ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 A N T H E M TO BE PERFORMED IN ST. MARTIN'® CHURCH, ON THE ANNIVERSARY MEETING OF THE GOVERN OURS LEICESTER INFIRMARY. Taken out of the 106''' Psalm, Ferfes 1, 2, 4, 46. Set to Muilc by Mr HENRY PURCELL, Organist and Composer to King James II. and King William III. PSALM 106. 1. Give thanks unto the Lord, For he is gracious : And his mercy endureth for ever. t :: ■ ; • T ;• . i. i •* 3. Who can exprefs the noble adls of the Lord : Or fhew forth all his piaife ! thou beared; unto thy people : O, vifit me with thy falvation. ; O, vifit me with thy falvation. j BlelTed be the Lord God of Ifrael : From everlafting, and world without end : i 1 >• J And let all the people fay, T 1 > AMEN. J * Inflead of the Pfalm before the Sermon, will be fun[ ! Verie v and Chorus. Solo. Bttfsi Verfe. Treble. Cantra Tenor. Tenor. Bafs. Chorus. Verfe. Treble. Cantra ‘lenor. Tenor. Bafs. Ferfe, and ! Grand Chorus. Veife of the Te Deum, as fet by Mr. IRAN DEL : To thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry."