I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2018 .Aawtvkwngu Wail? v. .r .1 v .7 -fimt—mawa— w .54 _ _ .\.v T , 4 IL. A4 -‘A “ gagi: ..,f ...( 7W7? . VI...» .5. ' VAN‘ 0, QUIP Pom AN VPSTART COVRTIER: 0R5. A quaint Difpute between: Velvcté breechcs and Cloch—brecchcs. ‘ ' Wbmz'n i: plainelyfet down: the difora’m in all Eflate: and Trade}. 1 “By ROBERT GREENE. , )3 w“ ‘ “tn . ”/72 1 \‘ I “II“ H { 11mm" 4" [mummy] U ‘qu ’ x V i ' V: v ‘ ' V 2‘ h ' . 1|. ‘ d . ) . I" ‘ Ir . T} .- ' “ v s . ' ”,t-gann" 491-22. L"! 19¢“ 43‘ ~51 *1 ‘ 1/ .“' London, printed by E.Pur/Zazv, dwelling at-thc Eafl end, _ f, 9fChtiifi§£139xslgg 3,63 s: f P '(2 .. _ . 5 . m . : _ 6... N. .. w. a .2. .. . . a . , . . _ 2.. 2.. 2 .. . ,2 . , I o v... _. ,, ..~ _ . . . 4. _. 2. . ~ 1 7 . . . .3 ix .3 .22., .. 2... . é... £2529. 2.22.... -22.... 22. 2g . : r: . kn. .w ,5;;.l(xl\..l11fiili1.llll11‘i ‘ / 54 (1 . , ,, , .\ r w‘ x . , u , l t - . - A.‘ .. ,, 1 “4’3“ ~>—, ,'- . TO THE «GENTLEMEN Readers, Health. i ~ 'E ntlc Gentlememl 'hopc,‘Cloth-brcc; . J, ches {hall find your gentle Cenfurcsvof ' this homely Apologic of his ancient Prerogatives, fith’though he fpeakcs againfi Vclvct-breechcs which you wean: 5 yet he, twits not the Weed, but the Vice; not the Ap-s. arcll when ’tis worthily-worne, but the unwor; ' thy‘perfon that’wcarcs-it 5"Who {prang of a Pefant, wi’l‘l u’fe any finiflcr mcancs to climc to prefer- ment; being then {0 proud, as the foppe forgets like the A623, that a Mule was his Father. For ancient Gentility, and Yeomanry, Cloth-brcechcs attetg pteth this quarrcllfind hopes of their favour. For Vpflarts he is halfc carelefit; and the more, bccaufc hec knowes whatfocver fome-thinkc pri. vately, they will be no publike Carpets: left by kicking where they are toucht, they bewray their ‘Igal‘d backs t9 the worldsand by fiarting :u p to find , fault, prove them {elves upfiartgand foolcs.So then Poorc Cleth-brccchcs ,fcts downe his rePt on the cout— 5......Ju‘ ' \ ' :3 Tame ®htl§éefiifimdemg H 64%; 3 puma" ,tébf-‘gfintlefiggnlcmcp, am} bold Yeoman; :: that they will fufier hlm'te take no wrong. But 32 -~T “" ’ 3r *3‘ ** k . ~, V s ‘ pofe the worfi, ;. [hag he: flnould be flown daat, }nd that fuch OCCUpag-tion‘s ashes hath upOn Com 3% Fcience difcarded from thelurieflmuld commence T o .. - c } s . u g - ;; gnafilon Of'unkx-ndncflgagamfi‘h1m,heq_llpggvc;g 1 3 _ ., pot'to holdplea; becaflfe all the debate was buta 4;, fireamc‘. Ahd foihoping all man will merrily take its 3hécfiands. {ciemnkig :Jea‘aing. on. his 1?»il$¢:gtaffe Eill'hcbcarc What ybu conceive of hifn, for Being 3 fepcrémptoxy. If‘well-j- hee Memes to Cracks his hafmcitheajlmcéczsiggflifiééymumfic .3" If ghard- : aygthe’hath‘VOWed that: w’hacfoevcr he: dreame-s, nea ;’ Eerie blab 1: againc-3, am {Qahcewiflleth me hum 73% $137399 bid you fattvzell»; : , 33% ‘1, I h, ( a - 1 ,4. Q,» , " ,r;_."‘ 31;. ‘3 :3 _.w ‘unyx ‘ ‘ 9§\m}3¥ 1 g » .,. 1".» .4 ms 7 yyéhW’ a h ‘ .‘ ' . K Y \ - '3 5“: ‘\ VV ORSHH’FVLL, THOMAS BVR w A BY Efim’rc; R03 a 31' ‘GRE E N 12 wifhech heartseafefi ' and Heavens’oliffi; ' " l R ,, after I had ended this Qeipfiar cm Vpflart C ourtier, containing a quaint dtf ‘ 2- pm: hezweenc Clot/rhrcahesmnd Velvet- hreeches 5 Wham}: under 4 Dreams 1 fhaddowed the abufes that Pride had bred in England, howit had infeo‘led the Court With aflyirz'ng < Envie, the Citie withgriping C ovetozg/heflwmd the Com» ‘ {my m‘zh comcmpt :mcz’ dijdaz'ne : How firm mm placed their delighm in proud lookes, and brave attire, Hafiz‘m— litie was left of, Neighbourhood was exiled, C anfcience 1M: [coft 4:, and Charity layflozenin the firms .' Hon:~ upflart Gentlemen for the maintenance of that their fiz— thm nwar look: afier, mifed Rents, mckt their Tenants, and impofed great Fines; Ifl-ood in amaze to whom I fihaula’ dedicate my Labour: ,- knowihg l/hould bee bitten, «A 5 ' 10% ? Z” ‘ - ~"» c p: e I e . 163tzorie.‘ g. ; manyjtbence 1 ball: taucbtmany, 4nd zbarq’ére hm! ifime worthy Patron, under wbo/e wings I might jimmd Ly felf: from goodmanfina’éfimh. .At lafl 1 cald to mind hur W 0217111), and tbozlgfbt you tbefittefi ofall my friends», §§pr for the daily I awe, and the worfiipfufl qualitiesyou §~_“re induced witball, as al/o for that all Northampten/Iaim ??Eports bomyou are a fathertyfibe 12002234 jupportzr offin— ipient Ho/jiitalz'yx, an enemy to Pride, and 20 bee/Zzort, 4 gaz’mainertyc Claibrbreecbes ( I mam: oftbe. oldand wor- :;,%y cuflomcs oftbe Gentilz‘g; and Teomanr-y of England.) g‘lnduced Ivy thefe reafims, I humbly prcfmt t/Ji5 Pamphlet 3 flour: Wor/bz'p, anal} cmm‘ngyou will acceptitas courte- glufly as I prcjent z't dutifuly, and then I lmué the and (93” {any defire : an djo refling in [70196 Qfliawfiuouraéle acceps ‘K ‘ gfé;%me,l bumblymke my Imus... w ‘ 3.x; Your ,dutifu’llfvadepted Somme. V l, l ‘R 9.3 13 3.1: CREE M... A. ("C 3‘»: E. :" yflm \l‘: ‘ ~ \ ' t . ( ‘ V A Mfg _ u l‘ 13‘ w"... ; \.. I ' t; ‘ U ‘ (V: y?! \ fa; J“ 7‘9,“ “1:: 2'5"— ‘ I? 1 vs: u ’ \JF M ‘1" ' ”9/ -. H! I I. t ,. p {I 1.1; 7, , [v ”I A, K \ \ , r . ‘ e _ , I , t ‘7 «Yr W E that tutt at that time when the «nutmeg @uiri- ‘ “X43 @fi tftet began to bemzap April mntlemen , mtth his, . A “' thelp humourtmem tutu the fietbs to theme hp mg " "va 5‘ mite with the ma: apae : mum t'n'lt'tarp retaking ‘ nznmfie number , a tnanneren into a bale all tapi- tten'mtth (meet a choice flotmrsfihere grew many fimptes, what's marn‘n men to he mam, ants by their teteet pzoperttes tn tbeck mam ton am) tenmau imperfections. amongfl the tea, there was the gel- tp at their honefi mines groin tufpittous,ann [a mane themt‘elnes tn the ma cutkmn {Berettkeezthetebubbeu out the thethemqaatmfie) men as are meneen to Chzetuemznttuth women that heme hang huh banne. get there it gteuw as a flept to gather tt,tt fitpt from me ttke quatttte,31 leameb thatnone can mean: tt,he they mugs, but (nth as. mare no maze then they are home to, us; heme their mtthes absent mu} mean: to: flatterersfit generally tag that Qetefith while they ,8“ matuensfiheg tmth tnantentg : big“: they ate mines , they gt“ S TA RT COVRTI ER. * «a \ (fig; neaer-thangee notes,that 31 nampeo with a metam A to tome mg felts, 3 felttn a meme, am in that bertues taught men to be fabtill, am to thinks nature by her meets loin Eafiaaim flower fit to; tealcus HDottttta, who thznugh 'é beau- ” partlpvmlouren {aarts-earmn hetbe telenme teene, either of fuel) Tantalus fruit 15 fattee theft spatter. at latt, monhztng at this fettet their toztuues. mpen a banks homing human; momene measflev ‘ .— W .o : __ I . A (MP f‘Ol‘ \ pflmupfinhfle they are mineemee,thep mouth willingly: am: yet att . bet e pgoue nefiree, are but elnte ntfiembltnge. gem antopntng épeeuten out thefiourtteee eomfeztflltme: fin herb that many flunk r le mums pet auerfiip, mhot'e make fauna: am: thttke leaves haue j. ispemltar peepertwo.makeahnaile if the tat'te of the rep,” [mitt i 5 a %mauem;.yet teguen with this pgetuntte, that if theeclime tame. ,tattilmlbe fats too funeenly. esheethought 31 [am Diners yang courti- " ere treat; upon it with high ettaatne; but as they patt aheamn 2mm, tkmg ther‘efiit them by the heelee that they inept sane then i might .f: etcetu-e certainealemme melnmtee thnone gather ttganb eate 13ft:~ ' tth greem‘nefle: which an fewer mas runke tutu their memes, but {imp mere metamogphefen, arm leeht a5 pzoubly, though ieerantsmer t i they hate been home to be {eziacearompan-ione. r flmengathe retint there-changeltnge mhamthe tatte nttimehal ehue alteren, there were fame that tiftee their heaee fa hpe, as it they {m batsmen ta'lmke nelemer then Stare : theg-thaught N 011‘. altum gfipere mae‘rather the tagging of a fmle, then the :enfure at a whiten)- e ihhemnn therefnze firettht themt’elueean their tiptoee, as if they han.,, ??au a Rtnuzeuta the ingb Tipeofe, ans began to etfeatn their equals, ~3§g.&>-caene thete tnferieure, emu euen their bettere, fezgetttug new that : séézhime hahtaught them tavfah gem: ham befoze thegvhae ptagee the gégealarke part to tag flame to the {emit math, then they mere not fags {?ijltttle as afientlemen, am: theft 0mm coueett mas, the 152mm:- to : ffhlagan thetrettcent, from an olnhaufe, whore greatcfiirannfathers; ',:L~§Th30ulh haue been glaeef a min ¢ottage to-hiae their heave in. geet $521: ” the 1223mm mzapt tn the petite of his beanteoue featherehie knomne ta be but a nunghtu hire by hts-feule feete: tethnueh the hie!) 190329,; ;: 5am: mmg tutee, argue ta the eyes of the mogla they were ¢aual-iere, 5‘30? great Wezthip :pet the eharlithillt‘heralttte of thetrmt’nnee , be- »» é Imam their fathers mere not above thzéz pennae in the Binge boekeeu. ngata Qubfinte: hutasthete tapttart chaugeltnge went ttrouttng like: (gfphilopol‘imorchidcs the bgaggart tn Plaueugtheplenkt fa pzouhlp ae- g‘gi’gthe fame,that they Rumble!) on a hen ef lane, thatgreha at the button: .. ‘33 f the hBanke where the mime mas planteu, mhtth fall Upon the eemv' ‘ t to bttteean herbataught them,that [nth mean peacocks as nner- % afiflg out-wnue their teztaneeeat lat! tm [panilptalt ta repentance, ., em 2“ [am if themfmite enema, me me; tallebipetbe-ggtceg 5 g ; age,an‘é it man neuer toe late ta fag Miferercfls thus 31 item mul‘m at this timetam basemtheh hanithi away like Cadmus repermatee; that ipgaug tip of Wipers teeth: to that rafting mine ehe afihe aftet them, a rate where a true ofallefiates mere gathering fletnersflhat Elihu they there at it knew not: but pgerious a gem: them, in that they platkt them with greenineite: to that i 0221:: tamarns them te he partaker of their pzofits : cumming neererg might tee the tueehe they [a lmangleb tag, was a little Dapper flamenltke a granite {hum niturkle,tallen Ehztftmzaileh generally of all,bnt pzaaifeh tog bifiil- elation but of femzamungtt the true that teemeu ruuetoue of thin herb, there was a troupe of alt: graghearne in meluet,%attin,e moozften iarkete, that tteepeu a9 htmblp ta plume it hp by the roote,ae if their inputs hau beene {appleh tn the egle of apii'ers status :‘they (pareh rte . labouruaun patnee to get aim gather; am: what they got, they gaue ta rertaine young hopes aim girles that final: behinne them , with their skirts ans laps epeu ta reteiae it : among whom fame ftattereh it as fat! as their fathers gatheren‘it, matting aha ~lpehling it at thelr {aleae , tare, which their fathers got with labour. 31 thought them to be tome Eerhalttta, a; fume flpnthecaries, ‘tbat hat: impingen fnch patties to elrtrart-ramerare quintetfence out of this iflotneuhut one [tanning hymen: me they were mezmeeahte e bfurers that gatherea it to fill their cutters with. Elna whereto (quot!) 3%; it peeriuusfinhat is the hertue at itsaharh (qh. he) to quallfie the heats of infatiable minus , that ltke the ferpent Diplfas ne‘uer ezin'keth e- . haugh, till they are [a fall, they burft. Why then, lain 3, the EDiuell hurtt them alize with that a tell into a great laughter, to fee certaiue ataltanate @antes, humeznue dtaual-li-ers , youthfn‘ll QEentlemen, anh Inamoratigagliard-i, that tcngnefullp plntkt at it, emu maze it a tnhile,as if they were weary of it, t at lafi left it me too bate a flower to put in their jhotegapee. @there that reenteb Homini di grand a’fiima hp their loohes e their inalke ,gathereh earnemh, ans nth pec- ket it tapas it they meant to keep it carefullhzhut a5 thep there tarry- ing it away, there met them a trea‘he of nice mantenhjaire women, that like to Lamiae he!) faces like angels, eyes like tiara , h'gelts like the golnen front in the Hefperides: but from the minute hainnlnarns their thapea like ferpenteo $heretmgtth ngen-llhe allurement toga: -‘ 2 t 2! - L " ""I ‘2, llll'llll ""‘ bll‘ ”at; f“, ; ~ 7— ‘ heat to; fauauttsfihep tbemt‘etuee walking home by beggttsbuflt-fez penance. fitnnngflt this truemaere iampetsmnb they gatheree the ‘t , iuettenn athbut pooge poets mete thzufi bathe , am) touts not hes uttetea tobaue one hanhfult to put amnngtt their mttheree garlaneg ~ ptflfiages,to make them glogtoue. 