f Utbrar? ofj^arbarö Onibemtp. Contributions. EDITED BY JUSTIN WINSOR, LIBRARIAN. IN" O. S. CALENDAR ARTHUR LEE MANUSCRIPTS IN' THE LIBRARY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. I > ' Reprinted from the Harvard University Bulletin. C I % 56 CAMBRIDGE, MASS.: UNIVERSITY PRESS: JOHN WILSON AND SON. 1882. Already issued or in preparation : a Star prefixed indicates they are not yet ready. 1. Edward S. Holden. Index-Catalogue of Books and Memoirs on the Transits of Mercury. 2. Justin Winsor. Shakespeare's Poems: a Bibliography of the Earlier Editions. 3. Charles Eliot Norton. Principal books relating to the Life and Works of Michel¬ angelo, with Notes. 4. Justin Winsor. Pietas et Gratulatio. An Inquiry into the authorship of the several- pieces. 5. List of Apparatus in different Laboratories of the United States, available for Scientific Researches involving Accurate Measurements. 6. The Collection of Books and Autographs, bequeathed to Harvard College Library, by the Honorable Charles Sumner. *7. James M. Peirce. References in Analytic Geometry. 8. Calendar of the Arthur Lee Manuscripts in Harvard College Library. • 9. George Lincoln Goodale. The Floras of different countries. 10. Justin Winsor. Hålliwelliana : a Bibliography of the Publications of James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps. 11. Samuel H. Scudder. The Entomological Libraries of the United States. 12. A List of the Publications of Harvard University and its Officers, 1870-1880. 13. Samuel H. Scudder. A Bibliography of Fossil Insects. 14. William H. Tillinghast, Notes on the Historical Hydrography of the Handkerchief Shoal in the Bahamas. 15. J. D. Whitney. List of American Authors in Geology and Palaeontology. *16. Richard Bliss, Jr. Classified Index to the Maps in Petermann's Geographische . ^ Mittheilungen. 1855-1881. *17^ Justin Winsor. A List of the most useful Reference Books. *18. Justin Winsor. The Bibliography of Ptolemy's Geography. *** The present list has been mainly prepared by Miss K. V. Smith, formerly of the Library Staff. Cbn.sG IE t CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 3 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. *** The papers were given, July 24, 1827, to this Library by Richard Henry Lee, author of the lives of Richard Henry Lee and Arthur Lee, and are bound in eight volumes. The numbers repre¬ sent the pages of the volumes. VOL. I. 1. Gooch, Sir William, (Gov. of Va.). June 17, 1744. Letter to [Thomas Lee]. The Indian council at Lancaster, Penn. ff. (2). 2. Copy of orders. April 23, 1760. Court-martial upon Lord George Sackville for disobedience of the orders of Prince Ferdinand of Bruns¬ wick at the battle of Minden. f. (1). Lee, Arthur. Nov. 5, 1763. Letter to his brother [Philip Ludwell Lee ?] The political situation of England and the produce of Virginia, ff. (2). 3. 4. Massachusetts Bay — House of Represent¬ atives. Nov. 28, 1764. Copy of letter sent to Jasper Mauduit and afterwards to Richard Jackson, agents in London for the province. Reasons why Great Britain would gain nothing by the tax on molasses, etc.. ff. (3). 5. Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Providence Plantations, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Govern¬ ments of New Castle, Kent and Sussex upon Delaware, and Maryland. Oct. 25, 1765. Copy of memorial to parliament against the stamp act. ff. (2). 6. Massachusetts Bay — House of Representatives. Nov. 7, 1765. Letter to Dennis De Berdt. His appointment as special agent in London for the province. Signed, "Sam1. White Spkr." ff. (2). Printed, with a few verbal changes, in Massachusetts Papers, p. 4, published in 1856 by the Seventy-six Society, Philadelphia. 7. Extracts from three letters on the situation of affairs in America. Indorsed " 1766." f. (1). The first is from William Donaldson of New York, and writ¬ ten on a slip attached to the sheet on which the others are. The last two are addressed, " My Lord," and are in a different hand. 8. New Jersey—House of Assembly. June 14, 1766. Order for thanks to be given to Dennis .De Berdt "for his Assiduity and Attention to the Affairs of the Colonys During the Applica¬ tion, for a Repeal of the Stamp Act." Signed, "Jona. Deare Clk." f. (1). For the letter of thanks, see 11. Massachusetts Bay — House of Representatives. June 20, 1766. Resolution for letter of thanks to be sent to William Pitt for his efforts toward the repeal of the stamp act. Signed, " Sam1 Adams Cler." f. (1). Printed, Bradford's Massachusetts State Papers, p. 92. For letter of thanks, see 10. 9. Massachusetts Bay — House of Representatives. June 21, 1766. Note to Charles, Lord Camden, transmitting vote of thanks for his patronage of the colonies. Signed, Thomas Cushing Speaker, f. (1). June 21, 1766. Note to George, Lord Pomfret, for the same purpose. Same signature, f. (1). For the accompanying vote of thanks, see 13. 10. June 21, 1766. Letter of thanks to William Pitt, referred to under 8. Same signature, ff. (2). 11. New Jersey— House of Assembly. June 22, 1766. Letter of thanks to Dennis De Berdt, referred to under 8. Signed, Cortland Skinner Speaker, ff. (2). 12. Massachusetts Bay—House of Representatives. June 28, 1766. Letter of thanks and instruc¬ tions to Dennis De Berdt. Signed, Thomas Cushing Spkr. ff. (2). Printed, with a few orthographical changes and one additional sentence, in Massachusetts Papers, p. 14, published in 1856 by the Seventy-six Society, Philadelphia. 13. June 30, 1766. Vote of thanks to George, Lord Pomfret, referred to under 9. Signed, "Sam1 Adams Cler." f. (1). 14. Boston—Committee of the Town. Oct. 26,1766. Draft of part of a letter to Dennis De Berdt. Search of Daniel Malcom's house by the custom-house officers in October, 1766. f. (1). Composed by Samuel Adams. See Wells' Life of Samuel Adams, I. 130. For the full letter, see 25. 15-19. Copy of a copy of depositions, Sept. 24-Oct. 1, 1766, sworn before Gov. Bernard's council, in the case of Daniel Malcom's resistance to the search of his house by the deputy-collector William Sheafe,under the " writs of assistance." Depositions by William Sheafe, Benjamin Hallowell, John Ruddock, John Tudor, William Nickels, William Wimble, Nathaniel Barber, John Baker and Stephen Greenleaf, attested by John Cotton, deputy-secretary. Copy certified by William Cotton, town clerk, pp. 18. (Pp. 5-18 are imperfect—torn.) .After a copy of the depositions was at last received from the governor's council, the present copy was probably made by order of the town, to be sent to its agent in England. See Wells' Life of Samuel Adams, I. 130 ; Drake's History of Boston, p. 737.— For the evidence before the town, see 22. 20. Downe, Samuel. Sept. 26, 1766. Letter to Dennis De Berdt. Private business, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 4 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 21. Ashley, Joseph and Jonathan, and Wood- bridge, Timothy. Oct. 9, 1766. Letter to Dennis De Berdt, asking his help in establish¬ ing an academy at Hatfield, Mass. ff. (2). (Imperfect —torn.) 22. Copy of depositions, Oct. 16-20,1766, by Nathan¬ iel Barber and William Nickels, sworn before Edmund Quincy. Ringing of the north bell and conduct of the people at the time of the Malcom disturbance mentioned above. — Dep¬ osition by William Wimble, Oct. 17, 1766, sworn before Joshua Winslow. Copy attested by William Cooper, town clerk, ff. (4). For other and contradictory evidence, taken in the governor's interest, see 15-19. 23. Copy of deposition, Oct. 21, 1766, by Capt. Daniel Malcom, s"worn before Edmund Quincy. Same affair, ff. (2). (Imperfect — first part gone, only last four pages left.) 24. Boston. Oct. 8-22, 1766. Two copies of votes of town meeting in reference to the depositions given in the governor's council on the Malcom *' affair. Attested by William Cooper, town clerk, ff. (2). 25. Boston. — Committee of the Town. Oct. 26, 1766. Letter to Dennis De Berdt stating the people's version of the Malcom affair and trans¬ mitting the depositions given above. Signed, "James Otis pr Order of ye committee." ff. (4.) Composed by Samuel Adams. See Wells' Life of Samuel Adams, I. 130. — For draft of a part of this letter, written in another hand, see 14. 26. Deposition, Dec. 1, 1766, by John Pike, John Lombard, Jr. and Lewis Lombard, Jr., sworn before Barnabas Paine, at Truro, Barnstable Co., Mass. Prevention of fishing in the Straits of Belle Isle by a British man-of-war. f. (1). 27. 28. Massachusetts Bay — House of Represent¬ atives. Dec. 6, 1766. Letter to [Dennis De Berdt], inclosing depositions. Prevention of American fishing and whaling in Newfoundland waters by order of Com. Palliser, gov. of New¬ foundland ; custom-house officers and regula¬ tions. Signed, Thomas Cushing Speaker, ff. (4). For the depositions, see 29-31. 29-31. Deposition, Dec. 9,1766, by Robert Barker, > sworn before Richard Dana. Fishery trouble. — Deposition, Dec. 13, 1766, by Moses Wiley, Cyprian Hinkley and Henry Young, sworn be¬ fore Belcher Noyes.— Deposition, Dec. 26, 1766, by Thomas Harding, sworn before Tohn Avery, ff. (3). These were inclosed in the letter above, 27, 28. 32. New York — Presbyterian Church. Feb. 17, 1767. Petition of the ministers, elders, etc., to Sir Henry Moore, captain-general and governor of New York, for leave to prove facts in a former petition for a charter. Signed, John Rogers, Joseph Treat on behalf of the peti¬ tioners. ff. (2). 33-35. Massachusetts Bay — House of Represent¬ atives. March 16, 1767 Letter to Dennis De Berdt. Claim of Lieut.-Gov. Hutchinson to a seat in the council. Signed, Thomas Cushing . Spkr. pp. 11. Composed by Samuel Adams. See Wells' Life of Samuel Adams, I. 135 et seg., where much of the letter is quoted. 36,37. Massachusetts Bay — House of Represent¬ atives. June 24, 1767. Letter to the same. The fishery trouble in Newfoundland waters; troops in America; the bill for pardon of rioters and compensation of sufferers during disturbances in Boston ; paper money ; Con¬ necticut and Massachusetts boundary. Signed, Thomas Cushing Spkr. ff. (4). 38. Sheafe, Edward. July 1, 1767. Letter from Charlestown to the same. Relations of the colonies with Great Britain; bill for pardon, . compensation, etc. (as above, 36, 37). ff. (4K (Imperfect — torn.) 39. Cushing, Thomas. ' Oct. 15, 1767. Private letter to Dennis De Berdt. Imposition of taxes on the colonies; the governor's salary, pp. 8. 40. Copy of examination of Robert Hallowell, con¬ troller of the port of Boston, at the treasury board in London. July 21, 1768. Seizure of Tohn Hancock's sloop " Liberty." Copy signed, "Jno. Speed." ff. (5). 41. [Livius (?), Peter], of New Hampshire. Oct. 18, 1768. Copy of a letter to his brother in London. Quartering troops in America, ff. (4). (Imperfect — torn.) This letter has no signature, and the name of the writer, given in the indorsement, is torn, so that only "evius" or " evins " is legible. 42. Boston—Selectmen. Feb. 16-18, 1769. Re¬ questing Gov. Bernard to communicate facts which may have been sent to Great Britain militating against the colonies; with the gov¬ ernor's reply, ff. (2). Without attestation. Printed, with two names of members different, and with a few verbal changes, in Massachusetts Papers, p. us, published in 1856 by the Seventy-six Society, Philadel¬ phia. Feb. 23, 24, 1769. Second request for the same purpose, and second reply, ff. (2). Without attestation. Printed, with a few verbal changes and one additional line, in Massachusetts Papers, p. 120, published by the Seventy-six Society, Philadelphia. 43-45. Feb. 25,1769. Letter to Dennis De Berdt reviewing this correspondence. Signed, Joshua Henshaw, Joseph Jackson, John Rudduck, John Hancock, Samuel Pem- berton, Henderson Inches, ff. (6). 46. Lee, Arthur. March 23, 1769. Letter from London to his brother [Richard Henry Lee] in Virginia. English and American politics, ff. (2). 47. Dickinson, John. April 20,1769. Letter from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee. The disaffection in America and the unworthiness of many of the colonial representatives in London, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 293. 48. June 26, 1769. Letter to the same on the same subjects, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 296. Massachusetts Bay—House of Representatives. July 22, 1769. Notice to Col. Dalrymple of the time for taking depositions relative to the rescue of John Ryley. ff. (2). 49-56, Depositions, July 24, 1769, by Jeremiah Belknap, Peter Barbour, Samuel Downe, Joseph Edwards, Thomas Waite Foster, Stephen Greenleäf, Edward Jackson, Edmund Quincy and John Loring, sworn before Richard Dana and Belcher Noyes. Rescue of John Ryley. ff. (13). CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 5 57. Nelson, William. Sept. 2, 1769. Letter from Virginia to Arthur Lee in London. Importing taxed goods, and the line between Virginia and the Cherokees. ff. (2). 58. Dickinson, John. Nov. 25, 1769. Letter from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee in London. Im¬ porting taxed goods, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 297. Shelburne, W. Petty, Earl of Letter to Arthur Lee at Bath, England, inviting him to Bowood Park. No date. ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 353, where it is dated 1769. 59. De Berdt, Dennis. 1770. A draft of memorial to the king's council, by the agent of Massa¬ chusetts Bay. Reasons for declining to attend' the council to support the charges of the prov¬ ince against Gov. Bernard. Interlined, cor¬ rected, and not signed. Indorsed, " For Mr. Lewis." ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 60. Dickinson, John. March, 31, 1770. Letter from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee. Importing taxed goods ; Boston massacre, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 299. 61. Lord Chatham's motion, petitioning the king to dissolve Parliament and call a new one. A copy. May 14, 1770. f. (1). 62. Massachusetts Bay.—House of Representatives. [July 1771]. Portion of letter of instructions to Benjamin Franklin, agent at London. Gov. Hutchinson's complaint about the preservation of the " king's timber " in the territory of Saga¬ dahoc ; request to have the king confirm the grants of townships therein, and of the town of Machias. Signed, Thomas Cushing Speaker, pp. 3-5. (Imperfect — first part gone.) 63. Lee, William. Jan. 20, 1772. Copy of letter from»London to his brother, Francis Lightfoot Lee, on private affairs (dispute with Capt. Walker), ff. (2). With autograph postscript. 64-75. March y-Nov. 18, 1772. Eleven letters to the same, mainly on private affairs, ff. (26). 76-79. Memoire sur les avantages qu'offre le port de Dunkerque au commerce des treize collonies ' unies de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Not dated^ or signed, ff. (4). VOL. II. 1. Lee, William. Jan. 30, 1773. Letter from London to his brother, Francis Lightfoot Lee. Private commercial affairs, ff. (4). 2. [Lee, Arthur.] Feb. 14, 1773. Letter from Lon¬ don to his brother, [Richard Henry Lee.] American politics, etc. ff. (2). (Imperfect — last part wanting.) 3. Lee, William. Feb. 23, 1773. Letter from Lon¬ don to F. L. Lee. Private commercial affairs. - ff. (2). 4. March 4, 1773. Letter to the same, with a copy of the above (3). Same subject, ff. (4). (Imperfect — slightly torn.) 5, 6. Massachusetts Bay. — House of Representa¬ tives. March 6, 1773. Letter to Lord Dart¬ mouth. The source of the governor's pay and other grievances of America. Signed, Thomas Cushing Speaker, ff. (4). The second paragraph of this is printed in " A true state of the proceedings in the parliament of Great Britain," etc. [1774.] 7. March 6, 1773. Petition to the king for restoring governor and judges to dependence upon the people. Signed,* Thomas Cushing Speaker, ff. (2). 8. Lee, William. March 20, 1773. Note to his brothers, R. H. Lee and F. L. Lee, inclosing copy of his letter to R. C. Nicholas. Accounts of Lee estate, ff. (4). 9. July 31, 1773. Letter to F. L. Lee. Pri¬ vate commercial affairs, ff. (2). 10. Sept. 18, 1773. Letter to the same, with a copy of another, dated Sept. 11, 1773. Same subject; ff. (2). 11. Copy of the above (10). (Imperfect — superscription torn.) 12. 13. Oct. 4, Dec. 2, 1773. Two letters to the same. Same subject; election of mayor of London, ff. (4). 14. Massachusetts Bay.— House of Representatives. Dec. 21, 17 73. Letter from committee to Ben¬ jamin Franklin, the colony's agent in London. Destruction of the tea in Boston harbor; tem¬ per of the people. Signed, Thomas Cushing, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Wm. Phillips, ff. (2). Printed, Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 4th ser. IV. 377. 15, 16. Scollay, John. Dec. 23, 1773. Letter from Boston to Arthur Lee. Same subject, pp. 12. Printed, Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 4th ser. IV. 379. 17. Lee, William. Jan. 4, 10, 29, 1774. Three let¬ ters from London to F. L. Lee. Private com¬ mercial affairs, ff. (6).. (The last is imperfect — a part torn off.) , 18. March 19, 1774. Letter to the same, with a copy of another, dated March 16, 1773. Same subject, ff. (2). (Imperfect — slightly torn.) 19. [Lee, Arthur]. April 2, 1774. Letter to the same. Political situation of America. Not signed, ff. (4). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 37. ^20. [Lee, William]. April 2,1774. Letter to [F. L. Lee ?] Non-exportation to Great Britain. Not signed or superscribed, f. (1). - 21. April 21, June 5, 1774. Two letters to F. L. Lee. Private commercial affairs, with a slight reference to politics, ff. (4). 22. July 14. 1774. Letter to the same; with a copy of another of June 30, 1774. Private com¬ mercial affaijs. ff. (2). July 16, 1774. Letter to the same. Non- exportation to Great Britain, ff. (2). 23. Copy of the above of July 16, with auto¬ graph signature and postscript. Juty 3°> I774- Letter to the same, with another copy of the above of July 16. Private commercial affairs, ff. (2). 6 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 24. [Dickinson, John]. Aug. 20, 1774. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. General congress of the colo¬ nies. Not signed or superscribed, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 305. 25. Lee, William. Sept. 5, 1774- Letter to F. L^ Lee. Private commercial affairs, ff. (2). 26. [Dickinson, John], Oct. 27,1774. Letter from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee. Political aspect of America. Not signed, ff. (2). Lee, William. Dec. 5, 1774. Letter to F. L. Lee. Private commercial affairs; political situation of America, ff. (2). 27. Lee, Arthur. Dec. 13, 1774. Letter from Lon¬ don to his brother, [F. L. Lee ?j Non-expor¬ tation to Great Britain ; plans of parliament against America. Not superscribed, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 209. Lee, William. Dec. 24, 1774. Letter to F. L. Lee. Edward Brown's partnership in the firm, ff. (2). 28. Dec. 24, 1774. Another letter to the same. Private commercial affairs, ff. (3). 29. Copy of the above (28). pp. 5. (Imper¬ fect — p. 5 torn.) 30. [Lee, Arthur]. Dec. 26, 1774. Letter from London to the same. General congress of the colonies ; effect upon the ministry. Not signed, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 213. Buchan, David Stewart Erskine, xith earl of. yan. 5, 1775. Letter to Arthur Lee. Fairfax lands in Virginia, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 346. 31. Lee, William. Jan. 13, 14, 1775. Letter to F. L. Lee. Private commercial affairs ; petition of London merchants and traders to parliament for relief to American commerce, ff. (4). (Im¬ perfect — torn.) Gushing, Thomas. Feb. 1775. Private letter from Boston to Arthur Lee. State of feeling in America, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 275. • • '32. Lee, William. Feb. 10, 1775. Letter from Lon¬ don to F. L. Lee. Public and private commer¬ cial affairs, ff. (4). Warren, Joseph. Feb. 20, 1775. Letter from Boston to Arthur Lee. Prospect of war ; spirit of New England, ff. (4). Printed, Frothingham's Life of Joseph Warren, p. 418 ; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 264. 33. [Lee, William]. Feb. 25, 1775. Letter from London to [F. L. Lee]. Politics in England and America ; sympathy with the ministry among American merchants in London. Not signed or addressed, ff. (2). Feb. 25, 1775. Another letter to F. L. Lee. Private commercial affairs, ff. (2). 34. March 1, 1775. Letter to the same. Bill regulating fisheries ; war preparations, ff (2.). - March 11, 1775. Letter to the same. Pri¬ vate commercial affairs; commercial restric¬ tions on America, ff. (2). 35- —- March 13, 1775. Letter to the same. Private commercial affairs, f. (1). Franklin, Benjamin. March 19, 1775. Letter from London to Arthur Lee. Departure from London ; Massaclnisetts papers, etc. ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Life of Franklin, p. 391. 36. Lee, William. March 21, 1775. Letter to F. L. Lee. Private commercial affairs, ff. (2). 37-44, 46-48. Depositions, April 23-25, 1775. Fight at Lexington and Concord. Indorsed, No. 2, 4-12, 14-18. All certified to by Nathan¬ iel Gorham, Noty. pubk., at Charlestown, Mass., April 26, 1775- (*8)- Lexington. 2. Thomas Rice Willard, sworn be¬ fore Wm. Reed, Jona. Hastings, Duncan In- graham, Middlesex, April 23; — 4. Capt. John Parker, before Wm. Reed, Josiah Johnson, Wm. Stickney, April 25; — 5. John Robbins, before Wm. Reed, Josiah Johnson, April 24; — 6. Benjamin Tidd of Lexington, Joseph Ab¬ bot of Lincoln, before Wm. Reed, Josiah John¬ son, Wm. Stickney, April 25; — 7. Nathl. Mulliken, Philip Russell, Moses Harrington, Junr., Thomas Harrington, Daniel Harring¬ ton, William Grimes, William Tidd, Isaac Hastings, Jonas Stone, Junr., James Wyman, Thaddeus Harrington, John Chandler, Joshua Reed Junr., Joseph Simonds, Phinehas Smith, John Chandler Junr., Reuben Lock, Joel Niles, Nathan Reed, Samuel Tidd, Benja¬ min Lock, Thomas Winship, Simeon Snow, John Smith, Moses Harrington ye 3d, Joshua Reed, Ebenezer Parker, John Harrington, Enoch Wellington, John Hosmer, Isaac Green, Phinehas Stearns, Isaac Durant, Thomas Head- ley [Hadley?], Junr., all of Lexington, before the same, April 25 ; — 8. Nathaniel Parkhurst, Jonas Parker, John Monro Junr., John Winship, Solomon Peirce, John Muzzy, Abner Mead, John Bridge Junr., Ebenezer Bowman, William Monro 3d, Mikah Hagar, Samuel Sanderson, Saml. Hastings, James Brown, all of Lexington, before the same, April 25 ; —9. Timothy Smith, of Lexington, before the same, April 25 ; — 10. Levi Harrington, Levi Mead, both of Lexington, before the same, April 25; — 11. William Draper, of Colrain, before the same, April 25 ; — 12. Thos. Fessenden, before the same, April 23. Concord. 