ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2015.COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015A'u, >er48 August, 1921 BULLETIN OF The Russell Sage Foundation Library CO-OPERATION FREDERICK WARREN JENKINS LIBRARIAN Published Bi-monthly by The Russell Sage Foundation Library 130 East Twenty-Second Street New York, N.Y. Price 10 Cents 50 Cents a Year Entered as second-class matter October 24, 1913, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of August 24, 1912CO-OPERATION: A Selected Bibliography _ material listed is in English only and should be easy to obtain. No references on Co-operative housing ar ^n as it is expected that a forthcoming bibliography on Housing will include a section on that phase of the subject ior references on Co-operative credit see Library bulletin no. 5. A eland, A. H. D. and Jones, Benjamin. Working men co-operators; what they have done and what they are doing. 136 p. Lon- don, Cassell, 1889. Sub-title: An account of the artisans' co-operative movement in Great Britain, with information how to promote it. Aves, Ernest. Co-operative industry. 310 p. London, Methuen, 1907. The first chapters deal with the store and its develop- ment and the second part with "productive co-opera- tion and the partial application of co-operative princi- ples to non-co-operative business and agriculture." Bubnofi, J. V. Co-operative movement in Russia; its history, significance, and char- acter. 162 p. Manchester, Eng. Co-opera- tive printing society, ltd. 1917. The author states that this "is the first attempt in the English tongue to give a connected systematic sur- vey of the co-operative movement in Russia." Buck, S. J. The Granger movement; a study of agricultural organization and its political, economic and social manifestations, 1870-1880. 384 p. Cambridge, Mass. Har- vard univ. press, 1913. Chapter 7, Business co-operation. Clayton, Joseph. Co-operation. 93 p. London, Jack, 1912. An account of the industrial co-operative movement in Great Britain and what it has accomplished. Co-operative league of America. Co- operation, v. 1-date, 1914/15-date. A. Sonnichsen, Sec'y. 2 West 13th St. New York City. —--Publications. Pamphlets on History of the co-operative movement. Co-operative stores, Housing, etc. Co-operative productive federation, ltd. Co-operators' year book. R. Halstead, Sec'y. Alliance Chambers, Horsefair St. Leicester, Eng. Co-operative wholesale societies lim- ited. Annual. No report has been issued since 1918. Information relative to the societies will be found in the People's Year book. Coulter, J. L. Co-operation among farm- ers, the keystone of rural prosperity. 281 p. N. Y. Sturgis, 1911. Craig, E. T. An Irish commune, the history of Ralahine. 178 p. Dublin, Lester, 1920. Interesting account of an experiment in Ireland. 1831-33. Cumberland, W. W. Co-operative mar- keting, its advantages as exemplified in the California fruit growers exchange. 226 p. Princeton, N. J. Princeton univ. press, 1917. "Purpose of this book is to point the way toward a better system of food distribution." Daniels, John. America via the neighbor- . hood. 462 p. N. Y. Harper, 1920; (Ameri- canization studies, Allen T. Burns, director) Chap. 11, Co-operatives. Davies, M. L. Women's co-operative guild, 1883-1904. 170 p. Kirkby Lonsdale. Eng. Women's co-operative guild, 1904. Dublin. Co-operative reference li- brary. Bulletin, no. 1-12, 1914r-15. Plun- kett House, Dublin. Fay, C. R. Co-operation at home and abroad, a description and an analysis. New ed. London, King, 1920. Ford, James. Co-operation in New Eng- land, urban and rural. 237 p. N. Y. Russell Sage foundation, 1913. Appendices include constitutions and by-laws oi several associations. There is also a bibliography. Gebhard, Hannes. Co-operation in Fin- land, edited by Lionel Smith-Gordon. 190 p. London, Williams, 1916. Historical development and present position of the Finnish movement, together with some description of the movement in other countries from the Finnish point of view. Harris, E. P. Co-operation, the hope of the consumer. 328 p. N. Y. Macmillan, 1918. "This book points out the chief evils and faults oi present distribution, locates the fundamental cause, indicates a remedy, tells why it will work, how to supply it, and gives some evidence that it will work." Hertel, Hans. Co-operation in Danish agriculture, an English adaptation of Andels- bevoegelsen i Danmark, by Harold Faber. 176 p. London, Longmans, 1918. ' History of cooperation in the United States. 540 p. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins univ. 1888. (Johns Hopkins univ. studies in historical and political science, v. 6) Contents: Co-operation in New England, by E. W. Bemis; Co-operation in the Middle states, by E. W. Bemis; Co-operation in the Northwest, by Albert Shaw; Three phases of co-operation in the West, by A. G. Warner; Co-operation on the Pacific coast, by C. H. Shinn; Co- operation in Maryland and the South, by D. R. Randall. Several of these papers were issued also in the Publi- cations of the American economic association, 1887. Holyoake, G. J. History of co-operation. Rev. ed. 2v. N. Y. Dutton, 1906. "His book is a permanent record, the value of-which will only be increased by time. No one else could have written it with the same intimate knowledge and fullness of detail or with the same grasp of principle and persona! vivacity. The history is indispensable to students oi sociological questions." From a review in the London Times, April 20, 1906.♦- Self-help by the people; the his- tory of the Rochdale pioneers. Ed. 10, rev. & en|. 191 p. London, Sonnenschein, 1893. Howe, F. G. Denmark, a co-operative commonwealth. 203 p. N. Y. Harcourt, 1921. International co-operative alliance. In- ternational co-operative bibliography. 276 p. London, The Alliance, 1906. - Year book of international co- operation. no. 1-date, 1910-date. International institute of agriculture. Monographs on agricultural co-operation in various countries. 2v. in 1. Rome, the Insti- tute, 1911-15. Irish agricultural organisation society, limited. Reports. R. A. Anderson, Sec'y. Plunkett House, Dublin. A history of the beginnings of the I. A. O. S. is given in Sir Horace Plunkett's book, Ireland in the new cen- tury. N. Y. Dutton, 1905. Kentucky. University of Kentucky. The Farmers' union, by C. B. Fisher. 77 p. Lexington, Ky. The Univ. 1920. (Studies in economics and sociology, no. 2) Takes up the origin and development of the society, its activities and legislative program. The constitu- tion and by-laws are included in an Appendix. Kropotkin, P. A. Mutual aid, a factor of evolution. 240 p. N. Y. Knopf, 1916. Lloyd, H. D. Labor copartnership; notes of a visit to co-operative workshops, factories and farms in Great Britain and Ireland, in which employer, employe, and consumer share in ownership, management and results. 351 p. N. Y. Harper, 1898. Lockwood, G. B. New Harmony move- ment. 404 p. N. Y. Appleton, 1905. A description of the Community founded by Robert Owen. A quotation heads chapter 25—"Although Owen failed to make his community successful, his opinions spread far and wide. The courts of law, the halls of legislation, and the family government have been modified and influenced by the opinions taught by Mr. Owen in the early days of New Harmony and afterward promulgated by his son, Robert Dale Owen." Lucas, James. Co-operation in Scotland. 93 p. Manchester, Eng. Co-operative union, ltd. 1920. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. Manual of distributive co-operation, by C. D. Wright. Ill p. Boston, The State, 1885. Issued also as Part I of the 17th annual report of the Bureau. Maxwell, William. History of co-opera- tion in Scotland; its inception and its leaders. 398 p. Glasgow, Scottish section, Co-opera- tive union, 1910. Minnesota. University of Minnesota. Agricultural experiment station. Co- operative stores in Minnesota, 1914, by E. P.v Durand and Frank Robotka. 31 p. St. Paul, < Univ. farm, 1917. (Bulletin 171) Attributes a great part of the lack of success to unwise propaganda of enthusiasts and to inefficient management. / New York (State). Foods and markets, Division of. Foods and markets, v. 1-date, 1918-date. Several of the issues are given over to news of co- operative efforts, especially in New Y&rk State. May 1920 issue includes a Survey of consume^' co-operation in New York City; Jan.-Feb. 1921, List of ca-tff*erative associations organized and incorporated in New Yoric- State. People's year book and Annual of the Eng- lish and Scottish wholesale societies. 1918- date. Manchester, Eng. Co-operative whole- sale society, ltd. Podmore, Frank. Robert Owen, a bi- ography. 2v. N. Y. Appleton, 1907. A new edition of the Life of Robert Owen by him- self was issued in 1920 by Knopf, New York. Poe, Clarence. How farmers co-operate and double profits. 244 p. N. Y. Orange Judd co. 1915. Sub-title: First-hand reports on all the leading forms of rural co-operation in the United States and Europe— Stories that show farmers can co-operate by showing how they have done it and are doing it. Powell, G. H. Co-operation in agricul- ture. 327 p. N. Y. Macmillan, 1913. Discussion of the principles underlying the organisa- tion and management of American agricultural Co- operative associations. Pratt, E. A. Agricultural organisation, its rise, principles and practice abroad and at home. 259 p. London, King, 1912. Queens university, Kingston, Ontario. Department of history and political and economic science. Co-operative store in Canada, by H. Michell. 22 p. Kingston, Jackson press, 1916. (Bulletin no. 18) Radford, George. Agricultural co-opera- tion and organisation. Ed. 2. 153 p. Lon- don, Hodder, 1917. Redfern, Percy. Consumers' place in soci- ety. 107 p. Manchester, Eng. Co-operative union, ltd. 1920. -- Story of the C.W.S.: the jubilee history of the Co-operative wholesale society, limited, 1863-1913. 439 p. Manchester, Eng. Co-operative wholesale society, ltd. 1913. Smith-Gordon, Lionel. Co-operation for farmers. 247 p. London, Williams, 1918. Includes a bibliography. -and O'Brien, Cruise. Co-opera- tion in many lands, v. 1. Manchester, Eng. Co-operative union, ltd. 1919. Includes a bibliography.■-;—and Staples, L. C. Rural recon- struction in Ireland; a record of co-operative -Organisation, with a preface by G. W. Russell ; (AE). 279 p. London, King, 1917. Sonnichsen, Albert. Consumers' co- operation. 223 p. N. Y. Macmillan, 1919. ""Makes no pretensions to being a complete history of the? International co-operative movement. It does however, outline broadly the significant events in the early development and recent growths of the move- ment." Tufts, J. H. Ethics of co-operation. 73 p. Boston, Houghton, 1918. (Barbara Weinstock lectures on the morals of trade, Univ. of California.) United States. Agriculture depart- ment. Co-operative organization by-laws, by C. E. Bassett and O. B. Jesness. (Bulletin no. 541, 1918) ■—--—-—■—■ Co-operative purchasing and marketing organizations among farmers in the United States, by O. B. Jesness and W. H. Kerr. (Bulletin no. 547, 1917) Includes bibliography. --Survey of typical co-opera- tive stores in the United States, by J. A. Bexell and others. (Bulletin no. 394, 1916) - Foreign and domestic com- merce, Bureau of. Russian co-operative movement, by F. E. Lee. 83 p. Wash. Govt. 1920. (Miscellaneous series no. 101) ——— Library of congress. Division of bibliography. List of references on co- operative stores. 12 p. (mimeographed) 1920. Webb, Beatrice. Co-operative movement in Great Britain. 260 p. London, Sonnen- schein, 1899. Webb, Catherine, ed. Industrial co- operation: the story of a peaceful revolution being an account of the history, theory, and practice of the co-operative movement in Great Britain and Ireland. 278 p. Man- chester, Eng. Co-operative union, ltd. 1904. Webb, Sidney and Webb, Beatrice. Constitution for the socialist commonwealth of Great Britain. 364 p. London, Longmans, 1920. According to a review in the August issue of Co- operation, this is "one of the most important books pertaining to co-operation published in many years." Wisconsin. Public affairs, State board of. Plan for a co-operative neighborhood, by A. L. Williams. 18 p. Madison, The State, 1912. This is the author's answer to a remark made by Sir Horace Plunkett in an address before the Wisconsin legislature in 1911: "The success of a co-operative undertaking depends upon the framing and adoption of a constitution, rules and procedure, which are under- stood to .be, and are in fact, equitable to all the par- ticipants in the undertaking." —.—.—----Report upon co-operation and marketing, by J. F. Sinclair. 4 part's, Madison, The State, 1912. i Agricultural co-operation; Co-operative crecdit; Municipal markets; Distributive or store co-operati(on. Includes bibliographies. Wolff, H. W. Co-operation in agricult ure. 378 p. London, King, 1912. General outline of what has been accomplished, with suggestions. -- Co-operation in India. 352 p. London, Thacker, 1919. Women's co-operative guild. Reports and publications. 66 Rosslyn Hill, London, N. W. Wood, Alfred. Co-operative book-keep- ing. Ed. 10. 388 p. Manchester, Eng. Co- operative union, ltd. 1914. —- Co-operative secretary; a manual of co-operative administration. 648 p. Man- chester, Eng. Co-operative union, ltd. 1909. Woolf, L. S. Co-operation and the future of industry. 141 p. London, Allen, 1918. " The special contribution that this book makes is in tracing the methods whereby the co-operative system may be further developed into an all-embracing na- tional system of industry, reconciling the interests of producers and consumers." From a review by J. P. Warbasse in the Survey, Aug. 9, 1919. CONFERENCES American co-operative convention. Re- port of proceedings, 1918-date. A. Sonnichsen, Sec'y. 2 West 13th St., New York City. Central states co-operative society. Proceedings, 1915-1916. T. R. Owens, Sec'y. West Frankfort, 111. Co-operative union. Annual congress re- port. Co-operative union, ltd. Manchester, England. International co-operative alliance. Report of proceedings, 1895-date. Orchard House, 4 Great Smith St. London, Eng- land. PERIODICALS As magazine references have not been included, attention is called to the following indices:—Agri- cultural index, International index to periodicals, Public affairs information service, Readers' guide to periodical literature. These periodicals will be found helpful: Better business, International co-operative bulletin, International labor review, Inter- national review of agricultural economics, Monthly labor review of the U. S. Bureau of labor statistics, Russian co-operator. 4This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2015