ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note The Rare Book & Manuscript Library Digital Rare Book Collections University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2014 A BRIEFE DESCRIP TION OF VNIVERSAL M APPES AND CARVES, tAND OF THEIR rSE : AND ALSO THE VSE OF PTHOLEMEY his Tables. NecefTarie for thofe that DELIGHT INREADINGOF Hiftories: and alfo fbrTraueilers by Land or Sea. Newlyfetfoorthby Thomas Blvn-p E v i l l e, of Newton Flot-man in the Countie of Norfo Ike, LONDON $ ^Printed by Roger Ward, fr Tiiomas Cadmaa Anno. 1j 8p,fTO THE TJGHT VV ORSHtPFVL df. Francis Windam^one of the fudges her dfaiefites Court of Common Pleas. GOOD Sir, vouchfafe to receiucthispoore litlePamphlet , partlie as in lieuofa richer Newyearesgift, and partlie as a token of my thankefull minde, which is more willing then able to deferue any oneiotteofthc great fauour,friendship, and diuers benefites that I hauc from time to time receiued at your hands: for want of which abilitie I neither can,nor will loofen my ielfefrom any of thofebondes,wherewith you haue moft ftraightlie bound me,but rather to increafe the fame, humbly praying you to continue in your good loue and fauour towards me, tmtill I shall willinglie deferue the contraric: Inthe meanetime I pray God to profper you in all your doings, and long to preferue you. From my poore Swans neft. ,17, rDecembris. 1588» Your olde welwiller,bound to be alwaics at your commaundcment. $ \ Thomas Tlmdemlle\ 4 A 2ifCffrttijt ntak. J&Jb*’ df .. . - To the Reader. T Daylte fee many that delight to lotkeon LMappes, andcan xpoint to England,France,Germane,and to the Eafl andfVefi Indie sjtnd to diners other places therein deferibed: hut yet for want of skill in Geography, they know e not with what maner of lines t hey are traced, nor what thofe tines do fgnife,noryet the true vfe of(JWappes in deed: therefore, fimewhat tow fir all thofe that hatte notft tidied Geographic (without the knowledge whereof me thinhes that the necejfarte reading ofHiftoriesis halfe lame,and is neither fopleafant ,nor fo profitable as other-wife it would be)l thought good, to write this little 'Treatife: tn reading whereof,if you reape any profit thereby , I prayyou bee thankefulto the Right Worjhilful, and my efpeciall^oedfriend, eJM. Francis Windara , one of the Iudges of her tJMaiefiies Court of CcwmoncPleas,whofirfi motioned me thereunto,and by whofie perfwafion / hauc the more Willingly put the fame in ‘Print* Vale, Certain?CERTAINE TEARMES OF COSMOGRA. crapbie,bric flie expounded,for thole that are not learned in that faience, to the intent they may the better vnde rftand this Treattfe.. l)t Side tree oflhc GBodBe is a ™crAf* ^ right line , imagtncD io paffe VVorid. through the Center 0} mM of the earth,from the one cnee of hcauen to the other: the topper enoc of tohuh 0tle tree is calico tljcpcle artilte, that is to rap, the $odh Thetwo pole: * the nether eno, the pole Poles. £nfartifec, that is , the £oufh pole: tpen trhirh tiro poles, otherUufe calico the hoks o;htngil«oftb.e inodDdhehcaoens toe turncrounoea# bcut the earth* ^cjecner the Cofmegrapbcrs Dee oe-tnocthe Irojloc into Diners partes tp ter fatnc Circles, tohercoffctne sretalleD greater,ano ft me letter* Thegreter Che greater ?rethefe ivhich coe Dttiioe the tuojio in*Cltcle* to 2 equall parfes;fot:ertcf there fce 6: that is, the €qui> nett iaiM&eZcoiafce,the £pcriDian,ti?c ^oji|cn;nni) the 2 Cclurcs. T. . JEhe CqatncctiaU is a great Circle, gtrDtrg the foedto in the heriemiott heiimrt the 2 poles,Lpreaicn ichereef there are ttoolatitnees,the onejaodbmi, $ the etfccc ^OUthernr« The north* Che $e;thernelatttuDe isthatfpace, febicb is eon- latitude. teinfObetUiirttheCquinoctiallano the $ojtb pole. The south SCbefeculherneiatitutoe is that fpace, ninth isconfct- ia:«ud. neo betfcnjrtfbt Cqnihccfiate the fecuthpoleJcntmthcr of thtfe tiuo (paces ccnieinetb in b;coih soiegra*. l . # i #c*graA Degree. Longitude. The Zodiake, The Meridian The Horifon. ThcaColurcs 4 lcffer circles The Circles Arcike and JLm artike. 0 SDegrœ t0 one part of a Circle -, faeeiitg Dem'DeD info 3 6o paries calico Degrés. #gaine,tbe circuit of tbe equinoctial, containing 360 Degrés^is tbe berielongtituDeoftbeCartb ; tbe firftoe* gtee of tobicb iangituos beginnetb at tbe tbe firit iiperiûi* an, places in tbe &M,anO fo p;8cæDetbCafftoarDbn* to tbs 180 Degré of fl;e Cquinoctiall, anofrom tbencere-tuructb bp tbc 2Bsff bniill 20a comeagaine to tbc 3 6o Degree, tobicb is tbz lali Degree of longitwoe. #nDnote bp tbs toap that euerie Degree of tbe Cquinoctiall confab netb 60 Cngitff) miles, fo as tbelongtiuDe of tbe tobole Cartb is 21600 miles# Cljs zmM is a great, b;oaD, ano dope o; filing Circle,carrping tbe 12 lignes ï in tbe miDDetf tobereof is a line calico tbe CcltptiHe line, from tobicb tbe ¿un neuerftoaruetb. nc spertDtan is a greafe Circle, pairing ouer our beaoes, in tobatparte of tbe anDal* fo tfeougb both tbe poles : tobicb line toljen tbe &unne tonebetb it aboue tbe po^on, it is $conetioe o;miODap to tbofe tljat otoeil bnoer tije fame. %\)c pajijon is a great Circle, Deutoing tbe tipper balte of tbe 2Bo;Id tx*tjicb toe fee, from tbe netber balfe tobicb toec fee not: in tbe tbe tjerpmiDDetto; Center of tobicb Circle,if in a plaine field pouloofce rounoe about pou,pou fljall altoaies finoe pour felfe to be. $0to as touching tbe ttoo Colurss, becanfetbep Differ not in effect,tbougb in name, from ttoo S^ertDtans, % leauetofpcabeoftbem, aftoellfc;tbat3lbaue fpoken of them at large in mp &pbsre,as alfo fo; tbat tbep arc not menfioneo in ibis Creatife. ¿DftbelefferCirclestberebefourc x tbatis.tbettoo polar Circles,ano tbe ttoo Cropiites. afi>f tbe ttoo pa* lar Circles,tbe one enuironetb tbejpojtb pole, f tb*r-foie is calleo tbe Circle #rt&e, f tbe other enuironetb tbe $out& pole, ano is called tbe Circle ^ntartibe, bee* canfe ms I t attfe if is oppofit to f he other* 0gain,of the tino 2Dropiques,the one is placet) betUnrt fbeCquinoitiallanDtlje CirclejSriikc, and is called the T™piVc SDropifce of Cancer: ano the other is placet) beituirt the ° anccr* Cquinom'allanbffceCircIe8ntarithe, ano to called fbe Thc Tropikc Cropihe Of CaprieorneianD each Of fhefeSCropibCB i$ Dt- of Capricorn. fiantfroaitheCqumocttaU23 degrees and a balfe,U)btcb is the greateft Declination of the &ttn from the Cquino* The greateft ctiaUjfo^hemuer mounteth hisbcr then the Cropique of declination of Cancer,no^dercendetblotoer then the Cropifce of Capri-1 c un* come,andihefettoo Circles are paralels to the Cqui* noctiall. paralels are 2 lines 0; Circles, equally Dtlfant in allParalcIs* places one from another. £nd bp thefe foure leffer Cto des the Cartbis deuided into 5 Zones 03 bjoade fpaces, Zones* tnbereof there be ttoo coloe.2 temperate, ano one hot te defer ibed both in mp Sphere ano alfo in this treatife. A par#ic]i 0f ^paraleli ofthelongettDap , is a fpare of the Car fh> ^kngeftday. loherein the Dap incrcafeth bp one quarter of an bototr, proceeding from Cquinocfiall towards anp of the poles, ^ciyme. 0 Clime is a fpace of the Carth, concerning tluo fuc& paralellstohereintheDap incrcafeth bp halfeanhotoer, of tnhich Clpmes according to the olo meters,there be 7 DeclareD at the foil in mp Upbore, anD alio fometohat touched in this Creafife.A oufhpoole, ano this l?ne is croffeo in the tjerie tnioft bettoirt the tj. proles toith another great circle 0; right Ipne calleD the Equimtttall, becaufe that tnhen the $tmne commef h to touch th** t?ne 0; circle» the oa? ano J5 night■y '-Jja-rh o(- y adorh. y A quarUi, el- y X0^- .7di'Y*Jî'lnf qj ^ C’tdif V¿\j die L) l ojyzh. jy èIJrn mjc- àf Jpnÿ: °r 2nÆofyu?rU npgbfisequalltbjoitgbcut theíroslo.