15m Hob ann Iohn at the touutteg they fiept tn thuttithhg, tn theft high fiatthps, arm gatheeee whole Iachtule : iatometh thep mote beetame of Elnift in their {Bate like tezehogfesm the mag {Bettaats in a theatre Dante: teetngthe true 5.. thus to mangle tozfu paltry a Ween, a went atone. tatake one of all , the other fragrant flamerethat etapgeuthte ballet»; there bpg tam r the wethelozs buttons, mhote hertue is to make mantan maguens ‘ ?meepefinhen they heme meme titazty meekeebnuet their apzons fez a faueut. a; ghee: them greinthe eiaembltngtabatfieto meme tuch Eight of tea: mtnchesmet ta trutt tuetg tatte pzumtte that tuth amezeue flfiathet é toes make them: but [meett‘mels bzeee bitter repentance. 19am by g]; grate the true toners pztmret'thofe him fauna: mimeth men to b; g: fatthfult, ans women courteous. filongtttn a bozbet gm!) @aineua ;‘ é hatrefit fez mobettimateeus toabeheta gem: tmmonefi to btuth at, bear Si wafettmatteth the one fez-thett: naturall Etefles, ano tonbemneth if the othettuz their beauty anotounterteitiBet-rimtgs: there was the 1' gentle ®tlltflainer,that mines mettle meaee‘ifthzy- mete not ten free matemnn legal! human, but that tnaetull of ®n~tkufi3~fpittes, tit 3;] them,‘ 15. moments ltght thoughts matte their hutbannsl beam: heabs: :1: there were [meet amuse ©0739 plenty; mhtth themeexaire filtrgtne men not tnéepe fez meme; t (ton of t5atmetnhtth mule wte Ettange mounnmnelp nut that meant: mhtth tnomenrete—tue when they tote thett matnenheauegfogm herb bath berme enough to (trap: eat that t blot ,ann thereroge. it is the greater btemtthanfintt Were the flowers heftee that beaattfien the bailey , that to know their. names am: opus. tationea néuen fame curioushetbatwut 3} pane them otter as nice. 7;; tette, fit!) the bitten at their bertuee was but a ezeame , am) thertoze ‘3 - 3 mimzno man to halt) any etttoutie hetein authentttall: get thus ‘ math ae-mutt‘fagfez a parting blomjthat at thelomet mm of thebele arm a great many at tnnmen bfing high moms to their hntbauvs ,1 t gem: attntng to; the. gfizeetheeaathegtehaue the tea. teammate firth ,. V ‘ ’ .tngfi‘, hm 21110-0“ 02 hatré’tbe (550M bare :quefiioning mttb one that 3| 3mg 1mm there women were to tbolcricke; bee ltkz a ttot’ftng fellow putt tea ma bull; at fiettlwfi not willing to be rattsfich by t'x'gncs,ashu him what he meaat tberebm £39m; (quotb be) all time women the you beam bgamlingfiramningmnn(£911:ththus, bamf‘eueratlg m on tbtss butt; of jasttlcs , am: the bertus of them is to tom a mum that matters tbem,to-b2 as pecut’fl) fog a babotz 339mm 85 mafpta) a if the ban heme flung in the b29370 with a bogmt. Wellfl [mu’b z tbimun l-ctt the company to-Ereelae tustber, tuben tnthe twinkling I an eye it masl'eft alone, we fialteg clemu; of all company, am) an n fireflenutanwet’t’ruufitn manh‘tmut at that tnlitary plans to reel; goon cantagtsmnu boom: companions to pane atnaptbe Bavaitbal fluutbas 3 walker: foz‘maw, teektngt tap the bill; a was bztucn halt into a mage tnitb tbs imagmattun-ot a tttaug—e manner tubal; t9! nut thus: mzctbeugbt 31 tam an bncnutb beaaicttz tbingt come pa ting- Uotnne the bill , flapping tn pzonnlg mitt) fact) a fieometrital grace, as it tome actifitt’all bzaggert ban refolueb ta meafure tb hmla with his paces: 31 cautunat item? it to be a man , although! ban mottnn, to; that it manta: a bony; get teams leggesann bore , E tuppofeu-t't tnbee tome manner nnurttht hp tut’bete befatts : atlat as it mm mm nigh unto meet, 31 might pertetue tbat ttmas aim patting cant? pairs at filetuewtzecbes , mbofe paumbeetng man at the chietea ficapolttam-flufl’e , mas nmmnz ant mitt) the btt Spanitb-Qatttn, anumamellous tuttouup eucmnbtpt mitt) gal Mimtnterreamzn tmtb knots atibearle :, the fiertbcraocke was a the pumi- «Ezauann 6132; no can mas {parebtn tzt outtbtfetnn‘l} mfizcccbw, tuba ban gtrt ‘onto—tbem a Rapier am: Eagger gilt, pain pennant, aaquaimw astt tome turious filozenttneaantrttkt tbcu tap, to {quaretthp am: nomnc the (1mm. bcfnze big. mimetic. a: there 335226125 mere meaning tumptuoustotbe egg, fa, Wre-fbet wiring pompous tn their geflaws m; tbsp urautcubp am now the mallet) as monumas though my bantbere appntnm to. at: (cm: Dcfperatetombatm. 151mm me net it a tnerebziuen into amute mitt; tbismott, mm firms fitsbmo feztn that place tucbafirange bcauletl‘e «Enacttertet ting bpauammmltketbe mam néa jcntg-tcgaola about to pm ~ 3 bit 7“... 7— *2 tmm bn’ta any man heme. melhfbegreatzt nrampe this $32121. " Dzaue’ me tnte,tbe maze Beam a ban “to (512 what went mouth tab 2 23m : mbecupon [whim about to [22 if that any maze company mania: me, 31 might percetue twmtbe top at the other bill, answer paite of 2; mcbea mozefabetlg marching, ant: mitt; a (otter pace, as if (1)29 are net too battimnu get moulo keeps pzomife neuertbcleflc at we ace appointen. as foam: as We were Wm? W0 “)9 113119? 2 3 ram f :9 mate a plain patre of ¢tutb~bzcetbes , mitbsut either melt o; 2.22am, firefight tn the thigh, of white mmmmttbout a flop,tbs netbm ; 21:82 at the fame, remain to aboue the knee, am Well? fcamentnitb a .. ttte country bluegfucb as in Diebus illirs our great wzattnfatbem -‘ 2 me , when netgbbourbeon am betpitalitp bah banilbt 192% out Of gnglandfioz mere tbcfc plainz 1252mm: meapnnleu'efle; the}? ban a 2 aaa [gum Eat mm; a 19min the W, able to tag on loan inougb, it {.92 heart were auftnerablc ta ti): meawmanv 11139“ “M “W? Pittbf 5 bums bpon the grounnfilotb-bzeecbes‘fioon rnl-emnlp leaning,“ t: 1? 'aey meant not to (tart, but ta anfmere to the bttcrmott wbatfoeue: ?3 1 that plan: might be obiettea. iLmking upon them than, 2211222222222 ;.- cine b? the NW of me one, am bemetp rcfolutton of the ether, that 5‘1 31's their mating mama grain to tame OMEN!!! ‘Wflm‘fim “39W m to pzeuent the fatal! time of qub a WWW?” quarrellfil 3991 b9“ ‘ 5% imbue tbi bethbeuvmeluewzmbes match mutb-bzvetbes him} ”2 )ts'lfalutatinn: 19mm 6 tnfolcntwefant, bum Dareff thou mitbaut ‘ 22 sane, 33 [gm reuemnce , matte tnte the plate whither 31 am come fa; ”' a bitpozt mg (elte? art than not attain, tbg bigb pzetumptton 11101115 22' mmon me to airpleafmefim: to tow me 93am m1? mp‘ifl‘wbltb i5 22‘ wet unmeatbea, but it turnes intatbe @cabbern mm) a triumph at :11! MM enemtcs blow? )lBolu baparn, auaunt, heart me not-to my face»; 2‘! 33 €be mm 31 parnou [hp folly, am) grant mg leggeg team; to came : ”,th fife. mgm-bgeecbes nothing amasea at this bgauaao, heme $22 '; sing bis fiafie, as it he meant (if he mm mznngen) to btfifim bus ‘38-? ii} litmumtfl) a tcnznfull km of tmilingmafie thw-[mootb teplgwmrg 2g" ;tp,gonnman bpfiattfinbo manepout father a fifientleman a raft fire :1 nukes {meet manlt,tbe wr‘fiefi (£6111 bat!) the WM?“ “2““: 3“” a 3} gamlmg mamt all bites the Immalamtmb WW" 17°.“ “3 5‘19“)“ 2 m mam map be gaurtellomia mag pomtabat mfierem t5 betmegne :' , 2 911 2 2 3’ afi Vpfiart Courtieri. I Qua ant: me, but in thetcsft’amn- the making? though you Bee never f: ricbtp naubne tm'tb 615519, am pomngsn mttb 15mm, get put: are but a:al‘z fog tbeifiuttotks, anus toner m.tbz bafet't part of a mans be. mg as maze then ‘33, the greatefl‘meemtmme is in -.tbe garm’tbing , am thereof ganarz pgmw, but come to the true bra tmmm appqt’n— tea to, my bonaur is maze then thine, fa; 31 belong to tbereluantten-t penmanrvs Pea,anugcntilitp, the fathers, anatbou- to a tnmpanp at 7 mean anu bnmannerlgbpflarts tbs fannzsflt tpis’, mctuet-bgeecbw mum’s am: rain, Why,tbnu beggars bzat , nettenneu from the mm: mm at bats paucrtp , ts ‘ tbgtntatencg In great, to make tnmpartforta tutti) mc,tnbate atfl’ereme is-as great as the bgigbtneae of tbe l'urme, am: the flenner light nta cannie: a (pnoze make) am fpzung from the > ancientRomans,bozn in Italy,tbe mifirefl‘c‘ at tbs mow: fa; chivalry, rate into England from my uatiue bomez( mime 31 was famous) m2 honour pour taunttp nun pnngdficntlemen bare in England.~ mitt) mg ~ ‘ tauntcuanze, where 31 am botaen in high regarn , that 3! tan metre : ' tats tbe pzetzmefinben thou pooze route malt with tap ana knee bcg .: leans aftbs 1203mm emmanna tit mine with the finbilitp, mm ,- tbnu art fame tomatt tag the reucrfian at the aims basket : 3 am « * atamittzn bolol‘pto teurmy tale ,tnben tbcu art faint to r oz by means at : tupplt'tatmmann that c mama,“ little regarheagtbat mat! commonly _- ‘ it never comes to the 123mm banbfimt him tmpzifamb in» (mm nb~ - ‘ tmre packet: but; then there is fact) aitferwrz between mar eaates, ,. teats to mge my patients mitt) tbp tnfnlent pzerumpttcn. moth bzee- zbes as busts as be was mount (maze by the pike of his aaife“, that r bis cbnpiogttke magnet mm!) a pin , am that bee manta tume bisv mum weapon into his bufome thus: Wt)? fiigntoz Gloriofo (qua be) . though fl bane not futb glofing pbzare to trick out my {peaches mttba- ~- all as you, pet 3 will come mm gem“ tallnmes mitt) tbisrbab 1m.- - tboztcke: § map you wannficur @alapert, are gnu therefoze my ms» ' pertuunbecaum you are taken tsp mitt) weutlemen, cg with the gem maurp a wow true bertue cqnfitt in tithes; oz bumanttie in wealth :9» i5 antient honour tten to nutmaw bzamrg? 92 net rather true fiabia w ittic,aminne ertellentlp qualifieb-«mttb rare bertms‘? a mill tract) . thee a leflun mnztb ttye bearing. pzoua paintows, baht ‘enrflitie firE'f mung hp, 3,1 will not fogget the otn mines «hngttke , When )Adam: '2 delu’d and Eue fpanawho wasthcn a Gentlemambut 31 tel! megatter , ' ’ e P“: r n 5 - V $ A Qulp For be gmerattflaub ; that there was nu maze men Watt tht earth but ‘a Noe am his thzee renuce, am that Cham hat! mickeety eirccncren fr ' his fathers fetteta , then grew the ntutfiou of eftates thus : mm jjgthutth mas figaten tn Sem, fienttlit'g tn Iapheth, ana taheug am: ‘ Numeric tn Cham : Sem being thatte ant holy, Iapheth teamen ant: ,Lbaltaatfiham chutttth am [etude , get nib net the rutre extent (a iotatrekhpan Cham, no: the :blefltng hpan Iapheth; but it the one alte- me his nature, attB-betame either finance with learntngto; halom’, he - ~”might bee a wentleman, oz if the ether Degenerateb from his ancient gubertues, hee might he hair: a {Betmt : whereupon Nos tnfetrenthat ?ofietttttttg grew net anelgvbg pzepagatton at nature, but by petteat- ??th at qualitiesfihen tween: Wozthtp mine that heart of your mezth [$103 hunt going peatlefith Cucullus non facit Monachnmmz a Mel! Ftp, net flop makes a {lunch atzfimtleman : ant: whereas than raw then if} Inert heme in Italy, amt tailen hither by nut «teutttets, him may me 3‘?" mm that bzought theefitfl into England: to: than tamett net atone,’ 59; but actempanteu 'mtth a muttttabe st .abnmtnable bites, hanging tn jg]; thp bumbafl nothing but infectious abnfee, as hatne-glozp, feltelaue, E u babempfim (ttange pnttontngs,mhetetnith thou hat! tutetten this Egan), gloztnus glam : pea intolettt beaggart, than hatt Beam thine atone 12:99:; melt, am: fatatltnae the uahnt thy birth : to; time the ttme at the 3; hatching in Italy, as then famous fez, ¢hiua’lrh ant; ateatutng , the 1 imperial! Rate thmugh-tbg mine hath Became, arm the}: hafl like the i-g . pang {Belliean petkt at thy mothers bzett mtth thy pzel‘umpttnn, tau; . fing them to late that their tozetathets tntth true batten: conquetea: . 4 to hatt thou heme the mine of the Romanc (Empire, am: now fatallg ’ ‘ art thou tome into EngYand ta attempt heete the like tuhuetfiort. ' Whereas then Betti heat! that 3 am little regimen, mhete thou art ! ' htghtp accounten at, am: hafitufierante to pzefle tutu the pzetente , ' when 3 am to: my fimplenefle that out of noeze : 31 grant thy alleq gation in part, but nnttn tahote , fez men at high tmteuame am: he. fjfzix «out mature not men by the outtvatn them of bzauetgfimt by the tm ‘ warn tnozth ants honettp: am) fa though 5 am nifuattten of a tetn wet- é meentug tootee, 3 am balueb as met! as thy tette mttb the tmfe. an that thou {aha thou canfi [peaks when 31 fue by fnpptttatmn : 3] grgnt it, but the Eats thou tell’tt, is to the mum at the ponze : tn; tommmg tats high fauna: mtthan imputettt face, what fame is there 2:3: , a v m, where leafs thou bait net begge a man fezfett of penal! mag: tutes : mbat concealea flame can oneraip thee a yea rather than thy buttery mama faile, begge poinling pencefoz the berg {moake that comes nut nfpmze mens e’simnegs 2 mantel? then not, outlaw: flb mpftart, to beare me nfl‘murfe thy imperfections :2 gettbe’e home againe into thy omne tountrv, ant iet mm as 31 was moat, line fa: moms in mg natébebume in Engiand , where 3! was home emu men, pemuh heathen Caefirfby countryman, till be eompafl: the conquefl': by Ereafon. Ebe right ant: mm in this country, bate beat (quoth , memefibze'eehes 5) mm authozitg favours me, i am anmitten bieesa regent 3: will make tbe’e nne- mebomageanmwfefle that thou balm: thy betag ans refinente in mg mm, from the gracious favour army {utterance :, am: with tbatbe lain bulb on the buts of big fiapier, ant: ¢lotb=b2eerbes betmke him to his matte, when '31 fiepping betwixt them parten them thus. magnum meane ge a mm gnu Deane gnu: (tentroherfie by blames, when you may Debate {thy reafen :’ this is a 31am: ofpeare, gobemen by true gzufiiciaries, ann honourable gm: gmtateemmre you than babe equity mitbwt partialitp man there' foze Ham to ma, emu mittuife the matter by 1am : pom: quarreuis, whether of you are mett amient, am: mun“ moztbp. 32 cu §ir,boait argon: (manning anb parentage ; be nfbie‘natibe birth in England : you claim all, bee manta babe but his atone, butt) pleat: anabfolute mtle nf refineme in this «mountrp : then mutt the enurfe betweene you be trefpaae Ofd afi‘a fem, frank tenement: gen :21! emetshzeeebee of in that you daime the fistf- Emitle, you mail be platntitfe, ann pleats a trefpaffe o; difleiiw none pm by «Eluthrfizeetbes, to man it me bgcugbt to a gum, am) trpen by a hernia of twelve, a; fume am twenty, E11111, fully, quotb Wlbtt:b2e‘eebe& 31 neither like to bee plamttffe, an; get ali am of a flung, fag they mag; be garttall, am; to tonnemue me in mine omne autism: fez the tummy amaineg can: not value of mg moztb, no; can mine iguauurs tome within the tompaa‘e oftbeir bare mite : becaur e 31 am a firanger in this Mun, am; but here lately arrmen, they minnow me as an upwarmnn fa lightly efteeme of my mogtbtnelre : emu fog. mp abherfarpis their teuntrgman, am lefle chargeable, be (hall hate the 1mm mitigateb, gt a 31mg of 19mm: 02, {Befants thank: me impaanelleh zit ancient muttemeu, :9 comm, oz platne egahgfters (bouts be eftbe mum, a . Wit! ‘ F 4 , mere late to lure the bag, beeaufe they loath me, in that a babe pm .. ‘ (mama fa mam; iannlezne, fee the maintename of mg beauerg, ts : raife their rents. gem: fe’ekea knot in a math (qunth menu ne'eb net beubt otthat : foe whom gnu biftmfi'enn thinke not inuiflereut, him you open taufe manifefieb, thallenge from pent amp. at your law allow fuehlarge favour (quoth meihetbzeethee )- 3 am content mg Eitle be trgee by a aurg : am: therefoze let mine finberfarp pleat me, Nul ton, Nu! difl‘eifiiu, fo- atlethcbge‘echee mas centeut with this, am fothep both agre’eu i thouln be gangeemn guru; in this (tientra: Bertie : whereupon-g miiht them to tag fez themfelbee- What they teulmhet 31 might hifcourfe to the sure, what reafene they alleegen 6f their Eiflee: then melbetmeechee began thus: 31 cannot but grieve that 3 thouln bethus nutctac’e mitha flattere men, enely tit fez hutbannzy, fe‘eing 3 am the eziginall of all honourable eneeboure. En what em) both peuthbettnm their mite on 3mm, phpftche, o; flzbeologie, were it not the em: they eime at, is the wearing e'f-ma'e, emu thinning ofpzeferment a 130mm neuritheth em, an: to; the m garnet Dignity, nee leernee men {tribe to meet: in their faculty. ’ ImPigef extremes cmri: Mercator ad Zudog Pcrmarc, per [12:3, 81:. What ezihee the @erehaute te fe’eke fozreine egearte, ta neuter their game emu hmeru their lihee : not. it‘t’till the em: of their trdc hell were a patre of @loth:b3eeehee : nmmelbetxeifly attiremeiaus aim quaint apparelue the [par that mists them femur!) to attempt tuch mmger. moth not the healeier tight to be hm»: :' the flaws yer ftueg ta comatenence himfelfe with test : the artifiger takes paines 031er fez. my take, that wearing mes, the mag beagge it a: mongtt the heft. what new carries he now aeeges that goes pine tap in a moth hge’echa mho mill ke’epe him tempang thatthinhe teen ethimfelfe unleh‘e be me the ample aabe to make cleane his theme :1 the meglee are chmg’b, emu men are grommets maze mit, ant: theft mines-te afpire after maze honogable theughte : they were Emmee in Diebm‘ 5115:, they he» not the true ate ofsmntilitp, anb therefoze they libel) meanelp, arm ngen ebfeutely: but note mens capacities ‘ ate refineb, time hath fer a nets enge on aenflemeue human, am: 1912 thewthemeg the them kg, nattlihestuttm.“ their fathg: a __ -’ a m.- binder thifles e! :15 e’efe, ann aims to the pme : but in melhetshats tins, tioth of renin, wearle, geafiearle late, mhiih fem: Caligula time on his birth’nap: z to this honourable humour have 3 brought thete wentlemen time 31 came from Italy. What is the em: offerbice’ tea man, but to reimtenaiire himfelfe, aria rreeit his ehaiter with bzabe mite e the fmrhie Eapfiere emu EDttlers, fiex papnli, fill pate, am: rub hoi£e=hrelee, to pranhe gthemteiiaes with my gle 3g : aims, were it not to meare meAnhy amide to marry aprig themi‘eibes to err: fraezeinarg ibienetie a flfiet‘ibe, 31 make fmlee be rebererir’n, am thought mire among the reminon fezt : 31 am a febere center to futh a5 oftennthe lam; prohieenxhere bea' penalty annertthatmap hem in tome pzefit: yea, by me,the rhiefett part of this mealme is gohers nee, am) therefoze a refer my mile to the hernit nfauy men of iuug: merit. me this milulg (Eluthbze’erhee antineren thus : 213 i heme ham almapee that hermit bumsurin mes, ta meamre all mates by their mertuee, notbg their apparel! : to Die a never grunge at the bzaberg of any, Inherit birth, time, plate, e9 nignitie mane ‘mozthg of turh mitlp ornaments : but if by the favour of their ahzimemnn their ohms beferts, they meriten them, a helm both lain: full, min rommennabie, to antiner their Degrees in appareu, gm. refporwent unto their signifies : 31 am not to pzetite, Directly taint: heigh againit the tire of afielbet, either in bzéerhes, o; in ether fates, no; will 31 have men gee like Iohn Baprmmi coats of mamas haire, iLet princes hare their 2Dianemee,ann Carin: what is Due to Caefar; am jpeble men gee as their births require, min wentlemen as they are home, 02, beare attire : 31 fpeake in mine 0mm nefeute, fez. the antieut wentilitg, am: geeomanrg of utnglann, ann inheigh agaim none, butfuth inalapert mpttarte, as raifeb up from the plough, u; aabanten fez their italian Dehires, oz. fez. their mitletfe wealth, ro- bet in hiahery tn matrh, nay , to rrréen the greateit jpoblemen in this 31am. 15m [eating this nigreaien, gaeunfieue Melhetbge'erhee, againe to the particulars of your term allegation. Where“ you affirm: your felfe to be but!) angina“ aim finallenn of flearnirig: alampzeun pzimer, gnu perch a bum tm high; bin aillthe iehilefnphers beat their: bzaines, am: bufie their mite te imeare melbetsbze'etbes a Whabeth eat that time thou mert unknemne, pea rinbezrie, ant all mea‘e in ‘52 “PE? J n. 3” 5,, "'““*"""~ - . 'v u- . v .t t apparel! hat: in high toutempt, ann min in there Bayw, all m 9f g f ”mam; atetaughthy reaningthaterteite ts a great film :that‘ 1mm J ‘ iethe fittt itep to the Damnefezllef theme. Ehey thing with Tlfily', t that they may teeme heme fog their (Enuutrtee, as incl! as fog. them: ' felines: flthe Ethane to guttice, the {Bhyt‘tctan to nifte‘ber the ferrets > = attache manneteeby mowing mange runes : to be tiete, the mm at all being, is to Imam @611, am: not as 330:2: Wogwtp, gmb apatite? 's’ttel-betbzezches 1e zette. te trezpe into art; uatutame. a mill nat’eeny, butthere be as fantafi'itali fmtes as your mtg, that perhaps are puft up with tut!) pgetumtng thoughts, am: amhi: ttouay aim to trieke themfelhee in your Wozmtps marking fates: but while fuch climbe to: great hangars, they aften fall to great themes. at map heethereupon yon bging tn Harm: at}: ma. but a ghefl‘e pour @attetthtp never tryen what true 190mm meant, that 't‘ traits it up within the compatre of a patre of meinevbgeethee, emu place it in the arrogautp of the heart: us; me, fay heatem t3 inelatrg, foe they make tastes ofthemfeltzee, ates 31mm otthetr caz’kafl‘ee : hat. me that balueth 190mm to, that! ream; a mature out of Apukjus 13m gotten title, to lemme him mote wit. Mint 1mm git, by your teams: , . MUD) with your next argument, which ts, that therthants hagam e' '_ their guns am) libee to be atquat'hteb mtth your zzaaftetthtp. git: “ been you are amp : tog mifemen freq uent 99am: to; peefit, net to; mine, unlefle it be fame that by wearing 9f methethzeethee am: am; parell tm high to; theie tailing, hate mmmn lusankempte in their youth, ant hahe be’ene glah in their age to befire mp atquaintame, am: to trutte up their tangles tn hametyuflne fiufiet : tuhereae then not}? obtett the balour of harm: @eutbiere ta gratin fa; the eefi're cat thyme apparell. ’Eljt’s fette, arm a know item? meregetetent .\ thep- teauln pzabe'upon the home that thou inert a Iyer : fez. their mum tries gash, their gagintes Eethtte , the befeme nf their frienns; A the hape nffabaut is the ttmtl cm: at“ their eetsimtiane: ette’emtng not tmelp them by the mettns gauge}, ftetfiegteszs‘togte, ant: tatwezttant. @hatl 3} fetch tram thine etnne «Eeuntreg, weapons ta tenant thy fetfe mithalt :' What [agent thuu'ta Cincmnatus ?mas he met [alteu'to b2 miaatogfmm the {Bluughemb after many hictnzt'ee a inhabbtn be M up ant: Bomne the mutt in (0111? warmente, ant: melhstzbm: thee {a 3120, he'e Ierptfeb Dignity, contemneb mmmgtuzy ans mine, zine , J‘_ ‘ " 5 9.). , 0 arm t‘eteruee againe to his quiet contenten life in the tountrp. @0111 much ND Cajus Fabritius battle their Numa Pompilius Sccvola, Sci- pi:<>.,'EpaminondaS, Ariflides ? they hell: themfetbee mumzee meatjene eettnten mine bauxite, am yet thou art net athamee te {m}, thee art the em; of'anuluiers meethy henour. we“ the, [flirty Qizipiactee; it mag :15 gene ant: bleffeu a time here in @nglemb, mhm ihmg em. phen maze a paére ef aloth'hzeethee of. a noble a eaire, am: thought them pairing temp - then Die he count Weftminttephali tm little to be his mining @hambet. anehie almee mas not here home, in Item: of hzeheu mate but lufip thinee ofXBe’rfe fell‘into the pwze. mane mashet, Ehen «Ethan'tp flourifheb in the @eurt, ann peeng flourtiere fetebe ta exteen one another in mertue, not in bgaherp : they tone net with fanneeto warn theirfaeee item the mime, but tnith fifiurgantto team; the firnke nfa iihatfleaee : they mule better. erhugt, a Qoulnier to armour, than murt'a hang with fimezete: they raufehthe Erumget to fauna them points of marge, not geete to imite them wanton @legiee of atone : they fought after heneurahiefiapne, but hunter; net afteefanmgigeneur ; meta; Bi: aiettmmbpthemap take thus :Ehere beinme that new honour, emu tome ate [ought after by ho'héur. abut!) mpfiarte a5 fetch their ~ aeebegre'e from their fathereamient Mather among am), meg; inte the «tenetmith great humility; reaep at the firtt Bafciare 1i annexe v-oi'kra figmora, habing gotten the countenance of fame jaeblemaa, mill tfeatghtbeea kfnnzen. tie Cndwaller, any tmeare his great tifieantsmothet was one ofthe margefles of the parliament beetle, mill at iaft fteale by Degree into tome trenit by their Double Diligence, ant) then mime fame mozfinpfuu plate ae farre as a hungry farm] can fmelt a @fere‘oerente; emu then. with at! their frienne feeh-e nap ant night) with dtugne am: mneteneme mt they habe getit. eDthere there bee, mhnm $011011”: tetfefeckee ; arm furh bathe? mhemhertue Both frame fitfoz. that‘puegmfexhat rifi‘ne by high Deferte, as iteaming, o; Malone, meet’tt‘neze then eitherthep twee me; their mince hath any eal‘e termeniente' lg tehette‘tu en- themtguthheonoueféehee, am)” thug Keith a emu}, ing eunftiente entertainehtm, bee they never to high 111 favour ; yet they begge no ?.Dffite: as the mameleae wetter: eeth’, that hath grhungrp eye,“ {pp put em impubent fate t9 flue, em e flattering .6 3 tween. 53' e7 ‘ Quip or an '* ‘ 7 ,- tongue to iutreat fa; fume hnyne place ofWozfiiip, whit!) little bee 7. 1, longer) to them, if the aminteintenbeb to beftom EDfiites fog. 13w tut, not fahnur.‘ mthet, agatter 21H elbetvbzréethee, there be of gems H true, that pinththeirbellieeta poliih their baekee ; that ke’epe their g ‘ waives emptygto fill their purfeersthat babe nu them afdfientility but "" e “a 11112th flop;1nho by pulling ngfelting of iannthat their tatherleft, ‘ millbeitoin all to buy an @fiite aboutthe dtourt, that thegmap he's tnozthipfull, settozting trim the pause, to mite up their money that the bate beteibiug companions have lain out, to babe an @tfice at '3 ‘ fume countename emu trenit, wherein they may bane of meta better than themfelbee, bc’e tearmen by the name of mozmip. Ehe lam inherit mertue pleaneth fog, ann neither ram, golhjriennsmo; fa. hem: anhanteth, be men of great mozth , fuch as are thought of ," Wozmip, aim unwillingly entertains her, rather bonehl‘afi’ng mot: fereb honour foe their <11: ountriee taufe,than to; any pzoun opinion of ‘55; i’hopenefaz pzeferment. ’ ' 151mm are fueh hubs whore waiters arefo platen, am: where the ibziute pgomoteth uotffii‘itdm'noz enunteuamz, but is: hie: Inszthg bereming‘bertues. 255m leaving this bystaihe, me thought 3] heart you fag, bignio; melhetz'bze’ethes, that you mete the father at gheihanitallmts; emu ipannimrafts inerefoima out to fotterpout blaherg. 3m faith, gma-man 6001523312112, you that stream teem the fiartups,‘anntherefaze is talleb an mpttart, quafi, itaet up from clomteb thmne, pourlippe‘s hungiii gout tight, when you bgeught t33m) this iogicke : in; a hopethere is none to ample, but knames that {Eallbi’waiffi am: fiatmpatitms grew fol netetfith, not paint: that meme gnbentions mam sharps to motif the (trammnnsinealth, not to peanhe up themtelbeninbmherg. a pm) you, mum Tubal- cam inhentea tempering of theme, ham bee Melbetzbgeethee ta heave 3 gm fanneae, where was heat Wotan]: when his heather fauna out the arenas ann niftezas ctwufitke hinben in help am not yet thought on by the Emma, to cart fagth as a baitta being many moan {mien to mine 5 i , \ annéen, a tame: nenp, but your Waning hath bzoughtin 9e: z 2 Vuit as a goumegmn into all companies, aim mane that a tu_httle * trait , which while 31 max halve" in efix’eme, mas but'a ample mice; mm mm mm hath his fieighu, ta lame up his mush: 1. t6: eg, an Iv make it gun tn the tale, betafueber it pzabé‘t ', faith: wearing. El): bbmamker game no; if his amass ball: the nmming on : the Eagle: tomes imtb bot. meals, arm burnt ‘tbgean. ‘ mum, mine bath hemifbt confcieme, ann mel‘owbzeemts 173312313, ' mu ehzfg ferhile bzunge mutt rufile in his filk 25;, a; we hm mm: tuteablc. mm mom was not to, A principia, to; when meluet mas mam but in Eingstapmbm cunfcieme man not a flBzmmeman fin mm! {trembuta aouttierztbeu the fiannermas :ontentbts teams mama bolt the plough. ant: line as b: ban bone being; : fifizggers then feats ten to arpire, am: the higher mt {mum to enmquqm char}; mm mutt babe his fauna a atonrtnnll : am: that: numb?“ munges km [a mom), that they mm 92.2qu to mate on their fact, what 13mg: babe wows on their beans. 21 momma forms- uwtt be (lap: :11 a meme: {Banto‘pblm an! a mum 152mb, though the mamtaptuous £62 be bzanm’n in tbeafiemrs. Emke, anb make a convey of 'all bisianbs tothe curate: to; communities 2323,th £01) muff go up: a (Isauant fez. a inbflz, although atlatt tubis age has bagge. fiat ms :52: fuchgnug poutbmbm tbs )Egoket batbblefi them mitt) bamt '» Nccdams crane, falltbmto paint: lifts, ant: cmsenages : am: tube: their crebit is utterly crackt, they 92am]? tom ban Wigann mama to a (Immefullenn. A ‘ ‘ ‘ iaftly, tnbereas-tbau faift thou art a rebate scrim ta puma; fins; as autism as Cato, to comet bite, of truth 31 D91!) tbm In in penal! thutes inheu than bait begggpthe fogfgit or thz‘iazims : but fad; 1032mm" is open érffigtiuu,’anu oppzeaiou of the page, :10; ran 3-; :ompare it better, 93mm mlmtbze’ub, manta the w; slfe (batik {mg the iambe, fa; nifiurbing tbs fiountaine, om): mum rafting mt!) Qeuils, tbzougb the power of-zfielsebub. £11m tbnamucbmun mus air, a babe Iain, to nifplag the fumes of mine abberrarp, arm to 90210 the rightefmine 01mm intereit. Why, tbmquotb 31 , if you have bath rain, it react!) but that mes ban toms tovempamtell bpon a gang, am: then: no Doubt, but the hermit mm [mm be given on flae one fine. 55 thus i was talking to themg might- {2's cumming animus the 19m a brain Dapper Etch: , quainfly ammo in 21321: mt , um battin , am: a float: of :lotbmfiammja. stamina”- man 55 mom}? (23mm be 53 uggflg fpunbgsb, as 1th: Dan :5“? a 3 w - e" %: , R 1 .‘r 1‘: If k i L, I ( QJJ-k‘ '— 15-! . ‘* r ~fiw“ - 31?:‘33'L'EZV 1 5 :5 $¢152inegmmet (male 3 glte by his pate asfam off, bée await fife M j: .14" 3’; I 13min, as if bishnézs ban be’ene laser: to his flL’bfgbee with points. ti; ,1} .'x ‘5 at Eagle; : bis bean mas belneu up [a pert, am: fate le‘ggee maew aommt'ug maze mere intake, 3: fpieb a fiayloze @nzice pike on big bze’ft,‘ a éspauithnéeble, anntheu 31 fith mg balutations, not to his rates, but to bis Erase, anv t'uwunfm W3 b? a ‘bleani‘bm “W tefie, as tfa ban not knamne binnann asken him nfinbat occupation be. mass 21 Qflaglomuotb 92.9mm? themmy frienu,quutb algae: are. the maze metrome: fog here is a great quarrel! gramme betfinért Melbet'bze’ecbea, gun mothbze'ecbes, fog their meragatt’bem wag: j Rant: tbematter ts graham to an fave, there mutt azure fiee é empannellen : smug] mule befits am) intreat you to bee one of the % mm. mm, quot!) (Elotbbgmbes, a challenge him. fine tnbp qimfl; a a What region babepou a Dotbtbée not make them both : gaze, quotb be, but ins gaines is not alike: alas, by me’ebe gettetb fmall, ‘ .anelgbe’eis pain to: his magkmawwip, unlea’e b9 misfoztuue bis ayéetes flip amzp, arm then his bailes is buta men ofhemwl‘pm mm), mbewas‘in making of. mdbuebzéetbes, mum thereiare: auirzlbflkeflace, moth of @5010, nffiilber, am futbrolfly mm, to melt, gnaw, whip, Ritcbengejacmnn again nutfimt tbe mm of one melhet=bzeerb, ts maze than twenty pafre ofmine. 3] hope there is no magic: to pmtfe, but be tan play the «mm, mm licke his emne fingers: though be lmke up to 152mm, yet be can tuft large flmabs of fact; rich Itufie into 1521! unmet hie moprbmgn. )iBefiBe, bee fats hnmne like the Gimme of the «mberke, a large 15:“ sf reckonings, mbttb fa; bee tapes long in his peeket, be In pom: hers fag fitnkmg, (bat the pong mpfiart that mus it, fz’rles it {alt in hieftamatke a month after. mane, air, melbetbze‘rtbes bath aha haw him: fog whereas in my time bee mas counten but gmbrmau waging, unfit be is gromne am: melbetbze’erbee name in, to be tab lea a @archautloz (Bentlemau @arcbant anlomtbing armemnn S ., ; the 19011) nambe in his (Evert; where befoze be baa no ether rugni: f 1 same, but a plains apaniaj flew, with a math «tneket on the '7 top: ritbtben hisgaine is to great, arm bis bnnour fa abbanc’t by melbetsbge’erbes, a will not tmfl; bis cmfcteme, 1102 Wall bee tome uponmg 31mg. , 54am 31mm gnu ham: fame reafongu'ntbglbut perhaps the flag!” anti) 1. this upon me’ere nebutiau, to puma; mine : arm having us ether am 1 "tbagitg, no: means, tbinkes it bet: ta pincbtbemhgtbz purfmaun maks them pay mil, as to aske them twice to much filkz iatcmun ? other ffufims insult) fufticmun get to ebwrzacb mp gating again» ; with a mu of retkmiugsfibat mm make him fcratcb where it itrbs 2th not. 15min a bulb the Eagles to; a nmaary mmnbzr, to team pong nobiceg-fl): may to taming :rotte: that When they hate. mam mbattbzirfatbzrsleftthem by mine, they may grow [paring ant humble hp inferreb puberty : am by this reafon the Eagle; after his Eamon exalfefl) the pom, am: pullefl) 03mm the maul) : fez. of a wealthy «Efq‘uims farms, he makes a thgeambare flfiegget : am: nfa fwmefutl Eaglogmfets up an mpftartfcurbg afimtlemau. gaetfe’ee ing you babe man: a reafenable cballmgs to bimjtbz Eagle; wall be mm: ntflnmucfi. as a bane him (tam: by, there teas mmming along the mama tomarbs usquuave [ct fellow, mellfen, am as bzisklg appareuen, in a black gaffzfia nouhwt am: afpzuce maths: gerkennuifl) amt: ital! battens, a (mlaake fac’t atom with mam arm a atonentrg flap of the fincft moon: his face tametbéng iauby Hum, cherry: cbéekzn, like 21 mm of gnarlet, 92. a little tamer, h’ke-tbe Mm of am mam Wins :a nefe autem note, purple!) pzec-iouflp mm; 1% earls ann bums, ‘x'kc a :amterrcit mam, anb mmm the filthy reumt‘tatt of his blmnfbotten {mint there appearen {mall holes , whereat Wanna beans pézpen , as if they meant by their ape gaguce ta mach ann (mm the antiquitie anb ancimtrie of his Z n . fltbt’s fiergfac’t «thufle ban upon his fingers as many gain mugs as insulin fumflb a ®olnfmt'thes am), a; bszme a {Banana of long gagofeawn :0 mean. Waxinging What tnmpanian ibis mouth be, a influircn ofivbat occupation. 55mg bin quot!) be, a $529321“: lube me you askmbam pou am; pamnesat mg boufz a 330, quotb 1,310; bytbe beip of (152m na‘eer mm heme : but the reafou is, ta have you upon a gum. fit this man) , heme 3] mum mm: my btfcourfc untoht’m, Melbetbw’ztbzs {fart up, arm maze by’e moan) be’emme of tbe mum, fog be mouth thallmge him. mm mby, quot!) 31mm ‘ Imam you by him : Ems bate 4:13am (5 one of the 9391135 of the E) GEM: : v -‘ I ., n - ‘jv drammmmealtb : befine, bet is afpuile of paung fientlcmm, a , blushimketuf figs page, as fbirffg a5 a {aozfedmcm that mag mber {Babe bziukiug Inbflsbe burfi: a imam that hm} intern? in the warm cffizgtp )Eaiwpsbaufes, a receiver fez, Mfrs, am a tar: honourable fuppnzter fez «tufpmfes. ’17: n conduct, in? was gntfm b? an Incubus, a {:96 mm, anb bguugbt fogtb by annfaermnzm £8?me , fblt bah fpent Em guufb 2mm the mines of mambicg lune. 31D maulfraus mmaim, quot!) 3; what warm bane you f0 b3: tbzzs ‘ bitter againit him a £Dbtbe hiliainemuotb be, is the @efiils fiaatog, ‘3 Tent from 1.9211 to fogment paung fientlemm upan can?!) a mic Ejafl; r‘. fettbt 111-372 01min bis time, army in pmms, in ten tbazsfam pmmfi‘ " in gain. Quppufe that fib'entlemen tbgough tbzt‘r liberal}, minns may wantfljat a uéemnaneg :let me come ta him ism) a pawns 1mm ten pounb , bf): 101'!!th lent upan it am»: mm mm, am: he mm, mm a mm of £112, aim tmelbe petite in 11%" pmmfl €232 21132:!) um: yeti), fa tbatit tomes ta firtzi’ne pence, fit!) the 15:11 mug: moneflj: ii!) b3? rennet: : ans ifycn bzeake but your Day M Dnhme in the mar offale, ywrpainne‘isloit, as full 133:1ng am fairs; yam tarmac: ma: “* » 0f war gtmns, mm [)3 an ummftiouabls gaimr. %upgs$fs the {121%, pm: téepc yam 0mg, :32? paying firtésne gems a momfl) fag. Emmi? miiiz’ngs, Sfrm pap as gush m; the tone as; fourszfmgc in fly: €3sz m: -: is not this mantfrous stating upon @Bl‘ifléri’fli'i‘i 3 25:25:52; me 32mm» mm brie Diligentlp attsming annmatting at nicinghmzm mime- 113mm: play, arm there'br’e is remap talentflzclofmmwsy we :31! ifiingg , mm amines, aways?! , a; any sthzr "gfiab ya‘mm: : but the {mus Qfitazfiszaz 1-31 pages fa 32am fa; tip: fiabenssr ii 2's iaiE aspisa} that if ét i'ge isng at a 25-23mm Emma, 53% rams fa Lag§522 fig‘amrell Mite. 3%; £231? monncrzatcn mum tgfi) tagapag- pzt=talés 3:2th trap 39322292”;- ézz. jFazba being asqaaintan 12.2th 9: mg (523%? mm nffaike ii‘m’ag, in ifi‘nc ofgeau g’sazwtz‘, cs; aguren pnzrébgiir ifs, {mum bim-iu bistmuuffimus expemes. ans 51.1725, brie (arms the minus ofa Qlimflzmau, mnmifing ifbée want, bee ihallnot 1am Ema batman pauna 02 tm, if the (Ecnfismau meter Eben bath " mg fifizoher an-mlfuver at bani», as ill as bimretfe, am) he bgings tbs money, but they tpw‘tbe pom fnulc in fur!) Darbxcs harms, mm mitbrzseimg su- mmmonitm, arm fnafieituresupon the: bill; 1 ~» flutflymg Bub him git Iohn Had—Iand heme they leave ”bim, am agamtke Wolves the pane ua‘nices wealth betwixt them as a 93290 1192 i303“) ta bee bgiefe, abomgt’ebawnie @il‘er, gem foz. } ?