I ILLINOIS Production Notc Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana—Champaign 2019 L :Lft .Lirr I_mHOW< Om. HIM >ZmE0>z ZQO0 —2 HIM QWM>H EON—LU <<>N I-M MVFMZnu—U WMOOIU _z HIM W>HHFM NOZMM 0—". MCIO—UM _ZOFCU_ZQ > ”MW—LEM 01 I_m mv>mH WMW<_OMm HO I_m OOCZHN< .2 HIM <<>m~m Om. HIM IMW CTI HIM WMMM-LLOZ. HIM _Z_U_>Z <<>Wm OZ HIM flIOZHIM—N. HIM m1>2_mI->ZMm~_O>Z SEC». >20 HIM F>HM =<_Mm~00_|_0 <<_HI ZMX-OO. .., k?» .5” yrcmoz m<GO UMMMZUMW. MWOMCWMF< >ZU MM>CH=uC~Ll< =L|CWHN>HMU COPYRIGHT 1919. BY G. G. SAPP HIS'ITSORY AMERICAN NEGRO GREAT WORLD WAR Is REINFORCED BY THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT INCLUDING TRIBUTEs FRENCH AND AMERICAN COMMANDERS SPOKEN AND WRITTEN WORDS BY J. E. MORELAND INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY Y. M. C. A. ROBERT SENGSTACKE ABBOTT EDITOR CHICAGO DEFENDER RALPH TYLER EX-THIRD AUDITOR THE NAVY JULIUS ROSENWALD PHILANTHROPIST COLONEL CHARLES YOUNG UNITED STATES ARMY WILLIS O. TYLER MEMBER LOS ANGELES BAR CAPT. R. P. ROOTS VETERAN SPANISH-AM ERICAN WAR WITH A COMPLETE SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE 370m "OLD EIGHTH" IN THE WORLD WAR FROM THE COUNTRY’S CALL To THE DAY OF ITs MUSTERING OUT BY CAPT. JOHN H. PATTON. ADJUTANT .m— A 9“ —‘ ”Wk A .~ 3 v P 3!, M £1» ‘1 I’ ‘I TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER IV. AWAKENING OF AMERICA. PAGE PRESIDENT CLINGS To NEUTRALITY—MONROE DOCTRINE AND WASH- INGTON’S WARNING—GERMAN CRIMES AND GERMAN VICTORIES—CAR- DINAL MERCIER’S LETTER—MILITARY OPERATIONS—~FIRST SUBMARINE ACTIVITIES—THE LUSITANIA OUTRAGE~EXCHANGE OF NOTES—UNITED STATES AROUSED-—ROLE OF PASSIVE ONLOOKER BECOMES IRKSOME— FIRST MODIFICATION OF PRINCIPLES OF WASHINGTON AND MONROE— OUR DESTINY LOOMS.... ........ - 47 CHAPTER V. HUNS SWEEPING WESTWARD. TOWARD SHORES 0F ATLANTIC—SPREAD RUIN AND DEVASTATION— CAPITALS OF CIVILIZATION ALARMED—ACTIVITIES OF SPIES—APOLOGIES AND LIES—GERMAN ARMS WINNING—GAIN TIME TO FORGE NEW WEAPONS~FEW VICTORIES FOR ALLIEs—ROUMANIA CRUSHED—INCI- DENT OF U-53 ....... . . ....... 57 CHAPTER VI. THE HOUR AND THE MAN. A BEACON AMONG THE YEARS—TRYING PERIOD FOR PRESIDENT WIL- SON—GERMANY CONTINUES DILATORY TACTICS—PEACE EFFORTS FAIL -—ALL HONORABLE MEANS EXHAUSTED—PATIENCE CEASES To BE A VIRTUE—ENEMY ABANDONS ALL SUBTERFUGES—UNRESTRICTED SUB- MARINE WARFARE—GERMAN INTRIGUES WITH MEXICO—THE ZIII— MERMAN NOTE—AMERICA SIEZES THE SWORD—WAR IS DECLARED— PERSHING GOES ABROAD—FIRST TROOPS SAIL—WAR MEASURES—WAR OPERATIONS I‘m-III ”my Iv CHAPTER VII. NEGROES RESPOND To THE CALL. SWIFT AND UNHALTING ARRAY——-FEw PERMITTED To VOLUNTEER— ONLY NATIONAL GUARD ACCEPTED—No NEW UNITS FORMED—SELEC- TIVE DRAFT THEIR OPPORTUNITY—PARTIAL DIVISION OF GUARDSMEN —COMPLETE DIVISION OF SELECTIVES—MANY IN TRAINING—ENTER MANY BRANCHES OF SERVICE—NEGRO NURSES AUTHORIZED—NEGRO Y. M. C. A. WORKERS—NEGRO WAR CORRESPONDENT—NEGRO ASSIST- ANT To SECRETARY OF WAR—TRAINING CAMP FOR NEGRO OFFICERS FIRST TIME IN ARTILLERv—COMPLETE RACIAL SEGREGATION........ 73 CHAPTER VIII. RECRUDESCENCE OF SOUTH ’s INTOLERANOE. CONFRONTED BY RACIAL PREJUDICE~SPLENDID ATTITUDE 0F NEGRO SHAMED IT—KEPT OUT OF NAVY—ONLY ONE PERCENT OF NAVY PER- SONNEL NEGROES—MODIFIED MARINES CONTEMPLATED—FEW HAVE PETTY OFFICERS’ GRADES—SEPARATE SHIPS PROPOSED—NEGRO EFFI- CIENCY IN NAVY—MATERIAL FOR “BLACK SHIFS”—NAVY OPENS DOOR To NEGRO MECHANICS.- 81 CHAPTER IX. PREVIOUS WARS IN WHICH NEGRO FIGURED. SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD—CRISPUS ATTUCRS—SLAVE LEADS SONS 0F FREEDOM—THE BOSTON MASSACRE-ANNIVERSARY KEPT FOR YEARS—WILLIAM N ELL HISTORIAN—3,000 NEGROES IN WASHINGTON’ S FORCES—A STIRRING HISTORY—NEGRO WOMAN SOLDIER—BORDER INDIAN WARS—NEGRO HEROES .._... 86 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1:: CHAPTER X. FROM LEXINGTON To CARRIZAL. ' PAGE NEGRO IN WAR OF 1812—INCIDENT OF THE CHESAPEAKE—BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE—PERRY’S FIGHTERS 10 PERCENT NEGROES—INCIDENT OF THE “GOVERNOR T0MPKINS”—C0LONISTS FORM NEGRO REGIMENTS— DEFENDERS OF NEW ORLEANS—ANDREW JACKSON’S TRIEUTE—NEGROES IN MEXICAN AND CIVIL WARS——IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR— NEGROES IN THE PHILIPPINES—HEROES OF CARRIZAL—GENERAL BUT- LER’S TRIBUTE TO NEGROES—WENDELL PHILLIPS ON TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE .......... 93 CHAPTER XI. HOUR OF HIS NATION’S PERIL. NEGRO’S PATRIOTIC ATTITUDE—SELECTIVE DRAFT IN EFFECT—FEA- TURES AND RESULTS—BOLD RELIANCE 0N FAITH IN PEOPLE—No COLOR LINE DRAWN—DISTRIBUTION OF REGISTRANTS BY STATES—NEGRO AND WHITE REGISTRATIONS COMPARED—NEGRO PERCENTAGES HIGHER— CLAIMED FEWER EXEMPTIONS—INDUCTIONS BY STATES—BETTER PHYSI- CALLY THAN WHITEs—TARLES, FACTS AND FIGURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 104 CHAPTER XII. NEGRO SLAORERS AND PACIFISTS UNKNOWN, SUCH WORDS NOT IN HIS VOCARULARY—DESERTIONS EXPLAINED— GENERAL CROWDER EXONERATES NEGRO—N0 WILLFUL DELINQUENCY --STRENUOUS EFFORTS TO MEET REGULATIONS—No “CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS”—-NO DRAFT EVADERS OR RESISTERs—NEGRO’S DEVOTION SUBLIME—JUSTIFIES HIS FREEDOM—FORGETS HIS SORROWS-"RISES ABOVE HIS WRONGS—TESTIMONY OF LOCAL BOARDS—GERMAN PROPA- GANDA WASTED—A NEW AMERICANISM ~ 111 CHAPTER XIII. ROSTER OF NEGRO OFFICERS. COHHISSIONED AT FORT DES MOINES—ONLY EXCLUSIVE NEGRO TRAIN— ING CAMP—MOSTLY FROM CIVILIAN LIFE—NAMES, RANK AND RESIDENCE ....................... . ........... ..... ........... 119 CHAPTER XIV. ACROSS DIVIDING SEAS. BLACK THOUSANDS ASSEMBLE—SOLDIERS OF LIBERTY—SEVERING HOME TIES—MAN’S WORK MUST BE DONE—FIRST NEGROES IN FRANCE— MEETING WITH FRENCH COLONIALS—EARLY HISTORY OF 15TH NEW YORK—THEY SAIL AWAY—BECOME FRENCH FIGHTING MEN—HOLD 20 PERCENT OF AMERICAN LINES—TERROR To GERMANS—ONLY BARRIER BETWEEN BOCHE AND PARIS—IMPERISHAELE RECORD OF NEW YORRERS ~TURNING POINT OF WAR..