1 ^'501, WI7-3-: 231 Cl O'X 30\ g-SOS" WITH ; Univt-i'sHy of Illinois {. th* ;ry atUrbana*Cs: 'ia'n 23151 02 SOI 8305 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL WITHDRAWN cdc 23151 Universityof Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign Graphics Specialist (AFSC 23151) Volume 2 AUGAFS,AL (831403) 11 Foldouts 1 through 12 wwnwwvwvMwwwwwwwvwuwvwwwvvvwwuMvwrtwvwmwviwwwvrtWwwwwiwwwwwv V^,A'l^wvvvvvvvv*vwmvvvvwwivvwwvvkvvvkvwvvvwvvvv»vkvvwvvvvvttvvmw\\vvvvm\vw\vvvv*vvvvvv*vwAwvv AUGAFS, AL (84451i ) 600 Extension Course Institute Air UniversityDOC. D30I P3|5|^>soi-boS' 7 Y *> y CONE .The basic shape of the pine tree is a cone. The use of shading and the drawing of irregular branches to make the form look solid, add realism. DRAWING THE BASIC FORM In drawing the basic forms, each form is drawn through first as a basic form then the details. CYLINDER The can is essentially a cylinder, so when you start the drawing - • draw a cylinder. To help the basic shape of the can, light and shade should be established. Shading gives the form a needed emphisis. mt W 'J//%;.. ! ■':/ / -■ l 231-454Fotdout 3. Male and female figure.231-477 Foldout 5. Arms.Foldout 6. Leg.Foldout 9. Element of composition.f'0$iFoldout 11. Element of composition.23* 460 Foldout 12. Principles of composition.