jfiliilliji ranANTIQUARIAN, ARCHITECTURAL, AND LANDSCAPE ILLUSTRATIONS OP THE HISTORY OF JAVA, BY THE LATE SIR THOMAS STAMFORD RAFFLES, F.R.S. FORMERLY LIEUT.-GOVERNOR OF JAVA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES, ETC. ETC. WITH A LARGE MAP OF JAVA AND ITS DEPENDENCIES, AND SEVERAL INTERESTING PLATES NOW FIRST PUBLISHED. LONDON: HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. MDCCCXLIV.LIST OF PLATES. The pages refer to the edition in 2 vols. 8vo. Map. ]. Portrait of Raden Rana Dipura, (a Native of Java who accompanied Mr. Raffles to England). 2. A Javan of the lower Class - - - Vol. I. Page 96 3. A Javan Woman of the lower Class - - - 97 4. A Javan Chief in his ordinary Dress - - - 98 5. A Javan in the War Dress - - - - - 100 6. A Javan in the Court Dress - - - - - 100 7. A Madurese of the Rank of Mantri - - - - 104 8. Implements of Husbandry - - - - - 125 9. Stamp used in making the Batek Cloths, &c. - - - 188 10. Carpenters' Tools - - - - - -194 11. Javan Weapons.—Plate of Krises - - - - 329 12 .--Ditto Varieties of the Javan Kris - 329 13 .---Ditto Javan Weapons - - - 330 14 .--Ditto, ditto .... 330 15 .---Ditto, ditto, and Standards - - 330 16. Mangkkra-buhia 331 17. A Penganten W&don, or Bride - - - - - - 354 18. A Penganten Lanang, or Bridegroom - 355 19. Topeng, or Masks, and Wkyang, or Scenic Shadows - - 375 20. A Ronggeng, or Dancing Girl - 381 21. Ancient Forms of the Javan Alphabet - - - - - 402 22. Specimen of an Inscription in the ancient Devanagari - - - 413 23. A Table of the Devanagari Consonants, &c. - - - 414 24. Sketch of the Situation of the Countries referred to in the Brata Yud'ha - 461 25. Musical Instruments 525 26. Javan Music - - - - - - - 526 27. Fac-simile of Signs, representing the Pasar or Market Days - - 531 28. Fac-simile of the Signs of the Zodiac, as represented in the Cheribon MS. - 534LIST OF PLATES. 29. Temple at Kulasan - Vol. II. page 1 30. Plan and Section of the ancient Palace at Kulasan - - 2 31. S. W. View of the principal Temple at Suku, and N. E. View of the principal Temple at Jongrangan - - - - - 12 32. Plan of the Temple of Loro Jongran, near Brambanan - 12 33. Smaller Temple of Loro Jongran, and Great Temple of Loro Jongran - 13 34. From Subjects in Stone found near Brambanan - - 14 35. From Subjects in Stone found in the Central Districts of Java - - 14 36. General Plan of the Temples near Brambanan in Java, called Chande Sa Riboo Sewu, or Thousand Temples - - - 16 37. The principal Temple at Chandi Sewu, and one of the small Temples at Chandi Sewu - - - - - -17 38. One of the small Temples at Chandi Sewu - - 18 39. The large Temple at Brambanan - - - - 19 40. The same Temple restored to its original state - - 19 41. One of the smaller Temples at Brambanan in its present state - - 22 42. The same Temple restored to its original state - - 22 43. Cali Bening, or Booloos, and Temple at Cobon Dalum - - 25 44. Plan of the Remains of an Ancient Hall of Audience (or Pondope) on Stone at Cali Bening - 29 45. Plan of the great Pyramidal Temple, called Boro Bodor - - 30 46. Temple of Boro Bodor, in the District of Boro in Kedu - 30 47. Outer Elevation of the First Gateway and Fagade of the 3 terrace, marked d in the Plan and Section of Boro Bodor - - - 31 48. Elevation of ditto of the 4 terrace, marked 2 in