- 131 CHAPTER XV. OVER THERE. HENRY JOHNSON AND NEEDHAM ROBERTS-THE TIGER’S CUBS—NEGRO FIRST To GET PALM—JOHNSON’S GRAPHIC STORY—SMASHES THE GER- MANs—IRVIN CORR’S TRIBUTE—CHRISTIAN AND MOHAMMEDAN NEGROES PALS—VALOR OF 93RD DIVISIONuLAUGHTER IN FACE OF DEATH—— NEGRO AND POILU HAPPY TOGETHER—BUTTE DE MESNIL—VALIANT AND HUMOROUS ELMER MCCOWIN—WINNING WAR CROSSEs—VERDICT OF THE FRENCH—THE NEGRO’S FAITH x TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER XVI. THROUGH HELL AND SUFFERING. PAGE COLORED OFFICERS MAKE GOOD—WONDERFUL RECORD OF THE 8TH ILLINOIS—~—“BLACK DEVILS” WIN DECORATIONS GALORE—TRIBUTE OF FRENCH COMMANDER—HIS FAREWELL To PRAIRIE FIGHTERS—THEY FOUGHT AFTER WAR WAS OVER—HARD TO STOP THEM—INDIVIDUAL DEEDS OF HEROISM—THEIR DEAD, THEIR WOUNDED AND SUFFERING-— APOEM.......... ..... .. ....... 153 CHAPTER XVII. NARRATIVE OF AN OFFICER. SPECIAL ARTICLE BY CAPTAIN JOHN H. PATTON, ADJUTANT 0F 8TH ILLINOIS—SUMMARIZES OPERATIONS OF THE REGIMENT—FROM FIRST CALL TO MUSTERING OUT—AN EYE—WITNESS ACCOUNT—IN TRAINING CAMPS, AT SEA, IN FRANCE—~SERVICE IN ARGONNE FOREST—MANY OTHER ENGAGEMENTS—A THRILLING RECORD—BATTALION OPERATIONS IN DETAIL—SPECIAL MENTION OF COMPANIES AND INDIVIDUALS. 164 CHAPTER XVIII. BLOOD OF BLACK AND WHITE IN ONE RIVULET. LINCOLN’S PROPHETIC WORDS—NEGROES ALONGSIDE BEST SOLDIERS IN THE WORLD—HOLD THEIR OWN-THE 372ND REGIMENT—BRIGADED WITH VETERANS OF THE MARNE—FAMOUS “RED HAND” DIVISION— OCCUPY HILL 304 AT VERDUN—NINE DAYS BATTLE IN “BLOODY ARGONNE”——ADMIRATION OF THE FRENCH—CONSPICUOUS COMPONENTS OF 372ND—CHRONOLOGY OF SERVICE 180 CHAPTER XIX. COMRADES ON THE MARCH—BROTHERS IN THE SLEEP OF DEATH. POLICY 0F SUBSTITUTING WHITE OFFICERS—INJUSTICE To CAPABLE NEGROES—DISAPPOINTMENT BUT No OPEN RESRNTME‘NTr—SHOWED THEMSELVES SOLDIERS—INTENSER FIGHTING SPIRIT AROUSED—RACE FORGOTTEN IN PERILS OF WAR—~BOTH WHITES AND BLACKS GENEROUS ~AFFECTION BETWEEN OFFICERS AND MEN—NEGROES PREFERRED DEATH TO CAPTIVITY—OUTSTANDING HEROES OF 37lST AND 372ND—— WINNERS OF CROSSES ...... ..... 188 CHAPTER XX. MID SHOT AND SHELL. IN TRENCH AND VALLEY—-—THE OPEN PLAIN—ON MOUNTAIN TOP—IN No MAN’S LAND—Two CLASSES OF NEGRO SOLDIERS CONSIDERED— TRAINED GUARDSMEN AND SELECTIVES—GALLANT 92ND DIVISION— RACE CAN BE PROUD OF IT—HAD SIx HUNDRED NEGRO OFFICERS-— SETS AT REST ALL DOUBTS—OPERATIONS OF THE DIVISION—AT PONT A MOUSSON—GREAT BATTLE OF METz—SOME REFLECTIONS—CASUALTIES CONSIDERED..... ..... CHAPTER XXI. THE LONG, LONG TRAIL. OPERATIONS 0F 368TH INFANTRY—NEGROES FROM PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND AND SOUTH—IN ARGONNE HELL—DEFEAT IRON CRoss VETERANS—VALIANT PERSONAL EXPLOITS—LIEUTENANT ROBERT CAMP- BELL—PRIVATE JOHN BAKER—OPERATIONS OF 367TH INFANTRY— “MOSS’S BUFFALOES”—365TH AND 366TH REGIMENTS—THE GREAT DIVIDE—THEIR SOULS ARE MARCHING ON—PRAISED BY PERSHING— SOME CITATIONS .206 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1:! CHAPTER XXII. GLORY THAT WONT COME OFF. PAGE 167TH FIRST NEGRO ARTILLERY BRIGADE—“LIKE VETERANS” SAID PERSHING—FIRST ARTILLERY To BE MOTORIZED—RECORD RY DATES —-SELECTED FOR LORRAINE CAMPAIGN—~BEST EDUCATED NEGROES IN AMERICAN FORCES—ALWAYS STOOD BY THEIR GUNS—CHAPLAIN’S ESTI— MATE—LEFT SPLENDID IMPRESSION—TESTIMONY OF FRENCH MAYORS ——CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR—SOLDIERLY QUALITIES ........ . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 215 CHAPTER XXIII. NOR STORIED URN, NOR MOUNTING SHAFT. GLORY NOT ALL SPECTACULAR—BRAVE FORCES BEHIND THE LINES— 325TH FIELD SIGNAL BATTALION—COMPOSED OF YOUNG NEGROES— SEE REAL FIGHTING-SUFFER CASUALTIEs—AN EXCITING INCIDENT— COLORED SIGNAL BATTALION A SUCCESS—RALPH TYLER’S STORIES— BURIAL OF NEGRO SOLDIER AT SEA—MORE INCIDENTS 0F NEGRO VALOR—A WORD FROM CHARLES M. SCHWAB ........... . ..... ....... 222 CHAPTER XXIV. THOSE WHO NEVER WILL RETURN. A STUDY OF WAR—ITS COMPENSATIONS AND BENEFITS—ITS RAVAGES AND DEBASEMENTS—BURDENS FALL UPON THE WEAK—~TOLL 0F DISEASE —NEGROES SINGULARLY HEALTHY—~NEGROES KILLED IN BATTLE— DEATHS FROM WOUNDS AND OTHER CAUSES—REMARKABLE PHYSICAL STAMINA 0F RACE—HOUSEKEEPING IN KHARI—HEALTHIEST WAR IN HISTORY—INCREASED REGARD FOR MOTHERS-AN IDEAL FOR CHILD MINDS—MORALE AND PROPAGANDA. . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . ....... . . . . .. 232 CHAPTER XXV. QUIET HEROES OF THE BRAWNY ARM. NEGRO STEVEDORE, PIONEER AND LABOR UNITS—SWUNG THE AXE AND TURNED THE WHEEL—THEY WERE INDISPENSABLE—EVERYWHERE IN FRANCE—HEWERS OF WOOD, DRAWERS 0F WATER—NUMBERS AND DESIGNATIONS OF UNITS—ACQUIRED SPLENDID REPUTATION—CONTES’I‘S AND AWARDS—PRIDE IN THEIR SERVICE—MEASURED UP To MILITARY STANDARDS—LESTER WALTONS APPRECIATION—ELLA WHEELER WIL- Cox’s POETIC TRIBUTE ............. ..... ............. ..... 239 CHAPTER XXVI. UNSELFISH WORKERS IN THE VINEYARD. MITIGATED THE HORRORS 0F WAR—AT THE FRONT, BEHIND THE LINES, AT HOME—CIRCLE FOR NEGRO WAR RELIEF—ADDRESSED AND PRAISED BY ROOSEVELT—A NOTABLE GATHERING—COLORED Y. M. C. A. WORK ~UNSULLIED RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT—How THE “Y” CONDUCTED BUSINESS—SECRETARIES ALL SPECIALISTS—NEGRO WOMEN IN “Y” WORK—VALOR OF A NON-COMBATANT........ ....... .. 246 CHAPTER XXVII. NEGRO IN ARMY PERSONNEL. HIS MECHANICAL ABILITY REQUIRED—SKILLED AT SPECIAL TRADES —VICTORY DEPENDS UPON TECHNICAL WORKERS~VAST RANGE OF OCCUPATION—NEGRO MAKES GOOD SHOWING—PERCENTAGES OF WHITE AND COLORED—FIGURES FOR GENERAL SERVICE ................. . . .. .. 254 CHAPTER XXVIII. THE KNOOKOUT BLOW. WOODROW WILSON, AN ESTIMATE—HIS PLACE IN HISTORY—LAST OF GREAT T RIO—WASHINGTON, LINCOLN, WILSON—UPHOLDS DECENCY, HUMANITY, LIBERTY—RECAPITULATION OF YEAR 1918—CLOSING INCI— DENTS OF WAR 257 xii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER XXIX. HOMECOMING HEROES. PAGE NEW YORK GREETS HER OWN—ECSTATIC DAY FOR OLD 15TH—WHITES AND BLACKS DO HONORS—A MONSTER DEMONSTRATION—MANY DIGNI- TARIES REVIEW TROOPS—PARADE OF MARTIAL POMP—CHEERS, MUSIC, FLOWERS AND FEASTING—“HAYWARD’S SCRAPPING BABIES”——OFFICERS SHARE GLORY—THEN CAME HENRY JOHNSON—SIMILAR SCENES ELSE- WHERE ........................................................... 267 CHAPTER XXX. RECONSTRUCTION AND THE NEGRO. BY JULIUS ROSENWALD, PRESIDENT SEARS, ROEBU'CK & Co. AND TRUSTEE OF TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE—-—A PLEA FOR INDUSTRIAL OPPOR~ TUNITY FOR THE NEGRO—TRIBUTE To NEGRO As SOLDIER AND CIVILIAN —DUTY OF WHITES POINTED OUT—BUSINESS LEADER AND PHILAN- THROPIsT SOUNDS KEYNOTE .......................................... 275 CHAPTER XXXI. THE OTHER FELLOW’S BURDEN. AN EMANCIPATION DAY APPEAL FOR JUSTICE—BY W. ALLISON SWEENEY ............................................................ 281 CHAPTER XXXII. AN INTERPOLATION. HELD— BY DISTINGUISHED THINKERS AND WRITERS, THAT THE NEGRO SOLDIER SHOULD BE GIVEN A CHANCE FOR PROMOTION As WELL As A CHANCE TO DIE. WHY— WHITE OFFICERS OVFI‘. NEGRO SOLDIERS? ....................... 288 CHAPTER XXXIII. THE NEW NEGRO AND THE NEW AMERICA. THE OLD ORDER CHANGETH, YIELDING PLACE To NEW. THROUGH THE ARBITRAMENT OF WAR, BEHOLD A NEW AND BETTER AMERICA! A NEw AND GIRDED NEGRO! “THE WATCHES OF THE NIGHT HAVE PASSED! “THE WATCHES FOREWORD He was a red headed messenger boy and he handed me a letter in a NILE GREEN ENVELOPE, and this is What I read: Dear Mr. Sweeney: When on the 25th of March the last instalment of the MSS of the "History of the American Negro in the Great World War" was returned to us from your hands, bearing the stamp of your approval as to its historic accuracy; the wisdom and fairness of the reflections and recommendations of the corps of compilers placed at your service, giving you full authority to review the result of their labors, your obligation to the publishers ceased. The transaction between us, a purely business one, had in every particular upon your part been complied with. From thenceforward, as far as you were obligated to the publishers, this History; what it is; what it stands for; how it will be rated by the reading masses--should be, and concretely, by your own people you so worthily represent and are today their most fearless and eloquent champion, is, as far as any obligation you may have been under to us, not required of you to say. Nevertheless, regardless of past business relations now at an end, have you not an opinion directly of the finished work? A word to say; the growth of which you have marked from its first instalment to its last? -The Publishers- HAVE I— A Word to say? And of this fine book? THE BEST HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN NEGRO IN THE GREAT WORLD WAR, THAT AS YET HAS BEEN WRITTEN OR WILL BE FOR YEARS TO COME? - o a o u - DOES—— The rose in bud respond to the wooing breath of the mornings of June? xiii x17 FOREWORD IS— The whistle of robin red breast clearer and more exul- taut, as its watchful gaze, bearing in its inscrutable depths the mystery of all the centuries; the Omniscience of DIVIN- ITY, discovers a cherry tree bending to — “The green grass” from the weight of its blood red fruit? DOES— The nightingale respond to its mate; caroling its amatory challenge from afar; across brake and dale and glen; beyond a “Dim old forest” the earth bathed in the silver light of the harvest moon? EVEN SO— And for the same reason which the wisest of us cannot explain, that the rose, the robin and nightingale respond to the lure that invites, the zephyrs that caress, I find myself moved to say not only a word—a few, but many, of praise and commendation of this book; the finished work, so graciously and so quickly submitted for my inspection by the publishers. THERE ARE— Books and books; histories and histories, treatise after treatise; covering every realm of speculative investigation; every field of fact and fancy; of inspiration and deed, past and present, that in this 20th century of haste and bustle, of miraculous mechanical equipment, are born daily and die as quickly. But there are also books, that like some men FOREWORD XV marked before their birth for a place amongst the “Seats of the MIGHTY”; an association with the IMMORTALS, that “Were not born to die.” This book seems of that glorious company. IN THE—— Spiritualized humanity that broadened the vision and inspired the pens of the devoted corps of writers, responding to my suggestions and oversight in its preparation; the getting together of data and facts, is reflected the incoming of a NEW AND BROADER CHARITY—a stranger in our midst—of glimpse and measurement of the Negro. Beyond. the written word of the text, the reader is gripped with a certain FELT but unprinted power of suggestion, a sense of the nation’s crime against him; the Negro, stretching back through the centuries; the shame and humiliation that is at last overtaking it, that has not been born of the “Print Shops” since the sainted LINCOLN went his way, leaving behind him a trail of glory, shining like the sun; in the path of which, freed through the mandate of his great soul, MARCHED FOUR MILLION NEGROES, now swollen to twelve, their story, the saddest epic of the ages, of whom and in behalf of whom their children; the generation now and those to come, this History was collated and arranged. It is an EVANGEL proclaiming to the world, their unsullied patriotism; their rapid fire loyalty, that through all the years of the nation’s life, has never flickered— 3 “Has burned and burned Forever the same”, from Lexington to the cactus groves of Mexico; in the slaughter hells of Europe; over fields and upon spots where, in the centuries gone, the legions of Caesar, of Hannibal and Attila, of Charlemagne and Napoleon had fought and bled, FOREWORD xvi and perished! Striding “Breast forward” beneath the Stars and Stripes as this History crowds them on your gaze, through the dust of empires and kingdoms that; before the CHRIST walked the earth; before Christianity had its birth, wielded the sceptres of power when civilization was young, but which are now but vanishing traditions. You are thrilled! History nor story affords no picture more inspiring. MAKING DUE ALLOWANCE— For its nearness to the living and dead, Whose heroic and transcendant achievements on the battle spots of the great war secured for them a distinction and fame that will endure until—— “The records of valor decay”, it is a most notable publication, quite worthy to be draped in the robes that distinguishes History from narrative; from “a tale that is told”; a story for the entertainment of the moment. AS INTERPOLATED— By