all imperfect, especially the last five), and ends with the words ™ xp^"- The present discovery of the complete passage at once overthrows a large number of con- jectures which were made as to the date and character of the events referred to in it. The date of the accession of Damasins to office is clearly 582 B.C., and he governed for that year and the year following. The Parian Chronicle for the year 581 B.C. has the words SpxovTos Aap,acriov tov Sevripov, and the last word has been supposed to be added to distinguish this Damasias from the archon in 639 B.C. In the light of the narrative of Aristotle it is probable that it means the D 34 APIST0TEA0T2 alpejdeh apyav iT-q dvo Koi 8vo fiijuas "rtpq^v, ecos e^rjXacrOrf fiia ttjs a.p\ris. elr eSo^e^v] avTols ^la TO (TTacria^eLV ap-^ovras iXecrOat Seku, wevre p.ev evTrarpiSmv, rpeh Se d^yp'^oiKcov, Svo Se Srjp.Covpyau, second year of the rule of Damasias, though the compiler of the chronicle possibly did not so understand it himself, but copied it from a record in which the name of Damasias stood against both 582 and 581 B.C. : in this case it is a confirmation of the date as deducible from Aristotle. As to the constitutional significance of the episode, it is evident that Damasias, having been duly elected archon eponymus (unless we are to suppose that he was elected sole archon, which is not probable, since Aristotle's comment below, wa-re SijXov k.t.\., indicates that though the archon's was the most important post it did not stand alone) in 582 B.C., illegally continued himself in office during the following year, and in fact endeavoured to establish a tyranny. Possibly he made some plausible excuse for securing a second year of office ; but when the third year began and he still showed no signs of retiring, all parties in the state seem to have combined to expel him. The fact that there was an alliance between the different orders seems to be shown by the character of the board of archons which took up the government after his fall. This was a mixed board of ten members, five belonging to the Eupatridae, three to the Geomori (here called ciypoLKoi), and two to the Demiurgi. The Berlin fragment being imperfect as to the numbers, it has hitherto been supposed that the board had nine members, that being the regular number of the archons, and that the Eupatridae had only four representatives, which would make them a minority of the whole college. It was perhaps to avoid that condition that the number ten was fixed upon. We have not sufficient evidence to show for what reason the old class quali- fication was resorted to, instead of the property qualification intro- duced by Solon. No doubt the latter was very unpopular among the aristocracy, as admitting the rich parvenus to an equality with themselves. They were therefore anxious to revert to the old system ; but the other classes having probably assisted in the overthrow of Damasias, and having made good their footing in official life since the reforms of Solon, it was impossible to eject them summarily, and they were therefore admitted to the new board, but under the guise of the old class qualification. This, presumably, did not give satisfaction ; for in the absence of any statement to the contrary we must suppose that the Solonian system was re-established in the following year. aypoUmv : the important letters of this name are unfortunately illegible in the MS., but a trace of what appears to be the tail of the p is visible. The Berlin fragment is said to read airoiKoi, but A0HNAIi2N nOAITEIA. 35 Acat ovTOi Tov fiera Aafiaaiav \ri]p^a[y ejuiavTov. a)\o-T€J SrjXov on /xeyLcrTrjv dx^v 8vvafiiv 6 apxcov v yeapymv, Koi Tpirop to tS>v 6rjpiovpyS>v, alei: this spelling is so commonly found in the MS. that it seems hetter to retain it in the text where it occurs. 01 ii€v . . . oi Se : these two classes are not the upper and lower classes, since the latter would have no reason to complain of a great /*€raj3o\ii in the constitution, but different sections of the upper class, some of whom disliked the reforms of Solon on account of the pecuniary loss they incurred thereby, while others were angry at the loss of the political supremacy which they had hitherto enjoyed. The reforms of Solon were very far from producing a peaceful settlement of affairs. Except for the four years immediately after his term of office there was almost perpetual dissension until the establishment of the tyranny of Pisistratus ; and that in turn led immediately to the reforms of Cleisthenes. In fact the Solonian constitution, though rightly regarded as the foundation of the democracy of Athens, was not itself in satisfactory operation for more than a very few years. In this respect it may be compared with the constitutional crisis of the Great' Rebellion in England. The principles fox which the Parliament fought the King were not brought into actual practice until after a return to Stuart rule and a fresh revolution ; and yet the struggle of the earlier years of the Long Parliament and the principles of Eliot and Pym are rightly held to be the foundation of the modern British constitution. ^aav S' ai (rTaaeis ac.t.X. : the Story of the rise of Pisistratus is sub- stantially the same as that which we know already from Herodotus and Plutarch. D a 36 APISTOTEAOTS rpels, fiLa jxlv toov irapaXlxov, &V TrpoeiarrjKei Meya- kXtJs o 'AXKjxloivos, o\t'\iTep iSoKOVV fidXicTTa SicoKecv TTjv fi€(r7)v TToXtTeiav aXXr] 8e tcou ireSia^K&vj, oi ttjv bXiyap-)(iav i^-qrovv, rjyelTO d' avToov KvKovpyos' TpiTT) 8' Tf TOOV diUKpicov, icj) jf TeTuyfievos T]V YieKriarpaTOS, 8r)p,OTiK00TaTos eivai 8okcov. irpoa- eKeK6ap,-qvT0 81 tovtols ot re a\7J\pT]p.€V0L ra XP^'^ Sia Trjv a7ro/)[i]aj', /cat ol tw yevei p-rj KaOapoL 8i.a Tov (po^ov aripiLov 8', on p-era ttjv rvpavvcov KaTaaTaaLV eiroiyjaav 8La(j)r]p,i(Tp,ov toy TroXXatv koi- vcovovvTcov Trjs iroXLTelas ov Trpoa-rJKOv. €u\ov 8' cKacrroi rag eTrcovvpLas oltto twv T\o^Trcov iu oly iyecopyovv. 'AXKfiiapos : the spelling of the MS. is retained, which consistently has e for the more usual at in this word and its cognates, such as 'AKK/ifcDviSai. In the patronymic the spelling varies between a and o (c/. ch. 20). ' irebiaKav : this is the form used by Aristotle elsewhere (Pol. V. 5, 9), and it is probably the right reading here ; for, though the termination is lost, the a is certain. Plutarch uses the form mbiiav. hia TOW ^oQov : sc. of a return to the aristocratic regime of class and family qualifications, in place of the Solonian property qualification. But though they feared a distinctly and avowedly aristocratic basis of government, they showed that they were oligarchic in sympathies by the resolution which Aristotle records in the next sentence, the point of which is to prove that the supporters of Pisistratus were not all democratic in their views. SuKJiTjiiia-fuiv : i. e. a proclamation. The word does not seem to be found elsewhere, but the verb dia(priiii((iv occurs in Dionysius of Hali- carnassus. elxou 8' exao-Toi k.t.X. : the three local divisions of the Plain, the Shore, and the Mountain corresponded with differences of class which account for their being taken as the basis for political divisions. In the Eleusinian and Athenian plains lived the rich landowners who represented the old aristocracy ; to the shore belonged the commercial classes, who were well off but not attached by sympathy or tradition to the ultra-oligarchical party ; while the rough uplands were oc- cupied by the poorer classes of cultivators, who had no voice at all in the state until Solon admitted them to the ecclesia and law-courts. AQHNAmN nOATTEIA. 37 14' ArjfioTiKcoTaToy 5' eivat boKmv 6 Yleiv, which would imply that he was in a station of command) he cannot have been less than eighteen years old, which would make him ninety-one at his death in 527 B. C. Thucydides (VI. 54) says that he died yrfpaios, but that does not imply that he had reached an age so far beyond the ordinary duration of life in those times; and it is highly improbable that he should have reached the age of fifty-eight (which would then have been considered old age) before making his attempt on the tyranny, and eighty (or nearly) when he finally settled himself in power. Further, Aristotle himself declares the story to be impossible on the ground of the dates (infra, ch. 17, (pavepms Xi/poOv voficov decnv, ein K[o)/x,Jeou apxovTos. Xiyerai 5e '^oXoiva, YiujicrTpaTOV ttqv (j)vXaKrjv alrovvTos, avriXe^ai Koi €hrel\y o\ti twv pkv el'77 (ro(j)c6Tep09, rmv 8' avSpeto^Tepojs' oaoi fieu yap ayvoovaL Yiicria-TpaTov eTriTcdefievov rvpav^vlSij (ro(l)(OT€pos elvai tovtcov, oaoi 5* elSorey KaTaata- about seventy at the time of his death, which is as high as we can safely go, he must have been bom about 600 B. C. At the age of thirty or thirty- five he may reasonably have been in command of an expedition against Megara (Aristotle's word a-TpaTrjyelv confirming Herodotus' Nto-ami' eXatv), which may be assigned approximately to 565 B.C. Accepting this date it is easy to understand how the reputation won by his successful conduct of it would help him powerfully in his bid for the tyranny, which would hardly be the case if his victory were some forty years old. eiSoKiiirjKa)! : the augment is omitted, as it also is in the MSS. of other Attic writers, e.g. Aristophanes' Clouds, 1031 ; Xen. Hell. VI. i, 2. 'Aptariavos : Plutarch (Sol. 30) gives the name as Ariston. erei Sevripa Kal TpiaKoa-ra: this is probably a slip on the part of Aristotle, since the archonship of Corneas and the first accession of Pisistratus to power fall in 560 B. C, while the legislation of Solon is fixed with fair certainty in 594 B.C. At the same time the authorities are not unanimous, and 591 B.C. is a possible date for Solon ; but this would involve an alteration in the date of Damasias and the other events mentioned at the beginning of ch. 13. Kffljticou : in Plutarch {Sol. 32) the name is spelt Ka>p,ias. The matter is not of importance, but the authority of Aristotle is entitled to the preference, and this MS. is much older than any of those of Plutarch. On the Parian marble the two middle letters are missing. Xeyerai S6\ava k.t.}!.. : c/. Plutarch {c. 30). nia-ifTTparov : the spelling of this name in the MS. varies, the diph- thong being used at first and afterwards the single vowel. KaraaiamSxriv : MS. KaTaa-tmiravTes, clearly a clerical blunder caused by the participle preceding. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 39 irSxriv avSpeiorepos. eVei 8e Xiycov [Trparrei ovjdeu, igapa/ievos to, oirXa irpo ratv 6vpS>v avros p.ei> 60?; fie^orjdrjKivaL rrj TraTpiBi Ka& oaov rjv Svvaros {rjSr) yap (r ■^vvcrev Tore irapaKaXav Ui(ricrTpaT09 8e XajSap ttjv dpxw OLcpKei Ta KOLva iroXiTiKas p-dXXov ^ TvpavuiKas. ovirco 8e r^y dp^rjs ippt^mp.ei'ijs ofiocppovrjcrai/Tes [olj wepl Tov MeyuKXea kou top AvKovfpyojv i^e^a- Xov avTov eKTCp €T€l fierd tt]v irpmnqv KardcTTaacv, e^' 'HyrjCTLOv dp^ovrog. erei 5e 8(o8eKdTcp fxerd ravra TrepLeXavv6p.evos 6 Meya/cX^y rfj o-rdcrei, e^apafievos TO. onXa k.tX.: MS. e^aipa/ievos. For the story, t/ Plutarch oujTffl Trjs dpxrjs eppif<»/ievi)s : Aristotle is clearly following Herodotus' Tiji/ TvpavviSa ovkco Kapra ippi^iofiivtjv e)(av (I, 6o). The date which Aristotle adds, exra eVet p,eTa rrju irpiirriv KaTaaraaiv is Kcu Xiav airXms. TrpoScacnreipas yap Xoyov a>s TrJ9 'Adrjva^ Karayovcnqs Yii(rt,- (TTparov, Kcu yvvatKa pieyakqv kcu KaXrjv i^evpcov, to thirty-two years, leaving only one for the third tyranny, which it is clear from all the accounts was the longest ; moreover, the two periods of exile amount to twenty-one years instead of the fourteen which Aristotle assigns to them in his summary of Pisistratus' career. It is certain, then, that there is a mistake somewhere, and the most probable place is the first period of exile. It is not spoken of, either by Hero- dotus or by Aristotle, as if it were so important as the second period, and no account is given of the movements of Pisistratus in the course of it. Taking ten years as the duration of the second exile, on which point Herodotus and Aristotle agree, four years are left for the first exile ; and if the durations of the first and second tyrannies are correct we get the following chronology of the career of Pisistratus after his ac- cession to power. First tyranny, 560-5 55 B. C. ; first exile, 555-551 B.C.; second tyranny, 551-545 B.C.; second exile, 545-535 B.C.; third tyranny, 535-527 B.C. As Aristotle is uncertain as to the exact length of the second tyranny, it is possible that its duration should be slightly curtailed, and the third correspondingly increased. It has hitherto been generally supposed that the final term of rule was longer in proportion to the other two than is here represented ; but no other arrangement seems possible without considerable violence to the text of Aristotle. Moreover eight or nine years are enough to prove the complete establishment of the despotism, and if we suppose the first and second periods to have been more or less disturbed by threatened attacks from Lycurgus and Megacles and their followers, whereas in the third Pisistratus was unassailed and was able at the end of it to hand his power on to his sons without question, a sufficient difference between it and the earlier periods is indicated to account for the way in which Herodotus and Aristotle speak of it. It may be noticed that according to this arrangement the embassy of Croesus to Greece, to make an alliance with the most powerful Greek state, falls in the second tyranny of Pisistratus. This, however, is quite in harmony with the words of Herodotus (I. 59), ro fiev 'Attikov kotcxo- fievov re Kat Siea-Traa-neuov envvddvfTO 6 Kpoltror iuro Hficria-TpaTov tov 'Itttto- Kpareos, TOvrov Toi/ xP^vov TvpavvevovTOs ' A.6r)vaiaiv. According to this passage Athens was at that time under Pisistratus, but his rule was not yet firmly established and was still threatened by rival parties ; a state of things such as we suppose to have existed during the second period of tyranny. A©HNAmN nOAITEIA. 41 ojy fx^v 'H/)o5oroy (j)T](riv e'/c tov Si^fiov t(ov Haiavecov, toy 8 kvioL Xeyovo-if €k tov KoXvttov a-reipavoTrcoXiu Qpyrrav, fi ovo/xa ^vrj, rrju deov aTrofiifirja-d/jLevos rm Koa-ficp \_KaTi^'j'yaye[yj fier avrov, koI 6 fikv UiatarpaTos i(f)' ap/xaros ela-^Xavue TrapaifiaTOvarTjs Trjs yvvaiKos, ol 8' iv ra aa-rei. trpoa-KwovvTes i8i^ovTO 6avp.d^ovT€s. 15- 'H p,€v odv TrpcoTT] Kddo8os e[y€V]ero Toiavrr]. fiera 8e ravra, toy e^eTrecre to 8evTepov eTci fidXicrTa e^SofJup /x€Ta Tfjv KoidoSov, — ov yap ttoXvv )(p6vov Karea-xev, aAA[a] Sict to prj fiovXe&Oai Trj tov MeyaKXeovs 6vyaTp\ crvyyivea-dai (f)ofir]0eh dp- Tov pev (TvucpKKre Trepi tov Qeppaiov koXttov yoapiov KoXeiTaL 'PaiKTjXos, eKcWev 5e TraprjXdev els tovs irepl Tlayyaiov tottovs, odev ')(p'r]paTL(Tdp£vos Koi (TTpaTLCOTas piaOcoaapevos, iXdwu els '^peTpiav ivScKaTcp TToXiv €Tei, TO irpSiTov dvaa-axrourdai jSia tftrja-h : MS. (^17, but it is hardly likely that Aristotle should have used this shortened form, which appears to occur only in Anacreon. i7Te(f>avona>\w : so Athenaeus, XIII. p. 609. 15. as cieTrea-e k.t.X.: the construction of this sentence is ungram- matical, as there is no principal sentence on which the clause as e^enfae can depend. The syntax can be restored by striking out Kai before irpSrrov /lev and taking ov yap . . me^rjXdev as a parenthesis ; but it is more probable that Aristotle broke off his original construction at ov yap, and forgot to resume it. wpSiTov p-ev K.T.X. : Aristotle is fuller than Herodotus in his account of the movements of Pisistratus during his second exile. His mention of the residence at Rhaicelus and in the neighbourhood of Pangaeus explains the reference in Herodotus to the supplies which Pisistratus drew air& 'Srpvp^vos jrora/xoS. Herodotus mentions no other place of retirement than Eretria, while it appears from Aristotle that he did not go to that place until he was already supplied with men and money for his descent on Athens. 'PaiKijXos : at first written PatKijSos-, but corrected. 43 APISTOTEAOrS Tr]v a,p^r)u eVe^et/oet, avfnrpodvfiovfievcoi' avra iroX- Xa>v fi€v KotX aXKav, fxaXia-Ta 8e Qrj^auov kui AvySdfiios Tov ^a^iov, ert 8e tcov hnrecov tcov [Col. 6.]' e)(6vT(ov iv 'Kperpia rrjv TroXiTelau. VLKrjcras 8e TTjv eiri YlaXXrjvidL ^p.d^rjjv koI Xa^av \Tr)v dp')(i]^v Kol irapeXop-evos tov dr]p.ov ra oirXa Karel^ev rjBr) Trjv TvpavviBa fie^aicos, [kol] eiy Na^oj' eA[^la)i' ap^ovra KariaTrjae AvyBapuv. TrapeTXev 8e tov 8t)p.ov to, oirXa T6v8e tov Tpoirov. i^oTrXccriav iu r[roj 'AvaKeia Troirjadpievos eKKXrjcrid^eiv eVe^eipei, ^(f)covfj 8' i^eKXrjcrQaaei' puKpoV ov (paa-KOVTCov 8e KaTUKOveiv eKeXevaev avTOVS irpoaav^a^^rj^vai^ irpos TO TrpoTTvXov TTjs oLKpoiToXecos tva yeytovrj p.a.XXov. iv m 8" eKelvos BieTpi^e 8r]p,r)yopcov, dveXovTes ol eVt TOVTCov TeTayp.€voi to, OTrXa avTwv [koL crvyjKXrjLaavTe9 els [raj irXTjo'lov olKT]fiaTa tov QrjaeLov 8i€<7rjpr]vav iX$6vT€s Trpos tov Iliaia-Tpa- toV 6 8e [eVei Tjov dXXov Xoyov i-TreTeXeaev, eiire Ttjv eVl naWtjviSi lidxr/v: the scholiast on Aristoph. Acharn. 234 refers to this passage ; IlaXXijvaSe" 01 IlaXXijvEts S^fidr eVrt t^s 'ATTtie^r, hiBa Jl€t(Tt(rTpdTpLOV (XTeXes. iScov yap Tiva TraTTaXa TreTpas (TKairTOVTa Kol ipya^ofievov, Sia to davfidaai tov 7ra[rraXoj^J iKeXevei/ [epleaOat, tl yiyveTai e/c tov j(copLOV 6 8', oaa KaKO, Kal oSvvaL, e^r;, Kal tovtcov twv KaK&v kclI T&v \o^8vvS>v YiLaicTTpaTov del Xafieiv ttjv 5e[Ka]- tt)v. p.€v ovv avOpwiros \ajire^KpL^vaTO dyvomv, 6 Be Hia-icTTpaTos rjaOils 8ia ttjv TrappricrLav kcu ttjv (piXepyiav [alreX^ dirdvTcov eTroLTjaev avTov. ovSev 8e TO ttXtjOos ov8' iv toIs dXXoLS wapco^Xei /cara ttjv dpXWi dXX' aiel Tr^oi^petrK^evja^ev eiprjvrjv /cat e[T]?)/)ei 8\j.j rjcrv^Lav 8lo Kal iroXXotKis [Trapmpid^^eTO as [^] UKTKTTpaTOV TVpaVVLS 6 CTTt K^Oi'[ou] filOS €17)' avve^r] yap va-Tepov 8ta [r^y fJ/Q^ecoy] Tmv v'Ueov TToXXm yevecrdai Tpa^vTepav ttjv dp-)(r]v. peytcTTOv 8e TrdvTcov rjv \tS)v dpecTKO^pevcov to 8rjpoTiKov eluai Tw -qdei Kal (piXdvOpcoirov. ev re yap roty aAAofiy etco^etj iravTa Sloik€lv KaTO. tovs vopovs, ovBepiav iavTw TrXeove^iav 8l8\ovs Kal 7ror]e irpocrKXrjdels (j)6vov BiKrjv els 'Apeiov 7ray[oi'] avTos peu dirrjVT'qaev my yaTToXoY/rjaopevos, 6 8e TrpoaKaXeadpevos (po^rj- deis eXuirev. 8lo Kal ttoXvu ■)(p6vov epeive Wvpavvayv, 'YfirjTT^ : the reading is doubtful, but this is the locality named by Apostolius {cf. next note). warraKa : the word is very doubtful, except the first two letters. The story is told, though not in the same words, by several of the collectors of proverbs (cf. Zenobius, Cent, iv, Prov. 76 ; Apostolius, Cent, x, Prov. 80). Kai TTOTc Trpo(rK\r]6els k.t.X. : cf. Arist. Pol. V. 12, Plut. Sol. 31. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 45 el'Jr eKweo-oi ttoXlv iTreXdfi^ave paBioas. i^ovXovro yap KOL Tmv yvoopi/xcov Kol rmv [prjfioJTtKwv ol ttoXXol' Tovs fiev yap raty OfiiXlais tovs 8e rals els ra 'i8ia ^orjOeiais [axpeXrja-evj, Ka). Trpos a/jLCporepovs i7re(l)VK€i KaXoos. rjaav fie kcu toIs 'AdrjuatoLS ol Trepl tS>v \TV\pavwiv vo/xoi irpaoi /car eKeiuovs tovs Kaipovs 01 T aXXoL KCU 8r] koX 6 ixaXiara /ca^r^KJeoj/ irpos tt]s Tvpavvibos. vofios yap avrols rjv oBe' Oiap-La rdSe 'AOrjvai^cov eVrtJ Trdrpia, idv [rtj'jey rvpavvelv eVa- vuTTOiyvjTaL [77] eVt TvpavviBi 7't(y) (rvyKadLo-Trj rrjv TvpavviSa aTLfion/ eivjai avrou /cat yivos. 17. YltcriaTpaTos jxev odv iyKarey-Qpaae rfj dp^rj Kul d7r\edjave voarjaa^s eVi] ^iXoveco dp^ovTOS, a0' 01) fxev KareaTT) to TrpaTov Tvpavvos eV?; r/Oia[/coli'rr]a /cai Tpia ^icoaas, a 8' eV rjj dp^fj Bie/JLeivev evos 8eovTa eiKoaf e^^yyjev yap Ta Xouird. 8to Ka\ (j)av€pws Xrjpova-L (f)aaK0VT€s epcofxevov eivat Uiai- [Col. 7.] (TTpaTov ^oXcovos /cat aTpaTrjyelv iv tS wpos Me- yapeas iroXefxa) Trepl ^aXap.elvos' ov yap evSe^eTai Tois T^XiKiais eav tls dvaXoyi^rjTai tov eKarepov ^iov Kal icf)' ov direOavev dp^ovTos. TeXevT-qaavTos 8e YleiarKTTpaTov Karel^ov ol vlets ttju dp^-qv, irpoa- yayovTes Ta irpayfiaTa tov avTov Tpowou. rjaav 8e irpbs Trjs TvpavviSos : MS. Ttpos T{riv) t())j) TvpavviBos, which seems to be a confusion between wpos rr/v rvpavviba and itpos ttjs rvpavviSos. Probably the copyist began to write the former but changed to the latter, and forgot to strike out the rrjv. 17. iyKareyfipaire ; MS. fVKareyripacri. iici ^CKovea apxovros : the name of Philoneos does not occur in the list of archons previously known to us, but may now be inserted for the year 527 B. C. On the chronology of Pisistratus' life here sum- marised, see notes on ch. 14, tiSoKifiriKms k.t.\. and erei de daSeKara K.T.X. 46 APIST0TEA0T2 8vo /xep €K T7]5 yafieTTjs, 'linrias kcu lirirap^os, 8vo 5' e'/c rrjs 'Apyeias, 'lo(f)(ov /cat 'YiyrjalaTpaTOS, c5 wapcovvfiiov rjv GeVraXoy. eyrj/xev yap YiicncrTpaTos i^ "Apyovs avBpos 'Apyeiov dvyarepa, m bvofia rjv VopyiXos, TLp-mvaacrav, rji/ Trporepov ea")(€v yvvaiKa 'Apylvos 6 ^ApjirpaKKorrjs twv ^v^€\l8S>v odev kou r) wpos Tovs 'Apyelovs iveaTT] (piXia, kcu crvvep,a-^ ■)(€cravTO ^iXioL rrju eV TlaXX7]vi8i p-a^rjv Yieiaia- Tparov KOfiiaavTos . yrjfiaL 8e (fxKri ttjv 'Apyeiav ol fi€u eKireaovTa to irpcoTOv, ol fie Kariyovra rrjv ap\rjv. 1 8. 'Hcrav 8e Kvpioi rwv p,€v irpayp.aTav 8ia ra a^LCop,aTa kou 8ia ras rjXiKias "liTTrap^os kcu 'iTnrlas, irpeafivTepos 8" a>v 6 'iTTTrlas kcu ry ^vaei ttoXltlkos KCU ep.(l)pcou €7r€crTaT€i Trjs ap^s. 6 Se Iinrapxos 7raL8iOi>8r]s Kcu ipcoTiKos koI (piXop-ovcros r]v, kcu tovs irepX ' AvaKpeoi/ra koL ^ifJxoviSrjv Kctl tovs aXXovs TTOirjTas ovTos rjv o p.eTairep.irop.^vos' QerraXos 8e vecoTepos ttoXv kou tco ^lco dpacrvs kol v^ptaTrjs. a^ 01) Kai avve^T] ttjv ap-^rjv avTols yeveaOuL eK Trjs yanerrj! : the name of Pisistratus' first wife is not known. 'HytjcrlaTpaTos, m wapavvfuov rjv QirraXos : Thessalus is mentioned by Thucydides (I. 20) and also by Plutarch {Caio, 24), who calls him the son of Pisistratus and Timonassa ; Hegesistratus is named by Hero- dotus (V. 94), who calls him iraiSa vodov yfyovora i^ 'Apy€lt]s yvvaiKos ; but there has been nothing hitherto to show their identity. Herodotus can hardly be correct in calling him illegitimate ; for Pisistratus must have been regularly married to Timonassa, if the union was accom- panied by an alliance with Argos. 1 8. TOVS irepl 'AvaKpeovTa (cai St^cai/i'fii/v : the presence of these two poets at Athens under the patronage of Hipparchus is also mentioned in the pseudo-Platonic dialogue Hipparchus, p. 228 C. d^' o5 KOI avvi&T] k.tX. : in face of the direct testimony of Thucydides (VI, 54) it seems impossible to refer the relative to its natural ante- cedent, Thessalus, and it therefore seems better to treat the words eeTToXos . . . ippKTTqs as a parenthesis, and to suppose that Aristotle is AOHNAIHN nOAITEIA. 47 travTCov rav KaKmv. ipacrdiis yap tov 'ApfioSlov /cat SiafxapTavcov rrjs 7r/)oy avrov ^iXias, ov Karel^^e TTjv bpyrjv aAA' ev re rols aXXoLS ivea-qiiaive to TnK^p6vj, Kol TO TeXevToiov p.iXXov(rav avTov tyjv aSeXcprjv Kavrjcpopelv YlavaOrjvaiOLS i^^KcojXvaev Xol- Boprjaas tl tov 'App,68Lov roy [xaXaKov ouTa, oOev (Tvve^r) Trapo^vvdevTas [rovj 'Ap/xoSiov kol tov 'ApiCTToyeiTOva wpaTTeiv Trjv wpa^Lv fieTa iroXiTav iroXXav. ■^dr} 5e ^irapaTrjjpovvTes eV aKpoTroXet Tols UavadrjvaLOLg 'lirTriav {eTvy^avev yap ovtos p.€T€p-)(6p.evos, 6 d' iTTTra/j^oy airoaTeXXoav tt/v TTOfiTrrjv), ISovTes Ttva tcov kolvcovovvtcov ttJs irpa- still speaking of Hipparchus. Among the fragments of Heraclides Trepl TToXiTcias 'Adqvaiav (preserved in a Vatican MS., cf. Rose, Frag. 611, ed.l886), a work whicli was evidently an epitome qf Aristotle, is the following summary of this passage, but so confused as to lend no assistance, ncio'iVrpaToy \y erri Tvpavyrjaas yrjpdi\6povs 6 'liririas airocTTrjcras airo Toav ottXcov tovs TTOfxirevovTas i(j)copaa€ tovs ra iyXeipiSia e^ovras ovk dXr)0r)9 iarLV ov yap iiripnrovTO fxeO' ottXcov, dXX' varepov tovto Kare- (TKevaaev 6 8rjixos. KaTTjyopei 8e rav tov Tvpavvov (f)iXa)v, as p.ev ol 8'qp.oTLKoi (j)a(rLv, eVtrT^Sey tua daefi-^aaieu dp.a kuI yevoiVTO dyevvels dveXovres wapa t6 AetBKopeiov : the exact phrase of Thucydides, which shows Arnold's conjecture irepi to be unnecessary. TToXiiv )(p6vov aiKurQels : Thucydides' ov pahltos SiereBrj. 6 "Keyofievos \6yos k.t.X. : this is the Story given by Thucydides. In favour of his version it is to be noticed that if this fact be false the reason which he gives for the selection of the occasion of the Pana- thenaea for the attempt, namely, that then people could appear in arms without attracting suspicion, falls to the ground. On the other hand it is perhaps unlikely that the tyrants should have allowed the populace to carry arms on any occasion whatever ; and the conspirators might still select a time for their attempt when a great number of people would be collected together from all parts of Attica. Moreover Aris- totle would hardly have made a direct assertion as to the later origin of the practice of carrying arms at this festival unless he had been sure of the facts. aKri6r]s : MS. dXr)6€S. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 49 T0V9 avaiTiov9 kcu v ol ' AXKfieoovi8at TrpoeLcrTrjKecrav, avTol p.€v 5t* avTcov ovk ■q8vvavT0 Troirjcracrdai ttjv Ka6o8ov, dXX' alei TrpocreTTTacoV kv re yap toIs [Col. 8.] TOV aSeX^ov : MS. raSfXc^ou, a curious synaloepha which is repeated a few lines below, raheK^ai for t«5 d8e\^ta. 19. mKpos : it is almost certain that the MS. reading is maros, but if so it is plainly a slip of the copyist, and mKpos is sufficiently like that word to explain the blunder. Kaxas : the MS. at first had ev KoKm, but it is corrected to Kaxas. TTjv Movvvxiav twexfipta-e TMX'f«"' : this circumstance is not mentioned in the extant historians. AawSij/xoj/os : the spelling of the MS. is preserved. E 50 APISTOTEAOTS aXXois oh eirpaTTOV Bua^aXXovTO, kcCL reix^aravTes iu Ty X'^P'? A.L^v8pLov TO virep JJapvrjdos, ety o avve^rjXdov rives twv ck tov aa-recos, i^eTToXiopKr}- 6r)aav vtto t&v rvpavvcov, odev vcrrepov /JLera ravTTjv T^v crvfjiv Xr](f)d€VTCov o/xoXoyLav eTrt rjj Tmv iraiScov (rtoTrjpia iroirja-ajx^voL kcu to. iavTav iv irevff ■^p.epais iKKOfiiaa/xevot TrapeScoKav ttjv OLKpoiroXiv Tolf 'AOrjvaioLS eVi 'ApiraKTidov ap- yovTos, KaTaa\6vTes Trjv TvpavvlSa p,eTa ttjv tov Spartans in expelling the Pisistratidae, but there is no reason to doubt that the reiterated command of the Delphic oracle had a great influence over them in the matter. ' AyxifJ-oXov : in Herodotus (V. 63) the name is given as 'AyxinoXios, but in the note of the scholiast on Aristophanes, referred to above, the Ravenna MS. reads 'Ayp^i/ioXoy, xMovs : MS. xf'^'ows- KioKiovTas avTov els tijk 'AmKrjv irapievai ; so Herodotus (V. 64), cVjSaXoCo'i eir TrjV 'Attiktjv xwpriv, TO KciKoiiicvov HfKapyiKov Tfixos : the form JJeKapyiKov is confirmed by the scholiast on Aristophanes, while IleXaa-yiKov is used in the parallel passage in Herodotus (/. c.) and in Thuc. II. 17, eVi 'ApiraKTiSov apxovros : the word was at first written ApiraKtSov, and the r is inserted above the line. The name is a new one in the list of archons, and must be placed in the year 511 B.C. The expulsion of the Pisistratidae occurred in the fourth year of Hippias' sole rule (Thuc. VI. 59, wavBeis iv rm TeTapra), which began in 514 B.C. It therefore falls in the official year 511-10 B.C. This harmonises with the statement below that the archonship of Isagoras, which was certainly in 508 B.C., E a 53 APISTOTEAOTS irarpos reXevTrjv err] fiaXca-ra eTTTaKalSeKa, to. 8e (TVfiiravTa aiiv 61s 6 Trarrjp ^p^€u evos SelirevTrjKOVTa. 20. KaTaXvdeiirrjs 8e ttJs TvpavviBos iaTacria^ov 7r/)oy aAA[7^A]oi;y 'laayopas 6 TiadvSpov, ^iXos cov tS>v Tvpavvcov, /cat K.Xeia0€vr]s tov yevovs a>v rmv 'AXKfieoviSmu. rjTTrjjxivos Se rais iraipeiais 6 }^Xu(Tdevr)sirpo(rr]yayeTO tov Srjfiov, aTroSidovs tS TrXrjOei ttjv iroXiTuav. 6 8e 'laayopas eVtAetTTo- fxevoS Ty Svvafiei woXlv €7nKaXe(Tap,evos tov KAeo- p.ivr]v, ovTa eavTw ^4vov, a-vv€7r€iaeu iXavveiv to ayof, 8ia to tovs ' AXKfiecoulSas Sokclv eivai twv Ivayav. vire^eXdovTOs fie tov K-XeicrOevovs p-eT oXiymv, rjyrjXaTei Ta>v 'Adrjvalcou ewTaKoa-las o'cKias' TavTa fie Biairpa^apevos ttjv p,ev fiovXrjv iireLparo KaTaXveiv, 'laayopav 8e koI TpiaKoa-iovs tcov (j)iXa)v per avTov Kvp'iovs Kadiaravai ttjs iroXecos. ttjs fie was in the fourth year after the expulsion. The only statement which is not strictly in accordance with it is that of Thucydides (/. c.) that Hippias fought at Marathon in the twentieth year after his expulsion. It was actually twenty years and a few months afterwards ; but there is no reason to press the round number of Thucydides to the full extent of literal accuracy. ivos hn irevTTjKovTa : the scholiast on Aristoph. Wasps, 502, quotes Aristotle as saying that the tyranny lasted forty-one years (Rose, Frag. 358), but if the citation is correct it must be from some other work. The forty-nine years named by Aristotle of course represent the total period from the first tyranny of Pisistratus to the expulsion of his sons, ignoring the periods of exile ; while the thirty-six years which Herodotus assigns (V. 65) include only the years of actual rule. It may be noticed that the latter total supports the period of nineteen years of government given to Pisistratus in the present work, as against the seventeen mentioned in the Politics [cf. note on ch. 14, ?rei hi BcaSfKorm). 20. ea-raa-ia^ov irphs dXXjJXoDs K.r.X. : in this account of the rise, expulsion, and recall of Cleisthenes Aristotle follows Herodotus (V. 66, 69, 70, 72) closely and sometimes almost verbally. fifT avTov : MS. fi(fT-n) TOV, the preposition being abbreviated, as usual. AGHNAIliN nOAITEIA. ^^ /3ouA^y dvTca-Toicrrjs kcu (rvvadpourdevTos tov irXri- 6ovs, ol fikv wepi TOV KXeofievrjv kol 'laayopav Kare0i;yoz/ ety ttjv aKpoiroXiv 6 8e Srjfios Svo pev rip.ipas 7rpo(rKade^6p.€vos €7roXt6pKei, ry Se TpLTy KXeofxevyv p.h kol tovs p-er avrov iravTas dcpUaav virQ(nr6v8ovs, KXeia-devrjv de kol tovs dXXovs (pv- ■yaSas p,€T€7r€p.yfrauT0. KaTaa")(6vTos 5e tov dypov to, 7rpayp,aTa KXeta-devijs rj-yep-av rjv kol tov 8rjp.ov Trpoa-TUTTjs. aiTUOTaToi yap (tx^^ov iyevovTO rrjs €K^oXrjs' Twv Tvpdvvwv oi 'AXKp.e(ovi8ai, kol a-Taaid- ^ovT€s Ta TToXXd SieTeXfaav. ert 8e irpoTepov tS>v AXKp,eovidcov KrjScov eTredeTO roty TvpdvvoLS' 8io kol ySou Koi ely tovtov ev toIs aKoXiois' ey^et /cat Kt^Scdvi, hiaKove, prjh' eTnXTijdov, et XPV '''°'5 dyadolt; dvhpda-iv oivo-)(0€LV- 2 1 . Aia p,ev ovv TavTas tols aiTias iiriaTevov 6 Sr]p.o5 T(S K.Xeiadepei. totc Se tov ttXtjOovs wpo- eaTTjKcos eTei TeTupTm p.eTa ttju t&v Tvpavvcav KUTa- Xvcriv €7ri 'laayopov ap-)(pvTos, irpwTov piev ovv iravras a^Uaav imoa-novbovs : from the account of Herodotus it appears that this applies only to the Lacedaemonian force with Cleomenes, as the Athenians who were in the Acropolis were all put to death, with the exception of Isagoras. Krjbav : of this person and his attempt to expel the tyrants nothing seems to be known, but it must be one of the various attacks which the exiles are said to have made upon the Pisistratidae in the later years of the reign of Hippias (supr. ch. 19), among which was the disastrous occupation of Leipsydrium. ey;fet k.t.X. : quoted by Athenaeus (XV. 695, scol. 21), where, how- ever, the reading of the second line is «/ bq xPV ayadoh. 21. eiria-revov : at first written imarevev, but corrected to the plural ; and, as the corrections in the MS. are generally entitled to respect, it seems better to accept the amended reading here. eret reraprffl . . . iiil 'la-ayopov apxovTos : the archonship of Isagoras is fixed by Dion. Hal. {Ant. I. 74, V. i) as occurring in 508 B. C. The 54 Apistoteaots eveifie iravras ely 5e'/ca ^vXas avrl rmv reTTapoov, avafu^ai fiovXofievos ottcos fiiTaa\ai(ri TrXeiovs rrjs TToXiTelas' odev eXi\6r) kol to firj (j>vXoKpiveiv [Col. 9.] TTpos Tovs i^erd^eiv to, yevrj ^ovXojxevovs. eweiTa rrjv fiovXrfv 7rei'ra/coo-t[oi;y] avri TeTpaKoalcou K^arje- aTTjaev, irevTTjKovra e^ eKcio-Trjs (jyvXrjs' Tore d' rjLcrdjv eKarov. Sia tovto Se ovk els Sa>[8ejKa (f>vXa.s avvera^ev, OTrfcBy cc^vTm p-rj (Tvp-^aivrj p.epi^eLV Parian marble places it seventeen years before the battle of Marathon, but in this case it must be in error. As it is clear from Dionysius that the archonship of Isagoras was in an Olympic year, it must be that which began in July, 508 B.C. This is the fourth official year after the expulsion of the Pisistratidae, which occurred (as appears from ch. 19) in the official year 511-10 b. c, seemingly in the early part of 5 10 B. c. The note of time in this passage shows that the constitution of Cleisthenes was not drawn up until after the expulsion of Cleomenes and Isagoras. This would have been probable a priori, as there was not time to have introduced such extensive constitutional changes before the Spartan invasion ; but the order in which the occurrences are mentioned by Herodotus has misled some historians into supposing the contrary. TO fir] (pvKoKptvelv : the meaning of this phrase apparently is that since the v\ai after the reforms of Cleisthenes no longer bore any relation to the yhri, it was useless to enter on an examination of the tribes for the purpose of reviewing the lists of the yevtj. Cleisthenes wished to break up the old tribal division for political purposes, so as to do away with all the old aristocratic traditions and associations which no doubt stood in the way of the lower classes when they wished to take part in public life. Therefore, while retaining the name (j)v\al, he made his new tribes of a number to which the number of the old tribes bore no integral proportion, so that it was not possible to form the new ones out of any of the existing sub- divisions of the old. A number of persons were admitted to the new tribes who had not been members of the old, and these were not necessarily entered on the rolls of any of the yfvr). Formerly, on any review of the citizen-roll, it was no doubt usual to go through it tribe by tribe, following all the subdivisions of the old patriarchal system. Now the tribe-roll had no relation to that of the yhri, and consequently those persons who wished to examine the latter would have nothing to do with distinctions of tribes. The phrase seems, from the way in AGHNAIHN nOAITEIA. 55 Kara ras irpovirap^ovacLs rpiTTvs' rjaav yap eK 8 (})vXaiv ScoScKa rpiTTves, wot' ov [v Ir^oTncain, tovs de diro Twv KTicravToaV ov yap arravTes VTrfjp^ou eTi toIs TOTTOis. TO, 8e yevr] Ka\ Tas ^paTpias /cat ray hpcoavvas elaaev ^X'^i-v CKacrTOVs KaTa Ta iraTpia. father's name alone, the new citizens who, so to speak, ' had no father,' would be easily distinguished from the older citizens, who were proud of their family pedigrees ; but by adding the name of the deme as part of the necessary description a novelty was introduced into the designation of all alike, and the fact of a man having a deme would be sufficient proof of his being a citizen, which in the case of those newly admitted to the franchise would not be obvious from the unfamiliar and sometimes foreign name of his father. KaTiaTTjore Se Km drj/iapxpys . . . inoitjirfv : quoted by Harpocration (s. V, vavKpaptKoj as from 'ApurTOTeXijs if 'ABrjvalaiv iioKiTfiq, and he refers to the same passage s.v. Srj/iapxos (Rose, Frag. 359). The second Beriin fragment (Blass, Hermes XV, Diels, Berl. Acad. 1885) also begins at the same place, with the exception of the single word 'Adr}vaioi standing in the preceding line ; and it was through the identity of the remains of the first sentence with the quotation in Harpocration that Bergk {Rhein. Mus. 1881, p. 91) first proved the Berlin fragments to belong to Aristotle's work. The second fragment includes twenty-five lines, but only twelve or fourteen letters in each are visible. The first word legible is ^ hArpioXoi, as mentioned above : the last which can be identified are [^ujX^t inaaTrjs. This passage is also quoted by a scholiast on Aristophanes (Clouds, 37), who may, however, have derived it from Harpocration (Rose, ed. 1886, Frag. 397). eniptXeiav : MS. eTrifieXtav. ov yap oTrai'Tes imrfp^ov 'in Tois Tdn-ois : it is difficult to extract a satisfactory sense from the words as they stand. The meaning seems to be either that some of the localities now erected into demes had no founders from whom they could be called, or that they had no names of their own. In the one case it is an explanation of the practice of naming a deme from its local appellation when it had no founder of any note to call it by, in the other of that of naming it from its founder when it had no name already of its own. In either case it would seem that anaa-iv is the right reading rather than anavrts. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 57 raiy 8e (j)vXaLS eiroiT](r€v lirtavvfj^ias^ Ik twv irpoKpi- QivTOiv CKaTou ap^-qyermv ovs aueiXev r} YlvOia SeKa. 22. TovTcov 8e yevofjievmv SrjfioTiKcoTepa ttoXIv rrjs 2]oAft)i'os' iyevcTO rj troXiTeia' koL yap a-vvefirj roiif fieu SoAcovoy vofiovs acpaviaaL rrjv TvpapviSa Sia to fXT] xprja-dai, tovs S" aXXovs OelvaL tov KXeLaOeurjv a-Toxa^o/xevou tov irX-qOovs, eV ols iriOr} /cat 6 Trep\ TOV oa-TpaKta-fJLov v6p.os. irpatTov p.ev odv eTei *7r€fjL7rTcp* fiera TavTTjv ttjv KaTacrTaa-Lv e'^' 'E/o/aou- KpeovTOS apxovTOS tjj ^ovXy tois irevTaKoaiots tov opKov €7roLr](rav bu €Tt kol vvv ofxi/vovcrtv eireiTa Tovs (TTpaTTjyovs ypovvTO KUTo. ^vXds, i^ eKacTTTjs ms aveiKfv rj HvBia : the share which the Delphic oracle had in choosing the names of the ten Cleisthenean tribes is mentioned in the Etym. Mag. p. 369; 16, raCra fie to. btKa ovofiara cmopois 6 IIvBios eTXero, and Lex. Demosth. Patm. (p. 15, ed. Sakk.), tovtovs yap i^ ovofiaraiv fKarov 6 6f6s c^fXe^aro (Rose, Frag. 429, and ed. 1886, Frag. 469). 22. e0' 'EpfiovKpeovTos apxovTos : the dates here given absolutely refuse to harmonise. The reforms of Cleisthenes have been above assigned to the archonship of Isagoras in 508 B. C. The year denoted by erei TTtfinTio /icTo ravTrjv rrjv KaraiTTaiTLv would therefore naturally be 504 B. C. But in the first place that year is already appropriated by the name of Acestorides, and, secondly, in the next sentence it is said that the battle of Marathon occurred in the twelfth year afterwards. The date of Marathon being unquestionably 490 B.C., this places the archonship of Hermoucreon in 501 B. C, for which year no name occurs in the extant lists. We must therefore suppose either that the reforms of Cleisthenes extended over three years, which is improbable, or that Aristotle has omitted some necessary note of time, or that Trip-im^ is a mistake for oySdo) (e' for rj) ; the latter solution is perhaps the most probable. Toil oTpaTijyovs : it has generally been stated (e.g. by Grote) that the office of a-Tparrjyos was created by Cleisthenes, but it has already been seen iri ch. 4 that it was at least as old ae the time of Draco. Cleis- thenes did not even, as it now appears, increase their number to ten nor make them the chief ofificers of the state. Under his constitution the archons, who were elected directly by the assembly (f/f below, note on (Kvafievaav k.t.\.), were still the chief magistrates of the state ; and 58 APISTOTEAOT2 (jyvXrjs eva, rrjs Se airacrrjs (rTparias i^yeficou rju 6 TToXifiap^os . erei 8e fiera ravra SvoSeKarco vlkt]- cravTes Trjv iu M.apa6avi M-c-XV^ ^'""^ ^aiviinrov apxpvTOS, KaraXuKOVTes err} 8vo jxera Trjv VLK-qv, OappovvTos r]8ri tov SrjfMov, Tore wparou i)(pi](ravTO rS vojjiw T^ Trepl tov oaTpaKKr/Mov, os ireOt] 8i.a ttju VTTO'^tav tS)v €v Tois Svvafiea-iv, on Yli(ri(rTpaTOS 8r)iJiaycoyos Kol crrpaT'qyos a>v Tvpavvos Karearr]' Koi TrpS>Tos axTTpaKLcrOr] rav eKelvov avyyevav the ten strategi were only elected at the date here indicated as sub- ordinates to the polemarch. on UicrlcTTpaTos k.t.Ii.. : MS. oi-e, which makes nonsense of the passage. It has just been said that the law of ostracism was passed by Cleis- thenes. Cf. also the quotation from Harpocration below, in which this sentence is repeated with slight variation. The law was passed in consequence of the lesson taught by the career of Pisistratus, and was aimed especially at the supporters of his house who still remained in Athens. It was not put into force, however, owing (according to Aristotle) to the usual leniency of the democracy (and in respect of this testimony itj,may be remembered that Aristotle is not by any means an extreme admirer of democracy) ; but when the Persian invasion and tjie attempt to betray Athens immediately after the battle of Marathon showed that there was still much danger to be expected from the partisans of Hippias, it was natural that strong measures should be adopted and the leading adherents of the tyranny expelled. The only wonder is that two years were allowed to elapse after Marathon before the first ostracism ; but probably in the first satisfaction with the victory it was thought that nothing further would be attempted against Greece, and it was only when it was known that Darius was making preparations for another and more formidable invasion, that precautions were taken by ostracising Hipparchus and other members of the same party. irpStTos i)iTTpaKi(T0t] . . . 'iTTiTapxos : cf. Harpocration, s. v. "linrapxos, aWos Se ijjv rjyefiav /cat TrpoaTaTrjs rfv "linrapxos. €v6vs 8e T(S va-Tepcp erei cVi TeXeaivov dpxovTos €Kvap,€vaav tovs kvvia ap^ovTas Kara (pvXd? Ik twv other. The date of Androtion is doubtful, but it appears more probable that he lived somewhat later than Aristotle, quite at the close of the fourth century. In that case, and supposing the sentence to be part of the quotation from Androtion and not an explanatory addition by Harpo- cration, it would show that Aristotle's work was publicly known in the generation immediately succeeding his own. There are, however, so many elements of doubt about the matter that it is unsafe to draw any positive conclusion. KoXvTTcus : Plutarch (Afic. 11), who also mentions Hipparchus as the first victim of ostracism, describes him as XoKapyeCs. fjyfiiaiv : the reverse of the second Berlin fragment (cf. Hermes XV. 376) begins here. It consists of parts of twenty-five lines, ending with the word Tpir/peU • but the remains are too small for any information of value to be extracted from them. eVi TeXeo-tVou apxovTos : this will be in 487 B. C, one of the three years after 496 B. C. (the others being 486 and 481 B. c.) for which no archon's name appears in our lists. eKva/ieva-av Toiis ivvia apxovTas k.tX. : this passage must be compared with the account of the system of election introduced by Solon (ch. 8, K\r]pa)Tas k.t.\.). It appears that in this year (487 B. c.) the Athenians reverted, with some modification, to the system which Solon had established, and which had been abrogated by the establishment of the tyranny ; that is, they appointed the archons by lot from a number of candidates who had been selected by the tribes in free election. The statement which follows, ol Se nporepoi Trdvres Tjaav aiperot, must apply to the period between the expulsion of the tyrants and the time now being spoken of, and it shows that Cleisthenes did not apply the use of the lot to the election of archons, but had them freely elected, pre- sumably by the ecclesia. We therefore have the following stages in the history of the method of election to this office i (l) prior to Draco, the archons were nominated by the Areopagus ; (2) under the Dra- conian constitution they were elected by the ecclesia ; (3) under the Solonian constitution, so far as it was not disturbed by internal troubles 6o APISTOTEAOTS irpoKpLdevTODV VTTO rav Srjfiorap irevTaKoa'uav Tols fi€Ta TTjv Tvpavviba irpcaTov, (oi 5e irporepot Travres ■qaav aipeTot)' Koi axTTpaKia-dr) Meya/cA^y 'Itttto- and revolutions, they were chosen by lot from forty candidates selected by the four tribes ; (4) under the constitution of Cleisthenes they were directly elected by the people in the ecclesia ; (5) after 487 B. c. they were appointed by lot from 100 (or 500, see below) candidates selected by the ten tribes ; (6) at some later period (see ch. 8) the process of the lot was adopted also in the preliminary selection by the tribes. One point remains to be settled, namely the number of candidates selected by the tribes under the arrangement of 487 B. C. It is here given as 500, i. e. fifty from each tribe ; but on the other hand it is distinctly stated in ch. 8 that each tribe chose ten candidates, so that the total would be 100. It is true that Aristotle is there speaking of the practice in his own time, while here he is describing that of the fifth century ; but it is not in the least likely that the number of persons nominated by each tribe was reduced. The tendency is more likely to have been the other way. It is more probable that for irevTaKoaiav {((>') we should read tKarov (p), the confusion between the two numerals being very easy, and perhaps to be paralleled from Thuc. II. 7. It follows from the present passage that the polemarch Callimachus at Marathon was elected and not chosen by lot. This is the view which has always been preferable on grounds of common sense, and it is only the authority of Herodotus which has made it doubtful.' As is stated by Aristotle just above, the polemarch was still the commander-in- chief, and the strategi were, technically at any rate, his subordinates. In this capacity he gave his vote last, just as is the practice in a modern council of war. VTTO Twv SrifioTav : this, if literally interpreted, is in contradiction with the passage in ch. 62, which says ai 8e KXi;po>rai ipx"-' Trporepov /liv^aav ai p,£v pfT ivvea ap)(OVTa>v ck t^s (fivKrjs oXrjS xXijpov^EKai, al 8' ev 0riv airmOev ttJs Tvpavvibos AavOiinros 6 ^ApL(f)povos. tru 8e rpiTco fxera ravTa NtKoSrjpov apxovTos, ®y i(f)aurj to, fieraXXa to, ev It is consequently surprising to find him among the persons ostracised as a friend of the tyrants. The banishment of a Megacles, who was the maternal grandfather of Alcibiades, is mentioned by Lysias {Contr. Ale. I. 39), but it has been supposed that this was the son of Cleisthenes, who bore the same name. SavSmnos 6 'Apipovos : this ostracism of Xanthippus is not elsewhere mentioned, except in the extract from HeracUdes quoted above, in the note on ch. i8, a0' oS k.t.X. Like Aristides he must have returned at the time of the second Persian war, as he was archon in 479 B.C. and commanded the Athenians at Mycale and at the siege of Sestos. NiKoS^^ou apxovTos : the dates are somewhat confusing here. The notes of time given for the period between the Persian wars are these. After Marathon KaToKtnovTes bio t-n] , . , T(f varepa crct comes the archonship of Telesines (487 B. c.) ; these three years are summarised in the phrase eVi piv ouv Iti; y, and then t^ rerdpTa erei (486 B.C.) is the ostracism of Xanthippus ; erei Se rpira pera ravra (484 B.C.) is the archonship of Nicodemus ; ev ToiiToir rois xP""'"'^ Aristides was ostra- cised, and Tfrdpra erei he and all the other political exiles were recalled, in the archonship of Hypsichides, 81a rrjv Sep^ov arpanav, i.e. in 481 B.C. This seems plain and consistent enough ; but there is the difficulty that the archonship of Nicodemus is placed by Clinton and others in 483 B. c, on the authority of Dionysius. It may be that the three archons Philocrates, Leostratu^, and Nicodemus should be placed in the years 486-484 B. C, instead of 485-483 B. C. The Parian marble does indeed place Philocrates in 486 B.C. ; but as that record assigns Marathon and Salamis respectively to 491 B.C. and 481 B.C., it is clear that it habitually places the archons a year too high, so that its authority cannot be quoted in support of the present suggestion. On the other hand it is possible that Aristotle was mistaken in the year of Nico- demus ; for it is noticeable that Plutarch, who, like Aristotle, records that Aristides was recalled in view of the march of Xerxes upon Greece, says that he returned in the third year after his banishment {Arist. 8). If, then, Aristotle knew that the ostracism took place in the archonship of Nicodemus, but believed that archonship to fall in 484 B.C., this 6 a APISTOTEAOTS ^apcopela kol Trepieyei/ero rfj iroXei raXavra eKarov e/c tS)v epycov, avfi^ovXevovTcop Ttvmv ra Srjfi^ Siaveifiaa-dai to apyvpiov, Q€p,t(rTOKXrjs eKcoXvaeu, discrepancy is removed, and it is unnecessary to make any alteration in the received list of archons. As regards the exact name of the archon in question, it must be noted that the MS. reads NtAco/i^Souj, but on the other hand Dionysius calls him Nicodemus, and this reading is confirmed by the Berlin fragment of Aristotle. The testimony of Aristotle being thus doubtful the authority of Dionysius may turn the scale ; more particularly since Nicomedes is not a name that would have been likely to be given to an Athenian bom before the time of the Ionian revolt at earliest, while Nicodemus would be a name suitable in an aristocratic family at any time in the sixth century. Under these circumstances it does not appear that any good purpose would be served by leaving the name NiKofiriSovs in the text here, and NticoS^fiou has accordingly been substituted. TO fieraWa ra iv Mapmvfia: in Herodotus (VII. 144) and Plutarch - {TAem. 4) the mines are described as those of Laurium. Demosthenes {Contr. Pantaen., p. 967) refers to a Maroneia at which there were works {epya) which seem to have been mines ; and Harpocration (s. V. Mapavela) states that this place was in Attica, and was distinct from the Maroneia in Thrace mentioned by the same orator {Contr. PofycL, p. 1213). There need therefore be no doubt that Maroneia in Attica was in the neighbourhood of Laurium, and that the mines referred to by Aristotle are the same as those mentioned by Herodotus and Plutarch. ToXavTa iKarov k.tX. : this Story is repeated by Polyaenus (Strateg. I. 30), who evidently took it from Aristotle. The details are different from, but not inconsistent with, those given by Herodotus. It is evident that Grote was right in holding, as against Boeckh, that it was not intended to distribute among the populace the whole sum derived from the mines. Herodotus states that the proposed distribution was to be at the rate of 10 drachmas a head, which would amount, according to Boeckh's calculation, to 33J talents in all. GfjiHo-roicXijs : this passage does not solve the disputed question as to the archonship of Themistocles. It is clear, however, that he was not archon at the time of the proposal to distribute the funds available from the silver mines, since that occurred in the archonship of Nicodemus, but that his guidance of the policy of his country in the direction of ship-building was effected in his capacity as a popular leader in the ecclesia. Athenian policy was not directed by the archon or by any magistrate as such, but by the ecclesia, and therefore AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 63 ov Xeycov on ')(^pr](r€TaL toIs XRVt^'^^^'^^ dXXa Saveia-ai KcXevcov Toiy irXova-LcoTaTOis 'Adrjvaicov eKarov eKo.- (TTCO ToXavTOU, cIt iav fiev apeaKji to dvaXcofia rrjs ultimately by the leaders of the ecclesia. On the other hand Thucydides expressly says that Themistocles was in office at the time that he began the fortification of the Piraeus (I. 93, vttjjpkto 8' airoii JTpoTcpop in\ Trjs cKiivov apxrjs ^s kot cnavTov 'ASrjvaiois Vpi^)' This does not necessarily mean that he was archon eponymus, but the use of eVi with the genitive, the almost invariable method of indicating the year, favours the belief that he was. It is moreover certain that he was archon (though not necessarily archon eponymus) at some period in his career, from the fact that he appears later as a member of the Areopagus (ch. 25). It is therefore not improbable that he was archon eponymus at the time indicated by Thucydides. In that case it may be taken as certain that his year of office falls in 482 B.C., not in 481 B.C. (as Clinton puts it), both because we have another archon's name mentioned below for whom the latter year is required, and because it accords better with probability, since it seems likely that the work of fortifying the Piraeus was undertaken in connection with the building of the triremes, which was commenced^in 483 B. C. At the same time the fact of his holding that office is only to a very limited extent a sign of appointment by the people to carry out his naval policy, since the final process of election to the archonship was at this time conducted by lot ; and the words of Thucydides are consistent with his having held any magistracy, such, for instance, as that of (TTparriyos, on whom the execution of such operations might naturally fall. It may be added that the supposed archonship of Themistocles in 493 B. C. appears very problematical. It is not in the least likely that the same person would wish to be archon twice, when it brought no substantial advantages except a seat in the Areopagus. Nor is it likely that the naval pohcy of Themistocles, indicated by the fortification of the Piraeus, began so far back as that date. It appears more natural to connect it closely with the building of the fleet in 483 B. c. Further, it is probable that the archons had to be not less than thirty years old, as •was certainly the case in the time of Draco (ch. 4). If Themistocles was archon in 493 B.C. he must have been born not later than 523 B.C., in which case he would have been at least thirty-three at the time of Marathon, and could hardly be called veor, as he is by Plutarch (TAem. 3). Moreover Plutarch tells us that he was sixty-five at his death, which would therefore on this theory fall not later than 45 8 B. c. But, as appears from ch. 25 below (see note there), his flight to Persia cannot have occurred before 460 B.C., and it is probable that he lived there some years before his death. These considerations cumulatively make an archonship in 493 E. C. improbable. It rests on the authority, which 64 API2T0TEA0TS TToAeeoy elvai rrjv 8airavr]v, ei 5e firj, irapaKO- fiicracrdat ra -xprifiaTa irapa rmv SaveLcrajxevcov . Xa^cov 8' eVt tovtois iva^y^-qy-qcraTO Tpiqp€i9 eKUTOv, eKaarov vavirr]yovp.evov twv eKarov p,iau, aly evavp.a)(r]orav ev ^aXaplui Trpof tow ^ap^apovs. mcTTpaKLaOr] S" iv tovtois toIs Kaipols 'ApLCTeiSrjs o KvcTLpaypv. TeTapTa 8' eTet aire8e^avTO iravTas Tovs d>aTpaKL(rp.ivovs, ap^ovTOS 'Y'\^Ly[8ov, 8ia ttjv Sep^ov (TTpaTidv Koi to Xolttou wpicrav toIs oaTpaKi^opLivois ivTos TepaicrTOv kol ^KvXXaiov KaTOiK€Lv rj oLTip-ovs tivui Kaddira^. is in itself good, of Dionysius (Ant. Rom. VI. 34), but there is nothing to prove that he is speaking of the same Themistocles. The father s name is not mentioned, and it may be another person of the same name, or else Dionysius has on this occasion made a mistake. ctpxovTos 'YyjfixiSov : the reading of the name is somewhat doubtful ; after \jf there appears to be an erasure of two or three letters, over which an 1 has been written as a correction. The name Hypsichides is otherwise unknown. It is clear from the words which follow that the year is 481 B. C. Plutarch (Arist. 8) says that Aristides and the other exiles were recalled while Xerxes was on his march through Thessaly and Boeotia. This would be in the spring of 480 B. C, and therefore in the year of the archon who entered office in July of 481 B.C. ; Calliades, in whose archonship Salamis was fought, succeeded to the post in July of 480 B. c. From this passage it appears that Herodotus must have been wrong if he intended to represent Aristides as still under sentence of ostracism at the time of the battle of Salamis. The time, however, between his recall and the battle was so short that the mistake, if it be one, is natural ; but it is not certain that the participle e^aa-TpaKia-fieuos means more than that he had been ostracised, without necessarily implying that he still was so. f vTos VfpauTTuv Kn\ ^KvWaitv : presumably these places, which stand at the extreme south of Euboea and east of Argolis respectively, mark the eastern and western limits within which the ostracised person was free to live, and if so he was confined within very narrow boundaries. The object of the regulation no doubt was to obviate the danger of a banished citizen entering into communication with Persia. Plutarch says that the principal reason for the recall of the exiles before the A0HNAII2N nOAITEIA. j55 23. Tore fiev ovv fiexpi- tovtov TrpoijXdev -q ttoXis afia Ty SrjfxoKpaTia Kara fiiKpov av^avo/jievT]' fieTO, 8e ra M.r)8iKa Trakiv 'La^vaev r} iv 'Apeico irayco fiovXrj KCLL 8i(pK€i TTfv TToXiv, ovSevl 86yfJLaTi Xa^ovaa TTjv riy\epio\viav dXXa 8ia to yevea-dat rrjs irepl ^aXaplva vavfxa^ias airta. twv yap (TTpaT-qyav i^aTropr/ardvTcov toIs Trpdyfjuao-t kcu Krjpv^dvTaii> (rcoQeiv eKacrrov eavTov, iropiaacra Bpay^^jxds eKdaTca OKTco SteBcoKe kol ivefiifiaaev ds rds vavs. dtd TavTTjv 8rj TTJV alrlav 7rape-)(c6povv avrfj rra d^ia>p.aTi, Kol iiroXLTevd-qa-av 'Adrjvaioi /caAmy kol Kara tov- Tovs Tovs Kaipovs. (Twe^Tj yap avrois Kara tou Xpovov TOVTOV Ta re eiy tou woXep^ov daKrja-at kol second Persian invasion was the fear that Aristides might attach himself to Xerxes and carry with him a considerable party in Athens. As he proceeds to say, the Athenians were completely mistaken in their estimate of the man in entertaining this fear, but it is very likely that the fear was felt, and the present passage of Aristotle confirms it. The regulation cannot, however, have been strictly observed subsequently ; for instance, we find the ostracised Themistocles living in Argos (Thuc. I. 135) and the ostracised Hyperbolas in Samos (Thuc. VIII. 73). 23. Sia TO yeveaBai k.tX. : Plutarch tells this story (Themist. lo), quoting Aristotle as his authority, though he adds that Cleidemus reported the money in question to have been produced by a device of Themistocles (Rose, Frag. 360). Rose also gives (as Frag. 361) a quotation from Aelian, who refers to Aristotle for a story about a dog belonging to Xanthippus which swam with the escaping Athenians to Salamis. Plutarch gives the same story, but if the authority is Aristotle it must be in some other of his works, probably one on natural history. ^apex^povv air^ : MS. avrrjv, but there is no justification for an accusative after irape^apovv in this sense. KOI Kara tovtovs tovs Kaipois : it may be questioned whether kol is not due merely to a copyist's mistake, as there is no apparent reason for the emphasis which it gives to the clause. KOTci Tbv xpovov TOVTOV ', TTfpi. sBems to have been written above kotu as a correction, but as this is not certain it appears better to retain Kara in the text. 66 API2T0TEA0T2 irapa rots "^XXrja-LV evSoKiixTJaai, /cat ttjv rrjS OaXar- rrjs rjyefiovlav Xa^elv olkoutcov t5>v AaKeBaijxoviaiv. Tjaav 5e irpocrTaTaL tov Stj/jLOu Kara tovtovs tovs Kaipovs 'ApL(rTeL8r)s 6 Avaifidxov kcu QefiKTTOKXrjs 6 Neo/cXeouy, 6 fiev to, TroXefiia acrKav, o 8e ra TToXiTiKa 8eLU09 eivai {SoKwvy koL SiKaiocrvur) tcov Kaff kavTov 8ia(pepeiv' 8io Koi e^patvro tco jxev a-TpaTrjyS, too 8e crvjJL^ovXcp. ttju fieu odu tcov Tei^mu avoLKo86iir](rLv Koivy 8icoKr](rav, Kanrep 8m- (l)€p6fievoL TTpos aXXrjXovs' iirl 5e ttjv dirocTTaa-iv TTfJU TmV 'IcOVQiV KOL TTjV tS)V KaK€8aLflOV lcov avfi- p^a^iav ' Api(rTei8ris rju 6 TTpoTpi^^as, Trjprjcraf Toiif KaKavas 8iafi€^X'qfJievovs 8La Tlavcraviav. 8io Koi Toi/s (j)6povs ovTos rju Ta^as rats iroXeaiv tovs irpwTovs €T€L TpiTcp p.eTa TTJU ev ^aXafuvL i/av/xa^Lau iiri Tip,ocr0evov oip\ovTos, kcu tovs hpKovs wp-oaev [Col. lo.] Tols "laxTL moTTe tov avTov €-)(9pov eivuL kcu (plXov, icpi" ols Koi TOVS fjLv8povs iv r^ ireXayei, KaOeiaav. noKiTiKo. : MS. woKefuKa, evidently a clerical blunder due to iroXc/xia which precedes. SokSiv : not in the MS., but clearly required by the sense. avoiKob6ixri(nv : MS. avioiKoSofirjiriv. fifTci : at first written Sia, but corrected. em Ttfioa-devov apxovros : the list of archohs, derived from Dionysius and elsewhere, is complete from 480 to 321 b. C, and the names mentioned by Aristotle only confirm it. The mention of this date (478 B. C.) fixes the organisation of the Confederacy of Delos two years higher than that usually assigned. Thucydides (I. 94-96) gives no date, but his narrative is quite in accordance with that named by Aristotle. Toiis opKovs &iw<7iv Tois "loxri : this is not the same treaty as that mentioned by Herodotus (IX. 106), the latter having taken place in 479 B.C., immediately after Mycale, when Xanthippus, and not Aristides, was in command of the Athenian forces. Aristides renewed the treaty at the request of the lonians at the time of which Thucydides AGHNAmN nOAITEIA. 67 24- Mera 5e ravra 6appov(n)9 rjSrj Trjf iroXeois Kai^pr^fxaroDV iroWav rjOpoia/xevcov, avve^ovXevev avTiXap-fiavecrdaL rrjs rj-yefMovia? kol Kara^avras €K t5>v aypav OLKelv iv rw aaret' Tpo(j)^v yap eaeadaL iracri, rots fieu crTpaTevofMevoLs, toIs 8e (j)povpovac, Tols Se ra KOLva irpaTTovcri, ei6' ovtco KaTaa-)(r](T€iv TTjv rjyefiovMv. ireiadevTes 5e ravra Ka\ Xafiovres rrjv apxv^ tols re (rvfifia^oLS Sea-TrorLKCorepcos i^^pcouro ttXtjv Xicoi' /cat AeajSlcov Ka), ^ap,icov rov- rouy 8e (f)vXaKas el^ou rrjs ap\rjs, iaures ras re TToXireias Trap avrols kou ap\eLv mv erv^ov ap^ovres . Karea-rrjcrav 8e Kal rols iroXXols evrropiav rpo(f)rJ9, axrirep ' Api(rrei8r]s elarjyrja-aro. avvefiaivev yap airo rS>v (j)6pcov Kal rmv reXwv Kal rav avppa^oav irXeiovs rj 8Lap.vpL0vs av8pas rpe(j)e(Tdai. 8iKacrral speaks (I. 95) (t^oiTavres upos tovs 'Adifvaiovs rj^iovv avrovs riye/iovas (rtj)S>v yeveadai Kara to ^vyyevis). 24. ridpourixhav : wrongly corrected to ddpoia-fiivav in the MS. irwe^ovXevev k.tX. : this counsel to the people to come in from the country, in order to secure the control, first of Athens, and thereby of the allies of Athens, is what one would rather have expected to come from Themistocles. At the same time Aristides is called npoa-TdTtjs roii Sfjpov just above, and he was never the leader of the aristocratical party. Moreover his conduct in reference to the Confederacy of Delos shows that the imperial idea was strong in him, and, while he would probably not have been a party to any unjust treatment of the allies, he no doubt wished to see Athens in possession of the riyep.ovia of Greece by sea, though his policy of friendship with Sparta would have prevented any attempt to interfere with the supremacy of the latter by land. The multipKcation of paid offices in the state is a first stage in that process of paying the democracy of Athens which was carried to •its full extent under Pericles, and which really made the poorer classes in the community, the democracy in the narrower sense of the term, the dominant power in the state. irXeiovs T Sia-pvpiovs : the numbers given (allowing 4000 men for the twenty guard-ships, at the usual rate of 200 men to each ship) amount in all to 19,750 persons, exclusive of the orphans and other persons F 3 68 APISTOTEAOTS fji€v yap y^(Toijv i^uKLcrx^^ioi, ro^orai S" i^UKoa-LOL l(al ■)(^l\loi, Kcti wpos tovtois iTTTrety ^/Atoi koL 8ia- KoatoL, ^ovXt] Se TrevraKoa-Loi, koL (f)povpdl veco- picov irevTaKocTLOi, Koi irpos tovtols iv ry iroXei (ppovpail u, ap^ai 5' evSr]p,oi fiev eiy eTTTaKociovs QLvBpas, virepopioL 8' els iiTTaKocriovs' irpos 8e tov- tois eVei (TvveaTrjcravTO tov TroXefiou vcrTepov mrXiTai fxev 8L(r)(iXtoi /cat irevTaKoaioi, vijes Se povp[8es e'lKoari,, aXXat 8e vrjes ai tovs (f)6pov9 ayovcrai, tovs oltto tov Kvap.ov 8icrxtXtovs auSpas, eTt fie irpvTavelov kol op(f)avol koI 8eap.coTa)v (f)vXaK€s' airaai yap tovtois airo TOiv Koivatv rj 8i.0LKT](ns rjv. mentioned at the end of the list, of whom no estimate is given. Aristotle's statement is therefore fully justified. This list does not, however, apply to the times of Aristides, when, for instance, the dicasts were not paid, but to the result of the poHcy which Aristides initiated. apxal 8' ei/Sr/fioi k.t.X. : it has been generally believed, and is stated by Boeckh, Schomann, and others, that the higher magistrates at Athens were unpaid. But it does not appear that this rests on any definite authority, and two or three passages in this treatise are in- consistent with that view. C/. ch. 62. ev8r]fioi fiEv : the word ^o-av follows in the MS., but has been cancelled by a row of dots above it. onXirai, : MS. oirXcirai, a spelling which is also found elsewhere in the MS. ai Toiis (j)6povs ayova-ai : Boeckh (P. E. II. 7) considers that the subject states brought their tributes to Athens themselves at the time pf the Dionysia in the city, and that the dpyupoXoyoi were only sent to collect special sums, such as arrears or fines. From this passage of Aristotle it appears that this was not the case, and that the tribute was regularly collected by certain vessels appointed for the purpose. These were ten in number (according to the usual estimate of a trireme's crew), two for each of the five tribute-districts of the Athenian empire, and were manned by 2000 persons appointed by lot. The construction of Tois ano tov Kva/iov Sicrxi^ious av&pas is not clear, but apparently a suitable word must be supplied from ayovam to govern it. vrpvTaveiov : this presumably stands for all the persons who for various reasons were maintained at the public expense in the Prytaneum. AQHNAmN nOAlTEIA. 6g 25. 'H fieu ovv Tpo(f)7) Tw 8r}fi(p 8ia tovtcou eyiuero. err] de eirra KoiX 5e'/ca (xaXia-Ta /xeTa to. MrjSLKa Siefjieivev rf iroXLTeia TrpoecrTcoTcov rav ApeoirayiTMVf Kaiirep vwocpepofxevrj Kara piLKpov. av^avop-ivov 8e rod irXrjOovs yevop-evos tov 8^p.ov wpoaTaTTjs 'E^iaArT^y 6 "^axIxoviBov, kolI Sokcoi' [Col. n. aScopoSoKTjTos eivat Koi SiKaios irpos ttjv TroXireiav, eiredero rrj ^ovXy. kcu irparov p.ev avetXev iroX- Xovs rmv 'ApeoirayiTcov, aymvas €7rt[0]e)oc!)v irepX rmv hicoKTipivcov' eireira rrjs fiovXrjs eVi K.6veovos ap^ovTos diravTa irepielXe to, eTrideTa 8l mv rjv -q 25. en; 8e eTTTo (tal 8cKa /id\io-Ta /lera TO MijSiica : this presumably covers the whole period up to the archonship of Conon, mentioned just below, which belongs to the year 462 B. c. In that case Aristotle reckons the end of the Persian war as 478 B. C, the date of the Confederacy of Delos. 2(»<^o)wSou : with this word the tenth column of the MS. breaks off, the rest of the column and the whole of another column being occupied by writing of a different description, after which the text of the Aristotle is resumed. The interpolated matter, which runs in the reverse direction, was evidently written before the Aristotle, and has been roughly struck out when the papyrus was required for the latter. It is not in the same hand as the Aristotle, but in one apparently of the same date and employing many of the same contractions. It contains a sort of argument to the speech of Demosthenes against Meidias, in the course of which there are references to the argument Kara KaiKiXiov, i.e. as given by Caecilius Calactinus, a rhetor of the age of Augustus, who wrote various works relating to the Greek orators, including one on the authenticity of the speeches of Demosthenes, from which the references just spoken of are probably taken. aySivas im^ipav : so Plutarch speaks of Ephialtes {Pericles 10), o^epbu ovra toIs 6Xiyapxt(rov(ri, KaraXvirai avrovs eTreurav ttjv ttoKw, oCwas tivos fiiWovros KpiBfjvai, 6 yap ' ApiaToreKrjs Xeyfi iv rrj woXireia tS>v 'ABqvalav on Kal 6 0e/ij(7TOK\i)s airios Tjv fir] wdvTa SiKa^eiv Toils ' ApeoTraylras' &ijdev [lev as 8i avrovs tovto TTOiovVTes, TO 8' oXijBes fiia tovto irdvTa KaTaaKevd^ovres, eiTa oi 'Adrjva'ioi acfiivas aKoviravTes t^s ToiavTr/s (TV/i^ovXrjs KaT€\v]i APISTOTEAOtS flSei/ KaTa/T^fiyels Kadl^ei fiovo')(l,Twv eTrl tov ficofiov. davfiaa-avTcov 8e iravrmv to yeyov^os^ /cat fxera ravra avvaOpoLcrdclarjs rrjf ^ovXrjs rau "Trevra- Koaicov KaTT/yopovv ratv ' ApeoTrayirmv o r E0i- dXTr}9 Koi QefJLKTTOKXrjf, kou ttuXiv iv tS 8r]fia> toV avTov TpoTTOu, eco9 TrepieiXovTO avrcov rrjv ^vvajxiv, Kol avypidt] 8e kou 6 '^(jytaXTrj^ SoXocfyourjdelg fier ov TToXvv xpovov 8i 'ApKTToSiKov ^tJov TavaypULOV. rj fjL€v ovv rSiv ' KpeoirayLTrnv ^ovXr/ tovtou tov TpoTTOv ccTrea-Teprjdr] ttjs eVi/xeAe/ay. 26. Mera 5e TavTa crvve^atvev avUaOai puaXXov TTjv TToXiTeiav 8ia tovs wpodvpxos SrjfjLaycoyovvTag. KaTa yap tovs KUipovs tovtovs avviweae p.r]^ rjyffjLoua ex^iu tovs tTneiKea-Tepovs, aXA' avTav wpoeaTavai ILipcava t,ov M.iXTid8ov, vecoTepov bvra KOU irpos TTjv TToXiv 01^6 iTpoaeXOovTa, irpos Se jrepiflXovTO '. MS. nepeiXovTo. 8i' 'ApuTTobUov TOV Tavaypaiov : this Statement is quoted by Plutarch (Pericl. lo) as from Aristotle, 'Ei^taXrijv p,lv ovv . . . iwi^ov'Keia-avTes oi ex^pot 8i ' ApuTToSiKov tov Tavaypaiov Kpvalas aveiXov, oas 'AptaTOTe\ijs e'iprjKev (Rose, Frag. 367). 26. dviev 8e 8ia rag irarpiKas ho^as, aXei avve^aiuev rmu i^LouTcov ava 8i(t\lXlovs rj TpicrxiXiovs aTraXXvcrOai, [rojore avaXla-KecrOoLL Tovs eiruLKels Kai tov 8r]fiov kcu twv ^viropcov, to, fj,ev ovv aXXa iravra 8lcokovv ou^ ofioicos kcu wpo- Tepov TOLS vofioLS TrpocTc^ouTes, Trjv 5e twv kvvia ap-^ovTcov atpecTiv ovk eKiuovv, aXX' eKTcp €T€i jxeTO. TOV ^(jiiaXTOv davuTov eyvcacrav kcu ck ^evyLTmv TrpoKpiveaOai tovs KXrjpcoaofievovs twv kvvia ap- ypvTcav, KCU irpcoTos rjp^ev i^ avTcov M.vr]cn6ei87]s. ol 8e irpo TovTov iravTes i^ lirirecov koH ircvTaKOcno- fie8[p,vcov Tfcrav, ol (5e) ^eyytrat tols eyKVKXiovs SjcrxiXious : MS. 8Krx«Xiouy. imvovv : MS. eKeivovv, exToj er« /iera tov 'E(/)td\Tou davarov : as the final victory of Ephialtes over the Areopagus occurred in 462 B.C. (cf. supr.), and the archonship of Mnesitheides falls in 457 b. c, it follows that the murder of Ephialtes must have taken place in the same year as the former event. KOI eK (evyiTav : it is practically certain that originally only the pentacosiomedimni were eligible to the archonship (cf. supr., note on ch. 7, aTTeveifiev), but it has generally been supposed, on the authority of Plutarch {Arist. 22), that after the Persian wars the archonship was thrown open to all classes without distinction. The more precise Statements of Aristotle must overrule the account of Plutarch, and it must be taken for certain that the fcuyirai were not admitted to this office until the date here named, and that the thetes were never legally qualified for it at all, though in practice they were admitted in the time of Aristotle and probably much earlier {cf. ch. 7, sub Jin.). There is no direct evidence to show when the 'mireis became eligible, but it may very hkely have been at the time indicated by Plutarch, when there also must have been an admission of the lower classes to some of the inferior magistracies, which Plutarch confused with the archonship. ol be ^evy'iTai : MS. om. 8f. ras eyKVKKiovs : i. e. the inferior magistracies. 74 APISTOTEAOTS rfp-^ov, ei /i^ tl Trapecoparo rmv iv Tols vofiois. erei de Tre/MTTTm fiera ravra eVt XvaiKparovs ap^ovTos oi TpiaKOvra SiKacTTai KaTecrrrja-au TraXiv ol KaXovfievoi Kara Srjuovs' kcu rptrcp fier avrov errl 'AutiSotov 8ia TO TrXrjOos twv ttoXltcou, TlepiKXeovf eiTrovTOS, eyvcoaav firj pi€Te-)(eLV rrjs TroXecog os av fxr] i^ a.p,^olv daroiu y yeyovas. I"]. Mera 5e Tavra irpos to drjuaycoyelu iXOovTO^s HepiKXeovs, kcu irpcoTov evSoKLfirjcravTos OTe kutt]- fl fiij Tl TTapeaparo : this seems to mean that ahhough only members of the first two classes were legally eligible to the archonship, yet occasionally persons not so qualified were allowed to slip in ; just as in later times persons not possessing even the qualification of a fewyirijr were elected archons by a notorious legal fiction. tS)v iv TO(s vojiois : before these words the MS. originally had the phrase vnb tS>v hfjuav, but it has been erased. iiti AvciKparovs ap^ovTos: i.e. 453 B.C. 01 rpiaKovra biKaa-rai : cf. ch. 53. These oflicials were judges of assize for local cases, and were established by Pisistratus (ch. 16). eVi 'AvnSdxou : i. e. 45 1 B. C. 27. McTO 8e Tavra Trpos to drmayioyeiv iKdovTOs IlipiKkiovs : it is noticeable that Aristotle does not consider Pericles to have been a leader in the democratic party till about 450 B.C., but he must have been taking a considerable share in politics much earlier. The date of his ac- cusation of Cimon, which Aristotle mentions as his first important public appearance, is not fixed. Plutarch states that Cimon was brought to trial on a charge of bribery after his return from the reduction of Thasos, and that Pericles was the most active of his prosecutors (Cim. 14). This would put the date in 463 B.C., which is quite possible. Pericles was then young (veos &v) and it was his first prominent apt in public life ; and though he undoubtedly supported Ephialtes and Themistocles in their attack on the Areopagus he could not be called a leader of his party till several years later. At the same time it must be observed that Aristotle proceeds in the next chapter to say that he established the system of payment for services in the law-courts dvTiSrip.ayayS>v irphs ttjv Kip.a)vos exmoplav, Cimon died in 449 B.C., so that this important step, which shows Pericles as a leader of the people, must have occurred several years before that date. We know that he was commander of an expedition in the Crissaean Gulf in 454 B.C. (Thuc. I. ill), and it will not be going far wrong to date the ascendancy of Pericles in Athens from a year or two before that AGHNAmN nOAITEIA. y^ yoprja-e ras evOvvas K-L/xcavos a-TparriyovvTos vlos mv, SrjfioTtKCOTepav en avvf^T] yevecrdat rrjv ttoXi- Teiav' Koi yap raiv ' ApeoTrayircov evta TrapeiXero, Kai fiaXi(TTa Trpovrpeyj^ev ttjv ttoXlv iiri ttju vavTiKr/v SvvafiLv, i^ -qs avve^T] OapprjaavTas tovs ttoXXovs airaaav ttju iroXLTelav paXXov ayeiv ei? avTOvs. pera Se ttjv ev ^aXapivi vavpa^iav ivos Sei TrevTij- Koarm krei ein. YlvdoScop^ovj ap^ovTos 6 irpos IleAo- irovvrjCTLOvs iuea-Trj iroXepos, iv cb KaraKXeia-deis o StJpos eV TiS aoret koi avvedicrdiis iu rals (TTpaTials pia-6o(f)op€Lu, ra pev eKcov to, 5e aKcov TrporjpeiTO rr/v iroXireiav 8toiK€iv avros. eTroirjae 8e koI pLado- ^opa ra SLKaarrjpia HepiKXrjs irpcoTos, dvTLSrjpayco- ymv Trpos ttjv Y^ipxovos eviropiav. 6 yap K.[pcou, are TvpavviKTjv €)(cov ovaiav, TrpcoTov pev ras KOLvas XrjLTOvpyias iXrjiTovpyeL Xapirpms, eireira tS>v drjpo- date. The murder of Ephialtes and banishment of Themistocles left the way clear for him. tZu ' Ap€07TayiTS>v evia rrapfiKero : this may mean either that Pericles assisted to some extent in Ephialtes' proceedings for stripping the Areopagus of its power, or that he carried the same movement further after the death of Ephialtes. In either case it is consistent with his not having taken a leading part in the great struggle. ivos bei TTfKTijKoo-Tw eVet : the date of the outbreak of the Pelopon- nesian war is of course as well fixed as any date in Greek history. Pythodorus was archon in 432 B.C., which is the 49th year after Salamis, and Thucydides (II. 2) tells us that he had only four months of his archonship still to run at the time of the Theban attack on Plataea, which fixes the date in the spring of 431 B.C. KaTaKKeiadels : MS. KaraxXio'deif. iiroiriiTe he Koi fu(T6ov €Tpe(l)e ttoXXovs' i^T]v yap tS fiovXofiivw AaKiaScov Kaff eKaa-Trjv ttjv rj/jLepau eXOovTi irap avTov kyeiv ra fierpta, en 5e ra -^copLa iravTa a^paKTa rju, ottcos l^rjv rro fiovXofievco rrjs mrmpas airoXaveiv. irpos 8r] Tavrrjv rrju ^oprjyiau eiri- Xeiirofxevos 6 HepLKXrjs rrj ovcrta, a-vybfiovXevovTos avTm Aa/juouiSov tov Oir}0eu (oy iSoKei t&v TroXe/xau elarfyrjTrjS' eluai tS YlepiKXel, 8io Koi marpaKKrav avTOv va-repov), eirei toIi ISlocf -qTraTO 8i86vai rols- TToXXois Ta avTotv, Karea-Kevaare fjLicr0o(f)opau Tols 8iKaaTaLS' dcj)' wv aiTLavTai rives X^^P^ yevecrOai, KXrjpovfjieucov eVijiieAtay aet fidXXov rmv tv^ovtcov rj Tcou iiTLeiKcav avOpoiircov. ■qp^aro 8e fiera ravra Kou TO 8eKa.^eLv, Trpmrov KaraSei^avTos 'Avvtov ixerd rrjv iv UvXm crTpaTTjyLav. Kpivop-evos yap vtto Tivcov 8ia TO diro^aXelv YlvXov, SeKoiaas to 8LKaarT7j-^ piov dTre(l)vy£v. 28. Efflff fiev odu TleptKXrjs irpoeiaTrjKei tov 8r]p,ov fieXTLco Ta Kara ttjv iroXLTeiav rjv, TeXevTTj- AoKtaSoJv : Plutarch (CiM. lo) quotes Aristotle (though without specifying the precise work) as authority for this fact, in opposition to the story that Cimon kept open house for the whole of the poorer population of Athens (Rose, Frag. 363). Cf. also Pericles 9, which reproduces the substance of the present passage. oiras i^ffv : this is the reading of the MS., though it may be ques- tioned whether we should not read i^fj. a-viifiovXeiovTos k.t.X. : quoted by Plutarch (Pericl. 9), rpcVerai jrpos Tr]V tS)V brifioaiav biavojirjv, s 'ApKrroTeXijs iaroprjKev (Rose, Frag. 365). OS : MS. ovs. 'Avvtov: MS. avTov, but that this is a mere clerical error is cleai" both from the context and from the fact that the passage is referred to by Harpocration (s. v, hnui^atv), 'ApiorroreXijs 6' iv 'AStjvaiav TroXirei^ "Avvt6v tprjo-t KaraSet^ai tci Sexd^eip ra biKaa-Ttipia (Rose, Frag. 371). 28. ^eXt/o) : MS, /SeXrEio). AQHNAmN nOAlTEIA. 77 aavTOS 5e Ile/JiKAeoyy ttoXv ^eipco. TrpaiTou yap t6t€ TrpocTTaTrjv eXa^ev 6 8rjp.os ovk evSoKi/jiovvTa TO. irapa tols eTrieiKea-iV iv 5e tois Trporepov XpovoLS aet SiereXovv ol eViei/cety SrjpxiyaiyovvTes. ^^ "■PXVS t^^v yap Kou Trpatros iyeuero Trpoa-TaTrjs Tov Stj/xou ^oXcop, 8evT€po9 de YieLaiarpaTos tS)v evyevmv Ka\ yvoopip^cov KaTaXvOeicnjs Be rrjs Tvpav- vl8os YiXeicrOeurjs, tov yevovs cbv t&v 'AXKp.eovi8ai', /cat Tovrm fiev ovSeis rju auTL(rTa(ncoTT]9 toy e^iirea-ov OL wepl TOV 'laayopau. peTo. 8e raOra tov p,lv 8-qp.ov 7rpoeicrTrjK€L ^avOiinros, tcov 8e yvapip-wv M.iXTia8r]s' eireiTa Qep.iaTOKXr]s kcu ' ApicrT€i8T]s' p.€Ta 5e TovTovs 'E^taAr?;? pev tov 8ripov, Y^ipxov 8' 6 M.iXTia8ov Tcou evTTopcoW eha HepiKXrjs p-ev TOV 8r]p,ov, QovKv8L8rjS 8e twv eTepcov, Krj8eaTr}v pev ewLCpavav TrpoeiaTrjKei Ni/ctay, 6 cV Si/ceAia reAeu- Tr]aas, tov 8e Brjpov YiXewv 6 K-XeaiveTov, by 8oKel evSoKiiiovvra : at first written evioKiixovfuvov, then -ira was written above, but the letters -/jievov, which should have been struck out, remain accidentally uncancelled. Trpoa-Tarris tov Srjfiov : the way in which Aristotle uses this title shows that it had become a technical phrase indicating a definite position, but it does not support the view of those who hold it to have been an office to which there was a regular appointment. The most that it proves is that the popular party in the assembly recognised one individual as its especial leader at any given time, and that he was accepted by the world at large as the representative of that party for the time being. The fact that Solon and Pisistratus and Cleisthenes are spoken of in precisely the same way as Cleon and Cleophon is enough to prove this ; and it may further be noticed that Miltiades, Cimon, and Thucydides are represented as holding exactly the same position in reference to the eSVopoi 01; yvapiiioi as their rivals have in reference to the Srj/ios. KXcaivcTou : MS. KXaieverov. 78 AP1ST0TEA0T2 fxaXia-ra 8ia(j)deipai rov Stj/jlov tols opixals, kul irpcoTOs eVi tov firjfxaros aviKpaye kv aXX(ov €v Kocr/xco XeyovTcov, eha fiera tovtovs toov p,ev erepcov Qijpafievrjs 6 "Ayvcovos, tov 8e 8r]fiov KAeo- (j)a>v 6 XvpoTTOios, OS Koi Trjv Buo^oXiav ^Tropiae irpatTos' Kol ■)(p6vov fiev TLva SiedlSov, /xera 8e ravra KareXvcre KaXXiKpdrrjs Ylaiauievs irpcoTos Trepi^aa-dnevos : the scholiast to Lucian ( Tim. 30) refers to Aristotle for this fact, 'ApiiTTOTekqs he kcu Ttepi^coaancvov avTov Xcyet Sr]firiyopfi(rai, els TTjv 6paa-vTr)Ta avTov dnoa-KmirTav. This is given by Neumann in his edition of the fragments {Frag. 33), but Rose adopts another reading of the passage, which assigns Aristotle's authority instead to a state- ment that Cleon obstructed the making of peace with Sparta (Frag. 368). The scholiast to Aeschines (Dindorf, p. 14) uses nearly the same words, XeyeTot fie lS\ea>v o Srjpaymyos irapa^as to e^ Wovs (tx^P^ irepi^aad- pevos 8r]prjyoprja-at,' TTjv hua^oKiav : this cannot refer either to the payment for attendance at the ecclesia, which we know from ch. 41 to have been instituted by Agyrrhius and Heracleides, nor to that for service in the courts, which it is certain from Aristophanes had been raised to three obols long before the time of Cleophon (Knights, 11. 51, 255 ; Wasps, 609, 684, 690). The hia^oKia (or finB/SfXia, as it is generally spelt) par excellence was the same as the theoricon, the payment to the populace of the price of admission to the theatre. This, however, is generally assigned to Pericles, on the authority of Plutarch (Pericl. 9) and Ulpian (on Demosthenes' Olynth. I). The authority nevertheless is not con- vincing. Plutarch speaks somewhat generally (deapiKois koi SiKaanKois \rippav ddvarov Kareyvcoaav va-repow elcodeu yap, kolv i^aTrar-qdrj TO TrXrjdos, varepov piaelv tovs ti TrpocrayayovTas TTOieiv avTovs t5>v pJi) KaXm kyovTcav. diib Se KAeo0(»i/roy rjdrj SieSexovTo avv€)(W9 Trjv Srjpayco- yiav ol paXicrra ^ovXofievoi dpaavveaOai kcCI xapi- ^eadat tols iroXXols Trpos rd irapavTLKa /3Ae7roz/rey. 8oKov(TL fie ot ^eXriaroi yeyovevat rav 'Kd-qvriai 7roXLT€vaap.ev(ov perd tovs dp^aiovs f^iKias koL QovkvSlStjs Koi QrjpapevTjs' Koi irep\ pev Niklov to celebrate the holiday. It therefore appears that the ground on which the extension of the theoricon was made was that of helping the citizens to enjoy the great festivals thoroughly. A further problem is suggested by the mention of the name of Callicrates. There was an Athenian proverb {mep ra KaXXiKparovs, used in the case of anything exceeding all reasonable measure ; and the origin of it is explained by Zenobius (VI. 29) from the present treatise, ApiOTOTcXijr Se (j)rj(nv iv rfj 'A6rjvaiav TroXiTfia KaWtKpari/w Tiva irpaTov tS)V StKaarav Toiis fucrdovs eh vwep^oXriv av^rjirai, o8ev Kail ttjv irapoiplav elprj(rdai (Rose, Frag: 422). No such passage occurs in the treatise as it stands at present, and the coincidence of the name Callicrates may suggest that this is the place referred to. But, if so, it is certain that Zenobius completely misunderstood it, since it is unquestionable, as shown above, that the pay of the dicasts had been raised to three obols long before the time of Callicrates, and there would moreover have been no great absurdity in proposing to raise their stipend from two to three obols. As, however, it appears from the words of Zenobius that Aristotle actually quoted the proverb in question, it seems certain that his reference is to some passage which is missing in the present condition of the MS. TToKiTeviranivtav : MS. TroKfiTev(rancva)V. NiKf'as Koi 0ovKv8cSrjs Kot Qrjpapevijs : this passage is referred to by Plutarch (JVic. 2), eveariv ovv Trepl NiKi'ou rrpSiTov emeiu o yeypaxjjev 'Apwr- TOTeXrjs, oTi Tpels eyevovTO fieXTiaroi rS)V jroXirSr koi TraTpiKTjv exovres eiivotav Koi ^tXiav Trpos t6i/ Sjjixov, NiKi'ay 6 NjAo/pdrou Koi OovkvSiSt]! 6 MeXrja-iov Kal e^pa/ihris 6 'Ayvoavos (Rose, Frag. 369). This judgment shows with some clearness the political prepossessions of Aristotle; but his statement that nearly everyone was of one mind as to the merits of 8o API2T0TEA0T2 KoX QovKvSlSov Travres a")(€8ov 6fioXoyov(nu avBpas yeyovivai ov fiovov KaXovs Koyadovs aXXa kul TToXtrt/couy Koi rfj TroXei Tracy irarpLKas \pa>ix€vovs, Trepi Be Qrjpa/Meuovs Sia to crvfi^TJvai kut avTov Tapa^co8eLS ras TroXireias dp(j)i(r^r]Tr]ais ttjs Kpiaecos io-TL. SoKel pevTOL Tois pr] irapepycas a'iro(f)aLvo- peuoLS oi;^ axnrep avrov Sca^aXXovcn Traaas ras TToXireias KaraXveLV, dXXa iraaas irpoayeiv ecos prjSev Trapavopolev, as dvuapevos TroAtreuecr^at Kara irdaas, oirep earlv dyaOov ttoXltov epyov, irapavo- povaais 8e ov (rvy)(a)pS)v dXTC oTrexdavopevos. 29. "Etay pev odv laoppoTra ra Trpaypara Kara Tov TToXepov r]v 5i60[i;Aarroz/] rrjv SrjpoKpaTiav. eVei 8e perd ttjv ev ^iKeXla yevopevrju SLa(f)opau la^vpoTara ra tcov AaKeSaipovLCov iyevero Sia tt/u Trpos ^acriXea crvppa^Lai>, rjvayKdadTjaav pe^racrTTj- cralvrey rrjv drfpoKpariau KaTacrTTJaai riqv eVt Toiv TerpaKocrtcov TroXiTelav, elTro^vTojs top peu irpo tov ■^r](l)LcrpaT09 Xoyov M.r]Xo^[ov, ttjv Se yvcoprjv ypa- y^avTos Ylvdo8a>pov To\y] . . . tlov, paXicTTa Se Nicias and Thucydides is somewhat noticeable. As to Theramenes, it is clear from Aristotle's own defence of him here that he was simply an Opportunist with aristocratical sympathies. irarptKas : this has been corrected in the MS. to icaXSr, but the quotation of the passage in Plutarch (given above) confirms the more uncommon word. nevToi : -MS. ficv, but there is no corresponding 8c, and the omission of Toi is easily explained by the following tois. 29. laoppona : MS. itropona. Biacfiopdu : so the MS., but it may be questioned whether Sia(j>dopav is not the right word. MtjXo^i'ou : probably the same as the Melobius who was afterwards one of the Thirty ; he was one of the party sent to arrest Lysias and Polemarchus (Lysias, conir. Erat. p. 121). AQHNAlilN nOAITEIA. 8i (TVjXTreicrOiVTcov t5>v TroAXdjj/ hia to vofii^eiv ^aaiXea [aa-fievojv iavTols (rvfnroX€}iy]a€iv iav 8l oXiycov TTOirja-covTai rrjv iroXiTeiau. rjv de to ■^■q^Lcrfia tov [Col. 12.] Tlvdodcopov TOLovSe' tov Srjfiov iXeadai fieTO. Tav "jrpovTrapypvToyv SeKa irpo^ovXcov aXXovs e'lKOCTL e'/c Tcov VTrep TeTTupaKovTa cttj yeyouorcov, otTives ofxo- aavT^s r) pnqv (rvyypd^eiv a av riyviVTai ^eXTicTTa elvuL Ty TToAet (rvyypa'^ovfTL irepl ttJs (TcoTrjpias' i^elvai Se /cat tcov aXXoav tS ^ovXopLevw ypd(j)eiv, Xv e^ aTravTcov alpcovTai to dpiaTov. K.XeiTO(j)(ov 8e Ta fiev dXXa KaduTrep HvBoScopos ehrev, Trpoaava^rj- Trjaai 8e tovs aipedevTas eypayf/^ev /cat tovs Trarpiovs vop,ovs ovs ^Xeiadivrjs kdrjKev ore KadlcrTrj ttjv SrjpoKpuTiav, OTTCos aKovaavTes Koi tovtcop ^ovXev- (TCovTai TO dpicTTOv, coy 01) SrjfJLOTLKrjv aAAa irapa- TrXfjaiau oicrav ttjv YJ\.€L(r6evovs iroXtTeiau tjj rav irpovnapxovTav Seko 7rpo0ov\a>v : Thucydides (VIII. 67) speaks of ten persons being elected as (rvyypa(t>ecs avTOKparopes, but says nothing of the additional twenty mentioned by Aristotle. The latter is, however, supported by Philochorus and Androtion, as appears from Harpocration (j. V. v I efivripAvevcrc nSvcov T&v npo^ovktov. From Aristotle's account it would appear that there was an existing board of ten irpofiovKoi, which was probably the continuation of that which was first appointed after the news of the Sicilian disaster (Thuc. VIII. i) ; and to this twenty additional mem- bers were elected for the special purpose on hand. That Thucydides and Aristotle are speaking of the same body is clear from their accounts of the work done by it, as well as from the words of Harpocration. TO apia-Tov : there is a single stroke following to in the MS., which looks as though the copyist had begun to write tov but had seen that it was wrong before completing the word, to apia-Tov is confirmed by the recurrence of the phrase below. KXf(ro0£i/ : as Pythodorus is spoken of above as the author of the yvafiTj or yjni(l>uTp.a which was passed by the assembly, it would appear that the rider proposed by Cleitophon was rejected. G 8a APISTOTEAOTS "^oXcovos. 01 8' aipedevTCS irpSiTOV /xev eypayjrav iiravayKis eivac tovs irpvTaveis airavra ra Xeyop-eva Trepl Tr]9 (rcoTrjpla^ iTri\lrr](f)[^ei,v, eireiTa ras tS)v irapavofJLcou ypa(f)as koL ras elaayyeXLas Kai ras TTpoKXrjaeis avelXov, owcos av oi ideXovres 'Adrjualoi (Tvp^ovXevcoai Trepl Tcoi> irpoKeipivcoV lav Se tls TOVTcov •)(apLV rj ^r]p,iOL r/ Trpoa-KaXijrai rj elcrayrj etg SiKaarypLov, evBei^iv avTOV eivai kcu airaycoyrjv irpos TOVS (TTpaTrfyovs, tovs Se (TTpaTrjyovs irapa- Sovvai Tols evSeKa OavaTco ^r/picoaai. peTa 5e TavTU Trjv TToXiTciav SieTa^av TovSe Tpoirov to. peu xprj- puTa {to) irpoiTLOVTa prj i^elvai aXXocre Sairavyja-ai rj els Tov TToXepov, Tas S" ap^as apiaOovs oip\eLV airacras ecos av 6 TToXepos y, irXrjv tS>v evvea apyovTOiv koL Twv irpvTavecov ot av acriv tovtovs 8e (pepeiv Tpels ofioXovs eKUCTTOv Trjs Tjpepas. ttjv 8' aXXrjv ttoXc- Teiav iTTCTpeyj/ai iraaLv 'Adrjvaimv tols 8vvaTcoTaTots /cat Tots acopacTLV koH tols )(prjpa(rLv XtjiTOvpyelv prj eXaTTOv T] irevTaicL(r)(j.XLOis ecos av 6 iroXepos y' TTpSiTov fih ^ypaijfav k.t.X. : this is substantially the same as the briefer summary of Thucydides (VIII. 67), that the avyypacfieis pro- posed nothing except that any Athenian might suggest anything he hked without fear of penalties (e'leicai /nev 'Adrjvaia avSpX flnelv yvap-rfv ^v av Tis ^oiXi/Toi* fjv bi Tis tov elndvra rj ypdsjfjjTai Trapavofitov fj aXXo) TO) Tp6ma i3Xa\|/'j, /ieydXas £r)ij,las iireBearav), els biKacFTrjpiov : MS. i; cis SiKatrTrjpiov, plainly a mere clerical error. TO, fiiv ;)^p^jaaTa K.r.X. : cf. Thucydides (VIII. 65), Xoyor re . . . irpoetp- yacTTO avTois i)S ovre /uiTBocpoprjTeov eirj SXkovs rj tovs CTTpaTevofjievovs, oiVe p,e6eKTeov rav irpayjiaToiv irXeioaiv fj TrevTaKurpfiXioif, kui tovtois ol hv fxaKiaTa toIs te xPW'^"'^ *"' ''<''* aapairiv dxpeXe'iv oloi re &(nv. TO irpoaiovra : the article seems to be required, and its omission in the MS. is easily explained by the similarity of the termination of the preceding word. J7el»^aKl(rx'^''olJ : corrected in the MS. to TrevTaKia-xO^iwv, the corrector having apparently overlooked the fact that 7 precedes. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 83 Kvpiovs 5' clvaL TOVTOVs Kou CTVvdriKas avvTiOecrdai irpos ovs OLV ideXcoaiV eXecrOai Be kcu tyjs (pvXrjs eKaa-Trjs deKa auSpas virep TerrapaKOVTa €Tr] yeyo- voras, o'ltlvcs KaraXe^ovai tovs irevTaKLcr^^iXiovs 6p.6(ravT€s Kaff Upav reXeimv. 30. Ot p.ep ovv alpedevres ravra avviypa^av. KvpcoOevTcov Se tovtcov eiXouTO (rcfimv avrav ol irevTaKLa-xiXioi, tovs avaypa^ovras Trjv TroXiTeiav €KaTov avSpas. ol 8' alpeOevres dveypa^av Koi i^iqveyKav rdSe. fiovXeveiv p-eu kut iviavTov tovs vw€p rpiuKouTa errj yeyovoras avev p.i,(rdo(f)opd9' TOVTCOV 5' etftti Toi)f (TTpaT'qyovs koL tovs evvea dp-)(ovTas KOL Tov lepopvrjpova kcu tovs Ta^idpyovs KCU lTnrap-)(ovs kcu (pvXap^ovs kcu dp-)(pvTas els tu 30. elKovTO ^(filov avrav ol 7rej'TaKi(r;(iX(oi tovs dvaypa-\JAovTas : this State- ment, which is confirmed below (oi uiro t&v Trfyi-a/fio-^fiX/mi/ aipfde'vTes), seems to be in direct contradiction to the assertion in ch. 32 that the 5000 Aoym fiovov fipeBrja-av, with which Thucydides agrees (VIII. 92). Probably the body that elected the 100 commissioners here spoken of was of the same kind as that which took over the government after the fall of the Four Hundred, which consisted of all who could furnish arms (Thuc. VIII. 97), though it was nominally Five Thousand. The same may have been the case now. All who could bear arms were provisionally entitled the Five Thousand until a" body of that exact number had been drawn up by the board of 100 which was to be appointed for that purpose. It is clear that the Five Thousand contemplated by the complete constitution planned by the leaders of the revolution were not to be an indefinite body including all persons who could bear arms, but were to be limited to the number mentioned ; for in Thuc. VIII. 86 the envoys from the Four Hundred tell the army in Samos that they will all be members of the Five Thousand in turn. This body would have required to be carefully drawn up, and till that could be done it seems that all qualified persons wfere provisionally considered to belong to it, and that they elected the hundred persons here spoken of, who drew up complete schemes alike for the present administration of Athqps and for its future constitution. G 2 84 API2T0TEA0TS (fypovpia /cat rafiias rmu iepS>v ^p-qpLarav ry 0[e(o KoiX t\oIs aXKoLS deals 8eKa koI iXX-rjuoTafiLas Koi T&v aXXcov oalcov xpr/ixaToiv aTravrcov elKoaiu ol dLa^eipLovaiv koI tepoiroiovs /cat iTrifxeXrjTas SeKa eKarepovs' alpeladai 8e Travras tovtovs €K irpoKpi- Tcou, e/c Tcou del jBovXevovTcou ttXclovs TrpoKpivovras, Tas S" aXXas ap-)(as airacras KXrjpcoras eivai Kai fir/ e/c TTJs ^ovXrjs' Toiis 8e eXXr/voTap-ias ol kav 8ca- )(€LpL^cocrL TO. ^prjp,aTa prj crvplSovXeveiv. /SouAa? 5e TTOiTJcrai Terrapas e/c rrjs -qXiKias rrjs elprjpevrjs Tafias tS>u Upav ^prjfiaToip r^ Sea Kot rots aXXotff Oeois '. cf. Boeckh, Public Economy, II. 5. Every temple at Athens had its own treasurers, those of the temple of Athena being far the most important ; but about 419 B.C. the various treasurers, with the exception of those of Athena, were united in a single board under the title of Taniai tS>v hWav SeSip. iWrivoTofiias : it is presumably to this passage that Harpocration {s, v.) refers, when he says, oti ap^rj tk rju 01 iWrjvoTaiuai., oJ Siep^eipifoi/ TO ;^p^fiaTa, Kol ' ApiiTTOTe\r]S StjXoi iv rrj 'Adr/valaiv TroXireia (Rose, Frag. 362). There is no fuller description of them in the second part of the work, because the ofifice did not exist in Aristotle's own day. It is not clear why they are named here as belonging to the Council, when im- mediately below it is stated that they were not to do so. Kai Ta>v aWav otjiav xprffxariov etKotri : Boeckh (/. c.) considers the public money to have been in the keeping of the Tap-iai rrjs 6eou, but the present passage, showing that there were to be different treasurers for the sacred and the secular treasures under the constitution of the Four Hundred, affords a very strong presumption that the same was the case ordinarily at Athens. jtXeious npoKpivovTas : that is, the holders of these offices, who were all to be members of the Council of Four Hundred, were at the expira- tion of their term of office to nominate a number of candidates to succeed themselves. The final selection among the candidates thus nominated rested with the full Council. &ovKas hk Troirjarm rtrrapas k.t.X. ; the arrangement of the jSouXai is not very clearly expressed, but it seems to be as follows. There were to be four councils, each of a hundred persons, which were to cast lots for precedence, the one securing the first lot to hold office for a year, while the others followed in order, each on the termination of its predecessor's term. Iii the first instance they were to be formed from the board of one hundred which was drawing up the constitution (jois A©HNAIi2N nOAITEIA. 85 €LS Tov Xoiirov ■)(jp6vov, KotX TOVTCov TO Xayov iiipos ^ovXeveiv, velfiai de koI tovs aAAouy irpos rrju Xrj^iv eKaa-Trjv. tow S" e/carov avSpas Siaveifiai tr0ay re avTovs Koi Toi/s aXXovs TCTTupa fJieprj as laaLTaTa kol SLaKXrjpaaai, kol ety iviavTOU {/Sou- Xevciv}. fiovXeveiu 8e y av doKrj avTols apurTa e^eiu Trepl Te tcov xprjp.a.Tcov, OTrtoy au (raia y koL ely TO Seou auaXiaKrjTaL, Kal irepl tcou aXXcov d>s av SvvcovTaL apLCTTa' kolv ti diXaxriv ^ovXevaacrOaL fi€Ta irXeiovav, eTreicTKaXelv eKaaTou iTrelaKXrjTOv ov av fdeXy Tav e/c ttjs avTrjs "^XiKias" ray 5' eSpaf TTOie'iv Trjs ^ovXijs Kara 7r€vdr]p,€pov iav firj BecovTUt, irXeiovcov. KXrjpovv Se ttjv ^ovXrjv tovs ivvea ap^ov- Tas, Tas 8e ^ctpoTovias KpLveiv TreVre tovs Xa^ovTas CK Trjs fiovXrjs, Kal ex tovtcov eva KXrjpovadaL KaO' eKao-TTjv rjpiepav tov e'iru^r](j>iovvTa. KXrjpovv 8e Tovs Xa^ovTas irevTe tovs ideXovTas irpoaeXdelv ivavTiov Trjs ^ovXrjs, irpwTOv p.ev lepav, SevTCpov 8e eKOTov avSpas) and from certain others, in whom we may see the 300 co-opted members of the original Four Hundred mentioned by Thucy- dides (VIII. 67), and these were to be divided into four equal parts to make the first four councils. That the councils were to consist of 100 members each appears from ch. 31, sub fin., where it is said that the original 400 were to be divided into ras Terrapas \rj^eis. ^ovKevciv : MS. 8ov\eveiv, els iviavTov ^ovXeieiv : ^ovXeveiv is not in the MS., but it seems necessary to supply it, and its recurrence as the first word of the following sentence is enough to explain its omission. Kav : MS. eav, but a copula seems necessary. iireicniKrjTov : MS. eTTeicree(np.os 5, ch. 43). Upmv . . Krjpv^iv , . wp((r^eia , , tSiv aWav : the change of case is remarkable, though a koto aiveariv construction might be made out for 86 APISTOTEAOTS K-qpv^Lv, rpiTOv TrpeajSeia, Teraprov tcov aXXav' ra Se Tov TToXip^ov orau bey aKXrjpcorl irpocrayayovTas Tovs (TTpaTTjyovs ■)(^p'r]ixaTL^e(TdaL. tov 8e fxrj loura eis TO fiovXevT-qpLOv T&v l3ovXev6vTa)v ttjv copav ttjv irpopp-qOetaav 6(j)eiXeiu bpa^p-rjv ttjs r}p.€pas eKaaTrjs, iav p-t) €vpL(TK6p,euos a(j)eaLv ttjs ^ovXrjs a.Trfj. [Col. 13.] 21. TavTTjv p-ev odu eiy tou pLeXXovTa ^ovov aviypa^av ttjv iroXiTiiav, iv 5e r<^ irapovTL Katpm Tr}v8e' fiovXeveiv p.ev TeTpaKoaiovs Kara ra iraTpLa, TeTTapoLKovTa i^ eKo.cTT'qs (j)vXrJ9, eV irpoKpLTCov [o]i;y av eXcovTai oi (pvXeraL t&v virep TpiaKovTa €TT] each. The order of business is probably that usually adopted in the (SouA?) under the democracy. In the ecclesia, as appears from ch. 43, different subjects were assigned to each of the four ordinary meetings of that body in each prytany. 31. Tairriv fiev ovv : the handwriting of the MS. changes here, and the new hand continues as far as the middle of the 20th column. This hand is a much larger uncial than the first, and not semi-cussive, as that is {vt'd. Introduction) ; it is clearly the hand of a scribe, though a somewhat uneducated one. Mistakes, which have hitherto been rare, become not unfrequent, and several forms of mis-spelling are chronic. As it would be tedious to note each case as it occurs the chief classes of them may be mentioned here. The single letter i often takes the place of the diphthong ei, especially in the preposition els ; e.£^. laiovra, itKiov, i\r))^viav. On the other hand ft appears for t, as in TroKeiriKav, fiera- Kciveiv. The 1 ascript is often omitted, and v appears instead of 7 before y and k. These mis-spellings, as well as the actual mistakes which occur from time to time, are generally corrected in the hand of the writer of the first part of the MS. ; and it seems probable, as suggested in the Introduction, that the first part was written by a scholar who desired to possess a copy of Aristotle's work, while the second part was copied by a scribe under his revision. Finally it may be noticed that there are no abbreviations in this hand, and that the columns are much narrower. Blunders of the scribe which are cor- rected by the reviser are not mentioned in the notes, any more than the habitual mis-spellings above mentioned. KOTa TO. TrnVfJiu : 2. e, as in the Solonian constitution. oils hi fAmirai ot (^uXe'rai ; this differs from Thucydides, who says (VIII. 67) that the Four Hundred were elected by a process of co-optation ; five irp6e8pot, elected by the ecclesia at Colonus, were to A0HNAmN nOAITEIA. 87 yeyovoTbiv. tovtovs 8e ras re a/j^ay KaracrTrjcrai, Kol irepl Tov opKov ovTLva ^PV Ofioaai ypa-^ai, {kcu) Trepl Ta)v vofuov /cat raz/ eu^i>[i']©i/ /cat rmu aXXcov irpaTTUv y av r^yavTai \crvpi\v 8e (TTpaTrjyav to vvv eivat ttjv (upecriv ef airavTcov TTOieicrdaL rav ■ir€VTaKLa")(iXL(av, ttjv 8e fiovX^v iweLdau KaracrTrjarj iroL'^a'aaav i^eracnv oirXois eXea-dai 5e/ca avSpay /cat ypap.p.aTta tovtois, tow 8e alpeOevras ap\ii,v tov eiaiovTa eviavTov avTO- KpaTopas, KOL av tl 8e(ovTai avp^ovXeveaOai /iera Trjs ^ovXrjs. iXeadaL 8e kol L-jnrap^ov eva /cat (j)vXap)(^ovs SeKa' to 8e Xouirov ttjv atpeaiv iroLeladai TOVTtov TTjv ^ovXrjv KUTu Ta yeypapp.eva. Ta>v 8' aXX(ov dp^mv ttXtjv Trjs fiovXrjy /cat Tmv (TTpaTrjymv p,rj i^elvai p.r]Te tovtois pr/re aXXco p.r]8ev\ irXelov rj choose a hundred persons, who were each to nominate three others. It is difficult to decide between two such good authorities ; but possibly Thucydides may have taken the arrangement of the four councils by the original hundred commissioners (see note on ch. 30, ^avKas be k.tX.) to be a co-optation of three hundred additional members, whereas from Aristotle we should gather that the tribes elected the whole four hundred, or rather that they elected three hundred in addition to the hundred already existing, and that those hundred were eventually to distribute themselves and the remaining three hundred into four separate councils, — an arrangement which never came into force, owing to the overthrow of the oligarchical government. KOI TrepiT&vvonaiv : Kai is not in the MS., but it seems to be required, and its omission is easily explained by the similarity of the termination of ypdijfai, which precedes it. anrapxov 'dva : ordinarily there were two hipparchs {cf. ch. 61). TO 8e XoiTTOV : MS. TO 8f TO XoiTTOI/. irXriv : MS. rrpiv ; cf. ch. 37, where the same mistake is made, but has been corrected by the reviser, while in ch. 38 it again occurs uncorrected. 88 APISTOTEAOTS ttTraf ap^ai rrjv avrrjv a.pxvi'' ety 5e tov aXXou Xpovou iva vefir]6a)(riv oi rerpaKoaioi els ray rer- Tupas Xrj^eis *0Tav rots aaTois yiyvrjTai fiera tcov aXXcou fiovXeveiv SLaveLfiavTcov avTOvs oi eKarou avhpes. 32. Ot p.€v olv €KaTov ol vTTO tS>v TTevTaKia^L- Xicov aipedevres ravr-qv aviypar^av ttjv TroXireiau. eTTLKVpCodeVTCOV 8e TOVTCOV VTTO TOV TtXtjOoVS, CTTl- yln](f)La-avTos 'Api(rTop,a^ov, rj fiev ^ovXrj iw). KaXXtov irplv Bia^ovXeva-ai KareXudr} pirjvos QapyrjXiwvos TerpaSi eVt BeKa, oi Se TeTpaKoaiot ela-yaav ivarrj (J)6lvovtos QapyrjXicovos' eSet 8e ttjv elXrj^vlav tw Kvapxo ^ovXrjv elaiei/aL 8 iirl Seku ^KLpo^opiwvos. Tj pev ovv oXiyap^la tovtov KarecTTrj tov rpoirov eVt KaAAiou p.lv ap\ovT09, eTecnv 8' varepov ttjs tS>v Tvpdvvcov eK^oXrjs paXicTTa eKarov, aiTLCov pdXia-Ta yevopivcDv Ileicrav8pov Koi 'AuTi(f)avT09 orav K.T.X. : this sentence is manifestly corrupt, but it is not clear how it is to be satisfactorily emended. That the revision by the original owner was not quite thorough is shown by the fact that though be has corrected two blunders in this passage (i/yviji-ai and hiavijiavToiv) he has allowed the last word to stand as avSSpeis. The ixarbv avSpes referred to are the hundred constitution-makers, and there is clearly a reference to their distribution of the Four Hundred into the four councils of one hundred which were to succeed them. 32. nrjvot BapyrjXiSivos TfTpdSi eVi dcKa : this, as appears from what follows, was exactly a month before the completion of the Council's year of office, Thargelion (May) being the month immediately pre- ceding Scirophorion (June), which was the last of the Athenian civil year. Callias' year of office began in July 412 B.C., and was now within a month of its termination. elcfjaav : MS. fitrijiercav, tSei ; MS. €ri. Ilf io-di/8pou : MS. UcTta-avSpov. An E is added above the line, but it is not clear whether it is intended to be substituted for the cr (which would be better effected by simply striking out the t) or if it is to be AGHNAmN nOAITEIA. 89 Koi Qrjpafxeuovs, av8pa>v kcu yeyevrjfjLevcov ev Koi avueaei koi ypcofirj Sokovvtcou 8La(p€peiv. yepofievrjs [Col. 14.] fie TavT-qs rrjs TToAireiay 01 fJLeu irevTaKLa^iXiot A070) p-ovov ypedrjaav, oi fie rerpaKocnoi fiera rmv deKa Tmv avTOKparopcov elaeXOovTe^ ely to fiovXevrrjpiov rjpxov TTJ9 TToXeas, koI irpos KaKeBaip-oviovs irpea^ ^ev(rap,euoL KareXvovTO tov TroXe/iov i(j) oils eKarepot Tvy)(a.vov(riv e\ovT€s. ov^ inraKovfa-ajvTcov 8' eKeivcov el fiTf Koi TT]v ap')(rjv rrjs [OjaXdTTijs aaKovv, 33. Mijvas . . . TiTTapas : the Four Hundred came into power rather less than two months before the end of the archonship of Callias, and their rule consequently extended over rather more than two months of the following year (May-Sept. 411 B.C.). Mnasilochus was the archon eponymus of their election ; but Theopompus being elected on the re-establishment of the democracy the year was subsequently known by his name. Harpocration {s. v. TerpaKoaioi) refers to Aristotle's 'KOrjvaiav noKiTua as his authority for the duration of the rule of the Four Hundred (Rose, Frag. 372). 90 APISTOTEAOTS Mvaa-iXoxos Sifjirjvop eVt QeoTrofnrov ap^ovTOS, rip^i Tovs einXouirovs SeKU fJLrjvas. rjfTTjOeuTes 8e 7-J7 Trepl '^perpiau vavfiaxia [/cat] T-qs ^v/Soias arroa-Tacnqs oXtjs ttXtjv 'Qpeov, ^aXeiraf eveyKovres eVt ry crvp.(j)op5. fiaXicTTa tS>v irpoyeyev'qp.evcov {irXeuo yap e'/c rrfs YiV^oias rj ttjs 'Attiktjs irvyxavov Q}(p€Xovp,€voi) KareXvaav tow TerpaKoa-Lovs /cat ra TTpdyfiara irapeScoKav toIs irevraKLcrxiXiois toIs e/c Twv oirX(ov, y\rr^(f)L(Tap.evoL fir]8ep.Lau ap\r}v eivai fiicrdo^opcov. alruoTaTOL 8' iyevovTO ttjs Kara- Aucrewy 'ApLo-TOKpaTrjs /cat Qr]pap,€UT]f, ov avvape- uKop-ivoi Tols VTTO tS)v TeTpaKOCTLcov yevop.evoLs' airavra yap 8i avrciv eirparTov, ov8€v eirava- (hepovres tols Tr€VTaKL(ryj.Xiois . Sokovctl 8e KaXcos TToXiTevdrjvaL /cara tovtovs tovs Katpovs, TroXep-ov re KaOecTToaTos /cat e/c tSiv ottXcov ttjs TroXtreta? ovcttjs. 34. Tovtovs p-^v odu a(j)eiX€T0 ttju iroXiTeiav 6 8rjp,os Sia Toixovs' eTei 5' e^86p.co p,eTa ttjv twv MyocriXoxos : originally written yiva(n\i.axos in the MS., but corrected. Mnasilochus or Mnesilochus is probably the same as the person of that name who was subsequently a member of the Thirty (Xen. Hell. II. 3. 2). OS : the insertion of this word seems necessary, and its omission is easily explained by the similarity of the termination of the preceding word, afnovToi. 'Qpeov : MS. ilpiov, 'ApKTTOKpaTrjS Koi Qj)paplvi]i : cf. Thuc. VIII. 89. hoKovfTi be KaKws TroKtT€v6i}vai Kara tovtovs tovs Katpovs ' this must undoubtedly be an intentional repetition of the comment of Thucydides (VIII. 97) in which the same judgment is expressed at greater length. 34. 8ia Tumour : as has been suggested in the Introduction, this phrase probably indicates that the aboHtion of the government by the nominal Five Thousand, and the re-establishment of the full democracy, took place after the victory of Cyzicus in 410 B. C, which both restored the confidence of the people and allowed the fleet, the embodiment of the most advanced democratic sentiments of the time, to return to Athens. erei (MS. exi) 8' e/3S(i/itp : this must be a mistake. The archonship of AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 91 TeTpaKOcrL(ov KaraXvaLv, eVt KaAAtou tov 'Ayye- X-qOev ap-)(pvTOS, yevofiivqs Trjs eV ' KpyivoixraLS vavfia^ia^, irpwrov fiev tovs deKa a-TpaTrj-yovs tovs rfj vavp-ayta vLKWuras crvvefir} Kpidrjvai paa X'^'-P^' TOVLO. iravras, tovs p,ev ov8e avvvavpa^^crauTas, TOVS d' iir dXXoTpLas vews crcodevTas, i^aTraTTjdevTOS TOV Srjpov 8ia tovs irapopyiaavTas' eireiTa fiovXo- p.€vcov AaKeSaipovLcou Ik AeKcXelas avievaL kcu e0' ols ^xpvcriv eKUTepot elprjvrjv ayeLV, evict, p,ev icnrov- Sa^ou, TO 8e irXrjdos ov^ VTrrjKovcrev i^airaTrjOevTes [Co'' 15] Theopompus, in which the Four Hundred were overthrown, was in 41 1- 410 B. C, and the archonship of CaUias in 406-405 B. c. The latter was therefore in the sixth year after the dissolution of the Four Hundred, not the seventh. The calculation was probably made by inadvertence from the establishment of the Four Hundred, which was in the ofiScial year 412-41 1 B.C. TOVS hixa a-TpaTT/yavs : Aristotle is certainly inaccurate here. Two of the ten generals, Conon and Leon, were not included in the accusation, the former having been blockaded in Mytilene during the battle, while of the latter we hearnothing in connection with either the battle or the trial. Of the remaining eight two, Protomachus and Aristogenes, declined to come to Athens to stand their trial ; and consequently only six of the whole ten were tried and executed. X^ipoTovia : the decision to try all the generals collectively was taken by ;(eiporoi/ia, but the actual vote which condemned them was by ballot (Xen. Hell. I. 7. 34). TOVS jxev ovSe avvvavfiaxritravTas : it is difficult to understand this, as Xenophon expressly names eight of the generals (all except Conon and , Leon) as having been present at the battle, and indicates their respec- tive positions in the Athenian line. Unless Leon was included in the accusation, of which there is no sign in any other authority, the state- ment of Aristotle seems to be an unwarranted exaggeration due to his evident dislike (or that of the authorities on whom he relied) of the proceedings in reference to the generals. His other statement, that some of the generals themselves had to be saved, instead of being in a position to save others, is possible enough. Toiis 8' eV dXXorpiay : MS. omits 8f . e^airaTrjBevTos : MS. e^aTraTrjSevTes. cieaTipoi flprjvriv: MS. tprjvrjv cKaTfpoi, an inversion which is more likely to be due to the scribe than to the author. 92 APIST0TEA0T2 VTTO KXeo(j)aivTOS, os eKcoXvae yeviadai Trjv elprjvrju eXdcou els rrjv eKKXrjcrlav fxeOvcov kol daspaKa evoe- SvKcos, ov (pdaKcov iTnTpeyjreii' iav p^rj rracras a^uoa-L . AaKe8atp.6vioL ray TroXeis. ov ■)((aprjaap.€V0L oe KaXw Tore tols irpaypa^aij, p-er ov ttoXvu yjiovov eyvcoaav ttjv apap^riav^. t(S yap varepov erei eV 'AXe^lov apypvros r)Tv\r}(rav T-qv ev Aiyos TTorapoLS vavpaxic-v, i^ ys avvefir) Kvpiov yevop-evov TTjS TToXecos AvcravBpov Karaa-TrjaaL tovs rpiaKovra TpoTTCo TOLcoSe. Trfs elprjvrjs yevopeviqs avTols e^ ro re TroXiTevcrovTat ttjv irarpLov TroXLveiav, ol peu VTTO 'KXeo(l)S>vTos : this passage is cited by the scholiast on Aristophanes (Frogs, 1532), as 'Apio-TOTcXijs 'J0'', /icTO rrjv iv ' Apyivova-ais vavfui)({.av AaKeSmnoviav ^ovKo/jiivav e'k AeKfXelas diriivai e

S)V e7reipaKa ei>beSvKuis, ov v eTTiTpii^eiv iav fi.f1 ndcras d(l>S>(n ras irokfis oi ^.aKebaifiovioi (Rose, Frag. SJo). Grote doubts the truth of this application for peace by the Lacedaemonians, believing the story to be a confusion with the proposals which Diodorus states to have been made after the battle of Cyzicus. But it is by no means improbable that the Lacedaemonians should have been willing to propose a peace after so severe a defeat as Arginusae, — a defeat irreparable except through the help of Persia, which they did not at the time possess ; especially as peace on the terms proposed would leave Athens stripped of nearly the whole of her maritime empire. Neither Xenophon nor Diodorus mentions any negotiations at this time ; but Xenophon does not mention any after Cyzicus either. Grote suspected the scholiast to have mis-quoted Aristotle, but the case is altered by the discovery of the complete text of the latter ; and if there is any confusion as to the real date of the Lacedaemonian proposals, it is more likely to be on the part of Diodorus than of Aristotle. (TT 'AXe^LOV apjfOVTOs : 405-404 B. C. Tj)v ndrpiov TroKirelav : this was a sufficiently vague term, indicating generally the constitution of Solon; but as the virtue of the constitution depended on its working, it was possible for moderate democrats, extreme oligarchs, and moderate aristocrats alike to hope that it would be modelled according to their views. Diodorus (XIV. 3) describes the arguments of the opposing parties at some length, and says that the point was decided by Lysander declaring for an oligarchy. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 93 SrjfiOTLKOL 8iacrco(T€LV iireipcovTO tov Srjixov, rati' de yvcopifMcov ol fX€v iv raty iraipelais oures Kal rcov fpvyaBcov ol jxera ttju elpiqvqv KareXOovres 6Xiyap)(^Las eTredvfiovv, ol 8' eV eTaipela. p,ev ov8ep,ia. crvyKade- v p^iXio)!/ : there is no other mention of a body of 1000, and it is possible that the phrase is merely epexegetic of f k irpoKpiTov, indicating that a list of 1000 persons was at first drawn up from which the 500 members of the council were finally selected. 94 API2T0TEA0TS Heipaucos apxovras SeKa kcu tov 8€crficoTr]pi.ov (f)vXaKas €v8€Ka Koi ixa(rTiyo(f)6povs Tpia\^KJo(novs virrjpeTas Karet^ov ttjv woXlv 8i eavrcov. to p-ev ovv irparov p-erpcoi toIs TroXiVaty [^Jo'a[i'J Kai TrpoaeTroLovvTO diotKeiv rrjv Trdrpiov 7ro\XiTj€Lav, KOX TOVS T 'E(piaXTOV KOX ' KpX'^CTTpOLTOV v6p,0VS Tovs Trepl Ta>v ' KpeoirayLTatv KadeiXov eg 'Apeiov [Trdyovj kcu toov "EoXcovos Oecrp-cav oaoi 8Lap,(j)i(r- ^r)T[ri(rjet.? elxov, kcu to Kvpos o rjv ev toIs 8LKaaTaLS Ac[a7-e]A.i;crai', as iyravopdovvTes kcu iroLovvT^es] dvafi- [Col. i6.] ^icrl3rjTrjT0P ttjv iroXiTeiav, oIo[j/] 7rep\ tov 8ovvai TO. eavTov « au ediXrj Kvpiop woLTjaavTes KaOaira^, KOI 'Apxfo-TpaTov : there appears to be no mention elsewhere of these laws affecting the Areopagus, but probably Archestratus was one of the supporters of Ephialtes and some of the laws curtailing the power of the Areopagus stood in his name. Sra/i0io-/3i;T^o-6(E: MS. 8ia/i<^if^i;ri;treis, but this substitution of f for a is paralleled immediately below, where the MS. has avaiJKpiC^rjTrjrov. TO Kvpos o rjv iv Tois SiKaarals : this has been mentioned above (ch. 9) as the foundation of the whole power of the democracy, and it is there- fore natural that it should be one of the first things abolished by the oligarchy. irepl TOV dovvat to iavTov k.t.X. : the law of Solon relative to testa- mentary dispositions made it lawful for a man who had no legitimate children to dispose of his property in whatever way he chose, provided that he was of sound mind at the time and was not subject to undue influence. It is mentioned by Plutarch {So/. 21) and is repeatedly referred to by the orators {e.g: Demosthenes in Lept. p. 488, contr. Olymp. p. 1183 ; Isaeus, de Menecl. hered., passim, de Philoct. hered. p. 57). The change introduced by the oligarchs simply consisted in abolishing the provisions against mental incapacity and undue in- fluence, which, though reasonable enough in themselves, had been abused and had given rise to much avria. An instance of this may be found in the case of the will of Menecles on which Isaeus composed the speech mentioned above. It is clear that this is the meaning of the sentence, and not that the oligarchs removed all restrictions on testamentary dispositions except those relating to mental incapacity and undue influence, partly because Aristotle could not speak of so revolutionary a change in the law of property as merely AOHNAmN nOAITEIA. 95 Tag 5e irpoa-ova-as 8vv iroXircou, dXX' aTreKreivau TOVS Koi TOLs ovcriais koL rca yivei kcu toIs d^ia>p.a(nv irpoexovras, VTre^aipov/xevoL re tov ^ofiou kcCI ^ovXo/ieuoi. Tas ovcrias SiapTrd^eiv kcu xpovov oiaTrecrouTos fipa^eos ovk IXolttovs dvrjprjKeaav r/ ^tXiouy wevTaKocriovs. 36. OvTCos 5e Trjs TToXeays vTroofir]devT€s firj TrpocTTaTrjs' yevop-evos tov 8r]p,ov KaToXvcrrj ttjv 8vvacrT€Lav KUTaXeyovaiv tcov an amendment to remove certain difficulties or obscurities, and partly because it does not appear how such an alteration would have limited the opportunities of the a-vKofjjdvrt]!. The law which required a man who had legitimate children to leave the bulk of his property among them remained intact ; and it is clear from the allusions in the orators that even the amendment which the oligarchs actually introduced was repealed when the democracy was re-established. ■ virf^aipoiiievoL re tov (j)6fiov : i. e. removing their own apprehensions, by destroying those whom they had most reason to fear. 36. npoTov : MS. irpatTOi. (j6 API2T0TEA0TS TToXiTav Sia-xiXiovs ms fieTaScoarouTes rrjs iroXiTeLas. Qrjpafxivrjs 8e irakiv iTnrifia Kol tovtols, irpStTOV IjL€v otl fiovXo/JieuoL fMeradovvai Tols iiriecKeaL TpLcr- ■)(lXlols fi6voi9 ixeTaSiSoaa-i, my eV tovtco tS TrXydei TTJf ap€Trjs Q)pi(rp,evrjf, eVet^' otl 8vo ra ivavTLCoTara TTQLOvaLv, fiiaLov re rrjv ap^rjv kcu rav ap^ofievcov rJTTCo KaracrKevd^ovTes. ol 8e tovtcop p.ev wXiymprj- aav, Tov. 8e KaraXoyov t&v rpLO-xiXicov ttoXvv p,€v Xpovov v7repel3dXXouTO kol Trap' avTols i(j)vXaTTOV Tovs iyvcoa-fxevovf, ore 8e kcu 86^eieu avToh iK(f)epeLU TOW p.ev i^rjXeKpou t5>v yeypap-fievcov, Tom 8' dvt€veypa(l)ov Tap e^codev. 37. ''il8r] 8e TOV )(eifji.covos ivea-TaTos, KaTuXa- ISouTOf Qpacrv^ovXov fxeTO, tcov v ttoXitcov diroKTe'Lvai tovs py] Tov KaraXoyov perixovras rav Tpi(r')(LXLa>v, 6 5' erepos CKCoXve Koiucoveiv rrjs Trapovarjs TroXiretay oaoL Tvy)(avov(rLV to iv 'Hertcuj/e/a reL^os Kara- (TKo^avTes 7] Tols TerpaKoaiois evavriov tl TTpd^avT€s T] Tols KaTav aKovcravres ol AaKeSat.- p.6vL0L KoXXlISlov aireiTTeiXav ap/xoa-Trjv Kal crrpa- Tuoras toy eirTaKoaiovs, oX rrjv aKpoiroXiv eXdoures i(l>povpovv. 38. Mera 5e ravra KaraXa^oPTcop twv awo ^vXrjs TTiv yiovuv^LO-v KOL vLKrjaavT(ov p-axy tovs p-era tcov TpiaKovra fiorjOrjaavTas, iTravaxcopTja-avTes p-era ro[i'J KLvBvvov ol CK TOV acTTecos KOL (TvvadpoLadevT€s els T^p dyopap ry vcrTepala tovs p-ev TptaKovTa KaTe- Xvaav, alpovvTai 5e 8eKa twv ttoXltwv avTOKpaTopas eVi TT]v \tov 7ro]Ae)u.ou KaToXvaiv. ol 8e irapaXa- TO SwXa napflXovTo: Xenophon (II. 3. 20) represents this as having taken place before the death of Theramenes. KaWi^tov direa-TfiXav : this is in very marked contradiction to Xeno- phon, who places the sending of a Spartan garrison quite early in the rule of the Thirty. In this point Xenophon's account (with which Diodorus agrees, XIV. 4) seems more probable than that of Aristotle, as it would hardly have been possible for the Thirty to have carried on their Reign .of Terror without an armed force at their backs, whereas Aristotle represents it as having occurred while the whole body of Athenians was still in possession of weapons. 38. avvaBpourBivres : apparently written a-vvaaopoia-BeiiTes in the MS. 01 be TrapaKafiovTcs k.t.\. : Aristotle gives a fuller account than Xenophon of the proceedings of the Ten, which makes it easy to understand why they were eventually excluded from the amnesty (see ch. 39). As a matter of fact their rule extended over nearly half the total time occupied by the anarchy, Lysias {contr. Erqtosth. cc. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 99 fioures TT}v ap^^v iv oils jxev ype$r](rav ovk ^irparrov, e[7r/oeV/3eu](r[aj'] 5' els AaKeSatfjLova fioi^deiav fxera- Tre^fXTrofjijevoi /cat xPT^fiara Savei^ofxevoi. ^''^XeTrajy 8e \(f)ejp6pTcov eVt tovtols Ta>v eV rij iroXiTeia, 0o[/3ou)U,ej/]ot fj.