I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2018 Tbs flvmgriéflfii Tafled O R, A N ANSWER PAMPHLET OF THAT A U T H O R’s; CA‘LL’VI‘) TbECHICHESTERflean, >6 ANDHIS % COLCHESTER Amazon. By Mrs; ANNE ROBERTS.- Advenit, 714i 'mflm dies muliebribm armis Verlm redargueret. Virg. If any Man among you fiem to be Relzgiom, and [arid/ed) not his Tongue, but deceivetb bzs own Heart- 5 this Man’ 5 Ree [igz'on is mix), Jamesi. ~ 6. LONDON: Printed for N. M1 ST, in Great-Carter- Lam. x718. m E “'1“ EE - ( iii ) $&%&%&%ww&&&mww’ qfifigfi o E o Wflémmmma i THE PREFACE. TO THE ~ -. ‘3‘“. AUTHOR of the fiflngfiénfi ' S I R, was very agreeabiy fin‘priz’dyto fee my Letter’ riot only Publifll’dj when I began to ddpair of you in Candour in that; Point) but vouehfltfed a particular Au- fiver : nor was the Satisfaétioul took therein. at 2H abated by the Sheer in your Title—Page, where you are pleas’d to call me the Cold’efler Amazon,- for if Emufl pafs foran Hijybolyzfa, I have the Vanity to think you are uotthe Her» Wilma that {hall lead me in Triumpf . Hadl known you to he a married Man, I fhouldhave direé’ced my Letter to your ‘Wif‘e ;, fiat not only the r rgumeut 5 Nut the Stile, A 2 and iv The TREE/£7 CE. and foul Language with which your News- Paper abounds, . fmell much of a Woman: And whatever your Sentiments may be, I be- lieVe molt People will be of Opinion, that had your Wife or your {elf been inflruéted under Dr. Swipe at Edam, you would have learn’d better Senfe and better Manners, than it appears you at prefent enjoy. That nei-. ther of you were bred up in his Pariih, I {hall not at all quefiion, but very readily take your Word for it; becaufe to the belt of my ' ”Remembrance, the Doélor’s Parilh is fomes- fit/hat remote from Billingjgate. . Why you lhould fancy me to «be only an 'Amammfis, Icannot imagine. The Reafons you give, are the Stile, Spelling, and Poin- ting,r of my Letter. Do you then think it im— polfible fora Woman to Spell true, and Point a Sentence right 2 I hope you will not look on all the Sex with fuch Contempt: And as to the Style, which feems the only valid Rean for]; it is eafily anfwer’d by a bare Mention Of the Names of Sappbo, Mrs. Balm, the Famous Queen Elizabeth, and other Females, who have excell’d in the Polite Parts of Lear: ning, My Mother was excellently well skill’d _, in the Latin Tongue, and not wholly ign0« ' rant of the Greek,- andl have the Vanity to think the Education {he bel'tow’d on me, not thrownaway; fince my Style in theJudgment even of f0 feyere an Adverlary as your feklf, 3v? « 1’ ~ ear ,. ,, 7‘- r, ' . V 1003, .523 (Z796 TREF/ICE. V looks not much unlike that of the Ravermd Dr. Bennet. I now proceed to Anfiver your civil Que/235+ om, pag 7. and to the firfil reply; that the {ole Motive of my engaging in this Difpute, “was a Love of Truth, and a jui’c Indignation at that lavage Treatment of the Doctor, by your pretended Corrqjvondem. So that in An- lyver to your {econd Quefiion, Imuft tell you, that it is not becaufe the Vigour of our Mrzlec Champion; is exhaufied, that I have underta- ken to carry on the Controverly: But to let you know, that your lenfelels Caluinnies are To far from having any Influence in the World, that even the Ritz/116 Sex can fee through your Sophiftry, and detect your Fallacies. If you expect, as the Third Queilion feems to imply, that, Dr. Sherlock lhould hintiélfi anfwer you : I beg leave to tell you, that you are foolilhly Fond of your own Writings, and blinded with Self—Conceit; elfe you might rationally infer, that a Divine of his Station in the Church, has better Employment on his, Hands, than to throw his Time away in an: fwering every iiizpertizzeizt [flier-Whiting Scandal—Morgen It was a great Pieceot Coné defcenfion in the Doctor, to vouchfafe to an? fwer the firPc Letter you troubled him with ; but if you expect you {hould meet with the fame Regard, every Time that you are pleas’d to he itarting trifling Objections and Cavils, 3‘ ‘” under Vi The TREFfl CE. under the Pretenfe of receiving Letter: ‘on that Head from your Correflmzzdentr; I believe you-feed your felt with vain Hepes, and will , defervedly- be overlook’d with Contempt, .‘And now, Sit,» in Anfwer to your lafl Queflion, Ideclare, that I am no Suéflz'tute of the Daffor’r, nor have any farther Knowledge of him, thanby'his excellent Writings: As alfo, thatI am no Perfon’s Alizaimenfzr; that the Hand and Argument are not more a Wo— , mm, than the Style, Spelling and Pointing, which you think ‘finel'l more of the Panda, than the Dzflgfi As to the'Contempt, you throw on the Argument, I {hall leave ev impartial Reader, after the Perufal of this, to judge for himlélf, whether it have reallyfo' much of 3 “70111311 in it; or Whether on the ”contrary, it be not more probable, that, not- wétkflmzding your Pretcm'e, yOur' Wife has anfwer’d me in Eamefl. ‘ . I would now willingly pafs to the Point in Controvetfy between us; but fince you have been pleas’d .to tell the World of a fecmd mifmg Letter of mine, and endeavour’d to fix on me the lmputation-of being a Scold 5 I am oblig’d. not to conclude the Prefice, till I have vindicated my feli’from the Ca-g lumny. “ I believe had you publifl‘l’d that fammi Letter, there are few would have found any Rafting in it ,- for to tell a Perfon an unwe‘r , come :3? The 7’ REP)? CE. :54. V11 “ come-Truth in modefi Terms is far fiom be— ing lo. This Sir, is all I have done: I have applied the Text of Scripture in the Title- ! {Page Of my Book, to, that more efiefz‘nal. Me— » flood ET propagating Sounder], than the Tongue, , your icentiour Pen: I alfo told you, that :Calwnny war your Talent; that neither the .Deezd, nor the Living, Bzflyopr, nor Kings, .could efi'ape your ferverefl Cenfiere. Thefe, * Sir, »- as unwelcome as they maybe, are neverthe— ' lefs Truths; and tho’ it may feem needlefs to prove them fuch to any, that has been your - Reader for a Month; yet I ihall make good :the Charge, from the Book now before me, 'Which is, by the by, one of the modefle/Z or your Performances. ‘ , ., a And here I pals over your Sneer on Dr. Snope in the beginning of your AniWer; (tho’ it might be jufily expos’d, as foreign to the Purpofe, forced, and ridiculous 5) and pafs to peg. 14. where you infinuate a Compari— fon between the preleilt worthy Metropolitan, .and the Convocation, and the High-Priefl emd Son/oedrin of the fever in our Saviour’: Time; by which you would make the World be-- lieve, that they refl in ouoflde Performmzees9 have made void the Low ofGod [2} their Ce~ vremonz'er and Traditions, and per/écute file/l7, no refit/e aofolute Szzomz'flion to Ibo/e Tradi— tionr. This, as it is the firfl, f0 is it a very ' K flagrant . :sn- 4. ,. iviii Ta TREFAI ea. v» flagrant Inftance of the Truth of my Charge againft you. , . i y The Second is Pag. I7. much of the lame Nature with the Firlt 5 only to, Calumny, you have there added a perverting the Scrip-w ture : For in the Textiby you quoted from St. john, our Saviour evidently {peaks of the flaccommanicatiea of his own Difczfler by the unbelieving "3‘ewr. There is not one Word of the Chrifiz'aa Clergy following their. Exam» ple; and Ichallenge you to prove, that they are fo much as hinted at. Your Accufation of Dr. Sherlock, for mill quoting the Bilhop of Banger comes next, in which Mr. Sykes has fince been your Second ;, believing therefore that the Doéleor himfelf Willanfwer him, ‘1 {hall wave the Point, and delire you to wait till then for Satisfaétion. Only I am apt» to think, that it will at lafi: .be prov’d, (as it has once already, in relation to‘ 'ris quoting the Bilhop’s Words about our‘Sa- ivioar’r Example) that, what he has left out, does not at all alter the Senfe of the Propofi- tion. _, The next Calu‘mny is Bag. 28. Where you affirm, That the High—Church Clergy, firth ar Arehhé/hop Laud, Dr. Sibthorp, and Dr. Manwaring, inrohjaafiim with their Beef them the Papz'flr, a’z'd qaz'te fahrvert oar Confir— ratioa, and f0 far iaflaeme King Charles the Pix/fl, rhat he z‘ara‘a ear limit-ea Monarchy into ' a 7796, TREFA'CE. 1X1 r In: defivotical Drawn}. Here, we have that , Blefled Martyr, King Charles, branded sy- [ youwith the Name of Brant; and the excel; I lent Arthbilhop Land liil’d a Brat/aerro the isPapifir, and 'Subrverter of the .Conflz'rnrz'ont 1 But While the admirable Works of the Royal l Martyr, and the Learned Cbnference of the good Archer/790p With Eflae'r thefiefwt, are in lever-"y ones Hands; your Folly Will, be hif" :at for venting itfelf in limb fenfelefs Calum- I nies. There all may lee how far the King ; condefcended to the definite-rel. Tyranny of his .- rebellions Snbjeffr ; how he gave away 31:15 till 3' he left himfelt defencelefs; and would have ; complied with any Terms, which he could, twithout wounding his Confcience, grant & There they may behold the Prelate with great Judgment and Learning, triumphin‘g over the Church of Rainej and ef‘cablilhing the 'Protcyiant Faith on Scripture, Reafon, and the“ Fathers. v y _ , . The I/Vitne/fe‘r you have appeal’d to, I am a little .furpriz’d at 5. for ifvany, one read the :Charaéter’s of the King and Archery/1301173 in my Lard ‘Clarendon’r Hzflory, he will find the ‘fvery contrary to what you have affirm’d. Mr. Nelfon is entirely againfl: you; and if no more than his Preface be conlult‘eds that willng he fufficient to invalidate the Teflimonyfif your Iafl Winefr Rnflaworth ; whom he plain- 1y demonl’crates to be partial and unjul’c. b ' ’ L3 5 7, .mnwmnn. . v as»: «Nam. 8,, . Iii‘o‘ofe‘rVe,’ thafyou have referred Ire-ate no Page in any ofthefe Books, as confcioes-of ache .falfe‘nefs “of ydur Calumny-gi but hate 7 barely namid them, . and left us to turnover “ten or twelve Folio’s', and‘look for a Needie in ~»¥¢_.Bottieof Hay: ‘ , * _ were not guilty of the “King: Murtber ; for the Proof of the contrary, I refer‘, to the écoufge, N01; which being very_.common, I . ihall’ not fu'rfeit the“ World with needlefs Re~ petitiOns. The WOrds you quote fromthe ., goth A6? of the 12th “of Charles I. are to far item being of any Service to you; that they ,. eixp'r'efl‘y r-conifut‘e you- The Murder is there ‘charg’d on Fanatic/e Mifcreantr: And I need .not tell you, that Fanatic/e is a Synonimous .Word for -Di_fl?mter. As to it’s being fiid, «they were a: far from being true Pram/farm,- = a; true "Subjefz‘: ,- yoa may remember, that it, has long been the Opinion of Wife Men, that the ”flame-r, the Pretended only Proteflamr, are fecretly carrying of! the Caufe of the Church“ of Rome; and 1mm: Cumin is not the {ole Infiance of a ,7efizitz'cal Scbifmatick‘. , That the Pr‘erbyteriam refiof‘d the King {and Monarchy is. equally 'falfe; and the Pail ifage in the Kigg’y Speech is very, impértinemly” lintroduc’d‘ to rove it: For there ie not one "Wm-d about t~ we: Dz'jfemm in it. I ~ ’3‘ ,_ . 