THE Monumental Inscriptions OF M IDDLESEX. WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF ARMORIAL BEARINGS VOL. II.'A >1313130 S A YOHOIHA COLLECTION Curious and Interesting Epitaphs, COPIED FROM THE EXISTING MONUMENTS OF Distinguished and Noted Characters IN Cbc Cemeteries anu Cfmrc&es OF SAINT PANCRAS, MIDDLESEX. BY FREDERICK TEAGUE CANSICK. * LONDON: J. RUSSELL SMITH, SOHO SQUARE 1872. All rights reserved.LONDON: WERTHEIMER, LEA AND CO., PRINTERS, CIRCUS PLACE, FINSBURY CIRCUS.TO THE Jïtogt Honottrabïe The Marquis Camden. My Lord Marquis, J y AVING completed my second volume of ^ ^ Epitaphs in the Churchyards and Cemeteries of St. Pancras, I have the honour to dedicate the result of my labours to your lordship, and I humbly and gratefully acknowledge that permission being granted. I have the honour to be Your Lordship’s most obedient and most humble Servant, Frederick Teague Cansick. 28, Jeffery Street, Kentish Town, N, W. January, 1872.PREFACE. PAVING at length brought to a close the present work, which for several years has I! occupied the leisure time I had from busi- ness, I freely submit it to the impartial judgment of the public. The great success attending my first, prompted me to bring to a successful conclusion this my second volume, thus completing my selections from the Churches, Churchyards and Cemeteries of St. Pan-eras, in Middlesex. I am not unmindful of the shortcomings of this volume, but I trust the care taken to make it as correct as possible, and the addition of illustrations of arms belonging to many families, will increase its value, and that it will prove acceptable to my readers. The descriptions of the armorial bearings represented in the several monuments will doubtless be ofviii Preface. interest to many. The difficulty, however, of obtaining an accurate account of them, owing to the injury which many have sustained by exposure to weather and other causes, must be my apology' for any inaccuracies in their renderings. Several subscribers have furnished me with valuable information illustrative of various inscriptions, but want of space has prevented their insertion. It was my intention to have added more notes to the distinguished characters whose names are inserted, but want of space prevented my doing so, much to my disappointment. The kindness which J. J. Howard, Esq., LL.D., has shown by valuable assistance throughout the progress of the work, is deserving of my special acknowledgement, as also the interest manifested in it by others who have endeavoured to promote its circulation. F. T. C.INTRODUCTION. ï^ig&gate Cemetetp. HIS ground is the property of the London Cemetery Company, which was incorporated by Act of Parliament, in 1839. It is situated in the bay formed by the west and east hills, leading to the town of Highgate, and faces the south. No cemetery in or out of London can boast so many natural beauties. Unlike many cemeteries, which are more like reclaimed swamps, it is elevated, and not only enjoys a natural drainage, but the main drainage of the north extends along the base of the The irregularity of the ground, rising in terraces, the winding paths leading through avenues of shrubberies and marble monuments, and the groups of majestic trees, contribute many material charms to this solemn region. The London Cemetery Company were among the early promoters of that reform which was so long needed, and which could only be carried out by men of energy and enterprise. It was founded by Stephen Geary, Esq., who also acted as architect to the corn- hills.X Introduction. pany, and to whose judgment in selecting the spot, and so tastefully laying out the ground, may be given the credit for the great success attending the work. The approach from the Highgate Road, at the top of Kentish Town, is by Swaine’s Lane ; bounded on the north by St. Anne’s Church, built at the cost of Miss Barnett to the memory of her brother, and above which is Holly Lodge and grounds, the residence of Baroness Burdett Coutts. On the south side is a row of modern villas, beyond which is Holly Village, built at the expense of Baroness Burdett Coutts, and intended by her to form a background to the view across her grounds. The villas were designed by Mr. Darbishire, and are quite an ornament to this portion of the lane. At the top of the lane on the left is the entrance to the cemetery; on the left of the entrance is the chapel, which is admirably fitted for its solemn purpose. The interior of this sacred edifice is spacious and lofty. The absence of any unnecessary ornament produces an effect of simplicity very appropriate. A bier stands at the western end which can be lowered through an aperture in the floor by hydraulic pressure. The object of this bier is to convey the coffin to the subterranean passage below, at the termination of the service in the chapel, so as to facilitateIntroduction. xi its conveyance to the new ground on the opposite side of the lane. This, if anything, adds to the solemnity of the building and its uses. On leaving the chapel we turn to the right, pass by the lodge for the superintendent, and ascend a flight of broad stone steps wrhich leads up towards the church of St. Michael which crowns the summit, appearing from distant parts of the ground to great advantage, and which even seems, at a hasty glance, to appertain to the cemetery. As we ascend the hill we see on the left an archway of Egyptian character, which forms the entrance to the catacombs, in which the coffins are placed in cavities formed by the most solid masonry. Leaving the catacombs, we find ourselves almost immediately on a broad level terrace with a handsome balustrade, at the very foot of the church. The view from this point is remarkably fine, and is alone worth a visit, some half-dozen counties being visible on a fine day. The beauties of the place, indeed, appear to be fully appreciated, for the gardens are daily filled with persons evidently enjoying the quiet, the pure air and the splendid landscape. The cemetery of St. George the Martyr, Queen Square, is in the parish of St. Pancras, and is situatedIntroduction. xii in Henrietta Street, Brunswick Square. It is closed for interment, and is in a very sad state—the stones falling over and broken, the trees uncut, and the wood growing wild. It has all the appearance of a wilderness, and is a standing disgrace to the parish. The cemetery of the wealthy parish of St. George’s^ Bloomsbury, also joins the above, and is a little better cared for, but in many instances the inscriptions are almost obliterated. This should not be. Will no churchman look to this, and see that the resting-place of departed Christians is worthy of its name. St. Andrew’s, on the border of the parish, in the Gray’s Inn Road, is a large open space containing very few monuments of any interest. St. Giles’-in-the-Fields is in the Old St. Pancras Road, adjoining the old parish church of St. Pancras, and is in a ruinous state, children being allowed to wander about the ground and destroy the tombs with impunity. The beautiful monument erected to the wife of Sir John Soane was battered with stones, and the carvingIntroduction. xiii destroyed. The cost of keeping some old pensioner to watch over the grounds would be very trifling, and would prevent such unseemly sights. St Martin’s-in-the-Fields has a ground in Pratt Street, Camden Town. This is kept in better order, and reflects some credit on the parish owning it. F. T. C.CONTENTS. A’Beckett, G. A. Page . 91 Acland, Rev. C. . * 5° Alcock. . 68 Aldridge . 126 Allen . • 37, 98 Anderson . • 203 Arden . . . 248 Armie. • 145 Atchelor • 153» 183 Atchison . 250 Austin. . 186 Aynsworth . . 223 Babington . . 49 Bagster . 142 Baily, E. H., R.A. . 128 Baker • 43 Balch . . 117 Balm, Rev. E. . 292 Barker. . 105 Barnett . 74 Barnes . 164 Bartholomew . no Beadnell . 145 Beauclerk, Lord H. . 20 Belcher . 201 Bell . . 225 Bellamy . 166 Bennett, Rev. T. . . 202 Bennett . 141 Bentley . 210 Bernard • 155 Bernai, Y. Valda. . 108 Belt, Rev. R. • 143 Betts . . 149 Biggar, Rev. J. . . 16 Bird . . 17 Bishop , 20 Blanshard . . 249 Blizard. . 289 Block . • 174 Bloxam . 202 Bodkin. • 97 Page Bower......................232 Bowes...... 109 Boxill ..... 221 Brace......................225 Bradley . . . .60 Braithwaite . . . . 154 Brand, Major J. . . . 101 Brand . . . . . 254 Branston . . . .130 Brett....................171 Brian, R., M.D. . . .73 Brooks...................137 Broughton .... 207 Brown. .... 122 Browne . . . 202, 242 Braining . . . .164 Brunsdon .... 203 Bunning . . . .118 Bunting, Rev. W. M. . .103 Burdyn .... 219 Burnaby, Sir W. E. . . 106 Burroughs . . . .219 Burrows . . . .4 7 Butler.....................124 Byam........................96 Carpenter . . .182 Cassidy .... 209 Carteret . . . .227 Catton, C., R.A. . . 255 Causton, Rev. T. . .196 Chalon, J. J., R.A. . .128 Chalmers . . . .256 Chamber .... 208 Chambers . . . 34, 251 Charleville .... 2 Clayton . . . .26 Cobb, J. B. B., Esq. . . 293 Codd, Captain . . .162 Coleridge . . . .198 Collard . . . .132 Collier, C., M.D.. . . 125xvi Contents. Page Page Colman . 40 Edkins 8O Conant, Rev. J. » . 207 Edwards . 24, 115, 147. I94 Coningham, W., . . 294 Egan, P. 37 Connington, Sir J. . 204 Eley, T. 28 Conolly . 151 Ellis, Rev. J. J., M.A. 90 Cooper, A., R.A. . 152 Eicon .... 168 Coram, Captain . • 235 .Ellis . 205 Corrie .... 3> 24 Elliott, R. J., R.N. . 48 Court .... • 93 Emerson 205 Could, Sir E. . 192 Emery 42 Cox .... • 237 English, H. 172 Croft, Sir A. D. . ‘ 157 Engall ni 186 Crole .... . 105 Ensor .... 179 Crosdill, Lieut.-Col. . 48 Evans, Rev. J. H. 31 Crowder . . ’ , . 142 Everett, T. . 248 Cunliffe . hi Cunningham . 218 Falconer, T. . 206 Curtiss. • 175 Faraday, M. 162 Freeman 155 Dale, Rev. T. . . 182 Farrer, J. 243 Dalgleish • 32 Farley, Lieut-Gen. 205 Dalrymple . . 12 Fenton 152 Darnell . 165 Ferguson . 25, 136 Darasz . 116 Fielding, T. 252 Davis .... 77, 252 Fish, J. D., M.A. 107 Dawson, Nancy . • 255 Fisher.... 17 Day .... • 151 Fitzgibbon . 99 Dean .... • 155 Flanrey 225 Dealtry • 239 Foggo .... 59 Dell .... . 102 Forbes, D., LL.D. 120 Denman . 121 Forster 190 Denis . . .56, 208, 209 Forshall 250 Dennys, L., R.N. . 149 Foster 53 i, 92 Deschamps, Capt. D., R.A. 148 Fothergill . 165 Dickens . 184 Francis, J. . . 122 Dinnen . 144 Freebairn, A. R. 94 Donne . 231 Frolich 127 Dotten • 154 Frost, J. 93 Douglas, Lieut. W. • 9 Furber 81 Drummond . • 99 Duckworth . • 79 Gardiner, Sir H. 233 Dulcken . . 140 Garner .... 73 Dyer • 63 Garnett, Rev. R., M.A. 67 Gaselee, Sir S. 243 Earle • HS Gazalet, Lieut.-Col. 147 Edmonstone • 253 Geary, S. 78Contents, XVII Page Page Geldart.... . 230 Hue, C. . . 241 Gibbons, J. . . 123 Hopkinson, Major-Gen. SirC. 134 Gibbs, C. . • 253 Hunt, E. 29 Gilbert.... . 227 Humphreys, Rev. John, LL D. 3 Gillmann . 107 Hurst . 219 Good, T. M., M.D., F.R.S. . 293 Ingram Goodyear, J. • 5 140 Goodall. • 153 Instone 96 Golding. . 188 Iggulden, J. 71 Gordon. . . 149, 186, 234 Gottreux, F., C.B. . 174 Jack, C. 51 Graeme, H. S. Gregory. . 66 Jeafferson, Hy., M.D. . 59 • 241 Jennings, P. D. D. 50 Green .... • 52 Jennyns, H. . - 232 Gurney, Sir J. . 22 Johnson 109, 129 Guy> J . 136 Jones . .139, 188, 234, 237 Johnstone . 149, 249 Hadfield, Captain . . 184 Jourdain, Rev. F. G., M.A. 65 Hall, R. . • 134 Halford . 167 Kane, C., M.D. 108 Haly, Captain W. A. . . 159 Kay, J. . . . 247 Halkett, W. • 115 Kelly, Rev. A. P., M.A. . 118 Hamilton 61,72 Kennedy, J. 135 Harding, J. . 20 Kersteman, Captain T. 70 Hammond . • 245 Kinderley . 199 Hartley 54, 55 King . 188 Harris, S. A. . 114 Kirby, J. . 251 Hawes, Sir B. • 133 Kitchiner, W., M.D. . 291 Hawthorne . 82, 3, 4 Knatchbull, W., M.A. 201 Haydn, J. . . 68 Knevitt, Lieut. T. L. . 41 Helling . 38 Knight, T. . 35 Heming • 53 Kretzschmer 170 Hemming, J. . 290 86 Heriott . 226 Laing, Rev. D. . Heywood, Captain . i8S Langdale 214 Heath, J. . 24I Laurie, Sir P. 51 Hewlett, Rev. J., M.D. . 24O Lawton 221 Hirst, A. “ . • TI Laxon, Captain J. . 102 Hislop, R. . • 65 Le Marchant 242 Hobier, J. F. H. • 35 Leppington, Rev. J. C. 85 Hodgson, J. ■ 134 Lewis, D. L. 76 Hodson . 124 Lewis, Rev. J. Lillywhite . 143 Hodge 81, 183 15.8 Holmes • 47 Lister, D. N. 28 Holman, Lieut. J., R,N. Hope, J , M.D. . . 177 Liston, R., F.R.S. IO . 64 Littledale, C. L. . 26 A 3xviii Contents. Littlehales . Lloyd . . Loraine, Sir C. V. Love, Hy., R. N. Loveland, J. P. . Lucas, S. Lumley, L. Lyndhurst, Baron Page . 189 . 129 . 64 • 175 . 102 Mackworth, Sir D. . .225 Maclaine, Gen. Sir A., K.C.B. hi Mackenzie, Hy. . . *36 Mackintosh, R. G, . . 290 Maddock .... 205 Makepeace . . . . 193 Malone . . . .172 Mansfield . . . -153 Marley, Lieut-Col. G. C. B. 1 Martin .... 233 Marshall, Capt. J., R.N. . 103 Mapp ..... 100 Mason . . . -39 Matthews . . . -78 McAlpin, W. . . .119 Mellish, W. ... 4 Milbanke, Sir J. P., Bart. . 67 Morgan, M., M.D. . .122 Morton, A. & T. . .18 Moore, J., M.D. . . 71 Mund ell, Captain St. John . 6 Muston . . . -58 Nasmith, David . . 6 Nelson . . .211, 228 Noble, Rev. S. . 180 North, J. W. . . *27 Notman, R. R. . .96 Nowosielski, Lieut-Col. F. . 126 Ogden, J. . Orme, F. D., C.B. Orridge, R. Otway, Gen. Sir L. W . 146 . 146 . 176 C.B. 76 Palmer Parepa Partridge . 212 • 157 • 67 Page Pardoe, G. . . . . 244 Parsons, S., M.D. ' . . 155 Parry.........................213 Pauncefort .... 200 Papworth, R. . . . 174 Passley . . . .60 Payne, J. . . .173, 252 Pearse........................290 Pearson, F. S. . . .48 Pennington, R. R. . . 247 Peirce, Captain G., R.N. . 145 Pelham, Hon. F. T., C.B. . 147 Petit, L. Hayes, M.A. . 14 Pepys, W. H., F.R.S. . 101 Phelps, S.....................150 Pettifer . . . .169 Phillips, Captain . . -75 Pike . . . . .166 Pinks, W. J. . . .135 Platt, T. . Platt, H011. Sir T. J. . .104 Porden, C. E. . . .85 Pott, C.......................239 Prendergast, M., LL.B. . 80 Prevost, L. A. . .92 Pyne .... 182, 187 Quain, Jones, M.D. . . 177 Quin, M. . . .187 Radstock, Lord, C.B. . 120 Ray, G.....................156 Read, Lieut. G., R.N. . 77 Reed, E....................171 Reid . . . .73, 292 Rewse ..... 226 Richardson, R., M.D. . 25 Ricketts, C. M., F.R.S. . 150 Rivington . . . .21 Roberts, J. . . . .165 Robertson . . . 70 Roberts, J. . . . 165, 190 Rock, J. D. . . .29 Ross, Sir W. C., R.A. . 141 Rossetti, Gabriel . . .171 Rowlatt, Rev. W. H. . . 43Contents. xix Page Page Rowlands, D. • 244 Tenterden, Lord . 236 Rudd, T. . . 167 Thelwall, Rev. A. S., M. A. 77 Thomas, J. . 242 Sandys . 69 Thompson, F. 170* Sayers . 60 Thynne, B. . 127 Sanderson . . 137 Toms, S. R. 176 Salt, W. . . 107 Tottie, C. . 95 Saunders, J. . IOO Townshend . 215 Schoppens . . 191 Trotter 160 Scrimgeour . • 195 Tunaley, C., M.D. 91 Scriven, F. . . 142 Turner, C., A.R.A. 102 Scales, C. . . 16 Tvveedale, J , M.D. 136 Scott, R. E. . 156 Sheppard . 46 Ure, A., M.D. . 179 Shearman, W., M.D. . . 141 Underdown, E. M. 97 Seaton, Colonel D. . IIO Shirley . 185 Vandenhoff 139 Sibley .... . 238 Vandercorn, J. F. 179 Skirrow, S. T., R.N. . ' 99 Vaughan, Rev. R. G. & J. 96, 147 Slight, F. . . 74 Vieusseux, J. B. . 121 Slyman, D. . . 127 Vigers 129 Smiles, E. . ■ 125 Vines, R. 157 Smith, M. A. . ■ 4, 161, 227 Vousley, Hy. W. 34 Smyth • 215 Smythies , 294 Waddell . 142 Sotheran . 44 Wadds 24 Southgate, E. • 38 Wade . 15 Southey . 94 Walford 55 Sowerby . 168 Walker 133 Spooner, M. . 256 Wandesforde 195 Sparshottj S. . 128 Wain wright 5 Spalding • 173 Warburton . 62 Stanley, S. . • 25 Waple . 232 Stanford • 52 Warner 161 Stein, J. . 119 Warren, Captain R. 172 Stevens . 62 Wason . 148 Stodare, Col. . 163 Watson 237 Street, Flon. G. F. . 167 Watts . 13, 131 Stone, F. . 160 Webb . 163, 184 Stolzman, C. . 117 Webster 20 Summers, J. . 176 Weeding 246 Sykes .... . 166 Weiss . 159 Welch . 154 Tatters all, G., Dr. . Wells . 151 Taylor • 234 Wenton 156 Tennyson, E. . 185 West . S7Ì 138XX Contents. Westby Page . 112 Wesley • 56 Whichelo . 164 Whitehead . • 79 Whyte • 75 Willcox • i3S Williams, T., . , . 289 Willis .... • 95 Willmore, J. T., A.R.A. . 123 Wilson 30, 36 Windham, Captain H. • 154 Winslow, Rev. J. D. . . 152 Womb well . 130 Wood .... Page 6ij 169 Woodward, T. • 143 Woolmer . 224 Woolrych . 210 World . . .. . 46 Worsall . 116 Wroth .... . 122 Wyatt .... 114, 223 Yeoman, T. H., M.D. . 138 Young, Lieut. G. F. F. • 255 Zambra, J. W. . . 106Subscribers to this UXotk His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, E.M. His Grace the Duke of Manchester. His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl Spencer, K.G. The Right Hon. the Earl of Dartmouth. The Most Honourable Marquis Camden. The Right Hon. Lord John Manners, M.P. The Right Hon. Lord Arundell of Wardour. The Right Hon. Lord Howard of Glossop. Sir Bernard Burke, C.B., LL.D., Ulster, King-of-Arms. A. J. B. Beresford Hope, M.P., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., F.S.A. Sir Geo. Bowyer, Bart., D.C.L. The Right Hon. Lord Petre. Lady Howard of Glossop. Lady Gardner, Lady Belcher. The Hon. and Rev. John C. O. Bridgeman. Marchioness de Sta. Agata. Sir William H. Bodkin, J.P. Lieut-Col. E. Akroyd, M.P., F.S.A., J.P., D.L. B. B. Cabbell, M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., V.P.R.I., F.R.S.L. Right Rev. Monsignor Parfitt, D.D. The Very Rev. the Late Dean of Rochester. The Vicar of Old St. Pancras. Ash, Claudius, Esq. ... ... ... ... ... ... large paper. Armytage, George J., Esq., F.S.A., Kirkless Park. Admas, G.E., Esq., M.A., F.S.A., College of Arms. Anderson, Esq. Bowden, John Butler, Lieut.-Col., D.L., Pleasington Hall large paper. Bright-Smith, Rev. G. A., M.A., Buscot Lodge, Maida Hill. Burke, Serjeant Pet^r, Esq. ... ... ... ......large paper. Brown, S. A., Esq., M.D......... ......... ... large paper. Brown, J. Robert, Esq., F.S.N.A., F.R.G.S.XXII List of Subscribers. Brownlow, J., Esq., Foundling Hospital. Brett, E. J., Esq., Fleet Street. Bohn, Henry G., F.R.S.L., F.R.G.S., F.H.S. Blunt, H. Shirley, Esq. Barrette, W., Esq., M.D., Islington. Balch, Ebenezer, Esq., Penn Road Villas. Batch, James, Esq., Highbury. Balch, Mrs, Robert, ... Boyle, Edmund, Esq., Rock Wood, Torquay. Beckett & Son, Messrs., Kentish Town Road. Bealby, Philip, Esq., Elmwood, Beckenham. Cooper, W. Durrant, Esq., F.S.A. Chester, Colonel J. L. Cooke, G. F., Esq., Sergeants’ Inn. Coleman, Mr., Broad Street, W: C.... ... ... ... ten copies. Collen, George William, Esq., Herald’s College. Copestake, S., Esq., The Grove, Kentish Town ... ... large paper. Chard, Mr., Castle Road. Chard, Mr. V. J. „ ,, Colman, Harry, Esq., Oseney Crescent. Coulson, S. H., Esq., Rochester Road. Coulson, Miss., ,, ,, Coulson, Henry, Esq., ,, ,, Connolly, Esq., Hilldrop Crescent. Cumming, Mr. Chapman, Mr. W., Milton Hotel. Cansick, Mr. R. Brown, Bedford Gardens. Cruise, Mr., Printseller, Seymour Street, N.W. ... large paper. ... large paper. ... large paper. ... large paper. Dickens, Mrs. Charles, Gloucester Crescent. Dames, R. S. Longworth, Esq., M.A., Dublin. Dalrymple, Robert Farre, Esq., Park Crescent. Deeks, Mr. George, Melverne Cottages. Daw, the Rev. Robert, Patshull Road. Downing, Mr. E., Fareham. Downing, H., Esq., Stratford-on-Avon. Eyton, Walter J., Esq., F.S.A., Lond. and Scot. one large and two S77iall paper. Elwes, Dudley H. Cary, Esq., F.S.A., South Bersted. Elwes, V. Cary, Esq., F.S.A., Brigg..................large paper. Engall, T., Esq., M.R.C.S., Euston Square. Engall, Mr. B., Fitzroy House, N.W. Easun, Mr. T., Kentish Town Road. Errington, Mr., Bedgbury. Edgar, Mr. Joseph, Jun., Bartholomew Road.List of Subscribers. xxiii Fleming, Rev. James. ... ... ... ... f.. large paper. Falconer, T., Esq., Usk, Monmouthshire. 07te large and one small paper. Foiten, Mr. E. Q., Castle Road. Grant, Father Ignatius Johnson, M A., Beaumont, Windsor. Graves, Robert, Esq., A.R.A., The Grove, N.W. Garstin, John Ribton, Esq., R.I.A., LL.B., F.S.A. Grossmith, Mr. Geo., Jun. Glazier, Mr., Tottenham Court Road. Goodchild, Nathaniel, Esq., M.R.C.S. Howard, Joseph Jackson, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A. ... Hodge, John, Esq., Russell Square. Hodge, James, Esq., Ivy House, N. Hodge, Lieut. W. F., Russell Square. Hodge, Joseph, Esq., Beckenham. ... Hodge, James, Jun., Ivy House, N. Hirst, John, Jun., Esq., Dobcross. Hawthorne, James, Esq. Holbrook, Esq. Jupp, Edward B., Esq., F.S.A., Carpenters’ Hall. Judd, Mrs. Jackson, Mr. H. C., Stockwell. Jennings, T. A., Esq., Patshull Road. Leigh, Stanley, Esq., B.C.L., M.A., Inner Temple. Laing, Mrs. David, St. Mark’s Crescent. Langman, John, Esq., Cantelows Road. Le Marchant, L. M. Thomas, Haye^ du Puits, Guernsey, large paper. Mason, Charles, Esq., F.R.S.L., Gloucester Crescent. ... large paper. Mayer, L.R. Townshend, Esq. ... ... ... ... large paper. Marlay, Brinsley, Esq., St. Katharine Lodge, N.W. ... large paper. Morton, Edward, Esq., F.S.A., Malton. ... ... ... large paper. Miller, Mr., Green Street, W.C. Morgan, Mrs. E., Hendon Mason, Robert M., Esq., Boston, United States, America. Nichols, Mr., Green Street, W.C. Ouvry, Frederic, Esq., F.S.A., F.R.S.L. ... ... ... large paper. Payne, Capt. B., M.R.I., F.R.S.L., F.R.S.S. Plucknett, Esq., F.S.A., J.P., Finchley. ... ... ... large paper. Peacock, Edward, Esq., F.S.A., Bottesford Manor. two copies. ... large paper. ... large paper. ... large paper. ... large paper. ... large paper. two large paper. ... large paper. ... large paper.XXIV List of Subscribers. Perceval, Charles G., Esq., Passenham Manor. ... ... large paper. Pap worth, Mrs., Melverne Cottages. Povey, Mr. Henry, Jun., Kentish Town Road. Peters, H., Esq. Peddie, J., Esq., Edinburgh. Peck, Fra. B., Esq., Woonsocket, Rhode Island, U.S. A. Prebble, Mrs., Drury Lane. Quain, Dr., Harley Street. ... ... ... ... ... large paper. Richards, Major Smith, Bedford Square. Robinson, Lieut.-Colonel, Southwood House, N.W. Rees, Mr., Drury Lane. Rigby, Samuel, Esq., Bruch Hall, Warrington. ... ... large paper. Rivington, Alexander, Esq., Cleveland Gardens. ... ... large paper. Spalding, Samuel, Esq., M.R.I., F.R.G.S. Spalding, Captain, Army and Navy Club. Spalding, Samuel, Jun., Esq. Spalding, Howard, Esq., Elgin Road. Spalding, H. B., Esq., Valencia Villas. Spalding, H. Martyn, Esq., Hildrop Crescent. Sykes, John, Esq., M.D., F.S.A., Doncaster. Salter, Joseph, Esq., Kentish Town. Shirley, Mr. S., The Sycamores, Bucks. Smith, Geo., Esq., Chalk Farm Road. Smith, Frank, Esq., Highgate Grove. Summers, A. T., Esq. Summers, E. E., Esq. Summers, Mr. Henry, Kentish Town. Scott, Mr., Maiden Lane, Printseller. Smallfield, J. S., Esq., University Street. Seaton & Mackenzie, Messrs., Edinburgh. Smith, George, Esq., Dartmouth Park............. Sotheran, Charles, Esq., Moss Side, Manchester.... Sotheran, Henry, Esq., Heathside, Upper Norwood. Sotheran, Henry, Esq., Bootham, York. Sootheran, John, Esq., Ivy Cottage^ York. Sootheran, Henry, The Lodge, Ampleforth, York. Sootheran, Ri-Huggan, Ardwick, Manchester. Sandwell, Mrs. ... large paper. two large paper. ... large paper. ... large paper. ... large paper. Tyssen, J. R. Daniel, Esq., F.S.A., Brighton......large paper. Townely, Mrs., Eaton Place. Tough, Rev. Thomas, M.A., Grove House.............large paper. Tanner, R. T., Esq., Thames Street.List of Subscribers. XXV Thorpe, Mr., Drury Lane. Tweedie, Mr., Strand. Thornton, John, Esq., Langham Place. ... ... ... large paper. Vinton & Son, Messrs. Williams, the Rev. Augustin, Icomb Rectory. West, Francis G., Esq., J.P., Horsham Hall. Wilson, Alfred, Esq..................................large paper. Wilson, Mr. John, Hendon. White, Rev. Henry, M.A., Chaplain of the Savoy, Wakefield, R., Esq., Castlehow Villa, Putney. Waller, Mr., Fleet Street. Willy, Mr. T-, Holloway Road. West, G. Tq Esq., The Elms, Bishop’s Castle. A 4St. ANDREW’S CEMETERY.monumental Inscriptions IN H ighgate Cemetery, Middlesex. ►i< $?ere lies; in peace airaiting tbe resurrection tljatfoiiictnstttortalof Client: Col: George Sj&arlap, C natus 1791 obit 8 Jlune 1830 With totjom is placet) bis son las. SlSarlaR, totw totyle pet a cljtlD teas bp acctbent broioneb, anb taken to tbe lobe ^ of 31esus. natus 7 jfeb. 1830, obit 25 aug. 1843, * Lieut.-Col. G. Marlay, C.B., died in Cavendish Square, June 8th, 1830, on the half-pay, 14th Foot. He was appointed captain in the army 1803 ; of-the 2nd garrison battalion, 1805 ; of the 14th foot, 1810; brevet major 1813, and lieut.-colonel 1817. He served in Spain and Portugal; was in 1809 appointed aide-de-camp to Lieut.-Gen. Sir E. Paget; in 1812, deputy assistant adjutant general; and in 1813, assistant adjutant general. He received a cross for the battles of Nivelle, Nive, Ortlies, and Toulouse ; and served subsequently in Flanders and at Waterloo. B( 2 .) Oserei) to tlje stoeetest anb best belobeb Spemort! of Caterine ìLouisa Georgiana, baugljter of Scorge anìj Catherine JLouisa Sparla^, anb toife of 3flohn 3|atnes Kobert spanners ^ boni 28 Jang,, 1831 ^ felì asleep in Restia ^ 7 JSlpril, 1854^ 5ìnb to toat of ber rnfant baughter iitatharine Cbttb Sparv, born 12 sparti), bieb 24 spartii, 1854^ 3lobeh> anb pìcasant in toeir libes, in beato tiirp torre not btbioeb. S?ere rest tbr mortal remains of Catherine Sparta, Countess SDotoager of CharlebiUe, natus 22 sort., 1762, obit 24 jfeb., 1851, laib bv toe sibe of those of her son, 31as. Chos. SEototilep SCiSball, Csq., natus 2 $ug., 1792, obit 15 2Dec., 1850, in tohose memory this cross toas raises bp Catherine Eouisa Sparlap, to marfe toe gratitube anb lobe of a baughter anb sister. *( 3 ) In this vault are deposited the remains of the Revd. John Humphrys, LL.D., who departed this life July 15th, 1837, in the 79th year of his age. Rebecca Corrie, wife of James Corrie, M.D., of Finchley, and daughter of the Revd. John Humphrys, LL.D., Born July 14th, 1787, Died August 19th, 1849. James Corrie, M.D., of Finchley, Born Feby 16th, 1792, Died Jan? Ist, 1855. Ann, daughter of the Revd. John Humphrys, LL.D., Born 20th August, 1788, died 22nd March, 1857. Mrs. Elizabeth Humphrys, wife of the Revd. John Humphrys, Died July 16th, 1809, Aged 54 years. Her remains are interred at Coseley, in Staffordshire. Mr.-Henry Wainwright Humphrys, eldest son of the Revd. John Humphrys, died November 10th, 1821, in his 40th year. Mr. Benjamin Humphrys, youngestson of theabove Revd. John Humphrys,LL.D., Died May 21st, 1830, Aged 31 years. Margaret, wife of John Humphrys, of Barnet, Surgeon, Died December 7th, 1839, in the 36th year of her age. B 2( 4 ) The Family vault of William Mellish, Esqre.,* of Woodford, Essex, who died the 27 day of January, 1834, Aged 70 years. Erected by his Daughter, Margaret Lauretta, Countess of Glengall. Mary Anne Smith died (unmarried) 2nd October, 1842, aged 65 years. * This respected gentleman, it was supposed, left property amounting to nearly three millions sterling, acquired chiefly by contracts for provisioning the navy during the war, and also in extensive business as a shipowner. About eighteen months before his death an attempt was made upon his life by one of his captains. He had taken shortly before his demise the late residence of Mr. Long Wellesley in Dover Street. His fortune devolved uponhistwo daughters, the eldest of whom, Elizabeth, was married, July 8, 1830, to Lord Edward Thynne, the fifth son of the Marquis of Bath, and brother to the Duchess of Buccleuch ; and the younger was married, February 22, 1834, to the Earl of Glengall. Mr. Mellish also left a widow. His remains were first interred at Wapping, where also were those of his father, the late Peter Mellish, Esq., brother and mother, all of whom were removed and interred at Highgate Cemetery, at the closing of the vaults under Wapping Church. Mr. Mellish died in Dover Street, January 27.( 5 ) To the Memory of Joseph Goodyear, Esq.,* an eminent historical engraver, who departed this life Oct. I, MDCCCXXXIX, aged XLI years. This memorial is erected by his friends, as a testimony of their admiration of his talents as an artist, and their high esteem for him as a man. An only brother adds his tribute of affectionate regard to his memory. In memory of Robert Wainwright, Esq., of Gray's Inn Square, who died on the 19th of July, 1841, aged 78 years. * Mr. Joseph Goodyear was a native of Birmingham; and, for some years previous to his removal to the metropolis, employed in the engraving room of Mr. Josiah Allen in that place. His professional talents were well-known in his day. His last great work was the magnificent plate of “ The Greek Fugitives ” in Finden’s “ Royal Gallery of British Art,” the intense labour and anxiety attendant upon which materially hastened his dissolution. His body was interred on Oct. 7, 1839.( 6 ) In Memory of David Nasmith, (Born A.D. 1799, Died A.D. 1839), Founder of the London City Mission and of various City and Town Missions throughout England, Scotland, Ireland, and America. A few friends connected with these Societies have erected this stone as a Memorial of their esteem and respect 1 for his character and works. Also in Memory of Frances, Relict of David Nasmith, Born A.D. 1800, Died A.D. 1861. To the Memory of Captain St. JohMundell, 22nd Regt, eldest, son of Edward and Jane Mundell, died November 13th, 1844, Aged 34 years, when encamped with the expeditionary Army before Kolepore, Bombay, India, where his remains are interred.( 7 ) To the Memory of Captain & Paymaster Edward Mundell,, 69th Regiment, Died January 4th, 1839, Aged 61 years, at Avaranches, Normandy, France, where his remains are interred in the Burial Ground for the British residents, after forty-five years’ faithful discharge of his duty in the service of his country„ 31n Spewotr of Jane Mundell, Relict of the late Captain and Paymaster Edward Mundell, 69th Regt. Foot, Youngest daughter of the late Marmaduke and Bridget Gwynne, , of Gart, Breconshire, and Llanelwedd Hall, Radnorshire. Died July 18th, 1855, Aged 70 years. In memory of Major Herbert Vaughan Mundell, late of H. M. 96th Regiment, youngest son of Edward and Jane Mundell,. Born July 19, 1822, Died Aug. 19, 1867, Aged 45 years, And is interred in this grave.( 8 ) Here repose the remains of Thomas Platt, late of St George’s, Bloomsbury, Esquire, Who was Born on the 4th of January, 1760, and admitted an Attorney and Solicitor in the Superior Courts at Westminster, 1780, served the office of Chamber Clerk under the Right Honourable Lords Mansfield, Kenyon, and Ellenborough, Chief Justices of England, and enjoyed the confidence of these noble Lords to the times of their respective deaths. After his retirement from office he received from a large body of his professional Brethren the united and public expression of their gratitude for the upright, able, and courteous manner in which he had discharged its duties, and having retained the esteem and respect of the members of his profession and acquired the veneration and attachment of his private friends, closed his useful and honourable life on the 8th day of October, 1842. “Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season.” Job, chap. 5, v. 26. “ A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children.” Prov., chap. 13, v. 22.( 9 ) Also of Catherine, his widow, who departed this life on the 26th Day of January, 1843, in her 76th year. Also of Samuel, their third son, who departed this life , on the 25th Day of April, 1793, aged 15 months. Also of Charles, their second son, who departed this life on the 17th Day of June, 1813, in his 23 year. Also of Susanna, their daughter, who departed this life on the Ist Day of July, in the same year, in the 16th year of her age. Lieut. William Douglass, late of the 42 Highlanders, youngest son of Major ' General Douglass, of Great Baddow, Essex, Died 25th November, 1846, Aged 37 years. Captain Robert Douglass, late of 16th Regiment Dragoons Lancers, eldest son of Major General Douglass, of Great Baddow, Essex, Died 31st October, 1842, aged 40 years.( IO ) Sacred to the memory of Robert Liston, F.R.S.,* late Professor of Clinical Surgery in University College, London, Member of the Council, & an Examiner of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Born October 28th, 1794, Died December 7th, 1847. * Robert Liston, F.R.S., died in Clifford Street. He was the son of the Rev. Henry Liston, minister of Ecclesmachan, a clergyman of the Established Church of Scotland, in the county of Linlithgow. He was born on October 28, 1794. After completing the usual academical and professional course of education, he became a graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and London, and established himself in the former city in the year 1817. He married, in 1820, a daughter of Adam Crawford, Esq., wine merchant, of Leith. He delivered lectures, first on anatomy and afterwards on surgery, from 1822 to 1834. He speedily rose into eminence, both as a lecturer and operator, and in this latter capacity he has had few rivals and no superior. He was a most ardent, anxious, and indefatigable student of anatomy. Nor when he had attained the highest eminence in his profession, did his zeal or assiduity in the study of this department of science in any degree relax. On this head he considered the education of a surgeon could never be complete. At the termination of his professional studies in 1815, he was appointed house-surgeon to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, in which he created such reforms that he received the strongest testimonials of his important services to that institution. Notwithstanding his rising reputation he failed in attaining the Professorship of Surgery in the University of Edinburgh, which was at one time the object of his ambition. In the year 1833, he published his “Principles of Surgery,’’( II ) Sacred to the Memory of Lieut. Joseph Williams, R.N., who died 13 July, 1848, aged 67 years. which passed through several improved editions. In the year 1834, Mr. Liston was appointed surgeon to the North London Hospital, in the parish of St. Pancras. He subsequently became Professor of Clinical Surgery in University College, and continued until his death one of the brightest ornaments of that important institution. On his leaving Edinburgh, in November, 1834, a public entertainment was given to him, presided over by the chief magistrate, supported by the most eminent professional men in the city. In the year 1846, he was appointed one of the examiners of the Royal College of Surgeons. His practice in London soon became extensive and steadily increased ; his reputation was now established, and his name familiar in every school of medicine in Europe and America. He was a fervid lover of truth and sincerity, and his attachments, once formed, were lasting. “ His sympathies were with everything open, manly, and honest.” The funeral of this celebrated surgeon took place on Monday, December 13, 1848. The procession set out for Highgate Cemetery at half-past nine, from the deceased’s residence in Clifford Street, and it consisted at first of five mourning coaches, and fifteen private carriages. In the former were relatives and his fellow medical professors of University College, and in the latter were friends of eminence in the higher ranks. At Swain’s Lane, near the cemetery, the cortege was met by four hundred of Mr. Liston’s former pupils, and by about two hundred medical gentlemen and others. The service was read in Highgate Church by the Rector, so as to accommodate the large number present. The family vault in which Mr. Liston was interred is in the Terrace catacombs, the first tenant being Mr. Dalrymple, sen., of Norwich.