ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ^ / > Some Reafonable E R I E S To be Anfwer’d by John Huggens Efq^*-only. Qtier. I. With the Allufidn, Concluiion, and Metaphor» F Mme, '^a.s guilty oi the C^/zr|e,*Tor which he 'V7^s Arraign’d -. And H Try d, at Kingftone. Why is he nor brought to Pumfhment; Or -fl» what makes 'Juftke fleep, over fuch a Crying-Crime,, as his. Or was Moore,Real Pathkk, and now put into private Keeping. Till Huggens, with hh jinking ‘Tale, is at an End. Qr. II. If Moore, the Guilty Perfon, be not brought; Or. is it, that they dare not bring him, into the Eye of the World, for PunijhmeKt. Why do they then, ftill Putiijh Kinney (If. This Way araongft the Jevos, was once call’d DeaPng of ^ufike. But that Mooret, fhould be maintain’d, and fecretiz,ed, while Kinnerfy is fined and imprifon’d-----is odd. Q)-. III. Think you, Kinnerfly, had ever been caft at Kingflon ; If Huggens had ViCit jvoore through Double Doors, and by the Hour.. And Whether, there was not more Digrejjions in his Oath; Than we find in the Tale-of-the-Tub. ■ And what all thought, that was in Court ; That heard and faw him, E.vear. Or what he thought himfelf; When he was forc’d to Lick his Lips, and become black in the Mouth; was he not, think you, afraid of Choaking. But pray what’s become of that Wretch, which he produc’d, John/on, and Evidence Winckwonh, with Equivocating Tom. And why Philips, never publiih’d the Tr'yalj after he had Adver-tifed i:. And what’s the Reafon, think you. ¿«.IV. Whet.her Huggens, Was not worded, when he indeavoiir’d to fwear Mrs. Cru-evo out of a large Sum of Money, for the Keeping of a Bafiard-ChiU, after he had indidted her for asiing for her^Money due. And what made him beg of tie Court, not to Try her, when Ihe was brought to the Barr, Tho’ ihe iniided 01 her Tryal. And do they not, to this very t)ay, keep, both Mother and Child And have they yet paid Mrs. Carem her Debtand .Charges, which they put her to. Whidi amounts, as the World, fays, to Three Hundred Pounds, or upwards Qr. V. Was Huggens, never in any Treaty with Kinnerfly znd. Moore, on their Accoun;, (fot Mrs. C^reta’s was of another nature) Or did Mr. Dummer Banter Kimterfly when he oife’rd Six Hundred Guineas down, and Four more in Tiioo Tearsy at Two Hundred per Tear, his Fine difehargd and his CharaBer clear’d, and Moore, pYovidei for. All which, it was laid, was to arife, from the Profits of {omo. Great Place, IVherein Cockets, are a Perquifite. And all within Thefe Three Months. Qr. VI. Pray how came it, that Mr. Dummer, had not the Place for himfelf, Or Prxnd; Or what broke the Treaty oflc Did Huggens,. Bite all Parties. ¿-. Vll. What could Huggens do, to obtain, 3. Patent Place, worth Seven Hundred Pounds per Aim. In fuch an unp-efedented Wny* in the Cuftom-Hbufe of London. i- e. For Three Lives- For one of his Sons. Tliiakjyou, Huggens, can do as much as Achilles, becaufe he hath alfo been Dip’d in ¿’h.f ; ■ And makes Acheron-.lVaters, his Daily Food. Qr. VTII. Pray what did Huggens do with thk Books, call’d a Polifi Novel, Which he rather Stole from the Gentleman,., and the World of; Than b}' apy jail Title he (or any one elfe) had to tliernV Unlefs he intends to publiih themyfor ihft Author, and for the Profit of him onl).|. If not, do ye thiuk. We may fee Pleafur’d by the Author, with a Second Im^Eeilion,. Ljnjily, Think you,. Huggens has not done more hlijury to his Client, thaif.cver he/is able to repair. Or how do you think, the vlhole will Conclude. But happy is the Man, that hands in Need, of i/'o fuch Wretches.- For Harpes, |will be Harpies, to the End of Time; Not Drea-|iing the Force of die Hercukan-'Club. Fi\M Sphinx Pdddle filv’d; by a SeconM. QeApWj will, iliew their. Fate.,. 1 a