il do 04352755 beater diene ome reas a wei ei ce Pe, |t'| r ay ih a HI Bs 7) E ca Es ce 4 cm ? ‘ICpe. peepee Cae es SEM ONS DER ra Seen seaeaiae eee ease nee ene a recsee PEP Scans 2 eee Sree eee aa Pinan eta tents Berne: 5 SMES RSS i is a cay Ges & arene Mirai 5 Sar Pete ean ee geo eee ieee be Peas ASS niente wee 3) pe ae ae os Soe sai tat pa ee fa Se Ree See oreoLIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA GIFT OF Williem A, -Lambeth4 Bs Taare air aeGROUP I, No. | OCTORER, 1910 PRICE 10 CENTS 5 PALDINGS of ATHLETIC s\LIBRARY ( anteed perfect in material and workmanship. Don’t ae: No. 3. Made of brass, =] jickel-plated and pol- ‘use mouth to inflate rubber bladders. | opt : eR ished. Cylinder 5% Note special explanation of guarantee on tag attached to each ba inches long, diameter %; inch ; extreme length closed, Foot Ball Lacing Needle 7 inches, . : es Each, 25c. Beet Mee peace 2 SS Rawhide Foot Ball Lace nealed steel wire . Each, 5c. No. R. . Each, 5c. —= Spalding Foot Ball Tackling Machine and Releasing Attachment | We furnish, on application, to interested parties, blue prints, giving necessary | measurements and showing how apparatus should be set up. Uprightsand cross-beam can be purchased at any sawmill. Prices for all other equipment necessary we list below. - Tackling Dummy—Heavy 10-oz. brown canvas, without ' joining at waist. reinforced at bottom with heavy sole leather. Complete with heavy leather encircling strap for special reinforcement. At many of the prominent colleges a pair of foot ball trousers are put on the dummy and held secure by the encircling strap - which we furnish with dummy. — Each, $15.00 " Releasing Attachment—With pulley block to run OM Releasing ; cross rod, spliced to connecting rope. Each, $1! 0.00 Attachment ~ Steel Cross Rod—Threaded at both ends, complete with nuts and washers. : Each, $7.50 Pr aarTaTieNTiON VEN 10 ———— IP 2k BROS COA TOT A AGATIONS 5 ‘ ALDING & B SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER is, oe Re) a BANS (ON piel ne OF THIS BOOK ADDRESSED 10 5 1910. Subject to change without nolice.Spalding College Foot Ball Clothing is made of either canvas, drill or moleskin, specially manufactured for us; the curled hair and other padding is most carefully selected, real rattan reeds being a special feature, and we use no metal eyelets, all being hand worked. The Spalding ’Varsity Union Suit Made up of our’Varsity No. VT Pants and No. VJ Jacket, connected by a substantial elastic belt. Highest grade material and workmanship throughout. It conforms to each movement of the body and makes an ideal outfit in every way. No. VTJ. Suit Price, $5.00 * $54.00 Doz. To satisfy the demand for a medium priced Union Suit, we are putting out this additional style, made of lighter weight brown canvas and nar- rower elastic belt than in our No. VIJ. Well made and will give excellent satisfaction. . No. PTJ. Suit. Price, $3.50 % $39.00 Doz. Spalding Special ’Varsity Foot Ball Trousers— Padded No. VT. The hips and knees are properly padded. according to our improved method, with pure curled hair and the thighs have cane strips. Absolutely best grade throughort. Per pair, $2.50 * $27.00 Doz. \ NS No. BP. Brown Gale eorrectly padded. Spalding Foot Ball Pants—Moleskin \ padded with curled hair, and thighs have cane strips. Per pair, $5.00 $51.00 Doz. Spalding Sleeveless Foot Ball Jackets No. VJ. ’Varsity. Light weight, brown canvas. Special quality Each, $1.25 *& $13 20 Doz. No. 2. Good quality brown canvas. Well made throughout. Each, 50c. ¥ $5.00 Doz. No. XP. Browndrill, padded. Pair. 75c. % $8.00 Doz. No. OOR. Padded. Drab moleskin. Hips and knees ¥ SLTODIG CPTI) Spalding Foot Ball Pants—Canvas No. «P. Extra quality brown canvas, soft finish, well padded throughout and cane strips at thighs, ; ‘ Per pair, $1.75 * $18.00 Doz. No. 2P. Good quality brown canvas, well padded and real cane Strips atthighs. . Per pair, $1.50 ¥ $15.00 Doz. 1.00 % 10.00 ‘' ¥ 2 Sg GE RIBAS a ee EN SLIEMA OL eA Dig 2 * Nv Juvenile Foot Ball Pants No. 15P, Brown drill, correctly padded. No. «4P. Brown drill, padded. : Furnished in following sizes only: Chest 26 to 30, waist 24 to 26, inclusive No. 20P, Brown canvas, good quality, wel padded and real cane strips at thighs. Pair, $1.26 5 -80 - 70 The prices printed in italics opposite items marked with ¥ will be quoted only on orders for one half dozen or more. Quantity prices NOT allowed on items NOT marked with * LATED PROMPT ATTENTION GIV ANY COMMUNICATIONS hi LP SN STORES | a5 oa e— ee ARGE CITIES _ = fe FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES} Prices in effect July 5, 1910. Subject to change without notice. For Canadian prices see special Canadian Catalogue, SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OFTHIS BOOK©) Lua ern PATENT APPLIED FOR “ur Head Harness really protect. whey are en- agorsed by the most prominent trainers in this country. All Spalding Head Harness conform exactly to Rules of Intercollegiate Association. We are the originators of the special back extension on Head Harness. No. A. Firm tanned black leather, molded to shape, perforated for ventilation, leather sweat band and well padded. Adjustabl e chin sirap. Presents a perfectly smooth surface, and, while giving absolute protection, is one of the coolest and lightest made. When ordering, specify size of hat worn. Each, $4.00 ¥ $43.20 Doz. No. B. Soft black leather top and sides, soft leather ear pieces, adjustable chin strap. Top padded with felt, leather sweat band and well ventilated. Sides stitched and felt padded with canvas lining. When ordering, apes size of hat worn. Each, $3.00 % $32.40 Doz. No. C. Soft black leather top, well venti lated; moleskin sides and ear pieces, elastic chin strap. Nicely padded with felt, leather sweat band and substantially made When ordering, specify size of hat worn. Each, $2.00 *®& $21.00 Doz. No. D. Brown canvas, nicely padded, but very light and cool to wear When ordering, specify size of hat worn. Each, St 00 a $10 00 Doz. Morrill Nose Mask | Rubber Mouthpiece None genuine which do not bear the name = of Morrill and the date of patent. Made of finest rubber and no wire or metal is used + in its construction. A necessity on every foot ball team, and affords absolute protection to tion to mouth aon cacti nose and teeth. Each, 25c. * $2.50 Doz. No. 1. Regulationstyleorsize. Each, 50c.%*% $5.00Doz. | No. A. Adjustable, separate, as No. 1B. Regulation style, youths’ size. 50c.% 500“ | supplied th Nos. Oana OB Mask. 4ac pr. feet protec- No. 0. Full size, with adjustable mouthpiece 50c.% 500 “ “s TECE No. OB, Youths’ size, adjustable mouthpiece. | 5Oc.% 500 | FORO OMIRED FOR Nos. O or OBS NOSE MASK Spaldin Spalding Patented Shin Guard a.:iti foe This shin guard is built to prevent con- so, tact with the sensitive shin bone, rather + than to attempt to soften a blow by pil- Jing on padding. It is ebereus bly ven- i) tilated, and being extremely light in weight, is the most comfortable to ions ora, Fitted with soft tanned eather fastening straps. Se No 30. Pair, $2.00 * $21.00 Doz. @) A i | eee made is Spalding y - one of the most &@ ee Foot Ball Shin Guards No. 60 No. 9 {prominent foot is : No. 30 No.60. Black leather, backed up with real rattan reeds;| al alpen in_ the country. felt padding; leather straps and binding _ Pair, $1.50 %& $16.50 Doz. | No. KP. Pr., $2. 00 & $21.00 Doz. No. 12. Made of pebbled sheepskin, well padded, black leather etree Per pair, $1.00 *% $10.80 Doz. No. 9. Cafvas, length 11 inches, with reeds. . ee 5Ow 5.00 © No. 8. Canvas, length 9 inches, with reeds. . -. 40% 4.20 The prices printed in italics opposite items marked with te will be e oted only on orders for one-half bylozen or more. Quantity prices NOT allowed on items NOT marked with * Far aan MOMS eR Tees ean | ADDRESSED TO ri ~. STORES IN Na EA Nate CITIES 3 OF THIS BOOK _}} For New iniproved ne oot Ball fi, Knee Pad : i Made entirely of nee a felt. Conforms with curve of the knee, and is the i |most effective land safest knee Bs 71910. Subject to change without nolice. Canadian prices sec enecial Casaiian Galalocue. “Prices in effect Wale| a : aa erin Foot Ball Shoes are worn by the players S palding Foot Ball Shoes of Bveey college and school team of any importance in this country, and notably by the following most successful teams: Yale, Princeton, Cornell, University of | Pennsylvania, Carlisle, West Point, Annapolis, Michigan, Chicago, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, Indiana, Iowa, California, Leland Stanford, Missouri, St. Louis, Washington, Arkansas. (Featoa CaN OTT acu | 3 SUBSTITUTE \es/J ‘ADE-MARK eV | ’ No. AX } ‘ Side No. AX ° Front View View Spalding Featherweight Shoe No. AX. For fastest players only, not for general or hard usage. Finest materials throughout, hand sewed and a strictly bench made shoe. Rawhide thong laces. é ee Pair, $8.00 * $90.00 Doz. | No. A2-OS Sole Spalding Sprinting Shoe No. A2-OS. Finest kangaroo leather. Light in weight yet strongly made. Use this style shoe in- stead of No. AX for ordinary play. Hand welted; a bench made shoe. Rawhidethong laces, Pair, $7.50 Illustrating Spalding Foot Ball Ankle Brace with which ‘we equip the No. A2-M style shoe. Designed by Mike Murphy, trainer of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania team. Absolutely prevents turning of the ankle. No. A2-M No. A2-S Spalding ’Varsity Shoe Club Special Shoe Amateur Special Shoe No. A2-M. Finest black calf-|/ No. A2-S. Sprinting Shoe, light || No. A-3. Black calfskin, good qual- skin; thoroughly made. Raw- || weight; black calfskin, good quality, |} ity, machine sewed. A very service- hide thong laces. Pair, $5.50 very well made. Rawhide laces. $5.00 || able shoe. Pr., $3.50 *% $39.00 Doz. Spalding Juvenile Foot Ball Shoes Made on our special boys’ size lasts. Material and general construction similar otherwise to our regular line of men’s shoes. Boys’ sizes, 12 to5, inclusive. No. A4. Complete with leather cleats. Pair, $2.50 The prices printed in italics opposite items marked with + will be quoted only on orders for one-half dozen or oe more. Quantity prices NOT allowed on items NOT marked with * TUM AG GDAIRING + oon] ANY COMMUNICATIONS. Ze G. Slagle NG & BROS. ARE NSIDETHONT ROVER (A __ ADDRESSED T0 US - STORES aX C7 2 ©} Wl | Rees 0 EO TO US 2 a8) F THIS BOOK Prices in effect July 5, 1910. Subject to change without nolice. For Canadian eres ee special Canaan GalaljeiiesaT ET RIESmitial (>) Spalding New and Improved Worsted J erseys Following sizes carried in stock regularly in all qualities: 28 to 44 inch chest. : Other sizes at an advanced price. We allow two inches for stretch in all our Jerseys, and sizes are marked accordingly. It is suggested, owever, that for very heavy men a size about two inches larger than coat measurement be ordered to insure a comfortable fit. - PLAIN COLORS—We carry in stock STOCK COLORS in all Spalding Stores our line of worsted jerseys (NOT Nos. 12XB, 6 or 6X) in following colors: White Black Maroon Navy Blue Gray Cardinal . We also furnish, without extra charge, Special Orders on special orders only, not carried in stock and NOT supplied in Nos. 12XB, 6 or 6X, the following colors : Orange Dark Green Yellow Scarlet Olive Green Seal Brown Royal Blue Irish Green Old Gold Columbia Blue Pink Drab : : Peacock Blue Purple Jerseys are being used now more and more by Other colors than as noted above to order only im any quality foot ball players instead of canvas jackets. On (EXCEPT Nos. 12XB, 6 and 6X), 25c. each extra. account of the special Spalding knit, they are N. B.—We designate three shades which are sometimes called RED. very durable, and at the same time they of er no These are Scarlet, Cardinal and Maroon. Where RED is specified restraint on the free movements of the player. on order, Cardinal will be supplied. No. #P. Full regular made; that is, fashioned or knit to exact shape on the machine and then put together by hand, altogether different from cutting them out of a piece of material and sewing them up on a machine as are the majority of garments known as Jerseys,’ Special quality worsted. Solid colors. ‘ Each, $4.00 ¥ $42.00 Doz. No. 1 OP. Worsted, fashioned. Solid colors. re 3.00 ¥ $30.00 “ No. §2P. Worsted; solid colors. : 2 2 OO 6257205 No. !2XB. Boys’ Jersey. Worsted. Furnished in sizes 26 to 36 inches chest measurement only. Solid colors only : White, Navy Blue, Black, Gray and Maroon. No special orders.,. Each, $2.00 % $21.00 Doz. SPECIAL NOTICE We will furnish any of the above solid color Jerseys (except Nos. 12XB, 6 and 6X), with one color body and another color (not striped) collar and cuffs in stock colors only at no extra charge. Nos. 1P, 10P and 12P Spalding Cotton Jerseys No. 6. Cotton, good quality, fashioned, roll collar, full length sleeves. Cc‘ors: Black, Navy Blue, Gray and Maroon only. Each, $1.00 ¥ $10.80 Doz. No. 6X. Cotton, same as No. 6, but with striped sleeves in following combinations only: Navy with White or Red stripe, Black with Orange or Red stripe; Maroon with White stripe. : Each, $1.25 * $13.20 Doz. Woven Letters, Numerals or Designs We weave intc our best grade Jerseys, No. 1P, Letters, Numerals and Designs in special colors es as desired. Prices quoted on application. Designs submitted PRICES SUBJECT TO ADVANCE WITHOUT. NOTICE The