( 12 ) William Dalrymple,* late Consulting Surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals, Born August 17th, 1772, Died Decr- 5th, 1847. John Dalrymple, Esq., F.R.S., of No. 60, Grosvenor Street, Grosvenor Square, Fellow and Member of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, eldest son of Wm. Dalrymple, Esq., late of Norwich. Born 17th April, 1804, Died 2nd May, 1852. * William Dalrymple was a native of Norwich, and was born in 1772 ; he was educated at the Grammar School at Aylesham in Norfolk, then under the tuition of Mr. North. From Aylesham he was removed to the free school at Norwich, where he became a favourite pupil of the celebrated Dr. Parr, the head master. In accordance with the rule of medical apprenticeships to extend to seven years he was obliged to leave school at the age of fourteen. Mr. Dalrymple was apprenticed to Messrs. Devaynes & Hingeston, the court apothecaries of that day, and his surgical studies were pursued at the then united Hospitals -of St. Thomas’s and Guy’s, under those eminent men, the elder Clive and Sir Astley Cooper. In 1793, he returned to Norwich and opened a surgery in his father’s house. For some years his professional progress wa§ slow, owing to his views upon civil and religious polity, which were at that time considered inconsistent with loyalty and good citizenship. In 1812, he was invited to become assistant surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, where, in 1813, he attracted the attention of the medical profession by the successful performance of the then very rare operation of( 13 ) His banner over me is love. 31n affttttonate mnembrance of the Rev. Robert Watts, A.M. Rector of the united Parishes of S. Benet, Gracechurch, and S. Leonard, Eastcheap, Born Novr. 9, 1801, Died Novr. 20, 1840, and Paulina, his widow, afterwards wife of the Rev. R. Whittington, A.M., Born Octr. 7, 1806, Died Octr. 4, 1858. placing a ligature upon the common carotid artery. In 1814 he was appointed surgeon to the above hospital, vacated by the late Dr. Rigby. His career in this noble institution was marked not less by a devoted industry than by the highest anatomical science and surgical skill; his practice was eminently humane, patient, and delicate. His talents and acquirements were now acknowledged by the highest rewards which his native town could offer, and he was called on to fill almost every public office connected with his profession which could be bestowed upon him. In 1839, in his 67th year, his powers at length gave way, and finding himself no longer equal to his hospital practice he resigned his position, receiving a cordial acknowledgment from the governors. In 1844 he finally retired from professional life, and with the most praiseworthy generosity presented the entire contents of his museum, which had cost him years of labour, to the N orfolk and Norwich Hospital. This noble gift was gratefully acknowledged by the governors, and an inscription was placed in the New Museum Room, which had been erected by public subscription to receive the collection. Scrupulous in honour himself, he venerated honourable and elevating principles, and ever spoke of them with enthusiasm. Mr. Dalrymple was married in July, 1799,t0 Hiss Marianne Bertram.( 14 ) In memory of Louis Hayes Petit,* of Lincoln’s Inn, Barrister-at-Law, who died on the i3tlL day of November, in the year of our Lord 1849, aged 75. His varied information, his uniform cheerfulness of temper and active benevolence, secured him the esteem of all who knew him, his own uprightness of principle and his discernment of it in others, made his friendships honourable, his sound judgment made them valuable; the kindness of his disposition made them numerous, the firmness and steadiness of his character made them lastiqg. They who loved him cherish the remembrance of his virtues with affection and gratitude, but they rest not on these their hopes of his everlasting welfare, for he built not upon that foundation, but constantly remembered that the best of his works could only be accepted in heaven thro’ the merits of his Redeemer. * Louis Hayes Petit, Esq., M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., and a Bar-rister-at-Law, was the son of John Lewis Petit, M.A. and M.D.( IS ) Revd. Arthur Savage Wade, D.D., Vicar of St. Nicholas, Warwick, Died Nov. 17th, 1845, aged 58 years. He was born in Marlborough Street, November 9, 1774. He was educated at Mr. Newcome’s school at Hackney, and was prepared for the University by the Rev. S. Parlby, curate of Stoke-by-Nayland, in Suffolk. He entered at Queen’s College, Cambridge, and took the degree of B.A. in 1796, and M.A. in 1799. He studied in the chambers of Mr. Abbott, afterwards Lord Tenterden, and was called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn in Trinity Term, 1801. He was much noticed by Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, and became a distinguished member of the Oxford circuit, attending also at first the Chester Assizes and the Stafford and Worcester Sessions. He ceased to practice in 1821. In May, 1827, he was returned for the borough of Ripon. He voted against the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, and the emancipation of the Roman Catholics ; and in favour of the Reform Bill. He retired from Parliament at the end of 1832. He was unmarried, and resided in No. 9, New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, from 1802 to the time of his decease. His kind disposition, his cheerfulness and hospitality attached him to a numerous'circle of friends. His blameless life, his unostentatious benevolence, his sound judgment, his uniform kindness to all connected with him by friendship or relationship was well-known to all connected with him. He -was always a firm and consistent churchman, and was for many years a member of Noby’s Club. He was a fellow of many of the learned societies, and a member of the commission of Public Records during the reign of William IV. He was also a director of the Equitable Insurance Company ; he held estates in Wolverhampton in mining and agricultural districts, and was Lord of the Manor of Yeading at Hayes, Middlesex. His remains were interred in Highgate Cemetery on Nov. 20, 1849, followed by his nephews as chief mourners, and a numerous body of friends.( i6 ) Consecrates by affection—to the beloved memory of Christopher Scales, Esq., of Bolsover, Derbyshire, who died 2nd Nov1*., 1844, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. His comprehensive and elevated mind rendered him a valuable companion, while his undeviating and manly integrity procured him general esteem. His disposition was benevolent and humane, his temper social and generous, to which amiable qualities he united the most engaging manners and every private virtue. His remains are deposited in the vault beneath, with those of four of his children who died in their infancy. Sacred To the Memory of the Revd. John BlGGAR, Born on the 12th of July, 1786, in the parish of Yarrow, Selkirkshire, Died in London on the 2Cth of August 1842, Aged 52 years.( i7 ) fym um the once beautiful Eliza,, wife of George Fisher, of Duke Street, St. James’s,, . obit. March 9th, 1843, Ætat 36. Also to the memory of George Fisher, who died February 28th, 1855, aged 68. In Memory of Eliza Bird, Died on the 25th of June, 1845, aged 21 years. William Bird, Esqre., Author of original Psalmody, dedicated to His Majesty King George the Fourth, the late King of Hanover, the Duke of Clarence, and the Royal Family, Died 28th of January, 1864, aged 81 years. c( 18 ) To the Memory of Andrew Morton, Esqre., an artist of no ordinary merit, he was gradually rising to the summit of his profession, and on the eve of being elected an associate of the Royal Academy, he was suddenly removed by the rapid progress of disease, from his labours, and the honours that awaited him. He was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, July 25th, 1802, and died in London, August Ist, 1845. To the Memory also of Thomas Morton, Esqre.,* brother of Andrew Morton, Esqre., * On Oct. 30, died in Woburn Place, Russell Square, Thomas Morton, Esq., Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. He received his early medical education at Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and in 1832 became a pupil at University College. He was distinguished for his application to his medical studies, more especially anatomy, physiology, and surgery, and obtained the gold( J9 ) who departed this life 30th October, 1849, in the 36th year of his age. He was Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Surgeon to the Queen’s Bench Prison, and Surgeon to the U ni versi ty H ospital, and was a young man of high professional talent. medals destined to the most successful students in these classes. He was admitted a member of the College of Surgeons in 1835, and was appointed house-surgeon under Mr. Cooper at University College Hospital in 1836. He subsequently visited Paris ; and on his return was appointed, in conjunction with Mr. Ellis, Demonstrator of Anatomy in the College. On the institution of the office of assistant-surgeon at the Hospital, he was appointed to the post, being one of the earliest students of the College who succeeded in obtaining one of its permanent appointments. During the latter part of Mr. S. Cooper’s connection with the College, Mr. Morton delivered a portion of the lectures on surgery ; and, on the death of Mr. Liston and the retirement of Mr. Cooper, the wish on the part of the students to have Mr. Morton appointed to the vacant chair of surgery led to circumstances which resulted in the retirement of Mr. Syme, who had received the appointment. Though not appointed Professor of Surgery, Mr. Morton was advanced in his position, and made full surgeon to the Hospital. On the death of Mr. Cooper, whose son-in-law he was, he succeeded that gentleman as Surgeon to the Queen’s Bench Prison. He was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1843. Mr. Morton’s distinguished career as a student was followed up by a series of works displaying great knowledge of surgical anatomy and practical acquaintance with the profession of surgery. Mr. Morton was found dead in his bed. He married Mary Anne, daughter of the late Mr. Samuel Cooper, author of the “ Surgical Dictionary,” and left one daughter. C 2( 20 ) Lady Charlotte Beauglerk, daughter of William, 8th Duke of St Albans, Born 4th April, 1802. Died 12th August, 1842. Lord Henry Beauclerk, Died 22nd JanL, 1856. Aged 43 years. In this grave are deposited the mortal remains of Thomas Webster, Esqre., who was born in the Orkneys, died in London, December 26th, 1844, Aged 72. He was bred an Architect, but by Circumstances and from taste he Acquired proficiency as an artist, A geologist, and natural philosopher. His knowledge was positive and practical, His life one of unwearied industry, And his labours have been useful.( 21 ) Sacred to the Memory of John Harding, Esqre., for more than 40 years a resident of Kentish Town, where he exercised the profession of a Surgeon with conspicuous talent and unsullied integrity. By his death his profession lost one of its ornaments, his friends a sincere friend, and the poor a benefactor. He departed this life the 30th January, 1844, aged 65 years. To the Memory of Louisa Christiana, the beloved wife of Francis Rivington, Esqre., who died March 10th, 1848, Aged 35 years. xtleo of Octavius Hansard Rivington, son of the above, Born February 20th, 1848, Died March 25th, 1848.( 22 ) Beneath Lie the mortal remains of Sir John Gurney* Late one of the Barons of the Exchequer. In a profession which is singularly open to public view, he commanded the respect and goodwill of all who knew him, and rose by a course of patient and honorable exertion to a distinguished place among the advocates of his day : called at length to a higher post, he carried to the bench of justice, a clear intellect, an inflexible love of right, and a cheerful devotion of all his powers to the public service ; his private virtues gladdened his own home, and were the admiration of many beyond it, but his hope was in Christ, and in Him alone : * Sir John Gurney was the son of Joseph Gurney, Esq., of Walworth, and his mother was the daughter of William Brodie, Esq., formerly of Mansfield. He died March i, 1845, at his residence in Lincoln’s Inn Fields, aged 76. He was called to the bar at the Inner Temple, May 3, 1793. In the early portion of his professional career he devoted himself sedulously and successfully to Old Bailey practice, and, with his vigorous talents and unceasing industry, he soon obtained a considerable reputation as a criminal lawyer. He selected the Home Circuit and the Court of King’s Bench for his professional employment. In Michaelmas term, 1810, he was appointed a King’s Counsel ; and in the year 1823, he was called within the bar. The zeal and industry of Mr. Gurney procured for him a large share of business, and in the year 1832, he was raised to the Bench of the Court of Exchequer. Sir J. Gurney retired from the Bench scarcely six weeks before his death. He was a man eminent for his attention to religious duties. In early life he was a member of an independent congregation at Clapham ; but before his elevation to the Bench, he joined the Church of England. Sir J. Gurney married, Dec. 11,1797, Maria, daughter of William Hawes, M.D., by whom he had a numerous family.( 23 ) confessing himself an unprofitable servant, lie resigned his spirit into the hands of his Redeemer, and quietly fell asleep on the Ist of March, 1845, in the 78 year of his age. Maria, widow of Sir John Gurney, and daughter of Dr. William Hawes, died on the 22nd day of April, 1849, the 82nd year of her age. Maria Hawes Ware, eldest daughter of Sir John Gurney, died July 29th, 1863, aged 64. Sidney Gurney, died March 9th, 1864, aged 56. Edith, daughter of the above, died April 7th, 1864, aged 23. The Rev. John Hampden Gurney, M.A., eldest son of Sir John Gurney, Prebendary of S. Paul's, and Rector of S. Mary’s, Bryanston Square, Died March 8th, 1862, aged 59. Mary, his wife, Died July 16th, 1857, aged 47. , Alice, wife of the Revd. Frederick Gurney, Died June 6th, 1868, aged 24.( 24 ) Sacred to the memory of William Henry Chambers, Esq., R.M.S., youngest and only surviving son of the late William Chambers, Esq., many years an effective officer to the Honourable Board of Ordnance, obiit 29th March, 1845, in his 55th year. Mark the perfect man, and behdld the upright, for the end of that man is peace. Sacred to the Memory of John Burns Corrie, Comedian, who departed this life June 11th, 1848, aged 41. This stone was erected by his professional friends to commemorate his honesty and general worth. “Alas! Poor Yorick!” Also in Memory of Mrs. Francis Wadds, Bor 11 Decr* 19th, 1812, died April 16th, 1867. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.”( 25 ) §>acteD to the memory of Susanna Stanley, the beloved niece of Lady Jane Blizard, of Grove Terrace, Kentish Town, who departed this life the 19th May, 1843, aged 45 years, in hope of a joyful resurrection. Also Jane, widow of Sir Wm. Blizard, who departed this life, the 14th November, 1848, , aged 84 years. Beneath this stone are laid the mortal remains of William Fergusson, M.D., Inspector General of Military Hospitals, Born at Ayr, 19th June, 1773, Died in London, 2nd January, 1846. In memory of Robert Richardson, M.D., of Gordon Square, Died November 5th, 1847, aged 76. Also of Mary, widow of the above, Died December 15th, 1862, aged 76.( 26 ) Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee„ Louise, another spirit, is fled, and the clay gathered to the tomb, amidst those loved ones who had before passed away. Oh! may a father, by the mercy of the great ruling Power of all, look down from the spirit land, watch over, and direct the frail mortal actions of a bereaved and devoted son. Sacred to the memory of Louisa Sophia, only daughter of Charles Littledale, Esqre-and the affectionate wife of John Lloyd Clayton, Esqre’> Died Tuesday, 2nd March, 1844, aged 27. Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee Light. Sacred to the memory of John Lloyd Clayton, Esqre> of Portman Square, who died Octr- 6th» 1855, aged 59 years. In the same vault are interred the remains of Charles Littledale, Esqre > of Portland Place, who died April 18th, 1849, aged 71 years. Also of Catherine Louisa Littledale, wife of the above, who died Octr* 28th, 1856, aged 78 years.Alice Mary Woodley, Born June 26th, 1840, Died Jan. Ist, 1844. Julia Woodley, Born June 2nd, 1842, Died Jan. 5th, 1844. Not twins by birth but twins in death, Two children here together sleep, Heav’n snatched at once their fragrant breath, Then wherefore for them weep Like rosebuds ere their leaves were blown, Plucked were they from the parent stem, But who would live to be full grown Could die like them. Sacred to the memory of John Wallis North, who departed this life June 19th, 1855, aged 28 years. Affliction decks thy grave, And from oblivion, vain thy worth would save; That worth how prized, how loved thy moulderin frame ; Not funeral cars, nor verse, shall ere explain. Thy name I carve on silent stone, Thy call I follow to the world unknown.( 28 ) To the Memory of Arthur, second son of Thomas Eley, Who, after a most painful and lingering illness, Departed this life without a struggle, And, in sure hope of eternal happiness, Through the merits of his Redeemer, On the 28th of May, 1843, in his 20th year. His Saviour God from above, Looked down with pity and with love, And bade his sorrows cease: Then, from its suffering shrine of clay He bore that trusting soul away To realms of endless peace. Before His gracious Father’s throne, He claims that soul to be His own, Who His protection craved. In heaven there’s joy; for, hark! again I heard the oft repeated strain, “ Another sinner saved.” Daniel Neal Lister, of the Honble. Society of Gray’s Inn, Barrister, Died the 26th JanL, 1847, in the 74th year of his age.( 29 ) Sacred to the memory of Mary, the wife of John Dennis Rock, of Highgate, who, after a life adorned by whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are pure, and whatsoever things are lovely, fell asleep on the 2nd« of June, 1846, in the 42nd year of her age. “Looking for the mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” Sacred to the memory of Edward Hunt, late of Islington, who died a Martyr to the Gout, August 18th, 1848, aged 53 years.( 30 ) Erected By the Presbyterian Congregation of River Terrace, Islington, In Memory of their beloved Pastor, the Revd. Josias Wilson, in whose light they rejoiced for a season, and for the blessed results of whose labours many of them shall praise God through eternity. Pie was distinguished for ardent piety, Fervent eloquence, abundant labours, and pastoral devotedness. In a comparatively brief career He concentrated a vast amount of usefulness, and was the instrument in the hands of the Master whom he loved, of forming or enlarging four prosperous congregations at Tassagh, Drogheda, Belfast, and London. He. was a zealous witness for evangelical truth, fearless in rebuking sin, an able advocate of Christian Missions, eminently Catholic in his spirit, the friend of the young, the comforter of the afflicted, and the father of the poor.( 3i ) After having served his own generation By the will of God he fell asleep on the 13th April, 1847, in the 48 year of his age and the 26th of his Ministry, Breathing a desire to depart and to be with Christ. '“He was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost and of faith, and much people was added unto the Lord.” Acts xi. 24. To the Memory of The Revd* James Harrington Evans, of Hampstead, for thirty years minister of John Street Chapel, London, who died December Ist, 1849, Aged 64 years. His desire was that only the following words should be inscribed on his tombstone:— ■“God be merciful to me a sinner.”—Luke xviii. 13. To the Memory of Caroline, wife of the Rev. James H. Evans, who died March 8th, 1831. Her remains were deposited beneath with those of her husband, December 6th, 1849.( 32 ) The SOUL is gone to immortality, the BODY lies here at rest, of William Dalgliesh, the son of Alexr- & Elizth Dalgliesh, BORN at Bankend, Hobkirk, N.B., 20th August, 1792, DIED in London, 22nd Augst, 1849, Aged 57 years. This simple Stone, which few vain Marbles can, May truly say: “Here lies an honest Man.”( 33 ) The SHADES of DEATH the DESTINY of MORTAL MAN, HOLD the DUST John Dalgliesh, elder son of Alexr- & Elizth Dalgliesh, BORN at Bankend, Hobkirk, N.B., 15 October, 1787, DIED in London, 15th July, 1859, in his 72nd year. A noble Spirit soars above the skies, Beneath, in narrow cell, his Body lies. of 1)( 34 ) An afflicted father, a mourning widow, a bereaved son, have erected this stone to perpetuate the Memory of Henry White Vousley, who died on the 29th day of June, 1844, Aged 37 years. In him the numerous charities and institutions of the Licensed Victuallers of the Metropolis lost a sincere and active supporter; his family an affectionate husband, father, and son ; his friends, a faithful and judicious counsellor ; and society, a man whose time, talents, and resources were devoted to promote every good and charitable object. Although he died young, he has left behind him a name and memory which will be cherished as long as worth is esteemed and virtue honored, and public principle admired.( 35 ) Sacred to the Memory of James Francis Helvetius Hobler, Esqr% of Pentonville, late Chief Clerk to the Lord Mayor of the City of London* and who was for upwards of 53 years an officer of the Corporation. Died 21st January, 1844,, aged 78 years. Also of Mary, relict of the above, Died 9th March, 1846, aged 81 years. Also of Thomas Knight, Junr., son-in-law of the above Fras. Hobler, Esqre., and eldest son of Thos. Knight, Esqre., of Pays Castle, Cockermouth, Cumberland. Died on the 8th August 1850, Aged 51 years and 11 months. D 2( 3*5 ) Sacred to the memory of Mary Eliza Evans, Died 5th of FebL, 1844, aged 7 months. Also of Mr. Henry Mackenzie, grandfather of the above, who died the 21st of August, 1847, Aged 60 years. His end was peace. b And of Mrs. Louisa Mackenzie, relict of the last-named, who died January 29th, 1852, aged 67 years. Also of Mr. Frederick Mackenzie, Painter in Water Colours, Brother of the above-named Henry Mackenzie, who died April 25th, 1854, aged 67 years. Also of Mary Wilson sister of the above j Louisa Mackenzie, who died June 17th, 1862, aged 86 years.( 37 ) t Sacred to the Memory of Pierce Egan,* Author of several popular works, who died on the 3rd of August, 1840. Requiescat in pace. Sacred to the memory of Mr. James Allen, who departed this life August Ist, 1844, in his 47th year, after a short but painful illness. Just like a bud nipt off the tree, Now death has parted you and me, Weep not for me nor trouble make But love my children for my sake. * Pierce Egan was the veteran historian of the ring and sporting journalist. Mr. Egan’s popularity chiefly resulted from the success of his “ Life in London,” which was published in numbers, illustrated by the clever designs of Mr. George Cruick-shank, of 263, Hampstead Road, and which had an unusual run of success when dramatised at the Adelphi Theatre. The following are some of his principal works : “ Boxiana ; or Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism ;” “ Life in London : or the Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq., and his elegant friend Corinthian Tom, accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their rambles through the metropolis,” “ An account of the Trial of John Thurtell and James Hunt,” “An account of the Trial of Mr. Fauntleroy, for forgery,” “The Life of an Actor,” “ Life in London,” a newspaper commenced in 1824, &c.( 38 ) Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Ephraim Southgate, who died on the 27th April, 1844, in the 44th year of his age. Rest, mortal, rest, and take thine hallowed sleep, Thy widow mourns thee, and thy children weep To think thy form from earth too soon hath fled Unto these dreary mansions of the dead; But time will come when God who reigns on high Shall hear the widow’s pray’r and orphan’s cry. Beneath this last tribute of earthly love from a husband, Here sleeps in peace JANE, the beloved wife of John Helling, J. H. obitt. October 23rd, 1848, aged 28 years. Sacred to the Memory of John Helling, Esq., late of 20, Hampstead Road, St. Pancras, Middx.( 39 ) In Memory of Amelia Sarah, the beloved wife of. Samuel Mason, of Nottingham Street, Marylebone, gent, who died on the 5th of December, 1841, aged 38 years. The doctrines of a crucified and exalted Saviour, applied by a loving faith to her heart, were eminently conspicuous in her character while in health and strength ; supported her in the langour of protracted illness, and imparted to a dying hour hopes full of immortality. Reader, Would’st thou meet Death in peace like her, seek it thro’ the blood of the Cross ! “She sleeps in Jesus, but shall soon arise To claim thro’ Him, her mansion in the skies, Because He lives, she too shall live again To share the glories of an endless reign.” John 14—19. Henry Love, Esq., R.N., Died Sep. 26, 1842, Aged 40 years.( 40 ) To the memory of Henry Colman, of Salem, Massachusetts, U.S., ob. August 17th, 1849, in London, aged 65. In early life a minister of the gospel, in later years its secular missionary, he devoted himself to the work of studying in various countries of Europe, those facts which bear on the great interests of humanity, and in the course of his researches he brought to light not only an appalling mass of hidden misery, but the means— more especially such as are afforded by agriculture— of improving the condition and enlarging the resources of the people of each state. In him the despised and rejected have lost a brother, the rich and noble a friend, whose truthfulness won their regard, whilst it commanded their respect. His prayer that he might die at home at last was not fulfilled, but his labors of love came to a close in a kindred land where his name had ceased to be that of a stranger.( 4i ) This memorial is erected in testimony that the virtues which made Henry Colman an honor to his own country have found a warm response from English hearts. “Where I am there shall my servant be.”—John x. 11. Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Thomas Lepard Knevitt, R.N., who departed this life on the 7th of March, 1848, in the 58th year of his age. Also of Edward Crew Knevitt, R.N., youngest son of the above, drowned during the hurricane at Rio de Janeiro on the 10th October, 1864, aged 26 years. Interred in the English cemetery there. Also of Adair Grace, daughter of the above, died 14th April, 1865, aged 7 months.( 42 ) Mary, the wife of the Revd* Wm. HL Rowlatt, died (as she had lived) in the true faith of Christ at the master’s house, in the Temple, on the 5th August, 1844, in her 64tlL year, and is here buried and O ! how deeply and justly lamented. Also of Julia Emery, a beloved sister of the above, who died 7th September, 1844, in her 67th year, Much lamented ; And near this spot was buried John Claudius Emery, Esqre., their only much loved brother, who died 24th September, 1843, in his 61st year, also deeply regretted. Also of Frances Emery, another dear sister of the above, who died 21st May, 1846, aged 57 years, Much lamented.( 43 ) Also Louisa Emery, last remaining sister of the above, who died 31st December, 1848, aged 73 years, 1 Much regretted. Also the Revd- Wm. HX Rowlatt, M.A. (husband of Mary Rowlatt), some time Reader at the Temple Church, who departed this life on the 12~ day of January, 1863, in the 89th year of his age. May they rest in peace. Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann, wife of Edwd* Baker, Esqre., of Sion House, Stamford Hill, who departed this life, 25th March, 1845, aged 50 years. Also to the memory of the above Edward Baker, Esqre., who departed this life, Ist October, 1859, aged 69 years.( 44 ) In memory of Mr. Charles Sotheran,* of Trinity Square, Southwark, who departed this life April 21st, 1851, aged 35. Also Henry, infant son of the above, who died July 4th, 1850, aged 1 year and five months. Also Charlotte, sixth daughter of the late Charles Price, Esqle., of Somerset House, who departed this life 27th Dec1'., 1857, in her 65th year. # In this grave likewise lie the remains of Thomas Sotheran (father of the above-mentioned Charles Sotheran), of Lewisham, Kent, gent., who was baptized Sept. 15, 1782, in the parish church of St. Oswald, Oswaldkirk, co. York, and died August 4, 1866, at Lewisham, aged 84 ; and also of Maria Sotheran, his wife (whom he married April 13, 1812, at Old St. Pancras Church, London),, daughter of Charles Price, of Somerset House, London, Esq., and granddaughter of William Phillips, of Witston House, co. Monmouth, Esq., J.P.; she was born 1788 at Abergavenny, co. Monmouth, died September g, 1868, at Penge, co. Surrey, in her eightieth year, and was interred at Highgate Cemetery, on September 15 following. The father of Mr. Thomas Sotheran was Thomas Sotheran, of Outhouses, near Ampleforth, co. York, gent., descended from a family of minor gentry, which have been seated on their own estates at Ampleforth, Gilling, Oswaldkirk, and other parts of the North Riding of the county of York as early as the sixteenth century, when we find Robert Sotheran, knight, resident at Ampleforth ; from his “ inq. post mort.” in the possession of a descendant, and “taken at Kirby-Moreside, in the county of York,, the 16th day of October, in the 20th year of the reign of our Lord! James, by the grace of God of England, France^ and Ireland, King,, defender of the Faith, &c., and in the 56th year of his reign as King of Scotland, before Thomas Lovell, escheator, &c., &c.,” we learn that he died on May 1, 1619, and that his son and heir, then aged twenty, was John Sotheran; this Robert Sotheran was a son of( 45 ) William Sotheran, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and is mentioned, together with his father, in the will dated 1582, and proved 1583, of his uncle, John Sotheren, of Newcastle, merchant, who Was brother to Stephen Sotheron, sheriff of Newcastle, 1561. The Sotherons had, as monastic and other records show, been before that time settled in the county of Durham. Among other members there living were Sir Robert Sotheron, knight, of New-Elvet, in the city of Durham, who is frequently mentioned 1448-78, in the books of Finchale, Durham, and Coldingham Priories ; William Sotheron, chaplain, the conveyer, 1462, of lands in Greencroft, co. Durham, on behalf of Stephen Anstell, dean of Lanchester, who died 1461 ; and Sir William Sotheron, knight, chaplain of Hampsthwaite, co. York, whose name appears in the will, proved 1536, of Marmaduke Beck-wifh, of Dacre-in-Nidderdale. The Sotherons of Darrington Hall, co. York (who had, May 26, 1810, from Sir Isaac Heard, Garter King of Arms, Knight, and Ralph Bigland, Norroy King of Arms, Esq., a grant of the arms “gules on a bend indented between six cross crosslets argent, three eagles displayed sable,” and crest “ an eagle with two heads displayed party per pale argent and gules, the wings semee of cross crosslets, counterchanged, murally crowned, beaked, and membered or”) are also descended from this family resident in Newcastle and co. Durham ; their earliest ancestor given in a pedigree entered by them, 1810, at the College of Arms, is William Sotheron, the purchaser, 1603 {temp. Queen Elizabeth), of lands at Holm-in-Spaldingmore, in the East Riding of the county of York, who was doubtless a son of William Sotheron (brother to John Sotheren of Newcastle before-mentioned), of Newcastle-on-Tyne, merchant, by Katharine his wife, daughter of Ralph Willy, of Haughton-le-Side, co. Durham. The subjoined woodcut of the arms of Stephen Sotheron, “argent, a chevron between three branches of southernwood vert ; in chief a crescent sable,” is taken from the “ Carr MS.” in Voi. 41 of the Surtees Society’s publications. 2Eije of jstepfjm &otf)eron, èrtjertff of i^EtocastleiOUi^ne, 1561.( 4 6 ) Mary Louisa Sheppard, Born Jany. 25th, 1836, Died March 4th, 1842. See then how soon the flowers of life decay, How soon terrestrial pleasures fade away ; A star of comfort for a moment giv’n, Just rose on earth, then set to rise in heaven. Faith tells thee, and it tells thee not in vain, That thou shall meet thine infant yet again, While yet on earth thine ever circling arms, Held it securest from surrounding harms ; Yet even there disease could aim the dart, Chill the warm cheek and stop the fluttering heart; Then far be grief, faith looks beyond the tomb, And heaven’s bright portals sparkle thro’ the gloom, If bitter thoughts and tears in heaven could be, It is thine infant that should weep for thee. To the memory of Susannah World, who died 18th October, 1842, in her 29th year. The closing rite is o’er, and earth has paid Its closing tribute : never one more just, More pure, was proffered to a child of dust. She was meek, so kind, the sainted shade !: Her life flowed on in such an even course Of duty, full of faith and truth and love.( 47 ) Ada Emma Holmes, daughter of Nathaniel and Harriet Holmes, of Hampstead, Born Nov1’. 