PUTTING IT INTO PERSPECTIVE.... Section C of the revised Elevation Certificate provides fields for entering numerous measurements that the surveyor must take in completing an elevation survey. This data will be used to not only help insurance agents accurately rate a flood insurance policy, but also assist FEMA and the local communities with their floodplain management compliance issues. This new Elevation Certificate does not specifically identify for the insurance agent the Lowest Floor Elevation that must be used for rating purposes. Based upon your knowledge of the rules and regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program, you must make the final determination regarding which measurement should be used to accurately rate the policy and calculate the premium. This guide must be used in conjunction with information provided on the flood application. This guide will provide you with some helpful information and hints. WHERE TO START...... The following are some suggested guidelines for interpreting the elevation information: STEP 1: Review the Elevation Certificate. Find the referenced Building Diagram Number in Section C, Item C2. This diagram number refers to one of the eight building diagrams located on Instructions Pages 6 and 7 of the Elevation Certificate. STEP 2: Once the correct building diagram has been determined, review the data contained in Section C, Item C3 of the Elevation Certificate. The letters on the building diagram correspond to the data measurements entered in Items C3.a-f in Section C, Item C3. Check the Lowest Floor Guide found on the inside of this brochure as well as in the Flood Insurance Manual. STEP 3: Review measurement in Item C3.a. If the measurement in Item C3.a is lower than the measurement Item C3.f, then you have a building with a basement. The correct lowest floor elevation for rating will be Item C3.a (Building diagrams 2 or 4). • For Building Diagrams 1 and 3, if Item C3.a is higher than C3.f, the building is slab on grade, or a walkout first level. Rate as no basement and use item C3.a as the lowest floor elevation for rating. • If Item C3.C is given, and the property is in a V Zone, Item C3.C will be the correct reference level if there are no enclosures (Building diagram No. 5). • If Item C3.C is higher than Item C3.a, then you have an elevated building with enclosures below the elevated level. Use Item C3.C as the lowest floor elevation for rating V Zones if the enclosure is less than 300 sq. ft., the walls are breakaway, and machinery and equipment are elevated at or above the BFE. Otherwise use the bottom of Item C3.a if the enclosure is 300 sq. ft. or greater, or the walls are supporting walls, or machinery and equipment are below the BFE and an enclosure of any size exists (Building diagram No. 6). IMPORTANT HINT: • If Item C3.h shows vents, and the vents are adequate for the square footage of the crawl space/enclosure, then you have an elevated building with proper venting. The reference level to be used is Item C3.b, top of the next higher floor, as long as the building is not located in a V Zone (Building diagrams 7 and 8). WHERE TO GET HELP The Lowest Floor Guide will assist you in determining the lowest floor for rating purposes for the majority of your business. However, if you are unable to make the determination, contact your WYO Company underwriting staff or, for NFIP-direct policies, the NFIP Servicing Agent underwriting department for assistance. 2 < CD O tr Q. Ill < 5 §§2 — 03 S3" UNIVERSITY OF ILUNOtt-URBANA 3 0112 047042160 o o FEM1.208' AG3 sice Agent's Lowest Floor Guide Insurance Agent's Lowest Floor Guide Insurance Agent's Lowest Floor Guide WITHDRAWN • A / University of Insurance Agent s mmoi. ub>ary at Urbana-CMrr ;aakr Lowest Floor Guide depository Insurance Agent's SEP 2^ 2000 __UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Lowest Floor GOide NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAMLowest Floor Guide for Zones A, AE, Ai-A30, AH, AR, AR Dual BUILDING DIAGRAM #1 Distinguishing Feature: The bottom floor is at or above ground level (grade) on at least one side. + Lowest Floor for Rating: Top of slab or lower attached garage if it has machinery & equipment below BFE Elevation Needed for Rating from FEMA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a or Item C3.d (if structure has attached garage) All slab-on-grade single- and multiple-floor buildings (other than split-level) and high-rise buildings, either detached or row type (e.g., townhouses); with or without attached garage. BOTTOM FLOOR BUILDING DIAGRAM #2 Distinguishing Feature: The bottom floor (basement or underground garage) is below ground level (grade) on all sides. Buildings constructed above crawl spaces that are below grade on all sides should also use this diagram. + Lowest Floor for Rating: Top of basement floor or crawl-space Elevation Needed for Rating from FEAAA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a All single- and multiple-floor buildings with basement (other than split-level) and high-rise buildings with basement, either detached or row type (e.g., townhouses); with or without attached garage © GRADE \ NEXT HIGHER FLOOR I ' : \ ...j..........—• BUILDING DIAGRAM #3 Distinguishing Feature: The bottom floor (excluding garage) is at or above ground level (grade) on at least one side. + Lowest Floor for Rating: Top of slab Elevation Needed for Rating from FEMA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a All split-level buildings that are slab-on-grade, either detached or row f townhouses); with or without i garage. (633) : . HIGHER \ FLOORS \ BOTTOM \FLOOR__ GRADE BUILDING DIAGRAM #4 Distinguishing Feature: The bottom floor (basement or underground garage) is below ground level (grade) on all sides. Buildings constructed above crawl spaces that are below grade on all sides should also use this diagram. + Lowest Floor for Rating: Top of slab (basement floor or crawlspace) Elevation Needed for Rating from FEMA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a All split-level buildings (other than slab-on-grade), either detached or row type (e.g., townhouses); with or without attached garage. GRADE BUILDING DIAGRAM #5 Distinguishing Feature: The area below the elevated floor is open, with no obstruction to flow of flood waters (open lattice work and/or readily removable insect screening is permissible). Lowest Floor for Rating: Lowest elevated floor Elevation Needed for Rating from FEMA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a All buildings elevated on piers, posts, Riles, columns, or parallel shear walls, o obstructions below the elevated floor. GRADE ELEVATED s. FLOOR 7 \ / \ BUILDING DIAGRAM #6 Distinguishing Feature: The area below the elevated floor is enclosed, either partially or fully. In A Zones, the partially or fully enclosed area below the elevated floor is with or without openings ++ present in the walls of the enclosure. Lowest Floor for Rating: Lowest elevated floor or top of bottom floor if conditions in the Flood Insurance Manual are met. Elevation Needed for Rating from FEMA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a or Item C3.b All buildings elevated on piers, posts, piles, columns, or parallel shear walls with full or partial enclosure below the elevated floor. BUILDING DIAGRAM #7 Distinguishing Feature: The area below the elevated floor is enclosed, either partially or fully. In A Zones, the partially or fully enclosed area below the elevated floor is with or without openings <■+ present in the walls of the enclosure. Lowest Floor for Rating: Lowest elevated floor or top of bottom floor if conditions in the Flood Insurance Manual are met. _ _ _______________ig_______ Certificate: Item C3.a or Item C3.b All buildings elevated on full-story foundation walls with a partially or fully enclosed area below the elevated floor. This Includes walkout levels, where at least one side is at or above grade. The principal use of this building is located in the elevated floors of the building. BUILDING DIAGRAM #8 Distinguishing Feature: The area below the first floor is enclosed by solid or partial perimeter walls. In all A zones, the crawl space is with or without openings ^present in the walls of the crawl space. Lowest Floor for Rating: Bottom floor Elevation Needed for Rating from FEMA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a or Item C3.b All buildings elevated on a crawl space with the floor of the crawl space at or above grade on at least one side, with or without attached garage. Government Documents Bookstacks Lowest Floor Guide for Zones AO and A (without estimated BFE) BUILDING DIAGRAMS #1-8 Distinguishing Feature: All Buildings Lowest Floor Rating: Difference between the top of the bottom floor and highest adjacent grade Elevation Needed for Rating from FEMA Elevation Certificate: Use the measurement provided in Item El. If the top of the bottom floor is below the highest adjacent grade, show this difference as a negative number on the application. For buildings similar to diagrams 6-8 with proper openings, use the measurement provided in Item E3. Lowest Floor Guide for Zones V, VE, V1-V30 BUILDING DIAGRAM #1 Distinguishing Feature: The bottom floor is at or above ground level (grade) on at least one side. * Lowest Floor for Rating: Bottom of slab Elevation Needed for Rating on FEAAA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a+++ BUILDING DIAGRAM #2 Distinguishing Feature: The bottom floor (basement or underground garage) is below ground level (grade) on all sides. Buildings constructed above crawl spaces that are below grade on all sides should also use this diagram. + Lowest Floor for Rating: Bottom of slab (basement floor) Elevation Needed for Rating on FEAAA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a +++ BUILDING DIAGRAM #3 Distinguishing Feature: The bottom floor ("excluding garage") is at or above ground level (graae) on at least one side. + Lowest Floor for Rating: Bottom of slab (lowest floor) Elevation Needed for Rating on FEAAA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a +++ BUILDING DIAGRAM #4 Distinguishing Feature: The bottom floor (basement or underground garage) is below ground level (grade) on all sides. Buildings constructed above crawl spaces that are below grade on all sides should also use this diagram. + Lowest Floor for Rating: Bottom of slab (basement floor) Elevation Needed for Rating on FEAAA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a +++ + Note: A floor that is below ground level (grade) on all sides is considered a basement even if the floor is used for living purposes, or as an office, garage, workshop, etc. ++ An "opening" (flood vent) is defined as a permanent opening in a wall that allows for the free passage of water automatically in both directions without human intervention. Under the NFIP, a minimum of two openings is required for enclosures or crawl spaces with a’ total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of area enclosed. Each opening must be on different sides of the enclosed area. If a building has more than one enclosed area, each area must have openings on exterior walls to allow floodwater to directly enter. The bottom of the openings must be no higher than one foot above the grade underneath the flood vents. Alternatively, you may submit a certification by a registered professional engineer or architect that the design will allow for the automatic equalization of hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls. A window, a door, or a garage door is not considered an opening. All slab-on-grade single- and multiple-floor buildings (other than split-level) and high-rise buildings, either detached or row type (e.g., townhouses); with or without attached garage. All single-basement rise bulldlr detached with or wit GRADE I and multiple-floor b other than split-lev igs with basement, >r row type (e.g., tow hout attached garag ulldlngs with »<) and hlgh-Blther nhouses); e NEXT HIGHER FLOOR “a®imp . All split-level buildings that are slab-on-grade, either detached or row type (e.q townhouses); with or without 1 garage. All split-level buildings (other than slab-on-grade), either detached or row type (e.g., townhouses); with or without attached garage. GRADE HIGHER FLOORS NEXT HIGHER BOTTOM FLOOR (BASEMENT) . FLOOR BUILDING DIAGRAM #5 Distinguishing Feature: The area below the elevated floor is open, with no obstruction to flow of flood waters (open lattice work and/or readily removable insect screening is permissible). Lowest Floor for Rating: Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member Elevation Needed for Rating on FEAAA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.C All buildings elevated on piers, posts, Riles, columns, or parallel shear walls, o obstructions below the elevated floor. GRADE ELEVATED FLOOR rN \ BUILDING DIAGRAM #6 Distinguishing Feature: The area below the elevated floor is enclosed, either partially or fully. Lowest Floor for Rating: Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member, or bottom of slab if conditions in the Flood Insurance AAanual are met. Elevation Needed for Rating on FEAAA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a or Item C3.C All buildings elevated on piers, posts, piles, columns, or parallel shear walls with full or partial enclosure below the elevated floor. NEXT HIGHER FLOOR ELEVATED FLOOR ENCLOSURE GRADE i / V / Yl. v (C3^)— © BUILDING DIAGRAM #7 Distinguishing Feature: The area below the elevated floor is enclosed, either partially or fully. Lowest Floor for Rating: Bottom of slab (lowest floor) Elevation Needed for Rating on FEAAA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a Ail buildings elevated on full-story foundation walls with a partially or fully enclosed area below the elevated floor. This includes walkout levels, where at least one side is at or above grade. The principal use of this building is located in the elevated floors of the building. BUILDING DIAGRAM #8 Distinguishing Feature: The area below the first floor is enclosed by solid or partial perimeter walls. Lowest Floor for Rating: Bottom floor Elevation Needed for Rating on FEAAA Elevation Certificate: Item C3.a All buildings elevated on a crawl space with the floor of the crawl space at or above grade on at least one side, with or without attached garage. @> NEXT HIGHER \ FLOOR GRADE CD I □! __ t \ --CRAWLSPACE ++-:• Use Item C3.C if available, otherwise subtract 12 inches from Item C3.a for 1-4 family residences. For buildings other than 1-4 family residences subtract 18 inches from Item C3.a.