A IHJSi-siTABLE OF CONTENTS. DEWITT COUNTY INDEX.City of Clinton ffi®W .11 rrT.Sh'trtMr §3111 ’Uailtlen ft ait J 00 ft to Du Inch'umwa®n v orkl'bj.-.'—I". -ILLINOIS. GENERAL DESCRIPTION, GEOGRAPHICAL FOSITIOtr.—IlKawh is bounded ou the north by Wiaoowfai, of the State. More than three tonrttei ortho rjS "'it K"U,'"'k-t,“ ,hp h5‘ ^Missouri, I riven. the Wabash on Hip east. the Ohio n„ . d between 1”' 30' mill 14’ Sl>’ longitude west from Washington. Thu greatest breadth ol les. I hi! general fonu of the Sinta i» thnt of mi ollipsoid, truncated at its northern extremity. P THE COUNTRY.—Ttiosurfncoof the omutry is generally level or gently LAKES,—A remarkable feature of although In the south, Is quite Tin) timber is principally in <1 Pope count! leTation ot C» RIVERS,-The gt imal nnd vegetable productions partake of a semi-tropical character. The nmonnt ch (alls each year is fnlly one-half greuior at the southern extremity of tlio Stale northorn. and tl® average difference in temporalure is oliout II)' Fahrenheit. No natural deposit# of fold or silver are known to exist; yet the mineral HISTORY. a Spanishcolony. Northern 2,141,610; and e Mitstwiippi River vm di ^ " ' month. Kosknskin and Cnliokin, thu oldest towns on the Mississippi R part or Louisiana, anilsoremained until 1703, when it was ced-il to Etiglaod- The white popula-Cahokia, I’eoriu, Prairie-Hii-Rochcr, Prairie-flo'-PoDi lishing the •' County of Jli into a separate territory, aiHl six year* later, the present Stal a delegate to Congress. The right of suffrage w regard lo property .pinlifica*ion>i. On the^Sd o that time, the growth of Ulmois hns Iwn osumisliingly rapid! in tho Union in wealth, population nud importance- The « grade of territorial ri >10; and in 1870 to 2,529.410. Chicago, its hirg.*t city, contains# p eclipse In splendor any other modem city. Tim foreign popnllitloi ised of frermiin*, Irish, French and Pnrtueuese, Of the American I mo is settled principally from New York nnd New England, tin milled into thu Union, yet the number end value of her internal iui|,v,ivowrnt» already did ediBrea whiri have beeo erected for courl-lioo«^ humane institnitfn* Wminnriej ’,f learning and churches, and the other pnblic works which adorn the State. I»wp.,ik o: nnco the enterprise, Intelligence and moral woiih ot the people. No douht the next liny years will POLITICS.—Illinois is at present a Repaliliean State. Tlio northern part is almost oxclnslmly controlled hr the dominant party, while the central is eetmrally Democrat™, nnd tho extreme southern—fiuniliarly known an Egypt—is about equally Uirided between tho DISTINGUISHED MEN.—Ornament wiUi tlie sine of its rivers, the breadth of ite prairies, the Tastness of its resources, and the wonderM rapidity of its growth is thu cnli'-r of lts^.blic men. No State in tho^Union can Iwast of having Ibmislu-d two more .vlrl.mtnd over thu destinies of thu EepnbUc at tie present time, as d«» Illinois through her uiny ho* EXPLANATION OF GOVERNMENT SURVEYS. I'l Principal Mnrid.pin-and North of a line (musing through the centro I Principal Meridian, duo north aitopposite Beanlslown. nnd runs from thonceduo north. All tho oilier Townships ,h Principal Meridian, West to tlio Mississippi River nnd EnH d the Illinois River, end from tho 3d Principal Meridian West The Fourth Principal M Ioaj«lntoppoaite Beards J.I Principal Meridian at Eankikiie 0 maty, number from said M «Vr from Ilia 31 Principal Meridian. I-a till) 21 Principal Meridian to the sailTransfers of Real Estate. So. o! Ko. of So. of Ho. of DiTj qj> nt.; PS1CE FEE ACRE. BSKA&E3.Wahners, Bebrs HpyM? II E sm & LAKEnSAitui'iEilt. ?HICAGO 4ivn'kw|^>J ivV: ATLAS ok ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF COOK, DU PAGE,KANE KENBALL#WfLL, ! wakxiok & Bbkrs I _I’tililislu-rs_ lIOMKUl GENEVAlui.t. i- IM AT I* AS of ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF T2ou WINNEBAGO, BOONE, OGLE, LEEBDE KALB. j WAR NTJIt &• R££R» xsn i; .\ \ j»A IUU: ioKia \viN\TK\<:n I- It 1 ,\ <: \ :«»!{ i;st- [MAR YLAN l»V 'h moVst i*. .•*1WP xV'lJ!pjHtM)It MATl'Jl' pak.mvk V.Uri.-vill. rn >M»M. ( Hi A A ji.ilWl!! 0iif> KXTIill, j H R (i A MIL (3{OVI.OWVHWW Of tUWOK■ ATI* AS ok IIJ.IXOIS \ COUNTIES OF JO DAVIESS, STEPHENSON, CARROLLan.ROCK ISLAND. Warxek &• BEKJRS Publishers.ATLAS of ILLINOIS CO UNTIES OF MERCER, HENDER SON, WARRENand KNOX. Warner &■ fiEKRS PuIiIihIh-i'k . } vmprjBjufr ■'! i: vvi i. i'O.M 1* K RKFKRKNCKS. ALtOOPLoIjiiLjMI!) '(-'.HI. PUTNAM, MARSHALL, STARK, PEORIA, | •WOODFORD-'-- TAZF.WF LL*ir R(hf/ ' MAM. I VKItMlij.lO: ■ ■_P7' T ,1V AN I I ATLAS ok N.MXOIS COUNTIES OF LASALLE, GRUNDY .^LIVINGSTON I Warxer k- Bekkh PllllliHlHM-H . HA 1 11 } K"«lul"”sATI.AS of ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF M?LEAN DEWITT SLOGAN Wakxkk &• Hkkrs Publishers. CLINTONUNIVERSITY Of I LUNG'SATLAS' of ILLINOIS f» COUNT/ES OF lW| schuyier.masonJ CASS $ MFNARD. Ui knje; r. A'jwww*; • it j&miiK I IlfuTtlWi: o itr ji i;: UAvjrriHrt k]: J- M tiUOV PKA ifK'i K■ ATI A- A V*K -V jias. .VILAS of ILLINOIS COUNTIES OF SALINE, GALLATIN .HARDIN POPE % MASSAC. i w.iMUStiTO: \ MSip ■/ i>fe- \ ■ J* j ji Warmer «■ Hkkrh Publishers. bekkukxcksQUEBEC, NEW BRUNSWICK, NOVA SCOTIA, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, WARNER &. BEERS, KOVJVK'B■ - . : . ATLAS OP THE UNITED STATES. _ t’«yj^v ,v.u> \ Y0«k,^J3WJKRSi;Y ■'■ w ~ , , <»IIJ0Y ■_ ■ f *r\-r "KtAM’ABB- L •w*. > ’ ■ M»W>'I.A^»,Vm(}B-K,,^! ' "'Uvi' VI UWX1.V, & * ^ PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. ., \ ^Warner & beerspi^iiSiSISSiSS ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES- , _C«»X-3»TVa^ Tl«S X Ks*j Kg, KKXTItrnV »WWNMIPPI, AKKAttSAS. WARNER & BEERS, Publishers. Long.VTirotJNIKRSnv Of HIWRi>rSj®5 asans^B.a,g