16th, 1826, died May 11th, 1840. Liv’d to wake each tender passion And delightful hopes inspire ; Died to try our resignation, And direct our wishes higher ; Rest, sweet child, in gentle slumbers, Till the resurrection morn ; Then arise to join the numbers, That its triumphs shall adorn. Though thy presence so endearing, We thy absence now deplore ; At the Saviour’s bright appearing, We shall meet to part no more. Thus to thee, O Lord, submitting, We our dearest pledge resign ; And thy mercies ne’er forgetting, Own that all we have is thine. George Mann Burrows, M.D., F.L.S., Died October 29th, 1846, Aged 75 years. Sophia Burrows, widow of George Mann Burrows, M.D., Died August 21st, 1858, Aged 90 years.( 48 ) Sacred to the Memory of Frances Sarah Pearson, the much loved daughter of Stephen Pearson, of Lamb’s Conduit Street, Parish of S. Andrew’s, Holborn, who died on the 4th May, 1848, in the 23 rd year of her age. Insatiate grave ! ah ! why not spare So young, so good, so fair a maid ? The aged are thy welcome fare ;— The bad and worthless ought to fade From earth’s green surface :—not this flower Radiant in beauty,—youthful bloom Her father’s pride and hope !—Death’s power (Alas !) Hath laid Her in the silent tomb ! Lieut.-Colonel John Crosdill, C.B., Madras Artillery, Died Ist June, 1849, Aged 76. Robert James Elliott, Commander, R.N., Died 30th April, 1849, in the 59th year of his age.( 49 ) To the Memory of Elizabeth Sophia, the beloved wife of J. .Babington, Esq., Of Gloucester Road, Regent’s Park, who departed this life February 2nd, 1848, aged 81 years. Also in Memory of Lieut.-Colonel Babington, late of the 14th Light Dragoons, husband of the above, who departed this life on the Ist of January, 1848, Aged 70. He had served with that regiment throughout his whole career, first in the expedition to Quiberon Bay, and the Isle of Dieu in the coast of La Vendée in 1795, he was subsequently two years in St. Domingo after its revolt from the French. He served in the Peninsula and South of France from 1808 to March, 1814, including the passage to the Douro, the Battle of Talavera, the affair in front of Cuidad Rodrigo, the passage of the Coa, and the various actions covering the retreat from Almeida to Torres Vedras, the Battle of Busaco, and in all the actions from Santarein to the Frontiers of Spain. E( 50 ) * Jn sgemorp of Che Venerable mm Jennings, D.D., 3rcbbecon of iftorfolk, l6orn September rriii., a^Dcclrrriii., Diet» December re., s©occcriir. looking unto Jesus, tbe author anb finisher of our faith —J^eb. rii. ii. In loving Memory of the Rev. Charles Acland, Chaplain H.E.I.C.S., who died at Pooree, May 17th, 1845, aged 32 years. “ Thy will be done.” J esus said— What I do thou knowest not But thou shalt know hereafter.—St. John xiii., 7. William Stuart, second son of Charles and Harriette Acland, who died in London, Nov. 15 th, 1869, aged 35. Harriette Potter, widow of the Revd. Charles Acland.( 5i ) Sacred To the Memory of Margaret, The beloved Wife of Sir Peter Laurie, Alderman of London; Died 6th January, 1848, Aged 64. Blessed are the pure in heart: For they shall see God. Sacred To the Memory of Cecil, Son of Peter & Frances Northall Laurie, Died 18th December, 1855, Aged 5 years and 11 Months. “Is it well with the child? and She answered, it is well.” 2 Kings, chap. 4, v. 26. Also of Sir Peter Laurie, Alderman, President of The Royal Hospitals of Bridewell and Bethlehem, Died 3rd December, 1861, aged 83 years. In this vault are also deposited the mortal remains of Catherine Jack, Sister of Lady Laurie, Died July 28th, 1850, iEtat. 7°* E 2( 52 ) Sacred to the memory of Harriet, the wife of John Standford, Esq,, of Dublin. Also their infant son Alfred. She was the beloved and only daughter of Rear-Admiral Sir Andrew Pellet and Lady Green, and departed this life on the 23rd June, 1848, aged 19 years. Tempest Willoughby Scrimshire Green, Died 21st July, 1851, aged 18 years, * the youngest son of Rear-Admiral Sir Andrew Pellet and Lady Green. Sacred to the memory of Vice-Admiral Sir Andrew Pellet Green, K.C.H., K.S.S., K.I.C.A., Toulon, Bastia, Lord Hotham's action, 1795, “Censeur ” St. Lucie, St. Domingo, Copenhagen, Trafalgar, Preuss Eylau, Dantzic, Cuxhaven, Gluckstadt, &c., Naval Aide-de-camp to William IV. & Queen Victoria, Died on the 26th December, 1858, in his 82nd year.( S3 ) Sacred to the Memory of George Oakley Foster, the beloved adopted son of George Oakley and Jane Heming, Born July 17th, 1830; Died April 26th, 1840. Weep not; he is not dead, but sleepeth.—■ Luke, c. x., v. 52, Dear as thou wert, and justly dear, We will not weep for thee; One thought shall check the starting tear, It is that thou art free. And thus by faith’s consoling power, The tears of love restrain; For who that saw thy parting hour, Could wish thee back again. Also of Jane Heming, Aged 42 years, wife of G. Oakley Heming, Died April 23rd, 1845. Thou shalt weep no more; the days of thy mourning are ended. Also the above-named George Oakley Heming, M.D., who died at Bath, January 28th, 1863, aged 68.( 54 ) “Through death he destroyeth him, that had the power of death.”—Heb. ii., ver. xiv. “ Because I live ye shall live also.”—John xiv., ver. xix. 31 n $5onori? of the best of wives, the tenderest of mothers, and the truest of friends. Martha, the beloved wife of James Hartley, of Mecklenburgh Square, Esqre., who departed this life August fifth, MDCCCXLVI, aged XLVII years. Erected by her bereaved husband, who alone can estimate the loss sustained by himself and his children, whose heart knoweth his own bitterness. Her reliance was simply on the finished work, the obedience unto death of the Lord Jesus Christ. “For us men, and for our salvation.” Her life was by faith of Him : her death was precious in His sight, and full of hope in Him. The loss is ours, who survive, to her it was wholly “ gain to die.” “ Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.” Reader, “Now is the accepted time ” but it is short. If thou wouldst die the “ death of the righteous,” thou must live the life of the righteous, be then a follower of her, who humbly sought to follow Him, who “ went about doing good.”( 55 ) to the memory of James Hartley, of Fairy Hall, Eltham, Kent, Esqre., who died on board the steam ship “Alma ” on 19th March, 1857, two days’ sail from Point de Galle, Ceylon, on his return from India, aged 57 years. , In Memory of Mrs. CAiLiA Harriet Walford, late of Bolton Cottage, Upper Church Street, Chelsea, who died on the 11th of April, 1853, aged 54. Can loving children ere reprove With murmurs whom they trust and love ? Creator! I would ever be A trusting, loving, child to thee ; As comes to me or cloud or sun, Father, thy will, not mine, be done.( 56 ) My flesh shall rest in hope. In memory of Charlotte Louisa, relict of Samuel Wesley, the Celebrated Composer, who died Feb. 5 th, 1845, aged 84 years. To thee, fond mother, in whose bosom reign’d, Maternal love, whilst feeble life remain’d, With many a gushing tear and plaintive moan, Thy grateful children place this humble stone. Also of Charles Wesley, D.D., son of the above, sub-Dean of Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal, household Chaplain at St. James’s Palace, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty, who died September 14th, 1859, Aged 64 years. “ I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.” Also of Maud Wesley Dennis, Granddaughter of the above Chas. Wesley, and second daughter of William and Maria Dennis, who died March 13th, 1865, aged 2 years and 5 months.Also of Eliza Wesley/ Relict of the above Charles Wesley, who died September 4th, 1866, aged 67 years. Also of Katherine Wesley, infant daughter of the above William and Maria Dennis, who died April 9th, 1867, aged 13 months. Sacred To the Memory of Alexander Lancelot Wesley, fourth son of William and Maria Dennis, Born 10th September, 1867, Died 23rd March, ,1869. Also of Edith Wesley, third daughter of the above William and Maria Dennis, Born June 8th, 1864, Died January 5th, 18 68.( 58 ) Mrs. Charlotte Matilda Muston, wife of Charles Muston, Esqre., formerly of Rugby, and daughter of Captain Charles Nowell, private secretary to the Duke of York, descended from the Nowells of Beck Hall, Craven, Yorkshire. Died 10th May, 1849, Aged 51. “ Her hope and trust were in the precious blood of Christ, the only Saviour, shed for her, and all who come in repentance to Him,.”' Charles Muston, Esqre., of the Parish of St. Pancras, husband of Mrs. Charlotte Matilda Muston, Died January 23rd, 1851, Aged 49 years. “ His prayer to God was for pardon for his sins—and his hope was that by sincere repentance through the redeeming blood of Christ he should obtain pardon at the last/'( 59 ) ' Ann, widow of James Foggo, whose useful life ended on the 27th July, 1847, in her 95th year. This Memorial of esteem and affection is consecrated to their Good Mother By J. & G. Foggo, Historical Painters. She nursed us in sickness, cheered us under disappointments, her devoted care brought comfort, and her undeviating probity gave dignity to our humble fire-side. James Foggo, Born June 11, 1790, Died September 14, i860. Mary, wife of George Foggo, Died November 4th, 1868. George Foggo, Born April 14th, 1793. Died September 26th, 1869. In Memory of Henry Jeafferson, M.D., Died December 7th,11866, aged 56.( 6o ) Sacred To the Memory of George Bradly, youngest son of Stephen Bradly, Esqre-and Jane his wife, late of Upper Deal, in the County of Kent. Died the 30th August, 1840, in the 20th year of his age. Also of Stephen Bradly, Commander R.N., elder son of the above Stephen Sayer (late Bradly) and Jane his'wife, died 28th February, 1859, in the 45th year of his age. And of the above-named Stephen Sayer, who died 11th April, 1859, aged 72 years. Sacred To the Memory of Captain Ricpiard Browne Fuller Passley, late of Her Majesty's 82nd Regt., and formerly of the 60th Rifles, who departed this life the nth April, 1850, aged 60.( .61 ) In memory of the beloved James Hamilton, D.D., for twenty-six years minister of the Presbyterian Church, Regent Square. , Born 27th Novr* 1814, Died 24th Novr* 1867. “ Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable always, abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Cor. xv., 57, 5^. Sacred to the Memory of the Revd. Samuel Wood, B.A., second son of the late Ottiwell Wood, Esqre., of Liverpool, died 23rd August, 1849, aged 52.( 62 ) Anne, the wife of John Warburton, M.D., Died 22nd April, 1840, aged 39. John Warburton, M.D., Died 2nd June, 1845, aged ¡2. Also Thomas, eldest son of John and Anne Warburton, died 2nd February, 1846, aged 24. Also John Abernethy Warburton, Esqre., died 12th December, 1850, aged 25. To the Memory of that eminent servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. John Stevens, Minister of Salem Chapel, Soho, who entered his heavenly rest on the 6th of October, 1847, in the 72nd year of his age. His loss is deeply felt by a large Church and Congregation.( 63 ) In memory of William George Thiselton Dyer, M.D., Born Sepr. 27th, 1812, Died JanL 15th, 1868, many years resident medical attendant To Sophia Coutts, Lady Burdett, wife of Sir Francis Burdett, Baronet, M.P. This memorial is placed here by their daughter Angela Georgina Burdett Coutts, with the consent of his widow, Catherine Thiselton Dyer, in affectionate remembrance of the kind friend, whose ready skill and unvarying kindness soothed many anxious hours. “ Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father, is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and keep himself unspotted from the world.” Ist chap. S*. James, 27 v. To the Memory of Mr. George Bishop, of Thanet Street, Burton Crescent, Departed this life 23rd April, 1852, in the 72nd year of his age.( 64 ) In the hope of a glorious resurrection here lie the mortal remains of James Hope, Esqre-M.D., F.R.S., Physician to St George’s Hospital, who departed this life May 13th, 1841, aged 40 years. An eminent physiologist, an accomplished physician, an affectionate relative, and an exalted Christian, he devoted every talent to the service of his God, and of his fellow creatures; and by his active benevolence and his zeal for medical science, to which his discoveries made important additions, he curtailed an existence which was no less valuable to the world than to his family. “ And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.” Sir Charles Vincent Loraine, Bart, Born 20th July, 1807, Died in London 19th August, 1850. • This monument was erected to his Memory by his disconsolate widow.( 65 ) Omnipotent, immortal, & immense is the Great Creator. Life's like a winter's day. Some only breakfast and away; Others to dinner stay and are full fed; The oldest one but sups and goes to bed. Wretched is he that lingers out the day, He that goes soonest has the least to pay. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd winds slowly o’er the lea, The plowman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world in darkness and to me. There is another and a better world. “ The world can neither give nor take, or can it comprehend that peace of God which Christ hath brought, that peace that knows no end.” The Private Sleeping Chamber of Richard Hislop, Of SI Mary’s, Stoke Newington. In fond remembrance of Eugene G. Jourdain, the beloved & affectionate third son of Fk. Jno. and Emily Jourdain, Died 21st Feby, 1854, Aged 17 years. Also of the Revd. FREDk. Ge. Jourdain, M.A., of Christ’s Coll: Cam: beloved eldest son of the above, Born 27th March, 1839, Died 24th January, 1866. F( 66 ) Sacred to the memory of Henry Sulivan Graeme, Born 8th Augst, 1781, Died 14th July, 1850. In the civil service of the East India Company for an uninterrupted period of nearly 40 years, he was raised to the station of Member of Council, and for a time held the office of Governor of Madras. A warm and steadfast friend, a tenderly affectionate husband and father, a man of inflexible integrity, a meek but earnest disciple of his divine Master. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. In the same vault is buried WILLIAM, infant son of the above H. S. Graeme and Elizabeth his wife, born and died on the 11th April, 1842. In this vault is also buried Eliza Helen Marriott Graeme, the eldest daughter of H. S. Graeme and Elizabeth his wife, who died on the 16th May, 1853, aged 17 years, and of whom it could truly be said, “To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”( 67 ) Here are deposited the remains of Sir John Peniston Milbanke, Bart.,* who departed this life on the 26th day of July, 1850, in the 75th year of his age. Mrs. Eliza Lawrence Partridge, Died October 11th, 1850, aged 29 years. Let sickness blast, and death devour, If heaven does recompense our pains, Perish the grass, and fade the flower, If firm the word of God remains. Sacred To the memory of Revd. Richard Garnett, M.A., assistant keeper in the department of Printed Books at the British Museum, who died 27th Sepr, 1850, aged 61. * Sir J. P. Milbanke, Bart., was the seventh baronet. He was born on the 20th August, 1775 (second son of the fifth baronet), by Cornelia, daughter of Sir William Chambers, the noted architect. On the 19th March, 1826, he succeeded to the baronetcy on the death of his uncle, Sir Ralph Noel, who assumed that name by royal sign manual, and whose only daughter was the wife of Lord Byron, the poet, and mother of the Countess of Lovelace. Sir John was twice married. He died at Halvaby, Yorkshire. F 2( 68 ) Sacred to the Memory of Joseph Haydn, who compiled the “ Dictionary of Dates,” and whose whole life was devoted to Literature. Died 7th January, 1856, aged 69 years. And of his Son Henry, Died 6th March, 1867, aged 23 years. Sacred to the Memory of Henrietta, Wife of Rutherford Alcock, Her Majesty’s Consul at Shanghae. Born October 24th, 1813, Died March 11th, 1853. W ell-Beloved—U nforgotten. “ O tarry thou the Lord’s leisure ! be strong and He shall comfort thine heart, and put thou thy trust in the Lord.”( 69 ) Sacred to the Memory of Amelia Sandys, wife of Edwin Sandys, Esqre., of Fortess Terrace, Kentish Town. Died October 17th, 1843, in the 69th year of her age. Also to the Memory of Thomas Sandys, Esqre., son of the above, Died April 22nd, 1844, aged 44 years. Also to the memory of Edwin Sandys, Esqre., Died April 16th, 1852, in the 83rd year of his age. For more than half a century an eminent medical practitioner in Kentish Town. He was beloved by his family, His friends and patients esteemed him for his skill, gentleness, unceasing attention, and sympathy in illness and affliction. Also to the Memory of Samuel William Bernherd Sandys, 2nd son of Samuel Sandys, Esqre., Surgeon of Kentish Town, and grandson of Edwin and Amelia Sandys, Died May 3rd, 1849, aged 2 years and 8 months. “ The Lord gave, and the Lord taketh away.”( 70 ) To the memory of Richard Murdoch Robertson, Esqre., a Commander in the Royal Navy, Born at Portsmouth on the 17th November, 1809, Died at Edinburgh August 10th, 1852. His surviving brothers and sisters have erected this memorial as a token of the affection they bore him. “ Eheu ! eheu ! frater noster.” Within the same tomb as her uncle repose the remains of Edith Marion Robertson, the youngest and beloved child of Henry Robertson, Esqre., of Hampstead. She was born Jan?. 27th, 1844, and died 29th May, 1855. Why should I murmur ? It is God’s will Captain Thomas Kersteman, late of the Enniskillen Dragoons, Died 3rd of May, 1853, aged 65.( 71 ) In memory of Abraham Hirst, third son of Samuel Hirst, Esqre., of Nethercroft, Huddersfield, who died December 3rd, 1852, aged 29 years. “ His sun went down while it was yet day.” Here lie the mortal remains of John Iggulden, Esq., for 28 years one of the deputy registrars of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Born at Deal Ist June, 1777, Died in Russell Square, 18th November, 1857. Sacred to the Memory of Joseph Moore, Esq., M.D., who died June 17th, 1855, aged 63. Also to the Memory of Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Moore, Esq., M.D., who died February 17th, 1848, aged 60 years.( 72 ) Sacred to the memory of Major John Hamilton, late of Her Majesty’s 77th Regt. of foot, and formerly of the 42nd Royal Highlanders, who departed this life the 16th day of April, 1851, aged 63 years. The deceased officer was the fifth son of the late Major James Hamilton, Tyrone, Ireland, Deputy Governor for that County. This tomb is erected by his widow. Also of John, youngest son of the above Major John Hamilton, who died the 9th day of July, 1847, aged 14 years. Also Victoria the youngest and beloved daughter of Major John Hamilton and Harriot Phoebe his wife, who died Augst 21st, 1852, aged 15 years. The angel of death call’d her; she answer’d “ Take me, Lord ! ”( >73 ) Also Susan, daughter of the before mentioned Major John and Harriot Phoebe Hamilton, wife of Dr. Hartwell S. Garner, 12th Bengal Irregular Cavalry, who with her husband and infant son, fell by the hands of the Mutineers at Segowlie, India, on the 23rd July, 1857, aged 31 years. Margaret Reid, died 16th July, 1864, aged 9 years Effie Reid, died 20th July, aged 11 years; the beloved children of the late Alexander Reid, Esqre., Bengal Medical service and Harriot, eldest daughter of Major John Hamilton. Sacred To the Memory of Robert Brian, M.D., Surgeon R.N., who departed this life June 8th, 1853, in the 66th year of his age. He united with great professional skill, integrity and kindness of heart; he lived much respected, and died lamented. I have finished my course. 2nd Timothy, 4 chap., 7 v. And of his beloved wife, SUSAN, Born Jan. 2, 1804, Died Feb. 22, 1870. “ Thou wilt light my candle.”( 74 ) Sacred To the Memory of Frederick Slight, For 26 years Secretary of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway; Grand Hospitaller of the Grand Conclave, London, who departed this life January 17th, 1868, aged 43 years. In the Lord we have peace. Sacred to the memory of Richard Barnett, Esqre., who departed this life December 15th, 1851, aged 72. Beloved in life, lamented in death. Also of Anne Barnett (sister of the said Richard Barnett), who departed this life July Ist, 1858, aged 85 years. In memory of her beloved brother she erected, at her own sole charge, the Church of S\ Anne, Brookfield, Highgate Rise, which will remain as well a memorial of a sister’s love as a blessing to the inhabitants of this neighbourhood for future generations.( 75 ) Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Captain Joseph Philips, Barrack Master, Regent’s Park* who departed this life on the 6th March, 1853, aged 76 years. Also here resteth the remains of the above named Joseph Philips, who served many years in the 12th Royal Lancers. He departed this life on the 29th October, 1854, at the age of 77 years, resting on the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ for eternal happiness. On 17th July, i860, Capn Joseph Philips, late 12th Royal Lancers, 3rd son of the above Capn. Philips, Aged 54. Also, on 27 March, 1861, Mary, Relict of the late John Whyte, Esqre., 12th Royal Lancers, Aged 62. On 26th June, 1865, Captn Henry D. Philips, late Royal Plorse Artillery, 2nd son of the above Captn. J. Philips, Aged 61.( 76 ) To the Memory of General Sir Loftus William Otway, C.B., Colonel of the 84th Regiment, and Knight Commander of the Order of King Charles III. of Spain, Born 28th of April, 1775, Died 7th of June, 1854. His distinguished services to his country throughout the Irish rebellion and the Peninsular war, are recorded in the history of his time. Brave and gentle, honourable, generous and true, possessed of rare and highly cultivated mental powers, he has not left on earth a kinder heart, or a more gallant spirit. Gone to thy rest, brave soldier, esteemed by all, and truly loved and deeply lamented by those who knew thee best. Arms, On a chevron between two lions rampant respecting each other in chief and in base an eagle displayed,a garb between two crosses crosslet. Crest, Out of a ducal coronet, two wings erect. The shield surmounted by knighfs helmet, surrounded by motto, u Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos? Sacred to the Memory of Davis Leopold Lewis, Esqre., Justice of the Peace and Deputy Lieutenant for the county of Cork, who departed this life, on the 18th day of March, 1867, aged 48 years.( 77 ) Sacred to the Memory of George Wm. Davis, who departed this life December the 8th, 1844, aged 23 years. Also of Mary Jeffs Read, wife of Lieut. George Read, R.N., who departed this life July 21st, 1855, aged 65 years. Also the above George Read, Esqre., Lieut. R.N., who departed this life June the 14th, 1856, aged 62 years. In Memory of The Rev. Algernon Sydney Thelwall, M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, Lecturer on public reading, in King’s College, London, who fell asleep in Christ, March 30th, 1863, Aged 68. I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness. Psalm xvii. 15.( 78 ) Sacred to the beloved Memory of Richard Matthews, Serjeant at Law, late of Barnsbury Park, Islington, and of Histon, Cambridgeshire; who died in great peace, Feby. 24th, 1854, aged 57. Strictly attentive to the duties of his profession fiis Christian character shone in all the relations Qf public and private life. He used his rare talents And endowments to promote the extension of his Redeemers Kingdom, and in various philanthrophic ways to benefit the world. Write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord From henceforth : Yea, saith the spirit, That they may rest from their labours ; And their works do follow them.” Rev. 14th chap., 13 v. Also, on January 1, 1855, Geqrge Granville Sharp Matthews, second son of the above, aged 3 years. Sacred to the Memory of Stephen Geary, Esqre., Architect and Founder of this Cemetery, who departed this life Aug* 28th, 1854, in the 75th year of his age. Also of SARAPI, widow of the above, who died on the 19th of July, 1867, aged 69 years.< 79 ) Sacred to the Memory of John Whitehead, many years Her Majesty’s Consul at Archangel, and also of the firm of Gladstone and Whitehead, of that place, who died at Islington, November 5th, i860, aged 58 years. In Memory of Mr. James Duckworth, died August 3rd, 1854, aged 52 years. This tomb is erected by his bereaved widow, in Memory of a kind and affectionate husband. His temper affable, unstained with pride, He lived beloved by all, lamented died. When sorrowing o’er this tomb I bend Which covers all that was a friend, And from his hand, his voice, his smile, Divides me for a little while. . My Saviour marks the tears I shed, For Jesus wept o’er Lazarus dead.( 8o ) Sacred to the Memory of Robert Pitt Edkins, M.A., late of Belitha Villas, Islington; who departed this life Novr. 11th, 1854, Aged 49 years. The sting of death is sin ; and the strength of sin is the law, but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Esther, the eldest daughter of the late Michael Prendergast, Esq., of Kentish Town, who died the 7th of August, 1854, in the 61st year of her age. Michael Prendergast, Esq., LL.B., one of Her Majesty’s Counsel, a Bencher of the Honble Society of Lincoln’s Inn, Recorder of Norwich, and Judge of the Sheriffs’ Court, of London, who died March 20th, 1859, Aged 64 years.( Si ) Sacred to the Memory Of John Furber Hodge, son of John and Olivia Hodge, who died July 23rd, 1846, Aged 8 Months. Sacred to the memory Of William Furber, Esqre., who died August 12th, 1847, Aged 68 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Also Sarah, daughter of the above, who departed this life May 11th, 1848, Aged 35 years. Also Olivia Alsina, wife of the above William Furber, Esq., who died August 28th, 1851, Aged 72 years.( 32 ) Copied from the Harleian MSS. No. 1391, F. 12. Registered at Winchester College, 1848. Married WODIN, the Saxon Deity • Frea, daughter of Niorder, God of the Wind. 21 generations from them came Egbert, King of England Redburga. 7 generations from them King Edmund Ironside --p-Their son l------------------ Edward Malcolm, King of Scotland-Was killed at Alnwick, 1093 Eustace of Bouillon* - T Sir INGELRAM de Fiennes Was slain at Aeon, 1190. Algitha. Agatha of Germany. --------, Margaret ---------j Mary. 4 generations from them descended --------j Sibyl of Bouillon. 6 generations from them Sir William de Fiennes —— Joan, heiress of Died 1360. Their grandson Lord Say and Sele. James, LorcTsay and Sele---- Emmeline Cromer. * Brother of Godfrey, King of Jerusalem.( 83 ) James, Lord Say and Sele —p Was beheaded 1451. I I----------------------- William, Lord Say and Sele-Was slain at the battle of Emmeline Cromer. Margaret, the direct Barnet, 1471. J descendant of William of Wykeham, Bishop ofWinton. Henry de Fiennes Richard de Fiennes _T~ William Danvers Robert Barker, the Brother of Christopher Barker, the Garter King of Arms. Richard Gardiner T“ 1 John Stevens t: Thomas Green ~r r Thomas Green T 1733- William Hawthorne Whose paternal ancestor had Hawthorne, Durham, for services at the Battle of Hastings. I--------------- Charles Hawthorne 1---------------- Charles Hawthorne Of Lee, Bucks. 1769. Anne Harcourt. Elizabeth Crofts. 1522. Elizabeth Fiennes. Mary Danvers. - Margaret Barker. -----1 - Dorothy Gardiner. Mary Stevens. Mary Climson. n Martha Green. — Mary Hasler. 1802. •- Elizabeth Pickman, Sister of the late Wm. Pickman, Churchwarden of St. Paneras. James Hawthorne, 1830. Betsy Porden, G 2( S4 ) James Hawthorne, — Betsy Porden, ist Cousin of Sir John Franklin. Born 27th July, 1799, Died 27th April, 1849. Buried here 5th May, 1849. Anne, 2nd beloved Wife of Jas. Hawthorne, Quietly breathed her last 2nd April, 1866, Aged 68. Content with seeking better wealth above. Ici repose ma meilleure amie, ma mère ! Rosalbine.( 33 ) In Mempry of Charles Edgar Porden, son of Charles and E. Porden, who departed this life June 25th, 1859, aged 16 years. Also in memory of Charles Porden, of London, architect, son of Isaac Porden, architect, nephew of William Porden, architect to King George the 4th, and grandson of Roger Pourden, of York, architect, who died March 6th, 1863, aged 73. Also Elizabeth, Countess of Tasistro Porden, his wife, who died , aged Beneath this stone rest the mortal remains of the Reverend John Crosby Leppington, who died July 7, 1859, aged 51 years. The Lord knoweth them that are His. Arms quarterly or four. 1. Per chevron .... and azure, in chief two annulets, and in base a billet j 2. Sable, three bars or, a canton ermine j 3. Azure, three mullets or j 4. Or on a saltire engrailed azure nine annulets argent.( 86 ) t “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men,”—Luke II, 14. 31n Spcmon? of David Laing, Formerly incumbent of Holy Trinity, S\ Pancras; afterwards Rector of S4. Olave, Hart Street, Mark Lane, and first honorary secretary of the Governesses' Benevolent Institution; who entered into his rest, 6th August, i860, Aged nearly 60 years. He was a faithful and indefatigable minister of Christ; always bearing his people on his mind and heart, ever seeking their good, and never losing an opportunity for their temporal and spiritual benefit. He will be long remembered among them for his tender and active sympathy in all cases of sickness, sorrow, or trouble, his care for the young, and his great love for little children.( «7 ) But his zeal for his fellow-creatures, was not limited to his Parish; he was ready at all times to serve any who needed it, so that his name became a household word, even where he was personally unknown; and nearly 7,000 persons followed him to this spot, almost all of whom could relate some instance of his kindness. That which he spent his life in teaching was the strength of his soul in sickness and in death; “ Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.” This memorial was erected in grateful and affectionate Remembrance of his warm and unvarying friendship for the brothers and sisters of her who was for thirty-six years his beloved companion and help-meet; and of his filial affection for her parents, who loved him as a son. in memory of, Simpson West, fifth son of John West, Esqre-» and Ann his wife, and cousin and brother-in-law of the Revd. David Laing: Born 7tk May, 1809, Died 16th June, 1861, much beloved and lamented.( 83 ) “ I will lay me down in peace, and take my rest, for it is thou, Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety.”—Ps. 4, 9. “ Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”—Matt. 25, 23. “ Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God, and His Father, to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.”—Rev. 1, 5-6. Beneath this stone is committed to the dust, in the blessed hope of a joyful resurrection, Latimer West, the fourth son of his much-honoured parents, John West, Esqre,> and Ann his wife, and cousin and brother-in-law of the Revd. David Laing. He passed away, as he had lived, in love and peace—“ perfect peace,” October 19th, i860, Aged 54. “ Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”—Rom. 5, 1.( §9 ) . . “ Rooted and grounded in love.’’—Eph. 3, 17. “ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee : because he trusteth in thee.”—Isa. 26, 3. “ O Lord of Hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.”—Ps. 84, 12. “ Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.”—Titus 2, 13. “ Who hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God.”—Eph. 5, 2. “ For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, v even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.”—1 Thess. 4, 14. “To the praise of the glory of His grace wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved.”—Eph. 1, 16. “ For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”—John 3, 18. “ It is the Lord, let Him do what seemeth Him good.” 1 Sam. 3, 18. “ The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”—Job 1, 21. “ How excellent is thy loving kindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.”—Ps. 36, 7.( 90 ) Sacred to the Memory of the Revd- John Joseph Ellis, M.A., 34 years Rector of St. Martin Outwich, in the City of London, who departed this life April 20th, 1855, in the 86th year of his age. And Elizabeth, wife of the above, who died the 25th of December, 1835, aged 66; whose remains were removed from the Rector’s vault of St. Martin Outwich, Feby 20th, 1856, in which Church a Tablet is erected to her Memory. Also of George Stevenson Ellis, Esqre., youngest son of the above, and late of Beacon Lodge, Twickenham, who died the 20th of February, 1856, Aged 59. Arms, Or on a cross party per pale sable and gules, Jive crescents ermine, on a canto7i azure a cross or. Crest, a griffin sejant supporting a fire beacon ppr. Motto : “ Non licec sine numineC( 9* ) To the Memory of Gilbert Abbott A’Beckett, who died at Boulogne-sur-Mer, August 30th, 1856, Aged 45 years. Endowed with a genial, manly spirit ; Gifted with subtlest powers of wit and humour, they were ever exercised to the healthiest and most innocent purpose. As a magistrate his wise, calm, humane administration of the Law proved that the fulfilment of the gravest duties is not incompatible with the sportiveness of literary genius. “ His place knows him not,” but his memory is tenderly cherished. Also of Walter Horace Callander A’Beckett, youngest son of the above, who died at Boulogne-sur-Mer, August 28th, 1856, Aged 9 years and 3 months. In memory of Charles Tunaley, M.D., late of Milbrook Place, Camden Town, who died June 5th, 1866, aged 58.( 92 ) Sacred to the Memory of Louis Augustin Prevost, of the British Museum, Who was acquainted more or less perfectly with above forty languages, and was particularly distinguished for his knowledge of the Chinese Language and Literature. He was born at Troves, in Champagne, 6th of June, 1796, and Died in London April 25th, 1858, after a residence of 35 years in England. This stone is erected as a token of respect to the memory of their colleague for fifteen years, by some of his friends at the Museum. Also his only son, Frederick William Fraser Prevost (Melrose), of the 17th Lancers, Who fell on the 25th of October, 1854, in the glorious but disastrous charge of the English Light Cavalry Brigade at Balaklava in the Crimea. In Memory of Frank Foster, C.E., Died 13th April, 1852, aged 52 years.