ILLINOIS. DRAUJfi ADD COmPILGD FR07V* PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS, ACTUAL SURVEYS AND COtTITTT RECORDS, 1592. CQPYRIGHTED 1892, BV D. W. ENSIGN 8t CO.CONTENTS. AFTON, ...... TOWNSHIPS. CLINTON,..... 1(J2 103 DeKALB......... FRANKLIN,....... .................. SHABBONA............... GENOA.......... KINGSTON,..... MAYFIELD....... MALTA............ .............. 22-23 , SQUAW GROVE, .................. CITIES AND VILLAGES. CLARE............. ELYA.............. FIELDING........... SHABBONA VILLAGE, . . HENRIETTA.......... HINCKLEY........... «7 KINGSTON VILLAGE...... 21 KIRKLAND........... MISCELLANEOUS. BIRD’S EYE VIEW DeKALB CO., DeKALB COUNTY MAP..... ILLINOIS STATE MAP, UNITED STATES MAP,WEjfuurdnr u PE ow tsbpNsr riASTA ^ Sch^ B O R G1 AX( •«,-A SV/M»NAH \ 310St2‘«»MEKV| >taP*MOUjd C"« FieldingfV. rfJfir>7c CO. /S./5 I hereby certify that I ha examined this Plat, made for W. Ensign & Co.'s Plat Book, DeKalb Co., and, my knowledge, the Kirkland JZ/’s-.S. 20.00KIRKLAND & FIELDING VILLAGES, FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Kpl(n\nii'(>Business Cards and Directory or KIRKLAND & FIELDING VILLAGES, FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. PETERSON, CHARLES J. Km. See. 11. P. O., Kirkland. ft /’//•ee/'c/io w" if*- ■Goomy of Eage's Woven Wire Coil Spring Kerne. Sujfry" and Cheapest Fann Fence YOUNG. CHAS.W. P. 0., Kirkland. I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.'s Plat Book, of DeKalb Co., and, to the best of my knowledge, the same is correct. VQl{Uce^Business Cards and Directory c SOUTH GROVE TOWNSHIP. ADEE, MILTON. BYERS, JAMES 2d. Res. Sec. 12. COFFEE, MICHAEL. JL hi........MiiiMiffli u,sonf( ./« s Purcrlt ?yl/~e’J/rs7v.-//r/ZJayo'. {& :m-o ErwcA [if-- XS Carey X&Mrs.J/.eore? 9 f a2v I K /iriii i C-&A I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign &. Co.'s Plat Book, of DeKalb Co., and, to the best of my knowledge, the same is correct. SOUTH GROVE TOWNSHIR QUINN, WILLIAM. h-J— ------------i dsheZ/'OT'cl L, , , . I y | M AeZ/o7*c£ - $9MAYFIELD TOWNSHIP /Ja rl r idySHIP MAYFIELD TOWNSHIP. McClelland, mason. Rm. Sec. II. NICKERSON. DEAN G. Kot Sec 5. P. O., Kingston. Funner. NICHOLS, S. L. OSBORN, HENRY. P. 0, Sycamore, Bo* 876. PETTERSON, FRANK A. JTenry 0 U7ii/i/i^re. tg I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.'s Plat Book, of DeKalb Co., and, to the best of my knowledge, the same is correct. aAKDWICH,'VS'IILP- SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP, I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.'s Plat Book, of DeKalb Co., and, to the best of my knowledge, the same is correct. tfr/fA /o 7J/iT.