I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2018 ,, ,._,V_.V,.,_,....., . ,,. .. V ...» \.-.rq ._.._.__..._____ .MH. ‘ .__..._...._~.__‘W_-.M__.___.mw_.__.v~,_~..._.._,,._fl,r_;.wn ‘ »._ a.gflw-.. /? . fin??? 45‘. THE DIVILSCHARTER ~ .11 TRAGEDIE ' Cohteining the: Life and Death of , Tape ALEXANDER t/aefxt. * As it was plaids Before the Kings Maiafli‘ic.1 , 7pm]. Candlcma {Tc night; laft1by his ' Maiefldcs Scruants ' Eta may a 6x41137171 reuéwcdfarreficd, myfangmtm tedfizzce 5} the Author; {Ear tin: wareplc’k flare dfldfrofit 0F tire Reader. A T L O N D O N 1 P11111611 by G E. for 101911 Wright1at1dareiQ be folds: " ' ' 1113111111) 111 New gate maert nears Chnflz * church gate. I 6 o 7. 1.1.11 3 . 1_ ~ ,- , 5113:; I . . . '2' 7 TO THE- , , ; w ,HONOR‘ABLE AND HIS f / . VEKYDEAREFRIENDS E' * JS‘IR‘VI‘L‘LIAM HERBEQRT, " - 1;?(3 SIR VVJ L L IiA M" P&“o pa Kng’HYS, ASSOCIATESIN THE ' NOBLEORDER 0F ‘ THE EATER.“ . BARNABE iemézyas CONSE» * cnuBTH ms LOVE; U;W;fv’ n ma 'PROLOGVS. G chiom jpeihmr: doe notlheere‘expelfi Vzfiom of pleafire,amorom dzfi‘aurfi : ‘ Ourfnh‘a'} IL: ofélaud and Tragédie, Marther,fiulc I rgccfi‘, and H ypo‘crz’fie‘ Behold the Strumpctf of proud Babylon, ~ Her Cup withfbrm‘mtianfoamingfull . OfGod: high wraith zimd 'vm emcefiar that: win; ‘ Which mu impofii 211902: her I thr-Diflg'fi. ‘ ‘ j I ' , Francis Gui cchiardi'ne. , " Em From the Chrifiall Palace of' true Fame; ( »\ ?\nd bright Starr-e-i§hambex"of ctcmall {ouléc‘j ‘ Seucrd from Angels Fellowfiwip airghxl‘c, To dwell with mortzfi bodies here on eartH:. ‘ - I Framed Guiccinrdiwe a Florentine, ” Am by the powerful! and commanding Muff, ‘ " ( Which bearer}: domination in out foules) ‘ Seat down: to let you fee the T ragcd-ic, Ofs querigo Borgia lately Pope, ' C 311d the fixt Mlexmader,with his fonnc ' Proud Ccejhr : to prefent vnto your eyes, ' Their fhithlcifcfcarclcfl‘cgnd ambitious lines : find 811’: by what vngodly mcanps and AR, He: did attains the Triple.Diad¢m, ’ This vifion offcrd to your cyés declares; / He: with aflluer rad m’oamtbt/co ajre tbrutmg , ~ Enter, , > exft me dear: betwixt two oth‘er CdrdinaigRodcrigo in bi: purl ‘ p14: Iméit clef} in confirms: “with rim”, one ofw/aiqb 11;: guidctb to a , fl ' Tenawkere a Tazé/e i; famiflzed with. dim” éagge: ofmongr,'wkicb ' tlmt Cardimfl émretb 422m) :mzd to anotbcr Tent the qtbcr (4rd»: \ mil, where law delimefctl: ham 4 great quantity 9f rich Plate , ink “ érnce:,é§vitb igning af/mndx. Exeunt (11rd. Manci Rodcrigjg. ‘ \ A M e a7 n, ,-< ’ {3'1“ A ex: Timfi itwfhgxz $2; 2 ‘M-rm" muw; ‘mvsvw-v . \ . a ‘ V . The lifg ofaéhonfhall exgrefl‘c the rcfi. A DIVIL‘S CHARTER. ‘ x X 7'0 whamefiflom am other plate .4: M03012? with h magical £00!in mm! rod , i7: primztc whiffiemg with Rodegick , n’hoi‘i’w “36’ WWL‘? deth to. a chain) w mad} ’3 1h: Stag: which her: cz'm/et/fismml épfare it am othef Carc/e,im:; whi‘flvfafier finshz’ggme afrem’m'g with :xorcifmex)xvppmre cxhxlatz'om of [zghtm'ngahz "fig/‘zzhgramfi .003 2'}: micéh‘ whereafoz dim“ '1 in mafl vgé; [hays ; fmm which Roderxgu ?Mhezh hz’x $55,112“ éaeing cahihred $.50 wm afier more thzmaler Md fire, a cmdimather dim]! like a fgzrgegmr :3th a mace 7/?de 143 '- girdle .- Rodérigo daylzf’keth . He: difcwdeth .- after more mmder mad fmrgfidl fire, afimd in whey poiztfimfl with dt'rz’pz’é" C7039?“ 01:: hi: hem?! , kmd C 70172 ‘55?“ :33 hi; hp: 245! : a dzzt‘i’! him mfifl’flg m J ‘ ‘ V I Z ‘ V , hlackg rohc: 12/1: 13;}?07‘70tfl7r)’ , a comerd Capp: on he: had , flu “M 0f Lancet: 4: hisgém'ie , a littlepcece affine parchment i3 hi: hmd, , whe heeifigg hrwght 7mm Alexander , he: willing!“ ‘- recemwh him; tq whome hee dcliiwreth the nytiizg , whichfieming t0 read? 3 PW" fimg; the Prohomzyflrzppcth 21p Alcxandersfleme and [erreih hi5. Mme 610ml 2'» éfizmer 1aim! haying mhgn a peeve from 1‘17? 7’70“" ' tar] , fuhfcn‘heth tn the parchment; deliuereth it : the rcmm’rzder of the 1:10:44 , the other dim]! fwmeth tofiqnpe 72p; and from him d‘f' roahad 1': put the rich Cap the Tamale , and the triple Crmhe fit @130” Alexanders head , the raflé— eye; délz‘iwred into hr: handy; dhdwithdll a magical! hooks: this dohm: with thmzderafid [ight- ' ning the diui/l: dzfimd : A1¢xapder admhceth himfé’éfé‘ : “mi" departeth. i '1‘ ain.‘ Gucchnr’ 9 Thus fiifl wichxgoldenbribes he did corrupt The purple conclaue :then bytdiuelifhxart _ Sath an tranffigur’dlike a” Pronotarie “To him makes offer ofthc triple Crown: For ccrtame yeapes agreed betwixt themtwoa 5* '7<"T""‘~7’WT':>V‘XW_ ' ax m u ‘ The g‘vatmnage and true prdtefiioq ACTVS. r, sew. "1. T ‘ Eater marcbiflg after dmmm‘fl (9 trumpet: at-twa fizemllplaceg Kirg Charics of France, Gilbert Mompanfeir , Cmfdz'mll bf Sm: PCWY ad Vmcula :jgldz'e'r: : encozmtring them Lodowik y ‘1 _ . _ L ' Sforza,Cnanes Baiblauo, the ng of Emma mzd LonWIkC emémce, (1547', Renamed Lodawilgour warlike Couzcn, Auihicioufly cu‘coymred on the skirtes ‘ fI-"iea’mwtwe greets ybu ioyfully. Leda, Thi‘ifc and former mbfi renowned 65ml“), ; A faithful! tongue from an Vnfiximd heart. As a iufl hermld full oft Md) and honor On the bchaife of forlorn: jmlz'e Needing and. tl'auréngat your ?r'mcely hands, Ofihch a Potent and Viétorious ng Humbly {alums yourroyafl Maiefiy. . 7 The {h'ippe ofvvhich {ome—timewell guidedfi'ate, Is through tempeflious timcsmahgniiy» , , By worthl'cfl‘e Pilotsfoolifh Gouerncrs Mutualiy fafiiOusJikc to {1an through Schifmev Into the bottoms ofthe blacks abifme ' Through th’ impofition ofnecefiity. : Dofiétleh do no: then(mcfi Chriflmn Charla); Do not forfakc hir holding vp hir hands For fuccorfto your royallCl'cmency: _ Hit faylcs are rengmafics (pen: and rudder brook: And vndcr water fuch wide open leakcs ., " . As vnder water {cone W111 make her fluke. ‘ - ‘ Hauing bcene biigfd qun (0 many flmclucs, So torne,fo rotten and f0 long vnrig’d , And playing with the waucs to and againe. As on: not goucrned Wiih hech ofhclmc.‘ One then Whome nature in his vowes toGodéa / ‘ \Bath tied to tender her forlonc cfiatc ~ T With cycsforciccing andcompaflisnate.‘ \ y ‘ A3” " Regendcrg, - ‘ ’7 ’ ' THE DIVIL s 0 HA KNTE 3‘, Rctcndzrshcr to your high Maicfiic, , A Chriflian’Prince [a wife f0 valiant: ‘ ’ Vndoubtcd hc‘irc mm the Crowne oszplex, ’ ' By lawfull right of that greatc houfc OfeAfliolfl. Of which your, grace is well knowne lawfull heu'c, By th’ ifiucs ofchat Charla the firi},that firfi: dfthc b}oud royal! ofthe Crowne of Fran“, ‘- Obtain’d that Kingdoms ages manic pafi. . ’I hcfe reafons‘wcare with Lodawik‘SJ/‘brza mou’d', To mouc your Maicfiy with martial! force , To paflé theft: mountaincs to pofl’cfl}, your'ownc. : . . A, MAN 4 ,4..._.-<.__;_._‘_._....4- Match then mofi Chriflian and rcnOwncd Prince, . x ' ' 4; . Aduancc thy lillyflandard'potcnt King: ‘ ‘ _ ' 926"» p And fincc all {kandalls arc‘ remou’dmd cIccr'd, ‘ \ a I 3;§:’;.LV Strike vp ye'ur chccrcfull drfimmcs and mgrc'n along In Gods name; with gopd aufpiccs ofSaint Denjs, * I know you doubt n6: mine intcgrity: ‘ Can more grofl": error rcfiin poliicy. , *Thcn firl’c to ra.‘ 'c a hturbulent (harp: Home, And vnaduifcdl r to lcaucdfiwcc To doubtfull c~ ancc and polfibilities, ' _ _ 1 F‘ To broachflféng' poyfon is too dangerous, W ’ And not bc ccrtcine 'of'thc prefcm vcrtue ' ‘ Which/is contained in his Antidot. ' 'Wildc fire permitted without liminit burnes, Buen to confumc them that firfl kindled it: I d_id aduifc you,I induéied you, _ . And Lo {owikawhich brodght you on withhonor, Will bring you of with triumph and rcnownc. (7147', Embrace mp'Couzén Sform : by the faults Of my forefathers I, rcioyce as mhch , , .1 In thy dear: fiicndfhip 'and wife indqflricg As 1n the more parteofmy Patrimonic: Courage tegithcr let ys {hate all one; In lifc,in death, in pure afe or in nbnc. Enter a Wefinger with letter: to Charles. Thcf'c ncwes are fortunate for flauéggfgy, \ Adgcrfifcth how that yhe Colonefcé, : g: ' . ’ _. , . ‘ "-Ntheugh ‘ T" M‘ .N‘Amflk. THE .D IVIL s CHAR 7‘53, ’ ”W , (Although wszfi didaccord With chem) ‘ ‘ Declared hauc thcm-fclucs for France and'vs . Without diflembling qr hypbcrifié. ’ . - ' Lode. Why this wasitl did cxpefi great Charley Our armies and our Friends haue bccnc lcrngfowne’ The ground well plowedgbcblade is filll-comcvp, , » J / A ud dcubt not me {hall luau: a ioyfull hamcfi I Char. Coofcn Mompmfiar . 2‘ aMm ch with your rc guncn ts to Tamrmmlz "f?lExpeél‘ vs; 0! from vs «liméfions, ,. , . , _. ‘ To mccte curfOrccsm'hen wee come ncér-e Florence, 'W " ‘Thcrc flml'l you finds the Smjfl’wixh their Artillérilc, _ _. Newly by fca brought vmo Sperm, ' <‘ Come Coofcn march we cheercfully togcsher, , ' ‘Fairqis the wayfair: fmtuncgndufaire wethcr, , Mompanfier Wirbfome [oul’dé‘ers dfid/Efiflgnef 59%;”; Kirnghatlcs With Lodowx'ike‘wd I315 fiv/ditrmfhrf l ,4 ,_ .......... was 'rfw; .SCENA. m Enter 2;,Gmt/emehwit}: L556]: in tlw'r lmmfa I gem. Nay {uch prephanc and moxnfirous’Soa/amic, , Such @bfcure lnccfi and Adultery, ‘ . Such odious Au-aricc and perfidlc, Such vinolencc and brutifh glngtoxay, _ _ , _ 50 barrel; of fincerc integrit‘ic, — 2.6mt. In whom there is no {hams not verigig, Faith nor religion, but mccmc’ruclty P ’ Immodcratc ambifibn,gl1ilfull treachcric, / Such rcplnanatlon and Apoflacic , And in all falfehoodfuch» dexteritic. . l 1 ‘Gmt. As heagens defeflgnd men on e .‘nh-diflal’gc, ' agent. Such impious facriledgcjuch adulation : l \ ¥1.Gent.Of all good mcn fuch detcfiation; , ' ‘ a.geat. Such Magmlc skillfucl: diuiliflflncantat‘loq; 1.9m, Apparantfigurcs of damn’d rcprobation. 9.5:)”. As in all thoughtsisxhought abhomination. , I W ' I " ‘ Lgkmmim ‘ l . , ,. .7 W» " 1.6m. 'Iimé will out-firip vs ; for the morning flgrre', Portends the mounting offairc Tisa’ém Carre, 2.66;”. Hafi wafer danger dtawnc on by delay, Admits no time {Q tarry till clecrc day, 1., mt, Fix on your Papers,thefc for Alexander And his ambitioué C‘eflzn: fer on yours, ‘ Hale rcucrcnt PafquilLIdoll ofvetitic, / Ax becfixetr': or: hit Acc’ePt theft: factifices which we bring, , Papa”, ' 2.6‘ém. Theft: befinne ofifrings figuring fouls vice, - Qh glorious guidcr of the golden Spheres, And thou that from {by precious lyticke firings Makes Gods and mcnin heauen and earth to dance ' ' With facred touch of fweetefi harmony: Pitty thcfe times,by whofe malignitic, We Ioofe our grace, and thou thy dignity. ’ I .Gent, High Mufe,wbich whilomz Vertucs patraniztd5 In whofc etcmall rowlcs ofmcmory The famous aé’ts of‘Ptinces were comprizcd By force of cuer—liuin'g Hifioric: , What {hall wc‘e doc to call thee backt- againe? ' True Chrdniclcr of all immortall glory, ‘ When here with mortall men nought is deuif’d, But how all fiorics with fouls vice to thine: So that alas thy gratious Oratorie, , Whichwith meere truth and'Vertue fimpathiz’d5 , ls filcnt ; and Wee Poets now with pains, ( Wh1ch'in [aflalz’mz Fountaincs dip’d‘our quilles) Arc forc’d ofmens impictie to plaine ; And Well thou wotcfiwvrought againfi our wills, In rugged verfc,viie matters to ,contai-ne: And herein lurkes the worfl of mortall ills, That Rome (which fhould be Vcrtu’es Paradiqé) Bare .ofall good,is wildcmcflE of'vicc. . g a.gmt. How luculent ‘an'd morc confpicu'aus Eucn then the funncfin cleercf’t Maicf’cic, ' His vehement and more then hcllifh tbirfl: ‘ 4 Soaring to pcarch Vpon the fpirc of hdnout ' Difplaics his bafiard‘ wings‘mnd in that n91}: r / J Where - wwwufié‘ ’ ‘i 7 ._ l . m“ E DVFL 3 CEzRTER; .2 ’9’77’ 1 T Where princely Fawlcons,or latte: klngly Birds, Should hatch theiryoung oncggflafits his raucnous Harpies! His gracclcflefimgiougand dilallrous fonnes, ‘ Emmy in the {Gueraignc Chaire @F domination. i.‘Gent, But chiefly one,:hat diuélifh Cat‘dinall, Proud foarfalfi, with ficrccimpietic; ;. HisOraclc and infirument of flagme In all nefarious plans and praé‘cilés, Is now become as wicked as hixnfelfc : But hafl we now,lca{’c an}; {bouldiflzfpeé‘l vs; H agent. Much conference with ?afquilz’ may dctcfi vs. » 7 SCcfiNA. 3. ‘5 - Enter Gifmond dierfl’elliflrqufigr him Bathaljgfl’a, \ / Bar; Die vigsmrdzz Szgxiar i/[uflrgiflmo ’:‘ whether in fizéh ha.& 7 K \m noble Lord thus early? Gd: Szgnior CBarbarajfa in happy, time well encolmtrem for I Emmi; hauc fome bufinefle this morning with iny brother the Duke , of Candie, wherein I would both vfe‘ ybur counfcll and coun- tenance, ’ _ .7 a l ” “Bar. My good Lord Wfilli,the countenance ofyour denoted ore friend, is oflefil: vaer then his counfc‘ll , ycc both ofvcry finall validity : fuch as they be,with his life and Bell fortunes 11c finccrély facrifi‘ceth all to your feruicc. ' .. Gifi Pardon mee decrc fir no fcruice more then’ rcciprocall, and in due paritie betwixt vs,an,d fince wee be f0 near: it, let‘vs no: paffe Pafiaillwizhout an Am : what fca‘ndalous hycrogli-f Phickcs hauc Wee heere ?1 « _ . “MI, 5; ‘1’. (JVZ, ‘ » erz‘tia,Superéia,7’e;fidz‘4,Malina, cAIexmder,Sex tm,Pomzfix, Maximm, A gainfl: my Lord the Pages holincfice‘fixchhlafbhemous impug dcncefuch intollcrahlc bitternellc! , / 7 UV, ‘7’. S. 2/5". Thgfe age. the fame letters With the firfi‘bcglm hing at thelafi,fl1agm¢m Petmm Acqzimr Antichré/lm . P19] Diaéolopur blefléd Alexander ( bccin g Saint Patter: fucccfl'or) - this diuilifh libeller calls Antichrifl. a l _ l B '3‘”; v ,,/ THE D [VILS‘ CHA R TE K,- Bzr. Paufc there my L&d a litlé,f0me‘what hm concern“ my Lord ch: erdinall Borgim ‘ ngcad it good Bzrézroflk. } Bar, Alexander wazrgmfmam Galen: et panama donam‘t w J l!‘ mmflzi‘lwfifiiflm‘cfig @mmapniléer‘fumfimwl canflaflefiflbmr‘et, H ’ ngh mafl iutoiicxable abhommatxcn} \ “ I 7 Bar; Ax’lexarzder adopted- his fonne [kfiz‘r' into the fellow- {hip of Cardinails , that he with the ugnfimous poyf'omofhis breath might c akc the whole Conclaue. . ‘ ' ' 7 9'17fo the B éffgd alter ofSaint Peetar ch13 Vlllamc furpafi‘eth patience, . ‘ » , " ‘ Bar.My Lord here’s a long libcll. . ' . , Gifl Read it"good,Baréarofiwmore mxfchezfc ofmy wxfc‘nay 7 read it; _ ‘ " . Bar. Quid mifum?Rom:efizE}d efi‘Lucrctia Thais, , Vm‘m Alexandrifilmfimnfa mmx, ' ’ r ‘ _ The famcin cfi‘céiinfcueth, ‘ ii i Welcome good P03 from Rome tgll v’s Tome: newcs, ' Lucrece is‘tu-mcd T 11-43713 of the flaw s: In whom: her father filexmdef (aw, g His'onely daughtcrmifgand daughter in law, . Shall Iread‘on my Lord9‘hcrexis much more, ».\ GifiN'ay read out all}: is but ofa'whorc. ' Barfmncefi'a di Ganfdga was the firf’c‘, ' , That married Lucrece Alexander: daughter, And yet fife Pope thofe bains ofbrida-lc barf}, And made Qfmarriaga facramcnt a laughter, HiSrea-fon was becaufe that fellow poore, Lackfignaintenancc for fuck a noble whom, j.gfé’wifflMalignant afpcétof vngratious Ha 1's, ‘ , , ‘Why hams you poyntbd at my mifleries?~ ’ : BahHaucpatiencc gOOd my Lard andhcrethe rcfi; ' ‘ “ "Giflpzatienzfl perfarza, but thi‘s vvou ads to th’quicko, Banlafim Sforza now Lord filarqm: ofl’efi'ére,_, Wasfccond husband to this 3on dame, ' 0f natué‘es faculties he being bard, In 11k: flat: with bispredeccfior came, 3: caugc Heawhgq ht fhould haze writhis miné} Pafir. 2’ THEwDIVILS CHAR'I'Ek, 9 , ‘Paéfl/Wéllmlght ; buz'pcn or'inckc none findc. y GifiOh villainies of‘monf’crous-Peoplc, _ Falhxons and units deformed and vnf’calbnalilc, I liar“, Yet my Lord a little haue patience ih your ownc camel , , r ‘ , ~ 6:]; M allicc perfqrmc thy Worfi leafl comming late, ‘ I with anticipation croile that fare. Read it,toot man. ' Bamgfmmd (I(zfillimobly dei‘ccndcd, V ‘ * Is for hxs fbamefull match much dil‘COmmendcd. For ncuer was the fbamclelTe Palm», m » Nor L413: nomd for {'0 many woccrs,‘ ’ Nor that vnc’hal’c profufe Semproma. A common denlcrwith f0 many dooers, ~ _. So préudfo faichlcffe, and f0 voyd offlmme,~ L A s is new brodel! bride Lucretia, Taketo thee szmmd both théfkornc and Hume; 1 ,- And liuc 10mg lcalous of Lucretia; With puflaing homes keeps: our all commers in, Pomow thy xncartall mifcries begin. GiflMmtall mifertesiblit we are all mortall, Fortune I (come thy malxccgnd thy mccd, Kebpe them vp fal’c that I may fbcw them to his holines; Is this theliccncc which our citty Rome ‘ ‘ Hath gluen to bcal’cly Bards: ,and fatyrifis , Ribbaldly Rimefler_s,and malicious curs, To lcauc no fiat: ofChurch nor fcculcr, Free from their ordurc,and polution. Gcod Bzrlmraflk bcarc me Company} ‘ Exile and Punifhmcnt for fuch bafc poets;- Imd llnpes with wic‘ry {courges wcrc toolltle. ”1 Which breathing here in Rome, and taking gra CE! From the faire Sunnc-fhine‘of this hemifphcrcrr __ V Cont aminatc that ayrc with their vile breach. Obumbrating this light'by which they line, 9 9 Ifthcffi were truth; thimimcs impictie, » _ 9 9 _ 9 May {cone {make down: vndgx the dicty‘ Exmxt'. _ 9 f: 9 \ I B 2 ' ‘ 9 ' S Gad £3 w.’ - gm- 177:3 bkrms CHAR. TE 2!. ' ' S 6% N. 4. » Elexanderin I'az‘sflguy with éookgs,cofirém,}ji5 triph- 1, Crawm 017,992 a Csiiflfmfl lyefora him, _ ‘ k 3 v , Aim. With what expcncc‘otzmoney glare and jewels 1; -' This Miter is attayn’d my (39%“ Witneffe: . ~ > 7 But o/fflézroth my couena-nt with thee « Made for’this foule moré prctious then all tmafureé. Aflhé‘ts my Confciencefi) but~ Alexander Thy confcicnce is no confcicnce; ifa canffiiencc,‘ ’ ‘ ‘~\ It is a Ecoproufe and polutcd confcience; - But what ? a coward for thy confcience? ,‘I’hc diuill is witneITe with me when Ifeald is And cauteriz’d this confcience new (card VP To banifh out f3ith,hopc and ch arity; ' Vfing the name ofChrii’tian as a Bale For dream plats and intricate defignes. That all-my mifly machinations And Counféls held with black Tartariam fiendg Were for the glorious {unnmflfine of'my fonnes; That they might mountain equall Paralel With golden maiefly like Szthmes fonne To darts dovvne fircand thunder on their foes, That,that was igwhich E fqmuch defir’d To fee my {onnes throngh all the world admir’d; 311 fpight ofgracc,confcience,.and e/Ib/mron Iwill reioyce‘and triumph in my Charter, j , , ' , AIexanderreadEth, ' Sedeéis. Ramm Papa fismmgz ix: fielicz'mte mi 6&- ; Piliomm mm: '1 I . ct 7,die.r 8.};03/3 mm” _ h, g promfo 51:40:23 qumzm refigm; trgmmdfi. ‘ Q . E i / Emckfigm, i . . . . Mflaroth. g , ‘ ‘ 7 The dxu-Ill prouideth in his coucnant , ijhguld‘not creme my feife a: any time“; ’ Ineuer was {0 ceremoxfiaus. - Well‘this rich Miter thought it cofl me dearer" Shag?! make mgliucin gozhge whim 1 line hccm) ' x Eoim THE DIVILS CiIARTER; ' Holla Berunrdo? ‘ He 15220th a 5 1? Call hethcr my tizvo fonnesthc Duke of‘ d - ‘f a Cardinall ofmmce. '- 0’” 7 and ‘he Happie thofe fonnes whom fathers louc fo well / ‘ T hat for their fakes they dare aduenture hell. " :\ ~ 'Em‘cr tb: Dmfie of Candy and foar Borgia , . ‘ firiflingfor priority. - Come my dearc fonnes the comfort of— my 1ti Yours 13 this earthly glory which I hold, Cannot the fpacious boundes of Italy Eiuid‘ed equally coutaine you both?‘ . From Frame and Swzflérland I will beginneh ' With .Naple: and thofc Townes in Peqa’mom“ And all the fignories in'Lomédrz/z'} 7 I From Torte di Velma to Swami ‘And Gem: on th’ othcr fide oflmly K ' ”Vpon the, Mediterranean tow ards Greere; ‘ , \ Allotted‘ Candy for his patrimony.‘ " And in Ramania from Pontremoh‘ And Pram to fairc Florence 5 and from thence: ' ' In Tuikany within the Riucr Nam: , 1 \ And fxuitfuxl Mme zhofc fweetc Prouidces Eucn to Mom: Alra,N4ple:,Polimflra , And Petmfilia in (az’aéfla , , . . Thefurthsl’t home offal] for (?efizr, ‘ ’, * Gains dubble Rrength With your vm‘tcd loucsA ‘ Louc One another boies you {hal be Kings: Fortunehath beehe aufpicious at my birth . And will continue gratious to mine end. (:‘zflor and Pollux would not hut: in Hcaucm ~ aneffcs they might be flellified togithcr‘, ‘ You for anlittle—turf'e‘ofearth contend ‘ ~ * When they togither lh'me the wclkin cleercs: .. " And gentle galcs beare fourth thewinged failcs; . But when they {him a parte they threaten flormes‘ 7 And hiddeous tempef’cs t6 the Marriners ' 05507 would not be called but Pallrtx Cgfléfi 7 find: Caflor [afim Pollux, : {o mxBOWbr " : 7-: . ,:' ,r;:. :’;;;: 'M’ war..- -.:rh~- ~ - THE 1311?st CHARTER, I Be (afar: Candy,[}efizr,[ahndiu ['dfir, With perfefilouefieare bcyesioue gne .andthcr . So either {ha} be firengthened by his brother, (1:. MoPc blefled reuct’end and renewncd father, The lone by nature to my brether (22mg, . Enforceth me {omemmes in plainer fort To clear: my confciencc ifluing from pure lone, . . 2 It is meere loue which mpoues theft paffions, When I dd cahnfdl or aduife your good. , , (a. I know dee-re brother ,w en your counfell tends Vnto my good,it ifl'ucthfi pure lou c, Caz, Aswhen I tax yq/g/Qflflcdy confciencc Like an vhpitted penetcntiarie, ‘ . Brother with rcucrence ofhls HolineITc . Your heart is tofo much fpic’d with honefiy. . Alex. I and Ifeare me he will find it {0, Your brother C&fitr tells you very true: ‘ You rhufi not be {0 ccremonious Ofoathes and henefiy,Prinees ofthis world Are not p; ickt in the bookes ofconfcicnéé', X6151 may not h'reake your promife for a world: , " “x" Learne this one lefi‘on Iooke yeemarkeit Wcll, _Jt'is npt alwaicsneedfull to keepe promlfc; For Printesfl'orc’d b'y mecre neccffity , To page their faithfull promiffesfigaine Perch by the fame neccfhty to breake promifc; . Cue. And for your more infiruéfiés lcatnc theferules! - "If any Cedar,in your forrefi :fptcad, ‘ And oue‘t-peerc your branches with his'tqp, Prouidc an axe to cut him at the more, ” Subom e informers or by fitaresintrap That Kin‘g of'Flies within the Spiders Wehbe; ' ’ 0t els ininarc him in the Lions toylcs. ' What though the multitude applaud his fame: Becauic the qug‘ar haue Wide open cares Mutter amongfl them and poifcfl'e their hearts Th at his defigntments wrought againfi the Rate 33y which yea wand him Withapublickc hate. , ‘S x , t.“ .. , . ‘ _ o ~4— wv—w; ., 7%?! 7W5», w;:1w§t-:evcv»~t‘:r _ '3‘”'~"é'4‘~_A-t—.A$M~_V V .e 1H5 DIVILS CHARTER 1 4 Sole: him crifh, yet feeme pittif'uii , 1 Cherrifh a e wcakenefle of h1s flock: and race .As if 211 11:: he merizted difgrace 8111173421111 Court to 1110111111: his fimeraiis, _ But urne a hone-fire for him 111 your Chamber. ' Alex. Cwfizr deliuereth Oracles ofttuth .Tis well fayd (‘ 4415th attend a little, ] ' And binde 11 um l1ke iich biacelets 011 thine 11111195 01 as a precious iewell at thine earc. Suppofe We 0 faéhous Princes bozh thy friends A Ambitious both, and both compet1101s, ,Aduance111 hofiile armcs againfl each other . loyne with the flrongefi to confound the weak: But let youi wars foundation touch his Crowne, Your neerei’t Charity concernes your feife; E13 let him perifh , yet {eeme chaiitable ,As 1f you were meerely compofd ofv-ertue: Beleeue meCand} things are as they feem 6, Not wh at they be the1nfeiues;all is opinion: And all this world 15 but opinion ‘ , '_ Locke whaclarge diflance IS twixt Heauen and Earth, 80 manyieagues twixt wealth and hénefiy: And they that liue puling vpon the fruits thonei’t confciences Harue on the COmmom, Caefizr can tell thee this 111 ample forte. ' And Caafizrloue him, loue him hartily; Though mildenefl‘e do poiieiie thy brother Candie; It is a oentie vice,vicini11g vertuc Cam V11 der coucfiion of your Hoiinefl‘e, .Thofe w arre’s which vertuc leuies againfi v CC, A1 e or eiy known c to Fome particulers Which haue them wr-ytteti in their confciences 1‘ hofe are the £11m: they f‘eemc and 111 fuch watrcs Yom ionne {hall make 1emonflrance of his valour, )And (0 become true Champion of the Church wa It IS the premons Ornament of Princes. To be [irong hearted ”proud and valiant, But well attempted with ealiidity 31011111" :3 -. . ,;--._..».-:,Ag—-::=::= " '25::3; g... 3' 1‘1; J _.....,._-." y». "~_"—f‘"‘ 45g ._. 3;;~ . ,, _ ., . u. . 3 —- 7 :7 “Wm” «39s.,un ,._-. v , , mg ‘13 IVIL ‘3 C?HA R it"E Ra Brothet with reucrencc of his holincfl‘e (Whofe facred wprds like bleiTcd Oraclcs Haue pointed at your prudence) C4301)“ would i Haue lgiutn the like aduife :but(in conclufion) , Vndoubtcdiy to Workc‘ out thy confufion. ~ - Enter Barnarda. ' , eflle. Vpdn my bleffing follow Ctzfim cdunfefl; ' . It tendcth to thy gloryu ’: BermMofl bleifed Lord, Embaffadors from Ferdinande of Naples“ 7 Arriucd hccre attend your holinetfe, IgAle. This is a welcome mefrengcr far gadfi‘gy, To make a marriage with the Lady; 54mm And’flzm’] for {'0 much asthis requires 3 A ioyfuil entertainment;take that honor ‘* t ‘ , . \ 7 - And bid him welcome with due complements, ' ‘ Shcw courteoUs,'language laudable épportc; Let them be {639th in more fumptcous fort ‘ Then ordinary mchengers offlatc: Obfetue his fpsechesfathome his dcfignes; And for I know thy nature traéiable, ' ‘An‘d full ofcourtcfie : fhew courtcfie And good intreatie to them : Gentle [audit- _ N ow fhew thy felfe a polititian; _ 1 neede not giuc thee large inflruéiions; . For that I know thee Wifc,and htmorabic \ ‘ Creete th em from vs : Cazfizr {hall at a turn: - . , ‘Jiue con'tfpondcncc to thy courtefie: ’ I as well fitteth with my flat: and honor ' Within theft ten daies wil admit them hearing: ’ \ Meane while lcamc out by lore ofpolicic The fubfiancc of their motions,that we may Be better arm‘d to giué thcni’refolution. (kn, Yelll‘ holincffe in this {hall fee my skill, , _ \ Todo you feruicc, ' Exit Canéj‘, _ efllex. Ccefarnow to thee. " i This taskc vpon thyfhaulders oncly'lcanes; 1 ref} VPOX] thee (‘wfinwerc it hot "That i 8 THE DIVILS CHARTER, That 'thoumufi {econd ir,or fiyf’c it rather W _ ~. I durfi nbt crufi fuch things of confcquence, ' To fecblc‘fpitits : therefore from ourfiablcs‘ Six P609472 Courfers arm’d and furnithgrd/ * g y _ With rich Caparifcns ofgold and chfle,‘ ‘ K / With EX rich Complex Armors for thcirfaddlcs, ’ And {uch aCabbinct ofpretiOLis Iewels ' , h ’ 7 As we {11:11} chaofc within tomorrow morning ' Prcfc'nt from vs in'token ofbur leuc. Let. for no cofl in fumptuous banquctmg, Bcéxreue me 6‘ £121? fome—times at a banquet, More grqund is go: then at a bloudy battell. Wmme out their humorsfaghom their Helights g Ifthcy dehgh: m that Which Naplex‘cmuqts, Finemittyfiioue-fickjbrat: cana‘ b eautif‘ull; ' -' J'Hoqucm, ggan cingfull of Fantafigs.‘ Such Sugaz' harccd .,‘;‘}'7'e;15.;01' fuch Comm‘cts, As [hints in our impcl'i'all Rate ofRaém, ~ - True pick-locks in ciofcwards ofpolicic, Prefer}: them With the Pfiragons of Rome: And {pare not For a Million in expencc,, Solong as here they keepc their rcfidcnce. . g (afar. Caz]: r in fuch a‘cafe-will- ' rooc- true gaefizr, * Wife,frankc,and honorable. ‘ ' Alexsldoubt it not: ‘ ' \ , And C&fhf,(as thou doofl imbracc my Ioue, ' More then the world bcfides) accompiifh this, And we: {hall Ceefizr with high blcffings blifie,E.rit (Rf By’thistjme is my faire Lucretia, Béfitted for a bufinefl}: ofbloud, , . Nccrdy conger’ning her efiatc and mine. E Mr. S (EA). 5. , Eater Lucrc tia 41m in leer mgktgawm pnrired, liringmg in a okai‘zcggbicb 177: planter}: 72pm the Stifge., I156. Lucretia £33 0ij all feruile fearc, ' ._ x _ Q . . _ chwngcj ' " THE DIVILS CHARTER. ‘ Reuenge thyxfeif‘e vpon thy icalous hu§band 7 That hath bczraidir'lhinehonorzwrong d, thy bed : ' ’ Peak not ; with rcfblution a(‘fc‘his death: L‘ct none ofBorgiM race in policies _ Exceed thee Lucrez'cmow prOuc (:8!de SiHc-r, » So deep: in bioudy firataggms as hce: Ali {innes hauc found examples in all times, IF womanly thou melt then call to minds, Impatient fliedws Wrathfuli fhrie, And raging Clz'rmemnfl‘mc: hichus (ac? : Progm: {image murther (if her onciy ionn 6, And ‘Drzmm fifty Daughters _ K3 ’ LuaDemaixndi’: thou thecaufc iniurious szmmdfi ' g? Ekgealfiisfiacsluic(mgrvpfgomxlgeyyprid; ‘ n , ' 55 . .‘ ‘_ Iliug / \ ,-. ' THE :DIF’IL s CHAR I Iiuc clofe prifoner to thy icaloufic ?v TE'ROI Thc’Efchrim Dragons k'cptnot with moré Watch, The golden fi‘uii,t‘nen thou my fatal] beauty I 0 Thou wouldfi exclude me Frbm thegfight o’fSunncb But that his béaxnes hr;- akc through ibmec-rcuifies Thou wouldfi d’cbarrt mc from the common ayrci ' , ' But that againfl my willfl fuck it in,’ And breath it out in fcalding fighcs again: : W'crc I in 1Vaxa: where :30 noi-fc 18 head But [\Tcpmlnc‘s rage ,no fights butruthelcifemcks, Or in the L: '{ifiifi difertsgor exchang’d ’ ThisHemi‘fphm‘c ofi’iqme foxth’yj’ntzpodcy, W‘cre not {0 gricuousas to dwell inflame, Baniih’d from fight and confm'cnccof friends; \ _ (72f: Efilam‘i‘r thou my Jealoufic P nay blame thyhcautys And louc imprifon’d in thofeamprous lookés: If‘care the Sunnes reficé‘tions on thy face, 1633 he more wondring at thy prccxous eyes, Then any Nxmphes which he mofi‘honorcd, ShouEéi hears thee to fomc other Paradicc, And rob me, fiiiy man, of this worlds toy, I fears the windcstlcafl amorous I am in them, ( Enuying iuch prctious nature amengfl men ) Wish extreamc paflion hence {hould hurxy thee. 0h ions is ful! offearc .-- all things If'eatc; By which lméght bx: fmfirare ufthy lobe, j Lac. Scofffl thou mcc Gifimnd With contmuall taunts 1" 10h God of heaucnsfimil 1 both fuf’fier fhamc , “And {comqwith £15317 difPifd capnimtieg 61]" Here in thc’Erc-{cncc ofthe pews“ inHezucn; , 1 doe uh: Iheake ineaeorachut in mean: lone: And Further Lm'rcfé, { of thy demands, For laugand beautic,hcch arc rich‘c iii bountie? . , . Pmrgiue ms: wha‘t ie- pathand I‘willfisfizarc, News? m vex thee wigh memezlumfig. ’ . Lag, "E‘hau Witt. fbafivmrcthyfeife : g{f?;smd§omc hither, P ' Sig dgwgg gm ggafgvé: mmhm quefiioa, Gz’fifizmd firm}; dam: . iii; a; fhfimhficmfia m ‘1' mlaéagfldc 53%.; C: Whm ‘ THE‘DIVILS CHARTER. » When Ibcfiewgd on t'nce this diamgmd A lewd} once held precious asmy life 5' And wm‘n ig cafi away my {elf}: 05‘: £566 ‘ Didi]: thou no: promife co maintai‘hc mine I'mnour, / ' Naithc—r iii word nor deed to give fizfpcfi ‘ ' , , Offiiv éiflikcgaxfd hafl thou no: finca then ‘ In pECJiFCncc ofmy ncercfi Noble friends Rebukd me like a 12¢!in For my Iighmcffi? fifidfas a mich Ebckcs his many VP , ’So :fierefiramd from Quét‘ch and fight ofthcm? \ , ijWE‘scn fiifi thou didfii {ficw this Diamend; It had a precious iufire in mine eye: , And “as pofléfl- ofvez‘tucgwhen I vow‘d ”To maintains that, which was impoifiblc: But fince that time- this 99116 hath had a'H/aw, ,» Broken within the ringfiis foiie growne dimme, » The/vcrtue. vamfhmnd the Infiea’lof}, 7 ' , / ' .Sbegmfimb 1917mm b j: cbaire’. L915, I can no longer brooké thefe bafe rebukes. . , Thefc taunting riddles,and clofclibelljngs ng Oh helpe I am {’rranglcd‘. \ ‘ S/aéflOPPet/o I’m mouthpw’et}: out 1m * \ dagger gm! aferefi) 20 fig: him, LuPeace wretched Vill’amefihcn rcci :1: this quickly: 0: by the lining powers of‘hcauen i1: kill thee. Sbegaggetk bzmymd may}; a paper om of/am‘ 505‘ 07716. Take pen and ‘incke : tis motto make thy wili; Fdr ifithouwijt fubfcribc} will not kill. \ Tis but to cleere zhofc fcandalls ofmy flaame, Withwhich thy iealoufic did me defame. ‘ GJmazdejhéfiriéeth . , So now that part is playd,what fbllowes now? Thou Ribbauld,CuckCOld,Rafcall,Libeller, Pemicious Lcchervoide ofall performance; Pgriurious Coxcombc,Fo‘ble,now for thofe wrongs. Which no gr eat fpirit could well tolierate , Come I,wip h mortall vengeamcéou thy-foulc. 1 / Tgk; ghi§ for fglagdging of his ‘Holinefi‘e ‘ ' ' ‘x . , W V . ~ ‘ ~ _ ME THE DIVIL’S CHARTER. My blgfi’cd fatber and my brothch‘cfizr‘ slagfldém’t; Wxth mccflnhls take for my brother Cam}: ‘ And tizis for Noble Spboma whom thou Wrongefl; And hncc the rim: is fhortcl will be {harm * ‘ Per 1951;}? g vp oftfiejfialling me whore, Setting dpiafls tending at my tails; \ 'fakfi thisgfifid €533,296 this to make amends, tbrecflafx togitljer. And pm thee From 222579311165; ' 5/98 'zwéz‘wdm‘b bi??? , lazf'c‘rly £75m w: rkagrowml; putter!) the dagger m M: Mxifi 311267” 022 i335 kfmeivj" mkgng certaing P13???“ oflt 012k}; - packet pmwnfi m 0:25:95”; {.21 their fleedwjf 55;: :7er arm] tée'cbaifl Now wiil my father afflemmdc’rfi W ' That Idid cake the befi and fafci’c way; And wagzr Wm a_pproue it. with his heart, That LI/zcrere Jath pei'fo‘rm’da cunning part6. Ifothcrs afkc who. Giflfizmda kild 01: why It was himfciFC rapeming xcaloufic, ‘ £in Lucretia. V J g Baréaroflk knockgt/a at a (1073?, Bar, Holla withizithere? Why fcliowes? ' Serxs'infgmm, Heere my Lord, 58.47; What 13 my Lord Zy‘zj’élli flirting yet? My Lord the Poptz expcéfis himgand the ambaffadors OFszleJ c ‘au‘c his company. ,‘Enter Bai‘flfid Sémiflgmm. ‘ ‘ ’Ser, My Lord I haue net fecne him yet this morning, 73;”; Is not your Lady Latcrce flirting yet .9 _ Ser. No my good Lord I think: thee be not. ycf come from her ch‘amber,her cufiome is not to be {cent [0 1‘00an ~ , , , ' Barffis Weihtis weUc: her mke cafe in gads’ ngme‘, ,_ Bufi make hai’c,‘ call vp my Lord thy maificr honéfl fallow, Ser. With patience ofyour Lordflxip iwili I‘peake: For three daiesfpacel did finds: in my Lord ‘\ F, Pamonatc motions,and flrange melancholic \ ‘ ’Tmay be his {01311146 hath drawnc him forth, . I will fiz‘fllookc thc garden and the gallcries. ‘ . _ “Boar, Do my good fricr; Iwill_,expe& ahce in Erefi‘parlet hgre? / As ‘szrbargflagow em bee fiadqtk Viielli myrrh“: rgd 72pm tbégrowd,wdflafitcih ' V, "' '4 ' . ‘ fcfiow THE DIVIZS‘ CHARTER“ ' , Fcflow come b35k€fi0m€ backfcilow cpme back: “‘1 t Yam Lord lies murthtcd heregcall vp your Lady; -‘ Call in your fcfiow fentants, Dela 3mm Grace. . 5 4 (“us dagger grafped in his fate” hand ~ 1f { Reuealcs. tome violtncc, wrought on himfclfeg ‘l ‘ 7' ’ Could nature [0 much violat: her feigz? Wasit not Vitought b} blouéyl 'Ewt‘gim’: race? _ Ideal}; in this the diutils hygschtific, \Iufiic’c othatzcns time and inftrutablc Reutaicigoh reuealc it 111 thy mercy, * Emmi Lucretia with Moticilla. ' L#:,'thre is my Lotd P my dcat‘c Lord? 3392;”. Tatty Lady. :1 . Approch not ngctc this t‘uthfufl QJ/€&QC16; Apptoch not near: this {ptétacle ofbldud, This mthfull ikeétaclcofbloud and death, Lcafivfuddainc horror ofthcih bleeding wounds - Wound thy diflmé‘tad fpitits to pale death. ‘ Lm‘, W ha: horror or what mortall {pefl‘aclty Vpon fucfifuddainc hath afloniflted me? Oh my deerc LordsVzfi’fly [puke to me: Oh moPt difafltous accident and houre; Ay me muff Wtctchcd and vnf‘ortunate," ‘ ’ My decrcfl lord the treafure ofmy life, ' ’ The fwcctefi paradicc of my befi hqpes, Is mutthredd‘eckc outthe t1i°urthcrcrs Leaue not vnfeartcht a corner nor a Crany: Locke vp the dates thereJeafl that homicide Efcapc ys in thzs paflion. 7 Bar, Haue patience Lady, . Haaucns wall rcucale thcmurthcr doubtlit nota ‘ ’ , ~ ‘ ‘ Lfi'c‘, Ah Noble Ba‘réarofla muth I Fear: ' Now With theft eyes I fee thc mutthcrer, Stained with the guilt ofnaturegoh my Lord 303 flittlc know that chef}; weake womans hands: [waft tcf’tutd bane the Violent“: 65mg me killing ofirimf'elfc bcfbte this time: Q11 5? 7pm: thfi diuill,and melancholy}; _, ‘ Width \Bringin rhghody ofmy dcarcl’; £9Fd57 V THE D IVZILS HAR TIER. Which leaue mc defolatc a forcloi‘ne widr'iow. - Mat. Madam thefc papers will hcwray fame matter, » Lac. Oh mighclfindc an other murthercr, ‘ . Bar. Thcfe do contain: {ome matter read them Lady. ' Lac, My heart l‘woln‘c VP With forrow,lcnds no light ‘3 Vnto mine eyesmorfor‘cc vrito my tongue “ \ V x w»: , . " To {Ea one letter, or to readeone word, I‘fr’ay you read: it good Lord Bazrédroflk, ‘ _ Bzréagofl’h readctla. I Gifinond di Wfillz‘rhropgh dcl'pcratc griefe concciucd in ical- loufi'c (which! bare againfi my Lady Lucrccz‘a) hauing found out by much ‘triall,and \examination her faiclrfulnelle and inno- ccncy , make this my proreliacion as the 121% piacular ablation to her For thofc wrongs that; with mine ownvnfortunatc hdnds Ihauc ended my life , defirijiig her and all others to forgiuc me, and pray for me , fir bfcribe'd with mine ownc hand, 313d {ealcd With my {6316. - ~ ‘ gzfinomt' de [412112; '1! veleuo d’mmre, .Am: tmfijfé il ware, ,/ Math Lord ofhcaucns haue pardonon his fizulc. Lm‘. This is his hand and feaic, {peakc now my Lord;~ ‘ Did notI {bone dildofisthc m‘urthcrei? L Told Inot that the murahcrcr was prcfcnt? A - Ah neucr nearer {hall 1 liue to l'cé. . flvefiwndeth. 847. Comfort you felfe dcere Lady God will [end fuccor' Your husband hath paicd deerely for thefc wrongs. \ 4 Luca Glue me my lord againc,death {hall nor hauc him, Come my dccre szmwdpome againe my ioy'c: Delay mo not: lcafl l preuent thy louc _ I cannot brooks délay_’s,Errcrece {hall follow. \ ‘ J \ H , , Lucrecc ofimth toflab herfilfi- Barhorofi'a \ v ‘ . preamtetb bar . ' Bar. Temp: not God's i'ufiicc Lady, fall to praier,. Helpc,in there,take your Loréo’ut ofher fight: L740, .Oh my dear: friendsthat fee my mimics, . I You bcfecch in dcarcfi rendcrnclfc That» . "'W' ??wzéfwffuws._ 7», L « v— 7‘12; 1‘) IVILS (3' HA}: TE K.” That Ibcfbre my death may YOUI‘famc flla‘l liué‘ with all‘poflcritics 'VVho from a wicked Bifliopsxiranny ' Infranchifcd the Church ofGod mifguided; . , ‘ , Eucn as(in this worlds worthy memori’es) ' J ' g The names of'Pepwa'ndemg[7mm’emaina Your predeCcfl'oB,wcrc c‘rcmized , , For hclping goodPopcsfiaints ofHon lif'é; r QRS'QfYngodlg gcrfccqticns‘. " «12.12. :;..;;«:.,~ ,7 7 r, » h 1»;—-._.‘. -«y ~ . .w- . . War. RE 15““ Leda. A Pqpe by natixre full offiaudgnd Pridg; ‘ Ambitiaus,auaritiodsflmamclcgdiulliflx, And tha: age! which your cgp‘cricnce téflifics) One that With mortall mail cc hates the French; By whome this rcconcilatien m‘ide Was more in fcare,and hard necefli-ty ,, , ' Then faithfull inclinationpr good will, / Aim. [fimzogreprobate’apofiata’, I charge thee to dcfifi and make {ubmiHIesx VVic’h pcxmance to thc'Mother Cbui’chofRomé On painc ofcucrlaf’dno reprobatiou', nfm. Blafph cmous exorfifi, hccrc are nodiuills Vthch thou c‘anfi coniure,thh thy diuihi’h {hirin ' W e chargcthec rendcrvp that trip}: {jmwn Which mofi vngodEy mam thou dofi vfurpf Thofe robes pcntificaii which thou garoph‘ancfi, , S aint Peter; Chaim whcrcinf. like Anticha'ifl) ’ Thou doefl aduancc thy fdf‘e thou 111m offinne, ' L Sa,‘P,ad Ci. Saint Peeter doth make chaficngc t9 a:hofc keys; ' _ . Which (in ’thofe hands dehi’d with bland and bribes) ‘j / Thou like a px‘ophanc deputy dofi hold, / Aflm. Th at {word (with which thou fholdfi flrikc Antighrifl) Thou hkc proud Antichrifllconucrtcd hafl ‘ Vpon the members ofChriHes chofcn flockc; Saint Pom]: demaundes his fword, Peter his kcycs: 7 eAlex. Forbeare yomblafphcmics ., What know ycre‘no; 5 Clarifies Vicar generafl chofen on earth? _ .: ‘ \ Hauc not I power to bindc and lqofc men-s finncs, . \ And fohlcspn carthfin hell; and purgatory? Com; take Saint Peter: Chaim proud herctik’S; . Herc take this triple Crownc, oh you wou‘xd take 1t: Butzhcjthat made it,did not for you make 1ft.‘ , y Afizmz‘o thou wouldfi hauc thcfc Golden kexcsz’ _ 4» / ‘ , Herc take thm'with my vengeance on thy hcad, He‘tlarofve: $ And Pfiwdo Paul”: would hauc Saint PWI“{WOI d: b" kf‘“. Ordained for his dccollation, _ ‘7 « . - Sonnc Cbarle:(fince we capituiato with You) ' Me thinkgs you {hould not‘fufi'crlthcf: t’afl'rontvs, ‘ \ Ck”; ,, 33 ii? .2-‘:'7: 4/.‘n7,v;.7 k ,7 THE DIVILS CHARTER. Char Fnrbcare your idle vellctations Angling and rubbina bvp the fei’tred {€21 res Or wrath 11111621312126, and mettall quarrels, We came not hem to Foficr faé‘tiona , 7 All are 111 one accorded, 2111 are friencis, - , x / But yet mofi H01 yoFather let me crane, ’ Two Faucurs c211111) a,both vezy rcafo21ab1e, ' 2111111121 you 12111121211 hazh zhcfc Cardinal! 5, And 011161 Barons w .hich peuake with me; Then that the b1: other ofgma: 3212/31, ‘ , That fled from Rhodes to Frame; and 1:19: to Rome, With the 131022611011 of Pope 1242222121 Call d 62mm 0tt2 7722;: may be deliuer d Into my hands, when aftcr—time {hall fem: For my heft vantage 111 thofe holy warms Which we pretend agaihfl the 'I urkcs hege-aftm'. A1322: The {1111116 {11311116111221 fez vpon my wmth; / ‘ That leie Lamp: 0F blcfled Charitie ,1» 1 ) 511211110: ext i11g111fl1 111 my zealous heart. - He that 12110 ”es 211 Lkfiowes this Icanniot' {alter V W1 1h any bmther, all are faithfuii fricnds- : ‘ $11 , I Be but fuhmifliuc milde,and penitent, ' And 211115 132113195211 had beene wcl 1 1mm ’ \ 1 " Now touching Game” Ottomm, fonne C [9 zrles, When you fl12‘ilvndcrtake thofe godly wanes, I W111 deliuer him as wi 1111g1y ' As you demaund: and With a cheerefull heart, Pra1fin g) our godly zealc on Chm ”ts behalfc, - And praying For your goo “d fuccefié 111 matte Char I thanke yen! H01211efi'e. Ladw: Theft quarrels are as happily determmcd As we could wii 111: call far 11 A&uarie, And let a Chane: ‘sz2rt‘zze be drawn: Betwixt you. - to confirme this 3m1§y .1. And now mofi bleflcd Father} befcech, That I may {haw the duty wh1ch b elongs Vnto this p1 ace ,and fee Apofiohck. 1 / filex.We wifl rcgrcctc your grefcncc prefcmly. , -7 $73”! THE DIVILS CHA R TEE. Travisrmd Tramp”: : Charles and [213: company ‘mlw gwde‘; Gai’per dc {3015,P2cc01'0mn‘gy,Cazf’ai',Carafi§2,Cardiha1s,» Fri; 6r with 9? ho!) zmter~par mflmgwamr ; ,téwe Dub; ofCandic with afivordfififor Manfiedyfhppartmg Alexanders twine, 3211 60m 44 dye Dope marcketlofilemnéy through, 139/90 cra/létr’: them with bdsfingemq Alexander beizzgfintinfldre,foar Bérgi'as mid Ca- rafih admnce yo [2'th ng Charles , who king prcfini-ed vnio ' the Pop 6, .kijfeth bi: foote, 9‘ then m’umciw two 3:2;‘rm bi her, ekgffetk £7.45 c/vc’efie .- 7 then Charles éfifigctb §.P€tcrk§.d Vin C1113; , and Ai‘canio, which with all reuereflce @179; blisfi'ete; aha gftkmi hymély 421mm» g 72p hp} erflé-keyegwbicr’a laee receimré ,‘élefi fin; them mad the res‘Z ofCharXcs his company: The Drum and P{feflz’llfiunding. _ , ‘ Alex, Sonne Charleyyour welcome is as acceptable,» ~ As cue; was Kings pgefcncc into ”?\‘gmx: / To marrow we will with thcpdwcr of hcauen, ’ ' Together celebrate a folcmnc Mach : r , After the SeniorfiifhopfiatdmaU, You muPc take place : and as our cuflomc is,‘ . Shall giue vs wager when we celebrate: ' * This donawe will bcfiow fomc time m plcafurcs; ‘1 A garde for the [ardinalxfirench Kizgfrier and Pope‘ -: Enm With zfiiemneflouri/lz omemDets, after whom the garde ,traopct/ywit/J Drum: med Fzfi'. Enter Guicchiardinc. . , Hccre Icauc wc Charles with pompasus ceremonies, Fcafiing within the Vaticane at Rome : From thence to Naplexmhere the peoples hatrad Conceiu’d againfl the former Kings, made way " , ~ For him,without rcfif’tance to th: crowne. ' . This done, hemércheth back againc for France, , . ' And Ferdinamd dcth repoifefl}: his Hate. \ , Méane while King Charley fick ofan A poplcxic, ’ Dyes at'Ambaxk ': thc'Duke of Oriana, / Lem; the cv‘velfch conioyntlxknittigg force, m. , w ,,_, -,,_,.l..,...‘_\ ' THE D IVIL s CHAR TA 22. Both match in armcs With Ferdinand (afSpdine, . T hefe re‘uaine Nap!“ and dcuidc that realmc, . x ‘ But‘this greedcs mortall warrc bctfivixc them both, » The wily Pope difihmblcs at all hands, ‘ . Thcfequcll on cly concern es‘him and (Zefézr. Exit, _ ~ / . «ACTVS. ;. SCny. Em»: Afior,Manfrcdi with Phillippo,» Afl. Brorher ‘P/aillz'ppamha: auéilcth it, When our {fate 10H the Fmix‘rz'fie: compounded,» ‘ That 1 {hould hold both life and Izbsrty, ' Withall rcuenues ofmyproper’flate, , When as my 1in within the Court of Rama, ' , " Is much more loathfome to my fouls than death, ‘ . And liberty more griefe then fcrumzdc. Plyz‘l, I rather choofc within the timer Tiéer To drownc' my felfcgor from Tafpayan hill, My vexed body to precipitate; " , . : Then to fubicé} my‘ body to the {hams ’ I ,Y 0f firch vild brutilh and vnkinddy'lufi. l‘r,‘ . ' " Afl, He that with firc,and Brimflonc did confume ' Sédame and other Gitt’icsround about. ' Dcli-ucr vs fro‘m thisfoulc-flaiding finn‘c. To which our bodies are made profiituté,‘ \ Emer Barnardo. ‘ ' Bar, Dcarc falutations frominy Lord the Popc, I rccomm end vnto your excellence, With fcmblabie remembrance éfhis Iouc, ‘To you my Lard Pbillzppa; v1]? Good Barnarda, ’ My dutic bound vnto his Holynefi’c, Returnc inpaiment fiom-h'rs Captiu'e fcruant‘, ‘* ‘Ber, Ingenious Prince, I bring a friendly mcffagc Oftcndcr kindncfl'e, which I mufi‘impart: , 772': dr‘m them- elm: 4 Mt; _ This Ruby from our Holy-fatgers finger, f f ( In Pfiuatc token ofhisfaithf'ull lone) Esbségrssfsswxdcliueryoua ' ' THE D IVILS 0 HA R 7‘13 x.’ ' , Andchere-withall,dcfireth bf yourloue, To hauc with him fomc priuatc conference. xJ/r’. I was‘now going to our Ladies mafia In Saint Iabn‘Laremm ; whcrc my ghoflly father- , , y ' ' Attendcth me for my confeflion, ' V V Butthanke his Holyncifc on my behalfc, " In all due rcucrence and humilitie,‘ ' ' Tcll hiinI mca'nc;-- fo-{éone as I rctume, pawfi. To com; accordin g to my boundcn duty, Exit Bil“, ‘ My cafe is dcipcxatemhat {hall I doe? - Pkillzppa, was there cuer any man Hunted with {uch vnfatiificd rage? Phil. What'hath hc fent aga‘ne to vifit you F “Aflorf. To vxfi: me. nay to difluonor mé, , , Behold this Ruby tent from his own“: finger, Which as a Bawdc inuiccth'me 5: fhaine. \ (SCENA’. 2. ‘ Alexander om“ ofa (Ezfi'mmt, , ‘ Alex. 94/50)"? what eA/for ? my delight my ioyy My fiarrc,my mmmpley fwcetc phantafi e, : TVEy mmc thczs fom1c,my louc,my Con’cub‘inc, La me behold thofc bright Stars my .ioycs treafure; 1 hole glorious well am. emprcd tender checkcs 3 That {pccious for—head like a lane ofLiHics: , That fecmcly Nofc Iougs chariot triumphant, Breathing Paralmz‘an Odors to my fences; - That gratiovs mouth,betwixt whofc crimoflnpillorl‘ Venn: and (?apz'd fleeping kifl‘e together, , That chin, the ball vow’d to the Oggcnc of beauty, Now buddirsg ready to bring forth Ion}: bloflbms, ’ Aflar Wanfiedi' turne thee to mylouc, ' Come hirh cr cAfloi‘wc muff talke abouc. Aflor, Betraid ? aflaue to firms? what {113111 {8}]? ' ' MOP: Holy father, \. ‘ Alex. Doc not me: forget: v I am thy’brother,and thy dccrcfi friend, = ' .d though in age I loucknpw t1;t defil'e‘ ‘ 3‘ ‘ THE DIVIL'S. CHA RTAR.‘ In ripcr yeares‘is purcaugi permanent, Grounded on iudgcmengflowing From pure Iouc: W'h arms the loue Tighming From. young define: Pickle andjeeblc Will not long hold fire, . It is {o‘vio'iem it will not iai’c, They’r blcfi whofc loucrs 10:36 when youth is pafl. - Afior, To call you friend were tcofamilian To cail you brother forts not with our yeai‘cs :; To call you Father doth impart fumé fcare, Due to that age your Holincife doth bfarc. , , exflex, "[612 me not of‘minc age and Holingfl'c, , Thy fight 11:53:61:th to make m'eyoung : Neither Vpbraia‘c me with my fanfiimonic, Lou: is the purcfi eifcncefromabouc, And tov-zhy fouls I would affix my 1 reue. _ Come hither then and‘ ICE with ihee to night, Giue me fruxtion oFthofe émoreus pits, Where blinded [upid clofein ambufh fitg 2' Who with his Arrow (whcnuthou laugh: at Vang“) . - Shot throughxhy {nailing chcekcs,and did incliame vs. Thy Chamber with vfmérafmllodors bfmzheth,‘ New loues and trucloues vnto (them that cntreateth , And Furious Mr: made mild'e his Faulch con flicatheth At thy delicious afpeé’c :Tee thy Chamber 2 ‘ ‘ The walks are made of Rofcs,:oefe of Lilhcs,’ Be not afhax‘n’d to mount and venture it, Here C#pki: Altersmd fairc mm hill is . Thy bed’is made with liaise 2nd Cafamm, With Sinamond and Spic.nard,Arabick, With Opoba'ifam and rich gums offlgipt, Mufi ck eAngelz’m/l of firings and voyccs. With fundry birds in fagrcd fimphouy, \ . Where whifllin g Wood-nimphes,3ud tine plcéfannchoifc is: OfAntique aéfion mix: with harmony; iAttcnd thy ioyous entrance to this Chamber. , . Phil. 1% it poifiblcthac the Diuil can be f0 {weer a difl‘cmblcr? ‘W- chand play’tha pleafant part oFa conceited 2/1331” ’1' ‘I‘oghc can takcthc Ihape ofa bright Angeli .. ' , / ‘ . ~ ~ ~ . ~~ . ~ MM,NGE THE DIVILS CHAR'I‘ég; .AlexNow m {weer friend the i0 res of ' Thy mind togbaflifullisfpcakc :ngngclfilcejiii’e‘7’"“°‘ Thy Corral! gums cud loucs pure quz'xitii'ez'2cc. r, And thou thy i'cjlfé fair: boy‘loues pureli ellerlce Affph blcflbd heauens let Saghan tempt rm lon' His force is powerqu yct thy iircnglit much mgr: get, He :ham 1th guilcmll baites gilded vnt‘mth gel, 80 {celies to blafi the bloflome 05 my youth, Allax.Dciicious {mites dwinc Cm'ifcé‘tioggs Ol‘hcaxbcsgootsgflowas s offuzadrie fafllions , Prci‘cruatiues dr‘awne from the rich Slixar ' Offincft'gould pure panic and precious figures Prouided for thy dium'e apetite, ' ’ [Win c-s ofmore price(inade by th’indufirious art, Inl'acred difiilluiozisfihcn that Nefiar, ‘ Which Heé: bargwhcn [ME did mofl affié‘t her, , P1911 Sathan falfe god oflies,and flatteric; How palpable is this grail: villaine? AlexNVha: wilt‘chou comeManfi‘ea’i to my Ch amher‘ An’d blef’fe me With thy precious breath of Amber. 3 , ‘ iA/z‘ofificr our ladies Maflc I will returnc, *Dcare God what fumes in his foul: doc bums? ‘ , After the Celebration oftheMaffc, 7 ‘ ~ ‘ ' . I come my Lord. Exeant Alia: mdPhiHippo; Alex,(£omc chcn,and let that palle, Alcxandcr tin- ' Holla Barnardo? = , / [33¢], 41 hi], All bufines for this night I will adiournc, ‘ - I, i Giuc good attendance that at his returns, " Aflor may cometo me for my ficke hcart,f Till Afiar with his beauty full embrace, ’ Doc blcfic my body wounded with his dart, ’ Can find no reitlouc hath it in hot chafc, ~ AC T, g. 5 (ext: 2. Enter Czefar Bo’rgiaflae Cardinall,and Frcl'coaé- baldy 4 rflflhz‘m, _ _, CaflWilt thou performs it faithfully? ?leiat I ? will 1 line ta catc,to dxin‘kefi‘o flcepc?’ ~CataLWilt thou perfoxmckif'valiandyéf ' ' ‘ ‘ H ' ~ * " .. , fr! ‘7 w . . ISHE ,(DIVIL’S, CHARTER. Fmfi Will I care to drinkemill I drink»: to fleepegwilll fleepe to Jim: ? , 7 ' _ C'azf. Wtfl t hou be fecx'et,and Conceale my plot a Fz‘z’fl My name is Frefioéfldifis for my pedigree, My mother was of confinguinitietwith the :Pnnceffe QFPemgia: my fathcr-of the noble family of the Odiii, " . Plbrmtzm; both .- I my i‘clfe " Brought vp a Page vnder Rayner King ofSieizfi Haue fetu’d‘ againfi the Twig: and Sarminiex, Where at&‘zfemm (with my fihgle Pike, \ Arm’d in a Mafy .‘Brz’gglmdie of Naplex, And with an oldpFox which I kept infiorc, Amonument of Mar: when I depart) " I did vnhorfe therethree ‘kaz‘e Ianizaties. . . Then ( in the warrcs of Ferdinand thethr‘tg ) ' / [This Hippe was fhott through with a Croeadile, . ’ ’ But that it were too tedious Icould fl‘lflW you; VndertheKing of Romaine: I was cut, IuPt from this fhoulcjer to the very’papfie : ' And yet by fortunes of the Want: am heere, I thanke God,and my Surgion all fix trillill, I fought at Mdlya when the towne was git: With Satgeants headsjjand bulebeggers ofTazrkzfie : ~ And by my plot ( immuge below the- rampiet) We gaue th’obgoblings leauc to fcale our walls, And being mounted all vpon that place .- , , I with my Lint-Hock gauc fire to the traine, And fen: them capring vp to Capricornm. Which when thc'vvife Af’tt‘c aomers of Greece, Prodigioufly difcouered from a farte. L Th ey thought thofe Turme: fiery meteors. _ , Which with thex: Pikes were pafhin'g in the dowds, \The learhed Booke-mcn wrjtc Grange Almanacks, ’ Of f ‘ ' .. ,ahd;apparitions in the ayre : And thefc honors (iFI prone a blabbe) * _ They call mee villaine,var1ct,eoward, skabbe, 7 Cxfi Then tell mee Frefiaéaldz‘ ' Whetel may fend to thee when time {hall {crufl FréflFéifi W%' 'W T [. . a‘ff’!‘ 1""- -‘—'.. THE“ DIVILS CHAR TER... Frefz-jaith for the 3103 pane m manfioh is 'n ' ‘da ' nella/fmda dzfizn [arena , mere thcyconduél at algcgzltlolgzriif dies houfc, ladazfafimpranin at figne of the gliflér’pipemh'etc if you chance to‘faglc ofmcc , Within three houfcs more at figne ‘ '5 QI'ofthe frymg~panne you may commande‘mc’c , at all homes in , the fore-noonc, _ Cdfl Well gramercic Frefioéaldil wil take the nofc ofthofc houfcs in my tables. ‘ ,L ‘ ‘ But be furs and ready when opcrtutiitic callcs vpon you Frcfia. May it plcafc your mol’: rcucrend grace ( Wltl‘lom of} fcnce to your Lordfhip ) to deliuer me the prctics name vpon whom: I flnould perform: this Tragedy . For I may parcafc catch him in a gildcr my fclf’e before you are aware; and moylic ' ‘ mufle vp his maifi:rfluip,with thcgarotm, or fligma, perchance . l ’ the ponyaxjd or-pillol , fuch as 1 Warrant you fhal férue hi's-tumc ‘ l ’ Caef, Be it fulficienc thou 11131: know hereafter, I , , My bufincfl": and afi‘aires are very great: One word more,and adue. , y H: rowndetk with FrefCobaldi, i , Ffe. Secret as midonightfixrc as thcfunnc,qulck as the waters ('f Why? [0 fayd brauc Frefc‘aéaldz‘ like a than offome refo- ‘ lutibnfarcwcll remember the watéhwardndo not failc», L l ' Prefab. My bufincflband afi‘altes are very great my gra-icious Lord,ohc word more With your grace my good Lord', aEd [o I kill}: your frame, ‘7 He wbifperatb wit}? [wfizr , ‘ Cafilc was not ingratitud, neither forgetfulncffd in me Pref- coéaldi :Herc take this and remember me. , l . \ ‘ . ‘ He delimrvth Lin; apkrfi, Frefil encounter your munificcnc; with my lens , and your ‘ loi‘xc with my feruicc, my loue and {cl‘uicc With your mony ‘ ’ Tadrone mia mélta bonamto, ‘ ‘ ‘More for yourlono thcnyour mony, \ _ y l And yet your grace wcl knowes,clothcs mall bc wrought,wea- _ ons mull b; boughtgand Taucrns mufl‘be fought,and all brauc exploits mull bc donc,as they {hould be done brandy. ' (22f. But that I kccPc my {c cm to my {elf‘q I would not vfe this flaue for any gold: - Yet when I trul’: himhc flaall not dcpciuc me, Exit Catlin" \ ‘ ' ‘ - i ' Pram. V. wwumw -._l.._....:‘ .l 4.2““? .» o C H" THE DIVJL s A R TE R: ~ _ Frefc, Now {keEdcr yee {soundcrds‘i i'kclderyou maggot. mfigcrsqou pompiésgyou woodwormegyou magacapépxcocs; ‘ I"am for you,no‘w Frefi'oéeldzgcalllthy wits togi’thcr, let me now fee when a clock it is : very neere eight , and 31 :OH breakfafi time at a clcauen,this vei'y night muff Ifiand Psrdfle fm‘thisr j . bloudy fcruzccl know my piaéc and houre; Imufi confefle am?! ‘ pcrchance hc hang’d,l bank: in the Bardcllz‘aa and in other fuch . houfcs of naturafl recreation and agility , rcceiucd three 0:, foure {core broken‘pazcs in my time : and fomebafih'zadocs for \ croffing courting fpicy,~»fpi1'itcd inamoratocs In their humors, Befides I was the fitfi that fionrtthmfififiquarterfih me raigne ‘ 7 'ofking Ferdinand br‘dughtvp in hisyarmy the fhflfiqns of’bow-a flag and towfing Gregke and Spanyflx wincs’hy the Hagen , with . that Old flinckard mea ‘Baymm', fomtimc Mllféroe: to Capi; ‘ Mme Piccolomim’ 36 my felfe ; I remember likewifchtTmatim I broakca glafl‘c ( conrayning fame quart ofRobolliQVPon the face offapz'mmo Frmfi/Ea ‘Bacmnfacclgi a very fufiimcnz' foul;- dicr in that femice, and to my knowledge a tall trenches‘mam ‘ 'howb'cit‘from thctccth dOwn-ward ‘as bafcamctticd coward as cut: was coyn’d out efrhc foory fi‘de ofa CoPper K’cgtle; {0 he waszwcll 1 Will fccond my Lord in any flaughtcr for his wages, ’ find ifany man will giue me bettcr hicrs (when I have fcru’d t_hc CardinallSturnC)! will prcfcnt'ymy pgfioll vPon his {acrc'd pen. {on afterward for charities fake : well , now to the dririkina fihoolc) then to the fence {choolc , and Iaf‘dy to she vaulting fchoolefio my Lady Semprania; - Exit, "w > Enter the Duh; ofCanglz‘e am! Barhamfra, ' Can, This wasflan a6} offuch firangc fionfequcncc, " As ncucr yet was heard, a'man found d gad ' _ ' Within a priu ate chamber of his houfe; ' When alt his fcruants Bird 2 notone of them (That could giue cuidcntc ofwhat befall» A But that he kill’d himfclfc. Cafiz impafiz‘éile,‘ ‘Bar. I was thcfirf’c that found him in his bioud; As yet I, tremble go remembe‘nit. 0w- ]: is impoflibiqaftcr a {catchy ' No firangcr found within Wfil/m docrs; Then warm: {ram {laughter : fuch a‘ruthfull fight, But .i' ‘: "I'HEDIVILS CHARTER“; , Butr’thafit'fomc fcruantfof his family . Shonldhaué furc notice how the mutthcr Was I ' gmxcwas hxs oWnc hand fure. \ ' ~ Can. I cannot think: it. , , The gentleman was honcfifull oFfPor: Anagweuaffcém _ ’ . l' Bar; Pardon me my Lord, - L. My Ladle Lucrece told it in great grief}: / She twifc before had refcued his lifej‘} _ CM. CO too,go too, ‘ ,1 ‘ Bar. Bcfidcs my‘Noblc Lard. Papers both wrigandfcaled with his‘hand “ 'Wercfound a‘boua him cuflifying this. ' E CM, Good Bflréaraflkgpray my filler Lacrece; ‘ H ere toencountcr me with her good company:- Sormwha: 1 would in p'riuatc talkc With her; . $47; My Lord I will. . ~ Em Barb. -,.. Cam. High God be mqglfixll’.‘ ’ L . Thou that 306?} Rnowthcfecrcts ofal hearts, IF’Lucrecefas my father doth fufpeél) ' 'Wa-s prime :0 this murther ofmylifE ‘ ‘ Exfer Lucrece Barbflztbber, I can leamc all fixeaerowes. ' 7' E , _ , ”But yet I will no: either fufpeéfpr v_rge her were it trite Being indeed: a violation of brother-hood accommonlmma‘l Sh: maketh gowards me—Jfif’cer how‘faires‘ it with you? (nity Lac. As, with a dead Cogfe i3} 3 Sepulcher l ~ ‘ Cold,liucleflk,comforcleflcpppLCfl with [017mm /Nor {incevmy ibyxdigi lcauemc defolace Euer could I brooks well this opcnayrc - Bugflill lamenting and di‘fconfclate Kept vp in \Ch ambergnbuming fdr my Lord,’ .. , Can. 'What older tooke you fbr’hls'fimncrallfi Lac. He thataliue was Ihrincd (in my brefl, " Now deadlines yetintombed iri m‘ythoughtsfi; . ' There is é model! 055: in my clofct'.‘ 1 4' (2m. Pcrformc it decently With dilligcnce. Lu. Biorhcr me thinkers the syn? is cold and l'éW; ' ~ W ~ , , » F , - 4 , And, «41‘73‘3 ~ / V '“V'ittl THE/DIVILS CHARTER. I And as you picafE ict vs—{o’hf‘crte within“, (2m. (ii adiyidccte fifiict with what hafi you may, Ami i dsfirc you noble Bmvfwréfiz \- ‘ To meme vs at my Chamber after (upper. r _ '~ My bi‘otiiir Ctefizr hath appoynted with me- . ' i , Some hufiiicfléfind I craueyoui' ccmpany. , . Ber Th 3 iiiCS my good Lordzhut matters ofmuch moment, Ihaue atth fi‘f‘timc with my Lord Carajfizg .. _ 'Atid Imuii fpeake this night with my Lard Cafézr; Cpl”, Teii him I wiii attend by nine of clocks, Bar. Iwiil my good Lord. , 7 Cm:d.Farechl Barkaroflgz.., 173m. Iuy to you hath, \ i Exit Bai'bai‘ofla. Cam My trembiing Iiuei‘ throbsJ my cold hearts hcauy; My mind diflurhed and I know not why \ ,, But all as he wiil,heauens about: for 111C“. Exmrzt ammn SCEN,; Enter Ftcfcohaidifilw; Frefl This is the black night,this the fatal“ hand? Theft: ate the [)1me weapons which, mufi bet , Witncffe and afiors ofthis Tragedy. i ’ Now Frefioéaldi play thy, mafiersipr‘ize: Here is a rich pli’rfc tramli With recicrui'adocs: Which doth infpire me with amartiali {pirig Now could I‘ combats with the 'diuili to flight, Fitiidid I’ wafh my liuer,lungs;and heart, i In [retmq wines and hcad iiroxig Maluefie (Sixth as would'make a coward fight with wan); ' , ” Then ieafil {hcuid with any weapons drawnt‘. Be driuen to daugcr_ofminc enemy; Ipraéh'fcd my marziail fcié’ts offence: As for example it‘with armcs vnflheath’d, Iwere to kill this mndué’t here I come. befimet/Lfi; He makes a thrufltl with a fvvifi paffido, Make quick auoydancc,3nd with this floccado (Although hefence win’tafl his find} force) 7 Bar’d of his bod}! thrufi him in the throate. ) ~ Gmrdatepéi émqgmrz‘ laonomqolz; * ‘ ?”HE DIF’ILS CHARTER. Suppofc this conduiSt or my duciiifi, 3 ~* Should falfifie thefoine Vpon me thus, ' ‘ .‘ Here wili I take him,tuming downs this hand Eater chrico Bagiioni looking mmqflaa _ 71pm Frcfcobaidi. ‘ ' , ‘ ‘. Ilhpynto verfa mdrz'zmta,thus. , Admithe farce me with his ambroccada ( . Here I dccciuc then, with this pafl‘ado And come vppon him in the fpecdmg Place, ‘* Bag, what Wandmgw 01' faiuagc aflfmpdfi, what Pwtacangcr ox: Pan’tagmall ’ ,Art thou that fights?! with thy Fathers fouie . ‘Or with fonds fubtiil apparitions, ‘ ‘ . Which no man can hehould with mdrtall eyes ‘ Or art thou rauifhed with hcdlamy Fighting with figments and vainc fantazieé 'Chimcracs 0g blacker fpirrits of the night. , Frefc: Come not within 9. furlongs of this place; My name is Ru éofbngazl the grimmc ghofi ‘ Of‘Bemlzemmber king of [blicum _ And here for thisnight Skeepe centrgnell ' ‘For [Li’ufcopdteran great king’offlyes; Great grandficr often thoufand hccacombes. ~ , - . Bagi- I COniurc thee fowl; fiends of wckrron i ‘ , \_ ' ' fly puii’fant HQélZEac/{and Zrzfllcme, ‘ By Windimper JMmti-éaggl: 50, :Palz‘potmo: and the dreadfull 03111 65 ,7 _ 0f(fl41¢lli.fpzcke and Hermocotterock, ' ‘ h i By PetrwideMi, by the dogged {Pirrits ' L ‘ OF $406M: which Canary land inherrits. By purpic Alégazm the bloudy gyant. ( And leaden headed hoilock pure‘and pliant; \ ' By Birrka ’thartm and by 5yairackfweflc 'Who did with mathevv Glyn?” in combat meete, And by this awfiiii crofl‘c Vppon my blade . Of which black curres and hedghogges are affraid. And by this fox which Hinkcs ofPaggan blond, Do’fi: ghou walke there f0; mifchicfc or fiat good} ' i ' "P z i _. i Frajfé', “ " THE; DIVILS CHARTER.“ Frefl Brauc man whofc fpxrit is approued well, (As mofl aprooued panders truly tell) Vnder greens hedgcsflnder Coblers fiaflcs, »~ In pot:allyorcheswndcr,bazterd wands, Which daygby night keepes watch—full ccntinell To guaze the plcafums off’aire [1472599121 meanc arch patriark ofPamw‘aége Rseplc, The bauidy beakcn ofvngodly people, _ - With bthir mfiaer which I might alieadge T0 the Grand Captainaof C 0!’[Mfifi~k€dg$, Marching fowle flflgfizOfiiflfl tmEEs in troupes , VVhofc la‘nzhomeg arc Frill lighted in their Poupes, \ ' Some wighou: kerchief'és, othcrs with come fincckes; Certaine‘imboch’d with piies, and {01116: with pcxcs, Others With“ rotten flaoocs and Hockings rent: { «Wish canine in each ditch keeps parliament; " ‘ ‘ r In petticoces a2! patch’d and wafl—coate tome, And wandring thh fame ragga 'blefl'c euety theme; ' Which with their Targets nsucr make retire, From any breach ti“ they their foomen fire. V Rebatmg the fiifiE pointcs oftheir keene bladés Till 3‘! their champions mafcuIiUE prone iades. To thee faith Frefcoéz "a? ’cafe thy Heck: A Leafi thouthe rigor ofmy furieiéclc, ‘ . Bag. And ye: Hone thee fbr thy martian grace, Thine in all feruice:,flma3