ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2019.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Copyright. Reproduced according to U.S. copyright law USC 17 section 107. Contact for more information. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Preservation Department, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2019 R: In Case of Fire, Call "Fire Department TELEPHONE DIRECTORY DeRidder, La. Merryville, La. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TELEPHONE 84 DeRIDDER, I_,A. OLDEST BANK IN BEAUREGARD PARISH. RESOURCES NEARLY TWO MILLION DOLLARS '• Your Business Is Appreciated NATIONAL SERVICE STATION Parts, Accessories Ford Work Especially Telephone 221 or 437 Night TELEPHONE 139 DAY FORM CI 36 8-20 DUNLAP'S I* FR,SH MEAT QOPY :— return to Commercial Dep't Room 1126 195 BROADWAY Teiepnone zjg, uay * rii The directory la an eaaantlal part of your telephone equipment. We furnlah one copy to each telephona eta 11 on. Do not mlaplace or deatroy thla book. CITHE UNIVEBSAl OAS McMahon Motor Co. Authorized Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Parts and Accessories Telephone SALES DEPT. 2 PARTS DEPT. 75 SERVICE DEPT 121 USED CAR DEPT. 167 DeRIDDER, LA.Page ONE BISHOP & NICHOLS |OcnGrsil Exclusive Agents for THE PETERS ALL* DRY GOODS STORE LEATHER SH0ES and THE 6UARANTEED in DeRidder EVERFAST SUITING. It will never, never FADE. YOUR PATRONAGE IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED TELEPHONE 28 DeRIDDER, LA. U. S. CAFE r^r' The Place of Quality and Service! TRY OUR REGULAR MEALS "We Serve the Best Only" TELEPHONE No. 186 PETER MALPIE, Prop. DeRIDDER, LA. OUR FAMILY TRADE MANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS RARELY COME TO OUR STORE1 THEY GIVE US THEIR ORDER BY TELEPHONE BASS GROCERY MOST COMPLETE STORE STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES HARDWARE AND FEED A. A. BASS WASHINGTON AVE. TELEPHONE 283^ Page "TWO b DeRidder Service Station, Inc. DEPENDABLE MECHANICS Fisk Red-Tops Chain Batteries Telephone 383 DRIVE-IN FILLING STATION LEE NICHOLS 4 ■ ' -J N I WOOD and COAL II PROMPT SERVICE LOW PRICES Telephone 245 Watches Diamonds Jewelry "EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING" Champion's Jewelry Store OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTOR P. O. 638 DeRidder, La.Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Company (INCORPORATED) DeRIDDER, LA. » E. V. TURNER, Manager C. A. STAIR, Louisiana Mgr., New Orleans, La. > Employes of this Company are forbidden to accept either oral or written telephone message* to bs trans* mitted by. an employe of this company over the lines of this Company. IN CASE OF TROUBLE WITH YOUR TELEPHONECALL REPAIR CLERK Corrected to APRIL 15, 1925 o a Adams A F, res 111 Bon Ami.............. Adams Dry Goods Store, 115 1st............ Allardyce J C, res 302 Port................ American R R Exp Co, 220 Shirley......... -'Anderson Bert, restaurant 105 Washington av Anderson Bert, res Bryan................. Anderson Hiram, res 412 Stewart.......... Anderson J T, res 109 Third............... Arms J K Mrs, res 217 Moss.............. 405 31 434 47 384 371 2S5 266 458 B V Bailey J J, res 411 Warren..............................279 Balistrella Sam, store 202 1st................401 Ball S A, res rural........................215-F-04 Barbee C E, res 712 Bonami............447 Barentine A H, res 511 Royal...................433 Barrett H M, res W Edition..'..........................134 BarrumW A, re<3 701 Washington av........ 403 Bass A A, res 406 Bon Ami....................77 Bass Grocery Co, 201 Washington av..............283 Bass Leo, res 416 Pine.......................................122 Beadle E R, res 714 Pine................................207 Beauregard Health Unit,' ofc Court Hse..........168 Beauregard Ins Agency, vip3 % 1st..................192 Beauregard Motor Co, ofc Wash....................105 Beauregard Parish Jail..................... 217 Bennett Jack, res 521 Pine.1. .......................437 Bennett W ,E Mrs, res 601 Warren................259 Bessie Lee Hotel, 123 1st....................................88 Bilbo Auto Supply, 202 1st..................................385 i Bilbo M M, res Lchs hwy..................................340 Bilbo M M, res 4*8 Bilbo........................340 Bilbo W J, res Division ........................156 Bishoff J J, res rural............................................215-F-13 Bishop I M, res rural .............................6£-F-05 Bishop R R, store 129 Washington av............20 Bishop R R, res 311 Bishop............275 Bishop & Nichols, store 109 1st.......................28 Black E R, res 302 7thu......................................131 Blue D D, res 107 S Royal..................................261 Boyer Goldie Miss, res 309 Royal...............375 Box J A, res 213 2d................................377 Brannon R H, res 502 Warren____......... 380 Brevelle J J, res 314 Pine ..................................286 Brown C E, res 117 Mahlon..............................41 Brown Paul M, res McMahon............................220 Buhler Fred, res 316 Pine..................................204 Buie HA, res 214 3d..................... . 417 Burnett R L Mrs, res 201 Wilson....................378 Cagle H J, res 610 1st..........................399 Cagle K R, res 301 Royal............'............89 Cagle Robert, res 212 Royal................................419 Cain E, res 114-Division i..................................74 Cain J H, Assessors ofc Court House..............184 Cain J H, res 118 2d.......................153 Calcasieu Mercantile Co, groc City..................53 Calkins A M, Warren St Groc, 621 Warren.. 396 CARMAN STUDIO, Ofc Wash .................................'274 Carter Geo, res 102 Royal..........................171 Cashion R B, res 309 Pine........................110 Cerasie Sam, res 105 Pine....................1Z0 Chamber of Commerce, ofc Court House. Chamberlain J B, res 705 Royal__________ Champion J F, res 212 3d.............. Champion Jewelry Store, 107 Washington av 146 313 452 218 Chancery Clerk's ofc, Court House................181 City Drug Store, 111 Washington av.