THE PARADOXES OF ME. BUSSELL W I T H A B R I E F ACCOUNT OF T H E I R HISTORY BY EDWIN R. GUTHRIE, JR. A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY AND TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE D E G R E E OP DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY OCTOBER, 1914 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. 1915 THE PARADOXES OF MR. RUSSELL In his Principles of Mathematics published in 1903 Mr. Bertrand Russell found himself involved in a difficulty in his theory of classes for which he could at that time see no solution. This difficulty lay in a series of paradoxes which were in one form or another much discussed in Scholastic logic but which had fallen into disrepute and had been little studied until the recent development of symbolic logic brought them again to notice. In the recent discussion the paradoxes have presented themselves in a form somewhat different from the insoluhilia which occupied so much space in Scholastic text-books, but they are essentially the same and the Scholastic attempts at solution bear many points of resemblance to the principal solutions offered by the writers who have worked over the difficulty since Russell's rediscovery of it. The paradoxes mentioned by Russell are the first seven of the following list, to which have been added a number of others of the same general character. 1. The first is the classic example of the Cretan Epimenides who says, according to St. Paul, that all Cretans are liars, as well as other things that have nothing to do with the case,— and by this statement makes himself a liar. 2. Represent the class of all classes that are not members of themselves by w. Then (xew) < (xex)'. Now let x have the value w; we get: (wew) < (wew)'} 3. Let T be the relation that exists between R and 8 whenever R does not have the relation R to 8. Then R TS = (RRS)'. Making R and S both T, we have TTT= (TTT)'. 1 (e) in Russell's notation indicates the membership of an individual in a class. 1 2 4. The next contradiction is one given by Burali-Forti. Any series of ordinals beginning with 0 has an ordinal number one greater than the highest term. The series of all ordinals would then have an ordinal number greater than the highest ordinal. 5. "The least integer not namable in fewer than nineteen syllables" (which Russell states to be 111,777) has been named in eighteen. 6. All finite combinations of the letters of the alphabet can be ranged1 so as to be in one to one correspondence with the series of ordinals, so that the total number of definitions is aleph, the first transfinite number. The number of transfinite ordinals exceeds this so that there are indefinable ordinals, and among these there is a least. This has, however, been defined. 7. The paradox of Richard is: Let E be the class of all decimals that can be defined in a finite number of words. Its terms can be ordered as were the definitions in (6). Then define N so that the nth figure of the nth decimal of N is one greater than the nth figure of the nth decimal of E. N is then defined in a finite number of words, but still is not a member oiE. For convenience of reference we may state here several other paradoxes which have been mentioned in the discussion. The next is due to Russell: 8. Every concept can be predicated of itself or it cannot. If it can, let it be called predicable, if not, impredicable. Then the concept impredicable, if predicable is impredicable, and if impredicable is predicable. 9. This proposition is false. 10. All propositions are false. 11. I lie. 1 This arrangement Gorsch has shown in his Mengenlehre, Abhandlungen der Fries'chen Schule, I : 508. The combinations one at a time, then two at a time, then three, and so on, can be given in a definite order. 3 Mr. Alexander Riistow has collected a large number of references to similar paradoxes in ancient writings, notably in the works of Aristotle, Plato, and Diogenes Laertius.1 Among these ancient writers the paradox of the Liar was the one to attract the most attention. As a rule the paradox was accepted as final, and the fact that it existed was used in support of an attack on the validity of human knowledge, as Montaigne used it later on. What solutions were proposed were crude attempts to place it under one of the Aristotelian forms of fallacy. No analysis of the paradoxes was made, nor were they recognized as a class. It was not until the time of the Scholastic logicians that they were presented in a form which offers interesting parallels to our present statement and analysis. During the Scholastic period the interest which the paradoxes or Insolubilia aroused was so great that many of the text-books of logic written from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries devoted lengthy chapters to them and there were a number of separate treatises in which their solution was attempted. Anything like a careful analysis of the Scholastic doctrines concerning the Insolubilia would require an extensive knowledge of medieval logic and might not be justified in a study of the logical side of the problem. But it is of some interest to see the form in which the difficulties arose and the types of solution offered, and in particular the close analogies which these bear to the solutions of more modern writers. The first collections of Insolubilia contained a number of 1 Mr. Rustow's thesis consists of an extended examination of ancient literature for references to the paradox of the " L i a r " and a discussion of the uses to which the fact of paradox was put. There is also a short list of sentences from Scholastic writers giving the substance of their solutions. He has stated the paradoxes in two type forms that are very enlightening, and with these statements as a basis he offers a solution of his own which will come in for a share of our consideration. Der Liigner, Leipsig, 1910. 4 paradoxes which had in common only the characteristic that they were difficult of solution. It came gradually to be recognized that there was a class of these that contained a peculiar difficulty and were not to be attacked by ordinary methods. These were the propositions which purported to apply to themselves and to state directly or indirectly their own falsity. One of the longest of these lists, one compiled after this distinction had been recognized, was that of Albertus de Saxonia who wrote in Vienna before 1390. Four of his examples are typical of the rest. These are: 1 1. Ego dico falsum. 2. Haec propositio est falsa. 3. Ponatur, quod Socrates dicat illam, "Plato dicit falsum," et Plato dicat illam, "Socrates dicit verum." 4. Si deus est, aliqua conditionalis est falsa, et sit nulla alia conditionalis. The first of these reduce to the type of "This proposition is false/' and the last makes its own truth imply the falsity of a class of propositions to which it itself belongs, as does "All propositions are false." The rest of his long list for the most part reduce to these two types, intrigued by the use of terms whose meaning is not always definite; for example, "posito quod in mente Socratis sit ista, 'Socrates decipitur,' et nulla alia, et Socrates credat illam esse wram, quaeritur, an Socrates eredendo earn esse wram, decipiatur." Of the solutions proposed for these two forms of the paradoxes Prantl has mentioned the most important and these have been compiled by Riistow. Among the whole number some are obscure and are dependent on distinctions and rules which belong to the complicated apparatus of medieval logic 1 For this period Prantl has collected a great number of passages with the Insolubilia. The only important omissions that I have been find are Wy cliffe's Solution in his Tractatus de Logica of which Prantl no mention, and an incomplete representation of the solution of Venetus. dealing able to makes Paulus 5 which modern logic has discarded. But the majority make use of comparatively simple devices. The first solution seems to have been that of Buridan, written in the fourteenth century. One of the premises which leads to the paradox is the law of excluded middle. In the Insolubilia we have examples of propositions which are both true and false. Therefore the law must be rejected. 1 Another attempt to deal with the situation is made by Hentisberus and mentioned by Buridan. 2 This is based on the doctrine of restrictio which was worked out in great detail by the Scholastics. This doctrine states that the denotation of a term, which as far as the explicit statement goes might be taken to be general, is often limited by the context,—an approximation to the more modern universe of discourse. In the case of the Insolubilia this unexpressed restriction limits the denotation of a term in a proposition whose verb is in the present tense to time immediately preceding the present instant, with the idea that the time indicated is that at which the proposition is begun, not that in which it is expressed. This solution has, like the next, a basis in a psychological analysis. We feel that no thought can really be "of itself." The restriction which prevents this can be made in another way. Peter von Ailly in his tractate on the Insolubilia 3 argues that these Insolubilia all lie in the field of verbal or written propositions as distinguished from mental propositions. These written and spoken propositions are not really propositions at all, and are merely the expression of mental propo1 Grelling-Nelson note this possibility, and mention that it is this axiom that is used to define paradox. Abhandlungen der Fries'chen Schule: II. 2 Prantl, IV: 89. 3 Prantl, IV: 104. "Nulla propositio mentalis proprie dicta potest significare se ipsam esse falsam. . . . Impossibile est intellectui primo formare propositionem universalem mentalem proprie dictam significantem omnem propositionem mentalem esse falsam. . . . Nulla propositio mentalis proprie dicta potest significare, se ipsam esse veram, . . . nee potest habere reflexionem supra se ipsam.1' Cf. also Occam, quoted by Johannis Majoris (Pr. IV: 250). A simpliciter insolubile is not possible. 6 sitions. It is to the last only that the predicates true and false apply. Furthermore, no mental proposition can really denote itself or have itself as one of its terms, nor can any term represent itself "formally." This would represent an impossible state of mind. The rule for avoiding the paradoxes becomes, "Pars propositionis non potest supponere pro toto." This method of dealing with the problem appealed to a number of later writers, Johannis Majoris Scotus, Olkot, and Rosetus among them. It is much the same as Russell's device of the theory of types which depends on the principle of the vicious circle, namely that no term in a proposition can presuppose the proposition or have it as one of its possible values. The only Scholastic to make a serious criticism of this view was Wycliffe1 and the difficulty which he points out is much the same as that contained in the theory of types.2 If we are not to allow a proposition to refer to itself we make a general proposition like "AH propositions are true or false" exceptive. It becomes, "All propositions are true or false except this proposition." We would seem to do away with all general propositions about propositions and there are some of these which we do not wish to reject. Wycliffe's criticism takes for consideration the proposition, "A is A." This would not be true universally, for there is one value of A, namely the proposition itself, to which it could not apply. Wycliffe's own solution lies in denying that the paradoxical statement, "This proposition is false," is true or false in one sense of truth and falsehood, and so denying that it is a proposition at all. The criterion of truth is correct representation of a situation independent of the proposition itself, and in the given instance there is no such independent situation represented. He does not go on to consider what the effect of 1 2 Tractatus de logica, p. 197. This criticism parallels that of Russell by Grelling-Nelson. 7 this theory would be on "All propositions are true or false" where there is both independent reference and self reference.1 Wycliffe's theory is really of the type of another theory termed by an unknown author of a Paris manuscript2 cassatio which involved denying that the propositions in question were propositions at all. Since this theory was not accompanied by a definition of proposition which would exclude these propositions only it was only a beginning of a solution. Besides the theory of restriction the theory which found the most support was that of Paulus Venetus, of a type which we shall have occasion to refer to later as null-class solution. This pointed out that every proposition implies its own truth, and that the propositions in question assert also their own falsity. Any proposition thus implying contradictories is false, and these propositions are then false. Paulus states this concisely.3 "Hoc est falsum significant quod hoc estfalsum et quod hoc est verum, sed quod hoc sit f ahum et hoc sit verum est impossibile simpliciter." This is like the comment of ManselFs Aldrich, that these sentences are merely contradictory and so say nothing.4 I have chosen only a few of the Scholastic doctrines for mention for there were many which did not represent anything more than a rhetorical treatment like that of the Scot David 1 This is like the solution proposed in Mansell's Aldrich. " Incipiat Socrates sic loqui, 'Socrates dicit falsum1 et nihil amplius loquatur: turn interrogat aliquis utrum vera an falsa sit haec propositio. Respondeo, nee veram nee falsam esse, sed nihil significare, nisi aliquid aliud respiciat, quod a Socrate ante dictum supponitur. Qui enim profert haec verba, ' Socrates dicit falsum,'' fert judicium de dicto Socratis: quique fert judicium, necessario praesupponit aliquid de quo judicet: unde cum sententia praesupponat objectum suum, clarum est eandem numero propositionem, et sententiam et eius objectum esse non posse. Quare et Scholarum subtilitas hie nihil profecit; nihilque opus est plura dicere de Insolubilibus. 2 Prantl, IV: 41. 3 Logica Pauli Veneti, Venetiis, 1654, p. 84. 4 "Sed qui ut verum simul dicat et mentiatur dicit unum aliquid, cuius partes sibi invicem contradicunt, is nee verum, nee falsum, sed omnino nihil dicat; quando enim sententiae pars una evertit alteram, tota nihil prorsus significat sed inaniter strepit." 8 Cranston who dismissed them with the rule that no proposition really falsified itself when the contrary could be rationally maintained. After the decline of the Scholastic logic the problem of the Insolubilia fell into disrepute. The only mention of it is the expression of a wonder that men could have been inclined to discuss so subtle and vain a question. This attitude found occasional expression until modern times along with a contempt for all purely formal difficulties. Even in the last century Lotze dismisses the problem with the remark that when an assertion involves something in regard to the fact of its assertion which makes the assertion impossible or untrue, it is formally insoluble, and he does not seem to feel any desire to change this state of affairs. He seems to think that the essential difficulty is overcome in pointing out that we can say " I lied" instead of " I lie" and there will be no contradiction. In 1869 Mr. C. S. Peirce published an article on " T h e Validity of the Laws of Logic" in which he considered the paradox of the proposition, "This proposition is false." 1 Although Mr. Peirce was one of the leaders in opening the field of symbolic logic his discussion of the Insolubilia has more in common with the Scholastic logicians than with the modern. He himself calls attention to the fact that his solution is identical with that of Paulus Venetus except that he offers a proof for a principle which Paulus assumes to be true. Mr. Peirce shows that the proposition, "This proposition is false" whether it be assumed false or true can be proved both false and true by regular procedure. But an examination of the reasoning which leads from the assumption that the proposition is false to the conclusion that it is true shows that it is based on a false premise, namely that all that the proposition says is that it is false, whereas every proposition 1 Journal of Speculative Philosophy, I I : no. 4. 9 implies in addition to this that it is true. Hence, though the proposition is false, that does not make it true or make it assert the truth, for it asserts that it is both false and true. This solution we may call a nul-class solution since it lies in showing that the proposition implies contradictories and so is false. Besides these notices and a comment by the editor of WyclifiVs Latin Works in which he suggests that the paradoxical propositions are not really propositions at all, I have been able to find no serious consideration of the paradoxes until the development of symbolic logic brought them to the light in a form which could not be ignored. It was Mr. Russell who first noticed these difficulties in connection with the theory of classes and considered several devices for overcoming them. The one to which he gave preference was the no-class theory and it was from this that his perfected theory of types grew. This theory of types will require an extended statement. To deal with these paradoxes Russell has invented a theory of types that Mr. Harold Chapman Brown has very sagely characterized as a disguised universe of discourse, but it is rather more than that,—it is a theory of the universe of discourse. Russell's logic differs from the traditional logic in admitting expressions that he calls propositional functions, or simply functions. These are not propositions but are derived from propositions by making one or more of the terms indefinite. The proposition "Socrates is a man" of the text books can be expressed "#is a man" in which x means that a term is to be supplied. These propositional functions are of two kinds, those in which the truth value of the function depends on the value given the variable and those in which the truth value is the same for all values of the variable. The function "x is a man" is of the first type; "(x is a man' implies (x is mortal'" 10 is of the second. Only functions of the second type can be called true or false and treated as propositions in logic. The variable that occurs in functions of this type Russell calls an apparent variable. Examination of the paradoxes has led him to conclude that all of them contain an apparent variable that makes reference to " a l l " of a totality that is really illegitimate. The apparency of the variable is deceitful. The understanding "for all values" is never quite justified, for there is sometimes possible one value that will result in paradox. This troublesome value is that of the function itself. In the case of " All propositions are false " we may make the statement, "For all values of tiuy tC i s a false proposition," and then insert as a value of x this statement itself and the result is paradox. This leads to the conclusion that such variables must have ranges of values that result in significant propositions and that the function itself must be excluded from this range in each case. "Whatever contains an apparent variable must not be one of the possible values of that variable." This exclusion of a function from the range of significance of a variable occurring in it is accomplished by the theory of types which is really a theory of ranges of significance, or, to use the more familiar term, of universes of discourse. A logical type is defined as the range of significance of a propositional function. The purpose of the theory of types is to rule the function itself out of the range of significance of its variables. A proposition is not one of the things to which it can refer. This exclusion is accomplished by establishing a series of ranges of significance. The first range is defined as including all "individuals" and these are known by the character of lack of complexity, which only means that they are not analyzable into term and predicate as are propositions. These are the first logical type, and the functions in which they occur are first order functions. These first order functions constitute the second logical type, and the functions into which 11 they enter, the second order of functions, and the process may be extended indefinitely. The purpose of the theory is accomplished by defining functions whose terms are of a type below their own as "predicative functions" and ruling that only predicative functions are to be admitted. The effect of this on the paradoxes is evident. Where "all propositions" occurs in a proposition of order n the proposition, to be legitimate, must have, understood or expressed, the addition "of order less than w." " I lie" becomes "There is a proposition of order n which I affirm and which is false," and this is of order one greater than n; hence no proposition of order n has been uttered and the statement is simply false. This is the theory in its essentials and as far as the paradoxes are concerned is enough to meet the situation. When the theory is incorporated into the logic Russell finds an addition necessary, and with this addition we are led into a number of difficulties of serious nature. Incidentally we find ourselves unable to make any statement concerning truth or meaning, or logic and have the statement itself true or meaningful or logical within the meaning of its own terms. But what is of more concern to the mathematical logician is that at this point we find ourselves unable to speak of all the properties of a term, and yet such reference is very necessary at times. It is through such reference that mathematical logic has been in the habit of defining identity. The usual definition is: For all values of