1: cans t 7‘ In the ”neXt' Page YOfif Ely: the ”flank ‘ 779: {PR 55‘th x: t ., :1 cannot but wonder at‘yOur Confidence, twhenyou tell 1155 Pag. 3.4. That a Churchqf | England Parliament pul'l’d' down the Churchof Ir-England Hierarchy. Do youthink; 33:, that, tell the World ‘ are groWn Fools, that you ! wanid tobb f0 fenfelefs a Lie upon us? Is not- :this the fame, ,as if a: Man ’flmuld aifirm,q I that :the Pope. in. the ReigneofHemy V111,, k brought about the Refomatiom and 'avertaurnfi lthe Papal Supremacy? I dare. fay, ‘ the/One will as foon be believ’d,“ and'may as eafily, [be prov’d, astheothe'rg‘“; " : 2 n ‘ . With the famé Air of Wrath, you in the Efame Page affert, that the High—Church Party, ? {aerific’d the Doc‘frim of the Church to Ai’Iiziflidv ‘mfiztand Papa-y, and their to much admir’d 1(£07m27:11:62:th and Difi'zpiirwa to a Pope at Lam:- heth, with a Train of Izzquifitory, call’d a Gau'rt of High Cozimziflioh, Here is another Jnfnlt 9n the Athes of the Excellent Archhg/hup Laud : The Charge of P0126735 Ihaveelready pro-v’d falfe ; as to that of Atwlziniangfi/z, if by it he meant the Ramon/2mm lNotiom in the Qgeiquartzc'ular; ’C‘crznv‘a-‘umfl; as the Archhg'fhoja ~g10rie‘d in maintaining it all his Life; "1::- we glory in it to. this Day. ' - , - The Articlerqf the Church of England, are very exprefi in Favour of it, particularly that of Predefihmtim, which the Learned Dr. Ben- _ net has prov’d to be, as to every Propofitioni filtly‘cont‘ain’d in the Whig: bf Arminius: : 1‘ B 2 ' , The K“.~._ ’ ,7 ‘1- 4 rag/ii cavernuqveg at!“ ,A ‘ ' ‘A a {m 7/0: t ,,, . 7-K. , “V‘N‘Qnercmm. , v... mat-«Wt... X151; 779e- 513R ELF/£7 C . E The .eHoly Stripmreg a1moPc~in every Page,‘ gonfirm _ tbz'r Doc’h'ine ,- and sthe fiVt‘z'tz'ngrg-hf ’ ajl the» Father: of: the four firft «Centurierg; abundantly efiabliih it. *The contrary Do, chines, are the€St0ical Notiom' of Fate new Fmfipt, the 05d Hercfr of the Ghoflicks reruz'v’d 5 yandi‘except the Name of the. Great [flu/tin,- had‘recommended them to ifome inconfiderate Performs, they would long ago have been more unrverfalty exploded. The Fr-Supmlapfitrz‘afl Scheme-or. Calvin and. thjje,' and the Sublap-f». faritm of our Modems is as monfir‘ous _ a D04 thine, as contradiétory to Scwpture and Rea— fmz’, attire Pope/b Fanfitefiantiatim; and he that has embraced , the Former, is well prev. par’d. to {wallow the Latter. ’ I 'defie you or any Man, to prove the Contm-Reflzanflmnt Doc‘frieter not» to be contr‘adifiory to ‘ the whole Teneur of Scflpture, defiruaive of all Virtue and Piety, derogatory to God’r jet/tire; Truth; Mercy, and Goodnefi, feud Blafphemous inthe highef’c'Degree; : , When you fay, Peg. 36. That the Dzfleme ten in King Charles the Hrft’r Reign, were oh‘lig’d to do What the did, in mere SelfiDeg fence, againfi the _- zgthhurcb Party, who treated them with Cruelty almofl egttal to that ef the. fnquifition ; I hope you do not expeét to be believ’d, till you ‘fpecify what that Cruelty was, and by what” it Was they were thus inhurnanly treated? ' The I em affur’da. ' ’ m ‘1“ he TR E F A1 C E X111 'gfyou willnex‘rerébe able to do; your-Scandal "lies ia'Ufiirverfali, and you are not able to C16;- fenggany one particularPointofi-it. , ‘ , 1 eThe prefent Clergy fall next“ under your Lafh, as Enemiei to the Eflahlgflament in Church find Stare, e‘ver flew the Revolution, This is" a Stale Piece of Slander, worn quite thread? bare, and {0 often anfwer‘d already; that , all, .Iihall fay to it, is, that you, have the tme Spirit of the reft of the Whigi‘ in, you, and tho’ an Ob}e€tion he ever fo often and {o folid‘iy confined, can Continue it with the fame C071— fidenee andA/fiimme, as if not a Word had been, replied to it. , This is a Method ufed by many Dzflhm‘ew, and meets with too much Succefs among the Populate. , » You’rlafi Attack is on Her late Majeflyof file-fled Memory; whom you charge with ma, king 21 treachev-ow am! ingleriem Peace, the Intent of which, was to Sacrifice the three Natiom, with all the Proteflam Interefl in the lei/arid, to Paper}! and ['Iymmzy. This impze... dentFm-gery there are few now alive, but can from their own Memory and Knowledge c011? fute 5 hand that is afufli‘eient Excufe for me to {wheat-enlarging on this Head. For Ihzwe not {'0 much of "for/em} Bumet in me, as to write merely to acqmintthe Mrlei, with what they know already better them thy/eif.‘ Iam tired with raking in this Heap of §eanda15 but as you ganiiot deny, that you 1 have , ,_ . s — V .. ,.. rigging“, .h ;. ,. mv The ‘PRbFflCE; ihtve forced meito it, that WillIhope (at‘leafi- with you)“ \be- a fuflicient, Aepology for me. And now having fully- prOV’d vmyi‘i'Charge’fia "g‘ainfl you,- Ibegf leave to repeat part o’Esmy jecona’ Letter, and mute more tellyou {that "be the Cape]? you are engaged in, ever fl) jet/l, it i: but a Scurvy Trick to get a Habit of Ly; ing for the "Bath. Whether you think Party» Zeal will jufiify you in fuch fcandaloaePra ceeding.r,f1 ‘Ihall not take on me to-‘TJuag-e ,_ but leave you to God and you'r’own Coafl‘iefice; And now, Sir, I have done with the Pee—y face, and {hall proceed to the Aafwer, which you fay, you, are pleas’cl to make to my Let-t ter, becaafe Solomon admzjer at to aofwer fame People, left they be wife in their own ‘Com'cit ; that is, to anfwer a Fool according to hit Folly. Thus do you 'very’ civilly call me, or rather the Colclaejler Doctor, Whofe Ama-l naenfir'you take me to be, a Fool 1' Pardon me, if I return not the 'Cofigolz’mmt; hecaufe; Solomon in the preceding Verfe advifes us, not to aafwer a Fool according to hit Poly, left we aljobe like unto him. I {hall therefore in the following Tr'aét addrefs my {elf to the candid and impartial Reader, and conclude my Prev fleece to you, with {ubfcribingmyieifi " f V Tour humble Servant, The Colchefter Amazon, AWE, RQBERW .17 H 1.5. 3 - . ‘3 ( g I“, ) - 3 .7: , iwmfimwmm336%%%@ 3% 35' ara- ‘ffi’ . - . 5W3: H vwfig 3 ‘3 _. .. 