I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2018 < . fr? . «99$ DU CHAILLU’S EQUATORIAL AFRICA. EXPLORATION S AND ADVENTURES IN EQUA— TORIAL AFRICA: with Accounts of the Manners and Customs of the People, and of the Chase of the Gorilla, the Crocodile, Leopard, Elephant, Hippopota— mus, and other Animals. By PAUL B. DU CHAILLU, Author of “ Stories of the Gorilla Country,” “Wild Life under the Equator,” &c. With numerous Illustrations. 8V0, Cloth, $5 00. “ The notes and descriptions of a man of uncommon nerve and daring. They trace the course of a traveller who, forsaking all beaten tracks, plunged into the wilds of a country where no white man appears to have preceded him, and who brings before us tribes marked by hideous moral degradation, and yet of not un hopeful prospects; while as a hunte2, sportsmnan, and naturalist, he has tales to tell which make the ears of all who hear to tingle.’ ’—Lo’7¢do7z Rewew. “Stiikingly attractive and wonderful as are his descriptions, they all carry in themselves an impiess of substantial tr 1thfulness.’ ’——Szr Roderick Murchison. “ In this large volume we have not found one page which we were inclined to skip. We can not too strongly express ou1 admiration of the undaunted pluck and iesolution which carried him to the point actually accomplished. He per- formed the whole distance, eight thousand miles, on foot, and the amount of feve1 he went through may be judged of by the fact that he consumed in four years fourteen ounces of quinine. ”—LomZan S flectator “ Its literary merits are considerable, for it is clear, lively, and judiciously pruned 0f unimportant details. His explorations were in no degree exempt from the hardships and dangers which are the condition of African travel. He 50} oumed among cannibals, panthe1s, crocodiles, and snakes—underw ent fifty attacks of the fever—walked several hundred miles on foot, and was constantly m a condition so nearly bordering on sta1vation that he was sometimes, for days together, With- out any other food than roots and berries ”—Londzm Saturday Rem’ew. “ We must go back to the voyages of La Perouse and Captain Cook, and almost to the days of wonder which followed the tlack of Columbus, for novelties of equal significance to the age of their discovery. Du Chaillu struck into the very spme of Africa, and lifted the veil of the torrid zone from its western rivers, swamps, and forests. He found therein a variety of new types of living creatures, and othe1s which were only partially and imperfectly known He sojourned among tribes or races who feed on their kind and he encountered the animal more formidable than any yet heard of. ”———L07zdM‘-W§V _ \ 1.” <%m_u_-MAW‘L¢W‘ o;— wt,._...., o . v M ii LYING LOW FOR ELEPHANTS. afraid of them. Well, the elephant kept still coming toward me as I lay flat on the ground. At last he stop- ped, and then I saw him raise his trunk; my heart be- gan to beat terribly, for I thought he was coming down to charge upon me. Then he sniffed two or three times and suddenly ran away. I had shouldered my gun, re- 36 ' IVILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. solved at any rate to try to kill him instead of being trampled down by his huge feet. The sound of every one of his steps could be heard distinctly, as he ran away from me, and he was soon out «a of sight. He had gone into the forest, and nature fell back into its accustomed stillness. Now and then the voice of a frog resounded strangely from the prairie. Suddenly a cloud came over the moon, and it grew almost dark; the wind blew strongly, for it was in the dry season and was quite chilly. After wandering a while I came at last to a large ant‘hill and sheltered myself there, thinking at the same time that it would be a splendid place to hide and 100k for game. How strange my shadow appeared by the side of that ant-hill, when the moon shone again! I did not wait long for game. I had not lain long by the ant-hill before I saw coming out of the forest not far off a herd of 305 brachichems, the wild hull of this part of Africa. How fantastic their bodies appeared, as one by one they came out of the forest: they were coming toward where I stood, and the wind blew toward me. I counted, I think, twenty of these wild buffaloes. They stopped for a while as if to determine what direc- tipn to take, and perhaps also to see if they might discov- er or smell the leopard, which is their most dangerous enemy, and then continued their march toward the ant- hill where I was. I became very excited, cocked my gun, and aimed at the bull which was heading the herd, then pulled the trigger; bang! and down he came. A general stampede followed, but just in the direction of the ant-hill. What did these fellows mean? Did they all want to charge me? No, they passed to the right and VRETURN TO THE UAJMR ‘ 37 left of the ant-hill. After they had passed I turned round and fired another shot into the midst of them, but this time with less effect, for none fell, and this second shot made them run away with greater speed than be- fore. At any rate I was glad, for I had knocked down the hull, the head of the herd. I wished I had a horse and a 1asso;how quickly I should have come to them, and ki11ed enough of them to give meat to all my men for several days to come. I went back and saw the 101111 lying on the ground, not dead, but moaning terribly from pain. As I ap- proached he tried to get up, but in vain; so another bullet in the head finished him. My men, who had been awakened by the shot, looked round for me, and finding that I had gone, made for the direction of the firing, and there was great rejoicing as they approached and saw the huge bull lying on the ground, for p1enty was to enter the camp with his car- case. The beast was at once cut to pieces; each man took a load, and we made for the camp; for it was too cold to linger. Besides, I was getting tired. We were afraid to leave the animal‘alone during the night for fear of leopards. It was four o’clock in the morning when I reached the camp. Our camp was protected by the forest and was situ- ated 0n the edge of it. I immediately started a tremen- dous fire, and felt so tired that I fe11 as1eep directly on the bare ground, telling my men to keep watch. The good fe11ows were in good spirits, and a1ready began to roast pieces of meat on the bright charcoal fire, and were 38 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. eating in such big mouthfuls that it would have made you laugh to see them. As for me, as I said, I went to sleep, and my men the next morning said that I made a terrible noise snoring. I denied it and said I never snored, but they said I did. But after all, you know, I had no pillow, and I should not wonder if I did snore a little. Next morning the sun rose brightly, the air was some- what chilly, the breeze was fresh. I was happy, I re- member. These were bright days for me: I was with- out care, and for some time the fever had left me. I was in good health and spirits. After an early breakfast I started for the hunt. I had with me my best gun; the slave that followed me had another gun; this one was loaded with bullets; I had my dinner with me, and that dinner was a piece of the bull I had killed the day before which had been roasted on charcoal. I intended to dine on the banks of some little rivulet so that I might have water to drink during my meal. I would have no plate except a leaf; the trunk of a fallen tree was to be my seat, and my knees were to be my table. With a light step I left our camp. My spirits were buoyant; discoveries of new animals, of new birds, of new countries loomed up in the distance. How much I would have to tell my friends on my return from that strange and wild land I had come to see, if God granted me life and health! We went through prairies, swamps, and forest. At last we came to a spot where once a plantation stood; it was intersected by several little brooks of clear water. My man shouted, “ Omemba ompolofl’ (a large snake), and A RUN FROM A DANGEROUS SNAKE 39 I saw at the same moment an enormous black shining snake (a species of naja), one of the most dangerous species. I knew he was coming in our direction and be- longed to that species that when bullied raises itself erect and wants to fight. He was a terribly big fellow, one of the largest I had ever seen ; he looked loathsome and horrid; I could see distinctly his triangular head. I fired in haste, hoping to break his spine, but missed the reptile, and immediately he erected himself to a few feet in height and whistied in the most horrid man- ner, his tongue coming out sharp and pointed like an arrow. I fired again'right into his head, and I do not know why, but I missed him again. Then the fellow gave a spring ;. I really do not know if he came toward me, for I fled panic-stricken, and when at a safe dis- tance reloaded my gun with small shot, and returned to the spot where I had shot at him. I spied something just getting out of a little rivulet. It was the very snake itself which had crossed the water, and before he ’ was entirely out I fired and killed him, or rather I sue- ceeded in breaking his spine and making him helpless for attack or for running away. But he was not dead, and when I approached him he again gave a sharp whis~ tie. I cut a branch of a tree for a stick to kill him with, and then examined his fangs: they were of enormous size, and almost an inch in length. This snake was about ten feet long. We left it on the spot, taking its head and tail with us, which we carefully packed in leaves, for we wanted to show to our fellows 0f the camp what a big snake we had killed. This species of naja is the only one I have ever seen which could erect itself. 40 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQUATOR. One day I witnessed a fearful scene. A man, a native of Goree, an island on the coast of Senegambia, who had the reputation of being a snake-charmer and was then at the Gaboon, had succeeded in capturing one of these large‘naja. He was a bold man, and prided himself on never being afraid of any snake, however venomous the reptile might be; nay, not only was he not afraid of any of them, but he would fight with any of them and get hold of them. I had often seen him with snakes in his hands. He was careful, of course, to hold them just by the neck be- low the head, in such a manner that the head could not turn on itself and bite him. That day he brought into a large open place, perfect- ly bare of grass, one of these wild naja that he had just captured, and was amusing himself by teasing the horrid and loathsome creature when I arrived. It was a huge one! Most of the people of the Village had fled, and those natives who like myself were looking on, kept a long way off. Not a Mpongwe man, not a single inhabitant of the whole region I have explored, would have ever » dared to do what the Goree man did. Two or three times, as the snake crawled on the ground, we made off in the opposite direction with the utmost speed,myse1f,I am afraid, leading off in the general stampede; though I had provided myself with a gun. - It was perfectly fearful, perfectly horrid and appalling to see that man making a plaything of this monster; laughing, as we may say, at death, for it could be noth- ing else, I thought. UIIARIIIING A NAJA, 4-] At first when I saw him he had the snake around his body, but he held it firmly just below the neck, and I could see by the muscles of his arm that he had to use great strength. As long as this part of the body is held firmly the snake loses much of its great power of crush- ing one to death as the boa-constrictor oi" python does THE SNAKE CH ARMEB. with larger animals, and as small snakes do With smaller game; but with this naja the danger would have'been the venomous bite. Then With his other hand he took the tail of the snake, and’gave it a swin‘g and gradually unfolded the reptile from his black body, which was warm and shining With \ aw.“ mummy.“ w mus - .........,..mu 9~.q~ufi~:‘~:\xrw?wsvw*W‘“‘x‘ ~. ; A i, i g 3‘ I '1 2. ~..‘....... " ‘ .m; 42 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ U21 TOR. excitement, but always holding the head. On a sudden he threw the snake on the ground. Thenthe creature ' began to crawl away, when suddenly the Goree man came in front of it with a light stick and instantly the monster erected itself almost to half its full length, gave a tre- mendous whistle, which we all heard, looked glaringly and fiercely in the man’s face with its sharp, pointed tongue out, and then stood still as if it could not move. The Goree man, with his little stick in his left hand, touched it lightly as though to tease it. It was a fearful sight—and if he had been near enough the snake would no doubt have sprung upon its antagonist. The man, as he teased and infuriated the snake with the rod he held in his left hand, drew the attention of the reptile toward the stick; then suddenly and in the wink of an eye, al- most as quick as lightning, with his right hand he got hold of the creature just under his .head. The same thing that I have just described again took place. The snake folded itself round his body; then he unfolded the snake, which was once more let loose, and now this horrid serpent got so infuriated that as soon as ' he was thrown on the ground he erected himself, and the glare of his eyes was something terrific. It was indeed an appalling scene; the air around seemed to be filled with the whistling sound of the creature. Alas! a more terrible scene soon took place! The man became bolder and bolder, more and more care less, and the snake probably more and more accustomed to the mode of warfare of his antagonist, and just as the monster stood erect, the man attempted to seize its neck as he had done many and many a tirrie before, but grasp- ed the body too low, and before he had time to let it go THE SNAKE CHARMER DIES.' 43 the head turned on itself and the man was bitten! I was perfectly speechless, the scene had frozen my blood, and the wild shrieks of all those round rent the air. The set- pent was loose and crawling on the ground, but before it had time to go far a long pole came down upon its back and broke its spine, and 111 less time than I take to write it down the monster was killed. To the French doctor who had charge of the little col- ony the man went (happily he was just at hand); all the remedies were prompt and powerful; the man suffered in- tensely, his body became swollen, his mind wandered, and his life was despaired 0f ; but at last he got better, and though complaining of great pain near the heart, he was soon able to go out again. A short time after this accident, having an axe in his hand, going as he said to cut wood, he suddenly split his own head in two. He had become insane! ' OHAPTE R V. AT COURT IN AFRICA.—COSTUMES OF THE COURT.—-AN AF‘ RICAN HOUSEHOLD.-—A FALSE ALARM. IN the midst of the great forest, far from the sea, stands a village of Mbondemo. Before I entered it the gate had to be opened in order to let me in. The Village was composed only of a single street, each end was barricaded with stout sticks or pali- sades, and, as there was war, the doors or gates of the Vil- lage were finally Closed, and persons approaching, if they could not explain their intentions, were remorselessly speared and killed, , On the ends of the sticks making the palisadeswere skulls of wild boars, 0f gorillas and 0f chimpanzees. At the gate I entered there was a large wooden idol, and close by the idol was a very large elephant’s skull. If I had come alone I should probably never have en- tered the Village, but I had with me one of the King’s numerous sons-in-law belonging to a far ,town, and he had sent word that I was coming with him and some of his people. I had hardly entered when all sorts of wild shouts were heard from one end of the village to the other; the women ran away; the children hid in their huts; and rwww_ Wis lfl l l ‘1 l l l l l l A R0 YAL RECEPTION. 4 5 t the men kept at a distance, so the way to the palaver- house was free. I These men were all armed to the teeth and were ready for fight. They were continually in hot water with their neighbors, and never knew when they were to be attacked. They are a quarrelsome people. The palaver-house was a large shed built in the mid- dle of the street, and there we seated ourselves. A few » ,r/ » M APPEARANCE OF THE KING AND HIS COURT. 1 men braver than the rest came to look at what they thought the strange being, “the Spirit,” that had come among them. His Majesty headed the party, followed by his head- man. He wore an old red English coat and no other garments. He wasa short, thiek-huilt negro, and wore an immense pair of iron ear-rings. He was followed by what I supposed to be the second head-man, 0r prime minister. E 5 i i 46 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. This one had for his costume an old shirt which had only one sleeve and no sign of a button to be seen anywhere, a shirt that formerly must have been White but had nev- er been washed since he got it, which was several years before. This prime minister had nothing else on. The third man, who of course formed part of his Majesty’s suite, had on an old beaver hat and nothing else. An- other that followed him had one of those old-fashioned black neck-ties (as tight as the neck itself, and attached with a buckle) Which were worn some thirty years ago, and nothing else. How the deuce did that fellow get i that eravat? I asked myself. I learned afterward that he had inherited it. Then came a fellow who by hook or by crook had possession of an old pair of shoes; how he had got them I was unable to find out. His father had perhaps left them to him. How steady, how grave they looked, as they passed one after another before me. These were the leading men of this Mbisho Village. They . thought themselves splendid, and their people thought the same. They came out‘in state. I had seen before so much of the same kind of African court costumes that I tried to look sober, as they made their appearance in the midst of the shouts of their peo- ple, who praised their good looks. They looked at me and I looked at them, and at last with one voice they asked me to notice how handsome they were, each at the same time in one way or another making the most of what he wore. I said they were very fine. The houses of that Village had no windows or doors, except on the side toward the street ; and when the gates of the streets at each end were looked the Village was in- THE NEW JPIOON IN AFRICA. 47 deed a fortress. As an additional protection trees had been cut down, and all the surrounding approaches had been thus blocked up. This Village was situated on the top of a high hill. Interiorly the houses were divided by a bark parti- tion into two rooms; one the kitchen, where every body sits or lies down on the ground about the fire, smokes his pipe, and goes to sleep, while listening to the oth- ers. There also in the evening the harp is played. The other is the sleeping apartment. This one is per- fectly dark, and here are stored all their provisions, all their riches. To ascertain how large a family any house- holder has, you have only to count the little doors which open into the various sleeping apartments: “So many doors, so many Wives.” These houses, like all the houses I had seen in the interior, were made of the bark of trees. There is nothing more disgusting than the toilet of one of these Mbondemo fellows, except it be the toilet of his wife. The women seem to lay on the oil and red earth thicker than their husbands. The third night after I arrived in that strange village there was a new moon. As soon as the shades of even- ing came no one talked except in an under-tone. The people hardly came out of their huts ; all was silent. In the evening the King came out of his house and danced along the street; his face and body were painted white, black, and red, and spotted all over with spots the size of a peach. In the dim moonlight he had a frightful ap- pearance, which made me shudder at first, for I could not help thinking of' the devil. [I asked him why he painted thus, but he only answered by pointing to the moon without speaking a word. r « .st-"“«.