I ILLINOIS Production Note _ Digital Rare Book Collections, Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana—Champaign 2019 115.5! {cl .i ’I y M , W i a _ ‘ m v ‘ _ v , h . w . . _ «N W a _ . , , W _ v m M . _ . _ m _ M “ lrlr'llp'», [ELY .y ELL. ilvl‘ _ W- _..»‘.._.fi., k _,_.,_u_.....___»,<.w_q_¢.f_‘ "w... ”W ,DECLARATmN \ AND VINDICATION The Lord Mayor, Aldermen and. :4 Commons of the City of London 111 j .' Cgmmon—counccll affcmblcd. \. .m .\ ,. < - Rdered at a Cdmman-Coumcl baldm in the Chamber , of tin Guild— hall oftlze City of London tit: 30 day ' _ _ _ of Aprll I 660. tlmt tluk Declaration and Vindication 6: '~ 2 ‘ . ‘ forthwitb frintcd andpxéliflycd. » " ‘ ' ' . Sadierv A 5’; ' El,“ E: E’ E‘ ' m | T a. 9 ,mA. ; Primea by JAMES FLESHER Printer to th; Honpmablc, buy of Landon , 1660. ’ IMO/35:1“ v , _ C I) _ ' V Mayor. A Common-Councell holden in the Chamber of the Guild-ball of the City of London the thirtieth day of April in” the year. of our Lord 1660. . ' A DECLARATION and VINDICAT‘ON ofthe“ ' ' A A Lord Maior, Aldermen and Commons of the City, 9f London in Co'mmon-Councell alfembled. 3 /: 14—. ' 3 (IE mm 91981703 ,' sfilpermm arm: a ‘ Jot-among of axLondbn’iém Gromm‘pus .counl’dl aflcmblwé‘,‘ Vc’onabmng A .. thattyts «amp the goat: bani: of . .11 1150b am an hopeful! mama? be: E mg beltmren from thanbuttbm of 'tljofe films: (mall mefiurw annex-tumor; methane growth ‘ E A ’emr‘fi'nce the year 1648 mum the new manna: l titans oftbe au-ttentI-egaldBober-nment of were fozmzrig' floutiflfing mingnomgmm get and}; , madam but [tn-cc mm mm by a fuccetflbz fugue, e mm ufmpatton: babe tboug‘m it their malty; as Q: ' 4' . V A 2 *‘ '~ mama 3 1 ‘ (2—) atheiftians, am: (humans-men, in the Etta plate 'te pay a zetthltque @Dtthute of thanhe’ to 4509 the iéeitbetet, anflflettto there flame alumna meme, hate- netteiiench the fleet: , deeeeetau _ Menckennthe army-ember his tommatebwy , Eh-ete 3mm refututten anh fiction/es, the Bungee fif the heehementmeee o'eetteia tea the 1190th {etheeae‘e gfiemhewmnu in; them thel%ooz§ of heee te thee: aim-aft Betpatemg teattone. £21m team by the fame filmtghtp mercy, an?) hieflen mtattm hahtng not 011m at vzflfpett, but We a fates: eamett of pmfetfmg that heppg ‘ teefla‘httmmetet, mhtthfnz fa mam? em) temmtg heatee 'e'att haeh been met? thembtett of then: Defttes am: mayetfij ann hahmg thereby not anew their heartsdmt thew thoughte eniargeh in the gum flthettg of the meient zegtuament, » thefghabe theught tt the Mtg oft'hett trait, as they atethe itiepzefentattbe ot‘thts populoue a famous duty, to aflett to the whole mom: that the generalttp a men- tnnfinetaihte petfoufi thee: of were fiche-tetatnteb with any gm“ of heme; Qttwem mantel, a: othetmtfe, tothe fuhhets . flan at that fluttent any happy fame of, (has Imminent, of €15th, lows; ant: mommone, an: Btt'mbtcbfoz1b manpmttefitons of generate: angihefefiatwns mete-mane (by (Babs hm: ling). 3102mm ahhome; an!) the mean of their enemtezmnb'famtuaw of thett menus as bzoab.anb-mhtth tonne of wonemmmt they ebet me, am Dee efieem the mutt mime-fit ' 4 continuum at ttufi, fee the pzefetbatign pitthe 4 one we toeieties of mankinn, that ehee any shatter!“ emo‘pemoz Mahatma contethet . ». 25;“ became m the general neiuge of hemp Bee mteonuceh tweet thet’e hinguome in the heat 1648. the wit confie’tutmn oivthe dhoheew meat ‘of this stew mag ehertumen into, the heme of men of more am: hangemufi mmw mes, who ititwbeh themielhes into the (how monsdyoumei of this mtg by an utuepen mm: e1: beetbeb from the marsh fiDheetumetes aha arrogateeto themtethee a mete to at: m the name of thee amp; hahe flamers the 33mm; of the atommonéceuncel of Museum mtth mutt- hogan gets, teeming to, the $9 mthee of the late 13mg ,- ant totai W’xtmgmthmene of hingth (Bohemment; which hath been mefiahetthpth at home‘auh abzoae, estate act by mhtth a tuft mature may be taken oflthe tempee-aub Shea “(nation of the whole (they. . ‘ » @he 1mm flBatoe, albumen ann Grommets; in ctommommmcel affemhlen? hahe thought it neceffaw at this time to mmmate them» . felhefi, am: there mham they tentefeut, by huh:- Iuhmg the fiollommg fiareatme of what then: aaeeozeehtheie aonfceeuce‘e, ,anb matthmoes the gamete of the late asaehameutthat we aflemhlee he the hingfi that, can heave them @efitmohh. » - am: am, he appeal to the amen of an get: , of diommou-dtounceu,’ water: the 22 of 1m}: 1648. Which foliometh we there meme , At this Common-Councell the right Honourable the Lord 5 A 3 ' Mayor .. ‘ava—v—w—EV—W Mam—wwwwwv w—‘V ~‘fl—v wa—na— 77.7““. r a“ _ 4 ‘ the-reunto that it is, the humble defireiof‘ this City that ‘ \ 1 "the, Mayor and Mr. Alderman Gibb: by direélzions; 9f the C 'ommittee forfthe Militia. of‘Lwdm, made ‘r'elationf to this Coui‘tiof the eminent dangers-that this-"City ‘ &‘Kingdome are in,in“ regard of the greatdrftempers: ’ tihereof’,"And‘ this Court being very fenfible of'the fame,‘did enter into a' largeand ferious debatehow they might contribute to the preventing of'th-ofe dart—'7 : " g-ers, and the further effufionof blood, and for the: fet- ling of the peace and quiet of the Kingdome infuchva way as may be to the glory of God; the honour ofthe» King, the .preferVation of the Parliament; and the fafe'ty of the City and Kingdome. Andrtovthat pur- pofe it is Ordered by this Court ,- that Mr. Alderman » Adams,” Sir 37019» Gayer, Mr. Ald. ngbam, ,Mr, Aid; 31mg: ,. Mr. Ald. Gi‘bés,‘and Mrs Aid. Avery, or any: . . ‘ fourofthem: ‘Mr. Glide, ”M11. C/zetwin, Mr. William; ' Batemm , Mr. Archer; Major Chdméerleym, C olone’l. W Hooéer, Mr.Edrvix,Browm,aMr.Mill’s, Colonel Player; ‘ : ‘Mr. 5340», Colonel Bellamy, and Deputy Chaméera-b "Jayne, or anye-ight‘of them, {hall forthwith 'ferioufly confider of the draught of a' Petition "to be prefented‘ . t0. the honourable Houfesof Parliament in: the name of ‘this Court , whereby they {hall acknOwledge with; humble, thankfulnefs the former fairour’s received,and particularly of late in the releafing-andt refl'oring of- the.Magiflrates and other Members of this Court;- ’ and ~City, And that it hath alwaies been andflillisl. :the defires, and {ball be the endeOurs‘ of this Court to. * ufe all jufi means for the procuring and fetli—ng ofa \ well—grounded peace in this/ Kingdome , and that a new-warm may-be prevented.» ' And as conducing ‘ . /" . ‘ j that WEIH, " {the Parliament W‘ouidi'hepiedfed i‘Wit‘h ail. fp‘eed'thafe 9' whis Mgefiy may cometo {ome’ofghishoufes“neet the Parliament, that {bin honour and Cafet‘y to him ' {and’the Parliament application may be made to“ his '_ Majefty, and that thereupon there may be a perfo‘nail Treaty upon ,i'uch Propofitions asthe Houfes ofParQ * 'liamentin th.eit,~wifdoines {hall think fit, for the fet- > “ {ling of a well-grounded peace in this Kingdome ac‘ cording to the Covenant ,' And the fame (if it may) ‘ tobe done with the concurrence. of the'Kingdome Of ' Scotti/2nd. »- And the {aid Committee are 'defirei‘ to i take all thingsinto their "ftttidttscmfideration that may tend tofthe particulars before mentioned : And ‘, thereupon to prefeht‘untothisCOurt in Writing-their proceedings and doings therein, to the intent that this Court may ‘give fuch further diteétionscdncetning , i 'the fame as they flra‘ll fee caufe... ' - ' \ gun that remit motmctn the tetitton‘fbls ‘ lowing, Watchman accozbt'ngwbtlt‘btttu by _ Wetb£11§b¢flfifififlbntbgm(a. thgffingSang . autumn-315,. ~- ~ To‘ the Rightgflongutaxsiethe Cords Ahmed Wh‘high Court ?£’P?fli3m¢flt-f , , Tibet 59921219 rPenman offtbé Lard Mayor; Altiéfimtt '___i j 1.1.2254» Commentof tbe City a London»; ‘ r , Common-Coma]! A ambled; ‘ , THat y'ofiur'qqlletitioners do!” With all. thankfillnefs 7 humbly acknowledge ' the many {Ormet £99993 _ @hhishonoutabie houfev in: granting {everali’of‘ their Petition " f f? i‘ , f ' :mflyi'fcandalous, AfPe‘ffi‘Qns fuggefied to the con; ,*i3e't.itions; whicligiVEs them intouragemeitt to snake further application to your Honours, wherein they; - lmmblyatakeleave to exprefs their own and‘their fellow Citizens deep fenfe and ,apprehenli‘ons of the , ‘xprefent miferies,‘ and» very fad and deplor’ablecondfi tion Of this City and Kingdome, by reafon of the ngth ofSuperftition, Herefies‘, S‘chifmesz-and pro-t phaneis,’ occafioned by the bug unfettlemenz of the " ”Church, arid likewife by the Commotions in feve- ral Counties which have been faithful and ferviceable, “to the King and Parliament; And of the great effu» lion of blood, that hath been and is continued by reafon 0f the [aid- Commotions : And like to be irr- ' screafed by the falling off ofa Confiderable part oi the 7 Navy 5‘ All which ,threatneth the imminent ‘d'efiru— vaion ofTracie, [and the utter Raine of the King Par— liament and “Kingdome, if not (by the blefi'fingiof' Almighty God) (upon your good'vEndeavours) fpeedilygprevented: And in your’Petitioners appro l ' henfion the; {ameisano way likely «the avoided, the . “ peace ofthc} Kingdome fetled, and the brotherly union _ between the, two Kingdomes of-Englmd and Scotland . continued, but by a good Underitanding and happy A ijeemertt between the Kings Maieity and thehonor- ab e ho-ufes of Parliament which your Petitioners are ., the more hopeful (by the mercy of God ) may be efie- ‘ é‘ted, when they‘vcall to mimic the feverall EXpr‘eflions of his Majefl'y and both houfes of Parliament, in their ‘ feveral and refpeétive Declarations tending thereunto: - ’ Aad:.thitrt itimay appear mall the World, by this, as .alfoby many former Petitions '( notwithfianding the ' ‘ v » nary) t “WM—w, ”v M l we < . iW’W“Wi“X" 3 \z ‘ ,WvW«mmavg-rwwr-wm'vyu'rw‘w erm‘ V . ,. ‘ V i i . r "teary ).;_this City is and ever. hath been'delirous of; and hath Endeavoredtoobtain, a fafe and well groune' ded Peace according to the Solemne League and COVenant, their’Intereft being fo much concerned thereint ‘ i ‘ Tatar Petitioners He therefore bfimély pray,’ a That‘s. Perfonal Treaty may forthyvith he ‘ obtained betwixt his Majefiy 8c bOth Hou‘fes f of Parliament, in the City of London, or fome ' v/ other Convenient place, where it may he ~ , ,‘ mof’c for the Honour and Safety of his Ma- jeflies Royal Perfon, and Pref‘ervation of the Parliament; as in your wifdomes {hallibe , thought fit (unto which Treaty it is humbly defired: That our Brethren of Scotland may i ‘ .‘be Invited )- That [0 (according to the duty of our Allegiance, Proteflatiom and Solemne League and Covenant) “His Majefties Royal Perfon, Honor and Eflate. may be- preferved,» The power and priviledge of Parliament may 3 be maintained, The juit Rights- enj’d Liberiv ties of the Subjects refldredi Religion; and Government of the Church: in purity Elia.» rbliflied: 'All differences may be the better“ ' - * Compofed, a firme and hiking Peace conclu~ ' ded: The union between the TWO kingdomes continued according to the Covenant, All Armies disbanded, and all your Souldiers )uf’c Arears fatisfied, The kingdomes burthensr ' ea-fed , And the laudable GoVernment theregf , . . - _ B / Y mvm-Mmmw‘gflfv‘Pthf 3A A “A w in % \ :fleemmeeu V 7 Eyrthfi Gflotidariiwholefomefmfiwes andCu; ., - Promos happ-ily‘advanced. , i . . And they flm/Z pray, &C ' with which conturténztm gbttitimt $56132 . firmswfiwtm alarming antistatic @fit’ctw of we @rafiwmfiamg at tbs (mg of London, may . .Mhtrtteg‘tbmof, WWW-11993115, To tho. Right Holnouréible‘ the Lord” Mayor, ii’axlderrnen3 and (Commons of the. CityofLondm; in Common C'ounccli Afl'embled. that? C'omm‘iflon ofz’cers of thefT mined Band: of ti); City of London and'Libertie: thereof, ‘ SHEWW‘ETH‘; ~ , i _ . a Hat your Petitioners do with all? Thankful‘nefs.‘ acknowledge your unwearied pains in managing the great Affairs of this City, and in3particu1ar your: ‘ late Addrefs to borh houfes of Parliament for a Per- ‘ ' Tbg humble Petition ofthe Field aficem Cal/tam: and! ' . , ‘ ”fbnall-Treaty: with his Majefty, which the Petitioners ‘ ‘ trunderflanding is like to be in‘Lona’pn , do think our {elves bound in duty to fubmit our Annexed Petition, tothis Honorable Court robe prefented ’tp beth .. Hon-{€51 of Parliament", if in your wifd‘ome itifltall to And Pf? [hall-"werpmfi SIC. ii“ f ' ‘ t whim: 4% ,.___V v" _ .Mlbwb 39:3“th that ateetntttgth teteme meueen to both home by weather teem this; cgoutt. @he ctfiettet mheteef, were the aepetw mug of a. = ' This Committee is‘ toiconfer Wit-11‘ the Cdmmonir, ‘c‘bunc‘el of the City of London; and-Tach as they {hall appoint-,8: with the Commanders of the S‘ouldiers'in . ,L'ma’w, concerning their engagement for the-'fafety of , the King‘and Parliament during the intended Ireatie , and toguching the manner of their igneycurz'tfifi; 3' A]; ElfyzzgclehParl. .D.C'om,_i _ , t Command Wm‘rr'w whip» ‘ .5 WWW / . WT!” quay-v -,. , \‘i-m ‘ ' "W, 3‘ “YWWTWW’W’Pw-WW’?E Commune Cantiliuin tent. fixtow die’jalii, 21an ' , L‘ ’ Dona. 11648. Anno'qne regni Right Caroli Anglia", 8m Vite/lino qtoarto. 0 this Common-councel came divers Members , of the honorableI-Ioufe of Commons,as 3. Com» - ' mittee appointed by that Houfe; And after fome fho'rt preamble made by Sr Rohort Harley Knight, V and Giles Green Efqni‘re, they prefen’ted an Order Of the [aid Home, made the Fifthday'of this infiant July, whereby the {aid Committee are authorized to confer With this Common—'councel, and fuch as they {hall appoint, and with the Commanders of the Soul: , diets in London, concerning their Engagement for the' fafety of the King and Parliament during the intended ‘5 Treatie, and tOuching thetmanner of their fecurity ; The-which Qtder was here openly read, ”and the'famex Committee having withdrawn- themfelves, this Co‘urt‘v , ‘ took- this ibufinefs, being of greatconcernment, pinto debate and confideration; And do declare, That if 137:3 Majefly [hall come on» to the City of London, there to Treat withHi’s Parliament for the fitling of a fafe and indigo-waltz! Peatt,,thia aonrt (a! ninth asin them—r lyeth ) will (hy the hlefling of Gail ) defend his Maje- flits floyall Perfon and the Parliament in hononr and ‘ fafetyagainfl all violence whatfower, withutheir live: ana'ojlatesdnringvthn Treaty, according” the Cow- fiflfll"; ’ ’ i V ' » ' , And further in purfu'ance of the {aid Order, It isor-j _ tiered byf‘this- Court) . That Ml‘.- Alderman [range B 3,11 ham"; V ' / ' am; Mr. Alderman Burma, Mr. Alderman/17mm, Mr. Alderman Bide, M1‘.=Alderman Parke ,and ’Mr,Al—- dermafi Brown, or any three of them -5\ Mr. Vagrant, , Mfi Edwin Brow”, Mr.flArclyer, Mr. Nathaniel Hall, . Mr,Dep.Clmméerlem, Mr,VVz‘/Ziazm Batemm, Major Chaméerlcm,Mr. Pet. 55mm, Mr.Dep.Clowes,Mr.Dep. , ‘ Glyd, Mr. Clzetwifl, and Mr. Mills, or any‘fir; of them, thall be, and they are by this Court appornted‘a Com- mittee to conferWith the {aid Committee of Pa‘rliaz- , a merit..- As namely, with Mr.‘sz‘t\loc/e, Mr.;Sm'nferz, ‘ » 5N. touching the manner of the feturity for the fafen ‘ t of the King and Parliament during the Treatie; gnd to confider‘what things are fit to be propounded fdr the better enabling of , this Court to perform their .~ [aid Engagement, and all things conducing thereunto 5" Find to this purpofe they are alfo to confer with the \ {Commanders of the Souldiers in the City tOuching’ by .the‘ fame: And the {aid Committee appointed by this Common-councel are to acq’uaint this Court from time to time Of their proceedings and opinionstherein.’ [Maritime Conciliu’m,tentum,. in Caniera Gaildhald’ ' NCz'tvit’ London" under/imp die fulz'i, I 648.” An- « ,. , 7&6qu regm' Domini mflrz‘Caroli mm; Reg}; An- ' 1 ' ‘ glie, Cfi‘c- Videfimo 7mm, ‘ ‘. l T thjs‘Common-councel the Committee ap-r A ~ pointed by the Order of this Court made the e , , Sixt day of this inflant Jilly, to’confer; with y . "theCotnm-ittee afligned by: Order offthe honourable m ‘_ Houfe of Commons, Concerning the Engagem'enthof \ ‘ ' , ' t 15 , thisCityfor the fafety of the 1113‘ 1216: Parliament ' l ,. of their fecurity; did now ptefentnnto‘this {front-t" a Paper exptefling their progtefs and proceethngs there- 3 in; The which was here openlyxread, andeverypar- by the {aid honourable Committee: The tenor Where~ ‘of is as followeth, (222% ' ‘ ' Military Forces, and the Court oafC'ommon-coun’c'el, Z ‘ would fatisfie tl‘iemwhat they intend and mean by 1 ‘ a thofe wordsin the Petition of the‘militaty Officers 1 wherein the Petitionof theCOmmon—touncelto the. Parliament; do concur -,» viz. ‘[ That the Ifie them, What/is meant bywthefeyWords, vie. I: That they will defend Hi5 ‘Majeflz'es royal Parfait and the ‘Par‘v r r» “-u , v a ‘n- ;,4 «w as l ' 1.11113111‘ 1.2‘: <\. < ‘ i d’ugtingthe intended Treatise, and" to‘acmngt‘he 'ze-ai‘xne’r é 1; titular therein confideted of; and fome alteration was i made in the-Anfwers given to the Ptopofi‘tions made ’ The {aid honourable Committee did defiire thatthe: I ‘ liament‘may whet 4m! T rent with Freedom,‘Hohow am! ‘ Freedom and Safety, according tothe ancient’lEund‘a-r The faid honourable Committee didfut'ther clefi’re3 ' lament, ‘ daring that Treatie,acqording‘to thaCovemht, _ 43:13? ‘The Committee of the Commonéounjcell did give anfwer ’thereunto as followeth; viz. By thofe words [To defend the King and Parliament according to the Covenant] we mean, That during the Treatte, we will defend the King and'Parliament (as much‘asnt us lyeth) free from all force and violence. _ i - The faid honorable COmmittee did further defire, that the Committee of Common-councell fhould fatisfie them, what they intend and mean in the Peri; ‘ tion of the Military Officers, (wherein the Petition of ' the Common-councell ’concur)by the wordEFretdm] in the hit claufe; and likewife what they mean by thefe words [otherwzfe interrupt]. ' To this the Committee of the Common-counCell , gave the feveral anfwers following, viz, By the word 7 [Freedomejwe underfland free from force and violence," , and by the words [otherwife interrupt] we mean all \ hofiileforces whatfoever 5 the which anfwers were apprQVed'iof by this Court. 7 . ‘ . , The {aid honorable Committee did [further pro- pouand, that. in cafe the Parliament {hall make/choifeev of this Citie to be the place of the Treaty, and that the Common-councell onthe behalf of the Citie, doe ingage themfelves to defend both King and Parliament from violence during the-Treaty, [whether the City will maintainrthe‘ir guard: at their own charge} ; - ‘ , To which the Committee of Common-councell did a > 1- anfiver, that- the fame being a matter of charge, muff be refolved by Common-councell, and that they would acquaint the Common-councell therewith 5 concern- ingtthis'queflion, this Conrt did take the fame, into their ferions confi'deration, and after fome debate had 3 a I ’» ‘ ' \ thereupon, t l." Lfltmflémgmmmamsggztmm t .l _ . “I. .- . a t... WWW-:1 A a w , Aw—fl-‘VW: as ' V ”WW, to the‘King‘andearliament fori'fatisfaétionthereof. The faid honorable COmmittee did'further propofe, that'in cafe the King {hall not: content and agriee‘to fuchzthings as (hall beipro'pounded and infiltedon by , both Houfes of Parliament in this Treatie, for a fafe ‘ ‘and'yvell-grounded Peace, [whet/yer they will under- take afidengtxge that the Perfm aftbe K Mg flm/Z be difiw— , ’ , fed of". 4/5 hot/7 Haufetkof Parliament flm‘fl think fit] ‘ ' To which the {aid COmmitteeof Common-courted \ did anfiver as followeth,’w’z, Under the-favouriof ‘ this honorable Committee, "we cannot underflandb i theOrder. of the honorable Houfe of Commons,whic ‘ was delivered unto us for this Treatie, that there is any thing therein mentioned, tending to that which is by this honourable Committee p‘rop‘ounded, con- cerningthe delivery up of the King in cafe the King ; ' and Parliament did nOtvagree. ‘ ,. it ,- ‘ And the faid honorable Committee "did further de- ‘clare, [that thywerenot fatitfied with that anfwer,‘ con- , earning the di/Paflng of tire Kings "Parfait, in mfle the fl King and Parliament did mt agrees, and-did expeé’fa furtheranfwer.j]: » _ g: “ i. , fl :T f , h ' To Which the Committee of Commbn-councel did anfwer and fay, That they, would acquaint the Com-, ' mon- councel therewith; concerning Which, propofition this Court did take the fame into "their ’ferious con— fideration, and uponajfirll and large debate thereupon, did declare, that in cafe the {aid intended'Trea‘ty {hall v 13.6. thereupon, this “Court deflated, That if’ the faid'iné . \ ‘ tended Treaty'be in Loadm,’that, then theiCity will ~ / [for the prefent defray'the charge{Ortheémaintaining‘ ' , of the Military Guards, for the 'purPOfe aforefaid; du— ‘ ring the Treatie, and afterwards?‘referrefthem'felves ‘ I J ' _ Afpeedily; paired. "be in iahdon,_ancl that. his? Majefiy and his Rarliament - ‘ fliouldnot agree :(whichvGod forbid) then theycon- ’ teiv‘e themfelves‘ bound to. fubmit tothe wifdo—me of {botli’HoufesIQf Parliament. . . . ~ .. . ., v The f aid honorable Committee" did likeWife defire, [that the Committee of Cowmw—cmncel, andthé Milt-e , jarjofficers', jho‘nla’fatisfie them in what manner, M5276 ' ' what meamfihcy will make good their ingagemmtg '61 defi’zdiflg fl”- King “Mid Parliament agate/l mm“ ‘ ~ ‘11:? lame. . ‘ x i . r _ i «To which the Committee of Common~coyncel «madexanfwer'andtpropounded as followeth, om. ‘We do dECl'are, and we are ready accordingxto but engagec , 'v‘men't, (as‘much'as in us lyeth) by the Trained-Bands ‘ of the City, and thelate lines ofCommuniCation, to guardiand defend the King and Parliament from all ’ force and. violence: :And to theend that. we may, be inabie‘l‘d to perfOtm the fame, we doe .fhumblyroffer, That the Ordinance for; "the uniting of the Military Forces'Within the latelines ofL‘ommunicatiom and ' IhePar‘iflies of the weekly Bills of Mortality, toithe Forces of the City, to be one intire Militia, may be That the Militia may be enabled t’d‘rail‘e fuch Other Forces as they {hall find neeclful,to carrythetn through athis ferVich; And thatno other forces, maylb-eraifed, or made ufe of within this City and laty‘eilines‘ of C ome- munication, but by authorityyof the {aid Militia by~ 'IeonlEnt of Commomcouncelr . . . ~ : Toennfider that‘our dangers are either from With~ , outlorfrom. Within, and th’ereforepropoundech viz; For thofefiwithoutfihat for our betteffecutity inguan ding like Kings-and Parliamenta-we defire that {o’me 7 7 ‘ W 5 , a ‘ ‘ courfe: , \ . , WWW Winn» , , i . (i7). :eourfe may be taken, . a’s‘ihall [be thought i’fi t by WHI- domeof Parliament, that'no Forces in," Arms may ‘come within .30.. miles 'ofLomg’m duringdthetimeof“ the Treaty; And for thofe within,that what perfon or perfons foever {hall make any Tumult, Infurreétion or \ difiurbance during the time of this Treaty, {after Pro-r . clamation madeii‘t‘ihallbefdeat A ‘ ‘ . - ' ; * That'if’the wifdome of Parliament {hall think‘fit, that none that have born Armes againit the Parliaa merit, or haveor {hall} contribute thereunto', {hall be permitted during the {aid Treaty to come Within‘igo miles of Landowwnhout leave of 1 the Parliamenthad ortob'ehad.’ a ,i ‘ s " * ' ,"i, Concerning this delire'oxr'propofition of the {aid honorable Committee,this Court doth apprdveno’f the Anfwers thereunto and ' Propofition‘s’made- ‘to'uélré ingt thefame. And this Court dmhbrdef’that the! {aid Committee of Commonweimeel" {hall commit: nicate unto the faid Honorable Committee, thejafore-é faid Anfwers and Propofitionsof this ,(Zourt,itobe by them prefented unto borh Houfesifoi Parliament; * And alfo to declare unto them, that it isa‘the humble, . defire Of this Court,- that the (aid Treatyfjmay be with , i all expedition, for the preventing of further inconve- niences. And‘likewife‘that this'Courthill doe their endeavours (if the {aid Treaty be in” Landowfor'the finding out of fome convenient: place within the City -~ for that purpofe, and fuch other accommodations‘as ' fllall be fitting, , j i ,_ ' '" - ‘ . ; r _ - _ It is, Ordered by {this 'Commomcouneel', that the Commo-n—eouncel-me’n and Commanders, or men as day {hall appoint, fliall 'wi-thin‘their {Everal 'Precinéts, either by. calling all the.Inhabi account Ofelia Common-counceI-men and Comman» ders oftheir proceedings herein, in Writing, and retu‘m . the fameuqto this CourtWith/alleXpedition. / f i \ $000211th to which etrettt’on gthen, the 12, J “1y, ‘me my fame hectare, @hat-neethee tbz heave, no} weinhere at any confinetahie <1?qu of thee fitt'g , Who were tubiteb mm thee @ngagement to; the retuetty M the mass m! @teatgmetltnen the fame) but freely (uh: Ruben: gun attozbtnglg, the Grumman—WW tetanu othee ¢‘ttt5en5 ennehomeh tutti) at! htitgente amt finelitp to efiettmhat the? bail 1'0 flEngageD fez-hut it pleafeh mmtghte @013 to permit their goon tnteuttoue emu mine-home g: to be ttuiteaten he the hefimctthe otmmteie ant: fltttnge at thofe ‘mho hae eefignen to bath: up. thew” hemmton arm fogtunee en the flame at ‘ the 13mg ant: hinghom,‘ who upon the 7. of December, 1648; tuhaeen hath 19mm of have itameut mtth theh menace, hiflhlhee the 19mm of 11902333; arm excluneh teem the 19mm: of mmmonsati thefe Qwemhetfi whemtheg Intent: to be pe’efonenf- maze 190mm an!) 33119 time then to ”content to the rebutmg of the hingeom fitft‘ to an Quatthh, arm thereby to mouth the fiattmttneetethe any .ggmmeffiunnf gamete: finethen he the ttfueheh pa‘met at, there,th meeeuethtng tefeiof etght, am yet hg-efumeu to : titan themfeihee, @he ésumeme: fluthmttpot the flatten; 31 h‘etaute' the}; hen theitehgeh $130211) ' all there mozthe «Eugene; . who attezm’ng tn them; allegiance aim @onea- ham; haemgageh to matme am] fetute a 'teeeé i. ; C 3 A {QWE- (zo)' ‘ tonal meaty with the fitting, were by meteneen; mentnantee of antitament eaten the 18 anti: 20 of December, 1648. tenezee mtapabte to be: uEletteu into the atonemnnstnuntetm any attain: , averse Df’tll'Jtuftin tntemtn fine the exam: on of a new ,cL-‘ommnnstountel.tmmebtateln ‘ futteemng; the (EDOWB .tbeteefmaa matinee to to intonfieetame shimmer arm Winona, afi' that netntng tenth rationally he expetten toe- - 'eefult from their: Debates but ‘mnat mas fete. ' bite, one homely Degenerate from the pfiftine 1501101113 of $131} ditty. Eta hinc illae Lacrymae.5 ding on the 13. of January, 1548'; being extreme manta (Emmett, tbegflcteh as follomea: At; a Common—councel held for the City of London in the Guild-17411 _ of the {aid City the I; of faraway, Arena Dow. 1648. Upon the departure of the Lord‘ ‘ Mayor and Aldermen , It was refolved upon (maxim . contradicmte) That a Commoner of the fame Court fhould take the Chair. ' . 7 A Paper. (Intituled, The humble Petition of the. Commons of the City of London in Common-coun— cel alTembled, and direéted to the Commons of. Eager“. , «lewd in Parliament affembled)being by fome Members of this Court tendred to the Confideration of the Court 5' It was Refolved upon the quefiion’(nemine ' contraditmte). That the faid Petition {honld be read. The {aid Petition being threetlines read and deba-' s ted, It was refolve‘d upon the quefiion (”mine 6072-4 tradi'ceme). That the fame {hould be-prefented in the name ofthis Court unto the Commons ofEnglaml in . V i ' Parliament affembled on Monday following. . It was refolved upon the quefiion , ( nemz‘m cmtm- ' , . ‘ ' y‘a'z'teme) {wir"wv\,wrrrm‘:xv:- r; "I ‘ I __.w 7w .t,_,,._,._‘_<..__-74.. ._._ __ V___. ,, -._v7..n_. -_...A_.i._. _ "*v V inflame) That twenty Members of thisfcaurc {half ,‘ prefent the faid Petition intheir gowns. " . , f ‘ It was refolved upon the quefiion, That aNarra-«s ‘ tive. of this daies proceedings in this Court be immev ,diately drawn upby four Members of this, Court, and by them brought into this Court Lobe confidered‘ofi ‘ x “ The faid Narrative being drawn up and brought in accordingly, was three times read’a'nd debated, And then refoived upon the quefliOn, (”twine contradict».- te) That the faid Narrative is approVed of by this Court, and be prefented with the aforefaid’ Petition ' unto the Commons ofEngland in'Parliament'. Refolved upon the queflion, That four Coachesbe " ready on Monday morning at Guild—ha]! for the twen» ty- 'perfons abovefaid to ride in to Wéflmz’xfler for 'deliVery of the faid Petition and Narrative. , . , » Refolved upon the queflion, That the faid twenty ’ perfons, Or any five or more of them be a Committee to attend the pleafure of the Houfe of “Commons ~ touching the {aid Narrative. , _ Refolved upon the (fiefiion, That two Members of thisCo-urt keep a Record of the-A66 of this Court" ‘ to be prefented, read,‘and Regiflred at the nexrt Co'urtw The Petition aforefaid followes,w'z; ‘ ‘ = i 1. Toth: Honourable the Commons of England ‘ - in Parliament 'afl‘embled.. , 'Tb’tllrmmél’e Petition of the Com?" bf Madly of v p ' London in Comman—Coanrei’fujfméled, v i Sabew'etié, _ . _ ‘, 1 p ‘ - " Hat -feriou{}y weighing thofe unfpealtabletoyles, y A difficulties; dangers, and, temptations 1n inc-23y - i y n . m e: 1khieéit'“Vvhéréviritlif‘95mfreeze teen. hotlY affau’lted fee " L . many years - together}, by-‘the‘p‘ow'ei‘ful “Influence .Whgge‘of many greatnepretenders to the publickr Inten- r‘ef’c have been wrought off from the fame 55 and withall confidering._thata1i this notwithfianding, ‘you have ' .flfi'oédilik-e,ai-ihighty Rock. firm and eonflant to yOur TruPc, and are new Acting after {rich a rate, as our deadh’opes break forth with triumph; from their graves, we cannot but with inlarged hearts blefs the God of Heaven for yen, and (if it were poflible) in the hearing of the Whole world,proclaim our thank» ,fulnefs t0 you forthe fame. _ , t V f ‘ And apprehending that the Nonexecution of Inflice, the intrufiing of the Militia and. Navy in the hands of Nehtralifls', Unfaithfull and "Difaffeé‘ted perfons, the greatdecay bi Trade,the proteéting of many mens pere ' ffons and efiates from the due courfeof ‘LaW, and the yunfetled ‘co’nditionof this Nation,- are {ome-of the great andprinci‘palfiEvils under which the hearts of thoufandsofyour friends (yea the whole land) groan, ’Wehumblypray, I _ ‘ A _ ‘ h, 517.1: That aeyon have begun to advanee the Interefl of '4 unpartialfiaflz’ee, foyon wonldrzzz’goronfly proceed in the Execution thereof upon all the Granolahfl ~ Capital Anthhrs, Contri'versiof, anal Afior: in the .late‘ wars againfl the Parliament and (Kingdom, " from the higheft'to the [owe/t ; That :the wrath of ‘ Go ,7 may exflifieafe’ol, Good ne‘enfatiefiea', ana’Eevz'l men deter from adventuring upon ”the likepra- j " . "(flees for t ‘ié/fatnre, , ‘ , , , #2. That the Militia, Navy, and all places of Home, may he pntfigh‘the hand: of nonehat fhoh‘a: hy‘a Cogfiant an eunzfornz tenonr‘ qf their Were/5 ma ' ' , ’ , 7 M * inflions. “ \ , < A ‘ A tu,-,1-‘....A,A.Mm,_..;d.._1.5.4“. m. a.” hay HA _..‘ ,_._ .fl. ,, __.‘____,,._-.,___.. , ...____.___‘fi-m 7.... , , 7—”.M—n 7.. 7m -Wr...v ‘ u"? v i agitator haveapfiearea‘thehefelwe .faithfiélto‘ym' am! the fro/t rights of the Nation. ‘ 3, That with all eorrveteient /]2eetlyote woal'el'thirt/e rep-- . ’on form efl‘eetaal Coerfe for the recovery: mate- _ ’ 4 oreafirtg of the almofl lo/t Trade and Manafattttre, , of this City and K ihgtlom. , 4-. T hatgfino Privilea'ge whatfoever may exempt arty ' from the 9714]} fatisfaétiort of their dueolehtse " 5, That having by your Vote: of thefottrth of Jar-m» ary ire/tam declared, That the Corhmomof Eag- _ land in Pafiemertt aflemhletl have the Supreme power of this Nation, you would (a: far a: you are ahle )/ifid8tfl70tt7¢b€ fetlz'rtg thereof upon form- _ ; ,. , elation: of Eighteen/heft and P6466311.” the maimem ' ‘i i fiance antlprofeoatiort of which Votes areal of thefe ’ . ‘ . ‘ our;ttfl' and Humhle defires we are refol'veol to flared hy yore to the attermofiZ of our power again/t all o}:- g. - pofitiort whatfower, ” ' . . @132 fiartatme before mentioneb follomewiz.‘ ' ‘A Narratilre of the (Proceed-37133 of the Court of Com,” ~ moo—mam helol in Guild-hat? London the, 13 of Ia- \ nuary 1648. htmzhly prefenteol hy' the Order of the , faiel Court to theHoreoarahle the Common: of England" ' ‘ ' affemhlea’e'h Parliament. » ~ Common—councel being lawfulL erfummoned to \ meet at eight éfth'e Clockin th oming upon the day above-written , we, Commofiers of the City of Lorza’on, Members of theafaid Court , in obedience to the {aid Summons and for difcharge of the trait “-repofed in us, made our appearance: at the;ufua} place 9f meeting for the gaid Court about fie timefiagoiae e ' » , CD , re , I ock tédlAblohteleven of the Cl the Chal’re'stwe then ‘d‘efirl’hg. the .LOrd‘ Mayor that theflAéts of’th'e‘laf’t‘Coun thigh-t be read according to lithe‘ulu'al Cou‘rfe of . the. faid Court~ ,‘ and the fur- ther Confirmation of the {aid Acts, could notvobtain the fame (though earnefily defired) for: abqve an hours {pace-filter whith fome'mem-bers of th‘egl‘aitd' Court ‘(bei'ngpart offa Committee formerly Chofen‘bythe‘ {aid Court) tendred a Petition thereunto 'to be read "and confi‘d'e‘red of, which Petitionfiing the’fame now " ‘prefented toy‘this‘ Honourable h‘oulei) was drawnqu by them inreference to an Order "fi'the‘fai'd Court; _ and re'celyedéthe approbation of the major part of the (momma of that Committee 5 And though it was of- itenand earnel‘tly. preft for along time by the major partofthe Court that ltmight be read, to receive the fenfe of the Court , yet the Lord Mayor wholly re- fufedt‘o fuffer the fame, or thatthe quef’cion fhoulicl’be putwhether it {hould be read yea or no. After the i fr'uitlefs expence of many'hours, another. quefiion being draWnup‘; the major’partof‘ the-Court requi- redit toeebe'putr to be} decided” according to the ' "right‘an'd cuftomeof the Court, and beingadenied therein, declared how unjufhandg‘of what'adefirué’tiye natureto theBeing of the Court fuch a denyal would be; yet‘notg' _' ., tworAlderm departed ”and left) the Court fitting tolthe great gfi‘efand general; difl‘atisfactfon-Jof "the fame, ,jBeing thusedepr—ived of our ordinary affifiance for our lprOceedingsg we’di‘d thenfre‘quire and command ' the common: Serj'ean‘t'ancl' Townclark , Officers“ of f the fafiCouQ fito'fia.y’in1fthe;¥COUrt and put the f queftion, (the; Lord Mayor ‘ ‘ accompanied onel'y with two of the Aldermen took ‘ {landing the Lord: Mayor with the \ quefiion , both which they contemptuoriflyrefufed; and left the. Court fitting likeWife: whereupon in dill. chargeofpur trufi,and in our tender age of the Com— mon good of City and Kingdome, We did flay and remain a Court, wherein Was thrice read, debated, and Voted (naming cofitraa’ieeme) the Petition hereuntof _ annexed,‘ to be as this day prefented to this Honora- ~ble Houfe. \ / j Having given this Honourable Houfe this brief . but true Narrative of part of our fufierings for eight hours. at‘leaf’c', in the breath} (as We con- eceive) of our undoirbted Rights and Priviv ' ledges, and conceiving the like ‘Obflruétion‘s, would render ourmeetrngs in Council altOge~ ther fruitlefs for publick benefit and fervice for the future -' we‘are’forced to a is eal unto ’ 7 P this honourable Houfe for fuch confiderations e thereof and diteétions herein, as may make the . Commons of Londm in Commomcouucel haf- ‘fembled, ufeful to the ends for which they were chofen. W r ‘ . 91;: get in abhezrent to Mt immcipiffi of \fibzrttiamtrt, am) to mutants to all meant robe; pzinetpleeshthat neutemment can ten: eeettgmoze unions; arm therefore this: (tenet eannoehuteeeiarethett felemn pgotefi in the behalf of themfeleee am) the geneeahtv of thee (may, warmer; nth then arm rm: Duperfeeflp \ abommate the fame :' gnu cannot emu; to me- ‘ fete their thankful memm at me name we gafiant afiefolutiene at the tiger: 02D Waring flinetman Reynardfon, arm hi5 zetmett the albumen , who is ' halianflg written the we: r 2 bulent 1K 3......» : :gmhu irflagtwdgt a...» - ‘ ‘r talent ttftztete of that @ethant’th glancte tnnng many home awantt; ant atlan new tenth} tetteatet , ant mathet thew hanta from the (that of there month tietettefi.‘ ant aathta tenet ttth hope, that thta metettng thatrattte hath futttttentlh ttntttatet tt, ant the generality of thta any, (teeth at nnpats ttat men) fttmthe Ieatt fufptettn tt that'e mus mow, mtth mhtth the want hath along time been ahufet, to they ttuht not, but time the phone of the atmmtnsttnntel hath been‘put tntq anh- tegtee of fwetmmtheh hate gtben fufitttent antimony, that to then: ntmttt ta- pattttefi they hate fittet ttztialth ant {teenue oath; tn' tztet to (the attainment at there tiers fet beatnntnge at iBeceita’bttfiJment of there itmatemflaecoztmgto the flattmna at this pzetent ieatltatnent , to whom they“, than \ fattha tum: athete, ant cheerfully fuhnnt. hint at tt hath been one water ant entettnt to; out fettee ant the flatten, it me tent me than fats tenth (by the goat hanttt (130D) ant the nut: tom tt‘toth tenures of seatlt'atnenta he put an: tet the motettmn of the aunt ant funtamens tat attheentnent of {Beretttaw ant meustems hetet QEtnatthh, attozttna to the anetent. name of the flatten, ant thereby eeap a talent: .. “501 flatten of 192MB ant gap, ft; the tang fieetstnne Dfflfieatfi that me hate hat. « ’ FIN Is; W _. YVLC»? M M _ ‘ V m d'k‘i [LUKE s I‘ll-ill A: i. .1 ., . 13.11]: ‘5 .ll . .. i . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ . .}I\.‘Cah I .. . I w. w W W, P _, _ v m nyvdzflflmfl‘il : I .I.. V , 45,5 24:11:91.:‘1‘1. . . . .‘ . ., , , s i ._ , .I ....‘l..u\.11 Inll.l. I‘i‘I‘. in» ‘ F ._ . M a _ . w _ v _ i W "M flu i . N. M. v. M M m M .Efxlvill‘ :‘VAII. I. >. 3 i 1 -9‘ WI.— pl whirrilydm LII r if in ‘2‘ wrgrhut: M