Γ%\ — ,. . I I . 3 ; . -Vi·. Bfc«áas2 ■ ν'* v V' Ÿt s "■ . f* . . \W*\Ïï • \ · ' i Ai ■■ ? .a;··· (.^'v·'... ::)W ■'■■■' . · >. <* ■ * v ' *\· , V >.. ' • * ïvrSfl - Λ| * - J jV ' · re?S|V. .Cv. ·'■··.>-· ■ ............................... .. m ' ·■ Sfe * u¿' ’.·»· ■ ■ *. ' . . ■> < - ■ ·-■ ■'·■, -J ., _,·} . ,..V ·.. · V . · ■ » . . ·. · · ·,· ! * · V V ; .'·· v · 1 · ■ \ ■ ■ it .'· r · ' ,i .’töRHSsSäS* w . \ ■'■ · ■ v ·· xwm ; ÍMÍÍ1& ' ^ Sf* --,n · * ï ·. #- ■ * ■·· i- ■.,'·· Mm: • · * ;i"; > S · ífml '** • . Γ , ■ V. * - , ' *■< '; · . ·■ „ (■ . \> · ν·-'ν ¿.‘’Í V‘'· ·ι · .· -”■ ‘«..Z '."-γ ' ■■ ' ' - ■ ¡whA > r'frU '4fr ψ,ί. ' . *#·; A4;íj{ ,·/·ν“V«t* ' * *; ·' ‘ à · ■ » r ■ ν,ν ' .■ /· ν^;* V-V^ . :··" - ... Λ' A.;.-,^. . ■· ·**' >;u{ ■>; .$ \ ' v·;^/ : - ^ ·; ■V >;:'· ' Æ<. m : B"' * ■ « Ψ./ i' * ■ · .. ■ '· · ·:- yfmi i?::: ? i·' , f ·· . ■ ->■ # :f!' B f. ·. . ·. ..- - .... : v ' ' . Aw;,·* fc vi"4; . >. '*·. ? ,.Γ··.· jf i*’ ··. MMeeSnei :r:: i* -V —* · m C &>f t§e *&ome and t§t Sporte, ; -t 2K5 jr ftetrpe* ¿egamcvon/ te t$< ftígífe S>ec/i φ 2tnS fot afmocS ae fl)é ie moft fphe înto tfje fomte / Upon a tpmeffje flecan to DetracteattbDiffamet$eforme/ φ tofjicijeÇe percef öfnj fpahe to φ mootte p fapfcfU^IJp 8offl t9ott>e5ah8yteme p 6faffemf/ime/^Çaueewe"t: fewf a φ ff £ ariD goon afoje φ to φ profite / artD % j* ktßott ßafefi means mflfícjsmffp maP/ofneff a$mft (10ofcon)mequo0 tfye fllflone fo* fl foue fije not»J¡ oí toy títttdxí00tnee carcfetÇ me to 0efet fytefffïoieeytq tí)e n>o^e, jff c* p t0ou wetenot/gf{jof0e0em0ne anf*oete0 anb fayb* Φ tfjow incutieye totere tíjou content toitÇ tijy be$te. tfo* ae fl flotte ifyebaytytne j 0ete tßaq t$e tufe/^o tfjou without tin* pe0ím?t occupy ef? a ff φ nytfljt at tfjyne otoñe pfefure* JetÍet0etfoíemekefyo0fyintoout: maker/ p cpafte nat tljy fef fe0y p*y0e / 0ut fuffe* me pacíentfy to bo ae fl an) otbeyne0/an0 0o tfjou tfjy bufye* 'SÇe mone con« ftéeryngteno vtafot)/it) great anget bepatteb£0a0etpb togySetaff tße ßettye /anb 0egaij 0ateff/p f$ot atotoee úfftynfl tÇe ¿>dne/ penfen0yb ittetfy toít0 barite anS óreme to finite Çyn) anbbefítoy Çym. tEÇe S0ne0e* tngea6oue anb at a iaunfage feyngeafftíjíe ctuefnee/ fcmoeout Çíe ftoo*0ep fmoíetl)e¿Í9oneafon0ett2fnÍi tfaetoebotone tfjeâfetrye ç fay0e / Tleoftyq aetÇou arte town0e/fl fíjaff bepatíe fÇe* Cjfoz íÇye catofeae fa0feo tepoíte/flje moneconceyueíÇ nat toton0e / 0 fíet ríe oftetj f y mee faff botone* 2lnb fo tí?e mone toae con* fufeb anb faybe* i 2LefjfcÇurf te to t9eftrptiee/to0epatMitttmapne/ j S 'íEíjen to OefiflÜtyî/ anb 0*oug9t into iayne· eíflD íij fyketoyfemocíjepepfe 0e/ngtnf fate g ip toítfj p*y0e ; efacíon / toofôe 0e fyke into y fot) ç Çaue 0omytjactoi) a0oueaff ot$et / ff 0ytí)etttoyffye toofbe y none tóete a0o«e t ί)?/ηο* fyke into tÇ?v ae tlje gfofefaytÇ'« Píybetea0í0nyng efc0acyot)iqÿmyn0e· SífpyfíngtÇerg y 0einbet/p toofb0çequafftoít$ tÇ en) itl)at 0ea0oue/fo^ toÇy^ie ¿tífofíon) faytÇ/befyîeofe^ aftacyõ/íegfreat fyq/^itterfy to0ebifpyfc0/p fuffrace le too^fßipfuflfa coiitenbaßfe ♦ fit te twtttty 0 fayb tÇat t tÇmotobe \totale ηχαη fuffpfeö natafftljerooiföejßotü íe f)e fuffp (ill xoítfy ttye fjwce of.^íj, fote fonje , 2ln8 íljetfoí te to (Se tepjowpö.jc. -%'S g&T-Z s S. _ O St fl s» 2, R 2 β> Γ* P? _ « ■gp o '*^••2 ® 2 5,8 p "2-»=5*^,2 4 i i? I # s*f\£ ^ « «E ° ” « 0 ° PiS 3 §■§>« —Λ >5 * Î3 <=>"^5 ^ *** 2 StH*»» 3 J?<í 2 O 3 «2"S 55 § ^ ^ v? ^ %*> 3 —n oo^VH is* o ¿ ^ « Λ 0> Sr «- ^ 2 2 w S*^“Ö S 47s re <■£ 2 f$ o « χ 3 ^5L ¿$!<* S g o's'C k¿ è ia ^ S s <■* r <* ® <λ » St 45 cy<» 2* e» sTV^ o S ^CÁ Ä ^S .ÍT to _ to to TO .JJ'» rt ^ a’ ^ aS'^^lÄS^ ?¡L O o to· TO^ !Tl5ts»2 S J»^ 5i ^ ©* á^S °^^oboo£^ 0?α“Τί PT-2 2 -^rr Π:” v S -» ^3 « E m f-i'-w s « c ^ «* n 2. a i^sy 5 &-§·« g,·®·^ S <»> »> >& ;? ^ Js$ ^ o «■* If ^ «1 tëssf'S"* 2 n.' o ϊΐί ö i* o 3 ca rVL 2* S>^e o 3 c *~*> o SP-2* σ a oo2 «4Γ 7t'β& o >3 77* ö o oo *3 o 2 ^5 Sä λ -» S ^ £.>·· *0flul J# ffl Pgtif u»i U! rm ûftitr ü¡ ftfí(|i¡i[f Slî iiémî.îr, I φκι tMitaki tOfaJtrm : WW ; M Je .îg, iturne/ í^crctt it (pace eflgof QctfeíÇ )e/tfjat ytuafc 5 a mai) f}Í6Í0Ut i fcngtÇ ic0egan at/fojt$ t^etpfa If top ff* jp Doof» t)0 mod) îpmatï) 6 Cítate fozrjr t* pfîtut$ fafccn^t ¡eÆÎat pejtoe* Çecío«$ tí tofo*' fffîkfni not (onM aflouefl» tjartw * *r * Çarte of Jiïa6ttoto$onofqt mae fpfBeptpBe/toÇetfot ÇcmaeDepoftSfrort)ÿtebpgnpte/mÇerofitmae fap8 faâterre caffpbtEtanfmontana/ \ an8ot^er fïertpe ibtafogo thereto. ttj* ) Li t l Μ κ tim- i i) U codo η Ί R 'MV\ J ÿ&J Cft¡UÍCW>ML·^ t61}tclj euetfiçe m _ f ffottjeneneFtô&ecfyne ïaBéuteth nat ftv cotrtDaffe circuler ôt§&Mm^Ü0t$$t , ,, a patl) of tl)efee/to tl)e mßtcßefppps _, _________met) geue great at tendance /Jiff o tß er jiertpe gab*pb t^em togeber ? cart) to tl)íe fierre ff fap8 Sßou fittefï afmap fïpff ff J)afie cae g refí/ an8 toe go a 0out g faßour mitßout refi anbße íj)p fevuantee ♦ arpfe tßou a tol)pfe anb fet an ofljer6e g occupy tßp tome. 'So mßott) tßie fïerreSrSfmontepnanfmereb if fapSe/pe knomenatmßatpemofbßaue/fo* pourbefp*e 16 nat fefuff no* to pou eppebient jj l)aue grct faßo* ff great fatigacporj to rufe pou.ltndpf y bpS nat mpfefp confer ue pon in mit pfacee ff mocpone/ pe fßofbe gretfp erre fox fache ofagobegpber. U0l)crfjj counfeffpoll to ße content ff in pcace&ut tße otßer fïerrie mofôe nat 0e pfeafpb/ßut ratfjer moxe mplfuffer to Ijaue tf;ep* pcti cpoij/anbfapbeaffatonpe. tt£ep*aptf)eto fuf(er15eto cl) o fe an otßer gpßer. Srafmontapn tßag ßeljofbpnge tßeir fromarße mpffufnee/beparteb frort) tßertj/p ment ff comptapneb to ßp6 fo*be ff maker. Sf)e fierrpe tßat fep nge/mabe great eynftacpon ? gfabnee/ apfpeb tße ^^tornaUs fir di—' Μ* «r Ifiv' " ' lufflitíe íononr jmeífíwfl^ é iftflwit pororó; pfojootiDfft. jfirp. 6ur tf * / 4 * í íe mo: fí>rp c, Tt.OítPbútie f-:M mim \ k i iimt AMBf,©trkr$j jenweM ■Crocit iL· ffffpdfp W(tè.fo:fls Z RntU^!,^ rt!i£ x. mk CP I m JX.. O 41 fd malte eßcctioi) of attetbe gpber. 5tit t ßettij tßcp combe nat agree/ Cut feffat Parpante and Beçfat) to fpgßt ccße mtt) otßet/ g ae fßepe fackpnge a fbepl,erbe/tßep ertpb ? feflfout of goob rufe, at faftroßat, they concideret) tße fe fiepte tßat tßep mere ti) fomtpme 6p tije po fiepe g gobe gtpbtuge oftßept foueraígne ) g tße great ntpferíe vwas faner) to tl)eu) fot fitekeof bpm. 'ÓZIjej? fefftt) repentance ? cometo tßepr fptfïgpSec g ptapbe Ι,ρη, to take tbenj to grace y to rufe tßett, ae l,e Ι,αδ botte Befóte / τ confirmet) bpm it) l)ta wotfßpp/ g fapb affwitl, one Sopee. ^'2!l)egp2er tßiit gpbetl)/ witß Sertewe g grace S>b°fSe treuetßecbangeb/feff a moi fe haue fije pface. *>F" fWtfe Conuenpent fot Se teKßen we ßaue Hu goberufer tl,et»bfcßerigßffuffprufetl) ggpbetß Se/we ße ßownbe to foue ßptt, / g to bo jjpm ßono* motfßpp/gnatfigbtfptocßaangeßpm/ßutcßetpffße iptt, after our power fot ti,e great faßour tßat ße ßathe to gpße Se fot outwefè. tEße begre ofgouernance io caf feß great wotfßpp/ ßut it io a gret cßarge/ae JttarnarS faptß/tuhat ie wotfßpp ot power/ ßutagreat ßoutben « nttferpe. £>t wljatíe fußfitnpteotbignpteoftbewotfbe §utapevpfou6 φ bouBt fuít tempe ft Aî&Qo map Be in voot, fßpp Ol ptefaepe rottßout papi, ot trißufaepon. £>t who ιβ in bignpte witl,out Sanpte/ae iDafetp teffetß.ftß.Sii. cf a îdtpnge tßat wae of fo great wt'tf c 9 fo gret counfeff/ tßat wljai) ÿ Crowne was befpuereß to bpn, ße hefße it fonge ßetwene ßie ßanbee ot ße fet itSpoß bie hebe/anb tonftberinge it mettant) fapb,£D noßfe g foitunaßfe gar* ionße/ßow fuff of ßefpneeanl> pervffart tbou/ffnnume* taßfe to ße tofOe.tfot ae 2lugußpiie faptß.tEßere ieno t\)pn·«*»'"iÇ''ΐ“κ„;?βι tuofttee.tfo* lie tfiou^Çt ÔP™ ίΦ«·»* c3nf «j|e ne fufft» îfeni to fo ÿteata teoílTbip/? fo great a peep» tojeber. Ψ5Β I# m fluí m r.ffWf # petee after tfye fyîfynçt of tJ}e 2trk© %* it te fap8e f)iftom 5>cofafîfcafF. gánente oneoftÇe fiance of$etipi; / αηδ tftfe toot8e sancetie jSqmuocutt/ç: 9att>emany ffgnp fiepon 0/2è « t ' ^ Λ 11 cf ft fletokenetfj tÿe ftifne of fyeupn a qtef anger and fayffe&tjou art to ßofite/fotaffljeapfj io fytelpnou$foitjje/iafomocljetfyat tJ)otí 6e)Vef?t$e to fette me of mp coiirfe/^ otíjer flerto tf)at fljofôe occti pp ti) er e«. UëÇetfoïe fl abupfe í(je to 6e remoap8 %Çtfp et eßpe t$ou fÇattfle fiirefp cotpeb of me ? mp company *£Pjfe ßotoe anftoereb ; fapfl^iètotîjertljoii fpekefî nat xotiï/ fot fl en) nat aßout to fetjp of tty wap/ fox fl f$eto tnp feffeßut in tt)e bap tpme/ ç tÇou ïq tj)e npgfyt tone fi iol)erepfefïtlj tl)e. W1)etfoxemeti)îhett} pf tJjowentenS to fyÿtjtwiti) me/tÿou arteuplfabupfeßfot tfyfecatofe/ Jfottfyoa mapfï jabee great companp of fïettpe tofyofâ wti)tÇe.Tlnb fl l)a«e frenbpe pnoto/6ot$ cfombee an? üffüûtreat tljonbere fot to fy#l)te agapnft fye foiafltfyp ft tmtftfy/and fo tÿeve map (ft owe (ft ea t mp jtyefe* &ut Q topff cotonfefftfje fot t§e 6e/i / ttyat toe bo gfoo ßefote a ticftytxope flutfe t§at l)e map termpij tÇp qti effyoq 6p a fciffwptpf fentence/ anb fet t^e fato te 6e punp|f$eb tj)ere ee it ie/wQetto cancer agreeß* 9 to t^ep ßotfje toerc efl«ÿe/anb Jja6 f^etopb tÇereSn^ to l)ptt) tl)ept matee/tEfoefluge fpake tjjatt ? fapß tljue» Wfyou topckeb j£ancet/it te aqepn/i t§e fator ot teafo$ \I map it ße ere tppffanfttpafliptftf anb tl}e6 ßutonfptntbebapjtpn)/'. v brOfe íÇaí be fettet Ö tl )P voapeSil)te ie mp fe* tente agept/tlje. C#tPf ffanbcljartfetljetÇattÇouns wer apetein tßeba? tp me*Tlnb 5 conbmm t\)tmaïïeç ptneye $ cofïpe oftfjecourte.Cancer Çetpnjjc-ÍJjfc fea* tence/rpao 0teatfpaf0atnpb.anb fapb» V Tl ßefp man/tjjat te fuff of que fïy oí}, 1 .¿aro ft tb to m feífe/oft Tí np ene íit fpketppfe agfepnfí 2LatPe anb Keafoft _____ζ fomtpme tppfffíepucanb faff at aftetaepon toítlf ont occafpon/anb Ce fuffof qutffpone · tpljerfojetjjep 6s takpr; fo* nnSgefete anb eupffpeopfe/ anb oftei) tp mee fÿtpéetfigeb te t|)e tP0;tfï* £>ffucljett iemtttet)* Pio* ttetßt» $>$?« '21 wiaptvarb matt caw fat) ftepuee* 3ínb a man fuff of tpo*bpe /oumZmct^ ♦ t£l)eettpff triíi euer feketfi beßate*tEl)e Cab an oteffp ctueff/ to font Qgeyyft f)ptt)/1Zwfy tj}îu00 q«ef?p5e p firpueo/man“ one 6e ßiougßt to nouqfyt. ae ¿fiber faptl}/ aefoue^ci co¡tbe te aftpap ßpibpnqe/fo fhpfe ? bréate/to atermoie beßropmjfe.&ebefaptÇ* èpbífcojbet^eefretef?tf)Í#ee? map ße btfiropeb. CtEÇere *pae fom íptt) ai) Çoncfl mâ tijat l)ab tj)¿e fSnee/tpljtcfJe *pl)ei) \\t fijofbebpe A}ttaU feb tfyen) 6efoie ÇpH) p fapb.-jfet mea #ret manp of tpife br6 ßotpnbe togpber/anb fo tfjep bpb* Tlnb tpjjan tfyep mere ßzon^ßt Jje fapb to í)te c^tíb^eq/foíbe tl)tn) p ß;teka fl)ert)Oèut tljep cotpbe nat tljep tpetefo ftpf,Έο tpJ)on) tj)e faber fapb àÿepn / pfnckeoutoneof tßen)j ßiekeaff fije otijer. Tlnb tÇepaffapeb tobo fo. Tlnb tÇep mpgfjfc ipeffßotpe tljewj/ßiit tljepcotpb natßüeke tJ)en).Ct£l)e tí)trbe tpme tlje faber fpakeanb fapbe to tfyenj/ take one ijffoiie anb afap to ßzeke tl)at/ ipÇtcfJe t$ep fonebe firopb w wtljtetppfc/j£l)ÿ ÇbjtefjytytïO fiJafFpf föffSnfd f ôti/0ft1jôH*eî>ô cotí tftíetpe to^ftîcr in Com anb concoibe/no mat) fßaff 6e a* Bfe fígl)tíf to gutte no*btfîtofefou, l^»it f fptâawe $ ßebfinbtbßf bf fcoibc &mvÿ nifÿaff pxenapCC efeCf âge ftnftf ou/anb Difîrop fou / 9 putrouUnbec fote/an$ igerfoje 6ett>a*e of maff ce anb btfcojbe» fl f brtîere pÇtfofofere f fapng fe/tßafc tfeirt^J jnfbbijfparte of ÿ toojtfbe tE 6e con fetuet of ftutíetâ 6e couetíae «Sfeíaf qupche tgî #oit, nb Vvcafon acformítt) fo^ett)ep 6c tf mee littet)· pío* füeo· Μ , ^beetJfî üf ff/íefent rfüeo/men| a e feue ït( je euffl^ tf tcft ΦΙ I) fioncfi m WAP®* f. (Io »lî01! m ? 6teHf«J tmm lf>r foncïf^f. m ¿Df «9erp fott. mt)ct)fty mm cmgty anoçmymjpttfe caSeb tlje apte to Ije* pcke8 mai), ¿u* «fe Ce not wifemei).6ut ratf er tf er Ce fofpo/ao faítf ¿Se ckftaftee. il mfemat) (bnptf to Ce reCnkp8 / Cut a fofe te xütotße tf f e Ce cojecre. Cferfoze córrete a topfeman αηδ fe ffa f foue tfe.ptouetC.íp.Qítte te nm-ttt i; ít) tfe tyfeof fapnte flntCjofe / tfat wfarç CfeoSofíue tfe .....* p|oftfat fe tfe HrcfeCtfffope of mr Cene eppuiffd ^nimtfof} cf írcfe/aftf ougf f e tt>ae a íerp ¿f ¿Smperotoe 2ín8 t»fai)tfeí2mperotoíekne«>eítte/fefap8to Um* Ctofe.ïDauiScompttpS Cotf a8ufterpean8 ter. Zln8 ^ImBíofe anftt>et8e.0f tf oto f a/î fofotor8 f pti) Í!LlReLtt<>wxe/foCoweaCfotí}epenaunceafhvm. -{¿fe Λ-j/tÊ —Λ ÆJk a A .A ^ a. ä ^ * Jk j ,ΊΙ*' " . tpeçQniwte itmat* « ^ ... .. _ · -. , - - fl ^«efojw íeamga of tromtf flmCtof? tf e£pfffope.2ln8fo tf. tSm|erotp? pi8epne8ifat nomaf ff «fCe Ce íugí8 to betf mjfifowte^ f.bape of refppgf te/tfatjjre mpgft Ce frac gp8 an8 tfe rnpnbe mpgft Ce tfe mote efere that tight wpfnee mpgf t Ce feite if ffeupnge of ingemente. VP / CáPf tfe fee Cankpe an8 tfe fee ÏDiafogo.^üj, C ,Μ λ. frp ufi)? haîkt cf t\}tvoùtï9t/Û)ttùcS of at <16 tbeWfófofre faptÇ . ¡flot ae tt te roty ttptj jÊccfef^fïtctpîtmoJUffooSeeentret^eani) l)evef5ttl)tßtti}not agapn. 2lnS tl)e f foSee re* tourne to tt)e pface tßat tl) e F tam ^ En tlfe kfa&ne cttj.flnb fo φ fee 6 f tjte ma Aÿcen» «terna? fe grcatfp of φ l)a«Snee ant> of ti)y Wj· anMettpfimetljat (jmapenóteteleettßeaiiS confit* me tt oe fl roof8 δοο. WMjwfbte 0 beftre tl)Uo 6e remo* m*b feo tfr pface/tíjat 0 mope pteuapfe amne tl)e er- tl)e anb pot ijftt) ‘SuSecfcte ot e ftp e 0 f¡)aí» eotte <.efe te Jarre op φ anb put φ to greote troroß fe. (¿oroÇon? the ßanhe attfroerS anbjby8.0t te eupfffapb etoíjit.floí tße maker of a (Ft fjtnge ßati) ojSepnt 8 tttefo/ano fee great iaßeat infracting tjjefotÿ oßebientf y ^ . . « o«#· ‘ I »VI faff ffocfe it te Wîfttfi| WjcfWto» [ttl)cff^A rcaeit ie tutf in8 Mc ' D^rfbf1 m*n0if ίΦ ge tetno' jarne tfe* Jottecefet* to fynj♦ tEÇoti compfï Uppofj me oftpfj tpmee ? puttifl me to #teat gftefrjj 0ete£ β fuffte y pacpent(p fox f foue ofifoS/tljctfoie tÇome emp/ï not to mu(tip(pe $nkpn8c zvoxdioagapt) me foz $ rnap not change mppfoce^ijte Ijetm# y feeanfivet8íngteatwodenee/(ftí)ou f? faf fee t^J/fuffteftpf fox0f§a(neutt(ety to Bel 0 ffyaîBete α atte an efemente of #o88fe ae fl attj* ö^^etfo^e tf fl metebmeffiniemitb^att8coniopneb ίοφ flfbufbe apete tl)e guettes ? of moie epceffencie* It^betfojte fl p*ap tbe fufftt mejto bmeffmitb φ anb to teiopce in φ * 'δφ xoatyx fußteffp ßeatarji to make fpmufacpotj p fap8e ¡¡Longfe bauefl befp*p8 to Beat φβ tefi miti) tbe*Come to me futefp an8 fl fbafauaunce φ ßettyx to mp pomes 'Ztye bet pn$e tbe fite mae metp an8 tocunBe an8 ften * 8efp enttp8 in to φ matpt.'ÎEÇe matp* fap8e mÇpf fÇe §a8 tbe fite mitbfe bet to φη) tfyat fïo8e 0efi8e*t£bP$ fe mptj enpmp anb conttatp of mp kpn8e*j(F)e batb oftpfj tpmee confampS me an8 Bjtoujjbt me to nouibtjlîom fl rnape Be ?emfj>8 anb befîtop bp*b pf tue fpfIt ¿but aftrt tbecounfeffoftbeTtpofïfe ♦ fl miff not bo ooij fbitempb tutij fox at) ot§p>Und affo φνοοχ(Βζ(ήαΐηοΐ fefefo ne ceffatpa tbtnieBetbemeanpe ofme/iííeuetfbefefjfe font mbat fl mpffaßate bpe p*p8ean8 make bpnj fomet*an8 tb«6 fapncfe φ voatpt Beiatj to ia8¿e bet feff togfiBpt an8topif/eintbefíte*2ín8anouetbefíteBeias; to fpe^ he fap;te an8 p*ap8e φ matp* to befïtope bpn) notte ît tetfpe^be matpt mae metcpfuff to φ fite anb bib not put bp**) omt tfeneJutte contiep8e bpp) to t§e ettb an8 fap8e if) tbte manet C @o88te pfeafute be both fuffpff t^bat pefSitl) a io^4¿^iaofft ^ 9 z* ÍÜ.HJ ;y  SBdáM ¿A* Μ·. l- m £)t» it ίβ fo tljat mímpoijWÇ cott tmyr ^vtitia fljcunb y ö fettapnepetfonßabfo gteuouff? offenbpb ^Ife^anbct φφχοοΚ noefo^cVn?/^fíotfetl?at knonun* spent toÁfe$>anbetanbfapbemp fo^be^ tÇat tjjps fcape tÇoœ fait Be mm ?tcto;poue tí)ct) cuit t$oxx> mte 2lie*?anbptanftnetebanb fapbe*0tt>pf. <3£l?eij fafbe $tf ßotfe ♦ Hljoto Çafie fu&bupb afftljekpngbomre oftpe tpo;fbe/0ut ηο\»φα bape ffyouatte ouctcome^o; anb tÇou 6c not tufet of tÇp feff tßen arte tfyou tufpb»llnb tf φη tufe φ fetftíjcn) αν te t Çou ?icto;ioue/ fo; Çe tßat iwetcormtij (jpn) feffíemofí ßtomfeas faítl) tlje p$tfo< fofte/$fe^anb;e Çetpnge tfyi'ö fapnge ?f Ätiflotte* Re* tnpttpb ti)e offence boneanb u>a6 pfeafib*tt3l}erfo;e it ία voxHt?t)tPiomvB*$Siúí!bettp% ία a pacyentmcu) tÿat) a (Stonge maij^lnb \)t tfyat ftatj? bompnacf 09 outt l}tnj feff tijerj a gfetet of citeee fc* « CáDftÇewúf^anb tt}ejffw* ÏDiafo£o*f Κοφν farh tt)c vocttcv Unto φ %t. K&\)f 6c tx>c twayt) αΐνοαγ anb enpmp eo# ,©obe it i6 fo; Ua to kepe Robbie Comaun bmentietijijt fait!}* <£§ou fo ue tlje nep ßoute as f!}p feff*S0at^^i)^o;fuff>tftnge oftijefaws/«ftbbôH fu ff to tata »neto tÇe«) fl) OtDt fin ut offcnbc /Wüokit| nûfeycriftt t fuffmèfe arpee twit efljawDf ulfevaníiet \ t known} ftßat tt)f0 tf)oa>u?e« t) fartie U nnveoftlje ne.^ozanD foi f}etf)ût tl)e yW flotttSv Ijerfojeitrê nflfJ/iW y outr W j.f S S: S* K of $efan>e te tout ae fait# y Hpoflteab î£om,$mj, tEe W>l?on) φε jf yxeanfvottb faynge.^t pfeftti} me votî ttyat ti}ou fpektfï foi φε fameilpofffe φε fame íCí)aptter^l)atfoueôfrtep0ofjrfep^ofpfa0feanbbot}) neutr Çatrç.tnljetfoj kt ?e $o anb make ovot bxotSyng togibet ♦ Únbxofyat) t§eyvoetcbmffyngetogíbttt§tp coxobemMtaccoxbe/foztljejfívcmabetfycxoatyt confumyb Çer/ÏEIje voatyt oqwencQtb y fite tofycvfozc tí)ey continuât) euyz it) coníencpoi) anb btfcoib jfox φεcavo ft φερbeparípb anb fap8e* jffet^atteofÿoobbtfpofî'ctoijoâiîtl) not to bmeí? mt§ fyyn) φαί te Babbe/roÇícÇ te to contra* *Ϋ foxjygíjtfy í)tmay fefe fyte gobtme/(f j)te gf o ob name 9 aíFi;te goob opetatyot) p wozkyng/foz caufe offyte mit companyt/ae a pljtïofofte fatí|)*Cí)efe φοη öfoob fofke anb meke φαί íÇotoe rmipfte fpiie anb0egoobe/ ítte mxyttyt) p>fa(mo,p%iit φ we II ■i: i'Wél Λ»(Hafte 8e Joo8e/an8wttf) Λ ¿fien) φαί 6e Iwotoprj Gab anb fpnfaff/an80tt teboujljt fufifto Ge affociateinto tflett) tffat ífe of 6a8 mf n8i^ fo ^emopeTtbtoefftoittßpr/foiflffi^teuptgmapcferi fe anb make cFene íi) tfje fonje bape tpme / t9ott>emaf»fc fpotte ítwitÇ ßfalvnee it) ai) orote.^o fpke wMJJJ e«pî a wtfewat) oí a joGemai) jetptl) ti) fon je feafoi}/1* fofo ot a Ga8 mao map befieope tt) ai) owíe* j©f tljeffoobe anb tfje fee, íDtafoJo.pt,■àh / f Jrst e f 1 S fÇe J&fJffofofte fapf f) ^ffooffep* a contimiafftpnnf n^f/a tefreffijpnge of tt}e fonneanb roopftteoftf}eecti)/att& ata t^meofopoUiinite/t$e ffobe toft to t0efeetí)att6caffpb£l©atetij fateij anb fapbe to |)ρη)β/ζ£ § omattcrfÿii t 1 fuffp caffpb mave'Tte 0ptterneev foe tSotP contpnnpft entr tn great 0ttternee«fle not tl)p0ft ternce çvtatanbtfyvi) inkpnSenee mocÇemoíe / χνίμη ¿(Jote conttnuaffpbitnkefïofmp fmetnee anb tfjou ente gpaefïtomeagapnenotf)tnge0ut0pttetnee· tEíje fee &nftt?eteb aáb fapbÆiofb anb fpfttet IjauefJ noncvSwcJ #60 $aue oftJ)e0efïe anb of tÇe tnmarbe partpeofmp gobp 0 gpoe înto tty ae to mp feptÇfu ff fre nbc « tlljer* fote tljoro otopfípacímtfy to fnfftr mp 0pttctneffe for ? f f tÇom foke φ confpbíetoef/tljerófte berpupb t$p mojt grete ftoctneffe anb tÇp tncompata0fe goobneflè ♦ feartnge tÇef foobe/tpae aff pfeafpb anb fapb* “ Wty tÇatbefpjptí) tÇe/mctetoJlffape í)e mufíe tafie Úrítn te no /(lape· pkcmpfe ít 0ej)ontt$e enerp mai) to fnffpr tÇe 0tt* í p* fcourge offrp0nfacpoi) tfyatbeftretÇ to 0aue fÇe fweínee of ewvüftinçt cdfofatíot)ae tfitregojp fattÇ ,ért0ufactoi) te tíjegate oft kpngbom ofõeurq.^Çe pfafter mttneffitÇ tf)e fame*cpîti· to$ere ttte t$we mit tpi)Æi)ie te tfje gate of otrne Poíbe.Rígfytfijffmefj $aP entp¿0p !t»0t teaffo reb0e*7lctn^mitèemanp tcténfa done tt 0efjouttf) ie to entre in to t#e kpngbome of 0e* nyt)f&ut many ot) map 0e fpknpb to at) u>J)tc^ cfpmpt$tntoatreofnottpe/anbtt>l)afjfiJe Qïote partç t^at te 0ptípr/ fíje cafíít}) atoaje aff y IZmi* ttaunte oí fije come to tíje í^omeff/ anb tÇerfoie fC)e ta* Iipt§ neap* of φ ftoetnee of fio tío ♦ J)o manp in* © Λ ümWwí töyfz fofftpo caff am ft tEriffaßmog gfetfp forre ai tun tfeep fete i tte/arib19 etfoie tj)c frcetneo of tfee fee# upnfptematSemfeicfeeffeaffßegeupgtoffeerg tfeat pa* eyenify fuffpt trißiifacpog tfeep ffeafnenpr tafle · 2le Λ fetfapg atdotte fapbe mfeag fee voaa 6fpnbe#g flfpwe tfeS hinnito mp foi8eo me fo moefee feurte/ tfeat tücrc io me f^ke tfeeupe anb ttaptomree / wfetefee CDofS feaue befïtopb me*0 meane mp œantog epg twaptf 3èut go88e offeio gtacefeatfe nom befïropeS tfeem*}ín ο* tfepiKefpgpotio mag maSegreate tope / mfeag fee feai tofle oog offero tpg/anb otfeic fofme made guate fozon* fo* fepm^SnS feeàfftpb oftfeem fo* mfeiefe of feie epen tfeel tuadett)att)euynee / anbíÇepfapSefo^tÇat ffeatmae am te*3ln8 fee anfmetfe f tfeejjfepffanß tfee&afep piafogo, pit·  ms ¿Vi J14* i/ / f ht r¿ i i m V. «V í s v4 m/tt &y-¿ 1. S£ÿ / <* Öafefup foto it) a fertapne pfUcc (ja* upncfeto |>et íopneS an fyfSfye moten« teη>^ίφ keptetfje9afeti) fußiecctotj/ 2U fa fíe tl)to íafe grutcfjíS an$ toae (ote $ept>8 toítl} tmpacpífe/ and était otote anb muftppfpe6greatetoot6íe agapne fíje ljpS/αηδ fayde euptj tíjti® *o 0pm.tEÇot» topekeß αηδ Comßerotoe captpf to0p gteupft tljot» me fo fon f tfjpij otoij deßpe g iagp p.n, il !M 1 v· sV'll I ' jlijl M il: isili rasait ■ΙβηΗ f III I y "y  \ fjlôtí) fî|f'wuv I -t · ” ·· V ■ / L to 0etfpn 6>ateffa flopp« tße W{*6 tÇat fôe not ffpe nojt none of 1 }tt jCompanpe ♦ 2lnb fo Safe «?ae öumtfpate faßtet» anfc ßjoug^t SnStt %mttiioí))anO faffo* ζ fèctuawue wvomnOcataniymtviOLimazi u tEo tbet foajer^gnee,anb not to fare /Rape ,i 10 r jlnpoij tmpacpeni repute, partie fhr _ l©J)etfote trepóme ío ßeijofgi. . fcttjpce/'ifoi ít Í6 XPJptt rt) £cCCÎcf*$tyilÎ)'Î.Ol· „__ anò ßutSone fonjííl) ίο at) affe/anS fernpjeu.; refoaferuauníe.l©0ife(je nwkptl) tt>t t ticoítee , ,,ds fekpíb tefte.K-efecebfrt) an8 fje feebpil) Cpßerte ,;£o atf QurfropfFpS feiuauníe fongitl) Coíteetp i) anb feíípte. ^>en8c Itftt) ío 1)Í6 toojke φαί l)e 6e noí QSpff/feííe bp«} ít) ßefpnee/foi φαί ßeeompifj fjpri) ßeffeXH feríaptte ion- Sefomtpme (ja8 att>;uipt»at'8eferuauníeanb tyipfropf f>>3 «>j)íci)e t»balJ ljett>a6 0Síe öe IReßeffpSe totíbe Ijíe tDOíSteaçfaprtebío fo%9e,V&§ttfote fjíe ïloîSe 6eíe (jpttj jHpgljtpfpanbkepiebprtjfwme befpcpotoe meípe anö bipnkeeanbpuííe 1)pñ)togeeate faßowte/ attb fo a»t$ Hjetpnee anb faßotiw (je œae oBertome atib’ fapne io a* nten8e/anb ßjp8fe I)i6 tonge fronte fuelje tjnewriepe fan gage.W01)erfojetf ie m;tpítpi;.ptouer6to.pínp.í)e fija« bífpcaífpnoumfffiíbkto fraiaunfeíi) fjte Ρβ»Φ " ßipnüietlifoi3ppe/afir»iU>**:SeJ|cf^aff^nSe , teSeffagapn tjinj/anö tIjetfoite be»e coiteccporj ie io ßs <|[£>f ©»oitimpe anb puc?ou$ 3 tonpe. JDtafogo ¡p tu « V . <·»** - » j •^v' gr,ijii«nei' wruy’jr? mm \r¿L· IT* Vietymeßottpe'anb (õctntnie cante àTtoçtídytanb beetefï αηΐι BeßBefonyBtopebpte tÇín£e.3êut anb fomfi&l£fe* fpe tijeíietp pface.toe fÇaf 0e aínecte fytyffpxyce fette Bye* tx>í}ttfoxe tet H& Be fonnbe/xnit^outeÿvmîlfy^oxvxeanb cofíe tf}yrt(te t\}at íe bete Bouçftyte tnòclje fetteBye/anb fntefyhepte&tievfoxwevoyíÍ not Bemoctye fene.jüoxbayfyapetetoenetymanny fy#í)t¿ fox it ie not moß pjtofjpíaífe ínto He aftyx tí¡íe pxouetBe tÿatfaytl). i ¿Qufí ptye tí) en) toïadoute goth 0obf anb £> fye (ernannte of íDryfíe tí)at couctytí) anb befp tetíj to0etepfetç anbfuÍfyffebmttjpxecyowHez# IW ft mnfï aptfc %ftn tefttye t« tçettpfe Çî [elfin tfaefí jfpfaßototc/anb Õe nenieyßy&fi enymyc φ fotvfeaoítio tedeit) &ííte p (*♦ TZfyctt 8ut ont fende adougÿte to tempte a monke t0at tuae 0bfe « anb a,2©^8ou$l)tagotl)ítt0atmae occuppe8* tEÇorfoje fletóme fayt\)*TDoeuy% fome3008ebe8e tbattre beupfif map fpnbe tlje occuppe8 ♦ 2t mag mofe octuppe8 te fpkc 5nto a íCafícff t0at to fneefy cfofp8/to t0e n>0ic0 none tnpmpe map 6e noyaBte/and faynte ’2lngúfíyt) fápttj* J^e te not eftfp becepm'8 oft0e fpn8c pipe intent ΰίφ to gooSe occupaciotj * tt&fyetfote fa8tte αηδ moSite emtt0tomeue and fíete tfyet ponefe iL0pí8¿pg to occu* patiog anb fa8o«ne/t0at tljep fapfc not 0f tj)ee tyuyngt 8et0e meanpe of ffomttyJte thermae fomtpmeampfe f}uí0on8mag/t0atfeta%ne/ an8ml}ag0efljtif8bpe/ |)e tofôe 0te cfyftfepg t0at l)e 0a81}tS gteate iteafoute it) f fyneyeed/Butt)e f0emí8 t0¿ not tg mljat pface fye 0ab I)tb i t/a f tivfyte betÇe 0te etytoett) Begat) tontine anb to bfgge/in y $pnepot8e to fpn8e tlje f0af fa* Corme t0e1ïpem8cœae%tpftatefnfr an8 foitfyefruto 19 φ mofï ptentyuou wyfe/and fo cfyit fhet) pemynydmet φ meanyge oftgerfabir/ffe φ Ut foxoxe fjp8 it) φ fyneyetde voao no moje to meant/ 6ut tjjattljemojte t0ep fa6omp8igt0e$pnepet8e/t0emo* to piofpgjjt ftjufb they 0aue«Jlnb bpb fo more Φ tymaïïy defy wQatj φγ 0a8 opoxtunyte 3 tayfav.lltfo fftet: xx>ao a pjjtfofofto tljat ta 0te fono an8 ♦ 3>one foke y tlje antto 80 not founb rntfee tfjag φη φ teÇtcl) 3<*dxyttf it) φ fometfomoef) an8 imtÇ fo ßofp ta* Gome tljat fije te φχΒγ mayteynyd αΐφ tonge toyntet Jiet not φ cok Be maker οχ fitonget φΐ) φχ»/ mÇtclj burpo6foruit!?an8kopítÇI)tematutpnaffomtpe / and el)afîifttl? 0pm fetfxaitt) Betynge eyeityngeand miede §¿e $oode cgmpte to boo φ fmetttnb xvt)o ίο fo fícoJ ¿f; fe ftmge tÇat fyltÇ fó mattp tbpttpβ ββ fije Cok Çatfy , m Jc onS hepítfi tfycm affCbaffe αηδ ίο o6e8íence to {jfm e« - * bebot(}/an8 $°i® fap/i tfjoucatißt not fußSueonenopf to tftf« C£>f tÇejSmataeíe αηδ tÇe Rpntfc« lDú>ro¿o. ###* r*«/· £©atajj5ue tpfjicl) tfytr wy*vt/ι«/νι >ν>ιιν i,yyny%,nt%$y v* »^ηδπρο Qf moiegtcncMffc.jfoí u>5p betranfcenSítfJ ¿i) cofotweof¡jfrmeöotß fjrrßie oti8 ßotüt’6/ bpfe / toßetof tfje cofome toae rtíA*I¿ *e P^fotontc/tbat manp out cam out offettc contraje »ltf> |ow P tDi'tbe strateôrfïtcto 6ebof8t bitte. iDppoij aöape tß< • föne*'WL tepnffc fpake fmnrtepffpe to tÇeJ>meraeÖe on8 faptii 1 Φ4® , J ^9°»® bofíefongcompnueb /anbbraeíMeín mpffí f°»f^ *Fog /αηδ neuprpepòefí me / foi tí}p fïon8pnge, itfcflpol1'" - ...... - * Vgfoò tl?f wape.äbxß f^aflTtaltefronjtfyeaff tßat tßowe fiafïe/anb putte tue ernte oftljp fobgpnge · t£o leßotws fl}e5>ínatagbefapbet0f0liaue fongeconttnupb (jbtpei ff b tpítí) f §e*0t fyatl? teßoumbtb to fl)p xoexfypppe* fàl gr me mou Jjafï ße fake it) great reputatioi) anb rootftp ptÀox fl fyaue tamfpb φ to feonotaßfp e¡pa ft fb anb to Beput ot) tt)e kpngie fpnget/an Φ« nebto c^peff me make no betap But feSme/anb of mp great?* fotpte take φ betof pe foimp Çot&ferent^o*0 can not facke of fyaBptatpot)*#nb wBat) φ tpnge Çab eppeffpb tÇte pircpoœo flotte anb htftfatgib í)pti) of t)pe l)o«?o* '¿¿ijtrpngeQprt) feffappevpb But Bate anb aBiecte anb xoaenot take to teputaepot) of at φ fafl Be repentpb §p«j foie anb fapbe, “ iß^ampfe pe fijctppb Bp φ fïone anb tue « Hl?at ft ie iSpfeto&^a^tfbfcSa œoi^tÇtnîe· * jß)e fetuaunteof Cn'flc te tnoifijppfuffto fpketop Jl fe/aefongeaetyetetapnptfyanbhepitf) pxetpove® 1Jettea>p0Wt§Ú7 Bpty.llnbifl)tcaftettyen)fvoit) I §tíetoBecaftavoape/ae peneca ♦ ict to Bt pioapb Be Bpe bebpe/anb fo pioupb otoptß to Be ta lipO-ï>PP01)a tpme w$at) grea e^artber caßpb Çitt) fefffoibe ofafft^eit>oifbf*1Dfocfcneetljepl)pfofofetait fxneteb to 9ptt) anb fapb.jilot fo fox fijóme arte no 2Loibe/ But fetuaunteof one of mp fçie tl)p fabp anb mp fetuaunte ♦ ^foi φ rutptf) φ anb 0 fyaae fceßtopeb $et/jffeffl}fp?ufle · <ß>fotonpeanb0te0etl)p fabpee anb mp feruauntie/fox φρ febe tljcanb t)auebo iwnacpoo outt φ.0 §aueouctcome φ*0 anb put tl)c| briber fote/anb tÇetfoie îetpfpe φη> axteBut a fetuan teof one of mp fetuaunito· 2inb ηφο φ feruamtfo tijat Jjaebe φ'ο/œoibe pane faifippoo ? Dbvfo* * . \ Mpk Λ- Dlpfofofteanb Çdüe ßrtpfj f)?m . îlfc^enSer cljatÿ*' jQap απ3 fap8e . /lîot (ó l)arbp anp mat) to tonteie Jjpni îpo&ntipe/foi 0e te fuStcem aiiï) çfoo8e ant» tepocttflj cupijael)itto.Ά((ο(ötegotpefaptjje. parttenu8r of greatebtgmteanbwotfUpppeif j)t kfp?0pm feffoe J)e io ßoiuttbe to boo tmtljorote %cpot»frteo/ati3 tljat ie a pctfygÿte tokpt) ofértate iJtariljoSe in Í) pm anb of great Serteîpcjte. C3>fíJ?e ãapfepte anb oftlje ®>of5e/in pt0, JDtafogo. \ Ira |4| P V. ·' a ttl)pmofogíarKm*^i*faft^gf^í?oíe;t$aí ^api}frae to a pmpeae fíeme/ fplir 15»to t*)e ^wamente moitié cfrre/*$0?c!¿s gciiittyä 6xpnny$cfygf)tvw^ ffciefmp tptj witl) t{Je fonne Òcamíe * vO^te toas fmetymea cwnynge vii¡ici¡$ ■ .»ΛβΜμββρ1 '■·* i ; ibaeail erceffent tboîltmai) oftbat niofï ÇonotuaMe oc¿ copact-o^/robtcl) btfpofpb to fette tjjie prepone fapb? » flti the í£ntpetott>rÍ0 IDpaSeme .'iüßat ferche 5>β* pijtte/ fap5e into thedßofSefmpth· €5ooS xtyaftxt m* tfofe me wtte.tfot 9 an) atte fpßette anb ponge anb opt totfiemoífSe.^berfojegmpffnotCe feparate οηδ öe* »artp5 fron) tl?e tocuti8pte ofd)erootfSe.&uty wpffüe metratohpfeanSfethecompofTeofl?ttte, töie noßfe nmkmatj fapSe.^tßpn mcfii|toi) fßaffße tt)p fiofpneffe anS foj tljr geeate amfie/jfot ß fßaf fette tf)s in a futepface roßete f I)ot» fßaft fpueiij fntetpew>tt|e oœte lueSe/fot ß coufrSje t»eff tßp piecpofite anb tj>$> areate îafotoite/anb 0 b¿e8e t§at anb if tÇoxue watt op £ aßoHcrßttbe ntotfSe tÇow fljaft 0e fofíe/fo* it to nuptet} pxitnoQofyanníe quinto/2tfftl)e 8eie fettetqmaf^ cpoufneeÆijei 0e fo manppetpffee ti) tt)íe woxfôe φί; neptl?pt t$e tongof mat) cat) eppteffe t^em/nox yet φ íjarte tfjpnke tfym.WQcwf&ttSW wtptetl) pff patte φ it) fure confetuacpoi) anb keppnqe / att8 aftf¡t tÇio fapnge tÇia reueten8e tpojknîai) anb (jJofS* fropti) tncfofpb tl)e J>apt)p X wotffib) tbe kpngie 3Dpa8ettic ♦ i^l)erel)econfímir8perpetuaffpíi;3teats wojfijppeanb fapSe* Ç Qi) fute píate ie ßettpx to aßp8e ♦ t Wine M falte Per«'«'« a W«? ©etnme i©ñit9 in t)vm feffßetptB tt)e coiomte of a ttetofPifcpoue (ΐοηρβ. QjibojcatfofaptBetßp* mo. fífto.çií.that it íe α fïme gtene of fcpn8e f|) Bitting tcitß a fwa n e r c f ίι. o fc rotro ß up utas fiXutfeig at) flfcof 2Ueí pe tßat.e J¿a%5 'Sopa?» ï tÇetofΦ fhmefc "amP8 2nU6ÄSS actoffe ig ttyt £Β«*Φ of fer"» P«*l* °f ^ome ^.e” Spafroíwoe mftete »öl) ßaScotmfeffanSMe. UUbat Ípfíe ti}íe to confíne»»* aftpap nj t(Jf iUßtrcpc £ neupc to Departe tljene . /Io* ot notóme to Be fainp* fiertüítb tjje wmfôe.Whetfoíe 0 «Jpfffot o feofoi) / te* town to tije utoífoe tl?ot 0 map Baue a fptef rccteatpet) in itanS ßenterp vpitß fecufatie/anD aftit to tegne toitf) ¿tí R eii) Çeupij.2ln8 vof>ai) Jje u>ae bepartpS ftom tpat fiofp pface ? tournpSto tßetpotföeagapt; ßetcae taftpij an8becepue8 6e infefuf concnpifcencie of tí)« too?fce g fo put hpm ftff to the Daunget of affmanet ofiide/onS feffin to tlje Βοηδί® of IjetÇpij pepfe . Xnò t»1¡an tßef Iînetcenott!jett>oîfl)pnc6 ofßpitt tl)ep fette fpteff ptpçe 6e i)pm αηδ bifpife8 ßim p t»aue Bint fro tÇe tont rap/19 fo niOcB« tljat Ije Durfte ncupt aftpt apetetBete/anDat f toncfiiftog tljic 'Sopafiotj ma® ßjohe an8 DcftrepcS ait® fa¡Se »¿tB greate fomentation onb moutnpnge. C fte that Ôepactttl) ftom an-biBkji&Jce S without caufe fefuÇflfaf fomtpmfaEiVgf g fterfote Refpgpoue fofitpe otuitl) to fe mare <0 te , , tourg to tBetPOîf8etBat thcpptrifB not toitf} th* tüojfSe.ioitrpfpconctipifcenobeftcopü? reipgpouefcf Sipe.'^iïô th'vtfoîc fapnet augufïpg fapü;, 21e tf>e foue'ifjt IPOÎ^j ix ofítò/J iï> rpl)ûi) tfil fte fpteff P:Ff rficcontrûf/tf rtflcte/anööi» irrfttgf» ïjtf iMA wK toÉteo'Î ilôt t#1 ΙΠ rcivîîî je* itff1 Ai* ¿f®obte fijetbeffof aßfertile ♦ Ikofe tjje íoueeftíje *&o;tf$e tneffof offîicte^Jjetfo* Jje t$at tnprijatiegoS 6; poffeflfioi) mufïe foxfahe tlje woxtSe tfjat ©ob may 6e to §ym a 0feffp8 poffefftoq f$x 8 Hijeperfrotfjt feruaiwtof jCnfïe touytfymtfyynge But Çmnilttb iffo toutany twinge faut 0ím fje ίο notte pet* fictt}tc.tttfoibamatdt faiii).Wityt$at6e made rpctje ttttty tpmtuatt goodie/owtnot tofo ímptyeB to freu fat: occwpítctone*0t íete8eítj 55ítíe patrum/tija fa fettayne BxoStt ofVletygyoq afkp8 aq o (dt mat) a queftyoq g fayS U£§at fljaf^bo fox my t\ioug§tvoyVnot fufftt me fo a* 6p8e oott §mxt iq my cd?»2ln8 ifyeotSemaq anfu?cr8e φ fayde&ont tmq agayne anb fíete ftyffiq t jji ceff/anS t Somexoiit) t§y ljon8ie/anb pxayt ©ob ßefytyt/$ tafle Sppe tljp fíjouçfljt to I)ym/anb Btvoave t$at no maq be* cepuetöenojcawfettjetoSepartefrotljpCeff/ jffοχ {J f^af tefftíje ametuefouo tafe * Uljcte fomtpme t$at mae femtatanß^ab Ijte faber tyuynge/φ fo tjjte yongmaq Ijab a $ reate beftre f o 0e amonke* $ηΐ> ata tpmeofopo^turofeanb top fat#eptapbejjm faSir to graunte Çymípe goobewy&típt veceyue tí}e 0ofy oxbxeanb píe fabetwotbe not graunte Ijpni* 2lnb aftyxwatbc tÇíe yongmaq catufib 6te kpnrebe anb freu bio to make gceateínfiaunctto fabtt/anb at tafle 6t tfyetmeanye í)te fabítfufftvbetyím toacomptífí) 5te ape tyte / g to entre ttj to Vletygvoq ljon>e 0e tfijlo fabtr toas jfV tijie yongmaq mnt toamonaftetye¡/anbwae mabea tnonke^nb xoi}aq (Je Çab recepuib fije Çofpe ÎjaByte of tletigíoq Jje 0egatj in greafe# perfection to fouvme aft tl)e ct)avgee oftÇe monafîerp anb 55ftb great fafiingebayty.TlnbaftiwatbeÇt îfpb faflynge 6 e AL bapee anbáíubayto/aríb onyo iq fíje mht to take fuftç^ / / # »♦lit*ttatwee/βίβ «Motte ftp«geßto pttfeccfô^aSmmfí te an8 tßankpk ©ok of βίο íceteme αηδ gooftefp tea* «apfe.Zlftpta feafogtt βαρρίδ tßtoponge monke m<*k* fuppfpcacporj to l)t© aßßotte ank fap8e.$ p tapetße foots tofpccncemetogoointoutpfketffee * Tlnk tßcaßöotte enfejee8e an8 fap8e,5>one f btnke not tbf e one fot tßot# tnapfi not fuf fee fo gceate faßouse/not fo geeate tempta (pono of the fen8e ank futStpftpeo of ßpm tßee. Zink tf ft fiapppntßetofafftij temptacporç tßonjefßaft fpnoeno ittati thee to gpue tlje goo8e counfeff/ fot to piefeciie tße fto tße teomßfe of tljpt) cnpmpc/tljat ße mpffput to tße r¿8te monke encteepß βίο peticpotj ank pt apke ßtoaßeot to fpcence ßpm to kepatfe · O^ßeaßßotte fepnge tßat 1)6 Ktof8 kepaete/ank tßat ße coruke not kepe ßpm/gatte ß* o ooS counfeff ank piapke keuorotefp fot ßt'nt an8 fet ßim «oo.J&utßeaifokefptek ßioaßßotte to fen8efome fofr fL6 rnitß ßtm to fetteßpm in ßt'o wape/ank ße ojSepneS ttt>o monkt© oft ßat farne monafïetpe/ank tßepkpeettiß f)«m ,'n l)to touenep. ? ae tßeprcafkpSa kapeot twaprte »n tl)e mpfSemee tßep mete afmoofïe oitercome mitße geeateßeate/ank tßcpfapekorotj to refle tßem/an? fe ff »n a fiomßie/anS tßeccamarjegfeank fmote tßem rot'tß ¿to œpngee an? ffenr fee tßeno an8 fette oi) tßegrounS 'jink tßepwrokeank fame ßpm / ank fap8e to tl)e porige tnonke,&eßof8e tßto to tßprj anngeff. l&pfe an8 fofoœe ¿pm.7ln8 ße tofe ank toke fette of tßem an8 fofowp8 tße cgfe/an8 tame mJjere fße fioo8e.£ße roßtcße firepgßte tofeanSffewefoitßeafurfongetßene /ankfetkowija* gapne, Zink tßto monke fofowp8 ßee Zln8 eft agaprti tße eg fe fferne fojtße not faete tßeno an8 fatte korone. H :i8 t ßi© contmnpS ße tße fpace of tu ßornite. 2lnkaf* tptroacSe wßpff tßto monke fofomp8 tßeegfe/fße toue< rips ippon ßpe etgß t fp8e an8 foSepnfp wae gone» /Je* öettßefeffe Æ A\ fiäfi B@E iflww vlVJ * ¡MM MWtneumej Um ÎJL hW·* MMœr I/ Ktlinnffii* ïL •tní iitfmr bUffMt / ( íhipflttmttf h^ptnfpn wtejBjm àûnbmûf.t .A /jooftefy t! puntan n& ’t otic fo; φ greate tempi nífiçt.Wili ft) a ft fruto topxefettie# ropffptittol tiettíjefeffê tÇte fooStr fofompS aftpt \)tt anb fokp8 anfö cfppe8e4tt^afmetrepeatt8ameffoffap;tematp;t / anS a catte«) tfye ertí)e an8 fap8e ♦ te tÇe pface tfjafc ©o8$atÇ ô^pite8efoîme/an8iocnt it) an8 tEarpeS tl)cran8 etc a»8 take btefitfïpnatmce of t$e batte tÇaé grew ttyer/anb bjank voat\n of t § e mef anb contp nup b tf)ee ♦ ît» perte fpaee * anb fame neutt creatore afftfjat feafotj .^nbîppoi) a ba pe tl)e beup ff Cam tl)e8tr to l)tm it) fpkenee of at) o£8e aéflotte fjautnge a b¿e8efufFfoke ♦ ÚnSmt)at)t^te mooke fame t)pm Çe mae afer8e fapbomtjtWfiratet'nptaperaniSrofeagaptte / an8 tí}e beapflffpakeattS fap8eto i)pm*îè;to8tt/ fettere go ptap mo;te.'iin8 mÇat) tfjep rofe/t^r beupff fapSeínto í)pm a* gapne.f>omefongebaßtl}ome8enei)ete · 2lnb f)e.an* fmerbe.tEl)e tEecmepf\?ùpetpe*t£l)ei) fapb t$e fenbe ^l}otoekaf?6enemp ttep6oweagreatemÇtfe/ anb 0 hneme not oftftyfcmelTpngc (Jete not pafïe*ttit, bape a** ÿoot). îlub 0 kawc a rnonaf?erp not fer bene/anb fotfotif tfjte.ptit.perte came $ not ótete of it tefínome tíj te fame bape/anb tfjat mae foj camfe 0 $n8er|ffoóbetíjatfí)om I H/m)(v|| bteefbtfïfonereme.^fot0Kewofapbtómp mpnbeatifc CXt(krS fapbeíompfeff»0tepffgoíntotktegobrmat)/anbCo# tl( ntbr«· mptjmttkÇpmfo^tÇeteefeofmpfotefe* 2tnb tfjerfote ς rt!he0 ß^bprfo^t^teentent0amcome9pber* Certapnfpme Ve; J¿¡ tÇmkttl) tl)at me profitiert fpípfffjere fpttpng itj tí)c* -¿πrtwrîi fe£tïïie/foiweweptienottjjeöfeffpbjSacrament/of 1 jDtíftíe(Jofp fíe ffb f ßfoobe/j tíjerfo*? 0 bjebe tßat me rcW öoiflp n0 partpnete of tty tf me negfpgcntfpe kepe om¿ !an g feíffrom í^epercepcpot) of fo epcelfenta mpjietpe /aoy ;o ouercomc efl ftct6w> οχmttt) it) tbte fottnpgljt atfarbefî/ (t me mpff recepue Ui^| omte fotbeanbmaket/anb refontt) agapne toomi Ceß* f? fpe ♦ Ätb fo tfjte monke fyoufyu tijat t§te CownfeC ν' aftJje fenbe tbae goobcVmtb fîjebape fbae eottti ttyat töep tyab p;tefp$>eb ttyebeuv ff came anb fapbe, (ßoo we tyem fot itio tpmcrftriò foxtty t tyey went togittyee φ betipffg φ rnonk/tefftßep cam tottyemona^evpwtyet tl}e piefte toae/anb ttyey entctb into tjjc CfyíecÇe teere anb toke φητ to φρ t piapete *2inbatte φ faße tips monke rofe Sppe anb fokpb aßoug l)t/ ; coube not fpnbc \Wmttyat 6xongrl?t Jpm tljebpr anb faybe to typm feff. ipftetete 5e flecóme. $ tcomeijeflegootj to tfyepfaceof co mpg neccffiteJtnb afin n>$af$e l}ab taepeb fonge/anb fije ottpefmem came not/ttye monke tpent otpt g fougflt ÿpm/anb roljai? íje combe not fpnbetypm/ffcmqupteb fot tyy m of φ 0*eb*»j oftljat monafïerpe / anb fapbe ta t$em.tp§erete φί ofbe aßßotf e φί came ηηφ me nj %opomet Clprclje.^ame pome not of Jjpm fotefp. 2lnb tbepanfmerbetoÇpmanbfapbe.œefat^ tiomoflut £ afoone.^EJjeij knewe t$te monke tpeif φ t ft toae $pe abueefaeye ttyebeuySttyat Jjabbecepneb tyynt anb fapeb /îomefj confpbp* œeï φί p fotpftepe fjat§ fljougljt me fro mp iCeff/ffat ft foitjpnkitij me not $0* $ Came fo* a goobe enten recepue φ ijofp fa* crament of Cttfïiefiefffyanb flfoobe/anb tÇety togoo a« gapne to mp ceff.ftnb mtyem tnaffewae boone tl)e fabee anb aflßotte of tl)a t monaßeepe toofb not fuffre Jjpm ta beparte/flut faybt to íjpuntoe wyffnot kt potpe goo teff f e l^aae bpnpb ρ(ϊ mentit t)om mare y Ûc/jfot 0 tyaue not éene fene manp perte, brnpífapbe*3 am φ f abito nepßoar ■ - ffytfoiJM ■if im utdW*® ríli|»Jn Ug, îM A mÂ* T m»* rftfiM BS»> Ι*Μ\·Ι+* f ‘ItrPîî- Ί* PH i¡!}(iríir.^í:' tote ; ii /j ♦ f A φ • ♦ ai » Λ Λ [íimmrj ipitltlKMÉ ta t* ÍAtài DOM IM rh# tA #i MHIVI wfifhnfv . vmn j, * r· Vu! N '■«Ai |HMM|V V WH»! fl ti!1 Mttogitp îionafmw V ♦ ‘t V a . *0 ^ t · . _.. If e fonneof fticf eamat)/aribtfyie t§p fabtte flame, ant) t§f modec le flampb tljuô / ant) t$ue acte fl joro na mpb/anbtíenot tfyefe poœr fevuauntee nampe anbtfyt tnoSrrand fuftfz 6e ded .ttj. petpe pafte/anb tl)p fabtv te mvoe fatefp decefide /ani yatye made tî)e î^f© apte and fap8e mtjarj l)e f$uf8 dpe, i£o totyome fijufd g feue mp goo8/0at to mpn omtj fbnne tfyatfefoUertuome y goo5 αηδbatÇ fo*fake tlje mo*f8e and fofompd tljefieppie of fo88e fo Jjpm ÿ (eueaffmp g0e anp good mai) f l)at d 2 e8tt0 ©08 an8 mote mfyer Ije ie/fetto Ipm teff rue/ ttfattfe map come αηδ departe mp goo8t@ fo pomet peopfefo* tpe mefe of mp fomfeand 0íe flotee* 2tnd manpot) Jjatie gone to feke and com8e not fpnde tfye/anbaemp fortune voae fot at) otfyít camfe g came fl)te mape/and l)appp8 to efppe ti)e* Wtyetfoie tarp not 0e mp coanceff dut come and feff aff f \)inge and petfout* me tlje mpffof tÇp fa8p*»tE9c monke anfmeted $ fap8e 0t te not expedient to me to tourne agapne to tÇe rnoafif f(£fyc beupffanfwetõe agapne and fapde,0f tfyome com wotaff ti)pjfaSiee gode fljaBt6e fofte / and tljome fjjaft §ecountea6kfoiítti)pfigt)teofgob, fyatmfape 0 to φ Jèat g fj)eme ti)e tp p fadite vopïï/anb 0 defire φ to come and bifitpdute f)i goodie fpke a goo8e mp* titfîer totf)tm tÇat de índígen t and ne dp tÇat it 6 e not to ,€onfnmp8 no* mpfpent/ße ÍSnt$tiftee/6ut ti) a tit maye Be fpent to tfyeconfofacpotjanbrefeef of futfye ae 6e%ee tuome and it) pouette*k>xmíjatgreate 0at8os) ftjaffit Be ío φ/tocome and do fo* tfypfaßite fovoU / mitÇe §\e ernne goodie ae §iofpngïet trufï voae it) tf}e / and tfjeij to%t) agapneto tljp iCeff*Ú&pat mo*e. fejpe deapffpre* mapïpd ée J)ío faffe tn/tigacío^/and fo tíjíe monke m?t fo*tl) mití) $pm tetf φρ came togí8er to tt)e cpte / and í|er Jje fo*foke ppm> ilnd tljíe monke voae afane : f\ fjs ttettfe totöatSe Jjîe faStr« ÇotbeytÈífiprtge to Çoüê fontnbe íjpnt beöe.anö fjte faSit toae Compnçte oto te of t{5 e twete Septige a fpue/anb kneroenot 0tefonne/ßutte flflifS toljat 0e wae/anî» 0e toae toonSetfu IFp tco»ßfp8 îinè con>8e gtpue noone an fntere. Λπ8 |)te faSp» afkp8e ef 0pm bpuete tpmce a »8 manp Htljatße ntae/ptoljtiie tje cante . 3lnb at CaftefyefapSetöttfyKußottueanb gtteate confufpotj.# am tjjp* fonne. tEljeij fapbe 0ie fa8te ypljp acte tfootoe come açfaptj.Flnb 0e toaea f0ampb to tefftjje ftítamfíaume oft0e mater » fbuttc at tlje fafte t0ae t)t fap8e to 0ie fa8ir.^£0e four of t0e 0at0 catofpb me to come 0pbtc fot Qbefpteb fote to fee t0e/anb tljcr lje *ontpnup8 αηδ 6o8e (îpff/anSaftprttj a flotte fpacejje comittpb foytpcatpog/anb ot0ir grrateenotmptepo anti fpnneo< t©0eefo*e t)io faStr Seppb 0pm/tt>it0 bpuete af ftp«pone. &ot nottottl)fïon8«nge Ije amenSto not l}te ípupnçte not tohe no tepentaunce/ßut fpkeut) Çnjjap pp creatate.Contpn»p8 ftp (Fit) 10e toejiSe/anb mbit) type Ipfe fpnfuffpe. I®0etfojeOtc8rptj0 fape t0at a moniter * pfffre întoftym* lWt)etfoie fletóme faytfye. Pouter fent) e to not to (seitab fot φ biedeani) ßofle of re top ff of mai)/fot tÿeffoffi) botÿno fentity fit fl tQexto.ÿt re rebe it) îrtre patrum/ t§at ο Μ tyrmpttvoaofoddeßp at)Hu toafertaynepfaccj w>$eteaen>ae a greatecongregacpoqofÿofy monkpoß ôttb Çe fatpe tÇe pfacte tl)at fapaßougfit tf)em repkte voitf) innumeraß te mu CtituSe offendeo f tying ae rt (Job 0ene fff ee*2lnb œijai; tíje au ngfeff (r φί came togidertoagreate £\te w^eteaetnaekepteageeatg faÿte/tl}io ^exempte faœeflutocnfenSe fïonbpngfeîp* pot)t\)tgatpo/anb J)e %naoQdeffnet \)aïf occuppeb anb φ perempte a fkpbvo^at it mente* anfwetbeanb fapde.TUftfyat it) tÇecitewew . aptyaß foto perfourmet^e fendcevwïï/anbt\)erfotom fendevoao fuffkient tÿere.l&utit tfjeaßßcyeit waeci batpfo^tl}ertefiftpb man ty tfyerfote came many fenbee togideragaynetQem mtÿebf# mro temptatione* w-wfa ptetfomo floue caffpdTlcfiaU andaferpent £affp bCetafïee* '¡DUtfogo, ■i ·Λ n ' * *\ rA w 1)terete a Í etp p*ecp* otoe (ßemme t)aupn^e Biacke fet* cipe anb totjf te anb bp uete of cofoto** xc&iito anbjfpbozefape ¿gtpmofo* \(fíawm*$3í* t[)at l)it te a flotte ftrftè _______fouttbetn fWfte/0eaf£oobeoftf}e fart* JWameV anbaftyttoatbe ft ÎjatÇ 8ene fotonbe ttjbpuete pfaepe ae faptlj fyusructo/anb tt cato fit!) a mai) to 6cfa* tiootl)a6fc.Cetafîce te a fer pent fo caffpb ae totptftÇe gftSoie iSti)tmofogfatiim.pn.fefôat Çe Bctttlje ♦ ^ttt* Ijompe tt) ßte fyebe tfke^nto φ 1)ô:npe of a î£am/anfr iÇe J)ompe of fypm 8c oftptj tpmee fetííppoij ttcj)c men* îtpe taBfpe to efeijetoe 55enprne«2lnb affo of Çte tjowpcfc tfemaffeknpupe Çaf?te/tol)tcÇ tóete toonSe to BefapSe ®efo;te kpngee anb ¿gmpetototpe tljat Beííje ftoetpngg eftl)emttf^ufb8ef^emp8 tf anp mete tÇat tóete feite foitk tóete tnfecte tottÇ pop fot) ♦tEfjte fetpent confpfotS §gljpmfefftkat§e t»ae§atefaffanbobpotoe ta tuetp Jf»iit* ma$ V\♦tEftetJbjti @e vient to tffe Jtctfatcanb fa♦ Φ ©femme cometo me anß fette ti)y fetfßctvocne my fyomye/anl· 0 jf o*0Sn* eríite tocam* fetÇf fleeattetfegraepoœe ♦ Tint)moteoutt^pjompfe tlje tÿat anBiftfyorne iCamfe me to 0e 19 faltóte#/ anfr 6efoup8 0 fÇaffíe mp fïrerçjtÇ co00e 0ot$ fo*8te ati8 tn gtocetíípe/artò tyovo fyattßepavtenavanb tjaue^affmp wynnyümTLo vofyom tÿteptecyovoe ftoneanfwevSe φ fayBe.'&fyy fpcctye fpkpti} me not.fo* tfje ttpofïfc faytÿc ßotteonetyttjcbocveoffynnCoßutatfottjey tj}at con* font to tÿem BevDOttÿypetpetMttbampna foitic a comme fapn#e*2le gteatc favo te fjat$ ÿetÿat t)otBit^/ao^et^at fCeytl)cxyeÙ>yt^ ♦ tEÇerfotegoo fea ene/fo* tfypbífpofícporj te nat geo8e/an8t0ue G PQXD G (IffitttttttcbcpflttpB ft0 Λ f&PÕÇ$ exoeoxoetode. nb notebnfeiti thecto perde. fuffet 0» 6w8ec/o? ftenSe/oi Jèiff^oppe o* írjtjnp monee efbeçtee tljat njiffuffptüofSe offense/ anb fooîttecfj» 0 îoofbeffeeÇte fefeffjt'ppc tljat 0 toofSr neuer tÇínkeíp poi| Çpm.n>betfoi it te torpttpi) it) pottcrato.ttôio nono« •flat fapnt ybetomc epetufyS ßoutde.jfottyey atete Ünntanetfpe/anb offoÇefapSe/ it *»ae teßukefuffföi a t»oj%pfuK mai| / oí foi a maijof enictoíitc to kept anp eupff btfpofpb petfone 19 Jjpo eem* tCáDf©of5eanb Me. /Díafvgo.ptp. 0g a gttai« 3 f, •ΐ i-f » «% «tc* e φ ** 2 »•3 Ρ»^ 2. Ä-3 «032 Λ iS 2 *P 3 o 0 <5 i> ^ *^«<(s f« ra cT -n S^a'S o J ff» 3'^S w : » 3 ¿ S3 5. ^ 3 Of'S· S «IV» - ^ δ 8 3 a« » O Sa«* • «*s?s g g» » or^3 ^ 4s2rf» 3 2 ff« ^ J* IT®« ÄÄ3 » ^ J® /'« Ô Λ> « S3 j·*'® O 3*43,‘3’if 2 3 a 2 2 S ¿■fc, X r w- «crfc, —- - '*e* ^ »4 JJ 'w Sr«a 5' «Λ § 1λ » 2 S% a »•S'^ J| ^ 4ÿ· ® n ^*1« 2 s,« - arví*·+4τ>α>3 a -cs 1··* 2*3 „-’S S'ö^- ^« ¿SÍ» S δ 2 » S <^«>2, sarà - - i® ·«> aà' g> P 'S,·"!« ^ A* ~ « or^t \Sîd)S.r^lSj3 i^ÔEssÆ-s Ξ^2 W «η 2 2 '3>¿v* η ^ o a yo^S 3 a §Od§Ss? - s « oít i § 8 3 Λ O ·♦ Λ Λ _ , _ â'« a 3 Ξ,2*&1| 3Ä5 ^0{λ ο S.'S* Π* « «J ©S Ξ'β 3 ο » S1 il? er ft ir % » i w V S*? ■Φ *v ^ ^ ta « ® 090 « S> & 5 ** Î3 <% »3 s?. C# "S § « 2 $*« - a —^ o 'S n 3 · 3 « — « « V»* “3*43Τ «% « Sä « » s? ®-338 Ψ+ îs Æ ?-»g g» . «% lykeacÿyffîe towtye it) tj jpgfig\)t/t$at t§ou tnay ft te gteateit) tlje fígí)tof¡& t§t moiepxccyowetijowBeit)sote tljon? arte fyumylyate it) t§yt) confidence ♦ 2lnb t\}atie^fie to\)ieownemynbe/iegteat ♦ %xegoxy faitfy.i&onfytee ttyöffojpoae it) i§yt)oxot) mynte . 1Z§emoxe¥ifeaxtetl}owetefoxt ©obbeanbljieaungeffpe* iabye/of fo $z eate humilité anb teuexente/yfâe tl)ou$9t $otbe tl?e0fe|]>b 8obp eof omet it wae Cyfte 9ppe>wf)etofttfoxtunybotja tyme / wifet) tfyepeopfc mete fyoxoftfa fije fox g teat e m anb not nm to tmyueit * votyetfoxe tetfye epetacyot) of at* my$teyt>obbe/it wae foafitf)e people ftonbynge anb 6el)olbín$e tî)ev came a tyfywßlybouc t§e ÿofiefeom t\)tawtex anbbeÎyùen g tea te woxfí}yppe/anb ti)evfoxe ÿnmytyte anb mekenea te com enbaïe i anb jCon tpn«a»p to te oßfevuyb / anb CáDf ©ofbeanb fbytneu íDiafogo^*  f F V Vf V w IJ ψ Ψτ "" etc (bmtvnteiwM ce/· α *Pme ©ofô to fpfuet αηδ l^fl^Jii^lfaf 8c«êc tttetp 8jo?p*/ fox we txoapm erct®c^cc amonícnSot^ív metat* IMftMÏ fftf u>r comopncδ toftifee ^ ofjjreate fu6fpmptean8 woifQppe. Wfyetto ihptuet gane tßte mftoneand fapde^xodetti)oxoe fpekifi aritaßfp. 6at y confp&c to efe tjjat tfyp cofa to te 10 tee8e an? ntf 9 10 wt)pte>ütfo g rememöte tljat tt)ovo arte of eBe beupSfö it) otote topflip 0· fit to tkttpx tí) et fox e fox IM1V * it i0jgafcfi.viii.tyt cfjatgtfl) Çun fe ff Mt to ßie ffeffpj / anb aífo Ijítíe mípí tf g it) tßat fame Lfacejèe tßottc no fc feme fo ßpm tfjat ie tf cßet tÇatj tßome.tcßerfoje tlje pijtfcfofre faptß /E t}e poterna g pe zíffñitb mljag ße ícgpnnftl) fo fttpne miti) tlje tftlje man/ae 0fope fl/ctüitö iga faßfeanb faifj} tÇattÇeçfo te/the f(jrpron8 tlje affe $ppog a ff me ma8e a (onfeSe raepe ttn't9 tlje ffet) anb compenpe8 mitfje Ijpm to goo an ßuntpnge togpSev/ae fefome anb nepßem jt'e / anb flfftljrf tegiSet folie ag ßarte. ibut mßag tßep flj« fSe öeim$e it/tlje Spot) fpolte ant) fapbe . Q fßaffßeepje of φ fhfî patfe.jtoj 0am gnttifi cfmojfljppeljete/anb the firfí cljop ce fljaffpefSe me tlje feccmibepatfe/ anb f auttifi faßomje fjjaffgjue me tlje tßjpb f arte.flnb 6ut if fl baue fije fojtß parte 0 fljaffßjeKe tße eonficnatmte ©fconcoj8e/anbœitl) tÇefetucjSfe fjeßegag togrpne teifj) Ijte tctß/anb fmete tÇe gtomnbe tutti) ßte taffe/ fofooje tljatafftljep foj fere rane atuape /anb fefte aff tije Ijoofeljatte to tßeffog. î©ljer6p itapperítljetßat a mag omití) tofe teare to affotf ate Ijpm feffmttfj Jjia Cettf je/foj Ije fßaffeup r 6e pntto tß e m ojfe parte/ae it te fapbeig a commune pjouetße.0 ccunfeffnot feruaun tie to cte Cljetpee mitß tßer ßettpte. ¡ffoj tljep rnpflja ne tlje Uppe/anb feue tßem tfje IjaeSe/j tßetfoje fait!) gfope,Ê5 f tljte epempfe it te fßempS tljat it te not gco8 foj tße œelteto EeioyneS to tßemp gßtf/fot ße tPffnot at affípmeeEefaífljfuffíntoljpttu €T£)f5)ffueranb0tpn, ÏDtafpgo.wf» äffest \- W3r" ■ * vi ■ . ytnet ίη a ftafoq ^ncntteyfCp ant) Hnòifcte tcfyc {pake 15 it to Qty η anb fapb e*£D înj}ap ψΫ cteatute«Cu*fpb tie tfyp çemvatÿ οη> fot tif ttye ínfynptetie at>o¡tf8e^o¡t ofttyetie mabe fwettiío/f^ bar tf e/6teftpÇatye;t}fÇm netof wepp manti l)axneve/fo% to punyfffjç to fkemat) íbytíje atfo tiateffye anb fît mee βαρρρη ίη tl)e tpotfSe Qftÿowe J}a55ífí not tie ntaSe / ti)e vooxttie §atitiene yt) $teateteanquiflpteanbtefïe*Qtw fjjie fyetpnqewítfye $χοα&Μφη e^tîffô t)ím fe ff anb fay be Jjotogf) foofoo t!|on> fpekyft not tv wipe/fox$ boo no to t\)e « fixant) if β tie a mafefactox ae tf)ou>e xepoxtyfte/ ttyytt emm tonftâetac^fâaïïpxoueit/ififyow takeijebe* jfcxxmtfyomeme no vooxke tiemabe♦ ¿p ctaftye tie occupyeb anb % ettf)e tietyt^e/ %0χη offbo ttwke me q bmte menylenqtkt q tixeb/q foxqe of me ri pkafitf) φ/qß fay not nay/tint otieyto tl)da& vtfmm §at\)oxSemiS w>yft\)ei 'make o €>aú \Μ&'·ίthen rfco3í it ie t\}tt ßtamt anS net myne.jfct $toaeß (ñu f8 b oo .¿ut g metuapfe o ft to ttot fo fone con fi e fe e o frteff fatoíe it) niyt) fe / anb conff Serífíe net a gteate fcãme in t\)y i) otoñe.^fox an8 ft)u(8taitf ßebecfacfbtbou artotpgfnaffofafftriff.tofe. Êe ti)* meanfooftto / met} faff to P0t8e ßtfmi _ iConftbteJkfmfcro^at ttjowljiiftenitongtot £Di fafnt Hugufiyt) (aytí).íct tí)y t»oi8efirffe - _____come to ttomrn8e/an8 aftp* to tl)f tonge. »»Ç3 a P0tfofofte toae tij eompanf ofmocf) peopfe/an8 fpahe ßutfetoe œootSp e/l)e «rae afkp8 tl)e taufe/ anb lje fapb Qtí)atñeepentyd me of myf faïence tt>l)etfote ¿atol) faytñ .yt 0m*P ti) nomarj to ße But it noyetñ to fpeke to mocf} J'étocctnno fomtpmea goo8e tl)tpftp mat)/ wl)icl) to to6 to*®6 to? t to* eockpe 2lnb affo 1jeQati toitfiit) ttjcit fame pface of 0te ljüßpta* tf oi) a fetuaunie/iotocÇ fc38e nooç Ijonefî (yfe « Hljat confvSertge tl)e cockpe/ooi) of t^em fange it) tljte topfe/ an8(af8e.Sucto8cSf 6 ttyatfetuauntßot$/vof)itty Π)βί not pfeafeomte mafîfr. 'ÍEiji® geringe tí)e feruaunte/ fafSe.'Sto6 cok fijan fptie no fengat/an8 e cato ftb ton* to ße ffapne.21tj otto* bofe tl)e feconS cok ff fteîppe Çie Hopee g fange tjjue.^fot faf ng of treutf} mf fefotoe íe bebe/ anb euyt) fojtljxoítto tÇto feruaunt ® put tont to bet§,'Ç to») Φ φρ& cocto wee top fe / anb ttougto teh8e te (vue in peate/ariO tfptfoxe 0e jja8 Ijte tv fe sontpnijpb fettle it) gceate roeftl) anb pxofpeeiti* tiicafM CíDf^EpnnfíjnbJèíoíff, ÎDiafo^o.^ii, ’ ··«. . .Λ \ g . - . ί ■**; fnneanb fttaffeconfeffcrtSe fegiffeteentipefea# gapnc íi5of8e, UPÔcrfbjctÇep beuyftôapot f of fap *e Coppjtanb 6*p$0t/ anb flüougjjte it to tl?e markette anb fofôdt/affetmpnge tpítl) fa< ____ gtp8 wojbf 6/tl}at t$fe Copy* œae ©ofife. 21 fectapne cfyapmatj carne anb ffougl) t pt*anb íopfufíy 6a zeit Ijome Jlnb vofyat) \)ea>af?e Ijatte p*oupb tÿeperfez tyoi) of tÇe ©of8e / jje fotp«8e ít Copte ♦ a25e*fo*e w>ae tepfete wítÇ in&gnacpofj anb catoftS ©of8e to 0c Cfte8 0efoic a íttge/fo* 6p catt>íc í^eljab beccpaeb Çpm# iQottmtí)fíon8pnge ©of8e ma8e Çte trexoc eçcufe / anb fapbe to tlje tage/tljat t)e nenp fofoetfjepotte/ nex be# uífíS ít/noxít wae ηειψχ ofljteÿmetacvot) nox hyntebe» 31 Ú fi erf site tu stresté Íts*f7n +U*> >Vii*e <■/.». fi.v ι Λ_a.. , * rrnaefomtrw* rçjtwaítjafietheíugecawfpb ttimSptom , :.u tteaŒtûße íCvteSfiefarp htmtrinhnimwifUS 6 rie a ff to 0e CfteS fofoje fypm anb punpffytb tffem with g arÄÄ*?ÄÄ niWr : w.i ßateaeapne ©ofôe/anb tfjcr intent wae fox to ha* tie ffaunbiíQ Ijftti that Ijíe jQdttie fhufb haue Sene apap vvl SLii <*·*& ht not haue Sene fo ptecvovoe / in the « U^betfo« t§e mgebífctetetyecoírectpb them gnomifl'j ¡J {pketljecbeferupmfeanbcomenbíb <©oR>e greattpanû e tljíit te Sothegoobe anb pure ■C& 01 hhetíí«!"1! K> mu V ■ intenò it)fpkcmpfe to biffatm t\}et 6éi¿ tyxè/βε fatfemptneo^Ttnbí)c tÇat Öetftßefaffs ■ *wy tnee f9aff not 0e "d tyn prouee0.$n>*3l faffe mptnce fÿaffnot 6c Snputty f§íd anb \}t ti} at fpehpll) fefpngeo f 6 to faye tfye iugcment of vootfôe, 3lnf> rt te t§c (amepfoce* 21 faffe mítnce ft)af?petíf§/aeitío wp tytjit) c ofticyoníBwpattnm,tEl}a t fomtpmeatj a00ot* te cdffjpg pafïmcpno mÇat} l}e mao ponjgte an8 ^eacpoue anb fate it) l}to ¿Ccff/oon of j}io 0*£%>ι; enupeb at Ijjmt/ anbfoitopntlipmtoa ffomnbet l}e mente anb l}ib l}io 0ocke t!) tf)c0ebbe of pafimce.Slnb vofyat) maffemao fp * npffjjcb anb enbpb anb aïï tí)c monkpe mete congrega* tetogibet/tijíe éntreme 0;to6p*rcpo;ttp8anb fap8 tßat UJIfV ^ |V»V^vf»y VWVV^ I ti} pafnncío 0e88e/anb tl)«o Çe mao fafffpe accufpS 0e* fo¿e affrio 0*eS;tp tj anb affimydtoboo geratepenaunce fox tiefte m$fc9 Çe new com ginge fjetmkefy fuffyxBcit an8 pecfotrwS it* 21ηδ mí)S Çe Ça8 continu^b it) penance a fertapne feafoij/tljio fat* fe monks mao *5 eppb mítj} a fenSe/anb pu0tpfj}eb íjpo offence/mjtf} fombeefamoute/anb fi}emtbtí}atíjel)ab wxougfyttfyat foteyCtye fyftxmcf 8okt/ anb tfyat bib tt fo¿ muye/fox to (Jane biffampb tljc tyofpmag/anb befíeeb l}atteff tl}a t Ç e mpgfjt 0c 6xou$t)t tinto l)pm to tfebefp«eeeb feo tl}e fen?e 0p 1}io tyoofp pxapete ♦ 2lnb aij l}e mao 0¿ongíj)t 0efo^e §ym 0e mao immzdiatfp 1 }efp8anb befpnecpb from ttyefenbw faze faynt &te(foxp fpehptl} of fatfe mitneo anb faptl}* $etl}at Betitle fa tfemptneffeio cufpa0fe to $tye*jftifte tinto ente an« wert com rôanòfaiM •oStri)iöc«4 fotonSctl)^ if (faßte# grffltfpnw >ut nottpt iîirîitinittf i twM }CtDÍÔt$iltW ù)kc/enMt)«l rtycMpw'r ug|)íín»p fr « uncclrf, h iL. . oi— L CáDf tile lecke anb t$e kapc# ■¿Mj JDíafoçfo.ççí« N I , / kapetÇerttjacfom^meataÇtcÇ tbaer îetpe gooífe/anb p&fauittfpe oppnbe l}et focke/anb affo rrmbe it faf?c/ it) fo mocl)etJjatt$e pattern / anb omita* ttyetof tetopepb ¿rcatefp tÇetít; * SDp* oí? a tpme t0pe locke fef itj fron?arS mpttbeanb oftatc^pb agaync ttje ka anbffjpbet§«ö f mpkkeb matate w$p pwfwt \fj|o$o me tfym tontinuaïïpe í Çotb entriß in to tttp Cotoeffpe ant) touenyft mp fïowak lippe anb botone . ¿Deceof tj)pgreef anb trotoCfe me no mote / ot effpe 9 ffjaff cafie tfjeatoapeot make t$e crokpb* Oüo toÇomeÿ ftape an ftoerbc(ji fapbe.&uftpi tÇoto fpekpfî eupfft&p met (Jonjearte conferupbtg ptofperíte ant) befenbib ft5 töpg enpmpce»0f tfjotoe topft Ce feparate anb bepartpb frome/tíJonjfôaftCebefírbpbeanbCtokpij anb caft a* toape « èut tj \\o notvnittylondtnç tfjefoche toae not pfeafpbCut fobepnfpfiopppbfafttfyeíjofe / anb toofbc not fuffre tt?e kape entpt to (Jpm / anb foo tl)e otoñar cotobe not oppt) t(Jebote*to(Jetfote (Jetoae an#rpe/ anb it)a fobept)Ijete $e fmote office focke/f Stakeit fot caufe it tooibe not oppi^tofjerfore tije kape fcotnpb % focke j fapbe Í9 t Jjfe wife* Λρ / w IjuP iff1"’ ’ ívU*‘ *" u£b(i ft, AO ί#Γ f( ßw fkj mnoobegftc. igtoare tlj etfote to ftrpuc ot iarpe totííj (Jim tljat tftoto fpnpfïe toiti) fantpfperfp,^fo* $>eneca fa? tij /Ctotíjíníf e te mote fotofe tljer; to Seat fitpfanb Uatpami íe nntjje ftpm tfjat tíjotoe fonpb anb Cene conaerfawnte toítl) * ßeuertf)eftffet$epttjatbefivetoCpue voítfy tljer nepCototío/fòufb (Jefpe to fuppotte tíjemanb Cere parte of tijeccfyaegfeo ao tlje totptpfljeab Cn*fat*Sí#¿£uerp one of pome Cere t(Je Curboij of otjjir# ^uffp affo faiti},t£(Jcr 10 notfywgfe Cut it mape Ce puf# fírbe ofijpm t(Jat perfí^tfpe fouítl) Cío ttepßowxe/ae ít 10 rebe tg tt)c φρβοχρ fcofaftícaK* :if$fforewfli/rçe fpalte to fife mtanb fapbe.spp Jo tbeljmpfnet fÇemepo voz ec rnorbpe forftipn cufe· Out tfjefegrcate tuounbte bJftcf)e@ $aue fuffprbe for potore four / frt t$em fpeke for rtie/anb r^preffe affa tf)egerate fouranb %tep tretoe Öatfe t0at g Ijaue etogtyte to poror/Äub tmnicbtattpr tlje Cmperotote re cepupb0pm togtace/anb f^etopb Çprit gerate fauotoec eupraftpt. 21ffo 0it te rebe írj tÇe ftrftc 0oke ofjjapíe of JDÍJífofopljíte / of Qutpr Ccfat Ijotoe tljer toae aij ofte mai;fpkfpetofywiepettfljeStija(ïrpf $ppoijabape/ φ toljaij Çr came Ocfore tÇr tugie $e prapbr tÇe empereur to come anb Çefpe Çpm ♦ 2inb tlje ¿mpetomreafjpgncb one to l)efpe l;pm/Co toljome Ije anfteetbe anb fapbe ♦ £> ¿gm peto tor l&emem&te (J famgljt mp feff for tfye 19 tl}e Oateflf of 2ifpe/anb mabe no p¿octoure/anb brfcfofpb Çíemounbiett>$ícl)etJel)abtÇete / anb fljetopb tÇerti to t$e Cmpetome.tt£t}etfoje $e ment Çpmfeff petfo* jtafpe anb fpo8 §te ßefpnee / anb toae fo¿eafí$ampb új jfepm feffto 0eî£epatp8notoonrpp*om8e/0utaffbÇïi eurtepe an8 înfoupnge« Hereof it ίο to*pttpg«j(J)et$at faOotonffy notetetljenot/^lnbaffo fife fame impero1 fapf(JJl)e y faßotontl) not to 0e foupnge to Ijíe knpgÇ* fee* Cannot OefauoataOfe to tljem /aeit te fapbe ftj fatoOeof tjjefame Cmperon)?etl}atl}eneupz?fifeta fape*©oo pe/0ut goo toe/fo* toae eup* pavtetaker of tOerfaOotozeaeooijoftljem / anbtÇat œaeatafftp* meeofanpiuOarSpe* A · , . f „ · :r·; ' *_*, ' ■ * - 4 . * , Λ ' m i· ■> 5» ·,* V y _ ** /- ■■■ ■*■· ■*·<: :' ψ If 'i··. /.· % ' ' CáDfrljeCatpSjoij anb % jCljapn« ¡Díaíoao^jMiít. fr > '«t'a H1MÎ V f . ' ‘bat . Ml U'i ui / Λί· μγΝ S V ¥ m? anb fay br/C 9 orne arte gf tea t fy c länhynb t t$yfï many a gocte mo* feff anb £euyft me ne* ny t parte to rtc œt'tÇ tfte/iEÇy jgtfotony te çtrc< te.^o* tljoœ eonfumyf? a ifanb feutfJ} rte*t£$e iCaiubjtoij anfmctS anb fayS ♦ '5$on ferny me to my Çurte ♦ 2lnb tijetfore tornearte not trnutÇy totere* töarSy8/0«trat^er to5epunyfl}eS fot tí)ôwel)oft)ífte tneSppeto t$e fpxe/foieagaynemp anb camftfic tny ffbee to 5e Bxent anb eonfamyb.Utib tfjetfojte y f my power voofâeeçtettâe tuerto @ wofb gfabfy befîtoye ÿ* 3èut anb y f t§ow ffepyffttíFto bo me acceptante feeuy* cc.®x$eptreto me ttyínqeo pvofítaõtc anb neceffatyeanb mt eoníratyc/anb a tf o $e faybe» íSerayce t$at te 6otl) gfoob anb ptefy faííc \ U/Wl w UVllf iJUÜU U ItV JAIÄJ (jjö foöf li to a ff mt ij e»l «wepteßfe. 'Οίφ** ΑΓΤ llii « pjflM Ätrtifi iüftiu: 1^^’« jiftfemrr: V y*i faíSrr Irotofc COfKil a frijetf oitonb yftfym be five to boo to ct§k " ° IJ met)/fetne tßern toiljLetpfeflfure/iJ}ot il}epmape tíjonke íl)e»¿D;t cffpe ttyoto ff ait fefe t t)y wvoatMt $ot£>eneca feitÿ.fye tf)at cannot gyueuwatde/^mi* g\)tfuiïyafkytft it/tftatio to fapc.j^e tpet cannot gpne Ml)etfoxe it ίβ tolde tirata yon* ÿtmtjii) tfye wyntev fraßt)/favo e gjevpent atm o ft e beti to ítb f cruente of great cotde/cmb §e fyauynge pete of it/ t oke it type anb pu tit it) tyof(cue * dutxotyaqtyiw&yiU toomi §e ftongefyym /anb btftvoyde ijym ♦ ttge j-g ♦ faytft peneca.21 Serpent it) t\)e not to 8c 03L ?fp? ioît0 fmetye fox tlpugf) f)e tye ftytlfefccytf) not to ftpttgeanb to f$c?c 0ie îenpme* CáDf Rofemoepan? oftßejfytSe* DtaSosowV. t &M . ii ( Y I > .V V' //i .Y'·;  ¡Μ- wawf ?WE C: / y fb t}ft te te8e ofrtjc $er trne of Hofmatyeamvnÿeatot^ie^ettewio fyaeé ($íe Werten) tnefpecpaff»t£0aí onS tf f>e 0e pfatitp8 tij a fef8e / or ti; d í prrerct8e ont) kepíe íCPeneont) too* f fypfuiïŸ/φîpnee fljaflJe frutefuí _______________ att8 retopee £tfatefp/ant> tfje Coínte f0affuiuftppfpe anb fargefp encreee ♦ jfoxtfye π>1)ίφβ cote fe a fer ta fi) fepfiJeconttnuaffp 0ejw¿e tnfrwctuoue ôftî> 0oreptj toettt to ttye Kofmatpe tt>ttl) Çurntfite on& t>e«ocfoijattbpiap8eepmtl)atJ)e mp#5t 0e fmtefwa/ anfc fàp8e*£) graepotie pafîo* anb gooSe kf per conte to me anb ï>efeitt>ettie/an& 0 fijaff fette tfye cfene on8 cfett* fp/anb affo0 f$aff ferue fíje. JlfiToonefp^befrre φ to ff tte fîp SfanD refîe ttyeiij me tÿat tfye rail)* 0e t!;p £008 nee 0 may6ún$c foitt) fyotfomeanl· kpnfcefp freinte ♦ ÍDJeÍ&ofemarp tooe rooupS tottÇ píete/anO cuereóme seit1} tßc fap*e fappKcacp 05 of t^e feef 8e/$ mnt fo* f $e «ntlj 'ni Mj· kítw mm PP. ‘blJU MWc J ■r f .w^ .» 11fjff M J| níflN ç, :Jdî ^αΚΠ^1 ·*' ■f? Jifif1 vßjfi I ira l'i ** ' 1'' * * r r\ uJ'î'fVlJÎ ■"f - L * a A â\t Cm /I f p “ ■ * ||Η’,Η r » i :|ip w [liai «nirtioff p yiyvψνΐy 11 pivv p|ütetîfi Il ' ( Wmiîr:ir: I [ ; é 1Ί pmérKÎn! «pto-ria I i 1 —w 9 ; ‘C ^Lv Λ »tvMwly j ppîftoi:: ÍMilübfí^ jÎJÏrrt au ΙΓ,,44; -j !ÎMM\h  nÉMMM tuitp ppm anb fette fjtntfeffettj tpemp8?pe of Pptm lt^t)oruffn^oan5befm8mÿe/^efefSc anti νοα$γ8 grene/αηδ muttípfyed αηδ (feougp t foUP frute 1£P*efco;tefoiSarô ai) tyundxtSfoí witty greatepaßou» Sauner a nb gfa8neffeanbfapöe íytfyíe xoyfe* / j\ox on cro8cma»tnt6 (ake/manv ûÛ}h tttoo/ C 2èe oftp») confermb anb kepte oujte of tuoo* §ue otugpt tpe peopfe to boo/tnpetj tPep pane no §í8er/2,0 epefe apxoüyt mat) / rpgptfuífαηδ tutfe/tuptep 8e pte pofpcpe αηδ tnpföotne map goueme rßem topfefp αηδ befenöe tpern * SDereíp αηδ ttufyam* f¿ kpngete a fure fíaBfpffpment of tPe peopie/ «eit pa ‘unpttpt) ^apieni^i.£Dfekpngte pfpe befpgl}t potue it)\mvctRopafffepô*ïouepew?pf8ome ♦ ÍLouepetpe fpgßt of topfPome φαί ßeptefertpb to pane rufe of fíje jxeopfe / a8 i&cfefta ft *71 voy ftuge fpaftuge píe peopfe '£pe punce po8e of a topfemai) fpaff 0e ffa6fe. iin8 pt le nupttpi) tt) tpe fame pface.31 kpngeíntopfe fpaíf fe píe peopfe ano tpe Cptepe íPaff 8e inpaëpte 0c tpe tea foi) of rtnfemeij. iî^perfoi .Safomofj befptíb of ©o8 a tccßeaßieparte/tpatpempgptteepejp peopfe of ®o8 mdbífcett)éettvene#oo9$ QuyffMfo Íígecpue faptí) ¿e re mífítarí* /lío mat) ovoíty) to knotoe noi to knotoe euerp tpínge tpai) tpe punce anb rufer ♦ topos ÿ\ox t ru fp yon ¡met) 6e not oftptj to 0e cp o fptj ru fere fo% tt te not mofï expedient foífomocpeae tpep 6e not af¿ inape fïe6fafïe/anb tupfe/ae tí te fap8e ti) tPetö;tp8 0o¿ he ofetpkpe* #nb pfato affo faptp ♦ t£ßet) tßefarge tuotfôctoae ptoípcmne αηδ ßapppe tupagtrufenici) re 0ηρδ/αη8 kpngíe tmt»ar8fpe concepup0 goo0e^p0pnge ae faptp SDaferpe anb affo 6orce tt) pie ftrfi 0oke of con fotacyoq*w^etfox ít xpae ca£p8 tpe gofPpt) §M tfjetegw irí U \ i I I, i  ΐ ί I let®, à im y. MJ k tl)c re^tte tt te mzf ttytj ii) ftôzo poftftcoz um üii. IZÿat f commune mefe amonte t0cKomiifncopzofpctfb anb cíjeupí/tíje^mperomtíeanbKufero mere conpngcÿ n>efe mfïructe ttj fetnpnge/anb $ hnomenot ticea/ljome l)tt foztunptÇe tljattÇe Uerfem fangmpfftté anO to aßatpb amende prtnceo anb Ku* fete, lt9l)etfoze no metuapfe tÇougÇ tljepze (fate a pap te foz mrtljomte mpfîome notljtnge tÇe ae ijofp mtftte makpt$mencpot).pzouet0,15itt. 6f mekpwgce tegne fait!) afmp gfjtp ©ob. UPljetfoz tljekpnge of 1^0 mapneee^oztpSt^ekpngcof^rauncctÇat IjefÇtifSe camfeljpefonnieto0etrrrôute /anb fetnpbti) fpéetaff fcpencefapnge ♦ 71 kpnge 15nfetnp0ie tyke to at) flffe cromnpb^ocratee repoztttf) ή) J)te fa fïe 0okeanb faitjj 'ïtljat emonge a fevtayt) peopfe t$atte to fape ig ag {Jfc ofèampanfe*2)tj|nfteofétrt9pzeïiaf%t^ not t'tje* f 0ep make efeccpet) anb cfyefe one oxnatt g Cfo ffjtft mt'tÇ goofte confiïcpone anb mañero *0enpuofcntttj rigijtmpfneo/antîmercp / anb affofabef age anb tljat ÇatIJ no cljtfôzct) ♦ 2lnb ífÇe^epzoupbofljtepeopfeto confíneme ή) my great fynm 0e fí)a£fbp e g 6e befïtop?* C£>f Keme an S of Ucnpmome 0efïto zDíafogo^íú Jfî 15e 0oke of be U/rtaf i0ue etffarum ft temzpffpt) Kemeamongeaffot^îec tupo t$atfijefyatÇtt) efpecpaff pe oot)*tüîjatif fije 0e takp tj ri; bztnke 0* it; mete f#e metuefouffp pzeuapfptjjc a«* gapne15enpme/anS agapneafmaner of * W I fo« lit, ,vv \ jÉtoiîîrte fcûÿmt.r îiîk.o pMçcÙ felrtfoa N%ftíi bfiüj |ûp(pf .il W\ V NI l/ V πτν 'A 2 r#j •% / « · >1* L· % r¿ V - y /4 / ißjjjjySssi/sJJJssS'L· neret W k*»j¡ UflfW hicaWi Smpmoms 0ptpwofî5ot fiarnppbmttl} ÿatfpke faîte anbnottíe^nbfo foz tf)í® ¿t*ateiettemet$atfíJeÇatl)aííapneÍenpme/affíe* npmome 0cffte came totfibct toíjet anb fapb. U^e p;tap tbebepatíe omît ofj£ompenyc/attb mebíe net 0e tmene So anb mankynbefot wc intende íq afifo tme mynde foi ίο fome omíe Senp mea mong e met)/ anb fot to be ft roye tfycm/fox tftt mJjt'cfy caxofttíjep put feme Se anb ficeto *Êe mbom Kerne anfmetSeanb fapbc. pomet mo;0ce 0e mfcfeeSanb myfcÿeuowe.jSPf pome it te it) tíjepfaftet Pfafmo+pm» tEpe Senjmtcofafppe te Stt Bit tßeyxe tongie.ye ent fpS fet xoly? Se pe a0ou te iobeftto^ rttä ml)0 30b bat!) createb % maSe to 6e íojtSe of aff tj}mÿe*3nb foi afmoef^ ae faye y Q \)aue f Ícetemeagayneyome/anb affo afapne pomjSenp* tue/ feo tíjfe tj?roe fot8e©. ç CßsStpEopfe otoitß tuyi to pteuapft i flgapr; Jpnfuiftl;attoof8 tßem affapfe. ¡¡Dpi; tl)u©f(jiif8Ri! fete boo/ anb topfefpe cupi te vlfifîetoffab fofkpe anb to fape/ßapeto tljernanb to punpifß tl;em.;tfoj Seneca faptß . í)e/îopetl; gooje fofkpe that fparpd) tße 6ab. jffot fort} fp a iugeotmtlje not to (pare mafe factotoíie/fot a iugecomctpnge not φ fpnf uff commi ttitß to frnne a© faptl; Seneca, toljetfote flmßtefe faptß.tüfjei; inbutgenceanb fauoti« te fijetonb to d)e?nt©oid/pe/ manp od;it ße ptouokpb to fpnnetßetßpe/a©'Safetp teßetfttßit) l)i©. 15. ßoKc. of ooí; caffpß ßruto tße toßt'cße toa© fí eft confuffof Ro* mapneetßetol;icßecomaun8i8 ßi© otoñe fonnpetoßcq thev tóete ßtougßt ßefote ßpm fpttpngeii; ingement to ße fote ßetpg toitlj to88ie αηδ aftpt tßat to 6e 6el;e8t8. jfci ßp catofe tl;ep inttnSiS to te8uce tße fo;t8fßpppe of '¿atqupnpe/toßicl; ße ßaS e fe li .‘Μ ? 1 i, 1! V 'S fel I f f t 'i '■■(y. κ,^ιΐη Hijfl ΓΛ «fli?afîf>>rte«(nbof/}efiÇÆo^omgfope ... . íapbe,3tíeeup8entfpknot»íptbatíp tÇf>ijljeftÇtt)0!i fiflfîbooi) mnimteraßfecrpmee/anb furefpg tljinke if tbot» fíJuíSífi not» ße teftorpb agapne to Ijcftl)/tßot» toofSifi boo woife,&utt0e$erteteeof îucrr (té« recome oftljte ínfytmyte^ox 0 am veßyeto ffe cowjet* e Oegpro# tfk to a 6c ttyttyfctâo vofyom \)te mofcer anfœecSanS )f fotne fei faf&♦$*)t§? ff fe tíjow Í gteatcfy offenbtb tÇe (0o8 »cQcuefbfM 8ps anbtífcfamõ powe getiffl!1 of tftem feffiitt) to affmet) aftyx tfyeyx tefetumge ♦ Scfeffci^ *§f Öe&l? djoioe ÿafteboone manygteateoffeneye. 0f , goiA t§on> mvgÿtyflee(mpe/3ob knomtfy tßoxo fJ)aft t>o fonbeof£ff t ooxfs.jfox'iïzvyconttkyot) nom j tljeÆfte toeSeof ifttflt&P &*fi} wwfitfe tçeío 6emekeof fpeeÇe ♦ ff ,fiottß)A 0f«f6e ff tîjo^e my$§ty •fhcîrtW $PÍ*e6e wo*fe tíjatj fijóme Çafle 6eite . ímíjcefoje $ uií I) tip* **>f ff mt P*a?c f°* c fape ♦ 2lnfl fije kf fe fcf fce/ an8! CáDfatEtecaffpb Mtotanum anboftl} J}aiu JDiafogo,pp1ftii\ ., V ' \ totamimae faftb€>*<*cp«bíeatte tpfyící) 6p Çí6 pjepptte bîtawitb aiïttynÿc tÿat te mfipte/wM) tjefpc ofat) oíÇit tl)mjjecaff^b an^un^tta^ H$bctfo;teaij bate iÇat ijaftpb came roekefp to bpm mgict) |)ab a fijatpe _______ tÿoxq fmytyt)tq f)íe fote anb fap8e ^tyevotyctpavtioify of ûodfe anb foxete t}aw ppteotj me anbbefeme/anbtijuefapngel)efpfie ^te fcteanb fbempbtt to brm^6cotammi rcae moüpb mitl) com* paflón/ anb fapbe bítn feífe 5Sppofj l)íe tDorcnSe/ aftb 0íowfÇton)ttbctbeíijônbbefpbbpm V 2{nb üîerefj* tbíe ^atetoae'not fojtgetfuffof ti>teflenpfpte/Çutbap * fpefoougbtagafotj of wafteíípporç tyfe fbufSpwanb Íaíbp 8 at φ Rote of.il8;otan«m/j caw fíS l)pm to tfße®«ί fprtetbe gterte önb fteffi) (tnò fapbe. c i£o mte Benefactores tí)ai boííj Ue $oo?cf \jiet^sbafanpcc witty a faSSc mo8e* S>t çutffòpeopfeanb 9ncu*tf pe boo not 0a$ ^ ^ rather fone fouette t$e0cnpfpte6booi) to t$em* 1tèt)€tfote of S>afamoi) xoae afkp8 wtyat ttyngt ffyutS not efpff e 6e fotgotpt) ♦ 2lnb f)e fapbe,3èenp fptce anb ftpnbnestílnb tôerfojefaptfj íCatoij, èifb of 6enp fptesbooi) to tf}e0efo¿etpme /jtnb affo 0e fdpt^iifmaffÿpftetÇattbppooet; ftenbc ÿewptl) the tkecepue it gfadfye anb mnmiSxt to pef$c fufftljankiif gts ttjcrfoje^Çoro omp f? to peföe tke BenpfiteeUnto tÇrfrenbe.tmtí) tnctece pf e^tenbe tßerto/ofc sftps toijawdt of tpi) it) t|) p tememfya ronce / ttyat tî)f frenbe l)atl) f^etotb to t$e/tl)at ttyow Ijptrt tijankpngee at feftœpfe for l)ts goo8nee / $0* Senecci faptl)*flt a fuffitymtatia farge vevoatfo/ fox a 8e beSe/to 0e Çab8eoftpi)ù)l£emeni0*auttce* 2tnbaffoo t fame cferke farti) ♦ ÉjeroîncuttçpetgatpefSitÇai goo0 tmt)wittyowte anb cmme.ßtie te?ett) tÎefiafticafffÿylioxy/Hiat J)a8 ____1N a cane nete to ttyeceïïof αη fyofy tmt) wae caffybStQa* atI)ûftf^îlW ttyatye/anbttybtyoneffefowndetyevwtyefpy 0fpnbc anb ßxougtytttycm affdefox ttyc fete of ♦ 2inb tl)te 1)0 fp mat} Çnberfïo ftyat tíot) toasfoz tytt xotyet\píe/ anb tye Bp tyío pxayete cauftb φΜ^]}αΜΪί$ρ€.2ίηΰΐ$ίο îyomffe foxtljat fíjetoof f o tt anb fe fit p f1 ourÍ> tritio 8e not 0e tepnttb mírate anb 15nkpnbe/oftpi)tvmee fjje e¿.; JLantayne to at)etßemoft ptofy faßte agayne tfte jfeupc quattayntAo ße eemedyed* Wtyttfot at) %pe tfyat fyaS a forme *Be$yde mt\)z tí¡at / m|fc$ combejpnbe no remedy fourni mÀ * r M {Ai V»k vw/ Iw 1 ή w — «ee.’ZEßetfoje fße tbentlfafeSISa ttum anb fapbe.fl ßaoe eorrrpafTpölMPit ©uetwafJipÖ tße fonSr/anb founbe ne tefte to mp forme, {Sut noœeat Caftegtjauc founbe tße fo - * ' " 'S'ßetfoieejpue me tßpcounceff onb 1/ mompt befpuer mp eßpfbe ftoitte fßt’e quatfapnebtfea maye 'V4 lutííf«5 «, u&íñat f)ío catofe ffyuffce 0e founbe itetoe fa?he t0ue JZêÎ t 1111 . /■ ιλ à? ^ xi. •Sake,«« Cf ttitflni 0e f0aff foo«e0e cotf SÆÇe Apc t0at herir# oj8ef neS tftewefp the meSecprie e«h Çeff b J}ec fone fap8e tl)«e § ~'*W~ ' B *1 V ^ ^ w m W 9 W J t *- %2m‘ ’ ' X IBP -*·** φ me befptinge ßeftß oforcje foi» fie mnfïe fettle ___foiapiefïe anb a confeffowte tßat ie fuffict entfp* fcrntS tßat ßotß car; anb mape ßpnbeanb înBpnbe. «¿ßue orotfl tßou tobo tßo» ctpfîetj mai; oî mcmarçfo fpnbe tße roapce to fune tßp fow fe. jffßfiSote faptß ► j jèiierp fvnnecßepettanceteeepuptßßeftß ofßietoourm Se.Jèti ttße me8tcpne te to ße taltptj aftpe tße gretnefjfé oftße fote/anb aftyt tQeptofounbíteanb bepnee of tße toounbe tße temeSpe te to 6e fot»gßte/ae it te rege tßat bpuere tlßeupe Ceyttÿe ú} ¿reate mßat8pcanbfem< pefï tt) tße fee/mabe a tiome tf f ße p mpcrßt efeape tßep toofSßeconfeffpbJinb affit tßetefeape tßep mabe corm feflfpotj to at) ßetempie. ¡SDfmßometo tße maßet tßefe tpßarj ße u>ae confeffpb tße ßerempte tmopneb fot * tfeeate offenere anb enojtmptepe tßat ße fßuföjoo .,......................-.....u ße went into tße tßtp8 confeffoe 2lnb n>ßatj ße ßa8 fßercpS ßpm ßpe fümfeffpoß, intmpß ßpm emtepffpe/anb tßne tbßaij ße percepupSttljat 0 c concite ftot mottyfyc f)ie \)ätte ft oí tbítl)?ífltb¿ Çpm fcome l)te topckeSirce/ff k a S5etp faft't cmb α pii« cppaff ftc0e offmty* 0c trrfopnpb 0pm ttjat tD0<*ij anp cvcatuve tpao bebe/tf0e tocto ttp£0c/t)£ f0afôe tap c t0c coife 19 t0e graue/anb fo 0e bpb*&itb 6y t0at mcnpe l)e conceupb a tememGtatmce/ tobetto l)e ftjufôecome ani borne fone 0c kneto not t?lîibt0ti0 ti)ebtebofbet0 toa® fo fp$>e$ it) Í)í$ mpitbe t0at 0e oíSeprieb 0te fíate 6cttpt ônbammbtb0iefpfeanbn>enttîj to wpfiferneffç- mi tokc^ppoqfym Qtcate pcnaunce ariò tnbïb it) îcttcuje t^ljerfareítte voiytUtyU) t0egrfofe./i)ot0m£auapfítt) tnoteto cpafíífeanSbcfítopetj)cffeff0£pbefïtee / t\¡a¡¡ to ít)mltc ofrf i) îppoj) bct0* Λ&Ι tfaWotf. â&actt i* VrTrvv«  îfamettomt îtïy nam fiymgoo IjevoentU V Jtcerfaftíj tí)atxú^at)t§oxo^íftteftf ffkçM** ('tie f ant fyoxQ tmtfj py àtft)aiïefcape l)e anfmvanb /tÿevionottuft /tuae J an8 bay (ye gaue oral _ ^tfefbfe knowing φ r" jaribinítvfàín$ to Cegyïe vooïf íOepacyent a ¿5«of?aríiafn¿ant>ínqum81)on)itfío8e tutti) tjtrn ♦ réototume tl)c fpke anftuer8e anb Se, jfufijarSfpe. mb fuff ff kc g am/{£l)e fof e nat fute \}e fl)ufS èp ebepatty 8 fïrap gtyte fro φ pacyentanb tuent to φ *uofft|)ati}a81)pmtocureönbafkp8of§pm ßotue íje tl)otuçtl)te 6c Cy φ fp kc per fone, itètyctljir Çe $u f8e fp IteozbpeÆotuÇometljeœoffanftuetSeanb fapbe y §c fljufbc fooneCe entyb anb fyefyb of J bifeafe ♦ tfcio it) amenbinge gued φ woïfao Jj confydxe Cymo tpof) ofQiepatfeanS atfo ήίο StpneÆfje fope fmp* (ydanBfayde* £ecÿett}ow acte Cegyiyb/anb knotupß nottÿectaftcofmedecyne/fox Çemap not efeape Cf any tncanc/fo* φ fentente of betfy to 1jpm , tEJjc tuoff fapbe tontvatye/and t$w tfepîarpeS anb ffrp* Ilf 8 togtSer to pxe fence of many petfonyo anb fap8c gee f c pteggi 6 anb tuatec6,15ppoo t^eprof oftfye trotutl) of t foe materont ßjteuefp to teff, IDJe mao anb be* partpb from φ tuojtf8e mítico φ (pace of, tty, bay eo/ anb φ toofftoao confufybanb (oft #te tuatere anb a£ 0oo8c/anb Kcrnafnpb to geeate poueetpei C0a((t '* Cn&aiemlo Cayeofttiinctee ^nknon m^ßutmaBnefft I ¥ • - ir · f* Í ■ J */■ i w r %·* ...... 'ÿtUJJuâ iseb.jfot 3>octv 8empjiljt0efi gf tljoto fap c m tapnutEfjtâ (Ça! flftJjou fete to fpt eufîto0ef?pff*3èot». 0e tljep goob o* eupff/to tljet po^ &e0atetott$eoetppetfoneanb neto v *«nU not tljp feff to tjjo i jQoifpeketboiuiot 4tí)ou 0enotbifcep "Y ~otb ^toetSepfavbc ruífí fox fcttf ’ofofrefaitfj 0ettpiítíe abe tljet fapngtt ^uat fltpf f ,?*vl©l}et* ■bdr μ »«^¿r fr » «pr 'fly w m W W m w ^ ■·%■... 9 * oftÇetíeatafetljat atoomag χοίΜΦ toae $fpb anb aajfïémpb to ffcpuc / ioafhpb0p tljefpfbe tottíje l)ct Ijuf0onbe/anb #e fap be tlje fpftfe toae motoe botone/? fÇc fapb ít toae fí)o^ /¿tnb fo tíjep tMiftppfpeí fo ma* ftp toot8t<3 tljat at t$efafie 0et Çuf0on0e affto cotpcb |jet.3ètJt fije toofS not 6e ßpff/ fapb it toae *pt* tpij í£çcfcfwf?.^p?nóáÈ3anp fiaue faflfflp tlje fttoke of fwoxbe/But not fpke to tljem tijat Ijaue 0e befîtopS 0p tlje meanpe of tgepic toncfíe / anb ttjetfo^e 0a8 fjpeclj* Í0U ■ÉÉilIlHHllaHMHiáliillMMHHHÉMMH Z Λ/ i I f T iwffc ■ ■ Wirir^? it -f. ,/’*·>· L> H** irf’ÎPf lOni N » . i^iAiie · VlifW* Mr f f  MM ■Μ MN MM V«e. ulceróte y pwp π?ε t» (fate mp petícpotj / anb affte of m« toÇat tfioto t»ofte/£o tot)om tfje manbeake fap 8e.S)tffotoemofiincfeneofaffcteafutee, $eî0otfj^ ertbο anb % apte 8e coteupteanbbefpfpS of tljpfípn* lípurfe tecberpe.&utmocÇrtto« finifbeítffc infecte/pf tbott mpgßtpff Beínjte foitÇ fícífetotoo íCSífStptj tÇat tnp0l)t Beffofôe tljemuftípPpeb anb fpupngr befcctaBfpe ©ootfioa feo meifjaff baf*pofÇBfe. f{ntm «o»/ 9 ötit tepfttc teSpouffyeanS fí of tÇc ficfjtíjc of tfypty incfennee. Jlnb fo tlje manbtake eçpnffpb Set otote«f See pjefence toitl) confufpop to $et anb fapbe, r - ' t$at b?e8e foi no fSame, _______________f0a(S«ete tbpStSfiSaatne Í6 totpttet) jgecfefi. , Oe fpet^eof aij incfene toomaij anb 0«pffbifpofpS ßipnnptlji frhe fpte.jj&e tffat Ibuitt) cQaftite anb to krpe bpm tfene ottjptb not to tafke mocße toitb womeq.tfoi gyne au« 8pente into rijem/B«t put tÇem of / anb gpuetSemno cteStnce.jffot it te petpfooe to tÇe foto fi:. 21 e fapnt ÿt* tome teffprt? of a maetpu»l)icl) «φαί* ÇeÇao oueeceme affmanee cftouementpe/ljetoae fapSe ίη a Bebbe fret* topbfuffofffottKte/ tofjereae a fïeompette toae fapte ofßo8pfpefauotoee/tobtcSe "ÍEotocÇpb bte ffeflS/αηδ· monpbbpmto fpnne. 2fnbSebaiipniteefpeepafffoue to «öafipte anb ofènneffe/toitS b««* otonetetb Bote a fonSi» fite tonofeanb fp et it it) See face tüití? C fooSe anb a». Qty íonfufpoij ofbceeoernptíoijanbmapntenaunte of Ijpe cßaßpte. 21ffo9 mieneofjftauncembat) fße fawootji áfâ.íúeeotte toSítb owe a tppfematj anS Sabpaffinfffp fepVebonbiefljecaffpbbpmtoSee anb fap8. £>bou>e mottfio BëïBefe fapte fpncteee fot to totOcße / anb to efe fie tníffi8íeioe Bíe bonbíe anb fapbe . itape . tEb*e betpn» ipe faope '«.ft!«! M of 1t6t Μι aftyv ftfbaf not Se foo* fotanbpfmpfwsíwe__ Vm ίο t\)at mam/ftIje RofVet αηδ t$e parttpcfye ÎDtfltoçto. jû a fertapt» tljetg>«roe«fapte IRefpet «pftte rottfj fwete tofpe/tt lja(> »»& fo tfcat a parttpcfj eompitste 6p ai»8 ^ ^Mte A A - *. M. m- Λ- ^Vfek. te. M te a — A.— Æ ^ .A. JË - geñof8in«te tf . baaeof tÇemaitt) fapïtt.SD tf) ou Bearo tpfufffforote efaffffotuifo çftauut mf of tfi t> Rofpe / f ot flbefptete teftefftemr feffarofjife H tljefe fwete obewtto Mo «të«»» Φ »off« ^**Wîî \ U ' I t % ^W4Î «h- V - SS -■ SPSS fotfpb fttftpï I fake to yoxotp&a frire of t$e ícfre anb of faprefîe* &nb toÇatj tty pattvycty toae ffoxoyq Sppotj tlje Ro* fpcr togfabn; tty ròfpe / ttyfty prpkkpb^tefêteanbfegfgtefo fote tljat$fa?fpe Ijebe* pa ttybtpti ttyvot to fíe anb fapbe ít) ttye topfe· 1 _______ itt eofte* í)e Rofj?er Oetokemtíje tty mo;tf?e. Slje tope S amonge tÇojníe 0e toojtfôfpe rpc$effe/tt>$tcl) out fautoiit rememOitttÇ tt) tty&uangety oßLuke/j $àpnt ©tcgotpefaí t$ it) tty e^poftc^oi; of tÇe fame* Wty ftyafbflefctie ntepf f} fíjufb ¿fe tyctyffe to ttyxnie/anb efpecpaffp fo* tljoíníe p;tpk he anb tyctyffe Bebe fectaBCe/anbrieuettpc^ffe tljep 0c Sljojnte/fb* 0c ílje prpkkpnge of tfjet* mozffmate íoue ityymounbe tty mynbe of mat)/anb voÿat) ttyyBxing it 15nto ff rtne it te ae a 8ío?pc u>ounbenetüc fmptei;* 2lnb affo Vernarb fait# .peu>r rpcÇcífe 0e íapne · ^fo* tfoep pxomyfe fojt?fï)tppe/anb catofe ttyatbom ♦ Sflep inompfe fnretpeanb 0¡tinge tg b;te?eaüÇetof it te vovyt* tyt) t*ab iltmottyum* 55í ♦ Sljep tppffffe mabe n* cÇe/faffttj to gerate temptacpoij anb fnaríe of tty fenbe anb tn to byuttfe ínfefuff beftrce SnpzofttaOfe an? noy l)a$ïe wtycQ hinge met) to beti} anb to pet?pcp og/ae ÿe tome teffïtÇ of Crate Sl}c0ao a pÇífofofre/tí}et»báÇ t^etoe a gtea te peace of fpne gof?e in to tl)c fee ? fapb# ©opefro mepe tppkkpb couetyfc. IJbmoijpowe in to tty bepe fee/fox fete tßatß Be net b;totonpb of porn* So tty votycty a fpke egampte to put of&aynt dbtegoxy of at) otljpt pbtfofofre / vofyctyßave voittytymBy tfjo toaye a create smegre of ©ofbe/anb it) fjpe mpnbe teuo* ebe tp t^ee ip- \. yvw tjfIPrSt ■ NNR· »rft, Mmcifo fôt, îU Wflf/ttjφ itgeffop of φ fût rrpictfltííflí 02 tipié p tbréffc Ijii inoÄtti' φο flttb Çcttefee to0yt ♦ §c Äpffufff e fÇ*et&o fcotne t(Jo ©of8e anO faySc tÇue ♦ Φ ye Uap* tte tf cfyeffe goo fro me / atib vuyv faxte me< Jlnb üfttfotecouetyfctewíxtoüetífpífyb* CΦία T£\}oxny t te caffpb Vtampmo anb of tfyevoytSegotc* ftpye fayti}/ Uampmie a t&fypfe ttyojij ex a tffowye tue* jlbaynt Tlu* guftyn faytf) itj t\)e&ofefypot) Pfaftcr t$at Úampnue fe a kpnbc of ttßotwmoß tÿitkt/tl}mÿicfihf tyte etõeto faytçç fofte J voÿat) §e te # Ijc waçíti) tQowy $ fuf of tip 1 V 1 -|v í a*·' # . ff« ** «tEÇc tupfSeöfoie tuen i to tíjie tte tub?ù it tbae it} etffe ßot§ fonge anb tenSit anb febbe bf m feff t^rof fοΒγ%* (fe aitb fwetetye.Hftpx a tnljpfe tljfe tupfbe ¿foie xmtm ¿tinge efttye ftuete xetece of t$feagaym toijfm xofSfngetoeteoff)imaoftje f}ab boone ßefote Carnee ♦ ©ut tíjfe tre tuae tfyaqvepfeterníce φοζηρβ soÇîcÇ tuete inmútate anb barße/ifjattuban t§íogoete tafrpb anb örnett)eoftbem/tbep tuete mftpeS anb fiais fqfte it) bet t^iote/anb ttj tlje pa fate of 0et moto tty anb gteupb.betfoze, tEbte&ftefoz angfupffbe anb greate partte ànb foz toutmentfe tÇat ffîefuffttde wtfíd tjjpβ ite anb faf beti) tbfe u>f fe· fjttotu avt íñotutUnSeinio φmatiyot)makftgagooSßegimtpnge/But t§cp Bringe itto no goode endpnge tfyey indu mote tfiatj a goole Begpnnfgc* jf οχ Jöatufe Begat) í nf ff anb enbf b wef)fl>t§ettu0tfe t$e ßegpnnpgfe fe fatubfb/ anb tjjeenbfítjúfefe bamrtfb/ae Qfídox faf tÇÆÇeenbe •0 euftioße fotugbte it)ti)t fyfe of mat) tjfox<ÕodBefyof tnt b not tul ja ttue |atie 0e ♦ otute tuÇat tue 0e.3lnb Cípríane faftÇ* #ftpz ftfe fafte ende eaetp matj fbafße fauyb οχ bampnpb ♦ 'SÇet tuae font* mea' aßßot to fbetue l)tnt Jjfe patpofe/ãnb affo to faf e to bint tÿat be tube mute ? teSpe tone oBeSpmt it) euetyttying Jlnbljetuaerecepufb tíjere /anbttytpBehupb tÿat Be great ff pzofptpb/t^e aBBotte fed bint to aij oil}* Imigtyt ~ tfiat i® t$ faSartwib îijepf tempe.' fjtm great Cp ttotoOfpbtij pte bepartrnofe from f rnotfSe §e mepte (Jiigefpe.iln8 wpaij tpep u>erebepat;tp8 from tgc knpgpt/tpet came αη otpirknpgptanbmet wttpe tpatjameaßßotanbmabefaitpfafpiompffeto fjpm y 00 (one aejjempjipt paueopojtumte ßewofSe en tpí íij to refpjto(j.2lnbfo peroent fojtp Gefoje tfjem. ílnb ae pe went orne a 6 rp of cf e pe ffobe anb / anb toao btotmipb.flnb tpe otpieknpgpt gopnge to t tí) tpeaGGot fame tpe forofe of tpeb;ton>npbknpg0te0o;i»)t5ppe to $eup<) trntf) 2lungetfpe iij fpkeneffe of a monke.mpet* of pe fat»# ÇÍ8 anb tetopcpb great fp/.Hnb tf}ea60ot ab jutpb ppm anb commaunbiS (jim tij tpe feríeme of o0e 8tenceyfftycmpgptfpeke/f}efpafbteffwpppe tarn· jtl)t8fo.ilnb lje anfmetSe anb fapbe. O^on pa|ï boone pupfto camfe me fpeke agapne mp t»pf,i{n8 fojtPmttp pe tof8e tpe aßßot fpke ae pe pab fene. (i y aßßot toijatj pe pat8 pte fapngee/pe feffbowne ptoßrate Befóte φ knpgpt p pe toke t)im curteiffp tljoto fayjte tre Çaue met* cy of me/anb gtawnte to meínfottunaefecreattJttoMj of tljy 0*αιιηφίο tÇatg may cure me / anbput atoaye tnyt) infítmptz* OEo toljom tíjte âgyrte anfít>er8e anb faybe*gf 0 gyne to treparte of me/wfjatretoarSeftaf g ^ancffeo mÇom f^e faybe^©of8e anb fyfuer l)aue0 nooij/fo* g fJaueconfnmyS affmy gooSíeítj tfjíe bífeafe jfeut tljíe g p>omyfe to íoo88e anb to tÇe / tíjat ígray ptayeteg fbafeuytbauetbeff^emem0¿aunce/ anb of fucl)egoo8te ae ©ob fija ff fenbe me bete afty* 0 fíjaí? beparte n>it6 tfJe*áDnob φ á^ytte t(Jou> l>a(íptomp feb me a greate retoatSe if tljoto toy ff e pjay fo% me to <5fobafmygbtye»t£betf°£ecome to me anb fake tot)0* tÇe fylutÇ/anbgyaemenooi) otíjer goo8e / But oonf? kepe íl)y píomeffe/anbaffo Jje faybe* 1 ir , · wl ï pfvj Ir - fjifi iw» U i fmifhAf * Ç r, <ò ^ wfltiRim fêtait odit.®! jm k ö tbie twi (pente i ¡kw rnt tot^c tobtet I i ; aricttcp # jnadfctKi nc/anbpous Iprtc flnfrf f jnö fj?M( ¿oSt0 ii) 0 to tôt I Φ1: «ftm# ctÇoipll# rftepMff«' o ittfû^n ( 3οοδί / f(i ft »# r e pf g afmpgljtp ©oS/ ti ¿attljep ptaye 15s tofym.fjoxboty pxayete maye títfy wífofomc lox$e ae faitty tf)e g to fe. CttVfo&ea ub pwyeze ííefen^tt^ "Se fvom tyc^te o ftõotyae a 6ok(ee befenSitl) t í)e6o8ye feo ftrokye * Tin ï) faítí) $&ot) go8emat) pxeuayfytfy moxe ít) pxayînge ma* ny fynneto íq fi$f)tyn$e/ae ít íe exemptyfíe8 ; t&podu ^Çît. U£|jai| ¿f^oyfee mao íqbe fette ofßfcaeiUkyngecaSyb^lmafeci) faugl)tmit$ ¡fían 2ln8m$aq £Qoy feo fawef)íea$uetfaty pxeuay(e/an8 Çefí)t*f8e l)aue 6e ouetcome/fye maberecoarfe^ínto ptapcre/anb tyfte îppe Çte tjonbee 55nto ptapbe/anb tÿeq Çte peopfe $a8be tÿe Mtyx*XLn8 Jjefeci'8 anb fapbebotone íjte ijonbee/íjíe ei lja5 tfje Mtyx.1Llie Çanbie of áQopfee mete ponberotoe/^ toe ke/anb tye mygijt not fonje Ijofbe tfyem *Sppe. toÇeo- fote ao UtemxyttyqALmeq ibr/anS one of t$ent üpent io t\}e cigljt arm ; 7lq otfyit to tí)e fe fte am of ÿ&oy fee/anb fufiaynyb tÿem/t\)ctt tfyey mete fïyS ete~ cteUintotßetymetijeycenymyeG ffebbe no fengetÕy8e.Wt)evbyítapetttí) tljat pxayet camfttÿc Stctotyeti j8ateS6o8yfyeapp te u88eít) mettanfjmmo ; 1¿§at m\)aq fôo8ltqyjfc&$&kynet mb 1)%G Îox8iomete iq tlje fege ofÃntíoeM anb Carbo- ta ptpnccof Cljeaafrpe office kpnge of perce/ mity a gteate muttitube of tEurkpe anb Statafyne Çab (ay8t tfyem tomn8ea8oute.1£,tyeí mete fo foie affftete mit\)e Jjongte g tljrufîe/tljat t Ijep i)ab notÇtnge to ete/g tfyet Çotfyofox great Çôgre etc y Ûathie of trepe/ g tÿei i)ab mabe t^eeptapere to €>o5/tfyet cam out manty gart) tfye Curkte rebp to tuöarbe töer tyiite/ g gob fen t spot) tfjettt/J Vpoi) ta«^.o?f»iáL¿Irff/ípeffberoe.ép I.ii. /tfte fnettteffe of d)e toljicÇ Soil) ttyep drib tl)epiel)Ojtfte mtc fo foxtifieS auto rcfeefftib 6p φ fpace of tl)>c bave töat tfyep ouetcame φ fatajpne anb to ont) toke many ofttyem/anb goobee*u>l)rrSpit ape t ttÇ Çotve pxeua&nt pxapmwwty it ieproferrpb nitty btuotfot) anb fœettenee· iCebje (re Çpgl)e anb apparente toas ptantpbiqamovontayne votyitQffie* n>eb affoue affotßit * tnoci)e (l)at manp 09 went %pc (ο ß it/anbof tÿatfÎQtyt tßep u>ere ¡gtreat ffCßetpOnbcommanbibit tw'tß* great cotfimenbacporj , ttP§erfo*c tßte I rriafrä1^ ¡j λ&Μ* I “jCeSte tttiïÿitpfteb !)et fe ff tnttwntSff anb f«j?b ibttfjti) ßeefeff.0 am g retfpfpokpij of/anb fotobib ofeuetp m3 fot mp (bœba6fe6eatüte ußtß te uwttjp to 6e fambpb Jèutk trotee φί if tl)efmafe pfantie anb trepe φί 6e arene anb gtowe totonbe aßotütme/roerecut bottuj ot pfackpb $ppe 0 ßuföeapere mofle goobefp anb tac «e tDittjotetcomparpfoij. '©Jetfot metfjmlttirf) tt moft fute to mame ti)em / o> feffßem botone ße tpmee / o* thepafcenb to t)íg0e/tl)at t0ep take not atoape mp mot ftypppenojappapre tt.^tnb ßue fa pingre fbecaroftbaßf ße eu t botone/anb pfuckpb ?ppe 6p ttje tote ,- «je aperpb nakpb an8 ßate anb ttußifj ferne bapee a «reate t»pn8e ßfetoe fro tfje mowntapnee g φριοκ>8 íCe8te t»ae Curuate anb ouerßtotoe/anb pfuckpb íp ßp ße SRoote,2tnb ßatj ße fpake anb fapbe »iß Stets Ijeupn^fle ■«’“ : . - ïl* f*'*'» W.orr »WHpW.VMirai^fpr»/ vv flropeoßet tt)at 6e^nber.2te it te epempfpfpeb/ tjo»e theofpuean8 tl)e create ttfß firpupb togi8etanb ße ofpue fapbe to tije riff). XLÿou art Sutaij "Bnpiofitaßfe Wtetße/6ut0amp»euafent/foi0mpmflte opte ïnto ßeljefpeofmag . (to rol)om ße ttcljeanftoetbeanb fapbe.'Cßou fijaft fee anoijof t»jjatptofpt0am/anb fo8epntpfi)eteaeßfo«>pt} »iß a great »pnbe / frome ooij »ape toai) oßtt/anö ae ße »pnbe cl)a»nspb foe fije6o»t’b/anb (jab no $atm.2lnb ßai) ße fapbe to φ ofpue.á@«e auayíyt^ »ekeneffe tot'tl) mekeneffe/ßeij fitengß miß ptpbe. 21 ßpf8e wljaij l}e te βοιη geuptlj îe epempte of f)umpfpte/fot tje ie ßoß to fpue fphs a jUííí» I i y f 9 i 1 f tßetoßteß ooi) toae fapte anb gooffefp ttj apparence/anb freffßff feupb anb fcptefpf?· ÎLl)e otßrr toae oiföeanb ^ncomfye to 0eßof8e '$u$& φχο n^tfntt? to φ ßeydowxe.jfol· oro? fo?8e 0p l)iepowev went aÿayne ^o8ometojjiijtfetberopc* he8 met)aitb fpnnete of tbatcontre/Çefapb 5nto 2Wtct Qam.tiBene^iü* HTbe damowte of Some te cjteaí: ipmufttpfpeblj fbaffbefcenbe j 0e$of8e toÇebpt tíjep Çaue faffpffeb fy bebe tl)e cfatitoroje tÇat batÇ come to me.ae tobo faptb ♦ <¡5pue not afroape credence rope*· Jtpb tafto o? euptpefle affurpb of tÇep?ofe/C£berfo;tea& ingemape not punpfb fynne/6ut oonfp tljat ie openfpe knowet)>Wf)etofi)\tiewxyttet) $o octano ♦ 'f¿X)at oro?e 2Lo?8e fapbe 15nto tlje roomagtbatroae accufp8 to a8aftet:pe ♦ Jiîoman Çatb ccn8tniprip& rtîc roomaij / anb fb* anftoerôe anb fapbe tbua # • m·, •V f|·. i ?jï tl i ; » ; I ;/ M. ï ' Ί. V. ; '-V «y-f V: W ¡n A vi if 'i H / WW- W jiomníj âfoôSe'jLôjbe^îinb dïkie2Lot8e fapbe»$o;i0 f^af coníempnc tÇe ♦ tEÇ etfote kampne batte p touyb of my fvewte.jfox om fauyoutfaytÿ.ifffratM feyt§eyxfvevotyeyefÿaffknoweit)em ♦ t£l)e peopk flotte ftyffí) erynge tffye/anÛ of K>t)at)tQeyt)ai>8etafiy8oftÿefayxetve/an8fount)e no goo8 reteece it) ttye fr ernte t\¡etof.ÍZ\)ey kefppfpk 6otl) $ teeearib tQefvewt/anb maùeap fotofe trepe frenóte mO tÿeyfotmdeit fxoctcfy ank kctp* tyouftyevetecyOmt) afftQeitogidetgaue (audeto ©οδ ank commendtd ί^ξteme ank fapke 5>pko*e faitÿ .fCondempne no mat) Jje (Je iugyb.jfyxll pxoueanù tfjeq tuge/ fox tfyovoatte 0ounke to knotoe tfje trovotÿ ox tÇoto gyue fen* fernemb (övegoxy faptÇ ♦ fyetÿatbampnitÿea tufte mat)/f(eytí} tÿemat) (yuyngemtt be t$at intentât) to famine xopchek mat)/$efíet$ \)ym fetf to quychyt) φ fceke/a mge ft)u(8 neuf% proferte any ite not mitfyowte grete eyamínacyot) ♦ jfοχ it te xoxyttyt) pro* üet0í.$^15tt\0re Çatl} no metcye/tx>í¡etofi>a(ety it) í)íe fíyte ñoke&apaulLfyet kynge Pfyíttppe/xofyat) t)e xoae ín e6 víate g veptete xoítf) voy ne/ ÿegaue a toron ge f entente againea toikotoe/ankf^ecam tofyymgfayb ank xvÿat) $e $ak kùjefîpk tt)at voyne §e tonokpk f)ie fentence/afpketafeío to(8eofa tobicÇ toae craeflTp iugitx of CEÍjofome hyng e of egypte* ank ffee voitÿoxote fete οχ kreòeappefyb Unto tf}e deny* gnyteof φ fame kynge. W\)íe^eeonfytâíngeàftit wurde teaokpk ftío fentente/an^ fayòe/t\)at t}je tienyg* nytçanbmv L$rf mff M w' ill j S?~ / V / 0 [(ifl tt' M*V lo ►vv4 H Λ f ♦ y íiàtJíAt itfte atií) meTtcneffe of ftpfft 5e $ewtáW oitbitft to otite tnettlin'; tome effftíe íttpmtnt tftat pio«5i8ofcttitfte, /# »7» W H ' 1 # ». íflítflltftl) íeiwftt wfòflíw ¿¡jífipp* tjfiJíJW atntoM píjífíf^P CiDf tfte IDofpIjftj onb tfje <2fe, IDíafoçto, pppííí. ¿gfpftíttue h a m oftftetôfticÇ ßftöo* te tuvytíefft ; tofteee fje farti} tftat IDofpftpne ftetie tj}íe ci* fíome tftat tftep fofo toe tl)e íopce of matj.áDi %to tf)« nopfe ofafptnpftatj tftep tovfffpílftfp come togfiSec. fio* tí)ín$t tt) φ fee to moie fmffte. $ot e fit ■ úftptrtpmeo tftep ouertake fftpppee fapfptt$ea»í> oaet* FuíÄ paffe tftem.uaftaij tftep pfap ti) tfte ffooSee qt Ceepe anb htnjt# make create faßottne tij tfte toatoee of tfte fee.íEftep fi rD$0[í7 jt gnpfte geeate tempeßee » 'ae a fettapite öofpt) j»ij itj tty« ill Μ'' fee it)atfottrtbe at) ¿2fe/amon£e tbe ffoSee/anb fïopptg bet paflatfe anb patfeœpb a ftp t tyt.Hvto tt>t)at) be ba8 tahp t)bet of^ntfmee bccott>&em>t Hepebet/ fbetoaa fo ffpppet/tbat euvî fbe efcapfôoit£l)etoftJ)e ïDofpbptj ιυαβ gteatfp fojtpe* 'Z£hejj*fe mplfptiffe to moche tbe 3DofpbptJ ant) to efcape from bim / fije fpajtefoteffp to bpm ant) fap8e.£) tÇoti metuepgwfr ÏDtfpbpij 0 fo*ot& bwgfefp fo* tty.fiox tbp taBomm ctttai to fwpm ti)be aftp* me/ant) tbp batte te not metp« lètit tÇoro faéoro rifîtçjüa e/fo^tl}ou fgoFt neñet take me/tjj tÇe bep* neffeo|tbctnatpi ^ ‘ ^ ee ; in to tbebtpe ottovun8e/an8 tbo« fbaft batwune at tljp «?pffÆÇie bofpbptj tnao fofpffb anb bab fofte Çíe topt— te/foi angtp* anb ¿afofítc/anb fit»am aftp* tbe efe a (fee tepace/intenbinâfetobefïtopebet» 'S'ÇejÊfeBtotjgÇt eteíijtop !í ιΠΙ ff1 ! * in ura IMÄ mpdde/andfaydeto tbe bofpbptj/come to mefo* tÇe to* mapfte 9 ' A\ ^faítffpe íbpç apetite ofme^beîDftQibp9ma8eagtcte ^ íepe to eatebetbe efe»èuí ffte fntkp¿^ng£t tbemtrö&e l;enb tbejPpfgfatm ff ab faüítxtíkmne. 2lnb wt7!)íq a ífuir wj)pfc tÿevcam a fvífhevanb fmotef/BjOtt>e φ TDoí* nbfapbe* .. '.............. C S)c tfyatb?*b affétcpot) WDJ 1 í) í eJfc&eiô to0 e bott>6tpb of bíe moita ff f oo. íBwate $befppfê tbetfo* not tbp enpmpe tbougÇ **13 be 0e not mpgl}tpe/íut trufï bpm not/ anb fletoa «e tl)at l;e becepue tb e not/fo* peneca faptb«2f tteltee* «pmpeít te mpf^ome to b*e8e/if íe tof8e t'ij tÇe nnnoif foto of pbtfofofere íbat yetfeo kpnAtiifiíffMe / o*8ep neSagtraíebateffaíjapij íbe©teHpe/ anbcja&tô at) b°P· --------" ' JIJC. fl« ram r g»»; Hi V 4 Í nz Own Lmn ñ kotta/fe ttoffogl· i mtm be fpokttó ,$attt H lift Mtm bíjab ío| $ofïe imüMeatite ♦ V®Í)etfoié oófteoffjte fap&e %nto ípm/ÍElje ©telt£e|fjaffjame£ú^ _ ttyp greatefjoße/ßeit íl>^ fíjaffturijtijerflaekpeae fo* «e ae eupr tljep fyere oft$p comyng/at) otl)ít §ie fee* uauntee fapbe 1ïnto 1jpihfft te to Ve bxad tÿat φ It yng 1)aff fpttfc cyteye mb tûmny^f ia0itauntee/anb tQevfotc fye fjjaíf morve fljew t\ft $veatefltentfyofí)íepeopfcjLt}e to £ ftp mfe^Jje fee íeto tmovoe fo? tl)e ffk'ppe6»tt$e çafïef— ίγοto fytefifoxtfyeknygtytee ♦ fetdie not ■IliÉlÉMMMÎHeMMMHMÉÉËHiiia- f? upffawnce o( people/jjjjjt* hinge t\)em fetf it) fuuetye / foXEESf of +> jklltgnÍLOüeri 10! K' a fafti<. _ ¿e Hfl. [i¿8f re/» ip ? ,€LÄPf fije íflQatmapSe anb t0e 2Ucfjot»;te. JDía%o, ϊΊ’ρΐίιϊ, ! V; f 1*1 4J IHM I ii l í » ! < VI ".ν' r i*v Bf·:-■ " I vf%¿ .■ ¿í ' %' Qtet) te a mon fite of tÇe fee/anb it) ονοχ tong it ie caftyd a $$atmafie.tfox tipioaeSe it te a fane mapbe*2lnb fro ttyene boatroatSettf* àtfifftj&Qí* monfïtefitt ofiyntymee tpat fox te fwetneffe of Çet fonge.&pipmet) foxÿete tÇent feffmaiip ty mee/anb tfyeyx ffjippte Be %$(ΐ8ίδ wib faff «) ffepe/anb tljerfote manyot) of tfyem petyf§t> ;21 fettayt) mat) ^ncfene mpnbpb anb fecßemoftp bifpo fpb fayftngfe t$e fee cooßee/efppefl φ'β â>p;tei) wofi fap*e anb cotí etpb Ijetanb fïereb l)et to ntonflte fange metyfye anb noyfe tl)e fenger t$efwettet/anboxBeynyb$etfe(fteByto btfceyue tfyie fecÇerotoe mat) anb far8 to Ijim.Tle $ confine t$y fc ueíe$teatetomeAt®$etfoxeíftí}owm(tl)auetf)íbefí te ofme/befcenBe anb come to me it) to tfie anb at tfyytjpxone voyUmyBodyeffyattBe tpae fifoxeßmtanbinffawybmti) Mjevom befne ΦΦ t *L Μ If at f eîtterfpe folate fie otbnet&efe an? toke «ο Φ teef f pm fcff/0ut befitop8 typn fctf.Hnl· ffe frnam fojtf 19 to tf e fee ae ff e mae looaíe to boo/anb fafbe· |ig ctebence mp Beetle * retonipfcfeue· tos320i im O$etfo*e incieae meq ome to 0e mare/tfattfeipe riifônottfyoMtÇeõeawteof womat) / fo*tfat §atf caufpb matif 09 to perpfff/ae it wifttyt) ¿Serte tf e ropfemat) f offome cow« feff anb fattf Í9 tfat (ame pfoce* fCouepte tf ou? no ff ne tf at tfom 0e not ffarmbtib Í9 tfe Beamte offer. 5foi tf e f off mat) 0o6 tf ie confpberincf fapb,0o0,^pi 0 f aue maffe conumaunt mitf tttpt) ep9 tfat0 ff ufite not tfinke on a map0etj*lt2ferfo;te èarnarSe faptf ♦ 1Zf e Beamte ofa toomai) te fp ke a pop fonb arome tf at mounbítf tfefomfeanbputtitfÍ915enpme* mferfote mf at) Ç>aree fab takf 9 ¿gfapne to fie mp fe/bf uere of tf e pbitofûfm came to fee fer/anb mfa9 tfep fam f er gteate eeawte/ttyepcouetpb er 0e9 anb faf be ♦ fee me ffee me, jfo* frufp it nopetf moje to tf efomfe/to 0e* fyofSea faptewotmt) tfjat) a fbmfe ♦ #e 009 ref erfitf ÿ teSptl) tf at a pf ifofofre calfpb bemocritae/pat out fie atone 0e9,ftnb ae tfefe otf er pf tfofoftre ff erne, f)ebt$ ft#f tfettfb Ijpm from fie tnw groove tEfefecounBe fo*f cmaeimpacpent to fee mretcfie φ· ffnnerefiomtet9flfreateprofperite ♦ tEfetftfbfoi fe eombenot fokeoij momeg/mitt) omte concuptfceneanb InojBp nate befp;e*Jbtb tf erfoj tfe figif t off $09 omití) to 0e kepte ctene/tt)atffe fomfe map Bepjefer up b from ft »fuff affeccp 09 anb cojrupcp 09 ♦ jS©Ji.C¡©fa ÿfotoftoue ^fpfflj οχ ibe$e caffpb íDcrc ter ^arínpe.TDíafogo^^íç* -"V V ' . ’ .'.' ·, · ' ; , f . .·, , ? ... V ) t ' xBntet $0atínw$e a Setae of tÇefee U^ljícÇefecQitfy fyemeatedotfyít) tljc xoatyx anb ít) tíje fonbe/ i>xow ptl) 0pm fetfíi) t\)exoarx>y* of tl)e fee ff ke a jfft ffÿ/ari#oíf Ç otj tf}e fyf e fon IBBMMÉjHBl / gg fpkeaõeafle.áDoíjoftljefe íppotja tpme/n>|)atj 0e Ça8 fotonbe mete of tíje luatpjt/lje ete ít èt) tlje fonie/fox cavofe tfjat fljnfSe notíe etenntÇ ôpm/an otljertp me vofyã ÇeÇab takpt) meteoíj tl)efonbe*í)eeteít íij tlje matfítô tÇat ít ftjufbenot 0e takf»)feomgfm0f ttyeSeaftieoftSetonde. t)e continued anb neuer bepa tf pb of fíemete to enf tl) at afkpbparte/6ut fpkeai) ínfacía6fe¡}fotoijkepte aff to gf m feffUi^etfoje fletpaa o8pon>6anb Ijatefufftoaff otÇír Õeafííe anb fiffkee^^e tpmeofageanb ofafföc efoçcameot) 0pro/anb §e waaèot$ ofSeanb impotent : * $9 ^ f ^ntii ~ñ ï M «HAÏ# fi Jllit* *4 ata Φ f A § H lofrôi |i»bi Nttid >> ; r m i lu i#- iü Μ·/·γ É||ll.I 1 i B\\ ç ccafr^fli HVt f (3 DCiuvOflf me ïxïTOt: ID, lije), tjrtl· .lit >/<Γ jnD 1)^! > C .. ..*. - ——— 'UÍ mr^o itjfomocÇetafomt ßyf fceno* 300 01) tfie fonbe,B2$etfo;te Jje mae 15etp nebp £ fiongrp anb confïrapnpb mítl) Afreto ponerte to afhe fits fettfitiefoiafmpffe^utfo^ofmoc|)cô6l)o neup* $tt* m of oœn to otfitr œfiatj fie í)abpíentpe,/líoofj œoC 8e bepatte toitl) fipm tfi fite neceffitç, 21n? tfierfo* fie ma 8e· »e« Fit ?á¡ > 'L II i Ú |»r? ,- f If (i,\ Ç.Í \ , 5 ! ·' i] : e " 1 ■ í ¡s«/ :ya: im ÏLçîSe gefw/ €k»«¡ P* anö it ftjaff ffegewpg íñto feror, ?Lwce fef to .-Sé* SX CáDfa^íffÇetanb of.$Siï$Ÿ*' ÎDiatojOt $U \0\)tç*%cafÎyfShtntatc6/yon$ fat anfc faftyefwam tq tlje fceffoo&ee* Xèut a jftffljer compute aitbfe^ pngte t$em caft #te nertieanb otfep nebto rl^citt ♦ ^îEÇefefiff^ee feynÿc tí)at faydobe ít te t Çat tue fîcori ____çftye fwym / anb Siehe tÇe tljef neaet fôafffcpfcep we fp fffî mow foi m Se ftvonge anfc toe may%yoîentperfoutme ou tentfSy tf)e l£ea foq ofomie qteafjgydiWßnb ftjengtb Qq t§e fcepneffe of fije voatyi taye aq otte ftfft) anb a toi le eaïïyba fiomsyq,7lnt> xoÿaq t¡e 0al> $av$e afftfye/ fytofa ytenvr»*:**}* W'*+*w¡e¡?m\ts^^vafwurmm I Witt d)ae {(ífíJftWt.í \bím¡ WW* bfWWi) π: liten1 (Il •H U »  am ? t)e tofe Sppe αηϊί tbenf to t ¿ipfbietj Fot,r tl)öU(jtl)te to 0«t fofp.Q connfeíTpotòpf pç foue pout Çeítl} to efc$ etoenettto/oj effpe pe fÿai make gteate mont ntÿe anb Ijeitpneffe toljatj pe 0e tahfy it) tf)em ant) 0e to baiwcfet anb not efcape^ llfyefe jfife I0C6 whíeÇe were pon je gopnpbtljet fïtenjgfÇtfJte tocftSet ftoam Mttie tmftini? to Uftuppc tljem anb 0teke t$€mttietmuffiedtÿmfvfftl)at tlje fîtoke of icerit íñpgfyt not p*euap&/anb fo tÇep tóete takpij/anb aftrc watUtyepwppfoanbmafcstcaU famtntaííoo anb fapbe*· ' íCounfeffofponíme9anbfofp6*jfo^fotp0 fomtíj fofpe aitb aft tjjet counfeffa$wpti) to φ fame/port#meo Jja* iteno îetap tppe teafot^anb φί (ouet1)oti}in$t$ t\}at ÿoe>$ii$i)affifo(kefawy /Some / ani) to forree tpme create p*u8ence*l©fyctfo;te it to commannbtD ¿Sccfefú '©Jenatiacpotj of fenpouto fetnot paffe il}e.;ffo;tti)ep Ijaue fetnp8 offset faStto 0efo*e tpnie/ao ttuifpe faítÇ ¿efenectutef<¡Steate t9míeo0enotít5p8 0e fttenjgftl)/ wfwfftoee/ojfpetfnee oftljeöoftpe / 0«t0p counfeflf iBJattittteanb fepence ♦ ©pueto of goobe counfeff boo mo%t tint) ot^ttvfoUljep 0e fpke Snto ^ouetno wto it) a f\)ippt>W§ttfoxtpfjtTofofeto pmtapfpbit) ßveate Sa* y itijfpo 0p φι createconnfeff/tatfytt t0ep punces tottÇ eBrt^1)aeitepoanb (íten^tÇ/ao ft to fap8e pioutitiio*. müiÎtâtUmo Qe jjtiy m mm ut mww d)ttf{« of.ffmî. Ò aeÎKttà» unfef juîî k K Ä J # Ψ ^ A t ru t §efee\iiotfetaffpb%Ucpiie/$atf)it)f}íeti$f) / cßek tafppneox a Bone fyke ♦ Tttib ff φχο fekebt%entfpe/tl)on> fi)attfynteít ♦ tEakeftaubwrappefttija fpriei; cfotfj / antl __ 6cteft wtftj? tÇe/anÇt$on> ffjaftnoí 6c takpij ef ttyprj erípmpee/afrô pf ftyon> Betakpt) t\}ep fíjaff rrot ¿¿tak^ofífrffl e^mpee/atíbpf tíjotoetfe takpç tÍKP f^affriotfofí¿ckepctl)e/anbft fe fap0efj)a£tl)íe tyatgí Btwoftyt) píouyb ♦ i¿l?ei:Í6afet;pcííícairpl)3éafpfíf^ ctieaftyttíje fanteke,$9 latpij Çttie caffpfr Rcflfttftte/foí afroocfye ae ft ίο kpngc ofaff Íetpertíte/ao iDWttetÇ gftSozeJlnD 19 enjfpff^ forne foíke caffptÇ ífc a jLokattice.XŒfewentiefevticre í}pm fetefuff/atj& ffte fco Çptn/fo* rrntlj I;ío fmeßptxge ÿe ffcptt) tigern ♦ Wít\) ÇÍ6 Steti) atfo/anB v>ítí)tyío foke 0ebeftropef 1) at tÇmge tÇat 0etítl)e tpfe,jfox ttycfpgßt Jjarmcfte no Bpjrôe cat) efeape ♦ Λπδ tljoucftye $c 6e farte frome . Çpm/ft)e to teuowtíõ anb Stent voítfy ήχο moto tÇ * filote r\f¿ ni wfttyffattStttge amÍpSoumomití) ÿim.1D}etfox meg Bete tí) e fe xvefpfotinto tí)e caupotpÇereae íljefe ferperi tío Cuthptí)/fox atnipgtjtp <0 ob natffínge tmetyefêi)íofetpcnt&a{pfyfcuofepn$et§etDefp& ffeptff/ wfjome ÎQufîefa caifpbtij ¿Bngfytfl) a toefpff/ purftofti) anb kpffpej* «Jtnb φ'β âj^nfiefa to 0at a fp* teffôefïeofôaffafotefonçfeanb fpottpb toftÇe wJ|fte fpottíe/CEÍjefe ferpentte Regufp 6e feoxppono Ijaupttg tÇet 6eprtge tljere tnpneffe te ♦ 'itnb voi)at) φρ come tú toatpï φρ Bxebe ♦ fjfttopÇoboe attS %pmpi)aticoo/fot tfyepQntopmte anb pop fog φ attb cawfe H)i to0ebc0fp nopÇa0Í6tomat)/(£l)te te^uftaffote c aSp8 ptfteofmaitpfofk/fomftÇ Ç tebpfftns fom tpm ij oftrtf Çe ftfettl) 0: eutr l)e Site 0% ftpn$*tXߧiSeito xoxititfy of ÇÎ iSftfte tíje ßcfpetp j£tßtopie ieattieff. M%cß te fap< pofyStoße tße l)ebe of /lîpfe/npgfb 55nto tße toljtcl) to a ttjffbeßeafte oí ferpent caffpb Caco6fjpt}ae/ßut fpfef ofßo8pe/ffon>etßaffbt®ntemßite / ßeruMfe açfreuoue bebe/arfud) contínuaffp te Cobpn$ebon>m»ar?e to tfje ertbe.€>i effpe l)e fßufbe ße befftuccpoß of aff maß hpw fo.jfoi a ff meß tßat fßufbe ßeßofbe tße epß of ßtm fßul Sebpe.SDfequafffirenitßte tßie ferpent of tße ßafpftf Ïïc ot fCoka tuce/anbße te ßteb tß « pioupnte caffpb co= eonea/anb ßte ßobpe contepm'tß tß fcttfftß* tt.fpngere fonqe/anb 1)« ßoptß »itß a toppte fpotteoß ßte ßebe/* ßc !jatß a ctoroß oß l)tö ßebe oí a coniße. ïtëitp ßte bPr fvim beputtetßaffferpentte toffpqßte/anbßewitap* pptß not ßie ßoßpe tß ma tip fofßpncfie / ßut ße te erecte anbßpotß «ß çtopnot e/í)ebípetb $ppe frute trepe/? ßie» Hitß anfce^tttítí) fywBíG/not oonfyít) towcÇínô(e/&utai; fountße ßteßiafie anbßpffpngeßecorruptitßanbbe=* fftopetß afftßmqe fpínçfe rownbeaßomte ßtmJße ie af fo of foqreate îenpmofpte anb pernpcpoß tßat ßebe* fieopetß anb ffeptß tßem tßat towcße ßtrtt/wttß pofe o« fßaf te ße it neuer fo fonqe tüitßotöt tarípníe/á©nf?efa beflropetß tßie ferpent anb ouercomttß ßtm.tfot to Jot tt pfeafitb to otSepne aff tßtnff e tm'tß remeSpe anb euetp creature to ßaueßte peere.'itnb affo tße betß of tifie fee pent catofpb ßp tßetDefpff teaffo tßebetß of tße toefpff anb tßat cawfttß tt)e çfteafe fïentbe of tße ferpent. 2btb tßie te “Seep trowtß ßut pf tßt® fptpffmufïefe tßie t»e Ä* (j. jm f* w *· / /J /· íA>iAAiâ V.. V A*4I ** M iMj i fro popfott&c fauowrce ae faítÇ 'itwfïotfeanfc affo aup cenne^itfi rtjetfoje tfyte ff tpffwefpff ÿop tÇ anb ctitf of^mef0etewe/töougt?fl}attt6e0et^o2tnb fo0p p i, Ca.CZ * I* Ü G nétâr /ftie ßamiTm >m ^41 * 11 f «Η Rtt r · ♦* RR 'tw y « wlj* ¿¡\* l VI iHWjfti (xntofél :onmt à tftfCMQM 7 / « ¡te, mi íl^afttel)etí«plttpe ^ ottercomitl) f)í. ijr tfjott᧠tt)íe fe«« »ent ßafpßfcue ße Senpmoue tüitßorottemebpe mftyt §e «6 fenpn# netiettfjefeffe toljaij fjeí o ßrent it) to afffjtö J)c fcfptl) tlje mafpee o fijie Senpme / anb tlje affljíe of Çim 0e tf}ouçtl)tpíofíta6fetij tÇe operaepSe ofafkpmpe nnbefpecpaffpíi) ttanfmutacpone ofmetaffpe. Itljíe fatpent ßafififeue went into tße fee fpbe ή) tíje tjaßpte of a moníte fpkeae fje í)ab ßenea tefpçtpoue mat) / anb taffpö 'Sitio Ijim tt)ie fotfapbe fee rooffoj fuce anb fapß. ¡©ßtobprfotafmoetjeae tljotoeatte ftgfnpb roitß tije gtieofthe ctoffefl amaffatpb tljat tljoto att a perff^fíjt jCtpfîeij ittatj.'SÇecfot com to me fot fl befpte to ße fee Μ ^ w W W - ^ I # towM e çgfrflluÉ 5o»teöu mfipijtW ßcbfl V J ¥“ γ* V ¥ ψ£ ¥ V i/ V V V I If Iff ψ ff JJ V f P IV I F I V | V V / If f f ff V Vf If ¥ i I ff ζ epo t) of metfaflincje iope/Efyfe fuctae 8>ctjof8ínVvj vvV Df y7 w ν' sp»v»r vwv S ettetoe anb K etpçjpoue conuetfacporj ; ttljp nwßp« ße topekeb anb boniß fe/fot φοη> bf (l not to ße cep fïeneb of me/ßut eatßir tl)ot» tßinkpfi to btfeepue me ? -···, -1. to poyfotj me/anb tÇeefo*e fl topf not ijere p / ¡anb t6pe 1 DILv· W%mme8wtfpe couerpb {Jpm feff ή) tlje toatpi j ftoä - ‘ fufpoganb fbfbe,^$; lompe anb ptpbe, %nf eupefuStoEaffSetteme fapbe a fpbe. ïfuc^eowefaupoto* commaunbttt)Seto ße Ir ff mopΝ' mare fapncfe.äflat.Sn.ße pe wate of tijem y com (iiSófí'E to poto il) tfleircfottjmefe fphe ftyepe/ jfo* intoacSfp %« niefeuPF ße toofuie tapatonte/ofp toßieß flfißo« fpehitß ; faitfl •dtiitic^1*J, ppocepteeßeSecpßabintoaeßfpeanbiötjj/näee fettete ffll'gorrg 2lnb openfp ii) lljtnieö apparent tijep fßeroe tÇent fe ff .· at«·3111 ,| foße îetapâooSeÆo fuc§ it te wnuenpentfp fapbcßp fi, ííi,V — f¡ *. * ' ¿ . ' ,. .· ■, . fíjett>o*$e of &oò.â$aU$yiiu Wo Be to müeye fa ffe p powtte/fo* y% Be mctot fp ke Unto xo§íte Betyeffp a o% graujm/votyhfy apeufap%eovotx\>atBe / anb mitait) tÇci Be fuff of Rotp 9 0onp e/of bebe rrtetj*2ln8p on>e îtt Pr kc«8 tof fe apeere owtewarSeíínto met) gooBt anff ty grietóte l&üt mttyíqytBetepfote toi neo$tÍ6teBBet$attof}at)fayntf!)íffatye tohifputeagayne (Jeretikee/ètje IDeayfffofomb öftn Ç wi/atib wae 3ety fewyceÿaBte to I many fljmgee ♦ HnOaoitljàbBenefoxcompaffyoq fayntefyyffaûtomedïeBut fytyffxoatyx voítfy Çtewf* ne fox caufe ofQie faBome/anl· $e xoao gteaBÏepltibaf tfx tfjatfye befptt8 $y m to blinke pave xoyne/wittyoxote my befop of loatfitJlnb fo Çe bib * Ätib φΐ) Çe moupb Çim to ete fPeffíj/onb fo $e c$aiw#eb Ijfe penaunceanb tohelpm toffeff$,2tiib aftitvoatBexoÿat) ti)cy wmet* giBev to a tovot) Çe tof8c faynt Ijpfatpe φχ voae a Re* íygíoue xoomat) befp tinge to fpeke toítÇ Çím^nb tt>§5 tfjep Ça8 tafkpb togidex tj)e Ijofp mat) xoaoinfecte tmtfj concupífcene anb fato^ljfe t$e mranro Ijotoe foj tofo* Pott>eí}t6 tfcfftyfy apetite tâutít voao fyexoy 8?nto Ijítti By φ RenePacp otj of 0o8anb of fapnt^attpne/tfjat it n>ae tfyexooxbynie of φ Dearíf*#nb fapiit ä©at* tpne came {ieyputfyd §ym and fÇettHb Çím ao (Je xoao. 2lnb tfjueafmygfyiy (£>odX>efyuetyd£)iffavy from tem* ptacyot) By tjje gr eate mexitee offaynteOQaxtyne ßX>f t\)ef5>tm$yof) mntto jptafogo, |$«Wtriai e ■ qtwGfi rnmim ί,ΐΐ blÇ ραΜΟΠΚ I ‘ï;' 3>tmftttnçttÿA\$$evfoi 6e was fyft?p votti) it) $fm feff/αηδ fay8e* ! „______________fl^Çat fe it 1íayfe$a0fe oí woifJjy p* fuffio me ίο Beaffocíate to fiflfljee of fome fcegte. jffox tîfougf} t^ey refetretomefawffeanSfjonowie/tfJey 0e of no repuíacyoij.êettyi it ίο to ntt to goo to t$e gerate fee/toíJícÇ ίο fo farge g fpacyowe mídete ae 0e fiffijes tmtljoiít n50íe ; great 0efuye of y fee/ I >. ί, > i fH*- pâ. t * ~ . -y# Λ Μ. } «feaßeafteo* ffc®N®á wtfiwflfï eme ï ônbbtebefuffcameanbfokybîporj tgte fíurgpoij anb fay b e ^ ft to gym.mgy avtnot tÿovo fyamefafte to go a* monge tgem y ge fo gerate agoue ÿ/mitgoute y pernee of tgem»¿Cettaynfy tgou fgaft not 0e înpu nyfgeb / φ mit!) ÿ fame wootbe J)e ment to gím anb befïroy b gyn* anb faybe* y man cgnfiil r. . _ tgat tîaynfyemofkaftenge ©refote mljaf) any per fone fe gerate anb fuff ici tE entf^onototfefe anp pfi*ce*â>to8y genot to a* peer gretter« jßot to geconuerfaant emonge fot*· Sfeanbpatfe / ygeofepceffentpomer / not affocyate Ijímfeffînfo tgem.jfot peneca fait g. 71 fmafiftginge map not fonge ffonbemitg agrcate.ftnbaffo ge faytl)y % f gíppe te gerate it) appatente/0rpnge it) tge ffooge* ëut it) y gerate fee J) e ferny tg gut fytyîf. ^J)e gpgpn|e f to fomefjjippefegeeate/tofomefe gut fmaf/Cfjnfe a fagfe y ml)ag f feogge fame a great fat ope fptnge tsj ÿ paffrJte/fgebefitib to ge ae geeateae ge . Tinb mgaij 4g ie feogge gab inffate anb gfomytj ger féff/ ae geeate ftygg ae f ffrpnne mofb gôfb.^l)e afkrb ofherchrfÖten ^o^e.gtgepfapMooÆge P 4fvv tee tgag fge bib fit ft ty me, $it tenbíng to ge ae grete ae y ope/ g fo J)er fkyi; maoouye fïtaynyb g gtafî g fge byeb/ tbeefote it te not goog any ----X------ —a ^-λ?...Ä-compile ^ ... ; T . ...rvir., otrfait^ 7tffpty8e fpetgfomocg y fomet ♦ ©ome moelje gebefy* set!) togegtgg.jfotm^p.TIungefffotptpbe tpae mabe a ÏDrupff/kpnge famfé affo fot tí)c fame mae mabe a lemony ak anb Jßa0u?onofot mae mabe fyke a 0eafie ^nbaf fotlge fynns of ptyte c U U litfrfcVWA • ilfc, m\ & Ik it νΑΙΙΑΙνΛΗ^ ", T* • * V WKmojc 19 mrj tn mimi 'ú\ Ol» : i"Wl VU VA ÏEJH ■ tînpmri f 40 V! w >4 m i www Γ » Jî iwtii) 0 rf. * Λ MH lcp mi nth* ¿o. n* ’Ml. ."· ^ ' * · i/l/ICÏtC* 0 W' r s ^ / * * Z- s C€>f a TLamputiJ anb a tibaty** 0eafïe caffpb ¿íoco8íf«e» IDiafogo f w r * *"* iDtmttfaae fapt0 êttfo te a toaqçfc.ÿt) &n$tvfßcctSvba ïlam* putt; * iDpporç atpmetfjtejamputij föU)ftbctl)e#f8^ofa n>atcc8eafle tíjatíe caffrb Ctokobpfiie/ttiHjicI) ta fpke înto a facette*2lttb wJ}3 fije Ijab j)afiiri]^ÇeJ)0i8e tÇem fljekpffeb tljem anb went fo¿tl) u>are citiertöt5*^l)i6ßeaf?eCtöcobtfüeu)^at)l}e tuae come açjaprte fai®e (Jte Φ*β>#9 bebe/lje maeßtttetfp gteutb/anfr ri o i l^^wabe fototoe moje tÇaij cat) ße tofße of/etnb bifpofpb 1)2 «scnl , iywv ^iv vi/nv^vy^^i^v 15 wvin vwr^f *7 ywv^»vnj fL· ou« 4 Ijatnepe anb fape i»j atoante fo* to fíe tlj« Aampurij V (Λΐ(» 2lnb$ppoij a tpmc Ije foronbeactueíffetpentanb a ppmotee anb ft feupb φφ fjab ft a ¿amputo από tbent eçfapne l)pm anb fapbe. 'ïTÇotbe ettrfpb ttoefeijf# jlîotcr jija ft not tfjotoe efcape. foi tljotoe ffero pfîe m- ¿fJífbzerçcrBeffpnjítfJotote cavo ft. tttjetfozenoœe^ fjjaff (fee tfyeanb befitope tfJe/C£o tetjem tfjíe 5>etpent anfwetßearibfarbe.&etfjototoateanb toefe abupfeb Épttif counfeff/fM0amno ÍLamputt) 6ut a popfonbe ferpent/anb pf tl)otD pjefume to cometo megffjaffoo* ne infecte t (Je/n>ít(J mpí enpme.ttljet) fapbe ttje Cro hoßpff.'SfJot» confie not bífcepue t)pbe tfje fro itie.foí φη> arte no ferpent/ßut t J}ou art a lamputg anb tfjow art maße ae fljeio it) eaerp p ointe. 3tnb tljet fote fl fijaffffee tlje.Tlnb toÇpft tl)te ctocobpffiij fleeate fiaf?e/anb tottjjegfreafe roobeneffe tatj to ffe l)pm . 'ÎDJe ferpent fozttfieb t)tm feff anb ßote Ijtm an§ popfoti 8e Ijf’tn anS farbe, " l©ttt) i)im lit, 1BnhnotPpHtochpb_e P% to fïgtj* s filtmat) otüitl) tl)at intenbitfj to boo rigjjt, jlîStfJerfoîenomaijpîefuinetofigfJt »mtfje fjpm — — tfiot 8e hnoroid) not/tt)oug(J ßeßr ßut of fmaff potoer.jfoi îettexoe refîttf) not afttwpe ti) tfje great fia tureof tfJeperfoi)/ßutratfJtt»i)tl)e l)arte/anb s'fj γ t»pf 8omeoftl)e filter . #oi€5ofpebefppfpb!Da!ipban& pitte K>ae (Je ffapne of fjim.pzimo Regum beamofepti. ¿t tfjotee œareaffo to faff ή) ßatefffoi $re ipengeann ceoi ¿oooptífe . jfoi IJetíJatío írefuff trot»ptl)etfJat be map boo mote tijei) affot(}»c/anb tfyerfoie (Jíe pernee io tfje feffe/αβ peneca fa ptfJ.tSuetmoje tfje unatljfuff maij tfjtnkptl) (Je map boo moje tí)tt) l;e mape. 71 nb J)e affo faptfj "21)0 írefuff mai) ie oftpt) fojgetfuff of fame. B2(Jerfojetfjepfjifofofre faptl). s£l)efatoeßdjof 8ít5 ttjeírefuff mai) íi) fjíe tozad) .5ãut (Je íi) (Jíe u>»ad) fcvtf} not tfje fame. tlljerfoze tozatfje ie to ße bepa r t t'b feotn rfje fouSt/foi it ie fapb pzouetßiocutn .pi’?». 0te hntñ ΛΧ l( ce?mm milité t6toî)oon#t i ftcft MÍ bçfittWW jie *f Rome/tfcat toJjatj £>t to t0e fttfl 0ad o*8epne8agte ic feafte to βίο ptintée ani (otite it) t0ej}pgt)e fotemp* «yteofeftyr. )ibefoteoit\)tp were fette/tße fonne of a gteatepático ßepnge Sut a Sa8eund of tend}« age / of îetap c0pf8e0ode tohea mefjê fto fíje'XLaGfe. U0jjcr^ foje iijc ferner nj greateangre finóte tfoecjjpfSenHtlJe ftie fpfïe and outttfjtetDe Ijpm. "¿Etje mafïpt of tl)e cljpf 8et0atfepngeanb0epngegeeatefpmonpbt»ít4 íte ♦ ¿mote tfje fewer and kpffrdl}tm.U£>l)ettDít6 tßetStn perowrewaesreateíyeiiffpíeafyi/ αηδή; kteangre wofSeljaue bampnpb fypm wítfyowte any audience Jéutfj)e£aug0tt0e¿Sinperott>etanb tf)*e»e 4pm to § rotonde and Oegag to tßoke Çpnt.2lnd tí} e ¿gmperotoe Xül)ai) 0e œae befpaereb mitße great e dtfftcu fte fto βίο tyonbíe.£oniaun8í80pmto0ekcpte / an8fap8e tfjat Çe l}pm fe (f mao ciifpaßfeattö faœtpe / t0at0egaue not detoe foonotwe înto tjje 0pg0e fefïe / Bi'ßecfoc» $e commamSiS ffym fretp to Se let goo and to $aue (yStrtye. CÆ>f a luce and a tEenctje jDiafogo.$>fmi. ftrti N* ßte Ljjortmir ; ·; 1(5 Gapte/a 2L«ce anb a 'Scncfyeßc Í?of8f nÿe t$c pfefäuntc 0ap te/befp ttgrteatfye.&uttÇelvcc wae wyttp útil· fapb to tí)e itmfy&W* m€te feMptí) $etp $008 anb teñcate/But neuevttjefoffe 0 tvovoe tt^at ít 6 c puttc f etc to bífcepue jfíffQee&tfevfox (et îe foxfake ít/ttjat m Be not fofïe 0p tlje fon>fcapetpteof i]ja t\)at) fpake a»b fap be.$f í* Sut fofpe ta fojfake foa etoo8c a moxfeSanl· fo befp cp a ff tfe55ap ncbícS 3fo* ratßtt g mf feff ffjafattafïe of it fit ft/? bpnc nntj| itnrétÇ gft eat pfefate anb ftaetteneffe Jln8 tlatf c ttjoif gm86eÇof8empcl}aimce ♦ 2fnbwÇpfctÇatff}cftoafo* sropbtt? tljemete/fljefefte tljc^okfa tfyat taete Ijpbbe* 21tib f0ctoofbe fapneÇaoctctoutnfbßaktaatbc* &«£ tfefiffljctpfwckfbfecciptP^Wtanb tljc^uce ffe88$ Y ' Efujufr InI k I t S J6fl îfiool a i mt a)rotljtt»lfnnpti tmuior voitmu im>n wi ^ Cupi tl)at fro pareff toe motee efcape free φ»ε otoe to 0e toare By toxtectyot) an8 l;nrte of otl)ttmetj/ae fapfl; Catog.tEÿe ljutte of t$i nep· Sotóte mote ctjafíífe tl?e. anS^eneca fattij. yV 11 l^lf ? 4f •iff.P.yf F V W'fr K I v^fvMlV# yp tope te fo* eutr^ootj/rmtl) fljaögneupzmafte* £)erp tCtpfieij maij f0uf8e foo anfrcet to t0e 2De* upffwfjai) QetemptitQ 0pm/fo*0eiet0eof8e fee* pmt nuttc futftpfettyarjanp tiding« fpupnge t\}at SnStt geupij ae it te myttyt) ©enefie tertio tfjerfoje tljue fl^ufôe etierp creature fap e Snto 0pnt ©otljoto fromV/fo* tf¡owa♦ /_ t})otD arte nooi; of t0em t0at f0a? 0e faup 8#2í nS í f tl)oa ■tiaanWW hootfyueQttannotteatiy1)€*ffotitíe $aco0p* imMRefp ffepe tj>e 2Deupffan¿ 0ef0aflrffeftopott>e/anll ... t§eiïpoftiSfaytÿ&tytflvon$tit)SattKarit>fi offcüfttKf tMt0i0eof8eferpent/iE0erfojtemeniuftftg0tagapne ÿym anb weffiafft)aue$kto$ye.jfoit)e teda tfe6fea* gaym t0em t0at xoyt witg ffcmbe ijpro/ae flfiSoíe fattÇ C0e JDeupff teb*ebefufftfj t0e ftg0t of tj)em t0at0e to, ΛΠΟΡ im fiiiioipi^ roojtfóefp anb f feffljfp bpffpofp8,&ut it? tj}e ftött?t of t03 l gtfcat 0eefecte anb goSfpe t0e bze8e of 0pm ie Spfe / anil , Jrf not fet Syenae 6yat) epamp Jtyeuipb m Strie pat. 1 η ' tE0at fomtpme t0er tuae a faoffir of Kefpgioijt0at re# f Jt^oumy^ntot^ n>o*f8t0er Jje fpottpS ^alW1 feffe rotfl^e fec0etpe anS ttut|}e ot0ír Spece / anil ΓΙ[,Λ| íeeame feruaunte to affmanee of fynn ce anb foo con^ VRCI¿Lf tpnetopb fange ♦ 0ut 0p ©race 0| ' ¿i wae Serpe penptent / anb foojre / ano rpupu nwp - f Lk gt)tfpe / it) a ^epufcljie / o* i£0arneff l)orne / Äntl c?Jt, Li Φ* Í}Ç Ctjafifrt Sim ftffn tywre manera œiti} great WWV V f ... ; * \ S 6 faynçle*tuce* i*it $Qai)fietjatse twinge tí)atiecommaunBySyówe/faye ye ♦ We\)mt boons ae m owg()t to bo anb yUte Be we ‘SnpxtfitaBfe femamtießt íe it) jfaBtce tÿat ByiBee fotonbe a nefte j&mate of Roofeo anb jftowx of affßyrbee faybe tQat ttye nefit fbufbeBeqeuyt) to t§t ntooßnoßfeBytBe.7lnb^ecawfyBaStbeBy%Bee ofjje* uytjto BeeaftybtogiSet/anb af&pb ofaktfyem wtycfo me tt)emoofie fayttßyxSe.llnbtbe £ucboweanfwev Seanb faybe.i£f)e Cufkome* 2lnb t$e£g&bemaun** biß wijicf) was tfje fiten ge ß / anb ¿Cock fapbe Q/& ribtfye x3g& wae grtuyb anb fapbe* ÎEJjoœ înfyappp Cutk ovottfyow euy pray fifi fe ff anb ne uetttyeieffe tfyow arte not fayxe fwyfteft.Jilox fît? fftfijüox ttyy fonge ie not %ety fwete.i&ut tfyowe euyt tvyefi oone tvyeSnb tyetfoie ÿ gyue tßie fentente of bü pnacyot) agaynft tÿe/tl}at tÿou baue tÿi& nefte no* noo\)Ot\}et *ßt) fyhewyfe many fofkc pjapfeaitb contmenSe tbemfetfeanb fynge aiïwaye ooq fongeíyht t\)t jfCutkowt* CáDftÇc^fro^eanbt$elCm00t* TDiafogo* çtiïiu / §e jfrogge^ppotjatymewÿat)fi)e fawe i£ta66e fwymmyngcßytlje fpa% anb fayde* te Çe t$ie fo fotofe $ Íncont tyjie fo 0o£8 to txouBîe my watyuf¡oxfomoc\} ___ aoÿammigbty ifßxdgeBotbitjuoatyxjf fonS 0 fi)at go $ b*pue fyitrt away>%nb aftit tfyie faying f§e tnabe a tepe ae tyougfy fÿe woïB baue oppteffyb y c taff* Be ; fapbe*£) tfyow wetctye wfyp arte not tÇo fíjame faßetoentyxiqtomywflyngepiace t KXrtenot tfjoxpe PtÛt 'R itVC piPfpZ j ’2^ yvVíT i» V M V éo Py>c*& dU£ vit·*/à Μ Φ l I I » ■ 1' A ft ' ■Y 4r i w j * Μ I |j lá >'S < V ||? I f ■IB fct 11 ’ i. * i Γ l I iif t VI k Uti' 11»’ (ï I im I s ■ * -·./- \ ¡K 1 im i /. X. '■ V ; *w *J¡|r fo f or ftutffjr foo8fackeankfooo8potoe* 0aktDat8& not foo^o* 0 kefpite . HÇet* tDttÇeîpofettee/’ Çpm ¿opnge 0aktt>at8c 0e£eut8 it^kctfoief^c0cöt® Çím moite an? mo*e/0otk with mooses αη8 ke e/fapnaetmtl)8;ta»>e not tí)v feîftÿommooft fotofe jfo* tljtefame kape 9 fkaff tj)atfaiim XDpßpnge to ffe tí)e¿Cra00e* tkegeeatew0at8pean8 tljatÇs not efcape. i)e to«rnp8 kim feff an8 ktfpofpS 0m* cfepe ank0#> ank fapke .,··' *·/.; ’· ^ ¿H , jTonfaff b to befpß: tfje roatpe tfjat te n>t)ar) t|o»ü arte fo fowfe * *©}eCeaeßeaeljeie$fj>btobot»ent euyt fanrúfetotlje jftog$e.%>vftn f«F ”ot f00ài tofjaoe tljp foue/ anb to Beat peace t»itlje fije (foje 5 pjape tïjc entyi notîppoijme ?inb tïje jfeoÿSe fepitgfe tljat fje Ijab booite foojot fereofljet togteue tljott) niopfï not eftape f*8e jffpffljee trntl) tffe.2tnb etipij fortÇttûtlj tcooiSe fíjetnabe a tepe ’¿'Ijc Craßße fèpnffe lonrôe to ÕateSanS caugÇt tÿe ^ftoçtçte œitÇ Çie ~ >tpe »»fl II» |Wi rf flftirn ßfcr| ifipfre. î % coir |t& ii i V m m » Hææ'S ; I g »! k lût ifffiî. otpft if, é fp tljôt fo Satélite eontpeSEp S fo jet$trn " r" ö*~ ./ ÎDetp creature ountt) ae fetfotftyae eup* fjecatj g ojt man to tî)e fttermofi of l)te power to ffc fto £ateffanb ftrpfe^utpf tje cannot efcljew it0p $o mrane/oi Çe ffjufS fuffte $tm feffto bpe ojtto 0e ffap FV7*i*Xi ,„f .eÆwupStÇecompofptoiof pfafmt^befneo tone ctepteanb beíp uerp δ fronte fudje petfonpe anb fap be. Pfafmoiîm^DÿooS 2Loi?e/befpuet tíjow me from tl)2 tjMtrpfeagapneme/jlnb affo ijepjapbe aff fucÇe to 0e beftropeb fapm^pfaÛno.fçtt. ÎDefïropetijowefucfîe peopfeae foae Sateiï ant) fPïJ)tpn#eaWeoxoe not oonfp to fi$\}t foi om ot mecaufejèut affo fo tlje btffence of on^eftenbee/anb efpectaffp of faSet an? tno8et/anb fot í0c commune profite to 0e faupb ae ÍDafetp ffytxoiû) Mutuat wfyat) kpn¿e ÏDarpue !ja8cntttS f coofHooftÇeconteãpoffcptíjpne.tLÇepeopfeõftljefa tnecontrapefenttofjpm / anbfapbetljattíJeptnpjtjte fuffrt* tlje befïtuccpot) of 0oti) t$er Upnee anfrcoiupe ♦ 3èutan8t'ftí)ep towcÇtb tÇefepuftffctte offset frenbee/ tíjei) fi)uf8e tijep fefe tfje power of tíje fcptÇtne/anb tîjr fîrcn^tô oftfjermjfoi tJ)ef fo^ btffence t^eeofanb foi φ commune tóete weretebp tobpe.^o weow to foue ont frenbte anb contrap fomoclje/tfjat foi tíjeconferuacpotj ©ftfyem fi) tpme of nebe toe fïjaff fu0at8 orDie fpute ♦&&· ferp affo teffptJ) ji0ro*15 »captif tEISa twba tj |Co8rae kpmje of 2lt!)cnpe/wae mout8 0p Çfe enpmpe to 0ate® ")el)a0ai) 2lnftocref$poffpne* tÉt)atl)ie oftefïjuRte „laueUtctoipe pf §e woflSe fuffre l)tm feff to 0c ffapne of $fe enpmpee. tÉÇe w$tci)eanfwet w$at) j)te enpmpe 6 va ^ K fc.//s . /T . /*íi' a * * * ^ ^ _λ knewe/tî)ep comaunbto tÇat ï atft '■vUifofete enymyee cmb mette nnífe a hiyg1)t anb fmote {few* SDitfe fete mpyne/anS fee fefffepm anb fef 2Htb wfeat) tfyeßebyt oftfee kynge voae feyt) bebe / anb knowet) tf)eenymyeef(ef>anb (eftaff φρχ tfooSee 0e* fepnbe tÿmMememeiinge tfeat tttPae Befoxe favbe j> tijtef ffeaffe 6ebefttoy$e. I* G$)fa jfiffßetanda(ytyffjfiff^ ¿Díafogo* ^IÇítí tfffeet: ae fee ^ftfffeeS feecatbifefd pteíFftfffe anb tufeat) feewoffc feane MfeS feint fee fpake and faybe ♦ £> gentpff^tfffeee feane metcpe Uppot; me,fot yf tfeoa kpf me tfeow ffeaft fea ne 6ut(yte(auaunta$e of me * ¿nt fff rot ft faffte me to gfo fte anb me from ffete banntet p eaptiuiteÿ pxomife to ob anb totffee/ifeat Q pjaffcawfe tfee to feane create wymynse*Jk. φξϊ, » i '4 ‘•..íte. * λ> i p V/ÍÍ ■' v · ■ ·■ . ·; , ·. ·■ ■ MÉ: - V. ' ·' < ■ '-··’ >>*· ,··<γ?Λ> II -f! i PIV , ! 1 i y ï ie.- . j ?, ■ ■ i . . ' " ' · I · : •,*w > ïïM . ' ■ á'-:-i ■' ^ ·" M, , S V: ■ _ V : y;··'· , ,. ·;·^·| v. ^ _ • ‘‘-A V, "· ·> 7 ... 5 ·;.7 ■#§ jV *·; . , pmMrfx ":P<' ; ■ &* ¿· ■ ■ * Wt; · ;· ■yp: .· . - . i!»r ! & ■ ft 8 if i mÊâêÈ iv ' - ,M . #5; ! v,.'·'r: * v » w ■■ v?·· ■('·■..'·#.:».'Vi'.1 .>·*·Μ ¡íj il II ■ï ■, '!»■ : i  ; Sr- ■η Λ Y ' Λ„ -vi 'ÿ ' : ; ■ , V U : i· . ;··■ . ■ » '9' * <■» -V ·. ; V ■ ■ MÄ • . V /. '■-%·. . ι· \ I — ; , - V / V K Mtmi 3SSC3S ^■«*ί i \1\ i p ν' Jl ÍÜDftíje ¿3# fe anb affermit ßfjSee/anbtlje ff 09 an d a ffotljf V ßeafita* TDiato$o. |Ppot> a tpme tÇe iggfe töa$ atmpa* ηγeb anb /itewjrljrijtö withe ofßpiSee anb to he tljet fiotibínghanS pi$yttheefptbee ILpoq/anb atmanctüfßeaftte.ttnb foo baffpencvcfibthenomßieofßotf) pat tpee/anb went fíe effpetotiate fjjtr.Jlnb id I) p fe t^efeßatefffe tjjiie J}a8 contwupb* ^fo^e caflTfb tlje froafiuDeUnto Çím anb fapbe· /totoete fj)e tpmepxefent y ttyat toc mape rrbeme otDre feff omte ofcaptíuíteanb baunget.jfov voemaptfee Í 5 geaumetf öwiepüncet tñat haue bomínaepot) anb ra* ^ mape 1T Ίϊ ' Hfl Sii J w;î| Μϋίικβ il .·■■ 'il 2' iiî A ' ‘»J, v-i -i >νι·ι ;U'f: i? ^ H^· ! ; ii ' \ iT: ¡ |3 -ijlii,11!' fi - ' -,i{“. I , in illi it’i V. * ·'··'£·. ΜΚΛ ». i l;|, ·' f '\jj I? J| ■ RIB·} r 1 : ffe ww „Y -yJT .y ottoe cenfentfb/anb ffetUc fïeapgtÇ te tfje eçit &« P»"« an'9 Ivtilor ßotb of 0p¡tbe6.anb ßcafito *anb tvfjai} tffcp u?eve. fiepupnffe in tl)er ßateff/tt)e£cgfe fpake anb fapbe. Æ> ßo6 feffe %( onpne pf t0ou> take be8e/u?f Be btfcepuvbße faffe confeffbrore. ^fot tljep Çope to ßebefpnerpb of ob* bominacvoijanbfo?bft)ippe/anb fo*tljat fatpfe ttjep mene αηδ fíetele to 6ateff.&ut ceetepnfp ßrtte fetfpî* that etße of íè ßaue bominaepotj anb tufe oup* bteotmj, kUbe/tßen tfjatu?effjuf8e fDamefuffp ffe cuetpel]lOtÇ» Be tbet ftatpßee αηδ fotpftete. tSlfe ßefeupb the: fapngee of tbe jggfe/fõ» 0e1îh8e*fïoobe íetpfp tljaíit luae treu?/anb fo tuete tj)èp acoj8p8 togiBet ae ften8i·. fo; eup? anb fapbe.. Vli uy οί- ΐί ©} at it ■0Í()beSetbep8é* _., . . j* t|otf Hinceetbetfoîeotue to ßeu?ateoffutbe / γφψ _ ße not fp’íTt>tfp*e ιηοιιρδ in tl}tm feff foîtcoiSpe notíãfpe tpougb Φϋ nr a faffe l>ecer«eto2ln& Seneca fat * m "i■ Γ f ft ftflowte ! M It le ttwífeij (T eomittaHJttSpò Pifltietôí, çttîiï.^from a 6aS$e courtfeffbiJte Itepe toefftljt fotofe. à pitnceowttff to fjaue înberfïonîrintfe efpareffpe to* HJnöeaßotüfe 0tm. Λιτό efpecpaßV of feöuccpojj anö bíf cepufftofc offfiiteeete . 6e martp ffaterere fpke Snto SÇîatmapôcè u»l)tc$ Difcepue many 6y tljer fwe* teíopcto.áDftpljom it iidjouitl) efpecyaffyeto 6e voa* te/anb to Utibetfïonbe tí; er Öeceptefufneffe. Uttyetfoje « plp'fofoftecaflVb Senfippoe hynfmar) of pfato fapbe Snfoonetljat ffatetSe ljíru. HÇotoe ffateret 6e t^owe fyS.foa tfjott» piofitifïe not. fo% g knoioe ttjyi} aSuta ψοψίη φ6( fî wífeJlnb tgetfate ti¡om carifi e not U* «feme. J V. t CíBf tf)etBel)afíetfij of taetre of (ïcointtîûunbtbtÇcnot to ite ♦ jCittfpb Of tí)cctt!)e it) tñv œozhe/anb it (öermptj anb 6ete into y φ** upe anb ftterpe. ßt xoa* affo fapbe into kpnÿe $>atofe ae it Í6 mptfcij p^'mo.^i* jffo* 6 c can>fc tljat tljow l}ají ca fíaxoape tljc tooo^Sc of ©06 anb not 6cnc o6c8pcnt te ^te comaunbnicnt*©c í)at$ cafí y tfyou föafc nofentfet:6c a ~r Λ" ^ --<·**·*♦** "w M M|p Λ /Tffttd! piw‘ L i ♦( mW Λ m (Mri Si ¿V» ?r fit *v Uvikt tofc ul« A cimpf^ Ijoœe faSíte ffefojte tymcptmpfjfljcb tljet cjjtfbz? fot not keptmfe knpc$t Γρ Írífcípfíne· ¿tureftue catpfeb ÇÍ6 fofmc to Öc punpf¡}eb amori^e fotcmei;/ fo* 0ç fîot côinmaun^wcntwÇtcl) coctccc^oij iij tty o bûv^ te wae of tj)e gretttft Çumpfiettorj t0at cotude 6e. g t te affo teSSe ifj cronicte Komanotum tljat tufjaij Rufina £efatl)ab paflítò tße fpace of.S.petie it) faßßaynge of enpnyee tätigt} í)e tjaßoftyntpmee Bene^htotiowe. Jüwttÿekffe tfyeßcwt Ijonotuje tofyrcíj Jje tuae t»on8e to J)aue wae bcnpeS 6pm at ijte comtnge anb 0e tuae not fuffitSe to entyt tljecyte (οφηιοφε ae 5ejja8 Gatytti fo fonje aftp* tpe fpate ofMUytm toî)fc(5 tuae pwfipte înto fjprti. ï £>f a 6pt?e iCafff 8ijeto8iae/an8 of tfjeltpte 7 ï Hillnvull κ ew# mi & jr ar w ¿j .'■τ*. «r ■. jt a v er ait τι a m m m. » « V C/ τ/ K jW ¡r Af W W K- ·# ^w W W V ■ “y WWW v v * a ccncffaiib mofï tapauntt anb grcftet tjjatj anp Bpibe/tfetofytcfi fußbuptl; anb cuereo* mytt) tÿcJS$te ao faptÇ tÇe gfofe15potj tl}te îetfe of tÇe pfafter JjewSii boniuo gc/ï£(jte ______ JFjeroSiuo œcupieS tlje apet ffcpnge a6oœte· ■^ut tt)e kpteßegai; to toíjtfifs aft Çint anb färbe, 2tßrbe a téfMfe tijovo ropcktb captif fot 0 fÇaff make ? Oaffpb/fot tf}ott>ebefpií{ibonnnacpoij eupr aff Bptbee 3ê»ut @ îijaffmr fe£f auertgeaffBptbeeîpoi) tlje.^Eljto ííopaff 6ptbe ti)í3 êerofttsie/ffcpttgc tt; fije apre toke no cureof fije fcioSctoootbíeoftl;ekpte . óut fjccotobc not Be flpff/Bnt Begat) to refjerfettje œootBeo agapne, l©íjerfo;te t!)to ^erobiue toaogreupb anb toofb no fea gee juffer Çpm/Sut fiopftefp befeenbibbowne îppot; £ hpte anb witl; :]ie cfepo pfuckpb otote Jjie gfuttto / anb JDeetffl)it0 many tpntee/ f fekptl; IJio betfj am fjerfote toe mape toeffcôfi'Ste tljat itie no fmaf pareff to Be ^nrafonaBt’pe toojbefuffagapn tÇî tljat Be mpgîjftvot to îepetÇemto mocf}e/ae it fo myttet) /2ccfefia.?m.5»tepue tfjoto not roiffj a mp* £fl;tp mar;/fefte t$at fljoto faffii; to tt)e fjonbee of 0m» »©Ijerofyfope teffptf} a faBfe t0at ?pot;a tpmea tooíf Öjank of a rpuee anb a iarnfleaffo btankoftlje fame rp wer fotoee anb it) at) otfjir pfbee♦ 2lnbt0e tooff fpfte ?p |)te îopce anb fpake to t0e latriBe/ anb fapbe.'èÇoroe írotóBfpftmpjoatpí.íto t»0omt0e lamße anftoerSe nb farbe.álBt» 1 «»s» Ο* — ·>- «*«*«? to rotee. JIÎoî ttott ç.-j ^ Γ . ' '-»ü/ *■ 'is ·; ' Si sraraÄHsStf JW i A ï I âim LjVif/i pu jffpvü * fmuSt * fP'C ΛΛπηι lîf P*· 3 •ΜήΓγΓ CCf f|t £JtM) αβ fane antas g teat aeatj /Site fapbe ttjc pjornbe jCt ane/ wljaij l)e fee φ &Φ ftee to tßeSomte/foi to 6el)of 8e φβH$t)tnee of it/ U9f)etfote 0 »pi ffpe ?ppe to tljc Sonne anb 0el)oföe it ____wuMtljorot it teue t6 eracpotj ofmpij 0eij/ ae both the tSqtoJln8 aftitwarSe 0 fhaffße magnifies oe fpe ίβ.ηπδ »hag fhe IjaS epaftt'8 het feff to φ (tee tft fte ßegaij to wape merp/p m<*0 paffïS tjec (irengftÇ onS fit fije came not to tlje -Sonne * fiio% affoo fot ρψ öe fhe œofiîe not he fcenhe/6u t e^ce8pn® e l)er pometföe fa 6ο»π'δ 55ppe»atSe.l©herfOIe fhewaegtetefp gteupb anb not haßte to gi8e her feff/not to ffpe to φ Sonne / onbthetfotefhefeff»itf)outceme8pan8fapbe. U3ho that ag apne mp ght $P»ar8e »iff tenor Zljapnefyteomne ~~ Ja ή I fl pepSe couepte anb befite to 6e oßoue aff othíe 2tñ8 foiafmotheae ptpSe euer hath a faffagap ue tßet »pfftßep fßaffße Ijumifiate. #>t he that wpff epafteh·»« feff/fhaff ßemaöe fbroe.Xuc.puit.U0()etfo< re J&etnar8e faptft.É)e thatepaftitf) ßint feff ae ntodje oe Jiemape/ff)aff 5e fuOSupö ae moeße ae (ßob mare. Ληδ fapnt flugufipg faítÇ.0ftho» eptoffanb fpfteSp tßp feff/€>o8 fhaff tÇîoœe tl}ebo»ne.0f thoumcke tÇi feffe.©o8fhaffeçafte the.foi it ie th« fentente of gob bpm feff »ßich cannot 0e mabe mote not feffe. ©e tfjat emítitñ htm feff (l^affße foœpb.flnb af fo leo φ po- pe teßetftth/êre8ipg faith he pe mape fe a great mpta tfe.Ôobía moofie epceffent anb h«íhe-0f ti)0» ff ft «P tßpfeffße ffepth fto t0e,0f tho»e meke φ feff ße bef- renSith anb comítí) botone t« ti)e.£)tofni6 teffitfji nj9>® fip.fl· r* ■* ..............^ |j}e ^ V COfaß s Ί fil ni, M|í »I HI iff! WVIWH attire vooxtbc/cotíçtpnçç iy^cowupttmyribe/tobefttope tfafaytfy ofctpf U tre&e it ^nbecfoíe.tp^etfore fa coirnnamiteb to ffc at tfam t()at ηαχηγb tfyat mofl rf ctpfte » Jtttb tljecfoje xofyat) faftiifbe k of per ce/fa toao otittcmne anb ¿ah?# u>*tij aff 0ίβ l)o fte/anS @ / apo¿ fepfe og j)ie Jjojfe/l)c teaSe fhft ot) tfa Sache of i$0 îba&rpeae Jjc fape pjofïtate ßefojrefytm/anb tpeg Çctoke^^feanbtoSefo^« I K > I II » If ifH : VH lu it. J I I «J - I II III! J t é ' · ,· / y.._ ',· ^ ·.. ■·' 'V· ■·-,·· C€>f a 0fî8eca ΕΓ^δ fïetfa tijat ÿatt ■DiaCdjfo, 8ϊί i i ÏJ I ii i ,r£‘X W ■m ¡Áfí :r-ry~*ri0yS“·' .· ff Ί '¿¿fit ! I Ί Ρ|ί fí¿í M *Æ l A fit Æ ¡I PC . ffí •d m ' M fi fl Μ 1 if· -V 1 iff i ¡m ·ν· f 11Wt i ii V y ir f|’¡i: i I Hf| \ h lííf; l, i M J ai- ·* # »,· K .·. ríf & ! I a iit- Si !·: roí iri i Ifl ' · ■·] lili v·# ■ &. NI«' ■sí^iW' ΨΨ? i Λ tntt ίβ o ßpjbe ca fff b % t fa attbt’e fpîtc a era* ne/anbffjeljatljagteatßpff artba p er p foros, '¡Zfjie ßpjbe tolie aij fJa« roitf) I)rt0p ff.&sitte tfjoœgÇ fije tem fjongtpe / fße roofße nótete ___ tßte p:ape tíjat fije Ça8 takpij 0et feff/ßut fay· 8e tl)H6 tüítljíij Ijer otottc mpnSe. 0 roptf fíjeme h» otíjt'e 7 7 7 ^ fjauefpc88e/ anS f« eçcef» tint a game tf)at$ ijaúe taítpij tíjat0 map e ße maguí fpeS of tliem tíjat fi¡affeit.?lrt8 tüfyat) fíje (Ja80íougfJt it to φ muffte of ßptSee.'ö'Jje grettefï ßptSeanS fît? gefie couetib toIjaue ft / anb tobe it aroapeanb Qfíe na parte to (jet tíjat Ijab carogíjt ít,t£íJetfote Atería con* tpmipb fïpff ¡jung tpe/wítfj gteatepap ne anb Çeupntf* feanbfapbe ítj tf)fet»pfe. f §e tíjat œpff ßooffe anb fíjeme tíjat fJeljatfJ. V äOaffiJauenooijauantag^ßutfomtpme great fcaífr £>manpoij tfjat 0e Uapng foitoroe mpff fíjero tl¡et gooßte to otíjtt fofkee to ße ífje mote coíFarobtb $ nwtfljípprtt.éut ©tegotp faítíj. ©ebefptctl)ta »emfilipS iljatoppnfpeßetitiJ lite tteforoieíri tljetoape ΊΣ,ΐμτ ße a ífo mañp oíljír tíjat couepte to fljeroe a fff 1; te gooße tootltpa to euttp petfoij aßout tíjem/to p intente tíjat tljep jtjufbe ße hnowpç.'So wfjotti fapnt iîlugu* ftyt) fpeltptlj anb faítíj .£jrbe tljp goo8 roojkpe ae mocÇ ao tÇou tnapf?.2ínb pf tíjon mape not t?pbe tljemaff. 3Lettoítl)íg tije ßearopfftoßpöe it íftljou coiübtft.iltia <0írcg«p fapt(J.'2( gooßrooíkcmote foßeboone oppn* fpe/fi}et tÇegcoS intent t^etofmapeße Çíb fecretfp. Jlffoít te trnpt tpß *§e íe oppttffpb wítÇ tl)e ßca^etßat §el)atl) fïapne Ijtiti ft(f / tl)at reíopcítl) openfpe oftí;e goo8e bebío t^at $e fjatí) boone.0fope teffrtíf íij !)íe fa* 6fpe fljat Spoij a tpme ttjc W0off çaug§taÍfpS8e ftjaf »eofwb?eanbfatte»^êKp58efpahetot4e «joffe j • ferSc» P .Hf· iff· u* :r^ ) r rl li C t'í fe m .·>■ . λ· . # ,yf. .T í' ■ »»·(: f . .ibê-fí 4 ** ' L TF ^ ^ J λ ·» 'Ctutpo fe α gteate ßpiße anb a fítonge / ? fatgtfpe ft8p;t8e/anb *Hnb n«»mt)e ftffe fíje more net ffpe btglj foj weheneffe of •dl *. _ ^ ^ a¿ *^ÍL ^n> jrifti /W AA dk^4k ,^%f Étlt ^i4 Ail^ í 4^1 M S 3^ elf Í. jê fu CFOI} |U|flipill·^ |UHI- MMV uvhwm,~~ ·”·** w>»n>' η>1)ΐφ bab wpngee îerp fïronge anb tom« tvuíut tt) tijo fame wpngee tíj et were two fe8tte ton* trOtpouffpe fionSíngtanb fettpngeber ffegÇt. l©ljetof flie often tpntce wae not metpe.flnb foj to l?aue teme 8o fhe ment to a Snteutgpn anb fapbe.0 am fuffutent* fo wo»fíjtpfiiffanbgoo8efp / £ut 0 ßauetwo fe8trete* . toutnpb 0atwat8e.0wpfiÂ*ft .' thro ßetome me nought. Hißte SHttutgt tßehe two febm anb anopnteb tße wpngee an ovntment ttjot aff tße otÇet fe88pie feff nampe, liáhetfoie fíje wae impotent an8 mpgßt neuer ffpe af* ttt.'èbieâittutpowaefotpeanb mabt gerate mont* Binge anb wepte tefffbebpeb fot foiewe an8 fapoe. ' ffe ©o8SdMbJUe“"~s c“nn"'t‘· ÎetîftisaÙKO>i~”......—■.—. ■■■a B$> fome petfonpe tßat 0e tntpowe anb papne. 'Ebowgbe tbep 0e ma8e oftfjet mähet fuffrttent* ívt an8 wefe/tijep Referte not to jjjim bewe |jonowte«t íbanhpngte tberfoi. Jèut ratflet tf tßep boue anp faute d fpotte it) tbet 6o8pe/tbep (îo8pe a»8 öeupfebowtßei fefïtetb not tße owtwar8e ßeawte of tßeßoSpe /Cut f inwatße ßeawte of tßefowfc. ^b«fote *t»e wtpttra. Btouet0.çppt.<15tateíe betepuaCfe/anbßeaute teil« ïapne/tbat te to fape woifitefpgrate anb ty Me Ccawte fapnt 2tug»PFU *lê>ebof8eû ft Nff rtf Wt1 Iff 0.füll I Ι'.Λ Λ jíM 'fltyt I!t fil mW1 i fäf^1 MÉ faffc títmt ffff/œÇid) te 15erap forofc.U3§erofit te tofSe tfyat ttjer «>αβ fomet pme α Kpnjje tl?at eate fefte to tJío fojbee ottb e fíatí0/oní> tíjcr «>ae no cognât fefte jn (¿eÇotoe 6ut íttoaecoverpbmtf} purpfeanb tottjje otjjít pítcpotoe cfotJ)t6.2lnb tfjet toae a píjífofoftepte* fmt,flnbtx>f)ai) QewtbeÇaue fpette / onbfon>n8eno jvf lÿlfl fdlliv WWW II/V u^njjv wvfvv afkyb of tí)cpfyífofofte tobF bebíb foOo2lnb J}c fap be* faweewtppfacc fuffof ©ofbeanb 5>pfuet/ of purp atfoanbpictpom&ßonpG/anb tljerfo^e'flfpct <9 to ftp ngeefacc/wt)ícl) íe tepfete iPttbe ffefjíÇ anõ fatneflk foime fbotigb* 0 tw£ a wojcMtttfeíiç tt>b<*9 tije ftpnge barôc ttyo fapnge oftfje p$t fofo frr/tjc toae gteatfp compancteanb Qumíttatc 19 ÇímfetF ♦ fot t$ep t3at arape tÇem fcfftpítl) ©'0fbe an8 otbtt ojwa* mmtíe 0c fone tetopb of tbct0eatotc/íf tb?Ç fitfko tfjec gamameníie/ae ßfope ffjetmtl) ít) Çte faflfíe, tEl)at a íCreu>e t Çat toaeífacke an8 îrtcomcfp Sppoç a tpme toent to a toc88pngc/0 wt 0% éáp fl)e entpiòe tt)e$if>bc* t)we/fyetoheofcMtpepbçafc$dpi / anb mabe $ce f«ff0^p/anb fíje toae Scrap fapic not 6ekpn9ey 6” crâfîcÆn? toíjafl ftyefÿufbegoo 19 to (Joto ctotoc» bee came to IJcr of tob0**1 fbe b1** Λ k emxyípibetok^^ ' (Dll fe# #{1:I TF ΎΓΤ s7 .....HHHÍPm eilet tySetto Çatte feíípb f^fte a mttcfymb feht ηιγ fe vpn je foto fe anb toit Ç jteate (aQomt h) tl>e bon je arib ii)tl)emfieJlmnotÿa fap%e^%Zt/anb aefatje aea $atofcotj,Cettapnfp g fljûfff^e %pofj % gfone cn3 6e feff toitl} t§e befpcpotoe mete of mftoÑeSnb toÇatj Çetoaeffotopi)îpoî) tkejfoue^pjeknpgíjttoaojfa* fo;tÇeroae t§orx>Î)tfuiïfox $io faufeotj / emb caiijÇt fíje iCocke onb kpffpb Ijt'm fp jÇtf^e / anb fljeropb a fe j je ef 0ήη f o fije fauf coq ç ca ífpb !}im tf)mvit jf/ to Çre Ôon be.iEijefarjfcotj fepn je fo befteate ffeffb / anS befpjwje te ^atieit/befcenbtb fopfuffp to ít anS fíipíe* { flt fe îtotortfgom efenaepot; tcimakg* i $°l· l}rîi t$Mi&to eit/Suthepe t$e fame fíate · aïlufy euetymat) fijijfb fobo/tfjatfe tínetoe it) §fe bejte/p not to fp ft 55p Çfe $eçi tfjee to tffa t to not conumyent to íjte fíate* tf&ijetfo* it iowxyttfq£ccteJít^xdeynetí)ou manet to tÇp topf* íom/feket^öü not tí)o típnejeo tfyat paffe tfjí be ju/m% fetclje tl}ou not ífyinjee tljat epceSe tfjfp fíeengtl) fwe r- ▼♦F» »» Μ * V» F 1 fr VVT*I V §J IVif r « V tootffjp mar) l?oS a fpte(Tto5efae/*ns -t fk ill Æi li fl j iî II1' · È toi? ·;.'·· v.~* / i ï i:fl S #®. ï , '· :' '' “’J it# V ■ iíí P kl N H ! :. tlV V V IM ■ *V \ ï ΐ ! fie foifämnb fette tÇem maflko anb fange it)í)ío %momt\) aribfitamge manete, W$e %o$ewao gt catty afctße offyim anbttieß otöt/artbfyte feeuauntio cante anone voitfy ctußßyoanb flaufe / anb aff to Bete tlje fetyafle.%nb Jje fayße.ßt fyaßße ßettyx fotme to tfaue Ufte fp to^aueßene ftyfftyat) to boae fl bib. $0% fl %ane won* ne notfynge ttyet6$faufgteate firoJipe * iWfyetfoie vot 8c tavogfft ßytffio cçampte tfyat a mat) otmf 1) neuyi to attempte to bo t\)at t\)ingejw\^ cannot of %et ay kyniem at) autome faítÇl· fitontat) affaye to 8o/tJ)at hpitbefp maye not ße booij / fo% a foofe bifpfca* fitff vot)t9 t)e tfyinkytff to pteafe* "Vr<, ιΐΡΊ if •η Λ Lv * h i V 11 l Ύ ' + S’ Y, [\ 'V iflnroi) me. Wbt.f< 'Iffit ¡in a ñ ittfîwa fe (aril " f'WV i blWfoi; I " I __ mint oo jfefetÇfltl mmij] W/ f fi r; fi« U; JÍo¿ ' iiHI MXyJ' mm ¡¿alb  w b 1 fit- * - ___ ne toan putfmp Meam, of a Syxt>e tÿat te caffpb 31 fiât/anbat t\}e tafle Hftuvouytt\) te w í)ím Ihut neaettljefeffe tjjie jDtatte votif) $te fon ge S y flfritóte tfyíeg ... a beBfy voounbe*aftut tÇíe 0ítbe fcfyn* ÿe íjpm feff fotewounhiS/fent fo%t nteffmgete anb tje _________ /pv te moft ftrve itmpo t) fuc§e te no toe a bayee tf ttyep tóete toefif _ V fot tíyey Se ftenSte it) tpmc of ptofpetíte 4 ü . ^ j: 11 bee ti) ptofpetíte *anb it te 15etap efp to ptoue tS/em it) aS wtfíte.anb affo ít te mittet)te a ftettbe0nameoonfpe*anb 0fí0ote farti). jftenbie fijes Se Sut fetoe tíjat 0e ftenbfpe to y ta fle enbe* tEljet toae forntpmeamai)tfjatafkpbof Çiefonnepf (Je l)ab any feptf füíFfcenbe to teufte to.anb fjeanftoetbe anb far5 t$at l}e (Jabame fp ccra II femb eo ♦ 1} e ij fapbeljie fabee a 0toSetanba ftenbe te pxoufõlt) túSuíaeyoqúQo fîtes fote anb$wuf)ent< anb foo fottî) íjetpent anb toke ag jif lut '4 ¡il \ 1 ! i) /, W jrtof Tr Ijocfefe anb fritóte ofßio i)eSe drib f)ie fete / drib put ßpm ίηα fackeiaribfentittoenetpoftßem tfyitmbfapbe » tere io a mat)α>8»Φ $ ÿaue Mvffoxtune$bt te povoe to 0etp 8pm fecretfp/tí)at Q 6e riot fake mítlf φε faxote.lèut nootj ofaiï t f)em tf/xe mof8e tecepue t)\U Jlnb fot tfyiotawfe l)io fabetcoutifeffpbtytnto affapç t)io ftenbeoylnb affo jje tofbe Çtttt a notait eyampte of two fouet etyatmee fetovovo.& tfye ooi)$tm *e8 tße otljt'r a wpfe/wf)itfyÇeÇa8 . Jtnbimme8taffpe 8e tÇa t Jjab pb φιο ÿraunfe voentoupxt\}e fee totJpftíetjtefrenbee ♦ Üttb fofteaff |}ie er mae a mat) f?apne*$n8 Çt6 6o8pe mae fomn8etl)ee mae great mqupfmotj ma Se fox Ijt'm t^at fíeme ftje mat)* 2Ín8foo φίβ mat) t8at toacbefperatc confeffpS φαί ÇeÇa8 ffapne ttjemat)/ tol}tc8 8e »teuer b*8*3èiit fot 0e camfe φαί 8« mofS fap ne 8auebpe8fot tí)oug8í an8 confu fpotj 2tnbto8at)8»a fefowekneweÿpm 0e a fertapne tokp^ J)e fapbt8at 8« fJaS kpffpS t8e mat) f0 Dtfpuet 8*6 fefoome fro bet8 2it fa fie 8e 18at wao t í¡e %rap Ijcimpcpbe/ fepmfc aff φία fetfcfofpb 8pm fetf anb ffyewib tßatfie bebe/anb φαί t^e oißettwapt) mere nof litige gpfrpe* ÎDaferp teïïft 8 affo ñ0to c\uaeto capite feptímo*Òf$vt te tone anb k pribeneffeφαί detwene twofcenbpa* Tlriboft^emoone^waocaïïpblDatnot) / anb tl)eoitjte mae nampb {E>|íçía|*7lnb u?8at) Ü)e tEptauufe ÏDponi fe mofbe !)a«e befiropbe ootj otljem ♦ ffye afkpb fpceitce φαί 8e mp^t $00ÿome to omne 0oma/anb bîfpo fel)te goo8ee/anb ti)eot\)itînSerfokeîppoi) íu8ar8pe offpfetfyat\}e f Qufbecomeagapneaf a bape affpgneb* %rñΛ I%» lie #νιιυ wywij »yc vuyç wncn nexe/ ano jjeWaO not Jjetag ®f.£uw mai; Gfampb tfee otfeeraab fapb φαί fee wae to feaftye fo¿ to Be feie futetpe / But fee faybepfaynfy fee botofcpb not tfee confíname anb fete be^nb fott) tfee fameÿowxe tÇat wae affygnyb fepm fee came anb fayfpb not. U^feerof tfee fyb gmtfye/anb of tfee fute of y faytfyfufiftenbeffyippe/anbfete mafyce anb re friftipb ti)epapne/anbpxaybe tfeem toteceyueÇym iff Ml)e tlpíb beg te of tone/anb good ftenbflpppe. mm)tx>yf£boofomoc^efo%at)ot§ítt\)atíe But lW)at otm'tfe fee to bo/fot ©ob y te mmoxtaff/ îofercfee pffítbe fe ymfetftobyefox φ tone of r ; feit tes toxyttyq ¿SccfefiafiLpip.jfotgetetfyounottfye grace of ίψ far ytyeanb feefpee / fo* fee gam feie Me fo* foue of Φ.ι\Ρ tTfp+rrrt % I V Λ- τ;\ι# LW'\ /T I ill $>,iu 4j l It- -, : ’ ■ .y ·λ. ·· ■ iff I’ I' . · «m?·· -iX .s *w':< ¿A ÍH mm i^ju ,·| · “ " lÉJfl I'D * If : til ifil it * j > if® Ί,ι ■:l IH II1V' i m»\k§ 9 !>i 1 if. »ï At i » - ïr · Si > » » ,· >- Xk Π h If Ijetnefh ®Df troop Çorokee anti a ©twpfe. SDiafogo, PSii. 9 J ,· — V V "'V ’ ·· ♦ y ' t. »*' ’ . Λ· .· ». JÿV*· ^ · Γ /IÎ fyaroke coffpb ¡©fmetiffiie/onb β <ß>of§arokeroete confefcerate tugi* Set to 900 IjoroUingfe. nb roljat çtome tl)ot euer tfjep tol¡e / it fljnffe 0e bewpbib ßetroene tljem. 0t foi tu·* npb ^ppoij a tljep troop# f tniTt8et toke oäDuap fe/0epnei fífoo píimo, Wí)tttí)t fftewítl)/tÇoí Ijtirte/affít Vf ff fl M Vi j^píW ίιφϋΜ pffflÖffOPf r dffcMi jlíioú JfW1 Ä.W lOfíífà go to Rtill •Iff u> ·*» Hi λ fli y m I» [ Ml · mm Afá mè ik t Od| rai 1 Mat) á© atctfe tttae taftemt&'imptpfottpb of tÇem ofcatfaçfe/atib y Romap npe Ça!) manye offnem of mtatftitjwfotjmtyid) aere ponctmeij anb (uflye, 'Élje fojfapbereçtuftie tuae fent Jjome to Rome fot aij epc|aim$e.Jè«t 02 tupí Çe bepattpb fro tl)e Cartage* ttenfie Çeroae ftDOigtÇattftÇeRomapneeroofbenot befpHettÇepípfonece ofcattage/fjeffjuffce come agap ne.flnb totyarj ije came to Rome Çe counfeyty b tÇe Ro* mapneo not to Be gteaßfe to tÇepr peípcpotj/fo* a fmoclj aoljeteaeaijofbemaijawbße fpkefpÇobe fÇafbe fytie ßutaml)y(e,2ln0 tí)ev ptyfoneto tneteyongmeg / anb ffftefpto boo greate myfci)eef to tf}e Romapneettj tp tne compnge.Tlnb tÇep ptapbe Çpm to go nomote to cat tage/0ut to aßpbe fîpfftm'tÇ tl)cm at Rome, 3&n t t't) na mpfe Çe woffîenot Be gteaßle/But fottí) Çe mentio cae* tage.Urio x»\)at) Ije came tljebir/Çe tuae ctueSp put ta bety/ßtQabßenepeofftaßfe toÇpm to ¡faut ByoBe ftyff at Rome/fu t fo2 tjíe oil) it J)ab not Bene Çonefïe , 21 nb fot t|)e pjtofpt of φ Romapnee it Çab not Bene îapfea* Íftnoíp2oftta0fe. cil C€>f a 0p*8e caffp? Catffanc$tje tija go to Kcfpgpoij* ÎDtafogo*f$tti JfrffancÇae te a ípíte toafatnfc coij fltonge anb mpgljf peotlljte to gte poœtf} «>ae bifpofpb to go to 1£e ffôrpoij anb to fpue to perfeccyotj* 2èat foibxeteof ffîarpemffe oftl)eî£ufe/ Çe biffevdeitandfayde.ßtvowe .. . , Jloztpfetoál^atcp r kcpc cgafïpfe Jilo* fojtfahe mpo ottwe topfif. 5l^f^U9tocaïpfç tljatÇoœofSç ßogpg nogoobcbeS& â>,mÿÊÊ I i I B I ï ! *1' i ft , V 1 \ \ % V I ·*. \ Λ » * * * » ; I r i < « M'l * 1 ' / / ja fox hebe of pmamte/tycame nenie to t\}e Wf88ee/ foil raí per enbtb tyie fpfe faff fovodety faénete ttf tÇte tt>pfe * í jff)e ft) ai fo¿ biebettaSetfetpgtpyff^fe J á>paffßctgfl^boiPöfPtfeffeAT grace fom teftife. 43) many one eotiepf e anb fo ffye to tpe gt ceof©ob^af tljep fere to facke tpe pfeafare of ^ too^fbe.ÿoi certapnfptl/e foae of Gty fíe pxouokpf 9 f fïerptf) tpem to %rtetoe ♦ 2èut coaetpfeanb tpojfbfpe affeccpoij bitannfÇ tÇem agap ne«Ztnb of fuclje tnanp 6e toonbe oft?# tpmee to fape*y tnofbe ferae ©fob gfa8fp 5 toofbe gfabfpe go it) to tetygíoq&ut 0 bjebe g fÇufi) not 6e affe to maynteyne tpe ffjarpeneffe ti)erof.§)üct) fotkye take mot) {jebe fo t$e fapngeof tÇe / ab pÿiïipMtLÇI map bo aff fringe «j J)tm tpat confojtttpe me/tpaf te fo fapeaj ££eyfte.anb fo ta tljem tl}a£ tnifteit) fym.Hicÿeffe it) ponettye.^o* face it) fadneffe/toye it) am6ycyot)moxfi)ippe it) content fte*a fpabowe iq hiffenw/feom§eteanb from rapne* a teffer t'ét , IL, fil] ÇftBH * jIMr* i! ÉP* * * iiííínoü i C, jÉfpfW ftflpfjrftfc ÂWûP An tüt îî •Jlüfin/v iill . ûnî1 é0iï rifftf « * ®(ÎOI)n n LMm M/thAîÎf fl ¡r¡tlf/ínviii ; 'ï * il 1 ilflMX #/\1 K| PHIy V# lp jjjofnof LfL· a i Jii*V*- fWl U I "liitUDO 4 il(fv n t b Mr r itVI WIN 4 l*¡ Mm r¡ Bdlfffffirtn ♦H/MIU ΙΙΠ t, P llMlt iff I» ßi»». |tom* |p* Il nitif ? îll niui, j AV . M Ortfere irn Bf hr jflhAi v lilBI- °— # ' ------ y · ——■*- j »-yy - - c Hilj~ fft ¡wh *f u ¿ ' / 7 .»*^#.^4/1 . ..: . ~i__- -CSs'/ ~--J----------------is·* II ? ^ z' / / ^ ^ / (cffetoffii&fpe fat’tfetfeatotfatyme. me favamtoi / fee 0&&W*tfetentefepm Sn«c feie fete /'„„g ^«tfee oneof j)ie fete fmote fernt anti fapSe.-Sfeoi» art înbae ppe.foj tfjoto art ae gteafeae fl anti ae ftrome, * mh» befenbift nottfeou tfep feffftome tfeat tUe on f hÄ t Wform «rafe tfep ßoroelTpe. tüfee kpte anfmetSe « fapbeÆfeora fat* ftfotfe.jj am tfel φΒΐ/αηϊi0 feariea perpfone ßpff/anb mv feteUe fleen gee fyt) tfepne/ßut mp fearte fac!tptfe/anb foo it fatitfc 6e manpog/tQat map boo man pgoob tfemaee/ gut tße feartefapfttfe . anbftebfafte mpnbe te a wapeÆSkre raae ooij feff it) to a raatpt anb cott>8e not fwpm.ra f ee* f«e fee ctptb onjte. Sapnt ÍSeoxge feefp? me .paraît ©eoîffe came to 9pm anb fapbe.ÎIfeottiÊfrorafaf man íñífr*'/ € fftm¿lVi)r, ^or,öee anö *&* freteyanb tfeo» 1 $aft fe¿a“íl·^ l)e tfjot rapfffeefpe fetm feff. (ï6 «0e ■m «foo8âo ffetifôe feeboo tfeat te faffpf) igtofrme. üiÄe monitfe.ßdt faéototeanbboo feie Utfpt bífígeme ta ?? a orate off¡mne.£>apnt a teffptfe mj¿gp/fífe -pçe/raaefaffiijfoa pptfe/anbaijotfettcameflpe/i af» fopbe.JJ ptape tíjemqayxenot b rae 0 feff trine / ßutaffape ratfeec ße tofeaí meaitpe efeefpe to jete me orate. r _ \ itfeanfe tfeeJ^pptjjape. btaf.ffp. Pupa fe a ßptffe ae faítfe 0fí8ot e.»ít.í8f fer* mpf,p to enff fpfffe fc ie caffpb a fapropnae ©refepe cafffeer SDpnpa / fox fñe ok ψ ßefeofiitfe f ccnfibetítí¡ f fpttfvebome of mag mb ffeeie fe8«u'tfe a-u:--- ^ .................■... .-.^- .·■■ ............................................................................................-- ■ ., , . · »Ί I». .' · [JS m* ffiete anSncfene Cpibe.^efiatl, *?£ 5reÇ| ?f fcSS te (ionSinge otf f>ev tjceSe/anS ft«: CpSetj) g ûft6ew6«cb Cpibe if a ma»; anornte fj pm feif wÇao J}e -¿be Cribe foicaœfetpat fÇete fepieenbpftfaunte p CrefïpSanS feS^pS untij bpuetfe cofotBiee / $e Cegap Se cfettff e of tl)e kpnûfee mete/anb tb«e f^faî_oej9 *JJJ 06 pfefaunteoe a poppniape. Jileupr tl)e fe ffe 0 ft be P epopnge toit 5 create faCoone. ^ poppmape b»e& 2 bei® fetupS to 0íe pfeafute.l©bteM puepofe to «o tot be Uptime αιιδ to piofce l¡pm mpJetupfe / anb to frngre ip a cage a e bott) tlje poppmape/ βηδ to fneeweff |f)e fierce to Φ kpwje.flnb rcÇeij ί}φ8 J?et/ JW“*?® Bftmoif, Ml I I rtrb Éîntor ottx «ofílkl >1 si 11“ - V Quinto a tat$c of?e,5Paferp teffptl) ft0Ærc bake of fpartap neo/ mítÇe '2E$atfenonpbe0t¡. >r e„...........^ C jCiCawt) fau$$t aÿapne ^etpern kpnofe of perce! 2ln8 mit$ a iLomfojttaOfe ctyerefje e^çoitpb fyÍ0 metf fo fíjate anb fapbe/S@p treme fer aub fombp* amm/bpneanb makepom fîtowfe/ae tljou#$epe fjjaf neuer ete moje.ílnb t$ep bib foo/ anb mete notfytngea* ferSe of l}fe fapm}e*2tnb mJjat; tfyet mao no $ope to tfi cape/$ei)artpb tt)em foo tljat t$ep mere gfa88e to fu fi * 5* s·. £ B M “ w ^ m ^ μ W ^ ^ ^r_ · Si* tEfyat ©entetttue kpnÿe of ponte anb 2lrmenpe/ toljeij $16 omne fone 0efeÿt8 $pm / anb mofbe not cefe/ fee mae fojpe tÇerfo^eanb came bomn to t$e fomet pat tpp of 0t0 Ijomo/anb jjaue îenpme to bnnke to affila toíft0/$í0 bomgjjíete/anb $te cancanee/ anb Jje $wt J"j feff bjanke of tïje fame fo* tÿouQÿtanb befperacpoij/ ; '* % aíft§at m^aij l)e fame töat Jje combe not bpe ff j§t nr'- « 11 h ■i" 'H J ¡ami 4* vi rata H if - I '1 ■ ShytïVifŸ. , . lb w8e,%ßo« toift not fpnge xoit§ me/tol?eij g 6mge an tSgge outc *f mp ÕomefSpe tant am befmrpb from aro ate pare ET, Zlnb tl?ue tfjepfeffatgrete^arpaumeantt fpahe^n* fc^rtbeít>0íu$te/ec|)f to0fi;er,7lttl)eitÇcfafíe to#i oet went to t$e i&q tecmb faybe ♦ ©Vnr mefentent Be** twenc^e φ tt^tfüffáDuenc »effefecöe ^c/ff itBc c3 iiwf cut fo* Ue ttuapnc to bmeffto^iffeto* not/Oe c» S^Jcmfettímd^a^jjau^ence, anb tÇatdçgtaSü Ç afoite ■^r. tytíMla§§e togíSg£tttakc tßmrnme. *Dí it io not conucnítnt fot tßcm tÇat Be ntctfg eut) íocounbc/totDafkc tuttÿtÇcnt t$at Be ín hg «raefrcoííotfo^ fucÇeae Btftöanbfbm tofcwf Sír ’<íof fuffanb maye ♦ Bat αβ tirapo* pic [aitç ao Romano» f íí» jjo^c pc afetp teaptl)/ % on a tp me tßet t»ao tpopngte 6iow$bt to a montai} si get fonne n?ae be8e/t»boß Be roae aßfente/anb it ma© not fo/ßut it fptange of ettowteof fome frmpfe petfone jßeuettljefefjTe fBeßefeupb feit anb moutnpb anb mabe areate beuprteífe.anb ae fBefateweppnganb fojoapíg âoéepnfp iß came tjer fonne/anb tüÇaij fije fame ppm fñe tanne to ßim anb kpfie Ijtm/anb fo8epnfpe fe? bou® bebe/£tí|Kceanb|)eupntefferti)not fofoone. fax Vf ßeupneffe tÇe naturaff Çe te 0e bjatovß fit fie to tf)e m* toarSe partpee/anb fucße fïetinge of tt>e Bete geuptße nouttiffßtnge iß tße memßite/? fo catofitß tonfumpa* o» in tbem/anb fo 6r Pioceffe of tpme fofountße fZtrnt ae it te wtptteß pröuetßio.^.'Jfß l)eup fpírite Pítete Çp tße ßonre/i© tjerfoK it mar 6e ptoupS tßat WOífo* tve torete fpke putewpne/wßicb fonetarnitljAinb fo© botl) it/Btit if it 6e mobcritteœttl) t)offome fabneffe/αβ It te wtptteß tSccfefiafi.ÍM. lettre it ie to geo toa® borne of wepínge anS faSmffe / tßeß to aß i) owe of ft* (tie anb mpttb. <£uffp teffr tße tíjat wßaßanp cenfuff of Rome bob 0ene at ßateff anb utonne tße îietotpαηδ καβcomeßeme.©efßufbebaue tßiebpuerfetootfßtp nee/boonc toijim.Jfirfi afftße peopfefbuf3 come agap ltf btin tDttß öftCtJic pejíf {¡to mantjode befernp b it. TEJje feconnfte ft fame femaunte fyttinge wit0 fjtrri ftjufbe &o6Se l¡itn anb fayeto Qim.3knowctt)i feff, t£0e tfj*p8 it woe fan fuff to eaerp mat) tfjat fame baye/toßfingeagayn 0in* afftlje teßwkpe ttyat t$ey wof8.t£0erfo;tpfpapnpmce anb i)etf)rtj meij t0»e wífefp cowbe mpçte t0er $apne Stfa8neflTe. S0ocl)e mote we tfyat 6e iCtyftct) metj/owe to tepteffe fuel) Uanptepe.;Jfot oe fapnt ®reg o*p fat t§ perpetuaff famentacpoij anb 0eupn?f)fe fofowe topee oftf)e mtfde/to fucfje ae fooe t0em tij efpeepaff. 2ln&. fayntMguftyt) faptt). tT0c gfoSnee of t0e wo»f8e pe ïanpte.witj) fongeaßp8pnfifc ¿tie ten/ϊρθ to conte/and W0ag it ie come/ it map not fonge enbure. ï- ï . * >· V s \ 7* Λ > I »i #f· ■: i!’I I ij lift « •fiamttetasetye Cothearib tl)e C<8 pot)bweffp8togi8er. the Coche ÇaS bomtnacpoij oupr tfje Í)ennp6 . d)e Capot; fuff mekefp tie Jjet meie atnonge fl?cm.2lnb ae Ijítínfoituna- _____6 fp happpS tfyetfoçe tarnt anb caught tl;e Cocke anb ete f)im/ßut l)e torocfjib not tl)e Comiîs of hie he8e.0ut fcepte tt ljoofe/αηδ feSit to tlje Capotj on8 fap8e.â> 6to8ir Capotj/thp fofowe ie bepattp 8 frS tt)evooí(8e anb fertile great e fone tfjat {Jowe *5nto the ÿ J)a«e 8îougl)t W töe a goo8fp Com6e/wÇtch he Bare coíitinuaffp %poij ht e heSe.'Chctfore befccnbejcome i'owtj to me/anb ß fljaff croton tfje/anb aftpr that thon ff) a Ft Be prince anb regent of the ftennp« aeÇe roae. r<¿he Capotj Çetirtge tfjt’o /anbpopínge to haue Stufe euer theijennpe. Cam bowi; fromthe Rowfte g went tothe^fope ♦ 'ütfejfoçe tone gfatfie anb fiette/anb taugÇt the Capot) fpghtfpe an8 kpffp8 fjpman8 fapS ^futheotwefaupowie comniaunbtthíe to Be* ware fapngeáí¡)aí.55¿í.0epe ware of futíjem co me to pome in the cfothtnge of f$epe.jfot t§ef> Be inwae fcefp fphe ctueffwofkpe. Zle yfope teflptfj cfa crome / $ ÇaS a pece offfeffh it) hie momthvanb fioDe îppotj a tee 2ln8R>hat)theiiopeha8efppe8him/ f0e thowg^t ttg her mpn8e.fi) tf Q mpght tfegiferhiectowe anb haue y i&ffh that he hör' " '. ‘ ' "Γ . " ' 2ln8 therfote fhefpakeanS fap8e.6ro8tr Crowe 0ehof8 ■mj)at0 fape.Chp Seawtpe pajfpth theheawtpeofaff hP)8c«/ £ / 1Λ ** ttt)« fhtnjtÇ of aff·*, Çotn ijafï no ^ otfgt» W} ttje £t*œ$ bœte of biô mou? tt) * not to mofjje ttn fit it} fjie, • m **!***>’*■*V I ! S| il 4 ■U !t2T £ 1 U * < VVMV IIH#f' VvVvIll^vvlflrV· %rl/v œpffpn je to e^ampt; tt}e ¿Sfcccy* t œôicÇ te a 0p,ibe that came ftrfte / V/ &&**&? ^ Λ leccpof; tttabe φ ßyxbee it) a bynyi Γ. , 7\ 7. 7 ;; v^“ tíje pecocké.Ànb tijey twapi) f xS&ccpotj feffatjreat rnoibee/ anb fpentejreafe jooffee.tEljetfoie tljc éyxSee ment togibettotQe¿S$(e fé-€+t*4>Ç% ií. __ jü* .a »· ®wAífc.4fo^0 - I » 4 ~ vy P#»il«»r IIIWI upe reiütto 6e reftenpb ?p. t© jjetfoie tíjep 0e btaetfe tp mee reßnkeb anb btffawpb. »©Ijerfate if íe not aooS to «tpaefo* pjeemínence of wojfíjtppe.jfoí OStemp faith )efiteofpîefacpetegenbci8ofpjpbe/offÇeÇarte/anS wgofoeap» befpte fonerapnte tg etf0 fíjafffrnSe eonfa« frog tg ômpg.^Çto befire to 1jane groaetnaunce/íe pe« «tot» fe/anb to Oeefcljewpb to ow¡te powere.jffoí ae are WM.V9e tytgfjer tlje tw ferie íg wifhip; tfte mo re te ge tg pereff, l©Çerfoje pn'ncee ig tlje ofb teme roof oenot fuffre fljer cÇtíbíeg to 0e pteferepb luítíjon» t íbep S- "l^^Pwf'/e/aetcffptg ftefmanbue 0ifro,uogtap0aes ,ηι « ofijefto aSjtatro. 'ítljog n>í)«g 0e t»ae from a fenatoae :w «: create ag ¡Bmperome/anb tfje S>enatc befiri8 bpm te !®f wameßte fonne tijat fame tpme^ugnftnm Cefatem, füjs Wcanftoetdetfemandfarde.Ttvufyítomtñ to fuff ¡ce ¡t W íl)at$ ïnwiffnffpcegnemÇegjJ Çauenotbeferupbit. i*l got Ptmeljo8eanÖ rafe fongfitb not Unto 0feo8e. 0at . jí,|: Sntogoo8emerpteeanbgroo8eg:p8ingfe»2lnboftpnfp« IMPß / (hü t(tbnf Ht λ CuOa «i» n _xi. . » ‘ a ‘ M mee/fie tewot ptofkaßie^nto tgeReame/tijatie 0oL »P 2 kpngfe.^foj witgowte botoOte Ijecaimot feue bie fren« I eee/tgat befîropetj) (jteeljifôieg wt'flj impottaOfecbae II ÿe.etgie te to fape to befîrope Bie cbtfôreg / wfian ße ptoniotptg tjjem not fortbetmerptee. ^epowe to 0e \*Wtfli}e8an8 epcerct feb t'g îertewe /an8 wljag tßep ha >“* «ηίίηαρδ tg t^em it fpufô 0e ρίοαρδ t0at tliep fhut .j8egoo0efote tg ?ertempe/tÇat fljafee 6e fiefî p‘iefem'8 ή#ow«fôtp.flnS fot^epactaaffpfaffpffp8tl)atie torn« m aan8i8 Âecfef.îit.HntenSe tÇow not to Mom to ße $ £ _ ,* í«fl K# ï)ά fa«.&ttt pf φ«> map ietfjp iertette Vf*4?« H. neant» topckebnefle. ttë Ijetof it ie œtpttei) trp poficrat» ton Oi.djatíDetaaraç »Çeç bfc ci}» ft»« ij n>ew wog thv to 0c p*omotPt> to ¿reatet»o*íJ)tppe* í)e tooioe not píomote tljem/fi'utíf íbep mpgfite fie tbepje iertewe | fïrenfftl} befrnöe tt?em feff anb affo (uf fie ten t fpe« lölietfoie fie commaunbíb tf}at tfiep f^ufbefie *?*«**£ fefi to Runnpnffe to fepp n$e to ftopmmpnfie/to tmonji ftonrpe toítl) tÇet)onôe/oî toitlje a ffpnfie/ anb it) fucijc otfier facuftepe ae fendit}} to knpfiÇtfjobeoí f«*«?*« * 2tnb hie boufft)teret)e o»8epnpb tofie cfotfitere.Ctpa* anb tf foítane fiaS bipuetj tfjemtotfie eptrempteof pa nertpe/tfiep ff)uf8e fiaue ttjepi fufientacpoi) anb few» tfe/fip teáfen of tl)et conpnffe/ fot of fppnnpnfie anbtoe emt anb of efotÇ tnakpnffe / tfiap tjab not oonefpco- tipnfießotaffobapfpe e^cerafe . £nbtttewmmaœn bib t2cefe.iii.flf tl)oœ 1jane me») cÇ»ft>iefiÆeçbetfi|f oî ca tofe them to fie tan>fii)te.2lnb it fo foto » dm ef wepfbce.ÍtnbíftÇotoííeuebotootÇteteHepetVe«^ ie oftf}em front cow» pepotj an8 fpnne ?c, C£)ftl)e R attvt)anb a fiptfie eaffpb ficeîtifa. ‘ jDiafojo.fpiii. áDtnipíiiôtOítonçfeteeaffpba tam anbítíoa fipífie tljat feuptl) into tips affe of a.S©.pe«o αβ pappe Wpttet| Œfiie fipífie ippotj a tpnte fafiototi» fote anb mabe Çernefíe.u^íj etfo» 1)«* ■I ... , frhhm« feffatoape/anbfljetoaa fene/ «^nTotniitbfton8îff file noutífffieS Ijer effffío a fitouff 1)6 ΧΆΆ&ία,Α'Ι''«Λ / h r H Aanb ¡Éífofei üliíftüfj áfaca tai ijoíbc I» m I ΦΙ) ul fí m i ———· - • i·' § h·* J ♦ · í , i;**: • ! ili m «Γ (t f(¡(í ♦ VT il\ gteotfpeanbtoofôenot fwffte Ijetffeitj peace. lo% fove ofßet t&ggee to kc pacpentfpc aïï thynge.lèut notwithfïontiinge ßec mynSe mac foxe îeppff / fÇe k^pterttfofewttljíó^ctfcff ♦ 2tft?M0at$e toÇatj(¡et cßtßfeei; tóete 6*ou#$i:fo;ttß ffyte co¿m'$> 0e#atj to amen 8e/an& ne tofpe xepayty5 l)et feff. 3èot tfje fojfapffe 6yz Se ficedüta came agayne teQetfyd contum toooxdee/anSSegatjto befpifeße tem>i)etfo%et^erx>a^gteuouftyemouyS/anSidXoyiïtù Se auengidfanb it) tßat gveate flee ffie caught tñfa 6 η* Se and hySyd it anb faySe♦ toÇb that wyffoftyi) ÍSatye anS make fcay e{ 1! ;u- ’■ti afe/Jje to gfoS to teßuhe oí iij bife * to*on#e»2ètJt tofeaç tßou fepft a mag ttj tnpfcße fethottffjafdíftnot teßuheßLfox^ pßitofoftefaitß. ta Se veßuhyStt) to vetcQídneffeíewxet ctydneffe/it te¿tet tp¿0£not to $ç çdpaffíonaStt V that 0e {tj tfôftÆfe.JMttteé fotfte ti} Φ ofbe fpm* were pite fuffanb compafficnaß te to ratetcßie anb to til* fea fi & fbfke ttj φτ mpferp.öl>0etof Paferp teffptÇ i«8, 55. that rallan ífcefat fokpb ip pog tfje 0e8eof pompep thatroae fmptteof.ijeroepte f«ue / anOtetfaftmanye '¿etye of gteate píete.Mo 0e teffVtl) tfjat W0S ¿Marc «β áSatcettbe 0α8 takpij φ 3>ítacnfanp6/an& Kjae in a towte offset ttcfje cpte/anb œt)ag 0t temem* e «8 and tntoatdfye ße0ef8e t0empfo»tune anb affrpe* «pon of tñe fome noßfecpte. Retombe not tefïrapne Μ from »eping.tye teffptij affo tl)ete/of t0e ßupomnee of Pompep fterapS to φ krncf offltmenpe/ »l}tc0 agap ne tße IRomapnee oftpntpmee 0a8 maße ï reate wane ¿ot tljat nottmtl)fíon8mgewl)ai) 0e raae takpganS otwcome/0e raofbe not fuffre fontfe toknefeßefote 0i«f ßut confwtp8 bim ratil? cuttere raooj8ee/anb comma« 8ρδ the etorane to ße fet ippoi) 0t'e 0e8e/ that l¡e 0ï feCf ba8 fapbe araape/anb tefîotib t)tm into 0te fit (î be 0ie ng0t ft* be/anb cî)trpb 0tm ratil) gteate comfotte/ a nb oibepmfc btm ne*>te to ¡jtm fefft'tj counfeffpe anbat kte Haßte* 4foi a ftî/ouçrhe t0at it ße fara8aßfeto0aue iíctwpe/f out’tt Inorae enpmpee.fit te ae gteate fjonorat to 6t me® cpfuffto them that ßcFyöeupneire. ■Λ g «% I ityitt/f #1111fa MU 5 Él SÄ |rr^’"rí' . ·' ' ' * \·· Λ SL* ; • ,*W ·**·'■ ) C-WÜ CáDf tjje flígl) tcrowe/anb tße fatke ÏDIafogo» fçttïi. s. fjctmaç ieanf^tmmii) tSngfyfflje/p it íe btryuyS of jhktoe tfyatie nygßte/ anb i£aa$ ieafZtowe /ae mljofaytÇ a npgljtttorce/fo* ft¡e ffyett) it) tße nygljte. ¡SDí fot tfjat fßeuxJkytß offtljenjgßte, 0fïSoie ¿Sfßtmof.ymjfiicticotay fßete jfîectua tße oral tßat &wytJjbatkne(Te.d)e fatke ment to tßie 6y*8e φ faybe.à0ofïe betefufíte ßattefy 0 ptaye tße to 6e mit Jf me to moíoíoe/foi a fouet of my o befyiitße to fee meji tße cfete baye fygßte.2ltibtftoe tœayrre ße togíber / L fÇaff ferne tßefayjer,i£ße mgßectotoe pjomy feb to fut fyflf ßetbefite/f» fße tooe afßamyb to faye naye trj fuel} J a fmaftmátete.Rnbtoifai) tße buy aperyb anb pßeßue Ume pfefojwtfyç anß (fete, 1£ße forke fokyb fo* hss âP i 1 :lt U ii Η Ί Xl#1· i x & I . i:| % ¡I ÏK to ft*ptompe Jêut foe came ttot» fox foe btttfî not 6e foetupb it) t\)t fount/ anb affo foe mpg$te notÇín^e fee tq φ ban ftfÖt. tufjetfot foelatke toae fotpeanbcjftetfp tnowèffb anba0j)ottp8 ijet anb put* fuféfj et euetaftit attb into foie bape* 2lnb foetfote f fi)n>fe bare not ffpe ίο foebap e tpme fot fete of foe fat* te/an8fof0effe^affiot$on^te /anbfekpfoe f)ct meteipít^áctatepemmteanbftonítefapnáe ίο φ* «Pf fe» s jílomaifojufoc fot fone not fot bouSte* Xptoinpfefoat foineje foatfye cannot 0tMöfc_a0orufe# jffjctfote toe owe to 0cware to make ptotitpe of Έ tl)tngetmpofft6fe to 0epctfoutmp8/foat toe 0c not ptouf 8 inttetpe*flf it fottanf 8 foe to 6ebe* fpte8 of fop ften8e to boo fufoe foingeae pfefifo £ not* 0enotafoamp8tofapenape/tafoctfocfj to ptompfe ; »etfo mmtitnoUfox foepfjifofoftc fapfo*8ewate foat fhamefafïnee of benpimfe/C atufe not to fop feff necef fite of fpinge.jfo* tftianotbecefueb foat iefpgfjtfp be* ηψe8 Jileuetfoefeffe mqnpoij for ßßerafpteanb fee rjat te 0e fôamefafîe to fapenap of fotngee bcfpte8 of foem 2le it to tutf tteo fo gefh'e Romanorum of tl)c fp0erafp te of t£pte foe jtgmpetotute * #o;foeo;t8epnp8foatmM tnaof8wí8eafkeof8ímn>ítl)ou)t9opeofÇaufn0eotbe fet foem sotUnd 0ie ften8ee afkp8 of l?im ufop l)e Cp 8 mote foeij ße mpifot ge«e»2ln8 (Je anfwet8e ? fof 8e tßat fot taufe no mai) foufb bepatte 0eap fp y lja8 fpok tpifo t)im*atfoit ίο te8 in ÿefiie Romanorum of ÎEta* iane/foat xx>X)aqIjie ftenbie te0ukf b #m foat l)e tuae farnpfpet tuifo euetf maq/mote foâ foei foowfot tuae conue nient to J)to bi^uitt/t^at to to fap íq conbefec8tn# to foept pefpcíone/íEfoíe '¿tafaneanftuetScanb faf8 foat fee tuof8e 0e to Æuetp jCteatate ae jtacf orno anb . * íCatíepq % f tfye voaçttapfe anô tfye fiefaunte* !Dtafo#o* ! wagtaytebotQ tontinuaffy voa# § en taffeii) beb/ç tt)etfox f0e ie fo namp8 ÍDppog a tpme fÿewmt to fjfefaunt ç fapb. t£Jjoii votetcÿe xoypeft not tl)ow t$yç ßeq.iZfyet ßeeuet fui ofwatpt/p y ftenct)eoftt)ê caufttlje y to 6e aßt)om to afmetjÆÇc fyfaunt urne wtotl) 9 anfmtß $ fapdsattnot tÇou fljampSmaS vom§ y avt fo Sift @ fo tytef/p tljou Çafï a tooiâftrtgr tap fe fuf of paffpe/anb t0oii art 6efp to no* te my^ícteSut ôfo fortfj φ ametrô tfjptj oum faufeo fitff flttò tf)et) tljow fpaft 6e fycofe ♦ 0e wajgtta^fc 0mn$e tfeíe/tpae fo*e afíjampé/ αηδ wití)e conftffpojj turnjS §omt a^öf ntanô - «I fîtfï poutre team φ ¿9 fpke fWoATetSke rtooi; ÿebe to tf)et otune fautéee^at tíjep 0e tebp (o teßuke otjjet kee/ cm8 fo* jS©et*uít*U0l)p canfï tÇotu efppea fpteí? motet g tí) PO nepßotutte Jje/anb conft8ect'fïnot a gtteat fieame tij tíjpij otune.flDt íjotu mapfïe tljotue fo* fíjame fape totÿÿ fttobicfafftt me to take tÇe mote pat oftfypq *le/not fepnje fo gfteat a fleame tí) ttjpi) otun JJe.tDjotu jpoctpte ftrfî take tÇe gfteatefleai ne feo tljp») otuty Be/,? tljotu mapfî t$e8ettp¿ tjjeijljetpe tljt 6¡tobt'te$e. yt te «e8en)15ttiepattttmtl)ataîiMpgfpotuemaij/ fpake f ¿tampb oi) ofÿie Stediei) anb betraetpb Çitrt 8efo;tc tÇe couente/CJjeaßotteoftljefamepface tnaeagfpb/ anb fapbe no tuoojbe ♦ 71 nb 15 ppot) a tpme tu$a t) Ije 6ate 8e* fjpnbe Çtm a facke faff of gftaaeff/anb Çab fapbe a fptef ©ftJ)efame£taueff6efojte ^pm/oonafkpbofJjimtuÇat f)t 0ate/anb Ije fapbe/a facke faff of # taaeff/ tuljtcl) 6e* eokeneS Çte otune fpnnee ,êut Ije fapbe tarife tljep tue tæffeljpnbeib'mÇeccmb notfottÇÊJèat tÇe fmaí Çan8 fuffofgftaacfftfjat íape Befóte Ijtm/ fye fapbe tíjeke tue* s*e fite ßiobite fpnnee tußtcb be bab Dettactpb.Jlnb mo* «eoaet Çea88í8 tÇefe toootbee anb fopb*8reb;tet; ít fljaf ge not 0e foo45at mpijotune fpnnee o tu pt$ eapc to 0e íij tnp mpnbe;2lnb $ am ßotunbe to tjjínke líppofj tljem/ ç fo te eaetpecteaíate*2lnb Çte btetuefj fapbe* Htafpe 0e te tlje tuape of fpfeanb ÇeftÇ eaetfafitngfe* ^ C€>ftíjc /lípcfjjtpngafe anb p ctotue emonefe oííjetbptbee* ©tafogo*%15$* topptyatf V *555223 •I! / ' s V' V*· ' ' · -'s ■ 's' " 'V·.· -{■;■: y' ■ 1 * ·. >■' ' ot) at) fotetnpnt bare, tEfte xSgíc t;a8 0oo8e a íf ot$et 0p*oe6 to bp net/anb toÇmj tljcp Jjab bpnpb an8 fa ep8epaffp/í8e/3g[fecaflfpbtée ftfgty tpngate to f}et anb fay ♦ Bombte* goo anb foche tljp fyttge a& f QOEi art tcvnyb anb fjjetoe tí)í connynge to cierre otote paripé. l£\)e ny g fy tíngate anb pteafe/and Begat) to fynge fo tfyatafmanet ofßyioeo be fitou ftye tyftcneB to l;et fmge* Timón ge at oti)it a crome came Byeand ti)at 1/C fap8e *φη fetfS toi ttatfofynge voíti) t\)e Mygfytyngate ♦ ífoj g (Janea járrate 15opce/an8 0 ffjaff0e I;ar8e farte* 3tn8 (Je 0earçfí δ tjpm to beparte/ fot nomat) tetopcpb to bete Qim.& tlje troto ttwfoenot 6e fïpff/6»t tieqat) togattc nnb cope mo2e ? mote. U3l)etfoje tße xg^fecommattmbtb l)tm to 8e kpf* ftb without Cengfee refpite anb fapbe ίη t^ie wife ♦ ' ¿ongtototõCMonnpnçteÁíitneurt fo bete. 06 fljewpS Cut it) iapneto tß2 φ it Í6 6ut (t)fp to fpeke tolete tlje l)eteto 6e bus ^ . to take $eSe.ttt)etfotett íe fap8e iSccfefr, ppwn« ^hetoe not tßp giettttot) tljet ae te noone au8pence. 3tnb fattßetmoje βε faptb. 0i) compenp of gteate met) »«fame not to fpeke . Tlnb tßeteao 0e fenpomie fpeke not tomotbe/fpkeae tßectowefanote Cut feu>8fpe. 5b« d fcotatt of dtifio wife Hpitûf pyi fwpe.®ft»bomäeneeateffptß/ßetotetcpobegwi. I® ßete ße fßewitß tßat wßat) tße fe$atie of atienen* «te ¿ere come Cefo« kpnge pbtfippe/anb tlpt ftgaepe ßat8e. <£be kpn$ e curtepffpe anfwetSe anb fapbe. JLo* ke »ßat n tßtnke Qmapebo to tße pfeafute of ti)eatlp nenft'6/αηδ pe fßaff fpnbe me tefonaOfe. tEowßom ooi) »f the fame fertatie jliampb Democtitue anfwetSefa* «Le to tße kpmj e/£o ßanSe tbt feff.HnÒ »Sei) tl)ep tßat ftooSe aCowt were tnSrjnate anb tpotoe ßaue Ce* ne auewrib.tEb« kpno(e commannbib to fetjpm ff o/?« ounrfbeS/anb fat>be to tße otßtt fegatte. &tpm powe înto tße "RtSenenfíe tßat tßepöe ntotbe mo« »ßat fpeke fuebe woojSee/tbeij tb«T tßatpaepentfpße setßem/wßebtßepßtiupacpentfp fpokpij. «iM I V» 1'J 2 i λ ! tu > ·■■ ' . * „· itai •IK? 1 flfl iA "tl mi - ñí (ate. ORIK Ml 1 I U m :¡Ét «¡I Ibt Wt Φ il Jg JOT \(à »* l|Wr tt* ini', ! I , u lilt toi»! jp 'Itltóí1 f :*a«3j Γ4&5 5/ 5r: ■»j .«#», ♦»#· - · , " · *V *> O ill CáDfa 0ptSe caffpb Ciconia / ? fmafcwe* ÍDmfojjo*%ííú 0côttm Έρμοι)· a fpmemaSejjetnefïe it)^90i£0etomemtfyovote it; f top* pesanb tÿefwafom ßpföpß mtfyt). êuttjjefmafowemafie oftpt) tpmeo anb ntopcvb of ßzyttging foxtfy offyetßpiß ♦ ïtèÇertw'tlj fljps Ciconia mao great fy trowßtpb ♦ ^o* mfjatj fije mofbe Ijatje takp η ref?e mttf) l)et cÇtfbjeo / fíje mpflföt not fot tQecl)at\}eún$e of tfjc fmafeme* ^erfοι tt) t\¡t aß fett ce of tlje fmafome Ckottya befïropeb 0et nef kiP fpbljet6p;t$e6i2lttbml}ai)tl)efmafome moe come 0o* me acfap n to Ijet mfte*$>$e maße ttgÇtbotiïfoSffoiowe foi Ijet tfyiibiet).¿butfoiaf mocÿae fíje hiero not mÇo bib it/fije auen^ib not tljebe$e»lí^ítjjrija mÇife after f> fmafomerepapribl/er feffagap /anb wabe a neme ft«. - . äSft· } * · *'■-. ,· *! Π '·' i ·.; I Μ V fl »! J; ¿¡;i!j f*.\ ··/ fi. < ; £ I f fjfj MJ r\ - ;ι>·« treffe οηδ 6toUtfl)t forti) fer eytfto onbttoe çjeeatfpf ÿfa8 of tfem/onb tljptkpb fofïe onb maSe motf e noy» fe. Itëf etfoîe £f conta wae gteuib geectefye ae efote f«me/ anb fpabe fowtbe / onb fajbe. tCcrtapnfpe 6b tjf ri)ou>6eftpff. $ffafftfíou;eboK>nefl)t0pí8ce»»itfe tbr nefïeoe 0bp8 oomtpe/fotcamfe tfot tljour rnijiiy* etefïmeonb makytl) fucfenopfetbat fj cat) faire no re f?en>rt|j my tf tft»et). f «mge tije fmaforoeatib ïtnomynge / tjetyfy tfot Crionyal)o8mourSirb fes ef if8ien/mitf off f etljofe mpnSe fl)e6ctljougbt Çctbo t»e to 8e arien c(e8.2lnb tf etforeSpotjo tynte ix>f atylCt tomo «rae fftptnge mitf l)etct)íE8íeij / tfe fœaioœe ce tne pjyttefye on8 fette ft're ti) fee ncfte/anS 6íynny8 fes tpííf afffer d^'ÍSícrj a«S fa>’8e. HBÍ|ÉÍbM|M 'ie tgotot)l)teíEnpni|ee feytl boxte ieSnfoUe. V tfíe epemiTféit apeertf tÇotlpt te not goo8e to Λ 'S Sepe oí to ntionçfe ti)em tljat SeSnSttyfoí bouß* v t( thot tfey topff 6e aaengc8/otf er openfy oí ptp liefpe.í oí oftyn tptrt ee f tí foitumtf tf flt a mot) ««T* wetb ofotf er ae f e 1)β8 beferoy8 ßefate tpm e l)tm fef f. f Ψ ^ W V w * T-r··y ißeif efeffetceit) to ai) ftgfe fyff/ onb foœnbetfe fo# me cf ifbiei) tfet/mbid) ffe toke ernte oftljet benne φ torpeb tl?emn>iti) fee to fee nefle/tfat ff eonb l)ct6y* Seeffnfbeboueetetfemto tf er foœper.T.nb ml}at}? oN»e urne cerne l)ome to fie foggynge et fourth ηοφβ sbtfbien 6e meut boron to tl)e ruooSe onb cetcS foi tt)ctti enSat tf e fafïe l)e f orbe tf em mepe onb mourne tn tfe ηφ&Ιΐ'Ρν ΓΡΦ to menr£ff'«♦*■ Mt* '¿ ' - . » '..t ‘ 7- Ik ’ V ivîj, flit, m|R| • * '»vi i(!ï m ¡k π πψι i A HÉ MJW «mil ■fl m y \ ibbdrôfe anb voitÇ gteate tetiermce pjtapbe Jjet to befp uet tÿe c§itSiet).&ut 55tietfjp tÇe *3$tfe tpofb not ¿tant nojt gyueaubyence to Ijet pettóofl * U^öctfo** φ jfoçt toae angtie anb impacyent anb tóente anb gaétiB fiyt* Uye ôoxoyeanb Bitarwcljee of t$at fem biye anb Brought <* fruwbeitj \}Ct mowthj anb mabe fa guate (moke 3nBieti)e ttet§at f§ekpífpb fije ¿ggfpe Sttt8ee.?lnb voÿat)t\}tfZgie confrbmb at wa& fayne to me lie Ijet feifanb came botone anb btïyntty b £ to\\etpeo By muputfioq&f tvoay íjatmye cf)efyng tfje feffe.j&yti)ie a mat) te tamg\}te tÇonjgfí) jjeBe at amumageanbaBoueiïettymbovotetoy ie %nbh/anb met eftway Q Cfyeafe tlje me. tti%tof a fett ay ne amtont faitl).ßlomat) ovoitÿ to * fio Bye to \)xxtte Çpm tija t te toehe fpi»t\ fk ~ ~ ~ jgattiue te a t$ %tt cpo/ant But a tyteff ßyxfcnomßtto Xtnomfe ttyem tt^at 0e cotîtefïi6fe ant Jjatfe ίο ηιαηηρβ fijfh'naunce/ae Çífc to wjipttei) ÏDeuteronommpttïi 2lnt ^Γ.^ΠΊΓ_______ippoi)a tpmcwljaij il)ίο fyteff 0p*te wae fojtepuefewptttj tfyeepjetpatjotljirl&anenowo 0p*be ant ftoobe it; pítate tti0arSpe of l)er fyfe/Eo 0a* lie pwteccpotj ant to Bt befentfô fíje ffe05e into tljeafte teanbfap8e. pt towne ? refíe tl)ewtt0meanbwafltewttf}eme wfjai) 0 wafkeant S*e8e tÇow notl)tnâte»2lnt tí}«* 1)* faupSi0e fpteff 0p¿ Séant comfoîtpbÇtm ont fapbe* c fflfokcniffe Atitpoaertefiki ffie ener 0e tefentit uont tíjerao tt ίο contrarp/ißioS map foo neamenSetf* fl tî)io cpampfe 11 apert tl) φ 110 ep tl)o 10e tt» 0 potente ff)uf$6e befenStö ont Çofppt) it) tierno te of tl)em tl)ot 0e mpgfÇfp* foi yte jjreat meke iteffe ant mercp^o* mekeneffe ant rnetcp ao teematß faítfy to pwupt ψ tfretter wíjeij it to fíjewpS <0 t0em ? Se^rcote/anttî)tÇemtÇat0ecfetettto fljemoje crere* Μ$&ΜΜφί<*γ^4*Φ1Μ<*¥ίοςοΜ* fi K™ y ihitriiFOS tOfuIll IV' ίΠΠΜι >Ml|| DlfllJli I? ml indi' m ÎI n 1’ In 1 k \u ft WF' (# |W HP tólí (il H I III ÍI JÙ WÍ ΨΙ :0' fljufSe periffi) anti focotbtitj) mot J)e ffeyti) Çprtt. 0rj 1 of8e tpmeprmcpe to ere mouyd η>ίφ pitié an8 6enino« fence to fuel; ae toeret5nbett#em/ae it ape tit Q euybent fyít}t§etgeftie,WÍ)etof§efmanòue teEpffj it) geßye Romanorum of t£rarane tljat fypot) a tyme mtfag %e f I)uf8e take 0te (jo* fe totoatSe (Jateifit; grete l)aße/tf)ec came a totSotoe to Ijtnt toit# create famentaepoqg fhp? 05efec#e fije to attenge tffe ß (bode of my t) imocentcfyit SetoÇtcíJ fateCy toaeffapne.'Co tofjom Ctaianefapbe 0f 0 wme agapne toit# Sictotpeattb tjeftf) 0 ffjafaue« getfje.anb φ toibotoe fapbe. W®#o(Ijaffboo equate ta mepftfjoto 6eftayneit)ti)Í6 ßateff.ttrm'aneanftoerSe fye ti)at f#af fuccebeme itf tlje tSmpyte. 1£o wiym tS)e toebotoefapbe.anb tofjat fyattCyatauayte ti)e yfai) o« t#er mat} bo Mgfyitopfnee to me.^Etatane fapbe. Ceo taynfy notljinge» <£o toijome φ toi'8otoe attfa>er8e/ÿ fapbe.06it not6ettptf #at t#otoe t# j> feffboa epgjjtt& Ine/anb fo to encrece tfyyqaxm mexyteo / tljaq to feue it to atj ot#ic maq.Cljeij ttaiane toae mouyb to it# pitic anbbcfcenbtbfromfliobojfeanbauemfibfjeecatofeaní» fet Qerfjacteat tefie,affo Ÿppoq at) of#it tyme / tpjjaij mä\ ■LH.. . fto^s f topbotoe #ab ffjetopbit to Jjíe fa See it? (t 0 great factp matpoq anb moumingefjegaue (jio otoñe foi me to t0e 05Î €££)f a itytbe caffpb £>ttoctotafiie anb fjjc 'jDiato i' 'L- -i> j t r ■ ' - ® i! ii ■, i |I>v.¿ «:*% ψ . I ; ii f| I ¡s l ^ΙΙΙΛιιι , ■ v'IIm jf lilii; i ■ j · i % ■ . ï iit fili U! II f 11 : *. i III S; r va , -M·' • * ’i ■,/ ‘W;' φ. .».ϊ ;· 'f*,v- :>.t ■ ; · Í, ·>% ·;.; ... . ' - • /· ’ V ' · A. ' _ ¿ .· y W ' . ‘ v - i—M 'r‘* ; *?/ · '5' V * V,· * ’ ' Ÿ * * *¿> * » ai ■» ^*V\ ■ í>er te aßptSe αβ &úto ©fjíct) íe caf f»Ö Onoctotafue ot ©noctotafoi)/ anb ßit co* niftl) of φηοβ tljat ίβ at) affe .;ff oí fß« Ijatl) a face fpke at) affe/anb l)ee 6obp ίβ fpke a ftoaij. —^))Í0 gfîbe mabe ßtenefteiija Jteate rotfbet» tteffe anb fafbe ßee efóte anb ßiongrlft foitß ßet 6p thee, S ©ßag fíje cotübeno fennec fmòe fuftrnauncc ίη tl,e deferte ίο Ijec anb ßetcßifbieo/fße »«»*t0 Φ nte 1 «affpbtijeaffet0 ßetfcenöfpeanb faf b ,£> ßjoSptg aw ffke to tße ae tifo© ©eff fepfï/f«* B ßaue aij 2lffie face ae tßo©kafî.^ketfotetßo©fßuföefi twfïme ßettpt fßan an otbir.3 pwf e tße tome ©ttß meanb boœte not 'Oeflffe ©ao innocente anb cceßtßfe fepnge l)ie oœne fimifitube/anb fp mpfp ©ent ©itß ßec. anb ©noccota* tue feßßetßeaffefottß «ißt to tße mack ette/anb tßee ®οικτβ te bftiete ntetpo anb ßefiowpb tttocl) monef anb goStb tße affe fufftcpentff anb faf b. Cío ©«!> me ßjobtc «nb fct 39 taeef tffte iftapfe to owjte cÇifbîeij anb p ftal . ■ * ' V . V ... '. j.' ; .· · ••U , t.tη i & 1 „ U irii η/m» /4 -e: β Λ ßj I". •tfP' ά ii... 1*1 *1' <4 . J I. λ Ml i tß il uuw UVE; φ 0 ¡tte !,rW< *·%-*·- ■ "Víutint itéhntCi eLUbe fl)aStemtSe φ tdtty pfeafbté.tpfe Jíflê ttonrt tbtfí f^!6)©nccr0teß»9 tljtoagl) φ bsfette a gttate u>6vte ßutat φ tafle tottlj gttate íaSotoit Jje cante to tße nt fieαηΐι tapSc botot) I?ie 0utSotj anbcoke Çío rcmatSe g tumpd ijtrn tfomemaeSe . Jèut fot caw fe tf)at 0e n>ae ít) befcr ttanbít) afowte mprpe contrap, anb kitcroe not toej>c/^e combe riofjjoojjome/anb (o be pe« wfffieS eupij tijcre ti> tfje mifSetmffêltnb fapbe. ' P Λλ“ ‘ to ¿efapne - ' »»* 96 og <>H»tgb ootoe to tome agfapne. $«*% ít apetítlj tljat nontax ftufòetfoo to fae t® te centro p e tfjat ße knotmtÇ not fot bonete pe tefifpe t0at bapfp Ijappe fijóme tije rootfbe. fot « te wtrttet) ptímo goljannío fecunbo.flf tierno** 8e te fet ítj guate nipfc^eft.íle mijo faítff. t©0erfoeiiee a ma ijße Jjeíe eaetíij geeatpareff. 21 nb tfjerfote tbe a* pofîfe compfopnptí} fecunba 08 £otintßioe. púof bp< «eto pareffpe ti* fonbe írj roafer/anb cfpecpafTp ítj faffe íCtpffaj peopfe. "íEljetfote ae (¡öttgoip faptß. I®e nut fíe eripi btebe/fot roe ße euer ítj patefT/ae Ijít íe re88e in ceffitcponißue patMim.tEIJatoija tpmetljetroaeafe fptatp met; feupb tt; tÇemofc petftgßi wpfeant) fetupÔ (5o8/anS tfje fyn8c bapfp roapfpb to 6tinge t)im to pee Bkíoq 6pgteate fot?tte.wl}ecfoie oi) a tyme l)c teanffi guteS (Jim fetfit) to tl/e fpkeneffeofa marcljantee f}oi* fe/fjaupngte ßagg-ee οη Ijte ßakke fuffofvÖofS anb fpf «ecanbptecpone ft onpe/anb Jje entp;t8efo8epnfp iijfo tljeceffof tjjt'e $ctf> mat) αηδ ßoSe tljet.'ilnb (je fepngte % 0otfe mertiap fe8 grreatfp roijat it fijufS meane.attS tbba9 l)e faroc nomar) purfupnrje oftpi tÇe ßoife/ tje 0e gat) to towetfe Çrm (i to ϊηδο fíje ßag^ie.ßi) tjje rot?tctj ft« fotonße ijteate baßouttbance of cfoo8ee ttmperaßV gt monep mmtmetaßtV» %n8 foo §e tvae owetcome tvifbe 21Λ it mptacpeg anb cfotl)p8 0ím feff ig φ mofie freff$ mí fe/anb to he tfje ljo;tfc anb roobe to a great cite mítí) aff tj;at goob anb toke l5p at) $o flaanb etc anb btank of tlje 6efïc.7in8 xofyat) φ gooSemag tÇat Ijofïpb ljpm ; fame anb confpbetpb Ijie gtcafe tpcl)effe/l)egane 9pm ÇÍ6 bomgl)f ec to mpfe/anb Ije bmeffpb fïpff ig tija t fa- ' me l)ome/. 7t mag kno* toítí)riot pie enbe. &utte ae a jfiffbeíe takpg mítÇ ag |)ookeanbaípí8emít9afnarefo io a fpnfuffmagta* bpg ig Çíe fpnne/anb ig manp pateffpe. flg tíje gerate fee of marepfe fcantfyc oog efcaptd) of manp/anb of tl}2 CÇat paffe tÿiovogf) tÇepareffpe oftjjiemoîfbe feme ef cape. w\)etof it h müptteg ig mtiepatram/Cbe a66ot ^b^omegaaeagan/meretoamonke t§at fap8 te Çíma6m8írofomíi6íeretournp8to tfle mojCbemec* uapfetbom not tf)erof.^atanb if 9 Snberponbetl)atanpmagl)at9epie«apfpb anb efca* ρρδ fro tÇe Jjonbee of pie goofffpeenpmpe/tl)erof t$otl maift m(t maruapfeanb tfjanhe ©08. C ©f tbe3>mag anb t1;ecromt· ©íafojo» %£» jCtÿnnf Λ 0gfMJ6 a fivat) fe a Üyt8e a tt flnD Cornue a cvovoc aff 0facke · Tlnb 0e tfyetfote eimpeD t0e fwat)/ fot 0fe wt)ytencffeant> cknneffe* ITIjerfo te tl)c crome witi) great ftobye an δ èe _ ________fyfaúowiefougijttffemeanyeto Défi fxoatj/ind to make 0tm Bfacke ae 0e fe.ièut fojtaf moc0ea6 IjecomDenot ûitttgefye pzopofcatiovotetpl}i* U t\)t(wat) toae matymgfe.ijc faffonupD to Do it ^wae^epmge.mi)erfoie15ppoi)anpgf)te ßeptnge $ fwat)/ tljecutfpD crom came to 0ιβ ftccefe an§ Deftf^D tl)e fmatj/anD maDe ^îaff 0facke,2lnD ml)3 tfieDape was fpiongeanD tEítatjfÇootie/ anDt0e fmS wao tyfet) from ffrape anD efpieD tf)at0e xoae effate f poffute/ÇeiventanD tpaffljpDijmi ftff fo fonge/t0at0c tuao putpfpeD anD ctcne/ftom aff/iftlj anDfapDe· M,iU fOfi)e cromefigrofíetl) tt)e IDeuyff/wtyct) mayenot fee nox 0e1?oí8c tljc cfene fpfe of tty fetuauntye of (SoS.míJctfoíe tvitfy afttye pomtand migty 1}« je 0efp to poiïute and be fife ttym ♦ &nt foxafinoety ae ty cannot pxeuayte agayne ttym wakynge/ty faèom* títí) to bec ¿yuettym ff epinge/ tvtytfoxe mat) omit# to wake, fox fay nte Huguftyt) faittyTLtyt) enymye voa* kytÿanbttywffeapifie.Anbitiemyttet) primo pe* tvi$ (tímo.TDete frentfee 6e ye foBxcanb make it) beuotl te pxayevo/fox yowxe abuerjatpe tty ÏDeupff goptl} a* 0o vote tyke atyot) totynge/anbfehpnge vo0om map beuome&o wtym refiflepe fttonge it) yovox faptlj ♦ 2lnb flfiSoîe faptlj ♦ 3>ιιφ fofke ae 0e fiaßfe nj faytty wtyt) mpchpb fpiritee feettyy cannot oaercome ttym wakynge/ttyy ttowBfe ttym ffcapinge / votytfnt j($e redoe it)Uitie pa trwmtEljaf fenbte befu8p δ a Re* fpflfpome mafj if) fomccfye tjjat míjaij l)e mitl) Çíe 0*e* 5^f$tifbe (Jaue0ene$omfif8e/ m$ife0effeptet!)ere apeepb Unto tym tty fymytytudee ofvoomet) anb befi* (yd tym/anft ty afkyd town fett off} te fenpomiee mljat mae 0efï to boo*anb ttyy inquytyd ofljie biete anb gy* 8pníe/anb fotiníe By experience tty at it g reme not of fa petftuyteof mete anb b*mke/anb ttytfoxe ttyy iugiS f it came ofittufyot) of ttybewpIF/anb ttyy cornu* feffpS tym not to aBftaym from tty tyty tomunyot) foi tl)at cam fc< anb aftp*mar8e tty tym nomoxe/anb fljempb rijat tytyd bone it fox to wittyxa me tty tyty mat) from tljat Ijofp mpfïerpe ♦ €Æ)f a ByxZt jZaïïyb ttyftynne*J&iatoJ$$u &PW ■ {MW »w Iw6{ »iœ( »Mtfl •»fea Hatjt ■1 tus à.,'. ■fmw"KKt*-iM 4 Uu S***·)« 11 rfwiS> pp|l ikifnV, la« 5] Λ fjijl lits BtU œ:P ri P" Ppotj a tpme Φζηίρ fte tooScÇenneef ppe8 fteeggieofa pecoçke anb ma?t Çetnefteftarpftemannpe Çotoe· anb oftarç £ CÇekpne tóete Çacft p8 \ant>6iow** mp toae íínhpnbe to fte after ftennpe of * jfoz fte toae 0ofl8e of Jjet mafttt fox fattotoie of fte fte* bpne anb toof&e ft notopfe fuffer fte $ennpetoppke toíft Çet/0«t 8etet\¡emantx »ape* ^fje jjennpe torte 0ptterfpe gteppb anb fap8 no tooo;8e/0«fc çoppbto feeatymetoBeautngto «anb ttftao ftefefte* Rpne tóete í totopo *>PP* fteP fafoke ftie too8eí)enne/ anb toutnpb Sato ft troto ne pecocke kpnbe/anb fte Φ ftemag toke not fteij fo gteate 1)ebe of ftte toobeÇenne «o l)e 0ab bont/0« t fnffítSt J}tt to fcrape fo; (Jet fpupn$ &&♦«*> ' I kid IßP tf 1% 1 RM I I ' .M Si lili Fil -Sv I i «<* ί’^ V » V OTf «moîirfeotbec fjennee. Hnb tljepttjere fteffôfpmneiwj fijiî) 0f the gibe petfecuepS ef tfjie toobeijine ®tÇoi»<$t £ tpofòe ße anengetran8 tÇerfoje tljcr woftK "otfuf f« hertopfkettmfj tljcm. flnb œfjmj fíje « euetp tiimgc Ünbee l)eupt) ιβ ÎnSetn fpacr.-ffoi tl}et»0 a tpmeofptofpenteanb Λ ^ aíihiifrfife Œ.vï\ktonnpti)fjpHcdroijcfc/tijtí)6 Sch fonte afcenöe anb fame Defcenöe.Öut tl)f }· tijatPc ,tttjatmmmtwi) s¿ 6 0ftl)pweftfj6enotfoj îlifinhece öe tße Krngc6 anO p^tticce tlje zçtupcrow SmoSefee kpngeof petfeanh ö0eöemoo(i £&nö rr.0ofi mp3l)tp outctoumpO ^iTtc Snö(0««fÖΦÎPPOO«tP»'* £ 4 Η 1 .¡iS •Ml r' I*v Γ w *' \ν\ II • ^. Μ V Ml » ' Τπ IM Ulf m ! *$ fil yw !mv ■» ¿Á »WP 1 ilUtílí IBP1 ilffWl M !i< Kl Li- e0$\)tpîatemô fatbgÇanbBeÇcfkafj tnftïwemib innumetatik muttptüfcof peopfc toepppb foie* Uc# mmeffl$ctÇattt>itÇüjûi){£ ♦ perpe fpuce after tljat/ ηοόί; of tl)emfjjufite0c fcupn^fCianb affotpj?aij l?rtoit agtapnc tlje gukyenx>it\) a Έ1)οιο tf}anbt§oto tfyanbce of meij of armpo/anb u»t0 a ¿©.aftb.CC.of fl)ippce fcpnge 0efo;c l?»m fo greateat? tcmemdxingt ofttyctyvonaetcmffeoftymt/anbcf tty fyfeanb toleteo affttynefe fjjufôe retourne /Ije toao I?« mpfpat*anb mabe fotoe ti) 1}ίβ otoñe mpnbe anb fapbc· £^gcaffmeakpnge/tl}atam0utamaijof fucjje po* toer anb fîrengftl) to eringe fucty a muftitube togiScr* I ΛΙ / I fiMfiii », fape it) fythomfQjanZtoao bepartinge from tty toojfS ty fokpb ορροί? 0ίο Ijotofce anb cafïeffpe anb fapbe.Æ) 0000 toxfte tDÇatauapfptl? f l?efe tempera (Tgooffee.^fo; g tÇatfjauefomanp cafïeffpe anb pafaepe/ anbljaue Ça80e potoer to gpuc focfgpngc to fo manp metj/knovoí not notootol)et0ír to 000 no; tolere g f§af0e fo8gpS * C £>f t#e&hiapfeanb tljeïarke· PpotJ atpmet$eáQaapfc0efl)o«gl)tc 5et anb fapSe * ^(Jetfeofljawkeieci great putfetoar of mp kpnteffe ♦ 0ut ? ifgmpg0t0eatpeacetoft$ 0im g Ça* ue Çiô fcenffeftpppe anb fauoto; ♦g toe** HN< > (F-·* ■** V K jtf I? f USHæssSSf te tífetj it) çf reate futetve αηδ at of crate 0att»*e eafe.anS tlfetf« flfeca ΟΓρδ tl> e ¿ark e ?nto l)et/ onb fpake fat’j: to Ifet αηδ fapSe.^ifotu art toojtlfp to 6c fo»?j>3fo; tljo» arte ca iff’b a (a aba fo; tjji tppfSom* / Fv ‘ / à"· \ 11 fi - J Sí; r 7'iíill l » >Ms \ .A ■'t A ' · ί··ί f* ft. 1 (ΐ ill m It 11 j -j* » ï. pill ii :■'* - V liil til' |i I \m ■fin îf I k m II - « / .! -J. Hietfote gbefite tie to goo to φ ©ofiamke foj me/ anb geie me ito6enpuofen« anb fap to imt.Hie q nap te tecommenSíti Set into tlje oßebpentfp ao tip fußte ete/onb fije fjarteíp befïteti to 6e knptte mtti tÇciij a* tnyte anb fauomte/anb to ijane futeç flatite peace miti f fot euet/fot tljexoÇíct; camfe $e fen t me to ÿ ÿ fj fiuíb geueaptoupb anfmer.Hielarftement fojti mekefre enb tepottpb tiefe mooxbee to y ©ofiamke.Hie ©of gamite mao ttomß ipb great ¡Ve mit]; tito meffage anb faytito f latke.Hite16 a0 i'atbe rnatetanb gtettouo to t)ete.jüeuettt)efeffe Q vopSy fieiet fefftonte mtti f to mp pte fente/anb fpeke iet omg mom ti fot iet ft ff. 3tnb toljaq tfye latke iab partie tiefe moojSeo fije te« 6owtnp8 anb ftjempb tient topfuffp to ÿ áDuapfe .Hie áDuapfemae gfaíanb fot ti fie ment miti y larke to f ©ofiamke to tonfetme pete anti foue Setmene tient ¿Inbae fone ao y ©ofiamkeefppeb tient togibet /f)e (feflfttj befite anb contupifceno enbeamstite tient Soti anbei« tientanbfapbe, iUomaç HSI h ï a u it-il'·. «# #ir A iifjl fjj Urn «· if* ,:3I m «1^ 0 r mil m m m Μ 1 1 i H 'ii y U í >Sf KÄ“? ^t0"f mT notPi0uoke ttym / to > 6e notaco^Hb η,,φ t0eitt,»jietfo« fa iemmten 19 to b te fnatee/αβ a^oßfete fofge/thutai) ¿life îpoti a tf-rnefoí catüfeoffofacewaftj«?9a rocoße a„b met WttÇ ο ßoozeanß ßoftefy fa/utp8 Çpm anb fa*be.fiap* ; «Is'lnV(f*neß* s*'« f°0,rfewφίtea6n - fipß w/t? ¡rt/onb tßcu0l)t to tere οη f, îKsÎJf6‘ &! «fwfnf8 6pm fcffanb fay3 • ö-aprt anö öetpfVone to ' wt * ία, ^lltt Φαί ,e mP!f§tp flnb ticlje. tfoe tßep t|;at ßepooetanb it) force begfre ma pe btebe anb /fiftfA0CtCpPÍ‘fr0 arito (fe . ©ofiiaœhee sarr ae » * *·*"& fa thatoe 6e # farnp* fc>k«ff !n! œf 6eptmpf0e8 foie bay ff/ani) tljat eau I *v w tç ôtxfcç ffyciîi an¿ (o fff frpm ttjem fot fete» ■ ' . V · ' . ' „ s" ^ ·■ ·» r’ · / * β ,, , ' - > :' r i *>\Λ' Jr,fiB I# fl fl I h i ! m ma'> ra;!|i|!i Eii·· ] B h - 4 / ■ττ· w fc ; \ fil j I, iri 111 * i m u ' ·· II ? Lu ) « \ I k\V* W.7 ν' X ©ktfoîo : P V 3>otpae faitl) faite te'a faifa oftffe Rp» 8e ofagtfprMt ße ieroQytc anb fef* ft tijai)a jripe/anb mefîe rauenoœo. ¡μ 'ŒljteôpîfewjljerpoœtÇ tjabbeboons äfteate mpfcfaft/anb fïofptj t^ek^ne (T- «. —. ttotpßfpb ßotlj mei).««berí8ee· Ht ßtft jyt τΊ itffiet (Wfe föt «pentp8 anbtoa» penitente anb'topßptt 1 ~ je to tejióte tljat ft}c fyab mp^akpij/anbtobopenaim» ¿<¿r fj cc/anb to epraífébtbpe of me wpe anbfpus tigtßtiopf* . ‘ (vt.'éut fbíofmocfje ao fije fjabmpfpentt Ijetguuente anbtDaenotacufïompb rij íertae.¿>f}e towSe nooi) oc< iupreí>jaíe/it>Çrtfoíe f0e fîtpupb roití) tjeefeff ; »of ¡j"í,n« 8efaj>tteÇauebone ifooSebebpe .Jènt fo* tavofe fcljafc Ti*r«t)i fije tya8 no goo8 öeginnpncje «g poujtljefijt con>8e {fane, r‘ n«rr no foo8 enfyn* ¡ñMSS&xaiL·.i'fkti mW! ¥ T Cwfuditiû, tlaivrcL· / w ™ WWW cupomçbmmfl. ^¡Z*&t9i$aJ 2ίβ fW*W ***· •wrtwpe uno gooStbeSpe in rototß that tße* r Hf» fwnn no joobnefTe.^nb 0otoe ffiuíBti fie t$0tt> ff nbeam» «9 «fe · .Sone »17 tßp pototfi tempte *ßpBOwnempnSc/an8pft§otoefpnbe Ü mpckeS gïne «”<>Poton.^nSafettapneŸnfifïnfapt8Æetbat in ¿«lai ^**«β»Γ«§6aS5ecufióme.-flot 2? *f£ P(Jtl^ftefaptlj.C«fïüB*et0attothcrhtm8e. fostrteifjat a mai) ftaf ? JL® ‘9®* 9e îff b to bo bocßefpnbe fj?f5r.U0$çrfojrtie tofbeofa feebeto mijem tbmmae «vmmüMwaeUiv (ί,Γ^ΓΛϊ ßowipb*g*ptcemp© atib roa© moopb to confeffionanS Ti a«m? *f Se«amcnte.tEî)otfo»be no moot ¿f?"i·r‘1,¿5mitijfiiclJ φ WooiSeoÇebpeb^foi&a8iijfîomeanb 2ft fatfe ¡mea I (*δ «Ib 3ouaeerßtm>onU to botnoc(Je1)urfe 19 tJJec borní» *#2 £"™r¿7?«/att? ^'twÇÍCctbcp omtaïït^nge fut •'w)¡ **aracsue wa© fliotogljt to a fpkemai) an8 pjofitS hím te ttctyat/fye fapbejLct it Be íugib fitfi pf Q Be tmaíf p j|®* fe 0“ue nottr fuff repente pótate / of flu^fr to J25 aapiatofe «fçrÇtfu^ . Λ17 offer tijet« Iseeaffeo (P$f(^t íjôútOiifS totvae^e J)petn8pnge, J&&M * * ί**» > : i 1 - If Pi ï jilt I ‘ ïi ÉIÉ I tr »ï I i i 3 il \ . & $ Jil .· i li /■ >J¿  9 i vi «it im » íl” O 1 II 9 IV Ai ll)i l;j f I M « *9 ■M” i; r V yff ÎF ‘J t λ di ttJtetcíje.íSrftdrt^« affffpe&e tbet ¡e nót owteí fekptfje' 6ee me tí iwrö fo Strafe fa6ott)*e aefl two. -fot aff the fort4ebape0biott>ne mp feff»i> f0e ppttee «nS matpre to ßaut mp fpupngrJlnS patauentute at taffe fl (Haff petpfT0 a«8 0e betfeop8e/0t>5 ßettpx fot me to ßooto o* tf5ee0pt8ee t0at ße mp fefomee ? to fehe mp mete mi'th tjjem/anb t|a»> fljaf 0 not ße it) fließe iußatSpe/ not ete mp ßtebe »j faßornie anb fototoe ae fl bo.&tit fl fßap «. te moeßeßettn tritt ψ hß ffompij totßefeetßeariß fawgßte βίο foode witß Icptbee / f>etou>8efynbenomete tßatfauomißinftiv ntoutß/anb foßewaapaffpnßtr feme ψ ßongtie/ bay* fp. TUtbnotwtßffon9m$e fox aStßatpenueyteanb h5 gte ße wofßenottetowne to βίο natu w ffiDcaipacpo« noipfuniejjim feffiij t0e roatptfotfoepe ftototßanb fnfufiynee/ßutbpeßiqgteatenebeneffeanbfarße, < ftete not tüoitßp mete not btpnlte. ·’·, t , -.-MJwtenozfWnJte. /3 PpHewpfematw a ne$ frfrent perfonr fu ff of 0 ffomtßanb ^niuftynee/wyffmt faßomie/ßut eatÇee fjnretij gtreatepouertpe. H£>ßetfote t't ίβ Wtptteij 000 tjumto.St0aij je 0o*i> io iaSotpte. 2ln8pf Çe benpe to foßotwe / bebotfje not tßat tbpnoe that ße mae o;bepnp8 to boo.Ttnb tßeefoxe ße fßaffmt come to flVSSs 'Ö'Ä *?*!&,?aue/^16 f0 meane ynfimte gfoo8.2lnb affo i|?e Λρο/îfe nnpttetß ptimo aß jpozmtlpoe.tp Ae t0at Ej0otozttjj fljaffefe. 'Cßerfote tßoro mat) aeßfibote fait ß feketotßea piopßetaßCe oc* tupatm/ßrtße voßieß tßimynße mayeße otcupkß, f¡oxttto funmecyanb ßotfomeßotß fot the δοδρ anb' fotofeto ßaut-moberate faßowte.Hßevmaea topboro tßemeß refofpS W0e0etpe8irj a fmoclte tßat wae ae* Pffl betäub fiipbe.0 wpffße 0»rpe8 ig t0ot mpij otoñe 7 /j Sué I ■ .ι -f «·Λ /·■· IS 111 tl ·&>. ♦ l'i> ;i: «jtnfee mabe anb mi vtfammy »$t te teSSe «j pattern.tLlfat o60ot atftnytit) $»e ßectfitnirnje «w« Steatite magttffirt it) tf>e iSmpetmjMfaíate . »«* of mtoatbe be ωαβ a»j Jjrremrtetnoft prtftgj)te ♦ Ληβ »ban fertam «erfone· afh^ of ÇÎwl?** *9 të® Kx» mooft/f}« anftoetbeattö faybe. Qi¡itßte t9a*0|?' ^,r[lvnt., ft»teff.&ut tiwfi ptintrpaßfc damgfaS anb rriopcr y ^tat“ 0 flaue foßotwib witf} mytjottme £onbeo f putno mag 4e Charge fot roy tautfe. CáDf e CatSueffiij Çíe wge.ÍDíaíogo.ípç^ * "Τ'- " I if’-if · V.;. ' · ftettea 6ηδ* natrtfS £atSacffts* <* effongcanb u?aeínc&íp& n? acoge w Λ «rchcmannp e p taceanfc be v n ttfy fJ>/Jot t9V tï!Citi)p iret) J)û0 gratte pfcafutt/ fo Ç**c bpa fongeiitai foz t^at catofe ^ «J*· P[f ntrüs°U£ %*itwf δ MÍ of met* ani bwtem* •Λ: Éîi l|(ßrf(cfruii i ittf AΜ ϊι| ' tüi / \ % Ijâ ■¿¿¿À.’ . u ffjtrtî« fw fÇettt t$at there ttttyt / aròtbtíhítj a fíente fpace tÇet feff greet hongttanb manp pote ßw8e« œ,rg fotepanpfhe? toit Q (JongteanbcofSe foi it f}àppt>8 in a fewicnte winter feafog.Slní ttjerfaje tfjep went to th» jCet?ueffan8a fkp8tpeaftnpffe. Unitae gone teem none tint tbcftagmcntpeonS feumrtee of hie 'Saßfe/ an« fucheae he C$e f%¿ ··- »-■ -■— ...r- .^^Jae8the oßfacpotj of Capme fot caafe tlfat fjeganeof fíe wot* fie/anö tje accept?*) fíe gpfteeof 3ße fíeStfit. na^etfojeflacoß fap 8e to hie clfiidtaj. Ibiinq ft of fíe ßefle frutee of the ertheoinb it ie weiten pte· uct0.!Íü.wot%ppe tljow <¡Ew8 of typ fußßaunce/ani» geuet$ot» to the pouer of the ftrfiinceeceof φί frutee/ onö offo tí ie wtptterj it) tljefarne pface. £>ffre fhoum» fmaffqpfte/foi <ßoS refufífí fíat io officie of y tvotfle 0t ie a greate ÇnhpnSenefifê to geue of φ ßefie tomaif anb offte to <õo88e of fíe xootfie / atmovontepeffufane/anbfíc hnpgÇíee that bwtflVS ßpe h«8e teffof hie gteate t&tgye / an8 that 0e woiSe anftoer to euerp quefïpotj.Ænb fíetfote with a tontuna confent/thef came to him anb affcpb of him wh,at waes fíeqtcttefituttsfyc fíat cow8eße. tEo wjjom xjt fapS 1ÉOgpue anb to ße fpßetaff.Tlnb wljaij fíey tfriberßoe íe hieanfwcte, fLbev affetmv8 fjit/anb Con fen tr® Í ϊΛ \ Η I ά t y i L IR I B Me ’ 1 r' · ! -i » i I IV t.v ,·-·ι nz — _____ —— ... ___ ___ .. — - — — — Mm II fl-i fj. Jill Hi V $  :í i :i ) J t ! ili ■L*· "Μ 'À -Λ >Χ ; ·* 1 ·, %;,- Λ %ÎW' jf·4 # ' a. ·. i - : i ’ *'ι ■ ■ · •Μ ’ !v B¡ ΓΊί,·Λ ’’■·'· ïf tgetfo.MnbÇeffab «Jen* taftet&ímttmfeflfíogtôíeatitlí teff íjp m ral) tel? wae t^egcettefí et>oííVfP3nee tijat tot» ge ge amongeaff otl)er.2lnt> tßep fap8e tl)cr (Jetue togi get anSeorabenot accotbe.Tlnö rafjat) |)e fatue ffjat/ tje teßukpö tfjemanö fapbe.g ttip feff (tfpoweio φ rcap 6p tijera l)tcl) pempgljt raefe ijaite knorap t) t^epiavne fofucpoij of mp fpke ae geupnge ie mof tttrte fpe.¿ o te takptj area pe itiofi djotfpffljnee / fo* it ie contrarp to gpfteÆljetfotepe φαί conttnuaffp ta* j\e awape potemetmte gooSeo/anb geueUnto <öo8 tßat ie itotl)titge o> fpteff raoztl). pe ße niofte d)otiefpffl?attl> moo(t înkpnbe/αβ it te fapbe / it te mote gratporae te gtue φαί) to take.Qg gefite Komattotum tt te »tptt ë oftl)t fpgera fpte of ÍLpte tlje tSmperowte. Uljat otj a tome ae IJe fat at fopet (je tememßtt b tijat (je t)a8 get;« itotßinge tljattape.t® (jctfote Jje raepte ant) fapbe. S> fetnSee φίβ tape (jane $ toft/fo* 3 tjaue geupij nctijtti get Retape» 1 ■ ' jlmifariip - ι <ώ 4ί •λ . '· X liti • ts k vfcx: i il U il il H* ~ V j ΛΑ % ■ * Z 2 ■'Cv ι IM 4.« ■fil ‘»»I CÆ>f«9 . *· ·.· - % \ J¡ liMwm mm? - * «μ* · ■■ am* -¿Ser/. ti*·"*!“■* ■'.»* » « V “!· \ . , ÜDî>f*0 $wf ferte ffptîe eaffpb Oute, anb oftße ßo- ticatpe. ÏDrefoge.fçÿîi, ^ Jörtpjre iö et ^jSr cf t* if pte/onb aftp* tße faroe 0tt ίβ the mefîSnefeneept8etßatio . ^otfbe te ft88e xoitfy be§e iCatepne/ npgbc ^ißhetfeffm °* ^>0?,β/^ηΐ> fte P»* H ffc etttí) t1)t/Sgg offeepentpe, 3Ipotc{atjietoke fijie Çncfene 6ft8e / a»8 n>of8e batte putpftçftjjnvfffat wipÿ$t fyauc 6cnc tea0fc.2ln b 6e put l)et {tj (ο βίβ Potecarp cfboppe/tßat fße ffjufö&imßfwete / anß 6e poutgpß u>tth mc8ecp« nee,6tit aftljat faaoewf 8 not toftlj tjet/tühtfe ffie tpae tljerc/ßot tatßer fgeicue iEMenktmae catrp»,· n,ßef - fote fije toofSe no t a6p8e/0u t tnente 0er t»ape.4fot 0ee «petite mae not to ta tpe thetifenme anbftpetteweffe *»a«.anb tijetfo* fßeenbpb t0e tefi8ea>eofbet fpfe in titia*** anS cmuPc?0V «e ft ® ft»b tofw ?fp8 anb faf~ i» Φ farptl) manpotj t0at 6e Sncftne βοφ in 6o8pe anb mpnbe/anb ca ßomaBfp eptercpfe8 in tße fon» ft fpnnee offtcßcvp anb cóuetpfe. if οι tß tv fanet» vc no% befite noot) o ttyevtijmij.anb pf tijep 0c 0ut a fhot* *f ft«« wtft^ta toeij front fίιφ ffeflTß fpe anb tnotfôefr berettacf one.^ßep 0e foone retouenpb to thee fpnnee flSfapneae a bofge to ßie îontp te.^ßetfo« faf trte fle tomejatfß. U3o ße fjt'in fßattrj feeßerp bpetße/anb tooo 0« to 0mt φαί t'tj tfie faftc eriSt makpttje an tnbeof hie vpnltfníe fec|}çrp,a faßft w tofietßat fartßo tippon iCjC : jir -if*1 • j h '? %V ! < ·ι < 8eα«& toa* affrtjebayc emonÿe t\)t ffowee / offpfyee anbofwofce/ ant> at npgÇtc t»Çai) Ije fite tfome $e |ywi»v^iv—, » fojtej&i tÇgeea te ίο ye attb affeecyoç |e fey te nj anb fay ---- *»4·<·ΜΛΜΛβ ffrtftllge ûfifil femmaij ti) t0eöon$(}ipe.t»ße* Sí&tóKSSíS!^® í& iWe & notÿmge igof ~ Λ— 0e enfy»8 type fpfe 19 fîpnkpnje fectyetp ) w0m 19 ty» tya8 moofî befpgtyte gwtyroi IBWftaÔÎSSf“* a flCB tetoozöre •If lí|fK uní) fart ri/T# iccofmci iwtfcw» 'η 'flippo, lilii« to [tro A ΌΜ/αηδ mi Κροκοί C«SW5C- ï il • e* II itei tí»* $ tZBicañne at fatty pafive i« no geeat Gfitif/a nD fjebefptrty to Dmefig ttnf Seenee.ibpog a tpmealDtKke pa gan DtemaSea great fooper ta tyentytclj tfyep Defier b tocontcafmatter of ^a* tnefoujfeo.ítnbmoíeouerfoíío tt>oj tytppe tyefompeee φρ mente ig to wpfCeeneffe/ant) ftouçtQ t wiü) tflem tye Peffpcag to φ fame foœpere îlnb toljag fomperett>ao boneaiïtameBptbee ptapbe Φ fl>eflfpc ag to DtoeflT toityetyem emongr peopfeanfe lie fengeeto bmetfig Deferte »9 t^e farge mCotrntffe f» Itea ftyfgrpm./io* to foffre fo gerate fi)crpewe|fe anb pcnunte.t£6e Pcffpcag toàe Vicie anb ouercom ntitS tye fapre œojbro anb bcfi'reo of t$e TEamegprfee/anb tarpeb ftpffwitff tffem a fertapne feafoipanb 0aS rop* autyrte anb farpb Deipcatefp Dape.Jèut «tyaij f* ÎÇufbe pîopeanbtïeigcontempfacpog anb rebpngc »fl)ofp fcrpptute/ge «robe not 0e qupete.fioi φ noya fe anb tyaterpngetftat t5e$pt8ee mafo.ßoi 6e tombe ttot (rue (oSettpe ao Ije Ijab Befóte Vfp8/ fot gerate 0a* Bonmoance of ineteanD blinke. V&ftexfote l)e cone eptieS «9 mmarSerememStaunce offlio foto fe 6eftg / anb a« fone ao 6e 6ab opottunpte/$e rrtournpb 19 to mpfSet« »le/feanD 19 to fettete place wl)eve l)t üôowipb 19 go· fiel? (aBotote/anbpetfototmpBa mattCp Batctï agaprt Ijtogoofiefrrnpmpe/anbenbt'b6»ecoutfe/ anb06fee« ty’® 6·0 fetty anb Deaocpog 19 gerate qupeteneffe g fap8 6«an ^wpff ptaye anb ße tontcnrpfatpf. *— / r —r c 'v-w; »w freuegob*j£0· A uermo*en>l)agiprnerequmr6 takefapfar/g 6e fofrfatp/ÿ 19 quieteneffc· φ tmniSe rnape 0« bfttipieS ig $ofp me WtaaSo/fg ptayetef t3tfp6iit3efo| \ 11 Γ e 3.' »Ill 1 Í m X V  ÍVífoBf tgoir focfatett)oabc(f>tifie not mmoifbefre ft. íjft1*?Bottofen? no it re teS it) Skin patrum mas'3 ftîüfe/ ^ee? £®°Peei0 font <*nb fapbe. -fffe fre te/f e 19 îettewe anb tfo*»jforfreffe farree ¡Vtfito fai a fimnig facke/anb l)«t> no mo tfotfoe. Hub to ήαη kf Se/anb Deßef nie iwkpb ffe^/foí ge toae fgamefafït to 8e foi g fofotoe tjjefoi tfo fout of goS/anS tfootijeem» ftoetSe anb fap8e.flnb 0 ffe foi gte feue, trgeij i)e tSat wae cfotgi8 tfoetoeatoape 0re cfotfyee anb fo fotor b fit enb toljarj tlje ctgee fatoe tjjat/ge 08e fom an8 farS ittotoe fgoto Ijaft ea|îe from tge tgptooiíbeQ» efotjjmg fljaiie taepeb foi r.tEo to gomtje fapbe. ^aber teff me megfoo8e toooi8e n>1)w6p 0 map 8e faup8.2ln8 0e art ftoet8e fapnge.jffe front toofSip people an8 0e fiyffof fp«(§tmS tjjowfâaÇtfcfMyÕfottÿefe 0g φr**-- Λ o; tuet J jit ttenot8ow¿1). -------- . , - . t , toe« awpbotoe fm Çet Ijufßonbe tt>ae becefib. roljetf« ftjt toao g teat fr’ ifeup anb wofbe neuer wafke afftoie/ not take confotócpoij.ôutit) gfceafe metotöteanb famî tac fot} ffjecontpnupb anb fíSbeaicrapcfeneanbcÇa* fit fffe.anSaff 0tÇee6ft8ee were compafftonaßfeinfo Qetconfp beringe tijat fije roae fpklpe to peepffi) fot tl)e gvrate anbcontinuaffljeupneffe tifat föe make, i&fytt,* fote tt)ep ffewe togtôet to per anb fapb. Sifter w0p cor* fume pe potore feff tljue wttl) (jeupnefle anbfotowe. ¿eme anb 6e metp witijie a wijife/fot we it) tifemofi afa8 wifetijat we eaijmtenbe tocÇeriffJpowe g lodge rotoeunb boo powe comfotte.HnS tÇe iturttffknowin gt tfjer good topffee wae fomSefe comfottcS anb went (barttaOfp witt} tljem.Tlnb afftlje 6ptbee retepupb t}ee - "---*-χ·—*tt^ernefite /anbjaue l)rc ae tl}tp |)ab. <£l)to (Eurtif toae atmpo wifi) tgt jeie of cÇafîpte/anb rol)at) ftje »» SetfiooSe tfje g trate fotnícacpone tÇat wereoccuppeb tbete.SIfe mpgöteitj no wpfefuffittífc fîenclje of ti)cr (¡cctyctpe. wljetfoir fije ffeS atib aöijotrpb tije píate ano topffpb not to aßpbe tljere.flnb tofjai} φ (jab boone foo oftpntpmee/attÇe fa fie fijeittrrfp fotfoke φαί feclje« towo compenpe/fot euer anb retournpb into tJje cfcn titffeof φα jïite anb fapbe. - g ^,-ff Rectifie Βοφι} flobyanb thowtbte ■ '<£0 fiefft)fp cotrupcpot} wpff 0 «ruer 6e 6tougl)te £> owe tfjep to bo tfjat 6e 6o wnbe to kepe cpafitte jfa tijepßufbenotontftftee fto fccÇeroweper- fonpe.&utaifo fto tfje fjoœfte oftt)em/fot tfjeafîomp ij anb fîencÇeoffetberpc ■*— "-,·Λ··'·*·*' « * S # KiatSe fairfâ i « Mwmmt inΛ V- 9 *η 1 ' «Η* Ί'fNU ; JT Ή f»l|'4ff i if (η η r »JL HüllW, 1 X* f !« im '» wvNnMI Ϋ* jMfl'1 * 4 f ?[fT )) # I1 tt )L jitHiU WfJ # Ι«μ¥ VjNrtl wt u\ii\ > iílvjp 9 i úM b V K3£»i tm |f¡# * I \ Vui vil p ψι f·’ M u ¡J m ( r 7 t ,1 iM ffllf t i/ ri ¥ jtot$efah$.1£$eapttpteof fecíjetpfe fuffof tîjôfetfÇt abeSc ofatiomynacroq anb15ncfenneffe« t£l)e enbe pe fíjame anbgreate beurnc¡Te.2lm0;tefc teflfptb fvBto tiyffeSeeÇc otljtc an& febpnge fpltea fcatmcs/tljep fepte aff to to cfcljeme tlje fecÇerp ofaq otÇer, fox fÇe cai» j A w é*i A9 w e « a /T _ £? _a — a i9 a ^ X ___ 0^__a a*_Λ. ueringe 19 a cjjafie purpo fe t\)ong%r flje0c Hpofrntfpe opp^effpb^o; φ 0obpe fe fanctifteû 0; corrupte aftp* jf entente of fÇe mpnbe ♦ Jtnb ttjerfoje ttye bcteffatfefjof fpnne/foue ef Çoneffc/petfeuerance ofgooftfy flrmgtfy owitff e to 0e * ontnrenbtb in fucÇe ae Ça te fpnne fe tbee ^ — a^L. a^ _ AÄ. · J — twfnbeo/i be nage* pÿtfofopÿotum* 1£i)at a fer pet^ fotj^ppoça tpmere0ukpb Çcr b«f0onbe / anb fapbe eÇat |e Çab a fomfe ftp nhyngtBxcti) « Jtnb Çe afkpti ofÇpo ropfemÇp fÇemarnpb Ijpm not tljerof tjjat Çg fttpiÇt Ijaue fomi Çt remebpe*il)e anfroerSînto Çins fapnetefetÇfemaner.SoomofbeyÇaueboone/ 0ut “ èefeupbîerefp tÇateuerpntannpomomtÇ Çab fmeC^ fpb fo/mljerfoie it aperíb 0e ^erap fpkefpÇobe tíjat feo feaî ncucrkpfifpb rmwmpo ntomtÇ / excepte oonefp r f trsr~ % y ;s#-j*ir tfmnW' e.3tnb tfjetfoje fÇe Ça? &enbe £ «(w Μΐί ΡΓ t jj r 1tr jJfeWW Μψ«# ritte of tÇetîofm e fap tÇat it ίο a a frattrôefentc ttj fa 4tr^etDjÆfîçfetl)c ¿Sgtstp* f otJ)it6p;t8ee anbno*pffi) tljem an& Biinge tÿmfoxty.lèüt (jet ftawbe ta fiot p|ouea0fe.#o;t wÇatj tÇc cÇekino tfyai TÇe Çàb Çat eÿtb îm ti)t Sopceaf tÇet otonc mobn 5p tÇet own na fatal? mßinayot) t\)cf fojtfake ftcc tgat διοικεί fjjeni Sppeanb t ctcumt Çnto tÇcr owne mobp* tfyat gettSuS fÇurifûnb tfjie Patittcl) rnkapfÇ tjer nefîe emong t$fc fetaffíí» anb tijojnto/anb Uftij tyttÇggte tÇe 6ate bwfc* «01 Q / ¿iMV'f ö jnctc tyfftljattljcy Bunge ttytßet ne ft io * wppotj a tfmt ttyt ιοαβ a fatfe partee tí) at fía fe > &ggw of at) ofljrr Bpxdetq tyt ♦ ant) wf)an fyat gab BeneaB fente woe tetoumpb tyme to tyt own ttefte and fownbe not tyt iBg gie fty rtiabc gteate foxovo ônî> fowg\)t aSaBowtewith a uktyuyetyte fox them feat at ti)e tafle un% gerate / anb ftoSve fße fownBe Both ttyeggte anb tty ttyefthat flate mmemttf fty ftyvopb tty an# qecytyb tty ttyef/anb epampmb tty matee 3èat ty cowd not come to tty knomfege of tty * ton? f fa fox tty tpeefbenyebit VttevtymB tty mgr cotode not gpne biffmptif (entente ofbetp/fox thee waeno toptnef f^.^nb fty that wae accufaittp fafbe to tty iuge ♦ owpfte to tourment l anb ff tytn tê ftyw tty teowtty'OEo xotym tty tage anfmttbe g fapfa* Upou> owppe to pxoue that ttywetyfte fapb/that mi mgement tmpe Be e igtyfuft.mx ettpe QfhaSpunyffq§ tl)e with tyt&ut u>$ag mo pxoofeowSe Be mabe of f matete.tty luge had fufpeeevoq anb tommanbtb them votg/to 5e gveuoufCppunyfgeb/ anb emongt ttyv ay* tteeemmpnpb of tty matev.Hnb tty ttyefmme eonfeffpog Both of that mffetyuovoebtdeanbmanpe* ityethattyhabboneBefoxethat tyme *V&tytfoxetty iw^tc comntambibtty ttyef to Be t/amrsb tpitfaomt■—r*· f ftetfoîe rt)ô8> fit fie al tfyî fc (f / dhl tcûé U lut it) t$f ç otonc mpnbe/anb tfeinkc toljat t$ot* ûttcifct feffdlûtaccufffî at) ottyv / anb mÇcbit ^©* it ie tojpitetj ab Romanee fcainbe* fi) ttytv may ttytíucfífle.lEtyw rttc not eytuf fojt if) t^at me fatotc tfat φ«> tugtfleen otftitvtfjoto bampmft t$f fetf not t$at tÇmgc/ttyat tfyoto art toon# to ßfame/ff o* it io tcfliihefufTto a boctoure tfjat bot$ P , tÇat t»a6 ti)cre p*efent/anb it faœg 9pb. anb t)0 / t»aealÎpboftI?e 30l5e«tctol)plîe fotog$pb ♦ 2ln& ty anftoerbe anb fapbe^fat croate fmafe Jlnb ¿>apnte Âu§u jlptjbe Cmttatc IDet/ü ¿0^o primo· \¿apit* qm%té&xín$tt\) it) at) Éyampte /of Me yam 8rtan8 Dp©«p0? a píratc.tEIjat vofyat) ty mao take f éÂfcçanSet afkp8 ijtm tofepÇe eafottpS ti)t fee. #e an* fbct8e anb fapbc.fep fee ptefnmpcpofj ae tjjotoe bopfl aS^mojtSe Outfox catofe tfyat$ 0at toitf alrmSjÛanpg Q am caffjpb a tljccf » 2lnb φη> nampb aq iSempetontte/fo* tfyovo occupicf? XDÍt^ a g rete may j/ W.0f 2lfepanbcc met© takpij afoonc ♦ ff)c tóete a tljccf* Q mygfj te fortune 6e t $p 0c ttyxmb tija» $9at avtwmmw fntuwtb t mysttytfie tym * 0$ίΡα|4 s / ftet fe o 8p>be MUffifb píte / tffe ttfJM) .. " ----- >op / anb tfotpcfe SLmt tooe fomtpme a topfte ppe/i.,---------» a Gptbtr anb cotobe fprke ßotfje tSngftiffjanb latevne.œÇfrfoietÇe fotofrr «Çftpffljeb t)er toefe an# me?ntef«}>b ßet gtratfpf ,2l«b tlje )Dpe toae not Vntt* mentôw oftbeßenefptee of be* k*pete.2tnb tl)otogt)i to «nw8e fjtm/anb ffetoefojtß to otfje* djatermßcß»* leo onb fot tmtß ttjem fampfpetfp/enb fpoke tnannpe Ipecbe.Xtbefe ßpiSee roete ?e*p gfi»8 onb teiopcpb b*rt me et» ____________ . _ Ψ teteebtßifc (mb ffetoe togibee toitÇ t0e ppe (Jome to (Jet ntafîteo tjotooy) çeô^e^oetoefe^efpecÇe oftÇep^e/ ßuttijep 55ti t ffooie JjeenotoÄttb tÿttfoxt tljct» ment fottb mewfc ? f tw$muïlni tuet) fwtfymîtl}came tfc fotofec ? flψ* cfltS bfe ttettpe/anb tlje p?t mnt fort!) ta t«e iww· enb fapbe* ¡Dornte not beeefufïete / Sut ffp etDitfc mß íof8efp . jfot0bouefpoUpgpefeaöfptompmafínfo* t>ot& /enb 8e topfif cecepae f orne mitfje $00^¡f*ff jpjob ΦΡ »ere afftome tg to tbenettpe,1£bfH ·4| ltb| fin8 t f V IW tMii *1Ι|ί ft n,ifm» II k ^'Ji I · Mappfb tfcem fç tfe mttf* taint tfrem / ató fotS$ tffcm/ant* mctot t)ím fcffncljeanb fapite* / ?/ f / . f / ** > Έο themihat φη> canfknot 15nbetfïonbe, s ©eue tfJotD no ctebence oij fenotoylondt. Hfißfoweowetoße toare of ctebence geupnge ta frdjeae fpeke to tie fußteSye/anb 5e fopßempe ffot it te fap8e Ptouet,ppiç.2i mat) that fpcketfj te h»6 ften8e t»it|? ffatetmgt an8 fapneS mooiSce/fieee ci)tb owttanette Sefoje Jjte fete to haclje 6»m< Tlnb fy ÿ famepfacetfte fapbe. Λfaffeffateteetefphea^nace toar) innocente. U® fjetfoje 09 a tpme a tf atonte fapbe to Ijto fefotoe tvfjat) 6e fatoea poner març ßere a faniSe to the machette to feflT,l©tffpe l?aoe tfye famOe t|at 6« ßerith to matkette.flnb tßty fap8e.pe toithe goo8 topff 3tnb 6e o*8epnp8 Çte fefotoe to ftontit it) byuetfe pfoct® ne the potentat? fhufSe come/an8 ettetp of them fhtiKte afkè if Çe toof8e fefftÇe bogge that 6 e Sate, flnb tohotj ttyfitfl ßabafkybßym/tytanftottßt anbfaybe, ÿtio not abogge/5ut a famße. anStohaty tÇei hab met n>it0 Çpm affanb afhpb fo/tlje fpmpfe mat? ßefeupb that jt famöeteaea bogge/anS fo fet them haue it fot (yteto» Itowgß te.anS(η fyhemyfc manyotj p thing« that te tof8e them / to h tel? ίο gréa te pareff. I©6 etfete it te fap8e tSccfef.ptÿ.ïèefeue tßoto not eutty toootSe, jfeat itj euetpbebe/ t\)t yofftôitite anb tjjeenÇe /te to 5e boto5tp8.ae it te tofSeti? faßfe. IZtyit Çpot? a tpttte mjo te ma8e a counfeff/anb ther it toae ccncRt8p8 that thei »ofi5e otSepne aßeff anb it fßafötße (JatigpS aßotote £ Cattie neche/that the tnf cempgÇt (jete tohatpfheco* tne/an8ffee an8 hp8e them feff.'iu» $oç f fot, Hnb foo ffttp Ut fafftfîetpütpofe foi tatüft tflep coh>ôc net pctftumis H, tftekpne. SDwfopfte..Hnb Çe tauotouffpe a· toaptitty to fie fmafe cfttltpne/ anb oftpn tprnee fte p® «6ot»teffefflJampfe anb fftetae Carepnete. 2tnba® jDfpm'u® faitl).U.Qekf>tete ßofbr ttj (mate tffingeo / f fmfuiï it] Stete ttín^eé/aríôf fpetfjarohe put ft pm to ffpStftte/tftorosft fto 0ebot»5fe fo gfreatrae §e. Hftp® -fepte ttueffp tarogfttt tfte íCÇtkpne ofa tnobeftenne $ mthtm, i©ftwfoíejjp;itif tftetmekwipflefoieate* »pt>? IBi Λ * * * n* »r à r HOF Ai i Λ Hm»»1 il I k* {firtf p ih Λ Λ·# Λ'** ' ip? mtb forttHttibarJefp foi hnpaefente / αηΐ> neun Uf, wofttfyate fyÿtvteaftft/Sut tuet cnu?eòi)tt suite i ' faœgfjte to 0c amngrò unff) affljerpoœer.Tlnbaftp»« R>et§e tljc kf>te tepcntyb l)im arid roae compuncte ont» flfkpb fotçtpueneffe0ot^8p Çím feffand ßpnnffenget« eftyegteatt moutdu tifat Qeftab bonc.Jèut f ¿te $>t* fuff not graunte 9pm fotçfeuenefife/atiî) fapbe Vi V - ^ ^" V f·' rV Vv jiu ( 2) manpoijfetn&iirateanb nenp* wpfffo^eiJe te tfycm fljat afke fo^eueneffcoagapne fucïjc oî faup 0wi fapt§ â©atÆi*gf fcfoîjgfeoe not to meijtQen fpnnee.pomi \}mpntp fabtc f§aff not rcnsptte pome of fende*2Ínb fapnt 2íu4rjfdtj faitlj.i£uctp creature fija f eccepne fucije fojtgenmcffe ofCSoS/ae Jje tfctiptlj to Ijtes wep0ow*Cf öl^erfoite it ie œrptteij i&ccfcftaftL folge or to tJjp neptfom/c t Çût Çe 0aí0 nope# tj)e /anfc tijctj ίο tJje piping e tltf fpnnee fíjaíffe fo^eaptj* $0$ £>epnie ouf uftpt) faitlj/tÇat a mifemarç not oonfp fo** gettp inttityee anS tPtonÿco / 0ut affoo Çc fapt Ç fye fbffpjtSe noog ♦ anb affoo âenece faytfy it) \)U tfookebe qnattuoi^ítttítítiuemakpngcíriquífhpot) of ύμ con* fíanepe ofe ndfema^jjfa topftmat) Bt fmpttei) xofyat fyaff9c boo.i)e anfmetSe anb fapfc. ti^tyat fcpb Cato# DoÇat) tyc toa* fmptteg et) tl)c momtfy/jjegraimtcb not fitox §t í en8*3)cneca faptlj/ίη f fame tfoke fpekmgf ofßte/<$ UÏÏitX) of&oçtatt/y ae \)t xotnt Bp cite/ ? toae \xnpt* Uqwitÿ a guatduffet/tyfapb nothing tïïpe But fit toaeat) ÿtufçawtijat mety k mxonot voljtytÿtf f§ut St b# 09 ^efinettie 09 t^et^eSio/f w§aq t§ci ftjufô not 41^· * -. il v  i M u i 4- ; !· ii : : Si i i i \ /■fr lp 1 p oEL r äff* \q tlje famefSokek i* tofbe tfyfityfofs ft e/tfyat wf/at) J)c $a8tafkj^b t oot) toae fett tutue/ari* tf)i* (entufa* waemouybtottl) ite/ $ fpet it) tf)t face oftfye pjjifofofet/fjepacpentfpe fuffitde Bim anb toppib ßi* faceanb faßt to l)im lentafe ß ffjaWtte mtncffettyat au tlrep 6e bec epaebt!)at fape tfyoto Çafíe no mototl)*anb Seneca affo tcffptÇ tf)at fa cratee lja8 too Wpupo&ffewJ?tcÇ tóetele Qetou* <*nb contencpotoe/iij fornoclje ma* §e a fato te ïpp oq t)im and tfyitvoe Çím to grotonbe.anS ai)ot$ittymevo§aqoot)ofttyemt)ad fore aue^pfiÇím/ Çe tóente fojtfy au8 fap8e ♦ Q fete toe ftaff fjaue gerate ttf)on8rt after tl?fe ttotoßefetoe toeSrt / anb fet tytti feff ^oton Bp a waft/of t})e Jjotoe/anb ft)e catogf) tc a pifpot fuffof îîpne anb po^fb it oçÇte Í)e8e · $but Socrate« Ti ep teinte paepeme an8 fapbe tofjarç l)e $aS toppeS tjttn ^knetoe toefe tf}at aftpz gteatetftonSet/tÇer fl)uí$ fo* fotor tapne*ttn8 tofyatj Çie fteo8ce 0a8 counfeffpb Çprtt $atJ)efl?uf8epttt t§em ftomßpm / Ije «nftoer8e anb |ap8e/fl feto et 9«nte »fort QfqaftBc it) matkette· ^itjatte to meant,$ fettj pacpenceat Surrte tfjatßmap fí)ewe it opynfy.wÿaq a mar afhf 8 or, a tprtie/oftl)eo# Sofe tlje moofîe mekeanSpacpentejßmperotOK/ tyowe i)t cotoSe fuffre φ gerate intmpee an8 toaongee that mete bone to fere otoñe petfoo/mtb Ijotoe 0e mpgÇte %e* %t 1 }vmfeff t$e teBukefut voootBe* of Çie enpmpee anb %tnge8 itnot.Qe anfmet8ean8 fapSe* toe boo tt)ue fo% catofe tl)4t toe toof8e fapne 0apngbe8e met) to fpf ♦ tjjat te to fape,topcke8 met) to íettetoe.^fot it re 8« t a fmofif fee8e toffemeo tjjat 6e feupnge^oa tÇe fmaftftcêeftie f Bete fpf map bo y a* foppee ? fpt8ite/ ? affo ?enpmo* fetpenite map fone ffe a mao*ê «t it ie a great tÇinge | yof/i5feooîîfp to go8to tepfe tfeemt^at Be bc8^> Λ ;4 ■. / • > . <■ * ..r Vis. igi'· { f a·· : ·-- fÆ i KftÇrüt fl ùM, '·ν «**«*«1 π α r . Il V«»1 I 1 I C£)f φ $)totc ttyt too We haut of aïïxvf Wefotofte* T&afoSççiç * , ¿ \ ^ S> r«P»9flfft«e/ JêufloíetôíTp&fo« oft6efott)n8eofi$eîo^ie/enî) it» tatty* at) ODwkaftyt owe iSngly(f$ tonge/anb it » a pa fange cmdtõyg ean* greatly Mid miti) fttiyto/ x fu Sof ffotüíl) unö fefä to ftye. Ληϊ» tuerie αη ewtorote tfjot fpekρφ of '¡tc^btr enb faytfy.TLfyeetole foropiti) type ttyòovyeíBg ur//gte anb f}u t tpi b tm?) catljit (J myce/an* ftyInrhyti} it) , Cijircfjee anbbjínlietÇ tty oyte of tty lampean* bef* iPft'tl} it toiti} Jjecöonge. Hn üj09t$et ß«i8re tl)at font baytygtye fije fittctß oui» befen Sitß Çafetfmk ^líyí/anUynygtyi fty »an* anh ftyctÿaíonrt/anb íq tty òayc / §γ* mmÍpertttípiSee ffe toftph tfo# ffpertßcttot Çw/anbtofc' et 8et ortet fe88tte. if οιafiftljep flate flet anb Betty* mree înto flet/anb tfletfoje tflefe QyxOe tetane au me uetof0pit3e$ mtl)t^€0Xt>k*p(íníu6 fait!) fyat t\}t top ft comptt) ftrfi bo tflecggr. t£i)»e omfe 10 a TOl W 8e metí fomfe anb flatefttff amonÿe affetflet 6pi8te / f «(jet 0e îetfïe of btffetence ßetmene &u6o ßome/fojt aij £)«j fe/an8 hic 6ufo/8uforoe/fo* a HooSe .tletfe.flij 0* Spcïos 6nSc Í6 6u6o tfee om WwtJsfo te a 6eafï mooft fomfe.&ppoij atpme mflat) aff8pi8ee fla8 ma8e 0 çfte* teTomiocacroij/anS aftec fompet tl)ep roenteaffto tefle fenntf enothmçte/Cheomfe came fottfle mflatj npgflte mat conte αηδ epatceb flet feff αηδ fapbe.fl am fltcatfp reSukvSanS fuCbupb ofaff8ptSe6/an8notf)ùigetTtag* „pfieflne mp noSfcffe tequptitfl/8utnome g wfjf eipaf temo íeíf.^ot fl mpff nometmîfl mp fterôce an8npnf< men Rpeamomtethefe otijet δρίδ» / an8me$aff ffe αηδ befi tope φ çttettejle anb tfle túfete of tflein . - „g aftítíóarSe g.fl)aff 6e Duke αηδ tufé* of aff mtfte tomfee αηδ 8pii8e6»R^flctfote ffle caffpfffottfl ^nto flet p. , the pojphutpot) anb tfle nigbtetome . 'ÏEhe6aeBean& a ft rtef»ete/anbaffoafmanetofnpfl[ht6pi8c0.2tn8rtei l[lI(; tfi a», _ d/YHnr^ü mtfh rÍWIlrfíS íf!# ittœitçtijt [O f# tlîf I Wvfy/MW Ut|V WMl««evr "f « ff toçfiflet in 6iiçtl)t flatnepa mitl) î*eate firemttflen- **>8 in rte npgl)te tpmeîppot) affoler 6pt5ee.flntem Striae to ffte rte flteate tufete/αηδ 6p$futpacpot) to Ça tti(iefj uertebommpogofrtecite.ßutafftfleotfletrtptbeeme iîpofcntfr/ j, lifftítjri, (Tame pe/ánbtoUe tí)ettar toute οη^φηοφ «.gh* MmSwtVetfaftfettptbe/anbcÇapnpbtoφ&& Jj 5 & rtetSifeRneme tl)«« m'ateet/tteÿaue t9íebte8efuf fe» ¿ e.i)at I«wjp»«N j(t bisí irVítik NjbÉ|(t u!ài rolé \ \ * f Mli ft swíI L. » jp riüQÏ If fMMJI I A I h JWp Φϋ fl?« ftc ßebxâtbpt/ tÿxoùgf) bat QyS*anDaCfot1)atil}covofcaribaïï$ei kpntebe fC)utdc §a«e petpctuaffpevfecncyot)/anb Se takyt) fox cnymyee to aSotljecSytSeo/nnb to Sc Sanyff^eb fvom tytttom * panye fox eaev.Uttixfoxtfyío cam fe afiei cffáBfyeaffotÿcvSyzbee puvf tíjeáptofe erre oxttée Hppoí) J)cc. Wtptfoxe it) tí)e baye tyme fÇe bateíij no voy ftopete emonge tßem/Sut ffcytfy af6ytC)enygÇt anb-feiytfy Qtt mete %vítfygteat ñmyntfk anbmnudtC/ ßynge ít) tßie vofft. ™ *anb Çc tßatBettaytf)at fijaff. ^ “ ßb fo it) many a gteate cítet^ei te Se pxoxxfòe people anb 4ÿem ttyatSeaSoue/tpattfjey migfyt I tií (eÆ\)ttfox fwc^peopfe οιυίφ to Se wave tÿat ttyey Sc not puny( lje8 ae a>ao tfyc om fox it io cfefi^w.lDo t\)oa mot) euyScome to tÿe.anti offende t\)ou noth)g veau xm t ci* te*$ox Se not to defy amonge tße it WMpttfij Pxoneuppíííúífe ttyat tÿinkytÿto booiuyff/ f$atSecaffySafoofe.1tutí)e$watkytt)fowíye/wat* |ψφ fwtetye/tÇey $ Segveate g mygptye/omití) to Sc (entente voítfy tfyet moiffyípcfg notio Sfutpc toxScfyip ~ox of aff (oxdcfQypp aoitiofaytie &tcfe*$*and\}etf)atmyïï betfionbe tiyio Sxeueneffe of tyme nome it) tyfe/£\)aÏÏfete geeat payne aftyx tÿie fyfe/and it ίο mxp Ut) fapi.%*tt91)at f)cttí)otmpipfce p¿ofptet> to ♦ φζ ttop&t fyatß tÇc SoofteofomxÇe, it Cf t!)ie î6 fit8 a «b paffyb tyke a ff)odowe*and!Òafctytefe βφ&Ήίη* l£í)at V0§cn) ilna^a«J)tf e et) envie Ç«8 te* .»KO i£i2.ütbojtfbee fle IDctttdcAtfé Ϊ|Λ fíjetbpt) Çnte Jjutt 5 effet* tpmcMae qno5 ♦ fn S«to t$te f f me l>aue 9 not offtapncb 009 Ijoff œo*fbr* Stab nctiertîjefcfjfe mit Jjtq a flotte œljpic aftie (Je toad anbct^eœa te φαί νοζαη tljow compfï to φ Çepflff)* of mojfljíppe to tîje n>l}icl) tljom tljoil 0c takpt; anb cç roi tl) % 0ott>ee/ tljat te tú faye/wttf) tÇcpareffpe tljat fomfe 53ntomo;t$rppe, 21 fêrtapnc fomf3a«mofícno8íe arnonÿc offot$tr kp atfataiotum. aftpvoattie tÇattje umcm0nb tt)et Ije fïjîjfbebp e/fje camfeb 0te tof nbpntfe $ete te 0c takptj cmb put oppotj a fprte fpke a 6anet/anb to 0c pteconp* ft b anb ctpcbaOomte φ crte/tfjat of affljteteafmc anfc ifcÇeffç ont) trefonnee / f)e fljufôr nomo;te carpe#>itt}c fcim t»j tpmc of Çt 6 betíJ/Out omfy y (ame fíjete to map peijie0ot)pí0*7lnt)tl)erfoieaífteanfíto^c anb vxtó* 8efp woitftjpppete íptcff «mt§* C^ft5ejonbe0p¿8eeanbmatetfou)feo^ ÏDiafo· ty$$ííu eêfîSee offtje fonbe0e$of5ml?om tl>e toa* fcer0p*8e0 attftDerbeattbfapbeJSmfîtro pe fpehe Unca* teyffye/reßukyne fon8e/tlje foce tpitQ tbe roatre. Sut « eoueforoe matj toofSe roß ßetl>e cet!) tf) e ay te anfrttje toötrr/anfrJ)eup)j affopf bemrgbt fot b>e tnfaciaß?«. Mefite,Sut piincce it) tÇe offretpme were not of tljat ionfrtctotj/fot it) tffent roaeg eetecontin&eanfr teßtaftt te ofgíotonye ao faytt/ Çígccíue fre te myfytati ß0.f. labere Çe fpekptb of continence of ptt'ncee/αηδ firfi of JlfepanSet Çefapîb tl;at roafkmgettj btotoittnet* roitf) Çieagífr fertiatmfte Çe^ftfr tóete ßtefreoftftj tpmee tottl}oro te any otbetfufiinaunce/anS tij ttje fame toife it te re88e of â>cpp/oç mtf fpaij/an8 of Catotj tt te tc8 tbat Çe toae contente to frttnke facferopne ae Çie f «aantiefrtanke/tl)at roete fi>t'pmetj φ toropfr tlje M)*P pe.2lnfr atfoo ofí)anp0afftt te fapSe/ tljat fje tefftfr net Befoie nya^Wand ίη φ npgßt tpmebe $ft8 to tpfe/? *n φ tropîpgljte Çe roent to foroper.TlnS et) tÇat fame Çoofip 4 i(l & I Λ4CÜ1I % w îtjf ft ó í tf Ai 14' 4 Wf f1|#*K * i·* TR1 w ΊΜβ| » # · * lifl V II ν,τν í? »ilflwpr W m ~~ ■ Jr « ^ W 9 * ^ 'w 9r ^ 8p8 u>it0 apptpe mae ii) αη oxctyatde abiopninst %ta fl)ct ca jfaífee fcp^of tQcm/ít wae fo teft^ppoq %%e m* ftc bape/andnotooqapptempnpfl)eS>flt reéSe it)çfeftíe Uotnatmtim / t§at Mquftue Cefat maqof fmail mete >jfοχ \)t voae content u>ít$ 0*çSeait& fmafofíffi)çe/anb ^efe/anbgtene fp$$ce/ anb\)e ta kefye foodcít)cuetfpface/anbii) fuctíe ae §pe flomake vom befpcotae artò muet eWpe. 7ínbtí)íe gte tevefttapnteofgfotottpe waenõtoonfp iqmet)/Ôutaí foíqxoomei)fmftômadtfeo$fetupb/f$xBy cawfe t\\tf ffyufoe Ôe pxefetufbftom ff me tl}e 6e* fy enbmemõxie of $etmacpoi)8en? .·’·-■ . V· ./'· V ' j V' , J i ? w . 1 ■■?· 'f t C^fé5e âjojfifdtrtb tí)tíbt¡'9· ÏDsafoge.fo^mï. f -IT -·ί'Λ »*._ ¡p J a tf me t#et mae a CÇ01fe/mf¿feíf cÇrtf(|l5cl)m(inf 0cj»etf|ao^iie/ $p tÇeœfjtcJje Jje gate greate goo? /But ne Mertfjefcffe f}eIjab a | torn nge of tljem / mfjaijßetofceomte _________* tÇe CemffceJlnb *$ppot) a tyme tÇat Se i)a8 a gtetiomo fttookeof a %tet mÇfd) gte üf b Çpm55etn fo*e*u>f5etfo;tc Reload rigtytangtpeanb tl^etenpbiÇeÇefeaftbfafbei^tÇioxp^fe/ 0 pjompfe yotD Qy £>od atmygijtP/tfiatanb euer ye me ma «:f/gfi)affouert5zô«>efOtoeartbbîpuepott>eawapç· *2Γο îoi)om ttye 6ey& faybe*ILCÇoife tÇoto arte #Ca$8etogabieanbtecevuctl)e piop$eta6íe fmetnetfé i !}at tomyt$ of îe/6ut t$oœ arte fort) tofnffrc anp pap tje/1£ake pmmtîy φ Sitterneffe/pf φχχ> xoytt tri op* te tt)c fmr ttence/oi effpe me mpô foifake tíje/anb tl)08 faafte netter flaue mole piofite 6ρ55β· t£flie iCfloife VDttbu) a ffloite fpaceafter came agapne to Ijie flpuee/ anb toke owte tije flonpcemSeewib fait!) came a 8ee <$ fttmge\jym fozeattb ttjipft újflíe fpcre/anbgaueflpir* a g reate œomnbe/mflcrfàte t]e voaa moo8e/anb ii) gte* te attgteljeotiettflieœ attire flpuee anbbeflropb tl}ertt anb tfle 0epe fepnge tflegerate farpom frtee of ttye cflo* It^Çep foifoke Çi m affat oonie /anb came newer mo* tett)erc«anbfotljed}o:feœae 6*eugfltto çttaUpo* nette/tl)at toaw fomtpnte îfpb to fpoe piofpetouffpe* anbmflatj 1/e tememftnbtflegreateauapfe anb piofite tflat l)e l?ab teccptipb Oefoie ftafotj of ßcy*/ anb φ ¡ponerte tflat flemaefaífinne/fleötwapffb Çíe mtjera Öfefiateanbfafbef Ä _ ©emnft ■Sí WlttLaL· , ^ . · · : ; * < í ‘ · si (■ .-'-m ' ■ I m ijvft i(k • Ή It* I <· I' I a IéMííü IV 4 Ml lilt, > .. J Ilf ft·* 4lw| « M# M|«44 t * A 11 it 11 ml ¿T *4 Tiitffl ne '* "Un*> Aitff •. 1 H'r .**#j ·* 4 j 41 <1* ill ■«V i « \ H* 1 /iff j! ··« i Kl? # ÎÎI3I L kt W 1 I# 11.V .14 f I IM 4/V pîW f [jßi 1 If t / .ijl » t if H «Μ »4 U \ I'1 ( Alv V> &* ««» »Otf efe tepe tÇet ßernanp fucÇ tb<»t teß re to fpne efífpe/anb to 6e metp anti tofiaue voott , tefptope/anb aftpmatte to regne mitö ¿»He «> eternaffßfpffe. ¿©unione feke crpfîe in befptee aña pfeafure.&Dt ββ it te twpíteij 0οβ. $»ρ$ίη, fte íe not fomnbeemongc tbentt§otinténtete tyuc Ocfytyouf* Ity/enbeftít tbeßoßpfp pfeafnte.cmö tÇerfoje Heroine |aitb.ff>e tífat mpfffeue after tjje boctrine of «pile anb aftprt^eÿofpeff/aff^ie fpfefjjaffßepapnfnff anb fp* fee a martirßom.jfot afmpgbtpiöob epcCuSiS not mae oujteof paraßice to tjje entente tfjat be fbufbe bane be teaçotÇerparabícetae faitb ßetnarbe. ö^berfotit i® tebbe ir; îitie pat rum / ti)at o ßjoöer of refig; put tjuefttoij to $ie aßßotfe anb fapbe.t©bp am fl fo f foui* tfyfuff fittingc in mp ceff.^o Lljotn ft fapteioj φα fatopft neuer tbe greate tefie that »e 0ope to come fa Jio* tbe great papnea of beff that me btebe.-ffo* anb if ' Φ® toofoift ßebofbe them bpfpgenf fp/anb if tf)p ceff mere tepfete tuitij voootmye Sp to f§p necke tfjon ttjof *8ifîçtfa8ffç ßitb tDpffitflfpe oxote an? fíomtÍ)*Utfo ítíe tedde itjUítíe pattum tfyat fevtapne Bxettxet)of tefyÿyot) pvafòe anb befpteb at) oí wmaqtQat l)e ft)utbetakef)wtefie/ant)fadQmeno& fo fo*e/v£o n?^om Jjeanft&etbe anb fapbe,3éteb¿ef/ 8e* Seitemettufy*jfοχ?l6xaf)am f§afftepente\)γ\η n>I)at$ a a*^ceStcato§pfte6anbtewatbieof tßat 90 9^5 womo^c taèovotib anb ttauaÿfy b iç #oofi |p ttauapk.2l(fo tfytvom at) mebf aero pot* fottpetÇat fapbotoa maí) of¿ tóate potfeccpoij ♦ |)otp« öttc tÇow contente it) t§y mpnbo J?wo to fuffte fo ^te* 4í wío wwanb §c anfwtvSe anS fapbo/aíf φ tpmo^ .JfáÍtfjflee tobttí}tt auaon* ¡jrrn,i Ö09 tttp 9/avib n>it$ bae çTf W awçtft t&ítf) tl)e 6caf?í· "'«I ¡ igeeye/anò 0e|)ifbíngeí"Mnp /anbwtnttipto »fêwaír»f, tis «* « i1 ■I K i II dii ■S-ι *f*A? * pW ê fo*í,W If η tdál ¡olPj ^|í($ fWh i )φ «cm rJn WT1' I *' i/í « m 7 ( r i 1 *''7T>y " * ^ '/j ~*^ jT ' ñ.— · - -y:·■ '-'"’j·- tp1- "" ■ «—^ <7 ^ rJ^ & - / óttb tf)et'afebe/(r WoΛ Ml nuble anting tí) m, t£$e gf>cif (ηmge y tuae foie aferbt ; fapb u>ítl)to í)im f tiff ·Α> f anbíftíjí« ©epfoijtakepatteaafapij me g fí)aff6e o* ßglcaffo tÿougÿt it) l)ct mfnòe,1Zt) iot ©rpfogijati)« fapfep fete fphe a fcaffc» «PÇnfoje fl bonite y 9 if Jje foitifie tfjeCeaftte/ßßatnct morne bio *e.1£l)etfoi 8ofl) tfje tyet)anb tfje $af[atweototi)e<ötpfot) i to Unbetfionbe vafyatfye Ivao/anb leijp 8e fate tljere. t£o tugóme tjje ©tpfoij foybe/ flama flwbc anb a Seaffe/Sut nevtñee, ft, not, It · fittefes fcue f peace oi Q loue not tuinonne. 21nb tt>l)ai) fye ÇaS genet) tgio dnfwett $e vow gtacyoo ffp tccepiipb of off ôeaflíe anb 0pibee 2tnb fo tl)i· ©tí fo ij waCkpb at fytetpfeafure / emomfe tgem aflf/f ot Ije tt»ae not fufpccfcto neptt) et patfpe/αηδ anb fot earn fe t§e paetpee f}ab no fufpeccpoi) trp (5pm/ ^ , j ^ . _ i j ^ i i ^ A ^ j ^ ^ — chatte fentettcc ft§ci ffyutb bepart fro y fcefàeít) a Xi it) peace foz cuttaWfayte* t/ C· Jttb tfJ9 cuetpmS fífutb bo rndgf Unpcftifc (o fet 21 ti)? at tcß/rtjcmapSc f cí)ífocofgo8.matf$tfaitt$ 6feffrb 0c tíjtiy 0epefí0 fc/f c 0« fepea cc to 0c am3 t W __4. , Yf í/W <»/4. If #A? A i» . V Λ JT 4 ,αιο ítio^otp âf®8cfp 0e y fete oftjj? f fÇcto pcaec»^ fo f fetc ^fm?0crírfíWfcoit5c0caccarffboaeigc(f^pÍW,^l)oti . j ffc toítâtít) mao i maker offlrífcío accurfiS/fot l^ctjatf) * 7 ^ fcouBftö manpotj ÿ mofö Çaue kept peace, ¿ft ίο retí í¿ fSít,pa,r 00 o tpm ttfer «?ao a írct fír^f fatwntat) a ctffteij/p earn tQgfoçxmtf) t^crkpnfmco ant» ^ tí -td VApjapbe fljciti to Mt) peaceJ^ut notanti) f?onbtn6 lettpb tí)« peace anbfapbe tijat ijetuofSe neuer fjnue peace rol)ife f)t feupb/it^eij fapb tijeljofp matj.&eitae tljou fapfí »ff« tÇtebape fyaanoot) 6e ffopne excepte tl)e/anb tl)i fepufclfte fijaffße congruente to tfyp ôefetuínçfe ú) ti)c gefpee of affßptSeeanb Geaftt'o/anb foit roae új bebe* »ffoi J)ea>ae fone ffapne it) tíjatfame figßt anb troSetj IO t§e fottbe/anb tijere (je fape aff tt)e npf i)te,'2tnt> it) f tnotninefe t)to frenbee cameto ßutyefyie GoSpe/ pefjfafFpjofpere onb fcueniecpfpe· jf it ftfoke tfjotpeßeiij refîe αηδ peace tíjaC tfeaflowtepoœeÆfo fecounbekepepesoefftlfie t»oo8 n>0icbf| Ifaaegewpij f opon>e/t0at8eafi/e onb CateS mope muftipfp αηδ increte tfor iq.Ttnd φ tfopb fight Õe ef8efïe onS< Bfp8 (ote ím'tlj foefe πια nt ee an 8 0a8 neuer peace"{g 0í® · Jjotofof5e*U0Çerfoí Ije ranne íij to t|)e tooöeo roítlf ff ce ■ fefutpoufneean8erueffpkpfl£bafftlfe ßeafiie / tfai. were tlf ere/anb ffjottefp to tefflfe ro08p8 afft0e n>o8e, 3lnb at a fapfet 0ei»ent f o fee 0io 0io8ir/an8to0aij tje · 6el)pf8e him ¡η toeftlj/αηδ Jjaiiinge gfreate a0oun8ance φίφφ tfc f èyde.gam 2nÇappmfot fi fpwe itj grete penmite anb trotoSfe/anb t) arfe iocottnbeanb fp* tjpfïi») greatepeace an8pfeafnre. tto tt>0om tffeofSee fbpbe/t£0ot» ita ft not o6 ferupb tnp faSerepteceptie/ ' tlfetfote töefeincomobptepe ßene faff îppoif t0e/0ut prope the to come with nie iif to the wocSie/anb fe 0oto flifaoe kepppb anb increcpb my fabero goo8ee. Zlnb ae tqep went togiSevthet tame atj hunter/ anb pigbte % foe nettye/fot to Catche of the ßeafüe.Ulfet? fap8e f pongee fpot; tatlfe ef8er, fbeyfte tlfoto not boto pou8ee »ptcfffftãjt fa fourni fß ant intenditÿ to befitope 15c* uÿwowvfl not thorn t$at ovow W CL /T M-w / § D li In; 1 :vl r<< I S ? « fi i ■ ■■wmQ' .Si! ï ■4.;f Em I rnagtgnotepfe .ÎEÇepongetfapbe . fûoff· 0 titf feffTíjaf gt tatpitf greate Çafte totoatoe mag anoroitenooggtOf or tl)ewttte/i)efefamenget0em/anbwaefafiewafl(W& enb takpg anb befîcopeb. 'Ojeefbet fpog toumpô^e* tncagap manó fapbe ιοιφ afnfffaffffe mpnbe. i ttlje faMeptoeptíelíe tffatoßfetintlp/ 1 fli) g reate furet ft tyimfeffconfer iritl) · fj*L perfore it aperitlppfapnff tl)atitioa fare tßintf €1 to kepe tfyewmmaonbmenti* of faffít anb moßi* anb to ßcoßebpent^ntotßeimg aff t$inge tfjat fefuffie/aofaptl) tl)t Upo file at) cotof.tíi.£Qi(Dtei) 6c ve oßeßienttg ©off to potor rigl fuff.fltie tofbetgfaßfp« ttyatafpog toae ßebtebe anb fapeig i)to 6eS8e Jïpffanb mpgf)t nottpfeforage. élit D tpbefpe of fite tobtcÇ uhj6$ci$> fttong/ponge aitî) fu fipe./ameto$pm to «»»fite Jjimig t)h/pkweffe^o *»ljom t)i« faber fapbe.gope tljotofenne a«b 6c mcrpe fot afmanet ofßeaftte bteSe tlje.Jfeauf0foogíÇíngeg *oargtke,tftgf}t tl)oto neuer toítfrmag/fotljeto fiten- geft of aff6eafKe.tEft«o ponge fpog toae fote tempfpb sjgapne mag anbfamoglfte fim to fig$t toitftkpm· 3tnb aelje toent \)t fotonbe ttooopeg potokpb togibe« Snbet a iocke/anbijeafkpb oftjjcmanb fapbe. fee rc «teg/anb tl?ep fapbe /ÖapeJ&utioeße fußbupb of mag rjvjjíe tuljefp» toae eaer tfoeftnget tl)e fierfat anb fo« / m 1/ ■P«»** FvíMi J * u Ij «»<« it I '(II' Hilf é L ' " ^Wrlf » I IL iif *flw¡jj » |f i^Plj· I / I /M» fti 1· i \ffy h «fi frt* >ijf‘ *»èf *»/"■ i«m£$, Mr i Lx wt IfcP'M f« ^ » f » V f· » » »»-F ▼ » F ww F»» ▼ ΊΤ tfee*#nd tfeematjanfwerdcjlet^ cfcuetÇte tu ftrfte uñó after ttyxt wt ffeafffeauefapíecflnowgfeto fíçfytc and wítfetfeefewoojdce f | jemat) made a rate cfpftc ft) tfeefee wttfefete a¡pe/and tawgfet tfee Wfo t)io putts 19 ÇÍ6Cfcpe it) to tfee cíp fte/tfeat it ffeutde tfee fonce 0c ifouprj a fondce.Jlnd wfeaq fee fead put ffeem ú;/tfeent3 pfuckfdowtefeie ap e/and 1 tfecCfepeoftfjelreq tocec fafîe it) tfe c ttc/anl· tfee maijapdc^tnte fo* feefpe of fet« nepflotüzteilíIotBfeofc cfamomie affmefj of tfee towns f ofêîppe and mi) ewtcifomr witfe fwcedco/fomc wítÇ *fu06peandfonieuHtfe fpetpe/to ffc tt)c (pot)/ flnd fee fepnge fetm Wit) 1* jreafetuffaedpe fa* fea fie fee fefte fete clepe it) tfee tee/and fcantfye comde efcape tnitfee 0 papxcof tfiodpe fete,2lnd fo witfe gerate confâfpog fer toucnpdíe feome aqavtttUnto feie Jadee / and com*» feempd fepe cownfdE/Jo¿.fee feadpjoupd feptte/% ffpecteucc«. CáDftÇc tEÿcmmtrf 9e ©ipfofj » JD/afogo, i,foF 1·^ [ílfj * Ail ί <«rl : '[JV#1 V . IÀ V YM ' rf/wf fW r 1 I./ mM| fiW| wr· £$ni*e thatnomanevofeteatu* ~ %e fhntSe come ttyedit from ott)ev contract* tE0e:t$rp8 5 that mot) ofaff Çíe peopfe f§tiíb Be fo Jjatbpe to $o to o* ‘ íÇet conttape .Unb ttyefe ttyiecommaunbrnentfevocw rôfetuebof hitfuBmth / anbjjefeupb it) befpcteanb ¡pfea fute anb sabtfbgveategooBetanbno toonbct*jfo& wohat fo euer t\)at cam to $te poffefftoij 1)e partpb toitli tiontao tÇerof^wt kepte it fïraptfpe to Çíe otoñe ρ*ο* v€)f" ψ ^f^virv^rv ff ijy r.^r.r^» afft^e conttapeÆb® broeföte anb íompíOBinçpeffpe lef tjjat contrep tai; afffogiberto tlj« oftpfotj ctpirrof an§ iflnnef»0o4»fJ}we/tJîatiCïï>PWM>tibw»i9 boni«* »ijbb«Λ Λ sill A 9 I IL * i .1 I ¥Λ «* Mill JJ. JS* #Πι·* »»HH» ν**ΐ/0% ψ i .MfcW' ^4k www f ,λ#»Μ JTrR Y< II·1 »04«4¿ ÍT » JH Mi üü >fí m pp ÄH \il iP1 lllâ’F I I 1(1 W \àc Jl ^ ‘l ttv , . f] Fjüà ■rfiCîr*1* T J S aJJH HH rfwfflllrî I " 1 ¿L# ILiN f ' JlWf [¡.tir i' J »f » i ■ NéMMM* H6 « Ç,m 7 anb otOHepjvceÆo roÇom t^cj* anfœerbeanb faf>be.tbevo roofb.jWt feffto % «oo9 of t^obee./o* ml S WrSt07rrefreP^fiffeaí^etpfCafUre‘enôVít>n^ froetSe. ^Tfjou) motòtft neuerteceptietfo ßefore tbieto we/noinowe fto faß «et ÆfrtfriMpme Ije fern ei jKcpit jjim onb gie peopfey* wot t° Ma»e tljem tp mpfetpanb pemmte. 21 nb tßep Í!£fi Vi, °>?íaa,?^e ne 1Hff *2,^·te^ «oroeetebe coat* ^19 tQeyanb.t|erf 11 Jj tfjutfïe/ooij foßmi fapctmuvyfoiagtcategpfte/anb,Çecpmmaunbtô fiit to 6e powriD owte.jfoitywofoe not -Jm toWFjjexowbç not g f uc patte to t)io hnp¡\)teo*iéutf Ad? ** ' is; v\ il Hl 4 T f If! 'i! .Ü I 1 '•Vftv i }‘| ! /!■ il II Vit «% T- Coflefero® man fmtl) eonttatpe. £ccfeÍMf?i.p.g ft«» feronbetefie into me/anb 0 ftafftfMfmro oronge® fíe afonr.SucÇf couetorofe meg fi)ufSe not fe tJ£>httfoîtiu tfteoffe tpme fucfteae fou^airorptcfM fe notße picféttpb a$«fwf to feftaoe0e fenteii)to fpapne /anbtférotnafne® tounftffanbbefifîetacpoi) t$etippog.£>og fe iüertftetoftftemípketflme.floitfteoonoftftf ftat» nothítigeanb totfte otftee netftrogefuffwtft. 0u£f"St* 3“fo BepeteSïtft / tÇat^mue tfte íSmpetorote û man tßatmae tüototröiS t\\t wljtcÇea ÿttatt Çcp T ffpee touetff/anb eog tame 0f eanbfaroe tf)em furffteme/fo* tftefé roete fuffanb tepfete. J ÄkrarS» *w >W"*i· » "“'ri"S Ät roao tftauntpb to Çíro. ΛμΟ fooroftai)|tfftwfb® «rochen«« oí biinhe roitft ftio fton8io n roil 9 ft·« &P* tnroatfc 6io moutft/it roao tout npb it) togofSe.anb fte; tfoe llbat tTatpte a quetne roftaij fft* 5®b tahfb *5® &Γ.Γ¿“'«'“»fr“ w; ^ ■; ·'f?f Ä S K*·**» W; iff » fífílfape.jfcÿtr afeeSee αηδ fuie fafloron'e.Couetoroe μ ■& !’■ h\ 's iS . ■ 1 ■ $ .' VÏ onia Partie fait? gorfou· anb ιβ «ampo JLf â B patSuc.Tinbtljeftmaffeoftfcemßrßefbrtan» Bl Arengar tfteij tf}e mafpe.pt»m'aeaifo faitÇ. U^t}0 fo vof Sttfifh wobc Jeopatfcue *tt06c çrarf^hcèetioenc Çto 1} on&re/anfcpitOoi» te tvmíet8eltopatbrfl(oít0anjap/fôí Çcr^nowpféirraf aßpbe tlje apte of garfphe.Hnb t$e Itoparbe 6en‘;J?5? fottiie fu0rafe/anb Ijete foffofßfacHe fpotfto/anb t0rfe ecaßtößemottjefeifetljei) fjpon» / anb pfjje fôîtnne M «te anp Senpmr/$r4rhpt$.foit0eb*nge ofmag/jr^rttfb ¡tanbte ôofc.2lmetbfeíaít^1EfJ*fe fcoparbueCemofi iweff of Kpnbe/ ifj fomocÇe tÇatttjep taij neuere ta* mpb to folget* tÇer cruefitefjö·..HutweuietÇefefÇ tfyep A I ,íate!f/frtifty$e $aüt Mf* °fn& $* < iw«? faugÿt eÿopne tjjtmfrot Çy f fret fi« ot»te of Çie tnoœtb œitij ifteate fïencÇ. Hnfc »!}<*·? tfl* ©»ÍJ9 S<* Ii>r8/tj)e1imi0ine ωηπ' a*fafie *<>rç*le/,»»“f’n3e ^ Λ A >** #? ' Si iÇeie nr'v':;: >ye ertpo xoojonew tijoogijtxeÇflue jftetmpîfbfe t -- rifÆfitefe6utfofpfoîanp mai) tottufïeoMetmotije .1*·, «ttß not to Çttn/fo> rtte tMftteg i2ccfe.m.:fftgÇt^ott>c L«i not fortftattfiiiitte t$at te notηοριιβ into tÇe. tEljet« „ feie fitctje töoto of ftffnjít¡)irjt5ífeíf nji)at tijotoo r:,t pattapmtotbeoinot;2ltfert»rfP‘l)°K,toœ,iî"<>t £° if; jnttomptteti)aijotfyet mannpe matere euifftboro8c * IpartpitertÇa»i>.ífífifl)t «o*f«* <*0°Φ*' «o» metete not nottixmgr oí} omt dutma* ' ■' û V %Jhk *'f/· iS. ai ï . ‘·£* V * ^ V, ''· ·· %jpp» wíf * V % * fjüf 1 ‘ï '* Ï ÿ #► φ ■£*% % % 'Ér $? æSÎÜ9gcfcr/toljícÇ ίο at) bpfftij fotepne /anb ¡Waírm* RfJC7 íofocaffyb foitbegretneffeofljio 0ot>pc* it(MW^ 31 nbríjefcúcaftíc6c?etpapfefo0aíeff* 1 wfftfw ^ W W ^ f px tfyc wavtpowteof perce anb áQtfbc/ w ( ^\ttQfíqf)tíi)(£,omi$*f1£ym6xtfct46p pW tljebackpooftíjefeOeafHo/anbcaf? bournejpetpe ¡tóbioaej anb ba itpo/ao from a toa ff / aribtíjefe jßfepbatoatp# M H ca I^aucjïteatempnbeaitbÇnbrefîonbtngc/anbt^ef geo |A(jarfp! togíb:t aftertßcr manere/anb tÇep fetet^e motoo anb Weafric ffeefnm l}tm/anb tljer goottoo rere η>ίφ toljefpc.anb stjonoue η tl)ep neu ecgenbir 6ut oonpo* $ot tljep l)aue neuer0ut 3t)aueno } »aone wftctpc at ο n po »31 »b f$ep fptte ccc.peno/ao fatti lÿitteù) (1) JJfpboje ¿8t$ímof^ít*31nb fcrjptùce tfjat contcpoetíj f #fòe bi/ïojpec teffptÇtfyHí fee Æfefawnte ίο tafcyfúf btyaf ft tfef· taftóeí ri \ i > W il 1 Λ 11 m j ii* ¥ !1( μ j 11? 1|! '1 i*MT 1 mr tt)(e tnatKte.ÎLwap rnapSence f tjatße^erap Uírgítte tjjrpz ραρριο 0wng;0ate / ant) the ouerpatipe öftrer 0obp co affo t)iTcfóffbant)ftrti>f b¿oo 0otÇ togiberwöe fr tt)efc iBtefawntvo aflpbe/anb ttyem ßetttl) a potte ♦ ttfte ofí)et ÈetúÇa fvoottoc/ tußjcfyemapbpna mt§ fotobe Uopce fpn$pnÿr t§e zBfcfaianteJjmtí) f. eompf (J nrre ♦ 2tub 6pfftemtmaff infUntcpot) Jjtk wifÇ fíje innocentât of t§t ^itqimiïffcffiyanb gtuptfy mifflippe^nto tbccÿaftiteoftÿtni.anbaoÿeiotfc* k pngctt)tBiefleo anb pappee 1 h metvefouf tf bcfp tpi and faffptl) ajfeape»anbtmtt)ott>fe (¿ary* mittïpmafiomtfyt$efuzozbe fmptetQÿim it;totf}c fbfietfefpe/anb ftyebitlj Ijte flfoobeanbfyefaflptl; botatj anb tl)c of l)cr tnapbe wepuptfjtfjc 6íoobe ίη fije potte» H)ít$û)tvo\)it\)íebpebapurpfecoîovoxtt\)at longptf? ooníp toakpnçeto tt)ete. Ipoij/fbíffampb j> eUfanUy fyot) cam to f)i $ fafb*tt&l?part t§ou fopzouí ·|Μ··|Η·|·^ρ fozße Q referre I to rouíjonout çvooxffyíp aompbefíe te/0mapnothne \ tc/foiQtyaueno knepo.y tpd fap$.Qft\)outcfufenotto * wozfQípmeítj fljp Çarfe/φρ faèutatydíe acceptante. foz 1)t xvoxfl)íppítfy í)ietoxOefuffitíenttp / y faèatmtfl) > tfyetto voit\) at $íe poffieífite.voijevfoi y fyd conbemnrb ; Hjeabaerfcríee y accufpb f etefant, $ pzomotpb J}tm tou k à μ jûorwatj tmonff fuffp-nttuf ί) puttf ffffntent to ftati f ^ jÍ2 ff he tvyfe tugte föufde attende to gym vígfyt fa ff íugement/and not aftíe díffamacyotj/Ba tir ttyetroioti? ofcuetp ttynge. f ox (je íe notteatw faxx>tyet§atío aetufydjBut \}e tfyatíepxouyd ae faft$ 0fi8o;te,anb affo (je ptout/andi^et) gement/ ttëtyerofÿafetf teffrtjjof009 cafffb toxqnatuo ♦ ^l)atwí)aql)íe{onnexoa6atmfid fyirn of a ttefpace/andxonuíeteoftjjefame/ J)e gane fett teme of fjim anb fapbe -♦ Q ftcownfefffb mp fonneto odfeeuemyeommaundmenXio anb it te jnoutS Snto me/ tjjatjje $αφ tecepupb monep of (jie fefotoe/ cofitratf e to tnf 6p ddmge6.Qií)etfoxedIjim of tnf9 Çotoe/atib gpue tfcte fentence tíjat tye te moitfy? to Be ~k ^ ~ ~ — a tage vigete fox touenexfox\¡atteB.$ox HhetmiBfaytty/toue anb (jatrebe hnomtfye not tÿtiugementof tvovotfy * r<£t)etfoxe)E)aferyet€ttytt) titeo fc$U tljat toltai9 Cafe %mo gomxnyB t\)e eomyt) toefemtf)it) a cite / ttyat (je ttia8e ijrtm fe ff/1 tyetoljicíj toa 0 befenfpb tmítyfufffjoffo me anb tûfïe fatoee amonge affoler tl)ex œae tucyoy tÿat wÿofoeutvtóete take tnie of abu ftetfe/ftyufbe fofe0otty (jie $etj Jjieonwe titecame _ „ . . - L,P ___________, tpaeotctel anb ouetcome witQ t\)e fuppftcacp ot) oftijepeopfeJèut tÿat nottmtliflonbinge (je put 00^ oftye oœnj}eij fitfï out/anbaft etootj oficie fonttyeQet)/ ψ gane a meeuetovoo tempevamentto eguyte.fo%\¡exefcwydto enety «etpçyftpIA Ai nil» '2 ffHnL # J π nVtti ' "Hras 3 η s ü^AInIÜ' * N«vl Λ . , Tf y 'MllvtiJ./' Λ » Ά m.à*á ’ teßftt) o foot) ca%& Carar>t»íoe Cí» ue mpscy mabea fonje /t0at cntvíb amomt *ny company of peopte wit j) a foorb m a baqgcvaßou í)tttt fl}utóe bye,7inb wttfrq a xvbíte aftív/wbat) fio Wae cotm pome from fatre contrepe/lje cam in to bios wne potpe mítí) $ie foetffeaflanjt $pm.2tnb toban §e wae mamy8 o foonetfyat ffoi of 0¿ehpn* ge ofi!;e fame/ eupn fitaytefr ovate We foe* 8e/an8 hyffeb frmfetf. fox be mofbe not befenbe by? éttonue nox byffymyfc / 8ut tatfrtfuffetpaync then vxme φ tame* iltfo Safetyeteïïyt§t(i$io fe$to/t\)at maqamge^ab geuyq fatfeiugementeUppon a tymc hyngeCamföjee cavofyb t)tm to6e ffapne / anb bte fhpnne to 0e fet fa fíe *Sppot) φ iübtmïï fete/anb cava lybfrofonnetofitte anb grue ingementi* in φ fa* trie fete aftic φ bet!} offre foo fr vytfrenemepaynetifat no iuqeaftyxuoatde butft he tfr fowe/noz $e coxnpte petuettynge vigfrwyfnee. fox fo commamnbt0 tffefaweof ae voxyt* tet)TDeuteto>y*H.£bzbeyn€ two iugie anb cufete it) e* mtyptace/tomgeφpeopfetigQtfuffy/ anbfey tfry «arfe not from equite it) tonoot) otfrt waye / fox tom fto* fox bxebe/dut bo tigfrfuŒy anb acal tf mee toeuety . I ■<*% # ΛΓ « O/ 1 i 111 i i I1 V  TWli'if · IS!»i W'ii i ii ·- · I / . t. tue conipt § ofT' tu tJaturt pcnrti» ■ fc5¡¡ macotepta ^^”Hr·Rf> “®*: hofîiiincfoiivv wv —;— v α^,λ tW flau*beurteil) tijet MjeDp/f : [Pw tig tijerfete tüpfle fyke^nto afoate« l/Mrnte ^dnfc fuchooîiî-fiYtitc AtttonŸ fiixo ' ‘ ■■■*'"*■ ψΓ/Ιίμ)θ: μ I :fl uj£.n« .. Xtn tfemnloemfoTllrrt) Siatpiue te« tannaîx 6efîe0et:pnûfe it) tfle ippetpartie *)>f ff* far *ΑΛ *v.wee anb too0 itr hip V i i % ( I iV V / il jáf! fr'fl !f (ifflfll Livf ’ V J4lK» L M1 ΛΛ ■* - Üftííf * ·* h/ >4**.···> <*«■# •’•».λ iff ί'ΛιίΙ m ly/ι , 1.Æ i .pe-g .# 1 * f 1 i Λ i .. T L Jf «I It í>r/á©ake ^ ..........w fiox fyofate notte mpBeÎBeÿftbome hepet^efet^xo/ ifyomffyatt confíneme mít§ metí) Reátete fíe αηδ pea (e*Wítf}ít) afijoxte fpaceaftíttl}íe éxatyxm tl)om$f) te to pzowe tjíe mpfe if fíje mete o myftefíme ttje nampe oftfjp pzogenptomxe.Ho míjd ft)e fapde.ß 0aS neuet nootj.M f fadnee anb momxmn$eMt)om$aftfone foxgotpt) mp tecfywge.anb fije Beynge Bofße oftjet kpntebeanb ftm §ee degat) to Bfafpíjeme §ét\)ufBonde/V®\)etfcx 0e foz to\\e\)eiarí$bep$ttpb§ee ft fon |e fÇt fuffitdeai)Hffe to * n?0ajj net f)ufeonbeS)atpzue Uneme tßat t)e iugpd 0er to Be hone to betf) wítí) atiïQat tongidto fjct/andtt) tjetbym 8Ç ffawtaife gt et mone gtohet and L comm^a^t¥n(f^3 f01 momen to oßape* yi ÎD toftpntpmeemomen Be ínoBeépent.èut y fom tapnteßecomptQ t0em not/fox £ccfefíaflj[aítl}§ tîffiSfa momat) tjauetfje fupemnte f0e ie contrat? to IjetpufBonbe/anl· atfo l}e te Bettpx te bweKinabcfevteconttape/ttjat) tuitî} a me man g angtpeM mat) ti)et mae ot) a tpme 0αδ c$ fijxemetoUiemífe/andinoBedpent / andfje cjjafttfeü Çet anb mafce fim utacyopttjat 0e tpofbe goo to f bette anh fapbe to í)íe mifey in am n»·4^ n ~4 ut not tf)p ‘Γ $-' tM i)ym*** \ Iff IS ï Ί t Vs i / 1 fiet fpitgete/anb fot greate paffte fôeerpeb óttíte it) foi ihoc^e tl)atl)er fjufßon8e l)et8e ít/anb cume tonttpnge emb fapbe.t©hp topft not tßoto oßep mp comtttatinbe* tnentte/anb fo J)e ferwpb fjet bpnete tpmee tij tíjat attí» otijtr tf)ínge/tefffi)e toae fapne to oßepe. flga great« tempere l)»c0 toae tbegrettefi fôjetoe of Çet tonge p eotobe ße. Wfyetfot tjerljufßonbe ß*cugl)t Ijer to ti)e fifipmat) anb fapSe tfjat it) attÇe flippe toae not fo gteootoe a tt)ingeiOnb Ijeup ae tjer tonge. O0t)e« fote ã eneca faptl).fte notjjtngeío mote coinmenbn6fe then a goo8 topfe. 5>oo te nott)inge mote ctuefftf}aij a teotoßfotoe toomaij.2lnb tl)e ji)0ífofofte faptl).2l topf {o otíjet perpetual íope/02 atj enbftffr parné, ßf ftjeß® 6a88e fíje cato fit I) moelje ttotoßfe/ anb moelje g fabnee »fflje ße goobe. ^foigoobetopnpeßeoßebpent tuerto tberbnfßonbee/anb foue ti) tm aßoue aff tljinge fletóme in φ'β Poke ti)at0etotptíet0agapne$oupnp* an pnttpti) at) üSpempfe of tßte £Qatronpe of Rome* 'Ube to0»c(j toi)ai) φρ §a8 tofte tl)et I)uf0on8ee/tf5ep toofßenenet tahe moo.Cife fitfl of tff em toae nantpö jMatepa fCattjome/g tofjatj f0e toae afhpb tol)p f&e toofbe not tahe an ot0er 0afßon8e. 3>J)eanftoerbe t0at *— he fecoro nbc toco ^abe of 1 / m /fh#M(*¡ » «ftceip M Vi» fi J n> Mffl* • «I 1 4ψ Λ» kW 1 tf Μ i» JWHkU'J iit / -.L L' '*L\bi\W· CT^y rwji Wntfe^eïfffir.trÇeifi^^iÇtted / «itb fíe tbee ftreatfp mou pb βρ Ijetfrenbes ße fucrpb to φ Se (fufõontie/foi a (iirodje ae fí je tü A3 ßotf} pon^e «vtcbe ftfe benpeb (fit/anb fapbe /fíe mpgtfte not. -ffo* fbe 0t« fote(fabagoobemaψarib pffíefíatbetakean ofíic/ jÿ» fopb tmfpe fíat (fe fíutbe ße eptffec goobe οι ßaßße ~ f 9* IW« gooSe/fíefíutSettípiSe it) fete to tefe h pm, fbt were BaSSc/fíe fíufte eupt 6e ít) fojo toe fíat afc tpia good mat) fíe (fab mpfpedanb fownbeaßaßde, V ·. K* i ‘ ' V, i* ·-· i CíDf t$e iDíomefferpe anb ofljte faíoww, jDía%o,^(j. I ΙΓ > < * * P ■ J* Μβ 7 ft *' - 'y . t I If1 I f ( K i I %îæw:· I > Γ-■ Î' 11 ï ® '> i I; I - /1 LijL&i¿i/wWí Tl· //»y ÎÆofflebatttfe íé a ffeafíe de fattffge* rome/tÇatmpffgfooaefarre ítjoone / bape/ae aq f¡otfe voyfftq Û)xc ♦ ΈΕ1)β ÏLpofj caffpb tbio 0ea/ïe to ifrm/ anu fapbe/>3mon0eaÎF0efïie/to method art moofî famba6fe* jfoz tl)om canfi votiï tonne anDiepe^fjetfazg mif ffat tfjoti ÿo IQ to t^e eafïeanb mquete of a pet fone/of trçeqoafpteanb company of tt)e (Èítpfoq/tÿe mfJicÇo mp fffrgíjtemítfJ meae ÿ^nt)ctftonDe*Wt)erof6^ni me mootbe fyçfytîyt tÇat g map make mereÖpeto0a* ttff.flnb ifyoxo fl)a{t 0etematbpb aftpz tfyp fa0omze ¿otf) voitf) 0OO0C0 anSmozfôippe, 'îËbc’DitomeSarp 0c gaq to epaftetym feff/ voffaqt Çpmfeff tj)a$ piayfyd/and toke oq Çim Çie go umep/anb ttufîpyig· ta getemoje fam8ei}e tarjanS fa0omzto ornie of rnefure/ 7 tjope oftemarbe be ranne foo fafïe anb fept tjjät l)e b& fïtopebp _ " anbfapbe * r At·, datfe e^ceffeomze feff me notfppff· jlîb fo me fÇufbe btfaef efp bo tÇe tbmÿeetÇat Λ mecaqanbknome/tbatmeÇurtenotomreéo* Syeemoxbeficopebmze tpmmee/^f o* fapnt au* ■; tnbte rufe»$ct(jat tourmentitb l}io 0obtc j flomze/^o* trufp a maq tfobpe*m$afjl}e **re» ' v ****4t1 I . HI *. ·. V;-. • Γ1II' ÊÈÊM , .·/■ '<■ i yj- -j·. -.s. ¿¡fflllWmir r ***** »die ntowtelïonbpngtafonefetijefee/ anb t)ie fonnewae Ueôpoœe ofBtpnge fíjete / anbptapbe íjío fab« to οι * »afnefomemeanet^at^emig^tgotíjmfe/anbCeòefp tie«b from fjjat captiuíte,/anb (Je fownbe ttfer many fe îire ofbiuetfe0pibee/anb (Je fet tfjem fogibet teifb p»t «fteanb gfewe/ anb mabe a pepte of wpngte/ foi lipnf fïff / enbag ot()tr foi (Jio fonne.jSo tfjat ti)« with rfiee topngee fijufbe ffyt anbcome omt.anb amonçft tfer tl)c fab et fapbe to J) io fonne» Êcnidrrtljoto fß» noê toIJigOe./Soibefcenbenot to fome/0ut hcpca tiuunrvf ttjox» befïcc to0e 0&fftb.^fot gtacpowe anb^feflpbρ[Λ opte hope a menewape/anö tfje fabic bpb fo anb efcaptfe gfab anb eupta/'cenbib tfpwatbe/anb φ (Jeteof ΰ foi* ne biffôfupeb t()e gfewc/anb0ientf Ije febiteanb ton fe* rnpb ti)em/anb fo (Je feffanb bpeb.wÿerfote QatnatS* feptÇ/kepj: «je wmeamyftfouwittmtfefe matin». m *i fi epc effent MSape Sr fbeb φ fpeç foitÿetebmpcfoyof fyeotvn foto fc anb of tjtefrenbee/rij I) Çe ei bepneb many Sea fite to de $nbet tu* fe/anb gane to t$?a tufo anb a fout* me of fyuyviçe / anbttiabo ¿Bíeccpoç ofa p*io we anb Jjr tuae φ Ιρβίφ te φ fount of t J}c l)atte/ae faptfj papp e/attb flc iebpueteofCofowe / arid φΊγοϊ) flefeupb tÇat Ije tüofbe 6ea goobe anb a tetytfpotcfopfietet ♦ φίαηα* fue f fjte ^fawne u>ae UattaBfe 0o φ itj cofo we anb cS* bicione.fioz tμ fet t)te Stebxet) at bpupfioi) / anb caœfpb tl)em to tahe partpee/anb ojbepneb officere /anb tptt$ iij a mftyfe btfcljargtb tl)em/anb ojbepnpb otflet ♦ Λη& φγ ttyat mete put otpte of office gtritc^ib agapne fyitit #n8 tt}eot$erßeföe w'tí) 0/rmanb tßue|)ebpboftpntp rneeniafpcpcuffpe.$ij fomocÇe/ífjatafftJjfp confptttd agapne ßtm/anb œeteagapne ßtm aff ßoote* at fa fíe £ fttebieijatmpÔfÇemfeff / œpffpnge to fm quateffJèut a fa60e pafftaprcjjiclj rcaeofbe anb wfc ■■■ t, mapI 'M .. - ï ■- T ·;} ■ ' , O· '· γ ■«■ .· rjK~—· ~ ?» &mftf ôôtte toppttot glae cte&eftce to t$c mfeff of unfemeg*2&ut btfpofe aff twinge after t$et omç lîipnbe^wt foke tÿattl)oœ not afmap to ttyp* otoaecoîipnÿe* jiîo^ trofîe to tijpi) oœne u>rtte»/Îîo?af<· toape foforoe tî)?1)ovom mp ff/tfat bo afft§ingfe rnitlje tounfçB/anb 0p t $e aSuict of anb bifcretc anb ßetijotu aptyaBkto fofatvctÇerbortrtne/ y tljott? from tlje mape oftromtfy.^ozitte fapbe .¿api cnce*pppi*lDo tl)om notijinge œitflomt cotonfeff/anb tÿow fi) a ft not repenteaftte íl)ebe8e*Jfoz tíjetmfemafj fbpt j).|Dzouer0í, çín ♦ |)e tljat íe mare boítl) aff t^íngc 0p counfeff/anb tftep tljat fo bo 0e gíopb unjefpe ♦ Tlnb t(jíe íe tí)e btfferetííc 6etmene mpfcmeg anb fofp0>jfo¿ a foofe0r$ofbít$ 0aí oonfp t5e0eface l)e fapbefye toofbe feff wpfSome.anè mÇat) bpneo fe came to J)tm to 0pe itJ)e rozóte iÿ a fcroroe ti)efe tool beefapnge/fyafft^wtfce fJ)attl)oro intenbifletoboo/ ^cuermoze trinke roljat map 0e fafft 0 tj)e tljer 0pe, anfc titanp fofftee beríbeb tfjefentence anb roofdefjaue cafl awayetfjefccowe.&ut #e confepfpb tijem to kepeít/flí 0ereítroítj) tjjemtofljer fozbpefauf affetmyngey toae rooztt) mocÇe $eo0e*(r ro^aij tl)e pzincr oft^ f 5e !)ab teceupb it to 0e rozptei) roif‘~ of jjofSc $po ηf borne % gatie of $ ceafttrr* Λ ^ λ<* * " ftr*** bf-  et fía fo euer fes fije iijöi'. ,Vt& JjetfbjrepÇífofbf« teficffyünö6i^«£ä rpirearei; η; ftö afliö foflte» IDiafego.piim. Ψ .# fi * IÄuvw?pi«M/lÄint»UTüff/iP iFiicipjcturr lip %aUf\\i/ÿ)Qiï)\q tl>e jöofe ♦ 1£ 0e fame teUi ? tiocfroetÇûtieoçïnicoîi)/ fo?ca«)fc tljait 0e 6utt0 ooo fyojneîi) ttje mpitôcfcof 0tV fo*# fou fanges fo fljarpe ant) fî ton * " jje £ ertt0 iil '‘itfjî? C*§* ? 4SS.:· r\ ÿ tfy'e it apecltf) $ mcoibeie üij acceptante Uer* tue/amangf 6jeö«rj ae it ie tmytetj.&cile.vy'rS. 05 tjjje tfjirtgteettjeriegretpfeafutto mp mpnb/wljick 0capp¿o0a6fe0cfo¿e6fpb tt)e voatyv/avtot\)ey tl)at í?obe 0p tcOuhpb bim/anbl)canftt>et6fp0 $ cannotfpue/Cujet te na íÇirtge moie pxofitaBk to atyte faptÇ.Tlnb tfjerfojett te goob to beftte to fyaue conco** 8c/anb amyte. U^tyerfojcSDaferptefiytfyof concojbc ft* 0*o quarto tljattnijai; jQanpOafffSefcgpb a pc* opfe of tfye cyte fuffitbc fo create Jíícbc/tbat tf)ey emy* fb oot) açayne at) otjjet y anb u>ofbc not fefftfoat *pa® ncbefufftofufícntacpoqof fpfe / anb ttj tl)at fame cite oot) fofbc Ojcbe/anb iyeb fox l)onget»2lrib rttyat ßougfyt it feupb Out a tpÇ i ft t$ enmity» Λήΰ tty te gréa* *■? 1 'v> ■πΜ' ifil Η; In umvi io euerto ßetefie ♦ COfa 6eafîecaïïyb &nocentamue ttyatflpf bc8 a paface. ÏD ta fogo» petit* puetemonf?*·" Ofl·*'· « r i il \\\/ I»’!* «t ■*r 5f a fíe fot })ίβ orene pfrafute tarefft a to faïïpa* ftitro to Be mato / But ttufíin£e»)btre orene repite b* Mjofto Beotpt) it.áDítopne it/anb ento it/reitfjout couti* feffoftfjc tÇeefa)ûî!utiafïit.2ltibaffo oftpntpmeo voM fijo connpngre reotkmai) graue btm piofüaMc comfeft. oi tl)e gieate reefeoftlje reoijteae Jje SntotfîooSe 6t> Rio conpnçfe.'Œübio pioreto Beafíe tohe no refpeete ta. @tm But fapto.g am tng-emoroe anb reif tp $ notogfl;/ ItBecamitt)not poree to tecfjemeJêut 0 repffbaur aff tbinae perfourmpö aftpj mpt) orone mpnbe .ttnb reoatji iße oafoce reae fpnpifreS an8 comp fete/ fojfackeof cfa· -'«otjanbrepfSome/tt reaotupnoree/anbfeit >ltiötl)erfo^e ^nocentdtifucr ßie 3OOÎ5Ç0/3 J j (b f ;'·+ ‘fii‘i W 'I »’ t s & 1 I j i I Ι.| ·Η i y; M i ■ ■ :V' [&:&> ,ii*· ^ % \ ft ■ !#♦·tafic oœt iq patÇte anb tuapo.anb (bitte otÇer ÇatfJ opf~ moq tfyat ît io a 6 cafte fphca momo tÇat me caffißfr* eem/íi? fatepçae fattÇ gftbo*e*2tnb tijfe φπρ te aefr- rte Ûeafîeae towcbmqcto mete/Ôut notto factifice ♦ ♦ A rn # A # . * JJT 1% pi,(î . £ U fïotnpb anb bcribeb fpke jtSttffiS'. t6ue l}e fapbe* 'Síjefe people favnptf) to fijetue great* fïtffetanceofpapne/fo fyaue eafe fobpff e; Tin b fo efcfje" betreu? fa0out*$ t0ue fapnge $e tnao neuer feruícech Bfcto ti)em y tvcrefyke/ptq faugomzeœnb g£î$&Sjtft&. fozcfyefcqaqiomept aiïômavttfafnqe ♦ 7\taomt)at fftafQbo?ÿt)auc not mynpfïirbe tofpkefofkoffrit bif" fampfftÇem tomppott»ee*0utitou> f JJamt$iie cat?; gate tm'tfi fpkeneejflptotmfe to a ^ ■e *Lca " ^ meoffy'e grete h*' ^ fofke W -J t H V r «O0Ö υί|nul? ipvtuuyiy wmi/ uu^f! 4[o% oto* otone pie fite t Ijat toe ftjufö fjttrt pfea (e - ígte toe maye euittentfy Knotoe tfyat jjjßSfliit·- fi to fent to îe ofißoö/tfoi ou* toefe anb jooftefp of oue foufpe/α« faitfj ttjeapoftef/fe* eunt»e at) cotintlpprt. ttëijaij gam fpke/tijat íe tofape ßobefpe.’^fjan am 0 mo*e (ironje ant»mpgrJ}tp iy/thatie to meane.tfo* tkr&e to per#u*aipb jafp&* neffe.anb ©re jeep fait!) ,&obpfpe fpkeneo to keparof offîertue.ant» it ίο re88e it) ‘Bitte patrum that a fertap ne petfon befpreb of0o^ai) tf)e ÍF) et empte to 6e mabe lj»- feoftije fepEilsapajf ·«"*> f}eanftoer8e. £l)orobeficeft toBebefpuetebofatjfinjemo(tneteffarpetotfje .flot β» the ßobpee 8e turpb 6p mebetpneo^oo 6e jooßeipe fanjouto puttfteb 0p fpkeneo anbcafîi jacpone /fa tfoo «>fianaknpjf}t ‘Bppotj atpme pjapbe ai> lptp matjy «r Ötö 8ofp p*apero l)empjl)t 0e befpuctpb from a Jte* te btfeafe that jje Ijab/anb tofbe ljtm moje ouet Ufat t)e toao mote îertuouffpbifpofib j mo*e beuout in fikenef' |ethenin ^eítlf.ütje f}ofp m«rjanfioet3e anb fapbe nj ifito maner,g p *ape ©ob kepe tt?e it* tl?e fame ft ate / y ¡tijoto niaplî 0e|ïpfcafe ©o88e anb 0e moo/ï meke a»» -Sertuotoo /μ·ι ÍÊÊÊÉSKbi CàDftQe fZotnft) XaSaw ÏDia%OtÇcSi· H>poi) a tpmetÇer toae λ cottipij falfe* erpb fefbe iittmîHttije to fotP **» not foo wfâ / β® (ntic^P1 m* »tp# ftÇím.C1 locero») it |)ίφίίί kite, ill IfíH mfct φφή* Ipçîffl me m fi Kföeippl tí)#* tpi F ft d )U tt|C p líriquíi i£atc ft tin ic!)k| 16 *inw,< A r ^ .....- -,...,---— Stpneoanb pvtfottf) agapn 0tm. B00ic0openet0 0et 6o feme to Ijtm.U^ljïreiij 0epu(tet0 0/e Ijeöe onö fage* tttQ 0íe toifbenefíe/anòfaffptl) it) ffcepe/ anbfoo tje ίβ iahpt) fyke a mat) u>tt0ott>f Jjatnepe. ee fafcg flfßfote *gt0»m.pn.Rínoceroi> a(fo ae faytí) Pappe te a fkafte hawngtat) t)otneiq l)te nofe.it nö íjeaffo fatt0 t0at Ki mtetot) ieawpfbeßeße of wbomitaß Ce hpnbe it) fonto* f jje t§at ttyougf) Ijeße takpq fyeeannotßekepteßp %o tenu. VlÍ)Ío ßeaßefoi Jjíe ßtengtf} anb fu (ipe iiiuentpe' mp$\)t not ße^otbe not Coheoq agtö fofke.jfoi wtjagfo > mctf)at 0e 6el)ef8e anp agp8 peopfe/fye fiiojnpb tfyein fepnget^einctokpbanbimpotent.^f^erpbettf 0e feeœ»8 t0em 0ïo fete anb ctepe.lhtb «)0a η 0»e '¿pme tt>ae wafüS/anb Ijeljim feff t»ae maye agíb / porige· ñim patpentCpe fuffitSe anb(ap*· -ooetw:i ; hJn* ....... ... ...........*► m \(r w Ä ■ W· % ap W I ft w 1_ _ ___ át&ap not ¿girófe gare/1n namanert... a^#, f tfyio it apctiti) tfyüt ofàctfiÇT) ffyiiffcg nette fe befpp fe$ofpangmei)wozfyppptd * ΦΓ tÇt0 tpeijaor a comanSment Jècfoî: WÍ)oiet)eÕeutmaetí)owQn3ar?fe.·♦Und wozft)ippe $ou ttfcperfotj of at)ofôe ma*?ln8 affoo íe pettj£uínto.Qongemt)Bepç fu$ucte%nto a$pdmctf< arco i^atot) faytl) *<ü>pue t ometotÿy Ûettn.jfox a* ^ ItrpteífytQ íiÜtoquinto í£ apite f topte^ befetupbtÇe moflpxincin^m" ofaffljie \%npgi)teQ tÊÊMÊK^ÉÊÊÊ^K^KÊÊÊÊÊÊÈeÊM $omnc6*ae tyme Wkk Λ I M I 3 I' I ! ■t l π i I- ■ ^ (V VVf Ι((*ΚΜ/Η/νι> ιν·/Μ7 ^ι/νιν vf rvw ^ Wr^-.rlClí)fl^ O? g*ztf et cßckmeßcte tftem to tl?ct;ncf?Í6 anD fapetbetK fcff aßaute tbcttt/eiib fcbe fftem anb notpfft tftcm/ arib ftepetftun tratnie/tnocfte taíÇct otpífíj rtierj tßa* ße te fonaßfe/fo tobo to tftet fenpou>;toanb ftenbco. 20ote* euet SDaftrf teffptft ftßto quinto, Έβαί tpßaty a fto6fc ïtvontatj w*ao cottt.pl teb Snto *oatße/fo;t λ gteate offen ce/anbtftete fftufße ßaue perifftjcb ffttouf ß ftongtt ♦ í)ct: on>ne botugfttet tfta-t ttao «>e8ßp8 6p ti}c fycence of tbe tuge ïifrteb ßet ¿apípe/ 6 ut firfl ft)e toae feteßpb «;írl)greatc¿pfpgcnceyt^at fßefßuibtßete vpítl)eftec tío miteJ^utfftebapfpebjougß otot ßet ß*e(tio anb feo ftetmoßtr untft ßeeotonemptJie^Ät faftetßeiugettio^ upb «ntß gteatepeie/gaue tfte mobtrto tßebougßtet 2lnba fpke ta&ie to Cbe of at) agib mag tßat x»ae fu* (fûpttiS tt) afffßtttgeo ßp i)io bougßtee*5S)uftuepootßee voifc caflfpb tijtSngfpffö gtppeo/Cßep ßcinkpnbe.fos fßepfuffeet^etptogenttcutteiobpefoynrbf/anbtßcp i ÄPpirtot (exorne tßetmäo manpogße înkpnbt:tottyt ou>ne fabtteanb mobice/anb otßet öftftet iocoeftcti* Sco/anb tfte mo;e to tftet eftatp1 . λγfaßifte cafifpS φ«ρ tftat wao fottge untfto«>i€ f |pkencffe.©tafogo,^cî» tÉp/of **n(to loptneffitß anb -afftet 2fe* io aßeaft tq fije «ni ^ nrote/oftnftometftt tbfojtoat8 ■ v'A^e.« »I fl iei B f fit je Iff 7DI*' V. -V— ^ 5^v$v , ·"«· tip tptttee \)ie ftenbeo teBukpb Çim f^etfare/ßat weilet tßefcffe Ιμ amenbpd b*m not But occupied fo fïpff foi co uetpfe of fuete, and îpporç a tpmebe fmugt^te bte fbtp pe ebícÇ fapdeeuetp &apcanegge/anb‘fobegabtpbmanpand jofbe tÇem y cnctecpb to.bíeauautftage.anb at taftÿe tbomgbfe pf tbio benne mete kpffeb and openpd be fbufde baue met up eggte ttj Çet.and foi catpfe that be mad couetomfe/and mofde baue bad gtete fuete at ooroe/be camfid tbe Ijenne to Be ffopne/and depattpd ή; ímapwç and fomnde noon eggte it) bet/But foffe aff/dotb Çenitc and eggíe/aftírjrôe commune piouerBe that fartb* i)e that couetttÇ aflr/oftpntpmeefefttbmocbe. (Σ béfate tnarebauntte and efyapmet)ome to Be mareto gete anp tbtnge miongfuffp.ifoi tbegodee of%n\uftt met) fi}a{ font Be deflroped/afrir tbe oppnpotj of tí?epi|irofofre > fairb^tebeffe fpgbtffB0^ map not faftefonge.affo ptouet.pp.j^etpiageoi fpuefude that to b£,ítyfy>Pôtirsí ΦΙΪΪ d irj φ Begpuninge/fbaff fadieBTeffinge tij ttje \ ¿it H , -Sa ? n*,f*· pw. 1 Γ "i til I r.M'i Í » 4 t I » * li 3 ) % R,v R I I Ills /  ettWwÿe,tt&fjÂf> a StfrauÇatinte it) t\}t fee *%pòt) a tpm¿ ÇaD fofDc ÇÍ6 toy ne u>t}ícÇ vo myyte l>aff œtti} tyx/foxae mocÿe money ae> t\)ou$§ it^abßepmemym anbvo§ar)\)eopenfòt§efta%$ttoputte tj}e money tí)at Çe tjab teceyufò fox tÇc Upe íljaê tpoe it) tl)e fíí ppeefpíebít/anb it) wife cam anfc €avo$i)tetf)eßa fCebbe emhytanb fíttínge tfyeveippotj/föe open^b tpe 0a£fc cam t m tttjt ftctljernotit ite$abnN) ter, r ty ot) t\)et Mae fomtymt tfyat itoae a famomfeíjontet/anbtuet tÇíemae Çte cuftomaôteUfaçte ♦ U®f)at) fje \}ontyb$t motbe fabfpßefjofbe at y |8eafïte îtfoxt tym/anb marke furefp \ooncoftf}e6tfte/ JmttÇ aiïl}te $tyn$e it) groo8ebíftaunce anb temóte frome t (Je ff oí;* ¡tffebbenj affÇafïepoffiÔfe. t^Jjerfo* lift) fackpn$eof fote parpofe anb fapfyttge of tffat l)c fjoppb to tjaue.Unti tím (Jefaßomttb to (Jaueof tl/eo* ti^c feoffee tfjat l?e (Jab fitfl fojfakp 17. &ut combe itooi) optayne^ox ti)ey mere ÿoo anb ffe88e anb (Jp bbe t$em ίη tífet oeaeríve.mljccmttíj t(Je Ifo^maeangfíe befo Syttetfye/t^aè íjemofbe neuer aftp¿ljuntc mo*e/ Cut fapbemttíj gtetewodeneffe. ' : te a $uatmabmffe φ furetpefojtfake fíljíngpe tíjat te fertapne/anb t (Je contrary take: ¿Dmanpag mijatj t(Jep may t^J¿competent fot tty&tfjei take ttoot) (Jebe ttyettojouc einefe to Qaue 6etty%/$ tfjerfo* tfjey Ceoftyt) beeeyuto/ $ cannot com topoffeffiÕof fucljetfjiugtetljet it) paß tmgrfj t (Jaue 1 ja8.t(Jeçifyey mofbe take y tljet may not com 6y/ptecouit y te fofφ Snrecoutraßfe ♦ 3èu$ tfjet ptettay fenot Sut fefbo immfjerfote tíjeímoutne $ Ce it) eitet Qeuínefjé.aeiayn va\ß bautb fpe\\ít§Áute.pi% flov&y IjetebebemfJy bo fyfaßetxfyettytftmay caftjf agf ayne/Q fijaf ratfjer $o to φφχ t)e f(Jaf neuer retiis neto me.Qt te aífo tofbe it)faß fpe tíjat tau$í)t a yotitfmã y f)ab tahit) \)etto moutnenot to ï te teîy fot a ifjmïe foftey combe not 8e rrcotierib ae it te f e85e tij ßafaahi/tt ία but a maCneffe anb paceff tofot# fake at (Jm#c fute anb fevtayne/fox at) otljer tliinge'Cay m Mb Vmitaynew dfopeffapitf} 6yepampfett¡at JUUlh » /% · ■φ iTVOt· %*·- ·4 Λ.4« , 4 •Γ f $ f ,J- A.f ■>*· IÇe* woié aboefpi) to. . ■■. . I________ WÊ efcflãunje tflem it) to ffle pe/anb tfle.fflepettj to optif/p fo wflat) ffle «>ae come tó tfeflefjfe ffle fflofbeße man'eïs rt'ijflt wotffltpfuffp into fome œojtflp mat) / anï» tflus fflettíopríb.ilnbwflai) ffle wao tfluo memefouffp tZ* ^ ^ ^ Π !m. ^ μ a. a -A a — » AâKC mca Wr*A Jk A. dl ^ B ΒΓΊ B dÉ \ í * 'u- Sito V »ynb>m¿e to _ I .........._ \ . Uyt attfyn mytkmnk foffamtfant f tom J}e* put;* 1 B <0 4 * I V 4 * * * *r V \ *IK. Λ ' f,f tÇatroaea Pfaffe ffpfbac# JDíafogo* » cr# ♦ Qatte ae fáítt) ßxtto/anb ithamrotj beof ttagoetí)at íeagoote/ anbtapfy Í6ai}fyatteml)ícfy 6eaftett)oügfyet)e6eoft$e ’ frmífítwbeof a^9artct^forrîpacte*JI}èucrt|)e^ ^ a îooteÔeÇpftbe/a»b λ > teanb fiiffof örawtcfjre* Höre ßcaftewaea principa ff * tooxhmat) anba gteatebeuífattt) ßyfoingee* l&nt fyç tnaoafaffebifcepuav/anb ßegifybntanp fofltee> jfoz, Ivt)a$ÿeffyaft)e gyuecownfeff fox bpuetetbífmciom * to ßemabe.fyex&otde oxbepne fucfyefunbacpot) tl) at y> » Spfósnqfe fbtiföe forte fafF/anb to J)im feff fjetoofDe fapç · to me tfc it faff ♦ $o* $ fÇaff ήαφ '""tiöllM; ' .?■ i Ifit ïf ■ *ll 1 Plflf i III! i «Ai i| Iî il if J rai H 1 íbettiotedttattntageíijKeebifttatíoifof fucíje kpe απδ tljue Çíe 6a88e coton feff tone roSEîccp to eu een m3 tljatmebfpbtoitfj fJtm.amongeaffoffyetit) tfyatmm* trep fljec toae a mpgfjtp tpeatinte topffpng e to ßpfbe Λ metaefotoe pafepe/fot 0im feCf.3lnb fot to Çane it pee foatnipb/lje ferxt fot tljie t)ebeniaf?ít/anb be fpuetpbf» Çt>rn money innumetaßte / fot tfje confïeuccpoij of tije Paface.^Itytecfjeef tüoîfttnafîtr fapbeaöabbe fonöa* cron ípke ae 0e (jab i ffb öefote tpme / iij fomoclje tljat Kiljar; tlje tootke tooo ftm'ffijeb / tl)e toaffpe bepartpb/ anbltfaue a fonbet it) tlje mpbbee / anb aff tfje ljoore tootke ßegatj to fpnke. itcottutß to tjirn ♦ Λο áDíoftuo tcmtñ/tfat wÿat) a TLytaunte «ppoij atme Ça8 bain pnpb many innocentiez gofSfinptfJ t$at rtanuo pittn'e wySynÿe to pteafe tlje fapbe t&taunte/tnabc mtç8uïïof$mfÎegarnit abuwtyooneofljie fpbeo I p$elot> j}/0 Φ gltbtbt fittttlii pwft 0.W i miti/1 I k ££>fc H 0p tlje' ·&> v’MË#' V-KÄ «ÜW Φ it'll totw»¿ I) t jilt til ijct tofia w V, íp tjjetbfl/cfj tfjep tÇat there bampnpb mpgîjt Se put iff to tl)e fapbe 6zafpt> 0eaf?e / aub l)e gane it ta t!)e fapbe tpvaunte/to φ entente e fljufb tuefobe afilam tíjat $e fotspb not aub put fire Suber/ anb foo ir; ¿reate papitee tflep ffjufbe rrpe / aub make ¿reate uopfe fpke cxeqoxofbcrfleaffóeJèuttbfe aßjjairpb foa ccueffa bebeanb fapbe Suto 0 im/tßat ße fypm feff firfï fÇufbe entiv/tßat 0p fyim/ J?e toßatuopfefjecourôemake/otÇerfpke a# ope 0* fpke ïpe Dfjittfl a cotpe.Tiub immédiat tp ße tvae putinne/ anb fßeSe witße bebSeSp papue/ t§at Âc.Çabbe o;8epupS fo;ot$er· s/J¿L¿f a iea/fecaffpb ©uffafaa t§at œae afljomaher. 5Díafo¿o> ein at| inb favöc% itDCÜt, Π 7 , anbíenampb&ü0afn6«¿>oo?ntame t0atfomffbneffel;etofff0ere no foc keif; l;t¿necke«21 ffttcanoitfßitf) anb Siinçitf) fox t|) tfjefe 0eaftte«ÍJ»; germa npatfo 0e χο fbe of eg Çautnge fyoxni* of fo gerate fcngtf;/tl;at tf)ep0efet voittlbttnUc?pog fíje kpngee taßfe/fox tf)er greate capacite/ae fait 1) 0ft 8o*e.g it ίβ'α 0eafte of great ftrengtÇ/toljerfote Ijecan* not 6 e tampb/0ot ff at; trog ringe 0e faftnpb tg fjte no fe/0f tljc rclftcl; fjentape 0e feSSe .anb t;e te 0tacke o* f cforoe of cofonne/anb Çe Çatt; 0«t fetoeljetf oo* noog í)c ljatfj affo a foteljebe of fcome befenff δ tmtije troaf inpgl;tf tyome.flnb φffeffÖ of 0tm te piofitaBfe not oonff to rnete/0utaffo tonteàecf ne /ae fat ti; pftntua fí0«^1fttt,Cap;p« ^0íejèu0aftf6 u>aea fijomakec greatffenampb foí 0te conntnge w?l;ici;e 0p J)íe crafte feuf b ^onefiff e/anï) kepte a geete Çowfofôe.lènt aftíc tj;atu>l;ag l;e t)abgotpggreategoo8eo0f l;ts Crafte 8e 0egag to befpífe it anb fafbe.íEÇto to a fbtbte crafte anb a ¿atefuff/fot ener mf (¡onbee 0eßfit afß contínuafff tgfiftÇ anb ttirpttu0c/fpckpnge 0facke lie* fctcanb fljoone Jéut jj wÿÏÏam 0eagapofe ntochpb Ijtm/fo* fje con>0e no fkpfctíjetog/netÇer to 0f e lio* feff«UPfletfoíe will) í$ff)oite tftnc aff Çtegoobeey ße l;ab 0efcnegabtfb/;tDere*confunifbanb rcaftfbanb {je toae y&ttútit te^‘ \ íocjJaaiKft' tôuerfme.jp ' i luimtli m MW feetp mat) it)erfox ffetbate anb confia e $ίβ 9 áí fía(e/aitbírgtl?t^noícÇaangte* fíe ff faítlj pitma anb coimtlj^kuyt) fuct}ç 55oca cpofjae petfecaffpb continence peítj tfye fame* jfo* «cea faitea ponote tre οχ mape not gton»töat íe ofípij temeiipb^fo* petfeueraurcce ίο caffpb a fïa0fe anb perpetuaffmanfpoij/oitbepnpb veafoi)*anb do Xtuffp ttmteíljprímo tct$otíce^l)eno0íííteofm3 petfeaetaunceÆÇat to to fbpe* jñotto0cftokpi; tt)tt^abüerfítcí0 / no* to 0e epattfo tw'tl) pjtofperitepo ♦ $0* to 0e fetpb a>it$ compnaepona anb t$*etm0fe*/llo*affo to 0eincfpnpb 0*0on>pb front %rtue0pptomeoo;tabufacp3e ,^fo* Conreaaffo fattlj benaturafífluo qncfííoní0ü0 fíõxo tertio♦ 2ínb affo αβ íljeeppofitojfupetèoecííim beconfofatíone faíttj/íflaí fije pljtfofofíro fapbe 0* cotocljpb ttoo ^Eonneooftop* ne ïi) t $c enteep of tfje fjotoo ofQouyo/atà aftit tlje be dfotacpoij of tlje fápb e^pofïto*ÆÇc Çouo 0etokenptfj tl)Í0 roojtfbe pxefent/tÿe tvootonnpe pxofpçtiteanb ab* wtftte.liï)fvoi}hfyit flejjowitij euerp creature to tafïeetî trinke ίη totste a?o*fbe*2tfepanber mp$\)tnot oaerco tue tl)e confîaunce anb per feueraunce of IDío# f{ox tül)ai) 0e came to §ím oi) a tpme fittingeit) tic fon neanb0abfyimbeßreibl)attjen>ofbe / anb accojbínge toreafoij i)e fljufbe flaue itÆflie IDÍocf enee anfœcrbe ¡¿(/ii trn'tfl greate ftcfffafînea anb fapbe*$ œofbe quob I)e 0e 0M; fojeaffotfltr tflinçrco tflat tflore kepenot tfle fonnefto me/tflat«e tomeane/tflattfloufïonbenottfetœene me I Suffii tinb tfle fonne»anb fo hereof carnea ptouetfle. tEflat a* r * ^epanber attemptib to Çaue putbtogtenem from Çio be T,fl0 ¿ ®re of f?a0fence/0ut it moxe efp to 0ím f 0 bep*tue âpnje ÏDarp from í)ie Uoaff fee/0p ofatmio*anb tj)erfo*efattJ) Peneca ß0*o quinto beíenefícüe tÇa# ¥ TICOlili b il f t !' ' I * ! . I* í i '·■* Y.wM IDîotfctteettofle fttocÇe fïretof et anb ttVfjeetftatjafepil 8etfyauinÿt a(t\)e tootfbe. jfoxitwaomotey jje tf txfufpb/djat; tmty otfytmigfytgyue.ç. fyttfoit tt haf ¿ifepanbet toae "Siete fox fye fouttDc facíje a may to tl)c voÿttÿ f)e cotobe nottynge oape* *ζΣ$ι ofbe pjjffofofíte btfppfpff aif tempos ffttyngear anb reputpb tfjem to ße %fe anb of no 55afoto*eaol)et fote a pÇffofofte toepppb fotjjjr fatoe mer; fböotoung enb teauetfnge voitl) jfo guate bpfpgfence/affoto te tÇ ee ee anb fyetofmçtce ae tfjoutffj tt; t$em toetc perpetuaff 6 otÇer pfjtfofofct euer fatoÿ 0tb be lubtb/αηδ feompS met; of t§e tootfbe fo* tl)at catofe y tj)er fefpcite teftp8il) f feffötp betectacpoi; contimiaffp ùnb i 9 tone of tfyngeotvanfitox of tl;te mettaff fpfe« ttëtyetfateitte voxyttey Qete.ti ♦ tguerp mai; te a foofe Pf J)te otoñe conpncfe/anb euetp may te confufpb of f)ís atone fcuQ>tpß.5>cufptife to caffpb tljat t Çtnje tot)ict| a mat; |Γααφ§.0|Ηρ|0ΒΜΗΝΡΗ||ΒΗΐΗΗΗΐ^^Η wölbet, peeepptr Kífíiwif ilfbfp bpe mm [im fit 3 Φ fiti tMteapetj iwfaitlj.: fbeffco) ifaaei !pni)(( tyqWft  ■Λ* ■ ι ■ ■J| - Cá)f tf fícete tî)at mea tfool Cooft* ÍDíafogfo. tííí. touencue ío a pongeope/tuíjafjlje few* fritter a calf / anb 0c to tljeij caffpba fîtcte tptyag Ijt BegprwetÇ to Be Çefp fuffÇuíotfyeptofrtofmar?itf etínge f ettÇvîEljto íüwmm tt>ao a fpeáaffgo _____ 8cColie/foi9ecoö?bemtfkel)jP«ee0go 8e bpffpeo anb beftcaíe^éut (J19 c rrtocfje ity (effeaîowyb fox Çeoaerfaftpb (Jto mete/g befttoyü ftrttí^etfore l;to foxbecaffybt)im 6cfote fyíttt aub faybt V&ty befïropefî tt)oxx>my mete tfjat to fo anBbetícate/wit\} ïïnmefutaBîe faî♦ Tfobtlpo Co« fce anfmetbc anb fayt>e$ fake it we ff fox it fauomitfy ~ cefecítÇ y Bettyx it) my moutQ ♦ S>eyn$e $to mafftc # . « toofbc not amenbe fat Jjte create f fotonpe Ijeaff to 6ete1?tmanbput^tmon)teof^f6fettirce / anb foofcc toao eppuffpB fro manre goode fetuyee / anb atte tÇe fofïefotuto mfactaBfeÿfototife/onbtuotbmãte apetf te of îiwtcfawBfe fa uo tote 0 c mao ItpffpS/ anb tatet« cjjpbfpbpebarjbfapbe. , . ,. paftte« $ fphempfe many gfotonmo totflf nothing Bat 0 tpatpfeafiti) totijcm Hhe+ '2lnbtt)ey tfyat foíovoettyetowm g foto* eowoapetyte/Be(yke3mfene ßeaftte♦ It^ljerfojte J>e* Mcafait$.$)6ebyent people Uufo t\)e Bety ee/Çaue t\)e îykeneffe of^mîene Bea βίο/ p not of refonaBfe creata« tío/But ao t0e gfofe fait!;# /Hot t0e mete But t0e forofe apetptrcaufrtfj f fynne.0tíegtet(yeu(paBtetoa cep* fíetj mag to too¿fljtp 0íe Befpao a gob / ? fot coitcupíf* «¿2o£ apetfI ofgtotony/toeypuîfe g beßtoy y fettem® • V »t*|ü i > . *J&. - -ôftÇe fot&ie^ot®aßette faitl} .£oitcttpifcette of ¡rie* ty e 8f Quite to tl)e fowfe anb cawfïtl) soofify fayntmf fajfot twfy 1 )o wemocQeany peifone toit Qtmtye/fo moclje mote gooflty ie Qemyny fßeb íij Çcrtewf o*anb f pocratee faytl) ♦ ILQt mote favgefyt tljou) febifi t\)i coiwptiBfye Bobye/tQtmoie tfyotp l)ut tift it.ÿt) ftauncc fomtyme xoaeat) aBBotte tl)e toljicÇ fcap ty voae feiuybbeíkatty /anbeteoftlje 6ejîe/anb ti eQefft Qe fackpb nootj&ut l)e voaeeuit ftke cmt> tombe not 6 e tepayttb wttl) meBetynye.V l)e u>ae befperacpot} ofQieïyfe/anbtokcîppor)tljeoibpti efiífíettímfc/ít)tQevoQUQfotpauyteanb feateeneffe of mete Qe amcnbtb anb wae f)ofe/anb (Ironie ♦ V&Qet fotc (öaßene faitQMfiy nenie ie e^ceffwtrmbe* tyne.anbatfo Ute wxyttet) ecctefia tf)etl)at tôt Ó0 flinent (QatencxeceQie fpfe.Qt ie re8 tQata fextay ψ peopte caffpb Btaqmaynte wrote înto afepanberantu* fapbe.itie înfefuffto 55 e to\)aue ow*8etpeefïrapnp& toitÇ metye/anb tQexfoxe voe6e witljoute / $: ff ne fon# e* V&C 6e lîetp Ijofe anb neuf of me de ty ne/anb tÿefe people be fivtbMtijitfjte of aîeyanbet faufimmotta fxte/mQ ici) t\)ey fackpb/anb l)e cowSe note ayue it to ti}em.HQetmae it) atmebayee at) a$tb maty υ?!}ίφ feapb many petíe.anb toïjaqtt wao afkf b of 1)1 wQy §el)ab fo jreateljeftl) anb fenfbfo fonge /tje an* fwerbe anbfapbef a (teaff* ■¿¡m; dÊK· .■ Λ wmß i J, Û k â 1 pHn \Jmj¡ Mit k thetaW [ipittosi ; %L%Jfa ueajtecaltyd {£apMofyQ â wtfiúrfffbtoiõçttc.. 2&iato£0Mtthr <1 ? ·· Λ I * ./ . . ' * \ t %> *&, „ Λ ,.Α · jÆm* , Γ ' ^ îlpjeofno fûcljc λ ffca rnt'fyt comte ioate.fe tonde atfo finge Seep o offoenb tafke pfifountfj». /¡îeuertfie« «f/elje wee tjje mo« eft jjeuipö of a ff peopfe foj (Ijotfjtoccopici) ewcedinatv ■ dut potteefye/Mni) Spofj a tpmc fapde.ÿQp foîScmoofîfouee _ iJam a cormpnje ioçfufat « pafle attotÇer iij pout teafmr/0utfo* aftfjatfl am not gfflbfp l)ot8e iij poœt teafine. noitematdpdaftvmp oompnge.&utfeweor moi) car) íovogte fo crafíefv ae¡ H t»i)/an8 mtmitfHlondinge tQepBe take forth and fac gefy teu>at8p8.Htffmc tl)e taufe.Ho wtfom tÿekyts gtanfwetde.Tíe t§ot» fapft tljow tanfi íongfe metes, O Sût tßio ίο tßp fattte.^boro bopfï átíf¡mít epteflp i* tre ßotl) it) bopn^eanb it) fapn$c/V&\)ttof tl)c betate •BefaftpSporooanbroeepe.&utanbpftboro ropfte 9e βΓα8ίρ batbe.3>tobp tßow to fpeke anb to iorofffc tern* |ctattv&tye Capieofuo bib aftitwunfeff / anb roao 53eeefp roefe amenbpb ίη βίο can roitb tempetaunte / that roe tarofe not we* tpneffe to t^eße^ofSeteyfo» ßfiboiefaitßc .Tiff ¿Bínete tßat ίο ouetmoebe anb without mefurebone. carofitß roerpneffe/anb a fettapn tjerfifíet fait!). '3»ße rnoiSeo oftbem Je not aeteptaôifeÆÇat tuet 9t tafkn* «e fo»tßet fapngteo 6enotf?a6 fe.foi tße roßp fît ff He ßpibet mahptß metp fongfe.anb fit tße ftfp ßptbeo dt* er fr tß b* amonjfe.» cßifbeafkpbaquefiioij of αηofe lian anb fapbe Jfabít íe it ettít to fpeke « ßefipff. te mbom tße ofbe tnat) fpake anb fafbe. Qf tßerooojbee Be ínpiofítalí fe feue t ßem .$f tßep ßeffoobe. IDiffttte not fonde to fpeke tß em.it io rorpteg eccfe.ppfn.ponçte man make Sut fptefffpetße új tlm own carofe.gf tßoti Be tropee interoffateanb afkf b a quefftotj/ßauetßou te 8f tßfn anfroet it) tßf mpnbe o» tßoro fpeke. tEßer αβ Be feiworoto 0e tboro not^etßofe / anb amonge ajpb fofke caft not out tt>» fpeeße.gnjBitie pattum ooq ma* Sea auefíion to at) ofbe maq anb fapbe. Qowfonge fßai a hepe fpifence.'fto roßomße fafbe. ^eff tßou0efpo* Kpn to Μη eue tf pfáce if tßoro ßefifff tßou fßaft baue «fte/anb kept tßou feifente întoatpme of tonuemfee <£eme[ubeo a pßi fofofte färb to a tßotfe y fate roitb ßi Mt>rnm ffwK« not,»« tßo» fctnpb/me tßmketßfooWf i tycoon ft ojM ¡•rçta» l/«ÄM fa tfottffceh# nottEfecifoieflfîbou tv* } me requiret!) fpefce t0ou/£ 19 tpmefle fïpf/p fpeke not 6nt íftíjoaffe fpokpo to ffcfhanb a(fo ¿ere tíjoii af ί|)«ι sre pacimttf ox t$ou fpeke/p t$e qtiefhoij of an ot0ie mo teeaeoptecebe ; catofc t$e to gpue a refonaöfe anfwer* «φΜ ncfugjjw· a: fie fjarelepae toent to-parepeto frofe p mao _ jtfyerfo* l)e totnt totf t {pot} anb fapbe «¿©pTSitbe Q Çaue (pent ? confumpbmpgoobee it) ftutytaî&fçotagtL i map 6e mtfemavnttvneb g fípuenòvO/anò (put KDoif^ipfuffp Snbec ttyepiotwpoganb fÇôboto of pout vopnqee.OLo rof)3 tße (pot) anftmbe.0 »iff fttft moke _ —. æ ^ Z1! ç λ ^ 9 ^ m t \U ' / *ΐ;ϊ.' tvn ít; > ' J qsgo tbítlj me toieebptfefcetÇMfeo tijaf y mape t$p íewpngfe.anbaotÇepmente δρ arcobcj^beeljere camraj^4mii^%eumgcaßotDeanbarott?t0/ anb ot* fcepnpb to ff}oo|ej^tpj;i^£m anb ttyefope. &ut t§e foye maß myfye/Jtnt) wÿat) fljeefpieb t$e (Some anb tlje atôœefÇefcpteafpbeanbefcûpibftotÇeffroke· nombe £ trnfïpb to f)Í6 omne firen<}t$ anb came Çafíe?^ agaynet#e mat) unffpn# to teereJjint oi) peep 6/ßiit tl)e Çunter fofpb íjíe arome anb-|mote y tkzeanbkvtbe Bftn/gfite feineretge fpotj fapbe $nt* Íi)el)are.^ahetfie0p^o|i0fi£úíi8tetl)aty maphria toe tÇi feience;pf tí)ou) befire to ßeaßmptteb to mp fa* fotpe^öe Çare œeotte immebpatefpe itjfließooUc* Jpb fapbe/ :·(ΜΒ9μ •ne beti) it pKOapfitfj woc§ mote amonte f7T0 tr\«fíÍA*tu»yHirtn fú fie ftratfrfe« 4f • jQöt,- , , . ... . . % φ Ijate rottl) gmvto o cpte/rofjm φρ fotcui' 8f a fftt&e «ßukpngt φ'β fetugiintíe. anboone «· ofdjefctuaunUe toke pacpentfpe tlje «Gukpeof J)íe majítt/EIje ctl?et tuae impatient anb not fuffe ta6fe/ gutfuffo/ftotuatlieanfioere. B^ljrtfojeφlojbe íg -> fjíe i« aSto 6eteijim anb fpopfpb Çpm anb rppuffpb (¡im owte of fetuiee/anb kept* ffpffíÇepatpart anb pi* motpö t)mi togrjate αοφίρρε.φδ of φβ matt« p fare œtote to tlje fpoi) fapnge íij tljie wife i ¡¡¿©otfje ßettpittiemanptpniee to®~' S&fyfyto,, tJ . „ m tfot) atfe magnifpeb gteatfp φβ ptonetße X£ anb te88e φ Ijacctij toa ίοωηο.φφκφφ ■ tfjep fonwéea faßojet pockpnge $tf opeij/anb ftfTprfmb them to tl)etiotitneptoe«.¡pn.úcteeoffonbe, anb öefpuetib fo* φ febinge -r-....ίίΚ"~ ” / : K ΨΖ 0¥\ wft » (Φ ííM1 (t/anb O jäfiwW èitm jtt^ebpe ' ' ettpt ttöT & C to, f«(i iftiftof mjisani P«t £«ti) %?i appfp ; PW É¡conitf b Jmiﻫ 'Wfc Μι »«ill* m pttnk Λ9ΙΚ ftttlljlj tiitew; ‘01) iflfî \m I rtteötoirt ( r( Âè * V iOOttMW junne. ! nfuVi nt ano R ■K¡vi' V 7 / # ôf ÍJap.áDofj of tíjefe Beaffee teettf fojtíjánb Bateóte êtffof(fayctvitt)Ott>tc$tutcí)ín$c/ anôatjotfyic ëegatj tofpeke ÙotSfpe attb ptowbfyattb faj>be. U0tjat ff}ufôe 0it fuffree Se to Bete Çape witty îe. ^efÇaflfnot febe îe fb.anbt^ue fajmieljeroofôenotcatj» tyape to febe tytr» feff witty tyim.2lnb wtyat) ttyep came to ttyet foBe»- te/a»b tyabetpbînfoeupfytyetty at tyaSttye BoteGTef tyape teftefltyib tyim feff.tDje ottytt wae wetpe anb tya* wmge nottyíttge w ty etof to Becomfor tpb fot Qtea te tyott- gte Be bt>eb.U3ßetofthe bate totote to tip e lyoq ge it) t ty to wife. ϊ|||Ι·|··||^η^^μμ·μ|μ ^èettfi it to ti¡e tffe fear, Έ tr.tt_terory tonne mom Daft puoyeo mete / y fofîenotPtnein îayrte. ^foi ttyou eanfî anfwet wifefp to euetf qucftioq,W$etfote tyegaue tyim great toagie anb promote b tytmanb fat>8e. , áDroit afte. \ v ffcttÇ connpmir/anî) t$etfo¿e it omit# to í;aue nooij en* 5e/ae $>meca faitl)»3èc nat^zpate t^&mpn^/faLfpfr * ~ otÇp* faltig oatfjîtere i^p^taueypit toof $e 0 gtfat)ip fettp conrtpniîe ♦ jf o* corwp wgc ant> farme te Ï)eftra6fe Gotjj font feffanï) fo* otljer/fo* it te îerap pjofttaßfe to ma* np ti?m jce;ae faitÇ tÇerppoItto* %pot) tl}e ftrfïeof t§e rtQthee^fnb tÇat mag ie 15etp ßfrflpb t#at ÇatÇ fouit Plotter iHiÄörrfoiß olöe tmiicee bafc titer mafítre/ae tratam*' rV L «ST Mill .4*11« \· ■ ίϊ ϊ.Λι ; * t Mmtñ. m i , ■ m S :·.·!1· \ fui II ? V. mnh V m m »4* * i v! · : ‘ ?■<3à » μ tft a u μ « m o 'o' Λ 5-5 Soc5 2 β '^JE* ^ ^-Os - -ÍÍ .. ü w 3 S „ u w μ.υ § 'S- g".«?«· « z^ si u Il *> ί u> *_¿sí ®*/3 _ w oôJk0.. e .0 *- ^ .ïî <0 -to •5 Q U— ^s.'*- ev C ‘ to § Ä*^^2 ** H-H to »s? 3 ç H 3-îS ;·* to SLür ο δ *2 fe* 3*^ *- « I¿α> S^s «pe ow-.ee s.i-i S sê-s-s S-tSÂ'2 85σ8 5 æ> «? « icssa fe-« <*> ·* ü* ^•lr-n^.*** ».y 5 to e to to to <3* <3 °£ /=> ^rr *·> eS © a ist » >->. X _ Q tv to μ to er ·.' tO> to to /-> to — *. to ^ C C S<Äv£ 3 » S tO *% o^£'S 5 w — 1^ ^ a ift ^ ¡^~* £ O to ,5 'S» +- ^ ° '** JÖ O to cP **2 çto to Q O to ±1 3s. to ito to* *· w-tîss e«w 5®c e °-» » w .£ ^,'2 §¿* toCo.ocr^ Λ. ^ ÏO W Ïé ^ ΙΑ νζ ca S 0 -2 •β» è-» β β β« Ν 1 Wfirn tqwi t Ί m \ » · I t it tt f i ; ; t mtkm 5iin< k WDOt< firetlfat h tô fape plato ç afÇte/cJjofe e« bèr ff iitwe/f môle S cuit ¿g. ef(t)me ot|jícTKcee7p apípe t$ee tetnf$e. \ 1C anboftÿat totot) tyeywctenantpò r y Λ I g f-π nt% V, % W- :V f » i ■Æ ' ■ - -··>.·;·. >; ,:pl I; 1 * ; ;· ■■ ; ■.·* λ?..*. ;.*έ3 'HC' C€)f a ÏDoçf $e anS man^Wotay^ TDîqïoqo* c^i* ÏDoÿgfc tt)0icÇ voa* a ÿtete tathatf enymye agayne woîuye to ftgßt a* gra^irctÖantDa^lifpptSti) a grcate ctte/an^ Çe œae fo fïerfe tfjat tij no* tmfe l}e tt>ofôe fïiffïr tl)em fo entpz ÿ ctte*U£Çrrfw tjjetoofuteßattö ffye _________and taye bapfp waytttige to be fhoye l)(tn tflou ptofttft me/0 fflufbe fefe aff mp fp* snnge.&ur 0 mpffnot fefe mp continuai g bapfp fufîâ «ncc/foi ώί fafrepfeaf«re.2lnb t§erfoie5 abuife tÇe tobt* I Λ *I t~H!k ■v. 4. C€>f tlje Wotfarib TDiatogo,tfStn ®e wotfetjatymc fatoybtoitff tfjeaffe/β ntp afft fatim,lib fuiïtwfy tßewoffwae mafycyoue anDbtemetße fatue Unberoetße hynge at) £Dc cafyot)to tQeaffe. tul foiel)cmade quateStym ant) fayOc ♦ tfoyfit tßoto tßjotue tße btt ftc it) to myt) Qet). t$c affeanfvoexbe/anb fay be.Q boo not fo to tl;e/0ut Q go* wes# tße fatue pcrfíg$tfp aftyimy anb connyn* ge$ftt)owwiït fatueaßotiefl am ant) 0 fgaf îatiovoxttienttf) twfpeSo tuljotn tße tuofffapbe 0 ca« itoulèut anî) pf tßotu tßtotue any mote Do fíe ivjto my9 0eí)/0fl?afpot otute ßotß tßpij 0ei;,anb tßep tßiio fa* lupngte tßetuoffß&rue tuitß affßre potucttupSfV mjfey fije baf?e fßofbe ffye it) to tf)eßet) of \)i$ ftîovot / Bat ? iymtietfloppib ít/anBcawfíbtlpbufttofaS it) to tl;e Qet) of tl)ttuoff/anS \)e maogt anD ftua mljat ße toofbeooirtßtome tße poxtace anbtievate. Ibut tße tymtitt feff foBeynty By fije tigßtfulftagemft «f ©ob anß cppieffcB tl)e wo hyffeb ßynt* Slj$ affe t eptanD faiiyb t)intfeffanb fayBe* i)ueDoo mafycyowepeopfotjjat fayemttio to S becepue t\)etneyBo\x>úo¡(xnb to take tßem.&ut ae it ία wxytteq xBccte^^iúQe tßat ojbrpnítl) u piffe fot ßie jßepSotPtefijaf fafft'i; toit ßim feff/αββ* f ope ínéucít ¡) a fati fe g fljetüitß y tyey fatfottuífl) tobíf* *rpueotßfefofkea/go8 fßafffuffft ßrm to 0e BegityB (f bampoj4/anb foxtÿ ße Bxingetf) at) e$>ampfe anb faítlj Sßat 09 a tyme a «®«a cam to a ¡tete watetftbe/anb v Dntflte:‘¡r■·.. ¿wesa O \/: btirfïettot fit if in tait/&rib a fcoífge efpieb !)im / aríò tfyùuçfatt to bccepiie btm/anbfapbe* 'ftlpü att voetco* me^obtt: anb ft cnbe.ßtte fapbè tfyat te pzo uyb ít)Mceffíte*Wl)ttfoi com e turtle me/foz Jcatj fœpttt tiïÇt iDf fe.tEfye moue ttufitb tocé p fuffttbe ipm fe(jf co 0c fafï 0ott>nOe to ttfcfootc off jftoçtg&anl· ae tÇep fœamtÇcftoggebefcenbpbiÿto tffcœatit ant> bzom* nj^b tt)e moue p kpffeb Çet*anb a ttl}c faße tÇet came a hf te fteynçtc ouit an b cfpieb t§e morne anb caught 8ec anb tl>e ^ftoggeaffo anb etc tfyem 0otl) « anb tljetfoze faitô Jj fopc.pomote tbep pet mit fpckc fapze anb* becepu&foz it ie voo£fyv t §at pan^ffijmettiJit^ame te *' Λ ' eaufitß it* ‘ CáDftÇc ffetc anb tbet&off# ÎDiafogo.cîitt j  j ■' ~?·· - i ■■ . ·" - ‘ ' ■ jr ·, fS f^cfbc pxwtout frenbee/ ox mgynureden W ce^nto tßem/fox no mat) tßat io topfe fünfte brfcfofe io Jjfe feenbe t^e fecretneffe offyfo mp« fctot if 9f tieaffuvyb ofßim p¿onpb fm/ae it io myttet) xScckfi. pú Ázinge not cue ry m3 10 to t$t ßomo/tßat ie to meant. to / 6p §af?pe crebence geuinge fox φ xooxtbe ie replete tvittf greet te fotetitye.Tlnbaffoitio φ xe>Qftl)oxx> t)aaea frenbe/pxoueßym it) φ trotoöfe/? tieaffutyb ofljtm o¿ tí) oto ftyetoe í)tm aff ntpnbe ♦ ,fiox certayntya ptubent mat)anb bifetete fl/ufffenotte to l)a(tpfpgtpuecteberîce to l)io (Jatí> ptoopb 0tm artb founbe t)imfaitßfuftße map φ ηχοχο ta rgeîy committe teufte Unto t)ím*Wl)etfozeíPafeeye mitetl) fifrto tertio cap.^iíí.of llfepanbct hinge of ma eeSone* ttl)at νοβαη pifttíppe Pßiftciet) înto φ fap* tieaïtpanber anb ß ίο pctftgß t îy pzocjpb frende/ fßütbe Spue htm a bzinke/tßevwere t eonteynyge tßat tßefayb pßifippe toao coxmpte voitif monep of kyngt TDavyeanl· Ijabit) φ medecyne.xoßicß(ettrzovoßat)')i(epanber redde/ Ije blanke fíe ft tßcmedetyne/andaftiewatde ítnmedi* at fpe ße beípiieríb φ Cettyco to pßifippeto teSe/ ßa* mnge it) ßimfo gréait con fidence / tßat it) noroy feßo iOVödemfftrufteßixn.'fCßtrfoxemeJßuSdeefcßtvoeto le knptte to anypevfonneit) anb ampte6efo*e a beto pxeef.jfox tfye pi)¿ fofo fie fait ß .Temare tl)ou of feenbeo not ptoupftanb peneca fattß.H£akc betytiem fotoe ίο not goob nox faitßfutt. fZßetfoxzbifctecyot) mu pebifcetnetj)egoobefromt¡)e0abbe ♦ it te tofbe tljat o>j a tyme txoey fefotoe toent φ <¿a a 0^re fobapnfp metteanbmabé on φιη a greto ■ΦΦ o U'K / fÄtbte. jfoibiAe ôôtj of tfiém fcanbpb treÆljeotÇfe fo^e ffatte oi) tf)e grounbe fa f mge l}tm fcffto ßebtbe Oe 6ete unn t to $ήη t t)a t fapefpkebeöeanb bcmpö Çe ÇabBe bebe/onbbrparfpb from tjítn anb njenttyp© wape.^ie fefoœebefcenbibtüfiatj tt/eßetewae goo ne anb afhpbof βίβ fefotve wfjat tfjeßere t)ab fapbe to l)î il) tfieete/anb Çe faySe.'^EJjeßereceanfrffpbmeto ße ware of fuclje a fefbroe tljat Jjatl? fo?fa be me tt) fo gte* it a tußarbpe.Tln? ft to to ße notp8 tfyat enpmpco tljafc offenbe eptijec to otfjir to tí)e%tetmofie tljatf 0ep tap tijep mape neaet Ijaue fereanbcontmaaff peace togi< gee afttr,tt?i)ctefai) epatnpfe ietof3e of a ctjojte tl)al |jab ßut cone fonne.'2tn8 Çppot) a tpme Çe fpcencpb l)t to goo to a pfate an8 pfape,an8 a ferpent ßote t)im/an§> Kpffeb Çím/αηδ fye roae ßaepeb anb a fi gne fet ^ppoij fío graue,tO)e fap8e cijoffe fapbapfp it; a roapte anS 0etl)ougf}t Ijíiit §o«>e Ijempgljt ffe tije feepente / anS at faf?e fonmbel)tm anb if) greate angle fmote at fjpit* wpffpnge to fjaue hpffpb l)itn. £>utti)t ferpent ffrS8* it) to at) 0ofe/an8 0e fmote of f} ίο tapfe.?lnb tÿttgttm jneptinguißfe Jjatrebe ßetmene φφιίε anStlje ferpi te.^e cfiotfr at fafïe fpake of peate/ But tle ferpent* j/k V ^ k VI i.__ - „ * ^ ▲ if _ X iZ ^ Á J.(7 a « oa li* «%ΙΦααμ A anftoerbe anb fapt ofae fonge ae —,... . „ . . a® oftpt) ao 9 ße^ofbetnp tlapfecut of/tÇer fijaff ne» ntt ßettoent $eßp perfite peace not concome. 4ft f» \ VM v*e ■J Jf '9 k O' Ut eW- /47. H * t tí Vt-V<^] 6■ ψ V - .¿ué VO ( 113 «ft -τ...3 <*♦. _>s' · ·*#*%*.· ·■/· T» V.. ,· m 5 !» 11 Wff fi Jl 1 lj l|l! ■ Ii yi i JtmaTaaefaítÇ paptVíea femafeg# tc of tlje mpfi>cwc|fe*1Z$íG goto tpdfc φδ oí) a ττρίφ ip ft fj a cj)o¿fe/anb a® fije mente Ijometpatö from fjetpafïii Te/tÇç tt)0ff came to Çer anÇ faf bo . JlîotpcrfÇaff^lfpftwp^fF oftfte/ fot tffoumappnotefcape.XDjio Pantufa Imefjrô bomne Befóte f9etoeffanbfapbe ♦ 0p*apc tflefooe of -· If;·1 11 / ” j ^ ^ c ' i ■■ r - ^ ^ »ft w jr ^ j p ^ JW ww%£ +£ V V p ^ηδ trwfp 0 ptompfeUnto tjje tpljatj 5 Jjaae feBBe fcmt g f0af retourne to t$e atfapn, H0e moff φιι#|| t furefp to $aue tÇem 6oti} fapn#e· 0íoto φfofbe an& ßnn^e φ Ηρδδο imtfj t$e / jfot 0 befiregreatcfp fo fc $wt/anb 0 ffjafftfe fiauowzaôfe topoœeBotl)/ 6ut ttntÇotpte φφ ftjaffÇaueno gfcace* itljiejfemafe $otc fœare to fuffíífaíFt^to/anb fottl) fíje tp ibut wjfog $e carne Ijomc fije kepte Jjce fcowe anb 6 rou# i \ m  fr*#*1 Çpõe Set kfbbe ötstb neuemtoflenpb to tßethoff.roß« foietije rooff mnbe greate faroentacpoij ntanp a tenge hope aftir nnb fapbe C jfojflatró pofft-ffj _ T Qe not roí fe to tefe it fot ptompe trefour o: fonbe. " omanponßauingfuffieience/foiconeupifceno» auattcebeftte to frontero tîpaf tßingeo tike roof fie in fa cía 0 fe /15 « t neuerGe faturate. œfjetfote tljep 8« Sopbeoftpntpmee nnb not afroape fuffp repfetc.acous toroe mao fuffof nuance ie fpkea íeflfeff Gotomefeffe?' that te neuee fuff/ηβ it ie rotptfeg <2ccfe, quinto* ^1)® iCouetoroe map fßa ff neuee Ge fpffpb with menep/ane tfietfote ofbe ptincte Ijatpb couetpfe nnb fotfoke it. Jin© then befteib not to ßaue bominncpoij to gabie monep/ 6ut fot rooifhippeanb con feruacpotj office tomune roe# fe.ro6eefoteibnfeep teffVt 1>.08.ίίί. wfjag 3>cppnnnptee roete come to tjpnt. anbßehab tecepupb tßem ig to ßie pfnce/ tßepGetjpKte-' ßt>mfittpnge Gp tßeftteíppog a fióte etpngeßto foro# ¿ere in a pfatere of tre^ljep office to ßim a gtet tom > me of©of8ean8 roitl) froeteroootGee tlpcp ptupoeptit* to oecupie the ©of be to βίο tootfßippe nnb to ete nom« u ia tce.itrtb he farogijiS anb fapbe.pout fnGorote , îapne to Gtinge ©ofbe to me. feut goo pe nnb repoot# ttântothe Sanity tee tljat tÇe^antenfe Cunone ee ftrèíij rather to tufe tßem tßat ßatß poffeffpoq^fgofbg ( Vfîjm) to %aùt tîje gofbe.cmb atfo fapeSnto tljem tÇat tÇe farde iDutione ropiïnotte Be corrupt c 0p no monep/ mx Bp btebe of anp cnpmpee*7i ffo it te tofbe {9 tl}a t fa* me píate tÿat vofyat) tÇe ïegatte from tÇcfannptcei tóete come to Uome/tÿefounbe fadvice pxittte oftÇe Ro tnapnee fittingeanb fpngpnge Norodom tt)ep Çû8offir0e a gteate fbumme fox ff)e 6et)oï8ingenot ÿte ovotxt coma ne pxof it/gam tfyte anfmet totl)em and fapbe* <ôoopt fto me and Bete powz&oCde tvttl) powe.jffoz IZotnap* née Ça ne moxe affetepot) to Çauc bo minatiot) ouit got$ kepete tÿet) onev tÇe ©0 (Se. 71 nb affo fapnt Mugaßitf teffptÇbe ciuitate IDet tÇat %mpue ixateme tt)at Dp* Scvofyat) ÿevoaetonfuiïofi&ome/voae fopoovetÿatm money voao foundeit) Çfe t)ovijefijaf&ebpe* toÇetfojte Ijcbefpteb ti)e ptopfe to oxbepne fox Qte Betpm ge.jfoxit} t§at tpmetÿepxmcee t})at mtpb t$e tomme ttynge/tfyat toae moofte tpct)e ♦ Qt) tÇet otonsÇotoffe tÇ eproetc^etp pouce.rotyetfoxe faint Uuguftpne it) ti)c famepïace/tQatooi) o tropee anb i)e toae ?ttctfp eçputfpb of fox tawfe tf)at»ç.poxonbte ofmonep ro i)te Çotoe* 2inb &>atetpfaití).¿Suetp mat} to erntete tÿe com pt)roete/anb notate omne/anb be fíteb tatQctto ée pjouet ít) a ticÿe xcame/tfyat)it) a pouetttame Snb ÇeíiK ucítÇ epampfpe oftÇc tÇat tóete foo ponet o\¡at) t§epbpedti)attt)epßabnogoobeeto joefettetÿepxboug\)tite/tomatiageeSut notwítfyftõ dinge tí)e neceffiteofrooxtí)pmei) to tÇe tiate^inb t^ep^fpb cußomaBtpe to pxe fette tpebougfy tpxe oftÇem to toot fÇtpfuff faint fif 9 χέρίβο ία quinta*iL§at tÇeí ti} anb attenf itï)fap tÇat it voue moxe * Λ ΦΦ,ΙΪΙ, tjjeibp tfuïïpmttfe of Komc me foifaftp# ♦ tPjtfflf %xtiat) wfjefjc (achy b.jfox it) pouettye tlje integrityf gifgoobenuineto toae confetup b* î£ecl)ef/é coitnptptlj t¡$empnbeofmat|/tooife tfyat) atiy otíjet enpmpe ♦ wljetofi t fe te8 tíjaí Φ J)ofïe of aimanter wafcenep* c^&otote of nomèet toÿat) T&avyt toae beteicte/ g 0*e* wetp affer/to1)afjt J?cp ffyuftc fégl) agaynt/ú)ú of afe¿ çanbém boite tóete ouercomr* tol)icb toljaf) afepanfcfe SitbctfïoôoÇceorrmtatinOpbimmebwefpiif φ goo8e$ to 0e ßttntc that feto Çoo/ïc Jjab gotytjßy fpofyatyot) φ fap8e*2le fonge ao my ptopît 0ab no peflefféoij of goo* foe tl)et toae ttootj tl)at mpgÇt tefefïe ti) em^ut noto tÇat tÇep6e onerate ant) tÿatgyl· toítíj goto anb fpíuee %$ty 6e ntat)e ant) Snfuflp/anb toljaij tl)o goobee tóete fltentanbgoone/tíjep fatogfyte anb tóete tnanfpe ae»fj)epu?ete 0efo;te*2Ufb it ee reSScof φ l&o tnarnee tÿat it) ofbe fjmtee tl)ep toattp8fo 1 ' \ CàDfa fptcffbífcofouníb ßeafie caffpb SDtm'we enb (I)» ftopjclF. ÍDíaíbgo,cp, 3ltíue í φ ßa« lie l)e fyatl) a coíetwe íp ke a ffíjíe. fo com« ft» tí)at tljoroe map fíe metuayCcto fee * ‘ ................../onb^e ¿eoftlje * -t *to PI (tr/en AA u>i φ\0 lòSfi^í il tv »f frr (ölüU/·1 ,'μιΜΙΡ rrru I I *17 C3 I fyttepe anòQiinçetl) fottt) t}ie (fcnetacpöt), 2lnÖ bpiietö ttieij $featitreBe But fytcffofßcbcfyequanti tefít aftit íl)c confiera cíorj ofí)ie neßfe fune/íjm<# í mofteçceffènt ûcftc.ç fote f nevoete affccíatctoQíiit$fayoe&etvoaym$et}cnoi$ taßfe ? of gtetepxkeamongeaffpeopfefox îài * tome ofoœ* fhpmtce.flnff fo fo jîlo* êteofomMtpfkynbe/fot*Beputfemfut§Béafôe m Bi ?pfe f t>ifpifadCe.vo\}nfoi it f i$cp foimfce u'tLoBe mpin$e/% tÇefgreuiB 1)im fcxe / § put §im ta > gtetelõepacpoq.&o wt)o tnfpahep mate 5e aïïç not xot ome fetife$f fe Be mote MttfökepepowmuheVf Í meo woíf) », i Mi■r I j# v| 1A <& ** va? ,lfo^ t&UÇ tfjctôofce/mi&píjt ottrteíotfl t)fe 0eç fapiwfc.ïDa tpfHl}oœfpekeagapne15eil)ou%fpecteatute ♦ atifc aftiwarôc tfyepfot&ri&e arç otpfe makpftge Jjetneftc ir> atte*anb tfjep mabegteate fijotôfearrô ftopfe aftic Çcs anï) put $er to fffgfytc αηδ ¿e fitbe0otf} i)et neff e an§ Çe* cggte/E Çc otpfc ffe88e tt>rtÇ gceafe Ijcupneffe an& fapbe.bieSzeijpeljawe boneeupÎFtome· (jamaetc ature of ©088Í6 cteacp 09 ao p0 8e. 0at f Jjoœglj 0 wn^ not 0e aumgiD mp feff.aij otijcr f#aff 0c length Ήρροΐβ foxx>e/jfoivomt$toxcyot).at tl)tfafïtljep ^foumSeai) 2ipe Qapwgc anb motopnge 9ppoij a txe . l£o t&fyomc fhep faptie ♦XDÎJP art nottljotü fÇamefafïe tijoœ tooifi of affOeafito/^ojt tljoaljafi no tapfe/anb tÇoxo ftewt* fie 15e tftpij acfcÆôe ape œae tooobe anb cant bowne ÿeomtÇettee/ anbkpfifpb tfyem 0otÇ / anb pfuckpb fovùtt û\zx 0»ttce anb fap be/ή) tÇtemanec ae Ijcte fo* Jbœptl). · . -.*d jlîoôfc peopfc ftaf tiraßfpt 6 e cütfe po/diib ÿoooC/ lockerejoßbfk0^0 ?e fatu f to gentpfOfoobe« jfjcïfoje nobfepecpfe anbrnp gljíp ftjwtbe notfg φ gtc ue tÇem tljat 0c anï>îom$oi no0s* fpte cefiitl) not it) tljebígníte of fy pauntpe. ^utxatljexiqttjecompoficiotjofgoodcmaMxe/actçe píjtfofofttfattí) ♦ jQobfeffete t^at twingeoonfpetljàt n ï m fanoree tbíngee/anb not {je tfjat tone 0ojnc ttfvfua Qtie teSSe tbat a ïpog bpb g tcate Çutte íç fye F«»tp M b* fjaööe roorenbpb fo*e roítbe Cpetieye &e ote/a Êuff/anb 09alfe.anb it) píoceffe l;ereae ofije/anbit) y nwrntft fea fon be feffío to a g tea te fiiore/anb 1)« rea® fütoföe tbat betoreSe notrpfeCp (jtm feff. to ♦ ^I)e7lffe xoitl) 0i© (jefte fapb atljim ftefp ahS J)tm 09 tljefo «0e8e untl) manf> agfreofe/ícoke.^liejpoij mfgfÇte not ffpe 6ut (pake rottl) cfeetr bofojsje/anb fapbe.ilff trinóte tfjat 0 Ijaue oumome/oiimomítí) me iioroe*. ie iiowea ffepe/anb ßefoeof mpnefio me fpat 01)« ne nopebe/anb ae0 IjaueimettLOtbee fafoje tmejio* wefdfiÄiPjtie. “ . litt , ? falte fijo® i u _____________ )öfanMirtt*d otíj/anò 5 maixtci C€)ftl)eôoífeaiibtÇe0oo;e JDía%o.e?ú dr - 1% t ■ / H/ ■1 Λ ί ï // Γ- />< e -at' \t. V jtl d tpnteít BefefítÇai att Çoze fyab pk beb fo fonÿeaéfepn/ïea 3èoo*etljat 0p fowfe continuance t0e Çozfe 0ecatt) f© poetttyat $e voae mtatikto ^l)íepfeefoz fackeof monepo* tjoobe© / fozaff tyíe fu 0 Çç foujljtfyí© frenSíe/ ©}an J)e to tfye áP)ufe ? ριαν eb toífl) gteatfamentacpoij to fenb 1)yw)$Ju ih aítpb ooij t\)ot Çe efpecpaffp fonpb affooe olotf}et.T£X)\e mat)tÇongfyt ? fapbc to Çim fetf* tEÇe fepnge Ijatl) fo guteîy amncyl·me y g neuet aquí te Qim nox 6e free* ü#l}etfo;t t) 'ecompaff?l· y kyngee betff 'ÏZQekyngefknowingecytel·ßím6efoxe otonpjte* fenccyattbt$etto«tl)knott)ci;4}ciugib t)imto fakta* wyi) ti powcy ate*2lnb ae \)e toamyt)/ tfyewc %nckm tÿingte %pot) fyím.ml· \¡e faffitbe tt p<$ lientty foxafmoclje 00 $e it) pxof, tyab 6e comilones anb not fauowtea6(e to any petfom/6utpxowl·e ç noy* aéfe to aff peopîeJbut wtyat)a ftenOe of l)íe tostel) tonyb ae ÿim fetf §ab tfyxowyt) a ftoonent $t m p fnt yt* te 1 )\mot) tl)etoo/j)ectpeb ont p mabe grete g wfyat) Ije l)ab ßebjatopg t\)efoxfaf8eff)epel}cettefox type offen cpe mae cafteiq to φ fame cane toSebeuowxpb* ilnts» *5* Upo# knommÿe tlje 3>5epe5cer8e not oonefp Çtttte Çpm not/0üt affo pjeferupb 5pm from af ot Jjer ffeafïies f Jjat wofbe Çatre beuottupb 5pm*#ffoo it ίο te88e t^at fije büke of ^açonpefomnbe a Ipo^fígÇtritfltemttÇc amooficrüefF^erpente/mfyíclje fyabbe compafffb tfye trecke of 5pm townbea0owte*anbmten8p8 wítl) 5f$ Sertpme to ffe 5pmÆt)e k»P0l)te 0eÇofèíitgre tfje no* tteffeteonpne/and t0emafpceSerpentine/ ÿefmote of ti)e tèevpentíetyebe* tt^Jjetfote tíjelpog fofowpbÿ ImpÿÇte fpUe a tamefleafïe/anb neuer foxfohe 5 pm* flnbjfat5efo¿fap8elwpgí)tee foüe/ tfye fcxfafSelyot) favofyte agfapne 5pe enpmpee/anb φ knigtyi toaebebeanSïürpeb, 1£ίμ JL fot)/ fox (out (a fe ot) 5¿$ fita we;an815 ere bpe8* CáDf t^eaffeattbtljeáDpe# ÍDrafogo* cyíí. fl £>^e anb at) affe Jja8 tl)er btb effpn getogt8er / J)ttf6on8emaij/ m5tt/5efebbet5em phntyfuffyfèut manptpmeo5rpttckpb anb c8 peffpb t5cm to -¡Dppoi) a ip* met5femai)6etfl)l)erof it ¡6 fapb ígccfe^íç.gt ίβ a topckeb fpfe to 0e foerib front ¡¡joue to íjoue.? tí io aifo Mit ? moieprof/taßfe tofaf fir otkettokífefome fmaff ¡jreef/t!)erj to fttffít a greifet: dteef.anb tofjaijamat) fljafboo anp tl)ínç[e eupt (je o« iottö topfefp to conftber tokat map faff to ktm tkerßpe 06 tije töifemai) faitl).\©$at foeupr tkoto boo/bo it toi fefpanb ßefjofbe tke enbe.2lnb affo ke faitfy/Q topf pari enífp fuffír frítate (jurtpe it) efcf}etpm$ ofgtettct.toßec of it te tofbe tfjat a ftp te oij a tpme gteupS botouiewcp fote s fîafe atoape tjjer djekpae / anbotl)ertol)pfetl)e botoupe befenbpb tfjem feff to tljer power / anb fmote fiimtoitfj tkertopmfee ? braue (jim atoap.JU fafî tl)ep ntabea co un feff? cl)ofe tfjeaofijaioke to 6e tÇetkyn$c to mapntapne tljem a$apn tfjefurpou« kpte.'CEije kut oe Geçfarj crueffpe anb toae to tt}em mote nopaß fe tfjef) tßet ofbeenpmpe/anb toke bapfp ooij of tke fattefïe / « «te ber.'îtbebotoupe tompfapnpb emonçte tfyeni feff of tßer kpnäeanb fapbe tljatßettpt it ßabGene to ti)ein ? feffe ßurte to kaue fufftrbe ti)e Gateff of tke kpte / tl)et) to ße tnourbrpb bapfp anb crueffp .ffapne toitfjotote be fence οχ eemebpe,2èp tfjíe it Í6 fijetopb tfjat Gcttpi touts feitio ßettpt toítk refle anb fpketneffe tfjarj befectaßfe loítÇ Gefpnee anb pateff.fle 0fope fljetoítl) ít) faGfpe y í0e feefbemotoe carne to tíjetotone / anb fíjete (je toas F f itopeíttôtof »ptaopbj Μφ/vÿHfj 'fctütclojÄfwi c tborotoAi® 8e f)?m ofteate cfywarib commenbpb fije tatge elften« fe of tf}e ff> te geeatefye/arib 6xowgí)t Jjim to t(Je0p|f(Jo pío cetar/anb gaue §ím befycate mete,at fuße came y bote fat/anb tßekayecatfeb/anb ίη came Qe&tje ijot» fe moujfe ffebbetrç fo Jjíe J}oofe/(EÍ)e feîdmonje tanne agaf>ne tQe toaSfo anb fcantfye efcappb njttfj fyio fyfe Ht cafte tt)ef> mette togtbet anb tlje fefbe monje fay be, 0 t¡ab feuergnatve tyatbeßenye aŒmy fyfe ίίμη to 6e il) tifio fobepne ferre, t£ahe to t(je tl)y belycatye / tijat 6e to tlje greate ptea fuce/fox 0 fociepece wt'tl; pouectyt anb quietneffebefytetf} me mote tÿet) pxecf ofitc of me» tf ο/οχ betfcÿo»e feb? ngee«. 7 / / .y Ri ; otu to 6« tl troue i"/; f / τ 71 Λ· Í* & m '*Sm ■ ï Çr : I* - ■%. T* 1 ÏDiafoçfo, ' cpitV 0aere 0eafns njaifrete^focJte tbete çfu8i j>î> to$i'8et iippoi) a tpme/arib fe8 ttjem it) tfietpafturie. ttfle Kam η*. mort ofe aff otljercaffpötkc ©oote fro tße ÿfoclie arrö fapbe. ©o toefro tlje M ^ffocke, 1Eo toljat a8p8e toe loifcf tjjefe fïjepe fo fjjamefaffpe, anb toÇag tf)ep tóete bepartpS from φ jffockeanb i)ab fotfake φ fefefijtp pe.Í2*l)e raumowe tooff tfjat futkpb il) tt}e toooSee t<» me oto te íppofj tljem anb 6otetl)em / an8fe88e J)ftn feff/αηδ fap8e, jèettpt it tetoitlj compenp futefp to çfoo* 'Chef; to 6e foofe/fot ïnebe of tfjp foo. . j p tfyieeçampfcitapetitfytifatQe tÇatfoîfakttfî 3^> ffoobe compenp fotfakptÇ ¿reate futetpt.jfoi it te voipttei) i&cck.iiii.voo 0e to tfje fofe tnmj.foî |f hefâffke (Jatlj no Çefpat to rpfe.îtÇer toaeatoobe» Renne tfjai; i)ab manpcfjekpne t»9*c9 fô* nojpfffjeb fo« «ing came a kpte bapfpe atoaptintfe to ffe tl)e cfiektme, éut tfjte toobeljenne çfabipb Çer cfjekpne to gibet to befenbetl)em from φ Kauenotoe 0ptbe. anb offtfjep tljat came to fjet mere piotecte anb befenbpb* ilîenertfjefeffeooijoftk/emtoofbeenptpike afooneanb toile nootj Çebe ofijie compenpe.toketfo»: φ ctueakt* te camote i)tm anb 0ate tym atoape anb eteljtm t»»tl| omit metcpe. C€>f trepaniere anb tfje jDiafoffo, cjfttt* 1 pantera νε> *■# -a frf* ■>' Stu1 Λ •öc.Qotöeftöf at entent ï Í etp fantanb Cyne fatttytffata Üeafíe*8cry pecyaiï^atyeb n>ítl) cotomfo/faŒof fmate tetcfye / foo tljat 1)t fiiynyt^ of t§e yetóme tfyat 6e Çyb / and fíe cofottnpb 6oo$y te Dtftímte yetóme and voÿyte* Snb it foi t)tffo manete a uicfcc 6eafte/ant) ÿe ôtaÿotjoontyto $ίβ enPmyc.Unb toljaij l)e \¡at\] nnbío fuffírientfpveptetexoittybyuetfemetye/ #e$y* §et9 t)tm (etfand ffepitt)ίη f)fo taue/ae fait# jOÇtfiofo ÿttôi 2tn8 aftyt tÇiebayee (jevyfet§ ftom fteape/and malwtfy ¿trate n oy feaïï otÿet tîjey ή etc t§eveyçeol§mti\ey ¿adir togtôet / and foUxvetÿe fwetneffe of tíje fanotp; tQaUomyti) oa?t of ip émou ti) iofti 8f of bzebe/anbJ¡ydití}ÿimfeffit)tyretaut* SDppaif a tyme t§fo pantm waegwtety tmptyb to et e ofi. NQflK 11 ff , . Γ „ ί It fi·: Μ ■ < ν · V3F| V99J 4/Vy JJV v ffftr|rrn*j ¥ tw eteefene mctc^eaSljonr^f^e ^ficicne* /fîottDÎtl)^ fïonbinge i)c noümffÿtdxii) ijoggt fox $im fiiff arfo ox* Sepnpb fourni a mooft dtntcavo fil· Jjtnt oftprj to 0e œppe88e / anbmotbeuotte fuffiv l)im to0e voxappyd ít) tytmyxt.l&fyo indene foxoe xvao xoxotfy ao8 0a8anatutafiapety totaliseroßpb it) y my* w/tî)ci) to 0e kcptcc(ene*2tnb ata fcpfat tÇiVfomefia toowtcofttjcÿowe/anl· affto 0et fçff toitjj o* tfytt fxoynt offter owtie Itpnbe · it^etfojte tl)e foxfayH fbete 0efïe J&anteta Jjatpb tl)e Çoggr/a»8puttel}eteebe*á0p (oxbet)attjbeceyttybme/foiÿef)att)afyteff rcrtl} oficie met e/anbffcpttl) Ijie oxone foxbect)etyff¡$it$ fftmanb pfoytl) xoit§ Çim bayîy/ and 1pneuyx towcBytf) une ♦ flot fyewitf} to me fucljèmetp tontmance/y bayîy Bete 1)ίβ ftîfit) Ip fû0ott)î.fo voffö fyte maftit fayB4ÿouaffeyft$ybe fite Be to Beoftyi) feite/(r touc%foït§oxx> mufte Beetem# not befyfyb&Çe îyteftmi)etpeieacceptaBk φ ptefant to Çte îoxbe/fox fje íe conttnuaffy cfeite j Boxeaffo fay BefS&y (kepitfy a ny$i)tin$ate I W Iteiopcytfi iëziriïïïûîef ttay my jipe ♦ te toljatj 9 djtateèfotfi) my fotige / it tanott}in#etoζίβ pfoafnn/ ηοχ xoÿaq my fetovoe fyngitt)net$ me ρχαψ ttyeoxByx tÿie maten íç detoe fournît. the fe «one t§tt mafiít anfmcvbe anb faybe.ye hmvoe nette vo\)atye fí)ufbe afile *ßf ye be five to 6e tyatbe arte taltpij fieóe to*yemuflei)auebefectaÜfcanb fwetefongíe.anü ^oyce timad fe/anb not contrav * 1¿ f) enygf)ty tigaje iaiowyouffyeÿathenyB/fox^ ptefanntfye/anb fo t>o not y otoe.and ti)ey mee confuí fttetmtb tfyefevooxfice/anbfaybt* ~ -1 ' fefufcmeJatÍÉ- — fyetfoxeyfvoebefívegtoíottr %, etyíb/tet Í5e flobp to Be etine $ notdefífpd.y m© ttonyxyf votxoyÜBe fyatbe and attentat» to. Apelle vot pfefauntfy anb ^evtuouffye. filot*5ytejoooteceofiy* BavoBxy t and of coxtüptycq.&cmeperfore Be wÿomtbetbíotete fpke agraxoÿaq it te optnyBm it ία mytteq pfafmo.t5.a gwmafopytf ie tl)c tfyote of tí¡m*Wtat te to fynftittmep tfyat euetfpekeftinkynge toooxdea ><2bf xofyom atfo it ter mxxytteq it) tfyat fame 0ooke.(ßo8 mote Itet» fpppee ant» tongea faxge fpekynge*^L\}at ία to me* meag ayne©>08 and §ia neydome ♦ W^eytí^at fpekfr ~ ^ A ^ '· ; owe not to Bt t Be floppte a*; ^ayneBadtatya JDiogenea tQe píjtfofofit faybetoafew tayne pexfone tfyaUotdetyym a Bad täte tfyat Öte ften* ge fbuHfefaye By tym/it ία to mebovotfuftvot)tt\}itmy funbtfofaybetâutítía^exay fettayne totney ttjovo |apftrfi}^w%çofm^2lntîfl§enço anfwetde to oo$ t§at tcpoojt* #3 m ÿttfo ftM Φ #1) postfS ïm fiiW mtwn «tfl « fit» <$' IfîD l)f ¿pftio· Γ DfkrtftûnSlidgiti nötbrv unare. f“‘ # *· ^ tto 6e fît J RC cîyfc irco: .rpctfonret t6at ποΛλ ftnflt fef(£fÍ! ¡ΙΓίΙίΐφΊ JÍ.Í1W' •s. wc lHlUfffilt( 1 f!)OÍ5c it Lfofofitto tWU/ti1*-’ ' (|i t t. J) M lr jfeff to fyaue fucp famtpe mttjtym&moc ratee an* fu>erSe to 009 y cnefpb pm.ae tÇoœ art foiSeoftp io« ge foam0 fo*8e of itipi; ecpe/fo* g mape cfofe ti)em at mppfeafute.pgatteaffooarçanfwet toaqotfftv tofiie jjtm tirata fettayne petfone ctnfyd §fm ; an8 te* po*tp8 faffefp ef }jtrrt,g catenof^oa ptpnge f$uf8e 8e jltenget t$afl ti)c tongt,$o% to tatty creature fongttlj dutoo9tengean8tn>oerpe,attbfoa mai) fljuRte foffie moxtmt^^íotvoayttye/t^anyma^ mpgftt fpeke H>it(J 00 tonge.0t te tof8e fij a 0oke of 0apeeof pfjtfofo ftte tpt 009 anfœetSe toai) otpt tfyatfapbefpeurôe* fp to IjíirntEpto mayfte efpfpe fape to me eupff / fo* 0 «pfinat anftpet* 09 tp fame flokept te tof8etpt*p pl)tfofoftejcno/fap8e to oone tljat en tfpSfim *0f J)at8tjl tp feffœtfl) mpne erpe tpœ fl)uf8p/?e 0 e fïpf tin8 neote n>eff tp t tfjete œae greate pacpenœtijof8e faöite it) fufftmgtofcontumefyoroe œoojbee cm b te# 0ukee,0t te ttdde ofa(e pandet/aoitaperpti) itjtfyeAiu 0okeof0apte ofpljtfofoftt iptanfigonue fapSe tinto §tm/tt te comiementto tf)P9 ageto tnfe/ae top fatil?* r£pto arte îwpo*tÇpto regne / 0ut0p tp teaforçof M) p 9 age an8 îofaptwoïifnee/an8 neoertpfefle !)e fnf fit8ettmooPpacpentfpe/09 tÇat fame Ookeaffoott te» tof8eof tp pacpenee of0üfii ¿efarre tafyicfj greatefp fotpb to 0e 0aÊfp8/ptt> 8e tt/p toae foo*an8 w?ptj p kem0p81)te })erefo*emar8e/tptgren)e0acmarbe/ a ktipgtefaptic^ntof/tm^jfiSmperomíetíte nmepoffi 8fe to me to pjetfapíeagapne tp poft of ÎKome / tfyatj £p to Oenoî 6aïï?d/w\psfy fa í}e packnttÿ ffc/arcSaffo mprj tf)eve wete made oft) tnt famoweõo Ps αηδ tp8pcafotpe fongve oppnfp e tfjat to V ¿0 ». · . ·· ■9 jjio reMte (Jefuffítôeít pacyerttfy*ttnb tf tne voÿat) ai; a#tb xoomat) befptftb §ie gynnynge/ anb caffpb 1} ym Bxebemaket/ anb 0aker Ije fwffrpb it/anb fmytybat I }&$tije it te tot fk of iCefat H ugufto/ttyat wf at) oot) fpake to l)im anb fapbe*:© tíjoo) ty taxon te*$e 0 were fijo«? xpofííftnoí fo caSme* fame ptoceaCfo it Í6 to íb e of ¡btípíont affricat)/tí) at uoÿai) 009 coffib fyïm f eomfigf)tínge anb uBukyb ftpm l)e fapbe*á©p mobíe éjtouc$t me fo%t§ at) fSmpttome anb not a wattyom Qtío teSScaffo of fCefataugußo ít) tíje tfyxib (Jolie ofía píe of p§iÎofoftta.1L§at voîyai) ULyUt îne compfapntb to l)im tljat many fpake eoplFof §im/Çeatifu>er8e ♦ 0t te fufficpent to îo/if œe Ijaue ttyat fortune tljat no pec fot) cat) pxeaayfc toboso fyu tte* î£l}etfo*e 0e tïjoto not gteupb pfanp petfotj fpeke fÿ fox may fuffmt.Hnb Peneca ttïïytï) of tfycpacyence of Hntigo nilIt) Çie tÇwb 0o be bette/<£fjat wfyat) Çeljab Ijatbebp werfe petfonye fpekynge eapffofljtm to tfjer ttynkpvg tÇe kprtgfe not knomnge/anb fye Jjab t)atkenybf pfayn ty ijatffe eaetp t&ooxde/fox ae moci)e ae Betwene tyytn anb tÇem wae intérnete But a tt)yt) wafS/ (Je foftefyes fenockpbtoít^Í0$onbeanb faybeaett)ou$l)e (Je (jab 0ene at) of Ijt* petfot).<Öoo ye yovox maye (Jena tljaí tße Jtpttge Ijere yovoe noLlltfo peneca teffytfy ít) ípe* uíúBo ¡{cbeímoftt)efaybe kyn(j[eantí$on0 4 a tymevDÿat) éel)at0ebpuecfeof0Í0knp^l)te6 / By (Jtm aS t(Je eupíFt^ep cow8e/j}e tl)cm y í)ab fpokpo moofl $ fapbe*jUott) tljat pe (Jauecucfpb yovoxe Jtpnge cavofeteffe anb fpokpij ofjjt m foo Sncmteyftyu nom teñe youteuytfpecfye/pmttyím goob/fox i)e touítfy fon neuetti)eteffe,¿)metnetoue Qumifite of a kpnge/y M Λ Jt Λ ¿A. ^ ^ t, ^ __ ^ ^ ^ ^ anb il itôí mi tmtïïto gym iupmnt totf)em tÇat <^tfpbJ)fm/ anbbefewib ' pacnncc ίαπ ■ fobf ICJOÍfl Ij U)OÎ^ ;j6 tbOÜJ 0 jrc jjfl·? . teSrtS fll.î1 a tartW % ipcnW 01 Λ*«? U* ! iiirtufi^ f:u / nbeofa facette foç a peffiferue beafïeanb mofi ÿtct tÿ SSmymeb >$ot ae p fi mue faft$ft'0^rç?.ca· f m.$e infectnlj t^e frutee of trefe anb corrupt titi) t\)t xx>at\te >®f tfyevo §ít§ m$o foeufi oibiinhetfy/Qcíeeueqfteaptbebe* líttbaffo pf fpetyS of l)cr tornee tl)e of a popfotteù ^ ^ ^ » ▼ V W ^ » * » » » ^ ^ ^ fi ^ β ▼ w « ▼ w *r ^ mr ■» ^ ^ ■ w I £ ^ I V y ■ remapnftl) create ftrw$tí)e of poyfoy / fome &eaftpe t anttakyt) fox afootfe* <£,φ& f^Se Hafte $aftmtan8;r oo an? na roafpupttyfr} $ five/av piinujs/anopumi*/ uuhpopm/hjp iiw on5tl)c fíamc/if ít te tljekpn8t of a ¡5 atamandte to 6c tot»a9 ? faffof carfpb ijerpe/ a fecca(f.$)ftol)ofe Ikpnrtefomípmete ma8e j>tn»t5ume/8ataftítt$cf (jatte (ye (on$etyt$cfinet§c?eec(mcfnetoty poiirçtb ?6enet» gyetoatite.2lnb fo tljep confetnpb tljetn feif .from betD anb fapbe, ' ·' l·*.. < ' ” , . ’ .■ \ λ . a·· />,· · ♦>. ; V ' ' ' * 7 nataraffpface örfrnbfb/anö ffn^r öfrrate foface* j^ue otnr m to bíffin&e o we feff/ tüftai; m U , ® temptpbofonj^oöftipenpmfeeo^ft^eßjftt«* tjf ftöfe fite of concupífccne anò íecÇerf »ö^e iSemanípetefífteaníKafteowfeff *9 to ttjeœatite of í£Çaf?íte ant> cfenncffea^ai) w8e impugn** of tl>e iiuatiroofcouetffranbauatpce*i^eowto fcpe it) to f fmofctyatttc aní> fargeffe/8r e^ampfe of tftooaue« φ% it ie te&öe it) tÇe copíete of 8p*ee ti>at tiñere 0e fb* m ®o$an>kp6 tÇat take no 6p*ee / But oonjr <0·Φ ,me/7lnt> forne tljeeSetljat take nootjöutoonr? 19 fije fonOeoilnbnatttraffp tt*e*ou>ueknou?iíi) tl*at. $ tfyet ^^fptffpetÇ / fç^|ev0oflíawkot§at cac^{t9 l}er 19 fllt ensP m uty NNvfM r otutÿD |Stni e malic RW((|îf| mrn^ftftoÉ ciwtr'iW Λ ‘ i ’ ,K è Irnoit J anb 0p bitb ftySit) t¿e apjtc^ucfjc reafog fôtif berne Çaueagapne tfytdöoffyawke §at§ a âjjanpfee ta buete/œÇerof |&anfp ne faitÇ* €>nt me ntp to œfjom to knotoeq a £©»bp nerfe œapee of nop tne ge/fyutbe 0e befenbpb mttffoo tttanp btueefe toeppne eie fte otbepftptl) fotpttepe*2lnb vo\)at) mpt) t* ----------r._ ^----------------~ >0 mis io ai) bofpmaç/tt>bttb commatonbpb tye feenbe to ce* me fottÇ anb teff bf im bte name/ anb \)t anftoerbe and fapbe» U£e0e tbiefenbre/ tbat btoeff 19tÇte man / 5 um caflfpb tfee cfofecof φ baete/ feconnbe 0*obpe le caffpb tbecfofctoftbemou>t(i/anb φ φ&κ caffpd efoftr of tbe pnefe/;fl0pi> office te to tnbiiea te tfec batte ef tfe fpn nec tbat Çe map (Jane no anb tf be ®e co ntríte/mp 0*obp,t faftottwtb to kepeb*w ftom con feffto9*3lnb ttfougt) be0econfcffpb/rnp φ«Ό ÖjoWe ιοί! faffee$ím bo no fatíffaccpoi) /¿fob tÇae mp φιΟ 6xo¿ líe te nampb/efofee of φ purfe. 2inb0p tÇefe tneanp $ ?oe pjcaapfe ajapnc ηιοφ peopfe • / ..J* H . , -A, * . ■ ·» . , .7 . .·* _ ■ . ' ■«* .Vft *.· :. ‘ j· *γ . , ' ’ '* v » '·. · · \» · > · ,· > ^ * *. C£>fti)e 2tpe /ont) a 0eafï«affpte '¿0ÿU6.anôit>i&t3fp(T4 a &toihr· ¿V KH cap,»p$>iV*an8 faítfijxoüat) bourde fa ‘ .Wll#WM. feep 1 í^J/íô voinfeatid 0fefùetfl/anb foo 5e satt>fít0JbieJ^^ne^^egKw¿!i^^raf /anb 8e lÿat meanefe ÖefenbptiJ tfreffptpnge ofboggm/ anb ft- Cptff not tfe fîtokreof mc^i^ßte BcaftßatitQ tJje foçc anb ijatl) a cufióme to fí^rÇ te agame Qím.&ut φ fu® erfffopefepnÿetljatÇecomeenotÇuetet^ie 6jtocKcfo;& φίβ Í)ar8e fkpnne;anb eomgÇ Çetê/ft^ fapnpb tjee fe tf to 8e Îen<|upffp8 an8 íícte / anb of fuGtpfte ffe88eattb> Earç a mape* aub u> 0í fe ttyo^Ea^ue tljíe 6¿oche oí $taf favoÿfyte fo% fyfe p¿ape+tE0e fatfefo^eentepb új to 0p^ ~ ~ Ä t0c foS^pnofe of tijte gfeapwítftpp íjfe an8 oi\)tt $ ttcftnc tfym# ee* Qtj fomo<* foífo^Ice Çfe t)otbfofí?e/<*rtb cÇofe tyiman otífet tpteffmanfpS fox Ijie eafe a create wape ttyene.Qftye tackt mete ít)y i\>íntpx/í)ewpff fteape fox tyíe ít % feuítty moctye 6p ffcapeffinto ttyte ßxocke name at) apc anb faybe.i&toòív fenbe me atj.c.matlipe /jfoxQtyauc affeccpoq to goo Beponbe tí) e fee to mavctyanbife/ fbaffftufpebeapbe ttye (ucveB w\)omtpe 6xo che anfwetbe&tyat fí)att Q gtabtp gtã* te ttye.jfox a ff mp befite fe to oittyom ftyaïtpauetppbefixe pfttyoutanfte fpnbe me Sufficient jfnxetpe anb make me at) in ff tumente ßpttyeponbee of a notaxpe^tye ape founbe fut etepettyeBugk anb ttye Buff/anb (efte ttye oBtpgacpog/itf keptnge of tl)e tyoxfe/ «mb wentfox tty ot) tyieioutnep Ijome agapne.&apue tty to ßxocke fcpnge ttyat tye wae tlju® ifftibpb of ttye ape *tye afkpbtyie goobe of ttye fuxetepe ♦ IZtyep fcoxnpb pirn anbbefpifeb ípm gxetetv* ttyie ßeaftecompfapnpb to ttye tuge; anb ftyewpb typtn tyieoBftgacioq&tyeiugcimmebiatfycpteb t\)e ctebi* towxie anbgaue fentence ttyat ttyep ftyutbe tejtoze goobee accoxbingetottyex ßonbe ♦ Wtyerfoxettyep wetc gxeattp wxottyanb tuet mafygnpb agapne ttye ßxocke anb puxfewpb tyim.ttnb atttyefafte ttyeptoke t)im anb sootDiibpb Ijtm foxe wkí) manp a gteate ftxoke/çwtyat) tye wae fo mounts tye fapSe witty gteate (amentado^ anb moutninge* RH#» I7 Φ $T>fafmo»cpt. tjatl)kntejletícttffe&fle tí)e ptcpl)ctefaíti) ♦ ______________ ___________, mee* ,r_._.......v , ¿nt tÇat notwtrÇfíonbtnje Catorj jaítÇ »lohe to u>0om t0on> genpfie/?£bat fe to meaner tfyev fbßfbe 8 e a bífcrecpofl f 9 tlje gptiee anb Cmbar/ít fe» cpeanbfenbfti í* ψ 11 ly IV Miy yvv viftfv ywv «*y ■*» »»ff» f ■" »»» moojtbee.^fap ¿epiapete anb famentacio0 f0eafltpb foS gpn je/anb befpjteb çotoo tome foi tlje tf me of (Jet ne8® peemfttpn je / tfjat ft?e fbnfSebefpwct tlje (Jome to tt)f twnat m0a0 fÇe Çab famnpbÆbe otfjet mae metcp fnff anbbepattpb/anb faffttbeljet to íjatie tfye tome* jRnb after a fon Je feafo0 wÇag φtiiflatbp mae pafff tttjeomnaetctommfb anb tepetf 8 0fe tíj0t,í£0e o# t(Jet tockpb fafîe tlje b» ttp 0 / anb cfofpb (Jet etf0 / ante «oofbenot befyuettÇat fïjepitomp fpbàènt fpakcctuef* f f e arrb fapbe.0 fete not ííjt fonje tetf}· 4f°* 0e tetlj of mf cbt fbjteij fija î at to tent f * tmljerfo* 0p tljfe faí fe <$ mai)** tamjijte tijat Ije fbütbenotntwayt gptwerebi $e toljafîpfp to fœete tooo^bee ♦ 4fojnnanpo00e bifcep* tip b 6p tty meatty0 of ppte*2le gfope teffp tb mfffp n je to fíjeme tjjat nothin je mope profite înto 0a8 fofkc mijag t(Je fjjtempb mpnbe of tijem te notteafÇampS to ®eîntemem6>fbofa joo8be8e. t$l)£tfo¡te be teffftÇ tÇat tíje moff mao acfopeb 19 rije t Jjtote / anb atmofie eijokpb voitfy a βοοne of a (antôc tfjatIje Ijab benonnpS ssljícb fïackc fafîe ίη 1jfo tbtote outttbmatte*im(Jetfo** çi <9 a ffpoflfrôfe baffe 0e fent to tÇe ctane tfja t (Je mft$> Jjfe fonje 6ySfiju fbe b*ame ft cmt»4Cb * ßone omt bjtao «of9 fto tlje tbtote oftlje moff6f t0e meante ofφ m afkpb §fe ternit m$fc$ tfje moffbab pjompfetertjtftatb mm KpSwa ■ti Mi falteiitil ;att ;· fam&ÇetiSoffanfwtbeattòfapbt. Œlpa $ηΐ)αρρρ>. aeatutt/fyuefï not t0oe> ßptfje gpft of me/mpgfyt not tvitfy 009 6ptte fane tyttc a fonôcttÇp necke, IZfyet* _ it take ti)t fyfc/foi mp tcujatbe. $οχ otfytt tcmatH ffyaft φ» mot) 0a ue of me.2lnö fo manpog Qt Unkp» fc to tijet Cenefactonme. .♦ W ' . I 1 ·> » ·., Cfl>f tfye mots eyanb titearte Dialogo, <φ3ϋι» (I tbceffence fjentetf 6c tuet to bo to ti)c item fytQ ffefecljetljeflp mp p*otectotme«* gafft* tt}e woScfttfle of tfJemefjpRtfcf IRI&tfis*môM >e not fufftt $im to 6e befcp* aeÿteufô witÿ fce tetcyoty.w§emít\}tí)emon>Qwao ÿteuybanb went to φ vocfyiïanl) faftexofyai) \¡e fteb fcone ï>eœe\afa* tacfoi)£Qym offenere 6e gfrete anbÿam Uerpfp voo% φ to0epimpf0é&.:tfo* ÿfyûuedemagavne φ iinbev ptoteccpoq of tÇecotte.Tint) tljue fufltefrp 0e fotmb btf eoxôeûetmne ttyecatte arito t\}c xotfyft/vofyaq Çetoas ittfïetp punpftjeb of eptjjet of f Jjem/itt ftifl 0e 6%oœot^e £0em to t0atpointe t0at Sitetfp tl)ep intcn&pbecfyeto r .ï . · '"'M $«ebo ffaterete anb ntafpcpoœe peepfe 6ettt>e Έ ne piincee anb foibee φαί 6e at te fît anb peace tfâljetfoje tfjep 6e ßatefuttünto gob/feißtt t« mptteg Pionet.îiVÏEÇet 6e/55t,tßingee tßat ©ob ßa Jtpti)/an§ f Æ«t.i6 betefïag feînto fjtm.gerj ßigße foktn ge/a tonge fpinge/ßonbee fßt8p nge innocente ßfoobe. ■jEßefJaete fßtnkpnge ntooß tope lieb tßotogßtfO, jfa* tetÇatÇt fvoyftt to tonne to bo fynnttitfyng mongtte onbfaf$ribfatfe föHUeffcßettte/änb fu cßeao fottiebifcoiiie a* ¡nötige fo utreanb tixetixet}* Wßetofit re wxyttet) aSccfe fiaßicLppWhUffatetevanbabowßtetongib mat) te acutfyb/fox ße batßttowßfyb fyb it) peace* Φíbe fabíte fouit) no g bow4 ßfetongyb fofkye/foxit) tljemwae magnificence fttengtQ fox to faye tße ttowtß/it) afftjjer fpetßie / ae Safety teßytßfißxofepto ♦ ILßatm^alftßeptopfe ßopyb Uppoç tf)e bet# of tßefo* f eycebinge ßyttevneffe ofßie rnooft wo mat) of t$e gtetteft age pxaybe t$e 0e mig\)te tontine we tonge it) fpfc witßout fpkenee o* bífeafe/ φ «pl>at) tip faybe TEyiawnte knevoe tt/fye evßenyuotence witl)owtí)ie befeminge/ anb ¿affyb exianbxnguexybmbßt vewavbe ffoc ßab teceyuyb of ßxm fo to faye*3)ße anfwexbe anb faybe* jfox a txafotj t\)at0 ßauv pxouybßyexperience toÇS 0 waea maybe anb jjab agte tyxaunte* 0wofbc gfaStye baue tachyb ßxm.anb wßat) /a woxfeoccupiebt)ietome/ anbtßeqbiebominacyot) to Se enbpb 0 befireb moofl fexuent ty, g awoxfe tüfatfyat} tßoti art voekepeneuev to ßaue.tbetföx 0 bxebe iftßom were take frotte »a woxfeyfít 6e poffißfe fßutße fucceSe it) to tbypïace&betfoxeÿbauepxaybe fox tt)i confetua neitie totße/ tßatßewae fßewynge txowtße i η euety ptace&f w\)om%atety fpekítt) tuííúca MUß at wi)at) atifiipueßab faybe totße foxfaybe Otogene y fïoobe $ waffl)pb woxtye& TDyogene ßadftifte f tyxätebyonyfewitß tßifayxe . _. .. W k. ιΛΛ > à. , Λ Λ ί** J· . ft ΛΛ / /f tarnte,fot tlj iaptyitofoftetyab to ßifc88s and mafnteynfb toítj·) a mefjë of œojtpe j fay ttoutfy ttyei) to Be feS witty f kyttgee tie and to w fa? to t)im ottyet tty cm teotptf). F »Í9 CÄ>f. 9 Jlamfyeanba U9off, 3Dw%o. tpip. t'75*., ,'fm; ν?7···γ.·· ' ■' ' '.· >/■ V * ■ V " ' .· ‘ ‘ ·.;·>$.: ’ ‘ >”·' Qoelaitißf« tljet t»ete {9 nomftf i f were fojfahp9 0ot$ of fade« and mode« and fefte fphe puppffie and •d efp family efecretty and de « Q ttyinketoßetompaffiom« JÊÊ Jk. jß Steiedfdf faje «font toei fwft fuffic Hi onStc fak ίηύ1 fotOft ÔÔW0 N *·.'»'*»*· '019*. 4 (AÍ lï 4 '■?· CSS É fe- * - · , » ! *, ^ fööic febeSe.U0f)rtfoî g wpffíiefptíee fo fije ofpiottapo η φαί tí} oto mapfï groo |α wf. ßeuetißelef fcfttft goo to ti)i titeóte!) anbßpbbe ti)em come to me miß ti)e totonfemetßie mate te.'(£i)íe innocente tam mm teíopcit) mtß geetegtaOneffeg went to Jjis ßiedii mifîewyS $nto té)c m aStßis motet,%» wijomtijei fapSe,X£.f)io plefitß'de great fr ,H&ut go voe fivß to out jtwrcbïO anö tviovotíe aiib 9efíeett¡ercounfeS. g ioijat) tßepcameto tgem.(£t)ettutovotioanfvoetóeg fapbe léewatefotgob fakeof fuel) cama ft tv .jfotanît ff ft go ani) tetuti) to i)im/f)e wtlàefttopepow and k tout tipp not takingeßeSeoftßeßolfometonfefoftlpe fenpoum/went fatt} to tße wotffepn ge tt)em was Üetp gfad/and lepte amonge tfyem g kpt M tßem euetpeßone anb febbe ßim fe ff and l)ie cßtlSti .anSfapSe. · fyetfate toe muffe gpue credence to tßeeomfett 'S- of out fenpoate.jfot ie votpttet),Qoß ,$>$>$. it) agpd fotkpe io great wpfdome and prudente it) tonget pme.we fl) utde öo a fth counfeft/ anb efpecoa ff» of one frenbte,^foîtt ie fapOeptouee,iü,%epetf)ow φβ la we anb ffoob cotmfcffanb Ipfe ftjatße geup^nto tf)i íewfe anb âttaee înto φρ (ftekpe . Qtiefapdetbatan çufbonSmat) taßowtpd !)ie tonde and few it wíti) Çertt pe. tepe ot Ipnette feede.Ü Stwatowe tf)at was απδ wife/ftp age tßatmSpd aSotßie ßpidee togidet Λ iap9e.tLßiefeeldeandti)iefee9eti)tetnpti)^efoote. sffo* it) tpme compnge/ßeteof figat ße made manp a ton* Setowe nette.Tißetfeiego weaStogföetand fpaen it ä ßioodem euit it gtowe/ot come aff oVV *< · fàpbe fÇe tö«e fuffoffofpffl) bitîie.'îDppe gttVbt tßieet 6e/attb ttje fwafowe watnpb tljem acapne tpat gerate pateft y appiotöib anb bien) ne te. ti (Je flptbeebetpbtb tlje fwafoweanbfapbe.tZdte fwafoœe pfeafitl) me*/ anb ffatetitÇ ttjem wt'tÇ |j»e fonge. Όίβ Ijempe waa fuffgtoœpij anb moine botone anb bpuero nettte were tnabe oftt/anb cawgftt manp a Spibe.tZljei) aff ttye 6íc See hnewe tfjer iaxoteianò tepentpb ttjem wfyaij tfjec *nae no temebpe.tZfJerfojte fje tljat befpífetl) pwfrtafffe cownfeff/oftpntpmee taKifl) inpiofttaSfe/anb 0e tljat t$tnkttf) flint feff to fare/faffitfl oftpntpmee it) to fna* vpe.Hnb manp tpmee tfle cotnnfeffof a ipfe pet fone/ ίβ ietpÿoobe aeb ptofíta 6 fe/fat wpfbome iapfptfl mc> ve tljei) fltengtfl .jfot aijepampft it ie wiptteij tfl at tfle ¿gfe ffepnge ίη ttje epie anb fepnge tfle fnapfe puttm» atowte 1)10 t)oîni6.3l)c befcenbpb anb caught flet anb flefbe flet flpffiij flet efepe.îtnb tflefnapft ffltanh iijto tfle ft)eff/fo tflat tfle t£g(e it) no wpfe towSe ete of flet. •¿flat fepnge a «owe fapbe into tfle /ggfe.tZflowgfle |8ow 6e mpgfltp anb kpnge of affbptbce/tflow kno wtff notai tflínge.í)atke futefp tflrtfoje wljat 0 fape anb too ßp mp »anfeff/foî tl)at iij tfleffleffie ittp goob me te anb befptpowe.Jèf te tfle ffleff ip an fltgfle / anb fet tt faff anb 6í*ke/crpente faßowxpb to Byte anb ta popfog Ç?,èut fije «jpfefp bjetne íg $et $ebe $ fete tg ta fijefye(t/tl)at tge feepente courôe not tornee $er/ anb eftte tuaröe u>$? f$eefppcb awuntagc/fÿe put ottrt $ce $oinpa anb efepa anb puckrb t$ia ferpent. fl)e tyabgeeate ftyamc.H fptefffpace aff ie/t$te fnfapbe fee pent Üaftftfctio foxttfieb $im ft ff/anb fl}cœg$ te to ep* cafe $tm (off of f $e Jjab flene f$amefiiffp oiiitcom/ anb fapbr/0 u>tf auengc meaner fe pf tíjet fle$ag tl?Í0 f ozfapb pente fau?o $ím / te ftc carne a#apge l}ím ♦ üt}íe fap8 ä F v - > Qttßft) ttoite Çatff Æ«btfiûbf ffjatpt ßerpiftkt'e y ftnè* te tßem «/ £o tß e ferpmt/anô tootttttbpb ßim înto tße tffufyoi) ofl)t6 ßfoobe « ^ßte Jêaftfifcuewae fapnte foi angitanbtonfufpoß.iSmontf affotßetaftojftre ße< ßof8mge tßie anb tßoutfßteto ßeauengtb $poß tße fee ptntf/ße ftpte Ϊρροβ ßim wiffinge to kpffßim . "ΐΐββ ferpent fepngfe tße ftogtfe affnakp8an8 ßate/ without befence/anb ße ßim feff wae ßotß weep anb ßunßtpe/f to fitengtß βίβ ßobp ße cawgßttße ftogge onb fwafo* ï wpb ße c ίβ/anb fãpbe. " ^ ........* ' ' ertvtuatte ». —............ JÊmtm_______________ p tljie we ßet arogßt>> wßaßwe fée oat gteate 3è enpmpeefomwßat ouettßtowpß / weowenofc fo8epnfpe tofiiff Up3 tßem/ßut to teftapne/yto< fee tße en8e.^ot Seneca faitß.gtie piopetfpe tße conbi soon ofatopfemaotobrebeßie enptnpe/tßougß l)e ße Sat weke.'2lnb tßetfoie nomaß fßutSe ra'opce tße betÇ of öie enpmpe/fotbowgßte of ßim feff.tfoi it ie votftm »iouetßi.ppm· O^ßaß ‘ßPß enpmpeßatß ßa8 afaff/ße tßoa not ff fab tßetof.jUoi ße tßow metp τ pop tße betß, ef tfipii enpmpe/fefte tßet faff fpke iußat8pe ΐρρο ßtßr «οι be tßatfftetefp teiopotß fppoß tße fofiTe ei ßarteof We enpmpe;fßafffaf oftpß it) to foflé anbßatte / 0t »* *e88etßataß ißmpetowie / ßabtwap fetuaantte/of B»ßtcboon wae atapfowie/ anbtßeotßet wae aßatc* goute.'Sße tapfowie ßatpb tße Gatßowie / foieawfe iße empetout ßab ßim moietg faoowit.»pßet|oiße ae mfpb bim to tße igmperoat/tßat ß* fßufbe btffatrte ßj; anbfape tßat ße tnigßt not foffittße fieneß of ßte Cietß; »eben befßaopb ßim. t£ße Ætnpetowi wae foie ßte* »ob anb contmawnbpb ßim io ße eafîe iß to tße fee iß«. i*th«.J8nb«etßefepöt/6mii«»»eiafifottßß»eßon8p 4 V» nctltcr- i t 7l s tror aitfcpji tuiwfe«|i ';0!??f| VtfDt puitonfj rrmrf ■ •efVfl kctafottoWJ firíníb«»'l¡ fed itdtMty1 ; -«S fígj ö> » ^ - be cafî^îîn/Çte fî^neUeofôtofSefeffrom fíe finget íq totfefeeÆfte ßatßowetoitnpf® tfeffípmef tmtf monep/anb ßp tf em f e tnaeconnepeb tofatte contrepe gmb fttauttÿe nacpone*n>f et ae f e feapb pjoff etotoffp 2tnb íppoij a bape fe ßouofft a fffff/anb fonbe tf e em* petotme tinge tij tf e 6efp oftfe fame fíflff / u>ítf tfc " ^ '' ' ■■ ítt* agapne f mt«2tnb attfefafïe fo* a tetnarbe f e befptçti mfl it) to tf at fame píate of iaßatbpe tf at fe œae/anb fo fe efcappb»anb f te enpmpe tnao befítopeb/ if at foe ptb fe f ab befítopeSf írmU^f etfoíe peneca faítfy.íoke bapfp to fane of otf et/αβ tfon> íntenbtfí to bo to otfc^ 2lnb tfíe Í6 oftp9 p*onp80p experience* * *? ■φ J'' ¿r* .±*r~ffj p 1 fLofmatjcml· tâotttatf&iatogù.Cffîÿ. ft* Hqaftít φ fayttge ofφ pßtfofoft* 06 amynbeincatnatt.71 jfantafyç of tpme,Me0oft>ctoffffe» Ά SQñtipte ofketß.fl voafktt goynge/Ά fcmeffet o f a pfac e«fl foSlike #219 0a0í~ __ Etacfe offertaff tpmcJfl morftafl aefaítfi t0cp0tfbfofte/te tbecimfpfron of mau/210eaf?emfaei f 4P ^íê4P 4^ g 40f} P t0e 0 eam te of 0er face/ße ma$ cercóme p fcefiropbe/p fapbe, í©anp memif o 2l»í> memnkpti foitt t$et) wítt) ot0cr fírooke 0erfo¡t at) Tlutom fpthyti) g faítf}/2lMom3 fe V® t$tloümHJ4fp^o/gcon9kpMpS^^Q^ta^ me faít0»t£0e grate of t0e^feiti>e/t£0e mape of tfcpcheStieffe «t£0e ftrooke of φ «Setpente/Änop o0 fe ipnSc te tße moma^tEIjat fame Doctomt fatrß/tEßc ßeamte of momS te fpke a ßrinmttgfe fmorte* l&ermm* ϋγ%f 1Z0amat mae co*r«pteof 0erouwe0;toSir/ j eu e e .m0e mae fttenorer tj/mo-' tefioip t0e&î>attpï>/(t ooml » Qttamytt^fcH_ *îa pomã/jf aiïmetjfafftrfcetße/ 6p y mea upe of 0et¿^ mKefo^etbefé^ waff L í«<" iiofm« |M6®< MfM iwt (te I Ifí©« mfiiírt ftljïM »1)3 (je tljtmol o no6p! rítele' J¡et í)u tnaybt fCfOIJ t tftjfj (iliffi carnet et^cnp mcofiti ÍKOitii ne it to I mu ΐΚβίΐΑΐ iwulm f, Al wumu oemm η *4 ctjrc fa*b h i ljiI!)/,Ui krrá$ty¥ f w1', itó V(f ojpî ffllîl1 r, ¿(rptrtí^ il^É níf P vvwg ip 6ïo fce»nbo,,of tlje contmetKLp£a.&p3.8et/p »»$3 a map* . be of mofie?c«ffent0tarote roae faougljt to fjim/ro(jic$ toao we88p8 to 49 otfjet ptmce/ljc fpatpb (jet/p Çttet» fpa6fîapnpb (jim fefffrom (jet/$ij fb mocljepijeroofbe not fee Ijer/Jèut fení (jet agapn to btt Qnßoriü/ç ©Jjg fije ©ao fo temptteb f feirt agapne/it pfcafpb gtttfp j> mpnSeo 0offy offjet (juföonbe * ofjjet a a fpke teté teC* ßtfj Sbafetp «0*0 qnatío/tap/m/pf4bcppíone/ fapnge γ ι ©P (je kneroe p a mapbemoofï gerotífulTroao amo η$ tljem of cartage? roeregefegpb/rotjicfj roae roe88p8 ta a noßpffgentpfmä/afietp tljte Stipto») (jab roonne £ titefjecaffpb tfye^tenbeeof t(je fapbemapbe/ anb aff» btt bufßonbeßefote (jim/g befpuetbe Jjerto bin) a efene tnapbe/ ? aff φ fiSofSeJ_©αβ fftougfjt to (jím fot teb?· pcpofj of t)er/ge gaue it to gee matpflge/roljetfote ¿fea*- tpo oftfjem roete euít aMtcamsßlixoatßt 8tm / tfo* ■.tí. «I jo tcffptÇ it) y fame cßapitte/oftty metuetovofe cQafttte of}enocmàâ04$ifofoftefayngeÆtytoi)atymcatte j > attynye a compeny ofyonge met) piomyfebagrete futn- me of money to a voantonty bi fpofpb xpomä/yffße com - 8e comipte tty mpnbe of tije fapbe ptytofofxçanb ynctf* next to fecßety/itty wtyct)womäiqttynygßte tymt totnt anb tayetovoneßy tymJ&utÁt) novoyfe ptemyfeto tytte tye ctyfïite/ç to tty yongemet) f be- f pbpb tyt/y föe covoßenot Borne tyte mynde ; an* ftmb f fpe fyab not go to no tyuety mã/But xattyt Κηζμχbebe fimacre ♦ fbty caffpb tty ptyfo fofve a fía* tuvffix tty gxeate anb mmonepS ft continent ttyi m Mît* ' ~ * nlr Li ■ tf T "I é f If 1 π».** I a (/ Vf 1 ^GirtL■ ;J SfiÍP* . ¡Díafotfo.c^íío pettiaff fTfeapc/fcjte&e ofricljemcij/öcfi- uofpomt mct)*%t)iti£um ctjqcetofty e<4 fufftc me nenet to ßt punpfljeö / twtj) ttje pajme y roh« aftíe tiapfpe feo tíje/fiot g ftjaf ápue f o ¿ »I)11' órneme rtot» toiít 0aue/t0at io to fape. <öof8e/3>pf* ' /Ijejfc/ roaoee/ %* õõnff tlje to tounfje not me Vi'; %"» ' rs m /V VV J» / ’-L t. 3iö/ IW*”' *$fu fit« i·.! It. Ö«1 \M.orfcutrtn \ % Vcm « «oí me.Œo tbíjom bit? dttfaetbeenb fopbe. êjothee t\)omafhfiletfym$eeimpoffiftte>ftlotf)mberc.flnbjf φιι 0e t»pfe/il)oto fBaft oOpbert it) roe tp pface.tfoiit ie anpttei; pfaf. fp»»m **% *e ti?at tljat fpnpib/anb fijaff not fee befl}? ae ro^oofaptbi/Ioorj/Cbetfoíerecepuemepacprrttfp/ I« 5 conte to tlje to bo no noueftpe.jfot Seneca fait$. jHontaij ie fo Snanfe/ßitt 0e knowitb ffe faaC bpe. $e* wettÇefeffe tuljai) bet0 tu αιρίφ nete/lje btcbtty anb toe- ριφ.ΠΒβρ toeptfî ft)ou maqïxt&fyy momnyfi fijoto fot λ - fl _ ^ ^ * a vv ^ ■•^Ufvfv Vvifv »V M^v« Ví^v tijíty vI# *** 0o*îjÆJ)ie happ&fo tfyf faber/to tfii mob er/ ta tfyp ftettire affo»atî$ ^enetaSV to aff tßat Baue 0ene 6 c fate Φ*ηό ft ffaffaot fapfctocomc to altern φί fßaf &et$at ßefe bebe wfyf ^JÜäP^Ä>ß^ßrr0mapcaffßfmaäfarue^ fßafta* fßcEJ&lie fajfc*/fo* ^eJfj^atmtxmumeto me ♦ U^ßarj it toae fßewpb Suto a pßffofofre tßat βίο forme toae flfl -ÉÂ. _ - ^ fl - ^ _ _ · _ fl* ^ fl j^*"TP <4 a AM S., V'J» wo fjetpnje tpeöctfj ofIjte fonne/fapbe to tße meffen* gere.ttÇotü 6itú££¿jnejjojjen)ítpiípngee/,/líot metue íotofe.0 knetpe §mmfi¿tef£¿ae foneao g ktietoe Çprt* ¡P «akpíjiwjb fefce^itb no mo m í>ye/6ut¡je tija t $at£ HRI  Éenpb:jîfe nt maif maye fp tie (hit (Je (y/Qqtffe fame piact it ίο matt mencyoq / y ¿enopQoq ^eringe t$e betl) offtro etocfi fonne xotytf) toae ftayne iqBateSwa^contente/afoenfy frS fjio l)ee§e/fe Çc toae tofnçt fofempne factpfrce « 71 nb aftirtoarS J)c inqnerp bjm$ ijre forme bf rd/artb if ma# anb l)e floate 0p t)ie gobbie fo mtjotntje bpb facti fice f l)e concefttfb mote afafloelTc tfyerof/tljen fyrnpneffe of J)te betÇtòaínf f fletóme teflTp í 0 tljat anbmooffe noBfe/voÇaq Çet ÇufBonbe toae bebe to(J5 ffoe efpecpaffp foUfbattb mournpbanb Çte 6obp fop $ff ' èütprb ti) f Ije fame bape of fjie fÇe fofte ttoap formée toÇtcí) fíje Ijabbçanb no meo.Qam totettat^in ~ gcinsttàpMefarti) faynt Retome/But(¡Sel· topi nef# fettojtJgffc* toofb not t)aue ttotop8/fi)at fíje my ¿ @$tea qoonepfnckf nqejjer 0íe/ífo/l)er cfotfoe tetpng Çetljerpe botone fyangpnge/cettapn fp from4)etfe¿io t a bioope ofJetpe*3>l)t fíooSe rnmibirmRfe/anb faßpnöte botone to t^e fette of ctpfïe/fejjefbetfjem anb fapbe/ ¿ am fpeffôc goo8 fe&e anb tfbp to tl)p feruyee/fcx ti)oif I)n(î btfcljatgpb meof fo g reate a 0urboij$t ίο teSSeaf- fo nj fíje ctcnpcfeo of ¿mperoto^e/iÇat tj)e topfe of φς- íaupar) ötitpeb íjet fonne nampbbwfe.2lnb tljougí) f#e lóete a paynyme/neuetttyetçffc 0p tl)e Create /líataraff fenfetbaftoaerrjÇet/f^eputfromÇer aflf tÇe tokpn· of metototeanb ijeupneffe/t íjat toere tij I)et/anb fippbe. %Wl)atptefit te tobzebe ti)at map not Be fote peneca faítl)/a x^yjhâúSÚ^J^nffljyçte fe foflfe - rátfb* en oí frenb eo «ffo tin fuefie mobe be map fe*' fíapne tí)er betl)/ao l)e bapfpe atoapfrtÇ fe $te otoñe 2lnb trofp tijeRemerrrôtaunceof bet# ré fpkea Biy&ít tefeaynpnge a may tÿatÿe eff (ewe net to met i)e / anb Rp«n$ / m mew píate tlftar peratt 0ntm into nieto mu íf»« ft/at M gio/ teat fP ilfef contt ot^tc peop flftPi OH tjjat Sept tí l)i mi) fieri iefjji Hap WÜ ÍÍÍ, m V *tttOOfjt C£t€(&t$ Ρ$ΐίθ|φ}ΐ(4)^ (ciJf )|> pfoto» tt&Í)erfo¿e tt se tofiîe if) tl)e fpfc ofß)ayntQe§at$ tl)eampuetc. <£,t)at iq tÿcofôe tpmeaftiv t$at arç igiit perotme toae ceotonpb/ôp tl)cz2feccpo9ofÇte ¿o¿bee/ 0 mmtDiatcfyc ma/one / anö mallere o from (Ke tóente 5n to Jjirn anb fapöe ♦ fl) igmpcroioK wetafftopft tijoto commaiwbe tSpginoeto 0e maSe» 1E$ep $et»pb tljse $nto §tm t$at |e ftyuíbe Itnotoe temcmöpz t$at §e toae tranfitozpe/anö 0utaca¿ruptí gte/anb t$oto fijaft neuer fpnne*Äffonfe teôjptÇ it) f)iß fretpfe be f>rti8enría:t£$at mgaij ¿fryanbcr mae be*» 8e anb to ijwn *eae Biabe a Stcpuftfyit vfUBofót/manp pfyífofofree rame tfyebtr tojtber* #nb 009 offnem fapbCy otlfíe fap be*4fep anber pifiada? e rufpb people/; notoe OS·» t$at tóete ca (le to $tm«ao otjjtr fapbe,afepanber yíftít** $*φ:<£ήίβ bap e |e te pieffpb oftlje cttt)e*at) fier Sape mocl^propfeiúeb&jifeçanber/ rl|ie Dape tljef beiptfejjrit*a9 otjJer.pt/ier8ap ¿abjnanp ftendeeiti)i@ bap atfeecpiafiottJjJji.a9 otîjee.pifïetSàp to])f fnffrai notal¿j^fb/t§íebape te gecon tentât ttj a grane of, Stíjfooteionjje.j^e t^a t mjtoatítefp rooíbe oftpoîonfp^ úñ, h -y V . · .%?- · ·>:Λ· îr ^ ti fafotoja rp n? nçtmâynwt 51 ^___ feefïtopSr ai fafî/anfc roite ff kea kotwgiHf* 0ofo$rç># <¿.$ttfojte it te mnmamtb?® &ccÎeftaft.i)iiMmim$te tip $nhe*jfcl· it le Bettp to pe to flotee of tammt&~ stfoti aitfc votpmp/tfyat] to at) ítomo of welfare ç #tab* i\)ttae te moutnmgej fafit etiVeofettetp ¿teatütttetmemüiyb ♦ T tflmkptfl teflat fijafffaff to fltm fefT/tflat te to fape tflat flz come Se/tfle tejfi ßfackergfle fage ma£tt8 paie/tög üfotmpg anfc fpnomye of tfagoty BtckêTOe natte ae it te fap* fpmmee /antfc mb tcbpotee ii)}am/fo* e ofmfeccfótft te nat Datigto it) y ayi ύε 3^atfykcg0fl^mofípttffon>e/ytt itj to apjptte norme tofle fene/artb etti) te fyöfl)tfye caff etj it^eioibe φίoye of tip teotfbe flotee ít¡füátí)¡Qt: ie tfofvb ίη a moofiß^^mMÜ^¥^ hafte confiimHb.tEfleϊρ.e^efaffftomtfle tfiyn* &itfl it)φ mote t1¿/£i)c hatteputtífkH) ίη jèut afae afae poke tobe tomvvolpt íflufi Φίε$&$ èefys\)tetoft^fa^xet^inÿce ,W)t¿v$ñtcflete fepeÆflLe tiojSotofmeff fteete tflmgee* ^flejtortp te Sf fe fí?tnefee.n>t}ctf03e 3¿ernátbe faitl). œijpatt tfyotü potoSe/tîfot» affi^i) aitb buße.^e toBoptEoij oftfje ie fyume.Hty myfcty.-mwfyje te papne/αηδ l4i» gteate angWfff^.U» tjjie jf»gâte fl} β»»φuti r,Hliirr>>fr)^ijrUí,lUf iS7/~ 1-y>- * V^awVtvittk.o.\vki\ jjiÎÎ'^'tUiUuti .λ ' *\Λ Vvt\Wi· > > :ν1 *VS SWÿ.%\ 1\'a\UWauW\ • ··,.:. . ,·^ΜίΓ --H·. :* >; ·. ■ ï ?Wç£m jSf fit ίύΐ1“Λ •wfc >ÇJ J JuJ‘ tie net , ¿yiòttjiõwfii ¿(Ttl}Í9‘ ‘ faijmitr «VA'A^VÄÄ^VÄ>>'iÄ Λ Ά Α ^'^ Α'ΆΑΛ ,Λ"/> V»'',ΛΑ'^Γα’Α·’α·^■ Λ W /£ fC fhílfíif * I λ f 11 a L Lit fV rJt ‘»IK # h in hf iiv*r·" . #A fΠΠ P* v * i.n : c t -1 * “-^.rip f,*lf 1»tDl'r ·" ' ^LJlîi - Μ* épmtne yjJJCuifpw/ y»v ivjjwvwi^ IjjSotD ίβ })c faSîê/lflîoïbc ιβ fie fpftc ♦ £[> tftpfetflßfe *ö)«tcht> conbßtpoij. ttffip ßefjofbi/i not φρ φ tnpfe «y ofício moÄpf* JfcontrtewÇm ßfφ 3«if? •y i vi i ¡vis Hn KBS *V ' > * ■...·> ■ í' ; j? -e -V éVrfeJ^ iWlfa} r rv> t j >, +r *r* y γ ce 6efomi)e,and ßetnatde faítt). '·? .fJF> /r■. *■■ -■*' ,·’·> , w y ■ ry’i. V; S ! /mm Megffi Iff ΛΠ 111 »Vψ 4U4 U "ViflTA I In juüt?/ uni f V*V% U I aJg Λ I * *15 W 8mj BNH M « V f il l· M rv i ψ iy V moomrf' je ou« I04(t QH||V iftiftijon) Mty A • ^ mf m H? w í¿ ILdUUMiMfr A „ - ,A^7 %ufj-xrcJiateuuOj ud uustttf Ά wr\ f y ■%&■■■< . xrn&: ~ UK-Tiï4î · . · > V i i fl£r > ·· A : ■■■ ·? ·· y* j. *·**'· *S..v**^ · * .rftf- y ‘ y ;¿ ✓s*1 ί'χ Λ4, ,*' ■ .' - />■' '.SX- ’ à ΐΤ™ * .··· ,- - m,;k 1 -Ä '·;; Λ ». -, · · I * ï W N * » ms ï»