'u' mm Wm UNP BOOK STACK &■ SHELVING FOR LIBRARIES V-w^y w-wf-w -^0—^fr-w 'w.....*» ^ w ww n» ir ^ n> plllPfil LOUISVILLE KY AND CHICAGO ILL. DESIGNED AND PATENTED BY BERNARD R. GREEN C.E. CHARLES S.SNEAD PRESIDENT ESTABLISHED " l 851 * UDOLPHO SNEAD VICE PRESIDENT WILLIAM R.SNEAD GENERAL MANAGERTHE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY OZl.4-S (oil c.op.1BOOK STACK AND SHELVING .';0R LIBRARIES.... Address all Communications to Louisville, Ky. Chicago Office Discontinued. UNITED STATES PATENTS: No; 436,704 No. 466,033 No. 516’,734 No. 520,191 NO. I 1,401 RE-ISSUE. Also Patented in Foreign Countries. MANUFACTURED BY THE SNEAD & CO. IRON WORKS, LOUISVILLE, KY., and CHICAGO, ILL.COPYRIGHT 1895, BY The Snead & Co. Iron Works, LOUISVILLE, KY.'Vs XW\ o. o o z.z.,\ Sgi\b O D^'\ o o o o o o 1C of a Lirary o o o o o o 11 % O working library of a considerable number of volumes can well fulfill its purpose without an arrangement of shelving for the books that combines all of the following requisites, namely: I. Ready access to all the books. 2. Close proximity to or communication with the reading and cataloguing rooms. 3- Accommodation of books of all kinds and sizes in any sort of binding. 4- Arrangement and classification of books variable at will. 5- Shelves readily adjustable, entirely removable, and interchangeable. 6. Shelf supports of plain and simplest form, occupying least space, absolutely rigid and substantial, and easily removable. 7- Convenient and rigid support of books on partially filled shelves. 8. Conveniences for any sort of appropriate work in the stack, including the consultation of books by searchers and readers. 9- Communication by passages and corridors at will through any part of the stack in any direction, including ready vertical communication either way from deck to deck. IO. Thorough illumination by daylight. ii. Moderate and even temperature throughout, and good ventilation. 12. Perfect cleanliness and freedom from dust, with complete security from wind and rain. I3- Maximum capacity and compactness with capability of indefinite extension, especially upward. 14. Fire-proof in every detail. 15- All surfaces of shelving and other parts in contact with books to be permanently smooth and protected from corrosion and deterioration. 16. Complete ventilation through the shelves with minimum of lodgment for dust or book pests. !7- Protection from leaks in roof or overhead floor. 18. Tight and simple construction, with minimum of dissimilar parts or pieces. 3 378534Libraries. Novelty. Purpose of this circular. Most economical and best method of shelving books. Light. High stacks must have side light. Only incandescent electric for artificial light. Large and small libraries. But few of these elements have ever been embodied heretofore in any one stack or system of shelving, while the most important are entirely new and are now for the first time being built. It is the purpose of this circular to show to parties contemplating the construction of new libraries, or the remodeling of old ones, the simplicity and perfection of Mr. Green’s solution of the problem which he worked out for the new building for the Library of Congress now being constructed under his superintendence. Shelving and Lighting. Books are most economically shelved in double faced parallel ranges, so disposed as to avoid all dead angles, each interspace or passage being lighted by a separate window or part of a window at one or both ends, or by skylight. Rough plate glass or illuminating tile decks will answer to transmit strong sky light down through two or perhaps three tiers, but not more. In lofty stacks, therefore, side lights are indispensable and should be amply provided, opening to the street or to a wide court faced with very light colored or white walls.’ Enameled brick is best for such walls because non-absorbent, and thus reflecting light equally well whether wet or dry. Book stacks exceeding two or three tiers in height can not be economically lighted throughout from above, and consequently must depend upon side light through the walls. When circumstances positively preclude daylight and artificial light must be resorted to, the arrangement of shelving to be described is equally well adapted for ceiling lights under the decks with or without reflectors, giving perfect illumination in every part of the stack. For this purpose the incandescent electric light is at once perfectly adapted, and the only system of artificial illumination that should be allowed among books. Construction of tf)e BooK Stac^. After, describing the construction of the stack and the manner in which the several requisites of a perfect system of compact shelving for a large library have been secured, the adaptation of the same to the needs of a small library will be shown. 