UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA LIBRARY X004440534 2 Univ 1 THE TEMPLAR'S MANUAL; CONTAINING A FULL AND COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM OF TACTICS AND DRILL, TOGETHER WITH ALL CEREMONIES APPERTAINING TO THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD: THE STATUTES AND REGULATIONS OF THE GRAND COMMANDERY THE CEREMONIES OF INSTALLATION FOR GRAND AND SUBOR- DINATE COMMANDERIES; THE BURIAL SERVICE OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR; THE WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS; AND THE PROPER FORMS AND CEREMONIES FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS ACCORDING TO THE LAW AND USAGE OF THE ORDER. PREPARED EXPRESSLY BY AUTHORITY OF TAS GRAND COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. AND PROMULGATED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SUBORDINATE COMMANDERIES OF ITS JURISDICTION. SEVENTH EDMION-REVISEL CHICAGO: B. B. MYERS, LAW BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER. 1970. ALD HS 751 -IS A3a Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, BY EUGENE B. MYERS, For the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Illinois, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illinois. Chicago Type Foundry, Stereotypers. OFFICE OF R. E. GRAND COMMANDER K. T. STATE OF ILLINOIS, CHICAGO, August 3, A. D., 1868, A. O. 750. fo Eminent Sirs DANIEL DUSTIN, WILLIAM ECKLEY OVEN, CHARLES HOMAN BROWER, Committee on Tactics and Drill: I am in receipt of your report, accompanied by the -labors assigned you by the Grand Commandery at its last Annual Conclave, which I have examined quite thoroughly and with great interest; and acknowledge with pleasure that the purpose and intention of the resolutions have been eminently fulfilled; and feel that I must congratulate you on your supreme success in supplying a want long felt by the Commanderies of this jurisdiction. I hereby approve the same, and shall cause its promul- gation for the use and government of the Subordinate Commanderies of the State of Illinois. Courteously yours, VINCENT LUMBARD HURLBUT, GRAND COMMANDER. CONTENTS. Military Instruction for Knights Templar Manual of the Sword · Templar Sword Practice Tactics and Ceremonies in the Asylum Tactics and Ceremonies in the Council Templar Tactics for Public Parade · Tactics for Full Display on Public Parade 88≈ 882- 80 73 33 16 90 Reception and Escort Honors 115 Funeral Honors 118 Escort to other Masonic Bodies 121 Tactics for Grand Parade 124 · Working Text for the Orders of Knighthood Burial Service Services for Constituting Commanderies Installation Ceremonies and Charges Forms and Ceremonies for Conducting Trials Ceremonies for Installation of Grand Officers Templar Jurisprudence Constitution Grand Encampment Knight Templar Uniform, Regulations Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery 129 149 167 169 183 199 · · 213 213 251 261 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. There should be selected from every Commandery a well qualified Sir Knight, whose duty shall be to act as military instructor to newly created Sir Knights in the School of the Templar. These Sir Knights should be under his especial charge until they have acquired suitable proficiency in the School to enable them to join in the military manoeuvres of the Order. The instructor should make his first lessons short, and always give a clear and concise explanation of the movement before he requires its execution, and make it fully understood before passing to another. When his charge has learned to execute a command satis- factorily, he will pass immediately to other move- ments; this will keep up the interest of the Sir Knights. He should also make use of every oppor- tunity that presents itself during the working of the Commandery to instruct his charge. In these short lessons much valuable instruction can be imparted. COMMANDS. Military commands are of three kinds, viz.: cau- tionary, preparatory, and executory. The cautionary command is, "Attention;" the preparatory command indicates the movement which is to be executed, as 2 2 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. "Handle,' 66 "Draw," "Present," etc.; the executory is the part of a command which causes an execution, as March," Halt," etc. 66 The tone of command should be animated, distinct, and of sufficient loudness to be easily distinguished by the Sir Knights under instruction. The command, attention, is pronounced in a loud and distinct tone of voice: if the number of Sir Knights be large, it is given at the top of the voice, dwelling on the last syllable. The same directions will apply to the pre- paratory command. The command of execution should be pronounced in a more elevated, energetic, firm, and brief manner than either of the others. In this work, the cautionary and the preparatory commands are distinguished by Italics, and the execu- tory by SMALL CAPITALS. Those commands, which, from their length, are difficult to be pronounced at once, should be divided into two or three parts, with an increasing force in the tone of command, but always in such a manner that the word of execution may be still more energetic and elevated. Within a Commandery,—and in public, if the num- ber of Sir Knights is not too large to be directed with a moderate tone of voice,-the usual and preferable cautionary command is, Attention, Sir Knights. "Sir Knight" is also the proper title by which both officers and members of the Order address each other as such. POSITION. The proper military position for a Sir Knight should be taught, where practicable, to one Sir Knight at a time; though a larger number may be, and usually are, instructed together. In the latter case, the Sir Knights should be placed in a single rank, and at one pace distance from each other, during the first lessons; afterward, the distance may be lessened until they lightly touch elbows. SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 3 The heels should be on the same line, and as near each other as the conformation of the Sir Knight wili permit. The feet should be turned out equally, and forming with each other something less than a right angle. The knees should be straight, but without stiffness. The body should be erect on the hips, and inclining slightly forward. The shoulders should be square to the front, and falling equally. The arms should hang naturally, the elbows near the body, the palm of the hand natural, the fingers slightly curved, the little finger just behind the seam of the pantaloons. The head should be erect, and square to the front, without constraint. The chin should be slightly drawn in, near the stock, but not covering it. The eyes should be fixed straight to the front, striking the ground at about the distance of fifteen paces. The heels should be on the same line; because, if one were in the rear of the other, the shoulder on that side would be thrown back, or the position con- strained. The heels should be more or less closed; because some are so formed that they cannot, without constraint, make their heels touch while standing. The feet should be turned out equally; because, if one foot were turned out more than the other, a shoulder would be deranged: and they should not form too large an angle; because it would not then be practicable to incline the upper part of the body forward without rendering the whole position un- steady. The knees should be without stiffness; because, otherwise, constraint and fatigue would be unavoidable. The body should be erect on the hips; because it gives equilibrium to the position. The instructor should carefully correct the common habit 4 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 1 of dropping a shoulder, drawing in a side, or advane- ing a sip. The upper part of the body should be aligotly inclined forward, the weight of the body on the balls of the feet; because beginners are commonly disposed to do exactly the reverse (to project the belly, and throw back the shoulders, and the weight of the body on the heels, when they wish to stand erect), from which result great inconvenience in marching. Instructors should be particularly careful to enforce this rule at the beginning. The shoulders should be square; because, if advanced beyond the line of the breast, and the back arched, the Sir Knight cannot align bimself. The arms should hang naturally, etc., to prevent the Sir Knight from occu- pying more space in the rank than is necessary, and also to assist in keeping the shoulders in proper posi- tion. The face shouli be straight to the front, and without constraint; because any other position would cause pain and fatigue, and embarrass the movements of the upper part of the body. The eyes should be directed straight to the front; because this is the aurest means of keeping the shoulders in line,-an essential object, and which should always be insisted on. Having carefully instructed the Sir Knight in the details of his position, the instructer should next teach him the turning of the head and eyes. For this purpose he will command,- Eyes-RIGHT At the word right, the Sir Knight will turn his head promptly, but gently, to the right, so as to bring the inner corner of the left eye in a line with the buttons of the coat; the eyes fixed on the line of the eyes of the Sir Knights in, or supposed to be in, the same rank. Having seen that the proper position of the SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. head and eyes is taken, the instructor will then command -- FRONT. At this command, the head will resume the former, or direct, position. Eyes-LEFT. This movement is exactly the reverse of eyes right, and does not require particular illustration. FACINGS. Facing to the right or left is executed as follows: the instructor will command,- Right-FACE. At the command face, the Sir Knight will raise the right foot slightly, turn one quarter around toward the right, on the left heel, raising the toes a little, and then replace the right heel by the side of the left, and on the same line. The command,— Left-FACE, is executed in precisely the same manner as the preceding, except that the turn is made toward the left. · The full face to the rear is executed to the command,- About-FACE. At the word about, the Sir Knight will turn slightly on the left heel, so as to bring the toe of the left foot square to the front, at the same time carrying the right foot to the rear of the left, the hollow of the 6 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. right opposite to the heel of the left, and full three inches from it; the feet forming a perfect square to each other. At the word face, turn on both heels, to the right, raising the toes slightly, and face to the rear; bringing, at the same time, the right heel by the side of the left. Care should be taken that these motions do not derange the position of the body. Front-FACE. This command is only given where it brings the right in front, or the tallest on the right. In all other cases, the word right or left should be used instead of Front. From the right or left face, to front, the command is simply Front. STEPS. The length of the direct military step or pace, in common time, is twenty-eight inches, reckoning from heel to heel; and its velocity, at the rate of ninety in a minute. This, it should be remembered, is the regular military step. Having explained the step, and illustrated it, the instructor will command,— Forward-Common Time-MARCH. At the word forward, the Sir Knight will throw the weight of the body on the right leg, but without bending the left knee. At the word march, he will promptly, but without a jerk, carry straight forward the left foot twenty-eight inches, the sole near the ground, the ham extended, the toe a little depressed, and, as also the knee, slightly turned out: he will, at the same time, throw the weight of the body forward, and plant the left foot flat, and without shock, the whole weight of the body resting on the advanced foot. He will then, in like manner, advance the right SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 7 foot; and thus continue to march, being careful not to cross the legs, or strike the one against the other, without turning the shoulders, and preserving always the face direct to the front, until the instructor shall command,- HALT. At the word halt (which should be given at the instant when either foot is coming to the ground), the foot in the rear is brought up and planted by the side of the other, without shock. The instructor should indicate, from time to time, the cadence, or time, of the step, by counting "one, two,-one, two," or "left,-left," giving the word at the instant the foot should be planted, and carefully observing the cadence of ninety steps in a minute. The principles of the step in quick time are the same as for common time; but its velocity is at the rate of one hundred and ten steps per minute. Το march in quick time, the command is, Forward-MARCH. Too much stress can scarcely be laid upon the importance of "keeping step" in marching; and it is particularly urged upon the reader-as the duty of those charged with the military instruction of Knights Templars-that they take especial pains to secure a good degree of promptness, precision, unity, and elasticity of step, in their respective Com- manderies. One means of securing this is by occa- sionally introducing into the drill one or two minutes' exercise in marking time. For this purpose, the command is,- Mark Time-MARCH. At the word march, the Sir Knight will make a semblance of marching by bringing the heels by the SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. side of each other, and observing the cadence of the step, by raising each foot alternately, without advancing. Whenever the instructor wishes the direct step to be resumed, be will command, Forward -MARCH. At the word march, the Sir Knight will step off with the left foot, and take the step of twenty- eight inches. If the command, mark time—MARCH, be given while the Sir Knight is marching in the direct step, he will, at the word march, immediately make the semblance of marching, as above described. To change step while on the march, the command is,-- Change Step-MARCH. At the word march, which should be given at the instant either foot is coming to the ground, bring the foot which is in rear by the side of that which is in front, and step off again with the foot which was in front. To march backward, the command is,- Backward-MARCH. At the word march, the Sir Knight will step off promptly with the left foot, fourteen inches to the rear reckoning from heel to heel, and so on with the feet in succession, till the command halt, when the foot in front will be brought back to the side of the other. For the side step to the right or left, the instructor will command,- Side Step to the Right (or Left)-MARCH. At the word march, the Sir Knight will turn his eyes to the right (or left), step off sidewise about twenty inches, bring the other foot promptly up to the side of the first, and so on, until ordered to Halt, and Front. SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. ALIGNMENTS. The Sir Knights having become sufficiently familiar with the position, facings, and the principles and mechanism of the step, the instructor may next pro- ceed to teach the principles of alignment. For this purpose, he is recommended to take eight or more Sir Knights, and teach them to align themselves man by man, the better to illustrate the rules of alignment. He should place them in one rank, elbow to elbow, and number them from right to left. He will then command the two on the right flank to march two paces to the front; and, having properly aligned them, he will caution the others to move up, as they are successively called, each by his number, and align themselves on the line of the two in advance. Each Sir Knight, as his number is called, will turn the head and eyes to the right, without turning his body, as already explained, and will march, in quick time, two paces forward, shortening the second step, so as to find himself about six inches behind the new line,- which he ought never to pass. He will then move up steadily, by steps of two or three inches, to the side of the Sir Knight next to him on the alignment; so that, without deranging the head, the line of the eyes, or that of the shoulders, he may just see the breast of the second Sir Knight from him, and find himself in the exact line of his nearest Knight, whose elbow he will lightly touch without opening his own,-the eyes remaining to the right. Having seen the rank well aligned, the instructor will command,— FRONT. At this command, all the Sir Knights will turn their eyes square to the front, and remain firm. Alignments to the left are executed on the same principle, and should be occasionally practised. 10 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. When the Sir Knights have learned to align them.. selves promptly and correctly, man by man, without groping or jostling, the instructor should cause the entire rank to align itself at once, by the command,- Right-DRESS. At the word dress, all, except the two placed in advance as the basis of alignment, will move up in quick time, and place themselves on the new line, according to the principles already explained. Dur- ing the execution of this command, the instructor should stand a few paces in front, facing the rank, to see that the directions are followed; and then pass to the flank which served as a basis, to verify the alignment. Having satisfied himself, he will com- mand,- FRONT. Left Dress is executed on the same principles, and should not be omitted in the elementary drills. Alignments to the rear are also executed on the same principles, the Sir Knights stepping back a little beyond the line, and dressing up to it as already described. The command is,- Right (or Left) - Backward-DRESS. The instructor may order this or that Sir Knight forward or back, designating each by his number; when the one designated will slightly turn his head toward the basis to judge how much he ought to move up or back, steadily placing himself on the line, and then turn his eyes to the front without a particular command to that effect. SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 11 MARCHES. The Sir Knights having learned to take steps equal in length and cadence (time) in both common and quick time, the instructor should cause them to execute, successively, at these different gaits, the march to the front, backwards, by the flank, by file, and to face about in marching. Unless otherwise directed in the command, the Sir Knights will always move off in quick time. The rank being first well aligned, when the instruc- tor wishes it to march by the front, he will place a well-instructed Sir Knight on the side he may wish the guide to be, and command,— Forward-Guide Right (or Left) —— March. At the word march, the Sir Knights will step off promptly with the left foot, each touching the elbow lightly toward the side of the guide. The guide should take care to march straight to the front, keep- ing his shoulders always on a square with that line. The Sir Knights should not open out either elbow; should yield to pressure coming from the side of the guide, and resist that coming from the opposite side: should recover by insensible degrees the light touch of the elbow, if lost; should keep the head direct to the front, on whichever side the guide may be; and, if any one finds himself behind or before the align- ment, he should correct himself by shortening or lengthening his steps by insensible degrees. It should be impressed upon the mind of the Sir Knights, that a correct alignment can only be preserved, in march- ing, by the regularity of the step, the touch of the elbow, and the maintenance of the shoulders on a square with the line of direction. Being well established in the principles of the direct march, the Sir Kuights should be exercised in 12 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. marching obliquely. For this purpose the instructor will command,— Right (or Left) Oblique-MARCH. At the word march, each Sir Knight will make a half face (one-eighth turn) to the right (or left); and all will then march straight forward in the new direc- tion. The Sir Knights will no longer touch elbows, but will glance along the shoulders of the nearest files, toward the side to which they are obliquing, and regulate their steps so that the shoulders shall always be behind that of their next neighbor on that side, and that his head shall conceal the heads of the other Sir Knights in the rank. Care should be taken that all preserve the same length of pace and the same degree of obliquity. To resume the direct march, the instructor will command,― Forward-MARCH. At the word march, each Sir Knight will make a half face to the right (or left), and all will then march straight to the front, as before. To face about in marching, the instructor will command,- Right About-MARCH. At the word march, which should be given at the instant the left foot is coming to the ground, each Sir Knight will bring his foot to the ground, and, turn- ing on it, face square to the rear, place the right foot in the new direction, and step off with the left foot, all without stopping. To march backward, the Sir Knights being at a halt, the instructor will command,- Backward-Guide Right (or Left) — MARCH. At the word march, the Sir Knights will take the backward step, as already explained. Care should SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 13 be taken in this exercise that the Sir Knights do not lean on each other. To march by the flank, the rank being at a halt and correctly aligned, the instructor will command,— Right (or Left)-FACE-Forward-MARCH. To march by the flank, the rank being in motion, the command will be,- By Right (or Left) Flank-MARCH. At the word march, each Sir Knight will turn a right angle (or face) to the right or left, as directed; and the whole rank will promptly move in the new direction, without a pause. To file right or left, the rank being marching by the flank, the command will be,— By File Right (or Left)- MARCH. At the word march, the Sir Knight on the right (the leading file of the moving body) will turn one quarter to the right or left, as directed, and move in the new direction, without pause; and each Sir Knight will, in succession, do the same,—or arriving at the point where the leader changed direction. WHEELINGS. In Wheelings are of two kinds; from halts, or on fixed pivots; and in march, or on movable pivots. In wheels from a halt, the pivot Sir Knight only turns in his place, without advancing or receding. wheels in marching, the Pivot Sir Knight takes steps. of about nine inches, so as to clear the wheeling point. In each case, the wheeling (or outside) Sir Knight will take the full step of twenty-eight inches. 14 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. To wheel from a halt, the instructor should place a well-instructed Sir Knight on the wheeling flank to conduct it, and command,- Right Wheel- MARCH. At the word march, the rank will step off with the left foot, each Sir Knight at the same time turning his head a little to the left, the eyes fixed on the line of the eyes of the Sir Knights to his left. The pivot Sir Knight will merely mark time gradually in turn- ing his body, so as to conform himself to the move- ment of the marching flank. The Sir Knight who conducts the marching flank will take the full step of twenty eight inches, and, from the first step, advance the left shoulder a little, cast his eyes from time to time along the rank, and constantly, but lightly, feel the elbow of the next Sir Kaight, but never press him. The others will feel lightly the elbow of next Sir Knight toward the pivot, resist pressure coming from the opposite side, and each will conform himself to the marching flank,-shortening his step according to his distance from the pivot. In exercising the Sir Knights in this movement, the instructor should cause them to wheel entirely round the circle, at least once or twice, before halting. The left wheel is executed according to the same principles. To execute the wheel in marching, the instructor will command,- Right Wheel-MARCH. The preparatory command should be given when the rank is yet four paces from from the wheeling point. At the word march, the wheel will be exe- cuted in the same manner as from a halt, except that the touch of the elbow will remain toward the march ing flank, or side of the guide, instead of side of the 1 1 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 15 actual pivot. The pivot Sir Knight, instead of merely turning in his place, will conform himself to the movement of the marching flank, feel lightly the elbow of the next Sir Knight, take steps of full nine inches, and thus gain ground forward so as to clear the point of the wheel. The middle of the rank should bend slightly to the rear. As soon as the wheel commences, the Sir Knight who con- ducts the marching flank should cast his eyes on the ground over which he has to pass. The wheel being completed, the instructor will command,- Forward-MARCH. The first command should be given when four paces are yet required to complete the wheel. The word march should be given at the instant of completion; when the Sir Knight who conducts the marching flank will direct himself straight forward, the pivot Sir Knight and all the rank will retake the step of twenty-eight inches, and bring the head direct to the front. MANUAL OF THE TEMPLAR'S SWORD. The attention of those having charge of this part of the military instruction of Knights Templars, is particularly directed to the importance of unity and precision of movement in the handling of the sword. A knowledge of the value and resources of actual sword practice would afford the Sir Knights great satisfaction. It would be found a graceful and invig- orating exercise, quickening the eye, giving poise and agility to the person, and enabling them to wield the weapon with that freedom and grace which characterized the Sir Knights of yore. The instructor will first explain what he proposes to teach, and then execute, by way of illustration, the movement before giving the command. He will take care that the position of the Sir Knights at a carry is correct, that the sword is held properly in the hand by the side, that the shoulders are even and square to the front. He will also be careful in giving command, when the movement about to be made is in two motions, not to give the command of execution until the first motion is completed, -this will add to the imposing effect of the movement, and reflect a corresponding degree of credit upon the Sir Knight executing it. The handling of the Templar's sword should always be preceded by a salute, which is the extension of the sword-arm in a graceful manner before seizing the weapon. This Knightly salute has been embod- ied in the manual, and takes precedence in drawing the sword from its scabbard, and is introduced as the first motion of Handle Sword. 16 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR 17 FIRST MOTION. SECOND MOTION. Handle-SwORD. Two Motions. At the command, Handle, the Sir Knight will exter his right arm gracefully its full length, with palm of the hand upward, fingers extended naturally. At the command, SWORD, seize the scabbard with the left hand without raising it, pass the right hand across the body to the hilt of the sword. 3 18 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR - FIRST MOTION. SECOND MOTION. Draw-Sword Two Motions. At the command, Draw, grasp the hilt of the sword firmly, draw it from the scabbard so much that the line of the arm shall be directly across the body. At the command, SWORD, draw the sword entirely from the scabbard with a full sweep, turn the hand gracefully and bring the hilt to the breast, the blade at an angle of about thirty degrees from the perpendicular. SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. Carry-ARMS. One Motion. At the command, ARMS, drop the blade of the sword into the hollow of the arm, holding the hilt between the thumb and two fingers near the helmet; bring the hand nearly to the thigh, the elbow a little bent and well back against the body, the edge of the sword to the front, the fingers of the left hand embracing the scabbard at the full length of the arm. 20 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 20 Present-ARMS. One Motion. At the command, ARMS, raise the right hand grace- fully and bring the sword square to the front of the face, the hand well brought in, guard on a level with the chin, the elbow supported on the body, the blade of the sword held at an angle of thirty degrees, or sufficient to clear the point of the chapeau. SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 21 FIRST MOTION. SECOND MOTION. Reverse-SwORD. Two Motions. At the command, Reverse, extend the right arm full length, sword perpendicular. At the command, SWORD, turn the wrist inward, lowering the point and carrying the blade of the sword to the rear, letting the hilt play. between the thumb and two fingers, the blade supported by the elbow close to the body, the hilt at the height of the shoulder and the sword held across the right side at an angle of forty-five degrees. To bring the sword back to a Carry, the command is, Recover-SwORD. Two Motions. At the command, Recover, extend the right arm, turn the wrist to the right until the sword is perpendicular. At the command, SWORD, bring the sword briskly back to a carry. 223 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 22 Cross-Sword. Two Motions. At the command, Cross, bring the sword to Present. At the command, SWORD, extend the right foot about eighteen inches and at the same time extend the right arm to its full length directly in front, at such elevation as to bring the right hand about on a level with the top of the head; the back of the hand turned to the left, the edge of the sword to the front, and cross the sword with that of the Sir Knight opposite. (The swords should cross each other at about six inches from the points. When properly done, the planting of the right foot and the crossing Care should be of the swords will be simultaneous. taken to keep the right arm straight, the common fault being to sink the elbow and thus contract the avenue thus formed.) SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 23 PAUSE AT FIRST MOTION. FIRST MOTION CONCLUDED. Return-Sword. Two Motions. At the command, Return, bring the sword to the position of Present, seize the scabbard at the opening with the thumb and two fingers of the left hand, turning the sword so that the point may be entered with the assistance of the fingers of the left hand without turning the head or casting the eyes down; the right hand as high as the chin and well towards the left, so that the sword is perpendicular. At the command, SWORD, sheathe the sword with a prompt and vigorous motion, letting the hands drop naturally at the sides. 24 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAB. Sword-Arm-REST. One Motion. At the command, REST, carry the right hand to the left and clasp it with the left hand, blade of the sword in the hollow of the elbow of the right arm. (This command is only given on the march to rest the sword arm.) SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 25 25 Support-ARMS. One Motion. At the command, ARMS, raise the left hand nearly open to the height of the breast, at the same time turning the point of the sword to the left, drop it between the thumb and fingers of the left hand, hold the sword diagonally across the body. When the Sir Knights are on public parade, at a halt, and it is desired to rest the sword arm and the body, the command will be, Parade―REST. 26 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. Parade REST. One Motion. At the command, REST, reverse the point of the sword until it reaches the ground between the feet; clasp the left hand over the right, which rests on the helmet of the hilt, (the weight of the body upon the right leg, the left knee bent.) At the command, ATTENTION, Resume the Carry by dropping the left hand, seize the hilt, raise the sword briskly with thumb and two fingers, and let the blade fall into the hollow of the shoulder, (the body erect upon the hips.) SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 27 SALUTE. Bring the sword to a Present, then drop the point of the sword to the right near the ground, the arm extended and the nails of the fingers upward, the point of the sword in line with the toes of the right foot. (If the salute is to be executed by individual Sir Knights, instead of officers, draw the sword and place it at a carry before entering the Asylum; after saluting, bring the sword to a carry, then return it to the scabbard, and be seated.) SALUTE WITHOUT SWORD. Extend the right hand and bring it up to the left breast, throw it easily and gracefully to the front, until the arm is nearly extended, then drop the hand at the side. TEMPLAR SWORD PRACTICE. The instructor will cause the Sir Knights to prac- tice the first principles of sword exercise which are embodied in moulinets. The moulinets are introduced for the purpose of exercising the wrist, the practice of which will secure a freedom and grace which will materially assist the Sir Knights in all movements of the sword. For Templar sword practice two moulinets have been introduced. The position of the Sir Knight in the practice is as follows: Heels close together, toes turned out, chest expanded, the body perfectly erect, shoulders square to the front and head and eyes to the front. The sword should be held firmly but not stiffly in the hand. The thumb and forefinger should always grasp the hilt, while the other fingers play loosely around it, according to the position of the sword as it describes a circle. RIGHT FRONT MOULINET. Extend the right arm directly in front of the body, holding the sword pointed horizontally to the front in carte, that is, the flat of the blade upward; whirl the sword in a horizontal plane to the left until it is directly over the head pointing horizontally to the rear, and continue the motion around the right side to the front, cutting from right to left. Keep the 28 SWORD PRACTICE. 29 hand always in front of the forehead, moving it in a straight line out to the full length of the arm and back, the elbow in front of the body. LEFT FRONT MOULINET Is precisely similar, only that the cutting is from left to right. CUTS. There are seven different ways of directing the edge of the sword,-and seven only. These are numbered from one to seven respectively, and are technically termed cuts. Of the seven, four are made in diagonal directions, two horizontally, and one perpendicularly, as illustrated in the following diagram: 7 2 G S To make a cut with effect, and at the same time without exposing the person, two points require par- ticular attention. The first is to acquire a facility in giving motion to the arm by means of the wrist and shoulder, without bending the elbow; the second, to attain correctness in applying the edge in the exact direction of the blade. By a neglect of the first rule, the sword arm is exposed; and of the second, the blade will turn in the hand; and, as the flat part 80 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. must receive the whole force of the blow, it will most likely be shivered to pieces. PREPARE TO GUARD. At this command, the Sir Knight should stand square upon both feet, and bring his sword to the same position as present,-the blade at an angle of about thirty degrees, or just sufficient to clear the chapeau. GUARD. At this command, advance the right foot about eighteen inches, resting the weight of the body prin- cipally upon the left; at the same time, extend the right arm directly in front, the back of the hand nearly perpendicular to the rear, the flat of the blade to the front; and cross swords with your opposite,- the blades crossing each other about midway between the point and the hilt. This position should always follow prepare to guard, and always precede the cuts. The crossing should be simultaneous with the planting of the right feet. Cut One. To make this cut, turn the wrist so as to bring the point of the sword over the right shoulder, and then sweep diagonally down from right to left,- towards the neck,-bringing the sword back with a graceful motion to the position of prepare to guard. Cut Two. Bring the point of the sword over the left shoulder, and then sweep diagonally down from left to right, towards the neck,-bringing the sword back to prepare to guard. Cut Three. Turn the wrist so as to bring the point of the sword on the right, near the ground, and sweep diagonally upward from right to left, bringing the sword back to prepare to guard. (This is called right under cut.) Cut Four. Turn the wrist so as to bring the point of the sword near the ground, on the left, and sweep 8WORD PRACTICE. 31 diagonally upward from left to right, bringing the sword back to prepare to guard. (This is called left under cut.) Cut Five. Turn the wrist so as to bring the point of the sword to the right, and sweep horizontally from right to left, on a line with the flank, bringing the sword back to prepare to guard. Cut Six. Sweep horizontally from left to right, on a line with the flank, bringing the sword back to prepare to guard. Cut Seven. Bring the point of the sword back over the head, and then cut down vertically to the centre, bringing the sword back to prepare to guard, as before. (This is called Head cut.) These directions for giving the cuts are intended more particularly as a guide to individual practice,- either with or without a diagram before the person exercising. Such practice is especially recommended for beginners, either in classes or singly,—and should always precede exercising in couples. For class practice, the Sir Knights should take distance by the point of the sword, the arm extended at full length. Although only a part of the above cuts are introduced into the Orders of Knighthood, viz: No. 1 corres- ponding with Cut Two; No. 2 corresponding with Cut One; No. 3 corresponding with Cut Four, and No. 4 corresponding with Cut Two, as illustrated by the following diagram, the occasional practice of all 4. 3 is recommended, as tending to secure a more free and graceful execution. In exercising by couples, the 32 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. instructor should be careful to time his commands equally-thus: "Prepare to guard-guard-two- one-four-two-advance-communicate-recover." THRUST. The Thrust is made by dropping the point of the sword directly in front, the arm fully extended, the sword turned in the hand, blade in carte, nails of the fingers upward; the weight of the body thrown for- ward at the same time upon the right leg, the knee bent. RECOVER. Bring the right foot back on line with the left, draw back the sword arm, drop the right hand at the side with sword at a carry. IN THE ASYLUM OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. TO FORM DIVISIONS. In forming divisions and all other military move- ments in the Asylum other than private escort, the Captain General is the proper executive officer unless the Eminent Commander himself be present and choose to assume the immediate command. When the proper time arrives the Captain General will command, Sir Knight Warder-LET THE TRUMPET BE SOUNDED. At the sound of the trumpet which should be prompt, and which is the signal to fall into line, the Senior Warden will take his post near the Captain General's station, and the Sir Knights will form in one rank on his left, facing the right, or East, tallest on the right, and about thirteen inches from each other, breast to back. If there be no trumpet, the Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights-FALL IN. (The Sir Knights being seated, will always, at the command, ATTENTION, SIR KNIGHTS, rise to their feet and stand fust until other commands are given.) The Sword Bearer, Standard Bearer and Warder do not 4 33 34 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. fall in with the rest. but remain standing in the West, facing the East. The grading, or sizing, being com pleted, the Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights--FRONT, When the Sir Knights will face to the left. The Junior Warden, who does not fall in with the rest, will take his post on the extreme left of the line. The Senior Warden having taken his post on the exact point where the right of the line is to rest, the Captain General, will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Right-DRESS-FRONT. The positions of the Officers and Sir Knights will then be as illustrated by the following diagram: 9 10 11 8 L EAST. 2 1 3 In the above and in the diagrams following, the officers will be numbered as follows: 1, Eminent Commander; 2, Generalissimo; 3, Captain General; TO FORM DIVISIONS. 35 4, Prelate; 5, Treasurer; 6, Recorder; 7, Senior Warden; 8, Junior Warden; 9, Sword Bearer; 10, Standard Bearer; 11, Warder; 12, Captain of the Guard. The Sir Knights being formed in one rank, or line, as above explained, the Captain General will draw his sword, advance to the centre and front of the line and command, Attention, Sir Knights- Handle-SWORDS-Draw-SWORDS - Carry-ARMS— CALL OFF FROM THE RIGHT BY TWOS. The first Sir Knight on the left of the Senior War- den pronounces "One;" the next Sir Knight, "Two;" the next, "One;" the next, "Two," and so on, through the line. The Senior and Junior Wardens do not count. The counting being completed, the Captain General will command, In Two Divisions-Right-FACE-MARCH. At the command, FACE, the whole line will turn one quarter round to the right. At the command, MARCH, those numbered One will stand fast, while those numbered Two will step briskly to the right side of numbers One. The Sir Knights are now formed into files of two abreast. Those of the numbers One constitute the "First Division," and those of the numbers Two constitute the "Second Division." Care should be taken that the space or interval made vacant by the numbers Two is preserved, and that at the command, MARCH, every number Two should make the step to the right at the same moment. 