ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2019.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2019f\t\ o p CHARTER Prepared and Proposed for the CITY OF ALAMEDA By The BOARD OF FREEHOLDERS Elected May 23, 1916 In Pursuance of the Provisions of Section 8, Article XI, of the Constitution of the State of California ARTICLE I. BOUNDARIES. SECTION 1. The City of Alameda shall continue to be a municipal corporation by the name of City of Alameda. The boundaries thereof are hereby declared to be as follows: Commencing at a point where the center line of the Tidal Canal intersects the western line of; Park Street produced northerly; thence westerly along the center line of the Tidal Canal and the north or Brooklyn Channel, through Oakland Harbor and the center line of San Antonio Estuary to its mouth, as said Brooklyn Channel and pierhead lines of San Antonio Estuary were established by the United States Harbor Line Survey of 1910; thence along the center line offcSan Antonio Estuary produced westerly to its intersection with the west- ern boundary of Alameda County; thence southeasterly along the western boundary line of Alameda County to its intersec- tion with the township line between township two (2) south, range four (4) west and township three (3) south, range four (4) west, Mount Diablo meridian; thence easterly along said township line to the section line dividing sections thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32), township two (2) south, range three (3) west, Mount Diablo meridian; thence northerly along said section line to the northeast corner of lot one (1), section nine- teen (19), township two (2.) south, range three (3) west, Mount Diablo meridian; thence northerly to the center of said Tidal Canal as established by the United States Harbor Line Survey of 1910 ; thence along the center line of the Tidal Canal to the point of commencement. SEC. 2. Unless a majority of the electors of the city shall affirmatively vote therefor at a general or special municipal w«*^Teetion, neither shall the boundaries of the city be changed, nor shall the city be consolidated with any other city or city and county. ARTICLE II. LEGISLATIVE. SEC. 1. The legislative power of the City of Alameda shall be vested in a body to be designated the council, and in the electors. SEC. 2. THE COUNCIL. The council shall consist of five members, who shall serve without compensation. Each coun« cilman shall hold office for four years and until his successor is elected and qualified, except that in case of the council first elected, the three councilmen receiving the highest vote shall hold office for four years and the two receiving the next highest vote shall hold office for two years. At the time of the election each nominee must have been an elector of the city for at least three years next preceding his election, and must be of the age of at least twenty-five years. SEC. 3. QUORUM. A majority of the members shall con- stitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn from time to time, and may compel the attendance of absent members * in such manner and under such penalties as the council may prescribe. SEC. 4. POWERS OP THE COUNCIL. Subject to the provisions and restrictions in this charter contained, and the valid delegation by this charter of any of the powers herein- after included to any person, officer, board or committee, which delegation of power, if any, shall control, the council shall have power in the name of the city to do and' perform all acts and things appropriate to a municipal corporation and SEC. 6. COUNCIL MEETINGS, ffhe council shall meet at eight o'clock p. w. on the third Tvr|jay in April next suc- ceeding the general municipal electicM and shall hold regu- lar meetings twice in each month such other times as they shall fix by ordinance. They stiftl not convene at any place other than their regular place <4 meeting. Their meet- ings shall be public. Special meeting! may be called by the mayor or by three councilmen, by solving the members per- sonally With written notices, or leatjjig the same at places designated .by the respective membe«. at least three hours before the time of the proposd meetin|. SEC. 7. THE MAYOR. The may® shall be recognized by the courts as the official head of ti>cecity for the purpose of serving civil process, by the governjor for the purpose of military law, and shall represent the city for all ceremonial purposes. He may take command of the police and govern the city by proclamation during times 'rf public danger or emer- gency, and he shall himself be the judge of what constitutes such public danger or emergency. SEC. 8. ABSENCE OF THE M temporarily absent or unable ,to j the vice-president shall during sue tempore and perform such duties \YOR. If the mayor be rform his official duties, time act as mayor pro In the absence of both the coun- ffie duties The general welfare of-its inhabitants and which are not speci- fically forbidden by the constitution of the state or which now or hereafter it would be competent for this charter specifically to enumerate; and no enumeration or specific statement herein of any particular powers shall be held to be exclusive or a limitation of the foregoing general grant *of power. The council shall have the power to delegate ? ariy^ of the powers conferred on or vested in it. SEC. 5. The council shall:1 One. Judge of the qualifications of its members and of all election returns; Two. Establish rules for its proceedings; Three. Keep a correct journal of its proceedings. The ayes and noes shall, on demand of any member, be taken and entered therein; Four. Choose one of its members president and another vice- president, each of whom shall serve for twro years, and without conpensation. The president shall be ex-officio mayor; Five.. Appropriate annually, and the council must so ap- propriate, to the mayor, for his own use, the sum of six hundred dollars, for which he need furnish no vouchers; Six. Appoint a city clerk; # Seven. Fix the compensation of all officers and employees not otherwise provided for. preside^^and^yic^-rresident _th cirmil^l^m7 onfe^o?^Bei?*7m of president and mayor. SEC. 9. CITY CLERK. The du|fes^^^h^~-©ity.clerk shall be such as are prescribed by the coiihcil and provided by law. He shall hold office until removed by a four-fifths vote of the whole council. SEC. 10. LEGISLATIVE ACTS. T|e enacting clause of every ordinance passed by the council shall be in these words: "Be it ordained by the council of the City of Alameda." The enacting clause of every ordinance passed by the people shall be as follows: "Be it ordained by the people of the City . of Alameda." No ordinance shall be so amended as not to be germane to its original purpose. No ordi- nance shall be passed .by the e4uricil on the day of its introduction or within five . dayF thereafter, or at any time other than at a regular meeting or an adjourned regular meeting. Every ordinance shall be signed by the officer presiding at the time of itsJadoption, attested by the clerk and published at least once Jn a newspaper published in the City of Alameda, or advertised as hereinafter provided. SEC, 11. ORDINANCES. All ordinances and resolutions shall be deposited with the city clerk, who shall record them in a suitable book. All ordinances shall be published once in the city official newspaper within three days after the same shall have become a law. The publication of all ordi- nances granting any franchise or privilege shall be at the expense of the applicant therefor..^ SEC. 12. It shall not be necess or prove the organization or exi ry in any action to plead tence of the corporation, istence or validity of any take judicial cognizance ........- - - ...... _U- City of Alameda, or the passage, ordinance thereof; and courts^si thereof Without 'pro6ff SEC. 13. Any measure that tl< council or the electorate of the city, as herein provided, is 5 authority to adopt, the council may, of its own motion, sufnfit to a vote of the electors at a general or special election. SEC. 14.. TIME OF TAKING fctFECT OF ORDINANCES. Except as herein provided no pejial ordinance or measure passed by the council, granting any Sfranchise or privilege, and no ordinance or measure making o| authorizing any contract (except contracts for improvements the expenses whereof are to be defrayed by local assessment and contracts where the subject matter involved is of less value than one thousand dollars), shall go into effect in less than thirty days after its final pas- sage. But ordinances and contracts declared by the council to be necessary as emergency measures for the immediate preser- vation of the public peace, health ojr safety, passed by a four- fifths vote of the whole council, and not obligating the city for a longer period than one year, may go ; into effect at the will of the council, or as otherwise provided by law. SEC. 15. AYES AND NOES. Except as hereinafter pro- vided no bill shall become an ordinance, and no resolution shall be adopted unless finally passed by a majority vote of all the members of the council, the vote taken by ayes and noes, and the names of the members voting for and against the same entered in the journal. No resolution or order for the payment of money shall be passed at any other than a regu- lar meeting or an adjourned regular meeting. SEC. 16. No ordinance shall be revised, re-enacted or amended by reference to its title; but the ordinance to be revised or re-enacted or the seetiota. thereof to be amended, shall be re-enacted at length as revised and amended. Any J.:1/"V_:"x.Ji ___4-^ ordinance revised, re-enacted or amended void. In the erection, im- buildings and works, in ri all work in or about lit embankments or other w, and in furnishing any e, ' When' the expenditure the sum of one thousand contract, and shall be let contrary to the provisions of this section shall be SEC. 17. GENERAL CITY WC^RK. provement and repair of all public all street and sewer work, and bays or w^tierfronts, or in or abo works for protection against oyerflc supplies or materials for the sam required for the same shall exceed dollars, the same shall be done by to the lowest responsible bidder, after notice by publication in the official newspaper Provided, that the council may reject any and all bids pre- sented and may re-advertise, in their c iiscretion, and Provided further, that after cil may declare and determine by its members that in its opinion the performed more economically by dt. or supplies purchased at a lower \ and after the adoption of a resolutic proceed to have the same done, in 1 further observance of the foregoing and Provided further, that in case 0: such as an extraordinary fire, rejecting bids the coun- a four-fifths vote' of all work in question may be ,y labor, or the materials >rice in the open market, n to this effect, they may ;lie manner stated without provisions of this section; or other disaster, the council may, by resolution passed by a vote of four-fifths of ail its members, declare and determine that public interest and necessity demand the immediate ex- penditure of public money to safeguard life, health or property, and thereupon they may proceed to expend or enter into a contract involving the expenditure of any sum required in such emergency. Advertisements for bids need not specifi- cally state the work contemplated, but may refer to specifica- tions on file in the office of the city clerk. SEC. 18.. PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. The coun- cil shall annually call for bids for printing and advertising. The contracts for printing may be awarded separately on the various itetns, and contracts for each shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder; Provided, that the council may reject all bids for print- ing if in their opinion the bid of the lowest responsible bidder is exorbitant, and may again call for bids, subject to the reservation hereinafter mentioned. If the council shall deter- mine that the bids secondly received are exhorbitant, they may nevertheless let the contract to the lowest bidder for such portion of the printing as the board may determine, reserving the option to obtain other printing from such bidder at the schedule rktes; and as to any printing not specifically men- tioned in the contract, the board may from time? to time secure done by any party who may agree to do the same at a loWer rate than that scheduled in the bia the city printing. In lieu of newspaper advertising the coun- cil may issue and publish a bulletin containing such matter as they are required by law to publish, sending the same by mail to the registered voters of the city, to their addresses as the same shall appear o1i the great register of Alameda County, and shall also post printed copies of such advertisement in three public places in the City of Alameda, at least five days before action is taken in response to said publication. Such mailing and posting shall be conclusively deemed to be of the same effect as if the advertisement had been fully published in the official news- paper of the city. The council shall annually designate as the official paper, a newspaper of general circulation published in this city, which shall have been established at least one year. In no event shall the rate for official advertising exceed the usual rate charged by the paper for publishing legal notices. SEC. 19. No councilman shall be eligible to appointment on any board or commission provided for in this charter except as designated, in the charter. SEC. 20. VACANCIES IN THE COUNCIL. Any vacancy occurring in the council shall be filled by majority vote of the remaining councilmen. In case of failure of the council to appoint within thirty clays, a board consisting of the police judge, the auditor and the tax collector shall, by majority vote, make the appointment. SEC. 21. COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL. The council shall appoint such standing and other committees as they deem necessary. SEC. 22. The council shall not sell or convey any portion i,T\v waterfront. No lease or sale of real estate shall be authorized by the council except by ordina,nce passed by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of all the members, and no lease shall be made for a period longer than twenty-five years except by ordinance adopted by the people. No ordinance for the lease or sale of real estate or for the lease of water front rights by the council shall take effect within sixty days from the date of passage. SEC. 23. Whenever an applicant for a franchise or other person shall pay in advance to the city the expenses of a special election, the council may, in its discretion, call such election, at which the proposed ordinance shall be submitted to vote of the electors. SEC. 24. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. The council shall ap- point and fix the compensation of a certified public accountant who shall semi-annually investigate the transactions and accounts of all officers having the collection, custody or disbursement of public money, or having the power to approve, allow or audit demands on the treasury; and who shall have free access to all records, books and papers in all departments of the city; ho shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations, to examine witnesses and compel their attend- ance by subpoena. He may at any time visit any of the public offices and make examinations and investigations therein without hindrance. He must examine the official bonds of all city officers and investigate the sufficiency and solvency of the sureties thereon. He shall keep a record of his pro- ceedings, with the names of the witnesses examined and a substantial statement of the evidence taken. At the close of his investigation he shall file with the council a written re- port containing his recommendations. If during his exami- nation it shall appear that a public offense has been com- o'r that the. our otioa a great public calamity, flood, storm, epidemic on any bond "are insufficient, he shall immediately report to the council, which shall take such proceedings as are authorized by law,: and may suspend the official pending such proceedings. Any police officer shall execute the processes issued by him. SEC. 25. OFFICIAL (BONDS. The council shall, by ordi- nance, determine what officers shall give bonds for the faith- ful performance of: their duties, and shall fix the amounts of such bonds; and each of such officers shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, execute a bond to the city in the penal sum provided by the ordinance, including in the same bond the duties of all offices of which he is made by this charter ex-officio incumbent. Such bonds shall be approved by the council. All bonds when approved shall be filed with the city clerk, except the city clerk's bond, if any, which shall be filed with the auditor. All the pro- visions of any law of this state relating to the official bonds of officers as then existing shall apply to such bonds except as herein otherwise provided. Every officer of the city, before entering i upon■ the duties of his office, shall take and file with the city clerk the constitutional oath] of office. SEC. 26. INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM. Legislation may be enacted by the electors of Alameda under the general laws of the state providing for the initiative and referendum. SEC. 27. PRISON RELIEF FUND. The council may in its discretion, set aside a sum each year to be known as the \ Prison Relief Fund. Out of this fund, in the discretion of the city manager, city justice and chief of police, acting as a commission, may be disbursed to a prisoner or to the family of a prisoner, such sum as the commission may deem a fair wage for services and work actually performed by the pris- oner for the city. Nothing herein contained shall be con- strued to compel the commission or the city to pay for any work or services rendered by any prisoner. ARTICLE III. JUDICIAL AND LEGAL. Chapter I—Police Court. SEC. 1. The judicial power of the city shall be vested in a police court to be held by the police judge of the city, Said police court shall have jurisdiction concurrently with the justices' courts, of all actions and proceedings, civil and criminal, arising within the corporate limits of the city, and which might be tried in such justice's court; and shall have exclusive jurisdiction of all actions for the recovery of any fine, penalty or forfeiture prescribed for the breach of any ordinances of the city, of all actions founded upon any obli- gation or liability created by any ordinance, and of all prose- cutions for any violation of any ordinance. The rules of prac- tice and mode of proceeding in said police court shall be the same as are or may be prescribed by law for justices' courts JnJUkfi. pa.yp.Sf appi?aisrnnay~^ superior court of Alameda county, from all judgments of said police court, in like manner and with like effect as in cases of appeals from justices,' courts. ' „ ! 1 , ! SEC. 2. The police judge shall be judge of the police court and shall have the powers* and perform the duties of a mag- istrate. He may administer and certify oaths and affirma- tions, and may take and certify acknowledgments. He shall receive for his services a salary to be fixed by the council, SEC. 3. In all cases in which the police' judge is a party, or in which .he, is, interested, or when he is related to either party by consanguinity or affinity within the third degree, or is otherwise disqualified, or in case of sickness or ina- bility to act, the police judge may call upon any justice of the peace residing in the county to act in his stead. SEC. 4. The police judge must be an attorney-at-law, duly admitted to practice by the supreme court of the state. He shall be elected in the same manner and at the same time as the councilmen, and shall hold office for four years. SEC. 5. The foregoing provisions of this article shall not take effect until the provisions of the general laws of the state applicable to city justices of the peace shall be repealed. In the event of such repeal the council shall by ordinance establish a police court. SEC, pointed of the be an practice Chapter II—City Attorney. *: 6. There shall be a city attorney who shall be ap- by the council, and who shall be an elector city at the time of his appointment, and shall attorney and counselor-at-law duly admitted to by the supreme court of the state. He (shall tile1 ' ^ OT^' frrfer snail pro- fession for a period of at least four years next before his appointment. He shall hold office until removed by a four- fifths vote of the whole council. SEC. 7. It shall be his duty to prosecute on behalf of the people all criminal cases before the police court and justices of the peace, for all violations of this charter and of city ordinances and resolutions. It shall be his duty to attend to all suits and other matters to which the city is a party or in which the city may be legally interested. He shall be in attendance at every meeting of the council unless excused therefrom; and shall give his advice or opinion in writing whenever required by the council, board of education or other city officers. He shall be the legal adviser of all city officers; he shall approve the forms of all bonds given; to and all contracts made with the city; he shall, when required by the council or any member thereof, draft all proposed ordi- nances for the. city, and amendments thereto; and shall do and perform all things touching his office as the council or the presiding officer thereof may require of him, and at the expiration of his term shall surrender to his successor all books, papers and documents pertaining to the city's busi- ness. He shall receive a salary to be fixed by the council. ARTICLE IV FINANCE Chapter I—Auditor and Assessor. SEC. 1. AUDITOR. An auditor shall be elected at the gen- eral municipal election. He shall hold office for four years, and until his successor is elected and qualified. He shall be ex- officio assessor. His compensation for acting in both capacities shall be $2400 per annum. He may appoint one or more deputies, for whose acts he SEC. 2. The auditor shall be the general accountant of the city. He shall receive and preserve in his office all accounts, books, vouchers, documents and papers relating to the accounts and contracts of the city, its debts, revenues and other financial affairs. SEC. 3. He shall keep an account of all moneys paid into and out of the treasury, and the treasurer shall pay no money except on demand approved by the auditor. He must always know the exact condition of the treasury. SEC. 4. He shall approve no demand unless the same has been allowed by the council, board or other authority directed by the charter to act thereon. SEC. 5. Every demand approved by him shall specify on its face the several items composing it, the amounts and the dates thereof, and shall be numbered and acted upon in the order of presentation. SEC. 6. Every demand upon the treasurer, before it can be jmid, must be presented to the auditor, who shall satisfy himself whether the money is legally due, that its payment is authorized by law, and out of what fund payable. If he allow it he shall endorse thereon the word "allowed," the name of the fund out of which it is payable, and the date and consecutive number of its allowance, and shall sign his name thereto. SEC. 7. Except as otherwise provided in this charter no money shall be drawn from thi treasury unless in consequence of appro- priations made by the ctuncil and upon demands duly drawn by the auditor. No warr^t shall be drawn except upon an unex- hausted fund. SEC. 8. ASSESSOR,, As assessor the auditor shall perform all duties prescribed by thi| charter, by ordinance and by general law, for assessing property tor the purpose of taxation. SEC. 9. The assessment of property within the city shall be made for each year by^the assessor; and he shall employ such clerical assistance as inlay be required to properly prepare such assessment. \ Chapter II—treasurer and Tax Collector. SEC. 10. TREASURER. A treasurer shall be elected at the general municipal election. He shall hold office for four years, and until his elected and qualified. He shall be . ex-officio tax collector. His compensation for acting in both capacities shall be $2400 j deputies, for whose acts h SEC. 11. As treasurer belonging to the city, and disbursements. SEC. 12. He shall pay j upon leg-arir aeinandsj^j by this cITarte^i^utlioS |r annum. He may appoint cne or more and his bondsmen shall be responsible. e shall receive and pay out all moneys all keep an account of all receipts and ut money belonging to the city only «by law. SEC. 13. TAX COLLifi^TOR. As tax collector he shall per- form such duties as are prescribed by this charter, by ordinance, and by general law. * SEC. 14. BANK MAY TREASURER. When not in con- flict with the constitution of this state, it shall be permissible, in the following manner, to ^bolish provision for the election of a treasurer: An ordinance may be adopted by the vote of the electorate abolishing the provision in this chapter for the election of a treas- urer, and for the salary thereof, and substituting in lieu thereof a provision for the appointment of a bank or banks to act as depositary or depositaries of the funds of the city. Such ordinance liiust provide - due safeguards for the proper keeping antl disbursement of the funds of the city. It may also name the salary of the official who shall thereafter be elected tax collector; and shall provide that such tax collector shall make daily deposit in the proper depositary of all sums collected by him as tax collector. Such ordinance may be drawn to cover, supersede and repeal all the provisions of this chapter. It shall not take,effect until the close of the term for which the treasurer then in office has been elected. ?