14. John Hoar, John Whithead, Abram Gearfield, Benja. Munroe, Isaac Parks, Wm. Hosmer, John Adams, Gregory Stone, of Lin¬ coln, before Wm. Reed, John Cuming, Jona. Hastings, Duncan Ingraham, April 23; — 15. Nathan Barrett, Jonathan Farrar, Joseph But¬ ler, Francis Wheeler, John Barrett, John Brown, Silas Walker, Ephraim Melven, Nathan But- trick, Stephen Hosmer Junr., Samuel Barrett, Thomas Jones, Joseph Chandler, Peter Wheeler, Nathan Peirce, Edward Richardson, of Concord, before Jona. Hastings, John Cuming, Duncan Ingraham, April 23 ; — 16. Timothy Minot Junr., of Concord, before Wm. Reed, Jona. Hastings, John Cuming, Duncan Ingraham, April 23 ; — 17. Col. James Barrett, of Concord, before Wm. Reed, Jona. Hastings, Duncan Ingraham, April 23 ; — 18. Bradbery Robinson, Samuel Spring, Thaddeus Bancroft, of Concord, James Adams, of Lincoln, before Wm. Reed, Wm. Stickney, Jona. Hastings, April 23. The entire series (20 in number) is printed in Force's Ameri¬ can archives, 4th ser. II. 490, et seq.; Shattuck's History of Concord, pp. 342, et seq. ; Journal of 2d continental congress, pp. 79, et seq.; and portions of it are given in Frothingham's Siege of Boston, pp. 367, et seq.; Remembrancer, 1775, I. 35, et seq. ; London chronicle, June 1, 1775 ; also in various Boston newspapers of the time. CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 7 45. Deposition. Duplicate of "no. 14" above (p. 44). f. (1). (Imperfect — torn.) 49. Lee, William. April 27, 1775. Letter from London to Edward Browne, with postscript to F. L. Lee. Tobacco commerce, ff. (2). to. Warren, Joseph. April 27, 177 5. Letter from Cambridge to [Arthur Lee]. Josiah Quincy's death ; necessity of conciliatory measures from England, ff. (2). (Imperfect — signature and address cut out.) Printed, Frothingham's Life of Joseph Warren, p. 471 ; and incorrectly in Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 267. 51. [Dickinson, John]. April 29, 1775. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. Fight at Lexington and Con¬ cord. Not superscribed. Signed, J. D. ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 307. 52. Warren, Joseph. May 16, 1775. Letter from Cambridge to [Arthur Lee]. Situation of af¬ fairs in America. Not superscribed, ff. (2). Printed, Frothingham's Life of Joseph Warren, p. 488 ; and incorrectly in Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 268. 53. Lee, Richard Henry. May 21, 1775. Letter from Philadelphia to [F. L. Lee ?] Action of the provincial assemblies ; conduct of British troops. Not superscribed, ff. (2). ^ 54 I>^e. William. May 24, 1775. Letter from 1.. ik! >n o F. L. Lee. Appointment as alder- iinn <>t London; private commercial affairs; lie- fssitv of firmness in America, ff. (2). 55, 56. C'Oii..mental Congress, Second. Philadel¬ phia, May, 1775. Form of address to the people of Creat Britain. Injuries and attitude of America. Indorsed " 1776." ff. (3). Cf. Journals of congress, I. 134, et seq- ; 142, et seq. 57, 5S. Copies of letters, 1775-1778, from Dr. Ben¬ jamin Rush, to John Sawbridge and to Mrs. Macaulay, John Sawbridge to Samuel Witham Stockton, William Baker to S. W. Stockton, Saml. Wharton to Benjamin Franklin, Granville Sharp to Benjamin Franklin. Recommenda¬ tion of S. W. Stockton. 3d copy. Attested by S. W. Stockton, pp. 6. Dickinson, John. July 7,. 1775. Note from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee. Introduction of Dr. Hutchinson ; fighting near Boston. Signa¬ ture and address crossed out with ink. f. (1). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 312. 59. Continental Congress, Second. July%, 1775. Letter to Richard Penn, William Bollan, Arthur Lee, Edmund Burke and Garth. Inclosure of a petition to the king, a second address to the people of Great Britain, and a letter of thanks to the lord mayor of London. Signed, John Hancock President. — With note added, Sept. 4, 1775, by Arthur Lee and Richard Penn. Reception of petition, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 47 ; and, without the postscript of the agents, in Journals of the 2d continental con¬ gress, p. 149. 60. Dickinson, John. July 1775. Letter from Nairhill to Arthur Lee. Petition to the king proposing plan of accommodation; engage¬ ments near Boston. Signature and address crossed out. f. (1). (Imperfect — torn.) Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 312. 61. Dartmouth, William Legge, 2d carl of. Aug. 31, 1775. Note to Richard Penn and Arthur Lee, appointing a meeting, p. (1). Lee, Arthur. Note to Mr. Penn. Same subject. 1 p. (1). Penn, Richard, and "Lee, Arthur. Sept. 2, 1775. Draft of letter from London to the continental congress. Presentation of the petition men¬ tioned in the preceding notes. f. (1). (Torn.) 62. Lee, Arthur. Sept. 4, 1775. Letter to [John Dickinson ?] Violence of the ministry of Great Britain against the colonies, ff. (2). 63. Virginia Delegates to Second Continental Congress. Oct. 5, 1775. Draft of letter to committee of safety at Williamsburg. Patrols, military lookouts,, etc. — With copy of another, dated Oct. 23, 1775. f. (1). 64. Jackson, Bayard and Co. Jan. 18, 1776. Letter from Philadelphia to Montandouin & Frére at Nantes. Order for merchandise, f. (1). 65. Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de. yune 9, 1776. Letter from Versailles, in French, to [Arthur Lee]. Ammunition for Virginia. With a translation, f. (1). 66,67. Maryland — nth Battalion of Militia, yune 20, 1776. Copy of a letter to the representa¬ tives of Prince George's county in the provin¬ cial convention. Support to the union of the colonies. Signed, Thomas Sim Lee, George Lee, Luke Marberry, John Addison, Wm. Barnes Jr., Thomas Trueman, Trueman Skin¬ ner, David Crawford, Fulder Bowie, Stephen West. ff. (3). 68. [Lovell, JamesJi 1776. Account of his im¬ prisonment in Boston by the British ; unsuccess¬ ful efforts for release. (The latter part probably in his autograph.) ff. (2). (Perhaps incom¬ plete.) 69. yune 25, 1776. Letter from Halifax to Arthur Lee. Imprisonment at Halifax, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 48. 70. Certificate, dated London, Aug. 3, 1776, from Geo. Ross, James Hodge, Richd. Rouse (Brit¬ ish) as to their good treatment by Capt. Henry Johnson (American) while prisoners on his sloop, (f.) 1. 71. 72. Continental Congress, Second. Sept. 26, 1776. Instructions to Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane and Thomas Jefferson, commissioners. Proposed treaty with France. Signed, John Hancock Presidt. ff. (4). Printed, Secret journals of congress, II. 27 ; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 2S0. 73. Sept. 30, 1776. The original appointment of Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane and Thomas Jefferson as commissioners to make a treaty with France. With seal. Signed, John Han¬ cock Presidt. f. (1) folded. Printed (with blanks for names), Secret journals of congress, II. 32. - 74. Feb. 3, 1777. Copy of the same with Ar¬ thur Lee's name substituted for Thomas Jeffer¬ son's. Attested on the outside by Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee. 75. 76. Franklin, Benjamin, and Morris, Robert. Oct. 1, 1776.- Letter from Philadelphia to Silas Deane. Aid expected from France; battle of Long Island, etc. ff. (4). 8 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 77: Agreement in French, Oct. 15, 1776, between De Montieu, " Rodrique Hortalez & Cie " and Silas Deane. Secret aid to America, ff. (2). Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 51. 78. Continental Congress, Second. Oct. 22, 1776. Extract from the minutes. Appointment of Arthur Lee as commissioner to France in place of Thomas Jefferson. Signed, Chas. Thom¬ son Secy. f. (1). 79, 80. Oct. 22, 1776. Instructions, similar to those above (71, 72), Indorsed, No. 2. With Arthur Lee's name in place of Thomas Jeffer¬ son's. ff. (4). 81-83. Copy of the same. With extracts from the minutes, dated, Sept. 26, 28, 1776, and addi¬ tional instructions, dated, Oct. 16, 22, 1776. Indorsed, Feb. 5, 1777, by Franklin, Deane and Lee. Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 280. 84-88. —— Plan of treaty with France, sent with the above instructions. Signed, John Hancock Presidt. Indorsed, No. 3. ff. (10). Printed, Secret journals of congress, II. 7, et seq. 89. Letter, dated Berlin, Nov. 25, 1776. Super¬ scribed, "Edward Palmer Middle Temple London." Not signed. Political events of the times, ff. (2). Many proper names are altered or erased. 90. Memoir, Dec. 1776, concerning the state of America. Drafted at Paris, ff. (2). 91. Lee, Arthur. Copies of political anecdotes of Sir Wm. Howe, Franklin, Gerard and Beau- marchais. ff. (3). 92-98. Morris, Robert. Dec. 20, 1776. Letter from Philadelphia to Silas Deane in Paris. Detail of American misfortunes. With post¬ script dated, Jan. 8, 1777. ff. (13). Printed (except the opening sentence and the entire postscript), but with differences, in Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I 225, et seq., where it is dated Dec. 21, 1776, and addressed throughout as to the commissioners. This MS- bears pencil marks corresponding to the changes in the printed copy. 99. Continental Congress, Second. Dec. 23, 1776. Extract from the minutes. Resolution to the commissioners concerning the conduct of Portu¬ gal and action to be taken thereon, f. (1). Printed, Secret journals of congress, II. 35. 100. Franklin, Benjamin, Deane, Silas, and Lee, Arthur. Dec. 28, 1776. Form 'of letter to Count d'Aranda, ambassador from Spain to France, asking permission to call upon him. f. (1). 101. Lee, Arthur. Dec. 23, 1776. Copy of letter to committee of secret correspondence, accepting his nomination as commissioner. — Copy of let¬ ter, Dec. 31, 1776, to Lord Shelburne. Depar¬ ture for Paris. f. (1). (Imperfect — latter part wanting.) Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 60, 62. VOL. III. I. Continental Congress, Second. Jan. 2, 1777. Appointment of Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane and Arthur Lee, as commissioners to make a treaty with France. With seal. Signed, John Hancock ; attest. Chas. Thomson Secy. f.(i), doubled. (Imperfect — cut.) This differs from the commission on p. 74 of vol. II. by one additional clause :—"and also to enter into and agree upon a treaty with his Most Christian Majesty or such person or persons as shall be by him authorized for that purpose for assistance in carrying on the present war between Great Britain and these United States." See letter from Dr. Franklin on p. 27 of this volume. 2. [Lee, Arthur]. Jan. 4,1777. Letter from Paris to his brother, Richard Henry Lee. Defence of the lakes ; probable British force, ff. (2). 3. Commissioners to France. Jan. 5, 1777. Copy of memorial to France. Request for ships, etc. Indorsed by Lee, " Signed by the Commissioners & presented to Count Ver- gennes, thro M* Gerard." Not signed, ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 21; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 63. 4. Gerard, Conrad Alexandre, Secretary to Ver- gennes. Jan. 5, 1777. Note to the commission¬ ers. Interview, ff. (2). 5. [Commissioners to France]. Jan. 14, 1777. Copy of letter to C. A. Gerard. Thanks for message from the king of France, Louis XVI. In Lee's handwriting, not signed. Indorsed, No. 10. f. (1). The message was probably a verbal one delivered in the in¬ terview appointed by Gerard (see p. 4). See also Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, II. 23, note. Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 23; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee. I. 66. 6. Continental Congress, Second — Secret Com¬ mittee. Jan. 14, 1777. Copy of letter to the commissioners. Purchase of ammunition from France. Signed, " Rob' Morris Chairman of the Secret Committee of Congress." Indorsed, 3d copy. ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 295. 7. Gerard, C. A. Jan. 30, 1777. Note to Arthur Lee. Interview, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 8. Commissioners to France. Feb. 1,1777. Copy of memorial to Vergennes. France and Eng¬ land ; Gen. Burgoyne. Indorsed by Lee, " Presented by Mr Lee alone at Versailles." Not signed, ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 24 j Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 67. 9. [Continental Congress, Second—Committee of Secret Correspondence]. Feb. 2, 1777. Draft of letter from Baltimore to the commissioners. Blockade by the British ; loan of ships of war from France ; Gen. Washington ; Sir William Howe; Gen. Heath. Indorsed, " Copy of Letter to Commissioners." In R. H. Lee's handwriting, but not signed, f. (1). Printed, in Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 257, with differences and signatures: B. Harrison, R. H. Lee, W. Hooper; in Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 290, with verbal changes and signatures: Benj. Harrison, Richard Henry Lee, Jno. Witherspoon. 10. xi. [Commissioners to France], Feb. 6, 1777. Copy of letter to "The Secret Com¬ mittee of Congress." Hodge; Farmers-general; American packets ; Burgoyne; envoys to Spain and Holland; Nicholas Davis. Not signed. Copy examined by W. T. Franklin, ff. (4). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 310; Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, I. 260, where it is addressed, "To the committee of secret correspondence." For the difference be¬ tween the committees see Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 5, note. .CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 9 12. Gruel, J. Feb. 8, 1777. Etat de differentes sommes Payés- å Nantes Par ordre et Pour compte de Monsieur le • Docteur franklin, ff. (2). 13. [Continental Congress, Second—Secret Com- mittee\. Feb. 17, 1777. Draft of letter from Baltimore to the commissioners. Orders for clothing, etc. Signed, Richard Henry Lee; and in his handwriting. Indorsed, " Copy of letter from Secret Committee." f. (1). 14. Cleveland, Stephen, Capt. Feb. 19, 1777. Letter to Arthur Lee. John Philip Mirckle. ff. (2). 15. [Lee, Arthur]. Feb. 20, 1777. Letter from "Bourdeau," addressed, "Dear' Brother." Thomas Morris ; J. P. Mirckle. Not signed, ff. (2). 16. Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons, merchants at Bilboa. March 3, 1777. Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Commerce between the firm and America ; news of Trenton battle, ff. (2). 17. Lee, Arthur. March 5, 1777. Copy of memo¬ rial from Burgos to Marquis de Grimaldi. Rea¬ sons for desiring reception at Madrid. Signed, " Arthur Lee Commissioner plenipotentiary from the Congress of the United States of America." Indorsed, N°. 13. ff. (2). The title here assumed by Lee was not strictly descriptive of his position, and was probably appended only for form, as in his other communications to the court of Spain ; see Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, II- 47, note. Printed, Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, II- 38 ; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 79. 18. Lee, Arthur. March 5, 1777. Memoria sobra [sic] la contienda en la America. Dated at Burgos. Signed as the last on p. 17. Indorsed, N°. 14. Interlined with English translation, ff. (2). English translation printed, in Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 81 ; and with differences in Sparks' Diplomatic corre¬ spondence, II. 41, where it is stated that the memorial was not presented to the court of Spain, but put into the hands of Marquis de Grimaldi at Burgos, who returned a verbal answer without consulting the court. 19. 20. [Sarsfield, Comte de] ? 1777 ? Mé- moire. Arrangement of troops in America. Not signed. Indorsed, "Count [Sarsfield's ? ] plan for troops." pp. 8. 21-24. [Lee, Arthur]. March, 1777. Plan of a treaty with Spain. Not signed, ff. (7). See Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 84. 25. [ ]• March 6, 1777. Letter from Burgos. Character of commercial agents of Con¬ gress in Europe. Addressed, " Dear Sir " j closing, "Adieu," but not signed, ff. (2). 26. [ ]. March 19, 1777. Letter from Vitoria to R. H. Lee. Loans to America; additional troops, ff. (2). Downer, Eliphalet. March 20, 1777. Receipt, dated Pool, to William Lee for five guineas. Indorsed, " Ent. P. C. fol. 65." f. (1). 27. Franklin, Benjamin. March 21, 1777. Letter from Passy to Arthur Lee. News of Trenton battle ; Lord Cornwallis ; Washington ; Howe ; fresh commission (see p. 1 of this volume) ; Lee's mission to Spain, ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 54; Lee's Life oi Arthur Lee, I. 75. 28. Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons. March 22, 1777 Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. News from America; preparation of ships, ff. (2). 29. Gardoqui, James. March 23, 1777. Letter from Vitoria to Arthur Lee. Washington's advantage over British, ff. (2). 30. Farmers-General of France. March 24,1777. Copy of contract with Franklin and Deane for tobacco. In French. Signed, B. Franklin, S. Deane, Paulze. ff. (2). (Imperfect — edges worn.) Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 282. 31. [Commissioners to France]. March 28, 1777. Copy of propositions to Vergennes. Supply of cannon, etc. to America, f. (1). 32. Cleveland, Stephen, Capt. March 28, 1777. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. J. P. Mirckle. ff. (2). 33. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. April 9, 1777. Letter from Bilboa to Benjamin Franklin. Sup¬ plies for America. Not signed, ff. (2). 34. Suffolk, Henry Howard, 12th Earl of. April 10, 1777. Copie d'une lettre au comte de Welderen Ministre d'hollande å Londres. Governor of St. Eustatius. Indorsed, "Taken by Conyngham." ff. (2). 25. [Lee, Arthur] ? April 12, 1777. Copy of let¬ ter from Paris to Dr. Richard Price. Conduct of British soldiery in America. Not signed, ff- (3). 36. [Commissioners to France]. April 19, 1777. Draft of letter to Baron Schulenburg. Friendly relations between America and Prus¬ sia. Signatures in pencil. Copy on next page, ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 58; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 5. 37. [ ]. Copy of the same. Signed. Indorsed, No 1. ff. (2). 38. Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons. April 19, 1777. Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Supplies for America. With memoranda, ff. (2). 39. Gardoqui, James. April 24, 1777. . Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Loan of 81,000 livres. ff. (2). 40. [Commissioners to France]. April 28, 1777. Copy of letter from Paris to secret com¬ mittee of congress. Supplies sent by France ; Lee's mission to Prussia. Not signed. Note added by W. T. Franklin. Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 314. May 1, 1777- Copy of letter to Jonathan Williams. Directions about packets. Indorsed, No 1. f. (1). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 285. 41. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]: May 5, 1777. Letter from Madrid to [Arthur Lee ?]. Sup¬ plies for America. Superscribed, "Mr John Thompson." Not signed. Indorsed in pencil, Gardoqui. ff. (2). 42. [Commissioners to France]. May 7, 1777. Draft of memorial to Vergennes. Violations of French neutrality by British vessels ; case of the Culloden. Indorsed, " drawn up by A. Lee." ff. (2). 10 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 43. [ ]. Copy of the same. f. (1). Grand, Ferdinand, banker at Paris. May 10, 1777. Acknowledgment of receipt of a bill for 106,500 livres, indorsed by Gardoqui, in favor of Arthur Lee. f. (1). See Gardoqui's letter in Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 59- 44. [Commissioners to France]. May 11, 1777. Letter to Count de Bernstorff, minister to Copenhagen, sending him a letter captured from a British vessel by an American privateer, ff. (2). Schulenburg-Kehnert, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron de. May 20, 1777. Letter from Berlin to Arthur Lee. Lee's journey to Berlin. In French, with translation by Lee. Indorsed, No 2. ff. (2). Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 63 ; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 6. 45. Gardoqui, James. May 29, 1777. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Supplies to America from the firm in Bilboa; receipt of tobacco in return. Not signed, ff. (2). Schulenburg-Kehnert, F. W., Baron de. June 9, 1777. Letter from Berlin to Arthur Lee. Lee's journey to Berlin. In French, with translation by Lee. ff. (2). Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 68; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 90. 46. Grand, Ferdinand. June 10, 1777. Account with the commissioners, f. (1). 47. Sollier, J., banker at Nantes. June 13, 1777. Account with the commissioners, ff. (2). Maltrebiou (?), . June 17, 1777. Letter from Calais to M. Deloder at Paris. His cap¬ ture and treatment by the British. In French. ff. (2). 48. Ross, John. June 17, 1777. Letter from Nantes to Silas Deane. Gruel's account against congress, ff. (2). Schulenburg-Kehnert, F. W., Baron de. June 18, 1777. Letter from Berlin to Arthur Lee. Commerce between Prussia and America. In French, with translation by Lee. Indorsed, • No 3. ff. (2). Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 75 ; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 8. 49. June 26, 1777. Letter to the same. American privateers in Prussian ports. In French, with translation by Lee. ff. (2). Translation printed, in Papers in relation to the case of Silas Deane, p. 187, published in 1855 by the Seventy-six society, Philadelphia; Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 78; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 97. [Lee, Arthur]. June 28, 1777. Letter from Berlin to his colleagues at Paris. Cannon from Prussia; robbery of his papers. Indorsed, N» 4. ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 79; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 9. 50. Williams, Jonathan, commercial agent at Nantes. June 28, 1777. Copy of letter from Nantes to the firm of De Begray, Beaugeard fils & cie. at St. Malo. Disposal of prizes. With copy of circular letter to prize-masters, ff. (2). Frederick II., of Prussia. July 2, 1777. Letter from Potsdam to Arthur Lee. Robbery of Lee's papers. In French, with translation by Lee. ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 96; and translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 86. 