‘“-r- ru~ w >~~ ' , , " ,r“*H_,s,__n,fi_yu_» 7-“, v 48 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. rI‘he day of the new moon when the evening comes a strange kind of dread seems to seize these people. In all the tribes that day theyvmark their bodies with ochre, but I have never been able to find out the reason. To them the moon is the emblem of time. Hence, as the moon appears, many think that before it has disappear- ed again it will eat people; that is to say, that some one may die. ' The fifth day I had been in that village, in the mid- dle of the night, I was awakened by the war-drnm beat- - ing,.shouts of war, and a terrific uproar. Men and women were running to and fro, and all said the enemy was near. One man had been seen outside the palisade and when challenged had run away. “Let them home!” they shouted, “let them come! We have the sz'm't among us !” (meaning me). “ Dare to come, and we will kill you all l” It was not a very pleasant situation to be in. I did not come to make war with one party or the other. The large Mbniti was instantly brought out, and the peo- ple danced round it in the most strange and fantastic way ; one by one the great Mbisho warriors came'by her, and sung songs to her—the idol was a woman. One warrior danced tremendously before her; "he kicked his legs up and down one after the other, then put himself in the most supplieating posture, his two hands forward, and simply asked that he might kill every man that came to attack him. At last he got so excited that I thought he would go mad. His eyes became wild, the foam came out of his mouth, the muscles on his face worked eonvulsively, he seized his spear with tremendous force, and his face looked like that of a demon. While he .stnt'au '5 A FALSE ALARM 49 was in that state the other people caught the excitement, the drum beat more loudly, they sung more ferociously than before, the Whole town became warlike in the ex- - treme. Of course there was no more sleep for me. The morning at last came, but no warriors had appear- ed to attack the village. I am sure a panic had seized my friends, and that Which they took for a man was nothing but some Wild animal passing by the Village walls. The rainy season had fairly set in in these regions at the time of my arrival, and thunder, lightning, and heavy showers were common both day and night. CHAPTER VI. HUNT FOR GORILLAS.—A LARGE ONE SHOT.—-THE NEGROES MAKE CHARMS OF HIS BRAIN. —MOURNING IN A BAKA- LAI TOWN. I AM in the densest part of the jungle! What am I doing in that jungle, armed to the teeth, and loaded with provisions? If you could have looked closely you would have I seen three black men with me. They also were armed to the teeth and were loaded with provisions. Their bodies were painted and they were covered with war- fetiches ; and if they thought their fetiohes had any power it was time to wear them, for if we were not going to make war with man, we were to hunt and try to meet the ter- rible and ferocious gorilla. Yes, we were in fighting trim, and we intended to re- main in the forest as long as our provisions would hold out. I had my best gun with me, which had been loaded in the most careful manner that very morning. My three men, Miengai, Makinda, and Yeava, had also loaded their guns, which were flint-locks. They had loaded them tremendously, and instead of lead bullets had rammed down four or five pieces of iron bar or rough broken cast- iron pieces, making the whole charge eight or ten fingers deep. AFTER G ORILLAS. 5 1 The country was very rough, hilly, and densely crowd- ed with trees, and under the trees the jungle was almost impassable, consequently our hunting could hardly be counted sport, for we had to work fearfully hard and with the greatest care; but I felt strong, for I had rested for two or three days and the fever had let me alone. We saw several gorilla tracks, and about noon divided our party in the hope of surrounding the resting-place of one whose tracks were very plain. I had scarcely got away from my party when I heard a report of a gun, then of three more going off one after the other. Of course I ran back as fast as I could, hoping to see a dead ani- mal before me, but was disappointed: my Mbondemo fellows had fired at a female, and had wounded her, as I saw by the clots of blood which marked her tracks, but she had made good her escape. We set out in pursuit; but these woods were too thick, she knew their depths better than we did, and could go through them much faster. I was greatly disappointed. This Was the second time I had seen gorillas and they had run away. I had heard of the fierce courage of the gorilla and his attacking mana I began to believe that ’all that had been told me was untrue; and said so to Miengai, who for sole answer said—“ We have not yet seen a man gorilla. The mother gorilla does 'not fight.” N ight came upon us as we were still beating the bush, and it was determined a little before sunset to camp by the side of a beautiful stream of clear water and to try our luck the next day. We had shot some monkeys and two beautiful guinea-fowls. After our fire had been lit the men roasted their monkey-meat over the coals; I 3 52 T/VILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. roasted my birds before the blaze on a stick. I was very hungry and enjoyed them. Then I fixed my two fires in such a way that they would last for a long time. I laid between them, and instead of a roof of leaves I made one with the bark of trees, and soon fell asleep; but the wars of the leopards and the dismal cries of the owls awoke me several times. We started early the next day, not discouraged, and pushed for the most dense and impenetrable part of the forest, for there, in those deep recesses, we hoped we might find a gorilla. Hour after hour we travelled, and yet no signs of gorillas—we had hardly met a track. We could only hear at long intervals the little chattering 0f monk- eys, and occasionally of birds. The solitude was grand, the silence profound, so much so that we could hear our panting breath as we ascended hill after hill. I was be- ginningte despair. Suddenly Miengai uttered a little Cluck with his tongue, which is the native’s way of showing that some- thing is stirring, and that a sharp lookout is necessary; in a word, to keep ourselves on our guard, or that danger was surrounding us. Presently I noticed, ahead of us seemingly, a noise as of some one breaking down branches or twigs of trees. “7e stopped and came Close together. I knew at once by the eager and excited looks of the men that it was a gorilla. They looked once more carefully at their guns, to see if by any Chance the powder had fallen out of the pans; I also examined mine, to make sure that all was right, and then we marched on cautiously. The singular noise of the breaking of the branches AN ENORMO us GORILLA. 53 continued. We walked with the greatest care, making no noise at all. The countenanees of the men showed that they thought themselves engaged in a very serious undertaking; but we pushed on, until I thought I could see through the woods the moving of the branches and small trees which the great beast was tearing down7 probably to get from them the berries and fruits he lives on. I remember how close we were to each other. Suddenlyras we were still creeping along7 in a silence which made a heavy breath seem loud and distinct, the woods were at once filled with the tremendous barking roar of the gorilla. Then the underbrush swayed rapidly ahead, and pres- ently there stood before us an immense male gorilla. He had come through the jungle on all-fours, to see who dared to disturb him; but when he saw our party he steed up and looked us boldly in the face. He stood about a dozen yards from us, and it was a sight I shell never forget. He looked so big! Nearly six feet high, with immense body, huge chest, and great muscular arms, with fiercely-glaring, large, deep, gray eyes, and a hellish expression of face, which seemed to me like some nightmare Vision. Thus stood before me the king of the African forest. How black his face was! He was not afraid of us. He stood there, and beat his breast with his huge fists till it resounded like an immense bass-drum, which is their mode of offering defiance; meantime giving vent to roar after roar. This roar was the most singular and awful noise I had ever heard in these African forests. It began with , ,...--,-.—-«~—-.~...~,~x-~wwy< m' -‘ » .—_>‘ -' NW“ , ,- ,v a 54 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UA TOR- a sharp bark, like that of an angry dog; then glided into a deep bass 7‘0ll which literally and closely resem- bled the roll of distant thunder along the sky. I have heard the lion'roar, but greater, deeper, and more fearful is the roar of the gorilla. So deep is it that it seems to proceed less from the mouth and throat than from the deep chest and vast paunch 0f the beast. The earth was literally shaking under my feet as he roared, and for a while I knew not where I was. Was it an apparition from the infernal regions? Was I asleep or not? I was soon reminded that it was not a dream. I said quietly to myself——“ Du Chaillu, if you do not kill this gorilla, as sure as you are born he will kill you.” His eyes began to flash fierce fire as we stood motion- ]ess 0n the defensive, and the crest of short hair which stands on his forehead began to twitch rapidly up and down and was perfectly frightful to look at. His pow- erful fangs, or enormous canines, were shown as he again sent forth a thunderous roar: the red inside of his mouth contrasted singularly with his intensely black face. .And now truly he reminded me of nothing but some hellish dream—creatnre—a being of that hideous order, half man, half beast, which we find pictured by 0101 artists in some representations of the infernal regions';’ but nothing they ever painted could approach this horrid monster in ugliness. He' advanced a few steps in a waddling way, for his short legs seemed incapable of supporting his huge body ; then stopped to utter that hideous roar again—advaneed again, and finally stopped when at a distance of five or six yards from us. And then—as he extended his arms : ......u' "an? ‘1’ ' 'V’I'II'HO‘E) V .10 I‘IOVJnLV $011311 V Y, I I \‘ \ “fi ‘ MN \ mlmnw mfigégyg % ,; 5: i ’r 9:: w 1...; « ‘Wmmw; .._.v .‘ THE GORILLA LS SIIOT. 57 as though ready to clutch us, and just as he began another of his frightful roars, beating his breast with rage ——what a huge hand he had I—I fired, and killed him. With a groan that had something terribly human in it7 and yet was full of hrutishness, he fell forward on his face like a man when he is struck by a bullet in the chest. He shook eonvulsively for a few minutes, his limbs moved about in a struggling way, the tremor of the muscles ceased, and then all was quiet—death had done its work. The monster was hardly dead when I suddenly began to tremble all over7 my lower jaw met my upper one in a way I did not like at all, and my men looked at me with their mouths wide open in perfect amazement. They could hardly believe their eyes, but having recovered themselves, they asked me what was the matter. I an- swered that I did not know, and that I had asked myself the same question. For fifteen minutes my jaws went on cracking against each other, and the more I tried to stop them the more they chattered. I felt awfully mortified; but there was no help for it. I said—“Next time you will see; I shall not do it again.” I kept my word, but I never met a large male gorilla without thinking that it might be the last of me. There was great rejoicing, but it did not last long, for they soon began to quarrel about the apportionment of the meat. They really eat the creature, and the Fans told me that next to the flesh of man the gorilla meat was the best. It looked wonderfully like beef, only it seemed to be almost wholly composed of muscle. I saw that they would come to blows presently if I C 2 £38 WILD LIFE UNDER TJfE EQ UATOR. did not interfere; hence I said that if they were going to fight I would join in; and taking the butt-end of my gun, I said I would smash the heads of the three while they were fighting With each other. This saying of mine at once made them laugh and they became quiet. They knew that I meant what I said, and they did not fancy getting a thrashing. The subject of the quarrel was about the brain of the gorilla. Miengai said he would have the whole of it, for he was the oldest. What would they have known about the spirit pointing out to me if it had not been for him? He said this with such complacency and self—sat- isfaotion that I could not help smiling ; but this argument of Miengai did not seem to satisfy Makinda and Yeava. So I said I would give part of the brain to each of them, and when they had it they wrapped it most care— fully in leaves, and I was told that mondco (charms) were to he made of thiS—charms of two kinds. Prepared in one way, and mixed with bone, claws, feathers, ashes of certain beasts, birds, and trees, the charm would give the wearer a strong hand for the hunt, after he had rub- bed his hands and arms with the mixture, Prepared another way it gave the wearer success with women; ’ he became irresistible, and all the pretty girls were will- ing to become his 'wives. I could not help thinking that if that latter charm was real, how much bachelors and widowers would like to possess it at home where pretty girls are so difficult to please. My men in the evening fed on the gorilla meat, and I fed on the meat of a small and beautiful little gazelle which Makinda had killed. The blazing fires shed their light through the beauti- ' M :mmmv. "'::"4x:- :fimflwvmmma—fiwka .__.._,_w,‘ , ,7 ,3 gym, (4 ..,___,_ ,.,, , TIIE PEOPLE SCARED. 5 9 ful forest, and I went to sleep happy: but during the night I awoke, uttering a tremendous shout which made my men laugh, for they had been up for some time in order to eat a little more of the gorilla meat. I had the nightmare, and had dreamed that I was pursued by half a dozen gorillas, and when I gave that awful shriek I had just fancied that one of these monsters was clutching me and was going to carry me away to the forest. We were tired and worn out7 but at last we reached a deserted Village which we hadyfound before our hunt- ing and where we had our camp. J udge of our astonish- ment when I found the place in possession of a division of travelling Bakalais! The village was full of them: men, women7 children and babies were there; they had quantities offood; all their baggage, composed of old bask- ets, cooking-pots, oalabashes, mats; and all their farming implements. The men were all armed. ‘ My apparition among them threw them into the utmost confusion, and if I had not been followed by Miengai, who shouted to them to keep still, they would have fled ; but after a while we were great friends, especially after I had distributed a few beads among the women. They had been living on the banks of a river called Noya, and were moving far from that place toward an- other village where the old chief had two or three sons- in-lztw and the same number of fathers-in-law. . These people seemed to be in dread of something. They seemed to be in retreat, as though they had fled from their former placeof abode. I learned that, a few days before, one of their men while bathing in the river had been killed by some un- known enemy. Hereupon they were seized with a pan- rr.....i,....‘~.__¢v~r,i ,, Mflprr l“ W , >«mfirrwnyv. , > 717 7:.....__:.7.,,> , W , 72,“, ,7 , ~ 60 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. is, believed their Village attacked by witches, that the An- iemba witchcraft was among them, and they must aban- don it and settle elsewhere or they would all die one after the other. Just a little before sunset I saw every one of them re- tire within doors; the children ceased to play, and all became very quiet in the camp, where just before there was so much noise and bustle. Then suddenly arose on the air one of those mournful, heart-piercing chants which you hear‘among all the tribes of this land. It was a chant for one of their departed friends. As they sang, tears rolled down the cheeks of the women7 fright distorted their faces and cowed their spirits. I listened and tried to gather the words of their chants. There was a very monotonous repetition of one idea—that of sorrow at the departure from among them of one of their friends and fellow-Villagers. Thus they sang: ' W'e chi noli lubella pe na bes/ze “ Oh, you will never speak to us any more, We can not see your face any more ; You will never walk with us again, You will never settle our palavers for us.” And so on. ' They sang until the sun had disappeared below the horizon, till the orb that gives gladness to the heart and life to the world had gone from sight, and they chose the time of its disappearance to pour out their mourning- songs. I thought there was something very poetical in the relationship of the time to the subject. For what should we do without the sun? It is the very heart of life! CHAPTER VII. AN AFRICAN FIRESIDE.—A CAMP BY THE SEA-SHORE.—THE FIRST GORILLA HUNTER.—-NEGRO BLARNEY. AS I and my men lay by the fire, I said to them— “Now to-night I am going to tell you a story; an old story from the white man’s country concerning yours.” There was a very great silence at once, for they knew it was not often I came out with a story, and they all shout- ed with one aooord—“ Tell us a story I” at the same time forming a circle round me. So I begun : “Ever so long ago, and a long way off from here, but still in your own land, there was a power- ful country called Carthage. The people of that country were brave and not afraid of war. They had many ships, , and their ships went into different countries. At that time the Commi nation must have been a long way in the interior and your people had never seen the sea. “ Would you believe,”said I7 “ that these Carthaginians came with their ships round here? And I really think they saw the very country in which we now are! They not only saw this country, but saw the gorilla, yes, saw the gorilla! If you were in the white man’s country I would show you the old manuscript (the book), where we have an account of what I am going to say. You know,” said I, “ that words coming from the mouth are soon forgot 62 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. ten, but these words that are written are not.” Then tak- ing from my chest my journal, I read it to them, and then . said—“ When I am dead, and you and your children are dead, and for ever so long afterward, that journal, if it is not lost, will be read in the same manner as I read it to you to-day, and the people will understand the meaning of it then as you do to—day, and will know what I did, though thousands of rainy and dry seasons may pass away. “ So Ha’nno the Carthaginian,” I continued, “ was the head-man of all these ships, and left Carthage with sixty vessels. In that time the ships were unlike those you see now, and thirty thousand men and women are said to have sailed with him. Each ship was rowed by fifty oarsmen. When we read that book called the ‘Periplus; or, The Voyage of Hanno,’ we find the fol- lowing words in which we now suppose he alludes to the gorilla: v i“ ‘ On the third day, having sailed from thence, pass- ing the streams of fire, we 'came to a bay called the Horn of the South.” [“ That ‘IIorn of the South,” I added, “might be Cape Lopez.”] “ ‘ In the recess was an island like the first, having a lake, and in this there was another island full of wild men.’ ” [At this point of my story they looked in each other’s faces with amazement] “‘But the greater part of them were women with hairy bodies, whom the interpreters called Gorillas.’ ” [Here there rose a wild shout of astonishment] “ ‘But pursuing them, we were not able to take the men, who all escaped from us by their great agility, being THE FIRb” ’ GURILLA H LHVTJL’R. 6 $3 crenwnobates (that is to say, climbing precipitous rocks and trees, and defending themselves by throwing stones at us). We took three women, who hit and tore those who caught them, and were unwilling to follow them. We were obliged to kill them, and took their skins off, which skins were brought to Carthage, for we did not navigate further, provisions becoming scarce.’ ” 1M7 /// /’ Ill ‘1 .mi Iggy? EVENING AMUSEMENTB IN AFRICA. During this latter part of my story there was a dead silence, and as soon as I had finished they said—“ Chail- lu, is this a real story or not ‘3” And when I assured them it was, they said—“ Yes, it must he the gorilla that that man called Hanno saw.” I was quite astonished at their remembering the name < “33%“;1‘ HM,” 1H”. U4 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. . of the admiral; it showed me what an impression my story had c'reated on their minds. Then said I : “ Boys, there are two or three points in the story I have told you. which inclines me to believe that the country Hanno speaks of is not this one, and still there are several facts which make me think that the country where we are now is the same. “ The very land on which we stand is sandy; not far 01? is the River Fernand Vaz, and on one side another river, the Commi River, is found. It may be that the land on which we stand was then an island, and that Cape Lopez is the Horn of the South of which that great man IIanno speaks. Time changes countries; in one part the sea will take away, in another part the sea Will give. Such is the country in which we are.” V They shouted with one accord that it could not be; how could land rise? how could the land go down? As to the sea eating away the land, they believed it, for they had seen it; and as to the land gaining in some places, they believed that also, for theyhad seen it. They all wondered how near the word Gorilla was to that of Ngina and N guyla, the latter name being given by the Bakalai to the beast. , After my story, we all went to bed. I wrapped my- self carefully in my blanket and soon fell asleep, think- ing unconsciously of the gorillas, and hoping soon to meet some. It was the dry season; we were in the month of August, and I was near Cape St. Catherine. The wind was blowing hard, the atmosphere was chilly, the sky was clouded as though it was going to rain, but no rain was coming, for no rain falls at this time of the year. 0N TH E SEA—SHORE . 65 The thermometer stood at 70°, but I felt quite cold, and I wore a sailor’s woolen shirt. ' The sea was rolling up the shore in heavy rollers which would upset a canoe in the twinkling of an eye; we had just arrived, and had come to hunt, fish, and be merry. ' My Commi men had all gone to the woods to cut branches of palm-trees, and collect poles to build shelters. I wish you could have seen the place where I had my encampment. On that part of the coast from Cape Lopez, and further south than Cape St. Catherine, the whole coast is low and covered with prairies which lift but a few feet above the sea level. They are wooded here and there, and shrubs are often mixed with the grass growing on the sandy soil; the grass is good, not growing to a great height, but at this time of the year it has been burned down. The landscape has a great sameness, and from the sea it is most difficult to know any special spot of the land. Altogether it is a dreary country, a very dreary country to look at, but after all I was thankful not to be shut up in the forest; for to see nothing but trees and trees is very tiresome; be- sides, the Atlantic was before me, and as I gazed upon its broad waters I wished I could see the shores of America. The spot where I stood was about two degrees south ‘ of the equator. Our camp was to be built near one of those numerous islands of trees which dot the prairie, and we were to have it built in such a manner as to protect us from the high winds which blew almost directly from the south that time of the year. One by one the men came back—some with a load of 66 W'ILJ) LIFE L/VJJEIL’ J 1113’ EQ UA TOR. lOng stem-branehes of the palm; others with the leaves ; others with firewood, and others with sticks to make our beds with. Then we went to work in earnest, and as they work- ed the men sang songs. These men, my own people7 had always been with me wherever I went except when I went too far into the interior. They were all splendid canoe-men. There was Kombé whom we had called the quarrel- ler; Ratenou his brother, who was a splendid fellow to .go with his canoe through the breakers; Oshimbo, who could paddle better than any man I ever knew; Ritim- ho, a jolly good fellow, always ready to beat the tam- tarn when asked for; Makomhé, a splendid one to tell us marvellous stories in the eVening; Rakenga, a great fisherman; Bandja, a man who knew how to climb the palm-trees and get palm wine; Adouma, who could trap game and was said to possess. a wonderful fetieh to make the game come to him; Risani, a‘good carpenter, who said he was willing to work, but who was contin- ually talking of the amount of food he could eat; then came Yombi, who constantly bragged of how much palm wine he could swallow, but was always promising never to get tipsy—for I had promised him as good a drubbing as ever he would wish to get ifI caught him in a state of intoxication. The last man of the party was a slave; a harp player. There was no hunter but myself. So you see we were a nice set altogether, and all were devoted to me and obeyed me cheerfully. They all loved me dearly. Indeed, all the people of that country loved me. NEGR 0 BLARIVE Y. 6 7 We had also quite an outfit of things with us. The cooking utensils were numerous: we had three brass kettles, three iron pots, one frying-pan, and three water- jars. We had also three axes, half a dozen machetes, and several fishing-nets, and I had three of my guns, fifty pounds of shot, a couple of hundred bullets, and there were flint-lock guns for the men. We did not care to be armed; we were in our own country—in the Commi Country, where my settlement of Washington is situated. I had three chests, one containing my clothes and one filled with splendid heads of Kentucky tobacco for my men, for they were all inveterate smokers, myself being the only one that did not smoke. I had also several dozens of pipes. All rejoiced at the unbounded supply of tobacco and pipes: they were to have such a glorious time; they were to take such great care of their friend Chaillee, their king; there was no other Ntangani (white man) like him ; he was their good Mbuiti (spirit); all this talk was to soften my heart about the tobacco. At last the camp was done, and we were not sorry7 for we had worked hard the whole day. We had a hinge pile of plantains with us, which the wives and slaves of King Olenga Yombi had brought to us; we had a large quantity of sugar-cane and some baskets of ground-nuts; the river and the sea were not far off7 and having our nets with us there was a prospect of getting plenty of fish. In the evening, when my men were smoking their pipes, we quietly talked about our hunting and fishing prospects. V I had discovered that this Cape St. Catherine was a 68 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOB. very great gorilla country. These huge beasts roam in the forests Which grow down to the very edge of the sea, and now and then get a peep at the ocean. Iwonder What they think of it. I would have given the world to see them looking at it ; to see their deep gray eyes gazing on the broad expanse of the waters. I have seen their very footsteps Within a few yards of the beach. CHAPTER VIII. HIPPOPOTAMUS HUNTING.—VVE KILL ONE.—THE MEN EAT IT.—POOR BEEF.—-VVHAT THE TUSKS ARE FOR. IT was night; the moon had just risen, and threw a strange glare on every thing round ; I was in the prairie, and had been there since ten o’clock in the morning, looking for wild beasts. At last I saw five hippopotami grazing. I approached with cautious steps, or rather I crawled 0n the ground toward the huge beasts, till I came near enough to see the shadows their immense bodies threw around them. The question was how to get within gunshot without being seen. There was nothing to protect me from their View, for the grass had been burned; there was nothing either to protect me against their assault. Supposing that I killed the one I should shoot at, the others might take it into their heads to charge upon me. Not a tree was within reach. Now I had been so accustomed to hunt ‘ wild beasts that I was not afraid of any of them, but I knew that I could not kill five hippopotami at once. Suddenly the animals turned round and gradually approached a grove of trees; but what was to be done? the wind almost blew from that grove toward them! “ At any rate I will try,” said Ito myself, “ to go there, 70 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOIE. but I must take a roundabout way.” How carefulI had . to be in order not to be seen ! I felt very much excited, and when I reached the lit- tle island, or grove, of trees without being discovered I was mightily pleased with myself. It was, I thought, a splendid piece of wooderaft on my part. I fancied I was almost the equal of Aboko, who had killed the rogue elephant at Cape Lopez. I had reached the grove from the opposite side to that where I supposed the hippopot- ami to he. The only sure way for me to come close to them was to go through the grove and wait until they should come within gunshot from the other side. The trees were not very thick, and I could pass through the underhrush without making much noise. I thought that perhaps there was a leopard there, and if so he would leap upon me before I was aware. It was just the time of the night when they were out, and they ahounded in that region. I therefore entered the woods, looking to the left and to the right and ahead of me7 in order not to be surprised, and met several hippopota- mi tracks. J ust as I was in the midst of the grove I suddenly heard a great crash in the direction I was going. Then followed several other crashes coming from other parts. I listened: they were the hippopotami: they had enter- ed the grove by several paths converging toward me. I kept still. I do believe my hair must have stood up on my head, for I was awfully excited. The hippo~ potami were coming just where I was. I cooked my gun, hid myself behind a big tree, and waited. I heard the crash of branches in all directions except one, and finally saw the branches of the trees 7W7 , I //’ ’ / // / ; {11/ ,.) l] ?;N I) 4 fl 'me-fll/fl , M V (F%IIW" M 4 r '} ¢sz mm ’ IL. 1‘ l"! 2, 7 ~7/w 'INVLOJOJJIH {)NLLN‘JH A DINNER 0F HIPPOPOTAMUS. 73 moving not far from me, and by the dim moonlight piercing through the not very thick foliage, I perceived a monster hippopotamus, the male of the herd, coming sideways so as to pass within a few yards of me. Sud- denly he stopped; gave one of his sonorous grunts; and then advanced. What a monster he was! What a huge body! What short legs! At last just as he had passed . me, so that he could not face me without turning his unwieldy body, I fired into his ear, and the monster dropped on the spot with scarcely a struggle. But I wish you had been with me to hear the rush of the others. I thought all the trees were coming down! One in his fright came down in my direction. I thought he was charging me, so I fired, and I heard the bullet strike some part 'of his body, probably one of his tasks, for it made a great noise; but that was all; he passed on with a rapidity of which I thought these beasts perfectly in- capable. I was glad when they were all out of the way. It had been an exciting hunt and I was satisfied. So I returned to the camp, and the next day we all went to cut up the beast. Some of the married men out long strips of the hide to make whips, which they use pretty freely on the backs of their wives; but I made them promise not to use these whips except in self—defense. There wasjoy in the camp in the evening. We had music, and I enjoyed the broth amazingly; it was really good, and I wish I could say the same of the flesh; but he was an old fellow and the meat was exceedingly tough. I soon gave up the job of trying to eat it. It did me good to see how my men enjoyed it. They had a dance in the evening. In the book called “ Stories of the Gorilla Country ” I D .7 1‘” menvvsw- wvvwwwm ,‘ "2‘ " ‘ 5t; , ‘ 7 “E3511; , 74 WILD LIFE UNDER TJEIE’ EQ UATOR. have not told how curious is the head of this great, un- wieldy creature. HE AD OF HIPPOPOTAM U9. Look at the huge, crooked tasks! What are they for? After watching a great many times the movements of the hippopotamus, I became assured that these huge, crooked tusks, Which give its mouth such a savage ap— pearance, are designed chiefly to hook up the long river- grasses on which these animals feed in great part. I . have often seen one descend to the bottom, remain a few minutes, and reappear with its tusks strung With grass, Which was then leisurely chewed up. There are no large herds of hippopotami in the parts of Africa I have explored, like those found in South Africa, thirty being about the greatest number I have ever seen together. CHAPTER IX. A GREAT GORILLA. A FEW days after killing the hippopotamus I took a solitary path in the woods, leading to one of the la- goons 0r creeks so common along this coast. Many of the trees growing in the woods belonged to a species of African teak. The soil being sandy7 the forest was not dense. Here and there a cluster of palms, bearing the nut that furnishes the palm-Oil, was seen. Liannes and creepers twined round some of the trees and hung grace- fully down. The limbs and trunks of many trees were literally covered with orchidae, commonly called air plant. These when in bloom bear very beautiful flow- ers which shed a delicious fragrance. In many places the pine-apple plants were very abun- dant and grew by thousands close together. Now and then a little stream, meandering through the woods, found its way to the creek or to the sea. Birds were scarce, very scarce, and the silence of the woods was only broken by the booming sound of the heavy surf, as each wave broke in foaming white hi1- lows before it reached the shore. The wind blew hard, 6 as usual at that time of the year, and whispered strange- ly as it passed through the trees to the country behind. 75 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. NOW and then I could see the footprints of gorillas that had wandered like myself through the woods, but these foot-prints were several days old. I came to a place Where the pineapple plants were abundant, and Where the gorillas had evidently feasted on the leaves, for thousands of them had been plucked out and only the White part eaten. Here and there a young pineap- FOOT-PRINTS OF THE GORILLA. p1e had been partly eaten away by these hairy men of Hanno, one or two bites taken and the fruit then thrown aside. I had to be very careful in walking for fear of mak- ing a noise, for the forest not being dense, gorillas could have seen me at a long distance. The tondo fruit was - also abundant throughout the wood. A GREAT GIORJLLA. 77 * After I had followed the woods along the sea-shore for a While I suddenly came to a place Where a large male gorilla had been: the footprints were of enor- mous size and he must have been a monstrous fellow. This plaee—Was not further than three feet from the beach, and I could distinctly see by the footprints of the monster that it had been on aH-fours and suddenly had raised itself to an erect posture; While the bending of a branch about eight or nine feet high, just above the marks, showed that the animal had supported himself by it. By the position of the heels I knew that the mon- ster had been looking at the sea. Yes, he had been looking, probably in great wonder, at the broad expanse of water before him: he had seen the waves as they came in white billows breaking them~ selves on the beach; as far as his deep-sunken gray eyes could reach they had seen nothing but the ocean : perhaps he had also been looking at the sun as it disap- peared below the horizon. I could but wonder What the thoughts of that great ape might have been! “Yes,” said I to myself, “ this mpst be the country Where Hanno the Carthaginian came.” And for a While I thought of those men of old Whose history we learn at school or college. They have gone, but they have left their mark behind them, and will continue to be remembered for a long time. Then I put my feet inside of the footprints of the gorilla how small they did look When compared with those of' the huge creature l—and for a While I stood eX- actly On the same spot Where he had stood. I do not know Why, but I felt a kind of satisfaction in doing so; «flum-v-m-W, . vua:~..w~wr~r~m ~1-1.-m rmnm va-n 78 W'ILI) LIFE UACDER THE EQUATOR. and like him I gazed at the sea, but, unlike him, I thought of the dear friends who lived on the other side, and I blessed them ! Then, looking carefully at my gun, I left the place and continued my ramble, when lo! in the far distance I spied a gorilla! The beast did not see me: it was a female, and must have been half a mile from the sea. I hid my- self behind a tree in order to watch all her movements unseen. She was seated on the ground before a cluster of pineapples, quietly eating one : she soon threw it away and plucked some of the leaves. How black the face was! She grinned now and then, probably from the joy the food gave'her, when suddenly, to my utter astonish- ment, at little gorilla, about two feet and a half in height, came running to its mother, who gave a kind of chuckle that resembled very much the click of the Bushmen of Southern Africa. I began to be terribly excited. I must kill the moth- er and try to capture the young one. How sorry I was to be alone. I wished my men had been with me. Unfortunately there were many intervening trees, and she was about three hundred yards off. How could the bullet from my rille reach her? I had just left my place of concealment When she perceived me. She utter- ed a piercing cry and disappeared, with her young one following her. When I returned to the camp every body had gone except Kombé, who had been left in charge. On my way back I took the sea-shore, and saw on the beach for the first time the footprints made by the hippopotami, and I wondered what they came to do so near the sea. So I followed one and was surprised to see their heavy foot A Y0 UNG GORILLA. 79 FEMALE GORILLA AND HER YOUNG. steps along the beach: they must certainly have come there to bathe, and this I had never seen before. ‘ One fine morning, just at sunrise, Ispied a sail coming from the south. How glad I was as I saw that sail com- ing nearer and nearer! I knew that white men were on board I The canoe which my men had fetched from Amimbri lay on the beach ready to be launched: the men were there with their paddles ready. Ratenou was in com- mand and waiting for my orders. What was to be done? I had left the flag at Wash- ington ! How sorry I felt! A long pole which Komhé had cut was brought, and u“ mm A-i‘ddsz-I u. ». . - ‘ 11w .4 80 WILD LIFE UNDER Tifls' EQ UATOR. instead of the flag one of my white shirts was tied to its top by the sleeves, and then the pole was elevated, and soon the shirt floated in the shape of a flag. The vessel came nearer and nearer the shore, and I could soon make out that it was a whaler: there was no mistake about it, for I could see the whale- boats. Wlth my spy-g Glass I looked and saw the white faces of the men. The ship hoisted its flag, and the stars and stripes of the great Republic displayed themselves. A wild hur- rah from me greeted their appearance, and my men gave three cheers. The breakers were heavy, very heavy, but we must go on board; I must bear the news; I must see the face of a white man—I who had been so long away from ciV~ i1ization,fr0m my kindred, and from the world. “ BOys, let us try I” I shouted with excitement; “ let us go on board 1” All the voices of my men shouted, “ Let us try !” and immediately the canoe came down the beach, five men on each‘side paddle in hand, Ratenou and I standing by the stern. We were watching an opportunity when the angry billows should calm down and there should be a lull. The 11111 came, and almost as quick as lightning the canoe was in the sea and we were off. My men paddled as hard as they could 1n order to pass the surf before the heavy rollers should break again. But 10! when we were about michay, the face of Ratenou changed color, for from far away came one of those heavy swells that, as he knew, would gradually change itself into a heavy roller as it neared the shore, A GREA T G ORILLA. ‘ 8 I and in breaking dash to pieces all that came in contact with it. If that roller broke before it reached us, how- ever, all would be right. > It came on, rising and rising, when suddenly Ratenou said—“Comnii, you are men! Let us take care of our white man 1” ' Then the paddles stood still; the roller crested and broke right upon our canoe, upsetting it with fearful ' force, and whirling us round and round. I was stunned by the force of the waves; breaker after breaker came dashing upon us, one after the other, but the faithful Commi men were there, shouting one to another—“Let us take care of our white man 1” Ratenou, Kombé, and Oshimbo were swimming under me; I was surrounded by them all; good,nob1e fellows they were. At last we reached the shore. I looked round. Every man was there; no one had been drowned; no one had had his head smashed by the upsetting of the canoe. With a grateful heart I thanked God for his goodness to us all. The tide was coming up, and our canoe and pad- dles were soon thrown on the beach by the force of the waves and the current. I looked at that vessel, and how sorry when I was gradually its white sails became dimmer and dimmer in the distance. At last it disappeared, and with a heavy sigh I made for the camp. If you had been in a strange land amid savages,I am sure you would have felt as I did then. D ‘2 Wun' (-v-flE—ir‘ mm; »'W ,, , _ j 7‘77 r~:-— . m , WW? 7_ .- A 7 77 7_ _ AW CHAPTER X. DEATH IN AN AFRICAN VILLAGE.—LAMENTATIONS.—-THE FUNERAL CEREMONIES—AN AFRICAN CEMETERY. WHAT a strange thing is an African funeral! In a town on the banks of the Rembo,ca11ed Conaco, Where I - had just arrived in my canoe, a man was very ill. These poor savages seemed to be very sorry for him, but did not know What to do. If I remember aright, the name of that man was Irende. He had been a great warrior and a great hunter, but disease had laid him prostrate7 though he was still a young man. The next day a great many people came into the vil- lage With their tam-tams, 0r drums, and. different sorts of musicaIinstruments. They were to try if they could - not drive the devil away. With a great deal of trouble a few guns had been Obtained, and also some powder, in oraer to make more noise. In the evening the people entered the hut of Irende and began to sing. The drummers had already gone in- side and were beating their drums most furiously; a few broken brass kettles added their noise to that of the drums; some heat sticks on pieces of wood. In fact, every body tried to make all the noise he could. At last those who. had the guns came and fired them close to the ears of the poor fellow, and also near his stom- DEATH IN A VILLAGE. ’ 83 ach, where the abambo (the devil) was supposed to be. ' I could not stay more than five minutes in the hut, for the din was tOo great for me. They wanted to drive the abambo out of the poor sick man so that he might get well. But all the drumming they did, all the mbuz’ti (idol) had said concerning his recovery, all the care his Wives, sisters and his mother bestowed upon him, were of no avail. The poor fellow died the second day after my arrival, right in the midst of the drumming, just a few min- utes after the guns had been fired near his ears and stom- ach. It was midnight when he died. I was in my hut, which was not far off, when suddenly there burst from .one end of the village to the other a wail that told me ' the sad story. Irende was dead 1 What a wail it was! It went right to my heart, it was so piercing, so heart-rending; I could not help but feel sorry for these poor people. The wailing and the mourn- ing-songs lasted all night; there was no sleep for me. In the morning I was led once more to the house where the body was laid. The room was crowded: women from all the Villages round had come, and they were all seated on the floor. There must have been about three hundred Of them, and they were singing mournful songs to doleful and monotonous airs. The tears were running down their cheeks. The wives of the poor fellow, ten in number, had shaven their hair, had taken off their garments and were almost naked, and they had rubbed their bodies with ashes. Their anklets and bracelets had been removed, and round their necks they wore a piece of native cord indicating that they were widows and in mourning. 84 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UA TOR. At length through the thick crowd I discovered the body of Irende. It was-seated on a stool, the back lean- ing against the wall. It was dressed in an old coat, and by its side was a harp—for Irende had the reputation of being a great musician; there also lay his spear and his gun, which were to be buried With him. His Wives were round him, talking, begging him to ' I ’ /,. ma: 5/; ' _ Q1: , ”— MOURNING THE DEAD. speak to them, and then silence followed. No answer came. Then there burst forth a heart-piercing wail. “He is dead! he is dead!” they shouted. “His lips Will speak to us no more; he Will not hunt for us any more; he will play no more on the wombz' for us I” Then 2111 ended in a long plaintivesong. The mother came, and kneeling before him took hold AN Afi’j‘iICAN FUNERAL. 85 , of his feet, which is the most supplioating manner of ad- dress in Africa; she lookedin his face and said in a very plaintive voice—“ My sofi, you have not spoken to your wives, but I know you will speak to your mother, You will say to her that you are not dead.” The same silence ensued. They all waited in vain for an answer for a few minutes; then the poor mother rolled herself on the ground at her son’s feet, shrieked and cried, and said— _ “ Irende, why do you not speak to your mother ?” The poor mother’s shrieks were so long, so piercing, and she uttered such a wail of grief, that the tears came into my eyes. The poor African mother had a heart! As I left the hut, thinking how strangely the mind of man is constituted, the wailing continued, and was to be kept up until the burial of the corpse. The day of the funeral came, and we went to the hu- rial-ground. As the body left the Village and was put into a canoe, the wailing was tremendous. The men that were to paddle were all painted, almost naked, and covered with fetiches. The drum beat as we descended the stream. As we approached the burial~ground (for these Com- mi have a sort of cemetery) all became silent. Not a word was said; they prayed Ovengua not to get hold of them, and the corpse was left on the sand, a certain amount of which was thrown over it. His wombz' was laid by his side, his gun and his spear were placed in his hand, and necklaces and ornaments were left with him. A cooked dish of plantain and a jar of water were placed beside him, so that he might drinl< and eat if he chose, then all was over and we came away. 86 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR; What a strange burial-ground it was! It was situ- ated on a prairie, with no trees in the neighborhood, and. poles were the only signs that could show it to be a cem- etery. Here and there a grim skeleton could be seen, and the remains of things that had accompanied the deceased men and women to the grave. CHAPTER XI. A TORNADO.--BEFORE THE STORM.—-THUNDER AND LIGHT- NING.——AFTER THE STORM. WE had just returned to our camp in the forest. The day was intensely warm; the rays of the sun pour- ed down upon mother-earth with fearful force; in the forest all was silent as death, for Nature herself seemed prostrated. We were in the season of the tornadoes—the’ latter part of the month of March. The light air that we had, had ceased. The horizon toward the north-east grew black; at first a black spot had appeared only a little above the horizon, then grad: nally rose higher and higher. The sight of this token inspired awe. The wind was blowing from the opposite direction. The white and fleecy clouds that were hang- ing in the atmosphere as they came near the black spot gradually stopped, and were slowly absorbed into black cloud. I looked anxiously on. To a stranger the appearance of the sky showed that a fearful storm was coming. The birds began to fly in the air in a frightened man- ner; my goats began to seek for shelter; the hens hid in the huts; the dogs also sought shelter; and the peo- ple were returning in hot haste from the plantations. wra-flgs'. ' ‘73???»1'j‘ e, L: E; ; g . a g {3 g; :2 88 WILD LIFE UNDER TIM] EQ UATOIE. Every living thing seemed to know what was com- ing: even in the far distance I could hear the roar of the gorilla. ' The black spot gradually rose and formed a semicir- cle, while now and then the distant sound of thunder came upon our ears, warning us of the approaching storm. At last not a breath of air could be detected, and in an instant a white spot rose under the black horizon, and instantaneously scattered it into a thousand clouds. How wild and lurid the sky suddenly appeared! In less than two minutes it was one mass of blackness, the clouds fleeing with terrible velocity, driven away by the white spot, which now increased to huge dimensions. The tops of the trees began to sway rapidly, and before we knew it the fearful wind was upon us. Our little houses were unroofed, and the wind came with a Violence that was quite appalling. The limbs of the trees broke down first, then the trees themselves, and as they fell each brought down half a dozen Others with it, which in falling occasioned a booming sound that resounded from hill to bill. The monkeys became frightened, and their wild chattering indicated that they were filled with ter- ror. It was indeed a wild and terrible spectacle. Flashes of lightning were followed by terrific claps of thunder. The first clap brought me upon my feet, for I thought the lightning must have struck some of us. I was almost blinded by the flash. What a terrific re- port followed! It came on sudden and sharp like the ' firing ofa cannon, and made my ears ring and ring till I thought I should be deafened. This was followed by other terrific claps of thunder ANDHMWA‘ .13 2v~08m BNUHZ 4 TH UNDER AN!) L1 (1’11 1 'NING’. 91 and flashes of lightning which seemed to illuminate the whole sky, accompanied by a pouring rain, a rain so dense that one might have fancied the skies to have been rent in two. Finally the wind ceased, and thank God! had only lasted about ten minutes, though turning all round the compass. The rain, thunder and lightning still continued. Such a storm I had seldom witnessed even in this region of thunder and tornado. Wherever I turned, the bright light in the skies met my eyes: from the West to the North, from the North to the East, and from the East to the South. The flashes of lightning were horizontal, 0f tre- mendous glare and length, and zigzag; sometimes they were perpendicular. For hours and hours the boom of thunder went on, fearful claps bursting from every corner of the sky without intermission. There was scarcely a moment’s interval between the reports. I took special pains to notice this fact. The sound of the thunder seemed ta come from all round the sky; the whole of the heavens seemed to be a sea of fire. What could be more sublime, in the whole domain of Nature, than this grand storm in these equatorial regions of Africa? It was worth coming from our milder climate to see it, to behold this war of the elements, to hear such claps of thunder, to see such torrents of rain pouring down. Though filled’with awe and a dread of I did not know what, I looked on till my eyes were almost blind- ed; I listened and listened until my ears were deafened by the appalling noise of the thunder; I am certain that no country can boast of more fearful thunder than these equatorial and mountainous regions of Western Africa. ' "' 1 ‘L‘ '31 , .I L , 91' u; _~ J?» ~;H\flQ/A~rr»4’g,>“‘ .2)»: H , vi—fiA-f ~& 1: "M wmueg -~ ., . 1' ”V W-"- M"*“'v'“ , ”59”?” ' > ‘1'“ 92 VVJLD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UA TOR. At last, after a few hours; the claps of thunder became less terrible, and there were greater intervals between - the flashes of lightning, which began to diminish in brightness. Gradually the storm ceased, the clouds dis— appeared, and the bluest of skies was disclosed overhead. What a deep blue it was; how beautiful, how lovely, how pure, and how serene I O God, how great thou art! I said to myself. What is man that thou lookest down upon him? He is a creat- ure of thy hands. ' The stars shone with all their brightness. At that time of the year the southern heaven was in its full beauty. All the constellations of the Southern Hemi-r sphere were in view, and the whole sky seemed to be in a perfect blaze of light. How beautiful and resplendent the Milky Way looked! Being not far from the equal tor, I could see also many of the northern constellations. The constellation of the Great Bear was in full sight, and reminded me Of my northern home, of dear friends, of joys that have gone, 0f friendships which distance could not kill, of boys and girls I knew, and I wonder— efl if sometimes ”they thought of me as I thought of them. I was wet through; for our fires had been extinguish- ed and we had the greatest trouble to light them again; and during the night nothing was heard but the mourn- Ful cries of the owl and now and then the disagreeable . howl of the hyena. I CHAPTER XII. A CREEK INFESTED BY SNAKES.—-SNAKE IN THE BOAT.“ AN UGLY VISITOR. IT is intenser hot. We are at the end of the month of March, and the rays of the sun are pouring upon us with a power which is terrific, Every two or three minutes I dip my umbrella into the water, for after this lapse of time it is perfectly dry; green leaves and a wet handkerchief are in my Panama hat, which now and then I also dip into the water of the stream. You will ask me in what kind of country I find thy- self in such a plight. I am in a very cgmplieated net- work of creeks, swamps, dense forest, and overflowed lands, forming a delta, which in the work I publish- ed in 1861 I named the Delta 0f the Ogobai. For several days I have been here in a canoe exploring the country by water. What a lonely place! We have not seen a C single Village, we have met not a single human being; it is a complete desolation, and on the day in question it seemed more desolate than usual. The creek we had got into was narrow, and on both sides there was an in- terminable forest of palms, that kind which yields bitter nuts to eat; these grow to the water’s-edge and many of their graceful branches are bathed in the stream. The current was strong, and evidently a tremendous «(V'v—fi‘fi’; _ e r - '37:: *2“: I‘ Am if I r :g‘: g ' rum; I uwm‘awmmg m.» mcmawax 94 IVILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. quantity of fresh water coming from the interior was car- ried by it into the sea. The atmosphere was hazy, and, as is generally the ease in those equatorial regions, I could see, the vapor arising and quivering as it ascended. At last we entered a narrow creek, where the current was not so strong. We had hardly proceeded two or three miles when snakes became quite abundant in the water. We were in the Creek of Snakes. I do not know what else to call it. What a horrid sight! They were of all colors and sizes: some were small and slender, others short and thick. One peculiar kind struck me at once as one that I had never seen before, It swam not far from our ca- noe, and appeared to be of a bright orange-yellow color. I am sure it was a very venomous one, one whose bite would kill a man in less than five minutes, for the head was very triangular. Then came a large black one with a yellow stripeon the belly; it appeared to me to be ten feet long; the black shone as if it had been oiled. This ‘ fellow I also knew to be very poisonous; so when he raised his head above the water I sent a load of small ‘ shot into it, literally crushing it to pieces. Then we went immediately at him, and with a few strokes of the pad- dles we finished him up. I was going to make off, when two of the slaves who were of our party said we must put it in our canoe, and that they should eat the fellow in the evening. This created a great laugh from my Commi boys, and after making sure that the loath- some creature was dead we fished him out of the water. There was at first a jumping about of the men which I was afraid would upset the canoe, in which case we IN THE CREEK 0F SERPENTS. 95 would have been in a pretty fix, swimming about in a stream filled with snakes. At last order was restored; the snake was cut into several pieces, which continued to move and almost appeared like several separate snakes. The pieces were put in a basket, and the eyes of my Apingis began to shine with delight, and it made their mouths water, they said, to think of the nice meal they were going to have in the evening. wrist w “RI ‘ ‘, ‘i‘ H‘ \H\M\\\\~ QC IN THE CREEK OF SNAKES. Just at this moment I spied one of these black snakes trying to get into our canoe by the bow. I made a tremendous leap, as if I had been bitten by a scorpion, the sight was so sudden. I took my gun, loaded with small shot—the best load to kill serpents with—and fired, cutting the saucy fellow in two; then we paddled on, leaving master snake to take care of himself, know- ing that his case had been settled. 96 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UA TOR. I really believe all the snakes of the country had come to bathe in this creek on that day, and I did not wonder at it, it was so hot and sultry. I had often met with snakes in the river before, but never in such great numbers and of so many different species. In little more than one hour and a half I must have seen two hundred of them. I had never seen such a sight before and never have since. Snakes are nasty things! I do not like them at all. They will never be my pets. But there is a country in the Bight of Benin where snakes can not be killed, un- der penalty of death. a The sun began to go down, and as we paddled along we looked for a dry place on the shore where we might spend the night. The snakes had disappeared, and none I were to be seen in the water. Of that circumstance I was very glad‘ To find a dry place was not an easy matter, for the land was low, swampy, and overflowed. The prospect of sleeping in the canoe and of being eaten up by mus- quitoes was not very cheering to my spirits. But the men knew a place where all the year round there was a dry spot, and where they often stopped when fishing; but we must pull very hard in order to reach there before dark. As none of us wished to sleep in the canoe, the fellows paddled as hard as they could, and by half—past live o’clock we reached the place. It was sunset at six o’clock, so that we had plenty of time to fix our camp. The place was dreary enough and not very safe, to judge from the footprints of wild beasts that had come prowling about there, among which I could'see distinct- : VhA(.;o.~_.r-..v.;m.m..~4_. «cf»- . V 7., _ ' fl ,_ ,A 1 ‘ , , .1, , , .. V OAIIIPING 0 U T. 9 7 ly the tracks of what must have been an enormous leop-i ard. Happily we had plenty of fire-wood in our canoe._ The spot where we were to spend the night was mis- . erable: the ground was damp, and it was also dirty, for there were bones of fishes and wild animals, the skins of plantains scattered all over, and the remains of extin- guished fires. The whole country seemed to be nothing but bog land. The first thing we did was to attend to our mus quito- -nets. We cut the large branches of the palm and stuck four of them into the ground to hang our nets upon. How to sleep? this was the next great question. I did not like the idea of sleeping on the bare ground 1n a country where snakes were abundant. But what was to be done? It was getting late, so reluctantly I cut the leaves of the palm, put them thick one upon the other, and then laid my mat over the whole; my men did the same; the fires were lighted—about which we had some trouble, for my matches were wet. During the day, it being so warm, I had been afraid to carry them in my pocket or put them in a place where the sun shone, for fear that they would light of themselves. I had therefore placed them under the seat, and they had dropped down to the bottom of the canoe. So we had to use our flints and tinder. ’ When night came our fires were blazing, and' the sight of our camp was curious in the extreme. I was quietly lying between two immense fires, which almost surrounded me, for I had a lively fear of the snakes and I did not like the idea of one coming round me at night. It is strange how it is possible to enjoy a fire in the woods in this damp and warm Climate. E o 98 WILD LIFE UNDER THE E’Q UATOR. My men killed one of the three fowls I had with me; others took off the skins from the plantains, while the rest were preparing to boil the dry fish which we had in great abundance, for before entering the Delta of the 'Ogobai we had gone on a fishing excursion. Our cooking implements consisted of a kettle for boil- ing the plantains, which, by the way, was getting to be much worn out, and my men were beginning to look forward to the time when it should be broken so that I would give it to them to make bracelets of ; and two eooking-pots, one especially for my use and the other for the use of the men; I also had afrying-pan, but noth- ing had been fried in it since I had it, for want of lard or oil. Ou'r entire cooking operations consisted of boiling or roasting over a charcoal fire. The two poor fellows with the snake had no pot to cook it in, my Commi men objecting strongly to have any thing of the kind cooked in such a vessel. The Apingis were much downhearted, for they had antici- pated much pleasure from their snake-broth, the snake being, they said, very fat. They had on hand a little salt and a little Cayenne pepper. It would have tasted so good! So they had to be satisfied with roasting the snake over the fire. h After our meal I opened my chest to get some tobac- co. This of course “brought down the house,” and they seemed perfectly happy after their hard day’s work, for the poor fellows had worked very hard. They seated themselves round the fires, smoked their pipes, and gradually one by one fell asleep. It was a fortunate thing we had musquito-nets, for I could hear these insects buzzing about in such a manner that SNAKES B Y NIGHT. 9 9 one might have almost thought a band of music was playing in the neighborhood. At length I wrapped myself well in my blanket and went to sleep. But 10! in the middle of the night» I was awakened by the oaokling of one of the fowls, which was tied by the leg to a stick we had put on the ground. I popped my head out of my musqui- to-net, when I beheld by the glow of the fire an enor- mous python (or snake), a tremendous big fellow, who had just come out of the water and was about to gobble up one of the two fowls, and would have swallowed both of them if it had had time to do so. No others were aroused by the noise the fowls made, so I quietly took my gun that laid alongside of me, and sent two loads into the python, which settled him. ‘ My men jumped up in alarm, seized their guns, and looked as warlike as possible. They thought we were attacked unawares by some Oroungou fellows, and set up a wild yell of defiance, whiqh was responded to by a ’most hearty. laugh on my part. In the mean time the defeated boa had moved about in the midst of us and sent all the fellows off, just as they were asking, “ Who has been killed by that gun ?” and I shouted in reply, “ This enormous snake.” My two Apingi fellows’ eyes brightened as they thought of the good food they were going to have, and said—“ Ah! ah? if we had only known we should have brought a cooking-pot of our own; we would have had such nice snake-broth all the time l” This snake meas- ured almost sixteen feet in length, and would have kept the fellows in broth for a long while. We went to sleep again, leaving the two Apingis 100 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQOATOR. busily engaged in cutting the boa into small pieces and in roasting some of it over the fire. The nextmorning when I awoke the sun was bright; a kind of vapor was rising from the waters of the Delta, of the Ogobai, and all Nature was still. I could not hear the song of a single bird or the chatter of a single mon- key; now and then a fishing-eagle passed over our heads, and the whole scene presented was one of desola~ tion. We cooked our breakfast, and immediately after our meal we again set out and soon entered a very narrow ereek—so narrow in some places‘ that the trees on the two banks were so close together that we had trouble in passing through with our canoe; in one place I thought it would be utterly impossible. At last we emerged into the waters of the Npoulouf lay and soon after found ourselves on the broad and placid waters of the Fernand Vaz, coming in sight of my settlement at Washington. A th1111 of Joy filled my heart when I saw my little settlement, for I was tired and worn out, and I needed a little rest—a little comfort in a plain way. I wanted to see my plantation, to see how it had grown since we parted, and if my stock of fowls had increased by new broods, or I could get a little milk from my goats. Then I wanted to see good King Ranpano and his brother Rinkimongani and all the good folks of Biaga- no. They were there on the shore ready to receive me. They were honest, straightforward people, . CHAPTER XIII. DRINKING THE MBOUNDOU.——H0w OLANGA—CONDO COULD DO IT.—HOW THE MBOUNDOU Is MADE.—THE EFFECT OF THE POISON. WHAT a wild scene I beheld; one which had never been seen before by any white man! OIanga-Condo, a mighty ouganga (doctor), was to drink the mbomzdou. What an awful poison this mboun~ dou is! Nevertheless, Olanga-Condo could drink it; yes, he could drink it by bowlfuls, one of which was more than sufficient to kill any man or woman. You will ask me, How is it that Olanga-Condo could drink this mboundou and that other people could not ? I suppose he accustomed his body to it by drinking it, little by little from his childhood, but of course he would not ‘tell any one how he could drink it without being hurt. . The strange scene tqok place at Goumbi. King Quengueza had a dream, and in that dream he saw that there were people who were am‘emba (wizards), and who wished to take his life. So he rose in the morning possessed with the belief that such designs were entertained against him. ' His already stern countenance became harsher, and the good old chief began to dread those around him. It was useless for me to tell him l U 2 WILD LIFE UNDER TILE EQ UA TOR that there were no such people as wizards, and that 110 living being bad power to kill another by witchcraft. He became suspicious of his dearest friends. His near- est relatives, he thought, were those who wanted to get rid of him in order to get his wives,s1aves,ivory, and goods. What a terrible superstition this belief in witchcraft is! The father dreads his children, the son his father and mother, the man his wife, and the wives their hus- bands. A man fancies himself sick; he imagines the sickness has been brought upon him by those who want him out of the way, and at last becomes sick through his fears. At night he fancies himselfsurround- ed by the cmz'emba who are prowling round his huts, and that evil spirits are ready to enter into him as he comes out; and if this should happen he believes that disease and death are surely near. So Quengueza covered himself with fetiehes, and every day invoked the spirits of his ancestors—Igoumbai, Rica- ti, Kombi, and Niavi (his mother)—to protect him from the cmz'emba. How strangely his voice sounded in the silence of the night! One could not but be awed by it. Every morning he told the wonderful and frightful dreams he had——for these people believe in dreams—and} he wasitso convinced that the Village was full of wicked sorcerelrgthat at last the whole people became infected by his feajrs, each one thinking that his life was at stake. Hence the ouganga, Olanga~Condo, had been ordered by the King to drink the mboundou, and then tell the names of the soreerers. The leading people of Goumbi had met, and protest- ed that no one wanted to bewiteh their king; they all wanted him to live to the end of time. HOW THE MBOUNDOU IS llIADE’. 103 NOW they all sat in a circle on the ground; each man had a short stick in his hand ; and Olanga-Condo was to take his position in the centre and drink the mboundou in their presence. In the mean time I had assisted in the operation of making the mbomgdou, an operation which the drinker does not witness. A few red roots of the plant called by them the mbmmdou were brought in, and the bark was s'craped off by several of the natives into a vessel; into this a pint of water was poured, and in about a minute fermentation took place, and the beverage effervesced al- most like champagne. The water soon became quite red, and was the very color of the bark when the effer- vescing ceased. Two of Olanga-Condo’s friends were present during this operation to see that all was fair. DRlNKlNG THE MBOUNDOU. When the mixture was ready Olanga-Condo came, went to the centre of the circle, and the bowl containing . .a ,......t.~ -: tfigjlflw“ .1- . A V':‘ “0:." 104 WILD LIKE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. the poison was handed to him: without faltering for a single moment,-but full of faith, be emptied the bowl at one draught. In about five minutes the poison took effect. He began to stagger about; his eyes were injected; his 'limbs ’twitohed convulsively; his voice grew thick; his veins showed themselves prominently, and his muscles contracted. His whole behavior was that of a drunken man. He began to babble Wildly, and then it was sup- posed that the inspiration was upon him. The people beat regularly upon the ground with the short sticks they held, and sang in a sort of doleful voice— “If he is a witch, let the mboundou kill him, If he is not, let the mbozmdou go out.” Then at times \Layibirie, Quengueza’s heir, and his nephews, Quabi, Adouma, and Rapeiro, asked if there was any man that wanted to bewitch King Quengueza. Olonga-Condo went on talking wildly, not answering the questions, which were repeated over and over again. At last he said—“ Yes; some one is trying to bewitoh the King.” Then came the query, “ Who. ‘9” By this time the poor fellow was fortunately hopeless- ly tipsy, and 1110apab1e of reasonable speech. He bab- bled some unintelligible jargon, and presently the in- quest was declared at an end. No persons had been accused, hence nobody was to be killed. But sometimes these doctors do mention names, and one of these days I may give you an account of murders committed in the name of witchcraft. The mbmmdou is a dreadful poison,* one from which * This mboundou pretty certainly belongs to a natural order that con- .311 URDERS ON A 000 UNT 01" WITCH 0153A F’ '. 105 very few escape. Sometimes the veins of the Victim will burst open, at other times blood will flow from his nose and eyes, and he drops dead a few minutes after drink- ingit. Hence the great power of the doctor. If a poor fellow is supposed to be a wizard, or to have bewitched the King or somebody else, he is forced to drink the mboundou whether he likes it or not. If the man dies, he is declared a witch; if he survives, he is declared innocent, and those who have accused him pay him a fine. The ordeal is much dreaded by the negroes, who often run away from home and Stay away all their lives rather than submit to it, and will often rather enslave them-- selves to another tribe. , i When the wizards are said to belong to another Vil- lage, then wars frequently ensue. The man thought guilty is demanded to drink the mboundou, while his friends, who know that he will probably die, refuse to give him up. This belief in witchcraft is the great curse of Africa. According to this doctrine, every man that dies has been bewitched by some one. Death came into the world by witchcraft. For almost every man that dies somebody is killed, and often several persons are killed. The women being deemed of very little account in tains many venomous plants, viz., the LOGANIACEE; and, from the pecul- iar veining of the leaves, it is probably a species of Strgchnos, belonging to that section of the genus which ineludes S. nux vomica. The taste of the infusion is extremely bitter. I gave some of the roots to Professor J ohn Torrey, of New York. In the book published by the Messrs. Harper, called “Explorations in Equatorial Africa,” I published the letter this able chemist wrote me on the properties of the mbozmdou. E2 r t I a .1 i .3 7 9? 4 , 31: :3: Ir. :4 ‘I .106 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. this part of the world, it is very seldom that at the death of one of them any body is killed. These poor heathen think no torture cruel enough to inflict upon a wizard. Sometimes the accused will be tied to a tree and burned,by a slow fire; at other times they will bind him and put him in the track of an army of bash- ikouay ants. I remember the horrid sight I met one day; it made my blood freeze all over. I shall never forget the scene as longkas I live. I was hunting in the woods for birds7 when I spied two green pigeons (twemn nudimsm's), which I wanted for my collection of birds. By dint of great eX- ertions I penetrated the jungle to the foot of the tree, When 10! a ghastly sight met my eyes. It was the corpse of a woman, young evidently, and with features once mild and amiable. She had been tied up here, on some infernal accusation of witchcraft, and tortured with a cru- elty which would have done honor to the Inquisition. The torture consisted in the laceration of the flesh all over the body, and fresh Cayenne pepper had been rubbed in the gashes. A cold perspiration covered my body; my eyes became dim ; “ Was it a dream ‘3” I asked my- Self. The devil himself could not have displayed more ingenuity in torture. I approached the corpse. It was, cold. The poor girl was dead. What terrible sufferings she must‘have endured! Will you think hard of me when I say to you that I felt I could go into that Village of wild men and shoot every one of them? Am'emba! What a terrible meaning that word pos~ sesses in the mind of the poor African of Equatorial Af- rica! To be bewitehed is almost certain death. What A SPECIMEN 0F TORTURE. 107 an awful superstition! It leads to the most inhuman and abominable acts of cruelty. ' HOW many I have seen of theseacts! What refine- ment of barbarism I have seen displayed! What numbers of poor innocent creatures I have seen slaini‘What num» bers of families have in, this way been made unhappy! > Afl~~dA> , , - - . . , H « ‘ ,, , , 7, ,,' ,L-In-h‘A:j:i;;_g‘ W 4' CHAPTER XIV. A ROYAL FEAST.—ON THE BANKS OF THE OVENGA.—-PRE~ PARATIONS.—THE BILL OF FARE.-—A TASTE OF ELEPHANT AND A MOUTHFUL OF MONKEY. A ROYAL feast is to be given to me: a real feast, Where the King is going to show me What are the splen- dors of his kitchen department. That feast is to take place in the equatorial regions of Western Africa, on the banks of the Ovenga River. . King Obindji is to give the repast. My friend King Quengueza and myself Will be the guests at the feast, and it promises to be a great affair. For some time past hunters have gone into the forest to kill and trap game, fishermen have been catching fish, and the Women have been watching their plantain- trees and their cassada plantations, While the boys have been scouring the forest to look after wild fruits. A good deal of pottery has been manufactured, so that they may have plenty of cooking-pots. Earthen jars have also been made in great numbers, so that vessels for palm Wine may be abundant. The women have also worked steadily in making mats, so that many'might be spread on the ground. Severaliboloko have beqi-made. What a strange kind of arm-ehair those bolol:OS are! King Obindji delights to rest upon one. A iarge' shade has been built, so that Quengueza and myself will have PREPARA TI OMS. 1 0 9 plenty of room. Oralas are abundant, and meat has been smoked in abundance during these last few days. At last the day of the feast has come. There is a great stir in the village. The hunters have all returned, the men have also come back from their fishing ex- cursion, and for the last few days a great quantity of palm Wine has been collected, Bakalai chiefs have come from all the surrounding country, With a great number of their wives and of their people; they are all scattered about over the little olakas round the Village. After the feast a grand palaver is to come ofi‘, and the affairs of the country Will be discussed. Friend Quen- gueza seems to be the King of the Kings for they all show him great marks of respect Toward noon the tables are set. Do not think for a moment that I mean real tables; I mean the mats are laid on the ground. Under our shade several mats are put, and many are scattered under the trees round. Quengueza and I are to eat under the shade, the other chiefs under the trees. 1‘ The drums begin to beat, Wild songs are sung, and there is a great stir. The wives of the King; have all turned cooks, and are all busy; the Village seems to be in a blaze of smoke, for every thing is cooking, and soon the repast is to be ready. All sorts of pleasant odors are coming out of these pots: What curious dishes some of them Will be! The drums are beating furiously again and again. Twenty 0f the King s Wives have come out, each bring- ing a dish with hei, Which they deposit on the mats. 'Then 'Obindji came to Quengueza and to me, and bade us come and sit before What was presented to us,‘ 110 WILD LIFE UNDER THE E’Q UA TOR. and tasted of every dish to show us that no food was poisoned, for such is the custom of the country. What a curious bill of fare! I must give it to you, and I will try to remember it all. First, there was a huge pot containing an enormous piece of an elephant, which had been boiling since the day before, so that the meat might be tender. Another dish was the boiled smoked foot of an elephant, which had been specially cooked for me, this being considered by many the best piece. rIi‘hen came a large piece. of boiled crocodile, the broth of which was recommended to us, lemon juice and Gay- enne pepper having been bountifully mixed with it to give it a flavor. Then came a charming monkey, which had been roasted entire on a blazing fire of charcoal. The little fellow seemed to be nothing but a ball of fat, and looked wonderfully like a roasted baby. It was cooked to perfection, and really had a fine flavor. Then a huge leg of a wild boar made its appearance, the flavor of which was very high, and it must have been killed days before; but these people like their game high ; in fact, it is often decomposed when eaten. Then came the boiled tongue of the 1308 bravchz'cheros, the wild buffalo. Another dish was boiled buffalo ribs. This latter had been cooked with the ndika, a kind of. paste made from the seed of' the wild mango fruit; this was put Close to me, Quengueza never touching the buf~ falo meat, some of his ancestors having long ago given birth to a bufialo (at least so he said), and his clan, the Abouya, never taste buffalo. Then came a dish of smoked mongon (otter); anoth- er of antelope, called kambi, and a beautiful little ga- QUENG UEZA AS A GOURJIIAND. ‘ .. ' 111 zelle, called noheri. These meats had all been smoked a long time. In the centre there were two huge baskets of plantains, which were to be used as bread. Do not think this is the end of the bill of fare. The fishes are still to come, as well as other Africandainties. An enormous dish of manatee was next brought in, which was immediately followed by another dish of boiled mullet. Then came some land and water turtles. I wondered why a boiled snake had not made its ap- pearance, and also some roast gorilla and Chimpanzee, these to be surrounded by a few mice and rats. But these are entirely Bakalai dishes, no Commi eating those animals; It was a sumptuous feast. Obindji was in his glory, and the drummers sang, “ Who can give such a feast to the Ntangani except Obindji? Obindji has a fetioh ”— they continued singing——“that makes the wild beasts come to him, the fish come to him, the white man come to him I” . Quengueza was seated on one side and I on the other, and round us stood the twenty wives and Obind- ji’s slaves, to wait upon us. Quengueza, who is a great gourmand, took a glance at every dish before him and concluded that he would go into the manatee first, then he would follow up with some fish, and then would pitch into the fat monkey, finishing up with antelope; and he said to me, in his bland and kind manner, that if there was room left he would eat some ncheri (gazelle)7 but he intended specially to go into the wild boar and the manatee to his heart’s content. “Then,” said he, close to my ear, “you will give me a little glass of' brandyf’ - 112 . . WILD LIFE UNDER TILE EQ UATOR. I thought I would taste a little of every thing, and bring my stomach to its utmost capacity. Though it was against etiquette, for Obindji could not eat with Quengueza, I told him we had better invite friend