— nene but bimfelfe) am his frugge: a flarle that bath a filthy carkafa r mitmutacsnfciense; abnng ofa man, wherein an infernal! fpt’rif, ; in item: ofafouiemb t’xtbahitztbz frum 5f the {sum Beam}; finnes. ' an enemgtoau gum minnsm fieuaurer of young dBmtlemsn, am to ramlune, my mogtail memiegn}: tberfoze anmit of my challenge. ‘ am: let him be new eftbe gum. ”£9:ng (quetb motirbgmbzs) arm 3:1 am milling b2 mania be Bifcarnzu tun : fog were not ban flBzekers { 31 will mt sonnen-mz all) there mauln b2 lefte mating, am) fame: ‘ Emu”; fauna? retains all is bgozzght them, am buy tbatfaza qtrsinnegt'hat is mow; twenty awnings: beare- of game binnzfi their conftt’ence, am they tare not bum it be mm by, foxtbey bnw’t ‘ tbzape. 152mg, they magi: bpan the 195022 , tbatare infozcen tbzougb extreme inant to pamnz their clathes am: haufbouln {tutfs , their pewter emu imam; anbiftbe pane raulestbat labour barnjmtm: am: a mag , the bafvminnen 1152033: takes the fogfeitmitbuut re: "muzfe, 93 muggy mas mugm Diebus il‘ns. 2151:! than pzauu (mat fiart melbct‘bzéecbes bait team’n all minglifizmen their billanmnn Ih’ll ta maintaim t1)? bgauerg 2132a, 31 have knomne aflate, when a pane woman lapb :1 mm: Ebimble , that was tent her from be: Ericnbs fog. a token,to pamm few): pensaann tbs flfizoker mane bet pm} a balfepenuy a meme fog if, tubal) comes to than matings a gécre, fa; (t); pencerfitbtmnbis :onftt’emeis fa banilet him be [burs gen out amuugft the aknabesfin; a néfsamb «Earn. mnfentguotb 31, ana bane the 215mm: fiann bathe , when there were wen at my mags tbgéz ina cluttenpertgombs all, ann neatly tpzen: a queflin: um them mbattbeg mere: ans flae one rain, be was a )15arber,tbe n= .t‘ber a émrgeomann the thin: an flpntbatarte. 1.507331% you uftbefs (go, 39mm the? be ufgour g(urpefl‘thbe gamma. alatb-bzéetbes, mum: a one by my confentfihz 31 challenge tbsm 311. your reafnn ,qb. 31mm: then you (hall have my mraint. 93am: (quanta bzecs :hes)firft to the )ifiarberbzsaunothe but a partiallman on melnet bgéfibefi finefifi) he gets mm by one time breaing ofbt'm , then ma twtimes melting ofme: 31 come 91am: to be poll’n, anbto bani: mg beam cut, emu pap binning pence; mvzluetbzéecbas bee fits . 9 2 3010;; V ' v ‘ V. mime in the chain map: in {me aletbes as though the llsar‘bee ; mere about to makebim a fmtclutb fez. the meal“ of gain: fmles : , H, . then beginnes bee to take his Emell‘oze in his bannjann bis cmnbey g5“; am: to to map with them as if lye meant fa glue a warningfu alltlje itce in his nitfg leeks fag, m peepare tbemfeluee: fog the Bag) of. their neflructéen lune at balm: then comes be out lm'fl) bis milieu eloquentmrzb mahéng a lain songegmtl), faimmugou have your ‘ , mozmipe hairs mt after the italien manerjllmtann rummanntbm ‘ , Emmi? mitt) the curling, 132mm, to make it lmlze like a balfetggeeeze V in a spill: a u; lflse a Qpam'arn', long at‘ the eares, mm curlen like is: flJe tine ems of an alt: raft perimig :, oz-luill’ you be firembifieu mill; at luuesloclze nelnne to your Ibouloere, mberein'gau may meme ff ' your miffrea‘e fafieurs the Q‘Englt‘i‘b wt ie bale, anb' QB'enflemete league it, mnelty i5 Dainty : [peake the limb, Eff, mp mange are realm to execute yum" Wagmips mill. 19% heat: being ante nzefi inlaid) requires ‘in mmbing aura - rubbing fame flea bums, bee eomesto the 15am: tbsn being euriaufiy mamt mm; no mngfe tbmv ' " a (Eampbire ball‘benefcenns a5 lulu gerbils bearmaun afketb lube: the: be pleafete be filaueuoz. nu'zlvlaefljer be mm have me 192.332 mt amt arm marge, amiable like an Inamomo , oz bguan-pennant. ‘ like a mutate be terriblefiike a mfarrieg e a geomanus lubetberbe millbafiebfs crates cut mm like a guniper hm , 0; bis Qwuberebes taken away mm) a fiaguur .» it‘ if bebie pleafure to bane bis appeas- m’ree primmm bis @eucbacbes fnllren, ta fume abuut'his ewe like the bgancbee sf a mine, eg-mtnnlunelo the lip mite the 3mm lea), to make him lmhe like a balfe facet) bauby in 315mm .4 ?Lbele main: termeedfliarhermu gr'mt fleaft'er meluetbzéerbee mitbzu, am: at eatery mm a map mitt) your @riacgejann a seinge 3215??) peas: lma’e :mlyeeeaelnbm you come to pane (Elotb=b;eer1;ee,pou either wt bis beam at puxwumne pleafu'remznelfe in Dimaine aske him if lee will be trim’n mm) (Ibzill‘e cut, man!) like tile balfe of a bellann «Eblefemachlng bell) szzt’lt am: tree: to; this year emberymp leéll isjgeu (ball be mane ef‘ the alley. ifs; pnuanaiffeegurgeentbe m2; mice: of (Hinglam exempt you from being of any madman}: befibe, alaeg telnome fall into pour fianhs, as being quiet; arm making me lnalnlesta bane moms,- ae [martirutting UHeluebbge'eebes null): mill»: Doe a free; gent mbozeboutes lo taftb lye gearbles , am: to g gm ,1 groin hour {Battentz a know you not, an! therefage 3' appeals tut L. the atatute , you than babe nethtng to 1m with my matter. am: fez . gnu, spatter- apotherarg, alas, 31 lmk: not omein fetteuyéeretnts pour sashomutthnut ttbz-tobuy a pznng=mogth sf tnozmefézn to give A 3 my thtlb tn ngtnhe, n; a little Emma tn bgihe out the gaearsls, a; perhaps tome megs ozvpalnnersmmake mg rim hazfe a agent!) mitha ‘ ‘3 all: buttozmg telfm’f ~31 be ill at cafe, 3} takeflsitchiwlfibyfiche‘ , a make my wife mg'EDottaz, am: my warbw my figuthcmn’es Chop, 3 whereas queafie shatter ”mlhet‘bzéethes cannot ham a fart-aiam}, ‘ but he mutthahz his purgattunsfiitmm dtlttters, ozehamate b9 u- eleauartes :he mutt, tithe leaft [pot of 9902.13me mm on his fats; .. ham his ogle mt Tartar, his Lac virginis, his ahamphtret bifiomeb in bertutte, to make the fmle asfatre fogfmth: as if hc’z there to play . $athrmarian ina @aptgame 92,. 93mm name: tufl;,hc tanunt Di: ‘ geft his meatmtthaut flcnfzrhzs, no; ennthts meals without 911:1 hats, no: (walla [peaks plainelp) pleafe the mrugge his gtatftreae, .. Wfbflflf [)8 $02 to fl]! Qpfitbetatiefi, fog.— Eringion, Oleum Formica- tum alacamm, 8L aqua mirabtlis, often peanut: pint: if gaffer @181? ‘ betebzéztbeslntth bzinhhtg theft Mugshap to Babe a winking bzeath, then fnzfmfi) the. apathecarp mutt play the {aerfmner to' make it ftnést : . nap, what is (t about him, that he blamzth not nature t’ozfra: mingmm fnzmeth it anew by art a am: in all thts-tmbo‘hut wounfiei: ' thz apothetarg a therefoze, gmn Stir (queth he) fe’etng-you hm: ta .- 1123! upon you to be ttierfo; the challenges, let theta thzg’eag parté: all cnmpanionsbe pgrkiuga Why (quoth a ) {wing gnu ”ham partner; fut!) match Bf rainfall}, let them {tank by : mefenflg taking about fag; megs,tnmes'fialktng humus an age!) grabs $11", in a black 111121th mat, am a math doth ®etnnz,h321ten ant: fawn, am: after him, as a fuppofe, fours mg; hingmen, the meit ilfahaureh knabeme thought, that em’r a ram; m of them hat: nn'a Xfiufizzlzather getting all greafiz heme with the Mappings sf 115MB, that fell from hi3 235mm ; unit by hi5 fine, at faket’ue like a mamas hung knife, am mufltwhe’e mag in a doahz .. tum‘n otter hm~ ngie, as though hz’e hats hézne hammer: to them htza . Saw. Ebefemnb hat abzug like a )Eucktngtabbz, arm a szen’bam WSRB teat unbuttaflen [39me upon “)9 bgmfi, mung" the gap 9? DMWME mas 113mm, bit!) $31ng We bowie mrsments t . ; 3 3, u I . { ( ' amt trmohts filthy leakthg mouth. me thick We a tang ieane eta uaheriug uaugriluntth a flfizagil ttatfe tn the one ha-nnhann a mtht’pwez‘o m the other; [a pezehltnnjhat he ham tthe to heme ftum: Men upon the tompang heme he ran) them. Ehe fourth was a fat thuffe, with a fume lmhe, in a blame ttaahe fatten inith Ezaftataann by his fine a great fine 190mb like a jfauthauer ; fez, their faces, all fame fégmeu to be hgethzeu, they were to humhatten withthe flanges nf ftreng mfieerelann linen with the flees ofotu @ackefihat they lmkt like fnure blatant; Manners painten nher with ten @aher; oz mafiat otter with the runs ofan ow {tale Ute. allthefe, us well the gamer, as the follamiug watch, insult ham paft away, but that 31 {tepthv rage themanu enquire}: hrflt ofthe fngemotmnhathe mat: a agary qb. .he,a £a1nger.fl£hen magnet!) E , the babe a matter tuteutrohert’te that requires taunfeltmna you are the moge welcome. What is it, quatbbe a warty, tail: 3], whether i5mtb85; ins might fe’e Where there tame a troupe ofami; en rut @mflemm, tnith their gettingmen attenuiug upon themiflhe‘ 1 fugrmoft was a great om mummith a white beam, all in 1&uttet,‘ann ‘ a fairs blame cloake on his backe,an.b attaining on him he’s hem fume fine men : their cogniganrms 31 remember,tnas a ibeatocti tnithout a tagle :the other two that armmpanien him, feemeu mcansr then himfelfe : but get Cfi'mflcmen of gmtrwgzthip : whereuptm 3] mm ' mums themanb fatutcn themann 11m to bolt as to quztriun what they were, annoftheir bufineae. § mac mutt antientctt anfwrten his was a Might, am: there than his firighhours : the one an @fquire, the other a QBmt-lgma’n, anti that they ham: an urgent affaires , but onetg tn mike abgnan-to- take the frail) apze. Eben bin 31 than: them both (Elutirbgetthz’r, ant: fltelnstrhga'cthrfi, ann tutu themth‘z controverfie, am: nefireu their aims to bar upen the aurg. Ether) fmiling anfmereb', @13th were rontmt : aim fa 11in mothcbmrhes frame to rriuyce, thatfurh , honeit ancient (Hinglith Q51: ntlemm mouth bee tryrrs of this Eitle. 315m mlbetbzeerhes fiozmingflegt imam: mane [hailinge to them all. 31 bemanbcn the rcafcm why has then“: refute fifienflemen cf fa < goon calling 3, am: he meme me this anitner : Why, pouymap gaffe the inmarn fitmue,fip‘ths o‘uttnarn flpparell: firm fee hum he is atr- airteb by the homely robes her is fates in. wmww iimightig: inogtall enemy to mine, am: to to me : he regarnethhafpitality, aim aimrth at honour, with relishing the page: you may fee although his 1Lah'05 ant: rcbenues be great) am he able to maintain: himfelfz in great bravery, get her is mutant tm'th hommfpun rloath, am; ~ icnznrth the mite that is urea main auagcs mnengffi‘ gating mp: Karts : hie bolnrth net the In 09th of hi5 @‘entrh tn beans mum: in melhctabgezrhes, but ‘oaiurth true fame by the repogtsfthcmm: ‘ mm? {621,th matte him foghis mertuz, a‘ufiirefitibrraiitpag aura: keeping ants filmes :nms, Vex pow“, vox Dci : big Ernants anu- . farmem month if it might b2 99mm, make hisnimmaziau mm; their pzaprrs, am: pgaifes. 1922 raifz-th not rent, racketb’no tanns, Mirth no imumbs, impefeth nu meriit‘etie firm, cn‘oirs not ans other; ‘ buyeth-nn houfe ohrr his firighhours heat: but refpmeth hm rountrep, aim the rnmmunity thereof, a5 Dears as his life; 1922 3858113be mm to have the neeng franc, tn ham bis boom gm - map. miflfluu 91mm; then. wmws him“; With meme g ‘ I V filth“ _~ 5;; furniture in aware“. btme then he fcometh pztne, he mutt offozce pzodatme html'elfe mine enemy: emu therefoze hée that! bemme nf ; I my aury yam futh as himrelfe a ghette the Qquimano the dBentle: " man emu therfoze 31 challenge them ametlhymoth “t,this ts mange, I that a mam month he Bzamue from a muettjoz. hie genltneflegfmen to; Intertue be thallengebmshom [hall tee heme upon the a utyage our obtection helps not, agafter melbefibze’ethes : ate; it he be a man of to gonly nifpufitien, he tutu neither fpeake foe feare no; fahnuwe mill , regarb neither the tithes of the unemoz. the plame puberty of the u; T? thee : whereupon, fith you babe mane me a fryer, ‘3 alien! them at! thze’e to be of the gury : ant: to 31 requefteb them to fit nomne till am: sinty mas fathmhtth they tourteouuy Dimalthough melbe‘tr-bmtheg trotnn’n at it. When a {whiny to; maze, {am where there tame a trmpe of men in apparell teeming yeeze honett @tttiene, in all they Inert eight. 