36 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. This movement being completed, the Captain General will command, Officers-PosTS. At the command, Posts, the Senior Warden will take command of the First Division. The Junior Warden will take his post on the right and command the Second Division. The Captain General will then command, Attention, Sir Knights-Front-FACE. The positions of the officers and divisions will then De as follows: 9 10 11 3 8 2 1 EAST. TO FORM INTO LINE FROM TWO DIVISIONS. The Sir Knights being in two divisions, and faced to the front, the Captain General will command, Attention, Second Division-Into Line-MARCH. The Sir Knights composing the Second Division and numbered Twos, will at the command, MARCH, TO FORM IN THREE DIVISIONS. 37 step briskly to the left and front, taking their original place in line on the left of the numbers One. The Junior Warden at the same time will take his position on the extreme left of the line. If the Sir Knights have not been faced to the front, and it is desired to bring them into one rank, the Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights- Undouble, Into Line, Left-FACE-MARCH. At the command, FACE, they will face to the left, and at the command, MARCH, they will execute the same movement as above explained. The Captain General will then command, Right-DRESS-FRONT. The Sir Knights are now in position to form Three Divisions. 66 TO FORM IN THREE DIVISIONS. The Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights- CALL OFF FROM THE RIGHT BY THREES. "" The Sir Knights will call from the right to the left of the line, "One," "Two," "Three," "One," "Two,' Three," commencing with the file next to the Senior Warden. When the counting is completed the Captain General will command, In Three Divisions-Right-FACE-MARCH. At the command, FACE, each Sir Knight will face to the right; and at the command, MARCH, those numbered One will stand fast; each numbered Two will, by one oblique step to the right, place himself on the right of number One; and each numbered Three will take two full side steps to the right, and then, by one full step to the front with the left foot, 38 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. place himself on the right of number Two; thus forming them into files of three abreast, and faced to the right. Those numbered One constitute the "First Division;" those numbered Two, the Second Division; and those numbered Three, the "Third Division." The Captain General will then command, Officers-POSTS. 66 At the command, Posts, the Senior Warden will promptly take his position on the right of the first division, the Sword Bearer on the right, the Standard Bearer in the centre, and the Warder on the left, of the second division, and the Junior Warden on the right of the third division. The Captain General will then command, Front-FACE-Right-DRESS-FRONT. The positions of the officers and divisions will then be as follows: EAST. 2 1 4 7 11 - 10 - 9 S SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 39 INSPECTION OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. The Sir Knights being formed into Two Divisions, swords at a carry, as already directed, the Captain Generai will command, Attention, Sir Knights-PREPARE FOR INSPECTION, Then advance to the front and centre of the first division, and command, Attention, First Division- From Centre Side Step to the Right and Left-MARCH, Sufficient space baving been made for the Standard Guard, he will command, HALT. Attention, Standard Guard- Handle-SWORDS - Draw-SWORDS -- Carry-ARMS- File Left-MARCH. Right-FACE-Forward When opposite the interval made in the first division, he will command, HALT-Right-FACE. Attention, Sir Knights-Present—ARMS, And after the Standard Guard has acknowledged the salute to the banner, he will command, Standard Guard, Into Line-MARCH-About-FACE. Attention, Sir Knights-Carry-ARMS. He will then command, TO THE REAR OPEN ORDER. At the command, To THE REAR OPEN ORDER, the Junior Warden will step back three paces; the Captain General will then command, MARCH. At this command the second division will fall back three paces, on line with the Juuior Warden. 40 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. Attention, Sir Knights-Right-DRESS-FRONT. At the command, FRONT, the Senior Warden and Standard Guard step one pace to the front. The Junior Warden will pass down in rear of the second division to one pace in front and on the left of the first division. The Captain General will then place himself two paces in front of the Standard, and inform the Eminent Commander that the lines are formed for Inspection. Upon the approach of the Eminent Commander, the Captain General will command, Present-ARMS. He will then resume his former position of face to the front, and bring his sword to salute. As the Eminent Commander passes each file, the Sir Knight will turn his sword so that both sides of the blade may be inspected; this movement is made by turning the wrist so that the nails of the fingers shall be outward, then immediately after he has passed resume the former position. Officers salute as the Eminent Commander passes; Standard is dropped. 2 8 3 11 10 9 7 EAST. REHEARSAL. 41 The foregoing diagram exhibits the positions of the officers and divisions as above described, and also the line of march of the Eminent Commander. On returning to the right of the lines the Eminent Commander will order, PREPARE FOR REHEARSAL. Attention, Sir Knights-Carry-ARMS-Officers-POSTS. At the command, Posts, the Captain General will place himself on the left, and the Generalissimo on the right of the Eminent Commander; the Senior Warden on the left of the first division; the Junior Warden on the left of the second division, and the Standard Guard at the opening at the foot of the lines facing the Eminent Commander. The officers having taken their respective posts, the Eminent Commander will command, Attention, First Division- On Centre Side Step to the Right and Left-MARCH- HALT-About-FACE. Attention, Sir Knights- TAKE DISTANCE BY THE POINT OF THE SWORD. At this command, each Sir Knight in the two divi- sions will drop the point of his sword to his left, and extend the right arm across the body, so that the right hand will rest against the left breast, the back of the hand to the front, the blade of the sword extending horizontally across the breast of the Sir Knight next on his left. The Senior Warden will immediately command, First Division-Side Step to your Right. The Junior Warden will, at the same time, command, Second Division-Side Step to the Left. 42 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. The preparatory commands given, the Eminent Commander will add, MARCH. At this command, the Sir Knighis will turn their heads towards the East, and by a side step to the West gain distance equal to the length of the sword blade from the Sir Knight next toward the East, and Halt. The Standard Guard will retreat with the extension of the lines towards the West. The Sir Knights, as soon as they are in position and have halted, will carry arms. The Sir Knights of the second division will be careful to align upon the corresponding Sir Knights of the first division, so that they will be exactly opposite each other. The leading files on the right, or East, on the extension of the lines, stand fast. The following illustrates the positions at the completion of the movements: 11 8 10 == 9 EAST. 213 REHEARSAL. 43 The are communicated either through or across the lines, or alternately, at the discretion of the Eminent Commander. To communicate through the lines, the Eminent Commander will face to the Generalissimo, and command, Attention, Sir Knight Generalissimo ADVANCE, AND COMMUNICATE TO ME. RECEIVE IT FROM THE SIR KNIGHT ON YOUR right. The Generalissimo does the same to the Sir Knight on his right, who will about face, and repeat it to the next, and so on, until it has passed the entire circuit, to the Captain General, who will report to the Emi- nent Commander that he has received the as it has come through the lines. The latter will com- mand him to advance, and communicate it to him; and, if right, will so declare it. The direction of communication may be reversed at discretion. To communicate through both lines simultaneously, the Eminent Commander will first command the Generalissimo, as above; then face to the South, repeat a similar order to the Captain General, and cominand him to receive the communication from the Sir Knight on his left. Each Sir Knight, on being commanded, Attention, Sir Knight, will face to the East, and present; and at the command, Advance, &c., will communicate in due form. At the command, Receive it, &c., he will about face, and command the Sir Knight next to him in a like manner; the move- ment passing down each line at the same time. On reaching the Sir Knights next to the Senior and Junior Wardens, they will say, Attention, Sir Knight Junior (or Senior) Wardens- ADVANCE, AND RECEIVE FROM ME ". The Junior Warden will then command the Senior Warden to receive from him as it has come 44 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. down through the line. The Senior Warden will then face to the Fast, and inform the Eminent Com- mander that he has received as it has come down through the lines. He is commanded to advance, and communicate it. The Eminent Commander responds, Right, Sir Knight. About-FACE-To your Post-MARCH. To communicate across the lines, the Eminent Commander will command, Attention, Sir Knights-PREPAre to Guard. At the command, PREPARE TO GUARD, each Sir Knight will bring his sword to the same position as present. The Eminent Commander will then command, First Division Advance and Communicate to the Second Division the GUARD. At the command, GUARD, each Sir Knight of both divisions will promptly advance his right foot about eighteen inches, resting the weight of his body prin- cipally on his left, and at the same instant extend his right arm directly in front, the back of his hand to the rear, the flat of his blade to the front, and cross swords with the Sir Knight directly opposite to him; the swords crossing each other at nearly a right angle, and about midway between the point and the hilt. To secure uniformity of motion, the Eminent Commander will do well to call off the cuts by their numbers; at least, until his command are familiar with them. The communication having passed, he will command, Recover-Swords. The First and Second Divisions should advance and communicate alternately. 1 TO FORM TRIANGLE. 45 The exercises being completed, the Eminent Commander, should he desire it, will say, Sir Knight Captain General-YOU WILL FORM TRIANGLE. The Eminent Commander and Generalissimo having returned to their stations in the East, the Captain General will command, Attention, First Division-About-FACE-Second Division -Ciose Order-MARCH. When the second division has arrived at its proper distance behind the files of the first idvision, he will command, Second Division-Into `Line-MARCH. At the command, MARCH, the second division will step to the left and front and take its position as in one rank, the Senior Warden taking his post on the right, the Junior Warden on the left of the line. The Captain General will now command, Attention, Sir Knights- Right-DRESS-FRONT-Call off from the Right by Threes-IN THREE DIVISIONS-Right-FACE-- MARCH-Officers-Posts. When the officers take their posts as in forming into Three Divisions, each faced to the right. The Captain General will command, Close Intervals-MARCH, At the command, MARCH, the first file of three, composing the leading files of each division, stand fast, the others closing up on them, leaving a space, or interval, of about thirteen inches between each file, and halt. 46 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. The Captain General will now command, Attention, Sir Knights-FORM TRIANGLE. The officers of divisions will then give promptly the following orders: The Senior Warden- First Division-COUNTERMARCH BY FILe Left. The Sword Bearer- Second Division-BY FILE LEFT. The Junior Warden- Third Division-MARK TIME. These preparatory commands given, the Captain General will command, MARCH. The first and second divisions will move off simultaneously, -the first countermarching to the West, the second filing to the North. The Sword -Bearer should step one pace forward before filing to the left, so as to clear the first division. As soon as the last Sir Knight in the second division files to the left, the Junior Warden will command, Third Division-By File Left-MARCH. When the Senior Warden arrives at the point upon which the base of the triangle is to rest, he will command, First Division-HALT-Right-FACE-Left-DRESS- FRONT. When the Sword Bearer reaches the proper point North, he will file to the left; and, on arriving oppo- site the Senior Warden, he will again file to the left, TO FORM TRIANGLE. 47 and march his division to the South, on a line at right angles to the first division, his right resting on the Senior Warden. He will then command, Second Division-HALT-Front-FACE-Right-DRESS -FRONT. When the Junior Warden arrives at the point opposite the Senior Warden, he will command, Third Division-HALT-Front-FACE-Right-DRESS -FRONT. These movements executed, the Captain General will command, - First and Third Divisions. Left and Right Wheel- MARCH-HALT. The Senior and Junior Wardens will then align their divisions, -the first by left, the latter by right, dress, when the Captain General will command, Return-SwORDS. He will then announce to the Eminent Commander that the triangle is formed. The following diagram illustrates the positions of the officers and divisions. The dotted lines show the line of march of the several divisions from their place of starting. 48 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 11 4 2 ៖ At the conclusion of the ceremonies for which the triangle was formed, the Eminent Commander, should he desire to dismiss the Sir Knights for other duties; will command, Attention, Sir Knights-To Your Posts-MARCH. EAST. SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 49 RE-FORMING DIVISIONS AFTER FORMING TRIANGLE. If it is desired to have the command back to its position in Three Divisions, as before the formation of the Triangle, the Captain General will command, Re-Form Divisions-First and Third Divisions-About- FACE-Right and Left Wheel-MARCH-HALT— First and Second Divisions-Right-Third Division- Left-FACE. These movements having been executed, (as illustrated by the following diagram,) ------------ The Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights-FORWARD. EAST. 5 50 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. The officers of divisions will immediately give the following commands: The Senior Warden- First Division-COUNTERMARCH BY FILE RIGHT. The Sword Bearer- Second Division-FILE LEFT. The Junior Warden- Third Division-FILE LEFT. The Captain General will add- MARCH, When the divisions will move off at the same time, and form Three Divisions by the Flank. The Senior Warden, when he arrives at the point where the right of his division stood before forming triangle, will halt. The Sword Bearer, when he arrives on a line with the Senior Warden, will halt his division. The Junior Warden, when he arrives at the turning point of the second division, will again command, Third Division-File Left-MARCH. And when he arrives on a line with the Sword Bearer, will halt his division. The Captain General will then command, Attention, Sir Knights-Front-FACE-Right-Dress— FRONT. SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 51 TO FORM INTO LINE FROM THREE DIVISIONS AT CLOSE ORDER. If it is desired to bring the Sir Knights into line from three divisions, after the formation of the triangle, it is first necessary to gain the space or interval of three files, before halting the command. The Captain General will command, RE-FORM DIVISIONS AT OPEN INTERvals. At this command, the Sir Knights of the first division will shorten step and take distance from each other of three files before halting, and when the second division passes the turning point to the left, they will shorten step and take same distance. The third division, after filing up to the left, will in same manner take distance, so that when the three divisions are halted there is interval of three files between each, as when first formed into three divisions. The Captain General will now command, Attention, Sir Knights— By Divisions-Into Line-Left-FACE-MARCH. At the command, FACE, the three divisions will face to the front, and at the command, MARCH, num- bers Two will step briskly to the left of numbers One, and the numbers Three by two steps to the left and side of numbers Two. The Sword Bearer and Warder, after the command, FACE, has been given, take their posts on the front and rear of the Standard and face to the front; and at the command, MARCH, come into line by the same movements as the other Sir Knights. The Junior Warden, at the same time, will take his post on the left of the line. 52 12 PCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. ་ TO FORM INTO FILE FROM THREE DIVISIONS ON THE MARCH. The Sir Knights marching in three divisions by the flank, and the interval of three files being preserved, the Captain General will command, Into File-Undouble Divisions—MARCH. At the command, MARCH, number One will continue the march; number Two will turn his left shoulder to the rear, shorten his step and fall behind number One; number Three, at the same time, will fall behind number Two in like manner. The Junior Warden takes his post on the extreme left of the file; the Sword Bearer and Warder on each side of the Standard, in file. TO FORM TRIANGLE IN A SMALL ASYLUM. The Sir Knights having been formed into three divisions, faced to the right, and officers at their posts, the same commands are given as before explained, with the exception that the first division does not countermarch, but will stand fast, the left of the divisions having been placed on the line of the base of the triangle to be formed. At the command, FORM TRIANGLE, The Senior Warden will command, First Division-About-FACE. And at the command, ⇓ MARCH, He will take his post on the left of his division, as though it had countermarched. The second and TO RE-FORM IN THREE DIVISIONS. E3 third divisions, at the command, MARCH, execute the same movements as before explained for execution in larger halls. The following diagram illustrates that part of the movement before closing the triangle: EAST. TO RE-FORM IN THREE DIVISIONS. To re-form the divisions from the triangle in small hall, the movement is executed in same manner as before explained, with the exception that the first division does not countermarch. The Senior Warden will command, First Division-About-FACE, And at the command, MARCH, Resume his post on the right of his division. The second and third divisions, after they have been 54 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. faced to the right, will march to their respective positions, as before explained. The following diagram illustrates the line of march and the position of the divisions: II∞-- OL 7 1 EAST. REVIEWS IN ASYLUM OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. TO FORM FOR REVIEW IN TWO DIVISIONS. The Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights-PREPARE FOR REVIEW. At this command, the Sir Knights will be formed in two divisions, with swords at a carry, when the Captain General will advance to the centre of the lines and command, From Centre-Divisions-Side Step to the Right and Left -MARCH, Making space for the reception of the Standard, which will be received in same manner as at inspec- tion, and when in line of the first division, he will command, Attention, Sir Knights—Right—FACE-Officers-POSTS. At the command, Posts, the Senior Warden will step to the centre and on the right of both divisions, and command the right wing. The Junior Warden will file to the left, and take his position in rear of Standard, and command the left wing. The Standard Guard, at the command, Right-FACE, will face to the right, and at the command, Posts, will take their 55 56 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. posts-the Sword Bearer on the right and the Warder on the left of the Standard. The Captain General will take his post two paces in advance, and on the left of the Senior Warden, and command, Attention, Sir Knights-Forward-MARCH. The following diagram illustrates the formation of Two Divisions to pass in review. EAST. 8 11 01 9 8 When the command has reached the distance of three paces from the reviewing officer, the Captain General will command, Present-ARMS. The officers will salute, and the Standard is dropped as they approach the station. The salute will be acknowledged by the reviewing officer raising his chapeau. After the left wing has passed three paces from the station, the Captain General will command, TO FORM FOR REVIEW BY THREES. 57 Carry-ARMS, And on arriving at the starting point, he will command, HALT-FRONT. At the command, FRONT, the Standard Guard will face to the front on line with the first division. The Senior and Junior Wardens taking their posts on the right of their respective divisions. The Captain General will now command, Attention, Standard Guard- Two Paces Forward-MARCH-About-FACE. Attention, Sir Knights-Present-ARMS-Carry-ARMS. Attention, Standard Guard-Right-FACE-Forward- MARCH-File Right-MARCH-HALT-FRONT. The Standard Guard having taken their station in the West, Attention, Sir Knights- Right-DRESS-FRONT- Return-SWORDS-Right- - FACE-Break Ranks-MARCH. TO FORM FOR REVIEW BY THREES. The Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights-PREpare for ReVIEW. At this command, the Sir Knights will be formed in one rank, and after being counted off by threes, with swords at a carry, the Captain General will command, By Threes Into Column-Right Wheel. At this command, the guides being right, or num- pers One, will promptly caution their files of threes 53 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. to right wheel, and then face themselves to the right. The Captain General will then add, MARCH, When the files of three will wheel to the right in column and align on the guides which stand fast. The following diagram illustrates the movement: 9 10 11 8 EAST. 213 The Captain General will then command, Attention, Standard Guard-Handle-SWORDS-Draw- SWORDS-Carry-ARMS-Forward—MARCH. And when they arrive at the interval of the centre of the column, he will command, By the Right Flank-MARCH, And when in position, HALT FRONT. INTO LINE FROM COLUMN. 59 The Senior Warden will command the right wing and the Junior Warden the left wing of the column. The Captain General will take his position on the left and front of the Senior Warden and command, Forward-Guide Right-MARCH, The movements in column passing in review being the same as when formed in two divisions. If the Standard has been received with honors before, it is not required to do so a second time in executing these movements. The Standard should be received with due honors, and the Guard should always acknowledge the salute. When the Standard is to be taken from the ranks it should also be saluted. TO FORM INTO LINE FROM COLUMN OF THREES. After the review, and it is desired to dismiss the Sir Knights for other duties, the column being at a balt, the Captain General will command, By Threes-Left into Line Wheel. The guides being now left, or numbers Three, will caution their files to left wheel and then face themselves to the front, the Captain General will add, MARCH, When the whole will wheel by the file into line. The Junior Warden, at the command, MARCH, will take his position on the left of the line. The Captain General will now command, Attention, Standard Guard- Three Paces to the Front-MARCH-About-FACE. Attention, Sir Knights-Present—ARMS- 60 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. The Standard will acknowledge the honors- Carry-ARMS. Attention, Standard Guard-Right-FACE-Forward- MARCH-File Right-MARCH-HALT-FRONT, Attention, Sir Knights-Right-DRESS-FRONT- Return-SWORDS-Right face--To your Posts—March. TO FORM PASSION CROSS IN ASYLUM. In executing this movement, it is advisable to select fifteen Sir Knights-placing the most competent on the right of the sections to act as chiefs-they having been formed in line, divided in five sections, swords at a carry; the Standard Guard placed in the line between the sixth and seventh files; the Senior Warden on the right, and the Junior Warden on the left of the line. The Captain General will now command, Attention, Sir Knights-By Sections into Column. At this command, the chiefs of each section will order, Right Wheel, And then face themselves to the right, when the Captain General will command, MARCH. The sections will then wheel into column on their respective guides; the Standard Guard wheeling on the Sword Bearer in same manner; the Senior War- den in the centre and front of the first section; the Junior Warden in the centre and rear of the fifth section. The column having been placed in the centre TO FORM PASSION CROSS. 61 of the Asylum, and directly in front of the Eminent Commander, the Captain General will command, FORM CROSS. The chiefs will now order their respective sections as follows: First Section-By the Right Flank File Left. Second Section-Right Oblique. Third Section-Left Oblique. Fourth Section-By the Right Flank File Left. Fifth Section-By the Right Flank File Left. These preparatory commands having been given, the Captain General will command, MARCH, The When the sections will be formed into a Cross. first section will be halted on the Senior Warden, who takes his post on the right and front three files distant of the guide of the first division at the com- mand, FORM CROSS. The second section will oblique to the right. The Standard Guard will forward at slow time until the second section has uncovered, when they will oblique a little to the right and take post in rear of the first section. The third section will oblique slightly to the left and halt when in line with the Standard; the second and third sections will align on the Standard; the first section will cover the Senior Warden; the fourth and fifth sec- tions will cover the Standard in file. The Sir Knights should march steadily and at common time. The following diagrams illustrate the formation of the Passion Cross from line: 62 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 7 1 --11 10 9-. ་ ∞ 9 10 11 TO FORM GREEK CROSS. 63 In To form a Greek Cross in the Asylum, the disposition of the guides will differ from the Passion Cross. forming the four sections the Senior Warden will take the right of the first section, the Sword Bearer the right of the second, the Warder the left of the third, the Junior Warden the left of the fourth and the Standard Bearer between the second and third sec- tions. The movements are exactly the same as in forming the Passion Cross with five sections. The following diagram illustrates the positions of the officers and the forming Cross: 00 8 8 11 10 BEST WAR MAN 6 7 10 64 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR TO FORM IN COLUMN FROM PASSION CROSS IN ASYLUM. The Captain General will command, BY SECTIONS INTO COLUMN. The chiefs of the sections will order the Cross to be broken by the following commands: First Section-By File Right. Second Section-Forward. Third Section-Right Oblique. Fourth Section-By File Right. Fifth Section-By File Right. These preparatory commands having been given, the Captain General will command, MARCH. The chief of the first section will, as soon as the third file has turned to the right, command, By the Left Flank-MARCH. The chief of the second will still continue the MARCH; the third section and the Standard Guard oblique to the right and take their position in rear of the second section then Forward-March. The chiefs of the fourth and fifth sections execute the same movements as the first section. When they are in column, and at the proper distance from each other, the Captain General will command, Column-HALT. PRELATE'S ESCORT. The Senior Warden will command the Sir Knights to FALL IN. He will form them into two divisions, with swords at a carry, and will order the Warder to inform the Prelate that the escort is ready, and awaits his pleasure. The Warder will accompany the Prelate to his post, on the left of the escort. As the Prelate reaches the right of the lines, the Senior Warden will command, Present-ARMS, And when the Prelate reaches the left, the Senior Warden will command, Carry-ARMS-Right-FACE-Forward MARCH. File Left- On arriving at the Prelate's chamber, the Senior Warden (if the apartments will allow of it,) will command, Open Order MARCH. At the command, MARCH, the two divisions will oblique to the right and left, (without shortening the steps,) until the space required is gained by the first files; then they will march directly forward. 6 65 66 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. On reaching the proper position, the Senior Warden will command, HALT-Inward-FACE-Present-ARMS. When the Prelate has passed through the lines to his station, the Senior Warden will command, Carry-ARMS. During any further use of the escort, if it remains in the Prelate's chamber, the Senior Warden will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Present-ARMS-UN-COVER. At the command, UNCOVER, the Sir Knights will, with the left hand, gently lift the chapeau from the head, and place it on the right shoulder, passing the left fore-arm between the sword hand and the chest. After the ceremonies for which the escort was formed are concluded, the Senior Warden will command, Attention, Sir Knights-RE-COVER- Carry-ARMS- Left and Right-FACE-Forward-MARCH, And when they have arrived at the East, in open order, he will command, HALT. Attention, Sir Knights-Inward-FACE-Return- SWORDS-Left and Right FACE-To your Posts— MARCH. - If it is desired to escort the Prelate from his apart- ments in the manner as above directed, the escort will stand fast, at open order, inward faced, until the Prelate has passed through the lines to the East, when the escort will be dismissed. No salute will be given as he passes through the lines on his return to the East. RECEPTION OF A GRAND COMMANDER. When a Grand Commander of Knights Templar has signified his intention to visit a Subordinate Com- mandery, he should be received with honors due his exalted station; and when his presence has been announced as in waiting, the Eminent Commander will appoint the Generalissimo and Captain General as a committee on behalf of the Subordinate Com- mandery, to receive and introduce its Grand Com- mander into the Asylum. The Eminent Commander will then command, Attention, Sir Knights. At this command, every Sir Knight will rise to his feet, and stand fast. He will then say: "Sir Knight Senior Warden, you will form detach- ment for escort duty, under the charge of the com- mittee, in the duties of receiving with honors, into our Asylum, the Right Eminent Grand Commander of the State of Ohio." The Senior Warden will then select eight well qualified Sir Knights from those now standing, for the detachment, saying, as he makes the selection, Sir Knight, One Pace Forward-MARCH. After the number has been selected, the Eminent Commander will order the Sir Knights to be seated 67 68 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. The Senior Warden will then command, Escort-FALL IN, When the Sir Knights selected for duty will fall into line, the tallest on the right, facing the East. The Senior Warden will then command, Attention, Escort- FRONT-Right-DRESS-FRONT- CALL OFF FROM THE RIGHT BY TWOS- Handle-SWORDS-Dram-SWORDS-Carry-ARMS- In Two Divisions-Right-FACE-MARCH- Front-FACE. The Senior Warden will then say: "Eminent Commander, the escort is ready, and awaits the pleasure of the committee." The Eminent Commander will then say: "Sir Knights Generalissimo and Captain General, you will retire, and receive our Right Eminent Grand Commander with honors, and escort him into our Asylum." As The Generalissimo and Captain General will then pass along the front of the escort, to the left. they arrive on the right, the Senior Warden will command, Present-ARMS, And when they have marched to the left, he will command, Carry-ARMS-Right-FACE-Forward-File Left- MARCH, Then place himself on the left of the right file of the first division, and march to the apartments where the Right Eminent Grand Commander is in waiting. RECEPTION OF GRAND COMMANDER. 69 9 The escort will now be halted, faced to the front, and while the Committee are engaged with the Right Eminent Grand Commander, the escort will present arms, and remain so during the ceremony. When the Right Eminent Grand Commander is ready to enter the Asylum, the Captain General will order the Senior Warden to LEAD ON. The detachment will march by the flank into the Asylum, the Generalissimo on the right and the Cap- tain General on the left of the Right Eminent Grand Commander, as escort to his person. When the detachment has arrived in the centre of the hall, and has filed to the East, the Senior Warden will command, Open Order MARCH, And on reaching the East, HALT-Inward-FACE-Present-APмs. The Eminent Commander now receives the Right Eminent Grand Commander, vacating the East, and conducts him to the station. The Senior Warden commanding, Cross-SWORDS. When the Right Eminent Grand Commander and officers pass under the "Arch of Steel" to the East, and when seated, the Senior Warden will command, Recover-ARMS. The remaining Sir Knights in the Asylum, after the detachment has moved to the ante-room, will, at the order from the Junior Warden, Attention, Sir Knights, rise to their feet, in their places. He will then order the Standard Guard to their position in the West, 70 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. where the Standard will be displayed during the presence of the Right Eminent Grand Commander. The Junior Warden will command, Handle-Swords-Draw-SWORDS—Carry—ARMS. The Sir Knights will stand in their places during the entrance of the detachment, with swords at a carry, until the escort present, when they will do like- wise, and stand at present during the formal ceremony of welcome. When the Right Eminent Grand Commander is seated in the East, the Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights- Carry-ARMS-Return-SWORDS-Attention, Escort- Left and Right-FACE-Attention, Sir Knights— To your Posts—MARCH. The Right Eminent Grand Commander has now full charge of the Commandery, and if intimating his desire to inspect, review, or to witness any movement in the Asylum, the manoeuvre will be executed, as explained in this work, suitable to such occasions. The Captam General will be the executive officer, and will receive orders from the Right Eminent, Grand Commander, for the execution of any details relating to the military instruction of Knights Templar. RECEPTION OF THE GRAND MASTER OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. If the Grand Master of Knights Templar of the United States should signify his intention to visit a Subordinate Commandery of this jurisdiction, the Commandery, as soon as it can conveniently be done, will send a committee to the hotel or place where he can be found, to escort him to the Asylum; during the absence of the committee the detachment for escort duty will be selected, formed in two divisions with swords at a carry and marched to the ante-room, halted, faced to the front, and at parade rest. The Senior Warden, or captain of the detachment, on the right of the first file of the first division. The remaining Sir Knights in the Asylum will be formed also in two divisions with swords at a carry, and formed in two lines at open order, inward faced, at such distance apart that the detachment of escort can readily pass inside of their lines, and await the announcement of the Grand Master, when they will present, and stand thus during the ceremonies of reception. Standard Guard in the West. On the approach of the Grand Master, escorted by the com- mittee to the outer hall, the detachment will present, then carry, and stand at parade rest until the Grand Master and committee have equipped themselves. 71 72 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. When the Grand Master indicates that he is ready to enter the Asylum, he will be duly announced, and the escort will move to the Asylum in two divisions by the flank; when they are in centre and have filed to the East, they will open order, and when the right has arrived at the station they will halt, inward face, and present. The Grand Master, escorted in person by the committee, will halt at the opening of the left of the escort. The Eminent Commander will formally receive the Grand Master and vacate the East. After the ceremonies of reception are concluded, the Emi- nent Commander will escort the Grand Master to the station, the detachment forming the arch of steel over him as he passes, and recover as soon as he is seated. The Sir Knights will then be dismissed to their posts, leaving the East in charge of the Grand Master and officers of the highest rank. IN THE COUNCIL OF KNIGHTS OF THE RED CROSS. TO FORM THE LINES FOR RECEPTION OF THE SOVEREIGN MASTER.. The Chancellor and Master of Palace being at their stations, the Master of Palace will say, Attention, Sir Knight Master of Cavalry- You will form the lines for the reception of our Sovereign Master. The Master of Cavalry, having formed the Sir Knights in two divisions, with swords at a carry, as before explained, he will command, Attention, First Division-Three Paces to the Front- Forward-MARCH-About-FACE- Left-DRESS-FRONT. Should the divisions be first formed too far to the South to bring the opening exactly opposite the station of the Sovereign Master, by the movement above directed (as frequently happens), it is easily remedied by adding one or more paces to the advance of the first division, and then advancing the second until the required distance is obtained. 78 74 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR When the Sovereign Master is to be received, the Chancellor and Master of Palace file between the lines, without salute, and on approaching the Warder's station the Master of Palace will order him to accom- pany them, and they then proceed to the apartment of the Sovereign Master, when the Master of Palace informs him that the lines are formed for his reception and await his pleasure. He will reply, "I will accom- pany you, Sir Knights-Sir Knight Warder, lead on!" The Warder moves forward, the Sovereign Master, Chancellor, Master of Palace and Prelate following in order; and as they approach the Council Chamber the Warder sounds the trumpet, when the Master of Cavalry will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Present-ARMS. On arriving at the foot of the lines the Warder will step aside to his post, while the Sovereign Master with his principal officers will pass through the lines to the East, and as soon as the officers have taken their stations the Master of Cavalry will command, Carry-ARMS. He then salutes the Master of Palace, and surren- ders the command to him. If the Sovereign Master does not desire at this time any other movements, the Master of Palace will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Return Swords-Divisions, Left and Right-FACE-To your Posts-MARCH. TO FORM LINES FOR THE DEPARTURE OF THE SOVEREIGN MASTER. The lines are formed exactly in the same manner as for the reception. When the Sovereign Master is informed by the Master of Palace that the lines are TO FORM DETACHMENT FOR ESCORT DUTY. 75 formed and await his pleasure, the Master of Cavalry will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Present-ARMS The Warder will receive the Sovereign Master at the foot of the lines, salute, and promptly lead off. The Master of Cavalry and Master of Infantry will, as soon as the cortege passes them, countermarch inward their respective lines, and follow. When they reach the last files, the Master of Cavalry will command, Carry-ARMS. The further commands are given by the Sovereign Master in person. TO FORM DETACHMENT FOR ESCORT DUTY. When a detachment is required for escort duty, the Sovereign Master having ordered an officer to com- mand, the latter will, after selecting six Sir Knights, form them in two divisions, with swords at a carry, and then place himself on the left of the first file, and command, Escort-Forward-MARCH. Ou returning to the Council Chamber he will com- mand, Open Order MARCH. Place his charge in the centre of the detachment, and when arrived at the East will command, HALT-Inward-FACE. To require the detachment for other duties he will command, First Division-About-FACE-Second Division-Close Order-MARCH-Right-FACE--Forward by File Left-MARCH. 76 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. INSPECTION OF KNIGHTS OF THE RED CROSS. The Master of Palace will command, Attention, Sir Knights-PREPARE FOR INSPECTION. The Sir Knights having been formed in two divi- sions, with swords at a carry, the Master of Cavalry commanding the first, and the Master of Infantry the second, the Master of Palace will command, First Division-Forward-MARCH-HALT. When they have arrived well to the North, and have been halted, the Master of Palace will command, First Division-About-FACE-Left-DRESS-FRONT. The Master of Palace will now command, Second Division-Forward-MARCH. They will march until they reach a corresponding line South, then he will command, HALT-Right-DRESS-FRONT When The Master of Palace then informs the Sovereign Master that the lines are ready for inspection. the Sovereign Master leaves his station, the Master of Palace will command, Attention, Sir Knights—Present—ARMS. The Sovereign Master then inspects the Cavalry, or first division going West, and returns in front of the Infantry, or second division. As the Sovereign Master passes each file the Sir Knight will turn his sword so that both sides of the blade may be inspected. This movement is made by turning the wrist so that the INSPECTION OF KNIGHTS OF THE RED CROSS. 77 nails of the fingers shall be outward, then immediately resume the former position as the Sovereign Master passes. When the Sovereign Master has finished the inspection, and has arrived at his station, the Master of Palace will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Carry—ARMS. REVIEW IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER. The Master of Palace will command, Attention, Sir Knights-PREPARE FOR REVIEW. The Sir Knights having been formed in two divisions, inward face, for inspection, the Master of Palace will command, Attention, Second Division-About-FACE-Forward- MARCH-HALT. Attention, First Division-Forward-MARCH-HALT. The Sir Knights are now faced to to the rear in two divisions, at close order. The Master of Palace will command, Attention, Sir Knights- About FACE-Right-DRESS-FRONT-Right-FACE -Forward- At this command the Master of Palace will place himself on the left of the Master of Cavalry, and command, MARCH. 78 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. When the right has arrived on a line in front of the Sovereign Master's station, he will command, By File Left-MARCH. And on approaching at the distance of three paces of the Sovereign Master, he will command, Present-ARMS. And when the left has passed three paces from the east, he will command, Carry-ARMS. After moving one or more times around the Council Chamber, the Master of Palace will command, HALT-Front-FACE-Right-Dress-Front- Return-SWORDS-Right-FACE- Break Ranks-MARCH. TEMPLAR TACTICS FOR PUBLIC PARADE. TEMPLAR TACTICS FOR PUBLIC PARADE. A Commandery of Knights Templar, from its semi- military character, partaking of the organization of infantry, although armed with the sword, and from the number of its officers should be treated as a battalion of infantry in the manoeuvres, and the officers as- signed positions consistent with their rank in the execution of movements, as far as practicable. It would add increased lustre to the Orders of Knighthood if every Commandery, when appearing in public, could be mounted; but under the present circum- stances, however, it is deemed best to assume the command, when formed for public display, to be a military battalion-the two wings representing two military companies. In this manner the officers will then rank as follows: The Eminent Commander as Colonel; the General- issimo as Lieutenant Colonel; the Captain General as Major; the Prelate as Chaplain; the Treasurer as Surgeon, and the Recorder as Quartermaster, (these three constitute the staff officers); the Senior Warden as Senior Captain; the Junior Warden as Junior Captain; the Sword Bearer, Standard Bearer and Warder as Color Guard. Three Commanderies appearing on public parade, under the orders of a Senior Eminent Commander, may be treated as a brigade. 80 TEMPLAR TACTICS FOR PUBLIC PARADE. 81 Nine or more Commanderies on grand parade, under the direction of a Grand Commander, may be treated as a Grand Division; the Grand Commander ranking as Major General. The Grand Master of Knights Templar may be considered as ranking as General, or Commander in Chief of a Grand Army. When a Commandery is about to appear in public, it will be found desirable to form as far as practicable in the Asylum. Every Sir Knight should be fully equipped according to regulations, and report promptly at the time ordered by the Eminent Commander, so that when counted off they may have but one number, and that they may be able to retain that number until the command returns to the Asylum. To count off a second time to accomodate tardy Sir Knights subjects the whole command to annoyance, and makes confusion in the lines. The Sir Knights will invariably be counted off by threes, whether to be formed in three divisions by the flank, or to be formed in column of files of threes. For Grand Parade or any other occasion when a Com- mandery appears in public in large numbers, and the area of ground will permit of the execution of the movements appertaining to the Orders of Knighthood, the command should be formed in column of threes in the Asylum, and each Sir Knight cautioned to remem- ber the number of his file. In the execution of any manœuvres contained in this work, on public parade, the Sir Knights will have but the one number, and that either "one," "two," or "three" of the odd oT even numbered files of three, so that in case the lines are temporarily broken it is not difficult for them to remember in which file or which section they belong to re-form the command, without the necessity of counting off again in public. The movements are all based upon this principle, and the simplicity will at once commend itself to the Sir Knights executing them. 7 82 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. The Senior and Junior Wardens should alway srepea. with the greatest promptitude the commands MARCH and HALT, neither waiting for the other, but each repeating the command the instant he catches it from the Captain General. They should repeat no other command given by him, but explain in an undertone to their respective divisions or wings what they have to execute, as indicated by the preparatory commands. The guides of sections, when about to execute any movement, will, as soon as they have given the pre- paratory command, caution the Sir Knights of the duties required of them, so that when the command of execution is given they will promptly execute the movement. They will also see that the Sir Knights are properly aligned, and in an undertone order what is necessarily required. The guides are always left in marching, except in passing in review, when they are right; but having passed the reviewing officer, they will again become left. In forming cross on the march, the chiefs of the sections are the right guides. TO FORM IN THREE DIVISIONS AND MARCH BY THE FLANK. When the Sir Knights have been convened for special duty, and it is desired not to have any partic- ular display of movements in public, the Commandery should be formed in three divisions and march by the fank. At the sound of the trumpet, which is the signal to fall in line, the Sir Knights will promptly take their places in the line, tallest on the right, faced to the right, and thirteen inches from breast to back. The Captain General will draw his sword and com- mand, Attention, Sir Knights-Front—FACE-Right-DRESS- FRONT. THREE DIVISIONS BY THE FLANK. 83 The Sir Knights having been well aligned, he will command, Handle SWORDS-Draw-SWORDS-Carry-ARMS- CALL OFF FROM THE RIGHT BY THREES. Attention, Sir Knights—In Three Divisions—Right— FACE MARCH, When the command will be formed in three divisions. The Captain General will advance to centre of the lines and command, Front-FACE. Attention, Standard Guard-Handle-SWORDS-Draw- SWORDS-Carry-ARMS-Right-FACE-Forward -File Left-MARCH-HALT-Right-FACE. Attention, Sir Knights-Present-ARMs. The Standard Guard will acknowledge the salute to the banner. Attention, Sir Knights-Carry-ARMS-Right-FACE- Standard Guard to Post-Left-FACE-Forward —File Right—MARCH-HALT-Left-FACE. The Captain General will then inform the Eminent Commander that the command is formed, when the officers will take their positions on the right, according to rank, as follows: The Junior Warden on the right of the third divi- sion; the Senior Warden on the right of the first; the Recorder, Treasurer and Prelate on the right of Wardens; the Captain General and Generalissimo on the right of the Prelate, &c., and the Eminent Com- mander on the right of the whole, forming a triangle. The Captain of the Guard will take position on the right of the music, and act as an advance guard. In marching by the right flank, as above explained, the leading file of the first division will regulate or 84 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. guide the whole of the files on the march. The Sir Knights of the first division will preserve the interval of three files from each other, being careful to cover their file-leaders so that the line of the file is perfect. The leading files of the second and third divisions will align on the leading file of the first, and always keep the alignment correct, so that the Sir Knights to their rear may, by covering them and aligning on the first division, always preserve the correct intervals from each other. The Sir Knights will remember that in marching by the flank the first division is invariably the guide for the other divisions in aligning the files in both directions. The following diagram illustrates the positions marching by the flank in three divisions: 11 10 12 BAND. TO DISPLAY IN MARCHING BY THE flank. The Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights-From Centre-Open Order— MARCH. At the command MARCH, the second division will continue to march forward-the leading file without altering cadence-the balance of the division short- ening step to the rear to correspond with the interval or space gained by the first and third divisions, which oblique to the left and right respectively until a space equal to six files has been gained, either way, when they will continue the march forward at open crder, preserving the alignment at the intervals now gained, in either direction. TO REDUCE FROM DISPLAY IN MARCHING. 85 The following diagram illustrates the position of the command when completed: 1 11 10 TO REDUCE FROM DISPLAY IN MARCHING BY THE FLANK. The Captain General will command, J Attention, Sir Knights-On Centre-Close Order- MARCH. At the command MARCH, the second division will continue the march forward-the leading file without altering cadence-the balance of the division length- ening step and closing the interval between the files and corresponding to the movement of the first and third divisions, which now oblique to the right and left respectively, and close the interval to the distance of three files from each other, either way; then march steadily forward at close order. The Standard Guard does not open order, but remains in same position, only taking shorter or longer steps to the rear or advance in opening or closing the intervals. The Eminent Commander and Staff continues to march forward without change of position. 86 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. TO FORM TWO DIVISIONS WHILE MARCHING IN THREE DIVISIONS BY THE FLANK. If on any occasion it becomes necessary to form in two divisions, the command being on the march in three divisions, as formed in the Asylum, the Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Double Files-To the Right- At this command the number threes or right guides of the even numbered files of three will caution the remaining Sir Knights that they are about to oblique to the right. The Captain General will then command, MARCH. At this command the odd numbered files of three will continue to march steadily forward, while the even files oblique to the right and come up abreast of the odd numbered files, doubling the files of three, making sections composed of six. The following diagram illustrates the manner of doubling the files to the right: TC FORM IN TWO DIVISIONS. 87 13 1 3 2 6 4 5 1 7 8 1 2 3 1 11 10 9 The movement being completed, the Captain General will command, Into Two Divisions-By the Left Flank File Right. At this command the guides-being now numbers one, or left guides-will caution the Sir Knights to turn to the left and then file to the right, following him. Captain General will now add, MARCH, The When the files will break and form two divisions by the flank. The Senior Warden and Junior Warden, 88 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR . at the command MARCH, will place themselves in front of the leading files numbered one. The Stand- ard Guard will continue to march in same manner as before. The following diagram illustrates the movement of forming two divisions by the left flank file right: 6 8 1 2 4 5 1 2 8 ......... ......... ......11 10 9 LL. TO FORM THREE DIVISIONS. 89 TO FORM THREE DIVISIONS FROM TWO DIVISIONS ON THE MARCH. The Captain Generai will command. Form Sections-MARCH. e At the command MARCH, the numbers two and three of each file will come up abreast and on the right of numbers one, the same as in forming in three divi- sions in ball, making two lines of three divisions marching together. The following diagram illustrates the forming sec- tions: 2 5 When this is completed, the Captain General will command, Into Three Divisions-Undouble to the Left- MARCH. At the command MARCH, the even numbered files on the right will shorten step until the odd numbered files have uncovered them, when they will left oblique into their former positions in three divisions. The following diagram illustrates undoubling the sections into three divisions: 11 10 9 T TACTICS FOR FULL DISPLAY ON PUBLIC PARADE. TO FORM IN COLUMN BY THREES. For full display of the Templar evolutions on parade, or any especial occasion other than funeral escort, the Sir Krights will be formed in columns of half sections, or files of three. At the sound of the trumpet, which is always the signal to fall in line, the Sir Knights all being present, they will fall in, tallest on the right, facing the right, and at a distance from each other of thirteen inches from breast to back. They will be well aligned and counted off by threes, with swords at a carry. The Standard having been received with honors, will be placed in centre (or between the twelfth and thirteenth file, if the inten- tion is to form cross immediately); the Senior Warden on the right, and the Junior Warden on the left of the line, when the Captain General will command, By Threes into Column-Right Wheel - MARCH. At the command Right Wheel, the numbers one, acting as right guides, will caution their respective files of three to wheel to the right, and then face themselves to the right. At the command MARCH, the numbers two and three of each file of threes will wheel to the right on the guide, who will, as soon as they come up on line with him, order them to Halt. 90 TO FORM IN COLUMN BY THREES. 91 The Captain General will then caution the Sir Knights to re- member their numbers and positions. He will then order each file of three to count, "One," "Two," "One," "Two," and so on, and also caution them to remember in which file they are, it being either odd or even; and he will explain that all movements they are about to execute in public are based upon the numbers and position in which they are now formed. The diagram on the left illus- trates the wheeling into column by threes to the right. The Senior Warden will take position on the right and two paces in advance of the centre of the first or odd file of threes, and command the right wing. The Junior Warden will take position in rear of the Standard Guard in the same manner, and and command the left wing; the Recorder, Treasurer and Prelate inline, on the right of the Senior Warden; the Captain General and Generalissimo on the right of the Prelate, &c., and the Emi- nent Commander on the right of the whole. The Captain of the Guard will take position as an advance guard on the right of the music. The diagram on the right shows its completion and the position of the officers. 12 BAND. 1 2 3 5 46 7 3 2 11 10 9 8 1 1 1 2 1 } 10 11 D D D D D D D D DDD 92 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. TO FORM SECTIONS, FROM THREES, ON THE MARCH. The Captain General will command, Into Sections-Form Column- At this command the guides-being now numbers three, or left guides- will caution the others of the files their respective duties, the guide of the odd files cautioning them to march steadily forward. The guides of the even files will caution to oblique to the left. The Captain General will then command, MARCH. The The odd numbered files continue the march directly forward, while the even numbered files oblique to the left, come on line abreast of the odd files, and march directly forward. guides will be careful to preserve the interval left by doubling the files of three. The Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Standard Guard will oblique to the left, so as to be in centre of sections as now formed. The accompanying diagram illus- trates the movement. 3 1 2 6 4 5 7 3 21 3 2 11 10 9 8 1 TO REDUCE THE COLUMN OF SECTIONS. 93 TO REDUCE THE COLUMN OF SECTIONS TO THREES ON THE MARCH. The Captain General will com- mand, Into Threes-Undouble Sections- MARCH. At the command MARCH, the even numbered files of threes will 3 2 2 2 shorten step, and as soon as the old numbered files uncover, they will turn their right shoulder to the rear and oblique to the right until they arrive on line with the number ones of the odd files, when they will march directly forward, taking the interval of three files as before. The Senior Warden, Junior Warden and Standard Guard 2 oblique to the right, so as to bring them in the centre of the files of three as before. The accompanying diagram illus- trates the movement. 1 3 2 6 4 5 7 3 2 ! 11 10 9 8 1 94 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAL. TO FORM PASSION CROSS FROM THREES ON THE MARCH. In executing this movement, the Standard Guard should have position between the fourth and fifth files of three. The Captain General will command, Into Sections-Form Column-MARCH. After this movement has been executed he will .command, Attention, Sir Knights-Form Cross. At this command, the Junior Warden having taken his position between the fifth and sixth sections, if more than five, will caution the remaining sections to continue the march, as the base, while the other sections are forming the cross. The chiefs of the sections, being now the right guides, will, as soon as the command Form Cross has been given, order their respective sections as follows: First Section-By the Right Flank File Left. Second Section-Right Oblique. Third Section-Left Oblique. Fourth Section-By the Right Flank. File Left. Fifth Section-By the Right Flank File Left. These orders having been given, the Captain General will command, MARCH. The Standard Guard will oblique a little to the right, so as to form the centre of the arms of the cross. The second and third divisions oblique, align- ing upon the Standard. The Senior Warden on the right as leading file, and the Junior Warden on the left of the whole. The Sir Knights should march steadily, preserving the alignment by front and flank. The first six officers will still preserve the triangle, only enlarging the angle. TO FORM PASSION CROSS FROM THREES. 95 95 The following diagram illustrates the movement of each section in forming the cross: 1 3 2 6 4 5 7 11 10 9 8 96 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. The following diagram illustrates the movement completed: ☐☐ 11 10 9 ---- 7 After forming cross, should there be left other sec- tions to the rear, they will march in column of sections, forming a base to the cross. The Passion Cross should never be formed unless there is sufficient area of ground to reduce the cross to column of sections before changing the head of col· umn to the right or left. TO REDUCE CROSS ON THE MARCH. 97 TO REDUCE CROSS TO COLUMN ON THE MARCH. The Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights--By Sections into Column. The chiefs of sections will immediately order their respective sections as follows: First Section-Left into Line. Second Section-Left Oblique. Third Section-Mark Time. Fourth Section-Left into Line. Fifth Section-Left into Line. The preparatory orders given, the Captain General will command, MARCII. The Standard Guard and third section will mark time until the second section has passed to the left in front, so as to clear them, when they will follow the second section, obliquing to their position. The third section will forward march as soon as the Standard Guard is one pace in front of them, then oblique to the right, so that the chief may cover the guide of the second section when in proper position. The sections will take alignment from the guide of the first section on the right, being careful not to pass him, and then dress to the left on marching by sections in column. The following diagram illustrates the movement: 98 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 1 3 2 7 11 10 9 } TO FORM PATRIARCHAL CROSS. 99 TO FORM PATRIARCHAL CROSS ON THE MARCH In executing this movement, there should be seven (7) sections from right of column, and with competent guides to a t as chiefs of sections. The commandery or guide banner having been placed between the sec- ond and third sections-the standard guard between the tifth and sixth sections-the Senior Warden on the right of the first section, and the Junior Warden on left of the sev nth section-the Captain General will then cominand- Attention, Sir Knights-FORM PATRIARCHAL CROSS. The chiefs of sections will immediately order their respective sections as follows: First Section-By the Right Flank File Left. Second Section-Right Oblique. Third Section-Left Oblique. Fourth Section-By the Right Flank File Left. Fifth Section-Right Oblique. Sixth Section-Left Oblique. Seventh Section-By the Right Flank File Left. These preparatory orders given, the Captain General will then command--MARCH-when the sections will form the Patriarchal Cross. The guide banner at the intersection of the upper arm of cross, and the stand- ard guard at the intersection of the lower arm of cross. The following diagram illustrates the cross formed: 100 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. 7 H ------ 11 10 9‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ TO FORM CROSS OF SALEM ON THE MARCH. To execute this movement, there should be ten (10) sections, with competent guides. The Senior Warden on the right of first section, the standard guard between the fifth and sixth sections, and the Junior Warden on the left of the tenth section. The Captain General will then command- Altention, Sir Knights-FORM CROSS OF SALEM. The chiefs of sections will immediately order their respective sections as follows: First Section-By the Right Flank File Left. Second Section--Right Oblique. Third Section--Left Oblique. Fourth Section-By the Right Flank File Loft. Fifth Section-Right Oblique. Sixth Section-Left Oblique. Seventh Section By the Right Flank File Left. Eighth Section-Right Oblique. Ninth Section-Left Oblique. PATRIARCHAL CROSS TO COLUMN OF SECTIONS. 101 Tenth Section-By the Right Flank, File Left. These preparatory commands given, the Captain General will then command-MARCH-when the sec- tions will form the Cross of Salem. The following diagram illustrates the cross formed: - 11 10 9 The same principles apply to the formation of the Patriarchal Cross and Cross of Salem, as to the Passion Cross. The Patriarchal Cross being the Passion Cross with an additional bar, and the Cross of Salem the Patri- archal Cross with an additional bar in the center. Great care should be 'aken in selecting the guides to act as chiels of sections; of having these movements executed deliberately; to see that those Sir Knights, forming the bars, keep well the alignments on center, and those marching by file cover their file leaders. The music should be changed to slow time during the execution of and marching in form of crosses or triangle, and reduc- ing same to sections. TO REDUCE PATRIARCHAL CROSS TO COLUMN OF SECTIONS ON THE MARCH. The Captain General will command- Attention, Sir Knights- By Sections into Column. The chiefs of sections will immmediately order their respective sections as follows: 102 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. First Section-Left into Line. Second Section-Left Oblique. Third Section--Mark Time. Fourth Section-Left into Line. Fifth Section-Left Oblique. Sixth Section-Mark Time. Seventh Section-Left into Line. When the Captain General will command-MARCH; the cross is then broken into column of sections on same principles as b eaking Passion Cross into sections. (See diagram to reduce Passion Cross on page 98.) TO REDUCE CROSS OF SALEM TO COLUMN OF SECTIONS ON THE MARCH. The same commands are given by the Captain Gen- eral and the chiefs of sections as in reducing the Patriarchal Cross, only there are three more sections, the chiefs of which will give the following orders: Eighth Section-Left Oblique. Ninth Section-Mark Time. Tenth Section-Left into Line. The principles of forming and reducing crosses are the same. The Passion Cross is formed from five sections, the Patriarchal Cross from seven sections, and the Cross of Salem from ten sections. After hav- ing firt formed the Passion Cross and reduced it to sections, the movement of adding the requisite bars to form the Patriarchal Cross and the Cross of Salem, and of reducing same to column of sections, will readily he comprehended. TO FORM LINE FROM COLUMN OF SECTIONS. 103 20 11 10 9 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 11 10 3 2 TO FORM LINE FROM COLUMN OF SECTIONS AT A HALT. The column having been halted, the Captain General will command, By Sections-Left into Line Wheel- At this command the left guides will caution the sections to left wheel, and then face themselves to the front, when the Captain General will com- mand, MARCH. The sections will then wheel to the left into line, the Standard Guard wheeling at the same time, and taking position to the front. The Senior Warden will step to the right from the first section its wheeling distance, and on line with the guides of the sec- tions. The Junior Warden will pass to the right and rear of his wing, so as to take his position on the extreme left when the wheeling is com- pleted. The Eminent Commander and Staff oblique to the left and come in line according to rank. The adjoining diagram illustrates the movement: 101 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. TO FORM TWO DIVISIONS BY THE FLANK FROM COLUMN OF SECTIONS ON THE MARCH. To reduce the front for any desired purpose, the column being in sections on the march, and at close interval, the Captain General will command, Break in Two Divisions-By the Right Flank File Left→ MARCH. At the command by the right flank file left, the numbers one of each file of three composing the sections will caution the Sir Knights of their re- spective files to form two divisions by following them. At the command MARCH, the numbers one will march directly forward, while the numbers two and three will face to the right and march in that direction until they arrive at the turning point of number one, when they will file to the left and march forward, covering their file leaders. The Senior Warden and Junior Warden will take their positions on the right of their respective divisions; the Standard Guard continuing the march, obliquing slightly to the right, so as to be in centre of the divisions marching by the flank. The following diagram on the left illustrates the movement: TO FORM DIVISIONS AND SECTIONS. 105 1 2 3 6 4 5 3 1 3 2 645 77777 77 :7777 : 7777 106 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. TO FORM SECTIONS FROM TWO DIVISIONS ON THE MARCH. To form sections after having broken to two divisions by the flank, the Captain General will command, Divisions-Left Into Sections---MARCH. At the command into sections, the numbers one will caution the rear files that they have to come up into line with him on his left; and at the command MARCH, the numbers one continue to march directly forward without change, while the numbers two and three immediately step to the left and come up in line with the numbers one, as they originally belonged, before breaking into divisions. The Senior and Junior Wardens then take their positions on the right of their respective wings, the Standard Guard obliqueing slightly to the left, so as to be in centre of the sections in column. The foregoing diagram on the right illustrates the movement: TO FORM IN TWO DIVISIONS, FACED TO THE FRONT, FROM COLUMN OF SECTIONS AT A HALT, FOR INSPECTION. The column of sections being at a halt and inter- vals closed to three files, the Captain General will command, Break Sections-Into Two Divisions-Outward Wheel MARCH. At the command Outward Wheel, the left and right guides of the sections will caution the files in which way they are to wheel. The left guide will then face to the front, and the right guide to the rear, the other Sir Knights will, at the command march, wheel to the left and right of their respective guides. The Senior and Junior Wardens will take their posi- tions on the right of their respective divisions. The following diagram on the left illustrates the movement: TO FORM IN TWO DIVISIONS FACED FRONT. 107 11 10 9 11 10 9 8 1 3 2 6 4 5 7 213 2 N 1 1 3 11 10 9 7 6 5 4 2 1 108 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. When the sections have been broken to the left and right in two divisions-the second being faced to the rear-the Captain General will command, Second Division-About-FACE. Right Dress-FRONT. At the command FRONT, the Officers and Standard Guard take their positions for inspection as before explained, from two divisions. The foregoing diagram on the right, illustrates the movement completed. TO FORM COLUMN OF SECTIONS FROM TWO DIVISIONS, FACED TO THE FRONT, AT A HALT-AFTER INSPECTION. The command being in two divisions broken to the front and rear, the Captain General will command, First Division-About-FACE. After this has been executed, he will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Form Column-To the Rea: by Sections. TO FORM COLUMN OF SECTIONS. 109 1 3 2 6 3 11 10 9 DDDDD 65421 4 5 7 11 10 9 8 1444 Inward Wheel- At this command the guides of each section will caution the Sir Knights composing their half section, to wheel to right or left, and then face to the rear, themselves, when the Captain General will add, MARCH. The sections are now form- ed to the rear, the Standard Guard, Senior and Junior Wardens about face with the first division. The Captain General will now command, Attention, Sir Knights-Column -About-FACE. When the column of sections is faced right in front, the Captain General will then command, Officers-POSTS. At the command PosTs, the Standard Guard and Wardens take their positions in the col- umn as before. The annexed diagram illus- trates the movement. 110 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. TO FORM TRIANGLE ON THE MARCH. The Sir Knights being formed by threes, marching in column by the flank, in files of three, the Captain General will command, Attention, Sir Knights-FORM TRIANGLE. At this command the Senior Warden will step out to the right and pass to the rear of the numbers one (which constitutes the first division, the same as if it had countermarched in forming the triangle in the Asylum.) The Junior Warden will pass to the left of his wing and take position in rear of the numbers three, or third division. The Sword Bearer will pass to the right and take position on the right of num bers two, or second division. The Warden will pass to the rear and take position on the left or rear of the numbers two, and the Standard Bearer will keep the position occupied by him in centre of the num- bers two or second division-the same as in forming for base of the triangle in the Asylum. The posi- tions having been taken, the Sir Knights will remem- ber that the basis of forming the triangle on the march, is that after the countermarching of the first division, and the second, having marched and arrived at the base of the triangle as formed in the Asylum. The numbers one now constitute the first, the numbers two the second, and the numbers three the third divisions. The Senior Warden as soon as he arrives at the rear of the numbers one, will command, First Division, Right Oblique to your Post. The Junior Warden will at the same time he arrives on the rear of the numbers three, command, Third Division, Left Oblique to your Post. TO FORM TRIANGLE ON THE MARCH. 111 The Sword Bearer will at the same time he arrives on the right, face towards the numbers two, and cor mand, Second Division-Mark Time. When the Captain General will add- MARCH. The following diagram illustrates the position of the officers at the command MARCH: 6 3 1 4 9 10 2 5 At the command MARCH, the leading files of the first and third divisions will march steadily forward, the second file of the Dumbers one will oblique to the right until a line from his left shoulder would pass the right shoulder of his file leader, and then forward, and so on through all the numbers one, or first division. The second file of the numbers three will oblique to the left in same manner, and on through all the numbers three, or third division. The Sir Knights will take distance from each other, the same as that made by the second files, from the first or leading files, being careful to pre- serve the interval and augle on the march. 8 11 7 At the command MARCH, the numbers two or the second division will mark time until the movements of the first and third has uncovered them, when the Sword Bearer will command, so Second Division, Left Into Line-MARCH. At this command the numbers two will step to the left of each other, and come up into line with the Standard Bearer. 112. SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. The following diagram illustrates the partial open- ing of the division, and the movement into line: 3 1245'D 8 TO FORM TRIANGLE ON THE MARCH. 113 As soon as they are in line, he will command- Right Oblique, to your Post-MARCH, When the second division will oblique to the right and close the triangle. The following diagram illustrates the movement of the second division obliquing to the right, after coming into line: 10 3 4 6 5 The Eminent Commander and Staff, while the move- ments are being executed, will take position inside the triangle, the Captain General forming the apex. 114 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. The following diagram illustrates the triangle con- pleted: 6 3 1 4 811 10 91 The triangle should never be formed unless there is sufficient area of ground to reduce the triangle to column of threes, before changing direction to right or left. TO FORM COLUMN FROM TRIANGLE ON THE MARCH. The Captain General will command, Form Column. At this command the Senior Warden will order, First Division, Left Oblique to your Post. The Junior Warden will order, Third Division, Right Oblique to your Post. RECEPTION AND ESCORT HONORS. 115 The Sword Bearer will order, Second Division, by the Right Flank File Left-Quick Time. The Captain General will then command, MARCH. The Senior and Junior Wardens will take their positions on the right and respective wings. The Sword Bearer will, as soon as the first file of his division arrives abreast of the first files of threes, being his former place, take his position on the right of the Standard, the Warden at the same time taking his position on the left of the Standard. The Emi- nent Commander and Staff will take position on the right at quick time. When completed the Captain General will command, By Sections Into Column -MARCH, When the even numbered files of three will oblique to the left, and come up abreast of the odd numbers, and form column marching in sections. Guide Left. RECEPTION AND ESCORT HONORS TO OTHER COMMANDERIES. To receive other Commanderies and show them honors of escort, the Commandery performing such escort duty will be formed by threes, and march in that order to the place designated to receive the visiting Commandery, then halt and face to the front; officers on the right according to rank, one pace to the front, the Standard Guard in front on line with the officers. The visiting Commandery will be noti- fied that the escort awaits its pleasure, and when it 116 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. moves it will march to the right of the receiving Com- mandery, halt and face to the front. On arriving to within six paces of the left, the Captain General of the receiving Commandery will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Present-ARMS. And after the visiting Commandery has passed to the right, he will command, Carry-ARMS. He will now command, Right-FACE-Forward-MARCH. Incline to the Left in Front-MARCH. When the receiving Commandery has marched to the right of the visiting Commandery it will be halted. The Commanderies being ready to move, the Captain General will command, Attention, Column-Forward-MARCH. He will command, Guide Left-then Into Sections-Form Column-MARCH, And march to the place designated for further cere- monies of reception by column of sections, the visit- ing Commandery marching by threes or in sections, as is desirable. When the right of the column has arrived at the place of reception, the Captain Gene- ral will command, Column-HALT. Attention, Sir Knights-Break Sections into Two Divi- sions-Outward Wheel-MARCH. Altention, Sir Knights-About-FACE-Officers- -POSTS. RECEPTION AND ESCORT HONORS. 117 At the command Posts, the Officers and Standard will take their positions on the right, facing the open- ing of the lines, the Eminent Commander in ad- vance one pace of the Generalissimo and Captain General. The Standard Guard and other Staff Officers, one pace in rear, the Standard in centre of the line, and the Wardens on the right. When the visiting Commandery is ready to pass through the lines, the Captain General of the receiving Commandery will command, Present-ARMS. When the visiting Commandery has passed through the lines and filed to the right or left, as the case may be, he will command, Carry-ARMS. Attention, Sir Knights-First Division-About-FACE. Second Division-Close Order MARCH. Attention, Sir Knights-Right-FACE. Forward-March, And then file to the right or left as the case may be and follow the visiting Commandery into the hall, if any formal reception is to take place; after which the ranks will be broken, and the Sir Knights exchange courteous greeting. If it is intended merely to escort the visiting Com- mandery to the hall, the Commandery after the visi- tors have passed through the lines, will form in column of sections, instead of marching in two divi- sions by the flank, on leaving their guests at the hall. 118 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. FUNERAL HONORS. The Eminent Commander having convened the Sir Knights of the Commandery, they being in full uni- form, pursuant to regulations, their sword hilts dressed in mourning, and formed in three divisions, faced to the front, with swords at a carry, six pall bearers will be selected, and placed on the right, being the first two files of three, the Standard Guard placed on the right of these, with Standard furled and dressed in mourning, the Officers of the Commandery on the right of the Standard, according to rank. The Senior Warden provided with a cross of evergreen, and the Junior Warden with the arms and chapeau of the deceased. These preparations con- cluded and the Commandery being ready to move, the Eminent Commander will say, Attention, Sir Knight Warder. The Lines are no w in your Hands-Lead on. The Warder will then command, Attention, Sir Knights-Left-FACE-Forward-MARCH. The Commandery will march to the residence On arriving at the house, the right (now left) in front, as the Pall Bearers come abreast of the door, the Warder will halt the command. of the deceased, in this inversed order. The Eminent Commander accompanied by the Gene- ralissimo, Captain General, Junior Warden, and the Pall Bearers, enter the house with swords at a carry. The Eminent Commander formally receives the body and places the arms and chapeau of the deceased upon the coffin, the Pall Bearers at the same time forming the cross of steel over the remains. They return swords at will, carry and place the coffin in the hearse, and take position on each side, acting as escort. FUNERAL HONORS. 119 When the Eminent Commander enters the house the Warder will command, Parade-REST, The Sir Knights standing thus while the remains are being placed in the hearse, and during the funeral roll of the drum. Then the Warder will then command, Carry-ARMS-Right-FACE-Reverse-SWORDS. If funeral services take place at the house by a clergyman, and other Pall Bearers have been selected from among the friends of the deceased-the Sir Knights Pall Bearers will take position on each side of the bier, which has been placed directly in front of the doorway, and on the sidewalk, the Eminent Commander, Generalissimo and Captain General, standing at the foot of the bier. The Eminent Com- mander will formally receive the body as it is placed upon the bier. The Pall Bearers will stand at a carry during the placing of the body, but will bring their swords to a present when the Eminent Commander places the arms and chapeau on the coffin, then they will carry and return swords at will-place the body in the hearse and take their posts as escort on each side. The remains of the Sir Knight being now in charge of the Commandery, (the mourners and friends of the deceased provided with conveyance to the grave,) and ready to move, the Captain General will signal the Warder by raising his sword perpendicular, the hilt as high as the front of his chapeau; when the Warder will command, Column-Forward-MARCH, The Standard Guard and Wardens in rear of the hearse, the Eminent Commander and Staff in line 120 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. behind, them, according to rank. On arriving at the grave the Warder will command, HALT-Recover-SWORDS. The Captain General will now assume command. He will command, Attention, Sir Knights-About-FACE, And then place the right of the divisions in position to form a triangle around the grave, the base at the foot. After the Eminent Commander and Prelate have taken their position at the head of the coffin, the Pall Bearers on each side of the grave faced inward, the mourners at the foot and the Standard Guard behind them, the Captain General will command, Form Triangle, When the chiefs of each division will give the prepar- atory commands, and the Captain General add— MARCH. The Commandery will form triangle around the grave, the band playing a suitable dirge; the Cap- tain General closing the apex. When the Eminent Commander arrives at that part of the Ritual, where he says: "And our arms can no more shield him from wrong or oppression," the Sir Knights (with the ex- ception of the Pall Bearers, who stand at a carry), will voluntarily Return Swords, and when the Recorder opens the book of records and says: "Thus it is written," they will uncover with the left hand, place the chapeau on the right shoulder and bow the head, remaining uncovered during the balance of the cere mony. ESCORT TO OTHER MASONIC BODIES. 121 The Captain General at the conclusion of the burial service will command, Attention, Sir Knights-RE-COVER- Handle-SWORDS- Draw-Swords. Carry-ARMS. Present-ARMS. The Pall Bearers will make the Arch of Steel over the grave during the Present, and at the command Carry Arms, will carry with the rest, and stand fast, while the divisions are being re-formed right in front; they will then take their proper places in their respective divisions. The Commandery will now be formed by threes, executing any movement desirable on their return from the grave. The following diagram illustrates the triangle and positions at the grave: 8 MOURNERS. 11 10 9 ESCORT TO OTHER MASONIC BODIES. Should there be other Masonic bodies in attend- ance at a funeral, it may be deemed proper for the Commandery to escort them to the residence of the deceased, and to show the Chapter and Lodge honors 122 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. at a halt. The Chapter having formed on the right of the Lodge, the Commandery will form on the right of the whole. They will march in this manner to the residence of the deceased, and when the Pall Bearers have arrived abreast the door, the Warder will command, HALT, Face the Commandery to the front (now left,) with space for the Chapter and Lodge to march past be- tween the front of the Sir Knights, and the house. The Warder, when the Chapter moves, will command, Attention, Sir Knights-Present-ARMS The Chapter will now pass to the right, and when halted, the Lodge will move in front of Commandery and Chapter, take the right and halt. The Warder will now command, Attention, Sir Knights-Carry-ARMS. The column is now in proper order, according to grade, to move after facing to the right. The cere- monies and movements of the Commandery being the same from this point, as before explained. Where several Masonic bodies surround the grave in performing the last sad rites of burial, it usually happens that confusion is produced by not having an understanding of the respective ceremonies about to take place. Although the Knights Templar have a distinctive ceremony of their Order, it is advisable for those having charge of the different Masonic bodies, to confer together before the cortege moves to the cemetery, so as to have a full understanding of the positions required by each Masonic body around the grave. The following diagram is suggestive of unity of action on such occasions, and if Chapters and ESCORT TO OTHER MASONIC BODIES. 123 Lodges are formed in this manner, there can ve ne confusion: O NOVA SK MASTERS. WARDENS, ac. CHAPTER OFFICERS. 2 BRETHREN. COMPANIONS, 265 MOURNERS. 11 10 9 COMPANIONS. BRETHREN TYLERS. (The ceremony of casting the sprig of evergreen can be made effective and still preserve unity, if the Masters, Wardens, &c., will form as above, break in two lines and pass on both sides of the grave, marching by twos, and when reaching the Tyler's station separate to their respective sides of the circle and gain their original position.) The Commandery will leave the grave without deranging the circle- they will pass through the opening at the head-leav- ing the other Masonic bodies to perform their respec- tive funeral ceremonies, without disturbing their position. GRAND PARADE. 7581 11 10 9 8 642 the If one or more Commanderies are to be publicly inspected and reviewed by a Grand Commander, each will take position on ground according to the number of its charter, the oldest on the right of the line, and will be formed in two divisions from sections; officers and Standard as annexed. The point where the Grand Com- mander is to take his station, should be in front of, and opposite to, the centre of the line of Commanderies, and should be indicated by the Grand Commandery Banner. l'ints should be marked at a distance from the station according to the length of the line to be re- viewed for wheeling, so that the right flanks in marching past shall be about four paces from the Grand Commander. The Commanderies being formed in two divisions, broken from sec- tions on the march before halting in line, with swords at a carry, the Grand Captain General will place himself about fourteen paces in front, opposite the centre of the line, faced to the rear, and com- mand, Attention, Prepare for Inspection-To the Rear-Open Order-MARCH-Officers-POSTS. 124 GRAND PARADE. 125 At the command open order, the Junior War- dens will step back three paces; at the command MARCH, the second division will fall back in line with him, and right dress. At the command-POSTS, the Standard Guard, Senior and Junior Wardens will place themselves three paces in advance of the first division, Treasurer on the right of first division, Recorder on on the right of sec- ond division, Prelate on the right of the Treasurer, the Gener- alissimo six paces in front of the centre of the right wing, the Captain General six paces in front of the centre of the left wing, and the Eminent Com- mander six paces in front of the Standard, all faced to the front. 7 11 10 9 ∞ 5 4 The above diagram illustrates the position of each Commandery formed for Inspection. The Commanderies will align upon the right as formed. When the Grand Commander presents him- self before the centre, or if he intimates his readi- ness, the Grand Captain General will command, Attention-Present-ARMS, 126 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. Then resume his front, bringing his sword to a salute. Officers will salute, Sir Knights will present, the Standard will salute by dropping, the Trumpets will sound the flourish, and the drums beat. The Grand Commander having acknowledged the salute of the line by raising his chapeau, the Grand Captain Gene- ral will face about and command, Attention-Carry--ARMS. And again face to the front. The Grand Commander, accompanied by his Staff, will then go to the right, the whole remaining per- fectly steady without paying any further compliment, while he passes along the front, and proceeds around the left flank to the right, then along the front of the second division to the left, and along the rear of the whole to the right. While the Grand Commander is making the round of inspection the band will play. If there are several bands, each will commence playing when he reaches the right of the Commandery to which it is attached, and will continue until another takes up the strain, when it will cease; the same is repeated as he approaches their rear. When the Grand Commander has finished the inspection and has placed himself at his station, the Grand Captain General will command, Attention-Close Order-MARCH At the command close order, all the officers will about face, and at the command MARCH, the Comman- deries will close up the interval of three files of the first division. Officers will resume their places as before, in line. The Grand Commander having taken his station by the Bauner in front, the Grand Captain General will command, Attention-Prepare to Pass in Review GRAND PARADE. 127 The Commanderies will now form in column of sec- tions, right in front; this completed, the Grand Cap- tain General will command, Attention, Column-Forward-Guide Right-MARCH. The Grand Captain General will place himself six paces in front of the Eminent Commander of the leading Commandery, the music six paces in front of the Grand Captain General. The Sir Knights should keep their heads steady to the front, with swords at a carry, in passing in review. The music will com- mence playing on the right, at the command MARCH, and after passing the Grand Commander, will wheel to the left out of the column, take a position oppo- site to, and facing him, and continue to play until the Commandery to which it is attached shall have passed him, when it will cease and follow in the rear. The next band will take up the strain as soon as the pre- ceding band shall have ceased playing; great care should be taken that the cadence or time be not changed. The officers will cast their eyes towards the Grand Commander, when they arrive within six paces of him, and salute, recovering swords when six paces past. The Sir Knights do not salute, but march steadily forward with swords at a carry. The Standards will salute when within six paces of the Grand Commander, and be raised when six past him. The Grand Captain General when he has saluted at the head of the column, will place himself near the Grand Commander, and will remain there until the column has passed, when he will direct it to the ground it marched from, and command, Column-HALT. The column after halting will break into two divisions, and form in two ranks at open order as at 128 SCHOOL OF THE TEMPLAR. the beginning, the whole saluting the Grand Com. mander, at the command, Present ARMS, from the Grand Captain General, who will then com- mand, Attention-Carry-ARMS - PARADE DISMISSED. The Commanderies may then pass the Grand Com- mander, executing such movements before him as they desire. In forming cross, forming triangle, or in the execution of any particular manoeuvre, the evolutions should not be commenced until the right of the command is on a line opposite the Grand Com- mander. In passing the Grand Commander a second time no salute will be offered by either Officers or Standard. Each Commandery in passing may execute without regard to the others any movement, and in any order they may agree upon. WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. WORKING TEXT JALEBIT MAGN KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSS OFFICERS OF A COUNCIL OF KNIGHTS OF THE RED CROSS. Sovereign Master, representing King Darius, in the East; Chancellor, on the right, in the East; Master of the Palace, on the left, in the East; Prelate, on the right of the Chancellor; Master of Cavalry, on the right, in front of the Master of Finances, on the right of the first division when separately formed, and on the right of the whole when formed in line; Master of Infantry, on the left, in front of the Master of Dispatches, on the 10 129 130 WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. right of the second division when separately formed, and on the left of the whole when formed in line; Master of Finances, on the right, in front of the Chancellor; Master of Dispatches, on the left, in front of the Master of the Palace; Standard Bearer, in the West; Sword Bearer, on the right of the Standard Bearer; Warder, on the left of the Stand- ard Bearer three Guards at the several passes; and Sentinel, outside the door. PRAYER AT OPENING A COUNCIL. O Thou eternal, immortal, and invisible Goa; we would desire to come into Thy presence, at this time, with grateful hearts, to render thanks and praise for the wonderful display of Thy goodness and mercy. Be Thou pleased, O God, to be with Thy servants who are now assembled in Thy name; lift upon each one of us the light of Thy countenance; defend us from the evil intentions of our enemies, while traveling the journey of life; and when we shall finally come into Thy presence, to be freed from the chains of sin, and the sackcloth of repent- ance, be Thou merciful unto us, O God, not according to our deserts, but according to our necessities; and Thine shall be the praise, forever and ever. Amen. Response.-So mote it be. READING OF SCRIPTURE. Now in the second year of their coming unto the house of God at Jerusalem, in the second month, began Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua, the son of Jozadak, and the remnant of their brethren, the priests and Levites, and all they that were come out of the captivity unto Jerusalem; and appointed the Levites, from twenty years old and upward, to set forward the work of the house of the Lord. Then stood Jeshua, with his sons and his brethren, Kadmiel, and his sons, the sons of Judah, KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSS. 131 together, to set forward the workmen in the house of God; the sons of Henedad, with their sons and brethren, the Levites. And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with cymbals, to praise the Lord, after the ordinance of David, king of Israel. And they sang together by course, in praising and giving thanks unto the Lord, because he is good, for his mercy endureth forever toward Israel. And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.- Ezra iii.: 8-11. Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the children of the captivity builded the temple unto the Lord God of Israel, then they came to Zerubbabel, and to the chief of the fathers, and said unto them, Let us build with you; for we seek your God as ye do; and we do sacrifice unto him, since the days of Esarhaddon, king of Assur, which brought us up hither. But Zerubbabel and Jeshua, and the rest of the chief of the fathers of Israel, said unto them, ye have nothing to do with us to build an house unto our God; but we ourselves together will build unto the Lord God of Israel, as king Cyrus, the king of Persia, hath commauded us. Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah, and troubled them in building, and hired counsellors against them, to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus, king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius, king of Persia. And in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the beginning of his reign, wrote they unto him an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem. And in the days of Artaxerxes wrote Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel, and the rest of their companions, unto Artaxerxes, king of Persia; and the writing of the 132 WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. letter was written in the Syrian tongue, and inter- preted in the Syrian tongue: Rehum, the Chancellor, and Shimshai, the scribe, wrote a letter against Jerusalem to Artaxerxes, the king, in this sort: This is the copy of the letter that they sent unto him, even unto Artaxerxes, the king:-Thy servants, the men on this side the river, and at such a time. Be it known unto the king, that the Jews, which came up from thee to us, are come into Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have set up the walls thereof, and joined the foundations. Be it known now unto the king, that if this city be builded, and the walls set up again, then will thev not pay toll, tribute and custom, and so thou shalt endamage the revenue of the kings. Now because we have maintained from the king's palace, and it was not meet for us to see the king's dishonor, therefore have we sent and certified the king; that search may be made in the book of the records of thy fathers so that thou find in the book of the records, and know that this city is a rebellious city, and hurtful unto kings and provinces, and that they have moved sedition within the same of old time; for which cause was this city destroyed. We certify the king, that if this city be builded again, and the walls thereof set up, by this means thou shalt have no portion on this side the river. Then sent the king an answer unto Rehum, the chancellor, and to Shimsbai, the scribe, and to the rest of their com- panies that dwell in Samaria, and unto the rest beyond the river, Peace, and at such a time. letter which ye sent us hath been plainly read before me. And I commanded, and search hath been made, and it is found that this city of old time hath made insurrection against kings, and that rebellion and sedition have been made therein. There have been mighty kings also over Jerusalem, which have ruled over all countries beyond the river; and toll, tribute and custom was paid unto them. Give ye now The KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSS. 133 commandment to cause these men to cease, and that this city be not builded, until another commandment be given from me. Take heed now that ye fail not to do this: why should damage grow to the hurt of kings? Now, when the copy of king Artaxerxes' letter was read before Rehum, and Shimshai, the scribe, and their companions, they went up in haste to Jerusalem, unto the Jews, and made them to cease by force and power. Then ceased the work of the house of God, which is at Jerusalem. So it ceased unto the second year of the reign of Darius, king of Persia.-Ezra iv. THE ROYAL BANQUET. Darius, in the first year of his reign, gave a splendid and magnificent entertainment to the princes and nobility; and after they had retired, finding himself unable to sleep, he fell into discourse with his three favorite officers, to whom he proposed certain questions, telling them, at the same time, that he who should give him the most satisfactory answer should be clothed in purple, drink in a golden cup, wear a silken tiara, and a golden chain about his neck. He then proposed this question:-Which is the greatest, the strength of wine, of the king, or of women? On the following day the king assembled together the princes and nobility, to hear the question debated; and having placed himself upon the royal seat of judgment, he called upon them to make a public defence of their several opinions. THE STRENGTH OF WINE. O ye princes and rulers, how exceeding strong is wine! it causeth all men to err that drink it; it 134 WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. maketh the mind of the king and the beggar to be all one; of the bondman and freeman; of the poor man and of the rich; it turneth also every thought into jollity and mirth, so that a man remembereth neither sorrow nor debt; it changeth and elevateth the spirits, and enliveneth the heavy hearts of the miserable. It maketh a man forget his brethren, and draw his sword against his best friends. O ye princes and rulers, is not wine the strongest, that forceth us to do these things? THE POWER OF KINGS. It is beyond dispute, O princes and rulers, that God has made man master of all things under the sun; to command them, to make use of them, and to apply them to his service as he pleases: but whereas men have only dominion over other sublunary creatures, kings have an authority even over men themselves, and a right of ruling them by will and pleasure. Now, he that is master of those who are masters of all things else, hath no earthly thing above him. THE POWER OF WOMEN, AND OF TRUTH. O princes and rulers, the force of wine is not to be denied, neither is that of kings, that unites so many men in one common bond of allegiance, but the super-eminency of women is yet above all this for kings are but the gifts of women, and they are also the mothers of those that cultivate our vineyards. Women have the power to make us abandon our very country and relations, and many times to forget the best friends we have in the world, and forsaking all other comforts, to live and die with them. But when all is said, neither they nor wine, nor kings, are comparable to the almighty force of truth. for all other things, they are mortal and transient, but truth alone is unchangeable and everlasting; the As KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSS. 135 benefits we receive from it are subject to no variations or vicissitudes of time and fortune. In her judgment is no unrighteousness, and she is the strength, wisdom, power and majesty of all ages. Blessed be the God of truth. Response.-Great is truth, and mighty above ali things. Ask what thou wilt, and I will give it thee, because thou art found wisest among thy companions. THE KING'S vow. O king, remember thy vow, which thou hast vowed, to build Jerusalem in the day when thou shouldst come to thy kingdom, and to restore the holy vessels which were taken away out of Jerusa- lem. Thou hast also vowed to build up the temple, which was burned when Judah was made desolate by the Chaldees. And now, O king, this is that I desire of thee, that thou make good the vow, the perform- ance whereof with thine own mouth thou hast vowed to the King of Heaven. WORKING TEXT SIGNO VINCES t KNIGHTSTEMPLAR OFFICERS OF A COMMANDERY OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Eminent Commander, in the East; Generalissimo, on the right, in the East; Captain General, on the left, in the East; Prelare, on the right of the Generalissimo; Senior Warden, at the S. W. angle of a triangle, on the right of the first division when separat ly formed, and on the right of the whole when formed in line; 136 KNIGHT TEMPLAR. 137 Junior Warden, at the N. W. angle of a triangle, on the right of the second division when separately formed, and on the left of the whole when formed in line; Treasurer, on the right, in front of the Generalis- simo; Recorder, on the left, in front of the Captain General; Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warder, Three Guards, and Sentinel, the same as iu a Council of Knights of the Red Cross. PRAYER AT OPENING A COMMANDERY. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen. EXHORTATION AT OPENING. My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind, and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double- minded man is unstable in all his ways. Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, that man's religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled, before God and the Father, is this: To 138 WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.- James i: 2-10, 26, 27. 1. Exhortation. I greet thee Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I unto thee. Hearken to a lesson to cheer thee on thy way, and assure thee of success. And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar (putting it on her shoulder) and the child, and sent her away, and she departed and wandered in the wilderness, and the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs; and the angel of God called to Hagar out Heaven, saying, Arise, lift up the lad and hold him in thine hand, for I will make him a great nation: and God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. By faith Abraham sojourned in the land of promise as in a strange country, dwelling in taberna- cles; for he looked for a city which had foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children. rejoicing in the Lord always; and again I say, rejoice. Farewell...... .God speed thee on thy way. 2. Exhortation. ........I greet thee. If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you say, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled, and ye give them not of those KNIGHT TEMPLAR. 139 things which are needful for the body, what doth it profit? To do good and communicate, forget not. for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men; after the rudi- ments of the world, and not after Christ: for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the godhead bodily. Farewell....... .God speed thee on thy way. 3. Exhortation. ...I greet thee. He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me. Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you he shall in no wise lose his reward. Farewell...................God speed thee on thy way. THE APOSTACY OF JUDAS ISCARIOT. Then one of the twelve called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, and said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him. Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover? And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The master saith, My time is at hand; I will keep the passover at thy house with my 140 WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. disciples. And the disciples did as Jesus had ap- pointed them, and they made ready the passover. Now when the even was come, he sat down with the twelve. And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord, is it I? And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. The Son of man goeth, as it is written of him: but wo unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It had been good for that man if he had not been born. Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said unto him, Thou hast said.- Matt. xxvi. 14-25, 36-49. THE BITTER CUP. Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethseinane, and saith unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy. Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, say- ing, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt. And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What! could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is will- ing, but the flesh is weak. He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. And he came and found them asleep again; for their eyes were heavy. And he left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, sag the same words. Then cometh he to his KNIGHT TEMPLAR. 141 disciples, and saith unto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise, let us be going: behold he is at hand that doth betray me. And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude, with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people. Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: hold him fast. And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said, Hail, master; and kissed him. THE CRUCIFIXION. When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitute, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person; see ye to it. Then answered all the people and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. Then he released he Barabbas unto them and when he had scourged Jesus, he de- livered him to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail king of the Jews! And they spit upon him, and took the reed and smote him on the head. And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. And as they came out they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross. And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, A place of a skull, they gave him vinegar to drink, mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof he would not drink. And they crucified him, 142 WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. and parted his garments, casting lots. And sitting down, they watched him there; and set up over his head his accusation written, This is Jesus the King of the Jews.-Matt. xxvii. 24 38. THE RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION. Although it is appointed unto all men once to die, yet, as the Scriptures inform, the Saviour of the world arose from the dead and ascended up into heaven, there forever seated on the throne of majesty on high, so they also assure us, that all who have. received Him for their righteousness and put their trust in Him, shall rise to life everlasting. "In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, to see the sepulchre. And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it. His counte- nance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did sbake and become as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus which is cru ified. He is not here, for he has risen as he said. Come see the place where the Lord lay and go quickly and tell his dis- ciples that he is risen from the dead; and behold, he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him lo, I have told you. And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy, and did run to bring his disciples word.. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him. : And he led them out as far as to Bethany; and he lifted up bis hands and blessed them. And it came to pass while he blessed them, he was parted from them and carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.' KNIGHT TEMPLAR. •143 THE ELECTION OF MATTHIAS. And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said (the number of the names together were about an hundred and twenty), Men and brethren, this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost, by the mouth of David, spake before, concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. For he was numbered with us, and had obtained a part of this ministry. Now this man purchased a field with the reward of his iniquity; and, falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out. And it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem: inso- much as that field is called, in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, the field of blood. For it is written in the Book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and no man dwell therein; and his bishopric let another take. Wherefore, of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of Jobn, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection. And they ap- pointed two, Joseph, called Barsabas, who was sur- named Justus, and Matthias. And they prayed and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen, that he may take part of this ministry and apostle- ship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place. And they gave forth their lots: and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was num- bered with the eleven apostles.-Acts i: 15 26. EXHORTATION AT CLOSING. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles 144 WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers; against the rulers of the darkness of the world; against spiritual darkness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand, therefore, with your loins girt about with truth. And having on the breastplate of right- eousness. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation. And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.-Eph. vi: 10-17. WORKING TEXT DOMINUS KNIGHT OF MALTA OFFICERS OF A COUNCIL OF KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Eminent Commander, Generalissimo, Captain Gen- eral, Prelate, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Trea- surer, Recorder, First Guard, Second Guard, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warder, and Sentinel. THE SHIPWRECK OF ST. PAUL. And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. And the barbarous people showed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire and received us every one; because of the pres- ent rain, and because of the cold. And when Paul 11 145 146 WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper our of the heat and fastened on his hand. And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among hemselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suf- fereth not to live. And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. Howbeit, they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly; but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god.-Acts xxviii: 1-6. And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews.-John xix: 19. THE UNBELIEF OF THOMAS. But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other dis- ciples, therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. And after eight days, again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be with you. Then said he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and be- hold my hands: and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God John xx: 24-28 CHARGE TO A NEWLY-CREATED SIR KNIGHT. Sir Knight: Having passed through the several degress of our ancient and honorable institution, we " KNIGHT OF MALTA. 147 bid you a hearty welcome to all our rights and priv- ileges, even to that disinterested friendship and un- bounded hospitality which ever has, and we hope and trust ever will continue to adorn, distinguish, and characterize this noble Order. It will henceforth become your duty to assist, pro- tect, and defend the weary, way worn traveller who finds the heights of fortune inaccessible, and thorny paths of life broken, adverse, and forlorn,—to suc- cor, defend, and protect the innocent, the distressed, and the helpless, ever standing forth as a champion to espouse the cause of the Christian Religion. You are to inculcate, enforce, and practise virtue; and amid all the temptations which surround you, never to be drawn aside from the path of duty, or forgetful of those due guards and pass words, which are necessary to be had in perpetual remembrance; and while one hand is wielding the sword for the de- fence of your Companion in danger, let the other grasp the mystic Trowel, and widely diffuse the genuine cement of Brotherly Love and Friendship. Should calumny assail the character of a Brother Sir Knight, recollect that you are to step forth and vindicate his good name, and assist him on all lawful occasions. Should assailants ever attempt your honor, interest, or happiness, remember, also, that you have the counsel and support of your brethren, whose mystic swords, combining the virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity, with Justice, Fortitude, and Mercy, will leap from their scabbards in defence of your just rights, and insure you a glorious triumph over all your enemies. On this occasion permit me, Sir Knight, to remind you of our mutual engagements, our reciprocal ties; for whatever may be your situation or rank in life, you may find those in similar stations, who have dignified themselves and been useful to mankind. You are, therefore, called upon to discharge all your duties with fidelity and patience, whether in the Field. 148 WORKING TEXT FOR THE ORDERS. in the Senate, on the Bench, at the Bar, or at the Holy Altar. Whether you are placed upon the highest pinnacle of worldly grandeur, or glide into the hum- ble vale of obscurity, unnoticed, save by a few, it matters not; for a few rolling suns will close the scene, when naught but holiness will serve as a sure passport to gain admission into that REST prepared from the foundation of the world. If you see a Brother bending under the cross of adversity and disappointment, look not idly on, neither pass by on the other side, but fly to his relief. If he be deceived, tell him the Truth; if he be calum- niated, vindicate his cause; for, although he may have erred, still recollect that indiscretion in him I should never destroy humanity in you. Finally, Sir Knight, as memento mori is deeply en- graved on all sublunary enjoyments, let us ever be found in the habiliments of righteousness, travers- ing the straight path of rectitude, virtue and true holiness; so that, having discharged our duty here below, performed the pilgrimage of life, burst the bands of mortality, passed over the Jordan of death, and safely landed on the broad shore of eternity, there, in the presence of myriads of attending angels, we may be greeted as brethren, received into the arms of the BLESSED IMMANUEL, and forever made to par- ticipate in his HEAVENLY KINGDOM. BURIAL SERVICE OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD, AS ADOPTED BY THE GRAND COMMANDERY OF OHIO, AND RECOMMENDED BY THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF THE UNITED STATES. GENERAL REGULATIONS. 1. No Sir Knight can be buried with the funeral honors of Knighthood, unless he be a Knight Templar, in regular standing. 2. It shall be the duty of the Eminent Commander to convene the Sir Knights of the Commandery, upon notice of the death of a Sir Knight who may be entitled to receive funeral honors, upon request, made when living or by his family after his decease, for the pur- pose of attending the funeral ceremonies. 3. Sir Knights, on such occasions, will attend in full uniform, pursuant to the regulations; their sword- hilts and the banner of the Commandery suitably dressed in mourning. 4. On the coffin of the deceased Sir Knight will be placed his hat and sword; and if an officer, his jewel, trimmed with crape. 5. The Eminent Commander will preside during the services, and assisted by the Prelate, lead in the cere- monies, pursuant to the Ritual. If Grand Officers or Past Grand Officers be present, they will be allotted a place in the procession according to their rank; and if the Grand Prelate or Past Grand Prelate be pres- ent, he will take the place of the Prelate. 6. The Sir Knights will assemble at their Asylum, and march to the residence of the deceased, in the usual order of processions; the line being headed by 151 152 GENERAL REGULATIONS. the Warder, and the officers being in the rear, accord- ing to rank; that is, the Eminent Commander last; the Prelate being preceded by the Holy Writings, carried on a cushion, and the arms and bat of the deceased borne in the rear of the Eminent Commander. On arriving at the house, the lines are opened, and the Eminent Commander passes to the front, and receives the body, placing the hat and sword on the coffin, as above directed. 7. The procession is then formed as before; and the body, with the mourners and citizens present, being in the rear of the Sir Knights, and in front of the Officers. If the services are performed at a church or place of public worship, the procession, on arriving will enter in reversed order, the Eminent Commander and Prelate with the other Officers preceding the body and mourners. 8. When the public or religious services are con- cluded, the face of the deceased will be uncovered, and the Sir Knights (or a detachment of them) will form the "cross of steel" over the body, the Eminent Commander, with the Prelate, being at the head of the coffin, and the other Officers at the foot. 9. When more convenient or desirable, the part of the service before going to the grave, as here indi- cated, may be performed at the house of the deceased, or be deferred till at the grave. RITUAL. E. Commander. SIR KNIGHTS: In the solemn rites of our Order, we have often been reminded of the great truth, that we were born to die. Mortality has been brought to view, that we might more earnestly seek an immortality beyond this fleeting life, where death can come no more forever. The sad and mournful funeral knell has betokened that another spirit has winged its flight to a new state of exist- ence. An alarm has come to the door of our Asy- lum, and the messenger was death; and none pre- sumed to say to the awful presence: "Who dares approach ?" A pilgrim warrior has been summoned, and there is no discharge in that war." A burning taper of life, in our Commandery, has been extin- guished, and none, save the High and Holy One, can re-light it. All that remains of our beloved Com- panion Sir Knight lies mute before us, and the light of the eye, and the breathing of the lips, in their lan- guage of fraternal greeting, have ceased for us for- ever, on this side of the grave. His sword, vowed only to be drawn in the cause of truth, justice and rational liberty, reposes still in its scabbard, and our arms can no more shield him from wrong and oppression. The Sir Knights here return arms. It is meet, at such a time, that we should be silent, and let the words of the Infinite and Undying speak, that we may gather consolation from His revelations, and impress upon our minds lessons of wisdom and 153 154 BURIAL SERVICE FOR THE instruction, and the meetness of preparation for the last great change which must pass upon us all. Let us be reverently attentive while Sir Knight our Prelate, reads to us a lesson from the Holy Scrip- tures. Prelate. Help, Lord! for the faithful fail from among the children of men. Response. Help us, oh Lord. Prelate. The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of their troubles. Response.dear us, oh Lord. Prelate. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Response. Be nigh unto us, oh Lord. Prelate. The Lord redeemeth the soul of His servants; and none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate. Response. Redeem us, oh Lord. Prelate. For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me. Response. Redeem us, oh Lord. Prelute. But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave; for He shall receive me. Respones. Redeem us, oh Lord. Prelate. Wilt Thou show wonders to the dead? Shall the dead arise and praise Thee? Shall Thy lov- ing kindness be declared in the grave? or Thy faith- fulness in destruction? Response. Save us, oh Lord. Prelate. We spend our days as a tale that is told. The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and, if by reason of strength, they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow, for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.. So teach us to num- ber our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Response. Teach us, oh Lord. Prelate. For He knoweth our frame; He remem- bereth we are dust. As for man, his days are as ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. 1 5 grass; as a flower of the field be flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him. Response. Show mercy, oh Lord. Prelate. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed; in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incor- ruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruption shall have put on incorrup- tion, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is writ- ten, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? Response. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? Prelate. The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Response. Thanks be to God. E. Commander. Shall the memory of our departed brother fade from among men ? Response. It is cherished in our soul forever. E. Commander. Shall no record be left of his vir- tues and worth? Response. It is inscribed upon our hearts; it is written in our archives; the heart may cease to throb, and the archives may moulder and decay, but the tablets of the recording angel on high ean never perish. The Recorder here opens the book of Records of the Commandery, on which a page is set apart, suitably in- scribed, and says: Thus it is written. The Sir Knights uncover, and bow their heads. 156 BURIAL SERVICE FOR THE E. Commander. He was a true and courteous Knight, and has fallen in life's struggle full knightly, with his armor on, prepared for knightly deeds. Prelate. Rest to his ashes and peace to his soul. Response. Rest to his ashes and peace to his soul. Prelate. Sovereign Ruler of the Universe! into Thy hands we devoutly and submissively commit the departed spirit. Response. Thy will be done, oh God. The following Hymn will be sung: Precious in the sight of Heaven Is the scene where Christians die; Souls, with all their sins forgiven, To the courts of glory fly; Every sorrow, every burden, Every Cross, they lay it down, Jesus gives them riches guerdon, In his own immortal crown. Here above our brother weeping, Through our tears we seize this hope: He in Jesus sweetly sleeping, Shall awake to glory up. He has borne his Cross in sorrow- Weary Pilgrim, all forlorn- When the sun shines bright to-morrow 'T will reveal his sparkling crown. Knights of Christ! your ranks are broken! Close your front-the Foe is nigh! Shield to shield, behold the Token, As he saw it in the sky! By this sign, so bright, so glorious, You shall conquer! if you strive; And like him, though dead, victorious, In the sight of Jesus live. I ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. 157 The following Prayer will then be made by the Prelate, (or an extemporaneous Prayer may be made by him, or by any Clergyman present, as may be preferred): FATHER OF LIGHTS! In this dark and trying hour of calamity and sorrow, we humbly lift our hearts to Thee. Give us, we pray, that light which cometh down from above. Thou hast mercifully said, in Thy holy word, that the bruised reed Thou wouldst not break; remember in mercy, oh Lord, before Thee. [Be Thou, at this hour, the Father of the fatherless, and the widow's God. Administer to them the consolations which they so sorely need.] Cause us to look away from these sad scenes of frail mortality, to the hopes which lie beyond the grave, and bind us yet closer together in the ties of brotherly love and affection. While we see how frail is man, and how uncertain the continuance of our lives upon the earth, and are re- minded of our own mortality, lead us, by Thy grace and spirit, to turn our thoughts to those things which make for our everlasting peace; and give us a frame of mind to make a proper improvement of all the admonitions of Thy providence, and fix our thoughts more devotedly on Thee, the only sure refuge in time of need. And at last, when our eartly pilgrimage shall be ended, "when the silver cord shall be loosed, and the golden bowl be broken," oh wilt Thou, in that moment of mortal extremity, be indeed Immanuel -Christ with us; may "the lamp of Thy love" dispel the gloom of the dark valley, and we be enabled, by the commendations of Thy Son, to gain admission into the blessed Asylum above; and in Thy glorious presence, amidst its ineffable mysteries, enjoy a union with the spirits of the departed, perfect as is the happiness of heaven, and durable as the eternity of God. Amen. Response. Amen, and Amen, and Amen. The procession will then form and march to the place of interment, in the same order as before. 158 BURIAL SERVICE FOR THE On arriving at the place, while forming in order, a suitable Dirge or the following liymn may in sung: AIR-Pleyel & Hymn. Softly, sadly bear him forth, To his dark and silent bed: Weep not that he 's lust to earth, Weep not that his spirit 's filed By our trials, hope and fear; By our anguish keenly felt : Let us trust God will be near, When we're at bis altar knelt. This, our brother, gone before, May we in remembrance keep, Hoping, as time passes o'er, We shall meet where none e'er weep. Sadly now we leave his form, In the tomb to moulder still; Hoping, in th'eternal morn, Christ His promise will fulfil. One last look-one parting sigh; Ah, too sad for words to tell; Yet, tho' tears now dim each eye, Hope we still, and sigh, farewell! On reaching the grave, the Sir Knights will form a triangle around it, the buse being at the foot, the E Com- mander und Prelate being at the head, and the friends and relatives at the foot, and the service will thus proveed: Prelate. SIR KNIGHTS: There is one sacred spot upon the earth where the footfalls of our march are unheeded; our trumpets quicken no pulse, and incite no fear; the rustling of our banners, and the gleam of our swords awaken no emotion-It is the silent ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. 159 city of the dead, where we now stand. Awe rests upon every heart, and the stern warrior's eyes are bedewed with feelings which never shame his man- hood. It needs no siege, nor assault, nor beleaguer- ing host to enter its walls; we fear no sortie, and listen for no battle shout. No Warder's challenge greets the ear, nor do we wait awhile with patience for permission to enter. Hither must we all come at last; and the stoutest heart and the manliest form that surrounds me will then be led a captive without title or rank, in the chains of mortality and the habiliments of slavery to the King of Terrors. But if he has been faithful to the Captain of his salvation, a true soldier of the Cross; if he has offered suitable gifts at the shrine of his departed Lord, and bears the signet of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, then may he claim to be of that princely house, and to be admitted to audience with the Sove- reign Master of Heaven and Earth. Then will he be stripped of the chains of earthly captivity, and clothed in a white garment, glistening as the sun, and be seated with princes and rulers, and partake of a libation, not of death and sorrow, but of that wine which is drank forever new in the Father's kingdom above. We cannot come here without subdued hearts and softened affections. Often, as the challenge comes which takes from our side some loved associate, some cherished companion in arms, and often as the trum- pet sounds its wailing notes to summon us to the death-bed, and the brink of the sepulchre, we cannot contemplate "the last of earth unmoved. Each successive death-note snaps some fibre which binds us to this lower existence, and makes us pause and reflect upon that dark and gloomy chamber where we must all terminate our pilgrimage. Well will it be for our peace then, if we can wash our hands, not only in token of sincerity, but of every guilty stain, 160 BURIAL SERVICE FOR THE and give honest and satisfactory answers to the ques- tions required. The sad and solemn scene now before us stirs up these recollections with a force and vivid power which we have hitherto unfelt. He who now slumbers in that last, long, unbroken sleep of death, was our bro- ther. With him have we walked the pilgrimage of life, and kept ward and watch together in its vicissi- tudes and trials. He is now removed beyond the effect of our praise or censure. That we loved him, our presence here evinces, and we reuiember him ia scenes to which the world was not witness, and where the better feelings of humanity were exhibited with- out disguise. That he had faults, and foibles, is but to repeat what his mortality demonstrates that be had a human nature, not divine. Over these errors, whatever they may have been, we cast, while living, the mantle of charity; it should, with much more reason, enshroud him in death. We who have been taught to extend the point of charity, even to a foe, when fallen, cannot be severe or merciless towards a loved brother. The memory of his virtues lingers in our remem- brance, and reflects its shining lustre beyond the portals of the tomb. The earthen vase which has contained precious odors will lose none of its fra- grance, though the clay be broken and shattered. So be it with our brother's memory. The Junior Warden then removes the sword and har from the coffin, which last will then be lowered into the grave, while the Prelate repeats as follows: Prelate. "I am the resurrection, and the life: ne that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth, and believeth in me, shall never die." To the earth we commit the mortal remains of our deceased brother, as we have already commended his soul to his Creator, with humble sub- mission to Divine Providence. (Here cast some earth ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. 161 on the coffin.) Earth to earth; (here cast again,) ashes to ashes; (here cast more carth,) dust to dust; till the morn of the resurrection, when, like our arisen and ascended Redeemer, he will break the bonds of death, and abide the judgment of the great day. Till then, friend, brother, Sir Knight, Farewell! Light be the ashes upon thee, and "may the sunshine of Heaven beam bright on thy waking!" Response. Amen, and Amen, and Amen. The Junior Warden then presents the sword to the E. Commander, who says: E. Commander. Our departed brother Sir Knight was taught, while living, that this sword in his hands, as a true and courteous Knight, was endowed with three most estimable qualities: its hilt with justice impartial; its blade with fortitude undaunted; and is point with mercy unrestrained. To this lesson, with its deep emblematical significance, we trust he gave wise heed. He could never grasp it without being reminded of the lively significance of the attri butes it inculcated. He has borne the pangs of dis- solving nature-may we trust that it was with the same fortitude that he sustained the trials of this passing existence; to his name and memory be justice done, as we hope to receive the like meed ourselves; and may that mercy unrestrained, which is the glori ous attribute of the Son of God, interpose in his be- half to blunt the sword of Divine justice, and admit him to the blessed companionship of saints and angels in the realms of light, and life. Response. Amen, and Amen, and Amen! The Senior Warden then presents a Cross to the Prelate who says: Prelate. This symbol of faith-the Christian's hope and the Christian's faith-we-again place upon the breast of our brother, there to remain till the last 12 162 BURIAL SERVICE FOR THE trumpet shall sound, and earth and sea yield up their dead. Though it may, in the past history of our race, have been perverted at times into an ensign of oppression, and crime, and wrong; though it may been made the emblem of fraud, and superstition, and moral darkness, yet its significance still remains as the badge of the Christian warrior. It calls to mind Gethsemane and its sorrowful garden, the judgment-hall of Pilate, and the pitiless crown of thorns; Golgotha and Calvary, and their untold agonies, that fallen man might live and inherit ever- lasting life. If an inspired Apostle was not ashamed of the Cross, neither should we be; if he gloried in the significance of the truths it shadowed forth, so ought we to rejoice in it as the speaking witness of our reliance beyond the grave. May this hope of the living have been the anchor to the soul of our depart- ed brother-the token to admit him to that peaceful haven "where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." Response. Amen, and Amen, and Amen. The Prelate then casts the Cross into the grave, and con- tinues: Prelate. The Orders of Christian Knighthood were instituted in a dark period of the world's history, but their mission was high and holy. To succor and protect the sorrowing and destitute, the in- nocent and oppressed, was their vow and their life- long labor and duty. For long, long years they well and nobly performed their vows and did their devoirs. In those rude ages the steel blade was oftener the arbiter of justice, than the judgments of judicial tribunals or the decrees of magistrates. So long as the Templars adhered to their vows of poverty, they were virtuous and innocent, and their language was in truth, "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I unto thee." But, with the acces- sion of wealth and civil power, they were tempted, ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. 163 and fell from their high estate, and their possessions attracted the cupidity, and their prowess incurred the batred of the despots of those times. When the martyred De Molay had perished, and the Order was proscribed, they united with the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, and returned to their primi- tive simplicity of manners; and a rough habit, coarse diet, and severe duty, was all that was offered to their votaries. In our land, we have perpetuated only the distinc- tive rites, with the appellations and regulations of the defenders of the Holy Sepulchre -the early champions and soldiers of the Cross-and this as a guerdon of merit, not a badge of rank. The sword in our hands is more as a symbol of the duties we are vowed to fulfill, than as an instrument of assault or defence. We claim to exercise practical virtues in the holy bonds of our coufraternity, in humble imitation of those renowned knights of the olden time; for there is still in this refined age, innocence to be guarded, widowed hearts to be relieved of their burdens, and orphanage to be protected from the chill blasts of a wintry world; and to be true and courteous is not limited to any age or crime. Our brother, whose cold and lifeless remains have just been committed to the earth, was one of our fra- ternal hand, bound by the same ties and pledged to the same duties. To his bereaved and mourning friends and relatives we have but little worldly con- solation to offer, but we do tender to them our heart- felt sympathies. And if the solemn and interesting ceremonies in which we have been engaged have not pointed to them a higher hope and a better consola- tion, then all our condolence would be in vain. Sir Knight companions, let us pray: ALMIGHTY AND MOST MERCIFUL GOD! We adore Thee as the Sovereign Ruler of all events, both in time and for eternity. As it hath pleased Thee to take from 164 BURIAL SERVICE FOR THE our ranks one dear to our hearts, we beseech Thee to bless and sanctify unto us this dispensation of Thy providence. Inspire our hearts with wisdom from on high, that we may glorify Thee in all our ways. May we have Thy divine assistance, oh, most merciful God! to redeem our misspent time; and in the discharge of the important duties Thou hast assigned us in our moral welfare here below, may we be guided by faith and humility, courage and constancy, to perform our allotted pilgrimage acceptable in Thy sight, without asking a remission of years from Thee. And when our career on earth is finished, and the sepulchre ap- pointed for all the living receives our mortal bodies, may our souls, disengaged from their cumberous dust, flourish and bloom in eternal day, and enjoy that rest which Thou has prepared for Thy good and faithful servants in Thy blessed Asylum of peace beyond the vails of earth. All which we ask through the media- tion of our Redeemer, King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen. Response. Amen, and Amen, and Amen. E. Commander. Attention, Sir Knights. The lines are then formed, and the cross of steel made over the grave, and the following Hymn is sung: AIR-Mount Vernon. Christian warriors at the pealing Of the solemn vesper bell, Round the tri- form altar kneeling, Whisper, each, "IMMANUEL!'' When the watch and ward are over, Guarding the Asylum well, Smiles of peace around them hover, At Thy name, IMMANUEL! ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. 165 When the matin-notes arc ringing, Cheerfully from mount and dell, Strength for warfare still is springing From Thy name, IMMANUEL! When some deed of emprise sharing, Deed like those traditions tell, Prompts each Knight to noble daring— 'Tis for Thee, IMMANUEL! When the storm-clouds darkly lower On our pathway dark and fell, Knight heroic will not cower, Cheered by Thee, IMMANUEL! When death's fearful damps are stealing, And is breathed the last "Farewell!" All the brighter world revealing, Thou shalt come, IMMANUEL! The Sir Knights may then escort the friends of the de- ceased to their home, or return to their Asylum, as mag be expedient. CEREMONIES AND CHARGES UPON CONSTITUTING AND DEDICATING A COMMANDERY, AND INSTALLING ITS OFFICERS. The Sir Knights will assemble in the room where the ceremonies are to be performed, and open a Commandery. The jewels are then placed on the altar. An ode is then sung. The Sir Knights form a triangle around the altar and attend prayer. The Grand Marshal will then say: Right Eminent Grand Commander, a constitutional number of Knights Templar, duly instructed in the sublime mysteries of our Orders, and being desirous of promoting the honor of the same by aiding the cause of Humanity, Knowledge, and Virtue, have applied to proper authority for a warrant or charter to constitute them a regular Commandery of Knights Templar and the appendant Orders. The prayer of their petition having been granted, they are now assembled for the purpose of being legally consti- tuted, and of having their officers duly installed in due and ancient form. The Grand Commander will then direct the Grand Recorder to read the charter, which being done, he 167 168 CONSTITUTION AND DEDICATION. will ask the members if they still approve of the officers named in the Charter; if they assent, the Grand Commander will declare: By virtue of the high power and authority in me vested, I do now form you, my worthy brother Sir Knights, into a just and regular Commandery of Knights Templar. Henceforth you are authorized and empowered to form and open a Council of Knights of the Red Cross, a Commandery of Knights Templar and Knights of Malta, of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and to perform all such things as may appertain to the same; conforming in all your doings to the Laws and Constitution of the Grand Commandery under whose authority you act, and to the Constitution and Edicts of the Grand Encamp- ment of the United States. And may the God of your fathers be with you, guide and direct you in all your undertakings. The jewels are now uncovered to solemn music, when the Prelate rises and says: From time immemorial, it has been customary for the Masonic fraternity to dedicate the different departments of our institution to different patrons. We dedicate our Lodges to St. John the Baptist, or the Evangelist; our Chapters to Zerubbabel, and our Commanderies to St. John the Almoner. We do this, not in that superstitious sense in which the heathen employ the term when they set apart temples for the worship of their imaginary deities, nor in that high and solemn sense in which Christians dedicate their churches to the great Jehovah; but we do it simply to testify our respect and esteem for the character of those who have been so eminently beneficial to our institution, and that their examples may stimulate us to imitate their exalted virtues. To our most eminent and worthy patron, St. John the Almoner, I do now solemnly dedicate this INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 169 Com- Commandery, by the name and title of mandery; and may the God of all grace abundantly bless you in your laudable undertaking, and may each one of His members so redeem his time that he may receive the joyful invitation, "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!" Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men! - Response.- As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. INSTALLATION. The Eminent Commander elect is then presented to the Grand Commander by the Marshal, who says: ? Right Eminent, I have the honor to present to you the Eminent Sir who has been elected to the office of Commander of this Commandery. I find him to be well skilled in our sublime mysteries, and observant of the noble precepts of our forefathers, and have, therefore, no doubt but he will discharge the important duties of his office with fidelity. The Grand Commander then asks: Eminent, are you ready to subscribe to the oath of office? On his answering in the affirmative, the Grand Com- mander will draw his sword, and, holding it horizon- tally, the edge toward the Eminent Commander elect, who will place his left hand on the same, and his right hand on his left breast, and repeat as follows: I, A. B., do solemnly promise, upon the honor of a Knight Templar, that I will, to the best of my knowledge and ability, faithfully discharge the vari- ous duties incumbent upon the office to which I have 170 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. been elected; that I will support and maintain the By-Laws of this Commandery, and the Laws and Con- stitution of the Grand Commandery, under whose immediate authority I act; also, the Constitution and Edicts of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America. The Grand Commander will then address the Emi- nent Commander elect as follows• Eminent Sir, having been elected to the important and honorable station of Eminent Commander of this [new] Commandery, it is with unfeigned pleasure that I enter upon the discharge of the pleasing duty of installing you into your office. As the head of an institution founded upon the Christian religion, and the practice of the Christian virtues, you will sensibly realize the great responsibility of the new relation in which you now stand to your brethren; and, I am fully pursuaded, will so conduct the imporant inter- ests about to be committed to your hands, as to reflect honor upon yourself and credit upon your Comman- dery. It now, Sir Knight, becomes my duty to pro- pose certain questions to you, relative to your office, to which I must re uest unequivocal answers: I. Do you solemnly promise, upon the honor of a Knight Templar, that you will redouble your endea- vors to correct the vices, purify the morals, and pro- mote the happiness of those of your brethren who have attained this magnanimous Order? II. That you will never suffer your Commandery to be opened, unless there be present nine regular Sir Knights of the Order? III. That you will not confer the Orders upon any one who has not shown a charitable and humane dis- position, or who has not made a considerable profi- ciency in the foregoing degrees? INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 171 IV. That you will promote the general good of our Order, and on all proper occasions be ready to give and receive instructions, and particularly from the General and State Grand Officers ? V. That, to the utmost of your power, you will preserve the solemnities of our ceremonies, and behave, in open Commandery, with the most pro- found respect and reverence, as an example to your brethren? VI. That you will not acknowledge or have inter- course with any Commandery that does not work under a constitutional warrant or dispensation? VII. That you will not admit any visitor into your Commandery who has not been knighted in a Com- mandery legally constituted, without his first being formally healed? VIII. That you will pay due respect and obedience to the instructions of the General and State Grand Officers, particularly relating to the several lectures and charges, and will resign the chair to them, sever- ally, when they may visit your Commandery? IX. That you will support and observe the Consti- tution of the Grand Encampment of the United States, and the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Com- mandery under whose authority you act? X. That you will bind your successor in office to the observance of the same rules to which you have now assented? Do you submit to all these things, and do you promise to observe and practice them faithfully? Assents 172 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 峁 ​CHARGE TO THE EMINENT COMMANDER. Eminent, you will now permit me to invest you with this badge of your office. It is a Cross, surmounted by Rays of Light. It is an appropriate and beautiful emblem of the sublime principles of this magnanimous and Christian Order of Knighthood. The Cross will remind you of Him who offered up His life as a propitiation for the sins of the world; and the reful- gent rays that emanate from it, of those divine teachings and sublime precepts which He has left to guide and direct us in the paths of truth and holiness. I present you the charter of your Commandery. You will receive it as a sacred deposit, and never permit it to be used for any other purposes than those expressed in it, and safely transmit it to your successor in office. I also commit to your hands the Holy Bible, the Great Light in every degree of Masonry, together with the Cross Swords. The doctrines contained in this sacred volume create in us a belief in the exist- ence of the eternal Jehovah, the one only true and living God, the Creator and Judge of all things in heaven and earth; they also confirm in us a belief in the dispensation of His providence. This belief strengthens our Faith, and enables us to ascend the first step of the Grand Masonic Ladder. This Faith naturally produces in us a Hope of becoming par- takers in the promises expressed in this inestimable gift of God to man, which Hope enables us to ascend the second step. But the third and the last being Charity, comprehends the former, and will continue to exert its influence when Faith shall be lost in sight, and Hope in complete enjoyment. The Cross Swords, resting upon the Holy Bible, are to remind us that we should be "strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might;" that we INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 173 should "put on the whole armor of God," to be able to wrestle successfully against principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. I also present to you the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America; the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery of this State, and the By-Laws of your Commandery. You will frequently consult them yourself, and cause them to be read for the information of your Com- mandery, that all, being informed of their duty, may have no reasonable excuse to offer for the neglect of it. And now, Eminent, permit me to induct you into the chair of your Commandery, and, in behalf of the Sir Knights here assembled, to offer you my most sincere congratulations on your accession to the hon- orable station you now fill It will henceforth be your special duty to preserve inviolate the Laws and Constitutions of the Order, to dispense justice, reward merit, encourage truth, and diffuse the sub- lime principies of universal benevolence. You will distribute alms to poor and weary pilgrims traveling from afar; feed the hungry; clothe the naked; and bind up the wounds of the afflicted. You will incul- cate the duties of charity and hospitality, and govern your Commandery with justice and moderation. And finally, my brother, may the bright example of the illustrious heroes of former ages, whose matchless valor has shed undying lustre over the name of Knight Templar, encourage and animate you to the faithful performance of every duty. Sir Kn ghts, behold your Commander. The Sir Knights rise and present arms. Recollect, Sir Knights, that the prosperity of your Commandery will as much depend on your support, assistance, and obedience, as on the assiduity, fidelity, and wisdom of your Commander. 174 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. The remainder of the officers are then duly qual- ified, by taking the oath of office, in the form and mauner before stated. The Grand Marshal then presents the Generalissimo. CHARGE TO THE GENERALISSIMO. Sir, you have been elected General- issimo of this Commandery. I now invest you with the badge of your office, which is a Square, surmounted by a Paschal Lamb. When beholding the Lamb, let it stimulate you to have, at all times, a watchful eye over your own conduct, and an earnest solicitude for the prosperity of the kingdom of the blessed Immanuel, the spotless Lamb of God, who was slain from the foundation of the world. The Square is to remind you that the institution of Free Masonry and the Orders of Knighthood were formerly governed by the same Grand Masters, and that the same principles of brotherly love and friend- ship should forever govern the members of both Orders. Your station, Sir Knight, is on the right of your Commander; your duty is to receive and com- municate all orders, signs, and petitions; to assist your Commander in his various duties; and, in his absence, to preside in the Commandery. The exer- cise of all your talents and zeal will be necessary in the discharge of your various duties. I charge you, therefore, to be faithful to the Sir Knights with whom you are associated; put them often in remembrance of those things which tend to their everlasting peace. Finally, "preach to them the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine;" ever remem- bering the promise, Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." 64 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 175 CHARGE TO THE CAPTAIN GENERAL. "" Sir, you are elected Captain General of this Commandery. I now invest you with the badge of your office, which is a Level, surmounted by a Cock. As the undaunted courage and valor of the cock stimulates him to conquer his competitor, or yield himself a victim to the contest, so should you be stimu- lated to the discharge of every duty. You should have on the breast-plate of righteousness,' so that with patience and meekness you may ever travel on the level of humility, and be so supplied with divine grace as to prevent you from selling your God or denying your Master. Your station is on the left of your Commander. Your duty, among other things, is to see that the proper officers make all due preparations for the various meetings of the Commandery; that the Council Chamber and Asylum are in suitable array for the introduction of candidates and the dis- patch of business. You are also to receive and communicate all orders issued by the Eminent Commander, through the officers of the line. You are to assist in Council, and, in the absence of your Commander and Generalissimo, you are to govern the Commandery. The distressed widow, the helpless orphan, and the innocent of the weaker sex, you are ever to assist and protect. But, above all, you are to stand forth, having your loins girt about with Truth, in defence of the Christian religion from all its enemies. And now, I exhort you, that with fidelity you perform every duty; and "whatsoever ye do, do heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men: continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving; ever bearing in mind the promise, Be not weary in well-doing, for in due time you shall reap, if ye faint not." 66 "" 176 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. CHARGE TO THE PRELATE. Sir, you are elected Prelate of this Commandery. I have the pleasure of investing you with this Triple Triangle, which is the badge of your office, and a beautiful emblem of the Eternal Great Jehovah. Your station is on the right of the Generalissimo; your duty is to officiate at the Altar; to offer up prayers and oblations to Deity. The duties of your office are very interesting and highly important, and will require your early and punctual attendance at every meeting. Your jewel is to remind you of the importance of the trust reposed in you; and may He who is able, abundantly fur- nish you for every good work, preserve you from falling into error, improve, strengthen, establish, and perfect you;" and finally greet you with, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." 66 CHARGE TO THE SENIOR WARDEN. Sir, you are elected Senior Warden of this Commandery. I now invest you with the badge of your office, which is a Hollow Square and Sword of Justice. It is to remind you that, as the children of Israel marched in a hollow square in their journey through the wilderness, in order to guard and protect the Ark of the Covenant, so should you be vigilant in guarding every avenue from innovation and error. Let the sword of justice, therefore, be ever drawn to guard the Constitution of the Order. Your station is at the southwest angle of the triangle, and upon the right of the first division. You will attend pilgrim warriors traveling from afar, comfort and support pilgrim penitents, and recommend them, INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 177 after due trial, to the favor and protection of the Eminent Commander. You will be assiduous in teaching your division their duties and exercises. You will on all occasions form the avenues for the approach and departure of your Commander, and prepare the lines for inspection and review. Let it be your constant care that the warrior be not deterred from duty, nor the penitent molested on his journey. Finally, Let your light so shine before men, that they, seeing your good works, may glorify your Father which is in heaven." CHARGE TO THE JUNIOR WARDEN. Sir, you are elected Junior Warden of this Commandery. I now invest you with the badge of your office, which is an Eagle and Flaming Sword. It is to remind you to per- form your various duties with justice and valor, having an eagle eye on the prosperity of the Order. Your station is at the northwest angle of the triangle, and on the left of the third division. Your duty is to attend weary pilgrims traveling from afar, conduct them on their journey, plead their cause, and, by permission of the Eminent Commander, introduce them into the Asylum. You will be careful that, in addition to the sandals, staff, and scrip, their whole preparation and deportment shall be such as to cause them to be recognized as children of humility. Teach that "Mugna est Veritas et Prævalebit," is the motto of our Order; and although, in the course of their pilgrimage, they will often find the heights of fortune inaccesible, and the thorny path of life crooked, adverse, and forlorn, yet, by faith and humility-courage, constancy, and perseverance in the great duties set before them in the gospel-they may gain admission into the Asylum 13 178 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. above; there to enjoy the honor and rewards that await the valiant soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, be ye perfect, always abounding in the work of the Lord, that you may be a shining light in the orld. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. CHARGE TO THE TREASURER. - Sir, you are elected Treasurer of this Commandery. I now invest you with the badge of your office. Your station is on the right of the Eminent Commander, in front. The qualities which should recommend a Treasurer are accuracy and fidelity accuracy, in keeping a fair and minute account of all receipts and disbursements; fidelity, in carefully preserving all the property and funds of the Commandery that may be placed in his hands, and rendering a just account of the same whenever he is called upon for that purpose. I presume that your respect and attachment to the Commandery, and your earnest solicitude for a good name, which is better than precious ointment, will prompt you to the faithful discharge of the duties of your office. CHARGE TO THE RECORDER. Sir, you are elected Recorder of this Commandery. I now invest you with the badge of your office. Your station is on the left of the Eminent Commander, in front. The qualities which should recommend a Recorder are, promptitude in issuing the notifications and orders of his superior officers; punctuality in attend- ing the meetings of the Commandery; correctness in recording their proceedings; judgment in dis- criminating between what is proper and what is INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 179 improper to be committed to writing; integrity in accounting for all moneys that may pass through his hauds, and fidelity in paying the same over into the hands of the Treasurer. The possession of these good qualities, I presume, has designated you as a suitable candidate for this important office; and I cannot entertain a doubt that you will discharge its duties beneficially to the Commandery and honorably to yourself. And when you shall have completed the record of your transactions here below, and finished the term of your probation, may you be admitted into the celestial asylum of saints and angels, and find your name recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life! CHARGE TO THE STANDARD BEARER. Sir, you are elected Standard Bearer of this Commandery. I now invest you with the badge of your office, which a Plumb, surmounted by a Banner. Your station is in the West, and in the centre of the second division. Your duty is to display, support, and protect the Standard of the Order, which I now, with pleasure, confide to your valor. You will remember that it is our rallying point in time of danger; and when unfurled in a just and virtuous cause, you will never relinquish it to an enemy but with your life. therefore, your conduct be such as all the virtuous will delight to imitate; let the refulgent rays which ever emanate from pure benevolence and humility, diffuse their lustre on all around, that it may encour- age and animate all true and courteous Knights, and, at the same time, confound and dismay all their enemies. Let, 180 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. CHARGE TO THE SWORD BEARER. Sir, you are elected Sword Bearer of this Commandery. I now invest you with the badge of your office, which is a Triangle and Cross Swords. Your station is on the right of the Standard Bearer, and on the right of second division when formed in line. Your duty is to watch all orders and signals from the Eminent Commander, and see that they are promptly obeyed. You are also to assist in the protection of the Ban- ners of the Order, and with a heart livelily devoted to the principles of Faith, Hope, and Charity; with the mystic sword that is endowed with justice and fortitude, and tempered with mercy, in your hand, you may cast your eyes upon the Standard, and remember that In Hoc Signo Vinces" is an express- ive motto of our Order, and consoling to the heart of every believer. .. CHARGE TO THE WARDER. Sir, you are elected Warder of this Com- mandery. I now invest you with the badge of your office, which is a square plate, with a Trumpet and Cross Swords engraved thereon. Your station is upon the left of the Standard Bearer, and upon the left of the second division, when formed in line. Your duty is to announce the approach and depar- ture of the Eminent Commander; to post the senti- nels and see that the Asylum is duly guarded. You will, also, report all petitions from visitors and stran- gers, and communicate the orders of your superior officers; and I charge you to be punctual in your at- tendance at our meetings, and indefatigable in the discharge of your important duties; for though yours is among the last offices in the Commandery, it is by no means the least in importance. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. 181 CHARGE TO THE THREE GUARDS. Sir Knights, you are appointed Cap- tains of the Guard. I now invest you with the badge of office, which is a Square Plate with a Battle Axe engraved thereon. Your post is that of honor as well as danger. You will, therefore, be vigilant, and challenge with spirit, examine with cau- tion, admonish with candor, relieve cheerfully, protect with fidelity, and fight valiantly. CHARGE TO THE COMMANDERRY. Sir Knights-To manage and conduct the concerns of a Commandery of Knights Templar with that promptitude, integrity and skill which the institution demands, will require the exercise of all the talents and perseverance of its officers and members. Are any of you solicitous that your equals and inferiors should conduct themselves toward you with deference and respect? you will be sure to let no opportunity pass without furnishing them an example in your own conduct toward your superiors. The officers will recollect that those moral and religious duties and precepts which they, from time to time, so forcibly im- press upon the minds of others, should by no means be neglected by themselves and the most effectual way to insure success is to let precept and example go hand in hand. I would therefore exhort one and all of you to look well to the East, to the West, to the North, and to the South, and see that the entering avenues are strictly guarded, and that you suffer no one to pass the thres- hold of your Asylum but the worthy children of humility, and, at the same time, that you suffer no one to walk among you disorderly without admoni- tion or reproof. While such is the conduct of the 182 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. officers and members, you may rest assured that this valiant, magnanimous Order will forever flourish like the green bay tree. And now, my worthy Sir Knights, I would address you in the language of David to his beloved city, "Peace be within thy walls, and pros- perity within thy palaces!" For my brethren and companions' sake, I will now say, Peace be with thee! The Grand Marshal then proclaims the [new] Com- mandery in the following manner, viz. : In the name of the Grand Commandery of the State of I proclaim this [new] Com- mandery, by the name of Commandery, No., to be legally constituted, consecrated, and the officers duly installed. After the necessary business is finished, the Com- mandery is closed. FORMS AND CEREMONIES FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS ACCORDING TO THE LAW AND USAGE OF THE ORDER. The first step to be taken toward a knightly trial of a Sir Knight is, of course, to prefer charges, or make a complaint. The important requisites of a complaint are, that it should be brief, and yet com- prehensive, clearly defining the nature of the offence charged, and accurately specifying the time, place, and circumstances of its commission. It may be in this form: COMPLAINT. To the E. Commander and Sir Knights of Commandery, No. ....... .......... Sir Knight A. B. is hereby charged with immoral and unknightly conduct: ...... First Specification.-That the said A. B., on the day of 18..., in the public street, at ........., in the county of was in a state of intoxication, from the use of strong and spirituous liquors, in vio lation of his duty as a Sir Knight, and to the scandal and disgrace of the Order of Knighthood. Second Specification.-That the said A. B., on the aforesaid, and at day of..... 18..., at various other times and places, in the year 18..., was intoxicated with strong and spirituous liquors, although admonished therefor by the E. Commander 183 184 FORMS AND CEREMONIES and Sir Knights of this Commandery, in violation of his duty as a Sir Knight, to the great scandal and disgrace of the Order; and it is therefore demanded, that the said A. B. be dealt with therefor, according to the law and usage of Masonic Knighthood. Dated 18... ....... S. L., …………….... COMPLAINT (in another form.) To the E. Commander and Sir Knights of Commandery, No. ......: Sir Knight C. D. is hereby charged with immoral and unknightly conduct: ..... First Specification.