ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPA1GN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2014.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2014University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign Bookstacks CBjc Jltbrtsnp HE LIFE *■ OPINIONS of TRISTRAM SHANDY Gentleman. ^ fa fa fa fa By LAURENCE STERNE Edited by GEORGE SAINTSBURY with Illustrations by E. J. WHEELER In three Volumes. Volume the third. London J. M. DENT fc? CO. Aldine House, 29 & 30 Bedford Street Philadelphia : J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY mdccccFirst Edition, June 1S94 Second Edition, December 4897 Third Edition, January 1900THE WORKS OF LAURENCE STERNE EDITED BY GEORGE SAINTSBURY IN SIX VOLUMES VOL. III. TRISTRAM SHANDY VOL. III.<823, $>t |<\00 >M LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. She took them from her curls, and put them gravely one by one into my hat. Frontispiece " I protest, Madam, I can see nothing what- ever in your eye" . . . Page 154 I sprung out of the chaise to help her „ 212THE LIFE AND OPINIONS of TRISTRAM SHANDY, Gent. BOOK VI.—continued. Chapter %iiu LE Fever got up to the Imperial army just time enough to try what metal his sword was made of, at the defeat of the Turks before Belgrade ; but a series of unmerited mischances had pursued him from that moment, and trod close upon his heels for four years together after; he had withstood these bufferings to the last, till sickness overtook him at Marseilles, from whence he wrote my uncle Toby word, he had lost his time, his services, his health, and, in short, every thing but his sword;-and was waiting for the first ship to return back to him. As this letter came to hand about six weeks before Susannah's accident, Le Fever was hourly expected; and was uppermost in my uncle Toby's mind all the hi. a2 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS time my father was giving him and Yorick a descrip- tion of what kind of a person he would chuse for a preceptor to me : but as my uncle Toby thought my father at first somewhat fanciful in the accomplishments he required, he forebore mentioning Le Fever's name, -till the character, by Yorick's interposition, ending unexpectedly, in one, who should be gentle-tempered, and generous, and good, it impressed the image of Le Fever, and his interest, upon my uncle Toby so forcibly, he rose instantly off his chair; and laying down his pipe, in order to take hold of both my father's hands-1 beg, brother Shandy, said my uncle Toby, I may recommend poor Le Fever s son to you- I beseech you do, added Yorick-He has a good heart, said my uncle Toby—:—And a brave one too, an' please your honour, said the corporal. -The best hearts, Trim, are ever the bravest, re- plied my uncle Toby.-And the greatest cowards, an' please your honour, in our regiment, were the greatest rascals in it.-There was serjeant Kumber, and ensign- -We'll talk of them, said my father, another time. -«3RSs9- Cftapttr j;tk WHAT a jovial and a merry world would this be, may it please your worships, but for that inextricable labyrinth of debts, cares, woes, want, grief, discontent, melancholy, large jointures, impositions, and lies! Doctor Slop, like a son of a w-, as my father called him for it,—to exalt himself,—debased me to death,—and made ten thousand times more of Susannah's accident, than there was any grounds for; so that in aOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 3 week's time, or less, it was in every body's mouth, That poor Master Shandy * * * * * ******* entirely.—— And Fame, who loves to double every thing,—in three days more, had sworn, positively she saw it,—and all the world, as usual, gave credit to her evidence- " That the nursery window had not only * * * * ***** * * * * * .-but that * * * * ** ***** ** * * * * 's also." Could the world have been sued like a body- corporate,—my father had brought an action upon the case, and trounced it sufficiently; but to fall foul of individuals about it-as every soul who had mentioned the affair, did it with the greatest pity imaginable;-'twas like flying in the very face of his best friends:-And yet to acquiesce under the report, in silence—was to acknowledge it openly,— at least in the opinion of one half of the world; and to make a bustle again, in contradicting it,—was to confirm it as strongly in the opinion of the other half.- -Was ever poor devil of a country gentleman so hampered ? said my father. I would shew him publickly, said my uncle Toby9 at the market cross. -'Twill have no effect, said my father. SD&apier -I'll put him, however, into breeches, said my father,—let the world say what it will.4 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS C&apter j;bn THERE are a thousand resolutions, Sir, both in church and state, as well as in matters, Madam, of a more private concern;—which, though they have carried all the appearance in the world of being taken, and entered upon in a hasty, hare-brained, and unadvised manner, were, notwithstanding this (and could you or I have got into the cabinet, or stood behind the curtain, we should have found it was so), weighed, poized, and perpended-argued upon-canvassed through-entered into, and examined on all sides with so much coolness, that the goddess of coolness herself (I do not take upon me to prove her existence) could neither have wished it, or done it better. Of the number of these was my father's resolution of putting me into breeches ; which, though determined at once,—in a kind of huff, and a defiance of all man- kind, had, nevertheless, been pro*d and conn d, and judicially talked over betwixt him and my mother about a month before, in two several beds of justice, which my father had held for that purpose. I shall explain the nature of these beds of justice in my next chapter; and in the chapter following that, you shall step with me, Madam, behind the curtain, only to hear in what kind of manner my father and my mother debated between themselves, this affair of the breeches,—from which you may form an idea, how they debated all lesser matters.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 5 THE ancient Goths of Germany, who (the learned Cluverius is positive) were first seated in the country between the Vistula and the Oder, and who afterwards incorporated the Her cult, the Buglans, and some other Vandallick clans to 'em—had all of them a wise custom of debating every thing of import- ance to their state, twice; that is,—once drunk, and once sober:-Drunk—that their councils might not want vigour ;-and sober—that they might not want discretion. Now my father being entirely a water-drinker,— was a long time gravelled almost to death, in turning this as much to his advantage, as he did every other thing which the ancients did or said; and it was not till the seventh year of his marriage, after a thousand fruitless experiments and devices, that he hit upon an expedient which answered the purpose;-and that was, when any difficult and momentous point was to be settled in the family, which required great sobriety, and great spirit too, in its determination,-he fixed and set apart the first Sunday night in the month, and the Saturday night which immediately preceded it, to argue it over, in bed, with my mother: By which contrivance, if you consider, Sir, with yourself, * * * ********* ********* * * * * * * * * * ***** These my father, humorously enough, called his beds of justice ;-for from the two different counsels taken in these two different humours, a middle one was generally found out which touched the point of wisdom as well, as if he had got drunk and sober a hundred times.6 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS It must not be made a secret of to the world, that this answers full as well in literary discussions, as either in military or conjugal; but it is not every author that can try the experiment as the Goths and Vandals did it-or, if he can, may it be always for his body's health ; and to do it, as my father did it,—am I sure it would be always for his soul's. My way is this:- In all nice and ticklish discussions—(of which, heaven knows, there are but too many in my book),— where I find I cannot take a step without the danger of having either their worships or their reverences upon my back-1 write one-halifull,—and t'other fasting ; -or write it all full,-—and correct it fasting;- or write it fasting,—and correct it full, for they all come to the same thing:-So that with a less variation from my father's plan, than my father's from the Gothick-1 feel myself upon a par with him in his first bed of justice,—and no way inferior to him in his second.-These different and almost irreconcile- able effects, flow uniformly from the wise and wonder- ful mechanism of nature,—of which,—be her's the honour.-All that we can do, is to turn and work the machine to the improvement and better manufactory of the arts and sciences.- Now, when I write full,—I write as if I was never to write fasting again as long as I live;-that is, I write free from the cares as well as the terrors of the world.-1 count not the number of my scars,—nor does my fancy go forth into dark entries and bye-corners to antedate my stabs.-In a word, my pen takes its course; and I write on as much from the fulness of my heart, as my stomach.- But when, an' please your honours, I indite fasting, 'tis a different history.-1 pay the world all possible attention and respect,—and have as great a shareOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 7 whilst it lasts) of that under-strapping virtue of iscretion as the best of you.-So that betwixt both, I write a careless kind of a civil, nonsensical, good- humoured Shandean book, which will do all your hearts good- -And all your heads too,—provided you under- stand it. Chapter jtottn WE should begin, said my father, turning himself half round in bed, and shifting his pillow a little towards my mother's, as he opened the debate-We should begin to think, Mrs Shandy, of putting this boy into breeches.- We should so,—said my mother.-We defer it, my dear, quoth my father, shamefully.- I think we do, Mr Shandy,—said my mother. -Not but the child looks extremely well, said my father, in his vests and tunicks.- -He does look very well in them,—replied my mother.- -And for that reason it would be almost a sin, added my father, to take him out of 'em.- -It would so,—said my mother:-But indeed he is growing a very tall lad,—rejoined my father. -He is very tall for his age, indeed,—said my mother.'- -1 can not (making two syllables of it) imagine, quoth my father, who the deuce he takes after.- I cannot conceive, for my life,—said my mother.- Humph !-said my father. (The dialogue ceased for a moment.) -1 am very short myself,—continued my father gravely.8 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS You are very short, Mr Shandy,—said my mother. Humph! quoth my father to himself, a second time: in muttering which, he plucked his pillow a little further from my mother's,—and turning about again, there was an end of the debate for three minutes and a half. -When he gets these breeches made, cried my father in a higher tone, he'll look like a beast in 'em. He will be very awkward in them at first, replied my mother.- -And 'twill be lucky, if that's the worst on't, added my father. It will be very lucky, answered my mother. I suppose, replied my father,—making some pause first,—he'll be exactly like other people's children.- Exactly, said my mother.- -Though I shall be sorry for that, added my father : and so the debate stopp'd again. -They should be of leather, said my father, turning him about again.— They will last him, said my mother, the longest. But he can have no linings to 'em, replied my father.- He cannot, said my mother. 'Twere better to have them of fustian, quoth my father. Nothing can be better, quoth my mother.-- -Except dimity,—replied my father :-'Tis best of all,—replied my mother. -One must not give him his death, however,— interrupted my father. By no means, said my mother:-and so the dialogue stood still again. I am resolved, however, quoth my father, breaking silence the fourth time, he shall have no pockets in them.-OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 9 -There is no occasion for any, said my mother.- I mean in his coat and waistcoat,—cried my father. -1 mean so too,—replied my mother. -Though if he gets a gig or top-Poor souls! it is a crown and a sceptre to them,—they should have where to secure it.- Order it as you please, Mr Shandy, replied my mother.- -But don't you think it right ? added my father, pressing the point home to her. Perfectly, said my mother, if it pleases you, Mr Shandy,- -There's for you! cried my father, losing temper -Pleases me!-You never will distinguish, Mrs Shandy, nor shall I ever teach you to do it, betwixt a point of pleasure and a point of convenience.-This was on the Sunday night:-and further this chapter sayeth not. C&apter AFTER my father had debated the affair of the J^ breeches with my mother,—he consulted Al- bertus Rubenius upon it; and Albertus Rubenius used my father ten times worse in the consultation (if possible) than even my father had used my mother : For as Rubenius had wrote a quarto express9 De re Vestiaria Veierum,—it was Rubenius9 s business to have given my father some lights.—On the contrary, my father might as well have thought of extracting the seven cardinal virtues out of a long beard,—as of extracting a single word out of Rubenius upon the subject. Upon every other aiticle of ancient dress, RubeniusIO THE LIFE AND OPINIONS was very communicative to my father;—gave him a full and satisfactory account of The Toga, or loose gown. The Chlamys. The EphocL The Tunica, or Jacket. The Synthesis. The Paenula. The Lacema, with its Cucullus. The Paludamentum. The Praetexta. The Sagum, or soldier's jerkin. The Trabea: of which, according to Suetonius, there were three kinds.— -But what are all these to the breeches ? said my father. Rubenius threw him down upon the counter all kinds of shoes which had been in fashion with the Romans.- There was, The open shoe. The close shoe. The slip shoe. The wooden shoe. The soc. The buskin. And The military shoe with hobnails in it, which Juvenal takes notice of. There were, The clogs. The pattins. The pantoufles. The brogues. The sandals, with latchets to them. There was, The felt shoe. The linen shoe. The laced shoe.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. II The braided shoe. The calceus incisus. And The calceus rostratus. Rubenius shewed my father how well they all fitted, —in what manner they laced on,—with what points, straps, thongs, latchets, ribbands, jaggs, and ends.- -But I want to be informed about the breeches, said my father. Albertus Rubenius informed my father that the Romans manufactured stuffs of various fabrics,- some plain,—some striped,—others diapered through- out the whole contexture of the wool, with silk and gold-That linen did not begin to be in common use till towards the declension of the empire, when the Egyptians coming to settle amongst them, brought it into vogue. -That persons of quality and fortune distinguished themselves by the fineness and whiteness of their clothes; which colour (next to purple, which was ap- propriated to the great offices) they most affected, and wore on their birth-days and public rejoicings.-- That it appeared from the best historians of those times, that they frequently sent their clothes to the fuller, to be clean'd and whitened:-but that the inferior people, to avoid that expence, generally wore brown clothes, and of a something coarser texture,—till to- wards the beginning of Augustus's reign, when the slave dressed like his master, and almost every dis- tinction of habiliment was lost, but the Latus Clavus. And what was the Latus Clavus ? said my father. Rubenius told him, that the point was still litigating amongst the learned:-That Egnatius, Sigonius, Bossius Ticinensis, Bayjius, Budaus, Salmasius9 Lipsius, La%ius, Isaac Casaubon, and Joseph Scaliger, all dif- fered from each other,—and he from them: That some took it to be the button,—some the coat itself,12 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS —others only the colour of it:—That the great Bayjius, in his Wardrobe of the Ancients, chap. 12—honestly said, he knew not what it was,—whether a tibula,—a stud,—a button,—a loop,—a buckle,—or clasps and keepers.—- -My father lost the horse, but not the saddle -They are hooks and eyes, said my father-and with hooks and eyes he ordered my breeches to be made. Chapter w. WE are now going to enter upon a new scene of events.- -Leave we then the breeches in the taylor's hands, with my father standing over him with his cane, reading him as he sat at work a lecture upon the latus clavus, and pointing to the precise part of the waistband, where he was determined to have it sewed on.- Leave we my mother—(truest of all the Poco- curantes of her sex !)—careless about it, as about every thing else in the world which concerned her;—that is, —indifferent whether it was done this way or that,— provided it was but done at all.- Leave we Slop likewise to the full profits of all my dishonours.- Leave we poor Le Fever to recover, and get home from Marseilles as he can.-And last of all,—because the hardest of all- Let us leave, if possible, myself:-But 'tis impossible,—I must go along with you to the end of the work.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. *3 Chapter IF the reader has not a clear conception of the rood and the half of ground which lay at the bottom of my uncle Toby's kitchen-garden, and which was the scene of so many of his delicious hours,—the fault is not in me,—but in his imagination;—for I am sure I gave him so minute a description, I was almost ashamed of it. When Fate was looking forwards one afternoon, into the great transactions of future times,—and re- collected for what purposes this little plot, by a decree fast bound down in iron, had been destined,—she gave a nod to Nature,—'twas enough—Nature threw half a spade full of her kindliest compost upon it, with just so much clay in it, as to retain the forms of angles and indentings,—and so little of it too, as not to cling to the spade, and render works of so much glory, nasty in foul weather. My uncle Toby came down, as the reader has been informed, with plans along with him, of almost every fortified town in Italy and Flanders ; so let the Duke of Marlborough, or the allies, have set down before what town they pleased, my uncle Toby was prepared for them. His way, which was the simplest one in the world, was this; as soon as ever a town was invested—(but sooner when the design was known) to take the plan of it (let it be what town it would), and enlarge it upon a scale to the exact size of his bowling-green; upon the surface of which, by means of a large role of packthread, and a number of small piquets driven into the ground, at the several angles and redans, he trans- ferred the lines from his paper; then taking the profile of the place, with its works, to determine the depths14 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS and slopes of the ditches,—the talus of the glacis, and the precise height of the several banquets, parapets, &c. —he set the corporal to work-and sweetly went it on:-The nature of the soil,—the nature of the work itself,—and above all, the good-nature of my uncle Toby sitting by from morning to night, and chatting kindly with the corporal upon past-done deeds, —left labour little else but the ceremony of the name. When the place was finished in this manner, and put into a proper posture of defence,—it was invested,— and my uncle Toby and the corporal began to run their first parallel.-1 beg I may not be interrupted in my story, by being told, That the Jirst parallel should be at least three hundred toises distant from the main body of the place,—and that I have not left a single inch for it;-for my uncle Toby took the liberty of in- croaching upon his kitchen-garden, for the sake of enlarging his works on the bowling-green, and for that reason generally ran his first and second parallels betwixt two rows of his cabbages and his cauliflowers ; the conveniences and inconveniences of which will be considered at large in the history of my uncle Toby's and the corporal's campaigns, of which, this I'm now writing is but a sketch, and will be finished, if I con- jecture right, in three pages (but there is no guessing) -The campaigns themselves will take up as many books ; and therefore I apprehend it would be hanging too great a weight of one kind of matter in so flimsy a performance as this, to rhapsodize them, as I once intended, into the body of the work-surely they had better be printed apart,-we'll consider the affair-so take the following sketch of them in the mean time.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 15 C&apter ypiU WHEN the town, with its works, was finished, my uncle Toby and the corporal began to run their first parallel-not at random, or any- how-but from the same points and distances the allies had begun to run theirs; and regulating their approaches and attacks, by the accounts my uncle Toby received from the daily papers,—they went on, during the whole siege, step by step with the allies. When the duke of Marlborough made a lodgment, --my uncle Toby made a lodgment too,-And when the face of a bastion was battered down, or a defence ruined,—the corporal took his mattock and did as much,—and so on ;-gaining ground, and making themselves masters of the works one after another, till the town fell into their hands. To one who took pleasure in the happy state of others,—there could not have been a greater sight in the world, than, on a post-morning, in which a practic- able breach had been made by the duke of Marlborough, in the main body of the place,—to have stood behind the horn-beam hedge, and observed the spirit with which my uncle Toby, with Trim behind him, sallied forth ;-the one with the Gazette in his hand,—the other with a spade on his shoulder to execute the contents.-What an honest triumph in my uncle Toby's looks as he marched up to the ramparts! What intense pleasure swimming in his eye as he stood over the corporal, reading the paragraph ten times over to him, as he was at work, lest, peradventure, he should make the breach an inch too wide,—or leave it an inch too narrow.-But when the chamade was beat, and the corporal helped my uncle up it, and followed with the colours in his hand, to fix them upon the rampartsi6 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS —Heaven ! Earth ! Sea!-but what avails apos- trophes I-with all your elements, wet or dry, ye never compounded so intoxicating a draught. In this track of happiness for many years, without one interruption to it, except now and then when the wind continued to blow due west for a week or ten days together, which detained the Flanders mail, and kept them so long in torture,—but still 'twas the torture of the happy-In this track, I say, did my uncle Toby and Trim move for many years, every year of which, and sometimes every month, from the invention of either the one or the other of them, adding some new conceit or quirk of improvement to their opera- tions, which always opened fresh springs of delight in carrying them on. The first year's campaign was carried on from beginning to end, in the plain and simple method I've related. In the second year, in which my uncle Toby took Liege and Ruremond, he thought he might afford the expence of four handsome draw-bridges, of two of which I have given an exact description in the former part of my work. At the latter end of the same year he added a couple of gates with portcullises:-These last were con- verted afterwards into orgues, as the better thing; and during the winter of the same year, my uncle Toby, instead of a new suit of clothes, which he always had at Christmas, treated himself with a handsome sentry- box, to stand at the corner of the bowling-green, betwixt which point and the foot of the glacis, there was left a little kind of an esplanade for him and the corporal to confer and hold councils of war upon. -The sentry-box was in case of rain. All these were painted white three times over theOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 17 ensuing spring, which enabled my uncle Toby to take the field with great splendour. My father would often say to Torick, that if any mortal in the whole universe had done such a thing, except his brother Toby, it would have been looked upon by the world as one of the most refined satires upon the parade and prancing manner in which Lewis XIV. from the beginning of the war, but particularly that very year, had taken the field-But 'tis not my brother Toby*s nature, kind soul! my father would add, to insult any one. -But let us go on. C&aptsr ppiif, I MUST observe, that although in the first year's campaign, the word town is often mentioned,— yet there was no town at that time within the polygon; that addition was not made till the summer following the spring in which the bridges and sentry- box were painted, which was the third year of my uncle Toby s campaigns,—when upon his taking Amberg, Bonn, and Rhinberg, and Huy and Limb ourg> one after another, a thought came into the corporal's head, that to talk of taking so many towns, without one town to shew for it,—was a very nonsensical way of going to work, and so proposed to my uncle Toby9 that they should have a little model of a town built for them,— to be run up together of slit deals, and then painted, and clapped within the interior polygon to serve for all. My uncle Toby felt the good of the project instantly, and instantly agreed to it, but with the addition of two singular improvements, of which he was almost as proud as if he had been the original inventor of the project itself* 111. Bi8 the life and opinions The one was, to have the town built exactly in the style of those of which it was most likely to be the representative:-with grated windows, and the gable ends of the houses, facing the streets, &c. &c.— as those in Ghent and Bruges, and the rest of the towns in Brabant and Flanders. The other was, not to have the houses run up together, as the corporal proposed, but to have every house independent, to hook on, or off, so as to form into the plan of whatever town they pleased. This was put directly into hand, and many and many a look of mutual congratulation was exchanged between my uncle Toby and the corporal, as the carpenter did the work. -It answered prodigiously the next summer- the town was a perfect Proteus-It was JLanden, and Trerebach, and Santvliet, and Drusen, and Hagenau,— and then it was Ostend and Menin, and Aeth and Dendermond. -Surely never did any town act so many parts, since Sodom and Gomorah, as my uncle Toby*s town did. In the fourth year, my uncle Toby thinking a town looked foolishly without a church, added a very fine one with a steeple.-Trim was for having bells in it;-my uncle Toby said, the metal had better be cast into cannon. This led the way the next campaign for half a dozen brass field-pieces, to be planted three and three on each side of my uncle Toby9s sentry-box ; and in a short time, these led the way for a train of somewhat larger,—and so on—(as must always be the case in hobby-horsical affairs) from pieces of half an inch bore, till it came at last to my father's jack boots. The next year, which was that in which Lisle was besieged, and at the close of which both Ghent and Bruges fell into our hands,—my uncle Toby was sadlyOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 19 put to it for proper ammunition;-1 say proper ammunition-because his great artillery would not bear powder ; and 'twas well for the Shandy family they would not-F or so full were the papers, from the beginning to the end of the siege, of the incessant firings kept up by the besiegers,-and so heated was my uncle Toby's imagination with the accounts of them, that he had infallibly shot away all his estate. Something therefore was wanting as a succedaneum, especially in one or two of the more violent paroxysms of the siege, to keep up something like a continual firing in the imagination,-and this something, the corporal, whose principal strength lay in invention, supplied by an entire new system of battering of his own,—without which, this had been objected to by military critics, to the end of the world, as one of the great desiderata of my uncle Toby's apparatus. This will not be explained the worse, for setting off, as I generally do, at a little distance from the subject. Chapter wib. WITH two or three other trinkets, small in themselves, but of great regard, which poor Tom, the corporal's unfortunate brother, had sent him over, with the account of his marriage with the Jew's widow-there was A Montero-C2i$ and two Turkish tobacco-pipes. The Montero-cap I shall describe by and bye.- The Turkish tobacco-pipes had nothing particular in them, they were fitted up and ornamented as usual, with flexible tubes of Morocco leather and gold wire, and mounted at their ends, the one of them with ivory, —the other with black ebony, tipp'd with silver.20 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS My father, who saw all things in lights different from the rest of the world, would say to the corporal, that he ought to look upon these two presents more as tokens of his brother's nicety, than his affection.- Tom did not care, Trim, he would say, to put on the cap, or to smoke in the tobacco-pipe of a Jew.- God bless your honour, the corporal would say, (giving a strong reason to the contrary)—how can that be? The Montero-cap was scarlet, of a superfine Spanish cloth, dyed in grain, and mounted all round with fur, except about four inches in the front, which was faced with a light blue, slightly embroidered,—and seemed to have been the property of a Portuguese quartermaster, not of foot, but of horse, as the word denotes. The corporal was not a little proud of it, as well for its own sake, as the sake of the giver, so seldom or never put it on but upon GALA-days; and yet never was a Montero-cap put to so many uses; for in all controverted points, whether military or culinary, pro- vided the corporal was sure he was in the right,—it was either his oath,—his wager,—or his gift. -'Twas his gift in the present case. I'll be bound, said the corporal, speaking to himself, to give away my Montero-cap to the first beggar who comes to the door, if I do not manage this matter to his honour's satisfaction. The completion was no further off, than the very next morning; which was that of the storm of the counterscarp betwixt the Lower Deule, to the right, and the gate St Andrew,—and on the left, between St Magdalen s and the river. As this was the most memorable attack in the whole war,—the most gallant and obstinate on both sides,— and I must add the most bloody too, for it cost the allies themselves that morning above eleven hundredOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 21 men,—my uncle Toby prepared himself for it with a more than ordinary solemnity. The eve which preceded, as my uncle Toby went to bed, he ordered his ramallie wig, which had laid inside out for many years in the corner of an old campaigning trunk, which stood by his bedside, to be taken out and laid upon the lid of it, ready for the morning;—and the very first thing he did in his shirt, when he had stepped out of bed, my uncle Toby, after he had turned the rough side outwards,—put it on :-This done, he proceeded next to his breeches, and having buttoned the waistband, he forthwith buckled on his sword-belt, and had got his sword half way in,—when he con- sidered he should want shaving, and that it would be very inconvenient doing it with his sword on,—so took it off:-In assaying to put on his regimental coat and waistcoat, my uncle Toby found the same objection in his wig,—so that went off too:—So that what with one thing and what with another, as always falls out when a man is in the most haste,—'twas ten o'clock, which was half an hour later than his usual time, before my uncle Toby sallied out. C&apter MY uncle Toby had scarce turned the corner of his yew hedge, which separated his kitchen-garden from his bowling-green, when he perceived the corporal had begun the attack without him.- Let me stop and give you a picture of the corporal's apparatus; and of the corporal himself in the height of his attack, just as it struck my uncle Toby, as he turned towards the sentry-box, where the corporal was at work,-for in nature there is not such another,-22 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS nor can any combination of all that is grotesque and whimsical in her works produce its equal. The corporal- -Tread lightly on his ashes, ye men of genius, -for he was your kinsman : Weed his grave clean, ye men of goodness,—for he was your brother.—Oh corporal! had I thee, but now,—now, that I am able to give thee a dinner and protection,—how would I cherish thee! thou should'st wear thy Montero-cap every hour of the day, and every day of the week,—and when it was worn out, I would purchase thee a couple like it:-But alas! alas! alas! now that I can do this in spite of their reverences—the occasion is lost—for thou art gone ;— thy genius fled up to the stars from whence it came; —and that warm heart of thine, with all its generous and open vessels, compressed into a clod of the valley / -But what-what is this, to that future and dreaded page, where I look towards the velvet pall, decorated with the military ensigns of thy master—the first—the foremost of created beings;-where, I shall see thee, faithful servant! laying his sword and scabbard with a trembling hand across his coffin, and then returning pale as ashes to the door, to take his mourning horse by the bridle, to follow his hearse, as he directed thee;-where—all my father's systems shall be baffled by his sorrows; and, in spite of his philosophy, I shall behold him, as he inspects the lackered plate, twice taking his spectacles from off his nose, to wipe away the dew which nature has shed upon them-When I see him cast in the rosemary with an air of disconsolation, which cries through my ears,-O Toby ! in what corner of the world shall I seek thy fellow ? -Gracious powers ! which erst have opened the lips of the dumb in his distress, and made the tongueOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 23 of the stammerer speak plain-when I shall arrive at this dreaded page, deal not with me, then, with a stinted hand. ©Japter yjriiL THE corporal, who the night before had resolved in his mind to supply the grand desideratum, of keeping up something like an incessant firing upon the enemy during the heat of the attack,—had no further idea in his fancy at that time, than a con- trivance of smoking tobacco against the town, out of one of my uncle Toby's six field-pieces, which were planted on each side of his sentry-box ; the means of effecting which occurring to his fancy at the same time, though he had pledged his cap, he thought it in no danger from the miscarriage of his projects. ^ Upon turning it this way, and that, a little in his mind, he soon began to find out, that by means of his two Turkish tobacco-pipes^ with the supplement of three smaller tubes of wash-leather at each of their lower ends, to be tagg'd by the same number of tin- pipes fitted to the touch-holes, and sealed with clay next the cannon, and then tied hermetically with waxed silk at their several insertions into the Morocco tube,—he should be able to fire the six field-pieces all together, and with the same ease as to fire one.- -Let no man say from what taggs and jaggs hints may not be cut out for the advancement of human knowledge. Let no man, who has read my father's first and second beds of justice, ever rise up and say again, from collision of what kinds of bodies light may or may not be struck out, to carry the arts and sciences up to perfection.-Heaven! thou knowest how I love them ;--thou knowest the secrets of my heart,24 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS and that I would this moment give my shirt-Thou art a fool, Shandy, says Eugenius, for thou hast but a dozen in the world,—and 'twill break thy set.- No matter for that, Eugenius; I would give the shirt off my back to be burned into tinder, were it only to satisfy one feverish enquirer, how many sparks at one good stroke, a good flint and steel could strike into the tail of it.-Think ye not that in striking these in, —he might, peradventure, strike something out P as sure as a gun.- -But this project, by the bye. The corporal sat up the best part of the night, in bringing his to perfection ; and having made a sufficient proof of his cannon, with charging them to the top with tobacco,—he went with contentment to bed. GD&apter pjctotj* THE corporal had slipped out about ten minutes before my uncle Toby, in order to fix his apparatus, and just give the enemy a shot or two before my uncle Toby came. He had drawn the six field-pieces for this end, all close up together in front of my uncle Toby's sentry- box, leaving only an interval of about a yard and a half betwixt the three, on the right and left, for the con- venience of charging, &c.—and the sake possibly of two batteries, which he might think double the honour of one. In the rear and facing this opening, with his back to the door of the sentry-box, for fear of being flanked, had the corporal wisely taken his post:-He held the ivory pipe, appertaining to the battery on the right, betwixt the finger and thumb of his right hand,—andOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 25 the ebony pipe tipp'd with silver, which appertained to the battery on the left, betwixt the finger and thumb of the other-and with his right knee fixed firm upon the ground, as if in the front rank of his platoon, was the corporal, with his Montero-cap upon his head, furiously playing off his two cross batteries at the same time against the counter-guard, which faced the counter- scarp, where the attack was to be made that morning. His first intention, as I said, was no more than giving the enemy a single puff or two ;—but the pleasure of the puffs, as well as the pujfing, had insensibly got hold of the corporal, and drawn him on from puff to puff, into the very height of the attack, by the time my uncle Toby joined him. 'Twas well for my father, that my uncle Toby had not his will to make that day. Chapter MY uncle Toby took the ivory pipe out of the corporal's hand,—looked at it for half a minute, and returned it. In less than two minutes, my uncle Toby took the pipe from the corporal again, and raised it half way to his mouth-then hastily gave it back a second time. The corporal redoubled the attack,-my uncle Toby smiled,-then looked grave,-then smiled for a moment,--then looked serious for a long time; -Give me hold of the ivory pipe, Trim, said my uncle Toby-my uncle Toby put it to his lips,- drew it back directly,-gave a peep over the horn- beam hedge;-never did my uncle Toby's mouth water so much for a pipe in his life.-My uncle26 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Toby retired into the sentry-box with the pipe in his hand.- -Dear uncle Toby / don't go into the sentry-box with the pipe,—there's no trusting a man's self with such a thing in such a corner. —GrfSRSs®— Chapter wip I BEG the reader will assist me here, to wheel off my uncle Toby's ordnance behind the scenes,- to remove his sentry-box, and clear the theatre, if possible, of horn-works and half moons, and get the rest of his military apparatus out of the way ;-that done, my dear friend Garrick, we'll snuff the candles bright, —sweep the stage with a new broom,—draw up the curtain, and exhibit my uncle Toby dressed in a new character, throughout which the world can have no idea how he will act: and yet, if pity be a-kin to love, —r-and bravery no alien to it, you have seen enough of my uncle Toby in these, to trace these family likenesses, betwixt the two passions (in case there is one) to your heart's content. Vain science! thou assistest us in no case of this kind—and thou puzzlest us in every one. There was, Madam, in my uncle Toby, a singleness of heart which misled him so far out of the little serpentine tracks in which things of this nature usually go on; you can—you can have no conception of it: with this, there was a plainness and simplicity of thinking, with such an unmistrusting ignorance of the plies and foldings of the heart of woman ;-and so naked and defenceless did he stand before you, (when a siege was out of his head,) that you might have stood behind any one of your serpentine walks, and shot myOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 27 uncle Toby ten times in a day, through his liver, if nine times in a day, Madam, had not served your purpose. With all this, Madam,—and what confounded every thing as much on the other hand, my uncle Toby had that unparalleled modesty of nature I once told you of, and which, by the bye, stood eternal sentry upon his feelings, that you might as soon-But where am I going ? these reflections crowd in upon me ten pages at least too soon, and take up that time, which I ought to bestow upon facts. GDJ)apter wf. OF the few legitimate sons of Adam whose breasts never felt what the sting of love was,—(main- taining first, all mysogynists to be bastards)— the greatest heroes of ancient and modern story have carried off amongst them nine parts in ten of the honour; and I wish for their sakes I had the key of my study, out of my draw-well, only for five minutes, to tell you their names—recollect them I cannot—so be content to accept of these, for the present, in their stead.