4As shown in figures i, 2, 3, and 3a, pages 17 and 18, the shelving is placed in parallel double ranges, at right angles to the walls, which admit the daylight directly into the passages between the ranges. The ranges rise, tier on tier, to any desired height, at intervals of seven to seven and a half feet from floor or deck to deck, but the lower height of seven feet is preferable. The shelf is of uniform size throughout the stack, and adjustable to any height. Its length and width may be made to suit the preference of librarians, three feet being a good average length, and eight to twelve inches the width. The double book range is therefore two shelves wide — say from sixteen to twenty-four inches. The interspace or passage between the ranges should be from three to three and a half feet, and the total center to center interval of ranges is therefore from four feet four inches to five feet six inches. The shelves in the Library of Congress are one foot wide, the ranges two feet wide, and the passages three feet four inches wide, giving a total center to center interval of five feet four inches, and the tiers are seven feet from deck to deck, nine tiers high. The stack, as shown in the figures, is lighted equally through both side walls, being arranged symmetrically on both sides of a central corridor. To secure good light at all times at the corridor ends of the ranges the latter should not extend more than twenty to twenty-five feet from the window, assuming the latter to receive daylight but little diminished by narrow streets or courts, or by dark and dingy opposite walls. All tiers are thus precisely alike in every detail, except that the upper or attic tier may be lighted by small attic windows in the side walls, fully supplemented by skylights along the corridor. The construction consists simply of a row of slender flanged iron columns in the axis of the range, spaced the shelf-length between centers, resting on the foundation with suitable footing, extending continuously to the top of the stack, and having attached to them, in each story, skeleton cast-iron partitions or shelf-rests, winging out in opposite directions, one for each side of the double range. These partitions are steadied when necessary by attachment at top and bottom to the deck bars or carriages, but are not necessarily supported thereby. The deck bars are of flanged iron, riveted or bolted to the columns at each deck level, thus connecting the rows of columns. The latter are also connected to each other in their own lines at the same levels by flanged bars at right angles to the deck bars. These horizontal deck members are connected continuously through the stack both laterally and longitudinally, from wall to wall, into which they are anchored, thus bracing the columns at every story and preventing buckling in the lower stories from the weight of books and decks carried above. (See figures 5 and 6, page 20.) Range should be at right angles to daylight and in tiers of any number in height. Book shelves of uniform size. Width of book range and passage between ranges. Dimensions used in Library of Congress. Light from side walls and corridor ends. Lighting upper tiers by skylights. General construction. Columns braced by decks horizontally in all directions. 5Decks solid and white. Slit in front of book ranges. Flange along slit. Diaphragm at each deck to prevent dust sifting down and fire running up. Diaphragms as stepping plates and stiffening webs. This construction requires no diagonal obstructing stiffening braces. Seats at windows. Windows fixed air-tight. Blinds. Washing outside of windows. Electric light only at night, The covering of the decks may be thin slabs of any fire-proof material, preferably white marble, rubbed above and polished underneath to better reflect light. This covering is solids—without perforations or grating — to prevent dust and litter from sifting through, but an open slit four to five inches wide is left along each front of each book range for passage of air and light, and for conversation and the handing through, between decks, of books, papers, or other articles. A low flange is raised on the angle-iron deck bar along this slit to prevent any thing lying on the deck from being pushed off. (Figure 4, page 19.) A sheet-iron diaphragm is placed in each range at each deck level to prevent dust from one story sifting down to the next, to prevent fire from running up, and to serve as a stepping plate for persons passing through any range from side to side when shelves are removed, and so avoid, when desirable, going around the range. (Figures 5 and 6, page 20.) It also serves as the bottom shelf when desired, and as a stiffening web to the construction. The braced column construction described requires no obstructing braces or diagonals between the columns between decks, so that, on removing the shelves from any section, a through passage is made, which may be continued in the same line through all the ranges if desired, and form a new corridor. When the latter is to be much used for a length of time, short pieces of board or other material may be laid across the deck slits to make the floor quite level and continuous. A spacious seat is placed in every window recess on every deck, where a person may sit to work or read. (See figure 4, page 19.) Windows. Each window consists of a single pane of polished plate glass as wide as the passage between ranges, and nearly the full height of the story or tier, permanently set air-tight into the opening at the head of each passage. Those exposed to direct sunlight may be provided with blinds of translucent glass or other material operated in gangs from one or several points. The exterior surfaces of the glass may be washed from skeleton galleries permanently provided on the walls. As before stated, lighting at night should be by electricity only,, with incandescent lamps. These may be of the “door-knob” or other pattern, snugly placed in the deck ceilings out of harm’s way, diffusing the light throughout each range or corridor. 