3 bemannen of them what they were, am: Whither they ieere gosh tug. fine ofthem that feemeu the wealthielt, who was in afurren gamet, mane antiner, that they were all fetenns, going te the burial! nfa Jpetghbour ntthetrs, that yetter night nyen, ant itit mount n as me any pleafure to heme their names, they were nettn Dainty but that they mouth tell them : am to then he began tell mee, that by his art he'e was a hammer : the feconn fate he'e mas a goyner , the thtrn was a banner, the fourth at Waterman, the aft was a antler, the firth was a fiellomewmenbet, the febenth a {Blamemg am) the eighth a {azinten an geen ttme, quoth a, it ts tommenbable when neighbours lobe to melt together : but tryout rpm be not ohermutb: 3 mutt requett you to he ofa auty: to 31 hirtourr‘n untothem the tons trohera’e hethae’mz uttethrbeéethes, ant: mclbet butyet a little to put them in remembgante of their follies, let mee hate a bout mitt) them all : am: am- tm'th you, heater Qkinner, to tohom a can fay little, but onely this, that whereas you thoulo only put the bathe of skim: into faring, you tam the momheemuo Io oetet‘he the buyer : befioe, if you have fome fantaftt'che shin hzought you not mogth tino pence, totth tome ttrange (pots, though it he’e ofa iLeoparB, you millimeare it ie a mutt pzett’oue shin, ano came from Mui‘co, o; the furthett part of Calabria. ZEhe gambler he ttuftee hie lemmas with .‘gtram o2. way, am: oherrglafeth them mith 19am, ants makes the iteather ofthem of spam, o2 tau’o bheepes ekinnee. Ehe aoynemhough anhoneffi mam, yet he‘e maheth hie toynte make, am: yutteth in rappe in the ®o2tt’fee, which {home be the heart of the Eiree,ano all to make his ftuffe flenoenano youututlery on are patron to muftians ano [maths bucklere, ano mm fell them ablaoe that may he thgufi: into a bathe“, but to a pme man that tanotektll oftthyouteu him atmozo o2. rapier Hem ober=glafeo, ano tmeare, the blame came either from Turky, oz. Toledo. jpgolu (ghatter Waterman) you millfay there is nofuhtt'lty in you, fog there is none to fimyle but that knows your tareejc what" 55 one between Greenwich anu London,aun [)0me game you: mad ney yainefully totth the [meat ofyeur bgomee: authte t'e truegbutlet me whifper one thing in your eare, you tutu play the gmofellotv to: math if you be melt greater: in the fiftjfo; if a yong dEentleman am: a metty menth tome to you, g fay,Waterman, my frieno am: 31 meme to go by matermo to be merry a night oz. tteoa care not which may no; whither me gowns therefoze where thou thinheft wee may 138138 heft tongtng,thither tarry us : then off goes your tayano away they ‘ gag, m Bralxatbrd, oz. tome other platemm then you fayebfiieal 1333!? you ate ttl'e wentleman am his mifetveu,they arecome out of Lon- don to take the ayzmno meane to be merryihe‘re a night o; tmo, ano to tpeno their mony trankltheucBoo matthey are neither man no; wife, no; perhaps of any aequaintante, befoge their matth mane in tome bamoy flawetnsbut you knotnnofuzh mastterze theretogezzaét a1 . e ’ 9g: .8 l , ~x , w .. n' w. ‘23 i - p‘ 3% a iever am: W'ellotnfsmenbet. ' av <3? azure you ohet, am} {a 31 hue the {hgtuter tm‘. am: therefoze 3 am toutent they that! be all on the 31 arm; was glam there were to many accepten at once, am: hope!) that nninqutehty the "jury tuoulo bee full. _ itching about me, ftratght 31 mightte'e one alone come running as fart as he south 2 a menbzeb whathz‘e fhoulo he that he mane tact; hatte, am: the gkhmer toln mee he'e that: an honett man; ano one at“ their company, be his octupatton a fifizithlaper. QDh (quoth melheée bge'zehee) a goon houett ample mamhe hath been long in my {noggin butlotng me a fumptuoaa houfe. ilBut 31 thallenge him (quath moth: hze'ethes) foe hée is a 31 ugler. 190m (quoth 3) ran it be a fee, he goeth berg homely tn leathemnb hath his ruler tn hzs hannant hie trowel! athte fine, am: he teemeth not as one that were given to fueh quali, ttesaees, ('quoth ¢loth=hgeerhee) he hath hie polinydnhen he mahzth a ttately place all glogtous tn the eye, ant full of fatre (hambers ant) gummy roamea, am: about his houfe perhaps tome thestfcoze @him: niee :geet he tan fo emmtnglg tatt by his art, that thzee of them malt not fmoake tn the ttnelbemonth, arm to fpntles he much gmn spotter ann’hfigtck‘e. .a .-_ ' Why (quoth a) the fault is not in the Wothemau, but the houree keeper : fog main anages men butlo to pleafe the egemot to pzoftt the pom, they ate no ruit hat to: themfelhee aun their houlholu, no; no fire, but a little chart dthimueh in their atone @hamber : how can the pooze )Jfiztthtaper then he hlamen, when the niggatbh‘eue of the now am: shatter is the canteen: moze dthimntea noe [makes to; mouth they ate ancient 113 ofpttaltth as their foge=jfathere bib, amt: halue ae lightly ofpgriue,ae their great eBranofathere, then [home . pen fe’e eherp (Ehimny in the houfe rmoBe, am: pzohe that the poses artifice: hat none hie partmhy thenmuoth ¢loth=hzéethes)a5 you ' pleate, aumt't him on the mueft. flB‘ut what he thore ( qn. ¢lothrhzee= , thee) that come he’ete fa tuberlg e Efl hope they be honefl: men fog they — laoke berg Demure. a mill inq utre fatn 3, ant: mtth that ttepping to r, them, a nemanbeo their names : ano hertz murteouflp the one Iain he mas a mesmerthe ether a )IButtherthe thiro a flBakemttothe fourth a Ghiemaller. {hearing tnhatthep there, a tease glan, ghetrtng fith they were to honett fuhttanttall men, that they moulo helpe 1:9 » ma 5 Vpflart Courtxer. make up the gutygmheu melhetbzeethee mitha grtmme auo 2'0er touuteuaute gave them this challenge: 31 hate it hot ueteaary ( quoth hee) that there babe any thing to male m my saute, t'ith 31 am at eooee tuiththem all, at leait in fogty younns aytete; to; this fe‘oen ye’ere have a heeue tnoebten unto them foe wzeao , 11mm Beere, auo other mittuale; theu' fith they hate treat: tebme’eloug, am a habe ham to little care to pay them, 31 Doubt min they mill revenge themfethee, aun patre agatutt me in the 2m emu. guay (q uoth 31,} the rather will they hell) on yeur pent; fee tfthey he h'ouett mifemeu, (asthey fe’emeto be) they will he tarea full of your pgefermeut, fe’etug the moee highly you are aohaue’t, the moge like are they to tome by their alone. at therefoze you can obteet no other points of oithonefiy agatntf them, 31 fee no reafuu why they thou!!! be put by. afyou Doe not (quot!) alothvbze'e: thesflhen heave meant 3 Int! pzobe them unfit to have any Dealings here, auu tint foe the flsutcher: 31 pgay you QB'mUsman iiiihlfalfe , mhat hauot'ke play you with putting up of meate, auo blowing mm) ywr iBgfcker as you day it a have you net your artificiallhuaberiee to fet outyour meate tutth pzitkee, anb then tmeare hee hath moge to; money than eber you bought: to fell a yiete of an olo (mom, to; ‘ a thoppe ofa young £Dte: to math your olo meat that hath hung met: teiug tn the thoy, tutth min hlmo, to truae away em on: (Item , in man of a youg t‘meather: ano although you knob: it is hurtfulLann fozhiooen by the Qtatutee to day your 19yneeehtuejhatkemithtute ano fiafhee, to the impoverithz’ug, of the yooge thmaher mheu hee huyee it : yet a may yeu ham many fianghtere ooe you make in u yooge «ratheevehiu .4 EDh IButeher, a long ?Leut be your yunithmeut: fee you make no eent’eteute iu hereiht’ug the pane. firm you 2152mm that grain to be mogth foety thonfauo youube by felling of robber! mater, what fuhtt’lty heme you in making your meere, to [para the shalt, am: put in moze ef the {hop to make your oginke (be warty ueg her 3’ o eheuye) not a whit the firouger, auo yet fell never a Inhit the moge meafure fee money; you taminheu you hahe taheuall the heart of the Shaun away, then tlay on ftoge of water, ’tt’e rheaye enough, emu math out a tuuuing et {mall )JBeere , that it [toureea mans make like fienm’th Mine: in your toufu'eme hotu many flBarrels beam you out uf a quarter of anIt .e huge, a touteale yourfallhooo, . 2 18m 1*. 0. mp For an Mtg (oomoboo to bzoao iu rotting ootono your faults. £43m fool you, geomman MEakor, you tbotlobo to ho form in the open ?Bfltifitfo place upon tho willow, too moglo royoo out of your minnow; , you orobo but one ooaro yéoro tomo’oo your @augbtor a wontloino: man : you buy your or ogno atvtbz b211— [321%, am yet will not be sou:- tout to make your bgoao moigbt by many oimrco : you yut in amt, aim 951",“ 111-3138 if beabio, anb yet all your polisio roamot make 4% but you fine foodie willow. 2:119 poogo cry out. too rérfo fmo fool}, woo the flow 43am, ano flu: Qboriffoo, like ilaonourablo mo 4411' ogtoipfufl spogifiratoo, ofiory oay manic abgoatono moigb your boson, am: yet all mill not forbo to make you bonoit moo : bu: room optromity ufoo, own the grototufo put in tho btgbgit oogroz in 132% mks, you moulo hobo as few Bares of your beans, as too (moltyor. 3mm to you, Tom Eapmomhat tap yourfmau dtano ofilBo’ero to tho pangs, emu yof ffll them our: foil of froth, float moo yom' ffiio’oro ( if pcu‘ f‘w your ghetto bogiufo bo Dolanko) home {molly ano firong: you sonnet. boo oontmt to pinob them outs your [mall pots , am) your ovum jFaggoto: but babe your Eroggoo, to ogoéo men on to bi-lluny, arm to bging cufto-moro to your Douro, where you fella éoym ofmoaf footmoino poms, that mi? you from fire; am if any _ cbonoo fogoo ou thoroogoj you [c032 {Jim moon £32 to aflooyo, auo fol: up a groat a ooy mozo than ho both) tofiuo you ogt’nkz‘ng pots 1115414 your tompauions. mobs moottbou ott 444mm, am: :4 like not of any of the root, the may lioobofogo-yoo, auo tborofogo you may boo gone, fog you motion: non: of tho muzik- aimfl’ot’o {y (Elotb-bza‘orhoofoyorompfogioz$113511 a fail) fi‘oo fatfolloiomadiu anmoko otoafoo , mm Gowmo iozltoo moo 34521424, ‘oory ozone, am: in grooztconfoltatton, aoif-tbey more to ootmuiuo offome inot'gfitymattor. Egaming micro, :4 faino flyoy mote wealthy @ii-éyono: f o 31 mom, 3% remormfiy fixlutoo them, out: tolo-tbem hommoo Hanoi) tboir- aéoo, about tbs appoafi-og of a aoutrooorfi’o : mowing; them moors tho aomg-ot, cofouiro, ono ofger Itayoo, uu we might» finoo mom to it'll up the aury : tboy mm: oontontoo gbut mothewzo’oobos exceptoo againa‘ fomorof tbom, auo Iain, tboy more nouo-ofbio frionoo 2 that mas-tbo operobant, wow: Imitbwercomno ED231321“. 431's allegations were tiaefo, that they fume ouofootberoo otooe Wing, to £2th in young Woottemou oy . A W 4 EQW’; . ‘4‘» ’ 1p art ‘ owner. y tommobtttee, ember the eelour of leaning ef money. am. the ether; chant, be Deliberee the 393m, Einnedteandhuppee, Sugarsfiaptg tee,®ylee.bzomne ibaper, oz. tnhatfeeber etfeLfrnm fire menethe, ta fire monethsz mhtth tnhen the yoeze fientleman term: to felt at. game, he mulunut make thee’eftege arm tenne tn the humane, hefim the ufury. E1318 99mm he'e follflififfb the ymmg Mpttart @5231th man] that hath nu gehemementot htmfelfe. ana {)e'e ffinethhie hue mom to gee heave : ha'z than not tnant Qilkee, Qattine, miel‘oete, ta pzauhe abgoan in his home; but tm’th thie pzeht’fo, that he'e mutt btnbe abet hie item) in a Estatutewerthant, cg @tapte; ant: to .at left fogfett all unto the mertflefl'e flyerter, ant leave himfelfe nehet a font of grounn in GEnglanb; whit!) is the teafon, that fee a fem remnants of minete, emu 9:11:25, the theme creepeth into inhale iotznmipp’ee, Ehe (1:3 nletmtth he not behinne ; foe mutt of them Beale mtth ufury, am: let young «fi‘entlemen heme tommonittee of ablate, fez. ten in the hunbgen, but they mutt late the fafhten t’u tele ling it agatue, (whirl) tute them fuze) hettbe, they are mutt of them shtln in flltumie, am can temper metals [Inembly , with no little meat to themfelhee , am: nitaehantage to the buyer: heftne, yuffe Kings, ann quaint tonceite whith 310mm ann tofu; yummgaper, hee fetcheth them off fog ittbety atlath, emu moth to; fire monethe emu rite: e yet hath he mote hnaths in his hunget : to; he hath to mark a thug, that no man run well chute a piece of (mutt), it‘fn thanotuw the Eye mm the Ehgeb, a mam thallbe eeteihen in the w 0011 mm the fiappe, they taut e the (Elothtuozkerfn ta pzeu‘e them: heme, he tmpoteth this charge to the «Elathmmker, that here bgam hie math ano pull it pairing haw when he fete it upon the Eentere, that hg may hahe it full bgeanth am: lengthtill theean ans all teare am: rent a meme: what tare they to; that :' heme they not a HDzamer ts ?gxbe their tamette Beam anh feeme up the hates to tunntngty,that tt {halt never be ethyen a 93y fette hath feeue in one hzeab moat!) eighthne ttoze holeetegnexatkt am: pain by the methmozker, nniy tn pleafe ‘ the §D2aper,a-nn ueteitre theaemumwmealthfin be thettjthe <1: lath: 1negket,tnhat tm‘th taming ane fetting inafine hagtnith pomnging ‘ it ant pzefltng ttJJfith théering the man“ he the peonfe of the thgean,’ heale to emmtngly, that they mohethemfelhes the Emma mime item to meats hie tubtiltiee : therein? it he thantete tomefiet big: a ' ., 3 e ' ~— pa O 1111) For art {2 rememhgeb. Jam, bit, fez. the mintnethe is an hunch tubrtam ' ail man, a frtetm to all gmb fellotnes, ant truelg mg freinn fez mg: unep, am: mozthg to he ufthe 31mg. Why (quoth Mothbte’ethes) 31 am efamother mince ; fog gt helm m as betet’tfull as any of the rett. Whatfije m1 tntner 5 why, he'e ts kiflne effiegmmancer: fat at mihm’ght, when all men are in hen, en hee, fozfmth falstohtstharmes ann fpels, fa thathee tumbles ne ihagshean into anathemann can make a tap at claret that hath It his coulour, lonhe high with a bath often mine,athis pleafure. t hte hath a thong maftoine Wine, foz. feare ft thonln make his belts tm tonne bz‘unke, he tan allay it with a {mall mothel mine : e cam cherub up white mine, with gathe: ana perhaps if pun lain him math the put tleane when hee goes to mate you 51 Quart uf ware, he'e will leave a little matertn the bottome, am: then 03am ttfull of mitten Sana what if he Doe a tit no hatme, mine ant: mater is goon againtt the heat ofthe inner. at were infinite to rehearre :the toggling of mlntnew, the bits wet of their houfes, efpetiallg f the perfons that frequent them: arm therefote fith 211211326th ea hath put by the gherthantmolbrmtthxtyerte r, am) map", the intnerfhall gee with them to; company. 515 there were going a; map in a fnuftejog being that plainly taunten: {nee might fee a man merry cruetome leaping over the fleln as froliehly, a9 tftheg ought at all the motto ttnn pencezanu ntaming ustremne might pe rteihe, that either )iBottleflle at them hat mate a frag with them: tag the llfttng of their feet, lhetven the lightnet‘te of their hearts. Ehe fates gmott was a plaine £01111er §fr 101m, at Glitar, that pmlaimen by ‘ the renneu'e of his note, he hit ottner gee into the filehoufejhan the @ulptt : ann him 3] askeb what they mere, am: whither they mere 0ng emhat are you, quoth theilazt'eft, that [taut by the highdnag ; to examine me 6 mp frienbseher’s none in mg tampang but are able ~ to antiner fog themfelhee. 31 fe‘eing they were all fet on a merry pin, 0111 the saute, am halt: the (montmherft‘e gretn betwixt dtlothtbzée: hes, ant) tttelbethgeethes, am: that tne neeben them to bee of the ‘ muettmarrp (qunth git Iohn) a goon motion: Imam thefe all are my parithionersfiun me hahe been ntinking mtth a pom man, ant: {penning our money tutth him; a neighbour of ours, that hath lott a mm. 512m fag our newsman outztrancsthis is a smiththe re= ‘~v conn, tom: ,r : 2mm e ; ‘ - - th to a 9; .‘ er; tin- fourtha woohe ; the fift‘ atarpentet; the [M a QBIoher;the fehenth, a iBeoI'aegthe etghtec mu: - her ; the ninth a Waterhearet; the tenth a flaufhauomau; the ele: utnth a E’Dger, am: the ttoelfth ‘a bayloz, arm 31 the mime. 193m toulo you, gtrghaue a fitter 31mg then me’e, auo mg {Barithtoueree geou area little to: hztefem. moth'bgeiethesz are you uot‘fume 12a: rituafifiharfonpzfome fello'tu that raifezh'up Item fthtfmtu, ano heretiee amongtt yourpeopleea plague on them amagtrtoz the mono mas usher in quiet: Befiofion,’neighhourlmo, no; hofpitaliz- t2 nehet flourtfheo in this 31 anofinte futh hpttart hogeo, ano thittlw mitten fm‘lee berame of the mtnittrg. 3; tauuot tell they pzeath faith, faith, auo tag that Doiugof almee is papittrp : hutthey hahe taught to long Fldt's {olum iuflxficat, that they hahe pzeathen gum tongues quite out of our parith: a pooze man than asfoouebgeake his neth as his fart, at a rich mans D0032: 3F 02,1119 frteuogt am inoa’eo none ofthe heft ftholers met a tan reao au 19mm}? eueng ibunoap emu igotte Daphano 3 mp tompang totth mg ueighhoursuuo go to the filehoufe miththemmno tfthep be fame out, [peuo my money to make them -' trieuoozauo ou Qunoageo fometimejfgoou feltomthip rat! me away, 3; tap bothfmozntng ano euem’ug pzaget at oute,ano to let them haue a tohole attemooue to play in. mate is my, life ,3} rheuomp lining inith mp abattthiouero: 31 fe’eke to one all gum, am 31 offer no man '- harme. Well (quoth ¢loth—h2eieche5)gq warrant thou artau houett ‘ mttar, nun therefoze t'tano b9 , thouthalt be’e one of the maemano to; you, meth: 31 fe’e no great fault tn‘gou: you earne pour It's hing toith the {meat of your hgotnemua there tau be no great hues uerg in pou : ouelg 31 month heme you to menu your life to; hunt:- tngfithyou are ne‘heratquietmnlea'e the pothe (till at your note. afisutgou, Weaver, the ihzoherb puts you nomne fog .a crafty hnaue: : you tau filth , arch tteale,almott as well as the Eaploz. : gout matte, anomarpe, is to tunutuglg oramue out, that you plague the poozve; touutrey hufmihes to; their geamemno oatube on to math ozeggs, that you makettfia’eme both men mzougbt , am to hem matght : when it“ aeuoerlg tnohenhno’youha‘oe ftolue a quarterot it from the goose mite. fibaybe packing, foe you than he tathtero.: What“ aj-ttler; [bake hauoe with your bzotheethe Water to; huauerte: you gentahe mu twite, am have . tag: hoppers to convey atogg 4 g: :2 922222 2222222 1222212. 2152 22122311222 21219221 2221912: 2 " 22222: 21222292229,22222222n 622122, 222 9222 1221112 1122222: 1222. 9222122222 2 222222 222222, 2222 2222221229 52222121222111) 92222211111129 222221. pm 11112229 211122 122211, 2212 2122212211,12122211112 1222 222222212122 12222; 2 92112 9212222211 , 2222 2222122912 11 , 112219222 12111 121111 12 122222 22211 92222 2222222222 11221 2212212221219 122. 31 9222 122122 2229 2212 2122122192121, 9212 2212122 2 1211112 12221211222122 1122 22211229. - 9,112221122 311121211229 21212121112212 b22 2229 1211, 9222 22212212122 1112-22 222221229 2222222122222, 2222 21222211: 1221112 92221 1121222219 11222122112 211222 1122 222222 9222212. 2232 122 112221, 31 12222122 9222 2221, 2222112222: 12 122 1221121222. 2111221122 2152229222121, 113122222, 22212 22121214222122, :11221912112222222222121113922, 22212 929122., 11112 92222: 25131925 113118 12221 , 13:92119 11121212 , 112222 9222 1221112 9921121 (1111229212 222 11122 12 122112 12 > 1121221221222 1112212121: 12211221122 12212122 2222 1122 2151221221 , 11229 212 1122 122121212 12221222, 122112 21 2 122122, 2222 122112 122112 (1521222225 0 1118 510112211. 51221122 211121222, 1121222, 11212 2 2221211242212229, 222222: 222 12mpaniot2,1bat 1122112 22 1292222 2212222 1121112 2 122222 2112112122, 22212121 1122291222 2222 12212, 22221222112222 : 222211122 1221222212221 221212, 1222 2122212 12111) 2222 212222, 22212292 21112212122222. 1222, 2121111221 21222 11229 122122. 31221212222122 12111222112222 21 (15211, 23 12122 12 2229 2222 but 121212 1111112222, 2221212122212112. £11122 22222122 2212212 , 22. 2211222: 1222312112211121121122 11122221129 1211121212 1132112129 211122 12211, 111222 bane 22211221212 2222312 @212 , 2222 Autcm n22:-2s:1222 122112112 12222: m2n19112222212 222219 222112 2131211222111222122 1212 219222212222222112, 2221212 112112219. 2122121221222 ,11 1212922122 , 9222 1222 111122 22192 12222222211122 aguirc Couc, 11’ 91212 1222212222212, 2221211221 9222 222112 92221 2221122 but 122 2 121222212 1122122122 92221211221 1211122122. (1211211, 1221121221221, 9212 22:2 122112 2121222222, 222121222 12221222. 11111211, 12122112 31, afuppofetbe $1229 122122211 12211, 1 122122222 12.222 1222212221 21222122 112222 22 121212 12211225: 2122122 922212212212 112291222212 2222222 top 1122 2222221222, 2222 11229 11222212 12 222221 21 22212 12219121111222, 12211229 1222212 12 122 211 211122 1113222211129. 3221222222 22112291222212 122, 3 222211122222, 2222121212 1122221122 22221122, 222211229 122212 12221221. 213122 122221212122 12222 2 (113121121; 1122 211221, 2 312222222; 1122 211222, 2 15212294 12222212112222: '122112.21111221112122122 9222 21‘ 112212 112222 ,qmtb 31. =’ $81“- 22,1221122221222121222211222, 1122 211122122 212 12222211 22212, but 1122 211222 15213211? 2222222 2 but ’112 222 2221121, 1122212121222 1.22 2222222211 1222313211. 9 , \2, . , .. :1 29, r c»: .- gfizap, by your leave (queth hiathrhzstches) 31 tnflti‘hufile out there H mete; they ate the berg «I ogmozante afthe aountrp, arm eeheure » the 9:038 people with their monttmue seamen. Etna firl'c 3h“ atlenge againft the QBrafier , that bi? fagettalleth ihattm'ee ant: eyeball: gramme fee the teeming efhie «tatteltenh mziazgeth Mares efthem nut ofpooee meme harms) am: in his buying stfifitfell, he commit: teth great margin; it it pgohe a wet gh‘em then he maketh haheke emu felleth neare, if it he a bzp yeete, then he hugeth cheape, am! yet having {eattutehezpee them till he may tome ta hie emne pgtce : he ‘ huntneth as met! as the watcher by the teen eta ilhuueehhetu much mum he’e mill peels, what hie quarters will amount ante : tube: the manner mm gthe fezthe thine: 53mg, tnhat the §omre=mihee were able to make at the inlna rue : to that he fete it to neare to the )lBuftht, thathe tanfcarte lihe of it : aim therefoee what fubtiltp the watcher urethmmmeth from the dh'rafterJo that 31 etcmpthim from the mueftae a ban member,aun an ill frtenn to «Ltoth hge’echeetane fog. gnu, shatter farmer, gen imam how thzough you, cohetoue inhumane ratfe their rents: fa; if a peoge man he‘s e hat a 1510th lann,ifgnu tee hi5 ihatturee heare gmn grafteann te areable growth, gmb come, am: that he pgnfpereth ane goeth feztearn en thaw: pgn bf: beth ahh matutatneth hie tnifeann ferhants honet‘tly, then Invidus alterius rcbus macrefizit opimis, Vicinumquc pecus grandius ubcr habct. Eben ttraight enhie petche the flames: faztnarn, ant he him: the iannlogb farre mote than the punge man payee mrelg font : to that ifhee he a tenant at mill, he putehim out ta beg tn the em: 02, when his leate comes out. me oberzloane him in the fine, aha thus blmflsfutkefl) he the nge othie ehme hzihate pzeftt.‘ )lBettnee, the hate thutte, if he'e fees at fozmarn gene, am: that (Esme is like to bee plenty. then hee murmureth againfi Ghee, ane fmeareth ann pgotes Iteth he’e [hall he unnonez retperttng maze the filling of hte ohme tet'a fete by a Eearth) than the pzettt nthie country by a general! plenty. meaeeépir, map it pteafe poufinheh mete teznecumee into the agar: Bet, mhn hginge in to relieve the fiate a flat gout mafterlhipbutthe pane hsuebannmangthat tnante permeate; gen he’epe it tillthe bathe em: of the géere, nay, you hate gout warmers which hare rogue of time 02. thze'e heete elb, upon hope fig?! of a Deere gee:e,rathet lettigg ‘ ' DB, -4 ,_,,, v *fj‘l'j'r 0* the f“ *F’eat‘eis eate it, then the hooge mouth have it at any reafunabie pgtte. 90 that 31 routlune, you are a (monument efthe «Comment: wealth, him a meetth that lihee of the rhotze ef the using, am: [o :g leaheguu to itt tutti) the ®2afier. :Tgiéat‘r? ft); the Qhephcarwnleh‘e it he that he kilieth a ?tLastshe now am: thematic Etpesthejtur Stole him3 3] imam little trait in his mzngetflheret‘age let him be among the ha: 21? men utthe hath. emu, moth ‘hze’erhee (quoth at) you are herg perempthgy in peas 2 challengm, mhrzt tip 370:: .4 here come thee}: 02 fame @ttiiens, mill, ‘ any at thefe ferue tame a 3g tammttell (quoth he) tit! 31 tannin their: ha mes am) tountttons. mt} tth that 3! ftept afoge the mmmnymn en: - quire}: inhat they mere 1 the eluett of them being a grave «mitigen, fair: he was a firmer. the raft, hie goon emu honeft jfifighbom‘gfi. athannler, a babe rmfher', a aluthivogker, ann tins ferangers, one a Walton, the athera ?:Dutthman. {Quinlihe you ofthefe (quorum to Melbet-bgéerhes a Witch enough (quuth hey) to; 3 am little at~ quatnten withthem, yet 31 khan) they favour me,betaufe 3 hahe ore ' a gummy fame themed! in their fakes. a marry (quoth'tltlathhzée: £85} but they neher get that bzaherg mtth henettim fa; the math: mother, his faults were lain open, {refuge mhen the hat: the ?.Dzapee ' in qztetttou : ans therefage let him be hacking. 3PM yam, ghanbler; 31 lthe not of your teichee, pan are tea thnheflaht with the hits ehewftutfe mthee : yumhfter gum weeks ozfnaft. t5 ttttfeuebgou Dig; _ it in filthy 332cm, am after give him a coat of gum flattery, inhtth makes the (l‘anhles Imp ann matte away, tn the great htnherante Bf the pane halt‘ozheameu that match in the night. ?eh'ne, mu gtnrh K in gwr ma-ights, mm heme falfemeat‘ures; arm many other kmhe—s rich that ;h omit: but this he fureyou {hautmt mennle in my matter, A neither the thabernafiyemh; he trims up nth fie‘ltmnu makes them . very fatre tn: the eye, ant) fareth-anhehgeth them neatly, aha then ~ hfiw fumee them away ta futh a ftmple man 39 h am: am {a aims. t teth us with big tmgettage. ZLEez'the, you imp gum’h Eafiata, inhere: ' mm; hot: line thaw, that‘mfltftmtght afmmet‘, as fame as it comm tn the heat of a mans beau. Zita bee hziefe, 31 am not men shun m = pour knaheries ; hut mm you are tm fubtfllfoz pouze atloth—bze'ea ’ thee: ant: therefoze gnu (hall be none otthe 3mg. 99mg, the (Era: ter Iéemeaan hunter: man, am: 3 meantent tq anmit of him, 0:12;? a B take this as a caveat by the teeth, that hon hug ottbe chatheuers tit.._ Ehptces, the refute that they fift from the thetthzmt, am that you mite againe ano tell it to your @uttomere. themes, in your beaten ”gpttee, as in pepper, you put in 115mg cherries) ano futh ozone, mm to mztng the pmze: but thete are height chutes, am: fa 31 oberpatte them, ano houthfafe you to he of the @uett. that a map you, what he thefe tine honefi men (q uoth the 65mm“ :7) EBB 0m: a ‘z’Dutthman, mm a ghmmahet, the other a firenthmcmfinh a @iltainett’n Mint ghartinstanh fete éohtttsfiano'emhgatetetegtetoelehno fath pzetth tapes to; wenflememen. flDh thee be of melhet=bzhrhe£amuafn= tame, mtpttarts as melt as he'e, that hm: hgought withthem mine, ano ahufee into «Engiano: am: fttit, to the thtuainer: What toyes oehtteth he'e to feet) the ham; otthe mipttart €5entleman mtthaufiun otfono QBentlemomen, fuch flames; futh @uthes, tuch nhzuothee, futh Jihgatelete, futh firaunnties, futh perimige, futh paintings, futh ifiufiee aun cL'utfee, as heme almoft mane m:nglano as full of pzouh fopperies a5 Tyre ano Sidou mere : there is no Qemitet tau make a 315mm oz @hitt, to melt as his tm'fe : am: mhp fogtmth .4 be: saute the filthy Queane weaves a mauutefino is a j-Ftenthmomau fogfmth: whereas our ‘tltuglith women of the (lttthange are both, better mogketnomen, am: will attoozo a better penupstnozth. ano to foe the oguuheu Ehutchmw, this Shoemakerhee emu fuel; as he'e is, abufeth the (mommonamealthfino the pmze methantcatl men ano hanoictafts men offlonnon : to; out veto mpftatt tastes etmelbet: bze’eehes fraternitie, like nothing but that the outlauatth acre maa Beth. gheg like no shone to mellae the QDutchmamnaketh,1oheu our atagltthmen pafte them tatre. fine to to; dthanolete, ano all 02 thee ntcupatioms‘, they are mgongeo by the zDutth ano french. an: therefoge fith the (mommons hate them, they cannot be my menus; anotherefoze let them be thumbing to atluthing , fez. they [hall bee no trpetes of my atentroherfte. 25611 ell (quoth 31') uoin 31 tuppofe the gum is full, ano me he no moge mmmtng, let us call them, ano rte 3%“ gang mag mee heme. So they appeateb to their names as rota o e z ' ‘ ' e2 ‘ _ gm 772e- Notme: ofthc [my to be impame/lcd: E Knight. 13 Cutler, 2- Efquire, 14- Piaiflcrert 3 Gcntkmam Is Saylor. _ 4 Priefi. I6 Ropcma’kcreu. 3 Printer. ‘ 17 Smith. 6 Groccn 18 Glover. 7 Skinner. 19 Husbandmam 8 Dyer. 2.0 Shepheard, 9 Pc wrercr. 2‘12 ‘W’atcrman. Io Sadler. 22 Watexbearcrg II onncr, 23 Bellowcs-mi’ndcn 12 Bricklayer. 24 Pocr, What, is ifmt pnttt‘blaq uatb Mo bane 0:12 maze to make me {Eyes fears ant twenty .~‘ 919 i {nag thus (peaking, 31 {web afarre off , a certain-ekinu afan obermngue fientwmazn attirca inmelhei, arm attin, but it was fometnbat bumpers ant: greagt‘e, am: mogteg on is leggcs, inbofe roles marsh thin, aim fmmcn to m-mplaiue Offbeit @afier, which treabmg tbzift mum bis fe’ete, ban bguugbt them um to that canfumptton 1 1m walkers not as other man, in the common ‘ heaten map, but came compat’fing Circumcirca, as if lnée baa heme“ ‘ Emile, am he mania mm a time abaut £15, anti af 2mg thirn m; be lmkeu hacke,as ifbe mm, afraiu of a mail}? a; gwemeant. _ after him fullnmzb tmo- gm sappiezl'quires : the one ban a spur: \ reg clot!) Q5 31mm an, facet: humus befoge with gray 60mm, aha taint :zbitke an the uézms’mitb flaw, inlaimbe quaintlp bare up, in mm 1):? white Eaffata bore, am: blacks fiike Etatkins, a huge iamfe' about his nuke , mgapt on bifi great Lima like a mfi'izmrcrage ,s 1 a lime {gaunitb bgtmmesliiie tbe Infings 0f a®ouhletginberb m be ‘ mm at 321921! of glam, a5 bguauas the (Chamerp 92am 9 fiat him ‘ fafluinen tins boyea in @Ioakes-like-xfiutwrflics, carrying gang of them his mtting {mow ufcboller- ; the other bis naming Liam’s: at" mugbt. 19$ (Itaamrane that have bimxcmpang, mass at folly light: témber'u aack’mwfiapzs, t’na Saute urinatzbet Eaffata, cut tn the shame, mitba cloaks all to be namben mm; talcum abate : both be. am my gunmen Mfimtbet, fésmen by their pace, as if they ban fame guises to @euqfieur 2:500:25, gt Length 'gomming mine, 31 mtgbf - gnifiemq BffmeB the firfi‘ ta baa 1802i, the fecunn, a WEE“: “33 tm‘bi 3" £7331“ fifiau,alias,tbe timer nfa Ebammgfrfimm @6121! met, mafia” %5 93" quotb 33am melceme pun frienbs aim, thaugb :20th particularly hnumne. Em it is, though mane of you tbzéz b2 c:c-mmonmwltfis mm, pctfapnn urgent necefft'tfe , me mutt bee fawn to Bmpm’g gen. 32me game :1 gm? ta bg‘e impanclieb immzniafly :mbitb 0379 3f 99“ 13258 mug £39199 tmuakcbp, BUB" [jg whiff) .appmfizs bimfslfe the bunsfiea‘ man. 2:be are all benefit men, s gum fellows, cm. a 21m: bgmggg, tberefoge it is no great matter mbrztber oftbcm me :hazfe. mmmmozsnom ertbat, quot!) @1'3‘9‘1W‘W5 “”3 “m ”f“ bifi‘crentopt‘niun. Ehis firmivhnm by bismrelm flu‘uenly gate; at flrfi fight, a {magma to [12 a {agent’s a mawgmn, am am hntbgift; that {)9 g5 1393.119 to make the Eavernc’a rid) , arm bimrgzlfe a 27152;:an af be babe fogtgpuums in his pug; tagetber, baa puts; it nottu mm, . rte, neither bums 1am: no; agargbannife with it, but a msnetba ' mmmonitie of Wenzbes anucraponsflcn pnunn a fupyer. w by, ‘ _ ’fig nothing, ifbis plough gaemmnbis ankerhogm he 1:12am. mm um: sftbem magi!) menu) thaufannpounn , am: bang; Ejt’m. 15¢ is a aging of his plgarure, aun counts all atijer 13:32:29 am: Wigwam: that though tbé’p‘ babe money at mmmanb, yet know mt like him. [join to bomiume with it, to any purpureasv the? mouth. 215m ta fpeake plainegl thinks. him an bouzft man, if bee insult: but libs mum" big commits , ant gamma? no mans fea‘but bis ohms, tbmfggg a bomb him a man fit to he's at myiaury. 53:19, quntbémeh ugtgbggggbes. a_bafiemoz‘e mint is there ting: fa; this ifiost is a gout: fellow, that becaufe he bath a 1ittlzinittm bis bnugct, mm " mntemne am mt’flihe 115 that are the common fozt of afientlcmm, t_mn tbinhe me are b239u1pingfihfm1 iEba’e nae but bcftoin a fairs ténke b'pmt bis; Eb}? wapet, aunt ' 3 IE! [5313f offiwflmmingfsbmle are 151atucibonembumble mentbat fog a penny,” an um tail“ tats ofi-appas rcll,1nitl unaup‘ tbingfl uotb (Itlutbrbzeedjm, gnu fay trctbflmg are but fa; bumble ; fog thzg'he fa lowly, (bat they be bafe=minbeh ‘; 31 meanemt in their lashes, n02; apparatus; fa‘tbep b2 abcasorhmnn painteb 21325, but .in their mafia nflife ,; fogtbnp care mt bum time get crnmnesal meanejbum bafelggfo they babetbem; am: yet at mg 1mg: bolt the 3915mm be the better (Ibztftianaltbwgb be is inbig . 50mg Imagination, too full atfelfediktng, ant fslfedofie, ann i5 um ¥ ' ’ «1? 3 ' fit. §- ”M- m 1‘ ,, fit to he stthe 31mg, though 31 hing am: mnceale hit fau’tts amt top mass, in thata have him: merrte at his fpozts: onely thig 32 mutt Eagfihlt fact; a plating t01mtreg=fellotn as my tctfe ,thep hung in as domes am: @125 to laugh at in their play; whereas they get by its, am: at our alums the mound? at” them all both live. Wail, to bee * bgisztejst him trot to the fatagmfu; he mallbe none of the 31mg. 52th faggot: matter What of the Dancing fchmte, gnu are a leaner into ail minute; you infirm (Bentlemtn to nznet their EM , tnhzu putt bgiue them to mttagm thetrmanners; you are a ban fellow, that Item Upon your tricksaub capers,till port: makegoung GBBtatlemsn taper without their flanas.mhp, git, to beflat with you you l‘ttze hp pour leggy, asa gaggle: by his harms: you are given aim to the pompes ann hantttes of the mom. am: to he [hozt you are a kée= per ofmifmle, am: a 121mb fellow , arm you (hall bee none of the @uett. Why themq‘uoth 31, you are bothagrz’w, that the poet is he that mutt make hp the tours arm tinentith. Meg ant 1mm both, iBa’mnnuone but he. Eben a tailing them all together, babe them lagtheirhanns outbebooke. 91m: firms] cam the knightmnn aftec the rethas they fallout!) tn omnthen 31 game them the charge thus: Wozmtpfull Wt, Iniththe raft ofthe alarmmhom m2 mm as lecten ofchatre hanett memmhofe mnta‘ences mill ueale ‘apgighflg in this «Eontmberfi'e, you ant the rat at pourmmpany are have upon your oath, anb gathes to ingutre whether etlathbgéeches hanenone nifietfon untu memebbgmhes, pea, o; no, in ‘02. "about iLonitttu, in putting him out affranke tenement, mzontging him 'of my right by tmbolithtng hiscrenit , tfguu firm that (Eluthsbgéeches bat!) bone melbet matches mung, thenlet htmhe’z fetin his fame: strata arm alum him reatonable Dammages. upon this they Lain theft. hams upon the 315001325 awn mere fmome; anu nepatten to tht'ftma ttnte nfthe ufienaerbp inqatrte amongtt themfelhzsmt {tinting out of outright, 02. {taping long, but ttratght returnen, am the might to; them as the fozmotttain thumbs it is, that 1132 have with equta tie annmnfcteme tonfibereb ofthis ctuntroherfie bettnéene meluet bze’erhes, anb mothbmthes, a5 touching the pgerogattbt of them bathtnhith are mutt mogthg to be tightly refinent, ans babe feifan tn tranketeuzment harem flingwnn; ant mt nae film that moth bze’tches is 119mm; hmnzen yézres maze ancient; 3er (mm Bum: an ..__———_ , ( an ftflasbitant in this alarm, sub tbafbe bath Write in Diebue sims, a“ ~- tomgmisn to ismgssm equal! with the fiobfiitm frienn to €52nfis< mm, ans 3920mm, am: a 119mm: aftbs pom, a true fumed, a gust: , ; buufckézper, ann gencraup as honea as be is ancient : muereas' _:i tHclbct-bmrbes is an mpftart come out of ‘I taly, beget of waive, nurrea up by éelfecluwmnn bzuugbt into this touutrg by his mm: panion 1&2 mfangl'weu‘e, that be is but of late time, a raifer ofrents, ans an enemy in the atommonmzaltb , am: one that is not any map to be pgzt’ern in equity berm motbzbzéecbes : therefoze in general! 11mm: 1022 aniunge @lnflybmcbes to babe bane him no Yozengmc that he hath lawfully :laim’b bis Effie affranke tenement, z in that m appoint him fog 2m: to be refiaent. at this 1111mm: pzonouucm- by the knight, all the fianncrs. b9 clapt their bmwsmnn gab: a moat : mbsreat aufartenann awaken; to; a was in a meme am in my bet), sun to rate up, am 10;“ in a merry mine what you have bears. FINIS‘; At; 4 » « ‘Im -A .. n- .113; mu,“ 7-.~. ~- 1.4-- .49., “‘93.; :3! A? .. .~ ». “NW "(m .0' :( AGREENE’S (Robert) A QUIP FOR AN UPSTART UOURTIER, or a quaint dispute I m betweene Velvet-breeches anal Cloth-breeches, wherein is plainly set downe the disorders in ‘ all estates and trades, woodcut 011, title, black letter, am. 4150, old calf, rebwclccd, sonar» headlines cut and NOHlG [ravm cm: in (he fore-edge, EXTREMELY RARE, £8 88 Printed by E. Purslow, 1635 behveen “‘33 7‘! x ‘ " '\\&\\s\<\\\\\\\*\\;§\\\§ r un‘n‘ ‘nr c; Greene and Gabriel Harv _§\‘ is plainly set down This tract; occasioned the black letter, calf neat, n imp Estates and Trades, woodcut on ti the disorders in all tle Velvet-Breeches, and Cloth-Breeches, wh COURTIER, or a Quaint; Dispute bebweene 237 Greené (Robert) A QUIP FOR AN UPSTAR'L‘ lacable controversy 1635 ey. Utterson’s erem am. 4m, FAI RFAX- OF- CAMERON