I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2018 ». 9,, ;W__.>' - $$$me $sz 1:? u {1 ‘ . 2 .—.«v «- w-wrw,,yv. .2 ' a N eueri tOELate. * BOTH‘I’AATES. ‘ ‘ , Sent to all youthfullG E N T L E’M E N,‘ deciphering in a true Englifll Hiflorie , tholfe particular vanities, that With their Frofiic va- gcursgfip the bioflomes ofcucry brains, ‘ from attaining to his inzcndcd " " perfcflion. " fispleafant-as pmfitabic, sings right Pumice Rona, aft ta race on: idlemflé witb‘delig/Jt , am! folly With admonition. ' By R0353. 1' GR E E N g,Inartibus_ . K Magificro ‘ > g’ 0mm mlz't LONDON,- iffizimcd by ;fl’liz‘m72 Suzmzéj for [aim Smif/orviclg , and; arc :0 be: :«L‘Qld aafhis 33:01) in San}: Dmfiane: Churchyard in Nam” m .,,...‘e.»_..LWA.....-.;..’..r.:.M~‘__ _'-_‘ “CJAkuflfifi‘u W. ,. * 7'0 W ~36: \WW/éipfltll; 7M6} Efq’m = Robert Greene Wifhech in, _ - creafc of all‘honoux‘ablc venues, , I ngthh ( right worthipfullnyas coucted t0 dtcke the Tempie of Del» ,likas, adom’d th‘e {brinceither with greens Bayespr curious in.) L'trumcms, becaufe Apollo did as well pacconifc Mufickv-‘cgs Poe. f tric,‘when'thc Troitmy fought: to pacific ch: wrath MP aliasfihc ’ peoples prefcnts were Books and L‘hunces,.to fi'gnifie her Dci-a “ tie; as Well defended by Ic:ters,:is ArmesAnd they which defireato be in the ~fauour of alexanderfiroughchim citherwifc Pililofophérs,ar hardy Souldj. m 2 far he fought Counfcllers likc‘Ari-fiarle, anal Céptaines Iikc' Pfi‘dficcm . Seeing then how gifts are that more gratefuily accepted, by how much the mere they fit the humor 9fthe partiqto gratifie your Wori‘nip With fomthihg , . that might fignifie,hgw m allb?undenzdury Lhauéfo: fundric fauours been affeacd to your worfhip, ': and finding my abflipic :9 be ynfit to prefem you with any thing of Worth', atlafiI refoiuedfo fart: copr'bfumc, as totrbublc yourworfhiP With the Patronaga ofchisPamphIct,‘ knowing you‘arc fuck a / gleam“ ofleaming,that youwillasToone vouch with Am‘gafiws a f cw verf’cs, giuen by a poore Greeks, as'oE- the Ambi anCourfcr,p'rcfcntcd by Titiizjzm The Booke islitthyct drawn: from a large prindpleWunquamfizmefi ad be. 3205 more: via.WherinI hauc difcoucred f0 artificially the fraudulent efi‘ccrs of Venus :rumperies,andlfo playncly,as in aPlat-formclayd open the prciu. diciafl pleafurcs of ldue, thathntlcmen’may fee, that as‘the Diambnd is beautcous [0 tbs fightifind yet de-adiy ?oyfon LO thcfiomackezthat as the 34m ca?! Icafc contained: bath the Antidote, and the Aconiton : f0 IoueC vnleffc onely granndcdi vpon venue ) breedeth more difparagcmcnt to the credit” then. content to the fancic.1f then ( right Worfhipfull) out of this confufcé Chaos Gentlemen {hall gather any principlcs, whereby t0 dircé’t their 26%; ons, and that from raflm rcfolutc maintainers of'Vemos hercfics they become . . xeformed Champions w defend Veflacs Philofophics,then a}! the prefitand plcafurethat {hall redound to them by this Phamphlctfixall be at&ibUth to you r Worfhip, as to the man, by whefc mcancs this Nunq'uamfera came to light. Hopihg s_hcmfore', yoquorflxip wiil with a faueurable infight, enter more ime chg mindc of the giuer, Lhcmhc worth at thegift, I commit your; , Woxflaip ynte the Almighcic. ' r . Xour Worfhips humbly to command, Iriaéert Greene: :1? A 3 , _ I ‘4: _ 29 To the Gefitlemen Readerso; 7’ r" 1" Vch( Gelltlcmcn) as, had their stares 51d with they r 2;; harmony ._:of Orpbem Harpc ,, could no: abide‘thcf“ =‘harfl1—mufickeofHiparchiam,pipe,th the Tbeflh- . . 152m} "would allow the pgore Fidlcr licence to fro; i, _, A 7 , lick: it among. Shepheards. Though no- pifiurcs ; wauld got for entrant wifih-Alexafldck, but fuchaspafl ghrough ,. 94.93/15: pcnfil, 'yct poor: men had their houfcsflmaddwed with Pkidia gourfg coloursfzmim wascalled a Poet as wcil ”as virgilg L and ’02ch withhis-palcfo at friskt with ’Umm as Well as Mars» 1 ,Gentlcmcn , if I prcfume to. prefent-you. as hithcxto‘I-hauev' - ' acne,-wichftiuolous‘mieszyct for thatl firetchmy firings as Ican, ifjtc’m praife meinot-with Orpbem, hill": m'e-nocwich Hipa‘r'c/xiqn a _. If] paint no: Withle/Jpe/lesyfl (crap: not out my {badowcs wxshffl. f _. difgracc :31?! flir‘re my-flumps: with vulcan, though it b; 6 ‘ ’ lamcly dohe,yct it is a dancc-:fo if my‘Z‘qumm fem glcafc not, yc_t_I pray you pafiég 1: cues; ‘ yvith patience, apd fay, rig a boékg a ‘ 50' hoping! {half}. find 7 x ' ’, ‘” you aslcuerl‘hfiguq . ' ‘ ' .4399 115139127111; - j ‘ ' ” £055? Grime;- I , a Q, .3 5 ‘_.- I . ,. H . . - ; I gn’fl”? 6”" m \ > :7 Wm x3. ‘ AMafiri’gall‘ch‘afldxjLofie’rs‘,‘ ’ " 7 YOu that by M/cidkezliom filmerbrqokcs; , “- Si: and figh out the pamonso‘fyaurilaucs‘ 5, \ That on your Goddcfl‘e beauties feed your IooIEcs ,. And pampervp fwccc Van»: wannon' doucs, _ That fecke to G; by Cupid: {catching-fircs, And aally in thcfountaine ofdefirc: V You that—sccount no beaucn‘likc'Ummfphcte, ‘ That think: each dimple in your Miflrcfl": chin .. Earths Paradicc,thac deems her golden hairew , Trcfi‘cs of blitre whgrcin to wander in z = .» Thacfigh and courtfupplimtj-al} to grower) , ~ [upidis (Sod, and chefs no hcaum butlouc 2~ ~ Caomcfcc she worke that; gree’nehaléh ,fl-ijyiwggoughspg Take but hisiquwmfem in your vicw,l ' : 7:: As in amirrour there is. (16619315! taught i ., ' Eh: wanton vices of pmud Emccscrue : > There is depainted by mofir curious art 5? How loue and'f’olly iump-in enemy parts, 3 . Th ere may yen fee repentance 41m blacke; Scourging the meardpasflipnsbf‘fend yehth‘; ~ , * Ho w fading picéi‘utcséemsiriyiifmall wraeké; , " How Loucrsioyes arc temgtcd all with rutha , Siththen‘his qumzmfim yeelds fuch gaincs' g}. §€ad€iraanéshéqu§h§ Agthqrifqr'h'iSPamieSa’ , ’ , Kaifla 3343:qu .. fi‘; ‘ . ’ , T $“- .. I 'S ‘21): m'am karmixmm 721'}: wide apparmm [06mm Efle F Homce‘Satyrs merit micklc praife, I Far taunting fuel: ,as liu’d in Pazpbo: I‘le, If wife Propertz‘m was in gldcr dayes, Laurcat for figmiag out fend Venm wile: ‘If Ram applauded 01ml; plcafingvcrfe, v That did the‘ {alucs chatmcdicincilouc rehcrfe .- " Thannglifl: Genelcs flooPe and gathcnbayu, Make Coroners of Flame: proudefl flowers, As gifts for Greene {for he mufi hauc the prayfc; And caflc the dcwcs that high Pdrnafl'm mowers, - As hauing leap: beyond old Horace flrainc, __ In taunting Loucrs for their fruitlc'fl'c pains, His Nunqumfem more Conccicsrcombincs, Then am! in his art: did paint, And {harpcr {atyrcs arc within'his lines, .. Taken Martial! fung proud ’Uenm. t0 httaint: Reade then his art, and all his aflion‘s prouc,‘ Ihcrsiwes @y like. tefeeli‘la love. Rick.H4k5 Gem; \'1>-:'H."~,,_>r,”__ .,..7 ,1 , I; ‘4‘,” xwflm‘vij.‘ rd“. k j A 2| «— —-r.—.«’ M.-. .. ‘ V. :3.” -— , 'Greencs NM quamfiam ‘fl , Veni gaming tanner atmleflaabe that :96 anew. 7" man 2 from the extreme bioliccfiaftbe merinia- , nail beat, bauing never a km in mpbann to be- ’ game time, no: me patheticau impacn‘t'nn in mg bean to mature any mm meattatton, 3! ban flat » fingrefinmt if! Bergqmomaflarffi nifiantfrome fame info a flumberfifa ban not efpien a trauellenmearpann nernlafe tn bane bgnm bis fieppea tomarns me. Ezfirons to [bake na‘ aromfinefle mm; (mm mmpan»? attenncb bis arri- . mall: but as we mm ne’ere, bée téemen tn quaint in btsattire, am (a tameiten in his cnantename , as 31 ne’zmen the man at. \ the: fame peniteut {gilgrime that was 32:13 religious, a; tame- ‘herpairing liner that ban be’ene tm w afiectieuatmfioz take big, nercrtption. ) ‘ An Ode. ' Downc the valley gan he tracks: Baggc and Battle at his backe, In a furcoate all of gray, Such were Palmcrs on the way ;,. thn with (crip and flafi'c they {cc chm grauc on Calmrie; , A hatof flraw like a Maine, Shelter For the fun and mine, ‘I With a Scaliop (hell before: Sandals on his chtc—he wore : legs wcré bare, armcs vnclad : Such attire the Palmer had. His face fair: like T mm fhinc,‘ A. Gray and buxdmc were his cyne,‘ Wilwgtézoptpcfiss ?féggewg ~. Such- , mm*.mwwwmnm~mnnu“ , ‘ w um “1:11: ‘ '1 , / » r \,\/’ . there maze grace in the wait, then in tip; Wei! 2’ as (15130 mum ' fulliavwma,’-«-‘-.'~.-;9:;;¢am3v.; - .7 R -wW-=~n;wmzw‘ ‘ .: . “ "" ‘W ' " H ‘ , Gréfcncs N euer too late: ' Such {weer tcarcs leuc‘bmh borrow; . When in outward dcwes {he pl'ain'ts .- _ y Harts difix’cfle that Loucrspaines: , Rubidlipswhenic cheekcs, . 'Such raré mixture 22mm fcckcs,’ . When to keep: hcr‘Damfcls quiet, _ Beautie fats them down: their Diet. viola}: was not thought more fairc; Curled lacks oEambcr hair: : Locks whcrc louc did 6: and twin: ’ N ctszm {n are th c‘ gazcrs cine: Such 'a Palmer nc’rc was {eene , . ' \ chfc Lou: bim-fclfc had Palme; bccneo' ' Yet for all he was fequaint, " ' Serrow did his vifagc tainto. Midi} the riches ofhis face, . Gricfc dcciyhxed high difgracc: ,Eucry flcp flrain'd a tcarc , Suddainc fighcs {hew’d his Fcarc: And yet his fcarc‘ by his fight, Ended in a mange delight : That his paffions did approuc, 'chdesand forrow‘werc for lane. Em; attirenin bis trauaiiiug robes} mm Iwelb nut £11th 3-incaments nfbis pbirnamp. ( nut 1'2ng me that tap cinfe in the tbi-tketfl): fate Dim nemne bnoer a £56m; tree; where after be gbgn taken by his rem, with a 13gb, We began was to paint out w paaiuus. ‘ mnfoztunate ‘agalmer ,1nbnfe”inéues airman: fly}; macs; whore lashes thy [ozroham tuba fights tbg repentance : tbnu amannzm tn bemailetbp fin,~tbat beretsfazzbaft no: mannzen at: the ggeatnea‘e of lime fe'ekeft now by tbe'fx’gbt of a mange law, to rams (beta rallies committee in thy native bamm mam gracious in Icwric, then merciful! in Efi’glandfmnge favourable s mmaflio, be n9: [‘0 Iyp‘ttafiiousfiefg thou m-eamrx'ug Ms mus; ta {Ealmers fsz fbcittz'auembm pitiful! to (inflate to; their p2~ bi?" , ~ ., , .., .4, W.,.«_,V_..-‘. NV. _M~__vhv..4¢.._-.§..¢.,,._w The firfi part. by eirmmfiemce, hee punith thy ‘ fault in teuerith. fit) but the beepefi btcers haue thegbeepett cazrafiaesz tame rogers cannet be eaten bn.thv/u&1immm,ann tome efiemems thep beginne in eontentJo they em: in tacke-tloth. 3! tneare net this {Banners grants challenge grace ,' neg recite thehoip iann , tn counter- uaite the immune am a ihitgrime , tn acquittanee finne faith generate: bet a cantent me tn this habits, tome?» ti, 2 meeknes of mg: heart, @ traueithmugh many mantries,’ ta make other men learne-to‘ beware ?bp mp harmes. 5‘02 if a come amnng houth , 31 mitlthetn them, that the hush buns ate 'tennett nip! tutti) traits; the tuieetet't flamers , rogett'eaten with «tankers, am: the ripett ant: hangar mite, toottefteuerthzotnne with fat. Eiee. at a chance among marti‘ersflwitt ten them,that as the there Armphylax ts bzightefi, pet tettethtecn-elt :ito‘their gin- rice being mettgezgeauemeeatht tuith"tanaiuenuerthzntues. at amaagu‘ hehottew, 31 mill pzeaue,that their whttornphicall'v axiomatheir quinnittes st ?Legiek, their aphozifmes of 21rt,are Biantuen mitt) this aefiniteperion, Omnidfilé/ble wnz‘mgrm mung mixers (am: with this the testes feilt’ram his eyes, am it): fighee fletn from his heatt, as it alltheitlb rplit‘againe :) 3f quath he,(anb he noubten hie mews with an wmphafis) a tall amungfi isuew , a mill ticipher to them,that their gaa tea heme tuna as he is btinwhetr fiancet‘fe a momanginconflant, t’alfefiattertng , like the mittens that rife in the {home of Le- panchuswhich in the moaning rent) {math gaffe from the gpozth am: in the euening,ealmes from the Weft: that their fancies are tike 91mm thomzes, begun in a bim-thine , aim enmn in a twine : their p‘atrinns be‘epe hell . their pleat‘ures Chimeraes pogtraitmes- , teaaine 10925 that appearing titte tuno , are m). thtng when Ixon toucbeth them,but nutty ant: fauing einuaes. itaéere he floppen,'anb tanke his tcrip from big hatkefinahis battle from his finetann mm; tueh cates as be ban, as itemang, flpzicockemm @liuesdne began a gatmers banquet :tnhieh mgefitug with a cup‘otmine melt tempereb mithmatgmmg 2.» RBI? buuflbt: be figbw flu: tbififlv 14717)!in [Em efl ad 60m” more; wimwam he hats taken hie repair": eattiug hp his eyes to hea~ names being thanketnll to; his benefits, am rmnmmu to; his eames‘fatimg into a eeepe mehitgtinuaafitter he‘ hat: a whitetien ~ ' ~ a5 *7 J?,- 'afifiz‘fim , \ , :Greéa’esNefig‘icaoiacei‘ as: aluminium ,, 'bte-aat‘tey tap tunnmlg, am: mttaa balm. " I&mebtonntmanmfungnuttblsfine, ‘ , _ . The ‘PvzlmeNO‘dé... ‘ ' LdeLfl/femzlcm/ofixa day, As in_ field this (hephcard lay; Tuning efhis oaten pjpc, , Which he hit with-many a firipe: Said to Coridon, that hec . , r©nccwas yougand full of glee :. Blithe and‘ mum waslthcn; \ ' - Such dcfitesfollow men. ' ., .As I lay andkcpt my fllccpc, Came the god that hated flccpc: ; Glad in armour alloffirc', , Handin hand with thtne D cjz’re ‘31 And with 9.43:: that wounded me, Picrfl my heart asI did lie: , 4 Ihatwheni‘ woke, Igan {weatcg Phillis beauty pa}me,did bcarc. , Vp I Rartforth went 1:, . With her. face to fecé thine eye 2., .. . There I faw‘Defire fit, , That my-hc'art with Laue did hit . , haying foorth bright Emmi“ booms;w , To intrap my gazingkokes. ; ‘ Lou: I did,and gan to woo, ?rayfind figh : all would net.cloc 2 ~ , \ Women when they take the toy. Couet to bccountcd coy. / Coy was (ht: that I gnu caurt‘, She thought Law was but a (port. Profound Hellawas in mythou ht-g: Such a paint D efire had wrougfit, ’ , That} fucd with fights and teams, Still ingratc thee {’topt her cares, mmy ms?! 1 had {9.9% \. 3%. K mfiflmmmm ' _, ,‘H‘ ,:v g The firfi part; Eiafi’a paifion ofRepent, > . _ Told Inc flat, that Deflre ' ’ Was a brand [of mefire, Which conflzmah men in thrai‘l, _ ,Wcrtuc,yout‘h,wit,andall. At this faw,ba€kc I flart, Beat CDeJ/z‘re from my hart; , ‘Shookc of Low, and made an oath; 31.0 be an enemy to both, ' .. Old I was when I thusflcd .1 Such fend toycs as cloyd my head; ' But,this I lcarn’d at 0mm gate; The Wa‘y t0 goedis ncucr late. Effinqznmflm am" éww more: via; gs {mm as m: baa wash his 938,319 fell is his awe pfimipifiu- A’u;¢qtmmf€ra cf}: arm confirming“ mitba figMe rote hp, arm "mag many to Bcpar: imam; Eergmo to take bpbis imaging E9; the fauna mas 'nsclining tamawstbz Weir. - . 315:1: a DEfiI‘fiNB to read; further into this pamnate {Batman amt: Dim tee mag mm; this falatatian :‘galmer (fa; fa tbyjap» pawn Difcouersfinu penitentfif tbe iulnara bar: agra’e mm; tbg vnutmaw pafi‘tnnsdl’mg queflfaus my not aggrauate tbp grate» no; my bemaunn be teniaus tn thy trauels,let me crane of cut— tefie whither tbeu Bowman tbeeno oftbp pilgrimage, that if thou beet! Reptalmp, 31 mag hires: thee , a; iftbau knamelf tbe *Letu'untrg, 31 mag mm; éauformmto tbp taming,- to; 31 bane am my lifetime coucteb ta befaitbfuu to my frienns, c csurteaus ta firaugers. E92 {Banner ( amageo at my rename l‘alutatinnl "mpg backs ant bent bis bgamefi, as if be feareb fame pgembtce m tum afiennen at my pzefemewat t’nben be ram me meapcm ieflmnn ipitbont company , am: yet fa affable in mum ,, ann Liz'éoimira m emetic; wrtefim as might impogt a (IBentlemambe aenunflg maauen bis bannetafgramna mane tats rcpt? : ‘ {Beatleman (fa; no latte you ream) if the unmet may/bee mamas by €mel!,oz the man by his mogbsa ama wa'lmemif- numeral: i332 mp graymno penttent,ifgau note my griefe, habit?) rzf’agram is as ewestuaugaz mp attire is lit!“ ceunterfeitflzbe ni- 2:5 2 ramstim Greencs Ncucr (:00 late: recttou of mg tourney“ mat to Icmfalcm : to; my fattb tets'me; anti! can am as greatfauour lawns tnEngIand,asin Ierichc: am: wagers are not bean: m the piace. but tn the behalf: of the patron heartily rtpentant. 4.9g natinabomets England; the m at mutnurneg ts Venice , MW? 3 means to hifi‘té m alb frtenn of mtuean ®ngltfl1man.tn hahom a bane btzt longtime inmb- - tea , am: now means part1? t0 rem mttbfutb (toga as a bane v bangbtmtth barn cwaienm mm night 31 mitlreft'in tb‘e‘ um tillage : arm thus 3; brave fit, you refi tatil’fiw. 1 EM: antmec at the 3:39am: mane me the maze Demons ta enquire tnta bis (tats , that a entreaten him 3 migbtbfz Ema tm- iuct) a guett; arm {eetsig aims refibveut in Bergamombere that night he meant in harbour, fat!) longingas aanuntrp gmm- man mum aftagn ,anb fucb them 85 Inc!) a village mtgtt on the tabatne yétnfioulu be at his commann. Well comb tbtspatmgrthfli sf curtefic, ant: returning méc manptbanksmaucbetbnt mp pge'fier,e-mas wilting to take my 11.0mm; bis stuns ,fls me patt on the map, was theme!) to fall into pzattle tbusbfrmuntb afif it might with many quettt’nm: not béz nfienfiue , atmonlo tame bee inqatfittna to harm , as non bane pafleh atong anncc, GamanyfinD'Rhmc ann-part of Italygmbat gnu bane notch t_noztbg otmemnzpfifimutng btacap as a man that was patting @mteousm anfmeren thus :31 t2“ gnu fir (quotbbe) as a‘ team!) qneflton merits filemelaa tami— tiar nemaunn mum at triennlp reply) art butts, although Zeno the mildnpber caunteh-tt maze bonnnr,to be a {item naturalifl tbtn an cluquen’t 'tDzatoz. 31511: as 3 am not a ®gmnat‘opbifl, m, tangle at cum: Eampbtfitcalt ,abtettian : m awn not a {warm Qtntksxo antume but by fillahles :anb taming: thus to gem: quefittm. ’ _ fitter Man wt tram Douer tuCalicc , gremembgeb" am: am Homer; unit of Vlitfits , that 022 toasten», mt - onelytu [es mange aowtri‘esmut mitt; avnteepe in-fi‘gbt ta-bane 3 mm tn; in tbs mguners of men : toggtbnugbtfis apafl‘en tlmugb’Pzris, m: nut? to pleats mineggitgwtth t1): tartous flubitecture nttbe bnttntng,bnt with the tigers. ntfpomtons of the. anbab’i-tantsa fauna therein}; the dzonrtaoz a‘atme firm at the taicwfln bane 3-331th to; to mat! a fiegtmentjt bebaa beans a5 perfect in 4 A - I ting; x . The firfi part: '2 true religion,“ palittque in martial! nttatpltuefihe (Iteurtters .i they; as Arittippu5, tatnne'b bpen Dionyfius, turntng like to, the QEemeiioanto the ltkeuetrenteaerh ebt’ect that the athing peat- teren to their humozous touceits :fez if the 13mg fmtlee, euerg heme tn the mum mess in his tottttteztt he frotnneb, thetr plumes fell like the {Mammy feathers, [e.that their outmatn pzetente aepeneeb on his inmate pefltafie. afienerauh [mhut particular- 19 thus 2 the attend) gentlemen are amoeeue, eameneépertm- men. by the beauty of then: mtffrte , to mahea e’za‘mtegas tag. the maintenance at fietigtcn to enter armes t‘hetr‘egesgtejttke Qatamanber [tones , that fire at the fighteteuetpflameg: their hearts as queafie as the minerals ofx’Ema, thatbume at the heate ot' the 9m: , c are quencht with the pufie of every mfihe. Eheg count it eourtttkmto tpenn their youth in tasrttng etaégm nice, ant: their age in repenttng offlnnes, pet mm tezme‘rntn the nne,then neuettttn theathermhep benapgtamee bponeuea eh farms though they manta appzeue euerg patriot: fez a min- ctple , they fet nnmne the permit with a neepe figh: pet , as the bzeath of a men bpon fieelemo [eoner ttghteth ombut it leapeth ntflo ts, the beginning ano enntug nt thetrtouee. 7 Elms much fez their fimours. jam to; their firms, they be harm} faulatermnb refutute, (feuheir tatth,trienntbip,reti- ginnmnther particular quatttteexm there is a league betwixt be aim them,)a mitt {pare tn tpeahe. team being {atheism , 31 {home pinbtm tarre mm; Diogcnc5,03 in flattemg thetrtautts. 0; their follies, ?J mouth clam a. feoles thouieer mm; Dauus tn Terence: tktpptug therefoge from them to the Gcrmanes. flay, [tang ttr(queth 301mm you pan‘ethe Alpcs , giue mee teaue to hate yea an home mu in Lionufoz though yea bea watmemnn religtene, pet § hope tuth ae’epe Benetton reflen not it; you, but ‘ an’ name at Venus taaours hang in your eye? gfanh tnhen pea han mm the moming tn @zttone , gnu cauthtn the attemnonez Lena a glance to a tatre flange. Ehe Eaglefoatee mat to high in the 892e, hut thee can etpie a little fitbtn the tea : the (nuns m 7 Cancer goes retrograbe,the tolaett chute hath his tummer, aunt- Apollomae never In fitotcall,bntfimel in 471mb: twirl let fat l' , a (mileage the men renew {Bilgrtme 0215mm hath an epezm tueltas‘aheart, aha attache tetennte beauty, asethangh’t tn- , » E 3 ' beam . Greenes’Neucrtoo 1m. *mfi mmmagm wmfnze, a mg m, what tbin‘ke vans the sFren‘cbrmmn ? m :th3 ,qmfifim 3» attbuugb bis gtautfig was great 33:: with a piesfant :ouutwams be mate this reply: Qltbpugza fire mums mu in the camfi fight: of €132 final); as in mg rurtiyexmmbeme pamieflzflge graa‘ent tbs taxman. 113mm Egyp:,aa‘it mu Icwry, emomeu mbarefeeuer-tbeg Em fingenme mm mcajfariz, get tbnagb their general! meme ha aii "am,“ cumming tram Eua, am (beverage fromarafincanfiant, Régbmmazcusmeceitmu, auto quid mn? better ue'ctpberea 9:? ‘ Maumanfibw a can make befcrx'ptian of: gems the miamonns fig: Indca he mm barn tbentbe etomifi) 6mm in England : 33 "t )e wargmteg cf the men are mozevozient then the {32mm 7 aftbsgaufiym mamas affectians are afiectenafter tbe nifpa. fifiw bf the slime wherein they are buzne: although Auiccn: . #3:: W apbagifmes (eta Minna this candnfian , (bat tbsznes m where 5mm Eastman! pfickesme; names mitbeut. mugs : bu: - Matting off tbéfi paeamble : thus in now: quefiion. E112 mag mu tin Erance generauy, as ccmemiug tbs e—rteflog lineamenm mftbefir ouimaw perfectiaume beautifull,as being militant? feats!) mam greed Britcainc , mime fiatnrefim ant: batcbetb beautcoua {aaramoms : get altbcugg thldra mmmm 9am Emma b2: tunnmgin their paztraitmes,as women that thinks mathing perfect, mat Elm hath not mam, that bane nmgges sf Alexandria Minerals 9! Egypt, waters from Tharfusmaim tings from Spainc, am: tuba! to toe faztootb ? E9 maiketbem mm beautifuu then hertnnumnmme pleating in the eyes of men, um celx’gbifuu in tbefigbt‘nf «m : this is but their 2m.- axrinm‘ batting u; at blemitbetb their immarn hertuem‘f they {mm mm. 1153: mime tn 252:: interwar indinatinn. game, as fifths? mm “(agargegahafe Venus , am: afibefir nattuitiw bat: an a~ 1921* mg ,. 7?, taxis no pleatur‘e but in amozaus {gamma 11a Eslégbt" “"firf’fisamégats ofimue, matting Cupids wings mm; fimmatm $329 trickingfip big gainer mitt) {meeteperfamm way Is? eat their faxes as fame“ 00 their having glafiesfibat tbs Martins tbat {sate bigbeft , may Ifoepe {aonefi ; gimme as the pagelwmg mes are {13239: within tbeiwetmbm they Inc rim étb figbmna pizzab mfitb gamer5,.fainatwr;es,ania plaiqtvmt {:3ch in mm rim , that {sewing ta be cuwpmes at tbffirft' " are: The firfi part.” , titre: fozmben tbsp téa pong nauiees intrapt . tam tbe-‘jfitettct; aames’are like £9 :92 penplc Hipcrborci , that tpnrntngttqun» rite mitt) their mm, tectettp aackc their bunget mitt) tbm‘ugte thereof: tn tbsp outwarbly E&mtng'ta nantemae weir tummy: mattnnfi .5 t’taaa in beauty feare lea time mania team 03’ their amogaus gamma: tn tbat tbep‘battc latte tnt‘bfn‘r egcdtaaesJ‘a fltfiberig? tatheh on’hpfamms it mops off tutti; etm‘g imam, am) is tbakt oft mm) werp batne fl‘umbgr. game of them am as Sappo mas, tattle to attute, ana‘atpperte to ascents, batting ttbetr hearts mane 061mm ', ream; to meme sumo tmpztfltau , not content t-tu tgegbaue as manplcunmas their. mam bane entrances fog tone,ana tlaote are like tmfiumite 391% that am, V, tight am: full at balw. Mme m as tnwnt’tant a5 Crcmda, fink!» Troylus must: {a tmemet out of fight,cut ofmt’me: arm». as fameas Diomedc beginnes-tacourtxbée like Venetian frag. flattening bis penny, curmut 2 mrxmdamtttng co'gm, paa‘a- file from man to man éntnag ot’ exchange.®tber5 are as Lidia): trueltmbofe bartss are bammeren tn the fugge of pgtaefibéahtng: tbemrelues too goes to; at! , ant none msgtbg of firm, sum get aftttmes naming all nap tn the bums mm; the ilB‘éetle , are at' mtgbtcontzntea $11th a comment fa; matter. mm: bane r2925.» sf fifiaftltshesfibat are pzeiuntctalt to mew ebiectgann barn; at“ fiuamant, not any way ta be piercen : amt pets] thtntzmnt aga. tug mines, n02 leaning apt te 11321! tn; Vct’taes tacrtfite tea. tea long time in Romm; virgins are as rare as btatke mums: oppnztunitte is: a fuzz plea in Venus court, able, 3“ tell you , ta n- mrtbzom tbs cngefl that is; atom tnfem maze particular: ‘ infiatttes, ann nifltngntlb mm at large aftbe french 613mm- moman : but let me lean: them to tbeirbumognusbattttiwfinn '- — reroute our telues that Ireland ant!) net 011le bzing fu'oztb Woluesmz Egypt «Eraseniles , mz.Barbarie-.1meatfi£ , neg. ; France rust) quattfien momen ; but as the cart}; yams mans a5 -. melt in the tomefi ballegzg; a2: tntbe higbett mamttaines, to women are fintuettallg mm neccjfdriafi‘lbflflflfififit they; be ci~ /» tber bass 0; bzougbt by. With tbta cnnclufiue patch [)2 bzea. tben bimmna a south not but fmtlatn fee the wanna: make big. beat at the tanamt’t‘e of mammals a man that ban been: gaiieu‘: mama: tngtatttm. mfllififlfl be 98.9 gamma lttttezbe mtg: ,_ . hart » Grecncs Neucr too late. Franccfimb beg‘ame to talke afi‘Gcrmanic ,_ 8'13“)“ may fbus : fitter 3! ban lett-Lions, a pafleafbp the A1965, emu caatteb into ' Germany,mbereas 31 tonne the aeuntregl‘eatentmeer a come 7 dime; to 31 perceguen the people bigb-minnew funerpr mm, then af'eunttefiemuen maze to minke, then to neuatzoa, 4; get tamazp places, ttufiee tutti) Whitman arm {Eerefies ‘, .459 people that might to be factions. Ebere might pan fee that intern); banitiesmoze then their onttnara apparel! ban émpogt ,‘arm oft times their m‘nts maze then their manhoonfiagiuums 31 {am Venus otnn great account, yet thee bah there a Eemple: ann toougb tbep nib nut beauttfg tt Emit!) aemelsfibep plannelg gem- ren fogtb fuel) flDzifoms , as 3th bemzay , though they? come not mutt it as the french eta mitlgwartmt their luff mas net lefl‘e, no; their lines maze boneftdfiecaure the people mereltttle atta- ble, 3: gretn'ne’t to fame inqetfitine at their manners arm cu- ttemee , but flow pale patt men: nuer, [a that a trauelleta hp a5 , farre as Vienna , where a {am a thing moztbp of memnzp. an a fiaueg bettnéne than high mountaines, top: mitt) trees/of mar- uailous bernuremtyerebg ran a fauntat’ne plearant , atmelt foe *tbe murmure of tbe flreamee,ae to; tbe fmeemette of meters, there mas fituaten a little iouge artificially bgilt, ants at the mm a man of berg greatgra'nitgenn n9 lea'e ageJate leaning = been his Raffe, ta ta take the benefite of the age am) the ban: hi5 batree‘ were as white as the tbgeeas of tithe in Arabia, 0; as vzbe {Balme trees mm the mount of Lebanus: many gems 950 mm tnrratvsinbz‘e face, mbere mperiencerate anb {amen te ' , tell fast!) fizacleszfibeuotion appearel in Die babite, 45 his cat- " mare tint!) eircaurfing late inmate heart , tbat the ole {Bermite fe'emee in the mom a refolute nefpifer cf the wozlabtanning a white, 8110 mennging at this nib man, at laft all renereme Dune that his pe’eres bin require. oz my youth was haunt: 2mm, after falutattuuséfl Huefttenen him of we ngaerofbtsttreztvbo antine- reb me mm; tact) :urtetie am: humility, as 31 pertetnen in his mm the perfectldca 'ol’a meztifieu man. fitter‘funngp quefli. ans bzoken with pro cs“ comm,at latt be tnoke me by the 198nm ecarrien mee into his em! , where 31 fauna nnttbore Vtcnfilia ' mm’cb Tull y {ages are necefiarte to new every «Bottage, but a ‘ fauna W855fifl§ thatafflbeelegtezaegmkén‘q cumtyat teas ' _ - full - V The firfi Part; ' ‘ mu afinafe‘t: a bean mans [Bulb 33 bouré glaumna afiibm’ mus anelp was Ms boute garntayan. fifterrbe ban retnnmne a {imam lmkza méefizrg earnefilg in the face,as aman that ban 1 fame [kit in §bpfiagnomgfintmfiure.aftbe inmarnsqualitics b9 the nnttuarfa appearancezat lamin mug!) bigbwuttb berm be {bus hzeatgeanut bis ugéuieufibitb 3 mm tbuaintn blamka $2:ng ‘ . . _ Tb: Hermite: E xordiama ?:Hcrc loOke<1nyfo:1ne)for no vaine glorious {hcww Ofroyallapparition far :he eye, - Humble and meekebeficteth men ofycercs ‘2 Behold my CeI-I'built in a filent mgde, Holding cement for Pouercie andtpeacc, And in my Lodge isfeaitvie, and faith, 7'Labour and iouc mired in one league. I want not For my minde, afordcth wealth: 7 I know notEnuic, For I climcnot hie: ‘ . \ Thus doc I lingandythus '11 meme to die. ' ‘ ‘ Eben befiept to his malfe, arm takes Minus a fiestas beam» ‘fiaberenn lmking as aman that menitatea Bpou tome népemazo m, M mmke bis bean arm the tzaresrfianniug in” his Eye's, W smarewteb bis-matter thus. Ifthat thc world‘Prefents iIlu firms, .Or Satanfce'kesxo puffe’ mervp with pompe, As man'is Emile and apt to Foltowpri‘dc: Then fee, my founc, where ‘I hauc in my Ccfl, A dead mans skull, whichcals this firaight to minds; 1 That as this is, {o mufl my ending be. "When then I'fcc, thatcarth to earth muPc paffc, , II figh, and fay, all flcfh isiikc to graffe; fitter be ban thus explainen the team fibp bc‘k‘ep‘t the ma 7W“ [Bull in his «Zen, 0% ready: to bis bears glaffmna bpnu » «Wt, be‘kegantbustonetcanta - , ' IFcarc to'liuc, or fwe‘ete delight infi‘ife: ‘ 1&3 man dcfircs to-fee out many daycsg 7‘ Brawcs . Greases“ Neuer‘ toa late; 1' rawcs me to lifien to the flattering wmid, Thfll (CC myglafl‘c which. fwiftlydou: doth runne’ 1' ‘ Co npardc to man, whodjes erc ~bebcgins. This tcls me time flackes not his poafling vcom'f'c'9 , But asa iGIaITcrunncs ow: with cucry hours, 7 Some in their youth, fem: in their wcakcf’c age, V, Al! furc to die, but no manknowcs his time: ’ But this I thinkfic, how vainca thing is man,- Whofc longcfi life is likened ”to afpan E; . aafilmbe take his fiBthe in his baungbberwpsW-anfng 915.2» ‘ arms, be amplifier) tans. ~ WhenS arm :to lift me With his wiiés‘,” / Or proudlyadares to give a fierce afl‘auit,‘ To make a flripwracke of my faith with Fearesgx t Then armde a: all points to witlhfiand the foe With holy armour: hcre’sxhe martial! {word : ; This Bookc, this Bible, this two-edgcd bia'dc, Whofc {Wecte contempicrceth the Gates of hell 2' . Daciphcring lawes and difcipline ofwarrc, ' To oucrthroaw the flrcngth ofSazansiarrc. mm the a119mm“zairwum'wm mum fetter“: bis 62!! :- am: after,tbat a (bum be 92min to all his patheticau conceim bee bzuugbt foul) a femraotcs,ann Incl; ample bizt as be baits") nmfirme that b& 132:» fiatureeuerp map mitbm bar limétcso _ manning at the methane béihfen tn bis dtclLaftsr- abut: taken : mg repafi mitb-btm, as has met courteouag, m parten trienn- wghe mm; erboztations to beware nf goutbes follies, a {vita ‘ maniacs am: reueremz to his agengkrs, fozbis graue,ann fa— therly pertmafion : to SI meat from. bis 62!! to Vienna, anus.» from thence :oafien hp intntbe bdmm ofatalte... m» palms: ban (came name!) ataIie,vbnt memmerewme to .A mgboufatobere a gaue gimme!) entertainment, 23. either the - - ahziitie of mgtubfiancatbeplcntte of taecauntrpmz the amt.» metre of the time canto affanznzann became a mouth energ map , grace him 3 bznugbtnsme mpvmife ta gm him a rnpall met... .. » ggm.e,q {angut‘ relogmgtbemb gu; italics. get beware be 1635 a fistulas, -.. “.7“ _4_._ __._ _ M4 -_..,_ The firfiiPart. , ~ ‘ {Ealmervann‘tris pzofwfon’oalmb Beautpat a fight pmwm him thatzgrace. Ea b2 mm. ‘at laminae fate nahme ta rnppw-G tberepafl the time mm; rut!) pleaflngtbatas tbe plcafam {Bal— merpleatzn ta conferre bponfimpperbnneg March the gal;- me: to nirccurfz (mt were not nfimfiuembat region ‘mmnw tim to Direct bis 1% grimage one“; to Vinxcc. mxfingbimfelfc hp mill) 3 tmiling :onntznamcg be mane this reply. ’ murteoas 'éfientlemam, to: to mac!) paurafiable c Hbcrafl ivifwfifion Dntbappzou e, lupim 16m we was entertainer: m3 pang: Baucis, accnunma ingrafifnae {a bainnus,as m tumgn . their anttagetn a Eempleg :mn make Ihemfactifiters at his flitaw: {Bo'fpitalitg (*5 (a pzezinu5,aa 2m pzice mag baiuzflgbm if a than": not grant an"? 