33 ‘3 ‘v a ,. . _ TH E ,1 ' FLYING-POST POSTEDzm . F T E R ‘adull Piece of Infipid Railery; A which Ihave in, the Preface confider’d, ' the Author" of tbe'Flying-Pofl begins his Argttment, with an Accufation of me for" inot having read my Lord of Bangor with ‘fuflicient Attention 5 by which means he thinke Ihave miftaken the State of the Queftion. :T he Relzgion in Debate, it' feems, is not? “now- any other, than the Chriflz'an Religim alone, 3 as revealed in the New Teflameiit r Though it was thought by the Generalityj: that" the Difpute had been about Religiwz 272 geizeml. If I have indeed mittaken my Lord “of Bangor’s Meaning, 1 am not the only Peta [on by many Hundreds, that have been ob—4 noxious to‘this Miflake. Neither {hall Ihave much Callie to bin-iii, if afiéfiea’ Chg/Emily) . ,3. and 2 7796’ FLYINGPOST {Pa/Zed . "and afiudied Darknefy have been too thick {if a, male Eye to pierce through; ‘ g However I 111311 (as others‘have been forc’izd‘ to do in this Controverfy already) trace‘him filth-rough thisotlaer Meaning; and prove, that by this Change of the Point in Difpute, he has been f0 far from gaining any thing, that he has Only brought himfelf to a N6 plm .ultra, Where it. is imp'oflible For him to avoid owning his Meaning, and as impafihla to ‘13} . féhd it. This 'iirill be ltflibientlyperform’d, by proving, that even in the Cbrz'flian Relzgi- on; as reveal’d in the New—Teflamnt, the Hopes and Fears of another World, are not the only Motives, that render our Attions Re- ligiow. ‘ _ But before Ienter on the Proof of this, ‘I think it proper to, vindicate my Inflances 'of the 3m», Ninwz'ter and Sadduceer, from the [image Milieprefentations of the Ambar of the Flymg—Pofl. ' He in a prepoflerom manner chufes to begin with the End of my Letter, and take my lal’t Infiance firf’c ,- and becaufe he {hall not ac— cufe me of beginning with the End of his ”Anfwer, Iihall for once comply with him To far, as to follow that Order; In his aim]; Page he fays, that the Ninetuz'te; believed and repented upon what God had revealed to them by theMonth of 310nm; and that the natural inference from thishis, f.- RE , ‘T/oe FLriNG-Pe‘si‘ Tia/fer}. 3 that Cbiifliam muff alfo belieVe as much as? they are t‘aughra, , Now if it be, Once made Evident, (as I {hall fully prove it is tintheflSe- quel of this Difcdurfe,) that Cbrzfiian; g'haye the Motives of Joy and Mifery in this‘ Wprld; as“ well a: in the newt,__pr0pos'd to'ex‘cite them td Obedience .; this} Argument :Will prove, that, Clzrz'flz'am; who fay, the Hopes and Fears of another World [are the [ole grin: tiple, from Whence Religion»; Aétions ROW,- ‘ - do not believe as inueh as . they ere itailglitg and confequently are not To truly Ret‘zgiém as the Ninemiter., . j _ .- d . But; lays the Pamphleteezj, Bag. 'iqtil’t doie’é not appear from the Text; that _ the Mizeviiger were not afraid of lasting-their Soulsj as weir}. a's their Bodies and Houfesr But, pray? does? it appear that they were? If not5 let theé‘i; {ence of the Scripture in that particularj be; a fiifliciem Proof; that it is [a meet Chip/MM hf My own Brain. In fuch Pdints‘, Idem eff. 21022 em: (3” 72072 appar‘ere :4 Where there is 116 Text ‘td prove a Notion; that negative flrgfliflefiét is a full Cenfutatio‘n dfii ; ,. th'dugh find ,pofitg‘jve Words of SérzptzZre canbe prqduc’d, that “ex” [prefly deny it. There is hd Text of smpmm which fays in exprefi W0rd35 that there “iii. 11:33 Putgatoiy; yet all Pratt/fan]?! think; that ridiz 61110113{.thi0n abundantly reintedqby the 3i; 137266 of &riptu’ré (in that Head; and the 111111;ng gieficy affiliate Texts alle'dg’d by theflififflf re p‘réré it: t: * Befideszg 4 c The FLYING-Posi- Tag/fed.- Befi7dess all this Scrié‘ler aims 3'25 is,»- to "’fhewa‘fbare Poflibilitj of the Ntnerviz‘ex belies ' Ving ‘ai-Euture State.. I 'fllall therefore put :2 him in Mind of an old"Metap/9yfical Maxim ,~ A Poflk ad Efle non ‘v’alet Argumenmm : That ”is, in plizm Englg'fla, an Argument drawn from ‘ the 'Po‘jfibz'lity of 21’ Things Exi'ftenc'e‘to its "f‘dcrfual Exiflence, is ir'iCOnciufive. " What "is 'nnore ridiculous, than to argue thus? It. is ’-.poffible that Londonkméty be burnt down to; Morrow"? Therefore it "wilib'e aétuaily burnt: "down; It is poflibie, that the Thamefin‘iay: . overflow, and drown theCity; therefore’itg _‘ does f0; ‘ What Can be more abfurd and nau—i ' feous than this 27 Yet of this Kind: are them-1 fling Cami]: of this paulfiy Sr‘ribler. ‘ u ‘ i ,, __ But at 13?: he has found an'\Argument, Whichi f he triumphs in, and 'Whic’hihe thinks, proves,i j that they aétually3 hei‘i‘eVed a“ Future State :1 And that is,: that JVinE’Deb"was founded byi Noah’s - izzzzzzediate 'Pefieflzy; who being aj ' Preacbe‘r of Eighteen/heft, we have Reafon to} believe, taught bir Pofi'mw the fame Faith he} entertgih’d himfeifi flit .’ Unbapgj prhzflér I1 ' Was there no Argument but this; which if ' it' prove any thing, will equally prove; that? 720' Man Ever disbelieved a Future State P'Are? ‘ not all Mankind equally defcended from Neal: .7; If their being bi.“ :Pcrfl'erz'ry provesj‘that theyi f retain the fame Faith, which he entertain’d ;: “ how comes it, that there‘a‘re {Ovmany hundred; " ’ ' i V Here/fer: t r no. _ s, i.,_v.~»::«_-. M... \....__.- ,4. _ a , The heme—POST Toy/feel. 5 ~Herefier in the World; {0 many Seek and Panzer, divided from, and contradiétory to each other? Were no-t‘the Saddueee: defeen~ «(led from Noah? Are not all the lnfidelr, that ever lived fince» the Flood, his Poflerigy .7 ‘Wherein then' lies the Force of, this Argu- ment? But perhaps, as a certain Free-Thinker has found, out Men before the Flood not defcene ded from Adam, {0 you may have made a Difcovery of Men after the flood not defceizded from Noah. . 