I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 z 3.951931%} 1a,.Vxxllllllrl, _ (5| . .1. ii: 7. I: . , , n ;.i).):,{ii 313.3 .Izllvlillillsixysillllliallu n . I. . ,.7:Jr¢ts_xal||iil:lllll1fl.l.lllul.\n!l?ln£i .; Kw.» 31;? _.,,_., ‘WVNH A ...__._v __ A _ ., ,_ Sa,tiro4..ma{11>e; C R ' T1519 vntmfling of the Hume» mus Poet . J! it ball) 12in prefentea’ Paélzkeg, '“ by t11eRiOht Honorable, the Lord Charm iv . j _ 1 bcxlamehis Scruants, and priuately,bythe ‘ Chfldmnofpaules ” w, u;— w. N, “WW 1" . ,1 1‘ , , v ‘ , >-. L , L wk: , 1 i “Wf'i”“*‘" "if" 115w By ThomasDekkefii/V - ,, 2V 0;: recite enigma»? m'fi Amicis iiqjcofiusa W-mwrwm i, _ W , “WW-” 1 W» i i " 1;. t“ 11;“: - ’ WT? ‘ ” " m 21w- . , .1 1.. v \, ‘- V "l1 ‘r 14’ , ,2} ' LONDON . ’ .-f?5;;:1'1ntcd for Edward VVbite 3 ahd are :0 bag ”foldc at his fllopmcerc the little North dome ofPau'iies g 1 i 5 7 H Church, :1: 1b: figne of1h§ Gun. 1 602 _ n I @mmatiypezy’ém; I; William Rufus. 2.. Sir \Nalte Terlill. , . 3. Sir Recs 3P Vaughan; \ * ‘4. azqgimilian Shonhofe.‘ l\, '5. Sir Adam Frickshalt. 3“» ' 6. Blunt. W4 , l 7. Crifpinus. ‘ _ Q 8. Demetrius Fannlu'si 2 MM. 9. Tucca. . xo. Horace. r ,fl 1!. AfiniUS Bugle, fig «l 645/” .Jz. Peter Hash, if; :3. Cxlelline. l 7 x4. Milhis Minlucri l 15. Ladies.‘ ’ S, Aii Detmfiorczfi: 1 _ [Noflpamin Wag,“ {fian- gl/nm mail; W : pie egoqamm afar: .w—v- QM #011747”ka Jag : '57“: liabcfl‘q an: M1; momma; 5756;15de @112? E Kt§we 0%; , mm P "g; gs ‘Q‘n‘m‘v‘ « ..~_ “3‘“, 1-. 5c!» m‘bfiflgwsi) mn- wqungflyj h _ I To the VVér/tfl s , p; ,n Odd, 7W1: oneet'ejblu‘dto hee round with the: I hectafflkflow ti: thjfizjhion to hee round with; g .— eotery hodie : but the Wmdcflzifiting his point, the , 4- Veine totm’d .- yet heath/e thou wiltfi't as Yttdge ‘ A; of all matters ( thanghfor thy [ahootr thott weary? " Midafl‘cs tore: , and 4" M onflrum hon-en- dumfinformc: lngens cui lumen adcmptum whofi great Po.» liphcmian eye is put out) ? core not much if! makedeflrtptiofl haw fare thy Vniuex‘félity) aflhdt terrible Poetomachis , lately coma menc‘d hetweene Horace the lbcond , and a hand ofleene-wittcd Poetaflers. The] hm: hm At high Worden andfl; high , that the ground could aotfeme them, hut(fi2r want ofChoPins) hauefl'al’lfit we?» Stdges. _ Horace hel‘d bi: Poetaflcrs to the-Ewe , the Poctaflcrs wen two/I’d Horace: haw Wortht'l} eyther,or how Wrongfully,(World} fewest tot/7671013 : Horacc(queflionles) made htmfi/fe heleottqF that hit Burgonian wit might dcfieratel} challenge all common 2 end that none duff} take *up the fofles agdinfl' him: It’s [skeiyif [16' had notfo helem’d,he had not hihfi) deceitt'd ,fltr hoe Wot anfiwr’ci at ht: owne Weapon .- And ifhefore Apollo himfilfq who 2': Com-. naror Poetarum)dn Inquifitionjbould he taken touching thss [ha mmmh/e merry murdering of Innocent Teeny : all mount Hclicon A3 M Lark's; ~r A 1'.‘ “MW‘ gm ' :3; 45m). A- at. aw.“ . ‘— firsts-(algal 4' Td th 8 Warm; n Bun-311711}; Wfli‘él’f lssfmml 0?: tbs Poets-1H crsfia’r Sc dcfimfin.) do; Notwitlajflzzdflgg the Daflors thwkc atbcm‘g‘fe . I wee/e one, mm! 19.9 rrmi'esfull Ems #5 me with Lés Satire: bernes,for than): 1m. trafiing Horacef dm! owl}! whip Ink-firmly”, and candi/iarz of lzfi” where we more m We Reprchenfion bad km of bix mindes Dc. formitie,wl:o;}gmztim 1/12}; Criticafl Lynx bad with as narrow cyc;,ab/cm’a’ in /simfclfe,4s it alt/1 lmle [pom 71pm when, with“: 2’1 dsfpu’amm Horace Would not [04m left Horace out of Eucry man in’s vaour. Hixfiprtwe: ? why does not lie tam that am. {y 1;: when? Read Im Arraigncmcnc and fee. Aftmzd 04mg. maun‘mnze mmrsgnd calla 771634779”, htcmfc m y (mm/es can/d 5:234ng tla no ma Stigmatickc tlmn Tucca , whamc Horace bad pm to malgz'n‘cgmd (99502 to my band : but I Wanda What Ian. judge Tucca wwld lame [110ka bone/1‘ Capra” Hannam lmd km 490- m wlr’bom a tongue? 7fl no! a: lawfull tlgm f0; mm to imirdte Housman Horac’eHannam? ‘Befidesflf/ baa/made art oppoj; rum 1; 1‘ my other new-mint rdfcllow,(ofwbm Tfl/é we? ) be: [244 km Muflzc’dflwd out-1119M by a learledfirmn apps olmmn: m}; tber wait mac/2 zmp'r oper tofu (latjame dag «ppm Hoiacc, Wham. Horace lidfilfe: 10 worri: orb. r5. 1 could loam (0mm with the fiazkn ofmyvpmmvépe , fit“ ath ,«g. dsculam‘impzstatims; 10mm) 12-. {Ma} fa mm)" mm] ,5,” / ugh flit/2m wad) rimsmmb Ipro-vfl (47.1513/er {a} she d.mmfl part aflme Fag/feylaaulznmlame? fl) (Emma of my: 7 algal/173:3 may [we and 1 know lune lune bin (OHM? ’.:z m (h 5:: kg ) Jae) 4:39er {Vuw‘ mrlpnmg le led/l dig race w 41/? mun, 5m 0”,?) in 9,4;- WW F0“ race; nay/her [lmuld thtsglxfl q/‘ "I “4:3ij BM. k, “U? will 49W“ {I’m/es (‘bmc/xn-v rd. but that has \‘A 45 m. 2,21 71.1207.) PM! )5), ,. cw: Exercifmes. World, if 2!?)- H u gc fies m [1,, [5 W (Inc; 65,1, ,/ ”0,? $0; a nonfor7clcd1cme my 900k"7*5'7101IT’1'CI‘CEIUCS , gm m (be Cxcatncsofthy {comgg ’Dcfymg Mach/mm; mad Dr! Deg, I I I 7 l ” fiééfigna W ~ ~ , Tothc World. '. em” 9m "7' 55‘ W’ 5“ WW '0 the/imp} .- Enfiiflcde ck? Snx/mfofdt With pay/on till they bnrfl: Wot! Llemll day Adda: [boots out their Hidra—hcaded-forkcd Sling“, Ha. Ha, Nanci; #fna‘m‘ will tdke m)’ Paw-M 4r 1 dc/irc ”may: I cloak; 1&6 the (1. km true“ > Venn Gan Horacc)far thzfigaad mules 2110:1314? ”’(‘POPMUS £13? fibyht at mxhi plaudo. Worldfarcmit. ' - ~ -~~— 7— Aerwq-m-mw; ‘ H. , . J , A E . _ NV WCveuiuisauim%§¢Bé&s 92595 a; “"3““ my“, W?“ 3,, , V '6 ,, _ L \ .3114 kk';//q “1 , x, x _ V. a «x . '~r ;‘ we: w x3 - , - 1- Kev-*HH? '> “:“Wo-I'MM“*S an» ' r» n v ., ’?'fl",’?_v—;y;:‘y);l v: he”: A {firm-“It. :u 73‘) 3,1“ >,u¢'.&r§-‘ _ ; «luv mu» I‘m-'v'tx‘» ‘3 l _ .j ‘ ‘ . .‘_‘ , + meeefimgéme ' fld Leflorem. I N need oftthtumPets founding thrice , Before *1“ P13? \ mm: e I , , begin : it {hall not be am i11e( For him that will rcad)fit& m ~ beholde this fhort Comedy ofErrors,and where“ the greaty elf enter,to giue them in Head of at hifl'e,a gentle conjeé‘tion. Imietter C .P age. I .for,Whom I adorn'd as Suhieé‘ts :rRead‘, Whom I adot’d as,&c. In Letter C Pa.3.€or,ile Game-thencepoore:.Read,Ile flame their poore,&'c. ‘ In Letter C Pa .6. For , her white cheekes with her dregs anei‘. , ~b0ttome : Read-,V‘her white cheekes withith'e dtegs and,&e, In the {fame Page, forfimke off the head ofSin :2 Readfitrike- oifihe {wolne head,&c. . 7 7 fl ) In the fame P agc,Fox-,that offiue hundred; foure hundred fiue Readghat offiue hundred : four/e. ' In Letter G.pa.1 .f'orfithis enterehanging of languages :Read, this enterehange of language. In Letter L. pa 5‘. for,And flinging infolence fheuld: Reads And fiixnkinginfolmce,<3ces ' "T/M’Untmflng q/t/ye‘ Hmnoaiw- : ‘ Zr ' mus Poet. \ " h _ 7%, V: , ‘ ___..__~_ .~‘ _ __..__..M.._._. _ Enter rm acml'cwomm/fr mung qffiawmn x Ome bedfcllow cor’ne‘, fl'rew apéCefiEéw, Jim W: ' ‘ » m'goo‘d trochtis pittychac chef: flowers mutt ‘ybc -., . croddcn vndcr facts as they arclikc to bccanonv ' 2 Pitty,ala‘cke pretty heart,thou art ferry to (ac any good" 7 thing fail (O the ground: pittymo more pitty,then‘tofee an Innoccrit. Mayden- head deliucrcd‘ vp to the ruffling ofhtr new-Wedd;d hmband. Beauty is made forvfc,‘ and hcc'flghal: ; , wdl not vfc a (wee: foul: well,whcn {he is vndcr his.fin'ger$ - j‘ . A I pray Venmhe may ncucr kifle afairc and ardcliCatg-detgrcd’ 14a "plump-"hp... ‘ . ‘ _ * v ' ; ' ” ‘ 1., Ame/mandzthat’s tormentcncugh. ~‘f h . '2. Pitty? came fool‘cflxpg xhem about Iufiily; HoWérs'nfig ucr dyea f‘weetcr death , than whcnthey are fmoothcg’d f0 death in a‘Lo‘uersbofomepr clfc pm: the high wayes, one: Whith thefe Pretty'fimpfingflctting things,c all'd bridegmgfi m 96. ' " ‘ r a. I pray the: will mcc, Whydoc they vf'c at weddings t6, famifliallplaccsthus;with {WCCthearbes and flowers? ‘ , 2. One reatbn is,bccaufé'tis-——— 6 a mat”: fwe‘ctthing so lye with-a man. “ .. t t ' I; ‘ B ' L I . , ,, The vntrul'sing of _ ‘ _ 7: 'Ithinlte tisaO more more more more tweet to lye With a WOman. . a I warrant all men are of thy minde : anothe r reafon is, becaufe they flickelike the fcu-tehions ofmadame ehaflie ty,on the fable ground-weeping in their lialkes,and winch- ing with theyr yellow-{unke eyes , as loath to beholde the; lamentable {all ol'a Maydenhead : what fenceles- thing in all the houfe ,. that is not nowe as melancholy, as anew let-VP Schoolcmafler? _ 1. TrOthIam. _ . , 2 Troth I th inke thou mournl’t , becaul'e th’afl mil} thy tuttiegl doe by the quiuerofCupia’: you fee the torches melt theml'elues away in tearestthe in llruments weare thcyr heart (hinges out {or forrow: and the Siluer Ewers weepe mofi. yittil‘ull Rolewater: fine or fix: payre ofthe white innocent; wedding gloues,did inmy fight ‘choofe rather to be tome in; peeces than to be drawne on. ;. and looke this Rolhnary, (a fatallhearbe)thisdead-mans nofe~gay,has crept in amongli: "" A thefe flowers to deckei th’nuifible coarle of the Brides May. denhead,when(oh how muchdo we poore wenches fuffer)» bouteleuen or twelue,or one a clock at midnight at furthcfl, , it defcends to purgatory, to giuc notice that Cele _ inc (hey 'ho),.will§neu.er come to lead Apesinvhell. . 1-. I flee by thy fighingthou wilt not. ‘ a. Ifl had as many Mayden-heads,as l haue haytes on my headaldc venture them all rather then to come into fo h0t a place; prethy lirew thou,(or.my little armes. are weary. I .., I am fure thy little ' tongue is not. 2N0 faith that’s likea woman bitten 1ft fleasjt neuerlyes flilzfye vpont,what a fiefiralflc thing tis to be: noble Bride, there’s fuch delaye'sin tifing,in fitting gownes,in tyring, in , pinning Rebatoes,in poaltingdn dinner,in fupperjn Reuels, atlali of all in curling-the poore nodding fidlers, for keeping mfltgt gride {9 long v9 fromfweeter Reuelgthatghl could :5 ' mutt , theiHumerous Poet. , . n/cue‘r endure: to put it vp withour much bickering; ~ ~ 2 " ‘ I . ‘ Come th’art an oddcrwcn,ch,hark,harke, mufickcfm‘y then the Bride’s VP, ‘ _ , . 2* 19 {he ‘VP9mY ““0 Ifcc flue hastbcen down: :rL‘m-dhg “‘CWY 0“ "Me WOmcn {all and fall filll’, and when we hauc . husband's we Play V9011 Ehcmlxke Virgina“ Iackcs,they muff ryfe and Fall to our humourspr clfc they'l neucr get any good, flraincs ofmufickc out ofivs; bu: come now , than: at it for a may den-head. ” V flrcw. . flammwwmawm- uflu‘flxzz: As flxyflrcw, enter Sir (Luinti'lian Shorthofe with P cent-Flam. ’ and mo or No; eefiruingmm, with [ng01; ’ Sir quin. Came knauc-smight begins to be like my felfcpn ' gldc man;day .plmycs rhea-thecfé and flcalcs vpon vs ; O wcfl , done wcnchcswvcfl done, well done, fiyou hauc' couescd all! “ ' the flony way to church With flowers , {is well, 'tis ch,‘ what’s; an Emblcamcztoofio bc-madc ouwfthefc flowers and d’concsbu: you ate honeL’t we nchcs,in,in.,in.. , 2 . When we come to your yca‘rcs ,\ we {hal icame what 3boncfly :is,comcpew-fe110w. , Exeung. Sirqum. Is the mufickc .comeyet? [0 much to do! 11’; ' tome! ; Games. Come fir. ' _ , , :S'zr quin, Haue the mcrtyicuaucspul’d their fiddle cafes oucrthciiinfiruments cares? f z, Flam. As foonc asccc they curred our gates; the :10ny went,bcfore’they¢camcencre the gem Hallflxc faint, hearted ; vifliacocs founded ac’lcalhhriq , Sirqm'u. Thou {houldfl band‘gge , burnt wine and fugar;firra,you,~=fiarx curry they: firings : Is my daughtcfvp y t! . .. £14112. Vp firefhc was, fccnc vp anhoureagoc; galquin. Shcc’s an early fiurrerfih firm. . 2 . ~ ‘ ‘ J : F141}. Shec’lbgalatcfiurrcrfoqnc amightfin. * ~ ‘. , _ . ‘ ‘ “ ' ~ B 12‘ Sirguiflq ., ‘ - ‘ghcm withaCupkof' ‘ pagogbid chem. ‘ ' ‘ , Earth, Am. 5 E a! ~~ s t The vnttufsing of _ Sir @m. Goc tbs Teeter Flaflwou haue a good rodaine . flafh ofbtained’out wittes husky,and no matuailcfot tis like one ofou‘t Comedians heatdes, Pull ith Hubble: about you: bfifine'sandlookc you‘be nymble to flye From the wine, / 0;: the nymble wine will catch you by the nofe. 'F/di‘l‘. If'your wine play with my more Sir , Ile knocke’s coxcomht. * / . Sir gain. Doe Teeter, and wears it for thy labour; Is my Some in Law Sir Wm’tcr Tore]! read y yet? . 2» Owner. Rea d y fit; Exit merit)”. ’ . St? ‘Qfiim 0m: Oi‘yod‘attend him : Stay F/4fl1,t~'h:te’s the note of the guei’ccs you haue muited? Fla/h. Herc Sit, lie pull allyout gucf’ccs om ofmy 130111:an the men that will come,I haue crofl, but all the Gentlewo- -menluucacrhetayle ofthclafllettcra pricke, beeauf'e yott may read them thc better; » , -. Sirqm'm. . My {'peé’t' icichyghrJyght, kaaues -' Sit Him: Prick/Imfi,thou hall Ctofl him,heele come. . ; , EF/m'h. [had much a doe fir,to dra'w Sit Adam Prickefhafi bomqbecaufc Itoldcvhim twas early,but heels come. , ,. .Sir gains. Iuilice Crap,what will he come? ‘ Fla/1;. He tooke phtfickc yeilerday fir. ' Sirquint. Oh then Crop cannot come. . - ‘ Fldfll. O Lord yesfit yeSatwns but to make more [00316 in his Crop for your good cheateflmp will come. ' Sirqm'nt. Widdow‘ g/‘mecr. _ ‘ - Elth. Shee’s prick: you fee firgaud will'c/ome. ‘ Sirqnint. Sitvdug/Jdn d9 Recs, oh hee’s crol’c twll‘cd'o, fe‘, ' {0, then all thefc‘ Ladyes ,\ that fall doWneWatdes heete.will E come like, and all thefe Gentlemen that {land right before them, . £14171. ‘ All wil come. - , Sirquim, Well faydfieeremryte them out agen, and :put the mgr; frontthé women; andEPcetmwhen we ate at Climb ._ . ‘ , . :_ , E ' ‘ Ling (" “mi, _ ~1“‘¢‘*-‘"<’«7“‘;«‘2?” :r gym-w 1‘ {-121 ,‘VVVW.7‘ an I“ , . z . the Humorous Poet. ' brm g wine andcakcs,bc llght 8c11'1mblc go9d Elafhforyour e burden will be butlight. ' _ ' Emerfi'r Adam 41gb: bforc him. . Sir Adam Prickefhzfi God morrow, god mo'rrow:goc,in, in ,‘m,to the Bridegroomcstafie a cup oFbumt wine this man hing,cwill m 111:: you fly: the better all the day after * Sir e/fddm, You are an early flyrrcr Sir @7915? Short-1 I” 6 [Sir qm‘ I am {0 itbchoues me at my daughters weddmg, in 111,111; fellow put our thy torch, and pun thylclfc 111:0 my b11ttc1y,1he torch buruesdlm thy hand, the wln‘e will bumc b: [1261' in thy be lly,i11 1n 1?]th Ware there room: for S1: Ax’am Prick flmfi: 370111: Worfl11p—-—a ‘ \ ' 831.; Enter Sir Vaughan and aflfi/i‘ris Mmcucr. Si1 gain. Sir Vmgbm and W1ddow Winner, welcome, wolcomc,a thoufand (1.11:5 mylips M1lIris W1ddow {hall bid you God morro w,i11,in one to the Bndcsroomcghc other to the Bride. ’ Str Vdughen Why then S 11' qniomiliarz Slam/aafi} I will Rep Into miflns Bride . and W1ddow Winemr , {hall goc vpon ' M. Bxidcgroomc. dime”. No pardon, f'orby my truelySn- ’04::ng 119-; In no dealmos with any M. Bridegroomcs. Sirqm'n. In W1ddow m in honcflknightin. 51104112 I W111 vlher you 111111113 W1ddow. Flaflz. Iiiahcth‘ere forfir flaw/Jargon: good Worlhip ~- S17 Vang. Drinke that 1111111113 Ma. Teeter PM}: , in your‘ ones and belly. / £112 111: not drink: at dawn f 1' but Ilc tumc it into tha9 ' ' Whieh {hall 11111 dow11:,oh merrily! 1 1 Exit Szr"i"21ngbdn.' , ‘ B 3»: , E22111 gThe/‘vntmfsingpf‘ . x ' * ' 'fithlumfirifpinus,Demetrius,'dndotbmmb ,dez'esjggbts befiarétbem. % > . ‘Sirquix.God marrow to thefc beauties,and Gentlemen, thathaue VIheredehis tro‘ope of Ladyes to my daughters wedding,welcome,welcome all; mufickE‘nay then the bride; rdome’s commingmhercvarethefe knau: s heerc? ‘ v! Flflflv. Allhcrc fir. am Termfiir A-dam,Sir Vaughan,Celefiine,Mineuex-,4n_d . ot/xr Ladies anddttmddme'Wi‘bligbts. Teri. God morrow Ladies and fayre troqpes ofgallants, that have depof'd the drowzy King of fleep , “prawn: our famine with your rich prefences, I [azure you all; , ‘ / Each one (here thanks From thanks in genera". Crij. God marrow M.Bride:grqome,miflrns Bride. uOmms- God morrnw Mnti'detgronme. Tar. Gallants I (ha? inezeazeyou to prepare, ’ For Maskes and Renels to deflate the night, Our Soueraigne will in perfon nice mu marriage. Sirqm‘n. What will the king be: hem? ' , / , Tar. Father he will. 7 Sirqu Where be thefe knaues? More more-many and gloues,gloues,gloues : choofe Gentlemen; Ladyespue on left skins vpon the skin of {often-.handsfogfo : come miflris: Bride take you your \place,the olde men firi} , and then the; B’atchelors;Mv'aydes with the,Bride,Widdows and wines to_ acme: , the priefl's a: Church, tis time that we watch the. ex , ' ' - Tar. Deare Blunts: but returnefrom Church,take paines mflepto Horace, for ournuPtia'll {bugs-g now Father when [you pleafe. ; ‘ ' f ) 4 .fiirgéas-ésrssdafisonaseaewd Sirfauxbmvflkfg theHumerous Poet.“ . 7 ‘ lead the way? ’ * ‘ Sir Km. Pccmyon' 'goe too fafiforMiRris pride.- fo, gin- gerlygingcriy‘; Imui'e Why Sir Add»: Trickqfhafi flicks {o . - mort'bchinde? . “' Sir quin‘ He follows elofemot too fafigbolde sip knaucs, . Thus we lead youth to churchabcy 15’ to grams. Excmar. 1 \ Hormrefltfing in' afludy behind: at Curtainm candle by bit: ‘ Emningjookcs lying canfitfcdly: to 'bimfefi. Her. To thee whofe fore-head (Web with acres, Whoi'c mofl‘ haunted‘bower ; Giues 1ti 8: fen: to euery flower, is Whofe mofi adored name incl’ofeg ’ ’ Things abfirufe,deep and diuine, Whore yellow trcfl'es filing; Bright as 50.271 fire; , f. 0 me thy Priefl infpire,, : . For Itotheeand th'me im'mortafl‘namey In-in-in goldemnnes, For I to thee and thine immortal‘i name—.— ’ Insfacred raptures flowingfiowingJwimmingfwimminsa: In facrcd rapiures (wimming, . " Immortal]namc,gamc,dame,tameJ’achameJame,’ , v, an,hatb,fliame,prociaime,oh_——~ ‘ ' j In Sacred raptures flowing,wxii proclaime,not-—-'—.~ 0 me thy Priefl infpyre ! For he thee andthine immortall name, ' In flowing numbersfild with fprig ht and flame; " Good-,goodfin flowing numbers fiidwith {Fright & Bathe; ’ Enter Afinius Bilbo. A/im‘. Hordce, H ordcqmy fweet mingle , is aiwayes in la- ‘ gbour when I come, the nine Mufes be his midWiu'eva {my ' ' 1 .9339; lflinglesff “ ‘ ‘ L ' I I ’ i . HW'a I / T“Wl""‘r7‘p!w¥‘“w‘v i '5“ . -Thc Vntmffifl TOE : ‘ ~ is [107 . ‘In flowing ntttiibers fild wit (prize and 631mg; 7 r Tethee. u - . K qhalfingbOuleJthought th’adfldruhkiétolthe‘. ‘ Har, hum-fl haue been in the deuine chour of Terra/1345,: then m which, Iknow you would fearce haue pledg’d me, but come fWeetroague’fitfitfit. ' . : , " Mfimf. Querhea‘dandeares-yf‘aith?! haue a {acke-fuli‘of‘ neWes for thee,th0tirfltalt«plague {ome of them, it God fend Vs we and health together. I ‘ Hor. 'It's no matter,empty thy facke anon,but come here fitl’t honefi roague, come. ‘ _ Aflm‘. Ifl goodfif’t goodpure Helicon has Hor. Dam me if: be not the befl that cue: c'ame ficmme, if I haueany iudgementJoOke limit 211‘ Epttbaldmzum for Sir ’ Walter Terra/s wedding , my br‘aineshaue giuen afTauIt to it but this morning. , ‘ Afin. Then lhope to {eethem flye out like gumpotfvdet ‘ _ retenight. Hor. Nay good roaguematke, fortheyare the befl lyfice that cuerIdrcw. ' ‘ , : \ ‘ Afin. Heet's the beflleafe in Englandbut on, On,Ile bttt k ,tune this Pipe. ‘ HOV. Marke,to theewbofl’fire. beadfwd: with Rafts. Afin. O fweet,but will there be no exceptions ‘téken,b~e- caufe fore-head an d fwelh’ng comes together! _‘ ' Hor. Pufh,away,away,its propenbefid e’s tis an elegancy to fay the Fore head fwcls. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ Afin. Nay an’t be proper,let it Hand for Godsloue.‘ ' Hizr. Whofe mol’t haunted bower, Giues life and fem: to euery flower. Whofe mofl adored name inclofes, Things abftrufe, deep and diuine. Whofeyellowttefles (him, '- . , ,, (Bright: Am T5 me? Ipxed‘gethge(évéeéixzihgtc’, by mob“; . xegflg LAW ‘ v ’ the Hui-herons Poe-“ca * Bright as E m fire“ “ ‘ wfim‘. O pure,rich,rhcr’s heate in this,on.0n. .‘ Hor. Bright as E0421 fire» ‘ , 'Omcthy Prleflinfpire! , , n I For I to rh ee an d thine immortall name-«mark? this. In flowing nu mbers fild .wnh fpryte and flame. Afim’. I mary,thcr’s fpryte and flame in this. Ho’. Apox,a this Tobacco. ‘ ' Afz‘n. Wod ‘rhis cafe were my la'fi,if I did novmarke, my if; all’s one,1 haue alwayes a confort of Pypcs about me. myne linglc is all fire and water/31 markc, by this Candle‘ (WhiCh is done of Gods Angelsfiremembenyou liarr‘ed backrat {Price \ and flame. , 1 flat Forlrorheeandrhlne immortall name, " In flowing. nUmbers fild wirh'l’prire and flame, To theeLoues mightiefi King, ' Himmo Hamcn‘does our ch alle Mufe ling. ‘ Afin. Ther’srnuficke inrhis; , ' Her. Marke now deare efl’fim‘ug ' Lerrhel‘c, virgins quickly fee thee, Leading out the Bride, Though rheyr blufhing cheekes they hide, Yet with kiflés will they Fee thee, 7* To vntye rheerirgin zone, ‘\ They grieue to lye alone. ‘ ‘ Afim’. ~ S o doc I by mee . i . HorXet: wirh ladies wil they fee‘rhecmy Mufe has march: (dean: tonguejno Fa'rder yet: but how ill ? how ifl? nay'zpre‘a ghee good Mfihimdeale plainly, doe no: flatter me, ‘co‘mea I QVVPW ‘ I 44,132“ 1H haue any in dgement: 4 . Hare Nay look you Sir-find then follow a troopef ofbthcr rieh andlabou1~’deonceipcs, oh the end {hall be admirable 9; ‘bqtrhow iii [wreeiiflnbo,how,how£ ‘ ' ' i— L C ‘ Afin. If 3“ a} Thevntrufsing [of Afirri. HI haue any Iudgementyris thebefl Ruff}: that e; tter drop: from thee; ’ Hor. You ha feene my Acroliickse .Afi. Ile put vp my pypes and then He Fee anything, Her. Th'afl a. Coppy of mine Odes to,hafl not Bubo? Afi. YoutodeSPO that which you l‘pake by word a mouth at th’ordinary,when Mulco the gull cryed Mew at it: Hor. A pox on him poore braineles Rookt: and you re- member,I tolde him his wit lay at pawn: with his new Sat- tin fute,andb0th would be lofi,for not fetching home by a i da . Qfi; At which he would Faine ha blulht but that his pain, ted cheekes would no: let him. , , Hort Nay firra the Palinode, which I meane to Hitch to my Reuelsjhall bethe belt and ingenious peece that euer I {wet for; Gay roague, Ile Fat thy fpleane andanake it plump: with laughter . . , Afl Shall If fiyth Ningleflull I l'ee thy fecrets? Hor. Puh my friends. Afi. But what fardle’s that?what Fardle’s that? Her. Fardle,aWay, tis my packet; heere lyes intoomb’ci" the loucs of Knights and Earlesfieere tis,heere tis, heete tis, Sir Walter Terils‘letter to me,and my anfwere to him : I no fooner opened his letter,but there ap cared to me three 310'. r‘ious Angels,whome Iadom’d,as 1h iectesdoe their Souet raignes: the honcli knight Angles for my acquaintance, with fuch golden Baitesc—«but why dool’t laugh my good toague? how is my anfwere,prethee,how, how 2 » Afl Anfiverefis Godiudgcme Ninglefor thy wit thou mayfi anl'wer any Iuflice of peace in England! warrant;tho,ui Writvfl in a melt goodly big hand too,I like that, & teach} at leageabiy as fame that haue bin fau’d by their neck~verfc. _ Her. Buthow dofl like the Kinghtsinditinge 33f: 2f! hgue any iudgement; a pox out, heet’s worlhip—E , - _ -. _ _, . g -- .M ital,» the Humerons Poet: 7, -.V full lynes indeed,heer’s fluii'e: but firra Ningle g'ofwhatfrk ' E _ {hion is this knights winch what blocke? ‘. , E Afi. W hy you fee;wel,wel,an ordinary In genuity,a good ' ?. wit for aknight,you know how, before God Iam haunted » I with fame the mofl pittyfull dry gallants . (a Fat off: Afin‘iTroth fo I think;goo d peeces oflantskip, lhew belt Her. I,l,l,excellent fumpter horl'es , carry good deaths; but hoh‘efi roaguc,come,what ne ws,wh at newes abroad 3 I haue heard a the horfes walking a’th top oFPaules. , .V Afi. Ha yezwhy the Captain Tucca rayles vpon you mofi ' s prepol’tetoufly behindc your backe,did you not heare himz‘ _ 3? kg Ho. ‘\ pox vpon hin: :by the white 84 felt hand oFMmemas _ Ile make him the moPt ridiculous: dam me if I bring not’s “t“ humor ath fiage: «St--i'ctiruy lymping tongu’d captainemoof ' greafie buffet Ierkin,~hang him : tis out of his Element toera. duce me: Iam too wellranckt Afinius to bee fiab’d with his " ’ dudgion wit: firra,Ile compofeanEpigram vp'on him, {hall oe thus ' Afi. Nay I ha more news, ther’s Cril'pinus 8: his Iorney‘ ‘ man Poet Demetrius Faninus too,they (Wear: they’ll bring your life at death vpon’th fiagelike a Bricklayer in a play. Hor. Bnbo they mui’r prefl'e more valiant wits than theyr ownzto do it: me ath fiagefhafiraJle fiarte thence poorefcop-r perolace workmaflers,that dare play mezlcan bring (85 ' that, , they quake at)a,p repar’d troope of gallants,who for my fake flaal dil’cafle euery vnfalted line,in their fly~blowne Comedies = .Aszay that’s eertaine,ile bring I oo.gallants of my ranke Her. That fame Crifpinus is the {illicit Dor, and Paninuaj - the flightefl cob-web-lawne peace of a Poet,oh God! ‘ Why fhould I care what euery Dor doeh buz In credulous eares,it is a crowne to me, That the bcfliudgements can report me wrongtia ‘ 9/! f1; 1 am one ofthem that can report it: Her, I thinke but what they are,and am no: moou’d; ? v 7‘ H i ' C a u "*4 Elie. r‘r rmy-3— am:- ‘- . . : ‘ y Thevmmffing Of " ‘ The ma lightlyolupfugus Regular, The Other, 21 Grange axwgating gufic’c, meimpudemfind arrogant e nough . x . ‘ iAfiir. S'h’d do no: Criticus Rcuél m thefe lyncs,ha Nit]. Knock-mg; . gle ha? A Hog. Yesgli ey’re mine ewnm ‘ Crif. Menace. ‘ .-,. Dem. Flaccus. C71]. Harrammotvp yet; . 'h’on l’eacc,zrca . Crz'. Say that youhaue not fworne vnto yourPaper, To blot h er white cheekes with hér dregs and bottome OF your friendspriuate vices -: fay you {weare Yourloue and your aleageance to bright vertue Makes you defcend lb low,as to put on The Office ofan Executioner, , 011er to Hrike ofi’the head offinne, W here ere you finde it fiandiug. Say you fweare; And make damnation parcell of your oath, That when your laflaingief’tes make all men bleed; Yet you whip none.Court,Citty,countryfrknds, Foes,all muf’t { mart alike ,4 yet Court, nor Citty, Nor foe,nor friend,dare winch at you; great pittyi ' ‘ Dem. IFyou fweare, dam me Faninuspr Crifpinus, . ~ 1% Or to‘t'he laW(Our kingdamesgaldm cbaine) ' ‘1 To Poets dam mc,or to Players dam me,’ If I brand you,or you,tax youfcourge you: I wonder then,that_ offiue hundredfoure hundred fine; 2 J Should all point with their fingers in one irritant ; - 7 At one and the fame mane ” “W” “ ' fies Eeassrfaainuss - ~ 4 1 r ,1; . , M » - mm " , ' f/flflfl’ I [177m j , the HumcrousPo‘et;§‘ “ ‘33:". I C0111 c,you cannmcxcufi: it . 5. . ._ W‘ ~* [r H1r.Hcarcme,Ica11 Dem. You muff daubc on thick: collouts then to hide 1.!- , Crif. WL co 111: like your Phif' t10n9,t0 purge V - 4 \ You: fie kc and dmngcroas mind: ofhcr difeafc. . fD-m In trorh wcdoe ~,ou. ,,.__. -u :1. 'w . n.5,“;- 451;..mmm so?» was.» , The 'vnttufsingof rowly powhes-:thcy Had be thy Damons and thou their Pitityl all}: ;Crifpinus {hall giue thee an oIde e35}, Fattmihitefind De- metrius {half write thee a Scene or me, in one oi" thy fitting garlicke Comedies; and thou {bait take, the guilt of‘confein. ence for’t,and Meat-eds thine owne olde Iad,txs thine ow: e: thou neuer yet fels’t into thehands offaccin, didfif. Her Neuet Captainel thanke God. THC Goe too,th'ou {halt now King Gorbodm igthou (halt, becaufe He ha thee damn" d , II-e ha thee allin Sattin: Aiber. Ct‘iticus,QJintus,Horatius,Fiaiccus,CtifiiiimIs {hal doo’t,th0tt_ fltal: doo’t,heyre apparant ofHeIiCOii,tii on Utah: (10012. wfi. Mine Ingle weare an olde cai’t Sattin {site}- Tuc. Iwafer-fltce your Nincle. wfl. Ifhe carry the minde 3f: Gentleman, he'll’fc or 136 5‘ ' at’s heel: .- Tuc. Mary muffegny man a ginger—bread , wilt eate any [mail coale: ' Afr. No Captain e,wod you {hould Well know-it , great coale {hall not Eli my beliie. . Tue. S come it, dot} Rome to be arrefied at, one ofhis olde Suites? _ Bar; No CaptaineJie Wefll’C any thing. > T1401 know thou Wiitdknow th’art an honeii low minded“: Pigmeyfor Iha feene thy {boulders Tape in a Plaiers old «We, vCloakeJike a Slie kuaue as thou amend when thou ranit mad for the death of Horatio: thou borrowedfl a gowne ofRofci- us the Stager,(that honci’t Nicodemus.)and {end} it home low- fi e,didi’t net? Rcfponde, didii not? ‘ Elam. So,fo,no more ofthis,within this home-— Her. If I can found recreate to my wits , with Whome thi leader is in skirmifhfll‘e cnd’within this houre. . » ' Tuc- What wut end: wut hang thy i‘elfe now} has he not. Writ Finis yet Iacke? what will he bee fifteene weekes about this Goskattiessg egg: :99} .1355 Ets no: Edith} yeti net. hide, _ K 5 the Humetous Poet; ,laide cc! . B mn- Notyet,hee fwcaresheewill Within this hofiié? i Tm. His wicces are loinewhat hard boundzthe Puncké his Mule has fore labour ere the whoore bee deliuercd : the poore faf‘fron—cheeke Sum-burnt Gipfie wantcs Phificke; iue the hungrie—face pudding-pye-eater ten Pilles: ten” {hi1 ingk .giy fairs Angelica, they‘l make his Mufe as yare as atum‘ ; let. ' i ' 73!”. He {hall not want for money if heele write. Tm. Goe by lei-onimo, goe by; and heere,drop the ten flwillingsinto this Bafon; doe,drop’,when lacket hee {hall Call. me his Moece’nas:bcfides,lle dam vp’s Ouch-mouth for ray]- ing ac's: So,i{l tight lackez’ il’c {’(erling :‘ fall ofl’ now to the vauwai‘d of yonder foure Scinkers, and aske alowdc if wee Fhall {302 f the Knight {hall defi'ay Iackc , the Knight: iwheu It comes. to Sizmmd total}: , the 'Knyght , lhe Knight. * v V BE”. Well Gentlemen,we’llleaue you,fhall we goe Cap- fainez‘ good Hefrace make fame hall. . H01“. He put on win gs. ' flfin. l neuer {awe mime Ingle fo dalht in mylifc be; fore. ‘ - ‘ (hf Yesoncc Afinius. 7 e/j/i. Mas you fay true, bee was dafht worfe once going ‘( in a rainy day) with a [peach to’ch Tiltayard , by Gods ’_ =lyd has call’d him names,a dog would not: put vp,that had 3-. E} ny difcreation. ' ' ‘3 ‘Tm. Holde,holde vpthy hand, I ha {cone the day thou ’didl’tnot {come to holds vp thy golles: Ith’S a Souldiers' ‘Spur—royéll,twelnepence: S:ay,becaufelknow thou caiiPc not write without quick-liluer; vp agen, this gall agcn, I glue ‘ thee double prefi‘e-money: Stay ,bccaule I know thou hal’ca noble head,ile deuide my Crowne,6roya1l Pogrcx, thcr’s a " 5‘ :rnvmm' wwwm—grwrmwn p— _ «NW/7:, U : ,, 4' X h . ,. V ,eiPEAM‘W“ ii. “Wm. W“"'1~“f“‘- dq.‘ A ‘. ,. K he”, :\ ' ##w<'_‘_4_fl ,_>7 7 -,_;_ ___;_V> *;‘,_W_ <,,7_:__,’,_7 ,_.__ __‘_ _V “Fifi fl .'_-7. A.» _ __ W VM.___F The Vntru'fsing of teflonmote 5 goe , thou and thy Mufc munch,doe, munch 5. come my dear: Mandrakejf okcldring fall not to decay, thou {halt flo'rifh: fareWcll my {wcct e/Imdzzs dc ganlefarcwdi. Hor. Deare Captainc. Tm. Come Iacke. Dem. [\‘ay Captain’c Ray, we are of your band. Tm. March fan-h then: / Cr}. Horace farcvvell,aduc Afinius Exwhr. MfiNinglc lets goe to fame I aucmc,and dine tOgether, for my flomacke rifes at this funny leather Captains. Ho'r. No,thcy hauc choakc me with mine ownc difgrace, Which (foolcs) ile {pit again: eucn in your face. lixmnt Enter Sit Quintilian ‘ horth ofc,‘ ir Adam, Sir V aughan,M1neuet with/omngmm. Sirqm'mi. Knaucs, Vadcts, what Lungis , giue me a dozén of Rooks there. Sir Vau. ' Sefi: plan}: vs all in our fine fences a poet; , what mean: ycerfir Kmtihan Sorthofc to H and (0 much on a donut flooles,heere be not preaches innffc to hydc a. dozen Hoolcs, ~anefl‘e youkvifl‘c fonde of vs preakc hrs finncs. Sir gain. I fay fir Vaughan no {hinne fhal be» broken beer; l. whatlungisg chayrc w1th a fitonge backe , a nd a {oft taping, great with childe, with a when for this reuerend Lady. .V ; e714 inm.’ God’neuer game me the gracc‘to be a Lady ,yec' “13 becnc WOrfhipt in my ccnfcience to my face athoufandf/~ times,I cannot denye fir Vaughan, butthat I hauc all implo— :ments,bclonging to the vocanon ofa Lady. ‘ Sir Wing/9m. Ittufi mifiris Mmeutt you haue allahoncfi‘_ Loman fhud bane? Wig”: :Igs pexfiée,gs,.1ny C oachgané my fan , anda man L . ” or u—q ‘ ». , . ‘ L . _‘mww‘w‘_‘» AVA-‘A—‘L‘M‘pfl‘ f. ,_ » l. ‘ _. , the l—IumOrous Poet." or tho that ferue my turne ,‘ and other things which Ide‘ bee [loath euery one {hould fee,bec aufe they fhal not be common, 1am in manner ofa Lady in one point; 7‘ S til/mtg. I pray miliris Mineuetsfiet vs all fee that point for ; our better vnderllanding. K {file} For ] ha fome thin g es that were fetchtfl aln furejas farte as fame of the Low C o‘untries, and I payde {weetly for them too,and they tolde me they were good for Ladies. Szr qui. A nd much good do‘t thy good heart faire widdow with them .‘ e . Mm. I am fayre enoughto bee a Widdow , Sir 03in tillan. - ‘ ‘ Sufi'Udlrg . In my foule and confidence , and Well f’auoured enough to be a Lady : heeteis fir K imilian Sorthofe,and heere ' ‘ is fit a dam Pricklhafm l‘ehtleman of‘a very good braine, and , :Wcll headed: you fee he fhootes his bolt fildomc , but when / A dam lets goe,he hits : and heere is fit Vaughan ap Rees , and I beleeue ifGod fud take vs all from his mercy ,as I' hope hee will not yetgwe all three lone y on, at the bottome of our. beL ‘ lyes , and our hearts: and therefore millris Mineuet , if you ‘ ‘pleal‘e, you {hall be knighted by one ofvs,whom you {all de- firetoput into yourdeuice and minde. _ ~ ‘ . Mm. One l mull haue fir Vaughan. \ f ‘ , Szr gm 27, And one ofvs thou {halt haue Widdow. _. y . ’ fi/Im; OneI mu’fi ha‘ue,for now euery one feekes to crow . "- .ouer me. , r ; . ’ ,‘I ~ , Sari/mg. By Sefuand if I finde-any crowingouer you,& he , ‘ , . were alcoéke(come out asthrré‘agsin Turkeys country)tis pol"- ‘fiblc to cuthis combe off. _" .. ‘ Mm. I mufe why fir. Adam Prickfhafc 'flyes Io farre from .L .1 [www.b . ;‘ WW ‘___, 1W” e :55wa new—R Fflfivflffivfi:3'r%«;}.rrulcflg,,r.‘:1vyh ‘ V . , .1 . ,. V vs. _ v. y ir Addm. I am in abrow-ne Prudynny dearefif loue {hould ‘ ' bee turned into abeafl, what beat): hee were fitto bee turned ' “into: ‘— '_ A , f . K “ ' V‘: l, .. . V ' " ' ’ ‘ " Sir guimg' ‘ ‘*‘ 3: , i322“ ' __;,, ,‘h;_‘__ r, ._____._,—__,—~_’—— _ 7 The vhtmfsing of ‘_ ... ' Sirqw‘nfi. I tbinkc 811' Adam an AGE, beam-(E: of his boa-f rm . €141». I thinkeflauing your teu-erence)'Sir Adam a pup pyg for a dog is the moi} lou-ing creature to a chmhan that is,vnles it be a Chiide. Sir Ad. No, I thinke if loue {bould beeturn‘d away , and get: to {true any beafl , it mutt bee an Ape , and my reel-5 on --- » Sir V4ugh._ Sir Adam,an Ape‘?tber’s no more realbn in an Ape,tban in a very plaine Monkey ; for an Ape has no tayle, but we all know, or tis our duty to kuow,loue has two ta1les ; In my flxdfinent,ifloue be a beafl,that beat’: is a bunce ofaed- dis; for a bunce ofReddis is wife m eate without Mutton ,and ' [o is Ioue. Mi. Tbét’s'the yawning Captaine ( {3.1!ng your reuerencc that has fuch a {ore mouth) would'hne day ne-cdcs perfivadc me,thatloue was a Rebato; and his reafon was (farting your rcuerence)that a Rebato was worn: out with burning too of. ten; and’fo he [aid loue was.— , ’ Sir "(1)4ng. And Mafler Captaine Tucca fayd wifely too; lone is a Rebate indeedc: a Rebate mufi be poakedg'now many women wearc Rebatocs , and many that wear: RC": baro es ........_. Sir Adan. Mun be poakc. S ir V4”. Sir Adam Prickfhaft has hit the cloute. ‘M'gficke S zrqm'. The Muficke fpcakes to vs,we’ll haue a dauncc be? fore dinner. ~‘ . EnterSit Walter Tertiil, Crelefiine, Blant, Crifpinus, ‘ 3 and Demetrius, mar} one witbjd L451}, , — ' ’ All. The King’s at hand. - " ~ ‘ ‘ Tar. Father the King’sethand. ,. ' Mufickc talk: loWder,that thy filtl‘er 761cc; " May reachiny Soueraigne’s cares; ‘ ' - * _ , - 9 '~ i 5H'Q1ug. I Pray doe {0,Mufitions befiir your fingersgthat‘ -; n ‘91-" It's-W : «aw , L. the Humorous Poet; yon‘my hm vs all by theearcs; . “ 3mm His Grace com as a Hallvzn‘lets , Where be my m :n? blo .v,blow your colds, Trumpets till they fwcnc; tickle fill 3:.ntlll Eh 3y found agen. ‘ 'Bimz. Bell goc meets hisG‘race. A31. Agree}. - Ss‘r' Vang. Pray all {land bat-63:13 Well men as women. : Sir Adam is befiyou hideyonrluad For fear: you: wifl: brainss take kty-colfile: on afora Sir Kinsllianfientlernen fall in before h: Ladycs , in foam :1 y order and falhion 5 {0. tbls is com:- tyc . Enter Tmmlocts formding,.rb:y gae to the doore,4nd mm‘e the King 4.33.4, .1233, Tmmmm' Mil/f tine Trumpmfonnd the Kingis waif com’djvflés the Bride, mi honor: {I}: rBride" ’ ‘ gramez'n dwmbsflzcw. King. Ndy'lfyom pleafurcs {brinke at fight ofvs, We {11 all repent this labour,Milliris Bride You that fox; fp eakingjbur one word to day, 'Nluf’c loofc your head'a: night; you that do: {land 7 4 a A; Taking‘yotn‘ l‘afi l-cauc of‘vxrginityg‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ’ ‘ You that being well‘begunnnull not be Maid: : Winne you the Ladi $11:th men will W006; Ourfelfc will leade niy blufhing B’ridc With you. > Sm muggy. Go , [)ch17 your Maielly,a11d fend yout'o‘be- along King William Rufus ouer vs,wh-en he fees his times 8:. plea urcs. * ' -* ' ' Kzrgg. Wee thank: you good “Sir Vanghan, wee-will take- your meaning no: your words. ’ Sirq-ainr. : Lowde Muficke there; = ' ' S rVau. I ’am glad your Maicfiy will take any thing at my band‘sg my Words [trail in Sefu,are fpoken b‘ctwcenermy‘ foule and body togethgr,and bane neither Felonies nor treafons ao- bouttlimnfi hope. ’ Kim Goodwordfi Si: Vaugh an,l prethce giuevslcauc. ’ ‘ " ‘ w“ ‘ ‘ "" ‘ Sir V4”. goodi mwwww: ‘- '31 g. _ “The vurmfsiugef 9 ~ Vaugflootlwords G: Van hm? “ chats by interpenation in enolilh, yo‘u’r belligiue good words fir Vaughan : god and his 0 ' Anfclls blefle me, what ayles his maiefiye to be {0 tedious and difliculc'in his right mindes now, lholde my life that 15 lerafa ‘ call-rymer Horace hath puzd and puzcl aboue a hundred merie tales and lyce, into his great and princely cares : by god and he yfe it, his‘being Phoebus'priel’r cannot {aue him, if hee were‘his Sapline too ide preafe vpon his coxcomb : good lord blefle me out of his maiellies cellcr : King Williams, I hope tis none of; fences to make at feippli'catiou to god a miglitie for your long life :for by {hefu lhaue no meaning in’t in all the world; vnlesri r'alcalls be here that will hauc your grace take {hallfie for fliees, and vnlclle Horace has sent lyce to your maieiiy, ng Hora ce,what’s he fir Vaughan? , ngb; Ashard-fauourd a fellow as your mcieflie has feene in a fommers day: he does pen, au’t pleafe your grace, coyes that will not pleafe your grace gtis a Poet, we call them Bardes a in our Countrie, finges, ballads and rymes, and lwas miglrtia' fealous, that his Inke which is blacke and full ofgall; ihadvbi‘o- light my name to your maiefi'ie, and {o liftedivp your bye and”, princely c oller.. , - qug I neither know that Horacemor mine anger, If as thou fail): our‘hig‘hand prinCely choller Be vp, wee’l tread it down: with daunces ; [ adies Loofe nor your men; faire lllfiafurCSelnufi be tread, When by {0 firm a dauncer yOu are leads 7 ‘Vdflgb. Millris Mmiuer : i- » Min Perdie fir Vaughan I cannot dance.’ ‘ , - .. banging Perdie by this Miniuer eappe, and acording to his mafel’ries leaue too, you’ {all he put in among theife Ladies, 8: daunce ere long I crefi in godfile faking ofrhe feetee. L i The] demo: afirxiizc; and Mail]? the mm keep: on, the , ' ‘Kt’ngwnd (cleflinefiaj. ' ._ g 3' " I “’ ' ' Ifing {That :L-.gd..a .ox’zun .4: u. . 4'.) A . . JV i _ w _ the Hu—merous Poe t; * , Kin. That tume faire Bride {hews you mat} tu In thaf‘fweet dauncc Whlch (teales away delight Cree, Then pleafute is a theife,a fit,a Feauet: Kin. T:ue,he’s the thiefe,but women the receiuer. another chmgqtlaqfitlltmzbc reflgae on. me athighg Kim This change fweet Maide , ‘faies you mufl change As Virgins doe; ’ _ Cd. Virgins nere change their life, t A , ~ She thafis wiu’d a maide,ts Maid: and wife. ' Kin. But {he that dyesa Maideg—n Cal. Thrice happy then. Km. Leades A es in hell. (at. Better lea eAPes then men; .Attbt} thirdcbange the} maligned {be weekly the 16ng Kin. Well met. Cal. Tis‘ouettaken.‘ _ Kim Why fair: fwcet'.’ [It]. Women are ouettaken when they meetcg Kin. Your blond fpeakes. like a coward. ' ‘ ' (.210 It were ood , 1f cuety Maiden filtfihfltadvfuch a blond. (yourlnfe, Km. A cowaxd bloud,wby whom {hould maidens feare? ‘ Ce. Memwere Maides cowards,they’d not come [0 acre; . ‘ My Lord the Meafure’s done,I pleade my dueeie. Kim Onelie my heart takes meafure of thy bean-tie. Sir gain. Now by my hof'eI fweare,that’s no deepc oath; This was afine tweet earthquake gentlie moou’d, ‘ By the (of: Winde ofwhtfpring 'Silkes : come Ladies, Whofeioynts are made out of the dauncing Otbes, figmefiflow me,walke a cotde meafure now; In} The vmrufsing Cf In the Brides Chamber 5 your hot beautie’s melt, Take eucrie one her”fan,giue them their Places, And? waue the Northern: winde vpon .youtfaccs. Cele/fins 52ml m’lthe Lady“ doing obeyfzmce to the Kingmivo 9913?; ktjfcs ber, ExeunQSkm'! 30/65 manning tbsmflbg gallant: flame! aloofit. Ki”. Sir Walter Terrill. Tm My confirmed Leigc Ki. Beautie out of her bountie,thce hath lent; More then her owne withliberallextem. Tor. What meancs my Lord? , A Kin. Thy Bride,thy choice,thy wife, . She that is now thy fadom,thy new world; . J i That brings thee peoplmnd makes little fuhieélsé: Kne‘ele atthyfeetegobays in enetie thing , Soe uerie Fathet. is a ptiuate King, Tar. My L0td,her.beautv is thepoorel’t part3" Chieflie her vertues did endowe ”my heart. . a Kin. Doe not back-bite her bea'uties,'they all. thine; Brighter on theebecaufe the heatnes atr: thine, . ' To thee more faire, toeothets her two lips ‘ Shew like a parted Moone in thine Eclipfc; - é , That glamlceflthich lobetsTmon'gfl theinfclllcs .deui . ,3 Walkcsas innifibletoothets eies :. ‘ ‘ ' . “ ‘Giue me thine care. ' 3 Cri. What meanes the King? Ema. Tis a quaint (iraine. eTer. 'MyLord. , f ' ~ f f - Km. Thou darflnotVVat: ~ " g _, ,. . ‘ ‘ Tar. She is toocouife an obiefi for the C 51m; * ' ' ‘ / Kin. Thou daxfl not V'Va't:l e: to night be ”“1053“,; .7 . , ‘ 25% For {beefsgotyettning 'owncg; , ~ - 3” * . , £67133th the HumorousPoen Kin. Thou darfi not Watt ‘ ‘ Tar. My Lord Idare,buc‘«-—r-‘r ng. ButI fee thou dart} not. Tar. This night. ‘ King. Yea,this niglit,tush thy mind e rep airea 1mg _ The more thou talk’fi ofnight,the more thou datll not; . Thus farre I tend,I wod but turne this {pheate, OfLadieseyes, and place it in the Comt, _. Wherethy faite Bride {hould for the Zodiackc {hint , And euery Lady elfe {it for a figne. But all thy thoughts areyellow,th y fweet blond \ Rebels,th’art iealous Wat; thus with proude teu els To emmulate the masking firmament, VVhere Starres dance in the filuer Hall ofheauenx , Thy pleafuxe Chould hefeafoned,and thy bed Relish thy Bride,But,but thou datl’t not VVat. Ten. My Loordl dare. ' Kin. Speake that agen. \ Tar. I dare. ‘ ' , Kin. Agen kinde VVat,and then I know thou datflg Tar. I dare and will by that ioynt holy oath, VVhich fheand I {were to the hooke ofheaucn'g 7 , This very day when the fiu'ueying Sunne, ' , _* '3 ‘ Riz like a witnes to her faith and mine, i V By all the loyalty that fubieé‘ts owe ‘ To Maiefly,by that,by this, by both, .1 fweare to make a double guardedaoath,‘ This night yntainted by the touch ofinan, She {hall a Virgin come. Kin. To Court! Tar. To Court . _I kn'owItookea woman to my wife, ,, Andl know women to be earthly Moones, That neucr lhine till night,I know they change ‘ .gTheit Otheshheit husbands) andinE {i ckifh hearts, l ' a. Steale , The ‘vntru‘lsing of Steals to their fweete Endimions,to be cut'cl , With better Phificke,fwcetcr dyer drinkes, Then home can minillcg : all this I know Yet know not all,but giucmelcauc 0 King, . To Mall of mine,and laietbat I know none; I hauca woman but not 1th1 a one. Kim Why,fhe’s confirmed in thccgl now approoue her; » ' Ifconllant in thy thoughts who then can moouc her: . e mar Sir (mintihan. , . Sirqm‘. Wilt pleal‘e your Higlmcs take your place within I, 'f The Ladies attend the Table. . Km. Igoe good Km ght; Wat thy oath. Ter. My Lotd, My oath’s my honour,my honour is my life" My oath ls confiant,fo IhoPe my wife. ' Exeuml ' ,. 822m Horace in his true armefifinius bearing bi: Clad/(e. . Afi. If you fiye out Nin gle,heet’s your Cloakc; I thinke it tame: too.‘ * , , j Ha. Hide my {boulders in’t. _ , ' c/Ifi. Troth {o th’adflneede,f'or now thou artin thy Pee and Kue; thou hall fuclfa villanous broad backe ,that IWar. rant th'art able to beare away any mans iefles in England. Her. It's well Sir,I ha firength to beare yours mec thinkes'g fore God you are growne a piece ofa Ctitillfince you fell in. to my hands : ah little roague,your wit has pickt vp her crums Prettio and well. , r Aft. Yes faith,I finde my wit a themending hand Ninglo, troth I doe not thinke but to proceede Poetalter next Gom— : mcncemEnt,ifl haue my grace perfcéllie: cu erie one that con-:- »fer with me nowfiop their nofc in merriment: and Meat: I fmell fomeWhat of Horace; one calles me Horace's Apoganos- zhcr Home? BcaglermjdlhEhPOSEiFall93.1115? itPaflch J was 3?, ,/b95 \, the Humcrous Poet. but at Barbers lafl damand when he was renclng my face, did but crie outfellow thou m aklt me Carmine too long , 8e {byes he {ayes hyee,Ma!ler e/Ifimm Balm, you hauc eene Horaces wordes as right as if he had {pit them into your mouth. Hor. VVell, away deare Afinius, deliuer this letter to the youn gGallant Dwfo,he that fell {0 iltongly in louc with mee yeflernight. " v Afin. It’s a l'weete Muske-cod , a pure i’pic’d-gull; by this feather I pittie his Ingenuitzes 5 but had writ all this fi nce N in- gle? I know thou hall a good running head and thou lii’tefi, Hor. Foh come,your great: belly’d wit mull long for euery thing too; why you Retake, I haue a fet of letters readie Hatch: to my hands,which to any fi‘eih fuitcd gallantthat but newlie enters his name into my rowle,1 fend the next morning , ere his tena clocke dreame has rize fi‘om him, on elie with clap-‘ ing my hand to’t,that my Nouice {hall iiart,ho and his haire Rand an end , when hee fees the fodaine Haih of my Writing; What you prettic Diminitiue roague‘we mufl haue fali'e fiers to amaze thefe {bangle babies, thefe true heires of Ma.“1uiiice Shallow. Afi. I wod alwaies haue thee fawce a Fool: thus. Her. Away,and,flay :heere be Epigrams vpon Tucca , dis vulge thefe among the gallants; as for Crifpinus , that CniL pin-afl'e and Fannius his Play-drefiér; who (to make the- Mufés beleeue,their fubieé’ts cares were flaru’d, and that there was a dearth ofPoeiie)cut an innocent Moore' i’th middle, to '{erue him in twice; 8: whenhe had done,made“Poules.worke ofit,as for theié Twynnes .thefe Poet-apes : TheirMimieke trickes {hall feruc - With mirth to feat} our Mufe , whilfi their owne flarne-~ ‘ Aft”. VVell Ningle lle trudge , hut: where’s the Ram- deuow? , 4 ' . Hvr- VVell thought off, marie at Sir Vanghans lodging . the YVelih knightfi haue eompof’d a loue-lettgrfor the 15a!- L “”6 * — 35 3 ’ " ,nts ' The Vnttufsingof lanes worfhip,to his Rofamond: the fecond,Mi{iris Miniueri, ecaufe [he does not thinke {b {blindly ofhis lame Englifh as he could wifhfl ha gull’d his Knight-{hip h :ere to his face,th bane gitien charge to his wintking vnderflandmg not to Per. ceiue it: my Gods foamy deate Buha- ' e/Jfi'. I am gone. i t . Exit. Bar. The Mufes bitdes the Bees; were hzu°d and fled, V5 in our cr,adle,thereby prepheeyin g; Tim we to learned mm [haxldeCedy/an, B m to the “auger ma! Malta-mt: brainc, Should loath to pro/Zimte our virgin/faint. _ N o,out {harpe pen {hall keep the world in awe; , Horace thy Poefie,worm wood wrest-hes {hall weate; We hunt not for mens loues but for their feare. . Exit; £12m St: A dam amdMiniucr; Win. 0 Sit Adam Prickfhafi , you are a the bow hand ‘ 'wide,a long yard I allure you : and as for Suitors, truelie they all gee downe with me,they haue all one flat aanere. . ' Sir Adm. All Widdow a not all,let Sit Adam bceyqux; fish that: hill, 7 . Enter Sit thitilian. “Sir quim "Widdow,art H olne fidom Tablez'l Sir Adam, Are you my rinall? well ,flye faire y’are bell; The King’s exceeding metric at the banquet, He makes the Bride blufh with his metric words - . 1 That run into her cares; ah he’s a wanton, Yet I dare trufl her,had he twentie tongues, And euerie tongue a Stile of Maiefiie. Now Widdowdet me tell thee in thine flare,~ Ilene thee W idd0w,by this ringgnay Weaxe it. ‘ . - meme-n. lie come inno tings pardiechztakenogold‘e. . ‘ " ' " ‘ ' 5;? Adam. Hark: the Humorous Poet; .7 sir Ada, Hatkc in thine eate,takc me,I am no goldc‘f Enter Sii'VaUglian anchtcr F1301. Sir Van. Mallet PeterFlach willvgrope about Sir Quiuw tflianfior his terminations touching and confidering you. Fldflz. I thanks your Worihip , for Ihaue as gooda flow mack: to your Worfhip as a man could wilh. , Sir '04”. Ithopcin God a mightiql {hall fill'yout fiomack Maflctl’cter-t-VVhat two vpon oneScntlemen; Mifiris Mi’nie uar,mucbzgood doo’c you Sir Adam. 7 Sir quin. Sir Vaughan,haue you din‘d Well Sir V au ghan! Strk'ltm AS good {care a; would make any hungtie man (and: Were in the vilcfl prifon in the world) catc and bee haclf anicflouilackg : One word ’SitCMintilianin hu ggcr muggcr; . " hecrc is a Sentleman of yours, Mafictpetet Flafh , isutcfitous (ahauc his blew coate pulfd oucrhis cares; and----- ‘ £12411. _;No Sirpny petition runs thus, that your worfliippc would t-lirufi mccrout of doorcs , and that I may follow Sir Vaughan. _ ‘H - v - - T.“ w ; Szr Van. Ican tclIyou Maficrflaflmnd you follow Mac I goe verie fall} tbjnke in my confciche,I am one ofthc light. . ‘ efl knights in England -. . ’ ' may]- It’s no matterSimhc Flaflics hauc. euer bin known'e to‘bc qugickog‘ndjlightenough. ' y y ' . ' 5:7 qm‘n. Sir Vaugl1an,hc fhal follow you,hefl1all dog you \ g9°$l SirVaughw-K. A * I » ~ ‘ : z ‘ , 4 ., L EnterHoracc Walking. - _ ; ,. Slr‘l’dm Whyyhon Peter Hafh‘ I will 1%: my fame markcs gymcgand'a blew coats vpon you. , » , «- £14. “GodLgmczgty to your wotfiup , 4 I hope you {hall neuer‘ repent for me. ‘ ' . . \ ScrI/m ‘You bare the fate ofan honefl ma‘nioz’ you Hug) pafing‘ngl} :13?ng will quench the Harp; out pfyour name. ., z and 7 ' large; my dcuices. The vmmfking of : ,V am? you {hall be ch’rifincd Peter Salamander. , ‘I’eter Flash The name's too good For me, Ithanke your wetflaip, Sir Um, Ate you come Mafiet Horace,you {Vent mee the Coppie of youtlettcrs countenanceand I did vynte end read it;yout wittes ttuelie bane done vetie valixanthe: Us a good indxtements,you ha put in enough for her ha you note Her. According to my inflruéfions. , Sir Wm. Tis paging well , I pray Mafier Horace walk: a little befide your felfe,[ will turn: vpon you incontinent. Sir quin. V Vh at Gentleman is thxs in the Mandilian,a fol- d er? ‘ YSir V43. No,tho he has a very bad Face Fora fouldiexyyct he has as dcfpetatc a wit as‘ cue: an v Scholler went to cuffes for; tis a/Sentleman Poetghe has made times called Ihalamimums,‘ for Mgl’ridcgtoomepn vrd widdow. f ’ ’ ’ Str quiz Is this he Welcome Sit,yout nameeptay you wake“ not {0 Ratth'ebut be acquainted with me boldlie5yout name 7 , ' Sit? ' ‘ y Her. (hintfls,Horatius,Flaccus. , ‘ Sir ngfif Good Mafler Flappus welcome. * . » He Walk" vp and dome; Sir Vau- Miflris Miniuer , one vrdc in your corner heere; 1 defire you to breake my atmes hecrc, and read this Paper, you {hall feele my mindesand aff'eé’tions in it , at full and at e/‘Mini. Ilcteceine no Louclibcls pcrdy‘, but by word: mouth. ‘ / . . ‘ 1W Vaughan. By Sefu tis no ”libel! , for heerc is my hand to It. - . , ' , ' WM. 11c ha nohand in it Sir Vaughan, Ileynot dcale with you. . . ‘ , “' _ ' Sir UM. W by then yyjddowfile tgflyog by word. amouth Maxi, Yogi the" Hum :rous Po‘et. .» ‘ Mi. YOur deuices come not more m 'y mouth Sir Vatigh; an‘perdyJ was vpon a time in the way to marriage, but now E m turn'd a tother fide,I ha. fworne to lead: a Eagle and firm. lelife. ' P Sir Adam. She has anfwer’d you Sir Vaughan. Sir Vw. Tis true, but at wrong weapons Sir Adam; will yo u be an All]: Milli-is Min iuersz‘ ‘ Min. Ifl beyou {hall not ride me. , Sirfivmg. A fiinplelife! by Sefu tis the life ofafoole, a Gm? , ' 6 li e! P‘Sirqfi. How now Sir Vaughan? Sir Udugb. My braines has a little fine quawme come vn , . der it,md therefore Sir Adam ,and Sir (Matthew , and mifiris Miniucr caps God ho’y. V .A will. Good Sir Vaughan. _ Sir Waugh. Mailer Horace , your iu'ucntions doe her no good in the Vniuerfalities; yet beer: is' two ihillings for your wittcs; my bySefu you {hall take itif‘t were more: yonder bald Adams,isput my nofc from his ioyntgbut Adam I will be men to you : this is my cogitations,l will inditc the Ladies 86 Miniuer caps to a dinner ofPlumbes , and I shall defire you ALHorace, to fpeakc or railc 5 you can raileI 11013: in God a mighty. H07“. You mean: to fpeake bitterlie: , Sir anlm. , Right, to fpittc bitterly vpon baldnespr the thinncs ofhairqyou fall care down: Plumbcs to fwccten y our mouth , and heercis a good Anfell to. defend you : Peter Sas- lamander follow me. ' [£141. With hue and crie and youwill Sir. Sir Van. Come M ,Horacc, 1 will go: pull out theLadicsg ’ Ho. And He {ct out my witsyBaldnes the Theamez‘ My words lhallflow hye in a filucr fireame; Exam. Enter Tucca bruflsirg oftbe cmm'laes. . Tm. Wher's my mail coflly and fumptyous Shoithofc? H r w h L if-“ ‘ F I quui- 1'5 The'vmrufsing of Sir @isz the King rifen from table Captaine'l'ucca: Tm. Howfrifenino my noblerintilian,kings are greater men then we Knights and Caualliers, and therefore muff eate more then lellc-r perfons ; Godamercy good Diues for thel‘c‘; crummes : how now:has not Frier Tucke din’d yeti‘he falles lb hard‘ to that Oyfier—pye yonder. . ' \ Sir quiz: Oylier- pye Captainee ha haghe loues‘ her, and I _ loue her and feare both (hall goe without her.“ ‘ - Tm. Doll louc her, my limit and firll part ofthe Mirrout ofKniahthoodE hange her {he lookes like a bottle ofale,whcnl ~ the cotke flycs out and the Ale forties at mouth, {bee lookes my good button-breech like the {i gne of Capncomepr like Tiborne when it is couer‘d with (now. -/ Sir qm‘n. .All’s one For that,fhe has a vizard in a bagge, will make her looke like an Angell; I wod I had her,vpon conditio 011,} gaue thee this chain: manlie Tucca. TM. 1 Mini} thou. fo Friskin: I haue her ath hip for fame ‘~ caufeefi can found her-,{hc‘ll come 3!: my becke. ‘ 6 Sir gain. Wod I could found her too Noble commaurk er. Tm. Thou {halt doo’tathat Lady ath Lake is thine Sir Tri¢ firam, lend mee thy chaine , doe, lend it,Ile make her take it 353 token , lle lincke her Vnto thee; andthou {halt wearc- her gloue in thy Worfhipfull hatte like to aleather brooch; Nay and thou milimfis thy coller,be tycd in’t llill. Sir qm‘n, Milli-till Captaine?no,heere tis,giuc it her if {he’ll take inor weare it thy felfe, iflhee’ll take mec , lle watch :him - Well enough too. » _ . Tao. No more, Ile {hoore away yonder Prickfhafc, and then belabour her,and flye you after yonder C uckoulol’t heere me my noble Gold-finch: ~— Szr qm'. No more. . , ' ‘ Tue. How d’ofi thou my fmugBélimperia?how (loll thou? halide oil? my little bald Derrickc,hands 91f ; harkc hctherSu- M” H -_ w ‘ N " ”M N " “w” forums» the Humorous Poet. , {anna,beware a thel‘e two wicked Eldersjfhall I [peake well on: Ill OFIhCCS’ b 4 Win. Nay,eeuc as you pleafe Captaineyit fhal he at your choice; Tue. Why well fetid, my nimble Short~holé. Sir gain. 1 hearc bet-,1 hears her. fl Tue. Art angry father time :‘ yart angrie. becau'fe I tooke mother-Winter afide :‘lleholde my life thou art {lmckewith CuPids Bitde-bolt, my little ptickfhaft , art? dol’: lone thafi _ mlother Mumble-gcrultidofl thou}? _ dofi longfor that whime w tam? in Sir Add. Wodlwere as fine to lyethh her , ‘as to lone er. . ' Tm. ‘Haue I Found thee my learned Dunce , haue I fennel theetlf I mighthamy wxl,thou fhou’ldfl not put thy fpoone‘ inc. to that bumble-broth ( fol; indeede Ide tafic he]: my felfe)no V thou {houldl’t not; yet ifher beautic blinde thee, flieisvthinefi can doo’t, thou heatdfi her fay eerie now,it lhould bee at my chbicé. ‘ ' ’ ' . . ‘ ' Sir A514. She did 12>,w0tke the match and llebeflow ---s . _ Tm.» Not a filke point vpon mee ,Iittle Adam {hee {hall bee thy Eeue , for lefl‘e then an Apple; but fend.,bee wife, find her fome token, ' lhee's greedie , {hec {hall take igdoe, fend , thou (halt l’ricke in her(PrickeflmaFt)but fend. _ Sir fldam. Hecr’sa purfe of goldefihinke you that wil be accepted? ‘ ‘ , . _ Tue. Goe to, it {hall bee aécepted , and twere but liluerg when that Plea-bitten Short-hole fieppes hence : vanilh too, and let mee aIOnevwith my Grannam inGuttet—Lane ' thermand this purl'e ofgolde dae,letme alone. ’7 . Sirquim. The King , gods Lord , I doe forget the King; Widdow, thinke on my wordes,l mull be gone .To waite his tiling,lle recumc anone. Sir Ad. Stay Sir Qixntilianfile be a waiter too. 7 L i . ‘ ' i " F E Szr qm’m Widdow , _ . The‘vnttufsingof ‘ "Sittquinti. Widaowwcdll‘tmfidtatCaptaine there with 3’ on. * Excurzr, ‘ 1m. Now;now,m<)thct Bunch how dofi thou! what dofl fi'ownc Chemo Gwyniuett‘ doi’t wrinckle 1 what made thefe pail-c ofthttIe-cockcs hecre? what doe they fumbie for P He ha none ofthcfe Kites fluttering about thy catkas, for thou {halt bee my Wefi Indyesg, «and none but trim Tucc’a {hall difcouet thee. . . Mm; Difcouet mCPdifcouer what thou eanfi-ofmea Tuc.’ What I can? thou know-fl, what Ican difeouet, [and win notlay thee open to the world. Wm Lay me open to the world: Tue. No Iw'tll not ,my moldie dcc ay’d Chafingdmfl’efl will not. am. Hang, thee patch-panneml am noneathy- Chafing; :mfic : I {come to be CEOITQ to fuch- a fcab as thou makt} thy elfe. ’ ‘ ‘ Tue. No,tisthou makfi me Ib,my Long Meg a Wefinu'n; fienthou breedt’t a fcab,thou—-—-—v ‘ Mn. IPdam thee filthie Captain e,dam thy filfe. Tm. My IittIe deuill a Dow-gate , Il‘e dam thee, ( thou knowf’t my meaning) Ilc dam thee vp 5 my wide mouth at \ Bifllops~gata , , Mm. WodI might once come to that damming. Tm:- Why thou fltalt,my fwcct dame Annis a Cleetc thou ffholtfor 11:: drowne my felfc in thee; I, fox: thy lo He, He fluke, Lfot thee. _ - , Mm. S'o thou wilt I warrant , in thy abhominahle finnest itord, Lord , howe many filthy word’es hat} thou to anfwete t on Tue. Name one Madge-owlet, name one, He anfwet for none ; my words {hall be Foorth commin g at all times,& {ham anfwet for them feluespny nimble Cat-a-mountaine : they :{hag§1g§g hym-czinckc’t, for. 11¢ giue theenonc but Sager.» M M "u” ' ”w __ M ”M W” candle the Humorous Poet; -’ candiewordes,1 willftot Puffe : goody poe-wife , I ,wifi _ not. * Min; Why dofi €211 mee fuch houiblevngodh'c names then! ’ T He. He name thee no more Mother» Red-ca (Vpon paint. of death,if thou wiIc Grim alkin,Maggot-a-pye will not. , Min. Wod thou shouldtt welknowfl am no? Maggotfiut a meere Gentlewoman borne. 7 ’ 1 Tu. I know thou art a Gentlemtd He nibble at thec,thou {halt be my Cap—a—xnatntenancefic Ile carrie my naked {word before thee,my tenet-end Ladie Lettice-cap. ' Mi. Thou {halt carry no naked {words before me to fright me,thou Tue Gotoojetnot thy tongue play {0 hard at hot-cochlea; for,Gammeerton,I meane to bee thy needle,I lone thee,I lone thee,becaui'e thy teeth Rand like the Arches .vnder Lon- don Bridge .' for thou't not turne Satyre & bite thy husband; No,co'd1e myhtde Cub,doe not {come mee becaufe I goe m Stag yin B «5:, heer’s veluet too; thou fed’t I am wozth thus much in bare vefuet. - Min. I {come thee not,not I. Tue 1 know thou dot} not,thou {ha-t fee that I could march u with two or three hundred linkes before me,looke here,what? I could {hew golde too , iflhat would temp: thee , burl will not make my we a Gold-fmithes Hal-l I 5 I feorne to goe chain‘d my Ladie ath Hofpitall,l doegyet 1 W111 and mufl bee ehain’d to thee. ' e/Win. To meee why Mafler Captaine ,‘ you know that I haue my ehotfe of three or foute payte omeghts , and there- fore hau-e [mall reafo'n to aye out I know not how 111 aman ofwar. - - i Tuc. A man a warre? come thou knowfi non what a we}; gbinun focatlon tis to be: Ca ptaines wife gthtee or four pgyre efKnighzs: Why dott heat: Ioane-aobedfietg, Qt gntermto. r- ~ Mono“. P 3 bogd, The vmrufsingof bond to be dub‘d‘by What day thou wxlt ’, when the next actf.’ ‘ on is layde vpon me,thou {halt be Ladxfied. WM. You know I am offcted that by‘halfe a dozen. Tue. Thou shalt little Miniuer,thou {hachle ha this frock tum’d into afooce-cloth;and thou [halt be carted, drawne I mean: , Coachc,Coach: ,' thou shalt ryde I igga- logge; 2; Hood shall Ha vp and doWnc hcere , and this” shipskin- cap; shall be Put 03;: . ~ ‘ , ‘ ” (Mini. Nay pel‘dic, 11c putofi' my cup for no mans plea; {are . .- . . - - — , ‘ Tue. Wot than be proude little Luciferfwell , thou shalt: go: how thou wilt Maide—ma‘rian; Acomc,bufl'e thy little An. ebony now, now,my clean: Cleopatria; f0, fqgee thy wales Alexis fécrcts, th'af’c a breath as fweet as theRol‘efihat growes by the Beam-garden , asfweete as the proud ’fl heade a Garlxcke in England : come , wut march in, to the Gentle folkes? , ,. ; ' . J "3’ e714 im'. Nay trulie Captaine you shall be gny leadem , 7,; Tue. HinaryAmbreefihon shalt march formolg . J Becaufe Ile max-kc how broad th’art in the heeles: « ; ' . Mini. PerdicJI will be {or ath lafi for this time. Tue. Why then come,we’ll walk: armé in am, As tho we were leading one another to Newgdfie, ’- Enter BlunelCrlfpinusg’tizdDemetriusgwitbpanfiJgdgbing , Crz'. Mme’s ofa Fashion,cut out quite ‘fi‘om‘ yours. ' ' Dem. Mine has the sharpel’c tomb, yonder heis; ‘31». Captaine Tucca. ‘ , e _ c/fll 120!va papcfyf Tm, How nOWPI cannot {land tol’fld‘l‘upflimtidtfl now Crif. T hey’rc bitter Epigmms ‘compol‘d on you ' t “ By Horace. , / Dem. And diliaerfl amongfl thegallantsl 1“ (metal! COPPicW A§919539§9: the Humorous Poet. Tue, By that line Eclefread, Leg: chzta,read thoul‘a‘cke.‘ ‘ Bl“. Tucca’figranmemon/z‘romfiowfrz‘cbP that Ift'dfl’, He’sjto be few: for money curry Where . ~ Tue. Why true , shall notI getin my debts, nay and’tlic goague write no betterl care not , farewell blacks lack: fares well. . l 1 Cri. ButCaptainehecr’s a nettle. ‘ Tue; Sting me,doe. ' . (31'. Tacm’s exceeding “Handy“ not bye, ’ , 2219];ng watb skili,but does mojf wily? lye. . 1 .- 1 Tue. Right,for heete Ilyc now. open,open ,to make my aduerliric come emand then Sigheere am I in’s Bomee : nay and this be the worIt,I shal hug the poorc honcll faceamaker, lle low: the little Athcil’c,when he writes after my commenda- tion,anotl1cr whipfcome yerkc me. ' ‘Dern. Tucca will bite,baw?groWnc S atiricdll, N01): bitcs‘mblcsfor hefccde: mall. .- , , ' , . ' ‘ . Tue. The Whorefon clouen—footc deuill in mans apparell Therclloodaboueforty disbesbef'otemeto day, " glycs, _ _ . ,1 film 1 neiie tpuelmt,bcCaufe they were empty. Mm. I am thnes young Gentlemen to that: . Tm. Farewell llinclcets,l {incl thy meaningScreecll.‘owlc; . idocitho I {lop my nofe: and Sirra Poet , we’ll haue thee vn- mallforthiéswmemothcrMum-puddinggcome. ,- V, ‘ , , x . Exam». Trumpmflmnd dflorifk; and than a fmnate : Enter” King with Czlefline,$it Walter Terrill,er Qgintilianfiit Adam, Blunt and other Ladies and mtenddms : w/atlfi the Trumpet: found ' the King take: his [mm oftbe Bridegroomegnd Sir Qljntilianfind [a]? oft/ac fB‘ride. Kim My fang Of Fittingidoth ‘his’bnrden bfaxc; , v Mrs #19; flames?! {Stir B99155: "m ‘1 » 7 .. ,1 . J "‘ J V V. ‘~ ,‘Ar :» ‘1‘ 1 9, i“ - l1; . v ’ » r- 'f e {“7 § Mannhwwm» , . The vmrufsing of Your lips are well in runefiru n g with delight; By this Faire Bride remember foone at night 3 » Sir Walter. ' Y . .“Ter. My Leige Lord,we all-attend, The time and place. Kin. Tillthen my lcaue commend. _ ‘ : ' They hing {rim to the dean-:Emcr at amt/yer dean“ > ;Sir Vaughan. SirVw. Ladieslam to putaverie eafie {uite Vpon you all " and to define you to fill your little pellies at a dinner ol'plums’ behinde noone5chere be Suckers, and Marmilads, and Mar. chants,and other long white plummesthac faine would kill'c your delicate and [wear lippes ; I indite you all together , and you efpeeially my Ladle Pride 5 what doe you lid: for your fellesz‘ for I indite you all. Cal. I thank: on good Sir Vaughan, I will come. ‘ Strum. Say entlewomen will you (land to me too? 5 All, Wee’ll fit with you fwe’et Sir Vaughan. , “ Sir “Um. .Goda mightic pl‘efl'e your Faces, and make yoilr yeauries lafl,when wee areal! dead and rotten: -——]ou all will come. . ' ' ' 1 Lady. All will come. I Six Va». PmyGodchar Horace becin his right wines, rd raile now. ' ' ‘ €xit. , (‘rifl Come Ladie,you {hall be my dauncing gucfl, ' To tread: the maze of muficke with the tell. ‘ fDem. lle lead‘you in. . . ‘Diucb. A mazcislxkea doubt: Tlseafie to goe in,hard co ct out. $15!». We follow clofc chindé. " , ’ Philocn. AThac meaf‘ure’s bell. ,Nownonc markcs vs,but we mark: allcherell; ‘ Exams; . ' fixamt aflfmg— Sir (Mndlian,Cgl¢fiinc,wd Su' , Walter Terrill. ‘; ‘ ' ( ' If: Fifi“ A;3-aegga¢m&rel,m§l , : the Humerous Poet. Trr. Father,and you my Bride';that name to day; ‘ Wife comes not till to mom-ow : but omitting ’ This enterchanging of Languages; let vs thinke Vhon the Kingan'd nighmnd call our fpirits o a true reckoningfirl’t to Arme our wittes . With coanplcat fleele ofludgement,and our tongs; ‘ With gound attillerv ofPhrafes: then - ’ Our Bodies mul’r bee motions; mooning firl’e W hat we {peakczaftematdspur very knees Mull humbly feeme to mike, and fate out {pcech; For a true furnilht Cortyer hath fuch force, 'I hough his tonge faints, his veryllegs difcourfc'. , ' Szr qm'n. Some 1 errall,thou halt-drawne his piéim‘e righg 7_ For hee’s noe full-made Courtier,nor. well (hung, ' That hath not euery ioynt Hut kc with a tongue. Dau ghter,if Ladies fay,that is! the‘Bridelthat‘srflie,‘ Gaze thou at none,for all will gaze at thee. - c141. Thengo my father mull I goePO m y husband Shall rkthen gee: O my l‘elfe,will I goe? .3” gain. You muflafl ; I . ‘ Tar. You (hall. Cal. Iwill,b_ut glue meleaue; To fay I may not,nor I on ght not, flay not H K Still,I mufl goeJet me i meate I may not. » « 7 , _ Tar. You muli and fhall,l made a deede ofgifi', ‘ ‘_ . I \ fl . ‘ I And gaue my oath vnto the King,l {wore , ‘ By thy true confiancy. ("21. Then keep that word To lizveare hy,Q let me be conflantflill. i Tar. What {hall I cancell, faith,and breake my oath? Cal. If breaking conflanciethou breaklt them both. «« Tei. T by contlancie no enill can purfue. . Cal. .1 may be conlianc Pnll,and yet nottrueg‘ I Ter. AS 50W? ‘ r , “ ‘ ”“ G Ce; AS _ The vntrufsing of _ Cue; As thusflay violence dctain’d. ‘ They may he conHant hill,that are con"3 rain’d. _, Tc’r. Confltain’d?that word weighs htauyyet my oath Weighes downethat word the kin ge s thoughts are at oddesg They are not euen ballanfi in his breil; ‘ ‘ The King may play the man with me5nay more, Kings may vlhrpe5my wife's a vvomangy ct Tis more then I know yet,thatknow no: her, Iflhe {hould prooue mankinde,tvvcte rare,fye,fye,' " See how Iloofc my felfe,amongfl my thoughts,‘ _ Thinking to finde my felfe;mv oathnny oath. Sir quin. I fweare anorhcr,let me {ceby what; By my long flockingiand my narrow skirtes, Notmade tofit vpongfhe {hall to Court. . ‘ " ‘ I haue a tricke,a charmethat {halllay down: The fpirit oflufl,and~keep thee vndeflowred; Thy husbands honor fau’ ,and the hot King, Shall haue enough too.Come,a tricke, a Channel ' .éfxici' (42/. God keep thy honour fafe,my..bloud from hai'me'. Tar. Comc,mv ficke—minded Btideflle teachthee how} _ To telifh health alittle : Taflc this thought, ,, 4! . 4 s. ‘ That when mine eyes feru’d loues commifl’i on; » 4, 4 . e "1; Vpon thy beauties I did feifc on them, To at Kings vfe;cure all thy gricfe with this. 'I hat his great feale was gratin) Vpon thssring,» ' V And that l was but Steward to a hing. . A ; Emmi; 94' banquet/2’2 out: E mer SirVanghan, Horace,Afinius Bubo, Lied)! P etula,Dica’ch¥c,, l? hilocahagMzfl 1 is Minine . ' ‘ amt Peter Hall]. 7 , Sir mqgh. Ladies andSentlemen,you are almofl all wela 4 . tomato this {‘weet num ions of Plums. ' " ” {' isz'cacb: Almofl‘dl L‘sn‘ ynughan: yvhy to which of vs are theHumotous Poet. you To niggardly , that f you cut her out but :a peice Aofwela came. Sir Uxflgb. My interpretations is. that almoll all are Wel~ come,becau{e I indited a brace or two more that is not come,‘ I am ferric my Ladle Pride is not among you. Afi. Slid,he makes hounds ofvs ngle,a brace quoth a? 1 Sir 0mg. Peter Salamanders draw out the pictures of all the ioynt Gooles,& Ladies Gt downe vPon their woddcn faces. F1117). I warrant er , Ile glue euetie one of them a good (1001C. Sir Wu. Mallet Horace,MaRer Horace, whenl pray to God,and defire in hi poctitnesthat bald Sir Adams were beer, thcn,then,then begin to 'makeyouttailes at the Pouertie anal beggerly want ofhaire, Her. Leaue it to my iudgement. ‘ Sir V43. M.Bubo fit—there,}=0u and I wil thinke vpon 0112 ends at the Tables : M.Horace,put your learned bodie into the . audit of chefe Ladies; fol tis no matter to fpeake graces at nuns; cions,hecaufe we are all pafl grace fince dinner. Afim'. Mas l thanke my 'deflinieI mum pafi grace, For by this hand full of Carrawaies , Icould neuer abide talk)" race. ‘ 3 Dim. MiflrisMiniuer,is not that innocent Gentlemanfl kinde of foole? ' Mm. Why doe you aslte Madam? , .Dtcac/J. Nay for no harme,I aske becaultl thought: you two had been of acquaintainc. ‘ ‘ ' Mm. I thinke he’s within an Inch ofa fooles v _ Dis-ad). Madam‘Phllocaha, you fit next that fpare Gena slemanwod you heard what M ifiris Miniuer faies ofyou. Tlulo. Why what faics the Madam Dicache. , Dim. Nay nothing ,but wilhes you were married to that fmalltimher’d gallant. ' LHn'la. Your with and mineare twiflflcs“: I will“ {0 ”0‘ f0“ “ ’ " G g, » then M“\ww“»vzc t .. ,. .. The 'vnttufsing of 711m 1 (hould be {are to lead .1 meuie hf e . A1” 211 Yésta th Ladieflde make 0 laughmy bolts now 1 31d then lhOUlLl be foone {hotgby th is comfits ,- weed let all» ldc. Pam. He takes the Fweetefl oathes that eucrl heard a gal- lant 01? £115 pitch (w eate- ,by th efe Comfits,& thele Cart-sawa1ess I war1ant1t docs him good to fwearc. Aft}: Yes faith tls meate and drmke tome. >I am clad Ladle Pen~ 111(by this Ap-t 1e th at they pleafe you. 3111/1111. Peter Sal.1mand3rs wme,l befeech you Mal’ter ‘ _ A1" mus Bubo. no: to fiveare {o dee; lie, for there comes no ftu1te of your caches; heerc Ladies, 1 put you all mto one cots nets mo ether, 1' cu {hall all d1 inke of one cup. Afi. z’PeterI pr ethee fill me out too F141;. Idc fling ) on out too and Imioht ha my will, a pox of all fooles S r V414. Miflris Miniucrs, pray bee lui iie ,wod Sir Adams Prickshafi: fiucke by you. , Hor Who, the baldc nght Sit VaUOhmz‘ S 7 Van ”I hofame M Horace he that hat: but a remnan or 031 cell ofhaichfis'cmwne 15 ch 1: and par ’d aw aysme thin‘ltcs ' :15 an excellentqualhcie to bee balde ; for and them Huck: a 'n‘ole and cw o nyes 111 his pate, he might wearc two faces v11.- - tier one hood. e/I/i. As God fauc me la 1f I m1 ahtha my will, 1111: rather be a balde Gentleman theh a hairy , for 1 am fure the belt and tallel l Yeomen' 1n Ennland haue balde headsunc thinkcs haire is a fcuruie lowfie co nmoditv. . Hor Bubo h,_ce1:e1nyou blaze yourignorancc Szr V411 Pray hop and fill your moutl-les,anda Giuc M HO‘ taco all y our cares. . Hor. Fonzf of all the 179419: parts 111: bad ,3: the mofl royal]: 1f dz’bom fem”: I ndgcmmt, 1AM all em “under/fanflingfimhiu, §i€ ‘ tthumcrous Poem, Sit therein their high Court ofParlmmem, Em fling have: 't o f way this humorous world: Thir lit'la" fle ofgfldcm: needes muff the: crowne,‘ Which flxnd: upon the: fezpredme hedd ,hefeire, And held: inualmzhlc,and that crowne’: the Hairc : T he headthae What: this honon r fiends aver}, ' f: hare in name andin duthor ity. Sir “Um. He mcanes baldc-pates miflris Miniucrs, Har. Hairc,tz’s the roahe which curious nature wanes, To heng wpon the head :And does adorne, , Our bodies m thefir/l home V e are home: god doe: he/r'ow thztgarment .' when We dye, Trutfllg a [oft andfilken Cenopie) Is/h/lfpred oucr w; ln fpg'ght of death Our hdyre grown in om‘graue,ond that! alone Laokesfi'z'fh,when all our other hedutfegone. The excellence of Hail-gin this flfi'nes eleere, Th4! lhefimre E'le meme take prz‘ de to we are “ 1 The fie/him o f it; when Fire 1920/} bright does hume, The/lame: to golden lockes doe firiuc to norm; \ When her lajcihious arms the Water harks, About 'the; [homes WaflJJer/Zeeke bedd [he eurles: Android cloudes heingfhckt mm the Aer, / When downethcy melt,hdng: like fineflluer he)“. Ton/2c the Earchfwhofé heedfi: of: it flame) Frighred rofeele her loehesfo rudely tome, S rend: math her hair: an end,and( thm afraide) Tame; emery hmre to agreene naked blade. ‘ Befidumhenfllruclg wuhgmfefle long to dye, Wejpode that moflmhz'eh mofl does heesmefie, ’We rend this Head-tyre of. I thus conclude, Cullorefiae cnllors uzetgour eyes hedge right, Of'w‘ee armrtue by their oppofi‘te: «Emilftirc heir: to heme} adfuchg me; war , fiww.~qqn..vmmv.ww Murphym, v , 9555?,Mbfiwwfiifiwmflfilg ~ erg» N ‘3“ The vntt’ufslng of For fine poundmnd fay tls for me to cry Mum, and analce mce. run vp and downe in dilhon’ors, and diliredites; is’t not true, youwinke-mpipes rafcall? 13 not true: ' _ T uc. Right, true, guilty, I remember“t now 5 For whcnl fpake a good word to the W iddow For thee my young Samo- fon -——-——— , ' 4 Sér Van. For fiue‘younds you cheating fiab,Fot’5 .poundfs, not for me. ‘ Tm. For thee?) Czrfarfor thec,I tooke vp fine pounds in - goldeghatlay in her lap,& {aid lde glue it thee as a token From her: I did it but to {mell out ho w (he flood affec’ccd to thee,to feele her; Land I know what {he faid,l know how 1 carried a- way the golde. Szr V‘m. By Sel‘ugl ha not the mercy to fall vpon him now: MTucky,did widdow Mimuers p311: quietly from her golde', becaufe you lyed, and {aid it was for. me? T140. Q:ietly,in peace,without grumbling; made no nolfe, I know how I tempted herein thy behalfegmy littleTrangdo. Szr Vau. Captcn Tu cky ,Iwill pay back her 5.3.(vnles you be damn’d in lyes) & hold you , I pray you pocket vp this; by the-crolfe a this [word & daggerfiap ten you {halltakc it. ‘ Tm. Doll fweare by daggetsz‘nay then He putvp more at thy hands then this. ' » Fizz/h. Is the fray done fit? S W Van. Done Peter, put vp your fineetcr. ' 1m. Come hether, my l'oure—Fac’d Poet; fling away that beard-brufh Bubo,cafheere himfind harke : Knight attend : So,thatraw-head and bloudy-bones 511' Adam,has Fee’d ano- ther brat (ofthofe nine common wenches )to defendibald- nestand to mile againfl haire : he’ll haue afling. at thee , my noble Cock-Sparrow. / Sier. Acmeefwillhee fling the cudgels of his wittc ac‘ meet 1 " , . , ~ , Terr. And at thy button-cap toosbutcomcfile be yourlca- ' der, l \ «a, :gxmr ' ‘ New ecoégifeieeslsFl‘OBreraézsbeen: the Humorous Poet. der you {hall fimd,heare all,& not be feenegc’afi off that blew coateiaway with that flewnefiud follow,comc : . Em. Her. Bubo.\\'efollow Captaine. \ * Sm Ur: PeterJeanecomzning behindc me,l pray any 1011' gcrfor you and l mull part Peter. ' ‘ Hafiz. Sounds Shyl hope you will not ferue me f0 , to tame me away in this cafe. S lr Um. T u me you into a fooles coare 5 I meane I willgo [blmpr in folltaries alone sounds y-are bel’r glue better words, or lle turne you awayyindeed; where is Capten Tucky Pcome Horacegget you home Peter. t ‘ ‘ 7 ‘ F1412}. 11: home to your coll,and I can get into the ;Wine~ Seller. ‘ é’xif. ‘ H07”. Remember where to meetc mee. Afin, Yes lle meetea Tucca {hould ha found I dare mectc. Exit- Ha. Dare defend baldnes, which our conquering Mufe ' . Has beaten downeloflat? Well,wc will goe, ,And fee. what Weapons theyr weake wittes doe bung; Iffharpe, we’ll fpred a large and nobler Wing ; ' Tucca,heere lycs thy Peace : vvarteroates agcn; My Swoord {hall .neucr cutte thee, but my pen; ‘ Exit. Enter Sir Adam,Cri{'pinus,Fannius,Elune,Miniuerg, P etula,Philocalia and Dicace. Ladies, Thankes good Sir Adam. Sir Add; Welcomercd—cheekt Ladies, And welcome comely Widdow;Gentl’emen, Now that our {orry banquet is put by, From Healing more {weet kifles from your lips . Walke in my gardentLadyes let your eyes Shed hfe into thele flow ers by their bright beames, Sit,Sit,hcere’s a large bower, heere all may heare, ‘ jhere WHAAA'. __’ A ‘.;. _,.;..,_,_V_VV,_t 7%,..th— .1“- . Th 21’: 3 his bell Mallet-piece;th tis the roofe, ' Allcreaturesm 1t b.1lde,chelouely 51mm, The vnrmfsing of There, whcrcitlef‘rofiC Baldnes. sz'f.lfl1allvv1nne. No 191 .ule, by praiFno that, which to 112131 aue, All tonoues a1e readie,and which none would bane “31:4. I o pmoue that befl by (hongano‘: armed 1121111311, W hofe part1eafon teams to take,cannot but proouc, Your w1t’ 9 fine te1npe1,and from the {e 1111) lone. [1114 I promife you has almoll conue1ted 111e,lp1ay bung forward your bald 1eafons M 13011. , C11. Millns you27 vine my Reafons prooe1 names: «For Axgumentsflike Ch1ld1en)fl101l:i be like, The fubicé’c that begets them I mull Iiriue . To C1 owne Ba ’11 /mdes,therefore mufi baldhe th1iue: ~ u But be 1: as it can: To what before, . W cm: arm d at table,th1s force bring I more, lfa "84119 lamd(beinglike a dea L-l -mtms (cull) Should bear: Vp no praiIe els but thxs,1t fete » > p : 0111‘ end befme our eyes; lhould I difpaire, ' ' ‘ 1* From giumg 2841111211 h1ghe1 place then haue! ’ 1241171. Nay perdle, Chair: has the higher place. Cr I he goodlief’t 8: 1110 (l glorious Il1ange.built wonder, ‘Whmh thato great A1chiteét hath made isheauen; _ For there he keepes hzs COUlt,It 15 his Kingdome, VZ‘WA‘YL , ’ . 1:111 2.11511 And Seek ncr ofche world: that may be cal 11 '] he head 01 Dcrowne of1 arch and yet that' s balde, Has a Face fleekc as golde; the tall-check: M Jane, As brioht and I moo h as 61 1er. - nothing the-1e W cares danoling lockcs, but fometime blazing Staues, Whole e1fla Inn-g curles {ct realmes on fire w1th wanes .. _ [and mo1eIow1 lookethmuoh mans fiue-foldé fencei ’, " Of 2111,1111 Eye beares greate fiemmence; “ And yet that’ s balde the hmcs that 11k; a lace, 1 ‘ ‘, 1 g . v Are _‘ _e ‘ , A.- »1 , Abrasive; «5.11511112419: .11.». .1 1 a'a.-:‘.mu!i c’ fig-“1w": T’V-fgffiwn 3“» n.“ x. .v\ t; 33»; . . ‘ . many - A head growne thickc with haire,'Bufk-mturall{ - , You would hauc much more wit,had you lefl'e haire : _ 3" , I , could more wearie you to tell the pro ofes . ( As they pafl‘e by)“: hich fight on B4/drm fidc, the Humemus Poe t. Are Gicht vnto theliddes,borro'w thofe for-mes; Like Pent-houfes to fauc the eyes from flormes. Sir Adam. 'Rightmcll fiid. ‘ : (hf A head and faceore-growne With Shaggie droll'es' ._ 0,1235 anOrient Peal-1c hid 3111:: M Ofl‘e‘,‘ ' , 24;: x . 4 But when the head’s all naked and vncrown’d, It is the worlds globe,eu en,fmooth and round; ~ 3414”“ is natures ‘Bm,at which our life, ‘ “'4‘ Shootes her 139: Arrow : what man eucr lead , ‘ 3 Hrs age out with a‘ flaffe,but had a head ‘ 4 7 L Bare and vncouer’d? 'hee whole yeares doe rife, To theirfullheightyctnot ba‘lde, is not wife. The Head is Wifedomes houfe,Hairc but the thatch; Haireflt’s the bafcfi Hubble; in {come ofit, , This Proucrbc fprung,he has more hair: tb'm wit : ‘ _ a; Marke you not in derifion how we call, Min. By your leaue(MaflerPoet)but that Bufh—naturall, is one a the trim methane! mol’r intanglingi’r bcautie m a wo- 0f Righthut belceue this(p4rdou me we]? fairs) I r " —irwr-timwm‘ ’ " Then were you task: to number on a head, _ 2; The haires :I know not how your thought are lead, ' 4 - » j- On‘this flroug Tom-r {hall my opinion ”refl, - Hearst/sick; qf‘hdirc gregaodjmz balde the luff, Wkilfi this Paradox is infieakingfluc ca Enters with Sir Van gh- ; fan at one doore,4ndfioretly plumb him: than Exit and bangs m 1% __ f Horace muflledylacmg himj'Tuccafits «twang them. 4 g ' . Tue. Th’art within: haire ofit ,my {Weet Wit whether 1;”?! . f “ ‘1 1 t mt . - 4 % ff» a .l , . Thevntrufsingof Hm: : my delicate Poeticall Furiegh‘afi hit it to ahaire. I - Sir Vanghanfleps om. Sirvm. By your Emour Mallet Tucky, his bald: tea-4 fons are wide abou: t‘wo hayrcs, lbefces you pardon me: ladies ,that lthrufi info malepartlv among you, for] did. but; mych have, and fee how this crucll Pact did handle bald headcs. I ‘ Sn Ad. H: gauethem but their due Sir Vaughan; Widqn‘ dowdid he nor? , WM lly myfaith be mad: more ofa bald: head ,than ever I {hall be able : he gau: them their due truely. Sirvaugh. Nay vds bloud ‘ their due is to bce’a the right hair: asIam, and that was not in his fingers to giue, but in God a Mighties: Well , I Will 11er that humorousand . fantallicall Poet Mallet Horace, to break: your bald: Pat: Sir Adam, ‘ , - ‘ Sir Mala. Break: my bald: pate? “Tm. DOG hear: my worlhipfull blackheadi Sir “044g. Patience Captain: Tucky, let me abfolue him; " Ll mean: he {hal pricke,pricke your head or (com: a little with his goofé—quils,f0r he {hal make another Thalimumpr .crofl‘e- 'flickes, or fom: Poolinoddycs, wi*h a few: Nappy-grams in’ themjh’at {hall lift vp hairc,and fee lean en dmlth his . learned and harry commendations. ‘ Hor. This is cxc:llent,all will come out now. Dim. That film: Home: m: rhinkes haslthemofl vngod.’ ly face,by my Fanglt lookcs for all {be world, 11k: a rottehrufq {ct Apple,wh:11.tis bruiz.’d; Its better then a {yoOntfidl of 8x1 mmon water next my heart,fcr m: to hear: h1m l‘peak: ;hcc foundes it {o i’th hole, and tflkcs and randes for all Eh: world, 11k: the poor: fellow vndcr Ludgat: : oh Eye. EB: onhim. \ _ l ‘ x , .3; 1mm Bymy troth fweet Ladies‘, it’s C ak: and pudding to sac-,to fee his facemak: faces , yyhen he: readesi his Squg: , ‘ an ‘ theHumorous..-Poet‘. imdSonnets. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . ' ' " ’ H CIl'ior. Ile face fome of you for this, What you fhali riot ' u c. _ Tguc. Its the flinckingi’t dung-farmeréu-e F0}! Vpon‘hiin. _ Sir Um. Fohtoundes yOu make him 'vrfi: than olde’ her- ring: fohtb)'Se{u Ithinke he’s as tidyfindas‘talla Poet as :— ucr drew out a long verfe. ‘ ' ' ’ Tue. The bei’t veriéthat euerlknew him hacke out , was his white necke-verfemoble Ap Rees thou wouldfl {come ‘30 lays thy lippes to his commendatxons, and thou fmeldl’t him out as I d oe,hee calles thee the burning Knight of the Sa- _lamander. ' I i - Sir Dang/a. Right, Peter is my Salamander 5 what of him? but Peter is neuer bu‘tnt: howe nowefo, ' got: we now. ] {h'l'ucm And {ayes becaufé‘thou Clipfl the Kinges'Eng- l . , Sir Vaughan Oundes meef that’s treafon : clip ,9 horrible treafons, Sefu holdeemy hancies; clip: he baites moufc—trappes for my life, Tuccd. Right little ‘Twimk‘kr, right : hee {ayes becaufi: thou fpeak’ti 'no better,thou canfi not keepe a good tongue in thy head. " Sir Umg. By God tis the befi tongue,I can buy for loue or money. g Tito. He {hooters at thee too Adam Bell , and his atrowcs. Ricks hcete; he calles thee bald-pate. 5 r Umgb. Oundes make him Prooue thefe hitoilera- ,bilities; ' . - ( Tue. And askes who (hall carry the vineger—botdewt then he time —: too’t, and fay es Prickfliaft ': nay Miniuer hee crom- piestby Cap :00 ; and _ , . Cri. Come Tucca,come,no moresthe man’s welknowne, thou needii not paint him,whom does he no: wron’ga ' , -- ‘ I 2 Tue: Mary. rt‘ / . , _ WW ‘1‘ u - - Theiyntrulsi 11g of TuaMary bimfelfe,thCVglie Pope Boniface,~pardons him; , felFegand therefore my hid geinent iéghat prefently he bee had’ from hence ,to his place of execution , and there bee Stab’d, Seab’élfitab’d. i ii ‘ Hor. Oh gentlemen-Jam flainephflauc artbyt’d to mus- der me,to murder me,co murder me! ' Ladm. Oh God I . ‘ Sir ledgh. Ounds Clapton-you haue put all Poetrie to the dint offword,blow Windeabouc bun: Ladies for our Louie's fakeyOu that haue fmocks,ceare off peecesfio {home through , his oundes :_ Is be dead and buried? ishe? pull his nol'e, pinch, rub,rub,rub,rub. Tu. Ifihe be not dead,looke heere; I ha the Stab and ip.‘ pin for _him:if I had kil’d b1m‘,l could ha pleaf‘d the great oole with an Apple. , , “ C71]: How now? be Well good Horate , beer’s nowoundg, Y’are {laine by your owne feares ; how doll thou man: Come,pnt thy heart into his place againe; Thy" out-{ides neither peir‘f’r,nor ln-fid‘ellaine. Sir Van. I am glad M.Ho_race,to fee you walking. ’ H0. Gentlemen ,I am blacke and blewe the breadth of a groate. . Tm. Breadth of a groate? there’s a teflon , hide thy infir. mities,my fcuruy Lazarus; doe,hide it,lea{l it prooue a {tab in time : hang thee defpcration,hang chee,thou knowflé I cannot be fharpe fee againfl thee: looke , feels my light-vpcailes allJ feele my weapon. Mz‘. O'moll pittifull as blunt as my greattbumbe. Sir Van. By Sefu, as blunt as a VVelfh bag-pudding. Tue. As blunt as the top of P oules ; tis not like thy Aloe; Cicaurine coneguegbitter':‘no,tis no fiab’berbutlikc thy good?- ly and glorious nofe,blunt, blunt, blunt :- ‘dofl roare bulcbm? doll mare! th’afi a good rounciuall voice to cry Lanthorne 85 Candlewligbto ' . Si? Van. Two . 3h: Humt‘rous Peer; ‘ , _ - _ . ‘- Sm VAI Two vrd s Horaté about y'allr'cares :‘ how 'ch‘hnccfif. . pifl‘csghht you bicf God boyghf to’ an‘ honel} ttadflofbuildmg Symneys,and_ laying: downé Bric‘kes , for- a Work handicrafb ncs,to maké nothing hzgtrailcs; youtMuFe leancs vpon no- thrmg but filthy rotted railcs , Tue-h as Fraud on Poules head,» how chance? _ ' ‘ ” Hor. Sir Vaughan. / Sir V4. You 1y: fir varlct fir villaineJ am {it Salaman dcrs,‘ ounds,is my man Matter Pete: Salamandxers face as vrfc as \ mme -.' Sentl-emen,all and Ladies ,and you fay once or twice _ Amen , Iwii’llap this little Sildc, chi-s» Booby In his blankets agen. '« » 0mm. Agreefdfigrcc’d. _ ‘ Tm. A blanket, thcfé crackt V enicc glachs {hallfill him om,th¢y {hall toffe him , holde fafl wag-tanks : {'0 , come , in ,/ take this bandy with the racket of pitieme, why whenf dofi flampc mad Tamberlainc , dofi Ramp: -.' thou thinkfi th’afl Monet vnd‘cr thy fecte,dofl:’ dez’a. Comc,a‘ band y ho. » x , HOV. O holde mofl facrcd beauties. ‘ ' -\ , 1; Ski/’4». Hold,filence,the puppet-teacher {peak-es. a Ho. Sir Vaughanmoble Capten,Gentliemcn, , C rifpinns,dcarc Demetrius 6 rcdeeme me, on: of this infamous—-—by Godby Iefu Cri. Nayfivcarcnot {0 good Hora-eemovv thefe Ladies, Ate made yourexccution‘crs : prepare, To {offal-like a gallammot a coward; Ilc trie t’v’nldol‘e,thcir handsjmpolhble. Nay, wom‘ens vengeance are implacable. , - ' \Hbr. Why,would you make me thus the ball offcornez’ y Tue. Ile tcll’thce why,bebaufc that): cmred Actions of af- fault and battEry,againfl a com panic of honourable and _wor- ‘ {hipfull Fathers oftbe law: you wrangling rafcall, layv none of: the pillcrs ath land,and ifthou becfl bound t00’t(asl hgpc .. I 3 x t ‘ ou * 'ru l firm "a A g ;. V .mxrw<~agm,.mwe¢k< “ . i g The 'v’n‘trufsingof "thou fiaalt bee) thou’c prooue a skip-lathe , thali’t be whipt ; Ile tell thee why,becaufethy {putteting chappes yel e , that Arrogance, and Impudenee , and Igno‘raunce, are t It: efi‘en— ‘ trallpatts of a Courtrer. Sir Vail. You remember Horace) they will puncke , and pinckgand pumpe you,and they catch you by the coxcomhe: on I praypne lafh,a little more. Tm. Ile tell thee why. becaufe thou cryeft ptrooh at war. {hipfull Cittizens,and ca-l’it them Flat—caps, Cuckolds , and bancktupts,and model} and vettuous wines punckes & cock. atrices. Ile tell thee why,becaufeth’afl arraigned tWo Poet; againfi all lawe and confcience; and not content with that , haf’c turn’d them amongfl a company ofhorrible blacke Fr ers. ’ ySir Van. The {ime'hand fiill,it is your owne another day,‘ M.Hora¢c,admonitions is good meate. Tue. Thou art the true arrai gn’d Poet , and {houldfl haue been hang’d,but for one ofthefe part-takers ,, thefe charitable Capper-lac’d Chriflians, that fetch: thee out of Purgatory, (Players 1 meane) Theaterians pouch-mouthStage-walkers; for this Poet,for this, thou mul’t lye with there foute wenches, in that blancketior this ----- , Her. What could I doe,out ofa iufi reuenge, But bring them to the Stage? they enuy me becanfe I holde more wet-thy company. , Deme. Good H orace,no;my cheekcs doe bluflm for thine; As often as thou fpeakfl fo,where one true And nobly-vertuous {pit-itfor thy belt part Loues thee} wrfh one ten,euen From my heart. I make aceount I put VP as deepe [have ,(In' any good mans loue,which thy worth carries,“ ’ A5 thou thy felfe 5 we why no: to fee, Thyfriends with Bayes to crowne thy Poefiet No; ‘ , _ h ‘ r I r ' ‘ , 6. ~ ymxrmm‘a -‘vagnt’b , at. ,u » J .< t‘ ":‘_ the Humorous Poet. , No,heere the gall I yeswe that‘know what (1ch y . ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ Thy verie-heart is made of; know the Halke \On which thy learning growesgnd can glue 1ti To thy (once dying) bafenes; yet mull W54 Dance Antickes on your Paper, Hor, Fannins. , Crz. This makes vs angry,but not envious, No,Were thy warpt foule,put in a new molde, Ide weare thee as a lewell fee in golde. ' Sn‘Van. And lewels Mailer Horaeegnui’c be hang‘d you" ‘know. ~ ' » ' Tue. Good Pagans, Well laid, they haue {owed vp that bmken [came-rent: lye of thine , that Demetrius is out at E14 howes,and Criibinus is falne out with Sarah heere, they haue; but blame-herring doll heare? . ‘ ' Her. Yes honour’d Captainel haue cares at will. - ‘ TM. I It not better be out at Elbowes,then to bee a bond- flaue,and to goe all in Parchment as thou doll! Horace. Parchment Captainez tis , Perpetuana I allure on a. ’ y Tue. My Perpetuallpantaloone true, but tis waxt ouer§ th art made out of Waxgthou mull anfwere for this one day ; thy Mule-is as hagler, and wean-es cloathes vpon be-li- botruli: th’art great in fome bodies books forthisghou kuowfi where; thou wouldfl bee out at Elbow es , and on: at heeles too, ‘ but that thou laycfi about thee with a Bill for this , 3 Ho. 1 coni’efl'e Capten,l followed this {uite hard; , TM. 1 know thbu didii,and therefose vx inlet we lune Hi4 ren heere, @eake my little «liflm-waflgers , a yacht Piile-a‘ k1:chins.. , . . ‘ Omms‘w Blancket. 1 . V y ~ Sn" Wm. Holde’ I pray , holde , by sea; l haue put vp-t on my heade, a fine geuice, to make you laugh: :35? mt _ , your The vnrrn’iiing of youri'o‘oles Cap’Mafler Homec,which you coucr‘d your Po- eta Hers in,but a fine tricke,ha,ha;is iumbling in my braine. Tue. 'llc beatc out thy braines , ‘ my whorfon hanibmc dWarfe,but ilc hauc it out of thee. Omms. What is it good Sir Vaughan? Sir V414. To contiudefis after this manners, became Ma. Horace is ambition , and dries confpire to bee more bye and tall,as God a mightie made him , wee’ll carry his terrible-,per. ion to Court , and there before his Mafeflic Du'b , or what you call it , dip his Mute in form iicour, and chriflen hiin,or dye hi m,into coliours ofa‘ Poet.- 0mm. Excellent. , Tue. Sup er 3 uper—excellent. Reucfers gee,“ proceede you Mafiers of A rte in kiflin g theft wenches,and in daunces,bring ou the quiucring Bride to Court, in a Maske , come Grume boil , thou {halt Mum with vs 5 come , daggc-mee skneakes- bill . . Hor. O thou my Mufe ! Sir V M. Call vpon God a mighty , and no Mufes , your .Mufe I warrant is otherwife occupied, there is no dealing with your Mule now , therefore I pray matfe, merit-,marfc, oundes your Moofe. £xeum. Cr: We {hal haue {port to fee them,come bright beauties, The Sunne Hoops low,and whifpers in our cares, ' To hafien on our Maske,lct’s crowne this night, With choife compofcd wreathes of fweet delight. Exmm. Enter Terrill dud Czleflinefadly, Sir Quintilianflirring 4m! migling 4 cup 0 f Wine. m ONight,thatDyes the Firmament in blacke, \ , And like a cloth ofcloudes dofl flretch thy limbes; Vpon the wind y Tenters of the Ayre : 9 than that hang’fl vpon the becke of Day, i like the Huni‘erous Pd‘e‘t; Like a long mourning gowne : thou that art made ‘ VVithoutuah eye,becaulc thou lhouldlt not fee . l A Louers Reuels : nor participate ' The Bride-groomes heauemh heauen,to me a hell : lhaue a hellin hcauen,a blefi'ed curfl'e; , All Other Bride—groomes long f01-Night,and tax: The Day oflazie (loath; call Time a Crip it, And fay the homes limpe after him : but l) “7101 Night for we: banifht from the skie, ‘ Or that the Day would neuer fleepe: or Time,‘ Were in a {wounds and all his little Homes, Could neuer lift him VP with their poorc powers; _ _ Enter Caelellinc. \ Butbackward runnes the courfe of my delight; The day hath turn’d his backe,and itis night : 'l'his nightwill make vs odde; day made vs ecuen,’ All elfe are damb’d in hel,hut l in hca‘uen. Ce. Let loofe thy oathfo {hall we Hill be eeucn; » , 7 Yer. Then am Idamb‘d in hell,and not in heauenoi. ' ‘ * (23/, Mull I then goePtis eafie to fay no, - , - l 5: '. Mull is the King himf'elfefind I mull gee; \ ,1.“ Shall I then gochhat word is thine51 (hall, 51 'v Is thy commaund :Igoe becaufe I (hall; ‘ ' ‘ ' ' f. J Willlthen goe?I aske my felfe56ill, , ‘ ' E King, l'aies I muli;you,l lball;l,[ will. ‘ . V' Tm Had I not fwome. Cal. Why didfighou fwcare: Teri, The King . Sat heauy on my refdluion, Till(out ofb’reath)it pantcd out an qgth. , * 642/. An oathfwhymhat’s an dflfi’txsbut the finoalm, Offlame 81 bloudgthe bl’ilier ofthe ffiflit’, - w ‘ A Which rizeth from the Steame ofrag’egghééhubble _ . l ‘ 5 That flioote; vp to the tongue,and fcél’cle’sth’e voice, 3 (Fox oathes’ are burning words)thon [Worfi but one, \ g .___ a _ -. _ , ,_ K _ fist ‘ V The ytttt‘ttfiit} g of Tit frozen long agoe: it‘o’ne he numhrecl, VVhat (‘onntrimcn are thsyfwhete doe they dwell, Ehat {geake naugh: cll': but asthesP / Tm. l hey’te men ofhcll. An oatlfivx hy tis the traf‘heke of the f ule, 'l‘ is law within a man; the realeoffitith, Thcbénd oFcuety confeiencewnto whom; VVe fit out thOUghts hke hands : yea ‘ fuch a one I f:\’ore,and to the King : A King ccntames A thoufand thoufand; whm I More to hxm, I {wore to them; the very haircs that guard His h cad,“ ill til 2 vp hke Sharpe wituefles A ainil my faith andloyalty :h:s eye , V ‘ ould Hraight condemnc mt :argue oathes no mote; ' My oath is highfior to the King I (were. 812$" Sir (Mintllian wit}: Ilse mp. Cm; .Mufi I betray my Chal’dtvg So long Cleane from the treafon oftebdling lull; 0 husband 1 O my Father! ifpoore I, Mull not line chafl,then let me chalily dye. 5.in Lheer‘s a charm: (hall kc ep thee chafie,eome,come§. ‘ Oldc Time hathleft vs but an home to play Our parts; begin the Scean'e,“ ho shall (peak: firfi? 011,1,1 play the King,aud Kings {peaks fitH; Daughter Hand thou hecte,thou Sonne Tertillthcre» O thou flandfl well,thou lean’fl againl’t a poal’r, (For thou’t be poll €495»! warrant thee: ) _ ‘ The King will hang alien}: about thy neeke, And make a poal’tn}: , 4e ; youfland well both, ’ VVc neede no Pré :ufe,thc Kingentring 511%,. He’s a mall glacioiiélfirologuc : mary then for the Catamtolshefit byiloguc, Thet‘s the Humorous Poet. Ther’s one in cloth nf‘Qiluers which no doubt, VVill pleafe the hearers well when he Preps out; His mouth is fil’d with words: fee where he Hands; He’ll make them clap their eyes befides their hands. But to my part; f uppofe who enters now, A King ,whol'e eyes are fet in Siluergone ‘ That blul'heth goldefpeakes Mufickedancingwalkcs; Now gathers neerer takes thee by the hand, W hen l’rraight thou think‘l,the very Orhe ofheauen, Mooues round about thy Enger:,théh he (makes, Thus ~——-thus . I know not how. Ce]. Not {to anfwer him. Sir Quint. No girle: knowfl thou not how to anfwex him? VVhy then the field is loll,and he rides home, Like a great conquerour; not aan-er him: ' Out of thy paxt alreadfyfoylde the 9ceanc? Difi-anckt the lynes? difarm’d the action,» Tar. Yes yesfirue chal’tity is ton gu’dfo weake Tis ouer-comc ere it know how to fpeake. - » S17” q'm'u Come,come,thou happy clofe ofeuery wrong, Tis thou that cam} diffoluethe hardeH doubt; 'Iis time for thee to fpe3ke, we are all out. Daughterfind you the man whom I call Sonne, I mutt confefle I made a deede ofgifi; To heauen and you and gaue my a the to both : VVh-en on my blelling 1 did (harme her foule, In the white circle of true Challity, Still torun trugtill death : now Sir if not, She forfeyts m y rich blefling‘and is Fin’d VVith an eternall curllegthen I tell you. {ahe shall dyenowmo A: vshxlll he: {oule is true. Tn”. Dye! i i k ‘ ’ (M. 1,: am deaths ecclio Sir gain, 0 my Somme, K 2 ‘Iam The 'vntrulsing of Tam her Father;eueiy teare I fixed, > Is threefcore ten yeere old: 5 I' weepe and {mile Twokindc ofteares: lweepe that fliemuil dye, lfinile that {he mul’tdye a Virgin : thus ”We ioyfull men mocke teares,and teares mocke vs. Ter. What fpeakes that cup? ~ Sir quin. White wine and poifon. Ter. Oh : ' That very name ofpoifo-n,poifons me; Thou Winter ofa man,thou walking gtaue, Whole life is like a dying Taper: how ‘ Canil thou define a Louers labouring thoughts? What Sent hafl thou bu: death? what cane but earth? The breath that purles From thee, is like the Steame Of a new-Open’clivault: 1 know thy drift, ‘ Becaufe thou art trauelling to the-land ofGtavu'es, Thou couetf’t company,and hether bringi’r, A health of'poii‘b‘n to pledge death : a poifon For this fweete fpring; this Element is mine, This is the Ayrel breathg‘cori‘upt it not; This heauen is mine, I bought it with my foule, 0f him that felles a beau-en, to buy a l‘oule. . Sir quin. Well,let her goe;ihc’s thine thou cal’fii‘het thine; Thy Element,the Ayre‘thou breath’ll; thou knowi’t ' i The Ayre thou h‘rca’th’l’c is; common,make her {0 :' Perhaps thotfitiéyg'iione but the King {hall We'ai‘e Thy night-gowneflie that laps thee warme with lone; And that Kings are not common: Then to fliew, By confequence he cannotwmake her {0 , . ' Indeede {he may Prom'oot‘e her’ [harm and thine,‘ And with your fliames, fpeake a good word for mine 2- The King {hitting {o cleate,and we {0 dim, . Our Clarke dif graces will be {een‘ethrou gh him. Imagine her the cu? of thy moil’t life, ‘ ' ' ' What th e Humcrous Poet. What man would pledge a King in his owne wills? Tcr. She dyes:that {Entence poifons her :0 life? What flaue would ple d ge a King in his owne Wife? (Bel. W elcome,6 poyfonlphifickc againfl lull? . Thou holefome medicine to a confiant blond; Thou rare Apothecary that canfl keepe, My ehafiity Preferu’d. within this boxed Of tempting dull,this painted canhen pot, That Hands won the H all of the white foule, To fet the {hop out like a flattcrer, To draw the cul’tomers ofSinnc: comc,ctome, Thou art no poifonibut a dyet-drinke, ’ To moderate my blond :White—innocent Wine, Attthou made guilty of my death? oh no, For thou thy felfe art poifon’d,take me hence, for lnnocenceflmll murderlnnocence. Drink“ Tar. Hold e,holde,thou {halt not dye,my Bridgmy Wife, 0 Rep thatfpeedy mellenger of death; 0 let him not run downe that narrow path, Whi ch leades vnto thy heart; nor carry newest To thy remoouing foule,that thou mull dye. ; Cod. Tis done already,the Spirituall C curt, Is breaking vp;,all Offices d il‘charg’d, ‘ My {oule rem oouesfrom this weak: (landing houfe, ~ Offiaile mortallity : Deare Father,blefl'e Me now and euer : Dearer Man,farewel-l, I ioyntly take my leaue of thee and life, ' Goe,tell~ the King thou hafi a conflant WIFE: Tor. I had a con Rant ‘wife,l 1e tell‘the Km g; Vntill the King —— what doll-thou finilc?art thou A Father? t . . Sir qmn. Yea‘finiles on my cheekes arife, To ibehow fw only a true virgin dyes, The vntrufsing of Enter Blun€,Cri{pinus,Fannius,Plniloc aliapicache, Petulajngts be for: :19. m. [Erifl Sir Walter Terrill,gallants are all reacly, Tor. All tea dy. 7360:. Well faid,come,come,wher’sthe Bride? Tar. She’s going to forbid the Banes agen. She'll dye a maide : and {be (he keeps her barb. V1 ll the men. Faire C selefiinel Ladies. The Bride l ‘Tcr. She that was fairc, Whom I cal‘d fair-e and leefl-inc. Owner. Dead ! ,. Sir qm‘n. Dead,fl1’s dcathes Bride, , e hath her maidenhead; CH. SirWaltcr Terrill. . 07mm. 1 ell vs haw. Tar. All ceafc, The lhbieel that We create ofnowis I’m-c, If you demaund howzl can tell: ifwhy, Aske the King thank: was :he canfemor I. Let it {uffice,lhe‘s dead ,{he kept h- r vow, - i Asks the King why,andthen ile tell you how a . 3;; , Nay glue your Renelslifc,tho {he be gone, To Court with all your preparation; Leade on,and learle heron; ifany ask: The miller-y, {Er y death prefencS a maske, Ring peales of Mufickeyou are Louers belles; The lolle of one heauen,brings a rhoufand hcls. Exmm; Enema arm‘d SiWfl",dfl€r him thz’fcmice ofa $471qu : the King at Amt/7t?” doore meetcs themgbey Exam! . Kim “WWW FlEuitlerreury a'chauen;’ mi the Humorous Peer. Where th‘an- bfofifrte banquet ofthe Gods, - Vi hen a long; trains ofA ngels in a make, Seme the fit” courfiand how their (thiilall knees; Before the \llacr tablewhere loues page Sweet Ganimed filles Nethrtwhen the Gods. Dtlnke healches to Klngs,they pledge them; none but Kings Dare pledge the Gods, nonehut Gods drinks to Kings.- Men ofour houfe are we prepar‘rl: . E; fer S creams. . SW. R’ly Leige, All warte the pretence of the Bride. Km, The Bride? [Yea,euet_‘.r {enceles thing,which {he beholdes, \Nil looke on her agenzher eyes refleé’tion, lelmake the walles all eyes,with' er perfeclion : Obferue me now. becaule of M askesxand Rcuels, And many nu pti ,zll ceremonies : Mat-kc, This I create the Prefence, heere the State, Our Kingdomes {Eatejh all I? t in‘honours Pride, . Like pleafures Qgceneghcre will I place the Bride : Be gone,be fpecdy,let me fee it done. Extent. A King in Loue,is Steward to himll-lfe, And neuet {comes the office,my {clfe buy, Al‘l glances from the Market other eye. Soft M ufickg,cbdire izfi’t ancient (Empire. Kin. Soundr-M ufickc,th-ou fweet {ulcer to the ayre; Now wooe the ayte agen this is the hourc, Writ in the Calender ofti me, this houre, Mufickc {hall (pend, the next and next the Bride; ' Her tonguewdl read the Mufitke- Lcéhlrc: Wat Elgufihee Wagbecaufe thou art not mfg-5- ". e v No: ' The vmi'uf’sing of Not deep-read in the volume ofa man, . . Thouneuer fawfl a thought,poore foule thou thinkfi‘, . i The heart and tongue is eut’out of one peece, But th‘art deceau’d,the world hath a falfe light, Fooles thinke tis day, when wife men know tis night" ‘i Enter Sir (wintilian. Sir quint. My Leigeuthey’re come,amaske of’gallants, Km. Now ---- the fpirit ofLoue vfhers my bloud. Sir qm’m They come. The Watch-word m a Maske is the bolde Drum. Enter Blunt, Crifpinus, Demetrius, Philocalia, Petula, Dicache, all mas/Wm and mm wit/alight; like mm- 7 km .- leefline inaclam’re, ' ' 7 Tar. All pleafures guard my Kihgfi heen‘ep}rei'ent;P My oath vpon the knee ofduety : knees " Are made for Kings,they are the fubieé’cs Fees. Kiflg- Wat Terrillnh’artill fuit’edjll made VP, In Sable coliours- ,like a night peece dyed, - new thou the Prologue ofa Maske in blackeg . Thy body is ill {ha pt; 5: Bride-groometoo ? ' i Locke how-the day is drefl in Siluer cloth, K Laide round about, with golden Sunne-beames : {of 7 (As white as heauenflhou‘lci a frefh Bride-groome‘ggggb .A.‘ ,. ‘NhauCaeleihne the Bfidejn the fame taskeP =7” 7’ £3 , Nay then f fee thet’s mii’tcty in this maske. 9"» ‘i Peethee ijefolue me Wat? ' Tar. Mygracieus Lord, That part ls =hets”,fl3ezafi$ges it;onely I 95¢:th the P tologyéfh‘iflhe miflei‘iei'i‘ h King. Come I I {were and taxtmy faith with Ia. fad oath; , - the Hum erous Poet; Kim Come Bride,the Sceane of blufhing curred firf’r; Your cheekes are fetled now,and wit the worfig Damask: he} ' A miileryi oh none plaies hcere but death, This is deaths motiongmotionles? {peake you, ‘ Flatter no longer; thou her Bride-groom‘egthou Her Father {peake Sirquim. Dead. 3 «Tcr'. Dead. 1 Kin. How? Sir qm’n. Poyfon’d, King. And poyfon’d? _ What villaine durfi blafpheme her beautiestor Prophane the cleare religion of her eyes? Tar. Now ngI euter,now the Sceane is mine; My tongue is ti pt with poifongknow who fpeakes, And looke into my thoughts; I blufh not King, To call thee Tyrant: death hath for my face , And made my bloud bolde; heare me fpirits ofmen; And pla ce your cares vpon your heartsgthe day (The fellow to this night) Paw herand me, Shake hands together: f0: the booke of heauen , Made vs eternallfriends : thus, Wm tnd Wife, ‘ T his man ofmen(the Kin g)what are not kin gs! Was my chiefe guefi,my royall guei’r,his Grace Grac’d all the Table,and did well become ‘ The vp per end ,where fate my Bride :in briefe, Hetainted her chafle ear-es; {he yet vnknowne, His breath wastreafonfiho his words were none. Trcafon to her and me,he dar’d me then, (Vnder the couert of a flattering finile,) To bring her where {heisnot as (hers, Aline forlul’rnot dead for-(Chaliity: The refolution of my foule,out—dar’d,) Whleh ,« paw 3‘,“ \ The vmrufsing of Which I maintaine; heei'e take hetjhe was mine; When {he was liuingbut n ow dead ,{he’s' thine. Kin. Doe not confound me quitefibtmine owne guixeg . ' Speakes more it ith'm methen thy tongue committee; » ”T by fort-ow is my fliame :yet heeteinfptings, > 10y out OfibrrOVv,holtiiies on: of (harm; - for i by this hauefounchonce in my life, . A faithfuil fuhieé ,thou a conflant wife? (m’. A con‘iant wife. Kin. Am I confounded tWiCCz’ Blahed with wonder. Ter. 0 dclude v: e not, Thou art tootrue to hue agen,too faire To be my Cxlefi the, too coni‘iant firm To be a woman. _ Cal. Notto be thy wife, But flrfi Ipleade my duetiejand falutc , The world agen. r * Sir qm‘zz, My Kingmy Sonne,know all, I am an Actor in this; mih‘erie, ' " ‘ And beare the chiefeii part, The Father I, Twas} that minifited to her chai’te bloud, A true fomniferous potionmhich did Beale Her thoughts to map e1 and flattered her with. death a I cal’d it a quick poilbn’d drugm trie The Bridegroomcs loue‘and the Brides coni’cancie. He in the pafiion ofhis loue did fight, ' A combat withaffeétion; {0 did both, She for the poifon {troughs for his oath : Thus like a happiefather, l hauc won, A coniiant Daughterfiud a louing Sonnet Km. Mittout of Maidensgvonder of thy name; I giuc thee that at: gitien,pure, (ha! lc,the fame Bette Wat g lgvouldno: patttfor the worlds pride),- _ the Humorous. Poet; . So true a Bride—groome,and fo’ chail e a Bride; , t: " Cri. Myleigego wed a Comicall euent, To prefix ppolEd tragicke Argument: Vouchl‘afe to exercii‘eyour e} es,and Fee A humorous dreadfull Poecrakc degree. Km. Drea dfull in his proportion or his pen? . (Pi/f In ho:h,he calles himfelfe the whip of men. Kim Ifa cleare merrit {land vpon his praife, Reach him a Poets Crowr1e(rhe honourfll Bayes Q But if he claims it,wanl ing rightthereto, » (As many ball-3rd Sonnes ofPoeGe doe) Race 'downe his vfurpat‘ion to the ground. 17 m Poet; are with Arte am! New. 7': C rown’al. Butin what moldelo ere this man bee call; We make him thine Crifpinus,w1t and iudgement; .Shine in thy numbers,and chy foule lknow, Will not go: arm’d in paflion gamil thy foe :' Therefore he thou our felfegwhzli’r our {elfe lit, But as {hec'lator ofchis Sceane of wit. ' _ Cri. Thankes royal! Lorileorthel‘e high honors done; To me vnworcfigmy mindes brightel’r fires Shall all confumethcmfcluesjn purefl flame, On the Alterofyour d care eternall name. 16.72. N or Vader stbut next vs take thy S eace,‘ ,, Am 720m iflwd by Kings make ng5 772076th Vie thy Authority. ' _ (51/: Demetrius. Call in thatfi’lfi-wmting Homagbring Him and his flma’a’ow foorth. ‘JJcm. Both {hall appeare, 9; No éldik-f)'6dfl m‘amnflfiz‘ckcfin 11mm: Spkczm: , Enter Sir Vaughan. L Sir 'Ua. Ounds did you {cc him,l pray let all his Maflefl ies .. a. . . L z mob”: L : ' LE‘W‘I’S: ‘ 1:??sz The 'vntrufsin g of mofl excellent dogs,be fee at libertiesjand hauetheir freedoms to finell him out. @6271. Smell whom? S W Vaugb. Whomhhe Compofer, the ‘Primc of P061335a Has; mac,Homce,he’s departed: in Gods name and the Kingcs I farge you to ringit out from all our earesfor Horaces bodie gs departed: Mailer hue and crie {hall God blefl'e King VVilliams,I crieyou mercy and aske forgiueoes , for mine eyes did not findeintheirh‘carts to looke vppon your Mac fcflie . ’ Kin. What news with thee Sir Vaughan? Sz'r Vzm. N ew es? God tis as vrfe newes as I can define to bring about mee : our vnhanfome—fac’d Poet does play at: bo—peepes with your Grace , and cryes all-hidde as boyes doe. ‘ . Poet . ‘ ~ \ Sir V4. He’s rcprehended and taken,by Sefu I rcioyce ve- ry neere as much as ifI had difcouer’d a New-found Landyor the North and Ball Indies. Enter Tucca , his 60)! afier‘ him with 21179 pifi'wres “under his c1021“; . , and a wreath ofnmlrs : H enter: and Buho pm?! in by tk’bomes éemzd 3201/9 like S gym, Sir Adam fa/l'owing, M2 712: Miniucr Wit/J [Jimm’mrz‘ng Tuccaes ckm’ne. Tue. So,tlllh’lgltug,pull the ma/d Bull in by‘th homes: 36; , ,haite one at t at Hake my place-mouth yelpers,and one at 3 that flake (Burners-head. ng. ‘Whar bufie fellow’s this? - Tm. Saue thee, my molt gracious Kin g a Harts fetus thee, all hats and caps are thine, and therefore Ivaile :for but to thee great Sultana Say/mm} fcorne to be thus put offer to deliuer Vp " F V , ' ' this Officers. Stand by , room: there ,backc, roomc for the 3 ,3 3 the Hum’erous Poets: thisfconce I wud. K 217:. Sir Vaughan,what’s this lolly Captaines name? Sm V4. Has aver-y fufficient name, and is a man has 8.011: " God and his Country as good and as hot Seruice( m conque; ring this vile Monller-Poet)as euer did S. ' George his horfe— backe about the Dragon. Tue. 1 {weate for’t,hutTawfoone, holde thy tongue,Mon Dicu, ifthou’t praife me, dco’t behinde my backe : 1 am my Weighty Soueraigne one of thy graines, thy valliant-vaflaileg aske not what I am,but read,turnc ouer, vnclaipe thy C hro- nicles : there thou {halt finde BuEe—lerkin 5 there read my pomts of war; lam onea thy'h’landilian—Leaders; one that: enters into thy royal] bands for thee ; Pun/1:111”: Tamt 5 one of thy Kingdomes chiefdlquarrellers 5 one a thy molt farth- full ---fy -.— {y -- fy—_ Sir Van. Drunkcrds lholde my lift. ‘ Tm. No whirlzgigpne ofhis faithfull (’3 royall Tam or C loam. ' ‘ . v Szr Vm. Goe too,l pray Captame Tucca, glue vs allleaue ‘ E0 doc ourbufines before the King. . TW' With all my heart; shi,.shi,sh1lhake that Barre—wheat: fighters 5 thy drawer ’ When thouwut, Sir Van. Horace and Bubo, pray fend an anfwere into his ’ Mafeflies cares why you gee thus in Ouids Morter-Morp hefis and flrange fafhions of apparrell. 7116. m Wh ? . Afim‘fMy Loyrds ,‘ I was drawne into this begfily (mm by head and {boulders onely For louel bare to my ngle. THC. Speake ngle, thy mouth’shext , belch out , belch, Why __ ~ , ‘ Her. I did it to retyre mefi'om the world; And turne my Mr/fe into a Timomfl‘, Loathinu the general Leprozie omene, P looks of men :‘ ' “1&2de like a'kwlaglie runs through 31:2 3 ‘I did The vntrul’singof Mix}. it but to M r - 7‘14. But to bite eucry Motley-head vice hy’th n05: , yen dial it Ninglc to play the Bug—beareS-atyrcfl z yaks: a {331.3% royall offalhion‘mongers quake atyour pager llullgtsg you Naflic W l"oli:ois , you and your Itchy Poetry break-s out like Chili? magma: once a yearc, and then you kccge :1 31‘ch : Ming, 8!. Araigning‘ 8: 'a Scratching; ofmens faces, as tho you Wale Tyher the long-tail’d Prince of Rattcsfioe you: Crz'. Haracc. Sir Vazghm. Silcnée,pray lct all vrdcs be firangledpr {1514; fall betweene y" 111* teeth. Cri. Vndcr controule of my dread Sommignc, We are thy lug ges;thou that dldil Armiguc, Arc now prepar’d for condemnauon; Should i but bid thy [1/192]? flmd to tlcc “Barre, Thy {€le againl’c hél‘ wo'uldl’c giueeuidcncc : For flat rebellion gainfi the Sacral lawés, Ofdiuinc Posfie : hecrcin well {he mill, Thy pwdc mica/[607725 mad: lacr Mme Sam/i, .Ami nqflgcrlmiro'rwrrm(as thou Preachel’r) 01- {hould we minil’cer flrong pill'cs to thee : W hatlumpcs ofhard and indigcilcd Huffe, Ofbitter Saa‘rg’bmof v1 Itquwcr, 7 ‘E OfSeéfé-[ohgof ‘Drtrac‘l‘t‘mmfh black: " Anil flinging lrfikflcc fl)0121d'~\"cfctch yp? But none oftlidhwc glue thee What’s more fit; VViI-h flinging nettlcs Crownehis flinging wit. V Tm ‘fw’cl {aid my Poeticallhuckllermowhe’shuhy banal. ling rate himfiocrate him well. Bar. 0 lbefccch your Maiefiygather thenthus to be mt; ' A , led, llc ha my Satyrcs coatc pull’douer mine sarcsjand bee :um’d out a the nine Mufes Scruice. fifth”. Andi mails: mec be Pucto my lhifteswith myne Ninglea , ' V A ’ / gl-rwflgb, By the Humorous Poet. ’ Siv V414. By Sell: {0 you {hall MfBuhog flea offihishairic 5km MHoracefbjbfo,vmruffewmmHe. , e ' Tm. His Poetical! u reath my dapper puncke-fitcher. Her. Ooh Tu. Nay your oohs, noryour (Hiram? cannot {Erueyour turnewour tongue you know is fullef Hifiers \A'iihl‘ayhtlg, your ace fuflof pockey-hoks and pimples, with your fie— rie inuent’ons : and t! crefore to prcferue yourhead‘ from aking, this Biggin is yours . ----- nay by Sefh you {bah bee a Poet , though not Lam'cfyed , yet Nettlef} ed, 10: ‘ 'l‘uc. Sim fiinckcr, thou’r: but vntruff’d' now, I owe thee a whipping Hill, and‘fle pay it: I haue layderoddes in Pifle and Vineger for thee :- It {hail not bee the Whipping m) S tyre , nor the Whipping of the blinde~ Beare, bnt of a counterfeit Iugler, thatflealesthename of Horace. ‘ h Kim I-Iowf‘coumerfeiti does bee Vfilrpc thatname.’ ' Sir Vzm. Yemndecde ant pleafe your Cramzhe does 1119 VP that abhominabie name. 4 .7216. Hee does 0 King Cflmbifi'f, hee does :- thou hafl no part of Horace in thee but’s name, and his damnable Vices : thou hafl fuch a cemble mouth , that thy board's afiaide to peepe out: but, Iooke heere you flaring Lenin-=- €han,11€cre’s the {waste vifnge of Horace 5 lroke per- boylde-face , locke; Horace had a trim'long-beard, and; xeafonable good face foraPoet ,(as faces goe now-a-dayes) Horace did not iskrue and “wiggle himfclfe into great: .Mens famyliarizy,(iémpudentlie) as thou docfl: nor wear»: the Badge of Gentlemens company , as thou dooi’c thy '1"an tie fleeues tack: too 011:1}! wichfome pointes of pros fit: No, Horace had no: his fiacepmzcht Fullonylet—holes, ‘ like the couer CF a warmino-oan: Horace lou’d Poets well, D A ‘ , ,. and game Coxcombes to none but fooleSg but; thou loud none} I The vnrrul‘sing of nonemcither Wifemen nor Fooles, but thy felfe : Horace was a goodly Corpulent Gentleman , and not foleane a hol. low-check: Scrag as thou art: No, heere’s thee Coppy of thy countenance, by this willllearne to make anumber of Villanous faces more,and to looke fcuruily vPon’rh world, as thou dol’t. V Cr'. Sir Vaughan will you miniller their oath? Sir “Um. Maller Afinius Bubo, you {hall {weareas little as you can , one oath {hall damme vp your Innocent mouth, fizfi Any oath Sir,lle {wear-c: any thing. Sir On. You {hall fwcare by ‘I’baébm ( whois yourrpo- ets good Lord and Mafl'erfithat heere—after you will not hyre " Horace, to giue you poefies forrings', or hand-kcrchers, or kniucs Whichyou vnderlland not , nor to write your Lone? lctters;whichyou(in turning of a hand) fer your markes vp~ t on ,as your owne : nOr you [hall not carry Lattin Poets about you, till you Can write and read En glifh at mofl 5 and lalllye‘ that you {hall not call Horace your Ninglc. ' Cm}? By ‘wabus I fweare all this, and as many eithes aé you willfol may trudge. Sir Van. Trudge then,pay your legs for Fecs,and bee dif; farg’d. ‘ 7m. Tprooth -.-runne Red-cap , ware hornes there, \ Exit c/Jfi. , Sir V4. NowMaller Horace, you mufi be a more horrible fwcarerfor your oath'mul’r be (hke your wittes)of many col"- loUrs5and like a Brokers booke of m any parcels. ' Tue. Rceadjreadgth‘inuentory ofhis oath, . Har. lle {Weare till my haire Brands vp an en d, to bee rid of this llingph this fling! " Sir V a r Tis not your filing ofconfciencejs it? “I‘m. ,Vpon bun : Infamy. , Mort/laugh. fflprimir, you (hallfWeare by Plawbmand the halfe K. ‘5. F: l t the Hu merous Poet. halfe a {bore Mufes lacking one: not to {weave to hang your felfe , xF you thought any Man,00man or Silde,couldwrite Playes and Rimes, as we-‘ll-fauour’d ones as your l‘elfen Tue. Well fayd , hall brought him toth gallowes al: ready? ' ‘ SirVAMgh. You {hall fweare not to hum-ball out anew P13Y>Wlth the oldelynings of lelles ,flolne from the Tem-a Pies Reuels. " ‘ _, ‘ Tm. Tohim olde Tango. Sir ’04. Moreouer, you {hall not fit ina Gallery, when your Comedies and Enterludcs haue entred their Aéfions , and 'theeg make vile and bad faces a: euerie Iynqtomakc Sentlcmen haue an eye to you ,and to make'Play ers afiaidc to take your part. " (Tue. Thou {halt be my ngle For this. 1 Sir Vau Befidesyou mull fox-{wearer to venteronthe Gage. ‘ when your Play is ended , and to exchange curtezies,and complements with 'Gallants in the Lordes roomcs,to make allxhehoufe mfev in Annes , and to cry that‘s Horace,that’s M,that‘she,that’s he, that pcnnes and purges Humours and difealés. Tue. There hoy,agen. ‘ Sir Vuu. Secondly, when you bid all your fi'iends to the ' marriage of a pom-e couple, that is to fay: you: Wmmd neceflities, a/ias diam, rotlae riflz‘ng of your eff/146.1545, your Mufec opfltting : diam Pam Wkitfor-p/flegyou fl1a’llfiveafc that within three dayes after, you {hall not abroad, In Booke-binders flmps, brag that your vim—raj“. or Tri- butafie—Kiflg: , haue done homage to you, or paxde quarr eerage. 7m. lle bufl'ethy head Holoferncs. sirVaugb. Mogeouer and Inpriwis; when u Kngghtlm" ' em :- ’ The 'vntrulsing of _ Sentlemen ofvrlhip , does glue you his pafl'e-port, to tea.' \uailein and out to his Company ,and glues you money for 'Gods fake 5 I will in Sefu, you will fweare (tooth and nayle) not to make fcalde and wry-mouth Iefies Vpon his Knight-hoodmlll you not? . t Her. I new: did it by Pai'nalTus. ‘ Tm. Wu: fwcare by Parnaffus and lyetoo,DoélorDod« I di 01? < ' PSz‘r V4. Thirdly,and lafl of all fauing one , when you: \ Playes are milTe-liltt atCourt, you {hall not crye Mew like aPull'e-cat, and fay you are glad you w-riceout of the . Courtiers Element. :" Tm. Let the Element alonetis one a thy reach. Sier. In brieflynes, when you Sup in Tauemes , a. . mongl’c your betters, you {hallfweare not to dippe your u ! Manners in too much faV‘vee, nor at Table to fling Epia ' grams, Embleames', or Play-fpeeches about you( lyke 5 ’ Hayle-llones) to keepe you out of the terrible daunger of” j the Shot ,-vpon payne to ‘fit at the vpper encle of. the '5 :Table, a’tlllcfi: hand of Carlo Buffon; fwe‘arc all tliis,by Au polio and the eight or nine MulES . . Hor.‘ By Apollo, Helicon ,the MtulES ( who march three and three in 'a rancke)and by all that belongs to Pernaflusé, 1 {weave all this, , ‘ : Tm. Beare witnes. i . ‘ Cm]: That fearefull wreaththis honour is your clue, 2/! l1 Poet: [hall be Port-Ape: lust you; Thankes( Learning: true 11/! eccemsfl’ ocfies king) Thankes for that gracious eare,which you haue lent, To this moll ted ious,1nol’t rude argument. ' . Kin. Our {pints haue Well been feall ed; be whole pen Drgwes both corrupgand cleate bloudfrom all men a, _ w W _ H 7‘ A _ ' ' (Cai'el'es \. .‘ r .. ,_ ___. ‘ "the Harnerous Poet; , . (Careles what veine he prickesflet him not 'réuc; / When his owne fides are Hrucke,b10wes,blowes,doe crane“ Tm, Kings-trucemy noble Hearbe-a-gracegmy Prince‘- Ey fiveet—Williarn,a booue ----- Stay firl’r , IR 21 match or no match,Lady Furniuall Ifl'.’ »' Sir Ad. (5? Sir quim. A march! W122i. La matchfi me he hath hit the Mifiris {0 often i’th, fore-gameme’lleene play out a rubbers. ‘ .Sir 9/1014 Take her For me. Sir gain. Take her for thy {€cher for me.‘ Sir “Ow. Play out your rubbers in Gocls name,hy Sefu Ile neuerhoggle more in your Alleyfiddow. Sir Quint. My Chaine. Sir Adam My Purfe. , Tue. Ile Chaine thee pt‘Cantly , and giuc thee ten pounri ~rid a purfe: aboonc my Leige:--—-. dauncc 6 my delicate ufilsnat my wedding with this reuerend Antiquarygifi done? we thou? ‘ ‘ " Kin. Ile giue thee Kingly honour: Ngght and Sleep, With filken Ribands would tye vp our eyes, L But Miflris Bridepne meafure {hall be led, 19 {C938}? of Mid-nightshafi,and then to bed. Excmzr; W 2, -: Spi/ogmi mamww BZhégffilzgfi ,. : Epzlogm: WE am Tuccd.GEntlemen ,. Gallants , and you my little V Swaggerers that fight lowe : my tough ' hearts oanke that fland too’t {o Valltantly,and are fiill within a yard of your Capten :‘Now the Truma pets ( that {ct men tOgether' by the cares) haue left? their Tantarasragsboy , let’s part frtend’s. I recantg heart: thnes all you Gentlezfolkes (that walks i’th Galleries) I recant the opinions which I heldc of Courtiers,Lad1es,SC Citttzens, when 0nce(in ania‘fgts fembly ofEtiersflrailde ypou them: that Heretical ' " Libertine Horace,tanght me (0 to mouth it. Befides, twas when. Rifle Tucca was a boy: twas not Tucca that railde and toar’d the n,but the Deuill 8: his An: gels : But now,Ki:ngs’-‘truce,the Capten Summons 3 ' ’- Parlee,ancl deliuers himfelfe and his pra-ting compa- ny into your hands,ypon what compofition you wil; Are you pleal ’d? and Ile danceFriskin forioy, but if ' you be nogby’ch Lord lle feeyou all A y heerefor yourtwo pence a peice agen , before He loofe your company. Iknow now fome be come hyther with cheekes fwolne as big with hifles, as if they had the _ tDOEh-ach : vds-footeuflfiood by them , Ide bee f0 bold as, ' imreateghem while in anOther place. Are you aduiz’d what you doe when you hifle .? you hlowe away Horaces Ieuenge ; but if you {ct your , " ”""‘ ““‘“"" '” ‘ ‘ ““"“ ’ '"' hams Hvufla—l @mmasmmaa ‘ ‘ / Epilogue. ' hands and Scales to this,Horacc will write againfi it, l and you may haue more {port : he {hall not loofc his ‘ , labour, heflmll no: tume his blanks verfcs into wall ’ _ . paper: No,my Poéiaficrs will notlaughat him, but i , .willvnrtufl‘e him ag‘cn,andag6n, and agen. Ile tell ’ ' you what you {hall doc, call your li-ttlc Tucca into a Boll ‘. doe,make a Bell ofme,andy be al you my clap: pets , vpon condition , wee may haue a lufii‘e peale, this colde weather: I haue buttwo 1ch left me, ” and they are both yours : Good night ‘ my two penny Tcnamg Gad nightg \\\“\\ . 9 1.. j: - V .o . h... .___/-—v M; .N , ‘_ ' ._ ..... .__#...‘__..__,_____*_,_J,—— , ___ .‘,_ \ ‘ a , . , 1 ‘ 4 \ F in , a». a L, m w a. «a. x r, , .f. a \ L: J A ,4 ‘ J, :1, .., ”rm: ,. 51% "high: J. . a x ‘ ...; ,m k . . a t (,n i . _ _ . . X 4. r. , , i {,a