prices printed in italics opposite items marked with % will be quoted only on orders for one-half dozen or more. Quantity prices NOT allowed on items NOT marked with ANY COMMUNICATIONS tow al * PU STORES IN" Prices in effect yay 5, 1910. Subject to change without nolice. SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS BOOK [ Fawr ATTENTION GIVEN 10 - cl SPALDING: i=) FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES] jFollowing sizes carried in stock regularly in all qualities: 28 to 44 inch chest. We allow two inches for stretch nm all our Jerseys, and sizes are marked accordingly. It is suggested. however, that for very heavy men a size about two inches larger than : coat measurement be ordered to insure a comfortable fit. S The Spalding Coat Jerseys are madeof the same worsted yarn from which we manu- facture our better grade Jerseys, Nos. 10P and 12P, and no pains have been spared to turn them out in a well made and attract- Plain solid colors (not i Hi} int Hii a Nos. 10C and 12C No. 1 OC. Same gradeas No. 10P. Each, $3.50 * $36.00 Doz. jve manner. striped) ; sleeves front edging. Sy TNS i 3) eva TMT ‘QUALITY pamper COAT JERSEYS C——} or one solid color body ‘with different color solid trim- ming (not striped) on cuffs, collar and Pear] buttons. Other sizes at an advanced price. and STOCK COLORS: Solid Gray, Gray trimmed Navy, Gray trimmed Cardinal, Gray trim- med Dark Green. See list below of colors supplied on special orders. No. 10CP No 12C. Samegradeas No 12P. Each, $3.00 » $30.00 Doz. No. OCP. Pockets, otherwise same asNo.10C. Ea, $4.00 + $42.00 Doz. Gray SPECIAL ORDERS Black Maroon Cardinal Orange White Scarlet PLAIN COLORS -—The above colors are supplied in our worsted jerseys (NOT Nos 12XB, 6 or 6X) at regular prices. order only in any quality (EXCEPT Nos. 12XB, 6 or 6X) 25c. each extra. STRIPES AND TRIMMINGS —Supplied as specified in any of the above colors (not more than two colors in any garment) at regular prices. Other colors to order only in any quality (EXCEPT Nos. 12XB. 6 or 6X) 25c. each extra. Navy Royal Blue Columbia Blue In addition to stock colors mentioned we also supply any of the jerseys listed on this page, without extra charge, on special orders only—not carried in stock—in any of the following colors; ‘ Peacock Blue Olive Green Pink Irish Green Dark Green Yellow Old Gold Purple Seal Brown Drab Other colors to 5 ii a Nea 10PW and 12PW No. t2PW. Worsted; solid stock color body and sleeves with 6-inch stock color stripe around body Colors same as No. 10PW. Each, $2.75 * $30.00 Doz. No. 1OPX. Good quality worsted, fashioned ; solid stock color body, with stock color striped sleeves, usually alternating two inches of same color as body, with narrow stripes of any other stock color. Colors same as No. {OPW Each, $3.25 $33.00 Voz. PRICES SUBJECT or more. No. SPALDING STRIPED AND V-NECK JERSEYS §!OPW. Good quality worsted, same grade as No. 10P. Solid color body and sleeves, with 6-inch stripe around body. ‘Each, $3.25 * $33.00 Doz. Stock Colors: Maroon and White. ‘is for body stripe. supplied on special orders. Black and Orange, Navy and White, Black and Red, Gray and Cardinal, Royal Blue and White, Columbia Blue and White, Scarlet and White, Navy and Cardinal, Second color mentioned ‘See list above of colors ft ie ve ‘ian i Nos. 10PX and 12PX TO CHANGE ne tt WITHOUT NOTICE The prices printed in-italics opposite items marked with % will be quoted only on orders for one- half dose Quantity prices NOT allowed on items NOT marked with * No. 12PV : Worsted, solid stock colors, with V-neck instead of full No. 12PV. collar as on regular jerseys. Steck colors: Navy Biue, Black, Maroon and Gray. See list above of colors supplied on special orders. \, Each, $2.75 * $30.00 Doz. No. 12PX. Worsted, solid color body, with striped sleeves, usually alternating two inches of same color as body, with narrow stripes of some other color. Colors same as No. 10PW. Each, $2.75 ¥ $30.00 ee PROMPT ATTENTION sIVEN 70 ip ANY COMMUNICATIONS : j__ ADDRESSED 10 US. Prices in pene July 5, 1910 "ALL LARGE CITIES Subject to change aithout nolice, For Canadian prices see special Canadian Catalogue, - BROS. TOR COREE us OF STORES é SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THs BOOkAMT aeaT own SPALDING Winter Sports SWEATER tL We allow four inches for stretch in all our sweaters, and sizes are marked accordingly. It is suggested, however, that for very heavy men a size about