6Shelf Supports and Shelves. The shelf partitions or supports,' above described, are provided with a continuous row of teeth on the front edge, and a corresponding row of horns on each side, at the back near the column, to carry the shelves, which in turn are provided with lugs on their front corners and claw notches near their back corners to engage the teeth and horns of the partitions for support, as shown in figures 7 and 10, page 21. This arrangement permits quick adjustment of shelves throughout the entire height of the tier, and also the placing of opposite shelves of the same range at any one level, making a through shelf of double width. There are no loose or movable pins, brackets, or other parts whatever—the standing partition and the movable shelf comprising the whole combination. The shelf itself is preferably an open grating of parallel bars of steel or wrought iron, the top surfaces being about one half inch wide, spaced about one quarter of an inch apart in the clear, and made perfectly smooth. These are connected across at the ends by a bar containing the lugs and claw notches for support, and they are also “ bridged ” at one or two intervals between the ends by *a smaller eross bar, as shown in figure 7, page 21. The most perfect shelf of this kind made, or ever likely to be made, is illustrated and described on page 24. (Figures 13 and 14.) All parts of the shelf and partition, with which books may come in contact, are ground smooth, and the whole “ bower-barffed ” (coated at red heat in an oven with magnetic oxide of iron), permanently protecting them from rust or corrosion in contact with the books, and precluding the necessity of painting at any time. This process of protecting iron or steel from rust is old and thoroughly well known, and is in extensive use for hardware and all kinds of interior grille and ornamental work. Its durability is unquestioned. Paint and varnish may be substituted, however, when cheaper construction is necessary, and serve a good purpose for some years, to be renewed when worn off. It is evident that a shelf may be made of sheet metal or wood, even of slate or glass if desired, that will take the place of the iron bar shelf here described, by simply providing the claw notch and the metal horns on the front corners. The somewhat less expensive wooden shelf may therefore be used in this system of shelving as well as in any other, and may even be made with parallel longitudinal slits if desired, so as to possess nearly all of the merits of the metal shelf except incombustibility. Partitions have teeth and horns for support of shelves. Any adjustment of shelves permissible. No loose parts. Shelf an open grating. Shelves and partitions “ bower-barffed.” Metal, wood, slate, or glass shelves may be used. 7BooK Braces or Supports. Braces for partially filled shelves. Brace can not slide. Can not injure books. Brace simple and reliable. No separate parts. Brace applicable to wood shelf. Stairways and Elevator in many storied stack. Automatic book carrier. Taking advantage of the longitudinal spaces between the parallel bars of the shelf, a locking toggle, passing between and hooking under the bars, is placed on a foot flange of a vertical metallic plate, which, while movable up to the last book on the end of the shelf, may be locked in position at any point and become an immovable partition. This device is shown in figure 8, page 21. Bven without being locked it is a substantial support, because it can not slide while pressure is being exerted by the books against its face. The plate is well rounded and flanged at the edges to prevent injury to books by the accidental striding of them upon it when placing them upon the shelves. It is quite simple and inexpensive, and yet the most convenient and reliable book brace yet devised. It has no loose or separate parts, may be used anywhere in the shelving, and may be instantly removed and stowed away when not needed. This brace is as readily applicable to a solid shelf, either of wood or metal, as to the grated shelf, if a slit be sawed or cut in the former three or four inches from the front edge to receive the toggle. Elevator and Stairs. Bach stack is provided with one or more stairways, and with an elevator capable of lifting one or more persons with a truck load of books, and of being controlled and managed by the