ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015ijrttflè' 11. ii4 THE APOTHEOSIS OF THE FRENCH GENERAL HOCHE. TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL, PRINTED IN THE REDACTEUR. ii r-jpHE Soul of the Hero arofe from the Dull, and reclining upon the Tri-coloured Bow of Heaven, tuned his foft Lyre, while Myriads of Celeitials advanced to meet him, and joining the Melody of their Voices, chaunted in Chorus, " He rifes! the Hero of the new Republic rifes to everlailing Honors ! Render him Homage, ye brilliant Conilellations of the Skies, for he has outfhone your Illuminations, and lighted up a new Sun of Liberty ! Render him Homage, O Earth, for his Sword has extirpated Oppreffion ; he has led forth the Angel of Deilruflion to burn up the Dwellings of the Wicked, and called out the little Loves to fcatter Joy and Plenty over the Globe!—What Glory to the opaque Sphere, to have nourifhed in its Dull a Being fo prepared for the Joys of Immortality! “ He rifes! the Hero of the new Republic rifes to everlailing Honors! Legions of martyr’d Heroes wait his Arrival; the enraptured Spirits of Roland and the poifon’d Condorcet, receive him with Rapture; and, with Lou vet, (flunk to Death in the Caufe of Truth,) Marat, Barbaroux, Petion, and all the innumerable Hoil of Revolutionary Saints, join to celebrate his Praifes, whom they have beheld afpire to every Virtue ! “ He rifes ! the Hero of the new Republic rifes to everlailing Honors! Receive him, ye Sons of Light! decollated Trunks of guillotin’d Martyrs, fpread your Palm Branches to hail his Welcome to the Coniines of eternal Day ! while Millions of amputated Heads charm his virtuous Ears with the Songs of Liberty !” Printed FOR H. HUMPHREl, No. 27, St. J.a.mes’s Street. .N