ditto - - - 31 49. Interior Elevation of ditto of the 4 terrace, marked 2 in ditto - 31 50. Ditto ditto of the 5 terrace, marked r in ditto - - 31 51. Ditto ditto of the 6 terrace, marked 1 in ditto - 31 52. Elevation and Fagade of the Gateway supporting the 7 terrace marked m in do. 31 53. Interior Elevation of the Gateway and Fagade of the 7 terrace, marked m in do. 31 54. Elevation and Section of one of the Bell-shaped or Conical Temples surrounding the large Central one in Boro Bodor - - - 31 55. Elevation and Section of the large Central Temple in Boro Bodor - 31 56. One of the Temples on the Mountain Dieng or Prahu - - 34 57. The same Temple restored to its original state - - 34 58. Bitara Gana, or Ganesa - - - - -45 59. From Subjects in Stone, found near Singa Sari - - 45 60. From Subjects in Stone - 47 61. From the Ruins at Suku, near the Mountain Lawu - 49LIST OF PLATES. 62. The smaller Temple at Jabung, near Probolingo, and Western Front of the larger Temple at Jabung - Page 55 63. From Subjects in Stone, found on the Mountain Ungarang, and A Stone Pillar called Tugu _____ 55 64. One of the Gateways at Majapahit - 58 65. Durga - - - - - - - 58 66. From a Subject in Stone near Singa Sari, &c. - - 58 67. From Subjects in Stone found near Brambanan and Singa Sari - - 59 68. From Subjects in Stone collected in different parts of Java - 59 69. From Subjects in Stone collected in a Chinese Temple near Batavia - 59 70. From Subjects in Stone found in the vicinity of Boro Bodo in Kedu - 59 71. From casts in Metal found near Brambknan - - 59 72. From casts in Copper, &c. found in the district of Kedu - 59 73. From casts in Metal found in Kedu - - - 59 74. From casts in Metal found near the ruins of Brambanan, and on the Moun- tain Dieng or Prahu - - - - 59 75. From casts in Metal found in Kedu, and near the ruins of Brambcinan, and on the Mountain Dieng or Prahu. - - - 59 76. From casts in Copper, found in the vicinity of the Mountain Deing or Prahu 59 77. From casts in Metal found in the vicinity of the Mountain Dieng or Pr£ihu 59 78. A similar Plate - - - - - 59 79. Zodiacal Cup in Copper, &c. - - - 60 80. From casts in Brass, &c. found in the district of Kedu - - 60 81. Fac-simile, reduced from the original Inscription on a Stone called Batu tulis 61 82. Fac-simile (reduced) of an ancient Inscription on Stone at Kevali in Cheribon 61 83. A similar Plate - - - - - -61 84. A Fac-simile of an Inscription on Stone in Pakalungan - - 62 85. Specimen of the Kawi Character, &c. - - - - - 63 86. Fac-simile (reduced) of an ancient Inscription at Suku - - 63 87. Ancient Coins, with their supposed Dates - - - 64 88. Temple at Kulasan, North Face and Remains of a Gateway at Majapahit, called Gapura Jati Paser - - - - - 146 Appendix. 89. Ugi, or Mengk&sar Alphabet - Page xcv 90. A Maiden of Bali Bhlin, and Ida Gede Bayan, a Brahmin of Bali Bhlin cxxxviii 91. A Papuan, or Native of New Guinea - - - cxlii 92. The Rajah of Bali Bliling, and a Regent of Java, in undress - cxliiir.nn,/tifhed fy Blatk.Tarbtoy kuJ-lUnZtadcnhalL Street2&17./-' / // (7.1//UU/ '//: J/\ c T /Ac /<"///■ /'/, /V/////:/ . £.•»,/.■».'M/vM hMiek.Kirhuy irjIUoi .IfaJmMl SlrertiHi-V// The WahJciL or common Saw a Flouqh The Rakitmi | by which the Buffalo's are voiced. The Brujul, a hohl T/ou° .3 Ul'uiasL or Tie&owes. .f Tenm/m, err Zoom 5 ,/antra, or Spinning Wheel. ff ^iftyklu/uj a rude 24iisiaiL I/Lrt7WU7Et of Stnnbw <] E awatigsa a 3fusiad Trwtmme/ct of tJte Su/t/las. 8 Seltmipret or Trumpet occasionally used. Zorubni .fi/hlish&l i'V Bi'trk l',nfatn/ fcslf/en ,£fiu7crihatl Sftrsfi Teal. Z Wadung. 3 Frakul orEanpak 4. Sang'luk. y Pasah. 15 SzZam. 16 TaHsut. 3i> Unchak. 27 Jbnglco. 3l Uvea,. iB Dmdo. iz Jfatai-jMVig'vhi. ig Jhrfiar. l3 Ta£a.-j>anHa,. to V&p - udo. 14. HutL-jwtEr. XL ■ OumtOc. ZmAmJuiJWuily jf/acA.&trhvy tJJMai ZnulaMR Svrtciftj. 22 Fang'hi. z3 Tang'ruk. 24. Fang'ot. iS VttSitr-vniur. Secrete. 27 Garufoig. z8 Wall.Farts of-the Cris. 1 Zandean or TfiJaran.. 2 2tcndak or Vwar. 3 Warangka. or Saru/ujan,. /j z Faksi. z GargtL. 3 Ganrfflc. 4. LambL -gaja,. Tarts of the Blade. 5 Rzng-i. 6 Gnrihtxruj aichoftg. 7 Jengqot. 8 Si pajuhvL. g Hejetnn-. lo Sogoan. il 2?3as Owchak ix Jhufotk z? sidzn -,/hf/m9'atocfocj cn^'y/w ^Ja/rtu . i Megwubowa. z Tendaw a. Otvia rvta, 3 StmgTcelaZ. 4 Chaiixu 5 OierittL 'Kdi/chmq. 6 KerachtDi. 7 Chararia - so7ca. 8 Baleba/u/. g Sabuk - vttm 10 A/wman. tl Nat/a,-sasra 12 Si/Ufa-. z3 SapokaL. 14. Buua Tcrod/Jb. 15 Jia/ai/iy. 16 Tendow a,. 27 Ba/i/j sdcaj 18 Cherubok. 10 Jaramari 2 0 ChawTcrong. zl Bc wing was cmrnrumdeti. try t/w /tm/miAahan,'of 3fcAtra. 6 Pi/ii Sepuh elders of Sank. 7 BupatL Jiumi. 8 Wadana te/ig 'en g MmirLr ofthv Sovereign,. to Hup ad MamJui ruyara,. jl IVa/lana, ITvwa,. Mantr-i, Xttf/ing i3 .Majegan,. _z./- /'/iffurrt or fi'oeps of the Senl//u o _ 21. 7 531 TTT ^T DJ1 © VW V *U) "Ea1 VJ U1 T^'PoT An ch r 1c d t s w I p d j, j/ nut m y 7s t vy % WTf STP^r lib S>3J,t5>rbULT> tO Ta UJ Sltf U Tl SO <3 6 It n c7t r 7c d d btswljijid j, y nia m QjTiyncng^sr? h ti n ch, r 7c d t~ s w I p d J, Jy y nia my t■ t~ ny 5 iiiuii^^i^^sufl s e h n ch r d t w I p d J, y nia my I 7r ny m ui^n^T m it^r aui v i3»uir brv sp n bo Ti w> & Ji h n ch. r' 7c d S s w I p d j y nui m y I 7/ t tiy 9 tn tut) ^ oDnrw^xji JtDi^TJUi'Ssy ana* nrw^zfwm hhnchrkdtfjjww I 7? p p p d y y nia vt m, y y 7? t I ny Sva > 7}£ fc.csi CXI(t )t alt/ o/uwt/ti / cM/t^ur ttja/i^ f/st/Zi ' ^/iOJ r suet/ v ti/ //be; o^^a^cc/../ha, (/ '/ cl 'HZM'. 3 T A M k IT1 TTT TP Sfi ttfl rial fwi oon ion m n fn Tch ST a <2? <2? y 9 n n sn n n it mr m -wi nm C1TLJ1IUVJ1 n CD FT n yh lu 22J 21/ W ry po^ 'CP (5l /C ^ s? IP (isi ici (i£i an r ^ €/ & . ' ch 2C TP ^ © B IUt3> ■fen (Hi "yi IMI i_a D f Sr tfih * CD <30 c )v / 3 E" ^ fc © ® 1? IB (IS (IR Og e; CY-} ar }h pj OJ ri9 <5? nsniii^ rtsandsui f: 2P i? ? 1 T5P Sb Si £fil £ vO S> 1)51/1 USUI HAJl ~L V C r C 'z? UT (W HQ 1W1 HI P ih fe n t rin o>o /V £ h F5T 2P "U UU5 WTPtll-P iui nji tut u a if ph Th LT o & I G-Dwi^nsn 35s? oingii ran ^ C£1 ^ lb r> oo JT 171 traa eji w ap an m o EJI Bit yt bd y V K J a Ul) U) UJ W W IIP MJl WW) 1M LU (JO r i in an TI J ^ J S I EVP TIP CO 'ttJi 1U ~N) -JM5U mn raut cTUI iOU V g □ o "a •b n 6 Q>t) (151 (151 (151 □ O s iui 'ou> fM M- IWI DO fif ^ sh N s K s win Hon nm uirt m (JO £JJ ---4 U Sb  l (r//u / l^^l'Cij^laL^ JIJV-J^/IJ J —i--Ni > ■ rT ,-- J l j | | r CD 0 J 1 n i j Hi i i , * i rr^—^r— — * • —j . j 1 j.j j---- I r b b b b b b tl [] 0 n a a a b b a a fi p 0 or c 43 b bubbub qq tl a tlutiti t)t)tl a 43 £3 fj £ 1 £1 b ti b b b b b b f^i w b b ■ ™ b IjggJ n uj n n n i.