I ILLINOIS Production Note _ Digital Rare Book Collections, Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana—Champaign 2019 1: rf,...a)(a.:..w1? , POCKET COMPANION; EVERY MAN HIS OWN LAWYER. _____- BY A GENTLEMAN OF THE BAR. .-.._._- — Apprentice, or School Boy, can (haw any Instru "W riting‘, without the assistance of an Attorn I‘REFACED WITH 32*» Show mg a c011 at form in which an 111'st1 merit of Wiitin'g should be diaw n, and to instruct those who wish to ' improve their hand writing at 16151111 e hou1 s, at home, without the i11St1jucti011 of :1 Teachen E $everal Yages of Sea __._— 1 . _. w..." w,n»,-~m, . 1.1,, I \ FIFTH 111511110114 == PHILADELPHIA: 'PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY 1111011111? ' No». 20/1, Jilarlcemtreet, V . 1891. N “1 437’5‘?‘ .7 r» ' ‘ASTER N DISTRICT OF PEN NS’YLVTANIIX, to wit .; Be it it. memheied, Til it on the eighteenth (lat of June, We“: in the forty -SC(051(i vear of the Indepcnd eme ot . 8.512 the United States of A1ne1',ic:1 A.D.1818 Duiiil W Sower, j1. of the said (iistiict,hzitl1 deposited in thesptfice, the title of a. hook the 1ight wheicot he claims as R or, in the words following, to wit: " Pocket Com/zanimz ; 07‘, Every J’Wan his own Law— :y a Gentlemanr 0/7/16 Bar Laid down 172 so [Main “(1 m ' 87‘, that the farm 7, fl1.C/la1’7?€,./l/'/2H?i/l((f o7 “ 36/100 3 . can draw any [72.917 717.1(777‘ of {11717113. willi— .tancc ofan .xi’ttorzzey, Prefacrd wit/1 several 71/1,- slzowing a mrrerl form 771. mus/1 an. [72-- irizing 8/1011!de d7aw71,a7zd lo inslruct £72086 imjzrove their Izand 7127212710 at [67155170 lzours “ at 1107127), 70‘ ut the mstructz‘on 0] a Teac/nr ” In confcrm “o the act of the Congiess of the United States, entituled, An Act for the encouragement of ltzun~ ing by securing the ,copies of maps, c1121 ts and books, to the authors and p10}; 7, torsnj such copies. during the times therein mentionec. ” "And also to the act, entitled. “ An Act supplementaiy to an not, entitled An :Act f01 the :11— “jmg‘es o “ strummt 0 “ who ‘ZUl'S/l: coiir ztgement of learning, by Securing the copies of mam... c1141 ts and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thei eof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other! fifintsfi’ D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Eastern Distiict of Pennsylvania. Jim-1.1.11» .... .. ~ ' g3”: ; A % lfl'mfl 0 cm, ficwmwwaéz’mn M00, 3’0 0/0 (@4000z072000/ 025 f/[a g A. t . . 1%)aizé 0/ flwzzymnwy 360772.67. w 90/000 Mmazimm {/47an MM /§/§. 95037 €/a%l 70?” (MeJ J/mmm 7 /w7 650 5/3an1” of L Montgomery Cmmty, 5’0 5/6 070/074 0/ {7617/ Jam 67kg“ 6” F; ' $7050an @0/Za am 701176350151}, M/a/cwo’wn ‘Wé/Me wecewa/ gym/40 0% @7070”; 6%74/04 @mfiw ‘ 00707264 :_ J . I gamma. 407% M56. . £5700 L7%97<66 (flmzo‘é (7267‘ aéofe, :7 /o91<0moave o’a flay 5oz W/Z/éwm 4 a. yaw/af of aim/67; 2% doom 0/ 0726’ Hundred Doflai‘s, /m m moéoe fiéGééi‘éM Q/jo’o’rzé/é my %726/ 5% 295% 0/ agoyooao’, Woe o‘éwooaoona/ezj‘flo/o’ flfioflea/amo/eof/{oeem Jéaé/oflem jzjammém; ”JV; 7vo§¢o¢a "’oé ¢€flooo§ -—.... RELEASE OF A LEGACY. " "Know a“ Men by theseffijgesents, That whereas Aaron Bennet, of fidbingtan towns/zip, Montgomery county, by MS last Will and testament in, writing, hearing date the first day of December, One Thousand eight hundred and VErg/zt did among Other legacies therein contained, give and bequeath unto me, Charles Davis, of the towns/zip of Morelana’, and county aforesazrl, the sum or le- gacy of two thousand dollars, and of his said will, made and constituted Elisha, Ferguson, sole executor, asin and by the said will may appear. Now know ye, that I, the said ( 'lzarles Davis, do hereby confess and acknowledge, that I have had and received of and from the said Elis/za Ferguson, the legacy or sum of two thou- sand dollars, so as aforesaid given and bequeathed unto me, by the said Aaron Benn‘e‘t. And therefore I do by these presents acquit, release and discharge the said Elisha Ferguson, of and from all legacies, dues, duties and demands, what- soever, which I, my executors or administrators, may have, claim, challenge or demand, of or against the said Elisha Ferguson, his executors or administrators, by virtue of the said last will and testament of, or out of the estate of the said Aaron Bennet, deceased, as aforesaid. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand .dk‘flL-flmngi a». mu t'uik‘w‘ ‘ x 1,1 4117..“ 1.' a 102 and seal, the first day of August, m‘the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighteen. ” CHARLES DAVIS. Sea/ed and delivered in presence of RELEASE T) A GUARDIAN. 