Yale University Library 39002004923323 L wIM^R |M^l®>^^H W| Lfu > -V / 4,» :.,\' " ^7 ** / J ' t> !■"i «• j* .X <%. • 'V r ' j/7 . -5 1 v* / ^ V «, ^ ^ j, v. ^ ct-r4" f /• v £ ,■■ ..-7 > * \ > '-V ^ ■J < (.< < •' Lz i x**". r"V y Q X -' i- -p' *' ^ 3 7 1 «r""i ~ <". *7; n 1 aa 7 7 -~T* / , .£% / ' . I . ' y . O %&*■»*-> ■ **'*&*£■ i f 7^^,/ vr». ( A m-A *f- * f ". A ~~ ' '< * -7 11-3&€ ■ ,Wi AtiM» >,.« jhc/t*^*-■?«*" y$:f x-{~", ' ' " 7" -j 4^ mT ,/y? ;V v .1^# %v ;< / '$***'*' >Tf # '72 / . *A" "^—7. -* . V ••; . ;..* "W - >,7 •■ ■ „Vv; 4 ,/ - a n '•■'/' - ' « '.m &<*, v > 7 «- 4 / i !7 . vi///c > ^y*>» * , *i- >5-/ "71! ft/ / • <$*•> *■ r " ® ./' c 4 ~ ^ "<■!**'.' i f~" / ) %t £~) By ■$ r ~^iC>y » / ^ / * « <^J*K «L s ' , •», 7 Af^iT+t~'«p A - c 77d^ « -S if -f' 42y?z& Page from the Warwick record book, showing the short-hand notes. ^ v „ P7 an" % ' $y - • 1. Themselves may. When ythe/ husband went into the wilderness, there he 1? f' 11 *) f ~ * 1 / fyj / * findeth /the 7/ife 2. oy must. It is in thewilderness* circumference that we 7, / © / rf 1 Z ^ ^ find thst which we thought/th® Dragon readie to ruin - found 3. it because ■H ■ I -r ^ • V a> /-/ 1 Lk-, £, c/ P 1 / 1.y f] <■ << °\ / her, but /they/will be exiles. But he must be 5. praising this withal in the A c* / -y b I / f L- vilderness; and this after glorie earned - this that's not for them that jarre, r / 1 v fif • y V) / *A £ V °l / V7 ^ <} or that 6. feare when/in/God's work. The laymen of God in that work are in / \'J « ^ i / />7 ^ \ / S l> the midst of destruction, too. WeAra/ 7. his-whatever the man, that must be. £ ? A-1 ^ <\ ~z7 ^ x Such righteous / ones are his servants, then, thus going forth. /7 7 w o-c. / £ / 1 —' < !■> - /The/Lord knoweth that, if so, 8. /e/ach standeth in need of food and £*/ — /*-) 1 —•' < ^ e— refreshment, and standeth in need of spiritual power coming 9. on. y i ^ c y <*, / o y ° y t i °\ Let us request of God whatever we lack, because he telleth us in his *) o £ 1> 6 I *i f k t- - f ^ word he will feed us. 10. For God must be by and for the fulfillment of his v? C //_>«£ Xf I c- L./ t yp R -7 word, for heaven and earth shall-dissolve but one 11. Jot of his word shell not Recorded June 7th 1711 Elkanah Johnson the eare mark of his Cattell is a gad on the fore side of each eare and a halfe peny under the left ear Recorded June 7th 1711 [ 11 ] John Green of Potowomet Son of Mr. Thomas Green Late of Warwick Deceased he holds ye Same Eare mark of ye above sd Cahoon which is a Slit in ye uper side of ye Eight Ear Slanting towards ye Roote which his father and he hath marked with upwards of thirty years Recorded June 1720 John Wickes Clerk 25 [Half page shorthand] William Utter the eare mark of his Cattell is a Crop on the left eare and a halfe peny cut out on each Side the Same eare; Recorded this 4th off ffebr: 1711/12 Abiah Carpenter Ear mark of his Creatuers is a fore gad on ye Right Ear and a halpeny in ye uper side of ye Left Ear & a slit Right in to ye top of ye same Eare Recorded ye 24th Day of March 1715/6 pr John Wickes Town Clerk The Earmark of Giles Slocum is a Crop out of ye Right Ear and a halpeny under ye Same and a slit in ye Left and a halpeny under ye Same Recorded ye 4th of March 1723/4 pr John Wickes Clerk Taken up by John Reynolds 26 [Half page shorthand] The Ear mark of Samuel Warners Creatuers is a hind Gad on ye left ear and a half penney over the Right Entred ye 18th of May 1731 James Sweet . Rich Towns Amos Waskote Henry Redducke Rich Harcutt Thomas Greene Rich carder.. [ 12 ] John Weekes... Stu Waskote Mr Smith Thomas Erinton John Sweet. Robert Waskote. John Whitman Ear mark is a fork in ye Right Eare and a Slit in ye top of ye Left Entred ye 20th of November 1723 Thomas Tippitts Ear mark is a fork in Each Ear and a lialpeny ye nper side of ye Right Recorded ye 20th of November 1723 27 [Half page shorthand] John John Greene Greene Mr Conigrave Foreman Stukly Wascot Mr Tod R Harcutt Richard Carder Peter Greene Ja. Greene Thomas Greene Sweet. John Lippett John More John Cooke . Robert Waskote ... John Cooke Thomas Thornicraft chickquinas 28 [Half page shorthand] The 18 of January being the 2 friday after the month day Robert Wascote was at Richard Harcutts [ 13 ] The 12 of January being the Saturday after the afore- sayd Towne meetinge Mr Gorton John Greene Ju Mr Wicks John Towns Mr Holiman Hen Towns. Greene Mr Warner John Lippett .. Weskot .... Stuk Wiskoot Mr Potter .... John Tow . John Cooke Rich Harcut .. Mr Houlden James Greene Rich Towns ... John Sweete Rich Card .. Peter Greene Rob Wast. 29 [Half page shorthand] Commitee men Mr holiman / Jury men Mr Wicks John Greene Junior i Stutly Westcot Mr houlden j John Townsend Mr Warner f Rich Townsend Mr Potter Rich Carder Jacobus rex ordered that all Rich Towns moneyes that are due by rates or Stut Westc ... fines or lands granted John Lippett . John Cooke John Towns . Rich Carder Mr Potter . Ordered that 3 men be chosen to make John Greene Ju. rates for the towne this present yeare Peter Greene . Mr Holiman Mr Weeks Mr Houlden 30 [Half page shorthand] An action of Trespasse entred by William ffield plaintive against Richard Chasmore Defendant for the next Court Warwick the 6 of August [ 14 ] An action of Trespas also by James Greene against Stnkly Wascote the 13 of August Warwicke An action of the case entred by Richard Harcutt plaintive against Sachary Rode Defendant to be answered this next tousday in ffebruary anno 1649 Warwicke 31 [Half page shorthand] The declaration of James Greene plaintive Against Stukly Wascote defendant in an action of trespas is that whereas the above sayd Plaintive had put his Indian Corne in his brother John Greenes dwelling house at Prov¬ idence a great Company of the defendants friends violent¬ ly broke open the sayd house and eat & spoiled much corne for which the plaintive hath layd his action of six pound by mee John Greene Ju Warwick this 14th of August 1649 32 [Half page shorthand] Mr Holiman Wast .... Mr Wicks Buzicot .... Mr Smith Westcot Mr Houlde Mr Greene Sr D Mr Holliman A John Greene Clar Thomas Erinton Const Amos Waskote Serjeant The three that Ri Tow Mr Weekes Mr Potter [ 15 ] 33 [Half page shorthand] John Cooke [erased] you are bound by the authority of this Collony to answer at the next Court held in Warwicke being the first tusday in May to answer these complaints that are layd against you in breach of the law established in this law towne & also in the Collony Booke Amen Booke Amen for Towne meetinges 4 0 0 for writinge letters and other writinges 2 0 0 for publique or Genii Recordes 34 [Half page shorthand] Warwick the [illegible] of Aprill 1656 An action of trespass entered by George Palmer of War¬ wick agst Thomas Stafford of the Towne aforesaid. Warwick the 5th of March 57 An action of the case entered by John Gereardy of War- wike plaintive against Abimelecke ane Indian defendant. 35 [Half page shorthand] Ordered that no man shall have real possession of any land that is laid out to them untill they pay the Treasurer. Ordered that John Townsend Peter Greene Richard Town- send Thomas Greene Robert Wascote John Sweete Peter Buzi- cott Ordered that henceforth any Inhabitant that shall here¬ after bee receaved shall not have any land according to any former order but so much onely as the Towne shall by particular order grant them and where the Towne shall see fit any order formerly notwithstanding [ 16 ] 36 [Half page shorthand] Mr Greene Peter Greene .. Henry Townsend .. Mr Holiman Mr Weeks .... John Cooke .. John Downinge .... John Sweet Potter ... Mr Warner . John Greene Mr Tod. Harcutt . R Tow . SWestcote Jo Tow 37 [Half page shorthand] John Greene Junior James Greene Clericus amen John Greene Ju. An action of Trespas entered by George Palmer Plaintive agst Thomas Stafford defendant April the 18 1657 Warwicke Warwicke the 6th of May 1657 An Action of slander and defamation entered by Robert Herington (mariner and master of the Barke Debora now ryd- ing in the harbor of Warwicke) Plaintive against Clem Dal- lin Seaman Defendant The 9 of May 57 the action of slander & defamation enter¬ ed by Robert Herrington Plaintive agst Clem Dolling Defen¬ dant is not drawen before the magistrate of Warwicke where¬ upon his confession [ 17 ] 38 [Half page shorthand] was to be upon record and the above said Robert Herrington is to have a copy thereof if he desire it Whereas there was an action of Defamation entered by Robert Herrington Mariner and Master of the Barke Debora agst Clement Dolling seaman belonging to the said Barke this 6th of May 57. in consideration that the said Clement Dolling had charged the said master ffor keeping a woman aboard the said Barke as his whore and now confesseth it was in his hast and that he hath done the said master wrong in soe charging him this being done before the magistrate the action is withdrawn only the said Clement Dolling is to be the charge of the Action. 39 [Half page shorthand)] The Earmark of John Budlong is a hind Gad in ye left ear and slit ye under side ye same and a fork in the Right entred the 14th of November 1734 and hath had ye same mark upwards of thirty years past the Earmark of Moses Budlong son of ye sd John Budlong is a hind Gad in ye left ear and slit ye underside ye same and a fork in the Right and a slit ye uperside ye same en¬ tered the 15th of Novembr 1734 His Son Moses Budlong takes the uper Mark of his Father Entered the 10th of June 1790 by James Jerauld Clk. 40 [Half page shorthand] Warwick ye 3 of December 1657 Ane action of debt entered by William of Warwick plaintive agst Mr John Smith Senior of the same Towne defendant [ 18 ] William Battey's Ear mark ffor his Cattle and other Creatures is, a Crop on the end of each ear, and and half penny on the underside of the Right Ear Recorded Apr 23d, 1751 By J Lippett Clerk 41 [Half page shorthand] Mr Smith Henry Townsend Mr Weekes John Sweet James Greene Richard Harcut Richard Harcutt These are the men that are apointed to run the line and they are to have each man an acre of meddow for their paines in the place where Henry Townsend viewed 42 [Half page shorthand] Warwick the 12 of August 57 Ane Action of Trespas entered by John Sammon of Warwicke Plaintive agst Mr John Greene Senior defendant of the same Townee Warwicke the lOtli of October 1657 Ane Action of debt entered by Mr Ezekiel Holliman of Warwicke plaintive agst Peter Buzicot blacksmith of the same Towne. Warwicke ye 3 December 1657 Ane Action of Slander [erased] entered by Thomas Bradly of Warwicke Plaintive agst Peter Buzicut blacksmith of ye same towne Defendant Ane acttion of Trespas entered by Abigaile Sweet of W"ar- wicke Plaintive agst Peeter Buzicut blacksmith of the same Towne Defendant [ 19 ] Ane Action of slander entered by Abigaile Baldin of War- wicke [erasure] agst Peter Buzicut of the same Towne defendant 43 [Half page shorthand; lower half of page cut out] 44 [Half page shorthand; lower half of page cut out] 45 [Half page shorthand] Warwicke the 3 of November 57 A demure granted unto Mr Greene Senior in ye case be¬ twixt him and John Samon upon the consideration both agree¬ ing to put the bussnes to Arbitration Warwicke the 17 of December 1657 Ane Action of debt upon the case entered by Mr John Smith of Warwicke Plaintive agst John Smith mason of the same Towne Defendant January the 4 1657 Ane action of Slander entered by Peter Buzicutt Black¬ smith of Warwicke Plaintive agst Thomas Bradly of the same Towne Defendant. Ane Action of Debt entered by Peter Buzicut Blacksmith of Warwicke Plaintive against Thomas Bradly of the same Towne Defendant 46 [Half page shorthand] The Earmark of Jonathan Nickols son of Richard is a Crop on the Right Ear and a slit in the top of the same and a slit the underside the same Entred ye 14tli of March 1738 James Carder son of John Carder Takes ye same mark that did belong to his Great Uncle James Carder Deceast which is a slanting Crop on ye Left ear Recorded ye 29th of Decem¬ ber 1739 [ 20 ] 47 CHalf page shorthand] An Action of trespas entred by James Greene Plaintiff of Warwicke against thomas Stafard senior defendant of the same Towne An Action of trespas entred by Mr Randall houlden of War¬ wicke Plaintife Against Thomas Stafard defendant of the same Towne An Action of trespas entered by Mr Randall houldon of Warwicke Plaintife against henry knowles defendant of the same Towne An Action of trespase Entred by Mr Randall honlden of Warwicke Plaintife against John Lippett Senior of the Same Towne Mr honlden and Jack Lipett are agred and the Action is withdrawne January ye 31st 1661 48 [Half page shorthand] The Earmark of Nathan Westcot is a Crop on ye Right Ear and two half penneys under the Left ordred ye 28 of July 1739 The Ear mark of Francis Matteson Junr is a Crop on ye Left ear and a slit Right into ye Top and a half penney over ye same entred ye 2nd of June 1740 49 [Half page shorthand] Othinel Gortons Earmark is a lialpeny on the fore side the Right ear a slit under ye Left which was his fathers mark f This mark is taken up entred ye 4th of June 1740 ( by Rufus G. Spencer Israel Gibbs Ear mark a Crop on ye Left Ear square of and a slit ye under side ye Right Recorded ye 16 of June 1740 [ 21 ] Stephen Arnold's Ear mark is a Crop on the left ear a Slit in the Crop & a fore gad in the Eight Entered Decembr 4th 1754 By Jere Lippitt 50 [Half page shorthand] Smith Peter Greene John Gr Peter Warner . Tod Sweet . S Wescot Honlden . J Townsend . by J. Jerauld Town Clk Thomas Fry, the Ear Mark of his Creatures is a Crop on the left Ear a slit in the Crop & a half penny on the fore side of the Right Ear — Recorded May 16, 1747 Joseph Arnold son of Jos. Ear mark is a Crop on the left Ear a Slit in the Crop and a half penney the upper side of the Right Ear Entered the 10th day of May 1790 51 [Half page shorthand] Martin Salsberrys Earmark of his Creatures is a Crop of of the lef Ear and a hole in ye same & a hind gad in the Right ear Recorded May 9th 1744 pr J ere Lippitt Town Clerk [ 22 ] Wm Woods Earmark of his creatures is a three Square ps cut out of the under Side of Each ear Near the head Recorded July 16th 1744 pr Jere: Lippitt Town CI Abraham Chases Ear Mark of his Creatures is a Square peice cut out of the under side of the Right Eare Recorded June 4, 1745 per Jere. Lippitt T CI. 52 [Half page shorthand] Joseph Wintons Ear mark of Creatures is a Crop Cut Square of of the end of each Ear Recorded June 12,1745 pr Jere Lippitt Tow Cler The ear mark of the Cattle and other Creatures of John Gorton is a fork in the Right Ear and a Slit in the under Side of the Same and a Crop on the left Eare Recorded Jan 22d 1747 pr Jere Lippitt Town Clerk 53 [Half page shorthand] The Counsell beinge mett this 26th of August 1658 con¬ cerning depts required of the Estate of Robert Potter Concerning Mr. Throekmortons Accounts it is ordered by the Counsell that Mr. Throckmorton may have the remainder of his goodes provided he send for it, being it is Evident for ought as appeares to us they were not sould, but left to be sould for him It is further Ordered that James Greene for what mon- eyes he hath or shall Disburse upon John Potter for cloath- ing of him shall either have so much time in the house and land or so much rent as it slial bee let for in the first place [ 23 ] 54 [Half page shorthand] other Debts that present themselves being discharged It is ordered that James Greene by reason of the pay¬ ment of some depts which are required is appointed to make sale of that parcel of land belonging to the house of Mr Potter Dicessed being sittuate on the other side of the streete and bounded by the land of William Burton and Henry Knoles and by vertue hereofe hee is Authorized to make a deed of it to any that shall buy it 55 [Half page shorthand] Know All men by these presents, that I: Cauhanaquanack, aleas Tasaconakutt, In Consideration of Dyvers curtesies & Kindneses, received ffrom Captaine Randall Houldon & Samuell Gorton senior, both of Warwicke, New England, And in consideration of great Loses, & Damages Suffered, in refference to a parsell of Land, formerly purchased of my deceased brother, by them, I say, In consideration of ye premises, I doe by tlies presents, wittnes, testyfie, & Af¬ firm, unto all men, That I have ffreely, and voluntarily, bestowed, given, and maid, a ffull Donation, & present de¬ livery, to my good ffreinds, above naimed, To them and their heires for ever, One persell of land, knowe by ye naime of Nanaquakesett, being a Necke of Land, sytuate, & being, upon Nanhygansett bay, over against ye midle of Quonanocutt Hand or ther abouts, and over against a [eras¬ ed] Smale Rockie Hand, In ye bay, Lying betwixt Quonanacutt Hand, and the above said necke of 56 [Half page shorthand] of land, Called Arokananossett, I say I have freely given ye abovesaid parsell, or necke, of land, unto my Loving freinds, the Above naimed, Randall Houlden, and Ssamuel [ 24 ] Gorton, to tliem & their heires forever, with free leave to feed their Cattell, upon my land, lying about ye same Necke, provided, they wrong not ye Indeans Corne, in the Sommer time, from the time of ye plantinge of ye Corne, till it be gathered In. And I am greatly provoked to this my free Actt & deed, with respect, unto that great sacliim of old England, In regard of that great fame I hear off hime, which makes my hart to bow with much Affection towards hime, when I hear of hime, To whom I perceive, thes my friends are faithfull, servants, which doeth not a litle, draw my heart unto them. In Wittnes wherof I have heer unto sett my hand and seale this present May the 27tli Day and and in ye yeer Ac¬ cording to the English acompt 1659 57 [Half page shorthand] Signed And sealed Chathenequeneck in the presents off his marke Newcom Alequacomett Eldest sonn to ye abovesaid sachem The marke Awashouse Indian Walter Tod: Amos Westcott ffor as much as the litle Iland, sittuate & being in the River, or bay, which Iland is called by the naime of Arock- quonassett, In ye Indean Language, is not specified, in the C 25 ] within written deed, wher in that voluntary gift is mention¬ ed, of a persall of land lying between ye said river, or bay, and that common path 58 [Half page shorthand] path or highway, In ye Country of ye Nanhighganssett, which gift, had a beeing, before, in a trew sence, and Considera¬ tion, by vertue of a promise maid, by my Ansestors, dyvers veers agoe, with respect unto ye within mentioned losses, toward ye reparation of them to ye within naimed men Ran¬ dall [erasure] Houlden & Samuell Gorton, I say in regard of ye neglect & forgetfullnes, to specifie ye said smale Iland, In ye within written deed, of gift, I doe heerby, Acknow¬ ledge, that it was intended, and came within ye said deed, being freely given, together with ye said necke, or tract of land, unto ye men above naimed, to them & their heires, or Asignes for ever, which tract of land, Lyeth as is por- traturde, in a Certain Mapp, drawne out, by penn & Inke, And the above naimed men, have free leave to fale, & car¬ ry away tember in any part of ye common, in ye Nanhighgan¬ ssett together 59 [Half page shorthand] together with ye ffeeding of their cattell witnes my hand, or signe ye day & yeer within —— his marke Alias Tesseronohutt Wittnes English Wittnes Indean Cachanequ Samuel Gorton Junior Mantatanamitt Know All Men that I pesicus, Alias Mawsupp of ye Nanhyganssett, Though I was not present at ye wright- [ 26 ] ing of this deed of gift, penned on both sids of this paper, yett did I give my free & full consent, in the first acting ther of as, hath beene published declared, and maid manyfest, and doe now ffurther manifest, it by my hand & seale always 60 [Half page shorthand] alwayes provided that ye partyes within naimed to whom it is maid, fullfil king Charles his Royall, [erasure] pleasure lieerin, if they be called to an Acompt Concern¬ ing itt Mossup alias Sucquaune Testes his marke A. / & seale John Greene Nanaquoksett Phillip Green Arockquanasset Quoanoke ^^3 his marke Caleb Arnold's Ear mark of his Creatures is a Crop on the Right ear & a slit in the Top of the same and a fore gad in the left ear Entered the 6tli June 1753 pr J. Lippett Clk Taken up by Caleb Green June 14, 1814 61 [Half page shorthand] John Carder Junr Eare Mark of his Cattle is a fore Gad in ye Right Eare a Crop in the left & a half penny under ye same Reed: March 22 1741/2 pr Jere Lippitt T. Clr. [ 27 ] Mr. Robert Wickes Ear Mark of his Cattle & other creat¬ ures is a Fork in the left Eare afore Gadd in ye Right Reed Apr: 9th 1742 pr Jere Lippitt T. C. Entered to Richard W. Green Feby 22d 1830 62 [Half page shorthand] Peter Cammett The Ear Mark of his Cattle and Other Creat¬ ures is a half penny on the uperside and under Sides of the Right ear and a Slit in the Top of the left ear. Recorded June 3, 1747 pr J ere Lippitt Towne Clerk The Ear Mark of Thomas Green Son of John for his Cattle and other Creatures is the Same Mark that Ben: Weaver took which is two holes in the Right ear and one in the Left: Recorded Decemr 29,1747 pr Jere: Lippitt Town Clerk 63 [Half page shorthand] John Green son of Majr Peter Green the Ear Mark of his Creatures is a fork in ye left year and a Slit in the upper Side of ye Right Cut Slanting towards ye Root of ye Ear Recorded May 31st, 1742 pr Jere: Lippitt Tow Cler This mark Taken up by his son Wm Greene Thomas Whaley the Eare Mark of his Creatures is a Crop Samuel of ye left Ear and afore Gad of ye the same May 31,1742 [ 28 ] pr Jere: Lippitt T: Clr. Benjamin Weavers Ear Mark of liis Cattle Cattle and oth¬ er Creatures is two holes in the Right Year and one in ye left and his Brand Mark is B W on ye Right side of his creatures June ye 26, 1742 pr J: Lippitt T. C. 64 [Half page shorthand] James Arnold Junr Earmark of his Creatures is a hind Gad in the Right Ear Rec: ye 15th March 1742/3 George Arnold Jr taken the above mark Entered the 15th day of Deer. 1785 altered to Joseph Burlingame James Green Son of Wm Ear Mark of his Creatures are a Crop on the Right Ear and two Slits on the under Side of the same. Reed: ye 5tli of June 1749 John Wightman Junr Ear Mark of his Creatures are a hind Gadd on ye Right Ear and a Slit on the top of the left. Reed ye 5tli June 1749 65 [Half page shorthand] Job Briggs his Ear mark of Creatures is one hole in the left Ear. August: 16, 1743 pr Jere. Lippitt Town Clerk. John Johnson's Ear Mark of his Creatures is a Crop of of the Right ear and a slit in top of the same. Record. Decbr: 20th 1743 pr J. Lippitt Tow. CI. Johnson's mark is taken up by Tho. Stone 1751 Solomon Howard's Ear Mark is a slit in the top of each Eare. Recorded May 16th 1748 pr: Jere: Lippitt T. C. [ 29 ] Joseph Burlingame Ear Mark is a hind Gad in the Right Ear. Entred ye 15 April 1801 by Jas. Jerauld T. Clk. 66 [Half page shorthand] William Gorton's Earmark of his Cattle is a Crop of of the Right Ear and a half penny under each Ear Recorded Octr. 21st, 1743 Jere. Lippitt Tow Clr John Gorton son of the above sd Win. takes the above mark for his Cattle &c. Entered the 7th of June 1791 by J. Jerauld. Clk. Joseph Hix. Earmark of his Creatures is a hind gad in the Right Ear and a slit in the same as is here below set forth Recorded the 29th Augst: 1744 pr Jere: Lippitt T. C. 67 [Half page shorthand] Henry Rice's Ear Mark is a fork in the Right Ear & afore gad in the left. Recorded April 3d 1747 Thomas Rice Son of John Rice Junr deed: ear Mark is a fork in the Right ear, and a half penny on the upperside of the left, being the Same ear mark that was his Father's. Recorded April 3d 1747 68 Daniel Budlong, the Ear mark of Creatures is a hind Gad in the Right Ear and a fork in the left Recorded Novembr 10th 1746 This mark is taken up by Anthony Aborn. Andrew Barton's Ear Mark of his Creaturs is, a fork in [ 30 ] the Right Ear a Crop on the Left ear and a half penny on the under Side Recorded Janrv: 27th 1746 Taken up by Philip Arnold Junr Rowland Barton's Ear Mark is a half penny under and over the left Ear & Brand Mark is Recorded April 24th 1747. 69 [Half page shorthand] Nathaniel Arnold, Ear Mark for his Creatures is a hind gad in the Left Ear & a slit in ye upper side of the Right Recorded March 18th 1745 Jeremiah Randal, Ear Mark for his Creatures is a hole in each Ear a Crop on the Right and a half penny in the under side of the Left. Recorded June 20th 1746 Joseph Edmunds Ear Mark of his Creatures is a Crop on the Right ear and a Square half penny cut out on the under side of the left Ear Recorded March 11th 1746 70 [Half page shorthand] The ear Mark of Eliezer Whipple Cattle & other Creatures is a fork in the Left ear and a half penny on the upper side of the same Recorded Novr 25th 1745 pr Jere. Lippitt Town Clerk The Ear Mark of Thos Arnolds Creatures is a Crop of ye Right ear & a slit in ye Underside of the Left Recorded ye 16th Jany 1745 pr J ere: Lippitt Town Clerk The ear mark of Eliezer Whipples Creatures is a Crop on the left ear and a slit in the Crop Reed June 6,1750 [ 31 ] 71 [Four lines shorthand] tion of Mr. William Arnold together with the neighbours of Gabriell Hike having obtained the good will and approba- patuxit for the takeing of Mary Percy for his wedded wife they being in stead of parents unto her as also bestowing a portion unto him with her (did desire me Henry Reddocke Towne Clerke of Warwicke they being both in towne) to pub- lishe them which I accordingly did twise in the Towne meet¬ ing the first of March 57 and 3 of March 57 divers neighbours being at the wedding house I the Clerk was sent for and there in the audience of twenty or thirty persons I publish¬ ed them the 3d time and in of the aforesaid neighbors the said Gabriel hike did take unto him the aforesaid Mary Percy for his wedded wife The ear Mark of Elisha Browne's Creatures is a half pen¬ ny on the upper Side of each Ear Recorded Dec. 18, 1749 The above Mark is taken by Jos. Brown, Esq. Recorded the 3d of March 1800 Andrew Edmunds ear Mark is a Crop on the Right eare and a Square half penny the fore Side of ye Left Recorded June 2d: 1752 72 conclutions in ye orders page proper to all Inhabitants 1 1 how Inhabitants shall be reseaved 2 1 how purchassers are to bee admited 3 1 times for towne meetings 4 es lee 3 Names of purchassers 5 --2 Clarke & sargants wages l 6 3 times for towne meetings ] the use & fencing Conimecok 7 3 [ 32 ] Thomas Stones Ear Mark for his Creatures is a Crop on the Eight ear & a split in the Crop Cut Eight in towards the head this mark is taken up by Caleb Bently and Entered the 10 day of May 1790 This Leafe was torne out by order of ye towne this 29th of June 1667 it being ye submition to ye Stat of England with out ye kings majisty it being ye 13th page Joseph Strait's Ear Mark for his Creatures is a Slit in the top of each ear Entered July 31st 1754 by J. Lippitt Town Clk. 73 [Leaf torn] Eecorded Sept 11th 1751 by J. Jerauld Town Clk er or shall subscribe other jurisdicti soever and if anny t ye Liberty, in y act have no rite titell inerly posest is to return wholy disfranchist, and his able to ye sensur of the towne eer m Confirmed this 23d January 1648 Jn. Smyth Samuell Gorton W Todd Richard Townsend Peter Greene James Greene Thomas Greene John Greene John Wickes John Warner William Burton Stukly Westkott Eichard Carder mark mark Richard ^ Harkett 10 Novr Christopher Helme Ezekiell Hollyman Henry Towns end Walter Conigrave 74 Jo: Thr Thomas Gre Amos Westkot Randall Houlden J ohn J Sweete Jan Geraerdy Henry Reddoke Henry Knoles 12 John Smith Thomas Rolf Thomas Bradley Anthony Low [ 33 ] Thomas v Thornecraft Jo: V Lipet Jo: Cooke Christopher Onthankt John Greene Junior Robert W es kot John -y Townsend Peter Buzicott [torn] Robert [torn] The marke of Thomas T Scranton John Edward William Bennet Andrews Baker Thomas "J" Layton C 34 ] Matthias Harvy James knox the mark itm of Thos: Hedger William Ward Jonathan Hill j his marke 75 Towne Orders The purchasers of the plantation doe order and [torn] first, that we keepe the disposall of Lands in or one hands t 2 2: y none shall anny land in the Neck called Mshoamet t 3 but by grant from ye oners and purchasers: 3: y every aker of medow in ye Neck shall be at 4 shillings per aker and ev- t 4 ery aker of upland at 2 shillings per aker: 4 y every aker of medow shall have its proportion of upland as the Neck will t 5 aford: 5 y wee Lay out hie waies into the Neck in the most t 6 convenient places as wee think fiting: 6. y no man shall eith¬ er directly, or Indirectly, anny take in anny Cattel to Com- t 7 mon but only milch catle & Laboring Catle: 7. y whomsoever is granted a lot if hee doe not fence and build a dwelling house upon it within 6 monthes or in forwardness thereto: e for ye neglect his lot is to returne to y Towne to dispose of 2 Order That for the Towne proper to all Inhabitants is to bee e from y ffront fence of the Neck into the Coontrie fower miles & that no pt of this Common shalbe aproproated to anny e . t by the maior pt of all y Inhabitants and y every Inhabitant [ 35 ] is to have six akers to his house lott for wh hee is to pay to ye Tresery 12 & this 4 miles Common is anexed to every mans lot That Inhabitants after they are propounded sh [obliter¬ ated] receaved or rejected by papers or beanes That if anny Inhabitant will have equall share of ye plantation hee may have equall share the purchis [torn] purchaser That every man receaved into rite in the whole purchis for an equall share shall pay into the Tresery tenn pounds eith¬ er in Cash laid in or in Considerations equivalent, in ye Judgment of ye Maior pt of the first purchasers & for the Neck to be stinted according to perportion of Land equally, & if anny shall purches more then is laid out to each man for proper rite by equallitie y land so purchased hath no Comon to be considered for such land but it is to bee com¬ mon to feed cattele till it bee fenced from ye rest. And if ye aforesaid ten poundes will not sufise to defray Charges for ye regaining of ye land then so that land is not laid out shall still be for that end S 3 Order 4 Order 76 t Names of ye Purchesers ffirst Receaved Purchesers Ezekiell Holiman Hendry Townsend Mr John Smith 20 s Nicholas Hart Stukly Westcot Rufus Barton Samuell Gorton John Weeks Randall Houlden Richard Carder Robert Potter John Greene [ 36 ] John Warner Jon Greene Juneor Richard Watterman ffrancis Wessonn 77 Having now receaved our orders (this 8th of August) from ye generall recorded wee have Chosen for our Towne Counsill being a generall assemblies order Rufus Barton i f Jo: Greene \ Towne Mjtrats Mr Jo : wickes j Eze: Holiman Jo: Warner Rufus Barton Jo: wicks Randall Houldon Jo: Warner: Town Clark Hen Townsend: Constable Chri Helmes: Sargant r Ord. 6 Wee conclude o Towne Meeting to bee held the first Mon¬ day in every moonth and that the Towne Clarke is to have s d s 2: 6 for each day of meeting & the sargant to have 2 for warning & tending upon the meeting and if other ocations fall out they are to be reasonably considered for there servise therin Ord 7 That Conimecok is to bee fenced by the generall towne and it is proper only for Calves and Lambes till forder order bee concluded concerning it. Ord 8. That Mr. Greens lott is to runn from the Comon fence of Conimecok downe to the gully next beyond the Creek which is at his front, and hee to have the point of land within his fence upon consideration hee is to fence his land round t sufitiently and to be so fenced by the time y the front in general is fenced and that there is to bee a foot path through it to Conimecok [ 37 ] Ord 9 That noe land is to bee granted to anny within six rod of the front through the whole Towne wh is to be for a street way Ord 10 That Rich Carder Rufus Barton, Randall Houldon Robert t Po [torn] & Jo: Wicks is granted y land between the Hieway [torn] the street & the brook beyond and ther is to bee a lane to the brooke to goe over against the lane by Mr Wicks 78 That Jo: Warner is granted two akers & 1/2 of land against his lot on the othersid the street and Christopher Unthank to have one aker in lik maner against his lot one the othersid the street Ord 11 That by Maior Consent of the whole Towne it is ordered t y if 12 Townsmen meet one the day apointed for Towne meet¬ ing they shall have power to act in Towne afaires as though all ware pressent Ord 12 That there is to bee three wayes into the Neck the one between Mr Wicks & Mr Potter, another between Mr Holiman & Tho Thornecraft another between Peter Green & Rich Water- mans lot over the wading place Ord 13 That Ezekiel Holiman Rufuse Barton Jo: Warner & Christo¬ pher Helmes are apointed to lay out lots & hiewayes conven¬ ient for the Towne [ 38 ] Ord 14 That no man in the towne is to sell strong lickers or sack to the Indeans for to drink in there houses & if it be proved hee that so breaks this order shall pay to the treserie five shillings for each offense e Ord 15 by y Purcliesers t That wee lay out 6 Akers of land for each man y hath e Interest in y Neck for planting in the most Convenient places to anser each mans ocation Ord 16 That Mr Wicks is to deliver the goon to Mr Browne wh hee took from the Indean wigwam and to give his reasons for his act therein Ord 17 That no man is to turne swine into the woods between planting time and Harvest without sufitient keepers to pre¬ vent dangers of Indeans and Inglish Corne 79 Inhabitants receaved in order as they came first Rufus Barton Mr Robert Coles Hend Townsend receaved a Townsman Cliri: Unthank John Potter Ezek: Holman Jo: Lipet )Rich. Townsend Peeter Greene j Tho: Tliornecraft James Greene Tho: Greene Steuk Westcot Mr Jo Smyth Mr Nic: Heart [ 39 ] Mr Walter Tod Jo: Cooke Jon Greene Juner Robert Westcot John Sweet: John Townsend Peter Buzicott John Downinge Edward Inman James Sweete John Thomas Erington George Pamer Amos Wascote John Geraerd John Haden The mill Owners The Tenement one Quinimicote 80 James Arnold Son of Maj :r James Arnold Ear Mark of his Creatures is a Crop on the top of each Ear and a hole in each Year Reed: June 12th 1749 Capt Silas Cook's Ear Mark is a Slit in the right Ear a Crop on the left ear and a half penny under the same Recorded Apr. 23d 1776 Taken up by Christo. Rice March 30 1812 Elizabeth Stafford Widow of Capt: John Stafford Junr ear Mark of her creatures is a foregad in the Right ear and a hind gad in the left. entered this 8th day of Jany 1754 J: Lippitt Clk [ 40 ] This mark her Son John Stafford takes for his Creatures entered May the 18th 1778 Joseph Reynold's Ear mark of his cattle is a Crop on the Right ear and a Slit in the uperSide of the left Entered Aug 6th 1757 by J. Lippitt T Clk 81 June 5tli 1648 r e wee make Choyce for o Towne offisers for y yere Mr Jo: Wicks )m . , , ~ . v Towne Magistrats Mr Sam: Gorton \ Jo: Warner Towne Clarke Rich Harket: Counstable Rich Townsend Sargant Mr Randall Houldon Treserer t & y hee is not to disburst anny monny but by the order of the Maior pt of the Towne & it beinge recorded yt slialbee his discharge Ord. 17. Agust 21: 1648 That Randall Houldon and John Warner is ordered to goe e to plimotli to informe the Commitioners of y United Colonies r e concerning the wh o Towne Receaved from y state of Ingland ffeb 5th 1648 Ord 18 That in Consideration of the great Inconvenience that comes by the Indeans being drunk and the dangers that is thereby, Wee think good that no man shall either directly or indirectly sell, or convay, to anny Indeans within the bounds of this towne, ether strong licker wine or sack, but upon proofe herof, hee shall for each offense pay to the Tresery twentie shillings and this to bee by warant from an offiser of the Towne to the sargant to attach, and so r deliver it into the treserie and that this o Order for to [ 41 ] bee in force and efect upon the first day of Aprill next and from that time every man lies liable to anser for de¬ fect heerin 82 Feb 5: 1648 e That y Towne doth by this order license Robert Potter to keep an Ordenary and liee doth by this order ingage him- selfe in a bond of £10 to kepe the orders of such a house accordinge to generall Court order e by y purchesers That Mr John Smyth for laying downe another £10 is to have a doble share of land and if hereafter it bee thought fit to receave annother purcheser & his £10 bee pd him againe he is to serender his second share into the e disposall of y purchesers ffeb 26 1648 e That wee agree to send to the Generall assembly for y r whole Colonie sixe men for o towne of Warwick Mr Jo: Smyth Mr Samuel Gorton Mr Jo: Wicks Mr Randall Houldon & Jo: Warn¬ er Mr Jo Greene t e And forther wee Agree y those of y Towne wli send the men aforsaid are to pay there charge expended to bee levied by Mr Jo: Smyth Mr Randall Houldon & Jo : Warner e Bv y Purchesers That Hen: Townsend Richard Harket & Mr Potter and Mr Hol- iman are chosen to lay out medow and upland in the Neck t equall shares to the Purchesers & wn tliay have done y wee lot for the shares [ 42 ] e That Mr Gorton is chose for one of y Towne Counsell to e supply y Roome of him departed Ap: 2: 1649 That wee agree to grant to Christopher t t Unthank all y medow y may bee mowed upon Conimecot point t e t y is to say all beyond y Creek y comes [erased] to Mr Gor¬ tons [erased] wher his old lot is hee paiing as others doe for tlier land according to Towne order 83 e By y Purchesers e Jon More is granted 10 akers of land in y Neck where it e is not yet laid out in y most convenient place e . e That y front fence is to bee sufitiently set up by y t 6 of Aprill & upon ye Next day being Satterday y all men are to meet to set up Conimecot fence as A comon fence e That y Neck is to bee cleared of Swine by ye 8th of Aprill & not to com in but at there damage e . e That y front fence is to bee maintained for y future e somer & winter & that no swine is to come into y Neck but e e at y damage of y oners ther of Aprill 2th 1649 e e That Jon Cook Cocenants with v Towne for y keepinge of e ... * y catle Cowes & drie catle within two yeres ould y are serv¬ ed & to have for his work 13 pounds, for six monthes keep- e ing & to begine at y first of May & give them up the last t e of October & y y towne is to tak turnes per vide a keep- [ 43 ] e er for Sabath-dayes & for y time not to get anny man to keep but himselfe or A sufitien man as himselfe & for one e halfe of bis pay to bee paid at y end of 3 months time & e e y other halfe of his pay at y end of his time of keepinge t & y Mr Holiman & Stutly Westcot is to gather up the monny e for y said keeper & so hee to goe to them for his pay t e That Jo Cook is granted y pece of land joyning to y e peece of land hee left of Mr Potter & go down to y Rune t > e by Jon Lipets onely pervided y he leave six pole to y e front all to y said Run May y 7th 1649 t y Mr Green sen Mr Holimans & Mr Tod are to attend ye e Court of trialls for ye Gen Court y 23 of May held at Warwick 84 e That it is agreed for y layers out of lots are to view t y poynt of upland at Akopastuxet Cove & if in case they se r e it convenient in y Judgments to lay out to Jon Greene y Younger & this is the Townes conclution June 4th 1649 r e That upon sereouse Consideration of o Charter & y way of operation of Justisse therby, wee first ordayne one Towne debety & two Assistants to sit in seat of Justise & e . r to have y same power for execution tlierof as o Generall offisers have in Court of Trialls or upon anny other oca- [ 44 ] tion y Justise is required in y verges or persinkts of y e towne for y Conservation of peace Amongst ns t e e e Also y ye Clark of y Towne shall have y offisse for y e writs & executions & to Atend y Court of Trialls t r Allso y all cases tried & [illegible] in o Court of Triads e e shall bee by y vardit of 1*2 men as a Jurie, as in y Gener- all Court of Trialls is exersised Offissers Mr Randall Houlden Deputy Mr Jon Green se Assistant Mr Jon Weeks Assistant Jon Green Jun Clerk Richard Harket Counstable Thomas T'liornecraft sariant Mr Houldon Treserer for y yere Ensuing Military officers 85 I Mr Houlden Captaine for the yeare Ensu June the 11,1649 It is ordred that Mr Weekes beinge the head officer is moderatour for the present assembly for this day It is ordered that the fence at Quinimicoke which is de¬ fective shall bee mended before Saturday night next by those whose shares are defective upon the forfiture of 5 s fine in case it be not done accordinge to order: Ordred yt Mr Weekes and Mr Greene are chosen to view the fences whether they bee sufficient tomorrow and havinge viewed them they shall give notice to the parties tomorrow [ 45 ] night and they shall make it sufficient by Saturday night or else forfeit 5 s and for every day followinge that it is not mended they shall forfeit 5 shillings a day and after¬ ward if the goats gett in the owners of the goats shall pay twelve pence a head for the default Ordred the 2 of July that the Clarke in the Behalfe of the Towne shall give their officers their Engagement: Ordred that this shalbee the engagement You A B beinge called & chosen unto Publique imploiment and the office of by the free Voate & consent of the Inhabitants of the Towne of Warwicke (now orderly) met ^ doe in the pres¬ ent Assembly engage vourselfe faithfully & truly to exe¬ cute the Commission comited unto you & do herby promise to do [obliterated] or lesse in that respect [obliterated] 86 Towne have or shall autherize you to doe accordinge to the best of your understandinge The Reciprocall Engagement of the Towne to the Officers We the Inhabitants of the Towne of Warwicke being here orderly mett & having by free vote chose you to publique office & offices, for the dew administration of Justice & the execution thereof threw out the whole Towne do hereby engage our selves to the utmost of our power to support and uphold you in your faithful perform¬ ance therofe It is ordered that Mr Randall Houlden being the cheife officer bee Moderatour for this ensuinge yeare The generall Councell are chosen Mr John Smith \ Mr Samuell Gorton r Mr Randall Houlden £ for y yeare Mr John Greene se / ensuinge [ 46 ] Mr John Weekes * Mr Warner r Ordered that after the Treasurer & Mr Gorton are satis¬ fied out of the treasury that Mr Warner and Peter Greene shall in the next place be satisfied 87 Ordred that wheras there was an order concerninge the goats to pay 1 s a goate if they were taken within the fence, it is now ordred that it bee repealed, and onely what damage they doe to be payd by the owners & so for any other cattell Ordred that Mr Potter bee in Mr Holimans roome to bee a layer out of the house lotts & they shall have halfe a crowne a lott for laying out Ordred that Mr Warner bee in his fathers roome for a surveyor for the bridge & in case other men are sufficient¬ ly warned they come not so may higher a man & make the ab¬ sent party pay halfe a crowne day. Ordred that John Townsends pay for his Cattell keepinge bee taken into consideration till towards the latter end of keepinge and accordinge to John Cookes behaviour, if the Towne see fitt, to bestow it on him. Ordred that if any cattell bee found trespasinge either in Corne Meddow or other places where they ought not to come that if the party doe but drive the cattell where he can have witnesse that they are such a mans cattell it is as sufficient as though they were pounded & the party that so finds the cattell & beinge offended shall have law as well as though they were pounded. Ordred that Mr Gorton Richard Harcutt & Peter Greene shall [obliterated] [ 47 ] 88 The 26 of July Ordered that a letter should be drawen up & sent to the Massathusets to the Commissioners now sitting Mr Potter hath promised to maintaine the whole fence against his lott in the lane and 14 Rodd on the side of his lott in the street begginninge next the lane and so on¬ wards and Mr Smith hath promised to doe the rest in the street [erasure] and they have mutually promised thus to maintaine it; Ordered that the smith Peter Buzicott shall have a lott over against Mr Holimans lott and that in case he build upon another mans lott he shall not forfeit his own for want of buildinge on it not withstandinge any farther ord¬ er to the contrary and this to bee no persident and the surveyors have the power to order that lott & other lotts that have not been regularly layd out with respect to the highwayes in the Townes behalfe Agreed that the letter drawen up by [erasure] the President and Mr Gorton shall be fayrly written by the Clarke and sent The 6 of August Agreed by the Towne Counsell of Warwicke for the trans¬ action of causes in Courts of Triall 89 first Ordred that wee have 4 Courts of Triall in the yeare except upon speciall occation & the occasioners videlicet that desire to call a court on purpose for the suit to bee tried, to pay double charges of ordenary apointed Courts: The times apointed for Courts of Triall are fower in the yeare the first to bee the first Tuesday in May the 2 to bee the 3 Tuesday in August & the 3 third to bee the first [ 48 ] Tuesday in November, & the fourth to bee the first Tuesday in ffebruary, & so annually. Ord: That any man shall have liberty to pleade his owne cause but if hee can gett an Atarney his fee may not exceed 2 s shillings 6 d pence Or That the Jury shall have 6 d pence a man for ev¬ ery action Or: That the Clarke shall have for givinge a writ & entringe the action: 6 d pence: Or That the Declaration bee filed 6 dayes before ye Court, & the answer to bee filed 3 dayes before ye Court, and the Clarke shall have for filinge the declaration 4 d pence, and for filinge the answer 4 d pence, for the Cop- pie of the declaration & the Coppie of the Answer, 1 s shilling for each Item, for a Suppeine 2 pence: Item for entringe a Nihil Dicit 6 pence Item for a writt of Inquire 6 pe Item for ye execution 6 d for publishinge marriage 016 The Sargeants ffees Ord: for Servinge the writt 1 shillinge: 6 pence, Item for every action 4 pence Item for the servinge ye execu¬ tion 1 shillinge per pound for his tendinge on the Jury for every action 6 d pence for Sargeants fees in Case of Com¬ mitment & takinge to jayle 1 s shillinge 90 & if fie goe to prison, 2 s: 6 d: & in case hee attend upon the prisoner till hee gett baile then hee shall agree with the Sargeant for his time & charge Ordred that the Clarke is to have one shillinge six pence per day for attendinge the Towne meetinge everie meet- inge any order formerly notwithstandinge Ordred that Mr Houlden & Mr Weeks shall agree with Goodman Lipet about the cuttinge the narrow Cut and what they agree the Towne will stand to The 1 of October [ 49 ] Ord tliat any man shall have 20 s for a woolfe kil- linge for every woolfe that shall bee killed and the mony shalbee raysed on all sorts of eattell Ord That Richard Townsend is to have that peece of land that lies on the front of his lott to the highway, and that in case John Townsend doe bnild on his brother Richard Townsends lott it shall excuse him for buildinge on his owne lott Or: That John Downinge & Edward Iuman shall have their lotts next the Indian ffield onely a payth shall beeleft be¬ twixt the Indian field and their lots this Indian field is over against Mr Houldens 91 on the other side the brooke Or: That all lands that are layd out in this Plantation meddowes or upland shalbee entred into the towne booke by the Clarke as also the Clarke shall give every man a coppie of it and he to have 2 s - 6 d for each deed Or That Mr Smith & Mr Warner shall procure a workman or workmen to build a prison house & pound by the lott that was layd out to Peter Buzicot & they have power to order any thinge concerninge it, the length is to bee 20 foote the breadth 12 foote The 7 of January 1649 Ordred that all lands that are or shalbee laid out within the bounds of this plantation either upland or med- owes when it is granted they shall pay after the rate of 2 shillinges an acre for upland & 4 shillinges an acre for meddowes except those that have already Ordred that John Greene Ju & Peter shall have the ground upon the front measuringe 4 pole below the bridge [ 50 ] upon a streiglit line a pole without a white oak stumpe that lies the neerest the fence Ordred that those meddowes that have been viewed on Patuxet river ffall by Henry Townsend Richard Harcutt & James Greene shalbee laid out to every inhabitant equal¬ ly that is to [obliterated] will fale within 4 [blotted] 92 Ordred that when those meddowes are layd out they shall all pay each man for his share to the Treasurer but if any one doth not pay his share or theirs shall bee in the treasurers hands for 2 years; and in case they pay not at the 2 yeares end The Treasurer may sell it & re¬ turn them the overplus The 4th of March Ordred that the front fence before every mans lott and the high wayes bee up the 15 of March and the penaltie for the defect to bee twelve pence a day for every day after Ordred that the Necke shall bee cleared of hoggs by the 20th of March Ordred that the land within the fence of Quinimicote to the narrow Cutt shalbee laid out to every man as also his fencinge answerable to every man that hath right there Ordred that this land at Quinimicote bee devided by the layers out to every man betwixt this and the next towne meetinge and the fence also John Cooke is chosen sargeant from this day untill the next choice Ordred that the Surveiors for layinge out of the land within the hedge at Quinimicoke shall have 4 pence an acker Thomas Thornecraft still remaines Sargeant [ 51 ] 93 Ordred that John Townsend shall have 5 akers of med- dowe layd out about Massapage pound Ordred that James Greene shall have that peece of med- owe next his brother John Greene by Occupesuatuxet point in th Hollowe Ordred that John Cooke shall have 2 akers of meddow below the path where he mowed the last yeare Ordred that the layers out of the lotts shall lay out the meddowes about Massapage pond and have 6 pence an aker for laying it out Ordred at a meeting the 5 of March by the Townsmen of Warwicke that they give and grant unto Thomas Thorni- craft 8 akers of land on Quinimicoke to bee layd out upon a square that is to say 36 pole from Mr John Greens lott towards the sea and 36 pole downe into the necke upon con¬ dition as followeth that is that hee shall maintaine a suf¬ ficient fence from upon his front as also make a sufficient fence from highwater marke to lowe water marke at spring tides and these to bee maintained from the 20th of March untill the last of October annually and this to bee the Tenure of this houselot upon which grant is to him or his successors Ordred that Henry Townsend shall have a corner of land in the front joined to Richard Townsend and the sur¬ veyors are to bound it 94 The 6 of May 1650 Ordred that Mr John Greene sr Mr John Weekes & Mr Holiman beinge now chosen for Jury men for the Generall Court are to serve on the Comitee at the generall Court Mr John Smith Mr Walter Tod and Peter Greene are [ 52 ] chosen for the other three of the Committee for the next Generall Court: Ordred that the highway into Quinimicoke bee layd out 2 pole wide next the sea that the waste land betwixt it and the side of Thomas Thornicrafts lott bee added to his lott and hee to maintaine the fence thorrowly from his front a crosse the high way into the water / The 3 of June officers chosen \ Mr Holimon Towne Deputy Mr Warner Asistant Henry Townsend Asistant / \ for the yeare John Greene Jr Clarke f ensuinge V ^Mr Tod Town clarke John Townsend Constable John Cooke Thomas Thornicraft Sargeant Ordred that Mr Holiman beinge the head officer is mod¬ erator for the yeare ensuing. These are chosen for the towne counsel Mr Holiman Mr Warner Henry Townsend Mr Weekes Mr Gorton Mr Houlden 95 Ordred that The new Treasurer with the Eecorder shall receive the accounts of the old Treasurer, and record them Ordered by a unanimous consent of the Townsmen of War- wicke that from henceforth no goat or goats bee kept upon any of the sayd Townes Commons they being so distructive to Orchards but in case any such cattel as aforesaid shalbee [ 53 ] found upon the Comons of this Towne it shalbee lawefull for any person or persons to destroy the sayd goat or goates and this order to bee in force untill by as unanimous a consent the Towne see cause to alter it and the Inhabitantes to have due notis of the sayd meetinge for such an end Ordred that Richard Townsend is to have six akers of land to plant upon up the brooke above his brother Johns lott Ordred that John More is to have some ground betwixt the highway and his front Henry Townsend and hee agreeinge Ordred that Mr Barnes shall have 3 akers of land more or less adioyninge to his other land above the bridge Ordred that Mr Holliman Mr Warner & Henry Townsend are to draw up a forme for recordinge of lands and makinge each man a deed and apoint what the Clarke shall have for his paines and so men are to repaire to the Clarke and he to doe it 96 The 1 of July Ordred that a letter bee drawen up and sent to the bay and that John Greene Ju bee the messenger The 26 of July Ordred by the Towne that wheras 3 summuns were left at John Greenes house by Richard Chasmore to summun him to the Court in the Massachusetts to bee holden at Boston the last of July it is Ordred by voate of the Towne that John Greene Ju abovesayd shall not goe downe to the Court with respect to the summuns Ordred that Mr Gorton Mr Weekes Mr Houlden Mr Warner are chosen to draw up a letter to send to the Bay Ordred that Mr Gorton Mr Houlden & Mr Warner are chos- [ 54 ] en to the Comittee to meet at Portsmouth the Committees of each Towne about the summuns The 27 of July Ordred that the letter that Mr Gorton hath drawn up be signed by Mr Weekes in the behalfe of the Towne of War- wicke and sent to the Court at Boston to bee delivered in case the Comittee chosen now for the Collonie doe not send any letter 97 The 5 of August Ordred that the Highway betwixt John Cookes Lott and Mr Tods Lott that now is George Baldins bee added to John Cookes house Lott The 17 of August Ordered that Peter Greene is towne Clarke for this year ensuinge Ordered that the Committee shall write a letter to the President Ordered that Mr Smith shall be the messenger to carry the letter to ye President & to informe him what issue there was concerning the letter sent by the Collony to the Massachusetts Sept the 7th 1650 Ordered that a letter be sent to the Generall Court at Boston Ordered that the Propositions presented to the towne may be presented to the Committee general to consider and Determine Sept the 25th 1650 Ordered that the President shall have power to compose and order about the sending of letter in due season Ordered that if the President thinke meete [ 55 ] 98 some two or three words may be altered in the letter & a little Addition to it October 7th Ordered that 6 men be chose for a committee to meete at Portsmouth 4 dayes before the generall court of trialls Ordered that if any of them refuse to goe hee shall pay to the towne treasurer 2 shillings 6 pence a day all the time the committee is imployed Ordered that if they shall neglect to pay it that then the towne deputy shall issue his warrant unto the Sergeant e to destraine it & bringe it to y Treasurer Ordered that if any refuse to goe that then the town deputies shall appointe another in his roome and see him satisfied October the 15 Committee men chosen for the Representative generall Mr Holiman Mr Wicks Mr Houlden Mr Warner Mr Potter Mr John Greene Sr Jury men chose for the generall Richard Townsend John Townsend Stukly Westcot Ordered that three men be chose to make rates for the towne this yeere ensuinge Mr John Wicks Mr Holiman Mr Houlden are chose for the same purpose [ 56 ] 99 Ordered that all moneys that are or may be due by rates t or fines or lands graunted y within two monthes after demaund all such moneyes are to be brought in to the towne treasurer but if they fayle to bringe in theyer moneys in ye time ap- poynted the towne Deputy shall graunt out his warrant to the towne Sergeant to take a stress on his goods or cattells & the Sergeant shall gett two townsmen to prize that which is destrained & return the overplus to the owner the Sergeant taking 2 shillings for his paines The 15 of January Ordered that the greate pointe being the third pointe from the end of the towne Southwest is graunted to such as have horses & great cattell as followeth that they shall have liberty to fence it in and to keepe the saide horses & draught cattell in duringe the time of the Indian corne beinge in danger & this to be yeerly unto such time as the towne shall see cause to give the sayd lands unto pertieu- lars & alwayes provided that any inhabitant that hereafter shall have any horses or greate cattell which at present have not bearinge equall charge of fence accordinge to pro¬ portion of cattell shall have equall right Ordered that John Greene Junior shall have an acre of land or more on the top of the hill at his medow to set up his fence straight at Occupesuatuxet cove Ordered that every man shall have six acres of land laid out before his lot if convenieney will afford or in the most convenient place otherwise 100 Ordered that in case there be not twenty acres in the Necke for Mr Wicks that it shall be made up in the common to the aforesayd order [ 57 ]i ffebruary the 3d Ordered that there is 30 acres of land graunted unto Mr Houlden and the rest of the undertakers in lew of Mr Gor¬ tons lott which the Towne graunts to the mill 7 or 8 acres therof is to be layd out on the North side of the Brooke that runneth downe by Edward Inmans lott toward the head of it and the other ten acres to be layd out by the meadow of John Greene Junior at Occapasutuxet and the Towne reserveth a high way of three Pole wide downe to the water side by the mill and if any one shall doe any dammage by driving cattell or otherwise hee shall give full satisfaction The Agreement between the Towne of Warwick with Mr John Wicks Mr Randall Houlden Mr Walter Tod John Greene Junior as undertakers to build a mill in the aforesaide Towne at their owne cost & charges & to grinde the Townes corne for two quarts in a bushell in consideration of which the Towne doth give & graunt to the said undertakers for theyr en- couragment that lott that was formerly Mr Gorton's with a Township and six acres of meadow for the present to bee layd out in the most convenient place not yet graunted by the Towne & this to be annexed to the Mill that if the mill be built & maintained then this aforesaide accommodations to remaine as aforesayde if otherwise [illegible] that the mill bee not built or cease to bee servisable to the towne beinge built that the accommodations aforesaid to returne to the towne againe as 101 also the purchasers graunt all the land in the necke agaynst the sayd lott aforesayd beinge bounded with land of Richard Harcutts on the one side Henry Townsend on the other side & the water about the other part of the sayde land & this to [ 58 ] be confirmed to the undertakers upon the grounds promised in the former by the towne Ordered that Mr Warner, Richard Harcutt and John Town- send are to lay out the six acre lotts for the towne. March the 18 Ordered that John Cooke is put out of his office from beinge Sergeant beinge called in question for his misdemean- ure Or: Peter Buzicot is chosen Sergeant in the roome of John Cooke and also engaged Ord: that Mr Holiman & Mr Warner are chosen to bee sur¬ veyors about mendinge the highwayes and that they shall have power to appointe a day for the doinge of it and if any man after warninge refuse to come to worke that another be hired in his roome also if any man refuse to pay these that are hired in his roome that the surveyors have power to graunt forth theyer warrants to the Sergeant and to the Sergeant to destraine for it & the Sergeant to bee payd for his paines Ord: that all generall fences bee made up by the 25 102 of March & the Necke to bee cleared of cattell by that time May the 5th 1651 Committee men chosen for the generall Henry Townsend John Townsend Peter Buzicot John Sweete James Greene Robert Westcot Jury men for the generall John Townsend Henry Townsend James Greene Ord: that the undertakers of the mill have liberty to damme up the fresh river for theyer use any where above the lott Mr Holiman purchased of Peter Buzicot C 59 ] Ord: that the ditch which Peter Buzicot made by the side of his lot shall stand allthough some part of it may not bee on his owne land, he givinge sixteene shillings toward the makinge the high way over the rune into the neck by his lot Ord: that the ditch Mr Stutly Westcot made upon the streete way shall stand beinge about three or fower pole having payd his fine to the towne which he was fined June the 2d 51 Ord: that Mr Houldon is moderator for this present meetinge Ord: That the Becorder beinge chosen annually he is to bee Assistant with the other two Towne Officers in all Courts of Judicature in this Towne any Order formerly not- withstandinge Ord: that Mr Houldon is chosen to be Towne Deputy for this yeere 103 Ord: That Mr Warner is chosen to bee Assistant this present yeere for this Towne Ord: That John Greene Junior is Towne Clarke for the yeere ensuing and assistant Ord: That Bichard Harcutt is chosen Constible for this yeere ensuing Ord: Mr Houldon is Towne Treasurer this yeere Ord: That Peter Buzicott is chosen Sergeant this yeere Ord: That Mr Wicks hath a peece of land graunted to him by the landinge place by his lot whatsoever is above fower pole wide Ord: that Mr Jolm Throckmorton is receaved to be a townsman among us Ord That the necke of land next to Bichard Carders is [ 60 ] graunted to Mr Throckmorton for a house lot. Mr Houldon Mr