wiiLMMNVH A \ N \ N x NRew York Southern Society. JFFICERS AND (COMMITTEES FOR L395 p10 WITH Y-HARTER, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Life, Resident and Non-Resident Members AND ist OF FORMER OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES 2 2 My BSD 3.9 C2 ) SINCE THE ORGANIZATION 00¥ SHE SOCIZTY » Ue tees oe tet ce ee IN? 1886. oo »> 0d oO 9 9) ) , > Are 29 Bo 5 ) > HETH LORTON, TREASURER, 100 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. GE GORDON BATTLE, SECRETARY, 5 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK.GIF @ e® ee <0 9. ,eee%e8 > @ ®@ ee > ° ® ® e. ob 9 2 @ e@ © @ 8@ «¢ > ee be e Os. 610.0 8 6 6.0: 6:6 ; © e e ® . @ ee ® ee @ @e¢ @ ®@ e 2 e @ 2 eo a e@2e0e8 @ ° @ « ee e ee ee ® eee ® © © .%e ‘. 8 : 2 ere e°@ @ @ @4 © es 5 e @ e Or ‘ eh. e@ @8@@ S©ee s ee @ a) Oe 6 ° e®e @ @@ © @ . ee @ ee 5% S 6 e e © 6 2 e 2 @ e € eOFPFIGERS For 1895-96. President. JOnN KR. ABNEY. Vice-President. Euecn SS. aomeson: Treasurer. HetH WorTtON. secretary. GEORGE GORDON BATTLE. Executive Committee. Class or 1805. Class of 1896. To serve until March, 1897. Dre. LANDON ©. GRAY. HueH b., Come, io serve until March, 1806. GEORGE H. SULLIVAN. MARION J. VERDERY. James L. JOHNSON. Howarp R. BAYNE. ROGER AL PRYOR. LORENZO SEMPLE. CLARENCE CARY. Glass Of 1807. To serve until March, 1808. Dr. Were Me Pork: Re TARRISON. Carry “DP. ERUrenminson. Percy So MATEErE: Chaplain. Rev. Dr. JoHn W. BROWN. ag Elected in place of John Newton, deceased. 3STANDING COMMITTEES For 1895-96. House (é Oi Mirtle. LORENZO SEMPLE, Chairman. GeORGr- i. SULLIVAN. Howarp R. Bayne. CARY IT. HurcHainson. RoGer A. Pryor. Committee on Admissions. R. L. Harrison, Chairman. Percy S. MALLETT. HucH I Gers Commtttee on Literature and Ari, Huen S. THomMPSON, Chairman. DR Ww. Mi Pork. Dr. LANDoR CARTER GRAY. Auditing Committee. o James L. Jounson, Chairman. MARION J. VERDERY. CLARENCE Cary.The New York Southern Society was or ganized in the City of New York, on the gth day of November, 1886, and it was incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, in May, 1880. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. STATE OF New York, _ ) City oF New York, SG. CouNTY oF NEw York, ) We, Joun C. CatHoun, James H. Parker. WILLIAM er oun Evan THOMAS, WILLIAM L. TRENHOLM, MaccRaNne Coxe, WartTer L. McCorkie, Witiiam Ge CRENSHAW, JR., CHARLES A. DESHON, WILLIAM W. FLANNAGAN, GEORGE RUTLEDGE GIBSON, ROBERT L. HARRISON and JAamMEs Swann, all of fad age, citizens of the United States and of the State of New York. desiring to form ourselves and others into a society for social, patriotic, historical and literary purposes pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled: ‘‘An Act for the Incorporation of Societies or Clubs for certain lawful purposes,’’ passed May 12, 1875, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, do hereby, for the purpose of incorporating such Society, certify as follows: I. The name or title by which such Society shall be known in law is: NEw YorK SOUTHERN SocIETY. Il. The particular business or object of such society shall be: To cherish and perpetuate the memories and tradi- tions of the Southern People and to cultivate friendly relations between Southern men resident or temporarily sojourning in New York City. Ill. ‘The number of trustees, directcrs or managers to manage the same shall be: ‘THIRTEEN IV. The names of trustees, directors or managers for the first year of its existence shall be: JOHN C. CALHOUN, WALTER L. MCCORKLE, JAMES H. PARKER, WILLIAM G. CRENSHAW, Jr., WILLIAM P. ST. JOHN, CHARLES A. DESHON, EVAN THOMAS, WILLIAM W. FLANNAG AN, WILLIAM L. TRENHOLM, GEORGE RUTLEDGE GIBSON, MACGRANE COXE, ROBERT L. HARRISON, JAMES SWANN. ~ v0V. The principal office of said Society shall be located at the City of New York in the County and State of New York. Dated, New York, May 15, 1889. JOHN C. CALHOUN, WALTER L. MCCORKLE, JAMES H. PARKER, W. G. CRENSHAW, JR., Wilk PAM 2. Si. JON, CHARLES A. DESHON, EVAN THOMAS, Ww. W. FLANNAGAN, W. L. TRENHOLM, GEORGE RUTLEDGE GIBSON, MACGRANE COXE, ROBERT L. HARRISON, JAMES SWANN. STATE OF NEw YORK, ee Ciry anD County or New York,) ma On this 1sth day of May, 1889, before me personally came John C. Calhoun, James H. Parker, William le St. John, Evan Thomas, William L. Trenholm, Mac- grane Coxe, Walter L. McCorkle, William G. Cren= shaw, je, Charles A. Deshon, William W. Flannagan, George Rutledge Gibson, Robert L. Harrison and James Swann, to me severally known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the fore- going certificate and severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. TANS: Fe DO Wak [SEAL. | Notary Public, N.Y Ge I, John R. Brady, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, for the First District, do hereby approve of the within certificate and consent that the same be filed. Dated, New York, May 16, 1880. INO; & BRADY. J. eG. Filed and recorded in office of Secretary of State, May 7. O50. Piled and recorded in office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York, May 18, 1889.CONSTITUTION ©3 eg; NEW YORK SOUTHERN