■ Chapter III—Levying of Taxes. SEC. 15. DEPARTMENT ESTIMATES. On or before the second Monday of May in each year the several boards and heads of departments shall send to the city manager detailed estimates of the amount o ment for the fiscal year n the salaries of all subordiij 1 SEC. 16. CITY MANA< ^expenditure required in each depart- :t ensuing, including a statement of ites. ?R .TO ESTIMATE EXPENSES. On ^ear thercity manager ai estimate of the expenses of the ing fiscal year, stating the amount tnd sinking funds for all outstanding all the departments of the municipal iijg specifically the amount necessary :upd in the treasury; also an estimate icenses and other sources of revenue, operty; also the probable amount re- d by taxation. U shall provide by ordinance a lection of all city taxes, which system circumstances may permit, to the pro- state. SEC. 18. DOLLAR LI® 1IT. The amount of the tax levy shall shall transmit to the couni city government for the e: required to meet the interei funded debts and the wants government in detail, sho^v to be apportioned to each of the income from fines, exclusive of taxes upon pi quired to be levied and rais SEC. 17. The counc system for the levy and co shall conform, as nearly as visions of the laws of this be sufficient to provide for all demands upon the trea same; but such levy, exclu and maintain the sinking fu and exclusive of the tax to pay for the maintenance a4 and public grounds of the c lar on each hundred dollars council in making the levy funds. SEC. 19. EMERGENCY RESERVATION. the section last preceding s cessity or emergency. In s made in the rate of taxatio year, unless such increase 1 vote of the people or pass cited in the ordinance aut section shall authorize the law or which cannot be pa vided, collected and paid in the payment during the fiscal year, of sury authorized to be paid out of the sive of the tax to pay the interest on nds of bonded indebtedness of the city, pay for street and sewer work and to ad improvement of the parks, squares ty, shall not exceed the rate of one dol- valuation of the property assessed. The hall apportion the taxes to the several The limitation in hall not apply in case of any great ne- ich case the limitation may be tempor- ally suspended. No increase over the dollar limit shall be n authorized to be levied in any fiscal >e authorized by ordinance adopted by ed by a four-fifths vote of the whole council. ^Fhe character of~s uch necessity or emergency shall be re-" lorizing such action. 'Nothing in this incurring of liabilities not allowed by d out of the income and revenue pro- to the proper fund as its proportion of ndfr'lnitrta the same for such fiscal year, or permit liabilities or indebtedness arbitrarily used and adopt SEC. 22. No contract ments upon the property to ear to be a charge upon or paid out of y other fiscal year. elinquent taxes shall be made to the incurred in any one fiscal j the income or revenue of aiji SEC. 20. All sales of c City of Alameda. SEC. 21. If the council fail to fix the tax rate within the time prescribed, then the previous year's rate and valuation shall be ed. nade, the expense of the execution of which is not provided by law or ordinance to be paid by assess- be benefited, shall be binding or of any force unless the auditor shall endorse thereon his certificate that there remains unexpended and unapplied as herein provided, a balance of the appropriation or fund applicable thereto, sufficient to pay the estimated exxjenises of executing such contract as certi- fied by the board or officer jmaking the same. This provision shall not: applyr to vvork done q] supplies ,furnished, involving the ex- penditure of less than two hundred and fifty dollars. The audi- tor shall make such endorsement upon every such contract so presented to him if there remain unapplied and unexpended such amount so specified by the officer making the contract, and there- after he shall hold and retain such sum to pay the expenses in- curred until the contract shall be fully performed. SEC. 23. The council shall authorize the disbursement of all public moneys except as otherwise provided in this charter, or by state law. SEC. 24. SURPLUS RETURNED TO GENERAL FUND. At the close of each fiscal year, if aU demands against each fund have been paid or satisfied, and all disputed or contested demands fully determined, the council shall direct the treasurer to transfer all surplus moneys to the general fund, except such surplus moneys as may be in the several interest and sinking funds and in such other funds the disposition of whose surplus moneys is otherwise pro- vided for. SEC. 25. All moneys derived from the sale oi bonds, including premiums, and interest aceruing.fBy reason of the depositing there- of, shall be applied only to the purpose for which the bonds were voted. Any moneys remaining after the work for which the bonds were voted has been completed and paid for, shall be applied to the payment of interest on or to the retiring of such bonds. SEC. 26. -BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. The council shall meet at the usual place of holding meetings, on the first Tuesday of September of each year, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said hear complaints, and to correct, modify or strike out any as ment made by the assessor and may of its. o\pi motion, raise assessment, upon notice to the party wftc^e a^se^s^ntl is raised. Such corrected list Sshall constitute !tte assessment roll the fiscal year. It shaill b& c6rti;fied by the city clerk, wh shall act as clerk of the board of equalization; SEC. 27. Any demand against the treasury remaining unpaid at the end of the fiscal year for lack of money applicable to its payment may be paid out of any money which may subsequently come into the proper fund from delinquent taxes or other un- collected income or revenue for such year. Such demands shall be paid out of such delinquent revenue when co'lJe&teclL SEC. 28. All moneys received from taxes, licenses, fees, fines, penalties and forfeitures, and all moneys which *ttia£y 'be collected ox, received by any officer of the city in ,his< official capacity, or from any department of the city, for the performance of any official duty, and all moneys accruing to the city from any source, and all moneys directed by law or by this charter to be paid or deposited in the treasury, shall be paid into the treasury daily. SEC. 29. On the first day of each month every officer author- ized by law to charge any fee, commission, percentage, allowance or compensation, must make a written report to the auditor of all moneys received by him during the preceding month. SEC. 30. All demands for salaries fixed by law, ordinance or this charter, and made payable out of the treasury, may be al- lowed by the auditor without previous approval by the council. ARTICLE V. J EDUCATION. Chapter I—School Department. SEC. 1. BOARD OF EDUCATION. The control of thg schoc department shall be vested in & board of education, which Ishafr consist of five members, who shall receive no compensation. The members of the board of education who shall be in office at the time this charter shall take effect shall remain in office until the expiration of their respective terms. Thereupon and there- after the vacancies occurring by expiration of the terms of the incumbents shall be filled by appoiitfment by the mayor; each appointee to hold office for five years, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy occuring prior to the expiration of a term shall be filled by appointment by the mayor, the appointee to serve for the unexpired term. SEC. 2. ORGANIZATION. The board shall organize annually by electing one of its number president, whose term of office shall be one year, and until his successor is elected and qualified. SEC. 3. MEETINGS. The board shall hold regular meet- ings at least once in each month, and at such other times as it may determine. Special meetings may be called at any time by the president; and the president shall call a special meet- ing at any time when requested in writing so to do, by any two members. Absence by any member from four consecu- tive regular meetings, unless such member be excused by the board by resolution entered upon its minutes, shall work a forfeiture of office. SEC. 4. POWERS OF THE BOARD. In addition to the powers and duties prescribed by the general laws of the state, the board shall have power: One. To establish and maintain public schools, including kindergarten, primary, grammar, high, technical, and evening schools, and to change, consolidate and discontinue the same as the welfare of the department may require; Provided, that no teacher shall be elected to a position in any trrtftr credited graduate of either a California State Normal school, the University of California, the Leland Stanford Junior University, or of an institution of equal rank, or who has had at least two years' successful teaching experience; Two. To manage and control the school property; Three. To employ, pay, promote, transfer and dismiss teachers and other employees; to fix, alter and approve their sal- aries and compensation, and to make rules governing the same; Four. To provide the department with all necessary sup- plies, and to incur such other incidental expenses as may be necessary for the welfare of the department;; Five. To construct, repair, alter, rent and provide school houses; to supply them with proper furniture, apparatus and appliances, and to insure any and all school property against loss by the elements; Six. To recommend and arrange for the purchase, sale, lease and exchange of school lots and other school property; to take charge of any and all real estate and personal property which may have been or may hereafter be acquired for the use and benefit of the public schools of the city. The proceeds of any, sale and the income from any school property shall be used;for school purposes; r r 5 : Seven. To sue and to prosecute and defend actions at l#w or in equity in the name of the board of education, and to em-ploy counsel therefor in case the district attorney or the city attorney be disqualified or unable to act. SEC. 5. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. The board of edu- cation shall appoint a superintendent of schools, who shall hold office for four years unless sooner removed by a vote of four members. He shall be the executive officer of the board in all matters relating to instruction, discipline and conduct of the schools. He shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the board. He shall be ex-officio the secretary of the board and shall act as bookkeeper for the board, without extra com- pensation. He shall attend all sessions of the board, and shall make such reports as the board may require, or as he may deem to be for the interest of the department. J SEC. 6. The board shall appoint an assistant secretary, whose compensation shall be fixed by the board. SEC. 7. The board of education shall organize and act as a high school board as provided by law. SEC. 8. The board shall determine annually the amount of moneyi necessary to support and maintain the public schools of the city and to carry into effect all provisions of law regarding the same, and shall, on or before the second Monday in May of each year, submit in writing to the council an estimate of the money to be received from the state and county and an itemized estimate of proposed expenditures for the next fiscal year, with a request for such additional money as they may need in excessv of "tlie Irthotitif toJ b ^^Tie^VetrTrbW^Yne ^ Such additional money, When collected, shall immediately be paid into the school fund of the . city, which fund shall be drawn upon only by warrants for claims duly allowed by the board against the school department. The warrants must be signed by the president;and secretary of the board and by the auditor. ? ? , Chapter II—Free Library. SEC. 9. FREE LIBRARY TRUSTEES. The Alameda Free Library shall be under the control of a board of five trustees who shall receive no compensation., The members of the board who shall be in office at the time this charter shall take effect shail re7 main in office until the-expiration of their respective terrti$. There- upon and thereafter the vacancies occuring by expiration of the terms of the incumbents shall be filled by appointment by the mayor, each appointee to hold office for five years, and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of a term shall be filled by appointment by the mayor, the appointee to serve for the unexpired term. SEC; 10. The board of library trustees shall meet at least once a month at such time and place as they may fix by resolu- tion. Special meetings may be called at any time by the presi- dent or by two trustees. A majority of the board shall con- stitute a quorum. The board shall elect one of its number presi- dent, who% shall serve for one year, and until his successor is elected, and in his absence the board shall select a president pro tem. The board shall cause a proper record of its proceedings to be kept. * , < * SEC. 11. Th€ board of library trustees shall have power : One. To make and enforce rules, regulations and by-laws necessary for the administration, government and protection of , the library, and all, property belonging thereto. All fines col- iected shall be deposited with the treasurer to the credit of the library fund; Two. To administer any trust declared or created for the library, and to receive by gift, devise or bequest and hold in. trust or otherwise, property situated ini this state or elsewhere, and when not otherwise provided, dispose of the same for the benefit of the library; " ' ; ? ^ ? Three. To prescribe the duties and powers of; the librarian, secretary and other officers and employees of the board, to deter- mine the number of and appoint all such officers and . employees, and to fix their, compensation-; . Four. To purchase necessary hooks, journals, publications and other personal property; . Five. To request the secretary of state and other state; offi- cials to furnish the library with copies of any and all reports, laws and other publications of the state not otherwise disposed of by law;. ■; > • : I ! . . 4 Six. To borrow books from, lend books to, and exchange the same with, other libraries and to allow non-residents to bor- row books upon such conditions as the board may prescribe/ i SEC. 12. The board shall, on or before the last day of July in each year, make a report to the city council, giving the condition of the library on the thirtieth day of June preceding, together with a statement of its proceedings for the year then ended, and forward a copy thereof to the state library at Sacramento. . !•' SEC. 13. LIBRARY FUND. The board shall determine an- nually the amount of money necessary for the maintenance of the library. They shall, on or before the second Monday in May, each year, submit to the council an itemized estimate of the amount so determined. If this amounts to seven cents, or.less;,on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, it shall^be added to the laMDtinfs"^otfiefWrse^pfoviaea^"FynETiem^fo't)6 levied and collected for city purposes. Any amount in excess of seven cents per hun- dred dollars valuation shall be at the discretion of the council. When collected, the proceeds shall immediately be paid into a fund to be designated the ^Library Fund," which fund is hereby created and1 shall be drawn upon only on order of the board of library trustees, as herein provided. SEC. 14. All money acquired by gift, devise, bequest, or oth- erwise, for the purpose of the library, shall be credited to the library fund, and shall be applied to the purpose therein author- ized. If such payment into the treasury should be inconsistent with the conditions or terms of any such gift, devise> or bequest, the board shall provide for the safety and preservation of the same, and the application thereof to the use of the library, in ac- cordance with the terms and conditions of such gift, devise, or be- quest. SEC. 15. All claims against the library fund, which shall have been allowed by the library trustees and signed by the president and secretary thereof and by the auditor, shall be paid by the treasurer from said fund. SEC. 16. The use of the library shall be subject to such regu- lations as may be made by the board, for violation of which any person may be fined, suspended or excluded from the privileges tive and administrative rwise provided for. of the library. ' I SfeC. 17. When not inconsistent with the terms of its acquisi- tion, and when not otherwise designated, the title of property ac- quired for the purpose of the library shall vest in the City of Alameda, and may be sued for and defended by action at law or otherwise, in the name of the City of Alameda. The library board shall have full charge, management and control of such property. ARTICLE VI. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION. SEC. 1. ,The department of administration when here- after referred to, shall be held to include the department of safety, the department of health and the department of recre- ation; also, subject to the city ordinances and general law, th§ control of all street and sewer work, th^" erection and repair of buildings (except such as may be under the control l.o'f the board of education, the library board or , the bpard of public utilities); -'the control of all wharves, docks, quays ^,nd waterfront property belonging to or under the control of the c; ty, and the development thereof. It shall embrace all .other execi functions of the city government not oth ARTICLE VII. - ■ " j CITY MANAGE . SEC,3^The council shall He 'need riof"b?a^ lilt! torife c/£- his appointment His salary ®ed. by the'council, but shall not be less than three thousand dollars per annum. He shall hold office until removed by a four-fifths vote of the whole council. : j ; ... ; ' ' j V, \ r; 1 'j SEC. 2. His po^er£ and duties shall be: One. tfo see that all ordinances of the city are enforced; Two] To appoint, except as otherwise provided in this char- ter, all heads of departments* subordinate officials and employees in the department of administration, and to remove the same; Three. To exercise general supervision and discretion ov$r all persons, firms, companies and corporations owning, controlling dr operating public utilities within the city limits, in so far as any of them are Subject to municipal control. This provision is subject to other charter provisions relative to surch public utili- ties as how are or may hereafter be owned by the city; Four. " To keep! the! council fully • informed as to compliance With the law in the operation of public utilities within the city limits; to see that the provisions of franchises, permits and priv- ileges granted-by the mty are fully observed, and to report to the council any violation thereof; Five. BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICE. To appoint a board of social service, which shall, under him, have charge of all mat- ters pertaining to the care and relief of the needy, the establish- ment of employment bureaus, day nurseries and the like. Said board shall, Under the city irianager, hajre; charge of the expendi- ture of the relief fund provided; by the counciL It onay receive and disburse gifts from private individu lis and from institutions. Its members shall $erve without compen lationj • v ; - ' Six. To a£t as purchasing agent for all departments of the pitv except time. jc>£ .edncjitijai*«^Bu^ those departments lie shall Assist in nu quested to dof so by the respective boarc £ in control thereof; king purchases when re- - unless ex- the council mayor; be examined, without : Seven. ; To attend all meetings of cused therefrom by the council or by th Eight. To examine or cause to notice, the conduct of any officer or! em slbyee in the department of adriunistratioh; .. ; ]■ , . | ;j.; • • = . .Nine. To keep the council advised as, to the :needs of the city; . . ; , Ten! To appoint a Secretary, whos^e compensation shall be fixed ;by the council; ! : Eleven. To prepare or cause to be prepared, plans, speci- fications, etc., for work which the council may order, coming under his supervision; • # . Twelve. To have control, subject to such grdinanees as may from time to time be adopted, of all public utilities owned and operated by the city and notrby this) charter assigned to other control; ' , Thirteen. To devote his entire time to "the interests o£ the city; : L " :!i :>oarcls of1 such number of with him and assist him be subject to the control Fourteen. He may appoint advisory members as he may deem best, to confer in his management. SEC. 3. The city ihanager shall not or influence of the councilor, of any member thereof, in the; ap,- pointment of any subordinate,, or in th^ making of purchases. SEC. 4. In the absence or disability of the city manager the council shall fill the vacancy by temporary appointment. SEC. 5. CITY ENGINEER. The cij city imwK'i, wlio lids his profession not less than five years, lie shaE,devote his whqle time to the work of the city, under the c y maiiager shall appoint irection of the qity, .man- ager. He may be directed by the city ijianager to work for pri- vate parties inside the city limits. Bi Is therefor shall be ren- dered by the city managerand the fees collected shall be paid into the city treasury, accompanied by a statement of the serv- ices rendered. The city engineer shall dc no private work outside the city. The city manager may appoint a street superintendent, and may combine in one appointment the offices of street superin- tendent and city engineer. SEC. 6. The city engineer shall possess the same power in making surveys, plats and certificates as is given by law to city engineers and to county surveyors. H3 shall be the custodian of and shall be responsible for all maps, |>lans, profiles, field notes and other records and memoranda belonging to the city and per- taining to his office and to the work there of; all of which he shall keep in proper order and condition, with shall turn over the same to his successor, cate receipts therefor, one of which he sh aU file with the auditor full indexes thereof, and taking from him dupli- All maps, plans, profiles, field notes, est randa of surveys and other professional him or under his direction or control, dur mates and other memo- work made or done by ing his term of office, or that he may have received from his predecessor, shall remain the property of the city, SEC. 7. DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY. The department of safety shall include the police and fire departments, and shall be under the control of the city manager, subject to the provisions of Section 7, Article II of this charter. SEC. 8. POLICE DEPARTMENT. The city manager shall appoint a chief of police. He shall (a) appoint and. remove all subordinates in the police department, subject to the provision hereafter stated; (b) make rules and regulations for the govern- ment of the police department; (c) prescribe tests for examina- tion as to fitness of applicants for positions in the police depart- ment. All appointments to the police department shall be made after competitive examination. SEC. 9. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The city manager shall ap- point ^ chief oi; the fire department, and shall (a) appoint and remove all subordinates in the fire department, subject to the pro- vision hereafter stated; (b) make rules and regulations for the government of the fire department. All appointments to the fire department shall be made after competitive examination. SEC. 10. Any charge brought by the city manager against a member of the police department or fire department who has been in the service of the tcity for five years at the time of the taking effect of this charter, which charge, if sustained, would warrant dismissal, shall be heard and determined by a board to be known as the police and fire board. Said board shall consist of the mayor, the police judge and the city attorney. A majority vote shall control. Any charge involving a penalty "less iha.h shall be determined by the city manager. ARTICLE VIII. : DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. — SEC. 1. HEALTH OFFICER. The city manager shall appoint a .health officer who may also be the city physician, and shall, hold office during the pleasure of the city manager; He shall have the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and shall' hold a li- cense to practice medicine in the state of California. He shall hate practiced medicine for at least five years. SEQ. 2. As health officer he shall have all the powers and shall be subject to all the duties conferred on boards of health and on health officers by the general laws of the state, and shall have such Other powers and duties as may be conferred by ordi- nance. SEC. 3. CITY PHYSICIAN, As city physician he shall attend free of charge, when called upon, the injured and the indigent sick in the city. He shall have charge of any receiving hospital or dispensary established for the treatment of emergency cases and the sick poor. SEC. 4. He shall have the power of removal of all appointees of the health department. SEC. 5. He shall have power to appoint and prescribe the du- ties of such subordinates as are necessary to the efficiency of the depai?tinent, including a veterinarian and a sanitary and plumb- ing inspector. . SEC. 6. He may, with the written consent of the city man- ager, appoint also, one or more physicians, emergency surgeons, bacteriologists, chemists, food and market inspectors, and a clerk of the dep^rTment, ~ari3. may prescribe and direct their duties. ARTICLE IX. DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION SEC. 1. The city manager shall have supervision, direc- tion and control of all playgrounds and recreation centers, and of all games, recreation, athletic sports and physical; : exercises that now are or shall be permitted to be conducted in any of the playgrounds or recreation centers of the city. SEC. 2. He is empowered to employ all necessary supervisors and assistants, to discharge them, and to adopt rules and regula- tions for the conduct of the department. SEC. 3. He shall keep a record of all proceedings,relative to the playground activities, and shall make to the council, on or before the second Monday in May of each year, a report in writ- ing thereof, and an itemized statement of expenditures during the preceding year, embodying recommendations for the development, control and use of playgrounds and recreation centers. ARTICLE X. ; . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES. SEC. 1. There is hereby created a board of public utili- ties, which shall control ' the construction, operation, main- tenance and funds of all utilities from which income is derivable, which now are or may hereafter be owned by the city. SEC. 2. The city manager shall be one member. The other two members shall be either civil, mechanical or electrical ien- gineers. They shall be appointed by the mayor and shall hold office for four years. Their terms of office shall alternate so that one shall go out every two years. The two first appointed shall decide their terms by lot so that one shall hold for two years and one for four years. They shall serve without compensation. SEC. 3. The board shall organize by electing a president and appointing a secretary. = Two shall constitute a quorum. They shall h^ld regular ineetings once a month, and shall hold such other meetings as. they may determine. SEC. 4. The, treasurer shall keep the fund of each utility separate. Any surplus to the limit of fifteen per cent of the book value of any utility may be invested by direction of the board in bonds of the City of Alameda, or in state, county or municipal bonds of this state, or may be transferred to the general fund of the city. SEC. 5. The books of each utility shall be kept in such form as is required by state regulation governing public utilities, and a monthly report in detail shall be made to the council. SEC. 6. Subject to other provisions of this charter the board of public utilities shall have power: One. To fix rates for service; Two. To buy and sell materials and supplies incidental to the operation of each utility; Three. To employ, fix the compensation of and discharge em- ployees ; Four. To do work for other departments of the city at cost.SEC. 7. On or before the second Monday in May of each year the board shall prepare and submit to the council an estimate of income and expenditure of each utility for the coming fiscal year. SEC. 8. AH money collected shall be deposited with the treasurer as soon as practicable. Demands on any fund shall be signed by the president and secretary of the board. SEC. 9. Purchases or contracts exceeding one thousand dol- lars in amount shall be advertised by the board a,nd shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, unless all bids are re- jected. SEC. 10. The board shall control the generation, purchase, distribution and sale of electrical energy, and shall also control all allied activities, such as electrical inspection, fire alarm and police telegraph and telephone system, which are or may be oper- ated by the city. It shall also control the sale and distribution of water, gas and the product of any commodity acquired by pur- chase of the serviefe of any person or corporation supplying a public utility. SEC. 11. The board sha^l have power to enter into a con- tract for a term not to exceed five years, for the purchase of wa- ter-gas or electrical energy, or for the purchase of the service of any public utility. No such contract shall be valid unless rati- fied by ordinance. The distribution of the commodity so acquired shall be subject to the provisions of this article. Such contract shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 22, Article IY. Such ordinance shall not take effect until sixty days after its adoption._ v ! ? ARTICLE XI. ELECTIONS., Chapter I—General Elections. SEC. 1. General municipal elections shall be held on the second Tuesday in March in each odd numbered year. The first election under this charter shall be held on the second Tuesday in March, 1917. SEC. 2. ' Elections shall be held and conducted as nearly as may be, in accordance with the provisions of the election laws of the state, except as hetein ptherjyise provided. SEC. 3. TERMS OP iELECIIVE OFFICERS. Elective offi- cers shall hold office for a period of lour >years from and after eight o'clock p. m. of the third Monday of April following the day of election, and until their successors are elected and quali- fied. .. $EC. 4. In the election of councilmen after the first general municipal election, where fujl terms and one or more unexpired terms arS filled, the person or persons elected by the highest number of vbtfes shall be elected for the full term, and the person or persons receiving ^the next highest ^ote shall be elected for the short term or terms,-as? the case may be. SEC. 5. NOMINATING PETITIONS. The mode of nomina- tion and election of officers to be voted for at any general munic- ipal election shall be as follows: • W ; * > Not later than thirty days and not earlier than sixty days be- fore any general municipal election, electors of the city may, by written petition, present names of candidates for election. The signatures to said petition need not be appended to one paper, but each signer shall add to his signature his place of residence* giving street and number when such designation can be given. I meixts therein are true, and that each signature is the genuine signature of the person whose name purports to be thereto sub- scribed. Each candidate shall be proposed by not less than fifty quali- fied electors of the city. No more than one candidate may be named in any one petition, and ho person may sign more than one petition for a candidate for any one office. SEC. -6. Such petition shall be presented to the city clerk, and if kceompanied by the Written acceptance of the nominee, shall be filed by the clerk. He shall immediately examine the great register, and therefrom shall ascertain whether such petition is signed by the requisite number of qualified electors. He shall, within five days, attach his certificate to said petition, showing the result of his examination. SEC. 7. WITHDRAWAL. Any candidate may withdraw by filing with the city clerk, before the publication hereinafter pro- vided, a verified statement of his desire to withdraw; and on re- ceipt thereof the city clerk shall strike his name from the list of candidates. SEC. 8. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Immediately after the closing of nominations the city clerk shall enter the names of the candidates in a list, with the offices to be filled, and not later than twenty days before the day of election shall certify to such list, and shall, at least ten days before the election, cause to be published three times in the official paper, a proclamation calling the election. Said proclamation shall contain a statement of the time of the election, the offices to be filled, and the names of the candidates, and shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk. SEC. 9. FORM OF BALLOT. All ballots shall be substan- tially in the following form: --(OR SLUO'llON,! W' ALAMEDA. (Insert date thereof.) INSTRUCTION TO VOTERS. To vote, stamp a cross (X) opposite the-name of the candidate for whom you desire to vote. Vote your first choice in the first column, your second choice in the second column and your third choice in the third column. Vote only one choice for any cine candidate, as only one choice Will cotint. Any mark placed on this ballot for the pur- pose of identification will make the ballot void. If you wrongly maris, tear or deface this ballot, return it and obtain another. SEC. 10. ARRANGEMENT OF BALLOTS. The ballots shall be arranged with proper headings above each office or classification df offices, Showing the number to be voted for, for each office or classification, and the names of the candidates, Arranged in alphabetical order, with three voting squares opposite each name, designated "first choice," "second choice" and "third choice," and with blank line or lines below the printed names of candidates for each office to*be voted for equal to the number to be voted for, wherein the voter may write the name of any person or |piersb.5s'-fpri Wjiqin he may wish Jtojyotiei stamping a cross (X) ■' : ^ ' ' \ ^ 7 1 ■ \ ' ' ; *1.' \ ' i * < * } ■. j opposite the name, as herein provided. If there are charter amendments or other questions to be voted upon, a column therefor shall be provided On the right hand side of the ballot. SEC. 11. SAMPLE BALLOTS. At least five days imme- diately preceding any municipal election the clerk shall mail to each registered voter a sample ballot, and nothing unofficial shall be mailed therewith. • SEC. 12. PREFERENTIAL VOTING. Voting for elective offices shall be by the preferential system, that is to say: for each office to be filled at any election the voter may designate one first, one second and one third choice, by stamping a cross (X) in the square provided. SEC. 13. COUNTING BALLOTS. In counting ballots, the first, second and third" choices for each candidate shall be sep- arately tallied and accredited to the candidates receiving them. SEC. 14. REJECTING BALLOTS. Should any elector ex- press any of said choices, for more candidates than there are offices to be filled in that particular classification, said choices shall not be counted; and should he express more than one of said choices for any one candidate, billy the first shall be counted. SEC. 15. CANVASfe OF RETURNS. The council, at its next regular meeting followi: ^g the election, shall canvass the returns. The candidate receiving lthe highest number of first choice votes, VERIFICATION DEPUTY'S AFFIDAVIT. ...................... being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the person sworn as a verification deputy. I have personally circulated the above petition. I have not prevented any person from signing this petition either for or against the recall. All the signatures appended were subscribed in my presence. To the best of my knowledge and belief the signatures are the true names and signatures of the persons signing; and no signature has been erased, changed or defaced. (Signed) .............................. Verification Deputy. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........ day of .................... 191...... if such votes constitute a under that classification' date shall have received majority of all ballots cast for candidates ' shall be declared elected. If no candi- majority of first choice votes, a, canvass shall be made of the second choice votes, which shall be added to the first ch^i^jyptesjarid the candidate having received the lar g'e^Mimber_i>f^^ i u1 jority, shall be declareij| elected. If after adding the first and second choice votes no flfa-ndidate shall be found to have a ma- jority, then the third choibe votes of each candidate shall be added to his first and second ehoice votes, and the candidate having received the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. SEC. 16. TIE VOTES. A tie between two or more candidates shall be decided in favor of the one having the highest number of first choice votes. If they,are equal, the highest number of second choice votes shall determine. If there still be a tie, it shall be decided by lot, under the direction of the council. SEC. 17. PUBLICITY OF QUALIFICATIONS. At least fifteen days before the day of election each candidate may deliver at his own cost to the city clerk a verified statement with printed copies thereof equal to ifie number of qualified electors. Each copy shall be printed on white paper four inches wide by nine inches long, and shall have the candidate's photo-engraving printed thereon, followed by his name, the office for which he is a candidate, and a statement as to his residence, place of birth, present occupation, and what public office he has held, and whether he is a taxpayer in the City of Alameda. He may give such other information regarding his experience and qualifications as might enable the electors to estimate his fitness to fill the office. Such statement shall also contain the names of not more than twenty residents of the City of Alameda to whom he refers. One copy of such statement shall be mailed to each qualified elector, with the sample ballot. / - , Chapter II—Recall. SEC. 18. Every incumt held office for six monthi SEC. 19. AFFIDAVr for a recall is circulated ent of an elective office who shall have shall be subject to removal by recall. FOR RECALL. Before any petition or signatures, an affidavit in duplicate Notary Public. SEC. 23. VERIFICATION DEPUTIES. Any qualified elec- tor desiring to circulate recall petitions shall apply to the city clerk and may by him be sworn as a verification deputy. On de- livery of printed blanks to the verification deputies the city clerk shall take receipts therefor, each receipt to specify the consecutive numbers of said blanks. Each verification deputy must make oath that he will not make untruthful or misleading statements con- cerning the proposed recall, or prevent or hinder any person from signing said petition, either for or against the recall; that the same to be done by others, in soliciting signatures either for or against the recall. On return of the signed petitions to the city clerk each verification deputy shall make affidavit to each section of the petition circulated by him. SEC. 24. It shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the city to sign or circulate or cause to be signed or circulated, any petition, either for or against a recall. SEC. 25. PENALTY. Any verification deputy who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or who shall fail to return to the city clerk within fifty days after the filing of the affidavit provided for in Section 19 of this chapter, any of the petition blanks received by him, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 26. No petition for a recall shall be received by the city clerk later than fifty days after the filing of the affidavit provided for in Section 19 of this chapter. SEC. 27. CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE. The city clerk shall endorse upon such petitions the date of filing in his office. He shall immediately commence an examination of said petitions to ascertain whether they are signed by the requisite number of qualified electors, and whether they conform in every particular to the requirements of this chapter. At the ho\ir of five o^lock in the afternoon of the tenth day after the expiration of the fifty day period provided for in Section 25 of this chapter he shall attach to such petitions his certificate showing the result of his examination, which shall be conclusive. He shall endorse his finding on said petitions and shall present the same to the council at its next regular meeting. SEC. 28. WITHDRAWAL OF SIGNATURES. Any signer of a petition for recall may file with the city clerk a verified revocation of his signature. If said revocation is filed with the city clerk before the petition is certified to by him, he shall cancel such signature. the city clerk, who shall ; the officer sought to be r< (called, or send one by registered mail addressed to him at his a statement of not more intention to circulate a re proposed recall, and the t once deliver one of such affidavits to esidence. Such affidavit shall contain han two hundred words, declaring the all petition, giving the reasons for the names and addresses of the elector or electors proposing such recall. The elector or electors making such affidavit shall pay in advance to the city clerk a fee of twenty-five dollars to covefr costs of printing blanks and other in- cidental expenses. The officer whose recall is sought shall have five days after the filing and serving of such affidavit in which to file in duplicate with the city clerk his answer of not to exceed two hundred words. SEC. 20. PRINTED BLANKS. The city clerk shaH within ten days after the filing of such answer, cause to be printed as may be necessary, Jblank petitions in the form hereafter provided, numbered Consecutively. Such blanks shall be delivered to veri- fication deputies upon payment of one cent each. SEC. 21. PETITION FOR RECALL. A petition or petitions signed by qualified electors requesting the calling of a special election to determine whether or not the said incumbent of an elective office shall be removed from office by recall, shall be ad- presented to the city clerk. The form permit the elector to express his or her Lst the recall, and everything pertaining signing,, etc. of the same must conform nafter provided. )f petitions shall be as follows: dressed to the council anc of the recall petition shall opinion either for or agah to the circulation, filing, to the requirements herei SEC. 22. The form No............ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITV OF ALAMEDA PETITION F( >R OR AGAINST RECALL full; printed in 12 pt. blackface iype'}!^ black-face type). Of.. r.t.7.. .(Name in1 As............(Give name of office in 12 pt Reasons for recall. (Here insert reasons Reasons against reca (Here insert reasons I, the undersigned, certi the foregoing reasons bot and have signed below in contained in affidavit for recall.) 1. against recall, as contained in answer), fy that I am a qualified elector of the City of Alameda, State of California; that I have carefully read i for and against the recall of said officer accordance with my convictions; that I am not at this time a signer of any other like petition; That I Favor the recall of ......(name of officer) (name to be in 12 pt. face type.) and petition the council with to submit the ques vote of the electors. (Signed) ........... Address ............ (Nine additional line addresses. ) black- forth- tion to That I am Against the recall of ..... (name of officer) ..... (Name to be in 12 pt. black- face type.) and oppose the submission of the question to the vote of the electors. (Signed) .................... ■ Address,;.......... ... ? .; and (Nine additional addresses), lines and """ ' SEC!" "29. "lSECALE~T!nSECTION.~^^^ is sought shall not have resigned within five days after the filing of the petition, and if the petition favoring the recall shall con- tain the signatures of qualified electors equal in number to ten per cent of the highest vote cast for a councilman at the last pre- ceding general municipal election, in excess of the signatures of qualified electors opposed to the recall as certified by the city clerk, the council shall cause a special election to be held not less than forty days nor more than sixty days after the filing of said petition, to determine such recall. If a municipal election is to occur within sixty days after the filing of said petition, the council may postpone the holding of the recall election to such municipal election. SEC. 30. RECALL BALLOTS. Upon both the sample and official ballots there shall be printed the reasons for and against the recall, as set forth in the petition. SEC. 31. The ballots shall be provided with squares opposite "Yes" and "No," in which the voter may stamp a cross (X) indicating his vote. The ballots shall read : ( Yes." Q "Shall ........ (naming the officer) be recalled? J I No." □ . SEC. 32. The city clerk shall name three disinterested elec- tors who shall act as a canvassing board to canvass the returns of said election, and who shall declare the result thereof. Before entering upon his duties, each member of the canvassing board shall take the constitutional oath of office. SEC. 33. If a majority voting on the recall shall vote in favor of such recall, said officer shall thereupon be deemed removed from officie, and his incumbency shall terminate upon the declara- tion of the result of said election by the canvassing board. - ^SgCL34..The mayor shall appoint a successor to the j^fficer removed, who shall hold until the next general municipal election. If the officer recalled be the mayor, the remaining councilmen shall appoint his successor. SEC. 35. If a majority of the council be simultaneously re- called, a board consisting of the police judge, the auditor and the treasurer shall appoint their successors, who shall serve until the next general municipal election. SEC. 36. RECOUNT. In case of a recount of votes taken at a recall election, the law of the state controlling general elec- tions shall govern. ARTICLE XII. ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS. SEC. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to establish, open, keep, maintain or carry on within the City of Alameda any saloon, bar, store, dramshop, tippling place, stand or any place where spirituous, malt or fermented liquors or wines or any admixture thereof, are sold or given away, or for any person, firm or corporation (except as hereinafter povided) to sell or barter or give away within the limits of the city any spiritous, malt or fermented liquors or wines or any admixture thereof, wjthOut ha^ngvpiermis^ion pursuant Ho am ordinance of the council or electors, as provided in this article. The provisions of this article shall not apply to the sale or dispensing of the said liquors, or any of them, by a regularly and duly licensed pharrna- cist, in the course of his business as a druggist, for medicinal pur- poses, at his drug store, when the same are sold or dispensed upon a prescription of a duly and regularly licensed physician. Violation of any of the provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor. a SEC. 2. .Subject to the provisions of this charter the council shall have power? by ordinance to impose all license taxes for, to require bonds, * to pontine y^ithiitj. the; limits of time and place and to otherwise reguMe thfe Celling and giving away of any spirituous, malted qr fermented liquors or wines or any admixture thereof, ,,' \ 1 !