INDEX. I I III ! I i I eascr- MISCELLANEOUS.STATISTICS POPULATION OF JERSEY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. BY TOWNSHIPS. WITH ABSTRACT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIONS, &C. Stone Quarries (Slri Orchards. (O&flgfitleSt#* in j!J*rs*}j Surveyor* 8ch’l Te |jou«n&8ign Pnin jCorkUrelBnd. ^ | Rutland Oo.,To’nnont.| iHolnbak, Htnvley, 1 Hnssett, G ! Hiirhvick! jljoulsvilln,: ■ Merchant Jeraeyvillc. j^eigli/w^laee Philmlulphii i Miles; Geo. S. • McFain, I>. : Mayes, Thomas iMinerT’char'i^E; Blaelutmltli.8S3C winl|5E IOt.t> SETTLERS OF JERSEY COt?NTY> JX.X.INOJS.WI N S.OR See.if Tp.8 Range// Jerse)Co.Ms , ....... r," F.S/ERS OTrOtVlU f I--.-/ Co. .CUMMINGS ; .f.VHimueovi.itPs u y -v- •- •• '-"maryann cly r>- *HOUGHTL1N & BRO. JER8EYVILLE MARBLE WORKS AT JEESEYVILLR, ILL., MANUFACTURE MONUMENTS, M A NTH W, TOMB STONES, 4c Jersetville ])i:mockat. S WEEKLY PAPER, Latest Nets, Bartels. Choice Mi Bfaiim, St., it. J. I. McGREADY, Editor and Proprietor. GEO. H. JACKSON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS,History of Township 6, Range 11. John Carroll built the first house, ip section 15, in 1810. Among others who settled early I birth was a child to them, in 1813. The first death w'aa that of Edward Carrol, in the spring were James Thompson, Edward Carrol, and William Bates. The first justice of the peace was of 1813. This township was originally timber. The surface is rolling and broken, but it has Joseph Bassey, who was ellected (or appointed,) in iSaj. The fiftt school was taught in i8jj. | an active, intelligent population, it contains some good fruit-farms, with substantial residences.JAMES G. SWANN V'.-'