Tod Mr Wicks & Mr Potter goinge to view it and to order a high way to a landinge place in the same necke where they see it fittinge Ord: That if any man be receaved an Enhabitant into the towne that he shall have 110 privilidge in the towne un- till he buildetli upon his lot & inhabiteth in it Ord: that the lot which was given to Robert Westcot beinge forfeited is returned to the towne beinge the lot he should have built on The towne Officers are all engaged Ord: That John Greene Junior & Mr Houldon & Mr Warner are to take the accounts of the Tresury The Towne ordereth that in case Richard Harcutts med- ow bee spoiled by the damminge the water at the mill hee shall have 2 akers for one in the most convenient place not graunted for all so damnified 104 The 1 of September 1651 Ordered that the letter that Mr Gorton presented to the Towne bee forth with drawen up sighned and sente to the Commissioners Ordered that the Towne of Warwicke are to meet Prov¬ idence men at patuxet when they shall appoint Ordered that John Sweet may have a plot of ground to build on before his lotts, at the discretion of the Sur¬ veyors the highwaye being considered of Ordered that Mr Smith and Mr Houlden are apointed to gather up the money for the messenger that is to goe for England with all speed The 6 of October 1651 Ordered that our Towne of Warwicke shall give the [ 61 ] Towne of Providence a meetinge next wednsday beinge the 8th of October to consult and conclude of things that in generall concernes them Ordered that Mr Smith shall have that Purchasers share which he layd out ten pounds for upon termes made now sure to him to hold perpetually notwithstanding any former order with the priviledge of purchasers The 2 of November Ordered that Mr Weekes Mr Smith Mr Potter and Thom¬ as Thornecraft are chosen to view the ground next the swamp by Mr Greene seniors lott and accordinge as they shall thinke fit to alow or disalow of it 105 Ordered that a rate of ten pounds bee made equally accordinge to each mans estate to adde to the money which wilbee due for the lands already graunted to pay the Townes depts Ordered that Mr Houlden Mr Weekes and Mr Greene senior are to set the rate: and see to the gatheringe in of it in six weekes time, and in case any refuse to pay they shall grant forth a warrant to the Constable to distraine The 2 of January 1651 Ordered that John Townsend is to have five akers of meddowe where he likes in any place that is undevided ex- ceptinge that parcel of meddowe at the upper end of the pond now excepted against onely he is to make choice of it betwixt this and the next monthly meeting and the Survey¬ ors are to lay it out conveniently with respect to him and the Towne Ordered that Mr Warner Richard Harcutt and John Town- send are Surveyors for the laying out of all lands in the Common botlie upland and meddowes untill new bee chosen [ 62 ] Ordered that the meetinges be warned by turne and that Thomas Thornicraft is to begin Ordered that John Cooke is to have his six aker lotte and a Necke of land at the upper end of his lott and his present rate given him for satisfaction in full of what the Town oweth him also that Thomas Thornicraft is to have his six aker lott and rate given him in full satisfaction of what the Towne owes him: 106 The twentie fourth of April 1652 At the Towne meetinge or law makinge Assembly ordered that John Warner for his misdemeanures under annexed, is degraded by the unanimous consent of the Towne from bearinge any office in the Towne, and that hee is holly disinabled for¬ ever herafter bearinge any office in the Towne untill hee give the Towne satisfaction It is further ordered that the abovesayd John Warner is put out from havinge any vote in the Towne concerninge its affayres The charges against John Warner are these first for call- inge the officers of the Towne rogues and theeves with re¬ spect to their office Item for callinge the whole Towne rogues & theeves Item for threatninge the lives of men Item for threatninge to kill all the mares in Town Item for his contempt in not apearinge before the Towne now mett beinge lawfully sembled by a Summons from the office with two maiestrates hands to it Item for threatninge an officer of the Collonie in open Court that if hee had him otherwhere he would beate out his braynes as also callinge him rogue Item for his imploying an agent in his behalfe to vrrite to the Massachusetts thereby goinge about to intlirale the [ 63 ] liberties of the Towne contrary to the priviledges of ye Towne & to the great indignitie of the honorable Stat of England who granted the sayd priviledges unto us 107 It is ordered that another bee imediately chose for Assistant to suply John Warners place while the next choice Mr John Smith is chosen Asistant in Mr Warners roome while the next choice Ordered that Peter Buzicot upon his request to the Towne beinge taken into seriouse Consideration they have answered his request and freed him from beinge a Sarient and have chosen John Sweet in his roome Ordered in all cases that are actionall in this Towne that for a Townsman or Inhabitant a Summons shall serve in¬ stead of a writt and that if it bee but tendered the partie or left at his house or lodginge notice beinge given to some of the family it beinge done ten dayes before the Court it shall stand in force to cause his apearance in¬ stead of a writt and accordingly the Court may proceed, and after the servinge of the Summons no fraudulent makinge over of estate shall stand in force any order to the con¬ trary notwithstandinge as also the Sarient shall have for a Summons as for a writt As also that if any man shall require a Sumons that hee shall put in Sufficient bond to prosecute as the officer shall require, Ordred that Mr Randall Houlden havinge purchased the Indian ffields against his house shall freely enjoy it by vertue of this order [ 64 ] 108 It is ordained and decreed by this present assembly that in case of bindinge a man to the peace, good behaviour or to answer any cause or matter at another Court, that his recogmistance beinge read in the audience of the partie be¬ fore whom hee is, shalbee a sufficient ingadgment for the breach wherofe it shalbee lawfull to recover of the partie the whole penaltie in which lie was bound, whether the par- tie himselfe answer or bee silent in the act of his bindinge over the Judgment of the bench where the case is brought in pas singe upon The 10th of May 1652 The Towne beinge orderly mett have chosen these Com¬ missioners for the Generall Assembly now at hand Mr Samuell Gorton Mr Randall Houldon Mr Weekes Mr John Smith Mr John Greene Jur Mr Ezekiell Holliman Mr Robert Potter Stutly Wascote John Townsend Henry Townsend Richard Townsend Peter Greene Ordred that no man of this Towne whether Inhabitant or other shall either Directly or Indirectly sell either stronge liquors sacke or beere to any Indian or Indians to drink within the limits of our Townshipp and in case any man bee found out to sell as abovesayd, the Testimonie of one Indian, if the Jurie bee satisfied therwith shall cast him, and the namelv These are chosen for Jurymen [ 65 ] 109 penaltie shalbee twenty shillinges a time, which shalbee payd to the treasury, and the Indian beinge drunke to bee dealt with accordinge to the Generall lawe for English, Ordred that any person that shall keepe Alehouse or victuallinge honse without license within the precincts of Warwicke after the first of June next shalbee liable to pay accordinge to the Generall lawe provided in such case for the Collonie Ordred that if any stranger bringe liquors wine or stronge drinke to this Towne of Warwicke and bee found sell- inge or to have sould to any Indian within the limits of this Towne of Warwicke hee shall pay twenty shillinges and forfeit what liquors or stronge drinke is found with him and that the Testimony of an Indian if hee desire the Travesse of it the Jury beinge convinced shall cast him, and the head officer shall grant forth his warrant to the Constable to distrayne and in case he will Travisse hee shall pay the charges of the Court if cast and what English within our Towne or other shall Informe the officers hee shall lialfe the prohibited goodes scazed upon and the Informer in case the man bee cleared shall pay the charges of the Court Ordred that John Cooke is to have an aker or two of up¬ land by his meddowe to fence in with it 110 John Ladd's Ear mark for his Cattle &c is a Crop on the left Ear a Slit in the Crop and a half penny on the upper side of the left ear Recorded Feb. 2d 1757 By Jer. Lippitt Town Clk C 66 ] Job Ladd takes the above mark for his Cattle, Sheep & hogs Entered the 10th day of February 1790 by J. Jerauld, Clk. Thomas Edmunds Ear Mark for his Cattle &c is a Crop on the left ear a fork in the Right and a hole in the same Recorded the 2d of Feby 1757 By Jer. Lippitt Town Clk Susannah Arnold Widow of Philip Arnold Esq the ear mark of her cattle &c is a hind gad in the left Ear a Slit in the top of the Right and half penny over the left Recorded Feb. 2d, 1757 J. Lippitt Town Clk 111 The 7th of June (52) It beinge the day for choice of officers these are chosen by the Towne Mr Randall Houldon Towne Deputy Mr John Weekes Asistant Namely . John Greene Jur Asistant and Towne Clerk Mr Randall Houlden Treasurer Richard Townsend Constable Ordred that the Sarient shall performe the office of a waterbayley, John Sweet is chosen Sarient Mr Samuel Gorton Mr Randall Houlden Mr John Weekes Mr John Greene Junior Mr Ezekiell Holliman John Townsend It is ordred that Richard Harcutt shall keepe a vic- tualinge house and shall have libertie to sell beere The Towne Counsell [ 67 ] liquors or sacke and shall repayer to the head officer for a license Ordred that Wheras Thomas Stafford hath bought a house jof Christopher Unthanke which was formerlie given to Mr iWalter Todd by the Town and hath subscribed the Towne hath ^ikewise receaved him into vote and so hee is become a Townsman Ordred that Robert Wastcote is to have three quarters of an aker of boggy meddowe lyinge below 112 John Cookes share below the pond and the surveyors are at their discretion to make it up a share John Townsend Stutly Wascote John Cooke are apointed to lay out the meddowes about the Towne, thursday next for the Inhabitants which are yet not provided for and so it is to bee cast lott for Ordred that John Lippitts fine for sellinge of a gun beinge five pound shall hange upon the file and bee requir¬ ed when the Towne see fitt and the officers are not liable to censure for not callinge for the fine It is ordred that Mr Potter and Goodman Carder bee joyned to the Towne Counsell to draw up conclusions in an¬ swer to the bill of Mr Randall Houlden Mr John Weekes and purchasse John Greene Junior concerninge of lawe and what they doe if consented to in a Towne meetinge to bee of force and they are to doe it within 8 dayes Ordred that Thomas Stafford slialbee licensed to keepe a victuallinge house 113 James Greene and Robert Wascote are apointed Surveyors for the bridges and they are to see it done in 3 weekes [ 68 ] Ordred that the Towne Deputy is moderator of the Towne for this yeare ensuinge Ordred that the Clarke shall give the Constable his en- gadgement beinge now absent Ordred that John Cooke hath libertie to make a highway betwixt his Uncle Wascote and him below the present way and he is to fence it from cattell Ordred that the answer read by Mr Sa Gorton in the Towne meetinge to the motions of the Towne of Providence with respect to John Warner bee forth with drawen forth and sighned by the Clarke and sent to the Towne of Provi¬ dence forthwith Ordred that the declaration that hath been drawen up in the Towne concerninge John Warner and the Dutch men which hath been sent to the Bay as also to Providence that a coppy of it bee drawen forth and sighned by the Clarke and sent to Mr Roger Williams, 114 Ordred that Mr Samuell Gorton is to write a letter to Mr Roger Williams in the Townes behalfe and to give him In¬ formation concerninge the Towne and Collonies proceedinge with John Warner and his wife, Ordred that the Inhabitants being provided for at this time for home shares of meddowe In the next place Mr Holli- man and John More and the Purchasers are to bee served before any more Inhabitants now to be received, this order was made before Amos Wascote and George Pamer were receaved Ordred in a Towne Meetinge mett in Warwicke this 22 of June 1652 that the house and land of John Warner scituate and beinge in the sayd Towne bee atached forthwith, upon suspistion of unsufferable Treacherie, against the Towne, to the forfeiture of the sayd house and land to the sayd [ 69 ] Towne, and that notice may bee given him of the Atachment therofe, that so hee by himselft or Aturney may answer at the next Court of Trialls to bee held in Warwicke the 3 Tuesday in August next ensuinge the date herofe, 115 It is also Ordred that all persons are herby prohibit¬ ed from layinge any claim or Titell unto it, or any part therofe by bargaine & sale or otherwise, untill hee hath an¬ swered the lawe, and bee cleared by order of the Court held as aforsayd, but remaines in the hand and Custodie of the Towne in the meane time Ordred that the Sarient shall have a coppie of this Order and shall sett it up upon the doore of the house Ordred that the Clarke shall give John Warner notice in a few lines that his house and land is atached The 5th of July (52) Ordred that the writinges sent to the Towne of Provi¬ dence and Warwicke bee kept in the Recorders office and that it bee kept private till the next shippe bee gon for England namely the writinges sent from Mr Roger Williams to us Ordred that the Treasurer is to pay John Greene Junior what the Towne is Indebted to him, It is ordred that John Townsend Henry Townsend and Richard Harcutt shall view the accounts of John Greene, Jur and the Treasurie 116 Ordred by the Towne of Warwicke that the house and land of John Warner scituate in the sayd Towne of Warwicke beinge of late atached upon suspistion of the breach of the Grand Lawe of this Collonie is resigned up to the sayd John Warner again [ 70 ] Wee whose names are heere underwritten beinge unsatis¬ fied with the above voate upon the resighning of the above- sayd house of John Warner which was Atached upon suspistion of the breach of the Grand lawT of the Towne doe herby enter our protest against the act as witnesse our hand Randall Houlden John Wickes John Greene Junr Samuel Gorton Robert Potter 117 Ordred that if herafter John Warner or any for him shall sell that house and land abovesayd any part or par¬ cel of it to any but such as shall subscribe to our Order it shall as before bee wholly forfeit to the Towne Ordred that herafter any person that shalbee receiv¬ ed in to the Towne as Inhabitant shall not Imediately have vote but accordinge as the Towne shall see fitt upon triall Ordred that all monthly meetinges bee warned three dayes before the Court and that the partie that is to warne shall not doe it without notice from the Towne officer and that all meetinges upon speciall occasion bee warned by a warrant to the Sarieant from one of the officers The 29th of July (1652) Ordred in answer to Providence letter desiringe a com¬ mittee of equal number to vTrite to Mr Williams, and Warwicke Asistant to call and apoint time and place that it bee so, and that there bee fowre chosen in our Towne the Commission¬ ers chosen are chose for Warwicke Namely f Mr Samuell Gorton Mr Randall Houlden Mr Ezekiell Holliman Mr Robert Potter [ 71 ] 118 Ordred that wee comend to Providence our mindes to have conference with the Iland concerninge a Joynt send- inge to England with respect to the charter, and in case that Providence doe alowe of it, then wee doe herby author¬ ize our Commissioners to doe as aforesayd, and to this end it is Ordred that the secretarie write a letter to the Towne of Providence to Informe them herofe The 26th of October 1652 Ordred by the Towne that these are Commissioners for the Generall Court at Providence Mr John Smith Mr Samuell Gorton Mr John Wickes Namely Mr Eandall Houiden Mr Robert Potter John Greene Jr At a meetinge in Warwieke this 19th of December 1652 The comissioners chosen for the next Generall Assem¬ bly beinge to bee held in this Towne of Warwieke the 20th of this month are these Ezekiell Holliman John Townsend Richard Townsend Namely Stukly Wascote Walter Todd John Greene Jr 119 The 3d of Januarie 1652 Ordred that Ezekiell Holliman Henry Townsend Richard Townsend and John Greene Junier are chosen to draw up an answer to the writinge now presented to the Towne by Mr John Smith Presedent and Mr Samuell Gorton Generall Assis- [ 72 ] tant betwixt this and the next monthly meetinge and so to present it to the Towne for their aprobation Ordred that whosoever shall keepe any goates in the limitts of this Towne to run upon the Comon after ten dayes of the date herofe shall forfeit ten shillinges to the Towne for each goate, Ordred that any Inhabitant of this Towne that falles any trees upon the Comon either for timber or fewell, and doth not cut out the fewell and cleave or square the timber or fetch it home uncleaft within the space of three monthes it shalbee comon for any Inhabitant to take except spruse and that is to bee forfeit or comon in a yeare as abovsayd February the 7, 52 Ordred that the result of Ezekiell Holliman John Greene Jur Henry Townsend and Richard Townsend is referred to the Determination of the Towne the second Munday in March next ensuinge the date herofe and that two men shalbee chosen to conferr with The Towne of Providence about this matter be¬ cause it concernes both Townes The men deputed are these John Greene Jur Richard Townsend 120 Ordred in answer to Peter Buzicotts bill for pay due to him for his service done to the Towne that hee shall have six akers of land in some place where it may not bee preiu- distiall at the discression of the layers out which hee is to have in full satisfaction, Ordred that at the discrestion of the layers out Rob¬ ert Wascote is granted a small peece of upland on the front like as his father and John Sweet hath In answer to John Greene Jurs bill concerning whether hee have power to grant forth warrants or to act as the [ 73 ] Asistant whose place liee supplies by order the Towne by Order conclude that hee hath so, Ordred that John Geraerd by vote hath a vote given him in the Towne Ordred the 15 day of February 52 that the letter that Mr William Dier brought to our Towne beinge likewise di¬ rected to Providence Subscribed by John Sanphod William Jef- fery and William Bausstone an John Potter bee opened by the Clarke It is Ordred that the letter that the Clarke hath drawen forth to send to Providence bee subscribed by the Clarke and sent by Mr William Dyre 121 This 22 of February 52 At a full meetinge accordinge to order of the Towne Mr Randall Houlden beinge absent Ezekiell Holliman is chos¬ en moderator for the present day Ordred that the letter sent from Providence to this Towne of Warwicke bee forthwith opened and read, Ordred to adjourne the meetinge and forthwithe to re- paire to the house of John Warner where Thomas Arington dwelles, and there beinge met orderly, It was ordred by the Towne that henceforth their place of meeting bee at the house of John Warner aforesayd Thomas Arington consenting tlierunto and the sayd Thomas Ar¬ ington is to have twelve pence per day for the use of the house, and this to bee until the Towne see cause to alter it Ordred by the Towne that the Commissioners of this Towne of Warwicke that Assembled last in Warwicke, and ad¬ journed untill the day before the next Court of Election (the Towne seing cause as well as the Towne of Providence, [ 74 ] for tlieir now speedy meetinge) sliall meet tlie Commissioners of Providence at Patuxet or else where accordinge as the Commissioners of each Towne shall agree both of time and place, and when the Commissioners have thns agreed notice shalbee given to 122 the clarke of Warwicke, that so the Towne officers and all may bee informed of time and place, and it is ordred that the sayd Commissioners shall have power to advise and ord¬ er touchinge the letter and matter therin contayned which was sent to both Townes aforsayd subscribed per John San- phord and William Banlstone &c, Also to order for the peace and safty of the whole Colloney by remittinge of the two Townes upon the Iland to us when they understand the mind of the right honorable the Councell of State, (authorized by the supreame Author¬ ise of the eomonwealth of England) is such, or otherwise accordinge to their wisdomes doe to the best of their un- derstandinges for the preservation of each mans lawfull right and libertie givinge all due submission and respect unto the right honorable State above mentioned This 8th of March 52 Ezekiell Holliman moderator ordered at a Meetinge orderly met and manadged It was unanimously agreed to subscribe to an Engadgment the forme wherofe is as followeth I doe declare and promise that I wilbee true and faitli- full to the Commonwealth of England as it is now established without a kinge or house of lords. 123 It is Ordred that any free Inhabitant shall have liber- [ 75 ] ty to repayre to John Greene Towne Clarke who hath power to take it though not in a Towne meetinge Ordred that George Baldin beinge an Inhabitant hath uoav his freedom to voate as a Townsman Ordred that John Haden now beinge granted a Townshippe with his Voate hee havinge allready built may not forfeit his lott for want of buildinge thereon any former order to the contrary notwithstandinge Ordred that John Greene Towne Clarke shall keepe the Towne records in his Custody and shall not deliver them to any man either Townsman or officer, but onely to the Towne beinge lawfully mett and orderly mannadged The 22 of March 1652 At a meetinge orderly mett Ezekiell Holliman is chosen moderator for the day, It is ordred that the Clarke shall receive and keepe the Coppies of the Order of Parliament or letters which Mr Benedick Arnold beinge sent by the Towne of Newport hath brought and heere presented, It is ordered by the Towne that our six Commissioners shall meet with providence Commissioners to give a result to the propositions sent from Newport Towne and to that end there being a letter drawen up to send to Providence it is ordred yt the Clarke shall signe it and send it, 124 the 4 of April 53 ordred that Richard Townsend is chosen moderator for to put to voate whether wee shall adiourne to the schoole house and there beinge met Mr Houlden is to bee moderator according to order It beinge put to voate it is agreed upon for the present day wee beinge there met It is ordred that there bee a watch of fower persons in a night and that this [ 76 ] watch shalbee continued until farther Order and that two of them shall watch at one end and two at the other end of the Towne and meet at the midle and the midle is conclud¬ ed to bee at the bridge by Mr Hollimans and that every man that is able to beare armes shalbee lyable to this watch, and in case any man refuse, the Constable shall liier one in his roome, and the partie that refuseth shall pay two shillinges to him that supplies his place, which if hee refuse to pay it shalbee taken by distraint, and they that watch shall the same night give warninge to whom the Constable shall apoint the next night, and the watch shalbee sett halfe an howre after sunset and to continue while sunrise, and that the charge the Constable shall give is that if any man drawe neere upon the watch, they shall bidd him stand three times deliberately and at the third time to bidd him stand upon his life but if he refuse after the third 125 time they shall discharge at him first one and then hee cliarginge the other shall give fier which shall bee an alar¬ um, and so the other two shall answer and so the drum forth with to bee beate and men to repaire Ordred that every man forthwith provide himself with armes convenient and that everie man bee provided with two pound of powder and bullets Ordred that all can beare armes meet on Munday next on the Comon over agaynst Thomas Staffords to chuse milli- tarie officers, and any man thats absent may send in his [ voate, and the time to bee about eight a clocke in the morninge, Ordred that henceforth wee meet at Thomas Erentons [ 77 ] house untill farther order and that Thomas Erenton shall have one shillinge a day for meetinge in it, The 5th of Aprill 1653 Peter Greene is chosen clarke for the day the Clarke beinge absent Mr Smith Mr Gorton Richard Townsend and John Greene Juneor are chosen to meet with fower of Providence for con¬ sultation about writinge to the Massachusetts concerning the newes which wee have from Newport or any thing else of like concernment Ordred that what Indian guns are in this Towne shalbee reserved, in the Towne untill the liklihoode of this trouble be past concerning the Indians Ordred that Robert Potters house and John Townsends shalbee the two houses, where the Court of Guard shalbee kept 126 .Ordred that no man shall shoote of a gun after sun- sett untill Sun risinge, unlesse it bee upon a Just cause of an Alarum upon the forfeiture of twenty shillinges to bee presently taken by distresse, Ordred that two men shall ward everie day till they see occasion to alter it, Ordred that the watch shall consist of eight men any order formerly notwithstandinge Aprill the 19 1653 Ordred that no person either stranger or Inhabitant in this Towne of Warwicke shall buy sell for transportation or transport any provisions for victualls or warr out of this Towne as aforsayd for the supply of either Dutch or french either directly or Indirectly upon the forfeiture of the double value therofe, [ 78 ] Ordred that neither Inhabitant or Sojourner shall de¬ part this Towne to goe to the Dutch or french by sea or land without license from two of the magistrates at least upon the forfeiture of £50 starlinge, and this to bee tak¬ en by distresse, Ordred that the Clarke shall coppie out Mr Brownes letter and attest it and send it to the Towne of Providence as also to the Townes of Portsmouth and Newport as also to signifie that our Towne hath taken some course for them¬ selves at present concerninge the premises Ordred that John Cooke is chosen waterbayley for the Towne on this side the Channell from Patuxet to the head of Coweeset Cove as also to supply the place of 127 a Serieant John SwTeet beinge absent, untill the next choice Ordred that Mr Houlden hath libertie to advence one corner of his fence three or fowre yardes and so towardes Mr Weekes to bringe it to nothinge provided he leave out so much of his ground on the other side the highway that it bee not damnified therby, Ordred that the Towne officers drawe up a significate of these orders and send to the Commissioners of the Col- lonies May the 2 53 Ordred that the Commissioners that now are shall serve to attend the Generall Assembly which is to bee at the Court of Election now at hand, Ordred that Mr Greene sr is granted to remove his fence upon his front belowe the bridge against his doore on the other side the dirty place, at the apointment of the layers out as also three pole square, upon the knap for a Cow- yard joyninge therunto [ 79 ] Ordred that John Greene Clarke is to write a few lines to the Iland to know their mindes concerninge the Generall assembly and Court of Election Ordred that John Greene Jur is to have fowre akers of land at the further end of his six aker lott adjoyninge therunto which six aker lott lyeth over against his house lott, onely hee is to lay downe fowre akers of his ten which was due to him and to bee layd by his meddow at Oc- cupesuatuxet Ordred that these men namely Randall Houlden Richard Townsend Stukly Wascote James Sweete Christopher Hauxhursv and John Cole are appointed to agree with the Indians about Nawsaucut and there away about fencinge in their fields Ordred that certaine Instructions now drawen forth are apointed for the Commissioners abovesayd, 128 The 5th of May 1653 in a Towne Meetinge Wheras of late Mr Randall Houlden Towne Deputy and Mr John Weekes Asistant have kept a Court of Maiestrates them¬ selves onely and by vertue therofe have granted Mr Smith a exhibition and already sent it to Providence which exhibi¬ tion is to prohibite an Execution granted by the Court of Providence for Mr William Almy of Rode Iland against Mr John Smith of Warwicke that the Generall Sarieant may not serve it in this Corporation, Wee whose names are heere un¬ der writen conceavinge such a Court to bee Contrary unto law and so accordingly what acts they did to bee unlawfull and conceavinge the priviledges of the Towne to bee herby Infringed doe enter our protest against it John Greene Junior Ezekiell Holliman Memorandum That for asmuch as ther is noe roome in ye [ 80 ] ^>14th page of this towne booke for Edmund Calverley to sub- serib to that grand order of ye towne therfore I have heer unto subscribed my naime in obedience to ye said order maid ye 23d of January 1648. Edmund Calverley Allso I Luke bromley doe as Mr Edm: Calverley hath done in persuance of ye forsd order T-x Luke r\ bromley his marke 129 The 9 of May 1653 The men that were deputed to agree with the Indians for fencinge havinge reade their agreement it is assented to Ordred that there be a rate of £ 12 -10 s to to bee taken for to pay the Indians for fencinge at Nawsaucut, and therabout accordinge to their termes that those deputed by he Towne have agreed, Ordred that this rate bee two parts on the cattell and a third part on the Tenements Ordred that Mr Smith and Mr Holliman are apointed to rate the Cattell and everie man havinge notice is to bringe in his rate to Mr Houlden, but if any refuse it shalbee tak¬ en by distresse and the fees, Ordred that Mr Holliman drawe up a deed concerninge the aforsayd agreement The 14 of May 1653 Mr Houlden refusing to put thinges to voate that con- cernes the Towne a bill beinge put up: upon his departure Ezekiell Holliman is chosen moderator Ordred that seinge whatsoever acts are drawen up and concluded on by any Court of Commissioners in this Collonie are to be reade in each Towne and the Inhabitants of each Towne have libertie to voate for the repealinge of any act they mislike, that therfore the Commissioners that are de- [ 81 ] puted to the Generall Assembly before the Court of Election at Providence shall goe without any Instructions any order formerly notwithstandinge Ordred that in case the two Townes of the Hand doe not attend the next General Court of Trialls 130 to bee holden at Providence that wheras three of the Com¬ missioners were chosen to bee Jury men that if it so fall out as aforsayd in case there bee any Tryalls the other three Commissioners shall likewise serve. The 25 of May 1653 Ordred that the men that were formerly chosen to bar- gaine with the Indians at Nawsacut about fencing shall to¬ gether with the Towne Clarke make the deeds and see the buis- ness finished in behalfe of ye Towne The 28th of May 1653 At a Towne meetinge orderly met the Towne Deputy be- inge absent It is ordred that Ezekiell Holliman is chosen Moderator for the present day. It is ordred upon the read- inge of the Presedents warrant that Commissioners forthwith bee chosen to attend the Generall Assembly which is to bee held at Providence the 3 of June next the Ezekiell Holliman Stukly Wascot Henry Townsend John Greene Jur John Cooke James Sweete Ordred that Christopher Unthank is granted a small peece of ground upon his front of his house lott at the discression of the layers out so as the highway bee not damnified Commissioners chosen are [ 82 ] 131 The 11th of August 1653 The Towne beinge met at the Towne house Ezekiell Hol- liman is chosen moderatour of the Assembly for the meetinge John Greene Jur is chosen Clarke untill farther order Ordred that the letters that are presented to the Towne be forthwith reade The 12th of August 1653 At a full meetinge of the Townsmen Ordred that Ezekiell Holliman is chosen moderatour of the Assembly Ordred that the letter reade by the clarke to bee sent to the Massachusetts beinge unanimously aproved on may bee sent, it beinge an answer to a letter received by the Towne the former meetinge The 22 of August 53 The Towne beinge mett Mr Holliman is chosen moderatour of the Assembly for the present day Wheras there was a lawe formerly made that the modera- tours place is annexed to the Towne Deputyes office. It is ordred that henceforth the moderatour bee chosen every Towne meetinge any lawe formerly notwithstandinge 132 Ordred that the Towne Sarieant bee waterbayley. Ezekiell Holliman Towne Deputy Walter Todd Asistant & Treasurer John Greene Asistant & Towne Clarke Thomas Erington Constable Robert Wascote Serieant Ordred that because the Towne are but few in number that they choose for millitary officers onely a liftennant Towne officers chos en to stand while the next choice in June are these [ 83 ] and drummer, and these officers are to bee chosen the first second day in the next month of September Ordred that John Townsend Stnkly Wascote and John Cooke who were surveyors last yeare are chosen accordinge as the other officers to serve for this yeare ensuinge, The 2 of October 1653 Mr Holliman is chosen moderator for the present meet- inge, The Commissioners chosen for the Generall Assembly to write an answer to Mr Williams and to order for the peace of the Collonie which Assembly is to bee held at Providence the 4th of this moneth Ezekiell Holliman Stukly Wascote Walter Todd Namely John Greene Jr John Townsend Richard Townsend The 10th of May 54 133 Ezekiell Holliman is chosen moderator for the day The Commissioners chosen for the next Court Generall ensuinge are these namely Ezekiell Holliman Stukly Wascote Walter Todd John Greene, Jr. Henry Townsend Richard Townsend The men proposed for the Generall Assistants by the Towne are these namely Ezekiel Holliman Stukly Wascote [ 84 ] The Jury men are these John Townsend Henry Townsend John Sweet Robert Waskote Amos Waskote James Sweete Wheras it hath been formerly unanimously agreed upon that the necke of land joyning to the creeke next that lott granted Mr Helmes should never bee impropriated and wee find the Recordes defective herin, therfore we doe now order that it shall never bee impropriated but left for a place for landinge for the whole Towne the [illegible] of May 1654 It beinge the day for choice of Towne officers the Towne beinge orderly mett at Mr Warners house Ezekiell Holliman is chosen moderator of the assembly for the day Ordred to adjourne to the house of Stukly Waskote, The Towne beinge there mett they proceed to choice of Towne officers 134 The Towne officers chosen and engadged for the yeare en- suinge The 10th of June 1654 The Towne beinge mett upon Mr Williams comminge: Eze¬ kiell Holliman is chosen moderator. Ordred that a note bee drawen forth by the Clarke to Ezekiell Holliman Towne Dt Walter Todd Asistant John Greene Jr Asistant & Clarke John Cooke Constable Amos Waskote Waterbayley and Sargeant [ 85 ] request Mr Williams his prescence to see what hee hath to impart to the Towne and that John Cooke bee the messenger The 21 of June 54 Ezekiell Holliman is chosen moderator for the present meetinge Ordered that the proposistions that are now reade which Providence Towne have sent unto us directed to Ports¬ mouth & Newport and Mr Arnold to bee the messenger bee sighned by the Towne Clarke and a coppie of the same to Portsmouth 135 The 2d of July 54 The Towne being orderly met Ezekiell Holliman is chos¬ en moderator Ordered that the Answer drawen forth and sighned by Mr Dexter in the behalfe of Providence bee likewise sighned by the Towne Clarke in the behalfe of the Towne sent to Rode Hand, Ord That wheras John Hadon hath sett up a house on the Comon contrary to the Townes order, that John Cooke and Christopher Hauxhurst shall to morrow goe to him and warne him to remove it thence in a weeks time after the date herofe, but in case hee doth not remove it from the Common within the time aforsayd It is farther Ordered that the Towne officers shall have power when they see fitt to warne the Inhabitantes to asist them to overturne it, take it in peeces or remove it as they shall meet The 4th of September The Towne beinge met together unanimously for to Compose former differences ordred that Mr Greene ser bee moderator and that a let¬ ter bee drawen forth and sighned by John Greene Jur to de- [ 86 ] sire the two Townes of the Iland to give ns together with Providence a meetinge for a Generall Court at Providence the of [illegible] and that Mr Robert Potter and John Greene Jur bee the messengers to cary the letter and to see it offered and the Towne are to satisfie them Ordered forthwith to chuse Commissioners 136 The 19 of September 1654 Mr Walter Todd is chosen Moderator of the Assembly for the present day Wlieras there have been differences and obstructions in this Towne touchinge the Goverment therofe and now they are unanimously agreed It is ordered for the better setlement of this Towne, forthwith to proceed to choice of Towne officers, and that the officers chosen shall stand till the accustomed time ac- cordinge to the charter Mr John Greene ser Towne Deputy & Treasurer Mr Walter Todd Asistant John Greene Jur Recorded & Assista Thomas Erinton Constable It is ordered that the Deputy and the two Asistants are to bee three of the Counsell, the other three are Mr John Wickes John Townsend Henry Townsend John Townsend Henry Townsend Thomas Stafford The Towne liavinge chosen their officers it is ordered that Richard Townsend and Richard Harcutt shall goe to Mr Randall Houlden and demaund the Towne Charter of him The officers chosen the surveyors are [ 87 ] Ordered that Mr Henry Ridduke in answer to his hill shalbee, receaved a Townsman & have a townshipp Ordered that the deed of Thomas Thornicraft betwixt him and George Pamer presented bee confirmed to him and en¬ tered in the Towne booke 137 The Towne havinge chosen their officers it is ordered that Richard Townsend and Richard Harcutt shall goe to Mr Samuell Gorton and demannd the Charter of him, The reason of this order is because the messenger re- turninge from Mr Houlden his answer was that Mr Samuell Gor¬ ton hath the Charter in keepinge Upon the returne of the messengers from Mr Samuell Gor¬ ton It is ordered wheras hee desireth time for the deliverie of the Towne Charter or give his reasons It is ordered that Mr Greene senior shall have power to demaund it and to re¬ ceive it and in case hee receive it hee shall deliver it to the Towne at the next time of their meetinge, It is ordered that John Cooke shall have a parcell of upland adjoininge to his meddowe runinge in the range at the discrestion of the layers out, two akers more or less as they shall thinke fitt, Ordred that wheras the Colloney have ordered prisons to bee made in each Towne that wheras some men in this meet¬ inge have freely profered pay towards the buildinge of a prison that Robert Potter shall goe to everie man and set downe that they are willinge to give and bringe in acount to the Towne the next time of their meetinge It is ordered that Mr John Weekes John Townsend & Hen¬ ry Townsend are apointed to take acount of Mr Randall Hould¬ en concerninge the treasurie and bringe in the acount to the Towne the first Monday in October [ 88 ] 138 It is ordered that the moderator shall engadge the Clarke and the Clarke the rest of the officers The 2d of Aprill 1655 It is ordered that Peter Greene is chosen recorder for this present day It is ordered that Mr Wicks & Mr Holliman are chosen to take an acconmpt of Mr Houlden that money is in the treasury and to bringe ye accoumpt into ye Towne in a fortnight It is ordered that all generall fences shall bee made up by the 5th of Aprill & if any man bee defective he shall forfeit halfe a crowne for each day after the time appoint¬ ed It is ordered that Richard Carder is to have two or three pole wide from his fence by the creeke at the head of his houselot & so it is to runne upon a straight line to his fence on the other side of his lot It is ordered that Goodman Edward Andrews hath common- idge granted to him for three yeares as a Townsman he dis- charginge all duties of a Townsman for yt time It is ordered that John Haden hath the peece of ground wheron his house stands confirmed unto him with the township & common annexed to it It is ordered that Mr John Greene senior shall have the low marsh ground by his lot from Mr Coles fence up to the stake formerly pitched & from the stake athwart to his oth¬ er fence 139 It is ordered that Richard Harcut hath the peece of ground graunted to him from the stake next to the mill gate formerly set up unto John Greenes Junior fence in a yard of his gate now set by. [ 89 ] The Comissioners It is ordered that Mr Smith & Goodman Westcot are to take the number of the younge cattell in the Towne & to de- vide he money that the Indians are to have upon every head equally The 7th of May 1655 At a Towne meetinge it is ordered that Commissioners bee forthwith chosen for the Generall Court as also Jurymen Mr Randall Houlden Mr John Greene se Mr John Weekes Mr Holliman John Greene Jur Rich Townsend Stukly Waskote The Jury < Rich Harcutt James Sweet Ordered that the bill presented by John Greene Jur with respect to land betwixt Richard Harcutt and himselfe in dif¬ ference bee read and considered Ordered that William Baker have the right of an Inhab¬ itant and that Mr John Weekes Mr Ezekiell Holliman and John Grene Jur are deputed to lay out land for a Towne house and prison and to apoint the highway up into the woods and then they are to apoint ground for Goodman Baker to build on which beinge layd out hee is to build on it 140 Ordered that Mr Smith and Stukly Waskote are to cast up what damidge is due to the Indians and place every mans share acordinge to proportion and gather it up and in case any man refuse to pay upon demand then it slialbee taken by distresse by a warrant from the Towne Deputy [ 90 ] The officers chosen are Ordered that Mr Holliman & Christopher Hauxhurst are Comissioners in the Roome of Mr Todd and Richard Townsend: and John Sweet is chosen Juryman in the Roome of James Sweet Ordered that Amos Waskote shall goe to each Inhabitant for their voate for the Generall Court of Election The 4th of June 1655 The Generall lawes beinge reade It is ordered to pro¬ ceed to choice of Towne officers Mr Greene Ser Dep Mr Holliman Asistant & Treasurer John Greene Jur Towne Clarke & Asis Thomas Erinton Constable Amos Wascote Serieant It is ordered that Mr John Weekes Mr Robert Potter and Richard Townsend are to bee added to those chosen by ye Generall for a rate for the prison Ordered that Richard Harcutt is apointed to bee an ordi¬ nary keeper together with Stukly Wascote Wheras there hath been great Inconvenience with respect to the Indians beinge drunk and the late Generall Court hath referred to the particular 141 Townes to take a stricter Course eoncerninge sellinge of liquors if they see cause, therfore wee have thought meet to order farther that no man shall sell liquors wine or stronge drinke by wholesale to the Indians either directly or Indi¬ rectly and this to bee of force 10 dayes after the date her- ofe Ordered that Stukly Wascote and Richard Harcutt are a- pointed to bound the fence at Quinimicoke and to see that Peter Buzicot to doe it suficiently [ 91 ] Ordered that Stukly Waskote Richard Townsend and Rich¬ ard Harcutt are Surveyors for the yeare ensuinge Mr Weekes John Townsend and Henry Townsend are chosen to bee of the Conncell with the three officers Ordered that the title Necke of land next Richard Car¬ der 's land on the other side the Creeke bee reserved for a landinge place for hay from Potaomet or for landinge of any thinge else, and that it shall not for the future be given to any person or persons The Ear Mark of Thomas Rice Son of Thomas Ear Mark for his Creatures is A fork in the Right Ear and a half penny un¬ der Each. Recorded Nov 21st 1776 j By James Jerauld Town Clk. 142 The 3 of July 55 Goodman Erinton refusinge to serve as Constable by reas¬ on of the scruple in his mind It is ordered that there bee a constable chosen and James Greene is chosen to bee him Ordered that Mr Redducke have his voate to act in Towne affayres being formerly proposed It is Ordered by reason of the great Inconvenience that hath been by meanes of allowinge no Towne meetinges without twelve men lawfully met that henceforth eight Townsmen beinge lawefully met by lawefull warninge have full authoritie to act as if the whole Towne were present It is farther Ordered that no land slialbee granted by the sayd number of eight unlesse the warrant give notice thereofe and so the Inhabitants have due notice of it any former Order notwithstandinge Ordered that the Towne lawes about sellinge of liquors bee repealed and only the Generall lawe to bee of force [ 92 ] Orclred that any one of the maiestrates have authoritie to constitute either Constable or sargeant in case of neces- Ordred that those that are apointed to make the rates for the prison are apointed with full Authoritie to agree with James Sweete and any other workemen for the buildinge of the prison and the proportion of it Ordered that all the Towne both of Inhabitantes and all that can beare armes meet a Munday next by eleven of the clocke in the morninge to chuse their military officers Ordered that Christopher Hauxhurst hath a corner of land granted him on his front next Mr Todds land if Richard Carder consent Ordered that wheras there was an anker of liquors taken from George Sargeant for neglectinge the recordinge of it and hee hath made it apeare that it was through Ignorance that the sayd George Sargeant shall have that part due to the Towne given him againe Ordered that Stukly Waskote shall have that part due sitie The Commission¬ ers chosen are Mr Greene Ser Mr Holliman Mr Gorton Mr Wickes John Greene Jur Richard Townsend [ 93 ] to the Towne of the lialfe anker liquors which was taken from him by distraint returned to him againe 144 May the 15th 1656 Mr John Greene Senior is chosen moderator of the Assem¬ bly for the present day It is ordered by this assembly present that Henry be chosen recorder pro tempore It is ordered that the Commissioners for the generall Court of Election next to be held at Portsmouth be these Mr Gorton Mr Houlden Mr Holliman Mr Todd Mr Greene Senior Mr Weeks Ordered that John Smith shall have the parcell of Ground granted unto him by the Towne in liew of his six acre lott lying betwixt his home lott and Mr Houldens 20 acre lott pro¬ vided he leaves a convenient passage into Mr Houldens lott ordered that Henry Reddocke and Christopher Hauxhurst be added unto Stuckly Wescot for surveyers untill the next choice ordered that forty shillings be sent out of the Treasu¬ ry unto Mr Roger Williams and a pair of Indian Breechs for his Indian at seven shillings six pence at 6 per penny as also a horse for his Jorney unto Boston and backe againe 145 ordered that Anthony Low and James Knape are admitted and receaved in as fremen to act in towne affaires It is ordered by this present assembly that the sale of all strong liquors and strong beere within the confines of this Towne of Warwicke is absolutely prohibited to be sould to all or any Indian whatsoever and if any person or persons shalbe found selling or to have soulde any strong [ 94 ] drinke as aforesaid within the bounds of the aforesaid Towne to any Indian it being proved before any of the officers of the said Towne by the Testimony of one Inglish man and one Indian the party soe selling contrary to this present order in true intent thereof shall forfeit all the liquors or strong drinke then found in Custody of the Transgressor as also five pounds sterling the one halfe of the said for¬ feiture shalbe due unto the said Towne and the other halfe to the party giving information thereof which forfeiture shall be taken by destraint upon a warrant from any of the officers of the Towne to the Constable or Sargeant And in case he deny to performe his office no urgent necessitie be¬ ing upon him he shalbe lyable to pay to the Towne the value of the forfeiture as also if shall fynd any liquor or strong drinke in the hands of any Indian hence forward within 146 the said Towne it shalbe lawfull for that party to take the liquor or strong from the Indian together with the vessell and convert them to their own use only it is order¬ ed that he take this strong drinke in the hands of any In¬ dian within the Towne as aforesaid he shall before he take it from the Indian bring him before one of the officers of the Towne that he may see the law prosecuted to the true in¬ tent thereof: Warwicke the 17 of May 1656 At a meeting of the Townsmen of Warwicke it is ordered that the medows at Patoomet and Patuxit that are now lotted out to the inhabitants shall remain unto each man appropriat¬ ed but for this yeare and to be alloted the next yeare if the Towne shall see cause It is ordered that the Treasurer of the Towne shall im- ploy men for the making of the fence betweene the Indians and [ 95 ] our Comon on this side Coissit and the Treasurer shall pay them for their pains and this mony shalbe raised by rate upon every mans chattells according as his number shall ap- peare it is further ordered that Mr Hol- 147 liman Mr Houlden Stukly Wastkote shall make the rate upon the chattell for the making the fence abovesaid It is ordered that John Sweet shall have two akers of medow for himself and Henry Townsend in any place where he can find it that is yet undevided for some pains he has taken in surveying the medow at Patuxit River within the bounds of the Towne And the like libertie James Greene and Richard Harcutt shall have as John Sweet hath granted him June the 2 1656 Mr John Weeks Senior is Chosen moderator for this present day Henry Reddocke is chosen recorder for this ensueing yeare Ordered by this assembly that if the Records of the Towne be not delyvered by Anne Greene unto Henry Richard Carder and Robert Westkote sent by the Reddecke Towne that then John Greene Junior shall forfeit and pay unto the Towne Treasury the full sume of twenty shillings 6 per penny for retarding the Towne this day It is ordered that it shalbe in the Townsmen power whensoever they shall meet to proceed upon choice for mod¬ erator notwithstanding any order to the Contrary [ 96 ] 148 The Towne proceeding to choyce of Towne officers those that are chosen for the ensueing yeare are these Mr Randall Honlden Deputy , Mr Ezekiell Holliman Asistant namely -> James Sweet Constable Amos Westkote Sergeant It is ordered that Richard Carder Stuckly Westkote and Henry Reddocke be added unto officers of the Towne for towne Counsell ordered that Stuckly Westkot, Henry Reddocke and Chris¬ topher Haukshurst stand for surveyors this yeare It is ordered for the repairing of Bridges for the bridge next to Mr Greene the inhabitants are to repaire it as far as Mrs Cole and Anthony lowes the midle bridge from John Sweets unto Tho: Ralphs and Tho: Greens the bridge at Staffords Mr Gorton Mr Smith Mr Weeks Mr Tod Mr Potter Mr Houlden and Richard Carder from Tho: Greens for Lippets bridge all the rest of that end of the Towne unto John Smiths the masons and this to be performed by the first of July upon the forfeiture of twenty shillings off 149 -of each bridge unfinished and for surveyors of this work Mr Greene senior Mr Weeks Mr Holliman and Henry Redocke and these bridges to be made of planke or halfe trees. ordered that there be atowne meeting on the first Monday in July next ensueing and this meeting to be called without further warrant by the Sergeant ordered for the Transcription of every dayes worke dur¬ ing the detainour of the records Henry Reddocke shall have five shillings to be taken by destres from John Greene Junior [ 97 ] by a warrant from any of the Conservators of the peace of this Towne ordered that it shall be unlawfull for any person or persons whatsoever inhabiting within the bounds of the Towne of Warwicke to let any Hoggs goe abroad upon the Common af¬ ter the first of March next ensueing and if any Hogg or pigg above a monetli ould be found abroad out of the owners ground after the space of 3 dayes together that then it slialbe law- full for any of the inhabitants of the towne to lay hould upon them and convert them to their proper use 150 June the 18 1656 Mr Randall Houlden Chosen moderator for this present day It is ordered that for this Court of Tryalls to be held at Providence the 25 of this instant that Mr Gorton Senr Mr John Greene Senior and Stuckly Westkote are Chosen to ofti- ciate as Jurymen October the 6 1656 It is ordered that Mr Walter Tod be recorder for this present day the Clerk being absent At a meeting of the Townsmen of Warwicke it is ordered Mr Gorton Mr John Weeks Mr Randall Houlden Mr Ezekiell Holi- man Mr John Greene Senior Mr John Greene Junior being chosen by the Towne of Warwicke for Commissioners they are to atend the next Generall Court at Portsmouth there to Transact the affairs of the Collony with the Comissioners of the other 3 Townes according to the presidents warrant 151 It is ordered that Henry Knoles Henry Reddocke and Tho: Stafford are by the Towne of Warwicke ordered Jurymen for the Generall Court next ensueing at Portsmouth [ 98 ] December the 5,1656 Mr Ezekiell Holliman Chosen moderator for this present day It is ordered that Henry Reddocke being Towne Clerk shall have the Towne records in his custody It is ordered that Tho: Bradley have his vote to act in Towne affairs. ordered that George Palmer have his vote to act in Towne affairs. It is ordered that the Treasurer shall pay unto Mr John Greene Junior seven pound foure shillings being due to him for his Clerks office It is ordered that James Greene together with Amos "VVestkote Sergeant are authorized by the Towne as formerly to gather up and in case of refusall to destraine for the rate which was rated for the prison. 152 At a meeting of the Townsmen of Warwicke they voluntar¬ ily agreed to accept and pay for their proportion of powder and bullets sent from ould England whereupon it is ordered that each freeman of the Towne shall bring in to Mr Houlden within 5 dayes after the date hereof in good and well order¬ ed peage at eight per penny white and 4 per penny blacke to pay for the powder & bulletts in the presidents hands and it being brought into the Towne it shalbe equally shared in atowne meeting and entered in the record what each man hath and in case afterwards upon search it be found that they have not such a quantitie off each by them they shalbe fyn- ed forty shillings and in case any faile of their pay they shall loose their share [ 99 ] ffebruary the 5th 1656-7 Mr Randall Holden is chosen moderator for this present day Ordered that Mathias Harvy have his vote to act in Towne affairs Ordered that John Sammon shall have a honselot given un¬ to him where the Towne shall think fittest for his accomoda¬ tion 153 Ordered that Tho: Bradley shall have the hyway removed to the outside of his six acre lott and the surveyors are are ordered to veew that it be done with conveniency with re¬ spect to the hyway it is ordered that Christopher Haukshurst shall repair for his payment to the inhabitants which had their medowes layd out Ordered that James Sweet shall have his Houslot inlarg- ed 3 rod into the Comon Ordered that Mr Holliman and Mr Weeks are appoynted to writ unto the president in behalfe of the Towne Concerning Richard Chasmores request for a spedy Tryall if he sees no other inconvenience in it it is further ordered that they give notice to Richard Chasmore that they have taken his case into consideration. Ordered that John Smith mason shall have a peece of Boggie medow at the end of the 3 pounds going to Toskeunke in lew of a share due to him 154 Ordered that James Greene and Tho: Greene shall each of them have a 6 acre lott where they can fynd them with conveniency and respect to hywayes [100] Ordered that Anthony Low shall have a 6 acre lott where it shalbe most convenient Ordered that Mathias Harry shall have a 6 acre lott due to him for the mill Ordered that Peter Buzicot smith shall have a 6 acre lott Joyning to his own Birchen ffield Ordered that Henry Reddocke be payd out of the Treasury of the Towne eighteen shillings 6 per penny white or 3 per penny blacke Ordered that every inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke that is rated for the prison do bring in to the Treasurer in what they can make payment for their Rate betwixt this and the 15 of this instant or else to expect a distres to follow forthwith 155 Whereas the Townesmen of Warwicke haveing taken into consideration that it cannot stand with the constitution of the place to continue twelve men for the trying of causes It is therefore ordered that there be established 6 Jurors for the tryall of Causes and to have 1 sh 6 d a man for each cause and for Counsellellers fees 3 shillings 4 pence and this to be of force not withstanding any law formerly to the contrary Ordered that Mr John Greene Junior be in the Roome of Stuckly Westkote a surveyor for the laying out of land fforasmuch as Indians are such fraudulent persons that their Testimony cannot be taken and although there hath beene a strict law for suppressing selling of liquors to them by the Inglish yet notwithstanding some few Inglish to¬ gether with them deale so fraudulently that they are as much furnished as before Therefore [ 101 ] 156 Therefore we order that any man in this Towne shall have liberty to sell liquors to the Indians to cary away but in case he sell or give him any to drinke in his house the Inglish man soe doeing shall forfeite five pounds and be debarred for selling any more liquors or strong drinke for a twelve month and it shalbe lawfull to take the said fine upon sufficient proofs without any wages of law no further. order that in case any Indians be found with any li¬ quors or stronge drinke within a mile of the Towne without ane Englishman to helpe him Convey it away it shalbe lawfull for any man to cease it and keepe it for himselfe and in case any Indian be found drunke in the limits of the Towne we shall execute accordinge to the generall law in that case provided And in case any Indians be found drinking liquors within the limits aforesaid it shall be lawfull for any per¬ son not only to take away their liquors but to make them pay five shillings apeeee also or 157 or plunder them and have the pay to themselves and this to be of force any law formerly notwithstanding fforasmuch as the generalitie of the inhabitants of the Towne of Warwicke does plead that there is no subsisting by keeping up of hoggs in their penns It is therefore ordered that swyne goe abroad upon the Common with this proviso that those that constantly haunt at home and are found apt to tres- pas in breakeing of fences they are to be iockt after the first of May next ensueing and if any take up a hogg that has dropt his ioke he shall have twelve pence for his paines and if any willfully neglect such trespassing hogs to have them iokt he or they shall pay five shillings for each trespas to [ 102 ] the Treasury and this to he of force any law formerly notwith¬ standing It is farther ordered that every inhabitant of the Towne of Warwick doe bring in to the Towne Clarke the eare marke of his Cattell to be recorded betwixt this and this day fort¬ night 158 It is lykwise ordered that the Towne Clerke shall have 6 pence of each man for entering the eare mark of their Cat- tell It is ordered that Lift: Robert Westkote doe give notice unto the Indians and espeshally to Pomham that he nor they marke no swine after the first of May next ensueing and those that they have already marked they doe keep them up or els the Inglish will seaze them ffebruary the 28 1656 Mr Randall Holden chosen moderator for this present day The names of the Jurymen chosen by the Townsmen of War- wicke to attend the Generall Court of Tryalls to be held at Newport the 2 Tuesday in March next ensueing ar these Mr Wal¬ ter Todd Mr Mathias Harvy and Mr John Greene Junior Ordered that Mr John Greene Junior shall have the Medow at the Northwest side of the pond called by the Indians Cacouncke lying by a brooke that runs into the aforesaid pond. 159 Ordered that Mr John Greene Junior shall have the med¬ ow at the Northwest side of the pond called by the Indians Cacouncke lying by a brooke that runs into the aforesaid pond. Ordered that concerning the payment of Richard Knight [ 103 ] Generall Sergeant we referre it to our Comissioners which are next chosen for the Generall Court to examine his Ac- . compts and what they Allow oft we promise to satisfie It being complained of that the Tole dish is too bigg Ordered that Mr Holliman doe gett a pair of skaills for the mill by the first of May next ensueing April the 8 1657 Mr Holliman is chosen moderator for the day Ordered that Mr Holliman doe write unto William Harris to signifie unto patuxet men that the Townesmen of Warwicke are free to put it unto arbitration concerning any Claime or difference in respect of the line and Comon And as for pertic- ular mens enterests they will not medle with but they must ishue the matter with the perticuler persons Ordered that William Burton have his vote to act in Towne affairs Ordered that Thomas Hedger have his vote to act in Towne Affairs Ordered that William Burton have a lott granted where it may be most convenient for him And not to be bound to build on it seing he builds in towne elswhere 160 At a meeting in Warwicke this 22 of April 1657 Mr Hould- en chosen Moderator That John Greene Junior be Clarke for the present the Clerke being absent Ordered that this be added to the former order last made concerning selling liquors to the Indians that in case any person or persons sell liquors to the Indians they shal- be bound to Convey them halfe a mile foorth of Towne at least and in case he or they neglect and doe it not they shall pay halfe as much as the liquors is worth to the Treasury being [ 104 ] lawfully Convict but tlie Testimony of a Housliolder absolute¬ ly affirming that he or she did send one halfe a mile in In- glish Contey with them shalbe sufficient to Cleare them in case there be not two Inglish witnesses to witnesse the Con¬ trary May the 9th 1657 Mr Houlden Chosen Moderator for this present day It is ordered Mr John Greene Senior Mr John Greene Jun¬ ior Mr Randall Houlden Mr Samuell Gorton Mr JohnWeeks Mr Wal¬ ter Todd being chosen by the Towne of Warwicke for Comission- ers they are to attend the next Generall Court at Newport there to Transact the affairs of the Affairs of the Collony with the Comissioners of the other 3 Townes according to the Generall Sargeants Warrant 161 June the first 57 Mr Randall Houlden chosen moderator for the present meet¬ ing The Towne being orderly met they did proceede to choyce of Towne officers _ _ f Mr Ezekiell holliman Deputy The officers clios- ,r w ,, m ,, . . , Mr Walter Todd asistant en and mgadged tor , m ? ° -i and Treasurer the ensuemg yeare T t « a J ohn Sweet Sergeant are lese Tlio: Ralph Constable It is ordered that Mr Gorton Mr Weeks and Richard Card¬ er be for Towne Counsell with the Towne officers It is ordered that James Sweet Richard Carder and Hen¬ ry Reddocke be surveyers for the ensueing yeare It is ordered that John Coles be receaved in as Towns¬ man haveing a Township granted unto him as also to vote in Towne Affairs [ 105 ] It is ordered that the Clerke ingadge the Tho: Ralph Constable he being absent at the Choyce Ordered that any inhabitant of this Towne that falls any trees upon the Comon either for Timber or fewell and doth not cut out the fewell and cleave or square the Timber or fetch it home uncleft within the space of nyne moneths it shalbe Comon for any inhabitant to take the same and Con¬ vert it to his or their own use 162 ordered that Mr Houlden and Mr Weeks doe meet the Ar¬ bitrators at Patuxit and to give them ane Answer as they see cause conduceing to the good of the Towne in generall ordered that Richard Carder and Henry Redock be added un¬ to Mr Todd to receave the Accompt of the Treasurer and report it unto the Towne ordered that James Sweet be Allowed two shillings for ev¬ ery the Towne meets in his house Ordered that Anthony Low doe take the 6 acre Lott layd out for Peter Buzicot and to pay for laying out a 6 Acre Lott for him ordered that Amos Westkote be payd out of the Treasury 2 pounds ten shillings in peage pay for his service done to the Towne as Sergeant June the 24 57 Mr Ezekiell Holliman Chosen Moderator for the present day Ordered that Mr Smith Mr Weeks and Thomas Stafford doe at¬ tend the generall Court of Tryalls the last of this Instant at Warwicke and to officiate as Jurymen ordered that Mr Ezekiell Holliman be a Comissioner in the Roome of Mr John Greene Junior he being absent [ 106 ] October the lOtli 57 Assembly Mr Ezekiell Holliman Chosen Moderator ffor this present 163 Ordered that Richard Carder Mathias Harvy and Amos West- kote doe attend the generall Court of Tryalls at Providence as Jurymen Ordered that Thomas Sc-ranton be receaved in a Townsman and have his vote Ordered that John Sammon shall have a parcell of Ground contayning six acres more or lesse as conveniency will permit ffronting along the Cartway leaving a watering place for Cat- tell eight pole wid betwixt him and John Smith Ordered that James Greene Thomas Stafford James Sweet Thomas Greene and Thomas Bradly doe serve for Jurymen at the next Towne Court of Tryalls the first Tuesday in November February the 8th day 1657 Mr Ezekiell Holliman Chosen Moderator for the present Assembly The Towne understanding at present (that Mary Percie widdow and inhabitant of Patuxit in Providence being in this Towne destitute of any setled being as also taking notice that no Inhabitant will undertake to secure the Towne of her and her child Therefore It is ordered that any on of the magistrates shall give order to the Constable to returne her to Patuxit in Providence in case she doth not depart of her own acord within a fortnight 164 It is further ordered that if any person within the Towne shall Intertayne in to their family or house any in like maner as aforesayd that the Towne officers in generall [ 107 ] shall not aprove of or without the Townes consent refuseing to give security then any magistrat shall cause the party intertaining to returne the party intertaynecl and if he re¬ fuse then he shall pay five poundes and the officer shall apoynt the Constable to doe it It is ordered that a parcell of land adjoyning to Mas- sapage pond westward be for a horse pasture for the Townes use according as may be most conveniently mad use of for to save fenceing that the horses may he there kept dureinge the time they are apt to damnifie the Corne Ordered that Thomas Ralph shall have the two branches of medow at Tuesketucket Ordered that Thomas Hedger shall have a six acre Lot adioyning to his home Lott or so much as conveniency will permitt with respect to the hyway and other mens Lotts The Towne being at present Informed that Tuckamonon Sachem of Patuxet hath of late tendered such land to sell as he 165 formerly engadged to The Towne have therefore thought meet to order that Mr Ezekiell Holliman and Mr Randall Houlden shall agree with the said Tuckamonon for all such medow or upland as was engadged and every Townsman shall bring in their pay to the said feffees within six dayes after demand or loose their share and the said Ezekiell Holliman or Ran¬ dall Houlden laying down the pay shall injoy the said share or shares as their own by vertue heeroft and for that end the Clerk is to sett up a Coppie oft this order upon the tree for publick veiw May the 1: 1658 Mr Ezekiell Holliman chosen moderator for this present day At a meeting of the Townsmen of Warwicke It is ordered that Mr Gorton Mr Weeks Mr Houlden Mr Greene Junior Peter [ 108 ] Greene and Mr Todd being chosen by the Towne for Commission¬ ers they are to Attend the Generall Court next at Portsmouth there to transact the affairs of the Collony with the Comis- sioners of the other 3 Townes according to the Generall Ser¬ geants warrant It is ordered lykwise that James Sweet Peter Greene and Amos Westkote doe attend the next Generall Court of Tryalls at Portsmouth for Jury men 166 It is ordered that the Treasurer shall satisfie the Com- issioners what is their due by law out of the excise from the Court in October :56 unto this tim: and for future time in the first place what debts soever else may be payable Ordered that the surveyors do veew Thomas Staffords front fence and stake it along according to the order in the grant thereof In answer to John Greene senior his bill it is ordered that the Surveyors doe at their discretion veew the land and in Case they find it beneficiall for the Hyway at their dis¬ cretion they are to lay it out but the land shall not be made use of untill the Swamp be drayned ■ The first of May 1658 Ordered that the Towne Deputy be moderator for the pres¬ ent day Ordered that John Greene Junior be Clerke for the Assem¬ bly because the Clerke is absent Ordered to chose Jurymen for the Towne Court of Tryalls this present month The Jurymen chosen to Attend the Towne Court are Matliias Harvy Richard Carder Thomas Hedger Thomas Ralph William Bur¬ ton Thomas Stafford Ordered that the Comissioners last chosen by the Towne [ 109 ] to Attend the Generall Court are to attend the generall Assem¬ bly in May next 167 Ordered that the house of Thomas Greene be for the use of the Comissioners and Court of Election and that the Treas¬ urer shall pay five shillings per day to Thomas Greene Ordered for the future any person that desires to be re- ceaved into the Towne shall in the first place have the aprob- ation of the Towne Counsell and in case he hath their aproba- tion, then being presented to the Towne by the Councell at the first meeting he may be receaved if the Towne by vote so order it any law to the Contrary notwithstandinge June the 9th 1658 Mr Ezekiell Holliman is chosen moderator for the present day Ordered to proceed to choice of Towne officers Mr John Greene ser Dept Mr Walter Todd Asistant Mr Mathias Harve Recorder Mr John Smith Treasurer Thomas Relph Constable John Sweet Sargeant Izekiell Holliman Mr John Smith and Mr John Weekes bee added to the Towne officers for the Townes Councell Ordered that Richard Carder James Green and James Sweet bee Surveyors for the yeare ensuinge 168 Ordered that Richard Carder James Greene and Thomas Greene bee Jurymen to atend the Generall Court of Trialls to bee held at Newport the last Tuesday of this Instant mon- eth of June The officers chosen are Ordered that Mr [ no ] Ordered that Richard Carder and Thomas Bradley beinge chosen searchers for the Towne of Warwieke, they are to act accordinge to their Comission made by the Court of Comission- ers in the 12th order at a Court held at Portsmouth March the 10th 1657 1658 Ordered beinge Mr Harve refuseth to bee Towne Clarke and Mr Todd to bee Asistant That John Greene Jur bee both Asis- tant and Clarke beinge engadged Ordered that beinge Mr John Greene ser refuseth to take his engadgment that Mr Ezekiell Holliman continue Towne De¬ puty wThile the next Towne Meetinge and in the meane time the Recorder is to tender him namely Mr Greene ser his en- gadgement It is ordered that the former rate that wTas made for the prison in this Towne bee forthwith gathered up what remaines ungathered and if any refuse to pay yt it bee taken by dis¬ traint, that so the money or cattell be brought into the Tresury that the Treasurer may make payment to Newport Towne towards a prison there accordinge to agreement made the last Court of Comissioners and the Towne Deputy and Asistant have power to take what course the thinke fitt for the expediting the matter It is farther Ordered that the overplus shalbee to satisfie those that have formerly layd out their moneys for the caryinge an end of the worke 169 It is ordered that Mr Reddocke bee payd out of the Treas¬ ury for his service duringe the time of his beinge Clarke The 10th of October Mr Ezekiell Holliman is chosen moderator for the Assembly in answer to the Presedents warant the Jurymen chosen to atend the Court of Tryalls in this Instant moneth to bee holden in [ 111 ] Warwicke are Thomas Relpli Richard Carder and John Lippitt senior Mr Gorton John Greene Jur Peter Greene are apointed are apointed to take the aconnt of all the Treasurer It is ordered that if any one kill the great gray woolfe that hath done so much mischeife in the Towne hee shall have five pound for his paines and for any other woolfe fower pound and if any Indian kill a woolfe within the confines of the Towne hee shall have forty shillinges for his paines and these payments slialbee made out of the treasury Ordered that beinge Mr John Greene ser still refuseth to take his engadgement that Mr Ezekiell Holliman bee Towne Deputy for the yeare ensuinge and that Mr John Greene ser bee annexed to the Councell October the 18th Mr Ezekiell Holliman moderator of the Assembly Ordered in answer to the Presedents warant that Com- issioners bee chosen to atend the court of Comissioners to bee holden in Warwicke the 2d of November next ensuinge, namely Mr Randall Houlden Mr Ezekiell Holliman Mr Samuell Gorton Mr John Weekes John Greene Jur Mr John Smith 170 The 22d of November 58 The Towne Deputy is chosen moderator Ordered that the Lawes bee published Ordered that John Greene Jur James Sweet and John Coles bee Joyned to Mr Ezekiell Holliman and Mr Randall Houlden to acompplish the purchase of all such meddowes in Tuckomonons right, as are already engadged to the Towne, and that it bee [ 112 ] not delayed being already treated on and bee satisfied for theire paines The 29th of January 1658 The moderator beinge chosen it is ordered to goe to choice of Jurymen for the Towne Court of Triads namely Matliias Harvy, Thomas Bradley Richard Carder William Burton John Smith the mason John Lippett sr George Typpett beinge presented by the Corniced order is voted to bee an Inhabitant Ordered that Mr Samuell Gorton John Greene and Peter Greene are farther apointed to take an acount of all rates or depts that concernes the Towne and setle matters in the Townes behalfe Jan the 29th 58 Richard Carder chosen moderator Jury men chosen to atend the Towne Court of Triads namely Richard Carder Mathias Harvy Thomas Bradley William Burton John Smith mason John Lippet senior, George Tippets beinge presented to the Towne by the Councells order is voted to be an Inhabi¬ tant Ordered that those men formerly chosen to take acount of the Treasurer shall likewise have power to take acount of all rates & cetera and setle all matters of 171 that nature Ordered that by the sixteenth of Aprill all liogges bee kept up and none suffered to goe abroad upon the Comon after the sayd time The 10th of May 1659 Mr Ezekiell Holliman chosen moderator Ordered that Mr Randall Houlden Mr John Smith Mr Sam- [ 113 ] uell Gorton John Greene Richard Carder and Richard Townsend beinge chosen Comissioners are to atend the Generall Asem- bly at Providence the 17th of May next there to transact the affayers of the Collonv with the Comissioners of the other three Townes June the 6th The Towne beinge met Mr Randall Houlden is chosen mod¬ erator of the Asembly Ordered that from henceforth there bee but two Town Maiestrates chosen yearly in our Towne of Warwicke namely one Deputy and one Asistant and that the Clarke is not to bee Asistant except hee by vote chosen tlierunto, and this to bee of force any lawe to the contrary notwitlistandinge Ordered to proceede to choice of officers the generall lawes beinge published: the officers chosen are as followeth ' Mr John Smith Deputy and Treasurer Jolin Greene Asistant and Towne Clarke i ame y - Thomas Relpli Constable Thomas Bradley Sergeant Mr Samuell Gorton Mr John Wickes Richard Carder are added to the 3 maiestrates to make up the Towne Counsell Richard Carder James Greene and James Sweet are chosen surveyors for the yeare ensuing 172 Ordered that Mr Randall Houlden is granted that parcel of land beinge eight pole wide, next John Smith the mason which was left formerly for a wateringe place but proves very inconvenient for that use Ordered that upon the request of John Greene the high¬ way betwixt him and Anthony Loe bee layd to John Greene and Thomas Scrantons land and that the highway be layd out of their land on the northeast side onely the Surveyors are to [ 114 ] discourse with the neighbours therabouts to see whether there bee any Inconvenience with respect to them Ordered that James Greene is to have three akers of upland insteed of his two akers of meddowe granted to Rich¬ ard Harcutt and him by the Towne in the most convenient place hee can find not already disposed of Ordered that the Clarke is to engadge Mr John Smith and Thomas Relph beinge absent the rest beinge already en- gadged June the 22 Ordered that Henry Knoles have the six aker lott form¬ erly granted to Thomas Hedger which was to joyne to the house lott bought of Stafford, and that Thomas Hedger have a six aker lott granted him in the roome of it in some con¬ venient place to build on Ordered that the Clarke forthwith coppie out the Towne charter in the Towne booke. Ordered that from henceforth the Townes meeting bee kept at Thomas Greenes house and hee to have six sliillinges per day for that end 173 Caleb Hatheway's Earmark of his Creatures is a fork in the right ear and a Crop on the left with two slits in the top of the Same June the 21st 1760 Jer. Lippitt Clk Abraham Lockwood Jr Ear k of his Creatures is a fork in Each Ear and a half penny the underside of the left Ear Decebr 26th 1771 This 19 of August 59 Mr John Smith is chosen moderator Mathias Harvy chosen Clarke for the present meetinge. the Recorder beinge absent [ 115 ] Ordered by the Towne forthwith to goe to the choice of Comissioners: Ordered that the Court of Tryalls to bee holden in this Towne of Warwicke to morrowe beinge Tuesday be pro- roged untill to morrowe sennight and all bondes to bee as firm unto that day as unto the former time and the reason of it is because of the Generall Court of Com Interferinge Ordered by the Towne because of the allegations of Richard Towmsend of his not beinge warned to atend the Towne meetinge neither beinge warned to atend the Generall Court as Comissioner in due season therfore to proceed to a choice of another in his roome the party chosen is John Greene Mr Houlden moderator Ordered that the lawes bee published & a rate of Thir¬ ty pound bee gathered up forthwith the men chosen to levy the rate are Mr John Smith Mr Walter Todd & John Greene Ordered that the Sergeant shall have ten sliillinges for gathering it The 3d of October 1659 Mr John Smith is chosen moderator Ordered by the Towne that John Greene and William Burton beinge chosen by the Towne have liberty granted to The Comissioners chosen are who are to atend the next Court at Portsmouth Mr Samuell Gorton Senior Mr Ezekiell Holliman Mr Mathias Harvy Richard Townsend James Sweet Robert Westkote 174 The 22d of August 1659 The 16th of September 1659 [ 116 ] sell wine 01* liquors in their houses by retale to either Townsmen or strangers, and they are at their liberty to keepe entertainment for strangers if they please, and all other persons are prohibited to sell by retale any wine or liquors, that is to say, except they sell a gallon to be caried away at once, and in case they offend they are lya- ble to pay the twenty shillinges fine provided by the Gen- erall lawe, wee likewise declare that John Greene and Wil¬ liam Burton aforesayd are responsable accordinge as lawe provides for Ordinary keepers in all cases only they are not forced to give entertainment, and this license they 175 are to have untill some Ordinarie keepers that the Towne shall aprove of bee constituted, it is also provided that 110 Indians are Intended by the premises but the Generall lawe to be wholly observed with respect to them The Jury men chosen to atend the Generall Court of Tryalls to bee liolden at Portsmouth the lltli of October next are James Greene Richard Carder and William Burton By reason of the often absence of Sergeant Bradley from the Towne together with his desier of release it is Ordered that hee is freed and Thomas Hedger is chosen and engadged in his roome The 31 of October 1659 Ordered by the Towne that Wheras Anthony Loe hath proposed to keepe an Ordinary, it is granted unto him upon these tearmes that hee is to keepe Ordinarie two yeares if hee please, but for one veare hee hath engadged to keepe it and in case at the yeares end hee see cause to lay it downe hee is to give the Towne a quarters warninge hee like¬ wise engadgeth to provide against springe next two bedds for strangers wherofe hee hath one bedd already, The Towne her- [ 117 ] upon engadge to give him the excise of what wine or liquors hee retaleth during the terme of his keepinge Ordinary and so hee is to receave a license from the Towne Deputy Ordered that wheras Anthony Loe is Indebted to the Treasury excise for a barrell of liquors that the Towne give him halfe the excise therofe The 14th of ffebruary 1659 176 Mr Smith is chosen moderator Ordered that wheras Mr Smith Treasurer is arested in the Townes behalfe in an action of trespasse in an action of trespasse upon the case by William ffield William Har¬ ris William Carpenter and Zachariah Rhoades all of Provi¬ dence that the Towne are resolved to answer the suit and what charges is disbursed to pay and secure Mr Smith afor- sayd from any damadge by the sayd suite Ordered that Mr John Wickes bee the Aturney in the Townes behalfe to mannadge the sayd suite Ordered that those which have not their six aker lots layd out gett them layd out betwixt this and the first of May next and that for all lands that have been or shalbee layd out in the Townshipp betwixt this and the first of May next bee payd for by that time upon forfeiture of ye land The 7th of ffeb 1659 Mr John Smith moderator It is ordered that Mr Walter Todd Mr Mathias Harvy Anthony Lowe Richard Carder William Burton and John Lippett ser beinge chosen Jurymen are to atend the Towne Court of Trialls The 10th of March 1659:60 Mr Smith chosen moderator The Jurymen chosen to atend the Generall Court of Thomas Stafford [ US ] Trialls at Newport the 13th of March next are Mr Anthony Lee Mr Mathias Harvy Mr Thomas Bradley Ordered that wheras the choice of millitary officers 177 is to bee the same day that the Court of Trialls is at Newport and the Towne beinge not in a capacity to a- tend it by reason of the Court have therfore deferred the choice untill the next tuesday followinge Ordered that Thom¬ as Bradley shalbee payd by the Treasurer for beinge Sar- geant Ordered that wheras James Sweet hath made it apeare that hee hath payd for his house lott that it bee recorded The 4th of Aprill 1660 Mr Smith is chosen moderator for the present meetinge Ordered by the Towne that wheras Captaine Randall Houl- den is to goe to Tanton upon the Colloneyes buisnesse be¬ inge our Townes Comissioner to meet with the Comissioners of Plimouth, that for the expence of himselfe and horse they will satisfie it provided hee doe goe thither as aforesayd Ordered that the Jury men chosen to atend the last Towne Court of Tryalls doe still stand untill those matters are re¬ heard in this Towne and so Issued Ordered that with respect to the discharge that Mr John Smith Treasurer had at the Iland with Mr Peter Tollman con- cerninge Careinge of Elizabeth Heger 178 That is to say that if the Towne would take course to pro¬ vide her a place in Portsmouth to board in for a moneths time then the sayd Tollman would try what efect he could worke upon her in that time, and in case hee cannot cure her hee will have nothinge for his paines But in case hee [ 119 ] see cause at the monthes end, hee the sayd Tollman will take her home to his house and if hee Cure her then the sayd Toll¬ man is to have two yeares service, or if her freedome bee desired then they that desire it are to pay Ten poundes and the Towne for the accomplishinge of the matter doe authorize Mr John Smith Treasurer to engadge in their behalfe aceord- inge to the premises and wilbee responsable to him or his order herin Ordered by the Towne that wheras there was formerly an agreement betwixt Anthony Lowe and the Towne concerninge keep inge Ordinarie and the sayd Anthony Lowe hath not yet taken license and farther some have complained that they could not have entertainment at his house Therfore the Towne doe re- peall that order made betwixt him and the Towne, and doe de- sier the Recorder to give notis therofe 179 Mr Smith moderator this 9th of Aprill 1660 Ordered that the Townes men forthwith doe goe Towards the horspastor to view a place to lay out 6 aker lotts, up¬ on the returne Mr John Smith beinge absent Mr John Wickes is chosen moderator Ordered that the surveyors doe goe on with laying out of the lotts accordinge to the forme proscribed unto them by the Townsmen leavinge the horse pasture open Ordered by the Towne that Anthony Low hath that six ak¬ er lott confirmed to him that wTas layd out on the backe side of that house lott that Peter Buzicott now dwelleth in and that the sayd Anthony Lowe and Peter Buzicott have liberty granted to exchange their 6 aker lotts and Comonidges with this proviso that Peter Buzicott in case they exchange is to hoald Anthony Lowes upon the same tenure as before hee held his owne [ 120 ] Ordered that henceforth any Inhabitant that shall her- after bee receaved shall not have any land accordinge to any former Order but so much onely as the Towne shall by partic¬ ular order grant them where the Towne shall see fitt any order formerly notwitlistandinge 180 The 30th of Aprill 1660 Mr John Smith Deputy is chosen moderator Ordered that the writinge proposed to the Towne Con- cerninge land about Aquidnesit by the Presedent and the rest apointed to buy land for the Colloney bee read John Potter receaved freeman Ordered that Mr John Wickes Richard Carder and James Sweet doe betwixt this and the next meetinge view Samuell Staffords front and the front of John Greene adjoyning ther- to and see whether they find the highway damnified and setle it as also they are to view the foote way into Quinimicoke upon the Lott of John Greene Senior and setle it, as also they are to lay out the highway through the mill Lot and to make returne of the matter to the next Towne meetinge The 13th of May 1660 Mr John Smith is chosen moderator Ordered in answer to the Presedents warrant that Com- issioners forthwith be chosen The Comissioners chosen in answer to the Presedents warrant are these namely Capt Randall Houlden Mr Samuel Gor¬ ton Ser Mr John Smith Mr John Wickes John Greene & Richard Carder who are to atend the Court of Election at Portsmouth together with the Comissioners of the other Townes there to transact all matters that concerne the welfare of the Collo¬ ney accordinge to the Articles of union Ordered that the Clarke do write any freemans voat of this Towne that cannot write liimselfe and that hee [ 121 ] 181 call upon persons for their voates The 4th of June 1660 John Greene is chosen moderator for the day Ordered to goe to choice of Towne officers Mr John Smith Deputy and Treasurer Mr Walter Todd Asistant Mr Mathias Harvv Clarke Thomas Relph Constable Thomas Hedger The 3 chosen to bee of the counsell to bee Joyned to the three maiestrates are Mr Samuel Gorton ser Mr Randall Houlden and Mr John Wickes The surveyors for the yeare ensuinge are Richard Carder James Greene James Sweet Ordered that John Greene bee payd forthwith what is due to him by the Treasurer Ordered that Mr John Smith Treasurer and Mr Randall Houlden bee apointed to hier men to mend the fence out by the pond next Toskeunke and that they bee satisfied out of the Treasury for their paines Ordered that from henceforth the Constable bee payd for each warrant servinge 2 s 6 d besides the time hee spends a- bout it which slialbee at the discression of the maiestrate or maiestrates Ordered that James Sweet bee granted to run his fence from his gate neere the corner of the bridge over the dirty place at the discression of the other surveyors Ordered that on Munday next the Inhabitants doe meet to chuse their millitary officers 182 Ordered the Deputy and Asistant at the desier of John Greene take notice of the surrender of the Reeordes [ 122 ] The 17th of August 1660 Mr John Smith is Chosen Modtr: for this present day Jurymen Chosen to atten ye next cort of Tryells are these Richard Carder - Wm Burton - Anthony Lowe - John Lipode Senior - Richard Townsend James Sweete - Ordered by ye Towne yt the paper yt James Greene put in, in ye behalfe of his Bro John Greene it is Refered till ye next towne meeting August 1660 Ordered by ye Courte yt ye Jurey shall have thare mony, by Reason Lieut Rob. Wescott is wantting 23 August 1660 Wee Jeremiah Wescott & Tho. Bradly have agreed & given full power unto Matthias Harvy & Richard Townsend to End all differences between us in case depending in ye corte & if yt Cannot agree, to chuse ane Umpir, whereunto, wee bind our selfs Each to other in twentie pounds Bond, to stand to ye Determination: of ye above said parties Order by ye Corte yt the presentment of ffrancis Derby be Reffered untill ye nexte Corte of Tryells to be held in this Towne: Mr John Greene Moderator Reed by Mr John Smith of George Tipetts for his fine in ye behalfe of ye State fortie shillings Juerie men chosen for ye Eight Corte of Tryells the 28 of September 1660 are these Rich: Townsend Rich: Carder James Greene 183 Cumishoners chosen are to attend ye next generall Corte of ory & ty: Mr Holding Mr Gorton Mr Weekes Mr John Greene: Mr Smith: Rich Carder: Ordered yt Mr John Smith Depewtie & Mr Walter Todd as¬ sistant shall appoynt a house for ye Corte to set in C 123 ] Ordered yt Mr John Smith Mr John Weekes and Stnkly Wes- cott are appointed, with ye Servieors to vew all fences through ont ye whole towne soe yt ye highway or Streete may be not Infringed Ordered yt Mr John Greene shall have, as much land at his medo cacawonck, Knowen by ye English name coeset pond, for to fence his medo in, he leaveing out soe much of his land at Occapasatuxet This 16th of December 1660 Mr John Greene Chosen Moderator for this present day: Ordered yt Mr John Smith Tresuer shall sent to ye Re¬ corder of Newport wheather any Lickers he Entred and Excise paid within this twelfe mounth, according to ye Gennerall Order of ye Collony, and if any whose Lickers, upon ye Re- turne of ye answer if not paid Mr Smith hath Libertie to Dis- traine: Ordered yt James Sweete and Richard Carder is Appointed to looke after, who hath paid, towards ye building of Good¬ man Bakers house, & they yt have not those two men are ap¬ pointed to take up ye Remainder, & yt fower pounds shall be added to it out of ye Excise to buy him Nesesaries, withall Ordered yt Mr Weekes Bill Conserning timber he Refered untill ye Next Town Meeting. 184 ye 3 of March 1660 The vardict of ye grand Inquist Wee who are Engaiged to see this dead Indian, doe find by dilligent sarch, yt he was beaten which was ye cause of his Death Stuckly Wescott fforman Amos Wescott John Potter JohnLipodeSenr Sam: Stafford Wm: Burton Hennery: Knowles [ 124 ] Tho: Eelphe Tho: Greene Eieh: Osburne Wm: Eaten Jereme: Wescott The 11 March Mr John Smith is Chosen Moderat: Grad Jueriemen Chosen to atend, ye Generall Corte of Tryalls held at Providence, & Pette Juriemen: Pettee Jueriemen Eich: Townsend Mr Eudeck Eich: Carder Grad Juriemen Chosen Wm Burton Matthias Harvy John Sweete. ffor ye preventing of Sutes in law, Ordered yt if any man Ig- norently, shall fall any Timber one any mans land unfenced granted by this Towne, ye partie which ones ye land, shall pay those person or person, or let him have ye Timber, Ordered yt Mr John Weekes shall be allowed 4 s & 6 d per day for as long time he is imployed about Tuskeunck medoe, in land or in mony Ordered yt ye Choyse of Millaterie Officers be Eefered till ye 26 of March: becase many of ye Towne will be at ye Corte, which is ye time appointed 185 Ordered that Hoges shall goe one ye Comon & if any mans hoges tresspes or doe any damage, ye oners of ye hoges shall shall pay ye damage or lose thare hoges, provided, yt thare fence be Judged Suffistient, by ye Surveors, any order form¬ erly not withstanding - The 1 of Aprrill, Mr John Smith Chosen Moderator ffor this present day: 1661 Ordered in answer to Mr Holdens Bill, yt forthwith those yt are free to pay thare monies for Aqueadnesicke doe enter thare names, & yt tenn dayes time be appointed for those yt [ 125 ] are absent, to Report to ye Clarke to Enter tliare names also: and bring in thare monies Mr John Smith Chosen Moderator, this 16th of May 1661 Cumishoners is chosen to attend ye next cort of Ellec- tion, Mr Gorton: Mr Holden Mr John Smith, Mr Weekes John Greene James Greene: Ordered whare as this Towne suffereth abues, about Ex¬ cise by Reasin of licquers landinge at Newporte, yt pay noe excise, although entred at both places, yt tharefor our Cum- ishoner, doe motien ye mater to ye generall Corte at New¬ porte : by petistion and Receaive thare Determenation This 3 of June 1661 John Smith Chosen Towne depewtie, Mr John Weekes, assistant, Mr Smith Tresurer: Wm: Burton Cunstable: Thomas Heger Sargent James Greene Towne Clarke Ordered yt good Heger, and Matthias Harvy shall be paid by Mr John Smith Tresuer, for thare last years Sarvis 186 The Towne Counsell are Mr Holding Mr Gorton Rich: Card¬ er : Mr Smith Mr Weekes John Greene: Surueaors chosen are these, Rich Carder: James Sweete: James Greene: Excisemen Chosen are these: Richard Carder thomas brad- ly It is declared by this Towne that wee take notice that the Generall lawe made at Warwicke at the time of the Proc¬ lamation of the kinge concerninge all warrants et cetora to bee Issued forth in his maiesties name wholly concernes this Towne for all their Transactiones as well as the Colloney and it is likewise ordered that all officers that are hence¬ forth engadgecl in this Towne bee Ingadged in his maiesties name Ordered that Mr John Greene and Mr John Wickes are [ 126 ] forthwith to demaund and receave all the Townes Recordes of Mr Mathias Harvy and deliver them to the present Clarke August the 24 day Mr John Smith Deputy chosen modera¬ tor for this present day Ordered hy the towne forthwith to goe to Choyce of Com¬ missioners September the 30th day 1661: at a towne meting Mr Smyth Chosen moderator for this present day Ordred to goe to choyes of Jury men to atend the Genrall Court held at Portsmouth the 2d Cheusday of October next Jury men Chosen are Mr Mathias harvi Mr Antony Lowe and John Swett Mr Edmund Callverle Presented by the Towne Councell to the Towne to heave his vote to Act in Government which the Towne dide grant hy a free vocate Ordred that all ye free Inhabitants of this Towne that Will Send in thier vocates to nullifie the Petion Presented By Mr William Vahan John Cogshall and the rest doe bring in thier vocates to the Clerke and he to send them to the Gen- erall Recorder The Towne of Warwicke Protest Against the Copey Sent by the Generall Recorder of the Actes of the Court held at Portsmouth the 27th of August 1661 ordered that the Clarke Shall Send the Genrall Recorder a Copey hereof Ordred that the Soulders all mete in thier Armes the The Comisenores Chosen to atend the next Cort held at Portsmouth August the 27 are Mr John Smyth Mr John Weeks Mr Gorton Senier Mr John Greene Mr Randall Houlden Mr Richard Carder 187 [ 127 ] first day of November next at the Captaines if the Season hinder not At a Towne meting held at Warwicke the 2d of November, Mr Smyth Chosen Moderator The Towne tacking it into Serious Consideration the repieration of the breach of the mill dame and being it canot bee don untill the Inhabitants doe Genrally asist in the worcke At a Towne meeting held at warwicke the 2d of November 1661: Mr Smyth Chosen moderator The Towne tacking it into Consideration the Repayeration of the breach of the mill 188 dame and being it cantst be done unles the Inhabitants Genral¬ ly asist in the worck hence therfor thought fite to order that all the Inhabitants Shall asist in the worcke and those that requier satisfaction for thier time Mr harvi does engage to pay them and for the bettor efecting of the mater the Towne dothe apoynt Mr Weekes Mr John Greene to give order when and whoe Shall come in as Ocation requiers as allso when all the Inhabitants Shall come in and if any refues whar Such warning from the deputed men above Sayd they Shall be lyabell to pay a fine at the descrection of the Towne acording as the damage Shall apeare for thier neglect January ye 6th at a towne meting mr Smyth Chosen modera¬ tor for this present day Ordred that Mr Smyth Mr John Weekes Mr Houlden Mr John Greene Mr Todd and Thomas Greene and James Greene are Chosen to vew the plas for the hors pasture Ordred yt John Swett is to heave five pound for the wolfe he hath killed in peaug 8 pr peny Ordred that Mr John Greene is apoynted to write to the [ 128 ] President and Asistants about the Indians Presing in upon onr lands and spoyling onr timber desiering thier Asistants to Snpres thier violenc January ye 27 day at a Towne meiting Mr Smyth Chosen mod- erater Ordred to Chense Jurymen for ye Court of Tryalls held ye first Chusday in february next 189 The Jurymen Chose are namely Thomas Relph William Burton John Sweete John Lipett henry knowles James Sweete Ordred wheras at a Towne meeting the 3th of ffebruary in the year (1657) there was granted a place for a horse pasture for the Townes use it is now ordered that all those free Inhab¬ itants that are now willing to fence in a pasture for horses heave liberty granted by the Towne to tacke in Either three quarters of a mile or a mile square more or lesse on the west side of Massapage pond and that the sayd Pasture Shall bee onely proper to them that fence and farther in Case any per¬ son that will not Joyne in fencing the sayd pasture shall pre¬ sume to put in any of thier Cattell in the sayd pasture with¬ out the leave of those free Inhabitants that shall fence the same hee or they shall bee liabell to trespase as well as though it were a particular mans propeirty any former order notwithstanding At a Towne meting March ye 5th 1661 Mr Smyth Chosen mod¬ erator for ye Present day Ordred to goe to choyes of Jurymen to atend ye Generall Court of tryalls to bee held at Newport ye second tusday of this Instant March 9 Jury men Chosen are namely Mr Wallter Todd Mr Edmund Cal- verly Mr Mathies harvi for ye grand Jury and ye Choyes for ye Pety Jury are Mr Antony Low Richard Carder thomas Eelph [ 129 ] 190 Ordred yt ye bill Presented by Mr Calverly and Mr Weekes bee propiyated by tbose men whose names are subscribed and ther bee aded to them Mr John Greene and John Swett and to make a returne of it to ye towne Ordred yt Mr Weekes is to keepe Laraunc Pinnock and to bee blameles with Respect to ye law and yt ye magistrates bee Authorised to tacke an acoumpt of Mr Lowe and others Consern- ing ye Sayd Lanranc Ordred yt ye Indian yt killed ye wolfe is to have forty shillings in peaug 8 a peny of ye treasurer Ordred yt ye Choyes of military Oficers bee Put of till wensday Come fortnight because of ye Generall Courte Aprell ye 12th 1662 At a Towne meting Mr Weekes Chosen modrator Ordred yt Mr John Smyth Treasurer is apoynted to demand all ye mony yt is due on acount to ye towne of Warwick from all ye Inhabitants therof and in case they doe not come in and acoumpt and pay all yt is due, betwixt this and ye 16th of May next yt Mr Smyth Treasurer is Requird to distraine on thos Perosns yt shall bee defective herin and and he as is said to give notice to ye Inhabitants 191 Ordered that every Leagull tenament yt is not Plased to any bridge as yt ye Surveyers are Authorized to place them to such bridges as they Shall See fiting and upon lafull notis herof they not apearing and doeing such worcke as they shall bee Apoynted to doe that then ye Survayers shall put men on worck and ye defective person or persons Sail paye yt by a distraint from ye Towne Debuty or asistant it is Ordred on ye Request of John Sweett yt he shall have ye land yt is above six rod now lying to ye highway [ 130 ] beefore ye front of his lot upon this Condistion yt hee shall maintaine A good foote waye so long as hee houldes his lote May ye 10th 1662 at a towne meeting Mr Smyth chosen moderator for ye present day Ordred to goe to Choyes of Commisioners to atend ye Courte of Electtion yt is to bee held ye 20: of this Instant May The Commisiniors Chosen ar namly Mr Smyth Mr John Greene Mr John Weckes Mr Samuell Gorton Mr Randall Houlden James Greene Ordred that Goodman heger is apoynted to give notis to ye Inhabitants of ye Towne to Repayer ye fenc at Toskeunck and hee to oversee the worck 192 And to beeging on ye worcke next Munday being ye 12th of May 1662 and to bring in ye acompt of thos that doe worck at ye fenc to ye Towne and hee shall bee satisfied for his paines by ye Tresuer June 1662 Mr Smyth Chosen Modrator Ordred by ye towne yt ye oficers yt where Chosen ye last yeare shall stand for ye yeare insuing being Engadged June ye 30th: 1662 Mr Smyth Chosen Modrator for ye present day Ordred by ye towne yt in Case our neighbors yt are arested by Mr ffilled Generall asistant are sent to prison yt a leter be drawen up and Sent to ye Prisedent The men chosen to drawe up ye leter are Mr Samuell Gor¬ ton and Mr John Greene Ordred by ye towne yt ye leter drawne up by Mr Gorton and Mr John Greene bee Tranescribed by ye Clarke in behalfe and apoympent of ye Towne of Warwick [ 131 ] August ye 12 day at a towne meting Mr Weckes Chosen modrator for ye present day 193 Ordred yt ye lawes made at ye Genrall Court of Commish- onores be read Ordred yt Evry mans Share of Meddow at Patowomet and papepieset alias Toskenk be Recorded by ye clarke in ye Towne Bocke and yt wheras ther is a mistacke in record beeing 2 Shares entred 26: it is ordred yt ye first share 26 shall stand and ye other 26 to bee entred 29 becaues ther is not any of yt numbred entred Ordred to goe to choes men to macke ye rate for to gath¬ er ye mony yt is ordred by ye Genrall Court to bee sent to Mr John Clark our Agent The men Chosen are Mr John Greene Mr Smyth Mr Samuell Gorton Jewry men Chosen for to atend ye Courte of Triyalls ye 3d Thuesday of this Instant august are Mr Harvi Thomas Relph John Swett William Burton Amos Wascott John Lipett October ye first day 1662 at a Towne meting Mr Smyth Chosen moderator for ye present day Ordred to goe to Choyes of Jewry men for ye Genrall Cort of trialls to be held ye 2d theusday in October at Warwick Grand Jewry men Chosen are Mr Thomas Greene Mr Mathias Harvi James Greene ye Petty Jewry are Mr Calverly Richard Carder John Lip¬ ett Senior 194 Ordred yt Mr John Greene Shall have 7 s: 6 d in peaug 16 a [ 132 ] peny for 7 s: 6 d layd out in Silver for drume heades and Line for ye Townes ues Ordred yt thos men yt did watcli ye Indians shall have 2 s 6 d pr day in pag 8 a peny Ordred yt to men be Choesen to Signifie to each Inhabitant what tlieier rate is and to tack thier answer concerning Payment and mack returen therof to ye deputy Ye men chosen are Mr Edmund Calverly and Richard Townsend Ordred yt they shall be ten shillings in Curant pay for theyer Paiens Payd by ye Treasuerer Desember ye 31tli: 1662 Mr Smyth Chosen Modrator for ye present day Ordred to goe to Choyes for men to mack ye rate Orddred by ye Genrall Corte ye men Chosen are Mr John Smyth Mr Samuell Gorton Mr John Greene Ordred yt ye rate Shall be by ye Inhabitants of Towne brought in to Mr John Smyth treasurer Ordred yt Mr Smyth Mr Wickes Mr John Greene shall tacke ye Acompt of William Burton for ye charge for keeping ye Indians yt was aprehend Ordred yt Amos Wescott is Chosen to vew ye fence of ye horse pasteure and in case of defect to give notis to ye de- fecktive person and upon notis given he or they neglecting he hath power to set men on the worcke on theier fenc and in case they deni to pay it Shall be tacken by destrainte 195 January ye 30th at a meting Mr Smyth Chosen modertator for ye day Ordred to goe to Choyes of Jewry men to atend ye Towne Coerte ye 3d day of february next enseuing Ye Jewry men Chosen are Mr Edmund Calaevly Richard Card¬ er William Burton Thomas Relph John Lippett senior Amos Was- cott [ 133 ] Ordred yt all Mariages bee Recorded as allso birth of Chilldren and death of persons yt so Orfanes may know when to Claime theiere Inharitances by recorde Ordred yt ye Clarke Shall heave for recording maridge 0 -1 s - 0 d and for recording ye birth of a Childe 6 d and for ye recording ye death of a person 6 d Ordred yt ye bill prefered by Mr Calverly and William bur¬ ton Conserning ye Straightening of thiere fenc from goodman Earentons fenc it is left to the Snrveyers to doe as they shall see caues provided they doe not Damnifie ye hie wayes february ye [blotted] at a Towne Meeting Mr John Smyth Modrator Mr John Greene is desiered by ye Towne to supley his brothers rome being absent as Clarke The Jewry men Chosen to atend the Genrall Conert of Trialls next to bee houlen at Providence ye 2d Teusday of march next ensheuing ye date herof are thes namly Mr Edmund Calverly Mr Richard Carder Mr Richard Townesend and for ye petty Jewry are Mr Tohames Greene James Greene Amos Wastcoate Ordred yt John Lippet senior hath in answer to his bill liberty granted him to laye downe 196 the six aker lott which hee hath bought of John Gerardy and to take it up in another place in ye rome of it adioyninge to his owne six aker lott and adjoyeninge to ye end of John Warners six aker lott hee having agreed with ye Towne and sat¬ isfied for the Exchanging ye Survayers being to laye out ye boundes May ye 7th 1663: Mr Wickes chosen Modrator Ordred to goe to Choyes of Commisiniores ye Comisioners Chosen to atend ye Genrall Corte to bee helld ye 12 of this [ 134 ] Instant May are namely Mr Samuell Gorton Mr John Smyth Mr John Wickes Mr John Greene Mr Walter Todd Mr Randall Houlden Ordred yt James Greene is apoynted to recieve all ye vocates for ye Court of Election and thos that doe not bringe them in he is to goe to theier houses to know Whether they will send thier vocates and so to recieve them and deliver them to any of ye Comisioers Ordred yt all Measueres for Corn Shall bee made by ye standard of ye Coloney and all yt have measeures shall them bringe to ye Clarke of ye Towne and he shall measeure them and seal those yt are true and seale them with a which Shall bee ye townes mark for ye sealing each measheure ye Clarke shall heave 4 d and this to bee anexed to ye Clarkes duties and they are forthwith to repaier to ye ofies Ordred yt Mr Low hath to sett up a fence on ye side of yt downe to his house, and ye Survayers are to vew it and to mack report of it to ye Towne and if ye Towne see cause to grant it to him May ye 25th at a Towne meeting Mr Smyth chosen Modera¬ tor 197 Ordred yt 20 men of ye Inhabitants of this Towne of War¬ wick shall goe forthwith to sett up ye fence in ye place where it was formerly sett up from ye head of Coave goeing to Apon- achack and rainging downe to ye fresh river to toeskeuncke ye 27 of this Instant maye Ordred yt Mr John Greene is apoynted to Surveaye ye worke and upon ye fnshing of ye worcke thos men yt doe ye worck shall bee satisfied towards thier paines by thos yt goe not acording as ye Survayer Shall Judg resonabell and in case any man Shall deney to pay upon noties given it shall bee tacken by destrainte [ 135 ] Ordred yt Mr Lowe is granted a parsel of Low ground on ye southwest Side of ye brocke yt runs downe to his house up¬ on this consideration yt hee shall laye downe so much of his owne land in ye roome of it and it shall he layd out by ye survayers June ye first 1663 Mr Smyth Chosen modderator Ordred to goe to Choyes of Towne offisers ye ofisers Chosen for ye yeare ensheuing are Namely Mr John Smyth Deputy and Tresurer Mr John Wickes Asistant James Greene Clark Mr Edmund Calverly Constabell Mr Richard Townsend Constabell Amos Wastcot Sargant Ordred yt two Constabells be chosen for the Towne of Warwicke ye one dwelling in ye Towne and ye other dwelling on this side ye river called Pautucketuxet river within ye limits of this Towne of Warwick 198 June ye 12th at a Towne Meeting Mr Smyth Chosen Moddra- tor Wheras at a Towne meeting ye first of June 1663 it was Ordred yt those yt would not fence thier proportions of ye horse pasteure should forfeit thiere shares and ye sayd Ord¬ er beeing not Entred in ye Boocke it beeing not thought So Convenient it is repealed and so not to bee entred and in Case any person doe nowe refuse to fence his or thier share or proportion forthwith, then Amos Wastkote is to sett per¬ sons a worcke at such rates as hee can procure them Immediat- ley and they pay shall bee tacken by Destrainte by a warante [ 136 ] from ye Towne majestrate to ye Towne Sargent it beeing agre- abell to former order June ye 29th at a Towne meeting Mr Smyth moddrator Voated yt ye lawes made at ye Court of Commishnores shall bee read Jeuley ye 31 Day at a towne meeting Mr Weckes Chosen Moddarator Wheras it is ordred by ye Towne yt those yt where of ye Towne Counsell last yeare namely Mr Samuell Gorton Senior Mr Randall Houlden and Richard Carder shall serve for this yeare ensheuing allso together with ye majestrates and Mr John Smyth deptuy beinge one of ye Counsell is disessed therfore it is Father ordred yt Mr John Wicks is to suply ye plase of depeutey for this yeare ensheuinge and Mr James Greene to bee Asistant onely Mr Wallter Todd is a Towne Coun- sellman in ye rome of Mr John Smyth 199 and this order to bee of force for this yeare ensheuinge any former order notwithstanding it is ordred yt ye Towne Coun¬ sell doe tacke ye acount of ye Treaseurer as soone as they with Conveniency Judge it meete and yt Mr James Greene bee¬ ing Towne Clarke shall recieve such dues as shall beelong to ye Treaseuer and to bee accountabell for what hee shall recieve Jeurey men Chosen to atend ye Corte of Trialls ye third teusday in August next ar namley Thomas Relph Mr Thomas Greene Richard Carder William Burton John Sweet John Lippett senior September ye first 1663 Mr Weckes Moddrator Ordred yt all ye Inhabitantes of this Towne yt have shares of meddowe at Patawomet Shall bringe thier peaug that is due for each Share which is in peaug 6 a peny 4 s: 2 d Strnge [ 137 ] peaug yt is [illegible] unto Amos wastcoket Sergant by ye 7th of September in 1663 and in Case yt aney perones doe not bring it to ye Sargant by ye day spesified yt Amos Wastcoket Sargant is to heave 8 d 6 a peny for goeing to demant it of each person yt doeth not bring it in whithin ye time for named and in Case any person doth deniey to pay for his proportion yt then ye sargant shall heave a warant from ye depeutey and tacke it by destraint and toe bee satisfied for his paines acording to Law October 12 day 1663 Mr Wickes Chosen Moddrator Ordred in regard yt ther is a writing directed to ye warden or deputy warden of ye Towne of Warwick bearing date ye 23d: of September 1663 and subscribed James IP Roggers his mark and not ye titell of any offies anexed so 200 ye Towne doe therfor protest against it as beeing Contrary to law and Order yt report bee made herof to ye next Coert of Comishenors It is farther ordered yt ye Towne beeing senci- bell of maters yt doe depend which conseren our Agent Mr John Clarke doe Therfor concleud to chuse Commishenors to atend ye Court notwithstanding Illegalaty of ye sayd writinge and yt Justies may prosed notwithstanding ye sayd neglect doe Liwies order to Cheus Jurymen to atend ye Courte of Trialls Ye Commishoners Chosen ar namly Mr John Greene Mr John Wickes senior Mr Randall Houlden Mr Richard Carder and James Greene November ye 2d day 1663 at a Towne meeting Mr Wickes Chos¬ en Modderator Jeury men chosen to atend ye Courte of Trialls to bee houlden for this Towne of Warwick ye 3d Teusday of November C 138 ] ar namly Mr Thomas Greene Thomas Relph Thomas Bradley Rich¬ ard Carder John Swett John Lippett Senior Ordred yt men ar chosen to mack a rate for ye paying of Mr John Clarke our agent Ye men chosen to mack ye reate ar namly Mr John Greene Mr John Wicks Mr Wallter Todd 201 Ordered yt ye reate bee twenty fower poundes in New england Silver and yt ye reate mackers doe finesh ye reate by ye Eleventh of this Instant month and farther it is Ord¬ red that ye sayd rate mackers heave power to cheuse two per¬ sons to acaquaint evrey one what thier reate is and so to a- bate them five shillings a pies of thirer reate for thirer paiens and in case any person doe neglecte to pay Silver as a for sayd then he is to paye a quarter part more accordinge to ye species Intred in Mr John Clarkes bill November ye 20th 1663 at a Towne meeting Mr John Wickes senr Chosen Modrator Ordred to goe to Choyes of Comishenors to atend ye Courte to bee held for this Collony ye 24th of this Instant ye Com- mishenors Chosen ar namely Mr John Wicks Mr John Greene Mr Same- uell Gorton Senior Mr Randall houlden Mr Richard Carder and James Greene Ordred yt Richard Carder is to receave from ye Towne ten Shillings in peauge 8 a peny of yt which is deu to James Rod- geres Genrall Sargant from this Towne of Warwicke It is farther Ordred yt James Greene and Richard Carder ar Chosen by ye Towne to tacke ye Genrall Sargantes acount and to macke returne therof to ye Towne Desember ye first 1663 Mr Edmund Calverly Constabell rengaged acording to ye Counsells order by ye Charter [ 139 ] James Greene Clarke Rengaged according to ye Connsell ord¬ er by ye Charter Amos "Wascoket rengaged acording to ye Connsells order 202 At a Towne meetinge of ye free Inhabitants of this Towne of Warwicke ye 15 day of Desember 1663 Mr Samuell Gorton senior Chosen moddrator for this present meetinge Ordred by ye Towne yt James Greene is Chosen to re¬ ceive ye rate yt is made by Mr John Greene Mr John Wickes and Mr Wallter Todd and and ye other formerly made which is not yet gathered Ordred yt it is refered to ye Towne Counsell to apoyent ye time of ye payment of ye sayd rates as allso what maner it shall bee done for ye better Efectinge of it it is also Ordred yt what charge shall fall upon Mr James Greene afor- sayd in reaceavinge and Keeping ye sayd reate untill it bee disposed of Shall bee acording to theier diescrestion deuly Satiesfied Ordred by ye Towne yt ye purchesers Shall betwixt this and ye later end of March next tacke up theier meddowe shares whithin ye verg of this Towne and in Case any purshare shall neglect to tacke his Share by ye time spesefied yt then ye rest of ye Inhabitants heave not theier medow shares yt is due to them may tacke it up in Such places as it can bee found not yet disposed of 203 January ye: 26: th 63 Ordred by ye Counsell yt boath rates Last made shall acordinge to ye speshe bee brought in to James Greene betwixt this and ye 29th of September next Ensheuing ye date herofe but in Case any person neglect to macke payment accordinge to [ 140 ] ye manner of ye sayd rates by former Order prescribed as allso acordinge to ye time above sayd then it shalbee tack- en by distraint by A warwant from one of ye Asistants with an alowance for ye distres and shall bee delivrd into ye hands of James Greene afore sayd and ye sayd James Greene shall bee satisfied out of ye reate for his paiens therin it is allso agred with respecte to ye first of ye sayd two reates yt in Case aney person will pay money in steade of ye provisiones hee shall bee abated A quarter parte of yt rate februeary ye 20th: 1663 at a towne meeting Mr John Greene Chosen moddrator Deputieys Chosen to atend ye Genrall Corte ar namely Mr Samuell Gorton Senior Mr John Greene Mr John wickes Mr houlden Mr Edmund Calverly Grand Jurymen Mr Henry Redducke Mr Richard Cardder henery Knowles Petty Jeury ar Thomas Relph Amos Waskott Sammuell Staford 204 Ordred by ye Towne yt ye deputies together with Mr John Greene Asistant doe present to ye Genrall Asembly ye desier of this Towne for Trialls of small matters here upon ye maine as allso some Course for of trialls of Indians in pettey matters as also yt ye Courtes of Election may bee held by turnes Ordred yt Mr Edmund Calverly and goodman Wastcott bee added to ye sarvuayers to lay out Petter Buzicotts Land and ye Land for a Towne house and a burringe plase for ye Towne and ye heigh way and what they doe agre upon shall stand for an order Ordred yt a rate of twelve pounds bee made forthwith to pay ye Townes depts ye men Chosen to macke ye reate are nam- [ 141 ] ly Mr Walter Todd Mr Edmund Calverly and Amos Wastkott it is ordred and agreed by tlios yt whre apoynted by ye towne to Lay out Petter Buzekots Acker of Land which is for a tena- ment is Layd out 8 poles wide on ye front and ye side ad- ioyening to ye northeren End of goodman waskotts hous Lott beeing twenty on pole in Lenth and ye other sid but ning- teene poles in Lenth Joyening to ye Lott Layd out for ye Towne hous which sayd Lott is six pole wide on ye fornt yt is to say to ye way yt Leadeth through ye Towne it beeing Easterly 205 from ye front of yt sayd towne Lott and ye Lenth of ye sayd Lott to bee ninten poles on yt sid next to Petter Buzekotes and ye other End fower poles and half wide next to ye Com¬ mon and ye other side bounded by ye highway yt Leadeth in¬ to ye Common by James Swetes house Lott which sayd highway is [illegible] pole wide at ye Least and ye buringe pleace Layd out for ye Towne is Eight polles Square Joyening to ye westren end of Petter Buzekotts aker of Land Layd out ad- ioyening to goodman Waskottes hous Lott which is ye South- eren boundes of ye burring place and on ye west by ye Com¬ mon and northerly by Common Aprell ye 28tli at a Towne m metinge Mr John Greene Chos¬ en moddrator Ordred to Clioes Deputeys to atend ye Genrall Courte to be held in may next for this Colloney ye men Choson are nam- ly Mr John wickes Senior Mr Wallter Todd Mr Edmund Calverly and Mr Richard Carder Ordred by ye Towne yt ye first thre neckes westeard from Richard Carders house Lott shall not herafter bee Layd out to aney pertickylar person unles ye Towne by Consent [ 142 ] see canes to dispose of it, it beeing denied to ye Purchash- ers by ye Towne Ordred by ye Towne yt ye Pnrcbasbers are granted each man six Ackers of npland in rome of meddowe shares deu to them ye places mentioned are namly 206 Ye head of ye brocke yt runeth downe by Antony Lowes house and ye head of ye river yt runeth downe by James Swetes house and ye head of tosketucket brocke and Mr Edmund Cal- verly is to have six ackers of upland with them by ye Townes Order Ordred yt Mr John Greene is to heave his six ackers ad- ioyening to his Land alreadey Layd out to him on this sid of Occopashuatuxet Coave and Sammuell Staford and Peter Buzekott and Job Allmy is to heave six ackers on ye acount of John Mores Lott At a Towen metting in May yel8th Mr Wallter Todd Chosen Moddrator vocated yt ye Lawes mad at ye Genrall Courte be read William Eaton Joseph Howard and Thomas Hedger beeing proposed to ye Towne by the Counsell to bee receaved in to ye Towne as foloweth to heave each of them twelve akers of Land for buildinge and for meddow and not to exceed with each of them Commonidge provided they build upon some part of ye sayd Land acordinge to former Order and maintaine or els for- fite ye Common Onely William Eaton is alowed to build on some Land allreadey bought of Mr John Greene in stead of ye other and to maintaine it as beeing ye fences of his Commonidge 207 It is ordred yt this bee Aded to ye formore Order about ye hors pastuere yt and if aney person doeth not sett up his C 143 ] fenc according to ye former order yt upon notis given them by ye survayers Mr Randall Houlden Mr John Greene Amos Wast- kott or any of them and they neglecting to doe it yt then ye sarvayers are Impowered to heier men for such wages as they can procure them and ye defective person or persons shall pay it by distraint by a warant from on of ye asistantes for yt purpose Ordred yt all ye Inhabitants from Job Allmy to Lippett bridge doe goe forth to set up ye yt goetheth to ye grat pond to ye head of ye dam by aponahack ye 21 of this In¬ stant and Mr John Greene is ye Surveyer of them and ye 23d of ye same Mr Edmund Calverly is to Led forth all ye rest of ye Inhabitants to finish ye fenc June ye 6th 1664 At A Towne Metting of ye Towne of war- wick Captain John Greene Chosen Modrator for ye present day Vocated to goe to Choyes of men to fill up ye Towne Counsell for ye yeare Ensheuing ye men Chosen ar namly Cap¬ tain John Greene Mr Sameuell Gorton senior Mr John Wickes Mr Richard Carder, for ye Towne Clarke Mr Edmund Calverly for Constabell Ensighen Relph for sargeant Amos wastkotte ye survayers are Richard Carder and James Greene Ordred yt Edward Marshall is granted ground for a med- dow shar on ye South Side of ye hors Pasteure at ye desction of ye survayers 208 . The Ear Mark of Simeon Arnold's Cattle &c is a Slit in the uper and under side of Each Ear Slanting down towards the head. Entered the 1st day of July 1760 By J Lippett Clk. The Earmark of Danl Hills Creatures is a fork in the left [ 144 ] Ear and a half penny the npperside the same and a Crop on the Right Ear Entered the 16th day of Jany 1762 By Jer. Lippitt Clk Nathan Budlong's Earmark of his Creatures is a fork in the Right and a slit and onside of the same, and a Crop on the left Ear "Warwick Apl. 16th day 1763 Jer Lippitt Town Clk 209 July ye 2d 1664 At a towne meeting ye Clarke being Ab¬ sent at ye begining of ye meeting Mr. Jams Green was desired to suply his place Mr Randall Holden Chosen moderator Voated That ye letter sent from ye Governor directed to Mr Randall Holden & to Mr Walter Todd Asistants of ye towme of warwicke, And to ye rest of ye Councell &c to be read, Voated ye Answer therunto drawne by Mr Sam: Gorton, be read allso Voated That ye said Answer be transcribed by Mr John Green & subscribed by ye towne clerke in ye behalfe of ye towne Voated That Capt: John Green & Mr John Wickes be de¬ sired to goe with Edmund Calverley ye present towne Clerke & receive ye recordes of ye towne of warwicke from Mr. James Green late clerke of ye towne aforesaid, & deliver them to ye present towne Clerke who is authorized by ye towne so to deliver them as aforesaid Voated That Mr James Green late towne clerke be paid out of ye towne tresury what mony is dew to him for his fformer ser- vis as towne Clerke &c. Voated That ye letter sent by ye Governor to Mr. Randall [ 145 ] Holden & Mr Walter Todd: &c: dated ye 23d of June 1664: be keept uppon record amongst ye towne records Voated That Edm: Calverley be chosen Constable ffor ye yeer ensuing 210 Voated That Capt. John Green Mr John Wickes Mr James Green & John Sweet be desired to runn a west linne, one ye North sid of Warwicke purchase, so ffar as they cann in one day conveniently Spare time Towne line to be runn October ye 8th 64 Grand Jury men Petty Jurymen Debutys for ye towne Eate for ye recorder 211 A petition to ye next Generall . Assembly