____... 43 City Service Station, 1st ...............................161 Clark A A, res 706 Bon Ami...........................Ill Clark W J, res rural .............................150- F- 04 Clements E Dr, ofc Roberts B1.................54 Clements E Dr, res 108 Jeff...................102 Cline G W .Jr, res 209 4th.............352 Cobb L T, res 517 Pine..'....................................224 Cobb W L, res 405 Washington...................276 Coca-Cola Bot Wks, ofc 230 1st......................81 Cooley L A, res rural ..............69-F-22 Cooper Clarence, res 510 Bilbo.............456 Cooper M L, res 108 Bryant..................................423 Coward Fannie Miss, res 309 Royal____.... 48 Crain N C Rev, res 207 Stewart........................141 Crawford J E Dr, res Ludington.....................265 Crawford M E, res 210 Royal.......%............142 f Creed T L, res 601 Warren........................359 Crews I M, res 163 Broad.........................361 Crocker B R, res 110 Division...............315 Crocker E W, res 114 N Royal..................311 Crockers Market, ofc E 1st................................46 Crumpler Jim, res 115 Pine.....................260 CUMBERLAND TEL & TEL CO, Incorporated, 102 & 1st, ' . For numbers not listed call........ .Information For reporting trouble call...........Repair Clerk Manager's ofc ............................................9000 Chief Operator's ofc ....................................9040 Plant Dept ......................................................9020 Darnell C W, res 412 Pine............J..... 382 Davenport A M, res 417 Shirley........................337 •Davis C C, res 103 Texas...................248-J Davis Dplf, res rural ......................309-F-22 Davis V Drew, res 309 Washington av.. 1.. 216 Davis W R, res rural......................................309-F-11 Dees Clarence, garage 301 Royal.................445 Dees Clarence, res 309 Royal.......195 Dees J C, res 404 1st............................................406 Dempsey J Y-, res 115 Royal................100 Denton A L, res 314 Bishop............V.. 324 DeRidder Battery Station, 201 N Stewart... 383 DeRidder Enterprise, ofc 219 Washington av. 18 DeRidder Fire Company, Stewart....;............67 ;DeRidder Gro Co, 117 First.................9 DeRidder Gro Co, 117 First.................................10 DeRidder High School, ofc 1st......>.■.... 158 ' DeRidder Hotel, pay sta 108 2d...................9103 De Ridder Ice Cream Co, ofc 210 1st.........238 DeRidder Insurance Agcy, ofc 119% Wash av 290 DeRidder Light & Power Co, ill Wash..........360 DeRidder Light & Power Co* plaint................23 DeRidder Overland Co, garage 117 Stewart.. 392 DeRidder Sanitarium, ofc 502 S Pine..............144 DeRIDDER STEAM LAUNDRY, 104 4th ..............................3 DeRidder Transfer Station, Wash..........14 DeRidder Tire Shop, 114 Stewart......................152 m t/> H m > 3 > c i 2 > 2 30 ~ rn JT rn 2 m 2 o o o HI

Filmer B A Mrs, res 401 1st..............................446 First National Bank, 131 Washington av... 84 First Natl Bank, V-Pres ofc 131 Wash..... 17 Force Geo B, res 110 Royal.......................222 Ford Dottie Miss, res 309 Mahlon ..............326 Ford J B, res 317 Bishop....................................85 Franzen F E, res» rural ...........................215-F-02 Frazar J D Dr, res 504 Shirley......"...........225 Frazar W H, res 611 Royal........................197 * Frusha John, res 609 Bon Ami....................441 Frusha L, res Almad Dane rd.....................58 G Galloway A W, res 110 Mahlon........................213 Galloway M M, res 159 Warren........................292 Gardiner Alice Mrs, res 313 Broad....................270 Garsola Ben, res 319 Stewart..........................254 Gena Thomas, res 206 Port................................418 Gibson G H, mattress facty 308 Stewart.... 124 Gibson G H, res 101 1st......................................438 Gillican Charles, res 415 Pine..........................185 Gimmick P G, res rural.................................69-F-ll Godbold H W, res 703 Washington av............305 Gouldin Carl, res 407 Shirley............................24 Governale Joe, store 202 Bilbo.......427 Granberry T S, res rural ...........................215-F-21 k Gray R H, res. 109 Royal....................................214 " Green D M, res 901 1st.........................284 Green Geo, farm rural .........69-F-04 Green V E, ofc Post Office............/__________137 Green V E, res 113 Division............................395 Green W M, res country ...................16-J Greenwald Inc, store 112 Washington av... 57 Greenwald E, res 120 Jefferson..........................*232 Griner T A, res 508 Warren............................338 Gulf Refining Co, ofc .....................64 Guy S E, res 110 Division.........................342 V H Hamilton E A, res 208 3d............................416 !: Hanchey A J, res 103 Pine................................52 Hanchey J M, res 309 Royal............................349 Hannah Charles, res rural....................215-F-04 Harless Claude, res 311 Bon Ami................226 Harper Joe, res 220* Mahlon.............. 352 I Harper S Mrs, res 415 W&rren.................49 Harry Huber Co, ofc 1100 Port..................211 Hart Loyd E, res 308 Royal.......................358 Hartman Geo B, res 311 Broad......................15 Hartwell C K Mrs, res 205 McMahon............390 ; Harvey Murry, res 512 Royal..................221 ^Haskins A, res 308 Stephenson.....................162 Hays A H, res 605 Bon Ami..........................414 Heard G M, res 315 Pine.........................356 Heard Joe, res 302 Pine.....................301 Henry Pat Mrs, res 511 Pine................430 Hicks C T, res 616 Warren.........................159 Hillman Joe, tailor shop 116 1st......................108 Hillman Joe, res 125 Royal.........................354 Holbrook C V, res 610 Bon Ami........................268 Holland C S, res 214 4th....................................280 Hood Otto, res Ludington ......................26-W Hopkins L V, res 416 W 1st.......................291 Hotel Sellars, 206 1st..........................................345 House W H, res 301 Shirley..........................318 Houston Edgar, res 302 Broad........................413 Howell M R, res country....................................187 Hoy John Mrs, res 501 S Stewart....................350 Hudson River Lbr Co, Gen Mgrs ofc 119% Wash......................101 Ofc 1191/2 Wash ........................................38 Doctor's ofc Wash ...........................166 Machine shop mill ofc .....................25 Ice plant, ofc E 3d. ...................................56 Huffman C B, res 507 Division........................235 Hunt E E, res 305 Boil Ami..............................454 I Ideal Drug Store, 102 Washington av..............210 lies Joe, res 119 Mahlon.....'............................344 He's Market, 237 E 1st......................................437 Illes D Mrs, res 411 Pine....................................330 Inzerella Tony, store 117 1st............................450 . Irvine Frank, res 211 Broard............................263 V J Jackson T A, res 212 Cole.....................182 Johnson D S, res 508 Royal..........................267 Johnson Fred, res 201 Pine..............................154 Johnson J A, res 407 Warren.................172 Johnson J M, res 610 Royal.......................257 Johnson Tresmer, res 108. Bryan...............239 Johnson W F, res 208 Shirley.... .^..............331 Johnsons Bakery, 110 Shirley..........................114 Jchnsons Bakery, 110 Shirley..................376 Johnston L R, res 210 1st................................455 Jones C O D No 2, store 151 1st......................34 Jones Chas C, res 301 Pine............................165 Jones Feed Store, MoSs ....................65 Jones Groc & Coffee, store 106 1st..............33 Jones H M, res 505 feon Ami...................346 Jones H M Furn & Hwd Co, 131 1st................314 Jones J B, res 116 Wilson.......................250 Jones N A, res 508 Division....................293 Jones Robt, res 581 Washington av................39 Jones S H, ofc Court House................106 Jouban M, store 127 Washington....................155 K •Kansas City Southern R R Depot....................302 Kansas City Southern R R, pay station.... 9102 Kern C C, res 701 Royal .....................440 Kern L C, res 710 Bon Ami......................439 Kay Ped C, law ofc 103% 1st..-..'..................42 Kay Ped C, res 308 Broad......................32 KILLMAN GRADY, Tailor shop 105 Washington av..........40 . Killman, H G, res 305 Royal............................432 Killman J B, res 301 Mahlon...................335 Killman J J, store 237 E 1st............................351-J Killman L L, res Pine........................................223 ^King J F, res Ludington...........................29 Kirkpatrick Lidia Mrs, res 107 Pine....... 299 Kohler M J, res 408 1st......................................147 Kollmey J, res 204 Pine...........................87 L L C & N R R Co, Supt ofc................................51 Ii C & N R R Co, Freight Depot....................194 Liacaze Dutch, res 306 Division......... . . 426 Lacaze Hotel, 202 Jefferson............ «... 109 Lacaze Pete, res 502 Pine..................................372 Lagrone J K, res 210 3d......................................113 Lange Rudolph, res rural...................215-F-03 Lchs Naval- Stores, ofc Roberts bl..................368 Le Blanc L E, res 112 Division..............391 LeRay Geo, res 419 Warren..................13 Lewis Asa, res 407 Royal.......................421 Lewis' Elbert, res 2d ..................................363 Lewis W S, res country....................16-W Lilly A L, res 315 Royal...........;............233indicates P. B. Exchange. 5 __DeRIDDER STORE »*■''*,* o Olds G H, res 505 Washington av.......... 247 O'Neal R J, ofc 102% Shirley............. 115 O'Neal R J, res 316 North................. 180 P Pace Preston, res Mahlon................. 453 Parker H M, res 118 Division..........................258 Parvalue Cafe, 109 1st..................................179 Patterson Nye, ofc Roberts bl.......................70 Patterson Nye, res 707 Bon Ami____....... 169 Peoples Drug Store, 109 E 1st..........................388 Perry W M, res 311 Royal.................................188 .Petro Simon, res 220 First...............................408 Phoenix Company, 103 Washington av..... 269 Phoenix Drug- Store, 101 Washington av________12 Pitman Jesse, res country...........................119 Pittman J H, res 318 Bishop............................400 Pittsburg Storage Co ..............................6-J Police Jury ofc, Court House.....'..................19 Porter R V Mrs, res 310 1st.............................272 Potts Frank, res Ludington La............. 133 Powell F E, res 502 Division................92 Powell & Lecompte, ofc 102 % Shirley............409 Frank E Powell Allen R LeCompte Q Quirk E C, res 312 Stephenson........................264 R Raggio F W, res 212 Broad.. ... . ...............170 Realart Theatre, 117 Washington av....... 436 Regan D A, res 208 Wilson.............. . 343 Reid T S, groc ofc 120 1st................................355 Reid T S, groc ofc 120 1st. ............................420 Relehan Tim, res 301 Bon Ami..................319 Reliance Press, ofc 109 Shirley........................149 Reynolds W D, res 517 Pine...............224' Rice S J, res rural.............................309-F-05 Riddick W M Mrs, res 312 Royal....................379 Roaton W C, res 412 5th...............;.. 339 vRoberson John D, res 419 Warren..................175 Roberts F M, res 508 Pine.............91 Roberts Hdw & Furn Store, Wash................21 Roberts Neal, res 501 Royal ..................278 Roberts S T Dr, ofc 119 %. Washington av. 22-J Roberts S T Dr, res 426 Pine.......„.............22-W Royal B F, res 406 Pine............!.......4?9 Ryder C E, res rural..........................................215-F-11 S Sage J C, res 213 Mahlon...........................370 Sailor W E, res 116 4th..........................203 Sample G G, res 214 3d....................328 Sanders J D, res 411 Washington av.......' 241 Sanders J W, res 101 Royal....................62 Sanitary Cafe, 111 First....!..............................205 Santa Fe R R Co, Agt ........................................194 Sartor T R Dr, ofc 109% Wash................59 Sartor T R Dr, res 306 Pine............ .. 281 Scalfie Bob, res Ludington............................76 Seale L P, res 304 S Royal......................402 Sharpton Ed, res 216 Mahlon..............................95 Shaw A I, res 410 Shirley..................................45 Shepard W F, res 1st..........................................449 Sheriff's ofc, Court House..................................183 Shirley D A Mrs, res Merryville rd.......... 143-W Shirley F T, res rural ........................................150-F-22 Shirley J D, res rural ........................150-F-02 Shirley Jas, res rural . .............................150-F-21 Shirley W D, res 116 Shirley ..................251 Shook C J, res 208 4th........................435 Shores J W, res Rural...............5..........69-F-03 Short C R, res 611 Bon Ami..............................237 Slireveport Creosoting Co, ofc .....................289 Sills Chas, res 211 4th.............'..............136 Simms J P, res 313 Division................443 Sims A K, res 207 Bryant......................80 Simmons A F, res rural ..........................150-F-12 Simmons J, res rural ................ . . .. 69-F-31 Simms Addye Miss, res 215 3d....... . .... 236 Simms J R, res 613 1st.....................140 PHOENIX DRUG Lindsay A B, res 206 Jefferson. ............199 Long Bell Land Hdqrts, colony house Lud- dington ................................................76 Long Bell, Post & Piling Dept, ofc. . .............288 Louisiana Oil Ref Corp, ofc 1st...........55 Louisiana & Pacific R R Co, Supt ofc.......51. Louisiana & Pacific R R Co, round house. . 428 Louisiana & Pacific R R Co, Auditors ofc. . 73 Love J F Dr, dental ofc 103% 1st...................200-J Love J F Dr, res ......................................200-W Love J G, res rural............................69-F-ll Love R L Dr, ofc 103'% 1st........................129 Love R L Dr, res 401 Bon Ami......................334. Loveland S R Mrs, res 602 Bon Ami................448 Ludington Lbr Co, ofc Ludington...................30 , Ludington Naval Stores, ofc Ludington.... 26-J Lunsford D G, Supt Education Court House. 90 Lunsford D G, res 501 Bon Ami...............96 Lutcher & Moore, turpentine wks Fowell. . . 82-J Lutcher & Moore Lbr Co, logging dept Fal. 82-W Lyle Robert, res 110 Stewart..............................72 Lyons A L, dairy country .....................240 M Mahan Emma Mrs, res 116 Pine.......... J 190 Maisel Nick F, res 107 Bon Ami...............304 Mallaza Toney, market 141 E 1st..........341 Malpie Peter, res 403 Pine..................................389 Mancuso P, store 218 Stewart...................126 Manitza Alex, res 101 Pine................................282 Manitz,a Nick, res 101 Pine............... .. 444 Manning Auto Shop, ofc Lchs hwy..................308 Manning W M, res 202 Pine............................212 Marcello B, store 118 Washington av..............298 Marsalise C Cigar Co, 131 1st....................228 Martin W A, res 109 Stewart..........................61 Marze Rose, res 609 3d..............•••;•• 130 Masonic Lodgte, Warren ...............*... 37 Mattison C E Mrs, res 605 Washington av.. 227 Mayers R A, res 520 Warren....................410 Mayor's ofc, 104% Jefferson................................123 McCammon W F, res 201 Royal......................116 McCollough Jack, market 331 Wash............86 McCord Frank, res 711 Royal............c. 398 McCormack Geo F Dr, ofc 10$% Jefferson.. 242^ McCormack Geo F Dr, res 509 Bon Ami.... 5(T" McFatter D W, res 516 Warren.......................173 McLean D, res 217 2d../....................................273 McMahon J E, ofc 102% Shirley.....'............306 McMahon J E, res 424 Pine..............................* 5 McMiahon. J H, res 417 Pine..............................71 McMahon J H & Co, ofc.................................36 McManon J L, res 506 Bilbo. . ...........................44 McMahon J P Jr, res 420 Pine.............262 McMAHON MOTOR CO, Sales dept 120 1st..........................2 Parts dept 120 1st ....................75 Service dept Stewart ................................121 Used car dept Stewart ........................167 McMahon S H Dr, res 315 Broad...........128 Mellnotte C H, res 614 Dickerson... ...........79 Methodist Church, ofc Shirley..........................196 Methodist Parsonage, res 205 Pine..................198 Middleton W R, res 303 Pine..............................27 Millard H Mrs, res 104 Pine..............................294 Miller J L, res 306 N Royal........*...............321 Miller Sam, res country..................(. 138-W Mongano C, store 129 1st................'. 255 Moody T C Dr, ofc 119% Washington av... 4 Moody T C Dr, res 304 Broad..........................244 Moore D E, res 126 Royal ..................296 Moore J M, res 501 S Pine..........................118 Moses J C, res country ....................................138-J Murpey J C, res 513 Washington av..............325 N Nantz V E, res 406 Division.......................393 Natale Joe, res 319 Washington av..................178 Nichols J C, res 312 Broad....,..................303 Nichols J M, res 500 Shirley............................125 Nichols Lee, res 613 S Washington...........245 Nichols T J, res 307 Bon Ami............................256 Norris Barber Shop, ofc 1st.........................451 Norris D M, res 121 Bon Ami........................317 D 3 o 50 ■< -< o r- m 15 > 5 3? m tj O 30 o m 2 CO S 22 m z D S> o -< o SL ST *xt o s fb wDeRIDDER ★Indicates P. B. Exchanger The Prescription Store, Call the IDEAL DRUG STORE M o ~C3 cu o> ""33 E—• >- o cd q z uj * o uj 3 a. uj -cc CO S? (0 = I- z < <1 lu DO YOU NEED DRUGS? TELEPHONE 210 co co >- AC >■ OS Q Z 3 < -J £ < Hi Ell Q D S 4> a Simmons Jno J, res rural ................. Simmons R J, res Country................. Singleton R R, res 105 Div............. .. Slaughter Pearl, store 103 Wash.......... Slaughter Pearl Miss, store 103 Washington av ................................... Slaughter Pearl Miss, res Pine.. .