two inches larger than coat measurement be ordered to insure a comfortable fit. Collar Collar Turne¢ Turned Up No. WJ. For automobilists, training pur- poses, reducing weight, tramping during cold weather, golfing, shooting, tobogganing, snowshoeing. High collar that may be turned down, changing it into neatest form of button front sweater. Highest quality special heavy weight worsted. Sizes 28 to 44 inches. Carried in stock in Gray only. See list below of colors supplied on special orders, ‘Each, $7.50 ¥* $81.00 Doz. SPECIAL ORDERS addition to stock colors mentioned, we also supply any of the sweaters listed on this page without extra charge, on special orders only, not carried in stock, in any of the following colors : PLAIN COLORS — Sweaters on this page are supplied in any of the colors designated, at regular prices. Other colors to order only in any quality, 5Oc. each garment extra. N.B.— We designate three shades which are sometimes called RED. These are Scarlet, Cardinal, Maroon. Where REDis specified on order,we supply Cardinal White Maroon Purple Navy Olive Green aoe OnE ee ao Black Scarlet Yellow Royal Bine Irish Green | S\Caters with one color body and another : : 1 { striped) col fur- Gray Cardinal Orange Columbia Blue Dark Green| (oer (net striped) collar and cuffs fur d nished in any of the colors noted, on Drab Pink Old Gold Peacock Blue Seal Brown] special order at no extra charge. AM EMI NIEY WRaaax ce esi es > ABR) ie ! F ABR HT Sweater SPALDING “HIGHEST QUALITY” SWEATERS Worsted Sweaters. Special quality wool,exceedingly softand pleasant to wear. Full fashioned to body and arms and put together by hand, not simply stitched up on a machine as are the majority of garments sold as regular made goods. All made with 9-inch collars; Sizes 28 to 44 inches Spalding No. AA. The proper style for use after GI Indoor Exercising Sweater heavy exercise, inducing copious perspira- tion, for reducing weight or getting into aan condition for athletic contests. “Particu- larly suitable also for Foot Ball and Skating. Heaviest sweater made. Carried in stock in White, Navy Blue, Black, Gray, Maroon and Cardinal. See list above of colors supplied on special orders. ~ Each, $8.00 * $84.00 Doz. No. A. “‘Intercollegiate.’’ Colorssame as No. AA. Special weight. _ Each, $6.00 *& $66.00 Doz. No. B. Heavy weight. Colors same as No. AA, | Each, $5.00 » $54.00 Doz. Spalding For Squash, Racquets, Indoor < Tennis and other Athletic wom ane k SS Games and exercising indoors. Mutiler Light weight, soft finish, finest quality worsted. Made from Good quality all wool sweater, well made throughout. No. 3. Standard weight, slightly lighter than No. B Colors same as No AA Each, $3.50% $39.00 Doz. TT PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO | AY COMMUNIGATIONS ADDRESSED TO US Prices in effect July 5, 1910. Subject to change without notice. and Chest Protector Front View Back View No. M. Special weight; Highest quality worsted. Colors as No.AAsweater.S | .0O PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE The prices printed in italics opposite items marked with will be quoted only on pure imported Shetland wool. Three sizes: Small, to fit from 34 to 86 in. Medium, to fit from 38 to 42 in. Large, to fit from 44 to 46 in. Furnished in Gray or White only. No. IX. Each, $4.00 Quantity prices NOT allowed on items NOT marked with * A.G. SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES. For Canadian prices see special Canadian Catalogue. = orders for one-half dozen or more.eS Tass iS | TNE easurement. We allow four inches for Sizes 28 to 44 inches chest mi e stretch in all our-sweaters, ‘and sizes are marked accordingly. that for very heavy men 2 size about i| two inches larger than coat measur { It is suggested, however, L ement be ordered to insure a comfortable fit << . BUTTON FRONT No. VG. Best quality worsted, heavy weight, pearl buttons. Carried in stock in Gray and White only. See list below of colors supplied on special orders. Each, $6.00 * $66.00 Doz. 1 No. DJ» Fine worsted, stan dard 4 weight, pearl buttons, fine knit edging. i Carried in stock in Gray and White only. Seelist below of colors supplied RY on special orders. e Each, $5.00 + $54.00 Doz. WITH POCKETS No. VGP. Best quality worsted, heavy weight, pearl eee. Carrie¢ aa in stock in Gray or White only. See ; ae list below of colors supplied on special No. VGP t on either side and 2 particularly convenient and le for golf players. ‘Fach, $6.50 + $69.00 Doz. e (except Nos. 35, CDW jacket sweaters at no extra charae. In addition to stock colors mentioned, we also supply any of the sweaters listed on this pag 0 not carried in stock, in any of the following colors: SPECIAL ORDER and 3JB), without extra charge, on special orders only, OLIVE oe YELLOW OLD GOLD NUS SL 2 S ecial trimm cial trimmed edg- orders, With pocke | No. VG. Showing spe | ing and cuffs supplied, if desired, on popular sty WHITE CARDINAL PINK COLUMBIA BLUE ORANGE MAROON NAVY BLUE PEACOCK :BLUE IRISH GREE SEAL BROWN SCARLET ROYAL BLUE DARK GREEN PURPLE DRAB ly im any quality 50c. each extra. body and BLACK e with one color Other colors to order on! SPECIAL NOTICE-—We will furnish any of the solid calor sweaters listed on this pag another color (not striped) collar and cuffs in any of the above colors on special order, atn not apply to the Nos. 3J/ or 3JB Sweaters. SPALDING SPECIAL JACKET SWEATERS dard weight, Shaker No. CDW. Good quality worsted, No. 3J. Stan ribbed knit. Carrie in stock in Gray knit, pearl buttons. Carried in only. Supplied on s ecial orders in ed : oe . Navy Blue or White Rae Trimmed stock and supplied only in Plain edging and cuffs in colors as noted Gray, Each, $3.50 * $39.00 Doz. above on special orders only. ; Each, $5.00 ¥*& $54.00 Doz, Boys’ Jacket Sweater o extra charge. This does Spalding Vest Collar Sweater ’ = me WS SS @ OPC eee ee HRe ew Disks, Striking Bag b Bells Rete Chest weigh 30 ©&*e elts— Leather and Worsted Elasti @eeenenenarn ° ® e e ® e 6 ~ > ae — > O . a ou anne? a Oe eerste ed. ce vepnaedsD @erpeeveerteesoenee e eo x oO oo o nt on a oo n _ ~ _ ao The following index from Spalding’. latest Catalogues will give an idea of Me Foot Ball Goal Nets Aol Foot Ball Timer a 8 5 5 | Gloves— Boxing «6 fs 6 .%0, 71 Fencing . Giclee. ee FOL Foot Bal} 6 @ ® 13 Golf Ge 6) ce 87 Handball’ 6.26... 64 Hockey, Ic@ g 9 \& 47 pcrOuee Oi 10% 65.69 a 2 Basket Ball ¢ «25 cob Balle o.068 a7 Hockey,Ice g «¢ > AT Lacrosse Ger 2 69 Goal Gee Polo” @ pee 4 Golf Clu ee coe | S65aG4 Garret e ARG Grips— Athletic e » £6 61 Golf ane OL Gymnasium, Home S ge Gymnasium Board, Home Gymnasium,Home ‘Outfits 26-88 57 angers for Indian Clubs 78 Hat Bands, - . 34 Hats, University pe . 32 Head Harness . es 8,15 Health) Bullies 2g. 2 89 Hob Nails . . © . 67, 68 Hockey Sticks, Ice . . 46, 47 Holder, Basket Ball, Canvas, 25 Hole Cutter, Golf 67 Hole Rim, Golf... : 67 Horse, Vaulting S = 83 Hurdles, Safety « . 59 Indian Clubs 5 2) 6 18 Inflaters— Foot Ball é 6 ‘a 5 Striking Bag Oe ca 73 Jackets— Fencing ee he 9 Foot Ball Saat erase. Javelins = ; r 58 a 40,20; 21, 48 Jerseys Knee Protectors 6, 52 Knickerbockers, Foot Bail. 18 Lace, oat Ball ae Es 5 Lacro: 7 A 69 aves: for Sprints sees 59 Leggings, Klip . = 10 Leg Guards— Foot Ball ee. % 8 IceHockey . « ° 48 ole « we a a 49 Let Embroidered 4 9.3 a Dimene : ‘Mike Murphy” aQr © Mlasks— Fencing, «4 . 6 91 ose ° 8 Masseur, Abdominal % 85 Mattresses, Gymnasium. 84 Mattresses, Wrestling . 55 Megaphones . e ° 34 Mitts Handball e a 54 Striking Bag. O46) 1278 Moccasins.» » ©» . 37 the great variety of Athletic Goods manufactured by A. G, Spalding & Bros, PAGE Monograms : 31, 33 Menges Foot Ball ; er a t ot rc Neale ee @ @ Galt Driving . <0 Volley Ball . | Sar Numbers, Competitors 3 @6=—«é8 Pads— na Chamois, pence ou ol Foot Bal SS 7 Wrestling a e &«& 55 Paint, Golf b> 36) fe OUe 61 Pants— Basket Ballia, “6-4 7 26 Boys’ Knee * 55 Foot Ball, College . ‘ Foot Ball, Rugby . « 15 Hockey, Ice . & e 48 Running . 30 Pennants, College ts . 34, 35 Pistol, Starter’s < * Plastrons, Fencing . mead Plates— Teeing, Golf . 67 Borne, Striking Bag 74, 75 ‘oles— Ski . e ® ° 37 a wo Vaulting : 58 } Polo, Roller,Goods , . 49 Protectors— Tens . % ~ 12 Eye Glas s A 48 Indoor Hace Ball ; < 52 Thumb 25 Protection, ‘Running Shoes 61 Pucks, Hockey, Ice. 47 Push Ball . A 5 A 56 Pushers, Chamois a . 61 Quoits = a be Racks, Golf Ball , 2 67 Recap te. Squash . * 69 Rapie ° e 90 Revavcst 3 Whistle 7 © 59 Rings— Exercising . « . 84 Swinging hey 519,54 Rowing; Machines 2 > 81 Sacks, for Sack Racing a 59 Sandals, Snow Shoe 2 37 Sandow Dumb Bells a 76 Scabbards, Skate .° . 44 Score Books— Basket Ball yas te foc 2b) Shin Guards— Association 4 « » 18 College , @ ‘o * 8 Shirts— Athletic . s e soccer ee es 18 hoe Basket Baller 40) ea) (26 Fencing . 91 Foot Ball, Association . 18 Foot Ball, College . S 9 Foot Ball, Rugby . . 15 Foot Ball, Soccer . 18 Golf a ° 68 Gymnasium a 27 Jumping a Running ° Skating . Squash » ? ®e eee eG cs LS n me Shot= | Athleti¢ & ndoor 4 Massage , Skates— Ice , 6 Roller , Skate Bag , Skate Key _ Skate Rollers Skate Straps Skate Sundries. Skis Sleeve Bands, Colleg Snow Shoe ‘. Squash Goods e Standards— Vaulting e. 9 woliey Ball , ve Fort Tien tageea Race.. Se ®6@6 *e©%® ©9496 eRe werrere Sticks, “Polo 6 «6 Stockings 0 a ® Foot Ball on oe Stop Boards ® Striking Bags 4 «6 sSuits— Base Ball, Indoor . Basket Ball . Gymnasium Gymnasium, Ladies’ Running . . Soccer e Union, Foot Ball : Water Polo . Supporters . e : : Waist: = : ® Suspensories Sweaters Swivels, Striking Bag Swords, Fencing . Swords, Duelling , Tackling Machine . Take-Off Board a Tape— Measuring Steel’ « Tees, Golf . me Tether Tennis e ° Tights= ‘u ‘ . a eae Wrestling . Knee ; oats Toboggans ° Toboggan Cushions « Toe Boards Toques Trapeze, Adjustable Trapeze, Single Trousers, Y.M.C.A Trunks— Velvet . ® e@ Worsted. ww oe Uniforms, Base Ball, Indoor Wands, Calisthenie Watches, Stop . : Weights, 56-Ib. Whistles, Referee’ 3° Whitely Exercisers . Wrestling Equipment Wrist Machine. ee ote 2 aS Lee @e@eedéedard Policy to a Standard Policy. it is impossible for a manufacturer to long A Standard Quality must be inseparably linked Without a definite and Standard Mercantile Policy, maintain a Standard Quality. To market his goods through the jobber, a manufacturer must provide a profit for the jobber as well as the retail dealer. To meet these conditions of Dual Profits, the manufacturer is obliged to set a proportionately high list price on his goods to the consumer. To enable the glib salesman, when booking his orders, to figure out attractive profits to both the jobber and retailer, these high list prices are absolutely essential; but their real purpose will have been served when the manufacturer has secured his order from the jobber, and the jobber has secured his order from the retailer. However, these deceptive high list prices are not fair to the consumer, who does not, and, in reality, is not ever expected to pay these fancy list prices. When the season opens for the sale of such goods, with their misleading but alluring high list prices, the retailer begins to realize his responsibilities, and grapples with the situation as best he can, by offering “special discounts,”’ which vary with local trade conditions. Under this system of merchandising, the profits to both the manufacturer and the jobber are assured; but as there is no stability maintained in the prices to the consumer, the keen competition amongst the local dealers invariably leads to a demoralized cutting of prices by which the profits of the retailer are practically eliminated. This demoralization always reacts on the manufacturer. yThe jobber insists on lower, and still lower, prices. The manufacturer in his turn, meets this demand for the lowering of prices by the only way open to him, viz.: the cheapening and degrading of the quality of his product. The foregoing conditions became so intolerable that, ten years ago, in 1899, A. G. Spalding & Bros. determined to rectify this demoralization in the Athletic Goods Trade, and inaugurated what has since become known as ‘‘ The Spalding Policy.”’ The ‘‘Spalding Policy’’ eliminates the jobber entirely, so far as Spalding Goods are concerned, and the retail dealer secures his supply of Spalding Athletic Goods direct from the manufacturer under a restricted retail price arrangement by which the retail dealer is assured a fair, legitimate and certain profit on all Spalding Athletic Goods, and the consumer is assured a Standard Quality and is protected from imposition. The ‘Spalding Policy”’ is decidedly fo and acts in two ways: First—The user is assured of genuine Official the same fixed prices to everybody. Seconp—As manufacturers, we can proceed with confidence in purchasing at the proper time, the very best raw materials required in the manufacture of our various goods, well ahead of their respective seasons, and this enables us to provide the necessary quantity and absolutely maintain the Spalding Standard of Quality. All retail dealers handling Spalding Athletic Good regular printed catalogue prices—neither more nor less— for in our New York, Chicago and other stores. All Spalding dealers, as well as users of Spalding Athletic special rebates or discriminations are allowed to anyone. Positively, nobody; not even officers, managers, salesmen or other employes of A. G. Spalding & Bros., or any of their relatives or personal friends, can buy Spalding Athletic Goods at a discount from the regular catalogue prices. This, briefly, is the ‘‘ Spalding Policy,’’ which has already been in successful operation for the past ten years, and will be indefinitely continued. In other words, ‘‘ The Spalding Policy ’’ is a ‘‘ square deal’”’ for everybody. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Bw (GO Spat. PRESIDENT, r the interest and protection of the users of Athletic Goods, Standard Athletic Goods, and s are required to supply consumers at our the same prices that similar goods are sold Goods, are treated exactly alike, and no —— SL a ALY err yug veersStandard Quality An article that is universally given the appellation “Standard” is thereby conceded to be the Criterion, to which are compared all other things of a similar nature. For instance, the Gold Dollar of the United States is the Standard unit of currency, because it must legally contain a specific proportion of pure gold, and the fact of its being Genuine is guaranteed by the Government Stamp thereon. As a protection to the users of this currency against counterfeiting and other ‘tricks, considerable money is expended in maintaining a Secret Sérvice Bureau of Experts. Under the law, citizen manufacturers must depend to a great extent upon Trade-Marks and similar devices to protect themselves against counterfeit products—without the aid of “Government Detectives” or ‘‘ Public Opinion” to assist them. Consequently the ‘‘Consumer’s Protection” against misrepresentation and “‘in- ferior quality” rests entirely upon the integrity and responsibility of the ““Manufacturer." A. G. Spalding & Bros. have, by their rigorous attention to ‘‘Quality,” for thirty- three years, caused their Trade-Mark to become known throughout the world as a Guarantee of Quality as dependable in their field as the U. S. Currency is in its field. The necessity of upholding the guarantee of the Spalding Trade-Mark and main-‘ taining the Standard Quality of their Athletic Goods, is, therefore, as obvious as is the necessity of the Government in maintaining a Standard Currency. Thus each consumer is not only insuring himself but also protecting other con- sumers when he assists a Reliable Manufacturer in upholding his Trade-Mark and all that it stands for. Therefore, we urge all users of our Athletic Goods to assist us in maintaining the Spalding Standard of Excellence, by insisting that our Trade-Mark be plainly stamped on all athletic goods which they buy, because without this precaution our best efforts towards maintaining Standard Quality and preventing fraudulent substitution will be ineffectual. Manufacturers of Standard Articles invariably suffer the reputation of being high-priced, and this sentiment is fostered and emphasized by makers of ‘inferior goods,” with whom low prices are the main consideration. A manufacturer of recognized Standard Goods, with a reputation to uphold and a guarantee to protect, must necessarily have higher prices than a manufacturer of cheap goods, whose idea of and basis for a claim for Standard Quality depends principally upon the eloquence of the salesman. We know from experience that there is no quicksand more unstable than poverty in ity—and we avoid this quicksand by Standard Quality.PALDIN¢ GS =) ATHLETIC LI BRARY [5 a A separate book covers every Athletic Sport || and is Official and Standard 1 Price 10 cents each : “GRAND -PRIZE_ oy Hid ee SS own Ct NG hee on ATHLETIC GOODS ARE THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD A.G.SPALDING @ BROS. | MAINTAIN WHCLESALE and RETAIL STORES sn the FOLLOWING CITIES: NEW YORK CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA ST.LOUIS BOSTON KANSAS CITY BALTIMORE | MINNEAPOLIS WASHINGTON SAN FRANCISCO PITTSBURG CINCINNATI BUFFALO DENVER SYRACUSE DETROIT : NEW ORLEANS CLEVELAND LONDON, ENGLAND > ATLANTA SEATTLE BIRMINGHAM,ENGLAND DALLAS : COLUMBUS EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND ST. PAUL SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA ci Ga TVR OT eIy.U Factories owned urd operated by A.C. Svaiding& Bres.and whcre cll of Spolding a Trode-Morked Atrictic Gocgs ore made arelocated i> the following citics: NEW YORE, CAGO SAN FRANCISCO CHICOPEE, MASS. SROOKLYN STON PHILADELPHIA WONDON, ENG. |FE ea {cot ae aT Oet ES A linc aie sci daehasegtinaeren ety nigy that | | } j } &