ordered Mr Todd Chosen moderator. Grand jurymen Chosen to serve at ye next Cort of tryalls, ye 19th instant at Newport is Edm. Cal¬ verley & James Green Mr Eliza Collins & John Sweet Capt John Green Mr John Wickes Mr James Green Edmund Calverley Voated that such as doe not bringe in ye rate Asesed to pay ye recorder & Generall Sargent in seaven days after ye date heerof or agree with ye tresurer Mr Walter Todd they shall be destrayned one by a warrant that must issue from ye magestrat to ye towne sargeant for that purpose Voated that Capt: John Green & Edmund Calverley be desired to draw up a petition in ye name of ye towne of warwicke to ye next Generall Asembly for ye debutyes to sit apart by them selves, & that ye said peti- C 146 ] tion be produced one Monday next in ye even¬ ing at Mr Stukley Westcots to ye end that all that will may se ye same Ordered that ye town Clerke doe certyfy our neibors at patuxett that in Case ther monyes for Certificat ye rate to pay ye Generall recorder & Sar- to patuxet gent & for ye releife of ye poor as goodman baker &c nor agree with ye tresurer in 7 days they shall be distrayned one 212 ffryday ye 2d of December 1664 Att a towne meeting in warwicke in ye Collony of Road iland & providence plantations in New England Mr Walter Todd chosen moderator Ordered that the generall Laws be read Voated That Captaine John Greens protest uppon ye Protest of Capt: John Green put uppon fyle Voated rate in octob: referer proceeds of ye generall asembly against Ed¬ mund Calverley debuty of warwicke, & offered in ye said asembly ye 26th of October 1664 but refused by them, and now being presented under his hand, in wrighting to ye towne, be put upon fyle in & amongst ye towne records & that the towne take themselves concerned in ye said protest That ye matters relating to ye rates now specifyed in ye Asemblys orders dated ye 26th of October 1664 be refered to ye towne coun- cell to report their opinion ye next towne meeting [ 147 ] 213 Monday ye 12th December 1664 At a towne meeting in warwicke in ye Collony of road iland & providence plantations in New England Ordered That Mr Walter Tod be moderator this towne meeting Ordered That ye returne of ye councell produced this day in persuance of an order of ye towne Letter to ye dated ye 2d instant in answer to ye rates Governor &c levied one ye towne of warwicke ye 26th of about October last, be revolved into a leter tran- rates scribed & signed by ye towne clarke & sent to ye honored Governor debuty Governor & ye Coun¬ cell of ye Collony of road iland & providence plantations in New England none decenting Ordered That uppon desir of John Lippett senior Ther be one Acer of Land lying neer his lot behind Jams Sweets lot laid out to ye said Lippett provided ye surveyors take Care that ther be no damage to ye towne done by ye said allowance so as to spoile any propriety of other lotts Wednesday ye 22th febr 1664 At a towne meeting in warwicke in ye Collony of Road iland & providence plantations in New England Ordered That Mr Walter Todd be Chosen moderator 214 Ordered That the letter signed by the governor and the debuty Governor be read in order to chuse de- butys for a generall asembly ye 23d of febru- ary 1664 [ 148 ] Ordered Comrs Ordered debuty Constable Ordered That Mr Samuell Gorton senior Mr John Wickes senior Capt John green & Edmnnd Calverley be Chosen for to serve as debutys for this towne of warwicke in ye next generall asembly at newport ye 23th of february 1664 That Edward Marshall shall be ye Constables debuty to officiate as constable in ye absence of ye said oficer till further order which of¬ fice the said Edward Marshall doeth acept of in ye towne meeting & hath taken his engadg- ment to perform ye same That Mr Walter Todd tresurer of ye towne of warwicke be desired to agree with some worke- man to mak a pair of stockes for ye use of ye towne & ye same to be delivered into ye con¬ stables costody, who is heerby ordered to sett them up in some convenient place of ye towne of warwicke 215 Ordered Hedger Tho: Ordered Low Anthony Ordered Towskeonke witnesses That what mony is dew to Thomas Hedger late sargent of this towne shall be paid to Capt John Green for ye use of ye said Thomas Hedger That Mr Anthony Low who carried ye Indians to prison that burned ffranc doorbies house, be paid out of ye tresury of ye towne, for his voyage to ye Iland That the two wittnesses that were supenied in the towns tryall about towskeonke meadows be paid out of ye tresury of ye towne Mr Wil¬ liams being ye one & Mr Wiggenton ye otther [ 149 ] Ordered That ye surveyors doe lay out all such lands that ar allready ordered to be Layd out to lands to be any persons in ye towne and to make returne Laid out of ther surveys betwixt this & ye Last of may next ensuing ye date heerof & ye persons that have any right of Claime to any lande as aforesaid ar order- ered to atend ye sd surveyors for that purpose or else to lose ther right of claime to sd lands 216 Att a town meeting ye 23th March 1664 Ordered that Mr Tod be Chosen moderator Ordered That Mr Stukley Westcott Mr Anthony Loe Richard carder & Henry knowles be Athoriz- ed to keep Ordinary for ye entertainment of strangers during ye time the kings Comition- ers keep ther Court in warwicke which will beginn on ye 3d day of aprill next ensuing ye date heerof At a towne meeting ye 27th of aprill 1665 Voated debutyes Grand Juriors 217 pety jurors Ordered That Mr Walter Tod be moderator The debutyes Chosen for ye next Assembly are Mr Samuell Gorton Mr John Wickes Mr Richard Carder and Edmund Calverley The grand jury men Chosen for the ye next Cort of tryalls at Newport beginning ye 8th of May next ar Mr James Green and Richard Townsend Tho green & John potter That for ye future thos townsmen that shall be C 150 ] chosen jurymen either one ye Grand jury or jury of tryalls if they have been ye last Court upon service as jury men that then if such per¬ sons shall exept against ye said Choise that then ye next in Choise shall serve & that thos men now chosen shall have ye benefitt of this order Delivered by Edmund Calverley towne clerk a warant to warne ye debutyes & jurymen to apeer at Newport acording to order of law which war¬ rant beareth date ye 27th of aprill 1665/Mr Tod & ye townsmen being present June ye 5th being Monday 1665 at a towne meeting Mr Tod Moderator That in pursuance of the Laws maid at ye Last Asembly ye 3d off May instant ye sd Laws were read Warrant to Amos Westcott to warne deb¬ utyes & jurors to apeer Ordered 218 Ordered Choyce of Towne officers adiorned 14 days That in pursuance of a Law maid ye Last May in ye Generall asembly inioyning all persons Cap¬ able to take an Engadgement of alleadgance to his magistic &c As allso this being ye day usually upon which ye towne did formerly chuse ther Ofisers for ye towne which workes Could not well be done by reason that Capt John Green who is engadged in ye office of gener¬ all Asistant is now at boston, and Capt Ran¬ dall houlden is not yet engadged therfore ye towne have Adiorned this present meeting till ye 19th instant And that ye towne Clerke doe acquaint Capt Green with ye same when he corns [ 151 ] ffrom Boston And desire hime to issne forth a warrant for that purpose 219 June ye 19th 1665 At a Towne meeting Acording to an Order 14 days since towne oficers were now Chosen Towne Councell six magistrats Towne Clerke Constable Surveiors Towne sergeant 220 Tresurer Edward Marshall tresurers acoumpts Capt: Green chosen moderator Mr Samuell Gorton senior Mr John Wickes senior Mr Richard Carder Mr Walter Tod Capt Randall houlden and Capt John Green ar ye other by Law Edmund Calverley Edmund Calverley Edmund Calverley Richard Carder James Greene Edward Marshall Mr Walter Tod That Edward Marshall have a perportion of meadow Laid out in Nassakett in Lew in Lew of six Acers all ready allowed hime And that at ye discretion of ye surveyors That Mr Wikes be desired to take ye Tres¬ urers Acoumpt for ye Last yeer Mr Walter Tod being now Chosen againe Tresurer October ye 2d, 1665 at a Towne meeting to chuse debutys & jurrors for to goe to Newport ye 18th of this instant [ 152 ] Moderator Debutys for October Cort 1665 ar Capt John Green Mr John Wikes Edmund Calverly Richard Carder James Green 221 Grand Jurrors petty Jurrors Green Tho: Bridge by Ja: Sweets Henry Ruddocke & Amos Westcott Beniamine Smith Abiah Carpenter voated that Thomas Green shall have Liberty to Change the six Accer Lot that lyeth be¬ hind his now dwelling house in ye birch Swamp for Six Acers of Land Lying by John Lippett juniors his land if ye Surveyors Se it Convenient voated that John Lippett Junior be Added to ye bridge neer Jams Sweets house And that ye said bridge be forth with mended at ye discresion of ye surveyors with one Crose tresle at ye least And that William Eaton Joseph Howard & Thomas Hedger be all- so Added to ye said bridge for the present And to worke ther att when ye Surveyors warne them to mend ye same 222 Dolly voated That Gerratt Dollys bill for some land & to be received into ye towne be re¬ ferred to ye towne councell acording to ye towne orders [ 153 ] A young bore pige taken up by Edm: Calverley Rich: Carder had it Cryed Allso a mortizing Ax lost by Edm: Calverley (found) againe A warrant delivered ye 3d of October 1665 Warrant to Edw: Marshall sargent to warne ye debutys & Jurrors for ye next Corte & Asembly generall At Atowne meeting the 16th of January 1665 Captaine John Green chosen moderator It is ordered that whereas ther was a fformer Grant from ye towne for a horse pasture one ye west side of Mashepage pond And dyvers per- horse sons of this Towne that had horses did set up pasture a perportion of fence thereon, But they find- voyd ing yt they were disapointed of there intent And ye townes horses Could not bee secured therein, Therfore it is now ordred by a unanimose consent of ye partyes 223 That they will & doe heerby freely relinquish their perticular share & Claimes therein And doe leave it for ye Common as before And each partye hath liberty to remove his or ther per¬ portion of the fence if they please Any fformer Order to the Contrary Notwithstanding Ordered That Mr John Wickes senior and Mr James & Agreed Green [erasure] in the behalfe of ye pur¬ chasers of the [erasure] towne of Warwick And Towne Lyne Mr Edmund Calverly & Amos Westcott in behalfe to be runn of ye townsmen of Warwicke doe one or before the Last of february Next Runn the Lynne of ye towne bounds of Warwick Acording to A fformer Grant of ye percliasers to this towne [ 154 ] And that one day before ye said Lyne is run they Cause ye drum to beat through the towne to ye end that all ye inhabitants whoe ar willing may goe along with them That ye purchasers have Liberty to run a ffence along ye ends of the three necks that Lye betwixt Richard Carders house Lott & Nau- sakett That Edward marshall have a share of meadow granted to hime in the swamp laitly called ye horse pasture consisting of three Ackers if ther be so much And if ther be not so much that then ye surveyors doe Lay him out such a proportion of ye said swamp as may be equiv- olent to make up a share acording to Antiant Costome Allso It is further Ordered That ye said Edward Mar¬ shall shall have six Ackers of Land Laid out to him by ye Surveyors for hime to plant one in such a convenient place where the surveyors shall see it meet Ordered That Mr Edmund Calverley Acording to his desire have liberty if he please, to Lay his twelve Ackers of Land neer ye litle pond downe to ye Common, As allso six Acker more formerly granted to him by this towne, amongst ye purchasers shars in Lew of meadow Shars, not yet layd out by ye Surveyors, And that the said Mr Edmund Calverley doe take up eyghteen Ackers in Lew therof in the horse necke neer ye sandy point point at ye mouth of ye Cove Coming in from ye sea at ye west end of ye Ordered 3 Necks to fence 224 Ordered Marshall Edward [ 155 ] 225 Ordered Water bay- ly & search¬ er & ther ffees Ordered 226 towne And ye surveyors at his request ar de¬ sired to Lay it out acordingly That ther be a Constant water bayly or search¬ ers office setled in this towne in order to ye going abroad of any shiping or vesells that may come into any harbour within ye precincks of this towne of Warwike in which ther may be either wine or strong Liquor that is Lyable to pay Excise, which office of water bayly or searcher is heerby Anexed to ye Constable or Constables that now ar or heerafter shall be Chosen for ye towne off Warwicke, And it is further ordred that all persons who, bring any Liquors into this [erasure] towne Lyable to pay Exise doe not faile to give notice ther- of to ye said waterbayly or searcher to ye end that ye town treasury be not defrauded, And this to be observed for ye future upon ye penalltye provided in ye laws of this Collony The searchers dew is sixpence an ancor as Rich: Carder afermed That wheras Jobe Aylmey moved to have the ten- neur of his land altered from ye howld form¬ erly granted to Thomas Thornicraft & his suck- sesors unto free hould The townes Answer is that they cannot Alter ye teneure of that land At a towne meeting ye 20th of february 1665 Capt John Green Chosen Moderator Ordered That Mr Roger Williams Letter be read Ordered That upon ye reading Mr Roger Williams his [ 156 ] leter to ye towne one Mr John Clarkes behalfe ye towne Clarke shall as an answer ther nnto transcribe a Copie of ye towns Letter direct- Mr Williams ed to ye Governor & Conncell of ye Collony Letter is of Road iland & providence plantations &c answered dated ye 12tli of December 1664 & inclose ye same in a letter to ye townsmen of provi¬ dence & inclose them in another letter di¬ rected to Mr Roger Williams, in order to cleer this towne from ye aspertion that seems to be layd one this towne for their not Levying ye said rates on this towne, ye Copies of ye said Letter being keept uppon ye fyle, which is done under ye towne Clerkes hand acording to order Ordered That upon a bill presented by Mr Elyza collins humbly desiring ye towne to grant hime leave to change his fower & twenty acker lot that Lyeth neer ye little pond for fower & twenty ackers of land in ye horse Neck to joyne to Mr Edmund Calverleys eyghteen Ackers laitly allowed hime to be Layd out ther in lew of his twelve acker lott, that lay by ye litle pond & his six acker lott Lately allowed by ye towne amongst ye purchasers Shares of meadoe not yetLayed out, which desire of Mr Eliza Collings is hereby granted by ye townesmen & acordingly ordered leaveing ye matter to ye surveyors to lay it out as they in ther wis¬ doms shall see meet 227 Ordered That upon a bill presented by Mr Edmund Cal- verly towne Clerke touching ye sad & troub- [ 157 ] lous condition of ye inhabitants of this towne of Warwicke by reason of ye mills being out of repair that it cannot grind ye townesmens corne but that they must be & ar forced to carry ther Corne to patuxet mill to grind and John Sweet ye present miller being Called in question about the same, whose Answer was that except he had all ye lands & meadows which was antiently anexed by this towne to ye said mill in order to ye building ye same and keeping it in a continuall repaire he was not able to keep it up any Longer And the towne inquiring into ye lands & meadows belonging to ye said mill doe find that Mr Stukly Westcott of ye same towne hath impropriated ye meadows lying in Nasawkett to liimeselfe with¬ out any leave or order of ye townesmen of Warwike, ther fore this present asembly with ye Submition of John Sweet who saith he is willing to submit to ye townes mercy have taken ye forfeiture of all ye foresaid lands & meadows into ther one Custody, untill some person or persons cann be found out whoe will either build a New mill upon ye same ground or put ye present mill into such good repaire as that it may doe the service for which ye towne did antiently grant ye Lands & Meadows, but for as much as John Sweet hath dis¬ bursed one hundred and fifty pounds in currant pay for ye mill & housing built upon ye townes land The towne have thought fitt to refere ye matter to ye towne councell not only to inquire how ye towne may for ye future be acomodat- ed but allso to treat with any person or persons about ye townes future acomodation heerin & to report ye matter with what convenient speed they cann to ye towne 228 Ordered That upon a bill presented by Samuell Staford it is granted that ye share that Lyeth between Thomas Relfes [ 158 ] and Robert Westcotts share of meadoe at towskeyonk be al¬ lowed & stand upon record as ye share of Samuell Staford Ordered That all ye shares of meadows at Touskeonke so soon as ye surveyors can be New laid out & such bounders re¬ turned upon record as may for ye future continue peace amongst the inhabitants of this towne ther being yet noe bounders of ye same returned upon record by thos who antient- ly did survey them Ordered That upon a bill presented by Stukly Westcott demanding £4:18 s: that the same be refered to Captaine green Mr John Wickes &c to examine ye acoumpt & to make returne therof to the towne next towne meeting Ordered That upon a bill presented by Amos Westcott demanding of ye towne one pound seaventeen shillings for his wadges as sargent to this towne the same be referred to Capt: John Green & Mr Wikes &c to Examine & report the next towne meeting Ordered That ye towne Councell doe take it into Consid¬ eration how ther may be a towne house raised & finesh for ye townes use upon ye land allready layd out for that pur¬ pose & what ye charge may amount to As allso 229 how ye land layed out for a burying place for ye dead may be fenced in & at what charge ther being much need to have ye same compleated. Ordered That ye towne Clerke doe record potawomett deed in ye towne booke which is done acordingly March ye 17th 1665 att Stukly Westcotts house Ordered That Captaine John Green shall be moderator for this towne meeting Ordered That ye shereifs warrant for Calling a generall C 159 ] Asembly ye 27: instant be read which warrant beareth date ye 7th of March 1665 By ye Towne Councell ye 15th of March Ordered That in pursuance of ye order of ye towne dated ye 20th of february 1665, touching building a towne house uppon ye Land laid out by peeter busecotts house lott, wee doe unanimously a- gree that every man in this towne that hath not a teeme, shall give a dayes worke at digging & Loading of stones etc & every man that hath a te^me shall allow a dayes worke with his teeme to draw ye said stons into place at such time when they shall be warned ther unto by ye beat of drum or oth¬ er ways, which worke will be a good preparative toward build¬ ing ye said house Edm: Calverley Clerke Ordered, That ye foresaid order be ratified & confirm¬ ed & it is referred to ye surveyors to apoint ye time when ye worke about ye towne house shall be done acording as ye towne Councell have proposed in ther order bearing date ye 15 of March 1665 230 february 1665 By ye Councell of ye towne of warwike In persuance of ye towns order to us directed ye 20th instant about ye mill in ye towne, which is now out of re- paire, & no man appearing to undertake ye setting up of ye said mill, but John Sweet, and ye towne being in nesesitie to have ye mill forthwith repaired, we doe order as followeth 1th That John Sweet, having ingadged for ye future to repaire ye said mill & make her serviceable for ye towne, to grind ther corne acording to ye grant that ye towne maid upon ye first founding ye said mill, And allso will give securyty for so doeing, such as ye towne shall axept that All ye lands [ 160 ] & meadows [erasure] & other priviledges therto Anexed, shall be granted to ye said John Sweet, Except Any other person or persons, shall appeare to ye towne councell, within three weekes after ye date heerof, & propose to ye towne councell, how ye towne may be better Accomodated which if no such prop¬ osition be maid, Then we think it neseserary & doe acording- ly order, That John Sweet shall have time allowed hime till ye 29th of September next ensuing ye date heerof to performe the same, Also we doe inioyne ye said John Sweet forthwith to doe his uttermost indeavore to put ye said mill into a capacity: forthwith to grind ye towne corne, And lastly ye towne councell doe order, that for ye future, Neither John Sweet, Nor any other into whose hands ye sd mill shall come shall either sell or asigne over, ye said mill or any part or parcell of ye lands or meadows formerly allowed by ye towne, 231 for ye maintnance of ye said mill, without the townes Leave & Aprobation Wee ye Councell have apointed our next meeting to be on the 15th of March next Edm: Calverley Clerke By ye Councell of ye towne of Warwick March ye 15th 1665 Wee ye Councell of ye towne of Warwike being this day mett a 2d time to se if any other person or persons besids John Sweet would apeare before us to propose themselves to undertake ye repairing of ye mill in this towne of Warwike so as that it may be maid serviceable to grind ye corne that ye inhabitants of this towne should from time to time bring thereto for ye future And finding no other then John Sweet aforesaid to apeare whoe did tender himeselfe to un¬ dertake & performe ye same As allso ye said John Sweet did tender Richard Carder & Edmund Calverley of ye towne afore- [ 161 ] said to be bound with hime in a bond of one hundred pound for ye performance therof, Therfore we doe order that upon their giving bond to Mr Walter Todd Treasurer of ye towne & his sucksesors in a towne meeting All ye lands & meadows & other priveledges anexed to ye said mill by ye towne aforesaid shall be delivered up into ye posesion of John Sweet for ye use aforesaid Edm: Calverly Clerke The Towne having heard ye orders of ye towne Counsell read in this towne meeting touching ye mill doe aprove of ye said orders & Allso doe Axept of ye securyty [erasure] that is produced by John Sweet Naimly Richard Carder & Ed¬ mund 232 Calverley to be bound with hime to ye towne treasurer for ye towns use & ye towne doe further Order that Edward Mar¬ shall towne sargent & ye Constable of ye towne shall forth¬ with enter one ye towns behalfe upon ye lands & meadows &c Antiently anexed to ye mill & deliver ye same to John Sweet one ye tennure mentioned at ye first founding ye said mill acording to ye records of this towne & deliver ye same to John Sweet As allso on ye tenure further added in the towne councells orders this day read and confirmed & ye said Edward Marshall is hereby ordered to make returne in writing to ye towne Clerke who is heerby ordered to record ye same Ordered that Mr Richard Carder Mr Edmund Calverley Mr James Green & Mr Amos Westcott be Chosen debutys for this towne of warwike to goe to road iland at ye next Generall asembly to be held ye 27th of March 1665 & ther debutys to transackt ye afairs of the Collony in ye said Generall Asembly one ye behalfe of this towme [ 162 ] 233 Warwike At a Generall Trayning ye 26 of March 1666 Mr Williams his letter being read at ye head of ye Company it was voat- ed that ye said Letter was A pernissious Letter and that what was therin conteyned tended to stirr up strife devision & contention in ye Towne of Warwike &c And that ye Towne Clerke doe record this voat & send Mr Williams a Coppie off ye same as ye Townes Answer to ye same Letter noe man dis¬ senting from this voat Signed by Order & Apointment of ye Towne of Warwike Edmund Calverley Towne Clerke Aprill ye 24th 1666 A towne meeting Capt: John Green chosen moderator Voated That ye Letter sent to this towne from ye Gen- erall Asembly which sate at Newport ye 27th of March Last be opened & read, which when ye townsmen understood that it did concerne ye paying of mony forthwith to ye generall tresurer at road iland for Mr John Clarkes use touching his agency for ye Collony in old England etc ye towne did order that Capt: John Green should be desired to draw up an An¬ swer ther unto (two) The next generall Asembly to be held in May following, And to present ye same one monday next it being trayning day 234 At ye head of ye Company by 8 of ye clock in ye morn¬ ing wher all ye townsmen ar desired to apeare, And if they doe aprove of ye sd Letter then ye towne Clerke is lieerby ordered to signe ye same in the naime of ye whole towne & Cause ye same to be delivered to ye next Asembly [ 163 ] Debutys chosen for ye next Generall asembly ar thes Mr John Wickes senior Mr Richard Carder Mr Jams Green Mr Edmund Calverley Grand j Thomas Smith Jurors | Joseph Carpenter Jury of J John Potter Tryalls William Eaton Yoated That Mr Edmund Calverley Constable Edward Mar¬ shall sargent Samuel Gorton junior & Jeremy Westcott be ord¬ ered to goe to ye Indeans in Nausaket & 235 Coessitt And elsewhere within the bounds of ye towne of War- wike And warne them all to forbeare planting any moor uppon ye towns Commons but that they doe quietly depart from any part or parcell of land broken up by them or any of them for planting ground & maid use therof without leave of ye towne, And that their Answer be returned ye next monday to ye towne it being trayning day And it further ordered That ye afore naimed men ordered to warne ye sd Indeans of from planting within ye towne bounds etc shall be paid for ther paines by ye towne The Indeans did promise on trayning day folloing to remoove, though ye Day before they sd they would not but after they procured a letter writt to Capt Green by Capt Willett which maid them bould to Continue & plant still on ye towns Land 236 At ye request of ye purchasers of ye town of Warwicke ye 24 of Aprill 1666 they having Layed out 17 shares in ye [ 164 ] necke of land fitt to be planted one this yeer formerly not devided And lots being Cast by them to whome by order they fell this record Specifieth Capt: Randall honlden 1 th Left: Eliza Collins 2 Capt: John Green 3-4-5 Mr Walter Tod 6 Amos Westcot 7 John Potter 8 Left: Eliza Collins 9 Mr Samuel Gorton Sen 10 Mr Jams Green 11 Mr Walter Tod 12 Mr Rich: Waterman 13 Mr Rich: Carder 14 Left: Eliza Collins 15 Mr John Wickes 16 Sam Stafford 17 237 June ye 4th 1666 being monday and the day that ye towne Officers use to be Chosen one in a Towne meeting Captaine John Green Chosen moderator Mr Beniamine Smith being engadged as magistrat & Mr Richard Carder Chosen magistrat but not engadged yet by a Generall Law Inioyning ye too magi- Towne strats of ye towne to be of ye Councell Councell ye towne though it not to put them to a Choise but have Chosen thes fower per¬ sons following to add to them to make up ye number of six Mr Samuell Gorton Capt: John Green Capt: Randall houlden Mr John Wickes [ 165 ] Towne Clerke Edmund Calverley Constable Edmund Calverley Towne Sargent Edward Marshall 238 Surveyors Mr Richard Carder Mr Jams Green Mr Edmund Calverley Voated That the Lawes maid in a generall Asembly at Newport ye 25th of October 1665, As Also ye Laws maid at a Generall Asembly ye 27th of March 1666, should be read they being delivered to ye Towne Clarke in ye [erasure] generall Asem¬ bly held in May Last at Newport And this being ye first Towne Meeting after ye receipt of them, Therfore ye towne saw Cause to make this Ensuing order That Wheras ye Laws maid at Newport [erasure] 27th of March [erasure] in ye yeer 1666 were this day read in our Towne meeting & ye towne per¬ ceiving That some persons whereof ye said Asembly did Consist were incapable to Act doe Therefore declare that They Cannot owne any of Thes Lawes Least they should betray their aleagance 239 To his magistie And That a Copie of this voate be drawne up & sent to ye Generall Asembly under ye hand of ye Towne Clerke, in ye naime of ye towne Voated That ffor ye future any three of ye Councell of this towne being freemen of this towne shall have power And is hereby Authorised for ye future, to give order to ye towne sar- gent to warne a towne meeting of ye free inhabitants of this towne to Agitate & Order ther Afairs in This towne [ 166 ] June ye 24tli 1666 at a Towne meeting sommoned by ye Coun- cell Capt. Randall houlden Chosen moderator Voated That a pound Six foot & a halfe hye be maid at ye Charge of ye Towne To pound all sorts of Catle in naimly horses mayres Coults bulls oxen steers [erasure] yeerlings Cows & suck¬ ing calves 240 Goats & ther kidds sheep & lambs Allso all sorts of Swine, In Case they or any of them shall be found trespasing, upon any Corne, meadows, pastures, feeding or Comonidge, That lye within ye bounds of This towne of Warwick viz within ye bounds of ye necke Called mishawomett or Warwicke necke And That this pound, be sett up one ye hyghway, against or joyn- ing to henry knowles his Lott, butting against ye towne gate, or Mr John Potters Lot, Likewise The towne doe further ord¬ er, that this pound be finished within seaven days after ye date heerof, with a gate, locke & key ther unto, which shall be delivered to Edmund Calverley, who is heerby desired take Care therof for one yeer And as A provider to act therin, In bringing or causing to be brought to ye towne pound, any horses mayers coults bulls oxen steers yeerlings Cows suck¬ ing Calves Goats prohibited by Law sheep lambs swine of all sorts In Case they or any of them shall for ye future be found comiting a trespase or trespases, upon any of ye rights or propryetys, that belong to any of ye townsmen of warwike or 241 to any of ye propryetors of ye necke Comonly Called or knowne by ye naime of misshawomet or warwike necke, which is ye trew intent & meaning of this present Order & Agree¬ ment of ye townsmen heer Asembled, And Lastly ye Townsmen [ 167 ] of warwicke doe order And Agree That Edmund Calverley afore¬ said, shall pound all such horse or horse kind, bulls, Cow or Cow kind Goats sheep or swine yt he shall find trespas- ing or that shall be brought to hime for trespase done with¬ in ye propriety of any of ye Inhabitants afore mentioned, And for his fees it shall be lawfull for ye said Edmund Cal- verly to demand of every owner of horse or horse kind ye some of fower pence & for all other sorts of Creatures afore- naimed ye some of two pence, And that he be paid ye said dews before he deliver ye horses etc Cows etc out of the pound If the owners therof have or shall observe ye law or Laws of this Collony or for want therof ye law or Laws of England as ye ye lawe of this Collony doeth provide which ye said Edmund Calverley is hereby desired to inquire into & observe so neer as he Cann Voated That William Eaton & William layney & John Read be sent for to ye councell [torn] ye fyle for what 242 July ye 20 1666 Att a towne meeting somoned by three of ye Councell Mr John Wicks Chosen moderator Ordered that one Englishman out of every famyly in ye towne doe on ye third instant goe to help ye Indeans to make up ye towne fence fower myls off And that they doe meet to morrow morning at ye trayning tree upon ye Comon when ye drum beateth Ordered That John Garryardy who hath Confesed him- selfe to be a Thiefe & stands Convict in a Court of record for stealing be not for ye future Admitted to have any thing to doe in ye towne meetings but is by this order Ex¬ punged ye Socyedy of honest men which order did pase uppon a bill presented by Edmund Calverley Towne Clerke [ 168 ] 243 August ye 28tli 1666 at a Towne meeting before an Asem- bly generall ye 4th of September: 66: Mr Beniamine Smith moderator Mr Edmund Calverley Ordered That Captaine John Green & Edmund Calverley j Towne Clerke is heerby Authorized to take the Acoumpts of Mr Walter Tod treasurer to ye towne of Warwicke And If they find mony enough in ye banke that then they forthwith pay Amos Westcot & Moses Lippet for ye stockes & cause them to be delivered to ye Constable acording to former order Ordered That Edward Marshall shall have ye twelve acers of Land formerly granted hime by ye towne, Laid out by ye surveyors by ye sid of ye great pond, Only Mr Stukley West- cot did desent he desiring it might stay whyle another Towne meeting which the townsemen were not willing to yeild unto Benjamin Green Son of Benjamin Green Late of Potowomet dec. The Ear Mark of his Cattle and Other Creatures is a Crop on the Right Ear Recorded March 11th 1761 Col John Wells Takes the-above mark for his Creatures which is a Crop on the Right Ear Mr Samuell Gorton Mr Randall houlden Mr John Wicks Chosen Debutys 244 By Jere Lippett Clk April 23th 1773 245 September ye 20th 1666 At a Towne meeting in warwicke Ordered [ 169 ] That a raite of forty pound be maid towards satizfying Mr Dean in old england for ye hundred & forty pound he lent Mr John Clarke about procuring ye Charter And that ye other forty pound Charged on ye towne of Warwicke be deteyned in ye Townes hands till they are better satizfyed how ye respec¬ tive persons that did disburse monys for Mr Roger Williams his going for England, shall be paid by ye Collony of Road- iland etc. And it is further ordered That Mr James Green Mr Elyza Collins & Mr Amos Westcote doe forthwith make ye said raite And That Edmund Calverley shall aquaint every person so raited what their particular Raite is And Lastly ye towne doeth order that ye said raite makers & Edmund Calverley shall be paid for their paines Ordered That Edward Marshall doe pay fower & twenty shilling dew to ye tresury for his twelve acers of Land, to ye Towne Clarke Edmund Calverley who is now constable who shall imploy ye said mony towards paying for ye stockes & that ye said Towae clerkes aquitance shall be Edward Marshalls discharge at a towne meeting in warwicke In order to prepaire for the generall asembly & a Court of tryalls this month at Newport 246 Monday ye 15th of October 1666 Debutys The debutys that ar Chosen ar Mr Samuell Gorton Mr Randall houlden Mr John Wickes Mr Edmund Calverley Jury of j Mr James Green Tryalls [_ Mr Eliza Collins [ 170 ] Ordered That Mr Jams Green Mr Eliza Collins & Mr Amos Westcote who ar apointed to make ye present rate for Mr John Clarkes mony that is to goe for England, doe enlarge ye rate of forty pound so as that ye thirty shilling which was raited one Steeven arnold when ye last mony was sent to Mr John Clarke in England, may be paid by ye towne, in consideration that the said Steeven Arnold denyed to 247 pay ye said thirty shilling aleadging that he had noe Estate in our towne And that ye said thirty shilling be paid to Mr Gorton and ye rest of those persons that did disburse ye said thirty shilling three years agoe and hath been without ye same ever since Upon ye desire of Captaine Randall houlden to ye towne of Warwick to grant hime leave to take up his six ackers of Land Latly granted hime for a purchasers share of meadow Inn ye swamp neer Captaine greens Cove and ye Edge of warwicke bounds The towne doe order that ye said desire of his be granted, provided yt Captaine John Green be with ye surveiors when ye same is Laid out in order to ye Laying out a hyghway to pase to Captaine greens house at ocupasytuxett And allso for ye taking Care that ye Said Swamp be within ye bounds of ye towne of warwike Ordered that Richard Carder be continued this yeer as one of ye towne Councell in regard that Captaine green is chosen magistrat in his roome who was one of ye Councell chose by the towne 248 December ye 22th 1666 at a Towne meeting Captaine John Green Chosen Moderator [ 171 ] Voated That ye Lawes maid by ye Generall Asemblys the 4th of September Last And the 31th of October Last should be read With ye leave of ye moderator John Harrude & Elizabeth Cooke were published they haveing been published ye Saboth day before after exercise ther being present the honorable Sir Robert Carr Captaine John Green Mr Samuell Gorton Capt Randall houlden & a great number of the inhabitants both men & women Ordered That all persons who have put forth Any swine to ye Indeans belongin to any Townsmen with ther Earemarke one them that they doe forthwith returne ye number of them & the Indeans naime to whom they ar put to ye towne Clarke to be recorded & that they pay ye towne Clarke for record¬ ing the same The reason of this order is because amongst ye Asemblys laws this day read we find a law forbiding any In¬ deans to keep or put to sale any swine with markes in ther eares 249 Ordered That Mr Walter Tod doe deliver up the bond giv¬ en by John Sweet Richard Carder & Edmund Calverley touching the making ye mill in this towne to be in a Condition to grind ye towns Corne by mickaellmase day last which was ye 29th of September 1666 ther being proofe that the condi¬ tion was performed And for Mr waiter Tods so doeing this order shall be his discharge Ordered That Mr Edmund Calverley being one of ye Comit- tee apoynted by ye generall asembly for ye raising mony to pay Mr Richard deane in old england Bee And is Apointed to receive ye last raite of forty & odd pounds granted by this towne for ye purpose aforesaid which monys Is intended to¬ wards Mr Clarkes disburstments about procuring a Charter [ 172 ] from his mayisty in old england & was by ye said Mr John Clarke procured And sent over to road Iland & is now in ye hand of ye present governor Mr William Brenton Also it fur¬ ther ordered that ye said Mr Edmund Calverly shall be paid by this towne for his paines that he shall take therin 250 Warwicke ye 12tli of february 1666:67 Capt John Green moderator Ordered That A Letter in ye naime of the Towne (be) by The Towne Clerke written & Sighned, To Captaine Thomas wil- let of wanomossett, Touching the Indeans That plant within ye Towne bounds & allready fenced in by the Towne which In¬ deans both in Nassakett & at Coessett pond were ye last yeer warned of ye towns lands before planting time some of the said Indeans then promising that they would take away ther wigwams & depart peasablely, but afterwards ye said Indeans did procure a Letter from Captaine Thomas willet aforesaid directed to Captaine John Green Generall Asistant & gave the same to ye Indeans to deliver as aforesd And under Coller therof presuming that Captaine Thomas Willet would with his brotherinlaw Mr James browne defend them against ye towne have dwelt theron & planted on ye towns land ever since whether the Townsmen would or noe, And this very month on ye 6th & 7th days, they ye said indeans (were) By vertue of a warrant under ye hand of ye honorable Sir Rober Carr Warn¬ ed to 251 depart, And Come noe moor one the towns lands, to plant or inhabit, The Constable Mr Edmund Calverley, with his Asos- iats delivering them a trew Coppie of his honnors warrant, but ye said Indeans did peremptoryly aver that they would [ 173 ] take no notice tlierof, some of tliem throwing ye Copie away, And about forty indeans snronnded ye Constable & his asos- iats that he tooke to be witneses of ye delivery of the wrighting, And did stop, some of them Coming away threat- ning that they would make them Carry the said Copie bake a- gaine And did behave themselves very ryotusly & in A Scorn- full manner did deryd ye kings Athoryty represented in ye Con¬ stable when he Charged them to keep ye kings peace, And not to Adhear to Any that did deny to yeeld obedyence ther unto, pomham & his Company being at ye same tyme amongst them (on¬ ly) Awashkooke ther pretended sachime did Comand them To let us goe, but he said that Capt: Thomas Willett had taken order with Capt: John green allready about ye matter in wrighting which wrighting was this day read by Capt: Green: in whose hand it is And ocasions a loving letter to be sent to 252 Capt: Thomas willett And delivered by the hand of Edmund Calverley Towne Clerke in ye presence of Capt: John Green one the 14th day of this Instant february they being both ordered by ye towne to Atend Capt: Willett to know his An¬ swer, who did tell ye towns agents That he would Answer ye Towne in one of the two desirs mentioned in ther letter, A Copie whereof is fyled amongst the records of the towne The names of ye persons that was with ye Constable when ye Copies of Sir Robert Carrs warrant was delivered was Sam- uell Gorton Junior Amos Westcott Edward Marshall & William Moor On vallentins day Ordered That upon ye delivery of sundry bills in this towne meeting And severall Claimes maid by dyvers inhabi¬ tants of ye towne for monys dew from ye towne to them some for wages dew to them And some having disbursted mony for towns servis naimely Capt: John Green [ 174 ] 253 Mr Edmund Calverley Mr John Wikes Edward mar shall Amos West- cot and his father Mr Stuckley Westcot, John Sweet for kill¬ ing a woolfe And sundry others, That is is heerby reffered to Capt: John Green Richard Carder And Edmund Calverley Towne Clerke to Auditt ye Accoumpts of ye Aforenaimed persons As Also ye acoumpts of any other person or persons That Cann lawfully Clame any debts dew by or from ye towne of warwicke And that ye refferees doe make ther report so soone as they Cann in a towne meeting Ordered That uppon A bill presented by Edmund Calverley, Mr Elyza Collins & Amos Westcott touching the making good & sufitient fences, by any persons that Improve any lands with¬ in this towne of warwicke, Itt is heerby referred to ye per¬ sons above naimed to bring in a report to this towne, in a towne meeting, how ye same may be Acomplished in order to ye setling of peace amongst ye neiborhood, & inhabitants of this towne, The townsmen being resolved to pursue ye same Ordered That ye diference between Thomas humphry & John Sweet they concenting at ye request of ye townesmen to be referred to Arbytration Mr Collins being Atorney for Thomas humphrey 254 Consenting Allso Ther is this day chosen Mr Randall houlden arbytrator for John Sweet Mr Walter Tod Arbytrator for Thom¬ as humphrey And in case they two cannot agree that then by mutuall consent Mr John Wicks is to be ye umpier And that their award if it be desired shall bee, (by ye towne Clerke) recorded in ye towne booke they paying for ye same who de¬ sire a record to be maid therof Each party promising to abide by ye same rather then to Call a Court about ye same being both ye two townes on ye mayne naimely warwicke & [ 175 ] providence must be forced to meet ye second tusday in March next, ther being an action of defamation brought by Thomas humphrey plaintife against John Sweet defendant. Warwicke the 14th of february 1666 Wheras ther was an Action of defamation Comenced by Thomas humphreys plaintive against John Sweet defendant both of warwicke ocationed by John Sweets boy Calling a maid Thomas humphreys his whore the which act of ye boy the said John Sweet seemed to the said 255 humphreys to Justify In that he would not be content without satisfaction from ye maid when she being so abusively urged fell upon the lad & beat hime As also being spoken to About the matter himeselfe further said his boy might well say so Intemating as though Mr Loe had spake very suspitiously to himselfe to that effect wherfore ye said humphreys Comenced his suit for ye vindecation of his naime And the neibourhood perceiving it to be an immateryall rangling busines perswaid- ed humphrey to refer ye matter to Arbitration ye which he willingly condescended unto And therupon they have mutually Chosen us Randall houlden Walter Tod and John Wickes whos determynation & conclution is as followeth vydeleset that in asmuch as ye matter of offence is one we conclude & de¬ termine That John Sweet defendant shall pay unto Thomas humphreys plaintife tenn shillings for so much he hath all- ready received upon ye matter And this our determynation 256 Be recorded The which shall be the withdrawing of ye action And A fynall one this matter John Wicks senior Walter Todd Randall houlden [ 176 ] Att A Towne meeting ye 20th of Aprill 1667 Capt: John Green moderator Chosen ffor debutys for the next Generall Asembly which will be one May day ffolowing ye date heerof Mr John Wickes Senior Mr Richard Carder Mr James Green Mr Edmund Calverley Chosen ffor Grand Jurymen Mr Richard Carder Mr Edmund Calverley Chosen ffor pettey Jurymen Mr Walter Tod Mr John Read 257 Voated That John Warners share in Shawomett necke should be lett to plant this yeer to him or them That would give most for ye same & peeter busecott bidding 13 bushells of good marchantable indean Corne at Harvest or soone after it being moor than any one else would give it was by Capt: Green ordered to hime he giveing A note under his hand to ye overseers that he would pay ye same Monday ye 3d of June 1667 At a towne meeting for Choise of towne officers Capt John Green asistant moderator Mr Beniamine Smith Asistant they being by law setled to be two of the Councell, and ye rest that were Chose ar Mr Samuell Gorton senior Mr Randall houlden Towne Mr John Wickes Councell Mr Richard Carder [ 177 ] Edmund Calverley Towne Clerke Edmund Calverley Constable Joseph Carpenter Constable 258 Mr Tod Tresurer Edward Marshall Towne sargent Richard Carder James Greene I surveyors Edmund Calverley Ther being a question put whether Edward Marshall Job Almy: Sam Stafford & Sundry others house keepers of this towne [erasure] who have had ye liberty to voat in Choyse of oficers or to be chosen into office & service both to ye kings mayestie & allso to ye Collony they having taken the oath of aleagance etc. though ther naimes be not entred in ye towne booke, And the voat Carryed it, that they may 259 Ordered That Mr Walter Tod who was this day Chosen Tresurer & refuseth to take his engadgment, That the said Mr Walter Tod doe stand in ye office of towne tresurer till another be Chosen by ye towne the towne being not willing at present to Chuse another Voated That upon a bill presented by Sam: Stafford de¬ siring Leave to fence in two pole of ground before his house one the Common to sett his hay upon, The Towne doe grant hime leave at present till they se cause to recall ye same in Case it prove preiuditiall to ye hyghway 260 Saterday [erasure] ye 29th of June 1667, at A towne meeting for Choise of debutys for an asembly procured by [ 178 ] William Harris complaint against Arthur ffenner & ye [erasure] maior part of the towne of providence Ordered That Captaine John Green be Moderator for this Towne meeting Voated That ye Laws maid ye last Generall Asembly shall be read Yoated That This Towne doe Aprove of ther debutys protest Against William Harris his heeing Engadged as magis- trat to sitt in ye last Asembly etc till he had Cleered The Charge Exhibited against hime by Beniamine Hearnden of The Towne of Providence (Noe man decenting) And the Towne doe Order That a Coppie heerof [erasure] be sent to ye next Gen¬ erall Asembly signed under The hand of ye Towne Clerke Voated That the remonstrance sent from ye towne of Providence, Termed the firebrand discovered, whom they Naime William Harris be ffyled up amongst this townes rec¬ ords. Voated That ther be [erasure] A petition drawne up now presently in ye Name of this towne of Warwicke Intytled The humble petition of the said towne, to ye Generall Asem¬ bly held ye 2d Tusday in July 1667, And signed by The Towne Clerke in the name of The Towne of Warwicke, which is done accordingly A Coppie wherof is on ye fyle amongst ye records which concearns some proceeds of Will harris & Mr Arthur ffenner of Providence Voated That the towne doe Graunt liberty to John Sweet Mr John Wickes Mr Richard Carder Mr James Green Mr Edmund Calverley Debutys for the Generall Asembly held ye first tusday in July being ye 2d day 261 [ 179 ] to sell ye mill to Samuell Stafford & Lucke bromley provid¬ ed the towne Orders be Observed Job Aymey his Eare marke is a square Cut out of ye left Eare at ye top & a slit downe to ye heege ward se ye figure 262 Warwicke We Samuell Stafford & Edward Marshall of ye same towne of Warwick doe in pursuance of ye grand order of ye towne entred ye 14th page of ye towne booke subscribe to ye said order but we know not of ye same when we bought our land in ye towne Else we should have done ye same before 30th of September 1667 Samuel Stafford in a towne meeting Edward ^ Marshall his marke 30th of September 1667. In a towne meeting for Choise of debutys for to prepare for ye Corte of tryall & generall Asembly in October following Captaine John Green Chosen moderator voated that ye lawes maid Last generall asembly should be read which was done acordingly which asembly was held the second of July 1667 Captaine Randall houlden Mr Edmund Calverley Mr John Potter Mr Thomas Green Chosen for debutys 263 Mr Amos Westcott and j Chosen for ye Mr Abyah Carpenter j jury of tryalls Ordered that Lucke bromley the present miller should be received into ye towne he being one of ye purchasers of ye [ 180 ] mill with Samuell Stafford whoe did both of them promise to submitt to ye orders of ye towne & had this day leave to sett their hands to ye towne booke which they did doe in this towne meeting as allso Edward Marshall Ordered that Mr Edmond Searle brother in law to Mr Edmune Calverley now soiorning in ye house of ye said Mr Edmund Cal- verley should be received into ye towne as an inhabytant Saterday ye 11th of January 1667 At A towne meeting Captaine John Greene chosen moderator The towne doe Order that A raite of fifteen pound be maid towards killing two woolves lately presented by John Geryardy As allso that ye charge of making ye said raite be considered Captaine John Green Captaine Randall houlden Richard Carder & Elyza Collins or ye maior part of them Ar chosen by 264 The towns men to make ye said raite within 14 days After ye date Of this order, which raite shall be paid into ye towne tresurer by ye 14th day of february next Also ye towne doe order Edmund Calverley constable of ye towne to give notice to all persons what their raite is a peece And In case that Any person so raited or Asesed shall neglect or refuse to pay ther respective soms to ye towne tresurer as aforesaid That then ye tresurer shall present ther naims to a magistrate of this towne And desire his warrant direct¬ ed to Edward Marshall ye towne sargent to distrain upon his or ther goods or chattells that so neglect or refuse to pay as aforesaid And deliver ye same to ye towne tresurer afore¬ said who shall take to men of ye towne to praise such dis- treses And shall pay ye said praisers for ther paines out of ye said distreses Also ye towne sargent shall be paid 2 s 6 d out of every [ 181 ] distress for his paines And ye over plus to be re¬ stored to ye owner tberof 265 Ordered That Captaine Eandall lioulden be desired in regard Mr Wickes is laime to suply bis roome in running tbe lyne of ye towne acording to a former order And tbat Monday next if it be posible be ye day & that they meet At rich- ard carders fence end And tbat Edward Marshall doe beat ye drum to give notice Ordered Tbat upon ye desire of henry Salter who owneth bimselfe to be an inhabitant of charlestown neer Boston the towne doe give him leave to soiourne in this towne till ye winter season be a litle over & As soone as he Cann to retnrne to his wife & children Wee ye surveyors off ye towne off warwicke have Left ye Lott Called George Tippetts ffor a watring place for Cattell itt Lying very Convenient ffor that purpose ffor The Ear Mark of Thomas Green: Son Fones Creatures, is a Crop on the left Ear and two Slits in the top of the Same. 266 ffebruary ye 28th 1667 the Townes use surveyors Entered, July 27th, 1759 Jer Lippitt Town Clk [ 182 ] The Ear mark of Nathaniel Cole's Creatures is a Crop on the left ear and a Slit in the under Side of the Right ear Entered Jan ye 28th, 1760 J. Lippitt Clk 267 [Shorthand] 268 Mr Warner & Mr Potter are to helpe lay out a piece of land against our lotts ends Mr Greenese cart Mr Holliman one day Mr Potter Richard Westcot Mr Tod cart one day Henry Townsend Richard H Richard Townsend Rich: Harcutt Richard Harcut one day for Rich Peter Greene Carder Stukly Westcote Rich Townsend John Sweete one day & halfe John Cooke Henry Townsend John Lippit, sr three dayes John More John more one day Richard Carder Chris. Unthanke John Downinge one day Mr Warner ffower dayes Mr Smiths teems one Amos Westcot day more three dayes and halfe Samuell Gorton one day Rich: Harcutt fower dayes George Bauldin 2 dayes Geo: Bauldin one day for Mr Houlden Mr Smiths two t [torn] one day [ 183 ] 269 [Half page shorthand] Mr Holiman Mr Potter Richard Carder Henry Townsend John Townsend Stukly Westcote Peter Greene John Sweete John Lippet John Cooke John Downinge John More Th verdict of the Jury wee find for the plai¬ ntive : & the defendant Richard Harcutts to pay unto him for damadges one pound and cost This is concerning action against Sachary Rode The cost & [illegible] is 270 [Half page shorthand] Thomas Greene witnesseth beinge engaged witnesseth that his brother James demaunded 10 shillings of Stukly Wascote or 2 bushells and a halfe of Indian Corne & Stukly Wascote answered he wode speake With Mr Weekes and then he should know what to doe. the time was the last Towne meeting Peter Greene witnesseth that at the same time hee heard the same only mentioninge the note 271 [Half page shorthand] Mr Holiman J T Mr Warner R T Henry Townsend Mr Smith John Greene Mr Houlden Gorton Amen Mr Weekes Houlden Mr Gorton Warner are chosen for the Henry Townsen Towne Counsell Holiman Pe Gr [ 184 ] RH JD S W Weekes W Tod RCa JG PB R Pot JS John lip Hen Tow Mr Tod Pet Buz John Town John Sweete Rich Town Mr War Mr Holi Mr Hon Stu Westcot Rob West Rich Har Tho Green James Greene Thoma J ohn Cooke 273 William Gorton Ear mark a Crop on the Right ear and a halpenny under each Entred ye 10th of May 1737 William Green son of Capt Samuell Green Deseast his Eare 272 [Half page shorthand] Nathan Peirce Earmark is a Crop on the Right ear and aslit in ye same and a half penney under the Left Recorded ye 27th of June 1741 Benjamin Perce Earmark is a Small Crop on each Ear and aslit under each Entred ye 10th of May 1737 [ 185 ] mark of his Creators is a Swallows taile in ye Left Eare and a halfpeny npon the fore side of ye same Eare Recorded may ye 9th Day 1721 per me George Weastgeate Town Clerk Samuel Bennits Earmark is a Crop on ye Right Ear and two slits in ye top of ye Same Entred ye 15th of March 1726/7 Randall Rice his Earmark is a fork in ye Right Ear which was his fathers mark Entred ye 11th of January 1727/8 274 [Half page shorthand] The small lotts in Quinimicote Peter Greene the 1 Richard Townsend the 2 Mr Holliman the 3 Thomas Thornicraft 4 Mrs Helmes the 5 Stukly Wascote the 6 James Greene the 7 George Baldin the 8 Walter Todd the 9 John Greene Jr the 10 John Weekes the 11 Henry Townsend the 12 Peter Buzicott the 13 Robert Potter the 14 John More the 15 Mr Hart the 16 John Lippet the 17 Thomas Greene the 18 Richard Harcutt the 19 Richard Waterman the 20 [ 186 ] 275 [Half page shorthand] John Smith the 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Samuel Gorton the John Townsend the John Greene Sr the John Warner the John Cooke the Randall Houlden Richard Carder the The earmark of Thomas Stafford Creatures Son of Thomas Stafford is a Gad on ye under Side of ye Right ear Recorded ye 18th of November 1723 The mark of Joseph Remingtons Creatures is a fore Gad on ye Right ear and a halpenny over and under ye Left Recorded ye 23rd of March 1723/4 276 [Half page shorthand] Warwicke the 26th oft October 1657 Memorandum that one the day and yeare above said there was a letter Attorney Sygned and Sealed of lawrence Pim- nocks unto Edmond Calvalrie Keeper of the Ely house Lon¬ don before and in presence of the Towne Clerk besids oth¬ ers of the Towne officers subscribing the said letter of Atturney Amos Lackwood Ear mark is a fork is a fork in Each Ear Recorded ye 4th March 1728/9 277 [Half page shorthand] Records of liquors Mr. Todd 9 Ankers — 16 of June 1655 My father & brothers 2 Ankers & a hogshead of wine Mrs Geraerd 6 Ankers of liquors Richard Harcutt - - 2 Ankers of liquors [ 187 ] My brother James 1 Anker of liquors the 19 of June 1655 Robert Waskote one Anker of wine July January Richard Harcutt a most a quarter cask of wine 2 ankers & halfe of run October 14 Mr. Potter 7 ankers and halfe of liquors Item a hogshead & halfe of wine Mrs Coles 3 Ankers & halfe of liquors John Townsend 3 ankers Henry Townsend 1 and halfe March 55 56 Stukly Waskote 2 ankers of liquors one pipe of wine one quarter Caske James Green 2 ankers of liquors Richard Harcutt at Court 4 Ankers More 2 Ankers Robert Waskote this 31 of April 1656 eleven Ankers of liquors 278 [Half page shorthand] June the 25 1656 Stukly Westkote 5 Ankers of liquors entered for Stukly Westkott July 2 1656 9 Ankers of liquors August the 7 1656 entered for Mr Smith and Mr Houlden 3 quarter Casks of Brandy 3 pips of Sacke Entered for Mr John Greene Junior [ 188 ] 3 quarter Casks of Brandy and 3 pipes of Sacke Entered for James Greene one quarter Caske of Brandy and one pipe of wine August 14 1656 Stukly Westkote one Anker of liquors and Robert West kote 12 Ankers of liquors December 17 1656 Robert Westkote 6 Ankers of liquors January the 29 1656 Mr John Greene Junior 2 Ankers of peach liquors stilled at Providence 279 [Half page shorthand] February the 12 1656 James Greene one Anker of liquors March the 211656 Mathias Harvy one Anker of liquors April the 14 1657 for James Greene 2 Ankers of Liquors April 15 1657 entered for Mr weeks 4 Ankers of Liquors April the 19 1657 entered for Stukly Westkote 3 Ankers of liquors and a halfe, May the 16 1657 Entered for Mr Tod 2 Ankers of liquors Entered for Robert Westkote May the 16th 57, 5 Ankers of liquors Entered for George Palmer the 3 oft July 57. one Anker of liquors July the 7 one Anker [ 189 ] July the 10th 57 entered for Mr Weeks3 one caske of liquors Entered for Mr Low the 12 of July 57 5 Ankers of liquors 280 [Half page shorthand] July the 10th 57 Entered for Mr Todd 8 Ankers of liquors / July the 28 57 Entered for George Palmer halfe one Anker of liquor August the first 57 Entered for Thomas Stafford one quarter caske of liquors September the first 57 Entered for Mr Harvy 4 Ankers of liquors September the 1 57 Entered for Stukly Westkote 4 Ankers of liquors more for Amos Westkote 4 Ankers of liquors Sept the 25: 57 Entered for Mr Todd 3 Ankers of liquors 281 [Half page shorthand] October 14 57 Entered for James Greene 2 An¬ kers of Liquors November the 25. 57 Entered for Mr. John Greene Senior 2 Ankers of liquors Entered for Mr John Green Junior [ 190 ] 2 Ankers of liquors March the 6 57 enter for James Greene 4 Ankers and a halfe of liquors March the 6:57: entered for Mr Low 3 Ankers of liquors March the 6:57: entered for Mr Todd 6 Ankers of liquors Aprill the first: 58. Entered for Mr Weeks one Anker of liquors Aprill the first: 57. Entered for Richard Carder one Anker of liquors Aprill the first. 57 Entered for William Burton one Anker of liquors Aprill the 2:58 Entered for Mr Holliman 3 Ankers of liquors The 3 of Aprill 58 Entered for Mr Weeks 2 Ankers of Liquors 282 [Half page shorthand] Aprill the 3 58 Entered for Robert Westkote 2 Ankers liquors Aprill the 3 58 Entered for John Sweet one Anker of liquors Aprill the 27 1658 Entered for Mr. Harvy 2 Ankers of liquors and 2 Ankers for Daniel excised at Rode Hand May the 13,1658 Entered for Mr Todd 3 Ankers of liquors May the 18, 1658 Entered for Mr Low 2 Ankers of liquors & 2 Ankers of sacke C 191 ] May the 19, 1658 Entered for Richard Carder 3 Ankers of liquors Entered for John Sweet one anker of liquors Entered for James Sweet one Anker of liquors the two last excised at the Island 283 [Half page shorthand] June the 6,1658 Entered for Mr Low one Anker of powder the with The under written Daniel Greene hath altered his mark by putting the slit in the Right ear Christopher Greene (S C) takes Daniel Green mark Sept Goodman Carder 2 Ankers ise payd Daniel Green Earmark is a half Penney ye under side of ye left ear & a slit ye uper side of ye same slanting towards ye Roote of sd ear July 20:1731 July Mr Houlden one quarter Caske of liquors ankers of Liquors Samuel Perce his Earmark is a Crop in Each Ear and a slitt in Each Crop Right Down Recorded ye 1st of August 1727 Joseph Carder Ear mark is a Crop on ye Right Ear and a halpeny over and under ye same and a slit in ye top of ye Left September ye 20th 1727 [ 192 ] 284 [Half page shorthand] June the 11th Mr Smith one anker of liquors July One quarter Caske of liquors November One anker of liquors June the 11th Mr Weekes one anker of liquors more One hogshead of liquors June the 11th Mr Harvy one anker of liquors Phillip Green Ear mark is a half penny under the Lef Ear and a slit under the Right June ye 2nd 1732 285 [Half page shorthand] June the 13 for John Greene Ju 3 ankers of liqr excise payd to Mr Todd Thomas Greene 3 ankers of liqr June the 13 as above sayd for John Greene Ser one anker 2 1/2 payd June the Mr Weekes a hogshead of liquors for which hee engadged for excise to John Cason July Robert Waskote a quarter Caske of wine September 4 Quarter Caske of liquors July ffrances Dorbe one anker of liquors [ 193 ] 286 [Half page shorthand] Mr Todd in August 58 4 Quarter Caske of liquors & one Quarter Caske of wine Benjamin Barton the eare mark of his Cattell is a halfe peny cut out of each side the left eare: Entred upon record [Scratched out] James Greene Sept 58 2 Ankers of liquors the above sd benjamin barton has held the above sd mark of 2 half pence over a undre the left Ear from ye 6 day of March 1666 Rufus Barton ye eare mark of his Catel & other Creaturs is four halfe pennys one over & under Each Eare his brand mark R B upon ye left buttock Entred upon Record ye 8 Day of Decembr 1716 287 [Half page shorthand] Peter Greene 3 quarter Caske of wine and one of liquors The Ear Mark of Wm foster is a hind gad of each Ear Recorded ye 11th of May 1734 November the 18 58 Robert Wastkote 5 quarter Caske of wine 3 quarter Caske of liquors excise engadged at Newport Moses Lippitt Junr Earmark is a hind gad in each ear and halpenney uper side ye Right Recorded ye 12 of June 1734 The mark of Robert Westgates Cattell is a Crop on the left eare and a halfe peny on the under side of the same eare [ 194 ] and a hole cut in the Same eare Recorded this 24 of ffebruary 1710-11 288 [Half page shorthand] ffeb the 8th 58 ffrances Dorby 3 ankers of liq excise payd at Newport Richard Carder 5 ankers December ye 12th 1663 Entred for goodman Burton 23 gallons of liquors ye 12 Entered for Mr Samuel Gorton Junior 6 ankers of liquors ye 12 Entred for Mr Todd 2 ankers of Liquors all came from January ye 4th 1663: Entred for Mr Thomas Greene on anker stilled at Providence Entred for James Greene on anker t y Came from Newport Exsies payd there t and on for James Sweet y Came at ye same time Exsies payd at Newport January ye 6th Entred for William t Burton two Ankers y Came from Rehoboth 289 [Half page shorthand] June ye 20th 1664 Entred for Mr Thomas Greene on hogshead of Lickars Samul Gorton of Cowesit son of Capt Benjamin Gorton (deceased) the eare mark of his Cattell is a halfe peny cut out one ye underside of each eare and the top of the right eare cropt off also: And the Brand mark of his horse kind is S. G. upon the right Buttock [ 195 ] Recorded ffebr: 3d 1709-10 Samll Gorton son of John Gorton the Brand mark of his horse kind is S G upon the left Buttock: 290 [Half page shorthand] Robert Davis the eare mark of his Cattell is a fork cut out of the top of the right eare and a halfe peny cut out on the underside the same eare. Recorded this 18th of octobr 1707 Abraham Lockwood the eare mark of his Cattell is the top of the right eare cut off and a slit cut into the un¬ der side the left eare: Recorded this 16th of ffebr. 