1 . To do you juiticefi Sir, Imul’c own, that the Strefs of your Argument lies in their being Noab’; immediate quterity; by which you infinua‘te, that the Traditian of his Faith-3 tonld not be {0 foon wholly obliterated. To this Ireply, that it {till remains to be proved, that that Tradition in fliceeeding Generations Was preferved uncorrupted, even till the Time of game. The tohtrary may with great Reafon be inferrld from the Fate of that Eadie time, even in the Pafterieyof Shem, the Father of Aflmr, Founder of Niheweh; whom for his eminent Vertne and Piety, {dine mifzakeni 'COMIIZé’J’lthYI will needs have to be Melchife deck, King ofSafem. Now we find in the ninth Generation from him, his Pqfi‘erii} had in far deviated from the Faith, that they, not only dishelieved a Future State; but were ignO-s rant of the True God; and followed Idolr‘: infomugh that when. Gad revealid himfelf to Q :2 . 4452135 6 7796 FLYING—POST ‘Pofled. . floraham, he call‘d him out from his Idolatrom Country and Kindred, and leparated him from the Danger of being infeé’ced by‘their Contae . ion. Was not Ni‘z/iroa‘ the great Grahdfon of Nsab, the Head of that Rebelliom Chew, who in Defiance of the [filmigbffi projeéted the building a Tower whole-- Top might reach to Heaven; thereby thinking to fecure themfelves from the Danger of another Flood in ebi; Whrld, which if they. could effect, they flood in no Awe of any Flames in' the hex: .3 Where now was am ancerrzepted ”Hag. dirion ?: What, quite loll and eras’d in the tbird’Geigeraeim from Noah? How' can it then be thought probable, that it fliould d6? feehd pure‘and entire to [0 difz‘ant an Age, as that in’wl ichjthe Prophet 3‘0an liv’d? Even" after the giving of the Law, we find the, Scripture: of the Old? Teflament, tho’ in the Hands of the Saddaeeer did not fecure them from the Disbelief of a Future State : And Where ‘3; verified Ride of Faith has fail’d‘, how much more infiifficient will a Traditional , one bee ' ' ' ~ ' This" may ferve alfo for an Anfwer to your: Argumentf Fag; 16. where you conclude from ‘7052’s Belief of a Future State, that it; cannot be prov’d the Mnemieer- disbelieved it». For tho’- it Were ever {0 evident, that the Don {St-tine o"? a Future State Wis pi'elei'ved‘ pure and entire in the Days of $705.”, who lived, :Js ' V The FLYINGPOST spa/zed. 7 {all agree, before the giving of the Law; that ~ #iS no Proof; that it defeended in the fame Rik . ity to the Cbefizrzporarzer of 3022.415 who hired fife: long after the Law” ,V .i . Imight have objegited, that divers *ofrhe thefl Cbrezrzzezztatorr, particularly Gram/4" and Patrick, are of Opinion, that the Words of 305, Ch. xix. 25, 6&- refer only to. that full fAlTurance he enjoyed of a Delixierancefron; 'his prefent AfiliétiOn, and the loathfome Dif- leafe, which he then labour’d under. ButI am not willing to enter into " a needlefs Dilé. ,pute“: And fince the Church qunglarrd in her- ‘Bltfl‘al Oflice has applied this Ext to a Future State, I» humbly, full/nit my private judgment t‘oh'erwije Determination, and to. th.e_',excela 16m Reafons of the admirable Bilhop Pemfom ‘ If the Experience of modern TraVellers El; lures us, thi;‘t the mefl bur-harem Nations in Afiqz, inow believé. another ~World, that is nothifig to‘the‘Purpg'ofe; for that proceeds from the ~ Pmmulgaziou or Chrifiz'uszity 5 fome Remains“ of which, the Learned Dr. yen/em, in his admirable Treatile of the Excellence and Rea-«7 fwmhleuefr of the Cheri/lien Religion, has large— ly proved to be fiill pi‘elerved in a Multitude of Nations, Where the Suhflume is clouded and lofiin Superfiitimz andfuflu’eliy. ' ‘I come now tdhiS Anfwer to my Argument from the Sedu’uceer, ii; whigh tho: “he,“ has LY». w, , . -. r v bcel} we , ' ,7: ‘8 73796 FLYING-POST TH/iM, _ been: very large, Ithall he famewbat brief; hecaufetall he hasfaid is little to the Purpofe, «The Quefiion put to him, on this Head, in my Letter, was 5 Whether 3139', who 613g liev’d‘not a Future State, at the Sadducees did _ got, upon Supgfltim of the Truth of zha-Biflxop ,o£ Bamgm’s Notion, have my OMzgation' tr A67; of Rehgion? This he oompi’ains, P. 26,. ‘isfo aiizbzguoufly awarded, that he cannot eaiily fathom my Meaning, I protei’c, I 64721203 fathom hi! ; when in order to prove them {’05 "he would interpret them, whether they could thizzk themfelyes ohlig’d to Aéts of Religion ,: Is there one Syllahle in my Quefiion abou: . their y'Ihouglatt? 19" it not askid in exptefs ‘Words, whether: they 1mm any Obligation to [16ft of Religion 5 not whetheflhey tibia/{e they ham or not? W’here then is there any/ivzéi; guity, but of his \own Inventing .P’ The Trot "is, he finds himfelf prefs’d with theSttength of the Furczguttnentj and to evaded: Repiy2 prev: tends it Ambiguow: Yet in the fame Phttagz'aph he unluckily {tumbles/0n the true Meaning 03E the Qpeflion; but not being able toanfwetit, he ptoves at large a Thing toreign to the _ Purpofe, ‘viz. That .7793 Sadducees were a wicked Generation of Vipers, and denied the Refurreftion. ‘ The gontrary to this, No: Body" ever maintain’d; I‘fltafl therefor-e pafs overhisimpegtz'mm Digteffigns oh that Eeadt lite 'x -~ (1796IFLYING-POST'TO/Zadu19" ,.%%T11e Queflion is not What the Sadduci’efi Were; 1but what they were obligedto be .: Netwfiat :flc‘?! 0f- Keilgion. thfiydld perfe‘rm’ :9,th Whea‘ iBangor’r Marian, ' that-they: have e no Obligaui: :93 to Perform. any .9, And whether hi -~ Netiqu- :be not therefore Erroneous E , . » , , Thatfrom the Bgflwp’r Notiqiz; if -n€CEKa~i :‘rily follows, that they weretoblig’drftorm 9246i; eof £99991 thus prove: No Man is oblig’d by God, to do that, Which is impoflible: .-;,N0w,if, as the 132/110]? fays,‘ the: Beliet " of ; ano- gther World is the mly Principle, th'atsic‘an rend" «filer-an Aé‘ri’on Religious ; then to them'wwho » believe not a World recounts, the'doingarre: aligz'ous flc‘f is z'mpcyfiblag becaufe-vthey want gthat Principle from whence alone, Religiow rflffiom flaw; and canfequently can no more rperform them, than a Bird can fiywithOut allele Wings, which £10m enable it to fear from the Earth: Therefore to thefe. iiizpofliéle’ :flfz‘r of Relzgzion, »they who disbelieve a"-Ft1~f {ture State,,ar’e not obligld. I have. here fet :down the Refirlt of the Biflwp’r Nation :1 That r'Of Dr; Sherlock on the contrary, (whichmakm‘ arhe Fear‘off Gad, Whether it haveRegard‘to? this or the Other World-g , Love and Gratitude for our" Being and PreferVation, and i all his iffem‘poral Mereies ;f‘ Principles, from which :Reltjgiow Aéiiom'mayflows) lays on the Sad: I. ' duceer Va , .4>~r-"’ «.9,‘ i (j The FLYmdPOST Toflm’ ‘duceer inaifpehfihle' Obligations to A5!“ of _ Religion‘f: whereas-they; according to my Lord of Bangor’r Beech-£7283 Can be accountable for nothing, but their“~bare Dirbelief of a Refm: reéfion; not for thofe Religiom Affr, Whichto‘ :Menfo perfiladed5 bimfelf affirms to be irizpofi fible : And I fuppofe,‘ he is not ignorant of that unimm’izlly received Maxim of the Cafuzflr, Illzpoflbilium nulla cfl Obligatioi i in the We1&11_.Page5 {Omething Of an At; gument is offer’d at, Which I’W’OuId confider, if the Texts quOted mention’d any thing of the Sadduceer : But I can. find nothing in the tholeg‘firfl Epiflle ‘10 the Corinthians, that re-: --lates to them. If it he ‘o‘hjeé‘tedi that tho’ theferfo‘nr difputed‘againftin‘tbe 13th Chapter of that Epiffleg are not the Saddmeer; yet the Errorthere treated of, is the fame with that they maintain’d and therefore, that the Argtts‘ ment is {till conclufive: I anfwer, that Mr. 077* Mfr. R—Admth,‘(for whether I am difputing with the Gentleman, or his“ Wife, the Weak: nefs of the Argument gives me Caufe enough ‘to doubt) quotes there Texts; to prove, that the Saddu'ceer coxlld. not think themfelves oblig’d to Affr of Religian; Whereas, if he Would confute me,'he flro’uld quote fomea thing, 'which proves them affually under no Obligation t‘q A623- of Religion. ‘ Ido not think my felfoblig’d, when he flies flow the Poiht " it? 'le '5 37736 FLYINGéPOST ‘7’0/5651. I 1“ in Difpute, to follow him to other Tepick-s, lilothing‘at all to the Purpofe. . ~ . From the Belief of another World being? by St. Paul accounted the chief Hepe of a fihriflian, he would infer, that Dr. Sherlock Contradié’cs St. Paul; and then asks, Whom I Will believe. Truly, Sir, St. Paul 5 if he indeed contrediets the Daffor. Butl defire you to remember, that the DDc‘Z‘or does not exclude the Belief of another World from"), Religiow, nor deny it to be the chief Hope of ‘Chrifliam; but affirms it. not to be the Sole, Principle, from whence Religion; 1467mm flaw And that St. Paul himfell: affirms the fame,” I {hall in its proper Place demonflrat'e. In the mean Time, I {hall end this Point, with in» forming you, that tho’ the Faith of Chrifliam in la Future State be, if there he no {och State, a: to that Point, vain; it does not? from thence follow, that there are no Promi“ fesin the Gofib‘el, but What relate to a Future State; which was the Thing you ought to” have proved. ~ V In his Colleétion from jofephm, Drth Land Scalzger, my Adverfary contradiéts hin1-~ halt, and gives up the Caufe, by owning, that the Sadlz’uceer obferved the Law, (that is, did, {och Religious Aéts as the Law enjoyns). to enjoy the Témpcml Blelfings it promis’d, and to elbape the Punilhments denounced to ,itfs, ' Tran = 12 The, FLYING—POST ‘Pofled. TranfgreiTors. > Here we have Religiom Afiimy flowing from the Hopes and Fears of. tbi: 74707161, . and laimflelf confuted by bimfelf. ‘ - Another Infiance of -Self-Contradi&ion in him, is Fag. Io. where he, in anfwer to my Quefiion about the Sadduceer (I fuppofe ignoi mmly) owns, that their not believing another World, could not d-ifjoenfe with their Obligae tions to A615" of Religion. Here he confefl'es ‘ 'what Dr. bbeflock and I have afferted, and leaves my Lard ofBangOr in the Lurch. And yet, poor forgetful Man, he after writes three Pages. to prove, the contrary. There is an: old Proverb about the ‘Neceflity of fome Perfons having a good Memory, which I. wiih‘ he had given me no Reafon for the Applicatia on of to himfelf. _ _ Having laid a great deal to prove the Sad—~ duceey did not think themfelves oblig’d to [iffy of Religionl 792y_qlnzglgly, Antagomfl thus concludes: "This is enough to let you fee; ‘F that the Sadducee: could not by their Prin~ “ ciples be oblig’d to any 146i of Religion.” 1192‘! Cbndufim is fomewhat firange from fuck Premifer, and in Syllogifin {lands thus :. — They who think themfelves oblig’d to no fifty of Religion, are oblig’d to none. . TheSaddz/zceer thought themfelves oblig’d to" no Aéts of Religion. \ Ergo. The 'Sadducew ate oblig’d to none}; ' , W e« "7796 FLYING—POST Toflen’. I 3 - ‘Whether the Major of this Syllo'gifm be not the Tenet of Deifz‘: and fltbeiflr, let every 'one judge for'hin'ifelfi Iihallquit this Head with obferving, that it i: plainfrom the Beginning and End of his Argument on this Topick, that he knew the true State of the thflion; and a; plain, that he confiantly avoided {peaking'to it,‘ became he indeed had nothing to lay to? the Purpole. ' his now plain, that What he has already ‘ faid, andl have already confuted, can be no Anfwer to my Quotation from the Proverb: : And; that this D072 Quixote amufes himfelf withfeneied Conqucflr. .. , ' The Text fromSelemon remains then hill in full Force ; and his driving to evince, that the flew; in his Reign were not ignorant of 'a Future State, is wholly impertinent, becaufe I did not affirm that they were, but that they might do fifth of Religion out of the Hopes and Fears of thir, ' as well as of the other World He would fain puzzle the Contro- verfy, and have it thought, that we exclude the Belief of another ‘Worldfrom Religion: “Whereas in Truth; we exalade not another ‘World, but oppofe his excluding the Promijer fof This. We take the Pronliies and Threat nings of bath "Her and the other World into Religion 5 he ebeeluder tliofe, that relate to Whit Wham, and embraces only thofe, that re- ’ 1,) a late , . 14. The FLYING—POST Tofled.. . late to the other; and therefore his Religion from which one half of God”! Threatningr and Promifer if excluded, is truly and properly the loalf-fac’d Religion. . ’ Having done with the Bij/aop’y KnighteErrant 1 ihall now come to loimfelf, and {late the Queftion in his own Words, In his Anfwer to the Committee, Pag. I 3 I. lair Lord/In}? fayr: “ life are led lgy Chriii to the firm nflamm of “another [/1772er : The Belief of which, if ‘5 what Alone render: our lve/l Afiions Religiq. “. or), at it if the Principle within w, firoin F‘ whence theyflow; and from whence, when they do not flow, they tea/e to be Religion. ” Here it is affirm’d, that the Belief of another W'orld is what filone renders our bell Aétions Religion 5 which neeeliarily implies, that the Hopes and. Fears of thi: World-are no where propounded by our Saviour, as Motives to Obedience: For if they are, then Aétions flowing from the Belief of God’s Promiies in tbi5 W'orld, flow from a Religion; Principle. And thatwe are led by Chit/i to the Belief of fuch Promifes, is plain from his own Words, Matt, vi. 3‘3. Seek.- ye firfl the Kingdom of God and bir‘Rig/oteozg‘iteflr,’ and all thefe thingr fliall be added zmto you. in thofe Words 3. ‘Futgre State is indeed the fix]? and chief Mo: five, but not as his Lord/hip aghrms, the Sole Motive to Righteouinefs, Temporal Bleflingt . v ._ are (C ,, . The FLYING—POST Toflea’. "1.5 are exprefly promis’d 5 and becaufe {ome Per-J Ions triumph in the many Warnings our Save... our: gives his Difciples of the Perlet'ntioni, they Inuit undergo; and think that a flrong Proof of a Future State being the Sole Motive to Relzgioae Acrfiont under the Chriftian Difitenfar tion : I defire it may he confider’d, that Chrl/li, even in the flame Sentence, in which he men- tions the Cafe of Per/eentionz, promifes his Difcipies an Affluence of Rinperal Blefllngt. This appears from Marla X; 29, 30. find Jeiils anfwered 'ana’find, Verity Ifay ante you, There it no Man, that hath left Hoafc', or Brethren, or Siflew, or Father, er Met-her, 0r ”fife; m: ,Chzldren, or Landr, for my Sake, and the Ge— flle,‘ Bat he [hall receive an Hundred—fold now in this Time, Hon/ht, and Brethren, and Si. fters, and Mathew; and Children, and Lanah, , with Perfecutions; and in the l/Verlal t0 conga Eternal sze. Here our Saviour again iOyne the Promifes of this Life, with thofe of the next, even when the Cafe of Peafecation was inhis Eye: ~And what can be a more evi— dent Proof, that the Belief of the Promifes. of another World is not the Sole Principle, from whence Relzgiom Afliont in the Chrififlan Difpenfation flow; than that, the Inftitator of that Religion has joyned the‘Promifes of the Bleflings of this Winla' to the Promifes of thofe in the next, as Motives to our Obedience. ' I am we. : t; \ :16 .ThesFL‘Y1N69P05T {Po/teeth -~ :1 am fenfibleéit may be look’d on as a Bre‘aE-h of good Manners, and a Piece of the highett ' Arrogance, for a Woman-to contend witha Bi/hop : I-fltall therefore chute to tfansfer the Controverfy from my . felt to another Bifhop, who, when alive, with Chrifiian Zeal Oppos’d hie Lord/hip’s Notiom of Civil Go‘vemment; and heihg dead yet fibea/eeth againf’c this hit~ new Definition of Religion. The PerfOn I mean is, the worthy szh'op Blackall of Blefled 1311mm, from Whofe fixty fixth Difcohtfe on the Sermon‘in the Mount, I {hall quote what £3 to. any rational Man a fufhcient Confiltat'iOn of the Biihop of Bahgor. . * Toprove that Temporal Reward: are'pro-f mifed in the Scripturej as Motives to [stem of Relzgion 5 that Pious Prelttte quotes the P/‘ezt’e hzifit} Words; The Eye of the Lord it on them. that fear him, @022 them-that hope in his Men 6?; To deli-vet their Soul from Death, and to keep them alive tetI‘hmiee, Pfal. xxxiii. I8, :9. And'again, Pfal. xxxiy. IO. The yet/52mg £3022; delete/e and [after Hmeger; hut they that feeh the Lard/hail mt "(meet (my good thitg. And again, Pfezl.xxxvii. 18, 19. The Lom’ lee/zoom- eth the Day‘: of the ’LEréght, and their heheri— temc‘ejhall he for ever. They jhall not he [Ii/hed- med in the evil Time, and int/ye“ Day; of Fete. mine they'fhalt he fatitfir’o’t ' is There” < K ’ $85": vhri : ‘MMR . ' A ' L7“ ‘ ‘ ‘ z: m: i The FLYINGPOST ‘Po/Zeel. I7 ,‘1‘: Thefe, [eye that good Bi/hop, {Omeirnay “ fay‘ are Old Tefioment‘ Promifer, andfo do {‘2 not belong to u: .~‘ B tlet it beconfid’er’d; ‘f that God has been pleas’d alfoin the: New ~ f" Teflalnent to renew them5 and to giveku‘s ‘F frefh Afl‘urances of his Fatherly' Care, in- “ protecting and providing for good Men,- ‘ even in this Life. , r . . “ St. Paul, continue! he, who writing only ‘¢ :to Chriflionr, cannot be fuppos’dto have fen- ‘fi couraged them to their Duty by inch Profit fl ‘f miles, as do not belong to the! , yetfays- ‘? exprefly, 'I Tim. iv. 8. that Go ilineji it pro; ‘5 fitohle unto all Thing? having the Promifle: ‘F of this Life, thatnow is, as well asof that f? which is to come. a “ His Lordihip goes on to ~-prove, that the ‘5 Temporal Prowl/er of the Old Teflamentare “ not yet out-dated, but do belOng to Chri-- ‘C flmnr as well as they did to 3673):. This, “ he filith, we are Clearly taught by the Alt-r “ thor of the Epiflle to the Hebrews, Ch. xiii. 5. ‘S where he declares, that the Promife made . “ to filo/hue, I will never leave thee nor for; “. fake thee; (altho’ at the Hill making, it ‘9 feemed to be particular and perfonal, made “ to jojhna alone) is yet to be’underfiood, “ as an Evangelical Promifle, made to every ‘9 good Chriflmn. And that not this Promife ff only, but likewife all fiJch Ternpoml Pro-a , ‘ ' ' ‘ ff lizife: 18 The FLYING-POST Tofled. “ mz’fi’t in the Old Tefldment do belong to u:- " ‘-‘ ' Che/2mg no lefs than they did to the plow * “ ‘Ifitaelz'tet; the fame flpcflle plainly enough -‘~‘ intimates in the next Words; "ver. 6. by" ‘ “ his citing another Text from thence, which “ he lays we alfo may apply to our felves: 30' “5 that we may boldly lay; the Lord it my “ Helper, I will not fear what Mam am do .“_ unto me. ” . ‘1 Thus far that exCellent Preldte; to whole Argument from St. Paul, 'I beg leave to filba join one of the {Ame Nature from St. Peter ,1." who {peaking of a Blefiing, to inherit which Clot/lions are call’d by God, exprelles the Na: ture of that Blefling in the Words ofthe Pililfi . mill, Pfdl. XXXiv. 12, 13», 14; He that will” ‘ lo've‘ Life, andfee good Daye; let him refrain hie Tongue from Evil, and bit Lz'pr, that they" fined/e no Guzle ; let him efitbew Evil, and do good,r&c. I Pet. iii. to, II. ' From all this I thus argue ;‘ . That Ac‘z‘ior,‘ whicbflozm from d fiflflTflt , and fleddfafl Belief in the Promzfer of God,- flowr front a truly Religious Principle. The Afliom we are moved to by God’r Tem- poral Promifes, do (or well or tbofe we are mo‘v’d to by Hi: Eternal) flow from a firm ijl in God and fledfdfl Belief of Hit Promifer. t Ergo. The Aftiom we are moved to by God’r Temporal Promifes, do (or well a: tbofe we .. , are The FLYING—PestiTofle-i 1 9‘ , are mailed ti) by hi; Eterfial) flow fmm’a truly :1Iffihigz’begmfitfejc‘f, ‘(éind’hé’f item be deg-.5, niedl : Can’t fee) git" lollOwg théfi’f” deifiixg; groin" ,_ a truly R‘éligiqu; Principle, theyfaréiirizb "Reliew gi’on '; I and if they «are truly Religilih; ”it is falle‘, " lthat the Belief "of another Worldi-s what filme- renders qur’ beflSAétions Realigégzgg ”and thax when they flew riot Efrem theflC§fi the?" ceafi tofbeykelégfion; Fer when ealélo~ téwzzin‘dtefiin“ God, each conflz' grey rm Affim Religieus, "Elms haVe, I.,.5..lhe\vn, “that, $119»; Bi/liop of," Bangor’I‘qunitiofi, is; as Dr.'375érl*‘fck (Illegit; amw‘ Deflnitiong'of RJigion. . - ' I {hall dole“ all, 1 With ébkfvihg,‘t11'atif {he Bi/bopflwas really the Dofim’r flack, as the} 21th of the Flying-«PM fizgg'éfl's"; I Cannot; ibfit congratulate the zvoc‘for ifi being {9‘ like .. ‘St'. Cyprian, in relation to’ firmlliaiz ;' that is, .. :in' having copied aill‘the Bg'lbqp’: Extrellenc’iex; and with great Judgment avoided bi: Eff \TOTL‘ ' , i V * E ‘ ‘EPL'P’EN: wow®®®®®mwwggfih wqfififlfifififim~ mg Sflflww, ewnnwe wmmmmw‘wmimmwéem ’A PIPE N D 15X a , H E- Author of the Flyinv—Pofi, '7 haJ__ * vi'ng 'impotently‘ attachkip Dr. Sher— ‘ , lock’: Reafonr for continuing the Tefl- ‘ Act"; I« {hall Vindicate the Deficit, from his infolent Malice, and addx’a Word,» or two on that Subje&._ The Printi file, one. which the Doc‘z‘or juflifiesf that Aét,‘ 1"; Self}- Defence; and fure, no Adherent Of the ' Bin flap}: of Bangor, that great Patron of Self-1 Defence to the State, Will deny the fame Priviledge to the Clam/ch. It' is true the Difli’ntew‘are by fome reprefented, as harm- lefs People, content with their Toleration; but the Reverend Mr. Lewis, in his Letter to Sir john; Smith, has evinc’d the con- trary, and proved, that they aim at no- thing lefs, than a total Submerfiofi to the Church of England. The Stab; they have to ¢ Yb" often lepeatedi With theii‘y' Pam,;hey would, 'if' .PéWer" were, in; their "Hands; as. often iepeat With the Sword. ‘ Their Wri- tm’ S"‘3"r‘e’ a‘ clear Exiide'nce, land bear 'I/l'lite- fie]? 'ifgaihfi them; that the); m ‘the‘ (Chil- ' firm bf TIME, who. niartyr’d, the King, and 'pull’d down the" {Epifcopal Hierarchy: And they are ready at the lid} 0 .pqgtu'nity, to fill up the Meaf‘zm: of their =albeit} Iniqui— “tier. Thus it erer was and” ”ever will be ~ with them : And to {how that I am not ‘fingular in this Opinion, 17 {hall note --a few Sentences from' Parker’s .Eccifiafliml Polity; wrote in the Reign GE'King Charles 1736 Second, which unaanerably prove it true. They are all. colleéled out. Of his Pift-i Chapter: ., , ' T . '. , , “' No Parr} can" ever? befiquieté or, con- " “ ' tent, as long as it is under,‘ any Other, “‘ but will ever belheaving and firuggling "‘ to difi‘nount that Power,‘th211t keeps it “ down :- And therefore we find, that- all “ Elf/enter; from the eflablzflz’d'", Frame of “ Iblzzgr are aIWaysV alTaultingjt With open “ Violence, or undermining, it by fecret :“ Praé’cices. -—--—-—- Opprefs’d they are as “ long ,as they are the weaker Party. ,..._... _“ It isyajn eternal Truth With them; thatfor “_ the Godly Parr} not. 'to be @fierlzzdl, i; and f ever will be Perfecutim.‘—-——;- All 565?: 'E 2- ' fiver u ,Hs: "in. . -»u:'*.‘ I, , g i l *. n..*~_~‘.~;;.._ VAL-2...-..»_V. ‘ o. v A / . 524 xfl‘l’TENEDIX.._ 'rWh‘efifhan/I ‘SubjECts ‘have a Mind to {Eat fliém- ”fe‘l‘vééfi-éedrom the Laws ‘of‘th'eir Prince, they . can fiever. want-this Pretente‘ to Warrant {heir ‘fifobedience; Ie‘ei‘ng there is no Nati’oh in’ the ‘World, that has not divers Laws, that are, not recorded by the fourEWangeli I. And therefore, if all human Infiitutiom intre'nch upon our Saviour”: 1(1):eg Preragatz've, they are, and ever mufi be provided with Matters Of lQuarrel io'difttzrb Government and ‘jzgftifl Reéeliion. ' ’ ' ~ PINIS . G . ; a .‘ .., n V/.[ In . , u, y \ fr» r I , x, \ a _ .o.?%fiwf . .\