^ KaraXvOaxTLV Trjs oip-)(ris kol jSouXd- p.evoi p.ev /car[a7rX^^]at rovs aXXovs {oirep iyevero), (TvXXa^ovTes . , 7]p.ap€T0u ovSevos ovra Sevrepou Ta>v TToXirau aireKTeivau, kol ra irpdyfiara ^efiaicos eixov, arvvaycovi^Ojxivov KaXXifilov re kol rmv IleAo- Trovvrjaicop rmv irapovTcov kol irpos tov^toiJs ivicov Tcov iu Tols linrevaL' tovtcov yap rives p-aXiorra tS>v TToXiTcov ecrirovBa^ov p.r] KareXOelv rovs oltto ^vXrjs. d>s S" ol Tov Ueipaiea kol ttju M.ovvv)(mv exovres airoaravTos iravros tov Sr]p.ov irpos avrrju eire- Kparovv tS iroXepxo, Tore KaraXvcravTes Toi/s deKU Tovs TrpcoTOvs alpeOevras, aXXovs etXovTO 8eKa Tovs ^eXricTTOvs eivai Sokovvtus, e(j) wv (rvvefirj KOL Tas StaXvcreis yeveaOai kcu KareXdelv tov 8rj- [Col. 18.] fiov, (rvvaycovi^op,ev(ov kol 7rpodvp.ovfievcov tovtcov. Trpoeio-TTjKecrav d' avTav p.aXicrTa 'Plvcov Te 6 55-62) describes their proceedings in terms which fully confirm Aristotle, but he does not mention the second board of Ten which eventually put an end to the civil war (see below). ev oh : it may be suspected that the preposition should be ecj). davei^ofievot : MS. SaviCo/ievot. Saw'fm is a later form of bavei^m, and recurs twice in ch. 52 ; but the older spelling is preserved earlier in the MS., in chapters 6, 9, and 16. KaToKvBSxnv . . . /SouXo'^ei/oi : these words are written twice over in the MS. through inadvertence, but the repetition has been cancelled. oXXouy elKovTo dexa : Xenophon makes no mention of this second board of Ten, who were apparently members of the moderate aristo- cratical party. 'Pivav; this person is mentioned incidentally by Isocrates {contr. Callim. c. 7, p. 372) as eis t&v hUa yevofievos, but Isocrates clearly H a lOO API2T0TEA0TS Uaiavievs kol <^avXXos 6 'Ax^pSovs vtos' ovroi yap irp\vri Yiavaaviav t a.(f)CK€(rdai 8ie7rep^ovT\o irpos Tovs eV ITet/jatei, kou d^iKOfievov arvveairov- Bacrav rrjv Ka6o8ov. eVt irepas yap -qyaye Tr]v elpT^vrju /cat ras SiaXva-eis Ylav(ravMS 6 ratv AaKe- SatfiouLCov ^aaiXevs /xera rap 8eKa 8\^LaXjXaKTCou Ta>v vcTTepov a^LKOfievoov e/c AaKiBaifiovos, ovs avTOS ia-TTOvSaa-ev iXdeiu. ol ■ 8e 7re[jOi] top 'Vivcova Slo, re TTjv evvoiav rrjv eiy tov ^[tJ/xoi'J eiryveOrjaav, KOU Xa^6vT€s TT]v eTTifieXeiav iv oXiyapyla ras ev- Qxivas t8o(rav rfj 8r]fjL0KpaTia, kol ov8els iveKaXeae^v avJTOis ovre rmv iv aaret ixeivavToyv ovre tcov €K TleLpaieas KareXdovrcov, aAAa 8ia ravra /cat arpa- TTjyos €v0vs yp^Or] 'Pivcov. 39. 'EyevovTO 8' at 8LaXvaeLS eir EvKXeL8ovs apxpvTOs Kara ras avvOrjKas rda-Se. Toiis fiovXo- pevovs rmv 'A6r]vaia>v iv dcrrei peivdvTcov i^otKelv e'x^iv 'EAeixriva iiriTLpovs ovras KoiX Kvpiovs /cat avTOKpdropas i\Tr\ Trday-v kol to. avrmv Kapirov- pivovs. TO S" lepov elvai koivov dfKJyoTepcov, eVt- peXeladat 8e ^rjpvKas kol ^vpoXirL8as Kara to. TTOLTpLa. pr] i^elvai 8e p-qre rots '^XevaLvoOev els TO dcTTV prjre Tols in tov acTTecos 'EXeutrtWSe iivai irXrjv pv(rT7]piois eKaTepovs. (rvvTeXeiv 8e aTro tS>v knows of only one board of Ten, as he refers to them just before as the successors of the Thirty {^pxpv h^" y"P "' S«« ol juera rous rpiaKovTa KaTa(rrdvTes). atpiKo/ifvov : MS. acfuKVOfievovs. tSiv fitKo SiaXKaKTciv : Xenophon {Hell. II. 4. 38) gives the number of Spartan commissioners as fifteen. 39. fV EiKX«8oi)r apxovTos : i.e. late in the summer of 403 B.c^ ttXiji/ : MS. irpiv, a mistake also made elsewhere. AQHNAmN nOAlTEIA. loi Trpoa-iovTcov ely to (rvfifxa^iKov KudaTrep Toiis aXXovs ' AdrjvaLovs . iau 8e riues tS>v airiovTOiv oIkmu Xa/jL^avaxriv 'EAeucrtvt, (rvfnrelOeiv tov KeKrrjfievop' eav 8e firj (TVixfiaivaxriv aXXrjXots Tifirjras iXeaOai Tpelf eKarepcov, /cat ■^vtlv av ovtol Ta,^oy(ri Tifx^v Xafji^dueiu. '^Xevaivicov 5e p-vvocKeiv ovs av ovtol ^ovXcovTai. TTjv 5" a'7roypax^r]v eivai tols fiovXo- IxivoLS e^oiKeiv, tols /jlcv iTrL8[r)fji\ov6vov elvuL kutu tu [Col. 19.] iraTpLa, el tls tlvu avTO-)(€LpL {dTreKTOvev} eKTiaeL Upcoaas. TCOV 5e TrapeXrjXvdoTcov p.'q8ev\ irpos fi7]8eva p,vr]ariKaK€'lv i^e^vai, ttXtjv irpos tovs Tpid- KovTa /cat TOVS 8eKa xai tovs ev8eKa kcu tovs tov JJeipaLecos ap^avTas, fii]8e irpos tovtovs idv 8L8coaiv €v0vvas. evdvvas 8e SovvaL tovs fiev iv UeLpaLel ap^avTas iv tols iv Ueipaiei, tovs 8" iv Tm daTeL PovKavrai : MS. /SouXovrai. o/xocroxru' : MS. onoKTaxTiv, 6vov : corrected in the MS. from irovov, which of course was a mere blunder of the transcriber. avTOxfipi'. MS. avTo-xeipa, aircKTovfv : omitted in MS., but this or some similar word must be supplied. Koi roil fie'ica : Xenophon (Hen. II. 4. 38) does not name the Ten among the persons excluded from the amnesty, mentioning only the Thirty, the Eleven, and the Ten who had ruled in Piraeus. It is probably some confusion between the latter body and the successors of the Thirty in Athens that has caused the omission in Xenophon's list. loa APISTOTEAOTS eV T0L9 TO, Tifi^fiara 7rap€)(OfieuoLS. eld' o^tcos i^oiKeiv Tovs ideXovras. ra 8e j(/)^/Liara a iSavelcravro ety TOP TToXefiov eKarepovs airoSoduai ^oj/a/y. 40. Tevofxevcov fie toiovtcov twv 8La\vu evLOL (])avepms rjcrav SovXof koI TpiTou eVei TLS rjp^aTO t5>v KUTeXrjXvOoTcov fivrjai- KUKelv, dirayaycov tovtov eVi tttjv fiovXrjv kou ireiaas uKptTOV OLTTOKTeLvai, Xeycov OTi vvv SeL^oucriv el l3ovXoi>Tai TTjv 8rjfioKpaTiav crm^eLV Koi tois^ opKois efjifieuciv a(])€VTas fiev yap tovtov TrpoTpe^eiv Koi Tovs aXXovs, kav S" aveXcoacv Trapadeiyfia iroirjareLV airaxTLV. oirep kou (rvv€7re(rev airoOavovTos yap ovSeis TTtoTTore vcTTepov efivrja-iKaKTrjaev. dfia doKov- criu KaXXiaTa 8r} /cat TroXiTLKCoTaTa airavTcov KapSla /cat Koivy \pr](racr6aL Tals Trpoyeyevrjp-ivais crvficpo- pals' ou yap fxovov Tas Trepl tcov TrpoTepcov aiTias i^T^XeiyJAav aXXa /cat to, )(fiT^p.aTa AaKeSaifiovioi^, a 01 TpiaKOVTa irpos tov iroXefiov kXa^ov, airiBoaav KOLvfi, KeXevovtrcou t5)V a-vvdiqKav eKarepovs airo- SiSovai ^((opls TOVS T e'/c tov acrTecos /cat tovs e'/c tov Ueipaiecos, i^yovfievoi tovto irpSiTOv ap^eiv p,ev Trjs bp.ovoLas, €v Se Tals aXXais iroXeaiv ov^ olov eri irpoaTtOiacTLV twv olKelcou oi Srjp^oKpaTTjcravTes, aAAa aa-Teas : the first two letters of this word are written twice by inad- vertence, at the end of one line and at the beginning of the following one. Hcv: MS. Bfv. The form of the second branch of the sentence is changed, for instead of continuing with another infinitive dependent on {jyovfievoi a finite verb, irpoanBiaaiv, is substituted. TTpoariBiaaiv tS>v olKeiav : i. e. not only did they not make any super- fluous contributions to public ends out of their own pockets, but on the contrary they made a redistribution of the property of the defeated oligarchs among themselves. 104 API2T0TEA0YS [Col. 20.] /cat TTjv ^copav avdBacrTov iroLovaiv. 8ieXv6rj(rav Se KoL irpos tovs iv 'KXevcrivi \i^oi\K7](ravTas erei rpLTcp fiera. ttjv i^otKr}(riv, eVt [S'ei'aijj'erov ap- 4 1 . Tavra fxev odv ev tols ^(TT€\po^v orvve^r] yeviadai Kaipols, Tore 8e Kvpios 6 Srjfios yevofievos Tav TTpaypLOLTCov ivearrjcraTO rrjv [vDv] odcrav woXt- Teiav, eVt Ylvdo8(opov fiev apxovTos, ^8^okovvtos 8e 8t.Kaicos Tov 8rjp,ov Xafielv rr/v ^i^ovcrLJav 8ia to iroirjaao-OaL ttjv KadoSov 8l avTou tov 8rjijL0v. t]v 8e Twv fxeTajSoXaiv iv8eKa.Tr} to^v dpijdfwv ar^TTj. TrpcoTrj fiev yap iyeveTO [^ /claratrratriy twv i^ dp^ijs 'Icovos K(u TWV p.€T avTov avvoLKiaavTcoV t6t€ yap irpcoTov eJy Tas TeTTapas avvevep-rjOrjaav erei Tpira: 401 B.C. Xenophon (Jlen. II. 4. 43) says merely iarcpco xpnva, and the final overthrow of the Thirty at Eleusis has been generally supposed to have followed within a few months after the re-establishment of the democracy. 41. inX UvdoSapov : Aristotle has already stated (ch. 39) that the convention by which the democracy was restored took place in the year of Eucleides, and this certainly seems to have been the case. The Piraeus was no doubt re-occupied in the archonship of Pythodorus, but nothing was done towards re-establishing the democratic constitution till the following year, and the archonship of Eucleides was always taken as the date of the regeneration of Athens. SoKovvTos Se K.T.X. : Es the text stands, the only sense to be extracted from the passage is that the subsequent extension of the democracy (which is enlarged on below) was justified by the fact of its having secured its own re-establishment, without the open help of any other nation, and in the face of the opposition of a powerful party at Sparta. It may, however, be doubted whether the text is not corrupt. The repetition of Sri/iov . . . Sijiiov is awkward and unnatural, and it is possible that the former word has taken the place of a proper name by a scribe's error ; in which case the mutilated word given in the text as i^ovirlav should perhaps be altered to Trpoa-Tao-iav, and aMv would be read instead of airov. If this is correct, the name to be substituted for StjiMv would presumably be that of Thrasybulus. AOHNAmN nOAlTEIA. 105 (f)vXas Koi Tovs ^uAojSatriAeiy KaTeaTrjcrav. Sevrepa 8e Kcu TrptoTT) fX€Ta Tavra [e^Je^^ouora TroAire/ay tu^ls Tj irri Qrja-eois yevofievrj, fxiKpov TrapeyKklvovara rrfs ^aaiXiKrjs. fiera 5e Tavrrjv rj eVi ApaKOVTOs, kv rj Kou vojxovs aveypa^av irpmrov. Tp'iTiq S" rj fiera TT]u (TTaa-LV rj kin "^.oXcovos, a(p' rjs oLp^rj Srj/xo- Kparias iyev€TO.- TerdpTr] d' rj eiri YiLaLo-Tpdrov TvpavvLS. irefXTrrrj 8' r] fiera (rrjv') twv Tvpdvvoav KaraXvaiv rj KXeicrdevovs, SrjfjLOTiKcoTepa rfjs 2o- Xcovos. eKTr) 5' ^ fxerd to, M.r)8LKd, ttJs i^ 'Apetov irayov fiovXrjs kiria-TaTOva-rjs . ifi86fJLr] 8e kol fierd Tavrrjv rjv ' ApicrT€i8r]s fiev VTreSei^ev, '^^LoXTrjs 8' eTrereAeorev KaraXvaas rrjv 'ApeoTraylriv ^ovXrjv' SevTepa fie (cm itpaTT) : the enumeration of the eleven /^cra^oXai begins here, the constitution of Ion being taken as the original establishment and not a fura^oK^, TToKiTcias rd^is : MS. TToXireiai/ ra^tv, for which some emendation is clearly necessary. lUKpov TrapeyKkivova-a rrjg ^aa-iKiKrjs: Aristotle's fuller account of Theseus is lost with the beginning of the MS., but Plutarch refers to him as saying that Theseus was the first to turn towards the people {Thes. 25, np&TOS a7T€K\ive irpos tov Sx^ov, as ' Kpiv 8eKa Tvpavvis. ipSeKarr] 8' rj fjLerd rrjv otto ^vXrjs kcu Ik Heipatecos Kado8ou, dcj) ^s SiayeyevrjTai p-ixf- '''V^ ^^^ "^^ Trpoa-CTriXa/x- ^dvovaa tco irXriOei tt}v i^ovaiav. diravTcov yap avTOS avTov TreTroiTjKev 6 5^/toy Kvpiou /cat iravra 8ioiKeiTai y^r](f)i(rpa(riv /cat SiKacTTTjpioLS, iu oiy 6 8rip.6s icTTiv 6 Kparmv' kou yap a[i rj^y ^ovXt]s Kpiaeis els tov 8rjp.ov iXrjXvdaaiv. kcu tovto 8oKov(ri TTOielv 6pda>s' ev8ia(l)dopa)T€poL yap oXiyoi T(ou TToXXmu elalv /c[at1 Kep8ei /c[atj ^dpiaiv. fxiaOo- (popov S" iKKXrfcriav to fiev irpatTOv direyvcocrav TTOielw ov a-vXXeyofievcov 8' els Tr]u eKKXrjaiav, dXXa TToXXd yj/rjcpi^ofjievcov twv Trpvravecov, oirays [Col. 21.] TrpocnaTTjTaL to ttXtjOos irpos ttjv eiriKvpaxTLV ttjs democracy of Athens. Pericles is not here named, and his reforms in the direction of extending the powers of the law-courts, and the institution of pay for service in them, are apparently classed with the other attempts of the demagogues to bid for the popular support by a free use of the public funds ; while his naval policy (which is a charac- teristic expressly ascribed to him in ch. 27) is held to be the great cause of the fall of Athens. Aristotle unquestionably did not hold the high opinion of Pericles which has been accepted in modem times, mainly, no doubt, on the strong testimony of Thucydides. TTfv n-dXiv : the third hand begins here. It is not so set as the second hand, but much larger and more straggling than the first ; and it contains several blunders. daKuTTr)! : MS. BaXaXaTTTis, 6y86ri 8' : MS. oySotjv. KaraiTTaa-ts : MS. Karaorao-iv, and after the syllable xa a superfluous repetition of the letters raa- has been erased. oXtyoi : MS. oKiyov, A©HNAIi2N nOAlTElA. T07 X^ipoTOvias, wpaTov /xev 'KyvppLOS o^oXou eTropia-ev, ixera Be tovtov 'HpaKXeLdrjs 6 KXa^o/xeviOf 6 fiaa-iXevs €iriKaXovp.€vos Suo^oXov, ttoXlv 8' 'Ayvp- pios Tpicol3oXov. 42. E^ei 5' Tj vvv Karaaraa-is rrjs iToXi.Telas TOvSe TOV TpOTTOU. p-eT^^OVCTLV fiev TrjS TToXiTeias ol i^ dix([)OTep(ou yeyovores acTTav. eyypd^oulrat] 5' ely Tovs SrjfjLOTas oKTCoKaiSeKa err] yeyoi/orey' orav 8e ypacpcovrai 8La\lrrj(j)i^oi>Tai wepl avratv opocravTes 'Ayvppws : Agyrrhius flourished in the early part of the fourth century and was (r/parijyds in 389 B.C. It is clear from Aristophanes that the payment for attendance at the Ecclesia had been raised to three obols shortly before the performance of the Ecclesiazusae in 392 B.C. ; and as the original establishment of the payment was the work of the same person who raised it to three obols, it is clear that it cannot have taken place much, if at all, before the end of the fifth century. Boeckh therefore is wrong in supposing that the payment of one obol began either in the latter part of the government of Pericles or soon after- wards, and also that the payment rose at once from one to three obols, without passing through the intermediate stage of two obols. The two obol payment, however, probably lasted only a very short time, and the point is not of importance except that Boeckh uses the supposed fact that the payment for the Ecclesia was never two obols, as an argument that the payment of the judges likewise rose at once from one to three obols. 'Hpa(cX«'8ijs o KXafo/ie'wos : nothing seems to be known of this person. 42. "Exei S' Tj vvv KaTdaraa-is : here the second part of the treatise may be said to begin. The first part is a sketch of the constitutional history of Athens ; the second is a description of the various details of the constitution as ultimately developed, and is mainly occupied with an enumeration of the several magistracies in existence and an account of their respective duties. This portion of the work has been a quarry from which the many ancient compilers of lexicons have drawn their materials. Pollux, Harpocration, Suidas, He^ychius, Photius, and several others embody a large number of fragments, sometimes with acknowledgment and sometimes without, of this part of Aristotle's treatise, and in many cases they enable us to supply gaps which have been caused by the unfortunately mutilated condition of the MS. oKTaKoideKa «ti/ : corrected in the MS. from oKTaKaiSeKaereis. 8ia^riiCovTai : this passage is referred to by the scholiast on io8 APISTOTEAOTS ol dTjiMOTai, TTpcoTov fiev el doKOva-L yeyov^vat Trjv rjXiKtav TTjv €K Tov vofiov, Kuu fir] So^axTL airepyovraL wdXiv eb TraiSalf, Sjevrepov 8' el eXevOepos eari koL yeyove Kara [ro]uy vofiovs. eTreiT av fxev eirr^r]- (j)i(ra)VTai p,r] ehai eXevOepov, 6 fiev e(l)Lr}cnv els to ^LKaa-T'qpiov, ol 8e SijfioTai Kariqyopovs alpovvrai irevre \av\8pas e^ avrav, kolv p.ev /t^ 86^rj 5t[Kai]ft)y eyypa^\ea\6aL ircoXel tovtov rj ttoXls' eav Be viKrja-:^ Tols [5?;]/Aoraty e-rravayKes eyypdijyeTat,. fiera 8e ravra BoKifid^ei tovs eyypat^^evras ri fiovXr/, kocv tls 86^\ri v\eaiTepos OKTCoKaiSeKa erav elvai ^rjiMiol [rovjs BrjfjLOTas Tovs eyypdu^avras. eirav 8e SoKipLO^a-O^oo- (Tiv 01 e(pr}^oi, (TvXXeyevTes ol iraTepes avrav [eijy Tas (pvXds opioaavTes alpovvrai rpels e/c rmv (f)v- Xetav tS)v inrep rerrapaKovTa err] yeyovoToov ovs av ■qymvraL ^eXricTTOvs elvai xai eTTLT-qBeiOTarovs ein- fieXeHcrdai rmv e(f>^l3oov, e/c fie tovtcov 6 8r]p.os eva Trj[s (f>]vXT]s eKaaTTjs )(eipoTOvel crco^povicrTrjv Kal [eTrtp^eXTjT^v e/c rmv aXXcov 'Adrjvalwv eVt iravra. a\yX^a^6vTes S" ovTOt tow e(f)iqPovs, irp&rov p.ev to. lepa TrepirjXOov, eir els Hetpaiea Tropevovrai Kal ^povpovcTLv ol piev TTjv ^ovvv\iav ol 8e rrjv olkttjv. )(eipo[Tovetj 8e Kal TraLBorpifias avrols 8vo Kal fitfiacr/caAouy, [ot'jrti/ey birXopua-^elv Kal ro^eveiv Kal aKovTi^eiv k[ou\ KaraTreXrTjv dipievai SiBda-Kovcnv. SlSoocti 8e Kal els Tpo[rivj tois p.ev (raxppoviaTa'LS Aristophanes' Wasps 578) 'ApmroTAijs fie (jtrjaiv on yjni^to ol iyypa^o- fievoi SoKi/id^ovTai, vearepoi, litj irmv Tq elfv (Rose, Frag. 427). The scholiast proceeds, 'laas fi' Av irepi twv Kpivofievaiv naiSav fls roiis yvuviKoiis dyavas Xc'yfi" ovx i>s fv 8iKaoTi)pia> npivo/ievtov dW vno rmv npea^VTepav : but here the subject of \iyet must be Aristophanes, not Aristotle. A0HNAIi2N nOAlTElA. 109 Bpax/J-Tjv filav CKaa-Tcp, rots 8' icprj^ois Terrapas ofioXovs CKatrTcp' ra 8e tcov (fjvXermv tSv avrov Xa/jL^avcov 6 crci)(l)povi(rTrjs eKaaros dyopd^ei rd eiri- TTjSeia irdcriv ety to kolvov {(Tvcr(riTov(rL yap Kara ^vXas), Kcu T&v aXXfov iTrifieXeiTai, ttolvtcov. kcll Tov fiev wpayrov iviavrov ofjTcos i^dyovat' tov 8' \yj(rTepov, eKKXrja-ias iv tco dedrpcp yivopiviqs, dwo- Sei^afievoL t^ 8r]pcp rd Trepl rds rd^eis kol Xa^ovres [Col. 22.] a(nrL8a Koi 86pv Trapa ttjs iroXecos irepnroXovo't ttju Xfopav Koi SiaTpi^ovaiv iv tols povpov(ri 8e ra 8vo erri, yXap.v8as e^ovres, kol dreXeis elal TrdvToov Kot 5tTK7/]i' ovVfe] 8L86aaLV ovT€ Xap^avovcTiv tva prj Trpdypacrt crvpfxiycleu Ti, irXyjv 7rep\ KXiQpov Koi iiriKX^lpov], Koiu tlvl Spaxf-fiv ixiav : this sum is not written in words in the MS., but in the common symbol (a. The same sum is also named as the pay of the Sophronistae in Lex. Seg. p. 301, and Photius {s. v. aa^povuTTai). Cf. Boeckh {P. E. II. 16). fTrifieXciTM ; MS. eTrijueXT/rai. EKKXijo-iaf . . . ct>v\aKTri plots : this passage is quoted by Harpocration {s. V. nepiiroKos) as from Aristotle's 'ABrivalav iroXireia (Rose, Frag. 428). Harpocration, however, continues, itapariiprirkov ovv on 6 fitv ^ApuTTOTeKtjs cva v ttoXlt&v eyypouprjv kcCI tovs €(j)-^l30VS TOVTOV €-)(€L TOV Tp&JTOV. 43. Tay 5' dp)(as Tas Trepl tt]v eyKvuXiov 8ioiKr]_- (TLV airaaas iroiovcn KXrjpcoTois, irXrjv Tap.iov crrpa- TLCOtLK&V Koi T&V cVi Tciv OeCOpiKCOU Kot TOV TOOV Kprjvav i7rip.eX7]Tov, tuvtus 8e yeipoTOVOvaiv, Koi oi ■)(^etpoTovr]devTes ap^ovariv Ik Hauadrjpauov els YiavaOrjvaLa. ^€ipoTovov(rt Se kcu Tas Trpos tov TToXep-ov awaaas, ^ovXtj Se KXrjpovTai vXa>v eKaaTT] Kaff o tl av Xa-^axriv, al p,ev irp&raL t€t- UpmiTVPri : MS. lepofTvvr). 43. KKr)pTas : MS. TrXi/pmraj. TOV T&u Kprjvav inifjieKrjTov : this title does not occur elsewhere, but is presumably identical with that of cmardTris vSdrav, which Plutarch mentions as having been held by Themistocles (Them. 31). Pollux (VIII. liz) speaks of a Kpr\vo^v\aKiov apxhi but does not say whether it consisted of a single officer or of a board. Athens was very scantily supplied with fresh water, and therefore the superintendence of the aqueducts and reservoirs was a matter of great importance, which could not be entrusted to an officer appointed by lot. Photius and Hesychius mention Kprivo^vKaKes, who were probably the subordinates of the Kprivav imiif^^tyrris, apxovmv in JlavaBijvmav I the Panathenaic festival was at the end of Hecatombaeon, the first month of the Attic year. The magistrates elected by lot presumably came into office on the first of that month. The archons certainly did so ; as appears, for instance, from Antiphon De Choreut. p. 146. npvravevet k.t.\. : Harpocration (s. v. Trpvraveia), after stating the number of days in each prytany, adds, SteiKeKrai. 8e nepl tovtcdu 'Apia-- ToreXris iv Trj 'Adrjvaiav iroXiTfia. The scholiast to Plato's Laws (p. 459) appears to have drawn from this passage of Aristotle, and he uses almost the exact phrase, Kara creXiji/iji' yap ayoviri toi» imavTov, which occurs below. C/l Rose, Frag. 393. at fiiv irparai k.t.\. : this Statement as to the number of days in each prytany is repeated by Photius, but it is at variance with an in- A0HNAI12N nOAITEIA. in Tapes e^ kol A ■^/xepas iKcia-Tr}, ai 8e ?■ at varepai Trevre /cat X i^fiepas eKaa-Tr)' Kara aekrjvrjv yap ayov(nv tov eviavrov. ot Se wpvTavevovT€s avrav Trparov fiev (rvcr(riTov(nu eu ry OoXco, Xa/i^dvovres apyvpiov irapa ttjs iroXecos, e-Treira avvayovcnv els TTjv ^ovXrjv Kcu TOV drjfiov Tyv fiev odu ^ovXrjv oarjfJLepaL, irXrjv idv tls d(f)eaifjLos y, tov 8e drjfJLOv TerpaKis ttJs irpvTaveias eKaaTrjSj kcu oa\a\ SeX ■)(pr]p.aTi^eiv ttjv ^ovXrjv, koX o tl kv eKaaTrj ttj rjjxepa, KCU o TL ov Ka6r)K€L ovTOL 7rpoypd(j)ov(Ti. irpoypdcpovaL scription quoted by Clinton {Fast. Hell. II. 345) which contains an account of moneys expended in the archonship of Glaucippus (410 B.C.) ; for there is explicit mention made there of a thirty-sixth day in the eighth, ninth, and tenth prytanies, which would show that at that date the last four prytanies, and not the first four, were the longest. The statement of Aristotle is, however, equally explicit, and it only remains to conclude that a change was made at some time between 410 B.C. and the middle of the following century, of which Aristotle is speaking. a-vvayoviTiv . . eKa(TTris : Harpocration {s. v. Kvpia eKK\riv woKirela as his authority (Rose, Frag. 395). Pollux (VIII. 95, 96) gives a summary of the rest of the chapter and the beginning of the next, generally using Aristotle's words, though without naming him as his authority (Frag. 394). Tfjv fiev ovv : Harpocration omits olv, which certainly does not seem to be wanted. 6ai]\>ipai : MS. apparently oo-at tifiepai, but there does not seem to be classical authority for the phrase. idv : MS. fvav. XpriliarlCeiv : MS. ;f/)j;/jnrifei. KaflijKEi : the fourth and fifth letters are doubtful. If the reading is correct, the meaning is ' what subjects are not suitable.' Trpoypdcjjova-t Se k.t.X. : Harpocration, after the passage quoted just above (cf. note on (rwdyovinv k.t.X.) proceeds npoypdcpovai. 8e, (jiria-i, Kal Kvplav eKK\rir)(n Kal ra iirjs, which is a slightly paraphrased version of the present passage (Rose, Frag. 39s). The Lex. rhet. Cantabrig. also refers to Aristotle, s. v. Kvpla ixKKriaia, and quotes the greater part of this passage, including the mention of the oarpoKo^opla below (Rose, Frag. 396). na APISTOTEAOTS 8e Kcu TCLS eKKXijo-Las ovtoi, fiiav fiev Kvplav, €V ri del ras apx«-S eirLXiLpOTOvdv el SoKovcrt /caAcoy apx'Ei-i', Kol irepX ctltov kolL irepi (l)vXaKrjs ttjs x^P"'^ Xp-qpxLTL^eLV, Koi ras dcrayyeXias h ravry rrj -qp-epa Tovs ^ovXopeuovs iroieladai, koi tols arroypa^as rcou brjfievopivoav dpayivcoaKeiv, kcu tols Xr)^eis Tm> kXtj- pcov KCU tSsv iTTiKX-qpcov dvayivcocTKeiv, [oTrtaJy firjoeva XdOrj fiTjSev eprjfiov yepofievov. eVi [5e] T7]9 eKTTj? TTpVTaveias irpos to'ls eiprj/jievoif koi irep\ rrjs ocrrpaKO- (l>opias eTrv)(€ipoTOVLav 8i86acriu ei SoKel Troieiv rj p,r}, Koi (rvKocpavTav Trpo^oXds rau 'Adjjuauov /cat rai/ ^e- TOLKCOV fl^XP'- '''P''^^ €KaT€p\cOV, idv TLJS VTTOCTXOp^VOS Ti {XTj TTOL-qcrr) tco Brjpm. irepav 8e tols LKeTijpiats, iv ^ Oeis 6 ^ovXa/xeuos iKerrjpLav §)v av ^ovXrjrai [Col. 23.] KcCl ISlcov KOt 8r}p.oa-ia)V SiaXe^erai irpos rov Srjpov. Kai tS>v iiitK\ripav: omitted in the Lex. rhet. Cantabrig., which also does not give the words which follow, as far as yfvoiuvov inclusive. elprjfiivois : MS. ripriiKvois. inixeipoToviav : the Lex. rhet. Cantabrig. gives wpoxaporoviav. StSoturiv : or possibly StSaxrtv. a-vKo(j)auTcov irpo^oKas : this form of procedure against avKo^avTm is mentioned by Aeschines {De Fals. Leg. p. 47), rStv avKo^avratv i>s KOKoipyau brjfiotria TrpoffoXas iroioifieOa, and Pollux (VIII. 46), npo^oKai, be riv brip,o(Tiai/, biaXe^trai : MS. biabe^erai. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 113 at Se 8vo Trepl touv aWcov elaiv, iu aly KeXevovcnv oi vofioi Tpia fJLev tepav yjprjiiaTi^eLv, rpla 8e KTjpv^iv kclI •jrpea-^eLais, rpia 8' oaicov, ')(^pr}fiaTL^ov(rt,v S" iviore Kai avev irpo')(€LpoTOVLas. irpoa-ip^ovrai 8e Kol ol KT]pVK€S KOi OL TTpior^eLS TOLS 7rpVT0iVe(rLV TrpWTOV, KOL OL Tas eTTiCTToXas ^epovres tovtols airoSLSoaa-i. 44- 'Etrrt '5' ima-TaTrfs Ta>v wpvTavecou ely 6 Xa)((ov' ovTos S" iina-TaTei vvktu kol ■^fiepau, kol ovK €(TTLV ovre TrXelco ■)(p6vov ovre 8\s tov avrov yevecOaL. Trjpel 8' OVT09 ras re /cAjjy ray rSv lepav eu 019 ra )(pr]fjLaT iarlu /cat ypafi/xaTa ry iroXei, /cat TTjv 8rifio(riav (r(j)payl8a, kol p,eu€LV avayKolov iu ry doXw Tovrou iariv /cat TpiTTVv tcov TrpvTavewv rjv av oi)Tos KeXevT]. /cat eVetSai' crvvayaycocnu oi TTpVTaveLS Trjv ^ovXrjp rj tov 8riixov ovtos KXrjpoL at 8e 8io K.T.'K. I according to Pollux (/. c.) the third ecclesia in each prytany was assigned to the hearing of heralds and embassies, and the fourth to lepa xal Saia, rpia ixh K.T.\. : there is nothing in any other author to explain this passage, but it may be interpreted by comparison with the m^'xP' rpiStv €KaTepa>v above. Apparently only three motions or proposals with reference to each of these subjects were allowed in each prytany. The second rpia is a correction in the MS., the scribe having originally written rpia-l, being misled, no doubt, by the dative which follows. rpia B' oa-lav : over these words is written in the MS. the extraordinary correction a-vpaKocrtwv. The corrector must have understood this to go with irpev TrpoeSpav, &v inaTepos rlva SwiKriiTW SioiKft SeSrjKaKfV 6 'ApivXrjs eKaarrjs TrXrjv TrpoiSpovs : Harpocration (s. v.) refers to this passage, but misquotes its purport. He says, iK.\r)povvTo t&v irptrrdveaiv Kaff kKcuiTiyv irpvraveiav, els i^ iKaa-Trjs 0uX^j TrXiyv Trjs jrpvTavevovarjs, oItivcs ra rrepl ray eKKkija-ias dicoKovv. eKoKoivTO Se npoeSpoi, fnfiSrjirfp jrporjSpevov rav aXKav ijrdpTiov . . OTi S 6 KoKovpei/os iTniTTaTi)s KKrjpol avTovs, etpr/Kev ' ApKrroxf Xtjs eV 'Adrivaiav TTukmla (Rose, Frag. 398). His error is in stating that the proedri were elected for the prytany, whereas Aristotle' (who is correctly followed by Pollux and Photius) says that they were appointed afresh for each meeting of the Council or Ecclesia. The position of the proedri has been a subject of much discussion (cf. Schomann, De Com. Ath. 83 F-90 G), a considerable difficulty being raised by the second argument to Demosthenes in Androt. This document states that the irpvravevova-a ^uXij was divided into five sections of ten each, which executed the functions of the prytanes for seven days apiece, and that the section on duty was known as TrpoeSpoi. This appears to introduce a second kind of proedri, who were members of the trpvra- veiouo-a v\ri. These are admitted by Schomann, but their evidence is rejected as being of late date and insufficient to refute Thucydides, Plato, and Xenophon ; which is true as regards the usage of the fifth century, but does not touch the evidence for the fourth, as to which the weight of authority is the other way. The question may be pushed further. Were there ever any proedri of the TrpvTaveiova-a (jyvXrj at all ? No authority ever notices the existence of two classes of proedri. The grammarians (following Aristotle) mention one class, the unknown author of an argument to a speech of Demosthenes mentions another. The orators use the term frequently, but in no case (if we reject the emendation of the passage in Demosthenes spoken of above) need it apply to members of the npvTaviiovcra (^uXij. It is highly improbable a priori that there should be two boards of somewhat similar but distinct natures known by the same name ; and the solitary authority which necessitates such a supposition (the argument to Demosth. in Androt.) is not one to which much weight can be attached. It is certain that the writer of it makes a gross mistake in stating that all elections were held on the last four days of the year ; it is probable that he has made another mistake as to the proedri. Whether the division of the fifty prytanes into sections of ten ever existed may be doubtful ; but it may be taken for certain that they were never called proedri. In the fifth century the prytanes, under their eVitn-aTijE, presided at the Council and Ecclesia ; in the fourth the proedri were instituted, appointed on each occasion from the other nine tribes, and the presidential duties were transferred to them and their imaTaT-qs. Passages in which the prytanes are spoken of in connection with the business of the Ecclesia (Schomann, 89, 90 F) are to be explained by observing that it was they that drew up the programme of business for each meeting, which they handed to the proedri for execution. A final proof that they did not themselves preside may be seen in the fact that the errtcn-ari;? of the prytanes, together with one-third of his colleagues, was forbidden to leave the Tholus during his day of office, and therefore could not have appeared in the Ecclesia. The prytanes had considerable administra- tive duties, notably the preparation of business to be submitted to the I a ii6 APIST0TEA0T2 eva, Koi irapahihcocn to irpoypafx.fm avrolr ol 5e irapaXa^ovT^S rrjs t evKoa-jxias eTn/xeXovvTai, Kai virep S>v bet ^iqpxtTi^iLV irpoTidiacnv, kol tols X^ V" Tovias Kpivova-LV, kcu to. aXXa iravra Slolkovo-iV Kol Tov T a(f)eLvat Kvpioi elcriv. KcCl eTria-TCLTrjcrai fxev ovK e^ea-Tiv irXelov tj awa^ Iv t^ iviavTw, 7rpoe8p€veiu 8' e^eariv aira^ eiri rrjs irpvTaveias eKaa-TTjs. iroiovcn 8e kol 8eKapxai-pecria.s arparrjycov KOL LTTTrapxayv kol twv aXXcou tcov irpos tov TroXefiov apxoiv iu Ty iKKXrjcrca, Kaff o tl av tS 8rjp,a> SoKjj' TTOiova-L S" ol fieTO. Trjv ^ irpvTavevovTes icj)' a)v av Ecclesia ; but with the actual management of meetings they had, in the fourth century, nothing to do. rrpoypaiifia : Suidas reads npayixa, but the present reading is clearly superior, and the corruption is easily intelligible. The irpoypamia is of course the order of business which was to come before the Ecclesia. irpondeamv : the corrector has written above the line the words Set Kai, which are apparently intended to be inserted before irpoTiBiaiTiv ; but Set has occurred already in the text, and koi is incompatible with the construction. The insertion must have been due to a misunder- standing of the passage. deKapxaipea-las : the word does not occur elsewhere, but its meaning plainly is an election of a board of ten, such as those which are here enumerated. ol p.eTa TT]V r TrpvTaveiovTfS : the MS. has oifiera ra Trjv r npvTavfVovrcs, but the TO must be a repetition of the last syllable of the preposition. This statement as to the date of the election of the strategi is new. It has long been recognised that the author of the argument to Demosthenes in Androt. is wrong in saying that all elections took place in the last four days of the year {cf. Schomann, De Com. Ath. pp. 322-326) ; but nothing positive has been known on the subject. It has been conjectured {e.g. by Kohler, Monatsber. d. Akad. d. Wissen- schaften zu Berlin, 1866, p. 343) that the dpxaipes tov 8r}p,Lov Ka6r]- fievou r]8r] p.eXkovTa wrrodv-qaKeiv ^v/irjXeiSTjs 6 'AXcoTr€KT]deu d(l)€t,X€TO, ov (paaKcov deiv avev SiKaa- Trjpiov yvwa-eois ovSeva tcov ttoXltcov airoOvrjo-KeLv' Kol Kpiaecof iv SiKacrTrjpicp yevofievrjs 6 fiev Avai- fxa^os anre^vyev /cat iTrcavvfxiav et^ei/ 6 airo tov TviravQV, 6 Se Srjfxos a,(f)eLXeTO rrjs ^ovXrjs to 6ava~ Tovv Koi 8elv /cat ■^(prjfiacrL ^rjfiiovv, /cat vofiov edeTO av TLVos ahiKeiv rj ^ovXr) /carayvm ^ ^rjfiiaKrr], Tas KaTayvcoaeis /cat tols iTn^rjfiLcoaeis eladyeiu Toi/s 6ecrfJLO0eTas ety to diKacTTrjpLov, /cat o Ti av ol SiKacrTol ^r](f)iacovTai, tovto Kvpiov elvai, Kpivei 8e Tas dpxds rj fiovXr] tols TrXeicTTas, pidXiaO* oaai [Col. 24.] ^T^p-ara dia^eip[^ov(riV ov Kvpia 8' rj Kpicns, aAA' e(j>iaLp.os els to 8LKaaTr]piov. e^eaTi 8e /cat tois ISuoTais eiaayyeXXeiv rjv av ^ovXcovtul Tmv dp^av 45. /SouXij : this summary jurisdiction of the Council in early times does not seem to be mentioned elsewhere, nor yet the story which Aristotle relates of its suppression. Unfortunately it is impossible to date this incident exactly, as neither of the persons mentioned, Lysimachus and Eumeleides, is otherwise known. One person of the name of Lysimachus who might suit chronologically is the son of Aristides, who is mentioned by Plutarch {Arist. 