2mm“ amazing: might Mme as ltztle (pliant to humanity,” gm: Haida tr; comma: emu tbzrefaze ff ' the wentlemoman .gguti’ mire am you millfitbp ta bears the \mtrcoarfe‘sflar a transact, a will an: rebearfe you an (Englilb ‘iBiftozg acteb ant: enemies in my cauntrpofiEngl‘and: taut fa; mat the wentlemanis yet iiaing, a milmmnha bis nammab ,tbnagb a man-tfett bis follies, ’afifl tuber: 31 baue'mabe relation, a min then: mm; Zfl nfretttbgtbe‘conrfe nfmflzflgrimagemnelg to Vcniccwg min by her muuteuamefémen to be marueloas wntent,anu mp felts kept tileme.'mberwpan we mime: be». «gan as follatnetl; ‘ The Palmers‘tala 15mm cafes mben Pa-Lmerinrai‘gflch mug afgre‘atBriuainc; famoufeafozbis D&DBE cf (lwiua'lrie, there nmuzn inn): attic sf Caerbranckc,a «Ecufleman of anvancient bouts ca!- 129 Fm-uce.t”co,a man, mbu‘l’e warentage, though it were mor- mipfull. yet it man not iubmb mitt) mud) wealth :‘ in'fnmutb, that bis learning was {better tben‘bis rwennues, a‘nbbis mi: maze beneficial! then his ru‘bfiame.fltbis Seiguior Francefco be— firm to hem: the tourfe of his mmpafl‘e ta rams peaceable 399:“, rpm no maze until) in the minim then might maketafie v mm, lea bopfting bp to tubomly abaue tbe maymgarn, tome rmoen sun might make big! manna: '1'“ 19-8 1mm £90091!" ~ b g y 1393 «am, K g“ xxmm __.,, , >> 7‘ 7.; ,_ 7 ,.» “a Greene: Nam :00 late“ , be. tum hwmst he 111% mi hath with lcarus,ta fears info tbg ' fktebat ta fife fiat Wt!) 013 Dedzlus,Mediumtemre mrifiP‘mwm: rtreanittg hi6 thaatnitheut am; flight. £32 mas fmgemratth la- , am at the flittigws, that - the 'ttchefi gharhhmt , a; gravel?- Efiarghmafiet' thhuih amt retatz‘ta grant him. hisbaughter tn marriage, hahihg maze athtstnt’atug'fotmmgfihen uf'hts pge - tent mbttttme. fit iat‘fsatfihg his eye nnrardfimtthmans naugtp ten: that. himtt mt fartrom- Caerbxanck, hater: it: thus, g mm tethtea his faith with (nth affable wrtefie, as the math cunfim Bering the harm mm mit at the maansas mutant tote: hp her: mt mu; himhto that her fathers contentmight he at the Butt: ting 7913 stthe match.Francefcoththhing himtelfe totketure,-asv a man that hopen‘his :tehtte‘in the mm might carrieja'mah- , ' mazethm amuntreh weutl‘emans naughtenfinctag her father: an a bag at fit appnztnnitvm mauethemotton about the grant nthis haughters martag‘eflihenln thurle that liftneh with bath targets [nth a quetttomntnaat in this in mmmmamm dorm.- re, but-leatatng on his: 21mm. mmpzetent ahtmthat hem botmh reqntm a gxeatex teutment then his lamss mare able th- afioznflnn hpnn thattmtthontturther nebafingatthe matterghe- rote hp atw hten him homsztohithet a9 {mm as he camezhc tab ten his naughtes betmhim,’mhn£e name was Ifabc‘lfia mhgm,,. " ' he htteren theta tnnznamwmt‘mt’emunthhe)m hostit‘o‘tute tatken,that gnu (taut upon themes hntill huh heme a hutbannf ‘ are hot: no tamer hatchet: tm'th the iLapmtng, hut gnu mill run», 'amah mm; the then on gum heah ?gonne hatch; the tréz that int“ pzuue a theme, am a girle that lanes ton tonne tutu re:- hznt'tna late. Wham 19mm“? mhh,ithe ' waives at Rome aurfisnnt looks at Venus memple till they mere thtrtt’c , mg- -* want they hnmatkea tiltutheh tum marriendhat neither their beauties might allure ather, unztheh gtamc thttr eye gm euc- rt’e mantsna tell the tons dfitsls, when Nilus nuer-Lfiotmth baa fuzz his time, Egypt is. plagueb with a hearth: the trés that hlnfiome tn febzuarh, are nippen jmtth the main shah 5 bu»? ‘ timely fruits ban must gm famine, 6- hearts dentlemamen, that are m-nnea ant: man are they be mttatoztnmann repentbe- . tazatheh be nln. What feel! than in Egancefcothat thine aha mu thnctezahn thghzagt 391,89 thnpieftahe bgautgfhll? Wight!» . . ' Quail? «vr» --. rsamwm -._;,\‘ 1; z: wiggézfiiv :. 3; .7 ‘ The firfl part: fanb giriemabat the eye léhetb at mamfit 9mm at night :lwe iguana batten butakiage: ann beauty, mm; bob: pan 3! better ~ , mmm it then to the goggews muambatis amalgam; mm, \ nothing (02132932 ? tn um apples‘nf Tamams, that are pzecfaus - in the 9322, am bull {n the ham? to tbzfiarre Anophylax tfiat i5- mnu bztghtfia—ut fittetb not fo’z am? (Eompafl'e? in gang men tbafi fiana 13pm: their oatmeal! paztrattnre.a tell tbéetbev are pacin- Biciall: Dem0ph00n mamas, hatbom Malt 9mm!) Phyilris e. Eneasmas a‘bzaue man,~bu¥t a‘bia'embler : font gmmau [mt [mile many if £929 be nut wealthy : am) 3 may tiye'e mapatrrub‘r‘ fiancebatb Francefco ta inane tbwée t’nitb-e {gait tbaa not beam that want bzeakes mmmtbatélone beginnetb ingota, am 2m- 7 mm in beggcrg, that mcbss marry huf-ttira faireifaeefictbgw Muss or: tuafnule bargains P anu'mbat miltitbaa 939M451; “a , gufbann that is net abMu-maintatne tbée? 35:19:0th a mum- - sf pleamre mm) a pom? cf mmmam a pint of cnntwttnitbg inhale tumble. 9f pzeiunicia-u n‘ifgteamres.. 515m mm; mm 3 tag; flanesififo £192 am, 9; {math mg‘magns into tbeaminaefinbegx ‘ tn pertinent: a momanfmm bet: mm, is to rail, Sifiphus {fang : n; to tie a‘beat firong girls from lanai}: to tie the jFu-rics agaiti in fietttrs?Ebercfoze‘buImife,to pgeuent almitfaztunesfi] mfii 'b'e’igour 3332103. am mitbtbat be carriw bet imam: dgu‘ty‘ernp in his own tbamber, net gazing bar lean to Deparf,but mm -. his key gaue bar licenfmzet at lafi 1172 to waning}? ntfiemblen, that Ms got tbusfarte libertiemnt to, be tlofe- pzimngr, bat to inalke abnnt tbs {11mm:yeteuerg-nightbfi fimt-bp bersiet’fi‘fls, gbat no nightly fem nfbcr etsape might Dinner bis bzeken fiumq = 2m. ‘ Where leaning bet, let tag returns to Francefco, man to Ms. {ozrom beats of all tbzte barn foztunes : am: being pmfidamas full at map palflnns, but almalf in ' nefpaire , as a man that mum not cements!) bet fathers amzemw tenn-ang‘l‘ettew mew by to csml’bzt 3&5 @tftreflem {a lay any plot ether iiberfis :fnz, m fume: any manger cametbitber,bnt be furptcinug rm came from Franccfco, firft feat fip bis baugbterintn bar mbambzg :. Eben, as watchful! as'Argus mitb alt biseges, [jaée amt: imag— nzmparticular geflure ann bebauiem: af'tbe party : am: :faaw Minus b‘umgtgrtgke btm tntbgw’bmm 19am m1: ml}: m: Erma ‘ » ; x 3 $332.: ’ 'Grcenes Ncu’er tolatel' 1:52irquifitiueMt!)cuftingqueumasfiutmnuID-ffrainz surfs; fies, arm ream; tbem berp narromlgmwber 1th Dan angle;- ‘tera 93 note bis baugbz‘erlfabcl. . . , Ebianarrom inquifttionmaoc tbs pmze fifientleman almofi £mnt~ickgtbat be turnen mm: Anacreonpmd de Arte flmandj, ' am all bakes that might teatb him any flights at tone :but fog all that pzincfples ,' bis. name- m1: (amen him to; the heir mitt? arm that was bagpily begun , ann rogttmatelp enben thus. at tbamebeatas be malkén thus in his mufesJetcbt’ug the war» spam: afbis come“ begonn the 939mm fie met With a page Wa- mamlvba asbenaftome maabzgan bet exorclium mum mag gmb waiter, am (a fun“; , hoping to finn the went-lzman as lt—é beralhaa be was full ofgracio-us taunurzzmttberbin mafia mitts ,nfber imagination, 5ft); be that thought be: likely to bée nzahme on to tbe matting of his purpnfe,rnnceiteb tbusbtbat gain was as goon aavglizm .tu Emit bar tn anp pmtice mbatfoeuer , ann iberefage nut mitt) bispurfe, am) daptbet in (£32 ham mm; a jfirgncb tronme. Eats finacwfiomen remawman’e, bet maze ’ framaor-caixrtefles,tbat wary rag reacbt tbs fifizntleman a tea u mute , mttbpzomtfe ofmanp pzagers r02 bis beam). 192 that abarpeo an answer firing,th the woman by the Danmann fit- ,ting Damn: bpen the greens graflmircaura butt: on from point ' to point the beginning an (equal! of his lanes , arm how by no meanesnrtept b2 berm touln tnnuag any letter.- fibe beggar mucous to Me the ficntleman any pleamre , Iain then was reabg to tat: any paines that might renown to his tcuuw tent; . . macaeupon bereplisb tbaszmben mother, than malt gas to 12mm: 3be main) is be: fathers boul'e , am: when thou com « ' mm tbitbermre tby manta claqueme to fntreat fag tbg alums: , _ .1? the 99mm nftlge bsufeibz pzérentwtm (hp, pafpnzt,ann tame berg pafiionate: but it be be abtentnuut of the mag wen; ab . then motbemmke‘ about iftbnu {alt Diana matting in the than M a mtrgins, if thou rpm! Venus , nag nmmaze beautiful! than ones ®nanefl‘e,ann a telltljéz ants mg lone,fa(re Ifabcl,mbnm be u that: birceme from be: atber litter tbus:ber bifage is fairs, ‘ aontaiv. ing as greatrerembpame gt“ bertue , as linzam'ents of Mantis ,anbget 31 tel! tame (a fall nfvfauwrmmtbcr t(boutraé _ ' , , .92: e A Thc‘fitQ part} ’, .7 mam tbennttnarbpazttature‘ oz tharb-perfcctifi‘; bet eictfk‘e‘ tbs: Etamona, ant: to pntnteb;tbat it pears”) to the quicke, pet fa warm the mottomas therein ts tam as tn a mirrour, cents. V tefle tempzeu lm'tb ahertunua bitfiat’ne: bet ccnutcua nc'e tn the berg m’ap ctmonwpmuwto gtue‘tbéz a maze ne'ere' marktttbou , fi‘nbztt bet tn the mamtbou malt {a bet moz‘eltberall ta helium, then, thou pittifuu ta nemanu : her name ts Ifabcl :m [m tram me want thou came a letter falbeb hp entry way like a pogt, _ 7- mitt; a greafie'backzfine, anusa great teale. , at cunningip arm ' clarely tbau cant! tbustonmg hnta-beretbetenour of my minb, ’t’nben tbau bztngefl: unto méz an anttnm 31 "tutti ,gtue tw a: bzace at augetskbs pm: woman mas gm of this mattermnnr tmreupan pzomiteb ta- benturea tognt, but (bemoan: further!- bim in his touts: mbereupnn me follower; him to bin chamber,” am the tuba: bamztt aletter tn tbts stint. Segm‘o’r Francefca tofizire Ifaéaels ,, . V 7 $211 31 notefl’atre Ji‘abelfibe extremity of thy faztunesz- : annvmeafure‘ of (be paffions :nfmg lama flaw that Venus b‘atb mane tbtz cantant tn requite mg miteriea, am that tubers the greatett 'cmtet is giaen by fnztune,'tbeze tsfirungett ‘ Defence mane by afieztia-n : ta; a beam that tbp father,-l‘utptti-v nus, 02 rather tealous at our late batten fi’mpatbpgnntb mam; mic Argus mm Io, net fufiering am to patI-e ‘bcyanu the reach» of his we. , bnleu‘e‘ (as be tbtnks)"tbou munlu'fir‘nuer-reatb thy:- mm. {aw mini: is like the Emma in Ianus'memple,‘tb'at ref nnce on fire, barns till they cantume tbeml‘elues: bis tbougbm/ ttke tbe bun—heamwtbattearcb eumg tecret. Elms matching; tbée, be nuermaketb bimtelfe, mm mm} bopemafitetb as little as they labia; gage on the flamea of flu, match mum; put as; their fight in [me aka. ‘ , abauebearnthemtap;(faire1fabcl) that astbe‘miamonasr nretn’en by cuttingnt gla’ttatbe Eopatz b3 bim’ng nae tom Vat. ‘ ’ tbs auntie, tbe'mtbin mmnwby tbebarnnefl‘eJo momens‘ercel- isms t5 bttcnneren in their con‘ttancpz @Sbwtt the parton :0? r all their bertues rcoufiain tbtsxbat they take in lamb? mu, amps ant lsttt flip b9 mmutcsgtbat as the mgtnife tbw-xrerjme . Pt? :53» W4. Greencs Neuer‘to IaIc.‘ pedérmz'mMI when they mmto IIJIII: remmflt barnIg be rél magma. a pope than IIIIII confirmc' III thymus the new panama ' anmInmcIngaIIabanmgna mnIImI III I199 thIIIgIIIII,Imt IaII~ Itegam I16 mctiun, bat to II}? Francefco. at: that a mu flegpen from him Egan am cepzmen nItbe IIIIIIII man of aw II'IeJIa» IIIIIg IIKI Esme In my IIfe perfetr; III that a want the mm III II»; gerfemi-III team; with Ingram In perm) III neIpaIIefiIreIaIueII III thy comfanc’m nth mat triumph Inbape Eberefoze now rafts II III Ibée IIIIIIIII aII tbeie Inns, am: maniac meIIIIIIIes Io; (bare Dangerous malabies that our pafiious appear», Inc may Inn nut harmony III the IaIIbIIIII anm of IIIIII hearts. Eben ma mm: W!) DIS IIJIIIII am: Venus quIII’nIIIes ate IIIIIEIIIIIIIII Qo- pbmrg; that In ImbIIb Is thben IIIIII) Imam emu III league 11ml) oppaztuntty: tbeIe szIIIIples are munch bv the meticu- ger, mbafe {fate IIIIIJIms mp realms thoughts, Impattent of any longer repulIe.31 bane tberet’m fought to nuermatcb thy Ian tbzr III pnlIcIe, as I32 nn‘erifaiucsbs III Iealaafie, mm mm 9% takes It,to Iet aim mm a IIIIIII III a IIIII): as tb‘erefaze Bl bane {Inf 1-99?th Inn: of mgpatfieus III the Iowa 91’ II ifiaIpnzt, returne me a reply 1m apt III III fame paper; that as mes are fazcen Ia mutt nu: beceité In em mm, In bereafter Inc may baits om: Iaueg' In one Qimpatby: appotnf what 31 than no: In campafie a szuaIe can‘feremc. EDIIIIII a IIIIII accuuntaf tbs Qeas a5 Leander: nftbe Warren as Troylus. of a-IIIIIIIIgIIs as a man rz- {mm to attempt any perII, u; bzeak an? PzeInnIIe In; thy take. Qay,mben mm tubers a man me’ete tbée, I In,“ 31 begun paIII'o Innate”, 3i bzeake ofiabgupug. fiaremeu Thine in fatal! rcfolution, . * Seizgnezzr ‘meceyl‘o. ftér be ban IIIIIIIBII the lettm', I IIIpacbt tbs mefleuger, her mm mass In finch on the hum of angelsfibat the wit. ran her nib Itumps IIII IIIII came to I92 bout: of Scigneur Prcgo- {0 mm at that Infiaut mas mam: abzaan, III take mm- mm pafiure‘s. Qbéz III: Icons: began bermetbobe sf bIggIng mIII) II IDIIIIIIIB pzayer am) aparer mfler, but lfabcl mgetg aguntion mas M " «mmw “km“, .w ”2"»- _ W _,_, .. “Mhm .. The firfl part. waseuer bent to pittp the pmze, came tn the 33022 . ta [:2 the me. Ivceaétp of the party hubs begun ta fame bet (bus: flaire @ifiriz Ituhofe bertms mane pant beauties , am: petal nwbt net hm: gun béeme gum: pc'rfeztieu equivalent with the rmn‘ paragcns rm Brittainezafi pour 2322 rmiuts tbs obiert of mg miferp,=f9 let yam bart 13am an infigbtmto mpsptremities , who once 33% ynungfinfi tiam fannmea €39 fuzmnemomow anucrnfiw by we hammegmiuen mbzna am mama (0 the mail, emu mben i am mgfiable, mtw ta km a tie ramble: Eating (bentbefmltes at” my goat!) baue fczteh tbs fali ufmineagesann 31 am bgimn in ~tbe mintfr of my pearesfia abi‘fie (be bzunt of a1 fiozmesfiet £332 pismie 9f gwr @2an pittie the want oi’mg Dccrepéte fiatezann the rather, bazaars mp faztnm immense a5 bigbas my fail 15 mm mm : fa: pmufe ms: @tflris, r62 mp pafpszt, wherein 33w 1118!! am my pafiéansz mm mm) pan’eme, at which pm‘ioh, mam ' 5122, Erancefco, ant: tberetoze te’eihg the bzightefl htommtee are pefiereh with mutt fiaterptuere, the [meetett iaates with the thatpefi hztchee , the fairetr «Eambztckea mm; the tealefi flatness , ane men with the beE-pzopogtiuu . hane tammenih leafi perfection; 31 mag feareto (mallow the hceke , left afihne maze bane tn the com :feettomhen plea‘fure-tn thebat’t. ‘fiButhere letme hee«a‘the,-ans with figheeifnzete’e mine emne tally. Women, poezefoulea, are alike to tbfiBfltrtsm Calabria, that knowing Qéaamnm (a bee . ‘ '” ‘ "’ «9 g mam??? , > , >>- \ t - 1.. , , .r . GrecncsNeuci-teblatex: _ ' beam, pet bgoteteen it tn-ttb greentnetfe z-refene'btittgtbe jfiim ‘ Mugra,tbat teeiug tbebook baremt fmtioeaee tt mttbneugbt: — to women foge—Iémet no not pzeuentfimmmg meat is pzefitag bale -, vet net ettuemta'g the pzeiuntee : fin Franccfco, a teen”; beauttee, 31 know the mantéann a team tbp fianitiesyet can :31 net but anew at all , tnecetbee we mozRo-talts beneath 31 firm ’ in mg mtnnet’btepzémtpauzafl iLoue ism tackembat theme a ‘; Francefco,eeuet to natty with the meme, whee: fljefltat flames hm; au mpletter .tuletezéebtetfeambagefimbeu mp fatbetjjtke; Augustettettya bunnzeueyee ta» ouet-pgie my actions? imbue 3 am mztttng , tbp mea‘euger [trams at tbennozepzaptng 2 there- feze, left a [twain both be: ten tang tuber flattens,” em tbée (pmgemanfionlnngtn [ntpenemtbue bziefetgzflfie bean Elmer- map next at nightmare by the flbzcbarb tweet the greateflf me, mbere enpeet mptammtng , pgoutee fag uunfafepatl‘age: tag. mm: at! the mezlu'nn the one fiemnb than on the etherfram ;. ccfco mouth be my guteefiu hired me means: he 'pleareafia’txe ’ not then , bnleae tbou‘be falfe to bet, that mouth bane life tattle.a ere 111e, falfifiefaitt) to thee. Noghc; ownc, becaufe thinchaéelu . A§:_teeue as the ban bifpatcbt her letter, {fie came Minute _ _ _ neltueren tbe ietter in fame of a perpezt to the mea‘engee giutng be: after her accultamen manner an almee , ane'stotetge eiapt leer in the ER tottlya- beace otfingele. mm (nemen ttyante‘ ing bet: goes mafia, ana bet goon. ajittrismnteg the beatehee hentfnmteeobeebacke againe to Francefcofimhom tine teem: rite , flag {otttarie in bie ~¢bamberz no tower etnbee etm'e bee , but: flinging eat at his ebaimbe cbrmgee coleur,ae a mi in a neubtn A full matte mtgat 11)th betiee : get cancetning gum bare by bee :ountenante, tuba. (miter: maze at tberemembe-anee eftjee EB- learmt-benat any other eeneettemézetmke the tettemne real: it; . wherein he mum: bis bananas to fittmtbatbe notn’ntg'tbanhee the meflenger, but gene bet all the money in his purie, ta: that we returnee totn’gbig gratifi‘e-D , asneuer aftermath the’etnge fauna to ererette bet ntbeccupatianmfiat teauingber tntbebapfe; ., ether buttetferp, againe tn Francefco , tuba re'et'ng tbe twain;- ~ afiectgenetbte @itttie, teat gettbee tee tome,- toekes etbeeg g, ; ,._m- - h. ‘ ‘ The firfi part; .. 11155, 1152 111511510 tbzeates canln 5157115111 1151.15 make 5551153 511 1151 15111541151 110 51151151: 102111115 55111:: 1121112 bet to make mip— 15251111011151: fixen affectiomtbat 1152 111111111115 115.211.1555.! anuen 1115 might aflault,but 1101151111115 11131 51118555111155: 15111111110111 5151511 into this wearing 115111011 ° 111115111511 (511011) be) 15115, 55 they are 1155115115 11125119115 111512515. 5551115 1111151155'111511155‘ 1113 11511115 to 13511315111: beauty , 11511111511 111119195 13115111511115 :21 1125110511511 111 11125155 tbamauencp 51’ 51155115511511 51151515:- téeoing men 111 1121:1125 5511155 5515111135111 111 beautte5,retemo 1111115 angels 111 11115111155 , 115 119512 3151155111 113.955' 1115551511- 1121151111115 511121111 11111111511211 111 1115111575 251111555 51111: pun . 11111 01111511 1 1511 515113512 55 51111115 11151151151 55515011115111, a5 - 90151551053115 111515 1112115115 111511 1115:55. 1155111519 be 915111112 . from 111111211 115211105 , 115 11155 éaiamanners 155m 1115 5111125115 ~ 51113111555111}; quetb Francefco ,1 1111151 11151111; a 1551111511. 115 1115-1 men am: 1115151035 1115 mntinants 51’ 511 2125511511115. 311111115 1 11155151 11111115; 115 5511511 51555 1115 1111154151 1151111115 13151111111155 1112 5255111511 againfi 1551111555 at 1115111. 511 1115 care 01111111511 55151155, 151 115 155115111111, 51111 1511112115 1111111151, 15110 51151 111532 55515111 berletter, 1511 111155 51151115.,- entrtngmm 1011115155511- 5115 511115115 meonfiamp, 5 of 1115 5111151125 5111151515115155: 11111 511 111515 11151111511555 515 17531: 15 111}: 511551.:151121'11551111111115 1,511,555,111; 1115115 1321: 14-11511: 1151 11111551151553 19:15 @115. IfzéebOdc’». 1 . J Sitting by aR‘iucrsfidew . ,1. 1 : 1 Where afikcntflrcamfl did glide; 1_ . 1 1 . : Banckt about withchaice offlowcm,» Such as {priug From 15911111310ch55 When faire 1m fmiling, 1115111163- All her riches In her dcwcs,1 Thick lcaucd trees F0 were. planted As not Armor Nature wantcd Bordering all the brooke wixh (bade, Asif Vera»: there hadmadc By Flame: wile a curious bowrc To daily W111) her paramoure. _, . 1 , ' "'Gfmncs Neuc'f r69 13th ‘ 3A: thi's‘currcnt ?a'sl gfid, ' ‘ Eycsintrqpt‘lmihdc amézde, ‘ r. I might féci‘n ahykan; ‘ ’ "’Su‘ch a Ham as fiend: mm; ’ , {Such a fi’i‘e‘és doth fi'ié,‘ '1; " “ , " *With on'evvbIaZcI-‘bo’th‘hcaiétE’a'ha eye, ' " Such athe'até as doth prune“ I , fNo hem: like ?to Whateofloua ?Brightuflée msgf‘e'i ”Mile aflie, 7 T hit ti'hé’d hér Reps tOWétrdS me; 011 her head [he Ware a’bay ' ' .. ‘ To fence Pkwy: light‘a'vv‘ay: * ‘ ‘ ’ Invhcr faeédfic frii‘ ht'dfifCi‘i” ' " ' ' T'he‘élifiiéusfieautlébfthc "s'kic; ' Her cycscarr‘icd darts dffire, ‘- rchathercd 311 With fwift' dcfire : , u =Yet-forthith‘éfcfiiery darts did pairs; ' Pci’eirléd‘téék's é“: bifgfit a-s'glaflc, = ‘ ' ' ’ A That wondér ’Pwhs in' Int sync, fire and water {hould mmbiuc: _. 1&1} ’ old Saw did not borrow, Fire is Ieficghd Wétér forrow. ' Down: file fatc,pale and fad, 7. ‘No mirth in her lookcs-lhe had, Face and eycsufhcwk! difirclfc, Inward fighs difcourfl no lclfc : ?Head and handmightl fee: Elbow leanedon her knee, Lafl fhe breathed out this Saw; ' Oh that loue hath no law, Loue inforccth with conflrain-t, ‘ lone delighteth in complaint, Who fo’louesfiates his life, For loues peécc ismifl'ds flrifc.‘ Lone doth fecdc'fsn beauties farts, Euery diflx‘fawc’d with care : Chicfcly womch,rcafon Why, Loads hatch: in their cyc: ~_ m M _. Ike“? . The firfi‘paffl _ Tahcncc i: fieppetb to the hart; Thcrcit poyfnerth cucry part « Mind and hcagt,cy¢ andthought. . _ , Till fweetloucchciwvou hang wronghc; Then repentam they gan cry, Oh my heart thac trowcdmine eye. Thus “ICC faid,and then {hcg refe, Face and mind borh fullof woes: ‘ flinging thenccwiththis Saw, Pie on lone that hath no law. ‘flaauing finiffi'ea bar man, weevbaarb‘tbatb‘erfiafber tow»- gnme imam: tberefazeleauing ber‘ramngansinflmmentsfih‘efell to bet labour,ta :anfirme the nu: pwnerb in bet fatbewiealuus - 3230,0214]; tollm‘,periére Cupidini: grow 3 but 35-113mm 36 “128 inafiJIEt the nth 65mm couln (pie the waning minke,.ann month not by any meanes trait bet, but him his accnfiomen manner at refiratntzpet a5 it (-5 impoffible fog the (make to be cnucealen,’ a; fire to bee tuppzefien :l'avFrcgofo couln not by tuhtile 03mg- E‘o marilp match his tranffazmearlo, but thee fauna a Mercury in releafe her. gift): bpen Eburfeaag lying in [m beans mitt; little intent to flieepefiba; ufieren many [fgba ta Vcnus,.tbat am. , mania be ®gatrefle tn Merpheus,tbat tome Bean aumber might paflefi'e all the bums: haba’cbtell nut .acwgninglma that at min— en’gbt therein 8mm; finning 3m apparrctfbut mm» was fame to gas: mitbnut bemomlg in bet {moths am he: petimatefinitb gm fatbem 13a: am: an alt make. films attireb like Diana. m be: nigh: gmm marshes!) mamas (oftlgfiubere fbée fauna Franccfco map with a pziuats am: familiar Menu of his ta. imam; bet ramming fmta),mbo,caiflng his age aflamun l'écing : mm m a bat am: a make, fnfpecting tome treacbefle, mm W - (mega : at habit!) ifabcl rmtting, figéetnwuntren him thus. (matte firtfgnu be :15 valiant as you {9’sz :bnlerézke, a; 86» martial! a5 2% mm bee thought barbie, re: mat bpan a ma— punlefle mammleaa in thinking {a triumphfijn is mean: a con» quelmcm bx: pzeianicen mm; we taint of camarnife. Emmi; m- uer get real: , {bat warlike Maxs 73ng fits fiaucfiiw agaim. Emmy, V3995, Everebc: ofiencgagmzf §0gt‘95t , 9-2. mg: mm»: Hgé‘ififf i3 Greencs Ncucr too 121:3 «1111121111 1111111). mamt’nge ®entlemah,ifgsu {1111112 111111 @1113 1.13011, lfabcls Franccfco 11am nffgaur 11111125, 111111111 11111111115, am: 1211111111 11111211111 11112111 11211 as 11111, 3911111 night' 111 [112111 111111 1111111112 Bangernus. Francefco (Qing 11111115 tbs 13111311111111 1311119 affections 121 fall 1319 [11111311 81111 caught 9111111 1115 armesj 21211111111 11111111 1 (11111111 1112 amnen mafia 11119122111113 12111111- 111115 b15121112,be 21110111111231)“ 113115. ' 311112 Ifabcl 5311111115 1111111111111 1111111112, 35111111 are Dias: ' anaesmperieur 111 111111121111 1112 figbtnftbz’s attire, 3! 112.1111 111'? _ (magmasfearingfam-epziuyfaemntag1113119 1151111 12112111 1111211111 v perfection glamw as an nbiect 111 1111112 21112 31 letfal 11112 11111123; trembling 1111 A&eoxm‘n, that began Daren tool farm 11.: gaging - againfi [a gamma a 1151111112112: 1321121111112 1111112 111121119 111 1 1111111 1111121 11111251113111th 111911 31 10911101111210 1111911 111152 1101 1111111 to take up 11119 11111901131111 to 9111111111121.- bann m bani: 111111; the floutefr’ champion 1'11 191 mozluhirmuntb 11122) 19111 more— Irations are 1111111 bastlw‘e: am: tberfnge to be 1131112, 111115 (am 111111111111 11111 1211129 tricklen 1111113111112 hermilion of bar cbéeks, ant £112 blubbmn 1111111115 pafiiangfl Francei'co ,113011 1111111 (92 ‘ ‘ by 11-11? attiretbe Dept!) 01111131111112 , 111111 11119112110111le robes 11131211111111 1111121112 reattblefnefie 11111111 11121111195 11111111; 11,111 11112131111 11111111111 11 1111111100 big!) inlaue , 31 13111111: 3121111112 115 repugnant 101mg fiatbemnbafe 11119111111112 3 b11112 1111111991711 10 11111121111211: 311111111 given a finallfaretuzu 10 11191112111511: béz tbp familiar : a baue Iefi all hope of 9221211111111, 11) 111113111111 11111 fimpatbie nrbotb our 1111171125: abFranccfco,féz,a come 111115 1111139111 apparreu, to 11111119 11121111) in content. 51211111 if bereafa tcm’fibb‘let 1112 fig!) at that, left a bee 1011111 to repent too 11112) 11111211 11113 1111215 glutteb with 1119 beautie , ant 11113 butts lone 111111111211 tonne coin, 111111 beginu‘tbou 111 bate bet tbattbuslué- . 1111!) tbe’e, 111111 11110112 as Demophoon D1010 Phillis, 112 as Eneas 11111111 Dido. What 113211 may a 11112 1111211211, 11111111111112 11111111 11111112 11111111, 111111111111) Bzongbt me to 11111111110 1113111111113? @1112 11111211112 , Francefco‘ta fears what may fail :fogmen are 115111- 11111111111111 perfogmamms running 111 11111111115. @1111 11111111 111111111111 ntfcnurfe m1) at 1112111115 about to 11112111111191me of? 111111) 11115 11101231111011: 2113 Ithbcl ,attbaugb tbs 1131111115 11ch- pamhas are 11111 11111111111111, 1-111 1139111111! 12111: 11211112, 1921:91- 11111 1' ” Mu'wgwqm 24;»; Thcfirfl parr; rh’pa mwchangeamz: get meaiaremt my mini: by 0:52: nia- ‘ non, m3; 192 ' 02pm? mg afiestian by the flsfxfing 98’ other fem- ;zieszfoz, as time is ,a Espace tbatmfll mu: to enzrp fiampeja - . there (5 an Gizmeralotbat Wilma!) na immeffi’an. £532 £2152 = fame Troy, as’it ban an Ems that masfickle, m it baD‘Tmi. IL! 5 tbat-mafi confianffircece baa a Pymmu's :15 it ban a Demo- :phoon :ane though fame bane ban ingratzfufimetaaute not , (all to b2 bntbanhfull: fazmbm Franccfco mail ietbis m My 7 from tbp bzaatym his thoughts from tbgqualfitées‘ng his heart from {by .hzrtuea. n2 bis manic lifetmmcuer benefiting 1962“: mm mall beauen ceafe to bane btams; the cart!) Eras , tbs “mom .QBlementa, am snug thing treasures, malt fall to tbeir ‘fogmer Mans. ‘ - ' wwthwmuntb Ifabel)’tn?‘bozrebacke,fa: fears {be farm; 01’ (inc I'm!) Masts bée impzatbeu by; my fasbers mahefnlieaiam mammal; tbat-(pmre woman) balfe naken as (M was, me vmnunteaaams as raft a‘s {mm mania pass away, they puff. to— ‘rinarus a tomné in the rain cnuntrg ofBrittainc,tauw Duncaflrfi Where 12mg learn them in theirfalfe-gal-lap, e returne to oil: Ftcgofififlbfl rifing-earlg-fin the wozuing, f mining bis naugh- ter, a‘l‘kt £03.92: tbzougb tbs inhale houfezbutfe'zing nnne‘cwln Shifcauer'mbere mée mamas airmen afber cf:a,pe,be trim gut as .a man me iua1aticke,tbatbe mas by Francici’co mb’fl Of his onelg'iemell. Whereupuu a nefpairiugfury‘hfé canfeb all biz mm am: his tenantsm mount tbemman tn bifperfetbmfeiues renew mu wits bu: ants me fo; the rmuerg of his bangbtewz bimtelfe being bogffi ant rim’ng tbe reabp may to Duncafirm timbers 17¢ nntmner same but faztunemeani‘ug to bang mm; the ow natatbann to pgel‘eut mm a ham to gnaw on, bzougbt ~ "é: ta ta pafl‘e, that as be came riuing Dawns the towns,” met Francefco, am his aangbter cumming fremflje mung .‘ main!) although itpierff him to tbe quicke,ann mum mm) firing of “his heart to the bigbefi mm of [03:91:11sz In cnmealsfl it m: be make his guns: am) then Rumbiing as fat} a3 be mum ten the @ainzs bouts of‘tbe Enmm, be tweam immmm ibeifibolc saute nfbis ntfiwflmrequiring bis fauna: fax; the dappmgnp n? this Emmi? {Ib’entlzmamanu to makstbe matter musebatnnas, gm aacntciz mm at Manama: be baa rm: nmly,‘ contrary to the 0‘: ‘ macaw :fi“ .- fi '9': Greéfiés Neucrtoolate 99399129 Ezréftbim oféta aanghter 99891179 955 M ll 99% {9-99, 993 Daughter, 999 taken away ssr-tafns Nate 233915 2959993 999m {92 999999; waigbtguarnen mm; 9&5 @fficers, tn 2999-99 mime 2999 Frcgafo to I92 plan (9991's Ifabcl g- (m Franccfco 2 19992 at bzeahefafi, little thinking ( 99922 (991975qu a £99999 . 2 Emma 1999in fallen: (a quiet a mime: but Emma 959919 9999 it fa. 393 93999932sz as they were 9990919219 2959 to other in 9 99992 fmh‘ke $99929 fog mum: ,th £19999; mm: in, am 9;}- 922929929 9991 of £21999 99999 92992 :92 9939999999929 lcuerg into End) a Dumps, that they {$1911 86 M92 pismresg £99: Perfeus mitbbismiem tumw 91m tunes Francefco 92mm? mm; a marpe infi 9929:9129 into :92: cautm Percéiueb it was :92 mitt n? £92 910 are his fifiatber i9 lamzmbatefoze 92 take it 19ft!) £99 919299999992. Eu! Ifabel (M99 92:: 9219 hatbana to 9999199, feilintu 9 Emma 99; [mom m9ic9 99919 :93! 92299919 {mm :92 Wrgmntgjbut they wnucpzb 9m: to patron annbermtba @g. 9029 99:92. as (onus as this was npnc,Frcgcfomsamau care: lefle mbat manta become nttbem, in a Erange flountrie room 9929: am: 9002 bums: 92 99% melancbolg , am: £9993 remainen Eozmmfau flpecialig Ifabel, 9299 after €92 999 almufi 9% 9993292 999 bar 9996 fazgtiefc fell 9:: Length into t9i5 991mm anfaztunam Ifabel, am: tigere-foge infogmuatc, becanfetbp 302999325 are. maze €929 thy 929925, am :99 uiftreife tanbeaaia fin; :92 mm at t59-‘guut9. fire the beauens l'n bummtbe aarrefi m bi!mal,t92 planets fafiniutinumbat tbepbaue maze sontrarg ‘ 9990990951929faumnrable arpetts ? that weir inflaeuse Dori} 13mm mugepgeianiw, t9eua am; can inferrepznfite '? E92999 9.999: éf't9e‘ir mamas beefs maligue, Saturnc‘csnfpifiréng 93992 91! 93.9991 figues, calculaten the hours at £99 birth mu of Di€9~ {fer ascifisenm. 5319 Ifabel tbcu mafi'fiee, tbs birns t9at are 99:- 92929 29 immigrate 9:9! mm; 29299 119sz, rut!) as 598 999999- 99991999992 2mm kwbenn; 91919229 999 thafe tbat 92999922 999919 nature, are 21m? mi! 99 fozmne E99 father romam tbefeemlsj. ann mamas um 99 2992132999, €999 reizcteeit 92's 9.099999, am: therfage art bitten Mt!) repentamezfusb 9519199 909 99922 $999 ieapemfit fan into the uitcbzann £9329 tljat {wane their parents, cannot anoio puniflyment. ' E92 999mg Eigers: 9911999 :99 92999993999 99 gm, :9; team 39919999 29§re2 Thc firfI paEI? IIIIII Inna Ian the III Each: . Ewe IIIIIIII mag; IIInInIII‘ImII Ieafon map not Itn‘m III: IImIIIIs oIIIaIIIIe: thou amnmannnn :IIIIIIIII InIII) reafmnatt Iberefaze thus InzmInIuII became than had! Iaéme ‘IIIIIIaI-IIIIIII. Whither mm: Ifabcl? .mbaft ,- mm the mgubs nfgnnIa , ,2. ‘3 - Whof; d‘iflrckfc no hcangparcs : ' 1' 7 Eyes might lookc, but fee :10 light; Hcagc might thinkc, but he dcfpighn 2, y - Sunnc difi'flfingbutnoton me, SOHOW‘ffing’itAfi‘tflynOtbe, 2 . That. heart; or cyscthbuld onccapoflcfi": Anyfaluerto Cureidifircffe : ' Formcn in prifoia‘mufl fnppofc, , ; ?Igwirc'Couchem!céhgbcds ofiWOes gr. ‘ .