passenger. B00K Carrier. At a suitable point, say the side of the elevator shaft, is another shaft extending down to the basement, along which may run a closed box to a point under the delivery desk in the main reading room, thence upward to that room. A pair of light endless chains run in this shaft and passage, over • suitable wheels, carrying hanging trays which discharge automatically at the reading room and at the several decks in the book stack. The carrier is driven by power taken from the local steam, electric, or hydraulic plant, and, running continually and quietly, transports with 8dispatch, books or other light matter both ways between the reading room and the stack without dependence on foot messengers. This apparatus, combined with the telephone, pneumatic and speaking tube, or electric signal of any desired kind, does away with much of the fatigue and waste of time hitherto inseparable from the administration of large libraries. hjeating and Ventilation. The stack is warmed by radiators, preferably of warm water, located directly underneath in the cellar, which constitutes an air chamber. Sufficient fresh out-door air is admitted into this chamber through cotton filters, whence it passes through registers in the basement floor and circulates upward and downward in the stacks through the deck slits above described. Discharge outlets are provided at the roof, controlled by hand and by thermostats. Fans may be used in the cellar when needed in some localities and seasons. General Considerations. The peculiar compactness and simplicity of the construction and arrangement of this book stack renders it entirely feasible to carry it up an indefinite number of stories and thus to utilize space and light generally unattainable on or near the ground. With proper foundation and supports the stack may be put on top of the building where light is plentiful, leaving the lower stories available for other purposes, even many of those of the library itself. The new stacks of the Congressional Library, which are nine stories or tiers in height, might as well have been nineteen if required. The quick and handy modern elevator, the automatic book carrier, the electric telephone, and pneumatic tube, etc., render the lofty book stack, as well as the lofty modern office building, equally useful and convenient in every part. It is hardly necessary to mention that the low shelving of but one or two tiers in height, which is suflEcient for the needs of small libraries, such as those of city districts, towns, smaller colleges, etc., is readily constructed on the same plan as the stack above described. In such cases the stronger columns and braces needed for the stack are omitted, but all the advantages of the arrangement of shelving are retained. (See figures 15, 16, and 17, page 25.) Warm water radiator preferable for heating Construction compact and simple and of any height. Book cases for small libraries. 9No climbing. Quick communication. Uniformity and adjustability. Easily arranged and shifted. Shelves all precisely alike. No part to loosen or drop when shifting. Skeleton partitions admit light and air. All surfaces smooth for books to rest on or against. HOW ALL THE REQUISITES OF THE PERFECT BOOK STACK AND SHELVING ARE EMBODIED IN THIS DESIGN. 1. Every book can be reached or its title read without climbing or stepping above the floor or deck. 2. The automatic book carrier, elevator, pneumatic tube, and telephone furnish quick and direct communication between the stack and the reading or cataloguing rooms. 3. The uniformity in size of shelves, the ready doubling of their width at will, and their close adjustment to any desired height admit the shelving of books of any size or mixture of sizes whatever, either standing on edge or lying flat, equally accessible and easily handled. If any shelf prove too wide, so that the books are liable to be pushed back out of sight, a wire or cord stretched behind and attached to the openwork partitions will hold them in place. 4. The shelves, once arranged for any particular classification of books, may be quickly and easily rearranged and shifted for any other classification desired. 5. The shelves are all precisely alike, made from one and the same pattern, and may be removed or dropped into place almost as quickly as a book can be. Any one or any number of the shelves may be removed, even while full of books, readjusted or interchanged, at any moment without the slightest interference with any other shelf or its contents. This is rendered feasible, expeditious, and convenient by the absence of any thing to be adjusted to receive the shelf or any catches, pins, or other movable supports to be searched or felt for. All annoyance of dropping movable pieces on the floor or down among the books is entirely avoided, and no shelf can slip off or tilt on its bearings. It may even be shifted with one hand while the other is otherwise' occupied. Moreover, no shelf can be dislodged by any force from below or lifted off its bearings more tjhan about three eighths of an inch, because it is then stopped by the next tooth and horn above on the support. 