ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF 1LUNQ1S AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2014.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2014 v.: ®S£j irtajv"-! ?" »1; I ilSEf^siFfs : i&te,;:;. fBikiih't^ ;n :: i£S@'«jr f?4|di|fr' 3'M\1 UNIVERSITY & GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS. Natural Philosophy for Schools. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. Fourth Edition. 328 Illustrations. One Volume, large 12mo. 3s. Qd. cloth. This Volume is intended to supply a Class Book for Junior Students. Its purpose is to convey, in clear and concise terms, general notions of all the principal divisions of Physical Science, illustrated copiously by diagrams showing the forms and arrangement of apparatus, and the manner of per- forming the most important experiments. Each of the subjects briefly explained here is fully developed in all its details, and more amply illustrated, in the corresponding parts of the "Hand- Book of Natural Philosophy," which should always be in the hands of the teacher, who, by oral instruction, will then be enabled to develop each point, and illustrate it more or less fully, according to the capacity of the pupil. It may be hoped, that this volume may be the means of extending instruc- tion in the first notions of Physics into Ladies' Schools. Female teachers in general will find even the Hand-book easily intelligible, and by it will be enabled to use the present volume for the instruction of their pupils. t. Animal Physiology for Schools- By Dion- Lardner- D. C. L. With 190 Illustrations. 1 vol. Large 12mo. 3s. 6d. clotli. This Volume has been prepared at the suggestion of several eminent Medical Professors, with the view of popularizing a branch of natural science which, though second to none in importance, has been hitherto confined too exclu- sively to professional students. In no department of science are the evidences of wisdom and design more strikingly apparent, than in the study of the structure and functions of the animal frame. And at the present time, when the means of preserving health are occupying universal attention, it becomes highly important that our youth should be made in some degree acquainted with the mechanism of the body. The work as will be seen, is copiously illustrated by figures drawn and engraved under the direction of the highest physiological and anatomical authorities. K Chemistry for Schools- By Dion- Lardner, D-C L- With 170 Illustrations. 1 vol. Large 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth. This Work, (similar in design, to the two preceding volumes) compre- hends so much of the elements of Chemistry, as may, with moderate atten- tion, be acquired within a reasonable time by the younger class of Students, and even as much as may suffice for those who, being more advanced in life, desire merely to obtain a general knowledge of the elements of the material world, and of the chief compounds into which they enter. The Table of Contents of each oftheabove volumes is so composed, thai the Teacher may form from it Questions for the examination of his class, the Answers to which will be found in the corresponding paragraphs of the 'volume. v,\ LONDON: WALTON & MABERLY.TEXT BOOKS. Lardner's Handbook of Natural Philosophy Forming a Complete Course of Natural Philosophy. 4 -vols. 12mo. with 1334 Illustrations, 20s. Also sold separately as under:— MECHANICS. With 375 Illustrations. 1 vol. 5s. HYDROSTATICS, PNEUMATICS, and HEAT. 292 Illustra- tions. 1 vol. 5s. OPTICS. With 290 Illustrations. 1 vol. 5s. ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, and ACOUSTICS. 395 Illus- ions. 1 vol. 5s. Newth's First Book of Natural Philosophy; or an Introduction to the study of Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatics, | and Optics, with numerous Examples. 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth. This Work is intended for the use of Students preparing for the Matricula- tion Examination of the University of London. Common Things Explained, ByD Lardner, D-C L- (From the " Museum of Science and Art.") Complete in One Volume, with 233 Engravings, 12mo. 5s. cloth, lettered. This Volume contains explanations, in the most popular form, of subjects and objects of which, notwithstanding their being perpetually presented to our minds, the principles, history, structure, and other particulars, are seldom clparly understood. (Among these are the properties of the Air we breathe, the conditions necessary to its purity, and the various circumstances under which it becomes polluted; the composition of Water, and the modes in which it is condensed, expanded, filtered, purified and analysed; the nature of Flame ; the effects of different forms of grates and chimneySj and the analysis of a common coal fire. The chapters on Time contain information on the various subdivisions of the year and the day employed in different nations, ancient and modern; explaining the natural measures of duration, and giving instructions for the observation of the celestial phenomena on which they depend. In the chapters on the Almanac, the construction of different calenders is . analysed. Explanations are given respecting Easter, the Paschal Moon, Harvest Moon, May Moon, etc. Epochs of chronology are defined. The treatise on Clocks and Watches, besides explaining their construction, gives an account of the various contrivances for measuring time, including the Clepsydra, Sun-dial, and Pendulum; and illustrates, by figures and descriptions, the formation and functions of the different parts of Watches and Chronometers-—as the fusee, balance-wheel, recoil, cylindrical, and duplex escapements, maintaining power, striking apparatus, etc. There are also chapters on Spectacles,—Colour—the Kaleidoscope—Pumps —Man-—the Eye—Printing Press—Potter's Art—Locomotion and Transport, their influence and progress—The Surface of the Earth, or First Notions of Geography. *** The Worlc may also be had in two Series. (Sold separately) 2s. 6d. each, cloth lettered. -==^— • t .--,---/ 00 upper gower stptt-pt & 9-r t— t.a-ntts. pate1" "'ter t*UNIVERSITY & GOVERNMENT EXAMINATION. Abbott's First English Reader. i2mo. is. cloth. JONTENTS: God is here — I have a Soul — John and Jane — The Bible"—The Law — Asking Questions — Loving thy Neighbour — Mary and her Lamb — Having one's own way — One way to be Happy — Stealing Birds'Eggs — The Penitent Child—Verses from the Scriptures — How to Read well— Planting Flower Seeds—The Girl who had her own way — Cousin Mary — A Few Hints — The First Commandment — The Robin — The Second Commandment — The Third Commandment — The Fourth Commandment — The Fifth Commandment—The Sixth Commandment — The Seventh Commandment—The Eighth Command- ment — The Ninth Commandment —The Tenth Commandment — Speak Gently — The Contested Seat — Be kind — A Great Victory — The Horse — The. Sheep — Birds — Water Birds — Plants — Flax — The Dull Girl — Eyes and Ears — Months — Bessy Grant — Spring — Summer — The Country Boy's Call — The Apples — The Little Miser — John Tompkins—The Dirty Boy — The way never to cry — " A rosy Child went forth to play — Casabianca — Don't kill the Birds — The Blind Boy — The lost Child and the Lamb — Faith in God— Freaks of the Frost — The Ark and the. Dove — The Peach — The Rose — A Child's Evening Prayer — The Wrong Turning — The Disinterested Boy — The Scholar — The Boyhood of Washington —Columbus. Abbott's Second English Reader. i2mo. is. 6d. cloth. CONTENTS: The Way to be Happy — The Wonderful Instrument — Solomon's Wise Choice — Byes and no Eyes; or, the Art of Seeing — The Rich Man and the Poor Man — The Old Eagle Tree — The Holy Bible —The Lost Camel; or Habit of Observation — The Boy without a Genius — "I was sick and ye visited me;" or, Washington and the Poor Widow — Alexander, or, the Hero and the Robber — The Butterfly's Ball—The Little Philosopher — Be kind to your Mother — Lines, by Cowper, on the Receipt of his Mother's Picture — The Creation of the World — Be kind to your Sister — To the Memory of my Sister — The Majesty of God — The visible Creation — Confession; 01% the way to restore Peace of Mind—A bad Habit — The Sleigh-ride; or,Two Ways of telling a Story — The Love of Country and of Home — My native Land — Trials and Dangers of the Whale Fishery — The Sailor Boy's Dream—Mount Etna — Charles II. and William Penn — What is Time? — Curiosities of Science — The Miracle — The Miller of Mansfield — Dialogue between Hernando Cortez and William Penn — The Philosopher's Scales—The Voyage of Life; an Allegory — The, Sky-Lark — Learn to say No — Leaving Home — The Great Marriage Feast — Heaven — The Generous Russian Peasant — The Consequences of Idleness — Advantages of Industry—Lochiel's Warning — The Town Pump — The Vision of Mirza — The Aspen Leaf — The Discontented Pendulum — A Cup of Cold Water — The Poor Man — Tact and Talent — One who Loves his fellow Men—How it strikes a Stranger — Losing everything by getting Rich — Self-denial — For what shall I praise Thee — The Secret of being always satisfied—The Steamboat Trial — The chastened Pilgrim—'New Year's Day — The Spider and the Fly — Mother won't let me—The Venomous Worm — The Bible and the Creation—A Rest for the Weary — Complaint of the Dying Year — The Infant and the Angels—Memory and Hope — Invitation to the Young — The Home of the Soul—The Sabbath Day — Time and Eternity — Respect for the Sabbath Rewarded — Sorrow, Con- solation, and Hope — The Ten Commandments — A Mother's Gift — Nature and Revelation—Night — The Works and Providence of God — A Psalm of Life— Praise to God — Rain in Summer — Columbus'first Sight of the New World — Columbus at Barcelona — The Birth of Christ — The Generous Robber — Honour thy Father and Mother — Mentius and the Hermit — Prayer ■— Truth — The Saviour's Conversation with Nicodemus — Parable of the Prodigal Son — The Rich Man here and hereafter —The Reading of the Bible — The Sea of Galilee — The Great Day — Triumph of the Gospel — Character of Washington — Pro- verbs for the Young —The Stranger and his Friend—The Resurrection — The Vision of the Throne of God — The Celestial City. An Elementary English Grammar. for the rise of Schools. By Dr. R. G. Latham, F.R.S., late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Eighteenth Thousand. 4s. 6d. cloth. u It is a work in which Grammar, no longer an assemblage of conventional " rules of speech, becomes a philosophical analysis of our language, and an elementary intellectual exercise, adapted to the highest purposes of instruc- tion."— Minutes of Council of Education, Vol. 1. —DON: "W»tjT0N & Mar^t.v TJPPER GOWER ST. & IVY LA*™jESOP'S fables, AS ROMANIZED BY P HJE D RU S; WITH A LITERAL INTERLINEAR TRANSLATION ACCOMPANIED BY ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES. ON THE PLAN RECOMMENDED BY MR. LOCKE. Sive hoc ineptum, sive laudandum est opus, Invenit ILLE, nostra perfecit manus.—Pliosdms. SEiJttion. LONDON; WALTON AND MABERLY, UPPER COWER STREET, AND IVY LAKE, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1862.Printed by T. G. Tyler, 23, Middle Street, Smithfieid.$71 P4.X I % ■€: U.* PREFACE. The general character of the writings of Ph^:- drus is too well known and approved, to require many observations on his matter or his manner. Our Fabulist professes himself a Thracian by birth; but it may safely be presumed, that he came early to Rome, on the internal evidence afforded by the purity of his Latinity, which is scarcely consistent with a provincial education. In worldly station he was not far removed from his famous original, iEsop, the Phrygian slave, being himself a freedman of Augustus Gsesar. And it is probable, from some of his own pre- fatory notices, that this similarity of condition had some influence in directing his genius to the same subject. He was not, however, a homely trans- lator of the Greek Fables, nor even a servile imitator; for although the comparatively early age wherein he lived afforded facilities for col- lecting the genuine remains of iEsop, which modern times unhappily cannot command, Phae* drus does not scruple to vary the detail of many 703549iy PREFACE» fables, acknowledged to belong to the " Old Man ;" and even to add some exclusively his own, when desirous to enforce a moral not illus- trated by iEsop. Thus, in his prologue to the second Book, he cries us mercy for this license, and on such a plea as to deserve it well;—• E qui clem omni cura morem servabo Senis [iEsopi] : Sed si libuerit aliquid interponere Diversum, sensus ut delectet varietas, Bonas in partes, Lector, accipias velim. In fact, Phsedrus may almost be considered as an original author, though he only claims the praise of an actor— Et in eothurnis prodit iEsopus novis. At any rate, the free adaptation of his recog- nized exemplar to the national character of the Romans, including his frequent allusion to forms and customs unknown to the Greeks, seems to justify our titular description that the fables are not verbally Latinized but essentially Romanized. In shorty his own defence might be given in these words— That I have ta'en away this old man's daughter, It is most true—true I have married her: The very head and front of my offending Hath this extent—No more. We fear we cannot offer so satisfactory an apo- logy for the liberties we have taken with the legitimate offspring of Phaedrus himself. It is therefore necessary to dwell on our own " un-PREFACE,, Y varnished tale " somewhat more explicitly.—And, firstly, for the first count: we have not distributed these fables into five distinct Books, according to the arrangement of our author, who produced the several parts at different intervals of time. This formal discrepancy will scarcely require further notice in the case of a translation, as there is in the original no exclusive classification of materiel for these particular divisions.