- 1‘ ' , V Scciflgv,this,5ilfig;he§ 2112a, ' 2 _ ;. “ """ * ‘ Fortune thus’fihould pfinifl: menu " Bugwhcn ‘I‘cald ‘to mind her face, For thfc 1632:"! ’broc‘akctbis place; ' , 2 S’tafiic 332:3; wfiflécac 225222122: 4" 6 9‘ '7 ’5'» Did ccfipfe with’mu’cfi‘d’éh‘ghg _ , ' “ " Eyes that lighten, and doc'lhinéf. ‘ Bea‘mcs of‘louc thatarc diui—nc', ‘ Lillychcckcs whcrcon befide,v’ ‘ ~ ’ Bud 091(9ch mew tlicir'pridg, ‘ , Charis lips; which did Fpéa’k‘e . Words that made althearts t‘b break: z" _ Words mofl {weate, for breath was tweets;3 , Suchpcrfumcs f0; lane- is meet: ; ' Precious wards; as hardm «n, A Which more pleafcd, wit or fnielb When I {aw mygr‘catefl paincs Grow for her that bcanticfiaiacs, . Fortune thus I did rcprooucg Nothing gricfcfull growcs from 10116;. , $221M; tbuscbantza mm bis $22,- 132 21mm tbs 2bam1‘2’22: mm open, whereupon he grew melancholie; but Men be [am the gabaefle nfbts afiectionm whoreconftant logaitp nepeunen " ibe-efience of his bappinefi‘e, bee (fatten up , as mbeuloue-fick Mars tam Venus entring bis paufit’en in triumph . entertaining - mental! generally mm; tut!) afiabgfiie , am: bet particularly Mtb futb-conttefic , that be mime" himfelfe as fall ofnurtarev - aumatumgntersbmge nf-enmtaiumenubus gall batmane ' _;-remm5- A ‘7‘“ ' " ' ‘ Creches Ncqer cooglate; { - ébste finb lonew,as mall mitbempbafiwmfims;a§ trfafi'e a? minbw, cangsmbing mmfirmmes nfpatbeflrau: teams. Eve , £59an at ma sums wrist}. am tom Franpefco , though his» §Mb£t in lam ban alzeageh feian'eagamfijfim; yet beware 3:: pzrceiusn, that it ratbgr pzngéeaea;of~rmgi{g¢¥flngngej the“ am: mauifgfttratmm tbgwar‘fntfflmn wmmrtbgge tn tm—g fare tbs auegatiombz mammfemztbm bimafiilfé‘rtic, amat— » tianaup, Francefco (Imam giae‘b-ifiibann , -’tnifbee:‘a.nt&nerab!eta what be’ereafm in that bebam $¥th b£e*abiecfe"a‘&fgfainfi him. fibers sennttiona accepten,Ewanmfmwmfigt’afifijberfie mm in "aim Ira‘ocl tnpntlg togetigert£;;ahiiig>t§3ififm25;ta ‘a'vl‘ittie em, tagesbegan to be as flfcmflimlgmtwméreiambg‘jéua :mitiz weir banns tbzift' coueiifig {a [at&tfieibcirhtartfitbirft , ant: ta be as Diligent in labml‘fi; as t9,e,pi1:£1§aafiéctimate' in lnaesafa that the parifb mberin tégafiugwaaffecflemwfemfog fbe tantra aftbeir life, that they mtfiéwflfimflbé i-W?*mirr32§ al’ a Emu mocraficau me:bone:fm—he beingamutemwhurfifip in tin: muiuerfizie-sxemluenigatbgt:to1.qu b? bis'mtmben any map ta b2 pincbzn mfibmantfibinkmgtbis ma reutencet—o be true,Thac 'Wiihcrs and would ers wc1;:ngqergvmd‘houfwholders; tbgremgg fin appueb bimrelfe in teagbiflg‘af a gcbonzefibembp bis mam my , be ban net .nglp gr‘aaflanwrg hm”: got, fmaltb-ta mitt]. fiann fogtnnm 19311391;.,tb§§£1.€'2--mi§bt-fé£ms Mime pzafitabie, "then be: bu‘fbann carefzslmellxto ber-ne’ehlmfin mitbggg‘: mum feugbt to 92mm: ‘tbeiniupie. 9fmcefl'itieflfi3us t!) -";_',;a-bourea ta maintains their [meaning as- bufiz as EBées’anb‘aB true as Enrtlw,as'nefireus ta fatitfie tbsflnztnmitbweir mm , as is faecetbe "bnmourmftbeir 9113113 aefires. flint‘ngtbusin a isague of hm‘ten bertuw , nut nftbis mutual! concasz confir‘ msfigerfectiembay ban. a arm ‘aul'merable‘ta their atone p30. goztiwimmcb- bjn immafe‘ta-eir amitvx'e {{3‘ as .1192 fight af‘twu pfiuagkififiqm 198,53 baubleratifgéng at their afiertimfiagmm am: 1mm tbagingfiing in_leagqg, towahe um: parties to fezget tag flamesgsawabnippebtljahloflcms of their fagmer perm gamma tame cantent of theinlwes Ibis tfitlufinnnf bliflefif- m :52 éezme nifiae Wresficgninrfimgofe bearingbgfnufizia 7.339325, the fame‘nf tbsftfagmrnmfle, bum Franccfcorane-een b3 b2 magguing :9 big gaugbtemnn £989 9391; Du‘tgm‘uto him, ;. _ .. .‘ . .V @313 491.13: 1:53.559" '- «aaL: -J:.§:§3‘fi: The firfl part IIIIII bat!) Iirimta Izténa m another In Ingaltié 35mm tam muIaaII agréement, [III III! tram the rum; btlfi'é tazmermmn- IIIIIIII; pafliona ana IatItfima bimtzm mm; atontenten pattente. .3 Ibat aI IaI‘I be DIIetIeII letters to big QoIIIII ism that be {Imam make repaire In his acute Initb big naugbter‘, maid) names was no fame": came to the eares of Ibismarieu cadmemut pIaII-Iuing In; a IIthIIgs neczflarée fa; Ibe furniture nIIII‘s‘Ir tangage, they 3351121: afi fair as they wait: Iowans Caerbianckc mbere Win“? arming at their fiataers bummtbeg fauna Incl; ttIeIIpr Inser- tamemznsattbe eIII mans IIanII, that tiny chIIIeII Ibis ImI II of £03!qu able to taIInIeruaIIe all the contrary Itmmes, that ttge aware pIaIIets ban Infiicten Upon them. -r mam time as they IbaugIIIJa fureig, a5 IIII finifier chance, m mama“ Influence might rummabbée that Is tanflaut III ms:- Ibing but inconaantie began III Iaire IIIII III Imam: aéempett Igus 2 at $0 IIIIIIIW that Francefco ban IIeceIIaIg Bufineu‘c III IIII'.’ 33am; at the Ibeife IIIIe of that 31mm, Italian Troynouangtbifljw final; :92 Ieaue of his fathemnn Iateweu In his Int—Ie be awar— ten after Ibeg mere martian team gems . when after be Inafi arIIIIeII humming; that I321? IhnuIn make btsabone IIIIIe fog" I92 [pm 2/? tome nine Inéekes, I362 I019 bi? bazrémm biran him a cnambemamgmg Innennuring ta make Ipésnie; nttpastb of MS affczxresfibat III: mIgbttbe Icons: enioptge fight nbes BeI'I‘I'III Ifabel @Ma be [Is an». Innman beauIIIIIII, be mama bermItI; a 3gb, IIJIIIIIIIIg bum far his mm min InrpaITeE Im in mm ems: 2 1mm I138 mama? of any maman mall IIIIIeII by Em quaIIIt'Is, It IIII‘IIIIII bII-II be was mat at {mm mm @Is Izabel mas IJIII mail Ibem all III heriuts, Ema be thII'fI‘IIeII a! to bet perfection batting mt:- ‘Iar II‘IIIe IIIII: III: bag ma; night, wherein he bin Imt mminaIs mI III-s [mu IIIIIIIII aIIfabel. ‘35 thus big tbaugbfs mere mIIIIIIIII £3312? I5 bIIfia IIIIII‘II, arm on his wife, looking 0232 Bag sat at big; @Iambsf fininfiam, bézetpiznapuung wzniiemaman IIIIIIII) IMIIIII III: at a IIIIIIIIIIII right oppafite againt’t IIIII pzafpaact 1121):) fiIIIIIII ye mgefihpnn him ImtII 1”;ch sunningaIII-I aIIIIIIIaIIgIaIIIIIw a; IIII maven III them a cbaIt IIII‘IIaiIIe, am yet II III‘a‘Ie'II MI‘II‘I WIIIIQIE :99 am (IEIIIIIIIIIIMII me III: tang IIIIIII IIIIII 23m: $2.st » :‘iammwmg;-,;,V;_.‘..;.. t . . V . m » » . 43+A‘1 ,w‘nh-w Greenes Ncu-crtoo late: -Et§tti§ah¢ ntTmynouant,are tar tttpectnury in artificial! attn’r‘e-o meat m-themht all the tonal!) :rfoz although thw hancnot‘the patutmg at Ita13¢snfl3 the charms of Framed!” the attack: at Spaincmtt thehhaue in their 2th Etnamay ts, that will um pnuth asth‘e geatth‘z ttramgoa the fight‘at p itsamher the ermlp: their tmhesaretike luresthgt tutu reclaim: CliMCyrces ap- ' parittmts, that tan'repzctem tn than all mnttonszthey contatng mnneatemtrth,thafiith,man'tonnts,ann tnhatnot?ann the that "hotneth tuher etc mutt ctnttitmbath oft in her hart met: ntfhanea humming like the phztt tionenhat is fire mtthaum treft tntthtno - bath a‘ one masthts merry .mtuifi,mhute hamttg was as theft: 5 5 Venus cbafiitpfimmg as- fame as Helcuafina as faitblefifi 3 - a5 haellt'aaturen a5 Crctfida,ann as crattwbauing an eta to; cum? pafl‘enger’m flgh to; cum) Inauga {mile to; warp one that batlo h’ta bonnet, c bzcaute thetaueb the game melts: qut’uer m we- ry Wanamaus arrotnflfihts curttgauJéetng this countryman- céfc‘o mas no nther but a mere nn‘utte, c that to newly, ‘rthat to "tare the cm pzouerbc,be ban t‘carce témc the iinnsxfihethcughfi tn intrap himmna t’o amt! him with her amoznns glancesghat 11): 11min mzt’ug-htm by the partmtnhempon entry Bay the tooth tram: nutat her tafemenm thmntmuet bar beauties. Francet‘. co,tnho was like thefltcthat nettghtehztu the’-‘flame,ann«caueten to téeh With his ate on this baautcauafimrttiéttltw at her with interchange of glantw, an an army to try the fimmtfe at hm :wtt with agnettcall fury, began thus to make a «Esnsaue. gC/I‘NZONE. fits When [th Stmne fate Lord‘ly in his-erda; ‘Notfhadowed withth’c vaile of any clouds, - The wclkinhad no‘fi‘tcke that‘fcemfd toguidcg No duskie vapour did’br’ig’h‘t szzém {hroudcfi No blemifh did eclipfe the'bcautcous skier, From {erting Forth heauens fccrct'fcarghing eye No bluflering wind did flm’ketheflaadie trees, Each Icafe lay flillan’d {dent {in thé‘wood’, ' . 7 . The birds were muficall ;thc Iabott ring Bees, " Th at in thc fummcrhcaps their winters good, P1 icé ' . i Thcfirfi Part2 Plicd 1:6 .th’c hidesfweet honeyLf‘mmthéfefiéwicrgg fl « . ‘ ‘ W’hérceuttheSerpcnt flrchgthtus alHlispbWCEse ‘ ’ ' ,, The Lyon laid and firezchtlhi‘mqinrtheIawncs, ' No flbrmc did hgid .thc Leopardfmm his prgyr ‘ _‘ The faflow fields were fun Ofw‘antoufFachS! The plow—{wain‘cs ncuer {aw a Fairer day 3 _ For cuery bcafi and bird did tak-c-dclight : To fcc/crhe quict heaucns‘to (him: {0 brighu ‘thqthus the wmdes lay flceping in the Calms; ~ Theafir'e was filcntjn her Concaue fpeare, » ' And N epmne with a Calmcid’id rpleafc thcflaxucs, Read to wafhth‘e neuer drcmc‘n‘ed Bears 3 Then did'thc change of my 356613 begin, Aad wanton‘loue alfa'xd to {hate me in» Lcaningmybacke againfl alofty pine, ,_ ‘ ~ ' Whofc cop didchceke the pride OfaH thc ayre: 7» v ’ Fix Eng my thoughr5,and with my". :hOughts,miher-ycjine,i Vpon‘ the Sun, the. faircfl ofall fair: : " 5 What thing machod-fo faire as thigquoth I 3 1 1 Andth-us Imuzdc vmifl I dark: mivnc‘cyc.’ Findirngthc Sun too glorious for my fight, ‘ ‘ J I glani’c my [coke to flaun f0 bright a Iampe: With tbapappcard' an obieé’r twice asbright, So gorgeous as my fenfcs all were dampt, ' ' In 1.44 richer beautie did not win, \ ‘ " When loucly Dem: fhcw’d‘her filucr skin. Hcr‘ pace was like to [mow pompous flfaiucs, .. When as file {wasps through hcauens braflc—paued way,’ Her front was powdred through with azurd veyn’cs, That :wixt {weer Rofes andfaire Lillies lay; ' ReflcéfingfuchamiXturéBom her face, I As taiufied vénm Beautie with di’graceg ‘ Mrtop/yfldx thc brighteflbf’thr‘ fiarrfis, Was not fo orient as he; chrifiall gyes, Wherein triumphant fate both Peace and Warrcs; \ Fro m oucwhofe arches fuch fweetd {auour flies, ' , A might: reclaime UK 20' inhis higheflrage“, m beauties charge his fury to affwagea ~ E ” , , The I ‘1?r7"iri‘é‘fi'kfaqufi-Bso‘zng‘g‘_-,.r $me’»Es~—r-;,r:_;m._u{.?§ ._g_,3:§z§ed4.v . ‘ ‘ , V. ; , i3“ Greencs Ncu‘crtoo late: The Diamond leames net more rcflcfii‘ug lights, Painted with crie Pyramides to Ihinc, ‘ Than are thofigflamcs char. burnifh in our-fighrs, Da‘rting fire Out the Chryfiall ofhcr (tyne, ‘ Ablq to {ct marczjfim thoughts on fire, ' Ait‘nbugh he More him fogto i’wecrcdcfire ; Gazing vPon this Lemmau Wixh‘ mine eye, ' Ife’imny fight vaiie bOl‘K’l‘Wiih her lookes, So deepaa pafilon to my heart did Hie? As} wastrapt within her Iurix1glookc:, ' Fox (ft to confifl‘e, before that I had done, Her beautic farrc more brighter than the Same. Franccfco baiting thus in a psetiwii {fitment pleasw bis fan: timmban bis {eamre {2mm him; mama to make pzam‘e ca? {3215 costffamie interchange amozons glances mm; this: fairs mar- than, mhnfe name was Infida, thinking bis tntaarb affections ' mm to farm? gramme cm the harms owl's Ifabei,tbat no 3,- teriozpzapnztian canto effect awg paffion to the contrargwut as: lat! be foam) b‘g expericme,tbat the fairm bicacmes ate fmmlf nip: mitbfrofis,tbe heft fruit tmneft tombw mitt) (Eaterpu. lemma the rtpea mittes mutt apt to be onertbgamnc by lung. Infidataugbtbim mitt) bet lmkes to learn: this that the eye of the flBafilifise pimetb mitt; pzeium'ceztbat the iupce omemm. Me ‘5 “.026“, but if fmfletb neatly: {bat Circes cups mere (‘5. mong fog alt flatmates, a momma flattettes too rozceame ta refit: at bnlantariezfoz aye fa mares him in bet pctrectiflnfinfaa much that be tbougbtber‘ mam ta Ifabdfifnnt anmioumau 19mg thus with beams,” the age in the flame : Venus milling to am bah) fozceable yer influeme mass, to tempzeb min; 5;). poztunitimbat a5 Franccfco malken‘abmab to take the am W2 metmitb Infida gaming abrnah mitt) certatne b‘er snmpaniong tuba like blagtng’ffarres mama: tbe markes or tncanftant mi- ' ’ nious, fez Ibo’z no {mner again mine Prancefco, but Dying her face mtba Mermilten binfh. sub in a wanton we bmmg 8 Paint!) mnfiefiiefihée faluten him With a low cnurtefie. Seignior Franccfco,tbat ceulb'mell [kill to court all [zines of negrésdm ye mfgbt {ism b2 tbaugbt ts pans lime manmm,‘ returningmnt outta. * vffi l .t The firfl part. \ , , 9112th her curtefies mitt; bis bonnet , but taking Infida b9 the bannmgau thusu’Fatté @ifirtfimnn (twine eye be‘not bettta nab in (a bzigbt an abiect; mine nnertbtnart netgbbourfiautug after: {fine mitt) nnltgbt,’ ans cquetee mitt) befits ta be acquain- ten mm; pant {mm relic , a cannot now but gratulate tnzttme ' inttt; many tbankcs , tbat bat!) ofiereu rust) fitte nppeztunttp tn Mug meta pour pzefeme , hoping a that! firm putt to frienntp , as to crauetbat-me may be maze tamiltarbbe tbatknetn-botn to entertain: fact; a young nnutw, mane him this tanning re- ply. amoeba ftr . net’gbbunrbaoe cranes cbaritte, am; fact; at" table fientlcmen as your {elfemekwewtb‘er to be entertainen mitt) tartaric, then retestea mitt) citaatne. firm tberefoze bit, mbat pziuate tttenbtbt’p mine honour a; bnnettv mag affaezu, gnu ahaue all (that hitherto abtme knamnz) mall tammaunn. Eben Smart!!! (quotb‘ be .) to; that sum) man taunts tt trebttz‘ ta bane a patrouefle of his toztunes,am i am a mezre fitaugm: in this mtg, let me finne tutt; faunas, that ail my actions may E22 mzomnen bnner gout etcelizmtmun carry the name organ: ' §eruant, realm to; requttall attach gracious countenance , ta anmzatb .zmg (mast: in the Detente amp {battanen‘t to; wen @be that ban bet humour fitten with this mutton , antineren thus , tutti) atuoketbat ban heme attic to bauctagcw Troylus tn bane heme tt-atbtefle to his Cccrfida : 199m kinaztg 3 take it. Scignior Franccfco , tag to 3 bnnetftana yam: name , that pan gazette: gout: [mute to to mean: a @tfirza‘e , the efi’zctuall, ta- mm: tbat mamta mp pmzeabt’iitie, gtatifie gum: gurtsfie , (hall manifelt beta 3 account of fact) a friennfiberetsze from bemoan togtb [nfida entertaines Francct‘m to; her (etuant : 3113 a(quoti) tick) accept of tbe beanteaus Infida as my afifitrtfle. Mpon :39, they fell into other amazous'pgatttewbitb 3 leaue ofi’,am inat- "ken abzaan iubt'lett mas amner time. Eranccfco fitli-tganing bis cps. taptm his new @tttretrz, manta beauties he ttjangbt , if they {mere tqttaltv temperen mttbhermts, ta wists at! tbatgzttyig eye bant'mane [army at. EDaattng ttjua on this new fatz wit!) it new fancy, ,‘ beer 9m}; tnmng bar by $2 bawatw tagake atfbt'fi tentences‘, mttb tucb'b‘éepe t't’gbstba-t me petset‘uw By the mea- tber-cuckmtnbere the wing blew :.v:etnmtng fatb-.amagctt£§atv mums the (amen as math entanglenmsgemfi mmmmrsm 57' 2 - Welt; 6322:2225 Neum‘ 2:30 132e,, ‘ mealxtgmgmg 2mm tfia’t :2": 2m bgitats bier §t2220555f€252 2122mm m2? 2231’s m‘béit fitfififl fatty taagifitty; fifltfihe Etegmttégtm ta tat: {€32 tmnwwm: tbsp mare 23222:: néete tn the mtg gatzg €232 fiat. 222 m2. 2: {22222222, ant: fiffiiifiit‘ig mm b52522 fig; 22);: 2222222222.: 53:22:22. 2w; 2: 2:32:22 Erma 152:2 9925,23 it we inguifi Emit} 122m fauag, arm 2222222 wetting €222 9322mm ibfifi t‘mz‘itszgiy ts affanl? him. gargant. me flsmgets (away: djfumkflt is nmer gmmmbgre £222 gazette giuw fast farmmégat tn confiaerattan : that fetuite t5 itsvlbefiubz'rc 2: t2 not mane fatt by tom fee.1Le!ttberefoze your 2229,; mouth make year minus baréablms mans tbuugbts follow their fightsg their looks matter at the erttitécie of mm nbtscts, anam 3 lore tucb a femant : to tie gun to a flakt mm; an ear- tteft, pat: [ball be this: bapmp gaefi at ninner :tben if b&reafter yea nget pour miflrtsg} mall appeal: at the barn: nflngaltie, . am: to canbemns pun ntltgbmeu‘e. Franccfco that mass mm by tbe‘eie; ann ban bis barf on his baifpennmnum not Deny benbut mitt; mama tbankes'atcep’tea at bar motton,to that again), they went all to Infidacsbanfeta btnnerfibere they baa tact) cbézre, as com bpnn tbetnnnen be pzoutncn. Infida gtning btm tutu“ ' frienulg am: familiar entertainment at his repafl,as [net tm’fb (tum pzattle.as mm; amozous glances , that be: rcfien captiue within the tabpzintb ntflattertes : arm- Btnner mas bane,that the might tie btmftom flattmgfiyee thought to fat an 232: Emits span Ela. Ebzretnze £132 tanks a am in bet hammer: tn an an: gettcal! harmony mazbien nut {bifi cameitna EDtttén ‘ Infidde: 50ng0 West Adm dari’r not glance thine eye, [V’oflrw WM, mew 5614772} , ' Vpon thy :2an that muff die ?-' Ie wmmprz'e, pirty me: ?\Cofere: 7101957730” 5642720721261, .N ’Ofire: 1101255772021 be! 4m]. Sec how {ad thy 04mm lies, N’q/ere: wngon éelgm]. Lone in heart9 age] 55$ 2;: tn‘reyes, v TEcfiéthpartI . 6 "1’2 W0222p2~i‘-Dizti61nc.'_ ’ f2 (2 cm.” 2:. 722202; 0.1,:2202225027, '2‘. 2 c 2. ”22,,2220225..2u2r], Thy t 1cc is fairer as 3322-220 2 breokcs, A 0/6222‘15‘3925 ,222222 22032 2222?, W nexcin fax. cy baiccs her hookcs, 12 222225 mprie, pittie mc. ° ‘ Noférex 22024.2, 7222022 601122022 éel. N’aflere: 72022:, 222222 {16/4222}. Thy cneektss like cherries that do grow ‘ N’ofere: 220%, 222022 0221227222, 3 Amongfi the Wcficrnc Mounts of {mom [2 220m mpnc’, pitty me. ' ’ 2 . N’ ofires mm ,222022 00! 7140725611,.» ‘3 N’0/Eres 220224 222022 501 22222} ‘ 'thhps vcrmillion £111! of love ;: :N’oferex 220m, 220221221 22222]. .LThiy n’cckc as filucr whine as due,- 1: 220m 022 prie pirty me: A N’o/ére: 005%,m0n 06! 222022 3322’, ': QSCOf‘ercs 72-9222 222022 2:51.04 222222. Thine eyes 13%: 5321165 of * céy 511,68 A7’0 lire; 22022.4 ,222622 (2: 222222.. Bum: aikmy enoughss w: itii: Swat dcfircs, 12 220225 22210222, pmy m6 . N’ 0/222: 72022; 22202250], 222022 00!, N 72/22ch 220225 222022 061' 22222] All thy beauties fling my hart N’oferes 2/02/225m022 502 0222}. , I mufl dis: through 62212221: dart [0 22022; :22 prieapitty me: N’ofere: 22022:,222022 001, 222022 6:13 waffle: 722225, 222022 5612?}. ;.., 3 ”V"¥5¥‘“\Mfifl+fimfim mpuww» erwwt‘t,fiu;f§5g¢;_+-g;mqr~aw “ w s ’ ‘ m “V“: ‘7 GreencsNeucrtoolatc. Wilt than let thy '06:qu die, 1 xfireswam,mon éelamy, - Adm wc'rc vnkind, fay I, t [e 110»: mprie,pitty me: N’ofcre: £10m man 5:1, mm 53!, N’o/Ere: vowmwn écl am]. To let fair: Venmdié for woe, N’ofire; 90m may fit] mu}. That dcth louc {weer 9441057 {0, [e 7/0»: an priq, pitty‘mc; N ’o/Erex vozfigmn éel,mon 5e], N ‘ofem vow,mm [75/ am}. While thus Infida rung her fang , Fraqcefco fate , as t: mm; Orpheus meloay biz ban béenetntbauntenmauing his eyes 513% m: be: fatmnn bis sates attennant on her mufitke, to that hes games to that Syrcn’; 13bit!) after foam him a fatall mipmgackeo Infida“ laying away her Lute , after fell to other game. 315m betaufett gram late in the afternoone, Francct‘co, at am cal- lea attest} by his hrgcntafiairgs, tanks bis leans : inherent Infi. da {much new melancholy , mbitb mans nut young whom: - ham mamget mm; a rn‘lemnemngéeDeparting , he went abaut bis bafinea‘e : inhereas our cunning fluttigenmmg bet uaut’ce gone, began to (mile, aha rain to bercampantans, that thee ban man: a grab market that ball taught fad: a tamcfmlzmas pom . young fizutlemamquotb the)!” is like to tbetleaues in Egypt, that. as they rpztng mitb'out ratue , to tbep-bume attbe fight of ' the fire :30; to 'tbe hmaltomes , that thinks warp 9mm: mine fiammers bag. 1992 was uaner tong matter in Venus (maart, that taunts warp {mile a‘fannum energy laugh to be true tone: but it is nn~matter,bee bath 3022 ofpente, am; 3 mm M! him: many pafltnns,bnttl 3 [mm him as gmptp ofwvnmg my Mfg is tiot'u of fancy. Sinn watts leaning Em telling at bet mm interw- tainen mutant , amine to Franccfco , whoatter bee ban mace Btfpatcb nfbis buanefiemt him bums: tn tgis iaagingzmbere fit. ting falttarp in his chamber . be btgafi to sail to xememfitmme, tgw perfection: 018% new. @iflfttfle, ibe'tmtlimt pznpegttm ot’ DEE The firfl part. 7 ‘ her vbflnompfim fiaturefioicmeuurcmertanmbc thought). - ruminating upon wary pathway :1 plauoitefit lafi as batons (11 this pleating rappore, be remembzzu bis fméet Ifabcl, mbnre' bsauflz am nsrtue was once (a mums, (bat betméene bis om lnumnn bis nemfamie, ba’e-fell unmet: parfinnsfib Francef_ - co,mbitber art. thou carrier: mm; mm cometfssflyall tbp fruits be maze fubicct to tbe iamtbzme mafia, then mp blogomes 3, man tbg minute age be maze fultAof fang tb‘en flag tanner 13mm? built tbnulous in thy youth, ann luff when (by cages are balt’e Epentc’. $39211? tap, that the ($20M, tbeielner it 1'5,th flraigbter it gromzs : tbat NnrcifTus flohms, the higher tbtp fpzing, the mags glozious is their biemmnb {a [homo afiemlemenm they; man in genes, mall itrbertuefizbuttbau(Fran;efco( art lake, to the Halcioncsfinbitb b mgbattbt White as milke, grow to I32 , a3 blacks as am : toe go @tozka bane a muficail bopw, but ' tbc olu a fearefuu mummiben than mart of {mail ages mm bonnurehtbe’e‘foz thy qualities, am: now in firm mu {beg baits tbée fog tbg bites? 115:“ to what enmenbw tbisiarge p321 amble to check tbp fonnnefle,that mufi ieaue to 103mm: lemme taint! i. What ieaue m, lone Ifabel, where beanh‘e 3's ninme,‘ inhale bertues tarmhfimfa cbalfitie toyauflbufe mnfiamv bu- tainten? flan. fog mmm? r02 inuetnf fame unknowns fluttegaa. aonfiaertbifi ,. Franccfim . I(‘abe‘l fa; thy fake bath leftber {Ba— rentsxogfakeu bar frieunsxeiectw {be mogln,ann was content. mtbcr to bzmkepouzrty mitt; tbé2,_tben paflefle wealth mm) bet ‘ f’atberéflfifi: not (aim tecontznt thineeycmertucus to allure tap minnegpagfis me no: 11);; mama whom lbw art henna b1? Samluumnc comrcérncemn pet mitt thou Rart frmn berrmbat from Irabctae EDz’afi then not 2min tbattbe beauens manic £192 witbaufiampswe earth mama:32.33941):mozihmighout GE» lements, befoge H‘abzl fbsuia m fegraken of bar Frmccico’.’ mm mm than moons as mm as m is faithful! ? {ball [£162 like 036:: cry out agsinft AZneas. 5 1352952522113 againtt Dcmophoon? like Ariadne agatnfi T£-=c{eus, ans ibou be :aneniserl. in tbe «Ema» nittesjaga man ma; 9? psréiatie ? @hwnfiner Franccfm 2311mm tbuu maltlotsjflbau amt: iiébclmnn mbattban maltgaim, if. thou minnefi Infida : the me being alauing mife,t!;e 8132i? a flattering €u::.é§sgzo%m wan rm Argfiquefinb finsga gm . :Jr» ucgwn‘sé842‘112mmv ». W~m~éw3d~rfw~~y . 7W1fi§jmfi€fifigfiwik1v . V 1 , 13% 151,3: _ Greenech net 10121th 1111 11 bis {315110031391}, tbwfemwce tét 3111:1112 ’ Omnwyime irratiwale 4;! f :41 fl 1% 216m dili aefla’zw , mm”? dzrigimr. ' firm 11111111101: tbatarta creature 1.2111111211111111; rear” 115 1131111 art 115121111111; 1111111 in 111111111112, mam; 1132111 111 vanities, Eatfi ‘ 1131311 11111119101111: tbéliberal 9111111125 135 11 {1:131:11 a1 11 1111131ng them all 11111111111111.1111: 1111‘s generafip 2111 1912,1131211111111115 15.31121 ‘ 1:511:12 of amity; (6 yet 113111 thou mafia: 51 15mm 111 11,12 greazfii fimpatbp of alllnues ’ flag Fr ancei Cd amt; 1111a @bgifiian,ana _ £3311 rattan of the [mat fruits of Ebsnzcggg 1 191111 1191121112 am 111 holy 11321! perm 311111112 by that mirazie 13f 111113111112 Sa-Eomcng that be 1119111115 112112 1111111111 refine: the firangs woman mm 1101: 1191310 tbefméetneife afber flattery? " ‘ Defire not the beautic of a 1’11 111% woman in 13111111 heart nor be not i11t1appcd111 her eyc-lids: ‘ For thzoug‘n a whorifh woman, 3 mm is breach: to a morfel of btcad,and a WOman will hunt for the p1ccio‘us 11161049. man. Can a man take fire 1n his bofome? 211111101 be burntfor cana man {read vpon coalcs andnot be {combed P So he that goeth to his 11c1ghbours wife {ball not beinnoccn: ‘ whofocucr touchcth her. Men doe 11o: dsfpifc a thccte, wncn ?cficalcth to fatisfie hrs foulc:bu11fhc be found ,hc {hall rcflorc caucn—fold,org111c allthc {ubfiance of his houfc. But he thatt commitmh adultcxy with a woma11,is dcfiitute of vndcrflanding; he that dothi: dcflmyah h1s ownc foule. Hc {hall fin de a wound and difhonout, and 1115 r cp‘roach {hail ne- ,ucrbc p111 awa 31119111, F13 ncefco, wbeolnm} tens tbé fucb axioms, 111111 1111111 (trim: agaim't {be 1112111112,: 1mm; 1132 921111, false agaiuft tbe 11111102 ? 121111: 119w 11213111111: by 31111: mitt; griebinetfefibat thou mutt 1112 91111111120 without repentance. P 3121), F1311ccho, home to the wife afibp youth 1111's 112111112th pleatantmatets‘ ‘ nftbme 9111 112 Well 3110 111131111 all there friualous 111111111- 111311125 " 1111111 191111 1112811112 wary autism mitt) {bbflofspbgmz 121mg then'gbt 111111} bininitie P £13111 malt tbna 11112 111 1b; 11192111.:15‘11 man batzbin {be 11111211). What Francefco, NH)“ :5 3111111: yieuerg 1111111111111 1121121 13319111500110 91111111111111??? fl - _ The firPc Parr»; , _ ‘ fly“ at meg guff-pufs to theme, than mm 52 met: figm’ga; $93 5530“ art “0m, Franccfco, m be a Mmmat :1 Emma, ii: msafuretby affections by Ouids pgémiplesmt hp mugs affine: Esgg, aun time pzerent mils tgée ta 1mm Infida, mam: that: mafia m: looks on Ifabelmifiame nfplam‘fi a bifsbargg Bffitifii 5mm ' mm bane their faulfs, a5 meg aremu sf fancxsaa, mm: , €593 bzinee saw many a flie, am much water mums by tbz @313 that the @mermuer knows nf,tb2 zumfbat 1392 says (2'25 min $38 beast rues MLC‘afiqflmn mutafiufi) Franccfcofifabci Em”; m: Lynceus 292530 Is? In ram. mbe—reme whiletbau art rash bent in London, wing £399 beautie sf Infida, gnu mbsn tixsm art at Emma, emu: canteen: tbée mm) H‘abel,£amitb a-fmau rams, {half :an mug mm mm mm: aflectians‘, E9115 Franccfce fwbeD bimfelfe, c Bib In wmmmlc pmrem a'armz're, caring Eitfig fog bis goon, as long as he might pleaEe ms new {Ennwfiaam making no Exception ofa mire, fa be might bee meme?) of m: @aramnur‘ Ea etfect tberefoze the beaten ems orbis meets; b2 maize bimfeife a5 matana main: a5 migbt be, am bien aim heme mm min flpéfirea‘es boufefia put in pzactiw tbatmbécb bimrzlfe ban purporen, whether in the aftetaasne arriuing, 92‘s hnberl‘fonu by her Mamber-matnedbat (Em: was at home aw foiitaty :by Em tgerefogebe Ems :nnauctw ta Infidaes (mater. mberew faunas“ révming melancbnumua 29m: amass be: from bar bumps. fairs igaértreu'maile ta pant perfomufiet to ‘your-tbwgm; am: wnfent tn pant nefires. firm? firm cummizzg mm yam: mambcr Ming gun fit to meianwclyfi tbwgbt eitbcr‘Diana Em muting; on tbs pgimipies n? 1221' menefip, o; Venus 223332» wntent, bumpinguu be: moms :fnz tbaammuf pwi‘bgrzuw reygefents the ansgaun the measure ofgnm beautia taié‘mmm the other: but at tart, {fibers the gums: efgam: beaai‘ée fur- ;aaa‘éng mam .botb, reflecten take 292 mine fifPhcebus an my face. 3 perceiueb it mg mg gem? @ifirefieq tbat uifmmenfen [grain her bumps: macaw, as yam: Baumm fermmt,if mint mp mm 0; (mm my free pm! from there pafliaaas, 31am {38:8 ream} in all Minna {minimizes wsfuaiziail, ts mm $238 £6625? 0:”va affectinu._lnfida giafitnfi’éz bet Mum are 5W Mbyzémb ?wgereén m binae bun fare, figéefamng _ , if)“ . E3133 ,. M ' GreenesNeuettoo late; {flag 5;? The bani: , mate {5&5 miip anrmére... , Qmé‘zzt {@ruant, ban) streamer}: fewera feemfix’fmay 919% gm: fog yam melamine £5 fucbas gm: tan milling the finceritéa mfm}; Ewart afimza :memms aampg groin not? war of a gaggin- Eéiéai minim Amt nft—timss 9e tome ruperficialmelambalgim $223529 mitt) airomne , arm mam sfimftb‘atmiie : baking Soz- ratn fin their faces ,,. am: pieamre in tbeirbeartswefembging um. teams of the Eiquszice', that when rm are malt full of beam: mfimm,are men mutt Ezée miibin. a tail gnu, fewant, momm are Emily catteu, am: thgrefege bane 31 chafen to gem a $23M. man a5 pear felfe , that what our wantonnefie afiemfi, 3mm: mifeésme mag-amenn. 335:1: tmfi ma,“ Francefco,mere a {mom get: by fieztum, oziuiurten by am} am, the pzomfle bflmba @bampéfi mere [utfizierzt to arms me Entity Dflaaiu agafnfi bath: but refifatitfieb, yam: pgetense bat!) bantfiyea all gamma , arm , tbmfoge yea my fa’zfiewanhpnu are the floamcnmg masts Emma mp tbaugbts take all their ninectian. 315mm thus plea'w I‘antfim fe‘t Francefco animate hp bst , rams gem in {Jana inter: zhangenamozaus glatms. £511: betbatmas abafbt to among: his mime , tn tbat,fnme [parks of bonetfp am remainea in his beartfiatetazmentw mm; Ewe am; feate,pzickt fozwarn by the am to tsficwrre ms befires , kept bathe by the stber from tatte- rimg bis affections. Elms (a avquanbarg berm like am of Mc- dufacs thangelingsfiill Infida (Mug him-in tbifi fmnaine away: began thus to make bimnat of bigpaffianga 3mm: Segnior Franccfco, a fee €122 nu) a_aage is not almayw fines, COfifflléflfi mqumm mpg: dalzitffiz gun that WC? alleagen partmafiana of mint), are mm nacrgrnmne mm; melambsfipo. When an ermammagmz talismw a pleafan? calm, then the sfi’ects are mtapbgficau , anti: mbere may a mutant numpe of sates ts rsqaeme to fucb an em firm? isgss,eiti;er a mufiattrimr bate it to (em apaplme efimwgsfisg Esme mange aitzratmn of “ mittens. Frantcfcojbe‘amm fiami‘a ma, hailijfim greateffi beate. fire fugpzefi, iguana ramble, tbs [freamgs mm, either bgeaks 32:29am: 03 auerflnm, arm [amines canceaiem as they are mam mfiisnate , {0 they are mm percmpiozie. mm: Franccfco 9 m: on (9233;335:139 ant: m» bolt: on ti}? heart: magnum inf care 32mg: 339%! gum nieebtg .fi Mews ta genealz,§g a meagre (mg, . Wu” -M W“. - w t ms 31: L ,Lmh'wfixuffin 31...“, 3.; :.;a,.m 57,: .7 __ ' A vn~i¢ufi-‘ ,, .2 Tbs: firfl' Part; ' V 33133323 33:33:: tb‘g griefemnu if 3 33 net 3313- 33, 333233333333; 7 13331333.,aiibougbmbata1 3333333 33 (3;; 33333333313333: 33339. 3.3-. 2333331333333) cemflaiiwfiher tn perfwasa 33313339313 333333333, 3.2 ésifireatz £333 33: 3333333 : 1‘39 Ffaiacclto, 3333 33333 3333533 33 3 3231133 3. 333333333 csanfelkma 3 33113333 3: 33333333331333.333333. @133 33323;; 37521321311333 3333a’ng Infida 33313233233; ienitme 3313313337333 313 3mfing 30235333,!333333333 33333333 333 great 3333,333333 :33 3533363133 i333 {afa'ée3éni?;b&tberei’323 E33333: 3333:3333 muntenamz 33333333113 33333-3333 5233 {32.332333133321333 33 33392 flgé; mnrtza 5223 33:23. , . ' . 5Fan€re @iartgmmm 313m 3 mile in ms? fpécbesfibinjke it is 33333133 3 faint 313: 3332 3333333; 33333;; as “magmas 33.33333 ,33 ,3 3m 3133312011333 3333333313 : mm 333 nbiect is nfiereb ha 333 EfififiEfiJB fight {8 binfizeté’mfiéikflflfizi appafl!amdmfitfmfmiofz Mars 30313 3123123 mag tbz @3333; , mm 33‘: {333mg Venus ’91? “)3 333333233; Tully 3311-333 3333,135233 {333 tbougbta 312mm _ Tcreumes 3333 : 31.3 33233 333 {333 In {933331 {31331313335 , 3333 7‘ 33333 33333 332 33333333 war: 3333mm mg: m: 3333331 333333333 ’33 33333, 3133333333 bane 333%: tongues mama their 2333 033:3» meaning M3!) the ans, ana beingfilent in the other; 3.313133 ans 3333(sz thug. ' x ' filter“ in dfterim 343343-333 lamina wz/tm; “:3 (23323531333 mciti mfler 22/)5' 3fl3t (3,3207. 7 £93323:th Infiaia, 1333: 33332 33313312333233 mt, 3333233 3533333333 in my 3333:3333 then tbuszfime £3333 mg gm fegtufis, 33 33333 fauam'efi mega; mg abnerl’e nzffinies,fl’31 331333333 3333-— 33333, bzougbt' méz ta Troynouanc, 3:33 that Iberia 0:223 nartm 3333 33333 32233333311333 éntu there 332333335 shimsfimem, 3333 633913 33333 33 saaantagwa [233323 3322 in tbgperi’eztiamiaat 33333 532333 23333 E33333 333:; 331331!imperfectéfagmben'a} 33333- 3:33 33,332 3333 33322 3333329333 £3331 Venus? a 3:23333333 33 3.333% a 333;.33131 333333 332 93333333 333333!) a parfifimwbm a 333333 332 ‘ 33333333333333 333;) 33333333 refiea 3333333: 333333 3 33333 3393 33333., :3 3:33 3133 33333;: manner, but 3 313353 333333 3723 33.13 33332933333; 33’3" 333333 33333133333333 tm 133,333, hm ‘infida 3333!: E23 :32 $3333 333333333: 33 3333333313 maria 33333) 33334 33333 3333333333 31333333 333333 33331733333332 30135223 3333 3? mg} 335333i9323,533333333 mat 333. 