51. Deane, Silas. July 4, 1777. Copy of letter from Paris to Jonathan Williams. Disposal of prizes at Nantes. Indorsed, " N° 2 Copy of Extract." f. (1). After the signature is this note added in the same hand: " The forgoing being written in the plural Number is supposed to be from the Commissioners altho' accidentaly signed only by Mr. Deane, The Letter to Cap^ Weeks (see next paper) being to the same effect & being signed by Doctr. Franklin & Mr. Deane prove this, and the Letter from DocU Franklin of Decr. 22d, 1777 (see reverse of next paper) ratifying all Mr. Deans orders renders it perfectly authentic." Printed, except the note, in Papers in relation to the case of Silas Deane, p. 201, published by the Seventy-six society, Philadelphia. Franklin, Benjamin, and Deane, Silas. July 4, 1777. Copy of letter from Paris to Capt. Lambert Weeks. Prizes; Mr. Williams. In¬ dorsed, "No. 3 Copy." — Franklin, Benjamin. Dec. 22, 1777. Copy of letter from Passy to Jonathan Williams. Same subjects; ratifica¬ tion .of Mr. Deane's orders. On reverse of preceding paper. Indorsed, " N° 4 Copy of Ex¬ tract." f. (1). Printed, in Papers in relation to the case of Silas Deane, p. 200, published by the Seventy-six society, Philadelphia. The note by Franklin, of Dec. 22, 1777, -on the reverse, is printed in the same, p. 193. 52. Lee, Arthur. July 6, 1777. Letter from Berlin to his colleagues in Paris. Robbery of his papers; probable consequences, ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 86 ; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 10. Williams, Jonathan. July 8, 1777. Letter from Nantes to the commissioners. Disposal of prizes ; fitting out of privateers, ff. (4). 53. July 9, 10, 1777. Copy of two letters from Nantes to Thomas Morris. Disposal of prizes, ff. (2). 54. July 10, 1777. Letter from Nantes to the commissioners. Same subject; purchase of clothing ; discount credit, ff. (4). 55. July 12, 1777. Letter to the same. Thomas Morris ; prizes ; purchase of clothing, ff. (2). 56. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de. July 16, 1777. Copy of letter from Versailles to Franklin and Deane. American privateers in French ports. In French, ff. (2). Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 3"> 57. Copy of the same. — [Aug. 21, 1777.] Copy of letter to Grand (see original on p. 66).' Privateers ; prizes ; Chaumont; Hodge. — March 4, 1778. Extract of letter from Capt. Cunningham to Arthur Lee. Disposal of prizes. — Note by Arthur Lee. Deane. ff. (2). Translation of Vergennes' letter to Grand, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 95. 58. Schweighauser, J. D. 16, 1777 (?) Let¬ ter to the commissioners Disposal of Ameri¬ can goods and prizes. "July 16" added in Lee's(?) handwriting; the year is not given. Indorsed in later hand in pencil, ** 1777 (?)" ff. (2). CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 11 59. Franklin, Benjamin, and Deane, Silas. July *7» x777- Copy of letter to Vergennes. An¬ swer to his complaint of violation of neutrality by American privateers (see pp. 56, 57). ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 314. 60. Weedon, George, Gen. July\%, 1777. Letter from "Clove(?) Camp in New Jersies" to [R. H. Lee?]. Capture of Gen. Prescott. £. (1). 61. Pincus d'Eisenstadt, Baruch. July 20, 1777. Letter from Vienna to Arthur Lee. Price of wool and cloth, ff. (2). Sollier, J. Aug. 1, 1777. Account with the commissioners. In French, ff. (2). 62. Penet, P. & cie. Aug. 2, 1777. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Financial transactions of the commissioners; complaints, ff. (2). Gerard, C. A. Aug. 4, 1777. Reply to Arthur Lee. ff. (2). 63. Lee, William. ^^.9,1777. Letter from Nantes to [F. L. Lee ?j. Difficulties as commercial agent at Nantes. Indorsed, "FL L." ff. (2). ^Greive, . Aug. 11,1777. Note to Arthur Lee. Appointment for breakfast. News from America, ff. (2). 64. Lee, William. Aug. 12, 1777. Copy of letter from Nantes to R. H. Lee. Difficulties as com¬ mercial agent at Nantes, ff. (2). 65. Commissioners to France. Aug. 12, 1777. Copy of letter to Vergennes. Hodge. In¬ dorsed, "Sent to Count Vergennes by Mr Franklin junr." ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 317. Franklin, Benjamin, a.7id Deane, Silas. May g-Aug. 15, 1777. Copy of contracts with the firm of Holker fils, Sabatier fils & Desprez for furnishing cloth. In French. Copy certified by H. Ford, Sec'y. ff. (2). Translation of that of Aug. 15 printed, in Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 318. 66. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de. Aug. 21, 1777. Letter to Grand. Privateers; prizes ; Chau- mont; Hodge. In French, ff. (2). (Imperfect — hole worn.) ■See copy on p. 57. Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 95. [Bridgen, Edward]. Aug. 29, 1777. Letter •from London to [Arthur Lee]. American politics ; character of American agents. Signed, E. B. Superscribed, " Monsieur Johnstone." ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II, 86. 67. Jennings, Edmund]. Sept. x, 1777. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. American affairs. Signed, "Robert Williams." f. (1). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 99. [ ]. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. Trouble be¬ tween Franklin and Lee; Carmichael. Not dated. Signed, " G. Harrison." Superscribed, " Monsieur Dupré." ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 100. 68. Wanson, , maitre tailleur. Sept. 2, 1777. Note in French. Lee's letters; Carmichael. f. (1). [Gardoqui, James]. Sept. 4, 1777. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Proffers of per¬ sonal friendship; disposition of Spain toward America, ff. (2). 69. [Commissioners to France]. Sept. 8, 1777. Copy of letter to "The Secret Committee." Disposition of European powers toward Amer¬ ica ; financial situation of the commissioners ; English trade. Not signed. Attested by W. T. Franklin, ff. (4). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 315; Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, I. 319, where it is addressed, " To the committee of foreign affairs" (formerly the committee of secret correspondence, see Journals of congress, III. 142). 70. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. Sept. 13, 1777. Letter from Bilboa to Benjamin Franklin. Prof¬ fers of friendship ; consignment of tobacco ; Logoanere & Co.; Cuningham. ff. (2). (Im¬ perfect — torn.) 71. Dumas, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich. Sept. 23,1777. Letter to Arthur Lee. Lee's journey to Berlin; John Adams; Samuel Adams; Cusbing; New¬ man ; Franklin ; Deane; Carmichael. Inclos¬ ing extracts from two other letters of his of same date. ff. (3). 72. [Jennings, Edmund]. Sept. 24(F), 1777. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. Trouble between Franklin and Lee. Signed, " George Harrison." Super¬ scribed, "Monsieur Letsom"(?) ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 90. where the date is given Sept. 27th. The date is apparently 23 changed to 24. Carmichael, William. Sept. 26, 1777. Note to Arthur Lee. Request foi" an interview. Answer, on same page, from Lee, appointing one. f. (1). 73. 74. Thompson, Thomas, Capt. Sept. 28, 1777. Copy of letter to the commissioners. Account of the Raleigh's voyage and encounter with a British fleet off the Bermudas, ff. (4). 75. Oct. 5, 1777. Copy of the journal of the Raleigh. Indorsed, " Sent to Congress." ff. (2). 76. Deane, Simeon. Oct. 7, 1777. Letter from Passy to " Capt. Joseph Hynson or Capt. John Folger." Packets to America. With two other communications to Folger, Oct. 7, 19, 1777, on the reverse, the second signed by Franklin and Deane. f. (1). 77. 78. Commissioners to France. Oct. 7, 1777. Copy of letter from Passy to "The Secret Committee." Money loans from Europe ; fail¬ ure of remittances ; commercial agents ; Ross ; Hodge ; Ceronio ; Gardoqui ; William Lee ; Izard. Attested, W. T. Franklin, ff. (4). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 319; Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, I. 332, where it is addressed " To the committee of foreign affairs." This is probably correct, as the " Secret committee" was dissolved July 5, 1777, and the " Com¬ mittee of secret correspondence," April 17, 1777. 79. Rosignan, Sigard, Marquis de, Sardinian envoy to Berlin. Oct. 7, 1777. Letter from Berlin to Arthur Lee. Ticonderoga; Burgoyne ; electro- phons; Sayre. In French, ff. (2). Translation printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 363. [Gardoqui, James]. Oct. 16, 1777. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Supplies to America. Signed, J. G. ff. (2). 80. [ ]. Oct. 27, 1777. Letter to the same. Conduct of American privateers toward , French and Spanish property ; American army 12 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. at Saratoga; supplies for America. Not signed, ff. (2). Sayre, Stephen. Oct. 27, 1777. Letter from Berlin to Franklin. Appeal for support, ff. (2). 81. [Jennings, Edmund], Oct. 1777. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. Carmichael. Signed, "John Harris." Superscribed, "John Waters." ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 97. [ ]. Nov. 4, 1777. Letter to the same. Same subject. Signed, "John Bourgenville." f. (x). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 91. 82. Lee, William. Nov. 11, 1777. Letter from Paris to his brother, [F. L. Lee ?J. Commer¬ cial agency at Nantes; mission to Prussia; Carmichael; Capts. Babson and Kendrick ; Hodge ; Cuningham; complaints against commissioners at Paris, pp. 8. 83. Nov. 24, 1777. Letter from Paris to R. H. Lee. Commercial agency at Nantes ; ac¬ ceptance of appointment to Prussia; com¬ plaints against Williams, Deane'; Thomas Morris ; Lloyd ; Montandouin ; Limozin ; use of public money, ff. (4). 84. [Gardoqui, James]. Nov. 24, 1777. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Orders of con¬ gress ; Ross's cargo of flour at Corunna (see p. 86); Burgoyne. ff. (2). [Jennings, Edmund]. Nov. 25, 1777. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. Disposition of England; hiring Swiss troops. Signed, "John Towns- end." ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 92. 85. [Commissioners to France]. Nov. 25, 1777. Letter from Paris to Capt. Thomson. In¬ structions about prizes. Not signed, ff. (2). 86. Ross, John. Nov. 25,1777. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Gardoqui's letter; cargo of flour at Corunna (see p. 84). ff. (2). 87. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. Nov. 26,1777. Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Remittances to America, ff. (2). 88. Grand, Ferdinand. Nov. 27,1777. Memoran¬ dum of money remittances, f. (1). 80. Digges, Thomas, of Maryland. Dec. 1, 1777. Note to W. Thornton. List of American prisoners in Fortton prison near Portsmouth, Eng.; their treatment, ff. (2). 90. Ross, John. Dec. 2, 1777. Note from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Acknowledgment of letter, ff. (2). Rosignan, Sigard, Marquis de. Dec. 2, 1777. Letter from Berlin to [Arthur Lee]. Fordyce Bang; Sayre; Elliot; electrophons. In French. Indorsed, N° 2. ff. (2). Translation printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 365. 91. Ross, John. Dec. 2.1777. Letter from Nantes to the commissioners. Insurance of public property, ff. (2). [Jennings, Edmund]. Dec. 2, 1777. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. News from America; Wash¬ ington ; Howe; Donop; Burgoyne. Signed, "John Townsend." Superscribed, "Mon¬ sieur Waters." ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 95. 92. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. Dec. 3, 1777. Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Supplies for America. Signed, J. G. ff. (2). 93. Continental Congress, Second. Dec. 3, 1777. Resolutions on the issue of paper money ; di¬ rections to the commissioners; borrowing money from France. Signed, Henry Laurens, President; attest. Chas. Thomson Secy. In¬ dorsed, Duplicate. f. (1). The first two paragraphs were public, and printed in Journals of congress, III. 552; the rest of the paper is printed in Secret journals of congress, II. 55. 94. [Jennings, Edmund]. Dec. 5, 1777. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. Howe; Burgoyne; Washing» ton. Signed, " C. (?) Townsend." Super- ' scribed, " Monsieur Dupre." ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 94, where the signa¬ ture is given as J. Townsend. Lee, Arthur. Dec. 10, 1777. Copy of letter from Paris to the earl of Shelburne. Treat¬ ment of prisoners; cruelty of Gen. Clinton. Indorsed, Lett. Book. 1. p. 144. Copy com¬ pared by John Adams, f. (1). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 104; Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, II. 119, where it is dated Dec- 14. 95. [Gardoqui, James]. Dec. 10, 1777. Lettei from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Supplies for America; Capt. Babson ; Capt. Hibbert. Not signed, ff. (2). Franklin, Benjamin. Dec. 11,1777. Copy of letter from Paris to Sir Grey Cooper. Con¬ dition of American prisoners in England; Major Thornton. With copy of instructions from the commissioners to Major Thornton. Attested, W. T. Franklin, ff. (2). 96. Mullett, Thomas. Dec. 14,1777. Letter from Bristol to ?, introducing William Steven¬ son. ff. (2). Ross, John. Dec. 16, 1777. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. American vessels; British cruisers ; Hodge, ff. (2). 97. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. Dec. 17, 1777. Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Supplies for America, ff. (2). 98. Morris, Robert. Dec. 17, 1777. Copy of letter from Manheim to William Smith of the commercial committee at York, Eng. Conduct of Thomas Morris, ff. (2). [Gardoqui, James]. Dec. 18, 1777. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Washington; Howe ; supplies for America. Not signed, ff. (2). 99. 100. [Commissioners to France]. Dec. 18, 1777. Copy of letter from Paris to the com¬ mittee for foreign affairs (formerly committee of secret correspondence). Burgoyne's sur¬ render ; treaty of amity and commerce with France; remittances of money; favors from France ; Lord Stormont; treatment of prison¬ ers. Directed to Robert Morris, ff. (4). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 355. 101. Schulenburg-Kehnert, F. W., Baron de. Dec. 18, 1777. Letter from Berlin to Arthur Lee. Burgoyne's surrender. In French, with translation by Lee. ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 120; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 98. CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 13 [Jennings, Edmund]. Dec. 22, 1777. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. London news ; Stevenson. Signed, " C. Townsend." f. (1). 102. Grand, Ferdinand. Dec. 23, 1777. Receipt to Arthur Lee. f. (1). Ross, John. Dec. 24, 1777. Letter from Nantes to the commissioners. Shipments to America, ff. (2). 103. Boux, , Capt. Dec. 24, 1777. Letter from Paris, to [the commissioners?]. Request for commission in American navy. In French, ff. (2). Sayre, Stephen. Dec. 25, 1777. Letter from Copenhagen to the commissioners. His plans about going to America ; disposition of Den¬ mark toward America, ff. (2). 104-107. Morris, Robert. Dec. 26, 1777. Copy of letter from Manheim to Henry Laurens. Con¬ duct of Thomas Morris, ff. (4). 108. Ross, John. Dec. 27, 1777. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Fitting out cruisers, ff. (2). 109. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. Dec. 27, 1777. Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Supplies for America; Capt. Hibbert ; Burgoyne ; Howe. Signed, J. G. & Co. ff. (2). 110. "Waller, John. Dec. 28, 1777 (?). Letter from Plymouth, Eng., to David Hartley. Condition of American prisoners; Condry, the agent; Burgoyne. ff. (3). (Date partly illegible from stain.) in. Carmichael, William. Dec. 30, 1777. Let¬ ter from Nantes to the commissioners. Ships to America ; Williams, ff. (2). Morris, Thomas. Dec. 30 or 31, 1777. Copy of letter from Nantes to Jonathan Williams. Appointment of Williams as assistant in the commercial agency at Nantes. Indorsed, N° 5. f. (1). (Imperfect — part of date torn off.) 112. Moylan, James. Dec. 31, 1777. Letter from L'Orient to Arthur Lee. British proposition to raise Catholic regiments in Ireland ; Macintosh, a Scotch spy. With copy of letter from the commissioners to him promising him the con¬ trol of the public business at L'Orient. In¬ dorsed, N°. 5. ff. (3). 113. [Berkenhout, , Dr. 1777 ] Letter to Arthur Lee. Capture of the Fox ; Washing¬ ton ; Philadelphia; paper money. Not signed, dated, or addressed, ff. (2). 82a. Lenoue, . Nov. 11, 1777. Letter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Colombé and Lauty. Indorsed, " Letters relative to the rob¬ bery of our Despatches by Folger." ff. (2). This paper was inadvertently omitted from its proper chrono¬ logical place. VOL. IV. I, Stevenson, William. Jan. 1, 1778. Claim for ^500 on the French governor-general at Gua¬ dalupe. With note in pencil by Arthur Lee. ff. (2). 2. Carmichael, William. [About Jan. 3, 1778.] Note to Arthur Lee. Departure for America. Dated, " Saturday 6 oclock." ff. (2). For the circumstances of this and the three following papers, see Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 373, 374; and Papers in relation to the case of Silas Deane, p. 54, published in 1855 by the Sev¬ enty-six society, Philadelphia. 3. Stevenson, William. [Jan. 4, 1778.] Letter to the commissioners. Despatches for America, ff. (2). 4. Franklin, Benjamin, and Deane, Silas. Jan. 4, 1778. Answer to Stevenson's note (p. 3) Despatches for America, f. (1). 5. Stevenson, William. Jan. 4, 1778. Reply to the letter of Franklin and Deane. Explanation of his position, ff. (2). Lee, William. Jan. 4, 1778. Letter to F. L. Lee. Stevenson ; Carmichael; Hodge ; Deane ; Burgoyne's surrender; British plans for new campaign; prospect of European war. ff. (2). 6. Letter, dated " Alnewick," to [Arthur Lee]. Jan. 4, 1778. Burgoyne's expedition ; Harcourt; sympathy with America. P. S. dated, Jan. 13. Not signed, perhaps imperfect; addressed, "Dear Friend" ; indorsed, N° 4. f. (1). Ross, John. Jan. 5, 1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Stevenson, ff. (2). 7. [Lovell, James]. Jan. 5, 1778. Portion of let¬ ter to R. H. Lee. Ticonderoga; attorney-gen¬ eral Sergeant of Pennsylvania; Patterson of New Jersey. Date and name indorsed on back, f. (1). 8. Jan- 5, 1778. Letter from York [Pennsyl¬ vania] to [R. H. Lee ?]. Loss of public papers, sent by the commissioners through Capt. Fol¬ ger ; Gen. Howe ; Burgoyne. With an explan¬ atory indorsement and names filled out in an¬ other hand. ff. (2). Lee, Arthur. Jan. 5, 1778. Draft of letter from Paris to [the committee of foreign affairs]. Re¬ sult of his missions to Spain and Prussia; effect of Burgoyne's surrender ; friendly attitude of Prussia. With a copy of a note in French from Schulenburg, dated, Dec. 23, 1777. Indorsed, " Committee " and " No 7." ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 16 ; and with verbal differences in Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 123, on p. 122 of which is a translation of Schulenburg's note. 9. Jan. 5, 1778. Letter from Paris to [R. H. Lee]. Treaty of commerce with Portugal; Brit¬ ish defence of Canada, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 126. 10,11. [Thornton, John (?), Major. Between Jan. 5 and Jan. 8, 1778.] Memorandum to the com¬ missioners. Prisoners confined by the British at Forton prison near Portsmouth, Eng. With list of those in prison Dec. 29, 1777. ff. (6). (Imperfect — each page worn.) Probably not the whole, as it is not signed or dated. Name indorsed on outside, 12. Copy of one sentence in the same. Dr. Bancroft "stock-jobbing" in London for com¬ missioners. Copy attested by H. Ford, sec'y. f. (1). Lee, Arthur. Jan. 10, 1778. Extract from a letter to Franklin and Deane. Williams's ac¬ counts. Indorsed in Lee's handwriting, " taken from 49th page Letterbook, Vol 2d "; also in 14 CALENDAR OF THE LEE. MANUSCRIPTS. John Adams's, "Copy from a Letter Book of the Hon. A. Lee compared by John Adams." f. (i). 13. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. Jan. 10,1778. Let¬ ter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Capt. Cuning- ham's prize ; supplies for America. Signed, J. G. & Co. ff. (2). 14,15. -Copy of examination, Jan. 12, 1778, of Capt. Folger. Opening of despatches to con¬ gress, (see p. 8). Signed, James Lovell. ff. (4). 16. Dumas, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich. Jan. 13, 1778. Letter from the Hague, in French, to Arthur Lee. News from America ; effect of good news on money-lenders in Holland; Van Berkel; commissions in American army ; pub¬ lication of a new encyclopaedia. Signed, D. ff. (2). [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. Jan. 14, 1778. Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Shipment of supplies for America. Signed, J. G. & Co. ff. (2). 17. [Commissioners to France]. Jan. 16, 1778. Copy of orders to Capt. John Paul Jones of the Ranger. Disposal of prizes ; conduct toward neutral powers; mention of Moylan, Gourlade [Goulard], Sam. Delap, T. H. Delap, Gardoqui, Leoganere. Signed by Franklin and Deane.— Note added, Jan. 17, 1778, by Lee. Disap¬ proval of part of these orders. — Note added, Jan. 17, 1778, by Franklin and Deane. Con¬ firmation of orders and reasons therefor, ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 361, where the name Leoganere is spelled Leagonere. [Dumas, K. W. F.]. Jan. 16, 1778. Letter from the Hague, in French, to Arthur Lee. News from Hamburg, Leyden, Magdeburg; William Lee; Franklin, Mansfield. Signed, D. ff. (2). 18. Schulenburg-Kehnert, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron de. Jan. 16, 1778. Letter from Berlin, in French, to Arthur Lee. Expressions of friendship; arrangement about letters; Gen. Howe ; promise of Prussia's acknowledgment, after France ; permission for the purchase of guns and ammunition in Prussia. Indorsed, No. 8. ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) . Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 123, which differs from the one on p. 19. 19. Translation of the same by Arthur Lee. (Imperfect — edges much worn.) Printed, from this imperfect copy, in Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 18. [Lovell, James]. Jan. 17, 1778. Copy of letter to [Arthur Lee ?] in Paris. Robbery of the despatches to congress, sent through Capt. Folger. ff. (2). This seems to be to one of the commissioners, yet not to Franklin or Deane ; but the doubt about its being to Lee comes toward the close, where Lovell asks his correspondent to " en¬ quire of R- H. Lee's worthy brothers" concerning the nature of the inclosure sent to R. H. Lee. ao. Extracts, Jan. 20-28, 1778, from news at Lon¬ don and Brest of American events'. In French. Superscribed, Monsieur Franklin. In the same handwriting as the notes from Malesherbes on p. 23. ff. (2). Stevenson, William. Jan. 21, 1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Capt. Nicholson; Carmichael's opinion of Deane and Izard, ff. (2). 