6. The partitions between and supporting the shelves (shelf supports) are in skeleton or open cast-iron work (figure 4, page 19, figures 7 and 10, page 21, figures 15 and 16, page 25), admitting light and air laterally wherever not covered by the books, but the openings are juist small enough to prevent a book on one shelf from falling through to the next when pushed a little back of the front edge, which often happens in some existing systems of shelving. The shelf supports are perfectly flat castings without any flanges or lateral projections whatever, save the short smooth shelf horns at the extreme back beyond the reach of the books (figures 7 and 10, page 21, and figures 15 and 16, page 25). In this manner absolutely smooth surfaces are secured for the books to rest against, and the end books on the shelf may be withdrawn and replaced as readily as those in the middle. 10Furthermore, the partition, being less than half an inch thick, occupies so little space that it is hardly visible in a line of filled shelves, making the latter seem like one continuous shelf. The equivalent space of one volume is thus added to each individual shelf, no inconsiderable item in the economy of shelf room. 7. As before described, the best book support or brace ever devised is perfectly applicable to this system of shelving. It depends solely on its own shelf for attachment, is entirely independent of the spaces between shelves or the sizes of books, and is quickly and universally adjustable on any part of the shelf, as may be seen in the illustration (figure 8, page 21). It may face either way, and a pair of them may be so placed as to isolate a few books in the middle of the shelf. It may also be attached to the shelf above, hanging downward if desired, to secure the tops of the books. As above explained, it is equally applicable and useful on wooden shelves. 8. The open arrangement of the main framework of the stack permits the use of any range section or any number of them at any time for a closet, case of drawers, small desk or table, etc., all well lighted and equally convenient. The simple removal of the shelves renders these spaces thus available. Bvery window in the range passages contains a spacious permanent seat, in the full light, suited for the accommodation of the attendants or of special students or searchers who may be admitted to the stack. A ledge of six inches or more in width may readily be hung on the front of any book range, to rest books or other articles on if desired, and be quickly removed at will. The front teeth of the shelf supports furnish convenient and adjustable attachments for this purpose. A movable table may also be used in the corridor, running on casters. By unbolting and removing the shelf supports, clear spaces, separated only by the slender iron columns, maybe secured to any extent on any deck at any time, available for use as small rooms, without affecting either story above or below. 9. By removing the shelves from any range section a free and direct passage is made through from range to range, even extending the entire length of the stack if needed. If such passage or corridor is required to be permanent a thin board fitted across the narrow deck slits will cover them perfectly and make a continuous walk. The deck slits or slots in front of the ranges, being about five inches wide, are most convenient for attendants to talk through to each other, even through several stories, and to paSs books or other small articles through from deck to deck either above or below, thus avoiding much use of the stairs. Books may be shelved as low down as the floor or deck level without danger of injury to the bindings from sweeping or washing the deck or of abrasion from passing trucks, because effectually guarded by the raised curb and intervening slot in the deck, 11 Partition thin, occupies little space. Book brace the best in use. Framework admits of closets or desks. Window seat. Ledge may be applied to book range. Movable table. Small rooms may be made in stack. Passages may be made anywhere. Slitsforpassingbooks between tiers. Lower shelf books guarded from injury*Wire netting to cover slits. Dumb waiters. Daylight to all parts of shelving. Ample circulation of air. Dust prevented. Indefinite extension. No combustible material used. This great convenience is entirely wanting in the continuous deck, whether solid or perforated. Should it be objected that books or other articles may be accidentally dropped through these slits, which is quite unlikely, a wire netting with an opening left at each end will prevent it without impairing the value and general utility of the slit. The slit is so narrow and close to the shelving that it is impossible for a person to accidentally step into it. Chutes, or dumb waiters, for sending single volumes, memoranda, etc., up and down the stack, may be easily placed in any one or more of these slits, which are usually vertically over each other throughout the stack. 