1707-8 William Arnolds eare mark of his Cattell is a crop on the right eare cut off sqare and a fore gade in ye the left eare downward. [erasure] [erasure] Recorded the 18th of Aprill 1708 Wllm Arnolds Earmark a crop ye right Ear and a fore Gade in ye Left. The marke of Robert Davis is now taken up by Thomas Rice ye 4th of January 1723 or 4 The sd Thomas Rice now adds a slit in ye top of the Left ear may ye 21st 1731 291 [Half page shorthand] Samuel Barton takes ye same marke that was his fathers. Entred ye 22d of July 1735. Andrew Bartons eare mark of his cattell is a Crop on the left eare, about the midle of the Eare cut off Square, and a forck cut out of the top of the right eare Entred this 15th of November 1705 Samuel Gorton son of John Gorton Senior, the eare mark [ 196 ] of his Cattell is a halfe peny cut out on the underside ye left eare, and a slitt in the top of the right Eare. Recorded January the 5th 1705-6 Samuel Gorton son of sd Samuel Gorton Deceast takes ye same mark that was his fathers which is a halpenny ye un¬ der side ye Left Ear and a Slit in ye Right Entered ye 13th of November 1728 ffrancis Mattisons eare mark of his Cattell is the top cut off the right eare with a slit in it and a halfe peny cut out on the fore side the same eare this mark is taken Recorded May 31,1707 up by Wm Rice son of Thos. William Arnolds Earemark of his Creatuers is a Crop on the Right Eare and a fore gadd in ye Lef Recorded ye 10th of ffebruary 1719 or 20 292 [Half page shorthand] Hugh Stones Eare mark of his Cattell is a halfe peny cut out of each side of the right eare and a crop cut off the top of the same eare. John Dexter takes the mark of Hugh Stone June ye 12 1741 Ephraim Arnolds Ear mark is a Crop cut square of ye top of each ear which was ye mark of Oliver Carpenter entred ye 20th of April 1733 James Carders eare mark of his Cattell is a piece Sloped out from the middle of the top of the right eare unto the tipp thereof, which was exactly the same his father marked his Cattell withall as appears by Record: Amos Staffords eare mark of his Cattell is a peice cut of the top of the left eare and a halfe peny cut out on the upper side the same eare: John Rice his eare mark of his Cattell is a fork or Swal- [ 197 ] low taile on the right eare and a halfe peny cut out on the under side the left eare: Entred this third of ffebruary 1699-1700 293 [Half page shorthand] Records of the Cattells Eare marks belonging to the in¬ habitants of the Towne of Warwicke the 18 of february 1656 Richard Carders Cattells eare marke is a peice slopt out from the middle of the top of the right eare unto the tippe thereof Christopher Haukshurst Cattells eare marke is a slitt on the side of each eare which make a flure Deluce Henry Ruddocks Cattells eare marke is two slitts in the up¬ per side of the right eare Henry Knoles Cattells eare marke a hole out of the right eare and a half penny out of the upper side of the left eare 294 [Half page shorthand] John Lippett Junior his Cattells Eare mark is a slitt of each eare on the under side of each eare the neare eare is a little deeper than the other John Greene Junior his Cattells eare marke is a slitt in the fore part of the neare eare James Greene his Cattells eare marke is a Crop on the top of the neare eare Mathias Harves Cattells eare marke the topp of each eare cropt off and withall a slitt downe the right eare Thomas Staffords Cattells eare marke a cropp on the left eare and a halfe penny cutt out of the underside of the same eare John Philp his Cattells eare mark is two slitts in the upper side of the right eare: recorded June 9th 1705 [ 198 ] 295 [Half page shorthand] Stukely Westcotts Cattells eare marke is the top cut off the right eare and a slitt cut into the under side of the left eare John Smith the masons Cattells eare marke is a Croppe on the right eare and a half penny cut out of the outside of the left eare in Amos Westkots Cattells eare marke is a hole cutt [erased] each eare Mr Weeks his Cattells eare marke is a forke in the neare eare in this forme Oi Thomas Bradlyes Cattells eare marke is a cut into the outside of each eare George Palmers Cattells earemark is a slitt downe the midle of each eare John Lippett Senior Cattells eare mark is a cutt downe from the Tipp of the neare eare and soe Cutt out about the midle thereoff 296 [Half page shorthand] Mr John Greene Senior Cattells eare marke is a slitt in¬ to the midle of the right eare on the backe side James Sweet Catelells yeare marke is a slitt of each side of the neare yeare John Sweet his yeare marke is a Slitt of Each Side of the fur yeare Thomas Relph his yeare marke is a cut out of the from the root of each yeare and so up to the topp William Burton his yeare marke is a gadd of the hidder parte of the nere yeare and the tope of ye right yeare cut of C 199 ] Thomas Greene Catells yeare marke is a slitt on the fore Parte of Each yeare aboute ye midell of ye yeare a litell a slant downewards Mr Richard Green son of ye above sd Thomas Green took and marked with his fathers mark Richard Green son of ye above sd Richard marked with his fathers mark 297 [Half page shorthand] begin December 1659 Robert Waskote - 3 ankers of liqr 8 ankers more the beginninge of January Peter Levelle Earmark is a Square Pece Cut out of ye Right Ear [erased] in this manner and a half penney over and under ye Left Recorded ye 10th of March 1728/9 December the 24:59 Samuell Gorton - 3 ankers of liqr excise payd the Earmark of John Lee is a slit in the top of ye Right ear and a halpeny over the left Recorded ye 3d of August 1734 January 59 Anthony Loe 3 barrells of liqr of set upon the acount of the Ordinarie Aprill 60 3 barrells of liquors more March 59:60 Thomas Greene 2 Ankers 298 [Half page shorthand] ffeb: 59 James Greene two barrells excise payd Aprill 60 two halfe Ames of liquors [ 200 ] Aprill 60 Mr Mathias Harvy halfe an anker of liquors Capt Joseph Stafford Ear mark is a Crop on ye left ear and a halpenney ye uperside ye same and aslit in ye top Entred ye 1st of November 1736 May 60 Mr Walter Todd 9 ankers of liquors in this The Ear mark of Theophilas Ellis is figuer two slits on ye left Ear over and under which makes a flower Deluce and a hind Gad on ye Right Jan ye 22 1733/4 Mr John Smith 7 ankers of liquors Uzal Green Ear mark is a hind Gad in ye left and a hole in ye Right Entred ye 1st of July 1729 299 These are to testify that I Christopher Helme doe bind my selfe to answer all damages yt may Arise by the ocation of Receaving Robert Andrewes Againe into my Custody after the towne had sent him back to his master & he escaped from ye mes¬ senger which sd Andrews I shall Ingage my selfe to have him forth coming and to anser anny damage yt shall come by it to ye towne wher unto I set my hand & bind my estate to mak good to ye utmost At A towne metteinge Chr: Holme Janu: 23th 1648 The Ear mark of William Nickols son of John is a Crop in ye Right square and a half penny over & under ye same and a slit in the top of Left. Entred ye 4th of September 1733. [Half page shorthand] [ 201 ] 300 [Half page shorthand] June ye 9 day 1661 [Erasure] Amos Wascott 4 ancors and halfe of lickyor Entred June ye 30 day William Burton 3 ancors of Lickyors July ye 9 day James Greene 2 ancors 1/2 Samuell Gorton ten Ancors of lickyors July ye 22 day Entred for John Gerardy 6 ancors of lickyors [Erasure] August ye 14 day Entred for Mr todd 4 Ancors of Lickyors for frances Darby 2 Ancors Entred August ye 19 day Entred for Frances Derby 22 galons of wine broaght from newport: August ye 22d Entred for Goodman Wascottes 5 gallons of Lickyors September ye 15 day Entred for Mr Lowe on Ancor of Lickyor 16 day [blotted] halfe an Ancor of Lickyors Entred for Mr Lowe 20 Entred for Mr Lowe 3 Ancors of Lickyors for Mr garydy on Ancor lickyor Entred 301 [Half page shorthand] August ye 6 day 1661 Entred for Mr John Greene on bar- rell of powder and 2 barrells of Shoate: : October the 12 Entred for Amos wascott 2 Ankers of lickyour november ye 7 day Entred for Mr Weckott 6 ancors of lickuors Entred for Jerimiay Wascott 5 ancors Entred for ffrancis Derby 10 An¬ cors of Lickyors november ye 6 day Entred 6 ancors of lick¬ yors for Mr Todd for Mr John Greene 6 ancors of lickyors for William Burton 6 ancors of lickyors all which came out of Balstons 12 for Amos Wascott 4 ancors of lickyors [ 202 ] 23 Entred for Goodman knowells 34 gallons of rumbe April ye 22 day 1662 Entred for Mr Walter Todd 6 an- cors of licker Mr Weckes 2 ancors and 1/3 of lickors Roger burlingham on ancor and 4 302 [Half page shorthand] The Court of Tryalls held at Warwicke the 30th of August 1659 Mr Smith Deputy; John Greene Asistant and Clarke by reason of the abscence of the Sargent William Eaton is made the Sargeants Deputy during Sessions The Jury men are James Greene John Smith mason William Burton John Lippett sr Richard Carder John Geraerdy Richard Carder and John Geraerdy being absent The Sargeant is apointed to warne in some Townesmen to Suply the Court These are chosen to fill up the [ Mr Harvey foreman Jury in the roome of those absent 1 Thomas Hedger ffrancis Derby beinge Indicted for breach of lawe by sellinge liquors to the Indians the verdict of the Jury is: guilty: Benoney Waterman Earmark of his Creatures is a fork in ye Right Ear and a half penney ye underside of the same. Enter¬ ed ye 3d of May 1731 303 [Half page shorthand] Mr John Garady Cattelles yeare marke is a Round in hole in ye left years Mr Smiyth Catelles yeare marke is a crope of ye righte yeare and a halfe peny under it Goodman hegers ye Catell yeare marke is a Crope of ye [ 203 ] right yeare and a Slite in ye Crope and a Slitt under ye left yeare John Potters Catelles yeare Marke is a fore gad on ye neare yeare and a hinder gad on ye right yeare Majr Randall Holdon Earmark of his Creatuers Is a Slant ing Slitt In ye underside of ye Left Ear towards ye Root of sd Ear in this figuer £ which hath bin held by him and his father upwards of Seventy years Entred ye 6 of December 1722 304 [Half page shorthand] July ye 3d, 1652 Entred for Jeriamiah Wascott half an anker of lickyors ye 6: Entred for Usleton on ancor ye 13 Entred for William Burton 12 gallons ye 29 Entred for William Burton 24 galons lickyors August ye 20 Entred for James Greene on barrell ye 28: Entred for Mr Todd 2 ancores of lickyors for goodman wascott on hogshead of lickyors Entred for Jeriamiah 2 ancors ye 29 Entred for Mr John Greene on hogshead of Lickyors September ye 24 Entred for Thomas Greene 2 hogsheads lickyors for Mr Todd six ancors lick for goodman Wascott 8 ancors Lickyors Entred for Mr Smyth 6 Ancors Lickyor 305 Entred for Mr Low on ancor of Lickuor Entred for goodman Burton 6 ancors of Lickyors Entred for Samuell Gorton ten Ancors of Lickyors October ye 6 day Entred for Mr Tod 7 ancors Lickrs October ye 26 day entred for goodman knowles 25 gallons [ 204 ] November ye 4 day Entred for ffrancis derby 5 ancors of Lickyors 1663 June ye 20th Mr Todd an ancor of Lickyors June Thomas Greene on Ancor of Lickyors Mr Thomas Greene entred 5 Ancors and 1/2 of Lickyors ye 24th of July July ye 24 Entred for francies Uslinton:3 ancors and 1/2 of Lickyors Mr Thomas Greene hath payd all his Exsies to ye 30th of March 1663: to Mr John Smyth Treasurer August ye 14th, entred for William Burton on hogshead of Lickyors [Half page shorthand] 306 the Ear mark of Caleb Carr of Warwick is a Crop on the Left Ear and aslit over and under the Right Recorded ye 10th of May 1736 Mr Potter Mr Tod John Townsend Richard Carder Richard Harcutt Stukly Westcoat Thomas Thornicraft John Sweet Peter Greene James Greene Thomas Greene Peter Buzicot John Low: Jur Ear: mark is a Crop: of: ye Left Ear Cut [ 205 ] Square of and a hole in ye Right Ear Recorded in Warwick ye 3th Day of May 1733 per John Low Jur Cleark Entred to Bentt Low Nov. 21,1820 Barnit Hill Earmark a hole in the Left ear and aslit in ye top of ye Right Down into ye midle of sd Ear Recorded ye 22d of October 1733 [Half page shorthand] 307 January 23th 1648 Warwick Chri: Helme: having thretened the Towne in general for goeing about to undermine the Towne his Act testifies the truth of his threats: Wee being orderly met in a towne meting doe agree and Conclude yt the said Chri: Helme is wholy deprived of all rite and Intrest in this plantation but only yt wh hee hath in present posetion apropreated, but only yt wh the Towne doth freely condesend to, by permition till hee cane mak forther provition wh wee conclud to hee by the first day of May 1649 and after that day prefixed hee is not to make use of anny comon privilige but as a transgreser liable to anser for contempt therein Christopher Helme you are bound to [illegible] in ye some of 50 to bee levied in lands goods & chattells to an¬ swer at our Next Court of trialls held in this Collony to such things as shall then and there bee charged upon you & in the meane time to stand to good behavior towards all his maety Leage people this 30th of Jan 1648 You are to become bound to the State of England in the Asumset of tenn pound, to bringe forth the Boddy of Robert Wascote to personall apearance at the next court held at Warwicke [ 206 ] 308 Dated the 26 of July 1649 You Richard Carder do acknowledge yourself indebted to the State of England in the sum of tenn pounds the Con¬ dition wherof to bringe in the Boddy of Robert "Wascot to apeare at the next Court held at Warwicke and there to an¬ swer to what shall be layd to his charge An action of Trespass entred by James Greene against Stukly Wastcott the 13 of August An action of the Case entred by Richard Harcutt plain¬ tive against Sachary Rode Defendant An action of the Case entred by James Greene Plaintive agaynst Stukly Wascote Defendant the 2d of January to be an¬ swered the next Court The Ans of Sachary Rode is to deny the action of Rich¬ ard Harcutt William field witnessed that Richard Harcutt forbad Sachary Rode The Anser of Stukly Wascote not Guilty Samuel Bayleys mark a Crop on the Right and a foregad in ye left Ear and a halpenny under ye gad Recorded 21st of June 1737 309 An action of the case entred by Benedict Arnold of Providence Plaintive against John Harde defendant July the 3: 1651 The Issue not Guilty The verdict of the Jury is Wee find for the defendant not guilty and the cost of the Court to be payd by the Plaintive [ 207 ] It is ordered and agreed by Mr Randall Houlden and my selfe namely John Greene Ju beinge Towne officers upon the request of Hurmanus Hartoch Jan Gereard &c that there bee a court of Trialls held on Wednesday next followinge the date herof which is concluded to bee the 17 day of March this present moneth 1651 The action of John Gareard being an action of the case agst John Warner defendant is entered The answer of Mr John Warner to the action of John Garuard in the action of the case is nihil dicit the Petty Jury havinge brought in their verdict it is this Wee all agree to give the plaintive ten pounds for damadges the cost of the court together with the damadges and the servinge the Execution being sumed up amountes to 28 pound 9 shillings The goods levied by the Genii Sarieant for the discharge herof is one younge mare with a starr in her forhead prized by John Townsend & Richard Carder at twentie pound Item 310 [Illegible] An action of the case of defamation enter by Mr Samuell Gorton plaintive against Mr Walter Todd defendant the of April 52 John Lippet Jr is indetted to the Towne five poundes for selling a gun to the Indians this 4th of May (1652) Dated this 3 of October 1652 John Geraerd stands bound in a bond of forty pound to answer his misdemeanures and breach of peace against Mr Randall Houlden Towne Deputy to the next Court of Trialls to be holden the 1 Tuesday in November next in Warwicke to the Indignity of the state Robert Wascote stands bound over in a bond of Ten pound [ 208 ] answer his misdemeanures and breach of the peace against Mr against Mr Randall Houlden Towne Deputy at the next Court of Trialls to bee holden in the Towne of Warwicke the 1 Tuesday in November next ensuinge The Court is adiourned while the first tuesday in Jan¬ uary next ensuinge The two bonds being withdrawne the matter is ended. 311 Ane Action of debt entered by Stuckly Westkot of War- wicke plaintive against Peter Buzicot smith of the same Towne Defendant November the 27th 1656 As also Ane Action of debt and Trespas entered by Peter Buzicot smith in warwicke plaintive against Stukly Westkote defendant November the 30th 1656. Soe both the parties being agreed both the Ac¬ tions are withdrawen the second of february 1656-7 Ane Action of debt entered by Stuckly westkote of Warwicke plaintive agst John Gereardy of the Menadoes in the new Netherlands defendant May the 6th 1657 Ane Action of debt entered by Robert Westkote of war¬ wicke plaintive against William Sanders of the same Towne defendant January the 27th 1656 Soe both the parties being agreed the Action is withdrawen the second of february 1656/ Ane Action of a hundred pound upon neglect entered by Robert Hearngton mariner and master of the Barke Debora plaintive agst Roger Anadown ship Carpenter Defendant War¬ wicke the 3 of June 1657 312 Warwicke the 28th 1657 Ane Atachment served upon the house and land of Thomas Erington late deceased of Warwicke by Mr Ezekiell Holliman [ 209 ] of the aforesaid towne to be foorth coming to Answer him in ane Action of debt upon divers bills [The above record is scratched out.] Warwicke the 28th 1657 Ane attatchment served by Mr Ezekiell Holliman plain¬ tive upon the house and land of Thomas Erington late deceas¬ ed defendant both inhabitants of the towne of warwicke the aforesaid house and land with Appurtenances thereunto be¬ longing are to be foorth Coming to Answer the aforesaid Ezekiel Holliman in ane Action of debt upon divers bills Warwicke Aprill the 3 58 Ane Action of the case Entered by John Geraerdy of warwicke plaintive agst ffrancis Darby Sojourner of the same towne defdt. Warwicke the 2 of May 58 A nihill Dixit entered by John Green Junior Aturney for John Geraerdy agst ffrancis Darby Warwicke the 2 of May 58 The Answer of ffrancis Darby defendant sojourner in warwicke to the declaration of Mr John Gereardy plaintive Inhabitant of the same towne is that he is not gilty of any thing contayned in the declaration and is willing to Answer the Action according to law 313 The ishue is not Guilty The verdict of the Jury and find for the Plaintive & give him Cost of Court and damage Ten pounds at peage Eight per penny Mr John Gereardy and ffrancis Darby being both agreed the execution is stopped the said ffrancis Darby have sat¬ isfied the damage and nothing to be recalled here after on neither side upon the Acompt of the Tobacco [ 210 ] March the 4/658 Ordered that a warrant be sent for John Samon and his wife John Samon being indyted for selling of powder and shot to ye Indeans and ye bill being fonnd billa vera by the grand Jury he being demand "I gilty or not gilty he Answer¬ ed he was gilty and referrs himselfe to the bench for Try- all now ye Judge 314 ment of the bench is that he is indebted to the Towne five pound untill they shall call for it An action of debt entred by James Sweet of Warwicke plaintive against Thomas Stafford of the same Towne defen¬ dant bearing date January the 26th 58 The Defendant is taken upon a nihill dicit they hav- inge agreed the action is withdrawen April the 21 Anno 1659 The Carkas of a dead Indian beinge found dead in the. limits of this Towne of Warwicke Imediately a warrant was granted forth by the Deputy to produce forthwith a Corron- er Inquest which forthwith was done, the names of them are as followeth Stukly Waskote foreman Samuell Stafford Mr Walter Todd John Sweet Mr Mathias Harvy Thomas Greene Christopher Onthanke John Wickes Jur James Sweet Edward Marshall John Geraerdy John Herwood The verdict Warwicke the 20th of Aprill 1659 That wher- as John Sweet goinge out to looke after his cattell found an Indian dead within the precincts of the Towne of War¬ wicke, almost eaten up with wilde beastes and by Mennea- [ 211 ] chickes Information it is conceaved it is his brothr which sometimes lived with Mr Paine of Seacunke wee being the grand Inquest called to make Inquiry have made what enquiery or search wee can, and cannot find what should bee the oc¬ casion of his death 315 Know all men by these presents that I Peter Buzicott blacke smith Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwieke in the Nan- higanset bay in new England have sould and passed over my full right and Interest in the house Lott and all the priv- iledges therunto belonginge which I bought of Thomas Thorn- icraft, unto John Bennet dwellinge in the sayd Towne, I say I have sould him the sayd Lott with all the housinge both the dwellinge house and other out howsinge together with the fencinge and Comonige and all other landes devid- ed or undevided ther unto belonginge for satisfaction al¬ ready received I say I have sould the abovesayd Lott and housing together with all the apurtenances therunto belong¬ inge unto the sayd John Bennet to him and his heires for¬ ever, without the molestation or hinderance of mee my heires or Asighnes, or any other by or under mee, and for the true and faythfull performance herofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this 5 of November 1654 Sighned sealed and Peter d^TfT^ Buzicott delivered in the presence /' ( of Richard Townsend John Greene Jur 316 Know all men by these presents that I George Baldin of the Towne of Warwieke in the Colloney of Providence Plan- [ 212 ] tationes have sould unto Peter Buzicott of the same Towne all that my dwellinge house and other housinge and land that I bought of Thomas Thornicraft, part of which was giv¬ en unto Thomas Thornicraft by the Towne of Warwicke for the makinge and maintayninge of a water fence to secure Quin- nimicoke and Warwicke Necke, and by this present deed doe make over unto Peter Buzicott all my right and Interest of all the housinge and land, with all the priviledges and apurtenances therto belonginge, as I had it of the sayd Thomas Thornicraft to have and to hould to him and his heires forever without the hinderance of molestation of mee or any other by or under mee Sealed and delivered in the presence of us the 10th The marke SO of December 1654 of George Baldm. Ezekiell Holliman Henry Reddocke Capt Josiah Arnold Eare mark is a square Crop of ye left Eare and aslit Right in under ye same, and a half peney ye fore side ye Right Recorded the first Day of July Anno d 1740 317 Henry Townsend having purchased the Mill at Warwicke with all the apurtinances thereunto belonging The Towne of Warwicke havinge formerly granted doe by this act confirme to the abovesayd Henry six akors of Meddowe more or lesse, lying upon the east side of the Creeke called by the Indians Wawooncke bounded by the sea on the south, the Creeke on the west side and on the Necke by a white Oake betwixt John Townsend and him as also on the easterne side by the ris- inge of the hills, as also part of it lyinge over the oth¬ er side of the hill borderinge on both sides of a small [ 213 ] Creeke being next to the aforsayd Creeke eastward and call¬ ed Woothungornott: This meddowe is confirmed to him upon the tenure as the record specifies in the Grant therofe: John Townsend beinge receaved an Inhabitant in this Towne of Warwicke the 2d of July (49) and havinge a house lott granted him bounded by the highway on the South and East as also on the Northwest by a six akor lott of Rich¬ ard Townsends as also on the West by another six aker lott of the sayd Richards wheron his now dwellinge house stands the sayd Johns lott containinge six akers more or lesse, as also beinge granted another six aker lott up the same brooke bounded on the Southeast end, by Richard Townsends six aker lott by the highway northeast by the Comon North¬ west and by the brooke southwest as also 318 beinge graunted five akors of meddow more or lesse lyinge on the west side of the Creeke called by the Indians Wa- woonke bounded about the head of the Creeke at on end by a white Oake tree which is the bounder betwixt his brother Henry Townsend and him, on the east side by the Creeke on the North and West by the rising of the hills and on the south by the sea, which sayd parcells of land are by this act confirmed unto him: May the 12: 1654 I hearby make knowen unto all whom this may concern that I Henry Townsend of Warwicke one of Providence Planta- tiones in New England Planter have fully and really sould unto my brother John Townsend of the aforsayd place his heirs Exequitours administrators or asignes for satisfaction al¬ ready received severall parcells of land as followeth, one parcel part of what was my house lott and part of that which was our brother Richards is bounded thus, John Mores house [ 214 ] lott on the west, Peter Greenes lott on the East, the Creeke on the South and it reaches short of the highway on the north twenty pole and my meddow share as I was a purchaser of Mish- awomett necke of land this meddowe share lyeth on the South of the aforsayd necke bounded with the sea on the South and my right as I was a purchaser of all the lands in the aforsayd Necke that are at present undevided, and my purchashippe beyond what is alowed to bee the Townes due by grant sell my right and Interest of the forementioned land I say I have sould and delivered, and for the due and true performance hereof I bind mee my heires Exequitours administrators or As- signes from clayming or molestinge any of this abovesayd landes in witnesse wherofe I sett my hand the day and yeare first above written sealed signed and delivered in presence of us John Greene, Jr. Henry Townsend Richard Townsend 319 Know all men by these presents that I Thomas [omission] of the Towne of Warwicke in the Collony of Prov [omission] Plantationes have sould unto Thomas Bradly of same Towne all that my dwellinge house and other housinge and land that I bought of Peter Buzicott part of which formerly was given unto Thomas Thornicraft by the Towne of Warwicke for the makinge and maintayning of a water fence to s [erasure] Quinimicoke and Warwicke necke and by this present deed doe make over unto Thomas Bradly all my right and Interest of all the housinge and land with all the priveledges and apurtenances therto belonginge, as I had it of the sayd Pet¬ er Buzicott to have and to hould to him and his heires for¬ ever without the hinderance or molestation of mee or any other by or under mee, C 215 ] October 8th 1655 Sighned and sealed Thomas Relpli in prescence of us Henry Reddocke Richard Carder Peleg Spencer mark is two half penneys under ye Left ear and one over the Right Entred the 14th of November 1740 Geore Halls Earmark is a slit in the top of the Right ear and a Slit over and under the Left Slanting towards the Roote of sd Ear Entred ye 24th of November 1740 320 Peter Greene beinge receaved a free Inhabitant to the towne of Warwicke the first of May 1647 and havinge a peece of land graunted him for a house lot and also confirmed containinge six acres more or lesse bounded northeast by a high way into the Necke & a fresh [illegible] on the south west as also a highway on [illegible] one end Southeast and the front Northwest against the common as also a peece of ground graunted him upon the front of his lot containing [illegible] acres more or lesse as the record specefies also a peece of land graunted him upon Quininimocuk containinge an acre more or lesse beinge ye first lott by order Thomas Greene beinge receaved a free Inhabitant to the towne of Warwicke ye 3d of December 1647 havinge a peece of land graunted & confirmed to him for a house lot containinge six acres more or lesse bounded northeast upon Thomas Thorne- crafts house lot & southwest upon John Lippett senior, south¬ east by a highway the front northwest upon the comon. James Greene beinge receaved a free Inhabitant into the [ 216 ] towne of Warwicke the 3d of December 1647 & having a peece of land graunted & confirmed to him for a honselot contain¬ ing six acres more or lesse bounded northeast upon John Lip- pett senior & southwest upon Robert Potter & southeast upon a highway and the front Northwest upon the common. 321 Reccords of Lands John Greene Ju beinge receaved into the Towne of War¬ wicke the 1 of May 16 [ ] as a Townsman is granted and by the [illegible] confirmed unto him one parcell of land for a house Lott Contayninge sixe akers more or lesse lyinge next to the ford on the [illegible] east side runninge a highway on the South [illegible] on the front twenty Rodd in bredth northerly bounded by the Common beinge northwest and Richard Harcutts houselott on the Northeast: runinge into the Necke Southeast Bounded by the Highway as also a peece of land granted him by the Towne on the front as the Records specifies, as also a share in Quinimicoke Richard Carder beinge an Inhabitant of the towne of Warwicke & havinge his Lott graunted to him beinge about three acres more or lesse bounding Southwest upon Christo¬ pher Helme & Northeast upon Rufus Barton, the front North¬ west upon ye common & the other end southeast the com [illeg¬ ible] having also all priviledges of a free Inhabitant annexed to it: also an acre of land upon Quinnimmocuk more or lesse graunted him by the towne beinge lot the 28 accord¬ ing to order Peter Buzicott beinge receaved a free Inhabitant into the Towne of Warwicke & havinge a parcel of land graunted to him for an house lot & also confirmed containing six acres [ 217 ] 322 more or lesse beinge bounded Northeast upon a fresb river Southeast upon the highway over against Ezekiell Holimans Southwest upon the common [illegible] Stukly Westcot & Northwest unto the common also a peece of land graunted him upon Quinnimocuk containing an acre more or lesse being the 13th lott accordinge to order. Thomas Thornecraft beinge receaved a free Inhabitant into the Towne of Warwicke & having a parcel of land graunt¬ ed to him for an houselot & also confirmed six acres more or lesse beinge bounded Northeast upon Ezekiell Holiman Southeast upon a highway in the necke, Southwest upon Thom¬ as Greene the front beinge Northwest against ye common also an acre of land more or lesse upon Quipnimocuk graunted him beinge the 4th lott Christopher Helme beinge receaved a free inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke & havinge a parcell of land graunt¬ ed & confirmed for an house lott containinge six acres more or lesse beinge bounded Northeast upon Richard Carder South¬ east upon the Cove also a creeke on the Southwest the front Northwest upon the common also a parcel of land graunted her upon Quinnimocuk beinge the fift lott 323 Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Thornicraft Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Collonie of Prov¬ idence Plantationes have sould unto John Smith late Inhabi¬ tant of the Towne of Providence in the sayd Collonie my dwell- inge house and house lott, bounded on the East side by a lott layd out to James Sweet, and also where by the Common I say I have sould him the sayd house and lott with all priveledges therto belonginge, I say with all the meddowes undevided either at Potaomet Patuxet or in the sayd Towne of Warwicke, [ 218 ] as also all my right in the Comon together with what upland belongeth unto mee yet undevided, for satisfaction in hand receaved and doe by this act passe it over to him his heires exeqnitors Administrators peaceably to enioy without any molestation from mee my heires exequitors in witnesse wher- of I have herunto sett my hand and seale this 10th of May 1655 Sighned sealed and Thomas T Thornicraft delivered in presence of us John Greene Jur Edward Andrewes Joseph Mattesons Earmark is a slit in ye Top of ye Left ear and a half penney ye uper side the same Entered ye 29th of April 1741 324 Know all men by these presentes that I Peter Buzicott of the Towne of Warwicke in the Collonie of Providence Plan- tationes have sould unto Thomas Relph of the same Towne all that my dwellinge house and honsinge and landes that I bought of George Baldin, part of which was given for the maintain- inge of a water fence to secure Quinimicoke and Warwicke Necke and by this present deed doe make over unto Thomas Relph all my right and Interest of housinge and landes, with all the priviledges and apurtenances belonging therunto as I had it of the sayd George Baldin, to have and to hould to him and his heires for ever without the hinderance or moles¬ tation of mee, or any other by or under mee October 13 1655 Peter Buzicot: his marke Sealed & delivered in the presence of us Richard Harcutt John Hadon [ 219 ] The ear mark of James Green son of John Deceast is a hole in ye Right ear and ahalf peney under the Left his Brand is a p on ye Right Buttuck Entred ye 14th of Novembr 1740 ^ The Ear mark of Christopher Greene (Son of Chris) is a half penny the under side of the left Ear and a Slit the up¬ per side of the Right, Slanting toward the Root of the Ear. Entered ye 5th July 1800 325 Christopher Unthanke beinge receaved an Inhabitant in this towne of Warwicke and havinge a house lott granted him bounded by the streete North on the southwest side by John Warners houselott on the Northeast side by John Mores house- lott on the south end by a highway on the great Necke as also a share of meddowe on Quinimicoke videlicet all the meddow that is mowable accordinge as the Towne order speci¬ fies as also a six aker lott bounded on the front by the street on the other end beinge North by the Comon the East side by a highway, on the west side by John Warners six aker lott, these sayd parcells of land are by these presents confirmed unto him Richard Townend beinge receaved an Inhabitant hath been granted unto him 4 six aker lotts the first beinge on the south side of the Street wheron hee first built bounded East¬ erly by the small brooke betwixt Peter Greene and him west¬ ward by Henry Townsends Lott with two akers of land in the Necke beinge part therofe, also layd out to him 12 akers more on which he built on the Northwest side of the Street wheron he built bounded Easterly by John Townsend land Westerly and Northerly by the Comon as also six akers more on the other side the brooke bounded Easterly by the high way Westerly by the Comon Southerly and Northerly by two six aker lotts of John Townsend as also a share of Med- [ 220 ] dowe beinge 3 akers more or lesse layd out to kim in Nau- saucut Necke 326 Know all men by these presentes that I John Townsend Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Nanhigansett Bay and Colloney of Providence Plantations in New England have sould and passed over to Edward Andrewes Inhabitant of Rlioade Iland in the abovesayd Colloney my full right title and Interest in the great Necke called Mishaomet or War¬ wicke Necke as namely on share of meddowe lyinge at the far end of the sayd necke on the south side neer the sea side beinge already, bounded, as also all my right in the sayd Neck of land undevided, as also I the sayd John Town- send have sould unto the sayd Edward Andrewes, three six aker lotts Joyninge together lyinge in the sayd Towne of Warwicke beinge bounded by Richard Townsend house lott on the west side by the highway on the south, and beinge the front, and by a highway on the East side, by the Comon at the north end, beinge the valuation of eighteen akers more or lesse: I say I the sayd John Townsend have sould for sat¬ isfaction in hand receaved, and doe by this act pass over all the abovesayd land with all priveledges therein contayn- ed from mee my heires Exequitours Administrators to the sayd Edward Andrewes his heires Exequitours Administrators or Assignes to Enjoy without molestation from mee or any by mee in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this 18th of March 1654/5 Sighned Sealed and delivered John £ Townsend in presence of us Willam Lytherland John Greene Jr. Richard Harcutt [ 221 ] 327 October the 29 - 1650 Know all men by these presents that I Peter Bnzicott of Warwicke blackesmith have sonld and sett over unto Eze- kiell Holliman of the same Towne all that my Lott granted unto mee by the Townesmen beinge six akers lyinge by the brooke that comes from the greate pond by the land of John Warner on the North, and upon the highway in the East and upon the Comon on the South with all the Apurtenances and priveledges granted unto mee by the Townsmen of Warwicke with the sayd lott, to have and to hould from this day forward to him and his heires forever without molesta¬ tion or hindrance of any my heires or Assignes or any oth¬ er by or under mee herunto I have sett my hand In presence of the marke of Thomas Thornicraft Peter Buzicott John Lippett ser beinge receaved a Townsman into this Towne of Warwicke havinge a houselott granted unto him bounded by the houselott of Thomas Greene Northeast by the great Necke Southeast, by James Greenes house lott south¬ west frontinge on the street Northwesterly with the right of a Townshipp therto belonging is by this act confirmed unto him 328 July the 11 1652 Know all men by thes presentes that I John Warner of Warwicke in the Nanhigansett Bay in New England beinge by the Providence of God bound for Ould England and as provi¬ dence orders it am necessitated to leave a younge child be¬ hind mee, namely Bachell Warner, which child is at this present, with the wife of John Smith, mason, in Providence to nurse, and as care and concience bindeth mee to take care [ 222 ] for the well ordering of my child in my absence, I doe by this Intreate and also betrust my, lovinge friendes the Towne of Providence with the care therof, and becanse the season of the yeare is very difficult (with respect of bnisnesse) to gett the Towne together, to acquaint them with my de¬ sire, I doe more particulary Intreat my faithfull and worthy friendes, Mr Robert Williams Thomas Olney and Thom¬ as Harris of Provedence together with Mr Walter Todd and Henry Townsend of Warwicke (with their good likinge) to bee as fevees in the behalfe of mee and the Towne of Prov¬ idence, and accordinge to the Judgment of my aforsaid friends to order and dispose of my child as they see good occasion either for the continuation of the child where it is at present or to remove it to another place, as in their Judgments necessity shall require, and for the future sup¬ ply, or defrayinge any charge that may arise by my child, I doe by this signe seale and passe over to the Towne of Providence, and these my fevees in trust for that purpose as aforsayd (Mr Robert Williams Thomas Olney Thomas Har¬ ris of Providence together with Mr Walter Todd and 329 and Henry Townsend of Warwicke) all my housing and landes, rite and Interest of Purchas which I the sayd John Warner have in the Townshippe Purchase of Warwicke, with some goodes in the house, as also what rite is yet belonginge to mee in Providence all which houses goodes and landes both in Warwicke and Providence as aforsayde, to bee in the disposistion of my forsayd friendes as my child is, with no lesse authritie then I the sayd John Warner have in the same, either to lett use or sell, as they shall see Just occasion, and what ever they shall doe is of as good authritie as though I the sayd John Warner had done and [ 223 ] performed it, untill my returne againe from England, in mine owne person, or by my Asignes but if it please god so to order it, to prevent my returne in person, or by my Asignes, by death, then doe I Intreat my friendes, the Towne of Providence, with my friendes specified in this writinge, namely Mr Williams, Thomas Olney, Thomas Harris of Providence & Mr Todd & Henry Townsend, of Warwicke (not onely to be friendes but fathers to my sayd child, & the estate aforsayd to bee for the bringinge of it up, all charges defrayed, what remaines to bee as a small portion for it, or to Convey the child to England, if it bee desir¬ ed by any friendes there, and you my friends Intrusted see good reason for it, and this to bee my act, sighned and sealed, witnesseth my hand the day & yeare abovesayd Sighned Sealed & delivered in prescence of John Warner ye marke of John £ Smith mason Edward Inman James Ashton 330 Providence 24:6:55 (so caled) Whereas John Warner late of Warwicke departynge this land, betrusted the Towne of Providence with his daughter Rachell and left unto the sayd Towne his house and land at Warwicke for the childes use: The Towne of Providence (with the consent of the late Genii Court of Providence doth transferr & committ the sayd Rachell unto Mr Holliman of Warwicke her Grandfather together with the sayd house and land & priveledges & apurtenances & right of purchase, as also what Interest and right may belonge to him the sayd John Warner in Providence for the use and benefitt of the sayd child, as also all other depts and dues comminge to [ 224 ] the sayd child upon the acount aforsayd Witnesse John Sayles Towne Clarke Roger Williams President Samuel Finny's Ear mark of his Creatures is a Slit in the top of the Right ear and a half penny under the Same Recorded March 20th 1755 By J. Lippitt Clerk Stephen Arnold's Ear mark is a Crop on the left ear a slit in the Crop & a fore gad in the Right Recorded the 20th March 1755 By Jere Lippett Clk 331 This Deede made bearinge date this 19 day Desember in the yeare of our lord Christ (56) Witnesseth that I Margaret Helme widow of Warwicke by my Aturney Ralph Earle senr of Portsmouth on Road Hand have sould to Richard Carder of Warwicke that house & lot containinge six acres more or lesse lyinge & beinge in the foresayd towne of Warwicke Ad- ioyninge to the house lot of the foresayd Richard Carder Southwest to have & to houlde the sayd house & lot with all the fencinge stuffe theron & wee the foresayde Margarett & Ralph doe acquit our selves of all our right & title ther- in both of us our Aires or Assignes for ever I say wee the foresayd Margaret & Ralph have sould & delivered the fore¬ sayd house & lot unto Richard Carder to bee unto him & his heires for ever firme without molestation in witnesse wher- of wee the sayd Ralph & Margaret doe set to our hands & seales Sealed and Delivered in the Present of Ralph Earell Randall Houldon Marget Helme Richard Osborne The Words South West was Enterlined before the Sealing [ 225 ] 332 The Ear mark of the Cattle and other Creatures of Charles Holdon Jimr is two Slits in the left Ear one being Right in the top and the other a little on the under Side and a half penny on the under Side of the Right Ear Recorded October the 3th day 1757 By Jer Lippitt Town Clk Silas Bakers Ear Mark of his Creatures is a Crop of the Right Ear and a Slit under the same Decbr the 2d, 1758 This mark is taken up by Moses Baker Jere Lippett Clk Arnold Wells: Earmark of his Cattle is a Crop on the Right Ear & a half penny on the upper and underside of the same Ear Recorded Nov. the 10th 1763 By Jer. Lippitt Clk 333 Know all men by these presents that I John Townsend Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Collony of Prov¬ idence Plantationes, in New England, have sould unto Thomas Stafford Inhabitant of the same Towne, all my housinge to¬ gether with the land enclosed, adioyninge therunto beinge bounded Eastward by the small brooke, and westward by John Moores lott, on the front part by the comon, and partly by some land of Richard Townsends and Henry Townsends, at the South end by the Mill Creeke, as also five akers of med- dowe more or lesse, layinge on the west side of the Creeke, called by the Indians Waweunke, at or beyond Nausaucutt bounded about the head of the Creeke at on end by a white Oake tree, which is the bounder betwixt mee and my brother Henry abovesayd one the East side by the Creeke, on the [ 226 ] North and West by the risinge of the hills and on the South by the sea as also my whole right in the meddowes at Tos- keunke apointed to bee layd out to the Inhabitantes, togeth¬ er with my Comon and all priveledges therto belonginge with¬ in the boundes of the sayd Towne, all which housinge and landes I the above sayd John Townsend have sould unto Thom¬ as Stafford abovesayd, for thirty poundes money pay in hand receaved, and doe by this act passe it over together with the priveledges and apurtenances therto belonginge to the sayd Thomas Stafford his hires Exequitors Administrators 334 from mee my heires Exequitors Administrators quietly to en¬ joy without molestation from mee or or any by mee, in witnesse wherofe, I have herunto sett my hand, and seale, this 21 of January 1655 Sighned sealed mark® and delivered in the John ^ Townsend prescence of us John Greene Jur Christopher Almy Mr Benjamin Nichols takes the same Ear Mark for his Cattle Sheep and hogs which was Mr Thomas Wickes's, being a fork in the left, and a half penny on the upper Side of the Right Ear. Entered the 10th day of April Anno Dom. 1771 By Jer :Lippitt Town Clk 335 Wheras I agreed before the Towne Counsell to receave four score pound and a mare of my mother in law of my por¬ tion and acordingly it is ratified by writinge bearinge date the 25 of October 1655 therfore Be it knowen unto all men by these presents that I John Coles Inhabitinge in the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes [ 227 ] in New England, for Considerationes movinge mee kerunto doe resigne and make over all my right Title Interest nnto any of my Disceased fathers Estate housinge or landes belonginge to mee in New England I say I doe passe it over to my said mother her Heires, Exeqnitors, Administrators, for ever to have and to hould without molestation from mee or any by mee, witnesse my hand and seale this 5th of December 1655. Sighned, Sealed & delivered John Coles in prescence of us John Greene Jur Henry Townsend Anthony Loe Abraham Lippitt Mark for his Cattle &c is a hind Gad in the Right Ear and a half penny on the upper side of the Same and a Crop of the Left Eare Recorded June 7th 1773 The above mark is taken up by Anthony Arnold 336 Know all men by these presents that I Mary Coles inhab¬ itant of this Towne of Warwicke and Collonie of Providence Plantationes, widowe of Robert Coles late disceased, wheras my husband before his death sould unto my son in lawe Hen¬ ry Townsend a certaine parcell of meddowe beinge 3 akers at the hither end of his longe meddowe called by the Indians Ochinamomunkanet as also it is to lay next a parcell of meddowe given to Richard Townsend by my sayd husband as al¬ so the longe pond called by the Indians Quaconskippaukt layinge Westward from the hither end of the sayd meddowe, and my sayd husband, havinge receaved full Satisfaction for the sayd meddowe and pond, The Town Counsell havinge apoint- ed mee to give deeds of lands in his behalfe Tlierfore I the abovesayd Mary Coles doe by this act passe over and confirme the £ayd meddowe &c unto the sayd Henry Townsend his heires, [ 228 ] Exequitors Administrators, from mee my heires Exequitors Ad¬ ministrators both the meddowe and pond abovesayd to have and to hould forever without molestation from mee or any by mee witnesse my hand this 20th of January 1655 marke Sighned sealed and Mary ^j Coles delivered in prescence of us John Greene Jur Richard Harcutt 337 April the 19 56 Know all men by these presents that I Henry Townsend of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes have sould unto John Sweet of the same Towne all that my dwellinge house and other housinge scituated and beinge in Warwicke with my home lott it stands upon beinge fowre akers more or lesse, and my orchard on the other side of the way beinge two Akers more or lesse, and three Akers of the meddowe lyinge in Mr Robert Coles great meddowe and the ducke pond layinge on the west side of the sayd meddowe, and all my right of meddowe layinge on Patuxet river at Toskounke and the upper end of my six aker lott that layd next unto the mill lott as it is now devided, with my right in the Comon and all other priveledges and apurtenances belonginge unto mee as a Towns¬ man I say I have sould all these above mentioned parcells unto John Sweet and his heires: to have and to hould from this time forth forevermore, without any molestation or hinderance of mee my heires or Asighnes and herunto I have sett my hand In the prescence of Henry Townsend Richard Townsend [ 229 ] 338 Know all men by these presents that I Edward Andrewes Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Collonie of Prov¬ idence Plantationes in New England have sonld and passed over to Mr Walter Todd Inhabitant of the same Towne my full right title and Interest in the great Necke called Mishaomet both meddowe and upland, the meddowe layinge at the far end of the sayd necke one the South side neere the Sea side be- inge bounded by the Sea, and otherways by upland yet unde- vided and the upland aforsayd being yet undevided, I say I have sould the sayd meddowe and upland with all the prive- ledges therto belonginge to the sayd Walter Todd, for full satisfaction in hand received, and doe by this act passe ov¬ er all the abovesayd landes from mee my heires Exequitors Administrators to enjoy without molestation from mee or any by mee, in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this 3 of January 1655 Know all men by these presents that I John Smith Mason Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Collonie of Providence Plantationes have sould unto Mr Walter Todd In¬ habitant of the same Towne all my right title and Interest in those meddowes at or about Potaomet with all maner of priveleages and apurtenances therto belonginge, beinge yet undevided I say I have sould it to the sayd Walter Todd for satisfaction in hand receaved and doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Exequitors Administrators for ever Sighned sealed and delivered in prescence of us John Greene Jur Caleb Kinricke Edward Andrewes his marke 339 [ 230 ] peaceably to enjoy without molestation from mee or any by mee in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this ninteenth of Aprill 1656 his mark Sighned sealed and John 1 Smith delivered in prescence of us i- Thomas Babcock the ear mark of his Creatures is a Crop on the Right ear and a half penny the upper side of the left Ear May 14th 1775 Whitman Sweet takes the above mark for his Cattle Entered the 2d day of September 1790 Benjamin Babcock Earmark of his Creatures is a fork in the right Ear and Slit the upper Side of the Same May 24,1775 This mark is taken up By J ohn Reynolds 340 Dated in Warwicke the 1 of March 52 Ane agrement and bargane made and confirmed betwixt Stuckly Westkote and John Geraerdy both of Warwicke in the Collony of Providence Plantations in New England, that is to say the said John Geraerdy being authorized by Hurmanas Hartoch of the Mena- does in the New Netherlands to sel or dispose of certaine landes being of late John Warners of Warwicke lying in the Necke called Mishawomett being his great Lott contayning thirtie Acres more or lesse one six acre Lott more or lesse his medow share being six acres more or lesse as those par- cells are now layd out, and were in the possession and use of the said John Warner, but now taken by execution by suite of law for certain arreadges and dues belonging unto Her- manus Hartoch aforesaid, the said John Geraerdy being thus authorized as aforesaid doth sell and set over unto Stuckly Westkote all that rite and Interest belonging unto Hurmanus Hartoch and doth in his name authorize the said Stuckly West- [ 231 ] kot to make use of the said execution in the Generall Re¬ corders office and to record this bargaine and sale to have and In joy the said parcells of land with all the priviledg 341 belonging thereunto to him and his heirs forever without the hinderance or disturbance of the said Hurmanus Hartoch or any by or under him in witnesse whereof I have herunto set my hand the day and yeare ahovesaid Sygned Sealed & delivered in the presence of us John Greene Junior John J Cooke Jan Geraerdy Dated at warwicke the 2 of february 1655 These presents declareth that I Henry Townsend of war¬ wicke in the nanaganset bay in New England have fully and really sould all my right title and enterest of the six Acres of medow layd out by the Towne to the Mille on a ten¬ ner which the Towne records doth shew, it lyeth at Nassacut in two parcells in Indian the one is called Naneounke and the 342 the other Nothunganet and also my right at Pataomet unto Stuckly Westkote of the foresaid place for satisfaction al¬ ready receaved I say I have sould and by these presents de¬ livered unto the foresaid Stuckly Westkote the foresaid premisses to him his heirs executors Administrators and A- signs to have and to hould acording to the tenner given by the Towne as aforesaid and to in joy it without molestation [ 232 ] by me or any from me Sygned Sealed and delivered in the presence of us the marke of O John Bennet the marke of Mrs. Margaret Smith Henry Townsend 343 Know all men by these presents that I Edward Andrewes Inhabitant of the Towne oft Warwicke in the Collonie of Providence Plantations in New England have sonld unto Peter Bussicott Inhabitant of the same Towne all my Hous¬ ing together with 3 six Acre Lotts adioyning therto with all he priviledges belonging to me in this Towne of War¬ wicke I say I have sould the said Housing one Lower floore being layd and I am to leave seasoned boords enuft to lay the floore of the Lower Chamber and not to take away any boords that are either nailed or pinned I say I have sould unto the said Peter Bussicott my said housing and land for twenty pound mony pay to be payd as followeth videlicet one Cow which is now in being on Roade Hand at Mr John Cogshalls which Cow is to be there delivered to the said Edward An¬ drewes or his Asignes betwixt this and the first of May next upon all demands and is to be prized by two indifferent men Item three pounds good peage at mony pay 344 pay to be payd at or before the 14 oft ffebruary next also to make it up, namely, the Cowe and three pound aforesaid ten pounds mony pay by Michalmas next in good merchantable peage as aforesaid Item ten pound more to be payd in good merchantable peage the 29 oft September in the yeare 1657 [ 233 ] at mony pay and the said Peter Bussicott is to pay at the same time twenty five shillings mony pay for the forbear¬ ance of this last payment Item the said Peter Bnssicott is to have possession of the Housinge and lands aforesaid the 15 day of October next ensuing and in the meane time I Ed¬ ward Andrewes grant free liberty to the said Peter Bnssicott to mow the Grasse in the feelds next the House and in case he secure the grasse in the burrying feeld he is to mow that likewise or feed it, also to sow two Acres of ground which was last year plowed to Indian corn lying at the far end of the feeld next 345 next the medow I say I Edward Andrews have sould and past over the said housing and landes to Peter Bussicott his heires exequitors Administrators from me my heirs exequitors Admin¬ istrators forever to hould without molestation from me or any by me witnesse my hand this 8th of January 1655 witnesse John Greene Jur Ezekiel Holliman Christopher Unthank Memorandum Peter Bussicot is to have the feed of both feelds by Michaelmas next and neither of us to feed it be¬ fore Edward Andrewes At a towne meeting in warwicke the 5 off february 1656 the Townesmen granted to be layd out unto Peter Buzicot smith a 6 acre Lott on the south side bounded with his owin Birch- in ffeeld on the West side by the Brooke on the north sid by the Comon and on the East by the Comon also And lykwise they did grant and give unto him half an Acre of ground to set a smiths shop upon [ 234 ] 346 On the South sid bounded by Stukly Westkots fence on the west sid bounded by the Comon on the northside bounded by a hyway betwixt him and James Sweet and on the East by the Comon Hyway that leads throw the Towne Know all men by these presents that whereas Henry Town- send Inhabitant of Geomeca in the New Netherlands have for¬ merly about the yeare of our Lord 1648 sould unto John Lip pett Senior Inhabitant of the Towne of warwicke in the Col- lony of Providence Plantations in New England a certaine parcell of land lyinge in Mishownett Necke within the pre¬ cincts of the said Towne of warwicke being a sixty Acre Lott bounded northerly by land layd out to John Warner South by a great Lott belonging to Samuel Gorton Eastward by the sea &c westward by a hyway I say I the said Henry Townsend have as aforesaid sould it unto him the said John Lippett for due satisfaction in hand receaved and doe by these presents firmely passe over and confirme the said land with all priv- iledges and Immunities thereto pertaining to him his heirs Executors Administrators 347 firmely to in joy without molestation from me or any by me witnesse my hand & Seale this 3th of May :1657: Sygned Sealed Henry Townsend & Delyvered to James Greene in the behalfe of John Lippett Senior I confirme this deed of force provyded the former deed I gave be left in presence of James Greene Samuell Andrews [ 235 ] Daniel Snell Earmark of his Creatures is a Slit in the top of the left ear and a half penny under side of the same & a Crop on the Right May 26th 1775 348 Mary Fullers Earmark of her Creatures is Two slits in the underside the left Eare Recorded Jany the 26th 1762 By Jer Lippitt Clk Renew Budlong's Earmark of her Creatures is a Crop on the left Ear and a hind Gad on the left Ear, and a Slit under the same Recorded April the 26th day 1763 By Jer Lippett Town Clk 349 This Indenture made this tenth of January Anno Domini 165 [torn] witnesseth that I William Baker of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantations in New England doe put out my child and sonne William Baker, beinge of the adge of six yeares the first of June last unto Thomas Bradley of the same Towne, to bringe up as his owne child, for which end I passe over my fatherly Authority unto him the sayd Thomas Bradley to use him like a child, in providinge him, convenient meat drinke and aparrel, and to teach him to reade the English tongue, and as hee growes to abillity, to teach him about such buisnesse, and occasions as hee seeth fitt, Therfore I the sayd William Baker doe with the good likeinge and free consent of my sonne William Baker bind him unto Thomas Bradley of the same Towne of Warwicke afore- sayd his heires Executors Administrators & Assighnes to dwell and abide with him as a child or Aprentice, all his lawefull comaundes to obey and that hee shall doe no hurt [ 236 ] or damadge, or consent or suffer to bee done unto his sayd master, but shall perform good and faythfull service unto his master aforesayd untill liee come to the adge of twenty- one yeares ould compleat, In consideration wliereofe I Thom¬ as Bradley aforesayd doe bind my selfe my heires Executors Administrators & Asighnes unto William Baker the father of the sayd child, to bringe his sonne up as my owne findinge him meat & drinke and aparrel fittinge for him, accordinge as the constitution of this place will aford, and to teach him to reade the english tongue, as also to teach him any art or trade that I can Instruct him in, and to sett him free at twenty one yeares ould, finding him two suits of aparrell, one suite all new, In witnesse whereofe wee have entercliangeably sett to our handes and seales the day and yeare abovesayd his marke Sighned sealed and —\ William Baker the father delivered in prescence of Ezekiell Ilolliman Deb Ws marke William Baker the sonne John Greene Asistant There is another of the same verbatim unto which Thomas Bradley hath sighned & sealed Atested by Mr John Greene Senior 350 Know all men by these presents that I Christopher Un¬ til anke Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes have sould unto Ezekiell Holliman of the same Towne of Warwicke (for full satisfaction in hand re- ceaved) all that my six aker