21. Lloyd, John. Jan. 22, 1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Carmichael's opinion of Deane and Izard, ff. (2). 22. [Gardoqui, James]. Jan. 22, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Return from Madrid to Bilboa. Not signed, ff. (2). Bancroft, Edward. Jan. 22, 1778. Letter from Passy to Arthur Lee. Resentment at Lee's suspicion of him. ff. (2). 23. [Dumas, K. W. F.]. Jan. 23, 1778. Letter from the Hague in French to the commission¬ ers. Prussia's refusal of passage to British mer¬ cenaries ; assurances of friendship, ff. (2). Lamoignon de Malesherbes, Chretien Guil- laume de, Minister of State. Jan. 24, 1778. Note of invitation in French to Arthur Lee. William Lee ; Sarsfield. f. (x). Note to Arthur Lee. Sarsfield. Not dated, f. (1). 24. Lee, Arthur. Jan. 27, 1778. Copy of letter to Carmichael. Demand for the despatches sent through him to Congress; with copy of Car¬ michael's reply refusing them. Indorsed, " In¬ closed in Mr. Carmichael's information delivered in May 3, 1779." ff. (2). For original of Carmichael's, see p. 30. Cushing, Thomas, Jr. Jan. 27, 1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Capt. Nicholson ; departure for America; charge of letters, ff. (2). 25. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. Jan. 28,1778. Let¬ ter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Supplies for America. Signed, J. G. & Co. ff. (2). 26. Ross, John. Jan. 29, 1778. Letter from Nantes to the commissioners. Thomas Morris's condi¬ tion of health; care of public papers, ff. (2). Lee, Arthur. Jan. 30, 1778. Copy of letter to Franklin and Deane. Dangerous conse¬ quences of the 12th article of the treaty of [amity and] commerce with France. With copy of reply, Feb. 1, 1778, agreeing to its omission, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 126 ; Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, II. 127. 27. Lee, Thomas, nephew of Arthur Lee. Jan. 31, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Carmichael's refusal to deliver the despatches asked for Jan. 27th, (see p. 24). ff. (2). 28. [Berkenhout, , Dr. Feb. 1778.] Letter to [Arthur LeeJ. Howe ; Washington ; Corn- wallis ; English political parties ; America's in¬ dependence ; publication of a pamphlet against Franklin; Israel Maudu!-t; manufactories; Edmund Tully. Not dated, signed, or super- scribéd; addressed, " Amico charissimo." ff. (2). Franklin, Benjamin, and Deane, Silas. Feb. 1, 1778. Original of the reply to Lee, (see p. 26). 12th article of the treaty, f. (1). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 128 ; Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, II. 129. 29. Stevenson, William. Feb. 1,1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Carmichael's position toward Franklin, Deane, and Lee. ff. (2). Copies of portions of letters about Carmichael and Deane. Jan. 22, 1778. John Lloyd from Nantes to Arthur Lee, (see p. 21). — Jan. 24, 1778. The same to the same. — Jan. 21, 1778. William Stevenson to Arthur Lee, (see p. 20I. CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 15 — Feb. i, 1778. The same to the same, (see p. 29, above). (Imperfect — unfinished.) 30. Franklin, Benjamin, and T>~ea.ne, Silas. Feb. 1, 1778. Copy of letter to Gerard. Omission of the nth and 12th articles from the treaty. At¬ tested by W. T. Franklin. With copy of Lee's letter on the same subject (see p. 26). ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I- 128; Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, II. 130. Carmichael, William. Feb. 1, 1778. Original . of the reply to Lee's letter to him, (see p. 24). Delivery of despatches, ff. (2). 31. Another copy of the same. Attested by Arthur Lee. f. (1). 32. Affidavit, Feb. 2, 1778, by Thomas Lee, Wm. Stevenson, and J. Thornton. Interview with Carmichael, (see pp. 24, 27, 30, 31, 32 below). In Thornton's handwriting, ff. (2). Lee, Thomas. Feb. 5, 1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Interview of Ross with Car¬ michael ; despatches for congress, ff. (2). (Partly illegible from a stain.) 33-39. France and United States of America. Feb. 6, 1778. Copy in French of the treaty of amity and commerce. Not signed, dated, or filled out completely and with the two disputed articles, ff. (14). Printed, Martens' Recueil de traités, etc. 2e éd. II. 587-602 ; and translation in Treaties, etc. between the U. S. and other powers, Washington, 1871, p. 244, etc. 40. Feb. 6,1778. Copy in French and English of the " Act separate and secret " of the treaty. Compared with the original by Arthur Lee. f. (0- English translation printed, Treaties, etc. between the U. S. and oiher powers, p. 254. 41. Commissioners to France. [Sept. 1, 1778.] Déclaration. Draft in French of the act rescind¬ ing the nth and 12th articles of the treaty, f. (0- Printed, Martens' Recueil de traités, etc. 2" éd. II. 602 ; and English translation in Treaties, etc. between the U. S- and other powers, p. 247. 42. Lee, Arthur. Feb. 9, 1778. Letter to F. L. Lee. Treaty with France ; conduct of Car¬ michael and Deane. Addressed, "D^ Loudon." ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 132. Copies of portions of letters about Carmichael and Deane. The same as those on p. 29. With the addition of one dated Feb. 10, 1778, from Lloyd to Lee. ff. (2). (Imperfect — unfinished.) 43. Goulard, J. C. F. & fils, Merchants at Z'Orient. Feb. 10, 1778. Letter in French from. Frankfort to Arthur Lee. Receipt of letter; American news [Burgoyne's surrender]; proffers of friend¬ ship. ff. (2). [Wharton, Joseph]. Feb. 11, 1778. Letter to [Major John ?] Thornton. Complaint about letters. Signed, " Tudyuscung " ; indorsed, N° 4. Certified to be Wharton's handwriting by M. Livingston, July 13, 1778, and by Mat¬ thew Mease, July 29, 1778. ff. (2). 44. Sarsfield, ,Comtede. Feb 14, [177.8]. Note in French to Arthur Lee. Invitation to dinner with Malesherbes and Franklin. With seal, ff. (2). 45. Lee, Arthur. \Feb. 15, 1778.] Draft of letter to the committee of foreign correspondence Beaumarchais; Lauregais; Wilkes; Deane. f. (1). This is marked P. S. and is without date. Printed, with ver¬ bal differences, in Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 134, where it stands not as a P. S- but bears the date Feb. 15, 1778, and is addressed, "Gentlemen" ; it also has there an additional sentence and the testimonial of Lauregais. 46. Pasteur, William. [Feb. 16, 1778.] Letter from Williamsburg, Va., to William Lee. Request for goods for the Williamsburg manufactory ; John King; John Greenhow; Saml. Gist. With invoice, ff. (3). 47. Pringle, John Julius. Feb. 17, 1778. Extrait d'un discours fait par Monsr. C; Fox & publié dans le courier de l'Europe 24. Fev 1778." Franklin's intelligence that the treaty was signed, f. (1). With a note added by Sparks, " Dr Franklin's name is not mentioned by Mr. Fox. — See 'Parliamentary Register' of the above date" [Feb. 17, 1778]. 48. Lee, Ludwell, nephew of Arthur Lee. The same extract copied from the Courier. With note, "Feb. 18, 1779 Copy compared by John Ad¬ ams." f. (i/. With a note by Sparks similar to thalt on the last paper. [Lee, William]. Feb. 17, 1778. Letter from Nantes to F. L. Lee. Thomas Morris ; John Ross; Robert Morris; Schweighauser; John Bondfield ; treaty ; German embassy ; military situation of England; Washington; Samuel Adams ; Dr. Shippen. Not signed; addressed, "My Dear Loudoun." ff. (2). 49. [Hartley, David, M.P.]. Feb. 18, 1778. Let¬ ter from London to John Thornton. Lord North; conciliation; treaty. Signed, "D H ". f. (1). Lloyd, John. Feb. 18,1778. Letter from Nantes to [Arthur Lee]. Carmichael; Deane; Frank¬ lin ; Williams. Addressed, " Dear Sir " ; not superscribed, ff. (2). 50. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. Feb. 18, 1778. Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Shipment of supplies for America. Signed, J. G. & Co. ff. (2). Franklin, Benjamin, and Deane, Silas. Feb. 22, 1778. Copy of letter to [C. A. Gerard]. Rumor of treaty between Howe and Washing¬ ton ; Hartley's letter of Feb. 18, (see p. 51). ff. (2), See Sparks' Franklin, VIII. 232, note, where a portion is printed as addressed to Vergennes with date Feb. 1. Franklin himself says, in a letter to Lee on p. 241 of the same volume, that he wrqte this to Gerard. As the communications to Vergennes were usually through Gerard, this is probably the explanation of Vergennes' name in Sparks' note. 51. Copies of letters between Franklin, Deane, and Lee. Return of despatches by Simeon Deane ; acknowledgment of the commissioners by the French court. Feb. 26, 1778. Lee to Franklin and Deane. — Feb. 27, 1778: Franklin and Deane to Lee.—Feb. 27, 1778. Lee to Frank¬ lin and Deane.—Feb. 28, 1778. Franklin and Deane to Lee, (see p. 52). ff. (2). The first two are printed in Sparks' Diplomatic correspon* dence, II. 136, 137. 52. Ross, John. Feb. 26, 1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Thomas Morris ; Robert Mor¬ ris ; complaint about William Lee's interfer¬ ence. ff. (2). 16 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. Franklin, Benjamin, a?id Deane, Silas. Feb. 28, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Copying of the treaties; sailing of a convoy, f. (1). This is the original of the last copy on p. 51. 53, 54. [Commissioners to France]. Feb. 28, 1778. Copy of letter to the committee for for¬ eign affairs. Return of despatches; conclu¬ sion of the treaty of amity and commerce ; Lord North's conciliatory bills; future prospects of America; friendship of France; Babson and Hendricks ; William Lee and Thomas Morris ; Bermudas; Newfoundland. Attested by W. T. Franklin, ff. (4). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 369; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 330. 55. Izard, Ralph. Feb. 28, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Acknowledgment of the commissioners at the French court, f. (x). Williams, Jonathan. Feb. 28, 1778. Letter from Nantes to the commissioners. Sailing of fleet from Quiberon ; detention of the Duchesse de Grammont; credit with Grand ; cost of fit¬ ting the Ranger; agreement with Thomas Mor¬ ris ; escape of Capt. Johnson of the Lexington, ff. (2). 56. Chaumont, Le Ray de. March r, 1778. Letter, in French, from Passy to Arthur Lee. De¬ spatches. f. (1). 57. Franklin, Benjamin, and Deane, Silas. March 1, 1778. Note to Arthur Lee. Despatches; change of appointment.—Note added by W. T. Franklin. Lee's engagement to dinner with Messrs. Chalut. f. (1). Chaumont, Le Ray de. March 1, 1778. Let¬ ter, in French, from Passy to M. De Kater at Bordeaux. Lee's despatches, ff. (2). 58. [Thornton, John, major\ (?). March 3, 1778. Note from ,L°nclon to [the commissioners ?]. Troops to Canada, Newfoundland; Lord George Germain ; Portsmouth ; rumor that France will declare the independency of America. Not signed or addressed. Indorsed, Thornton, ff. (2). Franklin, William Temple. March 1, 1778. Note to Arthur Lee. Copying letter to con¬ gress. With seal. ff. (2). 59. Essay in French, March 1, 1778. Concilia¬ tory propositions of Great Britain ; treaty with France. Not signed or addressed, ff. (2). (Imperfect — worn.) 60. Franklin, Benjamin, and Deane, Silas. March 3, 1778. Note to Arthur Lee. Appointment; despatches by Austin, ff. (2). Commissioners to France. March 4, 1778. Copy of note to C. A. Gerard. Appointment, f. (1). Gerard, Conrad Alexander. March 4, 1778. Answer to the commissioners, f. (1). 61. Llano, , Marquis de, Ambassador from Spain to Sweden. March 5, 1778. Note in French to Arthur Lee. Acceptance of an invitation to meet Franklin, f. (1). Franklin, Benjamin. March 5, 1778. Note to Arthur Lee. Acceptance of invitation, ff. (2). 62. Franklin, Benjamin. March 6, 1778. Copy of letter to William Lee. Appointment of com¬ mercial agents; Williams; Thomas Morris's papers. — March 12, 1778. Copy of William Lee's reply. Indorsed, "39 f." Attested by William Lee. ff. (2). Part of the former printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspon¬ dence, II- 164, note. Thornton, John(?), major. March 7, 1778. Receipt to Henry Grand for £21 (twenty-one pounds), f. (1). 63. Ross, John. March 12, 1778. Letter from Nantes to the commissioners. Thomas Mor¬ ris's papers; William Lee ; departure of ves¬ sels from Nantes; Arthur Lee; the Revenge; Hodge ; disputes about the commercial busi¬ ness. Indorsed by Arthur Lee, June 26, 1778, "This Letter was not shewn to me." ff. (2). 64. [Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons]. March 14 (?), 1778. Letter from Bilboa to Arthur Lee. Sup¬ plies for America, ff. (2). The day of the month is illegible from having been altered. 65. Franklin, Benjamin. March 17, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Departure of Beaumarin's pack¬ ets from Bordeaux ; presentation of bills drawn by Hancock and Lawrence; request for an in¬ terview. With note added by Lee appointing an interview, ff. (2). Franklin's letter printed, Sparks' Franklin, VIII. 248. Gerard, C. A. March 17, 1778. Note in French to the commissioners. Appointment for their presentation at court, ff. (2). Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 374- 66. Memorandum, March 17, 1778. Shipment of Izard's effects by " Benjamin et Calverley Ber- wicke " in the ship Nile, Capt. Goldsmith, for A. M. Mantinelli, Leghorn, to send tö Abbe Niccoli. In French, ff. (2). This ship was taken by a French privateer, and her goods, including Izard's, confiscated to the captors. Several letters on the subject passed between the commissioners, Vergennes, Izard, and Sartine, in September and October, 1778. See Sparks' Dip¬ lomatic correspondence, I. 459-461, 467, 470-475, 478, 479. [Bridgen, Edward]. March 18, 1778. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. Introduction of Gamier; re¬ spects to Franklin ; William Lee ; Sayre. In¬ dorsed, "M. Gamier never came near me." ff. (2). (Imperfect — signature torn out.) Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 87. 67. [ ]. March 18, 1778. Letter to the same. Sending of newspapers; Gerard ; Gamier ; di¬ rection of letters. Not signed; superscribed, "Mons. Alexander Johnstone." ff. (2). With a request, in the closing paragraph, that his signature to the preceding letter be cut out or the letter burned. Chaumont, Le Ray de. March 23, 1778. Note in French to Arthur Lee. Packages from Gar- nier. ff. (2). 68. Ross, John. March 23,1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Thomas Morris's papers ; Wil¬ liam Lee ; Deane ; recriminations, ff. (4). 69. Franklin, Benjamin. March 24, 1778. Copy of note to William Lee. Treaty to be kept se¬ cret. f. (1). Lloyd, John. March 24, 1778. Letter from Nantes to [Arthur Lee]. Presentation of com¬ missioners ; Ross. ff. (2). 70. [Lee, Arthur. Between March 24 and April I, 1778.] Letter to F. L. Lee. Recommendation of Mr. Archer; Ross and Williams; Robert Morris; Deane. Not signed, ff. (2). CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 17 71. Lacoisqueta, Josef de. March 24, 1778. Let¬ ter from Cadiz, in Spanish, to Benjamin Frank¬ lin. Capture of the Fortuna, Capt. Bertrand Renguen ; rights of neutrals, ff. (2). 72. Ross, John. March 28, 1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Credit of Willing, Morris & Co. ; Schweighauser; Gardoqui; William Lee. ff. (2). 73. Gardoqui, James. March 30, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Fleet at Havana ; Lord Grantham's brother, ff. (2). Mortimer, Charles. March 31, 1778. Letter from London to Arthur Lee. Misfortunes; desire to return to Virginia; request for pro¬ tection; William Lee. ff. (2). 74. Franklin, Benjamin. March 31, 1778. Copy of letter to Henry Laurens, as president of congress. Testimony to Deane's character and services, ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Franklin, VIII. 255; Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 120. 75. Gerard, C. A. April 1, 1778. Copy of note, in French, to Arthur Lee. Departure for America. With copy of answer, f. (1). Translation and answer printed, Sparks' Diplomatic corre¬ spondence, II. 144. 76. Sarsfield, , Comte de. April 3, 1778. Let¬ ter, in French, to [Arthur Lee]. Invitation to dine with Duchess d'Enville ; maps of Spain, ff. (2). 77. Emery, John. April. 4, 1778. Letter from Bilbao to Benjamin Franklin. Trouble about> prizes:—Capt. Babson, Capt. Hibbert of the Hawke, Wood of the Britannia, Capt. John Allen ; firm of Lynch, Killikelly & Maroney; Capt. Hodge ; Burgoyne. ff. (2). 78. Statement, [April, 1778], in Spanish. The same affair of Capts. Hibbert, Wood, and Allen ; John Emery ; Manuel Gomez ; Patrick MacMahon. No date or signature, ff. (2). 79. Ross, John. April 6,1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Willing, Morris & Co.; re¬ criminations. ff. (2). Gamba & Archdeacon. April 6, 1778. Let¬ ter, in French, from Dunkirk to [Benjamin Franklin ?]. Clearance of bottles of rum. Not superscribed, f. (1). 80. Lenoue, . April 7, 1778. Note from Paris to Arthur Lee. Passport for Letellier. Indorsed, N. 4. ff. (2). [Jennings, Edmund. April 7 (?), 1778.] Let¬ ter to [Arthur Lee]. "Rescript" of French ambassador; effect on England; Sardinian embassy; peace with America; Gov. John¬ stone; Chatham; Gen. Conway ; [Sir William Meredith]; Lord North ; Burke ; pamphlet on the conciliatory bills. Not dated; signed, Duncan Donaldson; superscribed, Monsieur Johnstone, ff. (2). (Imperfect:—torn.) 81. Blake, William. April 8, 1778. Letter from Nantes to [Arthur Lee?]. Departure for America ; offer to take letters for Izard and Arthur Lee ; desire for convoy. Not super¬ scribed. f. (1). • Dumas, K. W. F. April 10, 1778. Letter, in French, from the Hague to the commissioners. Relation between Holland and England ; Van Berckel; Ostend, Dort, Haarlem, Amsterdam, Zealand; Deane ; Arthur Lee. ff. (2). 82. Enumeration, April 10, 1778, of French fleet. In French, dated Brest. D'Estaing; Keppel ; Howe. ff. (4). (Partly illegible from stains.) 83. Franklin, W. T. [April 10, 1778.] Note in behalf of Dr. Franklin to Arthur Lee. Pres¬ entation of John Adams; Francis, Gamier, Vergennes, Maurepas. Not dated, ff. (2). 84. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de. April 11, 1778. Letter from Versailles to Franklin and Lee. Arrival of John Adams, ff. (2). Livingston, M., Capt. April n, 1778. At¬ testation. ' Bancroft; Wharton ; treaty with France known in England. Witness, Geo. Digges. Indorsed, N°. 6. f. (1). See Papers in relation to the case of Silas Deane, p. 159, etc. 85. Bondfield, John, April 14, 1778. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Departure of vessels ; supply of clothes for soldiers, ff. (2). Digges, George. April 14, 1778. Statement, dated Paris. Capt. Barnet; Euge ; Capt. Mac- Farlin [MacFarland] ; Chaumont; Capt. Tuck¬ er. Indorsed, "Digges v. Chaumont," and "Thornton." f. (1). 86. [Mauduit, Israel]. April 16, 1778. Copy of paper on British prospects in America ; peace, and acknowledgment of independence; war with France. Copied by Arthur Lee at this date and indorsed, " Written by Mr. Mauduit by the direction of Ld. North & circulated under the Orders of Administration." ff. (2). Printed, Remembrancer, VI. 115, where it is stated that it was written about March t3, 1778, and "circulated at the doors of the two Houses of Parliament." Vergennes, C. G., Comte de. April 17, 1778. Copy of letter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Thanks for news. .Copy certified by H. Ford, sec'y. f. (1). 87. Williams, Jonathan. April 18, 1778. Letter from Nantes to [Benjamin Franklin?]. Con¬ flict of commercial powers ; Arthur Lee; William Lee; Schweighauser. ff. (2). 88. Limozin, Andrew. April 18, 1778. Letter from Havre de Grace to Arthur Lee. Capt. Hynson ; Deane ; Carmichael ; Folger ; Robert Morris; William Lee ; John Adams, ff. (4). 89. Dufourcq, . April 18, 1778. Mémoire, from Bayonne. Claims upon the ship Sally from Salem ; Capt. Thomas ; Payez; Gardoqui; Bassécourt ; Boussignac ; Ossun ; Boyetet; Florida Blanca ; Ilozé ; Birmingham ; Babing- ton ; Lamy. In French, ff. (2). 90. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de.. April 19, 1778. Copy of letter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Thanks for English paper. Copy certified by H. Ford, sec'y. f. (1). [Morris, Robert] ? April 22, 1778. Copy of letter from Manheimto John Langdon. Settle¬ ment of secret committee's accounts. Copy compared by Wm. Duer, sec'y. Signature worn or torn off. f. (1). (Imperfect — bottom worn off.) 18 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. . 91. Lee, Arthur. April 24, 1778. Copy of letter to Count Vergennes. David Hartley. " Du¬ plicate copy from the Letter Book," certified by H. Ford, sec'y. f. (i). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 156; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 143. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de. April 24, 1778. Copy of answer, in French, to the last paper. Same subject. Certified by H. Ford, sec'y. f. (x). Translation printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 157 ; Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 144. 92. . April 24, 1778. Original of the last paper. With translation by Lee. ff. (2). Bondfield, John. April 25, 1778. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Barnet; MacFar- land; affairs in Virginia; King. ff. (2). 93. [Jennings, Edmund]. April 26, 1778. Letter to [Arthur Lee]., Condition of England; books; Gov. Johnstone; Ferguson; "Common Sense." Signed, Donald McGregor; super¬ scribed, John Pringle. ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 91. 94. Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de, Minister of Marines. April 26, 1778. Letter, in French, from Versailles to the commissioners. Protection of American com¬ merce and ships of war. ff. (2). 95. [Gardoqui, James]. April 27, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Acknowledgment of commissioners ; John Adams ; Silas Deane ; prizes; Spanish flotta. Not signed, ff. (2). . Note without date, address, or signa¬ ture. Manufactures ; Cunningham ; privateers. Marked, "Found enclosed in Letter to Arthur Lee of 27th April, 1778." f. (i). 96. Bondfield, John. April 28, 1778. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Sailing of packets; MacFarland ; Barnet; Chaumont; Livingston; Izard, ff. (2). 97. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de. April 29, 1778. Letter from Versailles, in French, to the com¬ missioners. Protection of American commerce at Nantes and Bordeaux; convoy; reply of Sartine. f. (1). 98. . April 29, 1778. Letter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Robbery of papers; Cavillon. Indorsed, "On Folger's robbery." ff. (2). 99. Gannan, Bartholomew. April 29, 1778. Let¬ ter from Dunkirk to [Arthur Lee]. Acquaint¬ ance with William Lee; request for appoint¬ ment of his son, James Gannan, as agent at Dunkirk, ff. (2). [Bridgen, Edward]. April 29, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Books from Dr. Price to Franklin; Gov. Johnstone; Israel Mauduit's pamphlet; Cartwright's letter to Lord Abing¬ don ; Gamier; George III. Not signed, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 89. Thornton, [John, Major\. April 30, 1778. Receipt for thirty Louis d'or from Arthur Lee. f. (1). Written on a portion of a copy of letter from the committee of Congress of which only the name Charles Thomson remains. 100. Lovell, James. May 3, 1778. Letter from York, [Penn.] to Arthur Lee. Imprisonment at Boston and Halifax; William Powell; Gage; Howe ; feeling toward Great Britain, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 292. 101-110. Continental Congress, Second. May 4, ' 1778. Ratification of the treaty of amity and commerce with France. With copy of the treaty and a form of passports and letters for ships, in English and French. Signed, Henry Laurens ; attest: Chas. Thomson, sec'y. With seal. ff. (20). This was one of the six official copies sent by Congress to its commissioners in Europe ; see Journals of congress, IV 259,260. hi. . May 4, 1778. Copy of resolution of thanks to France for the treaties. Signed, Chas. Thomson, sec'y. ff. (2). See Journals of congress, IV. 257. 112. [Gardoqui, James]. May 4, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Supplies for America. Not signed, ff. (2). Continental Congress, Second. May 5, 1778. Copy of resolution desiring the abolition of the nth and 12th articles of the treaty of amity and commerce. Signed, Chas. Thomson, sec'y. ff. (2). (Stained.) See Journals of congress, IV. 258. 113. Adams, John. May 5, 1778. Note to Arthur Lee. Invitation from Vergennes to the com¬ missioners. ff. (2). [Dumas, K. W. F.]. May 5, 1778. Letter from the Hague, in French, to the commission¬ ers. Inclosure of French translations of Ger¬ man letters received by him, dated Hamburg, May 1, 1778, and Berlin, April 26, 1778 (the latter on p. 114). Preparations of Prussia for war with Austria. Signed, D. ff. (4). 114. Dohrman, Ami0 Enrico. May 5, 1778. Copy of news, in French, sent to K. W. F. Dumas. French and English prizes in Portuguese ports ; Deane frigate; the Dauphin, Capt. Israel Turner; the Alarm, Capt. Robert Mann; the Cuningham. Copied by Dumas, ff. (2). 115. [Dumas, K. W. F.]. May 7-15, 1778. Let¬ ter from the Hague, in French, to the commis¬ sioners. Interviews with Van Berckel and others ; endeavors to obtain the friendship of Holland. Not signed, ff. (4). (Imperfect — unfinished.) 116. Continental Congress, Second. May 7-9, 1778. Copy of resolutions. Expenses of the commissioners ; captains in the navy. Signed, Chas. Thomson, sec'y. f. (1). See Journals of congress, IV. 266, 276. 117. ——. Another copy of the resolves of May 7, above (p. 116). Bondfield, John. May 8, 1778. Letter from Bordeaux to the commissioners. Arrival of ships from Savannah and Charleston ; disposal at Cadiz of Cuningham's prizes ; MacFarland, Barnet, ff. (2). 118. Continental Congress, Second. Another copy of the resolves of May 9, above (p. 116). 119. Chaumont, Le Ray de. May 11,1778. Let¬ ter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Receipt of letter from Monthieu. f. (1). CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 19 120. Gardoqui, James. May n, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Bills on Paris banks, ff. (2). Copies, May 12, 1778, of letters to and from Arthur Lee. 1. Lee to Chaumont, in French. Answer to that on p. 119; Monthieu's letter. — 2. Lee to Lord . Assurance of esteem ; Abbé Raynal; Barré; Dunning; Priestley; Price. (Imperfect — first part torn off.)—3. Chaumont to Lee. Copy of the above (p. 119). Indorsed, " True copies from the Letter Book, (duplicates) H. Ford, sec'y." Also in Adams's handwriting, "Compared by John Adams." f. (1). 121. [Jennings, Edmund]. May 12, 1778. Letter to [Arthur Lee|. Chatham's death; Barré; Rigby; Dunning; Pultney; Townsend; poli¬ cies ; insurance ; trade; Howe ; Clinton ; the Ranger. Signed, Malcolm Derimple; ad¬ dressed, Monsr Johnstone, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 104. Bondfield, John. May 12, 1778. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Mr. Hewes of Edenton, Va.; Barnet; Chaumont; Capt. Barry; Thomas Morris; Robert Morris; Willing & Morris ; privateering, ff. (2). 122. Gardoqui, Joseph & Sons. May 13, 1778. Letter from Bilbao to Arthur Lee. Supplies for America, ff. (2). 123. Continental Congress, Second—Committee for Foreign Affairs. May 14, 1778. Copy of letter to Arthur Lee. Receipt of letters; de¬ spatches through Deane and Capt. Young; Prussia; " Rodrique Hortalez & Co."; com¬ merce of America ; Gardoqui; treaties with France ; finance, depreciation of paper money. Signed, Richd. Henry Lee, James Lovell, Rob'. Morris, ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 159. 124. . May 14, 1778. Letter to the commis¬ sioners. Disposition of America; concilia¬ tory bills ; Howe ; Washington ; despatches through Deane; treaties with France; nth and 12th articles of treaty of amity and com¬ merce ; misconduct of American armed vessels. Signed, Richard Henry Lee, James Lovell. Indorsed, "Duplicate" and"N°7." ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 388. 125. . May 15, 1778. Extract from letter to the commissioners. nth and 12th articles of the treaty. — With extract from the letter of May 14, (p. 124). Same subject. In R. H. Lee's handwriting, f. (1). 126. . May 15, 1778. Another extract from the same letter of this date. Payment of tobacco according to contract. With sum¬ mary of resolutions passed on May 16. " Hor¬ talez & Co." In R. H. Lee's handwriting, f. (1). For the full letter of May 15, 1778, see Sparks' Diplomatic Correspondence, I. 393. 127. [Thornton, John, Major]. May 16, 1778. Letter from London to [Arthur Lee ?]. Ports¬ mouth ; English fleet; arrival of Burgoyne; Washington; [Bancroft, Wharton], Franklin, Deane; Chatham, Camden; privateers; Jer¬ sey and Guernsey. Not signed or addressed ; indorsed, " Thornton about going to Jersey N° 4." ft. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 128. [Jennings, Edmund]. May 19, 1778. Let¬ ter to [Arthur Lee|. Advice; "stock-job¬ bing " ; Townsend ; " MacGregor "; D'Estaing's squadron at Toulon; Walpole; Burgoyne; Capt. Jones; Franklin; the Alfred and Ra¬ leigh; [Thornton |. Signed* Donald MacDon- ald ; not superscribed ; addressed, " My Dear Nephew," and worded throughout as if advice to a young man just starting in business, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 102. Franklin, Benjamin. May 19. 1778. Note of invitation to Arthur Lee. Bertin; Chalut. ff. (2). On the reverse is a copy of a note from Arthur Lee, June 7, 1779, to Count d'Aranda, transmitting memorial. There are besides parts of lines of another letter and the separate in¬ dorsements, "Invitations," "Spanish Papers," "Papers used in the No 34 of Appendix to the Memoir of A. L." The note from Lee to Count d'Aranda is printed in this appendix, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 277. 129. Thornton, John, Major. March 10, May 7, 16, 21, 1778. Copies of letters and intelligence to Arthur Lee, numbered r-5. 1. Account of forces in Great Britain, March 18, 1778. — 2. March 10. Letter in French. British com¬ missioners to America; prisoners at [Ports¬ mouth or Plymouth] ; expenses ; Lord Carlisle, Eaton, Jackson, Palliser, Wharton, Grand.— 3. May 7. Letter from London. Information about American secret negotiations " from R—'s lady." — 4. May 16. Copy of the letter on p. 127. — 5. May 21. Letter from Ports¬ mouth. Strength of British fleet, ff. (4). 130. Lenoue, . May 21, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Carmichael's servant, ff. (2). This is probably in reference to the investigations concerning the robbery of the despatches sent through Capt. Folger. [Ridley, ] ? May 22, 1778. Letter to [Arthur Lee?]. Warnings about treachery; Virginia goods; Burgoyne ; Capt. Solomon Townsend; the Randolph and Yarmouth. Not signed or superscribed ; indorsed, Ridley, ff. (2). 131. Coffyn, Frans. May 23, 1778. Letter from Paris to the [commissioners]. Inclosure of copy of a memoir made in 1777 at request of Carmichael on the advantages of the port of Dunkirk to the American trade. Not super¬ scribed. ff. (2). 132-135. . Mémoire, referred to in the last paper (p. 131). In French. Not signed or dated, pp.8. (Imperfect — edges worn.) 136. Bondfield, John. May 26,1778. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Fulfilment of com¬ missions ; D'Estaing ; fleet at Cadiz. Indorsed, "Advertisement abt. Byrons fleet. N°. 2." ft. (2). Lloyd, John. May 28, 1778. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Departure for America ; despatches and credentials; William Lee. ff. (2). 137. [Dumas, K. W. F.]. May 29, 1778. Letter from the Hague, in French, to the commis¬ sioners. Presentation of letter from the com¬ missioners to the grand pensionary announcing the treaty with France ; [Van Berckel]; ambas¬ sadors from France, Spain, and England; friendly disposition of the states general; Wei- deren; Howe; death of Chatham; arrival of Burgoyne in England. With French transla- 20 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. tion of a German letter to Dumas from Berlin, May 26, 1778. Preparations for war. Signed, D. ff. (3). I3S. Williams, Jonathan. May 29, 1778. Copy of account at Nantes with the commissioners. Certified by H. Ford, sec'y. With copy of charges, Nov. 15,1777, of S. & I. (?) H. Delap of Bordeaux and Jean Sabatier & fils of Mont- pelier on the same goods. Certified by H. Ford, sec'y; witness, William Lee. ff. (2). [Thornton, John, Major\. May 30, 1778. Letter to [Arthur Lee]. Admiral Byron's fleet; Admiral Keppel; additional information in England about the secret negotiations of the commissioners in France ; repetition of par¬ ticulars given in letter of May 7 (see p. 129). Not signed or superscribed ; indorsed, " Thorn¬ ton." ff. (2). 139. [Wharton, Samuel]. June 1, 1778. Letter to [Dr. Edward Bancroft]. Thornton's ex¬ posure of secrets of the commissioners. Not addressed; signed, "P—a C—o"; in¬ dorsed, N°. 1. Evidently in a disguised hand. — Another letter from the same to the same. Same subject. Not signed or dated ; super¬ scription crossed out; indorsed, " No 2." ff. (2). [Chaumont, Le Ray de]. Note about letters ; Cavillon. Not signed, dated, or superscribed ; indorsed, " M. de Chaumont's note." and in pencil by a later hand, "June (?) 1778." f. (1). Part of the investigation concerning the robbery of the de¬ spatches sent by Folger; see Vergennes' letter to Arthur Lee of April 29 (p. 98). 140. [Ridley, ]. June 2, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Introduction of Rev. Hezekiah Ford (afterwards Lee's secretary) ; news from America; reception of the conciliatory bills; the Virginia, Nicholson ; parliament and minis¬ try; Keppel; Howe, Clinton; Ireland; em¬ bargo ; press. Not signed; indorsed, Ridley, ff. (2). [Gardoqui, James]. June 4, 1778. Letter from Aranjuez to Arthur Lee. Supplies for America; Cuningham. Signature probably cut out. ff. (2). 141. [Ridley, ]. Jiuie 5, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. [Hartley's] motion in the house of commons for recognizing the independence of America; fleet at Toulon; exchange of prisoners. Not signed; indorsed, Ridley, ff. (2). Vergennes, C. G., Comtc de. June 5, 1778. Letter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Aid [for Virginia] from Prince de Montbarey. With translation. Indorsed, N°. 1. ff. (2). Translation printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 413. 142. Montbarey, Alexandre Marie Léonor de Saint Mauris, Comte and Prince de, Minister of War. June 5, 1778. Copy of letter, in French, to Vergennes. Supplies for Virginia, f. (1). 143. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de. June 5, 1778. Copy of letter on p. 141. Certified by H. Ford, sec'y. f. (i.J. [Thornton, John, Major}. JuneR, 1778. Let¬ ter to (?). Change of ministry, North, Gower, Jenkinson, Stormont, Suffolk; fear of French invasion, preparations ; Capt. Jones; Keppel; De Chartres; Scotch and Irish ; British affairs in America; Sir Wm. Howe. Not signed or superscribed; indorsed, Thorn¬ ton. ff. (2). 144. [Ridley, ]. Jime 9, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Introduction of Ogden ; Percival; Franklin ; Capt. Collis. Not signed; indorsed, Ridley, ff. (2). Vergennes, C. G-> Comte de. June Io, 1778. Copy of letter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Thanks for news from London. Certified by H. Ford, sec'y. f. (1). Jones, William, Capt. June 10, 1778. Two receipts to Arthur Lee for 453 livres. f. (1). (Imperfect — torn.) 145. Emery, John. June 10 or 11,1778. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Capt. John Allen ; Dr. Smith of the Revenge ; Cunning¬ ham. ff. (2). See also pp. 77, 78, on Allen's affair. [Gardoqui, James], June 11, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Remittances. Not signed, ff. (2). 146. Sartine, A. R. J. G. G. de. June 12, 1778. Letter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Detention of prisoners by Americans in French ports, ff. (2). 147. Montbarey, A. M. L. de S. M., Comte and Prince de. June 13, 1778. Letter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Supplies for Virginia. In¬ dorsed, " N°. 4," and afterwards, " No 2." With translation, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) Translation printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 413. [Gardoqui, James]. June 15, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Remittances. Signed, J. G. ff. (2). 148. Lee, Arthur. \June 14, 1778.] Copy of let¬ ter to Vergennes. 12th article of the treaty.— With translation of Vergennes' reply, June 15,1778. f. (1). Both printed, with verbal differences, in Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, II. 171-173. 149. [Dumas, K. W. F]. June 15, 1778. Ex¬ tracts, in French, from French and Dutch papers and from despatches of ministers. Reception of William Lee at Vienna; disposi¬ tion of the Dutch government. With a printed slip from newspaper containing what is quoted on the first sheet. One signed, D, and directed to the commissioners; the others unsigned, ff. (4), and slip. 150. [Ridley, ]. June 16, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Introduction of William Moore ; Keppel. Not signed, ff. (2). [Gardoqui, James]. June 18, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Remittances; supplies for America. Not signed, ff. (2). 151. Sartine, A. R. J. G. G. de. June 20, 1778. Letter, in French, to Benjamin Franklin. Schweighauser ; prizes, ff. (2). 152. Continental Congress, Second—Committee for Foreign Affairs. June 21, 1778. Copy of letter from York, Penn., to the commissioners. Arrival of commissioners for peace ; Clinton's evacuation of Philadelphia; Washington; CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 21 Holker. Signed, Richard Henry Lee, Thos. Hey ward, Junr., James Lovell. Copy attested by Arthur Lee. Indorsed, No. i. ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 402. 153. [Gardoqui, James]. June 22, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Remittances. Signed, J. Q, ff. (s). [Thornton, John, Major], June 24, 1778. Letter to [Arthur LeePJ. Fears of French in¬ vasion; Keppel; "Washington; Clinton; PI owe. Superscribed, " Alexr Johnston"; not signed, ff. (2). This is supposed to be to Arthur Lee from the superscription being the same which is used as a cover by Bridgen and Jen¬ nings to conceal their communications. The tone of the letter, however, as well as of that of June 8 (on p. 143), is of a sym¬ pathizer with Great Britain. If this were for purposes of con¬ cealment, probably the letter of June 8 was to Lee also. But it would seem that Lee and Thornton had no communication with each other at that time; as appears by Papers in relation to the case of Silas Deane, p. 163, and Ridley's letter of June 2 (see p. 140 of this volume). 154. Commissioners to France. June 25, 1778. Letter to the legislature of South Carolina. Absence of Miss Stevens from Carolina. In Arthur Lee's handwriting, f. (1). (Imperfect — much torn.) [Gardoqui, James]. June 25, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Remittances. Signed, J. G. ff. (2). 155. Sartine, A. R. J. G. G. de. June 26, 1778. Letter, in French, to the commissioners. Capt. William Castle, ff. (2). 156. [Dumas, K. W. F.]. June 19, 23, 26, 1778. Letter from the Hague, in French, to the com¬ missioners. Reception of William Lee at Vienna; disposition of Holland. Signed, D. ff. (2). [Gardoqui, Joseph & Co.]. June 27, 1778. Letter from Bilbao to Arthur Lee. Departure of Capt. Hodge and Capt. West; supplies for America; Capt. Cuningham. Signed, J. G. & Co. ff. (2). VOL. V. .1. [Bridgen, Edward]. July 2 (?), 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Thornton, Bancroft, Wharton ; ambassador from Spain; Washington. Date nearly illegible; not signed ; indorsed, " Brid¬ gen about Thornton." ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 84, where the date is given 1777. 2. Jones John Paul, Capt. July 3, 1778. Copy of paper presented to the commissioners. Com¬ munication from the minister of marine (Sar¬ tine). Copied by Arthur Lee. f. (1). Bondfield, John. July 4, 1778. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Admiral Byron; Keppel; treachery; supplies for America, ff. (2). 3. Chaumont, I.e Ray de. July 5, 1778. Letter, in French, to Benjamin Franklin. Inclosure of letter (see next paper). Indorsed, N°.i. f. (1). Letter, in French, directed to Franklin. Sue- gasse; accusation against Dobrée. Signed I (?); indorsed, N°. 2; not dated. Marked in pencil, " 5 July '78 ?" 4. Copy of same. With indorsement by H. Ford, sec'y, Sept. 24, 1778. f. (1). 5. Sartine, A. R. J. G. G. de. July 5, 1778. Let¬ ter, in French, to the commissioners. John Paul Jones, ff. (2). Order of confiscation. July 6, 1778. In French. Capt. Allen's affair ;' prize Britannia; Capt. Wood. f. (1). (Imperfect — worn.) See also IV. pp. 77, 78, 145. 6. Statement, July 7, 1778. [" Charles de Weis- senstein "]; Vergennes ; Jennings. Indorsed, " Copie pour M. f. . . ."; also by Mr. Sparks, "The above is doubtless a fabrication." f. (1). This seems on its face to be the report of the detective to the superintendent of police, sent by Vergennes to the commis¬ sioners. For particulars concerning this singular paper, see Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, III. 45; Sparks' Franklin, VIII. 278: Adams' Life and works of John Adams, III. 178. 7. Gardoqui, Joseph & Co. July 8, 1778. Letter from Bilbao to Arthur Lee. Remittances; supplies for America, ff. (2). 8. [Lee, Arthur]. Jtily 12, 1778. Copy of letter, in French, to Chaumont. Schweighauser; Dobrée. . Certified by Lee. Indorsed, N? 3. f.(i). 9. Chaumont, Le Ray de. July 13, 1778. Letter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Answer to the pre¬ ceding. Indorsed, N°.4. f. (1). See also the papers on p. 3. [Wharton, Samuel]. Note to John Thornton. Loan of twenty guineas. Not dated or signed; indorsed, N°. 3. Certified to be Wharton's handwriting by M. Livingston. July 13,1778.1(1). See also IV. p. 139. 10. Puchelberg & Co. July 13, 1778. Letter from L'Orient, in French, to Arthur Lee. Capt. Samuel Tucker; Schweighauser. ff. (2). 11. Lloyd, John. July 14, 1778. Letter from Nantes to [Arthur Lee]. Receipt of letters; departure for America ; Blake, f. (1). Emery, John. July 14, 1778. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Confiscation of prize ; appeal from sentence, f. (1). See also IV. pp. 77, 78, 145, and V. 5. 12. Sarsfield, ,Comptede. July 14,1778. Let¬ ter from Rennes, in French, to Arthur Lee. Receipt of news; Washington; Keppel; Shelburne. ff. (2). 13. Livingston, M., Capt. July 15, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Thornton; Joseph Wharton; Samuel Wharton; Bancroft; Blake. Indorsed, N°. 5. ff- (2). See also IV. p. 139, and V. 9. Puchelberg & Co. July 15, 1778. Letter from L'Orient, in French, to Arthur Lee. Prizes, ff. (2). 14. France. July 16, 1778. Ratification of the treaty of amity and commerce. Copy, in French, signed " Louis. Par le Roi Gravier de Vergennes." f. (1). Printed, Marten's Recueil de traités, etc. 2® éd. II. 602. 15. Adams, John. July, 1778. Note to Arthur Lee. Ratifications of the treaty. Letters from Arthur Lee, William Lee, and Jzard. f- (1). CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 16. Emery, John. July 22, 1778. Letter from San Sebastian to Arthur Lee. Confiscation of prize ; Capt. Allen ; Capt. Wood. ff. (2). See also IV. pp. 77, 78, 145, and V. 5, 11. [Lee, Arthur], July 22, 1778. Draft of letter, in French, to Chaumont. [Schweighauser ; Dobrée ; William Leej. Not signed; indorsed, N«. 5. ff. (2). See also pp. 3, 9. 17-19. Franklin, Benjamin. "July 22,1778. Letter to James Lovell. Deane; Capt. Young; Beau- marchais ; Francy, duties on exports ; objec¬ tions to nth and 12th articles of treaty; [Ar¬ thur Lee, William Lee, Izard] ; expenses of commissioners; Stormont; Spain; relations between England and France ; war in Germany; drafts of congress; Bingham; Dumas. In¬ dorsed, Copy. ff. 6. Printed, with verbal differences, Sparks' Franklin, VIII. 288 ; Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, III. 52. 20. Gardoqui, James. Jtily 23, 1778. Letter from Madrid to Arthur Lee. Remittances, ff. (2). Franklin, Benjamin, and Adams, John. July 23, 1778. Copy of letter to Henry Laurens. Ambassadors from England for peace; Ver- gennes. ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, I. 412. . Note to Lee. With an indorsement by Lee, July 24, 1778. Probably in reference to the preceding paper. 21, 22. Montbarey, A. M. L. de S. M., Comte and Prince de. July 26, 1778. Copy of letter, in French, to Vergennes. Supplies for Vir¬ ginia. With list of artillery to be furnished, ff 3- 23. Chaumont, Le Ray de. July 27, 1778. Let¬ ter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Suspicions of William Lee. Indorsed, N. 6. f. (1). See also pp. 3, 9, 16. Grand, Ferdinand. July 28, 1778. Letter to Arthur Lee. Questions concerning accounts, ff. (2). 24. Statement, in Spanish, July 28, 1778, dated San Sebastian. Cuningham; Allen; refusal of appeal from the judgment of the court (?). Signed, " De Basecourt; Liz, Great Britain's in¬ fringement of rights of neutrals on the sea; quotation in French from Baron de Bielfield. Signed, Mac Gregor ; not superscribed, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 5. [ ]. Jan. 27, 1780. Letter from Brussels. Acceptance of the Order of St. Louis. Signed, Mac Gregor; not superscribed; enigmatically expressed, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 6. Bondfield, John. Jan. 29, 1780. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. John Adams; Chau¬ mont ; Izard ; Haller; debt due from Virginia, ff. (2). 7. [Gillon, Alexander, Commodore\. Feb. 14, 1780. Letter from Amsterdam to Arthur Lee. At¬ tempts to purchase vessels. Not signed; in¬ dorsed, " Commodore Gillon " and " Outside cover directed by A. G." ff. (3). 8. Bondfield, John. Feb. 19, 1780. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Arrival of the Gov. Livingston and Mary Phearson; Virginia debts; D'Acosta; Haywood; report of English invad¬ ing Virginia, ff. (2). [Jenings, Edmund]. Feb. 22, 1780. Letter from Brussels to Arthur Lee. Expedition from Ireland for the West Indies ; Walsingham's ships; Russia; John Adams. Signed, Donald Mac Donald, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 107. 9. . Feb. 28, 1780. Copy of letter to Charles Carroll. Abbe Mably's views; introduction of Arthur Lee. ff. (2). Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Ga¬ briel de, Minister of Marines. March i, 1780. Note of farewell, in French, to Arthur Lee. ff. (2). 10. Le Roy, Herman. March 2,1780. Letter from Amsterdam to Arthur Lee. Thanks for Mr. Pringle's introduction to Lee; Chabanel; Ad¬ miral Byland. ff. (2). Bondfield, John. March 3, 1780. Letter from Nantes to [Arthur Lee ?]. ' Arrival of ship from Plymouth, Mass.; Bancroft; Lawrence; R H. Lee. Not superscribed, f. (1). 11. Breteiiil, Louis Auguste deTonnelier, Baron de. March 4, 1780. Letter of farewell to Arthur Lee. Luzerne, f. (1). Franklin, Benjamin. March 4, May 31, 1780. Copy of memorandum to Congress concerning supplies, f. (1). See Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, III. 129,143 ; Sparks' Franklin, VIII. 459. .12. [Lee, William]. March 21, 1780. Letter from Brussels to F. L. Lee. Failure to receive let- CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 33 ters ; Arthur Lee; family matters. Not signed, ff. (2). [Izard, Ralph]. March 21, 1780. Letter from Paris to Arthur Lee. Gamier; Grand; arrival of the Tonant; Gillon. Signed, R. I. ff. (2). 13. Stone, William, Smith, Thomas, «»a?Bunner, George, Pilots from South Carolina. March 22, 1780. Memorial from Brest to Arthur Lee. Governor of South Carolina; D'Estaing; the Languedoc; misfortunes, f. (1). (Imperfect — stained and torn.) 14. [Sarsfield, , Comte de\. March 22, 1780. Portion of letter, in French, to [Arthur Lee?]. D'Aranda, D'Heredia; Carmichael. ff. (2). (Imperfect — stained, and the lower part torn off.) Smith, Michael, and others. March 28, 1780. Memorial, dated L'Orient, to Arthur Lee. Trouble as exchanged prisoners; Milford car¬ tel ; Capt. Cottineau ; non-payment of wages. Signed, Michael Smith, Thomas Cave, Patrick Reed, James Mullin, Moses Bigger, John Ray- worth, Wm- Green, f. (1). 15. Grinnell, William, and Wilson, Joseph. March 29, 1780. Letter from L'Orient to Arthur Lee. Sickness ; officers of the Alli¬ ance under J. P. Jones; expenses, ff. (2). 16. Grand, [Ferdinand], banker. April 8, 1780. Letter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Opinion of Lee at French court; Count d'Aranda. ff. (2). (Partly illegible from stain.) Bondfield, John» April 15, 1780. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee. Chaumont; delay of ships; Izard; Franklin; Wilhams; Jay; Car- . michael; Ross; Bancroft; flee,t from Brest des¬ tined for Quebec ; clothing (or Washington's army; intimacy of Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Wil¬ liams; Peltier; Beaumarchais; De Montieu; Zacestas (?); Virginia trade ; Samuel Wharton; illness of Franklin, ff. (2). 17. Wara, , Baron de. April 19, 1780. Letter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Lee's departure ; Paradez ; declaration concerning neutral vessels by the empress of Russia, ff. (2). [Lee, Francis Lightfoot ?]. April 24,1780. Part of letter to [Arthur Lee]. Introduction of George Mason, Jr.; Deane; advice to visit Gen. Whipple, Samuel Warren, Ellery, Mer¬ chant, Trumbull ; George Wythe ; Ludwell Lee. Addressed in cipher; no place of date; last part gone. f. (1). (Imperfect.) The handwriting resembles R. H. Lee's, but is more exact; the writer also refers to Ludwell Lee as "your nephew." 18. Williams, Jonathan. April 24, 1780. Copy of letter from Nantes to Lieut. Digges. Answer of letter; Alliance; Hills; Nicholson; Parkes's prize money. Indorsed, " about the sale of Wicke's prizes." Memorandum on back, of "Snow Friendship," sloop Betsey,sloop Jason, brig Mattey, brig Jenney. On the same sheet as the following. Franklin, Benjamin. April 26, 1780. Copy of letter to Samuel Ross. Prize money of Capt. Wickes of the Reprisal; Thomas Morris, Mor¬ ris & Lee; Bancroft, ff. (2). 19. Laurens, Henry, [Jr. ?]. May 4, 1780. Note from Wilmington, N. C., to R. H. Lee. Death of Col. Parker; danger of Charlestown [ton], ff. (1). Lee, William. May 17, 1780. Letter from Brussels to [Arthur Lee]. Inclosure of copies of certificates concerning Thomas Morris's pa¬ pers; Robert Morris; Ross; Alliance; Capts. Wickes, Johnson, Nicholson; prizes; Frank¬ lin ; Williams ; Gourlade & Co.; Jones; Green. The first copied certificate is signed, William Blake, John Lloyd; the second, Ra. Izard, wit¬ ness J. J. Pringle; the last, B. Franklin, "in our presence S. Deane — Arthur Lee " ; all cer¬ tified to by Edm. Jenings. ff. (2). 20. Wara, , Baron de. May 29, 1780. Letter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Confed¬ eration of the north; letter of Clinton to Lord Germaine; fleets of Toulon and Brest; Paradez ff. (2). 21, 22. Gillon, Alexander, Commodore. "June, 1780. Letter from Paris to John J. Cripps & Mey, of Charleston, S. C. Opinion upon Franklin, Deane, Bancroft, Robert Morris; commenda¬ tion of John Adams, Arthur Lee, William Lee, Izard; Chaumont; difficulty of getting supplies for states; improvement of public service; Hol¬ land; Prussia, ff. (4). 23. Shelburne, William Petty, Earl of. June 2, 1780. Note of personal friendship to Arthur Lee. Dunning; Barré. ff. (2). 24. Sartine, A. R. J. G. G. de. June 3, 1780. Let¬ ter, in French, to Arthur Lee. Arrangements for Lee's passage to America; governor of Mar¬ tinique ; Alliance ; Paul Jones ; Franklin, ff. (2). 25. Franklin, Benjamin. June 7, 1780. Copy of letter to Capt. Peter Landais. Orders not to meddle with the Alliance. Certified 011 Aug. 26, 1780, by Ja's Warren and Fitch Pool as true copy of a copy sent from Capt. Jones to Capt. Parke. Indorsed, N°. 1. f. (1). • 26. . June 16, 1780. Copy of letter to Capt. Landais. Repetition of order. — Copy of letter to the officers and seamen of the Alliance to obey Capt. Jones. Indorsed N°. 2, N°. 3. Cer¬ tified as the above (p. 25). f. (1). 27. . June 12, 1780. Extract of letter to Capt. Jones. Mutiny of 115 men of the Alliance; Capt. Landais; prize money ; Ariel. Indorsed, N°. 4. Certified as the above (pp. 25, 26). f. (1). Printed in part, Life of John Paul Jones, Phil., Lippincott, 1858, p. 162. 28. Brown, Joseph. .June 18, 1780. Letter from L'Orient to Arthur Lee. Petition for the prize ship Serapis; Franklin; Bancroft; Wharton; Jones, ff. (2). (Imperfect — bottom torn off.) [Lee, Arthur]. June 25, 1780. Draft of letter to Capt. Landais. Advice to him to sail with the Alliance, ff. (2). 29. Jones, John Paul. June 27, 1780. Letter from L'Orient to Robert Morris. Orders to return with the Alliance to Philadelphia; sale of the Serapis; honors from the French court; Lu¬ zerne ; Landais; Ariel; prevention of blood¬ shed ; sailors of the Bon Homme Richard; conduct of Arthur Lee ; Deane ; Franklin ; zeal for America, ff. (2). 30. '. June 27, 1780. Letter from L'Orient to the president and board of admiralty at Philadel¬ phia. Pleasure at the appointment of the board by Congress ; mutiny, Lee, Landais; Robert Morris ; Capts. Bell, Montgomery, Smith ; Franklin; action of Flamborough Head. f. (1). Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de. June 30, 1780. Copy of letter, in French, to John Adams. Resolution of congress of March 18, 1780; desires of French court; Luzerne. In¬ dorsed, No. 1. ff. (2). Translation printed, Adams' Works, VII. 212. 31. . June [30, 1780]. Translation of letter to Benj. Franklin. Adams' representations, 34 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. Luzerne; payments of paper money to the French. Incorrectly indorsed, July 30. ff. (2). (Imperfect — stained and torn.) Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, III. 152; Sparks' Franklin, VIII. 477. 32. Adams, John. July 1, 1780. Copy of letter from Paris to Count Vergennes. Luzerne; res¬ olutions of Congress ; loan office certificates. Indorsed, N°. 2. f. (1). Printed Adams' Works, VII. 213; Sparks' Diplomatic corre¬ spondence, V. 233. Page, John. July 1780. Letter from Rosewell, Va., to R. H. Lee. Association for weaken¬ ing tory influence; Arthur Lee; William Lee. ff. (2). 33. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de. July 20, 1780. Copy of letter, in French, to John Adams. Destination of Ternay and Rochambeau; as¬ surances of the friendship of the French court. Indorsed, No. 4. f. (1). Translation printed, Adams' Works, VII. 232; Sparks' Diplo¬ matic correspondence, V. 278. Adams, John. July 21, 1780. Copy of letter to Count Vergennes. Ternay; Rochambeau; appreciation of the friendship of the French. Indorsed, N°. 5. f. ,(x). Printed, Adams' Works, VII. 233 ; Sparks' Diplomatic cor¬ respondence, V. 279. 34. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de, July 25, 1780. Copy of letter, in French, to John Adams. Ob¬ jections to U. S. commissioners treating with Lord.Germaine ; treaty of commerce ; desire to communicate first with congress. With copy on the margin of portions of Adams' letter of July 17. Indorsed, N°. 6 & 7. ff. (4). Translation printed, Adams' Works, VII. 235, etc.; Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, V. 287, etc■ Adams' letter printed, Adams' Works, VII. 228, etc.; Sparks' Diplomatic correspon¬ dence, V. 266. 35. 36. Adams, John. July 26, 1780. Copy of letter to Count Vergennes. Same subject; duke of Richmond; Hartley; Lord North; senti¬ ments of the people of England; America; ad¬ vantage to Europe. Indorsed, N°. 8. pp. (8). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, V. 294. 37. . July 27, 1780. Letter to Count Ver¬ gennes. Needs of Americans ; assistance of France; admiral Graves, Ternay, Rochambeau; Guichen; reinforcements in the West Indies. Indorsed, N°. 9. ff. (2). Printed, Adams' Works, VII. 241; Sparks' Diplomatic corre¬ spondence, V. 301. 38. Vergennes, C. G., Comte de. [July] 31, 1780. Translation of letter to [Benjamin Franklin]. Disagreement with John Adams; list of letters between Vergennes and Adams during June and July. ff. (2). (Very imperfect — torn.) Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, V. 305. 39. Lee, Arthur, and others. Aug. 5, 1780. Copy of letter to Capt. Landais. Petition to sail; danger of loitering. Signed, Arthur Lee, Pon- tigibaud, La Colombl, Poirey, Ludwell Lee, Thomas Lee, John Middleton, E. Brush, Joseph Wilkinson, Joseph Brown Junf, John G. Frazer, Henry Ash, M. Comyn, M. Livingston, f. (1). (Imperfect — worn.) Buckley, John, and others. Aug. 10, 1780. Copy of petition from the officers of the Alliance to Capt. Landais to enter port as soon as possible. Signed, John Buckley, James Lynd, M. Park, John Lauhar, James Warren, Thomas Ellwood, Benjamin Pierce, John Darling, James Bragg, Isaac Carr, N.. Blodget, Thomas Hinsdale, George Thayer, Samuel Guild, Joseph Willson, George Raymond. — Copy of statement of offi¬ cers. Capt. Landais's refusal of the petition; offer of command to 1st Lieut. James Diggs. Signed as above, with the additional names, Fitch Pool, John Savin, ff. (2). (Imperfect — one corner torn.) 40. Gordon, William. Sept. 15,1780. Letter from Jamaica Plain to Ezra Stiles. Introduction of Arthur Lee. f. (1). . Sept. 15,1780. Letter from Jamaica Plain to Benjamin Lord, Norwich, Conn. Introduc¬ tion of Arthur Lee. f. (1). 41. [Lee, Arthur]. Sept. 19, 1780. Draft of letter from Boston to Baron Bretieul. Distress in America ; depreciation of money; want of funds; need of loan of thirty or forty million livrés; advantages of British in north and south. Not signed. ff. (2). (Partly illegible from stains.) 42. Cooper, Samuel. Sept. 19, 1780. Letter from Boston to Ezra Stiles. Introduction of Arthur Lee. ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 166. . Sept. 19, 1780. Letter from Boston to Enoch Huntington, Middletown, Conn. Intro¬ duction of Arthur Lee. ff. (2). • Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 166. 43. .. Sept. 19, 1780. Letter from Boston to Andrew Eliot, Fairfax, Conn. Introduction of Arthur Lee. ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 165. 44. Huntington, Samuel. Oct. 26, 1780. Letter from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee. Inclosure of act of congress; desire for information on affairs in Europe, ff. (2). 45. Lee, Arthur. Oct. 27, 1780. Note to Messrs. Madison, Bee & Clark. Directions about furni¬ ture. ff. (2). 46. Bondfield, John. Nov. 1, 1780. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee at Philadelphia. Re¬ ceipt of letter through Mr. Brush; Sartine; Chaumont; arrival of the Fier Rodrique ; Deane ; Franklin ; refusal of Bondfield's ships; claims against Virginia ; Williams. Indorsed as forwarded by W1? Vernon, ff. (2). 47. . Duplicate of the last. 48. Sarsfield, , Comte de. Nov. 5, 1780. Letter from Valenciennes, in French, to Arthur Lee. Armed neutrality; Gillon ; John Adams; Izard, defeat of Gen. Gates [at Camden]; paper money of America; Bunker Hill; Gen. Warren, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 49. Carmichael, William. Dec. 6, 1780. Letter from Brandywine, Penn., to Arthur Lee. Lee's defence; Deane, Williams, Franklin; exhorta¬ tions to perseverance. ff. (2). (Partly illegible from stains.) 50. Extracts from the trial of Capt. Landais. Dec. 20, 1780? Linn; conduct of Lee on passage to America; Stephen Waters; Blodget; Winship; reasons for taking command of the Alliance; Gillon ; Franklin; Montbarrey; Ross ; Lafay¬ ette ; Diggs; Jones. Not complete, ff. (2). The date is taken from the indorsement in pencil added by a later hand. 51. U. S.—Treasury office. Dec. 28, 1780. Extracts from the minutes. Deposition of public prop¬ erty by Arthur Lee. Signed, Cornelius Comezys, Clk. f. (1). (Imperfect — worn.) CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 35 [Sarsfield, ,Comtede\. Oct. 13, [1780 or '81]. Letter from Rennes, in French. References to letters and books received. No address or sig¬ nature. f. (1). (Imperfect — torn.) 52. Copy of questions to be asked in court. Will of William Bird ; Thomas Newman; petition for writ of subpoena. Attest. Robert Graham. Marked in pencil "1780?" (f.) 1. (Imper¬ fect— first part gone.) 53. U. S. — Auditor General. Jan. 1, 1781. Copy of report on John Ross's accounts. With re¬ port from the commissioners of the chamber of accounts, dated Jan. 5. The commissioners' report signed, William Govett, John D. Mer- cier ; the auditor-general's, James Milligan. Copy compared by W? Duer, Scy. ff. (2). 54. Warren, James. Jan. 10, 1781. Letter from Boston to Arthur Lee. Information ; Blodget; finances; publication of letters by British; Cooper, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 273. [Sarsfield, , Comte de\. Jan. xi, 1781. Let¬ ter from Valenciennes, in French, to Arthur Lee. Death of sister; Luzerne ; declaration of war by England against Holland ; D'Estaing ; Izard; success of Gates against Ferguson. Not signed, ff. (2). 55. Blodget, Nathan, Purser of the Alliance. Jan. 25, 1781. Deposition, dated Boston. Arthur Lee's goods ; Landais. ff. (2). Parke, M., Capt. of Marines, fan. 29, 1781. Copy of deposition, dajed Boston Harbor. Blodget's goods. Similar deposition, Jan. 31, 1781, signed James Diggs, Lieut., Chipman Bangs, ship's Steward. Each certified as true copy by N. Blodget. ff. (2). 56. [Bondfield, John]. Feb. 24,1781. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Rupture between England and Holland; Russia's offer of media¬ tion; Dutch navy; Spanish fleet; fleet from Brest for America; John Laurens; interception of mails ; Deane, Bancroft, Chaumont; Vir¬ ginia's debts ; D'Acosta, Beaumarchais. March 20, 1781. Postscript. Mediation of Rus¬ sia and Austria; Joseph Yorke; Choiscul; ar¬ rival of John Laurens. Signed, J. B. ff. (4). 57. [Sarsfield, , Co?nte de\. March 8, 13, 1781. Letter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Departure of Letompe; mediation of Russia; armed neutrality; John Adams; Searle; Dana; son of John Laurens; Bondfiel d; Joseph Yorke; Lord North. Not signed, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 58. [Brown, John, Secretary of the Admiralty]. March ic, 1781. Copy of letter to Samuel Whar¬ ton. Inquiry concerning purchase of stores for America; Jones; Lafayette; Chaumont; Wil¬ liams. Indorsed, "True Copy from the Original A. Lee." f. (1). 59. Jones, J. P. March 13, 1781. Extracts from answers to the board of admiralty. Schweig- hauser ; William Lee ; Franklin; Bon Homme Richard; Sartine ; Landais ; Ariel, Alliance ; Ross; Chaumont; Serapis ; Gourlade & Moy- lan ; Wharton ; Arthur Lee ; Livingston. Ad¬ dressed to Arthur Lee. f. (1). 60. Wharton, Samuel. March 23, 1781. Letter from Philadelphia to John Brown. Purchase of stores for America ; Chaumont; Williams ; Gourlade & Moylan ; Jones. Indorsed, "True Copy from the Original A. Lee." f. (1). See p. 58 for the letter of questions. 61. [Bondfield, John]. April 1, 1781. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Reduction of St. Eustatia ; fleets of France, Spain, England, Holland; Lawrence; De Castre ; Col. Palfrey; De Grasse, D'Estaing, De Touche. Signed, J. B. ff. (2). (Slightly imperfect.) Warren, James. April 29, 1781. Letter from Boston to Arthur Lee. Secretary for foreign affairs ; Franklin ; want of news ; elections ; Ward; Lovell; Adams; [Blodget] ; navy board. f- (O- Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 274. 62. Wara, , Baron de. May 4, 17S1. Letter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Laurent [John Laurens] ; mediation ; Virginia ; Palfrey, ff. (2). Izard, Ralph. May 12, 1781.. Letter from Philadelphia to R. H. Lee. Arrival of vessel from L'Orient; news of fleet having sailed from Brest with French troops for America; loss of the Luzerne with mail ; Virginia ; movements of French troops; Rutledge; Laurens; Jeffer¬ son. ff. (2). 63. [Lee, Arthur]. After June 15,1781. Draft of resolutions to be presented to congress. Revo¬ cation of appointment of Franklin, Jay, Henry Laurens, and Jefferson as ministers plenipoten¬ tiary jointly with John Adams to treat for peace; similar powers to John Adams alone. Indorsed ■ with memoranda on other subjects. Incorrectly indorsed, " 1 March, 1781." f. (1). This appears from the Journals of congress, both public and secret, never to have been presented- 64. [Bondfield, John]. June, 25,1781. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Chaumont; paper money; John Adams; Spain; insurrection in Peru ; Russia; armed neutrality; Holland; res¬ ignation of Necker ; Jolly ; England's loss in the East Indies; French and Spanish fleets; journey of French emperor; German troops to aid British in America; fate of the ship Marquis de Lafayette; plan of sending supplies. Signed, T. B. ff. (2). [Warren, James]. July a,, 1781. Letter from Boston to Arthur Lee. Receipt of letter ; atten¬ tion to Lee's grant of land Blodget; political state of affairs ; Virginia. Signed, J. W. ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 275. 65. Jackson, William. July 5, 1781. Copy of letter from Amsterdam to Benjamin Franklin. Necessity for a ship sailing with supplies; re¬ peal of orders to Messrs. Fiseaux ; Laurens; Gillon ; Necker; delay, an increased expense, ff. (2). The letters of July 2, referred to in this letter, and Franklin's answers thereto, are printed in Sparks' Diplomatic correspon¬ dence, III. 221-226; also in Sparks' Franklin, IX. 49-54: but this letter is not printed. 66. [Lee, Arthur.] Aug. 13, 1781. Copy of letter to the president of congress. Reports of the board of admiralty ; Alliance; Landais; Frank¬ lin; denial of charges; Lafayette ; Williams; Jones; Ross; Bondfield; Ternay; Bland; Gil¬ lon; Diggs. Not signed, ff. (4). 67. Continental Congress, Seco'nd. Aug. 14, 1781. Copy of report on motion of Virginia delegates. Resolutions to grant passports to governors of Virginia and Maryland; importation of 50,000 bushels of salt. f. (1). (Imperfect — slightly torn.) Printed, Secret journals of congress, I. 225, 226. 68. Breteiiil, L. A. de T., Baron de. Oct. 2, 1781. Letter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Thanks for copy of American constitutions. ff- (?)• 36 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. [Sarsfield, ,Comtedé\. 1781. Letter from Rennes, in French. American legislation, Guil¬ ford Court House; Palfrey ; Malesherbes ; Mrs. Izard. Not signed or addressed, ff. (2). (Im¬ perfect— stained and torn.) Bowdoin, James. Jan. 31, 1782. Letter from Boston to Arthur Lee. Election as fellow of the American academy of arts and sciences ; de¬ gree of LL.D. from Harvard university; defeat of Cornwallis. f. (1). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, I. 177. 69. [Lee, William]. Feb. 12, 1782. Letter from Bruxelles to F. L. Lee. No receipt of letters for five years; private business; estate in Vir¬ ginia ; Philip Ludwell Lee ; family matters. Signed, W. L. ff. (2). 70. Gordon, William. March 2, 1782. Letter from Jamaica Plain to Arthur Lee. Election to Con¬ gress ; Deane ; Arnold ; Samuel Adams; free¬ dom of the press in Boston ; Lovell; Gates ; reduction of Canada; Burgoyne ; Gen. Greene, f. (1). 71. Franklin, Benjamin. March 4, 1782. Extract from a letter to the secretary for foreign affairs. Deane; Arnold; Johnson; Searle. ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, III. 312; Sparks' Franklin, IX. 176. 72. [Lee, Arthur]. April\2-Ju11e 29, 1782. Notes on letters from Franklin and Jay. Carleton; capture by Spaniards of St. Joseph on the Illi¬ nois ; Diggs; treaty. No signature; hastily written on back of letter, f. (x). 73. [Jay, John?]. April 28, 1782. Substance of letters. Complaint of Spanish minister against Gillon ; prizes; Searle; Carmichael; Franklin; Del Campo; Holland; Spain; France, ff. (2). Madison, James. May, 1782. Letter from Phil¬ adelphia. Parliamentary discussions ; concilia¬ tory overtures; military coercion; Jay; Car¬ michael ; Spanish successes; western claims. Not superscribed, f. (1). 74. Morris, Robert. May 10, 1782. Copy of letter from the office of finance to the president of congress. Inclosure of state of the American commerce, ff.- (2). See pp. 75, 76. Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, XII. 150. Blodget, Nathan. May 10, 1782. Letter from Boston to Arthur Lee. Franklin; Chaumont; John Brown ; David Sears, ff. (2). 75. Superintendent of Finance. [May 10, 1782.] State of American commerce, referred to above (p. 74). pp. 7- 76. . [1782?] Estimates upon state of the to¬ bacco trade, ff. (2). These two were probably drawn up at about the same time, as they are by the same hand as the indorsement on Morris's letter (P- 74) 77. 78. Continental Congress, Second. May 24, 1782. Extracts from the minutes. Account and application of money borrowed in France ; Franklin ; Vergennes; Beaumarchais ; Eaurens; Virginia; Morris; Coutleux; Grand; Holland; Ross ; Bingham; William Eee. Signed, Geo. Bond, Depy. Secy.; indorsed, Mr. A. Lee. ff. (3). Printed, Secret journals of congress, I. 231, etc. 79. Allen, William. June 23, 1782. Copy of depo¬ sition. Capt. Camue of the Cornwallis ; ammu¬ nition taken from Frazer's Ferry. Sworn to before Carter Braxton, f. (1). Madison, James. June 25, 1782. Letter from Philadelphia. Dutch resolutions in favor of America; Friesland, Holland; Utrecht, Zee- land, Overyssel; American trade; St. Eustatia. Not superscribed, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 80. Franklin, Benjamin. June 25-29, 1782. Ex¬ tracts, in Arthur Lee's handwriting, from a let¬ ter to the superintendent of finance and to the secretary for foreign affairs. Suspicion of Eng¬ lish intentions ; enabling act; independence ; treaty of Paris; Grenville ; journal of events, ff. (2). 81. Barclay, Thomas. June 29, 1782. Extracts from letter No. 3, dated Amsterdam. Deane's accounts ; Carmichael; Chaumont; money ad¬ vanced to prisoners and officers; journey to Toulon; Beaumarchais; desire for instructions, ff. (2). 82. Lee, Arthur, and others. July 15, 1782. Copy of report of committee on Capt. Barry's infor¬ mation. Loss of the Lafayette ; Moylan ; Wil¬ liams ; Laurens; Capt. Robinson; Chaumont; Franklin; contents of ship; resolution request¬ ing comparison with the log-book of the Alli¬ ance. Attested as true copy by R. Alden. Indorsed as report made by Mr. Lee, Mr. Ram¬ say, Mr. Lowell, ff. (2). See Journals of congress, VII. 411. 83. Schweighauser & Dobrée. Jidy 17, 1782. Letter from Nantes to Arthur Lee at Phila¬ delphia. Examination of accounts; Johnson; Franklin; Penet ; Laurens; Fitzherbert; East India; Alliance. Indorsed, Quadruplicate, ff. (2). 84. Gordon, William. July 26, 1782. Letter from Jamaica Plain to Arthur Lee. Fishery question in making peace; John Adams; naval plan of English; Dutch successes; Rodney; Knox; Lincoln ; Deane ; Sears, f. (1). (Imperfect — torn.) 85. Jenings, Edmund. July 29, 1782. Letter from Brussels to Arthur Lee. Acts of British par¬ liament; Shelburne; Sir George Saville; Fox; English affairs in India ; Irish ; negotiations for peace ; Dutch ; Spain; Laurens ; Dana; Izard, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) Bondfield, John. Atig. 1, 1782. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Order for claret; Jay; Madrid court; William Lee. ff. (2). 86. Barry, John. Aug. 2, 1782. Copy of deposition before the committee of congress. Substance the same as that of the paper on p. 82. Sworn before Joshua Coit, Justice of Peace. Attested as true copy by R. Alden, Depy. Secy. ff. (2). 87. Sarsfield, ,Coi?itede. Aug. 4, 1782. Letter from Ilaerlem, in French, to Arthur Lee. Care of Lee's effects ; John Adams; Lee's election to Virginia assembly; Izard's election to congress ; prevalence of influenza; Palfrey, ff. (2). (Im¬ perfect — torn.) yjay, John. Sept. 16, 1782. Extracts from letter to the secretary for foreign affairs. Inclosure of letter from Marbois to Vergennes; French de¬ lays about the negotiation for peace ; Franklin ; fishery claims; Samuel Adams; extract from letter from John Adams; alliances with Spain and Holland; extract from letter from Frank¬ lin ; Deane ; adventurers. In Arthur Lee's handwriting, f. (1). (Imperfect — torn.) See Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, VIII. 125, where the letter is dated Sept. iS. 88. Greives, George. Sept. 23, 1782. Letter from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee. Security for a bill; Shippen. ff. (2). Luzerne, Caesar Anne de la. [About Sept. 24, CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 37 1782.] Notes in Arthur Lee's handwriting of proposal to congress. United States not con¬ tent with independence ; continuation of war until allies are satisfied, f. (1). See Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, XI. 115. 89. Gordon, William. Oct. 2, 1782. Letter from Jamaica Plain to Arthur Lee. Mail-robbing; John Temple; Price; James Sullivan; John Adams ; Franklin ; accusation upon suspicion. f. (1). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 288. 90. Adams, John. Oct. 10, 1782. Letter from the Hague to Arthur Lee. Minister from Holland to congress; Van der Capellan de Pol; Van Berckel; independence of action; Jay; Dana; Laurens ; ability of ministers ; secret commis¬ sions ; Franklin. Indorsed, " 3 plicate." ff. (2). (Almost illegible from stains and pale ink.) 91. . Another copy. Both this and the last (p. 90) have autograph signatures. 92. [Dana, Francis]. Oct. 25, 1782. Letter to Arthur Lee. Correspondence; tories; [John Adams] ; Holland ; obscure references to per¬ sons and views mentioned in Lee's letter. Not signed; marked in pencil, "Francis Dana"; indorsed, N°. 2. ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 284. Jay, John. Nov. 17, 1782. Copy of note. Re¬ lations with France ; Geneva ; Corsica. In Arthur Lee's handwriting. With memorandum on back about clothing, f. (1). 93. Communications from foreign ministers about the negotiations for peace. Dana. Oct. 21. Commerce with Russia; Nov. 7. Treaty with Russia. Jay. Dec. 12. Vergennes ; Franklin; treaty ; Shelburne ; Carl-eton ; D'Araiida; west¬ ern claims ; Oswald, Bainvall, Vaughan. Adams. Treaty with Great Britain and with Spain ; navi¬ gation of Mississippi; evacuation of New York; D'Estaing ; tories. Jay. Nov. 17. Same as above (p. 92). Lee. Concurrence in Jay's view. Proposed boundary to the United States, f. (1). These are items extracted from different letters at different times by Arthur Lee. 94. Adams, John. Nov. 18, 1782. Copy of letter from Paris to Robert R. Livingston, secretary for foreign affairs. Remonstrance against the ministers being subject to the advice of the French court. Certified as true copy by A. Lee. ff. (2). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, VI. 459 ; Ad¬ ams' Works, VIII. 11. 95. [Sarsfield, , Comte de]. Dec. n, 1782. Let¬ ter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Fail¬ ure in receiving letters ; Mrs. Izard ; Lee's effects ; John Adams ; Laurens ; Gibraltar ; Biville; Ändroens. ff. (2). (Imperfect—torn.) Campbell, Arthur, Col. Dec. 27, 1782. Letter from Richmond to Arthur Lee. Reservation of western lands; introduction of European set¬ tlers ; negotiations for peace ; opponents ; pur¬ chase of books. ff. (2). 96. Bondfield, John. March 6, 1783. Letter from Bordeaux to [Arthur Lee?]. Spain; Carmi- chael; Jay; Franklin; Laurens; Adams; liqui¬ dation of debts; Lafayette ; western boundaries; Mississippi river, f. (1). Warren, James. March 14,1783. Letter from Milton, Mass., to Arthur Lee. Attested copy of paper desired ; Lee's lands ; peace ; arrival of packet for congress ; John Adams' resignation; fishery claims ; Gen. Lincoln, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 278. 97. Morris, Robert. March 17, 1783. Copy of let¬ ter to the president of Congress. Explanation of resignation as financier; loss of credit in Europe ; impost law. Extract from a letter by Luzerne, March 15; Vergennes. f. (1). Printed, Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, XII. 341. 98. Gordon, William. April 2, 1783. Letter from Jamaica Plain to Arthur Lee. Congratulations on peace ; extract from London Courant of Jan. 10; Laurens; Deane; Franklin; boundaries of Nova Scotia ; John Adams ; Shirley, Pownal, Bernard, Hutchinson, Sir William Alexander; fishery claims; British creditors and refugees; Jay; Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York; im¬ portance of the confederation; state rights; [Massachusetts], Rhode Island; satisfaction to military; choice of governor, f. (1). (Imper¬ fect— torn). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 289. 99. Adams, John. April 12, 1783. Copy of letter from Paris to Arthur Lee. Peace; negotia¬ tions ; Hartley ; Fox ; Shelburne ; Laurens ; tories ; dissatisfaction in England ; treaty of . commerce; Marbois ; French politics; distinct interests of America, f. (1). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 248; also in Adams' Life of John Adams, IX. 517, with an additional opening para¬ graph referring to the difficult situation of the commissioners and to Franklin's part in the history of the treaty. 100. 101. Officers of the Virginia Line. May 12-16, 1783. Memorial to the senate and house of delegates of Virginia. Assignment of lands; Muhlenberg, Weedon, Scott, Morgan; Wood, Heth, Temple, Hopkins, Towles, Clark, Bur- well, Carrington. Signed, I. Muhlenberg, Pres¬ ident of the Board. Attested, John Beckley. ff- (4). 102. Laurens, Henry. June 17, 18, 1783. Extracts from letters. Negotiations for peace ; Hartley; trifling; Fox; evacuation of New York; un¬ manufactured produce, ff. (2). See Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, X. 173. [Sarsfield, , Comte de\. "June 19, 1783. Lee's effects ; Mrs. Izard ; Mad. L'Eucreuil (?); Barclay; American debts ; French soldiers; fu¬ ture commerce; Russia, Turkey; Shelburne. No signature, ff. (2). 103. Bondfield, John. June 20, 1783. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Lee's effects ; Mrs. Izard; Richard Yates ; William Lee; Barclay; Deane; Williams; Jay; Laurens; Adams; Spain; Carmichael; Russia, Turkey, England, France; public debts in America, ff. (2.). 104-107. Adams, John. June 23, July 14, 18, 1783. Extracts from letters to R. R. Livingston. New situation of Ireland, Canada, Nova Scotia; un¬ certainty of course of Great Britain; free trade; West Indies ; treaty of commerce with England ; jealousy of American trade in-France and Eng¬ land ; proclamation ; belief of England in want of unity in America; necessity for a minister at London; Shelburne; Benjamin Vaughan ; Pitt; negotiations necessary with the Dutch, Danes, Portuguese; management of foreign affairs ; pub¬ lic credit, pp. 8. Printed, Adams' Life of John Adams, VIII. 74, 97, 107. 108. Bondfield, John. July 1, 1783. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Shipping of Lee's effects, ff. (2). 38 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. Commissioners for Peace. July 18, 1783. Extract from letter of John Adams, Franklin, Jay. Disposition of France, f. (1). See Sparks' Diplomatic correspondence, X. 191. 109. . April 14, June 23, 24, 27, July 7, 8, 18, 22, 27, 1783. Extracts from letters of different dates. Negotiation for peace ; concealment of secret article; Spain; France; definitive treaty; payment of debts to British; negroes ; Hartley; commercial regulations; Shelburne party pref¬ erable to the new ministry; disposition of French, ff. (2). For the letters of these dates, see Sparks' Diplomatic corre¬ spondence, X. no. Franklin, Benjamin. July 22, 1783. Extract from letter. British commercial proclamation ; remedies, f. (1). hi. . July 22, 1783. Extract from letter to Congress. [John Adams'] suspicions of French coart. Attested as true copy, A. Lee. f. (1). Both these will be found printed, Sparks' Diplomatic corre¬ spondence, IV. 136, etc. i T 2. Milligan, James, Controller of the Treasury. July 25, 1783. Copy of letter to the board of treasury. John Swanwick's accounts ; receivers of taxes. Compared with the original by W'J1 Duer, Secy. ff. (2). [Continental Congress, Second]. Aug. 14, 1783. Copy of letter to Gov. Harrison, dated Princeton. Accounts with Virginia; adjourn¬ ment to Philadelphia. Not signed, ff. (2). 113. Scott, John. Aug. 20, 1783. Letter from Dumfries, Va., to Arthur Lee. Political senti¬ ments in Virginia ; Lee's prospects ; Col. Gray¬ son ; Col. Blackburn; Richard Graham ; Col. Alexander; removal of Congress from Phila¬ delphia ; Georgia speculation; Col. Martial, ff. (2). 114. Rendorez (?), Francisco. Aug. 27, 1783. Let¬ ter from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee. Breach of laws of nations against Spain ; request for investigation ; Church, Haydon ; Col. Bland, ff. (2). 115. Bondfield, John. Sept. 20, 1783. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Congratulation on Virginia's condition in regard to debts; Price & Hayward; obligations received; re-imbursement from Virginia notes, etc.; John Dickinson; Mon- tet & Henry, ff. (2). Lloyd, John. Oct. 14, 1783. Letter from Charleston to [Arthur Lee]. Removal of con¬ gress from Philadelphia ; danger of political corruption in America; judgment against Deane; delegate to congress, ff. (2). Xi6. Bondfield, John. OA 20, 1783. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Price & Hayward; Nelson, Heron & Co.; Carter Braxton's estate; Schweighauser & Dobrée ; R. H. Lee; Digges ; Waterman ; American commerce ; domestic improvements ; Carmichael ; American debts, ff. (2). [Continental Congress, Second. Nov. 25, 1783?] Drafts of letters to a foreign minister. Effects carried off by French officer; arrival of definitive treaty; evacuation of New York city; [Washington's] character. No. signature, ad¬ dress, or date. Marked in pencil, " 25 Nov. 1783?" f. (1). 117. Gillon, Alexander, Conmodore. Nov. 29, 1783. Letter from Charleston to Arthur Lee. Re¬ moval of congress ; Robert Morris ; Lloyd, ff. (2). . 118. Higginson, Stephen. Nov. 1783. Letter from Boston to Arthur Lee. Removal of congress ; impost duties; public credit; treasury depart¬ ment ; marine department; Morris; Russell, Parker; Hawkins, ff. (2). 119. Virginia — House of Delegates. Dec. 22, 1783. Copy of resolution. British trade ; impost du¬ ties ; claim to country north-west of the river Ohio. Signed, John Beckley, Clk. Agreement by senate signed, W. Drew. f. (1). [Sarsfield, —•—, Co?nte de]. Jan. 29, 1784. Letter from Paris, in French, to [Arthur Lee]. Lee's effects ; Mrs. Izard ; Izard ; Princeton; Adams; Malesherbes; Luzerne; Marbois; Lon¬ don; Holland. Not signed, ff. (2). (Imper¬ fect — torn.) 120. Dana, Francis. Feb. 3, 1784. Letter from Cambridge to Arthur Lee. Minister to St. Pe¬ tersburg ; congress, ff. (2). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 287. 121. Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gil¬ bert de Motier, Marquis de. 1784. Extract from an essay, in French, on the commerce of France with the United States, ff. (2). 122. [Sarsfield, , Comte de]. April 23, 1784. Letter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Col. Harrison; Lee's effects; English parlia¬ ment; Fox; North; Izard. Not signed, ff. (2). 123. Continental Congress, Second. April 26, 1784. Appointment of G. R. Clarke, Oliver Wolcott, Richard Butler, Philip Schuyler, Ben¬ jamin Lincoln, and Arthur Lee as commission¬ ers to treat with Indians ; Six Nations ; Chero- kees; Nathaniel Greene, Stephen Higginson. With seal. Signed, Tho? Miflin, Chas Thom¬ son, Secy. f. (1), doubled. 124. Harrison (?), Matts. Aug. 16, 1784. Letter to Arthur Lee. News from Maryland, f. (1). Lafayette, M. J. P. R. Y. G. df. M., Marquis de. Sept. 30, 1784. Letter from Fort Schuyler to the commissioners with the Indians. Ar¬ rangements about meeting, and about summon¬ ing the chiefs; Courtland ; Oneidas. — Oct. 1. Draft of answer. Kirkland; Oneidas; Wol¬ cott; Marbois; accommodations, ff. (2). Printed, without answer, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 362. 125. Fonda, Jelles, and others, Judges of the Inferior Court of Montgo7tiery County, New York. Oct. 15, 1784. Letter from Johnstown, N. Y., to the commissioners with the Indians. Sale of liquor to the Indians; jurisdiction of the court. Signed, Jelles Fonda, Zephaniah Batche'ler, Christian Nelles, Peter Lambert, George H. Bell; super¬ scribed, Oliver Wolcott, Richard Butler, Arthur Lee. ff. (2). 126. Extract from a letter, March 14, 1785, from Paris, in French. Prospects of war ; cession of Bavaria to Austria; empress of Russia; king of Prussia. Not signed or addressed, ff. (2). 127. Continental Congress, Second. June 15,1785. Proclamation forbidding intrusion upon the un¬ appropriated lands north-west of the Ohio. Printed; signed, Richard Henry Lee, P., Charles Thomson, Sec'ry. New-York: printed by F. Childs. Broadside. See Journals of congress, X. 212. 128. . June 15, 17S5. Copy of resolutions. Directions to the commissioners with the Indi¬ ans ; cession of lands ; Kaskaskia ; St. Vin¬ cent's; oath of allegiance; prohibition of intru¬ sion, etc.; proclamation as above; directions to the board of treasury; appropriations ; purchase CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 39 of goods, provisions, etc. Signed, Chas. Thom¬ son, Secy. f. (i). Printed, Journals of congress, X. 211-213. 129. Butler, Richard. July 5, 1785. Letter from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee. Arrangements about treaty ; Campbell ; Clark ; Wolcott ; Montgomery, ff. (2). 130. Continental Congress, Second. July 9,1785. Resolutions about the treaty with the Indians. Place of treaty; troops, f. (1). 131. Letter, Sept. 4, 1785, from the Hague. Open¬ ing of the Scheld; internal politics of Holland; parties of patriots and Orangemen; Van Berckel; pensionary of Dort; affection for America; De Yerac, Sir James Harris; position of American minister; " Oermanique Ligue " between Prus¬ sia, Saxony, and Brunswick, ff. (2). (Imper¬ fect — last part gone.) Virginia — Council. Oct. 15, 1785. Copy of advice to the governor. Payment of interest on loan-office certificates ; extract from act of con¬ gress relative thereto, April 28, 1784. Signed, A. Blair, C. C. f. (1). (Imperfect — torn.) 132. Henry, Patrick. Oct. 20, 17S5. Copy of letter from the council-board. Loan-office certificates; copy of resolution of the assembly, Dec. 8, 1785; directions to the treasurer of Virginia. Not superscribed, ff. (2). Virginia — Assembly. Dec. 8, 1785. Copy of the above resolution. With memorandum by J. Hopkins, C. L. officer, ff. (2). 133. Copy of letter, Dec. 29, 1785, from New York to Patrick Henry. Loan-office certificates ; debts of Virginia. Not signed, ff. (2). 134. Lee, Arthur. Jan. 26, 1786. Copy of letter to the marquis of Lansdown. Employment of Indians by civilized nations ; Thomas Lee Ship- pen. ff. (2). (Imperfect — first part gone.) 135. Jefferson, Thomas. April 22, 1786. Letter from London to R. H. Lee. Lamps; Thomson ; commercial treaty with England; Lansdown ; Price ; Arthur Lee ; the king's obstinacy ; Gen. Clark, ff. (2). . Printed, Jefferson's Works, II. 1. Continental Congress, Second. June 2, 1786. Copy of resolution. Settlement by board of treasury of accounts of secret committee of congress and commercial committee. Signed, Charles Thomson, Secretary, f. (1). Printed, Journals of congress, XI. 115. 136. Wormley, Ralph. Dec. 25, 1786. Letter from Rosegill, Va., to [Arthur Lee ?]. Marriage ; " the magician " ; Corbin ; chief magistrate of the United States ; disturbances in the east¬ ern states; impeachment of Warren Hastings; George Hardinge ; Fox; Pitt. Not superscribed, ff. (2). 137. 138. Gardoqui, Joseph. 1786 or 1787. Repre¬ sentations touching the claim of Spain to the navigation of the Mississippi, ff. (4). 139-141. Shelburne, Wm. Petty, Earl of, Marquis / of Lansdown. Feb. 4,1787. Letter from London to Arthur Lee. T. L. Shippen; parties in Eng¬ land ; Lord Rockingham ; future friendship with America ; Indians ; Mad. Pohgrave ( ?); Lord Wycombe, ff. (6). Printed, Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, II. 357. 142. Wormley, Ralph. Feb. 8, 1787. Letter from Rosegill, Va., to [R. H. Lee?]. Death of Mrs. Tayloe, and of Mrs. Page ; disturbances in the eastern states ; Lord Dorchester; Randolph; regulations of commerce ; federal government; Burke ; subscriptions to loan; " the magician." Not superscribed, ff. (2). 143. Hopkins, John. May 20, 1787. Letter from Richmond to Arthur Lee. Interest on military debt of Virginia; Lee's land; Ambler; Hays, ff. (2). Corbin, Francis. Aug. 8, 1787. Letter to Arthur Lee. Destruction of court-houses ; governor of Virginia; petitions for paper money, etc.; R. H. Lee ; money transaction, C. Lee, Morris, Hunter, ff. (2). 144. Turberville, George Lee. . Oct. 26, 1787. Let¬ ter from Richmond to Arthur Lee. Submission of federal plan of government to people ; Madi¬ son; Carrington ; Lee; Brown; Cyrus Griffin; Randolph, ff. (2). 145- • Oct. 28, 1787. Letter from Richmond to Arthur Lee. Plan of government ; Wilson ; character of newspapers; Gen. Clark and Creek Indians in Georgia, ff. (2). 146. Otto, , charge d'affaires de France. ATov. 16, 1787. Letter from New York, in French, to Arthur Lee. Presentation of portrait of king of France. With translation and copy of answer, ff. (2). _ 147. Virginia — House of Delegates. Dec. 16, 1787. Copy of resolutions. Inquiry about continental state money issued from the continental loan office. Signed Wm. Harwood, Cl. H. D. ff. (2). 148. [Sarsfield,. , Comte de]. Jan. 12, 1788. Letter from Paris, in French, to [Arthur Lee]. Thanks for news ; visit to England ; Borwood ; Wycombe; Waller; "non-catholics " in France. Not signed, ff. (2). 149. Livingston, Ann. H. Oct. 5, 1788. Letter from Philadelphia to her uncle, Arthur Lee. Journey of brother; Holland; Strasburg; Switz¬ erland; family matters, ff. (2). 150. Sarsfield, , Comte de. April 24, 17S9. Letter from Paris, in French, to Arthur Lee. Jefferson; desire to hear from Lee; danger of revolution in France, ff. (2). 151. [Lee, Arthur]. Aug. 29, 1789. Letter to [F. L. Lee]. Taylor; abolition of board of treasury; visit to Virginia; R. H. Lee; William Lee; judiciary bill; seat of federal government; crickets ; Campbell ; prospective war in Eu¬ rope; France; Turkey; Russia* impost bill in congress. Not signed or superscribed, ff. (2). 152. Bondfield, John. Oct. 8, 1790. Letter from Bordeaux to Arthur Lee. Business trouble with Thomas Shore of Petersburg, Virginia ; price of grain; H. L. Shore ; Fenwick, Mason & Co. ff. (2). 40 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. APPENDIX. The papers included in the eighth voluvte were not ' arranged by Mr. James Winthrop Harris, when he prepared volumes one to six for binding in i86g. Vol. vii. was arranged but not bound till 1877. Since Mr. Harris's death these addi¬ tional manuscripts have been found in a parcel marked " Lee Papersbut without any indication of the reasons for not including them in the series as arranged. A/any of them are fragmentary, and without dates, and such arrangement has been made of them as seemed practicable. VOL. VIII. 1. Pennsylvania — Assembly. Oct. 21,1741. Ex¬ tracts from votes granting money to the Crown, ff. (2). 