10. It is evident from the accompanying illustrations that the location and sizes of the windows, in connection with the spacing and arrangement of the ranges and shelving, are such as to admit ample daylight to all parts of the shelving, even when filled solidly with books. As it seldom occurs, however, that some unfilled spaces do not exist on or between the shelves, the open skeleton construction of this system of shelving adds materially to the penetration and diffusion of light. The same is greatly enhanced also' by the deck slits through which a great deal of light comes obliquely down directly from the sky through every upper window in the same range on both sides to the top of the stack. White marble or painted decks and ceilings still further increase the illumination by reflection. 11. By means of the deck slits, so evenly and liberally distributed throughout the stack, the open spaces through the decks at the window recesses, the extensive surface of window glass, and proper adjustable openings in the ceiling and lower floor, an ample circulation of air is secured in every part of the stack, and a nearly uniform temperature in all stories. In very lofty stacks a small fan placed in the basement, in connection with the heating radiators, may be needed in some situations, especially in very mild and sometimes in summer weather. 12. Dust is excluded by sealed windows, and by filters for the air admitted for ventilation. That which may be brought in with the books or otherwise, or which is produced by handling of the books, is of small amount. The permanently sealed windows are an absolute security against damage from thunder showers, and from winds or gusts laden with dust or moisture. 13. It is evident from the illustrations that a maximum of capacity and feasibility of indefinite vertical extension of the stack are secured by the general system described. 14. It is also evident that this construction entirely and economically avoids the use of any combustible material whatever, and also any and every connection with any thing to cause or admit fire, either through the warming or the artificial lighting apparatus. 12Should fi re possibly occur, maliciously or otherwise, in loose paper or combustibles within the stack, it could not run upward from one deck to the next except through the deck slits, and these may readily be guarded, at any deck or decks thought desirable, by the insertion of wire gauze in the slits. A small vertical fire pipe, with hose at every second deck, is easily and securely inserted if deemed advisable, 15. The simplicity of shape and surface of the shelves' and shelf supports, the only parts of the construction with which the books come in contact, makes it a very .simple matter to polish them. This done, the parts are coated with magnetic oxide of iron (“bower-barffed”) or electro-plated, thus permanently avoiding paint and all injury to bindings from contact with any thing that may be changeable in process of time. 16. The open grating of the shelves prevents the deposit of dust upon them, and therefore its accumulation at the back of the shelf, where it is pushed by the books, as occurs with all solid shelves. Roaches and other book pests find on such a shelf but poor lodgment and much more light and air than they enjoy, while the books themselves, especially those much used, are benefited by the superior ventilation afforded. 17. The top tier of each shelf range is capped with a sheet-iron roof, which will shed any water that may leak through the roof or floor above, and thus secure the books at all times from such a source of injury. 18. It is believed to be impossible to devise a construction simpler in every sense of the word, or more economically manufactured and erected, than that here described, fulfilling the essential requisites of either a large book stack or a small system of shelving in one tier. The cost in any case can not exceed that of any other design for a given quality of workmanship and materials. At the same time the design lends itself to any degree of ornamental and elegant treatment that may be desirable for conspicuous or special locations. Shelving for Small Libraries and Boo^ Cases. Reference to figure 17, page 25, figure 18, page 26, figure 19, page 27, and figure 20, page 28, will show how perfectly the shelves and supports, used for the large library or book stack, are suited to any desired arrangement of shelving on a smaller scale, without loss of any of the advantages possessed by the stack shelving. The framework may be bolted together so as to be knocked down for removal, and the several parts, being chiefly bars and flat castings of but few shapes and sizes, snugly packed into the smallest compass. Wire gauze to prevent malicious fires. No painting; iron work polished and “ bower-barffed.” Dust and vermin prevented. Top capping. Simplicity and economy. Cost and ornamentation. The system suited to small libraries. Framework can be removed and easily packed. 