Œbectrcbaîfccf „ tnljicf) Ipnefotuarö the right beim ßjetoetb tbe i^ßparf, ant tbotber balf t otoarDs tbe left ímm) Ibetoetb tbe torß part oft\)z toojlD: fo as föi?re ß. lpncs,tîje firß Aleutian anD tbe EcjuwoüiallDo point cut ibeittj. quarters oftbe u, toorlD, ßotfb , ê>cutb, €£aß, ano 2ü3eß,frcm íobence ttje fours principal! íópnDes do blotoe bettötrf: íobtcb tupnDes aro fet Dotone in meß S^apprs together lotit) theirïlatino? Italian names in t&eoufcrmcß fhtrfor footer thereof tnif. other tornees, fo as in all there be nf.lopnDes, lobcrfbp the auneient (feches ano ¿Ko* manes toerelooni to (aile. Renames tobereof both (feche,íLatin ane tëngltô) are heretofore fet botone tn the latter cno of onr Sphere. 15ut noto fo rcturne fo our firß ttoo Ipncs ,tbat is the firß MertdtananD tytEcjiiïnoftiallyon baue to note that lJ botbtbefelrnesor circles aretemoeo each of fbem info 360.Degrees* foas cuerr quarter of them confapnefb 90.Degrees« ^noin fbe Equmottiallare fet Dotonc fbe u Degrees of longifuDe, tobicb is fbe length oftbe ioorlnc, ' rounD about from îiHefî to (Baft, anDagaine from €aS bp Gßeff borne againe : Cbe firß Degree tobereof begin«* nefb>tobereas tbe firß aforefatb^r«kí» crcffetb ibc£-c/tiinoZliall in the berte mitDefl oftbe ípappe, ano fo pro« cáDetb (ÜSaßtoaro bnf o tbe number of 90 Degrés,tobicb is as farre as pou can goe CaßtoarD,ßtb from thence bp reafonof tberounbncffecffhe€artb,poumuß néDcs turne bache againe bp tbe bache fiDe of the Sphere, or ball 622eÜtoarD,tMíiil pou come to tbe 270 Degré,tobicb is tbe farther point toeßtoarD peu can goe, from tóbente pou mttlf ref urne dDafttoarD tmtill pou come to tbe 3 60 Degré,tobicb is tbe laß Degré of longifuDe,anD enDctb tobere tbe firß Degré begtnnefb. sporeouer in tpe faiD firß Meridiem jo% in fome other 11\ Meridian barD bp if, are fet Dotone fbe Degrés of lati* fuDe,tbatis fofap,tbeb;eaDtb of the toorlDe,both $03' 4 tberne u • y. rs¿ i tf \â *) v> 2-3 H ar* L tberneatiD *>ontberne: fojfrom tbe Equinottiall to tbe $ojtb IBoIc arc contained in tbefojefatoe Meridian 90, Degrees, ano ibat is calleo tbe #o?tl; latitude, ano from tbe Eqmnollial to tbe g&outb pole,are containeo in £ fata Meridian>Qt\)tx 9 0 Degrees, tobicb is called tbe gsoutb latituoe:ano in molt Rappee ttje Equinoüiall line is De# tttoeD ano crcffeo tuiCb 18 Meridians on each fioe of tfc 'nl firft Meridian,DeuiOingtbe EqtiinblhalLinfo 3 6 feuerall '3 ' h fpaees oj Diltances, etierg fpace conteining x o Degrees ; - /0 9 *+ e'y ano euerie Degree contained 60 Italian m?les of & nnne continuallie mafeefbbis conrfeano returne, as this toojo tropique Cgnifgefkmounting newer btgber then tbe SCroptque of Cancer: noj Dtfcenoing loboer tben tbe tropique of Ca-prtcame : foj inbtcb canfeCome Doe fetooUme in tbeir 30aps bettoirt tbe fapoe ttoo SCropiques an ouerfbtoart ifL fntp. ime,figmfptng tbe eclipttque line, bnoer tobicb tbe £>un contimmll? foalfcetb* $oto bp beipe of tbe fo;efaioe 4 y&2 Circles ÏJrof1) fa oj- ¿y ^ *2*J* .d * j-tom. ° l ^7%€ qWciitS JecfiPaUti oJjPjnnï ■ 3 • i*- i 60. i ho&lc. cHe QfirJ fnh jj- any p cfL f &,«,. citric*, tbe earth is beutoco into $■ janes, tljaf is,one iD^ottc, 2 temperate,ano i cotoXbe tofeottc is ten# fames betfotri tbe 2 SDropiques, tn tbe misd cf tubieb tDbotfe$onc,ts ibcCquutoiitalllme, anD of t!:e 2 tern* perate $cnes , tbe one Iteib betlmre tljc Croptquc of Cancer ano the circle 0rttqae, ano tbeother bctUurf the ^ropique of Capneome ano the circle 0nfariiqur. %aiue,oftbe 2 coloe^ones, fbeencIprtbbetiDirt fbe $oitb pole ano tbe circle Brlique, ano the other betUnrt tbc&eutb pole , ano the circle Hnfarttque. otoe Defines tljefe foure fpectafl paralels,there bee ei<» uers other paralels ojabme on each Coe of the Cquinoc-t taiUboflj JJo^tbfoaro ano ^cull)buaro,tobicb eroding in cerfaine points thefirft iperioion marfeco toitb Degrees, Do fijetu tbe true latituDe ofeuerp place,ano baser tobat y* €Jime o; paralcli it is, ano alfo boto manp botoers tbe 1 longed Dap ofanp place bnoercuerpparalelh's, beginning to accompte tbe fame, eptber from tbe (¡BqumoctiaU bptoaro totoaroes tbe $o;tb Pole, alongtt tbefird C|Be-riDian marfecD tuitb Degree* of $o?tberne latitubcs, oj els from tbe fapoe dDquinosiall OcUme-b)arOe totoaroes the £>outb pole,mai fceD foitb Degrees of ^oulberne la-ittuoe. . $otfcjitbdanbing, tbep bfe mod commonlpe to fee Doferne tbe number ano iud Diffaunces oftbeClpmes, Paralels, ano botoersin tbe $ojtb latituoe onelp, tutl* ling tbe litre numbers of Clpmes, paralels, ano bottlers to bee acfompteo in fl;e feoutb latituoe, euenas tbcp are in tbe ^ojib latituoe ano fcifb lifee oiffances. ano note tl;at in p;oceeoing totoaroes tbe polefrom tbe pa* u »{/¿e ralell , fobereas tbe longed Dapis 24. botoers,tbep accompic tbe paralelloftbe longed oapt no longer bp \ bofoers,but bp monetbes, that is to fape, from one mo-*4$ ^ netb to fir monetbes , tobereoftoee baue fpofeen bcfo;e in our fpbere. &bc numbersoftbe afo;efapo Clpmes, paraleSsanobotoerspoti fballfiRDs fetfoojt&in/^/- ; •; lifts STJ>c £\ct or .ionaal^ f ftjir clay f-7 -id ■M-i rr ?*■ tjT’habe. SButbcefetfetb bofone tb* numbers of tbe fonscfi bates encreaGng bpmotmbes tn tbe bttcrmcll bobber of bps Spppe on tbe right ¿ano bettoipt tbe $o;tlj pole, anb the circle tfrtique « $nb in that bojner bee fettetb botone the number of leagues and miles aniiucrablc toeuerpparalell, foiljereas alio bee (betoetb tbc tb:ee bififcrences of 3jnijabifanfs accoioing iotbetr fbabolrsj ? °J that is io fa^. tije Penfeij3 Heterofcij,ftnb -Atnphffcij. Perifti] are tbofe rfjat btoell in anie of the tioo coloe ¿ones,fobofe fhabotoc goetb rounb about tljem. Heterofcij be tbofe that btuell in ante of tbe t too fem* perafe$onesfoboie (baboboc fenbetb atnoone-tibc but one fcrnie, tbat is either .$Qjtbo*£>out&. Amphifcij bee tbofe that inhabife the UiboKe ^one, tobofe Ojabotoe fenbetb both toaies, that is fometime $o?tbanbfometimc fcoutb , as is befo;ebeclarebat large in ourfpljere. 315ut in tie epappe of Gemma Friz,ius, pen ffjall finb C. j>W all tbefe tbiuges fet foojtb en tbc left bans of bis spappe amongeff the bttermoft circles, tobereas bpon, tbc circle unique, bee fettetbbotonefbelUieltte fignes, bn* lJ”° ning cerfatne compaffeb lines, running eofone to ifyfa quinofliall, meetinganbconcurringall inonepoint :at tbeenbtubereofbpontbe d&quinottialbpculball finbe tbe number ofboioers,ai fobirt) t&e funne rifetb incuetpbc# greeof latttube. 0lfo at ibe neiber enbe of bps spappe on tbe left batib, be plaectbabalfequab^anf, fobicbbeerallefb Di-rettorium nanticum > bobereof futt (ball fpeabe beereaf# ter* #nb beeaufe be tooulo baue bps spappe to ferae botf) ieaanblanb, be fetteibboione a certatne number of riners compares beuifcc&ijDiib 3 2 lines fignifipngp 3 2, toinbes, tobicb boe (beto botre cuerp place bearetb one from tpe other, anb bp tul;at toinbe a £&ippe is to bee ft*-'' 35 3 bireite® j. /«»71 er? corn j )hDirectso from one part to another, tobicb thing is alio ob# ferneo in Mercators gpappe and others that bane to jit * ienmo’eIafelp,anopctnofbingferuiceablefo;tbe&ea, s becaufe (as fy'Borwgh, Controller of her ^aielfies $a . up,a man molt f&ilfiilm the 0rt of failing faith)no confix Deration is hao in the faiD $paps oj Caros touching § tia* riationoftbeCompafie, toitbout the tobicb tbepeanne# ner fet ootoneanp true oj iufi Direction. j’h .} tCc $oto as touching the oiuifion and ojDer of the partes ^ of the Catib > moff commonlie DefcribeD in fcnfiterfaU Rappee, pou (hall tmoerttand that the ancient Cofmo* graphersmot tmotoing then the <£ielf Indies, noj manie other places fcituateD both $oitbtoard anD ^outhtoaro f tobicb haue bene fince DtfcouereD )oeuioeo the tohole j °}ycaA^ (^arth onelp into thiee paries, that is, Europe,zAphrike f™, anoAJU, tn theoefcription tohereof, their Spappeene* JrP1 ^ ner'er tended in lattiude^ojtbtoarDs further then to 6$ Degrees« as 3 haue faio before in mp Sphere, anD &oufh* hi .^««^jDarDno further then to 20 Degrees of the jfiojtberne la* ±0 ~ tieuoe,ojthereabout, butinlongituDefromtSKcttto 1 (Salt, beginning the fame at the Bilandes called Infulae Canaria: ojFortunata:, tobicb are fcituateD attbc&ME eno of in the ^ea called Mare Adanticum:their oefcriptionsDoeertenD to 180 Degrees, 315ut becaufe a tohole too:loe almoit hath bene founoe out fince thofe times, cur mooerne Cofmographers ooeoetnoe the 4 tohole dearth into 4 par tes:that is Swope,outbtnarD then to ¿¿Degrees ano a halfe. 4 a 0gaine,thep Differ in longifuDe thus : fo* the mo- Derne CofmographersDoe mafee the firff spertcianto paffe through thc^QescalleD tuhtch Doe ffanoe 5 Degrees mo^e^MtuarD then the Fortunate panosoo: 4 >' through tuhich Fortunate gflanDCSj/V^W? anD i)tS fût- • lotuers Doe appoint the firff sperioian to paffe. SChecaufe of tohichtranfpofittg the faioe firff sperf- *1% ~Je-Dian is,beeaufe that the mariners Compaffe Doth neuer ihetue the right $ojtb anD &outb, in anp other place, 4c but onelp tmoer that gpertoian. pea sp:'Borowgh thirty feethfhatit tuoulD (befoe it ntojetruelp,if the faioe $©e- - -fag. riDian toere placeo femetuhat mo?e w&tü tuaro. 3l5ut in ^ 4 theft mmêM^7 oJ Jtj roitlis L ixJr*' ’ 'U)>t ^ toaros tbe poles,are fetooUmc bp Barnardtuin bis bni# '' uerfall $pappe,tobo faptb there, that in making tbe fatd ipappc,be bad h fpectall cares: ifird, that tbe places might be fo fcituated,as tbep map baue both true direction and didance, and alfo due longitude and latitude, and as nigh as map bee,the fame berp flbape foblcb tbep baus in the fpbere 0; globe, fo tubicb end bee hath inuenfea a neto p;opo;fion 0; habitude of the Meridians fo the pa# ralels,affirming that the $paps before made, are not fit fo; $auigation,bp reafen of tbe crcohednes and botetng of tbe meridians, tobicbbp tbep; oblique f ouerihtoart falling into the paralels , Doe fo much diffigure in ttje dttermoft parts, tbe true fljape of the Regions as tbep can f bant be bnotnen. 8nd as fo; the mariners Gardes, becaufe their paralels of latitude are alfo of equaii oc# dance from the Gqutnocttall to the berp pole; be faptb that thep mud needes miffalbion tbe Regions and make tbe directions,dtdanees,longitudes, and latitudes fo be bntrne,and tbercbp caufe great erro;s.Mbieb to a# uopd, bee mabetb tbe fpaces of bis paralels and degrees of lafttudeto encreafe bp little and little totoardes tbe pole, affirming that fherebp all places Iballbaue tbep; tr ue (bapc,and alfo their true directtons,didaunces, longitudes .and latitudes« pis fccono care teas , that the Regions and places, might V- f*{0 n S 2, ■ 1 might bauetbeir true quantific ano greafnes, ano alfo true oiffanceone from another, inbertn bebafb taken as lie faith,greafeff paines inbtleff be did confer the tables of the Cajhlians ano Portngdes afineit amongcff fyzm* fehies, asinitb Diners otper $aaigafiansbotb p;inteo ant) inutten, tbtro care teas to ffjein tnbat partes of the lno^lo mere fcnoiuen to tbe auncientmcn,tbattbe limits anobounos off to ®eograpbte might not bee bn* fenoioen,io the intent tbep might ¿aue their cue honour ano pjaife. ¿no baumgfl)etneDiobai places tbep &io in Zh”"1'** 4; their time oefcribe both Caff, WLztt, $o?tb, ano §>outb* intbeeno of bps fpeacb,beaffirmctb,tbat aunaent CoD mograpbers baue fet ooton in tbe (fc&ft Indians mo^e places, then euer tbe Portugal paue as pet oifcouerco o; at * taineobnto, SCijlS Barnardus Bute anus bof0 ecofatmíb ¿n lengítuDe 2i 600 miles,febúb í’stlje lufcclc compaffc of îbeCSartfe, ans fije other ecnfametb tn Icngúuce t oEog miles,fefeicíj ts íuS talfc fe muefe anb no mete. ïBut affermât 3 &aö tafeen beiter «ornement thereof, 3 founo by meafurtngtoitb my compare, tbaf one Degré ofíbe denotan nert to ífee 60 Degree of lattíuDe, Dits ecmpjc* feenD tfeo of íuefe Degrees, as are fctDofenc ín ífee equinoctial!, ano ífeat one Degree of tbe £pcriDian,cica'irg ífee Ifee parale If bat featb 70 Degrees of lauf uDc>tíoccmp¿e* feenD s Degrees cf ífee (Équincctiall line, ar.Dfo^founö îbe Degrés tofearös ífee poluto loare greater and grea* íer, by febícb Degrees 3 perceiucD tfectr meaning feas f o baue fíje longiíuDe of ibetr paralelstobe meafureDjf not by tbe Degrés of ífee €qmnccíiall.£lnD by $ meanes tfeeir paraléis ífeoulD baue ccb ene as nigb as might be feis Due longitude proportionally,eucn as they baue in f be globe, 4&oreoueribeifeape,quamtttes,anD Dtßanees of fucb Counfrtesasbaue becne founDout of late Dates muß rf néDS bee moje perfectly rctfortfein tfeefe jappes,t feen tu ffeefetf baue benemaDeberícfo?e,becaufe ifeß truelotigí-ínDes f laf times of tpofe places feere not ío feel fenofen then as they are nofe . jälbett 3 feare mee that of many places tn tbe iwhes, ibere are as yet but fefee true longt-íttDesfencfen. ifojit is not fo eafie a tbingtegettbe true * longtime ofeucry placeas tfeetrue iatttuDetbereof.SnD feaD not tbe late makers of spaps bene greatly Ijolpcn by ífee ípaps ano Caros of fucb tearncs pilots as bauetra-neilcD tbofe Ccuniries>3 Doubt not,but tbat they Ifeoulo baue commit f eD as great erreurs as ibofe tfeat fejefe before them, 0nD of one thing 3 DcealTure my felfe,tbat in tbefe lafier jappes,moje places are DefcribeD,ffecn euer feere fenotoen 0} DifcouereD: as foj trample, ífee $ojífe¿ * a. it k*oy>n . parts tiiGroynelCrochlarM $ America^all febtfb îfeey ¿T/'r maïîe Panos,anD yet neuer faylcD about them, ano ipe# , . daily on tbe i^ojtb floras it may feel be gat bereu by the fiatue Cr* try tf 'noun -finn rn «1 iyrnQS • nimiitt- 4baine attempting of omens $af ions, to ffnoe ouf nefoe tonics in tbe #03tb feas to tbe Molucas both bp <£aff ano Wlzft- ifo; being a little entreo into tbofe feas,tbep are qmcklpD;taen barite, either bp etfreamecoloe, bp great ¿fes, 03 bp tbe raging Goods b3cö offnofoe, ano falling fromtbe mountatnes oftbe nert continent, ano making interne places fuck 2Bi)irlep®lesinCbe&ca , asifanp ¿Ijtppc chance to come nigh them, tl is (oneftoalloteca Upppe. $eitberooe 3 tbinke, that King Arthur in bps itme,eaer ient (as it is repo3tco)anp of bis people to tn&a* bite tbofe Bfflanos, beeing piatesin mine opinion, mo;e mafefoj Shales ano monttruonsfilbes tootoelin,tben fo; men: ano fpeciallp fo; ßnglißb men, tobicb are not a* ble to fuffer tbe colo fointer at tvardboufe x to tobicb place fome of our Mariners 00 falle in Sommer feafoneuerie peare ♦ ¿no petwardhonfefaty fbant tnlafifuoc 7 » oc* gras,mach Ielle tben are ibep able to tointerin tbofe pia* ces that baue 77 Degrees of laf if uDe,as tbe $o;f b (toe of qroynUndtm Crocklandtjaff)* ^Q;COner tbe ¿$03fb ßOC of tfjc p;omonto3pe Tabin § atb 76 Degrees of lafifuoe, foijtcb place, tobaffoeuerPtó faitbtb^ofinbtefourtb boobe of ^ttto;tcs , pet 3 beleeue that no Uoman came euer thereto oefcrtbe $ pontone 03p. $ettbtr ooe 3 beisene that tbe jfrperof Oxford, bp bertue of bis $rt Magiche euer came fo ntgb tbe pole to meafure toitlj bis 0* itrolabe tbofecoloe parts togifber lotti) tbe teure Goods, fobici) Mercator % Barnardus 00 DCfiriliC botf) in tbe front, ano alte in tbe netber eno of fbeir S^aps, bnleffe bee bao fonie colse ocuil onf of tbe mioole itegion of tbe aire to be bis guioe.0no tberte;c 3 tabe them in mine opinio to be mar fables. &rulp if anp mcniboulo oifeouer tbofe parisene tbinbetb that tbe people of Fwmarke 1 of^W-JW/èojfttcbli&cpcople bo;ocringtjpontbe$o;tb teas, fboulobe&ooQif, bauingbootesbfeo to ertreame color. 5ßut rb*n being b3C0 in fo groffe an aire, tbtir toits per«» baps are to große fo; fucb a purpofe* P” .h tfaL . ~d>ejni(*)jy ' rP fftiiOrènìTrt b> C • ^rrtr corri jc' it, vt^’i o*e.jQ " *brv%ex he ~c>earn• / it Hughe Willoughby tltfeefefog that toap boas frozen to Death . 'Che firt heap is to faple right fewer the pole, that is fir® from £>outh to $o?fb, fenf ill pou be right fewer the pole, ano then from jpojtb to feoutb, alleogtng therecertaine reafons fop?oouethe tbieelafttuatespoffiblietobeaspairable, asthefirft tj. boates boell fcnotoen in tbefe Dates ano fefuallp baun-feo. %he ffrongeU reafon that Boorne bfeth to make the fcjefapD &>eas jSauigable, is, fo? that the &unbp bps long farripng aboue the bo?i$on, fo buarmeth both law ano £sea> as it cannot bee oner focne colDe againe. 15ut 3! Piap pen bohaf beat can the §>unne peeloe to that place aboue bobofei^ojijonbe is neuer cleuaiiD mo?e then 23. Degrees ano a halfc, a feerie colDe boinic rite heat OsDK> bootfe • $W though tbs colDe fojere not fo ertreame as 31 take it to be mot£D,pct in Defert p!aces,fobcre is there a* tip fafe barbo;ioUi,frcib boater,o? anp other neceflarp fuc* f 0? to be bat?jf o? in faking fuch a io?np,lef no man think fo goe fhiough toithout a batt,bnieire he faile in Pegafos, aw hath both boinoe ano fioe at botll. jpottoithiianDing, BjcangreatlpccmmenDthofeta-liaunt minDesthaf Doe attempt fuch Defperafefeopages, ano the rather token tbep Doe it fo1 knoto leDge fake,ano to pjoftte fhetr Counfrep, ano not altogether fo? p?iuafe gaine ano lucre. 25ut trulp fo? mine otonepart, 3! tbmkc it fmpoffi-ble that anp man b?cD in anp of the temperate $cnes 0? tn the hotte \one is euer able to continue the bokole iour- nep b<- ^ art fatrgja vie - Cclo7U yc i-trey tri ani? of tpofej toaies: no,tpougp tpey toeremuep tno# paffable tpen 3! falte tpe m to be indábe. 15nt if tpey toere paflable in al! refpcfìs/atmtg fo¿ reíd,tpen 3 tpinfc no $atíono¿ people ro inhere f oaf tempt fbcíc toaies as tljofe toptcp 3 Pane already named,o¿ fuep liite,fco;me ano tycdnigp bufo tpejj^tp £>eas. 3$at leaning tpefe mat* terzetto noto ipetobetoeeueryoneoffbe 4 fosfato parto of ít¡C C'arfMljat \ü, Europe, Affnke.iAJìa,ano A-tnerica ts bounded, and potoe many miles cacb part con- t tainetpaftoell in longitude as in latitate, nrco;dtngio T fuel) longitude ano latitude$ñ Mercator and Puteantes do fetdotone in ipeirSpaps. Ct Europe to bounded on tpe$o¿fp toifb íbe $03íp áD* Europa, cean^ea, [and on tbe &outp totip tpe &ea called Mare Meditenaneum,tm tbe CaÜtoítb tbe flood Taxais,and on tbetoett toitptbe W£Drean&ea. Europcinmttfu* ring toitb a rigpt line from tpefurtpeiì part of Ireland on tpe SHefi bnfo tpe flood Ternate, on tpeCafl boip places patting 52 degrees oflatitude, patp in longitude. 2166. miles, and in meafurtng toitpa rigpt line fromtpefur* ipelf parte of Mena on tpe &outp,topofe latitude is 3 5 degras, Onto tpe ¿jtojfpfbeaflDe pauing 72 degras of latitude,patp in latitude 2220. miles* A osffnke is bounded on tbe $cjtp tottp tpe flfraigpf Affric*r ^ea Gib alter and toitp tpe &ea calte d MareMeditena- nenm , on tpe &oufp toitp a fea topicb deuidetp *A'ffrike from tpe fontp land not pet fully fenctoen, and on tpe caff toitp tpe red fea cj gulfe of Arabia., and on tpe toetf toitp tpe great &>ceah Atlantique. Affrike in raeafnring toitp a right line from Gamba on tpetocll bnto tpe Cape de Gardafa on tpe Caff5 bofpplaces pauing jo degrees of #ojtp latitude, ojtpere about patp in longitude 415 And in meafurtng toitp a rigpt line from fbe ç o tee gree of tbe Cquinoctíallbnto tbe fea taWtt Mare médit er-raneum, it patp in no;tp latiude 3 2 degrees,topicp being C3 multipliamalttpltcb bp 6o mabefb 1920 miles ♦ Sín.fooaf&latt# fuoe meafuríng ímtb a rigbt Une,from tb $o oegreeof í|cd&iutno£tta!n3nt0tbeCapeofgooo¡jope, ttbat& 3/ begré£0, tuSÍCy beeíng mutriplpeo bp 60 maíseííj w00 mílts. Afu *AJia\& bounoeo on fbe #o¿fbítoit& fije$0jfb áDce# ¿7 an fea, ana on tíjs &ouffj partlp foííb fije reo fea, i»btc& J$ca acr ojotng to Pompomm MeU, ertenoetp fo tlje §ifíe *£„ ./*»«£* fomeítittC CallCO Taprobana nolíJ SumatraX tobíd)Í5 S fa¡> *«ríutr4 fcor. mous marfeef place of all maner offptcecf, Silfo sAJiais h ^ botmocoonf&e^outp tüít&oíuersoíbergulp&es t feas, as pon map fae m tbe ¿pap:0game en tbe <^aíf if ís boun* oeo íüíífj tbeCaíí/»^« ¿Dcean, ano toitp tfje ifraígbf fea of siman, % on fbe ^eff, ¿í batb tpe flono Tanais ano tbe jfenne ofMeotü, $ otaers feas, as Ttojphorus Cim-mertus f pe fea caüeO Mare £HXtnumjp foüBojphoms Thra-cita | Propontü, anOparf Offbc fea Mediterranenmft parí ofíbe reo fea oj gulfe of Arabia Oeuioeíb aAffnkc from Arabia Félix. Afta ín meaíttring loitíj a rtgíjí Itite from fbe flOQO T'anais to tbe pjomóf OJÍC Tamos,bOtÜ pía* ces Ijauing $ o oegrees oflatiíaoe , batlj ttt longítuOe 4284 »ules, ano tn meafuríng í»ítb a rigbt Une from tbe 150 oegree of fíje (Squinoítiall Onf o tbe pjomonf ojp Ta-b/n,A/apatb tn #o¿fb iafituoe 76 negrees, fobícb being multiplico bp 60 mafcetb 45ío miles. America. America ts bounOeO onp $ojf b,ímíb tiie $o¿fb 2Dcc- tíj an fea, ano on tíje fouíb »iiJítb {»fea calleo Mare MagelU-»¿r«^,oníbe®afUottb tbegreatáDcean 8tlanííque,f on (MjjeS toiíb tbe iveflindian ¿Dcean,* tbe fírait fea of^«-an,America in meafuríng iuífb a rigbt Une fró íbeUraife of Amanto tbcfuríbeíf parí of íipon p^Degrej ofiafífuoe^^btn longiíuoe4H2 miles,$ tnmeafnrtng íoíf b a rígíjc Une from tbe 270 oegrá of fije ^qamocttall bnf o tbc ¿o jtíj fea,tí batb ín $q;í& latituoe 7 6 oegrás» fobUíjmaUetb 45^0 miles, ano pcCtbequan tifie of fije granno oefer íbeo ín t|?s ^appe, is not fo greaí as fíje o-tber b? a fcaucnfb parí: íxljerein 31 can terp tüell éreme ttjc ^appc-mabers,rof bautngperbnppcs as yct tbe truc Iot10ttuoe Of íljaí parí of America. ^inal!p,tnmcarurtngí3Dtí{)ai'feí)í Jtnefrom íbe 310 Oegráof íbe CDqutnotttall bufo ííjcfearatleD MarcMa-geiknicum , tHjaííj tníbeí&cuíb laíituoe i 2 ocgrecs, Vuljic^ mafcetb 3120 miles. $ofo tffoutDotilobnotD üibaf !ungoomes,2í\fgtcns, Cítíes^cunfamcs, jrlu0s,3laítcSj alio tubafc feas tegi* tber foitb tbeir ^fíanos, pojís, Capes, potar*, t bates coebelongtoeueriecne ofíbefojcfatfi fouro parís, tljett CuDie U-ell íljcfe mofóme S^aps % ano foitb peur etc peu fljalí beíjcloCjKoí cnelp tí» fotjole fooalo ai ene btcto,buf alfo euerp particular place coníaineo tijereta. Cílí&icb fo Oefcríbe at tbe ful,tu fo^iítag fooulo requtre a tong time ^aberefo;cleantngfbaí fo peur otoñe jnüuffrie, ^fotll foefo peu bofo fo fíttte ouí íbs Icngiíuoe ano !af tíuce of a# ttie place ta t&e St&appe. Silfo ío tatofo boto eme place Heííj fremanoíber, ano foitb fobat foino pou baue fo fatle frent ene place to ano* tber. ano finallp bobo ío fíttoe ouí fíje írtte etffannce be-tfoirf place ano place, ta fobtcbíbtages tbe cbáfe tfe of ^appesoofbconftíf. Sino fírfi pou baue fotmoerfíano,tbat tbe ^eríoíans y* fobícb tou fá in í&e spappe, ooeferue foj oiuers purgo# feo. ifcjpoulearne tberebptbaftí isncne-íiocoí mío# fca? feoner to one place tbf n to anoiljer, bp marhtngfobaí denotan ís moje totear oes tbeCaíf, foíjicbtbe £>unne atfoaics íoucbetb fóner tben ífjaf íperímait fobícb ts tno^etofearbes tbeG&tG. Silfo bp ttjc spenoians pou , fenofo bolo tbe Cclípfc of íbe S^ocne appeareíb feoner to one place íbí n to anotber,f foitb fobat barietp of tíme. iFo* tbep fo&ofe ípertbtan ts íefoaros ílje Mleíf, oce & / íU, 'tneont OtHi ¡cerní ft 7* 71 fáme fo fá tbe tácltpfe of íbe speatte feoner tben fbep ¿ f ^"ju lobofe ^eríoian ts mo¿e fofoartses íbe Caff, fobereas m¿fT¿í;T: r¿ J? fcerte trttfb tlje Cclígfe ofíi;e meone ts fáne fo all places ^1 * , C 4 (feberc m &//« G»jt u J '3° Ajtart ■t foTutib^i of ccny “ ( tob ere (Tcinb eföue) almteblrf tnííaní of like greaf* ties,* peí remetí) ío be föne later o¿ faner , bp reafon of tbe oitteríftíeof tbetímeof íbedap,ín places ftanding one <3aft o; IZXzft fromanofber. 8noíftbediftamcbettoírt ¡toioír. tbofs ítoo speríotans dae contaíne 15 Degrees of tbedD* ^ quíaoíttaü,tben f be CBcltps appeared to bee feoner to tbe one í ben to fíje otber bp one tobóle bo toer, if 0.2 euerte 15 Degrees mafeetb an botoer,and therefore looks boto ma* nie 15 Degrees pon ßuoe beftotrtfbettoa speríoíans, fa man? botoers are ío beaccouníeo. #nd if pon fino feto* er Degree&tben tbe time of ffje Cclíps ts ío be fibojfned ac cojdinglp, ano bp attributing 4 minutes oían botoer to one Degree, (fojfoure times maketb 60 minutes, tobicb ts alfa one botosr) pon map make pour account ío fmallojgreataspoutoíll, &nd note alfotbaípou map conceiue to be in tbe spappe as manp Meridians as there are Degrees tn íbe Gfcqmnocííall, ^sfojtbetöcltpfe oftbe^nnne, ttís föne,neither ge* nerallp , nojfullp at tbe felfe fame tíme , nojpeí of tbe •r fame greaínes in all places* indeed it appeared ímm toíbeSBeflterneCountrieSjtbentotbeéalterne . %nt tbe diuerßtte of tbe time of appearance Doth Depend not onelp of tbe number ofspertotans bettoirt tbe ttoo pla* ces, but alfo of tbs ftoift ojflotoe motion of tbe spame, tobicbcontmingbettoirtbs and tbe^nnne, taketb tbe ßgbt of tbe ^unne from bs. ápojeouer, bp tbe ^ertDtanspouöball knotoeto&at ?? longitude anp place in tbe Spap baf b>bp ecoing íbus* jf ¿rí£ fcf tbe one foot ofpourcompaffe in tbe place it felfe, and tbe other infomeMeridian that is nerfdnto if, tobetber it bee 0$ tbe left 0; right band, it maketb no matfertand from fbcnce djatoe dotone pour compalfe foilototng ft pH that sperioianbnf til pou come to tbe Cqninoetiall Ipne, and there marks bpon tobat degree of tbe dSqmnocttaU tbaffoofe of pour comp afts to bícb Eon oíd firft putin tbs place,doth reft $ there make a pjtckw . 'Chat cone, count botofjofo raanp Degrees that ts Diifant from fbe firff tytmb an,anDtbaiistbetruclongieaDeoftbeplace t anotbat longifuDe feruetb to al tbe places tb at betanDcr t baf ^e-rian,though tbep be netter fo farre Dtaantone from another $o*tb anD &outb. ^olo tf^ouUiotiiolittotoibelatttuDe of anrplace J& «n>iUte Jlttiifvbg i Spap,tbat ts to fap,bolu far it ts Dtiiant fro tbe Cquincc* cr*yju£. tial,eithcrJWbluarD q; fotttbtoarD,cifbcr of tubWati* fuses cStainetlj 90 cegrecs.tben do tii us: fet § one foot of pour Compare Upon tbe berie place , anotpc other bpon ftatparaieUubicbisnejtf it, tu&ctbcr tbe joaralell be a»* bone it o^ maKctb no matter, anb ojatoc pour CompaCTefrom that place following ftiltbatparalcl bn* till pou cometo that ^erioian,tobicb ts marfteD toith tbe Degrees of latituDe, iobtcb SPeriDian in tlje tatter SjBaps, flanDetbfomeb)batmo;e (KItelf tbcntbe fitrtt iperiDiatt Dootb . #no marhc bpon tubat Degree tbat foote of pour CompalTe tubicb pou did Djatoc from tbe place ootb reff, ano fbere rnafte a pjicfec. 'Cbat Doone,count boU) manic Degrees tbat ptiche is Dili ant from tbe CquinocttaU, anD tbat ts tlje true latituDeof tbat place« 0nD tbe litre lati-fuoebaue all tbep tbat Dtueli bnoertbat|3aralell, bofoe farretfo eucr fbep Dtoell afunDer,€aftanD flMelf. 0no bp fenotoing tbe latituDe ofanp place,pou map quicUlp finoc alfo in fome Nappes bnDer topat Clime 0: paralcll fucb placets fcituateD, anD of bolus manp homers the longcft Dap IS there,as in tbe spappe Of Vopellitfs,of Gemma Fri-sjipaanoDiuers others. 05nt in tbefe latter spappes fucb things are notfet f©;tb, tobercfo;e not batting the other maps,pou map rcfojt fo tbe tables fet Dotun in nip fpbere, tubicb Doe ibeto all fucbtbmgs at tbe full. 7s #om t0 fenoto &oiu onc PIacc bearetb from another, (X t (0»t ^ «, L $ ¿ith lubatja ftipis to be DirecteD from one po;t fo ano jn„ *n 0±tic. tber,t alfo liifeat Ditiance tsbetmirt 2 places, that is,bolt) manpmiles one place tsDtttantfrom another, the latter Cofmograpbers, V&Mercator, ‘Barnardus, PuteannsflXfo 2> Diuersn otucrß offrcrß baue irniente o a mtoe inßrtmttnf fallet) Organum cùrdloriuwJxibUt) tbcp fet ÖOlril tntfreir Sßapß O rganum tcgitbcr foitfr tfre fcfe tfiereof . 25tit in mine opinion not Wm direzionimi platncip incugfrfo;» moli meno capstifte. ^Tins |nßru-ment conf ainetfr 2 áRnaü^ánfsofjtCírde , fcauing tfre ñames of tfr&fotnbrs Pu;iftrn tfreretn : £nö tfrep caü tfre tpper Siuaöjanf OrganumSapsntts, $ tfre netter&tsa* tuant Organum Irfertus. föHfritfr 2 2D.ua0jants frane 2 lineo msrfccö fcmfr $eßrßß,enD are iopncö fogitfre rteitfr arigfrtangls, oftofriefr 2 linca tfreffanotngo^frangtng lins on tfre Ufi frana öotfr fignifie tfre firft Arrician, 1 is marßcD toitfr 7$ frnequall Ocgraeß oflaftttiDe,infuífr pjo« twjtion aß (i mioolc ^eribíá of tfre S£ap frati?. SEfre otfrer line tnfr’cfr iietfr cuertfrüjart,ngmßeifrttie ^qtaneßtall, ano is market) toitfr 90 cquall eegres of longfiuüe. 3ßut tfre fpaceß af tfr e paraléis of latitate are in numfrer 7 ano a fra!fe,eucrfe timóle fpace contaimng 1 o Degrees, ano tfre fralfe fpace but5 oegrés.^frtcfr fpaceß are teiöer ano totoer totoaröcs tfre pole, ano of Itfce p;opo;ttcn io ffrofeof tfre $appe. rJ0raiL*Jre‘cU'u-Snö nofß tbaiffrefrigfrcffrtgfrf line tfrat go« ¿tfr from tfre firft Sgcrtoian fofoaröcß peur rigfrtfrano, iß ffreC'aff lincino tfre neffrermoß line ßcnißpng tfre C* quinccfialltßtfre SíBcít line . ifattfrcbpperátaao^ant conimeli) fotoaröß pon front C'aßto&oulfr, ano tfre ne« tfrer ákuaojant ßoetfr frem pou tetoaroes tfre left frano fromfoeß to fculfr, 9 in tfre ccntcr of ccfr áEluaojant molí be puta long £b2caö to Ifre toe tfre oiretf ton front piacelo place. ^fre bfecftfriß Btaffrumcnt iß ffrus :firß frauing founü ont in tfre $aptfre fmerall IcngitaOcß,* latitaoes of 2 placco ttt fuefr 020er aß is befóle taugfrf,tefee tfre latí« tuce of tfreßrff piate in tfre ßrß spertötan,! ffrere mafeea matite . 3 call frere tfre ßrtf place,tfrat from tofrence pou go,ano tfre fecono tfrat to tofriefr pou goffrai ocne,feclte ont in tfre faio sper ioian tfre lat ituoe of tfr c fecono place, f tfre« maße anotfrer marfer. flno from tfrat marfee oftfre fecono 77 ifeconb plate bjato a right line tctoarss your right bans, To as it map be a|3aralel to the CDqamotfiaU line. Men faite the Difference ofttie 2 longifuDes bp fubffracfing the letter out of the greater,$ fe&e out ilje Degrés of that Dif* ference in the (¡Equinoctial! line, ano there mafee a mar fee from tobteb marfee D/ato a right line tfjaf map be a pa* ralelto SperiDmSnDtobercas this Imecrcifeib the Orff line there fetootene a maritc,then D?aiuea right line from the marfcecf tbefirtt place, fc as it map patte though the crotting point, tDbatDone.. if the latftaDe cf the fir® place be greter then fhatoftheXecûnDpîacCtmafce aparaleil to that line fcriib ti;c ffi jeab of the bpper qua-b;anf, but if the latifuoe of the fir® bee letter then the fe# cotiD , tbenmafeea^aralcli bntotbefaiD ttneimfbt&c tbjcaooftbenetljerjhua&jaut, tshtehimth i&ebclpeo? your Compatte you fijall eaftiy oro.HnD that t^eao being ScetcheD out among® the toiub&Uul Iheto by !»bat toms tije fecono piece beared; from tfjc fir® . #no the eppofife &h«d ta the Director tefierby you hatsc to faileryet neither Mercator 110* Barnard™ 50 plamcly CEjcfcO h^bO to finD OUt the trueoifiacc of 2 places by this mérument,no? yet 00 fet Doitm in their ^aps,ettber t kale 0? tvonfie to tahe the Dittance beftrurt 2 places toiflj the comparas mcficom-tnonly a! other f^aps f partners Caras baur, but bo refer tbepiaine Declaration thereof to other tfcf ir bobes anD tables toîjicl; J l;aue not yet fane,« therefor in the mean time3 thought gioD to fet eoume accojfcing to Barnardes rule, thisbiicfebDayoffinOrngouttbcDiSanceofany a ■8 placeslobatfceueris fetDQ&nintfjetr S5a?s. jFirfttuitb (Md.'*ce " yourCompatte , false thetufiNnttancc of tbetiuo tafi* tubes bppou the fir® ^eriDran,it»bich is ofhertmfe calico the Difference cf the lattfuDe. 0nD hautng tayO a ruler oz tbcabto the places, Isofce fiotoe many fîmes ffce fo’cfaiD Difiance,oe Difference taken turiH your Compare,is com# pjsht ttDea in the (¡pare t&at Ipetfc bettefet the tiro pla# ws,mtO by fo many times multiplie the fays Difference, SD* tbs weej of i l< ffthV i jilt bile or tbe product bobereefbeemg multiplied againefcy ¿c,tt?ill fljclu botoc many miles fbecne place is Diftantfrom tije other. 00 foj crample, tbe biffance 02 bifferencebettuirt the ttuo latitudes Gf London t\V& Hierafalem , is Ip Of-* gras there abouis,U)biibbcingtahen foitbycurccm# paffe pou finbe to be ttoo times contained in tbe fpace be-ttniltHiernfalemSinG London. SHbcrefOJC tn multiply* mg j9 Degree« by 2 you find tbe product to bee 3 8 fobteb being multiplied by ffrfte, mafeetb 2280 mile« r and fo farreis Hierufalem from Lor?don by a rigbtline, But it in meafuring tije DiOance bet imyf 2 place« toitb your Compaffe there remaineanyoDDefpace not fully anftoe-ring tbe firff foioenes of your Compaffe,tben fake that 00 fpace tuitb your Compaffe beeing ftraigbfned and made fit tberebnfo,and looke bofomany degrees tbe fain oboe fpace comp^ebenbetb in tbe firft ep endian, about tbe midff of tbe Degrees of tye fo^efaid Difference of latitude, abbe tbofe Degrees alfo fo tbe reft tubifb yon baue al* ready meafureoanbmuittplieo, ano by multiplying tlje tnbole fumme by 60 you (ball baue tbe true btftance. Slgaiimit may be that tbe turn places doc not Differ at ^sll in latitude but tinciy in longitude, fo2 as 3 baue fayb 7f in my fpbere, 2 places may Differ tbjee maneroftrates, fbatisinlatitubconely, mlongttubeonely, 0; in both-0nDtbere3Docfyetoebotoeeuery one is fo beemeafu* red. 'But becaufe that ojter ofmeafuring is fometobat bu* fie to fucb as are not bery foel erercifeo in 0retbmeiicIte, anb alfo ooe bnotoe tbe b fe of tbe fables of Cnes calleb in Statin TabuU Sinunm, 3 tbought goob fo fet Doiunc berc amo^e eafi'etnateofmeafuring, tbougbperbapsnotal# together fotuftlye , and yet Without any great errour. Mberefoje if tbettuo places Doe Differ both in longi# *jj£ tube anb latif ube,f ben you muff boe as before is taught. i0 But if they Differ onely in latitude, then you baue no . niojeto oajbutto multiplie t&e difference of thettoo !a* titobesfifubes bp So miles, anD if faerebec anp otoe tiimufes? faen to alloto fo; euerp minute one mile . 0« fo* cram-pie, Compoftella anD Lifione,tiXiO to ÌBI10, fae OUC in Spaine, fae ofacr in /^m^&baue one fette fame IcngtfnDc Ditte* ring onelp in lafituDe,tebtcb Difference is fou re Degrees, anD 20 minute*. ^ere if pou multiple 4 bp So if amounted to 24° miles,toberfcnte bp aootng 20miles foj fae 20 minutes, poufanllfinDefactobolefummeiobe 260 miles, lobifa tsibeoiffaunee bpa right linebettoirt Compofleiu ano Isifbona. T5txt if tbe ttoo places bauing one fdfe latitate, eoe U Ld.Qt -fy. Differ onelp in longituoe , facnloohe botoemanpfucb " U ^ Degrees as areofequall quantitp to tbe lati Degree of tbe Came latitate arccontaineD beitoircfacttoo placesbpa rigbtline, anDbpallotoingfojeuerpoegree 60 miles, pou faallbaue tbe fruettli ance, 0; at fae leali not much Differingfrom tbe trutb. 0no if pou fa that tbettoo places in tbe mappe Doe If anD far a fanDcr, then foj tbe mo^e ipatines, tabe toil b pour compatte ftue fad; Degrees at once,being firtt pjicfet bpon a pace of paper tobifa is faff 3 co miles, ano atfaciuiDenrs meafare tbe fapo fpaee, ano if there remain at faciali anp oDfpace,faen ffraigh* ten pour Compatte ano fit faem to that otte fparc , ano lobe boto manp of fae fo?efatt Degras that compjeben-Oefa, ant bauittg multiplies fae fame bp So aDDe fae pjo-Duct thereof to fae former fainme. 0s foj erample,cw-pofiellannn Conftanfmople, bauing one fette fame latituDe, faafts 43 Degrees of ¿¡tojfa latituDe Doe Differ onelp in longituoe x l^eere toifa mp Compare 3 pnebe bppon a pace of paper s Degrees lifee in quantitpe to fae lattami tjppermoaDegraoffaefojefaiDe 43 Degrees,ano mea* faring toifa fae toiDenes of mp compatte fae fpaee be# ttoirt tbe ttoo places bp a ruler oj right linejfinDe faat fpace fccompjebenDfag fo^efapn toiDenes of mp compatte 6 times, tobifamafcefa 1800 miles, ano faat faere re- SB'3 mainefamainetb ait osse fptee containing 3 oftf>c fojefatoe De-’ grecs,that is, »80 miles,iDbicijbeetngaDDeDia thefoj* mer iumtm>mafsefh in ail 1980 miles, tobich 10 tbeDt- Ûance bstuüipt CompofielUanO Conflantinople. 0lfO tfÇOll toaulofcnoioctbeDtSance beftoirt ttoo fotonestn Af-frfattieone call?D TSudonell ff attoing bpon Capo vmdc,% tbe sîber calleo Srcoco, ffanbmg baro bp tbe reo fea,both places bailing one fcïfc famela£tfune, tbaifstofapei4 Degrees of jkojib latitude, 0; there abouts,anD Doe Differ onelp in longiiuoe.&ben pjtc&c tuitbpour Compaffebp* pan a pace ofpaper 5 Degrés , cuerie one equall to the faS Degree of t\)z fojefaio latifusc. &nD in meafuring the fpace betimrt cbofe f too places tuitij that toioenes ofpoar Conipaffe,pou fballQnDe the fame to bee compje&enoeD in the fata fpace 12 tim?s,iobicbbpallotjuing 3 00 miles toeuerp toioenes amouhfefhto 3600 miles, anotbeo» werplus of tbe os&efpace being 2 Degrees, is 120 miles, tobish being aoaeo to tbs fo;merfnmme,mabei bin all 3720 miles:¡mo that is the oiffance betfcujtfBudonelltm Ercocot 0notf this toap lilte pou not, then mulfipip the oiffe* rence of the 2 longituoes, bp the miles anfloerablc to tbs iattiuDcof tbefaio places,iobicb pou (hall fins in a fpeciall fable rnaoc fo; that purpofe,« is fet ootone in mp fpbere, fogitber toitb tbe rule ano o^oer that is to bee obferueu florin. 'Cbe baroeff of lobicb 2 toaies in mine opimon,ts much mo je eaSe than that tnbicb is to bee Done bp tbe foj* mer ^nSrument caüeD Qrgmum direftorium, S&ïbicf) tn* ftxmnzixt MercatoraxtoBarnardtubib bO’rotoaS it fee-metbtomeefromtbat tubteb Çemm* Frions calleibbte Quadrattim NaHticumyimtttb bp bim manp peresffnee : fbc ibapc,ocfcripiton ano bfe totjercof, 31 thought it not amtffe to fet Doiost here anD tbs rather foj that in mine 01 pinion it fljetoetij botb tbe true courfeano Direction to a * me place moje fpeeDtlp,anDtoitb mojefacilitp then tbe ether* HereNauticum. n- $is fquarebp 2 right lines enl* S^e •(«fityh’en. Uo SDiametcrs ercEfingcneano* f bor liutfi rtriljt angles in the t>c-rp Center is Deutoeb into fours Squall quarters,ana tbithin tlje faiDfquare bpen fijc fate Center is Djainne a Circle , tobtcli bp tv canes o f ttjc i tuo fo; e fa ib HDia--meters is alfobemoeb into fours fUiabjants , anbeuerp Ctuab^mif is iubbiutseo ioitn rtgbtiinestnto 8 partes,foasinaU,H;crcbe 32 lines, fignifipngtbe 32 teinbs of the Mariners Conipaffe.C-uerieline bauingbis proper name oftmubtojittenthcr* on. 0nbnote that the right line tuiuch is bjatune right DofoneintbemfoDeftcf tljefquare, Cgmgetbthe SPeribu» an,(beiomgtl)e^oifl)pointaboue,anijtl;e^cutbpoiiit beneath,ano the other right line, trolling the fame in the Center;(rgnifietb the equinoctialline,tubub ajcloctb the Caff point on the right hanb , anbtbe S33eff point on the left bane,ana the Circle it felfe ftgnifietbfbe1po;i jon. $ofo pou baue to bnberlfanD,that from theCquinoei tialllinebptoarosthe 2 ffbes of the fquare are beuiscb each of them into 90 Degrees of$o;tbfattfuO0, anbtbe other tfoo fibrs from iheCquinoctiallootoneUiarD , are liisefoifebeutDebonbothbanDsinto 90 Degrees effouth latituoe.'Chen the bean o? front,« alfc thebafeof the fait» fqnare is beutbeb in the mibbeff bp the fo;efato sperioian line into 2 equal! parts,luhcrof the fir0pioeam’ng from the fain ^eribian fofoarbest&e right banb is Deuibeb as tucUaboueasbeneatbinto 90 Degrees of !ongitube,ano that is ealleD the Ca*UongituDe,anD the ether part p;w> ceebing from the fatb $pertbian tcinarbes the left hanb is lifci UnfebeiuDeD as foell abonea&benetbmfo 90 begins off \ fm’: v. W&j. cinongttuDe. tobtch inffrumentis thus: firff knobbing bp fome table o* spappMhe longituDeano laftfnDe of ttoo places, take the atifercnccaf both bp fubffracting the leffer outof tbegre# ter. 0noiftbelongituDeoftbefeconD place bee greater then t be firff/eeUe the Difference thereof in the front,and alfo in the bafe of the Caff longitnoe on the right hanoe, iSutifthe longitnDeofthefeconoplace be leffe then the firs, then fcskc the Difference thereof in the Med longt# tone on toe lefthanD. 0no here as before 3 meane bp the firff place that from bobence pou goe, ofiubich 2 places, the lira is aitoates fuppofeo to bee in the berp center of the CirciesanD the other is to befotmbout thus : firff,ha* mngfougbtoat the Degrees of the Difference of thelongi* tuell in the bpper part as in the nether part, ana markeo t&e lame buitb onepjt'cke aboue, ano another be# neatb, applte pour ftulcr 0.: a thjeao to fhofe 2 pjicfcs, 0$ els D.:atue a fecret right line from the one jmeke to the 0-ther bp a rnler. ^hat Done,fake out tbe Difference of the 2 latitnDes on both fiDes of the fquare,that is to fapaftfje fecono place hath greater latituDe then the firff,then pou muff feeke the Difference in the $ojth latitude , if leffe, then fecke that in the feouth lattf uoe. 0no hauing mar# keo the fame on both hanos, bp fefftng Dobwt on each fioe a p’icke,Diaboe a fecret right line from marketo marke, ano tohere the laff line croffeth the firff line, there make a marke,foi there ftan&etb the place {»hereto pou buoulD goe, fpace betteirf é 2 places mere al fea-ifo: in failing bp fea, pou map not tbinke to go altoaiesbp a right line, but often to ebaunge pcurcourfeacco»D!ngaseitbermainlanD,beolanDsjles Currents,&anDes,Uockes, ojfucb lifcetmpzomientes nit t t f q>^e fbali giueoccattomanD tpnfo;t though pour right roorfe fiom London to Venice is to go èouîbboctt anD bp Caff, pet being rome out of the Thames to Doner, pour caurfe from thzncz to t be Cape of Trttawc ts loett ê>otitbü)cff, 8no from thence to the Cape Funs ten a in spline, m* © j&outbioeff ' Citij hatcH fh\.y 6i<*n-&*t ar> olrf*%*r~m(fcArp ¿-a //¿»it •. 5»ounjw«tam faint Vincent in Portugal* pou go right £>outb x and from thence to Gibralter altucft (Bait ^ontbeaif, 0gaine from Gtbralterf0 tl)C^0Utf) point ofSareUgma, pOurCOUtfe IS nlmolfoutbeaii: and from thence to pour courfc is iutt#ojtbeaif , and from thence to Venice, pou turns againe /l&ojtbtoeif. nu$ pou fee that in going bp , onerourfe Doth notbol0e,no nojpet in going bp Iland,Gtb ^untaines, i£iuers,and lakes map put pou out efpour right rourfe, anD pet it is neceffarp to knoto botu the place Inperto pou go, bearetb from pou to the intent that being out ofpour iuap, pou map altoates the better Direct pour rourfe right agatneiotljefamc. $$0}S(mtVyGe?nma Frtz,iui faptbitbatfep t^S mentpou map alfo finde out the Difference oflongituDe bctlmpitbetUjoplacesfrom Whence and tohitherpou goe,fo as pou knoto before poto the feconD place bearctlj from ff)c firtt, anD alfo the Difference of their latitudes. 0s fo? the latituDe of each place, peu map eaftlp finDe the fametoithpour0ttrolabe,SiuaD;anf,o;croffeCaffe, bp faking theretoitb the $)eriotan altitude of the £mnne,oj thehigheffaliituDeoffomettarre that pou knofo: Che o’Der luhereof 3 baue fet doUme in mp Sphere. 0nd the Coatf of the Countrep anD place ^hereunto the £>btppe is to bee DirecteD, is comntonlp focll fencinen to the $ga* riners hoiu it beareth from tlje firff, anD fpeeialip bauing a p;ofperous tuino. Hbhenimotuing thefe ttoo things, pou muff do thus: JIFirit hauing dzatoenaiccreUtne 0; thread, from the aifc ference of the ftoo latitudes, placed according to the rule of greater and letter before fetaotone , and marked on both fides of the BJnffrumenf: d^afo another thread, 0? els lap a ruler fo as it map pafie thorough the Center , and fe line of the Uund,o; coatf to&erbp the fecond place bca- rcth 98  reth from the firff 0nD tufjeras fijofe ftoo lines oj tfJIebi 0oeioucf)>makeamar&e,anDthenlaparuler, o; ejtfenti a tbjeaD from the Upper line to the nether line of longt-tnoc, foas it mappaffc&artfbp ibc fatt marlte.anD tfeen the ti^cao 03. ruler fo lain, toill fljefo pou the Difference of longituDebettmrttheftoopiaces . 3nD bp this meanes GcnmaFriz,iHs fapth, tbat thepartner» map eafiltecoj-rcctt^c longi tubes of places as tbep faile: butbofo true# Ip. 3! referre that fo the ffetlfull pilots, o$ut fo.: mine ofonepart, Ijamng to feefee out in fbefe latter Nappes the tuapbp &eacj ilanbeto anp placed InoulD bfe none other inffrument ofotreetton then fjalfe a Circle DeutoeD tottb lines lifee a spart* ners if lie,in inch fo;t aspou fee inthfcjHsnr*»fjo* t ov C ji ce Cearrzii §rt>*\ , oific r .//. tyte if I ie containetf) tfoo quar-- /$> tero of tpe gparinero Compaq t&e mioole line tobereof mar# keo toitfj a CrcUc, fignifietb tbe line iobirb runneth (¡Bali and &ftelt jfoj if tfje place tebereto pougoe,beonpour rigbtbano, t&cn t&e Crelfe Ggmfiei b tbe call point , but if it bee on pour left pano}tben turning tfjejflie totoaroeo pour left bano,t[jr CrelTe Doth fignifie t be S2Selt point, and tbe rig^e ootone line crofting tbefcjcfaioemitmle iinetuitb rig&tangle* inifcebcrp Center , to tbe spcrtainn Imel&e&ing (be i^ojtbanD&outb , accojoing ao pou turne il;e Crofte Calf o; 2Be(f. SCI)t tie of 1»$$ irlte to fbuotSrff feltfj a pin 02 a m* q fclijteingtfomit though tpe center oftbeif!te,piirkefbe pin ooUm in ifceberp place from tobenrepett go,teikbb^ fo;e THE EL IE, THE VSE WHERE-of here follovveth.toetljeffrff place, ano if tbe fecono place bce en petnr rigtjtfcantJ, tl;en turne îbe crclîecfpour ilietbattoap, but fû as f îje eperiofon of tije jflie ntap be a crue parale! foibe nerf fiperioian cfiüe spappetbaî ta on pourlsft banü, tofcicb pour compare toillquicfelp pcrfourmebp taftirigf&ereîrttl) atüftfpaccsí botbeniss oftbcirliebc-ftoitt tbe tteo foícfapD sacristana. 'Cba? ooone,erteno peor tincan fo as it map paffetbaougb boíl; tlje Center of tbe JFlte bars bp îbe pinne, ano alio tfaougb ttje fecono p-ace, anbtfjcnîooke toppon tubai toínoe o¿ coait of tbe jflte tu tbjeao fiefb? aro fbattotno îbe toetb boto tbr fc* conb place bearctb front pou . 0no tbe oppoûte totttte fbcreof fljitoeîbbp tobaf toínoe peubaue to fapie ibi-tber. ^utiftbe fecono place be on peur leftbsno, tbenpctr mu0 fume lije croire oftbe iflietotoaros pour left bano, anobsutngfet ootoue the Ccnier of tbe jf lie in íbcfírft place , ano totcbpcar Compare msOeílje sperioisncf tbe jfüe a tuff pat aldi io tbe ned denotan oftbe Spap tbstts on pour rtgbf baño , lap pcurtbjeao fetbe tino places as befóle, ano rrarbetspcn to!;at toino of tbe j?lie ttffrtfeetb,ano pou (bail baue pour oePrc.Cbe leder tbat pour flte be,tbe feetter^fo? bgir.g greet it toculo çoucr tco tttanp places of iïjc Caroc o; S^appe. 05ut if ttfcttuo pis# ces (Lino io nigb fogttber, as tfcc jrlp oootp couer tïjeni botto tben f>ai;ing fet odone pour pinne in tbe fird place, maie pour tfoeaotoitl; ai5ooie,f bauingput tbe fame cutr tljc pinzato îbe ttoeao tbtongb é fecono place fom* bepono tbe Campane cftlje jfiie,ano boloe it fbcrr fad ùntili peu toute alio put tbeCenter eftbejflteeucr tbe Capo pin *1 timóle, ano tmeip placeo tljc fame infucp fourme a*is befoje faustiano in fo occing,fbat lineo! tbe jfIte tobicl; lieti) bpon tbe illeso torti fbctoe pour ccurfeanooirecticn aititeli rs iftfccttocaDlap abeuetbe ^flte« 'Crtilie 3 ose lïjïttëe tic tic of tbtó jflic a nmc rane € 3 anoana fpeetjie map or'Direction, then (be mantfoioe (racing of tlje Nappes oj ¿partner* card* totib fncfj a number of erode line*, as commonlp are djatocn therein, caufing raiber a confufiontijen otbertotfei foj in fucb CarDe*a* are made toitb right ^criotan0,pou ¿ball Sno (be jplie to to bee raucb moje feruice-abls then tbefs mantfaioe lines, Thevfe ofPtolomets Tables, ©us much touching tbe tie of NappesandCaros, nolo accoj-otng to mppjomife, 31 toil bjtefr lie ibtto pou tbe tbe bfe of Pto-lomeis SDable*, o; of anp other table tnaoe tntljefo^me. Cbecbie* fed point toberof is reoilp to find outanp place tbatpou feefce,ano to fcnoto tobere it ffanocfb ♦ Jfoi tbe accompli ibment tobereof, pou muftfirfi bnotoe tobai long! tube ano latitude that place bafb. Cbe longitude* ano latitude* of all place* deferibeo bp Ptolomtjy are fetootonetn bi* iecono, third, feurfb,y jU. & Hu. fiffjfirt, aho feuentb btoiteofOeograpbie. jfoj in bis fe-v routs b©hebe Defcribetb tbe Melt part of j^r^contai«» \\\n% Ire land,England,Scotland, Htfpania, Gallia,Ger-y mmejlangane,^no Slawny.Jn bl* tbtrD b©fee,be Defcri* betb tbe CaK part of Europe, a* Italic, Sicilia,Corfica ,Sardinia,S armatia, Tauric a, Peninfula,D atia, MiJta,Thracia, CMacedonia,zAchata,Peloponefus^andia, Rubia,% DtUCrS other iiano* and 3$and*,#no bee contained all Europe 4 in ten ^able*. 3|n bt* fonrtb b<e be Defcribetb Agrtke, that is to fap,fo mucb a* toa* fenoton in bt* time,contat# /. 6.7. mng tbe fame in 4 Stable*, Sin W f. 6. ano 7, bojite be Defcribetb all Afia ano tbe EaflIndians, tobereof bee mafcctb12£Cable0,ano in oeferibing anp Region o?pso- umcc> mttce,beibefoetbbofo it is bounded both /jaojtlj, South,. eaft,anD tileff*anD alfo fobat notable Cities, iflouos, 2Labes,o? Spouniaines bee in euerte Region, and there--lDtt^ fettett? botonetbe longitude ant) latitude of cuctie place: SEofobich bis boobe, aiticrs hauc made certaine ¿alphabetical! tables, containing the names of all (be pla# ces thatare mentioned in foe faefnio boobs, foefoing in jubat leafe to frndc foe fame: to foe intent that pou map foe mojereaoilpftnd out,not cnelp tbc place,but alfo foe longitude and latitude force of, and in fobatSEablcitis contained. $oifoifoifanatng,3l fenofoe bp good fnalUbat there* are a number of places mentioned in foefaidebojbes, tobicbP0ulballnoffiindemtbefo?efaiD0lpbabcf. - iSferefoje 31 foifo tljat UWercator., Ortellim, Barnar-dut3BrHge»Jts, oa anp other of the latter Ccfmograpljers and fetters foojfo of gpappf s and Cards, tooulo tabe the paineto nrabe a generallAlphabet, containing all foe names foat are to bee found and hnetuen, bofoauncicnt and ntoderne, of Me gicns,Cities,&eas,j[f lcods,iL abes, 5Kiuers}po?fes,HBates3^edlandes,Capcs,ipounfaines, and all ot her notorious places containeoinfoeir^aps and Cardes, iogtther forth the true longitude and latiV tude annexed to euerte place, f agreeable to their $f5aps, to the intent, that euerte man delighted tnifo the reading of i^iffojies,map in their Nappes both generall and fpc * ctall, eafilie finae out anie place that bee feebef b. CObifo inofoeinmtne opinion IncuId beernoS foanbfulliere* ceiued of all tbofe that delight in ©cographie J, to the, great commendation and pj&pfe ofthe 8ufoours thereof. if0? though Ptolomej,ts4j>piatJ, Gemma Triz*iusJ3aftal-dm , Oronttm, Mmjferm, Ortellim and ofocrshauc fet aofcme certains names, bofoauncicnt anamodenteto* gifoer forth their longitudes and latitudes , pettbep are but berpfcfccm ccmparifcn of au the nanus that are.r]> r J ^ w lf , w ^ TTT„T„T TT t>|<- r„lif TVt T wyi& Cables 00 not ertenb, ^betbitDcontainetbtbcnumbersoftbe n para# lels,ano tbe fourth tbe botoers anb minutes of the longelf bap ineuerie paralelU a • 7 4 The n 1 1 ' czflgar;— their names,and miles in breadth, • 7 Dia Riphios. ipf. Miles. 6 DiaBonftenes. 225 5 Dia Romes, 240, 4 DiaRhodou. 350. 3 Dia Alexandrias, 37°* 2. DiaSienes.420. I DiaMeroes. 455. day, and i a howers night.__________________________J -fe-* . .a*,, cs jDui pun raurnsoiToeruano, tpat usmXtnsTtoicmey mabetb fbefurtbeH & ^tb part of &is fcucnilj Clime railed to baue but 50Degreesand ^ommutcc of latitude, tbc moderne Cofmograpber» Coe allotue to tbofe mountaines 70 Degrees of latitude, affirming tbe fame to bee tltofe fclfe ^ounfaines fobicb aje otberUufe called 'MontesHyerborct , loljtcbbecaufetbrpcnclofca great partoftbe#o;tbliDeeftbeUio;l3, are calico Or-bis teYYA cingulum,at IS fO fap,tbc girdle Of tbc t0O2i0C, tbe ip;ong iatttude tobereofanD of Diners other, 3 tbinfce rptoiomeyX)ao from other« ano not from bimfclfe. JFo; beingb;ougbf bp in fo Soarme a foile as Alexander llandctb in,be eouloneuer endure fo go fofar no;tl> toard, fo tabe the latitude of tbofe color %tphean ipoun# taines , andibcrefo;eifpoulift fobnotoe tubat latitude doibtrulp belong bntoenerie Clime ano paralell, tben refo;t to OYontius bis Cable of Climes ano paralels fet dotone in mp Sphere,tobicb fljetoetb boU) manp degrees of latitude euerpparaleil bath, togitber toitb tbc long-ell bap , encnfromtbeCquinoflialltoibc berpfBole, foberefo;e 3 leaue fo fpeabebeere anp farther thereof, and fo fo; this time ende tbis Creative , tobitb if 3 lhall pereeiue fo bee tbanbfullp taben, 3 mtnde (Cod billing) to pat in p;tnf,tbe defertpfion and bfe of tbe Sphere and of the (©lobe,both CeleQtall and CerreQtall &lfo a berte plains and b;iefe aritbmetibe,togttber toitb tbe difcric-tion, and certaine dies oftbe Cables of S&mes^alleo in %$Xix[TabuUSmuum. &ndfinallp,tbep;inciplesof ntgation mo;eplatnelp(3 beleeue)tban euer there batie beeneberefofo;e taught, onelpfohelpe end further fac& as bee defiroos fo fraueile bp foca,ano haue not bene tv» ereifedin the ^athemaficall fcDtfcipiines, toitb* oat tome knowledge tuber eof,it is hard to bee rbtlfull in that art. FINIS..(t ■ yjjut tjifcriptio • 0-,menea, dcjcnpio . lj . Ifcqttinelh'afis are: {¡vil: ic jfírihcits áijpfarli: cir: c!S. 22, • quaf q rudip. ¿ijfant'i Jo [ó: '-i- Jifia aejcrifh'e: '67 ■ '•fixis pifindi (¡I: o • JvyMj cr. - jl. ,< e-*- ¿ ¿reúnes c¡uatuor . ií ■ Jjl-flqp. vd Harte ./ 1>1 ¿£ . 01 . C ircufiu anrrns ñ> (¡uoi p ral. diuicUpiy, C [mafti m ptappis quet/Ug . ■ tnqiffiifiñ he cA eri Ai t. J ¿. JimcHum ■Julnila (jlm'Tífcí«msii. 2/ • Ccmrojj! :nrutb'a Jíns m ?nvr>r>¡S.J7 dir W iffis íinqi 'h.íí-- fi el furno rum \Ju. - i)-A- íti'nncitú ffhtx ■ 0 • l 'jpics /onci: fl-uomacíc eoqnqjcihir. 2$. quomocie ntiTnetJfy -cifra ipfrf hrJídtTvij ¡'ics max : c si ¿j 'fiorarvi* 2f) • kpifttrvvha lecerti ygffjp ; ¡f q . Í>rs'i!tnhn rniir 1 °> Jeep? (¡nomoclo f. 78 • C uerveórenr(¡[cfn'mt, jint 'J: ài fonaiJirn-uf: /£ . /int ¡ertetifrtciñ'i Vít . dgf. Jiitt fetili: iantpi . ‘pite eh riti -navHcr* svbr ri y-vb'rt, cumÁHii. 76 • vih (T? í- ¿ cA fie* ftna n jx . zS- r-J A. f- L 5 ¿ 1 •ppjis iun& tebAtn fu lili et rúes pm oninìa'-h'i ann.%drf$. drjj ita Je In Jppyt • £rf: ¿ JñnuL avvmój ¿.tUSálty xnaerrituinrris alpltdfli .'Wr non Joíis'U. Jb . / ' ¿■ursjai (Uh: Ss . , " J ' ní #' £*&, ís . tL. ili il re cr .33 • ‘J J- ¿-pica 'V 2. Ja ti fu d ¡TIC Ctu'nflHj loe\ ’ • _ " J ffl PC----- ' >3 , 'vem'rr. JA- ned (¡hu 771PU Jl T1<ìu n^u r ^1-s~ [un Aq entriC fc'ifn«J.^ - .¿A 1 rwfrH. bào munii pul. ij . C tuff-iityftH . 1?. rn io-n q : tic attrici àrtu! ipprhps. pop. /fina •• cnivjiiisUcj rñ'1'tvrí'rc . Jf. pjZiZ> • 1 ». ■ ^ nCf^ pii it và (ju* mi riffa 710 , ili ride Jài’ftntri on{ ji.chf.AÓ. s-A/f f- ~r 'f- -T e. y’i nfffl nnetr zt>h et(r. p ciprnt b<*mvz 3, ' ipht Jeat: J7 Ánde Arresi. (Ajcrjh'oves mafjitovr.Tu. Vr>t[[jrnajjxl ■ Jo .j -jfrifij': 3/ • Jf irne reij; 4g. qs *[f- f<* firnt. pAjert elia7if <ì * t>ncl( rtemin. J°nm¡ ~rf< in eli un 9.8 - icSd.rlf[Tn S[J J ' b rivi 77i e r f fTnT e n fieni osjr n ipriti : 'ref.qj.. tabe enr ovtMn\s „. ín> rr.^ vjus ■ yo . 'jXit-rih'tf {¡uando . £. -a. Q Cn dirli a(-if-) J - ,-r inWA r> ’ari • Jt • O rù ern-n ^birte U>rìr> 'z < ¡t<¿ aijcripti e J ' ijrac^ cp ctnh-v^ cit ^ji ,2 . jjJ V JJ /omjhfnjif . y ~ . ,,ti lS ecJpUr/.Jf-J yracivn _ ____ U yfaf 7 d . 3. yry. 'Vici ; <-J>. [Pjreuirj £. y. Si -2o. cj*d1 rnc^pi; . et+ra-iv^nTv rtttrre finq-nrrtp Zi* Jarjact es'rindjtnt. £7jJiarnJ fa . 4T\ (¡■Homodo efafj arie): AmijqfrJ Jx r«.í( iy m /rta'jrpif quarti*/ai: J f£TVJ V1] • Jf • t- ncwfiq flyrc: t/diS. gq.&gf-Q . -l\_x ^ ^ iemù jitii prpuinaam pjdld'or'/o 4 1 ju /* m an fzfajJj limporiCp 'òffenpc no • fs ■ \ " J '. , V- Jc^xte; fv J-ni’e-foyvp- ff t-yjiirrttirp ' On r -Crrern ,Uri o !£&(•• 7fj. iUG ■ &ì è A. J’furrn La cci corrry siindtimpt ernjt£--m j-nJict cri ine .ptvTjJjio benpup tirflnrctpa?t¡*<¿ Jijeribnnt -ma f in/ 1J1 ero qntntryrn ^ . SS • J airi ti fri e n a Ut p ri fi AfTtt* 'evi) natff, /Sai »ts n(yl U>L>y nrWlbrd .s /¡mX> . t) oej. ‘'fv 7 rf erj e-« \ cyt crH< prt _ ■rn r «vh1 '» *»•*■> <» pa-mií ~ ’ Jo« m i • vj. L?^. & Jefienfn cna¡£s iirra barflS: v cür yln-tr m 3 farttsAvijio jj,j^>p£ itcldi Jirurtf • pi . ^-ttjTXL ViHns Al nieJJ’bjAf cerpj’nfn irnP **'... ni 'Trovici a ro: r: z?. J etmO. *: <*AL n°cii cCÍ¡ 'Jifa f; [rù . V Sjs ^ * li. s TjTf" ^ Snf¿ ,j i yO (, U rm d t,ooiJ:la- , . , r se. b> A’t> e e~ <.vny ¡pi aw m (ci bi/*6 , 1 J7*mmBW®1 SB