lott beinge of the last grant, [ 237 ] with one aker more formerly, granted unto mee by the Towns¬ men of Warwicke being layd out together with the sayd six akers, layinge over against my house now situate in Warwicke bounded westerly by land belonginge to the sayd Ezekiell south east by the street, and northerly by a highway lead¬ ings into the woodes; as also a litle slipe of my home lott, next adioyninge unto the home lott and house of the sayd Ezekiell all these sayd parcells of land the six akers, the one aker, and the litle slipe I the sayd Christopher Un- tlianke doe acknowledge to have sould, unto Ezekiell Holli- man aforesayd, and I doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors Administrators unto the sayd Ezekiell his heires Executors Administrators, for ever quietly to posesse and enjoye, without molestation from mee or any by mee in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this 20th of November 1658 Sighned Sealed and his marke delivered in presence of Christopher Unthanke John Greene Jur William Carpenter 351 Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth More widdowe, the late wife of John More Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes in New England have sould unto Christopher Unthanke Inhabi¬ tant of the same Towne of Warwicke my dwellinge house, and house lott together with the outliousinge, fencinge, as also the priveledges of trees, grasse, and water tlierin contain¬ ed as also the right of Comonidge together with one six aker lott already layd out, layinge over against the sayd house lott upon the sayd Comon, the sayd house lott being bounded on the front by the highway, on the southwest side [ 238 ] by the house lott of Christopher Unthanke abovesayd, on the northeast by land belonginge to John Sweete, at the south¬ east end by a highway in the great Necke, the other six aker lott abovesayd beinge bounded on the front by the highway, on the southwest by a highway that leades towardes Patuxet, on the Northeast by John Sweets land his house stands on, on the Northwest by the Comon, I say I the sayd Elizabeth More have sould the sayd house and land to Christopher Un¬ thanke abovesayd for ten poundes in hand receaved, and I doe by vertue hereofe passe it over from mee, my heires, Executors Administrators to the abovesayd Christopher Un¬ thanke his heires Executors Administrators, forever to en¬ joy without molestation from mee or any by mee in witnesse whereofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this first of March Anno 1657 Sighned sealed and delivered in prescence of Samuell Gorton Richard Carder 352 Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Stafford Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes in New England have sould unto Anthony Loe Inhabitant of the same Towne my share of Pat- aomet of meddowe beinge the twelfth share, with all rightes and priviledges therto belonginge, I say I Thomas Stafford aforsayd have sould all my sayd right unto Anthony Loe aforesayd for full satisfaction in hand receaved and doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors Ad¬ ministrators unto the sayd Anthony his heires Executors [ 239 ] Administrators for ever peaceably to enjoy without moles¬ tation from mee or any by mee in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this second of March 1658-59 Sighned sealed and his marke delivered in prescence of Thomas Stafford John Greene Q his marke Henry hK Knoles Philip Wightman Esq. Earmark of his Creatures is a fork in the right ear a half penny upperside of the same and a Slit the underside the left ear Othniel Wightman take the above mark for his Creatures Entered the 10th of June 1789 by J. Jerauld T. Clk 353 Dated at Warwicke this 10th of Aprill 1652 Know all men by these presents that I, George Baldwin Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke for consideration moveinge mee herunto have sould and made over to Christopher Unthanke Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke my dwellinge house with all maner of out housinge Joyned to it with all the boardes that may be moveable in it, or any other thinges therunto belonginge save onely the abovesayd Georges personal goodes, and also I the abovesayd George Baldwin have sould to the abovesayd Christopher Unthanke the house lott on which the abovesayd house standes with all the apurtenances therunto belonginge as fencinge as also a six aker lott Joyninge to it on the northwest as also all landes therunto belonginge either devided or undevided, the sayd houselott beinge bounded by land of Mr John Wickes on the front, beinge eastward: by the lott of John Cooke northward, and by a [ 240 ] highway on the south side, I say I the abovesayd George Baldwin have sould, and for satisfaction already receaved, have made over my full right and Interest to the abovesayd Christopher Unthanke of my house and lotts above sayd with all the apurtenances therunto belonginge unto him, his heires Executors Administrators or Asighnes, and to the true and faithfull performance lierofe I bind mee my heires Executors Administrators and Asighnes in witness wherofe I have her- nnto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare abovesayd Sighned sealed and delivered his marke in the presence of us George Baldwin Know all men by these presents that I Christopher Un¬ thanke Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes in New England have sould and made over unto Thomas Stafford of the same Towne of Warwicke my dwellinge house which I bought of George Baldwin together with the house lott, wlieron the sayd house standes, as also a six aker lott adioyninge to the sayd houselott at the north west end, the sayd house lott beinge bounded by land of Mr John Wickes on the front eastward, by the house lott of John Cooke Northward, and by a highway southward, I say I the abovesayd Christopher Unthanke have sould the aforesayd house and land together with all the priviledges and apur¬ tenances therto belonginge unto Thomas Stafford aforsayd for satisfaction in hand receaved, and doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors Administrators unto the sayd Thomas Stafford his heires Executors Administrators forever peaceably to enjoy without molestation from mee or any by mee witnesse my hand and seale the day and yeare John Smith John Greene, Junior 354 O Dated the first of March 1653 [ 241 ] abovesayd Sighned sealed and delivered in presence of ns John Greene Ane Greene 355 Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Stafford Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Prov¬ idence Plantationes in New England have sould and made over unto Henry Knoles of the same Towne my house and liouselott that I bought of Christopher Unthanke together with a six akers adioyninge therto, the sayd house lott beinge bounded by land of William Burton which was formerly Mr Weekes his land on the front Eastward, by the land of the sayd Henry Knoles north and by a highway southward, by the six aker lott aforsayd northwestward, as also one share of meddowe laying at the lower end of Massapage pond and adioyninge to Christopher Hauxhurst share, I say I Thomas Stafford aforesayd have sould all the aforsayd house and landes unto Henry Knoles abovesayd together with all rightes and priv- eledges therto apertaininge for full satisfaction in hand receaved, and therefore doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors Administrators unto the sayd Henry Knoles his heires Executors Administrators forever peaceably to enjoy without molestation from mee or any by mee in wit- nesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this second of March 1658-59 His marke Sighned sealed and Thomas q Stafford delivered in prescence of us John Greene Anthony Low Christopher Onthanke [ 242 ] 356 Know all men whom it may concern that I John Cooke In¬ habitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Prov¬ idence Plantationes in New England have sould unto Henry Knoles Inhabitant of the Towne of Portsmouth on Rlioade I- land in the sayd Colloney my dwelling house and lott with the out housinge and all apurtenances therunto belonginge together with the hewen timber and Clapboards which I have provided towardes another roome, as also a small peece of land layinge on the front of the sayd lott the sayd lott beinge bounded on the west side by Thomas Staffords house lott, on the East side by a small brooke, and on the north end by John Sweets lott and Thomas Staffords lott, as also a six aker lott bounded by Robert Waskotes six aker lott on the southeast side and by the comon on the northwest side and by the Comon on the northwest side as also a share of meddowe with some upland adioyninge to it, beinge on the brooke runninge out of Massapage pond, as also I the sayd John Cooke, have sould to the sayd Henry Knoles all my right title and Interest in those meddowes at Potaomet or thereabouts beinge yet undevided, together with my share in those meddowes layinge at Patuxet river neere Toskeunke lately purchased by the Towne of Warwicke I say I the sayd John Cooke have sould to the sayd Henry Knoles, all my right title & Interest belonginge to mee in the sayd Towne of Warwicke for satisfaction in hand receaved, and doe by this act passe it over to him his heires Executors Adminis¬ trators to enioy without any molestation 357 from mee or any by mee I say I passe it over to him his Heires Executors, from mee my heires in Confirmation wher- [ 243 ] ofe I have kerunto set my hand and seale this tenth of March 1654 his marke Sighned sealed and John Cooke delivered in prescence of William Almy John Greene Jr Know all men by these presents that I Christopher Un- thanke Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes in New England have sould unto Henry Knoles Inhabitant of the same Towne all my right ti- tell and Interest in those meddowes at Toskeunke, mine be- inge the share bounded on the East by Mr Holliinans share on the West by Mr Smiths share on the north by the river, on the South by the Swamp, with all priveledges and apurte- nances therto belonginge, I say I have sould it to the sayd Henry Knoles for satisfaction in hand receaved, and doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires, Executors Admin¬ istrators for ever peaceably to Injoy without molestation from mee or any by mee, in witnesse wherofe I have herunto set my hand and seale this 2d of May 1658 Sighned Sealed & Christopher Onthanke delivered in prescence of us Richard Townsend Henry Reddocke 358 Wheras I James Greene am Authorized by the Counsell of this Towne am authorized by the Counsell of this Towne of Warwicke to make sale of a certaine parcell of land that be¬ longed to my fatherinlaw Mr Robert Potter of late discessed for the answeringe of depts, the sayd parcell of land being over against the house lott of the aforesayd Robert Potter, on the other side the high way, bounded southwest by William [ 244 ] Burtons house lott northwest and northeast by the land of Henry Knoles and southeast by the highway 01* street, Ther- fore know all men by these presents that I James Greene aforesayd Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Col- loney of Providence Plantationes have sould the aforesayd parcell of land accordinge to the boundes therofe unto Henry Knoles of the same Towne of Warwicke for six pound after the rate of peage white at six per peny in hand re- ceaved, and I doe by vertue of the Authoritie aforesayd passe over the rite of the aforsayd parcell of land with all priveledges therin contayned from the lieires of Robert Potter aforesayd unto the aforsayd Henry Knoles his Heires Executors Administrators forever peaceably to Inioy with¬ out molestation of any the Heires of the sayd Robert Pot¬ ter in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this 22d of October 1658. Sighned sealed and James Greene delivered in prescence of us Randall Houlden John Greene Jur 359 Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Greene Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Collony of Providence Plantationes in New England have sould unto Jonathan Hill dwellinge in the same Towne a six aker lott given unto mee by my fathers will, layinge neere Mr Brad- leys now dwellinge house, bounded by a high way that leades in Quinimicoke necke on the south side next the sea, on the east by a highway, by a six aker lott of Richard Water- mans on the North, at the [torn] end by the Comon, I say I Thomas Greene aforesayd have sould the sayd parcell of land [ 245 ] according to the boundes [torn] with all priviledges tlier- in contayned nnto Jonathan Hill aforesayd, for full satis¬ faction in hand receaved, and doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors, Administrators to the sayd Jonathan Hill his heires Executors Administrators for ever peaceably to enioy without molestation from mee or any by mee in witnesse Wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this second of March Anno Domini: 1658-59 Sighned sealed and Thomas Greene delivered in prescence of us John Greene James Greene Samuel Sweet's Ear mark of his Cattle &c is a fore gad in Each Ear. Entered the 2d day of September 1790. by J. Jerauld Clk. 360 Know all men by these presents that I John Lippet Ser Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Prov¬ idence Plantationes in New England have sould unto John Greene of the same Towne three parcells of land, one parcell beinge my right in Quinimicoke Necke namely the seaventeenth share, as also one share of Meddowe at Toskeunke beinge the twenty second share, as also one share of meddowe at Potaomet be¬ inge the fifteenth share, I say I have sould unto John Greene aforsayd all the sayd parcells of upland and med¬ dowe together with all maner of priveledges and apurtenan- ces therto belonginge for full satisfaction in hand receav¬ ed and therfore doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors Administrators unto the aforsayd John Greene his heires Executors Administrators forever peaceably to enjoy without molestation from mee or any by mee in wit- [ 246 ] nesse whereof I have her unto sett my hand and seale this 7th of June 1660 his marke Sighned Sealed and John 1 Lippet Ser delivered in prescence of us / his marke John { ^ Sweet his marke Thomas Q Stafford 361 Know all men by these presents that I John Wickes Ser Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes, have sould unto John Greene Junior Inhabitant of the sayd Towne of Warwicke my share belong- inge to mee of upland in Quinimicoke beinge the eleventh share, with all priviledges and apurtenances therto belong¬ ing, I say I have sould it him for due satisfaction in hand receaved, and doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors Administrators, to the sayd John Greene his heires Executors Administrators alwayes to enioy with¬ out molestation from mee or any by mee, witnesse my hand and seale this twenty eight of ffeb: 1656 Sighned sealed and John Wickes delivered in prescence of us Amos Westkote Henry Reddocke Know all men by these presents that I Richard Harcutt Inhabitant of Jamaica in the New Netherlands havinge in the yeare of our lord 1653, sould unto John Greene Jur of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes in New England all my right title and Interest in the Necke of Quinimicoke with all priveledges and Imunities, for satisfaction in hand re- [ 247 ] ceaved I doe therfore by this act confirme it to him the sayd John Greene Jur his heires Executors Administrators forever to enjoy without molestation from mee or any by mee witnesse my hand this 3 of May 1657 Richard Harcutt Sighned sealed and delivered to James Greene beinge deputed in behalfe of John Greene Jur witnesse Samuel Andrewes James Greene 362 Know all men by these presents that I Henry Townsend In¬ habitant of Jamaica in the Newneitherlands havinge in the yeare of our lord 1653 sould unto John Greene Jur of War- wicke two shares in Quinimicocke one belonginge to mee by my house lott, the other which I bought of Richard Town- send my brother, I say I havinge receaved satisfaction for them of the sayd John Greene Jur of Warwicke in the Col- loney of Providence Plantationes doe by this act confirme it to him his heires executors Administrators with all priv- eledges & Imunities forever to enjoy without molestation from mee or any by mee witnesse my hand and seale this 3d of May 1657 Henry Townsend Sighned Sealed and delivered to James Greene beinge deputed in behalfe of John Greene Jur in prescence of James Greene Samuel Andrews Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth More widdowe the late wife of John More Inhabitant of the Towne [ 248 ] of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes in New England have sould unto John Greene Junior Inhabitant of the same Towne of Warwicke all my right titell and In¬ terest of land to mee belonginge in the Necke or Neckes knowen by the name of Quinimicoke together with the priv- eledges of grasse water and trees or ought else in the sayd Neckes of Quinimicoke contayned I say I the sayd Eliz¬ abeth More, have sould all my right aforesayd to John Greene Jur abovesayd for ten shillinges in hand receaved and therefore I doe by vertue herofe passe over all my sayd right from mee my heires Executors Administrators unto the sayd John Greene Jur his heires Executors Administrators for ever peaceably to enioy without molestation from mee or any by mee in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this last of ffeb Anno 1657. Elizabeth -V- More hir marke Sighned sealed & delivered in prescence of Samuel Gorton Richard Carder 363 Know all men by these presents yt I John Bennett of Warwicke in Providence Plantationes in the Narragansett Bay in New England doe upon good consideration of haveinge suf- fiistient maintenance during life viz yt after my discesse, I doe make over all my right and leave unto Stukly Waskote his heires Executors Administrators or Asighnes, all the landes houseinge goods and cattells, duringe the life of the aforesayd John Bennett, onely reservinge unto himselfe yt power duringe life as to have five poundes to dispose, to whom or as hee shall thinke fitt, and if god should bee pleas¬ ed to call Stukly Waskote out of this life before John Ben- [ 249 ] nett yt then his snkcessors shall and are lierby bound for the performance of the premises and I ye aforsayd John Ben¬ nett for ye firmer performance of ye premises I have her- nnto sett to my hand and seale ye 27th of November 1656 I Stukly Waskott Inhabitant of ye Towne of Warwicke doe acknowledge to have receaved of John Gennett of the same Towne Eight head of cattell ninteene ponndes at peage eight per penny and a house and land adioyninge to it, and doe engadge my selfe my heires or asiglmes to maintaine the sayd John Bennett for his life time meate and drinke and aparrell, in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand this 14th of June 165 Testes Mathias Harvy per me Stukly Wastkote George Amest 364 Know all men by these presents that I John Smith mason Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes in New England have sould unto Mr Walter Todd of the same Towne of Warwicke my dwellinge house and house lott together with a six aker lott adioyn¬ inge at the Northwest end of the sayd house lott, the sayd house lott beinge bounded Northeast by a lott now belonginge to William Ward Southeast by the highway, and Northwesterly by a way that leades to a wateringe place as also two shares of meddowe one beinge at or about Toskeunke beinge the last share of the number which were layd out on the Northwest side of Patuxett river, as also a share of med¬ dowe layinge at the west part of the three pondes comonly so called, I say I have sould the sayd house and landes together with the comonidge feneinge, trees and all maner of apurtenances therto belonginge for full satisfaction in [ 250 ] hand receaved, I say I have made over all my right in the Towne of Warwicke unto Mr. Walter Todd aforsayd and doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors Admin¬ istrators, unto the sayd Walter Todd his heires Executors Administrators to posesse and enioy quietly forever without any molestation by mee or any under pretence of any former right by me in witnesse of the premises I have herunto sett my hand and seale this tenth of September Anno Domini 1659 Sighned, Sealed and hls marke delivered in prescence of us John ^ Smith John Greene his marke Henry ffowler hir marke Elizabeth Smith f 365 October 4 Anno Domini 1642 Know all men that I miantonomu chiefe sachim of the Nan- higansets have sould unto John Greene of New Providence all that necke of land together with a litle Island [torn] inge therunto on the east side with the sea compased about with all the rightes and Priveledges therofe whatsoever with all that meddowe ground that is called, Occuppesuatuxet Cove, It beinge the boundes of the Neck of land on the south side, and the way that leadeth from Patuxet and Patiunce Cove to Occupessuatuxet Cove beinge the boundes on the West, and Patiunce Cove beinge the boundes on the North, and the sea on the East as also the sayd John Greene shall have free liberty for timber and Comonidge to feede his cattell at large from Patiunce to Occuppessuatuxet point Westward, for¬ ever, all this I say I have sould to the abovesayd John [ 251 ] Greene, his Heires and executors to have hould and Inioy in as ample maner as I Miantonomu did, before the sale her- ©fe, for and in Consideration of thirty fathom of Wampom- peague already payd in hand and receaved from the abovesayd John Greene by mee Miantonomu in witnesse wherofe I have sett to my hand the day and yeare abovewritten in the prescence of these witnesses r—p Randall Houlden j \/ Miantonomus marke Awashes J7 marke J> his marke Absoloms )J marke , Socko | nonocko ek These presents testifie that wheras about eleaven yeares before the date herofe I Sockononocko Sachim of Patuxet sould to John Greene senior now Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke to him his heires executors etc. all the grass mowable on both sides the Cove of Occuppessuatuxet and about the Island together with the upland & meddow 366 on the necke and the Island adjacent, I havinge this present day receaved full satisfaction in peague to the value of six fathom besides cloth formerly receaved in witness wher¬ ofe I have herunto sett my hand this present day beinge the 25th of July 1663 witnesse ^ John Greene Jur Sockononocko >-—p—> his marke Anne Greene Kekotoweekot J his marke This present writinge was delivered before mee the 27th of January 58 thus subscribed witnesse my hand Ezekill Holliman Deputy [ 252 ] Warwicke Dated the 1 of May Anno 1649 Know all men by these presents that I John Greene Jnr Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Nanhiganset Bay in New England for Consideration movinge mee herunto have sould unto William ffield Inhabitant of the Towne of Provi¬ dence Tanner, forty akers of meddowe more or lesse layinge at Patuxet ffalles, bounded on the south and West, by the Indian ffieldes and on the other sides by the river belowe the ffales, the which meddowe was formerly peaceably posest by my father John Greene ser and since posest by mee I say for satisfaction receaved, I have sould and given him poses- sion of the aforesayd parcell of meddowe in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand the day & yeare abovesayd Sighned sealed and By mee John Greene Jur yy delivered in the prescence of Peter Greene Richard Harcutt 367 A Coppie of the Towne Charter Wheras by vertue of a free and absolute charter of Civill Incorporation granted to the free Inhabitants of this Colloney or province, by the right honourables, Robert Earle of Warwicke Governour in Cheife, with the rest of the Honourable Comissioners, bearinge date the fourteenth day of March, in the yeare one thowsand six hundredth forty- three, givinge and grantinge full power and Authority unto the sayd Inhabitants to governe themselves and such others as shall come amonge them: As also to make constitute and ordeyne such lawes orders and Constitutiones, and to Inflict such punishments, and penalties, as is conformable to the [ 253 ] lawes of England, so neare as the nature and constitution of the place will admitt: and which may best suite the es¬ tate and condition therofe, and wheras the sayd Townes of Providence, Portsmouth, Newport, and Warwicke, are far re¬ mote each from other, wherby so often and free Intercourse of helpe in desiginge of differences and tryinge of causes and the like, cannot easily and at all times bee had and procured, as in this kind is requisitt, Therfore and upon the petition and humble request of the freemen of the Towne of Warwicke exhibited unto this present sessions of Generall Assembly, wherin they desier freedome and liberty to Incorporate themselves into a boddy polliticke et: We the sayd Asembly havinge duely weighed and seriously considered the premises, And beinge willinge and ready to provide for the ease and liberty of the people: have thought fitt and by the authoritie aforesayd, and by these presents doe give, grant, Consighne, and Confirme, this present Charter, to the sayd Inhabitants of the Towne of Warwicke, Allowinge, Orderinge and herby Authorizinge them or the Maior part of them, from time to time, to Trans¬ act all such Towne afayres, as shall fall within the verge, liberties, and precincts of the sayd Towne As also to make and constitute such particular orders— 368 Orders Orders, penalties, and officers, as may best suite with the Constitution of the sayd Towne and Townshippe, for the well orderinge and Governinge therofe, provided the sayd lawes Constitutiones and punishments for the Civill Gover- ment therofe bee conformable to the lawes of England so farr as the nature and constitution of that Towne will Admitt: And to that end wee doe Authorize them to erect a Court of Jus- [ 254 ] tice, and doe give them power to execute such particular orders and penalties, and so many of the Comon lawes agreed in the Generall, and their penalties, as are not annexed al¬ ready to the Generall Court of Tryalls: And ffarther wee doe herby order the sayd Towne to elect and Ingadge all such officers as shalbee necessary for the propogation of Justice and Judgement therin, upon the first munday in the moneth of June Anually forever herafter: Shall Ingadge them in fidelity to maintaine the honour Crowne and dignity of the State of England as loyall subiects therofe to the ut¬ most of their power: The liberties and freedome of this Collony, And the priviledges of the Towne wherin they beare office, And farther wee doe herby Invest and Authorize the sayd officers so elected and Ingadged, with full power to Transact in the premises and in so doinge shalbee herby secured and Indemnified: Given at Portsmouth at the Generall Asembly: There held this 14th of March Anno 1648: John Warner Clerke of the Asembly Copia vera sicut atestat Johannes Greene Secretarius ex civitate Warwicke The charter is in the keeping of Mr. Samuell Gorton Ser 369 Aprill 1660 Layd out for Mr Mathias Harvy six akers upon the mill acount as also twelve akers to John Coles all the sayd eight- eene akers layinge together upon the north side of the brooke that runs down by James Sweete the sayd brooke beinge the Southward bounder and bounded on the East by William Burtons lott on the north side by the Comon and on the west by the Com¬ on: [ 255 ] Aprill 1660 Layd out to Richard Carder six akers of land more or lesse apertaininge to his house lott the sayd six akers lay- inge at the head of the second Necke frontinge Northwest on the highway that leadeth into Towne, bounded southwest by James Greenes land, on the northeast by a highway that leades into the neckes on the southeast by a small Creeke. Layd out to Mr John Greene ser six akers of land more or lesse bounded Easterly by the highway that leades into Quinimicoke Westerly by Richard Watermans land northerly by a highway by the seaside southerly by the Comon. Layd out to Richard Waterman 12 akers of land for a house lott and six aker lott bounded Easterly by John Greenes Ser six aker lott Westerly by Peter Greenes six aker lott northerly by the highway by the seaside southerly by the Comon and highway Layd out to Peter Greene six akers of land bounded easterly by Richard Watermans land westerly by the Comon northerly by the highway by the seaside southerly 370 Southerly by the highway as also a share of meddowe at the north west end of Massipage Pond Layd out to Thomas Bradley six akers of land upon the acount of the Tenement of Quinimicoke, bounded easterly by his one land, Westerly by the highway that leades into Quinimicoke & westerly by the same way and Southerly by an adition granted to the lott of Mr John Greene Ser. Layd out to Richard Harcutt a six aker lott frontinge over against his owne house lott the highwayes beinge be¬ twixt bounded Easterly by land layd out to John Haden West¬ erly by John Greenes land Northerly by the Comon Layd out to John Greene Jur a six aker lott together [ 256 ] with some adition of land formerly granted by his point of Meddowe on the south side of Occupessuatuxet Cove there beinge 3 marked trees ranginge on the south east and south¬ west partly on a triangle and to rune from the trees down to the sea for ease of fencinge as also layd out more to him ten akers of land over against his house lott on the other side of the highway beinge the Southerward bounder, as also bounded Westerly by a highway that leadeth into the woodes Northerly by a liouselott layd out to Thomas Scranton Easterly by the Comon, as also is laid out to him a peece of meddowe all that may bee made mowable at the North side of the pond called by the Indians Cacounke lay- inge about a small brooke that runes into the aforsayd pond accordinge as the grant specifies 371 Layd out at the request of Anthony Low the 3 six aker lotts formerly layd out to John Townsend and Richard Town- send by the brooke the sayd land being now in the posses¬ sion of Anthony Low together with six akers more which was layd out to Peter Buzicott it beinge 24 akers in all and given in by the survey thus bounded in the front at the Southwest corner by a stump in the gutter ranginge on a straight line to the northeast corner post of his fence bounded Northerly by a high way leadinge into the woodes beinge betwixt his land and John Greenes at the Northwest and bounded by a mapell tree on the Northwest corner and by a whit® Oake next the brook Layd out to George Tippet 12 akers of land for a house lott etcetera bounded by Anthony Lowes land on the South¬ east: Northwest by the Comon, Northeast by Thomas Greenes land and Southward by the Brooke Layd out to Peter Buzicott six akers of land upon the C 257 ] acount of his last grant, bounded South by his land he bought of Edward Andrewes, east by the Comon at the North¬ west end by a maple tree at the one corner and a white Oake tree at the other corner. Layd out to Thomas Greene five akers of land against the front of the Lott that was formerly granted James Sweet the sayd house and land beinge now in the possession of Thomas Greene, the sayd five akers more or lesse beinge on the south 372 side of the street bounded upon the East side by the Comon, on the south by the highway that leadeth into the small neckes, on the west by Mr. Walter Todds land on the North by the highway that leadeth through the Towne, with a litle of wast land throwne in betwixt Walter Todd and him also layd out to Thomas Greene upon the acount of his owne graunt eight akers land more or lesse bounded upon the south east by the great swamp next Bakers land on the northeast side by the highway goinge to Occuppessuatuxet on the front northwest on the southwest by the footeway Layd out for John Sweete six akers of land bounded southward by his lott his now dwellinge house stands on, the eastward side by Peter Buzicotts land, on the west and north, by the Comon. Layd out for James Greene nine akers of land bound- inge southward by Mr Houldens 20 aker lott Mr Samuell Gor- east by the head of the Creeke on the Northeast by Richard Carders lott on the front beinge northwest over against John Samons lott the highway beinge betwixt Layd out to Richard Carder for Mr Helmes his children six akers layinge on a little necke beyond the horse necke bounded easterly by the sayd Horse Necke on the south by a [ 258 ] litle necke beyond the horse necke West and north by the Comon 373 Layd out for Mr. Randall Houlden six akers of land frontinge over against John Samons house on the north end, on the west side bounded by a high way leadinge to the small neckes on the southeast end by a highway, on the northeast by Mr Walter Todds lott Layd out to Mr John Smith fower six aker lotts bound- inge southward by Mr Houldens 20 aker lott Mr Samuell Gor¬ tons ser lott and by Thomas Hedgers lott, northward by a highway goinge from William Burtons to the litle pond East¬ ward by the Comon and westward by a way, by the pond Layd out to Mr Samuell Gorton Ser one six aker lott boundinge Estward by Mr Houldens 20 aker lott, Westward by Thomas Hedgers lott, fronting southward upon the Comon, and by Mr Smiths lott Northward. Layd out to Mr Henry Redducke and to Christopher Hauxhurst each of them twelve akers of land in all twenty fower akers bounded upon the highway goinge to William Bur¬ tons Southerly by the end westerly next the litle pond on the other side northerly and on the end easterly Layd out for William Burton twelve akers of land bound¬ inge upon the South by the river on the North Side by the brooke which runes down to James Sweetes on the East by James Sweetes lott on the north by the Comon on the west side by Mr. Harvyes land. 374 Layd out twelve akers of land to Thomas Hedger bound¬ inge Estward upon Mr Samuell Gortons lott, Westward by a way to the litle pond Northward by part of Mr Smiths lott [ 259 ] and part by the Comon Southward frontinge on the Comon. Layd out to James Sweet a six aker lott layinge south¬ ward by the river that runes downe by his liouselott the southeast corner bounded by a white Oake, Eastward bound¬ ed by the Comon, the Northeast corner bounded by a Chest- nutt tree beinge also against the Comon the Northwest cor¬ ner by a white Oake stump, and westward by William Burtons land Layd out to John Lippett ser six akers of land lay¬ inge on the Northwest side of the brooke that runes downe by James Sweets bounded Southeast by land formerly layd out to John Warner Northeasterly and Northwesterly by the Comon and Swampe and Southwesterly by James Sweets land Layd out to Anthony Lowe six akers of land more or lesse on the backe side of his house lott he bought of Rich¬ ard Townsend bounded Northeasterly by Peter Buzicotts land Northwest and Southwest by the Comon Layd out to Mr Walter Todd six akers of land bounded on the North by the highway that leades through the Towne on the South buttinge upon the second Necke, on the west by Mr Houldens lott, on the East by Thomas Greenes lott 375 Layd out six akers of land to Mr John Geraerdy upon the acount of his house lott bought of Mr Ezekiell Holli- man bounded Estward by John Warners land, and Southward by a lott formerly layd out to Christopher Unthanke, Westward and Northward on the Comon Layd out to Mr John Wickes a six aker lott bounded on the Southeast by Mr Randall Houldens field on which the Indians formerly planted, on the Northeast by the high way, on the Northwest by John Potters six aker lott, on the South¬ east towards the burch Swamp [ 260 ] Layd out to John Potter a six aker lott bounded South¬ west by Mr John Wickes his lott Northeast by the highway Westerly and Northerly by the Comon and burch swamp Layd out to Henry Knowles a six aker lott bounded Southward by the highway betwixt it and Mr Houldens Indian ffield and Mr AVickes his six aker lott, bounded Northeast¬ erly on the other side next a small brooke, Southeasterly by his owne land and Northwesterly by the Comon Laid out to Lieut Robert Westcott 2 six akers of land lying one ye south side of James Sweete runn: and bounded one ye North side by ye Brooke one south by ye Comon: on ye East side by a Six aker lote of Amos Westcott, & on West side a Mapell: by ye Brooke side, & with a stake or a poole from ye Mapell Sutherd: which Lyeth one both sides of a peece of medo which was formerly granted to ye said Lieut: Robert Westcott, in parte of his share, these 2 lots one belongeth to his house lott & ye other hee bought of Peeter Busecott Senyor 376 Layd out to ffrancies Dorby on six acker lott Joiyen- ing to ye westerend of ye lott yt was granted to John Sam- mon ye side next ye highway goeing to Toskeunck Southerly on ye westend by ye Common on ye northeast by Mr houlden and Mr Gourton Two akers of land more or lesse layd out round the meddowe of John Greene layinge by the pond called Cacounke bounded by a small red Oake on the Northeast on the South west by a white Oake neere the run, and from thence North¬ westerly to a white Oake, and from thence to a blacke Oake Northerly and from thence to a stake Easterly beinge at the upper end of the meddowe C 261 ] The 9th of November 1660 James Greene his marke J ames ^ Sweet Richard Carder 377 Know all men by these presents that I John Sweet of War- wicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantationes have sould unto John Cooke of the same Towne all that my house scituated and beinge in Warwicke, with a six aker lott granted unto mee by the Townsmen of Warwicke for a hoame lott with all the apurtenances and priveledges therunto belonginge layinge next unto the land of Robert Waskote on the East, the way that comes downe betwixt Stukly Waskote and Henry Knoles beinge on the South, as also another six aker lott next adioyninge unto the former on the West as also one other six aker lott I purchased of Peter Buzicott next adioyninge unto that on the West: as also one slipe of land wheron my house stands, layinge betwixt the litle brooke and the way over against my other lotts: also all my shares of meddowe already layd out in the Comon and all my right of meddowe in Potaomett and Toskeunke — All which houseinge landes and meddowes with all the apurtenances and priveledges therunto belong¬ ing I doe now make over unto John Cooke and his heires for¬ ever and doe give him present and quiet possession therto this 20th of June 1655 Witnesse herofe Ezekiell Holliman the marke J1 of John Sweet James Sweet 378 Wilbore Carpenter's Earmark of his Creatures is a [ 262 ] Crop of the Right Ear and a half penny nnder side of the same Decbr 7th day 1765 Thomas Wood Marke his Creatnrs with a Crop of the Right Ear and a slit the under Side of the same Decbr 7th day 1765 Silas Bakers mark 379 Know all men by these presents that I Anthony Lowe Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Prov¬ idence Plantationes in New England, have sonld nnto Peter Buzicott Inhabitant of the same Towne my dwellinge house and outhousinge together with the house lott and two akers or therabouts on the backe side of John Sweets land his now dwellinge house standes on, also another parcell of ground adioyninge to Thomas Staffords house lott beinge about an aker an halfe more or lesse on which land Richard Townsend first built in this Towne of Warwicke, as also one six aker lott adioyninge to the sayd lott the dwellinge house stands on, the boundes of it beinge Northeasterly by land which belonged to the sayd Peter Buzicott, Southward¬ ly by John Sweets land, northwest by the Comon, as also three akers of meddowe in the longe meddowe called by the Indians Ochinamonunkanett which formerly belonged unto Robert Coles, I say I the sayd Anthony Lowe have Sould un¬ to Peter Buzicott aforesayd all the afore mentioned hous- inge and land together with my Comonidge and all prive- ledges and apurtenances therto belonginge for full satis¬ faction in hand receaved, And therfore I doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors Administrators, unto the sayd Peter Buzicott his heires Executors Admin- [ 263 ] istrators forever peaceably to enioy without molestation from mee, or any by mee in witnesse wherofe I have herunto sett my hand and seale this fowerth of March Anno Domini 1658-59 Sighned Sealed and delivered in the prescence of us Anthony Lowe John Greene Ane Greene 380 Know all men by these presents that I Peter Buzicott Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke in the Colloney of Providence Plantations in New England have sould unto An¬ thony Lowe of the same Towne my dwellinge house which I bought of Edward Andrewes as also my shop, together with a six aker Lott the dwellinge house Standes on, together with three six aker lotts therto adioyninge the sayd land being thus bounded, in Warwicke, On the front at the Southwest corner by a Stumpe in the gutter, rangeinge on a streight line to the Northeast corner post of his front fence bound¬ ed Northerly by a highway leadinge into the woodes beinge betwixt the sayd land and the land of John Greene at the Northwest corner bounded by a Maple tree and by a white Oake next the brooke, as also Westerly by land belonginge to the Sayd Anthony Lowe I say I Peter Buzicott aforesayd have sould the aforesayd housing and land, together with my Com- onidge, and all maner of priveledges and apurtenances ther¬ to apertaininge for full Satisfaction in hand receaved, and doe by this act passe it over from mee my heires Executors Administrators unto the sayd Anthony Lowe his Heires Execu¬ tors Administrators forever peaceably to enioy without molestation from mee or any by mee in witnesse wherofe I [ 264 ] have herunto sett my hand and Anno Domini 1658-59 Sighned Sealed and delivered in prescence of us John Greene Ane Greene this fowerth of March his marke Peter rtTS Buzicott 381 Bee it know unto all men by these presents yt I Jame Sweet in habetant of ye Towne of Warwick in ye Collony of Providence Plantations, have sold unto John Lipode Junyor, of ye same Towne, a six acre lote, lying one John Warners Brooke & bounded one ye west side by Wm Burtons lote: one ye east by ye Comon: one ye northeast bounded with a Chast- net tree & one ye South by ye River: I say I have sold un¬ to John Lipod Junyor: all my right of of this six acre lote, above bounded: from mee my heires or assines, I have sold unto ye bove said John Lipode his heires & assines: for full satisfaction alredie Received, quietly to Inioy without truble or molistation: In witness whare of I have heere unto set to my had & Seale this 8th October 1660 Signed Sealed & delivered James ♦ / Sweete in presents of us t * \J John IS Sweete his marke his marke Matthias Harvye Laid out to Amos Wescott his home lott, is bounded on ye East end, with a mapeell tree at one corner & a black oake at ye other corner, & at ye west end a white Oake at Each corner: being bounded with ye Brooke one ye North side & his six aker lote is bounded with Thomas Relfe one ye East side & one ye West side a blacke oake at on Corner & [ 265 ] a white oake at ye Other Corner, which are my ffathers bound trees, one the East side & one ye West side: a black oake at one Corner, which is thence west, & a stacke at ye other Corner: 382 Nathan Gorton's Ear mark of his Creatures is two Slits on the forepart of the Right Ear etered June the 4th day 1762 by Jer Lippitt Clk Caleb Gorton's Ear mark of his Creatures is a Crop on the left Ear, and a half penny under each Ear Entered June the 7th day 1763 By Jer Lippitt Town Clk Holden Rice's Earmark of his Creatures is a hole in Each Ear. Entered June the 7th day 1763 By Jer. Lippett Town Clk Waterman Tibbitt: the Ear Mark of his Creatures is a fork in Each Ear and a half penny the underside of the Right Ear Entered May the 20th Day 1765 By Jer. Lippett Town Clk 383 This Indenture made this eleventh of Aprill Anno Domini 1665 witnesseth, yt I Joseph Stafford, Sonn of Thom¬ as Stafford Inhabetant of ye Towne of Warwick, in ye Col- loney of Providence Plantationes, in Newengland Miller, of ye one partie, doe bind my Selfe Aprentice, unto Mr: Thomas Smith Taylor: Inhabetant of Pawtuxet: in Warwick: in ye aforsaid Colloney, duringe ye terem of Eight yeares, from ye twentie first of March last past: I say I ye said Joseph Stafford, doe by ye Cunsent of my ffather Thomas Stafford abovesaid bind my selfe during ye Terem of Eight [ 266 ] yeares, as aforsaid, unto ye said Thomas Smith, his Heires executors Administrators, to doe him faythfull service: beinge att his lawfull Comands: keepinge his Secrets; and doe promise according to my best endeavor: not to neglect any thinge, yt I ought to doe, for my said Masters best advantage as becometh a Seruant in Consideration whare of I ye said Thomas Smith, doe one ye other parte, Couenant to & with ye aforsaid Joseph Stafford, to keepe him with Cunuenyent Meate, drinke aparrell and, Lodgeinge, duringe ye terem of Eight yeares, as abovesaid, and I doe Ingaige to teach or cause him to bee taught, ye trade mistery and Occupation of a Taylor, to ye utmost of my Endeavor, & to carrie myselfe towardes him in all points, as a Master, ought to doe to his Seruant, & I doe further promise at ye end of Eight yeares, as above said, to set him free: giveinge of him, one new suit of clothes besides his other aparrell & to ye true performance heereof I bind me my heires Executor administrators, in: witnese, whare of, wee have, Enterchangeably set to our hands & seales, ye day & yeare above said his marke Joseph Q Stafford 384 Sighned Sealed and delivered in prescence of Thomas J J Stafford John, Greene Gennerall Asistant his marke his marke ffrancis Derby Signifinge his cunsent Israel Arnold Son of Elisha Ear Mark of his Creatures is a half penny under the Right ear & a half penny over the Left Recorded, Jany 15th, 1745 This marke is taken up by Benj. Remington [ 267 ] Charles Rhoades Ear Mark of his Creatures is a fork in the Left Ear & a Slit in the Top of the Right ear Recorded April 9th, 1746 Aaron Davis Ear marke of his Creature is a Crop on the left Ear & a Slit in the fore side the same Entered Sept. 10th day 1760 385 Witnes thes presens that I William Backer of Warwick in the Colony of Naraganset doe give and deliver my Sone John Backer Aged five years unto Thomas Bradly of Warwick to be brought up and maintained with meate drinke and ap- rell as Shall bee fiting and Conuenient untill the Sayd John Backer doe come unto the Age of on and twenty years in Con¬ sideration whereof I the Sayd Thomas Bradly doue binde my Self my ayres Exsecutors and Asings to teach hime to read English toung and to learen hime doe booath by Sea and land what I my Selfe am called to doe for that I the Sayd Wil- ham Backer doe give full lawe unto Thomas Bradly if in case the for Sayd John Backer Should bee Invegled or detayned by any person or persons to fetch him or Cause him to bee fetch¬ ed to the Custodie of the Sayd Thomas untill the time be ex¬ pired in witnes wherof I doe herunto Set my hand Warwicke Aprell the: 14th Ano dominy :1661 Witnest, by the marke of John Smyth William ^ Beacker Elieazer Coliens Thomas Bradly Anthony Aborn takes the same Earmark for his Creatures which belonged to Daniel Budlong which was a hind Gad in the Right Ear and a fork in the left Entered 24th May 1773 [ 268 ] 386 This Indenture made this 29th of October Ano Dominy 1661: witnesseth a Contract or Covenent betweene John Greene of the Towne of warwicke in the Collony of Providence Plan¬ tations in New England, of the one Party and ffrancis uslton of Providence in the Sayd Collony of the other party, vide¬ licet, that I John Greene aforsayd doe let and Sett unto ffrancis uselton aforsayd A Cartaine parsell of upland lay- inge next the upper end of the Couve of Occupesuatuxet and ranginge from the fronte of the necke onn a straight line with the north west side of my plowed land the fields that the Indians plant heavinge breacke up being by the sea and so on straight line downe to the salt water as Allso I doe let unto him all the meddowe from the Indian fenc that now runes downe to Occupesuatuxet Couve downewards so fare as the Poynt below the first round couve all the sayd upland and meddow to bee for his use during the terme of fower yeares after the date hereof allso I doe Engadge to breake up fower akers more of the sayd land betwixt this and the first of may next neere the meddowe as allso I doe engadge to builde a house fitte to dewell in (mad with postes in the grounde) twenty foote longe and fourteen foote wide and to macke it in some measure habitable to dewell in as allso I doe engadge to fenc the whole front of the sayd neck of Occopasuatuxet with a sufficint fence of postes and three rayles into the water so fare as may bee convenient to keepe of Catell I doe lete unto him free liberty for Com- monidge for such Cattell as he nowe hath or Shall heave of mine together with thier Increase from the head of Occuppe- suatuxet Couve to the head of Patiunce Coave dew west to feed at large as allso liberty of feed for the Cattell afor¬ sayd after Indian harviest upon any part of the necke that I shall not perticularly Impropriate allso [ 269 ] 387 [torn] the sayd ffrancis [torn] Cows in calfe at Present that shall not nnder three yeares ould nor he seven I doe [torn] engage two cowes more of the adge aforsayd and a payer of Oxen to be delivered into his [torn] dy within a yeare of the date herof I say I John Greene aforsayd doe let all the land aforsayd as is spesified together with the housinge with privledge of wood water timber for fencinge or building upon the sayd land I say I doe let it together withe the Catell aforsayd duringe the terme of fower yeares after the date herof to him his heires Executors Administra¬ tors and warant it from (any) person whatsoever In Consider¬ ation wherof I the abovesayd tfrancies uselton doe engadge to pay eight pound for the first yeare Rent seven of it in seven score pole of the sayd front fence at [torn] penc the rod and twenty shillings in [torn] which I doe engadge to finish upon that acount I doe lickewise engadge to finsh all the remainder of the sayd front fenc at twelve penc the rod only the sayd John Greene is to [illegible] it in place and the sayd fenc to be sett up betwixt this and the twelfth of September Ensuing the date herof in Considera¬ tion wherof the sayd John Greene is to pay forty shillings in linen of prise curant upon [torn] and the rest in a fatt hogge at three penc three farthings pr and the rest in In¬ dian Corn good and marchantable at three Shillings pr bushell at or before the first of march next Ensheuinge the date herofe and I francies usletorn doe Engage to keep the sayd housing and fencinge in good repayer deuring the sayd lease aforsayd and Carfolly to keepe the sayd Cattell and if any of them doe miscary through my neglect to make theme goode and I doe engadge my selfe my heires executors Administrators unto the sayd John Greene or his heires Ad¬ ministrators or [ 270 ] 388 [torn] last yeares Annualy twelve pound starlinge in corn or goodes at prise Curant and at the end of ye terme to Resighne up all the premises Receaved [torn] any thing through Casualty miscary and to deliver two loads of hay instead of [illegible] which I receaved in witnes whereof wee heave interchangeably Sett to our hands and Seales the day and yeare Abovesayd memorandum: havinge the upwards En- terlined befor Sighning memorandum the day of payment Anualy is to bee the day of the date of this writing and that ffran- cis seton is granted liberty of feede for 6 head of Catell more [torn] more then the writing mentions and that John Greene is to defend the sayd ffrancis usleton for [torn] mber for the fenc mentioned within [torn] of the sayd [illegible] and the place of payment to bee at the sayd house spesified in the writing for Rent Sighned sealed and delivered in presenc of us hls marke James Greene jffranceis uslton his marke John Greene Henry Knowls 389 The 11th of November 1661 Wee the Counsell being mett to Agitate aboute the estate of Mr Robert Potter discessed dyinge Intestate and Examine all depts that wee wee can heare heave been demand¬ ed from the time of his death untill now do only finde a Considerable sum of fiftie Seaven poundes Seaventeene Shil¬ ling and ten penc deu to Mr James Greene as allso that the housing and lands of Robert Potter aforsadie by former order of the Counsell were Engadged to James Greene afor- C 271 ] sayd to mack him Satisfaction and John Potter sonne of the sayd Robert Potter being now of age and Presenting himselfe before us wee do Authorize James Greene aforsayd in the Counsells behalfe to make sale of all the housinge and land in warwicke that was the Right of Robert Potter aforsayd as a Grand Purchaser or otherwise and heaving satisfied himselfe out of it and if ought Remaine to deliv¬ er it to John Potter as a legacy from the Counsell he is lickewies Authorized to give deedes upon Salle John Smyth deputye By the Counsell Samuell Gorton Ser John Wickes Asistant John Greene Gell Asit Randall houlden Richarde Carder 390 Warwicke this twelvth of November: 1661:1 James Greene Inhabitant of the Towne of warwicke in the Collony of Providence Plantations in New England beinge Authorized to macke Seale of all the housinge and land in warwicke that belonged to Mr Robert Potter of the sayd Towne by the Coun¬ sells Order as upon Record more at large may Apeare for the payment of fifty seven pound seaventeen shillings and teen penc Therfore Know all men by thes Presents that I James Greene aforsayd heave Bargained for and sould unto John Pot¬ ter Sonne of the sayd Robert Potter all his fathers housing and land that belonged to him in Warwick as a Grand Purches- er or otherwise I say all the land as well upland as meddow with all maner of priveledges and apurtenances therto be¬ longing Excepting only a small pasell of land laying over against the sayd houselott bounded by William Burtons land and the land of hnry Knowles which sayd Parsell of land is allready sould unto henry Knowles I say I James Greene afor [ 272 ] sayd heave freely sould it unto John Potter aforsayd all the sayd housing and landes (Excepting only what before is Excepted together with the Priveledges and Immunities therto apertaining) in as ample maner as it was his ffathers being a Graund Purchaser or otherwise for and in Consideration of fifty seaven pound seaventeen shillings and ten penc 391 in hand Payd and Receaved and therfore I doe by this free¬ ly pas it over from mee my heires Executors Administrators unto the sayd John Potter his heires Executors Administra¬ tors forever Peasably to Posesse and Inioy whithout moles¬ tation from mee or any by mee and in witnes of this my Act and deed I heave herunto sett my hand and Seale the day and Yeare above Sayd Signed Sealed and delivered in Presenc of us Samuell Sanford James Greene Job Almy This was done before me John Greene Generall Asitent Know all men by thes present that I George Baldwin Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwieke in the Coleny of Prov- idenc Plantations heave sould and made Over to James Greene Inhabitant of the same Towne my small devision in Quinimi- coke necke heinge the Eighte lott with all Priveledgs and Apurtenances therunto belonginge I say I heave sould it for satesfaction in hand receaved and doe by this act Confirme to him his heiers Executors Adminestrators to enioy it peas¬ ably whithout disturbanc by me or any for mee in Testimony wherof I heave hereunto sett my hand and seale this 6th of Aprell 1651 his marke Sighned sealed and George Baldwin delivered in prescence of us C9 [ 273 ] 392 his marke James Swette Thomas Thornicraft his marke Know all men by thes presents that I Randall honlden Inhabitant of the Towne of warwicke in the Colony of Provi¬ dence Plantations in new England heave bargained for and sould unto James Greene Inhabitant of the Towne of Warwicke aforsayd all my share allredy layd out in Quinimicoke being the twenty seaventh share containge three quarters of an acker more or lesse for ten shillings payd in hand and re- ceaved I say I Randall houlden aforsayd heave sould the sayd share with all priviledges whatsoever therin Contain¬ ed unto James Greene aforsayd and therfor doe by this Act pase it over from mee my hiers Exectors Adminestrators un¬ to the sayd James Greene his heiers Executors Adminestra¬ tors for Ever Peasably to poses and enioy whithout molesta¬ tion from me or any by mee in witnes wherof I heave herunto s4t my hand and seale this 6th of January 1661 62 Sighned sealed and delivered in Randall houlden presenc of us John Smyth deputy John Greene Gell asistat Edmund Calverly 393 This Indenture made this twenty second of October Ano Dominy 1661 witnesseth that I William Knowles Sonne of henry Knowles of the Towne of Warwick in the Collony of Providence Plantations in New England with the Consent of my ffather doe binde my Selfe an Aprentice unto Mr Thomas Smith Inhab- [ 274 ] itant of Patuxet in the same Towne of Warwick Taylor for the terme of Five years Ensuinge the date herofe to doe him true and faythfull servis and to obey all his lawfull Comands to keepe his Secrets and not to haunte tauvens or Alle houses Except about my Masters buseness I Say I the Sayd William Knowles doe promise to beeheave my selfe in all poynts as an Aprentice ought to doe during the sayd terme of five yeares In Consideration wherof I the abovesayd Thomas Smyth doe Covenant to and with the sayd william Knowles to teach or caues hime to bee taught the Arte mistry and Occupation of A taylor to the utmost of what I can teach him as allso to keepe him duringe the Sayd terme with Convenient aparell meat drinke and lodginge and and I doe Engage toe behave my Self towardes him as a master ought to doe unto his ser¬ vant and at the End of the sayd terme I doe covenant to set him free giving one new suit of aprell besides his ordinary wearing aparrell in witness wherof wee heave herunto Enter- changeably Sett to our hands and Seales the day and yeare above Sayd Sighned sealed and delivered in Prescence of us: John Greene Coll Asistant Thomas Smyth James Greene Clarke his marke William ^ Knowles 394 ^ This Indenture made ye 13th day of January: 1661: in the 13th yeare of ye Raine of our Souvraine lord Chareles the Second of England Scotland ffranee and Ireland king &c witneseth that I William Helmes of warwicke in the Colony of Providenc Plantations in new england being Eldest Sonn and heire to Christofer Helmes and Margaret Helmes late of The Towne of Warwick in the Colony afornamed nowe deceased I doe by this Present Ratifie Confirme and alowe of A Cer- taine Purchase made by Richard Carder now of warwicke in [ 275 ] the Towne and Collony aforenamed from my Lovinge mother Margrett Helmes late of warwicke afore sayd deceased Some Eight yeares Since or ther abouts, allso I doe herby Rati- fie and allow of ye deed of Sale made by my Mother Margrett Helmes aforsayd and her cartine Aturny Ralfe Earle ye elder of Poritsmouth in the Colony of Providenc Plantations a- forsayd, which beareth date ye nineteeth day of Desember: 1650: father more I doe I doe acknowledg my selfe welle sat¬ isfied Contented and Payd by Richard Carder aforsayd for the six acors of land more or lese in the fore sayd deed mention¬ ed together with the house and all apurtenances in the fore sayd deed mentioned, and I doe herby thes present for me my heires Executors Administrators and Asignes warant the for Sayd deed of Pur¬ chase together with the Purchase it selfe to Richard Carder aforenamed his heires Executors Administrators and Asignes for ever in witnes wher of I heave her unto Set my hand and Seale the day and yeare first above written Sealed and delivered in the: The marke of Present of us whose nanes: William Helmes Placed there before the Ensealing herof Edmund Calverly Randall Houlden John Riss This Indenture made this 27th of September Ano Domini 1661 witneseth unto all whome it may Consern that I Chris- 395 are underwriten the word me over the 24th line being 396 [ 276 ] topher Hauxhurst Inhabitant of Warwick in ye Colony of Providenc Plantations in new england by reason by reason of my afectionate love I beare to my lovinge ffatherinlawe Mr henry Redducke of the Same Towne and Colony afore Sayd have freely given and grannted unto him five akers and halfe of land on which my ffatherinlawe hath built a dwill- ing house ye Sayd lott being bounded Southward by ye Street being ye front westward by a house lott layd out formerly to Thomas Eringenton northward by ye Comonon eastward by halfe an aker of land which I have reserved to my Selfe from the sayd lott I say I heave fully given and graunted ye sayd Parsell of land acording to ye boundes Above sayd Specified withall Priviledges of wood waters & ston in ye Sayd land Contayned unto my bloved fatherin lawe Henry Red¬ ducke afore Sayd and passe it oover freely frome mee my heires Executors administrators unto my Sayd fatherinlawe henry Redducke his hieres Executors administrators forever Peasably to Enioy whithout molestation or any by mee witnes my hand and Seale the day and yeare abovsayd Christopher Sighned Sealed and and hauxhurst delivered 397 in presenc of us Richard Townesend Beniamin Smith This Indenture witneseth that I henry Redducke of Pa- tuxitt in warwicke in the Colony of Providenc Plantations have by thes Presents given Graunted bargained and Sould unto Edmund Calverly of ye Towne of warwicke aforesayd and Coloney aforesayd all my Right Titell and intrest that I ye Sayd henry Redducke heave to five akers and halfe of ground with a house and Orchard in the Towne aforsayd together with [ 277 ] a share of meadow at Papyassett withall ye Privlidges and ap¬ purtenances ther unto blonginge Allso a Towneship being twelve Ackers of upland more or lesse linge nere ye litell Pond in warwicke a foresayd together with all ye Rightes titells Privlidges and apurtenances in any wise therunto be¬ longing as medowes Pastures feedings, Groves woodes under woodes fences &c Now This Indenture further witneseth that I henry Redducke of ye Towne and Colony afore sayd doe ac- knowledg to heave Receaved the sume of twenty five pound in English Cloth linen and woollen to mee in hand Payd bee- for ye Ensealing herof by 398 the above named Edmund Calverly with which I ye above sayd henry Redducke am well Contented and Satisfied for ye afore- sayd hous and land above named which is ye Chife movinge Cause wherfore I ye sayd henry Redducke heave bargined my Estate aforsayd to ye sayd Edmund Calverly aforsayd and I doe by this presents warant this my sale to ye foresayd Ed¬ mund Calverly his heires and a Sighenes for ever against all Persons Claminge any Right and tiytell therunto from or under mee ye Sayd henry Redduck My heires Excutors ad¬ ministrators and asighnes dated ye 27th day of September 1661 and in ye thirteenth yeare of his Magisties Rainge that now is beeing Charles ye Second of England Scotland franc and Kinge &c henry Redducke Sealed and delivrd in ye Presences of us whose names are herunto sub¬ scribed quiet posesion beeing delivered of ye prem¬ ises beefor ye Ensealing [ 278 ] herof Samuell Gorton John Smyth James Greene 399 Know all men by these Presentes that wheras I Mary Coles widdowe of Robert Coles late diseased Inhabiting in this Towne of warwicke in ye Coloney of Providence Planta- tiones in new england beeing Apoynted by ye Towne Counsell to give deedes of snch lannds as my husband during the time of his life had either Sould or given, therfore I Mary Coles doe by this Act give and graunt unto my Soninlawe Richard Townsend 8 akers of meddowe more or lesse at the south end of ye greate meddowe: Called by ye Indians Ochinainonankanett and doe by this act passe over Establish and Confirme the sayde Meddowe with the Apurtinances therin Contayned to him his heires Executors Administrators from mee my heires Execu¬ tors Administrators forever quietly to heave and to hould without molestation from mee or any by mee witnesse my hand this 5th of Aprell 1656 marke Sighned Sealed and delivered in Presenc of us John Greene Junior Mathias Harvy Know all men by these Presents yt I Peter Buzicott Blacke Smith Inhabitant of ye Towne of warwicke in ye Colony of Providenc Plantations in new England heave sould unto John Sweet Inhabitant of ye same Towne three akers of med¬ dowe which was layd out by Mr Low Called by ye Indians Nock- inamomonkanett medow ye sayd meddowe beeing bounded south¬ erly by medowe belonging to ye sayd Anthony Lowe and north- Mary Coles [ 279 ] erly by ye sayd John Swetes meddowe and otherwayes bounded by ye hills trees being marked east and west I say I Peter Buzicott heave Sould ye sayd meddow with all ye 400 Priviledges therin Contained for and in Consideration of parte of a six acor lott that was formerly layd out to Henry Townsend in hand Receaved ye sayd meddowe being three Akers and therefore I Peter buzicott doe pase it over frome me my hiers and unto John Sweet af or sayd his heires Excutors Ad¬ ministrators for ever Peaseably to Enioy whithout molesta¬ tion from mee or any by or under mee and in witnes of this my act and deed I heave herunto Sett my hand and Seale this 13: of f ebruary: 1661 his marke Peter Buzichott Sighned Sealed and / wfj delivred in Presenc of John Greene Ane Greene Know all men by Thes Presents yt I John Sweet Inhabi¬ tant of ye Towne of Warwick in ye Colony of Providenc Plan¬ tations in new england heave sould unto Richard Townsend of Pawtuxet Six akors of Meddowe being more or lese bounded on ye South by Mr Lowe Medowe and on ye north by Stephen Ar- noldes and bounded on ye east and ye west by ye Common I say I, John Swett af or sayd heave Sould unto Richard Townesend ye Sayd persell of medow which lieth in ye large meddowe with all Privilidges therin Contained for and in Consideration of tenn pounds in haund allready Receaved by mee ye aforsayd John Swett I John Swette doe by this presants Pas oier unto ye aforsayd Richard Townesend [ 280 ] 401 All my Right in ye aforsayd meddowe from mee my heires Ex- cutors Administrators and Asighens for ever unto ye aforsayd Richard Townesend his heires and asighens for ever to hold and Inioy whithout lett or molestation from mee or any by mee in witnes wherof I have herunto set to my hand and Seale this 10 of March: 1661 Sighened Sealed and John Sweete delivered in Presenc of us his marke Anthony Low Mathias Harvy Know all by thes presents yt I Randall Houlden of the Towne Warwicke in ye Colony of Providenc Plantations in New England doe give graunt bargine and sell unto ffrancis Dorby of the Towne and Colony aforsayd all my Right tytill and intrest yt I ye forsaid Randall Houlden heave to a Cartine Parsell of land Containying six acers of ground more or lesse liying in in ye Towne of warwicke aforesayd and Col¬ ony aforsayd together with all ye Privledges and apourtanan- cas therunto belonging as Commonens woodes pastures feedinges and Inklosuers if any bee, the bounds therof ar as ffoloweth yt is to say frome ye frounte of ye house when ye fforsayd ffrancies Dorby now liveth in ye towne of warwicke aforsayd north or northwest and upon the 402 southwest bounded by a laine and southward bounded by ye Common and northeast or east bounded by A Certaine parsell of Mr Walter Todd land and it is futhere acknowledgd by thes Presents that I ye said Randall Houlden of ye Towne and Colony aforsayd heave Recived ye Just Sume of nine pound in peaug at eight a peny which is a graund Cause wherfore I ye forsayd Randall Houlden heave bargined and [ 281 ] Sould my laund aforesayd being six ackers mor or lese as aforsayd and for ye true Performanc of this my sale to ye forsayd ffrancis Dorby I ye foresayd Randall Houlden doe warant this my sale to ye forsayd ffrancies Darby his heiers Excutors adminstrators and asignes against all per¬ sons whatsoever Claiming from and under mee Randall Houlden afore named or my heiers Excutors Adminestratores or asigh- enes in witnes wherof I heave Put to my hand and Seale ye first day of Desember: 1661: and in ye thirteenth yeere of his maiesties Raine that now is Charles ye Second King of Create Brittaine ffrauince and Irland with all ye dominions and teritoryes therunto bee longing: Signed Sealed and Per mee delivered in ye presenc Randall Houlden ^ of us Wallteer Todd Edmund Calverly 403 This Indenture made this sixteenth of ffebruary in the yeare (1661) witnesseth that wheras I William ffield in the yeare 1649 bought of John Greene of Warwicke a certaine par- cell of meddow layinge on the southwest side of Patuxet ffalles conteininge fower akers more or lesse bounded on the south and west by the Indian fieldes and on the other sides by the river belowe the fales, as by a manuscript more at large apeares Therfore know all men by these presents that I William ffield of Providence aforesayd, for and in consideration of Ten poundes in hand received, doe make bar- gaine and sale unto the sayd John Greene of all the sayd meddowe accordinge to the boundes specified with all priv- eledges and apurtenances, and doe therfore freely resighne up all my right and title afore sayd to him and his heires [ 282 ] forever quietly to posesse without molestation from mee, or any by or under mee, and in witnesse of this my act and deed have herto sett my hand & seale this sixth of ffebruary 1661: Sighned Sealed and William ffield delivered in prescence of us Thomas Harris his marke Nathaniel vK Lippett 404 This present writinge declareth unto all men before whom these presents shall come that I Sucquans alis Moosup be- inge truely Informed that my brother and Predecessor in Sachimshippe Miantonomu in October the first anno Domini 1642 Sould a necke of land both upland and meddowe unto Mr John Greene of new Providence bounded by Occuppessuatuxit Cove and Patience Cove on each side, together with free liberty to feede his cattell at large from Patience to Oc- cuppesuatuxet point Westward, and the aforesayd Miantonomu and John Greene beinge discessed and John Greene of Warwicke his eldest sonne being desirous least any English should fraudulently step in to purchase the sayd land wheron the sayd Comonidge is and so raise contention I say beinge de¬ sirous to make a farther Agreement with mee therfore know all men by these presents that I Sucquans alis Moossup cheife Sachim of the Narraganset countrey and parts therto belonginge and Successor of the sayd Miantonomu, doe in Con¬ sideration of farther satisfaction in full receaved Confirme give grant full and absolute title of the sayd land bounded Easterly by the front of Occuppessuatuxet Necke as now it is fenced & Southerly by Warwicke line Westerly by the great river that runes downe to Patuxet, and Northerly by a due West line from the head of Patience Cove to the sayd river [ 283 ] of Patuxet unto John Greene now of Warwicke aforesayd I say I have confirmed freely given and granted nnto him all the land both upland [torn] priveledges and apurte- nances therto apertaininge to impropriate all or any part thereof if hee see cause and therfore I Sucquans alias Moos- sup doe disclaime all Interest therin and doe passe it over freely from mee my heires and successors forever unto the sayd John Greene his Heires Executors administrators and Asighnes, acknowledginge that accordinge to the true Intent of the first Purchase of his forsayd father it is his for¬ ever to enjoy without molestation from mee or any by or under mee by any pretence whatsoever and in witnesse of this my reall act and deed I have freely sett to my hand and seale the sixteenth of June Anno Domini 1662 in the four¬ teenth yeare of the reighne of or Soverain lord Kinge Charles the Second kinge of Brittain franee & Ireland Sighned sealed and whom was enterlined delivered in presence of us before sighninge 405 his marke his marke James / O Sweet Sucquans his marke ffrancis tO Dorby Achiniamit his marke Indian Gwashos his marke Indian James Sweete and ffrancis Dorby came before mee and testi¬ fied this deed to bee a true deed upon their Ingadgement John Smith Deputy [ 284 ] 406 [Torn] men by thes presents yt I John [torn] of ye Towne of warwicke in ye [obliterated] Providence Plantations [obliterated] to Jolin Lippett senior of ye same towne six A [obliterated] which was layd out to mee [obliterated] dew to [obliterated] bought of Mr Holyeman as [obliterated] record [obliterated] bounded Eastward by John Warner [obliterated] southward by a lott layd out to Christopher Unthanke westward and northward ye Common I say I ye abovesayd John Geraedey for goode Consideration movinge mee therunto heave Bargain¬ ed and sould ye land above named withall Right and Priveledge therto belonginge for satisfaction Receaved and doe By this act passe it over from mee my Heires Executors Adminestra- tors unto ye sayd John Lippett senior his heiers Executors and Administrators forever peascably to enioy whithout moles¬ tation from mee or any by mee in witness wherofe I have her- unto sett my hand and seal this tenth of ffebruary 1662 Sighned sealed and John Geraedey delivered in presents of us Stukley Westcott James Greene Town Clark 407 [This page is almost obliterated] This Indenture made this 6tli of [obliterated] in the fifteenth yeare of ye Reign of our Sovereign kinge Charles ye second of Great Britain [obliterated] declareth unto [obliterated] thes presents shall come yt I John Gereardy inhabitant of ye Towne of warwicke in ye Colloney of prov- idenc plantationes in New england [obliterated] Henery Knowles of ye same Towne two shares of [obliterated] at Potaomet one of ye sayd shares being [obliterated] was laid out to ezekiell Holiman [obliterated] share and was laid out to mee [obliterated] bargained for and sould ye two [ 285 ] aforsayd shares of [obliterated] Henery Knowles afor sayd for seven pound in hand [obliterated] currant pay [obliter¬ ated] over all my Right unto ye sayd two shares of meadow with all Priveledges [obliterated] from mee my heires ex- ecutores administratores unto Henery Knowles his heires ex- ecutores & administratores for ever peaceably to enioy with¬ out molestation frome mee or any by or under mee as witnes my hand and seale th day and yeare above sayd Sighned sealed and John Gereardy delivered in prescence of us Walter Todd John Greene 408 Reuben Wightman takes the [torn] Ear mark that was Thom¬ as Greene son of John which was two holes in the Right Ear and one in the left Recorded the 7th Decbr 1765 By Jer Lippitt Clk Recordes of the Shares of Potaomet and Toskeonk or Papiasit Potaomet Papiasit 35 Mr Randall Houlden 5 34:3:5 Mr John Smith 12:24:4: 17 Mr John Wickes 23 23 Mr Robert Potter 30 30 Mr James Greene 10 33 Richard Carder 18 24 Thomas Thornicraft 37 24 Thomas Thornicraft 37 36 Mr Walter Todd 21 4 Mr John Warner 2 [ 286 ] 12 Thomas Stafford 32 6 Thomas Bradley 36 18 Stukly Westkote 28 7 Robert Westkote 20 1 Amos Westkote 6 10 Mr Ezekiell Holliman 27 26 Henry Townsend 13 32 Mr John Greene Ser 34 20 Mr John Greene Jur 7 27 Mr Peter Greene 15 409 Benjamin Stone's Ear mark for his Creatures is a peice Cut out on the under Side of the Right Ear in Shape of a Consonant You as is hereunder described G£) Entered June 14,1773 Taken up by Stukely Wood May 4th 115 22 Mr Thomas Greene 31 George Baldwin 11 31 Richard Townsend 17 25 Christopher Unthanke 3 9 Mr John Geraerdy 35 2 James Sweete 1 8 John Sweete 25 21 John Cooke 8 29 Mr Henry Redducke 33 13 Christopher Hauxhurst 19 28 John Moore 9 19 Thomas Erington 16 16 Mr Samuell Gorton 26 15 J ohn Lyppett 22 14 Peter Buzicott 14 11 Richard Waterman 26 [ 287 ] 410 This Indenture made this 3d of Aprill Anno Domini 1663 in ye feifeteenth yeare of ye reighen of or souvrain Lord Kinge Charles 2d Kinge of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland Etcra declareth unto all men to whome thes presentes shall Come yt I Mathias Harvy Inhabitant of ye Towne of war- wicke in ye Colloney of Providenc Plantations in Newengland and cowner of the Mill Sittnate upon ye river or Cove in ye sayd Towne of Warwick known by ye Indian name Pasipicham- nncke doe sell unto John Sweet Inhabitant of ye aforsayd Towne of warwicke my aforsayd Mill together with all ye Apartenances and Priveledges therunto belonginge Excepting one six aker lott laying up ye brocke above James Sweete in ye Roome wherof I doe put ye six acker lott Adioyeng to ye mill land in the Great Necke southwesterly as allso I except a share of Meddowe laying at or beyond Nausauket which was granted by ye Towne to ye sayd Mill as not beeing in my power to sell, Allso I ye sayd Mathias Harvy doe macke sale of my dewillinge house wherin I now dewell together with ye sayd mill and apurtenances as fencing freut trees etc for one hundred and fiftey poundes money pay in hand Re- cieved I likewise passe over together with ye premises ye treu Engadgements acording as myself and ye first Owners were engadged unto ye sayd Towne of Warwick as ye Towne Recordes Spescifies bearing Date ye 3 of february 1650 411 In Consideration of landes worke mony [torn] Courtesies and Privledges given by ye sayd [torn] I say I ye sayd Math¬ ias Harvy doe by vertue of [torn] Presentes fully give Grant macke Bargine and [torn] of all ye aforsayd houseing Mill [ 288 ] Land and Apurtenances unto ye sayd John Sweet his hierers Executors [torn] minstrators without fraud or deceit for [torn] doe herby Binde myself firmley by thes [torn] Abso¬ lutely to free ye sayd John Sweet [torn] Claime of mine or any by or under mee [torn] Excutores Adminstrators whithout [torn] deceitt witnesse my hand and seale ye day [torn] above sayd Sighned sealed and delivered Mathias Harvy in presenc of us John Greene Genrall Asistant Edmund Calverley 412 [Torn] Bay 10th of ye six month 1663 [torn] all men by thes presentes yt wee John Townesend [torn] Henery Townesend booth of Oster Bay on Long [torn] land doe herbey ffulley and fiermley give macke over and Bequeeve all oure Right tittlle and Interest [torn] cth belonge to on or botch of us of all ye land [torn] lieth on ye west of warwicke Towne boundes yt is to [torn] Purchiesers Right without ye Towne boundes [torn] our brother Richard Townensend at [torn] in ye provenc of Providenc Plantations wee [torn] halfe of ye sayd Right of land, and to and to heave ye [torn] other halfe untill our Cossenes Dinah [torn] bee eighteene yeares ould as they Come to [torn] are each of them to heave A quarter parte [torn] sayd land wee say wee doe by this ffree- ley [torn] and mack Over all our right tittell and Intrest [torn] bove sayd land unto our Brother Richard Towne [torn] and his two daughters Dinah and Leah our [torn] senes on ye terimes abovesayd from us our heires [torn] cutors and Asighnes forever to Enioy whith [torn] molestation by us or aney from [ 289 ] us Joyent [torn] Confirmed under our handes and seales [torn]) presenc of us the marke [torn] h Sutton of John Townesend [torn] omas Townesend Henery Townesend & 0 413 This Indenteure bindeth me George Cese with my free Consent aprentis unto Marey Holyman of Warwick her heieres or Exceutors or asignes with her to dewell from ye day of ye date herof unto ye end of and terme thre yeares and elev¬ en month then next enshueing and holey to bee Complete and ended by all which sayd terme ye sayd gorge Cesse aprentis to ye sayd Marey holeyman his mistris well and faithfulley shall serve, her secretes shall keep her Comandes Lawful and onest eavry where hee shall doe noe fornication in ye hous of his Mistris, he shall not doe nor Consent to be done of others, but hee to his power shall his Mistris warne ther- of, Tavernes or Alehouses he shall not hante or frequent but if it bee about his mistris bisines ther to bee done, at ye dise Cardes or aney other unlawfull games he shall not play, ye goodes of his mistris inordinately hee shall not wast nor them to any lend without his mistris lisenc matri¬ mony with any woman within ye sayd terme he shall not Con- tracte nor espouse himself, nor from his mistris servis by day or night absent or prolonge himself, but as a true and fayethfull servant ort to beeheave himself as well in words as in deeds: And I sayd Marey Holeyman unto ye sayd gorg aprentis in ye mater of husbandry which is Commonly used for sarventes in New england shall set him to ye worcke ac- cordinge unto ye Costome of ye Contrey and in [illegible] manner to [illegible] him finding unto him meate drinke and aparell duering ye sayd terme: and at ye end of ye sayd [ 290 ] terme shall give unto her prenties such nessaries as ye Contrey alowes, in witnes wherof ye parties above sayd to thes Indentures enterchangably ther severall seals heave sett ye 27 daye of November Ano dommini 1660 Gorge Cese sealed and delivered in presens of us Christopher Onthank John Gereirdey ye marke of James Sweet 414 Know all men by thes presentes yt I Thomas Hedger senior Inhabitant of ye Towne of Warwick in ye Coloney of providenc plantationes in New england doe Give grant bargaine and sale unto Edward Marshall Inhabitant of ye same Towne of Warwicke of all my land granted unto mee by ye Towne of Warwick vidis- alesit twelve akers all ready Layd out beeing bounded east¬ ward upon Mr Samuell Gortones lott westward by a way to ye Litell pond northward by part of Mr Smithes Lott and part by ye Common southward fronting on ye Comon together with ye Comonidge and Lands yet undevided therunto apertaienginge I say I Thomas Hedger aforsayd heave sould all my sayd Landes with ye fencinge and all maner of priveledges and apurrtunen- ces therunto beelonginge unto ye sayd Edward Marshall for full Satiesfaction in hand receaved and therfor doe by this act freely passe it over from mee my heieres executors Admin- iestratores unto ye sayd Edward Marshall his heieres exceu— tores Administratores for ever Peacabley to Inoy whithout molestation from mee or aney by or under mee through aney pretence whatsoever and in Witnesse of this my Reall act and deed I heave hereunto Sett my hand and sealle this: 12th of September 1663 ye fifteenth yeare of ye Reighen of our sov- C 291 ] eraighen Lord Kinge Charells ye second kinge of Great Brit- tan ffrance and Ierland etcetera his marke Thomas —9 Hedger Sighened sealled and delivered in presenc of us John Greene Genii Asistant James Greene Asistant of ye Towne 415 Warwick this 11th of August: 1663 An Inventory of ye goodes and Chattells of Mr John Smith deputey of Warwick Late discessed Inprimis in Plate one beaker one solt halfe a dozen of Spones £ s d - 04-10-00 2 feather beds and furniture ---10-00-00 2 diaper tabell Cloathes and a dozen of nat- kines 01 - 10 - 00 16 pieces of peweter - -- -- 03 - 00 - 00 2 Brasse Candell stickes a morter and pestle 00 - 10 - 00 1 great ketle 01-10-00 2 smaller ketles 00-10-00 1 bras skillet ---- 00 - 05 - 00 1 Iron ketell one gun with poweder and sliott 01 - 10 - 00 2 brasse pans Litell ones -----00-10-00 1 spit - 00 - 02 - 06 2 payer of Andieres fire shovell and tonges 00 - 10 - 00 1 payer of pott hangers 1 payer of pott hookes 00 - 06 - 08 A Cubord one round table and 4 Joine stooles 00 - 10 - 00 2 Chaieres - 00 - 05 - 00 21 yardes of Osenbirges 10 yards of dowles - 02 - 13 - 00 10 yards of Cotton a hatt and 2 barelles of solt 03 - 11 - 06 [ 292 ] 21 li of wooll or therabouts 00-15-00 for emtey Caske and tubes 01-00-00 A payer of wheeles --01-10-00 Cbaines and plow Ierones 01-00-00 A tumbrell 00-10-00 The Catell 3 breeding mares and two mare Coltes 52 - 00 - 00 3 yeare and vantadge horse Colts 18-00-00 12 Cowes 58 - 00 - 00 2 three yeare and vantadge steres 11-00-00 2 two yeare ould and vantadge Steres 08 - 00 - 00 416 6 1 yearlings ---13-10-00 4 Calves 04 - 00 - 00 2 yearlinges and 3 Calves ye halfe of them as yet not devieded ------03-15-00 26 Ewes and a Rambe and fifteen Lambes - - 12 - 05 - 00 25 Swine - 20 - 00 - 00 4 hives of bees 03 - 00 - 00 one dewellinge house one stone house with three purrchease shares with ye orchard Coren Land fenced and other Apurtenan- ces - 200 - 00 - 00 440 - 18 - 08 As for ye Credit and dept together with ye estate beyond sea beeinge not yet Cleare wee desiere to refer it to ye Counsell By us John Greene Randall Houlden Whearas John Smith Deputey of Warwick in ye Coleney of Providence Plantationes in New england Late discessed died Intestate and ye Towne Counsell being by Lawe of ye Collney [ 293 ] apoyented in Such Cases to macke a will in beehalf of ye disessed Partey Therfore Wee ye Towne Counsell of Warwick beeing Asembled this fourteenth of September Ano: 1663 and in the fiftenth yeare of ye Reighne of Our Soveraighne Lord Kinge Charles and heaving takieng ye matter into serious Consideration Wee doe Constitute and Apoyent Mrs Anne Smith widdow of John Smith Aforesayd, sole executrix into whos hands 417 Wee bequeath and put all hir sayd husbandes estate both in Warwick and else where, and wheras it doeth apeare yt her sonn Mr Elizar Colines, hath deu to him two hundred poundes as a Legacey formerly given unto him and his sister Anne Collines, which sister beeing dead ye whole sume is deu to ye sayd Elizar Collines and ought to bee payd out of ye es¬ tate Therfore our order is yt ye sayd Anne Smith executor doe macke over all ye housing and Landes Laying in warwicke of John Smyth aforsayd unto her sayd sonne Eliza Colins for securitey yt this sayd portion may bee duely satisfied, all- ways provided yt ye sayd Anne Smith shall Inioy ye sayd hous- inge and Landes deuring her life. In ye next place In Case aney person or persons of kin to John Smith aforsayd bee Liv- inge and present themselves wee bequeath unto him or them ye valew of five shillinges apies iff demanded as a legarcy or gratuity ffather wee Apoyent ye sayd Anne Smith executrix to take ye whole estate of her sayd husband into her hand and to recieve all deptes due and to macke payment, as deptes shall bee made to apeare and for ye better efectinge of ye premieses wee heave Chosen and deputed two of ye Counsell namley Mr Samuell Gor¬ ton Senior and Mr Randall Houlden to bee Overseers yt ye [ 294 ] sayd will bee deuly performed Acordinge to our Order as wit¬ ness our kandes and sealles ye day and yeare abovesayd dated in Warwick Samuell Gorton Senior This is a treu Coppey John Wickes Senior taken out of ye Origmall as atestes John Greene James Greene Randall Houelden Towne Clarke Walter Todd Richard Carder 0 0 0 418 October ye first 1662 This present wrighting maied betwne John Garrardey of ye Towne of Warwick in ye Colloney of providence planta¬ tions in New england one ye one part and ffrancies Dorbeby alias Darby of ye Towne and Coloney aforsayd one ye other parte, Witneseth yt I John Garrardey aforesayd for and in Consideration of fouer pound Starling to mee in hand payed by ffrancies Doorbey allias Darby aforsayd doe Give grant bargin and sell unto ffranses Dorbey alias Darbey aforsayd his heieres and asighens for ever, All ye right tiytell and Intrest yt I heave unto too Shares of Meddow Lying at Towe- skeoncke in ye Colloney aforsayd, To heave and to hould unto ye foresayd francies Doorbey allias Darby aforsayd his heieres Excutores Administratores and Asighens for Ever whithout aney Lett troubell hindrance Expultion of mee John Garrardey aforsayd or aney Claiming form or under mee my heieres Excutores Administratores or Asighnes, and lastley I doe herby warant this my seale against all persons whatso- [ 295 ] ever, Witness my hand and seale ye daye and yeare first a- bove written John Gerrardey Sighened sealed and delivered in ye presenc (X) The marke of . Memorandum it is William ytf Eaton acknowledged hy all Edmond Calverley persons above mention- Randall Houlden ed yt ye word towe- skounck is intended Papoeset meddowes 419 This Indenteure made this seaventh day of Aprill Anno domini: 1663 in ye fifteenth yeare of ye reighen of onr sovereinghne Lord Kinge Charles ye Second kinge of England france and Ierland &c declareth unto all men before whome thes presents shall come yt I John Sweet Inhabitant of ye Towne of warwicke in ye Colloney of providence plantationes in New England heave Indented bargained for and sould unto unto ffrainces Derbey Inhabitant of ye same Towne of war- wick my dewelling house and house Lott which I bought of Henery Towne send with ye out housinge and Apurtenances ye sayd lot beeinge bounded on ye front by ye street easterly by a highway apertainge to my selfe and Peter Buzicott, westerly by land beelonginge to Christopher Unthanke and Northerly by a six aker lott apertaininge to ye sayd house- lott which I heave Allso sould unto him as Allso a Parsell of land over against ye sayd houes lott on ye other side ye streete, bounded on ye front by ye Street southwestward by a highway and elswhere by ye land of Thomas Staford I say I John Sweet aforsayd have sould unto francies Dorbey aforsayd all ye sayd houesinge and land together with all privledges and Apurtenences either of Commonidge or otherwayes for for- [ 296 ] tey five poundes Curant pay in hand payd and Receaved and Therfore I doe by this act freeley passe it over from mee my heieres excutores adminstrators forever nnto ye sayd fran- cis Darby his heieres exectores administratores peaseably to Inioy whithout molestation from mee or any by or under mee without fraude or deceit and in witnesse of this my reall act and deed I heave herunto sett my hand and seale ye day and yeare abovesayd Sighened sealed and his marke delivered in presens of us John Sweet John Greene .<-x Thomas Greene John Potter 430 Mr Amos Lockwood Junr takes a Mark for his Creature as Cattle Sheep & hogs Viz. a Crop on the Right ear & a hind gad in the left June 11,1770 Thomas Remmington the 3d Ear mark of his Creatures is a [ 304 ] crop on the Right ear and a slit in the Crop and a halfv penny upper side of the Left Decebr 1st 1774 Mr. Job Smith takes the same ear mark that was his Father's Mr Christopher Smith dec. which was a Crop on the Right and a half penny under side the left. Recorded Oct: 29th, 1770- the Ear Mark of John Card's Creatures is a half penny under and over the left Ear and a half penny under Side of the Right Ear Recorded October the 29th 1770 431 January ye fouerth 1664, this deed was entered Know all men by thes presents that I Samuell Gorton senior of ye towne of Warwicke in ye Collony of Roadiland & providence plantations in Newengland, for & in consider¬ ation of six pound Currant pay with ye marchant to me in hand paid by Edward marshall inhabitant of ye towne & Col- loney aforesaid doe for me my heires Executors Adminestra- tors & asignes, Give grant bargaine & sell unto Edward mar- shall aforesaid, his heires Executors Adminestrators & A- signes forever my six acer lott set lying & being neer ye litle pond in ye aforesaid towne of warwicke, bounded east¬ ward by Mr Randall houldens twenty acker lott, westward by Thomas hedgers lott, ffronting southward upon ye Common & by Mr Smiths lott northward, To have & to hould unto ye said Edward marshall his heires & asignes forever, without any lett, or hinderance of or from me my heires & Asignes for ever in wittness wherof I have heerunto sett my hand & seale ye second day of January one thousand six hundred sixty and fouer & in ye sixteenth yeer of ye Raigne of our [ 305 ] soveraigne Lord Charles ye second of England Scotland france & Ireland king &c Samnell Gorton signed sealed & delivered in ye presents of us Randall Houldon Edmund Calverley 432 Entred ye 4th January :1664 Warwicke this twenty sixt of September 1661 Know all men by thes presents that I Robert Westeott of war¬ wicke doe owne and acknowledge, that I have sould unto my brother Amos westeott of ye same towne all my Right & tytle, in & concerning my Towneship with my orchard & house Lott & all the priveledges & Appurtenances ther unto belonging for a good & valuable consideration & doe by this actt pase it over to hime his heires executors Administrators or asignes, from mee my heires Executors Adminestrators or asignes for ever without Lett or molestation from mee or any by my meanes as witnes my hand ye yeer & day above written Signed sealed & delivered Robert Westeott in ye presents of us ^ Stuckley Westeott the marke of John Benight 433 January ye 5th 1664 Know all men by thes presents that I Christopher Un- thanke in habitant of ye towne of Warwicke in ye Collony of providence plantations have sould unto Amos westeott inhab¬ itant of ye towne of warwicke in ye Collony of providence [ 306 ] plantations One share of medowe at potawomett which former¬ ly was myne for full satisfaction all ready received, I say I ye said Christopher Unthanke have sould ye abovesaid share of meadow unto ye abovesaid Amos wescott for ever to hould & inioy without trouble or molestation & doe by thes presents pase ye above said meadow from me my heires or asignes unto ye said Amos Wescott his heires or Asignes for ever to in¬ ioy and posese without any molestation from me or any by mee in wittness wherof I have heerunto sett to my hand & seale this 16th of January 1661 the Interlining was before it was either signed or seal¬ ed Signed sealed & Christopher delivered in ye A Unthanke sents of us xiV mathyas Harvey stukley wescott Eichard Osborne ye enterlining I have marked by lynes drawne 434 January ye 27th 1664 Layd out to Mr John Green six ackers off land moor or lese in Lew of a share of meadow land fformerly Laid out one this sid occupatituxett Cove bounded northerly by his fore¬ said land and westerly by ye end of his said land with a hyghway of fower pole wide bounding northerly one ye said six ackers Edm: Calverley f J am: Green i surveyors Rich: Carder I January ye 27th 1664 Laid out to Joseph howard twelve ackers of Land moor or [ 307 ] lese bounding northerly one Captaine John Greens land easter¬ ly upon ye sea westerly by ye hyghway leading to Captaine John Greens land one ye southerly sid of ocupatuxet cove & southerly by ye common Edm: Calverley r Jam: Green i surveyors Rich: Carder [ 435 January ye 27th 1664 Laid out to John Lippett senior one Acker of Land moor or lese on ye northeasterly side of a maple tree at ye end of John Garyardys late Lott now in posesion of ye said Lippett eygh pole from ye said maple tree to a stump easterly & from thence uppon a straight Lyne Northerly to a white oake which is ye bound tree of ye aforesaid John Lippetts lot Edm: Calverley f Jam: Green i surveyors Rich: Carder t January ye 27 1664 Laid out to peeter busecott twelve ackers of Land moor or lese being in Lenth sixty & two pole bounded easterly by ye hyghway Leading to Captaine John Greens Land which lyeth one ye southerly side of ocupatituxet Cove and northerly one ye foresaid Captaine John Green's land being thirty pole wide bounded westerly by Samuel Stafords land & southerly bounded by ye Common Edmund Calverley r James Green J surveyors Richard Carder 436 January ye 27th: 1664 Laid out to Job Aylmey six Ackers of Land moor or lese [ 308 ] in lew of a share of meadow uppon John Moors acoumpt who was a purchaser ye said six Ackers being in lenth sixty two pole & in breadth fifteen pole bounded northerly by Capt: John Greens land Lying on ye southerly side of ocupatituxet Cove westerly bounded by ye Common bounded easterly by Sam- uell Stafords six Acer lott & bounded southerly by ye Common January ye 27th: 1664 Laid out to Mr Anthony Loe by order of ye towne three Ackers of land moor or lese it being swampy land bounded westerly uppon ye common & one ye easterly side bounded by ye brooke runing through his ye said Anthony Loes land ye south¬ erly bounder being ye land he bought of peeter busecott & ye northerly bounder is ye land formerly laid out to George Tip- pett ye said Mr Anthony Loe being to Laye downe three ackers of Land in Lew therof to ye Common for ye conveniency of ye towne January ye 27th 1664 Laid out to Samuell Stafford six Ackers of Land moor or lese in Lew of a share of meadow ye lenth of ye said six Ackers is sixty & two pole & ye breadth is fifteen pole bound¬ ed northerly uppon Captaine John Greens Land Lying on ye southerly side of ocupatituxett Cove ye Easterly side bounder is by peeter busecotts twelve Acker lott ye westerly bounder is by Job Aylmey his six Acker lott and ye southerly bounder Edmund Calverley Jams Green Richard Carder surveyors Edmund Calverley Jams Green Richard Carder 437 [ 309 ] is by ye Common Edmund Calverley Jams Green Richard Carder Surveyors June ye 29th 1665 Laid out to Edward marshall six Ackers of upland in Nassaket Necke in Lew of A share of meadow belonging to ye . towneship of Thomas hedger senior being twenty pole wide & forty eyght pole in Lenth May ye first 1660 Thes presents wittnes that wee Richard Carder and John Wickes have laid out to Thomas Scranton 6 Accers John Wickes being desired by James Sweet he not being well being bounded as followeth yt is one ye sowest bound on Mr John Greens lott, & ye southeast end one Samuell Stafford which is sould to Ann Joyes & ye Northeast to ye Common to ye sea ward & one ye north west one ye Common towards pasuatuxett Entred ye 13th of October 1665 ye note being produced under Mr Wiks and Rich: Carders hands Pomham, you ar heerby required in his magisties naime forth with to make yor personall appearance at ye house of Mr Randall houldens before me to Answer to what may be pro¬ posed unto you Warwick ye Robert Carr ' Edmund Calverley surveyors - Richard Carder James Green 438 By us John Wickes Richard Carder 21:1665: [ 310 ] 439 Sir Rob: Cars warant. You Mr Samuell Gorton junior Mr John potter and Sar¬ gent Edward marshall ar by vertue heerof Athorised forth¬ with to goe to pumham and render the 20 in peage at Eyght per penny now produced by Samuell Gorton senior in answer to ye Order of his magisties Comitioners to make returne whether he expects to be provided for by pesecus in ye kings province Etc Warwick ye Robert Carr 22th 1665 Know all men by thes presents that I dericke townesall doe Covenant to & with Mr Anthony loe of warwicke to serve ye said Mr Anthony Loe from ye day of ye date heerof till the fifteenth day of October Next enseuing wch will be in ye yeer 1666. And doe heer by promise to doe my said master trew and faithfull service, And not absent my selfe out of his house without my said master or mistrese Leaves and will obey all my masters & mistrese lawfull 440 Comands during ye foresaid time of my service, and I ye aforesaid Mr Anthony Loe doe covenant & promise to pay or cause to be payed to ye said dericke townsall my servant ye some of twelve pounds of currant pay for ye time ye said dericke hath all ready served & for ye time that is to come above mentioned as allso to find my said servant meat drinke lodging untill his time be expired in witnes heereof we have heerunto set our hands this twelft day of february 1665 Thomas humphrey Dericke Tondssell Edmund Calverley Anthony Low <£> [ 311 ] This indenture was acknowledged and signed the day of the date hereof before me John Greene asistant 18th of february 1665 Mary Samon daughter of John & Ann Samon aged 9 yeers or ther about was found drowned in ye brooke by Mr Anthony Loes, & ye ninteenth of february Capt John Greene being Crow- ner or Corroner with a jury of 12 men did inqnir into ye ocation of her death by drowning ye jury mens naimes heer folloeth. Rich: Carder foreman Jams Sweet Eliza Collins Amos Westcott John Lippett senior Sam: Gorton Jnr John Potter John Wickes Jur John Sweet Jeremy Westcott Sam: Staford William Eaton 441 Evidence to ye Jury Thomas Scranton adged 25: yeers or ther about being en- gadged did testyfy before ye Crowner and jury that on ye 18th of februar 1665 three houres within Night John Read fatherin- law to Mary Sammon came to Mr Anthony Loes house to desire hime ye said Thomas Scranton to light hime ye said John Read with a lanthorne & candle, to seeke for his daughterinlaw Mary Samon who was sent to fetch water at ye brooke & came not againe when they came to ye brooke they found ye said Mary Samon drowned in ye midle of ye brooke and Mr Anthony Loe testyfyeth that it was three houres within Nyght when John Read aforesaid came to borrow a Lanthorne & candle which was Readyly Lent Verdict of ye Jury The Verdict of ye Jury february ye 19th 1665 We ye Grand Inquest doe find that mary sammon being about [ 312 ] eyght or nyne yeers of age was sent by her mother in a very darke nyght alone to a brooke by Mr Loes to fetch water & was found in ye brooke drowned Know all men by thes presents that I Richard Harcutt being one of ye trew & Lawfull purchasers of a tract of Land Called in the grand deed by ye Naime of Shawomett being twenty myles in Lenth & ye bounders if or ye breadth therof seaven English myles wyde or ther abouts moor or lese doe heerby sell make over & by thes present confirme all my Right & Intrest in ye abovesaid plantation, Allways provid¬ ed that I reserve unto my selfe my whole right & intrest in the towneship of warwicke 442 as allso all my Right & Intrest in that necke of land Lying south from ye said Towne bordering uppon Sowomes bay, Unto Steeven paine senior of Rehoboth his Heires Executors Administrators or Asignes for ye full & just some of twen¬ ty pounds already received, and doe hearby promise to free ye said Steeven paine from all claimes of me me my heires executors adminestrators & asignes for ever A Sealed and delivered Richard Harcut (2 in ye presents off mistake Ssamuell Gorton ye deed Randall Howlden* is one furthermoore I doe heerby sell & make over unto & signed Steeven paine as abovesaid all my Right & tytle at ye in a tract of Land called by ye naime of potawo- botom mett & doe heerby promise to discharge all ingadg- ments concerning ye said potawomet unto this day of ye date heerof being ye fowerteenth day of October 1653, in witnes * [Words in italics were erased in original manuscript.] C 313 ] whereof I have heer unto sett my hand & seale Sealed & delivered Richard Harcutt m ye presence off Samuell Gorton Randall Honlden Know all men before whome thes presents shall come that whereas I Steeven paine senior bought of Richard har¬ cutt Laite of warwicke, all his Right in that purchase Call¬ ed in ye Grand deed, Shawomett, being twenty myles in Lenth &c excepting his right in Warwicke Necke, & ye township, and further having 443 having purchased all his Right in potawomett Necke, all which Lands ar expresed in a deed under ye said Richard Harcutts hand, & seale bearing date ye fowerteenth of October 1653 I say by vertue of thes presents that I Steeven paine afore¬ said doe sell all my Right tytle & Intrest unto all ye affore- said lands unto James Green Inhabitant of ye towne of war¬ wicke, for ffull satisfaction in hand received and therfore doe ffreely asigne & pase over, all my Right & Intrest unto any of ye said lands together with the priveledges, from me my heires, executors administrators, Unto James Green his heires executors Administrators or asignes, forever To have hould & Inioy, without any molestation, from me or any claim- eing by or under me, In witnes whereof I have sett to my hand & seale, this fifteenth of January Anno dominy 1665 And in ye sixteenth yeer of ye Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord, King Charles the 2d Reighne of was signed sealed & delivered enterlyned before in ye presence of us sighing John Green Steeven Paine Nathaniell paine [ 314 ] 444 Know all men by thes presents yt I Taecomanan right owner of all ye meadows & moable land upon a Neck of ground commonly called by ye English by ye naime of potowomett Citiated & being upon ye great river called by ye Naime of ye Nanhyganset bay, Lying over against ye south end of that necke of Land called shawomett, which bay is ye east bounder & that river comonly called by the English potawomat river being ye southward bounder and Coesset bay being ye Norward bounder for ye space or lenth of fower myles acording to ye English accompt up by ye said potawommett river westward, from ye said Nanhygansett bay, which parcell of Land as above said, with all ye right & priveledges therto appertaining by water land wood or otherwise I doe heerby, & by thes presents, freely acknowledge to have leagally & trewly sould, maid ov¬ er and by thes presents doe forever quitclaime unto Randall houlden & Ezekell hollyman, both of warwicke for themselves & ye rest of ye inhabitants of ye abovesaid towne of warwike, to them & their heires, to have & to hould for ever, for ye just some of fifteen pounds dewly paid & received allready in wampum, peage only I am to receive ye vallue of one Coate of such Cloth as ye indeans doe now comonly use to wear, An¬ nually, as a gratuity heerafter & I doe heerby bind & in- gadge myself, that nether I nor any in my naime nor on my behalfe shal forever heerafter disturbe or molest them or any of them, in ye quiett & peacable possession, & inioy- ment of this their proper right & inheritance, moor over I doe by thes presents further bind & engadge my selfe & all- so my heires & sucksesors, & that in consideration of ye above said some of mony or payment, received, never heer¬ after to sell morgadge C 315 ] his marke 445 Let or make over any moor meadow or mowable land within my right tytle or claime nnto any what or whomsoever but only to ye parties above naimed their heires or asignes, in wit¬ ness wherof I have heare unto sett my hand & seal acording to ye costome of ye English Dated ye thirteenth day of July Anno 1654: Taccomanan T hls marke Sealed & delivered in ye presence off Jeremy Westcott William Baker Samuell Ensall Awashocnss eldest sonn to hime above wawanockeshan f his marke another sonn Wheras Mr Ezekell Hollyman of Late descessed in ye time of his life sould unto John Garyardy a dwelling house Wherein John Garryardy now dwells together with ye house lott & towneship: therto aperteyning & we Mr Walter Todd & John Green being apointed to give deeds in behalfe of ye Children, Therfore know all men by thes presents that we Walter Tod & John Green both of warwicke doe ratifye & con- ffirme ye sale of ye said house Lott bounded by ye river runing to ye mill northeastward by ye street Northwestward by a hyghway southwestward that Leads into ye necke as all- so his share at potawomett beinge ye ninth as allso his share at Towskeounke being ye 27th unto John Garryardy to¬ gether with ye house theron and all priveledges & appurte- [ 316 ] nances therin conteyned as allso ye priveledge of Common as a towneship therto apperteining but not as a purchaser 446 Wee say ye said John Garriardy having maid ffull satisfac¬ tion in hand received by the said Ezekell hollyman in ye time of his life Therefore wee ye afforesaid Walter Todd & John Greene doe ffreely pase over all right tytle & in- trest of ye aforesaid house & land withall manner of priv- eledges there-too aperteining excepting ye right of a pur¬ chaser only unto John Garriardy his heires executors ad¬ ministrators from ye Children of John warner or any claiming by or under them as witnes our hands & seales the 6th of Aprill anno 1663 in ye 15th yeer of ye raigne of our soveraigne Lord King Charles King of England Scotland france & Irland etcetera Walter Tod Signed sealed & John Green delivered in ye presents of his marke Jams iV Sweet his marke henry knowles j Know all men by thes presents that I John Garriardy of warwicke doe by thes presents make & sell all my right & tytle of this parsell of Lande & house under written by Mr Walter Todd & Mr John Green To Mrs Mary hollyman to her & her asignes for ever for full satisfaction in hand receiv¬ ed as witnes my hand this 12th of Aprill 1663 Signed in ye presents John Garriardy of us, Thomas relfe her marke mary ft\ relfe [ 317 ] 447 Warwicke Whereas Sarah Rysbie aged six yeers next May is left by her parents William & Sarah Risbie formerly inhabitants in the towne of warwicke & ye towne is lyable to be Charge¬ able with ye said child the ffather & mother being runn away from ye said child who was this day presented to ye towne Councell by Job Almy who hath keept ye said child two yeers past or ther about and none being found that was willing to pay ye said Job Almy for keeping ye said Child & take her from him, Therefore this indenture witneseth That I John Green Generall asistant of ye Collony of roadiland & prov¬ idence plantations &c By ye Consent of ye Towne Councell doe bind ye fforesaid child Sarah Risbie an aprentiz to ye foresaid Job Almy & Mary his wife to serve them twelve yeers from ye first day of may next ensuing ye date heer- of except ye said Child Mary Risbie shall hapen to marry before ye expiration of ye said terme which, iff she doe then this indenture to be void & of none effect & I doe ffurther inioyne ye said Job Almy & Mary his wife to doe ther utmost indeavor to teach ye said Child to read English & to bring her up in all manner of houswifery used in this Collony as allso to find there said aprentiz meat drinke & clothes & all other nesesaryes therto belonging & iff it shall hapen that ye said aprentis shall serve out ye terme of twelve yeers then Job Almy or Mary his wife shall give ther said 448 servant duble aparrell and Lastly I doe order that ye fore¬ said Job Almy nor Mary his wife shall not dispose of the [ 318 ] said child to any other person or persons without ye con¬ cent of ye Councell of ye towne of warwike all which Cove¬ nants & Clauses heerin mentioned I ye said Job Almy doe agree unto with John Green abovesaid witnes our hands & seales this fist day of Aprill 1666 Sygned sealed John Green Asistant Qy & delivered in pres- Job Almy ence of us W John Wickes Walter Todd Edmund Calverley This Indenture maid ye 14th day of May in ye yeer of our Lord 1666, Witneseth that I hugh stone late servant to Mr John Paine of Boston, marchant by & with ye Consent of my foresaid master doe Covenant & agree with Mr Randall Houlden of warwicke in ye Collony of road Iland & provi¬ dence plantations in New england, To serve ye said Mr Ran¬ dall houlden from ye day of ye date heerof untill ye full terme of three yeers he Compleat and ended and doe promise to doe my present master above naimed trew & faithfull ser¬ vice all ye foresaid terme of three yeers and shall not ab¬ sent my selfe 449 out of my masters servis day nor Night without my masters leave and I Randall houlden above mentioned doe Covenant & agree with my said servant Hew stone to find hime meat drinke & Cloathes & all other nesesaryes all the time of his foresaid servis, and at the expiration of his said ser¬ vis I doe promise to give hime double apparell with all nesesarys therto belonging to ye trew performance of thes Covenants & Indenture both partys have heerunto sett ther C 319 ] hands & seales ye day & yeer first above written Signed & sealed in ye presence of ns ye marke of Thomas hedger Edmund Calverley The marke of hew -sjd stone Randall houlden ^ The abovesaid Indenture is fully paid and dis¬ charged as attests John Paine* 6th of March 1666 Eare markes Beniamin Bartons Eare marke is G £7 both Ears Cropt about ye midle of the Eare but he doeth resolve to change it to this following beniamine barton doeth now give for his eare mark is Too slits one each side of ye neer Eare neer ye top which makes a flower deluce The above sd mark is not held by ye sd benjamin barton his mar is 2 halpennys over & under the left ear Itt is ordred by ye purchasers of shawomett neck that a hygh way of two rodde wide be Layd out A Crose ye Lotts in ye Necke so fare as ye land layed out to Christopher helmes his children one ye west side of ye swampe at ye discresion of ye surveyors and that no man be hindred off convenint pasage to his land in any part of ye necke The same day abovesaid thes Lotts heerafter mentioned [Written at a much later period probably] 450 Aprill ye 30th 1667 * [Words in italics were erased in original manuscript.] [ 320 ] were cast they being ye second devision in ye necke conteyn- ing 18 acers a peece moor or lese Mr Samuell Gorton senior - - - 1 Capt: Randall houlden - 2 John Warner - 3 - 9 Elyza collns for Mrs Smith - - 4 -5-6 Richard Carder - 7 Samuel Stafford - 8 Amos Westcott for his father - 10 Surveyors Capt John green - 11 Mr John Wickes Mr John Wicks - 12 Mr Richard Carder Mr John potter - 13 Mr Jams green Mr Richard Waterman - 14 Edmund Calverley Mr Jams Green - 15 Mr Walter Todd - 16 Mr beniamin barton - - - - - 17 451 [This leaf is badly torn.] To all people to whome this present wrighting shall come I Anna Smith widdow of Mr John Smith laytly deceased with the consent of her sonn Eliza Collins both now inhabiting in ye towne of Warwicke in ye Collony of [torn] & providence plan¬ tations in New england send greeting/ Know ye that wee Anna Smith and [torn] Collins afforesaid, If or & in consideration of ye [torn] ection wee beare nnto our Loving ffreind [torn] Calverley of ye said towne & Colloney respecting [torn] his love & kindness readyly manefested unto us and for dyvers & sundry good Causes & considerations [torn] thereunto espetial- ly mooveing have Given Granted & confirmed ffully & Cleerly, unto ye said Edmund Calverley his heires & asignes for ever all that tract of Land belonging unto us or either of us, our heires or assignes Commonly Called a fower & twenty acer [ 321 ] lott fformerly Lying neer ye Litle pond in ye said towne of warwicke but now by a late order of ye said towne bearing date ye sixteenth of January one thousand six hundred sixty & five ye surveyors of ye said towne ar desired to lay ye said fower & twenty ackers of land out in ye Necke Comonly Called ye horse necke within ye said towne of warwicke be joyned with eyghteen ackers of [torn] longing to ye said Edmund Calverley [torn] ye foresaid order, To have and [torn] said fower & twenty acers off [torn] granted by us or either of [torn] mund Calverley his heires [torn] one or either of [torn] tions of hime ye [torn] eires & assignes [torn] aning that 452 shall have hould & inioy ye said tract of land against us or either of us our heires executors administrators or asignes for ever [torn] all & every person or persons Claim¬ ing [torn] from & under us or either of us [torn] wherunto we have sett to our [torn] seales ye six and twenty day of m [torn] thousand six hundred & sixty & six and in ye seaven- teenth yeer of ye Raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles ye second of England Scotland franee & Ireland King &c Signed sealed Anna Smith & delivered in ye Ellyza Collins /yv presence of us John Gorton Beniamine Gorton Know all men before whome thes presents shall come That I Leiftenant Eliza Collins doe ingadge forth with to mend up twenty rodd of fence uppon [torn] Mr John potters Lott all wi [torn] posts & suply it with wh [torn] [ 322 ] wanting and pay to or his asignes Tw Indean thirty date I [torn] [torn] [torn] [torn] [torn] [torn] 453 Covenant fforever afterwards to mainetaine ye said ffence & to cleer Mrs Anna Smith Leiftenant Elyza Collins ther heiers executors administrators or asignes of the said fenc and bind me my heires executors adminestrators heer unto with reference to a towne order bearing date ye 26th of Jully 1650 As, witnes our hands The sixth of October 1666 John Green asistant Samuel Gorton senr Know all men by thes presents that I Richard Townsend of pautuxett in ye Collony of Roadiland & providence plantations &c ffor and in consideration of ye some of seaven pound to mee in hand paid at price currant, have Bargained & sould to my Loving father Mr John wickes of warwieke in ye Collony af- foresaid my two whole shares off meadow The one Lying in Nas- sakett bounded by ye sea one ye south being three acers moore or Lese Sett Lying & being within ye bounds of ye towne of warwieke as appeareth by ye records of ye said towne & The other share of meadow Lyeth at pottawOmett In the Collony aforesaid and is Called the one & thirty share as doeth apeare By John potter Eliza Collins Testees 454 By ye fforesaid Towne records both which shares of meadowe [ 323 ] Together with all manner off priveledges & apurtenances in any wise there nnto belonging I the said Richard Townsend upon ye Consideration ffirst above written, doe for mee my heires executors adminestrators & asignes warrant sell asigne & sett over unto my foresaid father Mr John wickes his heires executores adminestrators and asignes ffor ever, The same to have & to hould quietly & peaceably without any Lett molestation or expution of me the said Richard Town- send or any other person or persons claimeing by from or under mee To ye trew intent & meaning whereof I have heer- unto put my hand & seale ye tenth day of October 1666 and in ye eyghteenth yeer of ye Raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles ye second off England Scotland france & Irland King &c Richard Townsend (cV Signed sealed & delivered in ye presents of us John Rice Edmund Calverley towne Clerke 455 Laid out to Edward Marshall by order of ye towne of warwicke twelve acers of Land in a swamp one ye Northwest sid of ye great pond bounded one ye southwest side by a blacke oake tree & runeth downe to a twisted birch tree standing by ye pond and along ye pond side to a Chestnut tree Northeasterly & from thence upon a straight Lyne from ye pond to a pignut tree standing upon a hill northwest & from thence upon a straight lyne to ye first bounder Dated ye sixt day of October 1666 Edmund Calverley f n , ] surveyors Richard Carder [ 324 ] March ye 28th 1666/7 In persuance of an order and agree¬ ment of ye purchasers of sliawomet necke maid ye 2th instant the fower great Lotts called, 30 acker lotts Lying in ye said necke belonging to Mr Elyza Collins beniamine barton John Warner & Jams Green the outsid bounds antiently sett, & by them formerly inioyed were all agreed to stand by ye maior part of ye purchasers that were then ther & ye hyghway into ye said necke was then agreed of Layed out fower pole from Mr Collins corner of his ditch east, As allso fower pole east from Mr Jams Greens corner tree that stands on ye end of ye said fower lotts faceing to the then undevided lands, The surveyors were Mr John Wickes senior Richard Carder Jams Green & Edmund Calverley 456 february ye 20 1666 know all men by tlies presents That I samuell Stafford of ye towne of warwicke in ye Collony of roadiland & provi¬ dence plantations or kings province etc ffor & in consider¬ ation of ye some of fower pound Currant pay of this collony to me in hand paid by Gregory Gibbs of the towne aforsaid Have ffor me my heires executors Adminestrators And Asignes Given granted bargained & sould Asigned and sett over unto ye afforsaid Gregory Gibbs his heires executors Adminestra¬ tors & Assignes for ever All my right tytle & Intrest that I either have or of right ought to have In six Acers of land laitly granted unto me by ye townesmen of warwicke And layed out to me by ye surveyors of ye said towne one ye 27th of January 1664 as may Appeare moor at Large in ye records of ye said towne The words of ye record ar thes Layed out to Samuell Stafford six ackers of Land moor or lese in Lew of a share of meadow the length of ye said six acers is sixty & two pole And ye breadth is fifteen pole bounded Northerly [ 325 ] upon Captaine John Greens Land Lying on ye southerly side of Ocupatituxet Cove The easterly side bounder is by peeter busecots twelve Acer lott The westerly bounder is by Job Almys six acer lott and the southerly bounder is by ye Com¬ mon all which lands with all ye rights & priveledges Ther unto belonging I doe heerby warrant ratyfy & continue unto ye aforesaid Gregory Gibbs his heires executors Admin- estrators & Asignes for ever In witnes wherof I have heerunto put my hand & seale ye 13th day of february 1666:67: Walter Tode Edmund Calverley ffebruary ye 20th 1666 Know all men by thes presents that I Job Almy of ye towne of warwicke in ye Collony of road iland & providence plantations or kings province ffor and in Consideration of Three pound & twelve shilling Currant pay of this Collony to me in hand paid by Gregory Gibbs of ye towne aforesd have ffor me my heires executors Adminestrators and Asignes Given granted bargained & sould Asigned & sett over unto The affore- said Gregory Gibbs his heires executors Adminestrators & Asignes for ever, all my right tytle & Intrest That I either have or of right ought to have in six acers of land Laitly Granted unto me by the townsmen of warwicke and layd out to me by the surveyors of ye said 457 Signed sealed and delivered in the presents of us Samica Sta &c Samuell Staford his hand wrighting 458 said towne one ye 27th day of January 1664 as may apeare moor, at large in ye records of ye said towne The words of [ 326 ] ye record ar thes, Layd out to Job Almy six acers of Land moor or lese in Lew of a share of meadow upon John moors acompt who was a purchaser The said six acers being in length sixty two pole and in breadth fifteen pole bounded northerly by Captaine John greens land Lying on ye southerly sid of ocupatituxett Cove (westerly bounded) by ye common bounded easterly by samuell stafords six acer lott and bounded south¬ erly with the common all which lands withall the rights and priveledges ther unto belonging I doe heerby warrant ratyfy & confirme unto the aforsaid Gregory Gibbs his heirs execu¬ tors administrators & asignes forever In witnes whereof I have heerunto put my hand and seale the Signed sealed and his delivered in the presents of us Walter Tod Edmund Calverley 459 Layd out to Edmund Calverley in persuance of the orders of the towne off warwicke, forty & two acers of land moor or lese, In the horse necke, bounded by a Creeke that Cometh out of ye sea & runeth up to John Sweets meadow, and from the said Creeke along by the sea, to the sandy point that Lyeth east or easterly, fifty pole in breadth, which sandy point is ye second bounder, and is at ye mouth of ye Cove that runeth out of ye sea up to Mr Samuell gortons house, and from ye said sandy point eyght score pole, moor or lese, in lenth, runing north or northerly by ye side of said Cove, to a great pyne tree, and from thence west or westerly, to a black oake tree, 13th day off february 1666:67: Job Almy [ 327 ] lastly from ye said blacke oake tree uppon a straight lyne, it runeth six score & tenn pole in Lenth moor or lese south or southerly till it come to the lower end of the foresaid which is ye first bounder, Given under our hands the 18th day of March 1666:67: It is determined by us that hogs shall have free eagrese and grese to the sea and from it March ye 18 1666 Layd out to John Sweet in ye horse neck in pursuance of an order of ye towne of warwicke two acers of meadow moor or lese bounded by an old stump of a tree standing on ye west¬ erly side of Mr Calverleys two and forty acer lot & runeth upon a straight lyne over ye Creek that runeth out of ye sea to a litle black stump westerly one ye other sid of ye said Creeke and from ye said two stumps unto a white oake tree that standeth northeast of a litle necke and another white oake tree that standeth Northwest of ye said litle necke against one another, Jams Green Edmund Calverley August ye 22th 1667 Warwicke ye 26th of September 1661 know all men by thes presents That wheras I Amos westcott of warwicke doe one & conffes wheras I have bought of my brother Creeke 460 461 Richard Carder [ 328 ] Robert westcott his towneship & what belongs unto itt as in a deed it apears yet notwihstanding he have reserved halfe ye aples yearly for ye space of seaven yeers affter ye date heerof that shall grow in this orchard that was formerly his orchard which is known being it Lyess next his fathers or¬ chard and further if my brother Robert westcot have a mind to buy it againe of me within six or seaven yeers paying of me as much as ye above Naimed Amos doe now give for It It shall be resigned up to hime againe this pay is as followeth One halfe mare of five yeers old, two steers of fower yeers old, One young horse, of two yeers old & ten pound in peag, at eyght per penny I say, if my brother above mentioned, doe pay me in ye same pay, or mony or goods equivolent, unto ye same vallue, of thos Creaturs & monys above mentioned, Then I ye above men¬ tioned, Amos westcott, shall resigne up unto my brother Robert westcott, all my Right & tytle in ye above mentioned Towneship, & orchard, and what I bought of hime, witnes my hand Amos westcott Sighned sealed & srs. delivered in presents Vc> of us Stuckley westcott The marke of John Bennett Richard Carder hath right & propriety in ye first devi- sion to a Lott of thirty acers of Land, moor or lese, Lying in warwicke necke, bounded att ye one end, easterly by the midle hyghway going into ye said necke, the other end, wester¬ ly* by ye Cove, and ye southerly side by Richard Watermans 462 463 12th of September 1667 [ 329 ] thirty acer Lott, and at ye northerly side, by a hyghway that runs at ye heads of ye six acer lotts, Allso Richard Carder hath right & propriety in ye first devision to another trackt of Land lying in ye said warwicke necke amongst ye six acer lotts, conteyning Nyne acers moor or lese, bounded at ye southerly end of ye said lott, by his thirty acer lott, and all ye rest bounded by ye Cove, which nyne acers, was allowed hime to make up his houselott twelve acers. Allso Richard Carder hath right & propriety in ye first devision, to a share of meadow in Warwicke necke, Commonly Called ye round meadow, bounded Northerly by a Creeke or Gut¬ ter, that runns through ye meadows betwixt Mr Samuell Gortons meadow & itt, and one ye west side by a hyghway that runns at ye bottome of ye hill southerly by a hyghway that runns betwixt it and a slip of meadow belonging to ye said Mr Sam¬ uell Gorton easterly by the Bay, 464 12th of September 1667 The bounds of Richard Carders share of meadow at tous- keyonke ar as followeth it being the 18th share northerly bounded by Christopher haukshursts share being the 19th and westerly by the brooke that runns downe from mashantetat into pawtuxet river then east bounded by the upland The bounds of Richard Carders last great Lott layd out in the second devision in warwicke necke the 30th of Aprill 1667 the lots were cast, and his lot fell to be the seaventh and is bounded by Mr Collins on ye north side being ye sixt share and one ye south bounded by Samuell Staford which is the Eyght the east bounder is ye midle hyghway and the west is the Cove The bounds of ricliard Carders litle lot in the second [ 330 ] devision in warwicke necke which lot was drawen ye 17th day of May 1667 and fell to be the 9th share on ye sonth side lyeth Mr Collins his eyght share and Mr Randall houldens tenth share is one ye north side one ye west end lyeth ye hyghway & ye east end is Mr Gortons meadow 465 September ye 16,1667: this was recorded Know all people to whome this present wrighting shall come, that I John Sweet of ye towne of warwicke in ye Col- lony of roadiland & providence plantations in Newengland have given grannted bargained & sould, nnto Samuell Stafford of the towne aforesaid and Lncke bromley of ye Collony aforesaid miller their & either of ther heirs executors adminestrators & asignes all ye right tytle & intrest that I have or of right ought to have in a certaine trackt of Land conteyning twenty ackers moor or lese Lying in ye towne of warwicke aforesd Commonly Called ye mill lott together with all man¬ ner of buildings ther uppon erected Sett or affixed (vide- leset) The mill & all such buildings ther unto anexed as ail- so the dwelling house & all things ther unto belonging late in ye occupation of mathyas harvey as allso all manner of priveledges as woods meadows pasture feedings and Common of pasture for any Cattell that I Cann any wayes claime in pur¬ suance of ye antient graunt or graunts maid by ye townsmen of warwicke before ye day of ye date heerof in order to ye building uphoulding & mainteyning ye said mill for ye uses Specified in ye towne records Too have & to hould unto ye said Samuell Stafford & Luke bromly Ther or either of their heires executors adminestrators & asignes for ever ffor and in Consideration of ye some of one hundred & twenty pounds Currant pay of this collony, to be paid to mee or to my asighnes by ye said Samuell Stafford & Luke bromly [ 331 ] 466 or ther or either of their heires adminestrators or asignes in manner & forme following That is to say Att five severall payments & uppon ye conditions hereafter mentioned That is to say The first payment is to be tenn pounds at ye least one ye nyne & twenty day of September next ensuing ye date heerof The second payment is to be thirty pound one or before ye nyne and twenty day of September next ensuing which will be in ye yeer one thousand six hundred sixty & eight The third payment to be thirty pound moor which will be one or before ye nyne and twenty day of September one thousand six hundred sixty nyne The fowerth payment to be Thirty pound moor one or before ye nyne & twenty day of September which will be in ye yeer one thousand six hundred & seaventy and ye fift & last payment is to be twenty pound one or before ye nyne & twenty day of September which will be in ye yeer one thousand six hundred and seaventy & one all which payments ar to be well & trewly maid & paid in Cattell corne or other goods at such prises as ye marchants will take them at, by ye afforsaid Samuell Staford and Lucke bromly or ther asignes unto ye aforesaid John Sweet his heires & asignes att ye now dwell¬ ing house of ye said John Sweet in such manner & forme as is before expressed always provided that it shall & may be law- full for me the said John Sweet to inhabit & live in my now dwelling house with one acker of land 467 Land which I intend to fence in joyning to my house, so long as any part or parcell of ye afforsaid payments remaine un¬ paid which is intended by all partys above naimed to be as a trew testymony of my being lawfully reposest of all ye above- said premises in Case any of ye afforesaid payments shall re¬ maine unpaid (According) as is affore mentioned & as a trew [ 332 ] testimony of my reall & trew intent & meaning by & with ye consent of ye townesmen of Warwick I doe keerby deliver up unto ye aforesaid Samuell Stafford & Lucke bromley the poses- ion of ye mill and mill house with all manner of matterialls unto it belonging as allso with itt all lands meadows pas- turs ffeedings inclosiers & Common of pasture & whatsoever priveledges doe ther unto apperteine reserving to my selfe only ye fruit & benefitt of this somers groweth of Corne & grase to be fed with Calves &c and lastly I doe heerby war¬ rant this my bargaine & sale in manner & forme as aforesaid to ye said Samuell Stafford & Lucke bromly ther heires exec¬ utors administrators & asignes for ever against me my heires executors adminestrators & asignes or any claiming by from or under me witnes our hands & seales ye one and twenty day of June one thousand six hundred sixty & seven ye marke of Signed sealed & delivered in ye presents of us John Sweet ^9 Edmund Calverley SamueU gtaford Edmond Searle (AJ I jucke JQ bromly <8> his marke 468 September ye 16th 1667 Att a meeting of ye purchasers this seaventeenth of may one thousand six hundred sixty & seaven Itt is agreed by a unanimous consent of the purchasers That a Necke of Land at ye south end of ye necke bounded by Mr James Greens great Lott & so by ye sea conteyning seaven akers moor or lese is graunted to Mr Edmund Calverley ffor his paines in helping lay out ye land in ye necke etc Called Shawomett Samuell Gorton senr Stuckly westcott [ 333 ] John Green J in behalfe of our selves Walter Tod 1 & John Warner as guardians John Wickes, senr Randall houlden Elyza Collins Jams Green Richard Carder Samuell Staford John potter Beniamine barton Nathaniell Waterman 469 September ye 16th 1667 Warwicke in ye Collony of roadiland & providence plan¬ tations etc this 14th of September 1667 know all men by thes presents That I william backer & Mary my wife have & doe by this presents Give graunt & asigne over unto Abiah Carpenter Thee keeping Costody and education of our daughter mary back¬ er aged seaven yeers in January next or ther about to the in¬ tent that ye said Abia & his wife & their asignes may doe & deale kindly & Curteously by our said child, for future time & educat & instruct our said child in all things that per- teyneth to houswifery acording to ye costome of this Country And I Abiah Carpenter afore named doe heerby promise for me my heires executors administrators & asignes to acept ye afore said child mary backer daughter of William & Mary backer acording to ye tearmes above mentioned & to provide for her meat drinke & clothing for so long time as she shall dwell with mee and allso I doe further promise to give to her father or mother or ther asignes a Cow calfe ye next spring come twelve month which will be one ye 25th of March in ye yeer 1669 for ye only use & behoofe of ye said child [ 334 ] mary backer ye said cow calfe to be one yeer old and to this agreement wee william backer and Mary my wife & Abia carpenter aforesaid of patuxet have set our hands ye day & yeer abovesd This present wrighting maid ye 18th day of October in ye yeer 1667 betwixt Thomas fflunders of ye Collony of road iland and providence plantations or kings province in ye Narrogansett Country of ye one part and John ford of war- wicke in ye Collony aforesaid one ye other part, Witneseth that John ford aforesaid doeth heer by covenant & agree with ye foresaid Thomas flunders to serve hime dewly as a servant from ye 14th of november next ensuing ye date heerof untill ye last day of march following and doeth heerby promise dur¬ ing ye said time to obey his said masters comands so ffarr as hee is able or as lawfully he may in doeing such worke as his said master is or shall be exercised about and ye fore¬ said Thomas flunders doeth heerby promise to find for his said servant meat drinke Lodging and washing all ye foresaid terme off his servis and to pay or cause to be paid To his said servant John ford or his asignes for his said servis Too ferkins of marchantable butter and five shillings in peage at 16 per penny one or before the nyne & twenteth day of Septem¬ ber next which will be in ye yeer 1668 only marke of William backer witnes frances Loe & Edm: Calverley ye marke of Mary backer Abyah Carpenter 470 471 Only ye said John ford is to pay for the two Caske which ye butter shall be putt up in which will amount to five shilling [ 335 ] Currant pay with ye marchant to ye truth of which Covenants & agreements both partys have heerunto sett their hands the day & yeer first above written Thomas flunders Witness John ford Ye marke of Edward o marshall Edmund Calverley December ye: 18th: 1667 Warwicke ye 17th 1667 Know all men by thes presents that I John Sweet of war¬ wicke in ye Collony of road iland, & providence plantations in New england, Have sould to Edward marshall, of ye towne & Collony afforesaid, one peece of meadow, formerly Given me, by ye towne of warwicke Lyinge in that necke, Called ye horse necke ye meadow is bounded, one ye east, by Mr Calverleys Land, south by ye river, west & north, by two white oake trees, I say I have sould ye abovesaid meadow, for satisfaction al¬ ready received & doe pase itt to ye abovesaid marshall, from mee & my eares, forever without molestation Signed sealed in ye pres- Elyza Collins ents of us Walter Todd John Sweet his 7 r mark 472 ® Lotts cast for ye smale Lotts in ye necke called Shawo- mett it being a third devision may ye 17th 1667 with this re¬ membrance that ther is a hyghway fower pole wide downe to ye sea betwixt richard carders meadow & Mr Samuell Gortons mead¬ ow in order to preserve a landing place for ye use of ye pur¬ chasers begining from Shottens suthern stake one ye south side thereof fower pole wide betwixt ye said Shottens lott & [ 336 ] ye 17th share Mr Jam Green 1 Mr Samuell Gorton - 2 Mr Elyza Collins ffor "] 3:4:8 Mrs Ann Smith - J Capt. John Green - 5 John Warner - 6-12 Richard Carder - 9 Capt Randall houlden - 10 Mr Walter Todd - 11 Richard Waterman - 13 Mr John Potter - 14 v, Mr John Wickes - 15 Samuell Stafford - 16 Stukley Westcott - 17 Ben: Barton 7 John wickes senior Richard Carder surveyors Jams Green Edmund Calverley 473 Aprill ye 2d 1668 Know all men before whome thes presents shall come, that I John Green inhabitant of ye towne of warwicke in ye Collony of rode iland & providence plantations in New eng- land, Have sould unto Richard Carder of ye same Towne & Col¬ lony One share of medow Layd out to me by ye towne of war¬ wicke, commonly knowen by ye naime of toskeonke meadow bee- ing hounded by ye great river that runns downe to patuxett Northerly and easterly, by a knowle of upland southerly, and [ 337 ] by a share of meadow belonging to henry knowles westerly by a great walnut Tree being ye Corner bounder The said share being recorded to be of nomber ye seaventh share I say I John Green afforesaid have bargained for & freely sould ye said share of meadow with all manner of priveledges & apur- tenances therein conteyned unto richard Carder afforesaid for fower pounds in hand paid & received & therefore I doe by this act freely pase it over from me my heires executores administratores unto ye said richard Carder his heires ex¬ ecutors adminestrators freely to poses & peaseably to inioy forever without any lett trouble or molestation by mee or any claiming by or under me and in wittnes of This 474 This my reall actt & deed I have heerunto sett my hand & seale this 29th off march anno domini - 1668/9 in ye nine¬ teenth yeer of ye raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the 2d: memorandum for ever was enterlyned before sighning Warwicke ye John Green 29th of March 1668 Sighned sealed & delivered in ye presents of John Knowles Edmund Calverley Towne Clerke Last meadow shares of ye purchasers: se page: 141:144 ffebruary ye 28th, 1667 Laid out to richard Carder of warwicke one six accer Lott in Lew of a share of meadow by order of ye towne of warwicke Lying Next John warners first six accer lott rang¬ ing west & by Northwest eyghteen pole wide & in length rang- eth over ye swamp North & by east: East North east fifty & [ 338 ] fower pole long & is called & marked for ye second Lott Recorded ye 3d Edmnnd Calverley f of Aprill 1668 Jams Green J surveyors Richard Carder I 475 ffebruary 28:1667 Layd out to Mr waiter Todd of warwicke one ye right of Henry Townsend one six accer lott in Lew of a share of meadow by order of ye towne of warwicke afforesaid Lying next Mr Samuell Gortons six accer lott Called ye third Lott & rangeth west & by Northwest eyghteen pole wide also in Length it rangeth over ye swamp North & by east: east North¬ east fifty fower pole in length & is Called ye fowerth lott & is so marked f Edmund Calverley f Recorded ye 3d of j Jams Green j surveyors Aprill 1668 I Richarder I ffebruary ye 28th 1667 " Laid out to Mr Elyza Collins in ye right of Mrs Ann Smith of Warwick three six accer lotts in Lew of three shares of meadow by^order of ye towne off warwicke affore¬ said Lying next that was called george tippetts Lott begining from tippetts corner tree one ye nortermost corner of ye west side of ye brooke advancing three pole west & by south being both white oakes from thence one that side seaventy pole to a blacke oake standing fower foot within ye Lyne from thence to a great maple which is ye Corner bounder from thence south & by east fifty pole to a tree that was marked for george tippett by ye rockes Aprill ye 3d 1668 f Edmund Calverley r this was recorded l Jams Green J surveyors I Richard Carder [ 339 ] 476 ffebruary ye 28th 1667 Laid out to John read upon ye right of Captaine randall houlden of warwicke one six accer lott in Lew of a share of meadow by order of ye towne afforesaid Lying at ye head of ye fowerth lott & is comonly called the holes from thence ranging west & by south, west southwest, forty pole to a stake, & from ye said stake ranging west & by north west twenty fower pole, to a white oake and from thence east & by northeast forty pole, to a white oake Aprill ye third 1668: recorded Towne Clerke ffebruary ye 28:1667 Laid out to Mr Samnell Gorton of warwicke one six accer lott in Lew of a share of meadow by ye order of ye towne afforesaid Lying next richard Carders six accer lott rang¬ ing west & by north west eyghteen pole wide & in Length over ye swamp ranging North & by East: East northeast fifty fower pole & is called ye third Lott and soe marked recorded ye 3d of be me Edm: Calverley surveyors Aprill 1668: by me Edmund Calverley Towne Clerke surveyors 477 [Half page shorthand] Jurymen Richard Carder Mr Tod Robert Potter John Lippett Peter Buzicott James Greene Thomas Greene [ 340 ] John Cooke Mr Holiman Mr Warner John More John Townsend Henry Townsend Richard Harcott John Greene Received ye 21st of June 1737 the Ear mark of [erasure] John Roberts son of Peter a Crop on ye Right and two slits in ye same slanting to ye Roote Benjamin Gorton son of John Ear mark is a hal penny under the Right ear and a hal peny over ye left Recorded ye 7th of June 1731 Charles Dickinsons Ear mark is a Crop on the Right Ear and afore Gad in ye same and a hal peny under the Left ordred ye 29th of August 1735 478 October ye 31 day 1663 Entred for Mr Todd 5 ankers of Lickyors Malachi Rodes his Earmark is a fork in ye Right Ear and a slit in ye left which was his fathers mark Recorded ye 23d of October 1733 Josiah Arnold Ear mark is a Crop of ye Right Ear Cut square of and a halpeny ye uper & under Side of ye Left Recorded ye 26th of May 1724 pr John Wickes Clerk Christopher Smiths Ear mark is a Crop of ye Right Ear Cut Square of and a hal penny ye under Side of ye Left Recorded ye 2d of June 1724 per John Wickes Clerk His son Job Smith takes the Mark of his Father [Half page shorthand] MISCELLANEOUS INDEX Alehouse, 109, 393, 413.' Allegiance, 238, 258. Ames (a measure), 298. Andiron, 415. Anker (of Liquor), 143, 277-288, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 305, 478. Apples, 461. Appraiser, 264. Apprentice, 349, 383, 393, 413, 447. Arbitration, 45, 159, 182, 253, 255. Arbitrator, 162, 254. Arithmetica, 1. Arms, 124, 125, 143, 187. Articles of Union, 180. Assistant, 6, 32, 84, 94, 102, 103, 107, 111, 117, 119,120,128, 132-134, 136, 140, 148,161, 167, 168, 171,181-183,185, 188, 191, 192, 197, 198, 203, 204, 207, 209, 218, 250, 257, 349, 384, 389, 391-393, 411,414,421,440, 447, 448, 453. Attachment, 312. Attorney, 89, 114, 176, 253, 276, 312, 331. Attorney's fees, 89. Axe, 222. Bail, 90. Bank, 243. Bark, Deborah, 37, 38, 311. Barrel, 175, 297, 298, 301, 304. Beaker, 415. Beans, 75. Bed, 175, 415. Beer, 108, 111, 145. Bees, 416. Bench, The, 313, 314. Births, 195. Blacksmith, 42, 45, 88, 154, 311, 315, 327, 345, 399. Shop, 345, 380. Bond, 82, 174, 182, 231, 249, 310. Book, see Town Book. Brand-mark, 11, 63, 68, 289. Brandy, 278. Brass Pan, 415. Skillet, 415. Breeches, 144. Bridge, 5, 87, 91, 95, 113, 124, 127, 148, 149, 181, 191, 221. Brook, 77, 100, 159, 197, 206, 317, 325-327, 333, 345, 356, 369-371, 373-375, 377, 380, 381, 410, 422, 423, 436, 440, 441, 464, 475. Bull, 239-241. Bullets, 125, 152. Burying Place, 204, 205, 229, 344. Butter, 470, 471. Calves, 77, 239, 240, 416, 467, 469. Candle, 441. Candle Stick, 415. Captain, 84, 187. Cards, 413. Carpenter, 311. Cartway, 163. Cask, 277-280, 283-287. Cattle, 4, 5, 15, 17, 19-22, 24, 25, 40, 52, 56, 59, 61-63, 70, 75, 76, 83, 87, 90, 95, 99, 100, 102, 110, 113, 129, 139, 157, 158, 163, 168, 208, 239, 244, 266, 286, 287, 289-296, 303, 314,332, 334, 335, 339, 359, 363, 365, 386-388, 404, 415, 426, C 342 ] Cattle—Continued. 428, 430, 465. see earmark. Corn, 466. Chain, 415. Chair, 415. Channel, 126. Charter, 84, 118, 136, 137, 172, 201, 246, 249, 367, 369. Clapboard, 356. Clerk, 10, 13, 15, 23-25, 37, 39, 40, 49-52, 60-63, 65, 66, 70, 72, 77, 80,81,84, 88-91,94,95, 97, 103, 110, 111, 113, 115, 120, 122, 123,125-127,130- 132, 134, 135, 138,140,141, 150, 151,157, 158,160,161, 165, 166, 168, 169,171-173, 180, 181, 185-187,192,193, 195-197, 199, 201, 207-209, 211,213,217-219,226,227, 229, 231-234, 237-239,242- 245, 248, 250, 252-254,260, 261,266,273, 276,302,306, 330, 332, 334, 348,352,359, 382,393,406,417,426,428, 454, 474, 476, 478. Cloth, 366. Coat, 444. Colt, 239,^415. Commission, 168. Commissioners, 29, 88, 94, 96-98, 102,104, 108,117,118,121- 123, 127, 129, 130,132,133, 135, 139, 140, 143,144,150, 159, 160, 162,165-167,169, 171,173, 177, 180,183,185, 186,191, 196,200,201,249, 367. Commissioners of the United Col¬ onies, 81. Common, 75-77, 95, 100, 105, 119, 125,135, 138, 146,149,153, 157, 159, 161,171,185,205, 206, 223, 224, 242,259,317, 320-323, 325-327, 333, 337, 345, 346, 356, 359,369-377, Common—Continued. 379, 381, 386, 396,400-402, 406,414, 422,423,431,434- 438, 445,456,458,465,467. Commonage, 179, 207,240, 315,351, 364, 365, 404, 414,419,421, 423. Constable, 77, 81, 84, 103, 105, 109, 111, 113, 124, 132.134,136, 140, 142, 145, 148,161,163, 164, 167, 171, 181,185,197, 201,207,209,214,219,225, 232, 234, 237, 243,245,251, 252, 257, 264. Constitution of Warwick, 155,367. Corn, 31, 56, 78, 99, 100, 164, 196, 227, 230, 231,240,249,257, 270, 344, 387, 466, 467. Corn Land, 416. Coroner, 440, 441. Coroners Inquest, 314. Cotton, 415 Council, 53, 77, 82, 86, 88, 94, 111, 112, 136, 141, 148,161,167, 169-171,181,186, 187,198, 199, 201,203, 206,207,209, 212, 213, 219, 222, 226-232, 237, 239,241,242,247,257, 271,335, 336, 358,389,390, 399, 416, 417, 447, 448. Council of State, 122. Councilors' Fees, 155. Court, 33, 107-109, 117, 166, 168, 182-184, 195, 302, 307, 308, 313. See General Court, in Massachusetts, 96. of Commissioners, 129, 168, 174, 193, 198, 200, 201. of Election, 121, 127, 129, 140,144,167, 180,185,191, 196,204. of Guard, 125. of Judicature, 6, 102. of Justice, 368. of Magistrates, 128. of Providence, 128, 330. of Record,. 242. [ 343 ] Court—C ontinued. of The King's Commission¬ ers, 216. of Trials, 8, 9, 83, 84, 88, 89, 98, 114, 115, 129, 150, 158, 162,163,165,166,168-170, 174-177, 182-184, 187-189, 193,195,199, 200,210,216, 246,262, 302, 307,309,310, 368. Cove, 197, 224, 247, 322, 410, 459, 463, 464. Cow, 239-241, 343, 344, 387, 415. Cow-yard, 127. Creek, 77, 82, 133, 138, 141, 317, 318, 333, 369, 372,459,460, 463. Cupboard, 415. Dam, 207. Death, 184, 195. Deeds, 54, 55, 59, 95, 129, 130, 136, 229,315,316,319,323,324, 326,327,329,331,333,335- 347, 350-365, 377, 379-381, 390-392, 396, 397, 399-401, 403, 404, 406, 407, 410-412. 414, 418-422, 425, 427,429, 431,433,444-446, 451,453, 456, 457, 461, 465, 473. Job Almy to Gregory Gibbs, 457. Edward Andrews to Peter Busecot, 343. Edward Andrews to Wal¬ ter Todd, 338. George Baldwin to Peter Busecot, 316. George Baldwin to James Greene, 391. George Baldwin to Christo¬ pher Unthank, 353. John Bennet to Stukeley Westcott, 363. Thomas Bradley to Job Almy, 420. William Burton to John Lippitt, Jr., 422. Deeds—C ontinued. Peter Busecot to John Bennet, 315. Peter Busecot to Ezekiel Holliman, 327. Peter Busecot to Anthony Low, 380. Peter Busecot to Thomas Ralph, 324. Peter Busecot to John Sweet, 399. Cauhanaquanack to Ran¬ dall Holden and Samuel Gorton, 55. John Coles to Mrs. Coles, 335. Mary Coles to Henry Townsend, 336. Mary Coles to Richard Townsend, 399. John Cooke to Henry Knowles, 356. Ralph Earle and Margaret Helme to Richard Carder, 331. John Geraerdy to Francis Derby, 418. John Geraerdy to Mrs. Mary Holliman, 446. John Geraerdy to John Lippitt, Sr., 406. John Geraerdy and Hur- manus Hartoch to Stuke¬ ley Westcott, 340. Samuel Gorton to Edward Marshall, 431. James Greene to John Greene, 429. James Greene to Henry Knowles, 358. Tames Greene to John Pot¬ ter, 390. John Greene, Jr., to Rich¬ ard Carder, 473. John Greene, Jr., to James Greene, 427. [ 344 ] Deeds—C o n tinned. John Greene, Jr., to Wil¬ liam Field, 366, 403. Thomas Greene to Jona¬ than Hill, 359. Richard Harcutt to John Greene, Jr., 361. Richard Harcutt to Ste¬ phen Paine, 441. Matthias Harvey to Wil¬ liam Burton, 423. Matthias Harvey to James Sweet, 410. Matthias Harvey to John Sweet, 411. Christopher Hauxhurst to Henry Reddock, 396. Thomas Hedger to Edward Marshall, 414. Randall Holden to Francis Derby, 401. Randall Holden to James Greene, 392. Ezekiel Holliman to John Geraerdy, 445. John Lippitt, Sr., to John Greene, 360. Anthony Low to Peter Busecut, 379. Miantonomi to John Greene, 365. Elizabeth Moore to John Greene, Jr., 362. Elizabeth Moore to Christ¬ opher Unthank, 351. Stephen Paine to James Greene, 442. Pessicus to Randall Holden and Samuel Gorton, 59. Potowomut Deed, 229. Thomas Ralph to Thomas Bradley, 319. Henry Reddock to Edmund Calverly, 397. Anne Smith and Elizur Col¬ lins to Edmund Calverly, 451. Deeds—Continued. John Smith to Walter Todd, 339, 364. Samuel Stafford to Greg¬ ory Gibbs, 456. Thomas Stafford to Henry Knowles, 355. Thomas Stafford to An¬ thony Low, 352. Sucquams to John Greene, 404. James Sweet to Thomas Greene, 424. John Sweet to John Cooke, 377. John Sweet to Francis Der-f by, 419. John Sweet to Samuel Stafford and Luke Brom¬ ley, 465. John Sweet to Richard Townsend, 401. Taccomanan to Randall Holden and Ezekiel Hol¬ liman, 444. .Thomas Thornicraft to George Palmer, 136. Thomas Thornicraft to John Smith, 323. Henry Townsend to John Greene, Jr., 362. Henry Townsend to John Lippitt, Sr., 346. Henry Townsend to John Sweet, 337. Henry Townsend to Stuke- ley Westcott, 341. Henry Townsend and John Townsend to Richard Townsend, 412. John Townsend to Edward Andrews, 326. John Townsend to Thomas Stafford, 333. Richard Townsend to John Wicks, 453. [ 345 ] Deeds—Continued Christopher Unthank to Ezekiel Hollimaii, 350. Christopher Unthank to Henry Knowles, 357. Christopher Unthank to Thomas Stafford, 354. Christopher Unthank to Amos Westcott, 432, Robert Westcott to Amos Westcott, 432. John Wicks to John Greene, Jr., 361. Deputy, 32, 84, 94, 98, 99, 102, 111, 113,128, 130-132, 134, 136, 140, 148, 161, 166-171, 175, 180-183, 185, 186, 191, 194, 197-199, 203-205, 210, 212, 214,216,217, 220,222,232, 234, 243, 246, 256,260,262, 302,310,314, 349,366,389, 392, 405, 415, 416, 423. Deputy Governor, 213, 214. Sergeant, 8, 302. Warden, 199. Dice, 413. Dowlas, 415. Dramatica, 1. Drum, 125, 223, 229, 242, 265. Drum Head, 194. Drummer, 132. Dutch, 126. Dutchmen, 113. Earmark, 7, 9-25, 39, 40, 46, 48-52, 60-72, 80, 110, 141, 157, 158, 173, 208, 244,248,261, 266, 272, 275, 283,284,286, 287, 289-299, 302, 303, 306, 308,316,319, 323,324,330, 332, 334, 335, 339,347,348, 352, 359, 378, 382,384,385, 408, 409, 426, 428,430,449, 477, 478. Enclosures, 401, 467. Engagement, 85, 86, 108, 113, 122, 168, 169, 175,214,218,259, 405, 410. English, 59, 109, 155, 158, 160, 404, 444. Englishman, 145, 156, 242. English tongue, 349, 385, 447. Ensign, 84, 207. F.wip 416. Excise, 166, 175, 183, 185, 225, 285, 287, 288, 297, 298, 305. Excisemen, 186. Executrix, 416, 417. Fathom, 366. Fence, 6, 72, 75, 77, 83, 85, 87, 88, 91-94, 99, 101, 109, 113, 127, 129, 130, 138,139,141, 146, 147, 157, 164,166,181, 183, 185, 189, 191, 194-198, 206, 207, 223, 229,250,253, 259, 265,315, 331,346,351, 353, 364, 370, 371,380,387, 397, 410, 414, 452,453,467. Fief, 165, 328. Firebrand Discovered, The, 261. Fire shovel, 415. Firkin, 470. Footway, 77, 180, 191, 372. Ford, 321. Foreman, 27, 302, 314, 440. Freedom, 178. Freeman, 180, 239. French, 126. Fruit, 467. Fuel, 119, 161. Furniture, 415. Gallon, 174, 288, 300, 301, 304, 305. Gate, 139, 240. General Assembly, 77, 82, 98, 102, 108,118, 127, 129-133, 166, 171,204,211,212,214,218, 222, 229, 232-234, 238, 239, 243, 246,248,249,256,260- 262, 367, 368. General Court, 82, 83, 94, 98, 102, 118, 133, 135, 139,140,143, 150, 151, 159, 160,165,166, 173, 185, 186, 190,193,194, 196, 203, 206. Goat, 5, 85, 87, 95, 119, 240, 241. [ 346 ] Governor, 209, 213, 214, 226, 249, 367. Grand Deed, 441, 442. Guardianship, Rachel Warner (dau. of John Warner) to Robert Williams, Thomas Olney, Thomas Harris and Hen¬ ry Townsend, 328. Gun, 78, 112, 125, 126, 310, 415. Harbor, 225. Hat, 415. Hay, 141, 259, 388. Highway, 58, 77, 78, 88, 90, 92, 94, 95, 97, 100-104, 113, 127, 130, 139,153, 154,166,172, 180, 183, 191,195,204,205, 240, 247,259,317,318,320- 322, 325-327, 346, 350, 351, 354, 355, 358, 359,364,369, 370,372-376, 380, 419, 434, 435, 445, 450, 455,463,464, # 472. Historica, 1. Hogs, 22, 92, 110, 149, 157, 171, 185, 334, 387,426,430,460. Hogshead, 277, 284, 285, 289, 304, 305. Horse, 99, 144, 164, 177, 189, 222, 239-241, 289, 462. Horse Pasture, 164, 179, 188, 189, 194, 198,207, 222,224,420. House, 31, 53, 71, 75, 78, 82, 96, 107, 111, 114-117, 121, 125, 134,135, 138, 162,167,172, 174, 178, 183, 196,197,206, 215, 221,229, 247,263,312, 315-317,319,323,324,329- 331, 337, 350,351,353-356, 359, 364, 371-373, 377,379, 380, 386, 388, 396-398,401, 410,416,419, 420,423,438, 441,445,446, 459,465-467. Householder, 160. Housekeeper, 258. House-lot, 5, 75, 87, 93, 97, 103, 127, 130, 138, 152,153,164, House-lot—Continued. 176, 177, 179,204,205,223, 229,315,317,318,320-323, 325-327, 350,352, 354,355, 358, 362, 364, 369,370,374, 375, 377, 379, 381,390,396, 419, 432, 445, 463. House of entertainment, 174. House of Lords, 122. Husbandry, 413. Indentures, 349, 383, 386, 393, 396, 397,403,407, 410,413,419, 420, 422, 439, 440, 447-449. William Baker and Thomas Bradley, 349. George Case and Mary Hol- liman, 413. John Greene, Jr., and Job Almy and Sarah Rysbie, 447. Randall Holden and Hugh Stone, 448. William K n o w 1 e s and Thomas Smith, 393. Anthony Low and Derrick Townsall, 439. Joseph Stafford and Thom¬ as Smith, 383. Indians, 6, 34, 57, 59, 78, 81, 108, 109, 125, 127, 129, 130, 139-141, 144-146, 155,156, 158-160, 169, 175,184,188, 194, 204, 215, 234,235,242, 248, 250, 251,302,310,313, 314,317,318, 333,336,341, 370, 375, 379, 386,399,405, 444,452. Indian Breeches, 144. Inquests, 184, 314, 440, 441. Indian Man, 184, 314. Mary Sammon, 440. Inventory, John Smith, 415. Jail, 89. Joint-stools, 415. Jury, 84, 89, 108, 109,139, 182, 269, 302, 309, 313, 440, 441. [ 347 ] Jurymen, 29, 94, 98, 108, 130, 133, 139, 140, 143, 150,151,155, 158, 162, 163, 165,168-170, 175-177, 182, 187-189, 193, 195, 199, 200,217,220,222, 256, 302, 440, 477. Jurymen, Grand, 184, 189, 193,203, 210,216,217, 221,234,246, 256, 313. Petty, 184, 189, 193, 195, 203,210,217,221,234,246, 263, 309. Keeper of Ordinary, 82, 140, 174, 175, 216. Kettle, 415. Key, 240. Kids, 240. King's Commissioners, 216, 439. Lambs, 77, 240, 416. Landing Place, The, 103, 133, 141, 472. Lantern, 441. Layers-out, see Surveyors. Lease, John Greene, Jr., and Fran¬ cis Uselton, 386. Lieutenant, 84, 132, 158, 182. Line, 194, 210, 404. Linen, 387, 397. Liquors, 78, 81, 108, 109, 111, 141- 143, 145, 146, 155,156,160, 174, 175,183,185,225,277- 289, 297, 298, 300-302,304, 305, 478. Lock, 240. Logica, 1. Map, 58. Mares, 106, 239, 240, 309, 335, 415, 462. Mariner, 37, 38, 311. Marriage, 195, 413. Mason, 45, 148, 153, 170, 172, 295, 302, 329, 339, 364. Massachusetts Court, 96. Master, 37, 38, 349, 383, 393, 439, 448, 449. Meadow, 1, 4, 41, 75, 82, 91, 93, 99, Meadow—Continued. 100, 103, 105, 109,111,112, 114, 127, 137, 146,147,153, 159, 164, 165, 170,172,183, 184, 193, 199, 202, 205-207, 215, 220,224,226-228,230- 232,240, 247, 317,318,323, 325, 326, 333, 336-341, 345, 352, 355-357, 360, 365, 366, 370, 375-377, 379, 386, 390, 397, 399,400,401,403,404, 407, 410, 418, 420,425,427, 429, 433, 434, 436,437,444, 445, 453, 454, 456,458-460, 463, 465, 467, 471-476. Measures, 196. Merchant, 431, 466, 470, 471. Military officers, 84, 125, 132, 143, 177, 181, 184, 190. Mill, 100, 102, 103, 154, 159, 227, 230-232, 249, 261,263,317. 341,369,410,411,423,445, 465, 467. Mill Creek, 333. Dam, 187, 188. Gate, 139. Lot, 180, 337, 424, 465. Owners, 79, 410. Miller, 227, 263, 383, 465. Mistress, 413, 439. Moderator, 85, 86, 94, 102, 113, 121-124, 129-136, 138, 144, 147, 150-152, 158-163,165- 167, 169, 170, 173,174,176, 177, 179-207, 209, 210,212, 213, 216,217,219,220,222, 226, 229, 233, 237,239,242, 243, 248, 256, 257,260,262, 263. Mortar, 415. Mortgage, 444. Musica, 1. Napkins, 415. New England Silver, 201. Orchards, 95, 337, 397, 416, 432, 461, 462. Order of Parliament, 123. [ 348 ] Ordinary, 82, 175, 178, 216, 297. Orphans, 195. Overseer, 257, 417. Oxen, 239, 240, 387. Ozenbrigs, 415. Pan, 415. Papers, 75. Parliament, 123. Pasture, 189, 240, 397, 465, 467. Peach Liquors, 278. Peage, 152, 154, 162, 188, 190, 194, 199, 201, 313, 343,344,358, 363, 365,366, 402,439,444, 462, 470. Black, 152, 154. White, 152, 154. Pestle, 415. Pewter, 415. Pigs, 149, 222. Pipe, 278. Plantation, 75, 91, 441. Planter, 318. Plow-irons, 415. Pond, 112, 159, 181, 207, 224, 226, 244, 327, 336, 370,373,374, 397, 414, 431, 451, 455. Pot-hangers, 415. Pothooks, 415. Pound, 4, 5, 87,91,239-241. Powder, 125, 152, 283,301,313,415. President, 88, 97, 119, 130, 150,152, 153, 169, 180, 188,192,330. Prison-house, 89, 91, 137, 139, 140, 143, 151, 154, 168,192,215. Prisoner, 90. Proclamation of king, 186. Provisions, 126. Purchasers, 72, 75, 76, 78, 82, 83, 101, 104, 114, 202,205,223, 224, 226, 236, 247,263,318, 389, 390,412, 427,436,441, 445, 446, 450, 455,458,468, 472, 474. Ram, 416. Rate, 29, 98, 99, 105, 129, 140, 143, 147, 151,170,174,194,201- Rate—Continued. 203, 210-212, 213, 226,245, 246, 249, 263, 264. Rate Maker, 174, 201, 245. Recorder, 6, 77, 95, 102, 115, 136, 138, 144, 147, 150,167,168, 173, 178, 183, 187,210,211, 340. Rent, 53, 387, 388. River, 57, 102, 206, 322, 373, 374, 381,403,404,410,444,445, 471, 473. Rum, 277, 301. Run, 375, 376. Sack, 78,81, 108, 111,278, 282. Salt, 415. Scales, 159. School-house, 124. Searcher, 168, 225. Searcher's office, 225. Secretary, 118, 368. Security, 231. Sergeant, 8, 32, 72, 77, 81, 84, 89, 90, 92, 94, 98, 99, 101, 103, 107, 111, 115, 117,127,128, 132, 134, 140, 142,148,149, 151, 159-162, 165, 167, 171, 174, 175,177,181,185,197- 199,201,207, 209-211,215, 219, 222, 228, 232,234,237, 239, 258, 264, 302, 309. Servant, 383, 393,413,440,448,449, 470. Service, 120, 178, 185, 209, 252, 393, 413, 439, 440, 448,449,470. Sheep, 22, 110, 240, 241, 334, 426, 430. Sheriff, 229. Ship, 37, 38, 115, 225, 311. Shorthand, 2-71, 267, 269, 270, 274- 298, 300-306, 477, 478. Shot, 301, 313, 415. Silver, 194, 201. Skillet, 415. Soldier, 187. Specie, 203. Spit, 415. [ 349 ] Spoon, 415. Spruce Swamp, 425. Steer, 239, 415, 462. Stocks, 6, 214, 243, 245. Stone House, 415. Stools, 415. Street, 77, 78, 88,102, 183, 358, 425, 445. Summons, 106, 107. Surveyors, 5, 84, 87, 88, 92, 93, 101, 104, 105, 112, 113,120,127, 130,132, 136, 137,141,144, 148, 149,153,155,161,166, 167, 171, 172, 179,181,183, 185, 186, 191,195-197, 204, 207, 213, 215, 219-221, 224, 226, 228, 229, 238,244,247, 258, 266, 434-437, 450, 451, 455-457,460, 461,472,474- 476. Swamp, 104,166, 224, 247, 357,372, 374, 425, 450, 455, 474-476. Swine, 78, 83, 157, 158, 240, 241, 248, 416. Table, 415. Table Cloth, 415. Tailor, 383, 393. Tanner, 366. Tavern, 393, 413. Tavern-keeper, see Keeper of Ordinary. Tax, see Rate. Tax Assessor, see Rate Maker. Team, 229, 268. Tenement, 129, 191, 204. Tenement on Conimicut, 79, 370. Tenure, 93, 179, 225, 232, 317, 341, 342, 420. Thief, 106, 242. Timber, 58, 119, 161, 183, 184, 188, 356, 365. Tobacco, 313. Toll-dish, 159. Tongs, 415. Town Book, 91, 128, 136, 172, 193, 198, 229, 254, 258,262,263. Censor, 73. T own—C o n tinued. Clerk, see Clerk. Court of Trials, 170, 176, 177, 182, 195, 200. Debts, 105, 170, 204. Deputy, 84. Gate, 240. House, 139, 204, 228, 229. Line, 210, 223, 265. Magistrates, 77, 81,126,142, 163, 171, 181, 190,198,211, 219, 237, 247, 260, 264. Meeting, 28, 33, 71, 72, 90, 92, 106, 112-114, 121, 128, 130, 131, 134, 139,142,146, 150, 152, 160, 161,165,167, 168,172, 174, 176,180,182, 183, 187-193, 195, 196, 198, 200-203, 205, 207,209,212, 213, 216-220, 222, 226, 228, 229, 231,233, 237,239,243, 245, 246,248, 252,253,256, 257, 260, 262, 263,270,299, 307, 345. Training Day, 233, 235. Tree, 242. Treachery, 114. Treasurer, 35, 81, 84, 92, 95, 98, 99, 103, 111, 115, 132,136,140, 146, 151,154,161,162,166- 171, 176, 177, 181,183,185, 190, 192, 194, 197,199,210, 211,214, 220, 231-233, 243, 258, 264, 305, 437. Treasurer's Account, 220. Treasury, 75, 78, 81, 86, 103, 109, 115, 137, 138, 144,147,154, 157,160, 162, 168,169,175, 181, 209, 215, 225, 245. Tr^sJlS, ^l', 242, 351, 362, 364, 370, 381, 399, 455,460,475. Birch, 455. Black Oak, 376, 381, 455, 459, 475. Chestnut, 374, 381, 455. Fruit, 410. [ 350 ] Trees—Continued. Maple, 371, 375, 380, 381, 435, 475. Pignut, 455. Pine, 459. Red Oak, 376. Spruce, 119. Walnut, 473. White Oak, 91, 318,333,371, 374, 376, 380, 381,435,460, 461, 471, 475, 476. Trial, 130, 153, 155, 204, 215, 313. Trials of Indians, 204. Tubes, 415. Tumbrel, 415. Umpire, 182, 254. United Colonies, 81. Upland, 75, 82, 84, 91, 105, 120, 137, 165, 172, 205, 206,323,338, 356, 360, 361,365,386,390, 397, 404, 405, 437, 464. Victualing-house, 109, 111, 112. Victuals, 126. Vessel, 146. Wading Place, 78. Wages, 72, 207, 228, 252. Wampumpeage, 365, 444. Warden, 199. Warrant, 81,' 98, 99, 101, 105, 120, 130, 140,142, 145,149,160, 165, 169,180, 181,186,198, 199,203,207,210,217,218, 222, 229, 250-252, 264, 313, 314 43Q Watch, 124,'l26.' Water-bailiff, 111, 126, 132, 134, 225. Water fence, 316, 319, 324. Watering Place, 163, 172, 266, 364. Wedding, 71. Wheels, 415. Wigwam, 78, 250. Will, Estate of Robert Potter, 389. Estate of John Smith, 416. Wine, 81, 109, 141, 174, 175, 225, 277, 285-287, 300. Wolf, 90, 169, 188, 190, 253, 263. Wool, 415. Woolen, 397. Writ, 89, 107. Yearlings, 239, 416. Yoke, 157. PLACES Aponachack, 197, 207. Aquidnesit, 180, 185. Arokananossett, 56, 57. Birch Swamp, 221, 375. Birchen Field, 154, 345. Boston, 1, 96, 97, 144, 218, 265, 448. Cacouncke (Pond) See Cowesett Pond, 159, 183, 370, 376. Charlestown, 265. Conanicut Island, 55. Conimicut, 72, 77, 79, 82, 83, 85, 92-94, 141, 180, 274, 316, 319, 322, 324, 325, 359-362, 369, 391, 392, 420. Corn Meadow, 4, 87. Cowesett, 146, 235, 289. Cowesett Bay, 444. Cowesett Cove, 126. Cowesett Pond, 183. Crafts Meadow, 420. Duck Pond, 337. Ely House, 276. England, 56, 72, 81, 104, 106, 115, 118, 122, 152, 233,241,245, 246, 249, 307, 308,328,329, 367, 368, 398,410,419,427, 429, 431,446, 452, 454. France, 398, 402, 405, 410, 414, 419, 427, 429, 431,446,452,454. Great Britain, 402, 405, 407, 414 Holes, The, 476. Horse Neck, 224, 226, 372, 451,460, 471. Indian Field, 90, 107, 127, 366, 375, 386, 403. Ireland, 402, 405, 410, 414, 419, 427, 429, 431,446,452,454. Jamaica, 346, 361, 362. Lippitt Bridge, 207. London, 276. Long Island, 412. Mashapaug, 93, 164, 189, 222, 355, 356, 370. Massachusetts, 88, 96, 97, 106, 113, 125, 131. Menadoes, 311, 340. Meshanticut, 464. Mishawomett, 75, 240, 241, 326, 427. Mishawomett Neck, 318, 338, 340, 346. Nanaquakesett, 55. Naneounhe, 341. Narragansett, 385. Narragansett Bay, 55, 315, 326, 328, 341, 363, 366, 444. Narragansett Country, 404, 470. Nausauket, 127, 129, 130, 220, 223, 227, 234, 250, 325,333,341, 410, 437, 453. New England, 55, 212, 213, 315, 318, 326, 328, 333,335,338, 340, 341, 343, 346, 349-352, 354-357, 359-364, 366, 379, 380, 383, 386, 390-392, 393, 396, 399-401, 407, 410, 413, 414, 416, 418-420, 422,423, 427, 429, 431,448,451,465, 471, 473. New Netherlands, 311, 340, 346, 361, 362. Newport, 123, 125, 126, 134, 158, 160, 168, 176, 177,183,185, 189, 210, 214, 216,217,220, 233, 238, 246, 287,288, 300, 367. New Providence, 365, 404. Nothunganet, 342. [ 352 ] Occupasspawtuxet Cove, 84, 99, 206, 365, 370, 386,404,429, 434-437, 456, 458. Occupasspawtuxet Point, 93, 100, 127, 183, 247, 365,372,386, 404. Ochinamomunkanet, 336, 379, 399. Oyster Bay, 412. Papepieset, 193, 397, 408, 418, 420. Pasipichamnucke, 410. Patience Cove, 365, 386, 404. Pawtuxet, 1, 71, 104, 121, 126, 146, 159, 162-164,211,227, 323, 351, 365, 383 393,397,400, 404, 438, 453, 469, 474. Pawtuxet River, 147, 197, 337, 356, 364 403 464. Pawtuxet River Falls, 91, 366, 403. Plymouth, 81, 177. Portsmouth, 96, 126, 134, 144, 150, 151, 165, 168, 173,175,178, 180, 186, 187, 331,356,367, 368, 394. Potowomut, 24, 141, 146, 193, 199, 229, 244, 323, 339,342,352, 356, 360, 377,407,408,420, 425, 433, 442-445, 453. Potowomut River, 444. Providence, 31, 104, 113, 115, 117- 121, 123, 125, 126, 128-130, 132, 134, 135, 150,163,171, 176, 184, 195, 254,260,261, 278, 288, 309, 323,328-330, 366, 367, 386, 403. Providence Plantations, 212, 213, 226, 316, 318, 319,323,324, 326, 333, 335-340, 343, 346, 349-352, 354-364, 377,379- 381, 383, 386, 390-393,396, Continued. Providence Plantations— 397, 399-401, 406, 407, 410, 412, 414, 416, 418-420, 422, 423,427, 429, 431,433,447, 448, 451,453, 456,457,465, 469-471, 473. Quaconshiphaukt, 336. Rehoboth, 288, 442. Rhode Island, 118, 122, 127-129, 135, 177, 212,213,215,226, 232, 233, 245, 249,282,326, 331,343, 356,427,429,431, 447, 448, 453, 456,457,465, 469-471, 473. Round Meadow, 463. Scotland, 398, 410, 427, 429, 431, 446, 452, 454. Shawomet Neck, 257, 441,444,450, 455, 468, 472. Sowams Bay, 442. Spruce Swamp, 425. Taunton, 177. Three Ponds, 364. Toskeunke, Tuskeunck, Tos- kenke, 153, 181, 184, 191, 193, 197,215, 228,333,337, 356, 357, 360, 364,376,377, 408, 418, 420,425,445,464, 473. Tuskatucket, 164. Tuskatucket Brook, 206. United Colonies, 81. Wanomossett, 250. Warwick Neck, 240, 241, 316, 319, 324, 326, 427, 463, 464. Warwick Purchase, 210. Wawoonke, 317, 318, 333. Woothungomott, 317. PERSONS Aborn, Anthony, 68, 385. Almy, Christopher, 334. Job, 206, 207, 225, 258, 261, 391,420,421,436,437,447, 448, 456-458. Mary, 447, 448. William, 128, 357. Amest, George, 363. Anadown, Roger, 311. Andrews, Edward, 74, 138, 323, 326, 338, 343-345, 371, 380. Robert, 299. Samuel, 347, 361, 362. Arnold, Anthony, 335. Benedict, 123, 134, 309. Caleb, 60. Elisha, 384. Ephraim, 292. George, Jr., 64. Israel, 384. Israel, Jr., 19. James, 80. James, Jr., 64, 80. Joseph, 50. Josiah, 478. Josiah, Jr., 50, 316. Nathaniel, 69. Philip, 16, 110. Philip, Jr., 68. Simeon, 208. Stephen, 22, 49, 246, 330, 400. Susannah, 110. Thomas, 70. William, 71, 290, 291. Ashtonf James, 329. Atwood, John, 1. Babcock, Benjamin, 339. Thomas, 339. Bailey, Samuel, 308. Baker, John, 385. Jonathan, 14. Mary, 469. Moses, 332. Silas, 332, 378. William, 74, 139, 183, 211, 349, 372, 385, 445, 469. William (son of William), 349. Baldwin, Abigail, 42. George, 97, 123, 268, 316, 324, 353, 354, 409. Barnes, 95. Barnikle, 1. Barton, Andrew, 68, 291. Benjamin, 286, 449, 450,455, 468, 472. Rowland, 68. Rufus, 76-79, 286, 321. Samuel, 291. Batty, John, 20. William, 40. Baulstone, William, 120, 122, 301. Bennett, John, 14, 18, 74, 315, 342, 363, 432, 462. Samuel, 273. Bentley, Caleb, 72. Bradley, Johanna, 421. Thomas, 42, 45, 74, 151, 153, 163, 168, 170, 171, 175-177, 182, 186, 295, 319, 349, 359, 370, 385, 408, 420, 421. Brenton, William, 249. Briggs, Job, 65. Bromley, Luke, 128, 261, 263, 465, 467. [ 354 ] Brown, Elisha, 71, 78, 126. James, 250. Joseph, 71. Budlong, Daniel, 68, 385. James, 426. John, 39, 426, 428. Moses, 39. Nathan, 208. Renew, 348. Samuel, 426. Burlingame, 301. Joseph, 64, 65. Burton, William, 54, 73, 159, 166, 170, 174-176, 182, 184, 185, 189, 193-195, 199, 281,288, 296, 300-302, 304, 305,355, 358, 369, 373, 374,381,390, 422-424. Busecot, Peter, 32, 35, 42, 45, 73, 79, 88, 91, 101-103, 107, 120, 141,154,162,179,204- 206, 229, 257, 271,272,274, 306,311,315,316,319,321, 324, 327, 343, 345,371,372, 374, 375, 377, 379,380,399, 400, 409,419, 435,437,456, 477. Cahoone, Nathaniel, 24. Samuel, 23. Calverly, Edmund, 128, 187, 189, 190, 193-195, 197, 201, 203, 205-207, 209-212, 214, 216, 219, 220, 222-224, 226, 227, 229, 231-234, 237,238,240- 244, 246, 249,251-253,256- 258, 260, 262-264, 266, 276, 392, 395,397, 398,402,411, 418, 423, 431,434-437,440, 448-451,454, 455,457, 458, 460, 461, 467-469, 471, 472, 474-476. Cammett, Peter, 62. Card, John, 430. Carder, James, 46, 292. James (son of John), 46. James, Jr., 428. John, 46, 428. Carder—Continued. John, Jr., 61. Joseph, 283. Richard, 7, 26-29, 73, 76,103, 112, 138, 141, 143,147,148, 161, 163, 166-171, 175,176, 180-184, 186, 189, 193, 195, 198-201, 203, 205-207, 216, 219, 220, 222, 223,225,231, 232, 234, 236-238, 247, 249, 253, 256-258, 260, 263, 265, 266, 268,269,271,275,281- 283, 288, 293, 302,306, 308, 309, 319, 321, 322,331,351, 362, 369', 372, 376, 389,394, 395, 408, 417, 434-438, 440, 450, 455,460, 461,463,464, 468, 472-477. Carpenter, Abiah, 25, 221, 263, 469. Joseph, 234, 257. Oliver, 292. Wilbor, 378. William, 176, 350. Carr, Caleb, 306. Robert, 248, 250, 252, 438, 439. Case, George, 413. Casey, Adam, 21. Cason, John, 285. Charles II, 60, 398, 402, 405, 407, 410,414,416,417,419,420, 427, 429, 431,443,446,452, 454, 474. Chase, Abraham, 51. Chasmore, Richard, 30, 96, 153. Clarke, John, 193, 200, 201, 226, 233, 245, 246, 249. Joseph, 12. Coggeshall, John, 187, 343. Cole, John, 127, 161, 170, 335, 369, 423, 424. Mary', 148*, 277, 366, 369. Nathaniel, 266. Robert, 79, 138, 336, 337, 379, 399. Collins, Anne, 417. [ 355 ] Collins—C o n tinned. Elizur, 210, 226, 236, 245, 246, 253, 263, 385,417,440, 450-453, 455, 464, 468, 471, 472, 475. Colvin, James, 17. Josiah, 13. Conigrave, Walter C., 27, 73. Cook, Elizabeth, 248. John, 1, 4, 7, 27-29, 33, 36, 73, 79, 83, 87, 92-94, 97, 101, 105, 109, 112,113,126, 130, 132, 134, 135,137,268, 269, 272, 275, 341,353,354, 356, 357, 377, 409, 477. Silas, 80. Davis, Aaron, 384. Robert, 290. Dean, Richard, 245, 249. Derby, Francis, 182, 215, 285, 288, 300-302, 313, 376,384,401, 402, 405, 418, 419. Dexter, John, 135, 292. Dickens, Goodman, 15. Dickinson, Charles, 477. Dolling, Clemence, 37, 38. Dolly, Gerratt, 222. Downing, John, 7, 36, 79, 90, 268, 269, 271. Dyer, William, 120. Earle, Benjamin, 13. Ralph, 331, 394. Robert, 367. Eaton, William, 184, 206, 221, 234, 241, 302, 418, 440. Edmonds, Andrew, 71. Joseph, 69. Thomas, 110. Ellis, Jonathan, 20. Theophilas, 398. Ensall, Samuel, 445. Errington, Thomas, 26, 79, 121, 125, 132, 136, 140,142,195, 312, 396, 409, 425. Fenner, Arthur, 260, 261. Fenny, Samuel, 330. Field, William, 30, 176, 308, 366, 403. Flounders, Thomas, 470, 471. Ford, John, 470, 471. Foster, William, 287. Fowler, Henry, 364. Fry, Thomas, 50. Fuller, Mary, 348. Geraerdy, John, 20, 34, 74, 79, 120, 196, 242, 263, 300-303, 309, 314, 340, 341, 375,406,407, 409,413, 418, 435,445,446. Gibbs, Gregory, 456-458. Israel, 49. Gorton, Benjamin, 13, 289, 452, 477. Caleb, 382. Edward, 11. Edward, Jr., 11. John, 289, 291, 452, 477. John (1747), 52. John (son of William), 66. Nathan, 382. Othniel, 49. Samuel, 13, 18, 55, 56, 58, 73, 76, 81, 82, 86-88, 94, 96, 100, 104, 108, 111, 113, 114, 116-119, 125, 137, 143, 144, 148, 150, 160,161,165, 169-171, 173, 180, 181, 183, 186, 191-194, 198, 201-203, 207,209,214,216,219,236, 237, 243, 246-248, 257,271, 275, 291,297, 300, 305,310, 346, 351,362, 368,373,374, 376, 389, 398,409,414,417, 431,439,442, 450,453,459, 463, 464, 468, 472, 476. Samuel, Jr., 13, 59, 234, 252, 288, 291, 439, 440. Samuel (son of Benjamin), 289. Samuel (son of John), 289, 291. William, 66, 273. Greene, Anne, 147, 354, 366, 379, 380, 400. [ 356 ] Greene—Continued. Benjamin, 23, 244. Benjamin, Jr., 244. Caleb, 60. Christopher, 283, 324. Daniel, 283. Ebenezer, 18. Fones, 16, 266. James, 1, 7, 14, 15, 18, 27,28, 30, 31, 37,41,47, 53,54,73, 79, 91, 93, 102, 113, 142, 147, 151, 154, 163,167,168, 171,172, 175, 181,182,185, 186, 188, 191, 193,195-203, 207,209,210,216,219,220, 223, 232, 234, 236,238,245, 246, 256,258,260,266,270- 272, 274, 277-279, 281, 286, 288, 294, 298, 300,302,304, 306, 308, 320, 324,327,341, 358, 359, 361, 362,369,372, 376, 388, 389, 392,393,398, 408, 414,417,427,429,434- 437, 443, 450, 455,460,461, 468, 472, 474-477. James (son of William), 64. John, 1,3, 5, 6, 14, 18, 27,31, 32, 36, 42, 45, 50, 73, 76, 77, 82-84, 86, 93, 94, 98, 104,105, 127, 135-140, 143, 144, 148-150, 160, 166-170, 180, 275,281,285,296,304, 324, 349, 365, 366, 368-371, 376, 404, 408, 420. John, Jr., 1, 3, 18, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 37, 60, 73, 76, 79, 84, 91, 94, 96, 99, 100, 103, 108, 111, 112,115,116,118- 120, 123,125,127,128,130- 136, 139,140,143,147,149- 151,155,158-160,162,163, 165, 166, 168-172,174,180- 182,185,186,188, 190-197, 200-207, 209-212, 214, 215, 218-220, 222, 226, 228, 229, 233, 235-237, 243, 247, 248, 250-253, 256, 257, 260, 262, Greene—Continued. 278, 281, 294, 301,302,309, 312,315,318, 321,323,326, 334-336, 338, 341, 345, 349, 350, 352-355, 357-362, 364, 366, 370, 371 ,379,380,384, 386-389, 391-393, 399, 400, 403-408,411,414,416,417, 419, 421,425,427,429,434- 438, 440, 443, 445-448, 450, 453, 456, 458, 468, 472-474, 477. John (son of James), 15,18. John (son of Peter), 11, 63. John (son of Thomas), 24, 27, 62. Peter, 1, 11, 27-29, 35, 36, 50, 63, 73, 78, 79, 86, 87, 91, 94, 97, 108, 125, 138, 165, 169, 170, 268-271, 274, 287, 306, 318, 320,325,366, 369, 408. Peter, Jr., 20. Philip, 60, 284. Richard, 296. Richard W., 61, 296. Samuel, 273. Stephen, 19. Thomas, 24, 26, 27, 35, 73, 74, 79, 148, 154, 163, 167, 168, 172, 184, 188,193,195, 199, 200,217, 221,246,262, 270, 272, 285,288,289,296, 297, 304, 306, 314,320,322, 327, 359, 371, 372,374,408, 409, 425, 427, 429, 477. Thomas (1747), 62, 266. Uzal, 298. William, 15, 23, 63, 64, 273. Haden, John, 79, 123, 135, 138, 324, 370. Hall, George, 319. Harcutt, James, 277. Richard, lt 3, 7, 14, 26-28, 30, 36, 41, 73, 81, 82, 84, 87, 91, 101, 103, 105, 111, 115, 136, 137, 139-141, 147, C 357 ] Harcutt—Continued. 172,268,269, 271,272,274, 277, 306, 308, 321,324,326, 336, 361, 366, 370, 441-443, 477. Harde, John, 309. Harris* Thomas, 328, 329, 403. William, 159, 176, 260, 261. Harrude, John, 248. Hart* Nicholas, 76, 79, 274. Hartoch, Hurmanus, 309, 340, 341. Harvey, Matthias, 74,152,154,158, 163, 166-168, 170, 173, 176, 181-189, 193, 279, 280, 282, 284, 294, 298, 314,363,369, 373, 381,399,401,410,411, 419, 423, 424, 433, 465. Hathaway, Caleb, 173. Hauxhurst, Christopher, 127, 135, 140, 143, 144, 148,153,293, 355, 373, 395, 396,409,464. Hearnden, Benjamin, 261. Hedger, Elizabeth, 177. Thomas, 74, 159, 164, 166, 172, 175,181, 185,191,206, 215, 221,302, 303,373,374, 414, 431, 437, 449. Helme, Christopher, 5, 73, 77, 78, 133,299, 307, 321,322,372, 394, 450. Margaret, 274, 331, 394. William, 394, 395. Herrington, Robert, 37, 38, 311. Herwood, John, 314. Hick, Gabriel, 71. Joseph, 66. Hill, Barnet, 306. Daniel 208. Jonathan, 74, 359. Thomas, 9. Holden, Charles, Jr., 332. John, 21. Randall, 3, 28, 29, 32, 47, 50, 55, 56, 58, 74, 76, 77, 81, 82, 84, 86, 90, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102-105, 107,108, 111, 112,116-118,121,124,127, Holden—C ontinucd. 128, 136-139, 144, 147, 148, 150, 152, 158, 160-162, 165, 169-172, 174, 177, 180, 181, 183, 185-188, 191,196, 198, 200, 201,203,207,209,218, 219, 236,237,239,243,246- 248, 254-256, 262, 263,265, 268, 271,272, 275,278,283, 303, 309,310, 331,358,365, 373-376, 389, 392, 395, 401, 402, 408, 416-419, 424, 431, 438, 442,444, 448-450, 464, 468, 472, 476. William, 12. Holliman, Ezekiel, 1, 3, 7, 18, 28, 29, 32, 36, 42, 73, 76-79, 82, 83, 87, 88, 94, 95, 98, 101, 102, 108, 111, 114, 117-119, 121-124, 128-135, 138-140, 143, 144, 146, 148-151, 153, 159, 161-163, 165, 167-171, 173, 268,269, 271,272,274, 281,312,316, 322,327,330, 345, 349, 350, 357,366,375, . 377, 406, 408, 444-446, 477. Mary, 413, 446. Howard, Joseph, 206, 221, 434. Solomon, 65. Humphry, Thomas, 253-255, 440. Inman, Edward, 79, 90, 100, 329. James II, 29. Jeffery, William, 120. Jerauld, James, 15, 39, 50, 65, 66, 110, 141, 352, 359. Johnson, Elkanah, 24. John, 65. Joyes, Ann, 438. Kendrick, Caleb, 338. Knapp, James, 145. Knight, Richard, 159. Knowles, Henry, 47, 54, 74, 151, 172, 184, 189,203,216,240, 293, 301, 305, 353, 355-358, 375-377, 388, 390, 393, 407, 446, 473. [ 358 ] Knowles—Continued. John, 474. William, 393. Knox, James, 74. Ladd, Job ,110. John, 110. Layney, William, 241. Layton, William, 74. Lee, John, 297. Leveile, Peter, 297. Lippitt, Abraham, 335. Jeremiah, 40, 49, 51, 60-63, 65, 66, 70, 72, 80, 110, 173, 208, 244, 266, 330,332, 334, 348, 382, 408, 426, 428. John, 7, 27-29, 47, 73, 79, 83, 90, 112, 169, 170, 176, 182, 184, 189, 193, 195,199,200, 213, 268, 269, 272,274,295, 302, 320, 327, 346,347,360, 374, 406, 409, 435,440,477. John, Jr., 221, 294, 310, 381, 422, 423. Moses, 243. Moses, Jr., 287. Nathaniel, 403. Lockwood, Abraham, Jr., 10, 173, 290. Amos, 276. Amos, Jr., 430. Low, Anthony, 15,74,145,148,154, 162, 172, 175, 176,178,179, 182, 187, 196, 197,206,215, 216, 255, 279, 281-283, 297, 300, 305, 335, 352,355,371, 374, 379, 380, 399-401, 436, 439-441. Bennet, 306. Francis, 469. John, Jr., 306. Stephen, 15, 22. Lytherland, William, 326. Marshall, Edward, 207, 214, 219, 220, 222, 224, 232,234,237, 244, 245,252,253,258,262- 265,314,414, 431,437,439, 455, 471. Matteson, Francis, 291. Francis, Jr., 48. Joseph, 323. Moore, Elizabeth, 351, 362. John, 7, 27, 83, 95, 114, 206, 268, 269, 274, 277,325,333, 351,362, 409, 436,458,477. William, 252. Nichols, Benjamin, 334. John, 299. Jonathan, 46. Richard, 46. William, 299. Olney, Thomas, 328, 329. Osborn, Richard, 184, 331. Paine, John, 448, 449. Nathaniel, 443. Stephen, 314, 442, 443. Palmer, George, 34, 37, 79, 114, 136, 151, 279, 280, 295. Percy, Mary, 71, 163. Phillips, John, 294. Pierce, Benjamin, 272. Nathan, 272. Samuel, 283. Pinnock, Lawrence, 190, 276. Potter, John, 53, 120, 180, 184, 217, 234, 236, 240, 262,303,320, 375, 389-391, 427, 429, 439, 440, 450, 452, 453,468,472. Robert, 3, 5, 7, 28, 29, 32, 36, 53, 54, 76,78,79,82,83,87, 88, 98, 103, 104, 108, 112, 116-118, 125, 135,137, 140, 148, 268, 269, 271,274,277, 306, 320, 358, 389,390,408, 477. William, 426. Ralph, Mary, 446. Thomas, 74, 148, 161, 164, 166, 167, 169, 171,172,181, 184, 189, 193, 195,199,200, 203, 207, 228, 296,319,324, 381, 421, 446. Randall, Jeremiah, 69. Read, John, 241, 256, 441, 476. [ 359 ] Reddock, Henry, 18, 26, 71, 74, 136, 142-144, 147-149, 151, 154, 161,162, 169,184,203, 221,293,316, 319,357,361, 373, 396-398, 409, 421. Remington, Benjamin, 384. Joseph, 275. Thomas, 428. Thomas, 3rd, 430. William, 22. Reynolds, John, 25, 339. Joseph, 80. Rhodes, Charles, 384. John, Jr., 19. Malachi, 478. Zachariah, 7, 19,30,176,269, 308. Rice, Christopher, 80. Henry, 67. Holden, 382. John, 12, 292, 395, 454. John, Jr., 67. Randall, 273. Thomas, 67, 141, 290, 291, 428. Thomas, Jr., 141. William, 291, 428. Roberts, John, 477. Peter, 477. Rogers, James, 199, 201. Rysbie, Mary, 447. Sarah, 447. William, 447. Salisbury, Martin, 51. Salter, Henry, 265. Sammon, Ann, 440. John, 42, 45, 152, 163, 313, 372, 373, 376, 440. Mary, 440, 441. Sanders, William, 311. Sanford, John, 120, 122. Samuel, 391. Sargeant, George, 143. Sayles, John, 330. Scranton, Thomas, 74, 163, 172, 370, 438, 441. Searle, Edmund, 263, 467. Shotten, Sampson, 427, 472. Slocum, Giles, 25. Smith, Anne, 416, 417, 450-453, 472, 475. Benjamin, 221, 237, 243, 257, 397. Benjamin, Jr., 19. Christopher, 430, 478. Elizabeth, 364. Job, 430, 478. John, 3, 26, 32,40, 41,45, 50, 73, 74, 76, 79, 82, 86, 88, 91, 97, 104, 107, 108, 118, 119, 125, 128, 129,139,140, 144, 148, 162, 163,167,169, 171-174, 176, 179-198, 268, 271, 275,278,284,298,302- 305, 323, 353, 357,373,374, 385, 389,392,398,408,414- 417, 425, 431, 451. John (mason), 45, 148, 153, 170, 172, 295, 302,328,329, 339, 364. Margaret, 342. Thomas, 234, 383, 393. Snell, Daniel, 347. Spencer, Peleg, 319. Rufus G., 49. Stafford, Amos, 17, 292. Elizabeth, 80. John, Jr., 80. John, 3rd, 80. Joseph, 298, 383. Samuel, 17, 148, 180, 184, 203, 206, 228, 236,258,259, 261-263, 314, 426, 435-438, 440, 450, 456-458, 464-468, 472. Thomas, 34, 37, 47, 111, 112, 125, 136, 148, 151,162,163, 166, 172, 176, 275,280,294, 314, 333, 352, 354-356, 360, 379, 383, 384,408,419,426. Thomas, Jr., 275. Strait, Joseph, 72. Sutton, 412. [ 360 ] Sweet, Abigail, 42. James, 18,26,79,127,130,133, 139, 140,143,148,153,161- 163, 165, 167, 170,171,173, 177,180-183, 186, 189, 205, 206,213, 221,282,288,296, 314, 323,346,369,371,373- 375, 377, 381,392,405,409, 410,413,423,425,438,440, 446. John, 1, 7, 26-28, 35, 36, 41, 50, 74, 79, 102, 104, 107, 111, 120, 127, 133,140,147, 148, 161, 167, 184,187-191, 193, 199,200,210,227,230- 232, 246, 253-255, 261, 268, 269, 271, 282, 296,306,314, 337, 351,356, 360,372,377, 379, 381,399,400,401,409- 411, 419,440,459,460,465- 467, 471. Philip, 21, 428. Samuel, 359. Whitman, 339. Thornicraft, Thomas, 1, 27, 73, 78, 79, 84, 92-94, 104, 105, 136, 225, 274, 306,315,316,319, 320, 322, 323, 327,392,408, 420. Throckmorton, John, 53, 103. Tibbitts, Waterman. 382. Tiffany, Benjamin, 7. Tippitt, George, 170, 182, 266, 371, 436, 475. Henry, 10. Thomas, 26. William, 10. Todd, Walter, 27, 36, 50, 57, 73, 79, 83, 94, 97, 100, 103, 111, 118, 132-134, 136, 140, 143, 144, 148, 150, 158, 160-162, 165, 167, 168, 174,176,181, 183, 188, 189, 196,198,200, 202, 204-206,209,210,212- 214, 216, 217, 219,220,231, 236, 243, 249, 254-256, 258, 259, 268, 271, 272,274,277, Todd—Continued. 279-281, 285, 286, 288, 298, 300, 301, 304-306, 310, 314, 328, 329,338,339,364,372- 374,402,407,408,417,425, 437, 445,446,448,450,457, 458, 468, 471,472,475,477, 478. Tollman, Peter, 177, 178. Townsall, Derrick, 439, 440. Townsend, Dinah, 412. Henry, 1, 7, 28, 36, 41, 73, 76, 77, 79, 82, 91, 93-95, 101, 102, 108, 115,119,130, 133, 136,137, 141,147,268, 269, 271,272, 274,277,317, 318, 325,328,329,333,335- 337, 341,342, 346,347,362, 400,408,412,419,475,477. John, 1, 3, 4, 7, 28, 29, 35, 36, 50, 73, 79, 87,90, 93-95,98, 101, 102, 105, 108,111,112, 115, 118, 125, 132,133,136, 137, 141,269, 271,272,275, 277, 306, 309,317,318,325, 326, 333, 334, 371,412,477. Leah, 412. Richard, 1, 7, 18, 26, 28, 29, 32, 35, 36, 73, 79, 81, 84, 90, 93, 95, 98, 108, 111, 118, 119, 124, 125,127,132, 133, 136, 137, 139-141,143, 171, 173, 174, 182,184,194, 195, 197, 216, 268,271,272, 274, 315, 317, 318,325,326, 333, 336, 337, 357,362,371, 374, 379, 397, 399-401, 409, 412, 453, 455. Thomas, 412. Stone, Benjamin, 409. Hugh, 292, 448, 449. Thomas, 65, 72. Unthank, Christopher, 73, 78, 79, 82, 111, 130, 268, 314, 325, 345, 350, 353, 355,357,375, 406, 409, 413, 419, 433. Usleton, Francis, 304, 305,386-388. [ 361 ] Utter, William, 25. Vaughn, William, 187. Ward, William, 74, 364, 425. Warner, John, 3, 5, 17, 28, 29, 36, 50, 73, 76-78, 81, 82, 84,86, 87, 91, 94-96, 98, 101, 103, 105-107, 113-117, 121,133, 196, 257, 268, 271,272,275, 309, 325, 327-330, 340, 346, 368, 374, 375, 381,406,408, 446, 450, 455, 468,472,474, 477. Rachel, 328, 330. Samuel, 26. Waterman, Benoni, 302. Nathaniel, 468. Richard, 76, 78, 236, 274, 359, 369, 409, 450,463,472. Weaver, Benjamin, 62, 63. Wells, Arnold, 332. John, 244. Westcott, Amos, 26, 32, 57, 74, 79, 114, 133, 134, 140,148,151, 162,163, 165, 184, 193-195, 197-199, 201, 203, 204, 207, 217, 221,223, 228,232,236, 243, 245, 246, 252,253, 263, 268, 280, 295, 300, 301,361, 375, 381,408, 432,433,440, 450, 461, 462. Jeremiah, 182, 184, 234, 301, 304, 424, 440, 445. Nathan, 48. Richard, 268. Robert, 1, 14, 15, 26-28, 32, 35, 73, 79, 102, 103, 111, 113, 120, 132, 133,147,158, 173, 182, 228, 272,277-279, 282, 285, 287,297,307,308, 310,311,356, 375,377,408, 4^2 461 462 Stukeley, 1, 7,'18, 26-32, 36, 50, 73, 76, 79, 83, 98, 102, 108, 112, 118, 127, 130-133, 139-141, 143, 144, 147, 148, 150, 155, 183, 184,204,205, 211,216, 227-229, 244, 253, Westcott—C ontinued. 268-272, 277-280, 295, 300, 306, 308,311,314,322,340, 342, 346, 363, 377,406,408, 432, 433, 462, 468. Westgate, George, 13-15, 273. Robert, 19, 287. Weston, Francis, 76. Whaley, Thomas, 63. Whipple, Eleazer, 70. Whitman, George, 10. John, 26. Samuel, 10. Wicks, John, 3, 18, 26, 28, 29, 32, 36, 73, 76-78, 81, 82, 84-86, 90, 94, 96,98, 100, 103-105, 108, 111, 112, 116,118,127, 128, 136-141,143,144,147- 150, 153, 160-162, 165, 167, 169, 171,176, 179,181,183, 185, 186, 188, 190-192, 194, 196-203, 205, 207, 209,210, 214,216,219, 220,223,228, 234, 236, 237, 242,243,246, 253-257, 260, 265, 270,271, 274, 279, 281,284,285,295, 301, 353-355, 361, 375, 389, 408,417, 423,448,450,453- 455, 458, 468, 472. John, Jr, 314, 440. John, 3rd, 10, 11,23-25, 478. Wicks, Robert, 61. Thomas, 20, 334. Wiggenton, 215. Wightman, John, Jr., 64. Othniel, 352. Philip, 352. Reuben, 408. Willett, Thomas, 235, 250-252. Williams, Robert, 328, 329. Roger, 113-115, 117, 132, 134, 144,215, 226,233,245, 330, Winton, Joseph, 52. Wood, Stukeley, 409. Thomas, 378. William, 51. INDIANS Abimelecke, 34. Absolom, 365. Achiniamit, 405. Alequacomett, 57. Arockquonassett, 60. Awashe, 365. Awashkooke, 251. Awashocnss, 445. Awashouse, 57. Cachanequenecke, 59. Cauhanaquanack, 55, 57, 59. Chathenequeneck, 57, 59. Chickquinas, 27. Gwashos, 405. Kekotoweekot, 366. Mantatanamitt, 59. Mawsup, 59, 60, 404, 405. Menneachickes, 314. Miantonomi, 404. Nanaquoksett, 60. Narragansett Indians, 58-60, 365. Newcom, 57. Pessicus, 59, 439. Pomham, 158, 251, 438, 439. Quoanoke, 60. Sockononocko, 365, 366. Sucquans, 404, 405. Sucquaune, 60. Tacommanan, 164, 165, 170, 444, 445. Tasaconakutt, 55, 59. Wawanockeshan, 445. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY