ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note The Rare Book & Manuscript Library Digital Rare Book Collections University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2014 7 i' J*Y 1 THE GARDEN 1 of Eloquence-* Conteyning the Figures Ip^fp of (Stammer anD Eljefouth, whence mnye bee gathered all manner of jflotoers, CouIo^iDmamenfs.Crozmv gBfiftj tton0, Tenues: anti -tfafytonai of fpccch, bery pyy- r" fitabic for all tijofc tijat be ftudtauai of ocisario fiDjataisf, anoalfo fyeipeti) much fa; ttjebcfc; ter bndrrftanuttig of tfjefyolp ^Citp= turefif. Set foorth in Enghjhe 7 by Henry Pccham Minifler. j ‘ > - 7 ■ 7 i; ANNO. 1*77. - 1^x6.a ! tjtljirir-^ ^imprinted at London, ^ in Fleetefirete, beneath the Conduite, at the Signe of Saint Iohn Euaungelift, by H. Iackibn. f't / i/ %TO THE RIGHT REVE- rend Father in God John Elmer, by Gods permiJlio^LordEiJhop ofLondon,Hen*- ty Pec ham wilheth a long 5c happy lyfe,with proiperous fucceilc in all Godly affayres. Hen we coniider and call to mind(right Rcucrcnd) the great might and worthincile of vvifedomc,tlicn d<5 vvc perfectly perccauC,5c cuidcntly ice, that god [! pf his goodneife hath poured forh his deuinc ver- _______jf toe into ibeminde of man, fine more largely, and much more aboundauntly ,then in any other creature vpon the face ofthe whole earth.Whereby he hath made man able, not onciye to gouerne himfelfe,and to liue after a moft goodly order, but alio to fubduc the menftrous beaffes to his will. By this diuyne vertue,& intellc&iue power,man doth fecke,fyndcout,and comprclicnd the caufcs ofthinges,hc doth meditateand muie vppon the wonder full workes ofGod, he fearcheth out the fecrcates of nature, 5c clymeth vp to the knowledge of Sapiencefupcmaturall,he leameth the cunning rcafons ofnumbers,the Mathematical demonftratios, the motions of Bars,the courfe5c alteration of tymes,thcmufical coient of harmonics,5c c'iacrfity of tunes,he conceiueth trim deuiles, 5c is fui of many profitablcand pleafant inuentions,hc feeth what is comely for his dignity,and to what ende he is created,w'hich no other is abk to do. And to the end that this foueraign rule ofreafo* mightfpread abroadc her bcwtifull branches, 5c that wildome might bring forth moil plentiftilly her fweete andpleafaunt fruitcs,for the comon vie 5c vtillity of makind,the Lord God hath ioynedto the mind of ma fpccch,v/hich he hath made the inilrunientofour vnderftandin2,5c key ofeonccptions, whereby we open the fecreates of our hartes,5c declare our thoughts to other,and herein it is that we do lb far paife and exccll all other creatures,in that we haue the gifte offpccch and rea(bn,and not they, for we lee what difference there is betweene thofe men in vvhome thefe two vertues do finally appearc, 5c brute Beaffes that haue no vnderftanding . Therefore how worthy of higli commendations arc thofe men, that pcrceiuing this, do bc-Po we their fludyes, their trauayle , and their tyme , to obtayne Wyfcdome,and Eloquence, the cmelye Ornamentcs, whereby mannes lyfc lsbcwtifycsL and a prayfe mode prccyous purchafcd. i 0bD297 A.ij. ForTJjsEpiJlle. For by thefe ¡manner of ftudies, we ice that many haue attayned to à great excclency in their kinde,who haue got to tftemfefues & their countrey,many commodities : cloathed themfelues with ample ho-noures : and deferued by their worthy works to be prayfed for eucr ofpofteritic.Ofthis forte among the Grecians, we fee was Demo-ftenes,Plato, Ariftotle : among the Latines, Marcus Tullius Cice-roj Lucius Craftus, Marcus Antnonius,Fabius Quintilianus, mofte £ imous and renowned Orators,and many other moe,who by their earneft trauayles, obtayned thefe two moil notable treafures : whole excellent wifHome is now wôdered at,and their iynguler eloquence had in great admyration,whole worthy prayfes the iniury of tyme ihall neuer be able to oppreffe, nor the deuouring courfe of yearcs ftrongynough to abolilh or darken the brightneile of their glory i for their honoures poftcrity ihall vphold,and their noble renowne, cuerlafting memory ihall mayntayne: whofe worthy works may be fufficient exâples how we fhould apply our ftudies,which are both fraughted with great wifedome , and garnifhed with goodly Eloquence. Many not perceiuingthe nigh and neceilàry coniun&ion ofthefc two precious Iewels,dee eytheraifcct fyneneiTe of ipceche, and negleft tne knowledge ofthinges,or contrarywile couet vnder-ftanding, & contemne the arte of Eloquence : and therfore it com-meth to paiïè,that foch take great paynes,and reape final 1 profytes ; they euer ieeke,and neuer fynde the thing they would fayneft haue, the one forte of thefe fpeake much to (mail purpofe, and the other (though they be wife) are notable aptly to expreile their meaning. From which calamity they are free that doe vie a right iudgement in applying their ftudies fo, that their knowledge mayebeinyned with apt vtterance^ind their copie of fpeech with matter ofimpor-taunce, that is to iaye, that their Eloquence maye be wile, and their wifedome eloquent. And therefore (right Reuerend) When of late I had confydered the needefull afsiftaunce that the one of thefe do re-quyrc of the other , that wifedome doe requyre the ligh'te of Eloquence, and Eloquence the fertility of Wyfedome, and few many good bookes of Philofophy and préceptes ofwyfedome,fet forth in engliih,and very few ofEloquence : I was of a fodaine mooued to take this litttle Garden in hande^nd to fet therein fuch Fyguratyuc Flowers,both of Grammer and Rhetorick,as doeyeeldethe fweete feuour of Eloquence,& prefent to the eyes the goodly and bewtifiil ; coulorscoulors ofEloquution: filth as fhyfcc in out ipcccli like the glorious ftars in Fkmament:iuch as bewtify it,as fiovurs of frridry coullors, a gallant Garland: fuels as garnifh it,as precious pearles, a gorgicu$ Garment: fuche as delight the eares,as plcaiaunt reports,repetiens, and running poyntes in Mutick,whoft vtiiity is fo great,that 1 cannot fufiiciently pray fo them,and the knowledge of them fo neccfia-ry,that no man can reade profitably,or vnderftand perfeftlye, ey-tner Poets,Oratours,or the holy Scriptures,without them: nor a-ny Oratoure able by the waightof his worries, to perfwade his hearers,hauing no helpc of them : But being wcl Bored with fuch plau-fible furniture,how wonderfully fhall his pcrfvvaiions take place in the mindes of men,and his wordes pearce into their inward partes? For by Fygures,as it were by iiindry ftreamc$,that: great reaDe Inhere to the Difputer of this too;lde. 3(n Traduftio, fo; the poet« call Polyploton,read the poet« call Polyptoton. 3nPoi ytind, fo; Antana&afis, reaDe Antanaclafis. 3n T axis, fo; confcten«, reade conciono. 3|n Profopcia, reade Profbpopcia. ^Other errors which remaync behinde,wc pray thee gentle Rcadct to marke and amende them.• ' ^b.b,.\v innari s W. • • ' ¿-:tr£v. oí :. " ' • (. . ■ . . , i . ... r* -, ì * . *■ •'* - ' •• L - • : * ' ' ■ 1 ’ r- : :lú ;% • - * ' J .tv.;,‘.ib*rìiì /to'! u. y,’.'--; .•! siivi-í - rv - ; ‘ i'VC 'j . ■ f . .,-, . y ' >03; fílíOÍ .;. i 1 ,'•. p.i ■: K’ li? 3 si ,1 if.r. /o' ;í f¡ ñ V ó ■>; y. '1 r'iVÍ El" •>'o- ' . ^ 3: ./; ?:h: ír’H. /j lí1» tf »'•Sí i. ' ’ r;V 7 _, ¡,. > ■;.:a il. 4u. - î ■■ • ■ ' l qi l!| •o El 8,3 ¿■% V' > ¡o T£ m$¿ lio VIS '..i I lfe*. Q * s loi ,0i ■ til .50 * r; ?. 'ii-.Z-: ’ft.' : : .. üi-ño '-i «F; •J - )':• C -ir.ri un í/z'r ttE .sí- + *> i .r¿3 Ufe5a5ÍJ!Og55ñr(n^5^bnubthinges loerc Inefl fet out,matters lucll erp^ef* feD,anD caufes txielt commcnDeo,anD that bv tran nation thep might bttcr their minors largcip,an0fcf fo;th anp matter0 ioith greatperfpccuitpano pleafauntncirc, pcrcepuingalfo tbat it brought often times great Delectation to the bearers, bp reafon of the fimillituOe,£>?afourcs of purpefe >euen then tohen there boas no neebc,refufeDfuchlooiDcs as lucre* pcr,anD hab little ftoietenc(re,o? rife coulo not Declare the na* ture of the thing fo tuell,ano bfeD ioo>Ds tranGatcD from the ne*t,that is, ftich ao lucre molt like fo other,as ftneramplc, tnhen lue might fap property,men continue in their luickeb* netre,anDluiUnotbeconuertco, luethtnke it map be better fapb bp tranflafeb fpcechjthus, men Humber in tuieheDncOTe, anD nrefofaftaOeepe infmne,thatluhenthepbecalleD,fhep heare not,pea,although pe call anD crp to them in their earcs,, pet can thep not aluakc,fo.: thep heare pou not, thus this fen* temp i* much menoeb bp bo:rolueb fpeccb, anD the reafon is, that the fentence Doth pjefenilp fink into the minD of the hea* rer,bp thinking on the (mullituoe,fin luhen he Doth heare the fpeakcrfap,men flumber anDfleepe in finne,he i3 bjought in minD ft might loap, to tbinkc on them that be in n DeaD fieepe miD eannofn luakcnebjanD as the hcamitcffe of fleepc boetb: fipp;elTccpp:eíTe tbe minoe,ano fences,ano asttbiere, erpelltbero cut cf the boop,cuento Doth tbc bearer tbinfec ano bnoerffano that men being odigbteo in tbe fplibineife of (fane, baue no Oefp:e o.: mil to fo:fafec their bncfeeO life,although tbep be m* tier to often ano carnclflp calleo bp p:eacbtng, o; anp other mcanesjliUeiuifembenUiefap, fucb a one is infangleo in troubles: the bearer if raigbt toap Doth tbinfee on a Jfoule, o¿ anp other thing that is intanglco ano b):apf in a $ef, ano as be fenotoctb the thing that is once in the net,bafb baro getting out,to both be bnoertfano that fucb a one being infangleo in froublcs,tsinamtfcrablecafe,in libe manner áDjatoures, after íbep bao founo that tranflation maoetbeir fpeecb botb e* nioent ano pleafaunt,oio berp much bfc it, enen ofpurpofe to make their fp&cb both mamfeif ano gallant,fo: as a gar* mentíüasfpelto;u¿fcoío Defend ano feeepc tbe boop from colo,ano after bfco to beíntífp ano oeefe tbe fante,euen to tram flationbmsfp:iHnuenicobpncccfittp,but nob) bfeo efpeci* allp fo: perfpecuitp,pleafauntuefre,ano crcellcncp,f in beeoe aniD:aticn is greatlp inricbeo, toben mite spetapbo:s, «no apt 0ligo:ies are oeutfeo ano bull applpeo fo tbe matter, butbout tbe tubteb no ¿D’atour ibal be able fo perfbmoe toel, o: caufe bis bearers fo tafee anp oelcttation in bis fpéecb, anO therefore berp requinte ano néeoeful if is,t&at an 2D:atour be toe ll furmfbeo bJttb bis fpgures. om,b)be a too:o is franflai co from tbe p:oper i na* um «i ügniffcaíionyto another not p;oper,b«t peí nie ano ^2Dropes of toóles are there. Aíetaphora,Aíetonmia)Sjnecdochei Antonomafia, Onomatop Qatacre* Jis,AAetalepJis }JntipbraJis}Aciriiogia 31B.W. Wirt?,iifeelp,an& that epther fo?*nccelfttp,o? die foi pleafaurttnelie, ihrs tranflation is fallen from manp places, andefpeciallp from feefe follofetng. F^rft, toe (ran(late a ferc?y from the fences of the boop, to the thinges in fb c mind,that is,tohen bp ¿tip too ?d tobith is proper to tbc fences,toe fignifp Come thing belonging tc tbe tmnd,tohicb tranflation is berpbiuutl f common,but chiefs Ip from the fight, Inbicb the moft principal! $ perfect fence, FHom tbe fight, as to tap,3 fee fehaf pour pretence is beep Indi,bere tbe tranciatici! is from the fighte foibe minoe, fo? p;opcrlp toe cannot fap,tue fee mens piefences f tbougbis tobteb cannot be feme,but onlp perceaucd bp fonie tdsen,and bnoerficno bp fome reafon,anb bccaufc tbc mint» ano tbe light bo mucb refemblc one another, toe map fed bc;rcto of tbe one ano beare it to p other, foj as the figbte dreearnctb tbingfc, bp their fourmes, and ccllburcs,ano fee lotjat tbcp be,fo liUc» tnife tbe mino, bp tbe potoer miclectiuc,dotb tmderfiad truth from falfbojo, right from to?ong,aud honeft meanings, from guilfull and fnbiiil Deuifes,and alfo becaufe the figbt is a fure fence, and bloomc decepucd, foe that iufjtctj lue fee, fee be* leeue it to be fo, therefore feben fee bndertfand a fbtr.g fcerp feell, fee map fapfecfeeit,fpgmfpmg tbercbp,tbatfecdoe as feel peccaue it,as if if feerc a thing tifiblc, tobith ourepes boe perfectlpe behcloe,from tbe figbt diners figmfpcaf ions bo fallen, as 2.Chronicle .9. 0nd feben fee sQucene of Saba ban feene ihe feifedome of Salomon,fo?,bnderfic3de the feifedome tf Salomon : Prouer. 20. $ iking that lofectl) fedi about him, bjpuetb afeape all euill, fo?, a iking that hath a care fo* the god gouernmenf e of hps people , dzpueth afeape all eutll: Aggcuw. |3ou lohed fo? much, and loe it is come to little,fo?,pou hoped fo? much.fc.Snpien3.3n the fight of the tmtoife,thep appeareto dpe,fo;,iniheiudgementof the bn* tuifc.i e. Ecde. 2 o,®iftcs blinde the epcs of the toife,fej,gifts get fauour,and cauto tolto men tonegleitjuaicefallo,let nottf)gf£itij3rimnckeatl)t3ronne3t3ire0,fci, Icinofjbc jfatber Dtflemble at his ionites bices,a totfe man tot! fame cfppc tbe follp ofttjc t»utotfe,anS3 tbe guiles of fubfill men,fo; peraraue the foilsanD gutles,to l©fce fo;,fomc*mtc fpgniftetb,to hope fo?,as in L'uke.2.8nb iajfeco fo; the confolation of iirac!i,fome time to feare, 3 I®kc fo: nothing elfc at their banbs,but forne tooapne mtfcbicfe. lohn.p .SLbat tbep tobicb fee not,might fee, foj,that tbep tobirb bnber&attO nof, might bnberfianb, noto as the fight ts often bo;rotoeD,fo fignifp bnber&mmng anb knotolcbge of the minb,fo blinDnefie tohicb is tbe Ioffe o; lack of fight,to bfeb mans times foi igiio^aunce,tobtib to the lark of¬oleDge,anDthai berp often in tbe bolp Scriptures, Paule totbeRomaynes.0nDtbcirfo!iibbarte toas biuibeb. Marke.8.^auc poopourbeartesret blm0e0.2.Conn.3 iBuf thetrminbs toere blinoeD, fomctime tbe fence of feeing, is ap^ plpeb to other fences,as Abacuck.2.3 tftobe bpon mp toatch, anb fet me bpon ntp Bultoarke, to laiitc ano fee tobat fhep tooulo fap tmto me,fo;,bears tobat tbep tooulb fap bnto me. pHom tbe bearing, as to fap, (but not pom* eares again# A reafon,fo i,refufe not renio,beare tbe complapnt of tbe if a* tbcrlcffeanb Mlibboto,fo.i,fuccouranbapDe tbe jfatberleffe anb ££HtbDoto,tobPit tbep crpe Unto tb® : lltkctopfe in lere-my.n.2Lbougb tbep crpe, 3? toil not beare them,fo> ,3 toil nof belpc tbem. Pioucrb.jy.^e that is fcomefult, toill not beare toben be ts co:rcitcD,foj,be tbaf is fcomful, both bate co^rec* tion.Proucr.28, f£e tbnt turned atoap bis eare from bearing tbe lato*bis piaper toall be abbommablejfo^be that befptfefb tbe lato,fc. Halm. 81 ^p people tooulo nof beare mp bopcc, foi,toou!b not obepmpbopce.kiày.33. Ideare noccunccH a? gapnff innocent? blcoo/oj,content to no coinedl agapnftc innocente blouo. A£hApoft.4. M better it be rights in tbe figbt of CM>2D ,to harken Onto pou, mo^e then Onto CD 2D 2D* f ubge potate;, to obep peu,rather then CDoo, ttioge pou.Tíie Garden of Eloquence. •[From the Smelling. i e fmelltng,as to fap,Cicero fmclled otif the bngra* about the titter deífructiou of Rome, fo:, Cicero fufpctted ano after pcrceaueD the totgracious enterp¿ifcs.$c.T erence.SDotb mp jratber fateli out anp thing,fo:,fafpctt anp thing 3 Doe fmcll no truth in pour tale,fo¿,pcrccauc no truth in pour tale,eommonlp thep tic to fap, toben a report Doth fàtue in* credible,tbis fmclles libe a lpe,alfo, 3 fateli tobereabout pou goe,foi,pereeaue tobereabout pou goe, tu dáde this reponte hath fonte fauour of truth in it, foj,3 tuDge this to be true,this tranflation toe bfe,toben toe gather thtngee bp fuf* pieton,fo¿ aa toentap fmcll Diuers tbinges,toben toe cannot fee them, fo maptoe gather bp fonte reafons, both to fafpecte anD tuDge of matters,although toe Doe not Imoto them : 0nd therefore the plcafauntntiTe of the Cmilltfudc,raufetb men tjerp ofte to bfe tranOation, fo¿,toe toill fap toben toe per* ceaucfome maní letode eonoictons, 31 fatellberp toei! tohat pou are.Iob,39.^e fmelleth the battaple a farre of, Eccle^-, 8 ftoàte fmcll it ts before the bigbeft. pofe, foi, pcrceaueD bto craftppurpofe,Iob.i9. SEbcbande of ©00 hatb touched me,foi,puntlheD me.Sapicn. 18 JEbe tep* tatione of Death touched tberightuou0,fo2,troubleD the righ* tuous.Iol1n.5-.anD that toiefeed touchefh him not, feu, temp* teth hint not,3! touched hint totll thep fap.tohen thep tbinefce thep baue toith nipping toojds angered 0ne.Ecde.14.anD is not packed toith the Confctence of Cline, Danyel, 13. jSCbep tocre both toounded toith the loue of her. u. • From the tailing, pftom the iafftttge,astohentoefape,mantsbo;nefofatt of many carce,foi,to be moleffed toith manp cares, to •[[From die touching or feeling. 'Uom the touching,o¿ fading,as to fap,3 feele pour intent, fo;,imdcrlfano pour intent,3 quiefelp felt his craftp pur* talfe, UVUUTL VU' The Garden of Eloquence. , taffe,fignifpetbfomtime to p¿oue,o; fo baue fonte erpertence, a0 tait pou of i)t0 ßffiDneCd/o; 3 ba ue alreaop fait eO of tt,foj p¿ouepou bis gcoúncffe,fq¿3¡tmolD itfoell pnougball rcaop» ïliUefoifé Cicero to Atticus,pou map falte tbaf man,fo>, pou mat! p¿oue o? f rpc tbat manv Pfalme.34. ¿alte ano fée boto graciouo tbe &o¿o i0,fo’,trpebofo gradousibe ïlo^o Í0, He-bmes.2.0no baue taltcD oftjjpbeauenip gifte*,fc^bauebaooe l^noUsieDsc of tt>ç ^eaucntr <> au i mi vdku ÇFrom thinges in the minci» pftomtbingeoinfbeminoe, a? fofape,berei0ainofuH ¿m * toouno, ano tbe acbe Í0 berp aitgrp,bere noto toofull ano angrp,be toojôs picper to tbe mince,pet bcre bp f ranßafion, tbep fignifp ttje paffïôs of tbe boop.Eccle.2.Mbatfoeuer mine ei'eiDefp^eDJlettbem baue it.^erelfeetoife,Salomon ap> ' ■ "JLÍ‘ I plpetb tbe too¿o pjoper fo tbe minoc,to a fence of tbe boop,fo; our epeo baue no oeffre0,p'et bp tranflation,toe map applp oefp?e0 fo tbe cpc0,ano Délectation to tbe eare0,s libe* íiiir&í ófcUíM toife anp otbcr affection of tbe mino,fo tbe fence0 of tbe boop, ItUea0DûtbSalomon}tübcnbefap|H;,tbeepe i$ not fatiffpeo, . tüitb Ogbf,noj tbe eare totfb bearing,a!fo in libe maner faptb Ecclefiaftkus.i4.acouetcu0man0cpe,batb neuer pnougb, Pralm.ió.^píongucfapíb2Dau¿o,Uía0glabr anomp glo;p il rciopcco» 4UMimUi M-Wfctio’itaWlfFrôm tlicvnreafomble. pîîom tbe bnrcafonable,to t&e reafonable,a$ fo fap,tbe tiu . UÍOU0 man,octb bife p¿milp,ano tbe couetouo man Ootb e» nertobpnefo¿toant,tbecrafípflaftercr crept into bis bo* ferne,ano at tbe lait oio bencmouüp ffing bim, fée tbep toa!¿ IoUî tn toc!ib>ano ftoirn in p?ofperifp,pct litte tbep in grcat calamitp,be crcto in bannie of bi0 bicto?p,a falfe frieuo abp* oetb ¿n túne of p^ofperifp, but inaouerfptpebetabctbbps ûrsbt. CD©o toife,pour cacbiing berame pou not. ££bus pcw te boto too’00 tbat be p:opcr fo tbe bnreafonable créatures, are applpeoto tbe reafonabîe: foi bpting ie moff pjoper fo ^cggc0, tobpning to gigges,creeping ano ffingtng to flooer* anoThe Garden of Eloquence. ano Snakes,foaltotoing to Rogges,fbnmmihg fo jfitbes, eroding fo Cockes,ftpMg fo foulee, ano cackling to Benties. ^|5oUj token mens manners be fuel) as cannot be erp;effcO britb tbofe,foo;me0,fobicb ooe p jcperlp belong fo men, teas bo:rototoo;Dc0ofibefeb;utcbeaifes, ano otber creatures toanting reafon,fo tobtclj oftbetr qualltftes, fueb manners Docrnolferefemble.Pialme jfa:tbento)oulD3i flpeano beat rc&,tbe fante.38.3 roareDfo; fbe DtfqupefneflTe of mp foule.Efiy.f 5.^10 tnafebmen be not able to barke. ludith.i6 SDben botolcb tbe arrnp of tbe Afsirians.Ieremy.5- .Cnerp ma neigbefb atbis neighbours tmfe *3.Rcg.p. Cuerp one that paflretbbpiballbrflTe. f[ From the reaibnabte,to the vnreaibnablc, pKom tbe reafonable,fo p bnrcfonable,as fo far,tbe tttouiv ** mng 2Doue,tbe muftcal nightingale,f be Ibamfalf ¿Dtule, alfo to call a j&ecocke p;otooe,a ftauen inpie,a dDofe fcolilb, a $pe craf£p,likefoufe of beat?cs, tbe call a Upon pjotooe, a Boje cburltfib,a Bull tfoute,a SDogge flaitiermg,a ifojc fuf* tleanbcraftp. From the lyuing,to the lyuelefle. pitom tbe liumg,iofbe lmeleire,as to fap,£ &ca ootb rage, r tbe Itreame both ro;e,tbe frolt ootb bite,time flpctfj atoap* JukefcnfeiMtbnofone0,tbu0,afurtous tempetf, alofojing oap,abungrpgrcuno. PiaIme.5.2SlIibicb fttllefb tbe raging of tbe fea,in tbe fame ¿f.SDbelittlebite(ball retopce,tbeballepes (balltfanD fo tbick britb Co;ne,fbat tbep tball laugb i Cng .Prouer,23.0t latt it biteib f itingeibjmeaning ercefife of imne ano t^onkjV neffe^Efdra.^urtuickcDneflrearegrotncn oner otir beaocs. Iob.Cbe tempelf tfealefbbimatoap in tbe nigbie.Efay.25* jfP’efljall oenoure tbem.Pfilme.io5. &beearfbfi»allcfoco bp Dathan.Pfelmc 4o migbtp grefo tbefoo;o of ®oo,ano pmtapleo, Paule.2,Corinth,i.Cbatmo^talitpe might be ftoailotneo bp sflpfe. ^Frora 1 . -4The Garden of Eloquence. ^ Fr otri the fyneleiïèjto the lyuing. plîom ti# ittici effe, to the li?utng,as tofa&a spapoc thatis A betotifullnnöbjsaue, both ibpne, tobteh ts proper to tbs jfe>urmc,$pojne, ano Starres : ìlpkctopie,toc call a feuere Biuoçe fl?aip,tohteh is proper to troles, to eapcns,2lhc;ne0, c; anp fuco lpfee,a üill man , o¿ he that bfeth fein 100200, xlofe, tobtcbUîo;Det0moâp2oper to CheCesanbCofe«, tohich fceepc thingeß clofc ano fecrete from mens 6gbte , fo both fucb a one fceepe hts connects frô other mis Knotolebge: Iipfcctopfe toe lap,he that is pittilcffc, hath a Itonp bearte. jfoj fo fapth, £Dbat ftonp heart totll | take out, Abacutk.iXbe Caldcs that bitter anb fbarp people. Pfàlm. Ho.&bep IharpeneD their tongues. fcutb ad taught others thalt glitter* Pauk Coloíi 3.ü5enot bitter btv to them. ^[From the vnreafonabîe,to the ynrcatbnahk, P Uom the bn reasonable,to the bnreafoitabie ,as tofafS? x theftebingÄs, f From the 1 yuelefTe, to tíre lyirclcíTc. Fî>to u the IpiieteiTe, to the IpuclcCMs tobf tue fap,tfeed Docth bui, hatrcDDoth bloflbmc, betotp Doth topther,am gcr Doth hpnole, ano Defies Doc burne : ïUUetopfc to fap, a golDcn berle,afpicb p;afe,a flototng fpcecb, a loae toeapon, a ftoeete office,tbc toaucs of toieftebnrlTe. Prouerb.i 7. £¿1 if* Dome Ihpneth in the face of him that hath tmoerlfan&tng A-bacudc.i.che lato is tome in péeces.Paule. i.Corinth.ij .<5# will too;os, Doe corrupt groo manners.Proucrb. 2Cbe nams nf the bngoblp (hall Cinche, lob. 20 ,?K8ben totcftebnelTe toad ftoœte in hts mouth. Ecclc.ó.^toátetoOíbes Doe multiplet frienbes. ÇFrom mens doinges. p Horn mens Doings ano pjacttfes,as in Lukc.22. featbaif 1 hath Dcfp^cD to fpftc vott.Efay.2i.2Dhou arte he tohom e J C.j. ipußThe Garden of Eloquence-. mufl ib:eib.Iererny.4.feoto not among 'jÇfcû:ne0.Agg,i.ÿ>e fotoe milcbe, bnng StttTc im’ioK4tt)at plotoe iniqmtp,reapetb tbe fame. fbep cltitic bp to lpeauen.Paule.Ephef.jfoj toc to’aüle not agapnt blcoD anö fleffl.Pial, li.CbattoepmappimilpihGJicattbem, Paule,1, Corinth;3,3s baue planteD, Apollo toatereö,but C?cö geuetb the tncreafß.Efay.ioJ^e ihaü beto Dotone tbe pißtoö Jere.8, ' ¿bep beale tbe barte of mp people teerp ÜenDerlp : Hike* topfe, fo toa!ke,io ¿tumble,to Ûyoe, io fal,to figbMo runne, iabutlD,to toounö,anö manp otber SSeebebbe often bfeo spe* iapbo;iealip. From Subftantiues. “pHom ^übiïanttue^as Pfalm.up JDbp too;ö to a ILamt* A ternetentompfæfe,anDalpgbitettfomppaibee, in tbe fame.91.lpto trutb Ibalbe tbp fljfclD ano llflttcbfcr. Paulen» ThciIa,^,0rmeö toitb tbebjeftplate of jfaptb. Machab.6, ©reat to tbe ftoo'of heauinen, tobicb 3am corne mfo.Eiày.i, #11are toounöe0,botcbe«,f0..ies,anö ftrppc« . Nah.3,2Lbp toounb cannot be biMbp plague to fo foie. lob 6. 2Lbe#tv rotoes of fbe £Umtgbtp are about me, lament » Icrem, 2. 0 flame of fpje to kpnöles in Jacob. Prouerb. 26Æbû fo Dpg* gefbapif4c.Pfalni,9i.S)eituerme from tbe fnare of tbe Itemter.Toby.Cbou flafle of our age.Efay, 29.2lbcu fbalfe be tiflteD toitb flojmeano tempeit Job,6.2Tbe patbes that tbep goe in are crajfee&.Iob^&ct me be toapeb in an eueti SSallaunce. Mathew,2 o.0re pe able to öjincke of tbe Cuppe tbat4c.Marc.4.Cbelparuelïtogreat, anö tbe labourer« arefeto,Lukc.4.pbifitponbealefbp feife. Efay.çô. 2£be Wolfe ans tbe iiambe ¿all feetse together. Paule, Ephef.y, gglojtou* congregation toitbout fpotte 01 tenincklc : tpere in tbefe fetitence0,!launtern,îligbfyPaibc0f&bielô,315uc^ 1er,Äeftplaie,j?iouö,Wo«nos,lißotcbes,^e0,stripe«, #rrotoß0,iFlamc,j?p2e, pif* êmare, Îpuntcr, ôtaffe, &io^me,Rempelt, )iBaüaunce>Cup, Iparucfl, pbrüttoit, . molktThe Garden of Eloquence. Mclf^ilambe^pot, n?forfe(e,baue nettheir proper % nifpcaitoti,bui by transition do ggnifge cttjer things, ntucb like tonto ¿besn* ^Metonimia. lEtonimb/ljoben of thingco that be nigh tege* her, toce put one name fo; another, ano this haunge of name to manp toapeo tofeo. if p;tt, i»bcn toe put the inuenio;,fo; the thing inue* eD:2le Ceres fo; frutie,Bacchus fo; tofne, Ve-nus iu..i Cvii ticiii iuif,fo; fo Doth Tcrence put them: toben h® fapetb,tDitbOui Geres anOBacchus, Venus to coloe. iipUe* toife, toe put Cupid fo; loue,Mars fo; toarre, Vulcane fo; fp;e, Neptune fo; the ^ca,Mofes fo; the 3lato, Ch;ift fo; the Cofpcli. lohn^-^ne that accufefh pou,euen Mofes, fo;,the JLatoe Of Moies.Paule.2.Coritith,.5.3®lben Mofes to reo, fo;, toben the ilatoe of Mofes to reb,tn the fame ,5-, gf angc man be in Ctm#, tfjc fame to a neto Creature, fo;, tn tbe fapth of Cbnit :lLtfeetotfc toe tofe Weapons fo; toarre3ao in Exodus, ^iiealt there happen epfbcr pelf ilence 0; ftoo;oe, fo;,epther penitence 0; toarre. Math ,10.3 came not to feno peace, but a Ctoc;o,fo;,noi peace but toarre ♦ #lfo tn this place,topees are putfo; them,in tohatoetbepbe,as fo cal one letcberp,that is Setcberouo,ano him couefoufnelTe,thatts co* uetouOjano Ufcetopfe.toerf ueo fot toertuouo men. feeconOlp, toben tbe contegner io put fo; tbaf,tbaf to cofepneD,ao 3]falp wnnqt be oucrcome bp toarre,no; ©race bp learning, fo;, the men in fbofe countrepo.Genef d.jOjeeartb toao co;rupt b'efo;e ©oD,fo;,the people Upon tbe eartb.f c.Pfalm. ¿.iietfe i^eauen ano earth p:apfe htm,fo;, tbe ^apnfes anD people of, earffr,;* Iudith, 16^t bat& IbetoeD me all bio heart,fo;, all tbe recreates of bi* bearte. Math. 1 o 0t ibalbe eafgcr fo;Sodom atto Gomor tn that oap, fo;, tbe people of Sodom anoGomoj-, alfc4fofap tbe Jarrell tea C,j, isThe Garden of Eloq uence* ts tounefee íjp,fo¿ tbe toinebe w tïjc ïBarrcÜ. Cbirolp, tobet* tljat t^at is contapneb* is pci foj ttje contarne r.tobitb is cc? tapncD to tljat abone,as to fap,3 met bim toitb topne m bis bano,föj,fbe]Botci llöole tobitbbolöefb ttje topne. jfoisríblp, toben tb.e efficient raufe is totoerßcjo eftbc cfTcct,aiS io fap, jDeafb is paleteare fab,anger bnüp,torne beinola age ero? feeö,tbe nigbt impuDenklouefœlin^mnncfoemerrp* l£ere toe Do not toiöcritanö tbaí Deatb is paleteare fab, anger ba* ftp,bat tbat Deatb öotb mabe patojeare maketb fao,anD an? germaketbbaftp; Anbfoliketoipfe of tbe reß,tobicb bc not as toe ñame tbem,but are can fes tobteb boe mafec fo ío bee* ^o fapetb Cbjiít.3¡ am tbe refurrcction of tbe be is not tbe refurrectton,but tbe caufe tbat matte tbe Deao to rpfe agarn.ÍLiketopfe tbe ^jopbet SDautom tbe.8i.pfalm faptb* 315 Jngbetber íbe2Datoet,tbc merrp t^arpe, toitb tbe Ilute* i^ere be cateíb tbe barp merrpmoí meaning tbat ít is merrp, but tbat it maketb men merrp , toítbibc mancati founöe* Efay.38.3j baue cdûDereD tbp fearestberc fifcetopfe tea res, be put fo? fo^roto,tobteb mafecíb anD caufefb íeares. ifrftelp,, toben tbe effea iß gaíbereD bp tbe efficient, contrarr fo tbat uept abone, as Na.3.2Sut toben tbe funne is bpjbep flpe a* toar,tbat is,toben it is Dap Joíúa,r,Mbofoener betb Dtfobcp tbr moüfb,tbat is to far,tbe tootoee of ibp mouíb.kcele. 4 o* A frienolp tongue goeíb bepono fbem botb, foi, fnenííp toojDes.Math.27.l^is bl©D be on bs> nnD our Cbiîô?en,foj, tbe mcríttes of bis blmD.&írflp, toben toe puf tbe Auctbour foj tbe toojfteJbus be fpent long time in Plato}nnD eftámet» mucb of Liuius, be fougbt out Argumentes in Aníiotie,an& éloquence in Cicero,foj tbeir toc ¿efees libetopfe,toe Die tbe Cuangeliftes,íb¿ tbe CDofpels tbep tojote, ano tbe Apolles, fo} tbeir Cpíítles. feeuentblp, toben a Ccuerttettr oj Cap? fapne isptif bis kubiertes o¿ ¿ouI^po;s,tbus,Hanmbai toas flapn of Sci,piovere Hanmbal is put fo¿ bis ¿otifDpojts ano boße,tob&febe le&agapnfttbe Romayn«, being tbeir ♦ Captar ne,snb Scipio Ito tbe Romaynes, of tobom libetopfe 'w toas Captarne, atto ba^bebictojr. Cpgbflp, toben toee pafcThe Garden of Eloquence. put the fignc,fo: fbe thing fpgmfpeo,as fbe Scepter fo; the ïüingOome,tbe feiucjoe, fo; the spaicftrafe,tbe Ballaunce, fo; Cqintp,tbe Cbapn, fo: fconBagc,tbc &epc s,fo; office ano. poioer,tbe Hco fo; Cd;rection, fbe CroiTe fo; perfection. ,$pntb'p,lt5ben lue put fbe fact,fo; the faao;, as ^urbers cannot be in&,fo; ^uroerers* ^Synecdoche. \r necdochc, foben there is mo:e,o; IriTe, mar tbtnges o; fetoertmoerthoo, ano gatbcreD bp a &o;D, fobicl; fbep:oper ûgiufçcafton ooetb act erp;effe,as of cnefoebnocrttanomanp, ____________iuben tue fap, tbe Jfalpon is fpne in manp feates, focbnoecûanDîfalpons generally.iipfccftipfe, tbe Romaync uiastn Eratraple Ccnquerour, meaning tbe Ro-mayne betfe.Iobspan borne of a ¿oman, batb but a ibo;te tpmeto ltue,tbat is, all men bntuerfaü » SDbe fobole of the parie,as,a fcolifobeat»,fo;,fart ¿fa man. Exodus>io.Ebere faall not one bone be lefte bebmoe, here the bone is put fo; tbe tebole bcalï. Lukc.i î.Çappp is fbe foembe that bare thee», ana tbe pappes that gauc tbee facfe,fo;,bappp is tbe Ucman that bare tbee,ano gaue tbee facile. Paule.Romayn 13. ^ut u nerp foule fabmit it fclfe to tbe aufbontp of tbe bigber potu* ers,fo:,let cucrp man fabmit bimfelfe .f c. Contrarpfcpfc, parte bp the ail the U»d;lD refejteofobrarr tbe fopfeoome of Salomon,pet bere foe muft not gather,that all fbe foo:lo came to bears Salomons foifeDome, but a great parte of the foc;loc. H5p the matter, tbe thing mate of if,as tbep cafe fbe fpnefa H2!Ibenfe,B;tntte the ffoeefeî* drapes,anb foeare the fpnelf ttë3©l,bp S£ibe«ie,foe bnuerttano ï8;eaD,bp Crapes trine, bp Mifoli Cloth. Mathew. 10.. $ Icfa ano bt©0 baue r.ot farfo* et» that tnfo tbas ip»ere liliefotfe, flefa ano bl©5, Do figntfpe man mate cf fitR} ano Hot?, the fame Ognifpcaftcn is in £0 Cdij, delkflicus 7The Garden of Eloquence. defiafticus.i7,TO)at is moje Uuc’aeD then Set!? mM lobat is nioie Unekeo iijm man, 2Dbe gcneiVdl tuntie?bp the fpeciaU . Mathew.4. span itjali not line bpbjeao one* lp.$ all manner of fmbe.Pfeim.44. |t is not tijfifoJo^D tt)at ihall helps me,bp ffcxo^, meaning ai manner of Weapons,ana Defences, 2£bmges follolmng, bp flings going bcfo.ze,as to fap,be put to bis £>ptirres, meaning bee roabe apace, alfo,poumulf open pour |aurffe, tfpou infeno to fp£eDe,bnoerftantJtng taping out of monep. Hccle.38, fat* member bis iuDgements,tbat is tbe papne fcllG&mg uiDge* mentjtn tbe fame«2.febalUeaue bis laboures to other, that neuerftocatefo; tbem, tbat is, tbe fruites that foiloiue laboures ♦ ContrariUipfe, tbinges going before , bp tbinges follofcring, as Gencfis 3.3m tbe ftoeate of tbp face, 0)alte tbou eate tbp bjeaoe, fo:, botib labour fijaittbou eate tbp bicaD,tobicb goetf) before itoeaie,an0 b’tcfelr, inben one thing is bnoertfroDe bp another, as 1 Imcfoe them Uuinge iobicbUJOuttinotbaue fecne pou in this cafe, meaning, fbep be bea&,alfoUDauio faptb. Slip Ho’O tubpfleepcit tbou , not meaning Oeepe,but long farptng» tber ceternali,as the name of office, p’ofcITpcn, iluOpe; ijoper name, ine put feme 0* #rte,o¿ Dignitp, #s The4 Romayne Oratour Cicero. rPhilpiopher Ariilotlc. Greeke Poet ( Homer. Comical Poet Terence. Ariilotlc Homer. Terence. Cicero. Dauid. Paule. Chrift» Pialmographe Apoillc '-Sauyour t[ Onomatopeia,The Garden ofEloquence« ^Onomatopeia. Nömatopein_,tB!j?r. tue inuenf,Demie, farne, || ano malìe a name,wmitfattng fbc tolmo of ' tijaf ii fpgmfyctb,as bttriiburlv, fo; an ro;e,«nD fumultuous tote, tblmcU tbtoadt, tbattsblQto,fb;blctu , ítroabe fo; ftrcafec, _____ sJI ano on e baro er tben an ofher» ibtmch frgnt* fpetb tbe IdTcr,anö ibtuadi tbe greafer,bu^tng foi fbe nopfe uf )15ás,anDfomcrtmebumm!iig,atercb, fe; fije iffroabc of a tubrp, Itbelmfc bp ibis fpgure, lue toarme a Cale, tobicb batb as fbep fap,nepíber rpmc, no; reaíon, beao, no; farle, nepíbergsíD begtnmng,no; peí lupfe enoe : afltmflam,ltfee* lupfe toe cali a tuomá lubtcb Dclígbtetb mucb fo beare tales, ano teli falesia j?líbergtb,alfo trito frafb,fagnag,o; fagrag, buncb lunch, rtfraffe,bab nab > beane ano boe, riappesalo, feicfele badile,furmople,are confapnco tn ibis figure, ano fpnallp tbe nuoting of beaffs,fbe blating oftoápe,tbe neigb* tng of l£o;fe,tbe fcrtímtg of ^nfanfes,ano al fucb bobees, as boe refemble fbe tonno,o; be ttraungelp fapnco* ^ Catadorefi A tachrefisjs a neecffarp abufe of libe tuecos* fo; tbe p;opîr^ o; toben íotbaf, íbat batb not bis p;oper ñame,toe leño tbe neri o; \\* beßbnfotf,as Virgil, tbe butloa boufe , bp Pallas arte oíame.libere tbe poet Dotb abufe _____tbe berbe bullo,fo; bebofbfraDuce tbaf io a beato, tubicb ís p;oper ío tbe mafetng of a boufe . Deut.3, £>;íncfee cf tbe moto pure bltno of fbe <¡Drapes,berc ItHelupfe bl©D ís puffo; tur cc.Tob. 21,Cbep (bàli Crepe botb alifee tu tbe earfb,fo Job tn libe manner ralictb tbe Iptng oeao tn tbe Cittì» eartb.r" ...........■■■ The Garden of Eloqiience. eartb,ii®pe,miDtn all the places folloimag, to fltepe, frgn<* fpeti) to Dpe,anD to be a fl®pe,fpgmfpefi) to ipe oeaD. 2 Keg,7 iEbou ftjait fleepe Uittb tbp Prathers, 3,Reg 2. Osato Qcpte luitb bis jr atbers,in the fame bmfce.n, Salomon flept tetti) bis ifatbers.^nD likeUipfc tn tbefe places,3. Reg 14.4. Rtg, 2o.24,2.Paniti.5>.i2t27,lob,7.i4,2i,Danyd#i2li# Corinthi- ans, if, ^Metalepjis. I Et*ilepiis3tnbr toe goe bp Degrees to that iubtcb I is fl)etoeD,afpgure Gloom bfeo of ¿¿Daatours, ant) not otte of poets, as to iap^be Ipetb in a barche £>ungcon. j£cto tn ipeafemg of oarefc» __________ iteffe,toe bnoerftano flcfensiTc,bp clofeneffe, £iacknefltc,bp biachneffc Deepenefle. V irgli bp fares of Com, be figntfpi tbljarucitesjbp barueCcs3iommcrs, uiobpiow* mers,teares» ^Antij>hrajts, Mtiphrafis, tobcn a Uro# is bnoerffcobe bg tbe contrarp,as toe bfe commonlp to lap, tbts is tocl Done, tobett Ine meane tbe tetti* trarp,pou are a topfe man bull tbep fape, meaning a fcole,bere is tuft Dealing,tuberi .......... ,,,, one bath all, anD another neuer a kbit, meaning,that incb Dealingts notberp tuft,tbougb it be berg common.^ou take great papnes,quoth the mapfter,foben he founb his man faff aGiepe,attb ail his irojfcc bnoone, meni ntng that he toke greats eafe, bp this fpgure, toe commetto toith a mocking pjagfe, things that be4taugbtll?&one. ^Acyrologia•^Acyrologia. Cyró!ogia,tsan tmpjoper rprairina.dtfjrrítt too¿0 oí tente,o¿ toben a Uioíd te not titeo m bte píoper place.T crencc, 3 toarrante pon, 3 totll foeH pngngb ííap fbat,tbaí pou bope of, bere tfjat pou bope of, te put fo¿ íbaf,pon are afrapoe of, tobttb te berp tmpíoper, fo; fo ntucb ao toe bope fo; g©o íbtnge0,anD feare tiróte tbaf be euftl, eontrarííupte, toe fap,3 feare 3! íball ntahe pou finarte fo; íbte, fo;, 3 bope 3 íball mabe pou finarte fo; íbte, 3bauebearoea£tb©le* mapifcr rapto bte fecbollers, pou íball D;incfceeuerpone, toben tbe Cebollero bncto , bte D;mcbeíbatbetooulDgeue tbem,(boulo be neptber }¡5care,no; peí groo 21c: JUfeetupfe, tbep U»tll fap,pou tooulo fapne,o; pou íbtncbe long, till pow be tobppt, toben none ttrinc^ long fo; futb oapnttee. Ligoria, tobé a fenfence bafb attotb# meantng, tben tbe p;opcr figmfpta* tion ootb erpieffe, ano after fome* tb«s,an 0lígo;p te a teniente,tobteb íbetoeíb one tbing tn too;oe$, ano a# notber tn tente,an 0ltgo;pooetb tute fer from a Sjpetapbo; tn tbte, tbat tn a ^efapbo¿ tbere te a tranflatió but f€rope$ of teniente«. ^A'hgoria, ¿Enigma, Taroemia, , Sarcafmus,Mifíerifmus}AJleifmusfDí~ afir mus} Qbarientijmus, Hyperboh, ^Aligoria. efThe Garden o tfoncU'ojo, but in an aiigojs lui oquence. cf manpifo; an ülígojp ia none other thing,then a contpnueO Sprtapljo^, fo; token rna* n? trannations Doe abounD together,then is it fapth Cicero, an aligólas this »there toas set newer fo big!) a floaoe, but rameas loe an ©bbe, tub cíe figmfpcaticn to rommompc $motone,tbat is,that p jofperitp liftetb not a man fo btgb»but that aouerfitp map plack bint ootone as loto,ano as tti time, me« rife to bappp líate,fo map tbcu in time,fall fo etfreame mtferp. an aiigoip teaching bs,tbat riches f pouertp, health ano GcimeITc,Ufc ano Death,are tbinges fcnmtspn Onto ho, ano that all tbinges Doth alter ano ebaunge, as OcO bp bis jBOutoencebatbappopnteo. Horace toas much oelightco in tbisfeinoeoffpeech,anoU)?otet3£rfes &ligo;icall, as thefe, loith manp others. IfO Ship^hall new Floods carry thee,agaync into the Sea, What dofte thou now,ftriue lu(Hly,to keepe the port al way* tj[ Another. 4|Thou Licinus mayeft hue full well,if wifely euermore, T hou doeft not tl iruft into the deepe,nor preile to ncare the for feare of Stormes. (Shore, Hn the former herfe,Horace bp the &bip*oofb bnDerftano Sextus Pompeius,making incuriions^mo troubling the feas toifbnaualltoarre,tobome he erbojfctb to matiepcacc Uuth Auguftus;bp flouDes, ctuil baftailetbp tpauen o; po jte,peac8 ano coneo;o,ano in the latter, he oothmueh eoimneno meou eerie oflpfe. Another&ligo;p,rub not the fcarre, leaits pott Ooe open agapne,tbe toouno that is healro, anocaufe tt in blaoe afrcGj,tbe meaningU)bereofi0>reneto not bp rehear# fall, the fo;roto that time hath maoe fosgotte. Math. 23. blinoe gutoes,tohicb ttrapnc ottf a CDnat» ano ftoallotoe4 Camme!l,ltketapfe,tbou blmoe Pbartfep,clcnfc fpjlt, that' to&ich i0 totibin the Cuppc ano platter,that the out fpoe of them map be cleane alfo,manp fuch like aiigo ties are to bo fwttio inthe HDcfpels, bg to&iehour fratitoar Cfeilfc rebukesThe Garden of Eloque nee. anb repjoucD the fuperfftiton, ano bipoertfp of tbe fecrpbe* anD pharifcpes.Bn aitgo;p is eptber pure, o* cfimtrfe* €1 a pure ¿Uigo^?,pou tjaue feene eramplcs,a commttf 0tigo*pe> is toben one toojb,o.: moe ttjen one in tbe ¿Utgo:ip,baue their proper fpgnifpcatton,fucb a one is tbis,m tbe3,of spafbeto. miijofc ifan ti in bis baitD,anD be (ball purge bio flourc,an& gather bis tobeaf into bio iiBarne, but toiU burne the Cbaffii faritb bnquencbeable fpje» i^ere tbe aitgoip is commirt,tobe be faptb,toitb Unquenchable fire ♦ SDbe ^enie hereof is, that Cfciftin tbe lattiuDgement,bpbioiuDiciallpotoer, tobieb be hath rccepuco of bio father, ¿ball feperaf e tbe g©D from tbe bao,ano geue bnto tbe righteous eternal feltcitp,but that tuDge ano ocltuer tbe toielico,to euerlafftng papneo,tbc Ipfce is tbio tn Cicero: SEruelp 3 altoaprs thought, that Milo IboulD abtoe other tempeft ano tfo?mc0,onlp tn tbefe toaue* ofconfciono, i$crt Itfeetopfe,be mingleo the #ligo;jp,tobe be fapD the toaues of ronfciosXtio figure of Fabius to caleD In-ucriion, of Cornificius, Pcrmutation^ofHermogcncs, Imputation. Enigma, a fentenerof tobieb fo$ the Darbneflfe, there ca be no cerfapntp gaibereD,t&io Trope to mote agreeable to poets,then to £D;ato;o, fa; euerp Aenigmaticall fenfence is obfeure, anD euerp ®jatour both in fpeafcing, flpe ob* fcuritp,anDbarcfcipttebeo,mtobome the fa* tillttp anD perfpecuitp of the fpsecb,ts a g©olp berfue, not# toitbftanDtng fomettme,oarcltneire is Deletfable,ao $ tobieb is bnoerfiroo of topfe ano learneD men,foj toben men fpnoe atlaft,bp long confpDeration,tbe meaning of fome barcito ribble,tbep much Delight ano retopee,that their capacitp toao able to compaffefo barb a matter,anD commenbebigblp the ienpfero toit, therefore it map be in an o;atien,tobere topfe $>.y. mmThe Garden ofEIoquence. ttten be feearer$,fo tfeat ithz aptlp applico,ano meato rabici fefeo, fucb fa ffefa, 3 confarne mp ^otfeer tfeat bare mee, ano rate bp mp $urfe tfeat feD me,ano tben ope, leauing al tbem felino tfeat fato me,meni of tfee flame of sianole,tofetcfe tofeé it featb confamco botfe match ano talloto,goctb out,anO lebip is funeke in tbe Ranfie, calí not Beatles before £>toyne,al is not Ceibe that alitfer, Coobatbfenta íbjetotfCotoíbojíe#oiftce, you cuta large tbong,of another* mans l£ybe,you are rome out of tbe t^alf, into tbe ftitcbtn,be is an til Ceste,that cannot licke bis oton fyngcrs>geue a man rotte meato > ano beate btmtottb tbe é>pit,fofte fyje makes fínate ^aulíe, a loe ^ebge ¿sfarne lepíeouer» cIronìaf Ronia,tDbena (entente is bnberftrabby tbe ture of § thing,as T crecc Eunuft.Gnato fpeaking to Thrafb* tfeotbts Jronicallfaying, tobaf(quotbbe}ibeyIittetottofc you,after that 3 bah ibetoeo them your manners,anb recke* neb bp your bertues,tbeu quofb Ihrafo you bib bery inert,3 tbanke you toitb all my bearfe: noto Gnato contrary to bys toojDes.mcnt that they kneto Thrafo of olb,after tbat be bab tolo tbem of bts naugbty anb letooebebauyoure: Itykctotfe, Thrafo,bnberftanbtng bis meaning,gaue bim barty tbanks mockingly.3,Reg, rS.Elya feeing tbe groffe Bibolatrye of tbem tbat toojffnppcb Baal;ano boto they cryeb to tbeir Cod , anb coulb wot be bearo,btD mock tbem after tbte manner, crye a# iou&e(quoibbe)fc*betsaCcoperabueriture be is talking oj occupyeb , 0; fcUctotnge of bys Cnnemyes , oj is in bts Homey,©¿ficepetb,anb muftbeatoakeo toitb your . crye,alfo,you b;tngbcme large fpoylcs, anb greate pmyfe, contrary, oj íbns,toben cur meaning is cetv trary to our raying,not fo toell perceaueb by tbe too¿Des,as eytbcr by tbe pmneumtafien, by tbe bebauyour of tbe perfcn,o¿ by tbe na* imoer*' The Garden ofEloqüence. fwberffanbíng,mucblotfcanbgrcafü)ame, bp ibis fpgurc toe Doe fo¿bib bp a mocfeing graunt, ano commaunbe bp a frumpmg fo’btODing, ano alio commenb tbat tbat is too¿tbp ofotfp;a^fc,anbt)ífp;aífe^aMbatwibt)o¿b)? of btgb com* mcnoaíton, <["Sarcafmus. Arcafmus,tsabífferfeinbeof mocbe, o» bife pptcfull frumpc,bfe& ofatrenemp, fucb as íbe 3 cines bfcD to Cb¿tfí bágtng on p CrcCTe, notofapDíbep,leíbmicomc botonefrom tíje Croffe anb faue bímfelfe, fbaf faueb oíbers: iíbers,bimfelfe be cannot faue, Aa.Apoft.17, Wben Paulebab p^eacbeb to íbe Bjetoes , fbe refurrcction frorn beatb,tbe gjetoes mueb mtflpütng tbat £Doctrtn,mQcfce& bim faping, toe toil beare tbée agapne of ibis matter, artb toben one ootb commenb an otbers ludí, tbatbatb loft al,anb ma^fe bim tbat batb á b?obcn beab at fence, to be a cunntng fenccr,anb fo bp fpptefull moches,moue anb anger bis ene# tnp. Silben on a tinte, one bao met one berp po;e anb rog* geb, tbat bab bene femefime, riebe, ptotobe, anb p¿o* bigall, be fbus1 morfeeb bimj am glab guotb be, fo fee pou plap íbe gaib btífbanb,pou toere toont to goe bcrp b¿atte,but noto 3 f¿ toel, pou faue ^our monep anb goe bare feote, be* caufe pou baue no H>ote$?anb locfc bp pour cbaungeof^utc, anbgoenafeeb, ' ^ Mjüerifmus. Y¿lenfiuus,acounferfepfe fcofffttg, anb man* ner of íelf ing,peí not fo pdup,but tbat it ntap be toel l pereques, tbus,it mafeetb no mattee to me, fbougb cuerp man labe pou fo; a forte, pettoeulopou beangrp>if3&0ulí caU ton ala ' one,i ne uraraen oí Eloquence. one,alto,tbe boneftetf man in tbto toton,lboulD not baueTmfc fö gtas interrarnment as pou bao, no; fbe topfet man fo mitcbfef bp,tbe meaning hereof to no mo;e,but that be raL? lettj bim p;iuelp, (pet not berp p;iuelp}foltö) ümaue,3¡ p;ap potiteli me one tiring, tfa tatute be maoeibat all Itoues fljall be bant(l)f o out of CnglanD, tohere toiü pou tabe ¿ip* ping i toben one ig raileö &naue,o; fole bp erafte, tbe feme is faro bp ibis fpgjire,ano alio toben tbe D;atoure catting a n little (baloto t colionr bpon bis fpacb , bttb p;ettilp ano p;tutlp tannt fome mano bices,ano as it toere glance toitb frumping bolleo at follpfs. Stciiinus;a toiffp iefftng,tn cinill manner, anbpullitoing our fpeecb toitb feme merrp conreife,apte fo moue laughter of a fooain, ao Cicero fo; Cluentius,fee,f« juogcs>mes fortune,fa boto olo Fabricius to,Cicero V& often repeating off«, fee,mane tbetobrtc rompanp faule a laughing,anb raufeo Fabricius to call beton bis beao ano Oeparf from the bench,alio be iurico the ^iuft that bao lefte fo bngrariousa to;efcbas Vcrrcs. fe'ncfea man quoth one,toiU fap nap ano tabe if,nap qwotb another , ha tolti tabe if^ano fap noibtng,he to fo angrp quoth one,he toti fetll a man fo; a metre of $£utaro,tbeu quoib another,be toil Ml a number to; a Cottaro, aouerfarpes, ano fo bp feofftrig» oebafe their atttbo;itp,as fo fap io on^o opponent,that bee fight eg toitb leaof Daggers, meaning toeak ^Diaßrmus. Iafirams,toben toe öeluoe the reafono of our tentüítb caf^ The Ciarden of Eloquence. fen repeated ífrongeft rrafon, túfetelecató|bC X^cfl auo^oe>to fay tfjat ije rolde 3nciTe:a b ertuous man>beriue.£llfo>a thing map be fapo bp comparifomas mo’eblinDtbenbltnoneirc:mo;emu Xerable then mtferpjfoiulcr then Defo^mttgimo^e bapne then banitp. feecont>lp,from Ithe things,as floater then honep> mote bitter then ®auie, irbptcr then &ncin: blacker tljen pitch: heauperthen ILcaoe; lighter then ^rnoake: greener then Ora(Te, SChP^Ip/rom liuing creatures, as fuller of ioo?bs, then Mornen: oflonger Ipfe then the l^arte: ftoif* ter then the £>b)allotti: blacker then the iiauemmme ougle* fomc then the £>b)le:nunc rauenous then the IMolfejtDojfe then the EDbutlT Jf ourthlp,from the perfons of falfe (¡Dobs,as mo:e betotifull tben Venus: rno^e eloquent tben Mercury? might per then Mars,* iupfer then Pallas, JF pftlp,from per* ions fapneo in iFables,as tocarper then Sifiphus: thirftper then Tantalus: mo^e chatte then Penelope? moje tuoful then Vliiley: mote fcoltCb then Gnllus. feirtlp, from the perfons of Commospestas mo:e glorious then Tlu-nfo:mo.:e flatten ring then Gnothoncmo’e contentious tben ?Demca:moie xouetous then Mitio: mo^c confioent then Phormio: mo;e futile then Dauus. ^euentlp,fo: the perfons of hifto;pes,as mo;e feuerefhen Cato : mo^e enuious thenZoylus: mo^e cruell then Phalaris: maze bncurteous then Timon: rpcher then Crarfus: pojer then Codrus: Wronger then Milo; moje patient then Socrates: n?o;e fo^getfull then Curio. (¡Bpgbtlp, from motions: as moje Difiopail then the Carthagianja grca*‘ terIpar then the Grecian: moje cruell then the Scithian: fboj* ter then the Pigmeanjmoje toaton then the Milefdan.^mfh« Ip,from offices, flrtes, o' Dignities :moje Itatelp then an <£mperour:mo:e futile then a Hatoperanoje laught at, then, a, Owe in a plapmtoie hateo then a hangman. Nereis to beo •ntarkeb that this fpgure ts not bfeo to Dcceaue, bp erceeDing the compafle of truth, but bfcfb erfreame fooiccs, to fljebJ that the thing bte affpmie,is berp great, 02 berp fmall, fo » lhat toe bfe an tmrebible faping^to fbclo that the truth bobs ' ; €\jh affirmsThe Garden of Eloquence. affirms isalmotl tncrcDtble, ijThe cn4c o£T ropes, € A Scheme. Scheme,]« a fafl)io.n cf oj fpeafetng* matje ncto bp feme 0rt,ns faptb Fatius,« re> moueb fro tbe common cuffome,lr altermg>eptber of let# ter o; Tillable« ^Afetapfasnm. EtapLafmusjts a tranffo;maf ton of letter#, o; fiHables in fingle too^D«,contrary fo t&acom# rnott fafbto of inciting o; fpealring, eptber fo; eaufe of neceffitp, o; clfe tomabefbeberfe mojeSnejbnberfobie&tbefe fouretemc jfi* guremThe Garden of Eloquence. gureo foUetorng, be confapneb. Trothejis ¡Apherejis¡Epenthejis¡Syncope Taragpge, Apocope, Syjlole, T>Ujlole, Etthlipjis,Synal(£pha}SyntfreJis}(Diare-‘ Jts,AntiJloecho^MetatheJts. PRothcfis,te a» abortion of a letter, o> tillable,to fbe be? ginning of a to>o;D, HLberc am j tocll bcimofone, Suijia trkefome loue aflake, g^maoe to barne outright, liooUin to the grounb toe fall, j2>euopDe ofbertueobapne, gooebetoeepemptooe, 3|mboloene& noto in Cdtcc, fenofcmc. Hake. | maoe. bo tone. | bopoe, foeepe* ‘ boloeneb* APhcrcfis,is a taking atoap of a letter,^ suable,from $t beginningofatoojD, Ubebctoaebeaoeobere, Kefigne to me \our plapntee, SCto loue that tocjkes tbto iptle, SLtoas V enus (uttlc fonne, Ehefe tbingcs noto popnteD b®, f- fo; Berufe toell Herdes fpeare, SEbio to mine enmieo fppfe* Wiliti) great magnanti?, SDbeptofp^ous totno it bletn> Mlben fuffnance failed bo, Ml ben al tbingo framde fullfoci, Jfo^tben a liude in iop* ^ rbapnefb*. Hercules; cnimieo* f ft,, j magnanimità* ì pjofperotio* fultenaunce* » framed, lined* p Aragoge, io addition of a letter o^ Tillable, to fbe ende ofm 1 foojde*. 3?ef neuer feene befome* 1 f before, $oio baffen foell tour tuojke. J balie, anbatbengeancebjaofobtlde* f m ] bile, &be gabbai tbeffrangpefigbtj Lffrangp, a PocopCjio tbe taking a ina? ofaJteffer tillable,front x ^beende of aloide. % buo loutngl? JDame Diati dio "ì B? tbat tbey boere fufpcrt, ! SCben Tìtir anfinercd fbuo> 3!n mido of all tbe tbnmg,. SCbOU Menale oiddett fit, j S>bé fapd mp nocete bufbatr, J ^fdH "Diana; fufpeitéd, Titerus* miooclf* Menalcus* buttano* L C Yftole,toben a long tillable io made fixity confrarp te ^ tbe nature tberof, Darius foj Darius,Diana fo; Diììn%Io-fephus foi lofephus* ( ' ' piattole,pvTaftole, ronfran? to t6e latt, toben a fto'fe tillable is tfmS im,ntcettitv of wafer fo compelling,as poftibfc, fo; potable, Palemón fo; Palemón, Armenia fo; Armenia Commendable,fo; Commendable, Orpheus,fo; Orpheus. ’ o Ynalæpha,toi)en f too botoels commtng fogeafher.ans the of them is cut of» < * Arcadians gutfetoasfbts, febeto me no moje 3 feete, 3j came t’afbe in oáoe tbis tbing JC,fo;e ¿tibe fupp¿ett ano tuipe atoap,but f¿i0ípgufé ¿0 ffót tifeotn our dfcngUtbtongue, ano therefore 3! cannot pe w an Crample* labiés,toe p;onounce it but tutti) tfoo,tbus bertues,ano Iî6m bwfe rtgbteou0,ano,alfo elteemoe a ftono, fo; effæmeo ano aioneo, , ; . . ' . A ta Y æreiisjto&en tue maîte îîdo diables ofone,bp cleautng ^ a SDiptbong in funDer,o; anç ofber,a0 Acthiopià y fo; x-tliiopia,ano as toben vue p;onounre bcauens totfb ttoo'&ib tables,tbbere commonlp tt is but one, ano ItbeiütléiCÏcuOcs tüitb titjo dlabies,fo; ctouos,tobtcb tsbut one, commaunOi? mentes,fo.i commaunoementes,cafilp,foi eaCp. a Ntifecon^a cbangt na o f Ictters, ti)af ts to fdp, iüben ene •^Mettcr ts fet fo; anotberttbus,etpertenie batb me fougbi* fb; taugbt,tbts biasa papnfull tuàrfee,v fo;, tüojfec, fo beit tbatpouiuull, fo;, bull, aibtngfofrapleanOb;tcfele,foiy b;iiile,reiurmtig berp efte,fo; ofte, fltbberp, fo; fitppcrpe, 2Lb5offp;tng of tbe tult, E Cthclipfis3tnben tbe confonant m.ano toe botnet going be Eft,,* ií i,., r..MU, All ^ 4..1_<--I--j_: JL. but one,as toben of ibis foo;o beríuous,b)btcb batb.3.Ml 2trcpans>e«S Jà'5W'§«£& Ss?10? n.»ss®« 1* £ §ëse ■seSgl 2s«I*e°s SvP tú c o ¡“ •_ »n JO 43 \¡Í |P >0 M f 2 ^S’n — ‘toaitteiW«,So3 Sí? v>» S a «*£*».?? c C M o J>tJ S 5 a? tT 8 ^5 o «8 » a J- » es çu _ «£r c3 M .y g ^ oä <2 « » .5 % a mi=> £ S £ » kt uc r a xa Vk *> £ sx 3 .2 «M 5 g « « W fi £*?« £ SS $j Uk O «•»* fáét e «a-í — £■» * 2 §«S 5 ?í »¡j f ts a*Ç.î o Irf w ¿ BnJ -M *v _ u « f SS jj £ c O E E U fBtf J -a's' »•SS a *T J O t) J 5*a¿ na « a O -e w oo sr 3 8 S " ta « rü io '•s <5 **• tfüf 3 3 ää ‘•rf 04 tt t! w *. ge?# S g -« -ÎÏ J* & c *-» 3 g ît n3*“ u « ri t- t> ,. . a »Q a £.3 JJ*- <43© «S g i-> O «S31 3 «^1 «ag i*-‘ ¿3- •> '"* V qS b &| c = ■££« 12 I S J ¿a gl «» o V » " «5 « * » «- 5 w tei '5s Ä J3> -5 «•♦• © tes ÏC 43 J&» «5 «2« W 2 A D tt “ c CM Sífi ■cr’t? p1--« o h Ii§ «6 2 jì. ♦ ♦ «-» u» TX » S.S-S e^çâ |llf Hmmm The Garden of Eloquence. ' ^otbcbttertmtoingofmanp, f men* 35 baue airead barb cf matter, feurelp be to a berp naturall, if ©It. j¿>ateb the tenth Dap of October, letters. |pe bath fpent all, J bis ga>bs. 3|tbanbe(So035bauem0«0br } riches. Hónt toben tbep perfecutc pou in one Citie,fipe to another, ifo: if though the (in of one,manp be bean. Cifie. man. men. ^THerc in ech faying,there is a word wanting,and vndcrftood, which is expreít agamí! it.. * ^^Pofiopeiis, toben fbaougb feme affection Ss»; o: mterruption, oj tis befp;e to paffe to tome other thing mo;e neebcfull,toe rat of parte of our fpeacb, ano cnbe not that toe (bauebegon. Terence. SEruelp if J mpgbf _________fenoto tobo,but tobat neebes manp too;bs, ^¿re the fcntence to cut cf to; anger,leaumgbnfapb.31 toil punito bint aufrput him into the $KU. 0 certapn toife thin* fetng bir bufbanb long from borne, tobóte a letter bnto him, enbtng it thus,bufbanb come bome,o; cte:anbfapb no mo;c, breaking of to: frarcanb tbame,o? to: toare cf IbameTdae mp frtenbes,mtbto mpbéepe billrelTe, fell me tobat .t^ere Cq:roto anb toeepmg boe fiap tbat3tbaf ffjoulb bane folleto* eb,but to: pour office fabe,f tooulb cal pou,butit to no rnafr ter,3 fcnoto pou,though 3 bare not name pou:£ifo , fbto man it is tocll 'knotune,bath bene in bto time, pet tobat bto bato bene,3 toil let alone?bicaufe fprne toalmolt fpent,anb hectare tmto pou, tobat be to noto. C.iitj, Zeugma.The Garden of Eloquence. ....; ^Zeugma. ' t .f? i ! ¡1 ,'j if.v ‘■J? Ti'Z' ' • L • | t * : '« w • * .1 ’ A v E.ugm4 teben tbcre is fome common firing, o; ujo;|) in Ipfce daufes,ano being pat in one daufe,is requpjeo m the other not cfjaungeo, aftb that common thing ojtpojb, is put in a conft ruettontteee manner of Uiapes, in tbe ______________fp;tf daufe,in tbe mioole daufe, ana in the laff daufe,toben if is put in tbe fp?ft daufe,it is railed Pro-zeugma,ana in tbe mpotrte daufe, Mefozeugma, ano in tbe lait daufe, Hypozeugma. - -u- - Prozeugma, tobentbat common foo^Dis put in tbe fp^ffe daufe,as p^poe opp^effetb bumillitp:batreo louetcrueltp co* paffiommaoneiTe moDctf p,ant> impubencp feare, here op* p^elTetb,i£tbe comon too’D,anD is requp;eD in euerp daufe, bp an bnoerftanbing tbus:p;ioe opp;effetb bumiUitp:batreD opp^elTetblouc;£ruelfp opp^effetb compatTion: maonetfe op^ ^ciTeib n^^eitp,auD iinpupcnepopp^etretb feare,thus lube ruerp to&p is erp)effeb,anb nothing wanting,the conOruc? iton is mabe perfect,but Uiben anp &mo is lacking, then ts tf a fpgure»Ciccro. is fHitin tbe niiD* bte ctaufeitbtiS,botb in fein&ling contention among frienos, ana in Deceauiug tbe fnnple triitbtraftp guiles,be muebe ae* ligbica,ana all in murtbering g©& men,ana mapntepning £ terciicblberetbe bcrbe,t;*e beltgbteb, is tbe common itwa, tobicbThe Garden of Eloquence. lolite?) although it be crpjeHeD but in one claufe , pet is it requpjeo in ail the other . 0noCfjer, lohat a tbmg is this, that neptber hope of reloaroe, nd;fearccffl)ame * cot^O ktuole bun: neptber OiTp^c of renotene , noi pet tbe loue ofbio countrp.dDptber bp ftclmeffe,oj bp fo^rotee, betutpiiecapetbjo; eife bp age. Hypozeugma,tDbeu tbe contmors ioo^oe is put in tbe laff claufe , tbu*> tbe foundation of freeoome : tbe if otmtapne ef ¿quitp: tbe mapntenaunce of truth : tbe fafegaro of tub; If aunee : ano tbe cuttoop of Ipfe, to p^eferueo bp lateiejer, lobetber it be ten,a but\Oieo,o| a fbottfano peares, iSDeatb arfcetb not botoc long a man batb lineo , bere peaces, is tbe common inorano is requpjeb to tenne, ano an bum Ojebjtbus. iK3 betber it be ten peares,a bunojeo peares, o.i a tboufanopeares,2Deatbafketbitot bolo long a man batb lineo , botb in tbe papnefull rules of (©rammer, in § fub* tiltpes of ilogick,in tbe ¿flotoers of Kbeto$icke,m tbe bar* monicall tunes of $puiicke,tn tbe fecretes of naturali pbt* lcfopbp,ano in tbe profound mplterp of jBDtwmtp, b« is toellfóme» YllepiiSjtoben there is fome common foe?oe in bnltke claufes, $ being put in one claufe, is requpi eo in tbe other fomlobat ebaungeo, thus,here boas mpif atber burped,ano there lucre mp tbaee bietberen,toas,ts here the cc* :b is erp¿c0eo in former claufe,$ required in f latter changed,that is to fap,in tbe fpalt,it is finguler, but in the fecono, it mult neeocs be p!urall,tbus, here teas mp ifatber burped,and there toere mp tbjee b^eetberen buried, Terence, f»rttbou mao tbep, be re tbe berbe arte, is the commontuo,iO,tiibtcbiecrpjeffcomtbefojc claufe, fingu* ler,ano bnomteods in tbe fecono plural,tbus,ari tbcu nmo, Jf>l*The Garden of Eloquence. 0: are tbcp mab, tbere be manp erantplcs of tbeie figures in &afme,lDbicb cannot be cngltftjcb to be frgures, anb tU peeiallp,tbc examples Of Sdlepfis de generc, ttjat ¿S,$nkpies oftbefcinb* ^'Trolcpfis. Rolcpfis.tofttn a general tootB going facfo:e, ts afterUuirbes beutbeb into parts, lue tim e both tn greatlo?roU), 3 fo* the Ioffe of mp Dearefricno, anb be fo^ fcare of bantflbe* ______ment, tbjee fetfters bib fing , tbe Clbclt tbe 31Bafe,tbe mibblemoft tbe S^eane, anb tbe pongefi: tbe SEreble, fo:,anb tb:ee fitters bio fing, tbe Cioeft Dio fing tbe Bafe,tbe ^tbblemoff btb fing tbe ^eanc,anb tbe^on* gefi; otb fing tbe treble: Another,tbcp lucre botb famous, tbe one fo; bts lutfebome ttt vuarre,tbe other for bis finguler C'lcqucnce^^anb tbepbotb lucre famous, tbe one mere famous foj fits totfbome in loam, tbe otber lucre famous foa bis fingulcr eloquence* ^Anapodoton. Napodoton, m £);»a‘ton luanftng one member,oj lubeu tn a fimtence there ts fome little claufe leffe out, eptber tn tbe beginning, mpbft, o? cube,as Occro tn tbe feuentb bobe to Atticus.Mbicb if be oo rcfufe,be iball be befpeb ,but tf be boe atccptc tbem,fo leaning of tbe other parte tmfapb,lDbtcb if be boe accept, anb obep Pompeius, com* maunbemenfcSjlje lotll feno ¿mlaffaboures? anb intreate ofThe G ardeii of Eioq uence. of pesce : 8notber,tf pou Doe ao 3 baue counfaple® poti,mt& be ruleo bp pour frien®eo,tbep Unii ®oe to pou,if noi, toel, 3 tulli la^ no mo’c. ^[Tlie fèconct Oicfcr. q-^e fecon® o£®er,confepnefb tbofe fpgureo,tobicb confili 1 uurcelTe3contrarptolbemabouc,an® are retitene® a* jnong tocco,of tbc imgarnilbeo o;®cr,commonlp calicò Pie- onaiìnus» e leonafmus* « n Leonafmus.toben tberebe moe too?oeobcapf bpon a eonffructicn,tben be necefisr?,ao O-uid,3 fato pourSDat'gbtrr Proferpine , iDÌflj tbc fame epco: 3 fato pour SDaugbtcr Proferì pineta® bene enougb.£>befpatie ti toitb ber moutb,3bear©iftoitbmineearc® * Antiocus forno torve in bis minoettbcfe toée fentenees,nugbf baue bene tuffici* m cntlp favo tbuo.&b®: fpafce ti, 3 bear® it,Antiocus forno io:* rv. irò: neptbercan toc fpeafee unto anp otber parte > tbett lotto our moutb,nevtber beare toito anp otber parte, tben toitb our eares,neptber conio Antiocusbe torve in anv 0? tber pari tben in bis mino,fomtime it is bfeo in an earneft afftrrnafion tb ns,®enpe it noi,3 bear® it toitb mine carco. Job, 13,3toc all ibis baue 3 fame toitb mine epeoan® bcaroe toitb mine carco,fomefimc in earnctl talfee, tono, 3mogc in mp minoe it muli néeoeo be fo,fomettme to ampltfv, sto pou cucr beare of fbe lilte®ce®e>fince pou tocrc bo:ne3itt ibis fentence,cuer, ba® bruì iufficiente , tottljout tbe lattee claafc,fiiacepou torrefarne. SM* ÌJPeriiÌblogi$,The Garden of Eloquence. Eriflologia, bobcn a claufe of no bectgbf is tbmftintoaconftrurtion, Quintilian tafeetb ibis trample out of Liuius , tbe ¿{ptbalTa* t bourcs peace not being cbtapnrb, refourneb ’ borne agapne from bobencetbep came, beare tbe latter claufe is fuperfluous,fo£ it bab bene fufftcicnte to bab fapb, the 0mba(Tabftures peace,not being obtapneb, re* tourneb borne agapne. SEbts fault bapnetb often times, to fome tbat booulb fapne tell a grab romtb tale, but courting bp tbe boap5 to b>ing in bpe matters, bee beflobo a greate Beale of talke in bapue,bubicb map be boell callcb, a clog* ging of fpeecb,anb a boearping of lopfe mens cares. Aerologia, is a fuperflucus abbition of one toojb, 01 inoe to tbe enoe of a conti ruction, thus,be isaliue pet.CDcb be pjapfeb, anb is not beab, be batb bmnefee Bp all, anb lefts nonetbe boas not tben aboafee, but boas raff lanb: be teas eueranO therfo^e ftng altoapes one fong,thus, if pou baue a freno,3f tooulb to# ##♦ mThe Garden of Eloquence. pou fo fiepe a friend,fo$ an pioc friend is to be p^ferreD be# fo;c a nel» frieno, if 3 toere pour frienoe, 3 teoutoe neuer take pou againe for mp ffienDe, if pou tfioulö onee fojfabe me pour cio frtenb ano tabe a nets frienö. Cljis is rontrarp toE^ofition, aberfuetobicb repeated one tbpitgopucns Xuages, foriti) pleafatmi bartetic. cr^t fbtrD o^ocr, boti) rompjtcbcna tbofe figures fobfeb bp ■* bearing ojremouing of fomfces horn tbeir proper pta# tes,uoe mafie f&e'ojatton berp Darfic $ obfcure,fo?bofe pjuv* «Pali fitnoe is COmmonlp railed Hyperbaton, ^ PcrEaton,bi!)Cji fbc right ano Salnfull o;Oer RiftQ lì of U)o;oeso^claufcs,is alterco bpbnp^oper |Sg| placing,oj tfius : itoben tropes o; claufes be p§gfl iranfpofeO from fbe plains c’Ser ofconfiruc# 8|p%jfl gf ton, to mafic tpe o;attonirio;e loffie, Cicero ‘a®?5^=£2^ calletb it an aptcano pjefite bearing otter of loo^os.Virgil.Milbatbarfcancftbs Crakes 0; CouiOters, one of all Vli-flcs route refraine to boepc* Naftropbe,a pvicpofierous 02ber, 02 a barker UmrD fetting of tuoroes,(bus, all Italy about lU)ent,ti btcb is contrari» to piatite O20er, t!;at placeib that faring thus. 3 tcent about all Italy , ^otuebepeanOfearebctmeeneBl HanD,fo2,3 tìano noto betUsencbope f fear, fo furbe a patte the matter is noto ccme pou fié. ÿere Ipfie# iupfe tbefe tuojos be fef laflqfbat plaine cuöer placeib thus, ÎM fa the matter is eome nolo fo fu# a patte* f The third Order. baton. fHyftc «The Garden of Eloquence. q- Hyjlerologia. HYiterologia, toben a pjepofffitooctb not ferue to bps cafuui wj>but ts lopneo to a tierbe,as tbcugb tt toere compounoeDtoitfctt,tbus,3ranafter todbas much ipeeoe as | coaloe, tbe tt)&fc tbai baö tjnöonc mee, beere tbe pjepofition after, ts topneo totpetotbe, 3 ranne, tobt# fboulD be put nerte to the noton fl&fe, ibus,tottb as muebe fp^öe as 3 ecu Id, | ran after tbe tb&fe that bao tmoonc me, anof ber#e ran againtt tot# fan? rage, $ Danes mod ftrbg, here Ipfcetotfe tlje pjepoütion againd, is topneD to £ berbe, tobtcbaccotomgtotbeotoercf condrutfton,ought io baue ferueo to ¿be noton,tbus, be ran tot# furious rage,agapnf£ the Danes moil drongc, toben pou toere bppon,3 am fure fbe fop of fbebübpou might fee tbe «tie, fo;,toben pou toere bppon tbe toppe of tbe W> 3G am fure ton mpgbt fee tbe Cttie, u; n uutu?, anD tf Differs from Anaftrophe, fo: that is a p^epcdcrous placing of tooitoes, ano this a tranfpofition cf things thus, VelpertbetoeD bis face, ano Phebusfleofrom fight, here Phebus is fet lad,that #oulD haue bene firft, fin tbe ^unne toas ootone,before tbe euening darre appeared, ano fberfojc a right coif ruction Dot!) thus fet $ faping,tbus, tobe Phebus noto toas fleo from fight, $ V efper #etoe& bis ^Hyfieron »roteron, toben that is lade farDe, that toas ¿M#. face,Thé Garden of Eloquence. facc,anoti}er,ti)e cafte toas maae berp feigb,tbe foutiaaf ton laps fui aeepe, bere the taping ofïôe fotmaation,is taf iaiö> tbat toas fief cone,ana tm wafting of tí bigb>firft fapa,íbat toas taf cone. MeiìstobenacompcunacD tootoe ts partea bp tbe interpcütion of another toüto,f fcme¿ fpme cf nranp,íbus,pou rpíe 3 pcrcepue car* tp bp in a ntcaipnge, bere tbe compotmaeo tonto, rpfebppe is partea, ana other tootoes put bettoéene tbe parfes,tobaí matters foe# uer be finite in banae,aia ptofper mcructlous toel,btrc lifee* topfe,matters partetb tbe erpounaea toota tobatfceuer,mp Capes paffeberp fpeeailp ouer. in Ipfte maner,berp fpceatlp partetb pafeouer,tbe pzcatgall fonne turnea pemfentlp a# gain to bis father,tbe aauerbe penitentlp,feperatetb p com* pounaea tooto turnea agapne. 1 poßfion of another, 0; thus, Parentheíis, toben a fence is raffbeftoáne,tbefpeacbc,bcfototíbeaU cnaea, tobiebe aU though it gute fúme ffrengtb, peí toben it is tafeen atoap,it leauetb the fame fpeacfe perfect inougb,tbus. Virgil.Eo bp? agapne(fo? toell fljee fenctoc (be fpafee, totib fapnea tnpnae that Rome ibe migfjt reject,ana Cartilage fetngaom Cmpire malte) tben Venus anftoereo tbus.Efty. 7,#£ tbatfpmealt btneparaes (tbougbtbere toere a tboufanae bines in one, ana folae fo? a tboufanae filueríings)(báu be turnea to bjp* ers ana fbojnes, Paul.Ephekw.Mberejalfo (after tbat ^ cParentbeßs. Ai enthetís,toben a fcnferice is fef a funaer bp fíje infer* 3¡ baraThe Garden of Eloquence. 1 baro of tot faptb fobicb pe baue ta tbe tiojo |cfu,anO loue fente ail ^amiteejceafc not to gtae tljanfeo fc; pou» ^ Hypallage. Tj Y pallare,trillen a fenf ence iß fapOc ütab a confrarp op nocr of üjo;ocs,a0 [je came fotfb a long ûoe,bp ijto ftoo;o* Çc taifee biß eare front bio fíff.&p? quota one fo a fcboler, 3 beare fap, tí 10 rou tfeaf plucfef of fíje gafe o&of mp feafber* bacfee.íáDpen tae oap,ano foe tf it betae totabotoe ♦ 3 tooulo «tafee no mo¿e a 00e, but tafee a Do¿e ano bjeafee ope» tae$rc. ^Sy ne hiß s. Ynchifis,a contafton of o;oer,ta ail partee of tbe coftrurttö, V irgil, 2Dbe tutaeo gœD iobteb aftertoaro bao ta pppeo lapo abojoe Aceftes one Cicilian ifyne, ano gtuen to tbe Troyans MW oeparftng,tbe noble mâ oto DtffrtbufeÆfeps — J far tag,bp conta Ron of ojocr to fo Darfeeneo, taat tí 10 almott bnpol&ble to be bnoerftano,fo% tbe plaine o^Dcr placeta tt tbuo.Cbe noble man Acneas oto affertoaro Otltribtîfetbetoine0,tabtcbgœo Aceites ftmgofCicilia,baO lapoe abo;Oc ano gtuen to tbe Troyans oeparftag one Cid* lmnibo:e, oftato figure tbere noeoe no moe ecampleo, foj tbatit ¿0 bnp:oötab!e,anö ratber tobe auopöeo,tben at anp tpmetobetautafeo* * Am- ia. a Mplnbologia,tnben tb:ougb fetee of tll compoüftott,tbere te a Double tobetaer fonte tao;oe ougbte fobereferreo* > ^ b Stau*The Garden of Eloquence. Cte>,Terence,J fuppofe^DU fapd Myrrina fqtDe gOUjtbafc Bacchis hath hit King,herc through fault of compo(itton,toe Imoto not to tohom the King dectb belong . jfojtbefoojde btr,mag as ioell be referred to Myrrina ass to Bacchis, anfci to Bacchis as hidl,ns to Myrrina.Another, 3! totll fbeba poa the citie Handing on a &j?gb btlljitoenfie mpieo before pou come to it,here tit Ipke manor, tobetber the dtit doeth Hand ©neanhigbbtlI,o*lubeiberbe tooulotfand onaitbigb bpll and ibciuc the ciiie,it .toimccrfawejfnjthaf there is an am* bignttiennoadqubiinhethcrifanding doiib belong to the Cittity oi to the manne . in fcpke manner, tuben a iuo^dc hath ttuo figmfpraficno, and map therefore bc tloo manor of liases conffrued * £1 merp fcllotobn a fpmc>iDag; fent to hire bis mtlf relic a mapde, and in baring the mapde, be Dio much commend bis miff rcire-liberaUtiriolnaros byi masses,ano toloe btr thathc tnouib fa&rranf htr, that bps mtteil^ tucuio gtue btr a marfcc betides btr fcuagts, before tbepearetuentabout, nototobetber be mei?teanuirfce in *nonv,o£ a mqrke about head o; Shoulders | fcnolu not, but the maps after learnedrBuppou attp^putto« to&ap neigh* hour,quoth oneneighboj toanpther,no bp mpiroufbnetgb* hour quoth the otber,fQj imenne to haue a lego; a (boulder ofmp foiber>ntJofber man rpdtng bpe, bnpestod the «tea#, ning of this farms, arjM2.oy.ngfo theojoer ofbps toojDcs: &«relp (quothhe) hetsanbungn?ihilae,that can fpnde in. |t0ba#e to rate ijio father, boitb that they all fell a laughs m?, gjji, tf The fourth Order , ♦ W-i; • ' *** v * +■ '5-‘ * T^Pgurs# of ti)t fourfti c?t)2r bt £^cfe,tuf)id) tiibtt bv feanf ■^ofapineffeanD oigmfiejOj els hp fomuchecuriotme and, ftneneflMoe make the ojafton faui tie,tmd be alfo reckoned among the bices of the bngarnplbea o>der, Uihichare per* minted to poets, tnben nerclTrftc compeUefhibut euermo;e to tfD^ateurs, Omphio!ogia,ccnfrarpfo ffjnt abone, bobe« Irifiing matters be fet out toitb femblaunfc anottafmg tropes, tJfco of none but of fuel) asfec ept^er fmelt feattes, ano parifites, ________tobttb mapnfapne tfjetr geoo ebtere toitb coo# terraptco p^apfesj oj of great bottcrc ano crafetng £>oulop# ours,as of Thrafo tnTerencc^ ano rudj Ipfie perfons in Co# moopes,oj elsof furbe as toouio fa pit c bauetbeircunnpng botes imotone,bp fetttng out topes ano trifipttg matters, 4»ttb lote p:apfes ano great eloquence, fome fuppofe ibis ^gnre is mu rb bfeO in Epica phes, fot poets bp tbep; trim Cioguenee, offenipmesooe fame great tornmenoati# ons to tbe beao,ano lift them tsp ten fpmes bigber,fben euer ibetr betffaes rcacbeo. ^oinètpme beggers bfc tins figure, toben tbe Conttable ts bauing of them to tbe ttocfces, tbcp tbindhe then tbe bette ltnipe fo^fbem ts, io fpcahefap:e> V4!»c1 C,g. an®The Garden of Eloquence. anbioliftbptbeConftablefoa IrESf) tiigntttc, fo? tbe clbe pjouerbe puttctb them in mpnbe, tijat fapjc inodes ma&e fcoles fapne,tbus 31 bane baroe them fap,3i befeeb pour too:* 0}ip fo:giueme,if euer pourbono^ take me bereagain7tben let me be punifl)t aceodung to pour honors bifcretio,fo notn ano then Bomphilogia foepe beggers out of tbe ft ocbes, anb matte flatterers faretbc better,ano eucrmo:c toben too ¿00 be as bnmodefoj tbe matter, asaebapneof ©oloe fo^att 0pe,anbafiluerfabblefo2a^>otoe, then map it be fallen Bomphilogia.^noalfo toben bp eloquence, glorious per# fons tuoulobaue there cunning biafeb ab:oabe, in mafcpng trifles,ireafurc0,cotiagcs>eatt!es,tbiftles,migbtiei©afee0a ana peeble ft ones,precious pearler fbatbe toasberp fcripulous of tbe £purre,trulp groo felloto,quctb tbe CDéfleman, if tbp ®el* eing be of fo ff Guíe an opínicn,ít map be,tbat be ano 3( (bai muer agrée,fo; 3! tooulo baue fucb aone, as 31 migbt per# ftoaOetoitbrearon,anolaugbeoaffbcfellotoe0 fcoltlb ciò* quence,ano torni bis toap, fomftme tbep torli compounoe a too;o,toben it íboulo be flngle, fbus,tf toan bntbanfeleffe office,fo; tbanblcflMi bnfbanbful.0 man commg tb;ougb a dDentlemans paftures,ano fàtng fbere a greaf number of ^>bápe, (as^apfferS^plfonfelletbtbeiale) anoaffer fpeafetng toitb tbe ®entleman,S>p;, fapo be, pour tootfbtp bane grooip attoicnce of íbápc: toberebp tbe (SJenttemà per* cepueotbalbe toas moje fptto ialite among Ojeepe , tben fpeafee among men. áDn a time otte toasarrapnco,fo; (tea* iing of a CSI eatber,ano one of bis netgbboures, íbat toas bis frteno,frofee bpon bim fo mirrate fo; bim fo tbe ^uoge, tobo oeupfeo a clearbelp fupplicafion, fo crane fòuoure fo; bis $eigbbour,after ibis manner » 3¡ befácb pour &o;ofbip qttofb be,be groo ilo;0 to mp ifretgbbour, fo; ercefftfp oí* If rainoe bim to íf eale,o; rife be tooulo neuer batte Oone íf, ano be tbat accufe,is an bnruoe felloto, ano berp contagi* cus among bis netgbboures,ano if be conio conciare anpe tno;e,bc tooulo 31 ám fufe: Ebts g>uppltcafton bao menoeo tbe matf cr toel,if tbe 3luoge bao falten íf as tf toas fpofccn, noto íf bis too;Oes bao bene furb,asbe bimfelfe bao bnoer* 0oo,bemígbt batte tolo a topfer tale, ano baue bene muc& leíTe laugbeo aU ^ Qafemphaton. Afcmphaton,tobeníbere come manp üV& bles of one founo fogefber m one fenfertee, I Ulte a conípfiualt tarrtng bppon one ff ring, fbus,nepíl/er boncur not no nobtlltfp,coulo molte annugbíp ntggaroip nooop , ponr , • ¿ i O.itf*; ffrengtbThe Garden of Eloquence. iircngil)wnoitoftrtue,ojftiTfteaga^nae tbe ffreame fo itrong,a planteD place of plcafure plapnc, Uibere pleafuro Cjall me pleafejjn mp D;oufpD;eaoful ojeame,! thought J banofomcímie toben toep be pll placeo tbus, a folito feiiptpe toben 3 rato befóle tbe fttng, llano laugbín^, ^Sorcejniuf. OrocTmus, a mmaling fogeaíber cf otnew ?langnages,as toben íbere te tn one fcníence i dmgüito&attine f ¿r rencb, fome tomfc tote fpcaUe buí titile engliltoano tbat our fpacb to fo; íbe molí parte bo;roto*0 of otoer lan* __ p guagee?fcut totefelp of tbeilatíne, a# to toe llearneo ¿t \& toell ímotone* *F^C fpfíe&toercompntoto toofe jftgures, tobitoconv ■ peono a (entente alíogeatoer of one colour. ^ Ajindeton.. Sindeton,toben oíuers tootoea ano cíaiTeg be fcep te fogeatoer, tottocut toe beipe cf anp COUmnctton,to«O.Ciccro.2i:be Romaynshe>' firopeo Numance,toben Carthage cali Octotl !. CoiinthcíOUertototo FregelIas.fc*4.Hfciras^ 2, Cmafe ^uíftee fo; toe" ©SíUODotoe , bte inogeThe Garden of Eloquence. fitdge fo; f|)e fatberleffe, geue to tbe po;e, defend tbe com* fo?tleCfc,clott) ttje nafced,bcale tbe tooitded, fuceeur tbe felt, alfo,you baue beard it,you baue fane it,you baue p^cucd it you ooe toell remember if. ^'Tolifmdeton. 01ifmdeton,tobcn a fenfenee is fcnif fegea* tbertoitbmanyconiunctiono, contrarr to that aboue.Cicero.Me ceafe not boti) to eje* bojt and fo:p;ray,ano noto boldly to blame, anoaumamnje Pompeiusjtbat bee Iboulde flte fo great an infamy. Virgli,f Athamas,f Theas,and Peli-des;fro btc by cojd fltd doton. Aft. Apoft, bore abode both Peetcr,and lames anD I oh n, and Andrew.fC.Paulc Galat,4. ^e obferue dayeo and $pontbe0,and ftmeo and yearc5,and not onely tottb copulattuee,but alfa toitb difinnettues, and tbat elQquently,tbus, tbe too;d of (Cod among tbe Uitchco, to eytber negligently rcceyued,o’ toilfully contemned. 4 Scefis onomaton. Cefis onomaton, tufjcn a fenfence oj faying doe conffft altogcatber of notonc0,a0 toben to cucry &ubtf anttue and 0diecttue, is toy* ncd,tbu0,a man faytbful in friendtbip, pm* dent in counfayle0,bcrfuou0 in conuerfati* on,gentle in communication,learned in all Überall feien* ce0,eloquent in bttcraunce,comely in ietf ure, pittifull to tbe pine,an ennemy to naugbtincflc,a loucr of all dertue f godlmeifc.gaotbcr crample, a mayd tn conuerfaticn ebaff, in fpeecbe tnylde, in countenaunce cbarefull,tn bebantottre modeit, in betoty ftnguler, in heart bumble and meefee, in boneö myüb>merte toitb meafure, in fcrwtng of (Cod dilli# gent,toher parents obedient. ~ ^[ tmfal^tonttj ci^tjcr of fpóecb is lcngconftmteb,anoas it tocre, lirefcbeo out to tl)z after dite Ì02ie,bopoe of ali rotinoatto finééfè compofifton,tou&b&fc> ben alt pàffete ÉbtìènntticeyartO ieoulobaue reafon beare,rule, in allcontrouerfpes ano Oebafe0,imototng boto all tTttn ougìjt to tbe bttermofte of ibeirpob3er,tioibautngrcc^rDetotiien, mapnfapnetbe fame front finte to finte,agalli all fucb,apr teoulO bp fbetr g©o iutllcsf atto bcarfes oeip?e,b>ttrg to all manner of oif* o^ocr0 among goto men,fbatooe Daplp ftufb to Hue in fucb peace, as might bofb pieafeOoo, tobicb eommaunOctb con* eo;o atto iulttce fo be among bo men,bere bppon fbe earfb. Inherent Debates ooe oavlp grotoe, ano tncreafe to a huge 5»' ¿¿vi&uuj^s to fbofe |.s>umranfiue0>fo bobontetbep ooepjopcrlp * belong,ano that epfber to p:apfc,oifp;apfe, »'to ampltfp o; erfenuate,fo pjapfe, thus, Ci~ lceit)fo; Ligarms, toonoerfull element e, ...........*alio,£> moft bolp 2Difctpline,sdD glorious act, £>noblefenoUjne,€)beauenlptopes, Pfalm.109. £>tneefe ts fbp mcrep.Gcn.39.3!ofepbtoa0 a CPoolp perfen. Iudit. 19* 2Ebe ito^D gaueber a fpcciall betotp, Ionas-,4 .5 fcnoin that fbott arte a merciful! dpoo. Confrartiopfe to oifp^apfe, ¿0 filtbp fornication,® feiefeoman, ®bhfactable Defies, a moft ibamtfall fact^Elcie. 27inoUe tutcUeo p¿efump t U OH,The Gardenof Eloquence. on.Paulc Gabth.3.‘2D pe fajlilb (Matbians. Slo amplify © bentflp ruoenetre,aD DeutltHb Deuife*Cicero. CMjai Ibal 3j oe* rlarctbp mao D:onhcnrtc(Te i l^erc Cicero did amplifpe DjoitliennciTc , iubcn be iopneo to if, the Cfcpiihcfon mao, Sapi.f.S^bep fijal be bereo truth horrible fearer,Machab.4 Rearing theilomackofa cr^eUCihjaunCExQci a. jjn chat croefi boripage, Sjto extenuate a jfsnall offence, a pco:c n* cafe i a incafce caufcta fimple (hiftc.Zad iary,i\But a little nngrp jxcle.i/.aiiitleitttpanba fe lumen in it Eriphrafisjtuben that tuhich might be fapbe frith one fro;D,o; at the left frith berp fefr, is Declares ano explicates frith manp, anb that tfoee manner offrapes, bp explication chhename,frhich the Grecians call iuben fo: this fro:s philofopher, tec fap a man ilusieus ofUipfeoomc,fo; parafite, a jr latte* rer fo.j Cucers false: fo; CfoiG ian , a fr clipper of the true Cbs: bp amtoiaiioiT,thntis frhen bpeertapne marefes 0; fignes ice Dcfcribe anp thing,as bnserlfan&ing frbatan* ger is,fr e fap it is a behement heatc of the ntinse, frhicbe bnngeth paleneffe to the countenaunce : burning to the apes,ano trembling to tbepartes of thebobp, lifccfrpfe foj the fp^ing time,fr c fap that time,frhen trees bcgpn to bus, floluers to bloltom?,ano tiroes to builo their neafies. Bp oiffintiion,as foj Hbciojicbe, the 3rte of fpednng frell:fo£ &ogiche,the ftrtc of reafoning:fo; a ETp^aunt, an opp^eifer of the lafrcsanb liberties of the common frealc, foz man,a fr ight inoefrcS frith reafon. Ehis fpgure is b* feo fomfime fo; caufe of neceffitp,to ihun the plapne telling cfbaibfuU maiters,anothinges fople to be fpoben, as,31 muO goe to the p;tup,fo^ m. ano fomettme to garniib mD twinges,ano to gine light to oarcbe fentence0,as boefh E-,T he GarHen of Eloquence’. rafinus Spon be neb fremette, fpnatlp, toben ani? bing mtgfjf be fpclien b’iefelp, ano is toib comclpneiTebetoeö largelp,be fame ts calleo Peripbafis^t is affo a figure ßf ¿mplifpcattom ; íc:íííííí ìuù mpvaiu . o cnií. if m aqü'jj t¡:ío a cm ti inri -úb íisjEtj . Mphaiìs,tobé bere is mote io be imoc i&cdDì íben be mo ¿oes bp bem Celtics oo crp?dTe, o; bus,toben there is a Deeper bnDerßan* Ding,o? (tgmfpcatjon $ ben is Declares bp be n?o;öes bemfeiuss, anD it is after op* uersimanner ortoaprsbfco, Comet ime bp H)pcdx>lc,ab,mp man#bebbc a ilob ofiafe, -toberebp iS ßgnib?^b^ibt:iame-fe^ant,isma]wn pjonDe,ífcuíer arto DtCobeDícnf,. retting issate bis mapßerscommaunoe* tosní^fonteíftne ni1?m too%as, bdpc nota pòli men bat ¿otilomf met,be äsuerbe noto contapfreftf an topbalis, as mnb to far, itpou Doe not belpe me rtöto,3|ambtierlpc ßnDoncbelpe nomo? elfe neuer» Bp binges going before, 3 ine fignifp bingesfoHotoing after,as ameno pourlpfc ira# ber,pou are an oloe man: bp putting bim in minoe bat be is oloe, toe ßgntfp bat E>eatb is nept to oloe age, ano after ¿Deathcommetb 3fúogemenfe , bbenti-is to late; forepenfe : fitsbeftertofee pourcbilo?en toápenctoe< toóles bep bee ponge , ben bat bep boutoe gcue pou caufe to toeepe toben port are oído , fígmfpiug if to er c better fo? Carentes, to corrette bete Cbtlö;en liben bep W., porige' í ano fs to bnftg them to borine,ben fpnmteflre-, fo fpnre bem, nn&Mbem bilí to bice ì mÖcberaufeb^ßanp parerttes to Imtpe-¿1Öenj it is to late,fo?^lìàb tene often icone, bat be Cbiibes tokhe04pfcr bab bene be Carentes oeab. Gcneiìs,i7t(DoD fapeb to #b?abam, toai&s before me, that ^♦¿j* isTlie Gardon of Eloquence. ts to fap , feeepe ti)c coucnauntes and eommaundcmcnfes tbat 31 baue g en en tbeeJob.^fto (je $ 3 bat|ettntbd;atucti mpJelfe sutoftbe rtgtjt fojap. Proueib.34. Cbe iuftntan fallctb fetien tintes. Luke.i 2ï^appp are tbofe feruaimtcs fcjbometbe îlo^D (bal fpnde frmfcing Job,6.2Ctje patres tbat tbcp goe tn are crcokeo* Paule f0 tbe EpheCs . fltoake tljoti tbatflæpeft.Cbebûlp ^cripturesdoe flotoe tutti) tins j?P* gure,and in dæde it tôberp fbgrpe and pleafaunte, fome recken ibis among tropes^and otbers put it among figure« ofconttrutfioiit i4 ■ - • 'Jtt T;ill?. , .• •* V Yptote, token moje te bnoerffojde fben te faps,mucb It^e fptbat be&ue, tbus,beietfetb not a Utile by? bis bonite » tbat te, bæ touaMts àonne dearclpc., b« te not tbe Etësfrftmait utùjetoo^lae, and J am rp^rpe fettjmeftningtijat be'ip'opi topfer tbèn a fcnlc,!lotit netbebnmtnDftiIlofpomunatfers , tbat ts,>‘ tbep toere matters of no final accoumptc,fbat ts,tbep tocre matters of great tucigbt $ impoatacc. Aa. Apoft. 12. STbcre Xiw not a little goo. m e bfe tbtstpgurc in extenuating our clone cunning babes and psapfes, to auopde tbe fufpt* fiott ofarrogancp and boafting,thus,inc are not fo bnfkiU full of matters, tbat toe be:igno*gunt in ^fecaufe.,tebat is to be done,oj not to be.oone, likeippfe, notbene a $iggardeof mpfrnrfe anigngc fuebeas baomeoe: f Dane not eaten mp meate all alepei: p teas not tbe lalte iniljeirpeldeis fBg^gg^na tbe Cmnetnpcsjrf mp Countrp : 1 toas not^Ueejnao tbe t»ojite.foitb tbe idinganotbe#oblemen, rnoboeubiunctiuejtbe -potential! fo; tbe Indicai fit? 5,0; an v of them one fo) anotber;tbus, ntploiiingfrcnD0 tu^ totii not b;eafte our p;ompfe mast, fee, let bs not b;eafte our p;ompfr made* tbe Inbicafme % tbe Jmpa* c;viJL?x37 i.rr ratiue*0^ Enallage of tjme. EKafla^e of tpme,tobr toe put one tpmcfo^ another,tono* Tercncc.3! come to ttje mapoeno, | atoe tobo toe to, tfje^ fap,tbe fitter ofChniis,fo;,31 fame to toe map0cno,3l arisen iubo toe toao,tbep fapit toe fitter of Chrifis,tbe ^¿efentence fo)toe$;eterperfcctencc,ifitbappenhereafter, ttiat tocp map beare rule,toe are all fittbone, foj, toalbe all finbone* toe ^¿efentence fo* toe iFufure» c Enallage ofperfon. pNaìIsgeafperfoit, Mìni otte perfon in ^ tous,bere he titubai baue pou to fap finto btm,fpeafetng of bini Celie,fo; bere 3 am, tubai baue pou to fap finto mee* Si/ijc toiro pcrCon fo.i toc firtt. Cicero, flSSlbai tfitng mo?o too;tl)ie map be to^tten ef Cicero to Cicero,torti tfiat tobtcfi concerneto toe common toealto . i^eretoe totrb perfon io piti foz toe firtt,ano toe totro fo* toe fecono. Jfoj toe Tenie io ibis. 2© bai toms mo;e toojtbte map be tojitten of me finto ibee,torti toat tobtto concerneto tbe common toealtb» ^Hendiadis• rTÉndiaclis,tobàtu ^ufittanttue to put foj an aoiectme, ■Mof toe fame figmfpcatiou, aoinben toeefape, b# to a man of greate topfebome, foj, b& io a fierpe topfe v, . : mn$w The Garden of Eloquence. maw,a facing of camfo:fe,fin,a comfortable facing,a maw, of great ioetilifcfo? awaltbic man» , cAnthimeri<$. » J 4 » > • • '* .f a Mthimeriajtrfljen toe put one part of fpeacb fa* another, *- *tba0,fo toas ail btaltfe,fQ2,fucb toas all bis Ipfc, an ao* uerbe fin a notone,be fpafec teerp bote pou all can tdl,fin,be fpofteberpboielp pouallxantell,anoiDttfo;anaOuerbe* » ^ Shemates Rhetorically Fygmes of Rhctoricke. -e * ■ i ' P^gures of ^betoniche be tbofe, tobicb ooe fake atoap tbe A toearineffe of onr common ano oaplp fpeacb, ano Ooe fa* Anon a pleafantjlbarpe, eutoent ano gallant fcinoe of fpea* fctng,gluing Onto matterò great ftrengtb>perfpecuitie ano grace,tobteb fpgureo be oeutoco info flnee s£>;oers, of tobteb fbefeft contepnetbtbofe fpgoreotbat ooe make tbe o;ati< onplapne,pleafawnt, ano beautifull, pertapmng ratber in tuoroes then to fentences* ^Fygures of the firft Order* A Naphora, foben toitb much romclpncffe one toc>0 10 m •^peateo in omero clan fee, tsnoer tobicb tbefe tin figures folotuing be contepneo,in tobteb one too^oc map ten man* ner of teapee be pleafantlp repeateO, C Epariapbord: p Panapbora}toben otto too# is repeateO in tbe beginning: Msf outers claufejMj tbus> tuben toe begin manpe mem* itili toiffnme ano tie fame iwj;oe,tbu0, Cicero in tbe p.tapfesThe Garden df Eloquence» ptSpfCS&f Ponipehis,a bUtnCffC 10 Italy tobicb (Lucias LeífiS^útOiCünfeCTcír) tüas ürtbe bertue aitD counfatlc oí ibis man DeltucreD.2L foítnefle is Cilicio íubtcbe being en* utroncD on euerp fíoe tmtb manpano great Dangers, befef atltberíie . $oítoifbterrouroftoarre,buíquicíieneireof íounfa!le,a britncffc io Africa,tobícb being opp^effeo tmtb great armpee of entrape0,flofoeD tmtb blouo of flainc men, a toituelTe is Gallia, though fcobtcb a foap toas maDc(bntb great daughter of if renebmen) fo; our armpes into Spain, a imineffe ¿0 Spaíne tobicb batb toneberpofte, that bp tbps man,ma«p ercmpco baue bene cuereóme ano banqupfljeD* Pfalm.29 * £Cbc Lo^oe nttetbaboue the trmfet flouDc0,tbe 3lo¿o remapneth a &ing foj cw,f &o;oe fl&ail giue lfrtgtb •bnto bis people, tbe tlo^Dclfcal! giuebis people the blcdpng of peace ♦ Prouerbcs . 8, SEíuougb meé Ifrpngce rapgne, tbjofigbmeConnfailouremabc iuftlatoe0, though mes Doe panceebearcrul^alfoiatbefame. 21. SLbere 10 its tupfcDome, there is no buDertaoinge, there is no coutt* faple agapnit the llo^De. leremy. 8, OTbometbepjo* ueD, tebome tbep fcrueD,tDbomeíbepramteáfter,íubomt tbep fought am> fecuhtppco . E^ech^ i, |fn thee bane tbep •DifppfeD father ana mother , itt tfjeebane tbepgrirueDtbi Granger, in ibas bauc tbep bepeD the foiDofoc attD father* $effe, it iuere greater fo tee anDalfo (harper,if if be topneC tmtban intcrogation, thus. 1. Corinthi. 1, inhere is the totfe i Inhere is the fertbe i Inhere is the Difputer of § bwD* Iob.38. r&lbo gineth fure fotfeoome 0.5 ffeDfaftbnDerffan* túng¿ tobo numb^etb the clouDeo in fcnfeDoitteí lobo If pi* ‘lethtbcbebemenfiuatcro of beauenir alfo it io berp plea* fant if it be roupieD ftritb contrarp fenferrce0,íbu0,3í (ée tbaí bapnc plea(ure0 haue ftoeefe beginnings,ano tbe fame bit* íereaDíngs,f;fé thatbanitieisaDuaunceD, ano gcooncílt ttegíeeteD,3! fee tbatbpres Doe grob)e,an& bertneo Deere afe, that cruelttc Doetfj pjbfper, ano companion Doeth pcrtlb, 3 jféetbat loueislothfome, ano batreo Delectable, that gcDlp* fteffe i0 fo¿gotfcn,ahD bncbcDnciTe emb¿afeD , is a ] M pie«*jpleafanf,toarpe ano betoftfall fpgure,nno among all ofber The Garden of Eloquence. ero¿naíions,toereísnone fjjafmapbe bfeb mo¿e often in, sno;ationtoentois. p Pipliors, toben manp members oj claufes, 00c cnbe ff íi£ ^toito orre ano toefame toojo,cotrarp to tíjaí abone, tous, fmectoe teme toafconcometoas falten fromtbc aífie,i^; faertp toas falten atoa&tooilifie toas falté ateap,fHenbtoip, Inas falté ntoapo.botte cf Efd.Wme ís bnr¿gbfnous,f üing -ís ímrpgbtuoas, toomeit are ímr pgbíuotis, M fíje ci;tíQ;cit efmen are bnrígbftniu&pea, alltbeir toóles are fmrpgto íuqus. Math.7> ^atic toenof ptopbcfidxin tire nametoaue-toenotraUoufoipeísmtízname, ano otme manpmpja.*; ¿les tn tbf «wm*^í^beu j toas a chito, | fpabe -as a cbitoe, 31 bnOerftísfraiMtoüoefl imagines as a totioe. íoel.2-.a &aritt oaft&gloMútg oap, a rteuüv oap,pea*a ño}*> rnp SCbc i. calleo tijk a grene ¿DÍúic ^fatre one,a frutffuil «me,a gaoip ene, Ymp!oce,toben mattp members follotopng*. baue toe fame beginning ano the fame eno,. to at toe fir# bane going before, compiling beto la# Croj nations tn one,toat is,boto E* panaphora attO alfoEpiphora, tons. Cicero. 2£ibo toere toep $ often b:abc toeir leagues* ■ .toe Cartlia^inians, tobo toere toep t&at maoe cruel! toarre *&-■ ..t, àiThe Garden of Eloquence. •in Italy ? tl)C Carthaginians, tebo DcfaccD all Italy ? tt)C Car-thagmians,tebo ccatïc parOon noteithe Carthaginians. Üifoj inm teoulo pou acquite f paroon bp pour leniences,tebome tbe Senate baueconoenipnco, tebome tbe people of Rome bauetonûcmpneo,tebome all men baue conocmpneo. Elay. 24. ¿Ujctranfgreircursbaucoifenoeo, the tranfgreffours bane greuouflp offenOco.2.Conn.7.Mc baue hurt no man, lue batte wrnpteo no man, lue bang ocfrnuoeo no man* * SLbis figure ts mo;e pleafaant, if euerp repetition foliote* tag bane one teotee mo^c tben ibe repetition going before, tbuo.Kemember Sodom anoGomcr, remember tbe finne -of Sodom ano Gomer, remember tbe finne ano Oeftructtcii of Sodom ano Gomer.&busTapDe Tobias, tbus fapDe oloe Tobias,tbusfapocoloeanogoDlpTobias. feomctpme to® map bfe it tetib Degrees,tbus, it ts g®o foi rbtlojcn to learn bettue,tt is g©o fo; pong men to embrace beriue,iiis goto fo.i oloe men toloueberiue, it is goo fo; all men to ftcitue. Leer, tebena proper namebepng repeafefc, ssetb figmfp anötber tbing,tbus> pet at tbai mv Mcn^iiinstuaS Memmius, 'in tbe fpÄ place Mentmius.tß ^p^oper nameefaman, ötttin tbeferonöe, it figmfpetb bis mantters aifncb teere iDeUlmolöne.Cicero bfctb tbps fpgure m ists tt/tm actton appnft Verres, tbus, Verres ts n du» tbeiilmcnran,tbatbcbafbalteapcs bene, fot, Cicero bfefb bere tbe Monoton Idem, foj tbe pjoper name,anö in tjeDetbtsfigarebatbfomeipmc tfco:e rcfpecte io tbe ferne ano figmfpcation, tben to tbe repttiiton et tbe name . jfoj in Ipite manncr öoetb Paule bfc it in bps Cptfilcfo Phi-Iimoi^tebcn be faptbjtbongb 3i be as 3 am,eiten oioe Paule, 4 ;.nAi $4* ^*5The Garden of Eloquence. %erc be both figntfip bp else PauleJjto o!d manners ant) con* ftancte in tbe faptbof nnu hto accuftcmeD bplpgence in punching toe gofpelMpfeetopfe map toe fap,Cic€ro toas Ciccro^bat is, a man eloquent ant> altoapes a louer of bps count rep, tit that great bicto;p Caviar toas Cxfar,,toat is, %, mmifuil conquer our. ^Diaphora, j Iaphora,mt?cblplie foffeaf before, toben firn tooto repcatcD batti another fignt&atiS, pet tocpöiffer, fo; Pioce repcatcto a p;opper name,atto toma common tooto,thus. 22211 bat man to there lining,that tooulo net bane pu itcb that cafe if he hao bene a man, in the lati ter place man fignifictb humanities; the pittifullaffection Hwt to in man,alfo thus hto otonp Sünde Pelt torto hpm,#*: msrail him hto $nito* ! ^Emanalej)ßs-... ■ pPaoalspfis, üiljcnfft« fame tomo« tiwt ooctCi begin* r fentence,Poeto alfo enoe it, o; thus, toheit a fenfcnce -fcotbbotb beginne ano enOe toitb one ano the felfe fame tootoe, thus. Virgli, ^anp thtngcs of Priamus thee Ptp % PrmannDe, ano of Heftor manp things,alfo m toe fame. 4f uli offe ibe fpafce of Italy,of Hcfpma too;e full ofte.Hiày. 34.^ecareleffe cities marke mptoo;Pes, after peares aito ^apes toalpe be h;o«ohi in feare £S)pe careleffe ttites>PauL Ketopcein the &o;o,ano 3 fap again reiopce : Jfaretoel mp ^ Anadt«enee* ^Anadiplofìs. Naciiploiisjtofjrn t\)t laffeino;öe of rtjcf^ffdaufe istbefyzft inojö of tt)e fecono,tbuo. Virgil, $oin folio* foetb fap;e Aiur, Afartrußinge io bis ßäeDe.Ouid. ¡ffllitif oeatb, death muil bc rccompenceMn mifchicfe mifcbtefe muß be beapte.Dcuüer.8, tbe 2lc;D fbp ®oö b;tngeib tbee (itfo a goo iUnöe,a itano in icbtcb are riuero ofioaiers.Efay.3o,ito ttjis isan obßinate peo-jpMnd oiflfcmbling Cbilö;en,Children tbatrefufe to bcare tbe bopce of the Hotf^Pauleto tbe Romaynes.14,i?o; tf in« iiue,ine line bntop liojo, if ine ope»ine dpe imfo. tbe 2Lo;ö. Paule, Couching fbat be dped y be üped ome roneeaminge ßnne,and ao tourbing be lwetb,be liuetb bnfo dDod, fbie fp* gure io berp pleafaunte,foj tbat it oofb ao it inere,ßrrbc a bouble ßroafce,oj rebearfef b tbe laß toojo agapmlrbe a re* tadingC-ccoe», Epi^euxts. Pizcuxis,toben toe repeafe a tooüöagapne, fo? tbe greater bcbemcncp,and nothing be* tinirte,anDthatinitba iioifte pionotmeta? tion3tbue. Virgil, & Corydon Corydon* inhatmatnefle hath ihre momde: Cicero, Chou thou Anthony,'gaueß raufe of rtuül toarre to C:dar,Uuüing to tnrne all bpfpöe 00lnn.F-fay.46, 3>3> tohicb fljall beare potrjbntepour laß age, in tbe fame fi.^ttnalie^ainaiie auo ßano bp ¿¡D ^erufalem ♦ Iemny.$-y. ÖU)ap,atnap and get pou out from hence, Jeremy in ano* 3M& tber' The Garden of Eloquence. tfjer pisce rebearfefb one too¿o tfrìife, íbus, áD earib,eartb, earfb,tohp ari tbou protette i €SB e Ofe tlnfífpgttre cbtefelpe teben our affections be mucbmanico, fornitine tbtetigb an¡> ger, as,a íutcícb>Uuctcb» tebat batte tbou oone f ano tehpe Otott ííjou tbus : fomcf tme fl^ougb forróte, ae $Dauio OiO Soben be betoapleo (be oeatb of Abfalon bts fonne, crping out íbtis,i) mp fonne Abíálonjnf fonne,mp fonne Abíalo, SfcoulO ®oo 3 bao opeo foj tbee,)¿D Abíálon mp fonne , mp fonne: fornitine fíuougb top ano glaoneflc,tbos.^D Sueleóme Sueleóme, mp loue moft oeare : fomeíime m meruapttng, tOus,ILo¿o,ilo¿o,tebat a cbatmce teas tbat* ^Diacope, Tacopc, teben a teo:0e fsrepcafeo, anobt& ; one toote put bctteeene,tbus, tbcufenotocit not, (foltfbman) tbeu fcncteett net,te bai mtgbtano fo^ce Ocrtuc batb, 3 tetti notee frame mp feng ottone,botee loue batb Dette Iteitb me : alio, rem ember mp rljilDun , re* member tbafTì pour father baue gene pou a charge tc turpe, anuacommaunocmcntto cbferue.r'ialm,^, $t5p Otarie is fppeo,£> <£oo,mp blatte io fppeou tpTraduclio. Radiuftiojtebenoneteojo ts fnjrtOip fpmes repeafeo in one fcntence,tomabe fbe iD;a# tion mo^e trtmme,tbus, let ricbes belong to ricb men,but p,jeferretbou Oertue before rp* cbes,foj if tbou unite compare rpebes teitb Oertue , tbou fijaltc tirintre rpebes tearre ttteete to be banomapoes to Oertue. PanyeU. 2D lung tbou arte a&mgof brngesJohn^.^c man attenoetb Op to hen* : .; . ' n ue«sa lence. ucn,bu t be tbat came botonc from beauen,euen tbe forotetf man, tubicbts in bcauen, PauletoibeKomaynes.ii.^o; of bim, anDtbjcugbebmt, anofozbtm* arc alt tbmgcs, to btm be gfo;y fo; euerXoiin.p.Co (lie toeafee, became g as focabe,to tffin fbe iDeafee,Iohn.i$ygf ye tocrc of tbe boojlb, tbe too?!* toculb feue b*o otm,bc tr be it,becaufc ye arc net of tbe inojlD,but g baueebefen you cut oftbc t^UMbcre* foie tbe fomlD bafetb you.SLbis irgure.tbegccfs calPoh-^lotoi^ano feme call it Tautologia, ^ Jßndeton. Syndcton,a fygure ivfjiclj keepe tbe parfe s of' our fpeeclj fogcatbcr, Uutljout belpc of anye conmdiQn$,ttw,$ Icucotjim, 3 öefen&eD bim,g beliucreb btm>g fet rny tobclc Deligbt ; t« bim: g neuer oio it, 3 neuer fpafee it,3 _________*_neuer fbougbt it;bc tons my bano,my ftaffe, my bearte,my comfojfc.Paule to tbe Theiiälom, *. SKUarne tbcmtbataretJnrue!y,comfo5fe tbe feeblemynDeö, Itfte tjp tbe tneabe,be pacient tofoaro all nun, Math.ioggeale tbe ficbe,cleanfe tbe iifapers,rayfc tbe Deao, catt out ¿>c* miß,toben mattere requy^e b-jeutty, fbts fygurc iscbiefcly to be WeD,o; toben toe fignify tbe quiefc oiipatcb ofa DßDe. Toljßndeton.. Ol) findeton, tibrn n fcnfcitee io fcntife fege* tbcr toitb manye romunrtion», coiifraryc to that befere, be is an biter em'my fcotb to byo comifrte , ano a rebell tobio prince, anö aö* . ~ uerfaryfoali goöiy lames, anöbafeaiilfo all men. Actes Apatites. Mlbere abcaoe boibe Peter antj lames, anD lohn,atib Andrew* Paule f0tbeRomanies 8. io; 3 am fuie tbat ncyfljer Dratb, neytber lyfe, ney* 3Ä tber-The Garden of Eloquence. fber aungcte,neptorr rule, neptoer pctoer,tiepfbcr toms« pjefent, neptbfr 1 binges to come, nepfber b 136, neptoer oepto,neptoer any other creature, toall be able tofeperafe me from tbe lone of dDoo,fometime tottb btfum ©3DÎD top Creafo; . Jeremy.^ * 3 to til make them to bée a re» p;a>fe , a common bpe too;oe, a lagbtng ffocfce , a fljante.fc* 3 toil matte toemoefolate , toafte , oefpp» ico,btffeo at,aeemfeD,p;i0eflapetot0ue,p;ouofeeto otfoam, btnoleto malltce,contemneto bumtjlttp, toounoeto topfe» borne,confounocto 3afttce,ano befacetb ifo;fitu dc. Efay.*» JLearne to boe right,applpe pour fclueo to equtipe, Deltuer tbe opp;effeo,belpe tbe fatoerlcffe to bio right, let the to to? ftotoes complapnf come before pou. ^Membrum. Embrum,toben in feto tootoeofbe conffruc* tiort is ett&co,buf not tbe fence alfo, o; tbuo, toben tbe o;afion is p;onounce& tottb tb:ee 02 fotoer members, eptber coupleo 0; bn? coupleD,tbk0.&0etobatagreat offence anD atmerfifp fbou bafte brought to top felfe, bp one totriteD DteDe,ibou baffe confumco tbine inbcrifaiinre, raff top parentesinfo io;roto, 02turn atoap top frienoe*, befpleotbp name, ano p;cuoheD ®oo fo anger :aifo,fo too;toPThe Garden of Eloquence. foojtbp a man toas he, that euen his cm empes cculoe not bat conteffe, that he ms fapthfuil m rricnDfljtppe, a per * former of htsp?amtfc, a if alerto the 3fatí>eríeíTe , a gupDs to the (MipoDoüîe > a teacher to the ignojaunte* lob.i s.atfec the CatteH,ímo ibepfbail informe thee,, the JFoul£0Oftheap;c,anD tbep Ûjall fell thæ , the tncreafe of the earth, anottlball fljeipe thee, o; the JFpihcs of theses, añDtbep íbaü certifie t&ée. Tobias, i o. Efjou ligîjtc of our epes, thou tiaife of cur age , then com* footer of our tpfe, thou hope cfcur generation . Pai^e to Timothy, dD¿D£D tuas thefoeo in the flcfije , ¿uti* fpeo in the fpiriie , feene among £tungeiles,p;eacbcD to the Gentles , beléetieo on in the tno>lce, ano recepuco bp in glo;p ♦ %Us is a herpe pleafaunte ¿rotation, if fo be that it tfanoeth bp eqimliitpof number > ano alio it fer* uetb much to tbarpeneffe/c; both thefe fpgures as Uicll in blaming, asincommenoinge, Doe in manner tfrpfce the tninoe Uuth often ttroahes, q- (pompar. _ Qrnpaiqtobífbe the (Drccians cali Ifocoion, Í© ^ari^on > ia tuhen the members of an ¿Ration t bee almoHe of a iutfe num-r fjljbcr of syllables , but pet the rquatitpe mm* paries 02 members, mutt not be mea* ___ furcOhppon our Jfpngcrs , but be frpcor bp a recreate fence of the eare , fo; it is cbplotihe to tell the Syllables buhen a fetue tonge Doe often tpmes niatche in meafure manpe fho;te , but crcerepfe ano peacttfe 3 niape f©ne teach t)0 to make the members aceojoeberptuellanopleafauntlpe. Prouer,8. Slough mée Doe p;tnees beare rute , ano alt |uDges of the dearth crearte H(uogemente , 3f am toning bntothofe that loue médano the? that féeke mée earelp, fhaUfpnDe §M> nmThe Garden of Eloquence. m®.FXiy,i.2D^e^efjai^lJiioli3He!)i30t)ncr, anb the Me l)is mapiters mhbe.Amo&,$- *^ee that CBquitp flotue as the l»atcr,anD rigbfcoufneflc as a migbtp fircame. «¡Homeoptoton. Omeoptoton,iDi)cn Diuers claufesboc cnoe alike bp cafes, be came into Celicia , anu then be fpieD out Africa,anD after came toiilj bis 0rmp into Sardinia, be teas to gtoD men p^ofpfableito bis crannies terrwleim ber* ___________fties moft commendable,obtapntng.a name foj euer Durable,our Defies arc full of Difquieincffe, anD our facietp,is cloggeo feifb in eanitcffe,Fccle.22.Hi5e faptbi full to tbp netgbbourc in bis poitertp,Ci)at fljmi inapeft rc* ioicc fcoitb bint in bis pjofpcritp. Aft. Apoft.i6.Mben tbcp baD gone throughout Phrigia,ant> tbe region of Galatia, thep lucre forbtDDen of tbe boll? ©bolt , to preach tbe InorD of dDoD in Afia,tbep tbentame to Mifia,ano fought tbe luape to Bethinia, tbere b e t\n& tbinges inbicb men Doe ebtefelp coiieijrtcbes, pleafures, anobonours ; riches be tbe jgur* fes of fume anb intquitp,]Bleafure is tbe Daughter of Diibc* neftp, anD tbe gupoe that leadetb to calamity : honour is ibe mother of luojlDlp pornpe anD banitp. Homoeteleriton. Omoctclcmon, tr!;ctt tlucre cfcuiftfl Doc en6s alike bp QH'erbes, or $Duerbes, thus, Clo* quent is be,tebicb can inuent creelicntty, bit* pofc euiDenMp/pgurc Diuerfelp, remember perfect*The Garden of Eloquence. pctfictl^,anu pjonoance magmfrcaüç : aitotaer, tae per* fect Latour beginneta aptl^crpieffeta plapnip* cDmpjp* (tt\) biiefelp^puioctt) rtgbilib conféra ett) tlronglp, confia tcÊi) Ojarpcly. t^cr betetr tuas commenDctitacr ilearning p’apico,berbcrtucse):ioldijam)|jer tuo^tas battes tueli rememiyteD, ^Paregmenon, A regmenon, febcn Cf % ilDO.ïîi gOÙîg bifore» i ifjcïrcta fcücbüing is DcrpucD,tt)U3, J line a l\fe tr iti) rarefali trae : it tims a nteruaiie mcii mcrucrictts, ans a teenber moli tcon* lr scrini!.Hiay^Mlbèfîrcpetae toifebcme oftbctDpfe.PauîeîotbeRomaynes.p.jpo’ tftep batte Étant* bien ai tae Étambling fiotterei bim ibat eitao;icta>geue ai* teittHunoeiobte ev*bcîtatûm:jânD littetapfe , tubai tfje ix=02D foüoU)tng,ts ite fame taat geetbbefo’e, taus, Paule» 516e merrp trita item taat î?e merrp, taæpe alio tutta tao» taattaeepe. acParanomaJIa. Aranbinafia, te a certame bcclpmnge ut* to a contrarie, bp a Ipfcei^bcDtie of ket* ters , ertarr abbiti, cbanngcb, oj ta* U ktn atoape ; aobcb tìm > I bab ratber ■ latte Imi tenne pamoe ef bis fluoro e, taen of bis iuo’Dc , if tuere as g©o a Caunoercr , ns tace te a fiaunberer , tatù tucuioe inatae tnbpis ? ommitg oftae banbore, itape cf a liBarne soie, cbaungeotattsi^anplparenteg noine a bapcs, are not corretters of tadr d)ttD:en, but co^rupiere, $am farete batti a Umitg w^fe,but j tatare noi a toutng tupfe5 atta* The Garden of Eloquence. ana therefore fee tooulöe glaölp cfeaunge a bitter Ipfe, fo; a better life,fee fetteife as rnuefe bp fete featber as bp bis father, gtue feim a li5tblc,geue feint a babte, call pou feint a ftubent offeumamtp, napeofimmantip, bp taking atoap,tbus, toas be neuer fufpecteD, pesfectoas euer fufpecteö, fee is better able to abufe feimfcifentfeenfcfefeimielfe, foj ine fee tfeat often times fee can reele feimfeife,tofeen fee cannot rule fermfelfc. qAntanaBafis. |TKtanaftafis, toben toe repeafe one tooj&e tbatbatfettoofignifpcations, ancone of tfeem rontrarp,* oj at tfee leaflre fenlibe to I tfee otfeer,tfeus,in tfep pouffe learde fonte crafte,tfeat intfep age tfeou ntaieft igei tfep _______liufngtoitfeout craft : featfefee tfeinfee pou a tepfe feeaa, tfeat totll let feto topfe be bis beac,fee is fcerp bare,pet fee let femn to ttaitc bare,neuer cal feim a Bfuttice, tfeat öotfe (feetono 3!ußice,carefoi tfeofetfeinges,tfeat Ifeall btiefearge pou of all care. ^Zeugma, Eugma, toben in Ipfce claufes,ffeere is fonte I common tootec, tofetefe being erptefifeD^n one elattfe, is bnDerßoCc ut tfee otfeer not J efeaungeo, ana tfets common tooto ts ffejto fj manner of toapeserpteft, tfeat is to fap, in _______J tfee fp?ß claufe,tn tfee mttsble claufe, ano m tfee laß claufe. Prozeugma, tofeen tfeat cowmen tootoe is put in tfee fpjßc claafe, tfeus,tfee people of Rome ceßrbpec Numance, toauThe Garden of Eloquence. loan Carthage, cattDobm Corinth,OtterifocUl Fregellas,fl(jc people ofRome is here the common too?o, toljtcf? pou fœ is cpp?cireoinfbcfirffclaufe,anDnQtinanpcf the other, but onlp bnDerffcDb.lob.12.0rbe the eatfel ano tbep (bal enfojm tljie,tbe j?oules of tbe ap?e f tbep (ball fell tbMbe encrcafe of the earth,ano it C^all lbe& thœ, o; the jrpfijes of the ^ea, ano f hep fball certifie tbfe. Hjere lpfeebjpfe,anuy s tbe cc m mon too?D,b)btcb is erp?effeD in tbe fp?ft claufe, ano to re# qutreo in tbe other bp an bnocrffanbing. Mefozeugma.toben tbe common Ujo?d to put in tbe mio# Ole claufe,thus, neither bis father no? bis mother cdtilo per# finaoe him,neither bis frienoes no? bis fetnfmen, the rpcbe ano the pco?e,fbc maiffer t the feruanf muff pelbe to Death, fo mult the maicffrafe ano the fubiect, the iupfe ant tb: fen# lilb,ano b?icflp both pong ano oloe,berepelo to Death,is the common tno;o,ano erp?effca onlp in the miDOle claufe. Hypozeugma,toben the common Ujojo is put in the laff claufe,thus,boares, tapes, foeebes, montbes, ant peares, Doc paife abmp,cpfbcr couetoufnelfe of g©Ds, o? tbe loue of bapnepleafure, o; els Defire of honour, moueo bpm thus to toe. wHypozpuxiu Ypozeuxìs,confrarp fo Zeugma, iubcn eue? rp claufe batb bis Due CUerbe, o?b)bcn io e# uerp lìnguler tbing o? fenfcnce,a Due tfferbe ts iopneD,fbus,fbat lanDe p?ofperetb tobcrc CoD is feareD,rulers obepeO,rigbfuoufnelfe t____ - regarDeD, ntercp mapntepneD, ebaritie em* b?afeD,berfuesaDuaunceD,anD biccs rep?cfleD, but tobere tbefeberfues be ncglerteo, f purpofeìp DifppfcD, fbere g©0 laU»esbeabanooneo,bncbeDne*furibereD, rebellion rap# feo,boufes burneo,citties fpopleD, come fielbes confumetr, men murtbertfbtoomen noi pifieD, birgines oefloureo, all IM#. . ft6 IThe Garden ofElocjuence. tfjc laño tmpouertüte o,aii gooncífe confounoete ñt n bn* militv, tebat iSiertue iwzz precious i bumtlitpe U ee fee increafeffjiouMtigmentctíjhencuolencc , fuppotfctb C* quitpe,retaí’n£tf)pac!ience,eDnquer£ffKnnempí:0,Dtfcí)arí gctb 0aungerss,f «ffefíj ofenup,tetnneíb tbe fauour of Cod, ant) t\)t p:apfe of men; 115ut pipoe contraritepfe, flapefb Ioíie,p2ouofiefl) oiíDapn,fetnDletb maUtce,ccníetmbcíb $iv fííce,contemtietbtempo2auncpjli!i0ünsctli teifeDcme, tc* facefbfo?iiiuos.©is) fpure is of great ra;cc>fo p?apfe o? Dtfp’apfe,fojtf Doth as itteerc,papnt0uíeucrp quaUttpe tn bts feucrall conloare, alfo berg excellent to c jrp?e£c au outrage o? ocftructicit. qTaxis. Axis,mud) lihc io tbaf aboucjfeben eucrpr tbingto euiìicntipi5tfimgintl)et),lritib net» iHcrbes, timone tnueigb agapnifc fluir ty* eco, tf teas bnlatefulio lìéepc fife, ti teso net erpeOpcrfeo fpeabe fufptetcuflpitteae: bell aceepfcD.Ckcro.Bp ibis nicaneo, our eonquerco all Italy, (ben caC Doten Cai-thagc,on erigete Numance, anDbjcugbtemoUc nugbfpc ilkmges,anD moti balpaunt gattono, to fbe Dominion of ibis Cunpp?e:alfo io? fl)ce,mcncp batte fbop p?cpareB: fo? fbte, Scrunimi es batte iijcp nppopnf eMb& baiti) tbctr tute* fìeDconicteitSjbatietbcpDcferiDeOjftcauitio^frcfibc naie batte iljep ieoancD : Deaib ano bam'Ojtttctife io tbe Remarne &ntgbfe batte tbep tij:catenf.D:me tetti) fife ifoeaf* ntrtaes baue ibep fearco : fo me Baifaple aria fiaugbier batte tij-iv DfnotmfcD:mp beute ibai teas full ofgtoO meu, tetfb fife ctene f rteu&es batte tbcp penerete ^ThcThe Garden of Eloquence. he fecond Order. p3&ure0 of the fccond 02ber,are fuch as boe rnafce the *■ ration not ottcipe pleafantc anb plaufible,but alfo berg iharpeanbbehement. ^Ecphoriejis. |j gerjfcjrolUjglaoncirejmarueplingjfeare^^ anp fneb lpbe,li>c braise out tn bopce imfh an exclamation outerp to cjrpjctTc the paili* ens of our rninbe,after this manner. ¿D la* men tabic eifate.saD itirfeb miferp^D imebtb fmpubeneg , top incomparable, £D rare anb imguicr beiTjtp.Ecde^^-.gDbolu fapifeafbingismercp, in ftietime ofangmi!) ana trouble. £D mo{£ Uiiefceb p^fumpiion,from iubence are f bou fpiong bp,fo couer the earth toitb faiOjoD nnb oerepfe.Pauk to the Romaynes. 7.€> bj^etebeb ma that 3 am, luboibaii oeliuermefrcm thisbebp, fubbuebbnto ¿DzatJ) i ¿D the deepeneiic of the riches,both of the iuifdome nnb Imotuledge of €>od, i .Machah.2.®atioe is me alas, that euer J teas bo;ne,to Re this mtferp. mprecatio, Mpra-atio/eehtn ire curCfe and defe£ fame ^ ! prrfon oj thing,foj the cutis that thepbjing ! toith them,02 fo; the bnihediic$e that is in ___ them,after this manor. Cicero. £D mote ab> hominable boictfcdnes,too?ibp to be buried tn the boftome of the carthtbooe tno^ih the ipojfeers offuch b,ucbebnetTetNa-3‘S^doe to the bia?d fbirRp ciitpjtubich is nl IMtff. fullThe Garden of Eloquence. full of Ipes anb robbery. Ezcch 6, HKEloe ttsojtb all tbe abbo* wiiitaf tons ano ipicfeebneCTes, tooe Unto poa fetches I pb&* rifies, wObteJlatio. Bteffotio, tnben toe mafce a meane bp p?ap* cr to get fauour,oi to obtainc that Urbicb toe UiOUlD farn ljaue,tbus, Terence.fD Chi ernes 3 befeecb tbee fe* ®cds fabe,anb fo: cur clbc frienotbip, U btclj bath retmnneo euer fmcc \nc lucre cbtltyen, lobirb tpme bath alfc en* creafeb,anb foj tbp onlp Daughters fafee, $ mp founts faltc, Inborn 31 bane rommiitcD tobolp to tbp goiternemcnt, belpe *ne in tbis matter. Cicero. S&lberforc £D G*{ar,fi)j tbp P20* ntpfc, tbp conffanete, anb tbp mercpcs fabe, bifehargebs rbicflp from ibis fcarc,tbat toe map not fo mucb as fufpccte fbat anp part of anger rematnefb tn tbee,fo i tbp right banbs fabe 3 befcccb tbtt»tiibfcb tbou gaueit fo Deiotams tbclking tn paompfe.Paule to ff^e Romans 12,3 befeeb pou b>etbcren bptbemercifulneiFeof®oo, tbat pou mabepourbotipes a ^utebefacngce,fe J pjap pou cofiber fobat a precious thing tnerepano pitticis. q' Optatio. /^\Ptatio,toben foe tmlhc bnto ofitalitr fo* %*U gain®The Garden of Eloquence. gain# Catiline.Hiíberfo.íc l?oü Ifrtoges lajfee fo pom* felues, ptoupoe fo; pour counfrep,Ocfeno pour fclues,pour tomes, pour cbilo;ett,ano gmos,maintains fbe renctonano fafetp cf i^eRomainc people, PfoIm.34tCfcfntc empano Ooe g©o: feefee peace,ano enfue tí: fíje principal! places toberebp toe Ooe erbo;íc,are tbefe, ím pipíes ano erpsítation of men, lope of Ptao;p,bope of retoaroe, hope of renotone, feare of i&ame,ejramples of all fpmes. ^Dehortatio. , Hhortatio, confrarp to that aboue, lufjirfj is* toben toe tooulo oiiitoaoe f reouce cur bea* rers from feme thing flat is emit. Cicero, $euer toil, o; attempt fbaf thing that can* notb&:0lfo, fo;€toosfakefaftebfcCe poti ^uOgeMbaf fbeouab hope of p;efenf peace, poab;mg noi-incotifinuaUtoarrcano contention . l^eere Cicero oiHiuaoeiij^e Senate,from matipng league ivpfb Anthony. c Confai alio. ¡gj Onfolatìoj tobe toe itole means fo faite atoap |j| conecíueo fo;oto ano beam'nes from § mpnos cf our bearers>bp cofo;ftng ttjc toitb eberefuü ’ too;os, after flus fc;fe. Tcrcnce. 25c of gajo - cbtorc mp fírcete barte, hurt not íbp felfc toiífj (ojoto,3! toarranf fié, 3 toil fruto but tbp Pamphilus,toijtuv foeuerbebe,! toílbjing bint to me.Virgil. áD maíe0(quofb be) flat manp a toce bauc btooen ano borne ere fits, too;fe baye toc Ccene, ano fits alio íbaü enoe, toben goostotll ¿s, Iob.j. flftiben Eliphas íbe 2£bemanife carne fo btíifc IoB m bis mgf$rie¿,ano fatoe that be toas toonoerfaíipe afíUcíco, f otoThe Garden of Eloquence i î3î?i bfc tbtscomfortable ptritoaüon finto bvm, fijaf mg« is happp (faceti; be) tubarne ©oö ptutpificfb, fo: tboogb b& mafic a tuounb?, be giuctb à plapffer * SCbcngb be fmv'te, be mahetb tubale agnpn,anö alfa be ibeiuetb bim,tbat CcD ■is a p:otc£tour ano cefenöer ofbps,in buttger, tuarrc,trctn> b!e,feare,Deßrü£tionjant!Deaib ♦ $nö therefore be unUetfi bim io remue bis papneanö pmntbemeni ixuth pactenee, ana alio to reiopee therein . âno foi as mueïje as tbtefull tuo:&c0 be repugnaunt to h forrotufufi mpftae, it is g©D fa fenotuc perffiîip ibe bsß tnap, botoe tue map mimfîer tbß faine io ibe foie, ano therefore tbe learneD baue ncteb tino leaves of comforting tbc fo:ofufuî mpnoe,fbe one is, fiebert lue Ûjetue that in fome cafes tbep ougb* netto lueepe c: i& mento: cîs at tbe Icafi fo fojrotu fierp little*, tbeotbens* lubin tue gratuit tbat fbep baue ga& catife to mourne : nno tberefoje tue (beine ourfclucs foîrolrfullalfo in tbetr hu balte, ano tuoulo tuitb all om* barte remeop it,if if tuere iti oar poiner fo to boe.âno fo bp taking part fiotti) mourners^ tuée oœ fo&e to afitnage tbetr grtefe ano beaiunefife. ^Gratiarum dHio. Rati.1 rum a&io, tuben fiuee glue fbe .^ubgei o> oar bearers moit barite tbanfces fo: fbe faueur thatfine batic obtained cf tijmi, ano fo: tbetr gcntlenes in graunipng ioouroe* fire o: reqaeft,ano fomeftmes alio, foitbep: pactenceinbcarmgfis. Cicero. ¿;etbee,i£> Ca-farfme gtue mofi bartie tbaitfies,pea,greatibinbes fine peloe to tbee. I ohnj j , jfatber | tbanfie tbee £Sat tbou bafie beard me.Paule to tbe Corinth.2, SDbanfiee be finfo C^oo ab? fempes lubtib gtuetb fis fiifo:p, % c, ' ^Com*The Garden of Eloquence» i ; , - *: ' • , q-Corner obatio. obatio, irretì toe fee forno goto tovtoS tri toe luöges oj tu car bearers,o¿ tu anp oíber. #nB torrefa je Declare toat toe d m toeíl aílotoe of tí, ans alfo commenoc tljem fo? ¿É.Cicero» 3 commenoc ana pjapfe pou, 1?°tt Nuages, fo jtbaí mort louúiglp ve do aDuance tíje name cf fo famous a voattgman. £Hfo le'true me, von baue Done toellinpumping fo totclteo a tojeícb, fot-noto others map ía^e example Dpbim,a!fú3<¿DoB gratmt pou map pjoceeBe in W* pur toell Doing, Piphonèma,ati acclamation of a matter tfr-tento oj appjoucD, confevnvng toe fumme anö roneluüon thereof, of a matter bttcrcB. Virgil, ^otoatgbfteamatiertttoasjfo fef bp tbe Romane nation,fo baro a matter it ist call âgspn tbe Voluptuous man from bice? anD toe conetous man from bis greeov Defircs, ^ueb is toe ienoe !y feo f aditole pe-rfcns.loc io barolp efcapeD toe tbofc naugbtiemens bbtibiebanöcs. HctesoftbeBpoßies, 15?. feomtgbitiv greto toe tuojB of (l&to atto pjeuatleö J£etocr* io aedomaitomvof matters toloefefo:e. j^ctoc of matters app JCUeÖ.CiecrofßJ Ligarius. .tetjofc pattoon is pjapfe of tbv merev. 0Cæftr, asió1$aU toetr tombes toarptn to© to mtelítefíob.? ,%eCjtoto tot cur feines baue pj0ircD. KGy.5-,. 0( tbefe be telato foj equitptout fee it is tojcg, foj rigfjtcuf^ 0£S>$ loe it is but mptorp, Mat, ip.&oc (frito Peter)toe baue •' fo¿¿fo;faben alleano folio irei fbee.Tkrcnce. f^etljaf Dare bk fo boiDe ao begutlc bis Girne jfafber, belò ntuebemo;ebolDe Dare De,alfa,fe tiiat bfefij io fiorare tviWont tanfo, be luta aìfo fo;fiucare if anp fbing Doetb mone bpm. %\)is figure io eucrmc;efrfcD after ibc matter ie folte c; appjourOjirbicbmaiieibanenDe of tbe fame, tuitf> muebe mo;emcruepling,tbatio fo fap, an amplpfpingc offrane* Cp,n)tdicDneirc,plrafurerDtgntfp,p^fitc,Ioire,~DtfftCi!Ur.r ano futi) ipltc. ™ Nterogatioj iiDemaunoing o; afiimg , of tubicb tfrere De ftuo fo;teo, one plapn,tufricb ippB p^i iß tufren tue afbe fo tbe tniaif fo rcccaue an |||g1 pSi auitftoerc,ao fbe barrinone; Dio of Ionas,tell |||§| j§Ä]ks(iapetbep) fo; tobofecaufe are tue Unto IB££SÌ31 troublcDftDbai is ibineoccnpaftcm tobence fonimeli ibottf ano iobetber goeft tbou i tubat counfrpman arie tbou : ano ao fbe fagiano fapDe » tubere io be tfrat is bo;ne iàingof fbe Btetueo i &be otber io fpguratiue, tubpefr ¿0,toben tue aibe not fo fbe infetti to recepuc an aunftuere, o; becaufc tue iuouioe tearne,bnt becaufe tue map fberebp, malie fbe HDjafion mo;e Ifrarpe ano Debemenfe,anD mutbe teff er fei foìtoaro otir purpofe,fomefimc it is fcfco fo; bt* bemeucp.Ckero, >ibcu Cati Ime,boto long tulli tfrouafrufe our padenav noto tf pou Doe remane ifre fpgure anD tape ; 2~boti Caute Coen Icng abufccnr padence:fbe faping io fcerp colDc,a«D noifring-at ali bebemenf, nepfber Doetb tf b;ge Catulioe balte io muebe. ^omrfpme fo; pitticsi tabe, ao Sinon Defi) in ViigiC0lasM?uotb be,tubai grcwno,tubai £>ea„ nofe iinefrfr rcccpue, tubai (frati 3 eoe? fonti f ime fo; anger,tfrno,ano toiil anp man iro;lfrip tbe pctoer ef luno, Matfcui 7. <2> faptfrlcffe aiMwrcfreo generatiomfroi» longlongfijaìl | be voti : boto long fbal '$ fuffer poti »Paul« fo ibe Galathians.iD pe fcBiifl} f 0ttre, tijc Damfd dio earncülp aflame,tfcat fíjce tao fémc peter befo;e ¿n fije CDarocn fcíít Ct;íít, oio not 3 fé íb¿ (fapctb fbré)ín íte CDarDen íuitt ttm; iutíct tuerca (¡ron* ger afifí nnaíion,ftcn if Ojee tai) faroe, 3 Tatué tbíé ín íte (Garúen íuííb ttm, Iniítont nnp iníercgaficn, Paulefoíte Corinthians.Hrc pe noí carna!l,ano tualUe aftcr tte man» ncr of men : Í3p t1jí$ fpgurc toe aflame al! ínapes toíflj an egaítue ,ano oenye tmtt affpjmaííue .Iob.8. £Doít ncbatt ofboop, tobe? becaufe nofbingmigbtfamermoueberto fbaf toiebeoneCré,tben oifíjoncft loue ano intemperate lutt $ c.Bp affeíng anoanftoering our feluesrtoe mafee fbe 2D¿ ration bett pleafaunf,ano map alfo tberbp confute o i con* ierre berp aptl^cramplco of ibisfigure,are fo be founo ftt tbeferíptureseuerptobere, Iob.3, ^aueBf euer rciopcco af fbe burte of mine mnimvm tone 3 glao fbaf anp barme bappeneo bnfo btm?ob no, 3 neuer fufTreo ntp moútb fo Doe r«cb a fbtng, as fo toilb bmteutll. Efay.37. Mbómebaife íbou Defpeo,ano blafpbemeo, agapntt tobóme batte íbou iifíeDt>pfbpbopce,anoejralíeofbp pjouoe la>fces,eue»i a* gapntt fbe bolp one of Ifraell. Luke.7, Co tobóme $a!l 3 Ipkeit fbe men offbis generatíon,o^ fo tobcm are fbeplíke? fbep areltketoxbítojenfifting in fbe ^arbeffe placete» Artes of fbe Apolli es, Beleeuett fbcu Iftíng A’gnppa : 3 tototo tbou belceuett. Paule fo fbe Romaynes.3, Wtre is fíjen tbe reíopfing:itiscrclaDco , íbail toce continúe fo^biD. $\\ fbis - • iFrgureThe Garden of Eloquence. jfpgure Paule is fo plcntifull, ftjat eramples are almof-Jft eppftles eaerp toberc te ie feuito, Poria, Ip^ctt foe fljefoe ftjat in# Doubt eptber fobere to begin fo* tbe multituDe oftbiugco, oi bobat to fap,02 Doe, in forne ffraungeand Doubtful! matter» Ouid. Dianira bearing that ber bnfbano Hercules loueD a iiaop calleD Iolea, ano alfo that be fooulöe berp tbo2ilpb?ing berbotttetobisboufe, fobere Dianira foas,fbe boas fo UereD txiitb ibis nefoes, that (becoulD not tel fobat to fap, no? bubat to Doe,but call ber Doubles a* fo2e bandana cemaunoeD of ber fclfe fobat foap (be foere bcÄ to foo2Mbns.3f that lb® come,quotb (bee,lbal 3 c onv plapne,o2fl)aU3bolömppeace,(ball3 retourne to Caly-don,02 (ball 3 tarn? fiilte02 fijall 3 get me out a bo&Miti let them baue tbeir fotll.Cicero fo* Roicius. iDf fobat (ball 3 fp2tt complapite in €> Judges tube re (bail 3 firtt begin? fobat 02 of tabome (ball 3 call fo* belpey of tbe immo2tall? 0oDs 4 02 of fbe Homapite people i 02 (ball 3 nwff lament tablp craue pour Defence,bubo baue tbe btgbeif autbo2itpe e T erence,^ bere (ball 3 f&fee i bobere (bal 3 fcard^fobom (ball 3 afbe, fobicb boap (ball 3 goc i Cicero in bis fp2(t ae* tion agapnff e Verrcs.^ibeiber be take them from bis fcl* (oboes mo2e impuDentlp:gauc tbem to a folwc mo2e filtbt* IptplaceDtbem from tbe Homapne people mo>e foicfeeDlp: 02alfereDtbcmmo2ep2efumptuouap , 3 cannot foellep P2efiTe,fometpme foe Double bobat boo2D fo bfe, 3 cannot tel bobetber it buere foliibneiTe 02 (t?2geifulne(Te,02 botb > 3 feuofoeThe Garden of Eioquence. fcnotoe nei toeìl tubai te cali btm i fijall J cali him admr* Ui^e fcole,03 a feoitfb ciarle » o; botti , ibmeipmcUiebig manp Boubtes iogeafber,as, tubai fl?al 3f noe, &bf tber (bai 3} QQt> to inbomc Inai 3 fléc fo^ fnc£oure,tobiib tuap ito 3 tourneme , fomeiitne toitbcne ooubt a; ileo at fbc meli. Paule. 1 .Coriru 1. Mibai £&U 31 fap buio pou i Hjail 3 com* meno poti* , ? . >¿.'5filgi -‘w2 rii ^Anacmùjìs. ' a fn ! 1 wim atii girrifi^T^m •. *,o1 n; ri -,ti4 iioy turn: 3.2s s!t;o? h-v - ;l Nac*nofi $, tBben eptber hoe affce eurnte uerfarpes Come councell, oj oclibt rate Uiitbibe5u0ges,tirf)aii5tobeoone5 tobaf ongb* to toe bene Done#to*Cicc-ro.fEUbat Huto3 toe none pou 3u&gcs* ______________ fti 3 knob) 3! naoeo not pour help there, but poet in a manner mpnejiboulo 31 bant contenoeb iuptb p;pnaf e toeapons agapnfi fbe peoples tribune .ft* Sifo to|at totlt tbou oo,tDbetber toilt tbon let p afiTe tbp matter, 0; obteer itf c.Efay^o.Co tobom tben toil pou liken <25oo* c; tpbaf firmltiuoe toil pen fef bp bnto bimrfbal fbe earner make bint a caruco 3mage?oj Ibal tbe gclDfmitb eouer bin* tottb Cofoe^Padc to tbe Galathians.3 j:&t* onlp toouloe 3 learne of pou, ret eaneo pe tbe fpirife bp fbe tooickes of tbe Blatoc ioz bp bearing of faptbpjcacbco * in tbe fame.4* %t\\ me poa tbst are bnoer tbe Haftse: bane pou not bearo cftbelato.0notber>fellmetfpouit)eretnlike cafe, tobat other thing tnouio pou ooe, in this molt f roublefome (fate of things, gcue me ccunfaple tobat pou tbinke befit to bit bone. ^ Pgradoxo^’*TO?fíí:^vàie? f;iíf íf*i 3Hf/ . ’ÍVílíHfííi The Garden of Eloquence. A rad oxon, toben toe afípme femetomge fo be trite,fading toeinoulDe not tote bcl0etifDit,no;pc£cnce fufpccte0 .it * o¿¡ ín goD totngs, b? fading toe neuer fcofeie fo?tt,tous, 3¡toculDc neuer baue belceneo toatbe baubene futoe a ene, butfbat 31 rp gajo tottneflTejfurelr itis trutb tbaí 3¡ teil pou, be te not tottoouf aoubf toe man pou tabe btm fo¿. änotber, it toa* fucb Mie as pon neitcrbearD of> almoft tncrcDiblé, toat* toben fp;e tooulo baue contorneo btm,fpe faueö btm, ano Jpftetopfe atanotoer tpme,toben toater tooulo baue bene bis Deato,tí faueobts ipfe. Aft. Ap.oft.26. Paule bcíng acu# feb oribe SJetoesfoi&tng Agrippa, botoctbat be betoeO ano táugbt tbe refurrectionfrom beato , tobtto SDcctrpne tocpeotmteofalfe, ano toerefoje btougbt btm fobie aun# t fajere,Paule bfeD tois figure,toctotng tbaí notlong bcfo;e, be toas of toeír oppnpon,anD tboagbf as tbep ooe nototobp fíjenlo ít be Íbougbt, quoto be, a totng turno tbie fo y ou, tbat 000 tooulD raifeagapn toe otato. 3 alio berilp tbougbt snmpfelfe* tbaí ^ougbte foOoemanpconírarptoutges, cleane agatnlf toe ñame of Setos of $a$areto> tobtto totng 3 otoalfoín jmifalem, Paule fo toe Galathians, 3 mar*, Italie toaí yoiu are fo icone turneo, cp Arrheßa,toben fpealuttg before toem tobóme toe ottgbf ¿ to reucrenee ano feare,f bautng fomtotng to fap, tobtto eitoer fottebeto ibefelues,o? tbefr fricaos,oo oefire toem ( o bearo tf auoutoeo ofcreDtbteperfön0,anöfeßpfrco bp be# ^Tarrhefia. paroonrf he Garden ofElpepiencd. parpt eurk)li5^eir24^tns tfiat if mere grcatptitie,£ fp$ iacW fijuis be mamiemcD,! berttteso& p: efTep. jBolr» in t^tsfigure,great UmrineCTc mull be bfeD* li^li totnacb feo&mfTe bitngetb offence. &no therefore tbo f ¿nteytbe place,ano djtcflp tbe perfono,ought mel to be ccn> fmrrcbcf, mbicb rule topic men mie aimape&bfeo, auo abufiO.Cicero again# Anthony. jfo; pou Jaoges, a thing foit to be rapbe*ret muft it naDt^rou 3 far put Serums Sulpitius foOeatbvUJboDtD ercufe bmtfelfe, pou fame mojebp oefcafMbenbp entreating.ij^cre Cicero before be taSuipblame the S>enate3tu&o appointee Serums Sulpitius being fich, togoe in ambafiagc,mbicb mas the taufe of bps, B$atb,booth Pfe a Defence bcfo;e.3t to (faith be) a foie fbtrig tS befpohrn 02 bttereo,pcf matt it napes, to metee tb#b* fpalic it rather of neceftificto blame tbcm,ibcn of Deft re fa bnrt tbem.Cicero.Bi fpeaUe mitb great peril!, 3 feare 3uD* ges, after mbat fo;tc,pou bull taltc mp mo;Ds,JSut ft; mu continual Defire, that 3 baue to refetne anD augment pour Dtgniite,3 p;ap anD bef&cb pott, that if mp fpeacb be either bitter 02 incrcDtble baft pou, at the firft b*arpng,pet that pen bjottiD accept it kntfjout offence, fpptten of Marcus Cicero,netfber that pe mill rctecte it, before 3 bane plapnip 0* penes it trnto pou,bp this erample ofCiceroymemap learn berp melt,borne this figure ought to be Wcd, bp bjbich Cicero mottle bclalp blame, anD ftarpeip rebuke fbetneon* ftmeie of the Senate, mho mere about tptopne in peace rnifb Anthony,beingbnt a tittle before bp tbemfetoes, iuD* geo their btter enimp# nom foDcinlp bautng their mpnDeo altercDjmoutD matte him tbeir frieiiD.^n the beginning bee, bfetfe a Defence 0% a mitigation,faptngytbai be Doetb fpealto; mitb great pertlfi anD feare bom brsmo^OcsliuUbe taken, but nctmitbtfanDvng,be p;ompfeib,tbat tobtebbe mill ftp* Cball be fo; the maintenance anD Dignitie of the Senate,, mberbp be Doth obtapne tbeir fauour, ano tbeir gtoD tollies to bearc him. jaffertoarD be prapetb them,not to meat bp*. mo;DC0}befo;c be bath DeclareD tbembole, bemfoeueribep- ip.iti. fameThe Garden of Eloquence. ftcnic at tbefp.jfc 0nd fpnall&tbai fbcp bsgula take fei(% tint offence iubatfocuerbe fbonld titter-y .pjainvCng ttjat it (boulo be aUfo; their conrniootiie and a0i.ancemcn£, and fpoHen euen ofg©d toill, iobitb inns al&apes bis caffeine, fm before be opened ilje teound, bs bioulo tape to a mtdp* tine, anopiepare tbe mpnds of ibc Senate ie here iuliing* ip,tnbatbcbad to fap.3likeb3pfe,toben &e ailedgc that toes ought nof to kept in tie trait) foz feare of men, bat beipjtpe erp;e8c tbebcriiic britbotii refped: of perfons, Iob.32.3 re? garoc no manner ofperfon, no man biiill fpare, % if 3. tooato goe about to pleafe men, | fenolu not boboe fame mp maker iuouid take me a&ap Jerem.i. jrearetbeut not ieafe 3 oeflTdptbee.Paul to tbt Galatliians, i.paeacb 3 nians 00c* trpne,oe CDbdSjOj goc 3 about to pteafe meu,fb.i if 3 ibould, 3 toere not § feruant of Cb;iS.0notber,ifmp bitter Inojbs greuc pou,remember 3 p:ap peu, ib&f fo;e bifeafes cannot be cured toitb eafp mediepnes* c Sjnchorefis. , Ynchorciis, tuben fru&mg ffronglpe io ent “ taufe,toegiue tbs fudges 01 our aduerfa? jrpesleaucto ccnüoer and möge of it,atco2* I tUngto ifjeir btfcrcfion. Cicero, i5uinoiüe} | 3udges, 3 leaue tbe tebete andmefi lafuful ^rigbfaf mp taufe iobicb 3 baue declareö,and commif it bnto pou 10 öetermpne cf it, as pou ibaü fbpnfee tnoft reafenäbie^ere Cicero bp pdötng bp biß tobcle taufe info tlje juögesbanDc«, ooetb meue tbcm berp mueb io fa* ttöttrit> feigerebp bedeciared tfmtbäe bada go>& oppnpon and truff>fbatnjeirdealmg iberein leculd bebpipgbt and iuft,lotfjicb mutt rtedes caufe ibe 3uöges £0 deale ratber fa* itourafeip tbf feuerelp, fo2 tbat bc put ibern in traft to iudge ötcoiding io ccnfcienccj and maoe biß caufe tbeirs, $lfo,f££ 4 A tbatTheGarden of Eloquence. tf)at all t« talsen from me, ondi? a mvnbc ano boov remav* neib io me,ano eucn ibofcTame tobtrb cf mani? tbmgcs on* tyareleftetmtomc, imto posano io pourpotoer, bfe me as pcu ibtnHe gao, ano as voti pleafe Dee toitb me« ^bueèrftto Sbeine bis Ui^oug, ano after io giue bis boote ano bis fo tbeir tolte ano potoer, Dotb fokjce tbe 3uiDgcS io pitttc bis caie, Aftcs cf tbe Spot Ics, Peter ftanOtr.g be^ foxt tbe ccnhfatle, ano brtng commanocD io fpeafe no mm of 3?efus, confioereo bis esufe io be fo ifrong, tbat be fcneto toellbisemmpes contee notconoemncit. Sno tberefote putii info bis aouerfarves-banoe io betuogeo, tobetber it be rigbt (fapetb be)tn t\yz figbt of ©oD,to barfcen tinto voti* mo^etben tonto €?oo,ùtege ve. ^Epitrope. it t f» Gl 08 fimi «Pitrope, tea feinbe cf permilTten, toben lue *i graunt io ani? fbingiròmcaUv, as ntutbc iti meantng ao nn earncft fo.ib«>otng,aUbougb tbe toOjDcs be Otbertupfe, Simo in Terence* fömcfbbvbtetoo’öiofo graunt toerp tutU Itogli? tbat bis fonne mpglit tottb btegote teil uour fo tottboAtee'bte fonne front btr,pes quoibbe,t ipketoife mapeit tboa fap, toben ttj ou bait fpoken of tbe toojlo,ano fbetoeo tbe mtfertes, calamities, t cafes there* oftiDtoo.zlo tobatfto&tefbmgesooeitibou pjomtfe, ano boto bitter ooeÆ tboa pape , tbp mp?tb is tone fourneO to tnoarning, ano tbp ionges to fo^roto. PoplancfiSjis alfo another ktnte ofauerffow oj teaming atoap,ano it ts toben toe leaoe atoap tbe rninbe of tbe bearer from tbe mat# ter put fojtb , o’ (Vom tbe qaefipon that is p:opcunDeo,ano maketb muiftigapnft bs, bp p;cmtfing tbat toe toil! aunftoere fullp to all objections,but after in tbeir places,! t'n mean$ tobtle call the mina of tl>c bearer atoap, to think e on fonje other thing,ants if toe begin to fap fomeihing to tbe quettpon, too Use but onetp touch it,ano atoap from it agapne,tttl occupi# png tbe minoe of the bearer,about other matters,ano fo bp thinking on otber tbinges,bc iballqutgbi forget tbe quettt# on,ano tijMe bimfeife fullp fatiffpeo, toben in oeeoe there is nothing aunftocreo ♦ Cicero toben be iboulo baue atm# ftoereoThe Garden of Eloquence Cboereu to an accnfafion,tn tobicb toas obiecteb that Carlins popfoncO Metcllus,foj that it teas fotcH pjoueptbat Cadius bap popfon paparon ai bis boufc, ano that fbe fo^ce of it loas trpcoinafimtaunt of bis , beoegrclTeDbpanDbp is Metellus Deatb, ano mafeeífj a fufpitton tbat be toas popfon neb bp tbe mifcbtuous oécoe of Clodms,be ootb figb, tuápe, ants beinaple íbatoeaíb>M)erebp be ífapctb nno appeafefb btsaouerfarpes,aní5xñufcíbfbé to mournclmtbbim,ano to be as it inert Ifrofcc ínítl) tije fame icounoe, $ bp bis be* bemení anb forcible perfboafiomtourneo íbe minors of íbc 3Jut?ges,from íbe íbtnlnng o¿ cogitation cfíbc faite, netos ano íben touching tí a little,ano dipping from it agapne.. nn aouauntagc of a flaanot r: but fn pour ornee, 31 tooulbe fap pou toere:tap tbere. foirpto>as boto ootb tbe cbiio Afcanius,tobóme tpmelp %icp tp íbe.23;eal;ing offa; fo¿=> roto 3" carne qttoffj ene,ano fpüDi)tm,3 tiul noí fap íubere, ttojboto,ífapmg fo¿ bc^falnefe: fomeítme toe bfe tí ene* lp fo rapfe a greaíc fufptfton,tbu&tmU pon noí ItaueiOare pou be fo bolo peí ío tentareis bearo,S am nfíjameo ío teü ít. SCbus tbere ts a great fufpítion rapíeo bp tbt£ tobe of íp%;b,ano peí noíbíng plapnlp íoloe. Pofíopefis j. is alfo a fpgurc efíom* t|Ordcr*The Garden of Eloquence. R der, is an apt ants méte placing of tooths among themfelues,bD&iclj is cftti,o fortes, the one,tuhenibe &o;£bieif ioo:o is let ttrft, &ind) o^Dcr is naturali,as tue fap,mé ano iuomcn^rnincanD^onet^arf ijitgbt: tt)c &ing ano bis $ob!es : ìLpfeanojaDcaib ♦ ' W V— w ^ v»♦»V * 0no not Socmen ana men, srcone anu finite,$igbtanO ipapiihe jfiobles ano fbe&ing,SDeaibanD Jlpfe, fcbicb in common fp&cb is faiUtb.SCbc other ImiDc cfo:Der isdnbei* tii amplifping toe put the Uiojibiett o; p toapgbtiett teojh lafocoufrarpto the natural* o*Der,tbus.3 Defpje, pzape, ano bcfarb pour honour to iuap this pittiMleate. i^ere fbc£)>aiton encreafetb>fo? that each tec?o fcUotoing, is flronger then the tr»o>o going before: there Urns pet neucr imp noble Captapne,pMnce,ling,o; Cmperoare > that coulo Deface ovj banqiufb that noble natio: this cjocr is ne• uer bfeO but in ampUficaii^laberein pou (hall fmocraple, T %e ^figures of ffjis Djoer,bc fuel), iubicbfo; the motto A part Do both £fmptifp&no garniih matters anD caufes, attD fo,; as much as a great parte of eloquence confiltcib bp incrcaüngnunDtmimibtng, $ Mlfpjlii&eöJ tubatane plifpcaticn is,boto it is DeutDeö,anD aifo the bfe thereof* catiöjts a certain affirmatiobefp great f ftmigb* h'> wyich bp large f plentiful! fpeecb,mouetb theminDs of the hearers,! mafceth them to beletue that fobteb io faro* <5 The third Order. CiceroThe Garden of Eloquence., Cicero toouls feaue amplification, fo baue the principal! parte of foe peroration,pet not meaning but that itmape bane place in otber partes of foe fixation alfo, ana tbat fee* rp toell, as in foe beginning ana miattfout pet of greatett force in fbe lalf parte, becaufe foe minae of tbe bearer in tbat place ought foieflp to be mcoueo, ana there therefore molt fpeciallp to be fefeaas a ftrong bans to binae bp all faff togeafocr,or as a fure &>ealc,foai: clcirfo bp tbe letier. Cicero in bis fecona bcoite of an ©ratoure fapfo , tbat al* * tbongb tbecntraunce ana tbe enae of foe Ration be tbe fit* templates for ampltfpcation,pef nof-UjttblfanDing,it is of» ten times profitable to aegreffe fomlobat from tbe purpefe fo moue ana fiirre tbe mine of tbe bearer one map or other» ana therefore epfoer tofeen tbe Narration is fet forth, nor flrgumentes confprmeD,oifoc contraries confutes, there is place to aigrette,ant» to bfe this fpgure at totll, ana like* S»pie in anp other parte, if the caufe batlj that author pip. flhe viVofAmplify cation i '’•p^ts cro.rnafion Inns fprlf acupfca ana oraepnea fo fit* ■* creafe caufes,ana inrifo the ©ration faith feeoraes ana fenfences,mberebp tbe bearers might the famer be mrouefi t o litre of that fobicb toas fapa,ana in a&ae,t£ is both light* fomeanO alfo plentifull of fpecfo,caufmg an ©rafeure ne* tier to toanf mattcr,for being toeU furnifoea imfo this jft* gure,bentapeaitlparafi)foe minacsof bis bearers lobe* fber be fcnfoana lupnac them into tnbaf affection be liftfoe map rnone them to be angrp,fo be pleafeD,to enupe, fo fa* noure, to centemne,tomcruap!e,to bate, to leuc, to ccttef,-to be fatiffpea,to feare,fo bope,fo be glaa,to fee forrpe, to laugbjfo fej£epe,to ptf£p,to iotb,to beafoamcs,fo repit.Efee ©ratoure feifo feelpe thereof,eptber breabefo all in pecces, tifee a tbunaerbclt,or elfe bp little ana little, like tl e fiotr* ing mater, ueepefo into foe rainaes of bis bearers, ana foTheGarden ofEIoqüence. bp a foft ana gentle mcanee,at laft toinnetb fbeir confcnf.. £>omitmee be plantetb neto opinion«; ana plucfectib bp % eiae,be mafeetb be bclàue tbofe tljmgce notu3tobnb be ne* ncr ata befo;e3aha tbofe tbingee tobicb toe fícafaítlpbebe* uea to be írue3be caufetb te to tbinbe ana tuage tbcm to be faulfe:fo great te tbe fo¿ce ofíb¿0 fpgure , tbaf tbe tobóle ffrengtb of apte ana cloquent pleaüing3fapetb Fabius, con* üffeíb in tbiebtnae of ero;naííoit. Amplif)’cation dcuycied, A Stëpltfpcafton te eptber faben of tbíngee fbetnfelnee, o¿ A xclfe of too?ae,noto tí te fo be notea, íbat amplification comp¿pfctbmsnpfpgurre3tobicbaoe eptber increate cau* fee3o¿ au&iwnt ana tnrirb tlje paiten, toitb api ana pica* fatmt fpácb3matíer6 íobicb fall tnf o tbefe binae of erojna* túrne,ougbt to be great3cruell,bo;rible,maruep!ou0, plea* fcumfjpííttfulhafter tobicb map follotoe fcare,ferrour3fo^ roto,aamp;mtíon,mp¿tb3laugbíer,toápwg3 ana fucblpbe affecttone3tbe placee from tóbente toe fetcb tbefe, be noble ana farnoue enferp;pfee3too3tbp berfuee, murtbere, ae* ff arnione of Ctítiee3pamrtaee3Cbtlazen taben from tbelr spotbere b¿etfce3ane flapne befoje íljeir facee, robberpee, trbo2caome,íbeffc0,tnceaee3periuríee, ajombennefie, glGttonp3bnb;iaelea lcícberp3tbe rpotoue ronfumpfion of fub{faunre3tbe fabing aíoap of topuee, Cbila¿en3b¿otbcre, fttf cro3tbe fauífijing of ®trgthe boia p;cfumtionß,fte p;Gbigaüifp,anD other l&e UHcbeDneffrs of Amhony:tbe crueltp of Chrifogomus: the impuDencp of Erutius: fbebomtciDes of Capiton :boe Doeit) bebementlp tnuetßb agapnlt Pifo : bcbementlpe agapnltc •Clodiusrbut mott ofaü agapnß Catiline:ano alfo agapnife manp other of bio abuerfarteo, Usttb iobeme btf&ofb con# tenb concerning ftje fafegarDbffbe common tueltb,contra# ritorfe, be Dofb bigblp p;apfe anD comment! fbe berf ueß of bis frtenbes,as the imoU)lcögc,qmckneffe, anD bappineffie of Pompeiusmi bsarlich affapjeo ano inf erpnfeß. er# tollctb to fbe clouoes Cxfars libcrallif p totoarD biß frienDs, bis mercpefobsarDeß biß p;ifoncrß,anD magnifpefbmoff e mcruetlouflp fbe number of bis bicto;te*: fbe Rations of Cicero, are molfpientifullp-replcnilbeD baft ftefe crc;# nationo, ano totfb man's öfter lifcc berfueß of fpeabing, inbicb ferue both fo aouaunce anb alfo to Debafc matter* am caufes,bubo in that bebalfeercelleD all otberß, fo; of# ten times bp biß eloquence,be calf Dobmc bis aDuerfarpea from fbtir elfafe anD Dignttp: ßffenfimeß bp bis coppou* fpotrb,anD bebemencp ofpicaötng,bc frapeD moil credent £D;atourcß from tbeirfrienDeßDefence,anDfuppo;faiton: ijpfb;ce ofbisfpacb, becompelleDCaTartoparDonLcga-rius,b)bome be foaß come moil greeDelp to ccnDemne. $nD maDe bolo CatilineDnmmein fbe Senate, tnifb great be# bemenep ano eopp,be Difpttf etbmucb of religicn,ofdnfpee, of tbe common fafetp of Citizens, of liberfp geuen of fbe £imcetoureß,of bomsage loafbfcmefo nature:of fbe cuilß * of Anthony,Catiline,anD other ennempeß oftbecounfrep, bsbicb toere lifee to infue. if rom tobence,aß from a molfc plentiful! founfapn,map be falten mod credent crample* ofamplifpcafion* IfAuxeC«,Tíie Gardeu of Eíoqüencei q-Aúxejts. Vxefis,toben toe tfe a grcatcr toojo fot &leffc,o¿ tbus,toben tbe too;D is greater, íben fbe tbtng is tn oecoe, tobúb tí uoeífi fígmfp,ae to fanone te flapne, toben bré is huí a little beatesi : ío raí! fctmanatv rant íbíefe,tbat enee Cole a trpfie:ío cali ap:otooe man, ¿xicifiér : a toeman íf?at is a (bjeto, a E>e¿ uill : a great boaíter, a coramonlrar: a man fometobat cruell,a ¿pjant : a couetous man,n cui tbjonte : a naugb* íp felloto,tbáfc o; billapnem feuere man,tmmcrcífuü: an. angrp man,man : afimple man3a fafie : a little btnocrance, an bíter tnooíng,a fallili) man, an 0ffe:a cburlc,a igogge: a fímple too¿fieman,a Cobler o; 25oícbcr. Coníraritopfe, of p2apfirtg,tbue,to cali an bonefi man,a $>aint : an boneít tooman,a bolp patrone : a fap;c ^apoen,an Vangeli : a man of plapne fpéecb,eloguent : a meane ^cbolíer, bcrp learneo: meanemufúfi, beauenlp barmonp. SLbts figure tecbieflpfetoutbpíCrppes oftoo¿De$,fo¿tbat fbep papnt cnt tbtngee bp fimtlituDe$,ano mafie íbem moje euíoct bg fetting imagcs befoje tbe eprs,aí¡ toben toe cali a eoue¿ tousand mieli man,a rauenous Moulfe oj Cojmojattnt:, a rraftp man,a ifor: a foltíb man an Bí&.liSuf pjtncipallp bg Hyperbole,toben tbe tíjing te lifteo bigber tben íbe f rntb ooíbrcacb: toben toeeall a curii qncane,arcuili : liBp tbús fpgure fbe £D¿aíeurc boti) mafie a loe otoarfc,a tali fth loto: ofaltíílc Cottage agreste Calile : of pebble fiones*. ^caries : ano of íbtfile&mrgbfp ñafies. ^Meioíis»The Garden of Eloquence. ^Mctofis. Eiofis,contrarp to that before,tcbcR b?e bfe a ieCTe toorD for a greater,to make tbe mat? ter much lefle then it to , astoben one is loounbcbjto fap bo boas fcarce touches: to callan&tabletbeefeabrtber.tocalla Ipar a _ great fpcafeer: a flatterer, a fapre fpofcen mamas tbe otber Doth magnifp ana Itfte bp,fo both this bo* bate ana pluch OoUm.ECbc otber of finall tbinges maketb great matfersjtbis of great matters mafee tb but trifles,as of a great Uttcfeeomfle, a Email fault» ^Paradiajiole. Arac!iaftolc,upe bin to ffjnf it erf e abouc,anb tf is toben bp a ntannerlp interpretation, tue Doe ercufe our oton bices, or otber mens tt>bcm foe Doe oefena, bp calling them ber* tues, as foben toe call bim that is craffpe, topfe:acouctous man,a goo bufbanD: nutf* Der a manlp DacoejD&pc Diffimulation,finguler foifeDome: prpDe cleanlpneiTe:couefouilieCre, a foorlDlp or neceiTarpe rarcfulnefle:bJboreDome,poutbfutDeligbt I Dalpancejpo* iatrp>pure religiomglotonp ano oronbennefle,gfl)D felicity tbipjcrueltp feueritp.Cbis fpgure is bfeo, foben bices are ereufeo» cp Erifhiis, toben foe amplifp bp rirnmtftatmccs,mtO ct'r* A cumlf aunces are eptber of a perfon,o; of a fbing3a per* fonThe Garden of Eloquence, ton baft ftefe^arenfage,Ration,Countrep,innoe, 0gc> dftucation,l^ifeipIine,ip«bite of bob?, jro;tune, Conciti? an, fte nature of fte mince,ttucp, fo;ececccs,anc ttame.f c, tramples, parentage,tbou arte of a noble bI©o, anc batf thou mace ftp felfe a contpanpon of ftafeal*. Ration* 3* it not a ftame fo; tbee,basing an tfcngltftman bo;ne, to cc? fptfe the feate of (baiting. Countrep. Ko be bo;ne anc b;eC in ig)tcolefcr,anc to fpcalie plldcngliflje, to a fculefaulte. ft tnoe.ifo; a Mlornan to bfe filtbp ialltc,is muft bnconte? ip, anc a foule figbte to fee a man iuaepe fo; a bloboe on fte care. age. |t is a totcUec fting fo; a pong Mi oman to plap fte fobo;e,buf fo; an ole busman to plap fte If rumpetftobu loaftfome a bearing is ftat,anc Ithebopfc fo; an olee man to robbe anc Seale,alfo,fo; a cbpioc of tenne pcare« olce,to be berp inpfe anc fober,is a ft raungc bearing, anc boo;ftp of ftionccr. CCucation. £lo be toell b;ougbt bp in pouft, f after to cigrefle anc fall front geoc manner«, a« Nero CpC, boft ceferue great ctfp;apfe anc blame,contraritopfe, it is a great commencatton to a man ftat teas rucelp b;otigbte bp,aito pet p;oue iupfe anc learnec. $Difciplpne. Bit is a great fault tit a&rbolemapftcr, that ought to teafte goto manner« to bis Rollers,to follobu pll manner« btmfelfe, aito fo; a ]3;eacber ,to be rotiefon«,cnuiou«, bttcbafte, in? tempcratc.fc.tubicbinbi«S)oarpncteacbeft fte contra? rp.^abtf e of boep. CDoc hath inceUiec tbee bpift a belntiful fap;e«eire,lDbp coeft ftoit liue fo fplftilp • a tall anc biggs mantofearea)13ope,anofocoboar0lptoflpc, fpc on binr, iLittle Dauid flue ftcmigbfp CDpaunt Golyath,bubift boa« buonocrfaU.Jrodune. ¿JDTa po;e man« cbplc,ftou arte become a $oble man , fte mo;e boicaec is ftp p;pce: fo; a tuclftp man folofe all ftat be baft in one bobier bp mif? cbau»ce,anc pet to taUc it pactentlp, gs lob cic, coeft ce? ferue greater p;apfesften can be geuen bint. Conottiom ilSeing a feruaunt anc to ftrtfte bi« ¿papfter, is be not boo;? ftp to be punifteo i care pou being a p;iuafe perfon, refift pour ©ateftrate.SCbe nature of fte mpnee, ®oc baft geu£ 3D.J. pouThe Garden of Eloquence . pou a balpatmf beart ranD fljall carefull tbougbt ouercome Pgu ipou baue bao altoapes a contant mtnoe, ano fball trpfles b;cafec pouroloe fctcnofljtpf ê>tuop * ^ou p^aaife âLato,tbc mapnfcnaunce of rígbt,toit!j tobai face atto con* fcienee,canpoucfFcrifnslr2ong f j?02eOéeoes ♦ %t batto bene tbe fcnemott in iijc ficloc,to figbt fo; tbe oefence of bis countrep : ano bp balpaunte monlpneCTe, gol altoapes iljc tritolano noto being as loftp as euer be toaste tatb no care cf bis Countrep,no Oeligbt in anp tbing x tuf onclp in toelfare,fleepe,ano cafe, leittng all goc tobiefe toni» ti toill. Counfaple.^oucoanfapleDtbcmtooec ti;ts toiclieoncffc, ibercfoje pour faulte is tbe greater,ano pou mete toeitbp fo be punißjco. ißnnte. SLo be nameo manlp, ano fo bpoe pour feif fo cotoarolp,toas tbat mate tinnite pouf Círtum* öaunces oftbittges be tbefc : Caufe, place, SEpaie , caftoiî^nSrumenf^t.èrainples.Caufe. Xtboutoaft tbe fiiTt ti) af fcttioleo tbe content ton ano after catifeot ìbis murocr,tberefo2e tbeu íbalí baue tbe toavpeß pimi timer,t, ano toell tooííbp.placc.ipc Dcßleo ftoc Otrgin in toc 2£cm* pltjtobicb ts abbominable io be bearù.SCime.àDn tbe £ab* boto oap,ano attbe tinte of pjaper, tobe be toottlo baue fer* ueoCDoo toitb barípp;apers , beobcpeotbeSDeuilltopto toiebeo oaétges,ano commit feD tot# mut Ber » j&c rafictf ». Ì&lbcn all men toere iti Coolp epcercife, be toougbt it letto io gee about bis toicUeo pjaitife.^nürument» Ko fiapc c¿ muröer toitb an fe,a impfe,a (©con,o; popfon,caufetb toe imtroer io be mo te greeacuOp tal?en,ano tuCgcO mote cru* cl ano totcbeo,tben tf it bao bene bette toitb fccapcns of oc* fente,as toitb a ^too^HDagger,staffe,Ì5itl,02 fucb libe. SEbe matter *$f tbe muroereo bcop bt bangoe bp fpptefuilp 02 mangleo pttftjfullp,D; ítilleo píiuilp, ti ooetb tomtfpea great ano toiel eorradip in tbe muroercr. SiLtetofecfctr* nmtftatmces is berp pjefptablc to feplifp, io ertenuate, tc c ppjeffe plapnelp,fo p;œue,ano fa ccnfpjme : fot ti ma* hefii tbeáDtatícitjfo be OsfenccOen cuerp fpoe,toitb plcnfp of argumentes« SHyp oti polisThe Garden of Eloquence. ^HjpotipoJîs. Difcripticn of perfons,tying«, places,ant) tpmcs,anD it is, tttyen bpa oil* ii0cnt gathering fogeatyer of ctramtttaun* ces,tue erp;clTe $ fet fo^ti? a tying fo plainer __________| lp,tyaf if feemetyratyer papnteD in fables, tycn erp;eifeo baitb Ivo^es , ano fbe bearer tyall ratyer tbinebe be fe tf,then bearetf. 315ptytsfpgurc, tye ¿ID;a* to,; Doty as it toerc,papnf out each tying in bis Due collonr, fa; euen as tye cunning papnferpapntety all manner of tyinges mon lpuclp,to tye epes of tyebebolDer, benoimng bis colloures intycirptoper places, anoframing Bimages of all fcmnes anD fatytons, fomefmplmg, fomeirueping, fome teity furious lobe, Tome as tyougb tyep toere bufilp cccuppcD,fome ocas,fome a fleepc, Xbmc pong,fome olDe, p;inces,anD ^»ubiertes: ii0aiettrafes,an0p;pfoners;ricb men,ano beggers: men of all occupations ano &rtes, lla* Dpes^cnilciuomcnjipapDcnsjOlD tuomcn, Capfapnes, ^oulopersjfpnaiip all Degrees in tyeir countenaunce, ano apparcH. ¿uen fo Doty tye hD;atonpebp foo;Ds,fet fo;ty a* np perfon accotying to bis age,nature,collour,complccti6, gelfure,countenaunce,manners,ano qualities,fo tbat tye bearer tyall tyinltc be Doty platnclp bcbolo bint,anD ty libe^ topic in anpotyer tying* - ^Profographid. p Rofographia,tubcn tyat as toell tye perfon of a berp ma 1 as ofafapneüjis bp bis fo;me, nature, manners, ttu# &pes,0Q3Wgcs,affections, ano fucb other circumnatmees, £D.u, imifttgThe Garden of Eloquence. fermng to tbe purpofe,fobermbcMbattt map appeare a plapne ppcture papntcb in Cables,an* fet before fee epee of tbe bearer,tbe rircumltances of aperfon are (betueb be* fo;e,pet fo; tbe plainer inftruction of fbe bnlearneD,3 tntl beare agapne rebearfc tbem,ano fbeto bofo tbep are bfeo in tijis fpgure.parentage.t^c is of noble bp;tb,berp liberate ant) curteous. $ation.t£e to an dngliib man bojne,duill* pet piofoDe,ßrong,batpaunt,anöbaröp.!fUnbe. 0 Iceman full of too ’Deo, fame angrp,reabptobeleeue, quicltelp plea« feDjfubfle tn Deupfcs,bnconffant of frtenufljip, focepc an& IaugbtottbalitiletbtRg.0ge.0nolDnmncra)fecö , grape beaooeb>bts fbin tonncfelcD,bis epee bollot»,bte figbt otm» bis bearing tbtcMts ßrrgtb fable, loeaUc of memoir,so* ting tn fanfaßes,teßp,couctous4c.0 pong man ßrong,De* ltgbiftill,p;otitgalUU)anton,anD carcleffe.CDufatnm. 3;n* Öructeö ano bjotigbi bp from bis craole,in g©o learning,as tn tbe ltberalijCctences,tnfenoU)teDge of Diucrs tongues,in poefrp,in pbilofopbp,itt S)auncmg3p;acttrcti in rpoing,ui Weapons,in Umrrc.f e. labile of boDp.0 tell ano flcncrr pong man,berp fap^e tf completion,grape epee, peilolne beareo,in a doublet of grecne fatten, t£ofc of Scarlet,a blacite telnet £appc,U)tfb a fap^e tobpfe leather,a bete* tifuli anb rich ebapne abcute bie neebe, fapje raiges of bis battbe.f c, Jrojtune.0 rtcb man p;ob)be, DtfoapncfulM©* feing alofte,iotiboni anp pitfp to po:e men.f c.Cbe nature of tbe minbe.dDenile,pacient,ltbcratl, pittifull,t»pfe,fober iuß, continent.^« Confraritcpfe, paoiüoe^öubbo^ne, fa* iilbjntggarDlp}crucll,eouefous,malictcue,lcfcbercue,glof^ tonoue.fc.^fubp. 0 spartbaunfc Jrbo much oeligbtetb in trauaple,b)bobatbbene inmanpfarre ccunfreps.te.alfo,, bp p^ofcflrion,oaitcc, oj bignitpe,ae Bifbops,pdnrr£, ano Cmperouree. Bp tbie figure Cicero papntetb cut Ekiciu* ano tit bis faction agapnft Verres,be ocfmbcib Theorem ftus,anoir»bi0^ationfo; Roicius,be oefcribeib Chrifb** gomus: anbinbte Ration fo? Qiiintius,be papntetb cute Neuius,toitb Qjjmtws bp an antbitbefin, Meoefcripfio of fapneoThe Garden of Eloquence. mpneo perton0>ooctb pjopcrlp pertapnc to poets, ano is filoome o: neucr bfeo of ¿Djatoures, tins figure i^iliojpo* graders f toners of Chronicles tic, in oeferibing noble Captapne0,&inges,ano Cmpctoures, ^Trojopeia. Roiopeia, tbcfiipuingof a perfon, tfjnt is, lnben to a thing fenceleffe o; tmmmc, lute fapnc a fit perfo, this figure £>;ato;s bfe as tocll as poets,an £>;atcure bp ibis if igurc mafeetb the common boeKb to fpcabe: Ipfe ano ocatbibertue ano pleafure:boneffp ano pjofiteifoeffb nno poucrfp:e*mp ano cbaritp:to pleaoe ano conteno one agapnft another,ano femetime tbep rapfc as iftoere the oeaoeagapne,anocaufetbemtocomplapneo* to toitneffe that tbep bneto.&omtime to Citties, toUmes, beaffes>bpree0, fpCbes, craping too;me0,tocapons, (tones ano to fucb Ipfce tbinge0,ooe tbep attribute fpoch, ano it is not onlp bfeo of poets ano Craters,but alto in bolp ferip* tures,of the prophets ano apoff les.fln erample out of O-wid,tbeM©os lept from their places , the grounoeoio grone,tbc trees nerc bano loafete pale.Efay,49.Heiopce pe beauens,fing pmpfes thou earth,talbe of iope pe billes. ♦ &et $ountapnes fing,anO trees clap their hanoes. Salome ano Ecclefiafticus in fome places, Ooe bring in Mpfoome commenotng her fclfMno prapfingber ftuifes, fonietime tue prefume to iuoge fobat our aaucrfarpesfbmbc,ano oc* dare their thougbtes to our hearers,as in the.n.of Qfe. E-phraim tbinfcetb thus,tuth 31 am rich,3 baue g©o rnougb* in all mp tuo^bes Ifcall not one fiuilte be founo,that 3 baue e ffcuoco.Salomon in the f .chapter of his pjouerbes,aomo* nixing to fipe u>bo:eoome,ootb pr opbefp tbs snoe of fuebe astoitlnotintimetabeioarmngjf iheioeth before vohat ®,ttu tbepThe Garden of Eloquence- tfKE tottMb&foten iti5 to late: 2Ca be b&oe faretb be,tbae tljou mournc not at tbe laff,tob*utbou bade fpeni tfjit? bou^ ano luffp grernc poutb,ano then far,alas ttibp bafeo | itur* tountobp oto «tp barte sefppfe correction: tuberefore toas 3 not obesient bnto tb choice of mp £eacbero,$ barfcnco not Unto them that infornteo me, 3ani come alrnoff e intoall miifortunc,in£bcmiooe(iof ibemtiUiiaoe ano concrcga* tion. SEb chic of ibis figure io berp portable in perfina* ctugjCbrbtngjComplarntng^rarnng^nDpttirin^ «[Sermocinatio. Ermodnatio,Uibenh)efarnea perron ano mafic bint fpeafee much or little, accorotng to comeltnciTe,berp Itfic to tbat before,lobe tbe perfon tnbicb toe fapne,fpcafcetb al bint felfe,fben is it Proiopcia,buf tuben tue an* ________j&lftoere nolo ano tben to tbe queflpon,lobtcb be pattefb Onto bo,it io calico Serinoonatio, in fbto jFtgure lopfetsome ano toarinelTe muff be bfeO,tbat tbe fpeccb map be agreeable,for tbe perfon tbat io fapneo,ano tbat it be no ofberloife, tben io Ipfielp tbe fame perfon tooulDebfe; pa ibertnpfe, our fpiiccb (bal feentc feoltfb ano abfuroe: SEbcre* fore in fbto place,it.bebonetb bo oilligcjitlp to confioer tbe circumffaunccs,botb of perfono,ano tbtngeo,b)bai to fbetr cffate,conottton,Upn00,age,otfpofiiton,manncro,ffuotco, affetf tone,fortune,caufc,place,ftnte,anO fuel) IpUc, for one manner of fpcccb Ootb become men,ano another manner is Oefent for biomcn,cbtlo;cns talfie to not fo feafonco tuptb rcafon,ao olo meno is : a Counfrep man batb not fo fpne tcarmeo ao a Courtper:*>oulopero are not fo rttttfi a0 Cit? tt|eno;3uogeo ano Counfatlcro bttjer fbetr meaning &tfe* "V Ip,The Garden of Eloquence. IgjMii mnng farmers tert ruaelp: Dauus fpealiefl) after one fo;te> and Sim o after another. Thrafo bfetb boafting and bragging, Gnatoflattering, but Chromes fapfbrult andfobertalfee . ^oets ana £);atoures, bane altoapes bene DiUigent in obferuing a eomclpneffc, Cicero in this bebalfe toas a merueplous fpns dener* tobo cuermo;e gaue meetc fpeecbe to tbe perfon, tobornrhes fapned to fpcake: together be tocre bis acuerfarpodjto frtcnö: bee brought in Milo fpeakijtg balpauntlp: Anthony arrogant* Ip: Neuius toicheoip: Hmtius impuoentlp; euer framing ibetr fpacb,according to their nature, «¡Mimijiu STW?STli Imifc,an immifafion of fpitcb, toberbp tor counterfeit not ontp tobat one fapd,but alfa btieraimcc andgefture, immitating cuerp thing as it toas,tobetber be fpake toitb mo* ________Deration coldlp, oj toitb rage berp botelp, tobetber toitb cutting if f^ojte r oj draining it out a long, toitb ffammering, toitb louceojtoc bopco,lifping,noaaing 1be bea^totndvtngjfrotoming/miling^iettingjtoiib hands bnacr tbe fpde,and other like circumtfances/eruing to tbe purpofc.& rebcarce a toufe mans toojas,and to immifate bis nioDcil maners,caufcfb great atteniiueneffe,aHd b;ui* get!) much Delectation to tbe bearcrs>fo; a cunning £)^afo> toil! make a topic mansfale appeare berp pitt)p and pica* fant?botb tottb bis fpnc ©¿dec of fpaebe, and alio toitb bitf comelp gcfturc,t to bcareanp taping immitafed hanfeme* fp,aofb berp m*tb ddigbt and picafc tbe bearer,fcme be fo rrceilent in this kind of counterfepting, that tbep arc able to make a topfc mannas fapmgcsbetter , and a j?co!es mucbtoo^fejandiftbepcounfcrfcptea fcDlilb mans tale, tbep toill doe it in fuebe fo)te,tbat as manp as bears them, ¡©♦iiij, toaUr i The Garden of Eloquence. I - # l&all not tlwfe but la(i0j),ano tftat tiartil?. ir-ra, Kagmatographia , a DUcnptton Of njtngeg, n fP#W luberbptue do as plainlp Oefcribeanpfbmg M W&M: gathering tegeatber alt the cireumlf aun* Hj fe»«i ces belonging Onto it, as if it lucre moff e WLJSsfiw liuelp papnteo out tn collourcs,ano fet fo$th fobefcime,asifonelboulofap,tbettitp Urns ouercomebp aflaulf,he comp;pfefh al in a fumme.C23batfoeuer fuch fo;> tune fuffereD,ao fapetb Fabius,but if thou tutlf open ano fet ab;oaOe thofe fbmges tuhichc lucre inelubeo fcnt&in one fcjojo,there (hall appeare man? fp;es ano fcattereo flames bpb houfes ano temples, the nopes of houfes falling ooton, one founoeofhiuerstbinges«crpes,fomeflpe toith great oaunger,others hang on their frienoes, to bio them fare* (Bell fo.: euer,the frribing of infantes , toomen tueeptnge molt bitterly,olo men Jtepfe bp molt bnhappp oeltinp to fos thatoap,thefpoplingof tcmpojall ano halloloeo thinges, the running out of them,that carpeo atuape fpoples,ano of them that intreateo fo? their otonc g©os, eucrp man leooe ehapneo before his fpoplcr,the mother tujaltling ano If rp* uing to halo her fuc’aing babe,ano foberfoetter mere great riches,fhere teas great fighting among the fpoplers^oto although this inojo Oelf ruction, might lucll compete all thefe thinges,pet is it IcCTe to oeclare the luhole , then fo name euerp thing feuerallp,he compjchenocth the tobole, tuhich fapetb the cittp lugs fafien ano oeftropeo, ano no cittp toas fallen, temples ouerfhmmn,hotifes burneo,euc* rp thing fpopleo;but alfo hem the Cittp luas taken,SEern* piesThe Garden of Eloquence. ples,boufes,anD btaloinges Deftropeo, tobat thing elfe pee rtfiwiobai lamcniatiomtffojljat foiepmgibofo ijoirtbie the fiaughfsr boasribe rauilbing of tatrgtne03ano manp c%r ibtnges: iobtcbis nme, then if be rebcarfeib the tufjole* King Acacus,mafeefb a pittifull Defcrtpfton of a great ano cruellpe0Eience,ofailliningcreaftires,m the 7. Ccke of ^eiamojpbofis.Jwkeiiipie,tbe gating of the iepio Bc;e,tit the epgbte Bioko: ants of a craeil Cempefte tn tin leuentb ®£oisc. ^attp like Uefcrtpfion^ are in Vmgils fetches. Cicero oefcrtbefb tfje tmirtbering of Rcfcius, the lujrarif p ano rpofe of Anthony,teR'b manp others moe.Cbis ktnti ofej&> oauatton,beipe£b much fc amplify,to eypiefte plapnlp,ano none moje forcible U monte ptifp: Co this figure belong § Oefcripitons of toarres, temper, ibtpk) jackes,conquefts, Oefirurtions of Cities o; rcnntrepcs,muroer£,frpumpbes3 ®pm ibe tDesjCearfbe^iuiD 5eatbessano of all fucb l^ke* w Topographid* Opogiaphia^nst emocnf aito true Deferì pfS OM Of a place!like no Cicero oefirpbetb Syracuse a dttp in fcicill, ano that epcellenflp, til Plinie are the acftrtpfiOiTS Of Acaia , E-gipt^otmf Aetna, Africa, Alexandria,a fas meats tittVB in Egipt, Arabia, Armenia, A-iinia,€ipres, Crete, Dalmatia, Galatia, Spain, Italia,the Kilter Nalus3Pamphilia, the 3de of Rhodes, tbo Ctffp Rome,Sardinia,Cicilia, TheÌÌàlia,artD matip Offers, fo this jfpgurc referee Coimography,bp irbietj is OcfcribeO Ceunfrevs, Ciitics, Colons, Cemples7Ca£!es,iMaUes> Cates,H5tulDmgee, #;0imtapnes,Kruers, jfountapnes, iftcloes,Ca4woes > Oaroeno, uno anr other maimer of places, Jp,/, ^fTopothclia, ifia, Athcs-iBitlThe Garden of Eloquence. wTopotbeJta. Opcthefia, a fapneo Dtfcrtpfionofaplace* that ts,toben toe ocfcrpbe a place, anD pet ; no rucb placeas is tbe boufe of <Ü;nup tn tbe fgrte bo&e of sp etamojpboüs : tbe boufe of deeps in tbe leuenfb liBcD&e , o¿ elfe is not a place as is fapncti to be,as is flatten, ano fieli, tn fíje fourth broke of Eneidos, Slbis ifpgure t& proper fo poets,ano filDome Meo of ¿^¿atoares* qCronographia.. Ronographia,toben toe bo pfainelp befcrrbe anp time fo¿ Delectations labe, as tbe jgo;* * mng,tbeeucnmg,miDmgbf ? tbe batoning j of tbe Dap,tbe £>lmne ridng,tbe lutine ttU r. ting,tbe fp?tng tp m e, & ox in c r, 2 u tn it 1 n c* i .itepnferjfpmc ci trarre, tpme of peace* C'tampfes.SLbc £po¿mng.tZSB$en ?be bright beante« cf tbe Call bath D?tuen atoap tbe Darli t fbaODotue of tbe $tgbie : toben tbe Garfee Doth fp¿£L amoantc on &tgb,ar»D ioclcom# metbíbeípojninglbpne iitlb ber rbearefuíl feng :: toben enerp lining ftjing Doth atoafce from Herpe : toben 2c p:ocs fipe from their night bougbes,abjoaDe to fehe ífeeír ir ro&e: toben tlSeades arpie from íbe ir nightIlare, ano fall 9s gra* Cng:tobenmenà)alieoftbetriofteflambers, rife bp ano fati fo labottre, ano leo;l;e fo¿ their lining. %\)t Cuentng* ^23bcn DarCitenede begin toarpfe tn tbe ¿aft,ano staffe« fa apocare ; toben tubsurersícaue tbe Jfútec«* SUttfp* cersThe Garden of Eloquence. ■ters lape afpoe tijetr t&les : toben Canules be lightco, antj Mlmoofoes atto £>o;es Unit to ; lobes? Bcalïrs cbœfe iîjctr Hare,ano Bpjoes tbctr Bougbes ; lobes? tbe Bozeman lapetbooBnebtsBearpltmbcs to reH.fc. ^iontghf» 3t Bas mgbf>ano all Bearp crcafures bpon tbe Carib > opo tab e their fBéefe Ûumbenbotb Boos ano raging ^>eas baa lefts their founts : tobcn £$tan es Doe tlpoe in tbe miooeiï of tbe night s Bben éuerp fpelo is buibtc, tbe Beat es % pats?;» iso Bp?oes,ano tbofe tcljicb fecepe tbe b^oaoe lubes , ano fijarpe count repes bp filent night,are faiï in Üéepe : lobe« cares mere üabeo,ano beartes bao fo;gotte ibcir laboures. 2Dbe poet Defcribetb tbe nigbf >to ampitfpe tbe Doltoure of Didc,fo.jDidocculDfpnSenoret? Bbcneuerp thing on tbe earth recepueo relabelling time.Mlben tbe Dates Inarelong,! tbe garnie fljfne BarmetBben rough Btnos, ifo?mcs,froftes,fnoBes,ife,anD bitter colors be psff,anD gan : Bbcn speoooBcs trace greene : Bben rpuers runne Bttb clears ano criiïaü breams : Bben frees put fo?fb tbctr tenocr buooes>ano cloatbeo Btib neB leauesiBbc floBers come bp in tbe ftelocs,ano £>?cbaroes be DecUte Bitb beta# ftfull bloHomes :■ Bben bp^oes Cng fp;ft among tbe gréene lcc?ues : Bben tbe tpaBiho?ttc,CgIanipne, Regies, CoB* Üpps,HDapGcs,ano violets, Doe clao ano papnt tbe plea# (aunt Ml ©os ano Solos,fbc Beafber calme ano temperate, foe fftmtOtoeft Mlpnoc blaBing Bith gentle blattes, tbe Minute ano tbe Bhoic face of tbe jfpnnament, Delectable to bebolo,tbe fenoer ïLambes leaping bpo tbe turnip bnnebs ano euerp lining thing glao of this iêpoeate fpme. 6 orner. Ml ben tbe ^unne Baliscib in bis btgb Circle, making the Dates both long ? alfo boats,Doping bp rtuers ano running b?cote:Bbfn the beaSes of tbe fielo are ftnccD to dpe into tbcc£Dieiï)aoesfo refreüje them fclucs Bptb releafe from burmngbeafe : Bben tbe ffeolip beate , ooetb ebappe tbe barren Moss : fennbing tije loBe CralTe , tourning græne iïaüîes into peiîoUifetrame,frping fruités foj 0u# fumne to fetch m,$utumne, Mlbé frutfes bee ripe,reapers cuttingThe Garden of Eloquence. cutting DotoneCome in eucrp fieloe, Sntbmen labouring tjarDc : Caries going apace io fetch intrudi in: toben Clje* rpes bang reD bpon the trees : peares anD gpplcs reaDp fa be gatbereD : ano Crapes from tbe Siipne trees; toben neto Co;ne mafeefb b;eao plentiful : anD neto pedo of Crapes* great fl;o;e of ftoeete Ipcoiu Mpnter, ®Hbcn tije iamnne ta* rpetb but a tobile infigbt: toben Rigbies be long, t Da pcs barrite : toben the bitter anD blutferous topnocs ¿oe biotoe toitb roaring bMes : toben jfroftesbpnDetcgeaiberibe running toaues, toitb baroe anD (ijarpelfe: toben beare froftes anD fpaple,Doe bill tbe greene Crafte,ano ^notoes rouermgboib ^lD>Deanofirioes,toarpefroffes tripping ail tr&s of their leaucs, ano in tbeir names bang ^notoe: anD |fe* Cpme of 123 arre.®28 ben tbe nopes of |D;ommcs anD Cawnes toere often bearD : toben men toere fo;ceD to leaue tbeir boufes> topues, anD cbtlD;rn,anD neceOarp la* boures,anD to goe Denture tijeir lines to DefenDe anD fane ibemfelues,tbeir fubfiance,anD all ibetrs,toben lamenta* tions toere bearD in iieiDes,toQ3iis7anD totones, tournee rable W iDOotoestoapling fa; iste of their bu9tooes}anD curtng toitb lotoDe crpc,all toicfeeD toars, ifatberleCfe rbil* D;en tait^out fucroure > toano;tng bere anD fberealmote gpneDfo^toanfcffcoDeinoplotoestoerefeene, no Come grotoing in tbe telDes,al Catti** toere D;pueu atoap,tbere toas no ^pibc fo; Infantes,no? fooe fo; do fellies , fo imicbfatiefptoanteD,at!Dbungerfbaimoii papnefnll mtV ferp abounDeDjfbai manp DpeD fo; laefe of fojDe, ano manp fb?ougb the erfremetp of hunger,eate fbinges tmnaturall anD popfoneD them feints, fe great toas tbe calamtfpe of tbattpnie* 2Dpmc of peace. Kkm toas there ftoeete fp* fence m all comttrcpes,ibere toas no »lies borne aboote, no; nafeeD ^tootses iène,»toes &ffiDctmbenf, Banners toere to;apt bp anD lapse Doton,there toas neptber Com, E>;omme,«0; trampling of 1po;fcs bearD, there toas no contention fo; bingDomes,no; ftrpfe fo; countrepes,p;in? m tabe pleasure in peace, ano jjtoble men in tranquilli?The Garden of Eloqtence. f^e,anti qu^etmffe.i^ufbanumen applet» ibe plough antr ”1 _ __- -■ *- ■ - '■ * ■ reapcu their fruit es toiib top anb glabneffe, then laboring men toerc contcnteo tuttb their toages,an$ pore men Itueb Iriell 1mtb a Uitl^itjen spothers gaue their §nfapfes fuclie ioitb Angina,plcntp foas fpreb euerptobere abroabe, (ttk lucre often bearb, anb mprtb t»as in euerp place , all men mopfeb,ail men prapfeb 0ob iwitb glabneffe* Atliopeia,tuben tbe 0rafourc mmuetb ffje jntinbes of bis bearers, eptberto tnmgnatt* on,anger,fcare, enup, baireo ? hope, glab* neffe,mprtb} laughter, forroin, or fabneffe, of ibis there be ttoo fcpnos,tbe fprft is tuben the ¿Drafour being moueb Icitb anp of fbofe —•*- - — (-■x- rx,".*«. vvu^mimuiv ii'iuj tuiy u* u;ui£ nuvuwuai iHeptforroto, both applp anb benb bis fpeecbe, to ffirre bis bearers to tbe fame: anb tbta fipnbe is calico immaginatio,to this ffjarp figures bo belong,as Exftama-tion^Exuiiitation.OptationjObteilatioiijIntciogation f IjtS fetnbs,f manp other of Ithe fort rauft be bfeb,in taring bp bebemcnt affections. j^olu as % fapb before,matters that fall into ibis fpgure,ought to be great,cruell,horrible,nmv ueilQus,pieafaunf,anbfueblpfee,asmapeaufe the affectt* ons to flame, for if tbe caufc be great,it mult uoebes inforce a great beate,ano mafee the fprp affections burn bebcmet* Ip: tramples hereof be common in Eragebpes* SEbe other is, toben the SDratour bp lamenting fome pitfiftii eafe,ma* fteib bis bearers to fc}ecpp,anb alfo miouetb them to pittpe, anomcrcp,! to parbon offences* SEo mafce men Ui#pe,te* mentable l^pfforpes ooe fcrue,anb Ipiietupfe poets com«: plapntes,map geue gtao eramples to moue men to pittpe, imft ffi tiarhn nflFoMc««* —- — e'r ^Patkopeia _ * - ------ --—T--t---L~J at|b to parbo offences,the perorations of Cicero that teach p.ig» poutit Bcthlem anD the CoattC0 there about bp Herocl, inbpchc might mafceanp heart lament,anD epeo IheD bitter tea re0> if it iuerc Ituei^ papnteD fo;th,Uufb alt the circumftance0* Upfeeinpfc at hearing of the bitter paffpon of €b;tif, inhai ironp heart eoulD not initb fo;roiuful fobbed, ano plentiful teare#,lament fo pittifuU a repose. |n ibis fpgttre apittt* full p;onoundation ¿0 of great fojcei anD ntoucib affection toonDcrfullp,tncrp;eirmgainofulUafe,fo; the apte ben* Ding of tbe bopce to the quallitp of the caufc, i0 a CoDlp o;> «ament in an $;atour. conieiture,tafren of fome jpigure 0; circum* ftatmee, fo; eptber bp tbofe tbinges that goo before it,annereo isifh it,o; folloining after it,time is gatherer» boin much it 10, tbat inee inoulD hauc ampltfped ,of thmgeo going be* fo;c,a0 to fap, ifrapncD foto er Dapes anD foiner mghtca ecntpnuallp,inberbp is gatberep,that their folloineb nugb* fp flouDo* SChe Itbe erample 10 in thè fourth bobe of Virgils Enerdos, SDfje inpnDo (fapeth he) rnibt out initb bpoicnce, anö great lubp;le topnoeo bletn bp lanoe : tnherebp 10 left t« bnoerifanö, hoinecrueil-afcmpeßcnfueDafiercntbß ^ea. S23hen Hemd Cent fo;fh men of inarre, anD 0ue all ffjetbtlDjcn tn Bethlem.anD in tbe eoalfeo ihcreabout0:herc iiiemapgathertohat toofull lamentatponß of mourningc Spother0 folleineD after* 2Dfthtngco auncrcD inpfb it,Virgil! fpeabingofone Poliphemus, fapetfn he helDea ppne SDredn hano fo ßap htmfelfe , ano UmlbeD th;oughtho &ea : bp tbi0 ineecomecturetnhatagreafeboDpehehaO, hantng a gpncXree fo; bis taffe* #lfo, thi# in Mathcw '4. ^ »? Yllogifinus • lohen ine amplifp a matter bf inhenThe Garden ofEIoqti ence. We« Peetcr remembieo the too in of 3:ef«£** ic, ^e toenfe fojflj ano toepte bitterlp: fere toe gather bp Peetcrs bitter topping,boto great anb perfect bis repentance teas. Ehcre 10 tbe Iphe example of Mary Magdalen, Wo p^effeb into tfe feaif of the p^otobe Pbariiepes,anb b cfoie their faces ton* Ibcb Bicfua fete toithber teares,anb toppeb them toitb tbe beareo of ber bcafr,lamenting berjoffenieo t toe iubge her repenfaunee tons great, that caff of (allbafljfalncffe ano feare,nnDp3effeDinfobolDlptQbetoaplc fer U)tcheDne8e, ^fibingesfsllctoingafter.Damdmoffc foirotofuilp DpD betoaple toitb toofullteares* tbebeffructionanb Death of bi0 fonne Abialon,bp tbio toe tmberitanDeboto great bps naturall affection toas totoarb bio fonne,tohicb fo much be# fp;eb bis Ipfe,although then be tootie abeufebis jfathers E>eatb. fSj nonimia« Ynonimia, Wen bp a bar fat ten anb change eftooits, that beef Ipfee fpgmfprnitcn, toe iterate one thing biuerstpmes. Virgill* ipoto Doth tfecbilb Afcamusjanb ¿0 be pet a liueifDotb be cafe etbertal fenbefanb ipetb be not pet beloto among the mielltbabesY bore be bemaun* Detb nettling eife but tobeiber Afcanius be afine oj not, pet tfeougb auction, be crp icffctb one tbtng tfeifC;* fomeftme toitb tooibes, tbu0.^1a0 manp tooe0, car00 , foirotoes, frouble0,calamities, Derations,nnD miferies Doe befege me roans about ,&«c$er,ljoto glao tons % then, beto merp toas mp barte?bcto topfull tons mp mtnbe?mp Deligbt to as fiifefe, anampjjieafure# great Pfalme,44^p hope nnD mp foifrcfle,mp raffle anb Dcluterer,mp befeDer in tobcm 3Uruffe: ilpfetopfc,tofele fentences are repeated bp this figure,! tbafeloguriJp.SChis erample pfEcclcfiafucus ¥< >¡9* isThe Gardenof Ebquence. 10 bcrp p’ctfp : l£be hisbeff 5 fapctb be,t>ofb not allofoe tbe gtffoof tbe UrictieMn* 0oo fjatb no öeligbt in tbe cffrtng« cftbetmgoolpiberetbcfpjft fcntence i0 repeateb fop tbe latfer,buf pct foitb otber tuojbcß of tbe fame ßgmfpcafion, foi in tbe formar ig tbe btgbcfMn fbß laifer dDijDSD : in tbe feiner aotb not alotó, in ibe lati er bntb nc Oetigbt : in tba one gtffß0jtn tfjc ctber offnnges : in tbc fpzii &tc&eö , in tbe -latt bngoölp : SCbiafpgnre Deiigbtetb ibofearer tierpe mitcbfe itjat tbe iwtbinctre of tbe ferner feritene?,ig re* peateo of tbe lafter,iMtb an inferpjetation cf nefcu Ujo^ös* %i)B ^¿opbet Efay is macb Deltgbieö tnitb tbis fpgare,anö fo 10 Dauid rn bi« pfalmco,Salomon in biß ^¿Q«erb0,anö manp ofer jajopbete in tbetr J^opbeß*** qExbolitio, Xpolitio, tofeentoe abtnc fftll fit one plate, ano pet feme to fpeabc Dtuero tbingo, ma* np tpmes repeating one fentenee, but vet intib other U?o,iDe0,feniewe0,cro2na£tott0, anc fpgureo : ano it otfferetb fapctb Me-liin&on, from Sinonimye, fe a$ muebe as that repeatetb a fctencc c; thing onlp toitb rbangcb Ufe&0, but fbig both tuitb Ipke tooiOOjlifce fentenee*,$ like things, bauing alio manre evocations fo ibe garmfeng thereof. Cornificms feachetb that of ibis figure there be tiookmos, the one,tuben toe rebearfe agapne tbe berp fame fbtng,bui not after tbe fame manner,fe thereto nothing mcc loafe fome,an3 tfjaf map fcmerbjmgfatietp ants pifeefomnefife to tbe bearer,ibenTantologia, tobfe t$ a toearifome repe* ttcion of all one too;o,but farping ££tll in one place, toe tsoe barrp one thing 02 fentenee otuers manner offcnapeo, ano inf reafe of if fcuttb funo^p factions of fp«cb>tbt$ fett kin® isThe Garden of Eloquence. it tlnk maner of foaps toteo,bp faift % change of too¿t>s, tobieb is calleo Synonimia,toberofbatb bene fapö.jfecfpno* tg,tip altering of pjonounctatioiuibat i«,toben. i1je£D;atoj Doth occupy o¿ repeté the fame too¿os$fmtencestoitb an alicratto of bio bopce f gelture.Sextus Rofcmsts ccmcieo $ be Que bio father,noli? this is fapD toitb a plapn pronoun* ctatisn; cio Sextus Rofcius flap 1)is jfaiber i toitb an intc^ rogaított,tobicbtsfaHofmeruepling: ano liUetopfe,ibat tobub the £D;atoare batb bitcreD in tobóle ano bebemente fpeecb,be map repcaíe agapne toitb colo an o qupet tooaos* STbirolPjbp alteration of the baubling,02 entreating, as toben the áDjaíour conncigheib to Profo- popcia, Seriuocination,o: to Exufhtation. Cicero toben be bao redtoneobp manp mtfcbieuous o tooes of Catílme, ano manp of bis totcheo Domges,cnterp?pfcO agapnit the ccm** mon toealtb, ano bao moil grtououflp accufco bim tn tbe Senate, be commatmoco bim to get bim out of tbe Cittp, be ebaungetb tbe banoling of bio fentence,ano tranflatetb bis fptocb to Profopopeia,toberebp be fapnetb tbe countrp, cbpoing Untó Catiline ♦ ano rebcarfetb in ojocr, all bis bn# gracious 0¿D0S,tníerp¿pfeb agapnfl it, accufing bim fo¿e, ano totüíng bim to Departe out of tí: there batb>fapetb bee* iTcabbommableDáoebenebearo o? feme, tbefe manpe peaces,but through tbee , no naugbtpfactestoitbouttbee, thou onelp bail* flapnc manp Citizens,ano neuer pet pu# tnibeDTbou ball terco ano robbeD íbp fcüotoes, ano no# thing fápo tocio íbeMbcu baile not oneip bene able to neg# lect Itatoes ana ííatuícs,buí tofo to oueríbtoto them,ano ío b.:eslte them in pecces: toitb mucb mo¿e follotoing* ^ T he fécond kyudc of Expedition* (7~l$e fecono iipnoe of Crpoltíton, ts toben toe fpeaheone 1 thing toifb manp cbatrnges, tobicb as Coniificius tea# cbetbjDoetb conSít cf feuen partes,tobereof be batb geuen äX,U thisThe Garde» of Eloquence. tbis eramp!c,tobercbp be teacbetb plapnelp íbe tobóle rea? fon cfpuüílbtng,tbus:á topfe man totl (banne no pernii fo; tbe common tocaltb>tbcrfo;e as it oftentimes commetb fo pviße,ibat toben betobtcbtoill not öpe fo; tbe common toeitbjöotb of ncccCTitp Dpe toitb it,anu becaufc all common Otfics ave rccctuco of tbc ccuntrcp,no DifcommoUitp ottgbf fo be fbunneu fo; íbe countrep. eaäbcrfo;e,tbcp Do falitblp tobicb Doc flpe tbat perrill,tbat muff be biocen fo: tbe ccm? tuen toealfb>fo; neptber map tbep flpe tbat pertü, ano alfo fbep are founu bntbanUcfull to tlje cittpe 5,but tbcp tobpefr toitb íbeir otoñe pcrrtl,Doe Difcbarge tbc ir ccimirep of per? rill,are to be counfeo topfe ntcn,fo: tbat tbcp bßib rniDcr tbat bonoar:fo tbe common tocaltb, Vcbtcb tbep oltre tuto tí nnUatfo bao raíber ote fo; manp,tben toitb manp.iro; ít-rs aberptmrcafonablctbing,to refiere IpferrrciucD cf -ij$a? t!irc,toij5aíurctobcnfl)eccmpcUetb,ftnDnoítD gene it to fbp countrep toben toe afltefb it,fo; as mucb as tbou baite bp tbp countrep p iefcrueo it : n!ip toben tbou mapcít topíb ntoff commenoablcbertuc anbbonsur me fo; tbp coimtrp, cbíDfe ratber to liue bp Ditoonour ano cotoaröneSie, toben tbou toiltput tbp felfc in pernii fa; top frienucs,parentcs, ano buine» ano toill not teoperDDaitngerft>¿toe common toeltb, in tobicb tbat mene pjenous name cf ccuntrep ts contepneo : 2Hbmfo;e,as be iß to he DcfppfeU, toibteb feé? ingontoe§>ea, bau ratocrfattebimfelfc toen ibe^ljtppe, fb ìb bc fo be rebubeu , tobtcb in tcopcrup of ibe common toca ito,p;oupudb moje fbjbimfclfe, toen fo: toefafefp of tbeccsnmon toealtbitbe ètoip-being b:oiicn manpbaue cf? fapeD > bui from tbc ^biptojacisc cf toc Countrepe* no manne can ftopmmc fafdpe otite, tobicb me tijinebe Deews Dio torli pereepue , toben bee beute bim Celie to Dpc , ano fojfb?fatur.gcfbis è)oèloptfs,to batte nume info tocmtDSeüc of bis Cnncmpcs, toberebp bee lette bislpfegoe , butbe lolle if not, fo; topfb a toinge of totali p;pcc, be reuärncD a toing of grcafc toaUue 3 bt ^ T gaueiuence. gauc bps lyfe> berccciueD bis counfreye, be fo’fobebis tyfe , but cbtaynco glo?ye , tubicbe publilbeo tuytb bigbc p:ayfe, tljc elder it iball foare, the moaean&mo?* it a?ali Ibync . $otoe fœtng tttsSjeiueD by reafoit, ans p:sweD bycramplc,tbatfocougbtf3bentureperriU foj fbc common tnealtb? tb:nare they tobeiuDgcb toy le, tobtebe Doe fljunne no perrill, fojfcifety of tbeir Countrey. $otoe, nltbougbe Cornificius bath getten tbi0 cram* pie , yet an ¿Djafoure is not altoayes fo llraygbtlye bounbe i as to cbfcrue euerye poynfe hereof , but barb a larger liberty*, to bfc it,a$ l)æ (ball t&inbe moll* meet*. Ongcrics, amultiplication oj heaping to* geatber of manyctoojDcs , fygnifrtnge Dyuers tbinges of like nature,tbus. 5itpi. 14; ¿bus all tbinges toere mtreD fogeatber toitb bI©D,manflaugbtcr,tbeffe, Diffimula* tien, cojrupttonjbnfayfbfulneire, feotfion, pèriury, DiTquiettng of gœD mcn,tmthanckfulncGfc, Defy* ting of foules,rbatinging of Byitb,tnCeDfa(rncire of ma» ryage,*mfojDcr cfaDuoufryc . Paul« to îbe Galathians.^. ¿be beebes of tbe iflcfbc are manifeii,tobtcb are tbefe, ab» uoutry,fojntcaiton,bncleaneneire,toantcuneffc,tü05Ûîip» ping of images, wtitdttmfte, batreD, bariaunce, jeale, imatb * Itrpfe, feDitions, fectes , emiying, mur» Der, ¿:uncUennelTc,Olottonye, anbfucblybe . Con» fraryiuyie, tbc fruités of tbe Spirite, is ilcuc 1 ?oye, peace , long infringe , Centlencffc , CoDncCe, if aytbfulnelTc>miébeneire3tempo;atïnce : tbe life* example &,g. w \The Garden of Eloquence. t$ in the fpjft chapter to the Komapncs, SChte fpgure foj* etti) mo;e bp heaping,then bp increasing,ano te nigh Un to Synonimye*. <[,Increment um. Nercmcntunijlnbcn bp begras tee afeeno to jithefopoffome thing , o; rather abouetbe toppe, that is, tehen toe make our taping grete anb tncreafe bp an c;berjg placing; of i our teo;bs,making the latter teo;b aitenps iletmbc the fanner, tn fojee of figmfpcatieu, contrarp to the itaturail o;ber of thinges, fo; that etier put* teth the teo’thpeft and teapghficft tec;bcs fp;ft, but this placeth them alteapcs !att,tbus he contemneth moncp, ha* nour,pieafurc5,anblpfc^fo; lotto of htecounirept nepther ^¿luer,Colb,pgarle,no; pjeacteus ^tonc,might be tom* pareb to her foue.TereneeJ} mpParmcno, the beginner, tnferp;pfer,performer, anb acccmptifherof altmppica* fareo ; there Utas: neuer peí noble Captapn,prince,llting, o;C'mpercur,mo;eb;utebanbbla^ebbp noble renotene, then he»în this fpgure,o:ber muir be biiitgentip obferueb, that the Wronger map foliote the teeaker,anb the teo;thper the lette teo:thp, othertetfe, pea fhal not increate the áD;a< iten,but make a mingle mangle,as boeth the igno:aunt,o2 elfe make a great heaps,as both Congeries, tehich rcfpcc* feth not the increate of matter, but number ofteejoes* mi Ç Climax.The Garden of Eloquence* c Climax. Limaxrtoben tbeC^atio is fo biftmgutfljeB fiiK?. bP&fcgras>tbatfbcfoo>b fobicb enDett) ttjc l claufe going before, bcginnetb tbe ncjrt fel/ lotomg.Cicero.2Ebe €mpf ;z of Grece toas t\)2 Atheniansjibe Athenians toerc conquer _____ j reb oft(jO Spartanesitbe Spartanes icere ta* qutiheDoffheThebanes: tbe Thebancs lucre ouercomc of tbe Macec!ons,tnbo in fljo^t fpareiopneb Afia being fubbu* Cb bp foane,tO tbe Cmpp^e of Greece. Cicero fo} Rofcius* 3fn the citfp is b:eb crcelTe:from ereeffemuft ncebes fp^ing iouefoufneCTe:from eouetoufneffc there burltetb out bolD? neffe: bp boUmefTe all toickeb anb Ungracious oecDes are furtbcreo.Sapren.<5.Co care foj nurtcr,i0ioue, anb loue is tbe&eeping ofborlalnesitbe keeping of brr laioes is petv fertion,anb an bnco;rup£ Ipfcmnb an bnco;rupfe Ipfe ma* ftetb a man familper tuitb Cob.Mathew.i o.l^e that recta* uetbp0u,receauetbme, anbbetbatreceauetbme, recca* ucfbbimtbatfenfmc. lohn.i, gn the beginningtoasfbc lwo.2b,anb tfje too?b toas Ccb>anb Cob toas the too?b:tbus pleafauntlp the Cuatmnxltfi: repeated toc&b after foojbe, anb Coo after Cob.Paulc to £ Romaynes.f.iftnoiuing that tribulations bmigpactcnce,pacicnee b)ingeib erpericnce, erpcrpenccbnngetbhope,in tbefame.8. ^o^eouer kfjom beappopntcbbefoje,lbem alfoberalleb , snbtobomebee bat!) calleb,them alfo be iuffifpcb,aob tobemc be iuCifpeb, them alfo be tftaiifpetM. Conn. 3.^11 arc pourcs, pen a re Cb2ttes,anbCb?ift is CoosXbis crons at ten batb mnebe p!enfaunincCre,anbtscbteflpapplpcbfov: tbe augmenfatk on of matters,it coniitfetb often of fotoer begrees,but ccm? monlp of%&. •[ComparatickThe Garden of Eloquence. qCompararía. —■—Omparatio,tubenanp apfc fimiUttuOc 1befo* etb that tbe erample bjougbte in , tseptber ipbe, Unlptte, oj contrarre, o^ thus, Com-JwlSB ParatI° is a comparing of tbtnges, perfotts, Bhiteaal Oeeoes, eramples, contraries, lpfee,o; Unlike, tpbe tbtnges are comparco among tbemfelucs,Unltbe from tbe lede fo ibe greater wamplifptng, ano from tbe grea* ter to tf?e leffe inoiminilijmge, fometpme a compartfon tsmaoebpfapntng. Cicero agapnft Catilinc.&uelp if mp feruauniestboulo f care me , as all tbv ^cruauntcs fearcfbec, gfoouloe ttnnkc 3; tbouloe be fapnetofojfnfcempboufe . 3I5p con# ferringc an «rampi c to the tfnnge put fojtb , To that tbe thing ttibicb toe ampWpe,map fame eptber ncare 0; equal to tijO^ eife greater then it. Cicero fo; Clucntius. 223hen Cicero bao oetlarfo that a ccrfapne ceiontan bad taken ipcncp oftbe nette bepres , tooeftropefbefrutte m ber iuombetbolu mucb,fapetb be,is Opianicus toojibp of great* ferpnntfbmenf,m tfje fame oifencc,fojtbee,lubcn (bee oto infouemenf toberoUmcbocr,to;mcnfcobcrfelfe, bee OpO tbe fame bp tbe torment of anotbers boop. Comparpfon oflpketljingcs, as Camillas bp bis Uer* tue 0;pueoafeape tbe Barbarians, ano fette Upagapne tbe Romaync €mppje,being oppjettano almotf e b;ougbte to Utter oettruetton * Cuen fo Lawrentius Valla,rettojeo tbe Untine tongue into f oio pureneflrc,tDbicb tbjougb tbe igno* raunce of tbe Barbarians tuas cojrupfco, iupp;etteo , ano almo# quite perisco. tThe Garden of Eloquence. Cf tbe fcnlpise, Brutusput&te bonnes to SDeafTj , fa; fbattbep confppreb SEreafen. Mannillus punpibeo bps J&onnefo; bis bertue : Contrarp thus,Marcellus relf o;eb to tbs Syracuians bis ennempes tbctr ¿};namcntC0. Verres ta&catoaptbc fame from bis frienbes anb companions, tbe toboie is not onip copareb toitb tbe tobole,but alfo tbs partes ba comparer) one toptb another. Cicero fo; Mylo. that molt noble man Scipio,beeing a prpuafe perfon flea Tiberius Gracchus,net nmcb corrupting tbe common toealtb i and (ball toe being Ccnfuls fuffer Catiline, tbat tooulo toillinglp be if rop al tbe toorlb toitb ftoo;b anb fprtf bere Catiline is comparer) to Gracchus,tbe If ate of tbe com*: men toealtb» to tbe tobole too;Id : a meane corrupting, to fiaugbfer,fpre,anb bcifruction: anb a priuate perfon to tbs Contois, Sometime acomparvfon ts inaoe toitb one be* grrie*as in tbe erample ibctocD,fomtime toitb manp,tober* oftbisiballbeanerample,ifaman of bis otonegojbtopll fboulb geue tbee a pearelp ifipenbof ttocntp pounoe,ought pou-nottolouebim i anbaceorbingtopourpotoertbetoe pour felfe tbanUefull fb£it,if a if raunger lijoulb toitb bps otone monep reedeme pou from tfje mpferablc bonbage anb feruitubeoftbeBarhaikins,orelfebdinerpcuoufof a cru* elt, barcirr„anD ifincl:ingprpfcn,oifgbtpcu not bearelp to loue bimf anb to boe altthaf pou coulb for him i if a man tboulb faue pour ipfc in Wares or &bipto;acbe, toilbcut tobofebdpepoumult neebes baue bpcb , cculbe peu bee eucr able to requpto btm toptb Ipbe g©b fourne J. to bat in* gratifube is tt then,thus to neglecte Chuff e, both © dD SV anb Span f anb fo often to offence himtoptb fo manp faultes,anb fe; fuebe aob topll , requptefucb fpptes mo reprocl)cs,tobo batb matetbee tbe moil ever lift anb nob left creature r.erte to tbe $ungels,fo tobcm fbou otoeif all ihat thou balfe3tobo befibes bobtlp fubffauncc,batb of his otone gob toil!, geuen thee rpgbteoufncffe, tobs balbniabc ib« par tan er of bis ^eauenlpe giftes , tobo fc; tbp &.iia, ialteThe Garden of Eloquence. false fought toitfj Nathan,fobo tol>oUt? rcoameo thee, not foutlj ipoiiep7but fcmb bis precious blcoO, tubs bcponO ail tbefe,oeth bio ano oefpje tb#>to tliefeHottsi^tp of the euer* tailing binoome. l^ere the Ration groiueth bp manp oc* grees,fromibelelTetQ tbcgreater.Math.iQ,gfibepcaUtbc &o;o of thsboufc Bclfabib,boto much mcie (ball tbsp call* ^Enumeratio. p.Numeratio,toben lue gather together fbofe fbtnges info E'a certapne number,fobicb Ifratgbt leap toe Doe biicflpe oeclare.Cicero.&befe ttoo (binges cnelp 31 miff)»tbs one, that 3 map leaue the people of Rome in Itberfp ioben 3 ote, (be other,that it map come to palfe foi ecb man to profit the common toealtb.Eccle.2f,2Db£ee things there are, that mp fpirite fauouretb>t0bicb be alfo allotoeo before €5j£>]EE> ano man: thebnitp of bietberen: the loue of neighbours : a man ano topfe that agreetb inell tegeatber : tbiee tbinges ibere betobiebmpfoulebaieib}anD3i btterlp abboire the ipfe of them,a poie man that is piotooe: a rpeh man that is a Ipartano an olo boop that ootetb,ano is tnchaifc.Prou.6. SCbefe fpre tbtnges ooetb the &010 bate,ano the feuentb be both btterlp abboire, Jfpiff ,a piofuOe lake: fecono,a Iping tongue: tbp|0,banoes that (beo imioccnt blcDD: fourth, a heart that goetb about toitb imchco immagtnaiione: fpft, feete that be ftoifte in running to ooe mifebiefe: fpefe, a falfe toitnelTe that b;ingcth tip Ipes: feuentb,ano furh as fob) oifcoio among birth err it. SI here be tbiee things luhich men ooe chieflp oefpie ano court,plcafures,boncures, ano rpebeg. •fDinumcratio,1 heüardënôrinôqûence! ^Dinumeratio. Inumcratio, feben fee number bp mnnpe I; tbtngcs fo; loue to amplifie, t auk to the Coll nnthians. îi.geucttj a gfflD epample of this fp* j cure. Ebep are tbe & imff ers ofCluiff e, 31 fpeabe as a fiole, 3 am meje : in laboures (B=_aaBaM___Jmo:eabcunDaunt :in ftrppes aboue mca* lure; ui potion mote plcntcouffp: in bead) oft: of tbe Jefees rccetueo 3 fprte times,euerp time fo;tp ûrppes faue one: tbipfc feas 3 beaten feitb roDDesrJ toas once ffoneDîJ Cuf* fïeo tbtpfe ^bipfe.ïacbe:ni5bt anb oap bauc 3 bene tn tbe Osxpe&cannxotneptngoften:inperrillesoffeatcrs : m perrils of robberpes: tn teoperoies cf mpne ofen nation ; in icoperopes among tbe t^catben : tn perrtls in tbe cittpe : in perrilsintbefeplocrneffe : in perrtls in tbe £&ea : tn per*» rilsamongfalfcbtctberen: inlabouresanD trauaple : tn fenfebmges often : in hunger ano tbp?ff : in faff in gs often : fn rolo ano naîteDnelTe : btfpoe tbe tbtngcs febieb outtoaro# tp happen bnto mc.Cbis Oifferetb front Congencs,fo; Coi* genes beapetb bp feojos,ano this fenUitces. ^Antithefo. Ntitliefis,tsap3opcr coupling togeaffier of contraries,ano it is eptber in feo?oes that be contrarp,oj in confrarp fetentes. Contrarpetpe of feojos thus : 3 bauc lo* ucDpeare,anonotlcatbcDtt: 3 baue fa* ueb bis Ipfe > ano not oeffropeb it : feoc 3£.j. „ baue^S^ar3éJ^nìIoquenjce7 fcauc eaufe io fo;roto,anb not to feng : to lamentano not to latigb : bapne pleafuresbauc ftooctebegtnmngcs. ano ibe fame molte bitter cnbmgcs. Paule to fbe Plùlippians.4.3 fenolu boto to be lotoc,anb 3} fenoli? boi» io ercetbe. i.Cor.3. iESìc are fcolrs fo; Cattles fafee, batpe are topfc tb’ougbe CbjiiP.too are tocafec,but pc arc ff rongtpou are bono:able, but lue arc seQMcb.Còtrariefp of fentenees,amóg tìje tote* fecb, fnnplintp io counteb fa)UÌfeneirc,anb craft mefiTe bighe toifoom:fiatterp,is frtrnofejiptf faptbfulneirc>mabe fraub: feline is fuecoiirco,f rigbfeoufncflrc reni in funbrr:po;c me are befpifcb,ricb men bigblp pjiufcbmmocenfs are cornai* ip ronoemncO,thirties ani* murDerers are quit,f beimereb: fmaitp al! iotcfeeOneCfe baplp pincttfebjaii gcDlpncfie qupte fOigOttcn.Paule.Corint^ 1$ fotone ili COniipÌtOII, 11 i> fetb agnpne in tnco.mipficmti te fotone in btfbono:,tf rifefb agame in bono;:it te Cotoni in &cafeencs,ti rpfctb again tn po torn ti is fotone a naturiti bebp,ti rtfctb agnpn a fptrifu* ri bobp : tou map fet tbe mefeencGe of Ctoili ,f tbc eruelfp tf fbe 3fotoes,one againif another,thus,be toiiljed tbeir fai# nation,tbcp brivido bis bcftrncttombc piearfcetr peace bufo fbcm3fbep piefeeb quarrels again# binube fpafee bufo them ibe trxitb,tbf V ornpfco moft totefeeb Ipe s tc confcemne bim: ibep iaugbeb bim te fco;ne fo: bis métfeencfre,be toae fo;rp tc fè ibetr toicfeebnes;ihep fmete bim on ibe fare $ buffeted. fetm,buf be bio not fo murb as itffc bp bis banb agapufi ibi: be fougbt to fané ibeir life,fbep mefe mafìaoufiy pi i bim fo beatb.Another,be bp bis ònguler eloquence b:ougfete tbem from fccaiflp ragr,fo «tanfo crafen.SEfeis cremation is be# 4 Interfepugnantna. C Contendms; betvveene themfclues. Ontcnding between^ themfclues, is toben tfjC )©?afOt?re rep.joiteibbisabnerfarpeof bmcnfeancp,o; bppoettfee, CiceroThè Garden o£Elóquence. Cicero fo; Rotcms.fn inhicb matter thou fediteli tmfo tobennbmonftantfajle,ifjat Uìculoefi both bode a man, ano alio commenti htngii&D to cali biaibotb an bandì, man, ano a[f3 a berp hnaue.^aule to p Romains.2.stbou iberiche tobub tcacòcO: another,feacbeft not tfcp felf:,tbeu p; cache# a man (botilo not ftealc, pet tbou £eale&$tbou that fa pea é a man (boatti not commit a'auiferp,ibou blatte# teccioctt, tboit abbozre# imageo,! pei robbelt gob of bis bonoMbou matte# boa# of the late,ano though b;eatung of the latoe Diiboncx# Ceb. q-Antemetabole.| ^,Ntéiiietabole,tDhen tue ttuterfe a fenfetwebp || ii;e contrai p,thus, tcbehrouetb thee to iato, fjtbattbou mapefi: liuett not to line,that ibott 1 rnapeft ente : Cicero of eloquent men, Ciaf-j fus ioeounteO the (carneo# ilaUipcr, ano of _______ iLatopers,¿camola moli eloquent. t%rie fa tf)è Romavnes 11. SLbou barcfl not thè Jiote, htrijlbc ìttnic jpepther Urns the man rrcatcofojtbetoo* mans Tabe,but the intanan fo; p mano fahe,2.Conn,i2, jfs; thè ehtl2>;cn ought noi to lap bp foj ibeit parente#, but the parents fo: their chilo;é.Hnother,pou arc not tbe mapller of pour moncp,but pour uionep maplicr of pou : 31 fo;ftofe6 nothint,but befojfoftemc. ; l ^ •«famuli sa;‘ Mu i i'm% r '.oneri ttUdsotooftn I ftridiojluhcn of the gcncrall Voo^be going? before,.n parte is after&aro cjrecptfO. %z Uiaatrihmthingbutbeflit!),ano 3 bauc no** thing but mp health 5 all is ¡pent ana gone failing one SEhatcbte boufe* i&ee to the <£* loqueniie man in Ciiglanoe, ereepte T. Paulc io the Corinthians^.^e are affUcfeo on cuerp fpoc* &.?♦ tetThe Garden of Eloquence. çet are toe not tit oiÆreSrc:to0’are in pcuertp,buf not oïier* conte of pouertpe i toe are perfccuteD,but not forfafeen; ip$ are caft ootone, faut pet toe periflj not... tCorrcclio. Orre&to,toben fee tahcatoap tfynt, ; fato>anD put a more mæfc tbtng in fite place, tobereforcibcrebeifcohinOes, tbe one is, toben a tooro is ce? rectco before it be fapöe, tous : Cicero in biß feurntb action agapnße __________Verres. bebaue brought bere before pou, pou junges,to baue pour möge ment,not a toeefe,buf a bp* oient robber,rtotan aoultercr,but a breaker of all ebaßi* tp:not a fpoplerof ebureb gcoos,but a rauche ennimp to all Ctooip religion : not a quarrelling Huffm,but a moftc eru* gU muroerer. Paule to tbe Cormthians.3, ^cu Ocriare that pou are tbe Cppffle of Cbîiit nurnftreo bp bs,ano torttfen ttot toitbpnfee,but toitb tbe fpirite of tbe lining dDco,. not in Cables of (tone, butin tbe fletolp tables cf cur barte. Correction aftertbe Taping,thus: $toto if be bao but prapeo bis frienoes,nap bao be oonc no more but becke,this migbi eaGp baue bene oone,ano that toitb ftnall cod,nap toitb no cotte at all : teas be not a eruell to;ctebe to oce tbis i nap toas be not a eruell bcatt to 00c fuebe a toretebeo oéoe f bee batb fmall ttjame,nap be is paß all toa me, Paule to tbe Ro-mayncs.q.Bp tobat lato of feorefces î nap bp tobat lato of faptb? âLotbe Ephefîaro.4.ï5ut noto after pou bane fcnoton $oO,nap rather are fcnetone of CDco. ÇMetania,rTVT^«.jrf v nni^' it Ì5,fattb Rufiniai ws a uifmption of tbing«, by rep^ebcnlìoii,tbus,be platea ttjc man a* mongeit bis cnnimtr*, naybe platea tbe Hi’on: be ciò beate tbem fo?e,nat be Dio fiat fbe moft of tbem,nat euert onc : alfo, febeo fte jD^afour c o^rectctb $ blametb btmfdfe.Cicero fo; Mi lo* MI t are fole* tbat bare compare D rufus, Africa nus,Pom-pcìus,mU) cur fellieo feifb Clodius : alio , 3 ibefe tbcm fo trnicb fauourc te A-upnranS)» «yurc vcip di conuruuion^ «no alfoof ampItfycaficH, febeo tbat tobtrbc mtgbt be fato feitb one feo;0,o; af tbe leali fettbbery fefee,i*erpltcaieO feitb mante* $ofebecaufe 3 batte eremplifteo it befo;e 1): among tbe figure« of dDràmer , 3 naie not butto.. T~\ Iftnbutìo, febeo fee Oliate anb fp;eao ab;oaoe tbe gt* t* oerall kfeoe, bt numb;tng ano recfentng bp tbe fpcct* all firn beo, tbe febole by ocuioing ti loto parte«, ano tbe Ìubtectes, bt rebearcing tbeamocncc** SDbe generali tufo tbe fpcctaU,iben appeareb in perfette betonali tbe flofeer of tbe fido,tbe £>affao ili, tbe refe,tience, i*ofe,tbe purple Circlet, tbeffoatepegle, $ Cofc)flap,ibe Dapfpe fbat fpreatsc the fun«? bancKcs, tijc galoot Cro Matte,p lpaU)tijo;it bloioromc,pieafflni SEime grotomg oh little biiles,$ rnanp other mee, a liuriia $ finable crca* tu»*e is tbe general tuoro,U>bicb if fboii tuolbeft Beupbe,f8|ii ma^eft reelien bp feucrailp matt, tbe bea&cs of tfjc fiiel&,tbe fbaleo of tbe aprejtbe flfbes of tbcfca, t ail creeping fbm'gs* H artitio* ' •- aj , Artitio, teben the tbbclc is DeupoeD info partes, ano then it to calico partition, as if pou might fat?*' be is ibeli fane in all^cten* res,this genera ll faping pou map Declare bp partes, thus. tye perfitetp Motor tljalltbi . . __ ^.painefnll rules of Crammer, tbe plcafaunt ^lotoers of Kbeto;icbe,tbe fubtiltieo of JLogtiians, tbe fe* crctes of na tit rail pnlofopbp, tbe oifftculttc of C&tfcccme fupernatarall, tbepfeafaunt ifables of poets, tbe $atbe* maticatl Demonffrafions, tbe motions of &farrcs, tbe cun# ntngtcafons of numbers, tbeoeferiptien of the M;lDe,tbe meafuringtjf tbe tartb, tbe filiations, names, oiffawtees of Countries, Cities, ^ountflpncs,Kiuers,ifmmtapncs, a no cxHtlDcrncffcs, tbe properties of Copies, tbe Dape mb« Series of jSDiuinitie, tbe Differente of harmonies, tbe com» fent of tunes, biffoues, oloennonelne, antiquities, itcuel* ties, Crabe, liatine ano t^ebreto. jfihaftp, tobaffoeuer goo learning bail) bene foimce ano taught of goo Authors, all that bath tljis man pcrcfcpucD,!inotone ano remembreo, fEnumeratio. fliCI T^e fubiect itifo the ncar>eces,fbus.$ftan is be fobom care 1 Doe encumber, tobome feare frettetb, anger raoleffetb, fo;rclt>es opp.jeffe, oefpres inflame, hope offcDecrpuerb, bmigcr papnetb,tbirff pincbctbiColofrrfefb» beat burncib, ffinc^e tnfectetbjflcbneffetnfabletb^Uibofeinprib^loqu ence. anb mourning long,tnîiofclaugbf cris !iiflr,nnD irapinge mucbe,lobofe laboures be great3anb reft ticr^ final!, ù(t* ping toitb ttnqupetàcfferfno tuahmg foitb üianfe cf kipü, be fætb manp tbtnges t&at. do grætie biu Wb bearrtb tfjcfe tbirtgs tbat mabe fjtm fo^rotoful. Enumération tu tbis place mai DiuersmannercfU?aresbe bfeDfo amplifie. iip;0e, b| rcbcarGng fbe ac«Denccs,u bereof an r va mp le il alrcafe pvüjeltiep.&c coDl|,of Ü)£ ^UiicrcDcnisfQr^lijCffatHce. ifourfblr, cftfie fbùigcs annevep anb folioimng afier tbe maifer3oftbe anfeee.ocnfCMnD tfcinges bv iiljicljttjc mai# fer ts b:otigbf ta paire,ifcis tmy beau erample,fbaf Ciccro opp;circD fbe purpefes of Catihne,fbui5 if mai fcc frf. fo# b, fbe mtfcfciruoiis enferp’ifcs of Catiline3trbo b? ente abeute ffce biffer bCffruttÎenofH orne. Marcus Tullius Ciccro flje ConfuU bp th fo.icûgbfjDtD quiefcli fmel! ouf:b| bis fingu# 1er bigtlaune e fottgbf cut:b| bis bigb p^onicence founo eut t tp bis merueplous lotie fo ifce eommon tocalfb fbctoeD enfc t| bis tncreDtblc éloquence be coiuiicteD tbenubp bis granc autbontp rep;ctTcD fbem:b| bismigbt aboItifceD fbern -, i bp bis grcat bapptne(&,qt!ifc oucrfbjeto mittttyfng bp of eaufes>ü)ben ire Déclaré nof (fcc maffer nabeolp, but rc# bearfe fbe raufes irberbr it began ano pjcrée&e,as fccfcf cne fbcuîo in maïitng a repose of &mrre,aDDe fo fcfcaf fcuere fbe eaufes of Defcafe,tubo iras fbe moefoner, trbat Ions fbe au cation cf tfcc mferpjtfpng cffbe famé ümrrc, tufcat fccpo tbere iras fo gct bicto^tcbaf belDneCTe ifccrc tons en fcoffc f|Des*cvâplcs bereof arecuerp tobere fo fcefotmD in $cct$ ans tofâm of brff in fbcm tbat arè Canea,ano in tbem irbirb peri®), to one tbe fauour ofóeatb,bnfa beati) : io tbe oiber tbe faucur oflpfe, bnfó Ipfe V tbcp turate botb terrible to ibetr emnues,tbe one fo; bis poltcp,tbeoti)cr fo; bis potuer* fo>,U ^Antipóphora*The Garden of Eloquence. *>i ^Antipopbora. Ntipophora,inbcn tue gratini to an obtcáíó, bringing in another ífjátg, iota mate# tbe fame obietîto f0lerabIe.Ckcro.3i confrere 3 tato tbat tbtng lipón me,peraDueníure a luapgbtr efearge,anD alio eatmgerous tinto pet ncfüitfbüar.Ding a tying tatbpe,. fo;í»ta 3 tuns bouno to ttretnc fbe ffreníb of mp age,ano Dilltgcnee,3¡ graunt there is iti if great laboures,an&manp pemiles,pet bp papnfuH fraunile,ant! balpaunf nourturcs fberin,tyal infuc immoral gta : in birbe it is g®o to hope fo} tbe bett,pet it is better to feare tbe tuoftt : if is g®& to be «xerrp,butpettpiíbmeafucei3grauntaman map fpctiDfc toity boneftp,but not to mamtapne rtagallitp,tbai is tbe mother of beggerp : % graunt to bearne tongtiexusapapnc* full tbmg,pet is it nereffarp , ano being oneeattapneb, a gibing that bMngetb both picata ano p'aofpt|fc aramoi niL. : Aramología, iuben toe gratini man? tÿinga to our abuer^rpes,anb at tbelaft b¿tnge in one tbinge that oucrtfoolnctb allthat Uicrc graunteo beta, c; after fomc¿ thus ; toben toe ccmmenbe. ma up things tn our n&uerfn/ L rpes,* then report fome notable crpmeoj pi qualltip to be in tbetftjtubúb quptequcncbclb nil tbe com* nkoations afoiefap&Xiccro fo; Fteccus, ¿BttmtyffanBmg ibis 3 fap,concerning tye tafeóle natiensef the breches, 31 leegeThe Garden of Eloquence. Icoge of man]? artes:3| false not from them the comdp grace cifpeecb,fpne bjities,iinguler eloquence, ano furtbcrmo?e tffheg cbaiicgcbnto tbctnfetue* anp other thing, 3 mil not benpe it ttjenuyet reltgtotranD fapfb that nation hath newer fauoureo no: loueo,tshat berfue, tohat nutbo?ifp 7 mhaf toapgbt there is of all this matter thep Isuoto not. ¿nether, furclp 3 mult nccDcs grauntc ano ccrtfcflTc he is toell lear* neo,a gcoo 4Dramarrpan,& tyne &heto;iriaw,nn crcellente 3logictan,a palling ^uGtian, tocll pjatttfeo bppon all gob mitrumentes,berpactiue in running,leaping, to?aiflinge ana Daunting: he plapeth cunningly at all manner of toea# pons: he can fpeafce manp languages berp toc!l,but pet he mill he D?uncfce euerp Dap: a fpithp ©mhojemapiter, an ar* rant tb®fe,a common quarrcilcr.s c.&bts figure acco?Ding to the olD p»ouerbe, gcueth a man rc&e meate, aim then fceaic him hritb the £>ptf. ^'Dinmcns Copulatio. Iriinens Copulatio,tnhctl tPC facing fO?fb OttC fenfrce^lutth an exception bcfo?e tt,anD im* meoiatlp topne another after it,that Cometh j greater.Cicero in hie £D?aticn,in luhich bee I gauc the Komapne people thanhes fo? bp* ! retoarnc,pou haue,faieth he,not onlp tahen atoap mp calamity,bufoilfo tome to augment mp bignifp* PaulctotheRomaynes.4.^eucrthcle£fe, it &as not tt)?f* ten fo? him onlp, that ittoas retfeoneO to him fo? rightcouf# ncfie,buf alfo fo? bs to mhoitie it (hall he counteb fo? righ* feoufnelTe,fc.3!nthe.i3»i%lherefo?epemuli nceoe* obepe, not onelp fo? feare of bengeauntc, but alfo fc? confctence fa be. ,, pcerß,Äjo2emapßerß,3l toill not name biß lofleß, lur* uritp,nno oiff apning of biß boneßpe, tet bim tafee biß olsc flaunoer fo; aDuauntage,tbe reff of biß ipfe íball alone, tbat 3! map mafee a loffe ofljtß erpmeß. £lnpiber,3 ooe not fape fbat tbou receaueött topbcß of tbp fellotocßjj büße not mp felfe tnfbißfbing,tbattt;ou fpopleoß cittieß, ftingoomeß,, ano all menß boufco,3¡ lef paße tbp tbefteß, ano tbp robben rpeß.PaukioPhilimoiv&o tbat 3 ooe not fap to tb©,botoe tbat tbou otoeft fento me fbine otoñe felfe alfo, 3 am alba* meo to fetter tbofetbingeßjtobicbtbcp are nßt aibameo to öoe t Bi am feerp loatb to teil boto fenaöutfrölp pou fpafeij J} map not fap boto fcDltiblp, ^cPropofiti&*, R opofitio,tobteb compjtfefb in feto tootoeß tbe fumrne of tbat matter, tebereof toe p ¿e* fentlp ínteno to fpeafee.C1cero.3j baue noto to fpeafeeoftbeercellent ano ünguler feer* tace cf Pompcius.Ebere toas no caufe tobp Ncuius ßjoulo oemauno of tbe jd¿eto¿tbat beie Garden of Eloquence. ^mtgftfcpoiTeffcthegQjlìSofQmntms , bpancoicto^nv function. Cicero agapnitVenes.^t is necclTarp to rpeafec, concerning our toni enticn,tbat pou map baue irhat to fcb loto in oeféotng pour accnfer. Cicero agapnlt* becaufe tbe beerà cf tbe penate is not pet Uiuftcn, 3tciU ibetn pou as mucb iherccfcas 31 can call to remembmimce: alio,before 3 begin to fpeflfic of tbe common foealtij,3J fotii coniplatne a little of tbe iniuries pelf eroap, cone bp Anthony. »is iftgure oolb much betotifp tije Nation,fo fbat it be apteano foeU applpeb , /potò in a p;opofition there are tfoee tbinges to be confioereo : fp?lf,tbat it abfolutelp con* tepnetb tobatfoeucr pertepnetb to tbe caufe : feconoip, that it be tocll oeupoeo rlaftlp, that it beoifpofeo in an o>oer, molle meste fin tbe fameeaufe,foi bp this mcanes, tbe ration Ibal not be ccnfounoeo,tiiitb to great a beape of mat* fers, inbile tbe bearers batb fome certapn tiring,foberebp* on be map occupp bis minOe,boib tobat to remember, ano alto tubai to labe fo* , ano tbe fpeaberfballnotnàoefa bis face» ^Ordinatio. Rdinatio,a figure fobirb Ootb not snip num* ber tbe partes before tbep be fapo, but alfo ootbojoertborepartes, anomafiefbtbem plapne bp a binoe of oitffnition,ibus:i:bere be tbiJée tbinges,tobicb men ooe grecoilp co* __________ .. uet,ricbes,pleafures,ano bonoures :rpcbes be tbe purees offinneano tniquifp, pleafureis tbe oaugb* ter of oitboneftp,ano tbe gupoe tbatieaoctb to eaIamifp,bo# nour is tbe mother of too^loip pompe ano banifpe* fai#! ^fProcatalcpiìs.^Trocatalepfo. Rocatalcpiis, tobcn percepmftga feteljanbe, tubat might be ob ieciebagapMt t?0,anb hurt bs,U>e toppe it atoap o; euer it be fpofeen, o; thus, mben meputfojtijtbe fame obiectioti again# our felurs,tbai toe tbmfce our abuer* farpes tooulb,an® then confute it bp rcafon, anb fo bp that meancsp;cuent them* Cicero, &s tffome jubge o; Com# mtffioner might fap bnto me,thou mights# hauc confcnoeb ioitb a lighter action,tbou migbte# baue come to tbp rtgbfe toitb a mo;e eafp ano p;ofptable tuape, tuberefo;e eptber ebaunge tbpne action,o; refiftmc not as a Jubge: o; if b& boo pjefcrpbe after tubat fo;te 3-oughtto fuc fo: mp right» then he aunftocretb to this obicction,nottoitbitanbing, bee eptber faemefb mojefcarefull tben ts reafon a tubge (houlb be , ojelfe he bare not iubge that, that is committed bnfo him ♦ Jipbetopfe agapnfte Verres Cicero fapetb, that he fenofoetb fome men toil! mernaple, feeing fomsnp peares be befenbeb manp,anb hurte none the both notu come fo ac* cufe Vcrresjtbeit he both fbeio them that this accufation a* gapnlt Vcrres,tsabcfenceoftbcirfeUoii}es. Komaynes.*?. SOjou tmlte fap then bnto mc,tohp then bs pete fo; tobo hath bene able to refi# his toill i hut 3D man, tobo arte thou,that Difputeft tmtb dDoo.f c. jn the fame. n-STbou tmlte fap then the brambles be broken of,thaf 3 mighfc ba graftebiu: toell, through bttbrleefetbep mere broken of» ano thou ffanoe# bp fapfh > be not highe mmbeD,bufcfeare, SCo the Corinthians. 1 f .£>ome man mill fap, bofu nrpfe the bead i tuithtobai boopcs Iball thep come, thou f©le that tohich thou fotoe#, is not qutckcnco,ercept if bpe. ^fApodioxis* The Garden of Eloquence. ^Jpodioxis. Poc{ioxis,tD&m toe rcicctc % obicder.ii of aduerfarpes as trpfies,o; frowning the as abfuroitpr s,fo fobicb tt is baric to an* fU?ere,raping;cpibcr tbep perfapnc not to tbc purpofcjo: fapne ibem to be foitfij foitb laugbingat tbcnw rife p;cmifefo snftuere f bem,af fomc mo^c fitfe%ne>f fo IbaHc tbcm of, tottb bringing in otber matters. Cicero fo; Milo. iMibaf (bould Miloljate Clodius f flotocr of bis glo;p:berc is much adoe fo fmall purpofe,31 fbuifce tour arguments fo fimple, and fcttde,fbat 3 beuebfafe ibem of ti® aunf&eret q^JEtiologuu Etiologia,bobcn toe iopne a catife to a p;opc* fcfiow tittered. Cicero. 2Lberc be nc topics mojepRutetbenfbofetobicbbcbto in did* initiation of Duett)« in cuttcme of acquain* tatmce,fo£tbou mat® esfilp bp taHing beedc tb^n anopenenimp, but ibis bid intoarae, ________„ eutikdoib not snip appears,but a!fo opp^effs before tbou tbalfe be able i® fo;ef# andefppe it. Cicero foa Archia,lcDHe ^bnttuit cicloqufce 3 baue,pcu Judges Ar-diia map iutlip cbaHeitge if to bimielfe,fo; be leas tbs firtl ana pjpncppall, that caufcd me to follotoe tbefe manner of if udpes. Amos. l.iEbus fapetb tbc itoja/o? tbzee« fotoer totcHcDncite of Edom,3 boil not fpare bim,beraufebe perfc# euted bis briber toitb fbe ftoo;»a,bare hatred berp long « fo Kept indignation altoapcs bp bim.Pfalm.i 8,lpe brought me f®2fb into a place of liberfp,be brought me fo;tb cue beraufe b& bad a fauoure bate me. Romayne$,i,,£?o thattbet are £,ity* notThe Garden of Eloquence. not initbouf ercufe>becaufe tb at inben tbep fenein «Doo,ibep glo^tf^^D b»n not as òfgreatftrengtb in an ¿¡¡Ration, fit; that tbe fentence fapOe, batb bis rcafon al# luapesiopneoafferbirm ^ Horyfmos. Oryimos,to&fit toe Dettare briefly aito peto fcrtlpe tbe proper pptbe of fometbing, ano it \ iscbiefelpbfeo, inben tbere is a Difference r fougbt fo^ bet inane tino inodes, inbicb bp Defining ibis fpnoetbfo;tb,thus : Ebis is not ifojtitube but £imeritp,fo? jf ojfitube is a contempt of perrils bp boneff reaf5:3Eimcritp is a ratb ant» fffllifij intcrpjpfe of perrils,initbout refpcct of Cleri ae, ibis is not oilligcnce,buf couefoufneftc : foj oiUigence is a ebarp ano careful beeping oftbofe things inbicb be bis oinn, couetoufneffeisan iniurous Dcfp^e of other mens g©oes* Cicero foj Marcus Marcel lus.jfOf nèptbértS this to be COU# " but that is tbp Ipfe Çæfar j fap, inbicb (ball liue aitò 8pM in tnemojp tìnto tbe inoilos enoe,inbicb pofteritp Ibal nojiflj» inbicbetcrnitpibaUeuer bebolortbisisnot frienoibip as pou fuppofe,but flatten?: fo; friettoibippe is a Iquefo faptb* full,that it cannot be feperateb bp pernlles,ano flatterp is an agreeable affent in Otter appearaunce,lnapfing onlp on p;ofpertfp,f fœliingcommooitp.Paule to tf;e Romaines, 14. ifat tbe ïiungDomeofŒoo is not meate ano Djmcfee, but rigbieoufneffe,anD peace,ano iope in tbe help CDbott * 2Ebis <£vo;nation is Oerp profitable, fo^ that it Oeclareib a thing Corepjebmffoir.pnougb of lamentable matters, nolo a little of fomc m crrp concepts if rom the conftgui rites anD rela* tiues: few trail e bene tolo boh) be p;omifeD,noto 3 toil tell pou,boto be pcrfoimcD: pou bauc bcaro tobaf bcnefptes 3 baac bcttotoco bpon bim , emb notoe fijallpou bcare botoe kinolpberequpteomc, ®i3 cremation is p;cfptablc fo* ttoo tbinges, it both puttefbm minoe tobat batb bene fapb, ano alfo prepare# the bearer to tbe relt follotoing. Ilcma, toben toebeupbe a thing info ttoo partes, ano rep2one them both bp fljetotng reafons.Ciccro. ^oto bio be flap bím, toitb* cut anp help*, c; h«b be others at bis corn*» maunoemenr i if tbcu beeft accufc bim, be toas not at Rome,if thou fapeft be Dio it bp others, 3 bemaunb bp tobat manner of men,bp &eruants, o j bp free men ? (ibo;tlp after in ttje fame place.) Mbftbsr toeretbofemurtberersof Amcria, 02 oftbtscitfpíifíbep lucre of Amena, tobo toere fbep i tobp are tbep not nanicDf 3f tbep lucre of Rome,bato bio Rofaus moue them to bo it? tobo came not at Fome tbefe manp pcarcs.Slnotber, ton* eerning this matter Rueges 3 cannot fenbe botoe 3 mape fpcake,o¿ boto 3 map bolo mp peace,fo2 if 3 bolb mp peace 31 (ball fo;fafce tbe grcattcii parte,bat if 3 befenb that thing that is nothing pertinent to me,3 fcarc leait not oncip b#> but alfo others toill thinks t&cmfelucs much hurte, ^Commcndatio.J. he Uarden oi Eloquence. q- Qommcndatio. Ommcndatio,iD^n tue commenD fome perfen o.: thing to our bearers, ti;u0: Cicero* iFo.: ifCn.PoinpeiusbaD bene firuc C. rearer agoe,fucb a man be tuas, of fobeme beinge a _________pong man,anD a Romayne 3knigbt,tbc Senate might often times bauerequp;>coapoe anD Defence, fobefe noble actes toitb a molt rcncbmeD fcicto^botb bp IsnD anD ^>ea,baofp>eaD oucrall nations, tubefe thick. honourable trpumpbes are toitnelTes, that al fbe tuojId lucre in our go* uernaunce anD Dominpon,ts?bome tbe people of Rome bao commenDeD ivittj fingulcr honours, uotu if pou IhoulD rape* that he did fomethtng agapnftc the league of peace, tuba tooulo beioeue pou i truelp no man,fc^ U)hen DeafhhaD quiv tbeD enup,hw noble actes tooulD haue flourilbeD in glc;p of an cfernall renotone, tuhefe fcerfuc beingb^uteD,(hculo haue geuen no place to Doubfes, anD (ball the frienDIp ap# fcioueD, anD perfect berttteef tins man,he&ur.fe bp pfaulfe rtpQ;tofbacbbpicrs? ^Medela, Bdda,tube feting the offences ofctirfftenDSi o>of them tuhome tue Dcfenc,to be fo greate that bae cannot hcitefl Ip Defence them,fo manifelt,fhai toe cannot Unil Denpe them, tue feiii to heale them as it tcere toitb plai* Iters of pleafatinf luo’&s,tDhen there tuas a greater taritp anD rpot agapn lt Cxi ms then Cicero Durtt DefenD,anD mo;e enicent then he coulD Denpe, he DiD not* fotfbiianDing,etfenuaie it tcith plcafaunte looses,anD as " muchThe Garden of Eloq uence. fo bitcflg,ibat it Iba! feentebeba)ucftiil to be fagDe, tuitb Mil feioer UJo;D0,ite; thought pcHibfe to be fpoften plagncr,» q Qonglobatio. Ongîobatio, of ücfymtions, ts foben l»e in mang Otffimtgbtts of onetbmg,çel Hof fucb oefgnmons as ooe oeclare tbe pttfj ofibe «sîatter, but otbers ofanoiber bgnoe ail beapcb togeatber, tobicb doc amplifie moÆ.pleafauniig,f«cbasbe tbefe Defgmit* ons of Cicero, in bis fcconD bobe of an £D;afcure,bg lubbb beootb amplifie fbeDigmtgûfan tgflojg : an l&gffojge, fapctb^waSDeaimonpoffpmes, aitghfof bertég , tbe magntegnance of meino#?,Qe ^ebolemagiïrïire ôflgfe,ffie mclTcnger of anf fqurtge ♦ andfber, spanisancramplc of imberittitg,tbe fpogle of tpmc,an Jftiwge cf bnconCancpe, a Captiuc ofealamttgé,a pjpfoner to pagnes, a ^eruaunt to eouetoufnelïe,fpnallp,a fdoe fo; îKEîojmcs : îîgobes arc ibe rentes of finne,tbe jurées of ïniqtutp,gupDes to p^goc ano p;efumpfton,magnfagners of inturges : plcafures are eneaige* ofcbafttig,(caDcrs fo pouerfg, tbc Daugbters of biC&o«eftg,bagics of ertreame mtferg. ^Epexege/îs. Pexegcfis,ts an aDDDeb interpretation, that |t3,U)be toe mfcrp:cie,tbcteorDs 03 fenteee going before,bg another fenfcnce eommtng after,afterfbismanner ♦ PauletofbeRo-mayncs.2.Mbenfball be openeb tbe rigbte* oufe tnogement of (Soo,l»bitbtogll rrtuar0 %A* euerThe Garden ofEloquence. t aen? man acco’btng to bis QóeccSjtbat is to far > piapfe bo* neur , anotmmojtaliipjtotbmt fobicb continue in («do b£DÌng,f feefee immo;talitp,butbnto tbcm fbat are ì&tbtls, ano eoe not obep tbe trutb, but follott c Imrigbieoufencfle, flball come tnOtgnation, tojatb,tribulation .$c, j?o; bis in* tiifible tbinges,tbat is io fap,bis eternali pofoer ano Cco* beao,are féne,fo? as mudi as tbcp are bnoerif©oe, bp tbe ioo;cfcC3 from tbe creation of tbe inolio, a Ifo in tbe 7,jfo.21 fenoli) tljat m me,tbat is to far,in mp fldbjis no geotljtng. Delectable: fremtbebnequalkJbaueibcfoeDroubis 'tote# feeo öffoes,pet J totU fijoln peu notoe farrc mo;c abbemp* nable fatfes>bp bim committee ubefetbingestbat J baue tolo pou* tnere berp lamentable,retnotofball poo brace of otbermatters mo;elamentable: from ibe tifcc, 3 bauebc* tberfc öcclarco bis noble cntcrp;pfes in Fraunce, ano noiu 3! totll Declare bis IrUclnojtbractcs Dene nenre to Romet from tbe contrary: Üs 3 baue fpqkcn of Ijis gi ¿opc gatbc* ring togeatber of bis great fnbtfatme e,fo feil 3 notu fpeafee of bis piobtgallp in fpenoing tbe fame: bewerte of matters pipuatelp Dane,ano nein of öceoes publiquelpc oifpatcbeö: from tbe oiaers: pou bearoe tobat bis learning is , nolue tfeaU roa benre tabat bis manners be, bp occupaf ion: pen tfunbe melcngetnffjcibieafnmges cf tbe 2Lafce , tuetl lUnlliiotopaifc to tbe ftueete pjomties cf tbe eofpell, bp pi[ man baD.tebicb tyfceo tbcm,f bi9 çrare tfter tSonabi OjouIbî banc bene tbeire: no man ffaycû tbeir purpofrs.but MJo btmfclfe. ^Expeditia■. Xpedítio, toben manaren forts being recito# neo,bp tobteb fomtoing map eptber be Done 0} not Done,one reafon is lefte, tobreb to-ie ftanDbnfo,anDcomIuDebpon, anDtoe o# toer are falten atoare, thus . fcáing this in greuno toas mpne,toou muff náces tocto, toätéptoef too» poffeffeDít it being bopoe,oj maDe it torne brbfe,oj boughtit , ojtoat if came Onto to® bp heritage, toou couioeft not poffeíTe it bopoe, toben 3 toas p;efcnf ,át* fo toou canil not malte ít torne bp bfc , toou baile not to toetoe toat toou bougbteü ít,it eoulo noíeome to to® bp be# ritage ano 3 alpuc,ttfollotoctb toMbat tocto tooulDeflr put me from mpne otone grounD,befo;e 3 be DeaD* ^Commoratio. Ommoratio, toben fenotoing fbc lírongea i*eafan,tobereon toe tobóle toatgbte ofour 1 caufc 00 DcpenD,toe ofté malte rec ourfe toe# tber,repeating ¿fmanptimcsbp abarpat¿* on,toberof tbere be ttoo Kinos, p one tobkb erp;e(Tctopne toingtoito nianp toóles cf toe fame fignifpcatibn,tobitoc is alfo calleo Sinonimia/pe# feen of bcfoje.Ckero,0nD toalt fogrcaíe a ttofuc be erprl# IcOjtofUßout,bnmtocD}ano catt from toe Citípe, tobat $Ctiiij, Dior eil TCeOaraenonnoqtienceT aiaacft t!jon ccaef * tobaf aioft tbou toifb i tobat DID# tbon tjefwcf ttieottjerteljiic&e acelaretbouefljing toitij &yucra mtbers,ibaf be of ly Ue icgnifycation,tbus. Xbou baft abbot* m tby parent,bateatbyifaibeM aefpyfcabimtbaf begot tb®:laueibypJtber,bekynaeana t&aftfeefuU to her tbat t>to beare tbee.ji often bappenetb that one (entente in to*t# finga0ibfyUmanypage0,anotnfpea&ingfpenae a long tyme,bp reafon tfjat it is largely baryea. Cicero toben Eru-tiusinbisaccufation, tooulaeibetoenocauie toby Rofcius Iboula flay bis father. Igeactbfyjlic ampltfyetbe toycfceo facte of parictae,ana ibetoetbbafo great it is, ana teacbetb tbat toifbout many,* greatcaufes,fufbatotcbconeire can not be committeo,anocontenoetb that it cannot fall , but topon a mifebieuous man: after that be aemaunaetb of E-rutius tbecaufe toby Rofcius flue bto jfaiber: tobicb place iecaufc it toas tbc tfrongelt in Rofcius Defence, be taryetb long in it,bery ofte mabefb recourfe theiber, be often be* maunaetb Ibe caufes of fo great a toickeoneflb, ana ¿ante* full o®ae,ana oftenf ymes amplifyetb ibe great neffe of tbe farte,ah3fi^tobicbisgreatinDaae,be maketbby tbe be# bemcncy of bis fpcecb toonaerful great, $oUf 3 cannot toel gene if an erample,fo? as mucb as it is a fygure that oiwbi to be fp^ynchleatbiougbOut tbe tobole Ration, as fayetb Cicero, ■ • • • • - - y\ ** y -X *,* f % $v* > * ^Brachiepia. Rachiepia, toben ibe matter is briefly folae toitbnomoctoojaestbentbcfe tbat be ne# ceifanw toben ibe ^Djatoure by taetnfye cutfetb of tbeerpectation of tbe fearer . 0s be paflea by,be toke Lemnum, then be left a Caryfon at Tharfus, after tbat be gotte a •iv: ■-*. ‘ Ciftye^Metafiaßs , juence. mucb aß bc toulD,pacifpeö tb c SuögesMo lucre bcbemr f* tp in'noleo agapnft btm,parielp be faro,ibflt tljofe lucre t\je bpceß oftpmeß,ratber tben oftfje man., bc ccntenoeö iljaf fometbingmuff begraunteöioage,beiapeib agapnltc tbe offence a hope of ftiicr öil!igence,ano boneßp in tpme bcrc* after: aß a remcop agapntt cnup, bp tbe acteß ano aouen* tureß tobicb Cxlius nolu tobe bpon bim, ano mucb mo^e tobicb cannot lnel be nofeö bcre« &be Ipfee toap Paule bfetb ercufingOncfimus^cparftng from Philemon biß i£apfirer, ionfcfftng tbat Oneiimus batb bene an bnpjofptable ^er# naunt,petp3omiQngnQtotbatbetopUbep;ofptable, nno amenb biß faultest Etaftafis,iubeni»eturnebae&fbofe things that areobiecteoagapnftb*, fo them tbat lapeo them Onto bo« Mben Anthony cbar* geo Cicero, that be toao ibe caufe of ciufll InarrcrapfeObeflDeene Pompeius ano Cae-i far:Cicerooto rebounotbefameaccufaftcti agapne to Anthony,raping: Ebou Marcus Anthony jtbou 3Tspgaueftf0Ca?far3tii!!tngfotume all bp fpoe oetone, caufe to mabe tuarreagapniUbp coimfrp.3.Ueg.i8. Miben Ahab liketupfe cbargco Elia that it toao be tbattroubleo all Ifraelb nap Ahabguotb be,it io not 31 that trouble Ifraell, but tbou ano tbp if atbere boufe, in tbat pc bane fojfafeen tbe commsunoementes of tbe ilojoc ano tbou bade fol* lOlttCO Baal« ^¡Frequentatio,o a u Z1S « & S' 3 §5* sí B<1 £ g 2 s ca «• 5-a » a s- ^ £* S vüM *-• O SI W 'i 11, a*'3 3 Ä* « g S*^ 2 ^o£ « o ÎÎ S' S 3 a . iñ ^ O O* - .. ^ p—• «u -cr c? V o S» Ä ° «-* a £r 3 ^ o cr _ y ^ o Q n. S 5 «t? r» O t? «> S '2. Cf rt SOJC nT «►* 2 £5« a a o 'J srg silbas' s™ 3 s<3 o « 3 8a®s?«sS 5 ‘t* ci V? a f*«i «r t" S'«r a a» o* *"•' 2 »Q Si t* » «• «r »3 a» o c fi « 2H> g & w n^g«g S' 2 s s ® u* « na'i w SfrirS S « o 5 ^ *"T* tí » 2 « o » o®« - C 2. O =5 cy g^s. 5. o » <2 2. ti^ n V O f» n «“* r> o a s v» JJ «-*> w ■CP «-* ss *é 3? o* » 3 Sé Qf «a 3 o o o n ff« eü s» 2 «■ cf ^ 2i Sfo «* f> er 21 *-*. «r> ,2 te rp*S __ o n tebo te of fo rarefatte antmoe, tfatte* tngibefe tbiitgs,can boloe ibrir peate, ano leidem patte» : tngputto beati), pon regettrfcbbini among tbetttmtberiof > tenbetmtebmempeu fruttine ont of mpue otcne boufebp \3poienfe,t?cupdirettOO mp patrimoni,tobat toil lontnoje? - rame pcu not fo tbc fcRtre ae pou bo nofo,tbat pouötappiit 'to oe*tb,o tconoetrate Seasus Rofditi^ soiiiewaracn or ruoquence* armile iDttb tijerb^tg^fiteUieof fl)c gunite , Co tbtéttimatm otco:po;al fbtnge,mutf nàoee be oarclmco, D;>gUmco>ahO trofccopeo bi?t!;c gioì? ano greafne fle of ber* tue.Cicerongapnli Anthony. &£Uffbere beanp rucb fljtng trép boOp,as mnp cojrupttbc reflue fttffer ti fo be burneo fltìf,oK«tafiiap,befaufetttsbcfferfbafone mentber per* riffcfbmtbe tobole boop. $ucn fo, tobatfoeuer is pertmtv mia in p boop of tbe cpmmomtoealtfooiigbf fo be cut of, fijaf tbe fobolemap be Ubìtfjdtìt dànger : ao be iobicb franuo tbe Ibtpo; butDDmg>ootb berp eafilp b n frafnclt agapn, cn en fo fbe fame itaf una tubici) baib frames mà,Dofb berp meliti^ foittetimipongmé féemefo foDpe,ae toben tbe fo^ccofQ& tntng fp;e,tfl oppjetf Uiitb abunoance of toater,# as appi ce ìiffcbep be ncfripc,arepIuckcD front tbe frac bp bpclejue,if iipep be ripe,tbep fan lomnof tbemfeJucsjencn fo bpoicmc - fabetb attmplpfc front pottg merlano rppcncflc freni olia , jnnt:tbas ifispon 3JuOgee,as tf pou (bouloe gene a (barpe «fumato alitile cbplo,oj fo afrcbleoio man, be conio bario no man bp bis oUme tfrengtb,but pef tf be migbf e oomej&fca crabeo mane boopybe migbf tutfb lbefbarpencflFèóf£ popnt ) autotuapgbtoftbe CSfeapon,toounoe tf : eueit fo^aejfbe c'CóttfuUbipaea firmo,gcuen tolocafce ano fearefulLmcn, tiipba,conto tiener bp tbeir oumf migbt,baue bene abiefo pò , fa ma tbas p: trite a man,fbep bring amico tottbttje trame * M tbebonoarabie <£mpp;c,banc cruèllp muroerco tbe rom* «man toealtbiàcatioaungeroas.fapitngr tbe Eterne io noi itdmi^fimtDimafbaf is ricbcff,ano ncblcft of bptfb^bni fo pjtnct*» ^paitif^amribo!itbibip;tobttnfbaf totoeltbpcr, o^ofgreaffcr sb^.tbotiotberc?bttifiQbim fbatjrrceflefb ofber men intuii oonic,ano iopattp.£D.ffimtllttttOe&fome beideafatmfifome * .in tbeirTljc Garden ofiEJoqueiìcea 1 f bei? $loute#ant> fo>e5,tD^ereb^iiji^ij^^ìDiéue^e Dcrs to pìftic ¿ma rdieuc tbemiéastiHÌcao^ti^è^tìc tornii to boati ourgmD too;chcs bcfo^e eot5,butfanfeflfetiur ittica 5 keDllCS ani? CUÌÌ0,tf UJC ÌUOiltD 0|4ÌB biS illf Ì^tTSÌBSCTfiPtJBi' QTaraboU. ai,i-rr»5ii..-ciA Ct pArabolaJ^a Omtlltfuoe fabmcfrbcfcfbingts fonobar* bap,a fl?ip bogfttug top.,tabtng DoUm^o^tutiraiitg br^faptof on tbis f£0£,o; fbai fpoe,is a paratie feaciang a topfeman io gene place to tpmrs; ano io acccmmooat e ano freno bilfci feife io ifringes p;efent,tbe bclp&cripfufesarc plenfifnit cfparrable«,anD cfpectallp fbeddofpeltccr, astiti Votoci? tocnt out to folce bis feoc.fc,8 Mng mane a marpagc fo$ bis $&onne.$e.a cert&pne man plani co al3pneparoe,$Btà becatiic fbep be cómou,3 natte hotfo genoani mo cràpies. cr r Miit&y.- ì ìm■;los^s»r>$ asm e©$aioli '\ con.. mìnmi tiiod jcJ:ruìt$mril r Corijtobcn fbe intage ofafbingo? pciTon,tspatnteDbui * bp coparing ano refembling tate tettfr forame, qófdliipè kutb quanti?,ano onc likcneire Unti) anotbetv? map paini fò#batauf ftèus ano beminoiis perieli after tbis maiiner* nic:i1t&c a creorctj H>?agon,’tibicb tntfb biirningetos^rp tectb,ctc3bco naplcsigapinè moutbirunnetb tòunieiiàiéÉte ioftingeuerp ttìfrére^lohortt bc mapftnetcblolo oatbfeftfb fon tipo,totem be map catch iitbts mctifb /eraf&iftfìmocr lutti? bis t£efb,benomr hoitb bis fonane,reni in péeces tuitb bis naplfè.£Ufo,be locnt tufo fbrldatfapte, fbpning Ipfec tbe ©ùnne,tsiib aboóp litica Umilino feto« bis enimpCfi toiffr bèbeméncp,tifec a balpaimtlpon, f cutfbcmDotpnt Ipfce aftiftp ^ifbmarì.ULbus Si ntigbi commenti bp tbisJFi' gureabètofifalltooman : berboope islpbe tbe flenoer peto,ber fpngers Ipfre tbe tobpfe palme b;auncbss,tbat bee lirpptcjbérepes UUe gliffering pearles, fceHgppes fpke s SH.q. tbeTbejGanden of.Eloquence. ibet&rhafionttofe>ber ebateslttefbe tobyfeMye * hu fpjtnefeleb toitbrnoby iuyce>ber lato lite a golben if teer, ¿ercoftmtenatfntecberefüUlitetbe fmyting Sporer bpS ber tenberbabe,ber necU i b;etfcs Ute to \ tobyfe $ lab latter . «[^Paradigma. PAradigma ,is tbe rcö^airfaU cf a ttebe,oi faying patt,an& applying of it totJnCtiurpofe^fjcrcrtfjrreli^iUio lunbs, tbe one true,tubicb is taten front byffo2yes,cbzenicles>ano memory of ¡teöes öone,ano it is of great fo.zec to pcrficabc moue,anb enflamemen tottb tbe lone cfbertue , ano alfo to beterre them from byce, ano nctbfco only to renfinre matters,but alfo to augment,inricb,ano garmlb them iuiib math comeltneffe,erampres ttjat be applyeb to tbe augmf# fafion, ronfyjmattomanb garnilijing of tbmges,are eytber iyte,bniyte*o*contrary. snCbzomcicstuefynbe, bofcr cruelty batb bene requites,botu p;roe batb bene ratt beten, ¿oto gob men bauepjofpercb,* tbe Umtec by eb in niifery, ¿oto countreyes fo; tbeir tmeUtrsnefi'e baue bene punißjeö, fometimelmtbbungeraftb famine: fomefime imtbbo}* tüte foatre, ano erueltyeefemmycs: tmtb fyze,bifeafes, ttcfrnfcifes,murrens,anD plagues,to tobat enoe eruell 2Ly^ rants baue come bnto,boto ofte rebels baue ban fbe ino;fe^ totatbep^fosiof gob men Doefiiyne,anbbo& the infamy «CeÄmeu^curifayn:0. Mis fetnbe bjf ngstb agreaf belectation to tbe bearers,but efperially to Ibeömple ß^^iul/b tfieligbfe a greate beaiemo;e to bears .r •. fonoefonte fablcs,tben graue matters,yef being aptly applyelk tbey alfa beligbt tbe toyfe anb learneb , anbbaue bene al* toayes te learneb men* toel allotoesanb lyteb of. G Nome,a faying pertaining to tte manors,nnb common piadifesofmen, tobicbbedaretbbyanapteb;euity, &bat in ibis our lyfe ought to be bonc,oj riotbone. jff y|pMt is to bo noteb,f}}at eiicry fentcnce is not a fygure, but that onelytobicb is notable,toothy of memory, anb app^oueb by tte iubgcmeni anb ccnfcnt ofal men,tübicb being erceU lenf>maketb ttje£D;ation not onely betotifull anb gœblyr, but alfo grauerpuiiûumie,an&ful of matcfty,totercf tbere be funtey kinbes:tte fy;tf,a fentcnce bniuerfall, tobicb cc# teynetb nocertayne perfan o.: tbing, tbus : yil gotten gœbs are fame fpente : euiil toill,neuf r fayb tuell : entiy is a pu* moment toijimfelfe. £Ebe fecono is a fingie fentence,as: a »tty in febition,cannot be fafe : tbeconfentebman is ber y ricbe. SEbe tbyjb is a boublé fentewe,as:nofa a bayes fiat* fery gettetb frienb(bip,anb f rutb bafreo : true glo’y tafeetb teepe note anb continued tong,but a! countertayteb things boe quick lye fall atuay,anbperriib as tbe bloffomcs ♦ 2Ebe fourtb,a fentcnce Mbcutfltetoing a rcafcn,as : if is tbe buefyofayong man , to rcuerencebiseiDirstletcbercus anb intemperate youtb,maketb a fable bobye in doe age. Site fyfte,a fentcnce toitb a reafan,as : it is tbe parte of a confiant man,to creel! fo ntucb in berfue,tbat te faall not iteebe to fcare tbe blame of jf ojtunent is g©b to liuc fa,f bat tbe rttea rfall of our iiues , niakef b bs not to be a^ameb * ¿be fyrte is a fenfence ttanbing of contraries T ns rafter laboure anb biUtgencé,foliotaefb tuettb anb rydjes : but af? fcrfloutbanbybleneffe,commcfb pouerty anb neebynelfej fcaiesare bepeb itsitb tbe rememteaunce of euils,but toyfe menbaueagreatebeligbte mfberccor&aticn oftbeirgtob teebes.Salomon,i5ctter is a little foritb feare of tbe 2lo;oe, tbenrar oj Loquerice, fbcngreat treafures fcritb fo;rofo,farter is a mcßc of pot* tage toitb loue,tben a fatte ¿Djce fcntb culi Unitati angrp ntâ ßirrctb bp ßrpfc,but be tbat ts pacpent,ßtlletb ötfcojoe : a trite moutb is euer confante, but a DtCTembimg tongue 10 fame ebaungeö, Salomon iß nracb oeligbtcD in tbtß bpnbe of fentencejfo^btspiouerbeebemoßof rbcmconfrarp fcn* tences . &befeucnfbtßafcnfenccpfDpucrsrbmges,a0i jEDeafb t# nsf mpfcrabic,but fbe ü>a pano paflTageto beatb is mpferable, 2Ebe epgbf is a fentencc Ojetatng tobat Ooefb bap in lpfe,as : tljinges Doe alter Daplp,pjp&e goetb befoje, ano (baine commctb after : fucb a mapßer,furba man: out offigbt,out of mpnöe : mansnaturc is örftrottß of nefcaeß : tot laboure to gef tbat tobtcb io fo;btDoen,ano couette tbaf tobtrb is 0enpeöXbc npntb is a pure fenience, not ntpreo luitb anp fpgure elfe,as;tbe coueionß man taantetb as frei tbat tübtcb be bafb, as tbaf fobicb be batb not : îUpne mao fcefb glaO fbe barte of man.Cbe f entb is a fpgureo fentence inbereof tberebe aß manp Uinöcs aß tbere be fpgures, ano tf vtbefpgu,reo,itbatb fbe name oft&e famcfpgure fobere* toifb it is torneo * j]3oto ina fentence beröe mußbefao feen,tbaf if benot falfe,ftraunge, ligbt,o^tuitbout pptb : (w conOlp,tbat tbep be not to tbtcH fp;incUIco,anD to offe bfco, tbat tobtcb t'ß làtofufl fo; pbtiofopbcrß, ts not gratinfefrio £>vaiourc0,becaufe £);a(oiß are tbe banalere of mattere, ano pbiiofQpberß fbe inßuetcra of Içfc. j * * ^ Entbimema. p Nthimcma,iß aifo a binocof fentence,tübirbßanoetb of ■^contraries,tbuß:Cicero. ¡¿Dur dDlö ers maöe ümr not onlp tbat tbep migbt be free,but alfo tbaf tbep migbt rute , but tbou tbinfeeß toarre map be tefte of,tbat toe migbt be rnaoe bonoflaues to ferue.Bff toicfceö men fo mucb commcnD pou, gcDDmenmußneeOeßDifp:apfepou:tf great foealtb bjtrtg* carefulneffe,ïneeo'p pouertp tu^efcbconcße, tben ,p meanc attuane tbofe erfrempfges is tbe greateß bappineffe. %b\* ii he (Jarcien of Eloquence. m* íb nof here an argumentation btaletftral, fo; fbaf is b* feb to Deck fíje station, but if it be bfeb fo; caufe of p;oba* tton,íbenistíncfafpgure,but is reckoneb among mu* mente«* NQema,foben toe tot figntfp feme thing fo p;iutfoffjait tl)t bearer« mutt be fapne fo feeke outtbe meaning fep long confioerafio.Hortcntius (apb,tbat be foas neuer mabe frtenbes foitb bts #otber anb pilfer, meaning, fbere ton a neuerbebate o; contention betfoeene tbem, quotb one fbat bab mabc a feaft fo; bis frtenb,ntapftcrs pou are foelcome, anb | am mo;e bebolben bnfo pou bere,tben Cb;tlf foas to bis gueffes fbat fooulb* not come foben tbep foere btbben: meaning berebp,fobere ais cb;ift bab not bis guetfes, foben be rente fo; fbem,bnt^tbabtbntrarpfoife,manpe foitbout bpbbing. 'UJ :iC* '1 V wne/m ▼slgrcfsio, istbebanblmg of feme matter , going out from Q’ber , but pet fo; p;ofpte of fome pertpnenfe eaufe , foe mape bigrclTe fo; raufe of p;apfing , bif* p;apangrbeligbting,o; preparing,; btgreflions are taken eptberfromtbeerpoffiionofbeebeSjfbr .bifcription of per* tons,places, anb tpmes,fbe felling of appollogies ano fa* bles, anb from common places. $ofoe foe muff e fp;ff c foe fobp foe ffjoulo bigreffe,anb fbat tbe fame bigreificn mape fome manner of foap p;ofife, commenbe, anb garntibe tbe raufetbatfoebaue tnbanbe , fo; tbe bigreflpen ougbfe altoapes to perfapne anb agree to fbofe matters fbat foee bauble, anb not to be ffratmge oi farre btffaunfe from tbe purpofe , alfofoemuffe bauea perfeitc foape p;oupbcb afo;ebanbe,tbatfoemape goefo;tbapfelpe, anb making no longe farpaunee cut, refournetn agapnecunntnglpe 23. tit;» anb1 he Ciarden oHiîôquencër ano botb m gotng ouf,beingio$tb?ant> retuming in agatue* it brbonctb bs totale bæoe fbat lve oarfeen notiti matter* Jneoarfeen it, if ine bicafeefajtb bp bpolencc,ano bmig in matterò bcrp ftratmge ano farre cf,o^ mucb bnlpfeeto tbc taufe put fotfb, furbe otgreffions bappen cftcn to tijofe ibat lach tbe fenateleOge of Ebefo;icbe, tf bsarpneiìe ano gœ'o Îæoc be iahen,Cine figure te a bertue>fc)b£rebp tbc ton ts ggrrnibcöjbemttfpeo ano commenoetnoibcrnjpfeit |s a bue tbat Ootb oifoime ano patcb tbe Ration hritb bto* Iteti p«ce$,if a oigrcffio» map Oo geco to thè rati feti ts Iato«* full io be bfebjif noMbenis it not to be funereo, nome tbe "-strenm&aunces as inoli of perfora? as ibi nges,ibaJ cpen tbe i inapto Dtgreßeapllp Ü ondúto. m r » 1 Onclufio iSiiobtcbbpabîttfe argumentation concluoet!) neccCTartlp bpon ibat,tobtcb is fato o; bone befo^e,ioberfoje firft pou muff nèoes eonfeCTe pour oüme faulf s, befoje pou tan rt* bufce oj contrôle anpfaultes of Ligariu$,fo;tf jt be ibetoeobp reafoit,anO pjoueo bp erample , tbatlne ougbttobenfureanoteoperOe in perrtll fo; tbe common ^ v ineaitbjîbepare to be counteo inpfe men febtcb ooe fbunne ^^tioOaungcr>fo; tbefafegaroeoftbeirrountrep,Pauleto tbe Romayiîesn3®5iberefoîepou muft næDes cbep, not onlp foj feare of bengeaance,but alto foi confct* enccXnfee.Romayncs.^SLberfoie bp faptb rj r% .7 X ■ ' ' «la»- Jt.■ v-m.