2. Value of exports from 5 Jan. 1769 to Dec. 1770. Statement by Colonies, f. (1). 3. Sundry advertisements about rolling wagons. Mar. 15, 1773. A printed paper, 3 pp. MS. memoranda on reverse. 4. Continental Congress, First. Copy of address to the people of Great Britain, ff. (5). This was drafted by R. H. Lee. Cf. Lee's Life of R. H. Lee, i. ng; Pitkin's United States, i. app. 17; Jay's Life of John Jay, i. app. 5. [Lee, Arthur]. Memoranda relating to the pre¬ sentation of the petition of Congress to the King, including Arthur Lee's letter, Dec. 22, 1774, to R. H. Lee; with an addition, Dec. 24, covering a copy of Lord Chatham's note; and another, Dec. 26. Copy of the letter, signed Henry Middleton, President, transmitting the petition to the colonial agents in London, ff. (4). 6. [Lee, Arthur]. Memorandum about interview with Lord Dartmouth regarding the petition to the King, with copy of letter, signed by Richard Penn and Arthur Lee, and dated London, Sept. 2, 1775, and addressed to the President of Con¬ gress. f. (1). See Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, i. 45. 7. [Lee, Arthur, and others']. Memoranda. Willing, Morris & Co. Financial matters in 1776. Profit and loss account. Drafts. Extract from a re¬ port to the Board of Treasury, signed James Millegan, dated, Aug. 14, 1786. Dissection of receipts and payments, 1781. Public goods from Europe, 1781-83. Morris's contract for supply¬ ing rations, 1782, etc. ff. (10). 8. Langdon, John. Unfinished copy of letter, Apr. 4, 1776. f. (1). 9. Deane, Silas. Copy of extracts of letter, dated Paris, Dec. 3, 1776. Financial matters. Certi¬ fication to the correctness of the copy, lodged in the Treasury of the United States, signed Samuel Osgood, and dated, July 5, 1788. ff. (4). 10. Carmichael, Wm., in acc't with The Honor¬ able Silas Deane, Esq., 1776 and 1777. A copy, ff. (2). 11. Statement of war material shipped by the gov¬ ernment of France to the United States, Aug. 1776 to Mar. 1777. f. (1). 12. Comptes des sommes que J. Sollier de Paris a recues et payé å Messieurs Franklin, Deane, et Lee. 1777. f. (1). 13. Soldiers' clothes furnished by French houses, 1777. f. (1). 14. Invoice of sundry merchandise shipped on ship Theresa from Nantes to St. Domingo, Apr. 20, 1777. Attested copy. With memorandum of Jos. Pennell, 1782. f. (3). 15. Deane, Silas, in account with Wm. Hodge, 1777. ;£i 13,720. 12s. yd. ff. (2). 16. Account of sales of four hogsheads of peltry. 1777. ff. (2). 17. Lee, Arthur. Drafts of letters : a. Berlin, June 28, 1777, to commissioners at Paris, about army clothing, b. Berlin, July 7, 1777. To same. Robbed of his papers. Doings of English envoy. c. Paris, July 29, 1777. To chairman of secret committee. Mission to Berlin. Robbery of papers. Sale of German troops to England. d. Paris, Sept. 9, 1777. To the chairman of the secret committee. Opening of German ports, ff. (6). 18. Morris, Robert, and others. Jan. 14, 1777. Extracts from letter from Philadelphia to Leon¬ ard Jarvis. Marine and mercantile affairs. Ex¬ tract of affidavit by Morris, Aug. 2, 1785, con¬ cerning agreement with Blair McClenahan in Dec. 1776, for charter of ship. Extract of affi¬ davit by McClenahan, Apr. 19, 1786, regarding the same. Affidavit (copy) of Richard Carne, Feb. 14, 1778, concerning the capture of the ship ; and extract from Registry of Admiralty at Nantes on the same point, ff. (3). 19. Lee, Arthur, and others. Drafts of letters, 1777-78, concerning the Messrs. Delap's cus¬ tom of addressing their letters to only two of the commissioners, ff. (2). 20. Lee, Arthur, in account with the United States, 1777-79. 376,500 livres. ff. (2). 21. Compte courant des Etats Unis par Messieurs Franklin, Lee, and Adams, chez F. Grand. Paris, Nov. 22, 1778. ff. (4). 22. Aug. 8, 1778. ff. (2). 23. Morris, Feu Monsieur Thomas, de Nantes pr cte des Etats Unis. 1777-78. f. (1). 24. Compte courant des Etats Unis par Messieurs Franklin,- Lee, and Adams chez F. Grand. June 30, 1778. ff. (2). 25. [Fragment of accounts, in French. 1777-78-] f. (1). 26. Nikal, Jno. M. Note without date to Mr. Hines, attorney, Gosport. ff. (2). 27. Messieurs Franklin, Deane, and Lee, etc. cou¬ rant chez Ferdinand Grand de Paris. Jan. 24, 1778, with copies of notes, signed by the com¬ missioners, 1777-78. ff. (6). 28. Lee, Arthur. Paris, June 5, 1778. Memorandum of doings and talks. 29. Note in French, without signature, " Dimanche, 28," [1778?] to Arthur Lee, "å hotel d'Espagne." ff. (2). 30. De Breteuil, Baron. Paris, ce 26 Fev. Note of invitation to Arthur Lee. ff. (2). 31. De Chalut. Note in French to Arthur Lee. f. (1). 32. Livingston, M. Affidavits, Apr. 11, 1778, and 20 Feb. 1779, regarding alleged stock jobbing of Lee and Izard, f. (1). 33. Morris, Robert. Feb. 17, 1778. Copy of letter to commercial committee, ff. (2). (Imperfect.) CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 41 34. Harrison, Benjamin. Jan. 9,1778. Extract from letter at Williamsburg to Robert Morris. Pro¬ curing of boats and wagons, ff. (2). 35. Copy of address to the powers and people of Europe on the inhuman conduct of the war on the part of Great Britain, covering resolutions of Congress, Jan. 2, 1776 and Oct. 30,1778. ff. (8). 36. The United States of America, acc. with John Ross, July 1, 1779; duplicate copy. Audited by Samuel Wharton and Edward Bancroft, July 10, 1779 5 under authority of Franklin. Attested by Wm. Duer. ff. (2). 37. [Lee, Arthur]. Copies of letters addressed by him to committee of correspondence, Nov. 20, 1778; to le Comte Florida Blanca, Dec. 17, 1778, re¬ specting cruelty in the conduct of the war on the part of the British; to le Comte d'Aranda, Dec. 18, 1778, in French, forwarding a letter; to Comte Florida Blanca, Dec. 27, 1778, concerning the manifesto of Congress on the British bar¬ barities ; to le Comte d'Aranda, in French, for¬ warding a letter. Copies, attested at l'Orient, May, 1780, by N. Blodget of Boston, and A. Windship of Boston, ff. (6). 38. Compte des États Unis par Messieurs Franklin, Lee, and Adams, chez F. Grand. Feb. 11, 1779. ff. (4). 39. List of bills received from Coten the banker, 1779. ff. (1). 40. Lee, Arthur. Paris, Apr. 27, 1779. Observa¬ tions on the contract made with the farmer- general for the delivery of 5000 hogsheads of tobacco by the Hon. B. Franklin and Silas Deane ; followed by memorandum on Mr. Deane's letter of accusation, etc. ff. (8). 41. [Lee, Arthur]. Memoranda, May 19, 20, June 4. A French officer. Beaumarchais. Deane's ad¬ dress to the citizens of America, ff. (2). 42. Return of military and ordnance stores, cloth¬ ing, etc., received and delivered by John Lang- don, Esq., Portsmouth, Mar. 8, 1779- ff- (2)- 43. Jones, John Paul, and others. " Extrait d'une lettre de John Paul Jones å Benjamin Franklin, datée au bord du Serapis dans le Texel, le 3 Oct. 1779," respecting the fight with the Bon Homme Richard. Extract of a letter from Capt. Pearson, of his majesty's ship Serapis, to Mr. Stevenson, dated Texel, Oct. 6, 1779, concerning the same fight. Extract of a letter from Capt. Jones, dated Texel, Oct. 3, 1779, regarding the conduct of the Alliance frigate. Extrait d'une lettre du Capt. Cotteneau, of the Pallas, dated Texel, Oct. 4, 1779, concerning the same fight, ff. (6). 44. Franklin, Bemamin. Passy, Aug. 9, 1780. To S. Huntingtc ., President of Congress. Copy of a part of letter regarding John Adams's con¬ duct in France, f. (1). 45. [Lee, Arthur], Notes about the active alliance of France with the United' States, dated Jan. 25, 1780 and Jan. 28, 1780. ff. (2). 46. Continental Congress, Second. 1780. Report of a committee to receive a communication from the minister plenipotentiary of France, relative to terms of the French alliance and the Spanish demands. Copy or draft, ff. (2). 47. Account of moneys paid to M. Chaumont by F. Grand, Mar. 1, 1780 to Jan. 22, 1782; to Jonathan Williams, Mar. 1, 1780 to Jan. 28, 1782 ; to Messrs. Gourlarde and Moylan, Mar. 1, 1780 to Jan. 28, 1782. ff. (4). 48. Thomson, Charles, Sec. of Congress, to Robt. Morris, Supt. of Finance, June 29, 1781. Copy of a private letter. Continental finance, ff. (4). 49. Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de. Ver¬ sailles, May 16, 1781. Statement about a loan to the United States from the King. In French, with an English translation, ff. (4). 50. Morris, Robert. Letters to M. Grand, Dec. 3, 1781, on his services and accounts; and to B. Franklin, Dec. 4, 1781. Copies. Other memo¬ randa. Comments of Arthur Lee. ff. (3). 51. "Articles pour servir de base å la négociation clu rétablissement de la paix." ff. (2). Adams's letter referring to this is dated July 13, 1781. See Sparks's Diplomatic Correspondence, vi. 102. 52. Morris, Robert. June 8, 1781. Letter to Benj. Franklin. Copy. Money granted by the French king. f. (1). 53. Morris, Robert. July 14, 1781. Extract from letter to Dr. Franklin about a Bank. Extract from letter to Jay. Comments by Arthur Lee. Morris to Robert Smith, July 17,1781, (extract). 54. Franklin, Benjamin. Jtly 26, 1781. Extracts from letter to Robert Morris. Financial mat¬ ters. f. (1). 55. Franklin, Benjamin. Nov. 5, 1781, and Jan. 28, 1782. Extracts from letters to Robert Morris. Money for the ensuing campaign, f. (1). 56. Morris, Robert. Extract from a letter, proba¬ bly to Franklin, 1781, about the finances and the French grant. Extract from a letter to Frank¬ lin, Nov. 27, 1781. Relations of France and the United States t<* the war. Other briefer ex¬ tracts from Morris's letters, ff. (4). 57. Morris, Robert. July 28, 1783. Extract from letter, declining to incur hew monetary engage¬ ments. ff. (2). 58. Morris, Robert. Oct. 15, 1783. Copy of letter to Thomas Tillotson, receiver for the State of New York. "Clamors against poor Tories." f. (1). 59. Morris, Robert. Jan. 13, 1784. Copy of let¬ ter to President of Congress. Petition of John Cooper. Adjustment of accounts of the secret committee of Congress, f. (1). 60. Morris, Robert. Feb. 12, 1784. Copy of letter to Benj. Franklin. Readiness to meet financial engagements. Funding of the debt. ff. (2). 61. 62, 63. Morris, Robert. Feb. . Copy of letter to Benj. Franklin, with A. Lee's state¬ ment of its being correctly copied. Finances. Statements which could not be made in a pre¬ vious letter, because copies of that were sent to Holland. Urges Franklin to activity, ff. (6). (Slightly torn.) 64. Extracts from letter of Robert Morris to F. Grand, Feb. 12, 1784; to Thomas Barclay, con¬ sul-general, June 16, 1784, and Sept. 10, 1784; from Thomas Barclay to Robert Morris, Dec. 19, 1784. Finances, f. (1). 65. Luzerne, Caesar Anne de la. Extracts from his communication to Congress on General Carle- ton's having communicated the determination of his court to suspend hostilities in America, f. (1). 66. Extracts from letters of Paul Jones , dated Paris, Mar. ; of B. Franklin and J. Adams, Feb. 10,17—, " which Mr. A. Lee refused to sign," addressed to Jones ; of same to same, Mar. 26, 1784, about prisoners taken to Holland; of Franklin to Jones, Mar. 25, 1784; and copy of order for distributing prize money "under the French laws; of Jones, Paris, 18, 1784, to minister of marine, about his exploits and re¬ verses; of Jones, Aug. 13, 1786, to the com¬ missioners of the board of treasury, ff. (6). (Defective at the edges.) 42 CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 67. Morris, Robert, Mar. 17, 1784. Copy of letter to thé President of Congress. The state of his department. Comments by A. Lee. Loans and subsidies. Condition of the finances when Mr. Morris took office. Copies of letters to Olney, receiver for Rhode Island, March 24, 1784; to Daniel Jenifer, intendant of Maryland, March 25, 1784, on bad state of finances; to Benj. Huntington, March.25, 1784. " Credit on the verge of dissolution." ff. (7). 68. Barclay, Thomas. July 5, 1785. Copy of let¬ ter to Robert Morris. Franklin's and Lee's accounts, ff. (2). 69. The lowest contract for clothing the troops in i785- f- (O- r 70. Estimate for governmental expenses for 1786. Memorandum, f. (1). 71. Revenue and expenditure of Great Britain for the year 1785. Memorandum, f. (1). 72. Memorandum of figures, f. (1). 73. Prices of divers [military] articles to be deliv¬ ered at Hamburg, f. (1). 74. Franklin, Benjamin. Aug. 1, 1787. Copy of letter from Philadelphia, to Samuel Osgood and Arthur Lee. Accounts of Mr. Ross, agent of the United States, f. (1). 75. View of the payments and debts of the several States of the United States, 1782-87. f. (1). 76. 77. Return by John Bradford of merchandise delivered to him, and memoranda regarding supplies from France, ff. (8). 78. United Stätes. Board of Treasury. May 17, 1787. Printed advertisement about settling ac¬ counts of secret and commercial committees of Congress, f. (1). 79 to 111.s Continental Congress, Second. Copy of proceedings from Sept. 18, 1775, to Sept. 10, 1777, with the subsequent action of the committee, Oct. 5, 1778, to arrange for the settlement of their accounts. Some comments by A. Lee are interspersed, ff. (71). 112. Abstract of moneys advanced to sundry per¬ sons by the secret committee on special con¬ tracts. f. (1). 113, 114. Continental Congress, Second. The se¬ cret committee. Account with the Treasury of the United States, f. (1) 115. Statement of the liquidated and loan office debt of the United States to Dec. 31, 1787. ff- (3)- 116. Loan office debt .of the United States, with notes on land given to the soldiers, and State debts, ff. (2). 117. 118. Extracts from Swan's Political Arithme¬ tic. ff. (2). 119. Virginia — House of Delegates. Jan. 17, 1788. Statement of revenues and ordinary expendi¬ tures, with-remarks by J. Hopkins, law officer for Virginia, 1789, and by Arthur Lee, who adds, " This report, I understand, was drawn up by Mr. Ronald." ff. (2). 120. Franklin, Benjamin. Jan. 1, 1788. Copy of letter from Philadelphia to the commissioners of the Board of Treasury. Vouchers of Mr. Ross's accounts, f. (1). . 121. Morris, Robert. Aug. 2, 1788. Copy of let¬ ter from Philadelphia to Arthur Lee. Ross's accounts and vouchers, f. (1). 122. United States. Treasury. Register's office. Apr. 1, 1789. Fragment of accounts, signed Joseph Nourse, register, f. (1). 123. State of the accounts of the secret and com¬ mercial committees, with an account of the progress made in the adjustment of them. Signed, "Office of Audr., May 27, 1789. Ben Walker." ff. (12). 124 to 140. Lee, Arthur. A paper in Mr. Lee's hand, some sheets missing, others defective, and as arranged according to the numeration upon them, differing from the arrangement of the same as printed in Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, i. 243, where it is called the " Commencement of a Memoir of the American Revolution, which Mr. Arthur Lee did not live to complete. Much of what he did write has been lost, and but a muti¬ lated scrap can be presented." Cf. also same Life, i.'33. ff. (36). 141-163. Brigham, William. Copy of accounts with the United States, and list of "papers lodged with his accounts," dated between 1776 and 1787, with A. Lee's marginal comments, ff. (43). 164-187. Morris, Robert, and Ross, J. List of papers on their accounts, 1776- , with copies " of letters, and orders of Congress, and marginal comments by Arthur Lee, and remarks by " Mr. Osgood." ff. (47). 188. Morris, Robert. Copy of note without date to President of Congress, f. (1). 189. Morris, Robert. Copy of note to Jesse Browne, without date. f. (1). 190. Morris, Robert. Copy of note, without date, to the receiver of Maryland. Copy of letter, April 29, 1784, to the President of Congress, ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 191. Morris, Robert. Copies of notes to John Fitz¬ gerald, Charles Thomson, and George Olney, receiver of Rhode Island, the last dated June 2, 1784. ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 192. Morris, Robert. Copies of notes to [torn] and James Lovell, the last dated July 19, 1784. ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 193. Morris, Robert. Copy of letter to the gov¬ ernor of R[hode Island ?] ff. (2). (Imperfect — torn.) 194. Morris, Robert. Copy of letter to James Lovell, with comment by Arthur Lee. ff. (2). (Imper¬ fect— torn.) 195. Morris, Robert. Copy of memorandum of accounts, f. (1). 196. 197. Morris, Robert. Copy of letter to com¬ mercial committee. Intentions of Mr. Francis, regarding his ship at Portsmouth. No date. ff. (4). 7 198, 199. Morris, Robert. Copy of letter to [torn], without date, with comments by Arthur Lee. ff. (4). (Imperfect — torn.) 200. Copies of papers regarding western lands. Statement of Governor of Virginia, 1754. Treaty of Lancaster, 1744. Governor of Penn¬ sylvania's speech, 1753. Instructions of the King to Governor of Virginia, March, 1748-49. Land bounties to the army, 1776.' Validity of charters acknowledged by various treaties, etc. Proof? of the title of Virginia. List of maps. Extracts from Mr. Wharton's copy of the Journal of the Congress at Johnson Hall, April 29, 1765, with speeches of Sir William Johnson, the commis¬ sioner of Virginia, the sachems, etc. Extract from the King's proclamation, Oct. 7, 1763. Evidences of the rights of New York to the western country. President Nelson's letter to Lord Hillsborough, Oct. 18, 1770. Resolve of Pennsylvania Assembly, April 5, 1779. List of the proprietors in the Indiana Company deliv¬ ered to Congress by S. Wharton. List of Van- dalia proprietors, and notes regarding the Van- dalia Company. Present members of the Illinois CALENDAR OF THE LEE MANUSCRIPTS. 43 and Ouabache Company. Letter of John Blair, commander-in-chief of Virginia, June 17, 1768, to Thomas Walker. Treaty with the Six Na¬ tions in 1764. The case of Penn and Baltimore. ff. (19). 201. Wilson, . Heads of his speech in sup¬ porting Mr. Morris, when the acceptance of his resignation was moved, f. (1). 202. Lee, Arthur. Fragment of a letter, without date, addressed to " Edward Rutlege, Esq., Charlestown, S. Carolina." ff. (2). 203. Lee, Arthur. Fragment of a letter, without address or date. f. (1). 204. Lee, Arthur. Copy of letter, without date or address, f. (2). (Imperfect.) 205. Lee, Arthur. Imperfect draft of letter in his hand, without date or address, f. (2). 206. Communications of the French minister re¬ lating to the negotiations. Brief notes of their contents, ff. (2). 207. Mason, George. Imperfect copy of letter to Col. Mercer, without date. " The Rubicon is passed — reconciliation with Great Britain im¬ possible." ff. (2). 208. Lee, Arthur. Memoranda in his hand, relat¬ ing to affairs in Paris, during his abode there, ff. (2). 209. Copy of a bill concerning a writ of entry, dower cui in vita, and alienation by tenant by the courtesy, f. (1). 210. Lee, Arthur. Criticism on Mr. G. Clymer's public integrity, ff. (2). .211. Extracts from M. Neckar's views on finances with Arthur Lee's comments, and a statement of taxes in France, ff. (2). 212. Thoughts on republics, and kindred topics. A paper without title and date. ff. (2). 213, 214. Extracts from various historical works, ff. (2). 215. Memoranda on terms of treaty, 1783. f. (1). 216. Members of the Bill of Rights to the lord mayor of London. A paper of thanks, ff. (2). 217. 218. Statement about Joseph Wharton's mon¬ etary speculations on the chances of war, and Mr. Thornton's complicity. Without name or date. ff. (3). 219. Extracts from books, f. (1). 220. Directions for seeing Rome in eight, days, ad¬ dressed to Arthur Lee. ff. (2). 221. Address, beginning "My dear countryman," and signed " Monitor." Agreement of non¬ importation. No date. ff. (2). 222. List of debts due Francis Lightfoot Les. Reasons against making Treasury notes a legal tender, ff. (2). 223. "Bill declaring that wrongful disseisin is no descent in law." f. (1). 224. A Bill concerning process in felony, f. (1). 225. Lee, Thomas, President of Virginia. Sept. 29, 1750. Extract of letter to the lords commis¬ sioners of trade. f. (1). 226. Six points of the enemy's barbarity and per¬ fidy. A paper, not signed, dated or entitled, but referring to events in the early part of the Revo¬ lutionary War. f. (1). 227. Carter v. Carter. Case stated, ff. (2). 228. Proposals to the farmer-general. In French, with English comment and paraphrase, ff. (2). 229. Réponse au ministres du Congrés. Versailles, without date. ff. (2). 230. "Etat de la marine d'Fspagne. Vaisseaux de ligne." A tabular statement of, about the year 1776. ff. (2). 231. Exports of Marseilles, proper for the North American markets. Addressed to Ettienne Cathalan. f. (1). 232. List of F. Grand's accounts, ff. (2). 233. "Prix courant de Dragueries å Marseille." printed; filled out in manuscript, f. (1). 234 to 237. Abstract of sums due to the Register of the United States. A copy, "Sigd, Joseph Nourse, Register, F. Hardy, Acc*." Comments by Arthur Lee. ff. (8). 240. Lee, Arthur. Fragment of a paper on John Wilkes and the Bill of Rights, f. (1). (Im¬ perfect.) 241. Questions from the French court. How to engage the American commissioners not to listen to proposals from England, ff. (2). See Lee's Life of Arthur Lee, i. 376. 242. Lee, Arthur. Notes of negotiations in Hol¬ land. ff. (4). (Imperfect.) 243. Memorandum about Wm. Smith's land. f. (1). 244. List of negroes who have died at the sugar lands. Feb. 1, 1782. 245. Memorandum on the powers of State and Congress, and the granting of northwestern lands. Comments by Arthur Lee. ff.. (2). (Im¬ perfect.) 246. Paper concerning the Vandalia Company and their petition to Congress, ff. (2). (Imperfect.) 247. Memorandum of titles, f. (1). 248. Letter to President of Congress. A fragment, ff. (2). 249. Heads of arguments against the quota of Vir¬ ginia. f. (1). 250. Notes on the barbarity of the enemy, and on the hopes of assistance from D'Estaing's fleet, ff. (2). 251. Notes on the conduct of wars. f. (1). 252. Notes in French on rights of neutrals, etc. f. (1). 253. Junius Americanus. Fragment of a letter, f. (1). 254. Address, to " my lord." A fragment. " The people will not dishonor their venerated Eng¬ lish ancestry." f. (1). 255. Political relations of United States and Great Britain, 1783. A paper without title, partly illegible, ff. (2). 256. Lee, Arthur. Statement regarding his rela¬ tions with Franklin, Deane, and others in Eu¬ rope. ff. (2). (Imperfect.) 257. 258. Lee, Arthur, and Digges, . Printed copies of letters, paged 65-72, on the case of Williams and Peltiers ; and letter from Digges, Aug. 30, 1778, to Arthur Lee, on Thornton, Wharton, and Izard, ff. (4). (Im¬ perfect.)