I ILLINOIS Production Note _ Digital Rare Book Collections, Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana—Champaign 2019 mun- IN .M f. M O RY O 1" CHARLES ADENJISON A N D CHARLES NDLNISON ‘an MW.” v: - , ~w- - ,rww %' , > i} i v , . '(Wyfwmwwwzw,mwwqwmuw",w,.WA,” “Vary“ ‘ 4. . , N "H w ,1," , ‘WW "‘5‘ “W’VWWWWWMerrww"wwww /%64M1// £5; ”My J u f w’ 41,? r» "‘ / mi « - ' ¥ : , ~r .\ J “’1 J , 1 , "' 1 .- 7" ,i , . 1 a 1' if” (x, 41-23,»? j?“ 6”; .5 V4.T"zx&/ii y‘é’r » “‘3’ is”, b/g4’xfl‘azz'f '7' a“ 3' f3 ,1 f H V' ' J V) ’ 4" _ i? 3 / , ",2 , ”I. x”? 7,7, 3,) H W ‘44—’42? if ‘1/ C£m~_/'3f , ski/g I; 4 «3.4.?» 1 ‘~*/’}«LK;, .. {Zl //;7W/71’ ///Z‘/ yaw] I a £7 flz/zww M2 ? gay, f2 44 AM [WA/Mg 441/2 W . 3 1/1. may”. MW; Mg fi/Lo/ : / ‘é/n '/fi éW/Z'flz/y’flj/ Vzi 111%". ¢ [41‘7qu ,2: @224- W Mm 4/ 7/fi/zm/é W: ,fl. mam» fl MM»? 4'4 M MMa. 7% $64-- 1/9 44% 4-9 ”#7 MW ‘ V/ <33} . , I/ . fl . . ”“44 M ”49 59"}é; 4/2 «.7 av MZ h ' // /., . ~7¢‘ 7“ [4: “Ii-Mow , «at; . /,§/7£7 , A""’*A‘_:Tff:,7‘*f‘;7.—-77‘-'l~‘; 3:7WWWV.--_T¢A,W‘ --—-~-—~w--~e»wn —~—. 4 A — ,_ -»A ~ A» >7 , » A, v- .{rix - CONéCIEFV {45* K "S i V To which the Author has had zte-i ' ‘ .Courfe, for plain Anfwers, in his own ' particular Cafe (/38 every Man living ought‘to do in his) to ‘ FOUR QUESTIOVNS, § of greagweighe and impartg ace, viz. r. mm, am: what att emu 9‘ 2. «11112132 gait than bzmg , 3. may ant than 1mm fining? . . 4. magnum: art than gazing? , ' Together with ,_ Three Sele€t Prayers for PViwzte Families. A By Sir Samuel Mar/Md, K11" 535,831“? F During his [Slim/72% mm! Retiremefifz‘, ;, Printed‘by 7.11/1. anM.’B. for A. R4035? 5 1 Willamfm and R. Clam}, over 3311:3115: TDW/fon’s ChurCha Fleeiffl’”“" 1595"" ‘ ~ . \ 4 \ , . k . ¢ , 3. , . 2‘ ‘ '1 C v ‘ v I \ V ‘ ‘ , 1 ‘,. . A ‘. . / , . x x . . 4 1.; ' ' l fit: , ~ ”g ‘ 11., 4 «‘9‘, v ~, ( '4' x: ‘ l' ‘ , x " '1' : E It, i g 4 ‘ ,. .. 1’ / I \ , . , 11 1 \ ,‘ ‘wnsaw ~ TOTHE READER IT havmg pleaféol dlngbty God, L I 7 to define me of the Sig/1t of both my Eyey, fir above Three Tear: a/reaa’y pafi , and 562723 there- 5)) dzfaé/ea' to do my ng or Camz- ; try any fiat/oer Ser’bzce, [thought 21: . , ngbt not be amzj}, to employ fame ,. / 1“ part of my Time, darmg t/m Sa/zw‘ _ _ {Jade and Retzremmt, 2‘73 Recafle~ £32an fime Oéfervatwm and Réaf ‘ ‘ AI 2 fleflwm,’ ‘ /, \\\ F4 VThePR'EF’ACE“ flefiiom, Which I have beretofére f made, fiom what I JmW flew or mare?!) 623136? 523' \Home or fléroad 5 45 ”69/2217in #36}; might, at prefim, be W‘qfiméle w 27%;) fi/f; mm} hereaf- «1 . tar ufifiu" to amen. ‘zflid tbewfire I. have at [dfi dzge: ‘. fled flown into a‘ mallTrecztzfi‘, camczma , Mg fim anzfiions and Anfwers, wbz'cb do, if? truth) Concern 610833} me, who im; the true ujé / 0f that Reafifl will) 227192.617 be mm 502% : But more q/jflecéafly. [imfiefi Cbrifl‘iam, 722190 - pug/3t, ever} [My of flow? 1.512659 fi~ firing/l} ta propofé to t/Qeng/élve: file/79 ' V "Izzterragdtorz'ey, and reguz’reg at tbe 121% time, flncere 4725i direfi‘ Afl— ;,I;fi2;~ers fiam their 0w” C072 0.5672665. N013} [toth‘e Reader“ 5. ‘ _ New, 2f tire“ fiietlmd 0f the ‘ 1‘5qu , ‘ lower/2Q szcewje, be [woke 247072 a; ,; Partlcular am! Unufual, l leope zt ‘ may ere tbe mere gmtefie! 5 férafi f mere/3 e; new tbs-regs, tireagb of let—a file carzfigzeeme, d0 - raged!) fir/gel a tale-=- ‘mérz’e acceptance. I" et 5e {bought 1'00 _ Short end , ; COnCife fir el Sue/e5? affix/’9 Weight Jared Importmce; there will 5e #35:“ VCoWerzierzce, time it will give lef} ’ trouér/e to the Reade”. ' ., , [fit lime/d be ceflfiredfir Sharp ' emel Satyrical, Refiefiions, I dew ‘ fire it may 5e confidered, That t/Jefe ' ' ' Reflefiiom are either direfied againfi , fraféfigfiégtbegis, Li'éertinex, emel‘vitz; OMJLZWH, who make a ,Meck.0fRe§—s V 1332072, and the Holy Scriptures; 0?": A 3 elfé fl ' ".645, that they are made ufe of‘te lef- jen the Credit and Reputation of a Cert/diet Treatifi: celled Leviathan, which he: corrtzpted the Mtred; omd \ Marti/rem offl) mtmy hopeful Tout/'33 J ' (f 11221; [dfi Age, who h} reg/5n of the tender/reef} of their fem, emd warez: 9: ' ‘ of Seltdtty med Experience.) cod/d mtg L' eefl/y dzfi‘errz the Fdlldcz'es‘ emd Irz— '-CMfifience; of theje dangerou: -D0- ' firmer, that are f0 firhttlly couched 2.22 that amps-0w Dzfiourfe. ‘ - A’rrd ,[ezfl/yy’fz'n the! final! Treatije there fhm’lhe feared Errozm', Méflaketi, 0r dfe/efl‘ Paflkget proceeding from the jut/Jar} B/z'rzdnefs, Old age; or Wed/(4 reef}, and his" , heing fired to make uje-xof‘ other Men’s Hands and Eyes, ghe hegr the caurteom and cdrtdzd Pei“- ufcrs, to put them all into a Paren— thefis, e , to the Reader; ‘ " - ' 7 " ’éthfifi S, and to confloler that finer? hud jmanum ‘efi errare, he had in the fol-s lowingDifiomje oz twofold end and Poor-9 pole; the One to gratifj he: Readers, fifthe other to benefit Himfelf : For Eie'whz’le They either do, or may go away ' E ‘A‘E‘w‘fltb WE” it of reoZUfe and Prafilfl’ -‘ in their Live; and Convetfeztz'om”9 He comes after, to gleam and gather up thoje Mzfioke: and Trivial Pojfogey, f7 for the Exercife of Selj‘T-ntortficetioze, J and for the hegettmg omd contmmng ,7 E: ‘ a meme Opihion, med low Thought! of" his owe flhi/z'tz’ey. ' E “ g _’ He'd thehefore flatter; hifigfe/f‘with e E hopes to find a fowoumh/e Igzterpretozé‘ ”non of his“ hearty and fimere, though weak Eeolea‘vours ( being already» 1 174% the wee W 0f [751433 ) 3 , ThePREFACE, @c; to: leave that behind ijimj 1722/3567} 1 may (it [eafl help to turn fame San/5 20’ Rigkt’eoufhflf, 2375672 be lyiwgfelf flmll ée tamed to Dufl' and flflyw : . y mmmquw ( ‘1’? a. :5 T H F - . " ~ ’ a (-15 ‘W Wmflm.,.m rm, “mam, “mun WW T H E Erfl Qwflzw { £39, me what 61% mm 1f??f%fé7‘. One, Whig» dcfiffl’f‘fi 110 Name: A p001?" and deipicable Individual of the unhappy Speczes of E~::112inm 12mm, Whmh 1:3 1:5 Om giml was Exceiiem and Aéimirable, bu: is, . ‘ now became Wretched and R’iiferable. Sometimes, in the Silefice and Shades of" ‘ Night, my roving Falzcy‘ gives me a tram ;.- fiént View Offldam in his Emergency 5, make Was LORD and KIN G or” this dowel“ VVorld, and fitting in State, with his Roy-g ' 31 Comfort in the Garden of E DE N, J Whither alrthe Creatures referred to do 7 I \him Homage, with all Refpeé’c and Subf lmlflion, 3510 their Liege and ‘1‘1ghtful 804-2: . Veriign.’ , Again, Tometimes it reprefents the dole-— ;, full Scene of his terrible Fall, by lgigfond ~f‘~ 8 Come m ,itflihfifitth what art than? Mm. [Compliance with his, new Bride’s defires, to difobey his Maker’s Command, and thereby to expofehimfelf, and/her, and his whole , Pofierity, to’Death and endlefs Mifery. That Angels were created before Man, and. that one of their chief Order‘for his Pride - and Ambition was cai’t out of Heaven, We need no better proof than the fad Reheat» fal. of Adam’s Fall 3 for certainly no other Created Being would ever have attempted to deface God’s own Image and Likenefs, but the chief of Apoflate Angels,and Prince of Devils° : Methinks I hear the Father of Lies, in the ihape of a Serpent (which was probaf hly at that time, the molt Lovely and Beaua . tiihl, as well as. the molt Crafty and Subtil . , at” all the inferior Creatures) thus accofiing . ' the Mother of all Living, » Fair ‘Qgemof their Lower XVI/held .! What great 195;in it, that fieeh excefleet’CTeatures a! , ' A year $67715; men? Jitter Rrp'al .xfl/Yt'zcz'ate3 jhould ., em feed m “Hertha” and tourfier Meme, ayhemés there i7: [0 mhle a Plant ifithe yew atherdm, the Fraif whereof zit mt \ 0wa iazcempaehhbl flew to the Eye, Md ex! 3375;32:er fZet/zjhmt to the Tafl, he}? has elfo-fi ‘ - _ , {we E: @42J. humane Met art than? I 1' fieret V erme to infibire flee Eaters wit/3 Heep 72ml}! Mfiiem mm? [{rzeazy'lezaig-e. lfyezrr’ fife—- ker 1M: forbidden itym, it a mly to wife and berg/arm the Lie/Ere: of year Divirze Souls, after their proper, fldeqwate marl ‘ Cele/fie! OIgy'etFis. H0222 flawld the LORD (20D take ' Ofemc at your doireg that, whichwz'll mefi certainly make you fl) like to lying/elf, and aa cam-a Divine Eflétzce z? _, How far Eve might be furp‘rized, to hear a Serpent {peak in her own'Language; Or, Whether the Gift of Speaking might, in thofe Days, be fometimes given by God, i. to fome of the chief of Inferior“ Creatures, . 'upon fome fpecial occafion (as it was in af— ter-times given to Baleem’s Afs ) And whew- : ther the Devil {poke to her through the ’mOuth of a real Serpent, or in an aflumed Q fhape, I fllall nor go about to determine. Some learned Men believe that this Sera ‘ f; pent was a Dragon; becaufe, fay they, the ; Naturalz‘fl: in their Writings defcribe the - , Dragon to be“ a Creature of wonderful _ . .‘ Beatlty, ( and doubtlefs it was a’much ' more beautiful Creature before its Curfe, , in cafe“ that were the Very Animal that" t ' was made-ufe off-by the Devil ) withalon‘g ‘ i goldenBeard, bright and fparklingEyeS, -’ Seales {hining with glorious Coloum,’ and, . 3 ‘B' 2,, i the. ' ‘ >1" WWW? a “firs—«awn? a .. \ x; r w} .A *th mitts, m mytit attttjmt? e QM. I, the like; infomuch that the Egyptians war- " lhipped a Dragon, as a Diety‘, and the Greeley ‘bqrrowed the Figure of that Gt‘ea- _ tures Image, to repteleht' their (30d wig/m- 14pm: : But in how beautiful a lhape foe— ' vetfthe Devil appearetl, it is evident that his Defign was, to all imente and purple“,- fes, molt fpitefitl and t:it;tl.ici01;ts.. « .. ' .z.¢.;k-tm.k_~.:l.m;.l;§ t 4;.“ m It, , O cruel Satan l Wgts’thete not room e- nough for thee, am] all thy Infernal Crew, to range may ant} dawn in the vet}: and, wide Expahl’e, Vtiltho‘at itttt‘wfiittg it"; rude— ly and abruptly into Ptitt'atlileP O fpltefttl old Dragon .' Wham fill/"tong, Qt Injury, did; our fit'll Eateht‘s day to thee, " while they were cltelfitg the {5921}:‘Cl€n, which their M A K E R Emil {1:} lately 131214 cecl them in, that thou fitt‘mltlel’t imretst for ,. “ [hellilh a, Stratagem, and in Mafqttetiade“ , make {0 fatal 2m Addtel‘s, at once It) rob them of their Innocence, Cliftutb their . "3 pt'efent Peace, and difappoittt them of their _ ‘ ' future ’1 Ha‘ppinefs 9 ,\ 2: Egtherenfi for evera‘ccfirfed, KO Bee/[941"? 4 i‘l‘I-[m‘m’mlg‘z’ ”time of Devil:, and true i Origipétl ofallSin ana Wtclsiedneis, for thy": ttgallcwus Praé‘meg to "deceive all the Natia , t x .. 021$ , "he . ..... .....- .4-‘,»;‘:,’_’_.r<’> ;»» 1"_ :1 Vw- 2-, , were ~ r' « : (ms of the World, for {0 many Thoefimd Years; whenas thou canft not be ignorant; but that the Sins of every Soul that‘tbou (has? - tempted, (be it Saved, or be it Damned) flied! Degrees to thy Eternal Torment. ( term j: Spiritx, Good Lord deliver us. ) t'Now hete, Idou'ot not, but that the 93m ggenioue Reader will expefi I fi'to‘eMiniettf ‘ fome {hort Difceurfereoeeeming Blagij’éd and bid a fuflieient Knowledge of; mad Infieht ; L3 I.) sdefirest, ‘ ; But I am afraid on the one fide, that he would be vety little fati‘sfied with my Eng , t {5 .deavoete, in cafe 1 would, it; “imitation of a late learned Autho’r, try to fqueeze a . plaufible Defeription of LOST PARADISE,” 1i, out of St. 705%!‘3 Vifion in the Ifle of Perms; ‘ *2 and fancy to my {elf a formal and pitebt ‘ ‘ . Battle, upon a vaft and wide Plain, in, the North part of Heaven, fought between two V §;—.;.mighty Hofis of Bieffed and Revolted Spi- , gr1t5,C011C’i~L1€ted and led up by mighty Arch; Angeis, (for their Generals ) riding in {Bran ; a _ Ba) ’N‘ _' zen LI, l-otne Day be fet to thy Accom’pt, and add} j‘AMiate Spin/its, and [Could beas‘tily with I \ , $2421.11] augment: mfiat avt'ttjfittp ' I; all Evil Md Afflbig‘; (ma! flow :35 the Cmfiié’ \ idem! [fiffizttb‘s oftbe Detail, am! all be ngeme' " ’ \ gitato thofe Myfieties, to anfwer folly "his - / per Oéfiut‘iuta 1+ mm'gngmgatatttrm? hie/m. 'zen ChariOts, drawn by foaming Steed-s, and clad with Addmrmtifie Coats, one of , Which was, by a maiiy Sword, cut down :59 the wait, and fia‘in’d with Angeiidi 7 " blobd; Where the one of thefe Armies f: ‘jd'ug‘up the Terrain of Heaven, and with the Materials they there found, made Pow; ' “ f der, Bullets and great Guns C it is pity that, ' Bombs were not in ufe when he wrore that Treatife) and with them did great Ex-a ecution upon their Enemies, who in Rea venge tore up great Mountains by the Roots,and hurl’d them at their Heads; with Ia'grea’t number of Other Romantick Stories, ; , «which is to teft with God’s word,andmuch I ‘ fitter for Poets and Painters, who when .~ they are gOt to the top of their Perm/fits, , frame to themfelves Idea”: of what Chime“ 26423 or Goélz'm they pleafe. " And on the other fide, ‘I incige it alto— gether needlefs, to make ufe ‘of the Dark~ Lanterns of Homer, Ovid, Virgil, or any of the old Heathen POets, or to borrow the dim Tapers and blinking Lights of Plato, firiffl‘otle, Seneca, or any of thofe Half—Dig.“ vine Philofophersa or to be beholding {of the School-men 5 0,1" theirwvain Diftiné‘tion's.) 1 and {Piitting of H3i¥‘§: With -« their lame Definitions, and Explanations of Obfimmm , '25.; I " fl v Neithet. . 3 ('1 3,-3 Que/2.1. mummy“ m ffiflu .3 I: 59. ’ ffWith endlefs (Eotations out of the Anciw tent, PioUs and Learned Fathers, who were, for the molt part, {Tomewhat tender in de- ' thing their Opinions about‘the Doé’trin. f Spirits, but wiiely aned thevpofitive Determination of Queliions, relating to the Inegfiwe World, and rim-{e deepMyfteries of 7 Incwfweal Beings, as not to be fathom’d by" éihe Line and Plummet of Human Under; flanding. ‘ . And therefore I 101211 content my text with What Light I can get from the Holy‘ fcure, or filent, to be very cautious, fober, land modelt. ' _ I. That there Wex'e, are, and ever [11311 {136, true and real Subfiftencies of Good and' Evil Angels, the following Palfages of Sfl-i steal Writ do plainly inform us, em. ‘_ IwBefire the Angels of Gad, I 7. Luke 8. E ;,3"-—-—-He flmll wmeHwitb all be holy/1% £615, 25 Matth. 31. ‘ ‘ ' 31397.;th Gad [pared not the Angels that flame; j 2 "Pet. 2. 4.. JHTbe Angel: they kept no; theirfir/z‘ Efiat¢,1 ' u .y 60‘ . _. WWW , ’t xii * W 1 w— M . we if???” Neither am I willing to tire ‘my Reader , ' ificriptures, and where thofe’are either ob~ , . '5‘ Va,‘ ’4 ,_ n. Y .35 mm, ennmnatacttynnz Mm. ewe-Lime Aflgels 6mm, ,4. Matth. I I. Qm‘ of whom wet/it 7 Devils, 8 Luke ‘2. Ewflafling .Fire ptepared for the Devil and 192'; flag-615, 25 Matt'::. 4.1. . , , ‘ But are a: the Angel: 2'72 Heaven, 22" Matth. 30. ' V 2.. As concerning the Time when the“ Angels were. Created, it may be conjeé’tw ~fired, by campatittg fevetal Texts . of Scripture, and making the following In» DIL~ h fetence, viz. . j; , , The Sims of God, and the Marning—Stars. i: ' are put {Ogeihei} and the ‘ Morning—Stats were made before the Earthfi‘oé 38. And the Eatth was Xi‘Z'EdC‘ three Daysbefore the Sears , in theFitmamem, Gm. I. (And confequent: 7! 1y MorningStarS cannot be meant Stars of 9?. , - the Eitmament. ) * ‘t , . 4K 2'. | Again, by, Stars, are meant Angels, It: ‘ I '1’74 ' ’ \EVV '42“, ‘md‘lfil thfi? HWY/Mb Hoff, are meant Ania gig: lake 13.‘ and I King: 19. 21. .. .,; . [‘ml the Erleavetls and Heavenly Hofls are 357331“ together, 2 (27%. And the Heatiens Mid 1'0 he Created the Firfi Day. ‘ .l 4.» Their?) , th ffifiif? 1'7“ « Thérefbrc it ‘feenas’ prob‘abie, that thé Sbfis Of God, oxhcarWifé the Nial'fiingLSfél‘S; ‘dr Which‘lis the fame thing) ‘Afi‘gels, Of 6 H‘Qfl; of .Heavsn,~ xéxrére created oh“ the ff 0f the Six Days? in the NIOIIfiIig; _ 3‘1“th the-re were great Numbei‘s of both” ' 32147821 and «inflate, Afigez}, we 31?? -.Hffui‘éd from feVerzé‘i {Jaiihgés in {he OM and New flfldfizem; ‘ _£——-~«]l./Zore diam :2 [@207]: ( 01‘, 228 fame gééthpute it ) 799,92. )AqgeZJ, 736 Math 2, ‘33 Twig/M253 Y??a:zi{;’2%2[5 Mifig'flreil 14th 52M, . {2sz 723% Twas/21nd times Tm T/youfand float} ' ,éqfore him, 7 Dan. 10de 5 Rev. 151’; ' 3 ~5--’-An imumei'm’J-Ze Company of Angels, 12? eb. 21“. > ‘ , , -- ' ‘———*A Multémde of £53 Hcaevlmly' Hoff, 2.; Luke 13. _ ‘ , ' " HM Tail. drew a; .‘Zféii'd [Dart of #96 Sim/‘5' . . Heaven. 17. Raw. 4.. A ~ MAJ} mm 2%: L€g1i0n,for‘ ’23?! are hm], 'Mark '9'. k NOW, if Solomon, who was L O R i but/ 56? a Very final} Spot of the. Temfirial Gkéé; ( which Globe is by us thOughr to be lit! title more than, a Poim, if compared with . Eihc 3mm Firmamm ) had f0 many Attenm ’ ' I J C ‘ dams, s, ' f , :8 (mm, mm in’gat art film; Qiefi I; ,r ; giants, ‘ What Number fhould we think a fit Retinue for the KI N G of' K I N G S, o _ and LO RD 0f LOR D S? Mriézde: [14].; '. . riazium, will be too {mall 21 Summ: And [9‘ will "our ordinary Terms of . Arithmetick, 7 and ‘we mull be forced to borrow fome of ~ the. learned Commentator upon Arrhimeder ;j his Arenarim, and fay, Billions, Trillionsr- 'andrillions, éw. of bleffed Angels to at: \' rend his Throne, and to make up the Court of Heaven. 4.,Tliat there Were (lilferent Orclersl andr “ Degrees of Good and Evil Spirits, we have ‘r‘eafon to believe, from the following .. ‘ Texts, wig. wabe great Prifle Michael, 12 Dan. I.- WBeelzebub #56 Prime of Devik, I: Luke 15-. ' “The Prirlre of tbe Panzer of tbe A57”: 2' Ephef. 2. m—--«~'-'Z7ae Voice of the Arch-aAfigel, 2 Thfi£qu '- 4.16. , WTfimfies 07’ Dominiom, Principalifiesvor‘, ,V Payers, I ~Cololl: 16‘ ' ~ “246- Michael m! my Angeif, W Ike-0W {ml [22”: Aflgelr, 12 Rev. 3. 9, ttjm; element mfiat a“: term? :9 ~ g.‘ That all the bleffed Angels: whiCh at; end God’s Throne, are Mtniflring Sgirz’tx, ‘zand fom'etimes appeared in Humane ihepcs, we find in the following Texts, «vim. ’ i"e.-—-—-..-Three Men flood h}! him, 18‘ Gen. 2. ” “Behold two (Men fined [7] them in flaming :_iGttrrnent-5?, 24, Luke 4.. I h ' 3.1.. And there c‘tzme two Angel: to Sodom, fend Lot went out to meet them, 19 Gen. 1. . . e---—-—Antl the Angel of the Lorelfottnti herhj Fountain of wetter, 16,6611. 7. ‘ ‘ .73» “Anal the Angel of the Lord coffee! unto ~hz’m,,(«w'z,. Abraham ) 22.Gen. 1 I. ' ’fi—wflno’ Jacob went on ht} we], and the,- f‘JAngel of the Lord met him, 32. Gena- ’ emote in the Camp of the Affyrians 1,85 Yhott-a ’ ”all, 2King819.31, V “ , _, Ewe/Incl there died, &C. 79 Thouftznti. Anal When, the Angel of the Lord firietched fitrth his :oml upon Jerufalem, the Lord fetid to the An; (gel, Hold new thine hand, 2. Sam. ‘24.. 15, 16. Miran fhttll fee the Hem/en: opened, and the i-Angels of God” ttfcentlt'n’g and defientlt'n‘g 1119019 Ethe'Son of Mani“ I John 5 I. Q ‘ WI am Gabriel, that fiend in the prefinee ,gthod, and em flant tofpm/e to thee, 1* Luke 19, .jlfi‘t-—-‘—-.Anel the Angel mini/tree! unto“ him, '" M9?”— 4» Méflf’ ff. , The Angel of the Lord went'ottt,&C. an; . 53,, , WM: ' 3 Qty“ . Am! the Angel of the Lonlflc‘a‘me dam; ‘ fromHmrv‘en, and rolled aiyay tbeStoz/ze, 66;. 28 Matfih. 2. . , . V ‘ , ‘Hegknew of a fwmy, tbat Goefi 62:4? [mg ,_ ' 'Iais Angek Afis 12. I z, i ' g I , Who received the Law by the Difjgofltim 0,2472 81:, Afis; . ‘ fr—f—flritbey mtgmiwifleiflg Spirits, figrtbe good of, &C, I I Hebrews. ' ‘ 24: my 51133 ?: Ejaculatian. King, of Kizzgs, am! Lora! 0f Lon/s .l a» f g . 50m” leofe Tiara/we are always attending, . ,gsgflaoufimzls/ of T [Joufimzlgazm’ ten Tlmzfcmél times ten Tkaufima' Mejflézl Age/5, 56 .f /: :13“ gracioufl} fileafi’a/ to give Charge to firms 7 of tbofé mini/frifig Spirits; to guide and " Gem/m? me throw/20w my wiggle P’i/{grie‘ 41¢ng 222 this, Valaof Tears, and at lafl, 270, cozz’uey my departing) Soul to #36 place. qf Ewrlafimg lie/1' am! Happimfl. ‘ _ What, were, agd are the fatal Confe-g quence. of the Difobedience of our Firfi; ' Ramm- we too well know, and findw wofulg Experience, ( And had not théiIZ . heavy Sentence been allayed with whip??? flomifs? 9f 8 fife/fine 'borh' thfiiéfa and; 0,111; ~' ; 2- I“ w ‘Condir’, 1&9” ”5 ,; H” A 7,3,. .t _7.. .. . :. .V- .Air tell-L mamanmaatarttmt 21‘ * , ,Ct'mdition had been altogether hopelefs. l fBut what had been [the Confequences, iii» ,cgfe they had remain’d in that purity in Liwhich they were .Cfeated : As namely, to What Numbers they had increafed and multiplied? in what parts of the World they had inhabited? And if in colder CH? , amates, their Bodies had required Cover? ing and Veftments 3 Whether \Flefh had jgjbeen allowed them for Food, as well "as: fiFruits and Herbs? And the Earth brought; :jforth its Encreafe without any Labour or Tillage? And laftly, if they. had never ii died, butafi'er a certain, Term of Years, ’ ”had'been‘Tranflated' from Earth to Hem :, ven, as -Righteous , Ehoc/o was, and 215- 3 terwards Elias? Are all Queflions more cu—e , g ' ' :jrious than necellary, (‘ as the Cafe nOW ’ g {lands with us.) And fuch, as I believe, the gwifeft Man living, had he all "imaginable igHelps of Humane Learning, and acquired, 3 Knowledge, would never he able, with any gertainty, to determine. ’ Thus much we may reafonably believe, ; and fafely conclude, That as they Were at :3 firft created h t the wonderful Conrrivance , ;.,and. Mechan' mof the blelled Trinity, and, lifmade after (30 D’s own Image and Like—3‘ _ ‘nefs, they were truly Nlee and Excellent ‘ ' Qtearuresg " t ' '" 06’. Of) ‘ 2.2 was, ant what art than? @612. I, . Of their Bodies we have a Specimen, by the Dilleétion'of one of our own, they be a ing undoubtedly the fame with ours, as to the figure, Number and Ufes, as well w; of their Exterior, as their Interior parts, though extreamly difl7e1fent in Perfeé’tiona? and Duraf’ieathofe lafiing more than twice «~ as many Hundreds, as ours do now Scores} of Years, even after they were "mortified by their Fall, and were Condemned by GOD himfelf, the one. to daily Labour j; and Tillage, and to eat his Bread by the»): {wear of his Brows 5 and the ether, to ,be :57? fubjeét t0 the Laws and Will of a Huf- band, to flruggle with the {harp Pains and Throws of Childbed, and to have her f, Briefs and Sorrows greatly multiplied. ” In the Dilleéiion of Humane Bodies, what thinking Men can take a ferious View g ; of the Skin, the Membranes, the Flefli, the ' Fibers, the Veins, the Arteries, the Nerves, . ,7 the Ligaments, the Cartilages, and the- , Bones 5 as likewife of the three Cavities (or 3 Venters ) of the Trunk, namely ,the Aldo-i , ' mm, the Chefit, and the Head, with all : t things, therein contained, as alfo the Arms, t1 1 l , Thighs and Legs, with their different Poi—i: fitions, Compofitions, and admirable Ufe,‘ % smhwt being firuglt with great Wonder Var ‘a A_; Eand Aflonifhment, and crying Out with E E “good King David, Behold, I m flarfz‘all] amt wondetffully made; V éI "When he confiders how clofely the Std-i mach, with the help of its Fibers, embraa _;: ces the Meat that is chewed in the Mouth,»‘ :é and the Drink that is reCeiVed in, and {wal— gllowed down, and mixeth theretyith {pecis E fick fermentatious Juices, bred in its inher g'Coat, and impregnated by the Salim, till the finer parts, by a Convenient heatybe; godme a white'millty Cream 5 after whi'bh; E: together with the thicker Mafia, ( with E which they. are as yet involved by the EflgConfiriétion of the Stomach, ) they pafs, down to the Guts, Where by themixture, of the Bile, a‘nd the pancreaticlt Juice, they are by anOther manner of Fermenta-‘ ' lion, quite {eparated from the thicker/Mats, anti {0 received of the Laflcal Vellels, as the thicker is ejeé’ced by the Stool.- When he rightly confident the Figure ' 'and Motion of that admirabieMachine, . (the Heart ) and, how it is fufpended in the Body, by the Veflels that go in and out w‘of it, and that as an ordinary Forcing-Ens ‘ gxgine, being platted in the middle of aCi- { tymt TOWHJ'QIQWS the Water ofan ads - ' ' Joining? hie/M9 myagannémaat at: m.» it; eh MW, @33me fflflii? ~ @4th ioining So’urce, or Fountain, into its (awn ‘Bmttels by one Motion, or firo‘ak of the Q hand, and the help of a Valve, to keet‘) it from returning back again, and then rhruflls, or forces out the fame Water by another firoke of that hand, and the hel" of another Valve, into another Pipe, , rhie rs afterwards diltributed into {mallerBrarr‘aJ-i eh‘e‘s, to ’fitpplyrhe’Ufes of the feVeral and ;: refloe'é‘tive Houfeo: So the Heart receiV‘ea. ;; the Blood our Of the Vemz Cam: into it§ Ventricles by a Dyaflole, (or D‘ila‘tatiOn ) anfl then thrufis, or forCes it Out again By ff? :1 Syflole ( or Contraétion ) into the Arte; ties, and our of ‘thefe, into the parts that“; :g-a‘re to‘be nourilhed, from whence it is to; herefolbed by the Capillary Veins, whith con‘duét it back through the larger Veins'l‘» into the Vemz Cam:- again, and this by the 7‘ help of CliVCt‘S Semi—[1472M 01‘ Semi—circuitry“: lf/hlwaf, carioufly and conveniently plaéeé , n the aforementioned Vellels and Pallal" ' ges, and thus is made the admirable Cirqu- fatiwaqf flat? Blood ; But how, 01‘ bywhat fecrer, Power the E~§eart receives its Mon-ion; " and makes its confiant punts; is known to t ’ God alone, the Maker aha-Searcher Of alt ‘ 'H‘Eart‘s. ~ ' . . WE are apt tofadinire theSkill‘lOF an‘llfra’ ml; film can make 11%” a“Petzzlala’tififiloelt? ' ' 02' . ’K Qua/z I; mmvflmmlfit att‘vthmta “25% ofthe choicefl Bruits and Iron, to Vibrate With a jufi aria equal Motion, for [he fpace' buriof, one Year, and that with the help of a lufinended Weight: What fliall ”we hen tl‘liuk of 3. Movement, compofed of fiemy Mufcles and fibers fufpended in Me.- , . :lmfézlem’s body, and continuing its Pulfes, L . Wighout the help of either Weight of @riogsifor lee fpuce of Nine Hundred,fixty ahd 'niue YEElI’S, which time would cer-i ggtainly Wear out the Wheels and Pinions of ' j great many mails and .Iron Clocku ; .If there were but roOm enough in IE) mall 21 Treatife, there are yet behind me»— my and) great Wonders of the Almighty Maker’s Mechany and Contrivance, agelaa e firing to Moxion and Serdiea According to that {mall SkillI formerly ad in Optic/(as, it was my‘Opinion, (with “ imbmilfion to better Judgments, ) that. the, r'E-igure and Colour, or ColOurs of a Vifible‘ Qujeé’t (however fituated, or in what po-s r'e foever it be placed )make‘ the Bale .gaf an imaginary Cone, compofed of infix izevifml Rays, which is conveyed in an nflam through a Lucid Medium, to the Sua erficies of every Behold’ers‘ Eye, where 31 Hull feflzion- of the 4pm of {liar Gone, is? - IQ refraéfeé 446 titan-mt mast mew.» 24.412314 refraé'ted by the feveral Waters ant} Tu-x tricks, and then the Figure of the {aid Obs . jeét being inverted by the Humor Chm/lab . ‘Zz'n’m, is, in the fame poflure, .1051ng in the Tunim Retina, from whence it IS conveyed into the common Senforyr Again, by thofe Experimental hage here-s . tofore made in Acoufiicks, I then Judged, that different Percuflions of the Air, do bear. . get infinite fpherical Figures of Aereal‘ Mo." tions, (as a Stone thrown into the midi’t of. a Pool of ftanding Water, or ( which is ; much more curious ) a firoak with a Pin’s 4- head upon the fuperficies of a long: Wife! of leick—filver, begets in the firfi infinite . numbers off Circles, or in the 121R infinite, Arches )- Which fpread themfeiv‘es; eyery‘» way, till they meet with fome harder Body-s that makes refifiance 5 which let us {ups j pofe to be a Man’s Bar, in the Cavity of? :4 which the aforefaid Figures of Aerea‘l Mo~« tions fuffer feveral ReVerberations,'ans1 then ;~§ 4-[ make a Percuflion upon the fimpanum, of - ' 1 Drum, (which is a Nervous, and almofl pellucid Membrane, and of molt exquifite "i J Senfe ) and from thence areeonveyedinto 2’ i ; avg-2.4,” .. 'L 3!», ._ ._-, . .5__ri the Brain.- _ 5 5 ; énd bythe help-of thefe, and. Other Exe ; j; . gueriments, Ithen. made ( whieh weremaé 1». 4 4 ‘ . . my". 4 5 . .o- ny Years fince ) and the Blefling of God ups, , on my Endeavours, ‘I found out the Tuéa flenteroepbonica, 01‘ SpeakinigaTru-mpet, and int;- :f' ' proved that Invention. 0 far, 'as to make , ‘ humane Voice both audible and intelligible, «either in plain Words and Sentences, or ,elfe in Cypher, for conveighing Secrets in:- to, or out of befieged Places, ( over the 1' heads of their Enemies ) or for one Ship to sip-{peak to another, at the diftance of three I Englz'jb Miles, or thereabou'ts 5 ‘/ and had I not. - . received fome Difcouragement ( Which .» then I did not thinkI deferved ) I did not doubt but to have improved it to the dia- '7? ' fiance of eight, nine or ten Miles, “W t 3,: « j, t I did likewife, at the fame time, cons- ‘trive, and caufe to be made by my Dire— fiions, a very large Otocoufldcon, one end “whereof being laid to my Ear in a {kill / Evening, in the middle of St. 7472285 Park, " brought into it (as I thought ) innumera- p ' ble Sounds of Coach and «Cart—Wheels, and , humane Voices, in, and throughout all the" :‘ Streets, as well thofe of Mfiminjier‘, St. jamesk and Pickmlill], as the Others between, ~_>’"White~bafl and LondbneBrid e ; but thofe Sounds being Often confu ed, and thofe that were nearer, drowning thofe’ which a, ‘ fl. were more remore, and fometim’es offen... , , ‘ a " D a _ mg @151. was,anhinyaf1atttm> :7- é’t‘t than? Qgtqfl. Lg ding the Bar, by ghe'rierpnee of the poif‘e, a (DUI to mention the large Dimenfioiis, :and- great Weight Offiich Infir‘umems, ) I £11611 ddifi'ed {rem my making any Further if; EXPerimmts: However, fogme years fince; " ham-“3g received feveral Vifirg, in the big? half of feveral d€3ff Pfil‘anSa and b$lieVifi3 that it might be an acceptable SerVicego' all Mankind, I determined to praceed, ngt. dQUbtiflg .130 contriire fuch a Machine, age would have taken a jufi Gege5 or Py’ie‘afiire, Of an 06515668 Of‘an'y Peyfom deafizeis, and Eikcwife t0 invent anpther {knell hifljrg. went, [0 hang llpdh the Far as an 0mg: ment, whereby thofe Degrees; ef'Ueafiieié fllould have been in a great meafiuie, or altogether refiored; had, it 110: pleafiid AI; ' mighty GOD, in (he interim, [0' Vifit me ‘ Wlt'h Biindnefs? ‘ ‘ ' But DOW, in; all the aFOrementioized 10% ~» Péfationsw how the Soul of Man, by the g i he]? OF Eh? Brain, ( which is the geflei‘al _- Organ OF Senf'e ).P¢1‘C€iV€S and judges Sé’ia—v , ‘ fations,.of all {enrient partsa and 011'? Of it? " as out of 3 Fountain, by the 116113 0f” fight 0T ten pair of Nerves ( whofe" Origin is] , gierived from the MedulZa-fubfiance! of the ‘r ‘ 53min) iticommimicateth the Animal Syfis ms (beingjfir‘ft 61%boxated ) to all th‘efem a ten? tient parts of the Body,‘ and thereby en~ dows them with the faculty of performing Animal Afiions: For example, how, and in what myltetious manner, the 80111 fends . , but the Animal Spirits, f0 many fevers! ,_ ays, to receive in, and judge of the Pi»: “gates [and Colours of f0 many hundred Objeéts in one Minutes f’paee, and {Q man '* "tierent SQLmdS of V0 el and infirumentél Mttficlc, within the compels and meafure of a Semibtef, {and that withettt confoune ing Vifual Rays, or Aereal Percullion's,‘ : which mufi of neeellity very often inter.- ’fere with each Other, 0r what manner of Creatures tthe Animal Spirits are? which have never yet been difcerned by the {hate {pelt Eye, or hell Glet’les .9 I Let the ablel’t Philofiteher in the World tell me, otherwife than by the empty it Terms of Anatomy. ' E2: exit mi/oi mega rm: Apollo. . r ‘ I" " -r And this is all], have here room to treat Qf’, relating to Senfe. There is yet {Cine—- hing that Very Well deferves to be: taken Elg:{3lel'iCe of, concerning file Marine 9f the , :Limbs, and their great Force, in lifting up, :-.{Ihrufiing {rem them, r pulling to thee; great» weights with the ”nimble ’MOtion of EF‘Qa‘fll the Parts, fame of thofe Opetati‘ons a-..,. * ' D 5, ’ ‘ greein‘g ' , 7*”. 30' @135, $1111 not art than? Que/2.1,} . greeing with, and others confounding 0113?, ,prdinary Doétrine of Statigks. ‘ 'I know very well, That a pound weight, {ufpended at one end of an'it’on Rod plajv iced horizontally, at fix: font difiance from its Fulcrum, or perpendicular Axis, equig‘. 'ponderates a Weight of fix pounds fufpe’n? fdcd at the Other end of the {aid iron Rod; ‘ at one foot dillance from the {aid Fulcrum, ,0: Axis, ( the length of one foot of that; Rod, on the one fide of the Axis being firflt made equal in Weight, to the aforefaid length of fix foor of the fame Rod, on the Other fide of the Axis ) And if the afore— {aid Weight of fix pound, be raifed two Inches in perpendicular height, by the {Orce ,of' the faid one pound, (‘ with forne {mall ‘ addition ) that one pound weight mull of 7 ‘fieceffity defcend Twelve" Inches, or one. Foon - 0 - t . , ’ :wle. nm2,:£wrx’b£;mn.~i mini-:1 4 ,,,,‘I..“:,’ -» Junkie). nun. - (k ”a Likewife I am not ignorant, that if a Globular weight of fix pound, be fuf‘penr A ,ded at one end of an Iron Rod of fix foo; ’ in length, hanging perpendicularly upon a {mall Pin, or Joint, the force of two pound weight being faltned by a Pack—thread, to ~,the Center bf Gravity of that Globular; weight, and conveniently placed, f0 as t0“, " t . ti - IHOYQ 4-, .3... ~ 121 ‘ m We m s .ve’up aridl’down over a Pulley, Will eave‘ up that Globular Weightfi a prepare: ;ep‘nal:art of the faid Rad being firfiigqui; tWo foote- Again, the Weight'of four nd applied in the fame manner, will! e u . the {aid Globular Weight, to the ,. ¢ “icular height of four fact, and the drce of fix pound Weight, Will heave it Whith Experiment, being exaé’tly perform; it gives great light to youngPtaétitionera » nthe lilac/amid“. , Lafily’, I know by ExperienCe, that 2111‘ Engineer- {landing on the top of 3 Tower; Ethay- by the help of Ropes and Pullies, with :a {mall force, heave up a Tun weight, or more, to the perpendicular height of 1057 jable time given. him for that Operation 5» gland alfo, that he has a fuflicient Fulcrum, fit place, to whieh he may fallen one of I can like-Wife imagine the $611! of a ‘Man, whim: his Body {lands [9014: up right; gym be. a fpirit-ual Engineer, and to be feaa . tied in the Brain, as in its Watch—Towet,‘ 7p to theHOtizomal Line,( or 90. Deg-egg) -_ jarzoFoot, provided there he proportion~ \ ~. aerated ) to the'pcrpendicular height I. and there to make... Life of eaeh hand anti? ‘ atria ' /' 13f; "whiz“,flfitlmfiat‘fitt than? 2% arm to lift up a poh‘derous Weight, to the perpendicular height ,of 6 or ‘12 Inehes -: But I mul’t, at the fame time, ingenlbufly acknowledge,that I do nor at all appr hend, neither have 1 any Idea, .or Imaginary tion, by what fecret power the Soul cot: traé’ts or dilates the Mufcles, how it (2%, borates, and {ends-forth the Animal Spirits, or how it makes ufe of any of the ten pair" of Nerves, whofe Origin is derived, from; the Medulla fubltance of the Brain, which is, in a manner, as {oft as Butter: And I; leave, to the Contemplation of the mo Skim}! and fubtil Mechanick, or Philofopher, ‘ in the World, the innumerable Difficulties, that will arife from all the following Ina: fiance's.- . : ‘ I. Of a POrter, taking up great and pone derous Burthens from off the ground, and ~ heaving them on his Ihoulders. ' '2. Of a-Waterman, who, upon a Wae ' get, pulls in. his Oats with both his Arms 1 nowardsJ'his body, and, at the fame time/,5: thrufts» from him with his Thighs and Legs, in which Morion, viz. that of his Arnie? and Handsrhe works with a QJintipl-e diff-,1}: , advantage, according to the Doé’trineof fiends: 5' ‘becaufe the Mnfcle of the Hume '4 . , mt, a ,1- I" s", is faftnedbut to a_6th. part oF‘the Cub}. m, or Radius, as I my {elf have meafured \ upon a dead Man’s bones. . F L K, we, . r , _ 3. OF a Seaman, working ata Drum. Capfian (a Contrivance I prefentedto the ' are King Charles the Second, many years go) to Weigh up the po‘nderous Anchors of great Ships, which has fince‘faved great Numbers of Englzflo SeaLmen’s lives, 4. pf one, Who tiiflorts all the Parts, embers and Joints of his Body, {0 as to ake it appear in many different Figures, __ nd Rrange Shapes: Such a one I have feen "sat Ram, and fnCh a one there Was, net long- mce, in the City of Lam’m, who Went by he Name of Pofiure 350.5”. . 1“ '2 a. it 5, E p 5. Of one, Who jumps, Wrefiles‘, throws- fthe Bar, runs a Race, or fights a Prize. . . \ , 6. Of one, who perflarms {trange Feats L:of Affivity, Vaults and cuts Capers in the Air [03 great height, as he is dancing on tgmhe Stage, or on the Ropes. ’ 7:. A skilful anti aétiVeMufician, the dirl §§feiient Morions ofwhofe Fingers, are of ma "'meiiie fwiftnefs, . " ‘ , "g . ‘ E EtaCn-g I. Wane mamas-9 g, f “:4 mm aaes‘mtaua Qzéélfg ' Ejaculation. , O- Almighty G O D, Maker of all things Vifihle aml Iaw'flhlo, How wonderful 4’?- uhfiarchahle are all thy Worl’s ? How (loop are all thy Thoughts, and lh} Way! for]? fimlz'h'g out, h} as poor Morlalk,‘ 'z'mleocl, h} ah} fim‘z‘e Creatures. ' All that I {hall add to what hae beenw ready mentioned upon this Subjeét, {hall be, only this : That if there are f0 many infuperable Difficulties, about Bodily Opera; tiom, as to Motion and Senfe 5 how much greater muff of neceffity be the Difficulties 0f the Soul: Operations, which are wholly abfiraEted from, and have no C0rfcfpon~ d‘ence-at all with Bodies or Senfeo - ' Of this Sort, as Ithink, is a late learned Phrlofopher’s (’ Cogit‘o ) though I underflsand' not at allhislnference of ( E1gofam.‘ ) ' / But Whatever he intends, my meanin , is, the’ Soul’s'drawing neceflary Conch}. ‘ ons from” undoubted Premifes, and; ' - forgoing within it felf Syllogifm: ; As 11, , mie its Apprehenfions of a'Supreme Diem ; . , ’ or; _ . ./ r e .» _.,“ r, , ,, mi» 1,, ,1 t WQ x“ V5.7 ; gig/n. tam/anti mfiflt art than? 35 I 7 or an Almiglny M A K E n of all Things, who is from Eyerl'sfiing to Everlafl‘ing, and i depends upon none. _ ‘ And its R efleéiiions of Confcience', either iaAccufing, or Excuhng Moral Aétions. FOrgive‘me, Courteous Reader, I am Q; already loft in a Labyrinth of Thoughts, E, and my Soul is overwhelmed with a De« if luge of Imaginations, and can make no" . 5 further progrefs: At the Refurreéti,on, you Emand I {hall know more, at d be much 'Wiw fer than we now are, W en this Mortal 7f" flxall put on Immortality; When our Un- {‘1' derfiandings fltall be more illuminated, and 4:5 when the Eyes of our Souls fliall be no 1 longer forced to look, or peep through fueh thick Humors, muddy Waters, dull -~ 'Tunicks, and horny Speflsacles. The Seconcide/iion. \ ‘ I .riALXEQMWi'VWWWTWWQXYTWMF 3 [V/ ‘ _ ,Ea THE! / (37)’_ 4' Secorzd 1146/1502:- . - . 3921;: gaff tggu fawn? '. .- _ jig/51167. \ a Alas-I ‘1 do not Vixen know where-g: , ' ,Qr how :' Nor when; Nor whatgl 11an; ‘2 :1; ” ndoing. ' Q ”Qf my {”fmfizflfi’f I havemo Knowledgf; " f :8 Remembrance,- bw: admire God's infi, _ :I is bleffcd Angels to watch over young / “as, and tender Infants, W30, of all 0- - ,rwliving Creatures, axe the lcafi ablciEéi g 5;? Ihcmfdvese , Q . r Ejaculatwn. , Q ffhow O Lord, art be, 222110 tookl’fi me tom the WomE : final tbou ltd/l 54:5} 1139: pe, ever fine: I 121mg upon m} Mothers Mflio I I Q ‘ ' :E 3 , ‘ In ' f’ ’tc Goodnefs, who, I verily'belicve, {ends}: " " ‘ 3,8 enigma gait than firm? @1211. t In the Morning or’my itife, for feveral W Hours, Iflood idle in the Marketaplace, 7, with Others of my Companions, pleafing ‘ , my {elf with childifh Toys and Youthful ;_. Vanities. g In my more mature Age, though I had Frequent Calls and Invitations to labour in God’s Vineyard, yet neverthelefs Iratherf-f Chofe to gratify my own roving/Fancy, and fatisfv my vain Curiofity, in ranging Abroad, and making enquiry into the Cu; Roms and Manners of foreign Countries, and then to enter into the fecret Intreguesf'? and myfierious Tra,n‘fat‘}it;i)ns of my OW where I had opportunity to hear,fee , and obferve many things, which muft be buw‘fi *ried‘in Oblivion. ' . 7 1 (Wham-ht"; m. And here, I muff aeknowledge, I met with no {mall variety of Cares and Trouaé‘"; bles, Fears and Jealoufies, Crolles and Dill ~.- appointments, and found my felf at the brink of many a deep pit, and fieep preci- '- pice, and in great danger to have petilhed, Withdut a wonderful prefervation and‘dc- liverance; ' 9 " " "a m , i Befides all this, I leave it toMen of. grew-"r; ter Wifdom and Experience to confident-A ~ how 7 r, 16/, .1! A ,.a‘“.' i~-v~ :how hard and difficult a thing it is, to be ‘ Qéhtangled with the Crofs—purpofes of pub, {lick Affairs, and yet have leifure to mind i , ihatone Thing necdrary, ,The Salvation of Souls; with WhiCh all- the Riches, Ho.- . l‘fiours and Pleafures which this World 2f; f‘fords, are no: worthy to be laid in the "Vallance. » , “ Ejaculation. Rememher not, 0 Lorzl,‘ the uhhccauha itahle Follies aml Vanities of my Child‘- oocl anal Tom‘h, ”or the z'z/mumc'rahle Tranfgrefiom (9‘ my riper Years. Blot {wt of thy Rememhrame, the may Breas- ‘hes of folemh Vows aml Promzjéx h mé . {/6 in Times of Dahger my! Sichlyvefi; an} prevaricatiam with the God 51ml ‘Vath'e‘r of Mercia, am! the hazardihg my Soul’s Eterml ~VI/Telfime' aml h’appz’é :mfi, for -z‘he fake ofa few fligfitl arm/[limb ’ ifv’d Pleafureso v Methinks this World does not unfitly, ‘ ‘efemble a Theatre or Stage, whetelon eve: .3 i ' Man prefents himfelf, Aéts-his Fargand makes his Exit; ‘ . t ‘, 1 , But 4s a him gas than mm? erm But in all the various Paflages of hislife, and, frequent fliifiing of Scenes, the Devil, and his Agents, are always at hand, to did; limb and hinder the Actor in his perforé' mances, b0th of Religious “and Moral Du— » ties, and at 121% to "carry him off the Stage, 3 with Eternal Difltonour and Difgrace. o ' It will not be difficult to trace his Clo- ven-Foorfleps, from the firft Creation to this prefent Tithe. Having he uiled our fir'ft Parents, he ref-é folved to mi chief . their IWO Sons: Firfi, by. polluting Cain’s Offering, and layingf Sinat his door 5 then by urging him to ' ‘be wmth and angry with his Maker, for not accepting. it. And lalily, by prom; king him to break all the Bonds of Na- ture, and to become his own Brother’s Murtherer, , ‘ , This done, he proceeds to tempt the Old World‘to’ the Commiflion of grofs and r enormous Impieties, till God. deflroy’ed ”them with a Deluge; ‘ After the. Flood, when Noah’s Pofierity Was mt‘mghed, the Devil; turned Archie; ~ ' ‘ test, ,7 .. m, a . 77», _ A-"H »..— . a w. awr- « "'.‘°r4-""- .“;’J‘;..', Aer 7.7:: ,5,” , , S.; L, . . ,_.,_-.., e, 7., , _ , ,, I am apt to believe is a Mock Q Devil puts 7 ‘ apex) our blenad Saviouris being carried Ten Month-3 1n the Womb of a Virgin. It is the Culio’ln of the Ema/5,5329%: to Adore three things : The firl’t is the Hearth if their Chimney, made of Three Stems. “he {econd is an idol, which they call Ti; tan/t1, the Patronefs of Handy Crafts. The Third is the Idol Bargain, which they im~ , galore before they build their Houfes. ‘ , _ They likewife prefent Offerings to Trees, Elephants, triorfes, Cows, and almoll all itinds of Animals. Befides all this, they have great Venerae- anon for two Magicians, and one Magicia— nefs: The firll Magician foretells future fivents: To the fecond, they have recourfe in, all their Sicknefles. And \fometimes af- ter feveral Apifl1~t1'it:ks, he himfelf, together ith the fick Party, and thofe who brought ‘ 1m, do Homage and the Devil, and the le Party’s friends prefent ,him and «the Devil, with an Entertainment of their ichoifeft Meats; But if the tick Perfon, after all their 0f; ““39; do not recover, his Friends and Res-v ‘ ' ' I ‘ ‘ F 2: ' ' ‘ lations, “eff-IL ‘ which: heathen [mu-.2 43 7 44- ‘ whet: gait than hem? gag/t. 11. lations, with as many Soldiers as they can get together, difcharge their Guns and Mufquets three times, to drive away his L Devillhip from thofe parts. a ' Sometimes the chief Magician ( T baylmu ) being'confulted, and finding that the Di- flemper arifes from the Souls of the Dead, he, or his Brorher Tbay-pbautbm, finds ‘ ways to draw to him that-SouL that is the Author of the Difeale, and then fltuts - it up in a bottle of water well ftopt, till the Party be cured, afterwhich he breaks? < the Bottle, and lets that Soul loofe to go abour its bufinels. ‘- - l The Magicianefs Bacoti , keeps con- fiant Correfpondenqe with the Devil, ( to , whom, if the has a Daughter, the oliers her as foon as the is. born,) and if any Mother happen to lofe a Child, the makes her Ad~ drefs to this Magicianefs, who, by the beat of a Drum, pretends to Summon the Soul of that Child, and tell the Morher, whe— u ther its Condition in the Other World be . Good, or otherwife. Whénfhe Moon is’in an Ecclipfe, they . believe it 13 allaulted by a Dragon, and therefore they make anhideous noife with ' . , Drums, _ . rte/LII.“ what/halt fljnuhttn? 7 4; ums, Trumpets, Bells, and Mufq‘uets, till e, Ecclipfe be over, and then make great 1e‘joycings for having conquered that mon— ' rous Creature. {HIt is very wonderful to confider, what u‘el Tyranny the Devil exerciles over - it any of the poor ldolatrous Indiam. , E Some he makes to carry their Arms over ‘ 'feir Heads, during their Lives, which cans ts certain Carnolities to breed in their loints, that they can never bring them .- Own again. ; .;."Others he makes to {land upon one Foot, golding a Chafiingdilh in one hand, and ,ith the other pouring our Incenfe, as an gs Herring to their God, fixing their Eyes all at-while upon the Sun. ,t, When the Inhabitants of the City Malde, ‘ n Bengala, on a certain Day go out of that ' f 'iEY, great Numbers of them hang them« . L”,Vt:s by' the flelh of their Bodies upon fin Hooks, fafined to Trees for that pur- « 'efe; till the weight of their Bodies tear- .4 g‘away the Flelh, they' fall off themfelves '-:the’ ground, and. which is almot’c incre- _afii‘ble,gn'ot a Drop of Blood illues out of 9 ~ 1,. F3, ‘ ' the. 4.6 mm gaff tynu‘fimn ‘9' Qgefijn : the Wounds, nor the leaf: bit of Flefh is left ‘ upen the Hooks, and within the {pace of two Days they are cured by the Bramms. ,, Ejaculation. . .: i I filefi malpraéfé 7 1.266 wit/J my wkoieié 225322, 0 Lam-I offfeavm am! Bart/9, for E 2133/ cfgiifzgguz‘féing Gaming/3‘ 62ml Mercy 207?; 3036’, 2‘52? meme/Z am] mofl unwart/gy of f 2:51 Aciam’s‘ Poflerz’zjv, in permittingwe to 136 Bern wz’z‘kin flag Pale of five Tme‘ Charo/9, where 2%.? @7596] of 779} S072 is}; 9,726,222»: I pent/31‘, am] profs/21 2'22 #06 paélz'cfi 5 Aflwélz’es : [2’2ch mt among Pagangfl Turks, or other [wide/5. '5 Iris vet‘jv remerkabie, that the Devil, enorwithflndi; 5 his great Power and, D0~‘ sininion over the Heathen World for {0 ma- :ny Thoufand Years, has never yet been : table utterly to deface thofe Principles of‘ Right, Eunice 4nd ConfcienCe, which the Almighty Maker has itampt upon Men’fif Souls, ,the‘tftgh at the {me time, in 21101} places, he um extreamly fitfiied *4 with : ‘hellifli Imfieiimes and B':, and IdO-v- 2 :siatreus Wgrfhip of dive2: kinds, f0 as t0" make [are of them in the main, and; always. "‘1’ x -1 “we eeftéfl- Wbtfwa’ff 'ffifiit‘fimz ‘ 4-,; ways hold : them fall within his K a "lurches; ‘ It; Thus, in the foregoing Inflance of the ’enquinefias, the Hermite comm: left\be—- av ind him Ten Commandemenrs, Which he ’hjoined his Followers to obferve with all T'anner of firié’rnefs, «viz. Firfl, Not to Kill. Secondly, Not to Steal. Thirdly, Not to 'T‘efile their Bodies; FOUi‘thly, N'ot to Lye. riftmhly, Not to fol/if} theirthlu Sixthly,kTo ‘ Fflmm their inordinate Defii'er. Seventhly, Not“ do Injury to my film. Eighthly, Net to be .r’eot Talkem. Ninthly, Not to, give 22m] to :beir Anger. Tenthly, To [allow to their ut~ ~ to get Knowledge. Befides all this, 7796} .2‘ o olefigneel to lead 0 Religious Life, mu]? res g'oimce t/Je Delight: of this Life; be Charitable {o the Poor; overcome their Pofliom, and give ,fiemfeleue: up to Meditation. jg He taught moreover, That after this? ife, there were Ten diflinét Places of 3'0}: nd Torment 5 and that the Contemners of“ e Laws, {hould feel Torment propora» “lbhable to their Offences, withOut‘any rid of their Torments. That, they who fidea'voured to fulfil his Law, and hari fai-j ‘ 7,5 in any point, Ihould wander in diVers pdies Q holdingTranfmigration of Souls) 48 when: gaff than hem? wahn. for the {pace of Three Thoufand Years, before they entred into Happinefs. But a that thofe who had perfeétly Obeyed his . Laws, lhOUld be rewarded, without quer- 4 ing any Change of their Bodies : And that he himfelf . had been Born ten times, be-; fore he enjoyed the Blifs that he pollelled; , n0t having in his firl’t Youth, been illumia. nated with that Knowledge which he afterwards attained. ' Refleflinu. As for his Ten Commands, and his other Infiruétions immediately following, one would think at firft fight, that this Impo; fior had colleé’ted them out of the Holy ‘ Scriptures, fave only that there is nor a Word therein that has the leaft regard to a Saviour or zllcfim. But alafs! that fubtil old Serpent, and Prince of Darknefs, who is fo perfeét a Hater of the Saviour of the World, and of Humane Race, makes it his principal Care and Caution, to keep all his Subjects and Vallals from the leafl: Knowledge of thofe divine Myfteries which _ relate to the holy J ESUS. For my part, I am apt to believe, altho‘ f0 many Ages have palt fince the Martyr; dom oi the bleiled Apoflles among the: Pagans QgtflJL mgmyafi than been? 49 pdgws and Barém'am, who undoubtedly converted very great numbers of them, While they lived amongfl them, that f fome of thefe Converts left behind them many pious Infiruéiions to their Children, ~- who alfo left the fame to their Children, and f0 from Generation to Generation, ,rwhich, in procefs of time, were corrupted 1,,by Satan’s Artifices, being confounded and intermingled with a great number of {Cola iflt and extravagant Traditions. _\ OF this I {hall here take the freedom to mention one famous Inflance. There were, :about fifteen Years fince ( as a Traveller 5 allhres me, who was himfelf in thofe parts) and probably are to this day living, above « Twenty thoufand Families, of a certain ‘-> People who call themfelves Clarifiz‘am, or j Défi'iplef of St: John, from whom they prev: tend to have received their Faith, their ’ Books and Traditions, Thefe people inhabit at prefent at Balsa . fam, about ten days Voyage from that place, where the River Tigris divides it felt" ‘ into two Arms, ( the one running through f the ancient Cloalclmz, and the other towards Mefipotnmia ) in View of which flands an f Qld Wall of abour a League in compafs, ‘J G which. gs tum: Barf than mm? @612. II. which the Chronicles of ‘ that Country fay, ‘5 was the Ruins of the ancient Babylon,(up_ , on which Wall fix Coaches may go a. breafi ) being made of burnt Brick, each Brick ten Foot fquare, and three F00t thick. ' Thefe Chrifiians of St. 70572, anciently . ,- lived by the River of 7om’an, where St. * f‘j’obn baptized, and fo from him they ,1; took their Name: But fince the time that f; Mabomet conquered Pale/fine, although he ;; had given them his Hand and Letter of Privilege n0t to be molefied; his Suc—_ cellors reiblved to extirpate them, ruining ' their Churches, burning their Books, and exerci‘fing all manner of Cruelties upon ’ their Perfons, which obliged them to re-’ 5' tire into Mefopotozmizz and Chaldaea, and for fome time, they were under the Patriarch, of Babylon, from whom they feparated a- - bout 175 Years fince, and then removed into Perfia and Arabia, and the Towns round “ about Balflzm. ? Their Creed is full of Fables, and foul Errors. They never Baptize, but in Rivers, and a, 1,; only upon Sundays :' But before they go to ‘ the R1;ver,rhey carry the Infant to-Church, where there is a Bifliop, who' reads cer— tam ) j @315. II. damn bait that: been 3 5 2: ,tain prayers over the head of the Child ; from thence they carry it to the River, ‘ Ewith a train of Men and Women, who, to-« getlier with the Bifhop, go up to ,, the iknees in Water, then the 'Bifhop reads a— ‘-lgain certain prayers out of a Book which e holds in his hand,which done,he {prin- f‘kles the Infant three times, faying, 3mm 35.7451 Er—mhi, Kaa’a’emih, Ahrerz', Menhhl el Gennet flllz' Koulli Kmleh, which is in Eng- 11111, In the Name ‘of the LORD, firfl and lat/)5 hfthe WORLD and of PARADISE, the _ igh Creator of all Things. After that, the ifliop reads fomething again out of his Book, While the Godfather plunges the Child all over in the water, after which, 3; hey all go to the Parents houfe to feaft. .. If any tax their Baptifm for infuflicient, in regard the Three Perfons of the Trini-s ‘ty are not mentioned therein, they give igno reafonable Anfwer, nor have they any nowledge of that Myftery 5 only, they fjfay, that Chrift is the Spirit and Word of jéthe Eternal Father, They believe the Angel Gahriel to be heSOn of God, begorten upon Light; 1 "'et Will not believe the Eternal Generate ion of Chrift as God, although they eon- G a fell; 52. Vermeer-gait {mu Evert? ngfi, IL \ fefs he became Man, to free us“ from the puniihment of Sin 5 and that he was Con; .r ceived in the Womb of a Virgin, without the knowledge of Man, by means of the 1 Water of a certain Fountain which the drank of. They believe he was Crucified by the 7am, That he rofe the Third Day,qg and that his Soul afcended up to Heaven, his Body remaining upon Earth 5 but withal, That Chrifi vanilhed when the jean came to take him 5 and that he def. luded their Cruelty with his Ihadow. In the Eucharifi, they make ufe of Meal _§ kneaded up with Wine and Oil, the Wine ~"j they make with Grapes dried in the Sun,and cafling water upon them, let them fleep a long time, and with that they Confecrate' ’ the Cup 5 The flmlziam ( under whole Government they live ) nor permitting them the ufe of ordinary Wine. The ‘ Words of their Confecration, are no Other ‘ then long Prayers, but make no mention of ChrilFs Body or Blood, which they fay is nor necellary, becaufe God knows their . intention. ' After the Ceremonies are end- ed, the Priefl eats fome of the Bread, and , dlflributes the tell to the people, 2 fl. LIL my 111111111 25112111 All their Bifhops Wear their Hai1 long ith a little Crols Wrought with a needle. ’ Thefe People believe, and fay, That the ngel Gabriel undertaking to create the orld, according to God’s Command 0k along with him Three hund1ed [hit- ' fix T houfand Demons, and made the arth fo fertile, that it was but to Sow n the Morning and Reap at Night. That , he fame Angel taught Adam to plant and ow, and all Otllti‘l necelfary Sciences. Moreove1, That the fame Angel1ade . {he Seven lower Spheres, the lealt where— " f reaches to the Center of the World, in , he fame manner as the Heavens do, all Continued one Within anorher , and hat all thefe Spheres are of, different fMettal’s: That, next the Center of Imn,‘ , he Second of Lead, the Third of Bmfs, he Fourth of Laten, the Fifth of Silver, ' he Sixth of Gold, and the Seventh ofEarr/a, hich contains all the ref‘t They believe that over every Heaven here 18 Water, and that the Sun fwims 1n Ship upon that Water, and that the Malt f‘that Ship 1s a Crofs , and that there are 1 great number of Boys and Girls tQ Guide the Ships of both Sun and Moon 1 . G 3 , Be“, 5.4? @512“ half that! 32211? Que]? 11.1 Befides, they have the pitfture of a Bark,« which, they fay, belonged to the Artgel 4, Baoban, whom God fends to Vifit the Sam, and Mam, to fee whether they move exa‘, aélly, and keep clofe to their Duty, ' , In reference to the other World, and} Life to come. They believe there is no ’0- ther World, but where Angels and Divels, together with the Souls of Good and Bad: ,_ refide. That in that World there are Ci-- ' ties, Houfes and Churches 5 and likewife. that the Evil Spirits have their Churches, where they pray, finging and rejoyeing “ "upon Inl’truments, and feafting, as in this-f World. ’ f “ That when any one lies at the point of Death, three hundred and fixty Demam come and carry his Soul to a place full of. f Serpents, Dogs, Lions, Tigers and Devils, who, if it be the Soul of a wicked Man, i tear it in pieces, but if it be the Soul of " a Juli Man, it creeps under the Bellies of“, thofe Creatures into the prefence ofGod, 1 who fits in his Seat of Majefiy, to judge, ‘ the World. r“ ' That there are alfo Angels, who weigh 2“ the Souls of Men in a Ballance, and thofe» who “are thought worthy, are immediate~ 7 7 ,1y admitted into Glory, ' V \i a. That: , $442.11; mum at tuna Bait? ', 5; . .That Angels and Devils are Male and 3; Female, and beget Children, and that the .Angel Gabriel has a Daughter called Soaret, _.who has two Sons. / {f " ’ That the Angel Galvrz'el has feveral Le- j‘gions of Demon: under him, who-are in- ffiead of Soul-diers, and Others that are his .;Officers’ of Juftice, whom he {ends from" Town to'Town, and from City to City, to punifli the wicked. .5] They hold that Chrift left 12. Apofiles [lites fomewhere in the World,‘ though. no « fbody knows where 5 and that next to her, ?St.' 706a is to be the chiefelt Saint in Heaven, ii'ahd next to them Zacharias and Elizabeth, , {of whom they recount feveral Miracles {and Apocryphal Tales. That when St. 702m tame to be of Age, his Father, and Mo- Either married him, and alfo that he had Efour Sons which he begat upon the Wa— iters of 70745172, and nor upon the Body of fhis Wife. That he died a natural Death, ”but commanded his Difciples to Crucify [him after his death, that he might be like igChrifi; and lafily, that he died in the Ci~ gzpty of ‘Fa/ier, 'and was buried in a chryftal Tomb, brought to that City by a Miracle; :“ " ' an .- 0‘ preach to the Nations. , _ ,_That’ the Virgin Mary is not dead," but ‘ 56f Whmhwmmm? QWfi-EL 1 and that this Sepulchre was in a certain; Houfe near the River 70rdan. They highly adore the Croj}, becaufe, fay they, we have a, Book wherein it is written, That every Day, early in the Morn-2 ing, the Angelstozlee the Croft and put it in the; middle of the Sun, which receive: it; Lighti flow it, or: the Moon doe: alfl) her: : And that? without thefe Croflé: neither Som nor Moon would give (my Light, and the Ships“ they avert-i7?“ would fitfir Shipwmch. ‘ i ' Their Feftivals are Three, the one is in i Winter that lafls three Days, in memory? 5' of our Fin? Parent, and the Creation of the i World : The Second in Augu/t, and Called j the Feat/t of St. 30hr: : The Third lafts fiVC ;‘ Days in Stone, during which time they are-75 all Reebaptized. « t 1., On Sunday they do no work. They” neither Faft, nor do any Penance. They” have no Canonical Books, but a great ,. number of. others that treat of ‘ norhing hut Wtchcmft, in which they believe their { Priefls to be very crafty, and that the De»: iii-ls are at" their becka ‘ ’ They fuffer no. Women to go t0 Church, 7 nor. any of the Laity to kill. 3,. Hen, or any FOWI ;- , II. Elbert 1131}: mm: mm?! 57 " DWI ;‘ They eat of nOthing dreft by ‘the‘ f curb, and after a Turk‘ha’s drunk in one , f their Cups they break it to pieces, and. mic Mabémer, and four ofhis Parents, 15' fliut up in Hell; and fay, That all Turks jg. carried to the fame plate, to/ be devoured by W Bea/fr. l . 1 . - f " They all pretend to Salvation; by a Proea fife made by God to Gabriel on their be: _' alf', when. he framed the World. They ave a great Antipathy againft the blew ’ mlour called Indigo, "Which they will 91: f0 much as touch: For, fay they, cer~ ‘.n jaw; dreaming that their Laws lhould. "p. abolifhed by St. film, told it their “it“untry—metl; which they underl’tanding; 2nd feeing that St. 30% prepared to “bapa .tiZe Chrifi, in a great rage fetch a vaft , ‘uantity ofImligo (in their Language Nz'ZZ ) ind flung it into 7am, which continued; unclean for fome time, and had hindred; ahe’Baptifm ‘of’Chtilt, had not God fent his Angels with a large Vellel of Water, {‘W'hich he caufed them to fill out of jim— "Jan, before the j’ew: had defiledit with Ef‘Irgdiga; and that for the forefaid bold At-- .ggtempt to defile the River, God particular~ y curled that Colour. \ 58 V watts bait an: em?- Quad-u; , Ejaculation. How long, 0 Lord, Holy and True H nil: than cook to he avenged Of that}; Prince of Darknefs, for tyrannizing and“ triamphz‘ng over the poor 'He‘athens, an hegnz'lz‘ng them with his 'Sorcerz'eS, Witch crafts ma! Enchantments, for fo man thonfantl Tears. How long wilt thonfitfi fer that Enemy of Souls, fecretly to alt-f; avert ‘ anal pleafe himfi’lf, h} fleeing fuck} waft nnmhers of his Slaves anal Vaflkls, to tahe’ more gains, undergo more hard-i jhips, and to' endure more exgnzfite hot/i1} Torment: in. travelling along the 'f‘ Broad way, and pafing through the wid'é: Gate that [eat/s to endlefi Woes and Min S fenies, than thou fitfierefl a great new-9 her of thine own Eleo‘l, and chtfi'n Servant: to meet with in the Narrow Way, anah in their ' paflage through the flraz'ght Gate-,3; that leaa’o~ to Eternal Life. - Bog ‘Eovreturn to my Obfervationsa of the Dem s- praéticcs. ‘ ” '77} When ng had covenanted With Ahm- how, that 1118 Seed, mould be‘multiplicd 2,9757? . 1 ~ ‘ ’ the -, gag/2.11. animate bait that: been? 59 the Stars of Heaven, and inherit the Pra— jmfed Lat/2d, What Stone did 82th leave *tthturn’jd? Or what Opporttmities did he giver. lofe of attempting to fruftrate/God’s gi‘fgr'facious Defigns P .;~*‘1*His {it'll AtchieVement was to exafpe- i‘li‘at‘e Efizu to murder his Brother ffacoé, :‘Ala’pon Whole individual Perlbn his aged :fiFather had {0 lately Ext 3 Blelling, and iiiéut of whofe Loyns Were "to come forth {1,11 Tribes, whole Poflerity were to be as {innumerable as the Sands of the Sea, ho~ 27-pin. that he being-once removed, the ,ble ed Effeé’ts of all God’s promifes would be utterly vacated and difappoijnted. When jr’acob’s Family Were kindly“ received ",by K. Pharaoh and 'theEgypténm, How watch- ; ‘ful and diligent was that old Serpent, to Wait for the coming of anather King, ,Tfiaefite: under Slavery and 3 Bondage; it When Mofe: was deputed immediately by God for their Deliverance, what diaa- i1 bolical Artifices did he ufe, [0 help the ; Magicians to ceunterfeit fome of his Mit- fixracles, and ft) to harden the heart of Pim- :gvmob, and the hearts of all his Servants? * ‘ When the difttelled Ifraelitex were get ,3out’ of that King’s Dominions, How rea~ __:‘ tly‘ was ”he, ‘upeh all oceafiens, to improve ‘ . H 2 to “ whom he might incehte, and (0 bring the ~ , l . in V a _ to the utmofit the fullenNature, and una thar‘t"tl Difpofition of that PeOple, {0 as to provoke God in‘the Wildernefs, by their frequent Murmurings and Complamts, for the {pace of forty Years 2 . When they h (1’ got polleflion of the 5:; Promifed Land, How quickly did he bring them acquainted with Baal and Ajbtarotla, 60 'tttttytrtnafi tum; mm? Qua/i. IL and the tell of the falfe Gods of the Na— tions round about them, whbm j’ojbuahad ‘ ‘ nor yet extirpated? And thus they continued their Rebellil” on, and brought upon themfelves many't fevere Judgments, and were very often. fubjeét to the Willand‘ Pleafure of their E. nemies, till at lalt a great part of themwere .. carried away Captive to Babylon, with their .35: grain; Wives and Children, and others of them ex; ' J pos.’d to the Sword, vPCfiilCl‘lCC and Famine. ‘ ; When our Saviour was. born in Barbie—s 7- [967% HOW fubtilly and'malicioufly did-he Prompt that cruel Tyrant Herod, in. his _ Rage and Anger, to murther for his fake, all-the Male~Childyren in thofe parts, from». two years old, and under P O Reflt’flion. ’ i t c». . But here I muft entreat the Reader’s pa; Hence, to permit me awhile to make a «i ' paufe: For certainly had that Enemflf . “ Saul: . .. .1.....-.=-—---~.--- —‘ —-— 4.42424th... .,-,....., 1,, , _ {Qua/3.11. trainer's bait than Item? 5 r ijoul: throughly underliood the A/iyfteries 50f Man’s Redemption, by the coining ofthe “'blelled fESUS, he' had neither incenfed Herod to make fo cruel a Slaughter in Beth _- lebem,’ or infpired the jam with fuch vee éhement Rage and Pallion, to urge mm ( tagainfi his own Inclination) to give Sen— "tence for his Crucifixion, which mutt of fnecellity prove fofatal to«himfelf, and his Kingdom of Darknef's. ' ‘4 ,' ‘ a When the blelied j’efirs was gone. to Heaven, and had given Commillion to his Apoliles "to a8; in their feveral Provinces, ’3‘ and to difperfe the Gofpel throughout all i, Nations, How did the Devil animate and - enrage. the Heatben Idolaz‘err, and Savage ‘2 Barbarians, to treat them with all manner pf Cruelties? And its almofi incredible, g [how many Thoufands, or rather Millions, E jfufier'd Martyrdom for the fake of the Gof- E pel,”during the Reign of Nero, Domitian, ; Trajan, and the ref: of the perfecuting, i E E E E Emperors 5 no lefs than thirty three Ro—V. 7mm Bifliops fuccellively are faid to have“ been put to Death with great Cruelties, ' ' —. Now in all thofe Proceedings both of the yew: and Heathen: againfl the Chilli- ans, the Devil’s Malice was fuliiciently e- vident and nororious ; But I muff, needs ‘eonfel‘s, that his great Mafter-piece of Ma~ 62. meter gait than lam? gag/a; n}. Z lice and Revence was {hown in After-ages, in {owing Di cords and Divifions in the' Church of Chrill, and. in animating Chris iiians againfi Chriflians, of which, to this. very day, we have fad and woful Exp’e; rience : I am lath "to mention any Parti- culars, for fear of giving Offence to the .mwinh . he ,. {everal and refloefiive Parties, but, leave every goad Allan to his own Obfervattonsgi and Refleé‘tians, and to his private Prayers to the (30513135 Father of Mercies, for U». ,2 nity’, Peace and Concord 1n his holy Caz ,» tholick and Apollolick Church, and for the blelgled’ Communism of all his Saints ' and chofen Servants, during their Pilgria Image in this Valley of Tears, and that he will be gracionfly pleas’d, inhis due time, '1 to purge out of his Church, all mannerof' Sin and Wickedtfiefs which now rules and, , reigns among-fl: us. What are thofe Follies and Vanitiesmay,‘ ' What are thofe grofs and enormous Impiee- ties which are not at this day to be found within the Pale of the Church, andl‘x‘a. mongfi: thofe who name the Name, and are in outward appearange Profeffors Offihc Gg‘fpei of Chrifi Jefus? Here dwell Atheifm, Infidelity, Pride and Vain~glory, Dillinmlation and Hypo:- @3113”:- With Hatred; Malice and Envy. Here.» 3'01? ‘ I , WI?- IL mum gaff that: Item? 63 i; .you may find the Poor opprefied by Men of Might, and innocent Lambs made a Prey to ravenous Wolves. ' . ' Here we have too often prefented to ~ 'out‘Eyes moft doleful and lamentable Ob- jeéts, and have one Ear filled with Slan— ' E ders, Reproaches, Calumnies, Oaths, BlafL 5' phemies and horrid Curfes 5 and the Other, with deep Sighs, forrowful Groans, mourn- 55 ful Complaints, and bitter Lamentati-n 1-- ons, , ' Here we may obferve Men, of almoft all ; Ranks and Degrees, inflead of feeking firfl; ‘ , the Kingdom of God and his Righteoufnefs, and that one thing neceflary The Salvation , 9;” their Souls; build themfelves {lately Hou-n fes Upon fandy Foundations, and prepofe to themfelves ( that which is never to be had in this World) true Content and Hap- , pinefs, but {till make grofs Miltakes, and ‘ never accomplifh their Defigns : Nor un- like Arches of " greater and lefler Circles, all which feem to encline (tome more fome lefs ) towards a firaight Line 3 but none of them can truly agree, or ever be coincident with any part of it. Here we may find ambitious, Men 4 climbing and twifling themfelves HEW a Spiral Line to the top of Honour, and. futi- ‘denly falling headlong down by a Perpen- dicular, H 4. Here 7.164 when Daft that: new :2 Qiefin , “Here likewife we may obferve the Co! vetous Man (whom the Lord abhors ) i hoarding up Gold and Silver in his rufly “Coll'er, that fo he may lay Field to Field, Arable to Paflure, and Tenement to Lord- ‘; fltip, till he he left alone within a vafi cir- L5 cntnference, of which his Purfe was the 1; Diameter, and his contraéted and 'Ihrunk- T? up Soul the Center 5 and it {ometimes hap— pens that our Saviour’s Item/( T120“ Foal tin} 3: night, (kc. )“ becomes his Doom, and he leaves behind him that Wealth which he .17; never truly enjoyed, to purchafe an Equi- ‘ page for fome diflolute and prOdigal Heir: to ride poll to Hell. 1 , Jfliend/j Caution to tbofl’ who find): the Perpetttal.~Motion. " ' , ‘ HE young Mechanick has no foone’r . learned the plain Operations of Aa ‘ rithmetick, and gaHOped over the fitfl-fix ' BQOkS Of‘Euclid, had the fight Offia Penda— "Zunz-Clock, wrought afew flrokes with " his own hand at 3 Pump, or forcing 1311* 1 gine, and feen how a Waters-wheel turns about the Lantern-wheel of a Cormmill 1; * ”but the very firfl thing he fets upon is the j, ?erpetuaZ~Moti07z, mm at all doubting, but ' tn 51 4' .11,- g .mmnaittytumm ,e 1112 111011 time to triumph overt/b.3015 {Rules of Staticles, and Ordinances of iii/62.7% attic/<15, by making one Pound weight, defcending fix foot perpendicularly inLthe {pace of a Minute,i to wife up the weight 20f two pound to as great, or greater, pen. pendicular height in the fame ‘ipace or " time 5 and with the ftrength of“ a Child 1,058 or [0 years old, to force tip )4. or 1.3500 Tun 05 Water in an hours fp1ce to gany given height, above its own Superfi: *fcies, and by this means to drain, or droWn v whole Countries :, T0 ereé’t COrn-mills in (all Handing Pools, with many fuch' Pro: jeé‘ts,and thereby to gain to himfelf im— l mortal Fame, and a princely Fortune, till ’ great lafi, having lpent his Patrimony, and ’ waited his precious time, he th‘tfortt!11£t{€~ 'ly meets with an Ordinance of the Alf; : mighty Maker, (called an Equiliétrium ) , grnwhich pronounces the poor, Pt‘ojeétor’s , . doom; and then he fits down in great fad»? ,nefs and melancholly, tO‘Iament his Ignol {prance and Folly. . . ' a I have, in former days, been ,vifited by ; ,feveral of thofe Mathematical Entbufldfls, t %, fome of whom were near Neighbours,’o.~’ f, ‘Ehers came, as Irremember, 60 or 80, Miles-t, yfror‘n their Habitations , with a 31’9”“? , Epgtmfljn their mouths, defiring me to joifig . p ’. '- , ‘ th“ . 6% mam gait that: item? gigs/211.. .. W331 them in Praife and Thankfgiving" to Almighty God, for hiding thole My,» .fleries from the learned Philofophers of the World, and revealing; them to fuch ignorant and unskilfrzl Perfons, as they, acknowledged themfeiresto hejand of lb mean Capacities .- As iiitewife to enter in- ' IO Indentures with them, for their A‘fhgn- ing, over to me a large proportion of their endlefs and unknown Gains and Profits 5 and this ufually happened at fuch times when the Sun was get 11p td the Summer folliice, and the Worm of vain. Imagina- tion wrought within the Dam and Pie _Mater of thofe poor Engineers; till fuch time, as having revealed to me their Secret of Secrets, I had prevailed with them by ,evincing Ar uments, and Ocular Demon-. _!lrati0ns,- ( aving had my felf fulficient Experience of fuch vain Attempts) to quit their Pretenfions of doing Wonders, and to repair to their own Homes, and follow their feveral refpeé’tive Occupations. o . , , ' ,. 1.1 or mm“ «Warsa;mMm.m;mmm_a . .flnotber Caution concerning the Philo-é‘ ' fopher’s S T O N B, THE Well—wiflier to Cbz'mz‘flry has no‘ fooner pawn’d the belt part of his {mall Subltance, to purchafe his Glalles, ‘ j ' ” Melting- @422. II. when Ball than been? 67 r rvw $.Melting~pots, and Other Utenfils, andfififi; $11p his Chymical Putnace, but he boldly gundertakes,‘witho;ut fear or wit, the Tmzfl imumtz‘m of "Mettals; and hopes, by are and regular Reps. and degrees, to come in due time to pnfiéiz'on 5 But after a tedi— 30113 progref: the poor Philofiypha: (grids he has been rolling‘Sjfipbm his'Stone, and inflead of turning his brafs Pots and copper Saucepans into Golden Vellels, he has on, ly made an unlucky Tranfmumtz‘on of hi; filver Tankard and gilt Cup into a wood- en Can and earthen Pipkin, and out of a new Suit of CIOtl‘lS, extraéi’ed an old thread—bare Coat and Breeches, pieced and patcht and torn all to rags. The Religious and Moral Hypocrite, with the temporizin g Tum—coat, prOpofe to them— felves great Content and Happinefs, and value themfelves extreamly by their skill; ful Addrefles, in winnowing with every. Wind, and failing with every point of the, Compafs; and Which is yet more, they: Very much pleafe themfelves in deceiving; and abufing Perfons of all Qualities, Ages; and Sexes, as well the Great and Wife, as; the Ignorant and Fooliih, looking upon this as a noble praétice, and worthy of: Men of Learning and Parts, And tfiug ‘ pey i 6.8 mm gal? titanium: 9' @0931; they appear a long time in Mafquérade,‘ and Difguife,fitill by fome Acc1dent they: are difcovered, and then they become we“; all Patties, more hateful and odious than 1 Toads or Serpents. , The Rich Glam”; ( wnof'e God-is his»; Bell»; and thinks there’s; no other Flea—‘4, vendthan his Pantry and Kitchin) does V63- , ry feldom leave oii" to gorge this Pannch with dainty Difhes and coflly Meats (the Expence wherebf would fatisfy many hum, gry Souls) till by his Intemperance, a Sur- feit ends his Days, and his loathfom Car—:0 kafi becomes a Feafl For the greedy: Worms. . , ' _ ' The Drunkard n0 foOii‘er fits down in a Tavern or Ale-houfe with his boon Com.— panions, but thinks himfelf in Paradifet‘ 0 how he hugs and blelles himfelf, to fee- his beloved Nefiar poured’ out and {parle in" the Glafs! And thus he goes on from", , Morning till Midnight, till the Wine ena flame him '5 but in the end, he often finds " that it bites him like an Adder, and filings him like a Scorpion, , ' ‘ e i 1 ' iThe Voluptuous Manflmakf—‘S bOId Adven; mites, fights defpetatje Duels, and compafi- '7 gig/$.11, amberthafttnmt hm: z~ 69x :. fes Sea and Land to gainga few Proflitutes, f which, for a time, he e‘fleems as Birds of iParadife, and every frefli Beauty,‘ a Pine; nix; till he learns by woful experience,that j they are indeed much worfe- than fading; Flowers: And yet notwithflanding all ha- 1' zards, being once infeéted with the Plague and Leprofy of Fornicarion and Adultery, §X( unlefs it pleafes God to open his Eyes, and convince him of his follyhndlmad- nefs) he feldom forbears hunting after his i, accurfed pleafiire, till‘rortennefs enter into his Bones, and a dart firike him through ' the Liver. ‘ f - The T/aeif and Robber is nor without-his- ‘Defigns to repair his broken Fortune, or? , at leall to better his Condition, and at laft to live with great content and happinefs, , j with his wicked Allociates and lewd Strum-a 1 pets. , » ' , This-"Perform, upon his firfi admittance into the Br0ther-hood, no fooner meets ,"With a few lucky Hits, and rich Prizes, but thinks himfelf a great Prince, and all the Inhabitants of the neighbouring Coun- ties, his Subjeéts and Vaflals 5 and bound» ’ by their Allegiance to fupply him with what Gold, Silver and Jewels he pleafes to call. for in his progrefsl , , . But 7e mam 9&5 @3113”!!! Qtejltll“ ' But alafs! how often do we fee this bright Sun fuller a total Ectlipfe at high Noon, and the miferable Wretch honed). in a loathfom Prifon, fall bognd with Fet.‘ texts, mally Chains, and manl‘cles of Iron; and having received his jult Sentence of .: Condemnation from the mouth _ of the Jud getfee him to be dragg'd from his fubter‘ ' 3 raneous Dungeon, to the dreadful place of Execution. \ . ' The Extortioner, ( that Anfiopopbagmfl ' fwallows like a Cormorant, and digefis‘ like an Ollritch, the Pawns and Pledges, which he f0 greedily fnatches out of the hands, and fometimes pull’fi from off the Baefis of Neceflitous and indigent Per- This is he who drives away the Widows. ‘ Ox, and the Afs of the Fatherlefs: And be~ ing attended with hisirefpefiive OfHCers, puts iii execution his fatal yudgmmn, and at one Morcel, devours (Images and EncloA fittesaogether with the Bodies of the Own" et‘sfiiarms, Fields and Paliures with all their Stocks and Effeéts, Tenements and Lord ships,“ with Gardens, Orchards, Coach»- Houies, Stables, Barns, Out-houfes, and all their Appurtenances; always watching . for the windfalls of prodigal Heirs, and?» decay» ,-. 1m»,- '::“' Ma 11. where bait than Wm 71:. ayed Fortunes 5, as Eagles do after the {cad Carkafles of broken Armies, never infidering, That unlefs God have mercy . "pon his Soul, he does but heap up Trea— , gates againft the Day of Wrath and Ven~ Yeance. ' There is yet behind anOther Generatiorz‘ ff Men, who promife themfelves, "above '11, Others, to pleafe their fenfual Appetitesi ith the true Gufio of Worldly Pleafures, paving hardned each Other in theitOpi~ ‘ '01’18 and Belief, T/aézt there is no God, A"- w” 4 Hell to pmzfio Simem. ; ‘§ The Pools of old Times {aid only in heir Hearts, There is no God, and fo kept: Their Opinion to themfelves; but the Fools» ounce it Openly with their Mouths. ' .0 foolifh Atheiiis? Who has bewitch’t 0D to outdo the Pagans, Turks and In« 1 lves ( who believe and tremble, while 40u make merry and turn all to Ridicule 5,) y denying the Divine Exifience, of 'hich, the Heaven above and the Earth in is, ( to the leaf: Mite or GraifiofSandfi 3 , that l: or Spirits, or an] Reel Subflflencex of Def”; ; d Souls: No 51640672 to reward the Righteous, ”:5 this laft Age are more bold, and pro~ -615? Yea, and the Very Devils them-a iglbeneath3 with the Sea and all that there« 7-,, watts gamma Emu? Q2;efl.-IL‘> that can pollibly be difcerned by the; bell of” g; Microfeopes,) do bear evident teflifixony.f‘3 {we} would you but retire a while into your pria “3 ,. Vate Clofets, ( and there nalce ufe of that reafon, and thofe Principles which were“ l born with your Souls l) Thefe would foon‘. :3 thtnifh you with fulficient Proofs, and evin; 3 cing Arguments. Mark, I befeech you, in {3 What ‘fignificant Terms 3 heathen Philofoa... 3 pher rebukesyou, Il/Imtiumur gui diam; mm vi cf]? Deam, etiam z enim interdiu mgtmt, mafia} tam’m, 6t filii, dubinmt.’ Which is hardly to be ’turn’d into EnglzflJ, without lofing a great part of its emphalis. T/aey lie, wko‘ [22} there is no God .' for though in #92 day time} they deny him, yet in the Nice/at, and being—ff alma,’ doe] doubt concerning Hzaiw. 3 How is it pollible, that it {hould everfi enter into the thoughts, of Men of Rea-3 font and common Underfianding; That; N thofe glorious Bodies of the Sun, Moon I and Planets, together with that Number-hr. leis number of fixed Stars, and thofew of fuch prodigious Magnitudes, “IOUld all s be produCed by meet Fortune or} Chargceé ' . a. Vain man would fain be Wife lubutfi whicl‘r 0f}"i3"ll‘ Leaders, who darken their Connie-ls by ltd: "Without knowlede-l can tell me3 Mu: the great Bodies bet-bred, .3 l ' ‘ ' ' memioned‘i‘i QrefHI. mam yafltgnu ham? 7; mentioned, of the Sun, Moon, and the lother Planets, are fufpended in the vaft é'xpaflfea and by What extrinfick, or in- ; rinfick Powers they have performed their Ceveral and refpeéfive Morions, and fer- “ed for Signs and for Seafons, and Meafu~ ft ed time, for fo many thoufand Years. ‘ Ordinancesof Heaven, or can fer the do- ,minion thereof in the Earth? Which of you can bind the fweet influences of ~7 'lez’ader, or loofe the Band, of Orion? Or to come nearer to our own Ter— efiial Globe; Who is he that gathers and holds the Wind in his fills P Who is he 'th .,, ho isi'i‘that has eftablifhed all the ends 'of the Earth? What is his Name, and what is his Son’s Name, if you can tell me P {Which of you can give a clear Account of thofe black and griily Clouds, when they Efeem to be rent and torn by the Thunder— Claps, as if their fubflance were of molten 'Brafs; or the Lightning that firoors through E the Hemifphere, and in its pallage, tears and tends one fturdy Oak, and leaves ianorher untouch’t, Palles by one {tately EEdifice and takes away part of another, and how it {hould pull out mally ‘Barrs of 9} Iron, and again {trike them 1nto Stone E 1 “ walls Is there any of you, who knows the . at has bound the Waters in a Garment? ‘ 74 @1th hafttbmthzm? Quefiu walls to the Depth of many Inches, with ’ other prodigious Effeé’cs? Of which, I am :: fure, you can give but very flender Rea- fons, No more than of the Treafure of _ the Snow, the Hail, or Hoary Frofi? [; Or of Hurricanes, Deluges or Earth- - quakes. _ Alas ! poor dull Philofophers,the wrfefi of , you all know not how any grafs pile or the 'f. leal‘t hair of your heads grows, and yet are fo prefumptuous to dilpute and quef. tion Divine Providence. 0 foolifh and perverfe Atheil‘ts, who a hath bewitch’t you to make mock ofMo- [es and the Prophets, to dittide our blelied Saviour and his Ape-files, and to make the " Holy Scriptures a meet Humane Artifice for Soveraign Princes to keep their Subjeéis in Obedience, and to preferve to Ecclefi— . aftick Prelates, their valt Revenues, and to Inferior Priefis their Tythes and Main— ‘ tenance. ‘ In the firPt place, we are as well afiur’d- that the Books of the Néw Tqflametzt, were writ by the hit Divulgers of Clariflimit], which were foon afterwards Tranflated into Lari”: Syriac, and Other Languages, and Copies thereof difperfed, and publickly PYCRCh’t in im'oft parts of the habitable World, and for tranfmitted to us without any i up _ v 4....”- . .r guy/2.11. 21mm ‘Bafijfbm! Emu? x 7, ’ “ny nororious depravations, as we ‘ are are, that in our Statute Books are faith— fully Recorded the fevetai Laws, which ave been Enaéted in all the King’s and ($166113 Reigns, from Wgz’lliam the Congruemr 0 this ptefent Age 5' and much more fure, {hen you or any private Man can be, f the Conveyances, Hands, or Seals, of "i is Anceftors, from time to time, Where-_ iay he holds his Lands and Polleflions." 1f- We have no more reafon to doubt that here was a Sta/as born in BerbeZe-m, than hat there was at that time a Herod at 791 ig/klem, or an A’uguflm C(Efi’lt' at Rome: The onderful Star that ampeat’d atCnm'flt’s birth, \s mentioned by Macroéim: And a great 13- emy to‘Chriftianity {peaks of the coming ‘ . ‘~ _ f theMagi from the Em? to femfézlem, and ' ulian the Apcfiare‘ Confelies, the appear- ~ ng of a New Star, though he trifies about he manner of its-appearing, The Ecclipfe at Chril‘t’s Paffion was left pon Record among the Heathen. , , As for the Writings of Mofex and the ‘ Pro hets,andfor their being molt carefully ~ - ’i're‘erved through—out all Ages/till the 9 Owing of our Saviour JCfUS! ital; which me" they Were publicklgs, .- d in all the. ytragogttes) We need no better Evidence, * i" a ' '- ’ than .‘...._.;v.. -.‘- 76 anthem halt that: mm? @eft‘. II. than the univerfal Confent Of his Implaca- ble Enemies the 35am. We read in the 31ft. of Deuteronomy, that: when Mafia: had made an end of writing the Words of the Lawin its a Book, until! i:- they were finifhed, That He comman~ ded the Levites which bore the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD, faying, Take" this Book of the Law, and put it in tbe fide of ' the AIM of the Covenant aft/9e Lord your God. ( And we may reafonably Judge, that the reft of the Canonical Books, when written, were alfo here laid up ) Befides the King was to keep a Copy for his own ufe, :7; Dent. 18. And the Priefls that were to ex— pound the Law mufi needs have Copies of it themfelves: So in an ordinary way it might be preferved by multitudes of ' COpies, fome of which might efcape in *‘ the hands of good and pious Men, in Idol latrous Times. Whence it will follow, ' V. That we have no reafon to think that the Book of the Law, which was lofl for a great while, and after the Captivity found. by Hilkiab, and by him given to 8211264” the Scribe,who carried it to King ffqfiabmas the only COpy of the Law that was pre- ferved, 2 Kings 2.2. 8. \ During the Captivity; thofe Books which were already written, were undoubtedly in the ' _, at. 11’.’ ; targets bait than Mr 9‘7 the hands of the Prophets and Priefls, fome “fwhom, as fetter/tier) and Gedm’ie/J Raid ? their own Land; Others, as Daniel and , is COrnpanions, were carried away Cap- ives: And we are fure that Daniel had 1‘ e number of Years the Captivity wasto Jaft, 9 Dzm. 2. where it is thus written, firbiz. In the firfl‘ Tear 9f Darius, the Son of ,Ahafuerus, of. we Seed of the Medes, the. f _aniel under/food [7}! Boa/er, t/Je memher of Tears, whereof the Wheel of the Lord came to i eremi’ah the Prophet, that he would acetone ‘plz'fla Set/em} Tears in the Defolm‘iom of few. falem. ‘ 7 f‘fqflepbm faith, That Cyrus was moved to Erefiore the 7&1}: by reading the Prophefy filof Ifaiab, where it is foretold 210 Years before his time, that he fhould be raifed up for that Work. ' ' After the Captivity thefe Books were kept in a great number of Copies! of which every Synagogue had one at leafi. In this interval, Ptolom], Ploz’ladelp/am procured the Tranflation of the Seventy, the authen- tick Edition of which was kept in the fa- mous Alexandrian Library, about the Year of the World _ 465. As for the Books of Mofes, the é, ere in one entire Volume long before'the Captivity 5 and it is pro~ , . 1 3 bable, f‘hefe BOoks, and our of them gathered . ——,—.~..-<. .. . babl‘e, that the reft of thedivinely infpie- ;, red Pfalms and Pt‘ophefies that W611? writ ten before the Captivity, were laid up?“ with them. After the Captivity the 3’62th Hiflori- am relate, that the great Synagogue, ( of which Eem was Ptet’ideht, and at which } Haggai, Zechrz'rie/y, fl/Zazlt’zcbi and l‘Jebemz'zz/gt :tt’lifted) compiled the Beaks of the Old ’Fel’lament, as we have them new divided into thtee parts, 211d 35 they caminued inf out Saviaut's time; (who himfelt' refers Eb, . the Old Tefl'etttent as cenfiilihgz; oftheLaW: ofMafithe Prophets) and the Pfizlmafind of each of thefe three parts they appeinted certain Seéfitths to he read in their Synaaj gogues every Sabbath day. ~ Now that their Colleétion centained the fame Beaks the Old Teflament now ‘3 confifis of, ( 22. in number ) is Gear from yoflpbm comm Appimemguoted by Eufeéiut. l ' That thefe Beaks were kept with a Re« ligious care, we have the celebrated TC-f i; fiitnony of PMO the f‘few, who erte a 2 little after the Afcenfion of Chrill 5, who, i faith, That a Jew 91202414 rat/oer fufir an imm— 3; aired Dear/9:, 236nm allow the Zeafi alter/Him in one Letter of the Law. And Emmy” [e113 US in his Comment. Mafiwez‘b, Of their ‘ particular care, it? ”uméring the 71627 Letterl 9f em] Book. ’ In : .4 fut. mum halt tam: Emu '79 In the next place, our IDIeITed Saviourn iiniracles were [0 numerous, f0 openly performed, and before f0 many thoufand “Spectators; borh of the Sims and other ations, of which many were his itnpla~ , able Enemies, who wanted neither Lean. ning, Subtilty nor Malice to have foon ifcover’d any fraudulent Praéiices 5 and gthofe liliracles being fuch, as could nor be perform’d by Men' or Devils, or any ‘ ring lefs than a fupernatural and Almighty ower, it being never known, fince the ‘World was created, that the Devil ever pen’d the Eyes of thofe that were born lind, or fed f0 many thoufands of ungry Perfons with five Loaves and a {few fmall Fillies, or with the {peaking of {two or three Words, raife Men 0nt of {their Graves who had been dead and igburied four days, there will be left no ire fonable 0r plaufible Pretext for any , {if ptical Unbeleiver to call in quefiion lfhts divine Power. Ido believe, that the Devil is aSpirit 10f wonderfull knowledge, and mighty gypower, and able when ever God permits l‘érhim to blind the Eyes of us Mortals, and {10 ‘to counterfeit real Miracles, as for a while Pharaoh’s Magicians did in appear.— £1156 perform fome 0f Mofes’s Miracles, ‘ ' I 4, and pan-l 80 mum bait tbnuhzm? M}. II. and that which is no {mall help to the performance of his Sorceries and Witch- crafts, and other of his diabolical praéiices; he has undoubtedly a perfeét knowledge of the Sympathies, Antipathies, and fecret vertues, that are either in the Bodies of all, l l l forts of Animals and Plants,or elfe in Mine~ rals and inanimate things 5 which if they r _, fllOUld be publickly known or divulged, Humane Society would be very much confounded, if not utterly deltroyed. Who can give a rational accout of ' Straws jumping to the jett? Or the Dull of Iron to the 'Load-ftone? Or of the needles turning to the Now/J. What reafon can any Philofopher give, why the bark of a Tree in Fem fhould be a ready Cure for aFever or Ague? Or why the Skin of an Eele or Snake {hauld give prefent eafe, to the violent pain-pf the Cramp? Or, (which is yet more wonderfull ) why a finall bit of Wood, being cut and taken at fuch a critiCall ; hour, or minute, and being gently rub- " bed upon a frefli wound, Ihould immedi- ately ftaunch the Blood, (though illuing ‘ forth with great violence) an perform -' the Cure in a few hours fpace, (the iWound being only wrapt up clofe, and kept warm, ) without any chyrurgical Operanons. ’ ' I‘ t I l l a l l a Qefiat. twists butt than hem? 8 r E, I my'felf have feen and praétifed many firange Experiments of Other kinds which {I think not at all convenient here to Dub— lifh: And look upon it as an etleét of God’s wonderful Providence, Mercy and E'lGoodnefs, that the Books which Solamon W31'0te concerning Plants and Herbs, were concealed from, or at lead nor made com— E ‘mon or publiclt in, future Ages. And that ’ feveral Experiments, which fome later and A learned Authors ( fuch as Pmmelfm, Agmfpa ”World, ) have either been mifitnderltood, f? E, E124, and Others, have publiflied to the E; , or nor at all believed. As for the Miracles done by Mofes, there 1 are two things Very confiderable and worth our notice. Firlt, though the Magicians, by the , Devil’s alfiflance, did in appearance, turn * the Rods into Serpents, and Water into , Blood, and bring 11p Frogs upon the Land ' of Egypt 5 yet it is manifeft that they were in ' no wife able to undo Mafes’s MiraCles, or ' to remove any of the Ten Plagues, which would certainly have been a molt accepta— T ble Service to K. P/mmob, who had f0 much if a do to bring his hard and flubborn heart , to intreat ques to befeech the Lord his “God, for the fpeedy removal of the Frogs, “the Flies, the Hail, and the Loeufls. Again, :3 l t i l a: mam hart than new? Wit i Again, it is no lefs obfervable, That the Magicians counterfeited no more than two or three ofMoj es’s Miracles 5 and when they attempted to proceed, they were forced to defilt and confefs it was the power and Fin— , gm- ofGod : Neither was the Devil, with all his Magiclt—Arts, able to help them to pro- duce fo Vile and defpicable a Creature as a Lawfeg or to give them afterwards a Receipt to cure their 80in and Blaim which Mofer had fiat upon their bodies, f0 that they were no longer in a condition to {land before Pharaoh and his Servants, nei— ther do we hear any more of their ap- pearance in all thofe Tranfaétions; where as Mgfias went on triumphantly with his Miracles, till he had fafely landed all the L/iwzclz'res on the Other fide of the Real-Sea, and left Namely, and all his HOP: over—v whelmed with the returning Waters, and becomedead Caricalles. Rtflefliom. If God fliould permit real Miracles to vouch diabolicalDelafions, or indeed, fuller , any of the Devil’s Magick—Arts to {land in competition with his own Almighty works upon fuch ‘ extraordinary Occafions, of etther revealing, or confirming any new Truth or Dofirine, it would foon over— ~ throw Iflfllbttbflfi u "' throw Chrifiian Religion: But we‘always find the contrary throughom the. Holy Scriptures. _ Pharaoh‘s Magicians were foon put to :filence: Their Rods were fwallowed Up x by Aaron’s Rod: They were at a IVMHJZM ‘-' in producing a Loafi; and at 13ft were -- forced to wit‘ , ndraw, and " diiéppear with fhame and di‘fgrace. The prielis of Baal, though theycut , :: 3nd mangled their fiefh with {harp knives; :3nd from morning to Evening made bit- ' fiE'Zter‘Cries, were nor abie to bring down, Fire from Heaven upon their Altars. -; The Sorcerer mm, was, by St. Paul, {truck blind at Salami: and St. Peter more , than once pubiielrly baflied the famous Sorcerer Simon Magus. ‘ 3 So that whatever was done by Paar/2919’s. ‘5 Magicians (which is one of the molt re~ maekable Infiances of the Devil’s power ‘ and Enchantments) or whatever was at: ‘ any time afier done by any of his Sorcer-u ; ers, does not in the leali derogate from any j :of our blelied saviour’s Miracles, or the Miracles afterwards performed by any] of / his Apofiles or Difgiples, which did ima- rhediately prove on b0th' his, and their Teftimony to be Divine 5 And confequently; were an abfolute Confirmation Of 0111“ ' . ‘ Saviour’s: 84. Elm-flew barf thou been? Qaefl. 11. Saviour’s being the true Meflias, and fent by God himfelf from Heaven for the Redemption of loll finners, and opening the Kingdom of Heaven to all Be- lievers. ‘ This Argument of Miracles Was urged by Chrill himlelf, ( who certainly knew bell the force of it) againft the Scrihcr, Pharifies, and unbeliving yewesz And he did acknowledge, that if he had nOt done thofe things which no Other Man on Earth could do, they might have had a fair ex- cufe for their Unbeliefi , In the time of Tiherins, ( fays jofhphm, a ffew by Nation, and of a contrary Profef— lion, and erte his Hiltory about 86 years after Chrifl ) There was one Jefus, a wifi: Man ( if it he ‘ lawfiell to call him a Man) who was a W'orher of great Miracles, and a teacher of [itch a: love the Truth, and had many, a: well Jews an Gentiles who clove unto him: This was Chtilt, and when Pilate, upon his being acct/ed h] the Men of our Nation, ' had fintenced him to he Cracified, yet did not they who had fir/i loved him, forfahe him 5 fbr he appeared to them the Third Day alive again 5 according to what the Prophets, divinely inffired, had foretold concerning him : A: the] had done an innamerahle ' namher Wyn. mam baatbnn firm? 8,- mnnlrer of 7167‘] flrnnge things Ire/ides,” "and We” to this (In), both the Name: and fort ofPerfam called Chriftians f0 named from -: lair”, do remain. To which Atteflcation of E‘Oflpbw, were it neceflary, might be added great E numbers of Tefiimonies from ancient E Writers. I muff needs acknowledge, That our ,blelled Saviour’s Apofiles, though the j; greateft part of them were poorii'” « - a men, of low Birth, {mall Fortune. E i, g i , and mean Education, were by the Spirit of God, endued with the wonderful Gift of E {peaking firange Languages, and Other é miraculous Powers, that fo they might be better enabled to difperfe the Gofpel into * many remote Countries, as they after« wards did: Namely St. Peter in Sicily, ‘ Britain and Africa, as likewife at Amine ' and Rorne. St. Andrew in Gnlntin, Bitlnl :7 nz'n, and all along the Ermine Sea: Fit-jam“ in Spain, Britain and Ireland. St. john in ‘ Afin, and Other parts ofthe .Eafl. St Bar- ’ ‘ tbolornew in India. St. 1730mm among the , Pnrtkicgnr, Madras, Per/inns, Cnrrnnns, Hircnnr, . Bncbrrz‘nns the Afinns, Ethiopians and India . , any. Simon the Zelot in Egypt, Sjrene and Afr/“25k. St. jade in the Cities Offlrnln'n. St. Maftbiflsf in Cflfpfldflclfl. St. Mark in I Alexandria.» 33 l l l } 86 2&me bait than Item? , QMML Alexandria. And though St. lyame: the jufl did {lay at Jerufalem, yet probably ;' he might‘ have fome Converts of almoll all Nations, who frequently reforted to that City, Pattbiam, [Maria and Elamites, Dwellers in Mefopommia, Cappaa’ocz'a, Pan- tm, Afia, and divers Other places. , To all thefe may be very well added St. Paul, who though he was none of the Twelve, yet he was nor the lead of the Apoltles, and having received his Com-g @ . milfion from Chrift himfelf in a Vifiont left Damafcm, and preached the GofpeLat Antioch, Seleufia, Cyprus, Pamphilia, Iconium, Lyflra, Pifla’ia, Galatia, Macedonia, Samp— 3 zbmcia, Neapolis, Tbejfizlom’ca, Bemd, Athens, Corinth,prefits,7em]zzlem,IlZiricum,Scla'vom'a, Trans and Rome. , Yet norwithflanding all this, it was im—i pollible thatthefe poor Men Ihould, at the fame time, carry on any private Defign _- of their own, being all of them fent forth ~ as Lambs among Wolves, and foretold _. by their own Malter( whom all, but 7144528,. _ ‘ had feen feourged, Spit on, and crucified , between two Thieves,) that they ~fhould be perfecuted and hated of all Nations for his Name fake, and the Gofpel, ( which yet at their peril they were to preach and pubhlh) and after all forts of .Iltlhrontsc'i ' ‘ a an and cruel Ufage, fltould fuller fliameful nd ignominious Deaths, which they all d, as ancient Hifiorians allures us,St. 70/972 §( Chril’c’s beloved Difciple ), excepted 5 g;:neither had he efcaped, as ohe of them , . g t‘ tells 'us, had God permitted the Cauldron‘ of burning Oil, into which he was thrown ‘gby szz‘timz’r Order, to put an end to his Elif‘e. ' \ . \ As for St. Peter, he, for bafiling Simm- ‘I-K W1 3Magus, was, by the: Command of the " tEmp’eror Nero, crucified at Rome with his :Head downwards. , E St. Andrew was tittl’atm, a City of [EC/041.3 I‘by the Proconful’s Order, lirt’i foourged, hfeveh Lz‘éz‘m's fuccellively whipping his _‘*naked Body) and then tied (not nailed ) fro the Crofs, to prolong his Torments, sand was two whole days before he ex—n . plI'Cd l A . i ‘ St. yams: was beheaded in jewfizicm by" ' fHerod Agrippd, . Son of Ara/zlmfmlus, and: ;Gra.nd~child to Hem] the Gym, in whofe Reign Chrifi was born. ‘ St. Bart/3010mm was fit‘fi' flead alive, and .LthéfanruCified at; fl/lvzz/aple in Arm‘em‘m Sr. Matthew is faid to be Martyred as" "f‘NerIa‘ba in Ethiopiéz. ‘ St. 'Tbomm fuffered Martyrdomrat Mali-a; ' fur,“ inthe Kingdom of Cormamlel, where, r, ‘ , ‘ ., “' / by ,QMMI. amber: nafit’bnu Item? 87 8‘s mum bait than ham? @2ij by the Bracbmam, he was firfi loaded ; with {tones and Darts, and then run}: through with a Launce. '_ . St. 7mm: t/oe Lefs was thrown down? from a Pinnacle of the Temple. Simon we Zelot is {aid to have fuffered great Cruelties in Britain, and then to be crucified by the Iafidels. , ‘ ]. jade fuffered Martyrdom in Perfia, for e. rebuking the Superfiitions of the Magi. St. Mart/aim, as is conjeé’tured, was crucified by the barbarous people of Cap-.- aa'ocioz. ' St. Mark was feized on by the Alexan; ;_ 'zlrz'am, at the celebration of their God Seraph, where they dragg’d him by the- legs over rugged and uneven waysttill his flefh was torn, his blood *wafied, his Spiritsff decayed and his blelied Soul expired. . ; To thefe may be added the cruel Ufage Of St. Paul and St. Luke. ‘ St. Lulce was by the Infidel: hang’d on i an Olive Tree in Greece. . ~ St. Paul was, by Nero’s command, be-. headed at 1.475158 sazm, about three Miles ' from Rome, for having converted one Of 1 the Emperor’s Concubines, f0 that {he ’ utterly refilled any further complianCC With his wanton defires. ‘ Que/i. II. mam Daft tymt been ,> 2 one man in an Age may throw away this Life, on purpofe to get himfelf a ,Nme, and be famous as Emflmtm, who fet on fire the Temple ”of Ep/aefm, or LRarw'llac, who flabb’d a King of France: 455ut for all thefe Apol‘tles, and many f-‘t‘houfands of their Difciples and Converts :to throw away their Lives, and thereby to purchafe nOthing but ignominy and gdifgrace, (for alas! they were accounted ias the Scum of the Earth, and the Off. éfcouring of all things) it can never fo much as enter into the Thoughts of any Man of Reafon or Senfe. . Befides, there were hardly eVer commit:- ted in the World, any kind of nororious ii-Crimes, or treacherous Defigns “contrived, “but at fome time or Other, they were difco- ,vered, by one Or more of the Crimi- "nals: But let the ablefl Hiflorian in the World, ( if he can ) produce a real InfianCe of any of the Apoflles or Martyrs, among {0 many thoufands ( pom- bly Millions) whofe cruel Sufferings for the Faith of fi‘efm, made them openly recant; or confefs themfelves guilty of any fraudulent Praétifes, or fetting up a falfe Worlhip to deceive all Nations. After all this, tell me, ye foolilh and 'perverfe Atheifts, Who has bewitcht you _ - K E0 89 go WWW {jail fbfifi 5291i? Que/f. IL; to build your Tabernacles of Happinefs , upon fuch fandy Foundations, or to fell j: your immortal fouls to the DeV1l at f0 3 cheap and ‘eafy rates? . ~ = .1 have yet one quellion to ask of certain. Performs, Who are rightly {tiled Modern Sad; ; (laces, and that is, For what Rea/Em they 'deay' :‘ the “Refurreétion? Or why Nae] flmwlol at all i doubt God’s Omnipotetzce? 07' once imagine, That He who made all things om of working, flaoul‘d 7202:1749 able, when ever be plea/ES, out of filme- tbing to make am] thing P How many Emblems of the Refitrrec‘i‘iq‘ffz have we frequently before our Eyes 9 The” Night lies down, and the Day arifes; a- gain, The Day departs, and the Night comes on : The Year that dies in Autzimh, has a Refurreétion in the Spring: The 9 feed of Herbs, Corn and Fruit~Trees, 'firll fquer a Dilloltttion in the Earth, ( fomefi for a few Days, Others for a few Weeks ) and then, by the Power Ot‘ the Almighty Maker of all things, have a rtew Body gié ‘ Vet: them of the lame Kit/141m Species. if that be true Whreh form: have related ~ of the P/nm, (a thing I would rather 4 believe? than undertake to difprove fince there are it; matty firange things to be , found among the l'tf'z‘lx’ofrlts of the Creation) ttfi’is a \tttia‘r;lertttl 'l‘ype of the Rg/mu— ‘ .v‘tfc7t’1iJT/‘2'7 . 1.13., aefl-H- flai‘flwv'fiafi tm Emit? 9t In Arabia ( fay they) there is a certain {ird Called a g’P/Mm'x, of which there is at one at a time, and that onet‘liVes 00 Years; and when the time draws gear that it mutt die, it makes it felf‘ a eff of \‘Frankincenfe and Myrrh, and o- Qher Spices, into which, when its time is ‘ lfilled, it enters and dies 5 but its Flelh futrifying, breeds, a certain Worm, which eing nouriihed by the Juice of the dead arcafs brings forth a new Pbam‘x, and ; “hen it is grown to a perfect A ge,it takes up he Neft, in which the Bones of its Parent fe, and carries it from Arabia into Egypt, a City called Heliopolz's, and flying in pen Day, in the fight of all Men, lays on the Altar of the Sun, and f0 returns to the Country from whence it came: :his done, the Priefls make fearch into e Record: of Time, and find that it re— urneth at the end of 500 Years. . ‘Whether this Report be true or no, fure am, that nothing can be too hard for the ~ Almighty. " . p - 5 Let us fuppofe, in two or three Inftanm ices, things that are within the reachof our Efjpprehenlions, viz. Firft, a Mariner in a gSea—fight to be fltot to death, and thrown ‘ 3‘0V6r~b03rd, and afterwards the Elefh of i ' K 2 his 9t wgtrtgafttbnu hem? Que/LII; ? his Bodyto be eaten up by a great number of finall Filhes, and thefe Fillies to be taken in Nets, and eaten by hundreds of Men, Women, and Children, of different places and abodes, and fome of them to be ’ if, drowned in the Sea, and devoured by 0;; ther Fifl1€8, and fome to be ‘caft into theai Earth, and eaten up by Worms. In the next place, Let us fuppofe a Mani}, to, die in a wide Forefl: or Wildernefs,j and part of his Carcafs to be devoured by.“ wild Beafis, part by the Fowls ofthe‘Air,‘ and part by Flies and creeping Things-,7} and again, thofe Bealis and Fowls, and; creeping things to die, and part of them? to be eaten up by Other Creatures. Laftly Let us fuppofe a MarnChild born}: into the World, and (as ’tis believed). the Flefh of that Infant, in a few Years, to be evaporated, and new Flefh grown up in the room of the Other, and! let us fup—i pofe this Body to live and change for the ipace of threefcore or fourfcore years, and then be buried in the Sands, (as is praétifed in fome Very hot Countries) and there remain a Thoufand or fifteen ; Huhdred Years, till fuch' time, as it i5" grown perfectly dry, and fit to be made _ life Of for Afzrmmz'e 5 and [his Mummie to 7 be difitibuted into the hands of feveral , hundreds , .szhmw Am "VLM’ fluwgmafi ”M. hundreds of Aporhecaries, and each of :‘hgfe Apmhecaries to make ule of it in heir phyfical Dofes, Potions, or Other- ife, and to adminifier it to as many .5 undreds of their Patients, and each of :~thofe Patients to void the fame, or any part of it, by 11001 and thofe {tools to he Carried away by the Scavengers, into {onto {Common place, and there mingled with {the Ordours of ten Thoufand Other Per- “Inns, and from that place taken up by the. Salt-Peter Men and Converted into Gun- :powder, and that Powder {hot away into he Air. _ x , 6 Give me leave to tell thofe unbelieving {‘Saddmes, ( my life for theirs) that the AL mighty God, and Maker of Heaven and LiEarth, is able to recall every Particle, j-‘Dul‘t or Atom of a Human Body, in any iiof the aforefaid Infiances to its Original 7and . proper Mafs, and to form that Mafs "into its firli Original and infant'Body: * As alfoto give that infant Body its full W‘fiature, and perfeét Dimenlions; and this done, from a Natural, and Corruptible, to change'it into a Spiritual and incorruptihle Subflance: And laflly, to reunite it to its own proper and immortal foul; and all this in a moment,——— in the twinkling of an Eye,=-: at the lalt Trump—:3 and the A K 3 Voice , ‘1 ,1: 9.4. mam bait that: new? Que/7.11., Voice of the Ai‘ch-atngei, calling fin the; Dead to grit}: and come to j‘ut‘lgrnentn—s I 177179; needs acl‘nowledge, That the Disbeiiet" of a future Refurreéfion, is n “ii-nail encouragement to either Atheift of? ,iiihertine, to go on in his fin with great? prefrtrnption: For if the Dead rile nor: 7777: with is altogether vain 5 And if this? Corruptible [hall never put on Incoré‘ rnption, tor this Mortal, Immortality 5 tl'ten go it), £77 775 Eat, Drink 7777777576 Marty/5 far to 71632772723 7726 (176. \ 7 There are {nine who fatisfie themfelvesg that God is {0 merciful, and f0 jnfi in hie: judgments, that he will never puniflt finite} Sins with everlafiing Punifltments, but fitch Men little think how miferably the} deceive thernfelves, While they afcrih lefs Power to the Almighty Maker over“ his Creatures, than an ordinary Porter hat} over his Clay and earthen Vellels: Befidesfi that in the Gafpel szpmfatim there 211‘6‘f propos’d to Fallen Zl/L/m two things, which]; very Well carattnterhztliance one the when}? borh as to Time and l‘tieefitre5 namely; on the one tide Eternal and inexprelfiblefi Happinefs; and on the Other, endlefs and? unlbealtable h’lliiériet. Now, if the Sin—‘ ner do roirtntnriiy, and with deiiberation. “st“ choofe the hi; 735 the ,,E/'oler77i 77077fit 1777771573,} 11¢- ‘ @efl- 11- wllm hall film! farm? 95 11116? has his choife and delire, and has no freafon in the World to co nnlain ofanv hardlhip, much lefs of- any Injury Chane to shim, it beings. greater Mercy to grant Eternal Life upon a bare Repentan e and Believing, during our earthly pilgrimage, than it is a Severity to infiiét eternal Tor: "’ment, for continuing in aétual Sin, for the 5 Very fame term of time. "- The Author of Leviathan will, by no _.means admit of a Local Hell, or indeed of {a Local Heaven: For the firfl‘ Of which he has no better Reafon than this, (trufling to his own skill in Geometry and Smn‘cks ) ._l.that it cannot be either in the Cavity of” the Earth, or any Other body of the like magnitude hanging in the expanfe, for— :afniuch as in any circumfcribed Bodies .,_ here cannot be included a Borromlefs—Pit, which, in facred Stile, is fometimes called Hell: Whereas it" he had confidered, that [our Antipodes tread as heavy on the {viper—u f ficies of the Earth, and carry their BO~ 3 dies as upright towards‘Heaven, as any of ii us, and that {howres of Hail and Rain in ’5 calm Weather, fall upon any part of this i Terrel’tial Globe directly towards the Center, in a flraightline, He might very" eafily have judged, that this Globe of . Earth hanging in the expanfe, by nothing i K 4., l but l 96 331113133 Daft tbflu b3"! .3” qufl. II. but the Almighties Word and Power, has , its own proper Center, as all Other Bodies 7 of the fame or greater Magnitude have; and confequently, that if underneath there 5* were a great Cavity, and that Cavity fiL led with a fluid body of Fire and Brim- j; Prone, the convex Superficies of that glo—g bular fiery Lake, would in every part of it be the uppermofi, and the parts ad30in~ 3 ing to its Center would be the lowefl, ; and probably the Bodies of damned Re— probates being thrown into this; Lake, would fometimes float upon it, and fome- ‘ 3 times plunge to and fro in it: But foraf— much as the Center of this globular Lake, ‘ would be but an imaginary point, thofe ' 'Bodies would plunge and move to and fro Within it in Saul/z Szeculomm, without- finding any folid Fulcrum, or firm Bortom , neither could the molt learned Philofo; phers; or skilful Geometricians in the . Whole World, be ever able, by Contem- plating all their Lives, the Dimenfions of that fiery Lake, and its Center of Gravity, to make any Other thing of it then truly and properly a Bottomlel’s—pit. r [n.3- And if thofe learned Men {hould allow ’ in that cafe, the Ihell of this Terreftial Globe to be no more then 17 or 18 hun~ aired Yards, 1n thicknefs, and then compure how Ml 11. . llamas gaff than 11mm?- . 97 Show many cubicle Yards. and Feet would be chontained within its concave Superficies, Lthey would perhaps find room enough, land to fpare, for all the Bodies of Human .._, ,, __‘ .nwfl..-.;‘ ..:. I 1 8 what art than from fining? Q 111. him into any Sin or Wickednefs, by our Encouragements, Connivance, or ill Ex~ amples. When we converfewith Others, to be 3 affable and courteous, and to behave our 1 {elves with all humility and meeknefs,ii condefcending to Men of low Eflates, and“; elleeming others better than our felves. To follow Peace with all Men, as much as in us lies, and to be Peace—makers our Elves. ‘ ' " To let our Love be without dillimula-é‘ tion and hyprocrify, and to be kindly» affeéiioried one to another,rejoycing with them that rejoyce, and weeping with them" that weep. To thew kindnefs, as we have occafion, - to our very Enemies, and to ray for thofe that hate, perfecute, and de pitefully ufe 'us. To thew mercy with chearfulnefs and' alacrity, and never to let our Alms be ac- companied with harlh and uncomfortable words: And thus, to deal our Bread to? the Hungry, to give Drink to the Thirfiy, to cloath the Naked, to vifit the Sick, to relieve the Prifoners, to redeem the Cap— uves, to help the Poor, the Widow and the Fatherlefs, to comfort and aim} the efolate and Opprefled, and never to {hut uP . 11- museum-twat; flflm fining? I 19" up the. bowels of our Companion from any(W1th011t'diflinéii011 of Perfons or Gila- ilificatiODS, ) Who fiand in need of our af~ mflance o a. ' f To oonclude, all Perfons Whatever, are: ”bound in Confcience to behave themfelves with‘all fincerity and uprightnefs, in their: :Ieveral and refpeéiive Stations and Rela- i ions. ' Wives are to fubmitthemfelves to their? town. Husbands, as unto the Lord, forthe “Husband is the Head of the Wife,‘ even as:- E'Cht'ift is the Head of the Church 5 and, was the Church is, fubjeét unto Chrifl, fo~ , are the Wives to be to their own Hus- bands in every thing, 5, prefi. 2.2, 13» i 2 ; Again; Husbandfare to love their Wives): even as Chriii alfo loved the Church, fox. ought Men to love their Wives, as their ’ own Bodies : He that loveth his Wifew {loverh ,himfelfi for no Man yet hateih his own flefh, but nouriflteth and Cherifhv‘ eth it : For which eaufe, ihalla Man leave. E his-Father and his Momenp and than be E joined unto his Wife, and they two fhali E be One Flcfll, 5 pref: 25, 26. 6%. E Children are to obey their Parents in the Lord: To honour their Father and. Mother3 ( which is the firfl Commando» E E E menu. A .‘I'zo Hubert art than 1min fining? QIIL“ ‘ ment with promife ) that it may be Well; with them, 6 Epliqfi I, 2, 3. 1 Parents are enjoined to bring up their Children in the Nurture and Admonitionl of the Lord, and according to their Abie; lities, to make fuitable provifion for their 'Maintenance. . It is no {mall Trul‘t that Parents repof} in Governours and Governelles 5 but mot efpecially in School—Mallers and Miflref} fes, for the pious and Virtuous Educatio,’ of the Youth of borh Sexes; which fruit; if it be faithfully and honeflly perform’d,§ is of unfpeakable Benefit and Ufe in a Commonwealth, and fuch School—Mailers: and Mifirelles deferve to be valued and rex-g fpeé’ted according ro their Merits. ,V On-the other tide, if this Trull be no: rightly perform’d, but negleéted and abue; fed, it is of pernicious confequence, 0. which Imy felf have feen fome woful ell; feéts, and have heard Very bitter Comt- plaints. . It is, and has been a daily praé’tife, in} 'fome Schools, by harflr and cruel Mafiers,;j and by peevifh, hard-hearted, and ill na—tg tLIr’d Millrelles, to beat and bruife poori Childrens heads, as if their double Fills? were fo many Mallats, their Scholars heads; as fo many Blocks, and they themfelvesii ‘ , > Hemp? g 111. what art than new tuning? .1 2 : Hemp-bearers : And the truth is, Beating (f Hemp would be a much fitter Emplova ment for the meaner fort of thofe unmet— ciful Wretches 5 and it’s great pity, that there are noovery fevere Laws made as- gainftfuch barbarous and inhumane Pra- .é’tifes, which to manifeftly obfiruét and s‘ hinder the 80ul, ( whofe principal feat the EQhead is) in fending too and fro, and rightly zmaking ufe of the Vital and Animal Spi- ; rits, for the due performance of their fe~ { veral and refpeé’tive Operations, of which the natural confequences are oftimes Deaf. Enefs, Impofthumes, and other. dangerous : Diforders and Diftempers, . - And God alone knows how many per- '- fons there are, and have been in this re: :«ry Kingdom, within the fpace of forty or fifty Years, who promifed Wonders in ;their Childhood and Youth, and yet as they grew fiptto a riper and more mature :Age, by reafon of fuch cruel Ufage, be— came melancholy and mopifli, and at laft meer Sors, Dullards, and Dunces. i . Now, if Mafters and Miflreiles are char— {736d with fo great Cruelty, for abufing the {Children of Strangers : What can be [aid {in the behalf of fome Fathers and Mo— r. thjers, who, as barbaroufly beat and bruife {the heads, of thofe very Children who -‘ ‘ M ‘ came I . "x-r->~""r"--*r"~r‘ .... ., p 1 27. mat 8th than 1mm fining? Q. m, came out of their own Loins, even in their tender years ; sneVer confidering how foftly our bleffed Saviour laid his tender _ hands upon young Childrens heads, when he took them up into his Arms, and blef- fed them. ' » There is yet a Generation of Vipers, _ ( I mean fome partiCular Nurfes) who , are fo barbarous, as to give dangerous Blows, in their Fury and rage, to poor 4 young Infants in their Cradles, and in their own Laps 5 infomuch that th‘ofe in— ; nocent Babes dread as much the fierce ‘ ' Looks of thofe Furies, as Men ufually dread the fight of Lions or Tigers : Nor to ‘ mention fome Other Behaviour of fome f of thofe Nurfes, after they have taken, upon them (0 great 9. Charge, that many,” times proves the lofs of thofe poor Infants. ~ Lives, for all which they muff undoub- tedly one day Anfwer, it being a kind. of Man—flatighter, and fo near akin to Murder. ~ - ., ' Servants are to be obedient to their Ma}- flers, according to the Flefli, in finglencfs. of heart,as unto Chrifl: Nor with Eye-feta vice, as Men pleafers, but as, the Servants of Chrift, doing the Will of God from the» heart, with good will. doing fervicc, 35:10 _ E G . Q m what act than 1mm fining? z 2 3 yum—v", WM 7.“ .,t “WU.” my“: the Lord, and nor to Men, 6 Ephe/Z 5,, 6, é?- Mallers, are to be jail and kind to their Servants, forbearing threatning, as knewt ing that their Mallet alfo is in Heas- Ven, 6, Ephef. 9. And for that re’afon, they. ; ought motto be as Lions in their Houa fes, not Frantick among their Servants 5 r, as the Son of Slmch wi 7 olefin/liens. .3 o .- ? «VWWr—r-rmw'w ATflA'YI urmz'v-‘wmd, ely advifes, 4 E5- 3‘ofhutt’s Declaration lgefore all the Tribes - of Iflael at Shechem, is {in excellent Prefi- dent for all Parents and Mailers of Famia lies, and plainly admoniihes, and points [out to them their Duties, rw'za Choofe you this do] whom you will ferm; whether the God: which your Father: fettu’ezl, that were ' on the other fide of the Flood, or the Goal: of ~ the Amorites, in who/e Lewd ye dwell 5 hut a: for me and my Houfle, we will firm the :the Lord, '24.]011. 15. . All Subjeé’ts are commanded in the Hoa- j ly Scriptures, both to pray for, and to yield due obedience to Kings, gand. all Su- , preme Governours, as to God‘s Vice-Gee; tents: Forafmuch as by Him King’s Reign, and there is no Power but of God 5 and ' therefore whoever refifleththePower,refi- fieth the Ordinance of God. 13 Rom, r, 2‘.- M t. ' Qn 124 what attthnu twin inning? Q III. On the other fide, Kings and Qreens, Soveraign Princes and Princelles ( who res ceive their Crowns and Sceptersfi‘om the Hands of the great King omegs, are to be confidered as Nurfing—Fathers and Nur: r fing-Morhers to all their Subjeélts; but more particularly to his" owa Church , where eVer it ia planted or eflablifhed ;;r within their refpeé’tive Realms and Domi- ‘__ nions, according to thofe Royal Prefidents ofDarvizl,Hez,ekiab,‘ filofiab, and feveralo— I, thers recorded in the Holy Scriptures. It is both the Honour and Duty of Se— . nators, Counfellors and Minif’ters, who are in effeé‘t Pilots/Of thofe great Ships cal~ led Empires; Kingdoms, and Common» wealths, with their utmoft Skill, Wifdom, ' and Diligence, to difcharge the great ;' Trufls that are repofed in them, by their. j SoVeraign Lords and Maflers OJ xplt mam/U, X101) 255‘s”! Bakngoo'epv divd‘ept; : ‘ to keep the Helm of the Government {ted- dy; to have a watchful Eye upon their ’Compafs, and never to give Direélions for either Laréoard, Port, 01‘ Starboard, with an intention to deer a wrong Courfe, to gratify their ambitious Defires, or for any ’pther liriiller‘ or Selfiends. t , Bifhops . “am-an a; ii :1 {S r 'l QIII. what art tbnunutn hating? 12 5 . Bifliops have their refpeé‘tive Dioceflhs' and inferior Pallors and Minit’ters their) . particular Congregations, and ought to aét as good Shepherds, watching over and feeding the flocks of Chrifl committed to their charge. a , Judges a d Magil’trates are commanded by God, to tear the Caufie of the Widow, and Fatherlefs, and to be no refpeftors E of Perfons. E 7 Lawyers, (both Cirofz'lz’am and Otl161‘8l for the very fame reafon, are obliged to plead with zeal. and diligence, for the Opprell fed againlt the Qppreilors, and not to {pin Ezor wire—draw Juli: and righteous Caufes, , ' l while a Man might make feveral Voyages E] to and from the Eafl, or War—Indies, nor to quer their Attorneys, Proétors, 0r Sollici~ n tors, to cut large T boflgs out of their Cli— g ents Hides. I a The proceedings of Phyficians with 'g their fick Patients (forafmuch as the belt of their Skill lies in a very narrow Com- pals, by reafon of the great variety of I, Conflitutions, and the daily Murations which happen in the fame Human BO~ :f dies) ought to be with great caution, and Very Econfcientious, never throwing aWay ; MCn’s lives to make Experiments, or feed- ing them with vain hopes, when they ‘ V * M 3 plamly I 126/ what art than 11311: fining? Q III.’ plainly fee them drawing near to their; lafi Agonies 5 or for greedy Lucre, to play with littleDifiempers, till they turn to remedilefs Difeafes. ’ There is likewife a Confcience to be u- fedaby Apothecaries, in preparing and ad— miniih‘ing their Dofes and Potions, the particulars whereof I leave to their own 2 private refieétions. Chyrurgions ought to be very cautious how they daily with flight Sores, till they become incurable Wounds. ’ God alone knows what Tome Shop—g keepers have to anfwer, for making falfe Proteflations to put off their Wares to un— - skilful Buyers or Cufiomers. . Merchants and Trades-men, of all Pro— , felfions, are required and commanded by :. God himfelf, to be jufi and upright in all ‘ their Dealings, and not to defraud, or go . beyond their Brethren in Sales or Bar- f gains, or in any wife to break, their Co~‘ venants for Gain and Advantage; for i which, they will do well, to read what the aforefaid Son of Simcb obferves, A March/rm flmll hardly keep bimfegffmm doing, Wrong; and an Huck/fer flmfl not he freed??? from Sin, 2,- Ecclefiafiicusag. The Rich and Mighty, are not to op- prefis the Poor and Needy, or to make “I? - U, athaini-Aimag u . ufe of their Labours, Skill, or particular jTalents, without giVing them futiicient Recompences and Rewards, as the cu~ 110m of fome is, feeding them with fair Proniifes, and flattering Speeches, till they have obtained their own Ends and 7: Purpofes, and then taking no more notice iiof them, then if they had never known ffthem, which Behaviour of theirs, ( toge- ther with a friendly Caution to fuch poor Men ) is nor unaptly'exprefled in the fol:- lowing Verfes, ' i- t _ E When Great Men cajole thee, marl: well their ( Mg"; True Friemlflaip’s a Goddefi that‘few Men adore: It’rfbmething they wantfrom thee, orfiom thine, Which, when they have got, the] {wow thee m ( more. , , By the foregoing Pallages, we are taught and infiruéted in the Holy Scriptures, what God, requires, either to be done, or nor 17, to be done, on our parts, in purfuance of his fecond Covenant made with us, and. how we are to demean our felves, while ' we remain in thefe fleihy Tabernacles; To f ”encourage us to the performance of which with all Integrity and Faithfulnefs, we , 2 have, in the firft place, the pious Examples ' M 4. , , Of 128 what art than mam fining? Q 111,; of the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apoflles, and: others of God’s chofen Saints and Servants But above all, of our blelled Saviour 3%.; In the next placexa great number of, paffionate and earnefi ExhortationS, to ins: cite us to fight magfully, as valiant an good Souldiers, undEr Clariff’s Banner all; our Lives, to which are annexed large, Promifes of fpiritnal Graces and COmforts,TZ to fupport us during our Pilgrimage in this Valley of Tears, and after this pain~i§ ful Life ended, Crowns of Glory and E-§ verlafting Happinefs, with blefl'efl Saintsé and Angels in the highei’l: Heavens. But on the Other lide, to deter us from? continuing in Sin and Difobedience, we}; have in the lad place, nor only Threatsfi but alfo Examples of God’s dreadful Judge? ments here in this Life upon wilful’Ofi- fenders, and the Vengeance of Eternal‘i‘i Fire denounced againfi all impenitent Sims: ners in the World to come, with the De—é vil and his Angels. Ejaculation and Prayer. 0 élefléd 3’ESU S, whqfe commg 610312” from Heaven, 2‘0 Mk6 upon 7/7“ ‘ . our am mama MM 1 our Nature, for the Redemption of loft , 2Siflfiers, was the true foundation» of lithe :}‘H0l)/ Scriptures, and of the Promifes therein contained of Eternal Life and ‘ ‘ Hap‘pimej} to all true Penitents and Be— ilz'e'very, ‘ ‘ ' Let therefore, 0 Lord, this holy Word :of Thine, he from henceforth a Lampun- nto myfeet; and a Light unto my Paths: , 1, And 0 that my mm were [0 direéled, :j‘ that I might keep thy Statutes, and ne- 9 \ giver more! turn aflde unto lying Vania- ?tz’esl" ' «- | HonnEni elohz’mrhechhasdéhah, ‘herov Raha‘ "mélea phefcangai,rleerorv hahheflem, mengavguz’, on mechhatatz' tahar'ejm'. _ / . \ ,. , Have mercy upon me, .O God, according to 'to thy loving 'Kz'ndnefs, according to the Mul— vtlturde of thy tender Mercies, do away my Off " ‘ fence: 5 111th me throughly from mine Im'qui— ‘ , ties, and'cleanfi: me from my Sin. ' ‘ fling AGGBU‘ ‘gAénm'v peel-’Av'hp iyaflwixés ” , elm, Ku'eje. ~ ‘Forfahe me not, 0 God, in mine Old Age, WW that I am gray—headed, and my Strength h - M'« '_ faileth : 30 weal attract: new fining? Q III, faileth me, meal the Light of mine Eye: is gone 3 flow me. p . Now that I am (2'5 rt Pelican 2'72 the Mleleré nefr, a: rm Owl in the Defizrt, and a: 4 Spare r0222 upon the Hattfe top. ' Beholtl, thou hit/l made my Day: a: an hand»; hrerttlth, and mine Age is at: nothing hefor§ Thee. .p O fpta'e me a little, that I they recover m): Strength, hefbre I go away from hence, and he: no more flaw. Uzyéuw Kale/Le 13975964 #8 721’ ofmg'z'go: ii , g In thee, O Lord, I have tut/led, let me new L'ver he confetmtleel. a “And here I crave leave, before my Des: parture our of this World, to leave be-g .ihind me a friendly Caution to all young; Gentlemen and Students, to beware of ag certain pernicious Treatife, which does, in? effeét, make a Jefi’of the'l—loly Scripturesgé and turns, Angels and Spirits into Phansi'i etafms, and Heaven and Hell into meet Metaphors. . ‘ It is a Book that very well deferves a- Noll me tangere, or a Carvethmptor to be flamped in Capital Letters upon its Cover. I am Very tender of naming the Auth‘plf¥,?é W O ‘3 Q 3 3 3 ‘2 j! ’1 , I. , § Q Ill. fifllljflt art than main being? I 3 t. gvvho now hands or falls to his own Ma- gfier, and hope that he made his PeaCe fwith Heaven, by a fincere and hearty Repentance before he Went 'f'rom heme; ghelides, that Chriflian-Charity obliges me to make very loft and gentle {teps Eover dead Men’s Graves; though, at Eithe fame time, Chriftian-piety prompts Eggne to declare to all the World, That had El the vanity to think my felf equal to him, E both for Natural Parts and acquired learning, I would not have been the ;~ Writer and Publiflier of fuch a Difcourfie, to have gained the Wealth of bOth the ladies. j - a The Company of'Smtionm may do God and their Country very fignal ServiCe, (and poffibly no: at all impair thereby their private Fortunes ) if, inflead of applaud- ing and vending that impious Treatife, they would join together, in buying up all the Copies, and converting them to Allies. The Pfalmz’fl {peaking of the vaft and "wide Ocean, tells us of 21 Leviathan, that God had made to play therein: But, fure lam, that God could never be pleafed that any Man lhould make a Lemar/om ' here upon Earth, to play with his Divinc , Attributes, and Holy Scriptures, Th' ‘ « ' 15. 6 “' : 31‘ what art thou 1mm fining? Q m This Treatife may not be improperl I called the Authors (Havapwcpcrwko‘u ) or The Sinner/"r Common-Hall, where all Per; fons concerned may be fitrniihed'at ver“; eafy Rates, with new invented Mattocksi ‘ Spades, and all other Inflruments and U” tenfils of politick Pioneers, to u‘ndermin Civil and Church-Governments. .; I mull needs acknowledge, That t'h Til-ethod of this ‘Treatife is very pleafant; the Stile elevant, and the Exprelfions ver proper and fignificant, and is interlaced with fpecious Touches of Learning, and that of divers kinds, politely extra-,3; fled, and wittily digefled 5 but let me tell" thee (mi figliolo, mi 707mm ) and timely'; forewarn thee, Guardati d’aceto 47 rain (101661, It is only to beguile the Readers, and ere}; they are aware to lead them into Laby-' rinths, and ,make them {wallow down” molt pernicious Principles. . Thus the skilful Angler covers the fatal: hook with a pleafant Bait, and the came :2. ning Fowler carefully hides the Snare from ' the unwary Bl’rd. ' Thus-the appearance of a Sepulchre is oft times very glorious, when the infidel, is full of Rortennefs, dead Men’s Bones, 3 and all Uncleannels, Thus /’\\ v Thus a lewd Strumpet, being adorned _. ith gay Cloths, and fet off with rich , ewels, falfe Teeth, Hair and Eye-brows, d a painted Face, feems beautiful to the “holders 5 who, if the did but once lay fide thofe Ornaments , and Difguifes, '« ould foon alfright her-molt voluptuous ‘ overs, and. become a Soveraign Remedy or their incontinence. :3 Lero'iatban! It is the Devil’s Alcoran. ieware ingenious young Men : There’s Jeath in the For: There’s Poifon in the Cup: There’s a Snake in the Grafs: You glare near the Hole of an Afp: And the .. en of a Cockatrice. Leviathan ! Its the Author’s imagie fnary Golden Image, fet up in the Year 52, f in a place which he then lOOkt‘ upon as g the Englifh Babylon, Whofe height of Im- - pudence was much more than thirty Cubits, to which, he did then“ really be- Llieve, that borh the Leaders, and the Po~ palace of thofe Times, being wonderfuh ,ly charm’d with his witty Fancies, and 3' pleafing Novelties, would as readily fall i down and do Obeifance, as Neivztclamlmz— zar’s Subjeéls did of old, to his real Golden )9 Image, at the found of the Sackbut, Pfal. tery, Dulcimer, and other Mufical Inflru- ; ' merits, Rt: , III. what ant mm! mm tuning? , I 33 H , .«134 want m that: mm fining? Q2111; Refleflz'am % How apt are frail Mortals, on who God has, at any time, bellowed fome ext" traordinary Gifts of Nature, to be Iran} fpoted with their own wild Fancies, an L to lie drunk with the New P777216 ( ’tis Wha the Author calls his own Treatife) of thei 7 vain and foolifh Imaginations; and then” How ready is Satan at hand (who too}: well knows their Nature and Conflitutisi ons, their Tempers and Difpofitions, Withé their Inclinations and Infirmities ) to im«; prove thofe humane Frailties, and to puffi‘ and drive them to all manner of extrava-a gant Aétions, and prefumptuous Under; takings. , Ejaculation. King of Kings, am! Lord of Lore/5:. W110 pulley} down the [Wig/72y from “their: Seats, am] exaltefl the I-[uméle and Meee, whenever Pride and Vainrglor] pzzfi”: m up, and makes us éecome wzfl’” in our own Eyes : Let the rememémnce time we are ém‘ Duff and Aflves, pull [lawn our beeghzj/ Looks? and (1542? our. five/Zing Tlaeug/Jrr. L63 gm. Waterman mm am.» I ‘_ Leviathan 1 --—Its a monfirous Goblin, Ethat mnch better deferves to be expofed fee publick View in Fairs and Markets than :an Elephant or Rhinoceros, thefe being éthe wonderful Works of the great Crea- tor, the Other, the Mechanifme, and meet invention of a grand Impoflor. 'j Leviathan! -—--- It is a Juggler’s box, to Echeat his Readers with meer Tricks and Legerdemaim. It is, and It is not: There is l g: a; Law of Nature, and yet There is no [nah iiihing: All Men are in a [fate of War and g'Enmi-zfy, and yet remain in Love and Unit]: g There are Angel: and Spirits, and yet they are E" hut Phantafim, Apparition: and Dela/ions: There’s 21 Kingdom of Heaven, and yet there’s gone: There is an Enfer, andyet Heli .i: hat a Metaphor. _ Leviathan !--~Its the Trojan H0rfe,wh0fe Belly and inner Cavities are fill'd with Men of War, and all forts of Weapons, } :0. kill and deftroy their hofpitable Friends and Receivers. . , Leviathan lead learned Milton wav’d his Subjeét of Lofi Peraa’ife, and exercifed 2- his poetick Talent upon this Treatife, he might have found here his God Chaos, , and a much more ‘convenient Pandai— monion for Beelzehah, and his Infernal Crew, to fit in confultation, how to make a fecond War with Heavens , _ Leo 136 what art than 1min timing? Q III} Leviathan l—Su‘re it was fomething 3.5 kin to that formidable Beafl with {even Heads and ten Horns, in the Revelatioms to whom was given a Mouth to fpeak‘ Great Things, and to Blafpheme againfi God}, his Tabernacle, and them that dwell in" Heaven. ' ‘This Author, in pag. 63, 64. 8‘7. 169,; and in many Other places boldly allertsg-i That all Men by Nature, are in a Con-n32 dition of War, every Man againfl everyl , Man: That every Man hath right to everyl thing, even to the Goods and Body of his-ti Neighbour 5 that is to fay in plain Eng—l lifh; every Man, by Nature, is a RafqaLi‘ Villain, Thief, Robber and Murderer, tillij by a Paét or Agreement, they clpfe out? of their Company a Soveraign, who is? abfolute, and nothing that he ‘can do is any Injury or Injullice to any of his‘Sub-t jeé‘ts, and is perfeéily Mailer of their, Eflates and Lives: Infomuch, that Dart/id’s killing Uriah, was no injury to Uriah, becaufe the Right to do whatever he pleafed, was giVen to David by Uriah himfelf'. . ‘ In the firfl place, if every Man be, b ' Nature, fuch a Rafcal and Villain, How great a Rafeal and Villain dorh this Author: (even in print) acknowledge himfelf to be " for one? _ 2. If Q 111. What art than mam Doing? 1 37 - .2. If all Men be fuch Rafcals and Villa. lains, till they agree, and chofe to them- {elves a Soveraign 5 this Soveraign mull be as great a Rafcal and Villain as any of them, as well after, as before his Corona- tion, (being no mOre able to lhake of his Savage anlities, than a Leopard his Spots, or a Blapkmomj tochange his Ska») And by making him their SoVeraign, they en— able him tovbe ten times a greater Raf. ' cal and Villain than ever before he was; and then let the ingenuous Reader but imagine what a Hydra of a Common- Wealth this would be? And what a Cen- taur, their fupreme Governour: Nero, , Domitian, and the reft of the perfecuting Emperors,‘would not deferVe to be menti- oned in any Hifiories. In fucha gygantick; Prince‘s Court as this, [0 pittiful a Tyi rant as Herod, would not . have merit enough to be one of his Majefly’s Gentle-4 menéUfhers, nor Pontius Pilate to be a _ Page of his Back-flairs, . _ 3. What an high Afront and Indignity‘ does be here calf upon God Almighty, ‘v who created Adam in his Own Image and 'Likenefs, and made him an abfolute‘ Lord and Soveraign of this loWer World; and endued him with fufficient Wifdom ‘ and UnderflandinlgI to govern it: And though 1 38 «What art intuit new fining? Q IIL ‘ a there Was nor for, much as one that durfi though Adam by his firfi Tranfgreflion ex- ., pofed himfelf, and his Poflerity, to the, Wrath and Difpleafure of his Maker; yet; we no where find that his Maker tookfromr-g him that Soveraignty and DOminjon, or the ufe of his Reafon to manage it, whiCII‘E he had before given him; or that he leffE his Subjeéfs in a {fate of War, to Rob‘;‘;E Spoil, and Murder one another. But“; on the other fide, have good Reafon tdE . believe, that Adam enjoyed his SovereigntyE while he lived; and confequently, thaf’E all that came forth of his Loins, were his: Natural Subjeéfs, and yielded him due 3 Obedience: And though there might beE many wicked Men amongft them, yetthaE publilh a Leviathan, neither were they in: the general,fo far degenerated,and becom‘éE worfe than any of the bane Creature’S,’f . - j (as the Author pretends) havrng quite loft‘E all thofe Principlesof Honour and Juffice;;E E Souls. . E We have liltewife reafim to believe, thafi-E the Patriarchs, Noah and Abra/mm, anth 'others, were Soveraigns in their refpeé‘fiifél Patniliea, till fuch time, as Fatnili sbeingi} niultipliedxhere arofe Quarrels £1an ' ' e':,{;:-2is, and the fironger ittbduing the weakff er,- which were originally {famped ifi their. Q 111- wbat at-ttbntt item fining? 139:, I. er, enlarged their deinions' but wit V1,, thofe fenfelefs Paéts and Aél‘eelnentzogg this Author would fain perfwade us- for ; n0 fuch thing was eVer yet in praéiife: but _ is a produét of his own Waking Thoughts, . ,_ of‘which he makes mention, page 60. in ; the following words, rviz. That waking, V_; he thcwght Of his dhfutd Dreamy; hut never { dreamt of the Ahfurdit] of his wa/eihg Theztghtr; a l E , 'And the plain truth is, Ithink in my j' Confcience, no Other Man in the whole j World, ever dreamt of them, till he him- f felf fo abfurdly publiflit them. Again, how Confidently foever this Au~ . \ thor allerts, ThatDfl‘Ultl did Uriah no injury. " ' We read, 2 Sam. 12. That theLord fent Na; than to Daivid to complain of Two of the ; greatefi In} uries and Aéts ofOppreflion and * , Injul‘tice that Could pombly be enema, by a Prince to his Sttbjeéts 5 or indeed, by one ; ' private Perfon to another. The firfl was, kil; ' ling ofUrihh wrongfully. The 2d. was,'de— filing his Wife. The words of Nfilbl‘y’fl are. thefe, Thus, faith the Lord God if Ifrael, I he minted thee King over Ifi‘ael, and I delivered Thee out of the hand of Saul, and I gave thee th}r ; Mafler’: houfi’, and thy Met/let’s W irves ihto thy ‘ hefom; wherefore he]? thou killed Uriah the Hit; tire, h] the hands of the Children hf Ammon, andmhm his Wife to he thy Wye»? N z Now I ,0 what art than new Doing? Q 111,; vNow one of thefe Injuries being repreq, pfented darkly by Nathan to David, in _--‘ Parable of two Men living in one City the one Rich, and the Other Poor, ans, the rich Man taking wrongfully ,the pm, Man’s Lamb out of his bofom, the fai King waxed wroth, and f0 highly r961 fented it, that he fwore to Natban, tha’ this cruel Deed fliould COP: the Offende‘"? his life: And why? Becaufe he had 1tt ~. . r: p Si; then it is manifefi, that, to alTe'rt that; David neither did, nor could do any Wrongf to Uriah, is not only to give Nat/Jan and: David, but alfo God himfelf the» LYE’; which is no lefs than Blafphemy. ,' In page I 52. He infiruéis his Difciples,_7f That in cafe a Man {hall come from the, Indie: hither, and perfwade Men here to, receive a new Religion, though he be}, never f0 well perfwaded of the truth of“ what he teaches, he commits a Crime,i§ and may be jullly puniflied for the fame5§ now this Loblier-lil ' 1%! E ' . ‘ C" . 5,) . E jade did very Ill auei Chm/t s Refurrefiion, E to take a Journey from yang/aim; imo Per- E; M, and there to rake upon him torehuke \ {E e Superflirion of the M’agi, and to . . T 1: 3 . , ' Epieach 21 A8912 Dcfirme, and 10 was p11: to E death defervedly. E The like may be faid of St. Paul, for [This making a Mummy and Uproar at mm, '1 and drl‘turbmg the Worlhip of the great t) 3G0ddefs Diem of the Ephefletm: And in 5 fine, borh he, and all the Apofi'les, Com. , . E‘mitted great Crimes, _ in prefuming to E .‘preach New Doe‘tw’ne amongll all N arions, if E where Idolatry was Eflablifliedhnd owned E by publick Authority. ( for, fays the fame I E- Author, page 157.. To maihtain a Defirine E contrary to the Religion Efi‘ahlifhed, is 52 greater _ EC Fault in an 'authorized Preacher, them in 52 » E-priwzte Perfim. ) And therefore they all 3 éfulfered condign Punifhmenrs, and were .3. ’3; acceflary to their own cruel Death‘s. But 7 now, this 'refle&s more feverely upon our- blefled Saviour, who gave his Difciples E their Commiflions, Matth. 7.8. 19. Go fee land teach all Nations, haptizihg them in the 32mm of the Father, the Son, and the Holy G 0/}. And which is yet more, it reflex‘ls upon 5 God the Father, who fent his Son into * the World for that: end and purpofe; and N 3 " alfo 1.11 what art than 1min tilting? Q 1 II alto the Holy Spirit, which was fent down from Heaven after our Saviour’s Refur-> 1e&i011,to infpite 11101:: Apoftles with divetiity of Tongues, 2nd fuch Othet mite-j Culous Gifts as m ight tightly qualify them 1 {01 the p1ea€hing the Gofpel throughOut': all (:the Nations of the W011i? ' ' S .1 that this left Arettion is, in effeé’t Blafphemy againfl‘ the Three Petfons o 7 the f3C1e1Ttinity. \- 7 Out b11351}, d Sztviom IO Matt/a. 33 Says .. 717/30, ocrvet fleall 5167:} me before 114m, 151112 212.21" 11’5le elem beret/e my Ettber 212/9106 21 m Heat-‘1 And 111 anothet place, B 1 your W’mlsi you ”fly/til [7e 4tt/fifie1’l, and by your W677]! 0071-4; damned. So that, to deny Chrill before Men, is in our Saviour’ s fenfe,2 Ctim e that eXcludes and thuts a Man out of HeaVen, But this Autho1 afiitms pofitively, page; :11. 33.71. T/mt t/se demmg 9:.(3111’17/1? é'efore em InfiJ . del Prime, is met a Chm/3i 21m 5143‘, but bit So‘; rvemz'gn .1 Athena] com/equetttly no Sin. And {Q} he plainly gives the Son of God the Lye. 7 Our blelled Saviour, when he fent out; his Difciples IO Matt/3.15. Tells them, “That 11:10 whatfoeiver City they entred, and: were not 1ecez71ed,zt fltould be mare totem-1923. fer Sodom and Gomorrah, m the Day a 7udgment, them for that City. That 18 t0 IQY, the refufing to receive and hear the? Doétrme .r‘ mmxmm 5 f} 1 If: MIL mil—1:3? 3“ that! humming? :4; ‘ ” " .;_ Doé’trine of Chrifi’s Difciples was a great. ter Sin then that of Schism; ' But this Anthor tells us, page 236. That thofi who refitfizd fh to hear and receive them, I ,. (Ii/1 fiat Sin in f0 duizg, And here We fee. again, the Arrogance and lmpudence of the fame Author, in giving the Lye to the Lord j‘efm, _ " . Our Hebrew Mailers, do indeed, teach us, '. to read the Words and Seiztemes of part of the Scriptures 5 but this politick Pedagogue would , inl‘truét us to read, nor only the Words and Sentences, but the true Senfe and Meaning of,Q them backwards, ,att‘ at Our Saviour Chri/t, in divers places, owns his calling out Devils and unclean Spirits 5 and fometimes thefe unclean Spirits owned him to be the Son of the mofi high ._ God, as did the Legion of Devils, with ‘ , which the Man Was pofiefledin the Coun— try of the Gatltzrenet, 5 Mark 7. and divers others. And thehPharifees, (the worfi, and molt malicious of his Enemies )ac- knowledged his cafting out Devils: Yet nomfithftanding, the compofer of this ’- / ‘Treatife had the Confidence to affirm, page, 354.. That no Man was we? 'poflé/Iid with tiny other Spirit, than thathy which his Body . »- was nathmlly moved. And [0 gives the, ' Lye, not only to our Saviour, but to all , ' N 4. the r 4.4 What art than 1mm Ufifflg? Q III. the Four Evangelifls, who have left upon Record moft remarkable Infiances of thofe Miracles, In page 62, 6 3, and 64.. this Author tells us, That Alan, {7] Nature is in a State of War, every Man againfl ever] Man, and every ital/Ian has a right to every thing, org/er the Goods , aml Earl] of his Neighhour: And >Y€t in his _ next Chapter, (which is not above eight, pages further, he fets down Tm Lawrof ’ Nature, which Law: of Nature are immuta— , ble and eternal, and {tamped upon Men’s p Souls, and every of them tends 'to Peace and Qgietnelé, Love and Kindnefs, Grati- tude and doing to others, as we would be Willing they fllOLlld do to us, and thefe two , Aflertions, are ascontrary one to the Other, .- as Light is to Darknefs, however it is» much more modefl to give himfelf the \Ly’e, then to give it fo often, as he has _ done, to the Saviour of the World, and the fecond Perfon of the Trinity. " , In page 88. he acquaints us, That 12] the People aflhmhlerl, are trarzsferr’a’ all their ‘ Right on him whom they chafe their Soveraign, , , which Severaz’gu can do no Injuflz‘ce, though » at his pleafure, he take away an of t eh; Lives: And yet page 152. he a CIftS, T at, 2th [Man in the inflitutioa of their Sweraiga, 'l Ly MW. ii tan hefuffofetl :0 git/6.. wet the Rig/5” of P76" . t , ’ firming am; meat mt tfinu 1mm using? .45 [owing his own Body. And page. 112. 9’ ' on Affémt’rh meet and agree ”germ, the? W}; rehel, and mnhe War again/i their Sweraionc And I affirm, that no Man’of Senfe or Rga~ ' fon, can be fuppofed to defend the Au» . thors reputation in {0 nororious a Con~ tradiétion, , t In page 28;. and divers Other places, he affirms, That Chrift’: Kingdom not heingr * - I n h z i , ‘3" {this War , ,e eft toe Jews to the Law of iofes, and other IVation: to their refpefiirve Sovernigm; and yet page 106. he plainly , affirm-S, That Chri/t afieil in this World, as ' King of the Jews, and by his Sovereign Power ‘ and Authority, fient twolof his Difciple: to 1471-2» v tie, and hring mm] the She-nfi, and her Colt, on which he inn: to ride into Jerufalem. Page 62. He affirms, That the Defire: and I", ‘Ptzflon: of Men are no Sin, though it he rm g ehfitlnte Breach of the Tenth Command. r P P 3 r P P D P P F 77267”. : Our Saviour forbids {wearing by Hea- ven, Earth, Jerufalem, or a Man‘s own. head, 5 Mntth. 34., 35', 36. but this Author aflercs, page 71. That fnch kind of Oath: is nofwegring, and fl) make: our Saviour guilt] 0f Lying. V 'Page 152. be fays, That every Main isfnpe " I’Ofld to know the Law of Nature, it being fl; PM” 5 and yet, pag. 141. he avers, :1”th " V t e W; what art than main fining .2, Q 1119:, the Law of Nature is, of all, Law: the” 274% Q oéfittre. - _, Fag. 261. he lays, Cori/2’; (lent/oo’iol not“, fotisf}! God’sjafiice, and yet, pag, 35‘6. he“ agimgwlcdges, That the Paflion of Corifl‘i: a fall Ron/oinfot' all manner of Sim. ' ,, Pag. 272.. he affirms, That there were no two Margot, out t/aofe who converfeo! with out Saviour while be was here upon Emt 5i and that be who it no Ming/Zen can be no u Martyr : Now if fo, all other Martyrs, have thrown away their Lives, and were accellary to their own Deaths. ,, , Pag. 60. he lays, Toot Contempt is tM Immobilizy of the Heart: But this cannOt be»,{5 For when the Pu‘lfe ceafes to beat, the. Matt, , can no longer live, and confequently, this Author, Contemning all forts of Laws " Learning and Religion, could never have. lived to finilh his Leviathan. ' , Our Saviour acknowledges, that if he had nor done fuch Miracles as no Man elfe could do, the Scribes and P/oom'fizett , might have had for their Unbelief fome jail; pretence. t , 4 But this Author avers, pag. 148» To Zl/Iz'mcles are not at all fnfiiez'ent to give w demo: But lure I am, that this bold Alla tion of his, which is a Wonder, thou \- not a Miracle, gives, the whole World. , ' ' t ‘ fulficie’h Q1111. mutt mt mm; min fining? 147‘ ' fufliment EVldQRCC of his great Arroganee and Impudence. . / ; Our Saviour fays, Tim the Reprolmtes 15.; find] go into everlofléng szi went: And T St Paul fays, Thor tbz": [Wort-72!: mufl [mt on IMmormlz'ty: but this Author fays p. 34,5} That the Reptooates Bodies floall 7202f he im— mortal. And pag 24.5. That too iodim’duol Petfon I flmll Ive punifherl with Torment Eternal. ’ Fag. 360;. he {33’s, float to pray tor'tbe 5: » VKin for fair Hint/Jet, is Idolatry : But if the t King commmzcl at Mon to do [0, am! he do it, ' it is 720 Idolatry. , ' Pag. 360. he tells us,T1mt if «Mamwbo i5. ;:- 22-0 Poflor, worfliz'p; an Idol, and other: follow jloz'm, this is m Scandal gilt/en: However, I wonder he fhould not think this to be a “very fcandalous Doétrine. If the Author were yet living, I fhould take the boldnefs to give him this civil Item, ( oportet immdocem" eflo memorem ) efpe- Cially fince he afrer'ts, pg. 60. That Imagin . nation and Memory are the fame thing : For ' ~ if {0,1 greatly wonder how‘he could imagine To many Falfities and Contradié‘tions, and , yet, at the fame time not remember them. of For my part, I mull confefs, I do not ap- ’ prehend Imagination and Mammy to be the fame thing; and if it were praéticable, I V " ‘ ‘ fliould " :43 ma: éw‘t thou 1mm hninsm III: ‘ fllould thus reafonthe Cafe With him: , Sir, Your Leviathan is a produc? of meer 1mm , ginm‘ion; for never any fuels: thing yet 21/55.:g33 But of that which "never yet was, you could l’ have no Remembrance, Egregie magifier ergo falleris. ‘ _ -, 5; leannOt here omit this politive Aileréf tion in the fame page, T/mt all Men have ‘ Balm! Fizczalties of Burl] marl Mind 5 but God ‘ forbid it ihould be true, for then every Man, equal to him, as to Education and acquired Learning,would write and pubfiig '1ifh a Leviathan, and by that means, all“: BOOkfellersfhops would foon be fill’d with; impious and pernicious Books. What other Men may judge of this his": pofitive Aliertion, I knOw‘not: For my \ part,’ I am not of that Opinion, That 37; Marius, Diocleflan, julz'm Cefar, or Tamber—,"‘ Zane had not Gifts and Endowments ofNa’; . ture far above aPlebeiaa, or Common Souls, dier; or that every Pefant, or Country: 3 Thatcher, had‘ ecglal parts to: compare; with jack Straw, or Wat Tyler. ‘ I mufl: needs confefs, That if all Other}; Men were like the], Author of this Leviae- than, I flIOUld then conclude, That all Men arcindeed borh by Nature and Art in. a State of War. I i, V .e'Q‘ Q III. what art thou 1mm fining? 14.9 ' It’s too plain, That he was in War with thewhole World 5 and its treat itt ' the . g P 3 Whole World was nor in War with him, when he firft publiihed his accurfed Le; 'w'atoan. He was in War with Man’s Creation, and in War with his Redemption; in War with the Law (f Mafias, and in War with the Dofirine of Cori/Z and bi: AIM/Hes; in War With the Subfi/ieme of Departed Souls, and in War with that of Angel: and Spirits; (and yetI have heard it reported of him, that he was afraid to be alone in a dark Room ) in War with the marvellous Afi: and Deeds of the Old Prophets, and in War with our blelfed Sawiour’: Miracle: 5 in War With thOfe Heavenly Mon/ions, which the holy fi‘efu: is gone before to prepare for ' his blelled Saints and Martyrs, and in War with the place of Eternal Torment: prepa~ red for the Devil and his Angels, or CHE} ( if it be true what is commonly {aid of him, when his Man was rubbing his Body in 3 Morning ) he wouldnever have at}— ventured to pronounce fuch Words in . 'raillery, as ( Rub you Rogue for Eterml‘ji) 1n ar With all civil 0073mm Weak/as and E- flalrlijhed Loam, and in War With all Clmrcb Government: and GojpelOrlolimnce: 5 in War with all Moral Hang/t] and Rule: of Solariw ' {7a :50 watt attttitiu fiflfififimg? a 11:; . t], and in War with Religion and all itS Fundamentals 5 in War with the Winks qf - firmer/e and the Heat/0m P/Jilofbpbers, and ‘ in War'With Euclid’s Elements and Mat/Je- matical Demon/barium, in War With Scboob , and Uniocrfities, and in War With all the Liberal Sciences, in War with his own Defi; nitiom, and in War with his oWn pernici- , ous Principles, betWeen many of which; - there is a much greater Contrariety and ,, Diflance, than he allows at the Refurreffion between the Saints and Reprobates, ma- king all both Good and Bad, to fland, at the lalt Day, upon the Earth’s fuperficies,‘ pag. 142. And making the Punifllment of ' the one, to confift Only in beholding, for: a fhort time, the Glory and Happinefs of f1; the other : How they muff be placed I do not well underl’cand 5 fome few of the; Rep‘robates,1confefs, might look over thfiegé flioulders of Others, but they being fo ex—éj ceeding numerous, the Saints, flmecii and: Pereciz‘, mull certainly haVe great difficul-ééi ty to fee them plainly: But how to find, Expedients, or how , to make Speé’tacleé for the eyes of theirflmz‘podes, Would~ha9Ve€ been paft the Autliorfis little Skill in Gene? merry or Optic/ts. , As to the Defign in general of this im pious Dileoutfe, i; am willing to believ‘ >