I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2018 3A.. . w .siliumn 2.). Ln. ‘ Ev ( I . v.5 . x 9, -« mm m @1239 DIRECTIONS FOR EXHIBITING THE PROTEAN FIGURE, 3k: its fiifftrmt ®nsmmes. AFTER duly flattening the paper with the landscape, place the pasteboard figure on it, so that the heels fill up the space left for them in the shaded parts of the gravel-walk, and the head touch the bird at the top of the sky; or should a sheet of plain White paper or pasteboard be preferred, on account of its superior flatness, the Figure may equally well be exhibited in that manner. The order in Which every piece of any particular Costume is to be laid on will easily be understood, by attending to the simple rule of putting on every article in the same succession as is observed in the male toilette, such as stockings first, smallclothcs next, boots or shoes, then cravat, waistcoat, andlastly the coat; for it is net. tural that any piece ofdress,pa.rt of which has to becovered by another, must lay under that. A light finger, occasionally as- sisted by the point of a pencil-stick, or a pen-knife, will not fail in adapting every part most nicely to the pasteboard mode]. Some ofthe coats and other dresses will be found slit through, in order to admit the insertion of a. cane, an opera hat under the arm, a firelock, &c. Which latter mustbc passed through the sleeve by the but—end. Some of the swords are likewise detached, and must be introduced into the belt aflix- ed to the coats previously to the latter being laid on. Should any of the pieces be ever a. little warped by undue pressure, it will be easy to smooth them with the fingers, so as to lie close to the model. SHURY, Printer, Berwizk Street, Soho, Landau. ‘§. §, “EEE4EEI 4.91“? . : .fiElL. ‘ y/E \E-_ «A_44‘; ,‘LngAg-K ,- « w, \x‘ : J m