3333 36333333 333233 13.333333333333333 3333 33176333313”: 3333333 ' ~ 3 3 3 i333 - I5 Green‘es Neuer (60 late. "mm fog lions, 1m 31 templaine mgnwinies tabs equivalent fa my mfires am: minke mp Enzfunefi to be warper then my lousy, mbinke Infida, fauifs; in afiectiong are but light fumes: Venus bat!) flames: tamaabsm bet tremantg, ant Cupid‘s Eifigz are mmwg; fat!) as mature ton farm to'smatent their tbaugbw. Emma bvnféme agregalm p‘arnanga, ans lnue requires not than fiiziabut that bar matting be sharia. Eben tbs’nkeflinéet Ina. _ £14.23“th graham? mmmm :arefuu ammbe sf ti»; bemz‘, ram: ream? is 312m tbs pzemaice of itfmkw to [1290132 the am paragemwt aftgw farm: an leiu tbzrefnze ofmp loyal! termite; grant me fhat (mate gift, which as it begins in amitg, cam 2m may take arm but in nsatbzotbermtfz 31 wall be mm to acwrté mg fazmnm zaccufe mp fmtmrnmfi‘e, anb mint nu other baa, but a life fan of miferies a: a Beat!) full at matwwome mug r ibis partisan arming bis pleam Eiflnlueb into fuel) Egbes, ibat it Bifwuem big {math afiactimuezt to be 121%th bis ammm pmtefiatiou. . Infida noting the perpiesitie of bars aLnuemnnceifen bis grie-fs mm; mm tap: pettbat we might not be thought toe fozmarb", mée r&meb thus fmbsarb: ant: tbwgb her thongfiats were maze then bifi wires, ans that {get mints was no 12m; then his mutééw unmet pnlliugbcr bani: frombiam mans this frowning [Epigh What Erancet‘co,mben the Eggewuntnab fog bis 922p, beta m then me his claims? 35 the 153% firms tbmmnwbot, when it 1mm!) macaw ? fire mm [a mbtile, tbat mm tbw meme mutt bolmbeg are fartbei't from dfinmcau they buzzer the ammo: sf bertue, cnu-er tbsi‘ubfiance ornanitimna-likg Ianus i2 nuuMe-faseb,to-pzet’ent bath fattbann flatterfia ban, :baugigt (muant mama entertaimb tbéz fnztbg curtefiz, 9;; {imam not Emma bag nscafinn to [bake the}: 0% m2 tbp balbn'ésmzmgz mm a iikts tbée fa; thy ambit; fi'mfpiiz-its'e, 3 West: gm miflihsa tbéa fa; thy {met fubtilifie:mfiatfiranccfm, mmfire fucb'agram as» mam ibnn men mitemeitber flaw iniébibg bonefig to m» 1211mm); wit!) my {mum}: to zfi‘ect‘gr-eu me Francci‘co, bath 2i» tber mg ceantenance bin [a cartennmigat 6i might pg-nmifsfufl; ma! :urinfiipm'mp {mm [a iafciuiausfibat tam: migbtefi bape A ta) (inns me fa 1mm; my minus {a maneriagm mg Bitpfifln’a , an I9: ffiifs‘ffifififiaibéi 912.99%? Qiisbiffiw (9% £9192 WW : W ' ' " ' £895: . Wm‘mw \ , The firfi fiéfr: ‘* iefizarsbfmne tackenwa banMFrance‘cofiin faulty in there m: ,, limgben mm a fa’zke tn amennfifierm tuna Iaiefi 33 bane mafia meme: if net, but {bat man sbinkeflsfoz that ~31 am a me‘manfl am cutie Ea bee mnnmiw pzamifes afisas, am: pgo‘tefiatiam sf ,lopattp/tbw art (mum teruant) in a mgeng bare, g fittcfi farm b21332: the wflfienfiaz 31 pfifle af mt} bans: mm tbenlife,ann :6- mt mm; ta mm the m1: efhnnefip, then the m’gntie efa Di;- ammmeafe t’bznmnlefl‘e thou miitfutceafe tn'bame my fans” wafers: m5? mm; thiamat Infida aunmesnf tbe’z fnglwzmot foz iuazwet £er mania man bar muse aim? , mama rather yéela - the rpm'le of her banoz ta bcr\fzruant, then to the greatefi mime 9? :39 mm. Francefcofiawgb be was a mam'win there mains am mas fifipgs’s an the $323!: mitbtbis marye repafle,p’etbe mas net {a to take tgemnmze fog tbe firlt Eazme , mam ma moan- _ mama ginseng: tbz chm at the firm Befaultfimttbat [)2 pgnfee rates bisvpurpnfe (13:15.3) am fnzrisdaire genome aim? manti- nnfif em; pnf‘amptinn bath 5mm 2mg: ntfe’nce to my [mete ms; mega, to; tamer then a 11381210 bu: pznwre a frnmfle in bar me beabfl month bane a mpg mum in mg owne heart; coming rather to fuppzea‘z mg pafiians knit!) beatb,:ben to aifpatage mg matte with in goon a patmnsfiefiberfoze tbnngb mp nzlfinies be extremmmg afiectians great, am my iams‘fmb as tan take M tune but in your fansm‘s ,s get 3“ weft upon flaw; ,Infida bath commaunnen me to (safe, 6 31 mm not hate to mm) as to p20- tcwte mg mitemltbwgb warp gammt malt be a purgatngieg am: warp hates nemau a momma pfinififimeut tabell: mitt; that be re: minus thispm‘i‘an mitt) mcb‘a’figa, tbatas the 919m. new raw manmanw bane tbeugbt a1 mama bauefplit againeo fibis canning floritfan being afrain ‘, with this cbecke to {mun quatteb tbz queafir: ftamathe afber lanes: , befitting in man) to ber-tbai snub b’otb hams», mm; {113 ban tbzufl'amag mm; bet: iitfie finger,hegan to be pleafam mitt; Francefco thug. . What (mum aw mm tusbafrsfi') hater Qeni‘aierfibat paw fainta: tbs am {kirmtw a ream nstman, gnu bane net to male mm; Mamba: mm; Venus; mu bet. harm of nenéall, as mega mime {bargain tbewiercz iitflmnn tbunberbnits an aa’rigbt,‘ mt pzzimése. flare not mm, a mumaatfi barman bar tangug; w; ggggegggmegg fig 539$ gm; tug, that was; :92 mm 193221;» A 5, $1,; Creches NcuEiE i0 I’atél 5m) the tottfgize flatkeibycnus mamas are imagery: tum) Ks??? m_aierfie-msm Em emit; £172 greatzfi ingzmixie it: w bzm ,' mm ' 3333} an {E}? fisiwisfi simple: in her :binmm btitggmma faint ‘ ‘ Smear: mm 233w fame mag. Framefco bearing E3335 afiéfirtfle “313$ pi'wfaat,xmksz flDpnzmnitie by the taxman, g 5232: {0 mm; ma Enfidajbm befsge be manual! was Emil,- lye blafln amt , me; be bathtfimf 93mg; manebp tbm’r market mm; a faire of Rifles : maid; {impasz a? afiectiamhgen the game fifimtiemaus cm aertfizom; fez b2 Ems fa mama in tbe wiig Erammees 13'? bar afi. Surfing flafierémbat neztber fbe remambzamz 3‘? i335 Efabe}, the mm mm cbimsfihe faunas of his frienfimz SEN imam a5? afferee Bite, calm in am? [we bale vim from thatxbeii : mminfa; £320:ng bis ohms fungal): mag fallen. , 4. , mamap the mag (afimfismm ) lei fig note the (nhtfitie cf fibcfe Syrcns,tbat mitt) their mm: taezmsm? seerfwafie ,, am; tzgm meénaice, 1an mums; like Calypib, ms imbamt iike Circcs , tarrying a memsas if they were mefiaiz, e cnuln mm; Amalia sartp mater iua fimimbm tbeg‘are fizz: @uvtétans,as far from 23mm? , as they are from censticu, fit tim firfi' tbsv carrivs a ram them , refembléng Caiiflofinba i323: b2: bgnitn‘w 1mm Dia- mes baiiejaauing ire {bear hmkz a my mama, ha; in game b&ris a bat mm , menps‘ng mm; the tanguc, arm wtécmg tum) weir Iankmmefiectmg in mngnwun adiaring in gefiurm; 2mm fuck) a 0m (matiemm Divas Infida man {a pm; Franccicoibifl) [152! flattering famnmfifgat as the man foaming 6:22 fisfiman: , the mate the 32mm tbs iaelttrapian tbs biramm of the Emma ,- (a bis fitiiflfifimfire airmen aim her eyeganafia mbatfiw raibfiana , fag a pzimégisjnfommbjbat be was mt easel? wasp in an raw; m bumags ta 'gieafe geriaatciesfim miiimg fa; tine leafi 1mm ' efm‘mse , ta mm m meapw agaéni‘t fin: mama fifiampim m afiiTmynouam. £33m; imfea inbsr beauue ‘ be Hush a 30m; gm, Enggemug W razmne an Cacrbranck, ii! an a bay fitting mngmg 2mm bimfeifa. M @222 fnta a news confiberatéon of m , tome: fag: m8 am pzefszafi fsiiiiazm'berwgaen tattiaig 9&5 mm in W ijzmu {:23 mug mtg fiaanfisiaa . meq/ca 5: ‘5 i.gsxigm-iaas' .i' " :Théfimfiaa: , 'j .\/ ‘ Francefca‘esflwndet’dji t Sitting and fighing in my chrct mufé, As once vfpalla did, furprifde with lone," 7 Nating the flipperie wayes young yeeres doe vfeg' ‘_ What fond 356615 the Prime ofyouth doch mouse With bitter teares defpairing I doe crie, . Woe worth the faults and follies ofmine eye.) * . , ' When wanton age, the blofl’e‘amcs of my timc,‘ (Drew'me to ggzc vpon the gorgeous fight, That bcautie pompous in her highefl prime,’ ‘. Prei‘ents to tangle men with {weate delight, Then with dcfpairifigtcares my thoughts doe cue; Woe wonh the faults and fellies ofmine gyc. " When I fumeyd the riches ofhca: lookes; WthCfOUE flew flames ofnemnqucncht ci‘efiireQ Whereinlay baizes that Verne; fnarcs with hookcs; Qt whercptoud [upid fate all arm’d with fire: ' Then toucht with lone my inward fouls did cric; Woe Worthzhe faults and foilicsof mine .6ch Th: milkc’whitc Galaxi‘o on her brow, Where lone dmh dance [molrm ofhis skill; Lilia to the Tcmpla where true‘loucrs vow, To follow what {hall plcafe their Mimi; will ,' Neting her I-uoric from: now doc l crie, , Wocworth thefaults and follies-ofminc eye; Ber fatc‘likc filuer 23mm in her (hint, , A11 taint'cd through with brighthrmilion firaines; Like Lillies dip: in 84'0ch choycefl wine, ‘ Pewdrcd and interfcamd With Azu r’d vaines, Delighting in their pride; naw may 1 exit? ‘fi‘ggflggth ehcfaults-and follieg ofmine ayea Th . . W- ”W W. WW, .. 5;; Grecnes Never £0013th / The golden wires that checkers in the day; Infcrior the crcffcs officr hairs, Her Amber trammcls did my heartdifmay,’ That when I looktfl duri‘t not oucrbdarcé Proud ofhcr, now am I forfi to cry, Woe worth .thc faults and fellics ofminc eye. '1‘th c fading beauties drew mo: Vnto fin , Natures grcat richesframdc my bitter rutb,’ 'Thefc war: the traps that Xoue did fnarc ms in; Oh :hcfc,and none but :hcfc hauc wrack: my gouging; MiiTc—led by thcmfii may dcipairing cry, Woe Worth the faults and feliics ofrmi’nc eyes. By thcfe I flip: from vcrtucs holy track‘c, That leadcs vnto the highcfl Chriflall Spheareg By :hefc I fell tovanity and wracker Andas a man forlorn: with fin and fate: V ~ Defpaircand {arrow dcth confiraine me cry, ‘ Woewonh the faults and follies ofminc eye. _ fiitbmigb (bis runner was of his rem inuentinn, am: that be ‘bttmn it in the bitternes otminb, yet after he bat: part! we: bis memmbotmann from his rolitarp mas mm mm rompatw, be mgfif bis {Jamaican impzem’nn of Define, am: Him the Bag, Bin red”; ad mmimm , g fell to his amnemmttmmmbfing tbete Greczans, that mm; mm Uzinkims nf Circes bgugges , mm but!) fnzme ant: memaziamewis afiaires mare banmw bum Iain , am: no owe: bufinefle min rzfieb tn binaerbtm {mm by- mg gmmmm bis @ifirifl'e, match was fast) a violent Detainec sf bmpsmmna tbeuggtwbat there is no beauwlflbnt Infidaes bmimmbcre 31:96qu be gleaming entreb in mm; aelégbt , get £92”an i}: flipt away mitt) repsntancamemeaumg 11mm: his new mesa! mi? n: Ifabelfinba Daily erpectea tbe mmming home sf bar heft beinueb Francerco z winking eatery Emma a WWW 9159 might féz bémdu inbam‘reiieb ailber mntwmfiut Wengpanzs toaiefie comb notifies mew: fight mug gigs pm . - mm, zmficm , m“. .-.,. The firfi fiart: fememg bis eaves initb 31's letters, the Maw 20 Inmzs, 6 grab: {a bifcontenttbat aye fel-énto-xa femt._3’Foztuue.zbat meant to try bar patiencejbougbt to manager mm) there tragisal nsmzsat mas tell: her by sert’aiue dfieutleman bet. frienb 5,1050 mere I92: butbanfis pgiuate familiarsfibaz 132 meat to isiaume mutt part of the years in Troynouant :nmbimt scum amnugfi tbearem that was plains ann {nttbnnt fafllmb , tom bar thembnié mute cf bis rzfinembam be was in hm mix!) a mat? beaufiinu €53 - tlainomenrallzn Infida, awn tbat fa nézpalg, that am partisan on migbtrenake him from that alluring aurtégan. fit tbisgfabcl mane nu account,bat tucks it as a frtnolous tale , amt: thought the innate of fucb as bugger: (us!) tfitaflical follies into he: cares: but mbern tbs genera“ rapszt arbis nemeannzs mas bzufi'eo a-A bzoan flnwgbnut aHCasrbrancke ,‘tbw mitt) blaming cbe‘zkes,’ the bin bet face; wriwing at his fumes am: bet ohms foztunes. {mmtyma the flames: 5? “gm a'omin mm; infinarn twainbut nutmamlg miibflme rung; infafiirimlt meme Bin tuueigb a.‘ gainfi (Debonair? of Filamrcofiifetbat ffieinanne grsat comment {ion of an foam: legaltge mm :onfiancp: get mum age was gotten facts! by her felfe , 1m heart fuller [aztomfull pafiisns,’ arm ber 2929 fall of tearesflw began to meuitate mm; be: felt: , cf the pzime of her pout!) batman :9: Eranccfco, bum W2 fozfonke fatbarmmbmun ¢ountrg,€nbz aparamaurhnto bet barts Paragon : 91:92 beings b2 mane, tuber: (32 carses 92: away in tba négbt , tbsrogemne pznmfles g pzetsfiattons that mere btierw. Wisen waxijawanazea ali ?bete wingsfiben 11):: callzn tn minae Emas,Dcmophoon,ann Thtfeu’s, am: mam}: them mitb‘Dido, Phillis; ant Ariadnmnn at la‘tfifigam thus : am Eballtt’béa fa *fiefmfzne Ifabel am: Franccfco ? 3993mm not [u(imm mama) “Set not iealanfie Minn tbc’e ,Kmbam lune bath mama mu; fact; véern’ng infigbt : fa: as there is 110 mutant fin 1b: {mamas of iouefiu fibers is no nefpaire to the mimics: of éealwfie : mbere: mu to {bake off all-fancies, the tank: bet «Jitteme finger 9am, , mm tungtbis mm sutnrArioflo. * , [be pimfeljce e'pm‘ imzmda flare, C be vigéfifyi do lee. eifm’ beam, .Jamédgflémir: W0 amorofb mare Gréehés N chi}, tédlatcz C kg d’ Z¢9fi’7:=5v‘z'nfemiz‘mz’ aware; Se nonfuifle buamo f empre flimulato , ‘ D23 7552/1122in timore,ddquellafrmezizgy » D22 Wm: mééixfiel/a i:/oz;.ipz. , ' 36-2!“ Emma are tom'fant, [a me they eafi‘e to beléeumfpei ‘fiallg tr‘utbmnn to ma: cut mm; Ifabel', fez Cbéeflmze fouls )- znulu take no refit, bet bean (nasfa troublea mm; were mines ,, . _ bamme’rfing a tboui‘am bumszs-(u Km bzat'wemm [bee migbfi km!» the certainm efbis foilieg, ant: gem am might mlama ( him frombisnem entertainn afieciianfifie confinerea with baa? Eelferat menallure Ewes by the heautte of tbe boufe,anb re- xlaéme $319395 by the fairsms nf-tbe'lurc , ztbat lane ia’gnea- mitt) heme. were able tn retail the mutt ftraggling IEnca‘s m. make [atlas agrame ta Cathage. mm; ( quot!) am to bet felts) impure be be mm in lave with a dturtigan, 6‘ that beamie barb} given him the bzaue: mbamau arbiterlp cunnemne him? 399: , as be masxnot'tbe fittflo b2 [ball not be tbt law; What , gouty; mu bane bis (minge,tbe" Mac will be mu of pzickiembwetfle mailman: bis trimaran goat!) bis moms: menmufi leumnm , mu louetbcugb‘it bee both agatnmain ant: team: 3 acrookw» wen mill pgmue a Etraigbt trée, the auniperig roman mm it is as. twig MB {mate taben it (3 a tre’e-v: time changed) manuetmna Emncefco , when has entretb inta/tbg ambition of a flattering 4 Curtigan mm fogiake bet , emu returne penmnt emoze iauffig in big Ifabel. Ema like a-gmn wife the canarueu all to the bath C. gm m2 thought to put him (a mime or bigremmmnp Iberfazsu; 311.2 ngtmm a letter,“ this Effect. ffhéelto F%czncefl'ofimlté: , ‘ 1f Penelopclsngen»fazberV1.y11‘es,thnke, Ifabe} mfl‘hetb fog ;; her Franccfce, a5 Suyau ta :bée , as am mas confiant to :92 mm Greeks , am no 12112 Befirauslta fartyee in Caerbtauckc, 333m Ibe’z to wing bis pzefence in. Ithaca ,. watering mg wakw‘ru mm; as many tearmas me berface mug: plaintsz get my Fran . ‘£»€{§°,9a~ping 31mm; :39!qu same 83511395259 ingreafe be: care: 3, ' : w..‘~:-'::.~.sn.:~aé,2.y«;~" a.gtsm“ The firfi part. _ / .. $3; $1 $auz‘fudg—réfelutim in tag mnfiamm {Em m: Circes ma; ,, ' fig; gm mcba‘ummmmm Cazypt‘o 1mm aéi Ems: 'Iagceriw ,nn Sy- rcnmitb all her me‘ési’siw mule psmert 152's fmmtbinhéng 9:: Wine Habdfil mam Franccfco,f0 Mimi? bath the faifbfaii p30- mire annxlnggx’s ha‘mesmanc a inferebanggb between $5, taken plate in thy ?hougbtatbat natimebam 3mm tamer, m: nifiatice m’ 95am mmfowgr aifizrmtmay alter that impze’fiimi. 5155: my? arm 31 s'nferre this nmlea‘z infinuat‘ifin in him, that :13 km . méig can alienate from bertuenet méz, Francefco, perfmmeffiés . fiaitb-asber circumfiancesfiru mp fme'zfgtbinkebnm {fling Ha“. ‘bel ties 32mm, msafurtug the time min; figbes, e thine ’abf mm ?mifia pamws cuarzfing the bag; uifmalbann the night mu of {93a mmcgjbmg putty map aircuutent,b2taufe me i5 mt canten‘f‘; mi; Em Francefco. flfibe mew comm! that a ham: m m; ab- feme is thy .rbiin, tuba lies at: biz: matbers {mm aim {mass as tmantanig w his father mm be was a mmzr, batfisbm the bag» “i“apegfigamwme is my Eammljeu mm be tome hamgmmm . ibe’ :a’i‘mmfmwontent,tummy to a mien? fiogma a? parting Eazrom,tbat i am fametime fogcea {a fag :mnkénae Francefco, that 1:0}ng big IfabeL} gnpefz'ancefco, it is thine afiaires, mi :ng farms that pgocure wig long 321332.. £033? a knew mg m. imam any way ofienn tbwu ref: (has long abfmt, a manta puma) mg fan’s both mm; outmam sub inmate penance. 515m :‘zfiynmfoener; 31 pm? tbs; bealtb, am tag (962359 returne‘ fit!“ 33 Francei‘cofatemeu. . _ ~ . Thine more then her oWneflfifizéal. 5“ flas‘baumg finimw bar lefemicfimgen tbgm fpa‘enitg to Troy‘é nouangmiaw they were neliuereu to Francefco, tuba recei- mng them mm a Mall), men: tats tats Easy, a there 13mm. the - ’malw mic!) afi‘gb, patenting b9tbztenteufg,tbai1fabel baa an inkling nfgismmue inneswbézb 32mg Mm mm a great ‘ manaamfiaat 9mm entring-én’fa the énfiglyt nflgig latciutaus E'ifnge began in mg a remozfe in W c’oaMensefigam griennuflg $39 ban nffmaeb berfibatbae (a faithfully lauen him fibimnatb ' fimfhau am [a inmate afi ta qaéseame afienfitcn‘méib frame 2' $0 finkinne as ts weigh 60mm Lame mm; uifcnartafig Pm grim 3m a me‘ece twat 92mm m: a acmemm in mm: mm; min ' ‘ " {9 a flag , 3A: 7’; __;_,.' 'W ‘ 7 “‘r‘ H’Wfiv-w ¥ Gréch‘ees thtéf too 1:1th ‘flee,that perfumes mée'tntth ia'ot‘esxnufiner tntth thy felts Fran; mfco,bnin myth thou Emit fin. jfirfl, then nfieneeftthg dab in ehaet’t‘ngfn wanton a fishnefle: then theutnnfi intone; thy mite, tn pze-tertingxan tmnntf’ant «Earthen heme tn faithful! a 19am mutt WY Franccfco , thy 3i9amett ts tn thematfe, thou mam flop at: the bztm ,\ became than hat} neaet tuuehea the botteme; What? men may fall,bat t-n mallow tnA-mieheaneae ts a‘reeuhte tauttflheretege recall thy tetfe,reclaime thy afiectt’ensz ashes thine tfabel as-taire? m it thebe nugget t5 the maze mrtunus. 35 net Ifabcl to mittg as Infida? £Dh,butthe i9 maze eenfiantzg then art than to man ,tn pzeferre nzatfe heme gain, a common flint berm a thotcebtamonbmtce hetozehettue , fantng beauty ‘betoze the ercellenttnmata qualities e 335 , make nfithet‘e tol- ites, auh fay both in mouth ant heart , 3mm tiketlfabel. gyms be tata by htmrelfedmt (then he tnent teeth nthts ahambergann etpten hi5 @iarts taking out at her totntmtnml thtsgére than- gen, mm the cafe mas altereu : thee ealleb. am: in he mutt, am: there in a teatt ftntt at his mtuesletters, taking his Infida tuhte armee. eme- taptngt, a mat not leane this Troy to; the ehattefi Penelope in the meme. \ ' Ehue he (nether: html'eltet’n the (métnea‘e at his (in, ‘rereml ' Eating the fieaparns that teen on @artazam mhtlerthet} ate,” the people Hyperborci , that fit to-ltmg emu gm agatnft the game. till they become blinmte he name an the perfettton at Infida,ttl it grew taahts Wet paetuntte 3 tee;- no tears" tenth rntueett‘him team hte namnee intent, to halt he nzomuen htmrelte tn the he- gre’ee at tumtnt’emueh that he enuntenit nu fin to often mum tatteaaatnt :attuntng tn the taping otthe help father; ' Confmmdopecmndi toté’itfenfumpecmti. mm bib thete tmn continue tn the agmpathy at there tinge mbtte Ifabcl refine her at heme 5 csutemtn this, that atlafi ha , insulate reclaimee, mun then the mouln htepattenee, Wm Nunqtmmfim efl ml- 50720: were: 7/112. Wfiflflflflflg thua tn tbfi totesmttheit amn-fel'ltesfioztnneethat meant te experience the taste of loue,bealt thueeontettebiht em: theretme Mum's baa. by the (pace at thm geanestemrelh flambzen in the thmmes at their p!eat‘ures,annmunkmtth the tarts: ntconteut,thonght no ether mew but that: mm tuppptee hapgtueszae mesh Stem? , ' ' hat . t. ":35,— , ,7. , ,, ,, 7n, , \W 77 > The firfi Part: , bet!) his ealmemm tbe greatea bpzingstine the neaeefi’ ebfieja facets. it mm Fra-nccfco: foe to lengmeut the put to 1132 water, that at left“ came bzeken beme,ann fol’éug put be Sis bane in- tents purfexbat atlatttbe empty bottome returnenbim-a‘meit of Non efl inmntm :fez melt migbctbe mum oaume time, fee we: a mire there masts képe him bathe. , . Well ibis lnuer mile: nfpaflt’oue tbeurnr peueefiegananben be entree info the eon’fluemtieu of his ohme effate) tn momma e? the chine, eete bangetbe tip as one, that me man: of taunting bawrmke bimfelfe Upon the Bannsmet be eeneren hie inmate (emote mitt; numero (milee,aun like Ianus, pgefentee bis 99i- firie Initb a merry lonke,mben the other fine of gie Wage mas . full nfl‘ogremee. )But me that {nae aeguea aea tancb—fione to em mettale.couln fixait [piebg the 91.39: Mere tbs Wane mgm- geh airman!) {Mug bet Franccfco mas almnfi feunbzettbougbf tee féz if a I‘kilfuu jfarriar might menu bimdf not, like an im- tbauhfull ig'eeknep-m‘aufiye meant to tame him into the bare Maegan tet‘ bimae amen aanetn pick‘eabauete. ' - 1111an which Determinettunfibat themegbt nae naming ram; lg, {be mane inquirie into his eflate, mbat linings be ban, mm aLanee‘te remain they were, either tiea hp Eatatute, oz intailm at leagtbznugb bet tecret ant: fubtile inqutfltionfim feunb that at his segue me am tee flwzefibat bis Mp‘mere eliptmbe mm! Kala: to be amt. {bat meat be ban by his miracenln neither m mm m; moggagem what be ban of his nmnegmas fpent mam ‘ bentbat netbingmaszleft foetflm to line bponbnc bis miteflbie , memes mas rm; a emling earn. rotate auctigémbet the extreme beam efteer-loue mas alreaep-grnmne to belnke-mermemwci Francefco might same peaceiuezmatr bis arriuallmis-melceme mas maze mange, her leekee maze me. his face maze flannel; bee gzemee latte amazouezann 1'62 Mme}: ta be Infida in mom; x tinngbm net in Emmet palfiuns. ' _ mm: nmoutb eitaaine maeeFrancefco mamelfimba yet ban net entree, into her eeeeitemozébeing fimple ofia'bimfelfe )2 babe euer- get erperz’enft a Ecumpete rabmtg : beimputeu’tberefow hie mtthefl'e eognefie to tie eifiempetamre of be: beep , mm ebpugbt teat being mi: well, it [nae m manner though the gene am the teamelcemet , . 11%- '-"- 3.; Ebafi’: Creams Neuer too 13th “Elma paste nwtmminbManfier warp thing to tax: befffiii; vtiu time pzsfsmen figim mm; the truth 31’ the mega: Is; in am time, his 199th? caugb fa; menev, bis crenttozs tbzeatma him with an arrefidfi'y slogans mart thzeaa-barmnn time mag am mega mine in,.z%§2 min! in amenn them. Wherempnn 8 93pm; ring in a great uumpe be his Infidafinbn was as tolgmne :15 5:52 ‘3185 fazmwi’uiim [mm mm; fnto theft fpficbes. ‘ ' 3112mm reaname’et 13.0mm €82 fipgagflmes nffibihfapbers, marinate fugpzeflew maze nialent, we fireame finpt, mama ‘ the greater Deluge, aim pafiiens renseaieb, macaw the Dfrpefi 'TDZI‘DWW. Eben if C ontmriamm wmmrm efl mtiaflbe [‘8 i5 3m“ ‘13ng better then abnfome—frtenanitbinbnm tn iconferre mam tbs iniurie of flashing. affirming mg mm Infida) mu of Pa- , -themaes,as aungtn the quickinuencmeb with (be Taramula of tart fiche tegmenma thinks rm mebtciue fittgr fa; mp malabp, tben to be wreh by the muficall harmony, ef tbp mm? temp 'faflefiinflm tbm,Infida,tbat Troynouant is a plan of great 21;. mmeflheibe fervent Hidafpis, that the maze tt‘ fume, the maze ms afitb‘ira, eating mznralim as the Gfircmnile: aim being a place nfa‘s Dangerous alluremmt,as the feat tubers the Syzrens :31: mm shame: their pzei‘untciau malaby. 31: is to young 6132mm mm like the fiafiyrintbwberenut 'rhcfeus mum unmet mitt;— ~nuta tbzean, hmbeamxbmm mnnamus winntaures, as m measure tips: tbgmnfi time the perfozefibe 3mm are like {aet- Cbeufeggmigizb by little 5 1mm (“meat 51 man into a mnfumptin an.- tbe {591: be tarrie‘s a pirstofminein the one {gamma me!- mmekut a peniam in the 02:22: in ftabzann the {99mg €82 [jaw [miles in berm-bem, ant: mutate; gala mate fog 521° gums, \‘but the tame i5 comp , fozttfarre zrseebs {be sates, a? cagne imam, then sitiger m Limbo , oz 21% ciaphp a cammubitis (if m must) muff béeleftherebeflsau finns rust) knsés, ag bee mm muer he ablefimfibout bis latter pzeiunize,tn finite. wankers, fl {sane them aff,as m mum mare ta be mentben with an bonew mam tongue. mm abitxntauresiaire Infidaibauefa eatwme iap In this Mbmintb , as tn/biz plainemifl) 2962 that art mg {2. mm rem, 3; want, am am (a farm (unehtea to the warm ans mine'fianffes, as zityer tbou‘mufi fiaun “mg frienn to aifimrfe [a W? Wee Wm m ”198 EBMF. W Iwwzoaanwgn \ u . Th: firft Parr: . feszm fbp-figbt,h1bicb Em) pzec‘ieus it is tomefl refer to_ tame. 91mm conference: oz fog an Vltimum mic,take by my longing m. the ®nanter,tvbicb 3 mm; as it tannin be uncouth tn mega: if; mouth be’e gee'euefuu'm tbe’e , ant tberefeze 1mm bangs mp meta farem tbp mm. 1901:) lath 31 mass to latter unto tbée my man]: ans {03min , meafure Emmy luaejlnba mm; rather Heath, then= thy bifwnteut. - , ' - ' I nfida scam fearee fufier Bim misnga perish, arm tbereroze v man her foge-bea-a full nrfuerames, aw mane bimtbisauffiver, fine mama you bane me (fir) buy an ounce nfpieatm'e, mm a eanne of mifbapsmz read) after repentance with (a big!) a ratee geese 313w: theetbe blofl‘ams of mg gautb, q'neligbten tbe’e with tiae pzéme of mg péeesibaft thou ban the (poile of my Mrgtniiiea ‘ am: new maulnefi tbau baue the [ache of mg Fubfiame ? tubes: that: baa mttaeren m9 perfau, aymelfi than at mpmealtb? 3120 ~ fir, nmnom, tbat fazv‘tbe Ewe nf mm aaue crack: my crew? , that never berm mas trainee.,, a tannat lenke abznah Without a mum‘mnzg‘a mm; mg neighbeurs mitbaut a fmmp,tbau aim fl)? name fewer eafl in mg Dimmip fees laugh, mm. mg friems Tazrow to W mg-rollies: mberfoze feeing thou beginnefi to niche a quarrelfinn b&reafter,£nben thine omne bare fiaztunee bane»: gnugbt thee to beggerpfiflt rap , tbatmfida cult tbé [a many momma, am mas thine ouertbzsm: auant 3121mm , abnme (fl: wine came wife, tuba (pane Gfientlemnman) fitst manna what thou canrnmefiat Eauema. Ebau baifi ban my} Befpeyie , v am g-efeare 31 beare in my belly , the taken at too much loae a omen 2m : 392i semen: mm; this eifcrenimmber then mrwmeintfi . further extremitp,get tba nut 2mg emges, fog mm: bemefcztb ~. then wait nener bee welcome to Intiida. fine mm; that we flew fipganb went into bet atbamber.._ Franccfco mania bane inane a rep}? , but me: mama not beare btm , n02 beta hem any maze ebahWberenponmitb a flea in fits eare,he mm: is 13m iebgingm fibeee ruminating an the number ofijie ffiuiefixafifi tips baranw» regains foetunesg l’eeing 13:5 {cage great, bis mate iittie , bis cre- . mt: ie'fle : weighing bum barely be baa Met: hie 31319:}: a: law. mining bis beet: era bis-bann, mitt) tearesm 525 223223, tie fifisgafl is; be thusertremelgpafiionatefiam Francefco, Piféaror efim Mirfiwetimge #3 arms wigggfieME-fieéesnaaetb 592': Maieme ' imfiflis _ 2,”- A.- 77 ‘_ «e ........,~_._,e ,-V M .‘ .Gréenes Neuer'too late. treat: 13pm themes , hart than not leapen into the blith. mam; . thunhall la gtéebtlp beaten to reach? flbh nah: then {Mr the nit. ferente bettnéeue-{lone attn lat; : the me fullet’eententen plea~ tttre , the other at pleating mttettes; thh thnughte mere I'eathe-s tea with fancy) e lnhtth‘et nib they fltefla lanthat theh fem thé- teluesmnb than tell confumhbfiDbfranccfcoxfhat are mom e all they be hnnetlgaatnts, the purity of nature, the excellence of fiertue,thepetteetleu «ateatthlg cement. 1151““ they be Euttt- 5.3115 attb fitmmpete, @hJet me bzeathe-'betoze Emu fitter the Bepth attach a menfiroue netettpt-t'pn : they be tn mane angels, but in qualities neuile, paluteb®epetchem mm) tetten‘bones, their toeeheaes areikatenuets ntmif-toetuetegfifi their eyes like mmete, that when they Sparkle tegetell lnmet-atall alfparagea meanthep allure lnlth amognne glanteentluttfinn kt! mtth'btt-f tee lakes nthate, thep bane nlmplee in their theekes tn neteiue, amt tmlmltles tn thetrbzemestn bettathetr lipz are like to the » hongeeombs, but who tatteth the bzopsm tmpogtnneettheh are an ele’ete aembzt'itallmut beam themann they are as infectious as the Elamoua , their tearefi atelike the atmitcn that the ‘flapnza inept : they pzetent as Dciauira . mitts foe pzel‘ente, bu»: inhetoauts them on , tnnlumes like Hcrcules/g’WEl? lay out the , fates of their haire,ann intaugle men in their 'ttetfee, playing thehoz'te-éleeeh , that lnekethmht'le they burg , bettneene theic beetle isthe‘fiale nl‘ neflructten , mm in their hens, eh therein; t’ogmt‘u, repentance , hell am nerpatre. Ehegemntnme man an itue,anb aim at his lubtfance, net his perfectitm, like Giggles; that enlp‘ale thither where the tartan t9 ; theh leaee men to hell,ann leaue them at the gatesfin be bztetetheh ate tngtet‘e—j tall,per'tuten,lJntcue.tncanfiauhamtngfinlnt tcaumetetttnll, a to cantluee in one mozmtheh be the fiery refute of natures e):- erementswh Francefco,h.lbat a lathtital tmeetiu—e half that: tat; men? 81 mag belt (quuth hée) fee a bauebeugbt euerh pztn'etple with a poune. What new ret'te toe the’e pom tnfuztuuat-emau P Eben hart hetleft a meanest: to em: all there mtlerlee , am: that ts thistezatn thy} replenana tuentefihat with a manly retalutt’an thou magi! pzenent thp further mtfoztunes. $9. althnagh thou hafi tlrmee met nelpatxemt , theugh thou net anathema. W WW BF”? *3! WW“ E ‘93, W??? 9? $.99 i? Wu?" 2‘5 ' 93 Es g t 7 Want” .. fleumwiw Wirtmnemm, (. VEMEfimR mzamnb rgacnfaate‘iis apaaciflns'biém‘Eweitétfip mtg; .‘ ‘ £9 :32 mitema?;)2§g€12£ranccf¢9,;tn\Ifaeifi13W WWIWI- '. 82:23 mill cauer all tag Eallies : remember tbifi, man, qumm . [Era eff ddémw more; via. ' , r" ‘ : ‘ ' ‘, E3115 figs smeaanb infra harp griefc fat in a anmfisrflt this the winter imataem main: 3 mp, Q a langzr pzrinMBis m Mamas to beam mat the cube of Francefcoes'tnzmm—s , mime mm: m gsa Eazinarn it: his atfcaurte. warbon me, fir, quad; tfiz @aimer, :32 night is late, am: a bane travellenau the bag: my mums mu, am my bane; mule be at remmberefoge, flag this ‘ gimme: tbas must) Euflicm ta mozmm at our bpriting, hsbicb film! he hfitb tbe §un, a mu us: only u(tcou‘rfe burn you tbs mm m Franccfcocs amsursgof bis returns game to his wife , ann big rspentame, hut manifett unto gou/tbe‘reafnu 1‘09? 