—Again : we have not included all the fables in this publication ; this partial omission has been made, not from any disregard to the merits of all^ but with a view to the consistency of our plan. Our volume being intended as a purely elementary work, would seem to claim some adaptation to the capacity of parties who are naturally confined to the elements of learning—we mean, to the ability of the youthful novice in classical literature. For this purpose it is expedient that the subject be of such a nature as to attract and fix the attention of the school- boy; and we have therefore omitted those fables, whose purport is not brought home to simple ap- prehension by the medium of familiar or sensible objects. Some fables have also been excluded, as involving a moral inference less practically useful or important; and some few have likewise been omitted, whose moral, though valuable, had been clearly illustrated by a preceding story of similar tendency.—Lastly: we have passed over in thevi PREFACE. text those additaments to each fable, which go to demonstrate the application of the story, com- monly distinguished by the title of " the moral." This will seem to all a very serious omission ; but we hope it is not indefensible. Without question- ing the delicacy of dictating any application of a fable, whose form was first assumed in order to disguise offensive truths,—it may be satisfactory to state, that the moral applications which Phse- drus has prefixed or subjoined are not only less attractive in matter to the young learner, but are often so obscure in form, that their sense could scarcely be comprehended by any one not per- fectly acquainted with Roman phraseology.* Be- sides this reason for omission, the tedious same- ness of the introductory lines, which are repeated almost word for word, seems to justify the course we have adopted.^ We have, however, taken care to give the substance of this appendage, in a simple English sentence prefixed to each fable, and in some few instances have ventured, for the sake of perspicuity, slightly to vary the expres- * To give one instance out of many, the following application of the fable of "the sheep and the stag," given in page 16, is expressed in these technical terms— Fraudator, nomen quum locat sponsu improbo, Non rem expedire, se'd mala videre expetit. + The prefatory lines to which we here allude, commonly eon* tain an acknowledgment of the author, somewhat thus ex* pressed— iEsopus nobis hoc exemplum prodidit,PREFACE» vii sion of the text. Much practical advantage may be derived from the reading of a very simple fable; and on this ground we would advise the youthful student to recollect illustrations of these stories from observation or from history, accord- ing to the rational end proposed by Phsedrus himself— Qu5d prudenti vitam consilio monet. With respect to our translation, the first im- pression will probably be general, that the dic- tion is inelegant. This is owing, partly, to the nature of literal translation, from which some degree of uncouthness is always inseparable; and, partly, to its being the primary design of this Elementary Part to give the younger learner a familiar acquaintance with the general meaning of Latin words. Hence we have endeavoured, as far as possible, to appropriate one English to one Latin term to be modified hereafter according to especial combinations. This confinement must, of course occasion apparent awkwardness of expres- sion in some passages. But we have not regarded such appearances in the present version; on the contrary, we have ventured to sacrifice all neat- ness of expression in our own language, for the preservation of a faithful reflection of the original Latin. The Notes which have been here subjoined have jin like manner been accommodated to theviii PREFACEo information of our hospes in liter arum regions* Minute and critical discussion has been, as far as possible, avoided in this elementary volume: and without dwelling on minor distinctions of gram- mar, it has been our chief object to point out the leading and essential characteristics of the Latin language ; and particularly to elucidate those Latin idioms of speech, which are least conformable to the genius of the English. The present elementary work is in a great measure intended for that class of readers, who are entirely unacquainted with the rudiments of classic literature ; and it is accordingly lowered to the easy reach of the uninitiated tyro, with a degree of adaptation which might perhaps seem overstrained to one who had forgotten that he himself was once a beginner. We wish first of all that the classic student should be fairly ad- mitted to the principles of the learned languages: when this point is once gained, it will no longer be necessary to keep so closely to the letter of the text, to the detriment of its spirit; and as he pro- ceeds to those authors, who are sometimes called the " higher classics,'' he may relax this strictness of version where it is incompatible with elegance, and employ that style of rendering the classics which is most admired in our Universities.iESOP'S FABLES, AS ROMANIZED BY PHiEDRUS. PROLOGUS. PROLOGUE. Quam materiam iEsopus repperit auetor, hanc What subject-matter iEsop devised as author, this ego pollvi versibus senariis.# Dosf li- I have-polished in-verses of-six-feet. The-advantage of- bellij est duplex: qu6d movet risum ; et quod the-little-book is twofold: that it-moves laughter; and that * The verse employed by Ph&drus consists of six feet, and is called iambic; though spondees and other feet are also admitted in its composition. A pure iambic verse requires all the six places to be occupied by the same kind (marked thus, w") ; but the common iambic metre only demands this foot in the even places : as, Hanc ggb | poli|vi verjsibus | senams. Our fabulist, however, often disregards the more moderate claim. t Dos means properly a " dower/' or " marriage-portion hence used to denote gain or possession in general.—The Latin language having no regular article, the English a, an, or the, will be combined with substantives and adjectives, when occasion requires, as if in- volved in the single Latin term. $ Libellus is a diminutive from liber, " a book," expressive either of its small bulk, or small pretension : sometimes an adjective of si- milar force is also attached to such substantives, as parvum tigillum, " a small littls-log," in the second fable.. v.. B2 iESOP'S FABLES, monet vitarn prudenti concilio. Autem si quis * k»advises life bv-prudeut counsel. But if any-one voluerit calumniari, quM non tantum shall-have-been-willing to-cavil, because not only ferae, arbores loquantur, meminerit nos wild-animals, but trees speak, he-will-remember that-we jocari fictis fabulis. a re-joking in-fictitious fables. 1. LUPUS ET AGNUS. THE WOLF AND THE LAMB. The innocent, if weak, are oppressed under false pretences. Lupus et Agnus venerant ad eundem rivum, A-wolf and a-lamb had-come to the-same river, compulsi siti: lupus stabat superior, que compelled by-thirst: the-wolf was-standing higher, and agnus longe inferior: tunc latro incitatus the-lamb far lower: then the-robber [the wolf] incited improba fauee, intulit causam jurgii. "Cur," by-an-unclean throat, brought-on cause of-quarrel. " Why/' inquit, " fecistif istam aquam turbulentam says-he, " hast-thou-made that water turbid * Quis is more commonly used as an interrogative pronoun " who V* but when preceded by the conjunctions si, ne, and similar particles, it bears an indefinite sense. t In Latin a verb which asks a question frequently appears, with- out addition, in exactly the same form as if it made an assertion ; and its force in any given passage must then be determined by the coa- text: thusjfedsti might mean in another place, " thou hast made/FROM PH^DRUS. mihi bibenti?' Laniger# eontraf for-me drinking !" The-wool-bearer |>he lamb] on-the-other-hand timens: u Qui possum, qugeso, facere quod fearing, said: " How am-I-able, I-pray, to-do what quereris, Lupe ? liquor decurrit a te thou- compl ainest - of, O-wolf? the-liquid runs-down from thee ad meos haustus»" Ille, repulsus viribus for my draughts." He, being-repelled by-the-powers veritatis, ait, " Ante hos sex menses,J of-truth, says, " Before these six months, maledixisti mihi." Agnus respondit; thou-hast-spoken-ill-of me." The-lamb answered: " Equidem eram non natus." a Hercule/' inquit* " I-indeed was not then born." " By-Hercules," says-he, *' tuus pater maledixit mihi." Atque ita injusta " thy father spoke-ill-of me." And so with-unjust nece lacerat correpturn.§ death he-tears the lamb quickly-seized. 2. RANM POSTULANTES REGEM. THE FROGS REQUIRING A KING. The least of ills is best. Ranse vagantes liberis paludibus, magno The-frogs rambling in-free marshes, with-great * Phtedrus often substitutes an epithet, or attribute of substance, instead of the substantive itself; thus affording an agreeable variety to the language of his narrative. t Contra, literally " on the contrary," may often in these fables be rendered more clearly " in answer." $ This is equivalent to the English phrase " six months ago." § The natural compactness of the Latin language often dispenses with the use of conjunctions : thus the original expression here iiu- B 24 jESOP9S fables, clamore peti&re regem a Jove, qui compesceret clamour besought a-king from Jupiter, who might-restrain vi dissolutos mores» Pater deorum risit, by-force loose manners. The-father of-the-gods laughed, atque dedit illis parvum tigillum ; quod missum and gave to-them a-little log; which being-sent subito vadis, terruit pavidum genus motu suddenly into-the-shallows, terrifit1 the-fearful race by-its-motion que sono. Cum hoc jaceret diutius# rnersum and sound. When this lay rather-long plunged limo, una forte profert caput tacite e in-mud, one frog by-chance puts-forth her head silently from stagno, et, rege explorato, evocat the-pool, and, the-king having-been-examined, calls-out cunctas. Illse, timore posito, adnatant cer- all the other frogs» They, fear being-laid-aside, swim-to it emu- tatim j que petulans turba insilit supra lignum : lously; and the-insolent rabble leaps-on above the-block-of-wood: quodf quum inquin&ssent omni contumelia, which when they-had-polluted with-every affront, mi sere ad Jovem, rogantes alium regent quoniam they-sent to Jupiter, asking-for another king, since that esset inutilis, qui fuerat datus. Turn misit illis was useless, which had-been given® Then he-sent to-them plies—" he snatches up the lamb, and then tears it to pieces." See a fine new Engraving, illustrative of this Fable, as applied to two boys, from Mulready's celebrated picture. * Diuiius, generally rendered " longer/' means in this place 44 longer than was expected a common elliptic form. t Quod quum—This frequent occurrence of the double relative seems rather harsh in English ; but in Latin it is not only perspicu- ous but elegant—here perfectly expressing " after-that they had pol- luted this," &CqFROM PH 7EDRUS. hydrum, qui, aspero ^ente, ccepit corripere sin- a-water-snake, which, with-rough t. th, began to-seize them one® gulas : frustra inertes fugitant* necem: metus by-one: in-vain helpless they-scamper-from death: fright praecludit vocem. Furtim igitur dant Mercurio fore-stops their voice. By-stealth therefore they-give to-Mercury mandata ad Jovem, ut succurrat afflictas, commissions to Jove, that he-may-succour them distressed. Tunc contra Dfeus inquit, u Quia noluistis Then in-answer the-God says, " Because ye-were-unwilling ferre vestrum bonum, perferte malum."f to-bear your good, bear-on the-ili." 3. SUPERBUS GRACULUS. A THE PROUD JACKDAW. / Be contented with the gifts of nature• Graculus, lumens inani superbia, sustulit A-jackdaw, swelling with-empty pride, took-up pennas, quse deciderant pavoni, que exornavit feathers, which had-fallen-from a-peacock, and decked-out se: deinde contemnens suos, immiscuit- himself: thenceforth scorning his-ownfriends, he-mixed» se formoso gregi pavonum. Illi eripiunt himself-amongst the-beautiful flock of-peacocks. They snatch-out * Verbs of this termination signify the reiteration of an actioru and are therefore called frequentative : thus, fugio meaning (t to flee," fugito signifies " to flee often," i. e. to be almost always on the run• t This fable was applied to the ancient Athenians, who, from an abuse of liberty, became subject to the tyranny of the Pisistratids.6 JESOP S FABLES,, pennas impudenti avi, que fugant their feathers from-the-impudent bird, and drive-^m-off rostris. Graculus, male mulctatus3 coepit re- with'their-heuks. The-jackdaw, badly punished, began to- dire mcerens ad proprium# genus: a quo return sorrowing to his-own kind i by whom repulsus, sustinuit tristem notam.f Turn being-repelled, he-sustained a-sad mark. Then said quidam ex illis quos prius despexerat; " Si a-certain-one of those whom before he-had-despised; "If fuisses contentus nostris sedibus, et voluis- thou-hadst-been content with-our seats, and hadst- ses pati quod natura dederat; nec ex- been-willing to-suffer what nature had-given ; neither wouldst- pertus-esses illam contumeliam, nec tua thou-have-experienced that affront, nor would- thy calamitas sentlret hanc repulsam* calamity -feel$ this repulse. * It will be observed that proprium and suos, in this fable, are rendered by the same English " his own but their meaning may be thus distinguished : suos implies possession, referring to a party in the third person before-mentioned in the sentence ; proprium u one's own" has no reference to the person of the subject, or to the form of the sentence, but merely implies the peculiar attribute of one species, exclusively of all others of the same genus. t This appears to refer to the penal infliction of a stigma, or mark of infamy, on persons degraded by the Roman Censors, X It is sometimes convenient to separate the auxiliary and leadiug verb in English, though the force of both is expressed in Latin by a varied inflection of a single word : as here, sentiret, '* would feel." In like manner some other forms of speech are rendered more clear in English by such interposition of words, though in Latin no corre- spondent separation of the phrase is necessary ; as, plus valeo, more I-am-strong, (p. 8.)FHOM PHJEDRUS. 