Now all you Politicians I’ll sing a bran new song, About what Mr. Lincoln said—I will not keep you long, The moral of ray ditty you easily will learn, And just please keep these words in mitid—To whom it may concern. Chorus.—To whom it may concern, my boys—to whom it may concern. Republicans or Democrats—pray each your business mind, And fault with other parties don’ t be quite so glad to find, With patriotism well enough it is that you should burn, But please to keep these words in mind - lo whom it may concern. Chorus.—To whom &c. You Soldiers of the Army when into the fight you go, Remember your concern is with a very cunning foe, With your bayonets and bullets, Jeff’s rebel minions spurn, And when you strike, strike heartily—T> wh)m it may concern. Chorus—To whom &c. By JOHN ROSS DIX. Crush out this foul Rebellion, as quickly as you can, And still go on victoriously, like gallant Sheridan ! Then the enemy a lesson unpleasantly will learn, And the Union give new bles ings to whom it may concern. Chorus.—To whom &c. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864,by Charles Magnus, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.