3 aims: m2 gafigrimage to‘VcniccEEbe dfientleman am: his. wife very lotb w Ere minus to the gum agalmemmre c‘untem‘ mm; bis pzamife: WU fn,takmg 739th canalefiigbtea him to ban, mm m lame ”Mm. finn'fberzfozma Imneas it ma.g'bee, (@entiem‘m} gouke fez, Francefcocsfurtber fiogtunes , ann afégg tbang Farewell to Follicséann then, : aims to amaznus 15am: , Phlets. ’ £1N1S5, MW '__-_‘ 3% . I \_ 33h: V. “5 r \{;“\‘x}-, . v ' -‘-‘: @ :1;ng \\3 ‘ )2» 3'; The fefiond partofGreenes- Newer toalaw; ?Qunqzmmfcm e5? mi; éwa: more; via. m,” 1 13 {must bi!) thbua burnifl; (be beauw mitbtié \ ., bgigbmwmmamminag!azinwuiabemc offibgiw ’ mum, ban momma b.tm on Ms enacbtafightm V / tbe‘flamps'tbat mahsmfilom beautenus , bumje 99.2mm was up , am at giswgfims, being. as nsuout in big Ibauwgbm,kasvh£e 2mg minnfufi of biwramss : walking 2'21 the garaan ail. aims, ans £61m tbs ‘fiunmmmpaping mi of the mat , baa began in mmimtc mm; bimfeife oftba fiaie 5% mam gmmggring bis life fctbe imgtt) era [pan , gztbz campafl‘e oftbe Wm, mas rifmg bgigbt g Ezlent , ,camiunztb‘but bis agu- pninten rnurf2,¢::bat of'e - times manamen With [a many donusg. am: fiaixwo mil!) arable tame of fact; thick fogsxbat be is maze maximal: mite finzumfibébeautifien Mil; ligbtzgif it fngmne bin mine is mum: blemiflmet be fetter“ xbatmeze aft in a folns-r s! cieubss,tbé in aeléerafkizflo man beam in zljvpziaesof beau. iv a: pump of inealtbsbe bisébwozquual mitt) bis fogtunegazm m as bappiz as Augufius, yet biz lifebatb but big limits , am that doggen mitt; to many cares arm cro-Efembat bis 53% axe maze m1 of miferfes,t§en sf picarurzsmng bis Mafia: mimgggg ~ aremnze this his pchpemas'foztumszbut if ti): 11am gran: mm mm; ail fauozable afpzxtmgfibat be line full of mutant, it: mm” 119 bsnozg arm mu c1) meaitbyet bis mime bath bis autumnabis fairs bleflames tame tn ta‘mng leauea,age intimate him i332 2529, moulmj‘annnature mill uauz-bis hue, that at 1&1}va muff 3‘2: mitbtbe Qua, ans perhapfi mind) a clean of finnefig bis tii‘i‘zzg may be in a (foam: affazrovmw. Elms bin tbewalmer msaitam wit!) Bimrelfwsmg penézzm m the fnliies of his youth, tb’atag m: thinking to be as mnficali te btmfelfe, amps bimfimera mlamua; 13¢ mmmm ibis 9m ‘ g - f 16.1 ' The fccond‘pmi T19: penitcm P41me‘rr0zia. V7 _ Hilome in the wimersragc, > V‘ A Palmer 03d and Euil'ofage; \ ‘ - Sage and thought vPon his‘ybuth, ‘ ' ' 7 With cycs*,tcarcs,aud hearts ruth‘, ¥ Being all withcarcs y'bliem, - ‘When he thought on yearcs mif-fpexm When his follies came to minde, . How fond‘loue hath made him blindcé - . ' And Wrap: him in a field ofwocs, - , ' .fihadowed with plcafizres fllowcs, , Ihen he-fighcd,and faid,Ala('fe, ' Man is finne,and flcfh is grafl'e. I thought my Mifireffc haircs were gold; find inrher leeks my heart Ifold :. ' *‘Hcr Amber trcffes Werct’hc fight, ‘ (That wrapped me in vaine delight : ’ ?ch: Inory from her pretty chin, Were Pcales that drew me on to flu : Hcr'flarry lookes,hcr Ch-riflall byes: ‘ , Brighter then theStmucs arifc : : “Sparkling plcafing 'fiamcs offigc, ' Yak: my thoughts and my d‘cfire, , $1121: I gancry er: I blin, 0h, her eyes are paths to; fin, _ =Hcr face was fairghcr breath was Tweet, All her Iookes for-loue were meet: : erutlouc is'foHy: this I know; IAnd'beautiefadcch like to fnow. 'Oh why'fhouid man delight in pride, - 5Whofc blofl‘otnc iike a dcaw doth glide ? x-W-hen. t‘hefc fuppofcs touch: my though:g That world was vainc,and beauty nought; Egan to figh,and fay,Alaffc Man is Gum, and flefh is graffc. ' Eb: @almcrbuniug much his mum tug great aumpcén tbs garnenfiobeu bis Quit agnmpantabmitl) ms mite, neuron; , a . ‘ ‘ Grce ncs Néucrtoo like: if, beare’flu! Francefcoesfaztumfiere team infnrtbe piste, am; game btm‘tb-B boa iomg-ttjuszfimtem {Batmm 1mm: (alum ta mama gm: frnmgnnt mswtngs mgaitaflama rte pan §?th we {momma ma pzintiplt; ta hm mat!) the ?Bée,'ant; hp. mitt; the flame: no [mum t1): mm it in tbgtkte, but QBQM‘B at gum: .fififizttcna,tttbere. ruminating pgtfimm:penammitber fame cm: remem b‘zamagsg rams. mmrwmte. $ob£gmr (gentle again meltfiés m3 manners ts mitt too farts into gear thoughtsfinfi tberef'ozcteam’ng pew: femts tagcur tetra, Coméflam 1‘2 m/im figm‘m‘ a c/mfl flmatim‘i. fit}: {Banner ttgat baa 12mm alittia» imhen atattan, testing bis bone?! $3311“ in mm a mttriz moanz, .. mate “)3 antiwar: :Iaflo fibnflgniar dill mares, rifigzyztizmdozzé f mmmemi di wflmgmnde corte/z‘zfiolflng it 5! f0; mg fogtumga, ta bane many cares, anti little Mpmtbat mp panama mag Mt: : greagfitb my (mum arcmanyzlnng flfibers aw fez-ims/perronsj nut tnzpenitentimlmew;flméet mamas are no infiantes 0.3: 11am: neuntton:tbmrozenne 3 watt!) mittflbe mnut'e_,tn argue mg telfe-miterable, anguiuiogm m9 rat: to much mines; bee- tautea am cnmbzebtoitbmaug-paataus;, ~ Ems mezning cutting into this warrant ,’ 3 Iain by 1199' moms at nature the courts ottbe mozlnztaztnbgn a rain Floraes . glozte ft; at hp tn the fmmpflris fmtnnesfl-begama confibzr; that the mine at mums tikettawmp at a flamentbat ta nag 9102125 in tbe Esta, .ann-to mama: in tbe sznace : that We m like the flies, Hexncrae,tbattaks me with tbs funnmnn Me mm; 1 the nemtbat nut humus are cnmpamn tn the blofinmes at a G32: Dammit!) fianifi; ere tbzg mm to burutflm at! am triumphs, like cbatactzrs mgitten tn tnolnfibat paint“ in a haphumt ttae , teat: Bun-mme Bitumen: our banitgfioztbeg-ate a5 reaue meltw at our pteatu-res am mumzntarie. flea hp fates to this tickle fiatatm bauenntbt’ng maze terrains then to ate. no; nothing mega bnmtaine thentbe balm ef'nzatmnb tberefeze When g call to minaz the fn'masntmp wutbfiaam tgagbaue‘ ban males mitt) bite, a-eataet its we 30th of my gwwfia repent am am. \ menu :fo; ,, _ ‘7 ‘ ‘ Nunqmmifem efldd 509295 more: via; 1. @911 Mama. fir(qfiotfim-fimtl‘mnflnfiau 1mm: asthma . WW; rye mu m :92: wgtmarwmzm ma"? 3’“ , ‘ . if ‘ "““ gigg; The fecend part. tits: East “a mifiisa great fault am: after- 1mm m: bitten 19% mars? {azimesziberefom {mi} as grime at their faiiiefi :3 was; is 3322623216 bangsmus minim ,ibw m: (sataise m asfiémie af' grace againfi the beam amnitma nffis‘mm mm with pgefzsii me » mgre pzwe’nt carving vanities, fuel) inam, ass tiny line 182%, that! big Mafia.135m:eauingtht‘shnmnztiuamiberfime, ism map (w by mar early rifimsbem my mifeann § isms Bei igiitw mitt; 3mm: saenings parlézfoz mm mefimefire nEFrancefcoes further fazinmssmanebs time matcgmm ibemfaze fésissg tbe msgm’ng is gragama nm- Emaging greatana 139: a goaambfle ta 'bgeakfafimynur lemma may afi-‘anzo (a much, Ema? mm fi‘é mmmmm tel us mm was mean ofbtfi foamsanb' tbs saws afbis repentame. Em 138mm berg muting to 1312317an bis murtenus 190%? [am 96:11 nnmne in an @tbnumnn hegan thugs s The Palmcrs Talc ofFr anccfm. g roam as Francefco amakt from his fiumbsm began m» enterfurtberitstn (be :fifinzrafifi nf Infidaes mufmage 9i!» izeari tbgohn at me folliessanb a pzefentpaffim of big great mifa faztumzs re painen him, that ail perpierza, he began againe w flag fits fazmer range to tap, that momma thoughts were likes in the leauestf a mate twatbat cbange cologs Mtg 2:22 mitts: in a mamwtfiguring out tegmin mm; tearmaun in tbat infiaisfi _ bacipbering pleafure mm; [miles ' neither ton refoiate mm; the @tnickfistn péein ta no patfians nos: too abfoiafe mttbtge Effeni,‘ ,. to turret mitb auermucb cbaftitg: their fiefz’requnntb b2)rerem- .. Me {Eolus fngebeab, tbat mart mm? {tame cnntaims a calm . their ne’enaare almanackea. that mnptyer nothing but bnceru n. taiutiezeitber tm rcrupulmmmithaphne so :nntemue anagram immptuous Mtg Venus to helm nu: g ttraigbtmiiber aw; n02, ; fit!) as (be? nzpnircxut Eimchleaferm cfitmméigiues with 'marietie uffamiessm ibis bumngws milandgnip £12 rare bps, & Images ahmxs thecitmefpairtng of bis efiaie a9 a man mum, _ ~ etherefazetmpatient, beware be imam me am to xengefie big miferées m relvhpnn the ()2!pr a auriigan, {)2 mm by Ewart“ 1211112,!1385 sin bang bape m the am: ta (tam: fipon tbs twaur of frienas, that was bmtlefiefinz b2 baa few in tbc mmgg hazing $33: 3 3:33:39: time, may as ban, mere mun t_niti an 33% a 3 Esmsijsi Greencs Neucréoo’latd trentfiere imam: thereme to be left mitt; tbe mm of ebexeau Mail: nfawerfitfiesflle go bsme toms wife to mire Kabei ,tbat was as {yarn avcem‘are ae tbe"‘€entetice e? eeatb : to; {heme ems fairies mane him amamee in them 9&5 face to a‘mnm‘é sf (obfgb Eeterts . in this permit“? be paflen ouer lb;& 02 fame naiemil bis purfe was cleans emptMis fcnze great, 5 hie mum mania Emit him Em run maze moaeghut thee amen him ,if pgcrent pay. enenfimere mat manure 139 him in peifnmEbis neme mas bare 't-fiFranccfco,tbat 1mm netaiaom tn auoyn tbe pzeiunleemnlgbts refuge mas mpewent (ad; a mitmtunme cam) [fie apparel ta the bzokerm mttb greatloue to make‘moneg t’d pap fez 1365 met: match eme nifcbargen,be malkt’fip c bemne as amanfeztnzne, batting ueiflger mine no: mutt, net effing mat fitngetbtmte tae quickmam him fet bis Mm cm 192 tentem tn fired) his main: a5 3ng as Eh, tn féz bum be coulnvremuer pence to befrap hie :barges by any fiuiflet meanesfi: [awe bistwomwmecare at“ his parents arm of his cum bennut perfmabiug him from mae Ring game By laboz: be ban neueebm bznugbt bp to sup methac- nicau wurte nflifembus euerg mag Deattute afmems to line, [38 figbeb 0M (9‘5 01D rain {851),Mife7 rzmfi cfl fmfle éefitumtyef at lawns extremities (earcb berg;- far, be catiee to mine tbatw was afcbotlet, am: that althou’gbrm mm 039% art manteb bee mm teaming 15th bis nae, yet awn letters intranet bzougbt ta to lab: an e’obemt that there might remepznfit arire by them . fie pzowre bis maintenance. an tbis bums; he fell in amengft a ‘ company? at {Meyers mbn pertmaneb him to trpabis mun mzén ting of ¢amefltecfi£rageciee ,ez {Banazalmnn if he mumperu fame any thing man!) the flageré (beg mouth largely remara him fez. big: paineefixauccfco glam or biemetionjeemg a memes tn mét‘igate the extremity of bés'mant,tbeegbtitnnaifimnez tn make game of his mite; to get pgefit bx} his penzann theretnze getting him home to his cbambetfimit a diameegyinmebfe ge- nerally) pleafen ambe annientewat happy were there fietozs‘t’u ‘mnzt time,tbat mule get any of his megkeme grab: (a emuifite - in tbatfawitpflfip :bte meane bis want mas reifeuenmts crev hit in his butts bonfe recnueren,bis apparel m gteater bzaaerie wen it meme bte pnrte meil linen Imitb crownee. , fit this mrcn—ur-re fifFranccfco,!bE «fienfieman twee bis guise . 2 The l’ccond part" {:9 the ham, 3 bzoke afibés tale 21313;.3mm gentie {Balmen (fie? 5% me amfallen by waste a? pzattle to parlée of plaiesjfinitb’ fin: sesame , Me an {$31 fwaur ta mam me vnur ("augment 5‘: 33131799 , plapvmakers, splayem. although ( quntb the 1931mm: Shat fame to; bzing ton lauim-againft tbat faculty,ba~u2 fa; tbcir iatpzécal inueciims @3121 me: camxal'ebzptt feing bcreis none but our {2:12am Mimi: 3A iyspe what gnu bears [ball be tronncn bum; jam, 3 ma fiatbg Ea? what a cambnu; wen bv waningann 2r.- mriwtefimzénumfian of (Itanicbies mm: firfifnunn amsngfi £32 Grécksfizm gzaztiiea at Athens : fame thinks b3; Mcnander, whom Tcrc‘nszcm fitgbly commenns inbia Hcauton-{omommm non. Mereafim 9x13354133: bizaerthe cwert‘uffucij pleafant, <15 «Enmtcall enema, imp aim}: at. tbwmrtbzam of many 3am! tiw that then retgmb in tbs: rim: 2 fa; thereimbeppaintmout in me psrfenz trz'cgurre of the mom, bah) either it was grawa mitbbonnz,ngni{mb§reb mm; bites : (bets might you 'I& knew out the name Lifztbat baamng ‘I hrafosbfszmtbenbpmita the felfe-ccmtit af tbvzér aim sr_selleme; £132 méfemble efiate :35 cu: mums parent5,é mum let their {mm tafienfang miffeztunw, then tnrelézue them with tbs fupcrfluitgof their mealtbztbe pog- traimre of parafititai fr/iennsfinbicb fmtbpnng wentlemm fut:- Efilg? in “36$? foilies,as tang as they map-:Ex earflmfu/[o vimrs, maafet nut iniiuelp colaurs. an that: fiamznies, the abate a: fifiamhatbat mate fate of puma birgtnsfinniiueb by the fp‘ogie sf manmnsbcnozsfias Mpelpnitcommmta bc- moztmtsberg’ fiznaezeufnzsfimine‘ reunions, nirnbenieme efiaarenm, '¢ rm; hirzs pgcbnminant hot!) in age ann gantbmere mot anus: only; miss wampies s; infiances to me the epz,hut mitt; goinenfen. 12mm sf megail magnesia pleats the gate. Ebuu‘nin Mcnandcr min bane: in Greece mizbbis mogksganb redaimz boil; am emu gong frfi tbs tr banitéssmp the pieafimt afiects of W Enmznim.’ fitter him this faculty gain to be famous in Romemzactifeb b9 . Plsuuis,Tcrcncc,anD augerltbat mellwin Ibis qéglitimll‘at’ma- ' mg as Menandcr bimin all their moms to {uppzeflebicm & av. name mrtumpom [a highly mere momebies; emmain tlaafe aaiemlgat men sfgrcat bum); 6 gram: acsnuntmerz the Emmy, ins Mnate g the fionmls cuminuau? misfit,” auaitnzs at ail {my {posimemarning we ammo; mitt) rim regimes awazbtig Greenes Neucr tooiate. "its me eeceiiemie effibwfiemenie. mm contémea tbisfaeeitie Eameae, m! ewemumee crept flute the qualitie, am tbatmeane men ge’eep of games Die fa! to peactife tbe atting sf Incl) pIaéee am 1'2: tin Ebeatre pzefeuzen their acmeeiee but in fuel; nude 33 reieaeeee tbemmel fa; their wines; when time flameeiane grew tn fie mercenarieefiben men efacmunt left to pzactife fad; pafiimefi, am: uifeainen ta bane their bonus blemian mitt) egg flame of fuel; bate aubbiie games: infemmbtbat both mmenieg ante Eeegeztiee gram to lefie acmmt in Rome, in (bat the frée {fight at fucbipezte was taken away by commas Define: vet {be peopmmbe are uelégbteb with fuel) noueltiee q pafiimes) mabe great reiozt,pa§b lemma; highly applaueee theireaiuge infra mm!) {battbe fictozs hp continuallfire , grew nut anew emfie lent, but etc!) ants infolent. amnngfl mbem in the eaiee er Tully, fine Rofcius grew to be of fact) emutfite perfeetéon m 6!): facuity,‘ neigatbe name to cement: mixbzbe flDzatoze aftbattéme in gen J’r’ure,as they min in elnqueme bowing gtbatbe ceuln erpzea’e a patriot: in as many (amp actions as Tuily coulu eitwurfe is m mama; of pbzares: pea to mom: be grew by the bafip appaaure 13f peopte that [gm {when to; hone; ann reueteme to be mane em: in the flee’ete : habit!) rare tanceit 2mm: Tully entreb mm mm; a gierténg énfigbme quip: at in this mariner. a: ebanceu {bat Rofciusanb be met ataiuneubatb gunmen: to Archias :bewoetfinbere the mom womebiau Daren to make eeemparimn mitt; Tullyzmb-icb inteleme mate the leatneb 9928‘ tag to groin mm were terms: may Rofciusiarf than 133mm mm; ,Erops emu: being pgamkt mm; the glow nfotbere featherSPef thy felfe tune: :ana fer; nothing c if they meter bat!) taugb't thee 1e rap, Auc E aefar eitnam mat tbgtuiog,betaufe (bun peatefl' m a hinge ebamhee: meat reuteme thou utterefl en the Rage flame feemtbe :‘enfare crane {nits , ant 13393: fenteme ogcomet’tef Kim iauentisn {be people applau‘e fa; ereellent,tbat comes from — tee {esters affine Enemieegea grant gem actinmbnugb it be a Mm ea? meebenitau iafiswr; yet men acme tie moztbg of pzaife: ha? 9:, it meztbiefiefif fez l‘c [mail a, me you ware pgnne at wig Raikiueimet ten, emu bemzapeb hie impeefetfiou mttb meme * he: £th ehee‘ee nffully,ten2fi net Rape emcee from the biemifie IQ? $1M! ffigififi’fie itgeeg} £9 a geeeraflmce amengibe actnze t1: 7 ' em I t ' ,:,::;;;a§asiwm.: “z, Thc {écona part: west {:1 mm. as they epcée‘nea in zmlismm fa 32mm iffy: $2: firétfi,” they bgag it a the Kagafa tbaé £13933 renew 3': inflows in fact; sefitg robes , {£1 they firms rather me” sfgreat patri~ mung, then fad; as lines by tags ram); affix psopie.wmn Pub: lius Seruiliusbcrp mall mien, fa; bee bsiag £132 fimmaf afimar- tag, am. aman berg ‘eafiant, metnn a nap mm; a @law: {a :33 fira’ets risbig apparelleb , mm: {a rarrefzzgate b‘imfelfe, $133? 19:2 tanke the wall ofzrbegaung noble man; mam; Struilius tagiag in aifaaine,countercbecktmitt; this fmmptmgfrémmqtmtb be) be not [a bzag of thy Ethan robes ,fcg a mntbem but yzfisrowg make a gear them“ a basakers mopflt this the wane ms aim: men, am: the otbzr 1' mun, ant: they wbttbbarn tbs quip, laugh? at the fail? at the une,anb tbe [nit of the ntgerfi‘bus fir bane pea beam my opinion bat: fig niplaye‘s, thai‘ Menandcr-ozuifeb them fez tbe ruppscffim; of banitx’esmceflarp in a tom‘mn‘n meaitbfis long as they are men in their right hmmtbe plagmaisers mogtbg of bone; fog their art : am players, men nefzwing bat!) matte mm pgafiéjas long as they mar mttber zouetaufimoz infomana bane sauteb you fiquuotb tbe gentlemfim make a large higre‘f- unmbut you bane retains!) m: in a matter that a long aoubtea of, c tbzrfozg 3 may you, againe to Frauccfco. way then thus; amt!) figs 1%a!mer,afterbegrehr excellent fog making untam- fiimmmm not only bzau2,bn£ fail or momma: habit!) Infida. A hearing offibauing imelligenw tuba: cmm‘e oflife heath take, tbaagbt to cafiroztb bet lure-ta redaime bimtbnugb hp berm:- hfinfinss 132 was pgmuzn baggarn: tn; the thougbt that Franccfco mas fut!) Mame fmle, that be month he bzangbt to (Erika at any Salesnecsiug berfelfe tberfoze as gozgeauap as me mmmmm- ting bear face mm the chaicecf a1! bar bzugs, aye walker: abzsa-n mime Che thought Franccfco him to taka the aim : Mus c fin;— tune iapntng in league, [a faunzen bet, that ascmnmg ts her be- fire 1172 metbémflt mbicb immunizing gmmmaze fag 11mm 25% inuefiye blumt : c filial ber-comfimams mm Lacy repentam r2: magfe (pea bam’ng ber‘lmkw fail sf amngws glaumes}_iijat fizz {@mea like Venus , recansiling her {amen framarn mm. mm Egtfi of Infida mas ptearmgm €112 figm anrancefc-oaa’nfi filmfii as mass: as the fifigmfiize: :bat ban in net gar; about him M035; 3:5 ‘v’ifiqs, ha! gab iiéene imbamen rm fire. swim at am: map; E Qrcks o Gmeemé Nanci? C60 late: circcsmt (be alum ts mm: in his fiamack,tbat me ban 92an gim'inhis extremitie, tba‘t be returnw all bzr gisumes mm; a ’ rmmmna {a parfen. Infida masusMagsh mm; bis angrie mmmg methai tbwgbt 1mm! fazuace of mm in mm the m». 122% flmattftg- tbs {mm magnmf a mamams abla in 52:21:; at: Mamas tbs Sirens meleay tbepafiengswoflmmt ( quota; am)- tbougt; m 8 mm 32- be cbslzricMfieautg is able to uaentyme flamms it fem harm on firms Helms famts angrgn Paris, (a 312:: famm‘s gleam: Parimbuugblfie Were fairs tn Menelauweg her fairs manebém bgmk bar falziemmmm m pgiaileugen m. bane their mews 6 their mu, e-mbom they am mm a {minngs ”Ham; :5 twine mm; atmilzfinflxPrancefco t5 natfmmam but 5132 may be manual): is no gamma ta bears auger lnngfiée is» fume bet 6 [name toll); cbsleridmnh hint hearten : wigs :bgugg} be be {comm mag mm; bitter mates, be mm M relaimen a»: gain: mm) m: Emma mcmans-teares are Qumran; 3 mm are m; barker that's airman tberefoze may he Dzatxme ta pittie‘ their paflionzqg infill fainaflattemnn what nnt,tn get again my Fraccfcofln; his part: is {am my cnfi‘ers mar empt-pan $515 We magfiam‘ug gen, 6 paperfihz mate a letter to bimto tbés 29mg, Infidn to Francefco what he wants in health , . or:vvealth.., 1}? ms} nutkpara peuauc2(Francefco):o}n airwuer mp imam + patriotism? figbes bemaap mp Iozromes ,0; mp munmnance mg mifcriewbm menu; a hanks the melt herniate of all 353 am; mofi timer: of all, g the furrows in my face b9 numberlems .ibe griefes of mg hart ate matsbleffmlfiut asrfibe mums at the- Haiciones glitter mnfi'againt’f £62 {022% (Emma; Q‘Nilus is moi? mime again& a belagefio tbs fozmmgg of my mum are to greafi: that they fmmtber inmamlgfibaugb tbegmahe m: outinarb apa yearance nfmit-bapflil there miferiesFranccfco gram frfi me mnnfineratinn of mine ohm nifnwrtefi'ejog when a tbiuk oftw- sfiflammby fairway featume fin? beautgzanumeigh mm; mg ’ ms bama! thew usinw 3mm Infidafigep' mm left by the biting- aitpnf Infidaga- call it in quefiiouflbetber at bat: better Defpaire gab aim; in 136528 of thy faunanlingfir autmg life. {eeuame sf main, maxim garnwg afc§n{[2,c gsgefg that grog? from n;— ‘ " - mo; 2.: The {ccond Part; 51 ezfziaeieme to '55 taium mm; rutbg cfifea’eflrmcercoflgat § ' 55:255ng5 them tbzrfoze 5 am mum; at tbe-b~art:hut fa mm} ti}: 15255 of thy pzrfectian,anb the erteusme of thy bermes frame a 55mm paflinn in my beartxbat aitbnugbfimu 51551555515 to 555th meg came: csafe to 15551-195. wmsnnfiaerficmenbaus 5525 €55155,5 act that in 5:: bnmzfibey 5252:1551 their [fife after. £55555 Mars 5 Venus bzabblenfibep mere friéns after 525mm, 553 5 1555555 55:55 ought not to be 59551351115! bircnznflut W55 a 555 mine woman, that be it mm: [o (harp isaccnutcn no flow: 55251515 5 fagget Franccrco t_ben barti!g,tbat a rzpent £5 55551;; 5 55555 fbg Infi da againa win; one fmile,55fe £355 impatient patti- 555 55m; $53? r5352: pgefemw aims tbg (51mm mil {afitfie 53m; Eauzjnbat m5 955!) 5555555 mitt; foumfiamstbat are bashing after (56553115515255 mime manger. Where the 1355553 tre’z is mntbere it grams mutt barnwecnmilen frienbfbipis wanna. 55E! amitie. Eben b2 friemw initb thy Infida :lmke 5n £35135 but 5555 555:555 if the 2:55 not thy lone 2555 her man“ them {355 {5:15 {5 555.5 eat that um 5:51: 55555551355 let berp‘zrtfljin 95: 15mm miffogtutt55,anb ate fog want at tbp fanant. farewell 7_ ' Thine cucr dcfpairing Infida, iai5 155555 me {55:55 hp, 5 rent it'bp a recretmenn ta Fran- ccfco,m§;5 55 5335 fifimmméng from mbeme it‘camefinanm Emmi? receiue it : 55% at laminiumg to beam: tuba: bums; baa 522552 the Eurtigan mzite bntnpimbe make ope the reamsfinu 5530 the fauna: mntent5: mbitb when £35 ban tbzaugbw perufca , be fauna mimetic perpleten: $53 the canning ofber a after)? mane , tbe 515325511531 paffianate, énfamucb {bat fitiing 55mm mm; the letter in W {Jana he began thus to mzbiiate mm; him “51% mi)? 555E thoubnutbfafe, Francefaofifl looks 05: beriettem that ['5 to £5255: 55 mm be: 151155 that are pemnm mitt) flatterp 55 beam 551' 5555:5155 tbatfakw tbp putative, to 1555:: 55 furl; 5 Calipfo that aims 551;} at tbv fubfiame, not a: {by perm 9 5 While tbon inert pmge,b5r few: 85 i955 full 5555515555 ,5 in "‘35:: 1555M tbefiozms ofairaaizze {mi 1555 {115 {5'5 tbaubau fm- 552525 155 mi: am 555 creams i5 :55 {35515 1525 mama 9159 the 5953'L’5-155ci} tn [am away flw 5355M): 5 main man!!! [be {:5th 555:5 gain 55555 5515515555: 555 53555 afgoln £39 Fianccfi 315 2 55, Greencs Neutr tooJate. £0 thehieeshet elem; ,hnt takes fa; her peep with the mega, themeepee with the QErecontte, amt [mites tuith the $iena,e em * flattere-‘mith the pawnthet flmtea the tweet eta {agree fisit timamee the intent at the bane. 13303123 theta taut that as the waffle Bgepe aggiufi tame to their teams fege paint :ntfchtefe? that the 333.1025 et a murtigan areltke the teams at the 352311193, perfihat euzt‘ tezetetl‘ fume fatail htfpatagement. ’ flfiemszre hertanccf (Pifcatar mm. meiothe hath euce burnt ithéemeate 31' e mi h the chili): the hath crott thée with etteatne, tea net net tut h eefitezhete hee tom lothtnggtuth a eue,thou loam *thp fieefietnme net with 3 Bag to thybamt't ,tnallatn’ not with timbre. tn the mire, tegete’e not the hematite felletnthe mogtftana 39?. Francefcc, tutti maths ts taiwbeauttfuu, emetnite: 31-hut with that a aartisanmerheps memitl mm leue thée tatthtntlh: » if the eestane man, is not her hartte liking hateful! tuft? bange- reue ta the how we namnatinn tn the route Eie a raging net to tummun as tme that hee whichlenkethtmttuaattg againtt, the @unfihalt at tart bee hltnn,that mhom haunteth pitch, mutt ne'eas be beaten the tee’e that abteeth mam} blafie at lat! fatteth By the Earpentete are: the him that t’t'riIeeth at energ 3aie,tazaw nut long efeape the fnarezt‘u long gaeth the pitcher to the bgmke, that atlatt it eemee basket: home: e he that teturelp [mimmeth in aunefi‘tau tutetp he agemnen tn tnthnttgnnheta hineeth two firms togethetfihatt nettec be teuengeu in the one, am: hée that Delighteth tn ntt‘enn tn pautblhau m: eenht féele the punithmét: ' figed defermrmon zafcrtzer 9500113!) (3300 fa; a tune. TOE“ a we re waltem' m his ntnuetntckenuetfe e to tap tmto hietnutexuth, the Lord rcgar dcth no: the way offinncrgnoz fufpettetb the mit— news of memh‘e is am to mzath, g. mane te pittte pet the item ‘ at left lteketh emit tram heauen emu reuengeth at! his gttenens fine with a heam’e gtague, gee he taoteth him out tram the fate srth‘e earth,anu his place 15 namgze témefietiftner then. Pran- mefcofit the 3,628 tettfet“ the’e t'rt thiuetntqet meme eetetre pgetent *punithmettt,‘ it éebecaufe thy mercy mahte'eme themeze, e-thg fit? the 3553233362 that hath the ngeptiemmizeth white he imr- 383333335 tjet aetteté €323. ' the {922% teach hath tine naughtete that must. etwflmeagh: what's t3 33:3; text: ththe tetpestt Dipfae, , anthem but :33 $22213! he espieh, e tehefg t5 mfiamee with 3:1 . thitfi'eth z The {Econd part; thirtieth continually after mickeunegemnflu £22 bat!) rappefi ti} 2 : megs cf 21130125 bifptearurexo bis emnz hefiructismflfiefimre bag misjfau not mm 2:32 tragwben than {M2 the {tame : fog know: 322;; ibz annaif flaw ofimawagamfi mg} aims cu-nfciznce , tbs £2230 mill (22m: 13an tamcuwnggtmubiefinh 11mm in all then mm} fin} b22221; Erato mm mm not caste ta rwmgemntfi: then , perm; i’ram ofitbe face 0:th eactbflbbbaft flaw net at heme an Ifabelfimt ts vibe wife min} gautmann the 22221;; friezm of :92 be» Eamednnnea with {ad} emulate beauty 5 ercéznwgmrmegtbai is 1'5 barn to innge. whether the pure completion sf bet 1:22 am; the perfect sfim’tmton orbs: mince bolus tbs mpgemacpPfiaMs not a pgceable momamann ofa ganb bearttbc giftnf tbs 14.333?» 532:: is naming [a mad) tvngtb,as amnman well iafituztenm mametm am) faithful mama" is a Mable gracezan'a {hate is m: trearure to be tomparenztaber scutinent minus: but as tbs gli- fieting beams of the ®untnbm it rifetbfiecketb tbs mammm 1.92 beaurie of a gun wife abogustb {be home: gas gauzé puma! b0 flying 13pm the fczkets of 121mm bet!) a fairs face in a writ:— nus minmbbali the team of €593 tbenfxanccfwfie TD far mm 2 thin: spews E23 Isaac tbg sum mif‘e,ano imbgacs a dburtigmta team; tbelam of (1256mm [after thwart tn be l‘aimerten b3; luff? E32 1mm {0 abbozretb Ibis crimms be Billet?) {be Monefiefiaz committing ibis factiflibz @0le 2mm menbletb 3m! mm; [3w matcfibe aacintb flan: {nil not be League on the finger u? an a- bulterzr : 220223.12 $11112 grate}? plmteb 1:? am that team!) his life in hvzilatnfmnnfi‘sma 2321i ibaxz shaman) Eelfe mags caseiw in this trim: {£22m bguitg b22235? maze retcaleaz tiger: bnreafiaa mid: creaturegmme fencelea‘e then fianes-Epeafm latte it: her:- £222 mm 5.; 22232.2??a22a €22: maze in Bice 29211 a beaflPEben mm tbe‘ £222“: 2%: 23222232222 frsrgcfieasaen _. am) magnathéz may a bean? ‘ 12E“) :igia gigzéfz fia22i2é222; a great white (:1 a wage, at 292221: $9.22 5222322: 2'22 @225: fifififlififim 222mm rims auffiner. Emscafg: 2622?}:«222522 2:0 §225da,remorf¢ of confciencc, . . and :tgud cfhoncfly. ' . E, $23252: 2’ ’1 52%:222-a,12252522,m§erei213} hspea'to ham famm 2? 5:33;?» 3:132:23? .222 . 2: 2:23.32 figfie oi hetéerfibwgbis, 522:3 2225 $522.2 222:2: fig ?‘2 izfiifijsinfessimas 3222 (22:22:25: ay‘vfi’ififiv £2.47. «9-» 1,; ‘5 V" 4 ’ ' ‘ :2 w, .. 2 '.,.- [2.4% e“ v 2,— i‘: . ‘~ ? ~2 " 7322:2223; Eggs: iagéfufifiéi E; g22sai2eefi222 E23 iéifi‘é i213! attestpzagbnna . ’ 32.5 3 Ema Creams Neuer too 13th Tim from his; {pagtswemanfe {rgmmrtzarwoz (Eye tfgrz from his fizrcemmfs mmmaate m; magma mm :brmge themnbéti- ms or a Emiisa’ufiaau wgéwa tbnmrigafi mfliémz‘? enough to fit: , eniagmn in; [mm nuefibmart, mimic ta m mezebnnefl fijm Eben mummm; which i5 as great gamma in mm 1:? £th immafi a mag pilgrimage to a fozrnmfui {E&lmetfl team in a ‘ ftwmasts ems {iks'beat-anps in a-bgigbt funmimzas mm!) is be pitéeum :bé «Eracanile 3395 {£32 umpsza 6nrté3anslaugbtsz is like ta lightningxbat beauttfies the. beam: mm; a biayefiufi fazemng mamas ant tbunsgrfirt tbou in lane with Franccfco? marvgep (Emmett)? {sue fits on thy tcnggug enuxeamg fa 3mm w as fame as t3? menu; opens , g‘tbiuz homily bangs at tyne m?embitb I’m away tuft!) euerg mintseztbsu art tnueiglea mm; mg beautp,t9at i5,b2caul‘e 16m: bearefi: a $3159 a rich paste net a min; taming thou balm: as; must; of beauty witmut penis, a5 . a imfe a? a fairs liable mitbautpzmenmr: Efibnu at? mime by my barrage : i wanna {jam that mm terms comm in tam moutbmmn it is (afarre from tbp heart , am get no mama“ , m we moflinfectiuus ferpents bane lméetefi bzeatbmnu wm- mmmw ®artt’5art5,tbe muff wrtenua’fpéefibw- Eben mama: bane me grace tbéz mitt) my pgefemmna w- mm our sin frienamiptro a mill,mben a means tn gine mg bow to the fibtrurgtanmn me fouls to tbe minelhmz tn lautng rm», 3 mufi rams grant this Mgamfiflby reafon mum: b91125 mm 13203931, unites agaéne, are (be firongm : g} mama thy. name mégbtmahe the ermréemmnn then 31 moms tmfi tbeiafi‘amn ifiué mi)? pefier 31 fa mud; papa“ to to team a perfun? as a 69mm tba’z at £332 firing {cane 2:362 at‘tbe {attempt emptp‘gozg’v, 2‘9 bait at a mu 3mm, mwntémnuaife, perinrw , as farfmm ma, 8:? tam: art a frienb ta {1% amen. 21m} to awe. ‘ Franccfco pcnitent, and'thercforc a . pcrfecuror to Curti-zans‘ 3H9: began mzitt-éthss Eettefibe [mitt {a Infida, tuba rca-i _; ningit ,azm E&mg me cams get an faaam' at (1329511133 :38 Francai‘ao tgatmgeght 832 mm: {a {ubtmm pet bar traina mere amwma, {mi {323‘ gamma imes mail: mt make him fimpefia mm 13% mfg; r2355 retelleam’s fame: foiiyzbsbé €39 vertetuew :an mm at! be; {mitt petinng merge {ware to be paiiaus; wont? : ; . ' ' 3 g The fccond part3 fin concren them must (a darmgmz fel net in befpaire mm, m uermuzt) lumbar [mm in be: rm in mm bim‘ fame fearet p22. iuniwfif euerifi lag in bet b9 am; memes ta mature inbat teas . aim; her to tbe twice nfbim that pnttetb tbs néens effmi; impe, nitem perms tn bis baltame,ann mmmttit’mg Franccfco to the making affamafirange fiam‘eava ma mam pm: how fanning man: an aflault tn the hnfaineo sffectim of ram Ifabcl. The difcourfe qflfabcls Fortunes. .7 ’ Sabcl liningtbus penfiue, in that 5132 manfiea tbs ngefeuce at Francef'co, get fa; act patience am mum: gram Ea famous, that all Caerbranckc talken of bar pzrfzctiens: bet baautg mas ‘ aamirea sf wet? eye, 1m qualitizg agpiauuen in energy mam: earmw the inn efiézmcn fa; a pamrma of mamas excelleme thzeagbeut tbs inhale (mm). fimang €32 m? mat .cenfmazv 0% bet curious fauaurs,t!;ere mag am Sigaim Bernardofi 115mm: matter nftbz (Ettiefinba chanting on a {mg to page by tip: Dsm mime Ifabel [o(oumewflng (a twat a mambegan to fail em amount offs fairs an nbiesttann auigsugfi Be mas m, get the fire of luacrept into big 992mm to masssz figés beargag mm; a bifozntuate befits be began to affect bembut tbe tezmwa m’ Em: (balmy mas fucb, 5 it almaft quatten tbafe {parks that beatw him an to rush lamlwe afiectifimfiut pet mbwba much to minim that want was a great fiummmg hia’cka ant mm the necefiitg roar Ifabel mas imbp the abfeme ofFranccfco, b5}? tbgugbf gm main be a ream; mam ta gains a, momma gm mm there— fm nerpairea net at nbtainmg big purpafefifter that this Sig- nio: Bernardo ban abreruen £132 emumte perfection of her bony @- bain flue mas aaegnwinitb mnfi-Ipectall gifis ofnaturem maa ,, fa Eizaren mm; the fetterfi of lafcim’cus cumupifeme, a5 rearm canto not rearwambat luff baa tngrafteh :bis again gézmg gem: 329 {mm banitm 1;: fumen atom; bis mimfmm 315 same: has. ring tn mt tip his eyes to beauemaft it mm m a mums arm's mickemes n; a cazafz‘ae tn bis guilty zomcignzezfn; {fie remem- bzanc: of 41393 is Metro; tn tbe hwfigkyieaumm the fight of ms; mrcatures i5 affiag to the mime ef the remabate. 19.2 tberefoze‘ falfiug big béueiéfh heart to be 93:912sz inithfszzh 2221:5111 pat?!”