the writers of its text; read between the lines of their written words; it is a History; not alone of the American Negro on the “tented field”; the bloody trenches of France and Belgium, it is also a History and an arraignment, a warn- ing and a prophecy, looking backwards and forward, the Negro being the objective focus, of many things. IT PRE SENTS— For the readers retrospection, as vividly as painted on a canvas, a phantasmagoric procession of past events, and of FOREWORD xvii those to come in the travail of the Negro; commencing With the sailing of the first “Slaver’s Ship” for the shores of the “New World”, jammed fore and aft, from deck to hold, with its cargo of human beings, to the conclusion of the great war in which, individually and in units he wrote his name in imperishable characters, and high on the scroll on which are inscribed the story of those, who, in their lives wrought for RIGHT and, passing, died for MEN! For a flag; beneath and within its folds his welcome has been measured and parsimonious ;——a country; the construing and application of its laws and remedies as applied to him, has inflicted intoler- able INJUSTICE: Has persecuted more often than blessed. And so and thus, its perusal finished, its pages closed and laid aside, you are shaken and swayed in your feelings, even as a tree, bent and riven before the march and sweep of a mighty hurricane. LOOKING BACKWARDS— The spell of the book strong upon you, you see in your mind’s eye, thousands of plantations covering a fourth of a continent of a new and virgin land. The toilers “Black Folk”; men, women and children—SLAVES! YOU HEAR—— The crack of the “driver’s” lash; the sullen bay of pur- suing hounds. JUST OVER YONDER— Is the “Auction Block”. You hear the moans and screams of mothers torn from their offspring. You see them driven away, herded like cattle, chained like convicts, sold to “master’s” in the “low lands”, to toil— “Midst the cotton and the cane.” xviii FOREWORD YOU LISTEN— Sounding far 01f, faint at first, growing louder each second, you hear the beat of drums; the bugle ’s blast, sound- ing to arms; You see great armies, moving hitherward and thitherward. Over one flies the Stars and Stripes, over the other the Stars and Bars; a nation in arms! Brother against brother! YOU LOOK— And lo, swinging past are many Black men; garbed in “Blue”, keeping step to the music of the Union. You see them fall and die, at Fort Pillow, Fort Wagner, Petersburg, the Wilderness, Honey Hill—SLAUGHTERED! Above the din; the boom of cannon, the rattle of small arms, the groans of the wounded and dying, you hear the shout of one, as shattered and maimed he is being borne from the field; “BOYS, THE OLD FLAG NEVER TOUCHED THE GROUND!” THE SCENE SHIFTS— Fifty years have passed. You hear the clamor, the mur- mur and shouts of gathering mobs. You see Black men and women hanging by their necks to lamp posts, from the limbs of trees; in lonely spots—DEAD! You see smoke curling upwards from BURNING HOMES! There are piles of Cinders and—DEAD MENS BONES! NEARING ITS END— The procession sweeps on. Staring you in the face; hail— ing from East, West, North and South are banners; held aloft by unseen hands, bearing on them—the quintessence of AMERICA’S INGRATITUDE,—these devices: “For American Negroes: JIM CROW steam and trolley cars; JIM CROW resident districts; JIM CROW amen corners; JIM CROW seats in theatres; JIM CROW corners in cemeteries. FOREWORD xix YOU MUTTER— “Are these indignities to CONTINUE? Is God DEAD ? ” COMES— A voice. You listen! “WHEREFORE hear the word of the lord—- “THE days of thy mourning shall be ended— “VIOLENOE shall no more be heard in the land—- “NEITHER sorrow nor crying— “FOR the former things have passed away—— “BEHOLD I make all things new—— “ARISE, shine; for thy light has come. HEREIN— Lies the strength and worth of this unusual book, well and deservingly named: A History of the American Negro in the Great World War. Beyond merely recounting that story; than which there has been nothing finer or more inspiring since the long away centuries when the chivalry of the Middle Ages, in nodding plume and lance in rest, battled for the Holy Sepulchre, it brings to the Negro of America a message of cheer and reassurance. A sign, couched in flaming characters for all men to see, appealing to the spiritualized divination of the age, proclaiming that God is NOT DEAD! That a NEW day is dawning; HAS dawned for the Negro in America. A NEW liberty; broader and BETTER. A NEW Justice, un- shaded by the spectre of: “Previous condition!” That the unpaid toil of thirty decades of African slavery in America is at last to be liquidated. That the dead of our people, upon behalf of this land that it might have a BIRTH, and having it might not PERISH FROM THE EARTH, did not die in vain. That, in their passage from earth, heroes—MARTYRS—in a superlative sense they were seen and marked of the Father; were accorded a place of record in the pages of the great WHITE BOOK with golden seals, in the up worlds; above the stars and beyond the flaming suns. xx FOREWORD IT IS A HISTORY— That will be read with instruction and benefit by thousands of whites, but, and mark well this suggestion, it is one that should be OWNED AND READ BY EVERY NEGRO IN THE LAND. TYPOGRAPHICALLY~ Mechanically; that is to say, in those features that reflect the finished artistic achievement of the Print, Picture and Binding art; as seen in the bold clear type of its text, its striking and beautiful illustrations, its illuminating title heads of division and chapter; indicating at a glance the information to follow; the Whole appealing to the aesthetic; the sticklers for the rare and beautiful; not overlooking its superb binding, it is most pleasing to the sight, and worthy of the title it bears. HISTORY AMERICAN NEGRO GREAT WORLD WAR CHAPTERI. SPIRITUAL EMANCIPATION OF NATIONS. THE MARCH OF CIVILIZATION—VVORLD SHOCKS T0 STIR THE WORLD I‘IEART—FALSE DOCTRINES OF THE HUN—THE IBON HANp CONCEALED—THE WORLD BEGINS T0 AWAKEN— GERMAN DESIGNS REVEALED—RUMBLINGS IN ADVANCE OF THE STORM—TRAGEDY THAT HASTENED THE DAY—TOL— STOY’s PROPHECY VINDICATION OF N EGRO FAITH IN PROM- ISES OF THE LORD—-—-DAWN OF FREEDOM FOR ALL RACES. THE march of civilization is attended by strange influences. Providence which directs the advancement of man— kind, moves in such mysterious ways that none can sense its design or reason out its import. Frequently the forces of evil are turned to account in defeating their own Objects. Great tragedies, cruel wars, cataclysms of woe, have acted as enlightening and refining agents. Out of the famines of the past came experiences which inculcated the thrift and forehandedness of today. Out Of man’s sufierings have come knowledge and forti- tude. Out of pain and tribulation, the attribute of sympathy —the first spiritual manifestation instrumental in elevating the human above the beast. Things worth while are never obtained without payment Of some kind. Individual shocks stir the individual heart and con- science. Great world shocks are necessary to stir the world conscience and heart; to start those movements to right the wrongs in the world. So long as peace reigned commerce was uninterrupted, and the acquisition of wealth was not obstructed, men cared little for the intrigues and ambitions of 21 22 AMERICAN NEGRO IN THE WORLD WAR royalty. If they sensed them at all, they lulled themselves into a feeling of security through the belief that progress had attained too far, civilization had secured too strong a hold, and democracy was too firmly rooted for any ordinary menace to be considered. So insidious and far reaching had become the inculcation of false philosophies summed up in the general term Kultur, that the subjects of the autocratic-ridden empires believed they were being guided by benign influences. Many enlight- ened men; at least it seems they must have been enlightened, in Germany and Austria—men who possessed liberated intel~ lects and were not in the pay of the Kulturists—professed to believe that despotism in the modern world could not be other than benevolent. The satanic hand was concealed in the soft glove; the cloven hoof artistically fitted into the military boot; the tail carefully tucked inside the uniform or dress suit; fiendish eyes were taught to smile and gleam in sympathy and humor, or were masked behind the heavy lenses of professorial dig- nity; the serpent’s hiss was trained to song, or drowned in crashing chords and given to the world as a sublime harmony. Suddenly the world awoke! The wooing harmony had changed to a blast of war; the conductor’s baton had become a bayonet; the soft Wind instrument barked the rifle ’s tone; its notes were bullets that hissed and screamed; tinkling cymbals sounded the wild blare of carnage, and sweet—throated horns of silver and brass bellowed the cannon’s deadly roar. Civilization was so shocked that for long the exact sequence of events was not comprehended. It required time and reflection to clear away the brain benumbing vapors of the dream; to reach a realization that liberty actually was totter- ing on her throne. German propagandists had been so well organized, and so effectively did they spread their poison; especially in the western world that great men; national leaders were deceived, while men in general were slow to get the true perspective; much later than those at the seat of government. A few far-seeing men had been alive to the German SPIRITUAL EMANCIPATION OF NATIONS 23 menace. Some English statesmen felt it in a vague way, while in France where the experience of 187 0—7 1, had produced a wariness of all things German, a limited number of men with penetrating, broadened vision, had beheld the fair exterior of Kaiserism, even while they recognized in the background, the slimy abode of the serpent. For years they had sounded the warning until at last their feeble voices attracted attention. France, with her traditions of Napoleon, Moreau, Ney, Berthier and others, with rare skill set about the work of per— fecting an army under the tutelage and direction of J offre and Foch. The defense maintained by its army in the earlier part of the struggle provided the breathing space required by the other allies. All through the struggle the staying power of the French provided example and created the neces~ sary morale for the co-operating Allied forces, until our own gallant soldiers could be mustered and sent abroad for the knockout blow. As is usual where conspiracies to perform dark deeds are hatched a clew or record is left behind. In spite of Germany’s protestations of innocence, her loud cries that the war was forced upon her, there is ample evidence that for years she had been planning it; that she wanted it and only awaited the opportune time to launch it. It was a gradual unearthing and examination of this evidence that at length‘ revealed to the world the astounding plot. It is not necessary to touch more than briefly the evi— dence of Germany’s designs, and the intrigues through which she sought world domination and the throttling of human liberty. The facts are now too well established to need further confirmation. The ruthless manner in which the Kaiser’s forces prosecuted the war, abandoning all pretense of civilization and relapsing into the most utter barbarism, is enough to convince anyone of her definite and well prepared program, which she was determined to execute by every foul means under the sun. She had skillfully been laying her lines and building her military machine for more than forty years. As the time approached for the blow she intended to strike, she found it 24 AMERICAN NEGRO IN THE WORLD WAR difficult to conceal her purposes. Noises from the armed camp—bayings of the dogs of war—occasionally stirred the sleeping world; an awakening almost occurred over What is known as the Morocco incident. On account of the weakness of the Moroccan government, intervention by foreign powers had been frequent. Because of the heavy investment of French capital and because the prevailing anarchy in Morocco threatened her interests in Algeria, France came to be regarded as having special interests in Morocco. In 1904 she gained the assent of Britain and the cooperation of Spain in her policy. Germany made no protest; in fact, the German Chancellor, von Bulow, declared that Germany was not specially concerned with Mor- occan aflairs. But in 1905 Germany demanded a reconsidera- tion of the entire question. France was forced against the will of her minister of foreign affairs, Delcasse, to attend a conference at Algeciras. That conference discussed placing Morocco under interna- tional control, but because France was the only power capable of dealing with the anarchy in the country, she was left in charge, subject to certain Spanish rights, and allowed to con- tinue her work. The Germans again declared that they had no political interests in Morocco. ‘ In 1909, Germany openly recognized the political interests of France in Morocco. In 1911 France was compelled by disorders in the country to penetrate farther into the interior. Germany under the pretext that her merchants were not getting fair treatment in Morocco, reopened the entire ques- tion and sent her gunboat Panther, to Agadir on the west coast of Africa, as if to establish a port there, although she had no interests in that part of the country. France pro- tested vigorously and Britain supported her. Matters came very close to war. But Germany was not yet ready to force the issue. Her action had been simply a pretext to find out the extent to which England and France were ready to make common cause. She recalled her gunboat and as a concession to obtain peace, was permitted to acquire SPIRITUAL EMANCIPATION 0F NATIONS 25 some territory in the French Congo country. But German newspapers and German political utterances showed much bitterness. Growling and snarling grew apace in Germany, and to those who made a close study of the situation it be- came evident that Germany sooner or later intended to launch a war. One of the characteristic German utterances of the time, came from Albrect Wirth, a German political writer of stand— ing, in close touch with the thought and aims of his nation. The utterance about to be quoted may, in the light of later events, appear indiscreet, as Germany wished to avoid an appearance of responsibility for the world war; but the minds of the German people had to be prepared and this could not be accomplished without some of the writers and public men letting the cat out of the bag. Wirth said: “Morocco is easily worth a big war, or several. At best -—-and even prudent Germany is getting to be convinced of this—war is only postponed and not abandoned. Is such a postponement to our advantage? They say we must wait for a better moment. Wait for the deepening of the Kiel canal, for our navy laws to take full effect. It is not exactly diplo- matic to announce publicly to one ’s adversaries, ‘ To go to war now does not tempt us, but three years hence we shall let loose a world war’—No; if a war is really planned, not a word of it must be spoken; one ’s designs must be enveloped in profound mystery; then brusquely, all of a sudden, jump on the enemy like a robber in the darkness.” The heavy footed German had difficulty in moving with the stealth of a robber, but the policy here recommended was followed. In 1914, the three years indicated by Wirth had expired. There began to occur dark comings and goings; mysterious meetings and conferences on the continent of Europe. The German emperor, accompanied by the princes and leaders of the German states, began to cruise the border and northern seas of the Fatherland, where they would be safe from listen- ing ears, prying eyes, newspapers, telephones and telegraphs. It became known that the Kaiser was cultivating the weak- I 26 AMERICAN NEGRO IN THE WORLD WAR minded Russian czar in an attempt to Win his country from its alliance with England and France. There were no open rumblings of war, but the air was charged with electricity like that preceeding a storm. An unaccountable business depression affected pretty much the entire world. Money, that most sensitive of all things, began to show nervousness and a tendency to go into hiding. The bulk of the world was still asleep to the real meaning of events, but it had begun to stir in its dreams, as if some prescience, some premonition had begun to reach it even in its slumbers. Finally the first big event occurred—the tragedy that was not intended to accomplish as much, but which hastened the dawn of the day in which began the Spiritual Emancipa- tion of the governments of earth. The Archduke Francis, Ferdinand, nephew of the emperor of Austria, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and commander in chief of its army, and his wife the duchess of Hohenburg, were assas- sinated June 28, 1914, by a Serbian student, Gavrio Prinzip. The assassination occurred at Sarajevo in Bosnia, a depen- dency, or rather, a Slavic state that had been seized by Austria. It was the lightning flash that preceeded the thunder’s mighty crash. Much has been written of the causes which led to the tragedy. Prinzip may have been a fanatic, but he was un- doubtedly aided in his act by a number of others. The natural inference immediately formed was that the murder was the outcome of years of ill feeling between Serbia and Austria- Hungary, due to the belief of the people in the smaller state, that their aspirations as a nation were hampered and blocked by the German element in the Austrian empire. The countries had been on the verge of war several years before over the seizure of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria, and later over the disposition of Scutari and certain Albanian territory con- quered in the Balkan-Turkish struggle. Events are coming to light which may place a new con- struction on the causes leading to the assassination at Sara- SPIRITUAL EMANCIPATION 0F NATIONS 2? jevo. It was undoubtedly the pretext sought by Germany for starting the great war. Whether it may not have been care- fully planned to serve that object and the Serbian Prinzip, employed as a tool to bring it about, is not so certain. Several years prior to the war, the celebrated Russian, Tolstoy, gave utterance to a remarkable prophecy. Tolstoy was a mystic, and it was not unusual for him to go into a. semi-trance state in which he professed to peer far into the future and obtain visions of things beyond the ken of average men. The Russian czar was superstitious and it is said that the German emperor had a strong leaning towards the mystic and psychic. In fact, it has been stated that the Kaiser’s claim to a partnership with The Almighty was the result of delusions formed in his consultations With mediums—the modern descendants of the soothsayers of olden times. Tolstoy stated that both the Czar and the Kaiser desired to consult with him and test his powers of divination. The three had a memorable sitting. Some time afterwards the results were given to the world. Tolstoy predicted the great war, and he stated his belief that the torch which would start the conflagration would be lighted in the Balkans about 1913. Tolstoy was not a friend of either Russian or German autocracy, hence his seance may have been but a clever ruse to discover what was in the minds of the two rulers. Germany probably was not ready to start the war in 1913, but there is abundant warrant for the belief that she was trimming the torch at that time, and, who knows, the deluded Prinzip may have been the torch. . The old dotard Francis Joseph who occupied the throne of Austria-Hungary, was completely under the domination of the Germans. He could be relied upon to further any designs which the Kaiser and the German war lords might have. The younger man, Francis Ferdinand, was not so easy to handle as his aged uncle. Accounts agree that he was arrogant, ambitious and had a will of his own. He was un— popular in his country and probably unpopular with the Ger. mans. Being of the disposition he was, it is very likely that 28 AMERICAN NEGRO IN THE WORLD WAR the Kaiser found it difficult to bend him completely to his will. Being a stumbling block in the way of German aims, is it not reasonably probable that Germany desired to get rid of him, thus leaving Austria-Hungary completely in the power of its tool and puppet, Francis Joseph, and in the event of his death, in the power of the young and suppliant Karl; another instrument easily bent to the German will? The wife of the archduke, assassinated with him, was a Bohemian, her maiden name being Sophie Chotek. She was not of noble blood as Bohemia had no nobles. They had been driven out of the country centuries before and their titles and estates conferred on indigent Spanish and Austrian adven- turers. Not being of noble birth, she was but the morgantic wife of the Austrian heir. Titles were afterwards conferred upon her. She was made a countess and then a duchess. Some say she had been an actress; not unlikely, for actresses pos- sessed an especial appeal to Austrian royalty. The cruel Hapsburgs rendered dull witted and inefficient by generations of inbreeding, were fascinated by the bright and handsome women of the stage. At any rate, Sophie Chotek belonged to that virile, practical race Bohemians, (also called Czechs) that gave to the world John Huss, who lighted the fires of religious and civil liberty in Central Europe, giving advent later to the work of Martin Luther. Bohemians had always been liberty-loving. They had been anxious for three centuries to throw off the yoke of Austria. There is no record that Sophie Chotek sympathized with the aims of her countrymen or that she was not in com- plete accord with the views of her husband and the political interests of the empire. But the experiences of the Germans and Austrians had taught them that a Bohemian was likely to remain always a Bohemian and that his freedom-loving people would not countenance plans having in View the enslavement of other nations. The Germans may have looked with suspicion upon the Bohemian wife of the archduke and thought it advisable to remove her also. Prinzip was thrown into prison and kept there until he died. No statement he may have made ever had a chance to SPIRITUAL EMANCIPATION OF NATIONS 29 reach the world. No one knows whether he was a German or a Serbian tool. He does not seem to have been an anarchist; neither does he seem to have been of the type that would commit such a crime voluntarily, knowing full well the con- sequences. It is not hard to believe that he was under pay' and promised full protection. Probably no Bohemian considers Sophie Chotek a mar- tyr; indeed, the evidence is strong that she was not. Her heart and soul probably were with her royal spouse. But an interesting outcome is, that her assassination, a contribut- ing cause to the war, finally led to the downfall of Germany, the wreck of Austria, the freedom of her native country, and that Spiritual Emancipation of nations and races, then so gloriously under way. Also, to the thoughtful and philosophic observer of matur- ing symptoms transpiring continuously in the affairs of man- kind; the fate of those nations of earth that in their strength and arrogance mock the Master, furnish a striking corrobo— rative vindication of the Negro ’s faith in the promises of the Lord; the glory and power of His coming. From the date, reckoning from moment and second, that Gavrio Prinzip done to death the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and his duchess, there commenced not alone a new day, a new hope and Emancipation of the whites of earth; empire king- dom, principality and tribe, but of the blacks; the Negro as well, so mysteriously; bewilderingly, moves God His wonders to perform. It was that subliminated faith in the ubiquity.and omni- science of God; the unchangeableness of His word; than which the world has witnessed; known nothing finer; the story of the concurrent causes that projected the Negro into the World War, from whence he emerged covered with glory, followed by the plaudits of mankind, that became the inspiration of this work—his story of devotion, valor and patriotism; of unmurmuring sacrifice; worthy the pens of the mighty, but which the historian, as best he may will tell: “NOTHING extenuate, nor set down AUGHT in malice.” CHAPTER II HANDWRITING ON THE WALL LIKENED To BELSHAZZAR—THE KAISER ’s FEASTs—IN HIS HEART BARBARIC PRIDE OF THE POTENTATES OF OLD—GERMAN MAD- NESS FOR WAR—INSOLENT DEMANDS—FORTY—EIGHT HOURS To PREVENT A WORLD WAR—COMMENT OF STATESMEN AND LEADERS—~THE WAR STARTS—ITALY BREAKS HER ALLIANCE ——GERMANIO POWERS WEIGHED AND FOUND WANTING— SPIRIT WINS OVER MATERIALISM—CIVEIZATION’S LAMP DIMMED BUT NOT DARKENED. BELSHAZZAR of Babylon sat at a feast. Very much after the fashion of modern kings they were good at feasting in those olden days. The farthest limits of the kingdom had been searched for every delight and delicacy. Honeyed Wines, flamingo ’s tongues, game from the hills, fruits from vine and tree, spices from grove and forest, vegetables from field and garden, fish from stream and sea; every resource of Mother Earth that could contribute to appetite or sensual pleasure was brought to the king’s table. Singers, minstrels, dancers, magicians, entertainers of every description were summoned to the palace that they might contribute to the vanity of the monarch, and impress the onlooking nations about him. He desired to be known and feared as the greatest mon- arch on earth; ruling as he did over the world’s greatest city. His triumphs had been many. He had come to believe that his power proceeded directly from the god Bel, and that he was the chosen and anointed of that deity. This was the period of his prime; of Babylon’s greatest glory; his kingdom seemed so firmly established he had no thought it could be shaken. But misleading are the dreams of kings; his kingdom was suddenly menaced from without, by Cyrus of Persia, another great monarch. There were also dangers from within, but courtiers and fiatterers kept this 30 HANDWRITING ON THE WALL 31 knowledge from him. Priests of rival gods had set them- selves up within the empire; spies from without and con- spirators within were secretly undermining the power of the intrenched despot. Such was Belshazzar in his pride; such his kingdom and empire. And, so it was, this was to be an orgy that would set a record for all time to come. Artists and artisans of the highest skill had been sum- moned to the work of beautifying the enormous palace; its gardens and grounds, innumerable slaves furnishing the labor. The gold and silver of the nation was gathered and beaten into ornaments and woven into beautiful designs to grace the occasion. There was a profusion of the most gor- geous plumage and richest fabrics, while over all were sprinkled in unheard of prodigality, the rarest gems and jewels. It was indeed to be a fitting celebration of the glory of Bel, and the power and magnificence of his earthly repre- sentative; heathen opulence, heathen pride and sensuality were to outdo themselves. The revel started at a tremendous pace. No such wines and viands ever before had been served. No such music ever had been heard and no such dancers and entertainers ever before had appeared, but, fool that he was, he had reckoned without his host; had made a covenant with Death and Hell and had known it not, and the hour of atonement was upon him; the handwriting on the wall of the true and outraged God, conveyed the information; short and crisp, that he had been weighed; he and his kingdom in the balance and found wanting; the hour—his hour, had struck; the time of restitu— tion and atonement long on the way, had come; Babylon was to fall—FELLl—and for twenty-five centuries its glory and its power has been a story that is told; its magnificence but heaps of sand in the desert where night birds shriek and wild beasts find their lair. In the Kaiser’s heart was the same barbaric pride, the same ambition, the same worship of a false god and the same belief that he was the especial agent of that deity. 32 AMERICAN NEGRO IN THE WORLD WAR His extravagances of vision and ambition were no less demoralizing to humanity and civilization, than those that brought decay and ruin to the potentates of old. He graced them with all the luxury and exuberance that modern civiliza- tion, without arousing rebellious complaint among his sub- jects, would permit. His gatherings appeared to be arranged for the bringing together of the bright minds of the empire, that there might be an exchange of thought and sentiment that would work to the good of his country and the happiness of the world. Frequently ministers, princes and statesmen from other countries were present, that they might become acquainted with the German idea—its kultur—working for the good of humanity. Here was The Beast mentioned in Revelations, in a dif- ferent guise; wearing the face of benevolence and clothed in the raiment of Heaven. There were feasts of which the Ger- man people knew nothing, and to which foreign ambassadors were not invited. At these feasts the wines were furnished by Belial. They were occasions for the glorification of the Ger- man god of war; of greed and conquest; ambition and vanity; Without pity, sympathy or honor. Ruthless, vain, arrogant minds met the same qualities in their leader. Some knew and welcomed the fact that the devil was their guest of honor; perhaps others did not know it. Deluded as they all were and blinded by pride and self- seeking, the same handwriting that told Belshazzer of disaster was on the wall, but they could not or would not see it. There was no Daniel to interpret for them. German madness for war asserted itself in the ultimatum sent by Austria to Serbia after the assassination at Sarajevo. Sufficient time had hardly elapsed for an investigation of the crime and the fixing of the responsibility, before Austria made a most insolent demand upon Serbia. The smaller nation avowed her innocence of any partici- pation in the murder; offered to make amends, and if it were discovered that the conspiracy had been hatched on Serbian soil, to assist in bringing to justice any confederates in the crime the assassin may have had. .UUZmmm mDCEOJ<> FWD—2 DNKMQZNE ZO_m_>_D DZNm NI... n—O IUZ_Fm._.Z<.u_Z_ Ihmwm FZMZIU