SOCIETY. ARTICEE I. The name of this Association is New York SOUTHERN SOCIETY. NERC, Ae The object of this Society is to promote friendly rela- tions between Southern men resident or temporarily sojourning in New York City, and to cherish and per- petuate the memories and traditions of the Southern people. ATIC LY EET. SEc. 1. All males of full age, resident of or having a permanent place of business in the City of New York, or within fifty miles thereof, and who, or either of whose ancestors are, or were, natives of any of the fol- lowing States, namely: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Vircinia, North Carolina, South Carolina Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, or the District of Columbia, or resident of and identified with any of the said States or District, shall be eligible to membership in this Society. SEc. 2. All males of full age, not residing in the City of New York, or within fifty miles thereof, and who, or either of whose ancestors are, or were, natives of any of the said States or District, or resident of and identi- fied with the same, shall be eligible for non-resident membership, and may be elected thereto in the same manner as resident members, and shall have all the privileges of resident members, save a vote at meetings of the Society, and as herein otherwise restricted. 6 4Src. 3. All applicants for membership shall be pro- posed by one member and seconded by another member of the Society, in writing. Src. 4. Membership shall be acquired upon approval and election by the Executive Committee and payment of the current dues. If an applicant for membership shall fail to pay the current dues within sixty days of the notice of his election by mail, addressed to him at the place given as his address in the application for membership, his election shall be void. Sec. 5. In passing upon an application for member- ship, the Executive Committee shall vote by ballot, and two dissenting votes shall defeat the application. Src. 6. Resident members, on becoming non-resi- dents, within the meaning of Section 1 of this Article, may, on their option, become non-resident members— such option to be certified in writing to the Executive Committee; and non-resident members shall become resident members on establishing a residence within fifty miles of New York, and shall thereupon pay the proper dues of resident members. Ministers of the gospel, without regard to residence, if otherwise quali- fied, may become non-resident members. Suc.7. That john ‘Marshall be and is heréby made an honorary member of this Society in recognition of his services as originator and organizer of the same. SeEc. 8. Officers of the Army and Navy, now mem- bers, and those eligible to membership who shall be hereafter elected, shall be considered as non-resident members, and when they are ordered on service outside the limits of the United States, or stationed at a post distant more than two hundred and fifty miles from New York, for a period longer than one year, their dues shall be tfemitted during the period ‘of “suck service. PRAT CIE: LN, OFFICERS, Whe officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who, with 8thirteen members until the Annual Meeting of 1896, and thereafter with twelve members, elected for the pur- pose, shall constitute the Executive Committee. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by ballot atthe Annual Meeting in each year, to take office immediately upon election, and shall hold office for one year and until their Successors are elected. Said thirteen members of the Executive Com- mittee shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of 1895, by ballot, and shall immediately upon election divide themselves by lot into three classes, one class of five members to serve for one year and until their successors are elected, one class of four members to serve for two years and until their successors are elected, and one class of four members to serve for three years and until their successors are elected: and thereafter, beginning with the year 1896, four members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by ballot at each Annual Meeting to serve for a period of three years and until their successors are elected. Non-resident members shall not be eligible to office or membership upon the Executive Committee. ARTUCI Ry The President, and in his absence the Vice-President, shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and in the event of the absence of both President and Vice-Presi- dent, a meeting of the Society or of the Executive Committee may elect its presiding officer. The President shall, with the Secretary, sign all written contracts and obligations of the Society, and shall perform such other duties as the Executive Com- mittee and the Society shall assign them. AR ERC Be Val: TREASURER. The Treasurer shall collect all dues and claims of the Society, and shall deposit the same in a proper deposi- tory selected by the Executive Committee. He shall keep the accounts of the Society and report thereon at 9each regular meeting of the Executive Committee and of the Society. His accounts shall be audited by the Executive Com- mittee semi-annually. He shall pay all bills when cerned AS CODmect ds prescribed by the Executive Committee. He shall notify persons elected to membership of their election. He shall sign all checks of the Society, unless otherwise provided by the Executive Committee. AR TIGER VIT. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee, and shall keep the minutes of such meetings; he shall conduct the cor- respondence and keep the records of the Society. He shall furnish to the Treasurer the names of all persons elected to membership, and shall be the keeper of the seal of the Society. ARPIC Ek VI. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Src. 1. The Executive Committee shall adopt a proper seal for this Society, and shall have general charge of the affairs, funds and property of the Society. It shall have full power, and it shall be its duty to carry out the purposes of the Society, according to its charter and constitution, to establish rules for the gov- ernment of the members in the use of the rooms and property of the Society, to fix penalties for the violation thereof, and to enforce or remit the same. Src. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to prescribe rules for the admission of strangers to the privileges of the Society. Src. 3. The Executive Committee shall have power to fill all vacancies which shall occur in the offices of the Society for the unexpired term of such officer, and also to fill all vacancies in the membership of the Executive Committee until the next annual meeting, when an election will be held to fll any yacancies im te 10membership of the Executive Committee for the unex. pired term of the member creating the vacancy. The election of a member of the Executive Committee to office shall create a vacancy in the place of the member so elected. SEC. 4. Any member of the Executive Committee who shall absent himself from three consecutive 1 -egular meetings, unless he shall have previously obtained per- mission so to do from the Committee, or shall present at the next regular meeting an excuse for his absence, satisfactory to each member of the Committee present, shall be deemed to have resigned. AIR TICLE, UX. MEETINGS. SEC. 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the Society on the first Thursday in March of each year, at such hour as the Executive Committe may designate. SEC. 2. At all meetings of the Society, twenty-five regularly enrolled resident members of the Society shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If no quorum be present, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting to any other day, with the same effect as if held above. SEC. 3. Special meetings of the Society may be called at any time by the Executive Committee. and upon the written request of twenty-five resident mem- bers the President, and in his absence the Vice-Presi- dent, shall call a special meeting of the Society; the request for a special meeting, and also the notice of any special meeting, shall state the object for which the meeting is called, and at the special meeting any sub- ject not so stated shall not be considered. SEC. 4. Notice of all meetings, whether annual or special, shall be mailed to each resident member of the Society at least ten days prior to the meeting. ARTE ER, Xe STANDING COMMITTEES. There shall be four standing committees of the So- ciety: House Committee, Committee on Admissions, 11Committee on Literature and Art, and Auditing Com- mittee, each of which shall be appointed annually from the Executive Committee by the President, and each of such committees shall consist of three members, except the House Committee, which shall consist of five mem- bers. Additional committees may be appointed in the discretion of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have power to remove at cone time any member of any said committees. PERC iby XT: HOUSE COMMITTEE. The House Committee, subject to the direction and control of the Executive Committee, shall have charge of the rooms of the Society; they shall appoint and re- move employees, receive the complaint of members an d report upon them to the Executive Committee, and from time to time prescribe such regulations as may be necessary for the convenience and use of the members. ARTIC Xi. AUDITING COMMITTEE. The Auditing Committee shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer semi-annually, and report to the Execu- tive Committee the accounts audited and allowed since their previous report. They may also act as a Finance Committee, with such duties and powers as the Executive Committee may prescribe. ARTIC XT. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. The Committee on Admissions shall examine into and report to the Executive Committee upon the qualifica- tion of any candidate for admission into the Society. ARYETC IE. GLY. Src. 1. The Society shall, as soon as may be practic- able, establish a Library, which shall be confined, as far as possible, to those works which relate to the history 12and literature of the South, in order that it may portray the character and genius, and perpetuate the memories and traditions of the Southern people. SEC. 2. The Committee on Literature and Art, Sub- ject to the direction and control of the Executive Com- mittee, shall have charge of the Library and Reading Room, and of all the books, periodicals, papers and works of art belonging to the Society, and shall have power to solicit and receive donations and to select and purchase books, periodicals and works of art for the Society. FRANC 1B XV INITIATION FEES AND DUES. SEC. 1. The annual dues for resident members shall be ten dollars, and for non-resident members five dol- lars, payable annually in advance on the first day of November in each year. But members elected within one month of the end of the current fiscal year shall, in all cases, be exempted from payment of dues for the unexpired portion of the fiscal year in which they are eleered: SEc. 2. When the dues of any.member shall remain unpaid for the space of two months, the Treasurer shall cause him to be notified, by mail, and if he fails to pay within one month thereafter, he shall cease to be a member, without any action of the Executive Commit- tee; but he may be reinstated by vote of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee present at any regular meeting. SEC. 3. Any member who shall fail to pay any amount due by him to the Society, except dues, for one month after notice of the indebtedness, requesting payment of the same, may be dropped from membership by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Commit- tee present at any regular meeting, but he may be rein- stated by a like vote. SEC. 4. Upon payment of the sum of $100, any mem- ber shall be entitled to a certificate, signed by the Pres- ident and countersigned by the Treasurer of the 13Society, to the effect that such member is a life member of the Society, and exempt from further dues ; provid- ed, however, that such certificates outstanding at any one time shall not exceed one hundred in number. ARTICLE XVI: CENSURE, SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION. Any member may be censured, suspended or ex- pelled for a violation of the constitution, or a rule, or for any conduct not in violation of the constitution, or a tule, which, in the opinion of the Executive Commit- tee, is improper, and prejudicial to the welfare or repu- tation of the Society, by a vote of three-fourths of the members of the Executive Committee present at a meet- ing, ten days’ previous notice, in writing, having been given to the member, with a copy of the charge against him. AR TICiGg XV LL. RESIGNATIONS. Resignations of membership shall be made to the Secretary in writing, which shall be accepted, provided all indebtedness to the Society shall have been paid by such member and such member shall be in good stand- ing at the time of offering his resignation. ORs, ey LT. AMENDMENTS. The Constitution may be amended at any annual Mmechne OF LHe SOCieLy, Or Special mectine called tog the purpose, by a two-thirds vote in the affirmative, a quorum being present and voting. Notice of proposed amendments shall be furnished to the Secretary at least fifteen days before the meeting at which it is proposed to consider them; and the Secre- tary shall cause such notice to be printed and sent to each member at least ten days before such meeting. 14BY EAWS: ORDER OF BUSINESS. SEC. I. At regular meetings of the Society, the order of business shall be as follows: Reading of Minutes. 2. Unfinished business. 3. Report of Executive Committee. 4. Report of Treasurer (at annual meeting). Reports of Special Committees. 6. Miscellaneous business. Or Il. Atregular meetings of the Executive Committee. the order of business shall be: Poul carl, 2. Reading minutes. 3. Unfinished business. 4. Report of Treasurer. 5. Report of Auditing Committee. 6. Report of Committee on Admissions. 7. Election of Members. 8. Report of House Committee. 9. Report of Committee on Literature and Art. 10. Reports of Special Committees. 11. Miscellaneous business. AC COMINGES: “ANID Ee OOKS- Wit. Whe Treasurer shall répert m writine: to, ue Executive Committee, at their first meeting in each months a balance sheet, and every existing appropria- tion which mays affect ‘the same.’ ite shall, al so report > at such meetin gs the nu mber oP mem bers in good stand- ing and the names of those iQ arrears, es At the antugh meeting of thre Soctety he shall make a full report of *1 1e receipts and disbussermeats of the past fiscal year, suitably classified, and of all outstanding obligations of the Society. He shall keep regular ac- counts in books belonging to the Society. T he books GE the sceeretary and Treasurer shall be kept im eee rooms of the Society. 15bist OF LIFE, MEMBERS. ABNEY, JOHN R. AGAR, JOHN G. ADAMS, HARRY C. Badu WIN, C.-C. BEALL, TURNER A. CARY, CLARENCE CLARKE, RR, PLOYD COXH, MACGRANE PSION: CHAS: A. iN Sa BS. P. FLANNAGAN, W. W. Peer Oe. JOHN HE. GARDEN, HUGH R. HARRISON, BURTON N. HARRISON, ROBERT L. HOBBS, ELON S. HARDY. GASTDN' HAINES, 41. 8.< fc ¢: INGRAM? ]. HRSE is INMAN, JORN He