- amcareiza‘eig zafiofme fears cf (£1503 fmmbefme big eiesmeia 33“? ?membztng tbat 118 was an @132; m gins gmv connfelmoz: V ' ; ‘ aflamga: Greencs Ncucttbo jam? airing: {a the sinus mifiifier right: his boar}? izairgs main mask hate him from finnsmo; 1315 tailing comm: him frmafiitbitwfl‘ej but be grvbm‘ip Daurrkz'ep i132 mgs nf fifii‘ig‘biwrfiffiefififib care; fully bufic-o bis bzain‘fi tn appzwe Eb: fimpkann teaming big pur‘pafz, lain bés plat thus. 252mg :32 shim fiargsmafifir in all the cittmbe'e netermimb to make awfuie {earth fa; fame fuf- pecten perfumana being mafia ertbe mam; bimfclfe, to go 35 mm m cbambcmnb time 1:; bifmaer the Depth of big aefirezfa lye tbsugbt tn ioym lone ann nppagtunitp it: eras *hn—i—un am: mm; bis na'ice‘ann bis age,to wipe m: tall {arpmm figs is a mamas afgiszg when it is anozncb 19m) rigaiennmwegbat 2332 msgs 33 3111301102 mbenéz i3 minglea mm; mittbiefezfnz‘ bnnwrabia age :nnfit‘fietb not-iaube tearme of gearmfioz is mza'furza by the mate ofa mans aagesziaut gum: mimnmejs tbs gray bairm 81:? Emcefilen life is the em age. 9:192 Eefizgrazc the cm: it {9, tbs wanker (me: it bath : tbs Eca-fiar is muff biatga Being am :13: . $39312 the mags Wreaths moge cruokeb (5 bet bilzam tbs grew ter age in Withers men, the maze bmigbteoufnwz : mam; ibis chnior Bemwdoh‘iih twegfozmfitc mane him bat: Delanana ' ' therefozc-mitbin tlnn oz tbge’e nigbIst-pésktng am a mam; an- finnr’able ta bis mime bimtelfqas if it bab-bm fame matter of great immomnt abzoasmn-D tn telnet biafallg mitbtéebct- m flysaomgbe [egr-cben biuersbnufes cat {aft cam totbe plate where Ifabcrii lap,-cbargirzg the £9121! to timana ta 111m: him be: tbamber, m2 (quntb he); mm wafer with bet ofmotr (met at— » miresfltbc gonnman of ti}: bouts obspea millinglp,as am that 1321:: Bernardoiu greatreaereme, e bmgbt Mm am: the match to “26 tbamber bmze.Bcrnardo taking a canale in his hanezbace tbemv alneparmi'l be ban talker) mm; the (fientiemomanwmcb 'tbcig bin: arm in enfring in, {butting £89 W329, fawn her fat! a aa’epemmb fight man: the sin flecmr tum amanfioztbere Isa mg nature in bar pziamuflf mustgieb mm the maze,tbat be fate en the hen fine a great mmia viewing at her beampmt lat! Earn flag bp,l;ée-aivakt ijfil' am sf’a mm Ember. Ifabel making W: am faing nae 9f ttjei’zfimgsmafiirs in the chamber, (for Bern uardo mas hmmne fag big graafiy g imam; of men? one in the atittymnmas mam yet gatigsréng barmits tzgetaemapfing Emma en yer mfiom 332 me 1327mm tin martial! reactants rm mig‘gz , The {cedhd Parr: migbthanbzing mbat mint Emma name biatiuta that plate: a: mt: :92 am aburlefiegan tn afiaile bet (bus. ‘ _ Bernardoe: difcourfc to [/2259]. . Bfi not amamfim‘re mntlemsman) to {a we thus tunnemg c fzcretlg mitten. neither let my Paefcflteappall ysufleng fee: to; a come not cruelly as a toe, bat cnrteauflg as a trims» 31‘ my cumming I'ézme firangc,tbe saute (5 a. tfiratgbt; c tubers mccaitg fozcctbjtbere it is barn to fitiue ugatnfi tbefireame; bu tbat E&ketb to {may againfi his own mtufiftetttimes hitkntb aw gainatbz pzttk, anal}: that arm“; to mummy lam, bnppetb againfi the am. Ebert; things taurinerzn (33mm; Ifabcl 3 t: g latteun in being to: botuomfi beautgtbat hears the flame,“ tbz onelg saute of this enterpzife: ta; to omit all circumfiautss, as to tame to tbe'magter. 90 it is that firm firfi mine cw: fenntgwt tim’et faunana heme him to perplereb Evita tbs paaions nfloaz, a bane Mac to aézplg nzemnen tn'tbe nzfirc ofgour patron, that ‘tbcrets no tozment toterriblema pains to ptutbing, ma tune {a , grievous” the grim that hath griptnmefinte 51 burntmmuc ‘ ' ' nfpour twat felts : fltb tbersfm mgiiktug image: my liking - be repaibe agatue with lone, let mfirmctanctehfi seam!» . ‘initb mutuau affection, am: in lieu army gum infill, mm'mf. ' ‘finta me am be my patamaurs mm finne whit!) is tetrefl-g . tammitteb is baits pa-rnanzn, {helium} cbafilysnongbxbat Ha ‘ net!) charity. mm chamber nmze is that, an man either can be- tett m3 of any crime, 03 Bars tufpett us at anpfnllpflibe mm“: which El carry in the (mic that! late fafl’tcient to thumbs. pan from 39am; my office will be: able to netgnn gnu fram-mifimlf,‘ emu m? gray baires a pumice cum to face natal! [ufpittomana ‘ ’b-g tbis fmailofiemeafabelfibou malt bath taateat me am: put: chars to tbp relte rat!) a imttfall mean, as in all-teruice titan "matft comments, not onelg team} to countenance tba mitt; bis ' crenite-but to turuifi) a“ tin; manta initb bis tapne :- fez what treafure 11‘ gain 31 bane, mailbe thine to bfleabzl beating Ibis fubtile terpeut to mew; out futbmilg teammamfingingtn‘wa mat: of his calling [a bh’nnen mitt) thebale stlafetuioas lug, aga ta biafpbemcfa biuel‘ltfhhg agamfibis awntcnfctétagihfamuw. watts; a gm {pate [fie fat attonitfiemmfl at 15ft gathering bag .31.; mitfi . _ Greenes- Neuer too late." mam Eogetbecgme baru'fa‘ztb into theta 1'9 mm; ' Ifizéelx reply to Bernardo, ‘ _ ‘ Tasafaging (Signior Bernardofifltb 015 am true,tbat inborm ‘ finuetb againtt bis mnfdeuce, finnetb againtt bis ohms ‘f-eule: aun betbatknametb the ram, ant milfuugwabeyetb, is mom)? to be beaten mitt) many Gripes : mbisb feutsme of bah: Wait a suit}; you to coufiber, am: it mill be a tumcient coating cart: to your inazninate Mficmaatl; wan platen you as a 315mm gamma: mm; mm, an {a a alums uuer his people ta puniay finnegann mill gnu maintains mttkenneflewsfiécur office (as ppbolu tbs manna mill gnu neurnp itapamre 12w comma» ‘ 3mm cut off this limits mun infamimnn pat mill you partisans a woman to uefile bet butbanns beluga it gout mug tn Imus ts from all bmleane um, um: mill yen mam m to fact) fully? as this the nfiice of a mutgfimafizr ?an berammb (m!) tbaagbts ta ' tbs mime of an ®er ? not!) the tummonszafneatb appears in, your stay beau get flemlp nefires reign: in pant heart? Emu; {bins nth age impart a dare mufdeme, ant: gnurtnmarn appe- tite fraught mitt) toncupttemet’ ®bbam plearant a thing is i$, bum graybeauen men minitfer iungemenmnn the mom can gins gmn tnuntelmut bum petitions a tying int fag tbs miter to 1m flatmates”, 0; the smug: 9f the people tn nettgbt in firm: .? mm; a man mall bane males bzapea bpun bis, beauzc‘tbc {math M the Man (hall cnntume his heritage» mm fozts m“ men the amt batman!) be utterly abbogres the life oftbemda pane man that is manta rich man that is altar, am am am anulmer tbat mats, am: is bmbafflaafl than than ( S égnior Bcrnaxdo ) [o rm shy fem: tantra Erma, arm (meme to hmkc mickwmfimbat {19m mitt 1mm Ewing pleafnre befoze laflingpame: am fag the fa!- filling of tap alum Inmpurebafeperpetualtfiamnatinm’flfiut put mega mm to carelcflsanf mine mm mm boneuimn pm to fiyg requetfi, mania not (hp tclfe be a miwefle of mg biflogaltie? imam nut mm ehme moziw my ant fez vengeance to plagae mpmttkeamae .> ms, nn' bnubt, after tbun bait glutten tng‘fanh 3? mm; the iaatbfommflg of tbefinne, ann tin {giritafman baa tomb: flap be-artmétb the pziche cf the meme, , thou mouloefi ham aetei’i‘me-as- a-mirrnur of immnaeaie, ant mount mé fa; 56:52.? as ammmon bylgtgfaa €92 31.an (namely not” t9: wicken ‘ ' The fecond Part3 “ , . to gas butetnarm. Que ( .tat'tb tbe'wmman) fbatsmmman; am not content in bet lane, gaming that mbttb ts pauper ta bet: Euthannsmte tbz patfctrian nfanntbet man, btfcbegzs the 24.32:: . makes bzeacb of tm- pligbten truth , arm lamp, magma the mbazz 1n mutt mum; aaulterp : bet tbilnzen that! net take rmtemo; bet: mambts bztng mt!) no fruit , her name that! be faggottm. am that! a themknamtng tbtsMilfuilg mom mtne nmncmues .9 mm“ a repay the math, mg buffiann rzpofetb tn mmmitbtutb tretberie? Shall (ml; guilemll eifturtefle be a gunman to; ma goal: will? jpo,‘ tbe'fearc at (1533 is a togtrefl'e agatnfi fact; touts: the lane that 3 bears to mgbatb’am, is a thteln to fence me from fut!) filamelen'e ramp : an‘bgtbe care at mine ohm: bout); is a tenu- feme agatntt fucb lamtet’fe :nnmpiftmte.mbercas gnu tag,tbat’ 13mm fetretlpcnmmtttw t5 halts parnaneo , c that me linen) mi , flung: liuetb came» : that the tbamhet nozeia mantbat no mm can cfpte ant tallte-ann the platen: (ccrettbat the nffeme cannot hepzetuhitiau tn my gosh names! antwer. that a maze eftézme tbe mzatb at 05031,th ttje mom ntmen : that Emma maze tn tommit fut!) a fact heme tbs fight of tbe filmigbtiz, then befoza the ages at all the mm. A , , ' @an‘iungetb but filmy. but (Bob the foulcztbc onc'beiug but , a (mall piutb,tbe.ntb2t a perpetual patnz$e that bzeaketb m:n- iatkmnn tbtnketb (bus in W beatnmm téztb unit '3 the mthe claims bane comm: men, mm 3 am mmpafleu abouttnttb a tag of asthma: mg ofiencemall not be an oblect to any mans mat neither can my notng be bitternebfilz 3 am wznm-Benmttbtn the finals, tnbom ne'm a to tears? am: as to: the am. he is mercie , miuaun will not remember angmans firmeg : bee ts flaw butt: mzatb.ann pzomttetbfpa’tnilg ta paracm the faults uttbe wicket :5 9m!) a one as tearatb maze the m :ofmcztall man then the fight or an tmmnztailfiownb Bnnmetb nottb-at the looks of the flow are ten tboufann times bztgbter-then tys bsames aftbetunue,- bebowtng the barn thoughts nfmen,ann fearcbtng the heart am: its ratmatbe fame man that! be pummel: mitt; cartmp plaguw, be malt foaatmlg be taken in bis ohms trap,anb that! fall bzfnze the face utwerg mambecautebe pzetcrten bis owns ptea’tute bee fan the team attbe 51:030. flfiut alas , it ts bnfit‘tnz the young Saga to 52an tbs ply yutktl’oz a bttniman to he gains to him shag z ' a Gréencs Neaer too late. «bath his fight :mm-aa hnméte: faza ample woman to infirucf 2 xfitirgumafiec am: (15122: of the fitting 35 it my part to 2:222: ‘ run unto bertn‘e, oz tamer, 1'21: not your butt: tn perimabe mm mm bite ?‘ hut 313022 ibis moire: is but a trpall to make mask: “21' mincbo‘nefiie, am: to fit: out my retret intent: if ezbermire . your mu: am your room bee one, team gum: {uitegmz 2122: map ~ 'iuhg 3222mm get nwcrgainz wat pm: 1028 faza-Signior Bcrnar- do bearing Ifabcm wnnipgip an wm’ute bis 22222321321: argue» mmtsjéeing age baa infringe?) tbgir rearnna 57? tbapomer a? {922 mm, thought to ma bu Span a bigger pinne, arm to lag Inc!) a » £21m? tuber may, as me ayaula harm? wipe out : fa; although 92 , knew. an m rightiv WM! tag’s foilm» partly perceiuen her mum 22:12, 222122 the mum: of ms- beam , get the fears of 222.122, 2:; in farm from bimfibat‘ be pzofemten bis intensity”: “ Scignior Bernardocs anfwcz: to I {abels reply. ‘ , LVV7 1333 Ifabel (Iain bee) 2212221: {baa tin: painteb fpficbeg; 7 ' '22 um barb aenialsvcaau pzwafl-e againfi m? Pzetenuw‘ gamete?- fiom £5 a coma that 221-22 at-tbz firfi mate, am: [12; mt moztbg ta meat: the ban eszautp , that tsiaaunm’mm; (be m repnlfeg bane the m in mg bapnjq- mean to (my the fruit; 4 abaue beaten the bumanb main am: not let the biros ate, 2 m2, a_baue gun [Jere ainnewmr Esme 12222222211 Rana fez no fier- J Ring : but if gnumntmtfi aunts! at a mm (:23? mum: n22; 33mg: fa; m othervbap but npeuinramg. 5?»; {bus kunmsfiglfabel , ' shat a tonmafls cbizfefi :r-eafure is In: gent name , arm that 81122 , which batbctackttm mutt , tagatfzbnngwg fez neat!) tars cw afimmies, hut ni'fcrebitts tbs-beginntng stanmmines. ‘ -- bitb men infamy is mama}!!! 3222 of life, afium thy rate, a.- .,; mu fimg tame the within; 3th patently fem tbé to 236221, gnu saute {fame ruffin in the 21:2 to {bseawgtbat (mm £322 Dante 2f 11):; 2mm Frauccfcélbz path lam mu; £222,223!” mine m.» m m: as, his 22Wm :‘ tnmafiarblemifigtbiae £22an : tie , that ts (am open puntfla‘mmt , am make tgézma imgbingfiacke 212 :22 mm, oniaas tom trim”, aunt: 1m batch of @2222. 22:12 :minaeafi’ice am autbnzttiemw age unfibamrfiml am; _ ' 221:: mp pzmutmm 02122 grzatlgtn tram ti!!! Fatmaice..aéga . M then (fairs Ifabe‘l) thou 2:21:22 tanfcut kéwe‘tbz repoztafi ~ 322 sbafiuiea 213932229329526222532 2:99 3:222:29, wear? . , ‘ 2 2 T he kcond part? We a initetvammmt tim- wits taut; tbs-lafi; . , Ifabcl bearing the mifcbiwnus pzetem mm mm 1mm; am: [am mum: to cunningly lain the [flare , that 1112 comb not: aunts the trap, but either 1’92 muff incur the Banger o: the bow, ag'tbe Beffmctton of tbstou’lmtuas tn amen into (act) a paflimm nilemma, that we burn mu) into tearefifighem platnts‘, 2mm fin blubbzeb foztb on this mite. 3133mm me) mpfi Bil: c Watt wgetcbjs the fears nfdfinn fa. farrefrom tb-g minaefibgt than (2'2- kamnot (male tn‘taske mine bnne;,but tn fucks mp blah? 31's it“ notinturpmongb that thou (mt; ts'rpaiiemv bmefimbut tbs: pan long ta {pm my liteibatbtby‘rmat lane putwbfli [tub bitter tafie? is this the fruit afysur faint tame? ape ysubt. £92 (ante \ mum bee pernitiws‘, when the west is [a pendent. flatter me want (elf: in this thy fat! , nu; fmtb not thy thoughts in thy 355;, m then is a (1150:; than" ’ 1; am: max remgmm bath 92mm, (bat innate binnstma fins tngetber, Mm: be bnpnniflaeva in (be nnefiut Wat amiletb it toitalkeé af'mifaame ta afmlmz n: the bomb or @013 to a tumult rcpznbatezflfibz mamas. charms v flaw: mu er (a baifelg,cbarmes in mm . if the 91mm be mt: : am E): safietb fiamsagainfi‘tbcmiuae , mum; to mm the ma. tenfrom their fang: letmetbmtazcmme faglz)mzenarrm~i ~ 1;; confine: mine smut. cafe, 3 am perplmn Mtbmany nnahtfnz gaafitnns , atw gréeunus troubles aflaflc'me on cum; fine. 3}? a . zfi‘mit ibis crimefibougb must (a many, pct tb£ mum Cara . diagnaflwjpim'tfitb into tlge'mrg thoughtsmun mine ntmaemtta Meme mill bee awnfimalmitmae agama me pf tb‘ia mickene - 239%: Stipendiu’m pecmti'mom.~:'t!}en mbflf'fiWfl bapican 31mm , fnmut p'ermtuailbamnafinn . fitb (Rina bimmtfegatgspzomirw ,* to be a [mtfthaimefi’e agatnfiaumflfufi mammary? at a mud, m: not imtn £135stth membfi‘ am‘like mm bniufilg , acmfea aftbe liheaim,annfoiball afieing guiltlsfie, bane mg .1 1mm); mm bl-zmmbt wit!) infamy. £52 this wanes, what a 1m; white that! 31112135 to my parmts,ta m9 fiutbaaafina my sbila Bzenetbe handshakes 3? m9 5mm: (ball bee bzaugbt with for mom tmtn tbegrauc, Fr-anccfcomit- ha amamzs 19%;!» bis rage; in tbe {treats ,ef the mm ~, am my pom babea wall has counteu . as the teen 97% bamnaunmtam a mgiflfagltugatbsr fault— 325123 ngwmmipfiem galgmmtambmgsn 11%;; § 3 } I e f 9 0:24:43“:er ”343:5 s 4;; .2':=—‘ . . Grecnechuer toolatcl _ Eye 1m {5 flute ta meatbann his mercy méne all his bozkeé {Be menu; net the beat!) of a firmer :ann-bemg repeatante pa- cifier!) ms eitpleafureJBut 913 title mzetcb war 3] am,ivbp nae 3 blafpbeme tbas againfl the mm c his late .r' emu»; m: 3 bgeatbe , ‘ out there [32mm (pestbesnan 3 [39,31 mu repent at my pleamre ? £9; [bat 31 tberefnze {mnegiu bope,becaute the aim is merciful! ? 3,30, no, (t is better to; me to l'ailinte tby banamnb not commit the etfeme, then to {tune in we fight of tbeiLefifiball 31 not ra- ther feare em than man? ann ezeaa him mess that killetb bntb , teule ana bony, tban him that hath power to km :92 babyunelp? pet bisteare that! be the Defence. fine with that we mice be: telfe hp, tpittee in his face,mitbi_ug Dim to nae his mm: mm- bpan bee eallen tap the match , ann rommaneeb bet to make bet reabpjnzflze meme tn pzlfnnflger boa managing tuba: (be caufe mnuln heme a man pziuie m her actions , ana the heme ewe: lite, mama bane 9mm his mm to; bet , that the menu the new: map unmet mbatfeener mania be ebiecteb again“: bet : but his mm month not be takenfioz Bernardo mas full at turg,ann car: rien her away to pztfenzméere D&plg grieuen, c pet {mothering her touch: with patience, we: lay the tell of the night : tbe neet momma; (mm as the bag bgake, we mm m net: ann imke ane mote Ibis mnumefuu bonnet: 7 . Ifabcls Sonnet that {he made in prifon. Uerimv non qmrit angel”. No Home f0 (harp: to rend the little Reedc,‘ ' For 616 it breakcs , though cucry way it bend. The fire mayheat, but not confumc the flint, The gold in farnace purer isindccde. REPOIt that fild‘ to" honour is a friend, , . May many licsagainfi true mcaningmint: Butyct at iafl, _- ~ ‘_ ’ Gainfl flaundcrs blafl,’ . Tmth doth the fillyfaultlcfle foule defend; Though falfc'rcproach feekcs hcnbx f0 diflaiflés . 1 Aug gnuy biteschc budthoughnc’tc‘fpplEQ ' _, The fccond part2 — Though luf’c doth fceke toblemif‘h chaf’ce dcflre,‘ Yet truth that brookes not falthods flandrous Raine; Nor can the fpite of enuies wrath endure,‘ Willtric true [one from luf’: in iuflice fire, - ‘ And maugrc a11,_ Will free from thraII Thcgfiiltlcffe foulc that {ets his footing {urea Where innocence triumpheth in her prime, And guilt cannot apprpach the honcfl minde : ‘ Where chafic intent isfrec from any. miffe, Though enuic Pcriueflc: {catching Time, a, With piercing infight will the truth out Rude; And make difcoucrie who the guiltie is, ‘ ~.‘ For time fiill‘ trics The truth frém lies : And God makes open what the worid doth blinds , ’Um'm: temporisfilim lfabel {netting bet Emmet mm) tearcm pzanoumiug energ line with a figh,fate in a nnmpowbflfi the fame fobifi fact inns rpm abgoan tbgongbnut allCacrbranckc,w2rP mam beganruu- m confecturss as mention let: them : her fctenns fnzroming, Iatpecten the mutant: miuu of tbe fifimgomafier :pet fog bis calg lingmud’t nut bttcsuzr their fuipttian: bet fuss laughingJatn, Ibatbiflemblea humus was a nanblen fin,,tbat tbs balm coun- tenance bat!) fiat aimapes the bnnefiei‘twnfcieme : bot!) mm mm foe untmitbaanatng managing attbe Strange cbamefiéing bet outwara aetteng, bin manifelt‘fo mam; hertaefi.m2u,to be bziefie, Signior Bernardo afiembleu the ether flBurgnmaftere oi“ ' ibe tomneintur the common £931,1an fez Ifabcl tbiflm‘; at more zommiug (as the natuze of man is nefiraus sf ueae‘atiesm great {mate of 923912 was pzetent tn bearetbe matte: tbzougbig-canu much When Ifabel mas thug bzcugbt bzfoze tbebarre, Signior; Bernardog hubs ban tub 221190 awning man in tbe (Em; tolemueig tn Demure that‘ be can iaine mm; Ifabel )began his inaectwe tbuma am to; a(gfaue cxtigenwup inhabitants nl’Cacrbranckc) 1W ‘WWE 3 mm, to 99¢qu WI: mbmfiatfues bitagm ’ ' ans Greenes Ncuerrt'tcé late: bgugmmmabermanp {autumn the cutmaw them nlbergm’h qualities bane his: highly; applanrmn sfal’lmm : bat my conl‘cl— tame tonfitaines mama: to , gnuceale lucbbainws finale, no; to {mother hp [a great an nffeute without rebuke. a am one of the gauges am: atlagrs al’ the people , appaimcb by almiglgtg 050:3; 'cbnlen, by the mullilnfie’. am: confiralnea by the lam, to bane m3 lrerpect of patrons; neither to be too rlgazous romp foe. no; tum partlall to my trimmlm-t with the ballame elequllp ts me'al’ure man atcogblng to his merit, mm: mm) we lmazn nllufiice to by- bnlb bertue,ana'beate nolnne‘blceflltbis confinem. a am fezcea tn nllcouer a Wicket na’eae tbat tats lfabclbatb committal, aw tbatistbts.. ‘ _ . . ' Ems 96mm man here pzmut , fa; a certaim ' tum nfmm-zeg : tompounaen to lie lull!) lfabcl, am: rozpmcc ban bis plearurz on ' ,lm :llaéz alluring him with fucb mills amazets nfa Eartlgan 5, that in bet mmpany bee bath canrumeu all his fubftancc : mac young mans frienns [mug bis lolly , am that no perliuafinns «conln nifimaln bim tram aa‘ectlng her, man: :fiplatnt bate me: whereupon a etamlneb him ,‘ann fauna him , not guilty nftbe trims, but tractable to be reclaimen from his folly : (Mug tbm‘ =( mums DfCacrhranke) mm a curtigan 35 this map tanner tbs tom: of balms mgnlnn mac!) pzeiublce , c allure many of nut mall) to mirtblefes, a thought it my nutgi to bzlngbzrinln span z‘nfamg,tbatl¥;2 may be puuiflleb fog bar faultknomn‘e fez a bar— ingannfrnm benctfogtb line oerpilen am: batch of all. 5m psze ‘ that me batblluea lung in this lama 1mm afllfubls ynung man wall here Wage you all make pzefen't Deprefltinn : mm with that be te‘acbtblm a rflBlble : mberenn 132 image, that be ban long time :mnuer’ft mammal? mill; Ifabcl , wet fime tbs Departure of be: bulbann. at which call), tlje peaple that wereaurours in lac mufe,b‘ela’zutng fl): pgotefiation of Bernardo ,- am) the Bepnfillw ‘ nfme‘pnulb, Pzef'mflg fannn‘ber gulltle : am: lbw Bernardo mm liberal! aftbe illsnrgomatlem gave mammal , that film mama plateau? bane lame open a reue’re punifiymentmnn after beelzaa m’lfiea cut of tbe Enmueflfleone a5 Ifabel heart the tenmreflls appeals fez no mmmo; abalbl any malt,“ one befirwg of la. mar : hut lifting lap {Jer-epes tub‘eauemnlg (alt thus : 9D 0509', mug féwll lye renew efallyarlmannlmemzlt all wings bilgzz r . \ 22 «3ch The: iéééfid pair”:- / mg; cam in “gaffe, mam; nitcemzfi mm; mm {baagmg arm Erica tbe agar: mm tbs wings : than 331011389543)??? hasaafe 3 main not canfmé mm m EM)? mm of gait; immfg 2m¥3ermaz ssgréz Exp Demmg mg bufifias hen to fulfil bis mm bafiregfiiyaf $22 bath flanmza me mm; a crime whereof ?J was mum gm’it’gy; 233i 132 w; 3330;16:sz this gang man [39 a finiaer {afiaghimfiam to psréam fifimmfe in a faultfibereas am: to mad; as m fifiwgb: 3 :fimétiea Mi?) a fact: bebafl), ta mafia bis mazisiws mim figiféwt eaui‘efieufieatws fan's trims cfifgfsgfib image Es a mflfi griwnag memes“: 6 ts neferuefargreater puniflizmmghai mt €92 ibis Mes. fiasaretben 9 1m: my mm :12: tbeém‘ma gm 5mg; mm $519231? befezc :89 Dining mafefigz’imhe tag ma,“ gegméfi $3122 gazggcié‘fwfionfaunz: bis counfeimn‘a M b‘i‘rntijéthfib eig‘e a pi: fog atbers,falléutatt}s mare btmfelfe. Egon hmm— net as vat, 9 item, left me rnccnurlefle mum: help, but baa Beiiuereg rigsm habit!) fe‘am {behfmm a1! aaueffimtbnu mm: m We Ioiéph Ersm'tzjsbfias at his hzetbzenwbtcb mugs}: ta (pi! m ésimg mam} maven: tbe pzaztii‘m nfsauumgnnea agasng fin; fewam Dauid: Ehzeus being bsfieggn withinDotham, Ems mt mash; fréen from bis fombm'alfn garnet: ahau! mm; a mew 2:? [331g fingelsfiiias mas pzefcruga from the crush? of Iezabej, aim fen fistib mamas. 325m :biefely in mg cafe, bum migbtfig mm tbim {mam Sn". mus; from 2:99 tresberp of tip (EM @152:& in rafting bp gating Dmicl {a maintains bar right 5, 53511:, tabs bat!) tmflgn mm}; mmmm Emu) come to mttbap e e; was -- batty put his bags in tbée,an9 batty {ufimn harms e’ E0, 2D mm m: b2 ti}? mimhaa cam Eéfsiafg rigs neuice attsis Signior Beau. mrdo,anb meow tbefaziszs mags faife mimeae .- beige fijem @ 31,030, in; in EM» i6 mp mtfio ‘ E92 people bearing theisigmw pgatefia‘st’ens 5f fezrmmll ifabcmbangbt me baa: {mam flféf‘é wagw ta mare be: fault,bn€ not that am was; gamma 2:? we fagizgméfig mags smite ta €52: , reuerenb age 3? Bernardo, am: Ehenaib :3? :32 pea 32g maximisa- . tenancea nut E9 the fiurgumafiesjtgen m up? gmmg mm mm flmpie imam", fuppafém lm' Ipéfisbw Wm 323533 :3? cuflnme m, ' 3210382 (39: folliegfinn uf tsaig'cierzw in 5mm bis“ sf ibgt swamps? 152:: mm 15am returner: her wikmgaém $32239 ggéfm, am $32 ’ W? aflagnea fa; berpaa‘sifizmwafifimemw E33132? €53 figiamw ' ~ 4 79:9 1 ' am? ' :4 ‘1 =3 ~r M ,w AWN’Wy-vm IMQ“,'Jf’,MWAw<—vvmhn.. 4 - .. v_«yorflgm . ,H-:, ,2 V WL-gma‘ffi-‘h-‘fi ~\A-,s:r‘~u - Grcefiés Neuerfbo late} away, bmaicb hablarwrwlfabcl, (ramp aw man lunaticke; am: swap gut mm: the maple (bus 2 a ham finnebmen Dl’Caer— bramkc, E43: £3,532 finnewbe thought of mg pzetent periurie is a, mu to my commune :faz avbaue [mom (amp agatnft {be imam; muffinsbaue cantwtea ta ssuaemne Ifabcl without a - saute: r mm; that beaitseaewa at the hammbom Signior Bernardo Egan fabagnehbém againfitbz (Ifientlehmman, amalgam in allbis iéfa- . being he ueuermas in her company. flaps”: habit!) canfem’an ca? , the gang mam, (K32 flEurgnmaffers traminea :be matter mozza- 2ffettuaug,am fnanatbat Ifabel mas déere,cbafie,bnueff,g mu tunus, arm Bcrnardo was a wing letcber: mbermp 1m 2:19;;an nneigamercw bins in a great fine to biz paibexto Ii‘abeumt put: , mm fa; wet after from hearing any afiicetn tbe (Kittie. ‘ Ebus mas Ifabel beliuereb from be: enemies, annarztkmeae maze famous foz her :bafiitv tbzuugb all Cacrbranckc. Ems. 'firange sum: {paganabzoanA-tbzougbautbsflfiountrg, am w fame flies {mitt gfarrgrn-atlaffitcame Inztbe tarts. n: Francefco 2 , 'fszbee fitting in Troynouant at an ®2ninarie, amonga- other. wentlemen, beach tbifi faztunenf Ifabel repozten at the mm fog Grange mines bgadfimtleman ofCacrbranckc,mbfl113:1!!ng in Ifabcl m3. a'mirrnar er cbaftétmnu—anasb tbiazmuze, that W21 mas marrieatn a «Bentlemmau atrip‘e mihgmn parm!age,~anu me! (Bill: in the liberal! fbcienceg, but (quetb {man bntbztfimnw anzthat bat!) bin frnmbi-s tum megam. @ttbts au (:32 mm— :nnnemnen him as patting bnkinne,tbat cenlfimzrmg {a mrma nus a wife mm; abrem. $39“ was film: anti Murat, fésling fl)? imam aims contct'eme ta mgééng {9mm mm; ma; a (ban: thingy zbatas rams asbegnt into his chamber, be fell to mehétate mitiy bimrelre of (be great abum be ofieren his Wife, the exceumcg n§ b2: merit»; perfeztiafi, b2: bzantppermefirmutbwrare nma- mwts ninaturmpzefznten tbemffiuea mm bffi tbnagbtsfiaat be begun nut amp to Em paflingpaflinuafie, bus ne‘eplg penitcnt, mm rumingas much atbis fame: fauna, as bis hope was to icy tar mméng gaon fnztums. 5mm he tam, that 0mm [256 file ?Mz- mmztbat beautp'mitbout bermmnas like to a gingious amen mitbout am? operatififinbicb the flpotbecaries fet in their maps» ta; to he fézn,buf aflmne a5 itmitberetbgtbw can it into the rega- , mm a5Raga,bnpgofitnblz.,lm&aezthat tbs tmbmingg at a @urtim . _ gm, . r " Lu=3wi¥5..::aeui~ , * -:"~ «a fia‘a—j‘ 1:": , A The fecond para. " gan,€&m2 tam: ueuer (a mat, get they mm tbepatbs mama: :téw: tbat taeirrlonkes are {Tales bntameatb, am: therfaines of their banamvz fetters ta mare met: ifiifinne. 590m be {aka that mine inas- wtreme fully; fa; fucb as'leskt men big!) agafnfi tag ”amine , grew fauna! mine: that Icarus cam! his faith; fora. ring high: that time in (gent iwbanétgin riainqg mmpanp , a-’ mungifia true at’ carelefieflfiaualiew , (bat mania beau it in the mmmmm bzaus it tn the fielu, was neither to "us mans!) m2; re- :nmpznfi. $9 anncefco (quot!) 92) {Join fanMg bait than been: 22:: away mitt) euerplaake, fen upon mfib frencberuflies, eaten alias mm; flattems, given to leaks at a fiuabea‘e mag: then tag @511 , maze team's tn a 115611112 then fin; fiestas; {gaming $22 the altre’etes. mbeu thou mama biz meaétazing 2's: tin} flabamker? a? thou knotnett there to be extreme geari-‘fiaffsiiv, regent g amenb. v mm mm knowing fiamarifi: i174 2222:2212) to 3:2: nature, fwgmfi to‘ come ne'ere tbe tréefmje Mmésame Mi: 2182: {=sz to m": firmer a QEptren trézfiaz that be bolas it mnziaii. @133: mcpaz‘mt infliflg wt cf the :fipaup of a murtbermfibefz hzui’ebema 3min tuba: nature M5 them (5 petitions : than buntefi after twp. batmcs ‘ mm; graninesubat taouknnma are pzeiunicialwmlel Franqgr. 2 co,tben‘twm oz. site must away finish .[ucb folliesfiop at (be but- tame, ant then it is Serorget letrit b2 Serio :bnme ta tbe-mife 9f the gnatbxeccmfle tbptzlfe ta berfibe mil fog-giue ant fszget £132 fazmer fnnanem entertain b2: pentient paramozfiiti) as great kimnes as be comes home with peuantemmyatmanqumm fin; eff 22d éonas more: 22222. With KER! Franccfco tnokepen , ant impenano mzntetbis: " Frwcgfcoe: Sonnet made ir; ghepri-me of bis penance: V V“) ’fweating’ browes I'long haue plow’d the fands: Myfced was youth,my crop was endlclfc care , Repentance hath {cnt home with empty hand, At 1211, to tell how rife our follies arc: ' ‘ And time hath left cxpericncc to approouc, Thc gain: is griefc to thcfc that trafl’ique lone. The Glen: thought of my repcmam ycctcs 32:222.: fill my hcad,hauc cald me home an lafifg " " w” ‘ “““ ,M .3 ""‘ '“ Now, GreeneS-Naucrtooiate. Now louc Vnmaskt, av‘vantan wrctch appearcsg ’ Bcgo: b y guiief all though; with oucr— hafi : 'In prime of youth; Remix} agc,a Weed , , That for '2 minutes icy, paycs cncilcfle mead; . Dead :0 delights; foe so fond conccit, ‘ Alicd to wit by want, and formw bought :' Farewell fond youth .3 long fofircdin deceit, Forgiue me Time difguifcd idle thought. And louc adcwalo, baiting to my cud, Ifindc nocimc too Eat”: for to amend, Hfluiug Emmet lbishzmmt ,‘ bee gau'e (beam? taming 9? bis frie‘nnsmahing manifeuto them his retnlution to lean Treynouant, am; ta gas bums; mm by their helps, tuba furntfizeu _ Mm mm; (ml) necea‘atiw as be m manage: in mm time make his iaumgfibe nap ofbls ncparrute mas tagfui ta a! his friéasa finmmucb that as manyas Imam arms tnumemgatbmavtbemm {clues tagetbemnn mane him a banquetzinberemerp merry arm, plearant ) tbsp saramft to the beam) of his Ifabcl : £13m amnngfi’“ the remnazgg lance Franc‘cfco (a tenuerlg , mm a cup at mine in his banu,ann with teares in his egeuatn tbnstrancchOsI bans morbing to gins thinning mp (elf: piucben mitt; manual“ tum: wetepts 9! mic that a ban: bought mitt; much erperieme, there- fiyalt thou bane at my baunsfinbicb if tbnu put us pzacticzfibtnke a bane giuen mmb mature. ' T/oefm'ewe/l ofozf‘rz'md. i Let Gods worlhip be thy mornings workev, an d his wifcd'omcp‘. , the direaion of thy dayes labour. ‘2 Rife no: without thanksmor flccpc not without repentance. 3 Chuck but a few friends,and try thofc:for the flatccrcr. fpcakea - fairef‘l'. 74‘ If thy wife bee wife , make her thy. Secretary ; elf: iockc thy ' . thou ghts‘in thy bean, for wemmarc {cldome filenr. g If [he be fairs: ,‘ be: no: iealous; for fufpition curcsmot womcns follies. ' . 6 I‘flhe bewife,wrong her 110! : for. i-Ethou loucfl others, [th will? . loath thee. ‘ ' 3 1?: shy sbéldzsag) Euzsws: b.ge. SW31“ téchsfi 90930.9 = for 33%- m. .. _._ .— _ ' ' Tfié’ fecondfia‘rt.‘ , dams is more precious then Wealth; ‘ , ‘ ‘ '8 Be 'ch proud amongfi'thy poem neighbours : Ma peer: mans hate is perilious. , ’ ‘ ~ - . f ' ' , ~ , fl 9 Nor révo famihar with greatm‘en: fey ptcfumptmm wmncs diiw ‘ ‘- d‘aia c. ‘ ’ ‘ ~ f ‘ ' ‘ - 1' o Nikkei be 7:90 pradigali in thy fare ,- nor die not indebtcd w thy belly; enough is a fcafig .. I 3 Be not cnuiousflefl thou fall in thine owns thoughts. 3 2 V(c patience,mirzh,,gnd quiet; fer carcis cnamy t0 hem}:O awn Frauccfco (q-usigs his friiznn) that won mapft remember my 922:2.sz Omaha ta {w : hpau Ibis be pleagen‘bimfinn to in; pleafaat chatting past away tin: time till bgeakfaflmas none . ® 1693 £92 gm him to hazfe , am) tbegfizougbt him a mile out ottbe attic. a: ma, althougg: the? plain int!) to 329m, vetFranccch - mutt away : but berm cse ncparten , when rm hm: teams to a:ake yams, bepulp nut owls 56m 8 Emmet tbatbe magmnu _ gaue it £92m. - ‘ / mefli‘ofi Some!“ called 172: parting 610 w. a ' _ . . . \ REaf‘on that’longin prifon ,ofmy‘ Will, ‘ Hail wept thy Mifiris wants and 101?: ofgimca‘. ’ Thy wanted liege ofhonourfafcly climca ' To thee Iyecld as gailtic of mine m. Lac (fcttrad in their tea res) mine eyes are prefl; To pay duchamagc to their natiue guide 2 My wretched heart wounded with bad bctidc, Io cra‘ue nis peaceafmm rcafen is addrcfla My thoughts afbam’dfincc by them {elucsconfum‘&9; Haue done their duty to rcpcmam wit: ' ‘_ ; ' .Afham’dofall,fwcct guide; I forty 5:, I0 {cc in youth how I too farm ptcfum‘d ;* - Thathc Whom ion: and errant did‘bcmy, ' §gb1§§§b§s fq djeefind takes the betceg‘Yyay 2 "' ‘ ‘ Serofedfi’ria: v 27-213“: Maw '* ~ 9&3- _ fig \ . Green’es Neucrm‘olate. m {sang as 52 baa ueliucreb them the (anne@makiugbanw, 51:99 pat {pars ta bis mm ano cone nnmamonbt’s ionrng : mitbm' flue gages be atrium at Caerbrmckeflfibem as foam as be may jig men , be insane. the buns: mime bés wife I‘nia‘amw ;, am one «sf the mains efpm’ug Francefcoyet Bnembim fag all bis lwg ab.“ .[ence., mm ranm arm tolu it is ifabel , am am: barbann was at the nwgedbe being at mam in bet chamber, fat as one in an ex. tafieJ mum Francefco :amz-bp, man at the am figfiefibis mire. emanating tbe cwcellencp 9f be: beauty , bet bartaembaftm‘m mber perfectinnm meamtmg ber wnitamg mm; 192's nifloyaltp, .fioanz as a man metamoz‘pboreu:at tart he began tbusfii) Ifabel, 1mm mall 31 rag to tbg-foztuues‘ozmy tallies? what exnzmum man aims to main my panama, .03 nirtnuer my razrntues, oz sxpzeu‘e m2 pzefent inges ,9 mg a! tell tbe’e 31 conceiae-a-s gteat plsal‘uce ta (MM mehas gtiefin mat a bane mzangen 21m with my abfencewigbt Egbes,(‘lfabcl-)teamsmlgintsm any fuel} em- tiog pafl'fons pmtrap out my; inmaw repetance, 3! manic [beta time the finatamy oramsfi bitumen man : but amangfi many fogroming thoughts , (berets (act) confufion,tbat fapcrfluitée of ‘ griefcs maps the foam of mg Bifcament. fine figure out my fal- ‘ item; tbepertremitp army fanciesherebut ta manflefi‘tbe ban mum's 61’ my life: aunts rub the rear, by retting out mine omne [catbmano tbarefnzc letit makes repentbartilga tannin B&pa Iguana mega: to amenb aun continue in tbel‘amg mnfiautig. fit this Franccfco anon ann inept ,mbicl; Ifabclfe’eing, mmsiueb by his outinarb grim bis fecret paffions, am: tbercfozx taking him abaut the math, matting bis swans mitbtbe team that fat from be: 292M132 ,mane-bim tbig mummy am: mite anfmer. What, Ftanccfco, comma tbau-beme full amazes , a: rézszt than at thy returns to make mz’tna’epc? 353m (ban b&ne lama!!