( 93 ) Jacob’s Vision: the three steps signify the three commissions— Spirit, Blood, Water. God is the rock, the oil is faith. There are three that bear witness in earth, the water, blood, and Spirit, they agree in one. There are three that bear witness in heaven, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; they are one, three titles, but one God. To the Memory of Joseph Frost, Died November 16th, 1857, aged 66 years. The soul and body resteth' here of one who did defend The two last Prophets, Reeve & Muggleton, that Christ his God did send, Unto this unbelieving world, that they convinced might be, That Christ is the eternal God who died to set him free. Also his wife, Christian Ann Frost, Died Oct. 7th, 1863, aged 63 years. To the Memory of Joseph Charles Court, R.N., who departed this life June 2nd, 1856, in the 71st year of his age.( 94 ) To the Memory of Alfred Robert Freebairn, of Mornington Place, who departed this life 21st of August, 1846, aged 52 years. And also of his affectionate mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Freebairn, who resided with him, and died four days previously, aged 86 years. This Tomb was erected by the friends of the former, as a tribute to his talents as an engraver; to his devoted attachment to his widowed mother; and to the uniform excellence of his disposition. “ They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided.” 2 Sam. 1, 23. Sacred to the Memory of Clara Southey, wife of Henry Herbert Southey, M.D., Born March 4th, 1798, Died June 12th, 1858. Also of Major Charles Corme Southey, of H.M. 3rd Madras European Reg., Died April 19th, 1861, aged 41 years. Sacred also to the Memory of Henry Herbert Southey, M.D., F.R.S., D.C.L., Born January 18th, 1784, Died June 13th, 1865.( 95 ) Sacred to the memory of Charles Tottie, Esq., For more than Fifty Years Swedish and Norwegian Consul General in this Country. Born 22nd Oct., 1781, Died 17th July, 1870, Aged 88. Dearly loved and deeply lamented. Of such is the kingdom of Heaven.—19th Matthew. Sacred To the Memory of William Tottie, Born 3rd July, 1815, Died 11th March, 1867. Also of Axel Henry, his son, Died Octr 28th, 1853, aged 7 months. Sacred To the memory of James Wyndham Willis, Esqre., Commander R.N., who departed this life March 6th, 1859, aged 67. In life highly esteemed, In death deeply regretted.( 96 ) Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Susannah Byam, Grand-niece of the late John Wesley, who departed this life July 30th, 1857, Aged 97. She resteth in thy peace, and awaiteth A joyful resurrection. Also of Eliza Susanna, daughter of the above, died in the full assurance of faith, On November 20th, 1866. % it?. £>. I know that my Redeemer liveth. Sacred to the Memory of Robert Russell Notman, Born 14th January, 1814, Died 4th February, 1865. In Christ. Eliza, the beloved wife of the Rev. R. G. Vaughan, Poplar, Born Jan. 20, 1809, Died Dec. 5, 1858. Laura, the darling daughter of Edward and Ada Instone, Born Nov. 26, 1859, Died Oct 30, 1867.( 97 ) In memory of Selina, wife of E. M. Underdown, Esq., niece of William Henry Bodkin, Esq., and her infant daughter, Henrietta Sophia, Who died at Madras October, .1858, and are interred in the Cathedral Cemetery there. In this vault are interred the remains of Peter Bodkin, Esquire, Who died August 16th, 1829, aged 74 years. Sarah, wife of the above, Died August 12th, 1822, aged 67 years. SARAH Soppiia, wife of William Henry Bodkin, Esqre*> died March 15th, 1848, aged 55 years. Mary Anne Charlotte, daughter of William Henry and Sarah Sophia Bodkin, Died June 23rd, 1822, aged 4 years and 5 months. Elizabeth Poland, daughter of William Henry and Sarah Sophia Bodkin, Died September 17th, 1824, aged 1 year and 7 months.( 98 ) Sacred to the Memory of John Perry Loveland, Esqre., of Gaudalupe, Sandown, Isle of Wight, and 62, Pembridge Villas, Bayswater ; one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, Who departed this life 5th August, 1867, aged 62 years. “Forbygraceareye saved through faith.”—Eph. c. 2. v. 8. Sacred to the Memory of Charlotte, fifth daughter of the late Thomas Loveland, Esqre., of Park Place, Islington ; Who departed this life 2nd January, 1857, aged 78. Also of Sarah Ann, fourth daughter of the late Thomas Loveland, Esqre., Who died 22 Nov., 1857, in the 83rd year of her age. Also MARY Ann, second and last surviving daughter of the late Thomas Loveland, Esqre., Who departed this life 13th January, 1861, aged 88. Delia Maria Allen, wife of Charles Allen, of New York, U.S.A., Died the 6th of May, 1850.( 99 ) lacreo To the Memory of Edward Fïtzgibbon, Esqre., who died the 19^ of November, 1857, aged 54. Author of numerous works on angling and was better known as Ephemera. This monument is erected by a few of his friends, in admiration of hiè piscatory writings. The dear Memory of Mary Dulcibella, the angel child of Maurice and Adelaide Drummond, Born March 12th, 1863 j Died 28th May, 1864. Sacred to the Memory of Stephen Tindal Skirrow, Esqre., R.N., Born July 18th, 1821, Died October 10th, 1864, Aged 43 years. “ Blessed is he that considereth the poor, the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” PI 2( 100 ) Sacred to the Memory of Eliza, Born in yeyear of our Lord 1777, died 21st Dec., 1859; daughter of James Mapp, Esqre., and of Kitty, his wife ; Adopted and taught by her aunt, Sarah Rous, and by her grandmother, Eliz Rous, widow of the Hon. Samuel Rous, many years member of the Legislative Council of Barbadoes, and twice President of that island. “ The law of thy mouth is dearer unto me than thousands of gold and silver.”—Psalm cxix, v. In Memory of John Saunders, for thirteen years Baptist Minister ' in Sydney, N. S. Wales, and founder of the first Baptist Church there; Born at Laurence Pountney Lane 7th October, 1806, and died at Holloway Ist May, 1859, in the 53rd year of his age. This Memorial is erected by his widow, sister, and child, and may perhaps guide some old Australian friend to the last resting place of one whose energies were devoted to the best interests of that bright land.( IOI ) Sacred to the Memory of William Haseldine Pepys, F.R.S.,* Died 17th August, 1856, aged 81 years. Also of Mrs. Lydia Pepys, Died 29th April, 1851, aged 56 years. * Mr. Pepys was born in the year 1775, in the City of London, where his father conducted the business of cutler and surgical instrument maker. His early history is connected in a remarkable manner with that of the progress of chemistry and of some other branches of science in this country. He was among the number who founded the London Institution, and, through the British Mineralogical Society, in part also to the establishment of the Geological Society of London, of all which Mr. Pepys was an early member and office-bearer. His skill and ingenuity in the construction of apparatus proved most important auxiliaries in the progress of chemical and electrochemical science in England for a period of thirty years. In 1808 Mr. Pepys was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. Under his direction a voltaic battery of 2,000 double plates of zinc and copper was constructed, with which many of Sir H. Davy’s experiments on the magnetic phenomena produced by electricity were made, with the personal assistance of Mr. Pepys and other friends. He died at his house in Earl’s Terrace, Kensington, London. ^acreo To the Memory of Major James Brand, late of Her Majesty’s 16th Infantry; Died 7th February, 1865, aged 76 years.( 102 ) “ May angels guard thee.” Sacred to the Memory of Sarah Dell, Professionally known as “ Mrs. Otway.” and “Miss Dacre,” of the St. James’s Theatre, Born January 10th, 1814, Died May 22nd, 1857, aged 43 years. She was meekness, charity, and love, uncomplaining and true. This record is placed by her sorrowing and deeply attached friend, E. R. Hicks, Esq., Southwood Lane, Highgate, also professionally known as^ Mr. Otway, the Tragedian, and Lecturer on Shakespeare at Eton, and all the principal colleges. to the Memory of Charles Turner, Esqre., A.R.A., Died August Ist, 1857, aged 83. Sacred to the Memory of John Laxon, Captain of Her Majesty’s 7th Fusiliers, Died 11th February, 1861, in the 84th year of his age.( i°3 ) 31« Spmtortam. Harriett Wilhelmina, the beloved elder child of the Rev. W. M. Bunting, and of Harriett, his wife ; 1 Born November i, 1830 ; died December 10, 1863. Rev. W. M. Bunting, Born November 23, 1805 ; died November 13, 1866. Come m tty place toljere 3L©K3D lap* When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death, Thou didst open the kingdom of Heaven to all believers. O ! what are all my sufferings here, If, Lord, Thou count me meet With that enraptured host to appear, And worship at Thy feet. It is Christ that died. Yea, rather, that is risen again ; who is even at the right hand of God ; who also maketh intercession for us. When from the dust of death I rise, To claim my mansion in the skies, Even then this shall be all my plea, Jesus hath lived—hath died for me. John Marshall, Esq., Captain R.N., Died 5th January, 1851, aged 79. - Also Jane, the beloved relict of the above, Who died the 29th December, 1865.( i04 ) I believe in the communion of saints. To the beloved and revered memory of the Honble. Sir Thomas Joshua Platt, Knight, many years one of the Barons of Her Majesty’s Court of Exchequer. He was the eldest son of Thomas Platt, Esqre., of Brunswick Square ; educated at Harrow School and Trinity College, Cambridge, he was called to the bar on the 9th Feby, 1816, by the Hon. Society of the Inner Temple ; and having, on the 27th of Dec1*., 1834, received his patent as one of His Majesty’s Counsel, was raised to the Bench on the 27th JanL, 1845. He died on the 10th Feby, 1862, aged 73 years. “ The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there shall no torment touch them. In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die ; and their departure is taken for misery ; and their going from us to be utter destruction ; but they are in peace.”—Wisdom III. Angelica Helen, died 14th May, i860. Georgiana, died 15th July, i860, Emily Octavia, died 12th June, 1866.( io5 ) William John Crole Wyndham, son of George O’Brien Wyndham, 3rd Earl Egremont, Died 16th November, 1865, aged 67 years. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” “To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.” “In Thy presence is fulness of joy.” Captain Charles Crole, R.N., his brother, Died September 30th, 1850, aged 55 years. Major George Seymour Crole, 28th Regiment, his half brother, Died June 13th, 1863, aged 64 years. John Barker, Esqre<» Father-in-law to the above W. J. Crole Wyndham, Died July 18th, 1863, aged 68 years. Emily Charlotte Barker, mother-in-law to the above W. J. Crole Wyndham, Died January 12th, 1866, Aged 77 years.( io6 ) 3ln affectionate remembrance of Sarah Sophia, , the beloved wife of Joseph Warren Zambra, of Tufnell Park, Who died instantaneously from injuries caused by being thrown from a carriage at Arreton, in the Isle of Wight, on the 29th day of August, 1867, aged 42 years. “ Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh.,,—- Matthew xxv. 13. Sacred To the Memory of Caroline, the beloved wife of Sir William E. Burnaby, Bar*., who died in London, 17th October, 1857, Aged 40 years, Also In memory of Emma Relict of Cap*. E. A. G. Burnaby, R.N.,, Who died March Ist, 1859, Aged 65.( io7 ) Until the morning , of the resurrection here lieth the body of John Dent Fish, M.A., Curate of St. Sepulchre’s, Northampton, who rested from his labours, on September 22nd, 1868, aged 40 years. “ So he giveth his beloved sleep.” In this grave is placed the body of Henrietta Barnes Fish, wife of The Revd. John Dent Fish, sometime curate of Whitechurch, Salop, who died in London after a most lamentable illness, Octr 16th, 1861, aged 22 years. St. John xvi 33.—“ In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer : I have overcome the world.” ^ William Salt, Banker, Died 6th December, 1863, aged 55. A gentle spirit at God’s altar stood To celebrate Christ’s body and his blood; The Saviour saw, and beckon’d him to come And join his angels in their heavenly home. Then straight his saintly spirit left his frame, And soar’d unto the God from whom it came.( io8 ) + R. I. P. El esgelentisimo Señor Don JOSE Bernui y Valda Marqués de Valparaíso, Conde de Montealegre, Marqués de Villaermosa y de Busianos, Grande de España y Gentil hombre de Cámara de S. M. la Reina de España falleció el dia 24 de Abril de 1856. Orate pro eo. The Right Honourable John Singleton Copley, Baron Lyndhurst, Three times Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, High Steward of the University of Cambridge. P.C., LL.D., D.O.L., F.R.S., &c., Born 21st May, 1772, died 12th October, 1863. Mary the youngest daughter of John Singleton Copley, Esqre., R.A., Born 23rd September, 1773, Died 23rd April, 1868. In Memory of Christopher Kane, Esqre * M.D., Surgeon General, Bombay Army, Born September 21st, 1795, died August 2nd, 1851.( 109 ) Sacred to the Memory of Catherine Maria Foord Bowes, daughter of the late Sir John Johnson, Bart., , widow of the late Major-General Foord* Bowes, who fell at the storming of the forts at Salamanca in 1812. Her extensive benevolence and endearing qualities, gained the esteem and admiration of all who knew her Beloved in life and lamented in death, This tribute of affection is erected by her surviving sister and two brothers,. a record of her worth and their sorrow. She died at Anglesey, on the 5th February, 1850, aged 66 years, after a severe illness of six months, which she bore with Christian patience. —Proverbs 4 chaptr & 18 verse. Also in Memory of Marianne, youngest daughter and last surviving child of the late Sir John Johnson, Bart., Died Ist January, 1868, aged 76. —Matthew chap. v. verse 3.( no. ) In Memory of Valentine Bartholomew, Esqre., Flower Painter,. Born Jan. 18th, 1799, died Anne Charlotte, Poet and Painter, Born March 28th, 1800, died August 18th, 1862. For 22 years the devoted wife of the above ; Grand neice of the Rht. Revd. John Thomas, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster, and cousin of the late Admiral Fayerman. By her amiability and unbounded kindness of heart she won the affection of all who had the privilege of knowing her. Evelina Charlotte Adelaide, (Née Hullmandell) The beloved first wife of the above, Died Janry. Ist, 1839 ; interred at St. James’s Piccadilly. josiAH Bartholomew, Esqre., father of the above, Born March 10th, 1766, died Dec. 7th, 1847. His name will be long remembered in connection with the parish of St. John, Clerkenwell. To the Memory of Colonel Douglas Seaton, H. M.’s Ist Bengal Fusiliers, Who died December 7th, i860, aged 50 years.( III ) To the memory of General Sir Archibald Maclaine, K.C.B., celebrated for his bravery at the battles of Mallavelly, Seringapatam, Assiergur, Argaum, Gawilgur, Cadiz, and at the capture of Seville, for his unprecedented defence of Fort Matagorda, for fifty-five days with only one hundred and fifty-five men, against Marshal Soult, who had a force of eight thousand men. He feceived the honour of Knighthood, K.C.B., also the Order of Charles the 3rd of Spain in 1816. became Colonel of the 52nd Foot in 1847, and General f of the army in 1855. He departed this life 9th Maxell, 1861, in his 89th year. This tomb is erected by . his affectionate wife. In Memory of Susan Emily Cunliffe wife of Lieut.-General Sir Rob1 Cunliffe, Bart., C.B., of Acton Park, Denbighshire, Who departed this life November 11th, 1856, Aged 51 years.( "2 ) Sacred to the Memory of Nicholas Westby,* of the county of Clare, Ireland, who departed this life August 24th, i860, Aged 72 years. The Hon. Emily Susanna Laura Westby, Died June 1870. Aged 82 years. “ In Thee, O Lord, have I put my trust, Let me never be confounded.” * He was the eldest surviving son and heir of William Westby, of Thornhill, in the county of Dublin, Esq., by Mary, his wife, daughter of George Fletcher, of Tottenham, Esq.; he married, 1815, the Hon. Emily Susanna Laura, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Sir William Waldegrave, first Baron Radstock, of Castle Town, Admiral of the Red and G.C.B., by Cornelia, his wife, daughter of David Van Lennap, of Smyrna, Esq. His lineal ancestor, from whom he stood fourth in descent, was the Rev. Thomas Westby (son of George Westby, of Rawcliffe, co. Lancaster, Esq., a major in the army), of Clonmel, who, about the time of the Commonwealth, settled in Ireland ; his family, which had flourished in Lancashire from early in the sixteenth century, had previously been seated at Westby, Ravenfield, Coningsburgh, Firsby, and elsewhere in the county of York; the Yorkshire and chief branch of the family became extinct in the male line by the death, in 1790, of George Westby (whose wife was Catherine, daughter and heir of John Hirst, of Clough House, co. York, Esq., and great-granddaughter of George Westby, of Gil-thwaite, Esq., who died 1671), of Howarth Grange and Gilthwaite, Esq. The VVestbys can show a long line of worthy ancestry, almost reaching to the Conquest, and among their alliances appear the names of Byron, Rokeby, Egerton, Worsley, Brereton, Tatton,Moly-neux, Ashton, Odingsells, Shirley, Vaux, Reresby, Fitzwilliam,( 1 r3 ) Shuttleworth, Wyrrall, Bright, Hirst, Spencer, D’Arcy, Beckwith* Cromwell, Levett, Norris, Southworth, Barton, Hesketh, Hatfield, Laughton, Talbot, and many others of equal importance. Gilbert Westbye was, temp. Henry III., High Sheriff of the county of Lancaster, for twelve years, 1233—46. The Yorkshire and Lancashire County Histories and Heraldie Visitations, “ Miscellanea Genealógica et Heráldica,” together with the Harleian, Barritt, Holme, and other genealogical MSS., give much information satisfactorily proving the descent and former importance of the family. The annexed illustration is a facsimile of the family armorial bearings as given in the Visitation of Yorkshire, 1584, Harl. MSS., 1394, and the following note appears above the pedigree in the MSS.:—“The crest and armes of John Westby, of Mowbricke, in Com. Lancastriae;” from the Visi-ation of Lancashire, 1613, Harl. MSS., 1437, we learn that these arms were:—“Geuen to John Westby, in co. York, 20 of May, 2 yere of Eliz., 1560, by Larawance Dalton.”( ”4 ) Sacred to the Memory of Matthew Cotes Wyatt, Who departed this life on the 3rd of January, 1862, in the 84th year of his age. He was distinguished for his integrity, sterling worth, and intellectual attainments. His talents were universal, and his refined taste in the fine arts were the admiration of the world. He was the third son of the late James Wyatt, F.R.S., &c., for 40 years Surveyor General of His Majesty’s Board of Works, in the reign of George the 3rd, by whom he was honored during his whole life with his private friendship and patronage. This memorial is placed as a tribute of affection by his sons and only surviving daughter Sir Matthew Wyatt, James Wyatt, George Wyatt, Henry Wyatt, and Eliza, wife of Henry Lockyer Sharp. Septima Adams Harriss, Ob1 July, 1855, Aitat 41. An angel on earth A seraph in heaven.( IIS ) Sacred to the beloved memory of Sir Herbert Benjamin Edwardes, Major-General in H.M.’s Indian Army, C.B., K.C.B., K.C.S.I., D.C.L. of Oxford, L.L.D. of Cambridge ; Born at Frodesley, in Shropshire, 12th November, 1819, Died in London, 23rd December, 1868, Aged 49 years. Jesus said, “I am the ressurrection and the life.”— John xi. 25. “ When Christ who is our Life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in Glory.”—Col. iii. 4. rWe are more than conquerors, through Him that loved usRoman viii. 37. “ Triumphant Jesus.” To the memory of Wedderburn Halkett, youngest son of Sir John Halkett, Baronet, of Pitfirrane, Fife ; Died in London 11th December, 1853, Aged nine years, I waited patiently for the Lord, and He_ inclined unto me and heard my calling. Psalm 40, v. i. I 2( n6 ) Here rests all that is mortal of Albert Darasz, Lieutenant in the Polish army, Knight of the Order of Military Valour ; who was born at Warsaw on the nineteenth of August, MDCCCVIII, and departed this life in exile at London on the nineteenth of September, MDCCCLII. Also of Stanislaus Worcell, who was bom at Stepan, in Volhynia, in MDCCXCIX; was a delegate to the Polish Diet of MDCCCXXXI; went likewise into exile and died at London on the third of February, MDCCCLVII. Both ardent lovers of their Country, indefatigable workers and devoted to the people ; presiding for many years (in a foreign but friendly land) over the Polish Democratic Society ; laboured dilligently for the freedom of their people and nation. To them, on account of their deserts, in their toils, undertaken for the public good, their countrymen in exile, with some English friends, well-wishers to the cause of Poland, have erected this monument.( ll7 ) 111 memory also of their colleague and friend, Charles . Stolzman, Lieutenant-Colonel in the Polish army, Who was born at Warsaw in MDCCXCIII, . died on the eighteenth of September MDCCCLIV; and lies buried at Haverrigg, in Cumberland. For our liberty and yours. In Memory of Sophia Balch, widow of Thomas James Balch. Born March 5, 1796. Died May 26, 1864. Hers was “the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God a great price.” Thomas James Balch, grandson of Sophia Balch, and only son of James and Sarah Ann Balch, of Islington, Born Dec. 18, 1862, died May 15, 1864. “Jesus called a little child unto Him.” Also of Sarah Ann Balch, the beloved wife of James Balch, Born February 4, 1822, died November 30, 1867. “ Transplanted human worth will bloom to profit, otherwhere.”( n8 ) To the Memory of James Bunstone Bunning, Esqr% F.S.A.* Architect to the Honorable the Corporation of the City of London, Born October 9th, 1802, Died November 2nd, 1863. To the Memory of the Rev. Anthony Plimley Kelly, A.M., for 38 years incumbent of St. John the Baptist, Hoxton; He departed this life 14th November, 1864, Aged 68 years. Also of Charles Frewen Kelly, A.M., Who died 14th September, 1867, aged 39 years. * James Bunstoen Bunning, was born on the 6th of October, 1802; believed to have been born in London, where his father was a surveyor. He married in 1826, Miss Basan, a lady born in the West Indies, of Italian parents. Having laboured with success for many years, and enjoying many public appointments amongst which was District Surveyor of Bethnal Green and the Foundling Hospital; in 1839, he was appointed Surveyor to the London Cemetry Company. He made considerable alterations in the Highgate Cemetery; about this time he also laid out the Nunhead Cemetery, Peckham Rye, with all the roads and approaches. He also built a mansion at Lellingstone, Dayrell, in Buckinghamshire, and altered one in the Regent’s Park for the late Baron Vaughan. On the 23rd of September, 1843, J-Bunning was elected to the office of “ Clerk of the City’s Works.” Besides the various duties attending his office he( 119 ) In Memory of John Stein, of Kenrietpans, Clackmannanshire, and of Chalmington House, Dorset, formerly of Limerick. Born at Kennetpans 30th October, 1775. High Sheriff of Dorset, 1836. Died in London, 19th January, 1854, JEt. 79. The burial place of William McAlpin, Esqre., 25 years chief Engineer in the service of H.H. the Viceroy of Egypt. Died Ist May, 1865, aged 61 years. designed and carried out the Coal Exchange ; the City Prison, Holloway ; Billingsgate Market, and the Freemasons7 Orphans7 Schools, at Brixton. His grand work, however, was the Metropolitan Cattle Market in Copenhagen Fields, which was opened by Prince Albert on the 15th of June, 1855. Two courts of Law in Guildhall. The entire reconstruction of Newgate Gaol. Roger’s Almhouses were also erected in 1858. In addition to his other labours, Mr. Bunning had to design and superintend the fittings and decorations for the Lord Mayor’s banquet in Guildhall,, and for other entertainments. At the preparations for reception of the future Princess of Wales in March, 1863, it may be said he received his death blow, having exposed himself much to the cold and wet, he was fairly borne down by fatigue ; he one day sank down under it, and had to be conveyed from the Mansion House to his home. He died at his house, No. 6, Gloucester Terrace, Regent’s Park.( 120 ) But thanks be to God who giveth us the victbry thtough our Lord Jesus Christ. Sacred to the Memory of Granville George Lord Radstock, C.B., * Vice-Admiral of the Red ; Born September 24th, 1786 ; Died May 11th, 1857. Distinguished by a calm courage, and rare simplicity and truthfulness of character ; in early life his energies were devoted to the service of his country in war ; in after-life his time and resources were consecrated to the present and eternal welfare of his fellow-countrymen and comrades. He trusted not, however, to his own merits ; all his hope was fixed on his . Saviour’s cross. Sacred to the Memory of Duncan Forbes, LL.D„ who died August 17th, 1868, agecf 70 years. * Radstock, Baron (Granville-George Waldegrave), of Castle Town, Queens County, in the peerage of .Ireland, Vice-Admiral of the Red, naval aide-de-camp to the Queen, and C.B. He married August 7, 1823, Esther Caroline, youngest daughter of James Puget, Esq., of Totteridge, Hants. He left issue one son and two daughters. He became second Baron upon the decease of his father Augsut 20,1825.( 121 ) I. Baptiste Vieusseux, of Geneva, in Switserland, Born July, 1796 ; Died January, 1846. Signr. Andrea Vieusseux, a native of Rome, Died August 26th, 1858, at Brompton, London, aged 68, the eldest brother of the above ; they were the only sons of the Princess de Castellaneta Constance Rospigliosi Pallavicine, of Naples. He was the author of many publications in London ; an officer in the British army, in the Sicilian Reg*. was with the Duke of Wellington in Spain. . Also of Anne Vieusseux, wife of the above Andrea Vieusseux, Who died 2nd April, 1868, Aged 70 years. In memory of Frances Marianne, wife of the Honble. and Revd. L. W. Denman, Vicar of Willian Hitchin, Herts ; Born June 3rd, 1820, died April 25th, 1862. “ Looking unto Jesus.”( 122 ) In Memory of John Francis, Sculptor, Born Sep. 3, 1780, died Aug. 30, 1861. Charles William, son of John and Mary Francis, Born Dec. 22, 1820, Died Feb. 23, 1849. Mary, wife of John Francis, Born Sep. 20, 1779, Died Jan 29, 1855. Elizabeth, widow of William Brown, Sculptor, and daughter of John and Mary Francis, Born April 11th, 1807, died July 29th, 1859. Here lies the body of Warwick Reed Wroth, M.A., Priest, sometime incumbent of St. Philip’s, Clerkenwell, which deceased the XV. day of April, A.D. 1867, aged 42 years. Sacred to the Memory of Moses Morgan, M.D., of Charlotte Street, Bedford Square, Who departed this life 19th October, 1864, aged 64 years.( 123 ) Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth (wife of J. T. Willmore), Who departed this life 18th June, 1846, aged 44. Also Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of the above, Who died 16th May, 1848, aged 18. Also Ellen Sophia Willmore, \ Died July 12th, 1862, aged 54 years. Also James Tibbetts Willmore, A.R.A., the celebrated landscape engraver, who died March 12th, 1863, aged 62 years. To the revered Memory of John Gibbons, late of Hanover Terrace, Regent's Park, and of Corbyn Hall, Staffordshire ; He died August 18th, 1851, Aged 73. This tomb is erected by his widow, in testimony of her lasting remembrance of his affection and of her sorrow for his loss.( 124 ) £>acwu to the Memory of Maria, the dearly beloved wife of William Meals Hodson, Esq., Obit November 6th, 1867, in her 84th year, In her there was not any virtue wanting which could adorn or conduce to the perfection of the female character ; she possessed in the highest degree every attribute of mercy ; she was a sunbeam in the homes of the poor, and a silver lining to the clouds by which they are surrounded, and a jewel in her husband’s home. $>mtb to tfje StStmorp of , Alice Butler, sister of the said Maria Hodson, Obit December 31st, 1867, in the 87th year of her age. She was kind and benevolent in all the relations of life, and in her the poor have lost an invaluable friend. Affection mourns, but Heaven rejoices. Gules, a garb or, between three cutlasses erect ctrgent, hilts and pomels or, Crest, on a mount vert a falcon, wings close ftpr, beaked, legged, and belled or, pierced through the breast with a sword argent, hilt or, Motto, “ Perseverantia vincit.”( I25 ) ^acceD to the Memory of Christina, the beloved wife of Charles Collier, M.D., F.R.S., Who died April 5th, 1858, in the 60th year of her age. Also of John Robert Collier, Esqre., (son of the above) A.M., Trin. Coll. Cantab., Barrister at Law, Lincoln’s Inn, Who died December 6th, 1858, in the 29th year of his age. Also to the above Charles Collier, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Who, for upwards of 31 years, served in the capacity of Army Surgeon, at Bermuda, West Indies, the Peninsula, Belgium and Hanover, Ceylon, the Mauritius and Bombay. He was appointed, in 1830, Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals, and retired in 1838. He died May 6th, 1870, in the 86th year of his age; To the beloved Memory of Edward Smiles, St. Edmund’s Hall, Oxford, eldest son of William Smiles, M.D., / 44, Bedford Square. Born January 21st, 1848, died May 4th, 1868. “We asked life of thee, and thou gavest him a long life ; even for evermore.”( 126 ) In Memory of the Polish exile, Felix Nowosielski, Lieut.-Col. in the Polish Army of 1831, Knight of the Military Order, “ Virtuti Militari; ” Born, 1800, at Bruinow, Kingdom of Poland ; Died in London 22nd April, 1864. Erected by his fellow exiles. Also of John N. Ostrowski, Polish exile, Capn. Adjutant, late Polish Army; Knight of 4 the Military Order “ Virtuti Militari ; ” Born, 1801, in the Palatinate of Podolia; Died in London, 19th January, 1865. to the Memory of Charles Joseph Aldridge, M.R.C.S.L., L.A.C., Who died September the 13th, 1865, in the 38th year of his age.( 127 ) Hefe lie the remains of .... Frolich, Who departed this life the 26th of April, 1850, Aged 39 years. He was a native of Copenhagen, and was for many years British Consul General. This tablet is erected to his memory ' by his affectionate parents, and his disconsolate widow and children. 3|u spemotr of Belinda, the beloved wife of Lord William Thynne, Died August Ist, 1869, aged 52. Daniel Slyman, Commander Royal Navy, Died 15th August, 1867, Aged 75. Woodley Cole Slyman, Aged 33, Killed by lightning 21st October, 1867.( 12 8 ) Beneath lie the mortal remains of John James Chalon, Esqre., Royal Academician, Born at Geneva in 1778, Died at Kensington 1854. His brother, while mourning his loss, desires to record his gratitude to God for the gift of an invaluable friend, and for the happiness enjoyed during a long series of years, “ dwelling in unity” with one esteemed, beloved, and distinguished ; . esteemed and beloved as a man of true worth and most endearing qualities, and distinguished as an artist of admirable talent, and singularly varied power. Sacred to the memory of Edward Hodges Baily, Esqre., R.A., Who died May 22nd, 1867, aged 79 years. Also of Elizabeth, wife of the said Edward Hodges Baily, Esqre., R.A., Who died March 8th, 1858, aged 70 years. Sacred to the Memory of SAMUEL SPARSHOTT,Esq., Commander Royal Navy ; for nearly twenty-five years Deputy Comptroller General of the Coast Guard, London, who died 10th November, 1851, Aged 68 years.( 129 ) The family Catacomb of Henry Vigers, Esqre>> Of Vigers Hall, Devonshire. This Catacomb contains the Mortal remains of John Vigers, Charlotte Vigers, Joseph Vigers, Eliza Hannah Lloyd. In Memory of The Rev. Arthur Johnson, B.A., Ch. Ch. Qxon, who exchanged this mortal for immortality the 30th day of September, 1867, “ To be with Christ, which is far better.” K( 130 ) 2Do tty ^«ntorp of George Wombwell* (Menagerist), Born 24th December, 1777 ; Died 16th November, 1850. 51100 to tije Memory of Mr. Edmund Bramston, of North St., Pentonville, and South Place, Middlesex, Born 18th August, 1808 ; Died 9th June, 1859. * Jeremiah. Wombwell was bom at Du End, Saffron Walden, Essex, in 1783. When a boy he devoted much time to the breeding and rearing of birds, pigeons, rabbits, dogs, and other domestic animals, and beyond this had no idea of becoming the proprietor of a menagerie ; in fact he became one by force of accident rather than of circumstances. At the London Docks he saw some fine boa-constrictors. Most of the showmen were afraid or ignorant of managing them, and from this cause the prices gave way a little. At length Mr. Wombwell ventured to offer £75 for a pair. They were sold to him, and in the course of three weeks he realised considerably more than that sum by their exhibition, a circumstance which made him partial to the serpent species, as it was his first introduction to the profession. At about this time Mr. Wombwell, who was by trade a cord-wainer, kept a bird and shoemaker’s shop in Compton Street, Soho, and subsequently exhibited with great success his boa-constrictors in Piccadilly. From this time he became a regular showman. The cost of Mr. Womb well’s three establishments were enormous, averaging ^35 per day. He died at Northallerton, in Yorkshire.' ( I3I ) Here rest the remains of Samuel Lucas, aged 54. He died on the 16th of April, 1865, A few hours after hearing the tidings of the destruction Of the slave power in the United States, By the fall of Richmond ; an object which he had Unceasingly laboured to promote as Managing-proprietor of the “ Morning Star.” 3ln Loving remembrance of Alaric Alexander Watts,* Born 16th March, J797, Departed 5th April, 1864. * Mr. A. A. Watts was bom in London, in 1799. In early life he was the literary assistant of Crabbe. He published a small collection of poems in 1822, which obtained some success ; he edited the “ Leeds Intelligencer,” and subsequently the “ Manchester Courier.” In 182$ he commenced the “Literary Souvenir,” assisted by Campbell, Wordsworth, and Coleridge. He also tried to establish a fine-art annual called “ The Poetical Album.” In 1833 he started the “ United Service Gazette,” of which he remained the editor until 1843. Be was subsequently connected with the “ Standard ” and other newspapers. A collected edition of his poetical pieces appeared in 1851, with the title of “ Lyrics of the Heart,” and two years subsequently he received a pension of ^100 per annum from the Government. K 2( 132 ) JOHANNI ARNOLDO COLLARD, Gulielmus Fred. Collard, Sara, Conjux Eorumque Fillia, PENELOPE FrEDERICA, Unico Optimo Filio Fratrique, Inconsolabiles Fecerunt. Vix Ann. xxx. Ob. mdcccxlii. Vale, Dielectissime Vale. Gulielmo F. Collard, Rerum Naturæ Investigatione Vitam Consumpsit Mortuum Filiæ Atque Nepoium Amor Prosecutus Est Vix Ann. xci. Ob. mdccclxvi. “ I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Sacred to the Memory of Stracey Henry Hawkins, the only and dearly-beloved son of Henry Brydges Clarke, Esq., and Sophia Ann, his wife, of 39, Portland Place, London ; who departed this life October 22nd, 1865, in the fifteenth year of his age* Quick was the summons thou didst receive, No last farewell, did thy dear lips repeat; In seeming health at noon, but oh ! at eve Thy kind and gentle heart no longer beat.