-That the said C. D., on the...... day of..., 18..., at .......... in the county of. in the presence and hearing of Bro. or Sir Knight E. F., and others, spoke and declared of Sir Knight, G. II. these words in substance: That the said G. H. was a dishonest man; that he was a knave and a cheat, and that he was a liar, to the great injury of the said G. H., and to the common scandal and disgrace of our Knightly Order. ...... Second Specification. That the said C. D., on the day of 18..., at aforesaid, in the presence and hearing of Mr. Y. Z., and others, pub- licly spoke and declared of the said G. H., who was not present, that he, the said G. H., was a dishonest man, a knave, a cheat, and a liar, in violation of the duties of the said C. D. as a Sir Knight, to the great injury of the said G. H., and to the common scandal and disgrace of our Knightly Order; and it is there- fore hereby demanded, that the said C. D. be put upon trial therefor. S. L., Dated 18... These forms might be indefinitely multiplied, but these will be sufficient to show the manner and importance of specifying time, place, and circum- stances, constituting the offence. FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS 185 This charge (at contained in the first form will hereafter be follo, ed) having been presented in open Commandery, and received, the E. Commander there- upon appoints ammittee of three to near and try the same, which entered upon the minutes. The charges need not e entered, but the nature of them should be. It then the duty of the Recorder immediately to se ve upon the accused a copy of the charges, with the ollowing notice annexed: N. TICE OF CHARGES. Sir Knight A. n Take notice, that the within (or foregoing) is a copy of the charges preferred against ... Knights' Conclave of held on the Com- you at a stated Si. mandery, No. day of inst., and that Sir Knights R. S., T. U., and V. W., were thereupon a pointed a committee to hear and try the same. P. Q., Recorder. Dated 18... ....... Should the committee determine, at the time the charges are preferred, (and it is recommended that they should in all cases, if possible,) when and where they will meet for trial, the Recorder may add to the above notice the following: "and that they will meet for that purpose on the inst., at seven o'clock P. M., at the Asylum of Commandery, No. ...; at or before which time you are required to answer said charges.' ...... ......... In case the accused absent himself, so that the charges cannot be personally served, the copy may be transmitted to him by mail, if his residence be known; if not, after a reasonable time, and after diligent inquiry, the Recorder should report the fact to the Commandery for their further action. In all cases the prosecutor or Recorder should take care that the accused he served with notice of the time and place of meeting of the committee for trial, at the time of service of the charges. 186 FORMS AND CEREMONIES The charges being served, it is the first duty of the accused, if he has an objection to any of the commit- tee, to make his challenge, that the Eminent Com- mander, if satisfied that there is grounds for it, may supply the vacant place by another appointment. It is recommended, however, that if there be reasonable objection, or probable cause therefor be manifest, that the member of the committee challenged rem ove all question by resignation. The tribunal being properly constituted, it is next the duty of the accused to answer the charges. As this must be in every case equivalent to the well- known plea of "Not Guilty," it is scarcely necessary to furnish a form; yet, for the sake of making up a complete record, in cases of appeal, one is subjoined: ANSWER. C. D., in person, denies the charges made against him, and every matter and thing contained in the several specifications of the same, and demands trial thereon. Of course this answer will vary according to the facts of each case. One specification may be admit- ted and another denied. The charge and specifica- tions may be admitted, and matters set up in extenua- tion or excuse. Assuming the answer to be a denial, the issue is formed, and the parties proceed to trial. To procure the attendance of witnesses on either side, some process may be necessary. If the witness te not a Knight, his attendance must, of course, be voluntary; but a Knight is bound to obey a summons. This may be issued by any Eminent Commander of a Commandery, and in the following form: SUMMONS FOR WITNESS. To Sir Knight, I. J.: You are hereby summoned and required to attend as a witness before the com- mittee appointed for the trial of A. B., on certain FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 187 ... charges preferred against him, on the day of instant, at... o'clock P. M., at the Asylum of......Com- mandery, No. and there to testify the truth ac- cording to your knowledge. ..... Dated........., 18.. K. L., E. Commander. This may be made to answer for several witnesses by inserting their names, and adding the words "and each of you" after the word "you." The Sir Knight disobeying such a summons may be proceeded against as in case of disobedience to any other summons. For this purpose the person serving it should note upon it when and how it is served. The committee, having met for trial, should organ- ize; that is to say, one of their number (and usually the first named) should preside, though they may choose another for that purpose; and another of them should be chosen to act as their clerk, and keep the minutes of their proceedings. A copy of the reso- lution under which they were appointed, together with their appointment, should be furnished them by the Recorder. They should keep minutes of their pro- ceedings, which may be in this form : MINUTES OF COMMITTEE. The committee appointed for the trial of A. B., on the charges, a copy of which is hereunto annexed (marked A), assembled at the Asylum of......Com- mandery, No. on evening, the. day of ....... 18...., pursuant to the following resolution (copy resolution): ..... .... Present: R. S., T. U., and V. W., committee. R. S., officiated as chairman, and V. W. was chosen clerk. The charges were then read by Sir Knight S. L., clerk, together with the answer of Sir Knight A. B. Sir Knight B. requested that P. S., Esq., an attor- aey, and not a Knight, should examine the witnesses 188 FORMS AND CEREMONIES on his behalf, and assist him in his defence. The committee decided against his request, but further decided that he might employ the services of any Sir Knight to assist him in defence; to which Sir Knight B. took an exception. He then employed Sir Knight N. O. to assist him as counsel. Sir Knight O. objected to the form of the charges as being vague and uncer- tain; but the committee decided them to be sufficient; to which Sir Knight O. took an exception. Sir Knight E. F. was then introduced as a witness, and testified as a Sir Knight, as follows: I am acquainted with Brother A. B.; I saw him on ..... street, in ..... on the day of ........., last; I was on the opposite side of the street; he appeared to be much intoxicated; (objection was made to the "appearance" of accused, but it was overruled, and an exception taken); he was there for about half an hour; he reeled as he walked, etc. On cross-examination, Sir Knight E. F. further testified: I know that Sir Knight B. had been sick, etc. 18..., The committee then adjourned to meet at the same place, on evening, the of at 7 o'clock. ...... evening, ........., .........9 18... The committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present all the committee and Sir Knight A. B., and his counsel Sir Knight O. Sir Knight T. U. officiated as chairman. Mr. H. C. was then introduced as a witness by and stated as follows: ....... I was in ......... on the...... day of........., inst., etc. The proofs on the part of the complainant here rested. Sir Knight O., on behalf of Sir Knight A. B., then produced the affidavit of Mr. J. B., sworn to before to which ......... objected, on the ground that Mr. B. should be produced for cross-examination. FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 189 The committee sustained the objection on that ground, and Sir Knight O. took an exception. Mr. B. was then produced, and then con- sented that his affidavit might be read, which was read accordingly, and is hereto annexed (marked B.) then cross-examined Mr. B., who stated as ......... follows, etc. The proofs being closed, after hearing both parties, the committee decided to meet again on the of ......... inst., to determine on their report., day 18... .......... The committee again met by themselves, and after consultation, decided upon their report, a copy of which is hereto annexed, together with the testimony and proceedings had before them, and notified the parties thereof. (Signed by the Committee.) These minutes have been given in this extended form because they present a convenient way of stating certain facts and proceedings on trial. Thus, the statement of formal objections, and the grounds of them, together with the decision thereon of the com- mittee, (which should always be stated,) are here set forth; also, that the acted as prosecutor; that the employment of an attorney not being a Sir Knight was not permitted, but that the accused was permitted to have counsel; that the first witness testified in his character as a Knight Templar, and that the second witness, not being a Knight, made his statement merely, no oath being administered to either; that the testimony is taken down in the words of the witness, and of course in the first person as he spoke; that the precise point objected to is stated; that the time and place of each adjournment are noted that a sworn affidavit was not admitted, because no opportunity was given for cross-examina- tion; and finally, that the committee met alone, and 190 FORMS AND CEREMONIES decided upon their report, and then gave notice to the parties; all of which may furnish useful hints to those engaged in such trials, without further com- ment; it being presumed that the usual forms of such proceedings. and the ordinary rules of evidence, are understood, and will be observed. It is at the option of the committee whether they will admit any one to be present but the parties and the witnesses testify- ing; but on all such occasions none but Knights should be admitted, except the witness not a Knight, and while testifying. As the form of the notice given to the parties by the committee may be desired, it is here given, and may be as follows: NOTICE OF DECISION. To Sir Knight S. L. and Sir Knight A. B.: You will each take notice, that we have agreed upon and signed our report, in the matter of charges against Sir Knight A. B., referred to us, by which we have found the charges sustained, and Sir Knight A. B. guilty thereof; and that the expenses of the pro- ceedings be paid by him; and that we shall present the report to......... Commandery, No. at its stated Conclave, on the Dated ...... of 18... ....... .... instant. (Signed by the Committee.) The trial being concluded, and the report thus agreed upon, the committee will have it drawn up in irm for the action of the Commandery. This report need not, in the first place, contain anything but the facts found, and the conclusions arrived at thereon by the committee. These conclusions, like those of any other committee, should be in the form of reso- lutions, for the definite action of the Commandery. Should the Commandery, on the report coming in, desire to hear the testimony read, or any of the decisions stated, it will be the duty of the committee FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 191 to comply, and make full report of the testimony and their proceedings, if required. The report may be in the following form: REPORT OF COMMITTEE. To the E. Commander and Sir Knights of Commandery, No. ...: ....... The committee appointed for the trial of Sir Knight A. B., on charges of intoxication, heretofore preferred in this Commandery, respectfully report: of ......... That they met at the Asylum of this Commandery, on evening, the last past, and proceeded to hear and try the matters referred to them. That objections were presented to Sir Knight T. U., one of their number, which they overruled, and also refused to permit Sir Knight A. B. to appear by counsel not being a Knight, and thereupon Sir Knight N. O. appeared for him. That objections were made to the charges, which were overruled. That they proceeded to take testimony (in the course of which they decided not to admit a sworn affidavit), and Sir Knight E. F.. Mr. H. C., and Mr. J. B. were examined as witnesses. That they held three meetings, the last of which was for the purpose of agreeing upon and preparing their report. That from the testimony before them they find the following facts: 1. That Sir Knight A. B. was intoxicated with strong and spirituous liquors, in a public place, at on the day of 18.... 2. That Sir Knight A. B, has been at least twice intoxicated in a public place, in within two weeks previous to the said ...., 18.... of ........., aforesaid, day ...... They therefore recommend the adoption of the following resolutions : 192 FORMS AND CEREMONIES Resolved, That the charges of intoxication against Sir Knight A. B., made and presented to this Com- mandery, on the day of .........9 18...., are sustained, and that he is guilty of the said charges. Resolved, That Sir Knight A. B. be and he is hereby suspended from this Commandery, and from the rights and privileges of Masonic Kuighthood, for the space of three months from this date. The charges and expenses of the committee amount to the sum of dollars, which they adjuge that Sir Knight A. B. shall pay; of all which they have notified and Sir Knight A. B. All of which is respectfully submitted, Dated ……………………., 18.... R. S. T. U. V. W. } Committee. If the reoslutions be adopted, the Recorder of the Commandery should transcribe them on his minutes, together with the adjudication as to charges and expenses. The resolutions, however, are subject to the action of the Commandery, who may reverse the decision of the committee: or, if sustained, may amend the resolution as to the penalty by increasing or diminishing it. Should the resolutions be adopted (and for this purpose a majority vote is sufficient, unless the By-Laws provide differently), and the accused be absent from the Commandery, it is the duty of the Recorder to furnish him immediately with a copy of the resolutions, and of the award as to expenses, with a notice, which may be in this form: NOTICE OF JUDGMENT. To Sir Knight A. B.: Take notice, that the fore- going is a copy of resolutions adopted by Commandery, No Asylum, on the ....... ...... at their Conclave held at their day of ....., instant, together with a copy of the award made by the committee as P. Q., Recorder. to expenses. Dated 18.... ..... FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 193 Thus have been presented the ordinary proceed- ings, from complaint to judgment, on a Knightly trial, on charges preferred in a Commandery. Some of them may be found practically unnecessary; but the complaint, minutes, and report are deemed important, and should be substantially followed in every case. In all cases the decision of the Com- mandery is final, unless an appeal be taken from it to the Grand Commandery. In these cases a report will be made to the Grand Commandery, and the minutes, with the report of the committee annexed, filed in the office of the Grand Recorder, and notice given to the parties by the Recorder. APPEALS. The subject of Appeals next claims our attention, and we shall still follow the form of proceedings after a trial on charges preferred in a Commandery against a member. Where a party is intending to appeal, it is advisable that he give notice of it immediately, which may be in the following form: NOTICE OF APPEAL. ......... To P. Q., Recorder of .... Commandery, No. Take notice, that I appeal from the action of said Commandery, on the day of...... 18..., in passing sentence of suspension on me for three months, to the Grand Commandery of the State of......... on the grounds to be stated in my appeal. ´Dated.........18... A. B. On receiving this notice, the Recorder of the Com- mandery will transmit to the Grand Commandery a copy of the minutes of proceedings, embracing the evidence, with a copy of the report to the Comman- dery annexed, all duly attested and certified; and by carefully observing these directions, it may always be 14 194 FORMS AND CEREMONIES done promptly. This, if filed with the Grand Recorder, may be furnished to the Grand Commandery, or its Committee on Appeals, when desired. The appellant should next prepare his appeal, which may be in this form: APPEAL. To the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of.........: The undersigned hereby appeals to you, from the decision of ...... Commandery, No...., made......18... in adjudging him guilty of, etc., (stating the offence as in the decision of the Commandery,) and in pass- ing sentence of suspension on him for three months, and he specifies the following as the ground of his appeal: 1. That. T. U., one of the committee on his trial, was incompetent to act, having been present at the meeting of said Commandery, when the charges were preferred, and voted for their reference (or other reasons may be assigned). 2. That the committee and the Commandery erred in deciding that P. S., Esq., should not be allowed to assist the undersigned in his defence. 3. That the second specification of the charges is vague and uncertain. 4. That testimony as to appearances of intoxication was improperly received. 5. That they erred in rejecting the sworn affidavit of J. B. 6. That the proofs in the case were not sufficient to warrant the finding of the committee or of the Com- mandery. 7. That the Commandery erred in passing the reso- lution of suspension by a majority vote. All of which appears by the papers, proceedings and evidence in the case to which reference is hereby made. Dated........., 18... A. B. FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 195 A copy of this appeal should be served on the Re- corder of the Commandery, and also a copy on the Grand Recorder. Within ten days an answer should should be made to the appeal by the subordinate Com- mandery. As, in most cases, this is merely taking issue, the form of an answer on appeal may be un- necessary, yet one is subjoined as follows: ANSWER TO APPEAL. .Commandery, No. of A. B., and says: ....... answers the appeal That the said Commandery denies that there is any error in the proceedings of said Commandery, or of the committee appointed for the trial of the said A. B.; and further says, that the decision of said Commandery in said case is sustained both by the law and evidence therein applicable thereto Dated ......... 18.... S. L., Recorder. This is very general; and if a specific denial is deemed necessary-taking issue upon each of the grounds of appeal, and assigning reasons therefor it may be made after the foregoing form in com- mencement, and adding thereto as follows: - Because the said Commandery says, as to the first ground of appeal, etc. And because the said Commandery says, as to the second ground of appeal, etc. The case being thus fairly brought up on appeal, the Grand Commandery may hear the same, either by oral argument, or the appeal and answer thereto may be made sufficiently full to call attention to all the points in the case, and the reasons therefor. If the Recorder of the Commandery shall have omitted a transcript of the proceedings of the Commandery, and the same be required to make the case perfectly 196 FORMS AND CEREMONIES FOR TRIALS. understood, the Grand Commander may make an order in this form: ORDER ON APPEAL OFFICE OF THE GRAND COMMANDER OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF THE STATE OF ......... To the E. Commander and Sir Knights of Commandery, No......, : 18.... ........., Sir Kuight A. B. having duly appealed from the decision of your Commandery, made on the 18...., suspending him for three months, you are hereby required to transmit to the E. Grand Recorder, by the hand of your Recorder, under seal of your Commandery, a transcript of the proceedings of your Commandery in the case of the said A. B., from the time of the presentation of the charges against him until, and including, the final action of your Com- mandery thereon, with the several dates thereof, together with all papers and documents relating thereto, not heretofore returned, within from the receipt of this order by you. Given under my hand and private seal, on the day and year first above written. ......... days Grand Commander. From the foregoing general forms and directions, sufficient may be gathered to apply to every case of Knightly discipline and trial, between any parties and whatever may be the decision. To have extended the forms, or adapted those given to every varying charge, would be great labor without adequate benefit, and especially in the great variety of charges. It should be remarked that, when the charges are based upon a section of the Statutes and Regulations, or of the Commandery By-Laws, it should be plainly and distinctly referred to. Should the accused admit the charges when served upon him, proof of such admission or confession will FOR CONDUCTING TRIALS. 197 be all that the committee are required to have made, and they will make up their minutes and report accordingly, adapting the foregoing forms. If the accused fails to appear and answer the charges, after personal service, the committee may proceed, after taking proof of such service, to take proof of the charges; and in such case the Eminent Commander should appoint some Sir Knight to ap- pear for him. The minutes and report in such cases should be full, and the forms given can readily be modified to suit such a state of facts. APPEAL TO THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT. In case of appeal to the Grand Encampment, the following form may be substantially adopted: To the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States: ... The undersigned, your petitioner, respectfully rep- resents, that on or about the day of........., 18..., charges for immoral and unknightly conduct (stating the general nature of the charges) were preferred against him by Sir Knight S. L., in ......... Com- mandery, No..., under the jurisdiction of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of...... and such proceedings were thereupon had in the said ......Commandery that your petitioner was adjudged by the same Commandery guilty of the offence so charged against him, and was therefere adjudged to (state the penalty imposed.) That from such deter- mination and sentence, or judgment, your petitioner appealed to the said Grand Commandery, and there- upon such proceedings were had in and by said Grand Commandery that afterwards, and on or about of......, 18..., the said determination and sentence or judgment were in all things affirmed (state the decision in fact given on the appeal) by the Grand Commandery; and now your petitioner, feeling him- self aggrieved by the action and determination of the 198 FORMS AND CEREMONIES said Grand Commandery in the premises, and being advised that the same are erroneous appeals there- from to the Grand Encampment of the United States, and specifies, among other grounds of error therein, the following: First, That, etc., (stating the several errors in, and objections to, the proceedings and determination of the Grand Commandery relied upon separately, and numbering them distinctly.) Your petitioner, therefore, prays that the said Grand Commandery may be required to answer this petition, and that the testimony, proceedings, deter- mination, and judgment aforsaid, as well of the said …………………..Commandery as of said Grand Commandery, may, upon this appeal be reviewed, and that such sentence and determination or judgment may be re- versed, modified, or amended, as may be agreeable to knightly usage, justice, and equity. Dated........., 18... A. B. The petition of appeal should be delivered to the Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery, and a duplicate thereof delivered to the Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment, which, when done, perfects the appeal. As soon thereafter as practicable, and before the next session of the Grand Encampment, the Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery should transmit to the Grand Recorder of the Grand En- campment a transcript of all the testimony, papers, and proceedings in the case which were before the Grand Commandery, together with its action and final determination therein, all duly authenticated under the seal of the Grand Commandery. RITUAL FOR THE USE OF THE GRAND COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF OHIO, AT THE INSTALLATION OF ITS GRAND OFFICERS. When about to proceed to the ceremony of installa- tion, the acting Grand Commander will select some competent Sir Knight to officiate as Grand Marshal, under whose directions the officers elect will retire to the ante- room. The altar will then be placed immediately in front of the presiding officer, and the jewels of office will be placed upon it. The Grand Commander will then direct the Grand Marshal to introduce the Grand Officers elect, and display them by single line facing the East, in order of seniority, Grand Commander on the right and Grand Warder on the left; which having been accomplished, the Grand Marshal, addressing the presiding officer, will say: Right Eminent Grand Commander: I here present before you these Eminent Sir Knights, who, having been duly elected to preside over and conduct the business of this Grand Commandery for the ensuing year, now declare themselves ready to enter upon the duties of their several stations. The Grand Commander will then arise, call up the Grand Commandery, and address the officers elect in these words: Eminent Sir Knights: Before proceeding to invest you with the honors and responsibilities of your 199 200 INSTALLATION SERVICES FOR several offices, it becomes my duty to administer to you the obligation of office. Do you severally con- sent to take upon yourselves that obligation? The Grand Mar- They bow in token of assent. sbal will then cause each Sir Knight in the line of officers elect occupying the odd number from the right of the line, to draw his sword, dropping it to the left to a horizontal position. The Sir Knight on his left will lay his left hand upon the sword, then each place his right hand upon his left breast, and repeat after the Grand Commander the following VOW OF OFFICE. I, do solemnly promise and vow, that I will maintain and support the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, the Statutes and Regula- tions of the Grand Commandery of the State of Ohio, and that I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully discharge the duties of the office to which I have been elected. The Grand Marshal will then conduct the Grand Commander elect to a position in front of the altar, and, addressing the presiding officer, will say: - Right Eminent Grand Commander: I present to you, Eminent Sir who has been elected to the office of Grand Commander, and who now declares himself ready for installation. The presiding officer will then say: Attention, Sir Knights-UNCOVER. Let us unite with Sir Knight our Prelate in an invocation to the Throne of Grace. THE GRAND COMMANDERY. 201 The Prelate will pronounce the following or some other appropriate PRAYER. ALMIGHTY FATHER, Source of light and life, from whom cometh down every good and perfect gift; Thou who wast aforetime, art now, and ever shall be, world without end. We approach Thy holy presence with deep humility, acknowledging our manifold transgressions, and supplicating a continuance of that tender mercy which has preserved us from the dangers that surround our walk through life. Inasmuch, O Father, as Thou hast promised when two or three are gathered together in Thy name, to be with them, we would beseech Thee to shed the light of Thy blessing on our present Conclave, and grant that all its purposes and all its acts may redound to Thy glory, and to the hastening of the day when all the nations of earth shall learn Thy name and bless the sacrifice of Immanuel. Be pleased, out of Thine infinite mercy, to look upon and bless these Thy servants who are about to be invested with power to rule over and govern our Order; incline their hearts to follow after Thee; endue them with wisdom, with fortitude, with con- stancy and with courage, to maintain the precepts of Thy holy religion, causing their good works so to shine before men that others, seeing them, may bless Thy holy name. Be with each of us here assembled; guide us in all our acts; mercifully forgive our many sins, and teach us so to bear the cross, that we may finally merit the Crown of Eternal Life, through the merits of our Divine and Ascended Saviour. Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our 202 INSTALLATION SERVICES FOR debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen. The Grand Commandery will be covered, and the presiding officer will deliver the following CHARGE TO THE GRAND COMMANDER. Right Eminent Sir: Having been chosen by the partiality of the Sir Knights assembled in annual Conclave, to the most exalted station in their power to bestow, I offer you my sincere congratulations upon your elevation to that distinguished position, and with great pleasure invest you with the jewel of your office. The Grand Marshal will place the jewel on the left breast of the Grand Commander. Your long and intimate acquaintance with the rules of our Order and with the duties of Christian Knighthood, render it unnecessary for me to recapit- ulate them at this time. Suffer me, however, to re- mind you, that the high honors of your office are accompanied by weighty responsibilities. While, in all things pertaining to your command, your authority will at all times be respected and your orders cheerfully obeyed, yet it is expected that you will not only have a watchful care over the interests of the Order in your jurisdiction, and enforce a prompt obedience to its rules and regulations; but, that you will feel called upon to exemplify in your daily walk and conversation the excellent tenets of our profes- sion; that your ears will never be closed to the cry of the widow and the orphan, and that you will not turn aside from injured innocence, and the wayfaring brother in distress. Maintain with unfailing care the statutes and regulations, and in your respect for law, cause all others to find the strongest incentive to obedience of all your lawful commands. 1 THE GRAND COMMANDERY. 203 Be pleased, Right Eminent Sir, to approach the East. Attention, Sir Knights-Handle SWORDS-Draw- SWORDS-Present-ARMS-SALUTE YOUR GRAND COMMANDER-- Carry-ARMS-Return-Swords. The presiding officer will now take from his neck the Patriarchal Cross, and, holding it in his hand, continue in these words: And now, Right Eminent Sir Knight, there remains to me the pleasing duty of placing in your official custody this special insignia of the dignified position, upon the duties of which you are about to enter. Around it cluster the thronging memories of our country's history-for it is, as you know, a portion of the renowned Charter Oak-the associations of our own history as a Grand Commandery, and the frater- nal ties that bind you as with a threefold cord to your predecessors in command-some of whom are still spared to us to assist in the gratifying ceremony of this investiture-but above all, as the symbol of that faith which, as a Templar, you have vowed to uphold-as the emblem of that sacrifice made by the the Great Captain of our salvation, that we might live-as the sign by which we conquer, its value is beyond expression. Receive it then, Sir Knight (placing it on his neck), as a sacred trust. And, as you look upon it, may you, if possible, be moved to greater loyalty to your country and to the indivisible union of all its parts; to a more zealous devotion to the im- portant duties of your station, and to a firmer and more exalted faith in the sublime doctrines of the religion of Immanuel. The Grand Commandery will now be seated, and should the new Grand Commander desire to offer any 204 INSTALLATION SERVICES FOR remarks. this is the appropriate time. At their con. clusion, the Grand Marshal will present the rema n- ing Grand Officers for installation, which may be done by the Grand Commander in person, or he may waive his right in favor of the Sir Knight previously officiating. In either case, the following charges will be delivered: CHARGE TO THE DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER. Very Eminent Sir: The duties of the important station to which you have been elected are of such a nature as to require application of your utmost skill, a complete knowledge of the ritual and of the stat- utes and regulations governing this Grand Comman- dery; for you are the immediate representative of the Grand Commander, and in case of unforseen cas- ualty to him-which God forbid-you are to enter upon his functions and assume his responsibilities. The elevated position you are thus called to under- take demands a corresponding zeal and devotion on your part, which I doubt not, you will ever be found ready to exercise. I now invest you with the jewel of your office, and will only remind you, in conclu- sion, that you are henceforward on duty, and that the faithful soldier and valiant Knight sleep not at their posts. CHARGE TO THE GRAND GENERALISSIMO. Eminent Sir: Having been elected to the important station of Grand Generalissimo, I take great pleasure in completing that ceremony by investing you with the appropriate jewel of your office. Your station is on the right of the Deputy Grand Commander, and the exercise of all your talents and zeal will be neces- sary in the discharge of your various duties. In the absence of your superior officers, the command will devolve upon you. I charge you, therefore, to be THE GRAND COMMANDERY. 205 faithful to your associates; put them often in remem- brance of those things which tend to their ever- lasting peace; be instant in season and out of sea- Bon; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and doctrine, ever remembering the promise, "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." CHARGE TO THE GRAND CAPTAIN GENERAL. Eminent Sir: The office of Grand Captain General, to which you have been elected, is one of the most important in the gift of the Grand Commandery, and I trust that in investing you with the jewel of your office, I also remind you how necessary it is that you should apply yourself with all diligence to the duties that devolve upon you. Your station is on the left of the Grand Commander, and you are to assist him and your associate officers in council, and in their absence to govern the Grand Commandery. You are to have in charge the Grand Asylum, and see that it is in suitable array for the dispatch of business. Improve your opportunities in extending knightly courtesy and hospitality to all true and faithful Sir Knights, and in the preservation of harmony within the bounds of our jurisdiction; and whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men; continuing fervent in prayer, watching therein with thanksgiving; ever bearing in mind the promise, Be not weary in well doing, for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not. 66 CHARGE TO THE GRAND PRELATE. Eminent Sir: To your lot has fallen the sacred duties of the office of Grand Prelate, and in discharge of my duty I invest you with the appropriate jewel thereof. Your station will be on the right of the Grand Generalissim, and your duty there to attend 206 INSTALLATION SERVICES FOR to the religious duties, as well of our Grand Con- claves as of our public ceremonials. The duties of your office are very interesting and highly important, and will require your punctual attendance at every Conclave; and may He who is able, abundantly fur- nish you for every good work, preserve you from falling into error-improve, strengthen, establish and perfect you, and finally greet you with, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." 66 CHARGE TO THE GRAND SENIOR WARDEN. Eminent Sir: You have been elected Grand Senior Warden in this Grand Commandery, and I now invest you with the jewel of your office. Your station is at the Southwest angle of the triangle and on the right of the first division. It will be your special care to form the avenues for the approach and departure of the Grand Commander, and to prepare the lines for inspection and review. Let it be your constant care that the warrior be not deterred from duty nor the penitent molested on his journey. Finally, “Let your light so shine before men, that they, seeing your good works, may glorify our Father which is in heaven." CHARGE TO THE GRAND JUNIOR WARDEN. Eminent Sir: Having been elected Grand Junior Warden, I now invest you with the jewel of your office. Your station is at the Northwest angle of the triangle, and on the left of the whole when in line, and on the right of the second and third divisions. Your duty will be to attend on all wayfaring Knights, and if found worthy, to introduce them, on the order of the Grand Commander, into the Asylum. you are enjoined to see that they are provided with sandals, scrip and staff, you are also to keep a watch over your own actions, making them such as befit a While THE GRAND COMMANDERY. 207 child of humility. Truth is mighty, and those who are guided by it shall ultimately prevail; be ye therefore perfect, always abounding in the work of the Lord, that you may be a bright and shining light in the world-a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. CHARGE TO THE GRAND TREASURER. Eminent Sir: You have been elected Treasurer of the Grand Commandery, and I now invest you with the official jewel of your station, which is on the right, in front of the Grand Commander. The qual- ities that should especially distinguish the incumbent of your station are accuracy and fidelity-accuracy, in keeping a fair and minute account of all receipts and disbursements; fidelity, in carefully preserving all the property and funds of the Grand Commandery that may lawfully come into your hands, and render- ing a just account of the same whenever called upon for that purpose. Your respect for and attachment to this Grand Commandery and the great Order of which it is the organ, will doubtless stimulate you to a zealous, faithful and prompt discharge of the trust confided to you. CHARGE TO THE GRAND RECORDER. In Eminent Sir: By the suffrages of the Grand Com- mandery, you have been chosen Grand Recorder, and I now invest you with the badge of your office. selecting a person to discharge the duties of this most important trust, the Sir Knights have unques- tionably been guided by a belief that you possess in a large degree the qualities that should distinguish a Grand Recorder, which are: promptitude in issuing the notifications of his superior officers; punctuality in attending the Conclaves of the Grand Commandery; correctness in recording their proceedings; integrity in accounting for all moneys that may pass through his hands, and fidelity in paying over the same to the 208 INSTALLATION SERVICES FOR Grand Treasurer; and I cannot doubt your resolve to discharge these important duties with benefit to the Grand Commandery, and with honor to yourself. Your station, to which you will now repair, is on the left of the Grand Commander, in front. CHARGE TO THE GRAND STANDARD BEARER. Eminent Sir: To you has been awarded the dis- tinction of Grand Standard Bearer, and I now invest you with the jewel appropriate to that office. Your station is in the West, and in the centre of the second division. Your duty is to display, support and pro- tect the banner of our Order, which I now place in your official custody. You will remember that, as in the olden time, it is our rallying point in time of danger, that as, on the fields of Palestine, the Beau- seant rarely gave back in time of battle, so now, when unfurled in the great cause of humanity, it is for you to see that it is never relinquished to an enemy, but with your life. Let, therefore, your con- duct be such that the virtuous will delight to imitate it; let the refulgent rays that ever emanate from pure benevolence and humility, diffuse their lustre on all around you, that it may animate and encourage all true and courteous Sir Knights, and confound and dismay their enemies. CHARGE TO THE GRAND SWORD BEARER. Eminent Sir:-Having been elected Grand Sword Bearer, I now invest you with the jewel of your office. Your station is on the right of the Grand Standard Bearer, and on the right of the second division. Your duty is to watch all orders and signals from the Grand Commander, and see that they are promptly obeyed. You are also to assist in the protection of the banners of our Order, and with a heart warmly devoted to the principles of Faith, Hope and Charity; with the mystic sword that is THE GRAND COMMANDERY. 209 endowed with justice and fortitude, and tempered by mercy, in your hand, you may cast your eyes upon the Standard, and remember that "in hoc signo vinces is an expressive motto of our Order, and consoling to the heart of every believer. "" CHARGE TO THE GRAND WARDER. Eminent Sir:- The Grand Commandery have se- lected you to fill the office of Grand Warder, and I now invest you with the badge of your station. Your station is on the left of the Grand Standard Bearer, and on the left of the second division. Your duty is to observe the orders of the Grand Commander, to announce his approach and depart- ure, as well as that of all visiting Sir Knights who may be admitted to the privileges of our Conclaves. You will therefore observe the virtue of punctuality, and by a strict observance of your important duties, merit, not only the honor now conferred upon you, but the commendation of all Sir Knights who may participate in your official courtesy. CHARGE TO THE GRAND CAPTAIN OF THE GUARDS. Sir - You have been elected to the respon- sible station of Grand Captain of the Guards, and I now invest you with the jewel appropriate to your office. It would be difficult to over-estimate the importance of the functions with which you are thus invested. Holding the post of danger, and therefore that of honor, your vigilance should be sleepless, your courage undaunted, and your courtesy beyond question. See to it that the avenue of approach be strictly guarded; that your courage keep all enemies at bay, while the valiant and true acknowledge in you the kind welcome due to the valiant soldiers of the cross. 15 210 INSTALLATION SERVICES FOR The Grand Marshal will then make the following PROCLAMATION. In the name and by authority of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Ohio, 1 proclaim the officers thereof duly elected and installed. The Grand Prelate will then conclude the ceremo- nies by the following CHARGE AND INVOCATION. Sir Knights: Having now elected your officers and inducted them with appropriate ceremony into their several stations, you cannot be insensible to the duties of respect and obedience you owe them. It would indeed be a sorry compliment to your knowl- edge of our Order could it be supposed that you will fail in rendering them, collectively and individually, the weight of your influence in the discharge of the functions with which you have formally invested them. For, while in one sense they are but your agents, their success or failure will redound to your credit or blame, as you yourselves shall prove ready to second their lawful undertakings, and by your prompt obedience, set an example of loyalty to the constituents you represent. The past history of this Grand Commandery is a bright and open page, undimmed by any record but such as befits the gallant and true. Unquestioning fealty to the constitutions and edicts of our national organization, a warm and generous support of the office-bearers chosen to represent us before the world, and a strict adherence to the statutes and regulations of our Order, have thus far been its distinguishing characteristics; and it now remains for you to continue the record and hand down to your successors the glorious renown acquired by your predecessors. That you will THE GRAND COMMANDERY. 211 earnestly strive so to do, I cannot doubt, and I fervently pray that He who is a strong tower and defence to those who put their trust in Him may have you in His holy keeping and bless all your laudable endeavors. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Whereof take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of right- eousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Response: so mote it be. ! CONSTITUTION OF THE Grand Encampment of Knights Templar FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, With latest Amendments, at Meeting in Columbus, O., 1865. ARTICLE FIRST. OF THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. SECTION I-How Constituled. The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States is constituted as follows: The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Gen- eralissimo, Grand Captain General, Grand Prelate, Grand Senior Warden, Grand Junior Warden. Grand Treasurer, Grand Recorder, Grand Standard Bearer, Grand Sword Bearer, Grand Warder, Grand Captain of the Guard; Likewise: All Past Grand Masters, all Past Deputy Grand Masters, all Past Grand Generalissimos, and all Past Grand Captains General of the Grand 213 214 CONSTITUTION OF Encampment of the United States; Likewise: All Grand Commanders, all Past Grand Commanders, all Deputy Grand Commanders, all Grand Generalissimos, and all Grand Captains General of each State Grand Commandery that acknowledges the jurisdiction of the United States Grand Encampment. Each of the indi- viduals above enumerated shall be entitled, when present, to one vote in all the proceedings of the Grand Encampment of the United States; Likewise: The first three Officers of each Commandery that holds its char- ter immediately from the Grand Encampment of the United States. These, or as many of them as may be present at any meeting of the Grand Encampment of the United States, shall be entitled collectively to one vote. All Officers of the late General Grand Encampment shall rank and have all the privileges of members of equal rank as provided for herein. No person shall be eligible to any office in the Grand Encampment of the United States unless he shall be at the time a member of some Subordinate Commandery under the general or immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of the United States. SECTION II.-Proxies. The first four Officers named in Section I, of this Article; likewise: the first four Officers of all State Grand Commanderies; likewise: the first three Officers of all Subordinate Chartered Commanderies held under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of the United States, may appear and vote by proxy; GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 215 said proxies being at the time of service members of Subordinate Commanderies, and producing properly authenticated certificates of their appointment. SECTION III.-Titles. The title of the Grand Master of the Grand Encamp. ment of the United States, is Most Eminent Grand Master of Knights Templar; that of the Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent; of the remaining Officers of the Grand Encampment, Very Eminent. SECTION IV.-Meetings. The Stated Meetings of the Grand Encampment of the United States shall occur triennially, at such time and place as may have been previous desiguated by the Standing Committee (see Art. IV, Sec. 4, Rule 5), and approved by the Grand Encampment of the United States. Special Meetings may be called by the Most Eminent Grand Master at his discretion. And it shall be his duty, upon the requisition of the majority of the State Grand Commanderies, to him directed in writing, to call special meetings of the Grand Encampment of the United States. The Grand Officers shall hold their respective offices until their successors shall be duly elected and installed. At the Stated Meetings of the Grand Encampment of the United States, there shall be reviewed and con sidered all the official reports of its Officers, and of the State Grand and Subordinate Commanderies, for tho 216 CONSTITUTION OF preceding three years; they shall proceed to elect-by ballot the several Officers of the Grand Encampment of the United States, save and except the Prelate and Captain of the Guards, who shall be appointed by the Grand Master at the opening of the Triennial Sessions (see Art. I, Sec. 5); to adopt such rules and edicts as may be necessary for the good of the Order; to examine the accounts of the Grand Secretary and Grand Recorder; to supervise the state and condition of the finances, and adopt such measures in relation thereto as may be necessary to increase, secure and preserve the same, and also to insure the utmost punctuality on the part of every accounting officer, in the safe keeping and paying over the funds and property of the Grand Eucampment; to grant or withhold warrants, dispensa- tions and charters for all new State or Subordinate Commanderies (see Art. II, Sec. 1, and Art. III, Sec. 1); for good cause to revoke pre-existing warrants, charters or dispensations; to assign the limits of the State Grand Commanderies, and settle all controversies that may arise between them; and finally, to consider and do all matters and things appertaining to the good, well-being and perpetuation of the principies of Tem- plar Masonry. No business shall be transacted at the called meet- ings, save that which was specified in the original Summons. At every meeting, all questions shall be determined by a majority of votes, the presiding officer being entitled to one vote. In case the votes are equally divided, he has the casting vote. This Grand Encampment being GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 217 a legislative body, acknowledging no superior admits an appeal to be taken by any member from the decision of the chair, on any question under consideration therein: Provided, however, that such appeal shall not be maintained unless two-thirds of all the members present shall vote therefor. That right is adopted for this Grand Encampment alone, and is not to be con- strued as establishing a precedent for the guidance of any other Masonic Body. SECTION V.-Duties of the Officers. 1. THE GRAND MASTER.-It is the prerogative and duty of the Grand Master, generally, to exercise, as occasion may require, all the rights appertaining to his high office, in accordance with the usages of Templar Masonry. And as a part thereof, he shall have a watchful supervision over all the Commanderies, State and Subordinate, in the United States, and see that all the constitutional enactments, rules and edicts of the Grand Encampment are duly and promptly observed, and that the dress, work and discipline of Templar Masonry everywhere, are uniform. Among his special duties and prerogatives are the following: To appoint the Prelate and Captain of the Guard, at the Triennial Meetings of the Grand Encampment. (See Art I, Sec. 4). To call Special Meetings of the Grand Encampment of the United States. (Art. I, Sec. 4). To visit and preside at any Commandery, Graud or Subordinate, in the United States, and give such 218 CONSTITUTION OF instructions and directions as the good of the Institu- tion may require, always adhering to the Ancient Land- marks. To cause to be executed, and securely to preserve or keep, the official bonds and securities of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Recorder. (See Art. IV, Sec. 3). To grant Letters of Dispensation during the recess of the Grand Encampment, for the institu ion of new Com- manderies (see Art. III, Sec. 1), such Dispensations to be in force no longer than the next Triennial Meeting of that body, and promptly to notify the Grand Recorder of the issuing of said Letters of Dispensation. To approve and grant Warrants during the recess of the Grand Encampment, for the institution of State Grand Commanderies in States, Districts, or Territories, where the same have not been heretofore established. (See Art. II, Sec. 1). To manage and control the contingent fund. (See Art. IV, Sec. 1). - 2. THE DEPUTY GRAND MASTER. The Deputy Grand Master, in the event of the death, removal, or physical incompetency of his superior, shall act as the Grand Master. Atall other times he shall perform such duties as may be assigned him by the Grand Encamp- ment or the Grand Master. 3. THE GRAND GENERALISSIMO AND GRAND CAP- TAIN GENERAL.--In the absence of their respective superiors, the Grand Generalissimo and Grand Captain General shall severally act as Grand Master, in order, according to rank. At all other times they shall per- GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 219 form such duties as may be assigned them by the Grand Encampment, or such as are traditionally appropriate to their respective stations. 4. THE GRAND TREASURER.-The Grand Treasurer, unless otherwise directed by the Grand Encampment, shall invest from time to time all such moneys as may come to his hands, belonging to the Grand Encamp- ment, over and above the sum of three hundred dol- lars, in such way as he may judge most to the interest of the Grand Encampment, but subject to call on thirty days' notice. And the same shall be at his command on the first day of September preceding the triennial meeting of the Grand Encampment. He shall render to the Grand Encampment, at its triennial meet- ings, a true and perfect account of his doings in this respect, together with an account of all moneys received, the earnings thereon accrued from invest- ments, and the amounts disbursed by him during the vacation; likewise a copy of the same to the Grand Master, by the first day of September preceding the triennial meeting, to the end that the Grand Master may make such suggestions on account thereof as he may deem necessary. He shall pay all drafts drawn upon the contingent fund by the Grand Master. (See Art. IV, Sec. 1.) He shall carefully preserve, and render from time to time, as ordered, an inventory of all property belonging to the Grand Encampment, intrusted to his keeping. 5. THE GRAND RECORDER.-The Grand Recorder 220 CONSTITUTION OF shall collect and receive all the revenues of the Grand Encampment, and pay over the amount to the Grand Treasurer whenever it reaches the sum of one hundred dollars. He shall render annually to the Grand Master and to the Grand Treasurer, copies of his accounts of all moneys received and expended by him-naming the sources from which they were received-bringing up said accounts to the first day of September; likewise to the Grand Encampment, triennially, a general account of the same. He shall forward to each newly constituted Commandery, immediately upon receiving official notice that a Dispensation has issued, a copy of this Constitution, together with whatever rules and edicts are in force. He shall report to the Grand Encampment, on the second day of each triennial meeting, the names of those Commanderies working under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment, which have not complied with the requisition (see Art. III, Sec. 4) to furnish him with all its full triential, historical and financial returns for the use of the Grand Encampment. He shall report annually, on the first day of Septem- ber, to the Grand Master, the names of those Com- manderies, working under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment, which have not complied with the requisition (see Art. III, Sec 4) to furnish him with its full annual, historical and financial returns for the use of the Grand Master. He shall open and keep a "Book of Templar Ma- sonry," in which shall be entered, in appropriate columns, the following subjects: GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 221 A.-A Register of Commanderies, to contain, 1. The date of issuing every Warrant, Dispensation and Charter for a Grand or Subordinate Commaudery, granted by authority of the Grand Encampment since its origin. 2. The roll of officers of the Grand Conclave of the Royal, Exalted, Religious and Military Order of Ma- sonic Knights Templar in England and Wales, together with the roll of Encampments, officers and members of the Provincial Grand Conclave of Canada. B.-A Register of Membership, to contain, 1. The roll of officers of the Grand Encampment, with their terms of service, etc., etc., since the origin of the same. 2. The roll of officers and members of each Grand and Subordinate Commandery now working under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment, with all the current changes resulting from removals, dismissions, suspensions, expulsions and deaths. C-Historical Data, tending to lighten up the history of Templar Masonry in the United States. Likewise, to collect, and in orderly volumes bind, a copy of all the proceedings of the Grand Encampment since its organization, together with copies of by-laws, impressions of seals, proceedings of State Grand Com- manderies, etc., etc., and to make a triennial report of his official acts. 6. THE REMAINING OFFICERS.-The duties of the 222 CONSTITUTION OF remaining officers of the Grand Encampment are such as are traditi nally appropriate to their respective sta- tions, or such as may be assigned them by the Grand Encampment. The Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the Grand Generalissimo, and the Grand Captain General, are severally authorized to visit and preside in any Commandery of Knights Templar throughout the juris- diction of the Grand Encampment, and to give such instructions and directions as the good of the institu- tion may require, always adhering to the Ancient Land- marks. In the event of the absence of all the fur principal officers of the Grand. Encampment, the Past Grand officers, according to rank and seniority of service, shall be empowered to preside. The Grand Treasurer and the Grand Recorder shall severally give bond and security, in such form and to such an amount-but not less than double the estimated triennial receipts by either-as shall from time to time be determined by the Grand Master, who shall judge and approve the sufficiency of such bonds and securi- ties, and who shall keep and preserve the same. Any Grand officer-save as above excepted-coming into the receipt of moneys or property belonging to the Grand Encampment, shall forthwith remit the same to the Grand Recorder. GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 223 ARTICLE SECOND. OF THE STATE GRAND COMMANDERIES. SECTION I.-How Constituted. Whenever there shall be three or more Subordinate Chartered Commauderies instituted or holden under this Constitution, in any one State, District or Territory, in which a Grand Encampment has not been heretofore formed, a Grand Commandery may be formed after obtaining the approval of the Grand Master or the Grand Encampment. Its jurisdiction shall be the ter- ritorial limits in which it is holden. A State Grand Commandery consists of the following members: Grand Commander, Deputy Grand Commander, Grand Generalissimo, Grand Captain General, Grand Prelate, Grand Senior Warden, Grand Junior Warden, Grand Treasurer, Grand Recorder, Grand Standard Bearer, Grand Sword Bearer, Grand Warder, and Grand Captain of the Guards; likewise, all Past Grand Commanders and Grand Masters, all Past Deputy Grand Commanders and Deputy Grand Masters, all Past Grand Generalissimos, all Past Grand Captains General of the same Grand Commandery, so long as they remain members of the Subordinate Commanderies under the same territorial jurisdiction; likewise, the Commander, Generalissimo, and Captain General of each Subordinate Commandery working under the same Grand Command- ery; likewise, all Past Commanders of the Subordinate Commanderies, working under the same Grand Com- manderies, so long as they remain members of Sub- 224 CONSTITUTION OF ordinate Commanderies under the same territorial jurisdiction. Each of the individuals enumerated in this section shall be entitled, when present, to one vote in all the proceedings of the State Grand Commandery. No person shall be eligible to any office in a State Grand Commandery, unless he shall be at the time a member of some Subordinate Commandery working under the same Grand Commandery. The Grand Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island is recognized as holding jurisdiction over both those States. SECTION II-Proxies. Any officer specified in Section I. of this Article, save and except Past Commanders, may appear and vote by proxy, said proxy being, at the time of service, a member of the same Subordinate Commandery as his principal, and producing a properly authenticated cer- tificate of his appointment. SECTION III.-Titles. The title and designation of the Grand Commander of a State Grand Commandery, is Right Eminent; that of Deputy Grand Commander, Very Eminent; of the remaining officers of the Grand Commandery, Eminent. SECTION IV.-Meetings The stated meetings of a State Grand Commandery shall occur annually, at such time and place as said Grand Commandery, in its discretion, may direct. GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 225 Special meetings may be called by the Grand Com- mander, at his discretion. The several Grand Officers shall hold their respective offices until their successors shall be duly elected and installed. At the stated metings of each Grand Commandery, there shall be reviewed and cons dered all the official reports of its officers and of the Subordinate Command- eries within its jurisdiction for the preceding year. They shall proceed to elect by ballot the several offi cers of the Grand Commandery (see Art. II. Sec. I). To adopt such rules and edicts, subordinate to the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of the United States, as may be necessary for the good of the Order. To examine the accounts of the Grand Treasurer and Grand Recorder. To supervise the state and condition of the finances, and adopt such measures in relation thereto as may be necessary to increase, secure and preserve the same, and also to insure the utmost punc- tuality on the part of every accounting officer, in the safe keeping and paying over the funds and property of the Grand Commandery. To grant or withhold Dispen- sations and Charters for all new Commanderies. For good cause to revoke any pre-existing Charter or Dis- pensation; to assign the limits of Subordinate Com- manderies within its own jurisdiction, and settle all controversies that may arise between them; and finally, to consider and do all matters and things appertaining to the good, well-being and perpetuition of Templar Masonry, but always subordinate to the Grand Encamp- ment of the United States. 16 226 CONSTITUTION OF No business shall be transacted at the called meetings save that which was specified in the original summons. At every meeting all questions shall be determined by a majority of votes, the presiding officer, for the time being, being entitled to one vote. In case the votes are equally divided, he shall also give the casting vote. No appeal shall lie to the Grand Commandery from the decision of the Grand Commander. 1. SECTION V.-Duties of its Offiers. THE GRAND COMMANDER.-The Grand Comman- der of a State Grand Commandery shall have a watchful supervision over all the Subordinate Commanderies under his jurisdiction, and see that all the constitutional enactments, rules and edicts of the Grand Encampment of the United States, and of his own Grand Command- ery, are duly and properly observed. He shall have the power and authority, during the recess of his Grand Commandery, to grant Letters of Dispensation to a competent number of petitioners, nine or more, residing within his jurisdiction, and pos- sessing the constitutional qualifications empowering them to form and open a Commandery; such Dispensa- tions to be in force no longer than the next annual meeting of his Grand Commandery. But no Letters of Dispensation for constituting a new Commandery shall be issued, save upon the recommendation of the Com- mandery in the same territorial jurisdiction nearest the place of the new Commandery prayed for. He may call special meetings of his Grand Command- ery at bis discretion. (See Art. II, Sec. 4.) GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 227 He may visit and preside at any Commandery wi hin the jurisdiction of his Grand Commandery, and give such instructions and directions as the good of the institution may require, but always adhering to the Ancient Landmarks. It is his duty, either in person or by proxy, to at end all meetings of the Grand Encampment of the United States. 2. THE DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER.-The Deputy Grand Commander, in the event of the death, removal, or physical incompetency of his superior, shall act as the Grand Commander. At all other times he shall perform such duties as may be assigned him by the Commandery or the Grand Commander. It is his duty, either in person or by proxy, to attend all meetings of the Grand Encampment of the United States. 3. GRAND GENERALISSIMO AND GRAND CAPTAIN GENERAL. In the absence of their respective superiors, the Grand Generalissimo and Grand Captain General, shall severally act as Grand Commanders, in order, according to rank. At all other times they shall per- form such duties as may be assigned them by the G and Commandery, or such as are traditionally appropriate to their respective stations. It is their duty, either in person or by proxy, to attend all meetings of the Grand Encampment of the United States. 4. THE GRAND RECORDER.-The Grand Recorder shall make an annual communication to the Grand 228 CONSTITUTION OF Recorder of each of the other Grand Commanderies, likewise to the Grand Master and the Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment of the United States, said communication to embrace the roll of Grand Officers, and such other matter as may conduce to the general good of the Order. He shall also regularly transmit to he Grand Master and Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment of the United States copies of all the By- Laws and Regulations adopted by his Grand Com- mandery. The duties of the remaining officers, as well as those above specified, shall be such as are traditionally appro- priate to their respective stations. or allotted to them by the Grand Commandery, and corresponding as near as may be to those of the corresponding officers of the Grand Encampment f the United States. In the event of the absence of all the four principal officers of the Grand Commandery, the Past Grand Offi- cers, according to the rank and seniority of service, shall be empowered to preside. ARTICLE THIRD. OF SUBORDINATE COMMANDERIES. SECTION I.-How Constituted. Each State Grand Commandery shall have exclusive power to Constitute new Commanderies within its juris- diction. During the recess of the Grand Commandery, the Grand Commander shall have power to grant Letters of Dispensation to a competent number of petitioners, aine or more, possessing the constitutional qualifica- GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 229 tions, and residing within its territorial jurisdiction, empowering them to form and open a Commandery for a term of time not extending beyond the next stated meeting of the Grand Commandery. The Grand Encampment of the United States shall have exclusive power to constitute new Commanderies within any State, District or Territory wherein there is no State Commandery regularly formed under the authority of the Grand Encampment of the United States. During the recess of the Grand Encampment, the Grand Master shall have the power to grant Letters of Dispensation to a competent number of petitioners, nine or more, possessing the constitutional qualifica- tions, and residing within said unappropriated State, District or Territory, empowering them to form and open a Commandery for a term of time not extending beyond the next stated meeting of the Grand Encamp- ment of the United States. A Subordinate Commandery consists of the following members: The Commander, Generalissimo, Captain General, Prelate, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Recorder, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, and Warder; likewise, as many members as may be found convenient for work and discipline. Each of the individuals enumerated in this section shall be entitled, when present, to one vote in all the proceedings of the subordinate Commandery. SECTION II.-Titles. The title and designation of the Commander of a Subordinate Commandery is Eminent. 230 CONSTITUTION OF SECTION III.-Meetings. The stated meetings of a Subordinate Commandery shall occur at least semi-annually, at such time and place as may be specified in the Charter, or designated in the By-Laws of the Commandery. Special meetings may be called by the Commander at his discretion. The several officers shall hold their respective offices until their successors be duly elected and installed. No business shall be performed at the called meetings, save that which was specified in the original summons. At every meeting, all questions shall be determined by a majority of votes, the presiding officer for the time being, being entitled to one vote. In case the votes are equally divided, he shall also give the casting vote. No appeal shall lie to the Subordinate Command- ery, from the decision of the Commander. SECTION IV.-Duties of the Officers. THE COMMANDER.-The Commander has it in special charge to see that the By-Laws of his Commandery are duly observed, as well as the Constitution, Rules and Edicts of the State Grand Commandery, and of the Grand Encampment of the United States; that accurate records are kept and just accounts rendered; that reg- ular returns are made to the Grand Encampment or Commandery, annually; and that the annual dues are promptly paid. It is his duty, together with the Generalissimo and Captain General, either in person or by proxy, to attend GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 231 all meetings of his Grand Encampment or Commandery. THE RECORDER.-It shall be the duty of the Recorder of every Subordinate Commandery, working under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of the United States, to report annually to the Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment of the United States, up to the first day of August, the roll of his officers and members, and the working roll of his Com- mandery; and to accompany the same with the amount of dues to the Grand Encampment of the United States. For failure herein, the Commandery so offending shall be subject to Knightly discipline. In the event of the absence of all the three principal officers of the Commandery, the Past Commanders, according to rank and seniority of service, shall be empowered to preside. ARTICLE FOURTH. MISCELLANEOUS. SECTION 1.-Fees, Dues, and Financials. The fee for instituting a new Commandery shall not be less than ninety dollars. For every Knignt Templar created in any Command- ery, holden by Dispensation or Charter, whilst under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of the United States, there shall be paid two dollars into the treasury of the Grand Encampment of the United States. The Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment of the United States shall receive ten dollars as his fee 232 CONSTITUTON OF for each Charter issued, and five dollars for endorsing, under the seal of the Grand Encampment of the United States, the extension of a Dispensation. The State Grand Commanderies, respectively, shall possess authority, upon the institution of new Com- manderies within their respective jurisdictions, to require from the several Commanderies within their respective jurisdictions, such proportions of the sums received by them for conferring the Orders; likewise, such sums, in the form of annual dues from their respective members, as may be necessary for supporting the Grand Commandery. No Subordinate Cominandery shall confer the Orders of Knighthood for a less sum than twenty dollars. There shall be a Contingent Fund of three hundred dollars, placed to the credit of the Most Eminent Grand Master, on the books of the Grand Treasurer, at the close of each triennial session; out of which the Grand Master shall reimburse himself for his necessary cash expenses in the performance of his constitutional duties, and make a triennial report of the same to the Grand Encampment. There shall be appropriated at each triennial session of the Grand Encampment of the United States, a suffi- cient sum to be used by the Grand Recorder to meet the current expenses of the Secretariat, of which he shall render an account at the succeeding session. SECTION II.-General Regulations. 1. No Commandery, Grand or Subordinate, shall confer the Orders of Knighthood upon any one who is GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 233 not a regular Royal Arch Mason, according to the requirements of the General Grand Chapter of the United States. 2. The rule of succession, in conferring the Orders of Knighthood, shall be as follows: 1. Knight of the Red Cross. 2. Knight Templar, and Knight of Malta. 3. Every Commandery working in a State, District or Territory, where there is a Grand Commandery, shall have a Dispensation or Charter from said Grand Commandery. And no Commandery hereafter to be formed or opened in such State, District or Territory, shall be deemed legal without such Charter or Dispen- sation. All Masonic communication, as a Templar, is interdicted between any Commandery working under the general or special jurisdiction of this Grand En- campment, or any member thereof, and any Command- ery or member of such, that may be formed, opened or holden in such State, District or Territory, without such Charter or Dispensation. It shall be deemed irregular for any Commandery to confer the Orders of Knighthood, or either of them, upon any sojourner, whose settled place of residence is within any State, District or Territory, in which there is a Commandery regularly at work, until the consent of the Commandery having territorial jurisdiction is first obtained. In the event of the violation of this interdict, the Commandery so offending shall be subject to Knightly discipline, and be required, upon demand, to pay over to the Cominandery thus defrauded, the amount of fees received for such admission. 234 CONSTITUTION OF The officers of every Commandery, Grand and Sub- ordinate, before entering upon the exercise of their respective offices, shall take the following obligation, viz: "I (A. B.) do promise and vow that I will support and maintain the Constitution of the Grand Encamp- ment of Knights Templar of the United States of America." The Grand Master of this Grand Encampment may issue his proxy to any Knight Templar in regular stand- ing, authorizing him to constitute a Subordinate Com- mandery which has received a Charter; and any Commandery thus constituted shall be deemed regularly constituted. SECTION III.—Amendments. The Grand Encampment shall be competent, upon the concurrence of three-fourths of its members present at any stated meeting, to revise, amend and alter this Constitution: provided, one day's previous notice of such a motion to amend be given, and a particular time be set to take the vote thereon. In all other cases, any proposed amendment shall lie over until the next stated meeting of the Grand Encamp- ment, when a concurring vote of two-thirds shall be necessary to adopt such alteration, amendment or revision. SECTION IV.-Rules of Order. RULE 1.-After the ceremony of opening the Grand Encampment, it shall be the duty of the Grand Re- corder to read the minutes of the last Triennial Session, GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 235 unless such reading be dispensed with; and at the resumption of business in each successive sitting, the minutes of the preceding one shall also be read. RULE 2.-A Committee on Credentials, consisting of three Sir Knights, shall be appointed by the Grand Master, to report at the open ng of the next sitting. RULE 3.-After the report of this committee, the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the Grand Generalissimo, and the Grand Captain General, will successively read the reports of their doings during the preceding three years. These reports shall be referred to the Standing Committee on the Doings of the Grand Officers, who may recommend the apportionment of such parts thereof to Special, or to such other of the Standing Committees as they may deem necessary. RULE 4.-The Standing Committees shall be: 1. A Committee on the Doings of the Grand Officers. A Committee on Finance. 2. 3. A Committee on Dispensations and New Com- manderies. 4. A Committee on Unfinished Business. 5. A Committee on Grievances. 6. A Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence. 7. A Committee to designate the place of the next Triennial Meeting. The report of these committees shall be heard in order, except the last one, which shall report on the last day of the meetings of the Grand Encampment. RULE 5.-While the several committees are preparing 236 CONSTITUTION. their reports, the new business may be acted upon; and if any subject is brought forward requiring a refer- ence to any Standing or Special Committee, it shall be go referred forthwith. All committees shall make it a point to report as soon as convenient after their appoint- ment. RULE 6.-No Sir Knight shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same subject, except to explain the meaning of some of his remarks, unless it be by special permission of the Grand Encampment first obtained. RULE 7.-The Grand Encampment shall proceed to the election of offices for the ensuing three years, immediately after the opening of the first sitting, on T..ursday following the commencement of the Triennial Meetings. RULE S.-It shall be the duty of the Grand Master, at each Triennial Meeting, if time permit, to cause an exemplification of the work appertaining to the Orders of Kuighthood to be exhibited before the Grand En. campment; and also to correct, officially, all irregular. ities and discrepancies that exist. TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. DECISIONS MADE BY SIR WILLIAM B. HUBBARD, GRAND MASTER OF THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. ON APPEALS.-No appeal from the decision of the E. Commander of a Commandery lies, in any case whatever; right or wrong, it is final, and reversible only by himself, or by the Grand Commandery or Grand Commander, in a proper way. An appeal lies from the subordinate Commandery to the Grand Commandery, for its decisions, when in session, or to the Grand Commander during its recess. RESIGNATION.-The E. Commander of a subordi- nate Commandery cannot, after being installed, resign his office. DISCIPLINE.-A subordinate Commandery may not try charges against their E. Commander; they may not dispossess him for the time being of his official command, nor substitute the Generalissimo in his place. But the Grand Commander of the State Grand Commandery has cognizance and ample juris- prudence over the E. Commander of each subordinate Commandery. DEBATE. The use of "the previous question," according to the parliamentary sense of the term, 239 240 TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. has no place in Masonry. The presiding officer, when he wishes the debate to cease, rises. Masonic usage terminates discussion. SUMMONSES.-The powers and duties of the E. Commander are very extensive, and among which he has the right to summon the members of his Com- mandery at his discretion, and when summoned, it is the duty of each to obey that summons. The excuses for not complying with a summons are few indeed, and are those that have a direct or near connection with the word impossibility. 1. A verbal summons from the E. Commander is as obligatory upon the party summoned as it would be were it in writing. 2. The Seal of the Commandery is not necessary to a written summons. 3. Every Sir Knight should promptly and strictly obey the summons of his superior, or render a satis- factory excuse. A notice in a newspaper is not a regular summons, nor can it be made a substitute for such summons. "Due and timely notice" implies a personal notice or summons, either verbal or written. PETITIONS.-An applicant for the Orders should apply to the nearest Commandery, and one under dispensation occupies in this respect the same position as a chartered Commandery. FEES.-Past experience has convinced the older Sir Knights generally, that it is impolitic to confer the Orders upon Ministers of the Gospel, in pre- ference to others, free of charge. CHARGES.-When a Companion has been elected to receive the Orders, and complaint has been made against him in his Lodge or Chapter, for unmasonic conduct, the Orders should not be conferred upon TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. 241 him, unless he should be honorably acquitted. It is competent for the Commandery to stay action as to advancing a candidate at any stage of its proceed- ings. Commanderies, unlike their preceding Masonic Orders, may adjourn. The word "Orders" should always be used instead of "Degrees." A non-affiliated member of an Order has no right to the charity fund of the Order, or to Masonic burial rites. BY SIR BENJAMIN B. FRENCH, GRAND MASTER OF THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT, 1862. Honorary membership does not entitle the Sir Knight holding it to vote in a Commandery. A Sir Knight named in a dispensation as Com- mander, who never has been elected and installed a Commander, is not entitled to the rank of Past Commander. After a clear ballot for a candidate, nothing except direct and undoubted testimony of unworthiness can interpose to prevent the conferring of the Orders. No mere notice, without full statement of the reasons for giving it, should be regarded as of any weight. If any Sir Knight states in open Commandery that he has reasons to give why a candidate, who has passed the ordeal of the ballot, should not be created a Sir Knight, those reason must be received and duly weighed. No petition can be received signed by more than one candidate, nor can a petition be acted upon until 17 242 TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. it has been referred to a committee and a report made. [This decision was made in consequence of its appearing on the records of a Commandery that one petition was received from nineteen Royal Arch Masons, and, without any reference to the petition, they were all elected to receive the Order.] Expulsion from the Order deprives a Knight Tem- plar of all his rights as a Templar While expelled he is driven from the Order; has no Templar stand- ing; and, although he may be restored to his standing as a Knight by a majority vote, he cannot be restored to membership in the Commandery of which he was a member when expelled, except by being regularly elected by a unanimous ballot. The loss of a leg is an insurmountable objection to the creating a man a Knight Templar. The present Commander of a chartered Com- mandery should not, at the same time, hold the office of Commander in another Commandery under dispensation. It is improper to dedicate a Commandery under dispensation or to install its officers. It is always in the power of the Eminent Com- mander to order his Commandery to appear either in full costume or fatigue dress, as he may think proper. Any Knight Templar in good standing is eligible to any office that the Grand Encampment, Commandery, or a subordinate Commandery, may think proper to bestow upon him. The action of a Blue Lodge, in suspending or expelling a Master Mason who is a Knight Templar, should affect his standing in the Commandery. No TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. 243 Templar can hold Masonic intercourse with an expelled Master Mason. Any officer of a Commandery, except the Commander, can resign. The Commander cannot The following decisions were made and adopted by the Grand Encampment of the United States, at its Conclave, September 5th, 1865: A Grand Commander has the power to make such assessments upon subordinates as may be necessary for the support of the Grand Commandery. The only test to which a candidate should be subjected is, that he is a Royal Arch Mason. It would be an improper innovation in the By-Laws of any Commandery to require that a candidate should be a Royal and Select Master. A Grand Commandery has the power to confer the Orders of Knighthood, and to do so with or with- out fees, as they may deem expedient. It is, how- ever, a power that should be exercised with great caution, and only on extraordinary occasions. Commanderies having exclusive power to decide all questions concerning membership, must decide all questions concerning petitions, therefore, by vote, such as whether or not a petition may be withdrawn, etc. There is no remedy where a member of a Com- mandery persists in casting a black ball. The ballot must be secret, and it must be sacred. It is a right which any member has, which cannot be questioned cr interfered with, to reject whomsoever he pleases, and his motives cannot be questioned. 244 TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. In voting for admi-sion into the Order, every member present should be required to cast his ballot, or be excused therefrom by a vote of the Commandery. DECISIONS BY SIR H. L. PALMER, GRAND MASTER OF THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, 1868. 1. Any member of a Commandery in good standing, is eligible to the office of Eminent Commander, not- withstanding he may never have held either the office of Captain General or Generalissimo. 2. The officers of a Commandery should be elected on the day prescribed in the By-Laws of the Command- ery for that purpose. It is not necessary that they should be elected on Good Friday. 3. The questions having been submitted to me by letter, I de ermined, for the purpose of uniformity, that whenever two or more Commanderies appear in public together, the command of the whole devolves upon the Commander of the senior Commandery; and, 4. That in such case the senior Cominandery is entitled to the right of the line; adding, however, that a proper exercise of knightly courtesy would, under the circumstances stated, always yield the command to the most experienced and most efficient Commander present, and the right of the line to the drilled and best equipped Commandery. 5. No one can properly be a member of our Order, which is founded on the Christian religion and the practice of the Christian virtues," who is not a firm believer in the religion of Jesus Christ; no one who does not acknowledge Him as the Savior of mankind, and believe in the atonement offered up by Him on Cal- vary, can be a worthy Knight Templir. The rules of the Order, however, do not require any further or more definite profession of faith than is comprehended in the TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. 245 ritual. One who ridicules or makes light of the Holy Bible, or scoffs at religion, is an unworthy member of the Order. 6. A Knight Templar, in good standing, has the right to object to conferring the orders of Knighthood upon a Companion Royal Arch Mason in his Command- ery, after such Companion has been balloted for and declared elected; and this, whether the objecting Sir Knight was present at the time of balloting or not; and when such objection is made in open Commandery, verbally or by a formal communication thereto in writ- ing, the Eminent Commander is not authorized to pro- ceed and confer the orders upon the candidate. The Sir Knight making the objection cannot be required to disclose his reasons therefor. 7. Every member of a Commandery, in good stand- ing, has a right to know what transpires in his Com- mandery, but no member of a Commandery should disclose to any one not a member, any matters arising during the hours of a regular assembly; nor should any Sir Knight disclose anything transpiring in a Command- ery to an absent member, which might be productive of discord and unkind feeling. It should be the con- stant care of all Knights Templar to promote harmony and concord, not only in their own Commanderies, but among all the members of the Order within the circle of their acquaintance. 8. An Eminent Commander cannot resign his office during the term for which he is elected, after being duly installed. 9. To the question, "Can a Sir Knight be an active member and enjoy all the privileges and rights of two Commanderies at the same time, one of them being un- der dispensation ?" I answered: He cannot, When a Templar signs a petition for a dispensation to form a 246 TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. new Commandery, if the dispensation be granted, his membership in his old Commandery remains in abeyance, and he is an active member of the new Commandery while under dispensation; and if the dispensation be followed by a charter to the new Com- mandery, he continues a member of that, and ceases to be a member of the old one. 10. That whenever a Grand Commander removes from the jurisdiction of his Grand Commandery, he thereby vacates his office, the powers of which devolve upon the Deputy and remaining officers, according to seniority. That as a permanent removal from the jurisdiction vacates the office of the Grand Commander, it follows, as a necessary consequence, that after such removal he cannot exercise the powers of the office. 11. That a Commandery under dispensation has the same exclusive jurisdiction within the territory which, in case a charter should be obtained, would belong to it, that would appertain to a chartered Commandery. 12. That in the absence of any provision in the by- laws of a Commandery to the contrary, the petition of a Companion who is rejected may be presented at any regular meeting, subsequent to that at which the rejec- tion occurs. 13. The ritual of the orders of Knighthood should not be written. 14. Upon applications for the orders of Knighthood, the vote must be by ballot. The ballot is secret, and has the same effect as a ballot in a Lodge of Master Masons. 15. Petitions for the orders of Knighthood can only be received and acted upon at regular conclaves of the Commandery. TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. 247 16. To the question, "Can a Past Commander, who is an honorary member of a Commandery, open the same, in the absence of the three principal officers (i. e. Em. Commander, Generalissimo, and Captain Gen- eral), he being, at the time, an active member and also an officer of another Commandery ?" I answered as follows: He cannot. The last clause of Section 4 of Article III of the Grand Constitution, relates to Past Eminent Commanders who are members of the Com- mandery. Honorary membership does not confer the right to vote in any Commandery, nor any rauk or starding therein, but is merely complimentary. The Committee to whom the above decisions were referred, reported upon them as follows, and their report was adopted: The several decisions of the M. E. Gr. Master meet our cordial approval, with exceptions as follows: 1st. While we assent to the general propositions contained in the seventh decision, we cannot assent to that portion of it which denies the right of a Knight, who may have been absent from a meeting of his Com- mandery, to know all the transactions at such meeting, whether affecting himself or not. Your committee have had their attention called to a question upon which different opinions are entertained by different Grand Commanderies, to wit: How does the expulsion or suspension of a Knight from his Lodge or Chapter, affect, his standing in the Commandery to which he belongs? In order that Templar law may be uniform through- out the jurisdiction of this Grand Encampment, we think that question should be definitely determined by this body. Inasmuch as no one can become a Knight Templar who is not in good standing in Lodge and Chapter, we hold that a forfeiture of that good standing 248 TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. deprives him of all the rights and privileges gained thereby, and necessarily degrades him from the orders of Knighthood. We are also asked to decide what is the status of a Knight who held membership in a Commandery whose charter has been surrendered or revoked. We think the Knight, in such case, could join another Command- ery, upon petition and certificate from the Grand Re- corder of the State holding the charter and papers of the Commandery to which he last belonged, that his standing therein was good when said Commandery ceased to exist. Who should be eligible to office in the Grand En- campment? is also asked. We hold that no one not an actual member of this Grand Body should be permitted to hold office therein. BY R. E. SIR H. C. RANNEY, GRAND COMMANDER, 1865-66. Elections cannot be held by resolution; the By-Laws specify the time. An election held at any other time than that pre- scribed by the By-Laws, is illegal and void; and the old officers must hold over until the next annual Con- clave, unless the Grand Commander sees fit to authorize a special election. Amendments to the By-Laws must lie over from one regular Conclave to another; and, if adopted, are not legally binding until approved by the Grand Com- mandery. A Commandery under dispensation has no members; is not required to pay dues on Sir Knights other than those created; and, strictly speaking, has no By-Laws until the form on which it unites has been approved by the superior body. "Can Royal Arch Masons, raised in the Jewish TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE. 249 faith, receive the orders of Knighthood ?" Ask them if they now profess Christianity; if they believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, the Savior of man- kind. If they cannot answer these questions in the affirmative, they cannot enter our asylums. The re-installation of one who is already Commander is not absolutely necessary or essential. The former vow of office is binding until his successor is elected and installed. No obligation or installation is necessary for officers of Commanderies under dispensation. No installation is necessary until a Commandery is constituted. A member of a chartered Commandery, who is also a petitioner for a Commandery under dispensation, is not required to take a demit. When a charter is granted, he has the right to select the Commandery in which he wishes to retain membership. If he selects the new, a notice to the old Commandery virtually demits him, provided his dues are paid. Chartered Commanderies are liable for dues on peti- tioners. No election of officers is necessary in a Commandery under dispensation. All candidates should be elected by ballot. The bal- lot must be secret, and it must be sacred. BY THE COMMITTEE ON JURISPRUDENCE, 1867. That in the opinion of the Committee, the Right Eminent Grand Commander is the judge of the expe- diency, in each and every instance, of a petition for a dispensation, to receive a petition out of the regular time, and has the right, if he deems it for the interest of the Order, to grant such a dispensation. 250 TEMPLAR JURISPRUDence. BY RIGHT EMINENT SIR GEO. C. LANPHERE, GRAND COMMANDER, 1866-67. Conferring the orders of Knighthood upon a candi- date does not make him a member of the Commindery. He must sign the By Laws, or otherwise he is not lia- ble for dues. The vote in the Commandery for the orders, or for affiliation, should in all cases be unanimous, and by secret ballot, It is not proper to confer the orders without the regular fee. If the Sir Knights see fit to donate the fees, they have the right to do so. Commanderies under dispensation have exclusive jurisdiction over territory, the same as a chartered Commandery. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR UNIFORM. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE U. S. REGULATIONS. The following is the uniform for a Knight Templar, as adopted by the Grand Encampment of the United States, at New York, Sept. 3, 1862, and earnestly recommended to be adopted by all Knights Templar throughout its jurisdiction: FULL DRESS.-Black frock coat, black pantaloons, scarf, sword, belt, shoulder-straps, gauntlets, and chapeau, with appropriate trimmings. FATIGUE DRESS.-Same as full dress; except for cha- peau a black cloth cap, navy form, with appropriate cross in front; and for gauntlets, white gloves. SCARF.-Five inches wide in the whole, of white, bordered with black one inch on either side; a strip of navy lace, one-fourth of an inch wide, at the inner edge of the black. On the front centre of the scarf, a metal star of nine points, in allusion to the nine founders of the Temple Order, enclosing the Passion Cross, surrounded by the Latin motto, "In Hoc Signo Vinces;" the star to be three and three-quarter inches in diameter. The scarf to be worn from the right shoulder to the left hip, with the ends extending six inches below the point of intersection. 251 252 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR UNIFORM. CHAPEAU.-The military chapeau, trimmed with black binding, one white and two black plumes, and appropriate cross on left side. GAUNTLETS. Of buff leather, the flap to extend four inches upward from the wrist, and to have the appropriate cross embroidered in gold, on the proper colored velvet, two inches in length. SWORD. Thirty-four to forty inches, inclusive of scabbard, helmet head, cross handle, and metal scabbard. BELT.-Red enameled or patent leather, two inches wide, fastened round the body with buckle or clasp. SHOULDER STRAPS.- For Grand Master and Past Grand Master of the Grand Encampment.-Royal purple silk velvet, two inches wide by four inches long (outside measurement), bordered with two rows of embroidery of gold three-eighths of an inch wide; the Cross of Salem embroidered, of gold, in the centre, lengthwise. For all other Grand Officers of the Grand Encampment. -The same as the Grand Master, except for the Cross of Salem, the Patriarchal Cross, of gold, with the initials of the office respectively, embroidered, of silver (Old English Characters), at the foot of the cross, narrow-wise of the strap. For the Officers and Past Grand Officers of a Grand Commandery.-Bright red silk velvet, two inches wide by four inches long, bordered with one row of em- broidery of gold. quarter of an inch wide; the Tem- plar's Cross, of gold, with the initials of the office respectively, to be embroidered (Old English Charac- ters), in silver, on the lower end of the strap. For the Commander and Past Commanders of Subor- dinate Commandery-Emerald-green silk velvet, an inch KNIGHTS TEMPLAR UNIFORM. 253 and a half wide by four inches long, bordered with one row of embroidery, of gold, quarter of an inch wide; the Passion Cross, with a halo, embroidered, of silver, in the centre. For the Generalissimo.-Same as the Commander, except for the Passion Cross, the square, surmounted by the Paschal Lamb. For the Captain General.-Same as the Commander, except for the Passion Cross, the Level, surmounted with the Cock. CAP.-Navy form; black cloth, four to five inches high, narrow leather strap fastened at the sides with small metal Templar's Cross, and with appropriate cross in front. DISTINCTIONS.-The Sir Knights will wear white metal, wherever metal appears. Commanders and Past Commanders, Grand and Past Grand Officers, gold. CROSSES. Sir Knights, Commanders, and Past Com. manders of subordinate Commanderies, will wear the Passion Cross; Grand and Past Grand Officers of State Commanderies, the Templar Cross; Grand and Past Grand Officers of the Grand Encampment, the Patriarchal Cross; the Grand Master and Past Grand Masters of the Grand Encampment, the Cross of Salem, which is the Patriarchal Cross, with an addi- tional bar in the centre. The various crosses as designated, to be worn on the side of the chapeau and on the scabbard of the sword. Those on the chapeau to be three inches in height; on the sword one inch. HANGINGS FOR JEWELS.-The hangings for Grand and subordinate Commanderies may remain as at present 254 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR UNIFORM. : GRAND STANDARD.-Is of white woolen or silk stuff, six feet in heihgt and five feet in width, made tripartite at the bottom; fastened at the top to the cross-bar by nine rings in the centre of the field, a blood red Passion Cross, over which is the motto, “In Hoc Signo Vinces;" and under, "Non nobis Domine! non nobis, sed Nomini tuo da Gloriam!" The cross to be four feet high, and the upright and bar to be seven inches wide. On the top of the staff, a gilded globe or ball, four inches in diameter, surmounted by the Fatri- archal Cross, twelve inches in height. The cross to be crimson, edged with gold. BEAUSEANT. Of woolen or silk stuff, same form and dimensions as the Grand Standard, and suspended in the same manner. The upper half of this Loner is black, and the lower half white. PRELATE'S ROBES.- A full white linen or muslin robe, open behind, reaching down to within six inches of the feet; fastened around the neck below the cravat, which should be white; and having dowing sleeves reaching to the middle of the hand. ▲ white woolen cloak, lined with white, fastened around the neck, and extending down to the bottom of the robe; on the left front a red velvet Templar C oss, six inches in width. A blue silk stole, reaching down in front to within six inches of the bottom of the robe, and having on it three Templar Crosses of red silk. Mitre of white merino, bordered with grid, lined with green, having the Red Templar Cross extending to the edges, and surmounted by a Pass on Crost three inches high. The special badge of hs office is a crosier. UNIFORM ADOPTED BY APOLLO COMMANDERY NO. 1, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, CHICAGO, Conforming to the Costume adopted by the Grand Encamp- ment of the United States. COAT. For Sir Knights. Black cloth, cut military style, single breasted, standing collar; eleven buttons in front, four behind; length, to knee; side edges in pleat; hook and eye at neck gorge; sleeve plain, no buttons at cuff; Passion Cross of silver on left side of collar, same as now used; buttons round, of silk twist covering. For Generalissimo and Captain General. above. Same as Same as For Commander and Past Commanders. above, except that the coat shall be double breasted, 255 256 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR UNIFORM. with two rows of buttons; Cross on collar to be gold, with rays.* CHAPEAU. For Sir Knights and Subordinate Officers. The military chapeau, the same now adopted by this Commandery; black binding; two black and one white plume; on the left side, a scarlet velvet Pa sion Cross, three inches in height. For Generalissino and Cuptain General. Same as above, except that the Cross on chapeau shall be of embroid- ered silver edge For Commander and Past Commanders. Same as above, except that the cross on chapeau shall be of em- broidered gold edge, with rays. CAP. For Sir Knights. Present navy style, black cloth; 3 to 3 inches heighth of crown; bright red velvet Passion Cross in front; buttons of white metal, orna- mented by cross and crown; black band, and narrow patent leather strap without buckle. For all Officers, except Commander and Past Com- manders; same as above, except that two narrow white lace bands shall be used, and the cross shall be embroid- ered silver edge, without rays. For Commanders and Pust Commanders. Same as None but Commanders or Past Commanders are entitled to use the rays. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR UNIFORM. 257 above, except that the cross shall be of gold embroid- ered edge, with rays; buttons of gilt; strap, narrow gilt lace; band, wide gold lace. For Sir Knights. GAUNTLETS. Buff leather, military style, with cuff extending 44 inches up from its intersection with the hand, with scarlet velvet cross two inches in length on back of cuff. For all Officers, except Commander and Past Commanders. Same as above. Cross to be edged with silver embroid- ery, without rays. For Commander and Past Commanders, cross shall be embroidered in gold, with rays. BALDRICK. For Sir Knights. Patent or enameled white leather, four inches wide, bordered with black of same material, one inch in width on either edge; on the inuer edge of black, a strip of white navy lace % of an inch wide; on the center, a white metal star of nine pints, with motto enclosing the Passion Cross. To be crossed six inches from the bottom, and worn from right shoulder to left hip. SWORD. For Sir Knights and all Officers, except Commander and Past Commanders. Thirty-four to forty inches in length; white metal scabbard; cross hilt, and helmet head; black hilt, suspended from two rings. 18 238 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR UNIFORM. For Commander and Past Commanders. Same as above, except gilt in place of white metal, and white in place of black grip. BELT. Red patent or enameled leather, 14 inches wide, fastened in front by a white metal clasp, oval in shape, 24 by 2% inches in size, with detached center piece, the latter plain and overlaid by a plain Templar cross; the ou er and inner edges of clasp raised and chased. Belt furnished with two short, white metal chains, sus- pended from attached rings to belt, and white metal slide with hook for fatigue cap. Same as For Commander and Past Comman·lers. above, except gilt in place of white metal, and two rows of gold lace 3% of an inch inside of edges. SHOULDER STRAPS. Gold for Commander and Past Commanders; white metal for all subordinate officers, with the emblem of their respective offices thereon in center. UNIFORM OF A PRELATE. Same general style as mentioned, with the following exceptions: Chapeau. Three black plumes; triple triangle em- broidered on black velvet, with white silk; the velvet surrounded with black ribbon, in form of rosette, and placed on left side of chapeau. Shoulder Straps. Black velvet bordered with two KNIGHTS TEMPLAR UNIFORM. 259 rows of black silk embroidery; triple triangle in the center embroidered in white silk, two inches wide, four inches long. Bell. Black enameled leather. Sword. Enameled black hilt; black leather scabbard. Clasp. Black enameled; triple triangle in center. Cap. Triple triangle embroidered in white silk, in front. STATUTES AND REGULATIONS OF THE Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, ADOPTED, OCTOBER 26TH, A. O. 746 ARTICLE I. Of the Grand Commandery. It It SECTION 1. This Grand Commandery shall be known and styled as the GRAND COMMANDERY OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. being the highest source of the Orders of Knight- hood, as conferred in Commanderies of Knights Templar in Illinois, claims and enjoys of right, the government and superintendence of all Commanderies of Knights Templar within this jurisdiction. may, therefore, grant warrants and dispensations for holding Commanderies of Knights Templar, together with the appendant Order, and when expedient, revoke and amend the same. It may make laws, pass regulations, and at pleasure repeal, amend and alter the same. It may censure, suspend and expel Com- manderies, or members of this Grand Commandery, for violation and disobedience of its laws, rules, and regulations. SEC. 2. Of Officers and Members. This Grand Commandery shall consist of a 1. Grand Commander, 2. Deputy Grand Commander, 3. Grand Generalissimo, 261 262 STATUTES AND REGULATIONS 4. Grand Captain General, 5. Grand Prelate, 6. Grand Senior Warden, 7. Grand Junior Warden, 8. Grand Treasurer, 9. Grand Recorder, 10. Grand Standard Bearer, 11. Grand Sword Bearer, 12. Grand Warder, 13. Grand Captain of the Guards; also, 14. All Past Grand Commanders, 15. All Past Deputy Grand Commanders, 16. All Past Grand Generalissimos, 17. All Past Grand Captains General of this Grand Commandery, together with 18. The Commanders, 19. The Generalissimos, 20. The Captains General, and 21. All Past Commanders of the several Com- manderies under the jurisdiction of this Grand Com- mandery, so long as such Past Grand and subordinate officers shall remain members of any subordinate Commandery under its jurisdiction. Each of the individuals above enumerated shall be entitled, when present, to one vote, in all the proceedings of this Grand Commandery, and no person shall be eligible to any office in this Grand Commandery, unless he shall be, at the same time, a member of some subordinate Commandery under its jurisdiction. Of Proxies. SEC. 3. Every officer specified in the foregoing section, save and except Past Commanders, may ap- pear and vote by proxy, said proxy being at the time of service, a member of the same subordinate Commandery as his principal, and producing a prop- erly authenticated certificate of his appointment. STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. 203 Of Titles. SEC. 4. The title and designation of the Gran Commander is RIGHT EMINENT; that of the Deputy Grand Commander, VERY EMINENT; of the remaining officers of this Grand Commandery, EMINENT. Of Conclaves. SEC. 5. The stated Conclaves of this Grand Com- mandery shall be held annually, in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, on the fourth Tuesday of October, in each and every year. The Grand Com- mander shall have power to call special Conclaves at such time and place as he may see fit. At every stated Conclave, the officers enumerated in Section 2, shall be elected by ballot, and shall hold their offices until their successors shall be elected and installed. No Sir Knight shall be eligible to either of the first four offices of this Grand Commandery, unless he shall have been regularly installed as Commander of a subordinate Commandery. At every stated Con- clave of this Grand Commandery, the official reports of its officers, and of the subordinate Commanderies under its jurisdiction, shall be received and con- sidered; and such other business transacted as the welfare of the Order may demand. At special Con- claves no business shall be transacted except that specified in the original summons. At every Conclave all questions shall be decided by a majority of votes. No appeal shall lie to the Grand Commandery from the decision of the Graud Commander. Of the Grand Commander. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Grand Com- mander to attend and preside over all Conclaves of the Grand Commandery, to preserve order, and see that the constitutional enactments, rules and edicts of the Grand Encampment of the United States, 264 STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. and of this Grand Commandery, are duly and promptly observed. He may visit and preside over any Commandery in this jurisdiction, and give such instructions and directions as the good of the Order may require, always adhering to the ancient land- marks and the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of the United States. The Grand Commander shall be invested with such powers and discharge such duties as may be required by the ritual and ceremonies of the Order. Of the Deputy Grand Commander. At SEC. 7. The Deputy Grand Commander, in the event of the death, removal, or physical incompetency of his superior, shall act as Grand Commander. all other times he shall perform such duties as may be required of him by the Grand Commander, or Grand Commandery. Of the Grand Generalissimo and Grand Captain General. SEC. 8. The Grand Generalissimo and Grand Cap- tain General, in the absence of their respective superiors, shall severally act as Grand Commander, according to their rank. At all other times they shall perform such duties as may be required of them by the Grand Commander, and the regulations of the Order. Of the Grand Treasurer. He SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the Grand Treas- urer to take charge of all property belonging to the Grand Commandery, and to receive all moneys from the Grand Recorder, giving his receipt therefor. shall pay all orders authorized to be drawn on him by the Grand Commandery, and shall, at each annual Conclave, render an account of his receipts and disbursements. STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. 265 Of the Grand Recorder. SEC. 10. The Grand Recorder shall attend all Conclaves of the Grand Commandery, and keep a faithful record of all proceedings proper to be written. He shall transmit to the Grand Master and Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment of the United States, copies of all the statutes and regulations of this Grand Commandery, and the roll of the Grand Officers. He shall record the proceedings of this Grand Commandery, and all charters and dispensa- tions issued by its authority, in books kept for that purpose. He shall collect all moneys due the Grand Commandery, and pay the same to the Grand Treas- urer, taking his receipt therefor. He shall receive and examine the returns of subordinate Command- eries, and make settlements with their representatives. He shall, at each annual Conclave, make a full report of his accounts, and also of the failure of any subor- dinate Commandery to make returns or pay their dues. He shall keep the seal of the Graud Com- mandery, and affix it to all documents which may require it, and shall perform all other duties pertain- ing to his office, as may be required of him by the Grand Commandery. SEC. 11. Of the Remaining Officers. The duties of the remaining officers shall be such as are appropriate to their respective stations, or may be assigned to them by the Grand Com- mandery, and corresponding as near as may be to those of the corresponding officers of the Grand Encampment of the United States. Of Dispensations for Commanderies. SEC. 12. The Grand Commander and Deputy Grand Commander, severally, shall have power, during the recess of this Grand Commandery, to 266; STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. grant letters of dispensation, under their respective hands and private seals, to a competent number of Knights Templar (not less than nine,) residing within the jurisdiction of this Grand Commandery, and possessing constitutional qualifications, empowering them to form and open a Commandery of Knights Templar, and confer the usual Orders of Knight- hood, such dispensation to continue no longer than the next annual Conclave of this Grand Commandery, when said dispensation may be continued or recalled, or a charter granted, upon a report of the officers of the new Commandery, of their acts under the dispensation. No dispensation shall be issued for a new Commandery, unless the petition therefor is recommended by the Commandery nearest to the place where said new Commandery is to be located. Of Fees and Dues. SEC. 13. There shall be paid into the Treasury of the Grand Commandery, for every dispensation to form and open a new Commandery, the sum of Ninety Dollars, and to the Grand Recorder, for every charter issued, the additional sum of Ten Dollars, which shall be his perquisite. Every suh- ordinate Commandery under the jurisdiction of this Grand Commandery shall pay to the same, Two Dol- lars for every Knight Templar created in said Com- mandery; and for every member (except those created during the year) One Dollar annually, which sum shall be paid at or before each annual Conclave. Of Mileage and per Diem. SEC. 14. Each Grand Officer, together with one Representative, the highest in rank of each subordi- nate Commandery, and also the chairman of each of the Committees on Jurisprudence and Foreign Cor- respondence shall be paid out of the funds in the STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. 207 Grand Treasury, Two Dollars for each day's attend- ance on the Conclave of the Grand Commandery, and the further sum of Five Cents for each and every mile traveled, going to and returning from the Con- clave of the Grand Commandery, the distance to be computed by the nearest traveled route. No Sir Knight shall be allowed to draw mileage or per diem allowance, both as Grand Officer, Representative or member of the above Committees at the same Con- clave; nor shall he draw pay as Representative for more than one Commandery at one and the same time. ARTICLE II. SUBORDINATE COMMANDERIES. How Constituted. SECTION 1. All regular assemblies of KNIGHTS TEMPLAR are called COMMANDERIES, and are composed of a Commander, (whose title is Eminent,) Generalissimo, Captain General, Prelate, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Recorder, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warder, Captain of the Guards, And as many members as may be found convenient. Fees and Qualifications. SEC. 2. No Commandery shall confer the Orders of Knighthood for a less sum than Forty Dollars, 268 STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. nor upon any one who is not a regular Royal Arch Mason, according to the requirements of the Grand Encampment of the United States. The rule of suc. cession in conferring the Orders of Knighthood, shall be as follows: KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSS; KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Authority. SEC. 3. Every Commandery shall have a warrant or dispensation from the Grand Commandery, or from one of the first two Grand Officers; and no Com- mandery that may hereafter be formed and opened, shall be deemed legal without such warrant or dis- pensation; and communication is hereby interdicted and forbidden between any Commandery in this jurisdiction, or any member, or either of them, and any Commandery that may be so formed, opened or holden, without such warrant or dispensation, or any or either of their members, or any person introduced into such illegal assembly. The Commander. SEC. 4. The Commander of every Commandery has it in special charge, to see that the By-Laws of this Commandery are duly observed, as well as the stat- utes and regulations of this Grand Commandery, and the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of the United States; that accurate records are kept, and just accounts and reports rendered; that returns are made to the Grand Recorder of elections of officers; that the regular returns are made to the Grand Com- mandery annually, and that the annual dues are promptly paid. He has authority to call special Conclaves at pleasure; and it is his duty, together with the Generalissimo and Captain General, to at- tend all Conclaves of the Grand Commandery, either in person or by proxy. No appeal shall lie to the Commandery from the decision of the Commander STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. 269 Irregular Work. SEC. 5. It shall not be deemed regular for any Commandery to confer the Orders of Knighthood upon any sojourner whose fixed place of abode is within any State in which there is a Commandery regularly established; and in case any Commandery shall confer the said honors contrary to this section, such Commandery shall, on demand, pay to the Com- mandery situated next the fixed abode of the candi- date, the whole amount of fees received for his ad- mission. Neither shall it be regular for any subor- dinate Commandery to confer said Orders upon any one living nearer to any other Commandery under this jurisdiction, without special leave first given, under the penalty aforesaid. Petitions. SEC. 6. Every petition to a Commandery for the Orders of Knighthood, and for membership, shall be in writing, and give the Masonic affiliations, the residence, date of birth, and birth-place of the applicaut, over his full signature. Such petition must be presented and entered on the records, at a regular Conclave, and be referred to be reported on at a subsequent regular Conclave; provided, that in cases of emergency, (the applicant being well known), the Commandery may dispense with the requirement as to time. Seals. SEC. 7. Every Commandery shall have a Seal, giving the name and number thereof, an impression of which shall be deposited with the Grand Recorder. 270 STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. ARTICLE III REGULATIONS. Opening. SECTION 1. The Grand Commandery shall be opened in ample or due form at the time appointed for each Conclave, immediately after which the pro- ceedings of the last Conclave shall be read, unless dispensed with, and at the resumption of business at each successive sitting, the minutes shall in like manner be read. Committees. SEC. 2. After the minutes are approved, it shall be the duty of the Grand Commander to appoint three Sir Knights, members of this Grand Com- mandery: 1. A Committee on Credentials. SEC. 3. Pending the preparation of the report of the Committee on Credentials, the Grand Commander may read his Annual Address, and the Reports of the several Grand Officers may be made. And so soon as such Committee have made their report, and the same is approved, the R. E. Grand Commander shall appoint three Sir Knights (all Committees appointed being members of this Grand Commandery) on each of the following Standing Committees: 2. A Committee on Visitors. 3. A Committee on Doings of Grand Officers. 4. A Committee on Charters and Dispensations. 5. A Committee on Finance and Accounts. 6. A Committee on Grievances. 7. A Committee on Unfinished Business. 8. A Committee on Mileage and Per Diem. STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. 271 To such Committees all subjects may be referred that the Grand Commandery deem proper, and they shall make due report thereon. The Grand Commander shall also appoint all other Committees raised for the transaction of the business of the Grand Commandery, that may not be appointed by resolution of the same. SEC. 4. The R. E. Grand Commander shall, immediately after installation, appoint 9. A Committee on Foreign Correspondence. 10. A Committee on Jurisprudence. Such Committees to make report at as early a period during the next Conclave as may be practi- cable. Vow of Office. SEC. 5. The Officers of this Grand Commandery and of every subordinate Commandery in this juris- diction, before they enter upon the exercise of their respective offices, shall take the following obligation, viz: I. do promise and vow that I will support and maintain the Constitution of the Grand Encamp- ment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, and the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery of the State of Illinois. Amendments. SEC. 6. Whenever it shall be deemed necessary to alter or amend these Statutes and Regulations, the same shall be done as follows: the Grand Command- ery, in Conclave, may propose any alterations or amendments, and reduce them to form, the consider- ation of which shall lie over until the next annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery; and if then voted for by a majority of the members present, they shall become a part of these Statutes and Regulations INDEX. PAGE 66 Alignments-Principles of.. Apollo Commandery Uniform.. Asylum-Tactics for Burial-Service of Knights Templar Ceremonies-Installing Grand Officers 66 For Conducting Trials.. Charges Installation.. Grand Officers. Column-To Form, by Threes 9 255 ................. ...... 33 149 199 183 172 199 90 46 To Reduce to, from Cross in Asylum.... 64 66 To Reduce Cross to, on the March: 97 66 To Form, from Two Divisions Faced to the Front at a Halt.. 108 66 66 66 To Reduce to, from Triangle on the March. To Reduce Patriarchal Cross To Reduce Cross of Salem................ 114 .... .......... 101 102 Commands--Manner of Giving... Commanderies-Reception and Escort Honors to.. Constitution-Grand Encampment Constituting-Subordinate Commandery. 115 218 167 Council-Tactics for the Cuts Templar Sword Cross To Form in Asylum.. 46 66 66 66 66 66 73 ....... 29 60 Salem, Greek, to Form in Asylum Passion, to Form, from Sections on the March. to Form, from Threes on the March Patriarchal, on the March...... 66 66 Detachments-To Form in the Council.. Decisions-Grand Masters Dedication-Ceremonies of.. Divisions-To Form, in Asylum 63 94 94 99 100 75 244 167 33 66 To Form in Two 35 66 To Form in Three. 37 66 To Form Line from Two. 36 66 To Form in Two, Faced to the Front, from Sections at a Halt.. 106 66 To March in Threes, by the Flank. 82 66 To Display, in Marching 84 66 To Form in Twos, while marching in Threes, by 20 the Flank To Form in Three, from Two on the March........ 86 89 274 INDEX. Escort-To other Masonic Bodies. 66 Prelate's, to Form. Facings-Instruction in Forms For Conducting Trials. Funeral-Ceremonies and Honors. Grand Encampment-Constitution.. Grand Commandery Honors-Reception and Escort.. " Funeral Inspection-To Form for, in Council To Form for, in Asylum Grand, to Form for.. 47 Installation of Officers 66 of Grand Officers... Instruction-General Rules for... Into Line-From Column of Threes Jurisprudence-Templar Knight-Red Cross, Working Text of.. Templar, Working Text of.. 66 Malta, Working Text of .. Line-To Form, from Three Divisions. "6 To Form, from Sections, at a Halt Manual Templar Sword Marches-Instruction in ... Moulinets-Sword Practice Parade-Grand, to Form Practice-The Templar Sword Reception-Grand Master's... 66 Grand Commander's.. Sovereign Master's.. Regulations-Grand Commandery Rehearsal-To Form for, in Asylum.. Review-To Form for, in Council... 66 To Form for, in Asylum. Grand, to Form for. 66 Ritual-Grand Commandery. School Templar, of the PAGE 121 ... 65 5 183 118 213 199 115 118 ... .... 76 39 125 167' 199 1 59 239 129 136 145 51 103 16 11 28 124 28 71 67 73 261 41 ..... 78 55 126 199 ......... 1 92 106 149 261 213 6 16 28 124 Sections-To Form, from Threes, on the March. 66 To Form, from Two Divisions, on the March Service-Burial for the Orders. Statutes-Grand Commandery. 66 Grand Encampment Steps-Principles of Sword-Manual of the.. Practice, Moulinets. Tactics-For Grand Parade.. 66 66 For Full Display on Parade For Public Parade... Templar-Jurisprudence... Military Position of the.... ... 90 80 239 2 INDEX. 275 Templar-Regulations for Uniform.. Threes-To Reduce to, from Sections, on the March... Triangle To Form, in Asylum 66 To Form, in small Hall.. .6 To Form, on the March. Uniform-Regulations for.... 66 Of Apollo Commandery Wheelings-Principles of ... Work-Text for the Orders... .. PAGE 251 93 45 52 110 251 255 13 129 112690-1 This book is a preservation photocopy. 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