- There was the great king Aldrovandus, and Bos- phorus, and Cappadocius9 and Dardanus, and Pontus, and Asms,-to say nothing of the iron-hearted Charles the Xllth, whom the Countess of K***** her- self could make nothing of.-There was Babylonicus> and Mediterraneusj and Polixenes, and Persicusy and Prusicus, not one of whom (except Cappadocius and Pontus, who were both a little suspected) ever once bowed down his breast to the goddess-The truth is, they had all of them something else to do—and so had my uncle Toby—till Fate—till Fate I say, envying his name the glory of being handed down to posterity28 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS with Aldrovandus's and the rest,—she basely patched up the peace of Utrecht. -Believe me, Sirs, 'twas the worst deed she did that year. dD&apter wpL A MONGST the many ill consequences of the treaty JY of Utrecht, it was within a point of giving my uncle Toby a surfeit of sieges; and though he recovered his appetite afterwards, yet Calais itself left not a deeper scar in Mary's heart, than Utrecht upon my uncle Toby*s. To the end of his life he never could hear Utrecht mentioned upon any account whatever,— or so much as read an article of news extracted out of the Utrecht Gazette, without fetching a sigh, as if his heart would break in twain. My father, who was a great motive-monger, and consequently a very dangerous person for a man to sit by, either laughing or crying,—for he generally knew your motive for doing both, much better than you knew it yourself—would always console my uncle Toby upon these occasions, in a way, which shewed plainly, he imagined my uncle Toby grieved for nothing in the whole affair, so much as the loss of his hobby-horse.- Never mind, brother Toby, he would say,—by God's blessing we shall have another war break out again some of these days; and when it does,—the belligerent powers, if they would hang themselves, cannot keep us out of play.-1 defy 'em, my dear Toby, he would add, to take countries without taking towns,-or towns without sieges. My uncle Toby never took this back-stroke of my father's at his hobby-horse kindly.-He thought the stroke ungenerous; and the more so, because in strikingOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 29 the horse he hit the rider too, and in the most dis- honourable part a blow could fall; so that upon these occasions, he always laid down his pipe upon the table with more fire to defend himself than common. I told the reader, this time two years, that my uncle Toby was not eloquent; and in the very same page gave an instance to the contrary:-1 repeat the observa- tion, and a fact which contradicts it again.—He was not eloquent,—it was not easy to my uncle Toby to make long harangues,—and he hated florid ones; but there were occasions where the stream overflowed the man, and ran so counter to its usual course, that in some parts my uncle Toby> for a time, was at least equal to Tertullus-but in others, in my own opinion, infinitely above him. My father was so highly pleased with one of these apologetical orations of my uncle Toby's, which he had delivered one evening before him and Torick, that he wrote it down before he went to bed. I have had the good fortune to meet with it amongst my father's papers, with here and there an insertion of his own, betwixt two crooks, thus [ ], and is endorsed, MY BROTHER TOBY'S JUSTIFICATION OF HIS OWN PRINCIPLES AND CONDUCT IN WISHING TO CONTINUE THE WAR. I may safely say, I have read over this apologetical oration of my uncle Toby's a hundred times, and think it so fine a model of defence,—and shews so sweet a temperament of gallantry and good principles in him, that I give it the world, word for word (interlineations and all), as I find it.3° THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Chapter vwiU MY UNCLE TOBY'S APOLOGETICAL ORATION. I AM not insensible, brother Shandy, that when a man whose profession is arms, wishes, as I have done, for war,—it has an ill aspect to the world ; -and that, how just and right soever his motives and intentions may be,—he stands in an uneasy posture in vindicating himself from private views in doing it. For this cause, if a soldier is a prudent man, which he may be without being a jot the less brave, he will be sure not to utter his wish in the hearing of an enemy; for say what he will, an enemy will not believe him.-He will be cautious of doing it even to a friend,—lest he may suffer in his esteem :-But if his heart is overcharged, and a secret sigh for arms must have its vent, he will reserve it for the ear of a brother, who knows his character to the bottom, and what his true notions, dispositions, and principles of honour are: What, I hope, I have been in all these, brother Shandy, would be unbecoming in me to say: -much worse, I know, have I been than I ought,— and something worse, perhaps, than I think: But such as I am, you, my dear brother Shandy, who have sucked the same breasts with me,—and with whom I have been brought up from my cradle,—and from whose knowledge, from the first hours of our boyish pastimes, down to this, I have concealed no one action of my life, and scarce a thought in it-Such as I am, brother, you must by this time know me, with all my vices, and with all my weaknesses too, whether of my age, my temper, my passions, or my understanding. Tell me then, my dear brother Shandy, upon which of them it is, that when I condemned the peace of Utrecht, and grieved the war was not carried on withOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 31 vigour a little longer, you should think your brother did it upon unworthy views; or that in wishing for war, he should be bad enough to wish more of his fellow-creatures slain,—more slaves made, and more families driven from their peaceful habitations, merely for his own pleasure:-Tell me, brother Shandy, upon what one deed of mine do you ground it? \The devil a deed do I know of, dear Toby, but one for a hundred pounds, which I lent thee to carry on these cursed sieges If, when I was a school-boy, I could not hear a drum beat, but my heart beat with it—was it my fault ?-Did I plant the propensity there ?-Did I sound the alarm within, or Nature ? When Guy, Earl of Warwick, and Parismus and Paris menus, and Valentine and Orson, and the Seven Champions of England, were handed around the school, —were they not all purchased with my own pocket- money ? Was that selfish, brother Shandy P When we read over the siege of Troy, which lasted ten years and eight months,-though with such a train of artillery as we had at Namur, the town might have been carried in a week—was I not as much concerned for the destruction of the Greeks and Trojans as any boy of the whole school ? Had I not three strokes of a ferula given me, two on my right hand, and one on my left, for calling Helena a bitch for it ? Did any one of you shed more tears for Hector P And when king Priam came to the camp to beg his body, and returned weeping back to Troy without it,—you know, brother, I could not eat my dinner.—- -Did that bespeak me cruel ? Or because, brother Shandy, my blood flew out into the camp, and my heart panted for war,—was it a proof it could not ache for the distresses of war too ? O brother! 'tis one thing for a soldier to gather32 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS laurels,—and 'tis another to scatter cypress.-[Who told thee, my dear Toby, that cypress was used by the antients on mournful occasions -'Tis one thing, brother Shandy, for a soldier to hazard his own life—to leap first down into the trench, where he is sure to be cut in pieces:-'Tis one thing, from public spirit and a thirst of glory, to enter the breach the first man,—To stand in the foremost rank, and march bravely on with drums and trumpets, and colours flying about his ears:-'Tis one thing, I say, brother Shandy, to do this,—and 'tis another thing to reflect on the miseries of war;—to view the desola- tions of whole countries, and consider the intolerable fatigues and hardships which the soldier himself, the instrument who works them, is forced (for sixpence a day, if he can get it) to undergo. Need I be told, dear Torick, as I was by you, in Le Fever's funeral sermon, That so soft and gentle a creature, born to love, to mercy, and kindness, as man is, tvas not shapedfor this P-But why did you not add, Torick,—if not by nature—that he is so by necessity ? -For what is war ? what is it, Torick, when fought as ours has been, upon principles of liberty, and upon principles of honour-what is it, but the getting to- gether of quiet and harmless people, with their swords in their hands, to keep the ambitious and the turbulent within bounds ? And heaven is my witness, brother Shandy, that the pleasure I have taken in these things, —and that infinite delight, in particular, which has attended my sieges in my bowling-green, has arose v/ithin me, and I hope in the corporal too, from tlje consciousness we both had, that in carrying them on, we were answering the great ends of our creation. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 33 Chapter pppffj. I TOLD the Christian reader-1 say Christian -hoping he is one-and if he is not, I am sorry for it-and only beg he will consider the matter with himself, and not lay the blame entirely upon this book-»- I told him, Sir-for in good truth, when a man is telling a story in the strange way I do mine, he is obliged continually to be going backwards and forwards to keep all tight together in the reader's fancy- which, for my own part, if I did not take heed to do more than at first, there is so much unfixed and equivocal matter starting up, with so many breaks and gaps in it,—and so little service do the stars afford, which, nevertheless, I hang up in some of the darkest passages, knowing that the world is apt to lose its way, with all the lights the sun itself at hoon-day can give it -and now you see, I am lost myself!- -But 'tis my father's fault; and whenever my brains come to be dissected, you will perceive, without spectacles, that he has left a large uneven thread, as you sometimes see in an unsaleable piece of cambrick, running along the whole length of the web, and so un- to wardly, you cannot so much as cut out a * *, (here I hang up a couple of lights again) or a fillet, or a thumb-stall, but it is seen or felt.- Qjuanto id diligentius in liberis procreandis cavendum, sayeth Cardan. All which being considered, and that you see 'tis morally impracticable for me to wind this round to where I set out- I begin the chapter over again. lii. C34 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Chapter jtppfb 1TOLD the Christian reader in the beginning of the chapter which preceded my uncle Toby's apologetical oration,—though in a different trope from what I should make use of now, That the peace of Utrecht was within an ace of creating the same shyness betwixt my uncle Toby and his hobby-horse, as it did betwixt the queen and the rest of the con- federating powers. There is an indignant way in which a man some- times dismounts his horse, which as good as says to him, " I'll go afoot, Sir, all the days of my life, before I would ride a single mile upon your back again." Now my uncle Toby could not be said to dismount his horse in this manner; for in strictness of language, he could not be said to dismount his horse at all-his horse rather flung him-and somewhat viciously, which made my uncle Toby take it ten times more unkindly. Let this matter be settled by state-jockies as they like.-It created, I say, a sort of shyness betwixt my uncle Toby and his hobby-horse.-He had no occasion for him from the month of March to November, which was the summer after the articles were signed, except it was now and then to take a short ride out, just to see that the fortifications and harbour of Dunkirk were demolished, according to stipulation. The French were so backwards all that summer in setting about that affair, and Monsieur Tugghe, the Deputy from the magistrates of Dunkirk, presented so many affecting petitions to the queen,—beseeching her majesty to cause only her thunder-bolts to fall upon the martial works, which might have incurred her displeasure,—but to spare—to spare the mole, for the mole's sake; which, in its naked situation, could be noOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 35 more than an object of pity-and the queen (who was but a woman) being of a pitiful disposition,-—and her ministers also, they not wishing in their hearts to have the town dismantled, for these private reasons, * * * * * * # * * * * * # * * #_ ********* * * * ; so that the whole went heavily on with my uncle Toby ; insomuch, that it was not within three full months, after he and the corporal had con- structed the town, and put it in a condition to be destroyed, that the several commandants, commissaries, deputies, negociators, and intendants, would permit him to set about it.-Fatal interval of inactivity! The corporal was for beginning the demolition, by making a breach in the ramparts, or main fortifications of the town-No,—that will never do, corporal, said my uncle Toby, for in going that way to work with the town, the English garrison will not be safe in it an hour; because if the French are treacherous-They are as treacherous as devils, an' please your honour, said the corporal-It gives me concern always when I hear it, Trim, said my uncle Toby,—for they don't want personal bravery; and if a breach is made in the ramparts, they may enter it, and make themselves masters of the place when they please:-Let them enter it, said the corporal, lifting up his pioneer's spade in both his hands, as if he was going to lay about him with it,—let them enter, an' please your honour, if they dare.-In cases like this, corporal, said my uncle Toby, slipping his right hand down to the middle of his cane, and holding it afterwards truncheon-wise with his fore-finger extended,-'tis no part of the consideration of a commandant, what the enemy dare, —or what they dare not do; he must act with36 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS prudence. We will begin with the outworks both towards the sea and the land, and particularly with fort Louis, the most distant of them all, and demolish it first,—and the rest, one by one, both on our right and left, as we retreat towards the town;-then we'll demolish the mole,—next fill up the harbour,— then retire into the citadel, and blow it up into the air: and having done that, corporal, we'll embark for England.-We are there, quoth the corporal, recol- lecting himself-Very true, said my uncle Toby— looking at the church. C&apt** wyto* A DELUSIVE, delicious consultation or two of this kind, betwixt my uncle Toby and Trim, upon the demolition of Dunkirk,—for a moment rallied back the ideas of those pleasures, which were slipping from under him :-still—still all went on heavily-the magic left the mind the weaker—Stillness, with Silence at her back, entered the solitary parlour, and drew their gauzy mantle over my uncle Toby's head;-and Listlessness, with her lax fibre and undirected eye, sat quietly down beside him in his arm-chair.-No longer jimberg and Rhinberg, and Limb ourg, and Huy, and Bonn, in one year,—and the prospect of Landen, and Trerebach, and Drusen, and Dendermond, the next,—hurried on the blood:—No longer did saps, and mines, and blinds, and gabions, and palisadoes, keep out this fair enemy of man's repose :-No more could my uncle Toby, after passing the French lines, as he eat his egg at supper, from thence break into the heart of France,— cross over the Oyes, and with all Picardie open behindOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 37 him, march up to the gates of Paris, and fall asleep with nothing but ideas of glory :-No more was he to dream, he had fixed the royal standard upon the tower of the B as tile, and awake with it streaming in his head. -Softer visions,—gentler vibrations stole sweetly in upon his slumbers;—the trumpet of war fell out of his hands,—he took up the lute, sweet instrument! of all others the most delicate! the most difficult!- how wilt thou touch it, my dear uncle Toby ? GD&apter jjcjrtik NOW, because I have once or twice said, in my inconsiderate way of talking, That I was con- fident the following memoirs of my uncle Toby's courtship of widow Wadman,, whenever I got time to write them, would turn out one of the most complete systems, both of the elementary and practical part of love and love-making, that ever was addressed to the world-are you to imagine from thence, that I shall set out with a description of what love is P whether part God and part Devil, as Plotinus will have it- -Or by a more critical equation, and supposing the whole of love to be as ten-to determine with Ficinus, " How many parts of it—the one,—and how many the other; "—or whether it is all of it one great Devil, from head to tail, as Plato has taken upon him to pronounce ; concerning which conceit of his, I shall not offer my opinion:—but my opinion of Plato is this; that he appears, from this instance, to have been a man of much the same temper and way of reasoning with doctor Baynyard, who being a great enemy to38 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS blisters, as imagining that half a dozen of 'em at once, would draw a man as surely to his grave, as a herse and six—rashly concluded, that the Devil himself was nothing in the world, but one great bouncing Canthari [dt] s.- I have nothing to say to people who allow them- selves this monstrous liberty in arguing, but what Nazianzen cried out (that is, polemically) to Phila- grius- "rEuye! " 0 rare ! 'tis jine reasoning, Sir, indeed! —" or/ cfiiXotiocfrels h UdOeffi99—and most nobly do you aim at truth, when you philosophize about it in your moods and passions. Nor is it to be imagined, for the same reason, I should stop to inquire, whether love is a disease,- or embroil myself with Rhasis and Dioscorides9 whether the seat of it is in the brain or liver;—because this would lead me on, to an examination of the two very opposite manners, in which patients have been treated -the one, of Aatius, who always begun with a cooling clyster of hempseed and bruised cucumbers ;— and followed on with thin potations of water-lillies and purslane—to which he added a pinch of snuff, of the herb Hanea ;—and where Aatius durst venture it,— his topaz-ring. -The other, that of Gordoniusy who (in his cap. 15. de Amore) directs they should be thrashed, "ad putorem usque"-till they stink again. These are disquisitions, which my father, who had laid in a great stock of knowledge of this kind, will be very busy with in the progress of my uncle Toby9s affairs : T must anticipate thus much, That from his theories of love, (with which, by the way, he contrived to crucify my uncle Toby9s mind, almost as much as his amours themselves)—he took a single step into practice;—and by means of a camphorated cerecloth, which he foundOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 39 means to impose upon the taylor for buckram, whilst he was making my uncle Toby a new pair of breeches, he produced Gordonius9 s effect upon my uncle Toby without the disgrace. What changes this produced, will be read in its proper place: all that is needful to be added to the anecdote, is this-That whatever effect it had upon my uncle Toby,-it had a vile effect upon the house ; -and if my uncle Toby had not smoaked it down as he did, it might have had a vile effect upon my father too. CD&apter pjcptoU* -jj ^WILL come out of itself by and bye.- 2 All I contend for is, that I am not obliged to set out with a definition of what Jove is; and so long as I can go on with my story intelligibly, with the help of the word itself, without any other idea to it, than what I have in common with the rest of the world, why should I differ from it a moment before the time ?-When I can get on no further,-and find myself entangled on all sides of this mystic labyrinth, —my Opinion will then come in, in course,—and lead me out. At present, I hope I shall be sufficiently understood, in telling the reader, my uncle Toby fell in love : —Not that the phrase is at all to my liking : for to say a man is fallen in love,—or that he is deeply in love,—or up to the ears in love,—and sometimes even over head and ears in it,—carries an idiomatical kind of implication, that love is a thing below a man:—this is recurring again to Plato s opinion, which, with all his divinityship,—I hold to be damnable and heretical:—- and so much for that.40 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Let love therefore be what it will,—my uncle Toby fell into it. -And possibly, gentle reader, with such a tempta- tion—so wouldst thou: For never did thy eyes behold, or thy concupiscence covet any thing in this world, more concupiscible than widow Wadman. Chapter TO conceive this right,—call for pen and ink— here's paper ready to your hand.-Sit down, Sir, paint her to your own mind-as like your mistress as you can-as unlike your wife as your conscience will let you—'tis all one to me— please but your own fancy in it.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY.42 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS --Was ever any thing in Nature so sweet!—. so exquisite! -Then, dear Sir, how could my uncle Toby resist it ? Thrice happy book! thou wilt have one page, at least, within thy covers, which Malice will not blacken, and which Ignorance cannot misrepresent. CD&apter AS Susannah was informed by an express from Mrs Bridget, of my uncle Tobys falling in love with her mistress fifteen days before it happened,— the contents of which express, Susannah communicated to my mother the next day,—it has just given me an opportunity of entering upon my uncle Toby9s amours a fortnight before their existence. I have an article of news to tell you, Mr Shandy, quoth my mother, which will surprise you greatly.- Now my father was then holding one of his second beds of justice, and was musing within himself about the hardships of matrimony, as my mother broke silence.- «-My brother Toby, quoth she, is going to be married to Mrs Wadman" -Then he will never, quoth my father, be able to lie diagonally in his bed again as long as he lives. It was a consuming vexation to my father, that my mother never asked the meaning of a thing she did not understand. -That she is not a woman of science, my father would say—is her misfortune—but she might ask a question.— My mother never did.--In short, she went out ofOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 43 the world at last without knowing whether it turned round, or stood still.-My father had officiously told her above a thousand times which way it was,—but she always forgot. For these reasons, a discourse seldom went on much further betwixt them, than a proposition,—a reply, and a rejoinder; at the end of which, it generally took breath for a few minutes (as in the affair of the breeches), and then went on again. If he marries, 'twill be the worse for us,—quoth my mother. Not a cherry-stone, said my father,—he may as well batter away his means upon that, as any thing else. -To be sure, said my mother: so here ended the proposition,—the reply,—and the rejoinder, I told you of. It will be some amusement to him, too,-said my father. A very great one, answered my mother, if he should have children.- -Lord have mercy upon me,—said my father to himself- ******* ********* ********* ********* ******44 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Chapter 1AM now beginning to get fairly into my work; and by the help of a vegetable diet, with a few of the cold seeds, I make no doubt but I shall be able to go on with my uncle Toby's story, and my own, in a tolerable strait line. Now, Inv, T. S. Scul. T, 5. These were the four lines I moved in through my first, second, third, and fourth volumes.*—In the fifth * Alluding to the first edition.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 45 volume I have been very good,-the precise line I have described in it being this: A B By which it appears, that except at the curve, marked A, where I took a trip to Navarre,—and the indented curve B, which is the short airing when I was there with the Lady Baussiere and her page,—I have not taken the least frisk of a digression, till John de la Casse's devils led me the round you see marked D.— for as for c c c c c they are nothing but parentheses, and the common ins and outs incident to the lives of the greatest ministers of state; and when compared with what men have done,—or with my own transgressions at the letters A B D—they vanish into nothing. In this last volume I have done better still—for from the end of Le Fever's episode, to the beginning of my uncle Toby's campaigns,-—I have scarce stepped a yard out of my way. If I mend at this rate, it is not impossible-by the good leave of his grace of Benevento*s devils-but I may arrive hereafter at the excellency of going on even thus: which is a line drawn as straight as I could draw it, by a writing-master's ruler (borrowed for that purpose), turning neither to the right hand or to the left. This right line, — the ^ath-way for Christians to walk in ! say divines-46 LIFE AND OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. -The emblem of moral rectitude! says Cicero- -The best line / say cabbage planters-is the shortest line, says Archimedes, which can be drawn from one given point to another.- I wish your ladyships would lay this matter to heart, in your next birth-day suits ! -What a journey 1 Pray can you tell me,—that is, without anger, before I write my chapter upon straight lines-by what mistake-who told them so-or how it has come to pass, that your men of wit and genius have all along confounded this line, with the line of gravitation ? BOOK VII. Chapter U NO-1 think, I said, I would write two volumes every year, provided the vile cough which then tormented me, and which to this hour I dread worse than the devil, would but give me leave—and in another place—(but where, I can't recollect now) speaking of my book as a machine, and laying my pen and ruler down cross-wise upon the table, in order to gain the greater credit to it—I swore it should be kept a going at that rate these forty years, if it pleased but the fountain of life to bless me so long with health and good spirits. Now as for my spirits, little have I to lay to their charge—nay so very little (unless the mounting me upon a long stick and playing the fool with me nine- teen hours out of the twenty-four, be accusations) that on the contrary, I have much—much to thank 'em for: cheerily have ye made me tread the path of life with all the burthens of it (except its cares) upon my back; in no one moment of my existence, that I remember, have ye once deserted me, or tinged the objects which came in my way, either with sable, or with a sickly green; in dangers ye gilded my horizon with hope, and when Death himself knocked at my door—ye 4743 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS bad him come again; and in so gay a tone of careless indifference, did ye do it, that he doubted of his com- mission- "—There must certainly be some mistake in this matter," quoth he. Now there is nothing in this world I abominate worse, than to be interrupted in a story-and I was that moment telling Eugenius a most tawdry one in my way, of a nun who fancied herself a shell-fish, and of a monk damn'd for eating a muscle, and was shewing him the grounds and justice of the procedure- "—Did ever so grave a personage get into so vile a scrape?" quoth Death. Thou hast had a narrow escape, Tristram, said Eugenius, taking hold of my hand as I finished my story- But there is no living, Eugenius, replied I, at this rate; for as this son of a whore has found out my lodgings- —You call him rightly, said Eugenius,—for by sin, we are told, he enter'd the world-1 care not which way he enter'd, quoth I, provided he be not in such a hurry to take me out with him—for I have forty volumes to write, and forty thousand things to say and do which no body in the world will say and do for me, except thyself; and as thou seest he has got me by the throat (for Eugenius could scarce hear me speak across the table), and that I am no match for him in the open field, had I not better, whilst these few scatter'd spirits remain, and these two spider legs of mine (holding one of them up to him) are able to support me—had I not better, Eugenius, fly for my life ? 'Tis my advice, my dear Tristram, said Eugenius—Then by heaven! I will lead him a dance he little thinks of-for I will gallop, quoth I, without looking once behind me, to the banks of the Garonne; and if I hear him clattering at my heels -I'll scamper away to mount Vesuvius-fromOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 49 thence to Joppa, and from Joppa to the world's end; where, if he follows me, I pray God he may break his neck- —He runs more risk there, said Eugenius, than thou. Eugenius9 s wit and affection brought blood into the cheek from whence it had been some months banish'd -'twas a vile moment to bid adieu in; he led me to my chaise-AUons / said I; the postboy gave a crack with his whip-off I went like a cannon, and in half a dozen bounds got into Dover. Chapter iu NOW hang it! quoth I, as I look'd towards the French coast—a man should know something of his own country too, before he goes abroad -and I never gave a peep into Rochester church, or took notice of the dock of Chatham, or visited St Thomas at Canterbury, though they all three laid in my way- —But mine, indeed, is a particular case- So without arguing the matter further with Thomas o9 Becket, or any one else—I skip'd into the boat, and in five minutes we got under sail, and scudded away like the wind. Pray, captain, quoth I, as I was going down into the cabin, is a man never overtaken by Death in this passage ? Why, there is not time for a man to be sick in it, replied he-What a cursed lyar! for I am sick as a horse, quoth I, already-what a brain !-upside down !-hey-day! the cells are broke loose one into another, and the blood, and the lymph, and the nervous juices, with the fix'd and volatile salts, are all jumbled into one mass-good G—! every thing III. D5o THE LIFE AND OPINIONS turns round in it like a thousand whirlpools-I'd give a shilling to know if I shan't write the clearer for it- Sick! sick! sick! sick!- —When shall we get to land ? captain—they have hearts like stones-O I am deadly sick!-reach me that thing, boy-'tis the most discomfiting sick- ness-1 wish I was at the bottom—Madam! how is it with you ? Undone! undone! un-O ! un- done ! sir-What the first time ?-No, 'tis the second, third, sixth, tenth time, sir,-hey-day !— what a trampling over head! — hollo ! cabin boy! what's the matter ?— The wind chopp'd about! s'Death !—then I shall meet him full in the face. What luck!—'tis chopp'd about again, master- O the devil chop it--—- Captain, quoth she, for heaven's sake, let us get ashore. C&apier ttj. IT is a great inconvenience to a man in a haste, that there are three distinct roads between Calais and Paris, in behalf of which there is so much to be said by the several deputies from the towns which lie along them, that half a day is easily lost in settling which you'll take. First, the road by Lisle and Arras, which is the most about—.—but most interesting, and instructing. The second, that by Amiens, which you may go, if you would see Chantilly- And that by Beauvais, which you may go, if you will. For this reason a great many chuse to go by Beauva'ts.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 51 Chapter i\u "\| OW before I quit Calais," a travel-writer would say, "it would not be amiss to give some account of it."—Now I think it very much amiss—that a man cannot go quietly through a town and let it alone, when it does not meddle with him, but that he must be turning about and drawing his pen at every kennel he crosses over, merely o' my con- science for the sake of drawing it; because, if we may judge from what has been wrote of these things, by all who have wrote and gallop'd—or who have gallop'd and wrote, which is a different way still; or who, for more expedition than the rest, have wrote galloping, which is the way I do at present-from the great Addison, who did it with his satchel of school books hanging at his a—, and galling his beast's crupper at every stroke —there is not a gallopper of us all who might not have gone on ambling quietly in his own ground (in case he had any), and have wrote all he had to write, dry shod, as well as not. For my own part, as heaven is my judge, and to which I shall ever make my last appeal—I know no more of Calais (except the little my barber told me of it as he was whetting his razor), than I do this moment of Grand Cairo ; for it was dusky in the evening when I landed, and dark as pitch in the morning when I set out, and yet by merely knowing what is what, and by drawing this from that in one part of the town, and by spelling and putting this and that together in another —I would lay any travelling odds, that I this moment write a chapter upon Calais as long as my arm; and with so distinct and satisfactory a detail of every item, which is worth a stranger's curiosity in the town— that you would take me for the town-clerk of Calais itself—and where, sir, would be the wonder ? was not52 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Democritus, who laughed ten times more than I—• town-clerk of AbderaP and was not (I forget his name) who had more discretion than us both, town- clerk of Ephesus P-it should be penn'd moreover, sir, with so much knowledge and good sense, and truth, and precision- —Nay—if you don't believe me, you may read the chapter for your pains. to. CALAIS, Calatium, Caluslum, Calesium. This town, if we may trust its archives, the authority of which I see no reason to call in question in this place—was once no more than a small village belonging to one of the first Counts de Guignes ; and as it boasts at present of no less than fourteen thousand inhabitants, exclusive of four hundred and twenty distinct families in the basse ville, or suburbs -it must have grown up by little and little, I suppose, to its present size. Though there are four convents, there is but one parochial church in the whole town; I had not an opportunity of taking its. exact dimensions, but it is pretty easy to make a tolerable conjecture of 'em— for as there are fourteen thousand inhabitants in the town, if the church holds them all it must be consider- ably large—and if it will not—'tis a very great pity they have not another—it is built in form of a cross, and dedicated to the Virgin Mary ; the steeple, which has a spire to it, is placed in the middle of the church, and stands upon four pillars elegant and light enough, but sufficiently strong at the same time—it is decorated with eleven altars, most of which are rather fine thanOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 53 beautiful. The great altar is a masterpiece in its kind; 'tis of white marble, and, as I was told, near sixty feet high—had it been much higher, it had been as high as mount Calvary itself—therefore, I suppose it must be high enough in all conscience. There was nothing struck me more than the great Square ; tho' I cannot say 'tis either well paved or well built; but 'tis in the heart of the town, and most of the streets, especially those in that quarter, all terminate in it; could there have been a fountain in all Calais, which it seems there cannot, as such an object would have been a great ornament, it is not to be doubted, but that the inhabitants would have had it in the very centre of this square,—not that it is properly a square,—because 'tis forty feet longer from east to west, than from north to south; so that the French in general have more reason on their side in calling them Places than Squares, which, strictly speaking, to be sure, they are not. The town-house seems to be but a sorry building, and not to be kept in the best repair ; otherwise it had been a second great ornament to this place; it answers however its destination, and serves very well for the reception of the magistrates, who assemble in it from time to time; so that 'tis presumable, justice is regularly distributed. I have heard much of it, but there is nothing at all curious in the Courgain ; 'tis a distinct quarter of the town, inhabited solely by sailors and fishermen; it consists of a number of small streets, neatly built and mostly of brick; 'tis extremely populous, but as that may be accounted for, from the principles of their diet, —there is nothing curious in that neither.-A traveller may see it to satisfy himself—he must not omit however taking notice of La Tour de Guet, upon any account; 'tis so called from its particular destination,54 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS because in war it serves to discover and give notice of the enemies which approach the place, either by sea or land;-but 'tis monstrous high, and catches the eye so continually, you cannot avoid taking notice of it if you would. It was a singular disappointment to me, that I could not have permission to take an exact survey of the fortifications, which are the strongest in the world, and which, from first to last, that is, from the time they were set about by Philip of France, Count of Boulogne, to the present war, wherein many reparations were made, have cost (as I learned afterwards from an engineer in Gas cony)—above a hundred millions of livres. It is very remarkable, that at the Tete de Gravelenes, and where the town is naturally the weakest, they have expended the most money; so that the out- works stretch a great way into the campaign, and con- sequently occupy a large tract of ground—However, after all that is said and done, it must be acknowledged that Calais was never upon any account so considerable from itself, as from its situation, and that easy entrance which it gave our ancestors, upon all occasions, into France: it was not without its inconveniences also; being no less troublesome to the English in those times, than Dunkirk has been to us, in ours; so that it was deservedly looked upon as the key to both kingdoms, which no doubt is the reason that there have arisen so many contentions who should keep it: of these, the siege of Calais, or rather the blockade (for it was shut up both by land and sea), was the most memorable, as it withstood the efforts of Edward the Third a whole year, and was not terminated at last but by famine and extreme misery; the gallantry of Eustace de St Pierre, who first offered himself a victim for his fellow-citizens, has rank'd his name with heroes. As it will not take up above fifty pages, it would be injustice to the reader,OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 55 not to give him a minute account of that romantic trans- action, as well as of the siege itself, in Rapin's own words: Chapter ton -Q UT courage! gentle reader !-1 scorn it |) -'tis enough to have thee in my power -but to make use of the advantage which the fortune of the pen has now gained over thee, would be too much-No-! by that all-powerful fire which warms the visionary brain, and lights the spirits through unwordly tracts! ere I would force a helpless creature upon this hard service, and make thee pay, poor soul! for fifty pages, which I have no right to sell thee,-naked as I am, I would browse upon the mountains, and smile that the north wind brought me neither my tent or my supper. —So put on, my brave boy! and make the best of thy way to Boulogne. GD&apter bit* BOULOGNE !-hah !-so we are all got together-debtors and sinners before heaven; a jolly set of us—but I can't stay and quaff it off with you—I'm pursued myself like a hundred devils, and shall be overtaken, before I can well change horses:-for heaven's sake, make haste -'Tis for high-treason, quoth a very little man, whispering as low as he could to a very tall man, that stood next him-Or else for murder; quoth the tall man-Well thrown, Size-ace / quoth I. No; quoth a third, the gentleman has been committing-.56 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Ah ! ma chere jille / said I, as she tripp'd by from her matins—you look as rosy as the morning (for the sun was rising, and it made the compliment the more gracious)—No; it can't be that, quoth a fourth—— (she made a curt'sy to me—I kiss'd my hand) 'tis debt, continued he: 'Tis certainly for debt; quoth a fifth; I would not pay that gentleman's debts, quoth Acey for a thousand pounds; nor would I, quoth Size, for six times the sum—Well thrown, Size-ace, again ! quoth I;—but I have no debt but the debt of Nature, and I want but patience of her, and I will pay her every farthing I owe her-How can you be so hard-hearted, Madam, to arrest a poor traveller going along without molestation to any one upon his lawful occasions ? do stop that death-looking, long-striding scoundrel of a scare-sinner, who is posting after me -he never would have followed me but for you- if it be but for a stage or two, just to give me start of him, I beseech you, madam-do, dear lady- -Now, in troth, 'tis a great pity, quoth mine Irish host, that all this good courtship should be lost; for the young gentlewoman has been after going out of hearing of it all along.- -Simpleton ! quoth I. -So you have nothing else in Boulogne worth seeing ? —By Jasus! there is the finest Seminary for the Humanities- —There cannot be a finer ; quoth I. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 57 CD5apter totij* WHEN the precipitancy of a man's wishes hurries on his ideas ninety times faster than the vehicle he rides in—woe be to truth! and woe be to the vehicle and its tackling (let 'em be made of what stuff you will) upon which he breathes forth the disappointment of his soul! As I never give general characters either of men or things in choler, " the most haste the worst speed" was all the reflection I made upon the affair, the first time it happen'd;—the second, third, fourth, and fifth time, I confined it respectively to those times, and accordingly blamed only the second, third, fourth, and fifth post- boy for it, without carrying my reflections further ; but the event continuing to befal me from the fifth, to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth time, and with- out one exception, I then could not avoid making a national reflection of it, which I do in these words; That something is always wrong in a French post- chaise, upon first setting out. Or the proposition may stand thus: A French postilion has always to alight before he has got three hundred yards out of town. What's wrong now?-Diable!--a rope's broke !-a knot has slipt!-a staple's drawn ! -a bolt's to whittle!-a tag, a rag, a jag, a strap, a buckle, or a buckle's tongue, want altering. Now true as all this is, I never think myself im- powered to excommunicate thereupon either the post- chaise, or its driver-nor do I take it into my head to swear by the living G—, I would rather go a-foot ten thousand times-or that I will be damn'd, if ever I get into another-but I take the matter coolly before me, and consider, that some tag, or rag, or jag,53 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS or bolt, or buckle, or buckle's tongue, will ever be a wanting, or want altering, travel where I will—so I never chaff, but take the good and the bad as they fall in my road, and get on -Do so, my lad ! said I; he had lost five minutes already, in alighting in order to get at a luncheon of black bread, which he had cramm'd into the chaise-pocket, and was remounted, and going leisurely on, to relish it the better-Get on, my lad, said I, briskly—but in the most persuasive tone imaginable, for I jingled a four-and-twenty sous piece against the glass, taking care to hold the flat side towards him, as he looked back: the dog grinn'd intelligence from his right ear to his left, and behind his sooty muzzle discovered such a pearly row of teeth, that Sovereignty would have pawn'd her jewels for them,- T , . f What masticators !— Just heaven! | Whatbread!_ and so as he finished the last mouthful of it, we entered the town of Montreuil, Chapter tj;. THERE is not a town in all France, which, in my opinion, looks better in the map, than Montreuil;-1 own, it does not look so well in the book of post-roads; but when you come to see it—to be sure it looks most pitifully. There is one.thing, however, in it at present very handsome; and that is, the inn-keeper's daughter: She has been eighteen months at Amiens, and six at Paris, in going through her classes; so knits, and sews, and dances, and does the little coquetries very well.-OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 59 —A slut! in running them over within these five minutes that I have stood looking at her, she has let fall at least a dozen loops in a white thread stocking -yes, yes—I see, you cunning gipsy!—'tis long and taper—you need not pin it to your knee—and that 'tis your own—and fits you exactly.- -That Nature should have told this creature a word about a statue s thumb ! —But as this sample is worth all their thumbs- besides, I have her thumbs and fingers in at the bargain, if they can be any guide to me,—and as Janatone withal (for that is her name) stands so well for a drawing-may I never draw more, or rather may I draw like a draught-horse, by main strength all the days of my life,—if I do not draw her in all her pro- portions, and with as determined a pencil, as if I had her in the wettest drapery.- —But your worships chuse rather that I give you the length, breadth, and perpendicular height of the great parish-church, or drawing of the fagade of the abbey of Saint Austreberte which has been transported from Artois hither—every thing is just I suppose as the masons and carpenters left them,—and if the belief in Christ continues so long, will be so these fifty years to come—so your worships and reverences may all measure them at your leisures-but he who measures thee, Janatone, must do it now—thou carriest the principles of change within thy frame; and considering the chances of a transitory life, I would not answer for thee a moment; ere twice twelve months are passed and gone, thou mayest grow out like a pumpkin, and lose thy shapes-or thou mayest go off like a flower, and lose thy beauty—nay, thou mayest go off like a hussy—and lose thyself.—-I would not answer for my aunt Dinah, was she alive-'faith, scarce for her picture--were it but painted by Reynolds—6o THE LIFE AND OPINIONS But if I go on with my drawing, after naming that son of Apollo, I'll be shot- So you must e'en be content with the original; which, if the evening is fine in passing thro' Montreuil> you will see at your chaise-door, as you change horses: but unless you have as bad a reason for haste as I have—you had better stop :-She has a little of the devote : but that, sir, is a terce to a nine in your favour- —L— help me! I could not count a single point: so had been piqued and repiqued, and capotted to the devil. Chapter ALL which being considered, and that Death more- L over might be much nearer me than I imagined -1 wish I was at Abbeville, quoth I, were it only to see how they card and spin--so off we set. # de Montreull a Nampont-poste et demi de Nampont a Bernay---poste de Bernay a Nouvion---poste de Nouvion a Abbeville - poste -but the carders and spinners were all gone to bed. Chapter jcn WHAT a vast advantage is travelling! only it heats one; but there is a remedy for that, which you may pick out of the next chapter. * Vid. Book of French post roads, page 36, edition of 1762.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. CD&apter jcij* WAS I in a condition to stipulate with Death, as I am this moment with my apothecary, how and where I will take his clyster-1 should certainly declare against submitting to it before my friends; and therefore I never seriously think upon the mode and manner of this great catastrophe, which generally takes up and torments my thoughts as much as the catastrophe itself; but I constantly draw the curtain across it with this wish, that the Disposer of all things may so order it, that it happen not to me in my own house-but rather in some decent inn- at home, I know it,-the concern of my friends, and the last services of wiping my brows, and smoothing my pillow, which the quivering hand of pale affection shall pay me, will so crucify my soul, that I shall die of a distemper which my physician is not aware of: but in an inn, the few cold offices I wanted, would be purchased with a few guineas, and paid me with an undisturbed, but punctual attention-but mark. This inn should not be the inn at Abbeville-if there was not another inn in the universe, I would strike that inn out of the capitulation: so Let the horses be in the chaise exactly by four in the morning-Yes, by four, Sir,-or by Gene- vieve / I'll raise a clatter in the house shall wake the dead. C&apter jtliU " IV H AKE them like unto a wheel," is a bitter IV1 sarcasm> as aU fche learned know, against the grand tour, and that restless spirit for making it, which David prophetically foresaw would haunt the62 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS children of men in the latter days; and therefore, as thinketh the great bishop Hall, 'tis one of the severest imprecations which David ever utter'd against the enemies of the Lord—and, as if he had said, " I wish them no worse luck than always to be rolling about" —So much motion, continues he (for he was very corpulent)—is so much unquietness; and so much of rest, by the same analogy, is so much of heaven. Now, I (being very thin) think differently; and that so much of motion, is so much of life, and so much of joy-and that to stand still, or get on but slowly, is death and the devil- Hollo ! Ho!-the whole world's asleep!- bring out the horses-grease the wheels-tie on the mail-and drive a nail into that moulding- I'll not lose a moment- Now the wheel we are talking of, and whereinto (but not nvhereonto, for that would make an Ixion's wheel of it) he curseth his enemies, according to the bishop's habit of body, should certainly be a post- chaise wheel, whether they were set up in Palestine at that time or not-and my wheel, for the contrary reasons, must as certainly be a cart-wheel groaning round its revolution once in an age; and of which sort, were I to turn commentator, I should make no scruple to affirm, they had great store in that hilly country. I love the Pythagoreans (much more than ever I dare tell my dear Jenny) for their " \upi6iA0v arrb rou *2ojf/,aroc9 ttg rb xaXojg cfaiXofrofaliv"-Qheir] "getting out of the body, in order to think well" No man thinks right, whilst he is in it; blinded as he must be, with his congenial humours, and drawn differently aside, as the bishop and myself have been, with too lax or too tense a fibre-Reason is, half of it, Sense ; and the measure of heaven itselfOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 63 is but the measure of our present appetites and con- coctions- -But which of the two, in the present case, do you think to be mostly in the wrong ? You, certainly: quoth she, to disturb a whole family so early. -C2SSS- CD&apter jib# -But she did not know I was under a vow not to shave my beard till I got to Paris ;-yet I hate to make mysteries of nothing;-'tis the cold cautious- ness of one of those little souls from which Lessius (lib. 13, de moribus divinis, cap. 24) hath made his estimate, wherein he setteth forth, That one Dutch mile, cubically multiplied, will allow room enough, and to spare, for eight hundred thousand millions, which he supposes to be as great a number of souls (counting from the fall of Adam) as can possibly be damn'd to the end of the world. From what he has made this second estimate- unless from the parental goodness of God—I don't know—I am much more at a loss what could be in Franciscus Ribbera9s head, who pretends that no less a space than one of two hundred Italian miles multiplied into itself, will be sufficient to hold the like number -he certainly must have gone upon some of the old Roman souls, of which he had read, without reflecting how much, by a gradual and most tabid decline, in the course of eighteen hundred years, they must unavoidably have shrunk so as to have come, when he wrote, almost to nothing. In Lessius9s time, who seems the cooler man, they were as little as can be imagined- -We find them less now-64 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS And next winter we shall find them less again; so that if we go on from little to less, and from less to nothing, I hesitate not one moment to affirm, that in half a century, at this rate, we shall have no souls at all; which being the period beyond which I doubt likewise of the existence of the Christian faith, 'twill be one advantage that both of 'em will be exactly worn out together. Blessed Jupiter/ and blessed every other heathen god and goddess! for now ye will all come into play again, and with Priapus at your tails-what jovial times!-but where am I ? and into what a delicious riot of things am I rushing? I-1 who must be cut short in the midst of my days, and taste no more of 'em than what I borrow from my imagination peace to thee, generous fool! and let me go on. — C&apt** -—u So hating, I say, to make mysteries of nothing "-1 intrusted it with the post-boy, as soon as ever I got off the stones; he gave a crack with his whip to balance the compliment; and with the thill- horse trotting, and a sort of an up and a down of the other, we danced it along to Ailly au clochers, famed in days of yore for the finest chimes in the world; but we danced through it without music—the chimes being greatly out of order—(as in truth they were through all France). And so making all possible speed, from Ailly au clochers, I got to Hixcourt, from Hixcourt, I got to Pequignay, and from Pequignay, I got to Amiens, concerning which town I have nothing to inform you,OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 65 but what I have informed you once before-and that was—that Janatone went there to school. CD&apt** IN the whole catalogue of those whiffling vexations which come puffing across a man's canvass, there is not one of a more teasing and tormenting nature, than this particular one which I am going to describe -and for which (unless you travel with an avance- courier, which numbers do in order to prevent it)- there is no help : and it is this. That be you in never so kindly a propensity to sleep -tho' you are passing perhaps through the finest country—upon the best roads, and in the easiest carriage for doing it in the world-nay, was you sure you could sleep fifty miles straight forwards, without once opening your eyes—nay, what is more, was you as demonstratively satisfied as you can be of any truth in Euclid, that you should upon all accounts be full as well asleep as awake-nay, perhaps better-Yet the incessant returns of paying for the horses at every stage,-with the necessity thereupon of putting your hand into your pocket, and counting out from thence three livres fifteen sous (sous by sous), puts an end to so much of the project, that you cannot execute above six miles of it (or supposing it is a post and a half, that is but nine)-were it to save your soul from destruction. —I'll be even with 'em, quoth I, for I'll put the precise sum into a piece of paper, and hold it ready in my hand all the way: " Now I shall have nothing to do," said I (composing myself to rest), "but to drop this gently into the post-boy's hat, and not say a III. E66 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS word."-Then there wants two sous more to drink -or there is a twelve sous piece of Louis XIV. which will not pass—or a livre and some odd Hards to be brought over from the last stage, which Monsieur had forgot; which altercations (as a man cannot dis- pute very well asleep) rouse him : still is sweet sleep retrievable; and still might the flesh weigh down the spirit, and recover itself of these blows—but then, by- heaven ! you have paid but for a single post—whereas 'tis a post and a half; and this obliges you to pull out your book of post-roads, the print of which is so very small, it forces you to open your eyes, whether you will or no: Then Monsieur le Cure offers you a pinch of snuff-or a poor soldier shews you his leg -or a shaveling his box-or the priestess of the cistern will water your wheels-they do not want it -but she swears by her priesthood (throwing it back) that they do:-then you have all these points to argue, or consider over in your mind; in doing of which, the rational powers get so thoroughly awakened -you may get 'em to sleep again as you can. It was entirely owing to one of these misfortunes, or I had pass'd clean by the stables of Chantilly- -But the postilion first affirming, and then per- sisting in it to my face, that there was no mark upon the two sous piece, I open'd my eyes to be convinced—and seeing the mark upon it as plain as my nose—I leap'd out of the chaise in a passion, and so saw every thing at Chantilly in spite.-1 tried it but for three posts and a half, but believe 'tis the best principle in the world to travel speedily upon; for as few objects look very inviting in that mood—you have little or nothing to stop you; by which means it was that I passed through St Dennis, without turning my head so much as on one side towards the Abby- ——Richness of their treasury ! stuff and nonsense [OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 67 -bating their jewels, which are all false, I would not give three sous for any one thing in it, but Jaidas's lantern-nor for that either, only as it grows dark, it might be of use. C&apXtx CRACK, crack-crack, crack-crack, crack -so this is Paris ! quoth I (continuing in the same mood)—and this is Paris /- humph!-Paris / cried I, repeating the name the third time- The first, the finest, the most brilliant- The streets however are nasty. But it looks, I suppose, better than it smells- crack, crack-crack, crack-what a fuss thou makest!—as if it concerned the good people to be informed, that a man with pale face and clad in black, had the honour to be driven into Paris at nine o'clock at night, by a postilion in a tawny yellow jerkin, turned up with red calamanco—crack, crack-crack, crack-crack, crack,-1 wish thy whip- -But 'tis the spirit of thy nation; so crack— crack on. Ha !--and no one gives the wall!-but in the School of Urbanity herself, if the walls are besh-t— how can you do otherwise ? And prithee when do they light the lamps ? What ? —never in the summer months !-Ho ! 'tis the time of sallads.-O rare ! sallad and soup—soup and sallad—sallad and soup, encore- -'Tis too much for sinners. Now I cannot bear the barbarity of it; how can that unconscionable coachman talk so much bawdy to that lean horse ? don't you see, friend, the streets are68 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS so villainously narrow, that there is not room in all Paris to turn a wheelbarrow ? In the grandest city of the whole world, it would not have been amiss, if they had been left a thought wider; nay, were it only so much in every single street, as that a man might know (was it only for satisfaction) on which side of it he was walking. One—two—three—four—five—six—seven—eight —nine—ten.—Ten cook's shops! and twice the number of barbers ! and all within three minutes driving! one would think that all the cooks in the world, on some great merry-meeting with the barbers, by joint consent had said—Come, let us all go live at Paris : the French love good eating-they are all gourmands-we shall rank high; if their god is their belly--their cooks must be gentlemen : and forasmuch as the peri- wig maketh the man, and the periwig-maker maketh the periwig—ergo, would the barbers say, we shall rank higher still—we shall be above you all—we shall be * Capitouls at least—pardi 1 we shall all wear swords- —And so, one would swear (that is, by candle light,—but there is no depending upon it) they con- tinue to do, to this day. THE French are certainly misunderstood :-but whether the fault is theirs, in not sufficiently explaining themselves; or speaking with that exact limitation and precision which one would expect on a point of such importance, and which, moreover, is so likely to be contested by us-or whether the * Chief Magistrate in Toulouse, &c. &c. &c.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 69 fault may not be altogether on our side, in not under- standing their language always so critically as to know " what they would be at"-1 shall not decide ; but 'tis evident to me, when they affirm, " That they 'who have seen Paris, have seen every thing " they must mean to speak of those who have seen it by day-light. As for candle-light—I give it up-1 have said before, there was no depending upon it—and I repeat it again; but not because the lights and shades are too sharp—or the tints confounded—or that there is neither beauty or keeping, &c. ... for that's not truth—but it is an uncertain light in this respect, That in all the five hundred grand Hotels, which they number up to you in Paris—and the five hundred good things, at a modest computation (for 'tis only allowing one good thing to a H6tel), which by candle-light are best to be seen, felt, heard, and understood (which, by the bye, is a quotation from Lilly)-the devil a one of us out of fifty, can get our heads fairly thrust in amongst them. This is no part of the French computation: 'tis simply this, That by the last survey taken in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixteen, since which time there have been considerable augmentations, Paris doth contain nine hundred streets; (viz.) In the quarter called the City—there are fifty-three streets. In St James of the Shambles, fifty-five streets. In St Oportune> thirty-four streets. In the quarter of the Louvre, twenty-five streets. In the Palace Royal, or St Honorius, forty-nine streets. In Mont. Martyr, forty-one streets. In St Eustace, twenty-nine streets. In the Halles, twenty-seven streets. In St Dennis, fifty-five streets.7o THE LIFE AND OPINIONS In St Martin, fifty-four streets. In St Paul, or the Mortellerie, twenty-seven streets. The Grevey thirty-eight streets. In St Avoy, or the Verrerie, nineteen streets. In the Marais, or the Temple, fifty-two streets. In St Antony*s, sixty-eight streets. In the Place Maubert, eighty-one streets. In St Bennet, sixty streets. In St Andrews de Arcs, fifty-one streets. In the quarter of the Luxembourg, sixty-two streets. And in that of St Germain, fifty-five streets, into any of which you may walk; and that when you have seen them with all that belongs to them, fairly by day-light —their gates, their bridges, their squares, their statues ---and have crusaded it moreover, through all their parish-churches, by no means omitting St Roche and Sulpice---and to crown all, have taken a walk to the four palaces, which you may see, either with or without the statues and pictures, just as you chuse— -Then you will have seen- -but, 'tis what no one needeth to tell you, for you will read of it yourself upon the portico of the Louvre, in these words, * EARTH NO SUCH FOLKS ! -NO FOLKS E'ER SUCH A TOWN AS PARIS IS !-SING, DERRY, DERRY, DOWN. The French have a gay way of treating every thing that is Great; and that is all can be said upon it. * Non orbis gentem, non urbem gens habet ullara —--—--ulla parem.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 71 IN mentioning the word gay (as in the close of the last chapter) it puts one (/.*. an author) in mind of the word spleen-especially if he has any thing to say upon it: not that by any analysis—or that from any table of interest or genealogy, there appears much more ground of alliance betwixt them, than betwixt light and darkness, or any two of the most unfriendly opposites in nature-only 'tis an undercraft of authors to keep up a good understanding amongst words, as politicians do amongst men—not knowing how near they may be under a necessity of placing them to each other-which point being now gain'd, and that I may place mine exactly to my mind, I write it down here— SPLEEN. This, upon leaving Chantilly, I declared to be the best principle in the world to travel speedily upon; but I gave it only as matter of opinion. I still continue in the same sentiments—only I had not then experience enough of its working to add this, that though you do get on at a tearing rate, yet you get on but uneasily to yourself at the same time; for which reason I here quit it entirely, and for ever, and 'tis heartily at any one's service—it has spoiled me the digestion of a good supper, and brought on a bilious diarrhoea, which has brought me back again to my first principle on which I set out- and with which I shall now scamper it away to the banks of the Garonne— -No;-1 cannot stop a moment to give you the character of the people—their genius-their72 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS manners—their customs—their laws-their religion—• their government—their manufactures—their commerce —their finances, with all the resources and hidden springs which sustain them : qualified as I may be, by spending three days and two nights amongst them, and during all that time making these things the entire subject of my enquiries and reflections- Still—still I must away-the roads are paved—• the posts are short—the days are long—'tis no more than noon—I shall be at Fontainbleau before the king- —Was he going there ? not that I know- CD&apter yjc, NOW I hate to hear a person, especially if he be a traveller, complain that we do not get on so fast in France as we do in England; whereas we get on much faster, consideratis considerandis ; thereby always meaning, that if you weigh their vehicles with the mountains of baggage which you lay both before and behind upon them—and then consider their puny horses, with the very little they give them—'tis a wonder they get on at all: their suffering is most unchristian, and 'tis evident thereupon to me, that a French post-horse would not know what in the world to do, was it not for the two words ****** and ****** which there is as much sustenance, as if you gave him a peck of corn: now as these words cost nothing, I long from my soul to tell the reader what they are; but here is the question—they must be told him plainly, and with the most distinct articula- tion, or it will answer no end—and yet to do it in that plain way—though their reverences may laugh atOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 73 it in the bed-chamber—full well I wot, they will abuse it in the parlour: for which cause, I have been volv- ing and revolving in my fancy some time, but to no purpose, by what clean device or facette contrivance 1 might so modulate them, that whilst I satisfy that ear which the reader chuses to lend me—I might not dis- satisfy the other which he keeps to himself. -My ink burns my finger to try-and when I have-'twill have a worse consequence-it will burn (I fear) my paper. -No;-1 dare not- But if you wish to know how the abbess of Andouillets and a novice of her convent got over the difficulty (only first wishing myself all imaginable success)—I'll tell you without the least scruple. C&apter wi. THE abbess of Andouillets, which, if you look into the large set of provincial maps now publishing at Paris, you will find situated amongst the hills which divide Burgundy from Savoy, being in danger of an Anchylosis or stiff joint (the sinovia of her knee becoming hard by long matins), and having tried every remedy-first, prayers and thanksgiving; then invocations to all the saints in heaven promiscuously -then particularly to every saint who had ever had a stiff leg before her-then touching it with all the reliques of the convent, principally with the thigh-bone of the man of Lystra9 who had been impotent from his youth-then wrapping it up in her veil when she went to bed—then cross-wise her rosary—then bringing in to her aid the secular arm, and anointing it with oils and hot fat of animals-then treating it with emollient74 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS and resolving fomentations-then with poultices of marsh-mallows, mallows, bonus Henricus, white lillies and fenugreek—then taking the woods, I mean the smoak of 'em, holding her scapulary across her lap -then decoctions of wild chicory, water-cresses, chervil, sweet cecily and cochlearia-and nothing all this while answering, was prevailed on at last to try the hot baths of Bourbon-so having first obtain'd leave of the visitor-general to take care of her existence—• she ordered all to be got ready for her journey: a novice of the convent of about seventeen, who had been troubled with a whitloe in her middle finger, by sticking it constantly into the abbess's cast poultices, &c.—had gained such an interest, that overlooking a sciatical old nun, who might have been set up for ever by the hot- baths of Bourbon, Margarita, the little novice, was elected as the companion of the journey. An old calesh, belonging to the abbesse, lined with green frize, was ordered to be drawn out into the sun —the gardener of the convent being chosen muleteer, led out the two old mules, to clip the hair from the rump-ends of their tails, whilst a couple of lay-sisters were busied, the one in darning the lining, and the other in sewing on the shreds of yellow binding, which the teeth of time had unravelled-the under-gardener dress'd the muleteer's hat in hot wine-lees-and a taylor sat musically at it, in a shed over-against the convent, in assorting four dozen of bells for the harness, whistling to each bell, as he tied it on with a thong.- -The carpenter and the smith of Andouillets held a council of wheels; and by seven, the morning after, all look'd spruce, and was ready at the gate of the convent for the hot-baths of Bourbon—two rows of the unfortunate stood ready there an hour before. The abbess of Andouillets, supported by Margarita the novice, advanced slowly to the calesh, both cladOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 75 in white, with their black rosaries hanging at their breasts- -There was a simple solemnity in the contrast: they entered the calesh ; and nuns in the same uniform, sweet emblem of innocence, each occupied a window, and as the abbess and Margarita look'd up—each (the sciatical poor nun excepted)—each stream'd out the end of her veil in the air—then kiss'd the lilly hand which let it go: the good abbess and Margarita laid their hands saint-wise upon their breasts—look'd up to heaven —then to them—and look'd " God bless you, dear sisters." I declare I am interested in this story, and wish I had been there. The gardener, whom I shall now call the muleteer, was a little, hearty, broad-set, good-natured, chattering, toping kind of a fellow, who troubled his head very little with the hows and whens of life; so had mort- gaged a month of his conventical wages in a borrachio, or leathern cask of wine, which he had disposed behind the calesh, with a large russet-coloured riding-coat over it, to guard it from the sun; and as the weather was hot, and he not a niggard of his labours, walking ten times more than he rode—he found more occasions than those of nature, to fall back to the rear of his carriage ; till by frequent coming and going, it had so happen'd, that all his wine had leak'd out at the legal vent of the borrachio, before one half of the journey was finish'd. Man is a creature born to habitudes. The day had been sultry—the evening was delicious—the wine was generous—the Burgundian hill on which it grew was steep—a little tempting bush over the door of a cool cottage at the foot of it, hung vibrating in full harmony with the passions—a gentle air rustled distinctly through the leaves—"Come—come, thirsty muleteer—come in."76 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS —The muleteer was a son of Adam ; I need not say a word more. He gave the mules, each of 'em, a sound lash, and looking in the abbess's and Margarita!s faces (as he did it)—as much as to say " here I am " —he gave a second good crack—as much as to say to his mules, " get on "-so slinking behind, he enter'd the little inn at the foot of the hill. The muleteer, as I told you, was a little, joyous, chirping fellow, who thought not of to-morrow, nor of what had gone before, or what was to follow it, provided he got but his scantling of Burgundy, and a little chit-chat along with it; so entering into a long conversation, as how he was chief gardener to the con- vent of Andouillets, &c. &c., and out of friendship for the abbess and Mademoiselle Margarita, who was only in her noviciate, he had come along with them from the confines of Savoy, &c. &c.—and as how she had got a white swelling by her devotions—and what a nation of herbs he had procured to mollify her humours, &c. &c., and that if the waters of Bourbon did not mend that leg—she might as well be lame of both— &c. &c. &c.—He so contrived his story, as absolutely to forget the heroine of it—and with her the little novice, and what was a more ticklish point to be forgot than both—the two mules; who being creatures that take advantage of the world, inasmuch as their parents took it of them—and they not being in a condition to return the obligation downwards (as men and women and beasts are)—they do it side-ways, and long-ways, and back-ways — and up hill, and down hill, and which way they can.-Philosophers, with all their ethicks, have never considered this rightly—how should the poor muleteer, then in his cups, consider it at all ? he did not in the least—'tis time we do; let us leave him then in the vortex of his element, the happiest and most thoughtless of mortal men-and for aOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 77 moment let us look after the mules, the abbess, and Margarita. By virtue of the muleteer's two last strokes the mules had gone quietly on, following their own con- sciences up the hill, till they had conquer'd about one half of it; when the elder of them, a shrewd crafty old devil, at the turn of an angle, giving a side glance, and no muleteer behind them- By my fig! said she, swearing, I'll go no further -And if I do, replied the other, they shall make a drum of my hide.- And so with one consent they stopp'd thus- ->&%&— C&apter wif. -Get on with you, said the abbess. -Wh----ysh-ysh-cried Margarita. Sh---a-shu - u-shu - - u—sh - - aw- shaw'd the abbess. -Whu—v— w-whew — w—w — whuv'd Margarita, pursing up her sweet lips betwixt a hoot and a whistle. Thump—thump—thump—obstreperated the abbess of Andouillets with the end of her gold-headed cane against the bottom of the calesh- The old mule let a f— CD&ap tzx ppiiu WE are ruin'd and undone, my child, said the abbess to Margarita,-we shall be here all night-we shall be plunder'd-we shall be ravish'd-78 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS -We shall be ravish'd, said Margarita, as sure as a gun. Sand a Maria / cried the abbess (forgetting the 0 /) —why was I govern'd by this wicked stiff joint ? why did I leave the convent of Andouillets P and why didst thou not suffer thy servant to go unpolluted to her tomb ? O my finger ! my finger ! cried the novice, catching fire at the word servant—why was I not content to put it here, or there, any where rather than be in this strait ? Strait! said the abbess. Strait-said the novice; for terror had struck their understandings-the one knew not what she said-the other what she answer'd. O my virginity ! virginity ! cried the abbess. -inity !-inity ! said the novice, sobbing. Chapter MY dear mother, quoth the novice, coming a little to herself,-there are two certain words, which I have been told will force any horse, or ass, or mule, to go up a hill whether he will or no; be he never so obstinate or ill-willed, the moment he hears them utter'd, he obeys. They are words magic ! cried the abbess in the utmost horror—No ; replied Margarita calmly—but they are words sinful—What are they ? quoth the abbess, interrupting her: They are sinful in the first degree, answered Margarita,— they are mortal—and if we are ravish'd and die un- absolved of them, we shall both-but you may pronounce them to me, quoth the abbess of Andouillets -They cannot, my dear mother, said the novice,OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 79 be pronounced at all ; they will make all the blood in one's body fly up into one's face—But you may whisper them fh my ear, quoth the abbess. Heaven! hadst thou no guardian angel to delegate to the inn at the bottom of the hill ? was there no generous and friendly spirit unemployed-no agent in nature, by some monitory shivering, creeping along the artery which led to his heart, to rouse the muleteer from his banquet?-no sweet ministrelsy to bring back the fair idea of the abbess and Margarita, with their black rosaries! Rouse! rouse!-but 'tis too late—the horrid words are pronounced this moment- -and how to tell them—Ye, who can speak of every thing existing, with unpolluted lips—instruct me -guide me- CJapter wb. ALL sins whatever, quoth the abbess, turning casuist L in the distress they were under, are held by the confessor of our convent to be either mortal or venial: there is no further division. Now a venial sin being the slightest and least of all sins—being halved— by taking either only the half of it, and leaving the rest —or, by taking it all, and amicably halving it betwixt yourself and another person—in course becomes diluted into no sin at all. Now I see no sin in saying, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, a hundred times together; nor is there any turpitude in pronouncing the syllable ger, ger, ger, ger, ger, were it from our matins to our vespers: Therefore, my dear daughter, continued the abbess of Andoulllets—I will say bou, and thou shalt say ger; and then alternately, as there is no more sin in fou than in bou—Thou shalt say8o THE LIFE AND OPINIONS fou—and I will come in (like fa, sol, la, re, mi, ut, at our complines) with ter. And accordingly the abbess, giving the pitch note, set off thus: Abbess, ) Bou - - bou - - bou - - Margarita, J-ger, - - ger, - - ger. Margarita, ) Fou - - fou - - fou - - Abbess, j-ter, - - ter, - - ter. The two mules acknowledged the notes by a mutual lash of their tails; but it went no further-'Twill answer by an' by, said the novice. Abbess ) Bou- bou- bou- bou- bou- bou- Margarita)—ger, ger, ger, ger, ger, ger. Quicker still, cried Margarita. Fou, fou, fou, fou, fou, fou, fou, fou, fou. Quicker still, cried Margarita. Bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou, bou. Quicker still—God preserve me; said the abbess— They do not understand us, cried Margarita—But the Devil does, said the abbess of Andouillets. CD&apttx wtot WHAT a tract of country have I run!—how many degrees nearer to the warm sun am I advanced, and how many fair and goodly cities have I seen, during the time you have been read- ing, and reflecting, Madam, upon this story! There's Fontainbleau, and Sens, and Joigny, and Auxerre, and Dijon the capital of Burgundy, and Challon, and Macon the capital of the Maconese, and a score more upon the road to Lyons-and now I have run them over-1 might as well talk to you of so many market towns in the moon, as tell you one word about them:OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 8l it will be this chapter at the least, if not both this and the next entirely lost, do what I will- —Why, 'tis a strange story ! Tristram. --Alas ! Madam, had it been upon some melancholy lecture of the cross —the peace of meekness, or the contentment of resigna- tion-1 had not been incommoded: or had I thought of writing it upon the purer abstractions of the soul, and that food of wisdom and holiness and contemplation, upon which the spirit of man (when separated from the body) is to subsist for ever-You would have come with a better appetite from it- -1 wish I never had wrote it: but as I never blot any thing out-let us use some honest means to get it out of our heads directly. -Pray reach me my fool's cap-1 fear you sit upon it, Madam-'tis under the cushion-I'll put it on- Blesa me! you have had it upon your head this half hour.-There then let it stay, with a Fa-ra diddle di and a fa-ri diddle d and a high-dum—dye-dum fiddle - - - dumb - c. And now, Madam, we may venture, I hope, a little to go on. Chapter pjcbtj* -All you need say of Fontainbleau (in case you are ask'd) is, that it stands about forty miles (south something) from Paris, in the middle of a large forest -That there is something great in it-That the king goes there once every two or three years, with his whole court, for the pleasure of the chase—and that, III. F82 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS during that carnival of sporting, any English gentle- man of fashion (you need not forget yourself) may be accommodated with a nag or two, to partake of the sport, taking care only not to out-gallop the king- Though there are two reasons why you need not talk loud of this to every one. First, Because 'twill make the said nags the harder to be got; and Secondly, 'Tis not a word of it true.-Allons I As for Sens-you may dispatch—in a word --iC 'Tis an archiepiscopal see." -For Joigny—the less, I think, one says of it the better. But for Auxerre—I could go on for ever: for in my grand tour through Europe, in which, after all, my father (not caring to trust me with any one) attended me himself, with my uncle Toby, and Trim, and Obadiah, and indeed most of the family, except my mother, who being taken up with a project of knitting my father a pair of large worsted breeches—(the thing is common sense)—and she not caring to be put out of her way, she staid at home, at Shandy Hall, to keep things right during the expedition; in which, I say, my father stopping us two days at Auxerre, and his researches being ever of such a nature, that they would have found fruit even in a desert-he has left me enough to say upon Auxerre : in short, wherever my father went-but 'twas more remarkably so, in this journey through France and Italy, than in any other stages of his life-his road seemed to lie so much on one side of that, wherein all other travellers have gone before him—he saw kings and courts and silks of all colours, in such strange lights-and his remarks and reasonings upon the characters, the manners, and cus- toms of the countries we pass'd over, were so opposite to those of all other mortal men, particularly thoseOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 83 of my uncle Toby and Trim—(to say nothing of my- self)—and to crown all—the occurrences and scrapes which we were perpetually meeting and getting into, in consequence of his systems and opiniatry—they were of so odd, so mix'd and tragi-comical a contexture— That the whole put together, it appears of so different a shade and tint from any tour of Europe, which was ever executed—that I will venture to pronounce—the fault must be mine and mine only—if it be not read by all travellers and travel-readers, till travelling is no more,—or which comes to the same point—till the world, finally, takes it into its head to stand still.- -But this rich bale is not to be open'd now; except a small thread or two of it, merely to unravel the mystery of my father's stay at Auxerre. -As I have mentioned it—'tis too slight to be kept suspended; and when 'tis wove in, there is an end of it. We'll go, brother Toby, said my father, whilst dinner is coddling—to the abby of Saint Germain, if it be only to see these bodies, of which Monsieur Sequier has given such a recommendation.-I'll go see any body, quoth my uncle Toby ; for he was all compliance through every step of the journey-Defend me! said my father—they are all mummies-Then one need not shave ; quoth my uncle Toby-Shave ! no —cried my father—'twill be more like relations to go with our beards on—So out we sallied, the corporal lending his master his arm, and bringing up the rear, to the abby of Saint Germain, Every thing is very fine, and very .rich, and very superb, and very magnificent, said my father, addressing himself to the sacristan, who was a younger brother of the order of Benedictines—but our curiosity has led us to see the bodies, of which Monsieur Sequier has given the world so exact a description.—The sacristan made84 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS a bow, and lighting a torch first, which he had always in the vestry ready for the purpose; he led us into the tomb of St Heribald-This, said the sacristan, laying his hand upon the tomb, was a renowned prince of the house of Bavaria, who under the successive reigns of Charlemagne, Louis le Debonnair, and Charles the Bald, bore a great sway in the government, and had a principal hand in bringing every thing into order and discipline- Then he has been as great, said my uncle, in the field, as in the cabinet-1 dare say he has been a gallant soldier-He was a monk—said the sac- ristan. My uncle Toby and Trim sought comfort in each other's faces—but found it not: my father clapped both his hands upon his cod-piece, which was a way he had when any thing hugely tickled him : for though he hated a monk and the very smell of a monk worse than all the devils in hell-yet the shot hitting my uncle Toby and Trim so much harder than him, 'twas a relative triumph; and put him into the gayest humour in the world. -And pray what do you call this gentleman ? quoth my father, rather sportingly: This tomb, said the young Benedictine, looking downwards, contains the bones of Saint Maxima, who came from Ravenna on purpose to touch the body-- -Of Saint Maximus, said my father, popping in with his saint before him,—they were two of the greatest saints in the whole martyrology, added my father-Excuse me, said the sacristan- 'twas to touch the bones of Saint Germain, the builder of the abby-And what did she get by it ? said my uncle Toby-What does any woman get by it ? said my father-Martyrdome ; replied the young Bene- dictine, making a bow down to the ground, and utteringOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 85 the word with so humble, but decisive a cadence, it disarmed my father for a moment. 'Tis supposed, continued the Benedictine, that St Maxima has lain in this tomb four hundred years, and two hundred before her canonization-'Tis but a slow rise, brother Toby, quoth my father, in this self-same army of martyrs. -A desperate slow one, an' please your honour, said Trim, unless one could purchase-1 should rather sell out entirely, quoth my uncle Toby-1 am pretty much of your opinion, brother Toby, said my father. -Poor St Maxima ! said my uncle Toby low to himself, as we turn'd from her tomb: She was one of the fairest and most beautiful ladies either of Italy or France, continued the sacristan-But who the duce has got lain down here, besides her ? quoth my father, pointing with his cane to a large tomb as we walked on-It is Saint Optat, Sir, answered the sacris- tan-And properly is Saint Optat plac'd 1 said my father: And what is Saint Optat*s story ? con- tinued he. Saint Optat, replied the sacristan, was a bishop- -1 thought so, by heaven! cried my father, in- terrupting him-Saint Optat /-how should Saint Optat fail ? so snatching out his pocket-book, and the young Benedictine holding him the torch as he wrote, he set it down as a new prop to his system of Christian names, and I will be bold to say, so disinterested was he in the search of truth, that had he found a treasure in Saint Optat*s tomb, it would not have made him half so rich: 'Twas as successful a short visit as ever was paid to the dead; and so highly was his fancy pleas'd with all that had passed in it,—that he determined at once to stay another day in Auxerre. —I'll see the rest of these good gentry to-morrow, said my father, as we cross'd over the square—And86 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS while you are paying that visit, brother Shandy, quoth my uncle Toby—the corporal and I will mount the ramparts. Chapter ppbttj* -'KTOW this is the most puzzled skein of all -for in this last chapter, as far at least as it has help'd me through Auxerre, I have been getting forwards in two different journies together, and with the same dash of the pen—for I have got entirely out of Auxerre in this journey which I am writing now, and I am got half way out of Auxerre in that which I shall write hereafter-There is but a certain degree of perfection in every thing; and by pushing at something beyond that, I have brought my- self into such a situation, as no traveller ever stood before me; for I am this moment walking across the market-place of Auxerre with my father and my uncle Toby, in our way back to dinner-and I am this moment also entering Lyons with my post-chaise broke into a thousand pieces—and I am moreover this moment in a handsome pavillion built by Pringello,* upon the banks of the Garonne, which Mons. Sligniac has lent me, and where I now sit rhapsodising all these affairs. -Let me collect myself, and pursue my journey. * The same Don Pringello, the celebrated Spanish architect, of whom my cousin Antony has made such honourable mention in a scholium to the Tale inscribed to his name.—Vid. p. 129, small edit. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 87 Chapter wty, I AM glad of it, said I, settling the account with myself, as I walk'd into Lyons-my chaise being all laid higgledy-piggledy with my baggage in a cart, which was moving slowly before me-1 am heartily glad, said I, that 'tis all broke to pieces; for now I can go directly by water to Avignon, which will carry me on a hundred and twenty miles of my journey, and not cost me seven livres-and from thence, continued I, bringing forwards the account, I can hire a couple of mules—or asses, if I like, (for nobody knows me) and cross the plains of Languedoc for almost nothing-1 shall gain four hundred livres by the misfortune clear into my purse: and pleasure! worth—worth double the money by it. With what velocity, continued I, clapping my two hands together, shall I fly down the rapid Rhone, with the Vivares on my right hand, and Dauphiny on my left, scarce seeing the ancient cities of Vienne, Valence, and Vivieres. What a flame will it rekindle in the lamp, to snatch a blushing grape from the Hermitage and Cote roti, as I shoot by the foot of them ! and what a fresh spring in the blood! to behold upon the banks advancing and retiring, the castles of romance, whence courteous knights have whilome rescued the distress'd-and see vertiginous, the rocks, the mountains, the cataracts, and all the hurry which Nature is in with all her great works about her. As I went on thus, methought my chaise, the wreck of which look'd stately enough at the first, insensibly grew less and less in its size; the freshness of the painting was no more—the gilding lost its lustre—and the whole affair appeared so poor in my eyes—so sorry!—so contemptible! and, in a word, so much88 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS worse than the abbess of Andouillets' itself—that I was just opening my mouth to give it to the devil—when a pert vamping chaise-undertaker, stepping nimbly across the street, demanded if Monsieur would have his chaise refitted-No, no, said I, shaking my head sideways —Would Monsieur chuse to sell it? rejoined the undertaker—With all my soul, said I—the iron work is worth forty livres—and the glasses worth forty more —and the leather you may take to live on. What a mine of wealth, quoth I, as he counted me the money, has this post-chaise brought me in ? And this is my usual method of book-keeping, at least with the disasters of life—making a penny of every one of 'em as they happen to me- -Do, my dear Jenny, tell the world for me, how I behaved under one, the most oppressive of its kind, which could befal me as a man, proud as he ought to be of his manhood- 'Tis enough, saidst thou, coming close up to me, as I stood with my garters in my hand, reflecting upon what had not pass'd-'Tis enough, Tristram, and I am satisfied, saidst thou, whispering these words in rr.Tr Mr **** ** **** **# ****** ._**** ** ** my wd.19 9 -any other man would have sunk down to the center- -Every thing is good for something, quoth I. -I'll go into Wales for six weeks, and drink goat's whey—and I'll gain seven years longer life for the accident. For which reason I think myself inex- cusable, for blaming fortune so often as I have done, for pelting me all my life long, like an ungracious duchess, as I call'd her, with so many small evils: surely, if I have any cause to be angry with her, 'tis that she has not sent me great ones—a score of good cursed, bouncing losses, would have been as good as a pension to me.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 89 -One of a hundred a year, or so, is all I wish— I would not be at the plague of paying land-tax for a larger. C&apter wj:. TO those who call vexations, vexations, as knowing what they are, there could not be a greater, than to be the best part of a day at Lyons, the most opulent and flourishing city in France, enriched with the most fragments of antiquity—and not be able to see it. To be withheld upon any account, must be a vexation; but to be withheld by a vexation -must certainly be, what philosophy justly calls VEXATION upon VEXATION. I had got my two dishes of milk coffee (which by the bye is excellently good for a consumption, but you must boil the milk and coffee together—otherwise 'tis only coffee and milk)—and as it was no more than eight in the morning, and the boat did not go off till noon, I had time to see enough of Lyons to tire the patience of all the friends I had in the world with it. I will take a walk to the cathedral, said I, looking at my list, and see the wonderful mechanism of this great clock of Lippius of Basil, in the first place- Now, of all things in the world, I understand the least of mechanism-1 have neither genius, or taste, or fancy—and have a brain so entirely unapt for every thing of that kind, that I solemnly declare I was never yet able to comprehend the principles of motion of a9° THE LIFE AND OPINIONS squirrel cage, or a common knife-grinder's wheel—tho' I have many an hour of my life look'd up with great devotion at the one—and stood by with as much patience as any christian ever could do, at the other- I'll go see the surprising movements of this great clock, said I, the very first thing I do: and then I will pay a visit to the great library of the Jesuits, and pro- cure, if possible, a sight of the thirty volumes of the general history of China, wrote (not in the Tartarean, but) in the Chinese language, and in the Chinese char- acter too. Now I almost know as little of the Chinese language, as I do of the mechanism of Lippius's clock-work; so, why these should have jostled themselves into the two first articles of my list-1 leave to the curious as a problem of Nature. I own it looks like one of her ladyship's obliquities; and they who court her, are interested in finding out her humour as much as I. When these curiosities are seen, quoth I, half addressing myself to my valet de place, who stood be- hind me-'twill be no hurt if we go to the church of St Irenaus, and see the pillar to which Christ was tied -and after that, the house where Pontius Pilate lived-'Twas at the next town, said the valet de place—at Vienne ; I am glad of it, said I, rising briskly from my chair, and walking across the room with strides twice as long as my usual pace-" for so much the sooner shall I be at the Tomb of the two lovers." What was the cause of this movement, and why I took such long strides in uttering this-1 might leave to the curious too; but as no principle of clock-work is concerned in it-'twill be as well for the reader if I explain it myself.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 91 Chapter %wu O. there is a sweet sera in the life of man, when (the brain being tender and fibrillous, and more like pap than any thing else)-a story read of two fond lovers, separated from each other by cruel parents, and by still more cruel destiny- Amandus taken captive by the Turks, and carried to the emperor of Morocco's court, where the princess of Morocco falling in love with him, keeps him twenty years in prison for the love of his Amanda.- She—(Amanda) all the time wandering barefoot, and with dishevell'd hair, o'er rocks and mountains, enquiring for Amandus /-Amandus 1 Amandus /— making every hill and valley to echo back his name- Amandus ! Amandus J at every town and city, sitting down forlorn at the gate --Has Amandus !—has my Amandus enter'd ?- till,-going round, and round, and round the world -chance unexpected bringing them at the same moment of the night, though by different ways, to the gate of Lyons, their native city, and each in well- known accents calling out aloud, they fly into each other's arms, and both drop down dead for joy. There is a soft aera in every gentle mortal's life, where such a story affords more pabulum to the brain, Amandus-He Amanda-She- each ignorant of the other's course, He-east She-west Is Amandus Is my Amanda92 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS than all the Frusts, and Crusts, and Rusts of antiquity, which travellers can cook up for it. -'Twas all that stuck on the right side of the cullender in my own, of what Spon and others, in their accounts of Lyons, had strained into it; and finding, moreover, in some Itinerary, but in what God knows-That sacred to the fidelity of Amandus and Amanda, a tomb was built without the gates, where, to this hour, lovers called upon them to attest their truths -1 never could get into a scrape of that kind in my life, but this tomb of the lovers would, somehow or other, come in at the close-nay such a kind of empire had it establish'd over me, that I could seldom think or speak of Lyons—and sometimes not so much as see even a Lyons-waistcoat, but this remnant of antiquity would present itself to my fancy; and I have often said in my wild way of running on-tho' I fear with some irreverence-" I thought this shrine (neglected as it was) as valuable as that of Mecca, and so little short, except in wealth, of the Santa Casa itself, that some time or other, I would go a pilgrimage (though I had no other business at Lyons) on purpose to pay it a visit." In my list, therefore, of Videnda at Lyons, this, tho' last,—was not, you see, least; so taking a dozen or two of longer strides than usual across my room, just whilst it passed my brain, I walked down calmly into the Basse Cour, in order to sally forth; and having called for my bill—as it was uncertain whether I should return to my inn, I had paid it-had more- over given the maid ten sous, and was just receiving the dernier compliments of Monsieur Le Blanc, for a pleasant voyage down the Rhone-when I was stopped at the gate- OF TRISTRAM SHANDY, 93 C&apter rwiu _I VWAS by a poor ass, who had just turned J[ in with a couple of large panniers upon his back, to collect eleemosynary turnip- tops and cabbage-leaves; and stood dubious, with his two fore-feet on the inside of the threshold, and with his two hinder feet towards the street, as not knowing very well whether he was to go in or no. Now, 'tis an animal (be in what hurry I may) I cannot bear to strike-there is a patient endurance of sufferings, wrote so unaffectedly in his looks and carriage, which pleads so mightily for him, that it always disarms me; and to that degree, that I do not like to speak unkindly to him: on the contrary, meet him where I will—whether in town or country—in cart or under panniers—whether in liberty or bondage -1 have ever something civil to say to him on my part; and as one word begets another (if he has as little to do as I)-1 generally fall into conversation with him; and surely never is my imagination so busy as in framing his responses from the etchings of his countenance—and where those carry me not deep enough-in flying from my own heart into his, and seeing what is natural for an ass to think—as well as a man, upon the occasion. In truth, it is the only creature of all the classes of beings below me, with whom I can do this : for parrots, jackdaws, &c.- I never exchange a word with them-nor with the apes, &c., for pretty near the same reason; they act by rote, as the others speak by it, and equally make me silent: nay my dog and my cat, though I value them both-(and for my dog he would speak if he could) —yet somehow or other, they neither of them possess the talents for conversation-1 can make nothing of94 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS a discourse with them, beyond the proposition, the reply, and rejoinder, which terminated my father's and my mother's conversations, in his beds of justice-and those utter'd-there's an end of the dialogue- —But with an ass, I can commune for ever. Come, Honesty / said I,-seeing it was impractic- able to pass betwixt him and the gate-art thou for coming in, or going out ? The ass twisted his head round to look up the street- Well—replied I—we'll wait a minute for thy driver : -He turned his head thoughtful about, and looked wistfully the opposite way- I understand thee perfectly, answered I-If thou takest a wrong step in this affair, he will cudgel thee to death-Well! a minute is but a minute, and if it saves a fellow-creature a drubbing, it shall not be set down as ill spent. He was eating the stem of an artichoke as this discourse went on, and in the little peevish contentions of nature betwixt hunger and unsavouriness, had dropt it out of his mouth half a dozen times, and pick'd it up again-God help thee, Jack! said I, thou hast a bitter breakfast on't—and many a bitter day's labour, —and many a bitter blow, I fear, for its wages-'tis all—all bitterness to thee, whatever life is to others. -And now thy mouth, if one knew the truth of it, is as bitter, I dare say, as soot—(for he had cast aside the stem) and thou hast not a friend perhaps in all this world, that will give thee a macaroon.-In saying this, I pull'd out a paper of 'em, which I had just purchased, and gave him one—and at this moment that I am telling it, my heart smites me, that there was more of pleasantry in the conceit, of seeing how an ass would eat a macaroon-than of benevolence in giving him one, which presided in the act.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 95 When the ass had eaten his macaroon, 1 press'd him to come in-the poor beast was heavy loaded -his legs seem'd to tremble under him-he hung rather backwards, and as I pull'd at his halter, it broke short in my hand-he look'd up pensive in my face —"Don't thrash me with it—but if you will, you may"-If I do, said I, I'll be d-d. The word was but one-half of it pronounced, like the abbess of Andouillets'—(so there was no sin in it) —when a person coming in, let fall a thundering bas- tinado upon the poor devil's crupper, which put an end to the ceremony. Out upon it / cried I-but the interjection was equivocal-and, I think, wrong placed too—for the end of an osier which had started out from the contexture of the ass's pannier, had caught hold of my breeches pocket, as he rush'd by me, and rent it in the most disastrous direc- tion you can imagine-so that the Out upon it I in my opinion, should have come in here-but this I leave to be settled by THE REVIEWERS OF MY BREECHES, which I have brought over along with me for that purpose. Chapter miih WHEN all was set to rights, I came down stairs again into the basse cour with my valet de place, in order to sally out towards the tomb of the two lovers, &c.—and was a second time stopp'd96 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS at the gate-not by the ass—but by the person who struck him; and who, by that time, had taken posses- sion (as is not uncommon after a defeat) of the very spot of ground where the ass stood. It was a commissary sent to me from the post-office, with a rescript in his hand for the payment of some six livres odd sous. Upon what account ? said I.-'Tis upon the part of the king, replied the commissary, heaving up both his shoulders- -My good friend, quoth I-as sure as I am I—and you are you- -And who are you ? said he.-Don't puzzle me; said I. Chapter jwb* -But it is an indubitable verity, continued I, addressing myself to the commissary, changing only the form of my asseveration-that I owe the king of France nothing but my good-will; for he is a very honest man, and I wish him all health and pastime in the world- Pardonnez moi—replied the commissary, you are indebted to him six livres four sous, for the next post from hence to St Fons, in your route to Avignon— which being a post royal, you pay double for the horses and postillion—otherwise 'twould have amounted to no more than three livres two sous- -But I don't go by land; said I. -You may if you please; replied the commis- sary- Your most obedient servant-said I, making him a low bow-OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 97 The commissary, with all the sincerity of grave good breeding—made me one, as low again.-1 never was more disconcerted with a bow in my life. -The devil take the serious character of these people! quoth I—(aside) they understand no more of irony than this- The comparison was standing close by with his panniers—but something seal'd up my lips—I could not pronounce the name— Sir, said I, collecting myself—it is not my intention to take post- —But you may—said he, persisting in his first reply —you may take post if you chuse- —And I may take salt to my pickled herring, said I, if I chuse- —But I do not chuse— —But you must pay for it, whether you do or no. Aye! for the salt; said I (I know)- —And for the post too; added he. Defend me i cried I- I travel by water—I am going down the Rhone this very afternoon—my baggage is in the boat—apd I have actually paid nine livres for my passage-— C'est tout egal—'tis all one ; said he. Bon Dieu / what, pay for the way I go! and for the way I do not go! -C'est tout egal; replied the commissary- -The devil it is! said I—but I will go to ten thousand Bastiles first- 0 England! England! thou land of liberty, and climate of good sense, thou tenderest of mothers—and gentlest of nurses, cried I, kneeling upon one knee, as I was beginning my apostrophe. When the director of Madam Le Blanc s conscience coming in at that instant, and seeing a person in black, with a face as pale as ashes, at his devotions—looking III. G98 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS still paler by the contrast and distress of his drapery— ask'd, if I stood in want of the aids of the church- I go by water—said I—and here's another will be for making me pay for going by oju Chapter wto. AS I perceived the commissary of the post-office would have his six livres four sous, I had nothing else for it, but to say some smart thing upon the occasion, worth the money: And so I set off thus:- -And pray, Mr Commissary, by what law of courtesy is a defenceless stranger to be used just the reverse from what you use a Frenchman in this matter ? By no means ; said he. Excuse me ; said I—for you have begun, Sir, with first tearing off my breeches—and now you want my pocket—— Whereas—had you first taken my pocket, as you do with your own people—and then left me bare a—'d after—I had been a beast to have complain'd— As it is- -'Tis contrary to the law of nature. -'Tis contrary to reason. -'Tis contrary to the gospel. But not to this-said he—putting a printed paper into my hand, Par le Roy. -—'Tis a pithy prolegomenon, quoth I—and so read on - -- - - - -OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 99 -By all which it appears, quoth I, having read it over, a little too rapidly, that if a man sets out in a post-chaise from Paris—he must go on travelling in one, all the days of his life—or pay for it.—Excuse me, said the commissary, the spirit of the ordinance is this—That if you set out with an intention of running post from Paris to Avignon, &c., you shall not change that intention or mode of travelling, without first satis- fying the fermiers for two posts further than the place you repent at—and 'tis founded, continued he, upon this, that the revenues are not to fall short through your fickleness- -O by heavens! cried I—if fickleness is taxable in France—we have nothing to do but to make the best peace with you we can- and so the peace was made; -And if it is a bad one—as Tristram Shandy laid the corner-stone of it—nobody but Tristram Shandy ought to be hanged. -om&- C&apter THOUGH I was sensible I had said as many clever things to the commissary as came to six livres four sous, yet I was determined to note down the imposition amongst my remarks before I retired from the place; so putting my hand into my coat-pocket for my remarks—(which, by the bye, may be a caution to travellers to take a little more care of their remarks for the future) "my remarks were stolen"-Never did sorry traveller make such a pother and racketiqo THE LIFE AND OPINIONS about his remarks as I did about mine, upon the occasion. Heaven! earth! sea! fire! cried I, calling in every thing to my aid but what I should-My remarks are stolen ! — what shall I do ?-Mr. Commissary! pray did I drop any remarks, as I stood besides you ?- You dropp'd a good many very singular ones ; replied he-Pugh ! said I, those were but a few, not worth above six livres two sous—but these are a large parcel -He shook his head-Monsieur Le Blanc! Madam Le Blanc ! did you see any papers of mine ?— you maid of the house! run up stairs—Frangois / run up after her- —I must have my remarks-they were the best remarks, cried I, that ever were made—the wisest—the wittiest—What shall I do?—which way shall I turn myself ? Sancho Panga, when he lost his ass's furniture, did not exclaim more bitterly. GD&apter wftoiU WHEN the first transport was over, and the registers of the brain were beginning to get a little out of the confusion into which this jumble of cross accidents had cast them—it then presently occurr'd to me, that I had left my remarks in the pocket of the chaise—and that in selling my chaise, I had sold my remarks along with it, to the chaise-vamper. I leave this void space that the reader may swear into it any oath that he is most accustomed to-For my own part, if ever I swore a whole oath into a vacancy in my life, I thinkOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. IOI it was into that-*********, said I—and so my remarks through France, which were as full of wit, as an egg is full of meat, and as well worth four hundred guineas, as the said egg is worth a penny—have I been selling here to a chaise-vamper—for four Louis d'Ors •—and giving him a post-chaise (by heaven) worth six into the bargain; had it been to Dodsley, or Becket, or any creditable bookseller, who was either leaving off business, and wanted a post-chaise—or who was beginning it —and wanted my remarks, and two or three guineas along with them—I could have borne it-but to a chaise-vamper!—shew me to him this moment, Francois, —said I—The valet de place put on his hat, and led the way—and I pull'd off mine, as I pass'd the com- missary, and followed him. Chapter WHEN we arrived at the chaise-vamper's house, both the house and the shop were shut up ; it was the eighth of September, the nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of God— -Tantarra-ra-tan-tivi-the whole world was gone out a May-poling—frisking here—capering there -nobody cared a button for me or my remarks; so I sat me down upon a bench by the door, philosophating upon my condition: by a better fate than usually attends me, I had not waited half an hour, when the mistress came in to take the papilliotes from off her hair, before she went to the May-poles- The French women, by the bye, love May-poles, a la folie—that is, as much as their matins-give 'em but a May-pole, whether in May, June, July, or September—they never count the times-down it102 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS goes-'tis meat, drink, washing, and lodging to 'em -and had we but the policy, an' please your worships (as wood is a little scarce in- France), to send them but plenty of May-poles- The women would set them up; and when they had done, they would dance round them (and the men for company) till they were all blind. The wife of the chaise-vamper stepp'd in, I told you, to take the papilliotes from off her hair-the toilet stands still for no man-so she jerk'd off her cap, to begin with them as she open'd the door, in doing which, one of them fell upon the ground-1 instantly saw it was my own writing- O Seigneur! cried I—you have got all my remarks upon your head, Madam !-J* en wis bien mortifiee> said she——'tis well, thinks I, they have stuck there —for could they have gone deeper, they would have made such confusion in a French woman's noddle— She had better have gone with it unfrizled, to the day of eternity. Tene%—said she—so without any idea of the nature of my suffering, she took them from her curls, and put them gravely one by one into my hat-one was twisted this way-another twisted that-ey! by my faith; and when they are published, quoth I,- They will be worse twisted still. A ND now for Lippius's clock! said I, with the air of a man, who had got thro' all his difficulties -nothing can prevent us seeing that, and the Chinese history, &c., except the time, said Francois-OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. for 'tis almost eleven—Then we must speed the faster, said I, striding it away to the cathedral. I cannot say, in my heart, that it gave me any con- cern in being told by one of the minor canons, as I was entering the west door,—That Lippius*s great clock was all out of joints, and had not gone for some years-It will give me the more time, thought I, to peruse the Chinese history; and besides I shall be able to give the world a better account of the clock in its decay, than I could have done in its flourishing con- dition—— -And so away I posted to the college of the Jesuits. Now it is with the project of getting a peep at the history of China in Chinese characters—as with many others I could mention, which strike the fancy only at a distance; for as I came nearer and nearer to the point—my blood cool'd—the freak gradually went off, till at length I would not have given a cherrystone to have it gratified—-The truth was, my time was short, and my heart was at the Tomb of the Lovers -1 wish to God, said I, as I got the rapper in my hand, that the key of the library may be but lost; it fell out as well- For all the Jesuits had got the cholic—and to that degree, as never was known in the memory of the oldest practitioner. AS I knew the geography of the Tomb of the j^\ Lovers, as well as if I had lived twenty years in Lyons, namely, that it was upon the turning of my right hand, just without the gate, leading to the Fauxbourg de Vaise-1 dispatched Francois to the104 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS boat, that I might pay the homage I so long ow'd it, without a witness of my weakness—>1 walk'd with all imaginable joy towards the place-^-when I saw the gate which intercepted the tomb, my heart glowed within me- --Tender and faithful spirits! cried I, addressing myself to Amandus and Amanda—long—long have I tarried to drop this tear upon your tomb-—I come -1 come- When I came—there was no tomb to drop it upon. What would I have given for my uncle Toby, to have whistled Lillo bullero! NO matter how, or in what mood—but I flew from the tomb of the lovers—or rather I did not fly from it—(for there was no such thing existing) and just got time enough to the boat to save my passage;—and ere I had sailed a hundred yards, the Rhone and the Saon met together, and carried me down merrily betwixt them. But I have described this voyage down the Rhone, before I made it- -So now I am at Avignon, and as there is nothing to see but the old house, in which the duke of Ormond resided, and nothing to stop me but a short remark upon the place, in three minutes you will see me cross- ing the bridge upon a mule, with Francois upon a horse with my portmanteau behind him, and the owner of both, striding the way before us, with a long gun upon his shoulder, and a sword under his arm, lest perad- venture we should run away with his cattle. Had you seen my breeches in entering Avignon,-ThoughOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. you'd have seen them better, I think, as I mounted— you would not have thought the precaution amiss, or found in your heart to have taken it in dudgeon; for my own part, I took it most kindly; and determined to make him a present of them, when we got to the end of our journey, for the trouble they had put him to, of arming himself at all points against them. Before I go further, let me get rid of my remark upon Avignon, which is this: That I think it wrong, merely because a man's hat has been blown off his head by chance the first night he comes to Avignon, -that he should therefore say, " Avignon is more subject to high winds than any town in all France:" for which reason I laid no stress upon the accident till I had enquired of the master of the inn about it, who telling me seriously it was so-and hearing, more- over, the windiness of Avignon spoke of ip the country about as a proverb--I set it down, merely to ask the learned what can be the cause-the consequence I saw—for they are all Dukes, Marquisses, and Counts, there-the duce a Baron, in all Avignon-so that there is scarce any talking to them on a windy day. Prithee, friend, said I, take hold of my mule for a moment-for I wanted to pull off one of my jack- boots, which hurt my heel—-the man was standing quite idle at the door of the inn, and as I had taken it into my head, he was someway concerned about the house or stable, I put the bridle into his hand—so begun with the boot:—when I had finished the affair, I turned about to take the mule from the man, and thank him- -But Monsieur le Marquis had walked in--106 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Chapter jrltj* 1HAD now the whole south of France, from the banks of the Rhone to those of the Garonne, to traverse upon my mule at my own leisure—at my own leisure-for I had left Death, the Lord knows -and He only—how far behind me-"I have followed many a man thro' France, quoth he—but never at this mettlesome rate."——Still he followed, -and still I fled him-but I fled him chearfully --still he pursued-but, like one who pursued his prey without hope-as he lagg'd, every step he lost, soften'd his looks--why should I fly him at this rate ? So notwithstanding all the commissary of the post- office had sajd, I changed the mode of my travelling once more; and, after so precipitate and rattling a course as I had run, I flattered my fancy with thinking of my mule, and that I should traverse the rich plains of Languedoc upon his back, as slowly as foot could fall. There is nothing more pleasing to a traveller--or more terrible to travel-writers, than a large rich plain; especially if it is without great rivers or bridges; and presents nothing to the eye, but one unvaried picture of plenty: for after they have once told you, that 'tis delicious ! or delightful! (as the case happens)—that the soil was grateful, and that nature pours out all her abundance, &c. . . . they have then a large plain upon their hands, which they know not what to do with— and which is of little or no use to them but to carry them to some town; and that town, perhaps of little more, but a new place to start from to the next plain -and so on. —This is most terrible work; judge if I don't manage my plains better.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. I HAD not gone above two leagues and a half, before the man with his gun began to look at his priming. I had three several times loiter'd terribly behind; half a mile at least every time; once, in deep con- ference with a drum-maker, who was making drums for the fairs of Baucaira and Tarascone—I did not understand the principles- The second time, I cannot so properly say, I stopp'd -for meeting a couple of Franciscans straitened more for time than myself, and not being able to get to the bottom of what I was about-1 had turn'd back with them- The third, was an affair of trade with a gossip, for a hand-basket of Provence figs for four sous; this would have been transacted at once; but for a case of con- science at the close of it; for when the figs were paid for, it turn'd out, that there were two dozen of eggs cover'd over with vine-leaves at the bottom of the basket—as I had no intention of buying eggs—I made no sort of claim of them—as for the space they had occupied—what signified it ? I had figs enow for my money- —But it was my intention to have the basket—it was the gossip's intention to keep it, without which, she could do nothing with her eggs-and unless I had the basket, I could do as little with my figs, which were too ripe already, and most of 'em burst at the side: this brought on a short contention, which terminated in sundry proposals, what we should both do- -How we disposed of our eggs and figs, I defy you, or the Devil himself, had he not been there108 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS (which I am persuaded he was), to form the least probable conjecture: You will read the whole of it -not this year, for I am hastening to the story of my uncle Toby's amours—but you will read it in the collection of those which have arose out of the journey across this plain—and which, therefore, I call my PLAIN STORIES. How far my pen has been fatigued, like those of other travellers, in this journey of it, over so barren a track—the world must judge—but the traces of it, which are now all set o' vibrating together this moment, tell me 'tis the most fruitful and busy period of my life; for as I had made no convention with my man with the gun, as to time—by stopping and talking to every soul I met, who was not in a full trot—joining all parties before me—waiting for every soul behind— hailing all those who were coming through cross-roads —arresting all kinds of beggars, pilgrims, fiddlers, friars -not passing by a woman in a mulberry-tree witbn out commending her legs, and tempting her into conversation with a pinch of snuff-In short, by seizing every handle, of what size or shape soever, which chance held out to me in this journey—I turned my plain into a city—I was always in company, and with great variety too; and as my mule loved society as much as myself, and had some proposals always on his part to offer to every beast he met—I am confident we could have passed through Pall-Mall, or St James's- Street for a month together, with fewer adventures— and seen less of human nature. O ! there is that sprightly frankness, which at once unpins every plait of a Languedocian s dress—that what- ever is beneath it, it looks so like the simplicity whichOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. poets sing of in better days—I will delude my fancy, and believe it is so. 'Twas in the road betwixt Nismes and Lunel\ where there is the best Muscatto wine in all France, and which by the bye belongs to the honest canons of Montpellier—and foul befal the man who has drank it at their table, who grudges them a drop of it. -The sun was set—they had done their work; the nymphs had tied up their hair afresh—and the swains were preparing for a carousal-my mule made a dead point-'Tis the life and tabourin, said I- I'm frighten'd to death, quoth he-They are running at the ring of pleasure, said I, giving him a prick- By saint Boogar, and all the saints at the backside of the door of purgatory, said he—(making the same resolution with the abbesse of Andouillets) I'll not go a step further-'Tis very well, sir, said I-1 never will argue a point with one of your family, as long as I live 5 so leaping off his back, and kicking off one boot into this ditch, and t'other into that—I'll take a dance, said I—so stay you here. A sun-burnt daughter of Labour rose up from the groupe to meet me, as I advanced towards them; her hair, which was a dark chesnut approaching rather to a black, was tied up in a knot, all but a single tress. We want a cavalier, said she, holding out both her hands, as if to offer them—And a cavalier ye shall have ; said I, taking hold of both of them. Hadst thou, Nannette, been array'd like a dutchesse! -But that cursed slit in thy petticoat! Nannette cared not for it. We could not have done without you, said she, letting go one hand, with self-taught politeness, leading me up with the other. A lame youth, whom Apollo had recompensed with a pipe, and to which he had added a tabourin of hisIIO LIFE AND OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. own accord, ran sweetly over the prelude, as he sat upon the bank-Tie me up this tress instantly, said Nannette, putting a piece of string into my hand—It taught me to forget I was a stranger-The whole knot fell down-We had been seven years acquainted. The youth struck the note upon the tabourin—his pipe followed, and off we bounded-" the duce take that slit! " The sister of the youth, who had stolen her voice from heaven, sung alternately with her brother- 'twas a Gascoigne roundelay. VIVA LA JOIA ! FIDON LA TRISTESSA! The nymphs join'd in unison, and their swains an octave below them- I would have given a crown to have it sew'd up— Nannette would not have given a sous—Viva la joia I was in her lips—Viva la joia ! was in her eyes. A transient spark of amity shot across the space betwixt us-She look'd amiable!-Why could I not live, and end my days thus ? Just Disposer of our joys and sorrows, cried I, why could not a man sit down in the lap of content here-and dance, and sing, and say his prayers, and go to heaven with this nut-brown maid ? Capriciously did she bend her head on one side, and dance up insidious--Then 'tis time to dance off, quoth I; so changing only partners and tunes, I danced it away from Lunel to Montpellier-from thence to Pesgnas, Beziers-1 danced it along through Nar- bonne, Careas son, and Castle Naudairy, till at last I danced myself into PerdrilWs pavillion, where pulling out a paper of black lines, that I might go on straight forwards, without digression or parenthesis, in my uncle Toby's amours- I begun thus-BOOK VIII. Chapter u BUT softly-for in these sportive plains, and under this genial sun, where at this instant all flesh is running out piping, fiddling, and dancing to the vintage, and every step that's taken, the judgment is surprised by the imagi- nation, I defy, notwithstanding all that has been said upon straight lines * in sundry pages of my book—I defy the best cabbage planter that ever existed, whether he plants backwards or forwards, it makes little differ- ence in the account (except that he will have more to answer for in the one case than in the other)—I defy him to go on coolly, critically, and canonically, planting his cabbages one by one, in straight lines, and stoical distances, especially if slits in petticoats are unsew'd up —without ever and anon straddling out, or sidling into some bastardly digression-In Freeze-land\ Fog-land, and some other lands I wot of—it may be done- But in this clear climate of fantasy and perspiration, where every idea, sensible and insensible, gets vent—in this land, my dear Eugenius—in this fertile land of chivalry and romance, where I now sit, unskrewing my ink-horn to write my uncle Toby's amours, and with all * Vid. pp. 44-46. in112 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS the meanders of Julia's track in quest of her Diego, in full view of my study window—if thou comest not and takest me by the hand- What a work it is likely to turn out 1 Let us begin it. —W$3— C&apter ti* IT is with love as with cuckoldom- But now I am talking of beginning a book, and have long had a thing upon my mind to be imparted to the reader, which, if not imparted now, can never be imparted to him as long as I live (whereas the comparison may be imparted to him any hour in the day)-I'll just mention it, and begin in good earnest. The thing is this. That of all the several ways of beginning a book which are now in practice throughout the known world, I am confident my own way of doing it is the best- I'm sure it is the most religious-for I begin with writing the first sentence-and trusting to Almighty God for the second. 'Twould cure an author for ever of the fuss and folly of opening his street-door, and calling in his neighbours and friends, and kinsfolk, with the devil and all his imps, with their hammers and engines, &c., only to observe how one sentence of mine follows another, and how the plan follows the whole. I wish you saw me half starting out of my chair, with what confidence, as I grasp the elbow of it, I look up-catching the idea, even sometimes before it half way reaches me- I believe in my conscience I intercept many a thought which heaven intended for another man.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. Pope and his Portrait* are fools to me-no martyr is ever so full of faith or fire-1 wish I could say of good works too-but I have no Zeal or Anger-or Anger or Zeal- And till gods and men agree together to call it by the same name-the errantest Tartuffe, in science— in politics—or in religion, shall never kindle a spark within me, or have a worse word, or a more unkind greeting, than what he will read in the next chapter. CD&apttx iiu -Bon jour !-good morrow!-so you have got your cloak on betimes!-but 'tis a cold morning, and you judge the matter rightly-'tis better to be well mounted, than go o' foot-and obstructions in the glands are dangerous-And how goes it with thy concubine—thy wife,—and thy little ones o' both sides ? and when did you hear from the old gentleman and lady—your sister, aunt, uncle, and cousins-1 hope they have got better of their colds, coughs, claps, tooth-aches, fevers, stranguries, sciaticas, swellings, and sore eyes. -What a devil of an apothecary! to take so much blood—give such a vile purge—puke—poultice— plaister — night-draught — clyster—blister ?-And why so many grains of calomel ? santa Maria! and such a dose of opium ! periclitating, pardi! the whole family of ye, from head to tail-By my great-aunt Dinah's old black velvet mask! I think there was no occasion for it. Now this being a little bald about the chin, by * Vid. Pope's Portrait. iii. hii4 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS frequently putting off and on, before she was got with child by the coachman—not one of our family would wear it after. To cover the mask afresh, was more than the mask was worth-and to wear a mask which was bald, or which could be half seen through, was as bad as having no mask at all- This is the reason, may it please your reverences, that in all our numerous family, for these four generations, we count no more than one archbishop, a Welch judge, some three or four aldermen, and a single mountebank- In the sixteenth century, we boast of no less than a dozen alchymists. C&apt** tto* " IT is with Love as with Cuckoldom"-the [ suffering party is at least the third, but generally the last in the house who knows any thing about the matter: this comes, as all the world knows, from having half a dozen words for one thing; and so long, as what in this vessel of the human frame, is Love— may be Hatred, in that-Sentiment half a yard higher-and Nonsense-no, Madam,— not there-1 mean at the part I am now pointing to with my forefinger-how can we help ourselves ? Of all mortal, and immortal men too, if you please, who ever soliloquized upon this mystic subject, my uncle Toby was the worst fitted, to have push'd his researches, thro' such a contention of feelings ; and he had infallibly let them all run on, as we do worse matters, to see what they would turn out-had not Bridget's pre-notification of them to Susannah, and Susannah's repeated manifestoes thereupon to all the world, made it necessary for my uncle Toby to look into the affair.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. "S Chapter to* WHY weavers, gardeners, and gladiators—or a man with a pined leg (proceeding from some ailment in the foot)—should ever have had some tender nymph breaking her heart in secret for them, are points well and duly settled and accounted for, by ancient and modern physiologists. A water-drinker, provided he is a profess'd one, and does it without fraud or covin, is precisely in the same predicament: not that, at first sight, there is any consequence, or show of logic in it, " That a rill of cold water dribbling through my inward parts, should light up a torch in my Jenny9s—" -The proposition does not strike one; on the contrary, it seems to run opposite to the natural work- ings of causes and effects- But it shews the weakness and imbecility of human reason. -" And in perfect good health with it ?" —The most perfect,—Madam, that friendship her- self could wish me- " And drink nothing!—nothing but water ?" —Impetuous fluid! the moment thou pressest against the flood-gates of the brain-see how they give way!- In swims Curiosity, beckoning to her damsels to follow—they dive into the centre of the current- Fancy sits musing upon the bank, and with her eyes following the stream, turns straws and bulrushes into masts and bowsprits-And Desire, with vest held up to the knee in one hand, snatches at them, as they swim by her with the other- O ye water-drinkers ! is it then by this delusive fountain, that ye have so often governed and turn'dII6 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS this world about like a mill-wheel—grinding the faces of the impotent—bepowdering their ribs—bepeppering their noses, and changing sometimes even the very frame and face of nature- If I was you, quoth Torich, I would drink more water, Eugenius—And, if I was you, Torich, replied Eugenius, so would I. Which shews they had both read Longinus- For my own part, I am resolved never to read any book but my own, as long as I live. Chapter tot. 1WISH my uncle Toby had been a water-drinker; for then the thing had been accounted for, That the first moment Widow Wadman saw him, she felt something stirring within her in his favour— Something!—something. —Something perhaps more than friendship—less than love—something—no matter what—no matter where—I would not give a single hair off my mule's tail, and be obliged to pluck it off myself (indeed the villain has not many to spare, and is not a little vicious into the bargain), to be let by your worships into the secret- But the truth is, my uncle Toby was not a water- drinker; he drank it neither pure nor mix'd, or any how, or any where, except fortuitously upon some advanced posts, where better liquor was not to be had •-or during the time he was under cure ; when the surgeon telling him it would extend the fibres, and bring them sooner into contact-my uncle Toby drank it for quietness sake. Now as all the world knows, that no effect in natureOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 117 can be produced without a cause, and as it is as well known, that my uncle Toby was neither a weaver—a gardener, or a gladiator-unless as a captain, you will needs have him one—but then he was only a captain of foot—and besides, the whole is an equi- vocation-There is nothing left for us to suppose, but that my uncle Toby's leg-but that will avail us little in the present hypothesis, unless it had proceeded from some ailment in the foot—whereas his leg was not emaciated from any disorder in his foot—for my uncle Tobys leg was not emaciated at all. It was a little stiff and awkward, from a total disuse of it, for the three years he lay confined at my father's house in town; but it was plump and muscular, and in all other respects as good and promising a leg as the other. I declare, I do not recollect any one opinion or passage of my life, where my understanding was more at a loss to make ends meet, and torture the chapter I had been writing, to the service of the chapter follow- ing it, than in the present case: one would think I took a pleasure in running into difficulties of this kind, merely to make fresh experiments of getting out of 'em -Inconsiderate soul that thou art! What! are not the unavoidable distresses with which, as an author and a man, thou art hemm'd in on every side of thee- are they, Tristram, not sufficient, but thou must en- tangle thyself still more ? Is it not enough that thou art in debt, and that thou hast ten cart-loads of thy fifth and sixth volumes* still—still unsold, and art almost at thy wit's ends, how to get them off thy hands ? To this hour art thou not tormented with the vile asthma that thou gattest in skating against the wind in Flanders P and is it but two months ago, that in a fit of laughter, on seeing a cardinal make water like a * Alluding to the first edition.Il8 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS quirister (with both hands) thou brakest a vessel in thy lungs, whereby, in two hours, thou lost as many quarts of blood; and hadst thou lost as much more, did not the faculty tell thee-it would have amounted to a gallon ?- CD&apter Mf* -But for heaven's sake, let us not talk of quarts or gallons-let us take the story straight before us; it is so nice and intricate a one, it will scarce bear the transposition of a single tittle; and, somehow or other, you have got me thrust almost into the middle of it— —I beg we may take more care. had my uncle Toby9s lines reach'd so far, without any effect: For as there was no arterial or vital heat in the end of the tobacco- pipe, it could excite no sentiment-it could neither give fire by pulsation-or receive it by sympathy- 'twas nothing but smoke. Whereas, in following my uncle Toby's forefinger with hers, close thro' all the little turns and indent- ings of his works-pressing sometimes against the side of it-then treading upon its nail-thenOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 129 tripping it up-then touching it here-then there, and so on-it set something at least in motion. This, tho* slight skirmishing, and at a distance from the main body, yet drew on the rest; for here, the map usually falling with the back of it, close to the side of the sentry-box, my uncle Toby, in the simplicity of his soul, would lay his hand flat upon it, in order to go on with his explanation; and Mrs Wadman, by a manoeuvre as quick as thought, would as certainly place her's close beside it; this at once opened a communica- tion, large enough for any sentiment to pass or repass, which a person skill'd in the elementary and practical part of love-making, has occasion for- By bringing up her forefinger parallel (as before) to my uncle Toby*s-it unavoidably brought the thumb into action-and the forefinger and thumb being once engaged, as naturally brought in the whole hand. Thine, dear uncle Toby / was never now in its right place-Mrs Wadman had it ever to take up, or, with the gentlest pushings, protrusions, and equivocal com- pressions, that a hand to be removed is capable of receiving-to get it press'd a hair breadth of one side out of her way. Whilst this was doing, how could she forget to make him sensible, that it was her leg (and no one's else) at the bottom of the sentry-box, which slightly press'd against the calf of his-So that my uncle Toby being thus attacked and sore push'd on both his wings-was it a wonder, if now and then, it put his centre into disorder ?- -The duce take it! said my uncle Toby. in. 1130 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Chapter pijif. THESE attacks of Mrs Wadman, you will readily conceive to be of different kinds ; varying from each other, like the attacks which history is full of, and from the same reasons. A general looker-on would scarce allow them to be attacks at all-or if he did, would confound them all together-but I write not to them : it will be time enough to be a little more exact in my descriptions of them, as I come up to them, which will not be for some chapters; having nothing more to add in this, but that in a bundle of original papers and drawings which my father took care to roll up by themselves, there is a plan of Bouchain in perfect preservation (and shall be kept so, whilst I have power to preserve any thing), upon the lower corner of which, on the right hand side, there is still remaining the marks of a snuffy finger and thumb, which there is all the reason in the world to imagine, were Mrs Wadmari s,• for the opposite side of the margin, which I suppose to have been my uncle Toby's, is absolutely clean : This seems an authenticated record of one of these attacks; for there are vestigia of the two punctures partly grown up, but still visible on the opposite corner of the map, which are unquestionably the very holes, through which it has been pricked up in the sentry-box- By all that is priestly! I value this precious relick, with its stigmata and pricks, more than all the relicks of the Romish church-always excepting, when I am writing upon these matters, the pricks which entered the flesh of St Radagunda in the desert, which in your road from Fesse to Cluny, the nuns of that name will shew you for love.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. Chapter jrtilO# I THINK, an' please your honour, quoth Trim, the fortifications are quite destroyed-and the bason is upon a level with the mole-1 think so too ; replied my uncle Toby with a sigh half suppress'd- but step into the parlour, Trim, for the stipulation- it lies upon the table. It has lain there these six weeks, replied the corporal, till this very morning that the old woman kindled the fire with it— -Then, said my uncle, Toby, there is no further occasion for our services. The more, an' please your honour, the pity, said the corporal; in uttering which he cast his spade into the wheel-barrow, which was beside him, with an air the most expressive of discon- solation that can be imagined, and was heavily turning about to look for his pickax, his pioneer's shovel, his picquets, and other little military stores, in order to carry them off the field-when a heigh-ho! from the sentry-box, which being made of thin slit deal, reverberated the sound more sorrowfully to his ear, forbad him. -No ; said the corporal to himself, I'll do it before his honour rises to-morrow morning; so taking his spade out of the wheel-barrow again, with a little earth in it, as if to level something at the foot of the glacis-but with a real intent to approach nearer to his master, in order to divert him-he loosen'd a sod or two-pared their edges with his spade, and having given them a gentle blow or two with the back of it, he sat himself down close by my uncle Toby's feet, and began as follows.i32 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Chapter IT was a thousand pities-though I believe, an' please your honour, I am going to say but a foolish kind of a thing for a soldier- A soldier, cried my uncle Toby, interrupting the corporal, is no more exempt from saying a foolish thing, Trim, than a man of letters—■—But not so often, an' please your honour, replied the corporal-My uncle Toby gave a nod. It was a thousand pities then, said the corporal, casting his eye upon Dunkirk, and the mole, as Servius Sulptciusy in returning out of Asia (when he sailed from JEgina towards Megara), did upon Corinth and Pyreus- —" It was a thousand pities, an' please your honour, to destroy these works-and a thousand pities to have let them stood."- -Thou art right, Trim, in both cases; said my uncle Toby,-This, continued the corporal, is the reason, that from the beginning of their demolition to the end-1 have never once whistled, or sung, or laugh'd, or cry'd, or talk'd of past done deeds, or told your honour one story good or bad—:— -Thou hast many excellencies, Trim, said my uncle Toby9 and I hold it not the least of them, as thou happenest to be a story-teller, that of the number thou hast told me, either to amuse me in my painful hours, or divert me in my giave ones—thou hast seldom told me a bad one- -Because, an' please your honour, except one of a King of Bohemia and his seven castles,—they are all true ; for they are about myself- I do not like the subject the worse, Trim, said myOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. *33 uncle Toby, on that score: But prithee what is this story ? thou hast excited my curiosity. I'll tell it your honour, quoth the corporal, directly —Provided, said my uncle Toby, looking earnestly towards Dunkirk and the mole again-provided it is not a merry one; to such, Trim, a man should ever bring one half of the entertainment along with him ; and the disposition I am in at present would wrong both thee, Trim, and thy story-It is not a merry one by any means, replied the corporal—Nor would I have it altogether a grave one, added my uncle Toby -It is neither the one nor the other, replied the corporal, but will suit your honour exactly-Then I'll thank thee for it with all my heart, cried my uncle Toby ; so prithee begin it, Trim. The corporal made his reverence; and though it is not so easy a matter as the world imagines, to pull off a lank Montero-cap with grace-or a whit less difficult, in my conceptions, when a man is sitting squat upon the ground, to make a bow so teeming with respect as the corporal was wont; yet by suffering the palm of his right hand, which was towards his master, to slip backwards upon the grass, a little beyond his body, in order to allow it the greater sweep-and by an unforced compression, at the same time, of his cap with the thumb and the two forefingers of his left, by which the diameter of the cap became reduced, so that it might be said, rather to be insensibly squeez'd— than pull'd off with a flatus-the corporal acquitted himself of both in a better manner than the posture of his affairs promised; and having hemmed twice, to find in what key his story would best go, and best suit his master's humour,—he exchanged a single look of kindness with him, and set off thus.*3 4 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS THE STORY OF THE KING OF BOHEMIA AND HIS SEVEN CASTLES. THERE was a certain king of Bo - - he- As the corporal was entering the confines of Bohemia, my uncle Toby obliged him to halt for a single moment; he had set out bare-headed, having, since he pull'd off his Montero-cap in the latter end of the last chapter, left it lying beside him on the ground. -The eye of Goodness espieth all things-so that before the corporal had well got through the first five words of his story, had my uncle Toby twice touch'd his Montero-caip with the end of his cane, interrogatively-as much as to say, Why don't you put it on, Trim P Trim took it up with the most respectful slowness, and casting a glance of humiliation as he did it, upon the embroidery of the fore-part, which being dismally tarnish'd and fray'd moreover in some of the principal leaves and boldest parts of the pattern, he lay'd it down again between his two feet, in order to moralize upon the subject. -'Tis every word of it but too true, cried my uncle Toby, that thou art about to observe- " Nothing in this worlds Trimy is made to last for ever" -But when tokens, dear Tom9 of thy love and remembrance wear out, said Trim, what shall we say ? There is no occasion, Trim, quoth my uncle Toby, to say any thing else; and was a man to puzzle his brains till Doom's day, I believe, Trim, it would be impossible. The corporal, perceiving my uncle Toby was in the right, and that it would be in vain for the wit of man to think of extracting a purer moral from his cap,OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. I35 without further attempting it, he put it on; and pass- ing his hand across his forehead to rub out a pensive wrinkle, which the text and the doctrine between them had engender'd, he return'd, with the same look and tone of voice, to his story of the king of Bohemia and his seven castles. THE STORY OF THE KING OF BOHEMIA AND HIS SEVEN CASTLES, CONTINUED. THERE was a certain king of Bohemia, but in whose reign, except his own, I am not able to inform your honour- I do not desire it of thee, Trim, by any means, cried my uncle Toby. -It was a little before the time, an' please your honour, when giants were beginning to leave off breed- ing :—but in what year of our Lord that was- I would not give a halfpenny to know, said my uncle Toby, -Only, an' please your honour, it makes a story look the better in the face- -'Tis thy own, Trim, so ornament it after thy own fashion; and take any date, continued my uncle Toby, looking pleasantly upon him—take any date in the whole world thou chusest, and put it to—thou art heartily welcome- The corporal bowed; for of every century, and of every year of that century, from the first creation of the world down to Noah's flood; and from Noah's flood to the birth of Abraham ; through all the pilgrimages of the patriarchs, to the departure of the Israelites out of Egypt-and throughout all the Dynasties, Olympiads, Urbeconditas, and other memorable epochas of the different nations of the world, down to the coming of136 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Christ, and from thence to the very moment in which the corporal was telling his story-had my uncle Toby subjected this vast empire of time and all its abysses at his feet; but as MODesTY scarce touches with a finger what liberality offers her with both hands open—the corporal contented himself with the very worst year of the whole bunch; which, to prevent your honours of the Majority and Minority from tearing the very flesh off your bones in contestation, 4 Whether that year is not always the last cast-year of the last cast-almanack'-1 tell you plainly it was ; but from a different reason than you wot of- --It was the year next him-which being the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and twelve, when the Duke of Ormond was playing the devil in Flanders -the corporal took it, and set out with it afresh on his expedition to Bohemia. THE STORY OF THE KING OF BOHEMIA AND HIS SEVEN CASTLES, CONTINUED. IN the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve, there was, an' please your honour- -To tell thee truly, Trim, quoth my uncle Toby, any other date would have pleased me much better, not only on account of the sad stain upon our history that year, in marching off our troops, and refusing to cover the siege of Quesnoi, though Fagel was carrying on the works with such incredible vigour —but likewise on the score, Trim, of thy own story; because if there are—and which, from what thou hast dropt, I partly suspect to be the fact—if there are giants in it- There is but one, an' please your honour- -'Tis as bad as twenty, replied my uncle TobyOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 137 -thou should'st have carried him back some seven or eight hundred years out of harm's way, both of critics and other people: and therefore I would advise thee, if ever thou tellest it again- -If I live, an' please your honour, but once to get through it, I will never tell it again, quoth Trim, either to man, woman, or child-Poo—poo! said my uncle Toby—but with accents of such sweet encourage- ment did he utter it, that the corporal went on with his story with more alacrity than ever. THE STORY OF THE KING OF BOHEMIA AND HIS SEVEN CASTLES, CONTINUED. THERE was, an' please your honour, said the corporal, raising his voice and rubbing the palms of his two hands cheerily together as he begun, a certain king of Bohemia- . -Leave out the date entirely, Trim, quoth my uncle Toby, leaning forwards, and laying his hand gently upon the corporal's shoulder to temper the interruption —leave it out entirely, Trim ; a story passes very well without these niceties, unless one is pretty sure of 'em --Sure of 'em! said the corporal, shaking his head- Right; answered my uncle Toby, it is not easy, Trim, for one, bred up as thou and I have been to arms, who seldom looks further forward than to the end of his musket, or backwards beyond his knapsack, to know much about this matter-God bless your honour! said the corporal, won by the manner of my uncle Toby s reasoning, as much as by the reasoning itself, he has something else to do ; if not on action, or a march, or upon duty in his garrison—he has his firelock, an' please your honour, to furbish—his accoutrementsTHE LIFE AND OPINIONS to take care of—his regimentals to mend—himself to shave and keep clean, so as to appear always like what he is upon the parade; what business, added the corporal triumphantly, has a soldier, an' please your honour, to know any thing at all of geography P -Thou would'st have said chronology, Trim, said my uncle Toby ; for as for geography, 'tis of absolute use to him ; he must be acquainted intimately with every country and its boundaries where his profession carries him; he should know every town and city, and village and hamlet, with the canals, the roads, and hollow ways which lead up to them; there is not a river or a rivulet he passes, Trim, but he should be able at first sight to tell thee what is its name—in what mountains it takes its rise—what is its course—how far it is navigable— where fordable—where not; he should know the fertility of every valley, as well as the hind who ploughs it; and be able to describe, or, if it is required, to give thee an exact map of all the plains and defiles, the forts, the acclivities, the woods and morasses, thro' and by which his army is to march; he should know their produce, their plants, their minerals, their waters, their animals, their seasons, their climates, their heats and cold, their inhabitants, their customs, their language, their policy, and even their religion. Is it else to be conceived, corporal, continued my uncle Toby, rising up in his sentry-box, as he began to warm in this part of his discourse—how Marlborough could have marched his army from the banks of the Maes to Belburg ; from Belburg to Kerpenord—(here the corporal could sit no longer) from Kerpenord, Trim, to Kalsaken ; from Kalsaken to Neivdorf ; from New- dorf to Landenbourg ; from JLandenbourg to Mildenheim ; from Mildenheim to Elchingen; from Elchingen to Gingen ; from Gingen to B aimerch off en ; from B aimer- choffcn to Skellenburg, where he broke in upon theOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 139 enemy's works ; forced his passage over the Danube ; cross'd the Lech—push'd on his troops into the heart of the empire, marching at the head of them through Fribourg, Hokenwert, and Schonevelt, to the plains of Blenheim and Hochstet P-Great as he was, corporal, he could not have advanced a step, or made one single day's march without the aids of Geography.-As for Chronology, I own, Trim, continued my uncle Toby, sitting down again coolly in his sentry-box, that of all others, it seems a science which the soldier might best spare, was it not for the lights which that science must one day give him, in determining the invention of powder; the furious execution of which, renversing every thing like thunder before it, has become a new sera to us of military improvements, changing so totally the nature of attacks and defences both by sea and land, and awakening so much art and skill in doing it, that the world cannot be too exact in ascertaining the precise time of its discovery, or too inquisitive in knowing what great man was the discoverer, and what occasions gave birth to it. I am far from controverting, continued my uncle Toby, what historians agree in, that in the year of our Lord 1380, under the reign of Wencelaus, son of Charles the Fourth——a certain priest, whose name was Schwartz, shew'd the use of powder to the Venetians, in their wars against the Genoese; but 'tis certain he was not the first; because if we are to believe Don Pedro, the bishop of Leon—How came priests and bishops, an' please your honour, to trouble their heads so much about gun-powder ? God knows, said my uncle Toby-his providence brings good out of every thing—and he avers, in his chronicle of King Alphonsus, who reduced Toledo, That in the year 1343, which was full thirty-seven years before that time, the secret of powder was well known, and employed with140 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS success, both by Moors and Christians, not only in their sea-combats, at that period, but in many of their most memorable sieges in Spain and Barbary—And all the world knows, that Friar Bacon had wrote expressly about it, and had generously given the world a receipt to make it by, above a hundred and fifty years before even Schwartz, was born—And that the Chinese, added my uncle Tohy, embarrass us, and all accounts of it, still more, by boasting of the invention some hundreds of years even before him- —They are a pack of liars, I believe, cried Trim- --They are somehow or other deceived, said my uncle Toby, in this matter, as is plain to me from the present miserable state of military architecture amongst them; which consists of nothing more than a fosse with a brick wall without flanks—and for what they gave us as a bastion at each angle of it, 'tis so bar- barously constructed, that it looks for all the world -Like one of my seven castles, an' please your honour, quoth Trim. My uncle Toby, tho' in the utmost distress for a comparison, most courteously refused Trim s offer—till Trim telling him, he had half a dozen more in Bohemia, which he knew not how to get off his hands-my uncle Toby was so touch'd with the pleasantry of heart of the corporal-that he discontinued his dissertation upon gun-powder-and begged the corporal forth- with to go on with his story of the King of Bohemia and his seven castles. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 141 THE STORY OF THE KING OF BOHEMIA AND HIS SEVEN CASTLES, CONTINUED. THIS unfortunate King of Bohemia, said Trim, -Was he unfortunate, then I cried my uncle Toby, for he had been so wrapt up in his dis- sertation upon gun-powder, and other military affairs, that tho' he had desired the corporal to go on, yet the many interruptions he had given, dwelt not so strong upon his fancy as to account for the epithet-Was he unfortunate, then, Trim P said my uncle Toby, pathetically-The corporal, wishing first the word and all its synonimas at the devil, forthwith began to run back in his mind, the principal events in the King of Bohemia's story; from every one of which, it ap- pearing that he was the most fortunate man that ever existed in the world-it put the corporal to a stand : for not caring to retract his epithet-and less to ex- plain it-and least of all, to twist his tale (like men of lore) to serve a system-he looked up in my uncle Toby's face for assistance-but seeing it was the very thing my uncle Toby sat in expectation of himself- after a hum and a haw, he went on- The King of Bohemia, an' please your honour, replied the corporal, was unfortunate, as thus-That taking great pleasure and delight in navigation and all sort of sea affairs-and there happening throughout the whole kingdom of Bohemia, to be no sea-port town whatever- How the duce should there—Trim P cried my uncle Toby ; for Bohemia being totally inland, it could have happen'd no otherwise-It might, said Trim, if it had pleased God- My uncle Toby neyer spoke of the being and natural attributes of God, but with diffidence and hesitation-142 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS -1 believe not, replied my uncle Toby, after some pause-for being inland, as I said, and having Silesia and Moravia to the east; Lusatia and Upper Saxony to the north ; Franconia to the west; Bavaria to the south; Bohemia could not have been propell'd to the sea without ceasing to be Bohemia-nor could the sea, on the other hand, have come up to Bohemia, with- out overflowing a great part of Germany, and destroying millions of unfortunate inhabitants who could make no defence against it-Scandalous ! cried Trim—Which would bespeak, added my uncle Toby, mildly, such a want of compassion in him who is the father of it- that, I think, Trim-the thing could have happen'd no way. The corporal made the bow of unfeigned conviction ; and went on. Now the King of Bohemia with his queen and courtiers happening one fine summer's evening to walk out-Aye ! there the word happening is right, Trim, cried my uncle Toby ; for the King of Bohemia and his queen might have walk'd out or let it alone :-'twas a matter of contingency, which might happen, or not, just as chance ordered it. King William was of an opinion, an' please your honour, quoth Trim, that every thing was predestined for us in this world; insomuch, that he would often say to his soldiers, that " every ball had its billet." He was a great man, said my uncle Toby-And I believe, continued Trim, to this day, that the shot which disabled me at the battle of Landen, was pointed at my knee for no other purpose, but to take me out of his service, and place me in your honour's, where I should be taken so much better care of in my old age -It shall never, Trim, be construed otherwise, said my uncle Toby. The heart, both of the master and the man, wereOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. H3 alike subject to sudden overflowings;-a short silence ensued. Besides, said the corporal, resuming the discourse— but in a gayer accent-if it had not been for that single shot, I had never, an' please your honour, been in love- So, thou wast once in love, Trim ! said my uncle Toby, smiling- Souse! replied the corporal—over head and ears ! an' please your honour. Prithee when ? where ?—and how came it to pass ?-1 never heard one word of it before ; quoth my uncle Toby :-1 dare say, answered Trim, that every drummer and serjeant's son in the regiment knew of it-It's high time I should- said my uncle Toby. Your honour remembers with concern, said the corporal, the total rout and confusion of our camp and army at the affair of Landen ; every one was left to shift for himself; and if it had not been for the regiments of Wyndham, Lumley, and Galvuay, which covered the retreat over the bridge of Neerspeeken, the king himself could scarce have gained it-he was press'd hard, as your honour knows, on every side of him- Gallant mortal! cried my uncle Toby, caught up with enthusiasm—this moment, now that all is lost, I see him galloping across me, corporal, to the left, to bring up the remains of the English horse along with him to support the right, and tear the laurel from Luxembourg's brows, if yet 'tis possible-1 see him with the knot of his scarfe just shot off, infusing fresh spirits into poor Galwafs regiment—riding along the line—then wheeling about, and charging Conti at the head of it-Brave! brave, by heaven ! cried my uncle Toby—he deserves a crown-As richly, as a thief a halter ; shouted Trim.144 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS My uncle Toby knew the corporal's loyalty ;—other- wise the comparison was not at all to his mind-it did not altogether strike the corporal's fancy when he had made it-but it could not be recall'd-so he had nothing to do, but proceed. As the number of wounded was prodigious, and no one had time to think of any thing but his own safety—Though Talmash, said my uncle Toby, brought off the foot with great prudence-But I was left upon the field, said the corporal. Thou wast so ; poor fellow ! replied my uncle Toby-So that it was noon the next day, continued the corporal, before I was ex- changed, and put into a cart with thirteen or fourteen more, in order to be convey'd to our hospital. There is no part of the body, an' please your honour, where a wound occasions more intolerable anguish than upon the knee- Except the groin ; said my uncle Toby. An' please your honour, replied the corporal, the knee, in my opinion, must certainly be the most acute, there being so many tendons and what-d'ye-call-'ems all about it. It is for that reason, quoth my uncle Toby, that the groin is infinitely more sensible-there being not only as many tendons and what-d'ye-call-'ems (for I know their names as little as thou dost)-about it-but moreover * * #- Mrs Wadman, who had been all the time in her arbour—instantly stopp'd her breath—unpinn'd her mob at the chin, and stood up upon one leg- The dispute was maintained with amicable and equal force betwixt my uncle Toby and Trim for some time; till Trim at length recollecting that he had often cried at his master's sufferings, but never shed a tear at his own—was for giving up the point, which my uncle Toby would not allow-'Tis a proof of nothing, Trim, said he, but the generosity of thy temper-OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 145 So that whether the pain of a wound in the groin (caeteris paribus) is greater than the pain of a wound in the knee-or Whether the pain of a wound in the knee is not greater than the pain of a wound in the groin-are points which to this day remain unsettled. C&apter THE anguish of my knee, continued the corporal, was excessive in itself; and the uneasiness of the cart, with the roughness of the roads, which were terribly cut up—making bad still worse—every step was death to me: so that with the loss of blood, and the want of care-taking of me, and a fever I felt coming on besides-(Poor soul! said my uncle Toby) -all together, an' please your honour, was more than I could sustain. I was telling my sufferings to a young woman at a peasant's house, where our cart, which was the last of the line, had halted; they had help'd me in, and the young woman had taken a cordial out of her pocket and dropp'd it upon some sugar, and seeing it had cheer'd me, she had given it me a second and a third time-So I was telling her, an' please your honour, the anguish I was in, and was saying it was so intolerable to me, that I had much rather lie down upon the bed, turning my face towards one which was in the corner of the room—and die, than go on-when, upon her attempting to lead me to it, I fainted away in her arms. She was a good soul! as your honour, said the corporal, wiping his eyes, will hear. I thought love had been a joyous thing, quoth my uncle Toby. III. K146 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS 'Tis the most serious thing, an' please your honour (sometimes), that is in the world. By the persuasion of the young woman, continued the corporal, the cart with the wounded men set off without me: she had assured them I should expire immediately if I was put into the cart. So when I came to myself-1 found myself in a still quiet cottage, with no one but the young woman, and the peasant and his wife. I was laid across the bed in the corner of the room, with my wounded leg upon a chair, and the young woman beside me, holding the corner of her handkerchief dipp'd in vinegar to my nose with one hand, and rubbing my temples with the other. I took her at first for the daughter of the peasant (for it was no inn)—so had ofFer'd her a little purse with eighteen florins, which my poor brother Tom (here Trim wip'd his eyes) had sent me as a token, by a recruit, just before he set out for Lisbon.- -1 never told your honour that piteous story yet --here Trim wiped his eyes a third time. The young woman call'd the old man and his wife into the room, to shew them the money, in order to gain me credit for a bed and what little necessaries I should want, till I should be in a condition to be got to the hospital-Come then ! said she, tying up the little purse—I'll be your banker—but as that office alone will not keep me employ'd, I'll be your nurse too. I thought by her manner of speaking this, as well as by her dress, which I then began to consider more attentively-that the young woman could not be the daughter of the peasant. She was in black down to her toes, with her hair conceal'd under a cambric border, laid close to her forehead: she was one of those kind of nuns, an'OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. *47 please your honour, of which, your honour knows, there are a good many in Flanders, which they let go loose-By thy description, Trim, said my uncle Toby, I dare say she was a young Beguine, of which there are none to be found any where but in the Spanish Netherlands—except at Amsterdam-they differ from nuns in this, that they can quit their cloister if they choose to marry; they visit and take care of the sick by profession-—I had rather, for my own part, they did it out of good-nature. -She often told me, quoth Trim, she did it for the love of Christ—I did not like it.-1 believe, Trim, we are both wrong, said my uncle Toby—we'll ask Mr Torich about it to-night at my brother Shandy9s -so put me in mind; added my uncle Toby. The young Beguine, continued the corporal, had scarce given herself time to tell me " she would be my nurse," when she hastily turned about to begin the office of one, and prepare something for me-and in a short time—though I thought it a long one—she came back with flannels, &c. &c., and having fomented my knee soundly for a couple of hours, &c., and made me a thin bason of gruel for my supper—she wish'd me rest, and promised to be with me early in the morning.-She wish'd me, an' please your honour, what was not to be had. My fever ran very high that night—her figure made sad disturbance within me—I was every moment cutting the world in two—to give her half of it—and every moment was I crying, That I had nothing but a knapsack and eighteen florins to share with her-The whole night long was the fair Beguine, like an angel, close by my bedside, holding back my curtain and offering me cordials—and I was only awakened from my dream by her coming there at the hour promised, and giving them in reality. In truth, she was scarce ever from me; and so143 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS accustomed was I to receive life from her hands, that my heart sickened, and I lost colour when she left the room : and yet, continued the corporal (making one of the strangest reflections upon it in the world)- -"// was not love"-for during the three weeks she was almost constantly with me, fomenting my knee with her hand, night and day—I can honestly say, an' please your honour—that * * * * \1A jig. A. Jto. A A Ab. A Vff 4* TfT Jfi vpf 7f? /ff Vf* vff " Tff * * once. That was very odd, Trim, quoth my uncle Toby. I think so too—said Mrs Wadman. It never did, said the corporal. Chapter ppu -But 'tis no marvel, continued the corporal— seeing my uncle Toby musing upon it—for Love, an' please your honour, is exactly like war, in this ; that a soldier, though he has escaped three weeks complete o' Saturday night,—may nevertheless be shot through his heart on Sunday morning-It happened so here, an' please your honour, with this difference only—that it was on Sunday in the afternoon, when I fell in love all at once with a sisserara-It burst upon me, an' please your honour, like a bomb-scarce giving me time to say, " God bless me. " I thought, Trim, said my uncle Toby, a man never fell in love so very suddenly. Yes, an' please your honour, if he is in the way of it-replied Trim. I prithee, quoth my uncle Toby, inform me how this matter happened. -With all pleasure, said the corporal, making a bow.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. I49 CD6apter w\U 1HAD escaped, continued the corporal, all that time from falling in love, and had gone on to the end of the chapter, had it not been predestined other- wise-there is no resisting our fate. It was on a Sunday, in the afternoon, as I told your honour. The old man and his wife had walked out-- Every thing was still and hush as midnight about the house- There was not so much as a duck or a duckling about the yard- -When the fair Beguine came in to see me. My wound was then in a fair way of doing well- the inflammation had been gone off for some time, but it was succeeded with an itching both above and below my knee, so insufferable, that I had not shut my eyes the whole night for it. Let me see it, said she, kneeling down upon the ground parallel to my knee, and laying her hand upon the part below it--it only wants rubbing a little, said the Beguine ; so covering it with the bed-clothes, she began with the fore-finger of her right hand to rub under my knee, guiding her fore-finger backwards and forwards by the edge of the flannel which kept on the dressing. In five or six minutes I felt slightly the end of her second finger—and presently it was laid flat with the other, and she continued rubbing in that way round and round for a good while; it then came into my head, that I should fall in love—I blush* d when I saw how white a hand she had—I shall never, an' please your honour, behold another hand so white whilst I live-THE LIFE AND OPINIONS -Not in that place; said my uncle Toby- Though it was the most serious despair in nature to the corporal—he could not forbear smiling. The young Beguine, continued the corporal, perceiv- ing it was of great service to me—from rubbing for some time, with two fingers—proceeded to rub at length, with three—till by little and little she brought down the fourth, and then rubb'd with her whole hand : I will never say another word, an' please your honour, upon hands again—but it was softer than sattin- -Prithee, Trim, commend it as much as thou wilt, said my uncle Toby ; I shall hear thy story with the more delight-The corporal thank'd his master most unfeignedly; but having nothing to say upon the Beguine's hand but the same over again-he pro- ceeded to the effects of it. The fair Beguine, said the corporal, continued rubbing with her whole hand under my knee—till I fear'd her zeal would weary her-" I would do a thousand times more," said she, "for the love of Christ"-In saying which, she pass'd her hand across the flannel, to the part above my knee, which I had equally complain'd of, and rubb'd it also. I perceived, then, I was beginning to be in love- As she continued rub-rub-rubbing—I felt it spread from under her hand, an' please your honour, to every part of my frame- The more she rubb'd, and the longer strokes she took-the more the fire kindled in my veins-till at length, by two or three strokes longer than the rest -my passion rose to the highest pitch-1 seiz'd her hand- -And then thou clapped'st it to thy lips, Trim> said my uncle Toby-and madest a speech. Whether the corporal's amour terminated precisely in the way my uncle Toby described it, is not material;OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. it is enough that it contained in it the essence of all the love romances which ever have been wrote since the beginning of the world. C&apter y$\\u AS soon as the corporal had finished the story of his amour—or rather my uncle Toby for him— Mrs IVadman silently sallied forth from her arbour, replaced the pin in her mob, pass'd the wicker- gate, and advanced slowly towards my uncle Toby's sentry-box: the disposition which Trim had made in my uncle Toby's mind, was too favourable a crisis to be let slipp'd- -The attack was determin'd upon: it was facilitated still more by my uncle Toby's having ordered the corporal to wheel off the pioneer's shovel, the spade, the pick-axe, the picquets, and other military stores which lay scatter'd upon the ground where Dunkirk stood—The corporal had march'd—the field was clear. Now, consider, sir, what nonsense it is, either in fighting, or writing, or any thing else (whether in rhyme to it, or not) which a man has occasion to do —to act by plan : for if ever Plan, independent of all circumstances, deserved registering in letters of gold (I mean in the archives of Gotham)—it was certainly the Plan of Mrs Wadmati s attack of my uncle Toby in his sentry-box, by Plan-Now the plan hanging up in it at this juncture, being the Plan of Dunkirk—and the tale of Dunkirk a tale of relaxation, it opposed every impression she could make: and besides, could she have gone upon it—the manoeuvre of fingers and hands in the attack of the sentry-box, was so outdone by that152 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS of the fair Beguinis, in Trim s story—that just then, that particular attack, however successful before—be- came the most heartless attack that could be made- O ! let woman alone for this. Mrs Wadman had scarce open'd the wicket-gate, when her genius sported with the change of circumstances. -She formed a new attack in a moment. Chapter pjrtk --I am half distracted, captain Shandy, said Mrs Wadman, holding up her cambrick handkerchief to her left eye, as she approach'd the door of my uncle Toby's sentry-box-a mote-or sand-or something -1 know not what, has got into this eye of mine -do look into it—it is not in the white— In saying which, Mrs Wadman edged herself close in beside my uncle Toby, and squeezing herself down upon the corner of his bench, she gave him an oppor- tunity of doing it without rising up-Do look into it —said she. Honest soul! thou didst look into it with as much innocency of heart, as ever child look'd into a raree- shew-box; and 'twere as much a sin to have hurt thee. -If a man will be peeping of his own accord into things of that nature-I've nothing to say to it- My uncle Toby never did: and I will answer for him, that he would have sat quietly upon a sofa from June to January (which, you know, takes in both the hot and cold months), with an eye as fine as the Thracian # * Rodope Thracia tam inevitabili fascino instructa, tam exacts oculus intuens attraxit, ut si in illam quis incidisset, fieri non posset, quin caperetur.-1 know not who.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 153 Rodopis beside him, without being able to tell, whether it was a black or blue one. The difficulty was to get my uncle Toby, to look at one at all. 'Tis surmounted. And I see him yonder with his pipe pendulous in his hand, and the ashes falling out of it—looking—and looking—then rubbing his eyes—and looking again, with twice the good-nature that ever Gallileo look'd for a spot in the sun. -In vain! for by all the powers which animate the organ-Widow Wadman s left eye shines this moment as lucid as her right-there is neither mote, or sand, or dust, or chaff, or speck, or particle of opake matter floating in it—There is nothing, my dear paternal uncle! but one lambent delicious lire, furtively shoot- ing out from every part of it, in all directions, into thine- -If thou lookest, uncle Toby, in search of this mote one moment longer-thou art undone. C&apter ppto* AN eye is for all the world exactly like a cannon, in , this respect; That it is not so much the eye or the cannon, in themselves, as it is the carriage of the eye-and the carriage of the cannon, by which both the one and the other are enabled to do so much execution. I don't think the comparison a bad one ; However, as 'tis made and placed at the head of the chapter, as much for use as ornament, all I desire in return, is, that whenever I speak of Mrs Wadman's eyes (except once in the next period), that you keep it in your fancy154 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS I protest, Madam, said my uncle Toby, I can see nothing whatever in your eye. It is not in the white; said Mrs Wadman: my uncle Toby look'd with might and main into the pupil- Now of all the eyes which ever were created- from your own, Madam, up to those of Venus herself, which certainly were as venereal a pair of eyes as ever stood in a head-there never was an eye of them all, so fitted to rob my uncle Toby of his repose, as the very eye, at which he was looking-it was not, Madam, a rolling eye-a romping or a wanton one —nor was it an eye sparkling—petulant or imperious —of high claims and terrifying exactions, which would have curdled at once that milk of human nature, of which my uncle Toby was made up-but 'twas an eye full of gentle salutations-and soft responses- speaking-not like the trumpet stop of some ill-made organ, in which many an eye I talk to, holds coarse converse-but whispering soft-like the last low accent of an expiring saint-" How can you live comfortless, captain Shandy, and alone, without a bosom to lean your head on-or trust your cares to ?" It was an eye- But I shall be in love with it myself, if I say another word about it. -It did my uncle Toby's business. CJupter THERE is nothing shews the character of my father and my uncle Toby, in a more entertain- ing light, than their different manner of deport- ment, under the same accident-for I call not love aOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 155 misfortune, from a persuasion, that a man's heart is ever the better for it-Great God ! what must my uncle Toby%s have been, when 'twas all benignity without it. My father, as appears from many of his papers, was very subject to this passion, before he married-but from a little subacid kind of drollish impatience in his nature, whenever it befell him, he would never submit to it like a christian; but would pish, and huff, and bounce, and kick, and play the Devil, and write the bitterest Philippicks against the eye that ever man wrote-there is one in verse upon somebody's eye or other, that for two or three nights together, had put him by his rest; which in his first transport of resent- ment against it, he begins thus: " A Devil 'tis-and mischief such doth work As never yet did Pagan, Jew, or Turk" * In short, during the whole paroxism, my father was all abuse and foul language, approaching rather towards malediction-only he did not do it with as much method as Ernulphus-he was too impetuous; nor with Ernulphus*s policy-for tho' my father, with the most intolerant spirit, would curse both this and that, and every thing under heaven, which was either aiding or abetting to his love-yet never concluded his chapter of curses upon it, without cursing himself in at the bargain, as one of the most egregious fools and coxcombs, he would say, that ever was let loose in the world. My uncle Toby, on the contrary, took it like a lamb -sat still and let the poison work in his veins with- out resistance-in the sharpest exacerbations of his wound (like that on his groin) he never dropt one fretful or discontented word-he blamed neither * This will be printed with my father's Life of Socrates, &c. &c.156 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS heaven nor earth——or thought or spoke an injurious thing of any body, or any part of it; he sat solitary and pensive with his pipe-looking at his lame leg -then whiffing out a sentimental heigh ho! which mixing with the smoke, incommoded no one mortal. He took it like a lamb-1 say. In truth he had mistook it at first; for having taken a ride with my father, that very morning, to save if possible a beautiful wood, which the dean and chapter were hewing down to give to the poor; # which said wood being in full view of my uncle Toby's house, and of singular service to him in his description of the battle of Wynnendale—by trotting on too hastily to save it -upon an uneasy saddle-worse horse, &c. &c. . . it had so happened, that the serous part of the blood had got betwixt the two skins, in the nether- most part of my uncle Toby-the first shootings of which (as my uncle Toby had no experience of love) he had taken for a part of the passion—till the blister breaking in the one case—and the other remaining— my uncle Toby was presently convinced, that his wound was not a skin-deep wound-but that it had gone to his heart. Chapter jcjfttf. THE world is ashamed of being virtuous-My uncle Toby knew little of the world; and therefore when he felt he was in love with widow Wadman, he had no conception that the thing was any more to be made a mystery of, than if Mrs Wadman had given him a cut with a gap'd knife across his finger: Had it been otherwise-yet as he ever * Mr Shandy must mean the poor in spirit; inasmuch as they divided the money amongst themselves.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. I57 look'd upon Trim as a humble friend; and saw fresh reasons every day of his life, to treat him as such-- it would have made no variation in the manner in which he informed him of the affair. " I am in love, corporal! " quoth my uncle Toby, Chapter ppbiij* IN love !-——said the corporal—your honour was very well the day before yesterday, when I was telling your honour the story of the King of Bohemia—Bohemia / said my uncle Toby----musing a long time---What became of that story, Trim P —We lost it, an' please your honour, somehow betwixt us—but your honour was as free from love then, as I am-'twas just whilst thou went'st off with the wheel-barrow-with Mrs Wadman, quoth my uncle Toby——She has left a ball here—added my uncle Toby—pointing to his breast- -She can no more, an' please your honour, stand a siege, than she can fly—cried the corporal- --—But as we are neighbours, Trim,—the best way I think is to let her know it civilly first—quoth my uncle Toby. Now if I might presume, said the corporal, to differ from your honour- —Why else do I talk to thee, Trim P said my uncle Toby, mildly- —Then I would begin, an' please your honour, with making a good thundering attack upon her, in return— and telling her civilly afterwards—for if she knows anything of your honour's being in love, before hand —-L—d help her!—she knows no more at presentTHE LIFE AND OPINIONS of it, Trim, said my uncle Toby—than the child un- born- Precious souls!- Mrs Wadman had told it, with all its circumstances, to Mrs Bridget twenty-four hours before; and was at that very moment sitting in council with her, touching some slight misgivings with regard to the issue of the affairs, which the Devil, who never lies dead in a ditch, had put into her head—before he would allow half time, to get quietly through her Te Deum. I am terribly afraid, said widow Wadman, in case I should marry him, Bridget—that the poor captain will not enjoy his health, with the monstrous wound upon his groin- It may not, Madam, be so very large, replied Bridget, as you think--and I believe, besides, added she— that 'tis dried up- -1 could like to know—merely for his sake, said Mrs Wadman- -—We'll know the long and the broad of it, in ten days—answered Mrs Bridget, for whilst the captain is paying his addresses to you—I'm confident Mr Trim will be for making love to me—and I'll let him as much as he will—added Bridget—to get it all out of him- The measures were taken at once-and my uncle Toby and the corporal went on with theirs. Now, quoth the corporal, setting his left hand a-kimbo, and giving such a flourish with his right, as just promised success—and no more-if your honour will give me leave to lay down the plan of this attack- -Thou wilt please me by it, Trim9 said my uncle Toby, exceedingly—and as I foresee thou must act in it as my aid de camp, here's a crown, corporal, to begin with, to steep thy commission.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. *59 Then, an' please your honour, said the corporal (making a bow first for his commission)—we will begin with getting your honour's laced cloaths out of the great campaign-trunk, to be well air'd, and have the blue and gold taken up at the sleeves—and I'll put your white ramallie-wig fresh into pipes—and send for a taylor, to have your honour's thin scarlet breeches turn'd- —I had better take the red plush ones, quoth my uncle Toby-They will be too clumsy—said the corporal. CD&apUr -Thou wilt get a brush and a little chalk to my sword-'Twill be only in your honour's way, replied Trim. C&apter -But your honour's two razors shall be new set —and I will get my Montero cap furbish'd up, and put on poor lieutenant Le Fever s regimental coat, which your honour gave me to wear for his sake—and as soon as your honour is clean shaved—and has got your clean shirt on, with your blue and gold, or your fine scarlet-sometimes one and sometimes t'other —and every thing is ready for the attack—we'll march up boldly, as if 'twas to the face of a bastion ; and whilst your honour engages Mrs Wadman in the parlour, to the right-I'll attack Mrs Bridget in the kitchen, to the left; and having seiz'd the pass, I'll answer for it, said the corporal, snapping his fingers over his head—that the day is our own.l6o THE LIFE AND OPINIONS I wish I may but manage it right; said my uncle Toby—but I declare, corporal, I had rather march up to the very edge of a trench-- —A woman is quite a different thing—said the corporal. •—I suppose so, quoth my uncle Toby. Chapter vwU IF any thing in this world, which my father said, could have provoked my uncle Toby, during the time he was in love, it was the perverse use my father was always making of an expression of Hilarion the hermit; who, in speaking of his abstinence, his watchings, flagellations, and other instrumental parts of his religion—would say—tho' with more facetious- ness than became an hermit—"That they were the means he used, to make his ass (meaning his body) leave off kicking." It pleased my father well; it was not only a laconick way of expressing-—but of libelling, at the same time, the desires and appetites of the lower part of us; so that for many years of my father's life, 'twas his constant mode of expression—-he never used the word passions once—but ass always instead of them-So that he might be said truly, to have been upon the bones, or the back of his own ass, or else of some other man's, during all that time. I must here observe to you the difference betwixt My father's ass and my hobby-horse—in order to keep char- acters as separate as may be, in our fancies as we go along. For my hobby-horse, if you recollect a little, is noOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 161 way a vicious beast; he has scarce one hair or linea- ment of the ass about him-'Tis the sporting little filly-folly which carries you out for the present hour —-a maggot, a butterfly, a picture, a fiddlestick—an uncle Toby's siege—-or an any thing, which a man makes a shift to get a-stride on, to canter it away from the cares and solicitudes of life—'Tis as useful a beast as is in the whole creation—nor do I really see how the world could do without it- -But for my father's ass-oh! mount him —mount him—mount him—(that's three times, is it not?)—mount him not:—'tis a beast concupiscent— and foul befal the man, who does not hinder him from kicking. C&apter WELL! dear brother Toby, said my father, upon his first seeing him after he fell in love —$nd how goes it with your Asse ? Now my uncle Toby thinking more of the part where he had had the blister, than of Hilarious metaphor—and our preconceptions having (you know) as great a power over the sounds of words as the shapes of things, he had imagined, that my father, who was not very ceremonious in his choice of words, had enquired after the part by its proper name; so notwithstanding my mother, doctor Slop> and Mr Torick9 were sitting in the parlour, he thought it rather civil to conform to the term my father had made use of than not. When a man is hemm'd in by two indecorums, and must commit one of 'em—I always observe — let him chuse which he will, the world will blame him—so I should not be astonished if it blames my uncle Toby. iii. l162 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS My A—e, quoth my uncle Toby, is much better— brother Shandy—My father had formed great expecta- tions from his Asse in this onset; and would have brought him on again; but doctor Slop setting up an intemperate laugh—and my mother crying out L— bless us!—it drove my father's Asse off the field—and the laugh then becoming general—there was no bring- ing him back to the charge, for some time- And so the discourse went on without him. Every body, said my mother, says you are in love, brother Toby,—and we hope it is true. I am as much in love, sister, I believe, replied my uncle Toby, as any man usually is-Humph! said my father-and when did you know it ? quoth my mother- -When the blister broke; replied my uncle Toby. My uncle Toby's reply put my father into good temper—so he charg'd o' foot. C&apter wfiiU AS the ancients agree, brother Toby, said my father, that there are two different and distinct kinds of love, according to the different parts which are affected by it—the Brain or Liver-1 think when a man is in love, it behoves him a little to con- sider which of the two he is fallen into. What signifies it, brother Shandy, replied my uncle Toby, which of the two it is, provided it will but make a man marry, and love his wife, and get a few children ? -A few children ! cried my father, rising out of his chair, and looking full in my mother's face, as heOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 163 forced his way betwixt her's and doctor Slop's-—a few children! cried my father, repeating my uncle Toby's words as he walk'd to and fro- -Not, my dear brother Toby, cried my father, recovering himself all at once, and coming close up to the back of my uncle Toby's chair—not that I should be sorry hadst thou a score—on the contrary, I should rejoice—and be as kind, Tobyy to every one of them as a father— My uncle Toby stole his hand unperceived behind his chair, to give my father's a squeeze- -Nay, moreover, continued he, keeping hold of my uncle Toby's hand—so much dost thou possess, my dear Toby, of the milk of human nature, and so little of its asperities—'tis piteous the world is not peopled by creatures which resemble thee; and was I an Asiatic monarch, added my father, heating himself with his new project—I would oblige thee, provided it would not impair thy strength—or dry up thy radical moisture too fast—or weaken thy memory or fancy, brother Toby, which these gymnics inordinately taken are apt to do—else, dear Toby, I would procure thee the most beautiful women in my empire, and I would oblige thee, nolens, nolens, to beget for me one subject every month- As my father pronounced the last word of the sentence—my mother took a pinch of snuff. Now I would not, quoth my uncle Toby, get a child, nolens, nolens, that is, whether I would or no, to please the greatest prince upon earth- -And 'twould be cruel in me, brother Toby, to compel thee; said my father—but 'tis a case put to shew thee, that it is not thy begetting a child—in case thou should'st be able—but the system of Love and Marriage thou goest upon, which I would set thee right in-164 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS There is at least, said Torick, a great deal of reason and plain sense in captain Shandy's opinion of love; and 'tis amongst the ill-spent hours of my life, which I have to answer for, that I have read so many flourish- ing poets and rhetoricians in my time, from whom I never could extract so much- I wish, Toricky said my father, you had read Plato ; for there you would have learnt that there are two Loves—I know there were two Religions, replied Torick, amongst the ancients-one—for the vulgar, and another for the learned;—but I think one Love might have served both of them very well— It could not; replied my father—and for the same reasons: for of these Loves, according to Ficinus's comment upon Velasius, the one is rational- -the other is natural- the first ancient-without mother-where Venus had nothing to do 2 the second, begotten of Jupiter and Dione— -Pray, brother, quoth my uncle Toby, what has a man who believes in God to do with this? My father could not stop to answer, for fear of breaking the thread of his discourse- This latter, continued he, partakes wholly of the nature of Venus. The first, which is the golden chain let down from heaven, excites to love heroic, which comprehends in it, and excites to the desire of philosophy and truth the second, excites to desire, simply- -1 think the procreation of children as bene- ficial to the world, said Torich, as the finding out the longitude- -To be sure, said my mother, love keeps peace in the world- -In the house—my dear, I own— -It replenishes the earth; said my mother-OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 165 But it keeps heaven empty—my dear; replied my father. -'Tis Virginity, cried Slop, triumphantly, which fill MY father had such a skirmishing, cutting kind of a slashing way with him in his disputations, thrusting and ripping, and giving every one a stroke to remember him by in his turn—that if there were twenty people in company—in less than half an hour he was sure to have every one of 'em against him. What did not a little contribute to leave him thus without an ally, was, that if there was any one post more untenable than the rest, he would be sure to throw himself into it; and to do him justice, when he was once there, he would defend it so gallantly, that 'twould have been a concern, either to a brave man or a good- natured one, to have seen him driven out. Tor'tcky for this reason, though he would often attack him—yet could never bear to do it with all his force. Doctor Slop's Virginity, in the close of the last chapter, had got him for once on the right side of the rampart; and he was beginning to blow up all the convents in Christendom about Slop's ears, when corporal Trim came into the parlour to inform my uncle Toby, that his thin scarlet breeches, in which the attack was to be made upon Mrs Wadman, would not do; for that the taylor, in ripping them up, in order to turn them, had found they had been turn'd before- Then turn them again, brother, said my father, rapidly, ChapterTHE LIFE AND OPINIONS for there will be many a turning of 'em yet before all's done in the affair-They are as rotten as dirt, said the corporal-Then by all means, said my father, bespeak a new pair, brother-for though I know, continued my father, turning himself to the company, that widow Wadman has been deeply in love with my brother Toby for many years, and has used every art and circumvention of woman to outwit him into the same passion, yet now that she has caught him-her fever will be pass'd its height- -She has gain'd her point. In this case, continued my father, which Plato, I am persuaded, never thought of-Love, you see, is not so much a Sentiment as a Situation, into which a man enters, as my brother Toby would do, into a corps- no matter whether he loves the service or no-being once in it—he acts as if he did; and takes every step to shew himself a man of prowesse. The hypothesis, like the rest of my father's, was plausible enough, and my uncle Toby had but a single word to object to it—in which Trim stood ready to second him-but my father had not drawn his con- clusion- For this reason, continued my father (stating the case over again)—notwithstanding all the world knows, that Mrs Wadman affects my brother Toby—and my brother Toby contrariwise affects Mrs Wadman, and no obstacle in nature to forbid the music striking up this very night, yet will I answer for it, that this self-same tune will not be play'd this twelvemonth. We have taken our measures badly, quoth my uncle Toby, looking up interrogatively in Trim's face. I would lay my Montero-cz$, said Trim-Now Trim's Montero-cap, as I once told you, was his con- stant wager; and having furbish'd it up that very night, in order to go upon the attack—it made theOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 167 odds look more considerable-1 would lay, an* please your honour, my Monfero-caip to a shilling—was it proper, continued Trim (making a bow), to offer a wager before your honours- -There is nothing improper in it, said my father —'tis a mode of expression; for in saying thou would'st lay thy Montero-cap to a shilling—all thou meanest is this—that thou believest- -Now, What do'st thou believe ? That widow Wadman, an' please your worship, cannot hold it out ten days- And whence, cried Slop, jeeringly, hast thou all this knowledge of woman, friend ? By falling in love with a popish clergywoman; said Trim, 'Twas a Beguine, said my uncle Toby. Doctor Slop was too much in wrath to listen to the distinction; and my father taking that very crisis to fall in helter-skelter upon the whole order of Nuns and Beguines, a set of silly, fusty, baggages-Slop could not stand it-and my uncle Toby having some measures to take about his breeches—and Tortck about his fourth general division—in order for their several attacks next day—the company broke up : and my father being left alone, and having half an hour upon his hands betwixt that and bed-time; he called for pen, ink, and paper, and wrote my uncle Toby the following letter of in- structions : My dear brother Toby, WHAT I am going to say to thee is upon the nature of women, and of love-making to them 5 and perhaps it is as well for thee— tho' not so well for me—that thou hast occasion for a168 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS letter of instructions upon that head, and that I am able to write it to thee. Had it been the good pleasure of him who disposes of our lots—and thou no sufferer by the knowledge, I had been well content that thou should'st have dipp'd the pen this moment into the ink, instead of myself; but that not being the case-Mrs Shandy being now close beside me, preparing for bed-1 have thrown together without order, and just as they have come into my mind, such hints and documents as I deem may be of use to thee; intending, in this, to give thee a token of my love; not doubting, my dear Toby, of the manner in which it will be accepted. In the first place, with regard to all which concerns religion in the affair-though I perceive from a glow in my cheek, that I blush as I begin to speak to thee upon the subject, as well, knowing, notwithstanding thy unaffected secrecy, how few of its offices thou neglectest—yet I would remind thee of one (during the continuance of thy courtship) in a particular manner, which I would not have omitted; and that is, never to go forth upon the enterprize, whether it be in the morning or the afternoon, without first recommending thyself to the protection of Almighty God, that he may defend thee from the evil one. Shave the whole top of thy crown clean once at least every four or five days, but oftner if convenient; lest in taking off thy wig before her, thro' absence of mind, she should be able to discover how much has been cut away by Time-how much by Trim, —'Twere better to keep ideas of baldness out of her fancy. Always carry it in thy mind, and act upon it as a sure maxim, Toby- 66 That women are timid:99 And 'tis well they are -else there would be no dealing with them.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 169 Let not thy breeches be too tight, or hang too loose about thy thighs, like the trunk-hose of our ancestors. -A just medium prevents all conclusions. Whatever thou hast to say, be it more or less, forget not to utter it in a low soft tone of voice. Silence, and whatever approaches it, weaves dreams of midnight secrecy into the brain: For this cause, if thou canst help it, never throw down the tongs and poker. Avoid all kinds of pleasantry and facetiousness in thy discourse with her, and do whatever lies in thy power at the same time, to keep from her all books and writings which tend thereto: there are some devotional tracts, which if thou canst entice her to read over—it will be well: but suffer her not to look into Rabelais, or Scarron, or Don Quixote- -They are all books which excite laughter ; and thou knowest, dear Toby, that there is no passion so serious as lust. Stick a pin in the bosom of thy shirt, before thou enterest her parlour. And if thou art permitted to sit upon the same sopha with her, and she gives thee occasion to lay thy hand upon hers—beware of taking it-thou canst not lay thy hand on hers, but she will feel the temper of thine. Leave that and as many other things as thou canst, quite undetermined; by so doing, thou wilt have her curiosity on thy side; and if she is not conquered by that, and thy Asse continues still kicking, which there is great reason to suppose-Thou must begin, with first losing a few ounces of blood below the ears, according to the practice of the ancient Scythians, who cured the most intemperate fits of the appetite by that means. Avicenna, after this, is for having the part anointed with the syrup of hellebore, using proper evacuations and purges-and I believe rightly. But thou mustTHE LIFE AND OPINIONS eat little or no goat's flesh, nor red deer-nor even foal's flesh by any means; and carefully abstain- that is, as much as thou canst, from peacocks, cranes, coots, didappers, and water-hens- As for thy drink—I need not tell thee, it must be the infusion of Vervain and the herb Hanea, of which JElian relates such effects—but if thy stomach palls with it—discontinue it from time to time, taking cucumbers, melons, purslane, water-lillies, woodbine, and lettice, in the stead of them. There is nothing further for thee, which occurs to me at present- -Unless the breaking out of a fresh war-So wishing every thing, dear Toby, for the best, I rest thy affectionate brother, Walter Shandy. -&}<$&- Chapter fjcjcto. WHILST my father was writing his letter of instructions, my uncle Toby and the corporal were busy in preparing every thing for the attack. As the turning of the thin scarlet breeches was laid aside (at least for the present), there was nothing which should put it off beyond the next morning; so accordingly it was resolv'd upon, for eleven o'clock. Come, my dear, said my father to my mother— 'twill be but like a brother and sister, if you and I take a walk down to my brother Toby9s-to coun- tenance him in this attack of his. My uncle Toby and the corporal had been accoutred both some time, when my father and mother enter'd, and the clock striking eleven, were that moment in motion to sally forth—but the account of this is worthOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 171 more than to be wove into the fag end of the eighth * volume of such a work as this.-My father had no time but to put the letter of instructions into my uncle Tobys coat-pocket——and join with my mother in wishing his attack prosperous. I could like, said my mother, to look through the key-hole out of curiosity-Call it by its right name, my dear, quoth my father— And look through the key^hole as long as you will. * Alluding to the first edition. THE LIFE AND OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY, GENTLEMAN. Non enim excursus hie ejuss sed opus ipsum est. Plin. Lib. v. Epist. 6. Si quid urbaniuscute lusum a nobis, per Musas et Charitas et omnium poetarum Numina, Oro te, ne me mal& capias.A DEDICATION TO A GREAT MAN. HAVING, a priori, intended to dedicate The Amours of my Uncle Toby to Mr * * *-1 see more reasons, a posteriorly for doing it to Lord ******* I should lament from my soul, if this exposed me to the jealousy of their Reverences; because a posteriorly in Court-latin, signifies the kissing hands for preferment —or any thing else—in order to get it. My opinion of Lord ******* is neither better nor worse, than it was of Mr * * *. Honours, like impressions upon coin, may give an ideal and local value to a bit of base metal; but Gold and Silver will pass all the world over without any other recom- mendation than their own weight. *75176 DEDICATION. The same good-will that made me think of offering up half ail hour's amusement to Mr * * * when out of place—operates more forcibly at present, as half an hour's amusement will be more serviceable and re- freshing after labour and sorrow, than after a philo- sophical repast. Nothing is so perfectly amusement as a total change of ideas 5 no ideas are so totally different as those of Ministers, and innocent Lovers: for which reason, when I come to talk of Statesmen and Patriots, and set such marks upon them as will prevent confusion and mistakes concerning them for the future—I pro- pose to dedicate that Volume to some gentle Shepherd, Whose thoughts proud Science never taught to stray, Far as the Statesman's walk or Patriot-way; Yet simple Nature to his hopes had given Out of a cloud-capp'd head a humbler heaven ; Some untarrCd World in depths of wood embraced— Some happier Island in the watry-waste— And where admitted to that equal sky, His faithful Dog should bear him company. In a word, by thus introducing an entire new set of objects to his Imagination, I shall unavoidably give a Diversion to his passionate and love-sick Contem- plations. In the mean time, I am THE AUTHOR.BOOK IX. I CALL all the powers of time and chance, which severally check us in our careers in this world, to bear me witness, that I could never yet get fairly to my uncle Toby*s amours, till this very moment, that my mother's curiosity, as she stated the affair,-or a different impulse in her, as my father would have it -wished her to take a peep at them through the key-hole. "Call it, my dear, by its right najne, quoth my father, and look through the key-hole as long as you will." Nothing but the fermentation of that little subacid humour, which I have often spoken of, in my father's habit, could have vented such an insinuation--he was however frank and generous in his nature, and at all times open to conviction; so that he had scarce got to the last word of this ungracious retort, when his conscience smote him. My mother was then conjugally swinging with her left arm twisted under his right, in such wise, that the inside of her hand rested upon the back of his—she III. 177 M178 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS raised her fingers, and let them fall—it could scarce be call'd a tap ; or if it was a tap-'twould have puzzled a casuist to say, whether 'twas a tap of re- monstrance, or a tap of confession: my father, who was all sensibilities from head to foot, class'd it right- Conscience redoubled her blow—he turn'd his face suddenly the other way, and my mother supposing his body was about to turn with it in order to move home- wards, by a cross movement of her right leg, keeping her left as its centre, brought herself so far in front, that as he turned his head, he met her eye-Con- fusion again ! he saw a thousand reasons to wipe out the reproach, and as many to reproach himself——a thin, blue, chill, pellucid chrystal with all its humours so at rest, the least mote or speck of desire might have been seen, at the bottom of it, had it existed-it did not-and how I happen to be so lewd myself, par- ticularly a little before the vernal and autumnal equinoxes -Heaven above knows-My mother-madam -was so at no time, either by nature, by institution, or example, A temperate current of blood ran orderly through her veins in all months of the year, and in all critical moments both of the day and night alike; nor did she superinduce the least heat into her humours from the manual effervescencies of devotional tracts, which having little or no meaning in them, nature is oft-times obliged to find one-And as for my father's example! 'twas so far from being either aiding or abetting there- unto, that 'twas the whole business of his life to keep all fancies of that kind out of her head-Nature had done her part, to have spared him this trouble 5 and what was not a little inconsistent, my father knew it -And here am I sitting, this 12th day of August 1766, in a purple jerkin and yellow pair of slippers, without either wig or cap on, a most tragicomicalOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 179 completion of his prediction, " That I should neither think, nor act like any other man's child, upon that very account." The mistake in my father, was in attacking my mother's motive, instead of the act itself; for certainly key-holes were made for other purposes; and con- sidering the act, as an act which interfered with a true proposition, and denied a key-hole to be what it was -—it became a violation of nature; and was so far, you see, criminal. It is for this reason, an' please your Reverences, That key-holes are the occasions of more sin and wickedness, than all other holes in this world put together. -which leads me to my uncle Toby's amours. C&apter in THOUGH the corporal had been as good as his word in putting my uncle Toby's great ramallie- wig into pipes, yet the time was too short to produce any great effects from it: it had lain many years squeezed up in the corner of his old campaign trunk 5 and as bad forms are not so easy to be got the better of, and the use of candle-ends not so well under- stood, it was not so pliable a business as one would have wished. The corporal with cheary eye and both arms extended, had fallen back perpendicular from it a score times, to inspire it, if possible, with a better air -had spleen given a look at it, 'twould have cost her ladyship a smile-it curl'd every where but where the corporal would have it; and where a bucklel8o THE LIFE AND OPINIONS or two, in his opinion, would have done it honour, he could as soon have raised the dead. Such it was-or rather such would it have seem'd upon any other brow; but the sweet look of goodness which sat upon my uncle Toby's, assimilated every thing around it so sovereignly to itself, and Nature had more- over wrote Gentleman with so fair a hand in every line of his countenance, that even his tarnish'd gold-laced hat and huge cockade of flimsy taffeta became him; and though not worth a button in themselves, yet the moment my uncle Toby put them on, they became serious objects, and altogether seem'd to have been picked up by the hand of Science to set him off to advantage. Nothing in this world could have co-operated more powerfully towards this, than my uncle Toby's blue and gold-had not Quantity in some measure been necessary to Grace: in a period of fifteen or sixteen years since they had been made, by a total inactivity in my uncle Toby's life, for he seldom went further than the bowling- green—his blue and gold had become so miserably too strait for him, that it was with the utmost difficulty the corporal was able to get him into them; the taking them up at the sleeves, was of no advantage.-They were laced however down the back, and at the seams of the sides, &c., in the mode of King William's reign ; and to shorten all description, they shone so bright against the sun that morning, and had so metallick and doughty an air with them, that had my uncle Toby thought of attacking in armour, nothing could have so well imposed upon his imagination. As for the thin scarlet breeches, they had been un- ripp'd by the taylor between the legs, and left at sixes and sevens- -Yes, Madam,-but let us govern our fancies. It is enough they were held impracticableOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. l8l the night before^ and as there was no alternative in my uncle Toby's wardrobe, he sallied forth in the red plush. The corporal had array'd himself in poor Le Fever s regimental coat; and with his hair tuck'd up under his Montero"cap, which he had furbish'd up for the occa- sion, march'd three paces distant from his master: a whiff of military pride had pufFd out his shirt at the wrist; and upon that in a black leather thong clipp'd into a tassel beyond the knot, hung the corporal's stick -My uncle Toby carried his cane like a pike. -It looks well at least; quoth my father to himself. Chapter ttf* MY uncle Toby turn'd his head more than once behind him, tb see how he was supported by the corporal; and the corporal as oft as he did it, gave a slight flourish with his stick—but not vapouringly; and with the sweetest accent of most respectful encouragement, bid his honour " never fear." Now my uncle Toby did fear; and grievously too; he knew not (as my father had reproached him) so much as the right end of a Woman from the wrong, and therefore was never altogether at his ease near any one of them-unless in sorrow or distress; then in- finite was his pity; nor would the most courteous knight of romance have gone further, at least upon one leg, to have wiped away a tear from a woman's eye; and yet excepting once that he was beguiled into it by Mrs Wadman, he had never looked stedfastly into one;182 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS and would often tell my father in the simplicity of his heart, that it was almost (if not about) as bad as talking bawdy.- -And suppose it is ? my father would say. CD&apter tin SHE cannot, quoth my uncle Toby, halting, when they had march'd up to within twenty paces of Mrs Wadman's door—she cannot, corporal, take it amiss.- -She will take it, an' please your honour, said the corporal, just as the Jew's widow at Lisbon took it of my brother Tom.- -And how was that ? quoth my uncle Toby% facing quite about to the corporal. Your honour, replied the corporal, knows of Torres misfortunes ; but this affair has nothing to do with them any further than this, That if Tom had not married the widow-or had it pleased God after their marriage, that they had but put pork into their sausages, the honest soul had never been taken out of his warm bed, and dragg'd to the inquisition-'Tis a cursed place—added the corporal, shaking his head, —when once a poor creature is in, he is in, an' please your honour, for ever. JTis very true; said my uncle Toby, looking gravely at Mrs Wadman s house, as he spoke. Nothing, continued the corporal, can be so sad as confinement for life—or so sweet, an' please your honour, as liberty. Nothing, Trim-said my uncle Toby, musing—OF TRISTRAM SHANDY* 183 WMst a man is free,—cried the corporal, giving a flourish with his stick thus- A thousand of my father's most subtle syllogisms could not have said more for celibacy. My uncle Toby look'd earnestly towards his cottage and his bowling-green. The corporal had unwarily conjured up the Spirit of calculation with his wand 5 and he had nothing to do, but to conjure him down again with his story, and in this form of Exorcism, most un-ecclesiastically did the corporal do it.184 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS *>♦ AS Torn s place, an' please your honour, was easy j~\ —and the weather warm—it put him upon thinking seriously of settling himself in the world; and as it fell out about that time, that a Jew who kept a sausage shop in the same street, had the ill luck to die of a strangury, and leave his widow in possession of a rousing trade-Tom thought (as every body in Lisbon was doing the best he could devise for himself) there could be no harm in offering her his service to carry it on: so without any intro- duction to the widow, except that of buying a pound of sausages at her shop—Tom set out—counting the matter thus within himself, as he walk'd along; that let the worst come of it that could, he should at least get a pound of sausages for their worth—but, if things went well, he should be set up ; inasmuch as he should get not only a pound of sausages—but a wife and—a sausage shop, an' please your honour, into the bargain. Every servant in the family, from high to low, wish'd Tom success; and I can fancy, an' please your honour, I see him this moment with his white dimity waistcoat and breeches, and hat a little o' one side, passing jollily along the street, swinging his stick, with a smile and a chearful word for every body he met: -But alas! Tom ! thou smilest no more, cried the corporal, looking on one side of him upon the ground, as if he apostrophised him in his dungeon. Poor fellow! said my uncle Toby, feelingly. He was an honest, light-hearted lad, an' please your honour, as ever blood warm'd- -Then he resembled thee, Trim, said my uncle Toby, rapidly. The corporal blush'd down to his fingers ends—aOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. tear of sentimental bashfulness—another of gratitude to my uncle Toby—and a tear of sorrow for his brother's misfortunes, started into his eye, and ran sweetly down his cheek together; my uncle Toby's kindled as one lamp does at another; and taking hold of the breast of Trim9s coat (which had been that of Le Fever's) as if to ease his lame leg, but in reality to gratify a finer feeling-he stood silent for a minute and a half; at the end of which he took his hand away, and the corporal making a bow, went on with his story of his brother and the Jew's widow. Chapter tou WHEN Tom, an' please your honour, got to the shop, there was nobody in it, but a poor negro girl, with a bunch of white feathers slightly tied to the end of a long cane, flapping away flies—not killing them.-'Tis a pretty picture ! said my uncle Toby—she had suffered persecution, Trim, and had learnt mercy- -She was good, an' please your honour, from nature, as well as from hardships; and there are circum- stances in the story of that poor friendless slut, that would melt a heart of stone, said Trim ; and some dismal winter's evening, when your honour is in the humour, they shall be told you with the rest of Tom's story, for it makes a part of it- Then do not forget, Trim, said my uncle Toby. A negro has a soul ? an' please your honour, said the corporal (doubtingly). I am not much versed, corporal, quoth my uncle Toby, in things of that kind; but I suppose, Godi86 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS would not leave him witl out one, any more than thee or me- -It would be putting one sadly over the head of another, quoth the corporal. It would so; said my uncle Toby, Why then, an' please your honour, is a black wench to be used worse than a white one ? I can give no reason, said my uncle Toby-- -Only, cried the corporal, shaking his head, because she has no one to stand up for her- -'Tis that very thing, Trim, quoth my uncle Toby,-which recommends her to protection- and her brethren with her; 'tis the fortune of war which has put the whip into our hands now-where it may be hereafter, heaven knows!-but be it where it will, the brave, Trim ! will not use it unkindly. -God forbid, said the corporal. Amen, responded my uncle Toby, laying his hand upon his heart. The corporal returned to his story, and went on- but with an embarrassment in doing it, which here and there a reader in this world will not be able to com- prehend ; for by the many sudden transitions all along, from one kind and cordial passion to another, in getting thus far on his way, he had lost the sportable key of his voice, which gave sense and spirit to his tale: he attempted twice to resume it, but could not please him- self ; so giving a stout hem! to rally back the retreating spirits, and aiding nature at the same time with his left arm a-kimbo on one side, and with his right a little extended, supporting her on the other—the corporal got as near the note as he could; and in that attitude, continued his story.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 187 Chapter totu AS Tom, an' please your honour, had no business at r\ that time with the Moorish girl, he passed on into the room beyond, to talk to the Jew's widow about love-and this pound of sausages 5 and being, as I have told your honour, an open cheary- hearted lad, with his character wrote in his looks and carriage, he took a chair, and without much apology, but with great civility at the same time, placed it close to her at the table, and sat down. There is nothing so awkward, as courting a woman, an' please your honour, whilst she is making sausages -So Tom began a discourse upon them; first, gravely,-" as how they were made-with what meats, herbs, and spices"—Then a little gayly,—as, " With what skins-and if they never burst- Whether the largest were not the best ?"-and so on —taking care only as he went along, to season what he had to say upon sausages, rather under than over;- that he might have room to act in- It was owing to the neglect of that very precaution, said my uncle Toby, laying his hand upon Trim's shoulder, that Count De la Motte lost the battle of Wynendale: he pressed too speedily into the wood; which if he had not done, Lisle had not fallen into our hands, nor Ghent and Bruges, which both followed her example 5 it was so late in the year, continued my uncle Toby9 and so terrible a season came on, that if things had not fallen out as they did, our troops must have perish'd in the open field.- -Why, therefore, may not battles, an' please your honour, as well as marriages, be made in heaven ?—My uncle Toby mused- Religion inclined him to say one thing, and his highi8S THE LIFE AND OPINIONS idea of military skill tempted him to say another; so not being able to frame a reply exactly to his mind- my uncle Toby said nothing at all; and the corporal finished his story. As Tom perceived, an* please your honour, that he gained ground, and that all he had said upon the subject of sausages was kindly taken, he went on to help her a little in making them.-First, by taking hold of the ring of the sausage whilst she stroked the forced meat down with her hand-then by cutting the strings into proper lengths, and holding them in his hand, whilst she took them out one by one-then, by putting them across her mouth, that she might take them out as she wanted them-and so on from little to more, till at last he adventured to tie the sausage himself, whilst she held the snout.- -Now a widow, an* please your honour, always chuses a second husband as unlike the first as she can ; so the affair was more than half settled in her mind before Tom mentioned it. She made a feint however of defending herself, by snatching up a sausage:-Tom instantly laid hold of another- But seeing Tom's had more gristle in it- She signed the capitulation-and Tom sealed it; and there was an end of the matter. C&apt** tottj* ALL womankind, continued Trim, (commenting ^ upon his story) from the highest to the lowest, an' please your honour, love jokes 5 the diffi- culty is to know how they chuse to have them cut; and there is no knowing that, but by trying, as we doOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 189 with our artillery in the field, by raising or letting down their breeches, till we hit the mark.- -1 like the comparison, said my uncle Toby, better than the thing itself- -Because your honour, quoth the corporal, loves glory, more than pleasure. I hope, Trim, answered my uncle Toby, I love man- kind more than either 5 and as the knowledge of arms tends so apparently to the good and quiet of the world -and particularly that branch of it which we have practised together in our bowling-green, has no object but to shorten the strides of Ambition, and intrench the lives and fortunes of the few, from the plunderings of the many-whenever that drum beats in our ears, I trust, corporal, we shall neither of us want so much humanity and fellow-feeling, as to face about and march. In pronouncing this, my uncle Toby faced about, and march'd firmly as at the head of his company——and the faithful corporal, shouldering his stick, and striking his hand upon his coat-skirt as he took his first step -march'd close behind him down the avenue. -Now what can their two noddles be about? cried my father to my mother-by all that's strange, they are besieging Mrs IVadman in form, and are marching round her house to mark out the lines of circumvallation. I dare say, quoth my mother-But stop, dear Sir-for what my mother dared to say upon the occasion-and what my father did say upon it -with her replies and his rejoinders, shall be read, perused, paraphrased, commented, and descanted upon —or to say it all in a word, shall be thumb'd over by Posterity in a chapter apart-1 say, by Posterity— and care not, if I repeat the word again—for what has this book done more than the Legation of Moses, or190 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS the Tale of a Tub, that it may not swim down the gutter of Time along with them ? I will not argue the matter: Time wastes too fast: every letter 1 trace tells me with what rapidity Life follows my pen; the days and hours of it, more precious, my dear Jenny / than the rubies about thy neck, are flying over our heads like light clouds of a windy day, never to return more every thing presses on whilst thou art twisting that lock,-see! it grows grey ; and every time I kiss thy hand to bid adieu, and every absence which follows it, are preludes to that eternal separation which we are shortly to make.-— -Heaven have mercy upon us both! CD&apter NOW, for what the world thinks of that ejaculation -1 would not give a groat. Chapter MY mother had gone with her left arm twisted in my father's right, till they had got to the fatal angle of the old garden wall, where Doctor Slop was overthrown by Obadiah on the coach-horse: as this was directly opposite to the front of Mrs Wad- man s house, when my father came to it, he gave a look across 5 and seeing my uncle Toby and the corporal within ten paces of the door, he turn'd about-" Let us just stop a moment, quoth my father, and see with what ceremonies my brother Toby and his man TrimOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 191 make their first entry-it will not detain us, added my father, a single minute :"-No matter, if it be ten minutes, quoth my mother. ——It will not detain us half one; said my father. The corporal was just then setting in with the story of his brother Tom and the Jew's widow: the story went on—and on-it had episodes in it-it came back, and went on-and on again; there was no end of it-the reader found it very long-- -G— help my father! he pish'd fifty times at every new attitude, and gave the corporal's stick, with all its flourishings and danglings, to as many devils as chose to accept of them. When issues of events like these my father is waiting for, are hanging in the scales of fate, the mind has the advantage of changing the principle of expectation three times, without which it would not have power to see it out. Curiosity governs the jirst moment; and the second moment is all oeconomy to justify the expence of the first-and for the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth moments, and so on to the day of judgment—'tis a point of Honour. I need not be told, that the ethic writers have assigned this all to Patience; but that Virtue, me- thinks, has extent of dominion sufficient of her own, and enough to do in it, without invading the few dis- mantled castles which Honour has left him upon the earth. My father stood it out as well as he could with these three auxiliaries to the end of Trim's story 5 and from thence to the end of my uncle Toby's panegyrick upon arms, in the chapter following it; when seeing, that instead of marching up to Mrs Wadman's door, they both faced about and march'd down the avenue dia- metrically opposite to his expectation—he broke out atTHE LIFE AND OPINIONS once with that little subacid soreness of humour which, in certain situations, distinguished his character from that of all other men. Chapter jiu -" \ T O W what can their two noddles be about ?" cried my father - - &c.---- I dare say, said my mother, they are making fortifications- —-Not on Mrs Wadmatfs premises! cried my father, stepping back- I suppose not: quoth my mother. I wish, said my father, raising his voice, the whole science of fortification at the devil, with all its trumpery of saps, mines, blinds, gabions, fausse-brays and cuvetts- -They are foolish things-said my mother. Now she had a way, which, by the bye, I would this moment give away my purple jerkin, and my yellow slippers into the bargain, if some of your reverences would imitate—and that was, never to refuse her assent and consent to any proposition my father laid before her, merely because she did not understand it, or had no ideas of the principal word or term of art, upon which the tenet or proposition rolled. She contented herself with doing all that her godfathers and god- mothers promised for her—but no more; and so would go on using a hard word twenty years together—and replying to it too, if it was a verb, in all its moods and tenses, without giving herself any trouble to enquire about it. This was an eternal source of misery to my father, and broke the neck, at the first setting out, of more good dialogues between them, than could have doneOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. *93 tlie most petulant contradiction-the few which sur- vived were the better for the cuvetts- —" They are foolish things ;" said my mother. --Particularly the cuvetts ; replied my father. 'Tis enough—he tasted the sweet of triumph—and went on. —Not that they are, properly speaking, Mrs Wad- mar?s premises, said my father, partly correcting him- self—because she is but tenant for life- ——That makes a great difference — said my mother- —In a fool's head, replied my father- Unless she should happen to have a child—said my mother- --But she must persuade my brother Toby first to get her one— -To be sure, Mr Shandy, quoth my mother. —-Though if it comes to persuasion—said my father—Lord have mercy upon them. Amen : said my mother, piano. Amen : cried my father, fortissime. Amen: said my mother again-but with such a sighing cadence of personal pity at the end of it, as discomfited every fibre about my father—he instantly took out his almanack; but before he could untie it, Toriclzs congregation coming out of church, became a full answer to one half of his business with it—and my mother telling him it was a sacrament day—left him as little in doubt, as to the other part—He put his almanack into his pocket. The first Lord of the Treasury thinking of ways and means, could not have returned home with a more embarrassed look. hi. n194 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS ©jupter }iu UPON looking back from the end of the last chapter, and surveying the texture of what has been wrote, it is necessary, that upon this page and the three following, a good quantity of hetero- geneous matter be inserted to keep up that just balance betwixt wisdom and folly, without which a book would not hold together a single year: nor is it a poor creeping digression (which but for the name of, a man might continue as well going on in the king's highway) which will do the business-no; if it is to be a digression, it must be a good frisky one, and upon a frisky subject too, where neither the horse or his rider are to be caught, but by rebound. The only difficulty, is raising powers suitable to the nature of the service : Fancy is capricious—Wit must not be searched for—and Pleasantry (good-natured slut as she is) will not come in at a call, was an empire to be laid at her feet. -The best way for a man, is to say his prayers- Only if it puts him in mind of his infirmities and defects as well ghostly as bodily—for that purpose, he will find himself rather worse after he has said them than before—for other purposes, better. For my own part, there is not a way either moral or mechanical under heaven that I could think of, which I have not taken with myself in this case: some- times by addressing myself directly to the soul herself, and arguing the point over and over again with her upon the extent of her own faculties- -1 never could make them an inch the wider- Then by changing my system, and trying what could be made of it upon the body, by temperance, soberness,OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. and chastity: These are good, quoth I, in themselves— they are good, absolutely ;—they are good, relatively; —they are good for health—they are good for happi- ness in this world—they are good for happiness in the next- In short, they were good for every thing but the thing wanted; and there they were good for nothing, but to leave the soul just as heaven made it: as for the theo- logical virtues of faith and hope, they give it courage; but then that snivelling virtue of Meekness (as my father would always call it) takes it quite away again, so you are exactly where you started. Now in all common and ordinary cases, there is nothing which I have found to answer so well as this- -Certainly, if there is any dependence upon Logic, and that I am not blinded by self-love, there must be something of true genius about me, merely upon this symptom of it, that I do not know what envy is: for never do I hit upon any invention or device which tendeth to the furtherance of good writing, but I instantly make it public; willing that all mankind should write as well as myself. -Which they certainly will, when they think as little. Cfcapter fiiu NOW in ordinary cases, that is, when I am only stupid, and the thoughts rise heavily and pass gummous through my pen- Or that I am got, I know not how, into a cold un- metaphorical vein of infamous writing, and cannot take196 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS a plumb-lift out of it for my soul; so must be obliged to go on writing like a Dutch commentator to the end of the chapter, unless something be done- --I never stand conferring with pen and ink one moment; for if a pinch of snuff, or a stride or two across the room will not do the business for me—I take a razor at once; and having tried the edge of it upon the palm of my hand, without further cere- mony, except that of first lathering my beard, I shave it off; taking care only if I do leave a hair, that it be not a grey one : this done, I change my shirt—put on a better coat—send for my last wig—put my topaz ring upon my finger; and in a word, dress myself from one end to the other of me, after my best fashion. Now the devil in hell must be in it, if this does not do: for consider, Sir, as every man chuses to be present at the shaving of his own beard (though there is no rule without an exception), and unavoidably sits over- against himself the whole time it is doing, in case he has a hand in it—the Situation, like all others, has notions of her own to put into the brain.- -1 maintain it, the conceits of a rough-bearded man, are seven years more terse and juvenile for one single operation; and if they did not run a risk of being quite shaved away, might be carried up by continual shavings, to the highest pitch of sublimity—How Homer could write with so long a beard, I don't know -and as it makes against my hypothesis, I as little care-But let us return to the Toilet. Ludovicus Sorbonensis makes this entirely an affair of the body (s^core^/xjj tfpafyg) as he calls it-but he is deceived: the soul and body are joint-sharers in every thing they get: A man cannot dress, but his ideas get cloath'd at the same time; and if he dresses like a gentleman, every one of them stands presentedOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 197 to his imagination, genteelized along with him—so that he has nothing to do, but take his pen, and write like himself. For this cause, when your honours and reverences would know whether I writ clean and fit to be read, you will be able to judge full as well by looking into my Laundress's bill, as my book: there was one single month in which I can make it appear, that I dirtied one and thirty shirts with clean writing; and after all, was more abus'd, cursed, criticis'd, and confounded, and had more mystic heads shaken at me, for what I had wrote in that one month, than in all the other months of that year put together. -But their honours and reverences had not seen my bills. Chapter AS I never had any intention of beginning the Digression I am making all this preparation for, till I come to the 15 th chapter-1 have this chapter to put to whatever use I think proper- I have twenty this moment ready for it-1 could write my chapter of Button-holes in it- Gr my chapter of Pishes, which should follow them—- Or my chapter of Knots, in case their reverences have done with them--they might lead me into mischief: the safest way is to follow the track of the learned, and raise objections against what I have been writing, tho' I declare beforehand, I know no more than my heels how to answer them. And first, it may be said, there is a pelting kind of198 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS thersitical satire, as black as the very ink 'tis wrote with-{and by the bye, whoever says so, is indebted to the muster-master general of the Grecian army, for suffering the name of ,so ugly and foul-mouth'd a man as Thersites to continue upon his roll-for it has furnish'd him with an epithet)-in these productions he will urge, all the personal washings and scrubbings upon earth do a sinking genius no sort of good-but just the contrary, inasmuch as the dirtier the fellow is, the better generally he succeeds in it. To this, I have no other answer-at least ready --but that the Archbishop of Benevento wrote his nasty Romance of the Galatea, as all the world knows, in a purple coat, waistcoat, and purple pair of breeches; and that the penance set him of writing a commentary upon the book of the Revelations, as severe as it was look'd upon by one part of the world, was far from being deem'd so, by the other, upon the single account of that Investment. Another objection, to all this remedy, is its want of universality; forasmuch as the shaving part of it, upon which so much stress is laid, by an unalterable law of nature excludes one half of the species entirely from its use: all I can say is, that female writers, whether of England\ or of France, must e'en go without it- As for the Spanish ladies-1 am in no sort of distress- OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 199 CD&apUr THE fifteenth chapter is come at last; and brings nothing with it but a sad signature of " How our pleasures slip from under us in this world! " For in talking of my digression-1 declare before heaven I have made it! What a strange creature is mortal man ! said she. ?Tis very true, said I-but 'twere better to get all these things out of our heads, and return to my uncle Toby. Chapter jcton WHEN my uncle Toby and the corporal had marched down to the bottom of the avenue, they recollected their business lay the other way; so they faced about and marched up straight to Mrs Wadman s door. I warrant your honour; said the corporal, touching his Montero-ca.p with his hand, as he passed him in order to give a knock at the door-My uncle Toby, contrary to his invariable way of treating his faithful servant, said nothing good or bad: the truth was, he had not altogether marshal'd his ideas; he wish'd for another conference, and as the corporal was mounting up the three steps before the door-—he hem'd twice— a portion of my uncle Toby's most modest spirits fled, at each expulsion, towards the corporal; he stood with the rapper of the door suspended for a full minute in his hand, he scarce knew why. Bridget stood perdue within, with her finger and her thumb upon the latch, benumb'd with expectation; and Mrs Wadman, with200 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS an eye ready to be deflowered again, sat breathless behind the window-curtain of her bed-chamber, watch- ing their approach. Trim / said my uncle Toby-but as he articulated the word, the minute expired, and Trim let fall the rapper. My uncle Toby perceiving that all hopes of a con- ference were knock'd on the head by it-whistled Lillabullero. AS Mrs Bridget's finger and thumb were upon the J~\ latch, the corporal did not knock as oft as per- chance your honour's taylor-1 might have taken my example something nearer home; for I owe mine, some five and twenty pounds at least, and wonder at the man's patience- -But this is nothing at all to the world: only 'tis a cursed thing to be in debt; and there seems to be a fatality in the exchequers of some poor princes, particularly those of our house, which no Economy can bind down in irons: for my own part, I'm per- suaded there is not any one prince, prelate, pope, or potentate, great or small upon earth, more desirous in his heart of keeping straight with the world than I am -or who takes more likely means for it. I never give above half a guinea-or walk with boots- or cheapen tooth-picks-or lay out a shilling upon a band-box the year round; and -for the six months I'm in the country, I'm upon so small a scale, that with all the good temper in the world, I outdo Rousseau, a bar length--for I keep neither man or boy, or horse, or cow, or dog, or cat, or any thing that can eat or drink, except a thin poor piece of a Vestal (to keepOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 20I my fire in), and who has generally as bad an appetite as myself—-but if you think this makes a philosopher of me-1 would not, my good people! give a rush for your judgments. True philosophy-but there is no treating the subject whilst my uncle is whistling Lillabullero. -Let us go into the house.THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CJapte* jtottj.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. C-fcap*** jtijc.204 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Chapter pp. __ * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * ****** * ******* ****** * * * ****** * * * * * *_ -You shall see the very place, Madam; said my uncle Toby. Mrs Wadman blush'd-look'd towards the door -turn'd pale-blush'd slightly again-re- cover'd her natural colour-blush'd worse than ever; which, for the sake of the unlearned reader, I translate thus- " L—d / I cannot look at it-- What would the world say if I look9d at it P I should drop down, if I look9d at it— / wish I could look at it- There can be no sin in looking at it. -1 will look at it." Whilst all this was running through Mrs Wadman9s imagination, my uncle Toby had risen from the sopha, and got to the other side of the parlour door, to give Trim an order about it in the passage- ********* * *--1 believe it is in the garret, said my uncle Toby-1 saw it there, an' please your honour, this morning, answered Trim--Then prithee, step directly for it, Trim, said my uncle Toby, and bring it into the parlour. The corporal did not approve of the orders, but most chearfully obeyed them. The first was not an act of his will—the second was; so he put on hisOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 205 Montero-C2q>, and went as fast as his lame knee would let him. My uncle Toby returned into the parlour, and sat himself down again upon the sopha. ——You shall lay your finger upon the place—said my uncle Toby.-1 will not touch it, however, quoth Mrs Wadman to herself. This requires a second translation:—it shews what little knowledge is got by mere words—we must go up to the first springs. Now in order to clear up the mist which hangs upon these three pages, I must endeavour to be as clear as possible myself. Rub your hands thrice across your foreheads—blow your noses—cleanse your emunctories—sneeze, my good people!-God bless you- Now give me all the help you can. CJapter wi. AS there are fifty different ends (counting all ends /"\ in-as well civil as religious) for which a woman takes a husband, she first sets about and carefully weighs, then separates and distinguishes in her mind, which of all that number of ends is hers: then by discourse, enquiry, argumentation, and inference, she investigates and finds out whether she has got hold of the right one-and if she has-then, by pulling it gently this way and that way, she further forms a judg- ment, whether it will not break in the drawing. The imagery under which Slawkenbergius impresses this upon the reader's fancy, in the beginning of his third Decad, is so ludicrous, that the honour I bear the sex, will not suffer me to quote it-otherwise it is not destitute of humour.206 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS " She first, saith Slawkenbergius, stops the asse, and holding his halter in her left hand (lest he should get away) she thrusts her right hand into the very bottom of his pannier to search for it—For what ?—you'll not know the sooner, quoth Slawkenbergius, for interrupting me- " I have nothing, good Lady, but empty bottles; " says the asse. " I'm loaded with tripes; " says the second. -And thou art little better, quoth she to the third; for nothing is there in thy panniers but trunk- hose and pantofles—and so to the fourth and fifth, going on one by one through the whole string, till coming to the asse which carries it, she turns the pannier upside down, looks at it—considers it—samples it—measures it—stretches it—wets it—dries it—then takes her teeth both to the warp and weft of it. -Of what ? for the love of Christ! I am determined, answered Slawkenbergius, that all the powers upon earth shall never wring that secret from my breast. C&apter jptj. WE live in a world beset on all sides with mysteries and riddles—and so 'tis no matter else it seems strange, that Nature, who makes every thing so well to answer its destination, and seldom or never errs, unless for pastime, in giving such forms and aptitudes to whatever passes through her hands, that whether she designs for the plough, the caravan, the cart—or whatever other creature she models, be it but an asse's foal, you are sure to have the thing you wanted; and yet at the same time should so eternally bungle it as she does, in making so simple a thing as a married man.OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 207 Whether it is in the choice of the clay-or that it is frequently spoiled in the baking; by an excess of which a husband may turn out too crusty (you know) on one hand-or not enough so, through defect of heat, on the other-or whether this great Artificer is not so attentive to the little Platonic exigences of that part of the species, for whose use she is fabricating ih'ts-or that her Ladyship sometimes scarce knows what sort of a husband will do I know not: we will discourse about it after supper. It is enough, that neither the observation itself, or the reasoning upon it, are at all to the purpose---but rather against it; since with regard to my uncle Toby's fitness for the marriage state, nothing was ever better: she had formed him of the best and kindliest clay- had tempered it with her own milk, and breathed into it the sweetest spirit-she had made him all gentle, generous, and humane-she had filled his heart with trust and confidence, and disposed every passage which led to it, for the communication of the tenderest offices -she had moreover considered the other causes for which matrimony was ordained- And accordingly ****** ********* ********* * * * *^ The donation was not defeated by my uncle Toby's wound. Now this last article was somewhat apocryphal; and the Devil, who is the great disturber of our faiths in this world, had raised scruples in Mrs Wadman's brain about it; and like a true devil as he was, had done his own work at the same time, by turning my uncle Toby's Virtue thereupon into nothing but empty bottles, tripes, trunk-hose, and pantojles.2o8 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Chapter wiiu MRS Bridget had pawn'd all the little stock of honour a poor chambermaid was worth in the world, that she would get to the bottom of the affair in ten days; and it was built upon one of the most concessible postulata in nature : namely, that whilst my uncle Toby was making love to her mistress, the corporal could find nothing better to do, than make love to her-" And Pll let him as much as he will, said Bridget, to get it out of him" Friendship has two garments ; an outer and an under one. Bridget was serving her mistress's interests in the one—and doing the thing which most pleased herself in the other: so had as many stakes depending upon my uncle Toby's wound, as the Devil himself-Mrs Wadman had but one—and as it possibly might be her last (without discouraging Mrs Bridget, or discrediting her talents) was determined to play her cards herself. She wanted not encouragement: a child might have look'd into his hand-there was such a plainness and simplicity in his playing out what trumps he had- with such an unmistrusting ignorance of the ten-ace -and so naked and defenceless did he sit upon the same sopha with widow Wadman, that a generous heart would have wept to have won the game of him. Let us drop the metaphor. C&apter jcjctiu - and the story too—if you please: for though I have along been hastening towards this part of it, with so much earnest desire, as well knowing it to be the choicest morsel of what i hadOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 209 to offer to the world, yet now that I am got to it, any one is welcome to take my pen, and go on with the story for me that will—I see the difficulties of the descriptions I'm going to give-—and feel my want of powers. It is one comfort at least to me, that I lost some fourscore ounces of blood this week in a most uncritical fever which attacked me at the beginning of this chapter; so that I have still some hopes remaining, it may be more in the serous or globular parts of the blood, than in the subtile aura of the brain-be it which it will —an Invocation can do no hurt-and I leave the affair entirely to the invoked, to inspire or to inject me according as he sees good. THE INVOCATION. GENTLE Spirit of sweetest humour, who erst did sit upon the easy pen of my beloved Cervantes ; Thou who glided'st daily through his lattice, and turned'st the twilight of his prison into noon-day brightness by thy presence-tinged'st his little urn of water with heaven-sent nectar, and all the time he wrote of Sancho and his master, didst cast thy mystic mantle o'er his wither'd stump,* and wide extended it to all the evils of his life- -—Turn in hither, I beseech thee!-behold these breeches!-they are all I have in the world-that piteous rent was given them at Lyons-■ My shirts! see what a deadly schism has happen'd amongst 'em—for the laps are in Lombardy, and the rest of 'em here—I never had but six, and a cunning gypsey of a laundress at Milan cut me off the fore-laps * He lost his hand at the battle of Lepanto. III. o210 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS of five—To do her justice, she did it with some con- sideration—for I was returning out of Italy. And yet, notwithstanding all this, and a pistol tinder- box which was moreover filch'd from me at Sienna, and twice that I pay'd five Pauls for two hard eggs, once at Raddicoffini, and a second time at Capua—I do not think a journey through France and Italy ^ provided a man keeps his temper all the way, so bad a thing as some people would make you believe: there must be ups and downs, or how the duce should we get into vallies where Nature spreads so many tables of enter- tainment.—'Tis nonsense to imagine they will lend you their voitures to be shaken to pieces for nothing; and unless you pay twelve sous for greasing your wheels, how should the poor peasant get butter to his bread ?— We really expect too much—and for the livre or two above par for your suppers and bed—at the most they are but one shilling and ninepence halfpenny-who would embroil their philosophy for it ? for heaven's and for your own sake, pay it-pay it with both hands open, rather than leave Disappointment sitting drooping upon the eye of your fair Hostess and her Damsels in the gate-way, at your departure-and besides, my dear Sir> you get a sisterly kiss of each of 'em worth a pound-at least I did- -For my uncle Toby's amours running all the way in my head, they had the same effect upon me as if they had been my own-1 was in the most perfect state of bounty and good-will; and felt the kindliest harmony vibrating within me, with every oscillation of the chaise alike; so that whether the roads were rough or smooth, it made no difference; every thing I saw or had to do with, touch'd upon some secret spring either of sentiment or rapture. -They were the sweetest notes I ever heard ; and I instantly let down the fore-glass to hear themOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 211 more distinctly-'Tis Maria; said the postillion, observing I was listening-Poor Maria, continued he (leaning his body on one side to let me see her, for he was in a line betwixt us), is sitting upon a bank playing her vespers upon her pipe, with her little goat beside her. The young fellow utter'd this with an accent and a look so perfectly in tune to a feeling heart, that I instantly made a vow, I would give him a four-and- twenty sous piece, when I got to Moulins- -And who is poor Maria P said I. The love and piety of all the villages around us; said the postillion-it is but three years ago, that the sun did not shine upon so fair, so quick-witted and amiable a maid; and better fate did Maria deserve, than to have her Banns forbid, by the intrigues of the curate of the parish who published them- He was going on, when Maria, who had made a short pause, put the pipe to her mouth, and began the air again-they were the same notes;-yet were ten times sweeter: It is the evening service to the Virgin, said the young man-but who has taught her to play it—or how she came by her pipe, no one knows; we think that heaven has assisted her in both ; for ever since she has been unsettled in her mind, it seems her only consolation-she has never once had the pipe out of her hand, but plays that service upon it almost night and day. The postillion delivered this with so much discretion and natural eloquence, that I could not help decyphering something in his face above his condition, and should have sifted out his history, had not poor Maria taken such full possession of me. We had got up by this time almost to the bank where Maria was sitting: she was in a thin white jacket, with her hair, all but two tresses, drawn up into a silk-212 THE LltfE AND OPINIONS net, with a few olive leaves twisted a little fantastically, on one side-she was beautiful; and if ever I felt the full force of an honest heart-ache, it was the' moment I saw her- -God help her ! poor damsel! above a hundred masses, said the postillion, have been said in the several parish churches and convents around, for her,-but without effect; we have still hopes, as she is sensible for short intervals, that the Virgin at last will restore her to herself; but her parents, who know her best, are hopeless upon that score, and think her senses are lost ^ for ever. As the postillion spoke this, Maria made a cadence so melancholy, so tender and querulous, that I sprung out of the chaise to help her, and found myself sitting betwixt her and her goat before I relapsed from my enthusiasm. Maria look'd wistfully for some time at me, and then at her goat-and then at me-and then at her goat again, and so on, alternately- -Well, Maria, said I softly-What resem- blance do you find ? I do entreat the candid reader to believe me, that it was from the humblest conviction of what a Beast man is,-that I asked the question ; and that I would not have let fallen an unseasonable pleasantry in the venerable presence of Misery, to be entitled to all the wit that ever Rabelais scatter'd-and yet I own my heart smote me, and that I so smarted at the very idea of it, that I swore I would set up for Wisdom, and utter grave sentences the rest of my days-and never -never attempt again to commit mirth with man7 woman, or child, the longest day I had to live. As for writing nonsense to them-1 believe, there was a reserve—but that I leave to the world. Adieu, Maria1—adieu, poor hapless damsel!-OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 213 some time, but not now, I may hear thy sorrows from thy own lips-but I was deceived; for that moment she took her pipe and told me such a tale of woe with it, that I rose up, and with broken and irregular steps walk'd softly to my chaise. -What an excellent inn at Moulins / Chapter wto. WHEN we have got to the end of this chapter (but not before) we must all turn back to the two blank chapters, on the account of which my honour has lain bleeding this half hour- I stop it, by pulling off one of my yellow slippers and throwing it with all my violence to the opposite side of my room, with a declaration at the heel of it- -That whatever resemblance it may bear to half the chapters which are written in the world, or for aught I know may be now writing in it—that it was as casual as the foam of Zeuxis his horse; besides, I look upon a chapter which has only nothing in it, with respect; and considering what worse things there are in the world-That it is no way a proper subject for satire- -Why then was it left so ? And here without staying for my reply, shall I be called as many block- heads, numsculs, doddypoles, dunderheads, ninny- hammers, goosecaps, joltheads, nincompoops, and sh- - t-a-beds--and other unsavoury appellations, as ever the cake-bakers of Lerne cast in the teeth of King Garangantan s shepherds-And I'll let them do it, as Bridget said, as much as they please; for how was it possible they should foresee the necessity I was under214 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS of writing the 25th chapter of my book, before the 18th, &c. ? -So I don't take it amiss-All I wish is, that it may be a lesson to the world, " to let people tell their stories their own way SC&e ©ig&teentj) Chapter* AS Mrs Bridget opened the door before the corporal had well given the rap, the interval betwixt that and my uncle Toby's introduction into the parlour, was so short, that Mrs Wadman had but just time to get from behind the curtain-lay a Bible upon the table, and advance a step or two towards the door to receive him. My uncle Toby saluted Mrs Wadman, after the manner in which women were saluted by men in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and thirteen-then facing about, he march'd up abreast with her to the sopha, and in three plain words -though not before he was sat down-nor after he was sat down-but as he was sitting down, told her, "he was in love"-so that my uncle Toby strained himself more in the declaration than he needed. Mrs Wadman naturally looked down, upon a slit she had been darning up in her apron, in expectation every moment, that my uncle Toby would go on; but having no talents for amplification, and Love moreover of all others being a subject of which he was the least a master-When he had told Mrs Wadman once that he loved her, he let it alone, and left the matter to work after its own way. My father was always in raptures with this system of my uncle Toby's, as he falsely called it, and wouldOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 215 often say, that could his brother Toby to his process have added but a pipe of tobacco-he had where- withal to have found his way, if there was faith in a Spanish proverb, towards the hearts of half the women upon the globe. My uncle Toby never understood what my father meant; nor will I presume to extract more from it, than a condemnation of an error which the bulk of the world lie under-but the French, every one of 'em to a man, who believe in it, almost as much as the real presence, " That talking of love, is making it." -1 would as soon set about making a black- pudding by the same receipt. Let us go on : Mrs Wadman sat in expectation my uncle Toby would do so, to almost the first pulsation of that minute, wherein silence on one side or the other, generally becomes indecent: so edging herself a little more towards him, and raising up her eyes, sub-blushing, as she did it-she took up the gauntlet-or the discourse (if you like it better) and communed with my uncle Toby, thus: The cares and disquietudes of the marriage state, quoth Mrs Wadman, are very great. I suppose so— said my uncle Toby : and therefore when a person, continued Mrs Wadman, is so much at his ease as you are—so happy, captain Shandy, in yourself, your friends and your amusements—I wonder, what reasons can in- cline you to the state- -They are written, quoth my uncle Toby, in the Common-Prayer Book. Thus far my uncle Toby went on warily, and kept within his depth, leaving Mrs Wadman to sail upon the gulph as she pleased. -As for children—said Mrs Wadman—though a principal end perhaps of the institution, and the natural wish, I suppop<% of every parent—yet do not2l6 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS we all find, they are certain sorrows, and very un- certain comforts ? and what is there, dear sir, to pay one for the heart-achs—what compensation for the many tender and disquieting apprehensions of a suffer- ing and defenceless mother who brings them into life ? I declare, said my uncle Toby, smit with pity, I know of none; unless it be the pleasure which it has pleased God- A fiddlestick ! quoth she. CD&apter tlje j3ttieieeut|u NOW there are such an infinitude of notes, tunes, cants, chants, airs, looks, and accents with which the word fiddlestick may be pronounced in all such causes as this, every one of 'em impressing a sense and meaning as different from the other, as dirt from cleanliness—That Casuists (for it is an affair of conscience on that score) reckon up no less than four- teen thousand in which you may do either right or wrong. Mrs Wadman hit upon the fiddlestick, which sum- moned up all my uncle Tobys modest blood into his cheeks—so feeling within himself that he had some- how or other got beyond his depth, he stopt short; and without entering further either into the pains or pleasures of matrimony, he laid his hand upon his heart, and made an offer to take them as they were, and share them along with her. When my uncle Toby had said this, he did not care to say it again ; so casting his eye upon the Bible which Mrs Wadman had laid upon the table, he took it up; and popping, dear soul! upon a passage in it, of all others the most interesting to him—which wasOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 217 the siege of Jericho—he set himself to read it over- leaving his proposal of marriage, as he had done his declaration of love, to work with her after its own way. Now it wrought neither as an astringent or a loosener; nor like opium, or bark, or mercury, or buckthorn, or any one drug which nature had bestowed upon the world—in short, it work'd not at all in her ; and the cause of that was, that there was something working there before-Babbler that I am! I have anticipated what it was a dozen times; but there is fire still in the subject-allons. C&apter jjjrtit. IT is natural for a perfect stranger who is going from London to Edinburgh, to enquire before he sets out, how many miles to Torh ; which is about the half way-nor does any body wonder, if he goes on and asks about the corporation, &c. — It was just as natural for Mrs Wadman, whose first husband was all his time afflicted with a Sciatica, to wish to know how far from the hip to the groin; and how far she was likely to suffer more or less in her feelings, in the one case than in the other. She had accordingly read Drake s anatomy from one end to the other. She had peeped into Wharton upon the brain, and borrowed * Graaf upon the bones and muscles ; but could make nothing of it. She had reason'd likewise from her own powers- laid down theorems-drawn consequences, and come to no conclusion. To clear up all, she had twice asked Doctor Slop, * This must be a mistake in Mr Shandy; for Graaf wrote upon the pancreatick juice, and the parts of generation.2l8 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS " if poor captain Shandy was ever likely to recover of his wound-?" -He is recovered, Doctor Slop would say- What! quite ? Quite : madam——— But what do you mean by a recovery ? Mrs Wad- man would say. Doctor Slop was the worst man alive at definitions; and so Mrs Wadman could get no knowledge: in short, there was no way to extract it, but from my uncle Toby himself. There is an accent of humanity in an enquiry of this kind which lulls Suspicion to rest-and I am half persuaded the serpent got pretty near it, in his discourse with Eve; for the propensity in the sex to be deceived could not be so great, that she should have boldness to hold chat with the devil, without it -But there is an accent of humanity--how shall I describe it?—'tis an accent which covers the part with a garment, and gives the enquirer a right to be as particular with it, as your body-surgeon. «-Was it without remission ?— "-Was it more tolerable in bed ? "-Could he lie on both sides alike with it ? "—Was he able to mount ahorse ? "—Was motion bad for it?" et extern, were so tenderly spoke to, and so directed towards my uncle Toby's heart, that every item of them sunk ten times deeper into it than the evils themselves-but when Mrs Wadman went round about by Namur to get at my uncle Toby's groin ; and engaged him to attack the point of the advanced counterscarp, and pele mele with the Dutch to take the counterguard of St Roch sword in hand—and then with tender notes playing upon his ear, led him all bleeding by the hand out of the trench, wiping her eye, as he was carried to his tentOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 219 Heaven ! Earth ! Sea!—all was lifted up—the springs of nature rose above their levels—an angel of mercy sat besides him on the sopha—his heart glow'd with fire— and had he been worth a thousand, he had lost every heart of them to Mrs Wadman. —And whereabouts, dear Sir, quoth Mrs Wadman, a little categorically, did you receive this sad blow ? -In asking this question, Mrs Wadman gave a slight glance towards the waistband of my uncle Toby s red plush breeches, expecting naturally, as the shortest reply to it, that my uncle Toby would lay his fore- finger upon the place-It fell out otherwise-for my uncle Toby having got his wound before the gate of St Nicolas, in one of the traverses of the trench opposite to the salient angle of the demibastion of St Roch ; he could at any time stick a pin upon the iden- tical spot of ground where he was standing when the stone struck him: this struck instantly upon my uncle Toby's sensorium-and with it, struck his large map of the town and citadel of Namur and its environs, which he had purchased and pasted down upon a board, by the corporal's aid, during his long illness —:—it had lain • with other military lumber in the garret ever since, and accordingly the corporal was detached into the garret to fetch it. My uncle Toby measured off thirty toises, with Mrs Wadman s scissars, from the returning angle before the gate of St Nicolas; and with such a virgin modesty laid her finger upon the place, that the god- dess of Decency, if then in being—if not, 'twas her shade—shook her head, and with a finger wavering across her eyes—forbid her to explain the mistake. Unhappy Mrs Wadman / -For nothing can make this chapter go off with spirit but an apostrophe to thee-but my heart tells me, that in such a crisis an apostrophe is but an220 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS insult in disguise, and ere I would offer one to a woman in distress—let the chapter go to the devil; provided any damn'd critic in keeping will be but at the trouble to take it with him. C&apter jrptotj. MY uncle Toly's Map is carried down into the kitchen. C&apter pptoiu* - AND here is the Maes — and this is the Sambre ; said the corporal, pointing with his right hand extended a little towards the map and his left upon Mrs Bridget's shoulder- but not the shoulder next him—and this, said he, is the town of Namur—and this the citadel—and there lay the French—and here lay his honour and myself- and in this cursed trench, Mrs Bridget, quoth the corporal, taking her by the hand, did he receive the wound which crush'd him so miserably here.-In pronouncing which, he slightly press'd the back of her hand towards the part he felt for-and let it fall. We thought, Mr Trim, it had been more in the middle,-said Mrs Bridget- That would have undone us for ever—said the corporal. -And left my poor mistress undone too, said Bridget. The corporal made no reply to the repartee, but by giving Mrs Bridget a kiss. Come—come—said Bridget—holding the palm ofOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 221 her left hand parallel to the plane of the horizon, and sliding the fingers of the other over it, in a way which could not have been done, had there been the least wart or protuberance-'Tis every syllable of it false, cried the corporal, before she had half finished the sentence- —I know it to be fact, said Bridget, from credible witnesses. -Upon my honour, said the corporal, laying his hand upon his heart, and blushing, as he spoke, with honest resentment—'tis a story, Mrs Bridget, as false as hell-Not, said Bridget, interrupting him, that either I or my mistress care a halfpenny about it, whether 'tis so or no-only that when one is married, one would chuse to have such a thing by one at least- It was somewhat unfortunate for Mrs Bridget, that she had begun the attack with her manual exercise ; for the corporal instantly ***** ********* ****** * * * * * * !»- Chapter IT was like the momentary contest in the moist eye-lids of an April morning, " Whether Bridget should laugh or cry." She snatched up a rolling-pin-'twas ten to one, she had laugh'd- She laid it down-she cried; and had one single tear of 'em but tasted of bitterness, full sorrowful would the corporal's heart have been that he had used the argument; but the corporal understood the sex, a quart major to a terce at least, better than my uncle222 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Toby, and accordingly he assailed Mrs Bridget after this manner. I know, Mrs Bridget, said the corporal, giving her a most respectful kiss, that thou art good and modest by nature, and art withal so generous a girl in thyself, that, if I know thee rightly, thou would'st not wound an insect, much less the honour of so gallant and worthy a soul as my master, wast thou sure to be made a countess of-but thou hast been set on, and deluded, dear Bridget, as is often a woman's case, "to please others more than them- selves-" Bridget's eyes poured down at the sensations the corporal excited. -Tell me-tell me, then, my dear Bridget, continued the corporal, taking hold of her hand, which hung down dead by her side,--and giving a second kiss-whose suspicion has misled thee ? Bridget sobb'd a sob or two-then open'd her eyes-the corporal wiped 'em with the bottom of her apron-she then open'd her heart and told him all. Chapter jwu MY uncle Toby and the corporal had gone on separately with their operations the greatest part of the campaign, and as effectually cut off from all communication of what either the one or the other had been doing, as if they had been separated from each other by the Maes or the Sambre. My uncle Toby, on his side, had presented himself every afternoon in his red and silver, and blue and gold alternately, and sustained an infinity of attacks inOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 223 them, without knowing them to be attacks—and so had nothing to communicate- The corporal, on his side, in taking Bridget, by it had gain'd considerable advantages-and conse- quently had much to communicate-but what were the advantages-as well as what was the manner by which he had seiz'd them, required so nice an historian, that the corporal durst not venture upon it; and as sensible as he was of glory, would rather have been contented to have gone bareheaded and without laurels for ever, than torture his master's modesty for a single moment-— -Best of honest and gallant servants !-But I have apostrophized thee, Trim / "once before-and could I apotheosize thee also (that is to say) with good company-1 would do it without ceremony in the very next page. Chapter wpt. NOW my uncle Toby had one evening laid down his pipe upon the table, and was counting over to himself upon his finger ends (beginning at his thumb) all Mrs Wadman?s perfections one by one; and happening two or three times together, either by omitting some, or counting others twice over, to puzzle himself sadly before he could get beyond his middle finger-Prithee, Trim / said he, taking up his pipe again,-bring me a pen and ink : Trim brought paper also. Take a full sheet-Trim! said my uncle Toby, making a sign with his pipe at the same time to take a chair and sit down close by him at the table. The corporal obeyed-placed the paper directly before him-—took a pen, and dipp'd it in the ink.224 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS —She has a thousand virtues, Trim / said my uncle Toby- Am I to set them down, an' please your honour ? quoth the corporal. -But they must be taken in their ranks, replied my uncle Toby ; for of them all, Trim, that which wins me most, and which is a security for all the rest, is the compassionate turn and singular humanity of her character—I protest, added my uncle Toby, looking up, as he protested it, towards the top of the cieling-That was I her brother, Trim, a thousand fold, she could not make more constant or more tender enquiries after my sufferings-though now no more. The corporal made no reply to my uncle Toby's protestation, but by a short cough—he dipp'd the pen a second time into the inkhorn; and my uncle Toby, pointing with the end of his pipe as close to the top of the sheet at the left hand corner of it, as he could get it-the corporal wrote down the word HUMANITY----thus. Prithee, corporal, said my uncle Toby, as soon as Trim had done it-how often does Mrs Bridget enquire after the wound on the cap of thy knee, which thou received'st at the battle of Landen P She never, an' please your honour, enquires after it at all. That, corporal, said my uncle Toby, with all the triumph the goodness of his nature would permit- That shews the difference in the character of the mistress and maid-had the fortune of war allotted the same mischance to me, Mrs Wadman would have enquired into every circumstance relating to it a hundred times-She would have enquired, an' please your honour, ten times as often about your honour's groin -The pain, Trim, is equally excruciating,-andOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 225 Compassion has as much to do with the one as the other- -God bless your honour ! cried the corporal- what has a woman's compassion to do with a wound upon the cap of a man's knee ? had your honour's been shot into ten thousand splinters at the affair of Landen, Mrs Wadman would have troubled her head as little about it as Bridget; because, added the corporal, lowering his voice, and speaking very distinctly, as he assigned his reason- "The knee is such a distance from the main body -whereas the groin, your honour knows, is upon the very curtain of the place " My uncle Toby gave a long whistle-but in a note which could scarce be heard across the table. The corporal had advanced too far to retire-in three words he told the rest- My uncle Toby laid down his pipe as gently upon the fender, as if it had been spun from the unravellings of a spider's web- -Let us go to my brother Shandy9s, said he. Cfcapter nviu THERE will be just time, whilst my uncle Toby and Trim are walking to my father's, to inform you that Mrs Wadman had, some moons before this, made a confident of my mother; and that Mrs Bridget, who had the burden of her own, as well as her mistress's secret to carry, had got happily delivered of both to Susannah behind the garden-wall. As for my mother, she saw nothing at all in it, to make the least bustle about-but Susannah was sufficient by herself for all the ends and purposes you hi. p226 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS could possibly have, in exporting a family secret; for she instantly imparted it by signs to Jonathan-and Jonathan by tokens to the cook as she was basting a loin of mutton ; the cook sold it with some kitchen-fat to the postillion for a groat, who truck'd it with the dairy maid for something of about the same value- and though whisper'd in the hay-loft, Fame caught the notes with her brazen trumpet, and sounded them upon the house-top—In a word, not an old woman in the village or five miles round, who did not understand the difficulties of my uncle Toby's siege, and what were the secret articles which had delayed the sur- render.- My father, whose way was to force every event in nature into an hypothesis, by which means never man crucified Truth at the rate he did-had but just heard of the report as my uncle Toby set out; and catching fire suddenly at the trespass done his brother by it, was demonstrating to Torick, notwithstanding my mother was sitting by-not only, "That the devil was in women, and that the whole of the affair was lust;" but that every evil and disorder in the world, of what kind or nature soever, from the first fall of Adam, down to my uncle Toby9s (inclusive), was owing one way or other to the same unruly appetite. Torick was just bringing my father's hypothesis to some temper, when my uncle Toby entering the room with marks of infinite benevolence and forgiveness in his looks, my father's eloquence rekindled against the passion-and as he was not very nice in the choice of his words when he was wroth-as soon as my uncle Toby was seated by the fire, and had filled his pipe, my father broke out in this manner. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 227 Chapter jcf^ttj* -npHAT provision should be made for con- J[ tinuing the race of so great, so exalted and godlike a Being as man—I am far from denying—but philosophy speaks freely of every thing 5 and therefore I still think and do maintain it to be a pity, that it should be done by means of a passion which bends down the faculties, and turns all the wisdom, contemplations, and operations of the soul backwards-a passion, my dear, continued my father, addressing himself to my mother, which couples and equals wise men with fools, and makes us come out of our caverns and hiding-places more like satyrs and four- footed beasts than men. I know it will be said, continued my father (availing himself of the Prolepsis), that in itself, and simply taken -like hunger, or thirst, or sleep-'tis an affair neither good or bad—or shameful or otherwise.- Why then did.the delicacy of Diogenes and Plato so recalcitrate against it ? and wherefore, when we go about to make and plant a man, do we put out the candle? and for what reason is it, that all the parts thereof—the congredients—the preparations—the in- struments, and whatever serves thereto, are so held as to be conveyed to a cleanly mind by no language, translation, or periphrasis whatever ? -The act of killing and destroying a man, continued my father, raising his voice—and turning to my uncle Toby—you see, is glorious—and the weapons by which we do it are honourable-We march with them upon our shoulders-We strut with them by our sides-We gild them—;—We carve them -We in-lay them-We enrich them-Nay, if it be but a scoundrel cannon, we cast an ornament upon the breach of it.—228 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS -My uncle Toby laid down his pipe to intercede for a better epithet-and Torick was rising up to batter the whole hypothesis to pieces- -When Obadiah broke into the middle of the room with a complaint, which cried out for an imme- diate hearing. The case was this : My father, whether by ancient custom of the manor, or as impropriator of the great tythes, was obliged to keep a Bull for the service of the Parish, and Obadiah had led his cow upon a pop-visit to him one day or other the preceding summer-1 say, one day or other—because as chance would have it, it was the day on which he was married to my father's house- maid-so one was a reckoning to the other. There- fore when Obadiah's wife was brought to bed— Obadiah thanked God- -Now, said Obadiah, I shall have a calf: so Obadiah went daily to visit his cow. She'll calve on Monday—on Tuesday—on Wednes- day at the farthest- The cow did not calve-no—she'll not calve till next week-the cow put it off terribly--till at the end of the sixth week Obadiah's suspicions (like a good man's) fell upon the Bull. Now the parish being very large, my father's Bull, to speak the truth of him, was no way equal to the department; he had, however, got himself, somehow or other, thrust into employment—and as he went through the business with a grave face, my father had a high opinion oi him. -Most of the townsmen, an' please your worship, quoth Obadiah, believe that 'tis all the Bull's fault- -But may not a cow be barren? replied my father, turning to Doctor Slop. It never happens: said Dr Slrp, but the man's wifeOF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 229 may have come before her time naturally enough- Prithee has the child hair upon his head ?—added Dr Slop- -It is as hairy as I am; said Obadiah.-- Obadiah had not been shaved for three weeks- Wheu - -u----u--------cried my father ; beginning the sentence with an exclamatory whistle -and so, brother Toby, this poor Bull of mine, who is as good a Bull as ever p—ss'd, and might have done for Europa herself in purer times-had he but two legs less, might have been driven into Doctors Commons and lost his character--which to a Town Bull, brother Toby, is the very same thing as his life- L—d! said my mother, what is all this story about ?- A cock and a bull, said Torick-And one of the best of its kind, I ever heard. THE END.printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON <$r CO. Edinburgh <5* London.This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2014