I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2018 . . v.1. A A frown: infir fifimiwwnvmfirflufifz fir rum, / , H51; 15:» r ff e .r; .Hnuapnuanyoc~~ ?‘V ‘3- —_~u_‘,_~._q..___. . anfi'meIih~p-“.—w 53/235 ; ,» c' A; 3......1‘” wunpflbflnaabeqhubaanni Kg 4 ‘ LJS’ré, 35/ v 7‘ firm“! 1.5-. , m . Immum »p . 5 I ‘ ‘ i 5 I g 5 .. ’l I F ‘ E I l ‘1 ' V 1‘ a i I i I . fl I f k a ‘k I , i' 3s E, .,k 7 5 fl ' § 5‘ [V C I At T I 1 U , ‘5 h C’ 5 9‘ r ,. : ta v. I a Aha!Ioleiuqoqma-neon-¢qdnufiqnb§anfi «nkneknegsauetsnruxsvneun.ouo /, r V . . rntl Lr ., .thllfvllLr V. KL! . z .1: {.vVlPl‘ VEVII gr? ‘ t. Hz», /, , THF VNNA?VR&LL iCOMBAfi A M g Tragécli‘c . The Scams, mmzzzj "erritten B Y \ ‘ pa; L-1»p;«b.4AA".s_-~s I NC E R. . ‘ 4: f |.,' ‘ ‘vf‘ . r“ _, 1 — i"; f" 1:— \ S; i‘ v, L, 1,. , 1; ‘- 5", / V ‘5, ' ' ‘3‘ ‘r ‘C W“ ’4 1} .f‘ 11,? .‘y 3]. i.{ r ‘1. 3L- v 5'1 ‘ +r. Jr 1,": . MJ- , As if" was prefented‘ by the Kings ‘ ‘ ,Majeflies, Servants at thc ~ ' GLOBE_ ‘%% ‘ ‘VLOINDOIN3 . ':_ . Printed by E. G: for IOHN W A TE R s 0:14; ‘ and are to be fold at his (hop, at thefgne of the . ¢ Grownegin S.?ml:Ch11rch~y ‘ 1699 M5 @Mgfgwmflwgswmfia I . :"I'V’he perfofis prgfented. Emfirtflniar, Governour ofMaUE/kk. -, [964%th jufliar, his fonnC. \ Mglefiartflnior, Admirafl 0f Wmfi/lis. ’Woz/efirtjfltnior, his {011116. C 1747mm Mammy: Aflifiants to the Govcrnour. Lamar ~' (Mantrwile, a pretended friend to flfmlcforz’fififam ’ Belgazrdc a poore Captaine. Three Sea Captaincs of the N avy of M41457: jmzi orig , ' , Servants. ' ‘ - » x ‘ Souldiers. ~ ' Tbeoc‘rim’D daughter to Malefilrz‘fimbn TWO waiting women. _ Ufher. Page. Bawde. Two chchesc M @fl@fl@®@,.%%@@@@fl , Friend, » ANTHONY' 8:51an I G'E'R, Of Oukham in KengEfquirc; S I R, ,l 7 I . ‘ @7019“- L’I‘FZ the Patronage-of trifleiJ ii: 1%}? éiézde? $3“. @333 bath 1mg [z'm'e rendred Dcdz‘catz'wzjj am! ’ c 3’ Inflriptz'om ob/bz’gte, afldmt offiflréwz, I perfiéfl} underfldizd, 47251 6472720: éhffi ~,1 , '5' ingenuoafly cwzfgfléJ/mt I walking in i/JC .. -- -‘ V ’ ’ flmzepatb, may be (ml)! argm’d 5}ng {,zf ‘ weakneflég m" milfizll errour: [wt t/Je reafomzmd a’é’fizzz/‘EJ‘, for the tender quyfirvz’ce #32} pm] to yozg, are flyjzzfl) t/mt I cannot (fix my t/Jdnkefillnefléfirfl) 772472} flz‘v‘ozzrk received) [mt be ambitious topublz’fl) tbem- Tow noble‘Fat/Jer, Sir - Warham’ Sentliger (wbqfl: rewarégaéle U€VII¢€f ngz/i [232' ever remembred) being; while bee lived, awafleryfir 1792'; plenggtre,.én Poetr}, fiaredrzot to 60153 cmveife zvfl/J dim“, wa/éneajfz’tom fortune: made it their profiflz’eiz, ammg wkz’c/J, by the clemency of hi; judgementJ wax; not- in 1/33 159/2? place ddmitted- Tau (the Heirs of/Ji: [Jamar am! eflate) 7'72- herz'ted/Jz’r 300d inclimtiam to men of m} poare quality) of ' . ., 2 w/Jl'vbs which ‘13 0mm)!“ qiw cw} amplmi‘effimm} J i655}; £1)! mjfi’ée and glad graféfliorz afit‘ $0 the' world. 36/561643 (and it war wat the leafl encouragement to wee) manyof ewz‘neme,md 7 the héflef fuch, who difdained nbt ta tdké notice of mee, have 42.923 thought themfialve: difimmged, I dare not fly ihmourecl) to he celebrated the Patron: of m}: humbleflIg-v ‘ dies. In the firfi file of which, 'I am confident, 70% find! have no caufe'to blujh, to finde yourName written. I pre— fent‘ you with this old Tragedic, without Prologue, ~01" Epilégue, it being com ofid in a time (andthat too, per- ad‘venture, a: knowing a: thzk) when fitch h} mvmmentr3 were [not advanced abwe the fabricquwf the whole works): Ac‘cept it I befiech you, a: it is, and continue you fie? waur'to the Inthorw ' ‘ . Your Servant, PHILIP MASSIN-fiER. z ‘ . (THE ‘ 3’; 2/1757»! primw, Smnaprima.‘ Montrevile, TheobrineflJflJedege,wajting Women. Monrfinvfia. " Z OW to bee modefi Madam,whcn your are 7 L , A fuitot for yourfathegwould appcage, _ -L E J; Ceurfexj then bouldnefle you aswhile mufi paxt . . with" [be filcnce,and the rblufhings of a virgin ,‘ ' Though [ mufl grant (did nor. this caul'e cémand .l/ _ it) They are rich jewell‘s you have ever mom: L To all men: admiration, in this age, ' L IF by our owne forc’d imporcunity, ' L Or others purchafd iuterceflion,qr \ _ L A ' Gcfi-iupting bribes we can make our approches _ , , , * To juflice guardcdfmm us by flame Power, ‘ ‘ ‘ We blefl‘c the memes, and induflry. - ’Ufla; Hens muficker B ‘ * , 3m: L ' ' .‘ :«1—5LV...» ' ’ The unnatural! Combat. in this bagge {hall wake hembough flue bad drunke Ogiuu, 7 Or aaten Mandrakchc: commanders ‘talke , . ' ‘ Ofcannons to make breache9,give but fire ~- To this ?etardefit {hall blow open Madam The iron domes ofa' judgcfind'make you entrance, When they (let ghem-doc what they can) with all . Their mincsfihcir‘culvcrins, and Bafilifibs Y . Shall cook gheir feet: withoumhisbcixpg the pickelockex , That never failes. ' Ma». Tis true, go!d can d‘oe much, Bungabeauty morgwer'c I the g‘overnour, ' _ Thoughthet‘Admirall your father Rood couvfieé ’~I *3 ’5 Of what he's only doubted, half: a dozen OFfwect clnfe kifl'cs from chef: cbcrry lips, ' With fomc thort aé’tive conference in private, Should figne his general! pardon. Tim. Theft: light words fir __ "’1 Dee ill become the weightofmy fidfor‘tunc . ' And I much wonder you that doe profeflé Your fclfe to be my fathers bafome friend, . Cm raifr: mirth from his miil-ry». W077. You miflakc me; ' I (hate in his calamity,and oiuly VDCIivcr my thoughts freely, what I {hould doe... For firch a rare peci:ioner,and if Youlc follomhc direfiiohs, X prefcribe _» . ‘ With mybefljudgemenc I’ll mazkc out the"way y ' ' 5~ , For hisinlatgément. - l ' - ‘ i . , gi. ' § Tim. Wi‘t‘hall'reall joy, ' , I [ha]! put what yen counfcll intoaa, Provided it be honcfi. Mon. Honefiy In a fair: the client (tru&,_c.o my experience}; f Scldcme or me vcr profpejsghe world’s wi zkedt . . Wee arc mcn,not fiints fwcet Lady,‘ you mufi pramce, ‘ Th: manners of thctime,if you intend gab“; fgyogg {rpm igdq got deceive your felfe '. T68 unnatural! Cmént. ., « By buildingtoo much on the fa'lfé foundations Ofchaflity and vercue,bi_d gout waytcrs . Stand farther ofiand i'fl come’ncexer .toyou.‘ ' ' z 2.‘ Wow. 8.0m: wicked counféile on my life. ' ' V ' 2.Wom. Nate doubt it, ‘ Ifi: proceed From him ;‘ > Page. I wonderthat .- My Lord f0 much affefis him. ‘ " - , . , 7 .4 ’Uflz. Thou artachild andddfi not underfiand on what flrong bafcs this frindfifip’s taifd between this Mouaireitik and our Lord 1\’Ionfi¢ar.cfl/Inlefim,but i1: pcach Lhee from thy ycares they ha“ been 3 3an purchaférsfin furs,_& watcr-works,and truck: to°€ther. Page. In fire and waterworks , . .0 , Vfla. Commodities boy ‘ _ Which you may know hereafter. Pager And deal: in ’cm ' When the trade has gchn you Ovcrfis appeares (by the increafe 6f you: high forehead. , Vfb. Heart’s a crackc: ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ _I thinkethcy fuck: this knowledge in their milke. Page. lhad had an ignorant nurfi: elfql have tide fir ‘v My hadics garmmnd can ghefl'e. _ ’ . «zyfla Peace infant, Theocrimfall: pg; Tales out a {choolc take head you will be britchd elfc. ' - A 1 . Wm. My Ladies colourchanges. ‘ ' 2. Won She falls-offcoq. , i , TbeéXou are a naughty mau,iudeed you are,» 7 And I will fooner perifli with my father Then at‘ this price redtemc him. ~ Mm. Take your own: wiy, Your modcfi legall way,tis not your vayle N9: mourning habic,no: thefe creatutes taugh“: To'fiowle,and cry.,when you bcginnc to whimper, Nor following‘my Lords coach'in the din, Nor thatwith yea relic upon}: bribe , Will d9: is @eg :bgrejs {omgthing h‘eilikts better.- 3 g 7 Thai; , , ‘ ' , A; 9725 uwatumll-Caméat, Tlfidé‘cou-ffés in an old Crone of threeléoxe, That had {eaven ycares together circle the court _ With tedious petition and Clamors, F or the recovery ofa firangl’ing husband, , Topay forfooth the duties ofone to her, , But for a Lady of your r‘empting beaufies, V Your youth and ravilhing features to/hope only >- In fuch a {nice as this is, to gaine favor 4 Without ex‘changeofcoustefie,you conceive me, - 8 l B Were madnes ac'thc height,hercs brave yongBemfirt ”W fab ' The meteor ofMarfiliéfi one that houlds ' fir?” B‘l’ ’ The governour his fathers will and power 5‘” f In more awe then his owne,came,comeadvance, ' Prefént your bagcramm'd with crowns of the filnne, ‘ Doe you thinke he cares for moncyme loves pleafiztc, . Bume your petition,burne ighé dates onyou, . ‘ Upon my knowledgego hiscabinetfioé And bee will point you out a certain: courfiz, Be the ca 11% right or wro‘mg to havalyour Father , , Relcafd wiah much facility. )1 Exit. wean ' T 15w. Doe you hear: ? ' - _ . _ :revila. -. Take a pamlcr with you. . » - Ia. Brwfl I tell time tbereis neither ; Imploymenc ye: nor money. ‘ . . . Belg. I have commanded , ~ - ’ ' . » ’ And {pent my own: meaaes in my countries’fervicf, T 1‘ lo hope :0 mile a fouune. \ v ‘ ' ‘ Iu. Bmwf. Many have ho-pfilb, , , , . Bat hopes prove {eldome certainties with fouidierso Belg. I! no prefcrmgnr,lec me hue rcCeive M y pay that is behindg to 5:: me up A caverns, or a vaulting hone;-wm1c mealove x O: drunkenneflcpr lcchcr ,th‘cy’l nerc fay]: me; Shall I have‘that? , , l , . , y In. Beaufi As our prilés are broughe in, A - Till then you mull b: patient. 1 " < _ Belg. In the mean: time? How" 7753 unnaturaflComéas. .\ How {hall Idea for cloths? _. ; . ‘ , fin Beau}: As moflcaptaines dbé' , ., ‘ Phi‘lofophcr likc,cafly'afl‘you barge about yoy. ' Belg. Bat howihal'll do :0 farisfie Calm Mawzfimg, There ligs the doubt, . . A » 15». BeaufiThats eafily decided, . My féfhexs tables free forany man That bath home arm‘cs; ‘ Btlg.. And there: goOd fiorc ofmeat P ' “ 1n. Beauf. Never fcatc that, 7 , ' Belg. I’le leek: no other ordinatie‘ :‘hgn; ‘ V ‘ ‘B ur be big daily ghefl without iavitementg, " ' And if my flomackc houldblle feed {0 heartily As he {hall pay me fuddainely to b: quit of fie. fat. Beayf. Tis fhez. ' , , _ Eelg. And further. , ‘ V , '. E14; Bennf. Awayxyou are txoubkfome, Eefignts of more weight. Belg. Ha faire Theacrizze, Nay ii: a valvet peticozc move in the front Bufle jsrkins muff to the rent; Fknow my manners ‘7 This is indeed great bufinefl‘gm ne 3 gugawe‘ / ‘ i may-dance attendance, this mufl be difpatchd, ¥ And fuddainly, or all will goe to wracke,' ' Exit. Charge he: home in the flmk my Lord,nay I am gone fir, Belggrdg \ 1a.. Baauf.’ Nay pray youéMadam rifcj, or I’ll kneel: with yous ' Page. I would bring y'ouon your kneesgwere I a woman. , 1m Seanf. What is it can deferve {o pom": mama, ' As a {uireto me? this more then mortal] forme Was fafhioned to command and no: intreatc,‘ Your will but knowne is fittved. _ Thu. Great Sit,my father 3' My brave dcferving father ,bnt that forrow- Forbids the ufc offpeech; - ‘1». Beauf. I underfiand you, , Without thg aydsofthofe interpreters That: fall from yeur fair: 91:3,1 know you labour, ' ; ' B 3 , ' The --*w —--‘ F? . ‘lj J1EE _ 1: w h 4 . :15}. “.3 Tbeflnha’tumyfo‘kfidt.‘ ’ the libertie ofyout father, atthe leafl . an squall hcaringto acquit-himfelfe: and ’tis not to endure my {ervice to you; , . though i mui‘t addc-and prayryou with patience htamigs ’tishard to h:- (fi:&$d, in reffaeét ‘ ‘ K “ the State’s incens’d againfi him : all prefiming thcwofld ofoutragcs his impious fonnc, ‘ tum'u’ worfe than Pirat in his crucltits t-xpres’d to this poor: Countrey, could notbc wuh {uc’h cafe put in execmion, if * ' your father (oflatc out great Admirall) held not or correfpondencie, or conniv’d at his proceedings. . Time. And mufi he thenfufftg, “his caufe unheard ? ‘ Beaufijun .As yet it is refilv’d‘f‘o, in their determination. But fuppoft, for I would noun‘fh hope, not kill it in you’ 'I {hould divert the torrentiof their purpoté, ' and render them that are implacable, ' impartialljudges, and not fway’d with {pittanc : will you.) dare not fly in rtcompmcc, ‘ for that includes a debtyou cannot owc mes but in, your liberal! bountie, in my fuit to you be gracious? " Ibe'ac. You entreat ofme,VSir, whatilfllould offer to you, with confeflion that youmuch undervalue your own worth, {hohld you receive me. Since thtrecomewith you not Iufifull fires, but fair: and lawfun flames; , but I mufl be excus’d, 'tishow no time for me to thinke of Hymcnzall joyes. Can he (and pray you, Sir, confide: it) that gave me life, and faculties to love, be, as he istnow ready to be devout'd , Iby tavenmis wolvcs, and at that inflating! ‘ but entertainea thought ofthdfe delights. The unnatural! Com 54:. ini'which perhaps my ardor meets with yours ? ducic and pietic forbid it, Sir; ‘ - ‘ Beaufijun. Bm this efi'cQCCd, 23nd your father free, ‘ what is your anfw‘er? _ Time. Everic minute to me , will'be a tedious age till oar :mbraces- ‘ are warréntable t0 the world; . - Bgmfijun. I urge no more, Confirm: i‘: witha kiflé. wac. Idoubly {éale it. ' _ ' ‘ ‘ 'Ujber. This would'doe better a bed,,the bufincflé ended;J ’ they are the lovingefi Couple. ’ ' . : Enter Beaufortfenior, p5: Gwemm Montaigne,” ‘ ’ Cbamanr, Lamar. Beauf. 7'8»; Hcre comes my father . win h the Councell ofwar, déliver your petitiOn,.. , and leave the ref: to me. . Bequflfl'nQ I am Torrie9 Lady, 7 ‘ your fathers guilt compels your innocence to aske what I in juflice mufl dcnie. , . , Beaufijm. For my fake, Sir, pray you rec:'xve,_and read its Beaufifin. Thou foolif‘h boy, 1' can deny thee nothing. Beauf. jm. Tbusfa: we are happée. Madam Quit the place, 'youihall hear: how Wemccccd. , ’ ' ’ Thaw. Goodncfl'e reward you.’ Exeant wacri'myjber, Mmt. [t is apparent, and we flay too long , ‘ 1’4ge,”Womev. to cenfure Malefirt ashc defErves‘. . ‘ , 61mm. There is no colour ofreafon that makcs’for him : had he dxfcharg’d the truficommitte‘d to him, ' ’ A with that experience andfidelitie ~ ' he pra&is’d herctoforc, it_cou1'd not be“ our Navic {hould bcoblock’d up,and in our fight our goodsmade prize, our Sailors {old for Haves, by his prodigious ifl'ue. » Lan. Imuch grieve, after f0 many brave and high archievemcats, he flmuld in one ill forfeited! tbegood ? hg'ever did big COuntrey. " ‘ A Bug: '. “ I \ rfI‘lieuanmll 6mm ‘Beaafi 17:3;Weil, 'tis'granted. ‘ ‘ I V Bemfijzw; I humbly thanke'you, Sir. “Bewffigmz‘a {haHhavehearing his irons coo {inrc‘ke ofl’, bring him befbreus; l ' bl]? fiaekc no further favour. _ ' , , ‘ Reaufijun. Sir, I darcnot. ‘ .- Exit Bedufl 7-“. , Bemfifin. M onficur Cbnmongfllmtuigmimour, affifl'ancg {by a Csmmiflion from the moi} Chrifiian‘King ‘ , in gurfififing, or fleeing Malefort , our late great Admirall :‘ thpugh I know you need not inflruaions fmm me, how to difpdfé of ~ your {elves in this mans trial] (rhatexaas your clearefi judgements} giveme leave with favour - to 05:: my opinion : we are to héare him, a little looking back: on his fairc aéfion's, loyal], and true demeahour, nor. as now by the gcncrall voyce, already he’s condemn’d. Bu; ifwe find: (as moi’c beletve) he hath held ‘ intelligence with his accurféd fonnc, falne off from all allzgcance, and turd’d , (by: for what caufe we know'noz) the mofi bloudy and fatal] enemie, this Countreyever ‘ , ' repented to' have brought fort‘b, all compaffion of’whathc was,_or may be, if nowpardon’d, we fitingag’d‘to ccn‘fiue him with all "extrcmitie and rigour. ‘ ' Clad. Yon; Lordfhip [hams u a path Which We will rgead in. La». He thatleaves " to Follow,'as you lead, will Iofi: himfelfe. Maw. 1’1: nor be- Gngulgr. _ Enter Bamfor: junior; Mantreérifie, fliakfirtfifie ‘ , .Belgarde, Ofiisefi. " K Beaufifin. He: comes, but with a firange diflraaed lookc. ' Malgfim. Live I ontc‘more A - .20 1%: thefc hands and arms fre? 61:53, :13 1t..ofccn ,c Ea \ Weunnaturall «101115141. ‘6 ‘ 1 In themofi dteadiullhorrorofahgi k; F 7 .5 Have been: as fea-markestoceachiuch as were _ . . ‘ » I _~ 1 Secondsin my attempts,to£ieereb:twee11e 11‘, . I I, The rocks oftoomuch daringflandpaie feage, I L . :, j _ ‘ I Toreach the Port ofv1&ory?Whenmy 15113119111”; 7 : . Ix Advancdthus,to myenemies appear d :3: 1 , A hairy co‘met,ch reazenniug deachand thine I To {uch as durfi behold 11. Thefe the legs 1; That when our [hip were grappl'd,carried111e 1,. 1 Withfuchfwiftmot1onft'9mdeci1erodeckg, . i . , Asthcythacfiw 11 wuhamazmentcud I. 1' 3 ,, a ; 1 He does not runne burfligs'. : 1 " ' , _ Mantra, He [i111 renames j . . . , Thegreatnefl'eofhlsfpnm .1”; .. 5,. , :I .3, A ‘ Mal meowcramptwithirohs; ' > I I j Hunger,and co111d,1hey hardlydoe ihpportme; ’5 " Butlforgccmy Elfe. Omygood Lords 1 ‘_ That fitthere asmyiudgestodetermine A ‘ Thelife and deathofiMaIefirt, where are :16w . ‘ ’ Thole (homes (hole chearefull lookesithofe loud apylanfis Wuh which whenlremrn’dloaden wi1hprileI , 1 . You entertain 3 your Admiralleall’sfmgotten, "I ‘ ‘ And Ifiand here tqgive accompcforthat ‘11., C OfwhichIamasfree,andmgocene 3 111 I ' " ‘ ' As hethat never faw1he eyes 9f hxm, . f 3:5” For whomlfiandfiif peaed. /, .1 ,. T £1 3 i; a .: {1111; I 11 Bcauffin. Monfieur Malefin A 1 _;. 1 I ;1 Le: 1101 your paflion fo {arregranibort yup t H " 1A1 10 believe from any private malice, ; ;1 ‘ Or envie to your perfon you are quefliqn’d Nor doe the fa pPof 11cm want wajoht, . _ That doe invite us to :1 Rrong afluraace, A 1 . , f . ’ Yourionne. m I . 1.: :1; I {5:1 I 113441!“- Myihame'o .:j51: {71:11 “ :1: iii", iA‘ " gfI eattfifea. Pray yon hearewich atxencegevm 1 ”a Withoufaififlance, orfure ndsfiqmpyou 1 1,1? f L‘ ‘3 ' 1 \ CIould M111 the pira1Ie§ qifArgIei-s and Tunis, _. .. I 1 2] S I Even tumfi Coméat. e'v’n thokthat you had almofi mice defeated, ' acquire fuch credit, as with themtobe . 1 ., made abfoluce commandgr? (ppay you obferv‘emei} . if there had not (hm: canine: pafé ’d batweenc you’rs ,: : 1, 1 :: tharwhcn occafimfirv’dyww‘oulfifiym Mih’ em " 2 - to the mine of Marcella. ? Mm. Mu: c, what arg'd ““““ your tonne to turncA ofiata? w > ~ C/um. Hadhef‘ 12’ the State, 016 wcrnoixi ChEi’eéfl‘ificgifa 1119i: ’ '99" 1 :11: whicheuvzecouldimerpm feta erfig?‘ ‘- 1 ~ , L12”. Oriiyoufl prnotmyourcharde.howcouldv r “ :1 [0 many {hips as doe infefi our Caafi z” 1' and have 1:). our OWne Harbor [but our Name comeinunfuughtwich? 1Pm1111i1w11111+ w _1 =1“: ‘ Beaufjun. The? pziéhim hardlyi‘o‘ 11". 1. 1 ’ ‘ Mal fin. My Lords, viiith as muchbrevir1easlcan , 151:1 I’ilanfwer each pagqcularobgfiéitm ,, , 11 i .. 1” wichw is on "fie. em’é‘fifi m’uud‘ ’ ’ 11 you ta » ‘ ‘ ~ hath {eference to W11: $10111?“ nchén-i'e him, , 4 or with 111 th’ agom’e oFm t'roiibie {01116, . , {f :3??? lightning had found him himbtfimfiéfib ‘ ; ou’llflyis from the purpoiei‘iéndfl'fifiéfere ‘9 i Luke him 10 the Dcviil, andtr’o'iéfiéifimm Did ncvc: ioyal'faiher but my ielfe 1 ' begcta ircachcrous iflTJe. > was cinniih * With as much cafe to fafliiéfiii fii‘sitin nd'e as in his gencmion co formé‘} 5333’? the organs to his bodyt. xiiiiii1t‘ftilifiév""' ; ~ 1. ' 1 bccaufethac he111ltnplc'llsq’afi‘I HIE" i ‘ 7' ‘f If [would no: boafl my a&1oas,WtisE‘WerE’ ‘- * 55 '” 'L 3 to upbraid my benefits to unchankfulimea. / Who fimckeche Turkiih‘ gallies' 1n the 31mm fyi : fix but M1lefart? mm'lffilémnflimhmés 1, whcmheywere bonrdedWfideW‘édhfldé‘rhMCEeS 7 ‘ '“ byghr; Pirats of Argfii‘i limmaémmma 1*: ” " Na” ,. ‘5‘ szmnflmmllgfiméwmi they did expeé’t to be chainfdeto’ flicoszéfic: 5:, wr : :fafa': t; 5' bdtyeur now doubtedAwkaiitflrenyéyfilpd"~ .. , / theaire wichflxoutsofioy,anddidpmtlaimé; : '1 ~*: 2-}. when hope hadleftthem,andgxim-ldokmbefifiiie- .5 ‘i A hovet’d with failc-{tretcht‘wia nytrfthcifihcidsfs, {:9 i ' to me, as to the Neptmmafdhe .z<§.;-rr*v>:2afr;r-z ma . Athcyow’dthcrcmtuliongofthtif‘gémhf :1;- .-j theirlivcs,theirliberties. Ocan’n‘thm "3 ~ . b; probable,my LotdSththetha'tneWi 4. ' . r ‘ becamethe mafiewfaPiratséfbip,s.- :m. *x but at the main: yard hunthhéiGaptaiefiiapfi,;s-zwg , 2:; f x r;‘--:,- and caas’dthc refi’to be chiownc‘ovcffboord‘y t“ z ‘ mould afterallchefc proofes ofdeadly haEey-‘I 2:. f : ‘ , f9 ofccxprcs’dragainfi’em,’=cntertaiuetx _:. I . 3: ;’ ,2, a thought ofquarter with ’emgbm'much lefléézsi , '(tothe perpetuallruinc ofmyéglmicsa‘z? E;g;;x:§2w ‘ tojoyne with thcmgo'fifiié wickcdigimé' - againfl myflmo‘chcr Countrey,this Marfellifi 4 ~ H whith withmyprodigallexpeucwfbloud ; ; . , - Ibayc f0 oftprotcficd. _ ‘ 333;: w :it' Bamffm What you handout r2 , fl isgran’téd,’afid applaflded,‘bur yctknOWQ j ’ ‘ this gloriousrclacion,afyouriafiiomé- .gg; - ,. - ; ., mufl not to blind: our judgementsgas to filfict s 3 1" » fl thismofi unnaturallcrimcyofi fiandaccua’éxofi / ,5 ;_;,.-‘i,sg j. 1;. ' topafl’cunquefiion’d. . g . 7 ‘ Chan. No,you mufl'pmfliicéfl: c1333» 7 - " 'reaf'ons of more validitie, and wci ht, ‘ 4 v to plead in yofir defence, or we [ha 1 hagdly . concludeyou innocent. _ 9,; L? T ‘ Mom. Thclarge volume of t :7 ‘ , L .\ your former worthy deeds, with ‘your expérience, ‘ bath what,and whcn toidoe',butmakcs againfi you. ' Lan. For had your care and couragc been: thcfime as heretofore, the dangérs wear: plungd in had been: with cafe prefiente'd. y , vaLtlwaglu-u' é C; 2 ' omitted Tbe>=unn¢twnll1€ombat 0mitted' 111 the powerofflefiI, 11nd blmid. - . 1.; ~ ‘1 f ‘ 1:. Evenin the birth to mangle the dcfignés ":, 1 7 f .. . Of1h1s bell-brcd wolfe my fonne. 7‘ alas my Lords, I- am no god nor like him could forel'cc His‘ cruell thoughss‘g and=z cuffed pmpofes, Nor would the fun at my commaudéfor‘beatc To make his progreflc to the other world, Affording to us one continued light. . Nor could my breath d1fprefl‘e thefc foggie miM Coverde wich which,and darkened? ofthe Eight Their navie undifizcrnd without refifia'nce Bcf'et 0111 harbor ? make not that my fault, Which you in jufiicc 1111.191 afimibe to forcufie. But if that nor my former 5815,1101 what , , lhave deliverd,can ermIewvun you .. _ ., . , 1 To make good my integriue 511d 111mb - ~ .1. ’ Pup upthis bofome, and pluck: 0111111: heart . ' That hath beene cvet- 1915151111- Beauffin. How! awumpet‘ ' Atrzmpet Enquire the caufé. .5 . ”£112,511. . Mal. Thou {earchcr of menaslnartsg1 1‘ 1:1: 1 Montreal; And furc defender oftheinnocenr,- = .7 ~ gee: of (My orher crying finnes,a while not Iookd 011) Ifl' 111 this am guil iaflhke mcdead, , . , , ’1, O: by fame uuexpefied memes camfitmc .1 .a _ :1 . 1 111111 accufdunjuflly. ,. Enter Montrevile and afia Capmme. Beaafifen Spaakc the motives . . ' That brings thee hither. , Cap1.From 01111 Admmu thus, Had -es {11111: e ynu EJ111131, 511d define It may be underficmd 1' o pablike 1151: H th brought him to M11141: 115,1101- (1‘: kes he The wine 011111 cdumria, but 5111.1310th : . ; " T0 wreake a ptivate 11.111111g; and 1f from you He may haveleave ,anth 1- v10 d1c1de1: _\ , 1.1a fixggle.<:<.m’1b.1111a he’ll ngeag gooa‘ gledgts ,. Tbé,.unfiditlrall Coméatg’ . Ifhe fallin the triall ofhisfighr, - , ' \ Wee [hall Waigh anchor andnomonc mplef’c ‘_ 3- .- 3‘This town: with hofiile armcs. _ ;~ “ ' g Banfffemh Speak: to the ma, (Ifin this prefencc he appearctqyou) To whom youfiring this challenge» Cap. Tisto you; ‘ ‘f‘: :5 v ’ “ ' . “ / BeaufJen. His father 12 33‘ 3 3 ‘i _» ' ‘ I »Manm.ICanit‘bc!-;. ' " ‘ V ‘- -‘ ~ w v « Beaufijuu. Strange and prodigious; ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ g M4143». Thou fecfi I Rand unm‘ovdz, were thy voice thunder It fhould not {bake thecfi'y wbag: would‘rthe viper? 3 , ‘ ,3 Cap. Th: reverencca fathers name may challenge, ‘ l, 3' And duty of: fonnc, no more remembred , ' ' . ‘ He does defic thee to the death, Mdfin; Goé On.- :-.; . ,- _ ’ ‘ 3 ~ .7 , Cap. And with his {ward WeI-l prove it on thy head, . » 3, .j , ,ji 3 Thou art a murthererpn Athcifi ~ , ' r; \ And that all attributes of men mmd'furies Carma: exprcfle thee, this he will make good Ifthou darfi give him meeting, g ‘ ‘Walfln. DareI live, - , g » ~ - Dare I when mountaincspfmyifids orcwhclmemd At my Iafl gafpe askc for mercic ? how I blcflc . Thy comm'mg Captainc, never man to me "Arriv’d {o opgortuncly ; and thy meflégc, , . However it may fccmae; mama death, . Does yield to mcea {econ‘d hfcin during .3 ,3 My Wounded, honour, Hand I yet (hfpcfied : As a confederate with this enemie, ‘ ‘ » i - V3Vhomofai‘l man,againfi all cies-of naturc ‘ ' He mark; out fdrdcfimfibn? yougpejufi ‘ 3 . ‘ Immortafl p0 wcrs,aud in this mercifill,’ V . And it takes From my {Orrnwaand my Hume - 1 3. For being the fatherro {6 bad a foam, 3 ._ In that youate plcafd to offer up the monflep; 7 T!) my congaiong 131‘th and repent . ‘ , . .7 . ; ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ Q 3 p ‘ ' A3 Li - / ‘T be unnammil Combat. As you are bouml my honourable Lords Yourillopinions ofme,mcgreat Emu: f, 1:5 1.. The father of the Roman liberty 3 , 1:2 «11 ‘ £2 1 With more ammd conflancy beheld ' r. 4'. .. - «z ‘- - ' H 11 traytor 161111, for labourmg vocallhome .11: 1 T be banifhcd Tarquin’chourgd wuh‘ rods to death, Then Iwillflaow when I take backe the life 1 e:2 5 . . , " This prodigie ofmankinde receivd from the. ‘ Beauffen. Weare {Ory Monf e111 Maqudre fbr 0111' War And are muc h taken with you'r r’cfo‘latioh - ' But the difparity ovf yearegand flren‘gt’h‘ .- Between you, and your 121nm, duel)! confdetd We would not {0 expoflé yen. ' , Mal. fin. Then yo1i kill me ~ Under pretence to five me. O my Lords - ' ‘ As you love honour, and a wrongd mans fame: : 2- Denie me not th‘as faire, 11110111111111“ ” 1 , To make me right againe to all the wbrld ’ ' 2 s‘ Should any Other but my {1111 be ‘chofin ' ’ . ~ ' I To punifh this Apoflata With death, . _ 7 You rob a wretched father ofa juflicei , “ " :I’ é -‘ ~ . 1 That to all after times will be recorded, a ‘ 7 I wilh his flrength‘ warn oéqtuple, his ekifl equal! To my experience, thaein His fall He may 1-101 fhame my vifi'ory, I feel! The pchrs, and {11111111101F twenty Rr‘ahg 111111 111 me}. We re he: with wild fire cite] ii“; Imda‘umed W1 11111! make way to h1m,asyuadoeafl7e&3fl Mydaughter Tbeacriu, as ya“ 21% ‘ My 1111: and ancient friend, as thou art valxant ‘1~. 11w Ahd as alllove alould1er {wendme i 31? Tbeydlfiifln Inthismvjdfl peunonjbyomlaakw ’ 11 1 WWW. ' lfeeagmmmyLnrd. ~ 1 1“ : Bamf. 1911. You {hall orebeire me,- Anci lmce you are {0 confident mycmcaulé, . Pzeparey 1311 for the cambate 1 [mlfim Wi1hmorejoy -‘ »‘ .13“? 4 , _ Then The unnatural! Cam bat. , Then ych ever tafied, bynhe next fiJn-ne, The difobcdizntrcbell {hall hearefizom me And ('0 rename in fifecy, my go‘ed Lords, f: > To all my {ErvichI wiH die '6: purchafe Rcfl toMufél-Iis, nor can [make doubt, But his impietie is a parent chum, , . . ¢ _‘ 2‘ To edgc my {Word a'ndadck firefigtfi to my arm. A j 1 [Egmrm dflmfimndz 5mm: PflfiM. ; Enter three Sea 649mm”. ., - 2.CAPTA1NL5‘ HEE did accept :héchiflén'ge then? ;. Gap. ~ Nay mare, ‘ W as overjoyd m c- -and as it: had been: A fair: mvitemcnt £30 a folemne feafl, A 2d not a comb!“ to cenchide with dmb, He chear’cfully imbrac’d' 1t. 364p. Arcthe articles Sigu’d to on both pans. > 731. Cap. At the fathers fifitf / With much unwxllmgaefléthe governour ' Gonfented to ’em. ~ *- 5 2. Cap. You are ifiwmi with 63m Admirall- ,could you yet ncver lame VVhat the nature ofithe quarrel] is,thal: readers The foam, more then mcenfcd xmplacabk Againfl the father? - i 2: - - . . 1. Cap. Never; yet I have As far as manners would gtve’ warrant to it, VVith my bcfi curioufneflé after: 013de him, , 13h“: (39:: with himin hi: cabin a (fly togéchcr, ' Yet» a fl 7796 unnatural! C0025“; ‘ Yet no: a fillable excbagg’d between us,‘ ' 3 ' v . .V , Sigh he did oftenfis’if inward griefc,‘ ‘ And melancholy at thac itnflant would v , Choke up his vital! fpirics,and now and then ~ * A teare, or two, as in derifion of . The tougbncflc of his rugged temper onId . Falldg) bis hallow-checkes, which but; once felt; A {indd‘cn flafh offury did dry up, And laying then hishand upon hisfword, M , . He would murmure,but yet ('0 as! of: hard him, We {hall meet: crucll father, yes we (hall, 5 « ~ When i’lI éxka for every Womanifh drop. ,L, 0f {brrow from thefé cies, a flrifi accomp: Ofmuch more from tfiyhsiit; 2):: . '~ .. 2. Cap. Tis wondrous Grange. 7 3. Cap. And pafi my gpprchegflpnj. ‘ ”I. Cap. Yet what makes . The miracle greatcrmhen from the maine-mp ~ - . ' g 71' '3 f A faer’s deitride, a1! thoughts that do: concern: , ' Himflelfc layd by, no Lyon pinchd with hunger, Rowzcs himfilfe more fiercely from his den, Then he comes on th: d:cke,and there how wifely He gives dircfiionmnd how flout he is, , In his executionsfie to admiraxion, Ha vc been: cyc- witneffés, yet he never minds 3 ' Thc/bootie when tis madcou‘rs, bu; a’s-if - , . .2 The dangirain the purchafgiofithg pxcy, ; v . ~ :2 Delighted him much morcchcn the rcwardé, {-9 . , . . , _ His will madcknownc he does retigghimiélfc ,( ¢ ‘ ._: To his private contemplation, nojoy' 32:; ~= ~« ' ; Expre {T'J by him fggyifitqrxé 235m» Mdléfinimim cf 2. Cap; Hear: hecomggmg ‘_ .. ‘ « .5 ~. »:;-’ But with mor: chearefull lookc": then everyec --» x: :1 :2; , M If'aw'him wcare. : ' ”‘ i -r~ 12?;- ' " Mal. jam. It was lwgfince, rcfolv‘dyon Tags s» Nor mufi IRaggangmmaylhgcanfigig V ‘- ‘ That forces me: t’ofinhi; ggggatzurall my ,,\ Be buried in everlafiing filenee, ' And I finde refi in death, or my revgnge, a , To either I Rand equal]. Pray you Gentlemen Be charitablein your cenfiares of me,’ ‘ ‘ , ; And doe'not‘ entertain: a falfé belecfe ' ‘9- That I am mad, for undertaking that . *' Which man be, when efi‘eaed, flill repentefl. It addcs to my calamitie‘that I have , Difcouxfé and reafon, and Em: too well know I can no: live, not end a wretched life, But both waycs I am impioua. Doe no: thercfore Afcribc the perturbation of my foul: H To a feniile fearc ofdcath : I ofi: have vieW’d All kindcs of his inevitable darts, Nor are they terrible; Were I condemn’d to leap: From the cloud-covcred brewes of a fieep; rockc Into the deepe; or Cyrtim-likc to fill up, For my Conntries fifet‘ie and an aftc: name, , _ A bouomlcfl”: Abyffe, or charge through fire; It could not {0 much [bake me,” th’cncountc: Ofthis dayes finglc anemic. I. Cap. If you plcafe,8ir, You may [bun it, or dcferit. Mafia». Not for the wOrld : Yet twothings I entreat you. the Erfi it, You’ll not enquire the difi‘etence between: My fclfe and him,’which as a father once I honout’d, now my dcadliefi anemic, The lafi is, if I fall, to beare my body ' , , Far from this place, and where you pleafe interre'it; I {hould fay more, but by his {udden comming I am cut off. Theanaatmzz 03mm ' Enter B eaufim j um'ar, and Mdfltrwileludikg in I ' Malafivrtfinior ; Belgaidefah’owing ‘ _ withotbem , ' Beauf. jun. Let me',Sir, have the honour To beyour fecoad. D ' ‘5. w, « ‘H'm‘V'U’ “"“l * Q- t 1 a k": A: r‘.) .... ‘/ 9'59 unflammfl Comimtg _ Mann“. Withyour pardon, Sir, , ’ ' I mufl pm in for tHat, finctour :riccifi-icndflzip . Hath Iafled from bur'infancie. , Belg. I have ferv’d _ » [I sder your command, and you have {can me fight; A And handfomely, though! {3y it, and ifnow ‘ Ac this downeright game, I may but hold your cards 6 I’ll not pull dawn: the fide. ' 9 X _ . MALfi'fi. I refi much bound To your fo noblcoflkrsa and! hope - ‘ Shallfinde your Pardon, though I now refufi ’cm; 1 For which 1’11 yceld Rrong reafo-ns, but as briefly " As thetime will give me leave. For meto borrow (That am {11 pos’dthc weaker) any aid F tom the a lfiancc of my Seconds fward, ' Might write me downe i‘utheblacke lifi of thof'e, , 7 That, have nor fire, nor fpiric of their owne; ,, ’ Bu: dare, and doc, as they derive their courage From his example, on Wh'ofi: help and valour » .- Thcy wholly doe dspeud. Let this {ufice‘ In my excufc for that; Now if ybu plcafe ' anoth partsm retire to yonder mount, Where you, as in a Roman Theater, May fee the bloudy difference dcneirmin’da , .. , Yoar favours meet my wifh‘es. " Mahju-n. ’I'is approv’dfbf . - '\ By me’, and I command you ie'ad the Way, . And leave me to my fostunc. Beaufijun. Iwould gladly V Be; a fpefiator (fince I am d‘fffi’d", , / T6 b: an A&or) of czCh~‘bIOW,‘atfld thrufi, _. And pun&ually pbfem fem; W41. jnm YOfi fluflhh‘ve: All you defire ; form a word 01' MO I mufi make bold to-entercaifl'e the timégh \ If he give fuffrage to it” ’ ‘ ' ‘ MgisfiechsarI‘WiU-a o .\ ‘Tbe unnatural! C oméar. ‘ ' I’ll hcare’thees and thcnkill thee : nay farcwe‘ll. ‘ . ' Maljun. Embrace-with love 011-th fides, and Wzsh' g: ‘ Lcavedeadly hate, and fork. , ‘ ' - - Mal. fm. From this 'plac: A 'You ncre {halljfize bothliving. ‘ .. . ' Belg. tWhat’s pail help,“ , ’15:} embrace an bgtbfidmmd , Beyond‘ptevcntion. ,\ 14kg kamfemraty aftbea ' Mal, fen. Now-we are alonc‘gSEr, father dad fimm.‘ 'And thou h‘afi libertic'to uglodc the burthen , ‘ Which thou groan—"‘fi under. Speake thy gricfes. Mal. in». l mall. Sir ; , i - ‘ But in a perplex:Forme and method, which You onely can interpret 5 would you had no: .A guild: knowledge in your bofome of The language which you force’me to deliver, So I were nathing, As you are my father ‘ I bend my knee, and uncompcll’d ‘profefi‘c My lifgkand all thats mine, to be your gift; And that in a bone: dutiel Rand bound Tolay this head beneathyour fact, and run _ 4 All dcfpcratc hazardsfor you: g'a‘fe and fafccie.’ *But this‘confcfi on my part, I rité up, " , And not as with a father, (allrefpeét, \ Hove, fcare, and reverencecafioifi) but as A wicked man I thus cxpofiulace with you. Why have you done that which I dare no: limit: F And’in the aaion chang’d tho humble fixapc Of my obedicace, to rebellious rage And infilent pride? and with 91m eyes conflrainflm‘e To run my Bark: of honour on airhclfc, I mafl not fee, nor if I {aw it, flmn it? ~ In my wrongs nature fuffers, and looks backward; And mankind: trembles to fee me purfuc What beafls wouldfiie from. For when I advanc; -, This (word, as] mufi doc againfi your head, Pictie will wecpe, and filial! antic mourne, , To {cc theig ohm} which you bug: up in me, _ 2 In 1 71"3'53' “.5 ‘ 4,? i" L; 5"; Ln.“ 2/" l; H V 27: , 1i?” l‘i: , , H * ‘ r; .1;- ‘ v a; . 2;» L Li: .j J L: :12 mi , . :11- 3:" ::t A ‘ ..::. .‘A-':A“'.~: ,,,..‘m,.:___-‘q‘w m‘.‘~‘s‘.‘;v;..\ .iku‘ fT/ye unnatural! Combat. In a moment raz’d and min’d, that you could (From my griev'd {mile I With 1': ) bu; produce . To qualifia, not excufe your deed ofhorror, , One i'ccming reafon chat I mightfix here, And move no Farther. ~ ‘ M41. 1;». Have I To far 101% A fathers power, that I mufirg‘Weaccount Of my a&ions to my {ounce ?or mufl Iplcad T As a fearcqu prifbncr at the bar, while he - That ow:s his being to me fits a judge To cenfure that, which one] y by myrfclfc Ought to be queflion’d E moumaines feoncr fali Beneath their vallies, and the IoftiePine Pay homage to the Bramble, or what cm: i8 = Prepoficrous in nature, are my tongue ~ In one {hon fillablé yEeIds’fatis-f'aflion ~ To any doubt ofchine, nay though it were ' A certaimie difdaining argument. ' Since though my deeds wore Hels blacke livetiea To thee they {hould appears triumphall‘robcs,‘ , Set offwixh glorious honour, than being baund~ - To {cc With my eyes, and to hold that reafon, That takes or birth or fafhionzfi'om my will. ' A , Mal. jun. This fword diVIQES that flaviflrkn‘oflf Mabfen. It cannot,“ ' ~ “ 4 It cannon wretcb, and ifthou but remember ,, From whom thou hadfi this fpirit, thou darfifl not h‘opeit.‘ - ., ‘ Who train’d cheenp in arms bu: I 2 Who taught the: - Men were men oncI'y‘when they durfi Iookc down: With {come on death and danger, and contemn’d' * All oppofltion,:il I plum’d vifiar‘te? ~ ~ Had made her confianr fland upon their helmets? Ufidél‘ my thield thou hafi fought agreeasrcly . As the yomg Eglegcovcred with, the wings; 7 0% hsr fierce Dam, Icarnes how and Where to Pera ‘ Ail that is manly in thee,I call mine ; » But What is was: 1:: anqumagifh, chin; owns? . Acid 7/9: unnatural! Com 54¢. And what: lgave,’fince thou art proud, ungrateful], Pmfiaming to contend with him, to whom . Submifllon is duml will take from thee. . ’ Look: therefore for cxrremities, and cxpc& not I will corrcfi the: as a fonnc, but killchgc , As a Szarpenc fwolue with poyfon, vyhc filtviving ,_ A litalc longer, with infamous breath, , , ' 1 Wcmld render all things ncerc him, like it (Elf: Cog-atagious. Nay, now my anger’s up,‘ Ten thoufand virgins kneeling at my feet, And with one gcncrall crie howling for meme,- Shall no; redccme thee. .‘ { M41. jam. Thou incenfcd. Power, A w hiic forbaarc thy thuede’r,lec me have NO aid in my revengefiffmm the grave My mether. ' ' , Mal.fén. - Thou {halt never namc her more; ’ Alum Beaufijun, Beaufi They are acit. \ Much/gabc ‘ 2. Cap. That thrufi was put firongly home. three Sea Capt.“ Mamr. But with more flrength avoydcd. Belg. Wellcomc in, _ ‘ V He has dravme bldud ofhim yet, well done oidCbCke. I. Cap. That was a flrange miflé. Beauf. jan. That a cercaine hit. 7 1 Belg. H :e’s falnc, the day is ours; Toxng Malefirtflaimg 2.’Cap,; The Admiral’s flaine. ‘ Montr. Thcfather is vifiorious l I Belg. Let us hall: - To gratulate his conqugfia. I (Wee to mourner— The fortune of the lbnnc. ' Beaafijun. Withvutmofi {'pced‘ T Acquain: the Governour with thc-good {ucccfi’q That: he may entertain: to his full merit, The father of his Countries peace and fafctie. The} 5142621165.. 3 ' . MetLfifi. Were a new life hid in each mangled Iimbc, I would fiarch, and findcf-it. . And howerc to (om: ‘- D: 3 J . ' Emléy; 31%;” W“ , a , i.“ m w?“ 7 "1.169145%!“le Coinéat, I‘may {Eeme cruéll, thus to tyrannizc Upon this {enfl-zfl'e fleflafl glOrie in-it. ~ , That I have powe/r to be unnatural], ~ K Is my f'ecuricie, die all my feares, 7 , Awd waking jealoufies,which have [0‘ long Beenc my tormentors, thercs upw no fuféition; AA Faé’r, which Ialone am corifcious of, ‘ Can never be difcover’d, oi" the caufe That call’d this Duell on. [being above . All perturbations, nor is it in _ The power of Fate, againe to make mewntched; Emr Beaufort jun. Montrevile. Beégardéfilie ' , time Sea Captain“. , Beauf. jun. ‘ All honour to the Conquerqur.’ Who dares tax My friend oftreache‘rie now? ,, ‘ * Belg. I am vcrie gladfiir, You have {bed {0 Well, But I muficell you thus much, To put you in minde that a low ebbe mufi follow f , ‘_ Your high fwolnc tide of’happineflé, you have purchafi this bag- . nour at a high price. N , ' MaI-fin. ’I'is Belgarde, Above ail‘cflimation, and a little , To be exalted with it cannotlivour @fatroganc: : that no this arm and (word, Marfillis owes the freedom: of her feares, ’ Or that my loyalcie not long fince ecliys‘d, Shines-now more bright than ever, are not things to belamcnted. Though indeed they may Appear: too deately bought, my falling glories ‘Being made up againe, and cemented W ich‘ 'a faunas blond. "Tis truc,'he was my fbnne While he was worrhy,but when he fhooke ofl" His dutie to me, (which my fond indulgence \ Upon fubmiflion might perhaps have pardon’d) And grew his Countriescnemie, I look’don him As a Stranger to my family, anda Traytor 7739- urmammfi Coméat; 2‘ . jufliy profcxib’d, and hero be rewarded That could bringin his head. I know in this ‘That I am cenfur’d rugged, and aufiere, ' , That wili vouchfa fe not one {id figh or tear: Vpon hisflg‘ughm‘d body. But I refl « Well fitisfi’din my (elk, being aflbr'd Thar extraordinarie vcrtues, whcnthey foar‘c, ' Teo’higb a pitch for common fightszo imdge of, Lufmg their propcr fpleudour, are condemn’d' For mefl remarkable vices. ‘ Beanf. Tis too true, Sir, In the opinion of the multitude; - ‘ ‘ ' But for my felfe that would be held your friend, And hope to know you by a nearer name, They are as they defirvc,rcceiV’d. ' Mal. My daughter Shall :hanke you for :h; favour. Bmufljun. I can with” No happinefi‘c beyond it . v 1; Cap. Shall We havéleavc - F. To bcarc the corps of our dcad Admirall,‘ Ashe enjoyn'd us from this Coal}? Mal, Provided ‘ ' ' The articles agreed on, be obiérv’d, And you depart hence With it, making oath Never hereafter butras friend! to touch Vpon this ihorc. . . . I . Cap. * ch’ll“fiithfuliy‘performe it. Mal. Then as you plcafe difpofl: ofic. 'Tis an objc& " That I could with remoV’d. His fins die with him, I So far he has my charitic. ‘ i 1. Cap. He [hall have: T 12’: Sea Captain“ hm)»: : ' A Souldiars funerall. bod] afmizbfizd mufich. M41. Farewell. . ‘ , , , i ' "' / Beamf. jun. Thefc rim _ Paid to the dead, the Conquerour'that ‘fixrvivc: - Mai! rcapcighe harvefiofiiis‘lgioudy hbguy. 3099!?1‘ Sound all land iuflruments ofio‘y and‘rfiumph, ‘ _ l :3 : And With all circumflance, and ceremonie. ‘ Wait’op the Patron of ob: llertie, ' W hich he at all partszme'rits. ‘ __ _V Mal. I am bonour’d. ‘ Ba Wlld my hopes. - Beaufi jam. ’Tis (hort ofnyour dcl'ercs; Lead on : 6h Sir you mull: you are too modcfl. \ Emu with load mnfioée. A&w fecundz’ Scmaficmdx. Tbcocrirze, Page, Women. Tbeoc. Talke not ofcbmforr,'I am both waycs watched, And fo difiraé’ced with my doubts and feares, I know not where to fix my hoPes. My Icflé Is certaine in a father, or a brather, 0: both, limb is the crueltic ofmy fate;J Ana no; to be avoydcd. ' ,. . ,« ‘1 . Wow. You mull bear: it With patience, Madam. 2. Wm. And what’s nonin you To be prevented,'{hould not caufiéa furrow Which cannot help it. = « .7 n Page. Feare not my brave Lord Your noble father ; fighting is to him Familiar as eating. He can teach ,, Our modem: Duellifisi how to cleave a‘buctong And in a new way, never yet found out By old Caransa. ‘ ‘ 1. Wow- May he be vi&orious, . And punifll difobedience in- his roam,- Whofedeath in rcafon {hould at no part mové you: Hebeing but halfe your brother,- and the neerncflé,7 7 Which that might challenge from you, forfeited By his impious purpole to kill him, from whom He teacivfd life. 7 “ __ ‘ ~ ,4 [bag within; r“ V ‘1 D W ’ 4. a 2; irfpgm: 39’: H"- Tbe‘unnatumll Comm. '2. Wm. A genetall fhout; ‘ ‘ I.Wam. ijoy. ' 'V ' C. Page. Locke up deare Ladyfid new: never came Ufherd with loud applaufé. '_ - Ewe! Vfitn _ Thea. Ifland prepard, I _ ' - To indure the (hock: of it. 7/flJ. I am outyofbreath With running todeliver firfl. ' Tim. What? ~ ka. Wee are all made, _ . My Lord has Wont the dgy,you;-btother’~s flaine," The pirats gone, and by'the’ go’vernout",'j -» 1 And flares, and all the men ofwar he is' , Brought home in triumphmay no mufingmay me For my good newes hereafter. ' ' ' Thea. Heaven is jufl! ' ‘ , . . Ujb. Give thankes at leafi-Irepake all halt to meete him ,_ I could: with I were a h Orfe that Imigh‘t heart you ' To him upon my backe. , Page. Thou art an afl'e, , . And this is a fweete burtheu.‘k , y i, > ‘ fl V/E. Peace you etackrope; " ' ‘ , ' » Extent. _ ,4: ‘* A&wjécmdz' mm tertia. ‘ ' Loud amtficke, Mmtrwile, Btlgutde, Bemfim junior, , Beaufmfiniar, Maleforjt, followed b} Mm- , . wig”, Qbarpm Layout. ' Bcaufi [Em All honours‘vve can give you and tewatds Though all that's rich, or precious in Marfellisv Were layd down: at your‘feet, canhold no might With your detétvings, let me glory in Your 3850:: as ifit were mine owne, And have the honour with the aru’tes of love, To emhuce the great perform: ‘ofa deed, ‘ K"»"-u'v~w¢";,‘ m . « ~» V . . _‘ , _ .‘—‘ ‘5 ,iidfi W». 7,7 . .1.“ ”.11. ‘Tfre unnammll CW5“; Tianfccnding all this Countrey cregcould boat} of. .. , 1 Mm. ImagigemobleSix-fin what we ma1 j ’ Expreflé our thankfglnefi‘c, and refit a(fin’d ; Ii {hall be freely granted. 1 ' ‘ Cimm. Hee’s anc'nemiei , To goodncfl’c and to verrue, that dares, rhinke ? {here’s my other: hing within our power to give, Which you ih jufiice may not boldly Challenge. ., ‘ La». ' Andras your owne. fox: we Willem be g» At your devotion. . 7 1 ‘ ' ' Mal. Much honour'd Sir, 7 _ ,. And you my noble Lords,I caofiy angly, The greatnefle of your favours erveIWhejme me, . And likc too large afaile, forth:- Tmallbarke , ‘ Of my poor: merits, finks me. That I (laud: e Vpright in your Opinions, is an honour Exceeding my deface, Ifhaviog dong ‘ ._ Nothing but what inidmsc I 'I’roodrboqnd t9 : 2 And to expefi a t_ccompe'nc‘e were bare, 1 ' / Good deeds being em in themfel'ves xcwasdgd; ; ‘ Yet fine: your liberarll b outnries toll mésgqhag may wish your allowance bc a Shicor, ., ‘ ' To you my Lord I am an humble one, .,, And mufi askethat, which knowue, Ifcarc you will Centhrc me ovenbofd; , ' ' ‘ 1 , < ‘» Beaufifin. ltfimufl bevfomcthjng : Ofa Erange naturegifit findefiamme .m‘ull or delay; V ._ ‘- , - .. - (Mal. Thus then myhordg: .. o, v _ ’ S§nce yOu encouragemc : You arehappie in: . , ‘A worthy fomnmgmlii: allsche; comfort-thac; - , ,. _ , F ortune has left maitbfieada'flghiet,SID‘OW: .. f v ‘. . If it may no: appéa‘re too mochapmfiamption; _ ~ To feeke to match my 10 wueflfewich yomheighf; '1 I flaould defire (and if I mayobtaine it, _ . ‘ I write Nilultra comy‘hrgcfihoges )1 e; , . Sh; may in your opinionubc‘thwght worgby,» . . > ’ ‘ . /\ The unnaturaE‘Comém To be recei'v’dinto yourfamily, ~ And married to your {bane : their yeaercs arecquaiig ' And their dcfireslthinketoog-‘me i‘mot ‘ Ignoble, nor mythic contemPtihle, ' And if you thioke me Worthy your alliancq, ’I'is allIdoc affair: to. ' . Beanfijm. You demand _ . , 3 That which with all the fervice ofmy life I {heuld have labour’d to obtains from you. 0, Sir, why are you flow to meet f'o fair: , And noble an offer ? Can. France {hewa virgin: That may be parallel'd with héfi?’ Is fiuénor. j ‘ The thnix ofthe, time 1' th’e'hircfl' Ear , In the bright fphcrc ofsWOmL-n ?‘ ‘ ' , Beauf. [em :Be not rap’d {o : , N Though I diflikc not what is motion’d, yet In what fo nccre 'concemes me, it is fit 77 I {hould groceed with judgement; ' ‘ Enter ijer, T beacrine, ‘Page,Womm Bedafjm. Here [he comes, Locke on her with impartial] eyes, and then lie: cnvic ifit can, name om: graC’d {carafe In which {he is dcf'ecfiivc'. ‘ Mal. Welcome Gide : ' My joy, my comfort, my delight, my a'lia Why dofl thou come to greet my vi8coric In fuck a {Ethic habit? this flw‘W'd well , - , _ When thy father was a prifbner, and flfipciicd; But now his faith and loyaltic arc admit ’d,< Rather than doubted, in your oatward garments You are to exprcifc the joy you fecle within; ' Nor mould you with more curiouihcfie and care, Pace :0 the Temple to be made a'Bride, Than now,_when all mans eyes an Ex: upon you, You fhould appear: to entertain: tho honour ' From me dcléending to you, and in which You have an'cquail (hare. “ E a Thea. 77m unnatumflCambat, . - Theo. Heaven has my thankes ,. ' h ’ With an humility payd for your faire fortune, 9 And {6 fme {fury bindes mc,ycta little ,. To mourne 3. brothers Ioflé however wicked; .7 _ The tcndemeflé familiar to ourch May if you pleafé excuf'e " Mal. Thou art deceiv’d. Hale living was a blemifbtoth‘y beautieg But in his death gives ornaments, and luflre . ‘ To thy perfcfi'ionsbut that they are . ¢ - . . So quuifidy rare,thac they admit no: ‘ ' ' The l‘eafi addition. Ha Iheres ye mgptinc Of a fad tear: on th y cheeke,how it takes from Our prefent happinefl'a ! wixh a fathcrslips; ‘ , A loVing Fathers lips, 1’11 kifle ft of? , h . The caufi: no more remgmbgred. ‘ , . Theo. You forge: Sir «. V The prelcénce we are in. . Mal. Tiswellconfidered; _, _ ‘ h a 33:? And yetwhoisthe ow:zcrofa'trcafure,, , I 7 2 Above an valcw,butwithoutoffincc, . , ~ 'wi May glory in the glad poflEflion of it. ‘ «z: Nor let it in you excellence beget wonder," .f Or-any here that looking on thedaughtcr, ' ' I Fea R my. felfe in the imagination ' ' OFthofi: {weer pleafures, and allowd delights, I‘ tafied from the mother,wh_o [11H lives In this her perfit modell, for, {he had , h . Such fmomh‘sz high archd brows, fuch fbarkiing eies Whofé every glance fiord Cupid: emptied quiver; Such ruby lxps,and [hob a lovelyrbmWne, ' Dildaiuing all a'duhcrate ayds ofart, ch’d a perpetuau {bring upon her face, As death himfilfelamguted being forc’d To blafl it With his palcncfl'c, and ifnow, - Her brightues dimd With (brmWJtak’eand pleafé you,‘ V , Thinkc ghink young Lord,whcn (he a’ppeargs‘hcr {elfe‘ _, ‘Tbe‘ unnatural! Com=éat..v (This vayle‘rcmov’d) in her owne natural! purcnefl'e How farrc (he will mnfport you; 1 ‘Bemf. jun. Did [he need it, , The pra'xle which you (and well delcrvd) give to her , - . Muf’t of neccfllty raifcnew defircs ' ; In one indebted more to yeares 5 to me Your words are bu: as oylc powr’d on a fire, That flames already at the hcight". Mal. No more; ‘ ‘ I doc believe you, and let me from you Find: [‘0 much credit, when I make be: yours I doe polfefl’e you’of a gifimhichl f " Withinuch unwillingnelfe part from.My good Lords Forbare‘ your further trouble, give me lcave,for on the {uddaine I am indifpofd to refit; to my‘owae houfc, and refl. To morrow As you command me I will be your ghcfi, » ‘ - And having dcckt my daughter like her fclfe; You [hall have farther confe rence. ' Beaufjén. You are Mailer _ 0f your ownc will but fay cnoti’ll ex e& on. 1‘0 um Mal. Nay I will be excufdfl mufi pf“: wlth you Beifingmd My dearefl Theam'm givcmc thy humid ' e - ,1” "fl- ' I will fupport thee. ‘ — , Tim. You gripe it too hard Sir. - Mal. Indeed Idoe, but have no farther end in it, _ But love and tcnderaefl'e fuchias 1' may challenge And you' mull grant. Thou art afwm one ye s' , ‘ And to bc cherifl‘led. \ _ Tbejgae 0f Thea. May I ,fiill dcfirvc it. _, o ' fiwmlwxflx 71'? “filmmfl Coméat. dflm tertii-Smna P’imée , Enter Begufbrtfiazziar, Seward“. Béaufimfmiar. ‘ Ave you bccne careful}? ’ H ‘ Saw. With my bcfl wchours, Let them bring fiomaflachcrcs .no wmt of meat Sir: Partly and curious vimds are prepar’d, To pleafe all kindcsnfappetices. , i Beasfifim Tia wail. : ‘ ' K ' ' I 10%: :1 table fumiflxc With full plcncie, /, And flare offriends to eat it, but with this caution, - I would not have my houfc a common lune. For Ibmc men that come tathcrto-devoure me, Than to prefent their fervice.~ At this mm :00 It being afirious and fokmac meeting, , , I mufljno: bane my board yetkr’d with fludowes, Thamnder othetfimens protefiionbrcake in 0 Without invitemcnr. 5m Sew. With your favour then; v f ‘ ' / , I - You mufl double your gard, my Lorifor‘ on my khUWled'gc - There are fome fo {harp fist, nmmbfikeptom ”By a file OFMuskcfierS. And"tis lcfl‘e danger, 3’11 undetta‘ke, to fiand a:vpulh 'ofpikc ‘ With an ienemie in a breach, that undermin’d too, And the Cannon playing on it, than tofiop ‘Onc Harpie, your perp'ccuallghefl, from entrance, W hen the d'refl‘er, gheCookes drums thunders come on, The krvice Will be 103 CUE. Beaufifin. What is bee ? Sew. As tall 3 trencherlman, that is mofl certaine, As ere demolifhc Pie~forrification As ibone asbatpex’d5 audit" the rim of his belly ‘Tbé 1111114111141? Caméa: , Were not made 11p of a mach tougher fiufl'e Than his 1311ch jerkin, there were no defence Againii the charge of his guts: you need; mufl know him, Hc’ s eminent for his eating. \ 1119‘me Belgarde.’ Sew. The (me, one of the Admirals calf Captaines, Who fwcare, tharc being no war, nor hope ofahy, The oncly drilling is to eat dcvéutiy, \ And to be ever drinking,(tha1’s 11110111 (I of) - But they know nOtWhere to getit,1here’sthe {pita on t ‘ Beaufifen. The more their miferie, yet‘ 1fyou 131111 For this day put him off: ' * ‘1 Sem- It 1s beyond 1h”mve11_tion ofman. , ’ Beanf. [53. N0: fay this oncly, szfim to him. - And as from me , you apprehend me > ’ S :1 '0. Yes Sir. Beauffin. But it mufi he dorm graveiy Sew. Never doubt the Sir; . “ ' ' ‘ Bemf. fin. Wee’il d1 he in the great roome‘,b1it let the muflck / And banquet be prepat’d here. Exit Emufifiu. , Sew. This will make him 7 ' 3" 5 Lofe his dinner at the icafi, and that wit! vex him. Asfor the (wee: meats When they aretrod underfoot, Le: him take his {bare with the Pages 11nd Laequeyes, 01 fceamble 1n the rufhes. Em Eelgarde. - . Belg. Ti: nczrc twelve, ' I keepe a watch Within me never mifieés Save thceMafier Steward. Sew. You at: mofl weicome,8ir. . - Belg Has thy Lord fl'e'pt well to night. > I come to enquire. - I had a fooiiih dreame, that againfi my will Carried me fmm my lodging, to learn: 011er B How he sdiihos’d‘. Sew. Hfiein mofl perfe& health, Sir. ’ Belg Let me hutii'ee him feed heartily 11111111111, , And I’ ll bclccvc {o 100,er £10111 that ever make. ’ ‘Tbe unnatural! Coméat; I make a certaine iudgemeut. ' ' - - , , ” . Sew. Iqboldg furely {. ' In your 0 Iain: conflitution, Belg. And in all men: ‘ Tis the befl fymptome, let us look no time; Dalay is dangerous. , / , . Sew. Trozh Sir if Imighc, Without ofi'cncc deliver what my Lord‘has Committed to my trufl, I [hall receive it: As a fpeciall favour. ‘ \ Belg. Wecll fec’t,and difcourfi. . 3 As theproverbc fa'ycs for‘healch fake aficrdin'ncr, ' Or rather after fuppermillingly then I’ll walkca mile tto here thee. Sew. Nay, good Sir I will be bricfe and pithcc.‘ , y L Belg. Prethee be lb. » y ' " L Sew. He: bid me fay ofa’ll bis ghefis,thathe ' , Stands mofl afl’caed t0 you,for the freedome, . Audplainncfi'c ofyour miners. He ne’rc obferv'd you Toytwirle a difih about,you did not like of ' All being pleating- to you 5 or to takq A fay of vcnifbn ,or flale walc by your nofe, (Which isa. folecifme ac 'a‘notbcrs table) But by. flrongeating of’cm dfd confirm: They never wcré delitions co:your palat, But when they were mortifi’d, ‘as the Hagonot fiycs, And {6 your part growcs greatermor doe you , ' Find fault with the {a wce,kcen hunger being the bell, Which ever to your much praifiwou bring with you”; N or will you with imperdflentgrelations _ > Which is a maficr-pccgefihenime'atcs bdfor’e you Forget your teeth to ufe your nimble tongue ?But doe the feate you come fang ’ ' , ' , Belg. Be advil‘d ' ' y 7 V And cud your .jccring sfor if you procsede ' Q? ‘Xou’ll fzclg, as I cm cane! can-be angrig, / And / The unnatural! Combat. And beating may infile. ' Sew. I’ll take your counfell, And roundly come to {he puma, my Lord much Wonders That you ,that are a courticr as a fouldicr, In all things clfé,and every day can vary Yoar aé’cions and d_ifcourie, continue coafhnc‘ \ To this one (hire 2 _ \ Belg. To one ? (is well I have one, ' , Unpawndfin theft: daycs, every cafi commander is not blefl With ' the fopzune, Iaflure you, bucwhy this queflion ? does this offend him? ' , ‘ Sew. Notmflch : but he believes it is the rea'fbn, You nere prefume to fit above the falc, And thetgtorc this day (our great Admirall- With other flares being invitcd ghefis) Hcdoes inmate you to appeare among’cm, ‘ In fome frefh h'abit.- ‘ Belg. This flafl‘e {hall not {cm To beat the dogge off, there are fouldicrs garments, A» *d {u by confcguence grow contempcible. Saw. [I has flung him. _ ’ 34%. I would I wet: aquaifited with-che players; In charity they mightfurmlh me, but there is No faith in Brokers, and for believing Taylor; They are only to be read of, but not Ecne, And fur'e they are con’finde to their own: hells, ' And. there theylive invifiblc, welll mnfi not ‘ ‘ Be fubd offthugfatay you report my {ervice To tht Lord governour. I will obey him And though my wardmp’spooreguher then look - Hisccmpany at this feafl, I will put on . The richcfl flit: Ihavc, and fill the chairey ‘ . That makes me worthy of _ £xit Belgarde. ‘ ‘ Sew. We are (hut of‘himj he will be teem no more here, how Will b16113: mg for his abfence,he had flarv'd em ~ ( my fellowes. Had he flayd a little‘longerawould he cood, » V ' »- Fei‘ his own: gig: thif; a thin; and (hats the utmofi bf F 7723 uknaturquComéat; this ambition, adcw good Captain: --— Exit; Enter BeaufortSen. and Beaufart jun. " Beaufifen; Tis a flrangc fondmfl’é; : ’ 4 Beafifijun. Tia beyond example, His refolmion to part with his efiatc, .. x r, To make her dowerthe waighticr is nothing“ ‘ :5 ’ ‘ ’ Eat to obfefvchow curiOIIs he is‘ , L ' ‘ In his owm: perfon to adde ornament, To his daughters ravifhingfeaturcs, is‘the wonder.:. I {Eat a page of mine in the‘way of courtfhip, This morning to her to prefén: my Fervice, From whom I undarfland all : there: he found him ., Sellicimus in What: {harm Eh: [hould appeare, This gowns was rich, buc the fafhion mile, the other ' . Was quaint, and ncate, butthc fluffcno-z rich enough, Then does he cuxfé the Tayi‘o‘mnd in rage ' Falls 0:1 hfir Shoemaker, for wanting art " T0 exprefi‘: ia every circumfiwce, the forms _ ; ther mcfi‘ delicate: foam: then fits in cqunfifl ' With much ésiiheration t0 finde out VVhac tire wouid hefi adornc her find one chofm .7; Varying in his opinion, he cearas otfi And Ramps icundet feet, then tries afisc‘ond ' A third and fourth,an fitisfied at length VVith much a doe in that,hc gg'OWEs agen, Perplexd and troubl’d whEre to place her Jewell; To be 1110?: mark’d; and whether {he {hould wear: This diamond on her foreheadpr between: Her milke-whitc paps,di‘fputing on it both wayesg Then taking inthis hand, a rape of pearle. ' ( The bcfl of F rance ) he, [’exioufly confidcrs Whither fhcfhozald difpofc it on her acme ., , Or on her necke,with 29 qther trifles,coo tedious to deliver. _, Beaufifin. I have known: him from his Erfl youth,ch never yet Ina}! the pafl'aggs ofhis life, and fortunes, obférv’d Vcrzues f0 mix’d with viceswaliant the world {peakcs him, But with $9 H9951” lihggah it} his gifts too, 7 5 ’ , ‘ But 7725 unnatural! Comédt. But to maintaine his prodigal! expense; » A , A fierce extortioncr, an imporcntlover {gfwomen for a Hafixfiaut his Eres’quench’d, “Hating as deadly, the truth is I am not 7 ‘ Ambitious ofchis marchmor will I crofle you in yeur affcedons. « Beaufjuu. I have ever found you, ‘ {And ris my happindfc) a loving father, ' Laudmnfiekh And careful] of my good :-’--‘-- by the loud mufickc, , As you gave order for his entertainment, flc’s come into the houfi: mm long homes firm, “'3 he Colonelg commiffioners and captaines, To pay him all the rites his worth can challenge, Wm: to waycon him'bither. : Enter Malefiart, Mamigm, CbammgLanamfiX/Ianirwile; Tbeacrine,'Ujber, Page, Wane». Buuftfw. You are mofi welcome, :And what I fpcake to you,docs from My heart difperfe it {die to all. Y Mal. You meet my Lord your troub‘lc. Beauffm. Rather Sir increafe ofhonour, W hen you are pleas’d to grace my houfe. ' - Bcdufijufl.The Favourrs doubi’d on my pugmofl worthy Sit; ‘Since your fair: daughter, my incomparable Mifirefl'c, Daincs us her prefcnce. _ ‘ Mai. View her well brave Beaufort, _ Bu: yet at diflan-cc, you- hereaftcr may ' ’ Make your approaches necrer, When the pricfl: Hath made it lawful], and were not {bee mine, . I durfl alowd proclaime it. Hymn never Put on his (fifiron colouwd‘mbe to change A barren virgin name with more good omens, Then ather nuptiallsslooke on her againe, Then tell __me ifi {he now appear: the lime That {he was ycflerday, ' Beaufijen. Being her fclfe She came: bu: be excellent, there rich And cugious dreflingsmhich in Others might ~ ' A F 2 ' ' ‘" CW“, \ Tbs? unnatural! Comédvt.‘ Cover deformities, from her takelufixe Nor can adde to her. Wat. You conceive her right, And in your admiration ofher fweemcfl'e, You Only can defirve her; blufh not girle, .Thou art above his praifépr minc,nor can Obfequiouz. flattery though flue flmonld ufé Her thoufand oyldtongues to édvancethy worth: Give ought (for that: impoflible) but take from Thy more then humane graces, and even then When thee hath {pent her filfe With her befl flrength, The wrong {he has done thee {hall be {0 apparent, That loofing her own: fervile fhape and name, She will be thoughtdetraaion, but I _ Forget my felfc,and {omething whif'pers to me, I have Edd too much. « Mont. I know no: what to thinks on ’s, But; there’s {mmc myflery in igwhich I fears: Win be we focus difcover’d. Mal. {much wrong ' ‘ Your patience noble Sir, by coo much hugging My prcxpe: Mine, and like {he foolifl) crow Belirzave my black: brood Iwans. Benufifin. There ncedes not Sir Thee: lcafl excufe for this,nay I mutt have _, Yofirarme, you being the mafia of the fcafl, And ghis the miflris. Tim. Earn any thing That yuu {hall pleafe'zo make mcc. Beaufjwy. Nay ris yours Without more compiqmcnt. ” Lam? mufioke. Exgum Beanfortjénior, Maqubrtflheom'ne, Beayf'm j m; .2Msntaigue, Chamois: La‘nmr, Mamrwilc. Mam. Your wéli’sa lawfir. ‘2th Wauid I had bcene borne a Lord. 1. Wum. Or I a Lady. .‘Pag’et It may be you W?“ bogh beam: in cout-g _. |' Though T198 unnatural! Coméat'.“ Though bred up in :he Citiefor your mothers, As I have heard lov’d the lobbic, and there hightly Are {cen flmnge ’apparitions, and who knbwes But that fome noble fawne,hcated with wine, And cloyde with partridge, had a kind: oflongl‘ng To‘tradg in (brats ? this needs no expofition}; But can you yceld a reafon for your wiihes? . ‘Ufb. Why had I been: bOrnc a Lord, I had been: no forum. ‘ , 1 . Wom. And where as now neceflity makes us Waytcrs, “We had been attended on. 7 72. Wm. And might have flep: then, As long as we plcas’d, and fed whefi we had fiomackes, And» ornc new cloths, nor Iiv’d as now in hope Ofa - {’c owne, or pezcicote. Page. on are fooles, And ignorant of your happineflé, ere I was Sworn: to the paqtofiefi have heard my tutor Prove it by logicke,:hat a {crvants life ' Was better then his maflcrs, and by that I learnt from him, ifthat my; memory faile not, 1’11 make it. good. , ij. Proceed my little wit, In decimafixta. - Page. Thus then from the king. o Toche baggagby gradation all are fervants, And you mufl grant the flavcry is 1:32: To fludie no plcafc one, then many. 'U/Iy. True. 7 - ‘ Page. Well then, and firfl to you Sir, you complain: You firve one Lord, but your Lord iérvcs a thoufand, Bcfidcs his pamons (that are his worfl maflers) You muf’t humor him, and he is bound to Tooth Every gximme Sir above himaifhe mene, For theleafl neglcfi you fcare :0 loofe your Place, But if, and with ali fl wifh obkrvation, . ' From :he migt,xi0ns ('elt'e,to the groom: ofhis clofc flooIe, Hc hourly feekcs notfavour, heis fine " ' ’ ' F 3‘ To I -/ ‘Tbe ufinéimmll Coméat. To be eas’d ofhés oflice,though perhaps hibeught it. Nay more, rhat high difpofi-r ofall‘ filch That are fubmdirzare co him, (Ewes, and fcares \ , Tin: fairy ofthe many-headed monflcn, 7 The. giddy multitude. And as'a horfe ls {MI a horfe,fbr all his golden trappings; ' ; : So your man ofpurchas’d title}:’ at their bcf’t arc W m w _ » Bu: ferving-men in rich livcries. , ' 'U/b. Moff rare infant, v \ Where learnd’fl thou this morality 3 Page. Why thou dull pate, As I could thegofmy tutor. 2. Wow. Nowf'or us boy. , 4 Page. I am cut ofthe governour; ‘ Enter Beaufbr: fin. Bemfirtjum‘or, Servanufittz'ngfbrtb a [2.4729 rm. Bmufifim Qgickc, quickc firs, ' See allthings perfit. ' 5cm. Let the biamc' b: ours ems. Beauflfin. And as I Ezid when we are at the banquet, And high in our cups, for tis no feafi withou: it, Efpccially among fouldiers : Tbeacrine Being retir’d, as that’s no piacc for her, Take you occafion to rife from the table, And lofe no opportunity. B‘eaufijuri. Tis my purpofé, And if I can winne her to give her heart, I have a holy man in readinefl‘c , To joyne our hands, for the Admiral] her father repents him ofhis ’ grant to megand ' So far tr’anfpbrted with a firange opinion of her faire’fcatures,chac [hould we define it, I :hinke ere long he will beleevc,and flrongly,‘ The Daulphine is no: worthy ofher,[ Am much amazd wich’t. ' ‘ Exam: Beggar: fem BeaafJen. Nay dfipatch therefellowe s. Beawfbrtjurziar. Sew. We areready when you plcafc,-chet formcs your paré‘am‘, It has beene fuel) a but? time I could not ' ' Tcnécr .*; V,‘ ‘Tfie unnatural! Com 54:. Tender that cercm‘onl'ous refpefi' ‘ Which you defirvc, bu: now rhefgrcat worke ended, , I will attend the lclfcr,and With all care Obfervea and fierve you. Page, . This is a pend fiaecch, Anal lines as a pcrpctuall preface re. A dinner made offragments. 5 11/5. We: way: on you... ‘ Laud‘Mufickg. Aim: tcrtii, Selena tertia; Bfmtfortfinior, lkfalefbrtD Montaigne, wamm, Lamura Bemtfort , junior, Montrevile, Servants. BEAVFORT SEN 1 on. K O U are no: merry Sir." Mal. Yes my good Lord'3 You have given us ample meanes to drown: all cares; And yetInourilh flangethoughts, which I‘would QAflHé M06 willingly defiroy ‘ / ‘ gBeaufijEn. Pray you take your place, \ Bamfjun. And drink a health, and let icibe if you pleafi To the worthiefl 6f Worfienmow obferve him. L ‘Mal. Give mac rhebowle, fine: you doc me the honour, - I will beginne it. ' , 1 , (72.41». May wee knowher name Sir? ‘Mal. You (hall, I will no: choofc a forraignc Quanta, . Nor ya: out owne, for that would rclifh of V Tame flattery ; nor doc their height ofcirle, Or abfolutc powenconfirme their Worth and oodm m3 Thefe being heavens gifig and frequently conér’d On fuch asare beneath em ; nor will I Name ch: kings Miflrcflé howfocver {bee In his eflcemc may carry it, but ifI, As wine gives liberty,may ufe my freedom: 3. ' ‘ ' No: §c- ~ , 7726 unnaturafi , Coméat. v » N or {wayd this way, or that with 'corfidence, (And I will makcic good-on any aqua") Ifit mufi be to her, whofc ourward foxmc Is berm ’d by {he brsauty ofhcr mimic, She lives mm the: with juflicc cm prenend Animerefi to (hi: {0 facrcd health, _ But my faia'c daughter. He that only doubts it, 1 due: pronounce a villain, this to her then, {Drinkm film. What may we thinke ofthis? ‘ Loud mafickg. Bmwfi fin. "‘Ic matters not. - La». For my part I will {00th him rather then Draw on a quarrel}, Cbamqfit. _ Mm. Tim): fafcfi comfi, and one I mean to follow. Beauf; jun. It has gen: reundSir. Exit Beaufizr: junior. Mal. Now you have done her righrfifthcrc be any Wuxthy t0 {econd this, pfopofe it bouldly, I am your pledge. Beanf. [m Lets pm I”: here if you pleafé, And easercaine :he time with fomething CHE, Mufickc theremlbmc lofty firaine,che {mg :00 That Igave order for ;jthe’new one cald The fouidiera delight ? , The [522g ended : mm Regards: in armora cafi qf Caréim éybirfideg Belg. Whoflopsmec now ? ‘4' « ‘ - 01' who dares only {ay that I appearc not: In the mofitich m‘glorious habit that Renders a man compicatc? what court f0 {cc Off With Rate and ceremonious pompgbat thus Accourred I may enter 2 or what feafi Though hail the elements atoncc were tanfick’d, To fiore it with varietie “tragicending The cpriouf‘nelTe, and cefipn Traians, birth day, ( W hex: princes only,and confederat kings Did fit as ghczflsJerv’dfind attended on V By the fenators of Romefic With a [ouldicr ’In this his natural], and proper {ha Might not and bouldly fill; ffiatfind by H's ‘ 1 T66 unnatural! Coméat. ~ . His'ptelént make the great folemnity ‘ ' More—honout’d andremérkea‘ble 2 , Beauf.fe».Tis acknowledg'd, And this a grace done to me uncxpyeaede (Mom. But why in armor ? ‘ Mai. What's’the myfletie ? Pray you reveal: that. Belg. Souldiers out ofa&ion, That very rare,but like unbidden ghefis Bring their [looks with em, for their own: defence, ' At court [hould feed in gauntlets, they may have Their fingers cut elfc 3th‘ere your carpet knights, That nevet‘charg’d beyondamifixefl'elips, ‘ Are {fill mofl keene,and valiant,but to you ~Whom it does mofi-concem,my Lord,I will , Addrefle my fpeech, and with a {ouldiers freedom: ~ In my regroofe returne the bitter chH'e, ., ‘ ‘ You threw upon my poverty, you cOntemn’d My courfer outfide, andftomgthat concluded, (A: by your grbome you made me undetfland) I was unworthy to fit at yourtable, ‘ ‘ Among thefe tiflizes, and imlmtoideriesJ Unlcfl'c I chang’d my habit} have done if, ‘ And {how my felfe in that which I have worn’e In the heate and fervor ofa bldudy fight, And then it was in falhionpot as now Ridiculous, and delifis’dghi‘s hath pafl through Awood ofpikes,and every one aim’d it it, ~ Yet {comd to take impreflion from their fury . With this,as fill! you fee it frefhand new ' , l have charg’d through fire that would haveiling’d your fables Blacke fox, and ermins,and chang’d the proud colour ‘ 'QfSkatlet though of the right Tiriandie 5 , But now as if the trappings made the manfuch only are / Admit’d that come adorn’d ' - With what’s no part ofthem,this is mine owne , ' My {iChCR {Hit} a Elite 1 thufi not part from, ' ‘ ‘i G ' But ‘v Tbemnatumflcombati But not regarded now, and yet Ecmcmber _ Tis we that bring you in the mcaucs of fcafls,‘ ( Banquetgand revels, which when you pofléfl'é, Wizh barbarous ingratimde you deny us ' To be @adi’ {berets in the harvefhwhich‘ Oar {weac and indufirie rcap’d, and lbw ’dtfor you. The filks you-wearc, wcwish our blood {pin For you; . . Thiamine plate, char. With the ponderous waigbc , Does make your cupboods crack, we (nnaflrigfited With tempefls, or the long and tedious way, 0': dreadful] monfiers of thC decpc, that wait With open jawesflill ready to demure us) 4 F etch From the other world.- L's: i: not then. In aftér ages to your {hams be {pokcn,, ' \ That you With no relenting eyes looke on Our wams that Feed your pleads; or confilme In prod§galL and wanton gifts on Drones. The Kingddmcs ucafure, ygz drtaine from us , V ,_ . The d: b: that Wii'h the hazard ofour lives, ' ' We have made‘you Rand ingag’d for. : or force us» ' Agaiofi ail civili government in armour ‘ To require chat, which with all williogncfié Should be zender’d, ere demaudéd ' Bmuffm. I commend. . ‘ ,. This wh 011mm fharpnefl‘cin your, and prefcrit Before obféquioos tameacfléflt (h;wes lovely :. N or (hail the mine gf your good couuféll fall - Upon the barrenfindabuz {pvizg up fiuic , Such as you long haw: Wifhi for. And, thé rcf’c ‘ Ofyour profcflion like you dithoncentedn ’ For won: ofimcanegfhali‘inlphcir prdém‘payment * Be bofind to prdafehjroupbqldnet’fe:_ gand hereafter Iwm cak: order yoo‘ {hill have no céufé, For want ofchangc to put your armour on Bucin the Fate of an enema; not as now; ' j . m Among? your fxicndsg To {hat Whi‘h igdfas to you; - , :14 V To W): unnatumfl "Combat. Ta £133th 3 on like you: 1311:, 01 min: owne bountiTe I’ll adde five hund red crownes. ' Chum. Ito my power Willfollow the example. 4 Meat. Take this Captaine, : ‘ : Tia all my prefenr flare, but when you pleaIC, " Command me further. ' ” ‘ Lam. Icould wifh 1cmorc. “ ‘ Belg. This‘ 1: the luckiefl aef’c ever Came from me; Let a Souidicr uie no other So: ibe to draw The fame of his petition. This will Ipccd When your thrice humble flapplications, - With prayers for eucreatc of 13.323313 1) and honours To their grave Lordfhip3 03331135 {gone as mad Be pocketted up, the caofi no more remembrcd. When this dumbRbccorique.We11,1 have 3111?, 3Which Iin thankfillacfl‘c for yourn area: favours, ‘ ‘ My noble Lords, when you pleafc to command It, Mufl never think: mine owne. Broker, be happic, Thcfé golden birds 11% e to thee. . S Exit Bel‘garde. Beauf. fen. You are dull, Sir, And {ecme not to be taken with the pafl‘age ' You {aw prefented. Mal. Paflégc. 3 I o1)ferv’d none, My thoughts Were elfcwhere bufied. Ha. 1 fhc' 18 In danger to be 101-1, to be 1011 for ever, ' ' Iflpecdily I come not to hcrercue, For Io my Grr3z'mtels me. ' 3 Warm. What Chimera 1' W3. rkc on your phantafic? . Mal Phantafiés. 7 They are truths. When: is my T keamne ? You have plotted . ‘ Tu r01) me. of my Dwghtel‘ '3 bring me to h'er,‘ — Orl’ 11 C331] gown: the Sdiuts to wimcfl'c for m: . You arr 1 hr: If: itablc. B33333; fa. You amaze me, You: Daughter sIate, and now exchanging conrtflaip Gt: th ‘ ‘ . o , 779': unnaturallCombat.,» With my fonne her férvant, why do: you hear: this With fuch-dmrafied lookcs ?:fincc tomha: end w. ' You brought her hither 2 - ' ‘Malw ~Tis confcfi’d I did, ~/ » But novifiray you pardonme,and ifyoupkafi ~ ' , Ere {Beaelivcr up hcrvir-gin fort, I would obférve whatis If): an be ufés In planting his artillery againfl it, She is my only care, normufl flue yidd. Bu: upon noble termcs. : ' Beaufifitz. Tis {0 determine}. Ma. Yet I am jealous. ' Mont. Overmuch Heart. What pafliohsare thcfi? ‘ Beaufifm. Come I will bringyouh o ' ‘Where you,with chef: if they f0 plcafe, may Q: The lovc-fl mm: aé’ted. , Montre.‘ There isfomething more Then fatherly love in this" ' ~ Monti. We way: upon you. , Exam 0mm. ' dam tertg'j Scxna‘I/‘ltimd- Beaxfm itm. Tim crine. - _ Buufi jun. Since thenTyou meet my flames wit‘h-equafl Oldfi- ' As you profefle, it is your bounty miflreffc, ' N or muff I call it debt, yet tis your glory, _ That your cxchc, {applies my wan t,‘ and makes met Stronglin my weakcncflc, which could ncvu bee, ' ' But in your good opinion. 7 Theo. You teach me Sir, , ' ‘ ' "What I {hould fay,fince from you": {Em offiivour,‘ I like dimme Phoebcfini herfeifc obféure, Borrow that lightibwe. . Beaufijrm. Which you retufne ‘ With large incrcaf: (finccrthac you win orecomes ‘ And I d are notxcommdgmrc yéu bu: pkasfi’ ' To 7/726 unnatural! Coméat. To make what’s yct divided one, ' \ Tim. I have \ Ahead y in my wifhes, modcfiy Forbids me to {peaks moré. ' » Beauf, jun. but what affurmce, .. (But flill without otfcnce)may I demand Thai: mzy fecurc me that your heart and tongue * - Joynato make u this harmonic? ' Theo. Choo c any ~ Suiting your love difiinguiihcd From Iufl, To ask: and mine to grant. ‘ _ 8x!” (a: unfiem} Buufirtjeuior,Mal¢fon,Maxtmiitpnd tbs nfi'. Bean fén, Yonder they are; ' ‘ Mal A: difiance too,,risyet Well. Bamfijun. I may take then « - This hand,and with a thouf'and burning kiffiis, \ Swear: :53 the anchor to my hopes? . Theo. You may Sir. , 2: Mat. This is fome what too much. Bcauf. inn. And this-donc,view my Rife In thefe true mirrors. . 7‘ 1m. Ever crew to you Sir, —. , ' And may they loofe th’abilitie offight, When they feéke other objeai Mal. This is more ‘ Then I 'can giveconfcnt to. Beauf. inn. And a kiire,~ 3. Thus printed on your lips wilinotdiflafl'you ? Mal. Her lips! ,. x - I Mantra. Why where fhouldhc [(13% P are you-diflsafled ?" Beaufiim. Then when this holy man hath madci: lawfulh hing: in a-Priajl'. Mal. A priebe ready too 1 I mufl brea ke iii. ,Beauf. ism. Andwhat’s fpoke here is regifitcd above,.. I mufl ingtoflé thofe favours :o-my fclfe Which are no: to bc-nam’d. 17km . 8.1an giveo , . _ , ‘ G 3;; But: f :1 cannot prize too high. For howfoevcr _ ..‘T£e*unnatumll~€oméw. But what they are I know not. " ’ ‘ Bedgfijmz. I’H itlfllflffi you. _ 1244!. 0 how my bloud .boylcs'! , Mam. Pray ygu contain: yourlE-If'e, » 'M :h inkes his coartfhip’s modefi. Bmfi jam. Then being mine, , ‘ ’ ' 7 ,3 _ . And Whofi}; mine, the riVef'of‘yourlovc .‘ _ To kinfmeu 3nd ames, my to ydurfat‘hcr, . (flower: out of his tendcrneflc h: admires you) « M u-fl in the Ocean of your affeé’cion“ To me be fWalIow’d 11?, and want a name Compar’d with what yen owe me. Thane. Tismofi fir, Sir, , , The flrongcr bond that bindes me to you, mutt * i DiIToIve the weaker. ' ' ~ ‘ Mal. [am ruin’d if [come not fairely off. , Bmufifin. Thcrcs necking wanting But your donfent, _ ‘ ' / _ Mal. Same flrangc invention aid me. Afida. This ! yes, itmufl be 1?). - — ~ - Momr. Wh y doe you flaggera ' When what you fecm’d {0 much to with i‘soffcrd? Buufijqu. Both panics being agreed to. Beaufljeu. I’ll not court , V _ A grant From you, nor doc I wrong your Daughter, Though I fay my (bum: da_flerves her. ' ‘ Mal. Tts fit from ‘ My humbla i houghts to undervaluehim ' " F tom my owne ford induigénce i have fung 0 ~ He: praifés with too prodigal! a tongue, ' Thatrendcrncm laid by,l fiamd confirmd , , All that: I fancied excellent in her 8 :llanc’d, vn irh what is really his owne, Haws waighc in no preporcioa. 7 Montr. Newmmings} , ,, Bmflf. \ Tbe unnatural! Com éat. Beauffin. Whither tends this? ‘ - Mal. . Had yo-u obferv’d,my Lord, ,, ‘With what a fwcet gradation he wood, / y > As Idid punfiual‘ly, you came: blame her, _ ‘ ' :4 Though (he did liflcn 'with a greedic ear: ' _ To his fair: model} offers; but ('0 great; A good as [hm flow‘d whet, (hould have been: With more deliberation entertaind, ‘ And not With {uch hafle fwalbwd, (h: {hall firfi» . Canfidu ferioufly what the blcffing Is, And in what ample manner cc give thanks far’t, Andthen receivcit. Add though I {hallthinké‘ ‘ ,7 7. ,. Short minutes yeercs till it be perfitted', .- ~ ‘ ' n. x I win defér that whicahI mofl dcfire, _ V Ami 1b mufl the, till longing cxpeétation, ‘ Tim heightens pleafurgmakes her truly know , Ha: happineflé, and with what oucsflrcatchtarmes She mull embraceir. "' , Beauf jmi. This is curioufizefl‘c Bicygnd gxample. A Mal. Lvst it: then begin ‘ me mc, in whats mine owne I’ll 11?: my Wm,“ . And yceld no further reafon. Hay claim: to . The libertie ofa fubjcé’c’. Fall not off“, But bepbcd‘zcnc, Or by the hair: 1’11 drag this home. Cenfura me as you pleafé, I’ll take my own]: way, 0 the inward fires , , 1 That wanting vanr canfume me 2: I“ ' Exit'witb Thanks; Mann. sz mat} certaine P. m” ’m ' ¥ Bees mad‘ or warfé. ' Beau]? HOW, worfi: ?, Monsr. Nay, ihcre I leave you; My thoughts Are free. Beau]. jmz. This I forcfiw; Bgayffen. Take comfort, H (hall walka in cluuds, but: I’ll difcgvgr him :‘~~ And he; (hail fiade, and tale, it he cxcute nor, * 7 ’ ' ' ’ ’ ' And The; anndtumllfméat; And with flrong rcafdns this grofla ?niurie, I can make uf: of my .auchoritie. Exeunt‘amm. I y -\ _ , - ‘ £157“: qumi Scenaprz'ma. _ I Mhnnonrfilm. I V VHat flames are thefc my wild defires Fan in me 2 The torch that feeds them, was not lighted ac Thy altars, Cupid : vindicacethy filfe, And doc notpwn it : and confirmei: rather, That this infernall brand that came; me cyndars, ‘ Was by the fnakc- hair'd Siflers throwneinto My‘guilcie bofbme. O that I Was ever , _ Accurs’d in having iHue : my {bums blond, (Thatlikeche poytbn’d {hirt ofHerm/n GroWes to each part about mg) which my hat: Fors'd from him with much Willingneflé, may admit Some weakc defence; but my 'mofl impious Iove‘ To my faire daughter Tbeacrim, none. Since my afl’efiion (gather wicked luff) That does purfue her, is a greater etime . Than any dcteflation, With which ‘ . h , I [hould affiifi her innocence. With wharcunning ' ‘ I have betray’d my fclfe, and did not féeie The fcorchiag heat that now with Faric rages Why was! tender of her? covér’d with . That fond difguifc, phis mit’chiefe flole upon me. ' I thought it no offence to kifl'e her often, 0r twine mine armes about her {oficr neck, And by Falfi: fhadowes of a fathers kindnefle I long deceiv’d my {élf'ca but now the efl’c& “ Is too apparent. How I flrove to be In hempinion hcld the worehiefim'an In courcfllip, fame, and feature, envying him Tbavxr'urmmmli 60mm; _. \ That was preferd before met, and yet then ‘ ' ' My wiihes to my fclfc were not digsover’dj.” . . . ’ D But fiil-l my fires incx'cas’dgandxvith delight ‘ _ i “ ‘ I would call her miflrefié,wilfitlly forgetting ‘ The name ofdaughter choofing rather {he , a Should fiile me fervant,then with reverence father; f Yet mockingl ncre-che‘riflfdbbfcéfiehopgs 3 \ Butin’my troubled flumb‘eir’sfofteht‘fifidugfié’j”"" Shae Was too nccre to‘t’n'e,¥;t‘nd’>chen' fléépihg bllfi’d .. .: ; : At my imagination which pafs’d ' ‘ ' 7 I My eyes being open, not condemning it, ‘7 7‘ , IW’a‘s ravifh9 d Wiéh’thc‘pileafiirblo’FfHédlcamc, 1; *1 'f'_ f ‘yYetafpight ofithcfe'terfiptéfrionaslIf’hfiygé‘fééfbfi:'3' 53“ 7" I .. ‘. That pleades againfi?cm,.and co.mmafidsim’e ft) 5 77' Extinguiih theft: abhominable fires, ’ ' " ' ' And I Will doe itD I WiI-l fénd her backg-g I * .. _ g , To him that loves heri‘l-aswfuli‘lys. ’Witfiifitfiefé‘?’ ‘ ‘ , EZtefiTfféflfififif 93”“ ' , g k Thane. Sir did you call? f' : 5:7? 7 5 Mm’ef. Ilodke no fooner on heiy ‘ f , But all my boafied power ofireafon leaves me, : . ,, " 1 And paifion again'ciufurpés hér?iEmpi¥egéoe§:Bfiiéflf’é‘yfiit' ma; Theoc. I am wretched firaflxoulgiEafibiWEEiifibrc duty? ' " Malefi This is worfi: then difobediéfitéfléévémé. ' ' ‘ ‘ TbeacOn my»kne,es fir,aS~I havedVer‘ fquard my wilIIby yours. . And Iik’d, and loath’d With y'our-eyes :L‘I byefc‘ech you i To teachmcmhacthenam’rejofmy fault is,‘ _, 1 ' ., That hathincenfd you,(fi1¥etis> 61160}? WatakEhéflEI’ ’ » ' I . ,And not ofmalice) which 5 YOfif'gentlerte‘mpér * ; ‘ ” On my fubmiflion I hope Will pardon, - ' Which granted by your piety, if that I ‘EJ Out of the leaf: néglefiibfémine'fiere'afl’éfj ' , Make You remember, ‘it,‘&hiy I finké’e'vcréi " ? H ..~ 2 -. :3 1:: :7. . Under your dread command. ' ‘ T j ' " ~ Mazkf. O my Pears ! who can but doteonthishumiiicy ‘ ' That fweetens,love1y in" her teams ?'the fette'rs , I That fcem’d to Icffcn inthei: might; bumow" '5 * ' B F , W ,_ ‘ ,V_ W ‘ , .m?‘ . , ‘ l' _ ' Y \‘ , Tbs unnaturallCam-ba t». B y this grow heavier on me. . ThwaDcare fir: . , ’ Lfl/[alefi Peace, I mufi not'hcarc'thcc. Them Nor lookc on me. ~ '(Malcf. N o, thy lookes and words are charm'csa Time. May they have power then , To calmc thc-tcmpcfl ofyour wrath,a1as fir, Did I but know in what I give offence ' In my repentance I would thew my forrow, « For what is pathand in my care hereafter Kill the~octafion or ccafe to be , \ ~ , Sincc life without: your favour is to me a load I Would cafl' ofl’. A Waqu; O that my heart Were rent in fundcr, that Imigbt cx- Thc caufi: in my death buried : yet I know not (pin, With finch prevailing Oratory ’cis bcg’d from me: That to deny thee wouldvconvince me to Have fuck’d the milk: ofogcrs, rife, and I But in‘a erplcxd', and miflcrious method. Will maEc relation that which all the World 7 Admire: and cries up in thee for perfcétious, ‘ Are to unhappy me fouleblcmifiics, And mulfis in nature. Ifthou hadfl becnc borne Dcformd and .c‘rookgdgn the fcaturcs of , Thy body, as :hc manners ofthy mindg, ' ' ‘ m ’ Moorclip’d,‘flat nosfd, dimme cy ’d,4and beetle browfifi With a dwarfes 'Itature to a gyant waflc, _ " * , , Sewer breath’d, with clawés fer fingers onthyfhands, Splay footed, gouty leg’d, and over all” A loathfome lcprofie had fprcad it filfe, And made thcc fhun’d of humane fellowfhips: I had beene blefi. v . m . Tbeac. Why wouId-youwifh amonflén For fuchla one or Worfcyou haste dcfcrihfd, , ‘ ‘ 1 To call your father“ Malay“. Rather thcnasnow, ' ' . r. " Though I" had drownd‘thcc for it.,in'thc fcaz; * ' Appearing as thou deli anew Pandofa,i; , . , . , 'W' 1 ‘ , , 1t 1 The unnatural? Comb“. With 51mm fairc cow eyes, Minerva? brow ‘ flxram’s blufhifig checkcs, Har’ze: frcfh youth, me‘ {oft paps, With Thetis‘mv'er feet. , ~ leeoc, Sir you have lik’d and lov’d them, and oft forc’A‘T (With your hyperboles ofpraife powrd on them) ' My modefly to a defcnfive red, . . Strowd ore that paletieflé, which you then Were p1eafd-, _ ‘ ' ‘ To fiile the purcfi White; , , ' ‘ M'alcfiAnd in that cup I drank the poifon I now fcclc difperfd‘ Through every vaine and artery,whcreforc attthou 2 80 email to me? This thy outward {hapé ‘ j ; Broughta fierce warrt: againfl-me, not to be, , , By {'1an and blood rcfificd : but to leave me ’ ' ' No hope offrccdomc from thc Magazine Ofthy minds forces, txrcacheroufly thou drcwfl up Auxiliary helpcs to l’trengthcn that f . A f Which wasalrcady in it (Elf: too potent; ’ .— ' ' ' Thy beauty gave the firfi charge, but thy duty ' Seconded with thy care, and watchfull fiudics v To picafé, and férvc my will in all that might Raifi: up content in mc,1ike thunder brake through A11 oppofition, and my rankcs afreafon Dibandcd,my vifiorious paflions fell To bloody execution, and compeld me _ With willing hands to tieon my owne ’chaines, And witha kinda of flattering joy to glory. in my captivity. Thane. I, in this you {peake’ fir, am ignoranée it fem; MalaAnd f0 continuefor knowledge of the armes thou bearfl Would make thee curfi: thy fe EC, but yield no ayds (againfl me For thee to helpe megand ’tWerc cruelty , ‘ , ‘ In me to wounde that f‘potltflla innocency How are it make me guilty, in a word The plurific ofgoodncfl'e is thy ill, Thy vertucs vices, and thy hamblé ldwncflé Far worf’c than fiubbome i‘ullenneflé, and pride,” Thy lookes that ravifh all bcholders elfi: As killing as thc Bafiliskcs, their teams " H 2 Exprefl'dr ?ifie ”unnatural! Coméat, Exp efi‘d m ferro‘w for the much I {hffeg .A glorious 11111111311011, and no fign’e '01 pitty in thee, and to heare thee {peake In thy defe11ce5tho11gh but 111 filent afiion5‘ ' W011i d make the hurt: already deepely fefieud ’ Incu’1ahle and therefore as thou wouldfi not By thy prefence taife frelh furies to 1:01an1: me I doe conjure thee by a fathers poWer', (And tis 1ny curfla I dare not thinke 1t lawfull To Tfue unto thee 111 a meter name} Wlthout reply to leave me. ' Therm. My obedience never leamd yet *o quefi'ion your- C0111- B111; willingly to ferve’ em 5th I 1111sz ' (mands Since that your Will forbids the knowledge of _' My fault, lament my fortune. ‘ Erin. M411? 0 that I have reafon to difie111e the better Way And yet purfile the Work. when I looke on her ‘ I b11111e With heat, and m hex abfence freeze With the cold blafls of jeloufiefimt another Should ere taf‘te 111-012: delights that are demde me5 .And which of theh affi1 8110113 b1i11g lefle torture ‘I hardly can difiingu1fl1, is there then No meane. ? no, {'0 my unde1fianding tels me, ' And that by my crofle fates 1: is determind That I am both waies wretched. I Enter Vfi‘fi‘fifld Maiztrcvviie Vf/ye'r’. Yonder he Walkes hr, ' U 1,) / ' ’ ‘ In much yexauon . he hath fent my Lady His daughter Weeping in, but what the camei Refi‘s yet in {uppof 11011. Mmtr. I gUeHe at it,but mufl be further fatisfied I Will fife him In private therefore5 quit the roome. _ 5 V Mr. I am gon, f 1‘. ' Exits M 711 f. H ;.1 ' who dii’cm bes me. ? Montrevi/e? your pard,on5 Mmtr. Would you c0111 :1 grant one to your felfe.(I fpeake 1: With the affix ance of a friend) and yet Before It bet too 13.635 make reparation ' ‘5 ‘ Ofthe gmffe wrong, your md1fcrenon ofi‘eted ‘ ‘5 ' ‘ , Tim ufinammll Com 641*. 1 To the govemour and his fonne3 may to your felf'e, E or time begins my forrow. . leef. W ould I had no greater caufe to mourne ”111m thei1 difpleafiue, forI dare jufiifie . » Mam We mufi not doe all that; we dale private friend I obfervd your alterations With a firié’cer eye Perhaps then others and to 100G: 110 time In repetition, your firange dcmeamour 1 \To your fweet daughter. ' “ 0F. Malef. Would you could finde out fome other theame to treat Mom‘r. None but this; and this Ile dwell 0113 how 1 idiculous And {ubjeé’c to confirué’don. ? Mglx f No mOre. Mann . You made your 1e11e, amazes me,and if The 11 equeut trials enterchanged betweene us 0‘1 1016 ciud friendlhip, be to their deférc E izeem d by yougas they hold waight with 111gJ No 1111v3rd tro ubie {hould be ofa {hapc , So horrid to your feife,b11t that to me . You {tand bound to difcover 1t, and unlocke ‘1’ 0111 1cc1etfi thong 1:113 though the 111011 innocent We1e i owd crying finnes. 1 Melef. And ['0 perhaps they are. Andtherefbxe be not curious to leame that W hich knowmc muf’c make you hate me. " , Mann». Thinke not to I am yours in right and wrong nor {hall , A ve1 bail friendihip 111 me, but an a€tiVe, _ - you finde. And here I VOWDI {hall no {Boner know What the difeafe IS but if you gwe leave I will 21p 131y aremedy, is it madneHE? I am familiarly acquainted With a deepe read man That can With charmes aad hearbs Refiore you to your reafon, or flipp 01?: You are bewiteh d he with more potent fpels And magicall rites {hail cure you is t heavens augei? X? With penitence and {écrificc appeafe 11: Beyond this,there1's 110thing that I can H 3 imagine 7723 unnatural] Combat, _ * Imagine dreadfid], in your fame and fortunpsn You are fécure, your impious fonne removal to That rcndred you filfpeéted to the Rate, And your fairc dau hter. ' ’ Aidlefi Oh pre 6 mcno farthcr. ' , , Mowr. Are you wrung there? why What ofher ? bath the 7 Made {hi pwracke ofher honour, or confpird ‘ ‘ ' Agains'lr y our life ? or feald a'cont‘raa: With The divell or" hell, for‘ the recovery of her young Inamorato 2’ filalaf. None Of’thcfi, ‘ u ’ ,. x A mi yet what mufi increafi: the wonder in you Being Innocentin her {Elf}, {he‘hath wounded me, But where enquire nor. Yet I know not how I am perfWaded from my confidence ()5 your vowd love to me3 to trufi you with ‘ My dearefl (Ecreta pray you chide me for it, ' But With a kind ofpity, not infulting On my calamity. ‘ Mantra FOX‘WaI‘d. ' (fifalcj‘l This firm daughter. fld'ontre. What is her fault? 144/4147“. She is too fairs to me. JVIontre. Ha ! how is this ? 3 , Walgfifipd I‘ha‘zc I‘ookd upo‘xrher .» More than a father mould, and languflh to / Enjoy her asa husband, . ' Mantra. Heaven forbid it. , MaérfiAnd this is all the comfort youcan give me, Where are your promifd a ydsa your charmcs, your herbs ? Your dccpc read fchollcgfpels, and magickc rites? Can all thcfc difen’chaunt me ? no,r~I muff be My oWnc PhyfitianDand upon my fclfc Praé'ticc a dcl‘peratc cure. . Wantr. Doc not contemnc me, Injoync me What you plcafé With any haz‘zard, Ilc undertake itj what mcancs have you pra&ifd ' To quench this hcllfih fire? V The unnatural]! Cqm65£.,, Walefi'All I Could thinkc on, But; to no purpofe, and yet fometimes-abféuc: . Does yccld a kind: ofintermiflion to The fury of the fit. ~ ()Wontn See her no more them , . Wakfi Tis my lafl refuge, and tWas-my intcnc ' ' And (till. , tis, to dcfire your hclpe. ’ Montr. Command it. ‘ Malqfi Thus then3 you have a fort of which you are a ”fix The abfolute Lord, whither I pray you bcare her; And that the fi ht ofhcr may not againe Nourifh thofe ames, which I fccle fomcching l'cflénd, . By aH-the ties offricndfhip I conjure you \ ‘ ‘ And by a folcmne oath you mufl confirmc it, ' , That though my now calmd paflions thould rage higher _ Then ever heretofore, and {o compcll me Once more to with to {?:e her; thoughl ufi: . P'crfwafions mixd with threatnings ; nay adde to it That I this fayling fhould with hands held up thus Knecle at your feet, and bathe thcmvwith my teams, Prayers orcurfés, vowcs or imprccations Ouclyio looke upon her thoughat difiance, You {fill muff be obdurate. ~ {Manna If it be 7 ‘\ . Your pleafilrc fir that I than be unmov’d,l. will endeavour, » Ma/efi You muff {weare to be. ’ ’ IfiCXOrahle as you would prevent The greateft mifchicfc to your friend,that= fate Could throw upon him. ‘ Montr. Well, I will obey you. ' But how the governour will beanfifler’dget; ,And tis materiall, is n91 confidcred. ‘ Malef. Leave that tq ij. Ilc prcfiantly give order, How you {hall furpriz'e her, be notfrightcd with; Her cxclamations, : ‘ Mantr. Be you conflant to Your refolution I will not fails in ‘Tbe 4444:1414]! Camé4t1 Inwhat concemes my part. Madef. Be ever blcflitd for” to , 7 ‘ V ' Emflfi A&m quartz} 857619114 fecund4. Erzter Be4ufirrjm. [1244210121, 13440421“ 011442. Not to be {poke with ,fay you > Beam” 71472. No. L472. Nor you Admitted to have conference With her 7" Beaufijzm. Neith er. - His doores are faft lockd up, and folitude Dwels round about em no acc‘eflia allow’d To friend or enemy, but— ?_g' x [7mm Nay be not mov d 111‘, Let his paflion Workea and like a hoc rein 9‘d horfe ’TWill hickly the it felfe. 8m» 444.01% his death Which for her fake till now I have forbome I Will revenge the mjur‘y' he hath dOne 7 I * To my true and lawfulllove. - , . L44. How does your father The GovernOur relliih 1:. > Emuf 11m. Troth he never had Affe&ion to the match: yet in his p1tty To me, he’ s gone in perfon to his hon 12:, Nor will he be denideg and if he finde not Strong and faire reafons Mdléifort Will heare from him In a kinda he does not looke for Gimmln the meme time v » " ~_ 0: 1 - ., ‘ Pray you put on cheerefull lookes. ‘ 34141111444344 Bemfijm. Mine fuite my fortune. 1,472.0 beer 5 Mmmz'gm. Mom. I never could have met you Mo1eopp0111111eiy 116 not 112116 the iefi ‘Tbe unnaéturall=Combat.-r - By my relation : butif you will lookeou - \. " The malcconten: Belgarde, newly rigde up With the traiue that follows him; ’twill be. an objefit Worthy of your noting. ‘ ‘ Beaufijun. Locke you the Comed y x , ~ - Make good the Prologue, or the {come will dwell qun your 'felfc. , , a j Mont.'I’H hazard. that, Obf’c’rvc now ; ‘ . Wench“. Nay,Captaine ,’ glorious Caetaine : Enter Belgarde in a gallant 54“: 3 flay: at the dam with H; ‘ » 5 ' [word 4743’” 5 fiverallvojm within. Belg. Fall back: Rafialls, - . ‘ Doe you make an Owle ofmc? this day [will Receive no more Petitions, ‘ » ‘ ’ Here are bills of all occafiohs, and all fizcs}! If this be the plea'fure ofa rich {uitc5would I were Again: in my buff: jetkin, or myvarmour, Then I wglk’d ecurely by my creditorsnofis, . And not a dog mark’d ?me, every officer (hand, me,‘ , And not one lowzic prifbn would receive me; But now, a; the Ballad: {aych am turnd gallant : There dOiS not live that thin I ow a lbwfeto, ‘ 7 But does torment me, a_faith ull Cobler toldme With his awle in hisghandJ Was behind hand with him For farting me upright, and bad me looke to my {elt’m A Scmpflrcfl'e too, that traded but imfockes, Swore {he would (é: a Sexism: on my back: _ , For a bonowed l'hirt : my pay and the benevolence, The Governou; and the States befiow’d upon me, _ The cine cormorants, my monie-mongcrs, . V Have {wallow'd down: already, they were l'ummcs, > I gram; but that I lhould be finch a fool: ' : Aga‘infl my othe, being a calhlr’d Capcaine, To pay debts, though grown: up to one and twenty, Defervcs'more rcprch'cnfiunfinmy judggmgqg, .. l ;- r 7 1 _ - I Tbeammmmflfiméal. T hen 11 l‘hop—keeper, o: a Lawyer that lends money, , In a long dead vacation. , Mam. How do: you like His meditation. >1 Charm». Peace, let him proceed. , Belg. I cannot now goe on the flora for (harm, And where I 111.111 begin to pawnc, I marry, That 13 coufider d timely, I: paid for This traine ofyours Dame Eflridgc fouraeen crowné, . And yet it is {0 light, twill hardly paflE ' F or a Taverne reckoning, 111111426 11 be- To (11116 the charge ofpaynring, mild on a poll For the fignc of the feathers; pr. 3 upon the falluo 1, ~ That a Captain: cannot thinke himfelfe a Capcaine, , Ifhe weare no: this like 11 fore-horié , yet it is 1101: l ‘ Staple: commodity , thefi? are perfum'd too, ’ That like me have no dead pales3 1101 e111 couzen OF the Roman walk, and yet a {iale red herring Would fill the belly better and hurethc head lefl'e :- And this 15 Venice gold would I hadit againe 1 In french crownes iumy pOeket. 0 you commanfiezs The Commifliry at a mufier let 111: {land For an example :11 ybu, as you would Enjoy your priviledgese videlicet, To pay your dcbra, and take. your Iechcry gratis To have your 1111: warm d by others fires, To be often dxunkgand fweue, yet pay no forfeit, To the poore, but when you {hate With one another, W1th all your other choyce 1mmminea ‘ - 011er of this I (Etioufly idviié you. 1 ' , Let Courtiers trip like Courticrs, , Aad your Lords of dirt and dung hills mete Their woods 111111 acute, in vefvmgfims, 11113163 » . ~ , . B‘uc keepe youconllanc cociothand 1112111011. ~13 ‘ \ M‘orit. Have you hendoffileh a- peanut: homdy, " Be{g.[am_flu¢yinguow -._~ When: 1 1111.111 hide my 161%tiiil the 1111111111511 m“ 11* ="7m—v1" *1 ryw‘ """“’*72\ ii”? 11% ‘ 'be "\ :11" ‘Tbe unnatural! C 011154;. My wcalth’and braverie vanifl1,let me fée, _ Thercis a kind: of a vaulting houfc not farre‘ ofi' Where 11111 'd to fpend my afternooncs, among ‘ suburb {hce-gamefiers , and yet now I :hinkc on t I have crackd a ring or two there, which they made others to folder, 110. 7 Enter a Bud Md nu 1.chcb.0,hav_c we [pick yoo.-1vembu,witb ma chilling. , Bmd. Upon him Without ceremonic, news the time While hc1s in the paying veine. . . 2. Wench. Save you brave Captaine. ‘ (to him. Beaufijua. .S’ light how {he Hares,thcy arc worfc than flac-wolvcs Belg. Shame me no: in the firms, I Waswmmiug to you. , 1 Wm. 0 Sir, you may in publique Pay for the {idling You had 111 private. _ 2. We». We heare you are fullofcrownes, Sir. 1 Wm. And therefore knowing you are_ open-handcd, . Before all be deflroyd, I 1'1 put you in mind,si1-, , ’ Of your young heire here. 2. Wen. Here’ 8 a flacond, Sir, That 1001163 for a childs portion. Bawd. There are rcckonings For Muskadiacand Egs too, mufl bathoughc on. I . Wen.We have no: been: hafly, Sir. Baud. But Raid your leafhre - Bumow you ate ripe,and locfcn With fruit. ‘ 1 . 2. V10». T1: fit you {hould be puld; here 3 a boy,Si1', ‘ Pray you kifi'e him, tis your owne, Sir, I. Wexcb. Nay, bufl‘c this firfi, It hath Juli your eycs, and Inch :1 protmf' 11g 1109, That 11” the f gne deceive me not, in time Twill prove a notable firikerJikc his father. Belg. And yet you laid 11: to another. I. Wm. True, While you were poore, and' 1: was policy, But {he that has varietie offithcrs, And make: not choyce of him that can maintain: it, . 5 Nate Rudicd Ariflotle: Problems. 93* I 2 L». A r falaeiunnammliCombat. Lug. Afmart quganeat 2 - 5‘ ‘ . _ T Belg. Wh‘y braches yvill‘you 'whl—irry me E“ 2. Wm. No, but cafe you _ ‘ y 7 - ‘ » » 0f your golden bur:hen.thc beavie carriageway 7 ' . Mn» Bring you to a fwcacing fickneflh ' ‘ " wBelg. Very likely; I foamé all one alreadic. ' ' , I.Wm. Will you come offiSir 2" ~ ‘ Beg- Would I had ne’rc‘lcomc on : heart: me with patience:k 0r 1" will anger you. Goeto, y‘ou kuowme t ( Andadoe nor vs; 2 me Further :. bymy fins And your *difeatés, which are certainc trachea, Whatcreyou thinker, Lam n'Otmafler at This inflmt, ofa livrc. 2. Wm. What, andin Such a glorious mite ? » , ' Belg. The likén w’rcached'chings- ' 1 , To have no mony. ’ Band. You may pawnc' your cloxhegSir, I. Wen. W1" you {ée yOur ifluc fl-arvc ?% , ‘ 2.Ww. Or the matbers beg? ' ' 4, ' -_ 334g . Why,you unconfbiohabic flrumpctsjwould you have me? ' Transforme my ha: [0 double cloucs and biggies P « My corfclct to a cradle ? or my be}: , = To fwaddlébands? or tame my cloke [oyb-lankers ?* Or to fell my/(wor’d and {puts For {ope aridcand-ies"? Have you no mercy ? what a chargeable divcl-l We carry in on: breeches ? ~ Bnnfijun; Now. tis time To femh him off. ‘ b , ’ ~ Enter Beaufort: fen. Mm. Your father does is for as, ' Bard. The @ovcrneur ! Bhfilfifefi; .What areoheté 2r I.Wm. And it like your Lcrdflaip, * Vs my poore fpinflers, , v - Qawd. [am his Nurfe and Landrefles . ‘ ‘ ' ‘ , . > “I \ Belg} YORK 71931111114114le ’iComéat , Belg You have mm d and landcr’ d me;l1ell take you for' 1:. Vanith. (72am. D 1:, doc, and caike With him hereafter. 1 1. We». Tis our bet} courfc ‘ 1 2. Wm We ll find a time :0 11: h m. Exit Bawdamd Beémf. fin. Why, 111 this heat ,Bel‘garde Wham. Balg. You afe the caufi: of c. ‘ \ ' Beauf. fen. VVho,‘1r » ' Belg Yes, your -pied11ve1ie, and your gold Dramuhcfi' vcxations 011 Imee, pray you 9111p me Awd let me be 2151 Was. - Iwill not lofe The plcafures and the fredome which! had , In my certaine povertie; for all the Wealth Fair: France 15 proud of. ? ' Beauf. fen. Wee ac bate: leaflnav Will lcame the caufc of ch11. Beaafijum What apfwer, S 1’, From the Admiral]. 3. Beaufifin. None, his daughteris remov’d To the fort ofMomrwile, and he himfclfe In perfim fled, but where 1s not dif'covn" d I could tell you wondexs, but the time denies mee Fit libmie. In a word let 1: fufice The power of our great 1n11fler 1s contemn ’,d The {acred lawcs of Godand man prophan’d, . And 11' I (is downe with this mjury, I am unvvorthy of my place, and thou . Of my acknOwlcdgement. ' draw up all the troopes, . As I goe, 111171“ 1111111161” you to What purpofe. Such as have power to pun1fl1,and yet {parka F 10111 feare or from eqnnivence, others'l 1 Though not in 1181 affifi them 111 their will; ’ ' VEix‘mm‘ 151‘]; V @1811: ' b \ 772 dnhatdleComht. ’ ' 918m quinti Seem: prima. J - ’ Moétrevile, Tbeocrvz'ézegfirvantr.’ ‘ M o H T n a v I L a. ’ V . B [nde them,a‘nd gag their mouchcs {urq I alone Will be you? convoy. . ' . a '1. Wow. Madam, : 2. WomDearcfl Lady, Pug. Let me fight for my Miflrcfl‘e. Sara. Tis in vainc, . ' LittlcCockercll ,ofthe kinda. ; Month. Away with them, And doe as I command you, . » Thaw. Mamrew‘le Exam: Sewn”: Page, You are my fathers frieudmay, more a {buldier ' Women. And if a right one,as I hope to find you, * ‘ Though in a lawful! war you had fuxpriz’d _ A Citie, chat bowd humbly to your plcafure, In honour you Rand bound {0 guard a virgin From violence; but in a free eflate Of which you are a limb, to doe a wrong Which noble enemies never conform to Is filCh an infolcnce. ‘ , Mow. How her heart beat: I _. Muchlikea Partridge in a Sparhawkcs foot, That With a panting filcncc doeslamcnc The face {he cannotflie from ! fwcet,take comfort, You are life, and nething is intended to you But love and fervicc. , . Timer. They came never cloth’d In forcc,and outrage, upon what aflurance (Remembring Only that my father lives) Who will not tamely Me: the difgrace. H . ‘ , ave \’/ The unnaturalié‘oméat; Have you prefinn’d to hurry me from his houfi‘. \ And as lwcre not worth the waiting on, , ’ To {match me from the dnty,_and attendance OF my poor; fcrvancs. Mann. Bet no: that afiia you. ‘ You fha’ll not want obfervancc, I willbe Your Page, your Woman; Pargfite or' F 001:, ‘ , Or any ocher? property, ' provided x You anfwer my affeaion. ' ‘Tbeocr. In what kind? ' ~ ' Mam. As you had done young Buufirt:.‘ Tbucr. How? . Montr. So Lady, , _ ' Or, if the name ofwifc appeare a yoke ‘ Too heavie for your tender necke, fo I _ Enjoy you as a private friend, or. miflrcflé,‘ \Tw'il be fuflicicnt. ‘- ' 'V Tbeacr. ‘Blefl‘ed Angels guard me ' - -' .. What frontlcflé impudcncc is this ? What dive]! ‘ ’ Hath to thy certain: ruin: tempted the: To offer me this morion P by my hopes Giaftcr §oyes3 fubmiflion, norvxepentancc Shall expiatechis foulcintenc. ' “7 Mom. Intent .? Tia more, I’ll make it a& Them. Ribald, thou darefl not, And if (and with afeaver to thy fault): ‘ Thoubutconfiderthatl have a father ' And fuch a father, as whcnthis arrives at His knowledge, as it (hall, the tcrrour of . His vengeance, which as far: as fate mufl follow; Will make thee curf'e the houte in which lufi taught thee To nourifh th‘cfe bare hopes, and ti: my wonder : _ j 7‘, Thou darefi forget how tender he is ofmce ' And that each (hadow of wrong done to me Will raifc in him a gempefl not to bé ' ‘ , , But with thy heart-bhwd «lm’dnhi! when 1?: ?’?va Mr. M T/Je'unnatumli Comban , Monty. As thou {halt ncver; ' - . ~ ‘ Them. Wilt thou murtber‘me? ~i~ v ‘ . , Monw No,‘ no, rigotherwifc determin’d, {001e, _' The maflcr'whsch in paflion kills his Have That may be ufefull to him, down hjmlélfe , The injurii: Know thou mofl wretched creaturf‘,‘ fl ' That father thou prefum’fl agon,.thar father, ‘ ' , ’ _, That when I fought thee in a noble way, , Dcny’d thee to me, fancyfingin his hep: , _ A higher match from his exccflfcofdocagei ‘ Hth in his bowels kindlcd fuch a flame Ofimpious mofl unnatural! lufi, Thar now he fearcs his furioas dcfires, May force him to doc that he'lharkesto think'e ona Tbeocr. O m: mofl wretchcd. Momr. Never hep: «again: » , ’ To blafl h‘m with there eyes, their golden beameé Arc unto him arrowes ofdeath and hell, : Bu: unto me divine artillery; - And therefore fince what I {0 long in vain: Purfu’d, isofi'erd to inc, and by him Given up :0 my pofléflion: doe norflattcr ' . Thy felf‘e with an imaginary hepc, Bufthat I’ll take occafiou by the forclock. And'makc ufc of my fortune; as we Walk: I’ll tell the more. ‘ Timer. I will not fiirrc. V ‘ Mm". I’ll force thee : Tbeacr. Hclpe, helpc, Mum. In vaine, Tbcacr. In met: my brothers blood 13 punifh’d at'the height. ' Mantr. The Coach then. Timer. Dcare Sir“, _ Mam.“ares,curfés,praycrs,are alike to mea Icao, and-mufl enjay my prefect plcafure, . , _ _ , And {hall takertin’ae to mourn: for ice: lcafhre. ’ ' i ‘53:; Q72: unnaturalIComéat.” , \«Aém quinti; Smudficundg. \ y 5 71M} Walefartfilm. 2 , Malefi I have playd the Foolea thegrofle £9016; ‘0 he’Hc'vc The bofome ofa ‘_ friend Will hold tfécfet, .« ‘ 'v { Mine owne could not containea and m'y'iridufiry " \ In taking liberty from myinncieent daughter, ' : ' ’ ‘ Out offalfe hopes offreedome. to my felfe‘; . I Is in the little help: it yeclds meD punifh’d. ’ ; ' f » Shee’s abfent, but I have her figure here, ‘ ‘ And every grace, and rarity about her3 Are by the pencill of my memory . , . , e . In living celours paynted on my heart. '* .1? ' " ' My fires too,a {hort interim clond up _ ‘ Breake out with greater fury. «Why. was I Since’twas my fate, and not to be declin’d ' In this [0 tender confciencd ? fay I‘had Injoyd What I defir’d, What had it beene But incefi? and there’s fomethinghere that telsme ‘ I fiand accom table for greater {innesg I never check at: neither had the crime Wanted a prxfident. I haveread, in Rory Thofe fir'fi great Heroes that for their brave deed W ere in the Worlds firfl infa ncie fiil’d gods, r Freely en‘joyd what I deny my Elfe. ' ” Old Sflmme in the golden age embraced His fifier 0p; and in the flame degree \ The thunderer ?mm, Neptune, fl‘bem, and By their example after the firfi deluge , Deucalion Pirrhx. Univerfall nature? , As every day tis evidentallovves it To creatures of all kinds. The gailant hOrle Covers the Mare to which he Was; theiineg. . The birdwith fertilefeed gives new encreafe J , - “ 3;. T&mnmmtgfl Cawéai. g To her that hatchd him. Why would envious man them Brandshat cl‘ofe 38¢ Which aids proximity ,1 To whats mofi near: him, with the abhorkedt'ide ' Ot‘incefl ? or- our fate: lawes forbid What by the firfi was gzanced'z'let 01d men That are not capeable ofthefé delights And tbkmnc [uperflitiqm fooles ’prcféribc - Rulesrorhemiélvcs, I will not curbé my Freedom» Bu: confiantly go 00,123!!! thia afiilrancc, ' I but walk: in a path whichgtcmr men; 1 ‘. a ., Have trod before me. ha: this'is theferr, . -‘ w " ‘ ‘ Open the gate. Within there. _ , " 3 Enmm'Sbuldim! 1 Sould; With your pardon ‘ wit/J Mmlgm, We muff forbid yourentrance. . ' 4 Mal. Doe youknow me E 2 Soul. Pctfcaly my Lord. - » ' ' M4 . I amthisCaptaines friendi > . V I Sauld. I: may be {0,131}: till We know his‘r-plea {fire You mufl excufc us. ‘ ‘ ¥ 2 Sanld. ch’l a_cq uaintbim With Your waiting here. » . « - 4 Mom. W’aizingvfléve, he was-evcr- / By. me commanded; I Sould. As we areby him. _ ‘ '~ ‘ V Mann. So punétuall, pray. you then inmy name inmat- ‘His prefence. _ 1;: ‘ _ , ‘ ‘ 1 . T 2 Son“. That we {hallrdoa . Exam: Smidiem, Mal. i mufl uf'c ' ' " M " Some mange pcrfwafionsrto work: him-to Deliver her, and to forget her vows, , And horrid oath; [in my'madnefl‘bmadehimS, ‘ Take to the contrary, and may 1‘ get thoE ' Once more inmy poifeflion, Izwill beat: her Into fome clofé cave, or delcn) where weg’kcnd ' Our lufls and lives together. ‘ ‘ E 7;: ar (24ka dndfimldim. . Mama. Fail: not, pa; ~ ‘ * - ‘ ' ‘ ” ' ‘ The my .,/,,/ 1Tb: whammy Camédt.‘ Theforfe‘itofybur'livesto execute , - r ‘7‘ WhacIcommandcd. 7 - ’ :3 , Mal. Momrwik,»hbwisj’t friend? Wong] amgladto‘fee you wear: fmhehéufiallloojcgg, : ,, The Worlds well altred. MI. chI thank: my flan- But me thinks thou art uoubled. Mont. Some light'crofi'c, But of no moment. ‘ _. Mal. So I hope, beware f " ’ " effid and impioul thoughtgycu know how far‘ They wrought 0n me. - , Mom. N ofilch come :neere me fir. ' I have like you no daughterfind much with You never had been cars'd with one; ‘ MmWhoI? ' " Thou art dcceiv'dJ am mofl happy in her. Mont. I am glad to bear: it. Mal. My incefluous fires _ Tow-ards‘ her are quite bum: outJ love hcmow As a father, and no further; . Mom. Fix there then Your confiant peace, and do: not try a {econd Temptation from her. , j ‘ Mal. Yes friend though (lice m: By millions of degrees more excellent _ In her perfeaious, Nay though {He could borrow Afarme Angelica-ll to take my fraylty It would no: doe, and therefore Mmmw'le ' (My chief: delight nexc her '1 I c‘omctotcll thee / The governour and I are reconcil’d, ' " ' And I confirm’d, and with all poflible fpeed To make large "fitisfaaion to young Beaufort, And her whom I have {6 much wiong‘d, and for thy trouble in her cuflody, of which ‘ Ile now diféharge chamber: is nothing in My nerves 0; fortunes, but {hall ever be u " W K 2 AL; The mMuralInGaméatg ‘ P&rthy devotion. - '; ‘ ‘ v “ -; ' L/"l/Z'omr. You promifc faintly, Nor doubt Ithc performance, yet I Would not: Hereafterbcxeportedgtoihave beene 7 V The principalloccafion of your falling. . ; : 7 3 1 Into a rclgaps, or but fuppoléout of V ‘ The eafinefl‘e of my nature, and afliu‘anoe. You are firme,and can. hold out} could confinf: ': You needs mufl know there are 1?) many lets 6 That make againfl is, that ityis my wonder - ' \ You ofier me themotion5 lmVing bound me. With oathes and imprccations on no termcs, ' Rea {onspr argumentsj you could propo Cc: f, [ever fhould admit you towhgcpfibty. ,' - Muchlcfl}. rsfiorc her to you“ , E V V 4“ . Mala Are we {buldiergwnd fland on othes 2-: : Lfl/Iontr. Tis beyondmy knowledge ‘ -' . In what we are more Worthygthenjn keeping Our wbrds,.much more our vowcs... wtfalef. Hcavempardou all3 K. , , ., . How many thouflmds‘in our heats ofwinefi @arrcls audpla f , and in our younger dafesé (In private, I may fiy).b§twc§11¢,0ur {elves ,, In points oflov'ea have we toanfwcr fez); _ Should we be fcru’pulous thagway. , =5} :‘ ., U'l/[onm You fay well, , Q ~ » And very aptly caIl to mem ory _ " . Two oathes againfi all tics and rites offriendfhip Broken by you to meg; =. ‘ Mglcf. No more Ofthat, , _ ; L: , . M=7flt7.YCS tis matéx‘iallg and t0 the purpbfeé " The firMand think ugan’t)was When Ibrought yow As a vifitant to my m‘ivflreflé then,the mother, ‘ Ofthis fame daughtergwhum with dxegdfilllsWOirds . T03 hideous to rcmm‘nbéx‘fi'ouszmc dcgpejly; ' For my fake never to ammpt, yea then; ' ‘ 'lfgbczn,J Winn you had a (wag: WEE: pfyour- OWDC, I‘know ‘ 7729 unnatural! Combs.“ i know not with what arts,’p11i1tre§, and charmes, (Unlefl'e in wealth and fame you were above me) You won her from me,and’her grant obtain’d, A marriage with the‘ fccond wayted on ,_ The buriall of the firft (that to the world' » , Brought your dead fan) this I‘fat'c tamcIy d'oWu by, " Wanting indeed occafion and power ‘ To be at the height rcvenged‘. " Malgf. Yet this you fécm’d Freely to pardon. .4. Mmr. As perhaps I did. Your daughter Tkeocrim growing ripe, \ (Her mother too deceas’d)aud fit for marriage I Was a fuitor for her, hadiyouvrword’ ‘ Upon your honour, and 'our friendfhip made Authenticall, and ratified'wit'h an oath, ' , Shee fhould be mine; butvowcs with you being like "“ To your religion, :1 nofe" of Wax . To be tum’d eVery way, thét‘very day V The governours {onne but makiuglliis approaches ‘ OfCOtii‘tfhip to her, the winde of your ambition For her advancement fcatter’d the thin find In which you wrot your fuil confent to me, And drew you to his party. What hath pas’d'fince» You beare a regii’cer in your Gurnebofomc ' I That can at large'iuforme you. ' e 5 M (Malefi Montre'yile I doe confefle all that you charge-me With To be fitong truth: and that I bring a cauf‘ev’ Mofi miférably guiltyD and acknowledge That though your goodnefle made me mine own: judge; I {hould not thew the leafl compafiio-u, ' * Or mercy to my felfe. 0 let not yet My foulenefie taint your purenefle, 0r myifalfhood- . Divert the torrentzofyour'loyall faith. ’ My ills, if not return’d by you, Will adde Iiufirc toyour much good, and to Grecome ' K 3 ' 773:: unnatural! Coméat. With noble l‘uffcrancc will exprefl'e your firength, A-ld cgiumph ore my weakeneflé. IF you plcalé to My bl cke deeds being oncly knowne to you, And in {urrendring up my dau hccr buried : “You no: alone make me you: ‘ ave(for1 At no part doaxdcfcrvc the name of friend) But in your owh; brcfl rail‘e a’monumenr ’ ( )fpicty to a wreich on whom with jufiicc ‘ You may exprefl'c all cruelty. M mLYou much move me. . Mal.0 that I could but hope it,to revenge. An injurie is proper to the wilhes _ Of feeble women, that want flrcngth to aft it 2 But to have power to punilh, and ye: pardon Pcculiar to Princes, fee thefe knees, That have been: ever [life to bear! to heavm To you are mpple, Is there ought beyond this That may fpezkc mylilbmilfion? orcau pride (Though I well know it. is a flranger to you) 'Dcfii'e a feafl of: mogc humility ’ < To kill her growing appetite? . ' Mam. I rcquir’d not , > - To be {ought to this poor: way, ye: tis to far A kind of lirisfa&ion that I will Difpcnce a lime With thali- [Etious oaths _ You made me take, your daughter lhall come to you, I will not fly as you dclivcrd her, ' But as [he is you ma y dilpofi of hot As you {hall thinke mofi requificc. 8x}: Mentreyile , Mal. His lat! words are riddles, to me} . Here the lyons fbr’cc , . - Would have prov’d ufcflefl'c and againfi my nature @ompcld me from the Crocodile to borrow “ , Her counterfeit scares, that's now no turning backward, May I but quench chef}: fircs that rage within me; n. fiwm um]; And fall wbac can‘ fall,I am arm'd to bear: it, gififzzmbfi'zfi'; 280 uld. Yon mufl be packing. , difiwdd. ‘ 717:0. TIM unn‘ammd 62302542. 7‘ Theo. Hath he-tob’d me Of Mine honour, and denies me now a room: . To hide my (hams? - 2 Soxld. My'fio‘tgi the Admits” Attends our La i 'i .~ ‘ ‘2 . ' 4 ‘ 1 Saab. c.lofe the gortgnélcave cm. Exeflufvuldim. ‘ Mal. Hit! who is this? baw‘altet’d !' how #50!!!“ l t, 7 g I: came: be. Andth this crctture has A kind: of a refembtance to my daughter, My Tbmrim 1 but as different Frbm that {he was, as bodies deadarc in, . , - Their befi perfcétions, from what they were , W hen they had life and motion. ' T/Jea. Tis mofi true fir, " I am dead indeed to all but mifcry. _ 0 came not mere me fir, Izaminfcfiioug To Iooke on me at d-if’tancc is as dangerous As from d pinacles cIoud-kiflit-Ig (pita, With giddy eyés’ to flew- the flcepe dcfcenc But to acknowledge me a certain: mine. 0 fit. ' Mal. Speak: Thtocrim, force menu: To farther qne flion, my fem: already Have chok’d my vitall limits. Thea. Pray you turn: away Your face and hear: mc,and with my Ialt btcath Give me leave to accufc you. What Ofiince' _ From my fitfl infancie did I commit That for a punifhment yOu lhould give up My Virgin chaflity to the trcéhcrous guard OfGoatifh Maatrem‘le ? ‘ Mal. What hath he done ? ' V ‘ T1160. Abus’d me fir by violence, and this to'l’d‘ I came: live to fpeake more: may the caufi: In you fiadc pardon, but the {peeding surf: Of a tavifh’d maid fall heavie, hca-vieou him, ‘ Beaxfar: my lawfull one,fatcwefl for "en. L ' Sb: dim — ’ ’ ‘ MIL The mzmmmll’Coméat. WlalqfiTake n9: th‘y flight fo {cone immaculate fpiric. » Tis fled already,how the: innocent v ~ , As in a gentle {lumber palTe aWay, But to cut ofl" the knottyrthred of "Iife - ' In guilty memmufi force flemc Atropo: To ufi: hérfharpe knife often; I would helpe T he edge Others With the’lharpepoint ofmin'e , ' But that I dare not die3 till I have rent .3 ' V This dogs heart eecemeale. G that '1 had‘wings To {Cale thefe Wa 135 or that my hands wete Canons ‘ To bore their flincy fidesfihacel’mightvbrin'g 3' “ .The villaine in the reachof my goodfword, The Turkifh Empire ofl‘er’d For his ranfiime Should not redeeme his life. 0 that in voice 'Were loud as thander and with ham founds Might force a dreadfilll Rafihge to «his cares, And through them reach his fbulefiibidinousmonfler Foule ravifher', as thou durfi doe a deed Which forc’d the Sun to-hide his glmious face . Behinde a fable Mafque of clouds appeare3 ‘ And as a man defend itJ or like me ‘Shew fome compunrfiion for it. , ' ' ' ' ’ . Mnmrwilc above the (arming, fmfigméy drawn; Montr. Ha,ha,ha; « z , ' 2 (Maqu. Is this an objeé’t to raifé mirth 2' _ .z’l/Iantr. Yes, yes; i g- ». ; ,"r > ‘ f . —' " fifalcfiMy daughterkt deéd§':.,p f . ' ‘ ' Alon. Thou hadfi bePc followher,’ » 'Or ifthou art the thing then art: rcportc 3!, “ ' Thou fhouli’c have led the; way; Doeteare thy haire iike a village nurfcgand mourn While I laugh atthee. ‘ [Be but a jui’c examifi‘erv‘ofthy {élfe 4‘ a " ‘ And in :in squall bhflame poife thenothing Or little mifchiefel haye dime cnmpnrd , ~ . . 'With the ponderous Weigh: 0f.‘_thine,-and how can’fi thou « Accufe or argue with ”.153? n‘lixle-Wa‘s-Qrape . Er Ami fhe-heing in a kin'devcmlgmé’sed_ mange, , I The 4": ‘27}? unnatural! Coméast a . . Th: F38: may challenge lbmc'qualifitation : But thy intent madg natures fella run backward, And done , had 'cws'd an car.th-quak=.' 1 . Sold. Captains. ‘ ‘ ‘ Mann. Ha, ' . ‘ \ 2. Sold; Out outworkes arc filrptlz' , the ccnt’mcll flainc, Tbc'corps du garde dcffartd too. , _ , Moan. By whom 1' " , / l 1. Sold. The (udder) flame and darkncflé 66th night ‘ ' F ozbids the' knowledge, make up {peedily, \ \ Or all is loll. . . . Mom. lathe divels mangwhence come; this ! They defcemfl Mal. Doc, doe, rage on, rend aspen‘ZEolu's ' Thy brazen prifon, and let loofe at once ' Aflommi » Thy fiormy iffuc bluflting Boreas, ' ‘ Aided with all th: gales, the Pilot numbers ‘ Upon his’compafl'e, cannot raife a tempefl /, Thmugh the va& region of the aytg‘like that I feel: Within me : for I am polfiff’d With whirle-winds, and each guilty thought to me .is A dreadful! Hurricane; though this centre V ' Labour to bring Forth carthquake, and bell open Her wide firctch’djawes, and let out all her furics, They cannot adde an atome t0 the mountaine 0f fearcs and terrors that each minate threaten I0 {311 on my acéurfcd head. Ha, is’t fancic? Jfigidz‘ar - ,; aboveo 7 Enter the Glaofi ofyokng Malefort,’ naked fiat)- tbq mfis fufl afwouadr, leading in theflaadow of a Ladie, her face Ieprcm. ' 0r hathhell heard me, and mikes proofc if! Dare {land the tryall? yes, I doc, and now I view thefc apparition: I feelc, , I once did know the lubflanccs. For what come you 3' At: your aeriall formcs depriv’d of’languagc, And lo dggi’d :9 tell me 2 that by figacs - ' . L . , “.A , . , ,4. h; , _v-‘.’:bv}-vk¥j:» av. 1'. —‘——"’;‘,-« Mgr ',.;‘;Av~'1‘4‘§‘:?ffd ’, 3-?! 31‘" *5 é“? '5 , K _ The. unngmmll Cbmbat.» u , Ybu bid the askehere ofmy {clfc ? tis fo.‘ T6: (jbojfiufifem‘ , And there is (Enriching here makes anfwe‘: For’you. rallgeflm'mi. You come to launce my (Ear’d up confcicnce P Yea. And to Enflrufime, that chofe thunderbolts, / That h‘ml’d. me headlong from the height ofgloty, ' , Wealth, h'onoursaworldly happineflémezc forgch Upon theanvilc of my impiousWrongs . And cruclcy to you? I dec confefl'c it; And that m'y lufi compelling me to make way“ F or a {econd wife, I poi’f'on’d thee, and that The canfe (whichto the world is undifcovcr’d) That form’d the: to {bake offthy filiall Jury 7 To mec thy father,had it’s {pring and {outfl- 7 From thy impaticnce to know thy,’ mother, ThatWiIbflllduty, and obedience fery’d me (For now With horrorI acknowledgeit)‘ ‘ ’ ~ Anfzzzer’d 11111.5} flggfl. , Remov’dunjufiiy : yet thou being my (brine, , Werc’c nor a competent jd’dge muk'd out by heaven”. Far her revengeg, which thy fallingby ‘ _ My weaker hand cgnfirm’d.‘ Tis granted by thee. Can any penance rxpiate my guilt? ’ . Or can repemmcc five me? zheyare vaniflx’d. : Exam: Gleafli. _ What’s left :0 doc'thcn? I' 11 zccufé‘ my fate . ‘ ‘ That did not Fafhion me for‘ noble: ufes Or if thofé Prams crofl‘e to me in my birth, Had not déni’d their profiéerous iaflacncc to it With peace pfconfcience like to innocent men, ‘ I'migh: have ceas’d to be, and no: as now, ‘ _ . Io, turf: my caufe of being, Ho’: [@1171 with a flajbof lightning. , ' Enter Belggrde witbfoaldim; . . Belg. Hereisanighc ’ f - , ‘ , K, .7 To fcafon my lees. Buflé-jetkin, ndfirl m-iflé thee; . ., ‘ , Thou hafl endur’d many foule nights, bu: never One like to this; how fine my feather looks now! Jufl like a Capons tail: flolm‘: out of the pen ‘T/ae‘ unnatural! C’améat.~ 'And hid in the fiakc, and yet"; had beenc difhonour _ To have charg’d me without it, wilt thou never ccafe’. Is the petarde, as I gave direfiions, faflen’d ' 'On' the portculIis? “ ‘ ‘ __ ' * Anot/JtrSold. Ithath becne attempted By divers,bu§t in vainc. - _ / ' Beg, Thcfc are your gallants, . V “ That a: a'feafl take the firfi place, poorer}; Hardly‘allow’d tofollow; marry in ' .Thefe foolifh bnfineflEs they are content That I {hall have prcccdcncc, I much thank: Theirmmncrs, or their fea‘rc ; {écond me Souldiers, They have had no time to undermine, or if They havefic is bldwing up, and fctchin ‘ A caper; oréwo in the ayre, < and I will doe :5 Bath r :bcnbio‘w my nailcs here, Sold. Obrave Captaine ! V‘ " ' ' ‘ Exeflnh , , An alamm, mi}? awlbgu withinD aflouri/b. Ealer Beaufortfinior} Bemfirtjunivr : Mantagm .' Chant}!!! .' ' Lammr : Belgarde : Momrwile : Souldinl. - ‘ ' Montf. Rackes cannqt force more from me thcn I have Ali'eady told you. I expefi no'fiVour,. I have cafl up my accompt. Beauffin. Take you the charge ‘ Ofche fort, .Bdgarde, your dangers have deferv’d it. Belg. I thank: your excellence, this will kee c we faf'c yet From being pull’d by the flcevc, and bid remem er The thing I wot 0E ’ ‘ Beaufjnn. All that have eyes to weeps}. ; Spare one rear: with me. Theaorine’: dead, ' ' Moran. Her father too lies breathleflé here, I thinke; ‘ ‘ Strucke dead with thunder. » ’ Chem. ’Tis apparent : how , His carkafe flnellm \ 779;: unnatural! Comédt. Len. Hisface is alcgr’d :9 Another colom'. Beauf. jun. But here's one re—taines Her native innocence, that nevex yet Call’d down: heavensangcr. 4 ' Beau]. [em T15 in vaiud to momma For whats pafl 12:] pe. We will refer bad man ‘ Your feht’cnce t0 the King : may we make ufé of This great example, and learn: from it, that ' There cannot be a want ofpower abovo To puuifh mugchcr, and unlawfull love, ’ £35m mutt; 1‘71le fmprz‘matur. _ ' THO. VV‘Masr;~ IA N. 21. I658.