( 133 ) Sir Benjamin Hawes, K.C.B., Bom March 19th, 1797 ; died May 15th, 1862. Maria Gurney Hawes, daughter of Sir Benjamin and Lady Hawes* Born April 20th, 1834; died September 23rd, i860. Benjamin Hawes, Esqve., Born June 20th, 1770; died May 17th, i860. Emily Dukeneield, daughter of William and Anna Hawes, Died May 17th, 1853, aged 8 months. Thomas Hawes, Esqre., Died Ist June, 1849, aged 84 years. Mrs. Ann Hawes, Died 14th August, 1847, aged 78 years. Miss Sarah Hawes, Died 10th February, 1866, aged 92 years. Thomas Gurney Hawes, son of William and Sarah Hawes, Born February 22nd, 1842, died September 16th, 1869. Jane Maicereace Walker, wife of Thomas Walker, Died June iuh, 1866. Thou true and noble heart, I thank my God for thee. Rest in Christ’s peace : He, who in loving kindness, Led thee to my side shall give me to see thy Blessed face in His Kingdom of Joy;( 134 ) In memory of Mary Ann Moreton, daughter of Joseph Leadsam, Esqre-’ of Edgbaston, in the county of Warwick, and wife of Joseph Hodgson, Esqre., Who died in London, February 6th, 1869, aged 72 years. In Memory of Joseph Hodgson, Esq., F.R.S., formerly of Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, Who died in London, February 7th, 1869, aged 80, having survived his beloved wife only one day. In affectionate Remembrance of Maria Harriet, the dearly-loved wife of Ralph Hall, of Sumner Place, Onslow Square, and Mitre Court, Cheapside ; only daughter of T. P. Turner, of Exeter, and cousin to the late J. M. W. Turner, R.A. She was born Ist of May, 1817, and departed this life 25th of June, 1869, to the deep regret of her family and friends. Major-General Sir Charles Hopkinson, C.B., Died 17th December, 1864, aged 81 years.( 135 ) In Memory of W. J. Pinks, the Clerkenwell Antiquarian, who died November 12th,, i860, aged 31 years. The terrestrial could not hold the celestial That burned within it, And in early manhood they parted company: The soul ascended to its God, The body lies beneath. This stone was erected By a few admirers of the departed. 3|u affectionate Mememherance of Brodie Me. Ghie Willcox, Esqre., of Portman Square, London, for fifteen years one of the representatives of the borough of Southampton, Hants, who departed this life the 6th November, 1862, in his seventy-eigth year, deservedly lamented. Arms: A Jess between three cocks’ heads erased\ empaling three mullets erect, a cock’s head erased. Motto : “ Soy ere Formed To the memory of James Kennedy, Esqre., M.R.C.S., Author of the “ History of Cholera/’ and other works. Born June, 1803, died 1868.In affectionate Rememberance of James Henry Ferguson, Who died April 27th, 1867, in his 39th year. Also of George Ferguson, M.B., F.R.C.S., Who died FebL 25th, 1868, in his 31st year. “ Thy will be done.” In Memory of James Tweedale, M.D., Surgeon, Royal Navy ; Who died at Adelaide, South Australia, May 24th, 1849, aged 57. Also of Margaret Dunbar, his wife, Who died in London, January 5th, 1868, aged 80. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Also of Ernest Augustus Tweedale, Commander, Royal Navy, their youngest son, who died May 4th, 1868, aged 37. Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Joseph Guy, Jun., Author of several scholastic works For the instruction of British youth. Born 4th May, 1784, died 16th January, 1867.( 13 7 ) Here lie the Mortal Remains of Elizabeth, only daughter of Sir James Sanderson, Baronet, and the beloved wife of Richard Burdon Sanderson, Esqrc\, Died June 6th, 1864, aged 67. “ I rest in God.” in Memory of Richard Burdon Sanderson, of West Jesmond House, Northumberland, Esq1' Who died in the faith of Christ, at Montague Grove, Hampstead, February 10th, 1865, aged 73. “ Father, into Thy hands I cominend my spirit. True Love. To the Blessed and deplored Memory Of her whose gentle love Begat a love, Change cannot wean Nor time subdue. Charlotte Fuller Brooks, Died January 9th, 1869.( 138 ) Sacred To the Memory of Honor Edgcumbe, wife of George Towry West, Esqre., Bom January Ist, 1792 ; died June 6th, 1846, aged 54. Lost and dearly-beloved Mother, Thy, children mourn for thee in tears and anguish ; Their memories fondly dwell on thy gentle, Unselfish, and affectionate spirit. They are grateful to God for having blessed them With such a loving parent ; But they are stricken to the earth By a loss they feel to be irreparable. Also in Memory of George Towry West, Husband of the above, whose remains lie interred in the Protestant Churchyard, St. Servans, Brittany, in the Kingdom of France; he died January 30, 1840. Sacred To the Memory of Thomas Harrison Yeoman, M.D., of Whitby, Yorkshire, Born April 26th, 1813, Died January 21st, 1865.( 139 ) ' t In Memory of Charlotte Elizabeth, only daughter of John and Elizabeth Vandenhoff, Died 31st July, i860. R. I. P. ■“ Lord, I am here, for Thou didst call me.” Sacred to the Memory of John M. Vandenhoff, Rom 31st, March, 1790; died 4th October, 1861. Eminent as an. actor, Honoured as a man, He played his part well, Both in the mimic scene And on the stage of life. Integer vitae sceleris que purus. Mr. John Jones, Died 15 th February, 1861, in the 103 year of his age.( HO ) In affectionate remembrance of Jane Ingram, relict of the late Herbert Ingram, of Boston, Lincolnshire. She died in peace, June 19th, 1869, in her 86th year, Beloved and lamented by all who knew her. Beneath this tomb lie interred the Mortal remains of Maria Louise Dulcken,* Who was born at Hamburgh, March 29th, 1811, And died in London, April 12th, 1850, Aged 39 years. Her distinguished professional talents as a musician Obtained for her the highest public honours, , And her estimable character, In all the hallowed relations of domestic life, Secured for her the love and esteem Of a large circle of private friends. Her sorrowing husband and bereaved children Unite in this tribute of affection, gratitude, and hope Of a happy re-union in a brighter and a better world. * Mary Louisa Dulcken, pianiste to Her Majesty, died in Harley Street. She was a German by birth, but had been upwards of twenty years a resident in this country, and was the first lady-pianiste who ever played at the Philarmonic Concerts, The cause of her death was an abcess in the head.( I4I ) Sacred to the Memory of Mr. William Bennett, Who died January 22nd, 1857, aged 44 years. Sleep, sleep beloved father, no stranger rude Shall o’er thy sacred rest intrude, While we, thy children, softly tread O’er the cold grave where thou art laid. His pains so patiently he bore, We watched his dying bed ; His lovely eyelids gently closed— To Heaven, we hope he’s fled. In memory of Sir Will111 Chas Ross, R.A., Who departed this life, 20th J anuary, 1860, in the 66th year of his age. “ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord ; even so, saith the spirit; for they rest from their labours, and their works follow them.” Sacred to the Memory of William Shearman, M.D., Who departed this life Novr. 21st, 1861, in the 95th year of his age. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. xiv. 13.( 142 ) This Catacomb was purchased by Rosetta Waddell, and the remains of her relatives, whose names follow, were removed here from Christ Church, Newgate Street, during her lifetime ; and this Tablet was erected to their Memory in accordance with the directions given in her will. Mrs. Francis Scriven, mother of John Crowder, Esq., died 10th Feb., 1810, aged 75 years. Mary Annabella Crowder, wife of John Crowder, Esq., died 6th Nov., 1823, aged 64 years. John Crowder, Esq., Alderman of the Ward of Farringdon Within, and Lord Mayor of London 1829-30, died 2nd of Dec., 1830, aged 74 years. I11 this Catacomb are deposited the remains of Rosetta Waddell, who died 27th Nov., 1865, in the 79th year of her age wife of James Robert Waddell, and daughter of John Crowder, Esq., who was sometime Alderman of the Ward of Farringdon Within, and Lord Mayor of London 1829-30. Also of Rosa Matilda Mary Bagster, daughter of Rossetta Waddell, who died July, 1853, in the 43rd year of her age.( 143 ) Sacred to the Memory of the Rev. Robert Belt, * of Bossall Hall, in the county of York. Born 5th July, 1815 ; died 20th April, 1870. “ There remaineth therefore a rest for the people of God.”—Hebreiv iv. 9. Arms: Gules on a chevron, argent between three bezants, a cross pattee fitche between two mullets, gules. Crest, out of a chapeau turned up ermine, a cross pattee fitchee gules. Thomas Woodward, late of Highgate Hill, Died June 2nd, 1854, aged 77 years. Margaret, his affectionate wife for fifty years, Died JanL 9th, 1864, aged 86 years. “ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, even so saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labours.” Arms : Bar?y of four, three bucks’ heads caboshed, on a chit\ a wolf passant between two annulets. Crest: A wolfs head couped\ gorged with a collar charged with three roundles. In Memory of the Rev. Joseph Lewis, Wesleyan Minister, who died October 3rd, 1856, aged 68 years. Verily there is a reward for the righteous.—Psalm Iviii. 1 i.t( 144 ) 31n pernors of John Dinnen, Esq., of the Admiralty, Whitehall, Chief Inspector of Steam Machinery afloat, of Her Majesty’s Fleets and Dockyards, Captain R.N., Member of Institution of Civil Engineers, Member of Institution of Naval Architects, Born 25th January, 1807, Died 4th January, 1866. A good and affectionate son, and a kind brother. “ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” Rev. xiv. 13. A man of Multifarious knowledge, A profound scholar, Of bountiful charity, Of faithful integrity, An ornament to the profession he chose ; It is to be deplored that this gentleman Should have met his death By accident in the midst of his hard labours, Having devoted a life of 39 years in bringing Her Majesty’s Steam Navy To its present important position among nations.( i4S ) This Catacomb contains the mortal remains of Mary Ann Beadnell, John Beadnell, Elizabeth Beadnell, John Beadnell, Elizabeth Earle, Charlotte Armie. &acrec to the Memory of George Peirce, Captain R.N., Who died June 24th, 1863, aged 71 years. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of H is saints.—Psalm cxvi. 15. L( 146 ) S. M. John Ogden, Ob. Dec. xv., mdcccliii, ^Et. LXIII. “The dearest friend, The kindest man, The best-conditioned And unwearied spirit In doing courtesies.” Shakspcarc. His singular worth, His extensive knowledge and acquirements, His many amiable qualities, And the ability he displayed In illustrating by his pen And in the social circle, The writings and genius of Shakspeare ; Gathered around him many friends, A few of whom have caused This stone to be erected. To the Memory of Frederick Doveton Orme, Esq., C.B., H.B.M. Charge d’Affairs at Venezuela, Who died in London, April 24th, 1864, aged 53 years. Also of Eliza, widow of the above F. D. Orme, Who died in Brighton, May 17th, 1869, aged 79 years.( H7 ) The Family Catacomb Of the Revd. John Vaughan, D.C.L., Of St. John’s College, Cambridge, This Catacomb contains the mortal remains of John Vaughan, Edward Herbert Edwards, Elizabeth Vaughan. Sable : A chevron between three boys’ heads, couped pprenwrapped about the necks with snakes, vert. Crest: A bofs head, :ouped at the shoulders, enwrapped about the neck with a snake as in the arms. 31n of Rear-Admiral The Honble. Frederick Thomas Pelham, C.B., Who died on the 21st of June, 1861, In the 53 year of his age. Also of his infant son, Frederick John, Who died on the 14th of July, 1852, aged 6 months. “ In Thy presence is fulness of joy.” In the hope of a blessed resurrection to life eternal, the remains of Peter Grenville Gazalet Lieut.-Colonel Madras Army, Who fell asleep in Jesus on the 4tb day of November, 1862, in the 49tb year of his age. The Lord preserve thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth for evermore. L 2( H8 ) £>acrei> to tije S^fmor? of Captain John Deschamps, R.A., Bom October Ist, 1800, died July 15th, 1859. §>acrea to tlje pernor? of ELEANOR, daughter of John and Eleanor Deschamps, Born June 9th, 1849, died Novr. Ist, 1856. Also of Edward, their infant son, Born 14th, died 15th April, 1855. Also Rose, their beloved daughter, Born June 17th, 1854, died FebrL 19th, i860. The Epitaph Of Susan Anne, The beloved wife of James Wason, Of Liverpool, Solicitor, Sent by her From the Spirit World To her husband. * “ Joy has come to me.” “ I live in the love of Christ.” “ My Cross is over.” “ No longer Death—but Everlasting Life.” * Her departure from this life was on the 18th of Sep1., 1865. The epitaph was sent on the 9th of April, 1866.( 149 ) The Family Grave of Paul J. Gordon and his wife Rebecca. The Lord sent For their little daughter, Ella Rebecca, October 30th, 1868, aged 4 years. And on the 5th January, 1870, The angel also took their infant, REBECCA, To the better world at the age of five weeks. And on the 31st January, 1870, in a good old age (89), Mrs. Margaret Johnstone, Went to the mansion prepared For her by the Saviour in whom she trusted. In Memory of Lardner Dennys, Commander R.M. (Formerly of Teignmouth, in the county of Devon), Who died November 18th, 1864, aged 73 years. Also of John Haddock Lardner, Youngest son of the Late Elizabeth Rebecca and Lardner Dennys, Who died September 7th, 1866, aged 21 years. On the 7th of September, 1866, Lucy Eliza, daughter of Lucy and John S. Betts, Esqre., (And grand-daughter of Commander Dennys), Of Eastcott, Middlesex, Aged 7 months, “ Jesus saith : suffer little children to come unto Me.” Mark x. 14.( IS© ) §>acret> To the Memory of Charles Milner Ricketts, F.R.S., Member of the Supreme Council of India, And sometime His Majesty’s Consul General in Peru, Died 7th September, 1867, aged 91 years. Sacred to the Memory of Mordaunt Ricketts, Esqre., Bengal Civil Service, Born 5th June, 1786, Obit. 29th July, 1862, Deeply loved and mourned. “A kinder heart never beat.” O God, the Lord : in Thee is my trust. 31 n $$moximn. + Sarah Phelps, Wife of Samuel Phelps, Tragedian, Died July 17th, 1867, Aged 57. William Robert Phelps, Son of the above Samuel and Sarah Phelps, Died at St. Helena, of which island He was Chief Justice, November 16th, 1867, aged 39.( i5i ) Henrietta, The beloved and faithful wife of H. C..Day, Who died|while shopping for her first-born infant, Decr. 7th, 1867, aged 28 years. In Memory of Isabella Jane Conolly, Of Hampstead Road, Died Febry. 18th, 1851, aged 3 years. i The shortest life is long enough if it lead to a better, And the longest life is too short if it do not.,, Also, William Conolly, Of Washington Territory, United States, Who died January 3rd, 1859, aged 50 years. Sacred To the Memory of Thomas Wells, Commander in the Royal Navy, Who died 17th October, 1825, And lies buried at Bennes, France. Also of Ann Elizabeth Robinson Wells, His wife, who died 26th Dec., 1850.( 152 ) To commemorate the existence And point out the place of interment of George Edward Fenton, Who died on the 26th of May, 1867, At Compton Road, Canonbury. In Memory of The Revd. Isaac Deblois Winslow, Sometime Vicar of Napton, Who died September 21st, 1856, aged 56 years. In Memory of Thomas Forbes Winslow, A.M., Born December 23rd, 1795, died February 2nd, 1852. £>acret> To the Memory of Sparta The beloved wife of Abraham Cooper, Esqre., R.A., Who departed this life July the 31st, 1843, aged 47 years. Also of Donald Cameron, Son of Alexander Davis and Maria Louisa Cooper, Grandson of the above Who died September 3rd, 1861, aged 9 years. And of Abraham Cooper, Esq., R.A., Born September 8th, 1787 ; died December 24th, 1868.( 153 ) Sacred To the Memory of John Atcheler, Who departed this life February 18th, 1853, aged 22 years. “ May his memory be long blessed, And his soul happy for ever.” Also to the Memory of Henry Mansfield, Son-in-law of John Atcheler, of Maiden Lane, « Who departed this life 27th of August, 1857, Aged 30 years. 3|n S$moxy of Sarah, The beloved wife of Mr. John Atcheler, Of Selina Villa, Finchley, Who departed this life February 8th, 1859. In the 52nd year of her age. She’s gone ; whose nerve could rein the swiftest steed, Whose heart and hand to all in time of need Were ready, and with a cheering hope she gave To soothe the suffering, and the weak to save. Anne, The wife of Frederick Goodall, R.A. Born December 26th, 1822 ; died August 11th, 1869,( 154 ) £a>acret> To the memory of Abel Rous Dotten, Infant son of Miles and Elizabeth Jane Braithwaite, Who died 27th of January, aged 11 months. The cup of life just to his lips he pressed, Found the taste bitter and refused the rest ; Then, turning gently to the light of day, He softly breathed his little life away. Also to the memory of The Revd. Samuel Rous Moe, Fifth son of the Hon™6. Miles, Braithwaite, Of the Island of Barbadoes, And Rector of the parishes of St. John’s and St. Mark’s, In the Island of Grenada. In death lamented as in life beloved By a numerous circle of relatives and friends. , Also Mrs. Welch, Died October 2nd, 1843. Margaret, sister of the above infant, Died 26th Nov., 1846, aged 8 years. To the Memory of Captain Henry Windham, R.N., 4th son of Admiral Windham, of Felbrigg, in the county of Norfolk, Born 22nd Oct, 1809, died 10th Nov., 1868.( 155 ) fs»acwD To the Memory of John Adam Dean, Who died Ist January, 1851, aged 67 years. We trust The lingering gleam of his departed life To oral record, and the silent heart, Depositories faithful and more kind Than fondest epitaph ; for if those fail What boots the sculptured tomb ? Nacres To the Memory of John Celestin Bernard, M.D., M.R.C.S.L., Native of Trinidad. Born March 30th, 1836, died April 15th, 1861. Return unto Me for I have redeemed thee. Sacred to the memory of Samuel Freeman, Esqre., Portrait and Historical Engraver, Who died 27th February, 1857, aged 84 years. In hope of eternal life. Samuel Parsons, M.D., Who died the 11 June, 1869, aged 61 years.( 156 ) In Memory of Robert Edward Scott, Aged 29 years, Who lost his life By the ice accident In the Regents Park, 15th January, 1867. This monument was erected as A tribute of esteem by his Colleagues. ^acreo To the'Memory of Stephen Wenton, Late of Clerkenwell, Who departed this life the 3rd day of February, 1868, In the 59th year of his age. Whose death was hastened by the Fenian outrage, December, 1867. Deeply lamented by his sorrowing widow. to the memory of George Ray, Esqre., Who died March 18th, 1856, aged 57 years. Anns: A chevron engrailed ermine between three swords, the two in chief in pale and the one in base fessways on a chief or three birds. Crest: An ostrich holding in the beak a horseshoe.( iS7 ) In Memory of Richard Vines, M.R.C.V.S.L., Of 3, G\ College Street, Camden Town, Died April 6th, 1865, in his 72nd year. 14 years Professor of Anatomy at the Royal Veterinary College, And author of several scientific works. A truly just man. Sacred to the Memory Of Elizabeth Pareppa, (Nee Seguin), Who departed this life January 14th, 1870, aged 57. Erected by her sorrowing daughter In remembrance of a good woman and the best of mothers. Sacred to the memory of JULIA, wife of Sir Archer Denman Croft, Bart, And daughter of Major-General Garstin, Died 17th of November, 1864, aged 62. Also of her husband, Sir Archer Denman Croft, Baronet, Bom 7th December, 1801, died 10th of January, 1865. “ What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.”—John xiii. 7.( 158 ) LILLYWHITE. Born June, 1792; died August 2Ist, 1854. A name to be remembered long as The National game of England, By the practice and tuition Of which for years he earned An honest livelihood. Rarely has man received More applause in his vocation. Few have ministered to more happy hours. From an humble station he achieved A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, Teaching, both by precept and example, A SPORT In which the blessings of youthful strength, And spirits may be most innocently enjoyed, To the exercise of the mind, The discipline of the temper, And the general improvement of the man. 2Dt)te monument Testifies to the respect of the noblemen And gentlemen of the Marylebone Cricket Club, And of many private friends, TO ONE WHO DID HIS DUTY, In that station of life To which it hath pleased God to call him.( 159 ) Sacred to the Memory of William Lillywhite, son of Mr. William Frederick Lillywhite, Who was born‘24th April, 1823 ; died Oct., 1855. Also to the Memory of Mr. Robert Parker, Brother-in-law of the late Mr. William Lillywhite, Born 2nd November, 1797 ; died 3rd September, 1867. Also Charlotte, Wife of William Frederick, Born 18th January, 1790 ; died 29th June, 1870. This Monument was erected In affectionate Rememberance of Willoughby Hunter Weiss, Born April 2nd, 18.20, died October 24th, 1867. “ It is enough, O Lord, and now let me die.” Captain W. A. Haly, Late 53rd Regiment, Died 27th April, 1849. Erected To his Memory By some of his old friends and companions in arms. A noble spirit soars above the skies ; Beneath in narrow cell his body lies.( i6o ) Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Dixon Marr Trotter, Esqre., Youngest son of the late Dr. Thomas Trotter, of Housebyres, Roxburghshire, And Physician to the Fleet under Lord Howe, At the Battle of the Ist of June, 1794. He departed this life 17th March, 1858, aged 42 years. Lord let me know mine end and the number of My days That I may be certified how long I have to live. “ Let me die the death of the righteous, And let my last end be like his.” Beside her brother repose the remains of Alice Alison, only daughter of the late' Dr. Thomas Trotter, Physician to the Fleet under Lord Howe, At the Battle of the Ist June, 1794, And of Housebyres, Roxburgh, N.B. She died at the residence of her sister-in-law, Park Road, Haverstock Hill, After a long and painful illness, On the 9th April, 1861, aged 44 years. “ Even so, Lord, for so it seemeth good in Thy sight.” Sacred To the Memory of Frank Stone, A.R.A, Bom 22nd August, 1800; died 18th November, 1859.( i6i ) Sarah, The Elder and well-loved Daughter of Francis , and Sarah Smith, Of The Grove, Highgate, Who died on the 6th October, 1869. Also of Sarah, The affectionate wife of the above-named Francis Smith, Who died on the 28th January, 1870. “ I would not have you to be ignorant concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as those which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so then also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”—I Thess. iv. Mary Amelia Warner, September 24th, 1854. M( 162 ) ^atreD To the memory of Captain Edward Codd, 21st Fusilier Guards, Only son of Edward Septimus and Ellen Codd, Who died October 23rd, 1857, aged 33 years. Michael Farady,* Born 22nd September, 1791 ; Died 25th August, 1867. * Mr. Farady was born in London, 1794. He was apprenticed to the trade of bookbinding, but his mechanical genius and talent for investigation procured him the ultimate patronage of Sir fdumphrey Davy. Through his interest he was taken into the laboratory of the Royal Institution of London, where he was enabled to pursue his studies. In 1827, he published his work on “ Chemical Manipulations,” and from that time continued a regular contributor to the “ Philosophical Transactions,” spreading his investigations over the wide field of electricity. He published three volumes, on “ Experimental Researches in Electricity,” in which are included his researches into the magnetic nature of oxygen gas, light, and other important subjects. A true philosopher, he rejected all posts of honour, confining himself to his sphere in the Royal Institution, where the charm of his lectures was a continual attraction to those who delighted to follow him through the paths of magnetic science. In private life his character was irreproachable, and characterised by great goodness and humanity.( 163 ) Sacred To the Memory of William Henry Webb, The distinguished Violist; Who departed this life February 13th, 1866, aged 35. This stone is placed here To record his talents and many virtues. He was an amiable and upright man, And a sincere friend. What though the body dies, The soul must live for ever. To the memory of Gol. Stodare, Late of the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. Born June 28th, 1832 ; died October 22nd, 1866. 1849. On the Feast of St. Matthias died Jane, The beloved wife of John Laming Turner, Chaplin of Aske’s Hospital, Hoxton, Lecturer of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London. “ My spirit is easy, my burthen is light.” M 2( 164 ) £>acrtf) To the Memory of Ann Barnes, Sister of the late Thomas Barnes, Editor of the Times newspaper. Died June 30th, 1862. Sacred to the Memory of Ellen Louisa, The beloved wife of R. M. Whichelo, Paym1*. R.N., Who died 6th November, 1853, aged 67 years. Thy will be done. Also of Richard Mayle Whichelo, R.N., Husband of the above E. L. Whichelo, Who died 6th June, 1858, aged 72 years. He served on board H.M.S. “ Britannia,” In the Battle of Trafalgar, H.M.S. “ Blenheim,” in China, And H.M.S. “ Victory,” at Portsmouth. Marie Baronin Bruiningk, Geborene Fürstin Lieven, Kerstenchof, in Livland, 23 August, 1818; London, 22 Januar?, 1853. Selig, Die reines Herzens sind.( i6s ) William Alexander Fothergill, Youngest son of Lieut.-Col. Thomas Fothergill, Of Kingthorpe, Yorkshire. Died 11th January, 1850, aged 20. Lieut.-Col. Fothergill, Died 28th December, 1867, aged 79. In Memory of George Darnell, For thirty years Principal Of the Theberton School, Islington : A most skilful and loving instructor of the young ; A zealous friend to the cause of Popular Education ; Author of several works, designed To render easy the beginning of knowledge ; His earthly life, marked by active Goodwill towards men, By generosity and self-sacrifice, ended serenely, On the 26th day of February, 1857, in the 59th year of his age. Reader, so live ; that—by God’s grace—so thou mayst die. Mr. Joseph Roberts, Died 22nd day of March, 1861. Aged 95 years.( i66 ) Charles Bellamy, D.C.L., Of the Middle Temple, Esquire, And Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford. Born November XIX. MDCCXCIX. Died May XIV. MDCCCLVI. Sacred to the Memory of Charlotte Sophia, The beloved wife of John Sykes, Esqre., Commander in the Royal Navy. Died 7th July, 1850, aged 72 years. Sacred to the Memory of John Sykes, Captain in the Royal Navy, Husband of Charlotte Sophia Sykes. Died 23rd October, 1865, aged 90 years. Elizabeth Ann Pike, Died April 14th, 1847, aged 72 years, Daughter of the latejosiah Pike, Esq., of Nassau Street. Harriett Pike, relict of William Pike, Esqre., Died 27th March, 1852, aged 53 years. William Pike, Esqre., Of Wilfred Lodge, Hampstead Road, Died 15th July, 1850, aged 71 years.( 167 ) Here resteth the body of The HonWe. George Fred1*. Street, One of the Judges of the Supreme Court Of the Province of New Brunswick, Who departed this life On the 10th day of July, A.D. 1855, aged 67. Also to the Memory of Frances Maria Adams, his wife, Who died at sea, August 21st, 1856, And was buried at Malta. Sacred to the memory of George W. Valentine, The beloved child of James Valentine and Rosina Halford, Who died on Good Friday, The 25th of March, 1864 ; aged 6 months and 19 days. “ Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” We laid thee down in sinless rest, and from thine infant brow,’ Culled one soft lock of radient hair, our only solace now ; Then placed around thy beauteous corse, Flowers not more fair and sweet, Primroses in thy little hands and violets at thy feet. Mr. Thomas Rudd, .Died March 27th, 1844, Aged 95.( l68 ) Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth Elcon. Died December, 1850, aged 65 years. Her hand sought employment, Her feet delighted not in gadding Abroad ; fidelity and industry Were the study of her life ; Peace and happiness are her reward; Sacred To the Memory of George Brettingham Sowerby, F.L.S. ,* Naturalist, Who died July 26th, 1854, Aged 64. * Mr. G. B. Sowerby, was born at Lambeth, on the 12th of August, 1788. He was the second son of Mr. James Sowerby. He studied natural history with more success than his elder brother, though not so good an artist. In early life he was attached to the study of entomology, and assisted his father in those departments of his labours, where a knowledge of insects was required. On marrying, however, he gave up entomology, and commenced business as a dealer in natural history objects, and visited the continent of Europe for the purpose of obtaining specimens. He bought the celebrated Tankerville Collection of Shells, for which he gave ^6,000. His knowledge of the forms of shells was very extensive, and he projected and published a great work entitled “ The Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells; ” besides this he published numerous other works, from 1824 to 1845. He was a fellow of the Linnean Society.( 169 ) In Affectionate remembrance of Fanny, The much-loved wife of George Pettifer, Who calmly fell asleep in Jesus, August IIth, 1864, Aged 31. Oh, thou, for ever fond, for ever true! Has Death for ever torn thee from my view ? Thy voice that counselled, charmed, consoled and bless’d, Thy deep solicitude that found no rest, But in completion of some pure design, To make my happiness the spring of thine. Gone, but not lost—a living link To bind us closer to our God, A treasure rich laid up in store, To be restored when time’s no more. Sacred to the Memory of The Revd. Robert Wood, Who died June 10th, 1851, aged 63 years. “ Mark the perfect man and behold the upright; For the end of that man is peace.”—Psalm xxxvii. 37. Also Sarah, his wife, Who died November 21st, 1866, aged 72 years. At even time it shall be light.—Zech. xiv. 7.( 170 ) To the Memory of Joseph Woldemar Kretzschmar, The beloved child of L, W. Kretzschmar, Born April 28th, 1855 ; died January 22nd, i860. Adieu ! my sweet one, sleep in peace Upon thy pillow lone and chill ; Thy little life was doomed to cease— But ah ! I fondly love thee still. Thy spirit like a meteor bright, Illum’d my heart with hopes of day ; ’Twas but to plunge in deeper night, And chase my cherished hopes away. Why did I love so sweet a rose, And rest on it my thoughts for years ? Thy loss hath added to my woes, And drown’d my rising joys in tears. Yet still farewell, my blighted flower, Thy angel form I’ll ne’er forget; But think on thee until the hour, When life’s dull star to me hath set. Francis Thompson, Esq., A member of the Hon. Society of Lincoln’s Inn, Born November the 5th, 1798, Died June the 6th, 1856. Arms: An eagle displayed\ a canton gules. Crest out of a ducal coronet an ostrich's head holding in the beak a horseshoe Motto : “Lucem virtus amitd( !7I ) To the Memory of Emma, The dearly beloved wife of Thomas Reed, Died 10th Sep1*., 1851, aged 33. Sweet spring of days, and roses made, Whose charms for beauty vie ; Thy days depart, thy roses fade, For thou must die. Only a sweet and holy soul Hath tints that never fly, While flowers decay, and seasons roll, It cannot die. Co tf>e Dear Memory of My husband, Gabriel Rossetti, Born at Vasto Ammone, In the kingdom of Naples, 28th February, 1783 ; Died in London, 26th April, 1854, “ He shall return no more, nor see his native country.” —Jeremiah xxii. 10. “ Now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly.” —Hebrews xi. 16. Ah dio—ajutami tu. Also tO tf)t Memory of Elizabeth Eleanor, Wife of D. G. Rossetti (Eldest son of the above), Who departed on the 11th February, 1862, Aged 30.( 172 ) Sacred To the Memory of Mrs. Peggy Malone, Who departed this life December 28th, 1851, Aged 80 years. Stay, courteous reader, nor so careless pass This silent tomb which warns thee of thy last, For both the aged and the youthful heart, Are equal marks for death’s relentless dart. Be wise, improve the present fleeting hour, While heav’n in mercy kindly offers power; Haste, then, nor let thy precious moments fly, The next may find thee in eternity. “ Prepare to meet thy God.” To the dear Memory of Robert Warren, Late Captain 4th Dragoon Guards, Died 31st Dec., 1869. Sacred To the Memory of Henry English, Esq., F.G.S., Proprietor of the “ Mining Journal,” Who died 28th April, 1855, in his 53rd year.( 173 ) Eliza, The beloved wife of Thomas Spalding, Departed July 18th, 1851, Aged 33 years. “ If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.” Thomas William Spalding, died March 6^, 1841, Aged 19 months. Anne Lousia Spalding, died March 15th, 1845, Aged 7 weeks. Charles Tilt Spalding, died Dec. 27th, 1849, Aged 19 months. Andrew Reed Spalding, died March ist, 1855, Aged 4 months. Ernest Charles Spalding, died Jan. 16th, 1861, Aged 10 weeks. Joseph Payne, Deputy Assistant Judge, Born November 13th, 1797, Died March 29th, 1870. The memory of the just is blessed. Erected to his memory By the friends of fagged schools And temperance societies.( 174 ) Saered to the memory of Samuel Richard Block, Esq., Of Greenhill, in the parish of Chipping Barnet, A justice of the peace for the county of Herts and Middlesex, And for the liberty of St. Albans. He served the office of High Sheriff for the county Of Herts in 1863. Beloved respected and lamented, He entered into his rest on Sunday, the 11th day of December, 1864, In the 75th year of his age. To the memory of Mr. Robert Papworth, Who departed this life January 14th, 1864, Aged 74 years. For nearly fifty years With Messrs. Grace, of Wigmore Street. Miss Mary Papworth, Sister of the above, Who died June 26th, 1866, in the 75th year of her age. To the dear Memory of Frederick Gottreux, C.B., Late Colonel of the 1 st Regiment Madras Native Infantry, Died 28th April, 1862.