7 4. CANIS NATANS. THE DOG SWIMMING He deservedly loses his own, who grasps at another' possessions. Canis, natans per flumen, dum ferret A-dog, swimming through a-river, while he-was-carrying carnem, vidit suum simulacrum in speculo a-piece-of-flesh, saw his-own image in the-mirror lympharum; que putans aliam prsedam ferri of-waters; and thinking another prey to-be-carried ab alio, voluit eripere: verum aviditas by another, he-wished to-snatch-ii-from-7iim j but his greediness decepta, et demisit cibum, quem tenebat was deceived, and he-let-down the-food, which he-was-holding ore: nec potuit ade6 attingere quem in-7m-mouth; nor could-he thus attain the other which petebat. he-was-seeking 5. VACCA, CAPELLA, OVIS, ET LEO. THE COW, THE KID, THE SHEEP, AND THE LION. The fellowship of the powerful is seldom faithful. Vacca, et capella, et ovis patiens injuries A-cow, and a-kid, and a-sheep patient of-wrong, fu£re socii cum leone in saltibus. Quum were companions with a-lion in the-woods. When hi cepissent cervum vasti corporis, partibus these had-taken a-stag of-vast body, the-shares8 JK SOP'S FABLESj factis, sic leo locutus-est: " Ego tollo having-been-made, thus the-lion spoke: «'I take-up primam, quia nominor Leo : tribuetis mihi the-first share, because I-am-named Lion s ye-will-assign to-me secundum, quia sum fortis : turn quia plus valeo, the-second, because I-am brave: then because I-am-more strong, tertia sequetur me : si quis tetigerit quartan^ the-third will-follow me : if any-one shall-have-touched the-fourth, adficietur# malo." Sic improbitas sola abstulit he-shall-be-visited with-ill." Thus unfairness alone to ok-away totam prsedam* the-whole prey, 6. LUPUS ET GRUS. THE WOLF AND THE CRANE. It is unsafe to serve the wicked. Quum devoratum os hsereret fauce lupi> When a-gorged bone was-sticking in-the-throat of-a-wolf, victus magno dolore, coepit illicere pretio singu- overcome with-great pain, he-began to-enticewith-a-bribethe-seve- los,f ut extraherent illud malume Tandem ral animals, that they-should-draw-out that evil. At-length * Frequently a Latin verb is found with so general a meaning, as to admit of combination with very different substantives ; thus ajfici " to be affected" may be conjoined with nouns signifying " pleasure, pain, reward, punishment, death," &e.: in which case its specific meaning is determined by the accompanying noun, which here serves as a qualification of the action or passion. t In the language of Fable, brute animals being fairly considered a« persons, we readily allow the use of the masculine gender, without any specified antecedent.FROM PH^DRUS. 9 gruis* persuasa-est jurejurando; que credens a-crane was-persuaded by-/iis-oath; and trusting longitudinemf colli guise, fecit periculosam her length of-neck to-his-gullet, wrought a-hazardous medicmam lupo. Pro quo quum flagitaret cure for-the-wolf. For which thing when she-demanded prsemium pactum; " Es ingrata," inquit, the-reward stipulated-for; u Thou-art ungrateful," says-he, " quae abstuleris caput incolume nostroj ore, " who hast-taken-away thy head unhurt from-our mouth, et postules mercedem." and requirest hire." 7. PASSER ET LEPUS. THE SPARROW AND THE HARE. Never insult the unfortunate, as if confident in your own security. Passer objurgabat leporem, oppressum ab A-sparrow was-rating a-hare, overpowered by aquila, edentem graves fletus: "Ubi est ilia an-eagle, uttering heavy moans: ** Where is that * Gruis is the ancient form of the noun, commonly contracted by modern writers into grus• t In poetry a substantive is often elegantly used instead of an ad- fective ; as here, " her length of neck," for " her long neck." J It is not uncommon in Latin to employ this plural pronoun adjective instead of the singular number, meuin, " mine the Latin form being generally a modest sort of egotism, not, as in English, an assumption of royalty. B 510 JRSOP'S FABLES, nofca pernicitas ? Quid pedes it& cess&runt ?'* well-known fleetness ? Why have- thy feet so -stopped V' Dum loquitur, accipiter rapit ipsum nec-opi- While he-is-speaking, a-hawk clutches himself [the sparrow] not- num, que interficit clamitantem* vano questu. Le- aware, and kills him oft-screaming with-vain complaint. The- pus, semianimus, in solatium mortis ; " Qui Hare, half-alive, for consolation of-death, answers; Thou who mode) securus irridebas nostra mala, de- just-now careless wast-laughing-at our ills, art- ploras tua fata simili querela/' bewailing thine-own fates with-like complaining." 8. LUPUS ET VULPES, SIMIO JUDICE. THE WOLF AND THE FOX, THE APE BEING JUDGE. A liar is never believed, even when he speaks the truth. Lupus arguebat vulpem crimine furti; A-wolf charged a-fox with-the-crime of-theft; ilia negabat se esse proximam culpse : tunc she [the-fox] denied herself to-be nearest to-the-blame : then simius sedit judex inter illos. Cum uterque the-ape sat judge between them When both perorassent suam eausam, simius fertur had-pleaded-through their-own cause, the-ape is-reported * This is another instance of the verb frequentative, from claim c to cry but." See note to fugito, (page 5.)FROM PH/EDKUS. II dixisse hanc sententiam : m-presence-of more dogs, lest they-devour us alive; quiim scierint tale esse prsemium culpse." when they-have-known such to-be the-reward of-fault." 25. AQUILA, FELIS, ET APER. THE EAGLE, THE GAT, AND THE HOG. Beware of double-tongued informers who soiv dissen- sion amongst their neighbours for selfish purposes. Aquila fecerat nidum in subllmi quercu ; An-eagle had-made her nest on the-top-of an-oak ? felis, nacta cavernam in media^ peper- a-cat, having-obtained a-hollow in the-middle, had-brought- erat: sus, nemoricultrix,# posuerat fee turn forth young: a-sow, tenant-of-the-woods, had-placed her litter turn, tinctured, &c.; a practice which is not uncommon with some translators:—But it seems at best a pitiful affectation to Latinize an English version. * This is a combination of two words, cultrix (derived from colo to inhabit) and nemoris (from nemus, a wood) ; which would disturb the me**w. if written in distinct parts.30 iESOP's FABLES, ad imam.# Turn felis sic evertit fortuitam at the-bottom. Then the-cat thus destroyed her chance contubernium fraude et scelest&, malitia. Scandit company by-fraud and wicked malice. She-climbs ad nidum volucris : " Pernicies," ait> " paratur to the-nest of-the-bird : " Destruction," says-she, " is-prepared tibi? forsan et mihi miserse : nam quod vides for-thee, perchance also for-me wretched : for whereas thou-seest insidiosum aprumf quotidie fodere terrain, that-the-treacherous hog daily digs the-earth, vult eveiteref quercum, ut opprimat nostram it-wishes to-overturn the-oak, that it-may-overpower our progeniem facile in piano. progeny easily on level-ground»" Terrore offuso, et sensibus perturbatis, Fright being-cast-over the eagle, and her senses confounded, • Ad imam (quercum)—literally "at the lowest (oak) so like- wise in sublimi means " on the lofty (oak)," and in media, " in the middle (oak) though such expressions would be scarcely perspi- cuous in English. t The Romans did not appropriate terns to the different sex of animals so strictly as our language requires — commonly designating both male and female under the same form. Thus the names aper a boar, and sus a sow, are here applied to one individual; which being in reality of the feminine gender, we adopt the general term st hog," in order to avoid the use of a noun which is, in English, exclusively masculine. $ It will be observed that the same verb everto is rendered differently in two lines of this fable : the fact is, in the latter place only it is used in its proper sense, being employed in the former metaphorically. This analogy might often be preserved in English, as we say to " overturn a house," in the sense of " ruin a family but it is not necessary that correspondent proper terms in different languages should also bear similar translationFROM PHJKPRUS. 31 derepit ad cublle setosss suis: "Tui . nati," ahe-creeps-down to the-bed of-the-bristly sow : " Thy young-ones/' inquit, " sunt in magno periculo. Nam simul she-says, " are in great danger. For as-soon as exieris pastum cum tenero grege, thou-shalt-have-gone-forth to-feed with thy tender herd, aquila est parata rapere tibi* porcellos.'* the-eagle is prepared to-seize thy little-pigs." Postquam complevitf timore hunc locum quoque, After-that she-had-filled with-fear this place also, dolosa condidit sese tuto cavo: inde she-deceitful hid herself in-fter-safe hole: thence evagata noctu suspenso-pede j ubi re- having-wandered-forth by-night on-tip-toe, when she- plevit § se et suam prolem esca, simulans had-filled herself and her brood with-food, pretending pavorem prospicit toto die. alarm she-looks-forth the-whole day. * This might be taken—" to snatch (thy) pigs from theebut the dative of the personal pronoun sometimes represents the possessive. t This form of the verb would elsewhere be rendered as absolutely perfect, but after such particles as postquam, ubi, &c. it has a move remote relation. $ Literally " with foot suspended," that is, not dropt full on the ground, but set as lightly and cautiously as possible, as if held up at intervals for the sake of listening. § Replevit is englished, in this fable, exactly like the preceding verb complevit, as being scarcely distinguishable in another language The general meaning of these prefixes has been before explained*— See note to page 14 and 18.32 JESOP'S FABLES, y-. ' 'V :l'-' ' Aquila metuens rumam# desidet ramis: The-eagle dreading the-fall of the tree sits-still in-the-branches : aper vitans rapmam non-prodit foras, the-hog avoiding the- seizure of its pigs goes-not-forth out-of-doors. Quid multa?f Consumpti-sunt cum *Why should I say many things? They-were-wasted-away with suis inedia; que prsebuerunt largam their-young for-want-of-eating, and afforded a-plentiful dapem 'catulis felis. feast to- the-whelps of-the-cat. 26. DUO MULI ET LATRONES. THE TWO MULES AND THE ROBBERS. lie who has little to lose is safer than the rich. Duo muli ibant gravati sarcinis: unus fe- Two mules were-going burthened with-packages: one was- rebat fiscos cum pecunia; alter, saccos ~~mrvmg hanapers with money; the-other, bags tumentes multo hordeo. Ille5J dives onere swelling with-much barley. The-former, rich in-lading» * Many verbal nouns of this form preserve an active signification, as ruvna from ruo to tumble, rapina from rapio to seize: which sense is seldom fully attached to our words " ruin" (t rapine " &c. + This is a common ellipsis, which may be supplied thus; propter quid dicarn multa ? being equivalent to denique, lastly, in short, $ Ille " that," when applied to one of two subjects, designates the erne mentioned earlier in the sentence, and is often opposed to hie, ** this,".which relers to the later of the two.FROM PH2EDRUS. 33 eminens cels& cervice;# que jactans collo \jp-rising with-lofty mane, and tossing on-Jtis-neck clarum tintinnabulum; comes sequitur quieto a-clear-toned bell; his companion follows with-quiet et placido gradu. Subito latrones advolant ex and gentle step. Suddenly robbers fly-towards them from msidiis, que inter ceedem tonsitantf mulum ambush, and amid the-slaughter gash the-[rich]-mule ferro : deripiunt nummos; negligunt vile with-iron [weapon]: they-pillage the-moneys j they-neglect the-cheap hordeum. Quum igitur spoliatus fleret barley. When therefore the-despoiled-one was-weeping suos casus : " Equidem," inquit alter, u gaudeo his-own mischances; "I-indeed," says the-other, "rejoice me contemptum; nam amisi nil, nec sum that-I am despised; for 1-have-lost nothing, nor am-I Isesas vulnere/'J hurt with-a-wound." * It seems necessary to distinguish the version of cervix and collum, though we may not have two words exactly equivalent; the Latin collum being the general term for the whole neck, whereas cervix ex- presses only the back-part of the neck, sometimes the shoulder. t Tonsitant is a verb frequentative from tondeo, to clip or cut, and here denotes the frequency of the wounds inflicted in this fray with the drivers. £ This is not exactly a counterpart to the fable in page 25, but it may be compared thereto with advantage : Horace here also furnishes a parallel — " Sagpius ventis agitatur ingens Pinus," &c. And Juvenal, still more closely — *• Cantabit vacuus coram latr6ne-viatQf-w G 5JZE'SOP "s I-ABLE So 27. ANUS AD AMPHORAM. THE OLD WOMAN TO THE VASE. The slightest relic of past worth is an invaluable treasure. Anus v^dit epotam amphoram^ jacere, An-old-woman saw an-emptied vase to-be-lying on the ground, quas adhuc, Falernaf fsece^ et nobili test&9 which still, fiom-Falernian dregs, and a-famous cask spargeret lat& jucundum odorem. Postquam sprinkled widely a-pleasant scent. After-that avida traxit hunc totis naribus; she-greedy had-drawn this with-her-whole nostrils, she exclaimed, > u O suavis animal qualem§ bonam dicam " O sweet breath! how good shall-I-pronounce te fuisse antehac, cum tales sint reliquiae !" thee to-have-been ere-now, since such are thy remains !" * Amphora was a determinate measure of capacity, nearly equal to nine gallons ; but it is often used more indefinitely for the large bowl, or two-handled jug, in which wine was placed on the table with the dessert at a Roman entertainment. t " Falernian" (or Campanian wine) was one of the most cele- brated of the wines of Italy : the Romans chiefly named their wines from the districts where they were raised ; just as we say " Cham- pagne," " Burgundy," &c. $ Sometimes a plural substantive in one language represents a singular in another: thus the plurals "dregs, lees, grounds," are only equivalent to the singular fax; and vice versa, the plural insidice in the former fable means simply <6 an ambush." § The adverb quarn more properly presents the meaning of the English " how but qualis is here an elegant substitute, as re- sponding to the adjective talis. PhaBdrus applies this fable to his own writings, which were pro- duced in his old age : his relics might be thought worthy of a more delicate illustration, but the last two lines have been consecrated by application to subjects of far deeper se sibilityFROM PHJEDIiUSe, 35 28a PANTHERA ET PASTORES. THE PANTHER AND THE SHEPHERDS» A friend in need is not easily forgotten. Panthera imprudens olim decidit in foveamc A-panther unaware once fell-down into a-pit-trap» Agrestes vidSre: alii* congerunt fustes, alii Rustics saw it: some heap-on-her clubs, others onerant saxis: quidam contra mise- load-her with-stones: certain men on-the-contrary having- riti, quippe periturse quamvis nemo lsederet, pitied her, as being about-to-perish although no-one should-hurtfter, mis£re pan em,f ut sustineret spiritum. Nox threw bread, that it-might-sustain breath. Night insecuta-est: securi abeunt domum, quasi ensued: they-careless go-away home, as-if inventuri mortuam postridie. At ilia, ut about-to-find her dead the-d&y-after. But she, when refecit languidas vires, veloci saltu liberat she-recruited her languid powers, by-nimble bound frees sese fovea et concito gradu properai herself from-the-pit-trap, and with-hurried step hastens * Alii " others," when repeated, distinguishes different persons, and may often be literally englished where there is a multitude of parties; but here it seems more clear to say " some" — " other. t Panis appears to have been used as a general term for food* like our own word "bread So Juvenal may mention—' tmm» et Circensex,36 JESOP B f ABLES, m cublle. Paucis diebus interpositis, pro- nto her lair. Few days having-interposed,. she- volat, trucidat pecus, necat pastores ipsos, flies-forth, slaughters the-cattle, kills the-shepherds themselves, et vastans cuncta, sssvit irato impetu. Turn and devastating all things, rages with-angry attack. Then timentes sibi, qui pepercerant ferae, fearing for-themselves, they who had-spared the-wild-beast, recusant haud damnum, tan turn rogant refuse not the-loss of property, and only ask pro vita. At ilia : " Memini qui for life. But she [the panther] answers: " I-remember who petieriut me saxo, qui dederint panem; attacked me with-stone, who gave me bread ; absistite vos timore ; revertor hostis illis qui desist ye from-fear ; I-return a-foe to-those only who Iseserant me." had-hurt me" 29. MUSCA ET MULA. THE FLY AND THE MULE. Fools laugh at the slow advancement of their betters9 without consideration of existing obstacles. Musca sedit in tem5ne, et increpans A-fly sat on the-pole of a chariot, and rating mulam, inquit, u Quam tarda es! vis Ue-mule, says, " How slow thou-art! wilt-thou non progredi citius ? Vide, ne compungam not advance faster ? See, lest I-prickIROM P HiEDRUS. 