27) and Demosthenes (in Lept. p. 491) ; another is the person who is mentioned in Xen. Hell. II. 4. 8 as a hipparch in the service of the Thirty. The latter may very probably be the person intended, as his share in the proceedings of the Thirty might easily bring him into trouble ; but it was not an uncommon name, and we cannot be certain upon the subject. 'AXiojTfK^^ej/ : MS. aKmTTfdrjKcv. Ii8 API2T0TEA0T2 M XPW^^'- '"'''^ vojxoLS' €(f)€(ns 8e Koi tovtols icTTiv ds TO SiKaa-Trjpiov iau avrmv rj jSovXt] Karayvm. SoKifxd^ei Se kol tovs ^ovXevras tovs tov va-repov iviavTov ^ovXeva-ovras Koi Toiis ivvea ap-)(ov- ras. KOL irpoTepou fiev rjv diroSoKifJLacrai Kvpia, vvv Se TOVTOis €(l)€ais ioTTiv eif to 8iKacrTr)piov. TOVTOiv fiev oSv aKvpos Icttiv rj jSovXrj. TrpofiovXevei 8' eh TOV 8rifiov, Kol ovk e^eaTLV ovSeu wirpo^ov- XevTov ovS" Ti av fir/ irpoypd^coaiv oi irpVTaveLS yjrrjcjiLcraiTdai tco 8-qpim' KaT avTO, yap TavTa evo^os icTTLU 6 VLKrjcras ypa(l>fj irapavop-wv. 46. 'ETTi/xeAeirat 8e kol twv TreTroirjfieucov Tpirjpwv KOL TWU (TK€vS)V KOL T&V VCCOCTOIKCOV, KUL TTOieiTai Kaivds TpcrjpeLS ^ TeTpi^peis, oiroTepas av 6 8fjp.os ■)(eipOTOvi^(rrf, Koi a-Kevr} rauraty /cat vecoaoLKOvs ■ yeipoTOvel S' dp-)(iTiKT0va9 o 8rjfio9 iiri Tas vavs' av 8e /JLT) irapaSaxTLV i^eipyacrfieva TavTa tyj via fiovXfj, TTjv 8(op€av OVK ecTTiv avTois Xafieiv. iin [Col. 25.] yap Trj9 vaTepov fiovXrjs Xap-fSavovaiv. TroieiTai anpo^ovkeuTOV : MS. aTTpo^ovfivTOV. 46. tS)u TrenotrjiJLevaiv Tpirjptov : the speech of Demosthenes against Androtion turns on the duty of the Council to^ superintend ship- building, and on the law, which Aristotle proceeds to mention, that unless this duty was fulfilled the Council was not to receive the customary donation (Saped) of a golden crown. Kaivas rpirjpeis : MS. Kaivas he rpirjpfis. The word Kaivas has been at first miswritten, and is followed by a blot. Probably the scribe made a blunder, and the corrector omitted to cancel the St. napah&atv : the subject of this would naturally be taken to be 01 apxtTCKToves, but in the light of the speech of Demosthenes it appears that it is really meant to apply to the Council. iroielrai 8e k.t.X. : here begins the third roll of the papyrus, written in what has been described as the fourth hand. The first column of this section of the papyrus is headed y touos. This division of the papyrus has been mentioned and explained in the Introduction. AeHNAIilN nOAITEIA 119 8e Tas Tpirjpus, SeKa av8pas i^ ^aTravTcovj iXofieuT] TpiTjpoTTOLOvs. i^erd^ei fie /cat to. oiKodofxr/fiara Ta SrjfjLoa-ia iravra, Kav tls olBlk^Iv avrfj So^rj tS re fi^/iO) TOVTOv [a7r]o0atVei kcu Karayvova-a 7rapa8i8co(rL biKacTT-qpico. 47- ^vvBiOLKel 8e Kou rals aXkais ap-^ous to, TrAeio-ra. Trparpv fiev yap ol rafilai r^y 'Adrjvas elal fiev SeKou KX\r]pa)To['^, ely e*K r^y ^D^i^y, e'/c irevra- KQ(TLop,^8i^vcov Kara tov SoAcoj/oy vopFoi' — eVt yap 6 v\6p,os Kvpios ecTTLV — , ap-)(€L 8' 6 Xa^oav Kav TT aw irevT)s rj. 7rapa}\.a^j3dvov[(ri fie to'^ re ayaX/xa rrjs 'Adrjvas Kttt ray viKas /cat tov aXXov Koap^ov koX to, Xp\r}paT\a ivavrlov ttJ^ jSouA^y. cTrei^' 01 TrcoXrjral I fiev elai, KXrjpovrai fi' ely Ik r^y 0[uA^y. p.ia]- Oovai fie Ta p,L(r6a)p.aTa iravTa kcu to, p.€TaXXa TTCoXovcrip /cat tol t^tj [^p^eTa rjou Tap.iov Totv crTpaTca- Tpir/poTTotois : Pollux (I. 84) mentions the names of these function- aries, and Demosthenes (in Attdrot. p. 598) refers to the Ta/iias tS>v TpitipoTToiSiv, and in such a way as to show that they were subordinate to the Council, anova 5 avrbv toloutov ipelv Tiva iv vplv \dyov, as ov^ rj ^ovXfj yeyouev alria tov fii) 7reirotijv p,ev * coj'* dvaypd^as ev ypap.p.aTe[iai Tols OLTToSeKTais avra ravra Kade ....... iincrTvXLCou a>v eu ravTr) t^ VH-^P?' ''" "j^prjfiaTa KaTa^XT)\d4vTa .... a\iraXei(^6rivai' to. 5' a.XXa aTTOKelTUL xcopls tva firj Trpoe . /ca 48. [Et(ri] 5' UTroSeKTai 8eKa, KeKXripco/xevot Kara (ftvXds' ovToi Se TrapaXa^ovres to. f^ypaj/ifiaTela diraXei^ovai ra Kara^aXXofieva xprjp^ara evavTLOu [r^y jQouAtJs"] Iv r^ fiovXevrrjpia), /cai irdXiv diro8i,- Soaaiv TO. ypap-iiareta WcB SrfjfjLOcria)' Kav tis eAAwrrj Kara^oXrjv ivrevdev yeypairrai, koX 81 rjv ^airlav' Koi a\vdyKT] to [e'AAlet^^ej' Kara^aXXuv rj 8e8e(r6ac, Koi ravra ela7rpd[rT€ti' y ^o]vX^ kcu 8riaaL [KupJ/a Kara rovs v6p,ovs iariv. ry fiev odu irporepaia 8e-)(ovrai ra ^pr^/iara] /cat fxepi^ova-i rals dp-)(als, ry 8' vcrrepaia rov re fxeptcrfiov ela^ayovja-i ypd^avres ev crauL8i /cat KaraX€yov(riu kv rto ^ovXevrijpup, Kai . . . aaiu iu rfj fiovXfj et ris riva ol8ev d8LK0vvra irepl rov p-eptaffMou rj ap^^ovra ^ 18icott]V, /cat yv(op.as eTnylrTjipL^ovcnv idv ris ri SoKrj d^8iK€lu. KjXrjpovai 5e /cat Xoyiaras i^ avrmv ol ^ovXevroiX 5e'/ca rovs XoyLovp.ivovs rfaty dp^-)(als Kara rrjv Trpvraveiav eKacrrTjv. KXrjpovai 8e /cat evOvvovs, eva rrjs (j)vXrjs a7raKeicj)6^vai : M S. airdKet(f>r]vai, which may, however, be intended for the second aorist, a7ra\i(j)^vai. 48. wapaXafioPTes .... dijfioalcf : quoted from the 'Adrjvaiav noKneia by Harpocration, s. v. aitohiKrai (Rose, Frag. 400). eiVayouo-i : the reading is not very certain ; the c seems to have been written twice over, or else the word begins with 5«(rLV eTTLTi^SeLoi 7rpo8po- fjLeveLV elvaL, Kav TLva 7r[/Oo]j(et/)oroi'^cri7 KaTafiefirjKev ovTos. 8oKip,d^eL 8e Kal tovs dvLTnrovs, Kav TLva 7rpo)(eLpoTOV7](rri ireTravTai fiiadocftopav ovtos. tovs fl ap^avTcs fj SioiKijo-axTcr « rmv Srjitocriav ras eliBivas, adds SteiXeKrat TTepi airav 'ApiororeXi;? ev rrj 'Adrjvaiav 7roXiT«'a (Rose, Frag. 405). dvn8lKj]inv : the reading is doubtful. The reading of the MS. is aire- or oKre-, but the e may be a scribe's mistake. 49. avdyovcri : over the letters va is written a correction, which appears to consist of the letters \y ; but what is intended by the alteration, or what is the whole process spoken of, it is impossible to say. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 133 8' tTTTreay KaraXeyovcnv 01 KaraXoyeis, ovs av b 8rjfjios xeipoTOvrja-y Se'/ca avSpas' ovs 5' au Kara- Xe^coa-L 7rapa8i86a(ri rots hnrap-)(OLs kcu (jivXap^ois, ovTOi 8e wapaXajSovTes elcr^epovcrt t\ov] KaraXoyov els Tr}v ^ovXrjv kou tov irivaKa avoi^avres, iv m Kara- (re(rr]fia(TiJ.€va ra ovop-ara rmu hnremv iaTi, tovs pev i^op-vvpidvovs Tcov Trporepov iyyeypapLpevcov p.rj 8vva- Tovs cluai Tois crmpaa-LV imreveiv e^aXel^ovcn, tovs 8e KareiXeyp-evovs [/cJaAoOort, kolv piv ris i^opoa-rjTai p.T] 8vvaa-daL rm acopaTi LTnreveiu rj rfj ovaia tovtov aritn, pekfiv wepi re tS>v avKrjTpidav Kaii ^aKTpi&v Ka\ t&v KOTTpoKdyav Koi tS>v toiovtoiv (Rose, Frag. 408). ncipaiei : M S. Ilcipaci. hm'ai Spaxpais : SO in the MS. The last two letters oiSpaxpaU have been blotted in writing and are re-written above. AGHNAIilN nOAITEIA. 125 Kai OTTCos Tcou KOTvpoXoycov nrjSeis ei> tols Trapa, tov rei^ouy Kara^aXeL Koirpov iinfJLeXovvTai, kcu ras 080119 KcoXvovac KUTOiKoSoixelp KCU 8pvaKT0vs virep Ta>v ob&v vTrepreiveiv kol o^erovs fierecopovs ely t^v 680V eKpovv exo/i[ei'Oi;y] Troielv KoiX ras dvpiSas ety T7]u odou avotyetV kol tovs iv tols 6801s airoyiyvo- fxevovs dvaipova-iv, e^ovrey 8r)poariovs VTrrjperas. iu T0I9 jrapu tov relxovs : the original writing runs evroj iSiav tov Teixovs, but the s at the end of evTos and the 8 in idiav appear to be cancelled by dots placed above them, and over the last three letters of i8mv are written the characters s 7r(apa). The latter character is rather doubtful and might be read as ra. KaTo^aXel : the last four letters are very faint, and there has been some alteration made in them. Apparently KaTa/3a\i;t was written first and the ij corrected to e. iTTifieXovvTai : MS. fTTififXovTai, but as the form inifieKiojiai is else- where used in this MS. it seems better to adopt it here also. KM Tas odoiis k.t.X. : one of the excerpts from Heraclides nepl jroXireias 'Adrjvalmv runs Kai t&v oSSiv tnifieXovvTai ottcoj fiij nves dvoiKoSoiiwinv aiiTas rj 8pv(j>dKTovs vnepTcivoKTiv (Rose, ed. 1886, Frag. 61 1). Tas dvpiSas els Tr)v oBov avoiyeiv : it has been commonly supposed that the doors of Greek houses habitually opened outwards, and this is supported by passages from Menander and his Latin imitators and from other Greek authors. That this was the belief of the ancients themselves is seen from Plutarch {PopUc. 20), where he says rar 8' 'EXXi/wkos jrpoTepou ovtios ex^'" (^''- f'"™^ dnayeaSai ttjv atXeiov) cmdcrag \eyovf'O0oi)(7t ray avT&v 6vpas evSoSev oi wpoXevai p,fWovTes, onas aiirdrja'is e^io yivoiTO rots napepxap-evois rj Ttpoe^rrSxri Kai jit) KaToKafi^avoiVTO irpoloia'ais Tois KkeKTiacriv eh Tou (TTcvairov. There are also several passages in the grammarians in which \^o0ev Kpi6(ov ra aX(f>iTa TrcoXrjaovcnv kol ol apToirmXai irpos ras Tifxas Ta>v irvpoav tovs aprovs, /cat tov araOpxiv ayovras oaov av ovtol Ta^axriv 6 yap vopos TovTovs KeXevei Tarreiv. epiropiov S" eiri- /jLeXrjTas SeKa KXyjpovcnv tovtols 8e TrpocrTeTaKrat Tcov T efiTTOpLcov emfxeXelorOat,, kol tov ctltov tov KUTairXeovTos els to (tltlkov ifiTroptov to. 8vo fiepi] tovs epiropovs avayKa^eiv els to aoTV Kopi^eiv. 52. Ka^iO"racri fie kolI tovs evSeKa KXrjpcoTovs, eiripeX'qa'opevovs twv ev rc5 SeapxoTijpico, kol tovs aTrayop,evovs KXewTas kcu tovs av^pawo^LaTas kcu tovs XcoTTodvTas, av pev ^opoXoyajcri, OavaTco ^rjpuo- support of Photius, who has iio-av 8e tov apiBuhv ttoKm /lev nevTeKmSena iv aa-rei, e' 8' ev Ilfipaiet, which they emend by inserting i' before iv aa-ret. The text of Aristotle supports DindorPs reading in Harpocration, and has analogy on its side. Photius may have been misled by Harpocra- tion, and his authority is weakened by his subsequent statement, varepov Se X fiev iv aaTft, e' 8' iv Ueipaiei, where he has the total, thirty- five, correct, but the division wrong. apyos : the reading is a little doubtful. The meaning would be * un- prepared corn,' in which sense the word is used by Hippocrates (irvpol apyoi, Vet. Med. 12). ifnTopiav i7rifie\T]Tas . . . Kofii^etv : Harpocration quotes this passage as from Aristotle, but with the variant 'Attikov for o-iniedy (Rose, Frag. 410). The Lex. Seg. (p. 255) gives, substantially the same words, but has axrciKov for ^Attikov. The name given by Aristotle is more probable. The ' Corn-market ' is an intelligible and distinctive title, while the ' Attic-market ' would be vague and unmeaning. 52. o/ioXoySo-i : the word is almost entirely lost in a flaw in the papyrus, but can be restored with certainty from the Lex. Seg. (p. 310, 14), o* €v8eKa Toiis (cXejTTar Kal tovs \ano8vTas Kai avSpairoSurTas ofioXo- yovvras /uv aTTOKTivvvovcriv, avriKiyovTas 8e fta ^oapla Koi o'lKias elcra^ovTas els to SiKacrTi^piov, Koi TO. So^avTa S^r]p,j6(na eivai wapa^axrovTas Tols ttooXtjtols, Koi Ta9 evSei^eis elcrd^ovTas' KoiX yap TavTUs elaayovaiv ol evSeKa. eia-ayovai 8e Tmv ivSeL^ecop Tivas kol ol 6e(rp,o0eTai. v KXTjpovat Se Koi elcraycoyeas e av8pas, oi Tas ififirjvovs ela-ayova-c BiKas, bvolv (f)vXaiu €KacrTos. elcri 8' e/xfirjuoi TrpoLKos, eav Tis o^eiXcov firj airo8m, kolv tis eVi Spaxfly 8av€ca-ap,€uos diroaTepy, Kav tls iu dyopa fiovX6p,ei>os ipyd^eadaL 8ai>e[crr}Tai Trapd tlvos d(j)op- firjv, eTi 8' aiKeias kol ipaviKas kcu KoivcoviKas kou dv8paTr68cov koX v7ro^vy[icojv kol Tpirjpap^Las koX Tpaire^LTiKOLS. ovtoi fiev odu rauray 8iKd^ov(nv i/x- and Pollux (VIII. 102), ot evScKa . . . eVefteXoOi/ro rav eu ra beaixaiTqpia Kai aTrrjyov KKewras ap8pairo8i(rTas XanoSiras, ft fiev ofioKoyoiev BavarairouTcs, el Se fifj eltrd^ovres els ra BiKaaTfjpia k&v &XSiv avTOTeXeis etcrt [Col. 27 ] [/c^iVetJi', TO, 8' virep tovto to Tipr^pia toIs diaiTr/Tals 7rapa8i86av Kara Srjiiovs StKaa-riov, a>t irpoTepov fiiv r^trav X Kai Kara Brjfiovs Trepuovres ediKa^oVj etVa iyivovTO ^ , iiprfKev 'ApKTTOTeXrjs ev rf/ noKtreia. Pollux (VIII. loo) mentions the ten-drachma limit, ot 8e TerrapaKovTa npoTipov p,iv rfirav Tpiaxoi/ra, oi TTcpuoVTes Kara STjfiovs ra y^ej^pi bpaxf^ov biu TpiaKovTa oXtyapxi-ftv fiiiret tov apiBjiov TOV rpiaKOVTa rfrrapaKovra iytvovro (Rose, Frag. 413). They were instituted by Pisistratus, as is recorded in ch. 16, but apparently the ofifice fell into disuse after the fall of the tyranny and was re- established in 453 B.C., as is stated in ch. 26. e| fKcia-rris (j)vX^s : this seems to have been at first intended to be written (k rrjs (pvX^s iKda-rrjs or ck rav (j)v\S>v, but after ek t there is a blot which is followed by the word iKaartjs, while (fivXijs is inserted at the beginning of the next line. This makes it necessary to alter ex into e|. \ayxdvovaiv : Xayxdvetv hUrjv is the phrase applied to the suitor, who obtains leave to bring a suit before the proper magistrate. The subject therefore which must be supplied for Xayxdvovtrw here is some word meaning ' suitors.' Trepuovres: MS. ■jrepiovres. This elision is found in the comedians (c/. Liddell and Scott), but does not appear to be justified in a historian. Toij SuuTrjrais : cf. Harpocration (s. v.), who cites Aristotle (Aeyet fie irepX avrav ' ApiaroreKrjs ev 'Adrivalav iroXireia), and Pollux (VHI. 126). Rose, Frag-. 414. K I30 APISTOTEAOTS vwvTai SiaXvaaL, yLyvcocTKOvcn, kcLv fiev afi(l)OTepoi9 dpea-Ky to, yvcocrOevTa \kou\ efijxivaxriv, exet TeAoy 77 Slkt}. av 8' 6 eT€po9 ((py rav olvtiSlkcov els to 8tKa(TTr]pL0v, ep^akovres ray paprvplas kcu ras irpoKXrjcreis kcu tovs v6p,ovs els e\ivovs, \cop\s p-ev Tas Tov 8l(okovtos xcopXs Be ras rov (l)€vyovTOS, kcu TovTovs KaTacrrjprjvdpevoL kcu ttjp Kpiaiv tov Sluitt]- Tov yeypapp^evriv iv ypap,p,aTe[a) irpocrapTrjaavTes, irapaSiBoacrt, toIs eVt Tols Trjs (f)vXrJ9 tov (l)evyovTos SiKoi^ovaiV ol 8e TrapaXa^ovres eicrdyovcriu ely to SiKaaTypiov, [to. p.€v ejvTos ^iXlcov ■cly eva KcCi SiaKocTLOVs, TO, 8' virep \c,Xias ety eva koL TeTpa- Kocriovs. ovK e^ecryn 8" ovJTe v6p.OLs ovtc irpo- KXrjcrecri ovt^ papTvplais aAA' 97 raty irapa tov Bluittjtov )(prj(rO\ju tols ety] rouy e^ipovs ip-fie^Xr]- p,evaLS. 8LaiTr]Tai 8" elcrlv ols av e^r}KoaTov €tos y. tovto 8e StjXov [el/c Tav dp^ovTcov /cat tcov ewcovvpcov. elcTL yap iircovvpLot 8eKa pev oi tSiv (pvXav, 8vo Se Kal TeTTapaKovTa ot toiv yXiKimV oi 8' ep^iVous : cf. Harpocration (s. v.), tari iiiv ayyos ti eU h ra ypafifiarela ra TTpos Tas biicas irlBcvTO fivrjiiovevei tov ayyovs tovtov kqI ' ApKTTOTeXrjs eV Trj 'hdrjvaiaiv TroKiTeia Koi 'Apidvris Aavato'W (Rose, I^rag-. 415). Photius mentions their special use for holding the evi- dence taken before an arbitrator when an appeal was made from him to the jury couirts. Tois iirl: the reading is rather doubtful. In ch. 58 these persons are described as 01 ttjv (f>v\fiv SiKd^ovres, but the meaning of the phrase is not clear. In both places, however, they are spoken of in connection with the ScaiTTjTal, and it would appear that they were local magistrates whose functions were intermediate between the 6iaiTij7-ai and the 8iKa(TTrjpin at Athens. 8vo di Kal TfTTapaKovra oi tS>v fjXiKiSiv : the subject of these inavvfioi. tS>v rjKiKimv is obscure. Harpocration {s. v. orpaTeia iv tois iiravv/iois) quotes the present passage, saying ti's yv f) iv toIs iiravvfiois o-TpaTeia Se8rj\aKev 'ApKXTOTiXrjS iv 'Adtjvaiav rroXiTfia \4yav, " flal yap .... AGHNAIilN nOAITEIA. 131 e^r)fioL iyypa(j)6fievoL Trporepou jxlv els XekevKWfiiva ypafXfiarela iveypacpovro, Koi eireypatpopTO avrois o T apxwv €0' ov iveypdcprjaav /cat 6 eTrcovvfJLOs 6 avaypd^ovTai' " Kai fier oXlya " ■)(pSivrai he Tois iiraviiiois . . . crrpaTeveaOai " (vtd. infra). He also says {s. v, inwvvp.oC), diTToi elcnv oi iiriivvnoi, 01 fiev I Toy apiOfiov, a<}) S>v a'l (f)v\m, erepoi he jS" Kal jx, dcj)' S>v ai f/XiKlai irpotra- yopevovrai tSiv itoKit&v Kad' eKacrrov fros mo Trj irav /le'xp' |' (Rose, Frag. 429)- The Etym. Magn. says iwi)vvp.oi,' Sittoi elv SiatTrjTaV el ydp ns vjr& 8iaiT>)Tov aSiKrjBelrj, e^fjv tovtov flaayyeWeiv vpos Tois 8iKapa Xa/SovTa einBei^coa-iv koi KarayvaxTLV 01 SiKaaTai, Scopcov TLp.a>anv, dTroTiveTai ano : SO Harpocration ; in the MS. the a is, by some confusion, followed by the sign which is often used to denote the termination at of a verb. Tivinv : rivos Harpocration. 54. \oyL(TTas SeKa kai (rvvr)y6povs : Harpocration {s. V. Xoyia-ral) says apx^ Tis Trap' 'Adrivalots ovtoi Kakovfiivrj' EiVl Sf top dpidinov SeKa, ot ras eidi- vas t5)V diaKTjiifvav exXoyifoi/rat c'v fjnipais TpiaKovTaoTav ras ap)(as airoBavrai ot apxovres, . . SieiAexTat jrepi tovtwv 'ApKrroTeXrjs iv tj 'ABrjvalav naiXiTeia, tv6a SeiKvvTai Sn 8mcj)epovtri ratv ev6ivwv (Rose, Frag. 406). The Lex. rhet. Cantabrig. p. 672, 20, has a quotation professing to be from Aristotle, but differing wholly from the present passage ; and as it is unlikely that Aristotle would have had two descriptions of the same officers in this one treatise, it is probable that the reference is in- correct. The passage runs thus, 'AptororeXijy iv rrj 'X6r)vaia>v TroXircia ovT' (Rose, Frag. &,&]). KaTayiva)(TKovv ypap.pxx.ri(av ia-rl KvpLos kol to. ^yjrrij(pL(rfiaTa TO. yivofievci ^vXaTret,, kol rdXXa iravra avriypa- (jyerai. /cat TrapaKadrjTai rfj ^ovXfji irporepov fiev odv ovTos Tjv ^eLpoTOvrjTOS, /cat rovs ivSo^OTarovs aSiKiov : this class of actions is not mentioned in the extant orators (Dindorf ad Harp. s. v.), but Harpocration mentions it and quotes the present passage almo'st verbally, though without referring to Aristotle by name. His words are, iarl 8i Svona dixi/r. aTroTiuvrai 8e rovTo dirXovf, eav wpb Trjs ff irpvravelas airoBoOij' el Se iifj, SmXovv Kara|3a\Xcrai. Plu- tarch (Pericl. 32) mentions it in reference to the charge brought against Pericles regarding his expenditure of the public money, "Ayvav de TOVTO iiev dcjifTKe tov yjni(j)i(TiiaTos, KpivetrBai 8e tt/v Sikhju typayJAev iv hiKatTTois ;(i\ioij kcu irevTaKoiriois, Are kKotttis kqI hiapav evr dSixlov ^ovKoit6 ns ovofxa^eiv Ttjv bia^iv. It may be suggested, in passing, that in the latter passage the number 1500 is a mistake for 501. The numeral for I (a) is easily confounded with that for 1000 (a or a), and we have several instances of courts composed of a round number of hundreds with one additional member, which show that it was the usual practice. Courts of 201 and 401 are mentioned in ch. 53, and 501 is given as the size of the court for trying this particular class of cases in the extract from the Lex. rhet. Cantabrig. quoted just above. It is evident that Hagnon proposed that Pericles should be tried by the regular court, in place of the unusual procedure proposed by Dracontides. t6 8e deKairkovv : it seems necessary to insert the 8e, the omission of which is easily explicable from the recurrence of the same two letters at the beginning of the following word. ypap.p,aTea tov KaTa irpvraveiav KaXovfievov : Harpocration (s. v. ypapt- fuiTevs) quotes this passage, from tS>v ypafifuneav to ^ovXij, reading, hovitwer, ypap,p,aTav iox ypap,p.aTeav. Pollux (VIII. 98) mentions both this ypajip.aTevs and the others whom Aristotle describes below, ypafi- fiarevi 6 Kara irpvTaveiav KKr)pa6e\s vir6 TrJ! /SovX^r £7rl t^ to ypdjujuara 0i;XdTT€ii/ Koi TO ^rj^itrpara.' Ka\ eTepos eir\ tovs vonovg vit6 t^s ^otiX^j XnpoTovovpevos, 6 8' viro toC Sij^ou aipeBets ypaiip.aTevs avayivuMTKei tS re 8))ficj) Koi. Tg ^ov\jj (Rose, Frag: 399). AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 135 Kol TnaTOTOLTOvs [e'xei/ojoroj'oi;!'* KoiX yap iv rals (TT-qXais Trpos rats crvfifxa)(^lais kol Trpo^evlfaijs kol iroXiTeiaLS ovtos auaypa(f)eTai' vvv Se yeyove kXt]- pcoTos. KXr]pov(rt 8e kol eVi row vofiovs erepov os TrapaKadrjTai ry ^ovAjj, /cat avTLypa(l>eTaL kou ovtos •jravras. ^eipoTOvel 5e /cat 6 brjfios ypap-fiarea top ava^ yvacrofxevov avTW koL Ty ^ovXfj, /cat ovtos ovSevos ecTTi Kvpios aAAa tov avayvStvai. \ KXrjpol de kol lepoiroiovs deKU, tovs iirl Ta eKdvfiaTa KaXovfxevovs, maroTaTovs : the MS. appears to read an-toTOTarovr, though the third, fourth, and fifth letters are open to question. It is of course impossible that this should be the genuine word, and it is simplest to emend it by omitting the a. koi is written in the MS. in its usual contraction ; and it appears possible that the a may be due to som^e confusion with the second letter of Kai in its uncontracted form. The original from which this MS. was copied would haye had (caiTrio-Toro- Tovs, which the copyist has reproduced as KaiturTOTarovs. noKiTfiais : the fourth and fifth letters in the MS. are doubtful, but it does not appear possible that the word can be other than that here read, though the use of it, apparently as indicating public measures in general, is strange, and only partly paralleled by Demosthenes {De Cor. p. 254), o *iXijr7ros i^rjKaBr) . . . .Tjj de TTokiTfia Koi rois ■^r]^i Koi navra dvre-^ ypd(j)eTO wapaKadrjfievos rfj fiovkfj. The latter words correspond exactly with Aristotle's description, and it seems probable that Pollux has described the same official twice over. Harpocration quotes Aristotle as speaking of the avTiypa(j)evs t^s fiovKrjs in this treatise, and the use of the word avTiypaxperai makes it practically certain that this is the passage referred to. Aristotle, however, appears not to have given him that title, but to have spoken of him merely as Irtpos ypaiifuvrevg OS • . • dvnypd(j>fTai, ■ndvras : sc. vo/iovs, which confirms the enjendation em Toir vdjiovs at the beginning of the sentence. iepmowis : the Etym. Magn. quotes this description, as far as nXiju 136 AP12T0TEA0TS [oi] TO, T€ [fiav]TevTa lepa dvovaiu, Koiv tl KaXXieprj- aai Serj KaXXiepovcn fxera twv fiavTe\cov\. KXrjpol Se Kol erepovs SeKa, tovs kut iviavTOV KaXovfievovs, ot dvcrlas re rivas dvovai [/cat ray 'n-evT€\Tripi8as airaaras SioiKOvaiv wXrjv Ylavadrjvaicov . \dcr\ 5e] TrevTerrjpldef, fiia [fiei/ rj ei]y ArjXov {ecm fie kcu Uavadrjvatiovj almost verbally, and refers to this treatise as its au- thority, but it makes Ho mention of the two different boards of ten of which Aristotle speaks, combining the functions of both under one head (Rose, I<'rag: 404). TO T« fuxvTfVTO. Upo. Bvovoriv : the E. M. reads to re iiavTeviiara Upo- Birova-i (ofte MS. Upo6vTovv iv Mapadavi rj t&v cv Kwoo-apyet* Tavra yap judXio'T-a 81a. Tiiirjs elxov 'Adrjvaiot. That it was a festival held ordinarily outside Athens is clear from the passages in Demosthenes, in which the fact of its being held within the walls is mentioned as a sign of the alarm caused by the fear of invasion. The festival at Eleusis is, as the words of Aristotle show, the great Panathenaea, the special feature of which was the procession with the TrcTrXor of Athena to the temple of Demeter at Eleusis and thence back to the Acropolis. AGHNAmN nOAITEIA. 137 e7r[rajr7?/)ty ivravda), Sevrepa 5e Bpavpcovia, rpiTr] [5e 'HpoLKXeija, TerapTr] 8e to, '^XevaivaSe Tlava- drjvaia' kou tovtcov ov8ep.La ev tS avrm eyyifueTai]. . . 5e TTpoKeirai . . ais . . . eVi K.r)(l)L(ro(l)aivT09 ap')(ovTos. KXripovaL 8e kol els ^aXaplva ap^ovra, Kcu ely nei[/3afje'a 8y]p^p^ov, oX rd re Aiovva-ia ttol- ovcTL eKarepcodL kol ^opr^yovs KaQicrTaaiV kv 2aAa- [/xti'tj 5e /cat TO [6Vjo/ia tov oipypvTos dvaypa(j)€Tai. 55- A.vTai fiev odu at dp^al KXrjpcorai re kol Kvpiai Ta>v yeLprj^p.4va)v ^Trpayp-dr^cov ela-iv. 01 5e KaXovp,€POi ivvea ap^ovres, to fxev i^ dp^rjs ov TpoTTOv KadiaTavTO ^e'lprjTai -qdrj' vvi>j 8e KXrjpovaLv iv T(S avTa iyyiverai : the reading is a little doubtful. The MS. apparently at first had ev rat avrmi yiverat, but above the beginning of the last word an addition has been made in the same hand which appears to be the letters iv. If the reading is correct, iv t» air^ presumably means ' in the same place.' It might conceivably be taken to mean ' in the same year,' but against this conjecture it may be noticed that the Delian festival, according to the date given by Thucydides (/. c), was re-established in the third year of an Olympiad, which is also the year of the great Panathenaea ; and presumably it continued to be celebrated in the same year afterwards. The Heracleia appears from the passages in Demosthenes also to have fallen in the third year of the Olympiad, in the month Hecatombaeon ; but the date of the Brauronia is unknown. em Kricj)tcro(l>S)i'Tos apxopTos: i.e. 329 B.C. The sentence is hopelessly mutilated, partly through a lacuna in the papyrus, partly through the writing having been obliterated in the middle of the column, where the papyrus was folded. The letter before ais appears to be either <^ or p ; if it is the former, the word is probably ypatfiais, and the sentence may have stood, tovto 8e irpoKeiTai ypa^ais rais iiri K. HpxovTos, the meaning being that public regulations were made concerning those festivals at the date mentioned. But it is impossible to restore the passage with certainty. The note of time is, however, useful, as showing that the Hokireiai was composed (or at any rate revised, as this is clearly an incidental note which might have been added after the main bulk of the work was written) in the last seven years of Aristotle's life. 55. iipriTai, rj8ri : see chapters 3, 8, 22, 26. 138 API2T0TEA0TS decTfioBeTas fiev e^ koL ypafifiarea tovtols, eri h apypvTa kol ^acri[Aea] koL iroXe^ap^ov, Kara fiepos i^ eKOLCTTris (jivXrjs. doKifid^ovrai 8' ovtol Trpcorov fi€v iv TTJ ^fiovXffj Tols 0, irXrjv tov ypafifiarecos, ovTos S" iu 8i.Ka(rTrjpLa> fiovov mairep oi aXXoi ap\ov- [rey] (7r[ai/rey yap /cat] 01 KXrjpooTol kol ol X^''P^~ TovrjTol BoKLpLaaOevres ap^ovaLv), ol 5' ivvea \ap- ■)(\ovTes [eV] re rfj ^ovXfj kcu ttoXlv eV hiKaaTrfpicp. Kol irporepov p.ev ovk r/p-^^ev ovt\j,v aJ7ro8oKip,a(r€L€v 7] fiovXr], vvv 8' e(f)€(ri9 iariv els to 8iKaaTr]pLov, kul TOVTO KvpLov iaTi rrjs 5oKi[fiaJo'/ay. e\Tr€^p(OTCo^ri(pov lav h\ fj.r]8els ^ovXrjraL Karrjyopelv, ev0vs Sidcocri rrjv -^rjcftov Kal irporepou p.€v eiy eVe/3aAXe r^v [^J^^ov, uvu 8' dudyKr] wdvrasi eari oe yjrrjCpL^eadat Trepl avra>v, tva dv ris Trovrjpos iav aTraXXa^j] rovs Karrjyopovs eVi rols 8iKaarais yeurjrai rovrov d7ro8oKifida-ai. 8oKifjiaa-6€v 8e rovrov rov rpoTTOv, fiaSi^ovari irpos rov Xidov v(f)' [w] rd rap.L€ia eariv, i(j) ov Kal 01 8iaLrr)ral opLoaavres airoipaivovraL ras 8tairas Kal 01 p.dprvpes i^ofivvvrai ras fiaprvpias. dvafiavres 8' eVt rovrov op-vvovariv SiKalcos dp^eiv Kal Kard rovs vofiovs, Kal 8apa p,r) X-rj^lrea-Oai rrjs dp^rjs evcKa, Kav ri Xdficoa-iv dv- Tov idiov rponov, el yoveas ev iroiei, « ras irrpareias vnep T^y TroXeas cfrrpaTevTat) el iepa irarpaa eirnv, el ra TeXrj reXei, fioiXeTai : MS. ^ovXevrm. irpos t6v Xidov : cf. Harpocration (s.v. \idos), eoUaa-i S' 'ASrivaloi irpbs Tivl Xida Tois opKovs noieiadm, its 'Apio'ToreXrjs ev rrj 'A6r]vdla>v TroXtreia (Rose, F-rag: 377). Tapiela : MS. Tapi. opvvovo-iv K.T.X. : the passage in Pollux (VIII. 86) quoted above continues ejrtjpaTa S' i; /3ouXij, &p.vvov &' odroi irpos tij ffaaiXeico o'toS, eVi Tov Xidov v' a TO rapiela, (rup^vXa^eiv tovs vopovs Km prj dapoSoKrjaeiv ^ Xpv(rovv dvdpiavTa anonirai. elra iinevBev els aKpoiroXiv aveXBovres apvvov Taird. Further, in the excerpts from Heraclides vepl noXireias 'Adtj- vaiav {cf. Rose, ed. 1886, Frag. 611), which was evidently an epitome of Aristotle, we have the sentence ela\ be koI iwia apxovres OeapoBerai, 01 boKipaaBevres opviovai SiKaias ap^eiv fcai Sapa pri Xrjyjfeadai ij dv&pidvTa Xpvcoiv dvadijireai. I40 APIST0TEA0T2 SpiavTU avaOrjaeiv ■)(pvaovv. evrevdev 8' bfJLoa-avTfs els OLKpoTToXiv ^aSl^ovaLV Kcu iraXLV €K€l ravra ofivvova-i, Koi fJieTo, ravra ely r^f apxrjv daipxovTai. 