-i/r/ "i’- /?/**& fovetlgyVari of (lie >0 rv°A(fn\^ 5-/cAV'°Pe' Boy/bto 1Vet""-»sK Si pklLfi°*0S «!/<« S%e<'p Slut&s Za/iz/firo#.&• CHICAGO G If CAT WEST CPU KAIL .HQ AD. r$StnT*g KJ'eAJ.e, 7/to. 7/a i e ve.r&vJi JcAaoLYCAIMIO"a s/c^OfiELTOH/fJs^ipCORTLAND. Rpf(TfllCp *°—-1CORTLAND. WOOD & DELANA. Cortland Village. I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.'s Plat Book, of DeKalb Co., and, to the best of my knowledge, the same is correct. m&n.SPECIAL Mc/t.r// G/’ovtr s-1 A!. Z', / / /to, 7'u rt.o/- /X/.'/O ms# Ost-cn- ('r/Ui /n.u.\/r 'ofyrtnjTrn/vritlMvii i •' LATIMER, JAS Bo. Sec. 6. LOVE, WILSON. Re*. Bee. 18. Ros. Sec. 12. S'JU'a.s/r- Short Horn Cattle. MATHER, L. Ren. Sec. 30. j fl. VruiJit. PATTEN, S. 1 .SLADE, JOSEPH. Rea. Sec. 19. TUDOR, J. R. Bcs. Sec. 12. ,J. AAfiun Patrons 1: DeKALB township, outside of the City of DeKalb. I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.'s Plat Book, of ft //. CA <> // a n, rf &-L- pe1 Qj, 7 g ■ * .....“E . T j| “ »« E THIRQ ST. //. fio&er- t* /Tsf. I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.'s Plat Book, of DeKalb Co., and, to the best of my knowledge, the same is correct. xn........ <(■>/' K>i' ■ 1 > "lijS* T ? w | / «f » ' 0 *c, * <■ • 7 * * « £RpffTpncp Pu& D.D.O lm..sie.a \ v ^ \ * __jj S f % f/o W”.u Jf !' Co r nvi cl. 'y8SO |—jw~ I MJV* !E L VA AftrmTiv//. Scale200 feet - / hir/i . paft °r Lee Village /// DEfrLB COdliT/ S/S A BSO//A rWK ScctZe 20OJeet -2 mc7tS. J. J~i') k us a n-’ 0u.t rot A. K r W BSlUl M R & A \i | 6^ 6« 6*6 |7 6 ■S | * 3 R 5 7 N' s'.: * ' XI m I i - i fs - /‘A, iV ST. I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.’s Plat Book, of I -I .UJi I / ■ SHABBONA 7 s//absoXa rWf? ScaleHOOft. / ,'nc/i. M~a.r to Tvlfic&oiso/i^ 17+ H * Jscicto HcfcenSZcLd, 1*0 0Ze Jraco£tton/ s |f§ Isaac ii & ' p. El ib 3 8 Fete-7.|a OtRson/ R. / a rty fo 7'U £ izm.ce. Va. /i, Yc o . ,/JVAri u .L Ml ii I h SJ- -fS? a_l_ -LL to Patet'Cbfield ./oh //, Csfep// /6G Si/fen rln ’so// /!’ //dm (\H'.Xm/ioI‘i // ran fr/- /’.M. Yon.r/z/jpnei ./slam Sc hoi I /7//ts7'l/i7.ct, s' dr/’(!/'6/act fllZ/xlla.ncl.. V7/./A C/aJlrtarfJi\ fV!Sti.7np.sOn/ !J3^o RCAat EA Helm //. Mue/c/i. D.DS/ewiis /f llu /tt /■'.ll. S'levr//., Stt/ •« / 7Jl// 7/1 ste. C. TUnaSef^vyen.ter* /'3/.J0 Sam ? \htret, Prt't SHABBONA TOWNSHIP AND VILLAGE. \ 1 TIM Be// — Sr/JSAMSfttdunarnv S1S0XA '&WIP- J/o/,7- /t’.U/uvj' ny/ut/?an‘J£67/.c rwoo oZ NORTON, J. W. OLMSTEAD, L. M. OVERTON, M. L. Feeder and Dealer in Livo Stock. Higli QUILHOT, J. J. J,. if. Lackr/. Jlpie r> A /63& r §i P. 0„ Shabbona- SMITH, JOSEPH. W//Y/S/rft STOREY, JOHN L. ,i'r hr •!