Obindjh We called the good fellow, and made him sit With us amid the abundant cheer round us, for all were as merry as they could be. His Bakalai Majesty was quite proud to eat with a fork which I presented him. _ Since Obindji was to eat with us, an addition to the bill of lare—a dish of beiled gorilla came for his espe- cial benefit; also a dish made of part of a large snake . cooked in leaves, the smell of which made Obindji’s mouth water. ~ The people all round us were eating. The first mouthful I put into my mouth caused cheer after cheer to go up. “The ntanga is eating! The ntanga is eat- ~ ing of the elephant!” For I thought I would begin with King Elephant. . It was a pretty tough piece of meat, I assure you; the grain was very coarse, and the meat was somewhat _ tasteless and rather dry. The boiled elephant’s foot was better7 and I rather liked it. The elephant meat I did not like; it was really too tough. Obindji recommended to me'a bit of crocodile, and the wife who had cooked it said she had been very care- ful that there was plenty of Cayenne pepper and of lemon juice, and she was sure the broth was excellent. I must say I did not like the idea of eating of the croco- dile, but I wanted to know how it tasted. The flesh was very white—somewhat fishy, I thought—and the grain of the meat coarse. I did not like either the broth ELIONKE Y, BOAR, AND BUFFALO iWIEA T. 1 I 3 or meat. The former. was so terribly hot with Cayenne pepper that it tasted of nothing else. I was glad to get through with the crocodile. The monkey was perfectly delicious; I had not en- joyed any thing so much for a long time, despite his looking so much like a roasted baby. I am sure no venison at home could have tasted better. The wild boar was so terribly high that I backed out, but friend Quengueza thought it was exquisite; and when he had finished eating it, he told Obindji’s head- wife to keep what was left for him, as he intended to eat the whole of it. At the same time he got up as if he wanted to stiffen himself for more food, and then sat down, saying that he was ready to go on again. J ust for fun I offered to friend Quengueza a piece of the tongue of the buffalo and part of his boiled rib. The old chief recoiled, for none of his clan (the Abouya), as I have said, can eat of this meat, for they have a legend that once one of their clan gave birth to such an animal; and if they were to eat of it disease would creep upon them, they would die, and their women would give birth again to such a monster. Quengueza told Obindji that the vessels that cooked the buffalo must be broken, for fear that his wives might cook his food in them. Every clan has some kind of animal they do not eat. Quengueza assured me that when a boy he saw a woman who had given birth to a crocodile. I scarcely touched the buffalo meat; the otter I did not like. When I came to the antelope my appetite had gone, to my great sorrow, for I am very fond of Ithis dish. I- finished up my dinner With a slice of pineapple. I doubt very much if a more curious dinner could be given anywhere. CHAPTER XV. THE TERRIBLE BASHIKOUAY.—MARCH OF AN ANT ARMY.— THEY BUILD BRIDGES.—- THEY ENTER HOUSES. —THEIR HABITS. ONE day I was plodding along in the vast forest in search of game, and was suddenly startled by a strange noise falling upon my ears. I heard the footsteps of wild beasts running away. I thought even that I saw the glimpse of a gorilla; I certainly heard distinctly the footsteps of an elephant soon after. At last I heard at a great distance a mighty crash as if elephants were run- ning at great speed through the forest, breaking every thing before them. What can all this mean? Iasked myself ; and I knew not why, but a vague feeling of awe began to creep over me.' I knew that something strange must have happen- ed or was coming. Were we going to have an earth- quake? It could not be a tornado, for we were in the . beginning of the dry season. Finally the insects which had begun to fly at the be— ' ginning of this tumult now grew thicker and thicker, when suddenly I was annoyed by fearful bites, and in less time than I have taken to write I was covered by a kind of ants called by the Bakalais Bashikouay. I leaped and fled with the utmost haste in the same di- rection the insects and beasts had taken. An army of bashikouay ants was advancing, and devouring every THE BASHIKOUA Y ANT. 1 15 living thing in its way. I was almost crazy, for they were in my clothes and on my body, and often when they gave a bite a little piece of flesh would come out. When I thought I was out of reach I immediately took off my clothes. They had, in their fury, literally buried themselves in these, and their pincers were deep into them; and like the fierce bull-dog of our own coun- try, when once they bite they never let go their hold; and many and many a time their bodies were severed from their head as I pulled them out ; their pineers clung still to my flesh. I defy any living man to stand quiet before an army of bashikouay ; he would certainly be killed and devour- ed. This was ineontestably the largest army of bashi- kouay I have ever seen, and how it swept over the forest, driving every thing before it. l These little ants are more powerful when combined in such an army than any living thing in the forest. All other animate things are put to flight before their march. It is only in the interior that one can have an idea of their number. I dressed myself again, and began to breathe freely, when 10! these 'bashikouay were again coming in my direction. So I fled, striking for a path that led to a stream, and at last reached the wet and swampy grounds, which I knew they would not care to approach if they continued to spread and advance inthe direction I had taken. How many and how many times I have been dis- turbed by these ants in the forests of Africa! Of all the ants which inhabit the regions I have eX- plored, the most dreaded of all is the bashikouay; it is L 'T,'~'-'~*W :,V(r:»:.,.“;.=.;.i; «‘3: 3: 34.1; vilL.“ .31.:££>;.J;~M 7 ‘ 4:152:12 BTI' 7' 8% ”13-24:“; easy»? 'fLE;VVVLV~JA'r.}r-'I 116 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UA TOR. very abundant, and is the most voracious creature I have ever met. It is the dread of all living animals, from the elephant and the leopard down to the smallest insect. At the end of this chapter is the drawing of an or- dinary bashikouay, taken by the artist from one of the four I had with me. No wonder that the animal and insect world flies be- fore them! And now I am going to say a good deal of what I know about them ; if I should tell you all, the ac- count would appear. so incredible that'perhaps you would say it muSt be untrue; but I write this book to instruct you, and to show you that the ways of Nature are won- derful. ‘ These bashikouay, so far as I have been able to ob serve, do not build a nest or house of any kind; they wander throughout the year, and seem never to have any rest. They are on the march day and night. I never saw them carry any thing away; they devour every thing on the spot. It is their habit to march through the forests in a long regular line, just as soldiers would do, and with quite as much order and regularity. The line is about two inches broad, and must be often several miles in length. All along this line are larger ants, who act as officers, standing outside the ranks, and keeping this singular army in order. These officers stand generally with their heads facing their subordinates. They remain thus until their squads have passed, and then join them, while others take their place. The number of a large army is so great that I should not even dare to enter into a calculation. I have seen one continual line passing at good speed a particular O UNDERGRO UND T UNNE’LS. 1 1 ‘3 place for twelve hours. It was sunrise when I saw them, and it was only a little before sunset that their numbers began to diminish. An hour before the end of the col- umn came, it was not so compact, and I could see that these were the stragglers; and many of these stragglers also seemed to be of a smaller size: they were evidently tired. When I saw them in the morning I did not know how long since this vast army of bashikouay had begun their march. This was the largest column I ever saw. You may imagine how many millions on millions there must have been included in this column. I have seen much smaller columns on the march, but it generally re quired several hours for them to pass. Strange as it may seem, these ants can not bear the heat of the sun, hence they could not be found in a country where the forests are scarce. If they come to a place where there are no trees to shelter them from i the sun, they immediately build underground tunnels, through which the whole army passes in column to the forest beyond. These tunnels are four or five feet under~ ground, and are only used during the heat of the day. I have noticed that these open spaces are often passed by them during the night to the forest beyond. .I suppose that these underground tunnels must be numerous; I do not see'how otherwise the ants could protect themselves against the heavy rains. I have never seen them lying drowned on the ground after a storm. Hence they must know, when a storm is coming, how to disappear; and generally after a heavy rain these armies are more numerous in the forest, for they probably come in quest of food, of which they have been deprived during their subterranean marches. They always at- I 11 8 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UA TOR. tack with a fury which passes description. Where the soil is sandy, 110 bashikouay can be found. When they get hungry the long file spreads and scatters itself through the forest in a front line: how the order reaches from one extremity of the line to the other almost at the same time I can not tell. Then they at- tack and devour all that comes within their reach with a fury and voracity Which is quite astonishing. As I have said, the elephant and gorilla fly before this attack; the leopard disappears from his den; the black men run away for their lives; for who would dare to stand still be- fore such‘an army? In a very short time any adversary would be overpowered, and I am sure that in about two or three hours nothing would be left of the opposition. Antelopes which I have killed have been stripped of every bit of flesh in that time. At times, When they have spread themselves, they do not advance with rapidity, but seem to go in a rambling sort of a way. It is said that now and then a man is put to death in the following manner. He is tied to a tree which is in the path of this bashikouay army. What a terrible death it must he! Every animal that lives on the line of march where they have spread is pursued, and, though instinct seems to indicate the forthcoming danger, many are caught. In an incredibly short space of time the mouse, the in~ sect, and many small animals are overwhelmed, killed, eaten, and their bare skeletons only remain. If they ever get into a fowl-house, it is all over With the fowls. The insects seem to be the greatest sufferers. The ants seem to understand and act upon the tactics of Napoleon, and concentrate with great Speed their heaviest forces upon 'SLN’V KVHOHIHQVQ’ JO HDWVN ‘ lg’m 1‘ ' 1T 7 ’ mu} “MIA .\ \\\ 1 A [?l/MMQW/l/fl/fl )1: A l; 1 \ .,\ N ‘,{‘/ yIIIH \\ A \‘ :11, u w I ‘H‘miv‘nM‘; ‘ flflfimmm « n W“ W ML 4 ; gm'lrm/v H/ ‘ I‘ , J" "5‘? h: j . fi‘},4\41’|!J| * Wifl'i” , x ‘ {H4 1/ . J4 e 2 (st " l , ', v_n. .. l'h- 'uhl .‘ . ”Mh%}1 x« ‘\§:§‘\* ,, v/—, [,r’fl'flt W, 1:7 .1, m’ ,, {w , , ‘ J, UZF, ‘ . v ' , HILLM \\ x - . w. 9.“, 7.: iQ9;mégmggh.gkw“.MwW-umgigmmwmw THE ATTA 0K. 1 2 1 the point of attack. They must certainly understand each other; but how, we shall never be able to know. Surely‘there must be commanders for these vast hordes of soldier ants, for when in a line on the march not one will leave the ranks, even though the insects, which they would devour in an instant when spread for a raid, are close by. It is but seldom that they are able to capture antelopes, for these animals run away too fast for them. As I have said before, they travel night and day. Many a time some of you who have perused my books may have read thatI have been roused from sleep and obliged to rush from the hut, sometimes into the water, or at other timeshave been obliged to protect myself with fires, or by spreading hot ashes or boiling water around 'me. Often I have suffered terribly from their advanced guard, who had got into my clothes, and who would not get out, and soon managed to get on my body. When they enter a house they clear it of all living things. Roaches are devoured in an instant. Rats and mice spring round the room in vain. An overwhelming force of ants kills a strong rat in less than a minute or two, and in an incredibly short time, despite the most frantic struggles, its bones are stripped. Every living thing in the house is devoured. ‘Centipedes, scorpions, small spiders can not escape, and of this I was glad. They will not touch vegetable matter. Thus they are in reality very useful; for without -them the insects would become so numerous that man would not be able to live. I always rejoiced when they got hold of a ser- pent, though these are pretty shy, and manage generally to get out of the way, except when they are in a state of torpor. F LAw;;;.s:n_,r_~r__.:_v;4_-m,gw,.m» ,»__ V - 4 L V; , i i ., :‘é 122 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. When on the march the insect world flees before them, and, as you have seen in the beginning of the chapter, I had the approach of a bashikouay army heralded to me by this means. Wherever they go they make a clean sweep, even ascending to the top of many small trees in search of birds’-nests, and to devour the young of caterpil- lars. They pursue their poor prey with an unrelenting fury, and seem to be animated with the genius of de- struction. Their manner of attack is by an impetuous leap. Instantly the strong pincers are fastened, and they only let go when the piece seized upon gives way. If they were large they would certainly be the most fear- ful creature man could ever encounter,'aud they would destroy all the living creatures of the forest. When on their line of march they often find little streams—which of course are not very wide ; they throw themselves across and form a bridge, a living bridge, connected by two trees or high bushes on opposite sides of the stream. This is done with great care, and is ef- fected by a great number of ants, each of which clings ' with his fore-claws to his next neighbor’s body or hihd- claws. Thus they form a high, safe bridge, over which the whole vast regiment marches in regular order. If disturbed, or if the bridge is broken by the Violence of some animal, they instantly attack the offender with the greatest animosity. To find the place for these bridges must require a good deal of sagacity. By one way or another they find a spot where on each side there is a branch of a tree, al- most always a dead one, that has fallen on the ground, and which overlaps the stream. Often in falling this tree has broken in two pieces, and the piece on the other 1 VARIO US SPECIES. ’ 1 2 3 side almost joins it. The branch on the further side must be lowe1 on the ground, so that, as they form the bridge, they begin it from the higher s1de. These bashikouay do smell things a long way off, and they are guided by their sense of smell. They are quite large, often the ordinary-sized ones being half an inch long, and are armed With very powerful fore-legs and large strong jaws, or nippers,with Which they bite. The head is almost if not quite as large as the body; the large ones are almost one inch in length. The kind of THE BASHIKOUAY ANT, MAGNIFIED T0 TWICE ITS NATURAL SIZE. which I have spoken is dark brown in color, but I have found in the mountains of the interior a somewhat larger species, almost Mack, and intensely voracious. Besides these two there is still another species of hash- ikouay, Which I have only met two or three times in the mountains south of the equator. It is of a great size, at least double the size of the one I have just spoken to you about. The body is grayish-White in col- or, the head of reddish-blaek; its fangs are very power- ' ; ’ , a A1; L A}, :.,:;QWM‘ "1.' s:M.;.L.:‘_' mm»: .4 __.<_.,.__;. ’ ' ,4 124 . ‘ WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. ful, and it is able to make a clean bite out of one’s legs. It is thus a very formidable animal, but fortunately its motions are not as quick as those of its fierce brother; for if they were, I do not know what would become of a man in the midst of such an army. It does not march in such vast armies, nor does it precipitate itself upon its prey with such an irresistible fury. In its motions it is almost sluggish. They do not invade Villages, or climb trees in pursuit of prey, and they are not so voracious as their fellows before mentioned. If they were, they would doubtless clear the country of every living. thing, for they are much more powerful. They are, in fact, to the other ants what whales are to fish. If as ferocious, they would depopulate the country, and would themselves have to starve and then disappear. Now I have told you about the bashikouay, and feel that I could tell you more; and you may rely implicitly on what I have said, for what I have written is from very close observation. I wish this record of the bash- ikouay to stand. Some day civilization may reach Equatorial and Gen- tral Africa; then the forest will give place to open fields, and the bashikouay ant will disappear, for it can not hear an open country. Such is the order of nature which . God has created, that when a race of men or beasts has gone it will never come back. The mastodon, and those gigantic animals and reptiles which once were, have never reappeared. I _ ,ir‘.,_~..,t.‘_- war ‘m' , V,u_..\-.r .. a: :snvj' CHAPTER XVI. THE SORRO‘VS OF THE BIRDS.-—CURIOUS AFRICAN BIRDS.— THE BARBATULA DU CHAILLUI.—THE BARBATULA FULI- GINOSA.—THE SYCOBIUS NIGERRIMUS. NOW I must speak to you of little birds! I do love birds. They are Nature’s beautiful creat- ures. They are one of God’s loveliest creations. They cheer us in our lonely hours, When from their bowers their songs come upon our ears and gladden our hearts. Their melodies have often told me how happy they were, and how much one bird loved the other. They are the poets of nature . Oh, little birds, I have often wondered how many sor— rows you have! Pain I know you have. The shrill cries and plaintive notes I have often heard from you have told me that your little breasts felt the pangs of an- guish. The hurried flights Which I have often watched have said how anxious you were. In 0hr Northern elimes, when the leaves have Wither- ed, When the cold winds blow, When the snow covers the earth, I know that you suffer from hunger, and I feel so sorry for you. “Then you come by the Window you seem to say—“ Do feed me, for"I am so hungry and ‘so cold I” I have crossed the seas, and hundreds of miles away .Z.Mv~2my~3we5 ‘mw‘gfia : . flaghi -_ v: - . Law”; I 2 b' WTLJ) LIFE UNDER THE Eu UA TOR, from land I have seen you, in your forlorn flight, look ing in vain for the way that might lead to a land where your poor little bodies and tired Wings and tiny little» feet could find rest. The storm and the Winds had car- ried you away from the land where you'were accustomed to rejoice and sing, and taken you‘a-bove that ocean on Which you looked With such dread, and Which is always ready to engulf you. You were so tired that you had not even the strength to utter your cries. How then I pitied you, for I thought of the days and sleepless nights you had spent over the Vast seal how weary those little Wings of yours were! howpaipful must have been each effort you made to support you in the air. How sad must have been your thoughts; fer you could see nothing to guide you to that place you longed to reach! I have seen you When the good Ship was Close at hand. How welcome its sight seemed to be to you, Who had suffered so much from thirst, hunger7 and starvation, fatigue and exhaustion! and, as I watched your coming, I could detect joy and fear; for how strange the vessel appeared to you, how strange its ropes, how strange its sails. When I have thought its masts and ropes would af- ford you rest, and seen you ready to reach them, you have dropped on the waves to rise no more. How you strug- gled before you came to this! You almost touched the water, When another effort would send you flying high above the sea; then again your flight became weaker; gradually you came down and made another frantic ef- fort to escape by flight. At last you seemed not to know any longer What you were doing, and‘despite all your valiant struggles for life your doom ”came, and you DEA TH OF THE BIRDS. I 27 dropped into the waves; and as the vessel sailed away I left you to your sad fate. At other times you fell on deck, for you were not strong enough to perch. Then how your bright little eyes became dim, for the touch of death was soon to close them, despite the care and the little water I would give you. How sweetly you looked as you laid still in the embrace of death! The storms of your life were over, your sorrows were ended, and your merry songs were to be heard no more in the groves you used to love. I know of nothing sweeter to look at than a dead little bird! and yet there is nothing which more pathetically touches my heart. When the eagle, the hawk, and the falcon soar high in the sky, I know that they are your enemies. When the snake glides from branch to branch in search of your nest, to destroy your offspring, I know that'pain will reach your heart. When you and your mate are flying above the earth, perehanee a heartless sportsman appears, and with his gun brings one of you down. How I have seen you follow the unfortunate one in its downward flight! How painful to hear were your cries; how you tried to arrest the fall of the poor wounded one, and how touching was the scene as you soared and soared above the body of the little Victim who had fallen on the ground. So plaintive were your cries that they ought to have disarmed the ruthless hand that separated you, so that he would say to himself——“ I will nevermore kill a harmless little bird, for God has given them to us to cheer, to enliven the nature that surrounds us.” When enight comes, and yeur mate does not return, how anxious and sad you seem to feel! Perhaps a cruel eat, or some wild animal has destroyed his life. How often I have ‘ 12 8 l/VILD LIFE UNDEIL’ Tle 1913 UA TUE. heard you call for the missing one, and could detect de- spair in the tone of your voice! . When the young fall from the nest I have watched your anxiety, and when danger threatened them I have seen you brace up your courage; and how angry then you did look, with your little feathers all standing out as if you were ready for a fight! When the storms had tumbled down the little nest you had built with so much trouble, how distressed you seemed to be, and how industrious you were to build another one I So, little birdies, I found that, like man, you have yourjoys, your cares, your troub- les, and your sorrows. ’I‘he stormy billows of life are also for you. I love you the more for this. I wish I were a poet, so that my lyre could sing songs to you, and I might tell you a softer tale than that which the night- ingale tells to us. Dear little birds, I thank you for all the joys you have given me during my wanderings. Your songs and mel— odies have often cheered me when wearied and lonely. Your plumage I have admired, and often have I exolaim~ ed “ Little birds, how beautiful you are l” I thank you for the many clays I have passed pleasantly while watch- ing you; for I love Clearly to look at you, to study your habits, to see how nice and loving you are. Many times I have said to myself, when admiring you———“ Little birdie, do come to me, so that I may kiss thee and feel thy little beak upon my lips.” O God, how kind to man thou art! for he is able to understand thy works. The wonders of thy creation he can admire, so that he may praise thee for thy goodness. And now I will speak to you of some little birds of which we knew nothing, of little birds that had no name, —-—_~-—~,—~~—~_ ,¢_v~,-=m-m_r‘m-rz V ,I. AfiRlUAN BIRDS. ‘ 1 2 9 and wandered unknown to civilized man, till he who has written this book saw them and brought them here. In a forest of Equatorial Africa, on the banks of the Ovenga River not far from Obindji Village, there was a plantation where birds came every day. There were many curious kind of birds there, and many I had never seen before. The time to see them was early in the morning, before the sun became so hot that they had to retire in the forest, or in the afternoon after the sun was hidden by the hills. But the morning was the best time. The natives had no name for many of these birds. Among the most curious ones were the fly-catchers, the stranger bee-eaters, the queer erimpers, and some very strange woodpeckers; while flying over them all were some nice little black swallows that were very pret- ty indeed. I remember how much I loved in the morn- ing to go over that plantation and watch them all, so that I might learn their habits and tell you something about them. Among the strangest of them all there was one that especially attracted my attention. As I approached the plantation I could hear, just on the edge of the forest, a noise that sounded very much as if some far-away people were hammering at something, or I should rather say, as if people were hammering at a tree. I carefully ap- proached the place. I am sure you could not have heard my steps on the ground, so carefully I approached. I was dressed in a dark-blue suit of cotton goods, so that the birds might not notice me. At last I recognized the noise as coming from old friends of mine. They were birds that were hammering at two or three dead trees in such earnest that none of them observed me. F 2 130 WILD LIFE UiV’IJEB TIJE EQ UATOE, It was a very. pretty sight! The country being nothing else than a gigantic forest, of course, wherever a Village or plantation is made, the trees have to be cut down, and nearly all are out from a height of ten or fifteen feet. These in the course of time become dry, and after being dead a sufficient time the wood softens, and becomes the object of the attack of the beautiful little bird I am writing about. It is really a beautiful bird, and was unknown before I brought it here. It has been named the Barbatula du Chaillui. The throat and breast are of a glossy blue-blaok color; the head is scarlet; a line of canary yellow from above the eyes surrounds the neck, and the back, which is black, is covered with canary yellow spots. Above the bill it has what might be termed two little brushes. The trunks of the trees on which they were so busily engaged were within a few yards of the forest. These birds were hard at work with their bills, peeking out circular openings about two inches in diameter. It was a tedious operation, and now and then a little bird had to rest, or its mate would come and take its place. Their little feet are constructed like those of the woodpeckers, to whom they are somewhat related, but their bill is much thicker, stronger, and shorter, hence better adapted to make holes in the trunks of trees. It was very interesting to see them holding to the trees, sometimes with their heads upward and sometimes with their heads downward. Some had just begun to work at the aperture, others had already made a pret- ty deep hole, and the end of their tail only could be seen, while still others were working inside, and their bodies could not be seen at all, though now and then HO W THEY BUILD THEIR NESTS. 13 1 out. What difficult and patient toil! The making of one of these nests requires many days. It is no easy work for birds 21 little bigger than a sparrow to peek out a eir- eular opening of two inches in diameter, and more than THE BARBATULA WORKING two inches deep. This done, they dig perpendicularly down for about four inches. The cavity thus made is their nest. As they are small birds, it takes them a long time to finish this piece of oarpentering—often two or three weeks. There the female lays her eggs and hatches they came forth, bringing the wood they had peckefid 132 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. them in security, no snake or Wild animal being able to disturb them. Not only do they use these nests While they are hatching, but also during the rainy season. HOW cosy they must feel in these places of refuge When a storm is raging! N othing could be safer, or better shelter them. from the rain. The aperture being about two inches in thickness before you come to the perpendicular hollow, of course the rain can not reach the inside. I have seen trees entirely perforated by them; that is to say, having more than a dozen of these holes in them; and thus forming What we may call a little village of themselves. I wonder if they had a king! These birds are very shy, and the least noise Will frighten them. HOW affectionate the pair seemed to be, how willing they were to help each other in their work! There is also another species of Barbazfula Which I have discovered, of a gray color, called now Barbatula fulzlqz'nosay, of the same habits, but found in greater num- bers. I have seen colonies of them7 composed of thirty or forty nests, on the same tree. The picture given by the artist represents the birds working and making their nests. Now I must speak to you of another bird, a very curi- ous one, the Sycobius m'gewz'mus, Which is found in almost if not all the regions I have explored in Equatorial Af- rica. The habits of this bird are most extraordinary. They are extremely sociable birds; the woods or the un- inhabited plantations haVe no charm for them ; they must be Where people live, and hence they prefer always to live in the neighborhood of a Village. If there are trees in the middle of the Village they will live there, or on the trees AFRICAN HANGIC G BIRDS’ NESTS. THE 5 Y0 0131 US NIGERRIM US. 1 3 5 back of the huts, and not far from where the palm or plantain trees abound ; but man must be in sight, for they seem to love his society. In some Villages they are found in immense numbers, often there are several hundreds of nests on the same tree, but it depends on the size of the tree. I have seen sev- eral thousands of nests on a single tree, of Which they take entire possession for years. The Sycobz'z' are a little lar- ger than sparrows, and the habits of these little twitter- ers are so remarkable that I never wearied of watching their curious ways, and very skillful and intelligent ma- noeuvres in nest—building or in gathering food. A native village would lose a. great charm Without them. In man y villages of the interior, Where people do not move about, trees are planted specially for them, and it is considered an ill omen if they do not come. They make such a noise from morning till night that sometimes it is almost im- possible to hear When close to them; the harder at work they are the more noise they make. There are two species, but both live in the same trees and associate indiscriminately With each other, though not, of course, in the same nests. The male of one species is entirely black, and’the female a dark gray, While in the other the male is yellow, with black and yellow throat. The eggs of the first mentioned are bluish, with black spots, While those of the other species are light pink, With dark spots. Both kinds of eggs are very beautiful. They are singularly industrious birds: they seem Inever _ to weary of work. When they have settled upon a tree on which to plant a colony, they labor from daylight till dark, day after day, With‘ seemingly the utmost joy, fun, and perseverance at their very singular pendent nests. . ~i: {f {E :E if ; Ci? 136 WILD LIFE UNDER TIIE EQ UATOR. , The nest is round in shape, or nearly so, With a narrow passage for entrance and exit leading down one side and opening beneath. It is securely fastened to an outstretched twig, and I have sometimes counted in one tree more than two thousand of such pendent little balls, each inhabited by a family, male and female, of these birds; and once I am sure I saw four or five thousand of these nests. This I saw in the Ishogo country, of Which I may speak to you one of these days. The birds when building strip the leaf off the palm, or plantain, 0r banana tree. They split the leaf into very narrow strips, not more than two or three lines Wide, but through the Whole length of the leaf in the palm, and the whole breadth of the leaf in the plantain, beginning from the rib. Male and female both work at gathering this material, and every piece is brought up to the tree. How strange- ly they look as they fly With them from the place Where they took them to that Where their colony is situated I It seems as if they were carrying away a long, narrow rib- bon. The pendent twig having been chosen, the birds begin to turn their lea'F-strips over the twig, and to inter- lace them below in such a way as to enable the finished nest to shed rain. The birds work With the greatest as- sidnity with both beak and feet, sometimes with the head up, sometimes With the head down. Often I would see one little fellow one minute holding by his feet and working the strips in With his bill, the next suspended by his bill and pushing all together with his feet, then adroitly slip~ ping inside, and by pushing and working With his body giving the nest a round shape. The entrance is the last made, and they are knowing enough to build its mouth down, so that the inside may be sheltered from the rains, TIME 01*Y NES’ ’ BUILDING. I3 7 which Ican assure you pour down in good earnest in these equatorial regions. A few leaves are put inside where the eggs are to be laid. Sometimes trees on which these industriohs little fel- lows build are quite killed by the weight of so many nests, and by the space they occupy preventing the reg- ular growth of the branches. The nests are not only used to breed in, but also to live in, and each pair breeds sev- eral times a year, raising two young ones in a brood. Of course, with such a rapid increase, they are always need- ing new nests, so that the building process is going on almost all the time. The nests looked all alike to my eyes, yet each bird was always able to find its own. But sometimes I noticed a strong fellow trying With might and main to oust one of his weaker brethren from. his home, or to drive him from the work he had begun; then there was a downright fight for possession. They have a foreknowledge of the rainy season eVi- dently7 for just before this sets in they are particularly active in building and repairing, and at such a time the Village where they have settled is alive with their merry twittering and active bustle. Of course, during the dry or cold season very little building is going on. I shall always have a pleasant recollection of these Sycobz'z', and no one was ever allowed to disturb them at “Washington, where I had three or four little trees full of their nests. The natives like to see them round them, and n0 village is thought to be perfect without them. ‘4 i :3 g i 13 «wmzsm—M 4.4,agtmwff1M CHAPTER XVII. ON THE OFOUBOU RIVER.—-ELEPHANTS BATHING.¥PURSUIT THROUGH THE SVVAMP.—ESCAPE OF THE ELEPHANTS. IF you could have Visited me, you would have found me on the banks of the Ovenga River, at the Village of my Bakalai friend Obindjii. Numbers of canoes, made each from the trunk of a single tree, are on the river-bzmk. My friend Quengueza is giving his orders for the comfort of Ntangani: “his friend Paul ’7 is going away With him. We are going to leave, for there is nothing more to eat at friend Obindji’s. Game has become scarce, ele- phants and gorillas have destroyed their plantations, and disappeared. We are too kind-hearted, however, to tell good Obindji that we are obliged to leave his Village be- cause we are hungry every day. i We are going to ascend the Ofouhou River, Which is one of the effluents of the Ovenga, and are bound for the Village of Njali-Coudié. This is a strange name to give to a town, but there are many strange names in this country. I hope you Will be able to pronounce them according to the African standard, and that you will remember them. ' Obindji is on the beach, beating his kendo (the royal sceptre) and invoking the spirits of his ancestors to pro- THE DEPAR T URE. 1 3 9 test his friend Quengueza, and his Ntanga (white man). He is covered with fetiches, and has rubbed his body with the chalk of the Alumbi. The kendo is the badge of royalty in some of these tribes of Africa. I will give you a description of the kendo. It is a rude ball of iron, fashioned with a long handle, also of iron, and of the same piece. The sound which with us announces the Vicinity of a herd of cows or sheep, in Africa precedes the advent of the sovereign, who uses the Icendo only when on Visits of state or on business of importance. When they wear the kendo it is on the shoulder, and there is put over it the skin of a genetta, in which some of the Alumbi powder is kept. ‘ In this case friend Obindji thought it was very im- portant that the spirits of his ancestors should follow us; He wanted good wishes to precede us. Hence he said, he hoped we would have plenty to eat, and that I would kill all the game I wanted. Obindji was really in earnest, and jabbered away in a manner and with an eagerness that was laughable; he had certainly plenty of faith in the powers he was in- voking. The canoes were ready, and soon friend King Quen- gueza gave the order for our departure. His Majesty was in his royal travelling costume. He had on a coat which I had given him, but no shirt; he had a cravat round his neck, and instead of pantaloons, which, by the way, I had never been able to make him wear, he had a cloth round his waist. His bag hung over his shoul~ der, and in this was his ogcma (idol); there also he had a good supply of tobacco, his pipes, and several other 140 'WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQUATOR. things, among which were articles for the toilet of his Majesty, such as a little calabash of palm-oil to rub on his skin to soften it, and to give to some of his wives when he wished to be particularly amiable. In this journey his Majesty thought he would have ten wives to accompany him, and to provide for his comfort; and though King Quengueza was7 I should judge, at least seventy-five, the oldest among these ten wives could not have been more than fourteen years of age, and he had left a few behind still younger than these. ' Quengueza and I, with two of the favorite wives, in- cluding a Bakalai one, were in the royal canoe, at the head of which was a drummer. I fired a salute, and soon a bend of the river hid us from Obindji’s View. The drums were beating7 and all the men were singing. All the other canoes paddled in front of us except one, Which kept in the rear. The starry flag floated gracefully in the royal canoe. Quengueza was wonderfully pleased with the flag. We entered the Ofoubou River and fired another gun, the echo of which resounded from hill to bill, and started the roar of a gorilla, which could not have been half a mile distant from where we were. That fellow was cer- tainly a large male gorilla. ’I‘he Ofoubou was a narrow river, but deep at that time of the year: trees and palm lined its banks, which it had overflowed7 spreading its waters over the strip of lowlands which bounded it, and which separated it from the hills. Njali-Coudie’ was situated about ten miles distant from the banks of the OFoubou. By-and-by the singing ceased, and we paddled silently along, when suddenly one of the A HERD 0F ELEPHANTS BA THING. I 4 1 canoes ahead made us a sign to be very quiet. “What is going on ‘3” I whispered to Quengueza. Quengueza in a low voice replied, “I know not.’7 Every man looked, carefully at his gun. The canoe ahead had stopped, neither retreating or advancing. What could it be? We pulled with the utmost care; our paddles, as they dipped into the water, made no noise at all, and at last we all met. Then Adouma, the king’s nephew, came and whisper- ed low—“ Elephants are here, they are bathing in the riv- er. I have heard them.’7 “ Are you sure they are elephants ?” “ Are they not hippopotami ?” I asked. “ No,” he repliedl, “ they are elephants.” The countenanees of all the fellows brightened up; the ivory tusks of the noble beast were7 they thought, ali ready in their possession—they were selling the skin of _ the fox before having killed the animal. We let all our canoes pass down the stream a little way, in order that we might hold a grand palaver. Adouma, Quahi, Rapero, all Quengueza’s nephews, were present. Querlaouen and Malaouen, the two most redoubt- able warriors of the Balzalai 0f the Ovenga, were also there; these five, with Quengueza and myself, formed the Grand Council. Quengueza, being an old man, was to remain where he was with all the party, while myself and the five others were to move in a canoe and make land near where the elephants were. Immediately the fellows covered themselves with their fetiches; Querlaouen and Malaouen bled their hands, and then we looked carefully at our guns. Though we were more than one hundred men altogether, the falling of a 142 W'ILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. l !. leaf could have been heard by any one of us, the silence was so profound. ' The canoe that was to take us came. Adouma and Quabi paddled, and onward we went until we reached a bend of the river, and I could distinctly hear the ele- phants. So we thought best to land inside of the bend, which we did without uttering a whisper for fear of alarm- ing the elephants. After landing the great difficulty was how to gain the other side. The country was overflowed, it was all bog-land, yet to the elephants we must go. We could not possibly follow the edges of the forest that bordered the Ofoubou, for we should have soon found ourselves in twenty feet of water, and in the middle of a strong current. ' These bog-lands are always dangerous things on the banks of the overflowed African rivers. I hung my powder-flask close to my neck, and also my watch, in case the water should be deep, for I am not . tall. My men took the same precaution with their bags, and then Malaouen took the lead. Where we landed there was no dry spot, and as we advanced through the woods we immediately found ourselves entangled in the midst of the roots of the trees7 with the water above our waists, sinking knee deep into the mud, ignorant at every step whether the next might bring us into water up to our necks or above our heads. That was about as difficult a tramp as I ever had had in all my travels. Suddenly Quer- laouen’s foot caught under some roots, and down-he went into the water, gun and all. He immediately stre in Bakalai that somebody had bewitohed him, and did not want him to kill an elephant. Finally we came to a place where the water reached my neck, I being the shortest of all ; so I took my watch and powder in one hand and WE ARE TOO LATE. 143 my gun in the other, raising both arms as high as I could, and at every moment Ifully expected to go down. One step more and the water just reached my mouth, but hap- pily the next step took me on higher ground. At last we succeeded in crossing the bend, and came in sight of the elephants, who did not observe our ap- proach. They were seven altogether. What a huge beast the male was! The other six were all females, so said Malaouen. - They were perfectly unconscious of our HUN TING E LEPHANTS. presence, and swam to and fro in the narrow river. Un- fortunately they were very far from us, being very nearly half a mile off, and to come to a good shooting distance in this awful swamp would take some time. Their large ears contrasted singularly with the small ears of their Asiatic brethren; they were also somewhat smaller. Several of them had huge tusks of ivory; 144 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. those of the bull were gigantic. They were bathing, and evidently enjoying themselves. We now followed with great care the banks of the river about ten or fifteen yards inside of them, until at last the water became so deep that we came to a halt. How sorry we felt! I would have given much ifI could have come near the elephants; but as we approached the banks we saw the elephants leaving the river. What monsters they seemed! I shouldered my long; range rifle, aimed at the big male, with but little hope of killing it, as I must have been several hundred yards off. I fired, heard the bullet strike one of the tusks, when the animals plunged into the forest, breaking down every thing before them. CHAPTER XVIII. NJALI-COUDIfi.—AN AFRICAN TOW'Nr—THE CHIEF.—COURT- , SHIP AND MARRIAGE IN AFRICA. —-BUYING A WIFE. — QUARREL OVER THE SPOILS. NOW, after many wanderings, I find myself in the very large. Village of Balmlai called NjaIi-Coudié. Often I wonder that I have not been murdered by these Bake— ]ai, for they are very treacherous, and life seems to them to be of no value. The village of Njali-Ooudié is situated in the very hilly country between the Ofoubou and Ovenga Rivers. It was one of the largest Bakalai Villages I had ever seen. The people were wild; their houses were small, very small indeed, and built with the bark of trees. It was surrounded by large plantain groves and clusters of sugar-eane. The name of the chief of that strange Village was Mbango, and a fine savage he was. His hair and his beard were white. Round his waist was a piece of grass- eloth; by his side hung a tremendous war—knife; and on each of his ankles he wore two tremendous iron rings. Round his neck he were some monda fetieh, which he thought could protect him from evil spirits and from being bewitehed. Round him hung some charmed powder, preserved in the skin of a wild animal. Around his chest he wore a strip offileopard’s skin, which his peo- « T ....... 3% E s; i 146 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. pie believed could never be pierced by spears or arrows. So we might say that King Mbango thought himself in- vulnerable. The people of the Village were- a hard set of quar- relsome-Iooking fellows. The women were not beautiful, indeed they were very ugly; and even King Mbango’s head-wife was far from being a belle. She was a tall woman; her teeth were filed to a point; her hair was anointed profusely with paIm-Oil; her face was all tat- tooed; and on each side of her cheek, a little below the eye, there were two round spots of flesh of the size of a quarter of a dollar. They had succeeded in raising the flesh, and it must have required a good deal of skill. On her chest any amount of fantastical tattooing could be seen; even her back was not free from this ornamenta- tion. Such is the faithful picture of Mbango’s head- wife, whose name I have forgotten. She wore several brass anklets, and also several bracelets. King Mbango had a score of wives besides her, but she was the first woman he had married; hence she was the Queen—the foremost of them all. When Mbango married a new wife, she gave her advice and told her how she must love Mbango, how she must obey him, how laboriously she must cultivate the soil in order to bring food to her husband, and how she must often fish in order to feed her 10rd well. If she does all this, the king will say, “ This wife really loves me.” But if she does not, beware! If she is lazy, the lash of whips made from the hide 0f the hippopotamus, or of the manatee,wi11remind her of her duties, and 0f the love she owes to her husband. Do not think for a moment that women in that far-ofi' country of which I speak to you choose their husbands. AN AFRICAN BETROTHAL. 1 47 Nothing of the sort! When a girl is born among the Bakalai, while she is still a child she is often betroth- ed, and now and then she goes to the Village Where her future husband lives. Her mother or her father Will take her there7 and after a While she comes back to her home, and this continues until she is finally given away. As she grows older she Visits her intended husband less frequently, while he7 on the other hand, comes oftener to the Village of her parents. ' You Will ask me how they get betrothed or engaged. No ring is given. The man who comes to ask the girl comes first to talk the matter over. He brings a few presents, say a goat or a few fowis, and a few jars of palm Wine7 and places them at the feet of the girl’s father. Then he begins a long rigmarole, and if he could he would go as far back as Adam. At first he speaks at random, talking to somebody else all the time, for they never speak directly to the person they address. Thus he goes on for a couple of hours before he comes to the point. In the mean time the presents are still lying be- fore the father. The Whole people of the Village are there listening, and approving or disapproving by grunts. The man gets tremendously excited, and begins to hal- 100 until he is covered With perspiration. After he has finished there is a pause. Somebody else gets up, and pleads sometimes for the suitor, and sometimes in behalf of the villagers or relatives to Whom the girl be- longs. At last the father gets up,and he tries to play a shrewd game. He never means What he says; he talks not to the suitor but to one that has come With him, for it is the fashion here, as I have said, never to speak directly E E 3 E 2; , t-tth-Ick: v . :r‘ 148 WILD LIFE UNDER THE EQ UATOR. to the person whom you wish to address. He seems as- tonished that a man is bold enough to ask his beautiful daughter'in marriage. He sings her praises, generally pockets the presents, and says he will think about it. V After this palaver the relations on the mother’s and the father’s side are presented with the amount for which ' the girl is sold ; and when the final agreement has been made, the spoils are divided among the two families. This is the way girls are given in marriage in this part of the world. Mbango had abeautiful girl, whom he seemed to love dearly, and she was not betrothed. One day a fellow came from a neighboring village. He had with him a slave to give to Mbango, several jars of palm wine, a goat, some native tobacco coming from a country of the interior, called Ashira, and he put all these things at the feet of Mbango, who was seated on a stool and ready to hear him. After having talked a long time, he presented his slave, his goat, and all the presents he had brought with him to the King, and asked his daughter in marriage. Old'Mbango got up and pretended to be in a furious rage, but it was all sham; he kicked and broke the jars of palm wine. How could a man come and presume to offer .him only one slave for his daughter, she who was sought after by so many suitors? He could not believe his ears; and Mbango went roaming about, brandishing his cane. ‘ In the mean time the poor fellow had fled in dismay, leaving his slave, his goat, and all his presents behind. Mbango’s pretended anger was a humbug. He want- ed more presents, and appeared highly indignant. So the next day the suitor came back, and brought with him an- other slave he had kept in reserve, guessing that King MBAIV’G O (521 Vflb 1115 DA UGHTER 1N MAJtIt’JA GE. 1 4 9 Mbango would not be satisfied with one. He knew well that it required more than one in order to marry the daughter of a chief7 and he wanted to get his bride as cheap as he could. Mbango looked very stern. How had he dared to come with one slave only? Did he think his daughter was good for nothing? Mbango was far more gentle. He took the other slave, and then said that one more would settle the bargain“ then he could take his bridewith him. The next day another slave came; the man swore that his uncle gave the man to him, though I learned after- ward that he had that third slave ready, but that he thought that two slaves would do. The share of Mbango for his daughter was two slaves, and that of the relatives of the mother of the girl was one slave; and Mbango, wishing to appear generous, gave them the goat. The relatives on the mother’s side of the girl tried to get two slaves out of the three; it was a hard palaver, and lasted several days, but Mbango was inexorabIe—he must have two slaves for his share. ‘ There was no ceremony. The man took his bride with him, and after a few days she was to return to her father. . . n,_,_n.—_..;, __ -....,v—_n..¢W‘ ~ ' , CHAPTER XIX. THE FEAST OF NJAMBAI.—THE TALKING IDOL.-—SECRET PROCEEDINGS.—THE WOMEN AND THEIR MYSTERIES. THE Village of Njah-Coudié became full of strangers, so full indeed that many could not find shelter there, hence little olakos were surrounding the Village everywhere. When I inquired the cause why so many strangers were in the Village, I was told that the Njambai feast was coming. The first night I could not sleep, as no African feast is complete without shouting, drumming, singing, dancing, and a good deal of drinking, when the latter can be got. The noise was terrific; more than one hundred tam-tams must have been beating. At last I got up and went into the street. It was crowded with men, women, and children. Fires and torch~ es lighted it up, and gave a strange appearance to the sav- ages, who were painted in different colors. Seeing a great crowd, I went there, and I saw in the middle of the street a large wooden idol. It was a female figure, nearly of life size, and with cloven feet like those of a stag. Her eyes were of copper; one cheek was paint- ed red, and the other yellow. About her neck hung a necklace of leopard’s teeth. This idol is said to have great power, and the people believe that on certain occa- TIIE NJAflIBAI EEAST. 1 5 1 sions she nods her head. She is said to talk quite fre- quently——as might, indeed, be expected. She is very highly venerated by the ioeople. Before her stood plan- tains, sugarcane, and a piece of antelope. The people were dancing around her, singing most furiously and drumming with tremendousforee. They were so much excited and so much in‘earnest that their bodies were bright and shiny; for the oil their skin naturally pos- sesses comes out so abundantly that one might have thought they had dipped themselves in it. The perfume was not particularly pleasant, but I had become accus= tomed to it. How wild the scene, how wild the men as they danced round! They looked almost like demons. Sometimes a single man would come forth and dance before the idol, making the most horrid contortions possible, and, speak- ing to her7 would vanish again. This idol belonged to the clan of which Mbango was the Chief, and had been in their possession as far back as they had any remembrance. The clan of Mbango includes half a dozen large Villages within a circuit of thirty miles; hence the idol of the clan remains with him. But that night there was no nodding and no talking of the idol. The people began to be > frightened, and their ignorant doctors were at their wits’ end, and did not know what to do. On the night of the two following days there was a dead silence and a great darkness: no fire was allowed in the Village, no torch could be lighted. The only . light was mine, and that was closely shut up in my hut. What a strange scene. 1 Not a voice could be heard; for he who should have dared to talk would have proba- bly paid with his life f01 his rashness. 152 IVILJ) LIII’IL’ UNDER THE EQ UATOR. Two or three times a strange feeling of awe took hold of me, for I stood alone in the midst of this wild peo- ple, and what could be wilder than these superstitious scenes? It is not wonderful that these poor weak creat- ures, in sight of such idols as they have, are frightened even at themselves. The Mbuiti was set out in the middle of the street, and the people stood round her in the pitehy darkness. She is said to have bowed, walked about, and spoken to some one, expressing her pleasure at two gazelles that had been offered to her. She ate some of the meat—so I was assured~and left the rest for the people. Yes! they all believed the reports which I havejust related to you. I felt very sorry that, the mind of man could be so debased. What they asked of the idol I have never been able to find out; they were unwilling to tell me. At any rate, they were pleased, for they ‘ thought the idol had spoken, had nodded, and had eaten. Now let us come to Njambai. Njamhai is a spirit, a very good spirit, who protects the women. All the tribes I have visited believe in him or her, though with all the name is not the same. All the women venerate Njamhai. This worship of the women is a kind of mystery, no men being admitted to the ceremonies, which are carried on in a house very carefully closed. This house was covered with dry palm and banana leaves, and had not even a door open to the street. To make all close, so as to prevent the eyes of man from penetrating into it, it was set against two other houses, and the entrance was through one of these, so that com- plete darkness reigned in the house of Njamhai. Mbanu go and friend Quengueza warned me not to go to the JVIYSTERIO US WORSJYDJ OF THE WOMEN. 1 5 3 place, for the King said—“ N tanga, I myself can not go and have a look.” i The feast of Njamhai takes place once a year. The women had come from all the villages round; they had come for the Njambai feast. They had all painted their faces and bodies, were beating drums, and marching about the town. Now and then they would all go into the forest, whence I could hear their wild songs. From time to time they entered the Njambai- house, where they danced inside and outside; and one night they made a most outrageous noise, far greater than even the men had made when I came to the Village. I thought it pretty hard not to be able to sleep. Aft- er a few days I began to feel the need of it, but I did not wish to go and make my camp in the woods, for I wanted to see the feast of Njambai. The men were hunting all the time, and all the game they killed or caught they brought to the women, who offeredthem all to Njambai. On the second day they nearly all went off into the woods, and their songs were something wonderful. Now and then I could hear the name of Njambai. I noticed that in the morning a few had entered the Njambai-house, where they remained, keeping a myste- rious silence. Now my curiosity, which had been great- ly excited to know what took place in that secret wor- ship, finally overcame me. I resolved to see the inside of this house if I could. I fancy many of you would have done the same. I walked several times up and down the street to avoid suspicion. Looking round and seeing nobody, I G 2 _ i‘x f-‘xm ,. 134 WILD LIFE UNDER THE E’Q UA TOR. went quietly by the house7 and at last suddenly pushed aside some of the leaves that formed the walls and stuck my head through it. For a. moment I could distinguish nothing in the darkness. Then I beheld three perfect- ly naked 01d bags sitting on the Clay floor, with an im- mense bundle Of greegrees or fetiehes before them, Which they seemed to be contemplating in silent adoration. INTERIOR OF THE NJAMBAI‘HOUSE. I was put aback, for I expected to see no one. As soon as their fear and wonder had somewhat subsided, they set up a hideous howl of rage, and rushed out to call their companions in the bush. In a few minutes these came rushing toward me With gesture of anger, and threatening me for my offense. I quickly reached ARI BESIEGED BY THE WOMEN. 155 my house, and, seizing my gun in one hand and my re- volver in the other, told them I would shoot the first one that came inside my door. I never saw such an in~ furiated set. My house was surrounded by above three hunched angry women, every one shouting out curses at me; and still they kept coming in, their number every moment growing greater and greater. King Mbango came to the rescue. I was glad of it, for I had never been in such a predicament before. I had never faced in my life an angry mob of women be- fore; and here there were hundreds of them before me, who seemed ready to tear my eyes out of my head, or commit such other gentle little deeds as I certainly thought no female could attempt. Presently they went back to the Njambai-house, and I felt quite relieved. I had become almost deaf, and had wondered how I should get out of the scrape. At last a deputation of the women came to King Mbango and to Quengueza, who told the women I was their guest. The women did not wish to yield, but at last King Mbango and his male subjects came one by one and put their offerings before .the women. These consisted of grass—eloth, knives, plates, bracelets, anklets7 etc., etc. With these the angry women were appeased, and there the quarrel ended. Of course I could not make any further investigations into their mysteries. II was watched very closely, and Mbango came and im- plored me not to go again, saying—“ The wrath of N jam- bai may come upon us 1” The Njambai feast lasted about two weeks. I could learn very little about the spirit which they call by this name. It protects the women against their male ene- , . wn161w