37 tibi collum dolone." Illa respondit: thy neck with-?m/~sword-stick." She answered * " Moveor non tuis verbis; sed timeo istum, " I-am-moved not by-thy words; but J-fear him, qui sedens prima sella, tempera t meum jugum who sitting on-the-fore seat, governs my yoke iento# flagello, et continet ora spumantibus with-slow whip, and holds-in my mouth with-foaming frsenis : Quapropter aufer frivolam inso- bits: Wherefore away-with thy worthless inso- lent iam ; namque scio ubi strigandum..est;+ et lenee; for I-know where I-am-to-stop, and ubi currendum." where to-run." . 30. CANIS ET LUPUS. THE DOG AND THE WOLF. A needy freeman is happier than a rich servant. Lupus, confectus macie, forte occurrit A-wolf, worn-out with-leanness, by-chance met-with cani perpasto: dein ut restiterunt salutantes a-dog high-fed: then as they-stood greeting * It seems preferable to give the most common meaning of a word, when it is any way admissible ; though lentus (contracted from lenltus) might, in this passage, be rendered " pliant" or " flexible," f The construction is—ubi est [mihi] strigandum, "where i! id for me to stop or " where it is to be stopped by meS'38 Msop's fables, invicem; "Undh, quseso, sie mutually, the wolf asks; "Whence, I-pray, art-thou-so nites ? Aut quo cibo fecisti tantum -sleek 1 Or by-what food hast-thou-made so-much corporis ? Ego, qui sum longe fortior^ of- body ? I, who am far more-strong, pereo fame." Canis simpliciter: am-perishing with-hunger." The-dog answered simply: " Est eadem conditio tibi, si potea " There-is the-same condition for-thee, if thou-art-able prsestare par officium domino." " Quod V to-perform an-equal duty for-a-master." " What is it ?" inquit ille. " Ut sis custos liminis, et says he. " That thou-be guard of-the-threshold, and tuearis domum a furibus noctu." " Ego vero defend the-house from thieves by-night." " 1 in-truth sum paratus. Nunc patior nives que* imbres, ^m prepared. Now I-sufFer snows and showers, trahens asperam vitam in sylvis. Quanto faci- dragging a-rough life in the-woods. How-much more- lius est mihi vivere sub tecto, et otiosunrf- easy is-it for-me to-live under a-roof, and indolent satiari largo cibo!" "Veni ergo eo-be-satisfied with-plentiful food !" " Come therefore 6 It has a more scholarlike effect in pronunciation, to combine this enclitic particle with the word conjoined, but perspicuity is pre- ferable in an Elementary Book. This remark applies also to mecum at the top of the next page, t The dative otioso would be of more regular construction; but the case of the adjective appears to be changed in order to avoid ambiguity.FROM PHiEDKUS. 39 cum me." Bum procedunt, lupus adspicit with me." While they-proceed, the-wolf beholds collum canis detritum a catena. " Unde the-neck of-the-dog to have been rubbed by a-chain. " Whence hoc, amice ?" u Est nihil " Tamen, die, this, my friend?" "It-is nothing." "Yet, tell me, quseso." " Quia videor acer, alligant me I-pray." " Because I-seem fierce, they-bind- me -to my kennel interdiu, ut quiescam luce, et vigilem quum during-the-day, that I-may-rest by-light, and may-watch when nox venerit: solutus crepusculo, vagor qua night has-come: being-loosed at-twilight, I-wander where visum-est: panis adfertur ultro': it-has-seemed pleasant: bread is-brought-to me spontaneously : dominusf dat ossa de sua mens a: the-master-of-the-house gives-me bones from his-own table: familia jactat frusta, et pulmen- the-family [servants] throws me broken-victuals, and tit- tarium;J quod quisque fastTdit. Sic sine labore bits, which each disdains. Thus without labour * The narrative clauses— " he said," " he answered," &c. are omitted in dialogue, where there is a rapid change of speakers. It is usual to prefix initial letters to the different parts ; but the inverted commas, used above, will clearly distinguish the respective sentences assigned to each party. t Dominas, " Lord," is derived from domus a house : and al- though it lost its primary signification in monkish Latin, it is m profanation of sacred subjects to preserve the original idea — " Thy house, O Lord, is the house of prayer 1" % With the early Romans this word meant simply " a mess of porridge/5 which constituted their chief victuals; but with epicures40 JESOPS FABLES, iiieus venter impletur." " Age,# si estf my belly is-filled." " Come-now, if thou-hast animus abire quo, est licentia?" "Est a-mind to-go-away any-whither, is-there leave Y' u There-is non plane/?J inquit. " F-uere quse laudas, not altogether," he-says. " Enjoy what -things thou-praisest, canis; nolo regnare, ut sim O-dog; I-am-unwilling to-reign, on such condition that I-be non liber mihi." not free for-myself." 31. DICTUM SOCRATIS* A SAYING OF SOCRATES. True friends are seldom so numerous as to require a large house for their reception. Quum Socrates fundasset parvas sedes When Socrates had-founded small buildings of later date, it signified either what the French call a bonne bouehe, or otherwise something to stimulate the stomach, as contradistin- guished from substantial satisfying food. Phaedrus may perhaps refer to its original acceptation. * Age — This verb is often used adverbially in a sense of en- couragement, corresponding to the French courage I We have an old expression something more similar —- " up and be doing." t Literally " if there is a mind to thee:" This is a very near coincidence of idiom with our own. The French use the word envie, which is not so pretty. . f This English is a little accommodated to perspicuity. Plane means properly " levelly but here it implies " without obstacle, or stumbling-block."FROM PHiEDRUS. 41 sibi — (cujus moitem fugio non, si adse- for-himself — (he, whose death I-shun not, if -could- quar famam; et cedo invidise, dummodo attain his fame; and I-yield to-envy, provided-that absolvar, cinis :#) sic, ut solet fieri, I-be-acquitted, when I am ashes r) — thus, as is-wont to-be-done e populo, nescio quis ;—u Talis vir, said one of the-people, I-know-not who j " Being such a-man, qtiaeso, ponis tam angustam domum V9 I-pray, dost-thou-lay so narrow a-house V' Inquit, u utinam impleam hanc veris " I wish," says-he, " that I-could-fill even this with-true amlcis." friends." 32. MARGARITA IN STERQUILINIO. THE PEARL IN THE DUNGHILL. A valuable treasure is worthless in the hands of the unskilful. Pullus gallinaceus, dum quserit escam, repperit The-chick of-a-fowl, while it-seeks-for food, finds * The persons of this fable are not quite so familiar to boyhood, as most of the " confabulators" admitted into our volume. But the fable is valuable not only from its real point, but also from the personal parenthesis which Phaedrus has introduced, allusive to the unmerited persecution of the famous Athenian Philosopher. It was customary with the Greeks and Romans to bum dead bodies, and preserve the ashes in urns.42 AESOP'S FABLES, margarTtam in sterquilinio: be satisfied with the recol- lection of your own superiority in another Pavo venit ad Junonem, ferens indigne A>peacock came to Juno, bearing-it indignantly qu£>d tribuerit non sibi cantus luscinii: that she-assigned not to-him the-songs of-the-nightingale : ilium esse admirabilem eunctis that-he [the nightingale] was to-be-admiyed by-all auribus; se derideri, simul ac miserit ears; that-himself was-laughed-down, as-soon as he-uttered vocem. Tunc, gratis consolandi, Dea a-voice. Then, for-the-sake of-consoling, the-Goddess dixit: " Sed format vincis, vincis magni- said : " But in-beauty thou-surpassest, thou-surpassest in- tudine; nitor smaragdi prsefulget tuo collo : size; the-brilliancy of-the-emerald outshines on-thy neck ; * A moral similar to this has been illustrated before, page 5 ; but its repetition seems admissible on account of its variegation of language. In fact the moral is not quite identical, as its point seems to tend hitherwo.rd —■ If you have not riches in gold, you may have riches in talent, or learning, or accomplishment; if you have not rank in pedigree, you may have rank in nobleness of spirit; if you are not beautiful in body, you may be beautiful in mind, and lovely in the " beauty of holiness." Si perpendere te voles, sepone pecuniam, domum, dignitatem, in- tus te ipse consule.—-Seneca*FROM PHJEDEUS. 49 que explicas gemmeam caudam pictis and thou-unfoldest a-jewelled tail with-pietured plumis." u Qu5," inquit, " mi plumes." " Wherefore," says-he, " hast thou given to-me mutam speciem, si vincor sono?" a-dumb anapeliness, if I-am-surpassed in-sound of voice?" " Partes datce-sunt# vobis arbitrio fatorum: " Shares have-been-given to-you by-the-will of-the-fates. tibi forma, aquilse vires, luscinio * to-thee is given beauty, to-the-eagle strength, to-the-nightinga"le melos, corvo augurium, cornici lsevo omina; melody, to-the-raven augury, to-the-crow sinister omens ; que omnes sunt contents propriis and all the other birds are contented with-their-own dotibus." portions." 37. MUSTELA ET MURES. THE WEAZEL AND THE MICE. Beware of confiding in superficial appearances, Quilm mustela, debilis annis et senect&, When a-weazel, weak with-years and with-old-age, * The proper analysis of passive perfect tenses in Latin, is often misunderstood from the form in which they are exhibited in gram- mars. The truth is — a completeness of the act is expressed by the Latin participle, which sense is not always assigned to the English; and we are therefore obliged to give a perfect form to the auxiliarv verb, contrary to the idiom of the Latin. !>50 ^sop's FABLES. non valeret assequi vel5ces mures, involvit was- not -able to-overtake the-fleet mice, she-rolled se faring, et adjecit negligenter obscuro herself in-meal, and threw herself negligently into®a-dark loco. Mus, putans escarn, assiluit, et place. A-mouse, thinking it food, leapt-towards it, and compressus occubuit neci:# alter pe- being-squeezed by the weasel met-with death: another pe- riit similiter, deinde tertius. Aliquot se- rished in-like-manner, then a-third, Some-few having- cutis, venit et retorridus, qui ssepe followed, there-came also a-shrivelled old-mouse, who often effugerat laqueos et muscipulam, que cer- had-escaped-from springes, and mouse-trap, and dis- nens procul insidias callidi hostis, inquit, cerning at-a-distance the-snares of-the-crafty foe, he-said, " Sic valeas, ut es farina, quae " So may-thou-thrive, as thou-art really meal, who jaces." liest-there."t * This is a most untractable phrase in English: occumbere neci means literally, for one " to fall upon death," and answers nearly in sense to death falling upon one; but the verb is sometimes used absolutely in the same signification, as by Virgil — Tydide, mene Iliacis occumbere campis Non potuisse 1 tu&que animam hanc effundere dextr& 1 + That is—may you thrive in proportion to the reality of your present appearance. Phffldrus applies this Fable to some of his readers, who missed the moral point of his stories; implying also that his satire could bite those who undervalued his pretensions.FROM PHJEDRUS. 5| 38« VULPES ET UVA. THE FOX AND THE GRAPE. Fools pretend to despise what they cannot attain. Vulpes coacta fame appetebat uvam in A-fox compelled by-hunger was-aiming-at a-grape on alt& vine&, saliens summis viribus: quam a-lofty vine, leaping with-Tier-highest powers: which ut potuit non tangere, ait, discedens ; " Est when she-could not touch, she-says, departing; " It-is nondum matura, nolo sumere acerb am." not-yet ripe, I-will-not take a-sour-orce." 39. EQUUS ET APER. THE HORSE AND THE BOAR. He who engages the assistance of a powerful avenger• makes a master for himself Aper, dum volutat sese, turbavit va~ A-boar, while he-rolls- himself -about, disturbed the- dum, qub equus fuerat solitus sedare shallow [stream], where a-horse had-been used to-allay sitim. Hinc lis orta-est. Sonipes, his thirst. Hence strife arose. The horse of sounding-foot, iratus fero, petiit auxilium hominis; angered with-the-wild-beast, besought the-assistance of-a-man; D 252 jESOP'S FABLES3 levans quem dorso, rediit ad hostem: lifting whom on-/iis-back, he-returned to the-foe: eques, post-quam interfecit hunc telis the-horseman, after-that he-slew this boar with-darts jactis, traditur locutus-[esse]# sic : " Lsetor hurled at him, is-reported to-have-spoken thus: " I-am-glad me tulisse auxilium tuis precibus; nam that-I bore assistance at-thy entreaties; for cepi prsedam, et didici quam utilis sis." I-have-taken a-prey, and have-learned how useful thou-art." Atque ita coegit invltum, pati And thus he-compelled the horse, though unwilling, to-sufFer frsenos. Turn ille moestus: " Dum the-bits. Then that horse sorrowful said: u Whilst demensf qusero vindictam parvee rei, reperi I- senseless -seek-for vengeance for-a-little thing, I-have-found servitutem." slavery." * The auxiliary verb is frequently suppressed in Latin, as some- times m English; — particularly in the infinitive mood, where the participle fully expresses the state of the action. t De in composition is commonly privative, not merely negative : thus, de-mens signifies €( deprived of mind," whereas a-mens simply means " without mind." Mens and animus are often translated by the same English term " mind but the two words are very different in force. Animm properly means " animal spiritmens " intellectual perception." It is true that animus is used to designate the immortal soul; but it refers only to the vital principle, whose existence after bodily dissolu- tion was doubtful till the revelation of Christianity, — and it has no reference to that power of contemplation with the " mind's eye," which Aristotle considers the apex of falicity.FROM PH.EDRIJS. 