103 ; 1 i, Know ALL MEN Biz THESE PRESENTS, That I, Leonard VarZo-w, son and heir of l ,, SamuelMarlow, deceased, hath remised, releaSed, and for e‘ver-quit-claimed. and ‘ by these presents doth remise ,release, and for ever quit claim untoIsaae Haller, ,of Cheltenham townsth, Il/Iontgomery ctzmtg, his guardian, all and all ma ' ‘ :2 actions, suits, reckonings, accounts debts, dues, and demands whatsoever, which he, the said Leonard Marlow, ever had, now hath, or which he, his executors or administrators, at any time" hereafter, can or, may have, claim or demand, against ifits by him receiVed, out 9of the same, or any payments made thereof or g h ‘ [inority of the said Leonard ZVIarlo-w, or by reason of any matter, cause, or thing 1 iatsoever, from the beginning of the world, to the day of the date hereof. —- 104 .. " In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, thefirst day of Au- ‘ gust, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. LEONARD MARLOW. Sealed and delzverea’ m presence qf REMARKSr—A'Release must be by an instrument sealed; and the most ben- eficial release which a man can h e, is one of all demands. HVVitness my hand, the day and year aforesaiéd. “ammqmw 1s'wuww' - .1 1, ,$t several, either for a debt due, - or a wrong done, and for which they" aie ”join, y and separately liable, it seems that a release to one, is a release to all. ’ Where a person has a cauSc of. 11 tion- agaiT 1 1F OR WRITINGS LEFT IN AgiPERSON’S HANDS. Received, the first day of flugust, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighteen, of Adam Henry, of the borough of Norrzstowm, two deeds or conveyances , one of them purporting to be a lease qfafizrm, a11d made between Adam chry, and Henry Adam. For which several deeds or Writings, I hereby engage to be ac” countable, and to re- -deliver the same to thg: said Adam 117mm, on demand 105 JOSEPH IRWIN. 1311?: l f l i l "l t FOR MONEY RECEIVED ON A PURCHASE.‘ KNOW ALL MEN BY TH ESE PRESENTS, l hat [.2 David Sanders, of'Cnelten/zam town. ship Montgomery county, do hereby acknow: ledge myself, upon the day of the date hereof, to have received of Jacob Friendlly, oftfie towns/lip and county afire. , said, the sum of five hundred disllars, of lawfuig‘l money of the state of Pennsylvania, being the last payment, and in full of one tllzousand dollars, by him paid, as the consideration of the purchase of a certain plantation and‘tract of land, situate in flbz‘ngton township, and county aforesaid, by mile; the said David Sanders, sold and conveyed to the said Jaeob Friendly. And «bf the said Whole sum of one thou- sand dollars, and of every part and parcel there-fol, I, the said David Sanders, do by ' these presents, for me, my heirs, executors aihd administrators, acquit and dis- charge the said Jacob Friendly, his heirs, execi tors and administrators, for ever. Witness my hand this first day of Augnst, m t; 6 year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and age/ween, ‘ a , l, ’ DAVID SANDERS. 106 INDEX. AGREEMENT for Sale of an Estate, I —’ page 44 —-——————————— for building a House, - -. with a Cle1k or W01kman, ' ASSIGNMEN’I of a Bond or Bill, — 5 - of a Bond, - 4 - of an Apprentice, — — of a Lease, - - - Awald by A1 bitrmors, 5 — ' — — — 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT of a Mortgage, — of a Deed - . - of aLette: of Attorney, Appointment ot Guardianship, — - — 131110151111: of Goods, ‘ - - - 5 M.— Another, » - - - 5 ‘1» 1 f; 3,; .Mislaid 01 Lost, - - — _ in a Wii‘, — — - - - _ f -—- with Security, Bi” of Exchange, -3 ‘ _ _ _ _ Common Bond of Arbitration, - — — 2: Deed—Common Form, - — ~ . - Indenture of 2111 Apprentice, - — - Judgment Note, - — — - _ Lease ofa Farm, - - - . — .- a; of a House, - - ’ — ,._ - Letter of Attorney, - « - - j f‘Another, , — - - ffi Mortgage, — - — _- — — 7 Money receaved on a purchase, - - - Note to Bank, — — - i1 a -—-—— with Interest, . , ‘-- ‘- ~ _“, 47 49 27 35 31 42 86 5 68 72 61 81 52 53 19 ' 36 Notice—from’aiandlofid‘to arrTenant, '— - - 02 Promissory Note, - , - - - - 5 P1 oxy to 1 ote for Directors of the Bank of Montgomery County, - ' - - - - - 21 Petition for laying out a Road, — - - 91 for review of a Road, - — - 94 'for vacating a Road, - — — 96 , for valuing Land; — — - . - 98 Receipt—General Form, - - - ' - 15 for Money received of a third person, ib. -, for Interest due orgaaBond, - - 1‘7 :3 -Consideration Money of Deed - - > 74, a . ‘ fo1 W1iti11gs left 1n a person’s hands - 105 Release to a (znardian, - —_ - - 103 ' — of a Legacy, - - , _ , - - 101 from one to one, - - - 3 .. 109 , Return, — - - - .. '..2 :71: 9‘2 Repmts, — - ,95, 97, 98 Will, with the devise of aReal Estate, Leaseho1d, 8m. 7 . ,--—--— whereby the testator orders his p61 sonal esta' to - " 'FHE‘E’END. mm Q T)‘. 3; , :7 % J W1 fixanwmmww is ‘H. b .. a v a} 3 2w «9» 1 I A .. a w five a». fl. ... a‘ g 15 51, '5 s J“. “Stunned!