13Shelving for small book cases. Thought and experience. Designs and estimates will be submitted. Correspondence solicited. Book shelving must always be pretty much the same thing whether in the form of a small book case, a small one-story library, or a book stack of any extent. Most of the parts, therefore, will be of standard shapes and sizes. Mr. Green has given the designing and superintending of libraries much care and exhaustive consideration, and his system, the result of near ten years’ thought and practice, is as perfect as human work can be. The undersigned are fully prepared to manufacture the book stacks, shelving, and book braces above described, and to submit designs and estimates for adapting them to any situation where fire-proof, or even semi-fire-proof construction (iron framework and supports with wooden shelves) is required. Correspondence is solicited from architects, trustees of libraries, or librarians, contemplating the erection of new libraries, or the modification or enlargement of existing shelving or book stacks. THE SNEAD & CO. IRON WORKS, Louisville, Ky., and Chicago, III....ILLUSTRATIONS... I. Page 17. Plan of stack. Figs. 13 and 14. Page 24. Skeleton, Steel Book Shelves. 2. Page 17. Longitudinal section of stack. Figs. 15 and 16. Page 25. Range front and intermediate 3- Page 18. Cross section of stack. shelf support, with stiffening ribs cast on for sup- 3a. Page 18. Cross section of stack. port of additional stories. 4- Page 19. Perspective of interior. Fig. 17. Page 25. Book Range, with front and intermediate 5- Page 20. Plan of framework. support of patterns Figs. 15 and 16. 6. Page 20. Elevation of framework. Fig. 18. Page 26. Perspective of exhibit at World’s Colum- 7- Page 21. Plan of book shelf and support. bian Exposition, Chicago, in which were shelved 8. Page 21. Plan side and rear views of book support. the books of the American Library Association’s 9- Page 21. Enlarged end elevation of range. selected library. > IO. Page 21. Enlarged elevation of range post and Fig. 19. Page 27. Book Range for small libraries, lawyers’ cast-iron partition. offices, and private libraries. ii. Page 22. Enlarged plan of portion of deck. Fig. 20. Page 28. Wall Case for small libraries, lawyers’ 12. Page 23. Perspective of stack showing framing. offices, and private libraries. 15Louisville, Kr. \ Ghigaqo.Ill.Gftoss SrcT/OA/ of Stack C/foss (Scct/on or (Stack (OHUHt fl.a Fie. / ) (On unc CD r,s /) fvsurte 3 Figure <3 a Green's Patent Book Stack and Shelving roft LIBRARIES The Smsao \ Co /ron Works Louisville, Ky. "*>» Chicago,III.taillllllipi o,o □□ DDOQ OOOO OOOO OOOO OODO OOOO OODO OOOO DOQD OOOO OOOO QDODDDfflD O0GDID OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO □□□□ IB 8 d II OCDtDE) OOOO Fioure 4 GreenIs Patent Book Stack and Shelving FOR LIBRARIES The Snead Co //?oi\i Works Louisvillet kr. "S, Chicago,III. . (BffliB® ®©©g) mmorn OSfflO 00000 OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO PDDB0 O0O© OOOO OOOO CD) ®) ED HI SOffiB) MB USD GUI (MED □ EHDED OOOO oooo OOOO OOOO □ OOO OOOO OOOO OOOO UNO) HOMD BUOffld oooo DOOO OOOO i i IIjBB BfflBB BBSS BIB BO OOOO OOOO B090 BBOB DOOO DOOO BBSB DOOO OODO OODO mo BBQO OOOO OOOO OOOO oooo @@@@ 000B DOOO OmmDil OIMB) DD H11 (B mm is n men QDenn JD8DHIB dsoiai) ; CI E /MCE IB (BED El CD ID 00 BSD BOBO annum 0OOO OOOO sees O©© ED OOOO oooo oooo oooo oooo sees II1111JB (MODE □ □OD oooo oooo oooo ee®e dwoe oooo oooo ooooVkftTtc/tl Main /Ik/s or Stack *7-O’ 7-«*‘ Green's Patent Book Stack and Shely/ng FOR librariesGreens Patent Book Stack md Shelving FOR LIBRARIES The Snead *"*> Co Iron Works Louisville, Ky \ Ch/c*go, /ll Plan or Book Shelf and Support Figure 7 Views of Book Support Figure 8 roq pOOC DOOC ^onc __ zkkjC DOOC DOOC innr DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOO DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC fo 0 DOOC DOOC DOOC OOOC -J2-0 DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC 0 0 DOOC OOOC OOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC OOOC DOOC DOOC DOOC mzm1 ‘r — L_ § 7“ i r8 few § ®U M to °ocf 1 □c1 00 I □□ □or □Cf- "DO CO ■ml □□ pH □0 cm 00 jCOI pH' TO jOO DO *00 W pa DO i ° ° Mr fLow^LeveL^^ □ P a P °\ 'LARGED ENO ELEVATION OP ftf)tl6E Figure 9 Enlarged elevation of Range Post ano cast iron Partition Fwun* /OGreens P/itent Book Stack and *t<4i nLi# ■ ttHrfl I IMI ; > «fr:t '■ wiit ; t mwmm Wnml i JJSJ :••*« *•••, §•«**» HS ••Mil! kJJSS; •••«< ; i •*•«! Kiiil IKIM! Green’S Patent Book Stack and Shelving for Libraries, the Snead <£2Co. iron works, louisville, ky., and Chicao. gill.STAIRWAYS ELEVATOR SCREENS ELEVATOR CABS SHOP FRONTS GRILLES GATES LANTERNS RAILINGS Etc.. Etc. Tffi SNEAD & C2; IRON WORKS LOUISVILLE. KY.. and CHICAGO. ILL. Structural and Ornamental Iron Work FOR BUILDINGS HIGH CLASS HAND FORGED PINE CASTINGS IN AND HAMMERED..... Iron. Brass Bronze Wrought Iron Work AND Aluminum..... ELECTRO-PLATING IN ALL METALS ----BOWER-BARFTING.... HEAVY CASTINGS AND RIVETED WORK Contracts Taken for the Entire Iron Work op Buildings: Large or Small, in any Part op the Country . □ □ □ ' COLUMNS BEAMS GIRDERS ROOES TOWERS SKYLIGHTS SIDEWALK LIGHTS VERANDAS ? Etc., E re. □ □ , □