- feflf, 5 mm bztngea than me a treatite ofaifcantent? ' [2'2 tbuu artpeuitent, c tberefoze 3! am like not to bears tnbag allies are path at rufl'iceta fez H‘abcl, that benczfoztbtbou mitt lone Haber, arm bptm (bat connflion without any male moanes, welcome to Ifabel. mm; that [be (milcb ant: inept, c in 130ng but!) tngetbrzr, {eaten hp alum coutrarie pavilions in a Bill's. 9951191mb paw ‘bctmézne tbemmauy anus fancies am: mam; faunarsms mbsfi ' 1M him 951); they agqcfizg {:3 [ggygtfiyag paw: 3 tellgbutffétty . ‘ BE 4 The ficond part3 .. t m- came-gmtzfrienns out at the thumbshteb‘ere Francefcé» mas meltomea same nfbis tomes- flaw am gmt cbeur‘e : mam tn met» his Akinnmue the maze, ban panaintenatolemue bm— quet, bautng bihaen many or Ms neighbozstn [appentbat rm: , might accompany Francefco. Welfiupperbetmnnne,c‘tb¢n Eu: .2th b9 the fits. taeiaolr Wing: them all in a. hump, rain, that tn» win them autnttbcir metantboup, be manlntel them a tats, mitt) tbeg all Deatougat,tate filentmnb he began was. « The Hoflé tale; A :53 Theffaly, mime nature bat!) mate the toil: pznuae bait . «the beauty efshepbeatnmbm bmzllen aiming calmnSe-a» ladomamient, as bautngage' te‘aten in his hams: anb manage as intenfien mitt) great‘paflefiinnszanfi bnneff, as being innueap mitt; many bertunus qualities. EbisScladorban to tag him in : his age, a Daughter of great beauty; to etqnifite in bet- meriautv feature, as no blemim‘mfgbtecltpfe the glozgtbat gramme befmq men in bertmeamentsas thus me was fairegtn mas meme, am: with hermit ingnea b2rtue,~tbat toabebotn ayéeamas: Helena: to bears, Pallas, mm to murmDaphne. mtg mantra! lnbufa name mas_,Mirimidia,kept bet fathers (batman in a Etarlet petta' matefiuttb a shapiet ntfl'omers cube: bsaaymnt wary nay ta the fielbs, mime the mm the care other tatbersfams-mitb (my: ailments, that am féemefi tutti). labour, to enter arms agaiuffi want, (with bar balm tbzttt,ta m‘eueutber Darts griefmzafing' : tians natty the plains: at Theffaly, themepbzasns, nsligbtzn at? stye gm at to exceumt an obiect,belo their eyes: foztuuate tubes: £1929 might 399m bet feature, wantng him happy that souls: tap bis flanks mum bnto bzrtolbs; fimnngfitbe tea at atl the: mainw that tab their tbnagbts an bertaunuw, there was ans '~ tailen Eurymachus, a gong-yontbfibatban tbe pains afbts mines triumpbing in his eauntenaucefiittte am full at. pleafant can- : zetts ; ant: tbatfogtune might mum mitt) tone, ann make him: :- gra‘cieas in memens 2923,92 mas mealtmo; gala ts tbs abate. - met ntlouefibas Eurymachus almates (a plottentbemnrrenf bis wépe-malkefibat be was mart ueégbbnnrtn Mirimidafififfl: macaw £9. ??TEQQGEW taming“ 939 bziafsmmnzsti’vz W t '“’ gag {9 Greencs Neucrtoo late? "am at be: 5mm meat satay, c; any thing grab amide, then B urymachus was the mains. that eumunm bym tuba; ta re- main ma”? tome. 01%;; this memes be mama minute», e familiar with Mirimi-da, mhisb‘tvag. the meanes {bat bznugbt him inta a mtunicial {abmintpfioz be tin tn ne'er: dvcedereadzgnemfibaf b3 Bin Mlq/l‘exe plm gaiémflztiflffl; 83 “31W £03135 ”€252 themma of the gamma, but” be warm!) bums; no; any tout!) the gala... manner,but he's is mublen with the pa!fie:ta nous ceula gage m we face or Mirimida, bat meg men: may languimfvg. Ebis nib pom Eurymachm experiem‘e 2 f9; aztbwgb .118 mm lanes fires were fatal! at am net marmmu: mm!) 3 yet be lama mizg ' tbs bin: to again the flame,tbnugtybe burnt his wings} a tell in the bulb, be maul!) not mitt; Vlifi‘cs (tap his cum, but [it c flag , mica tbs biremswe team an embannmnt, bat caravan: mitb Circeatilibifi oueraoarmgmemmm in a paaianate D&figfir, am 1‘9 [fig fackt tn the beauty of Mirimidawitb big wet tbirfigefiw, 1m his heart were fullerof pafitans then his mane aa’zciions; get nittaner bisgtbaugbts be Burt! not, but tmmtbereb tap bis it!— mm patties with nutmaw Elem: bauing the finer: tag getter ,lnitbmfia; that it, mas Damn hp; c bis grim {be aéepgrzfog that tbsp mere cnmealem 31mins! i233 making; to bet in writ not, be tbaugbt bfmteite ton bemeiy a patient fag [mg a {Mififinmta ’ fitter bis inns toauntbemm mg tube bis terretarv bat him: _ tclfe,be fuppnren was to brain in a rim! to {ma muesmws Eu- rymachus mas perpleren, till at lamto giue a little bv $5) the flamemtmg on a Bay fin a balm yum mu: pen, ann éa'zkefinfi ma :2 bis fancy. mamas were there. . ' Ezrjmacbmfancy in theprime of/oi: afeéttim. 'When Lardly Satumc in a fable robe, Sane full offmwncgand mourning in the Wcfl, The Euening flame fcarce peept from out her lodge,“ And ‘Plywém newiy gallop: to his refl : Eucn then Did I » Within my boate fit in the men: flrcames; And void of'carcs as he that Iiss and dreamCS. ‘ As Pkaopfo a ferriman I was, T‘ v m: 1 . The r-xfccfiiidpsmti” ‘ " " ; The countrcy-Iafl'csfaid I wastoofair'e; .Witfitcafic mile 1 labouqred atminc care," ’ Io agaflkfxom {ids toxfidcv whodidwéfiaairc : ‘ ,7 -‘ u .. . * ' ‘ . And chm , , > - _ \ Did I , _ . _ . Egg paincs take peace, and C/mrm-Iikc traafporg; ‘ _ T4 As {concthc {wainc as men of high import- , .z When want offworkc did giue me leauc t-o rcfig, ' My {porewas catching ofthc wanton fifln‘ : - So did I wcarcthc tcdiousximcaway, - . And with my labourmcndcd of: my dilhl \, ’ ‘ . ‘ . ‘ 7 For‘why' ,. ‘ . 7 .. 7 ‘ I thwghc That idle hoaxes was‘Calendcrs ofruth, . ‘ ‘ , - Audtimc ill fpen:,Was preiudicg to youth; 3! fcomd to loue,for were» the Nymph as fairé, ' As (he that: loued‘thc bcautcous Latm‘anfwainc ,7 ‘ ? ' _ ,, Her face her eyes,‘her irefl‘csfiox her bmwcs, , ' Like Iuory could myaifeé’tion gainc: , ,. 4 Ifaid — ' Withhigh difdaine Lou: is a bafc dcfirc,‘ N « \ And Cupids flames,why,tzh’arc b-utwatry fire. V ‘? ‘ As thusl {at difdaining ofproud lone, ‘ \ Hana ouer,Fcrriman, there cryed a bay , K And with him wagaParagonfor hucéx A lonely Damfel beautcous and coy, { . \ '- And there . , Withhcr 7 ' g A maidencouered with a taWnic vale, Her Face vufcmc for breeding louer‘s bakz. Efiiird any bOQtEfifié when I came to flmarc, _ ‘ The boy was wing’d,mc thought it was a wonder; , Elé-e éamc had eycs‘likc lightning, or the flafh That wanes before the ho: rcpor; ofthunder, A ‘ V H ' J" ' " ~ , Her {miles ‘ wcse (weer; N ”A . Lonely Grccncs Neuer too late: ‘liouely herfacc: wa-s nc’re fo-fairc a creatures) Eorcarthly carcafl': had: he auenly feature. 'Myf‘rimd (quoch “16)CWCBI F crriman behold, Wc three mufl palfcbut not a farthing fare, ' But I will giue (for! am uecnc eflouc) The brightcfl: 1-:ch thou likffl vnto thy (hares; ’ Choofe where: 3 Thou loucfl. ' Be {he asfaire as Loves fwccc Lady it, She {hall bc thine, if that willbe tbyblifl‘ct With that [he fmil’d with fuch a pleafing fac c, As- might haue made themarblc rock: rclent 31 But I that triumph: in difdaine oflouc, Bad ficomhim that to’fondlouc was bent : . ' , Aud-then, 3 Said thus}. ' So light the F‘crriman for loue doth care, 7 As ’Uenw paffc notif the pay no fare. At this a frownc fate on her angry brow . 3;; She winkes vpon hcr wanton fonne hard by: 7 He from his quiucr drcw a bolt of fire, And ay’m’dfo right,” thathe Eeirfl mine eyegl. ' f " And then. . . Did {he Draw downe the veife that hid the virginsfaccg, Whofc hcauenly beauty lightncd all thcplaccm - Straight thcnz-I lean’d mine car: vpou mine armc,,. And look: vpon the Nimph (iffo) was fair: : Her eyes were flarrcs, and like wpallaexl-ockcs Me thought apgear’d the tramels ofher hairc. ‘ Thus dié: I gaze - And fuck: in beauty, till thatéfweet defitc Cafi fue.ll'on,and [ct my thoughts on firm. When Iwas Iod'géd within the net oflouc, , find that they. {aw my heart was all on flame; _ The Nymph away,and with her trippcs alpng 17%an boxaaaé 93391 hf.“ £995 bigdamsv Oh L‘ Ihc'fécond part; . ‘ Oh then - , I crycd, 738a); Ladicsfiay, and take not any.canc, . You all {hall paffgand pay no penny fare; Away chey fling,and looking coyly bzutké:3 They laugh at me, ah with a loud difdainc ; 1 fend out fighcs to ouertake thc Nimphs, . And tcaresyas lures to call them backc againc 2 ‘ ' , But they Fiic changes But I fit in my boatc,with hand on oars, And feel: a paine, bur. knowes net What’s the (ogre; At lafl Ifcclc itis the flame ofloue, ' I firiue,but bootlefl‘c, to rcprcfic the pains, 5 It cooks, it fir-cs,it hopes,it_: fcarcsfit frets, ' And flirrcrh paffions throughout cucry vaine 2 ' 4 That down: I fate, And fighingfiid fairs ’Uenm lawes approouc And {wore nothing {0 fwcetc and fowre as Iona . Etflorida pungunt. \ iganing mans {bis {Eamombég punt in his bnfame, am: of: when be was by btmfelfc mama mane it,eafing bis pafl'inn mitt; btemtug tbe cemeits cf his own fancpznu a Bag batting bznugbt mm: bis ffiéepefi): cfpics Mirimi'damna to bet beguesmnn af- terbis monteb fatutc (at 001mm by bet, e fell trams!) chat a5 nc- mfiun bin mtm’fter, intermcnliug bis paflions mm; (a many figbs, ant: firing his eye to effectually hpon her face without rz- mmue, that [bit perte‘tuen the bbepbearb ban [mailman 21m- N ‘ _ aitnngaun tbat theremas none but metbatbazc tbe antinnte‘aa - Epus 1192 meter: bis paflmnmfbe efpieo a [crawls of paper Etching , » out of his baromemibicb the manner: faztb e bnfnlbenmnn pets refining (t was amnnetfiye ream mam; then Ionizing eammly an Eurymachum blufbt,ann am with frteumg fmtle began to mire him mitt; bié trumpmbatfiurymachus,cannot mama iabeurs wipe away manten fimoursmoz tap fiiépw me me. mnt thy beam lane ?‘a ban tbsngbtfamy banunt firm 1m 11;? \ ammo; affgction pzete'nten augments tbim eie :buc now? \ ‘ , ' 2 4 _ w 9:45“ 2'":A: ' V“ ' " w , Gréenes Ne‘uer rob late; was the ficameuomfiuot line without airemoz fl): batman». her without fireJn men banana quiet in their life, bnlefie {begr- acquaint them mm; laue:31 I&Jfivaines are not rad; twang, bus they bane thoughts ant: paifionsmnn be tbep 1mm {:3 lemma; can inoke a‘t heautggSozmon in his gray cafiacks, baa big fairs Phillis, mm Menalcas caumcourt Caiagea in his gbspbegmgg claakzgaun Eurymachusmbeflemr {a bomelgmiu bagammfi at whom, there iiez {be quefimn. 7 $1! masmmuntb Eurymachusfiab Mirimidasaf rm {bat i5 {(8 high fawn? tbm‘sgbtm rm beaateoua fa; mpfozfmssz {a mm 2% bauamareu mm; tbz ?nbbv. a maiimhate mm; 2&2 warming am: caring with Phaetonfl {ban 020mm may 7 icarus : mm spa mas mommy tbaugbtfitca mama. 34 5mm Eaten m a fiarre) mat man Eumhle at a Ewes: a fame, begafife 3 bane nammaéfi in lane. 31 [ball be nueralain tn loue‘mfib that as {?gigem a M}; ' rimida {milw mm mane tbis [8919.Wbp 'Eurymachusga man; a; a maltreambaus there am: moat fo bigb,but tbs mum mam: mu 5mm to the tapes foztune tn harem: infill afpirePang laug- fa'pzeciaus, but bath his misc 9 What Eurymachusfi cat may link at a fling am a (mains eye bath as high a read) as a 31.0ng lookavulcanin his leather rams comm Venus in bet filhsztbe . (mains; Bf Latmos mmen Lunaghntb aarebmnb botb bab-tbeir Des fireaWbatfipuerequims not wealth, buttanragmnb garm- tags is not to big!) {mien b9 ramp,“ perfonagmearc nanman, if them bat! 1th bigbxollam tbp tbougbts,anb try lanes farms, f0; Denial i511!) ntmefluzfiurymachus bearing Mirimida tn ['th an amuzous bumommncnnrageb by her perfimfions, tbnngbt mm to mike while the iron waabot, anathema)” taking her . 1:9.th banb,began than. .C flimtb Mirimida. Venus mines are baunneb Wit!) cenflrainf, am when lone leaneibtbe eggflefire kétps fls-company : mm Paris courtenflelenagtbangb flare mere cm; am: nényzwet mas ‘ E112 mt oiftaurtzaus am: bifnainevxoz fir; antmerw thus miln—_ lg: Nam ctenim/izccmflvt amanria EEBiflerimida) makes m6:- barag to take tbe’e by tbs ham, am: ta (39313112 Mirimida :ng thou art the Qantbat baa edipu mine ciesmu thy beauty“ bane 3m: lung'gagembat afitbep mam; mere mounneb mm; Achiim 355 MMWMELEEE? b? 995'??? 9*}? P? ‘93. SE??? Eiflfltmfb‘. f“ ~ ma The {econud part; fiaiém mfileuce bat!) ffiifBl‘EBrEurymac'nuS, that by curfefig mm: M; Eurymachus. a gamma a bane lmkt fm high, burg m are 233% ohms pgsfamptinn b}? thine ohm pzimipimann H {mm , man tan macbmbgficue allows “Eben fairs jfiimpbfiffbnu Wfi as heautéfafi :15 V enusgpet mm at blame Vulcamlam fog- times {mm high Befirsagif man héeft as lnueiy a5 Lunafieupe ta Endymion : a Mafia may be as smart: as a 15mg.%b2pbgaw3 muss are ingallfioz their eyes are Eike fitmeralns that mam but uneimpzefiinn, ann-tbeir bearislike fiaamantg that mill turneun map but ta one point of the bauenMirimida frowning at the fnfip oftbe bbepbearn, wt him off thus. , aftbnnimemzfl ban: bat" the com i5,E urymachus (quotb 1132 )1 {bun iuoulneff not put thy mm to farretn, arm l'ézing pout bar- net: is like to be re little,fpare labnumne room not [a barmir pun bane looktat mg beantmour aims is not heparin compaa‘a your 13in (frames are but fmmps,¢ (a a take them: fa; be that canes a fiaulcan a {Bbenimfi but a flattcrerzann fact) as tcrma their Ioueaaintmre thought but to mm mm of tantra; Wel,bnmroeuer tfgnu lnneme 31 like gun, but [a as Dimes fancy mas tn Apollo,to be his trim in (be fielb, am: bis faem thecbambet;to fauour bim a5 a buntfmambut ta b&tebim mba- bc chatter: of low: : [a ,Eurymachus, fa longas {baa mama um flocks WW) Mirimida ,tbnuart welcome 20 Mirimidafiut iftbou- cafteff fnztb rim». lureta bane Mirimidalwefibm'a mill leans: rm to thy folly. as enetbat Dates to be bgamne tn fanctc : fox Buniofibat as the 'iDliue trée'miubzoake nu tomb of (mic : the figgte nu beam orfireztn Mitimidacs eaves are uetcapable ofaug amszous perfmafions : am: tbsremze Menu: Eurymachus , am: thing bntluumnnm a lean; you. . jpagmuetb Eurymachus)aun; be tooke berfaff by the arms,“ 3! meta fare yen ban gamer as Dianaban , to plague me-mitb A {icons punimmentmou pane not without a little maze pzattle :1 if a‘anger gnu , (is art: a pzeparatitm ta a goon finmacke , fez: @312: 1's 5: menu to nigeftion :(etnnnimstbe (Bibzifocou , amt» the 01591:: by long firiniugtogefibermom to be nmmettall,fa bg- nu; fallirsg out,maa3all be better frimbs fa; war : fa; Mmammm im mmris redintegmtia eff; ‘, ‘ merefosflfaire 99mm)!“ailmnn—grgqgfgggtgnoz’fohim- r 3B3... ' '” that: ,Greencs Neucr to-olatc.‘ _ - that ta is 1mm mu!) tancteg mm mus gnu tbnagla 31 am mm; mm a king can no but [a macbztfgnu think my begm he tm tam fa; height of Eeantmbtnk or at partsfibe mean is the merréem that the mepbearns gray bath 1m gr ief tbé the £03111? mates. 3 tswinfinnme‘n mutt be cogbetaufz they are mama, am they mutt bane time take mamas; elfe tbsp manna b2 tbsugbt ta be . matuumberet’aze mbattocuet yen tap mm 31 bnlntt net autbéo mat: vet to; that a insult bane tome augment: Mirimida letmc [és tbe’z laugh 9%: town not but (mite, ta re the mepbeam [a pteafaut am (a Eurymachus r2119?) content am: from amoznus c2351! they fail ta talks at other matter9,ttl wetting grew nmanu then tbeg fatten their amp anb mitt; atrt‘ennlg farewell partzn Eurymachus was 19.1: alone thus enamonren at the fairs Mi- Iimida, but at! the bbepbeaws of Thefl‘aly mztt {Bums am: misfits ct tier beauttemn metemtozs to bet fozt’aunz, 11121th Dr: pane betnme' m nitsatue, arm petmas wrtenustn all in 8.: mg owe: time sf conference. amongft t1): mt, Venus( betike) '- mining to be pleatant, ban may: one in the iLabgztntl) of Iona, calleb Mun idm, a fellow that was of bond! paréts, but berg gmmt bis perffiage was as it ban bin tuft tn Etbps maulhfifis bathe like at tham his facelike Thirfitestbis eyes banab anu tamm’mis gatre barn; ant: cutlen like a barre mains,th lippzs tum of it}: target: fife tn foltafibie t0 furutm a flohlers flJBWE mitt; stunting teatber: the only gem part that be ban to grace bis mirage mag big note, arm that was wnquernz- ltkms basket: as art magic: gpaturzbautug mane fa pauper a attpttng, tbeugbt bis inmm qaattttes maalo nntbtemitb tats ontmammeuzm: g therefege to 129293 pinpogttnn into his great bean the put in tit: fl: migtbat ma imam tatber thézpe by the marke then the num- ' taming b6: mag nwer goon firitbmetittau, am) yet We was a mum [cautlen ann met! réma in mm Ebis mflmg 312p» mam amangfi the refit ant: mo; 9. ttgan am} nttbe reit, mas ena- mgurw of Mirzmida, to that be imam nttenleaue bis maps at m'mnn tnpafie bv ttyzfiems tubers the fatemmtp tnfézize bis etc watt; mam: Melba taste 23mm; ates fa ham tbsp hearts, ant: ttjci’e nftbatksart’enn 92mg mane temettmealonks [amt mm. fifimbie 32! a :sttage atmglt $5 an a gmtiace :faat'es are in extre- mfiiesmet 553.33 to be psttmmn tram £?er babte, q £03221th 1.- 1. .. egm The fecondpart.‘ - twin to [numfoltp tubers tbem cm in mm; tbougbfsbo fell {6 ant mm) Mullidor: fog after he ban tafie’n of the beauty of Mixi— mida,be grew paflinnatwut mm; greatimpatiense , am: im- m away in the nefpatre of his own oafiremtbatbe mas mam! pale anb mammbtcb bis nlnmntber efppmg , maruellea to tea be: ran to malewcgntent, (’02 am touch him tennsrly,ann thought him the rméztefi gautb, am: bgauel‘i young man in au Thcfialy. fl E92 61%: tbinkes her fumes the fairmmn :92 3pc accounts nfber young as mall featuren' Darlings : fa Calcna , (mm was ”the nine moments name) (bought Mu‘lfidor no latte, though his earns were greater thau flfl'eb‘ut bem him of a tth patronage auo rare mir.mzll,tbe panama mire,mben her fan came home at ntgbhffieizfigbnm illbelmktmaruelambat mum be the cant: nf bis fuabatxw changezget became axe mouln follow the pziuci~ plea ofmunirg pbia’ckmetbougbt tn paflenuer [peaking to him. till {upper was none, to try what fiemacke be baa. Wen , tbs cictb maslaim am) tbs bgnmue l-oal’c rat on the heart. Mullidor- fnl orpam’ousJat nohm to £365 pnttagm sate am his bail fauna ' mu woman Eumbles to, the pat agaiue fog a frail; mama!) mu: um (quntb be mm; a great figb) m maze bzotb to night: min; tbat me claptber bum onber km, anb’-fmaze,ber bag was nuts mentbat be toztaoke bis tapping: pet he fell to a pm: nffimn that {teen on tbzbnozb,¢ a tough barlg pnbbtngzbut be rote beu me the raft ant: got into a comentnberefulnmg his arms tagged~ theme fat tbinkéng on his Innuafl'muz ag the raft of the (mains mere hp tram tbs tablmnn taming stabbes in the firefiac tmke , bet run mtntbe seuemfittiug come in bet cbaite‘bzgan thus; mu Munidor. ting sbizkware leaue , (t mam tbon lookea like mummpale ann man, arm; by tby Itomack to night, than ar: mt thine omne man : tbau banftat late (609 [am £9912) a lnuelg' fat pair: ofcbéekes,ann mam tbou lookealike a matter; herring: ‘ Eel! m2 Mundane, fears no: to tel me, fa; thou tenet: it to ti)? mntherhabat atlett than? 315 it grief: of hang,” of mint, that: ' Macs tbée an the iaulgnaies from frifking it at the foote-bali ?- mjou artmtas thou mart man: : aub tberefeze rag tuba! thaw aglefimnn tbsu mm m om mama bane goat! commit. ' 91: theft fpfzcbes of his mother, Mullidor ffitbt a great 17953, "‘ am mitgtaaubegnga_ggqggupper)192 baghe W8? match Calcg m ; Greenes Ncuer too Pate. m bsariugmbmnm (quotbme )ttiatbe colh’cke that trauma _ t‘bé2,to beumango ben,-ana'tne mttt'baae a mutate pot tin. Mm cottttke metbsmmt tis a bitter: that at! the cunning women tn the :santrptaunatwre, ant firangetr it betnes mt: Eagtame- ‘ times it baths me tn the bean , tome whites in mine: was any bartmg bathtub tberetmp mutbsrfit plates the Matt! in a mag? tar: fomembfle it ts tittea fruit. cotb :fnmettmes as a fireman - when a [twain Steam, then it makes me matte: when a eateptt "troubles mp fiamacke : tubers 3 am atone, it makes me cry . 'rtgbt out, amt: met one arm: nemlochcram flanking mitbv‘ luéepingt slums to me by a gmvattbame : to; as a Isaak: On a - fairs flamers thing, i knew uot-itnbat, crept in at mime eggs: c .ramte mum ahuut altmp beinemfia ‘at lattfgat into my bsarf,‘ am time mm time bat!) remainb, ant tbmener time In mzings me, that Mullidor mutt ate; amt mitt; rm: tje’c Est? 2m mézptng. Galena téet'ng her tonne thebétearesxen to bar benrpm apzun, arm tm’pte bet bieareb eyes, am at lat} nemannen nf gm 3'? it were not tam?“ that quelling bebnng Mimic bt—s bmn,am figbeo, fib mg tonne ( quntb tbée) min 3 (2'2 tts tame : ta; bée i3 fact; a meatstngtellntn, that if be but leap: in at the tpe-tim am) btuwstnne intn [be heartann there rafts as com as a (fonmmt tnucb btmmbtbe tutu tcréke: ta; tell me,Multidur,«tnbatts the that than Imminent: tutu not inwtbe’e? am” he a mamamn 31 ammq’ cannot but fancy taming mine eye, though it be now nth (am: with tbatinenthp bet amend the mipte them deareflyatb bv’ztte a wanton when it maspaung , ann mouth bane :bnren at the fittf gimme, tbs pchermtpgt’ngau in the 19am; : am: trnfi _ me,MuHidor,hnt be not 92mm stigmben 31le9 on tma flung tge‘etfalwgtg, that a count-xber matte then actuttf , insult: not that's this tag 921' agammwr. mm; there magnets Mullidor be« game ta tmtte. asst: troubleu his mother ere meban balfe-znben gm tatiemn ttgts matmzr. ‘ - stmttgerg mag; rtgbttpxompare the award; to a lmhing-gtafi‘g: » tag as a m an map tée ttmtelfem the am; , e tam tam pzapozd ttmt : {a tn the athentbetnembes eyes are a certificatezfnz bplm miter}: tam fez all the girles twtmbée tn; taste ant: facacarrtes a, may tbs bait; ant: 31 am turmfoz that‘s mm @5295 a 9mm same (inta tbs apartt‘; t mag, :15 tamer tat. mt figs tmmfieg begin? 7 ' / -%n 6 The .{ecohd Parr; infirm one an auitber , t’alnake on me we laugh, mama me~_ 1132:, when a aagge magges big tam , bee [mm bis mailer, mm £0sz a wanton laugbes , 692 my fife £13915 num‘ the bean c gates it“! lane. Eben: if my mama [ems mee to be is mm mange: an, M}? mom 3 mt beams on her a lama: i3 (mama) Seladors 'flwgbtct Mirimida. again @9215 blea‘ing am ibg mart -( quetb Galena) fa; lowing fuci; & i‘mugge iafle; marry her (mtg fume ). arm thou {bah bane mg benisan in a clam. Mirimida? mama . _ {i‘i’s no marueil, t’ftbg twins be fallen fa; bet: mag, am is the fairett blo‘a‘ome’in at} the mumne : to benfonnefio ventrithe flag £21m v-p'iu Elm heft reparrew make no bones of it: but on a menu Eng : fa: wsmeng befirw , gimp; tell em bag, are like :bilageus fautiess, manna of: finite an apple, mbcn tmpmfufa enamel! 5 ant Mullidor, take this mm) sea am: ream not'to [pane : a mo- mans frotnne is not met an intimate ofxbulgr : if the refute tbé eutmarnly, 1132 regarbes tbe’s imam? , mm tfmewake tbe’e up . ant bitcbe‘z b2 packing, bane me better hope. 43am 4: Bogs came iugetber b9 $crafcbéng :if‘fiyesfmfie, then Qunne-Jasg to €139 (elm, £132 (5 thine; am: getwmmen are mugscattelmog a bane rm a woman laugh with anger; annkia‘e‘ him flaézbaib nearer: to Bill: 332 Evil! be my (Mulfidofibnt care not fag that, tis but a-flfiugug . Enurfe : {peahe‘tbnu faireipzomife much) matte bet bigbip, cams menu bar beauty ahaue amanb bet bertue maze then all, fig!) afa fen, awn them tbp fem: full of paflions, mm as rare as thy cap (5 m tnaoiLtbe mam!) i5 thine. Mullider bearing his mafbfl' gins "raw gout caunfaile , rain be manta teams?!) a twat , arm the nest nag ham a fling at bar. mm; that 122 fats, bis bear: mag eaten, am: his Ramacke fame- mbat came vnfime with bar gush permeation : whereupon the flmbwmas openeMnb be tamer) me mm: acantle cf 655%,; men: tobenflbe um mamingbp bemkmn bis 5192:9113? robes menten,§i5 fiarmps nsm must, big cap fairs bmfiri, E a death: ’latkeram baunfibus attiremmay fitngs Muiiidor to we flew, any carrieu away his mm, ant lea them inte tbe ptatzmmbere ‘ Mxrimida fought to fe’e‘n be: 60th :mmmin‘g there , Esermet bar ail; alumfittmg an alanebmer a 3152M; tréefineamng cf figts , to catch hirns:as [none as Muilidor ipgeb bmbis bear: leap: fog £89, am: {Imefséeing 91m, laugigt, which was agreat balps is big ‘ ' £0 wumge; Gtéettes Neuer too late.' tt-ttttgt :that taming twghth thwart: her, ht rain thug. 933mm Mirimida, here t3 mtathtc that mama gratis htmtte,’ amt fittthe fat, by my truth there 2mm came a mate plantemg‘ 3mm : ant: hat gt haw: 5:22 thfazpt ht mg thtn thaw quitewt of ti.- tt‘mg, am if hm mm the catttwau moans matuat‘le. Mat othet: ‘ hat} a5 he mag gmfihghe ethics; a [patten 2m féemng-betsz-e him? with thatht feta ts gage mt her , am: that [a tung,that he magggh hi3 tatte in; bet? tag} ‘; hag tam ta her, mm with a mama; mrtt— t‘tt twtteh hat; the tint waste}; ant: batten htm, which mom» him ta to the hsattghat gaging art‘mhs the at herJamah he goes, am met time heeltes bh himfttfz arm hints away. 33 mag ham @tfitts Miximida, what think gun at this etuetMirt-mida perm— tttng hh thit ttmtte,that little mt: hat: aft fanciemna fates mew ' httthin the tempafi‘tz st iuues mattuant: whereupen thinking is hging htm tum a patauicefize mane this animate. %1 am an tn tangetMullidomnn yet became 3 am a $hephear; Mitt, arm this :5 a théepifl) quelttnn, that the 0131132 thoutu be the m that month he fatten at all the flecks : am: in reucuge other ttutttgfialn ta the watcher. am a tell that, Mullidor, the um i5 tmentn 1mm, is mm to a more, that mtths when itfhouta he ga- theteuhah hat: to Mirimida (qunth he?) then may a be the but— .Mr1 to b22382 outmh mime unto hamfogtutelh at am the théepe that met finceg} marhtgnur beauty, ham béme infi‘ameh with gnu: (tnéet tmhtmann not Baring bault oat mine afiectt’ou, haua pinata away, as get: mah téebh mp chézhesmnn refute mgtmae : tutu hnu-Mirimida are the mime that hath caught Mullidor capa tine. flCherefazg nah) that a utter huh) alone , am: cauet how that: Chants tanevagatncgtahe hat you refute nahtnz ttyauno,bg~ mp iabgemmthau than be rota to the Watcher to; hem cruelty. Mirimida, heating, the afittnffle {a htarnae etoqusnceJmtl’ea ta: . her tetfe , amt thwght that Venus tires as Wit warms the pmzs‘ m the ttthgann that aefazmith magma meaues ta ,abztage fancy: mhaceupnn the replhsh whammy Mullidor,are-hou tn touecam- with me . t5 there none but Mirimida that can fit hnuregee h2— , tug ta matth-htaut‘tfmlnamtelstn Thcflalyt‘taheh@aemaufimht; hefaga gameaps, left hats tat! into the bitch ,: 3 am nut goal: a- 'ttattghtaztu pzapet a man as hon: fette,e!pzciallh being his ma; 4-thawttttetttanmmhat,Mgfltgggggt 3112 toahtat'te homthere'aw ~ - , 3110331: W A~..»'-:e‘saWr+w .13»; ; 915,53 The quéthartZ mm tasting time afialkin, g :99 sountrg hath faabifimfice a5 mar; 13mm your better coatcntzfaz my part at this témma mam m: In marrgfltz rm matierquntb M ullidor, whit pea tag are; my merger tam me, that mamas at am imam be my Mm my ass . moaenfim mime it as it were a 9mm auzr a mnut'gfuiief thit- fles, Egg: E23213 not 51 mm: the mom to be :tktefis; mm a mat- ter a§ gammameil tigen Mullxdogquezb Mirimidafieane mm: mm aims is mm or mum Imps me beasts mozram percaame ii: mil be better, fa; mama are iike bum chime“,th mm aft re~ Me an apple} am: firaigbt cry fez tbe paring, mm mm (@233 am moi! hungry, then fa; (nuennes fafiflfibts‘Muuidomun{b me, 1% figs fromarmws at muss. 99mm} £9213; quiet!) 92,.“ tbsp {game sbfie | mens malafiiegfi, imgre gut m m cbilazens msnicmee, e {ham a town; be they 5mm: £9 frnmarafi ierk a; two mil! make meat v‘fozwarn :ana iithaé mania bzing woman :23 a gaua temparmg mother bath a mag wbgfiiana 31 gave a gash arm. - . $13M time tins: mt! ainag the Bag, till parental: meg} mm a farm 03 a «Bememan mm; a hawks m 515 Emu wmsn’m’ug mmaras 2:12:21, nabs azaming me, am {Mag (a rm a @impgg «mum bis bszfe am) (foam (films A&eon, tube“ igée gagw at Dia- ‘ m :at the ma be aligbt'em emu tamming {emaws bar, {aiatw Em thus curtenuagfi'atm birgianen a tan: (mi; arm: {aim mitt) (up!) a crashes amaze, a firafigbmjnugbwenus Ea?! Wm mglking abgaaa to take the aim mitt) Vulcan :but 851mm as :31th gigs begé narrowly to make ruraep of thy beauty, 3 fauna Venus blemifigtmifl; tag rare emuemgziaappg are um; Shape that are fowen by mm a paragon: arm mpg? are tfiaafz flz'mge‘ 'igearns thatméap the pzefmce emu; a ke’auiewa mama, m, ‘mayuelif Apollu became Mivaiszem Mercury a neat-gseam,mbé tbear lgbwrg are resempmfi mist: (as?) Eaaeswg €21§2,fairs m3- ‘mWUf mm: mp Mgr??? wzre-magtbgm mg Bffgi‘tfi am), mm trans. to ham: wgeriaéaemmi fa hewme pwr nmifiuil‘ {emsm '31 {[313 'ifibiis Maximida hem Minus ism" geanjasm béfififi' : at 351%, 11%ng by EM 2322:? "€5,211 aimsagflg, mm imam fail sf chemcn— 531355, I'm) as flazfi‘b mat fiasfmatfi 9f D ian 16.5 mminafiw mags 53%? ‘mfifleman Wig anfmgre 9393-2 {swam gai‘am 1hé£)m,zgaas @9933) £53 farm mag mg? maaitimm gyms? mgafitiema high fag; my Mgmspmzecmmrg fiéfs’zifiiwfi mi 3333? Im-figigfi atfmmm ‘ “' 2, ma; . Creams Neuer too late. m; fiie tan fartintefirwfieafitanhiag at their fizz! ham; the pea: ‘sotkeytbeg let {an their plumesmo mama at their smug fumes: hut éf mgmgre‘s were (a great as to entertains mat) rewants; 31 mm hwambpnn tbem fume tbangeabie Imgrwo mamas it&- time n—ftbeir minim : fa; certatne, mans beam are like to the gamma, that mm change into all colours but buzz, am: their taaugbts into all effects but wnfia-ncie : in that amour eye Ba: 3mm am: miflsnke ms fa; Venus, gnu gang agaiafi tbs Emmey,_ mm to blemflbt yam fight; 02 wagon bang eaten 3? the: mica sf bemlu ska, tbat makes mans eyeficnmeii buffing obiezts :bem; fueuerm‘w ‘ i " W '- ' , « ‘ , '- A > 7' A» > I - V V A 7w H V A, < . ., ‘ L _~ ,a,‘ - - 47 ”127-: ~—: ' ' V'Ihcifigendgpfiifi , ‘ a :, ' Rnéz’agaw Sonnet; - V '- > \_ “No clcere éppcar’d vpon the azure} :gyc ? ‘ A Vayle sf flormcs had maddov‘vcd waém face, And in a fab]: mandcpfgiifggace ,, . Sate he that y’clcepcd: beaucns bright; cyc, As though that he, ‘ 7 ' ?erplex: for Clitia,meanc to lean; his piaccg ‘ And Wrap: in ferrowes did rcfolue to dis; 7 For death to loucrsis cucx nyc : I . ghus folded in abate} and mpntncfulifblazi‘g _ Diflrcfl fire hcc. ‘ K . i , A mifly foggc had thickncd all the ayre’, h Jrzk fate folcmne and denied her [howres ‘: _ flora in tawny hid v.9 allherflowcrs, , . And would I19: diaper hgr meadcs with fairs; ‘ ~ - As though that [he . Were armd vPon the barren earth to lowrc., Vnto the founts Dianarnild repairc, ' But fate as oucrflquowgdiwithzégfpaim- Solemne‘and fad within a Wiihfiffid 50W“, ,2 ? H er Nymphs andifhe. , [Marx malecontent lay fickc on ’Uenm knee ; ‘Uenw in dumps fate muffled with afrownc, Juno: laid allrher fxolicke humorg downc, » ‘ And [me was all in dumpgs as wellgas (he. ‘ Twas Faces-decrec: ' r - For Neptune (as he meant the world to drawing): Hcau’d vp his {urges to the highefi :rce , ' And lcagu’d with Eal,mard the Scagggns glee,‘ Rearing the Cedar, with hisbillowssgdownc. ' ‘ Thus wrath was he; ' , \ My miflris dcigncs t0 fhcw hcrfun-bright’facc; The ayre cleerd vp, thacioudcs did fade away, g waém was frolikc when we did difplay , . Ehc gorgeous bcautiemhatherfrom doe gtacq : So that whm {he ‘ ‘ ‘ But walk: abroad the flgxmu then fled awzy ; 11Wéiéshy???9=£E£§dingplacs~a * GrééneskNeue’r {60 late: And Neptune calmdtt‘he (urges with his mace; D imam and her Nymphs wcrc blithe'md gay, " > thn her they fee. ' 22mm ant} Mar;- grecdin a fmilc: , And iealous [mm ceafedinow zolowr‘c, Jam» faw her Face, and‘figh’cd in hi5 bowrc; - Iria and Eat laught within. a while " To fec'tbis glee: ‘ Ah borne Was file‘Within‘ ahappy 'hourc Thatmak-es h’cauc‘nfiéi‘thgndflods ane} all to {mile 5‘“ Such wonficfican herx‘b‘cautcous works compile, . To clcerc the werld from any frowaxd lowrc, _ ' Ah blcfi bc mcc. » V , When Radagc‘pfiab frame bis fancie ,’ he began mu; rum? 511%ng tbeug‘bmta‘cofifiu‘cr g’tbatme mas beautiful! g nf a bare mantrp bzéeb. "inbere berw'taa‘oaue menetb win m nignia ties :tbat bar mi: mas warps, ant fisture bah me her part ta make bar wen} may excellent, as well in» erterioz, perfection, as fin minaru qualifies,:’taqub'berfnzt~unes were loin . yetber ne- fires more most& :‘ ant {mun mmm notbe, as being pangs: to be pt’wifi; Inert: bn‘atetflm, tn (barber {gamma not afpicebev lakes bemzaio W was no mantom bet btuming, that me was batman: way may m‘e‘re’emea bertuo‘ums wemaabeautimm five confineratiotiffifber etcelleucg (a pincer: tbe‘bart 51’ R2- dagon, that frcmlfittrigberfefl tn‘loue , fromifmafl mama hum v-greatpaflémw. mm; , quotb be , though inesiotke bézv a thing fa nnubtfail @angerous ta Eeaiejmitbalms to [e’zke rates amongtfi Ibaznes, Gfiszes amengl't benzpionsgéc, one pure pnztirsn among: a thanfawbores qftonfe‘ct‘iangyet-natu’re-fiotb 233mm; it as m?