56. Kap^fiavovcn 8e koX irapiBpovs o re ap^cov KoX b fiacriXevs koX 6 iroXepiapyps 8vo eKarepos ov9 iav fSovXjjTai, /cat ovtol BoKLfxa^ovTaL iv t dtaTiBrjin fifv Aiovvaia xal QapyrjKia /icrd rS>v eVt/ieXijraiv, and the Lex. AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. ' 141 eKarepa tcov ^vXwv tovtois), ras duTiSocreis rroiei /cat ray orKTqyjreLS eia^ayec iaju tis rj Xe r] TT^jOoy] erepov TavTrjv ttjv XriLTOvpy\l,av\ [ejre^av XrfLtovpyiav kol tS>v ^povcov avrS . . . eias jxr) i^ eV?; p,r] yeyovivac Set yap Tov To'is TraL^ali' xopvjy^^^''''^ virep TeTTapd^KOvjra €TT] yeyovevai. KaOia-Trjai 8e kol eiy ArjXov X'^PV~ yoi/s KOL dp^iepeco^v tov rjw TpiaKovTopico r^ tovs TfLdeovs ayovTL. irofiirmv 8' eTrepeXelTO [rijy re] tS 'AaKXrjTTiS yivofievqs orav o'lKovpcocn pv^ajrai, kol Trjs AiovvaLcoi' Ta>v [/ieycTJAoJi' p-erd tcov eTripeXrjTav, ovs irpoTepov pev 6 Srjpos ix^i'POTOvei SeKa ovTas, [/cat Taj ety tt/v Tropir^v dvaXcopaTa Trap' avTwv ^i'[eyAcjoj', vvv 5' iva Trjs ^^^[^y iKojaTrjs KXrjpol KOL 8[8cocrtv eiy ttjv KaTaaKevrjv eKUTOv pvds. eVt- /ieX[errat] 81 Koi ttjs ety QapyyXia kol ttJs tS Ail Tco ^ooTrjpi. fitoi/cei fie Kat tov dyaiva tw^v AlovIv- (Tixov ovTOS KOL Twv Qapyr]Xtcov. eopTcov pev ovv eTTipeXeLTaL tovtcov. ypacpal fife /cat 5]i/cat Xay^d- rhet. Cantabrig. (p. 670, 4) e)(ei 8e imfieKeiav p^opijyoij Karaa-Trjirm els Aiopi(rta Koi QapyrjKia, imiieKeiTai, be kol tSiv els ArjXov Kai tSiV aK\ax6(Te ireforofJieiKov 'Ad^vr}dep -xop^" (Rose, Frag. 381). Tar (TKfi-\jfeis : for rds the abbreviation for rrjs seems to have been written first, and then an a has been inserted without the corrector perceiving that another o- was necessary, so that the words stand in the MS. as Tao-xiji/retj. \r]iTovf>ylav : written XeiTovpyiav, but corrected to Xijit-, which is the form employed elsewhere in the MS. Cf. ch. 27 and note. del yap k.tX. : Harpocration (s. v. on vofios) refers to this passage, OTL vo/jios iariv imep p,' eTij yev6p,evov \opj]yelv iraia-Xv AiVx""?* Te ev tai 8c k.t.X. : a summary of the following passage is given by Pollux (VIII. 89), SiKoi Se Trpos avTov Xayxavovrai. KOKaireas, napavoLas, 142 APISTOTEAOTS vovrai TTpos avrov, as avaKpivas eiT [eiy SiJKacrrrjpioi' elcrdjj^eij, vecov KUKOxrecos {avrai 84 elaiv d^rjfiLoi tw ^ovXop.€vcp SFttBAcJetJ'), 6p(j>avS»v /c[a/ccBjo-e£BS' {clvtul 8' eicrl Kara t5>v iirLTpoircov), iiriKXrjpov Ka/c(B(re[&)y] {aivTai 8e elcri Kara \twv] eTrcTpoTrcov kcu tcov crvuoi- KovvTcov), o'lkov 6p(j)avLK0v KaKcocrecos (eltri 8e kol [avTaL Kara tcovJ iTrtTpo^Trjcov) , irapavoias, idv tls OLTiaTai TLva irapavoovvra r^a iavTOv KTrjpLara aWoXkvv^ai^, els SarrjTcov aXpeaiv, idv tls firj d^Xy [/cloii/a Wd. ovra v€fi€(rdai^yels eTnTpoirrjs KardtrTaatv, els eTnrpoTrrjs 8ia8iKaaiai', el ^TrXeloues rrjs avrrjs 6eXov(r\Lv eiriTpoTrov avrov iyypd^ai, KXrjpcov koX eiriKXripcov eTn^SiKaa-iai. eVt/tieAeirjat 8e kou t&v ^pcf^avav Kal rav eTriKXrjpav koX tcov yvvaiKmv ocrai av TeXevyrrja-avTos tov dvSp'^os o-k^ItttcoIv- TaL Kveiv Kal Kvpios iart rois dSiKovaiv eTn^dXlXeiv ^T^fxiav rj dyeiv ety] r)) 8iK(j^Tri\pLov . pacrdoi 8e Koi Tovs o'lKovs Twv 6p(f)avS)v Kal TCOV eTrtfKXi^pcov] a Kal 8^aT7]JTris yevTjTai Kal ra aTrori/A^/tara Xap^dv^eij, av p. . . [fii]5a)o-i tols vraicrlv eis SaTrjTmv atp€avZv, imTpoirav KaTaardcreis, KKr/pav KOL €7riK\T]pQiv eTTiStKao'iai. eVtjLteXeirat 8e Kal rav yvvaiKoiv at hv dymo'tu iir dvSpds reXevrij Kveiv, Ka\ Toiy diKovs fKpiadoi tS>v 6pif>avS)V (Rose, Frag. 381). Under the head of eir ifn^avav KaTaaratrui Harpocration says, 6 bk 'ApiororeXijj iv Trj 'Adrjvaiav TroXireig. npbs rbv apj^ovrd cfyr/o-i \ayxdvev btaveiiovrav to. Koivd tutiv, as 'ApioTOTfXi;s eV r^ 'A6r)vai.r]p^Kco\v. eiretTa Aiovvacav tcou^ eiri Arjvauow ravra 8' Icttl .... [ravTT^j'] pilv ovv Trop/wrjv Koivfj TripTTOvcTLV o re [Col. 29.] fiaaiXevs kol ol i7rtp.€Xr]Tat,' tov Se dycova dtari- 6r](Tiu 6 jSacrtAeuy. ridrjaL 8e /cat roiis rSv Xap- ■7ra8cov aycovas airavTas' My 5' cTroy eiTreiv kal ray irarpiovs dva-ias 8lolk€l ovtos waaas. ■ypa(f)al Se Xay^auourai Trpos avTov acre^Se/ay, Kav ti? lepcoavvrjs dpL(pi.o-firjTy TrpoaTipa' [SiaSiJ/ca^et 8e (TiTov. Harpocration (s.v.) says (tItos KoKe'irm fj biSofievrj wp6(roSo9 (Is Tpois. Kal tois yev€(n Kal vols Upevcri (MSS. lepois) naaLv airos SiKofei, Kal Tcis TOV (povov Sixas els"Apfiov itdyov dtrayei Ksxi tov a-re^avov dirodefievos trvv avTois Siicdfei. npoayopeiei 8e to'is iv alTia aTrex^o'dai fivcrTrjpiwv Kal Tcbv aXKcov vofiiiuav. diKa^ci Be Kal ray Tav d-^vxtov SUas. The Lex. Seg. (p. 219, 14) quotes verbally from ypacpai to Trpos tovtov, though without acknowledging the source (Rose, Frag. 385). Ttpocmiia : the reading in the MS., which is very faint, rather resem- bles Trpos Tiva, but it seems better to follow the quotation in the Lex. Seg. 144 API2T0TEA0T2 /cat Tols yeueai kou toIs lepeva-i ras diJ.(j)L(T^rjTr}(reLS TOLS wrep lTan> yejpcov airdaas ovtos. Xay^dpovrai Be Kol at Tov (jiovov BUat irdcrai irpos tovtov, KoiX 6 wpoayopevcov elpyecrdai tSsv vofiipxou oiiTOS ia-Tiv. elal [5e (pouovj Slkui kcu rpavfiaros' av fiev eK irpovoias diroKTeivrj, eyyp^a^eTaij ev 'hpeico iraycp, kcu ^apfiaKou iav diroKT^ivr) 8ovs, kol TTvpKaids' ^rav^ra 8' rj ^ovXrj /xova SiKoi^ei' rav 8' aKovaicav KcCl ^ovXevaecos Kav oIkcttju (XTroKTeivrj TLS rj fjLCTOiKou ^ ^^vov, [eV T^ eTri Ilja^XX^aSlco' idv 5' diroKTelvai fiev tls ofioXoyfj, (pfj 8e Kara, tovs v6- /JLOVS, o^LOVJ fioixov Xa^mv rj eV woXefiq) dyvorjcras r] iv adXcp dycovi^ofJLivos, to^vtco eV tS eVi] AeA^w'tm Slkcl^ovo-iv idv 5e (f>evya)i/ (pvyrjv mv al8e(ris icmv iirdtras oStos : omitted in the Lex. Seg. av fiev eK npovoias k.tX. : Pollux (VIII. 117) evidently draws from this passage. "Apeios jrdyos' iSUa^e 8e (f)6vov Kal Tpavfiaros ex irpovoias Koi iTvpKaias Kal cjiapfidKav idv ns airoKTcivrj hois. raiv 8' aKovv Ka\ /SouXeiJo-etor : Harpocration {s. V, ini IlaXXaSib)), hiKaiTTr)pi6v i(TTiv outo) Ka\oifi(vov, as Kal ' ApuTTOTfXrjs iv 'Adrivatav noXiTfia, f'v a SiKd^oviriv dKov(rLov (j>6vov Kal ^ouXeucrecos 01 itpirai (Rose, Frag. 417). The i^hai are also mentioned in this connection by Hesychius and Eustathius, but Aristotle does not appear to have noticed them, unless the MS. is faulty here. Pollux too (VIII. 118) does not refer to them. Harpocration also refers in another place (s. V. (3ouXeuo-fQ)s) to Aristotle as stating that trials of this description took place in the Palladium (Rose, Frag. 418). ern AeX^iWo) : Harpocration (s. v.), hiKd^ovrai S ivravBa oi o/ioXo- •yoJi'Tfs fiiv direKTOvevai, SiKaias 8e irenon]Kevai tovto \iyovT€s, as Atj/io- irBevrjs iv tm Kar Apia-TOKparovs StjXoi Kal 'ApioTOTeXjjr iv rfi 'Adrjvaiav mXireia (Rose, Frag. 419). Pollux (VIII. 119), Suidas, Eustathius, eU., say substantially the same. ai8«ns : some correction has been made in the MS., but it is not clear what is intended. It appears to be a r, lifjirai Tap eK^aKovTav airov ^Sea-fiivav. The meaning therefore is that the party has committed an involuntary homicide, but has to remain in exile during the resentment of the relatives of the deceased. On their relenting he might return (which would not be the case if the homicide was intentional, under which circumstances there would not be atSeo-ts), but at the time supposed they have not yet relented and therefore he is still in exile. 0peaTTOi : MS. (ppcarov. ev iv iroXefUO cmoBavovrav , KCU. To'is irepX 'Ap/ioSiov evayifei. dUai fie jrpbs avTW 'Kayxavovrai /leToiKav, L 146 API2T0TEA0TS Ty 'AprffxtSi Ty ayporepa kolL tw 'lEuvaXim, SiaTidrjcn 8' dyava tov e7nTd(f)iov toIs TETeXevTrjKoaLV ev rip TToXefMcp, Kol 'ApfJLo8i^ /cat 'ApiCTToyeLTOPi evayicTfiaTa TTOiei. SUai Se XayyavovraL irpos avrov 'iSiai. fieu at re Tols fieroiKOLs kcll toIs IcroreXecn Koi tois tt/jo- ^euois yiyvofxevai. kol Bel tovtov Xa^ovra kcu 8ia- veLfxavra SeKa fiepr], to Xa^ov cKacrTr} ry (f)vXy fiepos irpocrBelvai, tovs 5e Tr)v (jyvXr/u SiKa^oUTas ropy] SiaiTTjTal^ diroBovvai. avTOS 5' clcrayiL Slkus ras re TOV a[7rocrra(r]ioy kou dTrpo(TTa(TL\ov\ Koi KXypcov koX eTTLKXypCOV Tols IX€T0LK0L9, KOL TCcXX' OCa Tols TToXtTaiS 6 dpycov TavTa toIs ixeToiKois 6 iroXepiapyos. 59. Oi Be OecrfiodeTai irpS>TOv fieu tov irpoypa^aL TO, BtKacrTypid ela-i Kvpioi tictlv yp-epais Bel BiKa^eip, [e7r]e[tra] tov Bovvai tols dp^ais' kuBoti ydp av ovToc BaxTLV, KUTa TOVTO yjpwvTaL. eTL Be Tas Icrorekaii, irpo^kvav (Rose's addition ^evav is shown by the text of Aristotle to be unnecessary), (cai Siavefiei to \axov, iKaarn , but unnecessarily, as the passage just quoted from Pollux shows. Toij T-cTeXeuTTjKdo-o' : the MS. prefixes Kai, but it must be a mere clerical blunder. 'Apto-royciVoi'i : MS. Apio-Toyirow, but in ch. 1 8 the more correct form is used. avToi &' iladyei : Harpocration (s. v. Tr6\epapxos) quotes this passage verbally, introducing it with the words 'ApHTTore'X);? 6' ev ttj 'Adr/vaiav TToXiTcia Sif^e\6a>v Saa Bioixel 6 iro\e jiap^os, wpos ToOra ;s (Rose, Frag. 380). Harpocration ex- plains the word (riiJ^oXa as ras avvdfjKas as av dXXijXais al ttoXsis Befiei/ai TaTTaai rots TToXiVais fflore diSovai kol Xafi^dveiv Ta dUaia, L 3 148 APISTOTEAOTS Tovs fie ^iKaa-TOLS KXrjpoua-t iravTas oi evvea ap- Xovres, SeKaros 8' 6 ypafijxaTevs 6 tS>v decrfioueTcov, Toi/s TTjs avTov (l)vXrjs enaaTos. ra fiev oiv trepi TOVS 6 ap)(ovTas tovtou k^ei rov rpoTrov. 60. KXypovai Se /cat aOXoderas SeKa [a]u8pas, eva TTjs (l)vXrjs eKoia-TTjs. ovtol 8e SoKifiaadevTes apxovcri TeTTap[a eJrTy, /cat SiotKovcri Tr]v re Tropnrrjv TUiv HavadTjvaicov kcu tou aymva rrjs fiovcTLKrjs Kai rov yvfJiVLKOv ayStva kcu rrjv LTnroSpofiiav, /cat tov iriirXov troLovvTai Koi tovs d/Kpopeis woiovvTat fxera TTJs ^ovXtjs, kol to eXaiop toIs adXrjTOLS airo- SiSoaa-i. a-vXXeyerai to S" eXatou [ajiro twv p-opiStV ela-TTpaTTei 8e tovs to. xcopia KeKTijixepovs iu ols at fiopMi elcriv 6 ap^fov, Tpia rjfjLiKOTvXia airo tov (TTeXe^ovs eKoicrTov. wpoTepov 8' eirmXei tov Kapwov rj TToXis' /cat et Tis e^opv^eiev iXalav fioplav rj KaTcc^eiev, eKpivev rj e^ 'Apeiov irayov fiovXr], /cat inivTas : it may be suspected that the right reading here is iravres, this duty which belonged to all the nine archons being contrasted with the others mentioned in this chapter, which apply only to the six thesmothetae ; while as an epithet of fintaoras it has no force. 60. aSKoBdras : cf. Pollux (VIII. 93), aSKoBcrai Sem fUv elaiv, fis Kara (j)v\riv, hoKifiairBivTis be apxovv fiopiav yiuofievov blhoarBai (prjaiv (Rose, Frag. 345)' Tpia : MS. Tpi, as if the writer had intended to make one word of it, Tpir)lUKOTvklOV. enaXei : the third and fourth letters are a little doubtful. If this is the right reading, the meaning is that formerly the state managed the cultivation of the sacred olives itself and sold what was not required of the oil, whereas in later times the olives were the property of private individuals, subject to the obligation to furnish a certain amount of oil to the state, for the purposes described. A0HNAII2N nOAITEIA. 149 el KaTayvoir), Oavdrm tovtov e^-qfiiovv. i^ ov 8e TO eXaiov 6 to •)(aipiov KeKTrjfievos diroTLuei, 6 fiev [Col. 30.] vofios eaTtv, rj 81 Kpiaris KUTaXeXvTaL. to 8' eXFaiov] €K Tov KXrjfiaTos, ovK ttTTO TO)]/ (TTeXe^mv, eaTL Trj TToAei. avXXe^as ovv 6 dpywv to i(j) iavlrov] yiyvofievov, toIs Tafiiais 7rap[a8i8j^coo-Lv ety 'A/cpo- iroXiv, Koi OVK ee Cor. p. 238, and again p. 265, where he is coupled with 6 eVI raw iirireav. The latter, however, is not called a-rpaTTjyos, and from the present passage it appears that he must have been one of the hipparchi. In Philipp. I. p. 47, Demos- thenes complains of the inaction of the strategi, saying that except one, ov &v fXTrc'^i/")" fVi row nokeixov {i.e. the arpaTrjyos eVi roiis dn-XiVas), they all stay at home and do nothing but attend to sacrificial cere- monies. Schomann (Anf. Jur. Publ. p. 252) unnecessarily mis- represents this passage, as though Demosthenes had there mentioned a a-Tparrjyos eVi rai/ 'nrnewv and had coupled him with the oTparijyos eVl tS)v ottKoiv as going to war while the rest stayed at home. From several inscriptions (C /. G. 186, 189, 191, 192) it appears that the (TTparriyos eVl tSiv SnXiov was the most important of the board of strategi, as his name is given with that of the archon eponymus to indicate the year. eva 8' eVi Tiji/ x^pi^" '■ this officer is mentioned by Plutarch {Phoc. 32) as arpa.Tr\yos lin t^s x^P'^'- els Tfjv Movwxiav : cf. Deinarchus in Philocl. p. 108, a-Tparriyos i<^' ifiav eirl Trjv Movvvxiav Kal to veitpia Kexetporovrifievos. els rfiv ciKTiji/: in the Corpus Inscr. Graec. Nos. 178, 179 there is mention of a aTpaTrjybs eVi Trjv x<»p<"' rijw napaXiav, who is probably the officer here described as 6 els ttjv oKTrjv rather than 6 eirl t^v x^pav. ivX^s : it is very strange that Phyle should be placed under the A0HNAII2N nOAlTEIA. 151 pauet' eva 5' eVt ras i[/u,o]/)iay os tovs re TpLT)pap\ovs KaraXeyei kcu ray avTiSoaeis avrols TTOLet /cat ray ^laBiKacrias afurloty elcrdyw tovs 8' aXXovs irpos ra irapovra irpdyp^aTa eKiripjirovaLV. iirL\€LpoTOvia 8' a^vJTCov icrrl kotcl Tr\v irpVTaveiav eKaa-TTju, et 8okov(tlv KaXcos ap^eiv kocu riva drro- Xetporoj'[^Jo"Ci)(rti', KpivovaLV iv rro 8LKacrTr}pi(p, kolv p-eu dX(S, Tipwcriv 6 tl )(py iraOeiv rj aTTOT^a-jai, av 8' diro(f)vyri rd [AotTra] ap^u. Kvpioi 84 elcnv orav rjymvTai Kal 8rj(raL riv ouraKTOvvTa kclI [/CT/J/jO^at KoX eTTifioXiqv iirifiaXXeLV ovk elcodacn 8e eVtjSaAXetj/. XetpoTovovai Se /cat Ta^[ia]pxovs 8eKa, eva rrjs strategi of Piraeus ; but it does not seem possible to make anything else of the MS. It may, however, be suggested that the word is a corruption of (juAaKfjs. enl Tas crvufioplas : this officer is mentioned in one of the documents collected by Boeckh in his Urkunden iiber das Seewesen des Attis- chen Staates, xiv a. 215, p. 465, ra a-Tparrj-ym TM eVl Tas (rvfifiopias ^prj/iipa. Toiis S' aWovs : from the decrees in Demosthenes already quoted (De Cor. pp. 238, 265) Boeckh and Schomann gather that one of the strategi was known as 6 tVi t^s SioiKijo-eas. The officer there spoken of is not, however, actually called oTpari/yor, and as Aristotle does not mention him here it may be concluded that, if the decrees are genuine, the Ta/iias rrjs SioiKrja-eas is spoken of, and not one of the strategi. ernxftpoTovia b'airav io-ri k.tX. : cf. Pollux, VIII. 87, where he includes among the duties of the archons a-Tparrj-yovs p^eipoToveij' e'^ iiravTcov Kal Kaff CKaaTTjv irpvTaveiav ewepmTav el SoKi'i. xaXZs apx^i-v eKaa-ros' to!/ &' anoxeipoTovrjBevTa Kpivovtri. oKa : MS. aXXtot, corrected apparently from aXXot. icqpv^ai : if this is the right reading (and it does not seem possible to read anything else), it must apparently mean that the general could publicly proclaim the name of any person misbehaving on military service. We can hardly suppose that he had an autocratic power of selling into slavery, which is another possible meaning of the word ; moreover the position in which it stands suggests that it was an intermediate penalty between placing under arrest and the rarely used infliction of a fine. 152 APISTOTEAOTS ^vXrjs eKaa-TTjs' ovtos S" TjyeiTai twv (f)vXeTav Kai Xo)(ayov9 KadiaW^'qcrLV. ^(eipoTovova-L 8e Kat iinrap- \ovs Bvo ef arravTcov ovtol 5' 'Qyovurai rcav vmreaiv, 5ieAo/A[et'ot] ras (f)vXas e eKorepos' Kvpioi 8e tcov avT&u oavirep elcTLv ot (TTpaTrjyoi Kara twu ottXl^twv. iin.\€ipo\Tovia 8e yiverai tovtcov. •)(eLpoTovovaL 8e Kol (j>vXdpxov9, eva ttjs ^vXrjs, top -qy^rjaojiJievo^yj {rav LTTTrecovy axnrep ol Ta^iap-)(OL t&v ottXlt&v. ■)(€ipoTovov(ri 8e kol ety Arjp.vou hnrap-^ov, os em- //.[eXjetrai tSuv hnrecov rSsv iv h.r)p,vw. ^eipoTOvovai Se Kou rafiiav ttjs TlapaXov kcu aXXov r^y \tov "A^fxpxovos. Inirdpxovs : Harpocration quotes the 'Kdtjvalav TroKirela for the number of these officers, and Photius says dvo rjaav oJ t&v IniTiaiv fjyovvTO dieXofievot ras (j)v\as eKarepos ava . Trevre. f 7rifieXi;ral fie eicri tSiv iTTiriav, Kaddirep oi ra^lapxoi Sexa o'lrts, €1? d(^' cfcatrTijs s ApiaToreXTjs ev Tjj 'Adrivattou irokiTiia t^rjcrl (Rose, Frag. 392). tSv Imreav : it seems necessary to insert these words to complete the sense of the passage ; and the insertion is confirmed by Pollux (VIII. 94), ol Be (fivKapxoi SeKa, els Atto t^s ^vXrjs e/cdoTi)r, rSav Imtetav Trpoiorairat, KaBdnep ol ra^iapxot ray OTrXtTwv. els Afjfivov liTirapxov : cf. Hyperides {pro Lye. pp. 4, 5, ed. Babington), vp,e'is yap ep,e . . irparov fiev cjivXapxov exeiporovrjcraTe, eveiTa els Arjiivov iimapxov, Kai rjp^a pev avToBi Sv eTt] rav irimod' iimapx^Kdrav povos. Cf. also Demosthenes {Phil. I. p. 47)) °^ ^'^ Z*^" Aj\pvov tov wap' vpS>u 'vnirapxov belv TrKelv. Mr. Babington misunderstood the passage in Hyperides as meaning that one of the two hipparchs mentioned above was sent to Lemnos. rapiav rrjs UapaKov k.t.\. : Harpocration {s.v. rapias), after mention- A©HNAIi2N nOAITEIA. 153 62. Ai 8e KXrjpcoTai a[/)^]ai vporepov {xev rjaav ai jxfu ixeT iuvea ap^ovrmv eT/cl Trjs (l>vXrJ9 oXr]s KXr/pov/xevai, ai 8' iv Qrjcreia) KXr/povfievai SirjpovvTO ing the rafiiai Trjs 6eov and quoting Aristotle's 'ABrjvaiiov TroXirela as his authority, adds eiVl 8e rives koI t5>v UpS>v Tpirjpmv Tafilai, i>s 6 airos (/xXoo-o^ds (j>r](nv. The Lex. rhet. Cantabrig. (p. 675, 28) s. v. ndpaXos KOi SaKafuvia says ravras ras Tpir]peis eixov dia iravTos npos ras ineiyovcras vnrjpea-ias, iv TOVTOVS 8' els Tovs 8r]fi6Tas a7ro8i86aopov(n 8e k.t.\. : one would certainly expect the first item of pay to be that of the ecclesiastae, which would naturally be combined with that for service in the law-courts and in the Council. But the amount named is much more than we ever hear of elsewhere as having been paid for attendance at the assembly. Aristotle has already (ch. 41) mentioned the institution of pay for this service and its extension from one to three obols, but without any sign of its having ever been increased beyond that sum. That was unquestionably its amount at the date of the Ecdesiazusae of Aristophanes (392 B.C.), and there is no sign in any of the grammarians of a later increase. The only other pay in connexion with the ecdesia was that of the TTrjpta rpeis o^oXois : the institution by Pericles of pay for services in the law-courts is mentioned in ch. 27, but the amount is not named. There is a quotation of Aristotle by a scholiast on Aristophanes ( Wasps 684) which may be partly referred to the present passage : rovs rpels ojSoXous" toi* v ivvia dpxovrav Kal tS>v TrpvTaveav oi &v &(tiv, tovtovs Se (pepfiv rpels d/3oXour eKauTov T^s r)p,epas. This clearly shows that up to that time both the magistrates named and others who are not named received pay. Finally there is the present passage, which, though mutilated, seems to indicate that the pay of the archons was four obols a day ; and this agrees well enough with the passage in ch. 29, since it is not un- natural that when all other officers were being deprived of their remuneration those who still received it should have it reduced. At what date pay was introduced for these magistracies we cannot say, except that it must have been between about 470 B.C. and 411 B.C.; nor can we say whether this rule applied to all magistrates, and, if not, to which of them. It seems more than probable, however, that it applied to the archons. KTjpvKa Koi avKrjTrjv : a KTjpv^ ra ap\ovTi and an av\r)Tfis are mentioned side by side in two inscriptions (C /. G. 181, 182), and it is probable that these are the officials here referred to. apxav els 2a\apii>a : this is the officer mentioned in ch. 54. SemvoviTi : MS. Smpovan. A0HNAII2N nOAITEIA. 157 63. Ta fie biKaarripia ^jc^rj^pova-Lv^ ol d ap- [xo]z/rey Kara 0i;Aay, 6 fie ypafXfxaTevs tS>v Q^crp-o- \6eTa)v r^y] BeKaTrjs (jivXrjs. elaoSoi fie' elaiv eiy to. diKa(r[TTQJpia 8eKa, p.ia rfj (pvXfj eKoicrTrj, /cat KXrj^pco- Trjpia\ €LKO(ri, fi[uo v^yj 0j;A^y eKaaTr^s, /cat Ki^coria iKarov, 8eKa ry ^vXfj iKaarr}, /cat erepa KL^cori^a fie/ca, oiy eJjti^aAAerat tcop Xa^ovrcov fit/cafcrlroji' ra TT^ivaJKLa' /cat vSplai 8vo /cat ^aKTijplai TrapaTiOevTai Kara ttjv e^laoSovj eKaanqv oaonrep ol fit/cafcrlrat, /cat j3aXavot els ttju vSpiav ipL^aXXovTai 'la-ai rals ^aKTTjplais, \y\iypaTrTaL fie ev raiy ^aXdvois [ra] aTOi.-)(eta otto tov ivSeKUTOV, rov A, oaairep iav 63. To 8e : MS. TO 8e TO. A detailed account of the procedure in the law-courts begins here, but unfortunately the greater part of it is lost, or exists only in such a state that it is hopeless to decipher the remains into a connected narrative. We have here the description of the first part of the procedure in the assignment of the jurors to the several courts, and the fragments which remain of the rest of the treatise show that the same detailed scale was preserved throughout this part of the work. Some points in the description are not quite clear, but the general outline is already known from the scattered statements of orators and grammarians. The subject is fully treated of by Meier {Atiische Process, II. l), and from him in the various dictionaries of antiquities, so that it is not necessary to describe it at length here. jSafCTijpiai : MS. ^aKnjpta. StTOtirep : MS. ovs oavep. iCT-ai : in the MS. a €LXovcnv Tw 8r)fio(ria> ^ aTifioi eXcrtV eau 8e tls 8i.Kd^r) ols firj e^ecTTLV, evSeiKwrat Kara to 8iKa(r- TrjpLov elirayyeXi^a^, iav 5' aXm Trpoa-Tip^axTLv avry^ ol 8LKaaTCU o tl av 8oKy a^ios eivai Trade^uj rj oLTTorlcraL. iau 8e apyvpiov Ti/JLrjB^ 5et avrov 8e- Se^adaij ecos av eKTiarj to re irpoTepov o^X'qf^a e]^' ca iv€8ei)(d7] k tco ypap^pLoi^TL. eTreiSav Be 6 deap-odeTr]? iTriKX-qpaxry TO. yjo[a/Aj/iara a bet irpoa-irapayiveadaL toIs SiKacr- mvaKiov : there is a lacuna before this word sufficient to contain two letters, but it does not appear that anything is wanting to complete the sense. If anything was written it was probably struck out. vevcfirjin-ai yap Kara (fivXas SeKa /leprj k.t.\. : this does not mean that each group consisted of members of a single tribe, which is inconsistent with all the evidence we have on the subject and is disproved by the existing irivaKia or dicast's tickets, of which a considerable number have been found in recent years, and on which members of different tribes appear as belonging to the same group. The meaning is, on the contrary, that each group contained, roughly speaking, an equal number of representatives from each of the ten tribes. TO "kaxov. the MS. breaks off here with all the appearance of having reached the conclusion of the work, as it is neither the end of a column nor the end of a lipe, and a slight flourish is made below the last words. But clearly the author is only in the middle of his subject, and there are moreover several fragments (Nos. 423-426) which obviously belong to this description of the procedure of the Sixao-Tijpia. The rest of the work was evidently written on a portion of papyrus of which several fragments remain, but unfortunately in a condition which makes continuous decipherment hopeless. They are written in the 'third hand' of the MS., which explains why the text breaks off here in the middle of a column. The writer of the ' fourth hand ' left off transcribing at this point, and when his colleague or servant took it up he began a fresh column. Moreover it is clear, from an inspection of the writing on the recto of these fragments, that he began a fresh piece of papyrus. The writing on the recto of the piece which ends here contains the accounts of the end of Pharmouthi and the greater part of Pachon for the eleventh year of Vespasian ; while the accounts on the recto of the fragments belong to the end of Phamenoth and the greater part of Pharmouthi (both the beginning and the end remain, but the middle is lost and the whole mutilated) of the tenth year. It is therefore clear that an earlier portion of the same collection of accounts was taken in order to receive on its verso the conclusion of Aristotle's work. Enough is legible to show that these fragments i6o APISTOTEAOTS TrjpioLS, iTTedfjKe (j)€pa)j/ 6 vTrrjperrjs e(j) eKaarT[ov diKJaaTrjpLOv to ypdppM to Xa^ov. are a continuation of this part of the text, and to identify all but one of the quotations referred to above as belonging to this part of the work. The text is subjoined so far as it is legible ; but it will be seen that, with the exception of the concluding sentences of the work and those places where the extant quotations assist us, it is impossible to restore it to a state of continuity without an unjustifiable use of conjectural emendation. A©HNAIi2N nOAITEIA. i6i FRAGMENTS. •^^f [Col. 31.] ypov[vTo] .... [KJaff eKaaTTjv Tri\y 0u] Xrfv iTnye^ypafifjLevas] eV avTwv to. (ttol Xeia fiexpt .... [eVjeiSai/ 8' i/jL^dXa)(rLi> tS> V hiKa(TT\5iv TO. TTivaKJia els to Ki^coTifov] €0' ov . . 7) ^yeypajixfj.euov to ypap\ji(x\ TO avTo b eVp tS TrjivaKLcp eaTlv a . . Tav crTOi)([^^(ovj . . aeicravTos tov yfTr?;] peTov eA[/cet 6 decrpo^OeT-qs i^ eKacTTOv TOV KL^coyrLov TnvaJKiop eu. ovtos 8e KuXei ..€,... vs KOLL ipiryyvva-t TO, TTlVaKia . . . ^Tojv KlficOTlOV els TTjV KavoviBa . . . [ro ajvTO ypdppa eirecrTiu 31. ^ Se : this is the first word visible on the fragments which now represent what was originally the last roll of the MS. A few letters remaining to the left of this column show that at least one column has been lost from its beginning. Then follow two columns of which there are considerable remains, two which are almost entirely lost or illegible, and two which contain the conclusion of the work, the last one (which consists of only eight lines of writing) being alone in good condition. It seems useless to divide this very fragmentary text into chapters, especially as it is all concerned with one subject, and the numbers of the columns afford sufficient means of reference. ifi^oKaxTiv : so, apparently, as a correction of ^Xafima-iv. Kavoviha : corrected from Kavaviha, and so again below, Kavovides, M i6a APISTOTEAOTS owep eVi Tov .... ovtos tva firj del 6 avTOS iijL7r[r)yvvTrjs cbuj KaKOvpyy. elal Se KavoulSes [ejv eKacTTCo rmv kXt] pcoTTjpmv .... [ejp^dXr) tovs kv^ovs 6 apycov rrjv ^vXtju ^KJXrjpcoTT^piov. elal Se Kv^oi . . . [/xeJAaj'ey Kal XevKol, ocrovs 8' av 5e[ij eKaaTOTe^ ^iKaards, Toaov TOVS e^aXXov .... /cat Kara irevre TTivaKia els . . . [/ieAJaz/cy tov avTou Tpo TTOV. eireiSdv 8e . . . tovs kv^ovs KoXel TOVS elXij^oTas 6 ^vTrrjpeTijs^. virdp^ei 8e Kol 6 ifi irrjyvvTrjs els ... 6 8e KXrjdels kol e/c Trjs v8pLas Koi . p . e^as avTri^v] . . . wv to ypdp.pa 5[ei] KvvcTLV 7rpcoT[ov pev\ . . T<^ dpxovTL TCO e\(f\e(T TTjKOTL, 6 8e V 'i8r) epfiaXXei to TTtVOLKLOV ^K^L^mTLOV OTTOV . ev yfp^e, eireiTa . . . ov to uvtov (TTOi)(ei ov oirep ev Ty ^aX^dvaj . . els olov av Xdxy ela-eir] koX pr/ elcr . . . av ^ovXt/jtul p,i]8els j7 avvayayelv , . . SiKacTTrjpiov ovs av ^ovXrjTai tis . . . rat fie r^ ap^ovTi kl jQwrta oar' av . . ^pjeXXy to. 8LKa(TTrjpLa irX-qpcoOrjaeaOaL . . vtus OTOL')(elov e Kaa-Tov oirep a . . tov 8iKa(rTT]pL0V eKatr [Col. 32.] [tov'\ . eix ^v^TrrjpeTr] et Toiis Kv^ovs : added above the line. OTTOV : before this word on has been written, but it is struck out. elueiij : qu. for ela^ei ? AGHNAmN nOAITEIA. 163 oy 6 8e V7rrjp[€Trii\ . . . [t^v fiaK]TT}pia[u rrjv'j [ojfioxptov Tcp e/ca[(rrov] . . oirep h Tj) fiaXavm koL avrm . . . . eXdeiv els iav to, . . erepov ei • • iJjVS fiaKTTjpias. [roty yap 8iKaaTT]pjiocs XP^ [/A]a[r]a iTnyeypaTrrlai i(j)' e/cao-rra] eVi tS o-(pr] \_KJLH^ is read instead of p^paifiaTa, and a lacuna is indicated between it and imyeypaiTTai, which Dindorf fills up with a whole clause; but according to this MS. nothing can be lost except the syllable to, and even that is not absolutely certain. M a 1 64 APIST0TEA0T2 Bcoai T . . . 00V 5e iravra . . . Kara SiKacrTrjpia rp . . ev tco v 5tKa(rr^/)[t]o[v] . . . . la koL x eiu €iT €7n ra /cat erepoi Kv^fioji iu oI[y] . . . av dp . . v t . Tw e . . . ^ . . era . . . to . . tS>v [^etr/ioj Oerav tovs /ci;[/3ouy] ISaXXovcriv 6 irevr [Si/cacr] T-qpiov 6 Be rmv dp^xouTcovj . . 8av . . . TT) a . . . dp-)(a>v . . . Krjpv [Col. 33.] ["aj/a^wj/ T . evrep . , e/xia . . at au Xa . . . H . cos K . rat ^ a/OX'7 [5tKa] ^^Ma'- • • • ttTTo r^ y ... (4) . . [ro]vy . . 8as . . . 18lovs (2) " ■ ' . . . crTr]p . . . . . (OV T CO V . . A . . . . . . rey . . . . . 5e raS . . . . . fir)T€ ... ■ • • fi'OX • • • . . . overt re . . . . . xowy • • • . . y Set . Tov . . . rouy . . . . . . V 81K . . . . . . . OV TOLS ep . . iirraxovs 8e . . cov Koi 8l-)(0VS . . 8l)(^ovs i^d^ovs . . epov . . . (TOV . . . cos eirikafi^dveL 34. A few detached fragments are given here which belong either to this column or to those which immediately precede and AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 167 fO""" av [Col. 35.] 5e5e eij/ ^^^ evrjv fxev Ta V Tpi€ . . . [■\//'^0oi 8e elo-t x^^f"'] auAt'o- Kov [expva-aL iv r^ /J-eaa, at fieu TJ^ixia-eiaL re Tpv^TrrjfievaL at 8e rjixia-eLai irXrjpeis. oi] 5e Aa Xovres [eVt ray ylri^^ovs, iTreidav eiprj/Mejvot maiv [ol Xoyoi, TrapaSiSoacnv ^Kaarm tJcbj/ SiKaa-T^atv 8vo ■^rjcftovs, TeTpvTrr/fievTjji' kou irXrjpr], ^avepas bpav tols olvtiSlkols f\va fi-q T€ TrXrjyjeis fi-Qve TerpvTrijfjLevas dfi^oJTepas Xaixfi^dvcoa-Lvj [A]a;(tB . . mroXa ^#ir follow it. The size of this portion of the papyrus is estimated from the writing which is on the other side of it, from which it may be gathered that not more than one column is required between that which has just been given and that which follows as col. 35. The first fragment consists of the beginnings of lines, and must therefore belong to either col. 34 or col. 35. The two next contain the middles of lines, and may therefore be placed anywhere in columns 33-35. Then is given the fragment containing the bottom of col. 34, which is on one piece of papyrus with the left-hand bottom comer of col. 35. 