____J £3 b 3 b b 3 d b uuooa u ft a q ii n o b 3 b £3 b 3 e? 3 b 3 b» a b rn U1 tttitifttitibbIMMMBBHil vw rjwa VJtiVJ ■CM.t VJXi vjyuj VJ5W vj.ct & // ///X///// // uUm J1MWi,J Oy jBl.irl-.P«i-t>ury 'htdSm lit/Ufl. AnvtiBr/..Zfifukn^ubtished by JBlaek,2M^ury h^flenXeadenhallftrteti&Li.5323235348532323232323232323489145. m A A tke 8 lions quarding the four op-pro aches B .). M Stepts leading Co the first or lower terrace all round. C | 7 .D?.,...D0to die second D.......10 D°. to The third D° and Gateway all round -5".. .136 Niches in. -which, seated Male Statues are formed, all alike, and as large as life of Stem, F Profuse sculpture behind, the, Niches in 2 raws entablatures the subjects Tiistorical or Mythological. & Channels for the drainage of ram, Water R.......The basement projection, and Water Channels lit Stepts and gateway leading to the, 1+ Terrace all round JL E T E R B N CBS K 10. Sups and Gateway leading to the 6 Terrace all round L...10.DT. ..6.DF. M...U.D'. .7.2)' If The Succefsion, of Terrares or open, cerreS' pleines alL round, P 6. Open steps to the 8 Terrace, on which are 32 Circular conical, TempJ&s Q. .5.D? 5 Dc ...21} Temples D? P . 5.D f. . .10 D? . .16 D? S The large central conical building m, which, was found only a*ell about 10 feet deep occupying its "whole, extent. 160Jet ir> / A =4 i ■ rrV V bZ Scale of b /L ss^siar Jlnarav'd bv J. Swamc . O PTD OTO _s/jy/a/?/ //./fr/' /j/utcjfr. . From a Subject in Stone brought from Sing a -sa?i London.l'ublislied by Black, ParlntiyA-Allm. L&uicnhall Street. ISI/.59. Xcmikm published, ty^foik JtiD-fauy faiHt?i. Xetiile/Otall. . ft/ret7.60. Zen&mj&iNuMt ly 'Bl.wk.Exrhrv •. ir.-n Jr.U/M Sv.wrjJ!n.6i. LauimJuHtshed hy Black .Kvhiry kjfflen ZeeJnJuitt .Ftreft~j.hj.HJ.S-wamt- Sc ■ DlTEOA, From a< Subject in Stone brought fionoBrambeuum. London. 2\iblished by Black Arburu £C UlUn.. Leadenhall Street.JSJ7.From. a Subject z'/i Stoma . found 7iear Sing 'a. Sari. z One of the heads fo-myht ironi the Temple of Hoi o Bodo. and, brought to Enijhutd. 3 fro file of another he-ad broiu/7rt from tJiatce. Znutm MIuTimI fy3luk.f.trhiiff (■.. fftm Slrrrr7A7.$7 y?to7/?J' yitm^ftmit/'ma./i yj^/m/tim///. (iTu/^ru^a xPasl/y. Ionian.XnWishfJ fv JSIm-Jc,J?.irfwy i^AIlm I*ul-,'/.: y-r.t VV////A /// C,'n,t,'n .TuHijIml hv JtM.&irhvl, k .Watcsn C VJ - O cr cn c3 i' e t* o"* H & 0 0 4 \ v § ■^'X 4 i $ v i v - ^ ' 5 x  fx ^ fr* Oxfc^ V) 3 J

v y c? T- I.Swo.inc Sc. ■ -///Jtf Yc '/ '<<•// ^//c/w ^f>//.//M //// o^...../✓-. rtsj....... // /w ....... *....................................................................................... ............................£/,......CM...-.......>/......<7 «.......... / p................ /y^o-le--................................................................................oyf... ......cm........^ ..... 1.............ay^Cet<......................{.......................................!..................cyf.....t.ie....................................................................................o-/r rmt. r/j..........zLs /trx '"y ft j..........ytev/y y&tvn cy^/foe //eye o^i - ^/f /ty/^a^j^/i-^ffitj y4>ii/)u/wi o -J : ^ ^ ^: r6 : ^ ^ A: ^ A: Jcet. j/a . tic/a . Jxet. let. met. let. det. net. diet. j et. nia . yet. r. lev. we. set. a. WUI fal/ /LP-f n (Sot ■d. 4 t n z i 11 21 xy/ V ? '/j/sys,) CL. Vc 1 1 - i * J.Swaine S< a/f* ■ ; irmmmmi ' V / /;/ fM