*......... Smith J D, res 311 Pine................... Smith J K, res 101 Division................ ,Smith T E, res 208 3d.................... "Smith W D, res 117 Bon Ami............. Snyder J E, res rural .................... Southern C W, res rural ................. SOUTHERN GR0 & DRY GOODS CO, 202 Washington av..................... Standard Merc Co, Groc dept 121 Wash ................. Groc dept 121 Wash .................. Dry goods dept 121 Wash ............ Market 121 Wash .................... Standard Oil Co of La, ofc................ Star Pilling Station, ofc 1st................ Stracner B K, res 618 Cole ............... Stracner D E, res rural................... Stracner J S, res rural.................... Stewart Ella Miss, res 116 N Royal........ Stewart Elmer Ju, law ofc 102% Shirlej .... Stewart Elmer L, res 210 Pine............. Stewart Eugene M Rev, res 114 Royal..... Stokes D G, res 119 Bon Ami.............. Stubbs J H, res 401 Warren............... Sugrue J F, res 411 Pine................... Sweet T P, res 301 Washington av........ Switzer A T, res 124 Division..../.......... 69-F-02 309-W 297 287 287 189 229 157 148 151 215-F-05 215-F-12 132 145 364 63 98 104 174 386 309-F-04 309-F-05 112 68 219 310 295 422 323 252 394 Talbot G L Dr, ofc 119% Washington av... .348 Talbot G ti Dr, res 309 Broad............................271 Taylor J A, res 106 Royal.................. . 329 Taylor J A, res 109 Division..............................329* Temple J C, res 106 Bryan.........................381 Texas Oil Co, ofc .................................300 Thomas Dettie Miss, res 415 Shirley..............1 Thomas G W, res 114 Jefferson......................336 Thomas J H Dr, res 401 S Pine.(..................431 Thomas L L, res 108 Division.......'...........117 Thompson M, res 406 1st.................. 176 Thompson Mrs, beauty parlor 103% 1st.... 66 Thompson R N, res 607 N Pine.'....................230 Titus H X, res 118 Royal........................99 Toy J D Dr, res 205 4th........................................249 Turner E V, res 704 Bon Ami..................9080 Turner S O Dr, ofc 102% 1st...................135 Turner S O Dr, res 204 Jefferson...................103 Tyler A P C, res 121 Royal... .>.......253 U S Cafe, 115 1st U 1 186 Variety Store, 102 Jefferson................ 362 Verhines T J Mrs, res 502 pilbo........... 327 W Wagner G W, res 307 Stewart....................357 - Wagnon Alford, res 501 Wash..........................246 Wallace Sam, res 304 Pine....................191 Warren J M, res 401 Washington av....... 193 ^Welle J A, res 106 Mahlon......................374 "Wenstrand C A, res 701 Bon Ami.......... 415 West D C, res 312 Texas................................397-W West Durha,m, res 411 Shirley..........................243 West J J, res 212 4th..................... • 208 West P W, res Country......................................164 West W H, res rural................................309-F-02 West & Cole Racket Store, 102 1st...........307 Western Union Telg Co, 106 2d........................11 White J E, res 114 Mahlon................................93 Whitten E D Mrs, res 205 Ross...................400 Williams R A, res Surburbs...,......................312 Williamson J F, res 513 Stewart............206 Williamson Lelia Miss, res 115 Bon Ami..........1322 Windham W V, res 3ok Div......................160 Winnberry J H Rev, res 111 Royal..................442 Y Youmg Florence Miss, res 204 3d..'..............83 Young H P Rev, res 301 Pine........;.... 277 Youngblood. C L, res 605 S Royal. .................231 Youngblood Grocery, 122 Shirley.............107 Youngblood O B, res 307 Broad........................234 • Z Zebau Leon, fish market 146 E 1st..................127 Allen Sam Mrs, res American Lumber Co, sales mgr ofc......... 8 Barclay L L, res ................................47 Bennett J S, res .................................23 Booker J C, res ...................................43 Carroll B H, res.......................................4 Carroll T J, res .........................................68 Colfax Hdw Lbr Co, ofc."............................1-J Commercial Hotel, ofc ......................17 Cothran Lizzie Miss, res......................27 CUMBERLAND TEL & TEL CO, Incorporated Manager's ofc ................................................9000 Fields H L, res...........................................39-J Fortenberry A L, res ..........................................70 Frazar F R Dr, res ......................; 35 Frazor M C, res ..........................................19 Fuller V H, res .................................42 GC&'SFRy, depot......................22 (Jrady J M, res........................................................31 Gott Charles, res ...............................6 • Green Top Filling Station, ofc ......................11 Guillory T A Dr, res ....................................46 Gunter & Son, str.............................7 Harrell W T, res.....................................49 Hays C C, res.............................................38 King B Service Station, ofc ............................64 Kirby Lumber Co, store ........................61 Kirby Lbr Co, ofc.............................................34 Knight J A Dr, ofc hdw mill........................39-W Knight J A Dr, ofc................................................44 Knight J A Dr, res...............................14 Lee Blanch, res ............................36 MERRyVILLE, LA- Meadows T B. res .......... Merryville Grain Co, str..... Merryville Motor Co, garage. Merryville State Bank....... Methodist Parsonage, res..... Morgan J W, res............ National Merc Co, str....... Nichols D A, res........... North End Gro Co........... Reeves Roy, res ........... Reid K E, res ............. Rigsby M C, res ........... Roberts Cyrus E Mrs, res Roberts F M, res............ Roberts S H, res ............ Sabine Drug Co........... Scott A A, res ............. Service Garage ............. Shawver B, res .............. Sherrell A, res ............. Sherrell H V, res............ Sherrell Hdw Store .......... Skinner A, store ........... Smith D W, res............. Strickland T R, res......... W'alling R E, store.......... Weaver H R, res .......... Wilburn R W Mrs, res....... Williams J T, res .......... Windham L A, res ......... Windham A P, res........... Yawn W H, res............. 56 52 29 15 33 69 45 67 55- J 76 72 78 26 41 48 a 63 20 13 1- W 3 12 55- W 68 71 10 16 24 30 75 19 21 Rules and Regulations Applying to All Subscribers Contracts classification of areas as the basis for furnishing telephone service Economical operation of the telephone business, to secure protection to the whole body of rate payers and to the business itself, requires that the property be built and operated in accordance with a definite plan under which specified classes of service are regularly furnished in specified areas or types of areas. The Telephone Company there- fore does not undertake to furnish any desired class of service at any desired location, nor does it undertake to extend its plant to re- mote sections wherfe such extension is not warranted by public neces- sity as distinguished from personal desire, except where protection Is afforded. , . The general plan for furnishing telephone service as authorised in the General Exchange Tariff is based on a classification of areas by types for the determination of the classes of service available and for the application of rates. term period of contract The Company's contracts covering the furnishing of telephone service are ordinarily for initial term periods of one month. Under some spe- cial conditions involving unusual installation costs or involving the installation of special equipment, contracts may be required for longer Initial term periods. The Telephone Company's obligation to furnish telephone service is dependent upon its ability to procure and retain suitable facilities and fights for the construction and maintenance of the necessary circuits. . construction and installation charges The charges and regulations specified in the Company's General Ex- change Tariff apply in connection with all classes of service equip- ment or facilities furnished by the Telephone Company. No charge is made for providing new pole line construction on pub- lic highways, when the subscriber is located within the base rate area. No charge is made for providing and maintaining new pole line con- struction along public highways outside the base rate area, when such pole lines are to be used in serving subscribers in general. Except as provided above, when an applicant for service is located outside of the base rate area in territory where new pole line con- struction Is required and the cost of providing the necessary addi- tional poles is more than three times the annual mileage charge for the circuit thereon, connection with the Telephone Company's system is provided in one of the following methods as the applicant may elect: The subscriber may bear the cost in excess of the amounts specified above of providing the poles and pay extra exchange line mileage charges for the necessary circuit. Ownership of such poles is vested in the Telephone Company. Maintenance of poles and circuits is at the expense of the Telephone Company. The subscriber at his own expense may furnish the portion of pole line and circuit from his location to an agreed upon point of connec- tion with the Telephone Company's system. The subscriber is required to maintain or bear the expense of maintaining his portion of the pole line and circuit and also to bear the expense of installing and maintaining the station equipment, except that when the station is brought to the Company's central office for repairs, no labor expense incurred for such repairs is charged to the subscriber. The subscriber is charged extra exchange line mileage charges for that portion of the Telephone Company's circuit outside of the base rate area. Owner- ship of the portion of pole line and circuit provided by the subscriber is vested in the subscriber. Ownership of the station equipment is vested in the Telephone Company. Poles on private property to be used in serving an individual sub- scriber must in all cases be furnished and maintained at the sub- scriber's expense. Ownership of such poles on private property ie vested in the subscriber. No charge is made for furnishing and maintaining poles on private property when such poles are to be used to carry circuits serving sub- scribers in general. In such cases, ownership of poles on private prop- erty is vested in the Telephone Company. i Whenever it becomes necessary to replace poles on private property, the new poles are furnished only in accordance with the arrangements specified above. All circuits on poles on private property are owned and maintained by the Telephone Company. When a specified type of construction is desired by a subscriber, as for example, when underground service connections are desired in places where aerial drop wires are regularly used to reach subscriber's premises or where the individual requirements of a subscriber make the installation unusually expensive, the subscriber is required to bear the cost of such special construction or installation. service connection charges and charges for moves'. v and changes A schedule of fixed charges is established covering the connection ©f a subscriber's station with the exchange of the Company, and cov- ering the charges for moves and changes. These schedules of charges are published in detail in this directory. unauthorized use of the telephone Telephone equipment and facilities are furnished for the use of the subscriber, employees, agents or representatives of the subscriber or members of the subscriber's domestic establishment except in connec- tion with semi-public telephone service and except as the use of the Service may be extended to joint users. All equipment furnished by the Telephone Company shall remain the property of the Company. Such equipment shall not be used for any toll or consideration to be paid by any other person than the subscriber, nor for performing any part of the work of transmitting, delivering or collecting any message, where any toll or consideration has been or is to be paid any party other than the Telephone Com- pany, without the written consent of the Company. _ Subscribers may not disconnect or remove or permit others to dis- connect or remove any apparatus Installed by the Telephone Com- pany, except upon the written consent of the Company. unauthorized attachments The telephone equipment, apparatus and lines furnished shall be carefully used and no instrument, appliance or device, of any kind, not furnished by the Telephone Company shall be attached to or in any way used in connection with such telephone equipment, appa- ratus and lines. In case any instrument, apparatus or device of any kind othet than that furnished by the Telephone Company is at- tached to or connected with any part of the Company's property. 4b» Telephone Company reserves the right to remove such ________ apparatus or device and to suspend or discontinue service without any on the part of the subscriber. changes of call Lumbers In order to provide facilities for growth it is necessary for the Tele- phone Company to add new plant and rearrange existing plant. Such additions and rearrangements frequently require changes in call num- bers. We appreciate that changes in call numbers are to be avoided where possible, and such changes are never made by the Telephone Company except when required by engineering necessity. The Company reserves the right to change the subscriber's telephone number or desig- nation at any time. party line service When party line service is furnished, the Telephone Company may in consideration of the rate at which service is furnished establish and furnish service to one other subscriber in the case of two-party line service, and other subscribers in the case of multi-party (more than two-party) line service. The Telephone Company reserves the right to cancel any two-party line or multi-party line contract, upon thirty days' notice, whenever in the judgment of the Company, the use of the subscriber holding such contract is such, from large use or other causes, as to interfere with the reasonable use of others con- nected with the same line. All ordinary expense of maintenance and repairs, unless otherwise specified in the General Exchange Tariff or the Local Exchange Tariffs, is borne by the Telephone Company. The subscriber is billed the actual cost of each telephone instrument or piece of apparatus injured or destroyed otherwise than by unavoidable accident. terms of payment The subscriber shall pay monthly in advance or on demand alt charges for exchange service and equipment and shall pay monthly on demand all charges for toll service. The subscriber assumes respon- sibility for all charges for exchange service and toll messages orig- inating at the subscriber's station, and for toll messages received at the subscriber's station on which the charges have been reversed with the consent of the person called. All charges due by the subscriber are payable by the subscriber at the Telephone Company's Commercial Office-'or at any other agency duly authorized to receive such payment. If objection in writing is not received by the Telephone Company within thirty days afteif the bill is rendered, the account shall be deemed correct and binding upon the subscriber. In the event of abandonment of the station, the non-payment of any sum due or any other violation by the subscriber of the Tele- phone Company's rules and regulations applying to subscribers' con- tracts or to the furnishing of service, the Company may without no- tice, either (a) suspend service until all violations have ceased, or (b) terminate the subscriber's contract without suspension of service or (c) following a suspension of service, sever the connection and remove any of its equipment from the subscriber's premises. ' When instruments have been removed for non-payment, the eon- tract is considered to have been terminated. Beinftallation of service may be made only upon the execution of a new contract. uninterrupted service not guaranteed In view of the possibility of errors and difficulties in thS transmis- sion of messages by telephone and the impossibility of fixing in all cases the causes thereof, the subscriber assumes all risks connected with the service, as the Telephone Company cannot guarantee unin- terrupted working of its lines and instruments. In case service is interrupted otherwise than by the negligence or wilful act of the subscriber, an allowance is made, computed on the basis of the minimum monthly rate for such of the telephone service, equipment and facilities furnished as are rendered useless or inoperatiye. Such allowance covers the period the interruption continues after "notice in writing is received by the Telephone Company. No other liability shall in any case attach to the Telephone Company. For the purpose of inspecting, repairing or removing any part, of the Telephone Company's equipment, apparatus and lines on the sub- scriber's premises, the Company's employees shall have access thereto at any reasonable hour. No liability shall attach to the Telephone Company by reason of any defacement or damage to the subscriber's premises, resulting from the placing of the Company's instruments, apparatus and associated wiring on such premises, or by the removal thereof, when such de- facement or damage is not the result of negligence on the part of the Company or its employees. The Telephone Company shall not be liable for damages or statutory penalties in any case where a claim is not presented in writing within sixty days after the alleged delinquency occurs. When suitable arrangements can be made, lines of other companies may be used in conjunction with the Telephone Company's lines In establishing wire connection to points not reached by the Telephone Company's lines. In establishing connections with the lines of other companies the Telephone Company will not be responsible or liable for any action of the connecting company. The Telephone Company will not transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connection. Employees of the Telephone Company are forbidden to accept either oral or written messages to be transmitted over the lines of the Company. public pay station telephones Public Pay Station telephones are equipped with coin collecting ds- vices. These coin collectors are of two types. One type requires that the coin be deposited to signal the operator. If for any reason tha connection is not completed, the operator will return the coin through slot at lower left of the telephone set. The other type of coin col- lector does not require the coin to be deposited until request to do so is made by the operator. Instruction cards are displayed wit* each public pay station telephone explaining the operation and pa- trons should observe and follow those Instructions when making cauSi telegrams by telephone Telegrams may be transmitted to and received from telegraph of- fices by telephone. To send a telegram or cablegram, call by name the telegraph company desired. By arrangement with the Western Union Telegraph Company any telephone subscriber may have charges for messages received or sent by Western Union Telegraph Company charged to his telephone and collected with his telephone bill 00 NOT USE THE TELEPHONE DURING A THUNDER STORBSERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES AND CHARGES FOR MOVES AND CHANGES Experience and careful investigation of the entire subject has demonstrated the fact that certain service connection charges covering to some extent the average cost of the initial expense of establishing service for new subscribers and of furnishing additional facilities to old subscribers should be paid by such subscribers and should not be borne by the entire body of telephone users. Therefore, a uniform schedule has been prepared which embodies rates that should not retard telephone development in any section and will place upon subscribers responsible therefor a portion of the costs incident to such service connections, leaving the balance as a charge on the business generally. This 'schedule applies as follows: SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES 1. For Individual and Party Line Service....................................................................$3.50 2. Fop each extension station connected with any class of telephone service..............................3.50 3. For Private Branch Exchange Service the charge for establishing service connection: (a) For each trunk line connecting the PriVate Branch Exchange with a central office................3.50 (b) For each telephone connected to the Private Branch Exchange except Operators' Telephone Sets. 3.50 4. To cover in part Directory, Accounting, Circuit and Switchboard expenses in cases where service is estab- lished by the use of instrumentalities already in place in the Subscriber's premises and no change la made la the type or location of such instrumentalities, each main station, $1.50. CHARGES FOR MOVES AND CHANGES The charges for moves and changes in equipment will be as follows: 1. For moving a telephone set from one location to another on same premises, a charge of $3.00. 2. For moving any other equipment or wiring from one location to another on the same premises, a charge based on the cost of labor and material. 3. For change Ih type or style of telephone set, a charge of $3.00. 4. For other changes In equipment or wiring, a charge based on the cost of labor and material. 5. When telephones a're to be installed or moved, as much advance notice as possible should be given th# Company, preferably not less than ten (10) days. Telephone Attachments Various appliances, purported to be "aids" to sub- scribers' telephone equipment, are undoubtedly being offered to our subscribers by unauthorized agents. The Company feels it necessary to caution sub- scribers against the purchase of such devices and to express its necessary prohibition regarding their use. These attachments cause trouble with the service, •nd both the subscriber and the Company suffer as a result. The Company is prepared to meet all legitimate de- mands for extra equipment which will not interfere with the proper operation of its lines and instruments.9 TWO TELEPHONES lO IF 9 IS BUSY CALL No. 10 QUICK SERVICE AND PROMPT DELIVERIES ! Quality Groceries Fancy Fruits Fresh Vegetables White Crest) Gold Medal flours Snow DrifUCrisco. ALAMEDA COFFEE {Best at any price) DeRidder Grocery Co.The Standard Mercantile Company THE HOME OF Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes STETSON and MALLORY HATS Edwin Clapp, Howard & Foster Shoes For Men and Women BOYD-WELCH NOVELTY SHOES For Women MANHATTAN and PERFECTO SHIRTS MANSCO and KERRY-KUT UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Betty Wales and Peggy Paige Dresses PALMER GARMENTS King Bee, Red Bird, Paige & Elzee Millinery We Feature the Well Known Brand of FERNDELL FANCY GROCERIES Also Carry a Complete Line of Staple Groceries and Feed of all Kinds Our Market Department is inviting. It will make your Appetite Grow. "Best Merchandise at Lowest Prices" Dry Goods and Ready-to-Wear Telephone 63 Grocery Telephones 145 and 364- Market Telephone No. 98This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2019