I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Manuscript Collection Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana—Champaign 201 8 14144441444. 1.1.4.: . 3.1.1.?uflf. 1:11 . - """vr.vv.'x.vx vuvvav‘vw'va . 'H': 7,. W. .W .W .M, W _...W .W W w W M W W .W W W W W W W W .W ,..; km"... .7. _. :11“. fl gm“ V m A 71$QV‘...JN‘I_.~'£‘1'IL_.._.‘00L_ Amwgg n;__®u_-._éwu..:‘5 1:.“ -mL‘EVA.“ mafia Amfiwfi wayfiwfi a. .nc fimkmrxmwx/km mi mflm» ‘ I‘u‘ula‘: 111.1 “"1 fiudmfl Afiaiwa 2.. an n1 3| ”V. . ¢ ,1 "AHA pix. r19, , n». 'l 3/, . x "71!, {I M a? V’ , 1‘ (A ’ r(<’ “/ H ? )itfl KM” / > . ;: .: E :: z. ,2 .3 hofi WWW”: lo 4 «\uwuwmuu‘e é?!“ /y WIN! a . I NA, :11 I .' til/w, , n ,1 ’1 KT «umnmwmufl '1‘1/7‘ 76‘ // 41% I 7AI/‘7/ \‘ , f///,%/// ///, ’ in»? .//” ”SAW/M 7‘“ 2472/0, .[ ¢/ 2,“ AM“ 6 ,2 . ,. 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Other Properties 141 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE) Notebook containing sketches and autograph drafts for an autobiography, Including studies for ‘The Happy Home—& how it was Destroyed’ and ‘The Woodman’s Cottage’, some 30 pages by or partly by Cruik- shank, the rest in other hands (including his militia accounts), inside cover inscribed “House Book January, 182 9” (many entries later), some leaves removed, calf, octavo . . . My Grandfather on my Fathers side was an intimate friend of the celebrated line engraver Rl .v Strange—& they were comrades on the field of Culloden—my Grandfather was wounded—or as I may say shot down by the side of his friend Strange—who made his escape, & got over to France, where he was " _& in consequence of his superior talent as an artist highly patronised . . . bu (£1 . . . When anyone is about to write his recollections of his own time—his thoughts naturally & very properly [turn] to his Parents & his Grandsirs— As I have already stated my Parents were Scottish but of ‘ %/ W5 these ancestors I know little or nothing for both families were engaged in what is termed the Rebellion of , 4 C 1745, and fought on the side of Prince Charles . . . ,' ’7fi . 6 1i 2)} . LOT 142 (detail) 142 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE) Handsome album containing a large collection of sketches by Cruikshank, drawn on letters by or to him, envelopes, printed circulars etc., including preliminary studies for compositions, a large decorated signature (1836), a self-caricature of the artist eating mutton and turnlps, a study of a foot-pad, studies of ship’s prows and horses, profiles of the Duke of Welhngton, sketches of sailors, women and children, and designs for faces functioning as tea-pots, nearly 1 00 pages of sketches, red morocco gilt by Riviere & Sons, slip-case, quarto (from the Eldridge R. Johnson Collection, 3 April 1946, H.I.K., lot 193) 80 (MIME: PHILOSOPHY AND ECONOMICS The Property ofa Lady 140 WITTGENSTEIN (LUDWIG) IMPORTANT TYPESCRIPT IN Two VOLUMES OF THE ‘BLUE BOOK’ WITH AUTOGRAPH REVISIONS AND CORRECTIONS BY WITTGENSTEIN HIMSELF, and also with revisions by two of his pupils, Alice Ambrose and Margaret Masterman (not autograph) and the latter’s husband Richard .Braithwaite, formerly Knightbridge Professor Of Moral Philosophy In the University of Cambridge, in two volumes, 327 numbered leaves, a mixture oftop and carbon copies, text offive leaves on the versos of letters to Alice Ambrose, ownership inscription on upper covers “Property ofBraithwaite 58 Bateman Street, Cambridge” and inscribed in the same hand “L Wittgenstein 1933—1934”, light brown wrappers; together With a volume entitled “KEY To THE BLUE VOLUMES OF L. WITTGENSTEIN 1933—1934”, one volume, 164 leaves, carbon copies, uniformly bound and inscribed with the ‘Blue Book’, all quarto *** THESE VOLUMES ARE A UNIQUE SOURCE FOR ANY VARIORUM EDITION OF THE ‘BLUE BOOK’ and contain much material not printed in Preliminary Studies for the ‘Philosophical investigations" generally known as the Blue and Brown Books (1969). The printed version consists only of Wittgenstein’s dictated lectures as opposed to his informal remarks, conversations and class notes that make up much of the present volumes as recorded by his students, Margaret Masterman, Alice Ambrose, Francis Skinner and G. E. Moore, partly “before the dictation began” or during periods when “Dr. Wittgenstein stopped dictating”. The nature and status Of much of the material not in Preliminary Studies may be judged from the following example: Rough Notes, taken by Alice Ambrose on the lectures given during the first half of the Easter Term, when Wittgenstein had ceased to dictate. In the middle of this period, however, he suddenly gave three lectures on propositions, grammar and representation, which form the next section. These notes have been edited by M. Masterman, and revised again by Alice Ambrose. They are likely to be inaccurate, since months have elapsed between the lecture and their I‘CVlSlOH. Some 103 pages of the two—volume ‘Blue Book’ and all of the ‘Key’ (164 leaves) have not been found in Preliminary Studies, although we understand that Alice Ambrose has printed some of her contribution elsewhere. f 1The revising hands in the ‘Blue Book’, where clearly distinguishable, occur as o ows: i) Wittgenstein: 306, 311—327 ii) Alice Ambrose: 2—27, 67, 70, 89—90, 96, 106, 121,127, 140, 149, 152, 199, 201 and 310 iii) Margaret Masterman: 152, signed note written out by Alice Ambrose iv Richard Braithwaite: 28—45, 71, 238—239, 241, 244—245, 248—250 and upper covers “#4.." _1 gflfiu tal"1« tjhx>1Mleg_~_hv~_JmA..r—mm a .em. a morn...“ A “my. u... . ,u z > . nu, . < , ”Mm. ,. .1!ch1 :u um an xu u. ‘m.bu.llul. gmaflw E" k a. m m llikuhxlhxl \ ..\.Lyv§:{