( 175 ) Lydia Lumley, Bom Jan. if, 1813 ; died Dec., 1851. A spirit meek, And yet by pain unshaken, True faith, true love, And lofty constancy: Lead me where these Are with my sister flown. These were of God, And He has claimed His own. Margaret Lumley, Died Aged Sacred to the Memory Of James Curtiss, Esqre, Who departed this life June 18th, 1865, aged 34 years. He leaves a fond and affectionate wife to lament Her loss, and deeply regretted by all who knew him. Oh, fond and loving spirit! thou, Far, far away from one art now. I miss the hand of friendship true, The heart that all my feelings knew ; God will in time raise me to thee, I shall rejoin thee once again ; Into thy loving arms I fly, Immortal thou, immortal I.( 176 ) 3tn 3i3emor^ of John Summers, of 21, King Street, Soho, Who departed this life Jan? 2nd, 1853, aged 71 years ; Deeply lamented by his family. Also Mary Ann Summers, wife of the above; Who departed this life May 11th, 1862, aged 80 years. Three sons mourn their loss. Beneath are interred the remains of Samuel Roger Toms, Son of Samuel Rogers and Charlotte Matilda Toms, Who departed this life 27th November, 1840, Aged 2 years and 2 months, Also of Roger Toms, their fourth child, Who departed this life 5th of August, 1842, Aged 5 months and 23 days. Also of Alice Sarah Toms, Their sixth daughter; Died 10th March, 1856, aged 11 years. In Memory of Robert Orridge, Esqre., Of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law; Died December 28th, 1865, aged 41 years.( 177 ) Jones Quain, Doctor of Medicine, one time scholar Of Trinity College, Dublin, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, University College, London, 1831—36. Obit 31 January, 1865, JEtat 70 years. In Memory of The Celebrated Blind Traveller, Lieu4. James Holman, R.N., F.R.S., &c.,* Of Travels College, Windsor ; Who died 28th July, 1857, aged 70 years. * James Holman, was born in London 1787 ; served in his early years in the royal navy, and took part in the wars against the French. At the age of twenty-five he lost his sight; but notwithstanding this infirmity, he, in 1819, commenced his wanderings by travelling over France, Italy, Switzerland, and Holland ; an account of which he published in 1822. He had been made several years previously a naval knight of Windsor. In 1822, he set out for St. Petersburgh, intending to travel through the Russian Empire, but when he had arrived at McKutsk an order from the Czar Alexander commanded his return, and he was conducted as a state prisoner back to the German frontier. When he reached England he published his wanderings in two volumes. In 1834, on his return, he published his “ Travels Round the World,” in four volumes. His last wanderings were in the Danubian Provinces, in 1843-4. N( 178 ) In Memory of SUSSANA ENGALL, The beloved wife of John Engall, Of Kentish Town; Who fell asleep in Jesus, December 22nd, 1848. “ In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust.’5 The above-named John Engall (Who for 65 years an inhabitant of Kentish Town), Entered into his rest January 2 5 th, 1861, in his 81st yean Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, For the end of that man is peace.—Ps. xxxvii. 37. I can do all things through Christ, Which strengthened me.—Phil. iv. 13. By all beloved and full of love to all, Death pained her friends, but could not her appal; She passed serenely to the realms above, Upborne by arms of everlasting love. Sarah, The beloved wife of Benjamin C. Engall. Died the 11th March, 1855, aged 46 years. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God ; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood.( 179 ) Andrew Ure, M.D., F.R.S., &c., Professor of Chemistry, Died January 2nd, 1857, aged 78. This tablet is placed to his memory By his son and daughter. Alexander Ure, F.R.C.S., One of the Senior Surgeons of St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington ; Eldest son of the late Dr. Andrew Ure, F.R..S., Died 13th of June, 1866. To the Memory of Caroline Rainford Ensor, The beloved daughter of James and Elizabeth Ensor. Died Ist February, 1831, aged 20 years. To the Memory of Elizabeth, The beloved wife of James Ensor, Esq. Died the 10th of May, 1844, aged 67 years. Respected and esteemed by all who knew her. To the memory of James Ensor, Of Hammersmith, Esq., Who died January 18th, 1868, in his 80th year. Joseph Fitzwilliam Vandercorn, Esq., Died on the 30th day of March, 1850, Aged 96 years. N 2( i8o ) %o t\>e of The Rev. Samuel Noble, Minister Of the New Jerusalem Church, Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London, Author of “ An Appeal to the Reflecting of all Denominations,’' “ The Plenary Inspiration of the Sacred Scriptures Asserted,” And other works in elucidation and defence of The doctrines of the New Church, Signified, in the revelation, by the New Jerusalem, As explained in the writings of the Lord’s Servant Emanuel Swedenborg: THIS MONUMENT Is erected by his congregation and other friends, As a tribute of grateful affection For the spiritual benefits derived from his able And faithful ministry, and for his other labours In the cause of the true Christian Religion. Died August 27th, 1853, in the 75th year of his age, And the 34th of his ministry. God is not the God of the dead, But of the living.—Matt xxii. 32. Spiritus hominis apparet in altera Vita in forma humana, prorsus sicut in Mundo ; . . . est homo quoad omnia et singula, Praeter quod non crasso illo Corpore, quo in mundo, circumdatus sit; id Relinquit cum moritur, nec usquam resumit.( i8i ) Haec continuatio vitae est, qure intelligitur Per Ressurrectionem. Swedenborg de nova Hicrosolyma et ejus doectrina. Coelesti No. 225 Lond. 1758. The spirit of man (after death) appears in The other life in a human form altogether as in The world, ... he is a man in every respect, except That he is not encompassed with that gross body Which he had in the world ; this.he leaves when he Dies, nor does he ever resume it. This continuation Of life is meant by the Ressurection Swedenborg, of The New Jerusalem and its heavenly doctrines. No. 225. Subtus Depositae sunt mortales exuniae Samuelis Noble, Verbi divini ministri Qui per xxxiii annos Doctrinam Novae ecclesiae domini Quae per Novam hierosolymam In apocalypsi intelligitur E libris Emanuelis Swedenborg Depromptam Vita exornavit Verbo et officio commendavit Et scriptis pro virili tuitus est Vitam hancce pro TLterna commutavit. A.D. vi kal, Sept, anni MDCCCLIII. TEtatis suae lxxv.( 182 ) To the Very Revd. Thomas Dale, D.D., Dean of Rochester. Also some time Vicar of St. Bride’s, And afterwards Canon of St. Pauls, And Vicar of St. Pancras. Born August, 1798, died May, 1870. Also Emily Jane, his wife, Born April, 1805, died Easter Eve, 1849. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.” In Memory of William Hookham Carpenter, Twenty years keeper of the prints and drawings In the British Museum. Born March 2nd, 17 , died July, 1866. In remembrance of Anne, wife of J. B. Pyne, Landscape Painter, 203, Camden Road, Who died June 21st, 1865, In her 60th yean In the the same grave lieth The body of the above J. B. Pyne.( 183 ) %tym ateo tolitcí) Bleep in 31eBtiB Mill ©ob bring toiít) *?im. * lacreo 2Co 3D!)e #emorp of 3iol)u 8?obge, ©Bqre., . Mi)o bieb ©n ^December 15$* l865. ilgeb 78 pearB. * 31n CljriBi. %a tlje ápemorp of $nn ©libia s?obge, Mb® bieb 31anuarp 22«b, 1850, ageb 3 ntontbB. 0lBo of ®bítb Séptima $?obge, Mijo bíeb 31une 13$* l86St ageb 6 montbB. 3ln Sgemorp of ©eorge ^Becfeett, 3150m i2tb #pril, 1805, SDieb 3otb jpobember, 18 66. Arms: Per ft ale* a chevron between, in chief two mullets, and in base a Jleur de Us counterchanged' a trefoil in chief for difference. SiSotto: Mttita fljMUe* In Memory of John Atchelor, Esq., Who departed this life the 7 th day of March, 1867, Aged 75 years.( 184 ) In Memory of Mr. John Dickens, Aged 66 years, Whose zealous, useful, cheerful spirit, Departed on the 31st of March, 1851. Here also lie the remains of Elizabeth Dickens, his wife, Who died September 12th, 1863, aged 73 years. Dora Annie, The ninth child of Charles and Catherine Dickens, Died 14th April, 1851, aged eight months. In Memory of Mrs. Ann Webb (Widow of William Webb, Esq.), Who, revered and beloved by her children Of three generations, departed this life in The sure hope of salvation through Christ, August Ist, 1849, in the 102nd year of her age. To the Memory of Captain Wm. Howe Hadfield, Late of Her Majesty’s 3rd Light Dragoons, Who died the 23rd day of March, 1854, In the 52nd year of his age.( 185 ) Elizabeth Tennyson, Feby 21, 1865. In memory of Frances Heywood, Widow of Captn. Peter Heywood, R.N. She died Oct1* 28th, 1863, aged 8l Also of Captn. Peter Heywood, R.N., One of the Midshipmen on board H.M.S. “ Bounty,” Captn. Bligh. He died February 10th, 1831, aged 58. His remains are deposited in the vaults-Under the Old Church, Highgate. Requiescat in pace. To the Memory of James Shirley, Who suddenly but peacefully departed this life April 2nd, 1854, aged 31 years. “ Thy will be done.” Sacred to the Memory of Hannah E. Shirley, Who departed this life FebL 21, i860, In the 15th year of her age.( 186 ) In affectionate remembrance of Matilda M. Engall, Second daughter of the late Mr. J. Gibson, Of Manchester, And for twenty years the affectionate wife of Thomas Engall, M.R.C.S., of Euston Square, Who, after years of suffering, Entered into the rest that remaineth For the the people of God, On June 27th, 1865, aged 58 years. Also of Wm. Trengrouse Engall, Fifth son of John R. and Mary Ann Engall, Of Kentish Town, Who fell asleep Octr. IIth, 1868, In his 21st year. “ Present with the Lord.” Catherine Austin, Died October 6th, 1867, Aged 102 years. Elizabeth, relict of the late James Gordon, Esq., Who departed this life the 28th of March, 1858, Aged 95.( i87 ) Sacred To the Memory of Margaret Quin, The beloved and faithful wife, For nearly forty-two years, of Michael Quin, Rear-Admiral of Her Majesty’s White Squadron, Who died on the 24th January, 1859, aged 62 years, To the inexpressible grief Of her sorrowing and afflicted husband. “ Thy will be done.” 31n of Ann Aubert Pyne, Who died December 5th, 1852, aged 68 years. In Memory of James Frederick Pyne, Esq., Of Francis Street, Regents Square, For many years the celebrated Tenor Singer of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden and Drury Lane, And upwards of 40 years A member of the Choir of the Foundling Hospital, And musical instructor of the children of the same Institution. He died September 23rd, 1857, In the 73rd year of his age, Much lamented.( i88 ) To the Memory of Mr. James Frederick King, Of Montague Place, Kentish Town, Who departed this life January 18th, 1855, In his 74th year. Also Mary, widow of the above; Who departed this life February 7th, 1856, In her 69th year. “ Accepted in the Beloved.” Also Miss Elizabeth King, Sister of the above Mr. James Frederick King, Who died December 26th, 1868, In her 90th year. George Jones, R.A., Born 6th January, 1786, Died 19th September, 1869. Beneath this stone lie the remains of Richard Golding (The Eminent Historical Engraver). He died December 28th, 1865, aged 80 years.( 189 ) £j©omtwental inscriptions IN St. M ichael’s Church, Highgate. Sacred To the Memory of Maria, Widow of Baker John Littlehales, Esqre., And daughter and sole heiress Of Bendall Martyn, Esqre. She was a lady of rare endowments, Both of body and mind, But eminently distinguished For her piety, meekness, and charity. She died November IIth, 1796, To the deep and lasting regret Of her surviving children. My flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpet’s joyful sound, Then burst its chains with sweet surprise, And in my Saviour’s image rise.( I9° ) Near this place The bodies of Samuel Forster,, Esqre-and of Mary, his wife, Are buried in their own vault. He died on the 25th day of April, 1752,, In the 65th year of his age. She died on the 14th day of June, 1744, In the 65th year of her age. In their lives they were lovely, and in their d'eaths They are not divided. May their ashes rest in peace, Until they arise to a blissful immortality Thro’ our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Mr. Forster, one of the worthy Governors of the Free-Grammar-School, of this Town, bequeathed To them by his last Will three hundred Pounds,, To be laid out at their Discretion for the Increase Of the pensions of the poor Widows in the: Almshouses here. Sacred to the Memory of John Roberts, Esq., Near fifty years a Director of the Honourable East India Company. He was born 11 Sept1*., 1758, and died 5 FebL, 1810. Also of Christopher Roberts, Esq., Father of the above, Who died 10 March, 1770, aged 70 years. This tablet was removed from the old church, A.D. 1833.( I9I ) M. S. Near this place lieth the Body of John Schoppens, late Merchant of London, & Inhabitant of this Hamlet, Who, after an industrious life, paff d with Integrity & Honour, & clof’d at last by a tedious Illnefs, borne with Patience and Refignation, died in ye 71st year of his Age, on ye 22nd of June, A.D. 1720, having furviv’d, about a Year and Six Months, the loss of his Dear Wife, Mary, the Daughter of William Gibbes, Citizen, & also Merchant of London : a lofs irreparable to all To whomfoever She was related, as a Wife, a Mother, a Miftrefs, or a Friend. Being faithful in the Difcharge of every Duty of Life, & fo holding herfelf in a conftant Readinefs for Death, She was seiz’d, but not surpriz’d, by a Sudden one, on y° 28th of December, A.D. 1718, in ye 55th year of her age, having that Morning received ye Holy Communion here, in perfect health. They both lie in a decent Vault, a little eaftward from hence, which (John) their eldeft fon purchaf’d to preferve the Remains of his Family, < by whom alfo this Monument was erected to the Memory of his Parents. Three weasels courant, on an escutcheon of pretence, three halberts in fess. Arms : Top of monument. Qitarterly one and four, three weasels courant; two and three, three halberts in fess. Crest: An arm embowed holding a cross crossletfitchee f( 192 ) Near this Marble lyes the Body of Sir Edward Could, Knt. (One of ve Governors of this Chapel), Who departed this life the 26th day of September, Aged 80 Years. His firft wife waf Elizabeth Gower, daughter of Richard Gower, of Highgate, in ye county of Middsx., Gent.; His fecond wife waf Frances Monoux, Daughter of Sir Humphrey Monoux, of Wootton, In ye County of Bedford, Bart. He left a large real Eftate after the Death of hif Widow, Francef, to Edward Gould and William Gould, the furviving sons of Edward Gould, his nephew. He alfo left to this chapel A legacy of £10o, and left Several Legacies to his Nephews and Nieces, and Several . Charitable legacies* This monument is set up by his Widow. Per saltire azure and or, a lion rampant counterchanged, impaling argent on a chevron sable between three oak leaves .as many bezants. Crest: A demi lion rampant, bezantee.( i93 ) Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Margaret Makepeace, Wife of Mr. Robert Makepeace, of London, Citizen and Goldsmith ; Who died the 29th of Sep., 1790, aged 61 years. Also of the said Robert Makepeace, her husband, Who died the 30th of Dec., 1800. Aged 72 years. Also of Thomas, their second Son, Who died the 12th of SepE, 1794, aged 30 years. In the same vault lies interred all that is mortal of Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Robert Makepeace, Eldest Son of the said Robert and Margaret Makepeace, Who died the 30th of October, 1802, aged 32 Years. This small tablet was erected by Robert Makepeace, JunE, out of Gratitude and Respect to the best of Parents and the best of Wives. Also of Robert Makepeace, Son of the above-named Robert and Margaret Makepeace, Who' having well performed the duties of this life, Was. called to his reward On the 16th of Dec., 1827, aged 66. This tablet was removed from the Old Chapel, 1833. 0( 194 ) Near this place Are deposited the Remains of John Edwards, of Highgate, Esqre., Only surviving son of the Under-nam’d Thomas Edwards, Esqre., and Jane, his wife, who died December 18th, 1769, Aged 82 years. The many Virtues by Which He was Deservedly distinguish’d through a long And happy Life, have given to Posterity An example worthy of Imitation, in the Character Of this Truly benevolent and upright Man. Subtus In loco Sepulchrali Joannis Schoppens Armigeri Mortalitatis fuse exuvias depofuit Josephus Edwards Secundo genitus Thomse Edwards Nuper de Civitate Bristol Armigeri Et Janse uxoris ejus, Dignus Parentum filius, Quern in ipso virilis setatis flore correptum Febris Continua ab hac valle miferiarum Ad meliorem tranftulit vitam, Ea ibi accepturum prsemia, Cum judicabit Christus et vivos et mortuos, Quse tarn bene meruerunt Sincera erga Deum usqa pueritia pietas, Erga parentes obedientia,( 195 ) Erga fratres et forores amor plusquam fraternus, Erga clientes fides integerrima, Erga omnes deniq, ut uno complectar verbo, Candor et benevolentia. Obijt Cselebs 22do die Julii An00. Dom. 1728™. iEtatis suse 43tio. Arms: A lion rampant. Crest : A helmet ppr., garnished or. In Memory of Anne, daughter of the Honourable Charles And Lady Sarah B. Clarke Wandesforde, Of Castle Comer, Ireland, And Kirklington Hall, Yorkshire; Who departed this life On the 24th day of October, 1836, aged 9 years. In Memory of Isabella Scrimgeour, The fondly loved and deeply lamented daughter Of John Shedden and Isabella Scrimgeour, Of Hornsey Lane, Highgate, Who died on the 7th May, 1848, In the Fifteenth year of her age. “ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” “ The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, Blessed be the name of the Lord.” o 2( 196 ) To the Memory of The Reverend Thomas Henry Causton, M.A., Fourteen years Rector of St. Botolph’s, Aldersgate, And sixteen years Incumbent Minister of This Parish, Who died May 15th, 1854, aged 54. Also of Frances Emma, second daughter of the Above, Who died Sepr. 25th, 1846, in the 13th year of her age. Also of Ellen Mary, Eldest daughter of the above, Who died March 1 Ith, 1849, 'm the l7th year of her age. Sacred to the Memory of The Honble. Frances Hester, Fifth daughter of the second Lord Lilford, And the beloved wife of the Revd. T. H. Causton, M.A., Incumbent Minister of this Parish. She departed this life, Together with her newly-born infant, June 17th, 1840, aged thirty-one. Their remains are deposited in the family vault In Highgate Chapel Yard. “ If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.”—I Thes. iv. 14.( 197 ) Sacred To the Memory of James Gillman, Surgeon (The friend of S. T. Coleridge), For many years an eminent practitioner In this place. He died at Ramsgate, Where his remains are interred, On the Ist of June, 1839, In the 57 year of his age. While on earth his integrity of heart And generosity of Character Gained the confidence and esteem of men, His Christian faith has, we humbly trust, Through the merits of the Saviour, Obtained the promise of a better inheritance. “ Mercy ! for praise—to be forgiven for fame He asked, and hoped, through Christ; do thou the same!” Also of Henry Anthony, his second son, Who died May 31st, 1858, aged 44, And is interred in the adjacent cemetery. Also of Ann Gillman, Widow of the above James. Died August 4th, i860, aged 81, Buried at Ramsgate. A most devoted wife and mother, a firm friend, A kind neighbour, a sincere Christian. Valete ! sed non iEternum. Sable, a horse's head erased between three dexter hands couped ; impal-ing} per pale argent and or, a chevron gules between three escallops.( 198 ) Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Poet, Philosopher, Theologian. This truly great and good man resided for The last nineteen years of his life In this Hamlet. He quitted “the body of this death” July 25th, 1834, In the sixty-second year of his age. Of his profound learning and discursive genius His literary works are an imperishable record. To his private worth, His social and Christian virtues, James and Ann Gillman, The friends with whom he lived During the above period, dedicate this tablet. Under the pressure of a long And most painful disease, His disposition was unalterably sweet and angelic. He was an ever-enduring, ever-loving friend : The gentlest and kindest teacher : The most engaging home-companion. “ O ! framed for calmer times, and nobler hearts, O studious poet, eloquent for truth! Philosopher! contemning wealth and death, Yet docile, childlike, full of life and love.” Here on thy monumental stone thy friends inscribe thy worth; Reader, for the world, mourn;( 199 ) A light has passed away from the earth ; But, for this pious and exalted Christian, “ Rejoice ! and again, I say unto you rejoice !! ” U B I THESAURUS I B I COR S. T. C. In Memory of George Kinderley, Late of Lincoln’s Inn, Esqre., Who For twenty-seven years was an inhabitant of Highgate, For more than twenty years he was an active Governor of Sir Roger Cholmeley’s Free Grammar School, In the advancement and efficiency of which He never ceased to take the deepest interest. The erection of the sacred edifice in which This tablet is placed, is mainly to be attributed to His persevering and successful efforts, As it formed the great object of many years Of his long and useful life ; So the thankful remembrance of the share he was Permitted to take in it Was a source of comfort to him to the last. He died at Whitchurch, in Oxfordshire, On the 30th of October, 1847, In the 82 year of his age.( 200 ) H. S. E. Rebbecca Edwardi Pauncfort de Highgate Armigeri Uxor : Eademq Filia Natu Maxima D : Samuelis Moyer, De Pitsy-Hall in comitatu Essexiae Baronetti. Exceffit Secundo Die Novembris, ¿Etatis XLII. Salutis MDCCXIX. ANNO Mulier, Dum Vita fuppetebat, Dictis, Factifque juxta Prudentià Virili, Erga Deum Pietate, Beneficentià in Egentes, Propé Singulari. Sic Vita erat : sanctae Religionis Officijs infervire, et tenuioribus Quàm plurimum prodeffe. Aft ^Egritudinis humanae Funerifq praematuri, Eheu ! non ideo Exfors. Quippe adverfä Valeludine Conflictabatur diu, Quam tarnen, gravefcentem indies, Egregie toleravit. Morbiq Saeva Vi evicta tandem Compofito Animo Summiffoq Etiam in extremis egit. Ingens ademptae defiderium Conjugi manet Defolato, Omnibusq quae in Vita Videntur effe, Blàndimentis, Uxore cum piacenti,( 201 ) Una Viduato. Mcerens hunt lapidem Sacravit Propter report Cineri : Ipfe quoque, Quandocunque Diem expleverit Supremum, Ibidem Tumulandus, Non in Morte Deferturus, In Vitâ unicè Dilectam. Arms : Quarterly, i and 4, three lions rampant ; 2 and 3, on a bend between two lions rampant, a dragon, wings elevated, Pembroke ; on an escutcheon of pretence, two chevrons Moyer. Crest : A lion rampant ducally crowned. To the Memory of Wadham Knatchbull, M.A., Student of Christ Church, Oxford, And three years Preacher of Highgate Chapel, Who, in the short course of his ministry, Began and finished in this place, He discharged his office with ability and diligence, And enforced hisf doctrine by his life and example. He died Jany. 6th, 1773, in the 27th year of his age. Sacred to the Memory of William Belcher, Esqr., Who departed this life the 26th JanL, 1849, In the 90th year of his age. And of MARY, his wife, Only daughter of the late Charles Causton, Esqr., Who died May 7th, 1830, aged 63. “ The memory of the just is blessed.”—Prov. x. 8.( 202 ) Sacred To the Memory of The Rev. Thomas Bennett, D.D., Late of Trinity College, Cambridge, Who departed this life August the 24th, 1816, In the 74th year of his age ; Many years Minister of Highgate Chapel, And one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace For the County of Middlesex. Quis desiderio sit pudor, aut modus Tam cari capitis ? Durum : sed levius fit patientia, Quidquid corrigere est nefas. Removed from the Old Chapel A.D. 1833. Sacred to the Memory of Elizabeth, Widow of William Bloxam, Esqre., and daughter of Henry Isherwood, Esqre., Who departed this life the 5th of December, 1826, Aged 58. This tablet is erected by her sorrowing children, In testimony of their affection and gratitude For the best of parents. “ If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.”—I Thes. iv. 14. Sable, a fess daucettee between three wivernd heads erased argent, impaling ermine, two bars ge?nelles azure, on a chief gules a leopard guard-ant or, spotted sable.( 203 ) Eheu ! quam flebilis occidit. Conjugi, Matri Progeniei, Fratri, Amicis ; Sara Brunsdon : Die Decimo Nono Januarii MDCCCII. Aitatis fuse 44. In Memory of Alexander Anderson, Of London, Merchant, And one of the Governors of this Chapel. Obiit the 13th day of November, 1796, TEtat 66. And of his three Wives, Sibbilla, Mary, and Mary Anderson.( 204 ) monumental inscriptions IN St. George the Martyr Cemetery, Brunswick Square. Here lies the body of Sr. John Cotton, of Conington Bar, Who died the 5th of February, 1730, In the 52 year of his age. He was grandson of Sr. John Cotton, Who gave to the use of the public for ever That library of manuscripts which was began To be collected by Sr. Robert Cotton, And had been so continued for 100 years At an eminent expence to his family. This is put here by his nearest kinsman and heir, Where, by his will, he modestly directed His body to be laid. A further remembrance of him being designed To be placed amongst his ancestors at Connington, Which is now accordingly done.( 205 ) Here lies the Body of Mrs. Eleanor Farley, Of the Island of Antigua. Died the 6th of February, 1788, aged 67 years. Also of LieuVGeneral John Simon Farley, Died the 6th of June, 1821, Aged . . Years. Here lieth the body of Mrs. Mary Emerson, wife of Mr. William Emerson, Of Saint Andrew’s, Holborn, Who departed this life the 27 of May, 1736, Aged 67. Also here lieth the body of The above Mr. William Emerson, Who died the 26 February, 1743, in the 56 year Of his age. Also the body of Mrs. Mary Maddock, wife of Mr. William Maddock, Who departed this life April 15th, 1771, Aged 55. Here lyes the body of John Ellis, Esqre, Late of Gray’s Inn, who died the 22nd day of February, 1738, aged 38.( 206 ) In this Vault lies the body of Thomas Falconer, Esq.,* Descended from an ancient honourable family of the Same name in the Kingdom of Scotland, Who, after being employed eighteen years by The Honourable East India Company at Bengal Returned to England in 1727, with the just reward Of his extensive skill and honest industry in Commerce, An established good name and a very ample fortune, With that rare felicity and largeness of mind That knew the pleasure of possessing only from the Power it gave him of dispensing, Of being generous to his acquaintance, grateful to his Friends and charitable to the poor, With the same Church of England principles that He took with him from home And in which he died On the 25th of January, 1729—30, In the 35th year of his age. To the Memory of this her much-beloved Son His Mother erected this Monument. * Erected by his Mother, Mary Falconer, daughter of John Dalma-hoy, Esq., and granddaughter of Sir John Dalmahoy, of Dalmahoy Co., Edinburgh, Sheriff of the County of Edinburgh in 1639.( 207 ) Beneath this Tomb are interred the Remains of The Venerable JAMES JONES, Doctor in Divinity, Archdeacon of Hereford, Rector of Saint Mary Somerset, and Saint Mary Mounthaw, In the City of London, And Vicar of Shinfield and Swallowfield, In the County of Berks. He was born May Ist, 1731, And died January the 29th, 1823. Underneath lies the body of Andrew Broughton, Esqre., Of S*. George the Martyr’s, And Son of Andrew Broughton, Esq., Of Seaton, in Rutland. He dyed the 13th September, 1734, aged 71. Christiana Broughton, Sifter of The faid Andrew, was buried here April ye 12th, 1743. Alfo the body of Lydia Broughton, , Sister of the faid Andrew. She Dyed May ye 28th, 1732, Aged 72. Arms: Two bars, on a canton a cross impaling per chevron three mullets. Crest: A sea dog's head couped. Here lie interred The remains of The Rev. John Con ant, A.M., Late Rector of Hastingleish, in the County of Kent. He died April 2nd, 1779, aged 73 years.( 208 ) In hope of a Blessed Resurrection to Eternal life. Here lyes depofited the Remains of Elizabeth Chamber, Widow and Relict of Thomas Chamber, of Great Ormond Street, Esq. It pleafed Almighty God to vifit her with a long and tedious Illnefs, during which She prepared her Selfe by a frequent and fervent Devotion for her diffolution, which She waited for with Such a Pious Resignation, as Manifested her Heart to be Affected with the power of Religion, and the well Grounded Hopes of a Bleffed Eternity, after having fought the good Fight of Faith She Finiihed Her courfe on the 16 day of November An. Dom. 1739. To the Memory of Mrs. Sussana Dennis, Who departed this life On the 23rd day of Novr. 1776. Daughter to The Revd. Jacob Dennis.( 209 ) Here lieth the body of Sir Peter Dennis, Bart., Vice-Admiral of the Red Squadron, Who departed this life on ye i Ith day Of June, 1778, aged 65. Here lieth the body of Mrs. Martha, Relict of the Rev. Jacob Dennis, Who departed this life on the 11th day of July, 1746, aged 77 years. Also the body of Eliz™., late wife of Sir Peter Dennis, Bart., Who departed this life on the 30th day Of December, 1765, aged 44 years. Here lieth the body of Mrs. Ann Dennis. Also a Daughter of Mrs. Martha Dennis, Who died the 10th day of June, 1793, Aged 81. And also the body of Charles Dennis, Who departed this life on the first of June, 1772,, Aged 67 years. Here lieth the Body of Mr. John Cassidy, Who departed this life 7th January, 1813, aged 57. Requiescat in Pace. P( 210 ) Here lies interred the Body of Mr. William Bentley, Of Red Lion Square, Who died August 9th, 1739, Aged 55 years. Elizabeth Woolrych, Wife of H. C. Woolrych, Esqre., and Daughter of the above William Bentley, died Feby. 11th, 1796. Also Humphry Cornewall Woolrych, Esq., The husband of the above-named Elizabeth Woolrych, died on the 25th March, 1816, aged 55 Years, leaving an only son to respect his Memory. He was descended from the ancient Family of Woolrych, late of Dinmore, in the County Of Hereford, and Collateral Branch, Nearly related to the late Sir John Woolrych, Bart. “ There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body1 Cor. xv. 44. “The earth shall give up the dead.”-—Is. xxvi. 19; ii. 20; John xvi. 28, 29. Now to the God of Victory Immortal thanks be paid ; Who makes us conq’rors while we die, Through Christ, our living head.( 211 ) Beneath this Stone lies interred The body of Mr. John Nelson, Late Apothecary, of Hatton Garden. Obiit April 25th, 1753, .¿Etatis 45. Also his Son, John Nelson, who Died July the 6 th, 1754, aged Twenty. Omnes Eodem cogimur. Also Mary Nelson, wife to the Above-mentioned John Nelson, Who died May Ist, 1764, aged 63. Here lies the Body of Joseph Phillips, Esq., Who Died 12th Jany., 1759, Aged 51.( 212 ) Underneath are deposited the remains of Curtiss Brett, Esq., Who died the 18th June, 1784, aged 64. Twelve times the great Atlantic cross’d, To Fortune paying court : In many a terrible Tempest toss’d; But now I’m safe in Port. Yet is my Course not ended here, Through faith in Christ I trust. My sins forgiv’n, I shall appear Among the Good and Just. Ann Brett, his wife, Died 17th May, 1788, aged 59. In a sarcophagus underneath are deposited The remains of Francis, wife of Charles Palmer, Esquire, Citizen and Surgeon of London. She was eldest daughter of Walter Fletcher, Of Hutton Hall, Cumberland, Esquire, By Mary Ann, daughter of Godfrey Woodward, of Putney, Surrey, Esquire. Born xxvi. March, mdccxxix., Died xxi. August, MDCCLXXVii. Conjugal affection and regard To tranfcendent Merit caused this Tomb To be erected. Arms: Three palmers' staves impaling three gauntlets.( 2I3 ) In Memory Of William Potter, Who Suddenly obeyed the Summons of His Redeemer, The 16th of November, 1799, In the 35 year of his age. He lived respected And died sincerely regretted By those who knew how To estimate the character of An Honest Man. With unfeigned gratitude and affection His Wife Pays this just tribute to his memory. “ Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.” Here lies the Body of Charles Parry, Late of Gray’s Inn, In the County of Middlesex, Gent. He departed this life Feby. 26th, A.D. 17 , Aged 4 . A mis : Three eagles displayed in fess. Crest: An eagle displayed.( 214 ) * In this grave are deposited The Mortal Remains of The Right Honbl€. Eliza, Lady Langdale, Wife of Marmaduke, Lord Langdale, Baron of Holme, On Spalding Moor, in the County of York. She departed this life the 7 J . . . 17 . . Aged 77 Years. Also the remains of the Right Honble. Marmaduke, Lord Langdale, Husband of the above-said Lady. He departed this life in the 90th Year Of his age, the 8th of January, 1771. Also the remains of the Right Honbie. Marmaduke, Lord Langdale, Son of the above, Who departed this life the 5 of April, 1778, Aged 70 Years. Also the remains of the Honbl®. Elizabeth Langdale, Sister of the aforesaid Lord Langdale. She died 30th January, 1786, In the 3rd year of her age. Also the remains of The Right Honble. Lady CONSTANTINE LANGDALE, Widow of aforesaid Lord Langdale, Of Holme, in the County of York, Who died on ... of November, 1792, In the 80th Year of her age.( 215 ) Here Lye the Bodys of Alice Townshend, Daughter of The Honble. Horatio Townshend, by Alice, his Wife, who departed this Life 17th of November, 1726, being 5 Months old. Mary Townshend, eldest daughter of the said Horatio Townshend, by Alice, his Wife, Who dyed the 14th of August, 1730, Being 9 Years and 6 Months Old. Here Lyeth the Body of Horatio Townshend, Junr., Esqre. Departed this Life the 22nd of April, 1743, Aged 23 Years. The Honble. Alice, Wife of the Honble. Horatio Townshend, Obiit, 22 Nov. 1747, ^Etats 54. Here lies alfo The Honble. Horatio Townshend, Who died October 4, 1751, In the Sixty-Ninth Year of his Age. Here under lieth the Body of Frances Smyth, Spinster, Daughter of the Revd. Laurence Smyth, A.M., Vicar of Southill Cum Old Warden, In the County of Bedford ; Who died July 29th, 1842, aged 78 Years.( 216 ) Near this spot lie the remains of Anthony Richardson, Esq., Who descended from a family long resident at Byerstead, In the Parish of St. Bees, Cumberland, Was born in Maryland, America, 27 Oct, 1738; But was educated in England, and carried on Business As a Merchant, at Copthall Court, in the Parish of S*. Bartholomew, London, In partnership with his relation, Anthony Bacon, Many years M.P. for Aylesbury; he died at his house In Powis Place, in This Parish, 24th August, 1787. Also of Anthony Bacon, Eldest son of the said Anthony Richardson, Born in the Parish of Sh Bartholomew aforesaid, 16th of August, 1765, And many years resident in the Island of Dominica, He died a Bachelor at the house of his brother, Sir John Richardson (Then a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas), In Great Ormond Street, in this Parish, 13 of June, 1819. Also of THOMAS, second son of the said Anthony Richardson, Born in the Parish of S*. Bartholomew, aforesaid, 3 May, 1767, And more than forty years a clerk in the( 217 ) Victualling Office, And resident at his chambers in Gray’s Inn Square. He died a Batchelor at the house of his brother, Sir John Richardson, in Bedford Square, In the Parish of S*. Giles, 9th Feby, 1837. Also of LOUISA, second daughter of Sir John Richardson, Who was born in Great Ormond Street, 21 March, 1812, And Died there, the 13 March, 1813. Also of WILLIAM, fourth son of Sir John Richardson, ' Who was born in Great Ormond Street, 17 Feby, 1814, and died the next day. Within this vault are deposited in the hope of A blessed resurrection through the merits and mercies Of her Redeemer, the remains of Harriet Richardson, Daughter of Sir Charles Grave Hudson, Bart., And Catherine Susanna, formerly Catherine Susanna Palmer, his wife, Of Wanlip, in the County of Leicester. She was born at S\ Clement’s Danes, Westminster, 6 April, 1774, Married at Wanlip aforesaid, 31 August, 1804, To John Richardson, Afterwards Sir John Richardson, Knt., one of The Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, And died in Bedford Square, in the Parish of St. Giles,( 218 ) 2 March, 1839. Here also lie the remains of the said Sir John Richardson, Who was born in the Parish of Sfc. Bartholomew Aforesaid, 3 March, 1771, And died at his home, in Bedford Square, 19th March, 1841. Also of Joseph Richardson, eldest son of the said Sir John Richardson and Harriet, his wife, Of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. He was born at his fathers house, in King’s Road, In the Parish of S*. Andrew’s, Holborn, 7th Feby, 1807' And died a Batchelor at his chambers in the Temple, 24 March, 1842. Within this Vault lyes Interred The Body of Robt- CUNNINGHAM, Of this Parish, Esq., Who Dyed the 27th day of October, 1730, Aged 85 Years. Alfo here lyeth the Body of Alexius Clayton, Esq., late of this Pariih, Who Departed this Life the 13th of May, 1743, Aged 55 Years. Bridget, Wife of Alexius Clayton, Esq., Died ye 28th of June, 1782, aged 84. Arms : A fork, occupying the whole of the field, betiueen two mullets in fess and in chief a crescent impaling, a chevron, between three talbots’ heads erased. Crest : A unicorn's head erased.( 219 ) Here lies The Body of Mr. John Hurst, Who died the 12th day of November, 1732, Aged 63 years. The befi: of Hufbands, Fathers, and Friends. Also the Body of Mrs. Mary Hurst, Wife of Mr. John Hurst. She Died the 6th day of February, 1739? Also the body of Samu BURROUGHS, Esq., Died October the 22nd, 1761, Aged 66 Y ears. Likewise here lyes the Body of Mrs. Frances Burroughs, Wife of The above Sam1. Burroughs, Esq., Who Died on the 2nd day of May, 1767. Likewise the Body of Mrs. Sarah Burdyn, Who Died Octr. the 26th, 176 . ‘ Aged . . Years. A fincere Friend to the Family. This Tomb was Repaired In the Year of our Lord 1794, by the direction of The Honourable Lady Salsbury, Of Offley Place, in the County of Herts, Who was the only child of the late Samuel Burroughs, Esquire, Of Dewsbury, in the County of York, Interred in this Vault. Arms: A sun in splendour, impaling a fesse between two chevronels ermine. Crest: A sun rising from behind a tower.( 220 ) Hie Jacet Thomas Browne, STB Ecclesiae Anglicana^ Presbyter Scriptis immortalitate dignis Propugnator Collegii Divi Johannis Evangelista Apud Cantabrigienfes Olim Socius Diuque Juventutis Academicse (Magno Reipublicse commodo Et laudi suae nunquam interiturae) Custos. Vir integra & illibata constantia Paratus omnia prius Perpeti Quam fidem datam fallere. .Equa & iniqua fortuna unus & idem Utrique par, Maximum Senectuti decus Suavifsimis moribus Et rara animi munificenza Conciliavit .. t a ( Dorn 1741 Obnt 27 Tun. Anno { _ _ 0 J ( iEtat 86. Sub eodem Saxo reconditur 76 Annos nata Sibylla Browne Uxor amantifsima Dilecto Viro vix biennium superstes Pari Optimo & de se optime merito Anna Le Hunt Sibyllae Soror Pofuit.( 221 ) Here Lyes the Body of Charlwood Lawton, Late of the Middle Temple, Esqre. Born Feby. 17th, 1659, Died June the 12th, 1721. Alfo Ralph Lawton, late of S. Giles in the Fields, Esqre. Borne Dec1*, 15th, 1676, Died March the 23rd, 1723. Also two Marys, daughters of Henry Lawton, Of Lincoln, Esqrc., who died infants. Sarah Lawton, Born April 14th, 1718, died August the 18th, 1728. Harley Lawton, Born March the 19th, 1720-21, Died June 3rd, 1730. Arms : On a fess between three crosses crosslet fitchee a cinquefoil. Crest : A demi-wolf salient reguardant vulned. Here lies the remains of Ellen Eliza Boxill, The Beloved wife of William Boxill, Late of the Island of Barbadoes, Who died the 12th September, 1832, aged 52. Also the remains of William Boxill, M.D., Formerly of the Island of Barbadoes, Husband of the above, Who after sorrowing, but not without hope, For more than fourteen years For the loss of a beloved wife, Died October 16th, 1846, aged sixty years.( 222 ) Sacred To the Memory of Rowland Aynsworth, Esqre., Who departed this Life Jany. 18th, 1774, Aged 80 years. He was a tender Husband, a most affectionate And indulgent parent. He submitted to the Sharpest afflictions and dissappointments, And arming’d the Justice of His Maker. His illness He bore with that patience, Calmness and resignation of A man full of the Hope of a blessed eternity, And a firm reliance on The inexhaustless goodness and mercy of An allwise Creator.( 223 ) He was sincerely beloved by All who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, And as sincerely lamented. Also to the Memory of JANE AYNSWORTH, Who departed this life March 12th, 1774, Aged 51 years. She was a faithful, affectionate And dutiful wife, a tender Mother And a most sincere friend. Her humanity and compassion To the indigent stranger Was equall’d by few, excell’d by none. She bore an universal charity to all mankind, .And suffered a lingering and painful illness Of four years’ continuance With the most exemplary piety, in short, Her conduct through life is truly worthy imitation. Their disconsolate Children Have inscribed this stone To their memory whose loss is Irreparable. Here also are deposited the beloved remains of Ann, Relict of William Wyatt, Esq., And daughter of the above-named Rowland and Jane Aynsworth, Who departed this life 22nd of May, 1827, At an advanced age, after a short, but severe illness. Her truly amiable qualities( 224 ) Endeared Her to all who knew Her, While her Christian resignation under most severe trials, Her worth and affection, are deeply engraven On the hearts of Her afflicted daughters, Whose only consolation is in the humble hope Of being reunited to Her in that glorious Kingdom, Where pain and sorrow shall be no more. In the vault beneath Are the Remains of Sir John Woolmore, K.C.H., Late of Hampton, Midd., And Bruton Street, Berkley Square. He died on the 2nd Decr., 1837, Universally lamented. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Dorothy Turner, Late of Bloomsbury Square ; Died 10th May, 1831, Aged 92, Universally Respected and lamented; Relict of John Turner, Esqr., Of Limehouse, Midd. Sacred to the Memory of Harriet, Relict of Sir John Woolmore, K.C.H., Who died October 1845, her 83rd year.( 225 ) Sacred to the Memory of Ann Flanrey, Who died 21st March, 1804, in her Seventeenth year; Daughter of Capn. Samuel Flanrey, Formerly of the West India Service. Here lies the Body of Sir Digby Mackworth, Baronet, Born May 14th, 1766, died May 2nd, 1838, Aged 71 Years. “ Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” “He will beautify the meek with salvation.” Also the remains of Dame Phillippa Mackworth, Second wife of the above, Born 3rd Juije, 1767—-died 18th July, 1851. “They are before the throne of God.” In Memory of JOHN Bell, of Gray’s Inn, Atty. at Law, Who died 13th Jany, 1813 ; Aged 57. Adieu, dear husband and a friend sincere, Consicined to earth implores the silent tear. Herbert Brace, Esq., Of Essex Court, Temple, Who died 12th October, 1822, aged 67 years. Q( 226 ) Here Lyeth the Body of Frances Rewse, Wife of William Rewse, of Queen Square, Gent., Who was ye only Daughter of Patrick Conolly, Late of Dunton Baffet in ye County of Leicester, Esq., By Frances, his Wife, and ye only Sister of The Right Hon. William Conolly, Esq., Of the Kingdom of Ireland ; She departed This life ye 7th day of Aprill, 1733, in the 33 Year of her Age. Here also is deposited the Remains of William Rewse, Esq., Hufband of the above Frances Rewse, Who died June, 1745 ; Aged 58 Years. Arms : A fess dancettee ermine between three crescents, impaling on a saltesse engrailed Jive escallops. Crest: A demidion rampant, er?nine holding a branch of laurel. Within this vault Lieth Interred The body of Mrs. Irene Heriott, Late wife of Captain William Heriott, Who died April 30th, 1726, In the 49th Year of her Age. Here also lyeth the body of Captain William Heriott, Who departed this life on the 21 of January, 1736-7, In the 61st year of his age. Arms: On a fess three cinquefoils impaling two lions passant, on a canton three roundles. Crest: An arm endowed^ holding a dagger.( 227 ) Sacred To the Memory of Mr. Philip Gilbert, Late of Red Lion Street, Holborn, Who departed this life June 30th, 1834, aged 47. I’ve told my tale—I’ve played my part On the wide stage of human life ; My mouldering frame lies here—-till roused By the archangel’s trump to light O mortals! life is the hour which God has given To sue for grace in Jesu’s name; Strive ye for this, aud then ye’ll find That life is Christ, but death is gain. Sacred to the Memory of Rachel Carteret, Widow of Rear-Admiral Carteret, Of Trinity Manor House, Island of Jersey, Daughter of Sir John Silvester, M.D., & only Sister of Sir John Silvester, Bar*., Recorder of London. She departed this life May 4th, 1815, aged 73 years. Beneath this stone Are deposited the remains of Edward Brabant Smith, M.A., Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, Of the Michel Foundation, Who died November the 5th, 1844, Aged 30 Years. Q 2( 228 ) “H. S. E. Robertos Nelson, Armiger, Qui. Patre ortus Johanne, Cive Londinensi, Ex Societate Mercatorum cum Turcis Commercium Habentium, Matre Deliciis, forore Gabrielis Roberts, Equitis Aurati, ex eadem Civitate et eodem Sodalitio, Uxorem habuit Honoratissimam Dominam Theophilam Lucy, Kingsmanni Lucy Baronetti viduam, Praenobilis Johannis Comitis de Berkeley Filiam. Quam Aquisgranum usq valetudinis Recuperandae causa proficiscentem lubenter Comitatus, ad extremum vite terminum Summo amore fovit : morte divulsam Per novem annos superstes plurimìim desideravi!. Literis Graecis et Latinis, Quas partim in Schola Paulina Partim intra domésticos parietes didicerat, Linguarum Gallicae et Italiese peritiam Lutetiae et Romae agens facile adjunxit. In omni fere Literarum genere versatus, Ad Theologiae Studium Animum praecipue appulit ; Et Felici pariter memoria atq Acri judicio pollens, Antiquitatum Ecclesiasticarum Scientiä Inter Clericos enituit Laicus. Peragratá semel atq iterum Europa, Po st quam diversas Civitatum Et Religionum formas exploraverat,( 229 ) Null am Reipublicae administrandae rationem Monarchiae domi constitutae praeposuit, Caeteras omnes Ecclesias Anglicanae longè posthabuit Hanc Ipsi semper car am Beneficiis auxit, Vita exornavit, Scriptis defendit, Filius ipsius obsequentissimus, Et propugnator imprimis strenuus. Nulla erat bonorum virorum Communitas, Aut ad Pauperum Liberos sumptu Locupletiorum Bene instruendos Aut ad augendam Utilitatem publicam Aut ad promovendam Dei Gloriam instituta, Cui non fe libenter Socium addidit, Hisce studiis et temporis et opum Partem longè maximam impendit. Quicquid facultatum supererat, Id fere omne supremis tabulis In eosdem usus legavit. Dum id Sibi negotii unicè dedit, Deo ut piacerei, Severam interim Christianse Religionis Ad quam fe composuit disciplinam Suavissima morum facilitate ita temperavit Ut hominibus perrarò displiceret : In ilio enim, si in alio quopiam mortalium, Forma ipsa Honesti mire elucebat. Et amorem omnium facile excitabat Cum Naturse satis et Gldrise,( 230 ) ■ Bonis omnibus et Ecclesise Parum diu vixisset, Fatali Asthmate correptus, Kensingtonise Animam Deo reddidit. Vitae jam exacts recordations lsetus, Et futurae spei plenus. Dum christianum Sacrificium rite celebrabitur9 Apud Sanctae Coenae Participes, Nelsoni vigebit memoria. Dum solennia recurrent Festa et Jejunia, Nelsoni Fastos jugiter revolvent Pii; Ilium babebunt inter Hymnos et Preces, Ilium inter Sacra gaudia et suspiria Comitem pariter et Adjutorem Vivit adhuc et in omne sevum vivet, Vir pius,, Simplex, candidus, Urbanus: Adhuc,. et Scriptis post mortem editis, Et nunquam morituris, Cum Nobilibus et locupletibus miscet Colloquia; Adhuc eos sermonibus Multä pietate et erudition e refertis Delectare pergit et instruere. Ob. 16® Jan. A0. Dni. 1714, .¿Etat, suse 59.” Sacred to the Memory of Mary Ann Geldart, wife of The Revd. James Geldart, A.M.^ Who died 17th of March, 1816, . Aged fifty-three years.( 23I ) Underneath in a Vault are deposited the remains of Mr. William Bower, the only son of William Bower, of Bridlington Key, in the County of York, Esqre., And of Martha, his Wife. He dyed June 23rd, 1742, Aged 22 Years. His Life was ihort But yet afforded Room for the Practice of Whatever is amiable in human Nature; For such was his Benevolence of Soul, that He never Saw another’s Diftrefs without feeling it, or knew joy Like that of imparting it to others. His Obedience to his Parents was unlimited and Sincere, His affection to his Sifters tender and obliging, His behaviour to all affable and Courteous, His morals Pure and untainted, and his heart uncorrupt and Generous. In possession of thefe Virtues he lived belov’d and Dyed lamented. Sacred to the Memory of Letitia, Wife of John Donne, Esq., Of Powis Place, Great Ormond Street, And only child of John Edwards, Esq., Of Hampton Hall, Shropshire, Who died 29th March, 1830, aged 24 years.( 232 ) In this Vault likewife are deposited the remains of William Bower, Esqre., Father of the above William Bower. He died February 13th, 1754, Aged 76. He was an indulgent Husband, an affectionate parent, And of approved Integrity. Here alfo are depofited the Remains of Martha Bower, Relict of the above William Bower, Esq. She was an affectionate Wife and tender Parent. She died Jan. 10th, 1755, Aged 71. Arms: A chevron between three birds’ heads erased. Here is interred the Body of George Waple, of London, Merchant. He was Born 19th of February, 1682, Died 13th of September, 1749. Here is also interred the Body of John Waple, Esq., Late one of the Masters and Accountant General of the Court of Chancery. He was Born 11th of April, 1701, And Died 12th of March, 1763. Arms : On a bend, between two birds, three garbs; on a chief quarterly a horse courant. Crest: A garb surmounted by a bird. Here Keth the body of Humphrey Jennyns.* * This Monument is almost a ruin. Arms are entirely obliterated, also the remaining part of inscription.( 233 ) To the Memory of Dame Elesia, late Wife of Brocas Gardiner, of Roache Court, in the County of Northampton, Bart., Who desired to be Bvryed in the Same Vault. She dyed on the 3rd January, 1734, In the 66 year of her Age. Sr. Brocas Gardiner, Dyed 13th January, 1739, In the 76th year of his age. Arms: On a chevron, between three griffins’ heads erased, two lions counter-pass ant. Crest: A Saracen's head. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Mary Martin, The Wife of Mr. John Martin, Of Drake Street, Red Lion Square, Who departed this life July Ist, 1835, Aged 52 Years. “ In the midst of life we are in death.” Death levels all—the monarch and the slave Lies in the dreary mansions of the grave : The difference is trifling, to all alike’s the doom, Beneath the humble turf or lofty tomb.( 234 ) Sacred To the Memory of The Revd. Robert Gordon, A.M., Who departed this life On the 19th day of November, 1779, In the 77 year of his age. And of Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon, his wife, Who departed this life On the 12th day of November, 1779, In the 76 year of her age. Elizabeth Taylor, Died 9th Jany., 1872, Aged 68 years. Hie Jacet Elizabeths Jones, Obiit 23 December, A.D. 1741,( 235 ) monumental inscriptions IN THE OUNDLING H ospital Chapel. “Captain Thomas Coram,” Whofe Name will never want a Monument So long as this Hofpital ihall fubfflt, Was born in the year 1668; A Man eminent in that moil eminent virtue, The Love of Mankind; Little attentive to his Private Fortune, And refufeing many Opportunities of increafeing it, His Time and Thoughts were continually employed In Endeavours to promote the Public Happinefs, Both in this Kingdom and elfe where; Particularly in the Colonies of North America; And his Endeavours were many Times crowned With the defired Succefs. His unwearied Solicitation for above Seventeen Years together (Which would have baffled the Patience and Induilry Of any Man lefs zealous in doing Good), And his application to perfons of dillinction, of both fexes, Obtained at length the Charter of the Incorporation (Bearing Date the 17th of October, 1739), FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND EDUCATION OF EXPOSED AND DESERTED YOUNG CHILDREN, By which many Thoufands of Lives May be preferved to the Public, and employed in a frugal And honeft Courfe of Induilry. He died the 29th March, 1751, in the 84th year of his age; Poor in Worldly Eilate, rich in Good Works, And was buried, at his own Defire, in the Vault underneath this Chapel (the firil there depoiited), at the eail end thereof, Many of the Governors and other Gentlemen Attending the funeral to do Honour to his Memory. Reader, Thy Actions will ihew wether thou art fincere In the Praifes thou mayeft bellow on him; And if thou hail Virtue enough to commend his Virtues, Forget not to add alfo the Imitation of them.( 236 ) Prope . Situs . est Carolus . Baro . Tenterden Ioannis . et. Aliciae . Abbott Filius . natu . minor Humillimae . sortis . parentibus Patre . vero . prudenti . matre . pia . ortus Shcolae . regiae . Cantuariensis Postea . Collegii . Corporis . Christi Oxon . alumnus Per . annos . xx . in . causis . versatus Primo . ad . communia . placita Mox . ad . placita . coram . ipso . rege . tenenda Iusticiarius Deinde . Iusticiarius . Capitalis Gratia . demum . Georgii . IV . Regis In . Baronum . ordinem . co-optatus Quantum . apud . Britannos . honestus . labor Favente . deo . valeat Agnoscas . lector . Haec . de . se . conscripsit Vir . summus . idemque . omnium . modestissimus Vixit . annis . LXX Decessit . die . Nov . IV . anno . sacro . MDCCCXXXIII Uxorem . duxit . Mariam Ioannis . Lagier . Lamotte . arm . filiam . natu . maximam Quae . carissimo . marito Dies . non . amplius . XLV . superfuit Et . iuxta . sepulta . est Parentibus . optimis . desideratissimis Liberi . moerentes Posuerunt( 237 ) William Watson, Esq., F.R.S., Died Ist June, 1818, aged 59. He was Serjeant-at-Arms, Attendant on the Great Seal and the House of Lords, Chairman of the Sessions for Middlesex and Westminster, Senior Common Pleader of the City of London, And a Vice-President of this Corporation. His public duties he discharged with Ability, diligence and integrity. In private life he was an amiable companion, A firm friend, a charitable Christian and a Most affectionate relative. SUSSANA, his wife, Died 29th SepL, 1814, aged 53. This Tablet is erected by their only child, To the memory of the best of parents. Erected by the Governors to the Memory of Samuel Compton Cox, .Esquire, Thirty-three years Treasurer of the Foundling Hospital, And formerly one of the Masters of the High Court Of Chancery, In gratitude for his Christian care of the objects of This Charity. He died March 25th, 1839, Aged 81. His affectionate and beloved wife, ANNA, daughter of the late Percival Pott, Esqre., Senior Surgeon of Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital* Died Octr. 10th, 1829.( 238 ) Sacred to the Memory Of William George Sibley, Esq., Many years Treafurer to the Honbie. East India Company, And a Governor of this Hospital. Upright, benevolent, imaffuming and truly religious ; He was exemplary as a Man and a Christian. He died fincerely lamented by his Widow, Family And Friends, March 16th, 1807, And his remains are depofited beneath this Chapel. Alfo of Jane Amphillis Sibley, his Widow, Who'died 11th April, 1832, in the 73 Year of her age. And while her remains share the vault of her Beloved husband, Her many excellent qualities still live in the Affectionate Rememberance of her afflicted relatives, who Would thus record their sense of her Merits and of their gratitude. Arms: Per pale a griffin passant between three crescents, impaling a chevron gules between; in chief three mullets and in base as many ermine spots. Crest: A demidion holding a crown.( 239 ) Henry Dealtry, Esqre., Secondary of the Crown Office, Died February, 1823, aged 64 years. Eleanor, his wife, Died 31st October, 1831, aged 74 years. Peregrine Dealtry, Esqre., their eldest son, Master of the Crown Office, And a Governor of this Institution, Died 4th December, 1842, aged 52 years. Eleanor, their youngest daughter, Died 15th March, 1826, aged 32 years. This tribute of affection is erected by Frances and Anne Dealtry, Their Surviving daughters, In Memory of those whom they dearly loved on earthy And devoutly hope to meet again in heaven. Sacred To the Memory of Charles Pott, Vice-President, and for thirteen years Treasurer, of This Hospital, Who was taken to his rest In the seventy-eighth year of his age. “ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord : They rest from their labours, and their works do , », Follow them.,,( 240 ) In Memory of The Reverend John Hewlett, B.D., During XXIX. Years Morning Preacher of this Hospital. In style, he was forcible and clear] In manner, grave and impressive; Earnest in Exhortation, And sound in Doctrine. His mind was richly stored With ancient and modern Literature, And his writings afford ample proofs Of scientific and theological attainments. As a public reward for his Biblical labours, The Earl of Liverpool, First Minister of the Crown, Presented him in MDCCCXIX To the Rectory of Hilgay, in Norfolk.( 241 ) He discharged his various duties, Throughout a long and useful life, With ability, diligence, and zeal; Attaching to himself in no ordinary degree All with whom he was connected, And died, in Christian Faith and Hope, April 12th, MDCCCXLIV., aged LXXXVI. To the Memory of John Heath, Esq., One of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace For the County of Middlesex, And for many years a Governor of this Institution, Who departed this life on the 16th of January, 1830, In the 82nd year of his age. By his side, in the vaults beneath this Chapel, Are deposited the remains of his wife, Jane Louisa Heath, Who died at Paris, the 19th of February, 1834. To the Memory of Charlotte Josephine, Eldest child of Geofge Burrow Gregory, Treasurer of this Hospital; And Maria Teresa, his wife, Born 3rd February, 1840, Died 11th June, 1859. R( 242 ) To the Memory of Ann, Daughter of Josias Le Marchant, Esq., Of the Haye du Puits, in the Island of Guernsey, And the beloved wife of John Thomas, Esq., of Upper Harley Street. A firm believer in the great truths of Christianity, And exemplary as a Wife, a Mother, and a Friend, She departed this life, after a short ilness, On the 22nd of April, 1833, in the 68th year of her age, Deeply and deservedly regretted, especially by those Who could best appreciate her excellent judgement, Her undeviating rectitude of principle, And her active, unostentatious benevolence. “Her children arise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praiseth her.”— Prov. xxi. 28. Also to the Memory of John Thomas, Esquire, A Governor of the Foundling Hospital, Who died on the 25th of December, 1849, Aged 88 Years. Sacred to the Memory of James Kendle Browne, Esquire, One of the Governors of this Institution, Who died 15th June, 1854, aged 82 years. His remains are deposited in the vault under this Chapel.( 243 ) In Memory of Henrietta, The wife of Sir Stephen Gaselee, Knt, Died 31st July, 1838. Also of Sir Stephen Gaselee, Knt., Late one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, Died 26th of March, 1839, aged 76 years. And of Henrietta, Eldest daughter of Sir Stephen and Lady Gaselee, Died 26th of March, 1840, aged 35 years. Also of Emma, daughter of Sir Stephen and Lady Gaselee, Died 15 th of March, 1841, aged 27 years. In the vaults of this Chapel are deposited The mortal remains of Hugh Edwards, Esqre., One of the Governors of this Hospital. He died August 3rd, 1839, in the 8th year of his age. In Memory of James Farrer, Esqre., Who died January 24th, 1846, in the 93rd year of his Age. His remains are interred in the Vault underneath this Chapel. Arms: Or, on-a bend coticed sable, three horseshoes impaling; argent, a griffin sejeant sable, on a chief of the last three estoiles, or. R 2( 244 ) t Sacred to the Memory of Clement Hue, Physician to St. Bartholomew's and Christ's Hospitals, Formerly Physician, and afterwards, For many years, a Governor and Vice-President Of this Charity, a zealous promoter Of its benevolent objects, and a kind friend At all times ' To the children here maintained and educated. Died June 23rd, 1861, aged 82 years. Also to the Memory of LUCY, his wife; Died March 8th, 1851, aged 67 years. “ I know that my Redeemer liveth. ” Sacred to the Memory of Daniel Rowlands, Esqre., Who died on the 20th of October, 1859, Aged 81 Years ; Elected a Governor of this Hospital in the year 1810. In Memory of George Pardoe, Of Gonville, and Caius Coll., Cambridge, Doctor of Medicine, And Fellow of the Royal Coll., of Physicians, Who departed this life 9th March, 1850, Aged 40 Years.< 245 ) In the Vault of this Chapel are deposited The mortal remains of Ann, the wife of William Hammond, Esq., Of Queen Square, Bloomsbury, Who died 24th March, MDCCCXXIV., in The 69th year of her age. This last tribute of respect is offered to The memory of an affectionate wife and Mother, whose endeavour it was To live as a Christian, and who died full of Christian hope. In the same Vault rests also The mortal remains of her husband, William Hammond, who died 8th July, MDCCCXXXIV, Aged 84. Humbly grateful for the mercies he himself had Received, It was his unceasing desire to do good to others. Also of William Hammond, Esq., a Governor of This Hospital, Son of the above^ who died 3rd June, 1856, aged 66 years. Arms : A chevron sable, between three estoiles, impaling argent a saltire engrailed, between four roses gules.( 246 ) Sarah, Wife of Thomas Weeding, Esq., of Mecklenburgh Square, Died December 31st, 1835, aged 49 years, To the great affliction of her family and friends, By whom she was much beloved and lamented. Quis desiderio sit pudor, aut modus tarn cari capitis ? Cui pudor, et justitiæ soror incorrupta fides nudaque V eritas, Quando ullam invenient parem ? Her husband has erected this tablet to her memory, In affectionate remembrance of her virtues. Aiso to the Memory of Thomas Weeding, Esq., of Mecklenburgh Square, And of Fullbrook, Malden, Surrey, of which county He was a Magistrate. He died 5th of October, 1856, And is buried in the family vault in Malden Church-Yard. He was a Merchant of the City of London, And a Governor of this and many other Charitable Institutions. His benevolent and sweet disposition, elegant mind, Never-failing charity and simple piety, endeared Him to all classes. “ When the ear heard him, then it blessed him : And when the eye saw him, it gave witness to him.”( 247 ) Also Mary, his widow, Who survived him three years, Died 29th February, i860, aged 45 years, Deeply regretted. “ God be merciful to me a sinner.’’ Arms: Or, two bars gules ; in chief three martlets of the second, impaling ; argent, on a saltire engrailed azure, five crescents, between two stag's heads erased in pale> and as many round buckles in fess. Crests: 1. A martlet. 2. A tower. Motto: Suaviter in modo fortiter in re. Robert Rainy Pennington, Esqre., Born Feby. 6th, 1764, died March 8th, 1849. His zeal in relieving suffering and distress, not only By private benevolence and charity, But by -laborious and successful exercise of his Profession, Secured him the friendship and gratitude of those Who have erected this monument in Memory of him. To the Memory of Joseph ' Kay, Esquire, Architect, Who died December 7th, 1847, aged 72. He was, for upwards of forty years, A faithful Officer of this Institution, In testimony of which his remains were deposited In the Vaults of this Chapel by request of the governors. This tablet is erected by his children.( 248 ) Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Everett, Esquire, M.P., One of the Vice-Presidents of this Corporation, To which he was a Generous Benefactor, And, for many years, a zealous promoter of its Welfare. Born 1740; died 1810. Also of Martha, his wife, Who died, much respected and beloved, May 20th, 1825, in the 78th year of her age. Their remains are deposited in the Vault of This Chapel, And this tablet is erected, as a token of filial duty And affection, By their surviving children. Arms: Gules, a chevron between three mullets. Crest : Per chevron or and argent ; in chief two mullets, and in base a crescent. Motto : Diluculo surgere. In the vault of this chapel Are deposited the mortal remains of Clara Hust Arden Arden, Who died 23rd June, 1835, aged eight months, Daughter of Richard Edward Arden, Esq., of Red Lion Square, A governor of this Hospital. Also of Fanny Arden, Who died of consumption, 21st May, 1836, Aged 25 years, Wife of the said Richard Edward Arden. Likewise of Alfred Mason Arden, Who died July 11th, 1836, aged 3 months, Son of the said R* E. Arden.( 249 ) Sacred To the Memory of Henry Blanshard, Esq., A Governor of this Hospital, Who died March 13th, 1870, Aged 50. Also Miriam, his wife, Who died April 18th, 1871, Aged 50. “ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Arms: Gules a chevron or, between in chief three bezants, and in base a griffin's head erased; a crescent for difference, impaling azure a chevron, between three lozenges or. Crest: A griffin's head erased. Motto : Virtuie et numine. Carolo Jacobo Johnstone, A. et M.B., Coll: Cai. Gonv. Cantabr. Socio Hujus Hospitii alteri E Medicis Quem ^Egros assidue curantem Febri correptum mors Occupavit Ante Diem vii. Kal. April. A.s. mdcccxxxviii. JEt. xxviii : Viro pio probo comi modesto Egregie quum Medicince Turn Literarum Scienti Amantissimo Suorum suis carissimo Hunc Lapidem amici Ejus moerentes C. P. P. C.( 25° ) t M. S. Jostle Forshall, A.M., S. Reg. S. Coll : exon, apud oxonienses olim sodi et Praeceptoris, Codium mss : qui in mueso Britannico asservantur Annos X. custodis Deinde fiduciarii a secretis per annos XXIV. Hujusce Hospitii annos XXXIV. capellani. Vir erat pietate in suos eximia. Singulari in omnes benevolenza. Literarum cultor diligens Ss. script, textum a Wikliffio editum Scribarum manibus depravatum Ad pristinam fidem quantum fieri poterat revocavit. Quid labore et eruditione effecturus esset Otiosius si vixisset aut diutius Indicio sit Inchoata novi foederis textus graeci recepti defensio Natus est Anno Christi MDCCXCV. Obiit Anno Christi MDCCCLXIII. Item Francesca uxoris ejus Natae Anno Christi, MDCCXCV. Mortuae Anno Christi, MDCCCLXV. In Memory of Robert Atchison, Who died on the 30th day of Dec., 1818, After a long and exemplary life, Devoted principally to the service of this Hospital, Wherein he was for thirty-nine years the diligent and Affectionate Master of the boys. Let all those who received the advantages of His Precepts and unremitting care Revere his Character and imitate his Virtues.( 251 ) monumental inscriptions IN Bloomsbury Cemetery, Brunswick Square, Here lieth the body of Mary, Wife of Henry Charles Chambers, Widow of Henry Sacheverell, Late Rector of Saint Andrew’s Holborn, Whose first Husband was George Sacheverell, of New Hall, In the county of Warwick, Esqre. She dyed September the 6th, 1739, aged 75 years. And alfo the above Charles Chambers. He died the 20th May, 1749, aged 88 years. Here lies interred the body of John Kirby, Gent., Sub-Treasurer of the Middle Temple, Who died the 2nd day of July, 1750, aged 35 years.( 252 ) Sacred to the Memory of Susan Davis, The daughter of Sr. John Davis, Late of Pangburn, in the County of Berks. She died unmarry’d, May 8th, 1738, aged 75. Her whole life was one Habitual exercise of piety and Virtue, in both which, perhaps, She advanced as far as is Permitted Human Nature. In this vault lie The remains of BARTHOLOMEW Payne, Esqre., Who was greatly respected and beloved whilst he lived, On Account of his many amiable qualities ; And his death is equally lamented by all who had The happiness of his acquaintance. He discovered, During a long and extremely painful illness, The patience and resignation of a Christian; and, Having seen an end of all perfection, he calmly and Cheerfully resigned his life to Him who gave it, In a firm expectation of a joyful immortality, on the 30th March, 1773, in the 70th year of his age. Here lyes the Body of Honeft Timothy Fielding. Died the 18th day of Auguft, 1738, aged 48. And also of Christian Fielding, Wife of the above-faid Timothy Fielding, died May the 9th, 1752.( 253 ) In this vault lie the remains of Emma, Daughter of Richard Wilbraham Bootle, Esqr% Of Lathom, in the county of Lancaster, And wife of Charles Edmonstone, Esqre., of Great Russell Street, Son of Sir Archibald Edmonstone, Bart., of Dumfreath, In Scotland. She was born June 23rd, 1765 ; died November The 30th, 1797. Hie Positae sunt Reliquae Gul. Tattersall, M.D., Obiit 21 Jan. 1799, iEtat Suae 41. Atque Margaretta Tattersall, Viduae Gul. Tattersall. Obiit 7 Feby., 1833, ^Etatis suae 71. Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Charles Gibbs, Son of John and Ann Gibbs, of Kelfale, in Suffolk. The storms of life are now o’erblown ; Fear, trouble, care and pain are gone; And God in Christ will hence display The sunshine of eternal day.( 254 ) Sacred to the Memory of Lieut. George Rowley Brand, R.N., Commander of His Majesty’s schooner, “ Unique,” Who, after receiving upwards of 30 wounds, In various actions, was killed on the 23rd Of February, 1806, at the early age of 24, Whilst gallantly leading his men to board A French ship of double his force. The French, in admiration of his bravery, Buried him with military honours, at Gaudaloupe. Also of Robert Frederick Brand, Who died 20th of May, 1808, Aged 9 years. Also of Lieut. Thomas Dickinson Brand, R.N., Who, after a long and painful illness, Caused by the climate of India, Died on the 12th of Novr., 1830, aged 36 years. Also of Alexander Brand, Father of the above, Who died the 7th of April, 1859, Aged 83 years. Also of Ann, Relict of the abovenamed Alexander Brand, Who died on the 15th December, 1847, Aged 91 years.( 255 ) To the Memory of William Evans, Who died Dec1’. 4th, 1831, Aged 7 years and 2 months. Our lovely child is gone To realms of endless bliss ; His holy and eternal home, Where he is fully blest. His lovely form, no longer ours, Is gone from mortal sight; But now his beauteous spirit shines In robes of heavenly light. Here rests the remains of Lieut. Geo. F. F. Young, Of the Royal Navy, Son of Rear-Admiral Sir Geo. Young. He was born the 10th of September, 1770, And died the 15th of January, 1799, aged 29 years, Here lie the Body of Charles Catton, R.A., Ob. August 28th, , Aged 69 years. Who lived an ornament to the Arts, An example to mankind. In Memory of the celebrated Nancy Dawson,( 256 ) Sacred To the Memory of Catherine Chalmers, Daughter of The Revd. Alexander Chalmers, And Catherine, his wife, Formerly Rector of St. Catherine Coleman, Fenchurch Street; And of Burstow, in Surrey; And Chaplain to Lionel, Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. She was sister of the Revd. John Chalmers, D.D., Fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford, Chaplain of Garrison of Gibraltar, And Vicar of Chalfont St. Peters. She was born March 17th, 1737, And died Novr. 20th, 1819, After a life of uniform piety and virtue, In the 83 year of her age. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Mary Spooner, Who departed this life Sepr. 29tla, 1842, aged 74. Oh, what shall I do my Saviour to praise ? So faithful and true, so plenteous in grace; So strong to deliver, so good to redeem The weakest believer that hangs upon Him,( 257 ) Master Wm. Lindfield Died 19th of May, 1827, in his 12th year. So opening sweetly to the morning sun, The rose, with blooming tints o’erspread, By brumal blasts before the day is run, Droops, dies, and all its sweetness fled. Also Ann Emma Lindfield, Who died Jany. 3rd, 1836, in her 19th year. Friends in Jesus, why those tears O’er my dull and lifeless clay ? Could you see my present bliss, Tears to joys would pass away. Sacred to the Memory of William Nicholson, Solicitor, Who departed this life 15 th October, 1849, aged 62 years. A most affectionate husband and kind father. In this vault are deposited the remains of Mr. John Jackson, Who died 2nd Decr., 1846, aged 80 years. He was a kind benefactor to the poor, and left many Proofs of his desire to aid the cause of charity. Thomas Reresby, Esqre., Dyed the 23rd of May, 1732, aged 42, Of the ancient family Of the Reresby, of Tryburg, in Yorkshire. s( 258 ) Here lie the remains of Charles Combe, M.D. He died March 18th, 1817, aged 74. Also the remains of Taylor Combe, Esqre., Sec. R. S., Late of the British Museum, Son of the above-named Charles Combe, M.D. He was born June 8th, 1774, and died July 7th 1821. Sacred to the Memory of Thos. Ambrose Edwards, Esqr% Commander Royal Navy, Died Octr. 3rd, 1829, aged 43 years. His death was accelerated by wounds received In H. M. Service. Second son of John Edwards, Esqre., And Mary, his wife, of Worting, Basingstoke, Hants. Sacred to the Memory of James Anderson, Esqre., Surgeon Honble. E. I, Cy’s Bengal Establishment, And some years resident surgeon, Prince of Wales Island. Born at Linlithgow, June the 15th, 1784; Died in Hunter Street, August 30th, 1814, A lingering victim to the inhospitable climate of India.( 259 ) Sacred to the Memory of George Green, Late a Lieut, in Her Majesty’s 28th Regiment of Foot, The second son of Lieut.-Col. Green, • Late of the city of Hereford, Who died the 18th day of June, 1852, aged 27 years. Near this spot are deposited the remains of Edward Hinton, Of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law, Who died January 16th, 1744, aged 48 years. Also Grace, his widow, Who died Jany. Ist., 1800, aged 90 years. Here lies the body of Mr. William Rose, Vintner, Of this parish, who departed this life Jany. 21st, 1775, aged 61 years. He was an indulgent husband, a. tender father, And beloved by all the neighbourhood. Sacred To the Memory of Thomas Filkin, M.D., . Who departed this life . April 28th, 1828, in the 29th year of his age. S 2( 26o ) To the Memory of the Rev. Samuel Ayscough, One of the Librarians of the British Museum, Who died Oct. 30th, 1804, 'm his 60th year. Shall he, whose tears for suffering virtue flow’d, Whose heart with every social feeling glow’d To friendless want, his little all who gave, Sleep undistinguish’d in th’ oblivious grave ? Though virtue’s fame all monuments surpass, The breathing sculpture and recording brass, Afflicted friendship, to thy memory just, Bids this fair tablet shade thy honour’d dust; And let a distant age more grateful know That modest worth and Ayscough rest below. ^ ,, I. M. M. T. Maurice. 1. D. B. Erected by two of his friends. In Memory of John Jones, LL.D., Of Great Coram Street, London ; Died January, 1827, aged 58 years; Fifth son of David Jones, of Gwernfelen In Memory of Lyle Moxon, Gent., One of the Ancients of the Honourable Society, Of Lyon’s Inn, Who departed this life the 14th of May, 1771, aged 61.( 26l ) Here lieth the body of JANE Elizabeth, The wife of Major George Wynell Mayon, Of Bray, in the county of Cornwall, Who departed this life on the 8th of June, 1848. In Memory of Edward Gray, M.D., Of the British Museum, Who died 27th December, 1806, aged 58 years. Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Thomas Farmer, Who departed this life November 29th, 1823, aged 64 years. Dangers stand thick, through all the ground, Td push us to the tomb; And fierce diseases wait around, To hurry mortals home. Also of Robert Elisha, grandson of the above, Who died JanL 29th, 1826, aged 19 weeks. Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care ; The opening bud to heaven conveyed, And bade it blossom there.( 2Ó2 ) monumental 3[n$mpt!ons IN St. Martin’s Cemetery, Camden Town. Sacred to the Memory of Charles Dibdin, The celebrated Author and Composer, Who departed this life the 25th of July, 1814, aged 69 years. This stone is placed by his disconsolate wife and Daughter, As a dutiful token to the most affectionate and best Of husbands. His form was of the manliest beauty, His heart was kind and soft; Faithful below, he did his duty, But now he’s gone aloft. Also Ann Dibdin, His widow, Who died the 13th of November, 1835, In the 78th year of her age.( 203 ) Sacred To the Memory of the much-esteemed William Carrington, Esqr., Late an Officer in the 59th Regiment, Who died 5th of October, 1851, Age 62 years ; Leaving sons and daughters to lament his loss. His pains so patiently he bore, We watched his aching head ; His quiet eyelids now are closed, To heaven we hope he’s fled. Hie . Jacet. Georgius . Swinaevs . Med . Doct. Anglvs . Scotvs . Hibernvs . Simpliciter . Vixit. Lvbens . Obiit . XII . Kal. Febr . mdcccxliv . Anno . Aetatis . Suae . L . Sacred to the Memory of a beloved parent. John Worrall, Esqre!, Commander in the Royal Navy, Of Pownhall Hall, near Wilmslow, Cheshire ;• And of Camden Street, St. Pancras, Middlesex ; Departed this life the 30th of June, 1831, Aged 61 years. “The memory of the just is blessed.”( 264 ) Sacred To the Memory of Sir John Barrow Barrow, Bart., Who accompanied Lord Macartney’s Embassy to China; And was forty years Secretary of the Admiralty. Born at Dragley-Beck, Ulverston, 19th of June, 1764 ; Departed this life 23rd Novr., 1848, In the 85th year of his age. Frederick H. P. Day, Born the 20th May, 1832, Died the 3rd of May, 1833. Farewell, beauteous babe, tho’ thy spirit is fled Remembrance shall never depart; Tho’ the clod of the churchyard now cover thy head, Thy memory shall ne’er be entombed with the dead, While life holds its seat in the heart. Sacred to the Memory of Lt.-Col1. Robert Batty; Born 5th August, 1789, Departed this life 20th Novr., 1848, In the 60th year of his age, After a long and painful illness.( 265 ) Sacred to the Memory of Lieut-CoL William Moore, Late of Her Majesty’s 14th Regiment of Infantry, Who died at Hartland Terrace, Camden Town, On the 7th of April, 1848, aged 79 years. Adieu, blest shade, Thy sainted soul has flown To realms of bliss To mortal man unknown. “ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.” To the Memory of Peter Donaldson, Esq., Ist Matter Cook to His Majesty, And upwards of forty years in his service, Who departed this life May 8th, 1812, in the 72nd year of his age. Sacred To the Memory of Mr. J. D. Williamson ; Died June 27th, 1831, aged 27 years. How sudden and how awful was the stroke, By which the slender thread of life was broke ; Oh ! may this admonition teach us all How frail we are, how unforeseen our fall.( 266 ) monumental inscriptions IN St. Andrew’s Cemetery, Gray’s Inn Road. Here Lieth the body Of Martha Cocken, wife Of Wm. Cocken, of this parish, Who died Jan^. 21st, 1776, aged 41. A loving wife, a tender mother, And a sincere friend. That sweet foretaste of heaven She has had before, she now Enjoys, and shall for evermore. Also near this place lie nine of their children, Who died in infancy. Sacred To the Memory of William Hawkins, M,D., Of Minsterworth, in the County of Gloucester, Who died, in this parish, May 14th, 1835, Aged 25 years.( 267 ) In Memory of Mrs. Mary Figgins, wife of Mr. John Figgins, of this parish, Who, died April the 13th, 1793, aged 51 years. While here I slumber, thou, my tomb, record The boundless mercies of my gracious Lord ; Who, tho’ I wander’d far remote from bliss, In sin’s fantastic dream sought happiness; Call’d me by grace my foibles past to mourn; From earth’s delusive scenes mine eyes to turn; He seal’d my pardon, took me home to prove The sweet repast of everlasting love. Also of Mr. John Figgins, Husband of the above, Who died the 26th of April, 1808, aged 68 years. Rest, precious dust, till Christ shall come And call thee to thy heavenly home; To share the triumphs of His grace, And sound His praise through endless days. Mr. Andrew Thompson, Who departed this life July ye 11th, 1755, aged 69. Behold this silent grave; It does Imbrace An honnist man when liveing, And died in peace.( 268 ) Sacred to the Memory of William Cardale, Esqre., Of Bedford Row, in this parish, Who died the 18th of September, 1816, aged 70. In his profession he was a man of integrity ; As a citizen of the world, a loyal man ; As a Christian, a man of piety. “ Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect.”—James ii. 22. “ I put on righteousness and it clothed me : and I caused the widow’s heart to sing for joy.”—Job xxix. 13, 14- Also of Elizabeth, his wife, Who died the 6th of February, 1816, aged 77. “ In her tongue is the law of kindness.”—Prov. xxxi. 26. “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also and he praiseth her.”—Prov. xxxi., 28. In Memory of Mrs. Charlotte Shergold, Of the Kent Road. Died July 7th, 1805, aged 42 years. Reader, behold lieth here A loving wife, a friend sincere ; Though sudden death did us part, We hope in Christ to meet again, Where never more to part.( 269 ) The Family Grave Of n James Sheppard, Of 13, Brooke Street, Holborn. All you that come this grave to see, Must come to this as well as we ; Short was our time, long is our rest, God took us when He thought it best. Sacred To the Memory of Mrs. James Sheppard, who died 31st May, 1855, In her 34th year. Also her son Thomas, who died 16th Decr> 1848, Aged 11 months. In Memory of Mrs. Catherine Isabella Blatspiel, Of Warwick Court, in this parish, Who died in giving birth to twin daughters, On the 20th of March, 1829, aged 33 years. Pause, reader, here one tear of pity lend, For her that once was mother, wife and friend ; Snatched at the noon of life, by ruthless death, From husband, children, all she lov’d on earth. No art could save, she sunk beneath the rod, And meekly gave her spirit to her God.( 270 ) Sacred to the Memory Of Susannah Bryant, daughter of Francis and Susannah Bryant, Of Middle Row, Holborn, who departed this life On the 16th day of January, 1813, Aged eleven months and eighteen days. Also of Elizabeth Bryant, Daughter of the above, who departed this life on The 23rd of October, 1816, in the 14th year of her age. Weep not, dear parents, do not weep, On death’s cold bed I only sleep ; At the last morn through Christ to rise, An angel to my native skies. Like some fair plant thy daughter grew (And none so fair, so sweet to view), For thirteen years thy hope and pride; The fourteenth came, I droop’d and died. Y et do not weep : I flourish still, Far from the stroke of every ill, Transplanted to that blessed place, Where all is love, and joy and peace. In Memory of Mr. John Baker, Surgeon, Of this parish, Who died the Ist of May, 1852, Aged 46.( 271 ) In a vault beneath this monument are deposited The mortal remains Of Mark Sprot, Esq% A native of Edinburgh, and long an inhabitant of This parish, Who died at his house in King’s Road, Bedford Row, December 17th, 1808, in the 66th year of his age. Having accumulated, by the blessing of Providence On his honorable industry, a large capital, He took a distinguished part with the monied-interest In its financial transactions with government, The prosperity and glory Of his country, he ever cordially supported. His mind, naturally sagacious and comprehensive, was Cultivated by a liberal and religious education ; Benevolent and manly in his character, He promoted, while living, the happiness of the Different branches of his numerous family, And attached to himself the affection and respect of A large circle of relatives and friends. Enduring a long and painful illness with Christian Submission, he was taught therein more feelingly to Acknowledge the utter vanity of all earthly pursuits, And to rest his hopes of eternal happiness on the Mercy and favour of God Through the merits of the Redeemer. , His widow offers this affectionate tribute to his Memory.( 272 ) Sacred To the Memory of Mr. Edward Cocken, Late of Saffron Hill, Who departed this life The 6th of September, 1817, Aged 56 years. Great God, is death our certain doom, And are we still secure ? Still walking downward to our tomb, And yet prepare no more ; Grant us the powers of quick’ning grace, To Thee our souls to fly ; Then when we drop this dying flesh, We’ll rise above the sky. In Memory of Mary, The beloved wife of John Hopkins, Who died Sepr. 27th, 1843, Aged 24 years. Long life on earth doth but prolong our pain, To die in Christ will be our grandest gain ; Death from this world hath set me free, My friends, prepare to follow me.( 273 ) Sacred to the Memory of John Dickinson, Esqre., late of Grays Inn, Third son of the Reverend Timothy Dickinson, Formerly of Scorton, Yorkshire ; Who died on the IIth day of March, 1837, In the 88th year of his age. Sacred to the Memory of Miss Osyth Dickinson, Late of John Street, Bedford Row, Second daughter of the Reverend Timothy Dickinson, Formerly of Scorton, Yorkshire. She died on the 12th day of November, 1843, In the 92nd year of her age. To the Memory of Mrs. Mary Barker, Who departed this life March 20th, 1818, aged 36 years. Farewell, dear friend, thy loss to us is great, Who’s left behind to mourn thy last retreat; A tender wife, and a mother dear, We daily found in you whilst living here. A neighbour kind, a friend sincere and just, Was proved in her who now lies in this dust. To the Memory Of the late Mr. John Stevens, Celebrated corn operator, And many years resident Of this parish, who departed This life February 21st, 1813, Aged 81 years. T( 274 ) monumental ^nscriptiop IN St. Giles’ Cemetery, King’s Road. Here rest the mortal remains of Ann Flaxman, , The virtuous and beloved wife of John Flaxman, R.A.P.S., Whose soul returned to the Almighty Creator and Blessed Redeemer On the 7th of February, In the year of Our Lord, 1820, And the 60th year of her age. Under the same stone Is interred her husband, John Flaxman, R.A.P.S.,* Whose mortal life Was a constant preparation For a blessed immortality. * Mr. John Flaxman, was born at York, 1755. From boyhood he displayed a remarkable genius for modelling in clay. In 1787 he visited Rome, where, during a residence of seven years,( 275 ) His angelic spirit returned to the Divine Giver On the 7th of December, 1826, In the 72nd year of his age. Also in the same vault Are deposited the mortal remains of Mary Ann Flaxman, Sister of the above John Flaxman, Whose gentle spirit returned to the Divine Giver On the 17th of April, 1833, in the 65th year of her age. Sacred to the Memory of Caroline Phoebe Blair, Daughter of General Sir R. Blair, K.G., Bath, Who departed this life The 15th of October, 1817, in the 17th year of her age. he executed his celebrated designs in outline from Homer, ¿Eschylus ancl Dante. These were engraved and published, as were some which he made from Hesiod. Whilst at Rome he also executed the splendid group from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, entitled “ The Fury of Athamas; ” consisting of four figures larger than life. For this work he received only £600; an amount very much below the cost. It was executed for the Earl of Bristol. In 1794 he returned to England and executed the monument for Lord Mansfield, now in Westminster Abbey. For this he received £2,500. After this he produced a large number of fine works, and was considered the greatest of modem sculptors. His collections of drawings and models he bequeathed to the Uni“ versity of London, to form a Flaxman Gallery. T 2( 276 ) Sacred To the Memory of Elizabeth, The wife of John Soane, Architect. She died the 22nd November, 1815. With distinguished Talents she united an amiable And affectionate heart. Her Piety was unaffected, her Integrity undeviating; Her Manners displayed alike Decision and Energy, Kindness and Suavity. These, the peculiar Characteristics of her Mind, Remained untainted by an extensive Intercourse With the World. Stranger. If virtue o'er thy Bosom bear Control, If thine the generous, thine th’ exalted Soul— Stranger, approach; this consecrated Earth Demands thy Tribute to departed Worth. Beneath this Tomb thy kindred Spirit sleeps ; Here Friendship sighs, here fond Affection weeps i Here to the Dust, life’s dearest Charm resigned, Leaves but the dregs of ling’ring time behind; Yet, one bright Ray of light the Grave is given— The virtuous die not, they survive in Heaven. Eliza Amata Vale ! In this vault are deposited the remains of Sir John Soane, R.A., F.R.S., Architect to the Bank of England, &c., &c., &c., Who departed this life on the 20th of January, 1837, Aged 84 years.( 277 ) Sacred to the Memory of Edward Bird, Solicitor, Late of Henstridge, Somerset, Who died in London, Novr. 22nd 1850, aged 49 years* Ne’er did he prostitute his tongue, To protect th’ oppressor in his wrong; Or wrest the spirit of the laws, To sanctify a villain’s cause. Wife, children, mourned; the worthy sigh’d; And poor men blessed him when he died. “ Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.” In Memory Of George Saltwell, Esq., Of Upper Gower Street; Formerly a Commander in the Honourable East India Company’s service, Who died the 27th day of January, 1833, Aged 78 years. Sacred to the Memory of The Right Honourable Lady Caroline Maria Drummond, Widow of the Comte de Melfort, Who departed this life The 4th of December, 1846, In her 81st year.( 278 ) In Memory of Mr. Thomas Matts, Who died June 2nd, 1831, aged 75 years. Also Elizabeth, 49 years the beloved wife of Thomas, eldest son of the above, Who departed this life Octr. 2nd, 1857, In the 69th year of her age. “ How blessings brighten as they Take their flight.” “ She sleeps in Jesus ; Her end was peace.” Also to the Memory of THOMAS, Eldest son of the above Thomas Matts, Who departed this life February 22nd, 1859, Aged 75 years. In Memory of Mary, second daughter of William and Nancy Matts, Who died 18th September, 1832, Aged 2 years and 5 months. Also Martha, daughter of William and Nancy Matts, Who died August 3, 1834, aged 5 months. In Memory of Frederick Abbott, third son of Thos- and Elizabeth Matts, Who died June 27th 1858, aged 6 years and 2 months.( 279 ) Sacred to the Memory of Mary Smith, Who departed this life 24th October, 1840, Aged 2 years. Though infant years no pompous honours claim, Or vain parade of monumental fame; No better praise the last great day shall rear Than spotless innocence—that slumbers here. In Memory of Mr. Robert Bushly, Who departed this life June 6th, 1813, aged 52 years. His life with kind and generous acts was fraught; ’Twas others’ good, and not his own he sought. The friend who here records his death with pain, Looks not on earth to see his like again. —R. H. S. To the Memory of Valentine Charles Marriott, Who departed this life Feby. 24, 1857, In the 51st year of his age. Just room enough, the earth affords no more; And after death the rich possess no more. In Memory of JEneas McIntyre, LL.D., F.L.S., Who departed this life On the seventh of September, 1831, aged 64 years.( 28o ) Sacred to the Memory of SARAH J. Wolff; died 5 March, 1844, aged 4 years Cecilia A. Wolff died 12th March, 1844, Aged 1 Year. We sought to stay Two angels on the earth, two spirits ripe, For heaven, and mercy in her love refused ; Most merciful, as oft, when seeing least; Most gracious, when she seemed the most to frown. Beneath this stone Are deposited the remains of Mr. Thomas Morgan, Formerly of Sudbury, Suffolk, Solicitor, Who died May 20, , aged 62. To the Memory of Jeremiah Le Souef, JunL, Esq., Of Egremont Place, Euston Square, 20 years Vice-Consul of the United States; Who died the 19th of January, 1837, aged 54 years. In Memory of Joseph Yarnold, Artist, Who died August 23rd, 1852, aged 55 years. Sacred to the Memory of The Revd. Henry Revell-Revell, A.M.; Died 6th FebL, 1832, aged 32 years.( 28l ) Sacred to The Memory of Mr. Edward Leunn, of Potter's Bar, Who departed this life November 7th, 1828, aged 56 years. Reader,— Think nothing strange that happens unto all; My lot to-day, tomorrow you may fall; My home I left in health, but in a moment fell, Nor had I time allow'd to bid my friends farewell. The mortal remains of John Brindle; After an evil life of 64 years Died June 18th, 1822, And lies at rest beneath This stone. Pause, reader ; reflect— Eternity, how surely thine. Sacred to the Memory of William Thompson, Late Major of the Royal .Marines, Who departed this life On the 27th of August, 1841, aged 70 years; Beloved by his relations and friends.( 282 ) Here lies a kind parent. In Memory of William Bingham, Surgeon to the Fever Hospital, Pancras Road, Who departed this life May 31st, 1821, aged 28 years. His death was occasioned by the puncturing his finger, While sewing up a dead body. Much lov'd, much honour’d may thy mem’ry be, The best of virtues have expired with thee ; Trembling we stand at thy too early doom, And mingle tears to consecrate thy tomb. Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Susanna Abbott, Wife of Mr. William Abbott, Who departed this life 10th July, 1837, aged 28 years- In quiet reposing, relieved from her pain, In hope of that promised, that happy domain Recorded in Sacred Word ; And anxiously waiting the trumpet’s last strain, Which shall waken her slumbers, for ever to reign Along with her Saviour and Lord. W. A. In Memory of Major Silvester Ramsay, Of the Honble. E. I. Compy. Service, Who died 11th August, 1810, aged 63 years and seven Months.( 283 ) monumental inscriptions IN St. Aloysius’ Chapel, Somers Town. 3fn menurcp of tlie oeneraöle ano saintly 3[oím ißerintifec, fiotn at ißiuooe in iBelgium August mutftortm pastor of £f)c Cimrcö of W. aiogsius Comers Coton ano founOer of töe §>$0010 attac&eo to tfje same, to&o after öftp=four gears faithful seroice in t&e priestijooo toas calleo to W loro on tfje rri Decemûer möccclü. ¡Dn fjis ê)Oul stoeet iesus ïmoe mercp.( 284 ) “ Precious in the sight of God is the death of His Saints.” To the Memory of the Reverend Guy Toussaint Julien Carron, Born at Rennes, in 1760; The Founder of this Chapel, and of many charitable Institutions in England and France. He was truly a man of God ; most zealous and Persuasive in preaching the Gospel, by word and Example; the father of the poor, the protector Of the widow, the supporter and cherisher of The orphan, the guardian of the aged and infirm, The friend of the destitute and unfortunate, the Comforter of the afflicted; in manners most gentle And mild, in character most disinterested and sincere. His life, from a remarkabley early period, was one Continued act of indefatigable exertion and labor, For the honor and glory of God and the good of his Neighbour; with a heart expansive in every kind and Tender feeling, as it was boundless in charity And every act of benevolence and compassion, and With an inviolable attachment to his king and his Country. He died at Paris on the 15th day of March, 1821. Most sincerely and deeply lamented, his memory will Remain to his surviving friends most dear, and may the Recollection of his efforts in the cause of humanity Last till the end of time! R. I. P.( 28s ) Jean François de la Marche, Eveque et Comte de Leon, né en Basse Bretagne, Comte de Cornouail, le Débarqué en Angleterre, le XXVIII. Février, MDCCXCI., et décédé à Londres, le XXV. Novembre, MDCCCVI., Dans sa soixante dixhuitième année. “ Ce juste que la fureur de ses frères “ A bannide sa patrie, la sagesse Ta " Conduit par de voies droites, et “ Fixant ses regards sur le royaume “ De Dieu, elle a perfectionné sa vertu “ Dans les travaux, et les a consommés.” —Sag, x. 9. Requiescat in Pace.( 286 ) monumental inscriptions IN St. Pancras Church, Euston Square. Sacred To the Memory of Reverend James Moore, LL.D., Who, during the long period of 32 years, was the Vicar of This extensive parish. He departed this life on the 19th of June, 1846, In the 78th year of his age. His.ability as a preacher, while health remained to him, Was attested by large and grateful congregations ; And his zeal in promoting the building of churches And schools Was continued to the close of his existence. This humble tablet is an offering to his memory, From the hand of his afflicted widow ; But the whole church, Which was erected through his exertions, And beneath which his remains have been deposited, Is his best and noblest monument.( 28; ) Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Foyster, Esq., Late of this parish, and for many years in The Commission of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, Who departed this life Feb. 9th, 1805, aged 59 years. Also to the Memory of Ann, his wife, Who departed this life June 25th, 1825, aged 71 years, “ The memory of the just is blessed.”—Prov. x. 7. “ Blessed are the dead 'which die in the Lord.”— Rev. xiv. 13. Sacred to the Memory of Sarah, The beloved wife of The Revd. Henry Foyster, A.M., Who died at Harrow Weald, in this county, April 23rd, 1838. “ For our conversation is in heaven ; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.” In the vault beneath Lie the remains of Pierre Fournië Clerc Tonsure. Born at Bordeaux, FebL 3rd, 1738; died April 7th, 1825, In his 88th year.( 288 ) Sacred To the Memory of James Pattison, Esqre., A merchant of the City of London, and An Honourable Director of the East India Company. His mortal remains are deposited In a vault beneath this tablet He departed this life’ On the 27th day of April, 1831, In the 69th year of his age. Also to the Memory of Margaret, widow of the above, Who died on the 25th of April, 1854, In the 72nd year of her age. In Memory of Capt. Daniel Stephenson, An Elder Brother of the Trinity House, And for 31 years an inhabitant of this parish, Who died 26th December, 1846, In the 68th year of his age ; And whose remains are deposited in a vault under This church. “The salvation of the righteous is of the Lord. He is their strength in the time of trouble.”—Psalm xxxvii. 39.( 289 ) Sacred To the Memory of Sarah Jane Blizard, The beloved wife of Thomas Blizard, Esqre., F.R.S., Of Cumberland Terrace, Regent’s Park, Who departed this life JanL 30th, 1837, Aged 52. Also to the Memory of the aforenamed Thomas Blizard, £sqre., formerly surgeon to the London Hospital, who died the yth of May, 1838, Aged 66. Alike distinguished by professional skill, And by the zeal, integrity and benevolence With which he discharged all the duties of life. Arms: Or between two f launches sable each charged with a- lion rampant endorsed of the first three fleur de lis in chief azure\ impaling argent a fess, and in chief three lozenges sable. In Memory of Thomas Williams, Of 96 Guildford Street, in this parish, M.D. Who died on the 14th day of March, 1835, Aged 52 years. Also of Sophia, his widow, Who died on the 24th day of June, 1844, Aged 58 Years. Their remains are deposited in the vault beneath. Erected in grateful remembrance By Chamberlain Faithful. U( 290 ) Sacred To the Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Pearse, Of Camden Town, Whose remains are deposited In a vault of this church. She departed this life On the first day of October, 1836, Aged 61 years. Also of Mr. Joseph Hemming, Who departed this life On the 7th of April, 1830, Aged 68 years. Also of Mr. Harry Pearse, Who departed this life On the 21st of October, 1854, Aged 71 years. M . S . Roberti . Galloway . Mackintosh . Arm S.A.S. Nat. xvi . Avg . mdccxcv . Denat . xv . Apr . MDCCCXXIV . Anno . ^Etatis . Vigesimo . nono Marle Mackintosh Sex . prope . per . annos . conjux . felicissima Nvnc . Ehev ! Vidva Hoc . marmor . poni. cvravit< ) To William Kitchiner, M.D., Possessing a heart of unbounded kindness, United to an intellect Of singular acuteness, diligence and Comprehensiveness ; Whose life was an epitome of that beautiful spirit of Christianity which teaches us to be “ Humble, lowly, trusting in God.” He from an early period devoted himself to knowledge, For the purpose of benevolence; And, among various other objects embraced by his Enlarged mind, was deeply conversant with medical Science, Which his fortune rendered it unnecessary for him To pursue as a profession. An accomplished musical theorist and composer; An improver of the telescope; And, by his various writings, largely contributed to Promote the happiness of his fellow-creatures. Deeply regretted by a numerous circle of sincere Friends, He closed a life of unaffected piety, charity and utility, On the 27th day of February, 1827, aged 48 years. To perpetuate the memory of so excellent a man, And as a merited tribute of duty, affection and respect, This monument has been erected by his son, William Brown Kitchiner, Esqre. Arms : A fess azure betiveen three escocheons sable each charged with a griffin segreant. U 2{ 292 ) Sacred to the Memory of Captain Hugh Reid, Who departed this life 21st June, 1832, aged 62 years. He was a kind-hearted and benevolent man, And highly esteemed by all who knew him. This, monument is erected by his afflicted widow, As a token of her affectionate remembrance Of his worth. Also to the Memory of Mrs. Eleanor Reid, The beloved wife of the above, Who died October 24th, 1853, in her 76th year. Deeply deplored by her numerous relations and Friends. “ The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin.”— 1 John i. 7. Subtus Jacet Reverendas Edvardus . Balm . A.M. R.S.S. A.S.S. Collegii Magdalenenses Socius , Apud Cantabrigienses Socius Vir , turn ob Morum Prsestantiam , Turn ob Scientiam Literarum . Artium felici studio conjunctam , Desideratissimus ; Qui vixit annos LXIX . Decessit IV Non Decembris . Anno Christi CIDIOCCCXXII . .( 2Q3 ) Sacred to the Memory of John Beardsley Bramwell Cobb, Esqr®., late of This parish, Upwards of forty years in the Treasury and Bullion Office, Under the Honbl®. East India Company, Who departed this life 29th October, 1832, In the 65th year of his age. Also of Elizabeth, The beloved wife of the above, Who departed this life 12th Novr. 185b, In the 86th year of her age. Also Harriett, their eldest daughter, Who* departed this life 19th June, 1819, In the 23rd year of her age. Sacred to the Memory of John Mason Good, M.D., F.R.S., Who departed this life on the 2nd day of Jany., 1827, Aged 63 years. His last words declared the foundation of his hope. “ All the promises of God in Christ Jesus are Yea, And in Him, Amen.” Also S. M. of John Mason, son of the above, Who departed this life 1803. Also S. M. of Susanna, 38 yrs. the beloved wife of The above, Who entered into rest June 14th, 1834, aged 63. Arms: Gules a chevron betiveen three lions rampant reguardant, impaling on a fess three escallops a bordure engrailed azure. Crest: A leopard passant. Motto: TNQ3J SEATTON.( 294 ) To the Memory of Walter Coningham, Esq., Of this parish, And of St. Mary’s Hall, in the University of Oxford, Who died 14th June, 1832, in the 22nd year of his age. His term was short, but it was useful; For, by diligent application to its appropriate duties, He shewed to his associates and friends How “ God is found of them who seek him early; ” And, by patience and resignation Under mortal sickness, How the youthful Christian, “ Whose hope is full of immortality,” Can die. Arms : Argent a shake fork between three mullets sable. Crest: A unicornis head coicfied argent horned and maned or. Motto : Over fork over. Sacred to the Memory of William Smythies, Esq., Formerly of Colchester, Who died 12th of Feby., 1835. Also of Grace, relict of the above, Who died 22nd May, 1847, aged 77. THE END.