\ Provided, that the council shall not have^power to grant more than twenty of the licenses or permits specified in this article to be in force at any one time. The licenses granted shall be num- bered consecutively from 1 to 20, and not more than one license bearing any one number from 1 to 20, inclusive, shall be valid at one time. SEC. 3. No license provided for in this article shall be granted for a sum less than five hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance. SEC. 4. No remission of any such license shall be made during the period for which it is granted, and the bonds required to be given by keepers or proprietors of saloons or drinking houses less than que,, thousand dpllars, ^ \ SEC. 5. No license'issued under the provisions of this article shall be assignable or transferable without the consent of the council, endorsed thereon, such consent being evidenced by reso- lution, and only to such person, firm or corporation as may have filed a bond as heretofore provided, and complied in all other re- spects with such preliminary requirements as are provided by law. Provided, that in case any licensee is charged with violation of the provisions of this article or of any ordinance imposing restrictions on his conduct as such licensee, which charge or charges result in an investigation by the council or by- any court or o.ther body authorized by law to conduct such investigation, then during Sfiich investigation or during a trial upon such charge or charges, aM! also after conviction, if the same shall follow, no transfer of said license shall be granted. SEC. 6. Upon sufficient c&use being shown or proof furnished to the council that any person, firm or corporation holding a license under the provisions of this article has violated any of the provisions thereof, or of any ordinance of the city relative to the sale of liquors, the council shall, upon notice being given to the person, firm or corporation so licensed, revoke such permission, ;cancel the license and declare the bonjd forfeited. Any license shall be revoked ipso facto by judgment of conviction of the holder thereof of a felony or of the violation of any of the pro- visions of any ordinance by this article authorized. SEC. 7. No license shall be issued entitling the licensee to carry o% the business ^licensed at more than one place. Each licensee shall at all times keep his license posted in a conspicuous place in his saloon or place of making sales thereunder, so that the license shall at all times be easy to read by any person entering said place. __ SEC. 8. No liaense shall be required for the purpose of selling liquors at wholesale to any retail dealer in this city who holds a license under the provisions of this article. ARTICLE XIII. FRANCHISES. SEC. 1. FRANCHISES TO USE STREETS. Every franchise, permit or privilege for the purposes hereinafter enumerated in this section shall, except as otherwise provided in the constitution of the State of California, be granted by ordinance upon the con- dition specified in this article, and not otherwise. One. Every franchise, permit or privilege to construct or maintain or operate a street railroad, a suburban railroad, or an interurban railroad along, upon, over, in, under or across any street, lane, ally, court, highway, road, park or other public place in the City of Alameda. , Two. Every franchise, permit or privilege to lay or maintain or operate pipes or conduits along, upon, in, under or across any street, lane, ally, court, highway, road, park or other public place in the City of Alameda for the purpose of transmitting electrical energy, water, gas, steam, oil, air or other substances. Three. Every franchise, permit or privilege to erect, maintain or operate poles or to string wires along, upon, over, under, in or across any street, lane, ally, court, highway, road, park or other public place in the City of Alameda, for the purpose of transmit- ting electrical energy. SEC. 2. GRANTING NEW FRANCHISES. New franchises may be grafted by the council by ordinance, to the person, firm or corporation bidding therefor the highest percentage of the net annual revenue received from the use, operation or possession of said franchise, fixed as herein provided. Upon receipt of a written application from any person, accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check sufficient to pay the cost of jucL. VWMse for' sate~ the franchise referred to in said application, said advertisement to be pub- lished for at least five days in the official newspaper, describing the nature of said proposed franchise and the conditions thereof, and giving the date when said franchise will be offered for sale in open council to the person, firm or corporation offering to pay the city the highest percentage of net receipts, fixed as herein provided, which percentage shall not be less than fifty-five per cent. Any responsible person, firm or corporation may appear at said sale and may raise the bid of any other bidder, not less than one per cent, until said franchise is finally sold by the council to the person, firm or corporation offering the highest percentage of the net receipts; Provided, that the council may in its discretion reject any and all bids, and may withdraw said franchise from sale or advertise for new bids. Every bidder, before his bid shall be received, must file with the city clerk a certified check or make a cash de- posit in an amount sufficient to pay the cost of the advertisement . herein provided for. The deposit of the successful bidder, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used to pay the cost of said advertisement, and all other deposits shall be returned upon tfy? acceptance by the council of any: bid, or upon the-rejection of allbifts.* j i' - ?i;U'! j"iV '• f .? j>: K' pvi'! = SEC. 3. GRANTING RE-SETTLEMENT FRANCHISES. Re- settlement franchises may be granted by the council by ordinance, subject to the approval of a majority of the electors of the city voting thereon at a general or special election called and con- ducted as provided by law for other municipal elections, upon ap- plication therefor made within three years from the date of the taking effect of this charter, by toy person, firm or corporation actually engaged in operating a pubjic utility in the City of Ala- meda at theHime this charter becomes effective. Any re-settle- ment franchise shall provide for the surrender of any or all of the franchises owned or claimed by the grantee of such re-settlement franchise and for the acceptance in lieu thereof of the rights and privileges granted in the re-settlement franchise for the continued operation of such utility vwithin the limits of the city, or such por- tions thereof as had theretofore been operated under the fran- chises so surrendered. It shall also provide that new franchises granted to the holder of any re-settlement franchise shall be considered as a part of the re-settlement franchise, and that the council may by ordinance grant to the holder of such re-settle- ment franchise the right to make extensions of appliances and ser- vice, which said extensions shall ber subject to all the obligations and conditions of such re-settlemeilt franchise. Every re-settle- ment franchise shall provide for (the payment by the grantee thereof to the city of at least fifty-five per cent of the net annual revenue of said grantee, determined as in this charter provided. SEC. 4. NEW AND RE-SETTLEMENT FRANCHISES; VAL- T*-A\n r|%f nap^ pfopertv of the franchise grantee, used or useful, or in the judgment of the council prospect- ively useful, in the operation of thetatility for which said franchise is granted, and owned by the granjtee at the time of the granting . of such franchise, shall be fixed by the Railroad Commission of the State of California, or its successor in interest, said valuation thus fixed to be set forth in the franchise ordinance. To this valuation shall be added the cost of all additions, extensions and better- ments, and from this valuation shall be deducted the value of property sold or abandoned, and a depreciation fixed and de- termined as in the franchise provided. The valuation to which said additions have been made and from which said deductions have been made shall be the valuation upon which the six per cent interest herein provided for shall be computed, and the val- uation at which said property can be acquired by the city, or by a third person, firm or corporation to which the right is assigned by the city. FRANCHISES FOR INDETERMINATE PERIOD; PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. (2) Every franchise shall be granted for an in- determinate period, subject always to the right of the city at any time, and upon six months' notice in writing, to acquire and possess the property of the grantee, or to assign to a- third person, firm or corporation its right to acquire and possess. ASUMPTION OF BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. (3) Every franchise may provide that, when purchasing the property of the grantee, the city, if and when permitted by the constitution of 5 the obligation of such grantee outstanding against said prop- par value the valuation of the the state of California, may assum for the payment of the bonds then erty, not exceeding in aggregate property thus purchased, and in g uch case the par value of such bonds shall Be deducted from the valuation of said property, and the excess, if any, of such valuati >n over such par value shall be ^t"h(T^ufcEase aid ciiy. XLLW- iiiijec such purchase the bonds so assuiijed shall no longer be a lien ex- clusively upon the franchise or pr may be secured by the general ere a fixed percentage of the gross earnings of such utility, or other- wise, as may be provided in such perty of the utility as such, but lit of the city, or by a lien upon ranchise. DETERMINATION OF NET REVENUE. (4) The annual net reveue upon which the city's percentage is computed shall be determined by deducting from the annual gross» revenue all oper- ating and maintenance costs, taxes, insurance and depreciation as provided in the franchise, and six per cent interest on the valua- tion of the property used and useful or determined in the franchise to be of prospective usefulness in the public service, such valuation being the valuation fixed by the Railroad Commission of the state of California, and to which additions have been made and from which deductions have been made as herein provided. AMENDMENT OF FRANCHISE. (5) Any franchise may be amended by ordinance passed by tjhe council, approved by vote of the electors as herein provided, land accepted by the franchise grantee; but if the amendment is of a re-settlement franchise, it shall not ^become effective until approved by the electors in the same manner as the original re-settlement franchise. BOARD OF CONTROL. (6) Any franchise may provide for a board of control to consist of two competent and experienced men, one to be selected by the council jand one by the grantee of said franchise, with such powers and d ities as may be provided in the franchise, all disagreements betw( en the two to be decided by an arbiter appointed for that purposj in such franchise. % ADDITIONAL POWERS. (7) franchise shall have power to imp< consistent with this charter, in e ^ turns iie^fn uprovidle JFor, and shajj. hajg^u^h other powers hereunder as may be proper and n 3cessary in the* preparation, en- actment, and the carrying out of he terms of any franchise. APPLICATION TO RE-SETTIEMENT FRANCHISES. (8). The provisions of this section sh111 apply to re-settlement fran- chises as well as to new franchises. ARTICLE MISCELLA SEC. 1. All general laws of it in a manner to be determined The council in granting any se terms and conditions not in- XIV. sFEOUS. state applicable to municipal corporations, now or hereafter enacted, and which are not in conflict with the provisions of this charter or with ordinances or be applicable to the city, er the word "city" occurs, it every department, board or d, means a department, board resolutions hereafter enacted, shall SEC. 2. Whenever in this chart means the City of Alameda; and officer, whenever either is mention or officer, as the case may be, of tlie City of Alameda. SEC. 3. The fiscal year shall be gin with the first day of July and end with the last day of June of each year. SEC. 4. The compensation of elected officers shall not be in- creased or diminished during the tqrms of their respective offices. ;:SE(1 5if If: any: .officer -i of j the #ijtijr-- shall .reiiave froiii the: city or absent himself * therefrom for no utively, without the permission of th ify by taking the oath of office anc ore than thirty days consee- e council, or shall fail to qual- filing his official bond when- ever such bond is required, within fifteen days from the time his certificate of election or appointment is mailed or delivered to him, or shall resign, or be convicted of a felony, or be adjudged insane, his office shall be vacant. SEC. 6. The mayor shall have the power to fill vacancies except as this charter otherwise provides. Such appointee shall hold for the unexpired term and until the election or appointment and qualification of a successor. ? * SEC. 7. The improvement, widening and opening of streets, the planting of trees, and all matters not specified in this charter, shall be done, and assessments therefor levied, in conformity with and under the authority conferred by general law. SEC. 8. The mayor, the auditor and the city manager shall to- gether count the money in the. treasury at least once in three months, and see if the amount on hand tallies with the amount that should be in said treasury as shown by the books of the city, and they shall make a written report thereof to the council within five days thereafter. SEC. 9. All officers and boards shall deliver to their successors all papers, books, documents, records, archives and other proper- ties pertaining to their respective offices or departments, in their possession or under their control. . SEC. 10. No member of the council, or of any board*, and ho officer or employee of the city shall be or become directly or rested in any contract, work or business, or in the sale of any article, the expense, price or consideration oi is payable from the city treasury, nor shall either or any of them receive any gratuity or advantage from any contract or person furnishing labor or material for the same; and any contract with the city in which any such officer or employee is or becomes interested may be declared void by the council. SEC. 11. No officer or employee of the city shall give or promise to give to any person, any portion of his compensation, or any mon^y or thing of value in consideration of having been, or of being nominated, appointed, voted for or elected to any office or employment. SEC. 12. No officer or employee shall accept any donation or gratuity in money, or other thing of value, either directly or in- directly, from any subordinate or employee, or from any one under his charge, or from any candidate or applicant for any posi- tion as employee or subordinate in any department of the city. SEC. 13. No officer or employee of the city shall aid or assist a bidder in securing a contract to furnish labor, material or sup- plies at a higher price or rate than that proposed by any other bidder, or shall favor one bidder over another, giving op with- holding information, or shall willfully mislead any J)i$der,i i$^re- gard to the character of the material or supplies!* called for, or shall knowingly accept materials or supplies 'of a quality inferior to that called for by the contract, = or ^hall knowingly certify to a greater amount of laboi:<-performed than has actually been per- formed, or to the receipt of a greater amount of material or sup- plies than has actually been received. SEC. 14. A violation of any provision of the four sections last preceding shall cause a forfeiture of the office or employment. SEC. 15. Every officer who shall willfully approve, allow or pay—cCTTj—liein&rna? tin tiAr, iH j— be liable to the city individually and on his official bond for the amount of the demand so approved, allowed or paid, and shall for- feit such office and be forever disbarred and disqualified from holding any position in the service of the city. SEC. 16. All books and records of every office and department shall be open to the inspection of any citizen during business hours, subject to the proper rules and regulations for the efficient conduct of the business of such department or office; but the records of the police department shall not be subject to such in- spection except by permission of the proper police authorities. SEC. 17. Copies or extracts, duly certified, from said books and records open for inspection, shall be given by the officer hav- ing the same in custody to any person demanding the same and ptaying or tendering ten cents per folio of one hundred words for such copies or extracts, and the additional sum of twenty-five cents for certifying. SEC. 18. Unless otherwise provided for by law, all city officers shall keep their offices open for the transaction of business con- tinuously from 9 o'clock a. m. to 5 o'clock p. m. each day expect Sundays and holidays. SEC. 19. Every officer or board authorized by law to allow, audit or certify demands upon the treasury, or to make official investigation, shall have power to issue subpoenas, administer oaths and affirmations and take testimony concerning any matter relative thereto. SEC. 20. Unless otherwise provided by this charter, any officer or board authorized to appoint any deputy, clerk, assistant or em- ployee, shall have the right to remove the person so appointed. This right shall not apply to the removal of appointees on the sev- eral boards which are vested with the management and conduct of branches or departments of the government of the city. SEC. 21. All ordinances and resolutions in force at the time this charter takes effect, and not inconsistent therewith, shall continue in full force until amended or repealed. SEC. 22. All officers and employees, when this charter takes effect, shall continue to hold and exercise their respective offices or employment, under the terms of this charter, until the election or appointment and qualification of their successors. SEC. 23. The present council shall provide for the holding of the first election of officers under this charter and shall canvass the votes and declare the result thereof. • SEC. 24. All vested rights of the city shall continue and shall not in any manner be affected by the adoption of this charter, nor shall any right, liability, pending suit or prosecution, either in behalf of or against the city, be affected by the adoption of this charter, unless otherwise herein expressly provided. All con- tracts entered into by the city or for its benefit prior to the tak- ing effect of this charter shall continue in full force and effect. All public work begun prior to the taking effect of this charter shall be continued and perfected hereunder. Public improve- ments for which legislative steps shall have been taken under laws in ifpree kt -the jtipiei this,:charter jtakes effect, nw be carried: to completion in accordance with11 the provisions of such laws. SEC. 25. No person who holds, or who is a candidate for any national, state or county office shall hold or be eligible to an ap-paintment oil the' boa:rd of education, the library board or the boar$ ; of public utilities. If any member of either one of said boards shall become a candidate for, or shall *hold any national, state or county office, or shall accept any appointment to a na- tional, state or county office, excepting that of a notary public or a member of the state militia, such act shall work a forfeiture of his office, and the vacancy thereby created shall be filled as pro- vided by this charter. ; '' ^ SEC. 26. No councilman shall in any manner attempt: to influ- ence the city manager in the making of any appointment ;or in the purchase of supplies. A violation of this provision shall work ,a forfeiture of the office of the councilman. • ; SEC. 27. Any person, firm or corporation mdy attach the salary or wages Qf any city official or employee for money justly due. . , , SEC. 28. If any section or part of a section of this charter proves to be invalid, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity of any other section or part of a section, unless it clearly appears that such other section or i part of a section is dependent for its operation upon the section or part of a section so held invalid. ' ? * * f j J , r' I ! SEC. 29. For the purpose of holding and * conducting the elec- tions provided for by Section \ of Article XI of this chapter, this charter shall take effect from the time of the approval of the same by the legislature; and for all other purpn^ this "shall take effect at 8 o'clock p. m. on! the third Monday in April, 1917-. , ■ r ■, , : - i • , ,» ! I ' SEC. 30. When making purchases for all departments of tie city, local merchants shall be given the preference, qtiality and price being equal. r ! ? i ! SEC. 31. Neither the city manager, nor any person in the employ of the city shall take any active part in securing, or shall contribute money toward the nomination or election- of any candidate for a municipal office. ■ . • ' ! • city for their r^ti^cati^n fend adoption. Dated, October 25th, 1916. FRANK OTIS, President. GEiO. L. DILLMAN, Vice-President. BRAIN ARD C. BROWN, Secretary. SMITH ANDERSON, A. 0. GOTT, t frank w. hally, P. jorgenson, a. 1atham, wm| tappan lum, a. tj spence, l. r| "weinmann, geoj s. williams, Freeholders of the City of Alameda. , .4^ / WHEREAS, the City of Alameda for years last past has been and now is a city containing a population of more ithah three thousand five hundred inhabitants, as ascertained by the last pre- ceding census taken under the authority of * the congress of the United States; and WHEREAS, on the twenty-third day! of fey, 1916, at a special election duly held on that day in said city, under and in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 8 of Article XI of the con- stitution of the state of California, the electors of said city did duly choose and elect Smith Anderson, Brainard C. Brown, Geo. L. Dillman, A. 0. Gott, Frank W. Hally, P. Jorgenson, E. A. Larkin, A. Latham, Wm: Tappan Lum, Wynn Meredith, Frank Otis, A. T. Spence, A. F. St. Sure, L. R. Weinmann, Geo. S. Will- iams (who were all electors of said city and eligible as candidates under said section) a board of fifteen freeholders to prepare and propose a charter for the government of said city; and WHEREAS, the result of said election was duly declared by the legislative body, to wit: th& council, of said city on the 29th day of May, 1916, and the 3&id electors thereafter duly qualified .ftft foseholtos m aeepydaiMfe taw ? WHEREAS, the period of one hundredand twenty days al- lowed by law to prepare and propose said charter was, with the consent of said council, duly extended sixty days to and including the 25th day of November, 1916, BE IT KNOWN, that in pursuance of the provisions of, said constitution and within the period of one hundred and eighty days after the result of said electidiii was so declared, the board of freeholders has prepared and does now propose the foregoing as and for the charter of the city of Alanieda; and BE IT FURTHER KNOWN, that the said board of freeholders hereby requests said council to cause the publication of the said proposed charter as provided by said Section 8 of Article XI and fixes Tuesday, the 9th day of January, 1917, as the date for holding a-special 'municipdl ; election in said city, at which the proposed^ charter shall be submitted to the electors of said city for their ratification and adoption. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we the .undersigned freeholders hav^ hereunto set our hands at the city of Alameda in the state of California, this 25th day of October, A, D. 1916. ^ , FRANK OTIS, President. , .. ; •-;( • ' GEO. L. DILLMAN, \ Vice-President. , BRAINARD C. BROWN, Secretary. ,..; SMITH ANDERSON, .. 1 „ :: 1 ,! : ' '. -i • I A. O. GOTT, : /» ; ' .. 1 ' ' FRANK W^HAIjLY, P. JORGENSON, A. LATHAM, WM. TAPPAN LTJM, V !!.■ % 1 A. T. SPENCE, A. F. ST. SURE, ' . ■ V . j , -. li:.; L. R. WEINMANN, | GEO. S. WILLIAMS, r ; Freeholders of the City of Alameda., The board of freeholds of the city of Alameda here>y requests the council of said city, to cause the publication of the foregoing proposed charter in the manner provided by law and fixes Tuesday, the 9th day of January, A. D. 1917, as the date for holding a special municipal election in said city, at which the said charter shall be submitted „ to the electors of said T-ir ipiiit'iii 11 nir.- —X. 1 \This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2019