— teflarp‘mm-as bonfitmm?réarcnatsmnfitable.acme @ym’cke (as Diogeneg‘fluéi tbfisartit with a nitemma, efaatbatfo; pang men tts ton ramming ow mu too late «to marmcemlunéng to e- nigmatiralip,“ mere nntgona to marry, at aumwer mm fay, 86 Arminius a ruler nf‘Canhagc {ain‘wbn {12mg impaztunately per. 'E'mateb ta m‘arry,anrmer2b,3pn,tafo 139% Mm: nntzfo; if 51 chance £19m: am that is Entrust mil b2 wilful,“ mealtmbeu wanton, “mm the?! 1315mm; if beaufi-fu‘il, lbw} mnubfif nefogmeb , then Wtfiiome t; we leafi nftbefgé-s abie ta 891a tbsuiammen. 3n- ‘ ’ ' ' ' E2233 "’ mar" " The [Eco‘nd part3 l5 éfie 3 caunot'hmimbut MUM melle‘la'tet vmmflmfibaf harms: is like a but nf‘auow tantalum fume hateful gamma,” :0 a V mire mmctbat mzings tbe fmte :futb lame a5 is lain bpan fact; a , Eaunvation is a {ham pleafarefau-ofpamm an afiminn bought mitt; a iboufanfi miferies,but a woman that 1'3 faére 5 bertuaus . makefi; {m bnshmh ainpfall man”, ant: whether be his rich, oz page 33% aimaws be? may bane a 6933qu haartfi mnman-tbat is fit? a :‘i‘iwfi: tsugumfbamefafi in cnmtenamefiber in .bebantaat, arm bimea tn coanizian,anognan mitt; humans qualities coma Eyanneums it’ke agmB-lg pleatantaomzr, neck: initb tbe :aiaum sf a! {be flamera 5f the gamgnzannfacyaane(quntb be) {’5 Mi» mmidm tbe-refoze though mix hzepnngea mu {sue bet, anulik: gar: aim ifméz mm mm: mm! mm mafia? bet my mirafinahp» gm ibis €39 rgfaluen to pznfewte his fate tomaras bar, iafommb {fiat as fame as be came home ans b&n mm bimfelfeambite. E92 {heist to his fianaiflnann mute her aletter. Radagon mas notymnze patngn'méstrtbts paflfanate mania," {ban 9sz Eurymachus, inhuman take no refit, aitbeugb sung my in be: pzetemz iw‘e M big eye mitbtbebeaut-p of bar face : abut as the Hidafpis,tl;e maze b3 winks,tbemcze tbérfizp {12mm Eurymachus,t§;e maze be mokenfibe maze be’e men, as batting W 992 b&salgenamonren or £39 9mm: rename am; maze his fate be mm nu€,hccaufe mm bevhegazs to chat afleuefiw {baht him off, ¢ either flung amagin arage. ‘92 elfe mm him to Ea“ ta ntbsr pgattlednfnmucb tbatbe age’tetminen to ‘aifmurfe bis minm in a letter which be perfazmeb aswnm’uglp asbezceuzmnnfwt it her. Mullidor that afie rapt eat, 19% xeafious Diners ttmesta Mirimida, until: the was meaty e? fibe grmmes impagtnnate mm mm, am: to mm; a {harps mm a; 2m nipt him on £32 pate:- mbsrw on atkifig big mathereczounfaue, the 'perfina’éaefi him to. {mete atn Mirimida, alibwgt; 11% am: a pen, merew fit as an afie arena barge ': [12sz buugb: bimsaper, numeaiing tum rim fibnrcbparu bnaer an appie ir-g’z,‘ time 'in his figsMw framizi’: a letter anufentber. Ethan; ma mime (meaningm he merrie) appointea tuber {étrgt {gnwatbat 331 there {but {hauls hie am meanefi to pnfiefia limit lau,25,-as_xa bznugbt it {a {a yafigfibat tfgz. «sbgée letters from there, tbge’miuammers Delimrea at am im magma; 1131.11??? Mirfzxnida minim Eatebe’; 301839 31% Magma ' f " ‘ ' 113 ‘ / 5:533:25;ng ‘ Grecncs Neuer‘roo late? isonazén'g at tbetamms nf‘tbis wammw mama: gamma: wing fad; a :nnceitto pa-wemt-lafianz as-tbw {m was leaning feztbb‘tr» mime) we (ate bet nnmmfinn 150%ng an we (mm: {triptiuujainta bet (elfezmbat mamamg are mitt; faces, that mm 32am bulb. richpmzeg annfml‘es tn tamgz‘én the iabyzintb oi,- their beamimfit thia-the (mam, arm tbs firfl letter mgk Make 3,, pembecaufe be was be: firft flnuzrbmaa Eurymachus.EEE smug fin’tamber‘zaf m rm. . : - ' Eurjmm/nm the Shcphcard ‘,to {flyzrz'rimidathc- » ~ Goddefle ofTheffaly. VV {9m (Mirimida) a fit by tby ftm’et fem, g‘wannerat tag, pz‘etz‘nt'figbt; ffining ”aw tbzfiézfimn vibe Malta of thy. beams 5,102 cqmeit n: gains ewczllemgngiues me into an arm. 932, that abewme humble mitb‘auermmg Delight : razrfizature: Iets ummtbtsasan authentike pzimiple 2 ‘ x , ‘ Smfléile flnfuiflzppofimm nallafitfinfarios g: the flame: be put in thy nomiu, there is no (me! : the minus: xlapt dare to .tbe eyegblemimetb the fight : In a 1mm in pzetenw , of fits @iflris, bathtbc ozgams of his [path fish, that bée canal males with Meme, am: flgbes oat gig rmotbetebpaaiens wits} ingromes. - , 91b ‘Mirimida,tfiflber that lnue ts rm; afirms-eimrhfil hum“ few), as burnethz bouteztt is. raw a meme,“ will either have his caurfe', ozihgcake tbzsngb tbs hanks cmake a beluga, 32 em: Sam their beartfirings cratkm‘itbfectecicflbeu-Mirimida ifa be mum; in my pen. blame mée mat thatam fan lanen mitt; lone: if a be balmttrtbuteit totbp’beantp,‘ not my impunemg: anb 23mm 31125:: a auer-nare m,“ gromsztbznugb ti): extrsmitg at man aflettian, mbicb isfo‘aézpeip‘impzimen in mp’tbaugbts,as wither time can uimima), no; mitfoztune biennial. 31 aim mt, Mirimidafit’itfiy wealtbmut mm; bertues: flag the mm 31 con- fimr thy perfection, the, mm a gram pafiianate, am in fmb an. bumnz, asxéf thou” aeng, time is m meaneg to cure my malanp, m: the fame maid; beam!) all: imareable tazem tbat isoeatlu Eberemze Eme’et (Mirimida);uuftaernf my 10mm: bl‘e me as my layam’e Defiance : let us: my . pnusrtp put in any barregnoz tbs: " marches amp bitfib be Vanyeptnfe‘n‘ftbp afiectionzmeigb mp 03' Nigggganct mgpegpm, wtbe; (egn‘mg 5 [may mam talus ‘ mg- , , -.“"‘y""r‘=~ H ,, ~ , , Thekcondpart ' , mg Eetpaititfi fiauinus. ha a eazrafme tn cntnfimplingflug fag; ‘ mines; eithertbé-fauanrsjmttb limo"; tag .1: efliafl mm): 32%;“, ‘zméene mate; 3 mm Ij‘ap‘e till axbeare thine animate. \ Thine whdcanibe no when but thmc, , , ' thé‘Shcy'hcard ffirymac/qm. . , m the em nf‘tbis mm (fa; tbatbvmonlbémn aeftaht'fipm “bis {nit ) gs fat bnmm a-muuztmzitten in thy fazmapfaapapw ‘ ~ all 3 as s ’ V ‘ g ’ b ' Efiva/erin laudem cfl/{irimidieeg ‘V ‘vhi‘MOflO. J Imdmfinmm dedi mm concardia. , VV Hen Flamproud in pompcof 3311 13:; flowers; , - Sate brightand gay, ' , ’ And gloriedzin the dewoflrzk aw wars; And did dif‘play ‘ Her mmdcghccq‘uflcd all With gawdygrcenc: ‘ ' , Eben! ‘ ‘ ' A . ' alone A moumcfull manin Eridne wasfcenee ‘ ‘ With foulded armes hramplcd throughthe grafl'c ; ‘CI-Tracing as he . That heldthe throne ofFortuncs bxittlcglafie, And lane to be f likc-Ferguncjflqecingas the rcfllcs wggd, ‘ ,, {Mixed ' ' \ \ ’ *Withmifls, I -. s» s Whof‘c'dampe doth make the clearcfi eye grow blindeg :l'hus in a, maze I {pied a hideous flame. ‘ \ ‘ \ ‘ :1 call my-fighs, , ‘ Anéfaw where blithely bathingin the fame ‘ ’ ' With great delight, ‘ ' ' Awonp-g- didlieg wraptin a fmoakic fwcate; ' ' Andycc " ' ;f Atwasflrangc. 3’1: carc'lclfelay find flmrunke not at thcheeu; ,1 flood amaz’d,énd wondring air. the fight, , - . , Whilethata dame ‘. V ' ghagflwnclikc (b the hcaucns rich {padding light . ’ W “W 2 a """" 94:99:53”? Grecbcs Neuer’f‘oo late? , Difcourfl the fame, ’ ‘ And (aid, my friendghis worm: withinihe fire.» ' ‘ ‘ Which lies‘. ’ " W ’ content; 11s, Veumworme, and reprefents dcfireg. A Salamander i: this princely be'afl, * Deckt With a Crowne Giuen him by Cupid as a gorgeous crefl‘ ’G ainfi Fortunes frowne: pomegt he lies and batheshim in the flame S t m Andgoesu ‘ ” ‘ nos: forth, Pox why,fie cannot liue Without the fame; As hc,fo Loucrs line within the fire i ’ " Offeruem lone, , - And flarinke not from the flame ofihot defireg . 'Norwifl not moue, ‘ Ftpm any hcgte that‘vmm force imparts e" ‘ But be Q " ‘ K content Within a fire, and wafie away their hearts; Np flewthcdameand Vanifht inea *clcfmd“7 - ' But there (lead I, ‘ And many thoughts withinmy minde did fijrouég My lone :for why V ‘ life“: within guy hear: a {catching fire; . And yet As did The Salamander;’cWas mywhole defir’e; . ' Mirimia'a’ bauingreaetbie mum; thee firaigwbfiug of a 'megnant am) eamn’ten tbe mitt nftbifi waeagalumtm me am it by = avg then next teokehp‘Radagons letter, habit!) me etbiei est“. Radaga of Tkejpzlimo’ the fairc Shepheardé- defl‘e zWfimidafiealth. manna! fem faireiwtfirlfis) whether 31 mean: pzeife finzme “,3 3 WQBBMHQ 99.! §§§ {9:93.995 a????l’fiflfiri’m‘mw ,ms 9» Eim initb‘tbe 3M0 of pnurperfectionfiuhicb fight map bee either the furnace ohm} Wife , 02 the bfginuéng cf mg bale rig; in gun mafia the hallway 2mm tnmeigb mac acme mg Due mm; curs. tens , 03 mp magall mm; wtceme bnkénmefie. 9m!) as are pzickt mm; :33 human? tbs momma, beam mammal: they are pzeteutlg beam: of their malabg : tbsp which are enuenomw ' mitt; tbs: wiper, rub theme mitg fiubatb, arm fa’ele a rcmshg; g agate inbitb bginke‘ ficunttnn, arc mm by flatmates. 15m lnua as‘itke tbemngr of a btn_zpmnnzmntt be talu‘en'bg affection : fog ‘ neither charms, heath, (Inns. no; mineralbatb harm tame gt; Michmanz Apolle :rclaimelbispamtzm . r . _ H 55 miki quad-nul/is‘nmar efz" medicaéilér keréér. mums fame nifirefle (mm Mirimida) am a patina , mbs: lighting by chance as Paris bin in the bale nfldabynn Venus, but 3} fear: mg latte cartenns than Vcnus._§ bane us grimy: apa- pie (fairs fifimpb) to pgefen: tbézv mitt}, (a m pzmue tbée mpgzme nf beautgabut tbe awofiun aim}; tbaugbts i5 nfier‘en bumbig 85: tbp ffiztefinbicb (hall war cunfeffe name {a beanth as Mirimin da. Eben as Venus rommarn gage Paris Helena, [a mamas jaimpbje pannigauottgg maurmnn give mg tbg bfarfgmifitb‘: mallbe to me mm bears then a bunnzeu Hclcns.‘ 15m bare perhaps fljnu mitt obiect', that mans pleas are mm againtera 1592mm mm!) mm mmmance {mt manomes , that $0 the 1mm: pzopoztious give 2132 widget! calourmnb to the tour- fefl pictures the fineff gtal’fes; tbac what we mum is otmmte . am: inbsn me fin‘b paflfons , then are meleaft paflionatmbauing: ingrown“ pens mbenme bane recurs beartmnn lnlming'imkwsa haben me have laughing tbwgbts. a cannot amp (rmae 313i- miwbut then: but lanes are like 3: having blamanu that mm cars: pzomife maze in a moment, then tbegmill perfume in a maniac , a knew there was a D&mophoon tbat nmiuzb Phillis , an Aer;- - ' mas that falfifieb M5 faith to Dido , a Thcfeus that fazmake big; Ariadne: yet mature nut aubp tome mans miuw-z ofafem par- ticular inflame, tandube net generau‘ariomes : though romeé bane bin flirtingggihke mat all to be falfmtrg megreferre gum?” pattinns to my panamann asgaa firms mama“, so remaw mae - §§th 199%“an 3m ,gutbmtisau graumut g‘fu.p;xficiall fag? 3&3, Thcfczcdhd [5M ‘ . . 2 2 ., : ‘ 1 *5 ’3 1 l E 9: ' § h , ?l , ‘ J ‘1 ) . F. ,, 0‘ V l: , . GrEE-EEE Neda: ifib‘laiEJ 7 , bag (Mirimi’da) (bat Radagon mall bemeknme ifbe be’faitbfn‘li: ant: tbcnmg hope [ball cnmfozt my heart. an mbicb futpence a raft nonfatal: at the barre urgent cuttefiz. ifmmell2 Mirimida‘e:Radagansthough’flle will nut ‘ ' befiadagom Wirimida, ' mm: 1'36: teat oust. tmife nun blumt at it ; 31¢ Wing u- little > ?Bzatmut flraigbt aye fighemna tbakt it from bar beau, am: gm , :«iaintt bp,bnt that taming mm tbeneytpagefige erpteugmam 'éberfes,tn§§cbmsamn§on pm thus: \ Radagon in ’Diamtm LY: on 1'ng Tammi amat : qua: tame): odtit lméetg: It was a valky gawdy greene, thxc Dian at the foum was fcenea "7 ' Greene it was, ~ ' And did 13ch All other ofDimme: Bowgrs, In the pride of Flam” floWers. A found: was that no Sunne Ices, Qirckd in with ()pmtrgcs, ‘ Set [0 nic, ' As ‘P/mém cyc Could not doc the Virgins (cache; To fee them naked When they bathe; 'She fate there all in white, L ‘jCololfr fitting her, delights _ _ Virgins fo Ought to gee :‘ For whiccin Armoric isplac‘t, ' To be the colour that is c‘hafl; , Her taffata Ca fl'ockc might you fee; Tpckcd 'Vp 'abouc her knee, “ ' - Which all did thew ‘ . There belew Legs as white as Whales bone, , ‘39 ggggtg gag chafl wasncuemqne; “m f" “w" w ”M’ / , Hang ,1 "‘ . '1' Hard by‘hgr vpou the grehnd, _ . ‘ 'Satcllcr,\flirgins/i11 a roundJ Bathing their *‘ ,Goldcn haire,' And finging all in nOtés hie; ‘ F1: on “(1mm flattering eyci Evie on Lone, itis a toy, . - ' - (Mp5; witleffe, and aboy, ' ~ \ " All her fires , L ~ ‘ ~ And defies: , Arcplagues'that God fem: from on hie; To pefler men with miferic. ' As thus the Virgins. did difdaine; ‘ ‘ loucrs ioy, and Louers pa'me 5,. Czpz‘a’uie' ' Did cfpie Srieuing 'at “Diana“ fang; 51in Role thefe maids among; His bow of f’tccleavdarts offire, He {hot amongfigtficm {weer dcfire; i Which firaight flies . In their eyes, And at the entrance made them Hart; For it ran from cye to heart.,. ‘ 'Galiflo firefight fuppofcd lam, Was faire and frolicke far to loue,‘ V Dian fhcc / Scap’t not free; , For Well I Wot hereupon, she‘loubd the fwaine Endymion; flitia, 7313525953, and Gloria eye, Thoughtnone {'0 fair: as Mermrie z: ’ ‘2me thus v ~ ' ' Did difcufl'e. ‘ By her fonne in darts offire,‘ .’ Name {0 chafl to checkedefirc; A Dian role with all her maides, ; Blamingthflsas EouES; bxaids» ®¢ mm: * i , V “ “’1 ‘ «marzq-Vl G reéfiés Nefic’fiédlafép With fighcs ail ' " Shaw their thrali; And flinging hence pronounce this. Sawa ~What f0 (hang as Loucs {weer law P Mirimida bauing man the Miter ofRadagon,perceiueB mm 1012:: mag €21 big c922, ant: perhaps ban flflp tgu‘btbig Dart: Ems 112222222 was chairie of be: chaise, am: 22mm not to Better bet {22:2 mitt; fancies, 22:2 pane one: there pam'mm, as mm 002 tlge manomg sf 21322222222222222211,mmcb mime may mew, they 2mm, am: when they @aaepgaflen pafie war tnflhwt am} maze remmnbzance 2392:: Elm caatn not but enter into :33 12222221225225 smart) of {2:2 camit,‘ bow b2 tbeckt the cm; bifnaine of hmmm £21m Mme: 2 E32 blnfifl; ann bee: tgnugbts went map 222m; 23,“ 12:52:33 am: {a £122: iigbtea cm tbeietier that Muliic‘xor baa [mg gm 22222222 3213222 w 2222 a pleatant b22222, E92: 232% 22 33,25 pafiiu 22-225 Mrs {13222. ., , Lflfullidar the ma’Ic-xcomenmv it!) his pen clapt fuii Ofloue, to his Mzi’tris Mirimijog greeting. Afifer mg 598th tammenuatisns remembzeb; bopit’tg 22.222 ’ be in 89 goon beam) , a5 a was a; the making harm? Eats :53 ta cerzifie gun, that lone mag mail fie ssmparsn m 2: Emma cf @2223, mm; once fet mm 2222,1222: 2mm 21213222222922 : a; ta 2: mp ml of firm aleMbicMuben a man baré 222:2 tafiea, bet 220222: ieaues till [1? bafl; wmke it allbp :2 fa fififixés Mirimida, after the furiazzs §§ng fifysm' 2:325 333 {st 22222 52222222 haarthpon tbe 13223252 sf £23522, a $3233 {a fcczcigw on 2:22: 222222222 3? aa’vtimz, ' that 323 hats 222:2 rzmig a 222222122292122222222«222222222, arm aftsr a £2213 £25222: 22E 252222339325? 23612: finger gsbi.f2222m§,§ 2222222 m2 mp» vim; 9? mm aimiafiiecountenaizsefiéu 2222222 {22:22. $122125 2222:2222 ’ resin? :22 burfiflfismfifithithynur {222’32’22'1' maggggarmfi‘emat 222223.22 2:22:22 65222 12222222 afimfi a3 {Bzxncsszrigarhiu «222202 is 1?ch of 52m) 5222222322229, 2222 by 2192212522125 22mg beecmw, 2:222:22 gnu: {2222 flag a $22223- 2:22:22; 2222222212 21232222 mp Yammeaflben be pim- ‘FWWWW 2:222-2222viivamefim222 «22222220222 _ ' nun r~‘~——-’- ‘ , r» <‘ w ~“r‘ - . ‘ ‘ 4M " 4+! Thefcééiidpifit? . mt arm's rigbt‘inttg = fa; there‘s no bee , but eifber a mat! bane Pan, 93km ‘fojz‘berp plaine lane run man. at may be (Mirimiéa) gun mink me too bare fin; pew: beauty: map , Imbcn you gave mat ' is,- a am content-forrieme you as a man, am mass at»! Rbafe (fineuourubat belong to a rewant', 1am; rather to ball: you to; my @flfris,‘tben my wife :fljen Ming gnu foal! bans we v-a‘auerafgutp at my Danmmyicb ts artbing that at women Bears, “1% maxim: Minimidafiltbinke tbisn’f gou’matcbtmitbme, nln ‘ Calcna mg matbét‘ bat!) tbatzih animatbat toil Doe Bs’bntb gmb. Elms buying gnu im’ll‘pannet mg patriotic; in pom minus , g be 4mm tartan” then to cart away a yang manta; lane, faraway ' ‘ You'rshalfe mad, becau‘fe he would be ' *ynurs,'JI/_{xaA/£dar the malcco‘ment. , mm; a paeticaflfm’ £09m Mulfiédr'éfi €138 mines , {bathe (bowl): to membis batman gm: , am tgerzfaze amaze!) mm :fizttertafs'pleafant mayo rWyiiia’ar: Wadrzgflfia - ~ Diididbfiildido, _ , ‘ Oh loucphloue,’ ' ' I feel: thyvragc rumble bylaw and a‘bougsg ' 113a fommtrj time :I {aw a face; ' Trap ée/lepam' mo] helm- 1761M i; 2like to a flon’d horfe was hcrpacc : *' » 7 Was eueryoung manfo difmaid ? "Her eyes like waxe torches did makemg afraigL’ 270p éef/epom' ma}, voila mmtrefpm. f 4 _ Thyrbeautic'fmy lone) cxccédeth fuppofc s; ' Thy haire is'aJncttle £0: the niccflrofcs, ' \ Ui/[m dim aidemaj 7 > ' That 'I with thc'Primrofe efmy frcfh wig _ May tumblchcr tyrannyvnd‘er my fcqtea He donqueiefim fzm imquyg ‘ _ ?Trop éeflepom' mo] 13:14»; helm; . ’ Trap 5:17: 13mg 2:40], 755%: mm FWEJI; a \ ?%ix§93§§% , '"=‘man‘mu=n«~:filwu4mrrvr,mifimfik‘nnu- t, ",7 , , , ' LT?" _, ’ “‘ m - ”m M _‘.V.~_ Grécnes Ncaer toodatc. Mirimi-c’ra bauéngman tbia bumazoasfautg of Mullidor, began v that me memtate mitb‘bertett’mmften notfionutnsncbmnto tone. §nz-tfibaa mmtbou 123mm to teats , than than flab gtiefe to bet- ;bwamgs , ant: mm; the pagrmificis tbattemarhs alt amngnug - mum. at tbnumza tap tetfe ta Radagon , thou aimefi» bzpn—rm 2mg teacbtana Imam higher then the foztuuesstbou mitt repent my nearest to; Miritnma,affecmebepom commie banantttimeg itt effectsmtcb robes bane not sum: (Wet mutant , e thereto» the: ‘ ’ means t5 the merriefl bottom. What then, mutt Eurymachus of all. there tbte’zorbe the man that muwmake 8; the match 2 be ism mepbeam ant barbnzs qutet in W cottage . bisemtfites are not abnue bis meant; , mu, nntb bis ‘ conceit dtmbe higher then his» Mtertsiaebatb tutfictmt to manna tbiwftnmmautfiuntoematttt » tame the {tate at an bomfi lite. bbepbcatbs mznug not mete” nines mitt) tutpition, no; no anountrpptqatnes eltézme ten'e or ibeirtoues then btgbzrncgrées. ttBnt Mxrimtda,meane mm bane frames as» men- as Mugs : tbs lean butts batty bis manna, the: 5m; bertpe’cuextbe ant bet gallant tbs pmafi-{Beataut ht; gag; tar. {Beatants can tnézlu a cnnget better then a great M23 ~, arm atfl‘entton mill bane a fltug among: the meaneflgttherfnze man _ ttage mutt bane bet tumuuentécefiettpr guinea gyms then imm- $stters.-wbattatsfi ttmu then ta Mullldor 2' that bets Mullidor, am: let tbat (atria tq {bake btm ofias a tmte : to: it were tbg nits trentttobane nnlg-a Wabash tn B&pe—tbz Wattle M5 the 60325 ‘ Wag then mama tbsu-tmt to lone .> 330 , mun latte, tftbou bét mite :tagmbat ts (mater tbmttbertt'et am: what barthen baa. nter than them eta fromarn butbann? amongumaupbcomg 1 ans tbuutoakea to: pm «13212 :amougfi a bum in! ct nettle»: fez, ans unmet: amougfi a tbnataun flatterm 193mm that is fatty- futkaun “get mam than baa btm,tbg thoughts are at bis mitann tap actions are ltmtteu to his bnmnzsfiemate Mirimida , Erika not at a Rate, inmate it is patuteb, though banep be finéet. Wes- bauefitugs : time is no (materlife then is zbafittp 5 to; in that ; zfiate than that: line commune!) emu hncnntmla. . Imam this the put tap the letters ,. annbecaute ammonia not 4 mac bar 3mm; into anabpztntt) at hope. the appoints!) them; all to me’zttjer attbz. méptotns'nn sue nag c at one Dante, tubers .. ngflgwstbfiSQEWP-W*WMEESWEEE *D‘SS ??mtgffgmg 1 The fccond Part3 initljout taile: arm relates part bettee’ene Mirimida am: them; the began to party with them thus. \ ®entlemen,al etualsrin leueg-e aimers at one tazmne, though geutbzée afiect Hike befite tn baueMifi-imidaes taunt, vet‘but one organican meare tbe fleemerge perbaps ‘nuneflaz it is as my fan- ep centures:tberefoze are you tentent teat 31 that fet Damn mate!) of gen, 03 whether mm at gnu mall eniep the em: ofegnar fates: e {nbot‘a tetezfaken, to part ~ hence mitt) patience,‘e matter maze ta talke or his pafl‘teusf to this they all agreeb, e we mane this ' anfmer. may then, Ra’dagon am: Eurymachus, meats pen the willow 41551-13110, not that 31 hole either your begreesez befetts mezttflefl‘e e! a fairer then Mirim‘xda : but that the eefitntee tea to n ’ appoint tn mp‘eeftreefibatvnut effects cannot mom in me am: etfettsflttbt’s Radagon ahfifimymzchus fmmnifl, net femur!) that they were fozfahenbuttbat fo beautifut a «treature manta men“ bet rm to fuel) a hemmen affe as Mullidomnb the fmle,i3e flmperee thin bnpe tn bane the membfiommuotb tbeJMumdox map hope to be the man: but truft me, a; a teem: him, 3 Jenna mm a non injbtfieu‘e, amt almlett’t'bts foetunes.‘ fit this they taught, emu be bung the bean, am: the left tbem art. - Radagon taking his $8mk to die at the patribgefiurymacbus marching mttbbie fbéepebmke to tbe falaszMuuidor bpiug game 10 bis mother ta recount bis mttbaps, c Mirim‘ida Enging tbmt tgefiei’tnas neldfiobneae ta Djaname ltte tolliber‘tiemezne lone to t 8 t9. ‘ Francefcojfabel, am: all (be reft 0f tbeguefisapplaubth ibis btl‘courte of tbe pleatantbntt,ann fa; that it Ines latetu tbe nigbt they a! rnte,ane takingtbetr teaue otFrancefco,aepatteesbcfim ins mite, biuaing their $901? gnobntgbt, arm to going. ta hen; {tubers me leaue them to leane the reft at tbetrltues in quiet. mm (quot!) tbs malaise) pea bane bears the bttmuerg of , pout!) follies, am: a true ”ntteourre of a Efientlemane faztuneso 1511mm turtenue {eatlmet , (quot!) the ®entlem-au ) itreftea' that me crane. b9 gouromne pgemite, the restart ef pam- pilgri- mags to Venicefltbathuntt) tbeibalmer) ts nittoattt in a maze: fezknom fir, tbat tntogntug mg telte to’penaute to; tbe tomes of "mg youths gamonmaumg linen in lane, emu tbereteze reapt at! my mm b? ieuezbearmg that afghan tbemtttes in” Eurogeycéfig ' - a , . a (Li‘mg', Vru-JAum-y‘m w”! w. 7..., .. . 1-,». m... w__ , r“ Greenes‘Nau’crfia—rblatei barb mafiafembiaucenf Venusvtzaufities, am tbitbm not anew m (22 famicns , bat to quip at-fouies, thaw mag 33am Btbm‘fi ' flaw that harm tbat-batbbzwgbt meta {big 9mm. Ebs'gmflzmommofVenice gear neigbhoz'a , but finkmmm in ms, bam- maze faunursin their faces ,tben mm: in tact: tbmghts: svtbeir beauties: are maze wrisustbw their. qualities 'b‘sapzccinm, casing maze ,tubeefi-gmw nutrmitb Hcscn , then :21 be famnafzn mm; Lucrecenbewriuz to make tbsirfaces gagge- ‘ nus , but neuer rwketn 31 um: minus fits their 439%}, am muti- ta bane mazeknamlenge in tone then in religion :tbere ages be; ingagtb2,inwant-nnnefimnt tigzir maheitg: am; tacit twins are . lures tbat reclaims mat igamkes' , bmmake tam; pm); ham 3:7 _~ bean fiales. $5 the fimilemamm hare tbe'men, lngteltuew, firaigbt lonersJucla as both their c-fi‘fdences'in (bait: purfefls,anam weir tbwgbtsin their was, counting that boars ill {pent that in: fancy ism: miffpentfiecaufe tberfnze tbisgreat mtg at Venice - 35 90mm atoms 133tab1£qfibttb£t 33533 bimt mp agilgrimage a tbat-réeiing tbfir puritans, a mag. Mag a12almc¢_.,mtn them w penance , {1‘9 11)ng tbe mifzriwtbat Venus mtmb tutti) their. momentary cn‘nteutfidf unmet a Cbalttarrgigome ta my man- trimenlalaes tn :uretbetr mes: 3 mum‘s mucbjearelitflesé by the infigbt informant; mans ertxemis, retqgne .maz-egmrg ,‘ me‘anmmfiu tahifiteggm am: make you pamie ta all. ‘ Eb: b‘éznfau £30m bhuiflg-Iiabisiallp hnaertfrmn' tbs Pittitui m 7 mg: sf :beiaalemr, giving truce tobisputfinns mm; the teareg . 92 [pennant refolueu to requfite that thankfully mbiw‘be ban at- ’ tenaea bézbfalingaue tbt’aCaraflrophcto bis [an gnu Eogwmfuu; nificnurfe , gagimev , (ban 953- mm; the 1&3”th mums»- the ~ 11‘0sz m it comesmaiutiug nut tin agape; nf-lnmgasfiual? a5 , the grapes in Zcuxistablzs mere pou-rtrapea cunninglg : thom.,, bait lmwsatb (mamas Egan: babeln tbs mm 2 Achilles (mm m wt am: secure, leaning tbafe menifimsto tame others , that “bath Mi 5b,); (elfefann bauiughum! thy Mugs mfic‘btbe fife , by Banging mu-Emsg mm; tbs fire : man bat: bequeatben others a . 12mm math fin? mnitozue , to pzeumét p’nglw - by patient” , bee ~ $622 am; tafiemtm the lip. m3: on-exgreqazfi 31 make in rean .. tau arm gamma , m, that then [cane certaine I'xeuimanizs- M time mausfifiemnmbwtmer $10,339 , 31 than remembea v- ’ " ' EéaaFcfgésy ,Mfih.vuk:m MM?mszr:s«-.x "v ‘ . a The fwandapazglt Francefcoesfnllicfifinhtbv fazefigbh , , _ ; ‘ ' ‘ . muewmremmthewrsenumplv nibisbofigana n22, . _ Efrem: to tatififiebtasneangfia B&Wflfi blush tram the mine Ce... ‘ phalimm mar d) of mam amzeygerecfwax the m ofau ar— m; anomn with iganifmmrflmfiofgs)” inset: thus‘wgtm ,enfeum , . , r A ' ‘ ’ £3 . En greener yccxcs, when as my grecdy-tigogghgg , Gan ycéld-;thcir homagerto ambitiouswifl; . ’ ' My fecblcwit phat chcnpreuaitcd noughgsg Perforce preknccdhomggcro his 1'11. ' Agd I in; follics-beuds fulfild-with “crime; “ At lafivnioofde, thus. fpide my loflggfitigmgg A‘sin His eifégalagangd ceaiélcfle‘ioygi‘ ~:-:: ‘35,! Theyeewbegias, audit: it 113158 re’turnqsé: *" Refrcfht bysprcfenm ofthe-eycrefdwfé’ -; '7 Thatfemetimes nie_,and {mnecirnééfar&3m!rfi.§;.r 30 19min me (COflijifiDg' my decay); 5;} ,7 With endlcfle firemy hcedlcfl‘e bofomfibumes .: 7 And from the end afmyafpiring finne ; My paths ofer-ror ho‘urcly dcth begin. . ’ Arifloz“'*_ ,7 -‘ Whenin the Ram the Sumnrenewreshis beam”; ‘, Bcholding.mournfullcarth arraid in gr’ief‘e, That waitcs rcligfc from his rcfrefl‘éfing gleames 31 ;, The tender flocks rcioy’cing thei~r,reliefe,,, Dee leapc fiat ioy,and lap the filuer flrcmnesé ‘ . ‘ Sb. an my prime when youth inmewas‘ chiefc, fill Heifeplvike With wantonhemel plaids] y. , And by my wiH-my wit to leue bctrayde. . v ~ Tatum. * When ?’b‘agéw wéth Emopmbcarer hides}: The Spring appear’es, impatient of dtlayes, . -’ Th:‘labouA‘rer'torherficlds his plow-fwaime-s guicie’s; He ibiwes, h‘c plants, he buflds 'at allgaffaies ’ Wheupri;ntzeo€yegrcs that m any errors hi‘dfisy By fancies farce didirace vngodly waycs,._ I'blindfold'walkt, difdainmg to behold, Th§.c..§ifc doth Yadfifind you 11g men, Qmfibc GH'.L ‘ ( Li 3 1 g. i 3 1 "‘!:X§—m’.1.:‘¥<‘;"".=x4nmmakz'rev‘,-mmr“wrmmtuxm; . .. ,e . -A. VA.J._L\.....,~. ,,—;..-»’~u- -4’_'J»\!mw1v‘>-.'.Lvmv’»—— w 7V» V. _ _ ,7 "Greene: Neuer too’ late; * 7V 3 G 92721.31; ” » -- "When'in the: hold whereas chctwinnes doe rcfl; " ’ Prdud Pblegan breathing fire doth lafl amainc, Ike trees with leaues, the earth with flowers‘is drcfi': When Iin pride of-yeeres and pceuifh brains J Prefum’d too farm, and made fond loue my guefl, With fi'oflsofcare’my flowers wcrenipt amainc. In height of weale whobeares at-careleffehart, Repeats too late hi5 ouerqfooliflxpartg amen When in Efiiuall Cancer: gloomy bower aThe‘greater glory of the heauens doth fhi-ue,‘ The aire is calme the birds atleuery flower, To tempt the‘heauens withharmony diuin‘efi ‘When I was firfi inthrald to! fupidr power, In vaiue I rpén: thc'May month of my time, ' . :Singing for ioy to fee me captiue thrall , " To him .whofcgaiues aregricfe, whofecomfor: {malig Leo. ‘ . When in the height of his Meridian walla; ‘ ’Thc Lyons hold containes the eye ofday, The ryping come growes yellow in the flange, ‘When flrcngth ofyeeres dflidiblefl'e me euczfy Way, Mask: with delights offolly was my talke. Youth ripened all my thought»; to my decay : In lufiJ-fowed, my fruite Was Iofl'e pt'timc, M y hoPes‘ are proud, and yet my body, flimc, ' ‘Uirga. - _ When in theVirgins lap earths comfort vflcepes,’ Baring the furie ofhis burning eyes, » Both come and fruits are fitmd, and comfort creepes On euery plant and-flowre thatfprifiging rife. 'Whe-n age at laflhis ‘chiefe deminioukeepes, “And lcades me on to fee myyanities, , . What lane and, {cant fbrefight did make me foyv 1,1; g¥n youthfhllyecrvs is ripeneé noyy iyni‘woef :..,\—‘-<' . - V ' ‘ ' Lié-m; 2w: W¢¥emiwmmtifl 5 m . The {econd pate? , ’ " 7' Liérflo _ m_qfi 7' When in the ballanee Daphne: Lemman blink} ; x . The Plough-man gathereth fruiefor pafl'ed painez' 7 ' 'When I at 1311 confidercd of my finnes, , h » And thought vpon myvyouth and fblliesvaine ,‘ Icafi my count, and reafen now bigins - h ' To guide mine eies with i-udgement,bought with paingg... Which weeping with a better way to finde, ' '4 0r elfe for euer to the world be bligd. ' Scarpia. ‘ . When with the Scorpion proud Apollo pl_aies; The wines are trod, and carriedto their ptéflc; Thctwoods areafcld ’gainfl-wimas flaatpe-affaircs.» When grau er y'eetee my iudgc ment did addsgeg'e. I fgan repaitc my mines and decaiesy, ‘Exchan gin g will to wit. and, foothfaflneflet - Claiming from Time and Ageno goodbut this; .. ‘To {cc gny finne, and {arrow foe my mifl'eo . V ‘ ‘Sagittariw. _ ' When as the Archer in his winter hold; The ’Delim: Harper tunes‘his wanted lone; ,. The ploughman {owes and tilles hislabouxed molclé: When with aduiee and iudgement I approue, ‘ ‘ How lone in youth hath griefe for gladneffe fold, ,Thefeedes of [harm I-fiom my heart remoue, ' And in theirfleadel fee dowue plants of grace,' Andmith :epent bewaile my youthful! tace, Capriwmm. . When he that in Eurazw filucr glide Beth bainc histreffe, beholdeth Capricorne; ,_ The day growcs (hon.- thcn haflcs the winters tid'eg» a The Sun with {paring lights deth feemc to mourne _; @ray in the greene,thc flowers their beauty hide: When as I fee thatIto death was berne, \ My firmgth dceaid,my graue already drefl; ‘ 1~rfi®9¥95wy1if92nslklkamy death ?'ybcfim * flqzxfimm A V r "r‘ mama", u ’1 'M4-‘"-I"‘ mfimfimmwwmml‘mfiflfiflr?:"rh;2‘f“" 1m ' Greene's Neuer too 13%. , Mquariw. ,jW'hen with «Aquarim Timid bro chars Haiti; Cold flop: and fnowcs the prick: dfcarthbccraich When age my head with hoarie haircs doth fill, ., » rRea‘i'O’h fité downc; and bids me count my~:daics, , And pray for peace, anclhiamc my froward win9 In dcapch of gricfc in this difltcfl"; ,1 gm; 1:." z ' ?mm, T‘omine mi/érere maxi. T ‘ , , . 7 f ‘ . P "fem; _ ‘ ; Mm in the Fifihcsman ion Péwém dwels,‘ The dayesrcncw,thc earth regaines his refi: ’When old in yccres my want my death foxetcls My thoughts and prayers toh qaucn are whole adérci‘i’; j§