53 40. VIPERA ET LIMA. THE VIPER AND THE FILE. Belter ascertain the strength of your antagonist be- fore commencing on the offensive,_____________________________ Vipera venit in officlnam fabri. Haec, A-viper came into the-workshop of-an-artizan. She, quite tentaret si esset qua res cibi, when she-was-trying if there-were any matter of-food, momordit limam. Ilia contra inquit con- bit a-file. That [file] in-answer says con- tumax; " Quid stulta, captas lsedere temptuous; (t Why, foolish-one, dost-thou-affect to-hurt me dente, quse adsuevi corrodere omne me with-fhy-tooth, me who am-accustomed to-gnaw all ferrum?" iron 1" 41. VULPES ET HIRCUS. THE FOX AND THE HE-GOAT. When a person of bad character offers yon a place, beware lest he use you as a tool for his own work. Quilm vulpes inscia decidisset in pii- When a-fox inadvertent had-fallen-down into a-54 MSOV'S FABLES* teum, et clauderetur margine altiore,# hir- well, and was-enclosed by-the-brink rather-high, a-he- cus sitiens devenit in eundem locum ; si- goat thirsting came-down into the-same place; at- mul rogavit, " An liquor esset dulcis, the-same-time he-asked, " Whether the-liquid was sweet, et copiosus ?" Ilia moliens fraudem ; " De~ and plentifulV* She devising guile answered; " De- scende, amice; tanta est bonitas aquse ut scend, friend; so-great is the-goodness of-the-water, that mea voluptas non-possit satiari." Barbatus my pleasure cannot be-satisfied." The-bearded-goat immisit se: turn vulpecula, nixaf dropt-in himself: then the-little-fox, having-supported herself celsis cornibus, evasit puteo; que liquit on-fiis-lofty horns, escaped-from the-well; and left hircum hserentem clauso vado.j the-he-goat sticking in-its-closed bottom. * Altiore — *' more high the comparative degree being often used without reference to a specified subject of comparison. See a note to our Casar Part, page 70. f The participle of a deponent verb has properly a perfect significa- tion ; which force is not extended to other Latin verbs in an active sense. t The term vadum is often applied to a shallow of a river or the sea, but it refers not to the scarcity of the water, but to the nearness of the ground or bed. Hence the same word is applicable to the bottom of a deep place, and thus it is used by Yirgil in these lines— Emissamque hiemem sensit Neptunus, et imk Stagna refusa vadis•FROM PHi£DRUS« oh 42. VERM. THE BAGS. Scandal is ever busy with the failings of others 9 with- out regard to her own. Jupiter imposuit nobis duas peras: reple- Jupiter has-placed-on us two bags; the one fill- tam propriis vitiis dedit post tergum; ed with-our-own vices he-has-put behind our back; the gravem alienis suspendit ante other heavy with-other-men's faults he-has-suspended before our pectus.# breast. 43. CAPELLiE ET HIRCL THE SHE GOATS AND HE GOATS. Never assume a dress or character 9 which is incon- sistent with your station or your powers. Quim capellse impetr&ssent barbam ab When the-she-goats bad-obtained a-beard from * Persius adopts the same image (from Catullus)— Ut nemo in sese tentat descendere ; nemo: Sed praBcedenti spectatur mantica tergo. Under this fable, which belongs to pagan mythology, the Christian56 iESOP^S FABLES, Jove, hirci mcerentes cceperunt indignari^ Jupiter, the-he-goats sorrowing began to-be-indignant, qu6d fceminse sequ&ssent suam dignitatem: because the-females had-equalled tlieir-own dignity: 4t Sinite illas," inquit, " frui vana gloria, efc " Suffer them," says-he, " to-enjoy a-vain .glory, and usurpare ornatum vestri muneris, dum sint to-usurp the-ornament of-your department, provided they-be non pares vestrse fortittidinis."^ not peers of-your prowess." student may acknowledge that the blindness of our nature to our own imperfections is prettily allegorized; but he will at the same time remember a parable more practically useful, where " the Publican went down justified rather than the Pharisee." * The English word " fortitude" has been confined by some English pedants to the sense of endurance, in contradistinction to the active quality of u courage:" but the antithesis is utterly unclas® sical— Vix^vefortes ante Agamemnona. Agamemnon was any thing but patienc. In fact, women are naturally more patient under suffering than men, though less advea« turous in action.FROM PH^DRTJS* 57 44. GXJBERNATOR ET NAUTJE. THE PILOT AND THE SAILORS. The thread of life is of a mingled yarn —good and ill together* Navis vexata saavis tempestatibus, inter A-ship being-harassed by-fierce tempests, amid lachrymas vectorum, et metum mortis, six- th e~ tears of-passengers, and their fear of-death, sud- bito dies mutatur ad serenam faciem: coepit# denly the-day is-changed to a-calm aspect: she-began ferri tuta secundis flatibus, que extollere to-be-carried-on safe with-auspicious breezes, and to-elate nautas nimi& hilaritate. Turn gubernator/f- the-sailors with-too-much jollity. Then the-pilot factus sophus perielo ; " Oportet gau~ having-been-made wise by-danger; says; " It-is-meet to- dere parce, qt queri sen si m; J quia dolor rejoice sparingly, and to-complain guardedly; because grief et gaudium miscet§ totam vitam." and joy checkers the-whole of life." * This verb is here so long delayed, that we might almost have desired the substantive in the form of an ablative absolute ; if the similarity of cases would not have created ambiguity. t Gubernator (navis), " the governor of a ship," is expressed by the single word " pilot." $ Sensim — The use of this adverb is rather singular, though per- haps not so anomalous as it appears from its usual English represen- D 558 arsoi's FABLES» 45, NAUFRAGIUM SIMONIDIS. THE SHIPWRECK OF SIMONIDES. The man of cultivated talent carries treasures in hi» own person. Simonides, qui scripsit egregium melos, qud Simonides, who wrote excellent poetry, that sustineret paupertatem facilius, coepit circumlre he-might-support poverty more-easily, began to-go-round nobiles urbes Asise, canens laudem victorum,* the-famous cities of-Asia, singing the-praise of-conquerors, tative " in-sensibly it means here a cautious circumspection, as of a person feeling his way. There is a beautiful parallel to this senti- ment in the dying discourse of Xenophon's Cyrus — <£o/3o£ d's i-i01 ffVfjt,7rcipoiA,aprojV, [Arj n kv twiovri %povq) rj iSoifJLi, ri aicovffaiiii, ri -TraSoifu %aX€7rov, ovk da rsXetog jueya QpoveTv, ovd' eiuppalveaSai atc7r£7rraiJiEVQ. § The singular verb is here very elegant: as if the two substantives constituted but one indivisible subject. * If the passengers who tried to save their treasures had not sunk, Simonides would have appeared, from this story, rather disinterested. But this poet was not particularly famous for contempt of money. He was remarkable for the nice adjustment of his sublimity of style to the value of the honorarium: thus, when some victor at the Olympic race of mules, had given him a trifling fee for an ode, he called the unfortunate animals " children of assesbut when the donor tendered a more poetical price, he broke out, with sudden inspiration—'" " Hail! daughters of the generous steed I"FftOM PJHiEDItUS. 59 mercede accept^ Post-quam factus-est recompense being-received. After-that he-became locuples hoc genere qusestus, voluit venire wealthy by-this kind of-gain, he-wished to-come. in patriam pelagio# cursu. (Autem erat into his-own-country by-a-sea voyage. (Now he-was natus, ut aiunt, insula Cell). Ascendit navem; born, as they-say, in-the-isle of-Ceos). He-mounts a-ship ; quam horrida tempestas et simul vetustas- which a-rough tempest and at-the-same-time its own oldness dissolvit medio mari: hi colligunt zonas/f wrecks in-the-mid sea: these collect their girdles, illi pretiosas res, subsidium vitse. Quidam those their precious things, as a-support of-life. A-certain-person curiosior ; " Simonide, sumis tu nihil ex rather-curious, enquired; *' Simonides, takest thou nothing out-of tuis opibus ?" " Mecum," inquit, " sunt cuncta thy riches V' " With-myself," says-he, " are all mea." Tunc pauci enatant; quia plures peri» my things " Then a-few swim-out; because the-more had« erant, degravati onere. Praedones adsunt; perished, weighed-down by-^eir-burthen^Plunderers are-at-hand; rapiunt quod quisque extulit; relinquunt nudos. they-seize what each carried-forth; they-leave them bare. Forte fuit prop& antiqua urbs Clazomense, By-chance there-was near the-ancient city Clazomenss, * Pelagio is scarcely a genuine Latin word, being forged from the Greek TreXayog ; but Graecisms began to be affected by the literati very soon after the usurpation of Augustus, though the Roman ladies adopted them some reigns later. + The ancients carried their money in their girdles,, which therefore answered to our word u purses."€0 JESOP'S FABLES, quam# naufragi petierunk Hie quidam which the-shipwrecked men sought. Here a-certain-person deditus studio literarum, qui ssepe legerat devoted to-the-study of-letters, who often had-read versus Simonidis, que erat maximus admirator the-verses of-Simonides, and was the-greatest admirer absentis, recepit ad se cupidissime, cognitum of him absent, received him to himself most-eagerly, being-known ab ipso sermone: exornavit hominem veste, from his very conversation: he-furnished the-man with-clothing, nummis, familia. Cseteri portant suam with-money, with-attendance. The-rest carry their-own tabulamf rogantes victum. Quos ut Simonides tablet, asking-for victuals,. Whom when Simonides vidit, obvius casu, inquit, " Dixi cuncta saw, meeting them by-chance, he-says, " I-told you that-all mea esse cum me: quod vos rapuistis ray things were with myself: what ye snatched-up perit." has-perished." * Besides this Ionian Clazomena, there were many ancient names of cities expressed in the form of the plural number, as Thebte, Athena, &c. — but the idea of plurality was not commonly retained, except when absolutely necessary for grammatical accuracy. t Tabulam — It was usual for poor sailors who had suffered ship- wreck, to implore relief by exbibiting a painted tablet expressive of their misfortune. The custom was not unreasonable, but there seems to have been some superstition attached to its observance, as the wealthy sufferers devoted and hung up in the temples a tablet of similar representation.FROM PH-55DHUS. 61 46. MONS PARTURIENS. THE MOUNTAIN LABOURING. Never advertise more stock for sale than can actually be brought into the market. Mons parturlbat, ciens immanes gemitus; A-mountain was-labouring, heaving prodigious groans; * ... que erat in terns maxima expectatio: and there-was in the-lands the-greatest expectation: at ille peperit murem. but that [mountain] brought-forth a-mouse. 47. FORMICA ET MUSCA. THE ANT AND THE FLY. The beef-eating husbandman is better than the toad- eating courtier. Formica et musca contendebant acriter, An-ant and a-fly were-contending eagerly, quae esset pluris. Musca sic ccepit which of them was of-more worth, The-fly thus began62 JESOP'S FABLER prior: * " Potes tu f conferre te nostris first: " Canst thou compare thyself to-our laudibus ? Ubi immolatur, prsegusto exta praises? Where sacrifice-is-made, I-first-taste the-entrails deum; moror inter aras, perlustro belonging-to-gods; I-dwell among altars, I-survey omnia templa: sedeo in capite regis, quum all temples: I-sit on the-head of-a-king, when visum-est j mihi; et delibo casta oscula ma- it-has-seemedjfo to-me; and I-sip-from the-chaste lips of-ma- tronarum: laboro nihil, atque fruor optimis trons: I-labour nothing, and I-enjo'y the-best rebus. Quid contingit tibi simile horum? rustica V' f fortunes. What belongs to-thee like these things, rustic V " San£ convictus deum est gloriosus : sed " Certainly a-living-with gods is glorious: but glorious illi, qui invitatur, non qui est invisus.§ to-him, who is-invited, not to him who is unseen. * We have apologized once before for this common expression ; prior, literally rendered " former," would be here obscure or am- biguous. f In the ancient Latin, as in its modern variation, the Italian, per- sonal pronouns were suppressed, not only in common conversation, but in serious writing, except where the subject required emphasis or contrast. In this story, the sarcasm on the second person is em« phatical in the ostentation of the luxurious fly. The Bomans al- ways put the first person before the second or third, contrary to our own modest usage: thus the famous style adopted by cardinal Wol sey — Ego et Rex meus — is perfectly classical, $ This expression signifies, not when it seems " right and becom- ing," but when " to my humour and pleasure." $ This is the proper meaning of invisus, but it is commonly trans- ferred to the sense of " disregarded or odious."FROM PH2EDRUS» 63 Commemoras reges, et oscula# matronarum; Thou-talkest-of kings, and lips of-matrons; ego, quum studiose congero granum in hyemem, I, when zealously I-heap-together grain for the-winter, video te pasci stercore circa murum. Fre- T-see thee to-be-feeding on-dung about the-wall. Thou* quentas aras ; nempe abigeris, hauntest altars; in-sooth thou-art-driven-off, from every plact qu5 venis. Laboras nihil; ide6, qufim whither thou-comest. Thou-labourest nothing; therefore, when est opus, habes nil. Superba jactas quod there-is need, thou-hast nothing. Proud thou-boastest-of what pudor debet tegere. iEstate lacessis me; quum modesty ought to conceal. In-summer thou-assailest me; when est bruma, siles. Quum frigora cogunt te it-is winter, thou-art-silent. When chills compel thee mori contractual, copiosa domus recipit me to-die pinched-up, a-plentiful home receives me incolumem. Profect6 retudi satis unharmed. Surely I-have-rebutted ^ sufficiently superbiam." + thy pride." * Osculum is a diminitive from os, oris, the mouth; but it is often translated to the sense of " a kiss." t This moral reminds us of a passage in Shakspeare, where Be- larius, comparing his former courtly station to his present obscure retirement, gives the preference to the latter — And often, to our comfort, shall we find The sharded beetle in a safer hold Than is the full-wing'd eagle. O ! this life Is nobler, than attending for a check ; — Prouder, than rustling in unpaid-for silk I64 .«sop's FABLES. 48. HOMO ET ASXNUS. THE MAN AND THE ASS. He is more than fortunate who profits by another's misfortunes. Quum quidam immolasset verrem sancto When a-certain-man had-sacrificed a-boar-pig to-sacred Herculi, cui debebat votam pro su& salute Hercules, to-whom he-owed it as vowed for his-own safety, jussit reliquias hordei poni asello; he-commanded the-remnants of-the-barley to-be-put to-the-donkey; quas ille aspernatus, sic locutus-est: tC ProrsAs which he having-spurned, thus spoke: " Altogether libenter adpeterem tuum cibura, nisi jugulatus- willingly, I-would-take-to thy feed, unless he-had-been- foret, qui nutritus-est illo." + killed, who was-nourished with-that.,? * It was usual with the ancients, when in danger, to devote some offering to a deity for self-preservation. f We must imagine the ass to have observed that the boar was fattened on barley.—-Horace has a parallel illustration to this, where the fox assigns as a reason for not entering the lion's den— Quia me vestigia terrent Omnia te adversum spectantia, nulla retrorsum.FBOM PHJEDRtJS. 65 49. SCURRA ET RUSTICUS. THE BUFFOON AND THE COUNTRYMAN The ignorant vulgar prefer the spurious productions of a reputed artist, to the genuine offerings of im- pair onized merit. Quid am dives facturus nobiles ludos,# A-certain rich man about-to-make remarkable games, invitavit cunctos prsemio proposito, ut invited all performers by-a-reward proposed, that quisque ostenderet novitatem quam posset. each should-exhibit any novelty which he-could* Artifices ventre ad certamina laudis; inter Artists came to the-contests of-praise; among quos scurra, notus urbano sale,f dixit se whom a-buffoon, known for-courtly wit, said that-he habere genus spectaculi, quod nunquam pro- had a-kind of-spectacle, which never had- latum-foret in theatro. Rumor dispersus concitat been-produced in a-theatre. The-report being-spread excite* * It was usual at Rome for the rich to entertain the populace witl " games" at their own expence. Spectaculum may not appear a proper term for this exhibition, but it was used generally, like the French " spectacle." t Literally, " city salt—This epithet was a sufficient panegyric in ancient times* as contradistinguished from coarse or rustic.66 JESOP'S FABLES. civitatem: paulo ante, vacua loca deficiunt the-city: a-little before, vacant places are-deficient-for turbam. Verb postquam constitit solus in scen&, the-crowd. Indeed after-that he-stood alone on the-stage, sine apparatu,# nullis adjutoribus, expectatio without appliances, with-no assistants, expectation ipsa fecit silentium. Ille repente demlsit caput ■ itself made silence. He suddenly dropt his head in sinum et sic imitatus-est vocem porcelli into his bosom, and so mimicked the-voice of-a-little-pig suut contenderent verum subesse with-his-own, that they-asserted that-a-real pig was-under pallio, et juberent excuti. Quo fac- his cloak, and commanded it to-be-shaken-off. Which having- to., simul nihil repertum-est, onerant homi- been-done, as-soon as nothing was-discovered, they-load the- nem multis laudibus, que prosequunturf max- man with-many praises, and attend him with-the- imo plausu. Rustieus vidit hoc fieri: greatest applause. A-countryman saw this to-be-done: " Mehercule," inquit, ts vincet non me " By-Hercules," says-he, " he-shall-conquer not me ;" et statim professus-est, u se facturum [esse] and immediately he-gave-out, " that-he would-do * We are loth to give a Latin word as English fcr Latin; but the word " apparatus" is the best translation of itself, and is almost naturalized by the authority of lecturers and jugglers. t Prosequi means literally " to follow on;" but this general verb is often qualified by a substantive, from which it takes its especial signification. In this passage, the phrase is only intensive of maxime plaudunUFROM PH&DRUS. 67 idem melius postridie." Major turba fit: the-same better the-day-after." A-greater crowd is-made: jam favor tenet mentes, et sedent deri- already favouritism possesses their minds, and they-sit to-laugh- suri, non spectaturi. Uterque prodit: him-down, not to-look-on. Each competitor goes-forth: Scurra digrunnit prior; que movet plausus, et The-buffoon grunts first; and stirs plaudits, and suscitat clamores. Tunc rusticus, simulans* excites shouts. Then the-countryman, pretending sese obtegere porcellum vestimentis — quod that-he covered-over a-little-pig with-Ttis-garments— (which scilicet faciebat/f sed latens, quia compererant .n-sooth he-did, but unnoticed, because they-had-discovered nil in priore) — pervellit verd aurem, nothing in the-former man) — he-pinches really the-ear of the pig, quem celaverat, et cum dolore exprimit vocem which he-had-concealed, and with the-pain squeezes-out the-voic© naturse. Populus adclamat, u Scurram imi- of-nature. The-people shouts-at him, " That-the-bufFoon mi- * Simulans in its proper sense, is positive, in contradistinction to dissimulans which is negative: the former being appropriated to the signification of " feigning what is not" the latter to that of " dis- guising what is" The meaning of simulans in this passage is, " making a shew or pretence that he has a pig under his cloak." In doing this he merely followed the example of the scurra; and had no intention that the audience should suspect his manoeuvre to be a refined disguise of the reality. t This seems to be the origin of our auxiliary verb " did" —as being a very general respondent to a preceding active verb : it is par- ticularly employed by the Latins in answers to questions; where modern languages use simple partietes^ Yes" or " No," contrary to the practice of the ancients;68 * iESOP'S FABLES, tatum [esse] multo similids et cogit rusti- micked much more-like;" and compels the-country- cum trudi foras. At ille profert porcellum man to-be-thrust out-of-doors. But he produces the-little-pig ipsum e sinu; que probans turpem errorem itself from Kis bosom; and proving their foul error aperto pignore, " En, hie declarat, by-the-open token, says, " Behold, this pig makes-clear» quales judices sitis." what-sort-of judges ye-are.' 50. VENATOR ET CANIS. THE HUNTSMAN AND THE DOG. The claims of an old friend or servant are worthy of remembrance. Quiim canis, fortis adversus omnes veloces When a-dog, brave against all swift feras, semper satis-fecisset# domino, ccepit wild-beasts, always had-satisfied his master, he-began languere annis ingravantibus. Aliquando ob- to-be-weak with-years pressing-on, Once being- * The English form of *' satisfy" or "do enough" in an active sense, though extended to all verbs of such derivation, does not ap- pear to be quite legitimate. We should have liked it to approach nearer to the active verb facio, than to the passives/to ; but we must not contravene " usage" — Quem penes arbitriui» est. et jus, et norma loquendi.FROM PH2EDRUS. 69 jectus pugnse hispidi suis, arripuit aurem; exposed to-the-battle of-a-bristly boar, he-seized its ear; sed demisit prsedam cari5sis dentibus. Hie but let-go the-prey from-rotten teeth. On-this turn venator dolens objurgabat canem. Cui then the-huntsman fretting chided the-dog. To-whom senex latrans contra, " Animus destituit te the-old-one barking in-answer, said, *' 1%-spirit has-deserted thee non, sed mese vires; lauda quod fuimus, not, but my powers have; praise what we-have-been, si jam damnas quod sumus."# if now thou-condemnest what we-are." * Phaedrus wrote his fifth and last book of fables in his old age, and seems to think it necessary thus to bespeak favor for his senile production : but no apology is requisite. Old age is ever tenacious of its claims, as if diffident of their validity ; and we must beg pardon of Phaedrus, for not altering the title of our pages, as his humour directed. He begins with acknowledging JEsop as his master, and he treats him with due observance in his earlier books: but, anon — Mobilitate viget, viresque acquirit eundo. He finds that his own strength grows with the growth of his faiqe, — and at length declares of his fables •— Quas iEsopeas, non iEsopi nomino; Quasi paucas ille ostendit, ego plures dissero, Usus vetusto genere, sed rebus novis. Phaedrus has given us a moral where he did not point one; and we would impress it on our youthful readers in this form — Lean on us for a while, till you are sure of your own strength : we will make you independent of ourselves, scholars in your own right; and when you feel that your footing is firm, and your course clear, then, if you can forget the name of Locke, you may forget that you ever received information or assistance from His Method of Classical Instruction*REMARKS ON THE METRE OF PMDRUS. In order that the pupil may be enabled to scan the verse of Phsedrus, to avoid those errors of pronunciation into which he might otherwise fall, and to give each word its proper emphasis, we subjoin a few remarks, which, with the aid of certain signs, placed over such syllables as would otherwise be doubtful, will render this process, so far as the above objects are concerned, a task of no great difficulty to him. 1. Each line is a verse of six feet, each foot consisting of two or three syllables. 2. When the foot consists of two syllables, the first may be long or short (except in the sixth place, where it is always short); but the second of two syllables must be long. 3. When the foot consists of three syllables, all must be short; or the first must be long andREMARKS ON THE METRE OF PHJEDRUS. 71 the two next short; or, vice versa, the first two short, and the third long. 4. These varieties give us the following feet as constituting this kind of verse : 1st, ^ — called the Iambus; 2nd,--the Spondee ; 3rd, w ^ ^ the Tribrach; 4th, ^ the Dactyl; and5th, ~ w — the Anapcest. A 6th of unfrequent occurrence is found in some writers,called the Proce- leusmaticus. 5. In scanning, the emphasis is always given to the one long or to either of the two short syllables, which form the latter half of each of these feet; but in reading, this emphasis is to be dropt, when- ever it would fall on the last syllable of a word, and a greater stress is to be laid on the syllable preceding. 6. Vowels at the end of one word and the be- ginning of the next blend together, in general, so as to be considered to form but one syllable; nor does m final prevent this blending when the next word begins with a vowel. Two proximate vowels, also, in different syllables of the same word, oc- casionally coalesce so as to form but one syllable. 7. Every last syllable of a line, whether long or short, is to be considered long. That these brief remarks may be the better un- derstood, we shall exemplify them by scanning, for the pupil's guidance, the opening lines of72 REMARKS ON THE METRE OF PHJEDRUS. Phsedrus, marking the quantities of the latter half of each foot. iEs5p(us auc|tor quam | materi|am rep|perit Hanc ego | polI|vi verjsibus | sena|rils. Duplex | libeljli dos | est quod | risum | movet; Et quod | prudenjti vijtam c5n|sili5 | monet. Calum|nia|ri si | quis aujtem volu|erit Quod ar|bores | loquan|tur, non J tantum J ferae, Fictls ] joca|ri nos | memme|rit fal bulls. If these lines were fully scanned, it would be seen that materi, in the first line, is a Dactyl, and memine, in the last, a Tribrach ; also that through- out there are many Spondees mingled with Iam- buses ; but as the knowledge of the length of all first syllables is not necessary to pronunciation, we shall not recommend the young pupil, at this stage of his progress, to perplex himself with its acquisition. It is sufficient for the present if he learns to mark with accuracy the length of final syllables in each foot.£ PH^EDRI J?ABULARUM ^SOPICARUM LIBRIS QUINQUE. PROLOGUS. JEsopus auctor quam materiam repperit, Hanc ego polivi versibus senariis. Duplex libelli dos est: quod risum movet; Et qudd prudenti vitam consilio monet. Calumniari si quis autem voliierit, Qu&d arbores loquantur, non tantilm ferae, Fictis jocari nos meminerit fabulis. B74 E PHiEDBI FABULARUM 1. LUPUS ET AGNUS Ad rivum eundem Lupus et Agnus venerant, Siti compulsi: superior stabat Lupus, Longeque inferior Agnus : Tunc fauce improbS, Latro incitatus, jurgii causam intulit. " Cur/' inquit, a turbulentam mihi fecisti aquaai " Istam bibenti ?" Laniger control timens; " Qui possum, quaeso, facere quod quereris, Lupe 1 " A te decurrit ad meos haustus liquor." Repulsus ille veritatis viribus " Ante hos sex menses/' ait, " maledixisti mihi.,? Respondit Agnus ; " equidem natus non eram." " Pater, hercule, tuus," inquit, " maledixit mihi/' Atque ita correptum lacerat injust& nece. 2. RANiE REGEM POSTULANTES. Ranee, vagantes liberis paludibus, Clamore magno regem peti&re h Jove, Qui dissolutos mores vi compesceret. Pater Deorum risit, atque illis dedit Parvum tigillum ; missum quod subtto vadis, Motu sonoque terruit pavidum genus. Hoc mersum limo cum jaceret diutnls, Fort& una tacite profert h stagno caput, Et, explorato rege, cunctas evocat.LIBRIS QUINQUE. 75 Illae, timore posito, certatim adnatant; Lignumque supra turba petulans insilit: Quod quum inquinassent omni contumelia, Alium rogantes Regem, misere ad Jovem, Inutilis quoniam esset, qui fuerat datus. Turn misit illis hydrum, qui, dente aspero, Compere ccepit singulas: frustra necem Fugitant inertes : vocem prsecludit metus. Furtim igitur dant Mercurio mandata ad Jovem, Afflictis ut suecurrat. Tunc contra Deus, u Quia noluistis vestrum ferre," inquit, " bonum, Malum perferte." 3. GRACULUS SUPERBUS. ^ Tumens inani Graculus superbi&; Pennas, Pavoni quse deciderant, sustulit Seque exornavit: deinde contemnens suos, Immiscuit se Pavonum formoso gregi. Illi impudenti pennas eripiunt avi, Fugantque rostris. Male mulctatus, Graculus Redlre mcerens ccepit ad proprium genus: A quo repulsus, tristem sustinuit notam. Turn quidam ex illis quos prius despexerat; %< Contentus nostris si fuisses sedibus, Et, quod natura dederat voluisses pati; Nec illam expertus esses contumeliam, Nec hanc repulsam tua sentTret calami t as*70 E PHy^nRT FABULARUM CANTS NATANS. Canis, per flumen, carnem dum ferret, natans, Lympharum in speciilo vidit simulacrum suum ; Aliamque praedam ab alio ferri putans, Eripere voliiit; veriim decepta aviditas, Et, quem tenebat ore, demlsit cibum; Nec, quem petebat, potuit adeo attingere. 5. VACCA, CAPELLA, OVIS, ET LEO. Vacca, et Capella, et patiens ovis injuriae, Socii fu£re cum Leone in saltibus. Hi qudm cejpissent Cervum vasti corporis, Sic est locutus, partibus factis, Leo: u Ego primam tollo, quia nominor Leo: Secundam, quia sum fortis, tribuetis mihi Turn quia plus valeo, me sequetur tertia: Malo adficietur, si quis quartam te tiger it." Sic totam praedam sola improbitas abstulit. 6. LUPUS ET GRUS. Os devoratum fauce quum haereret Lupi, Mfcgno dolore victus, coepit singulosLI BR IS QUINQUE 77 Illicere pretio, ut illud extraherent malum Tandem persuasa est jurejurando Gruis ; Gulaeque credens colli longitudinem, Periculosam fecit medicmam Lupo. Pro quo quilm pactum flagitaret prsemium; " Ingrata es," inquit,€t ore quae nostro caput Incolume abstuleris; et mercedem postules !" 7. PASSER ET LEPUS. Oppressum ab aquila, fletus edentem graves, Leporem objurgabat Passer: u ubi pernicitas Nota," inqui^ " ilia est ? Quid ita cessarunt pedes ?" Dum loquitur, ipsum Accipiter nec opinum rapit, Questuque vano clamitantem interficit. Lepus, semiammus, mortis in solatium; 4t Qui modo securus nostra irridebas mala, Simili querela fata deploras tua." 8. LUPUS ET VULPES, JUDICE SIMIO. Lupus arguebat Vulpem furti crimine; Negabat ilia se esse culpae proximam: Tunc judex inter illos sedit Simius.78 E PHJEDRI FABULARUM Uterque causam cum perorassent suam, Dixisse banc fertur Simius sententiam : t( Tu non videris perdidisse quod petis : Te credo surripuisse, quod pulchre negas.** 9. ASINUS ET LEO VENANTES. Venari, Asello comite, quum vellet Leo, Contexit ilium frutice; et admonuit simul, Ut insuetS, voce terreret feras, Fugientes ipse exciperet. Hie auritulus Clamorem subitb totis tollit viribus, Novoque turbat bestias miraculo ; Quse, dum paventes exitus notos petunt, Leonis adfliguntur horrendo impetu. Qui, postquam csede fessus est, asmum evocat, Jubetque vocem premere: Tunc ille insolens : " Qualis videtur opera tibi vocis mese ?" " Insignis," inquit; " sic ut, nisi nossem tuum Animum genusque, simili fugissem metu." 10. CERVUS CORNIBUS IMPEDITUS. Ad fontem Cervus, quiim bibisset, restitit, Et in liquore vidit efHgiem suam. Ibi dum ramosa, mirans, laudat cornua, Crurumque mmiam tenuitatem vituperat |LIBRIS QUINQUE. 79 Venantum subit5 vocibus conterritus, Fer'campum fugere coepit, et cursu levi Canes elusit. Sylva turn excepit ferum; In quk retentis impeditus cornibus, Lacerari coepit morsibus ssevis canum. Tunc moriens vocem hanc edidisse dicitur: " O me infelicem ! qui nunc demum intelligo, Ut ilia mihi profuerint, quae despexeram; Et, quse laud&ram, quantum luctus habuerint!" 11. VULPES ET CORVUS. Quum de fenestra Corvus raptum caseum Comesse vellet, celsa residens arbore; Hunc vidit Vulpes, deind& sic coepit loqui: " O qui tuarum, Corve, pennarum est nitor! " Quantum decoris corpore et vultu geris ! Si vocem haberes, nulla prior ales foret." At ille stultus, dum vult vocem ostendere, Emisit ore caseum; quem celeriter Dol5sa Vulpes avidis rapuit dentibus. 12. ASINUS EGREGIE CORDATUS. Asellum in prato timidus pascebat senex: Is, hostium clamore sfibitb territus, Suadebat asino fugere, ne possent capi.80 E PHiEDRI FABULARUM At ille lentus : " Quseso, num binas mihi Clitellas impositurum victorem putas V * Senex negavit. " Ergo, quid refert med Cui serviam, clitellas dum portem meas ?" 13. OVIS ET CERVUS. Ovem rogabat Cervus modium tritici, Lupo sponsore: at ilia praemetuens dolum; 46 Rapere atque ablre semper adsuevit Lupus 9 Tu de conspectu fugere veloci impetu : Ubi vos requiram, quilm dies advenerit V' 14. CAMS PARTURIENS. Canis parturiens quiim rogasset alteram, Ut fcetum in ejus tugurio deponeret, Facil& impetravit: dein reposcenti locum, Preces admovit; tempus exorans breve, Dum firmiores catulos posset ducere. H6c quoque consumpto, flagitare valid ills Cublle ccepit: 4g Si mihi et turbae meae Par," inquit,€i esse potiieris, cedam loco."LIBRIS QU1NQUE. 81 15, LEO SENIO CONFECTUS. Defectus annis, et desertus viribus, Leo quAm jaceret, spiritual extremum trahens Aper fulmmeis ad earn venit dentibus, Et vindieavit ictu veterem injuriam : Infestis Taurus mox confodit cornibus Hostile corpus. Asinus, ut vidit ferum Impune laedi, calcibus frontem extudit. At ille expirans, " Fortes indigne tuli Mihi insultare : Te, naturse dedecus, Qudd ferre cogor, certe bis videor mori." 16. MUSTELA ET HOMO. Mustela ab homine pr&nsa, quum instantem necem Effugere vellet, " Quaeso," inquit, u parcasmihi, Quae tibi molestis muribus purgo domum." Respondit ille : u Faceres si caus& mea, Gratum esset, et dedissem veniam supplici: Nunc quia laboras, ut fruaris reliquiis Quas sunt rosuri, simul et ipsos devores, Noli imputare vanum beneficium mihi.,> Atque ita locutus, improbam letho dedifc. E 5■'82 E PHiEDRI FABULARUM 17. CAN IS FIDELIS. Nocturnus qu&m fur panern misisset Cani, Objecto tentans an cibo posset capi; €t Heus !" inquit, " linguam vis meam prsecludere, Ne latrem pro re domini ? Multum falleris: Namque ista subita me jubet benignitas Vigilare, facias ne melt culpa lucrum." 18. RANA RXJPTA. In prato quodam Rana conspexit Bo vein ; Et, tacta invidia tantse magnitudinis, Rugosam inflavit pellem: turn natos suos Interrogavit, " An Bovem esset latior V9 Illi negarunt. Rursus intendit cutem Majore nisu ; et simili quaesivit modo, u Qu'is major essetV9 Illi dixerunt, " Bavem." Novissim& indignata, dum vult validiis Inflare sese, rupto jacuit corpore. 19. VULPES ET CICONIA. Vulpes ad ccsnam dicitur Ciconiam Prior invit&sse, et illi in patm& liquidam Posiiisse sorbitionem, quam nullo modo Gustare esuriens potuerit Ciconia:LIBRIS QUINQUEe 83 Quae, Vulpem quum revocasset, intrito cibo Plenam lagenam posiiit: liuic rostrum inserens, Satiatur ipsa, et torquet convlvam fame : Quae quum lagenae frustrS, collum lamberet, Peregrlnam sic locutam volucrem accepimus : " Sua quisque exempla debet aequo ammo pati/' 20. VULPES ET AQUILA. Vulpfnos catulos aquila quondam sustulit, Nidoque posiiit pullis, escam ut carperent: Hanc persecuta mater orare incipit, Ne tantum, miserae, luctum importaret sibi. Contempsit ilia, tuta quippe ipso loco. Vulpes ab ar& rapuit ardentem facem, Totamque flammis arborem circumdedit, Hosti dolorem damno miscens sanguinis. Aquila, ut periculo mortis eriperet suos. Incolumes natos supplex Vulpi tradfdit. 21. RANiE METUENTES TAURORUM PRCELIA. Rana in palude, pugnam Taurorum intuens, " Heu, quanta nobis instat permcies !" ait. Interrogata ab alia, cur hoc diceret, De principatu quum illi certarent gregis, Longeque ab illis degerent vitam boves ?84 E PH^PRI FABULARUM " Natio,' ait, u separata, ac diversum est genus Sed, pulsus regno nemoris qui profugerit, Paludis in secreta veniet latibula, Et proculcatas obteret duro pede. Caput ita ad nostrum furor ili5rum pertinet," 22. MILVIUS ET COLUMBiE. C.olumbae ssepe quum fugissent Milvii m, Et celeritate pennse evit&ssent necem, Consilium raptor vertit ad fallaciam, Et genus inerme tali decepit dolo : " Quare solicitum potius sevum ducitis, Quam regem me creatis, (icto fcedere,) Qui vos ab omni tutas praestem injuria V Illse credentes tradunt sese Milvio ; Qui, regnum adeptus, ccepit vesci singulas, Et exercere imperium ssevis unguibus De reliquis turjp ait una, u Merito plectimur.* 23. LEO SAPIENS. Super juvencum stabat dejeetum Leo i Prsedator intervenit, partem postulans : " Darem," inquit, " nisi soleres per te sumere %9 Etimprobum rejecit. Forte innoxius Viator est deductiis in eundem locum, Feroque viso, rettulit retrft pedem,LIBRIS QTJINQUE. 85 Cui placidus ille, " Non est quod timeas," ait; 4t Et, quee debetur pars tuse modestise, Audacter tolle." Tunc divlso tergore, Sylvas petlvit homini ut accessum daret. 24. HOMO ET CANIS. Laceratus quidam morsu veliementis Canis Tinctum cruore panem misit malefico, Audierat esse quod remedium vulneris. Tunc sic iEsopus: " Noli coram pluribus Hoc facere canibus, ne vos vivos devorent; Quum sclerint esse tale culpse prsemium." 25. AQUILA, FELIS, ET APER. Aquila in sublimi quercu nidum fecerat: Felis, cavernam nacta in medi&,, pepererat: Sus, nemori-cultrix, foe turn ad imam posiierat Turn fortuitum Felis contubernium Fraude et scelesti sic avertit maliti&. Ad nidum scandit volucris : " Permcies," ait, " Tibi paratur, forsan et miserse mihi: Nam fodere terram quod vides quotidie Aprum insidiosum, quercum vult evertere, Ut nostram in piano facile progemem opprimat.M Terrore effuso, et perturbatis sensibus, Derepit ad cubile setdsse Suis:86 E PHiEDRI FABULARUM u Magno," inquit, " m periculo sunt nati tui. "Nam simul exieris pas turn cum tenero grege, Aquila est parata rapere porcellos tibi." Hunc quoque timore postquam complevit locum, Dolosa tuto condidit sese cavo: Inde evagata noctu suspenso pede, Ubi esca se replevit et prolem suam, Pavorem simulans prospicit toto die. Ruinam metuens aquila ramis desidet Aper raplnam vitans non prodit foras. Quid multa ? InediS, sunt consumpti cum suis; Felisque catulis largam prsebuerunt dapem. 26. MULI DUO ET LATRONES. Muli gravati sarcinis ibant duo : XJnus ferebat fiscos cum pecuni&; Alter, tumentes multo saccos hordeo. Ille, onere dives, celsa cervlce eminens, Clarumque collo jactans tintinnabulum; Comes quieto sequitur et placido gradu. Subit6 Latrones ex insidiis advolant, Interque csedem ferro mulum tonsitant: Dinpiunt nummos; negligunt vile hordeum. Spoliatus lgitur casus quiim fleret suos; " Equid em,"inquit alter, "me contemptum gaudeo; Nam nil amisi, nec sum lsesus vulnere."LI BR IS QUINQUE. 8? 27. ANUS AD AMPHORAM. Anus jacere vidit epotam amphoram, Adhuc Falern6, fsece, et testa nobili, Odorem quae jucundum late spargeret. Hunc postquam totis avida traxit naribus; " O suavis anima ! qualem te dicam bonam Anteh&c fuisse, tales ctim sint reliquiae ?" 28. PANTHERA ET PASTORES. Panthera imprudens olim in foveam decidit. Vid&re agrestes : alii fustes congerunt, Alii onerant saxis: quidam contra miseriti, Periturae quippe quamvis nemo laederet, Mis£re panem, ut sustineret spiritum. Nox insecuta est: abeunt securi domum, Quasi inventuri mortuam postridiee At ilia, vires ut refecit languidas, Veloci saltu fove& sese liberat, Et in cublle concito properat gradu. Paucis diebus interpositis, provolat, Pecus trucidat, ipsos pastores necat, Et cuncta vastans, ssevit irato impetu. Turn sibi timentes, qui ferae pepercerant, Damnum haud recusant, tantilm pro vit& rogant. At ilia : u Memini, qui me saxo petierint, Qui panem dederint: vos timore absistite; Illis revertor hostis, qui me laeserant."88 E PHiE DRI FABULARUM 29. MUSCA ET MULA. Masca in temone sedit, et Mulam increpans, 4t Quam tarda es !" inquit; u non vis citius pro- gredi ? Vide, ne dolone collum compungam tibi." Respondit ilia : " Verbis non moveor tuis ; Sed istum timeo, seM qui primfi, sedens, Jugum flagello temperat lento meum, Et ora fraenis continet spumantibus : Quapropter aufer frivolam insolentiam ; Namque iibi strigandum est, et ubi currendum scio." 30. CANIS ET LUPUS. Cani perpasto, macie confectus Lupus Forte occurrit: salutantes dein invicem Ut restiterunt; " Unde sic, quseso, nites ? Aut quo cibo fecisti tantum corporis ? Ego, qui sum longe fortior, pereo fame." Canis simpliciter : " eadem est conditio tibi, Praestare domino si par officium potes." " Quod ?" inquit ille. " Custos ut sis liminis, A furibus tuearis et noctu domum." " figo ver6 sum paratus. Nunc patior nives Imbresque, in sylvis asperam vitam trahens.L1BRIS QUINQUE. 89 Quanta est facilius mihi sub tecto vivere, Et otiosam largo satiari cibo!" " Veni ergc> mecum." Dum procedunt, adspicit Lupus h, catena collum detrltum Canis. " Und& hoc, amice ?" " Nihil est." u Die, quaeso, tamen." " Quia videor acer, alligant me interdid, Luce ut quiescam, et vigilem nox quiim venerit: Crepusculo soliltus, qua visum est vagor: Adfertur ultr6 panis : de mens& sua Dat ossa dominus : frusta jactat familia, Et, quod fastldit quisque, pulmentarium. Sic sine labore venter impletur meus." " Age, si qu5 ablre est animus, est licentia?" 4t Non plan& est," inquit. " Fruere quae laudas, Canis; Regnare nolo, liber ut non sim mihi." 31. SOCRATIS DICTUM. Quilm parvas sedes sibi fund&sset Socrates,— (Cujus non fugio mortem, si famam adsequar; Et cedo invidise, dummodd absolvar cinis:)— E populo sic, nescio quis, ut fieri solet; " Quseso, tam angustam, talis vir, ponis domum V9 Utinam," inquit, " veris banc amicis impleam,"90 E PHiEDRI FABULARUM «32, MARGARITA IN STERQUILINIO In sterquilimo pullus gallinaceus, Dum quserit escam, margaritam repperit: " Jaces indigno, quanta res," inquit, u loco ! O si quis pretii cupidus vidisset tui, Olim redisses ad splendorem maximum ! Ego, qui te inveni, potior cui multb est cibus, Nec tibi prodesse, nec mihi quidquam potes." 33. APES ET FUCI, VESPA JUDICE. Apes in alta quercu fecerant favos: Hos Fuci inertes esse dicebant suos. Lis ad forum deducta est, Vespa judice: Quae, genus utrumque n6sset cilm pulcherrim&, Legem duabus hanc proposiiit partibus: " Non inconveniens corpus, et par est color, In diibium plan& res ut merito venerit. Sed, ne religio peccet imprudens mea, Alveos accipite, et ceris opus infundite; Ut ex sapore mellis, et forma favi, De quis nunc agitur, auctor horum appareat." Fuci recusant. Apibus conditio placet. Tunc ilia talem sustulit sententiam : u Apertum est, quis non possit, aut quis fecerit; Quapropter apibus fructum restituo suura."LI BR IS QUINQUE. 91 34. .ESOPUS LUDENS. Puerorum in turb& quidam ludentem AtticuS jEsopum nucibus quum vidisset, restitit, Et quasi dellrum risit: quod sensit simul, Derlsor potiils qu&m deridendus, senex, Arcum retentum posiiit in medi& vik: " Heus !" inquit, " sapiens, expedi quid fecerim!" Concurrit populus. Ille se torquet dill, Nec queesti5nis positsq causam intelligit: Novissim& succumbit. Turn victor sophus : " Cito rumpes arcum, semper si tensum habueris At si laxaris, quum voles, erit utilis." 35. ARBORES IN TUTELA DEORUM. Olim, quas vellent esse in tutel& sua, Divi legerunt arbores. Quercus Jovi, Et Myrtus Veneri placuit: Phcebo Laurea, Pinus Cybelse, Populus celsa Herculi. Minerva admlrans, quare steriles sumerent, Interrogavit. Causam dixit Jupiter; " Honorem fructu ne videamur vendere." " At, mehercule narrabit, quod quis voliierit O'liva nobis propter fructum est gratior." Tunc sic Deorum genitor, atque homtnum sator, " O nata, merit5 sapiens dicere omnibus: Nisi utile est quod facimus, stulta est gloria/'92 E PHffiDRI FABULARUM 36. PAYO AD JUNONEM. Pavo ad Junonem venit, indigne ferens Cantus luscimi qu6d sibi non tribuerit: Ilium esse cunctis auribus admirabilem; Se derideri, simul ac vocem miserit. Tunc* consolandi gratis, dixit Dea : " Sed form& vincis, vincis magnitudine; Nitor smaragdi collo prsefulget tuo: Pictisque plumis gemmeam caudam explicas." u Qu6 ml," inquit, " mutam speciem, si vincor sono Vy " Fatorum arbitrio partes sunt vobis date : Tibi forma, vires aquilse, luscinio melos, Augurium corvo, leeva cornici omina; Omnesque propriis sunt contentee dotibus." 37. MUSTELA ET MURES. Mustela quftm, annis et senecta debilis, Mures veioces non valeret assequi, Involvit se farina, et obscuro loco Adjecit negligenter. Mus, escam putans, Assiluit, et compressus occubuit neci: Alter similiter periit, deinde tertius. Aliquot secutis, venit et retorridus,LIBRIS QTJINQUE. 93 Qui ssepe laqueos et musctpulam effugerat, Proculque insidtas cernens hostis callidi, i( Sic valeas," mquit, " ut farina es, quae jaces.' 38. VULPES ET UVA. Fame coacta Vulpes alta in vine& Uvam appetebat, summis saliens viribus : Quam tangere ut non potuit, discedens, ait; u Nondum matura est, nolo acerbam sumere." 39. EQUUS ET APER. Equus sedare solitus qu6 fiierat sitim, Dum sese Aper volutat, turbavit vadum. Hinc orta lis est. Sonipes, iratus fero, Auxilium petixt hommis ; quem dorso levans, Rediit ad hostem; jactis hunc telis eques Postquam interfecit, sic locutus traditur: " Laetor tulisse auxilium me preeibus tuis; Nam prsedam cepi, et didici quam sis utilis. — Atque ita coegit framos invitum patL Turn mcestus ille: " Parvse vindictam rei Dum quaero demens, servitutem repperi.w94 E PHiEDRI FABULARUM 40. VIPERA ET LIMA. Ia officlnam fabri venit Vipera. Hsec quum tentaret si qua res esset cibi, Limam momordit. Ilia contra contumax, " Quid me," inquit, " stulta, dente captas lsedere, Omne adsuevi ferrum quse corrodere V' 41. VULPES ET HIRCUS. Quum decidisset Vulpes in puteum inscia, Et altiore clauderetur margine, Devenit Hircus sitiens in eundem locum ; Simul rogavit, " Esset an dulcis liquor, Et copiosus Yy Ilia fraudem moliens; " Descende, amice; tanta bonitas est aquae, Voluptas ut satiari non possit mea." Immisit se barbatus: turn Vulpecula Evasit piiteo, nix a celsis cornibus ; Hircumque clauso liquit hserentem vado. 42. VERM. Peras imposuit Jupiter nobis duas: Propriis repletam vitiis post tergum dedit; Alienis ante pectus suspendit graveuuLJBttlS QUINQUE 95 43. CAPELLiE ET HIRCI. Barbam capellae quiim impetr&ssent ab Jove, Hirci moerentes indignari coeperunt, Quod dignitatem fceminse sequ&ssent suam: " Simte/' inquit, u illas gloria vanS. frui, Et usurpare vestri ornatum muneris, Pares dum non sint vestrae fortitudinis." 44. GUBERNATQR ET NAUTiE. Vexata ssevis navis tempestatibus, Inter vectorum lacrymas, et mortis metum, Faciem ad serenam subitd mutatur dies: Ferri secundis tuta coepit flatibus, Nimiaque nautas hilaritate extollere. Factus penclo turn gubernator sophus; " Parce gaudere oportet, et senslm queri; Totam quia vitam miscet dolor et gaudium * 45. NAUFRAGIUM SIMONIDIS. Simoniaes, qui scripsit egregium melo» Qu6 paupertatem sustineret faciliis, Circumlre coepit urbes Asiae nobiles,9 6 E PHiEDRI PABI3LARUM Mercede accept^,, laudem victorum canens. H6c genere qusestus postquam loeuples factus est, Venire in patriam voluit cursu pelagio: (Erat autem, ut aiunt, natus in Cea insult,) Ascendit navem ; quam tempestas horrida Simul et vetustas medio dissolvit mari t Hi zonas, illi res pretiosas colligunt, Subsidium vitse. Quidam curiosior; " Simonide, tu ex opibus nihil sumis tuis ?" u Mecum," inquit, mea sunt cuncta." Tunc pauci enatant; Quia plures, onere degravati, perierant. Prsedones adsunt, rapiunt quod quisque extulit; Nudos relinquunt. Forte Clazomense prop& Antiqua fuit urbs, quam petierunt naufragi. Hie literarum quidam studio deditus, Simonidis qui seepe versus legerat, firatque absentis admirator maximus, Sermdne ab ipso cognitum cupidissim& Ad se recepit: veste, nummis, famllia Hominem exornavit. Cseteri tabiilam suam Portant, rogantes victum. Quos, casu obviug, Simonides ut vidit, a Dixi," inquit, " mea Mecum esse cuncta: vos quod rapuistis, perit." mL1BRIS QUINQUE 97 46. HONS PARTURIENS. Mons parturibat, gemitus immanes ciens; Eratque in terris maxima expectatio ; At ille murem peperit. 47. FORMICA ET MUSCA. Formica et Musca contendebant acritei, Quse pluris esset. Musca sic coepit prior % " Conferee nostris tu potes te laudibus ? Ubi immolatur, exta prsegusto Deum; Moror inter aras, templa perlustro omnia; In capite regis sedeo, quum visum est mihi; Et matronarum casta delibo oscula : Laboro nihil, atque optimis rebus fruor. Quid horum simile tibi contingit, rustica?" " Est gloriosus sane convictus Deum; Sed illi, qui invitatur, non qui invisus est. Reges commemoras, et matronarum oscula; Ego granum in hyemem quiim stiidiose congero, Te circa murum video pasci stercore. Aras frequentas ; nemp& abigeris, qu5 venis. Nihil laboras; Ideo, quiim opus est, nil habes. Superba jactas tegere quod debet pudor. \32state me lacessis; quiim bruma est, siles. j/E PHiEDRI FABULAttUM Mori contractam quum te cogunt frigora, Me copiosa recipit incolumem domus. Satis profecto rettudi superbiam." 48. HOMO ET ASINUS. Quidam immoiasset verrem quum sancto Herculi Cui pro salute votum debebat su&, Asello jussit reliquias poni horde! ; Quas aspernatus ille, sic locutus est s " Tuum libenter prorsils adpeterem cibum, $T\si; qui nutrltus illo est, jugulatus foret/' 49. SCURRA ET RUSTICUS. Facturus ludos quidam dives nobiles, Proposito cunctos invitavit prsemio, Quam quisque posset ut novitatem ostenderet. Ventre artifices laudi§ ad certamina: Quos inter Scurra, notus urbano sale, Habere dixit se genus spectaculi, Quod in theatro nunquam prolatum foret. Dispersus rumor civitatem concitat: Paulb ante, vacua turbam deficiunt loca. In scen& verb postquam solus constitit. Sine apparatu, nullis adjutoribusaLIB HIS QUINQUE. Silentium ipsa fecit expectatio. Ille in sinum repent^ demlsit caput, Et sic porcelli vocem est imitatus su&, Verum ut subesse pallio contenderent, Et excuti juberent. Quo facto, simul Mhil est repertum, multis onerant laudibus, Hominemque plausu prosequuntur maximo. Hoc vidit fieri Rusticus : " Non mehercule Me vincet;" inquit; et statim professus est, " Idem facturum melius se postridie." Fit turba major: jam favor mentes tenet, Et derisuri, non spectaturi, sedent. Uterque prodit: Scurra digrunnit prior, Movetque plausus, et clam5res suscitat. Tunc simulans sese vestimentis Rusticus Porcellum obtegere,—(quod faciebat scilicet, Sed, in priore quia nil compererant, latens)— Peryellit aurem ver6, auem celaverat, Et cum dolore vocem naturae exprimit* Adclamat popiilus, " Scurram mult6 similiite Imitatumet cogit Rusticum trudi foras. At ille profert ipsum porcellum e sinu; Turpemque aperto pignore errorem probans, u En, hie declarat, quales sitis jadices.'100 E PHiEDRl FABTJLABUM 50. VENATOR ET CANIS. Adversus omnes fortis veloces feras Canis quum domino semper fecisset satis, Languere ccepit annis ingravantibus. Aliquando objectus hispidi pugnse suis, Arripuit aurem ; sed cari5sis dentibus Praedam demlsit. Hie turn Venator dolens Canem objurgabat, Cui senex contra latrans ; " Non te destitint animus, sed vires mese. Quod fuimus lauda, si jam damnas quod sumus.UNIVERSITY & GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS. New Latin Reading Book; consisting of Short Sen- tences, Easy Narrations, and Descriptions, selected from Caesar's- Gallic War; arranged in Systematic Progression. With, a Dictionary. Third Edition. 12mo. 2s. 6d, cloth. The plan of this reading book differs, in an important point, from other ! works of a similar kind, the sentences having been selected exclusively from { Caesar's Commentaries, instead of being taken from different writers. If s confined to a single author, the pupil, from continually meeting the same or f similar forms of expression, soon becomes accustomed to the style; and thus I finds the work of 1 translation grow easier every day,—which cannot be ; the case in reading extracts from different Latin Authors; their styles being ; -generally so widely different as to present great difficulty to the beginner in I his passing from one of them to another. ■ In the Dictionary the quantities are marked, and the preterites and supines ! of verbs indicated by their radical syllables. London Latin Grammar- i2mo. is. 6d cloth. The (( London Latin Grammar" contains all that is necessary to introduce the pupil to a knowledge of the language; and in order to render the rules and "their application more easily understood, all the examples are accompa- nied by a translation. Throughout the book, the parts intended to be committed to memory are printed in larger characters, to distinguish them from those intended only for reference, which are in smaller type. London Greek Grammar- is. 6d. cloth. This Grammar was constructed with the design of giving to the pupil, in the English tongue, all that is necessary to introduce him to the knowledge of the inflexions and syntax of the Greek Language. It is printed in the same manner as the London Latin Grammar. Locke's System of Classical Instruction. <( We do amiss to spend seven or eight years merely scraping together so much miserable Latin and Greek, as might be learned otherwise easily and delightfully in one year."—Milton. This method is a restoration of the excellent system of tuition advocated by Milton and Locke; practically established by Dean Colet, Erasmus, and Lily, at the foundation of St. Paul's School; and subsequently enjoined by authority of the State, to be adopted in all other public seminaries of learning throughout the kingdom. By means of a series of interlinear trans- lations, it aims to furnish the Pupil with a supply of words, with general notions of their modes of combination and transposition, and their different ; meanings under different circumstances. His time and labour are thus abridged at the beginning of his classical studies, merely to set him fairly U forward on his way without perplexity and discouragement :— i - Interlinear Translations. Price of each Work is. 6A Latin. ~ - ' Ph-sedkuS' Fables op iEsop. Virgil's JEneid. Book I. ; Cesar's Invasion of Britain. , Greek. Homer's Iliad. Book I. Heroi!>otus's Histories. Selections. , French. Sismondi ; The Battles of Cressy AND PoiCTIERS. LONDON: WALTON & MABEELY.TEXT BOOKS. Schmitz's History of Bome, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Commodus. By Dr. L. Schmitz, F.R.S.E., Rector of the High School of Edinburgh, Editor of " Niebuhr's Lectures." Twenty-first Thousand. One Hun- dred Engravings. 12mo. 7s. 6d. cloth. The immense progress made in investigating .Roman history and antiquities within the last thirty or forty years, having materially altered the whole complexion of that study, has rendered indispensable a new manual, for the use of schools. This compendium is designed to supply the want, by con- densing and selecting out of a voluminous mass of detail, that which is necessary to give rather a vivid picture of the leading epochs of the history, than a minute narrative of particulars. The author has availed himself of all the important works on Roman history, which have appeared since Niebuhr gave a new life and new impulse to the subject. A copious table of chronology and indexes are added. The present edition is illustrated by very numerous engravings on wood of public buildings, statuary, and other remains of antiquity. Tacitus; Germania, Agricola, and First Book of the Annals. With English Notes, original and selected, and Botticher's remarks on the style of Tacitus. Edited by, Dr. William Smith, Classical Examiner in the University of London! Fourth Edition, revised and greatly improved. i 12mo. 5s. The object of this book is to introduce the student to a thorough familiarity with the style of Tacitus. With this view, a sufficiently extensive text is presented to the reader, accompanied by copious notes, original and selected. These notes, occupying 170 pages, are designed to remove every difficulty of the text, and explain its structure and allusions. But for fully under- standing Tacitus, a more general key to his peculiarities is indispensable. It is found in Botticher's " Remarks on the style of Tacitus," here translated. This treatise contains a minute analysis of the characteristics of the author, which are reduced to three heads, 1. Variety of Style; 2. The Force and pregnant Brevity of his Style ; 3. Its Poetical Complexion. Each of these divisions is illustrated by the quotation of numerous passages. Plato; The Apology of Socrates, the Crito, and part of the Phaedo; with Notes in English from Stallbaum, ^ Schleiermacher's Introductions, and Essay on the Worth of Socrates as a Philosopher. Edited by Dr. W. Smith. Third Edition, revised. 12mo. 5s. cloth. This selection from the writings of Plato has been adopted as presenting a complete account of the last days of Socrates: the apology being a defence of his doctrines, supposed to be delivered before the tribunal which con- demned him; his dialogue with Crito containing his refusal to escape from prison, although not guilty; and the extracts from the Phsedo, relating the particulars of the philosopher's death. These pieces from their easy style are valuable as an introduction to the, study of Plato. The extensive and elaborate commentary of Stallbaum omits nothing necessary for the elucidation of his author. London: Walton & Maberly, Upper GowerSt. & Ivy Lane.This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-dthampaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). 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