35. The remains of this column consist of a strip containing the ends of the lines throughout, but in such a condition as to be practically undecipherable, and of another piece which contains the beginnings of the lines at the bottom of the column. In the latter it is possible to identify one of the extant quotations of Aristotle's work (Rose, Frag. 424), and the passage is accordingly reconstructed. The quotation occurs in Harpocration, s.v. TeTpvTrrnjicvr], and it is prefaced by the words, 'ApKTTOTeXrjs iv 'Adr/vmav iroKireia ypd(j}ei ravTi. The only variation in the text is the addition of afii^onpas at the end of the quotation, which is a distinct improvement. 1 68 APISTOTEAOTS [Col. 36.] . . Tov y airoSiS . . . [yjap y Xa t/^r^^i . . 7rdvT€s ol . , pas tl Xa opov . iav fir] \lrr](f)i^'ijTai els . . ap,(f)opels [8vo ta-TJavTat. eV t^ SiKaa-TTjpia, 6 fieu ^a'jXKOVs [6 8e ^vjXivos, Siaiperoi [oJttw^ [7r]aj'[rey] . . . VTrq aXXcou . . ely ovs yl/r](j)i^ovTai [e0'] eKaara, 6 p-ev [xaA/coOJy Kvpios, 6 8e ^vXivos aKvpos, exe[t 5' 6j \kovs iyriOripa Siepp^ivrjjpevov oxtt av^TJriv ^povTjjv ■)(TOv hy ela-Ka Xavrai ol dvTtStKoi rds paprvpias' [rajy yap . . i'jna'Ki^yjraa'dai ra . . ^TrjdvT d^vayjpa'^ . . dai. ejreLTa irdXiv [6 Krjpv^ /(97/3]i;7-r[et], rj re [rpvTrrjjpevTj tov 7rp[oJT€po^v XeyovTos^ i? [pej irXr] \pr]s. To\v v rerpxmrifjLevrjv Koi aTpinrjTov, Kal KaSov if Kr/pos cVficfiTO 81' oJ KaBUro r/ ^rjtj^os' aSBis 8e bvo dp(j>opeU, 6 ph p^aXxoCr, d he ^iXivos, 6 pev Kvpios, 6 8e aKvpos' ra 8e XoKk^ iirrjv inidrjfia pla ylfrjtfia xo>pav e\ov (Rose, Frag, 426). AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. 169 . fxev 01 . TO T€Tpv7rr]iJi,e[y]ov . TrX^pes fiaXXet Trjv . . ev . . eiy . OVV a fJL . , TT] . . . po . . €IS . vov irXa cf . fievoL Xa^€Lv ras vTr\r}peT . . a])Li0o/)ea tov Kvpiov . . cos . . . ava . 7rr)p,aTa . . . ra aiprj . avra cua $p.oi • e/c VP • V ^V^ . TL 8 ovs [et]A.77 [xoray] 8ia . . ras . . . fov a . . a . is fjL€ . . . eis X ^f ravT e p.ev . . av . . pe . . K . . tov (ov T(ov ^rj(j)eai' tov jxev Sia> [^KOujTos Tas T€Tpv7n]p-evas, tov 8e (jifevyovTOsJ [rajs irXrjpeLS' biroTipa 5' [av TrXelco yjevr] [rat ovJTOs vlko.. av 5e [tVai, a7ro0ei;yei. etVja ttcc Xiv Tip.S)(ri, av 8€ri Tip^rjaai, tov uvtov [Col. 37.] TpOTTOV ■^Tjijil^Op.eVOL, TO flCV (TVpL^oXoV dTro8t86vTes ^aKTrjplav 8e irdXiv irapaXap, Tav yffrjtfxov : this passage is quoted in the Lex. rhet. Cantabrig. p. 670, 30, s. v. i(Tm al ^TJ(j)oi avTav : iyevovro 8c 'laai ^jArj(|}ol, ws ' Api(TTOTe\rjs iv Tj 'Adrjuaiau TroXiTft'a" Kai rjirav tov fiiv BiaKOVTOs ai TiTpynrnievai, tov 8e cfyevyovTOS ai jrXfipeis' oiroTepca S' &v ttXcIovs yevcovTai, ovtos ivlna' ore 8' urai, 6 (jievyav dnecfivyev, as Koi QeoSeKTiyj iv Trj SaKparovs aTToXoyia (Rose, Frag-. 425). The words 6 cjjcvyav have dropped out of this MS., and, though the sense is clear without them, it would probably be better to restore them. VLKO : MS. VeiKO. 37. This column contains the final words of the treatise in good condition. It seems probable that this is actually the end of the work, though the fact of the writing breaking off in the middle of a column would not prove it, as that has already occurred in the cases of columns 24 and 30. But this time an elaborate flourish is executed, such as we I70 APISTOTEAOTS AQHNAmN nOAITEIA. fiduovTCS. rj 8e TifXTjals icrriv irpos rjfii^ovv S8aT09 eKarepcov. eTreiSav fie avrols j) 8e SiKoa-fieva ra e'/c twv vofjucov, anroXap, ^avovaiv tov /XLcrdov iv t^ fiepei ov eXaxov eKacTTOi.. find at the conclusion of other papyrus MSS., and the subject of the law-courts has been brought to completion. It is, no doubt, an abrupt ending, but it is not therefore uncharacteristic of Aristotle. TinSxn : MS. Tciiiaxri, and so again below, reiiMriaai, Teiiir]ais. APPENDIX. Fragments of the 'Mnvamv noXtreta previously KNOWN FROM QUOTATIONS IN OTHER AUTHORS ^ 343- Harpocration j.z;. 'Awo'AAcoywarpoior 6ni6ios. irpoa-riyopCa Tis eoTi Tov deov TtoXX&v Kal SWcoz; ow&v. tov 8e 'AwoWcoi-a KOLvSs Trarp&ov tijx&ctiv 'AOrjvaiot airb 'Icovor tovtov yap oUrja-avTos TrfV 'Attlktiv, w? ' Apia-TOTfkrjs ^Tjo-t, rovs 'AdrjvaCovs latvas KkriOrjvat koL AiroWco itarpaov avrois 6voiJ,a(T6rjvai,. Exc. Polit. Heradid. § i : 'Aertvaioi rb jxiv e£ apxrjs exp&VTo jSaaLXeCa, avvoiKT^a-avros be "loavos avrois, Tore iTp&TOv 'loaves eKkrid-qa-av. YlAvboiv (1. UavUutv) be ^acriXevtras jixera 'EpexOea bUveifie Trjv ap^Jiv tois vlois. kol biereXovv ovroi cTTaa-idCovTes. Frag. 343. This quotation is clearly from the opening of Aristotle's treatise, now lost. We know from the summary in ch. 41 that Aristotle took the establishment effected by Ion as the starting-point of the constitutional history of Athens, so that this passage probably occurred very near the beginning. The extract from the noAi«rai of Heraclides is given because that work was evidently a compilation from Aristotle (cf. note on ch. 18, mp' ov Kal avve0rj k.t.K.). The first part of it, as far as iK>J]9rjaav, is given by Rose in his 1870 edition under no. 343 ; the rest, with the continuation of it quoted below (Frag. 346), in his 1886 edition under no. 611. A passage added in this place by him from a scholiast on Aristophanes has already been quoted in the note on ch. 3, 'leura. ^ The quotation is given in ftill when the fragment does not occur in the MS. from which the present text is published. In other cases a reference is given to the chapter in which it is to be found. The numbers are, as before, those of the 1870 edition of Rose's collection, in the Berlin Academy edition of Aristotle. 173 APPENDIX. 344- PHnius, N. H., VII. 305 : Gyges Lydus picturam Aegypti (condere instituit) et in Graecia Euchir Daedali cognatus, ut Aristoteli placet, ut Theophrasto, Polygnotus Athe- niensis. 345- See ch. 60 and note on to IXaior. 346. Plutarch, Thes. 25: «ti 6e naWov av^rja-ai rrjv irokiv ^ovXojievos fKaXei irdvTas eitl Tois tcroiy, Koi to " bevp' ^re iravTes Xeo)" KTipvyiia &r)(Teu>syeviiJ,6povs nal brjixiovpyovs, fviraTpibais 8e yivv KaTokoyto fiovovs ' AOrjvaiovs bfjp,ov irpofrayopeva-as. Exc. Polit. Heraclid. § i : ©rjo-eiiy be enripv^e km (rvve^L" I3a(re rot/rouj Itt' tcrrj koi 6p,ola jxoipa. oSros eXOuiv eh "SiKvpov eTeXevTr)a-ev axrOeii Kara Trerprnv xrnb AvKop,7\bovs, (po^rjdivTOs IJ,r] (T^eTepio'TiTaL ttjv vrjcrov. 'AOrjvaioi be ijcrTepov Trepi to, MrjbiKCt ixeTSKopticrav ovtov to, oara. airb bi Kobpib&v ovKiTi ^aa-iXeis fjpovvTO bia Tb hoKelv TpvvXds, 6ir/petro eis yewpyovs Koi btjiJLLOvpyovs. kol (j)vka\ tovtcov rjcrav 8', t&v be (j)vX&v eKaarri fj-oCpas el^e y , hs (jiparpCas KOL TpiTTvas enaXow. tovtmv b' eKaiTTri orvveia-TriKeL eK TpiuKovra yev&v /cat yevos enacrTov avbpas ei^e TpiaKOVTa tovi els to, yivq TeTaypLevovs, oiTives yevvrJTM knaXovvTo, S>v al leponruvai e/cdo-rots work, and he evidently had it before him here, as he proceeds to mention him by name. In all probability the division of the people into Eupatridae, Geomori, and Demiurgi, with the description of their respective positions, may be ascribed to Aristotle's authority, in addition to the phrase which is actually quoted from him. In the summary in ch. 41 the rule of Theseus is taken to mark the first modification of the constitution in the direction of popular government. Only the first sentence of the extract from Heraclides is given in Rose's 1870 edition. Hippomenes was the fourth of the decennial archons and the last of the descendants of Codrus who governed Athens, his period of rule ending in 722 B.C. Frag. 347. The passage quoted by these various authors evidently comes from Aristotle's description of the constitution under Theseus, to whom was ascribed the division of the people into Eupatridae, Geomori, and Demiurgi. It is noticeable that alike in the scholiast to Plato, Moeris, and the Lexicon Demosthenicum the name of the Eupatridae is omitted, clearly pointing to a community of origin, which may have been either the text of Aristotle himself or of some compiler from himi. The Lexicon Demosthenicum appears to contain the fullest citation from Aristotle. The comparison of the numbers of the paTpiav rpidKOvra yivrj ^MKeKOcrp/qcrQai, Kaddirep at ■qjxepai els top jxrjva, to be yevos eXvai TptaKovra avbp&v. Harpocration s. v. Tpvrris : rpurrus kcni ro rpCrov fjJpos rrjs (t)v\rjs' avT-q yap bifjprjrai els rpla pAprf, rpirrvs Koi edvT] KM (^parplas, &s (jjricnv ' ApLtrrorikrjs ev rfj 'Adr]vaLa)V noXurelq. 348. Servius ad Vergil. Georg. I. 19, uncique puer monstrator aratri : . . . vel Epimenides (significatur) qui postea Buzyges dictus est secundum Aristotelem. Lex. rhet. Seg. p. aai, 8 s.v. BovCvyCa: yivos n ' kOriv7)(Tiv, lep<£icruvr)v rivcL exov 'SovQuyr]s yap ris r&v ■^pcawv irp&TOs l3ovs C^i^as rriv yijv rjpoa-e Kal els yempylav eiriTjjSetoz' e-noCrjcrev, a(ji oS yevos Kakelrai BovCvyCa. 349- See ch. 8 and note on ai. 383- See ch. ^6 and note on els baTrjT&v atpecriv. 384- See ch. 56 and note on airov. 385. See ch. 57 and notes on AiovvcrCoov and ypa<^aL 386. See ch. ^'] and note on 6 8e ^acnkevs. 387. See ch. 58 and note on 6 8e TroXepLapxos. Frag. 376. As the word TpiTowarap does not occnr in the 0eaixo$(Twi> dva/rpia-is, to which Rose no doubt imagined it to belong, there is no reason to suppose that it is taken from the 'AStjvaltmi itoXneia at all. N 178 APPENDIX. 388. See ch. 58 and note on avros 8' da-dyei. 389- See ch. 56 and note on kafx^avovn. 390- See ch. 61 and note on aTpaTrjyovs. 391- See ch; 6r and note on iTrTrapxovs. 392- See ch. 61 and note on (f)vkAp\ovs. 393- See ch. 43 and note on irpvTavevei. 394- See ch. 43 and note on crwdyova-Lv. 395- See ch. 43 and notes on avvdyovcnv and upoypd^ovcn. 396- See ch. 43 and note on 'i:poypdov(n. 397- See ch. 44 and note on eTrtardr?]?. 398. See ch. 44 and note on irpoebpovs. 399- See ch. 54 and notes on ypai^ixaria and ewl tovs vojxovs. 400. See ch. 48 and note on irapaXa^ovrfs. 401. See ch. 47 and note on itwXriTal. APPENDIX. 179 402. See ch. 47 and note on -napaXaix^dvova-i, and ch. 61 and note on Ta^iiav t?js Ylap&Xov. 403- See ch. 61 and note on rajxiav rrjs UapdKov. 404. See ch. 54 and note on Uponoiovs. 405. See ch. 48 and note on evdvvovs. 406. See ch. 54 and note on Xoyiards: 407. See ch. 54 and note on koyia-Tas. 408. See ch. 50 and note on da-rvvoixoi.. 409. See ch. 51 and note on ayopavoixoi. 410. See ch. 51 and note on l/xwoptov ewtjaeX?jras. 411. See ch. 51 and note on (nTO(f>v\aKes. 412. See ch. 51 and note on ixerpovoixoi. 413-^ See ch. 53 and note on rerrapaKovTa. 414. See ch. ^^ and note on rots Statrijraty. N a i8o APPENDIX. 415- See ch. 5;^ and note on ex^vovs. 416. Pollux, VIII. 62 : e^eo-ts 8^ ecrriv orav tis uttc) 8iatTrjr5i' 17 apxpvTMV ri br\iioTS)V ewi Sikoot^v e^^, 17 a-no ^ovXfjs fin S^/xor, ^ a-KO briixov em biKacrT-qpiov, ri cltto bLKaivm. 420. See Fragments, col. 33, and note on rois yap biKaa-T-qpCoi-s. 421. See ch. 62 and note on to, biKaa-r-qpia. 422. See note on ch. 38, rrjy biui^okCav, 423- Harpocration s. v. Sta/nefteTprjjoteVjj fjixepa : ixirpov ti e(7rti> i'Saros Trpos iJ.eiJi,eTprip,ivov fjnepas bidarrnxa piov. kp.eTpv.ro be Frag. 416. If this citation is from the 'ABrjvaiwv TroXireia, which is in itself probable enough, it presumably comes from the discussion on legal procedure, which is imperfect in the MS. Frag. 423. This passage no doubt belongs to one of the more mutilated columns containing the description of the procedure in the law-courts. APPENDIX. i8i r(5 ITotreiSecSi't /xijiii. irpos Stj toCto jjycovi^ofTo oi ixeyia-roi xal ■77ept Twi) jxeyLo-Taiv &yS>ves. StevejueTO 8e eJs rpta jxepr] to vbuip, rb fjiev T<5 Stu/coi'ri, to 6e tu ^evyovri, to 8e rpirov toIs 6iK(i^o»;o-i. Taiira 8e (Ta(f>4(rTaTa avrol ol p-qropes SeSijAtoKacrti' . . . 'Apioro- TeA.Tjs 8' ev rrj 'A6r]vaCa)V TroAtreta 8i6a(r(cei wept tovtwv. 424. See Fragments, col. 35, and note. 425- See Fragments, col. 36, and note on t&v yjrrjcfxav. 426. See Fragments, col. 36, and note on aiJ.(j)opeis. - 427- See ch. 42 and note on bia\}/r)(f>iCovTai.. 428. See ch. 4a and note on eKxA-Tjo-tay. 429. See ch. 5s ^"^ note on bvo be nal reTTapaKOvra. 430. See ch. 49 and note on tovs abwdrovs. 431- See ch. 56 and note on 8eT yap. In the latest edition of Rose (1886) two additional passages are cited, viz. : — 413 (1886). See ch. 3 and notes on wKijo-az^ and Kvpioi 8' wav. 429 (1886). See ch. 5 a and note on ojxoXoySxn. INDEX. ACASTUS, kingof Athensjsuccessor of Medon, 6. 'ASvvciToi, supported by the state, 124. Aegospotami, battle of, 92. Agoranomi, 126. "AypniKoi, early division of the Athenian people, 34. Agyrrhius, establishes pay for attendance at Ecclesia, 107. Raises it to three obols, ii. Alcmaeonidae, expelled from Athens for the Cylonian sacri- lege, I. Leaders of exiles against Pisistratidae, 49 ff. Alexias, archon, 405 B. c, 92. Ammonias, sacred trireme, rafilas of, 152. Amnesty after expulsion of the Thirty and the Ten, loi. En- forced, 103. 'AficpiKTvoves els A,fj\ov, 1 56. Anacreon, invited to Athens by Hipparchus, 46. Anchimolus, of Sparta, killed in unsuccessful attempt to expel Pisistratidae, 51. 'AvTiSoa-is, 141. Antidotus, archon, 45 1 B. C, 74. 'AvTiypaevs, clerk to the Council, 135 and note. Antiphon, leader of the Four Hundred, 88. Anytus, loses Pylus, 76. Bribes the dicasts, id. One of the leaders of the moderate party after the fall of Athens, 93. ' AiToSeKTai, 121, 129. Archestratus, author of laws re- specting the council of Areo- pagus, 94. Archinus, of Ambracia, Cypselid, first husband of Pisistratus' second wife, 46. Archinus, one of the leaders of the moderate party after the fall of Athens, 93. Prevents large secession on re-establish- ment of the democracy, 102. Opposes extension of citizen- ship to all who assisted in return of the exiles, 103. Enforces amnesty, ti. ' ApxiTiKToves, for ship-building, 118. Archon ^aa-iKeis, see King-archon. Archon eponymus, origin of, 6. Residence, 7. Duties, 140 ff. Archons, the nine, origin of, 4 ff. Residences, 7. Election under pre-Draconian constitution, 9, 22 ; under Draconian constitu- tion, 10 ; under Solonian con- stitution, 21 f. ; under Cleisthe- nean constitution, 59, note. Election by lot finally estab- lished, 59 f. Zeugitae made eligible, 73. Examination and duties, 137 ff. Oath on taking office, 6, 17, 139. Pay, 155. , secretary to, 138. Areopagus, Council of, under pre- Draconian constitution, 8, «2 ; under Draconian constitution, 13 ; under Solonian constitu- tion, 24. Revival of power after Persian wars, 65 ; its supre- macy at this time the sixth i84 INDEX. change in Athenian consti- tution, 105. Overthrown by Ephialtes, 69 ff. Tries cases of intentional homicide and arson, 144. Arginusae, battle of, 91. Trial of the generals commanding there, ib. Argos, assists Pisistratus to recover tyranny, 46. Its alliance with Athens a cause of jealousy to Sparta, 51. Aristaichmes, archon, circ. 621 B. c, 9. Aristides, ostracised, 64. Recalled, ib, TrpoaTaTrjs rov dq/xoVj 66. Assists in building walls of Athens, ib. Makes confederacy with lonians, ib. Counsels people to congregate in Athens and assume control of politics, 67. His reforms the seventh change in Athenian constitu- tion, 105. Aristion, proposes bodyguard for Pisistratus, 38. Aristocrates, assists to overthrow the Four Hundred, 90. Aristodicus, of Tanagra, murderer of Ephialtes, 72. Aristogeiton, conspiracy against the Pisistratidae, 47 ff. Executed with torture, 48. Aristomachus, presides at Ec- clesia which establishes the Four Hundred, 88. Asclepius, festival of, 14 1. 'AcTTUi'dfioi, 124. 'AffKoderm, 148. Maintained in Prytaneum during the Pana- thenaea, 156. BouXij, see Council. Boufuyia, priestly family in primi- tive Athens, 174. Brauronia, festival of, 137. Callias, archon, 412 B.C., 88. Callias, archon, 406 B. c, 91. Callibius, harmost of Spartan garrison in Athens, 98. Assists the Ten to establish reign of terror, 99. Callicrates, increases amount of the fitu^oXiu, 78. Executed, 79. Cavalry, inspection of, by the Council, 122. Cedon, leader of attack on Pisis- tratidae, 53. Scolion on, ib. Cephisophon, archon, 329 B.C., 137- XeiporoyjjToi apx^i, date of entry into office, no. Choregi, appointed by the archon, 140. Cimon, son of Miltiades, leader of aristocratical party, 72, 77. Munificence of, 75. Cineas, of Thessaly, assists Pisis- tratidae against Spartan inva- sions, 51. Citizenship, qualification for, 74, 107. Examination of candid- ates, 108. Cleisthenes, Alcmaeonid, party leader, 52. Expelled by Spar- tans, ib. Restored, 53. Consti- tution of, 53 ff. His reforms the fifth change in Athenian consti- tution, 105. Cleitophon, motion on institution of the Four Hundred, 81. One of the leaders of the moderate party after the fall of Athens, 93- Cleomenes, king of Sparta, expels Pisistratidae, 49, 51. Restores Isagoras, 52. Besieged in acro- polis and capitulates, 53. Cleon, irpocrTaTTis rov Stj/iov, yy. Cleophon, TvpovTorr^s tov drjfjiov, 78. Institutes 8itn|3oXia, ib. Opposes peace with Sparta after Arginusae, 92. Executed, 79- Colacretae, 19. Comeas, archon, 560 B.C., 38. Comedy, choregi appointed for, 140. Conon, archon, 462 B.C., 69. Corn-laws, 127. Council, of Four Hundred, under Draconian constitution, 11 ; under Solonian constitution, 24. , of Five Hundred, instituted by Cleisthenes, 54. Elected by lot, 1 10. Liability to corrup- tion, 106, 123. Summary juris- diction of, 117. Appeals from INDEX. 185 its jurisdiction, 117 f. Reviews business to be submitted to Ecclesia, 118. Superintends ship-building, ib. ; also public buildings, 119. Miscellaneous duties in conjunction with var- ious magistrates, 119-124. Pay for service in, 155. Cylon, conspiracy of, I. Damasias, attempts to establish a tyranny, 33 f. Damonides, adviser of Pericles, 76. Ostracised, ib. Delos, festival at, 136, 141. Delphinium, court of, tries cases of justifiable homicide, 144. Demagogues, character of, 77 ff. Disastrous naval policy, 106. Demes, division of, among tribes in Cleisthenean constitution, 55. Arj/iiovpyoi, early division of Athe- nian people, 34. Democracy, re-establishment of, after the Four Hundred, the ninth change in Athenian con- stitution, 106. Its re-establish- ment after expulsion of the Thirty and the Ten, 100 ff.; the eleventh change in Athenian constitution, 106. Its subse- quent development, ib. AiaiTijTui, duties of, 129 ff. Aidxpiot, party-division in Attica, Aixao-Tai Kara Sij^ovf, instituted by Pisistratus, 43. Re-established, 74. Their duties, 129. AiKoarripia, mentioned under So- lonian constitution, 26. Pay for service in, instituted by Pericles, 75 ; its amount, 155. Sittings regulated by the thesmothetae, 146. Procedure in, 157 ff. Auo^oKia, instituted by Cleophon, 78. Increased by CaUicrates, ib. Dionysia, festival of, i4of. , at Salamis and Piraeus, 137. Diphilus, statue of, with inscrip- tion, 20. AoKt/iao-id, of the archons, 138 ff. Doors, legislation against their opening outwards, 125. Draco, constitution of, 9 ff. His laws abrogated by Solon, except those relating to murder, 16. His reforms the second change in Athenian constitution, 105. Dracontides, proposes establish- ment of the Thirty, 93. Ecclesia, in Draconian constitu- tion, 12. Payfor attendance at, established by Agyrrhius, 107; increased by Heracleides and Agyrrhius, ib. ; its final amount, 154 f. Number of meetings of, III. Business at each meeting, 112 f. Eetioneia, fortification of, by the Four Hundred, 97. Eiffaycoyetff, 1 28. Elections by lot, under Draconian constitution, 1 1 ; under Solo- nian constitution, 21 ; after 487 B.C., 59. Where held, 153 f. Eleusis, assigned as residence for the Thirty and their adherents, 100. The settlement there re- absorbed into Athenian com- munity, 104. Eleven, the, superintendents of prisons, 19, 127. "Efifirivoi SiKai, 1 28. 'E/wroptou eVi/ieXi;Tat, I27. Ephebi, enrolment of in the demes, 107 fif. Military service as TTfpi- TToAoi, 109. 'E<^eTai,judges in court of Phreatto, Ephialtes, npoa-TaTris tov Btjiiov, 69. Attack on the Areopagus, 69 ff. Murdered, 72. His re- forms part of the seventh change in Athenian constitution, 105. 'Emx^ipoTOuia, 151 f. 'ETTtfieXijTOi tS>v Aiovvaiav, l/^l. iimopiov, 127. rSiv p,vv, 1 43. Epimenides, of Crete, purifies Athens after Cylonian sacri- lege, 2. 'Eiria-KevatTToi UpS>v, 1 24. 'ETrio-TaTijy tSk irpoeSpav, 1 1 5. tSu/ irpvTdveiov, duties of, 1 1 3- 'Ewawiioi rav jjKiKiav, 1 30 ff. tZv (f)v\S>v, 57, 130. Erechtheus, king of Attica, 171. i86 INDEX. Eretria, iwirels of, assist Pisis- tratus to recover tyranny, 42. Sea-fight off, between Athe- nians and Spartans, 90. 'EreojSoi/TaSat, priestly family of, 174. Euboea, revolt of, 90. Eucleides, archon, 403 B.C., 100. Eumeleides, abolishes summary jurisdiction of the Council, 117. Eumolpidae, priestly family of, 100, 143, 174. Eupatridae,early division of Athe- nian people, 34. Ei/'^wa of outgoing magistrates, 133- Evdvvoi, 121 f. Festivals : — of Asclepius, 141 ; Brauronia, 137 ; Delian, 136, 141 ; Dionysia, 140 f.; Dionysia at Salamis and Piraeus, 137 ; Heracleia, 137; Lenaea, 143; Panathenaea, 136, 148 ; Pen- teteridesi36ff.; Thargelia, i4of. Five Thousand, body of, under constitution of the Four Hun- dred, 82, 83, 89. Govern- ment by, after overthrow of the Four Hundred, 90. Forty, the, see AiKoarai koto. Srifiovs. Four Hundred, government of, instituted, 80. Constitution of, 82 ff. Overthrown, 90. Their government the eighth change in Athenian constitution, 106. Tenrj, early subdivision of Athenian people, 173. VevvrJTaLj 173. Gorgilus, of Argos, father of Pisis- tratus' second wife, 46. VpaiifiaTe'ii, various classes of, I34f- rpafifiaTevs, 6 Kara npVTavelav, 1 34, tS}V SeafioOeTUiVf 1 38, Harmodius, conspiracy against thePisistratidae,47ff. Religious ceremonies in commemoration of, 146. Harpactides, archon, 511 B.C., 51, Hegesias, archon, 555 B.C., 39. Hegesistratus, son of Pisistratus, also named Thessalus, 46. His character, ti. Heiresses, under guardianship of the archon, 142. 'EKTrifiopoi, 3. 'EWi/cora/iiai, 84. Heracleia, festival of, 137. Heracleides, of Clazomenae, raises pay for attendance at Ecclesia to two oiols, 107. Hermoucreon, archon, 501 B.C., 57- Herodotus, referred to, 41. 'IfpoTTotoi, 84, 135. 'lepSiv eTruTKevacTTai, 1 24. Hipparch in command at Lemnos, 152. Hipparchi, under Draconian con- stitution, II. Date of election of, 116. Duties of, 152. Hipparchus, son of Charmus, first person ostracised, 59. Hipparchus, son of Pisistratus, associated with Hippias in the tyranny, 45. Invites Anacreon and Simonides to Athens, 46. Murdered, 48. 'limels, catalogue of, 123. Hippias, eldest son of Pisistratus, succeeds him in the tyranny, 45. Sole rule after murder of Hipparchus, 49. Expelled, 51. Hippomenes, decennial archon, last of the Codridae, 172. 'OSoTToioi, 133. Homicide, tried in various courts, 144 ff. Hypsichides, archon, 481 B.C., 64. Imbros, Athenian magistrates at, 156. Infirm paupers, supported by the state, 124. Inheritance, law of, altered by the Thirty, 94 f. Ion, first polemarch, 5 . His settle- ment of Attica the beginning of the Athenian constitution, 104, 171. lophon, son of Pisistratus, 46. Isagoras, son of Tisander, party leader, 52. Expelled, and re- stored by Spartans, ik Ex- INDEX. 187 pelled again, 53. Archon, 508 B.C., ib. KaTaXoycir t&v mTreav, 1 23. KijpvKer, priestly family of, 100, 143, 174- King-archon, origin of, 5. Resi- dence of, 7. Duties, 143 ff. Kpr/vaiv c7nfieKr]Trjs, elected by X^i-pOTOvia, no. Kvp^eis, Solon's laws inscribed on, 17- Law-courts, see Areopagus, Del- phinium, AiKaa-Trjpia, Palladium, Phreatto. Law-suits, various classes of: — aypa^iov, 1 47 ; abiKiov, 1 34 ; alKeias, 128 ; dvSpaTToSav, 1 28 ; OTTO tSv (TU/iiftJXtDi/, 147 ; airo- (TTatriov, 146; dirpocrracriov, 146; aa-e^eias, 143 ; 0ov\ev&€(os, 147 ; Sapo^fliias, I47 ; Sapaiv, I34, 147 ; ela-ayyAiai, 147 ; els Sarr)- tS>v aipea-iv, 142 ; els iviTptmris biabiKaaiav, 142 ; els eTrirpoirrjs Karda-Taa-w, 1 42; efi/irivoi, 128; ifiiropiKai, 1 47 ; iiriKkfjpov Kaxii- o-eas, 142 ; ipaviKai, I28 ; Upai- (Tvvris, 143 j xXriptov Koi irnKkripav, 142, 146 ; kKoittis, 133 ; K01VU>- viKai, 128 ; jiiTtiKKiKai, 147 ; fioixeias, 147 ; vecov KaKuxreas, 142 ; o'lKov 6p(j)avtKov KOKaxrecDs, 142 ; 6p6vov, 144 f.; ^ev8eyypa(jyrjs, 147 ; ■\jfev8oK\i]Telas, 1 47 ; \jfev8o- fiapTvpias, 147. Lemnos, an Athenian hipparch in command there, 152. Athenian magistrates at, 156. Lenaea, festival of, 143. Lipsydrion, defeat of Athenian exiles at, by Pisistratidae, 50. Scolion on, z'^. Aoyurrai, elected from the mem- bers of the Council, 121. Duties, 133- Lot, see Elections. Lycomedes, of Scyros, murderer of Theseus, 172. Lycurgus, leader of the Pediaci, 36. Lygdamis, of Naxos, assists Pisis- tratus, 42. Is made tyrant of Naxos, id. Lysander, of Sparta, establishes government of the Thirty, 92.' Lysicrates, archon, 453 B.C., 74. Lysimachus, condemned to death by the Council, 117, Market regulations, 126 f. Maroneia, mines of, 62. Medon, king of Athens, successor of Codrus, 6. Medontidae, character of rule of, 4ff. Megacles, son of Alcmaeon, leader of the Paralii, 36. Alhance with Pisistratus, 39 fif. Megacles, son of Hippocrates, ostracised, 60. Megara, war against, 37. Melobius, partisan of the Four Hundred, 80. Metoeci, under protection of the polemarch, 146. Merpovofioif 1 26. Miltiades, leader of aristocratical party, 77. Mines, discovery of, at Maroneia, 61 f. Farmed out by the 7rcuX))rai' and the Council, 119 f. Mia-6ov cidvvoDV, 122. , of the three chief archons, 140. Paupers, supported by the state if infirm, 124. Pausanias, king of Sparta, assists re-establishment of democracy at Athens, 100. Pay for public services, 67 f., 1 54 ff. ; under government of the Four Hundred, 82. neSiaKol, party-division in Attica, 36- UeXdrai, 3. Peloponnesian war, outbreak of, 75- neV\of, of Athena, 123, 148. Pericles, restricts citizenship, 74. Accuses Cimon, 75. Attacks Areopagus, I'i. Promotes naval development, ii. Institutes pay for service in law-courts, id. IlfpOToXoi, service of the ephebi as, 109. Phaenippus, archon, 490 B.C., 58. Phayllus, moderate aristocrat, leader of second board of Ten, 100. Philoneos, archon, 527 B.C., 45. Phormisius, one of the leaders of the moderate party after the fall of Athens, 93. tparplat, early subdivision of Athenian people, 173. Phreatto, court of, tries cases of homicide by an exile, 145. pav, 1 50. eVl TOV Xiiipaiia, 150. eVl ras a-v/iiJopias, 151. ^vKofpavT&v vpo^oXai, in 6th pry- tany of each year, 112. 'SvpifioKa, international conventions respecting commercial suits, 147. 'S.vvryyopoi, assistants of the Xo- yiiTTai, 133. Tapiai Trjt 'ASr]vas, in Solonian constitution, 19,22; under the Four Hundred, 84. Nominal property-qualification for, 119. Their duties, 119, 149. Twv iepav rpirjpcov, 1 52. Tap,ias rS>v ahwarav, 124. tS>v (TTpaTitoTiKmv, elected by xeipoTovia, I lo. His duties, 1 19, 124. Ta^iap)(oi, 151. Telesines, archon, 487 B.C., 59. Ten, board of, created to succeed the Thirty, 98. Establish reign of terror, 99. Expelled from power, ib. Excluded from amnesty, and allowed to settle at Eleusis, loi. Ten, second board of, re-establish peace in Athens after the anarchy, 99. Moderate govern- ment of, 100. Thargelia, festival of, 140 f. Thebes, assists Pisistratus to re- gain tyranny, 42. Themistocles, procures building of triremes, 62 ff. Archonship of, 62 note. 1TpO(TTaTr]S TOV Stj/iov, 66, y?. Builds walls of Athens, 66. Accused of Medism, 71. Assists Ephialtes to overthrow Areopagus, 71 f. Theopompus, archon, 411 B.C., 90. Theorica, officers in charge of, elected by xtipoTovia, 1 10. Their duties, 120. Theramenes, leader of aristocra- tical party, 78. Character of, 80. Leader of the Four Hun- dred, 89. Instrumental in over- 190 INDEX. throwing them, 90. Leader of moderate party after Aegospo- tami, 93. Opposes extreme pro- ceedings of the Thirty, 95 f. Executed, 98. Theseum, magistrates elected by lot in, 153. Theseus, the reforms of, the first change in Athenian constitution, 105 ; the first step towards popular government, 172. Thesmothetae, origin of, 6. Resi- dence of, 7. Duties, 117, 122, 128, 146 f. Thessalus, surname of Hegesi- stratus, son of Pisistratus, 46. Thirty, government of, established by Lysander, 93. Character of administration, 93 ff. Defeated at Munychia, 98. Expelled from power, ib. Excluded from am- nesty, and allowed to settle at Eleusis, loi. Their government the tenth change in Athenian constitution, 106. Tholus, residence of the prytanes, III. Thrasybulus, occupies Phyle and defeats army of the Thirty, 96. Prosecuted by Archinus for an illegal proposal, 103. Three Thousand, body of, under government of the Thirty, 96. Thucydides, leader of aristocrat- ical party, 77. Timonassa, of Argos, second wife of Pisistratus, 46. Timosthenes, archon, 478 B.C., 66. Tragedy, choregi appointed for, 140. Tribes, four, in early constitutions, 23. , ten, instituted by Cleis- thenes, 54. TpiTjpoirowi, 119. TpiTTves, in primitive constitution, 23) 173 ; in Cleisthenean con- stitution, 55. Weights and measures, reformed by Solon, 27. Official superin- tendence of, 126. Widows and orphans, under guar- dianship of the archon, 142. Xanthippus, son ostracised, 61. Sfiiiov, 77. Xenaenetus, archon, 401 B.C. of Ariphron, Upoa-TaTTjs Tov 104. 0;i;fer6 PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY