ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2019.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Copyright. Reproduced according to U.S. copyright law USC 17 section 107. Contact for more information. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Preservation Department, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2019>7t M | T2>497-t- m ^-ase o{ *■ ive,' Cull Fire Department ™ - r\ JBr_!_______________ !^GOOOOOGO0OOOOOOOOOOOQOG< I Ml C\>r ^TELEPHONE DIRECTORY OCTOBER ISSUE 1924 saps; Biloxi, Miss. Gulfport, Miss. ■* Ocean Springs, Miss. J l. l. dept. FORM CI36 0-2O pi LE GO PY APR 25 1934 RETURN TO UNi v i-.iwH i of .I--..M0IS Commercial Dept ROOM 1126 195 BROADWAY Yellow Cab Co. BILOXI AND GULFPORT SAFE SERVICE TELEPHONE 600 < THE BRADFORD COMPANY z q Funeral Directors g an d Embalmers -C AMBULANCE & 119 East Howard Avenue Biloxi, Mississippi ® TELEPHONE 42 § GEORGE WALDMEIER O ■§ 5 Jeweler a.ndL ° Watch XVIalcer M X M 121 West Howard Telephone No. 422 PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE TELEPHONE No. 114 m 0 Ji ! BALTAR'S TOGGERY "For Men and Little Men" (0 1 4? Clothing and Furnishings ® The House of Kuppenheimer Good Clothes*0$ ONE DR. A. FERRER BiloxVs Leading Chiropractor /'Permanently Established Practice 1918" THERE IS A REASON! Telephone 292 Joe Rusk Fish, Crabs, Oysters and Shrimp :SEF"" ' CORNER CROESUS AND~JACKSON STREETS Telephone 551 Free DeliveryPage TV» Long Distance Rates from Biloxi, Miss. The rates quoted below show the application of the different classes of telephone toll message service to some near by and long distant points most frequently called. Rates to over 70,000 other points may be ob- tained by asking for "Long Distance." To make a long distance call, call the local operator in the regular way and ask for "Long Distance." When the long distance operator answers give her the name of town or city desired. If you wish to file a StatioN-to-Station call, notify the operator that you will talk with any one who answers the telephone at the desired address. If you wish to file a Person-to-Person call, give the operator the name of the particular person wanted; in either case, furnish the telephone number desired (if known), otherwise give the firm name or the name and initials of the person under whose name the telephone is listed, and, if possible, the street address. Then give the number of the telephone from which you are calling and your name. The rates given below are for the initial period. The report charges apply only to person-to-person, ap- pointment and messenger calls which are not completed. Evening and night rates apply only to station- to-station calls. STATION-TO-STATION (If charges are reversed the call becomes a Person-to-Person Call.) PERSON TO PERSON Charges CAN Be Reversed DAY RATE 4:30 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M. EVENING RATE 8:30 P.M. t TO 12 MID. NIGHT RATE 12 MID. TO 4:30 A.M. RATE ALL HOURS APPOINTMENT OR MESSEN- GER CALLS REPORT CHARGE BILOXI, MISS. TO Bay St. Louis, Miss. .25 .25 .25 .30 .35 .10 Columbia, Miss._______ .60 .30 .25 .75 .90 .15 Covington, La._________ .50 .25 .25 .60 .75 .15 Gulf port, Miss.________ .10 .10 .10 .15 .20 .05 Hattiesburg, Miss._____ .50 .25 .25 .60 .75 .15 Jackson, Miss._________ 1.00 .50 .25 1.25 1.50 .25 Laurel, Miss.__________ .60 . .30 .25 .75 .90 .15 Logtown, Miss......... .35 .25 .25 .45 .50 .10 Lyman, Miss__________ .15 .15 .15 .20 .25 .10 McHenry, Miss........ .25 .25 .25 .30 .35 .10 Meridian, Miss._______ .90 .45 .25 1.10 1.35 .25 Mobila, Ala.___________ .40 .25 .25 .50 .60 .10 Moss Point, Miss._____ .20 .20 .20 .25 .30 .10 Neptune, La.__________ .60 .30 .25 .75 .90 .15 New Orleans, La.______ .55 .30 .25 .65 .80 .15 Ocean Springs, Miss. .10 .10 .10 .15 .20 .05 Pascagoula, Miss...... .20 .20 .20 .25 .30 .10 Pass Christian, Miss. .20 .20 .20 .25 .30 .10 Vancleave, Miss. ______ .15 .15 - .15 .20 .25 .10 Vicksburg, Miss._______ 1.20 .60 .30 1.50 1.80 .30 Wiggins, Miss_________ .30 .25 .25 .40 .45 .10 An initial period of five minutes is allowed on Station-to-Station calls where the rate is 25 cents or less. An initial period of five minutes is allowed on Station-to-Station calls where the rate is 25 cents or less." Page THftEfe CLASSIFIED LONG DISTANCE TOLL SERVICE f The toll service offered by the company Is so classified as to give the patron an option as to th0 class of call best suited to his particular requirement in each instance. The schedule of rates is sr designed that telephone users may secure the maximum service at minimum cost. If patrons wiir _^heir needs and the conditions pertaining to their toll calls, they will be able to practice many economies through applying the class of toll call appropriate to their needs. A careful perusal of the explanation of the various classes of service given below will enable sub- scribers to apply the service to the best advantage. LONG DISTANCE TOLL RATES Station to Station Basis—Day Rates: 4:30 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. AIR LING MILEAGE DISTANCES INITIAL RATE OVERTIME RATE More than But not to Exceed Rate Minutes or Fraction Thereof Rate Minutes or Fraction Thereof Miles Miles 0 12 18 24 32 40 12 18 24 32 40 48 $0.10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 5 5 5 5 3 3 $0.05 .05 .05 .05 .10 .10 3 2 2 1 1 1 48 56 .40 3 Overtime rate for For each additional 8 miles or fraction thereof, 5 cents additional. All initial rates for distances beyond 56 miles are for periods of three minutes or fraction thereof. distances more than 48 miles, approxi- mately one - third initial rate for each additional minute or fraction thereof. LONG DISTANCE TOLL RATES Station to Station Basis—Day Rates: 4:30 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Evening and Night Rates apply to Station-to- Station service only. Evening Rates:—Between 8:30 P. M. and 12 Mid- night, One-half of the day rates. Night Rates:—Between 12 Midnight and 4:30 A. M., One-fourth of the day rates. Minimum "Evening" or "Night" rates, 25 cents. In applying Day, Evening and Night rates the time of day at the originating point shall govern. The time at which connection is established gov- erns the rate in determining whether the Day, Evening or Night charge applies. c If connection is established in one period and terminates in another, the rate in effect at the time the connection is established applies to the entire message. STATION-TO-STATION SERVICE The person originating the call does not specify a particular person to be reached, but gives only the number of the telephone called, or the name or address under which the telephone is listed. Charges for station to station calls shall begin from the moment communication is established between the called and calling stations. On calls to Private Branch Exchange systems where, at time of giving call, no particular extension sta- tion is specified to be reached, the charges begin when the Private Branch Exchange Operator answers. When the call is made for a particu- lar Private Branch Exchange extension station, the call becomes a Person to Person call. If the calling party requests that the charges on a Station-to-f5tation call be reversed, the call becomes a Person-to-Person call. PERSON-TO-PERSON SERVICE The person originating the call specifies a par- ticular person or Private Branch Exchange ex- tension station to be reached. <• Charges for person-to-person calls shall begin from the moment communication is established with the specified person called. Orders for person-to-person calls are accepted only under the condition that a limited charge will be made when under certain conditions it is im- possible to establish communication between speci- fied persons. (See Report Charges.) Appointment Calls?—An appointment call is a person-to-person call on which communication is to be established at a specified time. Messenger Calls.—A messenger call is a person- to-person call requiring the use of a messenger to bring the specified person to a public pay sta- tion. REPORT CHARGES A report charge shall be made on person-to-per- son calls which can not be completed for the fol- lowing reasons: If the called party refuses to talk. If the calling party refuses to talk when the call is ready for completion. If the called party is not available at the called station. If, when the call is ready for completion, the calling party is absent at the calling station or no answer can be obtained from the calling station. If a collect call is not completed because the called station or called party refuses to accept the charge. If, on an appointment call, the call is not com- pleted after the appointment has been made. If, on a messenger call, the call is not completed after the arrangements have been made to notify the called party to come to the telephone. A Report Charge will not be made for reports that the called station is "busy," "out of order," or "don't answer." Nor will a report charge be made for reports that the called party has no telephone, or that his telephone has been discon- tinued. If the call is uncompleted during the day filed and, at the request of the calling party, the call is carried over and completed the next day, no report charge is made. A Report Charge shall not be made in any case where the calling station orders the call cancelled prior to being given a report that the called party can not be reached or that the connection is ready. Regardless of the number of reports made on a call for a particular party in a given city or town, only one report charge, when applicable, is made if the call is uncompleted. On uncompleted collect calls Involving a Report Charge, the charge shall be made against the call- ing station unless its reversal was requested at the time the report was given and the called sta- tion agreed to accept the charge. Where private branch exchange systems are in- volved, the terms "station," "calling station" and "called station," as used throughout these classi- fications, refer to the private branch exchange switchboard operator. For detailed rates to various points see classified list of rates published elsewhere in this directory.Pag« FdUR _ , - West End Dry Cleaning Works B. F. EGAN, Proprietor .... GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Latest Model Hoffman Steam Vacuum Cleaner Removing of Stains and Grease Telephone 190 1349 West Howard Avenue KINSELLA'S JEWELRY STORE HOWARD AVENUE AND LAMEUSE STREET (BUSY CORNER) Best Grade of Diamonds and Jewelry Clocks, Jewelry, TELEPHONE 910 RepairingRules and Regulations Applying to All Subscribers Contracts 4ASSIFICATION OF AREAS AS THE BASIS FOR FURNISHING TELEPHONE SERVICE Economical operation of the telephone business, to secure protection to the whole body of rate payers and to the business itself, requires that the property be built and operated in accordance with a definite plan under which specified classes of service are regularly furnished in specified areas or types of areas. The Telephone Company there- fore does not undertake to furnish any desired class of service at any desired location, nor does it undertake to extend its plant to re- mote sections where such extension is not warranted by public neces- sity as distinguished from personal desire, except where protection Is afforded. The general plan for furnishing telephone service as authorized in the General Exchange Tariff is based on a classification of areas by types for the determination of the classes of service available and for the application of rates. TERM PERIOD OF CONTRACT The Company's contracts covering the furnishing of telephone service are ordinarily for initial term periods of one month. Under some spe- cial conditions involving unusual installation costs or involving the Installation of special equipment, contracts may be required for longer Initial term periods. The Telephone Company's obligation to furnish telephone service is dependent upon its ability to procure and retain suitable facilities and rights for the construction and maintenance of the necessary circuits. CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION CHARGES The charges and regulations specified in the Company's General Ex- change Tariff apply in connection with all classes of service equip- ment or facilities furnished by the Telephone Company. No charge is made for providing new pole line construction on pub- lic highways, when the subscriber is located within the base rate area. No charge is made for providing and maintaining new pole line con- struction along public highways outside the base rate area, when such pole lines are to be used in serving subscribers in general! * Except as provided above, when an applicant for service is located outside of the base rate area in territory where new pole line con- struction Is required and the cost of providing the necessary addi- tional poles is more than three times the annual mileage charge for the circuit thereon, connection with the Telephone Company's system is provided in one of the following methods as the applicant may elect: The subscriber may bear the cost in excess of the amounts specified above of providing the poles and pay extra exchange line mileage charges for the necessary circuit.- Ownership of such poles is vested In the Telephone Company. Maintenance of poles and circuits is at the expense of the Telephone Company, The subscriber at his own expense may furnish the portion of pole line and circuit from his location to an agreed upon point of connec- tion with the Telephone Company's Bystem. The subscriber is required to maintain or bear the expense of maintaining his portion of the pole line and circuit and also to bear the expense of installing and maintaining the station equipment, except that when the station is brought to the Company's central office for repairs, no labor expense incurred for such repairs is charged to the subscriber. The subscriber Is charged extra exchange line mileage charges for that portion of the Telephone Company's circuit outside of the base rate area. Owner- ship of the portion of pole line and circuit provided by the subscriber Is vested in the subscriber. Ownership of the station equipment la vested in the Telephone Company. Poles on private property to be used In serving an individual sub- scriber must in all cases be furnished and maintained at the sub- scriber's expense. Ownership of such poles on private property is vested in the subscriber. No charge Is made for furnishing and maintaining poles on private property when such poles are to be used to carry circuits serving sub- scribers in general. In such cases, ownership of poles on private prop- erty is vested in the Telephone Company. Whenever it becomes necessary to replace poles on private property, the new poles are furnished only in accordance with the arrangements specified above. All circuits on poles on private property are owned and maintained by the Telephone Company. When a specified type of construction is desired by a subscriber, as for example, when underground service connections are desired in places where aerial drop wires are regularly used to reach subscriber's premises or where the individual requirements of a subscriber make the installation unusually expensive, the subscriber is required to bear the cost of such special construction or installation. SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES AND CHARGES FOR MOVES AND CHANGES ▲ schedule of fixed charges is established covering the connection Of a subscriber's station with the exchange of the Company, and cov- ering the charges for moves and changes. These schedules of charges •re published in detail in this directory. UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THE TELEPHONE Telephone equipment and facilities are furnished for the use of the subscriber, employees, agents or representatives of the subscriber or members of the subscriber's domestic establishment except in connec- tion with semi-public telephone service and except as the use of the service may be extended to joint users. All equipment furnished by the Telephone Company shall remain the property of the Company. Such equipment shall not be used for any toll or consideration to be paid by any other person than the subscriber, nor for performing any part of the work of transmitting, delivering or collecting any message, where any toll or consideration bas been or is to be paid any party other than the Telephone Com- pany, without the written consent of the Company. Subscribers may not disconnect or remove or permit others to dis- connect or remove any apparatus installed by the Telephone Com- pany, except upon the written consent of the Company, UNAUTHORIZED ATTACHMENTS The telephone equipment, apparatus and lines furnished shall be carefully used and no instrument, appliance or device, of any kind, not furnished by the Telephone Company shall "be attached to or in any way used in connection with such telephone equipment, appa- ratus and lines. In case any instrument, apparatus or device of any kind other than that furnished by the Telephone Company is at- tached to or connected with any part of the Company's property, the Telephone Company reserves the right to remove such instruments* apparatus or device and to suspend or discontinue service without any claim on the part of the subscriber. CHANGES OF CALL NUMBERS In order to provide facilities for growth it is necessary for the Tele- phone Company to add new plant and rearrange existing plant. Such additions and rearrangements frequently require changes in call num- bers. We appreciate that changes in call numbers are to be avoided where possible, and such changes are never made by the Telephone Company except when required by engineering necessity. The Company reserves the right to change the subscriber's telephone number or desig- nation at any time. PARTY LINE SERVICE When party line service is furnished, the Telephone Company may in consideration of the rate at which service is furnished establish and furnish service to one other subscriber in the case of two-party line service, and other subscribers in the case of multi-party (more than two-party) line service. The Telephone Company reserves the right to cancel any two-party line or multi-party line contract, upon thirty days' notice, whenever in the judgment of the Company, the use of the subscriber holding such contract is such, from large use or other causes, as to interfere with the reasonable use of others con- nected with the same line. All ordinary expense of maintenance and repairs,' unless otherwise specified in the General Exchange Tariff or the Local Exchange Tariffs, is borne by the Telephone Company. The subscriber is billed the actual cost of each telephone instrument or piece of apparatus injured or destroyed otherwise than by unavoidable accident. TERMS OF PAYMENT The subscriber shall pay monthly m advance or on demand all charges for exchange service and equipment and shall pay monthly on demand all charges for toll service. The subscriber assumes respon- sibility for all charges for exchange service and toll messages orig- inating at the subscriber's station, and for toll messages received at the subscriber's station on which the charges have been reversed with the consent of the person called. All charges due by the subscriber are payable by the subscriber at the Telephone Company's Commercial Office or at any other agency duly authorized to receive such payment. If objection in writing is not received by the Telephone Company within thirty days after the bill is rendered, the account shall be deemed correct and binding upon the subscriber. In the event of abandonment of the station, the non-payment of any sum due or any other violation by the subscriber of the Tele- phone Company's rules and regulations applying to subscribers' con- tracts or to the furnishing of service, the Company may without no- tice, either (a) suspend service until all violations have ceased, or (b) terminate the subscriber's contract without suspension of service or (c) following a suspension of service, sever the connection and remove any of its equipment from the subscriber's premises. When instruments have been removed for non-payment, the con- tract is considered to have been terminated. Reinstallation of service may be made only upon the execution of a new contract. UNINTERRUPTED SERVICE NOT GUARANTEED In view of the possibility of errors and difficulties in the transmis- sion of messages by telephone and the impossibility of fixing in all cases the causes thereof, the subscriber assumes all risks connected with the service, as the Telephone Company cannot guarantee unin- terrupted working of its lines and instruments. In case service is interrupted otherwise than by the negligence or wilful act of the subscriber, an allowance is made, computed on the basis of the minimum monthly rate for such of the telephone service, equipment and facilities furnished as are rendered useless or inoperative. Such allowance covers the period the interruption continues after notice in writing is received by the Telephone Company. No other liability shall in any case attach to the Telephone Company. For the purpose of inspecting, repairing or removing any part of the Telephone Company's equipment, apparatus and lines on the sub- scriber's premises, the Company's employees shall have access thereto at any reasonable hour. No liability shall attach to the Telephone Company by reason of any defacement or damage to the subscriber's premises, resulting from the placing of the Company's instruments, apparatus and associated wiring on such premises, or by the removal thereof, when such de- facement or damage is not the result of negligence on the part of the Company or its employees. The Telephone Company shall not be liable for damages or statutory penalties in any case where a claim is not presented in writing within sixty days after the alleged delinquency occurs. When suitable arrangements can be made, lines of other companies may be used in conjunction with the Telephone Company's lines in establishing wire connection to points not reached by the Telephone Company's lines. In establishing connections with the lines of other companies the Telephone Company will not be responsible or liable for any action of the connecting company. The Telephone Company will not transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connection. Employees of the Telephone Company are forbidden to accept either oral or written messages to be transmitted over the lines of the Company. PUBLIC PAY STATION TELEPHONES Public Pay Station telephones are equipped with coin collecting de- vices. These coin collectors are of two types. -One type requires that the coin be deposited to signal the operator. If for any reason the connection is not completed, the operator will return the coin through slot at lower left of the telephone set. The other type of coin col- lector does not require the coin to be deposited until request to do so is made by the operator. Instruction cards are displayed with each public pay station telephone explaining the operation and pa- trons should observe and follow those instructions when making calls. TELEGRAMS BY TELEPHONE Telegrams may be transmitted to and received from telegraph of- fices by telephone. To send a telegram or cablegram, call by name the telegraph company desired. By arrangement with the Western Union Telegraph Company any telephone subscriber may have charges for messages received or sent by Western Union Telegraph Company charged to his telephone and collected with his telephone bill. DO NOT USE THE TELEPHONE DURIN6 A THUNDER STORMPage SIX Prompt Ambulance Service "I O'Keefe Funeral Service - Undertakers - and Embalmers Mod ern Auto Equipment TELEPHONE 3 601 WEST HOWARD AVE. Page SIXPage SEVEN BILOXI SPANISH SCHOOL Prof. Don Salvador Navarro Teacher of Languages and Art easy method for beginners 222 Main Street Telephone 104 biloxi, miss. p. 0. box 290 M . Ml . A 1 panama and felt hats Hats Made to Order cleaned and blocked W. R. CARTER The Biloxi Hatter 109 EAST HOWARDPage EIGHT . BILOXI FURNITURE AND TRADING COMPANY Telephone 937 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Howard Ave. and Main BILOXI HARDWARE CO. Household—Marine and Shelf An Up-to-Date Store AND FULLY STOCKED WITH GOODS \ THAT WILL PLEASE YOU, BOTH IN PRICE AND QUALITY THE VERY BEST LINE OF Crockery, Paints and Varnishes TELEPHONE 276 205-207 W. HOWARD AVENUE THE PEOPLES BANK—Guaranteed Deposits TOTAL ASSETS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS TELEPHONE 78—ESTABLISHED 1896—HOWARD AVENUE AND LAMEUSE STREET^ Page NINE IOHN N. CLARK, Trawl and Net Maker 'i'iti Kansas City Meat Market WESTERN DRESSED Beef t Veal t Pork Mutton t Sausage LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY TELEPHONES 497 AND 597 RESIDENCE 653 BILOXI GROCERY CO. Fruit, Produce and Eggs Poultry WE DELIVER Telephone 135 120 East Howard Avenue Telephone Directory Ads. Always on DutyPage TEN BILOXI FURNITURE AND TRADING COMPANY Telephone 937 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Howard Ave. and Main BILOXI ELECTRIC COMPANY Telephone 250 wJl Electrical Supplies and Fixtures Gay Building N. H. SPINDLER, Manager THE BUILDING MATERIAL COMPANY, Phone 700 EVERYTHING FOR BUILDING R. R, NEAR REYNOIR^Page ELEVEN WALKER-CLOWER DRUG CO. Phone 141 -142 SOLE AGENTS WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES Prompt Delivery Electric Maid Bake Shop MODERN METHOD Fresh Bread Daily PASTRY OF ALL KINDS Telephone 146 West Howard Avenue Biloxi Bakery & Confectionery FRED KLINE, Proprietor Best Bread, Pies and Cakes ' * " No. 310 WEST HOWARD AVENUE Telephone 430 Free Delivery QUINT'S DRUG STORE—"The Home of Perfect Service" Phone 406 and 113—Sole Agents NORRIS' ELMER'S and HUYLER'S CANDIES—Quick DeliveryPage TWELVE # ^ ^ JOHN H. CLARK, Trawl and Net Maker 776-j Call Checker Cab PACKARD CLOSED AND TOURING CARS Cab With Meters CHECKER CAB CO. Telephone 28 J. J. DANAHER LICENSED CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Pass Christian Road at Corporate Limits, Biloxi -- MANUFACTURER OF- CONCRETE POSTS For Any Size or Style of Fence or Arbor ANYTHING IN POSTS WHY USE INFERIOR WOOD POSTS AND BE CONTINUALLY REPLACING? Telephone No. 335-J THE PEOPLES BANK—Guaranteed Deposits TOTAL ASSETS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS TELEPHONE 78—ESTABLISHED 1896—HOWARD AVENUE AND LAMEUSE STREETA Page THIRTEEN BILOXI FURNITURE AND TRADING COMPANY Telephone 937 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Howard Ave. and Main GORCO OIL. SERVICE STATION Tel. 817 HENRY TERRY, Mgr. Tel. 821-J W. BEACH E. BEACH THE BUILDING MATERIAL COMPANY, Phone 700 EVERYTHING FOR BUILDING R. R. NEAR REYNOIRPage FOURTEEN -GULF ICE COMPANY East Back B Telephone 10/ i€ We Deliver It Quickery' THE HARRIS DRUG CO. Soda Cigars Candy Kodaks and Sundries Telephone 30 <€ We Deliver It Quicker ' WEST HOWARD AVENUE BILOXI, MISS.idlcates P. B. Exchange. 15 BILOXI ILOXI FURNITURE AND TRADING COMPANY Telephone 937 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Howard Ave, and Main Q Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company (D 1 (Incorporated) BILOXI, MISS. J. E. BREAUX, JR., Manager. A. M. FISHBURN, Group Mgr., Gulfport, Miss. W. A. DEALE, Mississippi Mgr., Jackson, Miss. Employes of this Company are forbidden to accept either oral or written telephone messages to be trans- mitted by an employe of this Company over the lines of this Company. IN CASE OF TROUBLE WITH YOUR TELEPHONE CALL^REPAIR CLERK Corrected to OCTOBER 1, 1924 Achorn F W, res 1522 W Beach........................300 Adorno Frank, res Couevas..............................236-J Agregaard Henry, fish & oysters...................41 Ahern Dave, groc & sea food.....................442 Alcazar Restaurant, Reynoir........................754-W Alexander Ben, res 619 Holley.....................315 Alexandra J A, res 721 Main........................959-W Allen Fish Market, Fayard................................164-W Allen W, res 911 W Howard av..................746 American Lunch Room, 507 W Howard av... 322 American Railway Express, ofc........................345 American Red Cross, W Howard av..................194 Andrew W H, res 213 Keller av......................865-J Anticich M S Mrs, res 1419 E Howard..........706-J Anticich Packing Co, E Beach........................293 Apperson J W, res Lameuse ................ 567 Arguelles J, res 413 E Howard av.......... 577 Armley M T, groc & fruit W Howard............284 Astleford Jno, battery service Reynoir............140 Astleford John, res Pass Christian rd..............335-W Aubert Motor Car Co, 211 Lameuse............151 Austin Albert B, res 410 E Water..................298-J Austin Alney Dr, dentist ofc Gay bl................267 Austin Alney Dr, dentist res 539 E Howard av .......................................................282 ★AVELEZ HOTEL, W Howard av..................995 Avelez Hotel, W Howard av....................996 Avelez Hotel, P S........................ 9101 Avelez Hotel, pressing cilub Croesus....... 255 B Back Bay Bridge, ofc N Back Bay...............193 Back Bay Hose Co, fire house Fayard..------450 Back Bay Lmbr & Box Factory, E Back Bay 62-J Back Bay School, Lameuse.................332 Baird Frank Mrs, res 175 Seal av............395 Baker & Wurdemann, groc E Howard............311 Ballard J C Dr, res Sea Shore C G....................365-J Baltar W W, agt Lib Oil Co, W Beach..........65 Baltar W W Jr, res W Howard av................853-W Baltar W W Sr, res 1004 W Beach..................160 Baltars Toggery, Olivari bl.........................114 Balthrope E S, res 1222 W Beach..............907-W Barber H, res 720 E Howard av........................773-W BARBER H T LBR CO, Ofc R R av.. ...........................................8 Barq Ed, bottling works Kellar av.............127-W Barq Ed, res 804 E Howard av..,.........., 127-J Barry W S Mrs, res 2210 W Beach........,' 565 Barthes Francis, re» 506 Seal av......................494-J Barthes Gus, fire chief res 403 R R..................44 Bass F P, res 311 E Howard av...'.........689 Batton J C, res 663 Lameuse ..........................48-W Baudry L Mrs, res 129 Washington........ Bayly B S, res 234 Gill av................. Bayly William W, res 1158 W Howard..... Bay View Hotel, 124 W Beach............. Bay View Pkg Co, W Bay View av......... Beach Hotel, ofc 125 E Beach............. Beale Edgar, res 165 Seal av.............. BEALE & YERGER, , Real estate 1st Natl Bk bl.'............ Beasley W E, res 128 Benachi av......... Beauty Parlor, Kimbrough & Quint bl...... Bechnel John, res R F D.................. Beeman J H, res W Beach................. Beihmer C H, res 1918 W Beach............ Bellande Fay Miss, res 837 Lameuse....... Belt Jessie L Mrs, res 124 Benachi....... Benedict Annie J Mrs, res 201 W Jackson... Benny T C, meat mkt 437 Rey............ Bentancourt F R Mrs, res 823 E Howard av. Beranger Jos J, res W Beach............ Bernich Auto Service, Lameuse............ Bertucci Jno, res 622 Bohn............... Bills Geo, res 214 Thomas................. Biloxi Art Ice Mfg Co, ofc Railroad......... Biloxi Art Ice Mfg Co, Wharf E B B........ Biloxi Auto Sales Co, W Howard av........ BILOXI AUTOMOBILE CO, 300 Lameuse ... *..................... Biloxi Bakery & Confectionery, Lameuse — BILOXI BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY, W Howard av....................... Biloxi Battery Service, Reynoir............ Biloxi Body & Mill Wks, Caillavet —..... Biloxi Building Loan Assn, W Howard av... Biloxi City Hospital, res E Beach.......... Biloxi Daily Herald, ofc W Howard av..... Biloxi Electrical Co, Gay bl................ Biloxi Fish & Oyster Co, Back Bay......... Biloxi Fishermen's Packing Co, factory E Beach ............................... Biloxi Furniture & Trading Co, E Howard av Biloxi Golf Club, Pass Christian rd......... Biloxi Grit Co, E Beach.................... Biloxi Grocery, E Howard av.............. BPoxi Hardware Co, 205 W Howard av------ Biloxi Hotel, hotel W Beach................ Biloxi Machine Works, Mag & R R......... Biloxi Machinery & Foundry Co, E Beach.. Biloxi Mattress Factory, W H Pierce, E . Howard av ...................:....... BILOXI MERCANTILE CO, Dry goods W Howard av........... Biloxi News Co, main store 431 Rey........ 320 827-W 384 627 274-W 9 836 87 725-J 281 464-W 495 949-J 421-J 573 743 46 121-W 760-W 379 541-J 508 97 139-W 261 353 430 977 140 95-W 796 171 36 250 128-J 199 937 83 790 135 276 156 84 254-J 431 108 183 3 ff ft ft 0) V o ft 0) ff o ft ~ 09 2 co 2 go o © 2 co ■n I? if ° a> _ 2 T1 ~3 SL • to o to Hayley-Clower Furniture Co. Telephone 122 > HOME FURNISHERS 117 E. Howard Ave.BILOXI 16 vindicates P. B. ExchanJ (0 <0 JOHN H. CLARK, Trawl and Net Maker Telephon 776-j III Xfi cc tc u U) 5 < H x H t/> Biloxi News Co, branch 107 W Howard av.. 131 Biloxi Plumbing & Heating Co, 412 W Howard av ......................................................130 BILOXI STEAM LAUNDRY, ....................................... 24 BILOXI TIRE WORKS, 421 Reynoir .......................... 91 Biloxi Yacht Club, E Beach............... 11 Bishop J A, res 2106 W Beach......................493 Bishop L S, res 115 E Beaoh........................844-J Bittar N J Mrs, res W Howard..........................831 Blanchard Rosie, res 741 Nixon........................93 Blankenship Jos, 313 Main..............................775-J Bleuer & Son, jewelers W Howard av............31 Blix Maurice, res 138 Seal av........................920-W Blomberg Myrtle Mrs, res E Howard................445-J Bloodsworth H C Dr, dentist Gay bl................351 Bloodsworth H C Dr, res 1130 W Howard.. 618 Bohn L W Mrs, res 806 W Beach............329 Bolton W T Mrs, res W Beach..........................272 Boney S, groc E Back Bay..............................155 Borden Spurgeon, groc 1301 E Beach............724-W Borries Chas, res 449 E Division......................227-W Borries' Meat Mkt, 120 W Howard av............58 Borries Meat Market, W Howard av..............59 Bourdon A J Mrs, res 734 E Howard av..... 12 Bourgeois T J, res 1050 W Howard av..... 653 Bowen Chas, groc E Division............................241 Bowen L R, res E Howard & Lee....................166 BRADFORD L, Undertaker 119 E Howard........................42 Bradford Octavia Mrs, res 922 Fayard............161 Bradley T L, res 526 E Howard av...........636 Brady Edward, jewelry W Howard av............350 Brady Edward, res 1318 W Beach........ ...701-J Brady J E, res 519 Reynoir.........................25 Brander J C Mrs, res W Howard av................579 Braun Bros, ice wood coal, Delauney............429-J Braun Bros, res Caillavet ..................................429-W Braun Louis, res W Beach..................849-W Breaux J E Jr, ofc 306 W Howard av....... 9000 Breaux J E Jr, res W Beach............... 9080 Brent J C, res 400 E Water.............— 471 Bridges J K, res 601 E Howard av..................599-W Brielmaier P W, sash door & blind factory Delauney & R R ......-..............................197 Brielmaier P W, res 444 Main.....................136 Brodie Jas, res R F D 2......................................299 Brown James, res 1832 W Beach..................948-J Browne Paul, res 845 E Beach..........................441 Buckingham C M, sail loft W Beach..............163 Buena Vista Hotel, ofc W Beach......................413 4-BUENA VISTA HOTEL, W Beach................985 Buena Vista Hotel, W Beach......................986 Building Materials Co, W R R av......................700 Bush T G Groc Co, Reynoir...............• 602 BUSH T G, Grocery Company, Reynoir ........................603 Butte Stanley, res 1826 W Beach...........499-W Butte Stanlay H, res W 1st...........................499-J Byrd Meat Mkt, W Howard av......................590 C & D Auto Co, E Beach.............. Caillavet A Mrs, res 107 E Howard av. Caillavet Marie Mrs, res 224 Couevas.. Calamari Joseph, res 2224 W Beach____ Caldwell Phil C, res W Beach..... Camp Ground Groc Co, W Beach.... Campbell Jno Rev, res 232 Lee......... Cannett L R Mrs, res 228 Bellman._____ Canty H W, res 538 E Howard av...... Carey P J Rev, res R F D 2 Biloxi..... Carnes S A, res RFD................. Carroll G F Dr, ofc Peoples l3k bl..... 120 903 236-W 793-J 701-W 112. J 524 354-W 819-J 358 -W 408-J 7 Carroll G F Dr, ofc 413% W Howard av.... 34 Carroll G F Dr, res 1061 W Howard av..........154 Carron E, res 687 Anglado................................265-J Carter Tull D, res 1730 W Beach......................794-J Carter W R, res 748 Forrest av...................906-W Carter Zona W, res Carter av............................798-J Case R S Mrs, res 154 Seal av........................832 Castanera E L Mrs, res 527 E Howard..........583 Castanera F B, res 111 Water......................271 Catchot A Mrs, res 432 Fayard........................754-J Cavanaugh Willie, res 454 Magnolia..................842-J Cedar Lake Mercantile Co ................2411 Cedar Lake Mill Co, R F D 2..............2130 Centennial Fish Market, 117 W Beach..........26 Central Fire Station...............Call Fire Dept. Central Market, 401 W Howard av..................32 Chamber of Commerce, Lameuse......................900 Champlin Henry, res 124 Water.........'.. 553 Champlin Z T, res 1309 W Howard av............230-J Checker Cab Co Inc, E Howard av......... 28 Checker Cab Co Inc, service sta Forrest av.. 476-J Chinn R Hart, res 2212 W Beach......................223-J City Delivery Co, Fayard & R R.............444 City Meat Mkt, E Howard av.............51 City of Biloxi Municipal Officers, Mayor Police & Fire Dept............................961 Commissioner Dept Public Works............963 Commissioner Finance & Education..........962 Chief of Police.............................960 City Clerk........................................................962 Pumping Station ...................................526 Superintendent of Public Schools............582-J West End School ..........................................434 Howard Primary School ............................433 Back Bay School .............................332 Central Fire Station............Call Fire Dept. Miss Hook & Ladder Fire Co....................257 West End Fire Company................449 Back Bay Fire Company ........................450 East End Fire Co..........................175 East End School ..........................................613 Principal Public Schools..............................582-W East Howard Ave School E Howard... 445-W City Tailor, 304 Lameuse......................266 Clark John H, trawls & net maker 1408 Cemetery ..........................................................776-J Clark John H, res 232 Porter av.............776-W Clark W O, res 1073 W Howard av......... Clark W O, res upstairs 1073 W Howard... Clemens E P Mrs, res 120 W Water........ 507 Clower J C, res 546 E Howard av....................206 Clower J C Jr, res 223 Holley............................713 Clower Malcolm G, res 440 E Howard............294 Coast Plumbing Co, 201 Lameuse.................303 Coca Cola, ofc Magnolia........*..............755 Cockerman K L, ofc Peoples Bk bl............974 Cockerham K L, res 2232 W Beach..................609-M Cogswell Olive Mrs, res 1934 W Beach...... 948-W Cohoe J G, res 1708 W Beach.............. Coleman C C Rev, res 808 Elmer.......... Coleman H F, res 1025 Pearl............................562-R Coleman J O, res 136 Benachi av................503 Coleman W T, res 1428 W Beach......................286 Collector of Customs, P O bl............ Collins Bros Contracting Co, Caillavet... Collins C Mrs, res Pass rd..................................356-IV^ Collins Geo J, res W Beach......................721 -J Collins M B, res 446 E Water........................956-J Collins Wm J, res Bienville Terrace..................721-W Collins' Blacksmith & Wagon Works, W Howard & Caillavet ....................................147 Colored High School, Nixon ..............................730-J Colson R L, res 217 Porter av............................860-J Columbia Coffee & Tea Co, E Howard...... 297 COMBEL HARDWARE CO, W Howard av ...................... 424 945 534 359 224 215* 238 Hayley-Clower Furniture Co. Telephone 122 HOME FURNISHERS 117 E. Howard Ave.ndicates P. B. Exchange. 17 BILOXI ilLOXI FURNITURE AND TRADING COMPANY Telephone 937 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Howard Ave, and Main Com'bel Hdw Co, W How ..................................239 Connelly Alice Miss, res 616 E How........9085 Convent of Mercy, res 319 Reynoir..................632 Cook T H, res 1055 W Howard av.................719 Cooper Ernest E, res 847 E Beach...........734 Coquet J C, res 231 Couevas....,..................670-J Cornic C R Mrs, res W Howard av................786 Co^so A, res 510 Lameuse ................................688-J Corso T Mrs, res 305 Magnolia..........................626 C0RS0 & TEDESC0. Fruit & feed W R R................ Corso & Tedesco, fruit & feed, Delaunay & R R ................................ Coulter H D Mrs. res 118 Main...................287 Cousans Wm J Mrs, groc W Howard.............387 Cousins G B, res 220 Magnolia..........................334 > Covacevich M Miss, res 902 E Howard..... Crawford Louise Miss, res 1200 E Howard av Crawford Lrouise H Miss, res 953 E Beach... Crown Theatre, W Howard................ Crushed Oyster Shell Co, ofc Oak..............244-J Crushed Oyster Shell Co, Oak......:....... 244-W Cruso William, oyster shop Cedar....................482-J Cruso Wm, res 1628 3d................................482-W CUMRFRUNO TEL & TEL CO, Incorporated, 306 W Howard av, Manager's ofc ........................................9000 For numbers not listed call...........Information For reporting trouble call..........Repair Clerk Curtis L E, res 155 Banachi av............ ..968 Cvitanovich D, 1143 E Howard av..................121-J 417 419 659 973-J 397 337 D'Alemberte A H, res 1102 W Howard av D'Aquin R J, res Magnolia................ D'Aquin's Drug Store, Rey & RD.......... Dacey R B, res 1222 W Beach.............. Dacey R B & Co, saw mill Back Bay....... Dairy Lunch Room, W Howard av......... Danaher J J, res Pass rd.................. Dancey H R, res W Beach.............. Dantzler A F, res 1028 W Beach........... Dantzler L N, res 1800 W Beach........... Dantzler L N Lumber Co, Cedar Lake..---- Dantzler's Farm, R F D 2............... Darsey Geo, res 1738 W Howard av........ Davidson H J, electrician 118 E Howard av Davis C M, res Pass rd.................... Davis Geo E, res 110 Porter av............ Davis R M, res Porter av................. Davis T H Mrs, res 150 Seal av............ Deer Island F & O Co, E Beach & Oak..... De Funiak E A, res 1702 W Beaoh......... Degeorge F, res 894 Reynoir............... DeJean Chas, groc 1436 E Howard......... DeJean Packing Co, E Beach.............. Delacruz C A, res 803 Lameuse............. Dellinger P, res 218 Couevas............... DeMiller E A Rev, res E Beach............ Denegre George, res 623 E Beach.......... Desporte E Jr, res W Beach............... Desporte E Sr, res 114 W Beach........... Desporte Pkg Co, factory E Back Bay...... Desporte Peter, fish & oysters E Beach..... Desporte IT, res 118 W Beach.............. Devitt T K, res 141 Lameuse.............. Diaz Frank, groc Seal..................... Diaz H, groc 962 Reynoir.................. Di Gregori Vincent, res W Beach.......... Dillard J W, res Suter Lane............... Dismukes Ethel Miss, res 113 Lameuse.... DIXIE DRY CLEANING WORKS, Dixie Machine Works, E Back Bay. 426-J 402 1 460 70 638 335-J 908-W 753 162 2130 2213 663 326 356-W 283 304-J 920-J 4 757-J 366 264-W 724-J 328 555 22 425 396 185 85 975-J 105 456 149-J 129 319 823-W 675 172 454-J Dodge Bros Auto Agency, serv sta 211 Lameuse ........................................................151 Donegan Mamie Mrs, res 1701 E Howard av 608-J Dorgan W C, res Magnolia.................755 Dorries August Mrs, 879 E Beach....................295 Dorries August Mrs, res 899 E Beach............428 Doty H M, res 526 E Water................................475-J Dove N W Mrs, res 902 W Beach......................598-J Dowling J A Photo & Printing Co, Lameuse. 50 Doyle A M, res 429 E Howard av......................118 Doyle Cecile Mrs, res W Beach..........................375 Dubaz Bros & Ewing, E Howard av............578-J Dubaz John, res 1417 E 1st................................382 Dukate E L, res E Beach & Keller,................416 Dukate W K M Mrs, res R F D.................408-W Dunbar-Dukate Co, ofc E Beach......................45 Dunbar-Dukate Co, factory E Beach...-*... 92 Dunbar E A, res W Beach....................................365-W Eagle Lumber & Supply Co, Croesus...... East End Hose Co, Howard & Maple........ East End School, E Howard av............ East Howard Ave School, E Howard av... Easterling J S, res 125 Benachi av......... Eckles H L, res 146 Camp Ground......... Eden Alice Miss, res 203 Water........... Eggers Carl Dr, chiropractor 313 Lameuse. Eggers Carl Dr, res 535 E Howard av...... Eikel H, res 156 Seal av................... Eistetter J F, res 541 Reynoir........ Eistetter W Mrs, res 305 E Howard av Elder H W Mrs, res 810 Lameuse......... Elder J W, res 125 W Back Bay........... Elder Lee, res Caillavet .................. Elder Lee, res 704 Lameuse............... Elder Thomas L, res 521 Seal av........... Elder W H, res 1005 E Beach............ Electric Maid Bake Shop, 414 W Howard av. Eley W W Dr, ofc Gay bl.................. Eley W W Dr, res 1128 W Beach........... Elite Cafe, W Howard av............... Elks Home, Lameuse ..................... Elliot J E, res 614 E Howard av........... Elliot M Mrs, res 704 W Bay View........ Ellis I B Judge, ofc Jackson............... Ellzey Bakery, Maple...................... Ellzey C, groc & hardware 1531 E Beach... Ellzey Curtis, res 1327 E Howard av...... Ellzey Dan, res Lee..................... Elmer E E, res 2210 W Beach ............. Elmer F W Sr, res 219 W Beach........... Elmer F W Jr, ofc People Bk bl............ Elmer F W Jr, res 121 E Beach............ Elmer J C Mrs, res 1918 W Beach......... Elmer Packing Co, E Back Bay............ El Patio, Holtel Avelez bl....... ........ Emmer Chas, res Oak & Back Bay........ Enochs Byrd, ofc Peoples Bk bl............ Enochs Byrd, res Magnolia & Water....... Enochs Ira Mrs, res 727 Washington*. Enochs M S, res 162 Camp Ground......... Eskald Peter Mrs, res 506 Reynoir......... Ewing J O, res W Beach.................. Fairley Archie Mrs, res 110 W Beach. Farmers Cash Store, N Back Bay.______ Farrar E H Mrs, E Beach & Kuhn...... Faucon X, res 621 Bay View av......... Fayard Frank, res 656 Lameuse........ Ferlan Julius Mrs, res 528 Bohn........ Ferraro Philip Mrs, res 498 E Division.. Ferrer A Dr, chiropractor 208 Lajiaeuse. Ferson C E, res 116 Benachi av........ 228 175 613 445-W 658 797-W 748-J 29 819-J 491 95-J 527 807-W 310 168 48-J 289 562-M 146 111 568 138 606 770-J 211-J 587 652-J 117 694-W 656-J 543-W 98 67 779 509 73-J 866 588-W 67 247 347 506-W 462 408-R 824 459-W 465 522 709 205 452-J 292 525-J DO ST c 5. rt» c (b p> ,3 CL H p> a- 5* 0Q n o SC o g n K§- M X o >m 30 i— ° in > g m © > m 2 cp o S 2 "J >. DIXIE DRY CLEANING WORKS Telephone 172 FIRST-CLASS PRESSING E. Howard AvenueBILOXI 18 vindicates P. B. Exchanfc Hayley-Clower Furniture Co. Telephone 122 HOME FURNISHERS 117 E. Howard Ave. © O r> a> a © pje A O) E—• H UJ C0 Ul Z DC a %. m 5 z oc > ojji || cc iS SS; uj X 2 < DC ►> G cd a S o U • N 0) cd &0 C 2 • PN 3 CQ a) jC H FIRST NATIONAL BANK, E C Tonsmeire Pres; A S Gorenflo, Cashier, W Howard av............ Collections loans Goodman Jones & Arguelles, W Howard av........... Bookkeepers tellers, Lockett, Parks, Billings St Amant, W Howard av.. Fisher J B Judge, res 1646 W Beach....... Fitch Grace B, res 2300 W Beach......... Florala Still, R F D Biloxi................. Folkes H M Dr, res W Beach.............. Folkes & McEachern Drs, ofc W Howard av. Ford Service Station, W Howard av....... Forest Dairy, Grady ...................... Foretich A V, res Grady .................. Foretich Chas J, res 1640 W Howard....... Foster C B Packing Co. E Back Bay....... Foster Chas B Mrs, res 642 W Beach..... Foster-Fountain Packing Co, Back Bay... Foster Manufacturing Co, W Beach......... Fountain Gussie, fish & oysters E Back Bay Fountain Martin Pkg Co, E Beach......... Fowler George H, res 1419 E Howard.----- Franz John, res 433 E Beach.............. Freche Fred, res 1125 E Howard av........ French L B, res 1924 W Beach............ French L« B, res 1924 W Beach........ French Restaurant, 209 W Howard av..... Frentz Adolph C, res 1051 W Howard av... Frentz Anna E Miss, res 419 Copp......... Frentz Bros, shipyard E Back Bay......... Frentz Henry, res 202 Magnolia............ Freudenstein Sidney, res 626 W ©each..... Fuchs Zellah T Mrs, res 837 E Beach....... Furniture Exchange, Masonic bl........... Gaines Jno W, res 138 Lameuse....... Galloway W A Mrs, res 657 Lameuse.. Galy Peter, tires tubes etc, W Beach... Garber V L», res 624 Seal av.......... Garco Gasoline Station, W Beach...... Garrison Gro, Bohn................... Gay Emma Dr, res W Beach....,....... Gay F S Dr, res W Beach............. Gay D J, res 1018 W Beach............ Gay-Hamill Co, ofc Gay bl............. Geer M E, res ' W Beach.............. George Sardin, res 627 Iroquois........ Gilbert Alphonse, res 502 E Division.___ Gilbert Fred J S, res 1136 W Howard.. Gillen Gertie Mrs, res 215 Fayard...... Gilligan C F. studio "Lameuse.......... GLACIER REFRIGERATING CORP, Magnolia ...................... GTeason T H, res 427 E Beach......... Gleason Warren, res W Beach. ......... Gleeson F Mrs, res 318 Bohn.......... Glennan Ed, groc 128 E Howard av.... Glennan Ed, res 205 E Beach. ......... Goodman A F. res E Water........... Goodman C F Mrs, res 843 E Howard... Goodman-Hudson The, E Back Bay.... Goodman W F, res 411 E Water...... Gorco Gasoline Station, W Beach...... Gordon E W, res 948 W Beach......... Gordon J L, res 943 W Beach......... Gorenflo A S, res 41& Porter av........ Gorenflo Henry, res 968 Main. GORENFLO W F HARDWARE CO, Hardware W Howard av..........i Gorenflo Wm F Hdw Co, W Howard av. Gorenflo W F, res 1634 W Beach....... Gower E H, res 121 Morrison av....... Grady R J, res 137 Railroad av......... Graham Grover, res 506 Iroquois...... £86 887 888 767 363-W 2212 453 21 261 263 469 924 176 301 512 163 152-W 27-J 119 376 564 94$ -W 225-W 126 943-W 745 139-J 727 873-J 661 707 341 355-W 676 665-J 817 290-J 736-J 736-J 213 544 736-X 258-4 452-W 369 919-J 484 164-J 344 408-M 494-W 16 291 412 537 625-J 863-W 817 795 823-J 715 542 102 103 368-J 744-J 769 728 Graham L B Mrs, res 625 Seal av......................581 GRANT w J, Druggist 418 W Howard av........................38 Grant W J, druggist 418 W Howard av..........39 Grant W J, res 925 W Howard av....................198 Grayson Geo W, ofc Levine bl............................124 Grayson W G, res 161 Seal av..........................256 Green Annie Young Mrs, res 504 W Beach.. 559 Green Guy, res 1110 E Howard av..................110 - Greene F E, res Croesus & Bradford..............742-J Grieff A S Stationery Co, 305 Lameuse..........2 Griffin W, res 912 W Beach................................631 Grogan & Palmer auto repair, Reynoir..... 710 Guarantee Shoe Store, 202 W Howard............202 Guice E P, res 137 Seal av............................857-J Guice M P Mrs, res 515 Seal av....................436 Guice W L, res 507 Seal av.......................401 Guillotte P, res 808 Holley ..............................403 Gulf City Packing Co, packers E Beach..........611 Gulf Coast Warehouse Corporation, Lameuse * & Railroad ..........................................74 Gulf Ice Co, Back Bay....................................73-W GULF ICE CO, Back Bay .......................107 Gulf Refining Co of La, E Beach......................316-W Gulf Refining Co of La, Main E Beach...... 316-J Gultport & Miss Coast Tract Co, Ticket & Accounting ofc ......................49 Troubleman's res ..........................................629 Power House ....................................342 Gulfport & Miss Coast Traction Co, frt depot Lameuse ...................................158-J Gutierrez H J, fuel & dray yard 40 Bohn... 697 Guymes L J Mrs, res 720 Seal av......................692-W H Haas Robt, res 1729 W Howard av................791-J Hagan J V, res 418 W Beach............................731 Hahn L, res 407 Magnolia..................................19 Hamberger King, 119 W Howard av....... 137 Hamill Still, Latimer Miss..................................2240 Hannon Mamie & Annie Misses, res Reynoir 485 Hardisty Anna B Mrs, res 306 Reynoir..........803 Harkness Stella & May Misses, W Howard. 210 Harkness W T, res 1320 W Howard av............304-W Harris C A, res 736 E Beach..............................535-J ' Harris Drug Co, W Howard av...................30 Harris Fred, res 616 Charters..................211-W Harrison Chas T, rl est 126 E Howard av... 63 Harrison Chas T, res 626 Lameuse..................346 Harrison County Poultry Assn, E Howard av 515 Harvey P C, res 416 E Howard av................473-W Hass Martin, res 1154 W Howard av.........159-J Hassebach Philip, res 628 W Beach........873-W Hayley-Clower Furni Co, 117 E Howard.... 122 Hayley W D, res 1117 W Howard av................673 Hecht Frank J, res 614 Claiborne......................562-W Heidenheim L, res 1115 E Howard av............468 Helveston M, res 205 Lameuse..........................806-J Hemphill E F, res 1425 Suter..........................747 Henderson Hunt Mrs, res 823 E Beach............655 Herlitz Nils, res 1011 E Beach..........................610 Herrman L J, res 123 Couevas. . .................875-W Herron R C, res 126 Morrison....................764-J Hester E W, res 142 Benachi av......................718-J Higgins Geo G, res 203 Fayard..............919-W High School Principal, ofc E Howard av... .582-W High School Supt, ofc E Howard av.........582-J High tower Z, groc Lameuse .....................338 Hill Willaid Mrs, res 147 Seal av........... 687 Hinsdale R G Mrs, res 325 Water..........570 Holcombe C S. res W Beach.........................686-W HOFFMAN GEO M L REV, Parsonage ........................................................516 Holland Bert, res 206 W Beach........................740 Holland Gill, auto mechanic Reynoir..............140 GUARANTEE SHOE STORE THE BEST IN FOOTERY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FLORSHEIM SHOES ' 'FOR MEN WHO CARE" TEL. 202^Indicates P. B. Exchange. 19 BILOXI YALKER-CLOWER DRUG CO. Phone 141-142 SOLE AGENTS WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES Prompt Delivery CO s H X 0> H > X <0 IK SO < o PI CI Z o > • r 2 r X C/5 o m c z w m so 30 CO m Holley C L Mrs, res 232 Maple............. Holley L Mrs, res 304 W Beach............ Holmes Robert H, res W Beach........... Home Furnishing- Co, 118 E Howard av..... Hood J W, R P D Biloxi Miss........;... Hood L W Dr, drugs Oak & Howard....... Hood L W Dr, res 1310 E Howard........ Hopkins Ar, res 824 W Beach............. Hopkins C McC, res 1716 W Beach........ Hord John S, res 872 W Beach............. Hosford Motor Car Co, Reynoir.......... Hosford Motor Car Co.................... Hotard L T Mrs, res W Beach............. Hotel Belmar, R F D..................v.. Hotel Biloxi, pay sta W Beach............. Hotel Palmer, 876 W Beach............... Howard J F Mrs, res 129 Seal av........... Howard Primary, Main.................... -Howe E H, res 1502 W Beach....»......... Hoxie T Mrs, res 1003 E Beach............ Huffstetter G W, res Pass rd.............. Hubbard Emma P W Mrs, res 1804 W Beach Hubbell C W Mrs, res 854 W Beach........ Hultberg Chas E, res 429 Porter av........ Hunter D R, res 855 E Beach............. Hurley W D Mrs, res 121 Main......... Husley Jacob Henry, groc Croesus.......... 264-J 150 702 326 2420 80-J 80-W 378 737 153 711 711 760-J 686-J 9197 23 923-J *433 758 125 356-J 463 799 443 - 521 843 742-W I Imperial Dairy, Campbell pi............................906-J J Jackson Ab Mrs, res 124 W Beach..................627 Jackson Addison, res 231 Holley.....................232 jRCkson Insurance Agency, ofc W Howard av 974 Jackson W M, res W Beach..............................464-R James H C, res 333 E Howard av....................780 James Wm, res 302 E Water............................504 JANIN AUTO SERVICE, Couevas & Howard av..................309 Janin Service Station, Porter av..................860>-W Janin Henry A, res 929 W Howard..................438 Janin L F Jr, res W Beach.............................736-W Jay cox F A, res E Back Bay...........................625-W Joachim U S, res 611 W Howard av................681 Johnson E B, res 941 E Beach..........................539 Johnson Emma Miss, res E Back Bay............391 Johnson Fish & Oyster Co, E Beach.________669-W Johnson Henry M Mrs, res W Beach..................363-R Johnson J H, res W Bay View av...............409-J Johnson L O Jr, res Lee..............................833-W Johnson L O, res 1029 E Beach.................669-J Johnson Quitman, R F D 2 Biloxi...............2205 Johnson Wm, res 610 Holley..............................821-J Jones Ed, res W Railroad .............................290-W Jones G E, res 412 Porter av..........................204 Jones & Woloott, 437 Reynoir............................43 Joullian E C, res 1034 Lameuse.....................457 Joyce W V, res 1003 W Howard av........ 498 JOYCE w v CO, Ofc ..............................,... 15 Ready-to-wear & millny...................15 Dry goods & clothing ..........................99 Joyner L B, res Pass rd......................................83 Joyner W H, Lameuse ....................785 Jumorville M Mrs, res 1108 W Howard..... 751 KANSAS CITY MEAT MARKET, W Howard av................................497 Kansas City Meat Market, W Howard av. .. 597 Keenan Father Peter, res Nativity Catholic Church .........................................592 Keenan Walter Cook, E Beach........................833-J Keller C J, res 411 Copp.........................726 Keller D C Mrs, res 616 Washington....... Kelley J E, res 323 Bohn .............. Kennedy F B, res 528 E Howard........... ^KENNEDY HOTEL, Reynoir ............ ★ KENNEDY HOTEL, Reynoir ............ ★KENNEDY HOTEL .................... Kennedy Hotel, pay sta................... Kennedy John J, hotel 456 Reynoir........ Kennedy Packing Co, factory E Beach..... Kennedy W P, res 1200 W Beach......... Kennedy W P Jr, res Benachi av......... Kimball Claude Mrs, res 861 E Beach..... Kimbrough F H, res 527 E Beach.......... King Ellen S Mrs, res 523 E Beach........ Kinsella's Jewelry Store, Howard av....... Kirby Jas, res W Beach................... Klien Fred, res Lameuse................... Knights of Columbus, W Howard.......... Kolman Phil, res 204 Main.......'.......... Konz Adele Miss, res 1139 W Howard...... Kornmann A Sr, fruit & vegetables 321 E Howard .............................. Kornmann Clarence, res Bohn & Div....... Kostmayer Chas, res 952 Division.......... Koylowski Adam, res 426 Crawford...... . . Krebs Meat Mkt, W Howard av......... Kuhn S Mrs, res 129 Holley .............. Kuljis Luka, res 1502 E Beach............ Lacaze Eugene, res 441 Benachi av......... Lagarde M Mrs, res 453 E Water.......... Lameuse Taxi Service, Lameuse........... Lamey P B, res 830 Division............... Lamey & Son, groc 949 Fayard.......... Lamm J W Mrs, res 245 Couevas......... Lampton .W M, res W Beach............... Lang W J, res 620 Seal av................. Langley V C, res N Back Bay........ Lanius Chas M, res 508 Iroquois........... LaRose Corinne Mrs, res 509 E R R........ Latil O A, res 634 Reynoir................ Latimer H E, res 1067 Lameuse........... Latimer H E Packing Co, E Back Bay...... Latimer John T, res 645 Bohn............... Latimer Machine Wks, E Back Bay....... Latimer W H, res E Back Bay............. Laughlin Margaret Mrs, res W Beach...... Laughran Harry, res 1625 W Howard...... Lawler B C, res 179 Camp Ground......... Lea F M, res 121 Lee...................... Leach W, res 104g W Howard av.......... Lebatard Ed, res 435 Oak................. Leckich Lucille Miss, res 216 Elmer. ....... Lee S P, res 1715 E Howard av............ Levert J B, res 807 E Beach............... Levine Phillip, W Howard av............. Levine Phillip W, res 125 Washington...... Lewis John Mrs, res 214 Magnolia......... Lowis John L, res 324 Maple............... Lewis O S Rev, res 607 E Howard av....... Liberty Oil Co, W Railroad... ............. Liberty Oil Co, W W Baltar Agt, W Beach; Lightner Grocery, W Howard av........... TJghtsey T Nolan, res 1426 W Railroad..... Lizana H J, res 636 Lameuse......... .s .... Lizana Louis, res 630 Lameuse............ Llado Louis, res 313 Water................ Lockett J M, res 412 E Howard £tv..... Log Cabin Cash Grocery, 154 Porter..... Lopez A, res W Beach.................... Lopez J M, res 1712 W Beach............. Lopez Laz Jr Mrs, res W Beach...... Lopez Packing Co, factory N Back Bay..... Louisville & Nashville R R Co, Freight Depot, Reynoir ............... 859-J 9083 448-W 100 966 967 9192 100 415 157-J 157-W 848-J 830 475-W 910 686-X 410 57 937-W 549 75 305 692-J 685 181 220 209 -W 699 855 18 619-J 252 670-W 339-W 691 189-W 349 , 222 360 79-W 79-J 828-W 62-W 144 612 148 506-J 557-J 605 307 940. W 608-W 781 -W 33 639 248 556-J 518-J 64 65 461 752 458-W 458-J 217 312 212 340 589 733-W 189-J 55 JESSIE A. SMYLY & ADA MYER Telephone 191 — REAL ESTATE, RENTALS and INSURANCE—Opposite Postoffice 0> 0)BILOXI 20 ^Indicates P. B. Exchange^ CHARLES T. HARRISON 126 E. HOWARD AVE. REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENT TELEPHONES 63 AND 346 % ua £ CO •< © o 0Q U- U 3 • c/a 111 II Q- < LU -J -j w LLi O . * CO 4> • in "ft &* s c/a /© o u c/a s 0) u Louisville & Nashville R R Co, Passen&er Depot, Reynoir...... L & N Pay Station, Reynoir & R R. Lowd C Mrs, res 848 Main.......... Lowery R J, res 1004 W Howard---- Lud^w W N, res RPD............. Lundy Jno W, res 640 Crawford.... Lynd Sye, res 705 Washington..... 275 9195 478 179 736-M 588-J 770-W M Mackie W S, res W Beach.....................793-W Ma gill J H, res 130 Morrison av........................921-W Mairshall Jos, res 555 Delauney......................735-J Mallard Geo, res W Beach..................................849-J MANGIN A L. Electrical contractor, 306 W Howard... 720 Mangin Louis, res 1114 W Howard av............749 Manuel L H, res 909 Holley................................708-W Marine Fertilizer & Feed Co, ofc Bolton bl.. 81 Marine Products Co, ofc Lameuse....................158-W Marion J J, res 338 Nixon ................ 96 Maritime Food Products Co, W Back Bay... 409-W Marquisi G W, res W Beach..............................609-R Marsh Alberta Mrs, res Carter av....................798-W Martin P F, res 1214 W Beach........................907-J Martins W M, res 232 Thomas..................802-W Masonic Home, lodge E Howard av................269 Masters Tony, res 321 Washington av..............S56-J Matthes C E, res R F D.................... 464-J Matthes Carl E, ofc Bay bl.......................931 Mattina B, res 119 Washington..........................184 Mavar John, groc 770 Reynoir.......................642 May A L, res 1053 W Howard av......................479 Maybury J T Mrs, res 1037 E Beach........ 54-W Mayor's Office, City Hall....................961 McCabe B, res Lameuse & Wash..............488 McCaleb Arthur, res Dorries............... 629 McCaleb A L Mrs, res 201 Lee................557-W McClane A Mrs, res 525 E Howard av............492 McClure Edith Mrs, rest E Beach....................825-J McDonnell A A, res 463 Benachi av............558-W McDonnell W F, W Beach..................................352 McEachern C G Dr, physician 928 W >Beach 132-J McGuire D C, res W Beach..................................464- M McKlnney Victor, res 849 Main........................959-J McLeod L B, res 430 Fayard..............................853-J Meaut Albert Paul Mrs, groc & dairy, 500 Lee ....................................................................500 Meaut Edwin, res 437 Copp................................971 Meaut H J, res E Howard av....................418 Meaut L H, res 206 Kellar av........................870-J Melancon M E Miss, res 124 Layard................324 Metropolitan Life Ins Co, ofc Gay bl........ 10 Meunier John, res Main ...........................540 Michel M L, res W Howard av...................591 Mi Lady Beauty Parlor, Hotel Avelez bl.... 561 Miller Coffee House, 116 W Howard......... 20 Miller Mark L, res 1122 W Beach....................712 Mills C M, res 720 Holley....................708-J Minor J D, res 543 E Beach..............................584 Miss Hook & Ladder Co, Fayard...............257 Mississippi Oyster Commission, Lopez bl.... 71 Mobley H A Mrs, res 558 Forrest av..........858-W Model Dining Room. 454 Reynoir...............218 MODEL DRY CLEANING WORKS, 11 E Howard av...........................................109 Moore H S, res 944 W Beach. -...........:. 519 Moore J P Jr, res 1806 W Beach................483 Moore Waldo W Rev, res 142 Camp Grounds. 797-J Moorehead M L Miss, res 1674 W Beach... 505-J Moran E Jr Capt, res 1002 Lameuse................684 Moran E A, groc & oil Main................................235 - J Moran Fred, ship yard E Back Bay.-----------128-W Moran Peter, res 115 W Back Bay................208 Morgan Chester, res First..............................112-W Morley E B, res 545 E Howard av....................784 Morris Henry, furniture store Washington & Nixon............................. Morris Henry, res 518 Nixon............. Morris J C Mrs, res 648 Lameuse........ Morris Rudolph, resi 647 Fayard........... Morrison James L, res 1078 W Howard.... Moseley J E Mrs, res 401 Lee......... Mosley M R Dr, res 1018 W Howard....... Moss Jos A, res R F D................... Mound Rosa Mrs, res 911 Reynoir........ Mueller A A, res 1508 W Howard av.... Muller Geo, res W Beach................ Mutual Homestead Assn, 110 W Howard.. Myhand Misses, res 205 Reynoir.......... N Nagel Edward, res R F D. Naval Reserve Park, Naval Reserve.... Navarro S Sr, res 222 Main............ Nelson James, res 428 E Howard av..... Newcomb Chas, res W Beach........... New Park Hotel, Reynoir .............. Nicaud R, res W Beach................. Nichols M F Prof, res 718 Main...... Norwood F E Music Co, 118 W Howard. Nurses Residence, E Beach............. O'Beirne D J Rev, res 1425 E Back Bay... Ohr Leo. auto repairing 409 Delauny...... Q'KEEFE FUNERAL SERVICE, W Howard .......................... Ott Bros & McCaleb, E Howard av....... Ott Jno, res E Howard av.............. Ott P J Mrs, res 427 E Howard av......... Owens Chas H, res 741 Bay View av....... Palmer J H, res 601 Iroquois............. Parker C W, res 122 Main..,........... Parker Chas W, res 132 Main.............' Parker U A, res E Back Bay.............. Parker W O, res 203 Main.............. Parks Edw, res 1615 W Howard av....... Pastime Soft Drink Stand, W Beach...... Pate W T, res 525 E Beach............... Path Finder The, E Howard av........... Patterson H S, res 1735 W Howard av..... Pelaez W H, res 322 E Howard av........ Penfield Katherine C Miss, res 1734 W Beach ............................... Penny J D & Co, W Howard av........... Peoples Auto Garage, 1022 Caillavet..... Peoples Bank, Gay bl.................... Peoples Cash Market, W Howard......... Peppard John F, res 1422 W R R......... Peresich E A, res fi40 Lameuse............ Peresich Josie Miss, res 115 E Water.... Peresich Josie Miss, res 115 E Water...... Perret St John, res 1674 W Beach........ Philbrick A Mrs, res 947 E Beach......... Pickard Earl, res 317 Bohn.............. Plumbing Service Co, 305 Lameuse........ Point Cadet Fish & Oyster Co, 1742 E Howard av .......................... Pool C F, res 1023 W Howard av........ Posey S G Rev, res 537 E Howard av..... Postal Tel Cable Co, ofc 313 Lameuse, call. Postmaster's Office, Federal bl............ Post Office Cafe, Lameuse................. Price R G Mrs, res Camp Ground.......... Pringle F E Mrs, res 208 Kellar av........ Pringle L V, ofc Levine bl...........— ... Pringle L V, res 1077 W Howard av....... Pulliam Ruth Miss, res R F D............. Pumping Station, Lameuse ............... 552-J 552-W 633-W 723-J 550 477 237 408-X 545 476-W 735 87 177 2421 9198 104 511 ' 686-R 9196 363-M 730-W 280 446 580 262 3 27-W 706-W 474 427 258-W 343 343 454-W 620-J 717 169 801-W 979 791-W 245 614 938 682-W 78 214 646 400 690 602 505-W 666 563 489 209-J 323-J 319-W .. Postal 531 145 543-J 448-J 81 364 686-M 526 FA TIJOFI Inciiranra fire' l,fe' automobile ■ Mb I Uvtlj IlldUi ailtC TORNADO AND LIABILITY Office Telephone 123 Bonds of All Kinds Office Tucei Bldg., Upstairs^■Indicates P. B. Exchange 21 BILOXI PURE CREAM, ICE CREAM AND THE BEST DRINKS IN THE CITY ARE TO BE HAD AT (UINT'S DRUG STORE—"The Home of Perfect Service" PHONES: 406 AND 113--QUICK DELIVERY Quality Clothing Store, W Howard av. Quave Peter, groc R F D 2........ Quave R J Mrs, N Back Bay...... Quigley W P, res 1212 E Howard av. Quint Fred, res 932 Lameuse........ Quint George, res Magnolia.......... QUINTS DRUG STORE, Lameuse ....................... Quints Drug Store, W Howard av..... Quints Drug Store, W Howard av.... Rafety L J, res 420 Delaunay.....^......... Ragusin Anthony V, res 523 Bohn.......... Randazzo Jos, fruit & vegetables Lameuse .. Randolph Annie, res 432 Elmer....V....... Rayburn W D, res Pass rd................. Raymond Frank J, res 819 E Howard av... Raymond Walter, res Reynoir............. Reaux J Mrs, res 520 Lameuse............. Red Star Service Station, W Beach....., Redding Charles, groc 201 W Howard...... Reilly Chas E Rev, res 301 Division......... Reneau R Mrs, res W S3each.............. Reneau R Miss, res Jeff Davis av........... Reynolds J W, res 127 Main............... Rice W P, res 636 Delaunay............... Rich W M, res .R F D...................... Richardson Chas, res 446 Delaunay......... Richter A J, res 451 Benachi av.......■.-.... Richter F L, res 652 Forest av............. Riviera Hotel, E Beach..................... Riviera Hotel, E Beach ................... Roberts J A, res 1157 W Howard av........ Robinson C F Mrs, res 2000 W Beach...... Robinson Geo C, res 207 Fayard........... Robinson Wm, R F D 2.................... Rodolfich Steve, groc 216 Maple............ Romeo L, fruit & groc W Howard.......... Roof H H, res 618 W Beach............... Rose S W Mrs, res Gill & Robertson........ Rose Victoria Mrs, res 659 W Back Bay.... Rosell T J, res 1130 W Beach.............. Rosettl Jake, groc 824 Pine................ Rotary Club, ofc ......................... Rousseau & Co, Crawford................ Rousseau & Co, 440 E Back Bay........... Roy Leon J, res 171 Seal av................ ROY REALTY CO, 402 W Howard - av.................... Royal Meat Market, W Howard............ Royster F B, res 222 Holley................ Rush H B, res Seal av.................... Rushing J C, res 827 E Howard av........ Rushing & Guice. lawyers over 1st Natl Bk. Rusk Jos, fish & oysters Croesus.......... Russ A B Dr, res 1132 W Beach........... Russ R S Dr, res W Beach..............:. Russ R S & Albert Drs, dentists W Howard av ................................... Ryan Sylvan, res 402 Maple................ 383 358-J 221-J 668 9082 380 406 113 406 822 617 68 651 335-M 867 756-J 388 82 86 437 363-J 363-J 739 783 464-X 421-W 558-J 640 89 9193 741 533-W 930-W 2412 789-J 325 243 607 362 60 288-W 6 201-J 201-W 575 6 53 773-J 367 595 411 551 733-J 399 277 302 S Sadler W Mrs, res 1635 W Howard av............554 St Amant H, res 314 W Jackson......................693 St Amant Mary A Mrs, res 129 Fayard............922 Sanitary Meat Market, E Howard av..............77 Santini Misses, res 860 W Beach......................249 Saucier T A Mrs, res 236 Bellman..................354-J Scara Louis, res 1223 6th..............................787 Scarborough D H Mrs, res 653 Bohn................828-J Scarborough W C, res 811 Lameuse..................807-J Schaub Frank Mrs, res Reynoir........................242 Scheurich G A Mrs, res 202 Lee.......... . 804-W Schmidt Chas M, res E Back Bay......................514-W Schneider D M, res 1150 E Howard av...... 90 Schumann Chas, res 1022 W Howard....... 679 Schwenck John, res "Water & Delauny............510 Scott M H Mrs, res 117 W "Water......................623 Sea Food Co, packers E Beach............. 94 Sea Gull Motor Inn, W Beach................327-W Selby George, res 1074 "W Howard av..............520 Servolini Ezio, groc W Howard av....................253 Servu Grocery Service, E Howard av..............143 Seymour Ben, res 436 Division.................722 Seymour S E, groc 909 Reynoir........................788-J Sharp C1 IJ Dr, res 124 Main...............801-J Sharp Covington H Dr, ofc Quipts bl........ 5 Sharp Robert, res 609 E Beach....................594 Simon Jos, res 703 Fayard av..........................541-W Singer Sewing Machine ......................................195 Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, res 310 Division ............................................................435 Skeets Super Service Station, E Howard av. 999 Skeets Super Service Station, E Howard.. 999 Skinner D G, res 804 E Howard av..................683 Skinner J A, res 1516 3d....................................556-W Skinner N E Mrs, res Pass rd............................335-R Skinner W B, fish & oysters Back Bay..........270 Slay D E & W G, E Howard av........................637 Smith Arnot, res RFD 1....................................459-J Smith B M, service station 113 W Beach.... 296 Smith Cash & Carry Grocery 216 W Howard av ......................................................................182 Smith Cash & Carry, Reynoir.......................265-W Smith Douglas, res 101 W Bay View...........615 Smith Jesse, res 436 Reynoir................ 66-W Smith Jesse Jr, Reynoir.................. 91 Smith Louise Miss, res 134 Fayard..................913 Smith's Cash Grocery, 216 W Howard............187 Smith's Cash & Carry, Lameuse..................355-J Smith's Taxi Service, 440 Reynoir.......... 66-J Smyly Jessie A, res 551 E Beach........... 69 SMYLY & MYER, Real estate, ofc 300 Lameuse..................191 Snyder J A Mrs, res 2202 W Beach...........533-J Solari L, fish & oysters W Beach..................327-J Soldiers' Home, Beauvoir W Beach..................308 Soldiers' Home Hospital, res W Beach..........339-J Southern Oyster Co, Back BaCy........................235-W Southern Pav Const Co, Gay bl............ 40 Southwestern Gas & Electric Co, Ofc ...........................................389 Plant ........................................470 Night calls ....................................................667 SPECIALTY STORE, W Howard av................................................167 Spencer Jas Mrs, res 512 Claiborne.............650 Spottswood M B, res Jackson............................192 Square Deal Dry Cleaning "Works, 600 Main. 186? Square Deal Garage, 600 Main..........................116-J Staehling L, res 506 Seal av,............................336 Stahel E S, res 838 E Beach..............................467 Stailings W L, res 318 Caillavet........................802-J Standard Oil Co, service sta W Beach..............877 Standard Oil Co, ofc Magnolia..........................879 Stanovich J, bakery 200 Cedar..............' 178-J Stanovich J & Sons, steam Vienna bakery Oak ...............................................................279 Stanovich J Jr, res 410 E Howard................496 Stanovich T M, res 210 W Beach................852- J Stark K B Mrs, res 407 E Water..................863 Stearns S J.Mrs, W Beach................944-J Sterling I Dr, res 609 W Jackson...........930-J Stewart Alex P, res 2890 W Beach...............546 Stiglets J M, res Woolmarket Miss..................2404 Stockton R P Mrs, res 128 Magnolia..........481 m 5 o o o tn n S CKJ S CA ■0. o Is n ■U > r > G> < 30 m 3 -n ?! z r- o ^ PRESCRIPTIONS ARE ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED AT QUINT'S DRUG STORE—"The Home of Perfect Service" Sole Agents Elizabeth Arden Toilet Preparations-—Phones: 406 and 113 •O •? S? SI c/>2 > < (ftBILOXI 22 ^Indicates P. B. Exchange^ WALKER-CLOWER DRUG CO. Phone 141 -142 SOLE AGENTS WHITMAN'S CHOCOLATES Prompt Delivery M O M % H s. CO d, o> O 5= 2 f- «- •*- £ o o £5 8 s a> ti 0 (0 © 0 £ GO 4) 4) +> c cd fa « 3 a Strand Theatre, W Howard av....................251 Strange A W Mrs, res W Beach......................609-W Strayham Calvin, res 626 Bohn........................348 STYLE SHOP, Avelez Hotel..............................115 Sullivan L E, res Grady av............................S5S-J Sumerlin D, res 1329 E Howard av..................694-J Sunshine Bakery & Conf, bakery 325 Cuevas 196 Superior Oil Co, ofc Caillavet.............. 47 Superior Oil Co, E Beach................. 56-J Superior Service Station, W Howard av..........134 Sutcliffe Wm W, res 1904 W Beach J..............765 Suter E L, auto & sign painter Reynoir..... 140 Suter E L, res 928 W tBeach........................132-W Suter E L, auto and sign painter Reynoir.. 140 Suter E N, auto mechanic Reynoir..............140 Suter E N, auto mechanic. ...........................140 Suter H -F, auto mechanic Reynoir............140 . Suter H P. res Suter Lane........................792 Suter Harry F, res Suter av..............................792 Suter L D Mrs, res 619 E Howard av....... 88 Swain M N, res 325 E Beach......................333 Swan W F, res 1652 W Beach..........................529 Swansine Tony, res Lameuse............................654-J Swanson S O, res 528 E Howard............448-W Swanzy Jno A, res 1712 W Howard av............766 Swetman Foster Capt, res 135 E Beach..........635 Swetman J E, res 540 E Howard av.........599-J Swetman J T, res Grady....................................246 Swetman O G, res 1516 W {Beach..................203 Swetman S G, res 317 Murray............................532 Tallieur Alice D Mrs, res 2230 W Beach. Taltavull B, res 875 Reynoir............... Taranto's Fruit Stand. W Howard av...... Tardy E H, res 203 W Water............. Taxi & Dray Exchange, Fay & R D..... Taylor C H, res 435 Bradford.............. Taylor Geo C, res 1308 E Beach.......•..... Taylor T J Mrs, res 723 E Beach........... Tedesco S J, res 437 Magnolia.............. Terry Geo & Sons, fish & oysters E Beach. Tfrry Henry, E Howard av............... Terry Lyman, res 629 E Howard av........ Terry Raymond, res 1400 E Beach.......... The Flower Shop, Guice bl................ The Flower Shop, 104 W Howard av..... Thenstead J B, res 426 Claiborne.......... Thomas Susie May Mrs, res 731 Nixon...... Thomas W J, res 722 Jackson............. Thompson C A, res 125 Couevas........... Thompson O E Mrs, res 814 W Howard..... Toche Jos A, res 211 Myrtle............... Tomlinson T H, groc E Beach ............ Tonnelier Geo, res 432 Reynoir............ Tonsmeire E C, res Lee & Beach.......... Tretnmel August, res Magnolia & Water.... Tremmel Geo, groc Howard & Croesus..... Tremmell Geo, groc W I^oward av........ Tremmell Geo, res 208 Cuevas.............. Tremmel J, res 204 Fayard................. Tnbble A L, res 1736 W Beach............. TRUDA BEAUTY PARLOR, Kimbrough Quint bl.................. Tucei B, res 332 Elmer.................... TUCEI FA, Insurance ............................ Tucei J B, res 412 Delaunay............... Tucei V J A, res 517 Seal av............... Tuttle W E, res 122 Morrison av......i.... Tuyague Jno M, res 204 Main......... 630 601-W 517 643 52 732 921-J 762 385 490 660-W * 538 789-W 195 195. 624 649 528 331 904 652-W 54-J 547 513 133 502 501 106-W 386 757-W 281 330 123 674 698 744-W 738-J U U-Drive-It Co, Reynoir.................140 Uibrecht Eva Miss, res 132 Couievas..............106-J Unger Mose Mrs, res 419 E Howard av..........233 Unger Mose Mrs, res upstairs 419 E Howard av ................................................596 U S District Court, Clerk's ofc, Federal bl.. 170 U S Marshal, ofc Federal bl................180 Van Dolah J S Mrs, res Pass Christian rd.356-R Van Hook H W, res Camp Ground..................657 Venus D J, res 1131 W Howard av.................370 Venus Godfrey, groc Porter av............. 14 Veysiere F J, res 321 Croesus............................548 Vignes Sparks, res 435 E Howard av..............628 Vogt A Mrs, res 1429 E Beach..........................288-J Volpino O, res 1417 E Beach..............................578-W Volpino O & Co, crab meat factory, Howard & Myrtle ..........................................................578-J W U Drive It Car Co, Reynoir................. 140 Wachenfeld A, res 405 W Jackson..............648 Wachenfeld C W, res 414 W Beach..........225 Wachenfeld Philip, res 534 Reynoir................361 Waldmeier George, res W Howard av............422 Walker-Clower Drug Co, W Howard av..........141 Walker E M, res 1115 W Howard av..............571 Walker James C, res 737 Nixon..............432 Wallace Arthur Mrs, res 217 Porter................234 Wallace G W Dr, res 619 E Beach..................420 Wallace Geo W Dr, physician Gay bl.............536 Wallace Jas E Dr, ofc over Grant's Drug str 622 Wallace Jas E Dr, res 848 W Beach................165 Ward D H Dr, res R F D 2.....................2423 Warner C B Dr, res 936 W Beach....................782 Warren Harry, res W Beach............................736-R Waskow Ernest F, res 420 E Water................451 Watson A J, res 138 Morrison av.............306 Watson E C, res 800 E Howard av..................530 Watson Grace M Mrs. res 123 Morrison............207 WATSON INS AGENCY, Ofc 112 E Jackson........................................796 WATTS EN6 & MACHINE CO, E Back Bay............................152-J Weatherbee J P Mrs, res 119 Morrison..... 440 Weber C O Mrs, res Jeff Davis av............909-W Weber Chas, res W Beach............................609-J Weir D G Mrs, res 412 Water..........................298-W Weiss Fred J, 430 Magnolia.................372 Welch B Z Dr, ofc 413% W Howard av..... 34 Welch B Z Dr, res 2880 W Beach....................268 Welch's Farm, Woolmarket................................2430 Weldon R A, res 216 Thomas..............................87S Wentzell Bros, wholesale oyster dealers E Beach .................................393-J Wentzell Cash Grocery, 1032 E Howard.... 200 Wentzell Charles H, res 1303 E Howard... 560 Wentzell Chas Jr, res E Howard av.............414 Wentzell Clem, res 429 Magnolia...................472 Wentzell Frank, Fayard .........................398 Wentzell J E, res E Beach.......................393-W Wentzell John, res Oak & 1st..........................72 Wentzell Service Station, E Howard av.______973-W Weonne G Mrs, res 221 Holley..........................585 Werlein Presley E Dr, ofc Lopez bl................373 Werlein Presley E Dr, res 134 Morrison av.. 671 Wesley House, res 1333 E Beach............841 West End Hose Co, fire hall W Howard.... 449 West End School, Porter av .....................434 WEST END DRY CLEANING WORKS, 1049 W Howard av........................................-190 Western Union Tel Co, call............Western Union Wetzel Percy, res 630 Reynoir..................756-W Wheeler O J, res Jeff Davis av........................909-J THE PEOPLES BANK—Guaranteed Deposits TOTAL ASSETS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS TELEPHONE 78—ESTABLISHED 1896—HOWARD AVENUE AND LAMEUSE STREET★Indicates P. B. Exchange. 23 biloxi whistle bottling co, W Bay View av..............................................274-J ★WHITE HOUSE, hotel W Beach..................777 White House, hotel W Beach...............77S kWhite House, hotel W Beach................704 White J W Mrs, res 710 W Beach....................604 White Kitchen, E Howard av........................941 White O T, res 420 E Howard av......................645 White W A, res 1550 W Beach............ 35 Whittington W J, sewing machines W Howard av ...........................................................195 Whittington W J, res 1046 W Howard av... 943-J Wilkes Chas M, res 514 Seal av........................480 Wilkes E P, res 217 Fayard..............................447 Wilkes G W Mrs, res W Railroad....................523 Wilkes W G, res 505 Seal av............... 318 Williams Geo Mrs, res 913 E Beach..............970-J Williams L H, res 120 Benachi......................321 Williams Lottie Mrs, res 1722 W Beach..........794-W Williams Oren, res 1625 W Howard av..........314-J Williams R Mrs, res Lameuse..........................616 Williams W Dr, dentist Bolton bl........... 76 Williams W Dr, res W Beach............................609-X Williamson Florence Mrs, res 1668 W Beach 404 Williamson M R, res 215 Magnolia....................647 Williamson Wm, res 1668 W Beach............404 Wilson Dora Mrs, res 622 W Beach................662 wiltz g j, Real estate ins Lameuse...................231-J Wiltz G J, res 107 E Water.....................231-W Witter L A, groc 1334 W Howard..................259 Wood A B, res E Beach........................................260 Wood J F Mrs, res 887 E Beach........................423 Wood J S Mrs, res 891 E Beach......................644-J Woods Jas, res 715 Lameuse.................976-J Woolworth Co, Levine bl...........................174 Wright T J, res 136 Seal av................407 ■ X Xiques L Miss, res W Beach..............................634 Y Yarborough Ben, res 700 Bay View av............682-J Yates M W, res 807 E Beach..............................714 Yellow Cab Co, Hotel Avelez............................600 Yerger Rucks Jr, res 1318 W>Ceach........701-J Yousko F J, res 208 Bradford............................601-J There is No Mystery About the Telephone Business THERE are probably some things about the telephone business which mystify you, just as there are things about other businesses which you do not understand. Perhaps it is a charge on your bill or some practice about the service which confuses you, even if it does not annoy you. When these occasions arise, why not ask the local manager about them. He will be glad to explain our rate schedule or to tell you the necessity for any of our prcatices. All telephone practices are designed to make it easy for you to do business with us and to improve your service. They are the result of long years of experience and reflect our best business judgment. They are flexible and are constantly revised in the interest of cordial relations with our patrons. There is no mystery about the telephone business and one of our greatest difficulties is to induce our subscribers to tell us about the things that worry them. We want you to be familiar with the reason for every charge we make and to be satisfied, as we are, that it is a proper and necessary charge. Errors are inevitable in all enterprises using human agencies and we particularly want you to tell us when there is an error in the account rendered you or when you do not fully understand any feature of it. Willingness to correct error and to cheerfully explain every detail of our business are, we believe, two prime elements of public service. "Bell System" ____ CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY f I INCORPORATED One Policy, One System* Universal Service Telephone Directory Ads. Are Always on DutySERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES AND CHARGES FOR MOVES AND CHANGES Experience and careful investigation of the entire subject has demonstrated the fact that certain service connection charges covering to some extent the average cost of the initial expense of establishing service for new subscribers and of furnishing additional facilities to old subscribers should be paid by such subscribers and should not be borne by the entire body of telephone users. Therefore, a uniform schedule has been prepared which embodies rates that should not retard telephone development in any section and will place upon subscribers responsible therefor a portion of the costs incident to such service connections, leaving the balance as a charge on the business generally. This schedule applies as follows: SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES 1. For Individual and Party Line Service....................................................................$5.50 *2. For each extension station connected with any class of telephone service..............................3.50 3. For Private Branch Exchange Service the charge for establishing service connection; (a) For each trunk line connecting the Private Branch Exchange with a central office................3.50 (b) For each telephone connected to the Private Branch Exchange except Operators' Telephone Sets. 3.50 4. To cover in part Directory, Accounting, Circuit and Switchboard expenses in cases where service is estab- lished by the use of instrumentalities already in place in the Subscriber's premises and no change is made in the type or location of such instrumentalities, each main station, $1.50. CHARGES FOR MOVES AND CHANGES The charges for moves and changes in equipment will be as follows: 1. For moving a telephone set, from one location to another on same premises, a charge of $3.00. 2. For moving any other equipment or wiring from one location to another on the same premises, a charge based on the cost of labor and material. 3. For change In type or style of telephone set, a charge of $3.00. 4. For other changes in equipment or wiring, a charge based on the cost of labor and material. 5. When telephones are to be installed or moved, as much advance notice as possible should be given the Company, preferably not less than ten (10) days. Telephone Attachments Various appliances, purported to be "aids" to sub- scribers' telephone equipment, are undoubtedly being offered to our subscribers by unauthorized agents. The Company feels it necessary to caution sub- scribers against the purchase of such devices and to express its necessary prohibition regarding their use. These attachments cause trouble with the service, end both the subscriber and the Company suffer as a result. The Company is prepared to meet all legitimate de- mands for extra equipment which will not interfere with the proper operation of its lines and instruments.jberland Telephone & Telegraph Company # (INCORPORATED) GULFPORT, MISS. A. M. FISHBURN, Manager. W. A. DEALE, Mississippi Mgr., Jackson, Miss. Employes of this Company are forbidden to accept either oral or written telephone messages to be tram mitted by an employe of this Company over the lines of this Company. IN CASE OF TROUBLE WITH YOUR TELEPHONE CALL REPAIR CLERK Corrected to OCTOBER 1, 1924 Abbazzi Bros, junk dlrs 2916 29th av............317 Abrams J A, music store 1319 26th av............866 -^&dam C B, lawyer Hewes bl..............................224 Adams P H, ofc Long: Beach.....................908 Adams P H, res Long- Beach............................769 Adams J B & Sons, florist 26th av....................561 Agricultural Statistician, ofc Federal bl, D A McCandliss ...................................526 Aiken W B, res Miss City................................645 Albrecht J W, res Landon Miss ....................1214-M Alford J G Mrs, res 1009 33d av........................890 Alford W B res W Beach......................................776-W Allen J W, res Long Beach....................1229-R Alman W J, res 3600 11th.......................452 AMERICAN FISH HOUSE, W Pier .............................. American Railway Express Co, ofc Union Station .............................. American Red Cross, Harrison Co Chap, 13th American Red Cross, U S P H Hospital..... American Shoe Shop, 1408 25th av......... Amis A W, res 1234 2d .................. Anderson C K, res 1430 2d................ Anderson G O, res 1607 18th av........... Anderson Haberdashery, 2419 14th........v Anderson McC, res Landon Miss.......... Anderson R A Dr, res 1317 24th........... Anderson Vassar A, res 2220 E Beach...... Andre Dave, res Long Beach............ ANDRES DRUG STORE, 25th av .............................. Anniston Hotel, htl Miss City............. Armour & Company, ofc Great Southern Ice plant ................................. 176 Armour & Co, Great Southern Ice Plant.... 184 Art Craft Studio, Durham bl.............. 205 AUBERT MOTOR CAR CO INC, Ofc 1617 25th av....................................999 Aubert R L, res 3430 W Beach..................1013 Austin A H Mrs, res 14th & 21st av................925 Avery Motor Co, garage 28th av..................141 B Bagby J R, res 800 Gulf ........................327 Bailey J E, res 1814 22d av...........,..........650 Bailey J J, res Long Beach ............................187 Bailey S L, res 1111 32d av..............................757 Bailey Zach, res 3 2d av ....................................583-J Baker Elbert, res 28th.......................518-J Baker S A Mrs, res 1415 21st av.................836 Ballenger J I, atty Ballenger bl......................482 Ballenger J I, res Miss City............................527 BANK OF GULFPORT, Ofc 14th & 25th ............................................101 Baptist Church First, 14th.................1080 Barber Asphalt Co, ofc Dent bl......................408 Barber J C Mrs, res 1015 38th av....................957 Barber Mary L Mrs, res 1624 E JBeach..........853-J Barber W R, res Soria City..........................705 Barberite Felix A, res 5140 W Beach..............891 Barlow M C Mrs, res '3324 14th......................1175-W Barnes L V Mrs, res 1519 18th av.............333 Barrett T H Mrs, res 424 E Beach..................391-J 323 117 696 1002 966 386 614-W 617 172 1213-M 71 679 2202 423 9103 sa o a. Batchelor Lena Mrs, res 1518 18th av...... 795 Batson & Hatten Lbr Co, toll sta Lyman Miss Baxter M P Mrs, res 1608 32d av........... 916 Baylor W M, res Beach.................. 404 Beard Fannie E Mrs, res 1418 23d av....... 533 Beatty Martha Mrs, res Rich av........... 1057-J Becker Prank P, res E Beach............ 1230-X BEE HIVE, Clothing & shoes ladies & gents' furns 2602 14th................. 272 Bee Hive, I B Rau prop store 26th av....... 267 Bell J T Mrs, res 3316 11th............... 833 Bellande A, res 1911 19th av............... 961-J Belmar Hotel, ofc E Beach ..........'.....9107 Benintende Mike, res 1732 30th av.......... 1042 Bennett A G, ofc Hewes bl................ 464 Bennett A G Jr, res 320 E Beach........... . 641 Bennett Pearl Miss, res 22d bt 23d & 24th... 931 Bentintende Mike, res E Beach............ 1251-M Bernard C P, res 1609 25th av........... 12 Bernheim & Shirley, store 1725 25th av---- 284 Bernstein A, furn 27th av................. 535 Bernstein A, res E Beach................. 486 Berry L Miss, res 1326 23d av........... 501 Berry's Sign Shop, 1315 28th av............. 1170 Bertucci R & E, fruit & prod 27th av...... 213 Bertucci S J, taxi 1428 27th av........... 811 Bertucci S J, res Gaston Point.............1156-W Bertucci T, furn 1908 25th av............ 43 Bethel Annie Miss, res 1410 23d av......... 633 Bidwell H D, res 500 E Beach.............. 879 Blakeslee H E, res 1323 23d av............. 20 Board of Supervisors, Court House ........1060 Boggs Archlbold, res Long Beach........... 1229-J Bolton N, res 1600 19th................... 1H6 Bonnabel H J, res Long Beach........... 1256-M Bonansinga J, store 27th av...............' 840 Bouslog M P, res 2226 E Beach............ 1068 Bouslog W H, res Abstract bl.............. 672 Bowen B C, atty 14th .................... 367 Bo wen B C, W Beach.................... 167 Bowles Ora Miss, res 1619 30th av........ 9085 Bradley J W Mrs, res 21st av & 18th........ 375 Brady J R, res Miss City................. 1251-R Brash Ralph E, res 612 Reginal ........... 723 Breland B Miss, res 1517 31st av........... 217 Bridge C M, res 1921 23d av............... 349 Briggs D, res 37th....................... 871 -W Brock Richard, groc R P D 3............. 1237-J Brown B Frank, res E Beach............... 1033-W Brown Chas Scott, res Miss City........... 24-W Brown Chas T, res 1500 30th av......... 924-W Brown E E, res 1921 24th av............... 1061-J Brown M D, ofc Hewes bl................. 154 Brown M D, res Miss City................. 642 Brown W Jenner, res 1018 31st............ 446 Brown's Transfer, 28th av................. 924-J Browne; Julius, 32d av..................... 389-W Browne W T, res 4048 Finley............. 146 Bryant J P, res Long Beaoh.............. 1233-J Bryant Jessie Miss, res 3212 W Beach...... 1118-J Budd G C, res Long Beach............... 819 Buffum John H, res Finley ................. 1139-J Bufkin J E, shoe store 14th Payne bl....... 419 Bufkin J E, res E Beach.................. 1086 Buford W M, res 3322 W Beach............ 816-W Bugna A W, res 1614 20th av.............. 544 § ft C/a o ** p crq ft n © 2 > C rf 3 £ M- c ^ > H H % I 3 O *< x £ r+ O =* < i p (J) I* -j TJ nt- — CO S» > 2° ■S C0 ar H ° O £ Central Cash Crocery J. C. Rich Grocery Co. J. C. Rich, Prop. 1906 23rd Ave., Telephone 939 GASTON POI NT—TELEPHONE 627 "WE LIVE AND LET LIVE"GULFPORT 26 ★Indicates P. 8. f DAY DRUG CO. Telephones 11 and j u __ (8 = o > I c •- .2 o S £ +J o .2 * > c $ I ■5 75 <3 ■3« o •N 13 cd 0 "THE STORE OF EFFICIENT SERVICE" C4 Ui ■ ? O -c -1 -M X to Q. CM 111 IT) -J 2! Ul H h o O >% im a> <0 im © a O Bugna Bros, store 13th & 27th av. Bugna Bros, store 13th & 27th av. Bugna Peter, res 1119 31st...... Buras W C, cafe 14 th.......... Burney W M Mrs, res 1713 2nd... Burns Frank, res 21st av & 15th.. Burnside G C, res W Beach....... ' Burnside N D, res 2004 22d av.... Burton R C, res 1505 18th av..... Burton V E Mrs, res 3316 R R av. Buser R J, res 38th av.......... Bush J A, res 2010 22d av ........ Butler C H, res 2208 E Beach____ Butler R G, res E Beach........ Bynum E K, res 1814 20th av..... Byrd C W, res 823 41st av........ Byrne A J, res Handsboro....... 906 907 54 80 602 547 546 742 949 548-W 658 -W 945 699 1238-W 944 148 1242-J Cabibi S, res 1500 32d av.................. Cagle H O, res 10th ...................... Campbell Jno W, res Long Beach........... Campeche Fish Co, W Pier................ Cannon Hattie Davis Mrs, res 318 2d........ C'apps A A, res 1333 23d av.............. Capps J F Mrs, res 1436 E Beach.......... Caranna N, res 1529 29th av............... Caraway J W, res 1724 2d................ Carey W J, res 15th. f..................... Carley Geo L, res 1505 18th av............ Carr H C, res 14th ....................... Carrara L V Mrs, res Miss City......... Carraway A F Dr, ofc 13th............... Carraway A F & Margaret Drs, res W Beach ............................... Carruba Bros, res Long Beach............. Carter A R MD, res E Beach.............. Carter H C Mrs, res E Beach.............. Carver Geo F, res 921 41st................ Casey M E Mrs, res 1111 30th av........... Casey W H, res 3325 14th................ Cassibry Geo Mrs, res Gaston Point......... Cassibry H W, res W Beach .............. Cassibry O F, ofc 26th'av.................. Cassibry O F, res 1507 19th av............ Castanedo Alice, res 2404 29th............. Castanedo W J, res 618 Woodward av...... Castanera C H drug store, Long Beach.... Castanera C H, res Long Beach........... Castanera's Drug Store, pay sta Long Beach Castiglia Vincent, res Landon............ Caswell L L, res' 520 Woodward av......... Causey C L, res E Beach................ Causey Ross Co,- 1315 26th av........... CENTRAL CASH GROCERY, 1806 23d Rd av........................ CENTRAL GARAGE, 23d av ............................... Central Meat Market, 2122 25th av ........ Central Public School, 15th.................. Central School, 17th & 18th................ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Ofc Payne bl ....................... Chancellor's Office, Court House ........... Chancery Clerk, ofc Court House.......... Chapin E Mrs, res 1710 25th.............. Chevally L L, res W Beach................ Chief of Police, city jail................ Chowning Coffee Co, 24 th ................ Christ A E, res Miss City............... Circle S Filling Station, 14th............. Circuit Clerk's Ofrice, A J Ramsey elk...... Circuit Judge, Court House . .............. City Clerk's Office, City Hall............. City Engineer (H D Shaw), City Hall...... City Market, 26th av .................... City Market Grocery, 2628 13th............ 311 541. ■W 444 160 391- •W 1058 614. • J 1096 997 111 189 841 1230- J 70 98 1032- •W 557 856 1041- w 193 936 580 788 337 252 965 1072- w 510- R 510- J 9108 1214- R 1123- J 494 145 939 41-J 236 426 265 1 103 72 767 298 517 14 506 100 79 131 104 208 219 248 City Market Grocery, 2G28 13th........... 632 CITY TAILOR SHOP, 2413 14th ..........................................................314 City Waterworks, ofc City Hall......................55 Clancy John C, electrician 1306 27th av.... 39 Clarisse P Miss, res 1802 20th ......................1078 Clark Harry W, res 3412 11th............................578-J Clark J B, res Nugent..........................................881-F-3 Clark J Walter, res 668 E Beach......................291-W Clark Jno J, marine surveyor ofc 3d floor Hewes bl ........................................................558 Clark Lee, res 41st av........................................687-J Claussen G H, res RFD 2..................................647 Clikas M, store 14th ............................................60 Clower Furniture Co J C, store 1311 26th av. 99 Clower T S, res E Beach..................................304 Coast Chevrolet Co, 25th av................1136 Coast Coca-Cola Bottling Co, 29th av..... 374 Coast Employment Bureau, Thomas bl............859 COAST HARDWARE CO, Barry bl ....................................144 Coast Jobbing Co, ofc L & N R R & G & S I. 743 Coast Serve Self, Groc, etorei 14th....... 388 Cobb C C, res 1905 31st av .............. 594 Cochran D V, res 34 th av & 14 th........... 467 Cockrell Jim D, res W Beach............ 1009-J Coleman E E, res 2507 13th............... 489 Coleman Transfer Stable, 3500 35th av... 74 Colley C L, res 1813 18th av............... 677 Collins J D, res 3716 9th................... 549-J Colon Tom, res 1219 33d av................ 967-J Colonial Hotel, Beach..................... 438 Coltharp L A Mrs, res 3428 W Beach....... 1095-J Commercial Bank & Trust Co, 26th av...... 253 Conn Ruby Miss, res 10th & 33d av......... 409 Conn S W, res 2501 21st av................ 992 Connally C C, res Hardy av................. 964-J Connei* Co, ofc 14th....................... 158 Cdnnell J T, res 3320 W Beach........... 781 Connell K Mrs, res R F D 2............... 1280-X Consolidated Iron Wks, 24th av........... 1005 Coon Ethel Mrs, res Miss City............ 1287-M Corbett Allie Mrs, res 1621 23d av......... 332 ~ — Correjollies W L, res Miss City.......... 1243-X Corso A J, res 1708 23d av................ 290 C0RS0-TEDESC0 & CO, Ofc 25th av & L & N.................. 2 Corso-Tedesco & Co, ofc 25th av L & N R R 143 Cottingim R S, res 2220 18th ............. 228 C0TT0M H T & CO INC, Ofc & Sales Dept 29th av............. 42 Warehouse & Shipping Dept 29th av... 398 Cottrell F E, ins Strand Theatre bl..................159 Cottrell F E, res 616 E Beach.......*.... 751 County Jail, 24th av & L & N R R........ 540 County Supt of Education, ofc Court Hse... 269 Cowan R C, ofc over Parlor Drug Store.... 67 Cowan R C, res 1712 E Beach...................207 Cox B C, res Long Beach.............................1252-X Cox R JVIrs, res 3301 11th.....'.......................1014-J Cox Richard G, res Long Beach......................607 Cox W A Nursery Co, ofc 13th............. 357 Cox W W Dr, ofc Dent bl______:....................402 Cox W W MD, res Long Beach.................1260-R Craig W M, res Missi City...................1266-R Craigie Frank, res E Beach............................1251-J CRESCENT BAKERY, City branch 27th av...................312 Crescent Welding Shop, ofc 1613 24th av.... 915 CreWs J E, ofc E Beach............................746 Crighton W M, res E Beach............................610 Cromer J D, res 1317 22d av....................390 Crook J P, res 12th..............................................883 Crosby C M, res 1514 18th av .....................445 Crossland G Mrs, res 2306 14th.............1083 Crotty W G, res 1617 19th av..............1079 Gray's Tire & Battery Service. Tel. 318 PARAMOUNT SERVICE DISTRIBUTORS FOR EXIDE BATTERIES^indicates P. B. Exchange. 27 GULFPORT HAY DRUG CO. Telephones 11 and 34 "THE STORE OF EFFICIENT SERVICE" AGENTS NORRIS EXQUISITE CANDIES Cruthirds C N, res Long Beach........... 1233-X Cru thirds E D, res 2300 21st av............. 1125-J Cruthirds S N Mrs, res 1624 24th av....... 912 Crystal Ice & Fuel Co, 13th................ 413 Cucurullo Lena Mrs, res 1912% 25th av.....1066 Culiinane H J, res 11th................... 747-W Cullinane R R Mrs, res 1708 25th av........ 1171 Culiinane Walter, res 14th & 23d.......... 65 Culpepper Kate Miss, res 317 Bouslog av... 559-J CUMBERLAND TEL & TEL CO., Incorporated For subscribers not listed, call........Information For reporting trouble with your telephone call .............................Repair Clerk Manager's ofc, Hardy bl............... 9000 Wareroom 24th av Alley............... 9021 Cummins W M, res 2412 23d av............ 716 Cunningham D H, res 2d av.............. 952-W , Curo Jno, store 27th av.................... 276 Currie J E, res 1105 40th av.............. 93S Currie Jas Mrs, res 1625 19th av.......... 17 Daggett Wm A store 2420 12th ..............279 Daily Herald, editorial 14th & 23d av..............86 Daily Herald, advertising 14th & 23d av.... 90 Dalier J T, res 2d..................................................1077 Dana C H Mrs, res 623 Woodard...............465 Dana R W, res 1018 31st av............ 403-J Dandridge S P, res 1106 32d ..............1091-W .JDarrt'zler G B, res E Beach..............................309 Dantzler Lumber Co, ofc 1st Natl Bk bl... 3 Darnall G T, res 1617 2d..........................913 DARNALL G T GROCERY CO, 14th ..........................................................134 Davis L E, Mutual Life Ins Hewes bl............301 Davis L E, res Cowan rd..........................405-W Davis S H Dr, res 24 th av................................310-J Davis S H Dr, ofc Lang bl......................542 Davis S N Miss, millinery 25th........................477 Day Drug Co, 2602 13th....................................34 DAY DRUG STORE, 2602 13th ..................................11 Day S K, 13th.....................................................50 DAY & NIGHT SERVICE CO, 1418 24th av....................................................516 Dear W P, res 2224 23d av ..................620 Dearman W A Dr, ofc Long Beach...............411 Dearman W A Dr, res Long Beach........ 616 Dedeaux O J, ofc 509 Hewes bl......................739 De Deaux O J, res 1415 25th av.............572 Deen Geo M, res Handsboro Miss..................1242-R Deitrich E J Mrs, res 1625 24th av........\ 127 De Jaive Edw M, res 11th........................597-W Delcuze P V Mrs, res 1801 18th av............689 DeMayer Leopold, res Handsboro....................954 Denny W M Jr, res E Beach..........................1287-X Denson F B, res 1801 22d av...................175 Dent J R, ofc Dent bl.......................941 Dent J R, res 1410 22d av................................756 DeSaussure H D, groc 1914 15th......................105 De Saussure H D, res 20th av..................990 Devall C J, res 817 Joseph....................780-W Devore R E, res 3228 W Beach .............570 De Waters Geo H, res 811 36 th av................1004-W Dickey Chas Mrs, res 1313 23d av____.'.... 463 Dinsmore R S, res 1916 15th.............................1030 Dixie Barber Shop, ofc 14th..............................962 Dixie Candy Kitchen, 14th & 27th av..............212 Dixie Lumber Co, ofc G & S I & 19th..............666 Dixie Press, ofc Masonic Temple......................„73 Dodds Geo S, ofd Durham "bl..............................428 Dodds Geo S, res E Beach................................525 Dodge P S Rev, res 29th..............................822-J Doelac L Mrs, res 1312 31st................1044 Doleac M L, res 1421 31st av..........................929 Doolittle W J, res Miss City................1218-J Dorhauer F W, res 31st av & W Beach.... Dossett J E, res 2701 26th av............... Dossett T M, res 2210 24th av............. Dowling J J, res 13th & 31st av............ Dowling L T Mrs, res Miss City ........... Drive Yourself Car Co, 1406 26th.......... Duck A W Rev, res Long Beach......... Duckworth J D, res 22d av & 17th........!. Duke L G, res 1801 29th av............... 670 1015 1138 296 338 318 1206-R 960 987-J East End School, school Soria City...... East Side Furniture Co, 15th...... Eaton B E, res E Beach............... Edw Water Park Mkt & Groc, 10 th..... Edwards Bruce Mrs, res 544 Camp av... Edwards Edwin W, res 822 E Beach Edwards Elmer A, res 717 Woodward av. Edwards Motor Sales Co, ofc 24th av.... Eicholz Edwin E, res 4812 W Beach... Eicholz R H, res 3116 12 th............ Elite Beauty Parlor, Griffith bl......... Elliot J M, res Gaston Point............ Ellison P W, res 2008 22d.............. Enslen J H, res 11th & 31st av........ Estopinal Wm, lwyr rm 27 Medical bl. Estopinal W, res 1537 Pratt............. Eureka Grocery Co, 807 38th av......... Evans G B, res 2000 16th.............. Evans H H, atty Evans bl............. Evans H H, res E/Beach................ Evans Paul, res 1812 E Beach......... Evans T F, ofc Bk.of Gulf port bl....... Evans T M, ofc Thomas bl.............. Evans T M, res 1820 19th av........... Evans Taxi Co, ofc 13th............... Evans W G, res Soria City............ Everts Bertha Miss, res E Beach..... Faecher W G Mrs, res Beach Long Beach. Fahnestock E M Dr, ofc over Jones Bros... Fahnestock E M Dr, res 26 th av.......... Fairfield G W, res 3436 W Beach........... Fairley Freeman, res 31st av.............. Fant A E, res 1919 15th................... Farrar C W, res 5140 W Beach............ FAS0LD KARL, Jewlr Anderson Theatre .............. Favre Arthur, res 911 41st av.............. Favre Geo B, res 3711 11th................. Favre Grocery, 1710 22d.................. Favre T M, ship yard Pier................. Favre T M, res 1718 25th av................ Fayard W H, res 1319 29th............... Federal Jobbing Co, 31st av............... . Feehan M H Mrs, res 1315 30th av........ Feehan N B, res 4105 Finley............... Feehan Sara Miss, res Handsboro......... Ferguson W J Rev, res 1915 15th........... Fillingin Aurita Miss, res 539 Camp........ Fillingin E, res Long Beach .............. Fire Alarm & Central Fire Station, 24th av & L & N R R......................... ★FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 2600 13th ............................ First National Bank, ofc 2600 13th........ Fishburn A M, res 2101 14th*.............. Fitch, Frank A, res 2118 18th.............. Fitch W S, res DeBuys, Miss............ Flowers A L, res Miss City............... Foote Geo M, res Soria City........... Foote Geo M Co, ofc Hewes bl............. Foote H W, res 1123 32d av ............... FORD SERVICE STATION, 10 7 87 9080 956-W 688 1218-W 860 262 394 o O 842 384 410 662-W 932 177 237-W 297 749-J 885-W 155 782-W 1070 807 640 293 773-J 1071 700 1274-M 421 434 759 125 483 114 1274-J 1063 431 1097 47 1027 457 891 - 27 909 1115-W 958 261 83 969 251 678 1114-J 1266-J 156 734 579 5 fi) £L ■■■ O o o o ■* o (ft -o® h SJS o> <* ~■ . DC :s" . UI < QC O "Willard-Gulfport Battery Co. 288' Official Service Station for Willard Batteries, Radio and Automotive Electrical Repairs Ford, White & Ford, ofc Abstract bl................685 Fort E, res 3212 11th............................................551-W Fprtnier T M, res 20 th av..............................443-W Frater H L, res 1514 19th av............................745 FREE TIRE SERVICE, Abstract bl ....................................................775 Freeman Chas Q, res Long- Beach..................1239-X French Emma M, res 1130 2d.............. 1037-J French J C Btl Wks, ofc 25th av......................603 French Marion B, res 5004 W Beach......".. 869-W Frentz G P, res 1425 31st av............................532 Frees C R, res 1902 18th...........................1017 Fulmer C W, res 24th av & 25th.................953 Fulson Maude Miss, res 540 Camp...............626 FULTON L W & COMPANY, Ofc 2908 13th ........................ 243 Fulton L W» res 1715 29th av............... 800 CO CO Galbraith M E Mrs, res 1415 22d av....... Galloway C A, res Miss City................ Galloway J F, ofc room 10 Thomas bl...... Galloway J F, res Long- Beach............ Gardner A A, res 3324 12th................. Gardner Hanun, res 15th.................. Gardner W H Jr, res 3440 W Beach........ Gardner & Brown, lawyers 1st Nat Bk..... Garner May Mrs, res E Beach ............. Garrett W E, res 1709 31st av............ Gary T P, res 1223 22d av................ Gaston N E, res N Gulfport............ Gates C B, res Long Beach................ GATES ELECTRIC CO, 25th av & 14th ...................... Gates F C, res 1315 33d av................. Gates F O, res E Beach.................. Gates M A Mrs, res 2400 24th av........... Gatlin Ross Mrs, res 708 2d............... Gause A A, res 1215 31st.................. Gay1 Emma Dr, res E f3each........... Gay Fred S Dr, res E Beach............... Genung H A, res Long Beach.............. Gersuk, I Mrs, res Edgewater prk......... Gibbens W B, res 2012 21st .............. Gibbons E Mrs, res 3330 L & N............ Gifford W F, res Long Beach.............. Gillette N N, res Handsboro.............. Gilly James H, res RFD 2................ Giuffria P, res 3434 W Beach.............. Glass E Mrs, res 1106 2d................... Glass Fred W, res 2209 23d................ Glass H R, res 2227 22d av............... Glass J L, Transfer & Taxi Co, 26th av.. Glass J L, res 1212 2d...,.................. Gober C A, res N W Gulfport.............. Goleman T F, res 1417 37thj av............. Goodwin W F, res 811 38th av.............. Gould Castella Miss, res Long Beach...... Grace H L, res Landon Miss............... Graham D M, res W Beach................ Graham M, res 25 th av..................... Graham Thomasi P, res Long Beach....... Grant M R, res Miss City............... Grantham H J, res 1015 33d av............ Gray A, res 4610 W Beach................. Gray Alice Mrs, res 908 E Beach........... Gray J E, res 2103 14th.................. Gray J O, res 11th........................ Gray R B Dr, res Long Beach............ Gray R L, res W Beach..........i........ Gray & Co Andrew, Hewes bl............. GRAY'S TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE, 1406 26th ............................ ★GREAT SOUTHERN HOTEL............ Mgr ofc 13 th......................... Kitchen 13 th ........................ Pay sta 13 th......................... 574 420-J 590 1211-R 1073 727 1025 344 503 864 35 507-J 698 801 779 1225-J 412 ~ 628 874-J 1207-J 1207-J 1211 -W 277-W 697 1035-W 2102 1243-J 624-J 1009-W 1024-W 1022-J 948 972 720-W 796-J 893-W 662-J 1292-X 1213-R 749-W 635 1206 -M 1287-R 634-W 242 876 711 150 1280-R 761-W 264 318 790 815 142 9102 Gridley H C, res 1324 E Beach............. Gridley M E, res 1217 31st av............. Griffin Inez Mrs, res 2120 14th.............. Griffith V A, res 1632 E Beach............ Grimes J W, res 3321 11th................ Guel E J Jr, res 1319 31st................. Guice R R, ofc Ice Plant.................. Guice R R, res 915 39th av................ Gulf Cities Business College, Hewes bl..... Gulf Cities Gas Co, ofc 1513 25th av........ Gulf Cities Gas Co, night calls 2820 25th av. Gulf Coast Auto Exchange, 24th av......... Gulf Coast Bakery, ofc 25th av......... Gulf Coast Canteen, E Beach,............. Gulf Coast Military Academy Hosp E Beach. Gulf Coast Military Academy, Jr Dept E Beach ........_........................ Gulf Coast Military Academy, Ofc Miss City ........................ Gulf Coast Oil Refg Co, ofc 28th............ Gulf Coast Stevedoring Co, 1st Nat Bk bl... Gulf Coast Stores, Miss City.............. Gulf Coast Transportation Co, Pier........ Gulf Flour & Feed Co, ofc L & N R R & 29th av .............................. Gulf Paint Co, 1406 25th av................. GULF PARK COLLEGE, Long Beach Miss. Ofo .................................. Dormitory ............................ Dietitian & Kitchen.................. Music Conservatory................... Faculty Home......................... Gulf Refining Co, 23d av & 21st.......... Gulf Street Grocery, Gulf ................. Gulf & Ship Island Railroad Co, General Counsel ...................... Treasurer's ofc ....................... Auditor's ofc ......................... Chief Engineer's Office................ General Freight ofc................... Stationery room ...................... Wharfmaster ......................... Car Foreman's ofc.................... Freight Depot, C T Teichert Agt....... Freight Depot, Cashier ................ Yard ofc ............................. Tower................................ Roundhouse ........................... Shops, Geo B Hopkins P A........... G & S I Shops, F M Wilson MM........... Gulfport Auto Co. garage Mathias bl....... GULFPORT BATTERY CO, 1425 25th av.......................... Gulfport Bl & Loan Association, 14th....... Gulfport Coal & Ice Co, 30th av............ Gulfport Creosotingr Co. plant N Gulfport... Gulfport Daily Herald, Evans bl........... Gulfport Fertilizer Co, ofc N Gulfport...... Gulfport Fraternal Assn, lodge rm 24th av.. Gulfport Furniture Exchange, 1411 25th av. GULFPORT GROCERY CO, City Sales Dept, 13th.................. City Sales Dept, 13th................. General offices, 13th................... Mgr 13 th ............................. GULFPORT ICE & COAL CO, 30 th av .............................. Gulfport Ice & Coal Co, 30th av.......... Gulfport Ins Co, 1st Natl Bk............ Gulfport Lumber & Coal Co, ofc 16th....... Gulfport Mill & Cabinet Works, 24th av..... Gulfport Piggly-Wiggly, 14th ............... Gulfport Printing Co, ofc 1411 26th av...... Gulfport Ship Agency Co, ofc Hewes bl... 593 834 676 346 447 1035-J 200 549-W 385 271 1088 1126 515 9140 383 830 845 232-J 195 1230-M 709 326 522 607 89 950-J 950-W 950-R 342 844 704 186 703 721 706 178 9 52-W 730 77 216 521 52-J 717 481 530 288 367 200 637 86 157 258 1050 ' 4 129 8 181 200 249 135 406 873 491 789 313 Gray's Tire & Battery Service. Tel. 318 PARAMOUNT SERVICE DISTRIBUTORS FOR EXIDE BATTERIES^Indicates P. B. Exchange. 29 GULFPORT nAY DRUG CO. Telephones 11 and 34 "THE STORE OF EFFICIENT SERVICE" Agents Eastman Kodaks and Kodak Supplies tiULFPORT STEAM DYE WORKS & LAUNDRY CO, ofc 2908 isth..... 2so Gulfport Towing Co, ofc G & S I bl..................721 Gulfport Transfer Co, 1411 26th av..................361 Gulfport Wooden Ware & Bag Co, 25th av... 263 Gulfport & Mississippi Coast Traction Co, Auditor, G & S I bl........................................714 Car Barn, 30 th av ........................................605 Chief Engineer, G & S 1 bl.-........................721 Freight Depot, Cashier, 29th av ..............77 Freight Depot, Agt 29 th av........................730 Pumping Station, Pier..................................33 Purchasing Agent...........................717 Treasurer & Cashier, G & S I bl................186 Superintendent's ofc, 30th av......................605 Superintendent Electrical Dept, 30th av. 605 Power House, 30th av..................................325 Barn Foreman's res, 2325 23d av....... 882 Shipping Shed, Long Beach........................371 Gully Geo S cor 15th & 20th.........................203 Gully & Craig, contractors 14th....................367 H Hager J M Rev, res Long Beach...............364-J Hall H Mrs, res 11th............................................128 Hall J T, res 1909 30th av..................................108-W HALL UNDERTAKING CO, Ofc 21st & 30th........................108-J HAMILTON BROS CO, Plumbers 13 th .............:..................88 Sheet Metal Dept 13th................................488 Hamilton Bros Co, plumbers 13 th..................88 Hamilton E L, res 1206 31st av......................1034-J Hamilton R R, res 1007 39th av........................316-J Hamilton W J, res 915 38th av..........................316-W Hammett W A, res R F D 2.......'..............1006 Hammond W W, res 28th W............................1267-J Handsboro Drug Co, Handsboro Miss...........1242-W Harder W A, res 1817 19th av....................863-J HARDTNER W F AUTO TRADING CO, 25th av ...............................770-J Hardtners Bakery, Long Beach........................1211-J Harless J M, res 37th av & 10th...............229 Harper O C Dr, dentist Durham bl.:............122 Harper O C Dr, res 2024 16th & 21st av.... 95 Harpole J W, res 3608 11th.....................988-W Harris R B res 4715 Finley ............................765-J Harris T E, res 1424 E Beach...........................347-J Harrison County Poultry Assn, 1418 25th av 180 Harrison County Court House, pay sta...... 9106 Harrison Robt H, res 1720 16th......................3l5 Harry J J Dr, Handsboro........................451 Harry J J Jr, res E Beach..................................1047 Havard B, fire ins 14th.......................................367 Havard B, res 2010 16th....................................726 Havard J S, res 2211 24th av.......................5 Havard W W, groc 25th av..................370 Havens Jos W, res Nugent.................881-F-4 Hawley W D Motor Sales Co, 25th av............353 Hayden W L, res 1624 2d..................623-W Hays D L, res Long Beach.............................324 Hays W L, tailor 1410 26th av..........................45 Hayward A H, res E Beach..............................495 Heath R N, res 2204 20th....................................459 Heiderhoff R, res 912 2d......................................674 Heiderhoff W E, res 1903 23d av........... 417 Heiss J L, res Soria City....................................363 Heiss Jno L, atty Hardy bl................................669 Halveston R L, res 2413 23d av........................1125-W Hemingway T W, res E Beach........................686 Henderson J S, res 1907 30th av......................147 Henderson R B, res 1123 31st av......................631 Hendon E T, res Long Beach......................454 Hendrix C I Mrs, res 2218 17th........................1031 Hennig G, res 1915 20th av................843 Henry H T Mrs, res Miss City.................1251-X Henry S P, res Long Beach................ 1239-J Henry S S Sr, res W Beach................ 64-J Herbert Ethel Miss, res 1709 30th av....... 23 Hercules Powder Co, ofc N Gulfport........ 66-J HERND0N & ZIMMER, Battery serv 2820 13th ............... 107 Herold Wm, res 39th av.................. 541-J Heslip M A, meat mkt 21st................ 724 Hewes Bros, ladies' & gents' furnishers..... 85 Hewes Chas, res 1729 21st av............. 395 Hewes F B, res Hewes av & Beach......... 377 Hewes F S Jr, res 3316 W Beach........... 497 Hewes H L, res E Beach.................. 1018-J Hewes N H, res E Soria City............... 335 Hewes N & F, groc 1312 27th av......... 37 Hewes Searle, res 1715 21st av............ 221 Hewes & Yerger, ins agts Hewes bl......... 301 Hice E A, res 1328 E iBeach............. 720-J Hicklin F S Mrs, res R F D 2............ 1261-R Hickman H J, res 28th....................1130-J High M M, res 627 Hardy av............... 964-W Hill L K, res Long Beach.................. 2204 Hilton D A Dr, ofc 13th................... 509 Hilton D A Dr, res R F D 2............... 2003 Hinds S A Mrs, res 32d av................. 763-J Hirsch Edgar N, res E Beach............ 1251-W Hirsch Wm, res 1622 18th av.............. 1051-J Hitchcock W E, real est 14th............ 270 Hodge E B, res Long Beach............... 2207 Holland T L, res Long Beach............ 1280- M H0LLINGSW0RTH DRUG CO, 14th ................................. 48 Hollingsworth Drug Co, 14th.............. 49 Hollingsworth R L, res 11th................ 874-W Holloman Lbr Co, Howells Spur Miss toll sta. Holton J H, res 2512 31st av.............. 681 Home Demonstration Agent, Court House.. 608 Home Groc & Meat Mkt, 1800 30th av.. 1177 HOME LUMBER CO, . Ofc 17th & 29th ...................... 381 HOME PLUMBING CO, 25th av ..................................................397 Homer H, res 1911 24th av ..............................429 Hopkins A S Dr, ofc Piaggio bl........................355 Hopkins A S Dr, res E Beach..........................753 Hopkins Geo B, res E Beach............................753 Hopkins Geo P, res E Beach..............................523-W Horlock Sales Co, 27th av..........................137 Home Kittie Mrs, 1123 31st av........................508 Hornor R B, groc Mills av...........................621 Hornuff Lee H Mrs, res Long Beach..........1239- M Hotel Beimar, ofc E Beach...............9107 Howell T S, res 3714 W Beach *......................305 Howie J B Jr, res 1500 19th av .................922 Hudson C Mrs, res 2208 20th............................875 Hudson L M, res 28th ........................................399 Huiey O J, res E Beach............................1225-X Hughes D, res Reginold....................................765-W Hull W T, res 30th & 22d av..............................615 Hunter Ben & Co, ofc Durham bl....................468 Hurst H, res 18th av................................732 Hutchins A C, res 3324 W Beach....................816-J I Inglis Mfg & Com Co, ofc Long Beach......2106 Inglis Mfg & Com Co, store Long Beach.... 918 Inglis R, res Long Beach...................2104 Ingram-Day Lumber Co, toll sta Lyman.... Ipser's Grocery Store, Edge Water Park... 277-J Iverson C R, res 1424 32d av. ...........................583-W Jacobs M E Mrs, res W Beach..........................562 Jacobson N E Mrs, res 19th....................339 Jagoe A L, res E Beach.........................528 James Fred M, res 4800 W Beach..................654-W CT> s -3 g fc® C/a o" P CTQ © o> •a 3 2L £ 5 > 1 * 2 Z p a? 2 c £ ° M 7J H > H H 11 r* " *< M U £> * o * 7s <2 9 P ir i? is CO « > -» O 3- H o O g 3 Do You Want Quality Groceries? Bugna Bros. PURE LUCCA OLIVE OIL TELEPHONES 906, 907GULFPORT 30 ^Indicates P. B. Exchange. Day Drug Co. "The Store of Efficient Service" Telephones 11 and 34 Our ice cream is as good as you will find anywhere. Prompt and courteous service at our fount. Jeffreys A K, C P A 1316 26th av.......... Jeffreys A K, res 1438 E Beach............ Jeffreys-Burton-Capps Co, stay 1316 26th av Jenkins Henry L Mrs, res 3438 W Beach.... Jensen Adolph, res 816 40th av............. Jermyn Geo L, res Miss City.............. Jersey Ice Cream & Creamery Co, 26th av.. Jeryman W H, res Handsboro............ Johnson A G, res 86th av 10th............. Johnson Geo Mrs, res Long Beach........ Johnson J A Mrs, res 1229 31st av....... Johnson L E Rev, res 3016 21st av....... Johnson M M, res 1923 23d av.............. Johnson O A, r«s 3600 10th................ Johnson R E, res 2211 14th............... Johnson & Grehan, dry goods 14th......... JONES BROS DRUG CO, Str Medical bl........................ Jones Bros Drug Co, Medical bl............ Jones Brothers Motor Co, ofc 15 th.......... Jones H H, res 2202 E Beach............ Jones Hortoji W, res 900 36th av......... Jones J C Dr, ofc over Jones Bros......... Jones J C Dr, res cor 14th & 22d av.......•. Jones J L, res Jeff Davis av............. Jones J L, res country..................... Jones James O, res W 'Beach.............. Jones Sam, res 5th Soria City............. Jordan T W, res 2008 24th av............ Junior Academy, school DeBuys............ K Kassis A, store 2200 25th av............... Kearse G P, res 33d av & 12th............ Kelly J R, res 1323 22d av................. Kemp C R J P, ofc Medical bl............ Kemp G R, res W Beach................ Kendrick M E, groc 2110 25th av........... Kennedy Jno L Mrs, res 1815 22d av....... Kennedy M Miss, res 1211 30th av......... Kerr J Wade, res Long Beach.............. Kimbrough A MoC Judge, res E Beach ..... Kimbrough H E, res 1532 E Beach...... King Cleveland (col), res 3401 84th av...... King Clifford, res 2317 24th av........... King D H, res Soria City................. King Grocery Store, Soria City............ Kings Daughters Hospital, ofc W Beach... Kings Daughters Hospital, W Beach....... Kinloch On the Gulf, E Beach.............. Kirkpatrick A, 20 th av..................... Klein's Service Sta, 28th .................. Knoblock Earl P Rev, res 32d av............ Knowles H L, res 3800 W Beach............ Knudsen A, res 1219 37th ................ Kohler Chas, res Long Beach...-......... Krebs R A, res 1235 14th.................. Kremer A, res 15th ...................... Kremer H A, res 1615 18th av............. KREMER MOTOR CO, Garage 15th ......................... L & N Railroad Co, ofc Long Beach......... L & N R R Co, frt depot.................. Ladiner C A, res 14th..................... Ladnier J R, res 1225 32d av.............. Ladnier & Dent Stevedoring Co, Dent bl... Lake Viola Mrs, res Long Beach........... Lamia Lottie Mrs, res 1409 33rd av........ Lambrakes Tom, res W Beach............. Lang A W, res 2403 E Beach............... Lang E B Mrs, res Long Beach............ Lang Louis N, res Long Beach............ LANG UNDERTAKING CO, Ofc 24th av & 14th.................... Laramore J B, jeweler Hewes bl........... 3*7 981 337 1038-J 427-J 1243-M 550 1243-R 456 1269-X 389-J 1134 803 139 376 358 130 430 1153 601 571-J 118 268 1267-W 2300 1057-W 612-J 798 830 813 809 35 226 64-W 247 898 56 786 1238-M 1165 817 752 453-W 453-J 573 9141 9104 336 785 747-J 1139-W 877 1233-M 369 58-W 855 58-J 1260-X 138 69 319 941 624-W 1127-J 1046 310-R 1252-M 1267-R 310-J 174 Lassiter J W, res 41st av................. Latham R K Col, res E Beach............ Latimer R E, res 19th av.................. Lawrence W J, res City Cemetery......... Leathers J A, res E Beach............... Leathers & Sykes, attys Griffith bl......... LeBaron Chas Dr, ofc Hewes bl............ LeBarron Chas Dr, res W Beach......... Lefer F, res 1315 36th av................. LeGardeur R J, res 5200 W Beach......... Legett Henry, res 2211 15th.............. Lehman Bertram, res 410 E Beach......... Leigh A Dr, res 13th.. *................... Lemason A, tin shop 1428 25th av.......... LeMay J W, res Long Beach............ Lemele Gustave, res Long Beach.......... Lemon M L, res Soria City................. Lenoir Malcolm, res 1021 32d av........... Lewis J P Mrs, res 4918 W Beach.......... Life & Casualty Ins Co, ofc Hewes bl....... Liles M A Mrs, res 1303 36th............... Lindahl Aug, store 26th av................ Lindh 4- D, res Kelly...................... Linfield E H Dr, ofc Hewes bl.............. Linfield E H Dr, res E Beach......... Lister John, res 2106 E Beach............ Little Tea Room & Gift Shoppe, 2406 13th.. Littlepage J A Mrs, res Long Beach........ Lizana W? A, groc 25 th av................. Loeffler C B Miss, res 804 E Beach........ Loflin H H, res Miss City................. Long Beach Canning Co, W Pier.......... Longino R E Dr, ofc Handsboro Miss........ Love A J Dr, ofc 30th av.................. Love A J Dr, res 2012 30th av.............. Lovelace Mattie Mrs, res 1217 30th av..... Lowery Howard R, res 11th ............... Lowery J L, res 2014 30th av.............. Lowry R C Mrs, res 2215 31st.......... Luckett J W, res 1200 31st av.............. Lundy J H, res Beach, Soria City........... Lyons H B, res 1613 20th av............... Lyons Walter, res Miss City............... Lytle M, res 1729 21st av.................. M Mackay James Mrs, res 1516 20th av....... Madison L G, res 28th..................... Magnolia State Floral Co, ofc 13th......... Magnusen" James A, res 3701 11th......... Magruder D P, Strand Theatre bl......... Magruder D P, res 3317 11th............... Male Alvin J, res Miss City............... Manager's Office, C T & T Co, Hardy bl... Mangano E, res 20th....................... Manson John Mrs, res 916 E Beach........ Maples L W, atty Hewes bl .............. Margiotta Frank, res 1101 30th av......... Marine Fertilizer & Feed Co, plant N Glfpt. Martin Ethel Mrs, res 1618 18th av........ Marinello Beauty Parlor, 25th av........... Marshall Anna J Mrs, res 1327 23d av...... Martin F K Major, res E Beach.......... Martinolich A K, garage Miss City......... Mary H "Tug" Pier...................... Maschek J A Jr, res Long Beach.......... Masonic Temple, 14th ..................... Mathers N, res 2000 25th av............... Mathews J P, res Long Beach............ Mathias A A, rl est 14th.................. Mathias A A, res 640 E Beach.............. Matthews J H, res 800 Gulf............... Matthews M A Mrs, res 2111 19th av....... Matthews Seth, res Nugent............... Matthewsi W S, res 40 th av............... Mauffray J A, res Miss City............... May L L, res RF D 2..................... 1114-W 1225-W 29- R 422 1207-X 424 230 776-J 604-W 1169 1093 1178 1157 308 1280-J 728 227-J 649 878 300 604-J 223 1033-J 259 1241-R 53 436 529 231 1023-W 21 1173 1242-W 448-J 448-W 1174 X 578-W 831 903 133 414 109 1241-W 946 1176 232-W 552 847-W 159 1020 977-J 9000 937 291-J 334 955 1214-J 1051 -W 378 1168 1230-R 256 112 1260-W 787 1026-W 1206-X 367 435 828 639 1213-J 1004-J 1218-X 2004 Gray's Tire & Battery Service. Tel. 318 PARAMOUNT SERVICE DISTRIBUTORS FOR EXIDE BATTERIES*.68 P. B. Exchange. 31 GULFPORT DRUG CO. Telephones 11 and 34 "THE STORE OF EFFICIENT SERVICE" We Will Appreciate Your Prescription Work .^ay Myrtle Miss, res 3322 10th............ May R D Mrs, res cor 16th & 26th......... Mayor's Office, Chas R Haydon Mayor, City Hall............................. McArthur Lula Miss, res 1217 30th av...... McCaleb L S, res 10th.................... McCandliss D A, res Orange Grove........ IvIcCann E, MD res Miss City.............. McCarty S B, res 22d av.................. McCaskey Geo E, res 1530 Pratt........... McCollough Joe Mrs, res 26th av & 29th av. McComb W A Dr, ofc 14th.................. .MoDaris Chas Mrs, res R PD 2........... McDavid Josephine Mrs, res 31st ......... McDevitt J A, MD ofc Hewes bl............ MoDewitt J A MD, res 1614 18th av...... McDonald G O, res 900 2d................. McDonald J E, res 612 Ruth ............... McDonald W A, res 1613 Oak............... McDonald W E, res 23d av................ McElroy H A, res 909 38th av............ Mclnnis W A, res E Beach................. Mcintosh D M Mrs, res 21st av............. McLain Louise Mrs, res 1201 31st av...... McLeod J W, groc E Beach................. McManus Dessie Miss, res 1124 2d......... McManus Eustis, res 16th .............I... McNAMEELD. Central garage 23d.................... McNamee L D, res 1923 15th.............. McPherson J H, res 2d..................... McRee J S, res Long Beach ..!............ Mc Williams C A Dr, ofc over Day Drug str.. McWilliams C A Dr, res 2020 16th......... Meador O L, res 2016 16th................. Meadows R B, res 1709 21st av............ Meek W H, res 3332 10th................. Metropolitan Life Ins Co, Griffith bl...... Meyers H C Mrs, res 1525 Olive............. Mike's Place, tailor shop 28th av........... Miller Fred T, res E Beach............... Miller Fred T 2d Hand Furn Co, 1624 25th av ................................... Milner J K, res 3428 W Beach............ Milner J W, res E Beach................ Milner Rachel E Mrs, res E Beach......... Mincher G A, res R F D 2................. Mississippi Abstract, Title & Guarantee Co, Abstract bl........................ Miss Coast Country Club, E Beach......... Mitchell Geo, str 30th av & 2 2d............ Mize E B, res 1722 31st av................. Mize S C, res 20th ....................... Mize & Mize, law ofc Hewes bl............. Moak R E, res 1901 24th av................ Moceri Ben, res Long Beach.......*........ Model Market, 27th av .................... Mohler Bros Coffee Co, ofc 25th av......... Mohler D G Dr, ofc Hewes bl.............. Mohler D G, res Long Beach.............. Mohler D L, res 1527 2d .................. Money Geo P, res Miss City............... Monroe Jay, res Long Beach.............. Montgomery G Dr, ofc Hewes bl........... Moody Leo, Long Beach ................. Moody M M Mrs, res Long Beach......... Moody & Sons M M, feed str Long Beach.. Moon Charles, res 1507 31st................ Moore H D, res 424 2d ................... Moore Lamar Mrs, res 1607 19th........... Moore W T, lawyer Bk of Gulfport bl,...... Moore W T, res Miss City................ Moorman S P, 13th & 25th av............. Morgan Tom, res Long Beach............ Morris D L, res 1715 31st ................ Morris T E, res 1513 19th av............... Moses Elkin, resi R F D 2................ Moses Frank, res 1628 25th av............. 634-J 519 208 1036 871-J 8S1-F-6 420-W 382 596 563 1080 1269-M 575 1129 1167 513 1012 652 368 1052 772 547 885-J 405-J 1037-W 736 41-J 41-W 1094-W 975 22 671 694 120 812 567 661 6 1274- • R 1092 1095-W 466 466 2002 197 896 827 978 589 299 199 1032-J 149 1154 636 1233- R 895 57 1206- W 568 2205 1229- W 534 1121 469 1062 222 303 664 1280- W 793 1045 1256- W 191 Mosley J I, res Beach..........................................425 Moss B H, res 18th av........................................443-J Mothershead W J, res 811 Woodward av.... 9082 Mt Bethel Baptist Church Parsonage, 30th av 744 Murphy Chas, res Miss City..............................1218-M Murphy H H, res 42d av........................768-W Murphy Jos Mrs, res 2314 Beach........................241 Murphy S J Mrs, res 1801 31st ...................974 Murray E, 31st av & L & N R R........................655 Murray H H, groc N Gulfport..........................536 Mutchler W E, res 1312 E Beach........... 910 MUTUAL AUTO SALES CO, 14th ..............................................470 N Napier E M, res 9th 38th av..........................754 National Life & Acct Ins Co, ofc Durham bl 246 Nelson A J, res Raynor Hotel............................886 Nelson J P, res 3217 11th..................................967-W Nelson N G, groe 25th av..................................565 Neno J G Mrs, res Gaston Point........................25 Nevers J R Mrs, res R F D 2..............................294 Newall Sam Dr, res 1713 22d av........................956-J Newell Sam Dr, ofc Hewes bl...................387 Newman C S Dr, res 2400 E Beach................814 NEW PUBLIC DRUG CO, 26th av ...............................................560 Nichols C L, res Miss City................................917 Nill C Mrs, res 1711 24th av....................124 North Gulfport School .........................401 NORTHROP GEO E, Dept store 14th..............................................91 NORTHROP GEO E, Dept store 14th...................................61 Norton Lila Mrs, res 1415 26th av........ 572 Nunn H B, res 3422 W JBeach........................591 c C mt Q C 1 ai Oberschmidt W E, res 9th.............. O'Brien Jno P, res 20th ,av................ O'Dell Walter R, res 1408 22d av.......... Odeneal E P Dr, eye specialist ovr Day's Drg Str ............................. Odeneal E P Dr, res Miss City........... Odom Geo W, res 1611 31st av............. O'Donnell Pat, res 9th.................... Olney Ruth Miss, res Miss City........... Olympia Cafe, 2606 14th.................. Olympia Cafe, pay sta 2606 14th.......... Oneal Evelyn Mrs, res 2201 80th av....... Oneal Packing Co, ofc 2914 25th av........ Oneal S E, res RFD1................... Osborne F V, res 800 Front............. Osoinach A G, res 1618 24th av........... Our Market, 1608 25th av................. Owen Mitchell, groc 2202 25th av........,. Owen Nat, res E Beach................... 427-W 1089 84 2(2 96 476 773-W 1225-M 475 9109 889 254 881-F-l 691 1081 266 285 619 Qj v< c O o ft ft 0) ■ •H m CO Palmer Owen T, res 1308 E Beach...........498 Paoli J E Capt, res 4500 W Beach....................851 Parker E C Dr, ofc Durham bl..........................75 . Parker E C Dr, res Beach..................................62 Parker J A, res 636 E Beach..............................952-J Patterson C A, res 15th......................................1163 Patton E N Mrs, res 1528 E Beach..................524 Payne J F, res Long Beach................................598 Peebles D W, res 36th av & 15th...............760 Peerless Ice Cream Co, 14 th..............................102 PELICAN FISH MARKET, Market 13th 29th av....................................493 Pelican Packing Co, W Pier............................160 Pellegrino John, store 13th ..............................668 Penny J C Co, 1304 26th av............................351 Penny Sam H, res 3426 W Beach..................585-J Perkins P R, rl est Hewes bl............................854 W 3 &> o PEERLESS ICE CREAM COMPANY PEERLESS Cream of Ice Creams A. & M. COLLEGE CREAMERY BUTTER PASTEURIZED SWEET CREAM 2910 13TH ST. TELEPHONE 102GULFPORT 32 ^Indicates P. B. Ex DAY DRUG CO. Telephones 11 an*. o "THE STORE OF EFFICIENT SERVICE" 00 00 M a* fc— a* LO CM LO CM ml cs ctf = o © fe Ul If 15 6 ■M O <0- a) o ■a •ia e O o O >% <5 "53 We Will Appreciate Your Prescription Work Perkins P R, res 312 Oak..................................514 Perkins T H, res Miss City............... Perry R M, res 1602 26th av.....................1087 Pharris A J, res 1623 3d .......................623-J Piaggio Henry Mrs, res Cowan rd.................116 Picard A I, res Long* Beach Miss....................1260- M Pig & Whistle No 1, City Play Ground____9143 Pilcher Geo W D, res 4220 W Beach................1156-J Pilsbury J B, res Handsboro............................1266-M Platts F L, res 2207 24th av............................93 Poitevant & Farve Lbr Co, Pier......................935 Polk Pearl Miss, res 2106 E Beach............53 Ponder F D, res 9th ...............................838-J Poole Geo C, res 1640 E Beach......................287 Porter J L, res Long Beach....................758 Porter J R, ofc 13th & 27th av..........................490 Porter J R, res Long Beach................................257 Postal Telegraph Co, call "Postal" Post Office, Federal bl ........................................40 Poupart H P, res Long 'Beach........................1252-W Powe J M, groc 2000 25th av..............................1026-J Power Oliver J, res 1604 18th av........................350 Powers Auto Service, 1317 29th av................289 Prados Jno, res Long Beach ..................794 Pratt J R, ofc 14th ............................239 Pratt J R, res Beach........................................163 Pratt W F, res E Beach......................................810 PREST-0-LITE BATTERY STATION, 2820 13th .....................................107 Price A J Dr, dentist Hewes bl...........* 121 Price A J Dr, res 1501 21st av........................273 Price Geo C, res E Beach....................................46 Price Harris Dr, ofc Hewes bl..........................366 Price Harris Dr, res 20th av......................832 Price Lumber Co, ofc 29th av.................63 Price W T Dr, res Soria City............................281 Prompt Rental Co, 14 th ...........................367 Pryale J W, res 606 Camp av..........................119 PUBLIC DRUG CO (NEW), 26 th av ............................................................560 Pugh Geo L, gro Handsboror............................771 Pulliam J J, res cor Bullis & 2d........................173 Purple A C, res E Beach.....................343 Purple Pigeon Studio, Barrett bl...........450 Putnam W D, res 909 36th av...'..................658-J Quality Poultry Co, ofc 13th.......... Quality Shop Tailoring Co, 25th av.. Quarrels May Miss, res Long Beach. Quigley T A, res 3406 11th........... Quigley Viola, res 1110 41st ........ 904 778 1292-J 870-J 1041-J Rabby Carlos J, rest 36th av..............................1029-J Rabby H B, res 24th av ....................................190 Rabby O Mrs, res 24th av.......................152 Rainold M W Dr, X-Ray laboratory Durham bl ...............................................500 Ramsay A J, Miss City........................................282 Randolph J S, res 1623 2d.................................329 Randolph J S & Sons, blksmth 25th av 17th. 365 Rankin H A Mrs, res 1417 22d av....................106 Rankin J W, res 18th..........................455-R Rau I B, res E Beach.................................837 Rayl's Garage, Long Beach................................1260-J Rayner Cafe, 27th av.......................123 *RAYNER HOTEL, Ofc 27th av..........................................804 Ofc 27th av ....................................................805 Rayner Hotel, pay sta 27th av.............9101 Rea F T, res 39th................................................597-J Redfield R E Auto Co, 1705 24th av................372 Reed Anna Miss, res 2337 31st av................822-W Reeves M Mrs, res 1244 E Beach......................32 Reicker D A, res 1610 19th av............................839 Reid Robt, res 924 E Beach................766-J Reilly D W Dr, ofc Durham bl............ 19& Reudolph Ellen, res 2019 31st av........... 1122 5 * Reynolds Alfred Admiral, res 1136 2d..... 1023-J Rhodes J H, res 1426 2d................... 347-W Rhorer Juliet Miss, res 1225 31st av........ 244 Rhorer M K Mrs, res 3120 12th............. 473 Rice N A, res 3700 10th.................... 1029-W Rich J C, groc Gaston Point............... 627 Rich Wm H, rl est 2508 13th............. 26 Rich Wm H, res W Beach................. 806 Richards H R Mrs, res 2305 25th av........ 710 Richards W D, res 2313 25th av........... 835-W Richardson F B, res Long Beach......... 1269-W. Richardson J S, res 33d av............... 1161-W Richardson L M, res 1428 E Beach.......... 136 Ridgley Thomas, res Miss City............ 1287-W Ridgeway S F P Capt, res 1600 18th av..... 750 Riemann E T, res Pratt.................... 29-W RIEMANN E T UNDERTAKING CO, Ofc 14th .............................. 29-J Riemann R Rev, res Handsboro......................1266-X Riley James, res Miss City..............................1263-J Roach J H, res Landon................... 881-F-5 Roberts J D, res 652 E Beach............ 884 Roberts L L Rev, res Long Beach.......... 761-J Robertson B B, res 3614 10th...............1115-J Robinson H P, res N Gulfport............. 507-W Robinson J T, taxi 27th av................. 485 Robinson J T Mrs, res 1510 23d av......>... 302 Rocco Henry, groc 2308 25th.............. 835-J _ Rogers N M, res 1313 31st av..............................1160- J Rollins H M, res 1200 2d....................................1043 Honey B, res 650 E Beach................. 902 Ross J C, atty Bank of Gulfport bl........ 168 Ross J C, res E Beach..................... 867 Ross Wm, res 921 38th av................. 646 Rowland Max, res 1207 31st av........... 581 Roy R R, res 4100 Finley.................. 861 Rueff Geo W, res Coleman av.............. 250 Runfalo Lawrence, res 1718 23d av......... 777 Russ C R, res 1524 Olive.................. 576 Russ J P, res 4000 10th........................................687-W Russell D T. res Camp av................. 588 Russell Lee M, rl est Hewes bl.............. 68 Ryland C A, res 2d................................1024-J S Saenger's Theatre, ofc 26th av............. Salloum M, dry goods 25th av.............. Salvation Army, W Beach.................. Samford A C U S Veterans hosp No 74 Sanasac M L Mrs, res 29th & 24th av ....... Sandell J R, res 28th...................... Sanders JOS, res E Beach............... Satchfleld W D, res W Beach.............. Saucier Geo W, market Long Beach........ Saucier Geo W, res Long Beach......... Saucier L B, res Long Beach.............. Saucier S B, res Long Beach............... Saucier W M Mrs, res 1606 26th av...... Saunders J H Mrs, res 1230 37th av...... Scanlon Fashion Shop, 14th................ Scarbrough M A, res 30th av & 17th........ Scharfenstein F W, res W Beach......... Schloegel G.A, res 28th ................... Schmidt C T, res E Beach............... Schmidt L V, res 1701 25th av............. Scott A C Mrs, millinery 2417 14th........ Scott J T Mrs, res 817 39th av............. Scott Ruth Mrs, res 2116 19th av............ Screen James, res R F D 2 Box 33-A..... Scruggs Foundry & Machine Shops, 30th av. Scull A C Capt, res West Beach. *.......... Seale Frank J, res 1414 23d av.............. Seaman W S, groc Handsboro ........... Selby E H, res 1114 32d av................ Sellers Tom, 1903 31st av.................. 901 673 654-J 151 ^ 665 1131-J 124i-X 204 1292-M 1229-M 2103 2103 1085 1175-J 92 735 1261-W 1130-W 1238-J 1067 201 838-W 1028 1261-M 28 240 868 927 611 693 Gray's Tire & Battery Service. Tel. 318 PARAMOUNT SERVICE DISTRIBUTORS FOR EXIDE BATTERIESIndicates P. B. Exchange. 33 6ULFP0RT JAY DRUG CO. Telephones 11 and 34 "HE STORE OF EFFICIENT SERVICE" We Carry a Good Variety of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Sevier J D, res Miss City....................................1238-R Seymour W A, market 1916 25th av................504 Sliansy F C Miss, res E Beach............. 165 Sharp Alice, res 1609 19th....................................471 Shaw H D, res 817 38th av..................................543 Shaw & Woleben, engrs archts City Hall.... 209 Sheely C A Dr, ofc Durham bl.............. 16 Sheely C A Dr, res 3002 Beach..........................18 Sheen F Marion Capt, res Long Beach.....12S0-M Sheen G L, res Long Beach..............................1239-R Shelly A J Mrs, reg 1618 Oak..........................559-W Shepard A, res 1409 2d....................................8S7-J Sheppard G W, res 2110 E Beach...........161 Sheriff's Office, Court House................................278 Shinnick H C, res 3617 10th..................571-W Ship Island Light House...........................1200 Shipp T R Mrs, res Long Beach Miss...... 1256-J Shirley Geo W, res 2219 25th av......... 1172 Shoemaker C V, res Olive..................................630 Showers J, res 1513 31st av..............................983 Shulenberger H E, res 3218 11th. ...................551-J Shulenberger J H, res 2014 23d........................888 Shuman Fred, res 24 th av..................................764 Sibley M R, res 1702 19th..................1053 Sides A P, res 1320 E Beach............................474 Simpson C A, ship /chandler Seeberg bl..........233 Simpson C A, res 13th & 31st av............296 Simpson R L, res 1640 E Beach........................287 Singer Sewing Machine Co, ofc 1413 26th av -439 Singletary C A, res 2301 20th av..........1065 Sisters of Charity, res Long Beach................364-W Sisters of Mercy, res 25th av & 17th..............437 Sizer H M, res 1024 31st av..............................1091-J Skellie Dairy, Long Beach ................................2203 Smith A L, res 11th...........................748 Smith C P Mrs, res 1914 24th av....................993 Smith E D Major, res E \3each......................1230-W Smith E E Jr, res 13th....................\ 171 Smith Frank De L, res 20th av & E Beach.. 934 Smith G A, res 1724 20th av...................865 Smith J C Mrs, res 32d av....................................638 Smith S J E, res 1421 33d av..............1127-W SMITH-TODD HDW CO, 14th ..................................................................81 Smith Vinson B Jr, architect Evans bl..........362 Smith W R Mrs, res 32d av & 14th..................458 Sneed H H Rev, res 1214 31st av......................306 Sneed Insurance Agency, Dent bl....................170 Sneed Jno, res Handsboro..................................1243-W Somas J & Nicolaidis & Co, 1923 31st av... 531 Somerville J W, ofc Durham bl..........................468 Somerville J W, fes Soria City......................321 Sorensen Charles, res Mississippi City............472 Southern Abstract Co, ofc Bk of Gulf port bl. 222 Southern Mutual Benevolent Assn, Thomas bl 859 Southern Realty Co, B Griffith bl..................567 Southern Stationery Co, Barrett bl................520 Southwestern Gas & Electric Co, 1315 25th av .............................................................271 Night calls 2820 25th av...................1088 Spengler H A Rev, res 2411 17th......................345 Spikes J S, res 1420 37th av.........................893-J Spitzkeit Walter H, res Miss City..................1287-J Splendid Cafe, 13th ............................................78 Stacy C S, res E Beach..................................1207-W Stalling J J, res 10th ..........................979-J Standard Electric Co, ofc 2407 14th..................455-J Standard Oil Co, Main Station, 30th av..................................731 Dock Station ..................................729 Auto Service Sta, 30th av..........................1059 Auto Service Sta, 23d av............................824 Auto Service Sta, 24th av............................496 Auto Service Sta, Jeff Davis Long Beach 1269-R Standifer J N Mrs, res 1516 19th av............194 Stapp E H, res 1912 E Beach......................373 Stegall J E, res 3601 11th....................................215-J Stevens H W, res 3621 11th..................979-W Stewart B W, res 4101 Finley............ . 1040 Stewart B W, groc 28th av............... 330 Stewart Ben, res 1807 22d av..............................1099 Stewart C A, res 948 E Beach............ 479 Stewart J T Mrs, res E Beach............................1120 Stewart W T, res Handsboro ...................2600 £tilwell Percy A, res E Beach............ 695 Stokes C W, 14th..........................1166 Stokes W G, res 2300 Beach............... 663 Stokoe A L, res E Beach....................................1010 Stone Geo H, res 1922 23d av............ 826 Storey Robson, res 3412 W Beach..................1038-W Storey Robson, ofc Thomas bl.........................1155 Strange Thos G, res 3814 W Beach......... 480 Stratakos Candy Co, 14 th & 25th av........ 762 Stratakos L, res 1311 29 th av............. 188 Stribbling W B, res 2d........................................1016-W Stribling Webb, res 1016 2d................ 523-J Stuard J F, ofc Hewes bl.................. 464 Stuard J F, res E Beach................. 653 Style Shop, store Anderson Theatre................416 Sunrise Pressing Shop, 27th av Raynor Hotel 708 Susan Frank, furn 15th................... 384 Swan G A, res country ........................2400 Swayze H H, res Landon.................1213-W Swearingin H E, res 1533 2d...................245-J Swift & Co, 29th av ..................... 218 Syfan W W, lbr 504 Hewes bl............. 110 Syfan W W, res 2216 14th................. 94 Sykes Jno A, res 1423 Second................599-W Sykes T M, prin of a Junior Academy............830 Taquino F, res Long Beach .....................741 Tatum Marie B Mrs, res 1004 E Beach..........553 Taylor A E, res 2013 31st av............................989 Taylor Bros Drug Store, 1915 4.0th av............897 Taylor Bros Drug Store, 1915 30th....................9100 Taylor E A Dr, res 2006 30th av........................719 Taylor E S, room 1326 23d av..........................783 Taylor G C, res 1109 32d av........................648-W Taylor J L, atty Bk of Com bl...................214 Taylor J L, res 1804 Beach....................206 Taylor J T Dr, res E Beach................................825-J Taylor Joseph, res Long Beach...............2206 Taylor R H, res 1613 Thornton av..................755 Taylor W M, res 3313 12th..............................359 Taylor Wm R, res 4422 W Beach......................292 Teichert C T, res 1110 81st av........................680 Temming R V, res 3507 11th......................215-W Texas Oil Company, 27th av & 17th........ 202 Tharp J H, res 4802 W Beach..................848 The Dixie Press, Elks bl...................73 The Fair, 14th ..........................................995 The Gem Pocket Billiard Hall, 27th av............36 The Ideal Grocery, 14th........................................19 The Multigraph Shop, 26th av............................337 Thomas Josie Miss, res Hewes av....................656-J Thompson A O, res 31st av W Beach..........733 Thompson Geo, res 2010 18th av............942 Thompson T P, 1520 2d....................................766-W Thornton S J Mrs, res 1433 2d............................894 Thurman F M, res 1912 23d av........................971 Tippen P H M, res 1118 31st av......................38 Tippin H K Dr, res 1213 31st av..................715-W Tippins H K Dr, ofc Hewes bl............................31 Titus A V, res Miss City.......................1207-R Todd G C, res E Beach..........................................405-R Todd Jas D, res 3319 11th................................153 Todd W A, agt Gulf Refining Co, 23d av 21st ...........................................342 Todd W A, res E Gulf port..................................331 Todd W E, res E Beach....................................140 Tomlinson S A, res 1416 22d av......................164 Tomlinson S A, farm 33d av..................718 Toulme C V, res 1401 14th...............................737 Toulme E D, res 1511 31st av..............1048 Toulme R E, Barrett bl....................................450 Trackless Transportation Co Inc, 1489 26th av 283 GO CO m m 7} SPJ 3P1 -73 s p 3M ID 0) m (0 m 8 r m m ■o I o z m x CO • Do You Want Quality Groceries? Bugna Bros. PURE LUCCA OLIVE OIL TELEPHONES 906, 907GULFPORT 34 ^Indicates P. B. Exchaii Gulfport Transfer & Storage Co Tel. 361 Special Attention- Given to Musical Instruments and Furniture CRATING, PACKING, SHIPPING AND STORK 1411 TWENTY-SIXTH AVE. GULFPORT, Ml; Trippe Joe, feed & groc store 1823 25th av.. 432 True F B Mrs, res E Beacli.............. 1274-W Tunny James, res 1105 3"0th av........... 234 Turner C B, store 14th ................... 322 Turner M H Mrs, res W Beach........... 1211 -M U 0) mi wm o a; us a: Ul UJ Ulmer A C, res 1701 31st av................ Union Cafe, cafe 27th av.................. Union Depot ............................. Union Depot (Col) Waiting Room, pay sta 27th av .............................. Union Grocery Store, 25th av & L« & N..... Union Hotel, 27th av ..................... Union Pay Station, L & N Depot........... U S Custom House, Government bl....... . U S Immigrant Office, Government bl...... U S Public Health Service, ofc Durham bl U S Veterans Hosp No 74 Officer of the Day. Medical Officer in Charge.............. Chief Clerk........................... Property Custodian.................... Superintendent of Construction......... Dietitian ............................. Nurses Quarters....................... Executive Officer's Quarters............... Medical Officer in Charge Quarters......... Ussery E D, res 312 2d................... Ussery R H Mrs, res Kelly ................ 183 196 13 9110 970 5S7 9105 712 30 16 1183 1180 1181 1182 1182 1184 1185 1186 1187 320 126 Van Cloosters J Mrs, res Long Beach.. Van Dorsten A, res 3300 R R av..... Van Scoter Geo, res Handsboro Miss. Via Lillian Miss, ofc Court House..... Volking J W, res 817 Joseph.......... Vowell W A, res 1109 33d av....... 1229-X 548-J 1242-X 103 780-J 648-J W Wacker Jno Mrs, res 1205 30th..........................1064 Wagatha Louis, groc str Miss City..................858 Wainwright W H, res 1540 2d .................400 Walden E, res 33d av..........................................986 Waldmeier Jewelry Store, 14th...4................502 Waldmier E, res 15tl> ......................................328 Walker H A, res Olive........................................1016-J Walker Jno Mrs, res 2010 23d ........................959-W Walker Thos A, res 712 2d..............................1018-W Walsh J H, res 4110 W Beach............ 566 Walston W H, res 1111 31st av........................115 Warren & Moore, store Wortham........Toll Station Washington Betty Miss, res 1529 21st av... 418 Washington R H Jr, res 1535 2d........................245-W Washington R H, res 1525 21st av..................850 Waterman S S Corporation, ofc Durham bl 286 Watkins M M, res Handsboro.........................1266-W Watrous G S, res Long Beach...............1292-W Weaver J A, res 2212 Beach............... 582 West H H Dr, ofc Medical bl............. 130 West H H Dr, ofc Medical bl.............. 185 West H H Dr, res E Beach............... 76 West J D, groc 2723 24th av.............. 1021 West Side Grocery Co, store 13th.......... 998 West Side Meat Market, 13th.............. 683 West Side School, W Gulfport............. 846 West V E, res 2117 14th.................... 820 Western Union Telegraph Co, call.....Western Union Wetherbee E L, gents furns 2601 14th...... 169 Wharton E E, res 1206 32d av............. 857 Whetstone A L, res 1608 19th av........... 555 White P H, rl est Ballinger bl............. 341 White P H, res 1511 18th av.............. 586 White Walter H, res E Beach.............. 976 White & Ford, attys Abstract bl.......... 685 Whitfield R F, res 3501 10th.............. 1124-W Wilder W I Mrs, res 3710 10th............ 1124-J Wilkinson J D Dr, ofc rm 26 Medical bl.... 462 Wilkinson J D Dr, res Front & Oak........ 784 Willett E D Jr, res Long Beach............ 1292-R Willett S R, res Long Beach....................1256-X Williams B B & Co, toll sta Wortham....... Williams C F, res Gaston Point........... 782-J Williams Carl H, res Long Beach........... 1269-J Williams D H, res 1909 31st av............. 1049 Williams Dan'l J Dr, ofc 13th.............. 484 Williams Dan'l J Dr, res Long Beach...... 613 Williams J B, res 11th................... 847-J Williams P A, res 1513 19th .............. 556 Williams S M Mrs, r6s 1511 19th av........ 657 Williamson J C, res 2022 24th av...........1019 Williamson O C, res 11th.................. 870-W Wilson A F, res 917 39th av............... 988-J Wilson F M, res 1716 2d.................. 618 Wilson H W (col), dentist 2515% 14th..... 162 Wilson H W Dr (col), res 2001 30th av..... 799 Wilson Lee Mrs, res 1520 22d av........... 235 Windsor C P, res 812 Woodward av........ 622 Winters D Dr, res 14th & 33d av........... 192 Withee H J, store Landon................. 1213-X Woleben Dean P, res 1424 2d.............. 722 Wood T A, res 1502 15th ................. 996 Wright Alice Mrs, res 11th & 31st av....... 403-W Wright Uriel, res Long Beach.............. 1256-R Wylie M C Mrs, res Miss City............. 24-J YELLOW CAB CO, Ofc 1406 26th av.......................600 Yelverton Hilda, res 1715 24th av......................275 Yerger & Palmer, ofc Hewes bl ......................301 Yerger Rucks, lwyr rm 203 Hewes bl............301 Yerger Rucks, res 1226 2d av............................415 Yonkelowitz M, res 2222 17th ...................682 Yound Hillard Pratt...........................................1056 GO oo Bell Telephone Service Fills every requirement of the office and home. It is recognized as the standard of the world. We are striving to render a perfect service. Your suggestions and criticisms are invited.imberluiifa. telephone & Telegraph Company | (INCORPORATED) OCEAN SPRINGS, MISS. A. M. FISH BURN, Group Manager, Gulf port, Miss. W. A. DEALE, Mississippi Mgr., Jackson, Miss. Employes of this Company are forbidden to accept either oral or written telephone messages to be trans- mitted by an employe of this Company over the lines of this Company. IN CASE OF TROUBLE WITH YOUR TELEPHONE CALL REPAIR CLERK Corrected to OCTOBER 1, 1924 Acme Pressing Club, Wash av..........................148 Aitken Edith M Miss, res RFD 2....................2004 Ames Carrie G Mrs, res Calhoun av..................62 Anderson A M, res Front Beach ..................130 Applegate W E Jr, res R F D........................2013 Arndt Geo E, rl est ins F & M St B bl............132 Arndt Geo E, res Jackson av............................22 Ashley E M, res John av ..........................92 Babendreer E P Dr, ofc Washington av... 170 Bailey O L Dr, ofc Wash av.....,..................23 Bailey O L Dr, res Jackson av........... ...ill Baker Orien, coffee store Wash av.............34 Ba.rnhart R P, res Goose av......................124 Bechtel Nursery, R F D......................................2303 Bechtel Theo, res Hollywood, Porter av..........70 Bell C S, res Iberville av...................42 Bellande E A, res Jackson av.....................36 Benedict H W, res Cleveland av........................177 Benjamin A L Mrs, res Porter av......................175 Benton E J Mrs, res Marion av.................19 Berthaut E, res Was av .......................14Q Boyd J M Mrs, res Wm av E Bch....................5 Bradford Floyd, undertaker Wash av..............118 Bradford Fred, res Bowen av.....................79 Bradford S, res Porter av ....................159 Bradshaw G W, res Govn ..................84 Bransford C H, res Co rd......................161 Brewer Chas Mrs, res RFD..............................2721 Broad Wm A, res Dewey av..............................51 Brou C E Mrs, res Jackson av..........................87 Bryan F H, res Jackson av................................33 Builder's Supply Co, lbr yd Ft Bayou............74 Butler W F, res Calhoun av............................136 Catchot A J, res Porter av.. ..............93 Catchot A P, res Iberville..................................160-J Chase Tom H Mrs, res R F D 1......................2211 Clark Chas E, res Wash av........................41 Clark E A, res Calhoun av..................81 Cochram T A, res RFD 1................................2705 Collier C P, res Co rd ........................126-W Colligan Nannie Miss, res Dill..........................125 Cooley Fred Mrs, res Cleveland av................37 CUMBERLAND TEL & TEL CO, Incorporated, Manager's office......................................9000 Dabney T E Mrs, res Porter av...................139 Davidson O D, res W Beach...................48 Davis E S, res Bowen av............................2 Davis E S & Sons, gen mdse Wash av...... 3 Davis Josephine Mrs, res Bowen av ..............149 Dennison O, res R F D...................2002 Dickey J L, res E Beach....................................120 Dillon P Jr Mrs. res John av ..........................83 Edwards J H, res Marion av & Beach............89 Edwards-J P, res R F D 1....................2313 Eglin Annie Miss, res Wash av........................1 Eglin Chas, meat mkt Wash av....................96 Engbarth Chas, res Ames......................134 Engbarth Claude, garage Wash av....................102 Engbarth L Mrs, res Porter av......._______8 Everhart A Fleet, res Iberville av..............98 FARMERS & MERCHANTS STATE BANK, Wash av..........................................................25 Fayard L J, res Jackson av................................168 Fire Department, Wash av................. 10 Fish O C, res RFD 1..........................................2311 Forkert C, res Kensington av ..........................11 Fort Bayou Fruit Co, farm RFD No. 1.... 2112 Friar Geo L, res Wash av ................ 114 Frush G Mrs, res Washington av......... 88 Galle Frank Jr, res Dill av ................ 173-J Garlotte Lewis, res RFD 2................2712 Garrard's, hdw Wash av ..........,,....... 69 Germain H H, res Jackson av............ 30 Gillespie F J, res Govn ................... 65 Girot H L, barn Cherokee Farm......... 172-W Girot H L, res Cherokee Farm............. 172-J Glascock E R, res Jackson av.............. 171 Gottsche's, gen mdse Wash av.............. 56 Gottsche's Grocery, Washington av........ 166 Hamill R W, res Fountainebleau .......... 2504 Han?ill R W, res Ftn Bleau Pt............ 2502 Hamill R W, res farm.................... 2503 Handy Ellis, res E Beach.................. 71 Hardin T P, res R F D 2................ 2711 Havens Henry Mrs, res RFD No 1........2114 Heath M W Mrs, res 47 Jackson av........ 106 Hill Harry Mrs,, res Rayburn av............ 127 Hodges C T Mrs, res Iberville av.......... 9 Holland G H, res R F D 1................. 2102 Hollingsworth C A Mrs, res Middle av...... 105 Holloway J D, res Wash av................ 94 s Honor Jno B, res Many Oaks..................147 Hottinger Gustave, res E Beach........... 157 HUBER'S PHARMACY, Wash av ........................................................128 Humphrey V G, res R FD 1..............................2122 Hunt A B, res Front Beach....................144 Hutson W, res R F D..............................2314 Ice Factory, fcty Beach..............................78-J Illing E W, res Porter av....................................12 Joachim B F Sr, res Bowen av........................47 JOACHIM'S LIVERY & TRANSFER, Wash av ............................................59-J Johnson Chas, res Jackson av...............116 Julian Joseph, res Porter av.....................113 Julian M P, res Porter av..............................39 Kelley M A Mrs, res Holcomb blvd..................2312 Kimbley Geo C, res R F D...............2212 Krohn S, market Wash av..................................49 Kuppersmith W M Mrs, res Beach..................169 L & N R R Co, gen ofc First av.................31 L'Cand J V, res Dewey av..................................123 Lee A E, res Iberville av...............................150 Lee F E res Washington av............... 141 Lemon J K, Wash av................................29 Lemon J K, res 16 Iberville av....................26 Lewis A E, res R F D 2......................................2703 Lindsey W S, res Porter av..............................178 Lundy L A, res Wash av...........n..........137 Maier Eug A, res Beach....................................78-R Marques Ed, res Porter av ..............................146 Marshall W S, res Iberville av........................61 Martin C L, res W Front Bch..................55 Maxwell Geo B, sea food Washington av________165 McClure C E Mrs, res Raynor av..................85 McClure L M, res Wash av....................73 McEwen Geo E, res RFDl..................2302 McNafnee H, res Porter av................................138 Mestier E J, res Cleveland av............................90 Mestier L J B, res- Washington av..................44 Mitchell Edith C Mrs, res RFD 1.............2304 Money H D, res R F D............................103 Moran Fred Mrs, res Washington av............162 Murphy James, res Porter av..............................176 > (ft ■ PI ■ ■0 > 00 t/> H >■ TP c/a tret w M
< o CO CM § 00 Q. E Q. O o o Q- O 5) Noble G H, res RFD 2................... 2723 Ocean Springs Social Club, Calhoun av..... 75 OCEAN SPRINGS DRUG STORE, Drugs, O S Bk bl...................... 43 Ocean Springs Packing Co, R PD.......... 2011 OCEAN SPRINGS STATE BANK, Washington av ..............................................35 O'Keefe J, res Porter av...................142 O'Keefe Taxi & Transfer, Wash av................46 Olivere H Mrs, res Iberville av..........................129 O'Neal Francis Capt, res W Beach..................153 Orrell Albert, res R F D..................2103 Pace Emma E Mrs, res Wash av......................143 Palmer Nettie Mrs, res Holcombe blvd............2305 Parkinson B F, res Porter av.......................58 Parlin C G Mrs, res Front Beach........... 52- Pecaut A R, res R F D.................................2022 Penick H O, res E Beach.....................117 Perryman E S, res East Beach.............91 Pines The, htl Wash av ................... 95 Poitevent J Mrs, res Porter av........................107 Porter Wm Mrs, res Porter av........................54 Powell H B Dr, res Wash av..............................53 Price M D, res RFD No. 1 Biloxi.........2012 Pritchard J F, res R F D................................2323 Purington D Y Mrs, res Calhoun av..................68 Quave David, res R F D 1................. 2113 Ramsey David, res RFD ..............................2023 Ramsay S G, res RFD 1.............2105 Rehage Dairy, res Dewey av..............................13 Rehage J A, res Washington av......................38 Richter C L<, res R F D 1...................2203 Rosambeau A V Mrs, res Jackson av.... Rott Anna Mrs, res Bowen av ......... Rupp Robert, res John av.............. Russell H F, rl «st, ins, fur Wash av..... Russell H F, res Wash av.............. Russell Minor, res Jackson av........... 24 7 67 40 76 104 Russey R E, res E Beach................................9. Ryan Henry Mrs, res Bowen av........................11! St Alphonsus Church, Jackson av..................7z Satcher Lizzie, res Co rd......................................133 Scales Dalton Mrs, res R F D............................2003 Schmidt F E, bakery Wash av. .....................64 Seymour Frank, res Dewey av..........................14 Seymour J R, res Dewey av.........................20 . Seymour J R, fish house Wash..........................27 Seymour Paul, res R F D..................................2014 Simon Philip, res R F D 1.................2732 Snell I H, res R F D 1........................................2222 Spencer S C, res RFD 1..................2213 Stuart A B, res Porter av.........................77 Stuart F F Mrs, res Porter av..........................21 Stuart W R Mrs, res Co rd................................45 Suburban Orchard Co, Cleveland av............158 Tardy E L, res R R av...............:________18 Taylor Sam, res E Ry............................108-W Thiac Chas L Mrs, res Bowen av......................86 Thomas Chas L, res Porter av..........................17-J Thompson Trowy, res R F D..............................2131 Tillman G W, res Wm av ...................4-W Usner E B, res E Beach...................................131 Van Cleave W S, gen mdse Wash av................15 Van Cleave W S, genl mdse Wash av..............16 Van Cleave W S, res Porter av.............100 Ver Nooy Chas B, res Calhoun av......................163 Vickers D E Rev, res Porter av........................82 Webster S N, res Porter av............................28 Weed F M, res Iberville av.....................135-R Weider Garage, Wash av....................................167 Wieder J A, res Wash av...........................145 Wright J C, res Ft Bayou. Young Edw, res Bayou rd.......... Young O A, res Government....... Young Orey Sr, res Bowen av.. Young & Son, auto serv whlrt Co rd. 80 60 63 . 6-J 6-W liS c/d The BEAUTY PARLORS We have the most up-to-date parlors that you will find anywhere. We are equipped to fur- nish you with first-class work. We invite an inspection of our parlors, which are in charge of experts that know the business. We cater to the most exacting taste, and if you will call on us and allow our experts to show you the kind of work that we do, and at reason- able prices, you will be well satisfied for your trouble. - KIMBROUGH and QUINT BUILDING TELEPHONE 281 BILOXI, MISS.BRAUN BROTHERS ICE AND FUELlfl ! • • ................... -- Montevallo Coal Telephone 429-J Eagle Lumber & Supply Co. Railroad, Magnolia and Croesus Streets Telephone 228 LUMBER and All Kinds of Building Material ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED MODERN EQUIPMENT "THE HANDY LUMBER YARD" WALTER H. LATIMER, Manager< 00 CM "O ^ s 0 O 1 m Q. w5 LU rs Hi UJ o H- tc yj £ o lil GEO. TREMMEL CASH GROCER i Fancy and Staple Groceries Telephone 502 Prompt Delivery GLAZIER REFRIGERATING CO. g ICE i—i > S- CC m UJ I h! wholesale and retail TELEPHONE No. 164-J MAGNOLIA AND R. R. COLD STORAGE 0 i 2 % o >« Q. < o R. B. Dacey & Company LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED Yellow Pine Lumber and Building Material telephone 70 biloxi, miss. BILOXI AUTO COMPANY S. N. HASS, Proprietor Pioneer Repair Shop of Biloxl . Expert Mechanical Service ? Everything for the Automobile S g Borries' Meat Market Western and Home Killed < Meats, Hams, etc. o telephone 58 120 w. howard ave. free delivery 306 LAMEUSE STREET TELEPHONE 353 _ _ 1 Sanitary Meat Market H. J. LIZANA, Proprietor f Free Delivery Telephone 77 Open All Day Sunday East Howard AvenueThis book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2019