/.(/«-y‘ WOODBURY, J. H. Rea. Sec. 3-1. Z- //.///,/c/lAis Z. J/^ZJ/m.'//(ut,rJ. ftr(l7‘Pe7^ S/77. 7// As JJ.7J.0Zm, M (§ ■ <^COu. £ -6'/ no, Wood'gu. 8<> Pete-A I a.7 a 6'i‘i/Vt/ 7/ Ute/'rt. 38.08 (seoJV7/7avi& R.B. 7/ojyjer- S.-F. Stevens’ I J'.iFe/yj e//. // iz/p J^CiapscuZot £a ■>ZcLn& o. SviUn^ Jiensoru I 360 P.IJV' 243 £O.S.O?,son.‘ W.R.6‘6 708.6 Nb.ZZ. tl.IV/uZ7//.r Mans. 7J7.6‘\j/i £'p£ , 76o\ C.fF7iJOna.r/ ) 7^0 f‘'rr////{- HV/it /na/i 8o SHIP- rtv 1{a»g'c 3 East PAW PAW TOWNSHIP. I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.’s Plat Book, of DeKalb Co., and, to the best of my knowledge, the same is correct.Dekalb township, . MAYFIELD SOMONACK " VICTOR TOWNSHIP. ARNOLD, JOSEPH. Fine (Mile. Heavy Draft Honor ARNOLD, WM. P. 0, Leland, EVERIDGE, J. G. Res. Sec. 13. URNHAM, A. P. Rpfprpncp lh xt of Hi(,.....A I () RAUftOADSCORTLAND VILLAGE, DkKALB CITY, ESMOND, . . . FIELDING, . . , GENOA VILLAGE, HENRIETTA, . HINCKLEY. . KINGSTON VILLAGE, KIRKLAND...... LEE, in DeKalh Co., MALTA VILLAGE. NEW LEBANON. . SANDWICH. . . SnABBONA VILLAGE, SHABBONA GROVE, . SOMONAUK VILLAGE, SYCAMORE CITY, WATERMAN, . Business Cards and Directory c VICTOR TOWNSHIP. Horn Cullle and Poland China Hogs. Farmer and Dairyman. Breeder of Short JOHNSON, GUST. Res. Sec. 16. P. 0., Leland. J Breeder of Hoiso, Cattle and Hogs. O'BRIEN, D. F. P. O, Sandwich. General Farmer. Specialty, Norman Ilone*. Poland China Hogs. Dairying. WARREN, THOMAS J. Ro«, Sec. 22. I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.'s Plat Book, of DeKalb Co., and, to the best of my knowledge, the same is correct.Pi,xr SPECIAL INDEX TOWNSHIP PLATS. KINGSTON SOUTH GEOVE TOWNSHIP, SYCAMORE TOWN8HIP, . VICTOR “ . . SOMONAUK VILLAGE TOWNSHIP. ADAMS, BARK, Farmer and General Breeder Uorwe, Cattle, BUCKINGHAM, ALMOS. .// //ft// DENNIS, s.j&r«3 /V: A'W/el/a ■// C/rs,/‘X- , Chicago, 1890. Sired by Lord brother to Maud S, 2.08], III oaollcitcd. R(>f(Tpncp t5k ';’\1rtiEasl Part or/» S«'vU octsv. 'ho PLAT OF Scale 200/eel 7 inc/is. V I hereby certify that I have examined this Plat, made for D. W. Ensign & Co.’s Plat Book, of DeKalb Co., and, to the best of my knowledge, the same is correct. Co fx!c-c 0 7^cCe c CL rrvf o b * V jtfr v.y * SANDWICH. ■ <5C/uts.-Sc/m e tcZ&r -L C. Tccty lor 1/30^ • \ &***' ; /Ct'- PLAT OF S.VM JWICH $o/ii o/f/kl/ Scale200/eef / mc/L. T ft, o s-. Ji r y cl /?, & l//:o 4 * \ ■5 6' 7 /■j i IP^ s